#event: fluffy fuzzy time
meiscella · 8 months
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animeweeb115 · 8 months
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"In what way will you miss me?"
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shuubah · 1 year
Cute pet interactions: Puff the Persian cat edition! 🐾
Clips compilation of Puff the Persian cat from Fluffy Fuzzy Time event part 1 on Tears of Themis. 🐾
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saerins · 10 months
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+ kaiser x f!reader | wc 2.8k | content: fluff, friends to lovers, slight hints of jealousy, mentions of alcohol, they go clubbing
notes: help me i think i made myself fall for this guy even more after writing this shit for him > ⤙ <
summary: being just friends doesn’t mean much when neither of you really want to keep it that way. problem is, will either of you make the first move?
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“i like you though, y/n.”
it’s spring and the weather outside is the nicest it’s ever been in a while and you have every chance to enjoy it except for the fact that dear michael kaiser is lounging on your couch, rifling through the magazine he got in the mail.
“right, haha, very funny,” you mumble sarcastically, slumping down onto the other couch where kaiser isn’t sprawled all over.
sometimes, you think it’s funny how he’s portrayed as this hot, sexy, confident soccer player who can do no wrong when it comes to matters with his looks, but then in private he’s like… well, this. his bed head’s a mess, his room slippers are the fluffy-fuzzy kind, and much less high maintenance than everyone makes him out to be. (but you have to stop yourself from staring because kaiser doesn’t sleep in anything but his sweatpants during this season and well, where his abs are concerned, he’s definitely got no problems there.)
kaiser sighs in the overdramatic fashion that’s probably his trademark right about now. “y/n, y/n, what do i have to do to make you believe me?” he turns around, smirking at you as he raises a brow. maybe it’ll work on his countless fangirls, but after being friends with him for over six years, you’re probably immune to it.
“maybe you can just shut up and get ready for your event later.” you roll your eyes, sauntering to the kitchen to get yourself some breakfast, automatically making two of everything because kaiser loves to crash your apartment in the morning. (he really does need to learn about personal space.)
breakfast preparations go quietly. kaiser listens to you—he shuts up and starts getting ready for his event before coming back into your apartment, all fresh and ready to shamelessly eat the breakfast you made, staring at you from across the table whenever you’re not looking like he always does.
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“kaiser-kaia duo hit the streets, new budding romance?”
“miko, don’t tell me you’re reading that gossip rag too,” you whine, looking for any excuse not to dive into your pile of work for the day.
your colleague swivels her chair over to your cubicle, looking around to make sure your bosses aren’t around to witness the both of you slacking off. “hey, isn’t he your friend? give me the tea! are they really dating?”
leave it to miko to get all excited about dating rumours. you really don’t know what’s so special about them—kaiser’s gotten so many of them ever since, well, forever. even before he became a soccer superstar.
you remember what kaiser said in the morning. “i like you though, y/n.” always ready with that smooth tongue of his. that aside, if he really was dating someone, you bet that they’d be staying over with him more often than not, and there’s really no harm in rejecting a rumor as opposed to confirming one.
“nope, they just happened to be waiting for a cab at the same spot.” and paparazzis love to snap a shot from misleading angles. now that you’re really looking at the article, they managed to make it look like kaiser’s kissing her cheek. you find yourself rolling your eyes at it and looking away.
miko sighs, leaning back against her chair. “man, that sucks, they look cute,” she comments, scrolling away from the online article before she gives you a suspicious side eye. “hey, you sure you’re not dating him?”
you still a little at the sudden line of questioning before turning your attention back to your laptop equally quickly. “if i was, i wouldn’t be so free all the time now, would i?” a response to which miko shrugs off and decides to let go of as she retreats back to her desk.
as much as you love miko as your colleague, you haven’t been as honest with her as you could. she knows you’re friends with kaiser, yeah, but she doesn’t know he’s basically your neighbour. she doesn’t know that he comes over all the time whenever it’s off season. she doesn’t know that the both of you have fallen asleep next to each other on the couch.
she doesn’t know a lot of things—like how your heart’s beating erratically now at the notion of being someone special to kaiser. it’s always been sweet nothings that you thought would stay that way, and you’ve always been short at realising your own feelings, so much so you were, once upon a time, positive you had zero romantic feelings for your friend.
now? you’re not so sure anymore.
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seven days pass and kaiser’s been pestering you every single moment you’re free—like he always does—but today’s kind of a special day because it’s your birthday and it’s an hour away from your dinner party yet you’re not even close to ready.
your hair’s wet, you’re still in your loungewear, you have no idea what to wear and kaiser’s just flipping through the channels, half bored to death. for his part, at least, he’s already ready.
it’s not even fair how he takes just half an hour to get ready and yet he looks like he does. hair perfectly soft, and he’s wearing a nice black suit with a wine red dress shirt underneath, his tattoos peeking out here and there. if he wasn’t a soccer player, he’d definitely either be a model or a very charming businessman.
“too handsome for you?” kaiser smirks as he catches you looking, and you have to spin on your heels to avoid getting flustered (to his face).
“shut up, kaiser, i haven’t found anything to wear,” you groan, making a beeline for your bedroom. you really wished your friends hadn’t booked a high-end restaurant for little old you—then you could literally just throw on anything and be done with it.
kaiser, completely comfortable in your apartment, strolls into your bedroom with you and starts browsing through your closet, ignoring your protests. within seconds, he finds a dress and holds it out, a lopsided smile filling his face. “how about this?”
the wine red satin dress hovers in front of you, and you have to swallow the lump in your throat before you speak, feeling the line getting blurry. “trying to get me to coordinate outfits with you or something?”
you’re trying your best but your voice quivers just a little bit, and you bet that smug smile on his face that he can hear it. “why not? we look good together,” he shrugs, as though it’s no big deal but it’s hard to stop yourself from overthinking when lately the two of you have been flirting more often and serious than usual.
rolling your eyes and trying not to be too late, you grab the dress from him and change into it, spending some time to yourself to recollect, internally cursing him for being able to make you this flustered over nothing at all.
by the time you come back out into the living room, hair all done and accessories settled, this time, kaiser’s the one who’s caught staring, shameless in the way his eyes drag over you from head to toe. you’d tease him for it, but you’re not entirely sure you’re ready for his comeback so you refrain.
as you grab your go-to black heels and sit down to strap them on properly, kaiser’s quick to offer a hand, his lithe fingers taking your heel from you, slowly inserting your feet, his eyes lingering on your face and his thumb rubbing circles around your ankle. your eyes are glued to his own, and somehow it makes you even more nervous when he’s not joking around. when he looks at you like this—serious, like he’s trying to tell you something without saying anything at all.
the way he ties the straps are gentle and precise, tight but not too tight that it’ll hurt you. you’ve jokingly told him to help you tie your shoelaces before but he’s always refused. yet now he’s helping you put on your heels on both feet without saying a word and the way his hand lingers on your calf when he’s done is enough to make you melt.
on some other day, you’d joke with him and get him to let go. today, you’re silent.
kaiser chuckles, though, his hand casually brushing up your calf slightly before he pulls away, gently patting your head as he gets up.
“let’s go.”
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dinner is agonising, enjoyable, agonising.
it’s nice; being seated around a table, enjoying small talk and nonsense with the same group of friends, catching up with people like kaiser and ness who’s been away a lot because of their profession.
yeah, that part’s nice. what’s agonising about it all is how close kaiser is to you, how his right hand casually drapes around your shoulder from time to time, shifting down to your thigh sometimes, making you go crazy.
it’s not like the both of you haven’t been close before, but you feel like maybe this time, it’s different. it’s not just the close proximity, it’s the intimacy of it all that has you inwardly keeling over. what’s worse is that you think you want it, him. in a way you didn’t think to think of before.
“you sure you’re not dating him?”
miko’s words ring repeatedly in your head. somehow, your answer’s changed from nope to you sort of wish you did. you bite your lower lip, absentmindedly laughing along even if you didn’t hear the joke at all.
“you okay?” the voice in your ear nearly makes you jump up from your seat.
on your right, ness is grinning as he looks at you, like he knows something’s going on in that little head of yours. you shake your head anyway, but ness shoots you a knowing smile as his eyes briefly shift to kaiser’s arm around you before winking at you.
fuck, is that really enough to make the heat rush to your cheeks?
“y/n?” one of your other friends calls out, snapping you back to the foreground.
“next stop: new club downtown! orange, or grape, or whatever the fuck name it is,” he drawls, excited, “you up for it?”
before you even get the chance to agree, one of the other guys speaks up. “hey kaiser, speaking of clubs, didn’t that dating rumour come up recently? the one with, uh, kaia?”
readjusting himself, kaiser pulls away from you, taking a swig of his beer. “don’t remind me,” he groans, sighing.
“why not? she’s hot!”
there’s a knot in your stomach that you can’t explain.
beside you, ness snickers. “tell ‘em what really happened, stupid.”
that manages to pique your interest.
kaiser sighs, resigning because he knows they’ll just keep hounding him if he refuses. “she tried her luck, that’s all,” he settles for something vague, trying to escape.
ness, however, ever the kind soul, expands on his words, making sure you hear every single bit—you’re not sure if he’s trying to egg you on or just see your reaction.
“please, she was trying to get you to send her home, no?” ness’ explanation gets a reaction out of the group, and you’re glad you all have a private room here so no one outside can hear you, servers included.
“shut up.”
“kaia and kaiser—has a nice ring to it.”
and even though kaiser doesn’t entertain that, you feel a little envy brewing inside you—one that you fail to drown out.
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orange is filled with people; combining the fact that it’s holiday season and it’s the club’s launch night, it’s safe to say that there’s barely any room to breathe. still, your friends are all drunk on the alcohol, pulling one another to the dance floor, leaving you and kaiser at the table.
he’s still close as ever, his bare hands brushing yours, one of his arms around your waist, keeping you close.
“dance with me,” he raises his voice over the music. the way he smiles so genuinely now managing to make your heart skip a beat.
suppressing your grin, you wordlessly agree, letting him lead you onto the dance floor. he meanders the crowd skilfully, as expected considering he and ness are frequent clubbers. it’s only now that you realise you’d never gone to such a place with him, which is surprising considering your many years of friendship.
as you join your friends on the floor, you can’t help but notice how kaiser sticks to you and you alone, his hands on your waist, trickling up and down your arm, dancing along behind you. even surrounded by people, he commands your attention alone.
but to kaiser, it’s unfair too. it’s not fair how you’re so pretty, it’s not fair how you’ve always been. it’s not fair that he’d fallen slowly for you, and now so so deep. how is it fair that even when he tries to forget you, when he tries not to mess with the friendship, that he ends up falling even more?
his eyes stay glued on you, shamelessly making sure no other man gets their hands on you—it’s fucking insulting how they try to get you to dance with them even when he’s right there. lucky for him, you’re not budging. you’re there. with him. only him. even if your other friends are here.
it’s just him and you and he wonders what you’re thinking. are you as flustered as he is right now? kaiser hasn’t even let himself drink more than one mug of beer, all because he knows this is a night he’d rather remember than risk forgetting.
“hey, isn’t that kaia?” one of your friends excitedly points out and kaiser follows his line of sight.
it is her, and she’s heading this way—but that’s not really important because what’s important is how kaiser noticed you’ve stopped dancing, awkwardly trying to shuffle away. it’s kind of funny, he swears he can tell that you might feel the same way about him. maybe you’re just more stubborn than he is.
so he keeps his arms around you, pulling you close.
“stay with me,” he whispers into your ear, and he suppressed a grin from the goosebumps searing across your neck. he guesses it’s a good sign you’re listening to him.
“kaiser, what’s up?” kaia greets, evidently trying to move for a hug but kaiser’s not budging, squeezing you closer instead.
he nods at her in acknowledgement before letting the rest of his friends throng around her for a photo.
once she’s sufficiently busy, he hears you speak up. ��were you dancing with her that time too?”
kaiser manages not to snicker at your obviously jealous tone, “yeah, we went with a few other people after our shoot was wrapped up.”
you nod, and all kaiser can think of somehow is that your shampoo smells so nice. “oh, sure you don’t wanna dance with her again tonight then?”
are you testing him? it’s cute.
he shakes his head. “nah, i danced with her a lot that time already,” he teases, though he’s not too sure whether you’d take it like a joke like it was meant to. when you don’t respond, he chuckles, gently turning you to face him. “there’s one thing i didn’t do with her though.”
kaiser’s face is just inches away from yours, the tip of his nose brushing against your cheek and he’s aware that everyone in the close vicinity is looking at the two of you but he doesn’t care.
honestly, he has to admit, he’s dreamed of doing this a thousand times over, always hovering between the decision to ruin this friendship or not. the thoughts were there whenever he’d wake up next to you on the couch. or whenever all of you met up and one of the other guys would throw their arms around you. or in the mornings when you made breakfast. there’s not a time he’s been sure whether this is what you wanted too.
hell, he’s not even sure now. but fuck, if he wastes another minute not trying he thinks he’ll kill himself for it. and he’s hoping to god this isn’t a dream because you’re not pulling away and you’re not treating this like a joke and it can only be because you want this too.
without another thought, his lips press against yours and it’s like the loud music drowns out into the background, getting lost and fading away. suddenly it’s like you’re the only thing in front of him and fuck, you taste even better than he can ever imagine.
“fuck,” he exhales, cheeks pressed against yours. “be mine?”
still breathless from that kiss, you chuckle weakly and nod, both of you earning whoos all around the room. (you make a mental reminder to tell miko before she winds up seeing this online before you get a chance to explain.)
and just like that, kaiser’s finally gotten the girl of his dreams.
“want you, baby, just you.”
the next morning, the two of you make the headlines.
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enchantedbarnes · 3 months
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Uncle Buck • Part 7
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Word Count: 9.3k
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
A/N: Surprise! I hope you enjoy 🤗 I love hearing from all of you, so don't be shy - please spam me with your thoughts. I love gifs and seeing your reactions. 🥰 If you have any ideas for future parts let me know! xo
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"I GOT IT!" You call out while rushing downstairs to answer the door, grabbing your wallet from your purse by the door for the pizza delivery.
Opening the door while still fiddling with getting the money from your wallet, you look up and freeze.
"Fuuucking hell," you clutch your wallet at your chest.
"Heyyy, Aunt Y/n," Sam greets while leaning against the doorway holding a stack of pizzas.
"Cute outfit," Bucky smirks while looking you over. He has two pillows tucked under his arm and a backpack hanging from one shoulder.
It's movie night and you're currently wearing a fluffy hooded cookie monster robe (when you pull the hood up it has his goofy looking googly eyes on top), a blue ribbed tank top, black and blue plaid flannel pajama bottoms, fuzzy slipper socks, and your hair tossed up in two messy buns on top of your head.
"Did you guys decide to get a pizza delivery side hustle going?"
"Walked up at the same time as the delivery kid," Sam answers, nodding his head behind them.
"And what exactly are you doing here, besides stealing our pizzas?" You tilt your head to the side, a questioning glare looking over the both of them.
Bucky holds up a greeting card in his right hand. More specifically Benji's Christmas card. He flips the card open and holds it up to you. You reach out and take the card from him looking it over.
The front of the card says "MERRY CHRISTMAS YA FILTHY ANIMALS" with an edited Home Alone poster showing Benji in the middle with Bucky and Sam in the background. This you already knew, but what you didn't realize was the little shit apparently customized the inside of their cards without you knowing.
The inside of the card reads:
You've been cordially invited to:
New Year's Eve Movie Marathon Night
📍 Location: Attic movie space
⏱️ Time: 3pm set up, 4pm movie selection process
Comfy Attire / Pajamas
Bring your own: overnight essentials - pillows and blankets encouraged but probably not necessary
Snacks and Pizza will be provided
[*Mom knows of this, Aunt Y/n does not...please direct any further inquiries to Mom 718-555-0110*]
"I saw you yesterday, you didn't want to bring this up to me??" You glare over at Bucky, holding the card up.
"Oh you did, did you?" Sam looks back and forth between the two of you.
"Must have slipped my mind," Bucky shrugs.
"I'm sure you were both very busy at this mystery meetup," Sam smirks.
"Yes, it was very eventful," you keep a straight face, "My legs are still sore."
"Oh??" His eyebrow raises as his head whips over to you.
"Mmhm, and there was also a lot more oils involved than I expected."
"Go on..."
"Lots of flowers. Candles. Honey. Fruits... Anything I'm missing?" You look over at Bucky.
"The leather. Can't forget that."
"Of course, how could I forget that. Very sturdy leather, indeed."
"Wow, I just knew you two were a couple of freaks." You can see the wheels turning in Sam's head as he processes this information and tries to decide which question to go with next.
"And then there was that sweet old lady that joined us," you're starting to struggle to keep a straight face, but manage to keep it together.
"Mildred was very energetic for 86 years old," Bucky nods. You finally break and start laughing.
"She probably could have gone another 3 or 4 rounds."
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa," Sam interrupts, holding his hands up in an X motion. "You lost me. Explain yourselves," he looks back and forth between you, an eyebrow raised.
"We went to the farmer's and craft market, obviously. What were you thinking we were talking about?" You sass.
"Yeah, Samuel. What were you thinking of?" Bucky asks, a smirk appearing on his face now.
Sam scoffs. Nora makes her way downstairs and spots their new guests still standing in the doorway.
"Hey, guys! Welcome! Why are you still in the doorway? Come on in," Nora waves them inside. She greets Sam with a squeeze on his arm as she walks by, "Thanks for grabbing the pizzas! Bring 'em on up with you. Everyone's in the attic - you're just in time. Hey, Bucky!" She grins while greeting him with a quick wave.
Nora quickly disappears into the kitchen. Sam sets the pizza boxes down on the entry table temporarily and wraps you in a bear hug, giving you a lift before he sets you back down to snag the pizzas again while making his way upstairs.
Bucky steps inside and hesitates as he closes the door behind him, "Is this ok with you that we're here? I would have told you but I wasn't sure what repercussions would happen if I was the one to spill the beans. Plus seeing the look on your face when you opened the door..."
You grab one of the pillows from him and playfully whack him with it.
"How dare you," you laugh, "And of course it's ok. You're welcome here any time. The fact you keep willingly coming back to this circus amazes me every time."
Bucky just shakes his head and holds his pinky up to you. Those piercing blue eyes staring right at you with his stupidly handsome face.
You smile as you hook your own pinky around his, reminding you of his promise back in the attic during your last movie night together. "Promise you'll tell us if the crazy gets to be too much?"
Somehow we still haven't scared him away. He's gorgeous but you're worried he might be a beautiful idiot.
"Happy almost New Year," you smile as you place your hand on the side of his face, the stubble tickling your palm. He smiles down at you in return, "Happy New Year's Eve." He starts to lean in but you're lost in thought for a moment.
"Wait," You blink and Bucky halts his movement, "Did you guys tip the pizza delivery?"
"It was a young kid, he got a picture with Sam and ran off in his excitement after."
"Damn, that's genius." Note to self, remember that for the next time we order delivery.
You kiss his cheek and hand him the pillow back. "Well, I'm pleasantly surprised and glad you're here. Your continued movie education awaits. You first," you gesture up the stairs, "I'm just gonna go help Nora real quick." Bucky stares at you for a moment, an eyebrow raised as he tilts his head.
He goes to question you but you interrupt as you start to back away, "I'll be right up!"
He gives you a face that looks like you just kicked his dog and you suddenly realize in your frazzled state you gave him the brush off. You step closer again and place your hands back on his face.
"Hi, sorry. Starting over," you crank up the excitement, "I'm so happy you're here. Happy almost New Year!" You move his face between your hands back and forth for emphasis.
"Happy New Year's Eve," he repeats his part in amusement.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer into a sweet kiss. Bucky slowly rests his forehead against yours after, his piercing gaze searching yours with a light smile.
"Sorry for the awkward scatter brain. Was just caught off guard."
"S'fine. Don't do it again though," he jokes with you.
"An eight year old wasn't trying to set me up with a stranger for no reason. He's aware I'm a basket case."
"If you think you're a basket case, I don't know what that could possibly mean for me then."
"Well, the remaining roles available are brain, athlete, criminal, and princess. If you don't understand that reference we'll add it to the growing movie list. But I'm voting princess," you quip and kiss his nose quickly before you step away, "See you upstairs, your majesty."
He glares down at you sceptically, but decides not to bother questioning you. He's sure he'll find out at some point. He shakes his head while adjusting his backpack strap on his shoulder and making his way over to the stairs.
You escape into the kitchen in a flash but wait a moment, listening to Bucky's footsteps make it up the stairs before you say anything.
"Nora, how could you?" You try to keep your voice low while you whisper yell at her.
She clearly knew about this and said nothing this whole time.
"I made sure you looked cute today! Come on!"
"Why are you even in here? I don't need your help. Go make out with your handsome future husband."
"I'm moving somewhere tropical and far away from all of you," you mutter as you grab a tote bag off the counter.
"Send postcards! Save a guest suite for us," she blows a kiss at you. "Oh, that also sounds sunny! Make sure Bucky gets your back for you when you need to reapply sunscreen."
You send a middle finger (with love of course) her way as you exit the kitchen.
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Bucky lets out a low whistle when he reaches the attic space, "Wow."
"How does it get cooler every time we come up here? What is this?" Sam waves his arms towards the fully decorated ceiling.
Benji's previous surprise movie set up had been recreated but on a much larger scale.
The couch was set up much the same with it's pillows lined up, sheet canopies hanging over it, and string lights surrounding the area. However Prudence had helped Benji cover the rest of the space to look like the room was basically a giant blanket fort, with sheets draped and hanging from the ceiling from various strings and pins.
The king size and queen size foam mattress toppers that belong both on your bed and Nora's now took up residence on the floor for some padding along with every cushion that could be found and removed in the house, making one large cozy area. Sam tosses his backpack down, flopping onto his stomach on the padded floor next to it, "I'm moving in."
Benji jumps on top of him, "Heck yeah!"
"Hi fellas!" Prudence greets from her spot on an oversized beanbag chair, her boyfriend Monty next to her.
You make your way up the attic stairs with Nora, the large tote full of snacks and candies in your hands.
You hold the tote open to Bucky with a grin when you reach the top of the stairs.
"Are you sharing?" He asks while peering into the bag.
"I suppose," you tease, "Go ahead and pick your poison."
The lights dim as Bucky goes to reach into the bag and "Get Ready For This" by 2 Unlimited starts playing. The recognizable beat pumping through the Bluetooth speakers.
"Ohh, here we go," you sigh but laugh.
The starting line "Y'all ready for this?" announces Theo's presence as he starts pumping his phone in the air while the lights in the room start flashing with the help from Nora flicking the switch off and on rapidly to the music.
Benji groans. "Every time," he grumbles while crawling off of Sam and standing back up.
"Party peopleeeee!" Theo shouts as he reaches the top of the stairs.
Nora turns the lights back on, "Everyone go ahead and pick out your movie choice for tonight. Try not to share your choice yet."
Sam and Benji move to huddle by a large shelf of DVDs.
Sam silently holds up a copy of Sleepless in Seattle to Benji with an eyebrow raised.
Benji's eyes widen as he continues their silent exchange with a violent head shake side to side.
Sam slowly puts the DVD back on the shelf and gestures to locking a key over his mouth and throwing it over his shoulder.
"I knew that line about soulmates, puzzle pieces and cosmic forces sounded familiar," he points an accusing finger at the small agent of mischief.
Benji smirks and flashes his choice so only Sam can see. They both break into a giggle fit and high five.
Meanwhile across the room, you stand next to Bucky, "Do you have any favorites you'd like to pick out? If we don't have the physical copy we can try finding it online and just hold up a photo on my phone."
"Haven't been big on movies these days. I caught part of a movie recently playing on one of the TV's at the bar? Never saw the end, definitely didn't start watching at the beginning either. Just glimpses here and there."
"Do you know what it was? We could find that one if you are interested."
"Never saw the title," he shrugs.
"Oooh, a challenge," you rub your hands together and turn to face him better, "Let's see... Was it real life or animated?" You lean in, face turning serious in concentration.
He laughs lightly under his breath at your switch in demeanor, "Not animated. It was in space? It had people and robots in it."
"Oh hell yeah, okay. Let's see... Was it like a moon landing situation? Or maybe trapped on a planet?"
"Uh.. buncha people with terrible aim. Like, astonishingly bad aim. They were in a garbage compactor that was closing in..?"
"BUCKY, please shut your beautiful mouth right now. Star Wars????"
"That's the movie people always bring up?"
You grab his arm and yank him over to the many movie collections. You pull 'A New Hope' out and hand it to him.
"Yeah, that's the one. The girl with the hair," he holds the cover up to your face to compare side by side. "Yours are cuter," a sweet but devilish smile appears on his face as he references your hair that's up in two buns.
You swat the case away from your face, "Is this what you'd like to pick? You might get some heat for choosing this... Just a fair warning."
He shrugs while tucking the case under his arm.
"Beautiful mouth, huh?" He smiles slyly over at you.
You fix a playful glare at him, "Now is not the time, Barnes. This is serious business."
"Okay!" Nora announces, "For our esteemed guests, welcome. We're glad to have you join us. Everyone please put your choices behind your backs and line up when you're ready."
You all finish grabbing your choices and gather in a line, standing side by side. You pull on Bucky's arm and direct him to stand next to you. Benji grins up at him and tosses his arms around Bucky's waist, giving him an excited hug. Bucky freezes at first and then relaxes, ruffling Benji's hair. Benji lets go and gives his attention back to what's going on in the room.
"Here's the deal," Theo begins, "We each get a turn. When it's your turn you step to the front and present your choice. When you hold the movie up, we like to say a line from the movie for an added razzle dazzle, you don't have to though. The next person goes up and does the same with their movie. We then vote on which one stays and which one goes. The winner stays and the next entry goes up against them. We repeat until the last movie is standing. Got it?"
You all nod and confirm your understanding of the rules.
"Since we're watching more than one movie tonight, how are we deciding follow up winners?" Prudence asks.
"Well I mean, if you insist, I will choo-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence," Nora cuts Theo off.
"Guests could choose," Prudence suggests.
"What about the youngest? Hellooo?" Benji cuts in, waving his hand.
"We could go by highest rating on IMDb?" Monty adds.
Arguments break out. You roll your eyes and go back to picking out chocolate from your tote. You grab a snickers and inspect the wrapping and then silently offer a piece to Bucky, tapping his arm with the wrapper to grab his attention. He smiles and accepts your offering while you rip into a KitKat and take a bite. "This could be a minute."
Sam nods over to you and holds his hands up in a stance ready to catch. You reach into the tote again and toss over a random candy for him. He catches the orange Reese's and gives you a thumbs up.
"Alright!" Nora interrupts the bickering, "Raffle style? We pull from a hat."
A chorus of fiiiiine's agree and you're all finally ready to continue.
Theo steps up to present his choice first. "Pockets ain't empty, cuz." He proudly slides a copy of 2 Fast 2 Furious out from behind his back.
Nora rolls her eyes. "Another one?! Again? Why the second one?"
Theo puts his hand over his heart, "How could you? You're my wife, my FAMILY."
"Don't you dare say it-"
"You're gonna turn your back on family?"
Nora's palm covers her face.
"This is the fourth time in a row he's chosen a fast and furious movie," you whisper to Sam and Bucky, taking another bite of your candy.
"I heard that," Theo points at you, "and that is a lie. This is my seco-... No wait, it's the third time."
"And you don't choose them in any order. You just pick random ones! Last time we watched one of the more recent ones, now you wanna go back to not the first but the second movie? Make it make sense," Nora argues. They both stick their tongues out at each other.
Prudence skips up next to Theo, "Well this should be an easy choice then." She holds up her choice over her head: Hot Rod. "You look pretty. What did you say? Uh, I said you look shitty. Goodnight, Denise!" She quotes while mimicking the two different voices.
You laugh while pointing towards Prudence, "Cool beans!" You quote back.
The majority votes for Prudence and Theo dejectedly goes to stand to the side, Monty stepping up in his place.
"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting," he kneels while holding up A Knight's Tale over his head, "Come back when you're worthy."
"Dang. Sorry Prue," you join the votes and point over to Monty.
"It's a worthy choice, I understand." She moves to the side and Nora steps in her place.
"D-i-g, what's that spell?" She swings the DVD case for Holes like a shovel, "DIG!"
Theo groans, "I'm tired of this, Grandpa!"
"Well that's too damn bad!" Nora shouts back.
Bucky looks over at you with visible confusion written on his face.
"They're still quoting the movie," you answer for him.
He nods but still seems baffled by this movie selection process. You link your arm around his and pat it in a gesture to show your silent support among the chaos.
Votes stick with A Knight's Tale. It was close though.
"If you forget to come back for Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity," Nora does her best Eartha Kitt impression as she moves aside.
Finally it's your turn. You let go of Bucky's arm and make your way over next to Monty.
"I do a great impression of a hot dog!" You scrunch your shoulders up and neck down, holding up Mrs. Doubtfire.
"HelloooOOooo!" Prudence cheers while voting for you.
"My first day as a woman and I'm already getting hot flashes!" Nora points to you as well.
"It was a run-by fruiting," Benji giggles.
"I'm melting like a snow cone in Phoenix," Sam joins in, Benji giving him a high five.
Bucky's eyebrows scrunch together. Benji tugs on his hand and pulls him down to whisper in his ear.
Standing back up, Bucky clears his throat and answers, "Help is on the way, dear?"
"Yeah!" You all cheer.
Bucky blushes a bit at the attention. Benji grabs his arm, giving it an excited shake.
"Alright, alright." Monty surrenders and steps aside.
Sam starts singing in a deep voice as he walks up next to you, "Bow bow, Oooh yeahhhhh," he raises his movie up, "Chick, chicka-chickaaaa!"
His voice goes monotone as he continues, "Bueller..... Bueller......"
It's a strong choice but votes stick with Mrs. Doubtfire instead of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Bucky shyly makes his way up next to you. You give him an encouraging nod and smile. His face is scrunched up and unsure, "I'm not really prepared with a quote or anything..."
"Wait! Hang on," you pull out your phone, quickly typing away. "One second... Almost got it... Fucking ads - five more seconds please..." You watch the countdown waiting for 'Skip Ads' to finally appear. "Ok! On the count of 3," you nod over at Bucky. You hold up three fingers, two, one, and then point over at him as you press play.
The intro to Star Wars dramatically blares as Bucky presents his choice.
"Boooo, hiss!" Prudence yells out towards you.
"You coached him!" Theo argues.
"Party foul, bending the rules to your advantage!" Monty joins in.
"I didn't coach shit! This was his choice! So be nice!"
"Then you two really are perfect together," Nora rolls her eyes.
"The rule was I can't choose this movie ever again. Our GUEST chose it!"
Bucky's eyes are wide as he stands frozen, trying to figure out what is happening.
"Uh, we can skip my choice?"
"Of course not, Bucky. So sorry for freaking you out. Y/n has made us watch this a million times. Open the case, we started a tally mark system for them," Nora motions towards the case.
He opens the case and sees the cluster of line tallies filling the inside cover.
"I tried to warn you," you shrug at him.
"At least it's not Lord of the Rings again," Theo sighs.
"You leave my precious out of this," you point at Theo accusingly, "I would cut off your head, Dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground."
Theo rolls his eyes at you.
"I'm just gonna.. step aside... No votes necessary, really," Bucky assures.
"You're all a bunch of jerks. Bucky, I will gladly watch the entire series with you. You're not getting out of it that easy."
"Wait, have you not seen them before?" Nora asks.
"I've only seen parts of that one," Bucky shrugs and moves back to his original spot.
"Well, that's a different story I guess," Monty shrugs, "but still not enough to sit through it again. Sorry."
"Nerf herders," you mutter under your breath.
Benji dances up to the empty spot. "With it being New Years, I have decided to go with a more New Year resolvation related choice."
"Resolution," Theo corrects.
"Yeah, that." Benji reveals his DVD, holding it up with a wide grin. Uncle Buck.
Prudence lets out a snort that instantly makes her start giggling even harder. "Remember when you showed me his first ultrasound and I told you ' this baby is destined for greatness'?" She asks Nora next to her, "Absolutely knocked it out of the park."
"Well, that was fun. I'm so honored to have the winning choice," you interrupt while shoving Benji's face as you push by him.
"Hey! We didn't vote yet!" Benji protests.
"Are you really sure you want us all to watch this? Mr. 'Where do you live, own or rent?' Hm?" You whisper the last part to him, hinting at you knowing all about his previous kitchen interrogation after prying the info out from Bucky yourself during your first date.
Benji's eyes widen as he gasps. "I, uh, I... Y'know what... I was just being silly. You know meee, just gotta get that title joke in there. I.. take back my choice and pass," he plasters on a nervous grin as he hides the movie behind his back, "Maybe next time!"
Bucky raises an eyebrow but you refuse to look over at him.
"Can I see that?" He asks Benji with a smirk.
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Theo and Nora claimed the couch.
On the floor area in front of it Monty and Prudence assembled their own little nest where they gathered some of the extra cushions and blankets around them.
You were next to Prudence, a wall of cushions between the two of you and a stack of pillows from your bed behind you. Bucky is next to you with his pillow he brought with him, the other pillow he carried in earlier was Sam's. Sam is on the other side of Bucky, an empty space left between them for Benji who called 'dibs' on the spot before disappearing downstairs.
While Theo sets up your winning movie for Mrs. Doubtfire, you get up to grab some plates and pass out pizza slices with Prudence who passes out the drinks.
You place one more plate of pizza in Benji's open space and sit back down in your spot with your own.
As you're pulling your blanket over your lap, loud thumps and clatters from Benji running back upstairs start to echo and he emerges carrying a bag full of items over his shoulder like a small Santa Claus. He plops everything down immediately.
"Here you go, Sam." Benji grins while tossing a thick rolled up fleece blanket over to him.
"Ayyy! Thanks so much, big guy." Sam unrolls the blanket and tosses it up slightly to spread it over his legs, revealing a large captain america shield on it. "It's perfect," he laughs.
"Do I get a blanket?" Bucky asks, looking over at the blanket and back over to Benji in betrayal.
"I'm all out. Sorry. You'll have to share one," Benji smirks and scurries away.
"I wonder who he thinks you'll share with," you ask in an airy tone while pretending to brush dirt off and pick lint from the comforter over your lap, tucking it closer under your legs with one hand while taking a bite of your pizza with the other.
Bucky gives you a side eye, but you keep a straight face while focusing on your pizza. A piece of mozzarella stretches as you pull it away and place it back on your plate.
Sam makes a show out of smoothing his blanket out as well, pulling it up over his shoulders and giving them a shimmy. "So cozy. Wow. It's like I'm being hugged by a fluffy cloud."
Bucky shakes his head at both your antics.
"You can share with us, BB." Monty lifts a corner of their blanket up with a wink.
Suddenly the large blanket over Prudence and Monty disappears towards their feet. Benji has their blanket tangled at his feet as he walks away. "Whoops," he shrugs while shuffling his feet and the blanket around some more like a plate of spaghetti. You almost break, but manage to keep a straight face still. Benji then grabs two chunky black plastic objects from his earlier pile and you know exactly what they are. One definitely came from your room, the other from his own. He rushes over to the corner of the room and plugs one in, setting the object down on the floor at a slight angle. He then rushes to the other corner of the room and does the same with the second one. He excitedly runs over to the light switch, shutting off the overhead lights, leaving only the movie projector and the string lights lighting the room.
"Sure, I didn't need to see anything," Theo grumps, remote in hand still clicking around on the screen.
"It's a projector, you can see better in the dark," Nora shakes her head at him.
Benji excitedly plops down in his spot and leans over to Bucky. "Are you ready for this??"
"Da na na, da d-da da, na na-" Theo starts singing the same 2 Unlimited song from earlier.
"Dad, stoppppp!" Benji swats behind him at Theo. "Anyways! Watch this!" He holds up two small remotes and presses the power buttons on them.
Two more projectors come to life, but these cast laser dots to look like stars with multi-color aurora light effects dancing around the room.
"Are you kidding me?? I'm forwarding my mail. How much for my share of rent?" Sam asks Theo behind him.
"We'll crunch some numbers and get back to you," Theo answers.
"I could stare at this for hours," Bucky watches in awe as the colors slowly shift and dance around.
"I bought Benji one for his birthday and then immediately bought one for myself. Ceilings are so boring and depressing without them now."
"Can we turn the spinning off? It makes me slightly nauseous," Prudence requests.
"On it," Benji presses a button and the laser stars stay stationary in their positions, they continue to blink in and out softly and the Aurora effect is still shimmering and shifting colors.
"Perfect, thank you!"
Benji starts making himself comfortable in his spot between Bucky and Sam. He has wrapped himself in his favorite fleece blanket that looks like a giant tortilla and has managed to lounge his way across both Sam and Bucky, shoving a large slice of pizza in his mouth.
The 20th Century Fox logo pops up on the screen as the opening music for Mrs. Doubtfire starts playing.
A sense of calm washes over Bucky as he relaxes. Next to Wakanda he thinks he has found a new favorite spot. A feeling catches him off guard. A feeling he hasn't had a lot of experience with in a long time... Home. He has had a similar taste of it when he visits the Wilson's, but he still felt more like an outsider looking in. This though. This felt different. He looks over at you.
You were still sitting up, a bag of chips now resting in your lap while you toss candies back and forth with Prudence. A smile is stretched across your face as the two best friends giggle at each other. Monty retrieved their blanket.
Benji has his head resting back against Bucky's chest and left shoulder, while one leg stretches across Sam's shins. Bucky's vibranium arm rests across Benji's small shoulders, his forearm bent up allowing his hand to rest on top of Benji's head.
You smile and shake your head when you look over and see Benji has made himself comfortable. In his own little chosen people bubble. Wrapped as a cozy pizza-eating burrito.
You give in and lift the edge of your blanket and comforter, tossing it over what you can reach of Bucky.
He looks down in surprise for a moment and then smiles over at you. With his Benji-free right arm, he adjusts the blanket over his legs. You scooch over closer, purely to make it easier to share of course. He nudges you with his shoulder in thanks. You tap him with your knee as your silent reply.
During the movie Benji grabs a bag of peelable red licorice strips that he starts chowing down on. Every few peels he'll hold a couple strings up and offer them to Bucky or Sam.
Mrs. Doubtfire wraps up and you all get up to stretch and take bathroom breaks while setting up for the next movie.
You start clearing up some discarded pizza plates.
"Anybody want some cake?" Nora asks.
"Yes!" Benji cheers.
Nora goes to open a cake box, revealing a decorated vanilla & chocolate marble cake made to resemble a clock.
"Theodore, why is the 5 o'clock slice missing?" She points the serving knife over at her husband.
"Uh.. because seven ate five?"
Prudence lets out a snort of laughter. Nora just sighs while shaking her head, slicing into the cake to serve the rest.
"Alright, Benji," you hand him a plastic cup, "I scribbled down the movies on paper scraps and put them in the cup. Go ahead and pick out the next movie."
"How do we know you didn't put Star Wars in there for every entry?" Monty points an accusing finger at you.
Benji reaches in and pulls out A Knight's Tale. You hold a middle finger up while Monty cheers, "Only joking, sweet Y/n. I knew you'd never do that." He cuts his eyes over to Prudence quickly, mouthing "What are the odds?"
"You owe me five," she mouths back while holding up her hand.
Monty gives her a quick high-five, earning an eye roll from Prudence. "That was my fault for not being more specific that I meant dollars, you cheeky bastard."
Monty grins and leans over, stealing a kiss from her.
Mid-movie Benji let's out a slight snore-snort as he startles himself awake, sitting up straight. "Wha- is it midnight yet?" He rubs at his eyes.
"It's not even 8pm yet, you lightweight," you toss a smaller pillow at him and it bounces off his head.
"Heyyy. So rude." He yawns while laying back down but instead of leaning back on Bucky again, he burrows into his own stack of pillows.
Bucky takes advantage of his newly freed arm and range of motion, reaching over to steal some of your snacks. You playfully glare over at him in mock offense as he gives you a smirk in return.
Benji pops his head back up suddenly, a new wave of energy hitting him at his sudden thought. His head whips around to look over at his parents on the couch behind him, his eyes staring owlishly wide at them.
Theo whispers over to Nora, "We made that terrifying little being."
"Straight up brought that chaos into this world," she whispers back. "How can we help you, sweet definitely-not-possessed baby boy of ours?"
"Can we play my new board game?"
"That sounds more like a group vote decision, my love."
Benji sits up on his knees sitting back enough to have all eyes on him. The overkill gut-punch pout and large puss in boots eyes appear, "Can we all play my new board game, pleeeease?" He clasps his hands together under his chin making sure to tilt his head and pitifully look at each adult while he begs.
"Man, that is stone cold. How do you say no to that?" Sam asks.
You and Nora sigh at the same time, "You don't."
"Which board game is it, Ben Ben?" Prudence asks.
"I'll go get it!" He leaps up and runs to a closet in the corner
"Are you sure you can stay awake long enough to play a game?" You tease.
"I was not sleeping! I was resting my eyes like Pop-pop! It wasn't my fault, Bucky's arm must have some sort of sleeping magic."
"Sleeping magic?" Bucky and Nora ask at the same time.
"Can't say I've unlocked that feature before," Bucky answers while flexing and twisting his arm back and forth as the plates shift with the motion.
"Please tell whoever made it I will donate my entire body to get some of this sleeping magic. Even if it's just a pinky," Nora pleads back.
"I'll pass that along," Bucky laughs.
Benji runs back in with his new board game proudly held over his head. A box that says... Benjopoly?
"Benji, what is this?" You ask taking the box from his hands to get a closer look.
"It's a custom monopoly board!" He jumps up and down in excitement.
"Hey, our house is on a spot!" You point at a spot on the box, "How cool! Why is this the first time I'm seeing this?"
"He wanted to surprise everyone with it today," Nora shrugged, "I haven't even seen some of the choices he went with yet."
"So can we play, pleeeease??" He begs.
You open the lid and hold the box back out to Benji. He's practically vibrating with excitement as he pulls the board out.
As Benji lays the board out you get a closer look at the property choices around the board. You also catch a glimpse at the little trinkets for player pieces.
"Sweet Jesus...." You sigh and shut your eyes while you press your fingers against them.
"What?" Bucky questions, "You okay?"
You clear your throat, "Fine, I'm fine..." You grab Benji by the back of his shirt and tug him over into your lap. He lands with a thump and gazes up at you with a look of complete innocence, but you know it is anything but. Placing your forehead against his, you playfully glare into his tiny mischievous eyes, "Wanna delight me with an answer on why you chose these places?"
Your house, the library, museum of natural history, a few fancy hotels, the gazebo at a local park, Brooklyn botanic garden, the aquarium, even Disneyland and the Smithsonian were on here. These were all innocent enough until you started noticing things like your childhood family church, city hall, the large barn on your uncle's property where Nora and Theo were married and you finally start to piece together... These were all a variety of wedding venue options. The player pieces? You noticed a diamond ring, top hat, flower bouquet, and a limo amongst them.
He beams up at you in return and rubs his nose against yours. He then pulls you into a tight hug, squeezing the life out of you. "Just some favorite places!"
"Oh hey, it's Uncle Dave's barrnnnn-ooooh..." Nora's sudden epiphany hits next. She looks over at you, her eyes wide but trying to keep a neutral face. She mouths, "I didn't know," over to you and winces.
"Oooh? Oooooh what?" Theo asks her.
"Uh..I was just thinking how long this is gonna take to play... Bubs, I know you're excited about this, but what do you think about something less time consuming? Like maybe Uno?"
Benji pouts and huffs while getting up and going to grab the deck of cards instead.
Nora makes quick work of packing up the board game and discarding the box discreetly under the couch.
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At 10:45pm Prudence jumps up and starts lining up plastic champagne flutes, filling them with a sparkling cider. Benji also gets up and grabs a shopping bag from the corner of the room, pulling out a stack of cone shaped party hats, glittery gold paper crowns, and some foil horns to blow into. He passes out one of each to everyone, asking each person, "hat or crown?" while holding each option up.
You try to figure out the best way to make this work with your hair up. You grab two crowns. Bucky takes one from you and helps you adjust the sizes to put a crown around each bun on top of your head. He shakes his head once they're on and pulls his phone out, snapping a photo of you posing with your hands under your chin. Benji and Theo can be spotted in the background giggling as they were also trying to figure out how to give Theo a mohawk look with the party hats, elastic strings meant to go under your chin covering his face at weird angles to accommodate multiple hats going along the back of his head, which only makes them giggle harder. Nora shakes her head at their antics but has a smile on her face as she watches the two in amusement, a crown already on her head as well.
You grab Bucky's phone and go to take a picture of the both of you. He places his arm over your shoulder and smiles for the photo. After you take a couple to make sure you get a cute one you tell Sam to move closer and join in for a photo.
"I don't want a photo of Sam," Bucky argues with a huff. You lightly elbow him and Sam ignores Bucky, plastering a goofy grin on his face for a photo with both of you, while yelling "Misterwives!" as his way of saying 'cheese!'
Prudence checks her phone, "My co-worker lives up the street. She said they're all at the park having a new years party. Looks like there's a projector show of their own set up against the nearby buildings to watch the ball drop with music. Anybody interested in checking it out? We have enough time to get over there."
You trade your cookie monster bathrobe for a long wool coat and slip on your boots on the way out.
Bucky is giving an overtired, sugar-buzzed Benji a piggyback ride. Benj yaps away in his ear as you all walk along the sidewalk
"We have a 'bring your favorite person to school' day coming up soon. Can you come?" He asks Bucky while playing with the cone party hat on Bucky's head.
"EXCUSE me?!" Theo, Nora, and you stop short and yell at the same time.
"I can't pick just one of you. Two of you will get all butthurt. So I'm choosing outside the box.. or roof..? And then you all can be equally butthurt together."
"Unbelievable. The audacity," Nora scoffs and keeps walking while holding Theo's hand.
"Judas," Theo grumbles.
"Good thing we kept the receipts on those Christmas presents."
Benji ignores them and continues, "We eat lunch and they have some games set up around. We would totally crush it." He holds his fist up.
"Am I expected to make some sort of presentation?"
"I'll think about it, but I think you have better options, pal."
"Nope!" He repeats and squeezes his grip around him.
"I thought I was offended before, now I'm extra offended. The absolute nerve," Theo scoffs.
"I'll text you the info," Benji fake whispers.
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You get separated from Bucky at the park. He went to get you a water but he hasn't returned yet. You make a quick sweep through and finally find him, his body language clearly showing discomfort as he looks around. A woman is standing in front of him trying to pull him into conversation. You walk over and see his shoulders sag slightly with relief.
"There you are, we were about to start a search party!" You joke as you walk up to him and link your arm around his. "Hello," you greet the woman standing in front of him.
"Oh, hi!"
"This is the future Mrs," Bucky tilts his head towards you.
Her eyes dart down to your gloved hands.
"Yup, that's me," you play along, "Nice to meet you. Are you the owner of the salon on 8th? I think I've seen you there before? I've had an appointment with Mac before."
"Oh yes! We miss her. She moved back west after the baby was born."
"I heard. I'm happy for her, but she will definitely be missed."
"You'll like Alex, he has the same aura. Very welcoming and highly recommended by clients. His bridal updos are to die for."
"I'll keep that in mind. Happy New Year," you wave to her as you steer both you and Bucky away.
"We lose you for a few minutes and you're nearly on your way to another future wife, you stud."
"Haa-haa," he gives a flat response back, pulling you closer to him. "Can we go find the others before she decides to appear again?"
"What, you weren't enjoying your conversation with crazy eyes? She's loaded, you could have been her sugar baby."
The midnight countdown echoes as everyone chants down from ten.
At 'three', Bucky gently tugs you closer while his hand cups your jaw. His vibranium fingers brush gently against your chin, tilting your head towards him. You can feel your heart pounding faster in anticipation. The growing noise of the excited crowd starts to fade as he pulls you into a soft, tender kiss. Your lips fitting perfectly together.
The midnight cheers erupt and echo around you as you fight your own internal fireworks erupting for your new year's kiss. Time feels like it slows to a crawl.
"Happy New Year," you whisper with a grin when you finally pull away. You can't help but let out a laugh.
"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" He squints down at you.
"Sorry, I don't wanna ruin the moment... This is just so cheesy," you bite your lip while holding back another laugh at the stunned look on his face.
"Cheesy? Cheesy?? You think this is cheesy, huh??" He squeezes your waist, while he playfully taunts you. With each question his face inches closer to you.
You break into laughter as his fingers tickle into your sides.
"I'll show you cheesy," his grip tightens as he dips you backwards, pulling you in for a breathtaking kiss.
Bucky lifts you back up and you both take a moment to breathe before he interrupts and pulls you back in for a more passionate kiss.
Benji makes his presence known by blowing a foil horn at both of you. The loud sound startles you away from the kiss. "Ew, was his tongue in your mouth? Or was that your tongue? Either way, tongue was involved here." He holds an accusing finger up at the two of you as his face twists in disgust.
Theo places a hand over Benji's forehead and directs him away. "Stop making things weird. Keep moving."
"I'm making it weird?? But that can't be sanitary!"
You hide your face against Bucky's shirt, both of you shaking with laughter. Tears fill your vision from a combo of the cold weather and your laughter. Your face burning up from both the exertion of laughing and the embarrassment of being called out by your nephew.
You finally look up and go to wipe your eyes but Bucky beats you to it. His finger slides along your cheek first and then gently swipes his thumb under your eyes. He takes extra care to wipe some of your smudged eyeshadow at the corners and he smiles warmly at you in the process.
"Are you gonna finally let me call you mine, or will Benji need a 12 step plan drafted up to help convince you?"
"I dunno, I might have to update my cootie shots and consult with the counsel. It's a whole to-do."
He growls and goes to squeeze your sides again, playfully nipping at your chin and cheek, "C'mere."
You giggle as you try to back away but he only squeezes you closer, "I'm still waiting for an answer," he locks his arms around you, holding you in place.
"How could I say no to this face?" You try to go squeeze his face but he has your arms pinned to your sides.
"That's not a proper answer," he squeezes tighter. "Are," he leans closer, "you," and closer, "my girl," his nose brushes against your cheek, "or not?"
You let out a surprised squeal as his bends slightly, moving his grip around your hips and upper thighs, lifting you off the ground and giving you an excited spin.
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You gather the group back up and start to head back to the house. This time Theo gives a dozing Benji a piggyback ride.
You squeeze Bucky's hand and smile over at him. He squeezes back and pulls you closer as you both continue walking behind the group. You still can't believe how this all started. You're still expecting to blink and this all was one big hallucination.
Nora unlocks the front door as you return to the house and you all make your way back upstairs after discarding your coats and shoes.
Theo and Nora grab their pillows from the couch and decide to go sleep in their room. Theo's snoring would keep everyone awake. Although you're surprised Nora doesn't want to stay. She claims without Theo's snoring it's too quiet for her to fall asleep.
They offer Sam the couch, "If you stay down there, Benji sleeps like a starfish and moves around as if he's fighting crime in his sleep," they warn him on their way back downstairs.
"I do not," Benji grunts as he sits up while rubbing at his eyes. He reaches a tired hand up and pulls at a dangling string. A series of sheets pinned to the ceiling fall and section you all into your own little separate fort areas.
The couch area is almost completely covered, and both sides surround you and Bucky into a somewhat tent-like section together.
You hear snickering and look over to see Benji and Sam making shadow finger puppets at each other through the sheets.
Bucky moves to kneel while he grabs his pillow, and starts to shift as if he's going to stand up.
"Um, where are you going?" You ask.
"Home?" He answers, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"What do you mean home? It's late, just stay here?"
"I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"Why? Do you turn into a green ogre like Fiona?"
"I hate that I understand that reference now."
"You loved that movie and you know it. Stay and we can watch Shrek 2."
"They made another one?" He looks baffled at this fact.
"Oh, my sweet Fiona," he rolls his eyes at you, "there's a whole franchise. At least 4... or 5? Maybe 6. I'm honestly not sure at this point, but we're going to find out."
"Oh no."
"Oh yes," you grin and grab the remote. You reach for his hand and tug him back down.
Everyone has settled into their spots. Monty and Prudence have already fallen asleep by the time you find the movie.
"Hey, Shrek 2!" Sam cheers quietly.
Bucky places a hand over his face. You try not to laugh as you grab his pillow from him and place it back in it's spot behind him. He moves his hand down to look over at you and shakes his head. You continue to grin over at him as you press play.
"You're still awake?" You whisper. The movie ended at least 15 minutes ago. Everyone else peacefully snoozing around you. Well, it's 50/50 on how peaceful Benji actually is, judging on the awkward position he's contorted and passed out in. Oh to be a kid and not worry about your neck and back again. You're already positive you're gonna be regretting this floor slumber later today, even with the foam padding attempt under you.
It's not that Bucky doesn't want to sleep, he just...can't. Too many people in the room. Too self conscious of having a nightmare and potentially disturbing the rest of the sleeping occupants. The last thing he wanted to be was a burden or a nuisance. His mind is also telling him to stay vigilant as he watches the staircase entrance.
He shrugs as his short answer, not wanting to voice his thoughts out loud.
"Sleep magic run out on you?" You joke, trying to lighten the mood when you see the dark look in his eyes, the wheels turning in thought behind them. You can tell he's fighting his answer, a look of uncertainty on his face, but a lazy smile appears. He shakes his head at you.
Laying on your side, you scoot closer and grab his right arm, hugging it against you. "Can I borrow your sleep magic then?"
Bucky smiles over at you as you drift off. He tugs your pillow closer and tucks it against his arm some more so your head and neck are more comfortable. He places a gentle kiss to your forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment. He slowly tilts his head back up towards the ceiling. However, he continues to stay awake. Silently watching the stars and swirling patterns dance across the room. Soaking in the comfort and the feeling of being surrounded by people that care for him. In their own dream worlds.
Benji starts to stir with a slight grumble. Bucky lazily turns his head and watches the shadow of a small lump shift slightly closer to him behind the sheet.
"Un Buc, m'gumdrops. Gone," he mumbles together in his sleep. "How dare...th's m'ne. Hmmph." He shifts again, an arm and leg flailing as he turns over and starts to settle back into a deep sleep. Bucky shakes his head in amusement and goes back to watching the ceiling.
Hours later, Bucky is still awake when everyone starts slowly shifting and waking up. He hears Prudence and Monty shift around as they quietly make their way downstairs.
You start to stir and stretch next to him soon after. He watches as you rub your eyes and then bury your face into both your pillow and his arm. He waits a moment to see if you're awake. You finally peak up at him, giving him a slurred greeting.
"Mornin', " he greets back with a tired smile. You clock the dark circles under his eyes.
"Please don't tell me you've been awake this whole time."
"Course not. I feel fresh as a daisy."
You sit up, grab your pillows and drag him downstairs.
"Where are we going?" He asks at the bottom of the stairs. You ignore his question and approach the door to your room. "Can't drag me to your bed fast enough, huh?"
"Oh baby, you're about to get hours," you pause and look over at him, leaning up closer, "and hours," you lower your voice and kiss his knuckles quickly, "of great sleep. Let's go." You pull on his arm again and direct him over to the bed. You give him a push towards it and take a step towards the side table. He sits on the edge of the bed and watches as you open the side table drawer, pulling out a small spray bottle. Uncapping it, you give two quick spritzes over the pillow areas and one more in the general area over the bed behind him before putting the cap back on and tossing it back in the drawer.
"What the hell was that?" He blinks at you.
"Lavender spray," you shrug and walk over to your dresser. "It's supposed to be calming and relaxing to assist you with falling asleep." Opening a bottom drawer of the dresser you pull out a water bottle and set it on the side table.
Bucky watches in amusement, observing the other bright colored packages of what looks to be a snack stash in the same drawer before you close it.
"Are you one of those doomsday preppers? Or is it a hoarding thing? What else do you have stashed around here?"
"Look, I'm just trying to survive in this household. Benji and his little friends eat everything. I'm terrified when puberty hits. Also, I don't feel like going all the way downstairs when I'm thirsty," you shrug. "Now will you lay down?"
You pull the blankets back, "Chop chop. Don't make me dump that whole bottle of lavender on you."
He rolls his eyes and lays back against the pillows.
"Is this ok? Are you comfortable? Do you need space and want me to leave?"
He scoots back and grabs your arm, tugging you onto the bed next to him. You sit on the edge of the bed and he pulls your arm again, and then places a gentle hand on your leg making you lay down next to him. You lay on your side facing him.
"That didn't answer my questions. Do you need music? white noise? a bedtime story? I can go grab the comforter," You continue to ramble on.
"Just a good night kiss," he pouts his lips towards you.
You lean over and place a soft kiss to his waiting lips.
He smiles and wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you to him. "Goodnightmorning," he whispers.
You let out a soft laugh in return and place another kiss to his cheek which gets another smile from him.
You start to lightly run your fingertips up and down his forearm and then repeat again lightly with your nails, back to your fingertips.
He hums in appreciation.
"Goodnightmorning. Sweet dreams," you whisper back as he drifts off.
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Dividers by @saradika
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froggibus · 2 months
Hi Froggi 🦊🌿
How are you?
Can I ask for some Wally West headcanons? You're spending the day with your boyfriend at a botanical garden and he's watching you being a nerd about it! I prefer gender neutral reader if it's ok with you. ♡ I love when the reader can be somewhat witchy and stuff hehe.
Take care and thank you ♡♡♡
Botanical Gardens - Wally West
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Genre: fluffy hcs
CW: mentions of basic witchy stuff (crystals, plants, intentions), wally has implied adhd
aww thanks so much for the request, i’m doing well (& hope you are too)! i absolutely get the “witchy s/o” “bf who lets witchy s/o do whatever to him” vibes from Wally. this was such a cute n fun request to write I just couldn’t resist! also that emoji combo is just so cute, im totally stealing that!
this is part of our Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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never in a million years did Wally ever think he’d go to the botanical gardens 
but how could he possibly say no when you asked him all sweetly, batting your lashes at him and promising to make it interesting?
you’re practically buzzing before you even get there, telling him all about the plants you want to see 
he stops so you guys can get a coffee (or tea!) to sip on while you walk around
Wally lets you take his hand and drag him around rows and rows of plants, grinning the whole time 
he probably checked out a while ago (tho he’s trying his best to listen!) but he still watches you with hearts in his eyes 
he loves how you can point at every plant and tell him the intention of each and what crystals go well with it
he’s absolutely enthralled by the way you know exactly how to use each plant to help with certain ailments too!
sneaks a couple candids of you leaned in real close to the plants, examining the leaves to tell him exactly how old they are
he makes mental notes to remember your favourite plants so he can gift them to you later 
when you get to the aloe vera plants, he squints at how familiar it looks
“hey don’t you have one of those?”
“yes! they’re great for treating burns.”
Wally thinks back to the countless times you’ve helped him with chafing from all his running and vaguely remembers you smearing something cold and soothing on him
feels all warm and fuzzy inside when he realizes that you keep it around specifically for him 
he will remember oddly specific facts you’ve told him about certain plants (though he is hopeless when it comes to names)
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summer suntacular | masterlist | dc masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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aclowntiny · 1 year
I’ve been thinking of requesting something for a while and saw ur recent post which reminded me to. Congrats on 400! ☺️
I’d like to request a meeting pirate!Ateez reaction, or if you’re not vibing with that Ateez sharing clothes with their s/o (either s/o wearing their clothes or them wearing their s/o’s clothes, I think both are cute!)
Thanks so much for your work and no pressure at all! Your stuff always makes me happy when it comes up on my timeline 🫶🫶
Thank you so much sweetie! Yes, I’m so glad you requested ☺️ that makes me so happy to hear you don’t even know 🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕 I love this idea so without further ado…
(I’m sorry for how delayed this was! The other one will just be on a separate imagine hehe 🏴‍☠️)
Ateez Sharing Clothes With Their S/O
♡ Oh you know this man will lend you anything out of his closet you need to complete your look 👀 If you’re down for it, Hongjoong would enjoy being the one to dress you just to admire how amazing you look and hope you see it too! Every time he dresses you he tries to balance things he wants to see you in, your own style/tastes, and of course including at least one piece of his!
♡ Seeing you in his jacket? Heaven. You are not accepting any jackets from any other men, only his 😤 but don’t worry he’ll smile so big and give you heart eyes the whole time he drapes it over you, handing the other member’s jacket back.
♡ The more pieces he lends you, the more you appear outwardly his, and that makes his heart go crazy. He’ll get extra affectionate and protective, wrapping an arm around you and placing kisses on your cheek. “That looks better on you than on me,” he’ll tell you with a cheeky grin, sliding his arm around your waist.
♡ Slides a ring off his hand and onto yours 💗
♡ But also highkey if he likes a piece of your jewelry he may ask to borrow it!!! What, it would go perfectly with these shoes!
♡ Some of Seonghwa’s clothes just become yours because he gives you his sweater when you’re cold and then lets you keep it 🥺
♡ Sweaters are his favorite because you look so cute and cozy in them! Especially if the sleeves are long on you and you do sweater paws, that’s just the cutest thing in the world to him! He’ll sometimes hold your hands through the sweater paws so you both get warm hands~
♡ Goofball steals a pair of your fuzzy socks one day because he likes them and you tease him that ew, don’t take those, now they’re ruined, but in reality the pattern just suits him more and he looks so cute in your fluffy little garments that you have to give him a kiss~
♡ You two basically trade pieces of jewelry, like he gets one of your favorite rings and you get one of his- it's yours and Seonghwa's version of swapping sim card trays!
♡ If you put on one of his shirts without him knowing, he'll come up behind you, arms snaking around you, and start teasing you. "Well, this is a nice shirt- where did you find this, hm?"
♡ You didn’t know there was an upgrade to being given your boyfriend’s jacket but here we are: being given your boyfriend’s suit jacket.
♡ Yunho and you were attending a formal event and, well, he had a suit jacket and you didn’t, so when you got cold, he was draping you with designer formalwear of all things. You couldn’t help reaching up to feel the shoulders, smiling shyly. “You look great, maybe you should keep it.” Yunho winks, then laughs in spite of himself.
♡ You prefer his jackets, he prefers your scarves. What, they smell like you and are way softer than his big ol thick one?
♡ Sometimes you, instead of looking through a mess of clothing or just because you need a shirt, you grab one of Yunho’s button-ups and throw it on.
♡ Yunho.exe has stopped working. His hands will be on you faster than you can say Timbuktu 👀
♡ You got this huge fluffy wonderful robe drapey fleece cloud of a garment for bedtime when it was cold, and little did you know your boyfriend was going to fall in love with it.
♡ He asked to try it on, and the moment it covered him he pulled it tight, falling backwards onto the bed in bliss. Sure, you’d bought it for yourself, but Yeosang looked so cute, how could you say no?
♡ Compromise achieved: Yeosang wears the open-faced fleece wonder, you just lay on his chest and get wrapped up in it too 🩷
♡ You jokingly stole one of his sweaters as ‘revenge’, pulling it on to see how he reacted, if he fought you on it.
♡ Spoiler alert: he did not, only burst into a shy, loving smile and pull you into his side for a hug, telling you you’re so cute 🥺 you should’ve known with how much it takes to make him mad!
♡ Does that corny thing where he wraps both of you in one long scarf. You can hardly walk but it’s ok because San is so cute as he nuzzles into you from above the soft knit 💔
♡ You also wear his gloves a lot because you forget them so San throws an extra pair in his pockets just for you! His gloves are way softer than yours anyway.
♡ One day, you throw on one of his infamous muscle shirts and flex, both of you laughing but also…San’s lowkey blushing at the sight of you like that 🤭
♡ All of a sudden he’s stammering out ‘u-uh if you want that you can keep it. I mean it just looks really, really good and…’
♡ Since you liked his winter coat last season, he starts shopping for another in your favorite color and material so you can steal it. Smiles with such joy and pride as he drapes the garment over you, helping you into the sleeves, and you gush over how cozy it feels and how much you love it. Mission success.
♡ You needed a shirt one day after swimming, so Mingi gave you an extra t-shirt. Joke was on him, though- you just wanted a Mingi shirt 😈
♡ The next time you guys hang out, you’re wearing it and his jaw drops at the way it fits your body, having not really seen it beneath the night sky and your towel the first time.
♡ Arms go right around your middle immediately, you are trapped in Mingi’s embrace don’t try to get out it’s impossible 😤 well ok it’s possible but then he’ll be sad 🥺
♡ Starts lifting it up slightly as if he thinks something different from usual is going to be under there lmao. Smiles so wide, loving, cheeky, and blissful all in one almost no matter how you react to that.
♡ You start surprising him by stealing his clothes and wearing them since you got such a good reaction the first time! Most of the time he just lets you keep them as long as he can get his hands on you~
♡ Bro he steals your clothes
♡ Loves the way they smell! If you can’t see each other for any extended amount of time beyond, like, a few days or a week he wants something of yours to have with him because your scent helps him fall asleep. Also guilty of cuddling your clothes and pretending you’re there 😅
♡ He loves putting his clothes on you, especially tighter stuff from on-stage, and then telling you how hot you look in them! Buys you similar things to keep afterward even if you just wear them for him 👀
♡ Lives for corny couple outfits, so expect him to buy two of things so you can both wear it or give you something of his so that he can dress to complement! You'll probably have to stop him from straight-up just buying those corny shirts that say 'yours' and 'mine' or 'I'm his! I'm hers!' type of stuff because Wooyoung that's silly!!!
♡ You give him one of your favorite bracelets he's mentioned liking before to wear so he has a piece of you and Wooyoung just melts. Never takes that thing off unless he's showering or something. No other bracelets exist in Jung Wooyoung's eyes.
♡ You guys are engaged in a jesting war over jacket custody
♡ He gave it to you one cold evening and you loved it so much, you joked about never wanting to give it back and he protested, laughing as you pouted, and you dug in your heels until you two were laughing like dorks over nothing. Now you two alternate wearing it a lot, but Jongho remains insistent that it’s his, you just take care of it.
♡ He steals and tries on a hat of yours one day, and as much as you laugh you think it suits him pretty well; suddenly the hat gets joint custody too.
♡ It may sound odd, but he gives you an old necklace of his he doesn't wear much anymore because he likes more traditional gifts like jewelry and then you'll have a memento of him! You're like sorry this is way less sentimental I got you a new watch lmao but don't worry, he needed one and he loves it 😊
♡ The one day you grab one of his shirts, though, something snaps in him and he can’t stop staring. You ask him what, starting to apologize for taking it, but he just shakes his head and holds up a halting hand. “No, don’t be sorry. I really like seeing you this way,” he says, eyes sweeping before meeting yours again.
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kthvlr · 7 months
taehyung x idol!/celeb! reader pleaseee
doesn’t even have to be smut just something FLUFFY
also ur so talented at writing !
⋆౨ৎ HOME AT LAST - kth ᝰ.ᐟ
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— . ݁₊ ☕️ ⊹ . ݁ ˖ —
summary: after such a long time, you’re happy to be home at last
notes: thank you so much! i’ve been meaning to write some pure fluff recently and this really helped me come up with something. so sorry that it took a few days, i hope you enjoy nonetheless :) this can be read as a fluffy prologue to drunk in love but can also be read by itself. it wasn’t my intention to make it a prologue but i think it could work as one. also, i feel like i can’t write fluff but whatever. happy valentine’s day!
word count: 1.7k
genre: fluff
pairing: taehyung x idol!reader
warnings/tags: idol!au, established relationship, domestic fluff, movie nights, very sweet and fluffy, reader is HEAD OVER HEELS for taehyung, (and he is for reader 🤭), mention of sex, not proofread…🧍‍♀️
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it had been far too long since you and taehyung had seen each other. you were both busy with your comebacks; writing, recording, filming music videos, performing at music shows. not only the preparation took months but so did all the stuff that came after, so with your busy schedules, you hadn’t spent a full day together in weeks. until today.
finally, both your schedules allowed you a few days off from all the chaos, and you couldn’t wait to spend those days with him after only being able to see him at award shows or events.
so you’re at his door. you knock and almost immediately, the door swings open to reveal your boyfriend with the biggest boxy smile on his (beautiful) face, dressed in an old shirt and some sweatpants. he’s been at home for a few hours but you’re coming straight from an interview so you still have your makeup done and you’re not in the most comfortable clothes, so you can’t wait to get changed and spend some time with him.
his smile is contagious, so you can’t help when you match his expression as a warm, fuzzy feeling engulfs you. you can’t wait a second longer, so when he lets you in and closes the door, smile never faltering, you immediately wrap your arms around his torso, burying your face in his chest and closing your eyes.
he hugs you back without hesitation, one of his hands resting on your waist, and the other finding purchase in your hair. he kisses your head before mumbling “hi” and you can hear the smile in his voice.
you lift your head up and open your eyes to look at him and you almost get lost in his eyes. they were captivating. their colour resembles black coffee, but the way light reflects onto them mimics how stars look in the night sky. a galaxy that you could stare at forever.
what pulled you in further was how each eye had something different to explore. his left eye was big and round, eyelid forming a small crease which completely contrasted his right eye. with one double eyelid and one mono lid you found his eyes unique and interesting. not to mention the perfectly placed mole which sat on his right eye.
in a way his eyes reflected each side of him. they were wide and curious, reminding you of how he looked up at you with puppy eyes. you could never say no to him when he looked at you like that. or sometimes he’d just watch you with those same wide eyes, fascinated and in love. you sometimes wondered how he could love you so much if he himself is the most lovable person you know.
his eyes could also switch in a split second. they could change into something sensual. something filled with desire and yearning. when he looked at like that it was the complete opposite to the wide puppy eyes he gave you. when he looked at you like that he pulled you in. he trapped you in his gaze before kissing you. touching you. loving you. giving you the pleasure he knew you deserved.
but right now, he wasn’t looking at you with either of those looks. he was looking at you with love. just like you were captivated by him, he was by you. and you would’ve gotten completely lost in his eyes if it wasn’t for the thought of his, arguably, even more enticing lips breaking you out of your trance.
at the idea of his lips, your eyes flicker down. you study them; smooth and glossy from where he probably licked them (a habit of his you found rather endearing), his heart shaped cupids bow, and a mole decorating his lower lip. so perfect. so kissable. you don’t think you could possibly resist any longer.
your hands travel up to cup his cheeks and pull him down towards you. your lips capture his in a loving kiss. you can feel him smiling on your lips and you reciprocate. you hadn’t realised how much you missed this. how much you missed him. when you pull away your eyes find his again, before you mumble a “hi” back, your smile also evident in your voice.
he places another quick peck to your lips before his hands make their way from your waist to the zip of your coat. he pulls it down and moves behind you to remove your coat and hang it up for you (a small yet meaningful gesture he always insists on doing).
after turning back around he notices your attire and upon realising that you’re still dressed in the clothes you wore for your interview, he speaks, “let’s get you into something more comfortable, yeah?”
you nod and exhale a sigh of relief as he takes your hand to lead you to his room to lend you some clothes and makeup remover. he hands you one of his old shirts and a pair of sweatpants you left at his house from your last visit, leaving you to get changed and wash your face after informing you that he’ll be waiting on the sofa for you, and when you get there, you’re pleasantly surprised.
the lights are off, the living room only being lit by a few candles and the light radiating off the television. the blinds are open displaying the romantic view of the moonlit sky above the vast han river. the sofa is covered with blankets and you can spot two wine glasses and some of your favourite snacks on the coffee table (which after dieting for your comeback is one of the greatest sights to see)
you stop in shock upon seeing what he had done for you, jaw ajar and the hand, which was previously holding your phone to your face, dropping down to your side. you were speechless. and, after not being able to spend any time with him for so long, you were overwhelmed with emotions. a wave of relief, happiness, and love for him washed over you as you finally looked over to him standing by the sofa with a shy smile and tv remote in his hand.
with you still in shock and staring at him with wide eyes, he asks shyly with a slight raise of his eyebrows, “movie night..?”
you practically beam. tears prick your eyes and not out of sadness. no. out of pure appreciation and love for him. you knew you missed him but in this moment it’s like it all hit you at once. you didn’t even realise how much you missed him up until now. so you waste no time and rush into his arms, tucking your head into his shoulder and engulfing him in a hug, to which he immediately hugged you back.
you move your head to look up at him and you can’t believe you’re lucky enough to have him. and suddenly your lost in those eyes again. you always are. you gaze at the vast galaxies in his eyes and then, almost routinely, you glance at his lips again; smooth and glossy, wearing a heart shaped cupids bow, and decorated with a perfectly placed mole. you’ll never get tired of them.
so of course, you lean up to kiss him, lips melting together and dancing in a slow and steady rhythm. he kisses you back with just as much love, pulling you in closer by your waist before his fingers start to trace patterns up and down your clothes back.
you both break apart for air, smiling contentedly, before you speak, only a few inches from his lips,
“i missed you”
his smile widens, “i missed you too”
he takes both your hands in his and leads you round to the sofa. you both flop down, immediately being engulfed by the soft cushions and blankets which he laid down for the two of you. he grabs the aforementioned blanket and covers both of you with it, before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in, allowing you to rest your head on his chest.
using the remote, he skims through the options on netflix, the two of you settling on a film you both considered a favourite. one you had watched many times together. one you had watched on your very first movie night with him.
you thought back to that night. you were in his arms just like you were now, though, back then, it was all new. you were only just beginning to get used to the feeling of having his arms around you. you weren’t as familiar with the way he kisses you. you had only explored the stars in his eyes a few times and were nervous to let yours flicker to his lips.
now, you were used to his arms around you. in fact, that’s where they usually were when the two of you got some alone time together. now, you were familiar with the way he kisses you. when the two of you kissed, your lips moved with harmony and understanding. and now, you had explored the stars in his eyes countless times and found yours flickering to his lips no matter how hard you tried not to let them.
though, admittedly, even though you’ve grown to know and understand every part of him, what hasn’t changed was how your chest still felt warm and fuzzy when he engulfed you in a hug. how your heart still races when his lips capture yours in a kiss. how you still get lost in the galaxies which are reflected in his eyes, and how yours still look down at his lips each time you’re captured by those familiar stars.
no matter how much time passes and now matter how well you know him, he never fails to have an effect on you. he never stops wrapping his arms around you, kissing you with love, making you get lost in his eyes before yours travel to his lips. never stops giving you the comfort you need after a long day. never fails to make you laugh. never disappoints with the pleasure he gives you. never stops doing the little things that make a big difference. never stops caring about you. never stops loving you.
he never stops being a home that you can come back to. screw the four walls and the furniture. the house didn’t matter. he was your home. and after such a long time, you’re happy to be home at last.
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𐙚 show some love to my other works!: masterlist
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bornagainmurdock · 2 months
coming back from space (sub!reader version)
author's note: pillow fort as aftercare is ult soft dom behavior
contents: 18+ ONLY, suggestive but ultimately fluffy, matt murdock x reader, gender neutral reader, sub!reader, aftercare, pillow fort, use of 'pet' & 'sir,' mentions of spanking, impact play, voice kink, degradation
work count: 1.4K
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Matt was an intense person: in his Daredevil activites, at work at the law firm, and most of all when you two had kinky times. He was determined and focused, and could do anything with an immense amount of passion. Tonight Matt had ruined you. And now it was time to pick up the pieces, bring you back from subspace to reality.
While Matt was incredibly intense, he was also so gentle and kind. He knew how hard it was for your brain to come back, and so, Matt was slow, touching you only when he knew you could handle new sensory input. Matt was gentle, and most importantly, Matt was a secret cuddle bug.
"Come here, love. Hmm, can I touch you?" Matt spoke softly, barely a hum.
You were lying on the bed, still messy, still a mess, face down panting into the mattress after the last few hours activities. You didn't remember when the scene ended. You were sure you had blacked out at some point, having cum one too many times to remember anything but Matt's name.
Matt was good at sending you into subspace, his touch and his words were addicting. All he had to say was that one word and you were gone.
"Pet, come back to me."
The brain fuzz continued, sound still muted and uneven, coarsing through your brain before you're able to process anything Matt says. Your vision was also fuzzy and unclear, Matt's body moving through the air-goo.
"I'm right here, baby. You're safe. Took a lot out of you today, hmm?" He had a proud smile across his face, sitting on the edge of the bed keeping his physical space to allow you to breathe.
His words sounded angelic, lighting up inside your head and sendign chills through your whole body. Your muscles twitched under your skin, reminding you of everything.
You played through the previous events in your head, stopping at all your favorite parts to relive it. You began a smile, finding it hard to make even the smallest movements.
"Matt, hold me?" You were quite, finding the courage to break the silence.
He reached a hand over towards you, sinking his fingers into the sheets to steady himself to sit closer. He helped contort your body towards his; Matt's hands gripping at your skin softly to not irritate it anymore than it already was.
He lifted your head to set it on his thigh, brushing strands of your hair out of your face and then when his mission was complete, stroking your cheek. His hands were red and hot.
"There you go, love. How do you feel?" He was still quite, trying his best to wake your body and brain back up.
"Feels like I'm floating."
"I could've told you that. Are you hurt? Like bad hurt?" Matt listened to your heart, scanning your body audibly to see where you were uncomfortable. "Is it your hips? Can I help?"
"When did you learn to read minds?" You nuzzled farther into Matt's skin, breathing in his scent to remain calm and subdued.
"Can hear it in the way you're twitching. Do you need anything?"
"Heat pack I think. Maybe some lotion for my ass and thighs." You said.
Matt giggled at your words, reaching over to the side table for the tub of unscented lotion you loved.
"Bring that ass over." He spoke, unscrewing the lid.
"Not the first time I've heard that sentence tonight." You rolled your eyes.
Matt tapped a light spank across your ass again, feeling your skin heat up against his touch. After resting there for a second, he grabbed a glob of lotion and began to spread thick layers over your skin immediately cooling the burn.
"Ahh! Matt ouchie!" You winced and wriggled.
"I'm sorry baby. It'll feel better soon." He pressed the lotion lightly into your skin once the first layer was applied. "You're just so cute when you're in fun pain."
"You're a pain." You joked.
"You weren't saying that a few minutes ago. I think you were saying, 'Oh sir please hit me harder'." Matt's voiced raised a bit when he mocked you.
"Not fair," you pouted, "you liked it."
"You're right. Sir did like it." Matt smirked with his words.
"Matttty." You whimpered.
He slapped your ass one more time for good measure, laughing as his hand came down.
"Okay, let's get you cozy. How do you feel about a pillow fort and some movies tonight while you recover from that spanking, hmm?" Matt rescrewed the lotion lid on and placed it back in its spot on the table.
"I think you making a pillow fort is an occupational hazard."
"You think you're so funny, hmm? Good thing I already made the fort." He said standing up from the bed and holding a hand out to you. "Let's get you dressed first. My shirt and boxers?"
"Yes, please." You smiled, looking up at Matt and taking his hand.
"Please what?" He inquired.
"Yes please, sir." You corrected yourself. "You're goofin. I thought you were supposed to get me back to reality, not make me stay here in fuzzworld."
"Why's that? Can't my baby be a subby mess for me all night?" He teased, knowing just how much of an effect his words had on you.
"Subbbyyyy." You slurred.
"Mmhm. Let's go to the fort." He helped you stand, carrying most of your weight as you walked over the closet to put his clothes on you.
"Leg up," Matt whispered, helping you dress. "Good pet."
Once you were covered again, Matt helped you walk to the living room, now a large pillow fort with perfect view of the TV.
"Oh Matty! When did you make this!?" You hadn't expected something so elaborate.
"While you were passed out after the what— fifth, sixth time cumming. I wanted you to get some rest after I pushed your body to the extreme, so I got busy building this." He smiled softly. "Let's get in!"
Matt crawled behind you and waited for you to get settled before shifting behind you, letting you lean back on him and cuddle.
He held you there for what felt like hours but must have only been a few minutes, his breathing leading your own sinking your body further into him.
This was heaven. This was paradise. You chests rising and falling together, Matt's hands holding you against him.
"What did you like most about the scene today?" Matt always liked to check in reletively soon after the scene while you were lucid, able to remember details and the intensity of it.
"Liked it all. Liked your hands all over my body, and how intense it felt. Liked when you were possessive and corrected me when I forgot to call you 'Sir.' Liked it when you," you were breathless trying to say each and every thing that happened, "when you, were mean to me a little bit. But just a little bit. Think I might cry if you were meaner."
"I liked touching you and being possessive and a little bit mean, too. I really liked watching you react to my words and redirection. You were like putty in my hands. I'm sure I could've gotten you to say whatever I wanted you to if I tried hard enough." Matt was sincere, focusing on every way your body moved and squirmed underneath him. "What do you think about the pillow fort?"
"Think it's the best thing ever. Matty best boyfriend ever!"
"I love you," He was smiling, pressing kisses all over your face before stopping to smile at you.
"I think I was also promised a movie." You spoke into Matt's skin.
"You're right. What do you want to watch? Movie? TV show? That ten hour long aquarium video I always catch you watching." He giggled.
"It's just so relaxing! But no, I want to watch a movie. Can we watch Wreck-It Ralph?" You pouted, looking at his smile.
"That sounds like a great idea. Can you pull it up?" He handed you the remote and you turned it on, finding it in your most recents.
You hit play on the movie and Matt placed a kiss on the top of your head.
The movie started after opening frames flashed in front of you, "My name's Ralph, and I'm a bad guy."
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
Congratulations on the follower milestones! I can't believe how quickly you went from 250 to 300!
giving two options so you can pick whichever inspires you more, and so I don't spend 3 hours trying to pick between the prompts when it's already 3:30am
gender neutral or he/him for AFAB reader if possible
F13 (FZ13 if that's more comfortable) or W17
please and thank you <3
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Laid Bear
Prompt: Mink Reader + First Time Additional Tags: afab reader, she/her pronouns, virgin!bepo, naturally a bit omegaversey since they're bears, oral (giving and receiving), masturbation, p in v sex, breeding kink, cockwarming WC: 3.8k
Event Masterlist
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
You could smell him before you could see him, that special scent unique to predator type minks, the scent that played to your instincts the most and made your nose twitch, ears perking up under your hoodie, tail wagging excitedly under your skirt against your better judgement. It was just as well you were seated in a corner booth, hiding away at the edge of the derelict bar where you hoped nobody would bother you. It'd been a long time since you'd smelt another mink, even longer since you'd left home to explore the world. You'd begun this journey with the goal in mind of finding your ancestral homeland, having been born far away from the mythical Zou, which at this point you weren't even sure existed as none of the minks you encountered seemed to know anything about it. Not that you'd met a great deal of them, they seemed rare even in the New World, which is why it always got you so excited to catch their scent.
You had no doubt they could smell you too, and you hoped they would be friendly, and handsome, they certainly smelt like a fertile male. You had no doubt they could smell you too, but you let out pheromones of your own anyway, advertising yourself as a fertile female predator mink. Specifically, you were a grizzly bear, but the type of mink that looked more like a human hybrid than a bipedal animal, as females of your kind often were. Your skin was a deep rich brown to match your hair, your nose was a cute little button at the end of a shallow muzzle, and you had two cute little fuzzy ears on your head, usually hidden by a hat or hoodie. You also had sharp claws and a fluffy tail, forcing you to wear fluffy skirts with petticoats to hide it. When your ears were visible, the skirts made you look like you were just a very dedicated lolita with a preference for bear themed outfits, which to be fair did make you look very cute.
The main door to the bar opened and your eyes were wide with curiosity, a tall man with a fluffy white hat and large sword resting on his shoulder entering first, scanning the room carefully. You caught a mischievous grin on his face as he caught your eye, turning to his companions yet to enter and whispering something you couldn't hear over the noise of the bar even with your very sensitive ears. Two men in white boiler suits entered behind him, pulling someone along with them, a fluffy white paw in each hand as they dragged in a large polar bear mink, of the more bipedal animal variety. You'd never even met another bear type mink outside of your parents, and your thighs pressed together unconsciously as he stood at his full height and scanned the room, at least seven feet tall and impressive even from across the room. He looked shy though, the claws at the tips of his index fingers tapping together as his friends released his paws, his fluffy ears flattened against his head as he caught your eye and blushed, the pink visible through his white fur. It made you blush in response, and you pulled down your hoodie, letting him see your own ears, almost identical to his, save for the colour. His ears perked as he saw yours, realising you were also a bear mink, a sweet smile forming on his face that told you perhaps you were the first he'd met as well.
The man with the sword pointed in your direction, and the men in boiler suits set to work forcing the mink towards you, one of them pulling on his arm while the other pushed him. He was wearing a matching boiler suit but in orange, and you noticed now the matching smiling icons embroidered on the suits, a jolly roger perhaps? Looking at the man with the sword again he did look vaguely familiar, perhaps you'd seen him on a bounty poster, you'd never been good at remembering human faces. They seemed friendly enough though, so pirates or not you didn't let it bother you. He approached you first, giving you a friendly smile before helping the other men push the hesitant polar bear into the booth seat opposite you, the bear letting out a nervous little whine that made you giggle, your giggle making him blush further.
“This is Bepo,” the man said, gesturing to the bear, “he's a little shy but I think you'll enjoy his company. And you are?”
“[Y/n],” you offered your hand, and he gave it a firm shake before turning to the bear, leaning with his arm against the bear's shoulder, giving him a reassuring slap on his chest. “Bepo, this is [y/n]. Just like we talked about, okay? Just be yourself, we'll be on the other side of the bar if you need us, but do your best to be brave”
He gave you another kind smile before he and the other two men left, the one with a funny hat that looked like a whale giving Bepo a playful smack on the shoulder before the three of them took up residence in a booth on the opposite side of the bar, making you feel a little like teenagers on a chaperoned date. Bepo was clicking his index claws together, looking anywhere except at you, so you took it upon yourself to get up and move to his side of the seating, forcing him to shuffle over. This wasn't your first time with another mink, you'd laid with a few humans as well, but he was giving off a nervous energy that told you he was just a sweet little virgin, and you wondered if he'd ever even kissed. You decided you would need to take the lead here, if you wanted to get a taste of the bear who was letting off such an alluring scent. He probably didn't even know how good he smelled.
“Hi there, big guy,” you smiled, “what's got a big strong bear like you so nervous? Little ol me? I won't bite, unless you want me to.” The suggestive comment made him squeak, and you couldn't help but let out a playful giggle, the sound music to his ears, making them twitch.
“Sorry,” he said shyly, his voice a lot higher pitched than you expected, “I've never met another mink, not since I was a kid… this is all very new to me”
“Really? That's quite surprising, I thought you were a pirate,” you hummed, “surely you see all kinds of people in your travels”
“I like to stay on the ship,” he replied quietly, “people make me nervous”
“That's okay sweetheart, I understand that. The hairless minks are so very strange, aren't they?” You smiled, “I'm very glad you ventured off the ship today then, what convinced your handsome self to make an exception?”
He blushed heavily at the compliment, his eyes flicking to you for just a moment before returning to anywhere else as he sunk into his chair. “I could… I could smell you from the ship. You smelled so pretty…”
“Do I live up to my scent, sweet thing?” You purred, running a claw under his chin and forcing him to look at you, “you're so very handsome, you certainly live up to your scent. Do you think I'm pretty?”
“Y-yes,” he mumbled, you could hear his heart racing in his chest, “you are… so very beautiful”
“I can feel your friend's eyes burning the back of my head,” you hummed, letting your hand fall and resting it against his thick leg. He jumped a little at the motion, looking down at your hand and back up at you, a cloud of arousal wafting from him in his scent at the small touch. “I have a room upstairs, you wanna come hang out? Have some tea?”
He looked past you to his presumably captain, who gave him an encouraging thumbs up, before turning back to give you a shy nod. You stood and took his paw in yours, and you could hear the cheers of his friends over the crowd as you led him upstairs. You held his hand all the way to the room, it was shaky in yours, you could tell how nervous he was, the poor sweetheart. At the very least you hoped he would be more comfortable away from the crowd sipping some soothing tea, and you wanted a chance to talk to him better without having to shout over all the drunk voices.
The bed bowed and creaked under his weight as you led him to sit on it, not having any other good seating options, while you made him some tea with the small kitchenette. It was really just a cabinet and mini fridge with a tray of complimentary teas and coffee, and a small box of milk, the water in your jug fetched earlier from your small attached bathroom. “Milk and sugar?” You hummed.
“Ah- just two sugars, sorry,” he replied.
“No need to apologise, my sweet,” you smiled as you stirred in sugar and brought him the tea. He immediately took a sip, scalding his tongue and sticking it out to cool it, making you giggle. You could see his eyes light up at the sound, and he gave you a shy smile that made your heart flutter as you sipped your own tea, sitting cross-legged on the bed beside him. “So, you said you knew minks when you were a kid though, right? Do you know Zou?”
“I was born there,” he replied, making you excitedly discard your tea on the side table and raise yourself on your knees to pull at the clothing over his shoulder.
“What's it like? Is it paradise for minks like the legends say? Are there lots of minks there? Can you take me there?” You shouted in quick succession, making the poor bear flinch. “Ah, sorry!” You let yourself fall back to sit on the balls of your feet, “Got a little carried away…”
“I don't really remember it much,” he replied sadly, “I left when I was eight to find my brother, it's been so long”
“Is it true it's on the back of an elephant?” You asked curiously.
“It is!” He smiled, happy he could at least answer one question.
“That's so cool!” Your eyes were practically glittering.
“I take it you were not born there then?” He asked, sipping more tea.
“No, my parents never explained what they were doing away from Zou, but I've been searching for it ever since they died,” you hummed. Your hand fell idly to his thigh, stroking it without thinking as your mind was deep in thought. You didn't even realise you were doing it till he made a little squeak, arousal hitting your sensitive nose, though his body was notably tense and stiff. “Oh, sorry,” you mumbled, removing your hand, “I won't touch you if you don't want me too. I guess I get a little handsy at times”
“Most minks are like that, I think,” he replied, “I was wondering if… ah, no, I don't think I can say it, sorry…”
“You're so cute,” you smiled, “do you want me to touch you, Bepo? I can, if you want me to. I'd like to. You're very handsome, and you smell nice”
The blush on Bepo's face was back as he gave a quiet nod, your hand quickly returning to his thigh. “Perhaps we would be more comfortable without our clothes, I for one feel like my tail is being squished”
“Oh, okay,” he agreed innocently. The two of you stood and undressed yourselves, and you stretched pleasantly as you were freed of the suffocating clothing, twitching your tail happily. Minks didn't really need clothing, you had a thin layer of fur over most of your body, only really hairless at the centre of your torso from your belly up to your neck and face, and also your inner thighs. Your nipples were covered by fur, your genitals tucked away between your legs just like a human female, while male minks like Bepo had a sheath that hid their genitals. As a less human-like mink, Bepo's entire body was covered in thick fur, visible now that he let his boiler suit pool on the floor. Without clothing you both looked far more like bears, and you smiled fondly at him.
The thing with minks was that they were far more intune to their instincts than a human, especially the instincts of the animal they were modelled after. This was especially true of minks during mating, though with experience they were able to get more control over their instincts. Bepo lacked any experience, from what you could tell, which meant he would be entirely at the whims of his instincts if you wished to mate with him. This worked in your favour, being that grizzly bears and polar bears sometimes got together in the wild, the mating rituals of each species being relatively similar. You stepped towards him and brushed your muzzle against his neck, nipping at it to signal your interest, before fleeing playfully to the other side of the room. You could hear his heavy foot falls as he chased you, successfully having activated the more feral part of his brain and initiating the play that was the bear equivalent of foreplay. It would be a difficult balance, weighing what his instincts wanted versus what would make the more human part of him feel good, but it was a challenge you were more than interested in pursuing.
He caught you as you scrambled across the bed, pinning you down as you turned to face him. Your muzzle met his and you kissed him hard, his mouth immediately opening so you could chase his tongue with yours, feeling his cock unsheathing against your stomach. You reached down between your bodies and wrapped your hand around it, rubbing your thumb over the head to collect his precum and using it as lubrication to stroke him. His head fell against your shoulder, making excited barks and chuffs as you stroked him. Like many minks, he had a sort of hybrid cock; long and supported by a bone like a polar bear, but thicker and with a more bulbous head like a human. If you were a human female he would be far too large for you, his cock proportional to his massive body, but with your bear anatomy you were well suited to take him, though it would be quite a delicious stretch.
You were a little surprised in truth at how quickly he had unsheathed for you, he was certainly eager to mate, the air now thick with your joint arousal, making your noses twitch as you both made little growls. You nuzzled and chewed on his neck, making him whine, and you pushed a hand against his chest to indicate you wanted him to roll off you. He laid back against the mattress, his chest heaving, and you kissed him hard again as you straddled his thick legs, running your tongue over his sharp teeth and smoothing the appendage against his.
“Is this okay Bepo?” You asked him, lowering yourself down the bed until you were laying between his legs, your breath brushing against his cock as you stroked it, “can I taste you? You smell so nice, I'd like to taste you”
“Ah- yes-” he whined, covering his face shyly but watching you with one eye that peeked between his fingers. You giggled at his adorable shyness and ran your tongue up the long length of his cock, still stroking the base with your hand as you took the tip in your mouth. His tongue was clicking to indicate his pleasure as you bobbed your head, mixed with little whines as his paw came to rest against the back of your head, not putting any pressure but playing occasionally with your ears and scratching at the base of them, at the sensitive spot only those with ears like yours knew about.
You couldn't hope to take all of his cock in your mouth, but what you managed was more than enough for him anyway, the hot warm feeling of your mouth around him being entirely unfamiliar and making him squirm cutely. “Ah- ah- [y/n],” Bepo whined, “I feel strange- hnng-”
“Let go, Bepo, cum for me,” you said sweetly, the bear immediately mewling as thick cum dripped from his cock, which you eagerly lapped up, letting the rest spurt directly into your mouth. He was panting hard as you let him go with a pop, licking cum from your hand and running your tongue over your muzzle to clean it.
“That- that was incredible,” he huffed, “can I make you feel like that?”
“You can,” you grinned mischievously, “come put your head between my legs, I'll guide you”
Shyness entirely lost as he became dedicated to making you feel good too, he quickly repositioned himself, the two of you finding a comfortable position that accommodated his large body by seating yourself at the edge of the bed while he knelt in front of you on the floor. He looked up at you eagerly from between your legs, and you pet his head lovingly, scratching behind his ears the same way he had for you. He stuck out his dark tinted tongue and ran it up your thigh, before using his large paws to hold your legs open, claws threatening to pierce but he was careful to not let them. Your own hand came between your legs, spreading your labia for him to see, playing with your clit and occasionally dipping a finger inside yourself. Your scent was driving him wild as you masturbated for him, so close to his nose, and he couldn't help but press his muzzle against your cunt and take a deep inhale, chuffing as your slick coated his nose and caught in his fur before his tongue came out again to take a wide swipe from asshole to mound.
“There you go,” you praised as his licks became more focused, lapping at the dripping honey at your entrance and rolling his tongue over your clit, “that feels nice Bepo. Your tongue feels so nice and rough against my pussy, why don't you suck on the bump part a little?”
You moaned as he enthusiastically followed your guidance, focusing harsh sucks and flicks of his tongue against your clit while your hands buried in the thick fur on top of his head. “So good,” you moaned, “you can- hnng- you can put your tongue inside me if you want”
His eyes were dark and hungry as he looked up at you, tongue dragging down to where he'd seen you finger yourself and pushing the wet appendage in, ignoring the resistance as he bullied the thick muscle inside you. You screamed but the way you held his head against your cunt told him it wasn't a pained scream, so he started licking at your inner walls, chuffing and growling deep in his chest as he drank up all of your slick greedily, making messy and inexperienced motions until he accidentally brushed against your g-spot and felt your entire body tense. He zeroed in on it instinctively, making you moan and writhe as he abused it with his tongue, until you pulled his fur hard and came without warning on his tongue. His eyes widened as he felt the gushing release and he lapped it up greedily, making you squirm at the overstimulation, unable to keep yourself upright anymore as you twitched helplessly against the bed until he was satisfied he'd drunk up everything you had to offer.
His instincts were in full play now, and you could smell his precum as his cock unsheathed again, standing tall over you in a way that made you shiver at just how big he was. He looked entirely the dangerous predator that he was, that shy little polar bear you met earlier now entirely gone. Knowing exactly what he wanted, you rolled over and put your ass in the air, tail twitching invitingly. He wasted no time in draping himself over your back, nipping at your neck and making deep growls that vibrated through your chest as he gripped your thighs and rut his hips towards you. As soon as his cock made contact with your dripping pussy he was burying himself to the hilt, the air knocked out of you as he immediately began a merciless pace as his instincts clawed at him to breed you.
He continued to nuzzle and nip at you as he slammed into your much smaller body, your pussy stinging from the sudden stretch before it melted to pure pleasure, moaning and clawing at the sheets below you, making tears in the fabric and mattress; you definitely weren't getting your deposit back. Fucking worth it though, as the polar bear slammed into you on pure instinct, his motions sloppy and aggressive with no real goal other than cumming inside you. He didn't even register as your cunt clamped down around him and you went silent from the intense pleasure as you came hard on his cock, letting out a long relieved moan as your body relaxed again, Bepo still slamming into you relentlessly and overstimulating you. All you could do was whine helplessly as he used your body, until his claws sunk into your hips, blood drops matting the fur as he stilled inside you, teeth breezing against your shoulder as he huffed and filled you with his seed.
It took a lot of gentle convincing to get him to roll to his side instead of crushing you, his cock still inside you, the bone keeping him erect and plugging you to keep is cum deep inside your cunt as he slowly came back to reality. “Ah, sorry, sorry,” he mumbled against your back, breath tickling your fur. “I can't- I don't wanna-”
“It's okay, my sweet snowbear,” you took his paw and curled your fingers between his digits, holding it against your chest, your abdomen visibly bulging from his cock still deep inside you. “You don't have to move, you're just doing what your instincts want you to. It's always like this the first few times for minks, just do what feels right, kay?”
“Okay, sorry,” he mumbled, nuzzling against your back, “did I do good?”
“Yes baby, you did good,” you smiled, bringing his paw to your mouth to kiss it. “So good,” you purred, a contented chuffing coming from the bear behind you.
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iikeuz · 6 months
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⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫ You have a panic attack while promoting your solo and Seungmin helps you through it.
★☆! pairing: idol!seungmin x idol!fem!reader
★☆! warnings: descriptions of panic attacks & social anxiety. reader is a bit apprehensive about seungmin initially. mentions of criminal minds(?). mentions of hate / cyber bullying. very fluffy. open ending (part two?????)
★☆! word count: 2.4k
vivi speaks !! the way i started working on this in december of 2022 😭😭 but i’ve finally finished it, so who cares. let me know if u guys want a part 2 :), maybe i can finish it before i finish college hehe.
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It’s bad. 
Like truly bad. 
This is not your first time at such event. Having debuted a while ago, you slowly got used to award shows, especially with the help of your members who are always there for you. 
Maybe that’s the issue.
You never had to make an acceptance speech, never had to be the center of attention, always letting your members take care of that — they’ve always gone above and beyond to make you comfortable during these events anyways. So now that you’re alone for the first time in what feels like ages, you simply don’t know what to do.
The anxiety mixed with the fear of embarrassing yourself in front of everyone was what led you to your current situation. Alone in a dark hallway you bite your lips as strongly as you can to stop the tears from falling and ruining your makeup — you still have to perform after all. Your head is so fuzzy that, even though you’re sitting down, you feel like you’re about to fall at any given moment, and you swear you can feel your skeleton shaking inside of you.
Your palms are sweating, but the sensation you have is that all blood stopped running in your veins. Your breath is erratic and the oxygen burns your lungs, your heart beating so fast you can feel it hitting against your rib cages, the blood running through your ears louder than your thoughts. 
As we established earlier, things are not looking good for you right now. 
You don’t even know how long you’ve been there — it could be minutes, seconds, hours. At your current state of mind, years could’ve passed and you wouldn't have noticed a change in the weather.
As matter of fact, you didn’t even notice the hallway lights turning on, let alone the person that lit them.
“Oh shit!” They cursed lowly, taken by surprise by the zombie-like girl sitting on the floor.
While they cautiously scan the body in search of any sign of life, your eyes finally pick up on the sudden clarity. Shooting your head up at an incredible speed, your eyes meet with a slightly scared Kim Seungmin.
Your slowler-than-usual brain takes a moment to kick in, finally warning you that you should get your shit together — especially in front of your senior —, and so you do, getting up way faster than expected. Your vision goes completely black for a second or two, making you bow lower than intended.
“Hello.” You greet him, your vision still not completely back as your upper body goes up once again. 
Trying to find some kind of stability, you reach for the nearest wall to lean against. Scared that you might fall and hurt yourself, Seungmin runs to you, firmly grabbing both your shoulders before pulling your waist, stabilizing your dizzy self against his chest. 
In any other scenario you would probably push him away and call him a creep, but now you reserve yourself to accept the help without second guessing his true intentions. 
“Woah! Calm down,” His voice is still low, not much higher than a whisper, “Are you okay? Do you need something?”
Once your vision goes back to normal you separate yourself from the boy, who reluctantly lets you go, not leaving too much space between the two of you just in case. 
Averting his gaze, you try to fix your eye makeup to look a little more presentable. “Yeah, yeah. I, uh, I just-” You stop yourself for a moment, your brain cells working extra-hour to come up with something to say. A pathetic “I’m fine,” is the best you can manage to do.
“You don’t seem fine to me.”
“Well, you’re wrong. I am fine.” You immediately bite back, sounding way more defensive than intended, instant regret kicking in for being such a bitch to someone who was just trying to help. “i’m sorry…” you whisper.
Seungmin, on the other hand, didn’t seem offended one bit by your hostility, no. He was way more focused on finding out what was going on. 
Trying to make you feel more comfortable, he was quick to change the subject. “Aren’t you, uh…” He stops, waiting for you to introduce yourself to him.
As your foggy mind goes into autopilot once again, you bow for a second time, formally introducing yourself and your group for him. 
Seungmin can’t help but chuckle at your excess of formality. “There is no need for all of this, we’re basically the same age.” 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” 
And so, the small talk dies silent. 
You force yourself to come up with something to say, but nothing comes to mind. What are you even supposed to say in a moment like this? It’s not like the two of you had ever talked before. Yeah, some of your members are close to the Stray Kids’ boys, it’s true, but you personally never really talked to anyone outside your own label — screw it, you’ve barely talked to anyone outside your own group. 
As if the situation couldn’t get any worse, your palms start to sweat again, the fear of having another panic attack in front of Seungmin becoming a trigger to you. Sharp nails scratching against the skin of your thumb.
The boy picks up quickly on what’s happening, bringing your attention to him once again. “Hey,” He straightened himself, taking a couple steps past you, near the end of the corridor, “wanna see something cool?”
Not wanting to be rude, you nod. And so he kept going, with you right behind him (well, not exactly right behind, since there was so much your trembling legs could do right now; still, you felt like you weren’t going that slow — even though it took you 30 extra seconds to get to the end of that 2 meters corridor).  
When you got there, you noticed that there was only a big metal door with a handwritten ‘Authorized People Only’ sign taped to it. You were about to ask him if this was the right place when Seungmin opened said door.
“No one comes here, don’t worry.” He explained.
Holding the door with one arm, he motions for you to go in. 
Obviously, if you were in your right mind, this whole thing would be the biggest red flag ever (a man you don’t know being weirdly touchy with you and then inviting you to go to a secluded area where “no one goes to”? You’ve watched way too many real crime videos to fall for that), but since you’re not in the best of your judgment at the moment, you obey his orders without thinking twice. 
Your friends know him, what’s the worst that can happen? 
Looking around a bit, you couldn’t be less interested. The room seemed like a technical room, filled with tangled wires connected to some sort of power walls. Is this Seungmin’s definition of a “cool place”? If so, that’s pretty anticlimactic.  
“What is this place?” You ask as the door behind you closes by itself, making a heavy sound, the room immediately becoming pitch black.
Seungmin turns on his flashlight, the position making the bright light hit you right in the eyes; you wince in discomfort, covering your face. “Sorry,” He repositions the cellphone, pointing to the floor instead of your face, “This is just a wire room, for some lights and special effects,” He shrugs, moving the cellphone around like he searched for something. 
“Hmm,” You nod, looking around once again. “So… what are we doing here?” 
“Oh, this is not the cool place, silly,” He laughs. Pointing the flashlight to his right, you follow the light’s path, surprised as you notice the emergency stair at the wall, “it’s up there.” 
Seungmin gets closer to the stairs, you follow him. He takes a moment to decide if it was better for you or him to climb first, opting to have you staring at his ass instead of the contrary. And so he puts his cellphone in his pocket and goes, as you blindly follow him once again, struggling to climb in your stage outfit. 
At the top, he pushes the trapdoor open and climbs in, helping you to do the same. Once you stabilize your boots on the floor, you take a moment to look around. You’re at the rooftop, as you expected. The cold air of the early winter hits you like a train, making you hug yourself by instinct as shivers run through your body, the tiny, sleeveless dress you’re using doing absolutely nothing to help. Looking up at the sky you can actually see a couple stars here and there. 
“Wow! It’s beautiful,” You say under your breath. 
Seungmin, who was already looking at you, can’t help but notice how your eyes shine just as bright as the stars. Taking his denim jacket off he places it on your shoulders, using the proximity to guide you closer to the edge. Looking down, you can barely see the people walking on the streets, they all look so tiny from here, like the world below you is just a model; a colony of ants.
So tiny, so delicate.
It really makes you wonder how such delicate species can be so mean. So terrifying. So heartless. The things you’ve seen, you’ve read, you’ve heard; they couldn’t possibly have come from them, could it? After what felt like a life of being submitted to so much inhumanity, you start to question what “being a human” truly means. 
If it’s the ability to feel empathy for others that separates us from the other species, what will be left of us if it’s all gone?
When your grip on the metal bar tightens, Seungmin decides it is time to intervene. “I was listening to your song on my way here,” Seungmin admits, “well, it was Felix who put in on the car’s speaker, but you know. I really liked it.”
Your head spins at him, your gazes meeting for a second before you avert it. “Oh, uh, thanks. It was my first time writing- I mean, not my first time, I’ve written things before, but I never felt like it was good enough. I always thought I was better at composing rather than writing, you know?! But this time it was just… I don’t know. I had this idea in my mind, and the words kept coming so I wrote them down and, well, the rest is history.” You shrug, beating yourself mentally for talking too much. 
“I really like your writing style. It’s very unique, just like you.” His attempt at flirting makes you laugh for the first time that night, and when Seungmin hears your shy giggles turn into a full laugh, he can’t help but laugh too. “Yah, why are you laughing?!” He pretended to be offended. 
“You’re so corny.”
“I’m not corny, I’m romantic.”
Romantic? You can’t lie, that pulled at your heart strings a bit. 
Still, you roll your eyes at him, trying to convey annoyance, your smiley face totally giving you away, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Romeo.”
“Oh c’mon, it was pretty smooth, at least give me that!”
“Alright, alright. It was pretty smooth, I admit,” You threw your hands in the air, defeated. 
You turned around in your heels, back pressed against the railing. “So, how’d you find out about this place?!” 
“I’m just nosy.” He shrugged. 
“Oh yeah, I believe that.” 
Seungmin scoffed. “I saw the ‘authorized people only’ sign and came in.” 
“You were coming here when you… found me?” 
“Any reason why..?” 
“You’re also very nosy, aren’t you missy?!” 
You laugh, giving the boy besides you a playful slap.
Seungmin laughed too, averting his gaze, “I just like coming here before a performance. Helps unwind the tension. It’s kind of a ritual of mine at this point.” 
You nodded. This time, the silence that formed between you two was comfortable. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to feel the moment, without worrying so much about, well, everything. 
Seungmin didn’t say anything either. 
You two stayed like this for a while, just enjoying the cold breeze hitting you two. You wondered if he was cold like you, and you even thought of offering his jacket back, but it was just so warm (and it smelled so good). 
After a minute or two (more like several), you opened your eyes again, lookin at your side where Seungmin stood. He leaned over the rails, hands clasped together as he looked up at the sky. 
There were no direct lights up here, so it was up to the moon to provide some light for you two. As you look at Seungmin, you notice the way his eyes reflect the moonlight. It was like he held a moon in each of his pupils, only for him, like some sort of mystical being. A kind of God who has moons for eyes and the kindest heart. 
God what am I thinking?
You shook your head, laughing at yourself. The melodic sound of your laugh perked his attention, his head turning to you, his smile mimicking yours. 
“What?” He asked. 
You looked back at him, shaking your head. For the first time that night, the two of you held eye contact for more than a couple seconds. 
“I think I should get going…” You say. There is a hint of sadness in your voice, your eyes never leaving his. “My manager probably already called the cops the second she saw I wasn’t in the dressing room.” 
Seungmin nodded, his expression turning down. He didn’t say anything. You wondered if you should say something, but decided against it. 
It wasn’t until you were already halfway through the roof that you turned back, running back towards Seungmin, who was now resting against the railing watching you go. When you got to him, you wrapped your arms around his waist in a tight hug, catching him by surprise. 
When the shock wore off, he engulfed your much smaller figure in his arms, and you hoped he couldn’t feel your giant smile against him. 
“Thank you, Seungmin.” 
“Y- You’re welcome.” 
You let go of him, really leaving this time around. 
As you climbed the stairs back down still wearing his jacket, your heart was pounding again, but now for totally different reasons. And your mind couldn’t help but wonder if this was the start of a great friendship, or perhaps something more was to come out of it…
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animeweeb115 · 1 year
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"I... I need you. Can you help me?"
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shuubah · 1 year
Vyn & Puff the Persian cat's full route from Fluffy Fuzzy Time Event I
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erxxi3 · 1 year
A fluffy fanfic where Leon is doing push-ups and you decided to sit on his back to make it harder pleaseeeee (he doesn’t even break a sweat lol). Love your fics! <3
This idea is very cute omfg I’m literally giggling and kicking my feet tbh, I can actually imagine this in my head…
Thank you for loving my fics and the support. 💋
I love u my lovely!! &lt;3
— Stormy Days
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Pairings: Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Summary: The reader waking up to Leon not being in the bed, but drops him a text to see where he is at and he is at the gym working out. The reader asks him if he wants her to bring him food and he says yes. (Basically thats where the request comes into play) NOT PROOF READ!
Cw. Just fluff and its just nothing besides Leon being the best boyfriend on the fucking planet. :)
Character Count: 9.8k
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You woke up, as always, with the sensation of your body floating. This sensation, and your memories of last night's events were fuzzy at best. You knew you had been out drinking with friends from work, and that it was a Friday night.
So why was it still raining outside?
And how did you get back to your apartment building?
You didn’t remember going anywhere you were intoxicated with alcohol to the point where you had to be watched over, like some damsel in distress, and your boyfriend had to come to the rescue scopping you up in his arms like a princess taking you back to the car.
Driving home in the heavy downpour, he would hold you tenderly against him like you were a broken toy in need of repair. He would kiss your cheek when you asked for help getting out of the car, which he seemed more than happy to do. And even though you would feel bad about it later and tell him so, you would secretly admit that this memory of being held lovingly by your knight in shining armor really warmed your heart. Anyways that wasn’t the point.
You had awakened finding yourself in the empty bed.
There was no sign of your knight in shining amour of a man who had been there when you fell asleep. You wondered if he had left somewhere today —he did, and you checked that your purse was right next to the bed and the phone still sitting untouched on the nightstand. Picking up the phone and having texted him to see where he was, so that you can bring him food.
“Hey, love. wya rn?” Had been sent and read at 1:30pm.
*Leon sent one attatchment with image*
“At the gym, babe. Hope you like this. ;)” He replied back.
As you clicked on the image it’s him showing off his abs in the gym mirror, in a black compression shirt (of course with his shirt lifted just a bjt revealing his pack). His face was turned away so you couldn’t quite see it properly, but you could see the muscles rippling.
‘That's better than I expected,’ was all you said. As soon as you typed this, you hit send, but not before thinking to add a quick ‘Love you xo!’, It was a picture that you liked, because it showed his abs well in contrast with his hair —and the dimpled smile plastered on his face that he was obviously trying to hide.
You also thought of sending another message asking if he wanted you to bring him lunch, which he said yes to immediately after reading the text.
It was a nice way to spend an evening, especially considering you didn’t want to stay home alone. But now it was time to go out to see him. The last thing you needed to do was either decide to pick food up or make it yourself. If you chose to buy something for both of you to eat, there was no reason you should be this indecisive right now because either way he’d still appreciate both options. After making that decision, you decided to text him that you are on the way, meaning that you’re going to resort to just picking up food.
So grabbing some things from the kitchen, you grabbed your coat, put on your boots, and got ready to leave. You head to your car and started the engine. Your stomach rumbled, reminding you that since you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast, you need food first. With a shrug, you start driving to the closest restaurant you know Leon likes. You know he goes there every other week for lunch with the team.
It took a little while, but finally you found a parking spot. Walking into the building, your eyes scanned the room, odering it to go and paying. The food came out quickly than you imagined, yet it was starting to feel like a better day due to the fact you can leave a lot quicker to see him.
The gym was at least five minutes away , maybe ten. No problem there, then. When you left the restaurant, your next destination was nearing end, and you parked exited the vehicle , heading towards the front door. Just as you approached it, you could see Leon working out through the window and you were excited to see him.
Almost running inside, you place the bag of food next to him, as he is doing his pushups. “I brought food…” Your hand moved towards the bag, but stopped short at the last second, feeling a bit weird about the gesture. You looked at Leon and saw that his eyes were closed, his chest moving fast as he was pushing himself up and back down off the floor.
He looked good doing so…
He looked like a hero, to be exact.
“You won’t mind if I sit down would you?” You asked tentatively. Leon opened his eyes and glanced at you with a raised eyebrow. “Not at all.” A small smirk made its way onto his lips. “You’re my guest. Sit down wherever you’d like.” You grinned mischievously sitting down on his back, as he continued to do his workout.
You could feel him tense up slightly from underneath you, then relax again, but it didn’t seem to be a problem that you were on him, however, he didn’t seem to break a sweat at all. He just kept doing what he was doing without breaking stride. After a minute you started to think he could do it forever, until he told you “Aright, I’m gonna need you to get off of me, princesses.” his words made your face flushed, when you got up off of him He stood up he wiped his forehead with a towel, then turned around to look at you, raising an eyebrow. “What? Why? Did you find something wrong with my form?” He laughed. Of course he wouldn’t have noticed if that you were blushing, but it was obvious due to the fact you were a tomato red.
“No, silly! Just wondering why you called me princess..” The way you spoke made your cheeks heat up even more. Leon smiled, “Well, I figured that since you’ve spent most of the weekend sleeping with me, I guess it only made sense to let you know you’re my princess.” He smiled. “Plus,” he chuckled, “It’s attached to me ever since you keep calling me your knight in shining armour.”
Your face brightened as you giggled. “I only thought to mean that you belonged to me.” You looked up at him as if your gaze could melt him. He chuckled. “You have been mine for quite sometime now, dear, you can hardly blame me for thinking so.” He finished smiling down at you, leaning down to press his lips briefly against yours.
After a short silence, you pulled away from him and said “Well, that’s not a fair tradeoff at all. I don’t want you claiming me because you’re stuck with me. I want you to claim me because we’re in love.” Leon raised his eyebrows at you. “Why did we ever choose to date each other?” He joked lightly.
“Well, it was either that or get married.” You joked. Leon bursted out laughing at your joke. “True. We do fit perfectly together, don't we?" He looked down at you and stroked your face softly. You nodded, smiling. Suddenly the sound of rain hitting the roof outside was heard. “Looks like it’s about to pour hard again. We’ll have to take home then.” He looked outside the window.
“Yeah...” You agreed sadly. “But I don’t wanna take home yet.” You pouted. “Oh… Well... we can eat our food first. Then we'll leave…” His voice sounded very reluctant, you realised as his eyes flickered away from your face. “Or we could do both. We’ll eat, then we’ll leave, then we’ll come back here later next week?” You suggested. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s hope that everything goes okay today. If it doesn’t, well then...” Leon trailed of. “Well, we’ll try and figure something else out.” He shrugged, giving a half smile.
“Let’s hope we’re not stuck waiting for hours.” You said, shaking your head. Leon hummed, agreeing. As you both ran towards the car with everything getting in the car, the sky seemed to darken significantly. It looked ominous. And as you drove along the road back home you knew that this would be one of those days, where everything seems to go wrong and there’s nothing that can fix it.
When the two of you arrived home, you dropped your bags on the ground before heading upstairs to grab a change of clothes from the bathroom. Leon sat down on the sofa and started watching tv as he waited. After a few moments, you came back downstairs and put a moive on, as you were about to binge and eat your food. You walked over to the couch and sat down beside him, taking a bite from your sandwich before you continued talking to him.
“So, how long do you think the rain will last?” You asked looking out the large front windows, seeing the heavy grey clouds outside. Leon glanced at his phone. “I’m not sure, princess. It looks like we’re going to get some pretty bad weather soon. We might have to call it early, and get some rest.” You nodded. “Maybe you’re right.”
‘Hopefully we won’t get any storms tonight though. If we get a storm, I won’t be able tp sleep tonight…’ you sighed to yourself. As you ate, and watched the TV, and talked with Leon, time passed by quickly.
You had finished eating and you hadn’t really gotten much sleep so you ended up falling asleep laying on his chest, your head laid comfortably against his shoulder, your arms holding tightly onto his shirt as you slept, completely oblivious to the fact that you were wrapped in Leon’s arms. As you were slowly drifting off you felt Leon’s head ontop of yours, while he was asleep as well.
As you both fell asleep in a warm embrace, the rain never stopped pouring down and you woke up the following morning covered in a blanket, snuggled close to Leon’s body. You stretched your limbs lazily and yawned deeply. Once you felt the need to wake him up, you tried to move but suddenly he hugged you tighter and placed a soft kiss on top of your hair. “Mmmh…. good morning~.” You said, still half asleep. Leon groaned in response as his arm tightened around your waist. “Heyyy... I was hoping you’d stay a little longer with me....” you giggled quietly and placed another light kiss on top of his hair. Deciding to stay with him long, leading you both to falling back asleep in an extremely peaceful position.
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delilahcalicocat · 5 months
♥︎•-Are you a good girl?-•♥︎
{Rating: Smut}
{Warnings: Kissing, Crying, Use of handcuffs, Master/Princess / DDLG Dynamic, Unprotected Sex, Cockwarming, Swearing}
{Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader}
{Summary: the day after Cody won the title, he was busy with paperwork. But his girlfriend wouldn't leave him be, so he taught her a little lesson}
It was the day after WrestleMania Sunday, You & Cody were still in Philadelphia, But Cody was busy all day with paperwork.
You hated being ignored by your love of your life. You wanted needed his attention, you needed a way to have his eyes on you.
You decided on annoying him was the best way.
"Sir, I wore your favorite today. Wouldn't you like to see it?" You questioned him
"Y/N, Princess. I'm busy you can wait a few more hours." He spoke
"But Sir! I've been a good girl! You haven't fucked me in three days. Please sir, I'm desperate for your attention." You pouted
"Y/N, Sweetie. I'm sure you can wait until Tuesday? When we're back home." He said
You crossed your arms and pouted, stomping out of the room. You headed towards the elevator until Cody grabbed your wrist
"You needy little slut. Get back here you're not going anywhere now." He said Dragging you back into the hotel room.
Within seconds, he ripped away your garments, he ripped your favorite skirt.
"Cody! That was-" You went to speak but him placing a pair of Fluffy red handcuffs on your wrists caught you off guard..
He pulled you up into his lap, and sat you there.
"You're going to sit here, like a good little girl. And you aren't moving until I decide you finally get my cock. Got it?" He spoke to you coldly as he wrapped his arms around you
You could only nod, already dumbfounded, as you'd never Cody act like this before.
Your legs clenched a few times, which made Cody smack your thigh. Making a mark form on your thigh, You were suffering.
Choked, squeaky moans escaping your mouth as you were forced to sit in Cody's lap and stay still while his cock was inside you.
You eventually started to cry, the need for friction being unbearable. You wanted to just move. But your wrist would've been slapped or you couldn't have Sex for a week.
You began to beg and plead..
"Please... Sir.. I've been good!" You pleaded
"Have you? Y/N? Or this a lie for you to get friction?" He asked you
"Yes, Yes! Please sir! I've been a good girl.." You cried out
He pulled you into a deep kiss, then he undid the handcuffs you had on.
He pushed you into the bed, and began to fuck up into you.
The only sounds in the room now, were your moans and faint grunts from Cody.
You felt yourself building up that orgasm.. you had to release it, but Cody would most likely scold you.
"S..Sir... S-So.. Cl-Close..." You moaned out
"Are you a good girl?" He asked
"Yes.. Sir..." You moaned out weakly.
"Good enough to Cum? Princess?" He spoke
"Ye-Yes S-sir... pl-please.. let me cum.." You said
"Go ahead then, cum." He said.
Those words triggered a nerve in you, making you spill over the edge. Cody then finished after you, making you feel fuzzy from those events
"You were very good princess, maybe after I get back from the arena tonight, you'll be rewarded" He hummed.
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fandomfucker · 1 year
heyy, would you be able to write a fluffy rhea x reader one shot please?
one where reader and rhea have been dating for a little bit and reader has a kid (like 1 year old or something), but rhea doesn’t know yet. reader has a conversation with rhea and confesses and rhea is shocked, but asks to meet them. as soon as she meets the baby, rhea falls in love with him/her and adores the baby so much and grows to love him/her like her own. and just make it like really fluffy please?
it’s okay if no ☺️
I don't know a lot about kids so please bear with me, and apologies for taking forever. Please enjoy ❤
Words: 2,336
I was so nervous I could've thrown up.
Rhea and I had been going out for a few months now and she was coming back tomorrow after having not seen her for over two weeks.
And since we've already been going out for a couple of months, I figured it was either now or never with telling her about my daughter, Celia.
She was almost two now and my absolute pride and joy. Her father hadn't been in the picture since before she was born but I wasn't nervous telling Rhea about him. Just her. Because if she wants to have me she has to have my daughter too and if she can't deal with that then...
Let's say that my saying I'm nervous is a severe understatement. I was absolutely terrified.
Neither of us had said it yet, but I love Rhea. So much. So if my having a child is a dealbreaker then I don't even know what I'll do.
Tomorrow I'm going to be picking her up from the airport after her last match against Raquel Rodriguez. They're giving her a two-week injury-scripted break after having been in multiple WWE events each week the past few weeks.
We've both been really looking forward to it and had even started planning some stuff for us to do while she was here. Luckily we actually live only one city apart so she doesn't have to get a hotel or stay at my house, just in case anything goes wrong.
Which, I don't think it will but you never know.
I was currently bathing my daughter before bedtime, the worry must've been evident on my face.
"Mama?" Celia spoke up.
Looking down at her I saw her looking up at me, her eyes fixated on my face. There was a little crease of confusion and concern between her brows.
"Yes, my darling?" I questioned her, bending down to give her forehead a kiss as I filled the plastic cup with water again to rinse her hair out.
"Why sad?" She asked innocently, splashing her rubber duck in the water as she played. This duck was Sir Quacks a Lot, who was married to the other Sir Quacks a Lot. They had drama with the Mrs Quacks a Lot and we're currently in an argument about Baby Quacks a Lot.
"Nothing for you to worry that pretty little head over," I grinned, booping the top of her nose, sending her into a fit of giggles and splashes.
After Celia's bath, I dressed her in the fuzzy brown bear onesie I had found for her not too long ago and put her to bed.
Walking back downstairs after making sure Celia was asleep, all the nerves and doubts I had managed to push aside came back and hit me.
I went to go grab a glass of water, noticing that my hand was starting to shake. I decided to just go straight to bed. After all, Rhea was getting in pretty early so I had to be up and get to the airport also super early. At this point, all I could do was hope that she wouldn't leave me.
-Time Skip-
Waiting at the terminal Rhea would be coming out of with a bouquet of flowers was nerve-wracking as hell. She had texted me the estimated time they were supposed to land but it's never exact so I didn't actually know when she would arrive.
After a little over half an hour, I finally saw her plane land and make its way to the little hallway between the plane and the airport. Another twenty minutes later I saw her. For the first time in over two weeks, we were in the same place at the same time, together.
My breath caught in my throat as I watched her look around for me, our eyes finally meeting from across the room.
I watched as her gorgeous face lit up and she started to make a beeline for me.
Momentarily forgetting my nervousness I grinned and stepped forward to meet her in the middle as we collided into a tight hug.
"Hey, beautiful," I spoke, my voice thickening with emotion.
I felt Rhea release a deep sigh of relief against me before she responded, "Hey, baby."
"I missed you," I croaked into her neck, shoving my face into her and breathing her scent in.
"I missed you too," She replied as she stroked my hair with one hand and my lower back with the other.
Pulling myself away from her I just stood there and stared at her face for a second before speaking, "Let's go home, yeah?"
She nodded and grabbed my hand as we started to walk towards the luggage claim to pick up her suitcase.
"So, are those for me? Or..." Rhea playfully questioned me, trailing off at the end as she gestured to my hand holding her flowers.
"Oh!" I exclaimed. I had completely forgotten about them in my excitement of having her here with me again.
"Yes, they're for you, sorry," I apologized, blushing deeply. She chuckled and took them from me, smelling them before kissing my temple.
"They're beautiful, Love. Just like you," She smirked at me causing me to blush yet again.
I ducked my head down to hide the blush as I grinned widely and giggled.
We made idle talk as we walked to the luggage claim and then grabbed her luggage before making our way to my car.
Getting in the car my previous nervousness hit me again in full force. Pausing to just rest my hands on the steering wheel and take a breather I could feel Rhea turn to me in concern, "What's wrong?"
She was giving me an opening, it was now or never.
"I have something I need to tell you." Slowly I pulled my gaze from the dash of my car to her eyes. Her brows were furrowed in concern and her mouth was pulled into a frown.
"Is everything okay?" She asked sort of hesitantly.
I nodded quickly, "Yeah, it's just...something I haven't told you yet that I probably should have."
Rhea nodded in encouragement for me to continue.
I took a deep breath. "I have a kid."
"I have a daughter. Her name is Celia. She'll be two in October." I whispered into the quiet, too scared of her reaction to be any louder.
She looked lost in thought for the next few minutes, slumping back against the seat.
"I'm sorry for not telling you but I could never find the right time and-"
Rhea cut me off, "Hold on. Just, stop."
I shut my mouth, terrified out of my mind of what she was going to say next.
"I just need a second to process this."
"Yeah, no I understand. It's a lot to take in." I quietly replied, chewing on my bottom lip.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered. She sounded choked up and on the verge of tears which made me start crying.
"Because I thought you would leave and I was scared." I sobbed, covering my face with my hands as if to conceal the tears.
"No, no no no no no." Rhea clamored, reaching for me over the console. "I just wasn't expecting it, that's all." She tried to reassure me, smiling softly. "I could never leave my best girl hangin'."
I giggled at the reference to one of my favorite movies ever and wiped my eyes and nose with the back of my sleeve.
"C-can I meet her?" Rhea asked hesitantly, "It's okay if not I completely under-" I leaned over the console and kissed her, effectively shutting her up.
"Of course, you can meet her. She's actually been asking for quite some time now when she gets to meet 'Ree-Ree'." I laughed, recounting the many times she asked for another bedtime story about "Mama's friend".
Rhea beamed and kissed my cheek, reassuring me once again that she was okay with me having a child. We'd be having a more in-depth talk about it later on but right now it was time for them to meet.
We pulled up to my house almost half an hour later, where my sister was watching Celia while I was out. 
Getting out of the car, I grabbed Rhea's luggage for her before she even had a chance to grab it and walked up to the door with my keys. Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door, pushing it open before standing aside for Rhea to walk in first.
She nodded in thanks as she walked through, looking around and taking in her surroundings. My house was a bit more on the unconventional side, being a maximalist and all. 
"Zoey?" I yelled into the house to find her after closing the door behind us. "Kitchen!"
I rolled Rhea's suitcase against the wall a little ways away from the door and motioned for her to put her backpack there as well before following me.
I made my way to the kitchen with Rhea following idly behind, still taking in my house. As soon as I laid eyes on my daughter in her booster seat I smiled and made a beeline for her, making "monster" grabby-hands.
She squealed with delight, grinning madly all the while as I unbuckled her and picked her up above my head, blowing raspberries on her exposed stomach making her squirm and giggle.
Bringing her down to rest on my hip I kissed the top of her head as she buried it into my neck. I turned around when I remembered that we weren't alone.
Zoey, my sister, and Rhea were standing next to each other, both watching the two of us with a smile on their face. I side-hugged Zeoy hello before introducing them to each other.
"It's so nice to finally meet you! I've heard so many things about you and Y/n even made me get into wrestling." Zoey exclaimed excitedly, making Rhea laugh. "I've heard a lot about you as well so it's great to meet you too."
"Well, I better get going I have to run some errands before I get home to let the dogs out." Zoey excused herself, grabbing her bag before making her way back over to me.
"Bye-bye CeCe." She cooed, tickling her neck before giving her forehead a kiss. "I'll see you later, sis," She gave me another side hug.
"Rhea, it was lovely meeting you, maybe we can all get together soon while you're here? Oh! We could do a double date with you two and me and my partner!" She excitedly exclaimed.
"Totally! That sounds great, we'll definitely have to get together. I can't wait!" Rhea replied enthusiastically. Zoey gave Rhea a quick hug before bounding out the door, leaving us alone with my daughter.
Rhea slowly walked up to us, I could read the nervousness on her face.
"CeCe, this is mama's friend Rhea, remember?" I spoke gently to Celia. She lifted her head from my neck and looked at Rhea with her big beautiful eyes. I could see Rhea's initial hesitation melt away as they locked eyes.
"Hello there, little one." Rhea greeted her softly, waggling her fingers at her like how she does when she's in character. 
Celia must have recognized either her name or her picture because she then started to bounce in my arms as she giggled and held out her arms to Rhea to hold her.
"You wanna hold her?" I asked her, shifting my hold a bit on CeCe.
"Um, I-I don't know. I'm not really sure how I should hold her." Rhea stammered.
"Just like this," I replied, gesturing goofily to how she rested on my hip. 
"O-okay," She half-smiled nervously, grabbing Celia under her arms and hefting her gently onto her hip. Celia giggled and wiggled around the whole time, putting her hands on Rhea's face and patting them around.
"Sorry, she likes to do that," I apologized embarrassed.
"It's all good," Rhea laughed, gently removing Celia's hands from her face.
Grinning at my two favorite girls I made an offer they couldn't refuse. "How about y'all go and play while I go and make some breakfast yeah?" 
"Yes!" Celia squealed, squirming enough that Rhea put her down. "That sounds great, Love." Rhea chuckled.
Celia raised her arm near where Rhea's hand rested, asking for her to hold her hand. Rhea grabbed a hold of her hand and was immediately pulled away towards the direction of the living room. Rhea shot me a look of panic before disappearing from my view making me laugh.
I put on some music and began making breakfast as Rhea and Celia played in the living room.
After I finished making breakfast I set the table as well, wanting a nice fancy breakfast for Rhea's coming home and first time at my house.
I made my way to the living room to get the two of them to come eat but stopped short in the doorway when I saw them.
Rhea sat on the floor crisscrossed in front of Celia with a tiny plastic crown on her head, a pink plastic teacup in one hand, and a giant plastic dinosaur in the other.
Celia stood in front of her also wearing a tiny plastic crown on her head but I could see that Rhea had given her one of her necklaces to wear as she poured the two of them cups of tea. 
I smiled as I watched Rhea play pretend with her, not wanting to interfere with the adorableness. Just seeing Rhea wearing her scary full black outfit with dark jewelry and makeup wearing a tiny pink crown was enough to make me fall madly in love right then and there. And I think I did.
"I hate to interrupt, but breakfast is ready," I spoke up, finally announcing my presence.
Celia bounded over to me, holding out the end of Rhea's necklace she was wearing to me. "Look what 'ea gave me!"
"Wow! What a lucky girl you are! Let's go wash up for breakfast though, yeah?" I picked her up and set her on my hip as I turned to look at Rhea who was blushing furiously.
Grinning at her I playfully asked what was the matter.
"Didn't know you were there," Rhea mumbled, reaching up to pull the crown off.
"Leave it, I like it," I smirked as I turned on my heel to make my way back to the kitchen. I think this could work.
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