#event; kismet harbor wine month
sashaxjones · 5 months
closed event starter for: @millieswagner
Music filled the air after the sun had bid its goodbye and the late evening engulfed the cloudless sky in hues of dark blue. Stars were littered across the firmament and Sasha listened to the sounds of a guitar and a singing voice so lovely she could not help to bring herself to focus on anything beyond this moment. "Quite lovely, isn't it?" She spoke, her voice rare in its softness, unusually somber. "I never knew Kismet Harbor had such talented musicians."
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alaricfarrow · 5 months
closed event starter for: @joanxwagner
Face painting. Alaric's smile was quiet, not calling for any attention to declare its presence. It sat there, atop his content features. Silently and genuinely, as he was left to wonder, if his parents had ever let him live as freely as she let her children. Henri, Lynn and Ariana had always been dear to him and the presence of an incredible sense of pride was not to be denied, whenever they called for uncle Ric. He craned his head, as he observed Lynn in the chair some feet ahead. "Don't take this the wrong way but," he began, his voice quiet enough to not be heard by anyone but Joanna and he slowly turned his gaze toward her, "is this supposed to be a butterfly?"
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johnnyxwagner · 5 months
starter for @steviexwagner
location: kinsellas vineyard
"Our tour is at one," he looked down at his watch that he sported on his wrist," which is in about an hour," he smiled at his wife. "I told dad we would meet up with them afterwards, figured the kids could try their hand at the grape squishing." At least, Logan and Zoe could. They could help Naomi with it, but he wasn't so sure that their youngest would be the biggest of fans of the squished grape feeling. "Are you feeling okay?" Johnny questioned, rubbing his hand against his back, "I know you mentioned you weren't feeling well this morning, we can cancel the tour if you want."
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anthonyxblake · 5 months
starter for @travisjackson
location: cedar grill and lounge, charity event
Megan had suggested it would be a good idea for him to get out. His frequent phone calls with the woman had been good for him and he knew that she was right. Though he wasn't entirely overjoyed with the idea, he went to someplace familiar, not realizing they were running an event for the evening. It was rather packed and his heart raced in his chest, forcing him over to the bar where it was slightly less packed. Anthony excused himself through a few people and sat down at the bar. "Cheapest on tap," he told the bartender, settling into the barstool and accidentally knocking into the other. "Sorry 'bout -" he turned to apologize, realizing whom he had sat down next to.
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valxdelgado · 5 months
starter for @gabrielxpierce
location: downtown kismet harbor
Valentina didn't pry much, only taking in what her dad's had told her about Gabriel. Anything else, well, she knew that it was likely that even he didn't remember. "Are you enjoying Kismet so far?" Valentina questioned, surely one he had been asked a number of times. "You plan on joining in on the wine making contest?" The brunette jested him, giving him a gentle nudge with her elbow as they walked.
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franciscofontenelle · 5 months
closed event starter for: @diegoocastro
He should not have left the house. No, Francisco should have stayed in the comfort of his home, where no one would turn out to be an irksome bother to his very fragile nerves. Agitation would not magically dissipate the very moment the sun was shining and peoples' smiles were genuine. And perhaps a little tipsy. A sigh emitted as he let his eyes wander around the scene. Food Trucks and laughter and contentment and everything else that reminded him of what he was missing - lightheartedness. "Hey, you wanna cheer me up?" Cisco spoke, glancing toward Diego.
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nazlixceyhan · 5 months
starter for @drewxjackson
location: kismet harbor, downtown
Nazli walked alongside Drew, her arm looped through his as they navigated the filled streets of Kismet Harbor. "Are you thinking we browse first or get food?" She questioned, looking up at him, only a moment as to not misstep. "I'm open to either," truthfully, Nazli had zero plans for the day and was going to go with the flow. Where that would take her? Now, that was the fun of it all.
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jasonxamato · 5 months
starter for @michaelxrutherford
location: downtown kismet harbor
"It's still kind of unbelievable that we are living in the same place again. I can't thank you enough for letting me know about that opening at HCP Holdings," he smiled at his college best friend. "I mean, it, after things went to shit back in New York," his head shook, "I really felt like I was lost. The camping trip helped, but we both knew that would happen." Jason had long last track of the number of backpacking trips the two had embarked on over the years himself.
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ethanxhoffmann · 5 months
starter for @makaylahoffmann
location: the hoffmann home
"Babe?" Ethan called out, opening up the front door to their home as he did so. Nala enthusiastically greeted him with a wagging tail at the door. He returned the greeting with a smile, rubbing on the dog before moving further into the house, after shutting the door behind him. "The kids are dropped off with my parents." It was giving them an opportunity to go out on their own, a kid-free night. "Do you want to go downtown and get some food before checking out the music?"
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wesleyxjames · 5 months
starter for @tylerxday
location: cedar grill and lounge
Wesley had planned to meet up with Amayah later for dinner, but while she was off with her girlfriends, Wesley made a pit stop at the local conservatory charity. He walked in and made his way to one of the few open tables. Wesley was about to sit down when someone else reached for a chair across the table. "Oh -" he hadn't seen another person coming, "Tyler," he locked eyes with the person that had reached for the other chair. He cleared his throat, standing across the table from his younger sister's ex-boyfriend. The one that had broken her heart.
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connorxbowen · 5 months
starter for @calxwallace
location: cunnamore vineyard
Though working at the fire station, Connor was not unfamiliar with those that worked just a few buildings down the road at Kismet Harbor's police station. "The wine flight," Connor returned with a smile, setting it down on the table. A few people had been invited to the outing, but others hadn't showed or already bailed, "all new flavors this year," he smiled at Calliope, sitting back down across from the blonde woman at the table. "Things been going well for you at the police station? Not ready to switch sides, yet?" He teased, flashing her a playful grin.
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sashaxjones · 5 months
closed event starter for: @maverick-bennett where: cedar grill & lounge
Sasha held little patience for the mundane. Little understanding for the trivial things. The month of May in the townscape on the coast of Oregon posed a marginal difference to its usually common normality. Occupying her place in a bar, it was not wine she opted to. The contents of her glass were doused in amber hue and sloshed around cubes of ice as she brought the rim up to meet her lips. Hazel eyes wandered down the counter of the bar, a venture in pursuit of finding something to appease her mind. His tattoos were the first thing Sasha noticed, only then came his face. Familiar to a faint degree, something hazy and she could not recall ever having spoken to him. The order was quickly placed with the bartender, another drink on her tab. A drink for a stranger, she had yet come to know. And she held no selfish intent, held no expectations for the night to pan out in a particular sense. No, Sasha was on a mission to fight shallow boredom and unlike the workshops for the fundraiser, she deemed him a better fit.
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alaricfarrow · 5 months
closed event starter for: @genhernandez
It was a bitter taste, that coated his gums and cloaked his tongue, as Alaric stood on the sidelines and watched. Blue eyes mimicked the shade of the ocean expanding in front of him as he peered through a rim of dark lashes and the crease of his brows implied subtle concerns. Discomfort was nowhere close to fading and he wondered if he'd made a mistake by choosing participation. If taking a stroll through the Downtown area had been a grave error on his part - as though there were any residual doubts. He swallowed over the forming lump in his throat as his feet came to a halt and he took a breath in, the salty scent engulfing him and he closed his eyes. Laughter rang through to him from the shore, the surfers gearing up for the contest and he emitted a sigh the moment his eyes were open and met with the rays of a golden sun. For a bright, beautiful day like this, he sure looked supremely unhappy.
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harlowhanlon · 5 months
closed event starter for: @danaxallenlopez
Mad Monk Brewing offered a foreign air to surround her and Harlow felt strange, sitting in one of her hometown's many establishments. She was the first to admit to have never been here before - at the very least, not that she found herself able to recall, but now, it was the appealing prospect of wine and cheese, that had lured her in. Now that she was here, with Dana to keep her company and offer faux security, Harlow felt comfort slowly begin to sprawl underneath her skin. "Dana, you have to try this," she said, holding out a glass of Rosé and a piece of cheese to her friend. "God, I feel bad for anyone who's lactose intolerant." Or a recovering alcoholic. "This is so delicious."
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reneexthompsxn · 5 months
starter for @dianaswhitney
location: cedar grill and lounge, charity event
Renee wasn't supposed to be working today, but one of the other bartenders had called out. She wasn't meeting up with Prue until later, so she opted to make a few extra bucks. It never hurt to do so. Renee was wiping down the bar from some patrons that had left, having been rude enough to not tip her which put her in a bitter mood. She hadn't been working all that long, which was the frustrating part. Tossing the rag underneath the bar in the dirty pile, she had bent down to grab her own water. When she stood up, she was faced with someone new sitting at the bar. "Oh, Diana, hi," she smiled sheepishly as she set her water back down. "What can I get for you?"
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jaslenexclairmont · 5 months
starter for @maverick-bennett
location: downtown kismet harbor
With both of her daughters at her mother's for the day so that she could get a day off to enjoy herself, she had been doing some shopping downtown when she was caught by Maverick on her way out of one of the tents. His request? For her to pretend that she was into him to make his ex-girlfriend walking by jealous. In the crowd of people, Jaslene found it difficult to pinpoint who would be dating Maverick, that wasn't Sarah at least. Caught off guard by his request only momentarily, she was quick to rest her hands against his arm, leaning into him as they walked. "You know, I can't believe you'd ever ask this of me," she was smiling up at him, batting her lashes as if she were flirting with him and from a distance, that's exactly what it would look like.
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