#eventual Mreyder
satashiiwrites · 2 years
Tell us more about the Royalty/fantasy AU pretty please?
So once upon a time, @radio-chatter made some random comment about Scott in a fantasy setting? I think it was them at least. Might have been @quietborderline but yeah. I ended up writing a snippet about Scott being a mage prince and doing something really dangerously dumb with Reyes about ready to wring his neck. There’s also a generous helping of MShenko here.
It sat on my hard drive for a while and I got a little burst of energy about this idea so I all but wrote an opening scene to go with the other two scenes already written as snippets.
Here’s the first scene:
The cold seeped through Scott’s bones, chilling him through although he acted as if he didn’t notice it as he stood watch.  There was the scent of snow on the wind as it stung his face, freezing his facial muscles as he watched the rider approach on the road from the south.  It was a lone rider, and they were in a hurry, the horse slick with sweat despite the cold and sucking in great lungfuls of air as it’s hoofbeats echoed off the narrow road up the mountain.  It was an odd day to have a single rider—they weren’t due for another caravan for another five days and the regular watch ride wasn’t due for another two. 
This far up in the mountains, in his family’s old traditional stronghold where he’d been sent by his father almost two years ago, the isolation of the mountains had left marks on him as he stood guard. The mountain pass that the fortress stood at the juncture of two different fissures that led from Hyperion into the more fertile lands of Arcturus from which you could travel into the heart of the Sol empire via the trading towns and caravan routes and the other towards the heart of Hyperion. In the other direction there was Kadara—the lawless kingdom that had been torn apart into small warring clans after the last war with the empire of the Kett beyond them.   
Hyperion had been lucky in the war—by responding to the desperate calls of the old rulers of Kadara they had kept the war in Kadara and not allowed incursions into the highlands of Hyperion. 
Kadara had suffered much in their stead. 
The land had been scarred, it’s people broken and the ruling family dead. Even today—twenty years later—there was no outright ruler of Kadara and instead many regions had their own local rule that competed in the capital of Kadara for position. The warlords and merchants jockeying for advantages but the nominal ruler changed often.  Currently Sloane Kelly—a soldier from Sol who had been removed from her command—was in charge according to the rumors that flowed down the trade routes like a secondary common currency. 
The flutter of the travel cloak revealed the uniform beneath it marking the man below as a member of his father’s personal guard—the dark blue visible from Scott’s perch.  What did his father want?  
He didn’t move from his post.  Most likely his father had sent a message to Lord Shepard. Lord John Shepard had semi-retired from the empire’s legions where he was infamous for ending the reaper war on the other side of the continent when Scott had been just a lad. Instead of staying and becoming a power broker in the empire’s court he had requested being posted to Hyperion which had been accommodated given the war with the kett had also ended just years before the reaper war. 
Alec Ryder had once commented within Scott’s hearing that John Shepard had been sent to keep an eye on Hyperion—why his father thought this  Scott wasn’t sure.  His father publicly supported Shepard but wasn’t overly friendly with him. If Shepard had wanted to he could have made a play to depose Scott’s own father as the Prince of Hyperion—but he hadn’t.  
Scott knew his father still was suspicious of Shepard.  Which is why Scott had been sent here as a teenager and, after a brief stint in his family’s home, he’d been sent back as a soldier to be stationed here and to send regular reports back to his father.  He’d spent more of his life here in the mountain passes than he had with his family and it had shaped Scott. 
What his father didn’t know is that the real reason Shepard had claimed the mountain passes as his home was because of the preferences of his second—a man named Kaidan Alenko who wasn’t part of the aristocracy but instead had been born and grew up in the high mountain passes of Hyperion. And he’d come home after fighting alongside Shepard.
Shepard had followed him. 
Scott’s father—despite all his resources—had missed some very important key pieces of information. Scott had made a brief attempt at explanations but his father had been dismissive of his information and he’d stopped trying.  He knew exactly why Shepard was here and, in a fit of defiance, Scott had kept this open secret from his father. 
Kaidan Alenko was the love of Shepard’s life. 
He was also a battle mage whose powers were viewed with much suspicion by the people of the empire once they no longer had a need for him with the Reaper war concluded and the destruction of all Reaper forces.  The Reapers had specialized in mind magic and indoctrination, taking over and binding their victim’s will to bend it to what they needed. There had been a lot of death in the Reaper war and distrust of mage powers in the empire and the principalities that it claimed had spread like wildfire. 
There were no large schools of mages any more anywhere in the empire.  Hadn’t been any in twenty years. 
Kaidan was one of the few living known mages who hadn’t died or had their powers burnt out at the end of the war.  His retirement to a remote mountain pass had been the only reason he likely was still alive and hadn’t been accidentally killed by the empire. 
“The mountain took care of her children,” as Kaidan often told him in private. 
Why would Kaidan be saying this to Scott?  Because he… he was mageborn.  It was a secret that his father had attempted to bury as deep as possible, having Scott assigned as soon as he was big enough to hold one to sword training and drilling with his family’s career soldiers to hone his physical body over the mental one. Scott had been designated at birth as the heir and there could be no whispers of scandalous powers around him as the sole male heir. 
His twin sister grew up in the warmer haven of the palace of Hyperion which was in the fertile farmland valleys where the rivers met the western sea. Sara who loved sailing and the waves, the scent of saltwater and the gentle breeze that carried over the water. His twin sister had been indulged in and raised to be a great princess, skilled with people and able to dance circles around the politics of Hyperion whereas Scot felt like a dull edged blade hacking his way inelegantly through conversations, more suited to the barracks than a ballroom.
He did and didn’t envy Sara’s position.
His twin regularly corresponded with him, was the one family member in his life who always had a kind word whereas he usually just received criticism from their father about everything he did.  Scott wouldn’t be surprised if eventually it was decreed that Sara would succeed their father and not him—not the mageborn son who needed to be kept hidden away from court less he have an accidental outburst and scare everyone.
It had been years since he’d been out of control.  Years since the last time he’d accidentally exploded a glass while upset. 
He’d learned how to let his senses dive into the earth and wind around him, to anchor without losing himself and how to control his urges. 
Scott was in control now.  He was no longer a danger.  
He hardly ever used the power under his command any more other than to extend his senses.  Why would he? It would only encourage whispers and fear that he wasn’t normal.  He didn’t like being a mageborn monster like he had been called in the past. 
Kaidan had known the moment a gangly boy with too long of limbs that was wafer thin named Scott had been brought before Shepard and he’d all but adopted him. He’d never pressed Scott for assurances or oaths of loyalty—instead he’d guided him, taught him. 
Really in a lot of ways Kaidan was more of a father than his own had ever been. Albeit they were both careful to hide things from outsiders. 
Within the walls of the keep and the small town surrounding the people and soldiers were loyal to the commander of the keep—Lord Shepard—and by extension Kaidan and Scott first as their foster son and then as a captain under their command. 
Scott had made it a point to never put himself above any of the others that he stood with.  He took each assignment seriously—even the ever boring sentry duty that still needed to be done. 
Every sentry up on this wall knew that Scott had his senses attuned to be alert to any oncoming threat but they still stood sentry faithfully at full alert. Scott liked to think that they were his brothers even if there still was the faint line of separation that kept him from truly being one of them. He would protect them to his last breath and they knew it. 
“Milord?” One of the other sentries approached him.
“Lord Shepard asks for your presence.”
Inching his chin down, Scott nodded. “Where?”
“The small reception chamber.”
“You are my relief?”
“Very well then.  Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts,”
That got him a puzzled look at the clouds that were hanging low. “Yes sir.”
As he left, Scott gave the clouds a bit of a nudge.  Just because he was brooding didn’t mean that the other sentries wouldn’t enjoy a bit of sunshine.  He would help them out. 
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mtreebeardiles · 10 months
Character Headcanons for.... Jack, Reyes, aaaaaand Vega.
For Jack
Sexuality Headcanon: pansexual Gender Headcanon: cis woman A ship I have with said character: I actually don't have any non-shepard ships for her! I have seen a few pairing her with Tali that were pretty good though A BROTP I have with said character: Grunt. I just like the idea of unmitigated chaos A NOTP I have with said character: Hmm that's tough! Probably any of the dudes aboard the Normandy tbh hahaha A random headcanon: She and Kaidan join forces eventually to teach biotics in less military-oriented endeavors General Opinion over said character: Like her, but don't write too much on her! Maybe I will one of these days
For Reyes:
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual Gender Headcanon: cis man A ship I have with said character: mreyder for sure; idk if anyone else in Andromeda can really handle him haha A BROTP I have with said character: KEEMA. I also think he has a frenemies relationship with Cora eventually lol A NOTP I have with said character: I mean. I wouldn't put him with Tann A random headcanon: former Alliance fighter pilot; lost his brother on Torfan General Opinion over said character: LOVE HIM he is easily my favorite character in Andromeda I don't have a type you have a type
For James:
Sexuality Headcanon: demisexual Gender Headcanon: cis man A ship I have with said character: in my fics I have him with Ash and another female OC as a queer platonic throuple; otherwise I've seen some great Cortega fics and some Joker/Vega pieces that were pretty dang good A BROTP I have with said character: Steve; my Shepard Evvy A NOTP I have with said character: idk, Udina? A random headcanon: between Everett's baking and James's cooking, breakfast on the Normandy has never been so good General Opinion over said character: Love, love James. More James appreciation STAT!

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amassingeffect · 5 years
Reyes couldn’t stop staring because this was a very weird feeling. He’d seen Scott die. Had seen the messy wound and brought him back, but here was Scott standing in front of him right now, very much alive and looking concerned.
There was lucid dreaming and then there was whatever nightmare fuel had gotten into his brain last night.
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trajektoria · 7 years
i want 51 for mreyder
51.“I see the way you look at me when you thinkI’m not looking.”
 Long-distancerelationships were never easy. No matter how often you called and how long youtalked to one another across the vastness of the galaxy, the longing forphysical contact, for human touch and the warmth of the other person stillremained, an unquenchable ember smoldering inside your soul. The seconds turnedto hours, hours to millennia without the one you loved by your side.
Allthat pining made the joy of meeting at last all the more sweeter. At least thatwas what Reyes kept telling himself.
Twoweeks had passed since the last time Scott visited Kadara. Not that longobjectively, but for a yearning heart it still felt like forever. Each periodof separation was getting harder and harder to withstand. As much as itfrustrated Reyes, he couldn’t help the way he felt, the way his chest swelledwith happiness every time he heard that the Tempest had docked on Kadara andthe way his world seemed painted the most melancholic shades of blue as hewatched it leave again.
Buttoday he didn’t want to think about any of that. Today he wanted to enjoy everymoment and commit them all to memory, hoping they would be able to sustain himuntil he and Scott met again, whenever it was.
Theday was eventful, maybe even too eventful, with them making rounds in the slumsas they chased after one kidnapped colonist, the official reason why thePathfinder came to visit. After all that, they deserved a moment of respite,both laying on the rooftop of one of the taller buildings, an empty bottle ofwhiskey near their intertwined fingers, their legs swinging casually over theedge.
Atpeace and in love, they looked up at the night sky. Kadara Port was a city ofneon lights that never slept, but even garish blues and greens and purplescouldn’t overshadow the smudges of nebulas above them, the white distant pearlsscattered over the darkness of the infinite void.
Thesight was beautiful.
Butnot as beautiful as the man right next to him. Reyes couldn’t tear his gaze offScott’s face. So pale in the dim light, his lips curved in a delicate smile,his eyes reflecting the timeless allure of the galaxies above them. Even themagnificence of stars themselves couldn’t put out his inner fire, that glimpseinto Scott’s soul, restless and adventurous like a wind chasing the clouds infaraway places.
Reyessaw it all. He could drown in him, sink to the very bottom, grateful for everylife-giving lungful of affection.
“Isee the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking,” Scott saidsuddenly, turning his head to look at his boyfriend. His voice was quiet, as ifhe recognized that special, meaningful silence stretching between them anddidn’t want to breach it with a louder sound. Neither did Reyes.
“Andhow am I looking at you?” he whispered, brushing his thumb along the knucklesof Scott’s hand.
“Asif I’m unattainable.” Scott licked his lips, a gesture betraying insecurity,worry. “A figment of your imagination. A ghost, too unreal to be true, too outof this world to be with you.”
“Areyou?” Reyes asked gently, curious and expectant. “Unattainable? Ready to slipthrough my fingers with the break of dawn?”
Scottsmiled, squeezing his hand.
“Iam flesh and blood. And I’m here. Just where I want to be.”
Thekiss they shared tasted like starlight, like the promise of many more suchnights to come.
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reyesandryder-blog · 7 years
I wouldnt complain if someone wrote a smutty oneshot where fully-dressed Reyes in a leather jacket, jeans and black combat boots is sitting drinking a whiskey on ice in Scotts quarters and Scott walks over to him completely naked, strattles his lap and drinks the rest of his whiskey glass down with Reyes hands all over him and a long whiskey-flavored makeout session ensues
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elfroot-and-stars · 5 years
Distance (MReyder)
              Scott Ryder wondered if he’d bleed to death. He really, really hoped he’d bleed to death.
              Gunfire echoed around him as he forced his injured arm to lift his sniper rifle. He crouched on the rock he’d stationed himself on and took aim, gritting his teeth as he found a target and pulled the trigger.
              The recoil sent another wave of pain through his arm, and he looked at the bloodstain growing where the bullet had torn through his armor.
              “Kill me, you coward,” he hissed. Unfortunately, the blood just lazily spread its stain and he was forced to stay alive.
              “This sucks,” Scott announced to the dead bodies surrounding him on the ground as he took aim again. He pushed the pain of his arm to the back of his mind as he fired off a few more shots, clearing the Roekaar closing in on his team. Cora and Liam took out the rest of them, and Scott lowered his gun in relief. Maybe now he could go back to the Tempest and take a damn shower.
              But he was Scott Ryder, and god forbid he ever get a damn break.
              Scott heard the familiar sound of footsteps and tried to throw himself out of the way. The Wraith materialized and slammed into him, snarling and snapping at him. The awkward angle sent Scott flying off his perch and slamming into the ground, rolling a little with the force of the hit. He scrambled for his gun, but his bad arm wasn’t cooperating, just a useless lump of pain hanging limply.
              He heard gunshots and the very unpleasant noises a dying Wraith made. He groaned and dropped his head against the ground, wishing yet again that he’d just bled to death.
              “Still alive?” Cora asked as she crouched next to him.
              “Unfortunately. Get me a shower or get me a bullet in my head immediately,” Scott said.
              Cora put her arms under him and hauled him to his feet. “We’ll get you to the medbay. Liam and I can explore the camp and see if we find anything.”
              They’d been tracking a band of Roekaar who had stolen Initiative technology from scouts they’d murdered. That led to several days of creeping around Havarl trying to find their hideout, and the eventual gunfight. Scott had been shot in the arm after their enemies realized someone was picking them off from a distance.
              “SAM, radio the Tempest for an extraction. Send Vetra out in my place to help them go through the camp,” Scott instructed, taking a seat on the rock.
              It would feel good to get back to the Tempest. They’d been camping out on Havarl, and Scott was sick of nature.
              It was a few minutes before the Tempest came for them, and Scott found himself in the familiar confines of the medbay. Lexi finished wrapping his arm and surveyed him for any other injuries.
              “You’ll be fine to go back out whenever you want. I do recommend you get some rest for tonight, though,” she said. “And a shower. Please take a shower.”
              “Let me go wash the moss off my ass,” Scott said, standing up. “Hot water and a warm bed are all I need right now. If the galaxy is in danger, call someone else.”
              “Don’t get those bandages wet, Ryder,” Lexi called after him as he left.
              He showered, standing under the warm spray of water far longer than was necessary. Exhaustion was creeping up on him and he couldn’t wait to sleep. There was something he had to do first, though.
              He stepped out of the shower and pulled on sweatpants and a T-shirt, dragging himself into his room and collapsing on his bed. It was so soft and warm, he was tempted to fall asleep right then and there.
              “SAM,” he said, forcing his eyes open. “SAM, call Reyes before I pass out.”
              “Yes, Pathfinder,” SAM said.
              Scott brought his omni-tool close to his face, then wondered what time it actually was. For all he knew, Reyes was asleep.
              But then a familiar voice came from the omni-tool. “Still alive, Ryder?”
              “Still alive,” Scott confirmed, fighting back a yawn. “Did I wake you up?”
              “It sounds like I woke you up,” Reyes said. “You’re the one who called me, and I’m the one who has to feel guilty.”
              “Yea, sorry, it’s just been a while since I talked to you,” Scott said. “We got caught up running around on Havarl. Not much time for personal calls.”
              “Busy on my end as well. Not as busy as you, I’m sure. Still in one piece?” Reyes said. Scott had learned to detect that faint hint of concern lurking below the joking tone of his voice whenever Reyes asked that.
              “I got shot in the arm and tackled by a Wraith. Business as usual,” Scott said.
              He felt absolutely exhausted, and keeping his eyes open was a battle. But it’d been so long since he’d last spoken to Reyes. He hadn’t realized how much he missed the other man until he heard his voice.
              Reyes sat in his room, pushing aside the overwhelming amount of work he had to do. It’d been too long since he and Scott got a chance to speak.
              Scott rubbed at his eyes, his mind shutting down and making it hard to dig up conversation. “How’s the outpost doing?”
              “Well protected by a certain Charlatan. I’ve heard rumors about a few good ways to thank him for his services,” Reyes teased.
              Scott cracked a smile. “I heard a rumor he likes it when you make out with him a storage closet.”
              “He’s very romantic,” Reyes said.
              “Oh, very,” Scott said. He bit his lip. “Reyes, it might be a while longer until-”
              “I know, Scott,” Reyes said. He hated it, but he understood it. They were grown men with massive responsibilities. “You don’t have to rush back here. As appreciated as that would be, I’m well aware the galaxy and the Initiative come first to you.”
              “That’s not it,” Scott said. “It’s not- You’re important, too. But people die if I don’t do my job.”
              “You don’t have to explain it to me. You just have to relax and have a few drinks with me when things settle down enough,” Reyes said. “Also make out with me in a storage closet.”
              “I can pencil that in to my schedule. Just let me settle this whole Roekaar thing and some issues on the Nexus,” Scott said. His head hurt at the thought of how much he had to take care of before he could return to Reyes.
              But he knew Reyes would be waiting for him, just like always. A smirk on his face but his eyes soft with affection whenever Scott could make it back to him. A sarcastic comment and a tight embrace.
              “I miss you.” The words left his mouth before they registered in Scott’s brain.
              It was silent for a moment. “I know, Scott. Believe me, I know.”
              Reyes couldn’t put into words how much he missed Scott. He wasn’t sure how to say it without it sounding selfish.
              Scott couldn’t stay awake any longer and he knew it. “Tell me what I’ve missed since I’ve been gone.”
              Reyes could hear the exhaustion in his voice. “Well, you’ve certainly missed a lot. Hm, where to start?”
              He began telling the story of the last band of smugglers he’d had to hunt down for messing with some of his cargo. He listened hard, hearing the change in Scott’s breathing as he fell asleep. Even when Reyes was certain Scott was asleep, he finished his story, and didn’t hang up.
              He just listened to Scott’s even breathing as he slept. Reyes closed his eyes and tried to imagine Scott next to him, so mixed up on his days and nights that he just fell asleep at random times. Reyes smiled a little.
              It would take a while for them to be reunited, he knew that. But he also knew it would be worth it to hold the Pathfinder in his arms again.
I had to take a break from writing for a bit but I’m back now, so here’s a little warm up! You can check out more of my work on AO3 here! 
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Manifest Destiny: Stories In The Series
Master Navigation
All links are to AO3 SPOILER WARNING This is (probably?) the finalized posting order.
Black Holes & Revelations A Scott-Centric MReyder Retelling of MEA
Undisclosed Desires The Scott/Reyes Epilogue to BH&R
Sleeping With Ghosts The Scott/Vega Prequel to BH&R
Fools Can Be Kings The Reyes-Centric Companion Fic to BH&R
Not Yet Lost All Our Graces A Movie Night Inspired Post BH&R One-Shot
Not Enough To Say I'm Sorry A Sara & Liam BH&R Interlude
The Resolution A Scott/Reyes Ficlet
Keep It Together A Scott/Reyes Sequel to BH&R
A Siren In The Night A FemShep/Kaidan ME1 Fic
We Will Take No Blame A FemShep ME2 Fic, featuring Thane
A Starless Heaven Kaidan-Centric, set during ME2
Farther A Vega-Centric Sequel to SWG
Two Points for Honesty The Story of Vega Meeting Shepard
See This Burden Through A FemShep/Kaidan ME3 Fic
Ruby Falls Vega/Cortez in the background of ME3
Take Me Back To The Start A Vega-Centric Post ME3 Story
The Only Exception A Sara/Liam Sequel to BH&R
Soulmates Never Die A Vega Comes to Heleus Story
Supremacy A Reyes & Vega Story
Invincible The Series Finale
All Exits Look The Same Ryder Family Backstory
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
rules: give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words. Tagged by @missanniewhimsy
Most hits: Family, Familia, ‘Ohana. Buddie/McDanno Navyseal!buck. long fic with glacially slow burn. I’ve got five chapters left to yeet…. Hope to have done by spring 2024.
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Second most kudos: I Wasn’t Looking Until I Found You. Complete. Buddie Sentienl/Guide retelling of 2.01. One of my favorite tropes (sentinel/guide) and one of my favorite pieces. Complete, just shy of 30k.
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Third most comments: An Andromeda Tale, MReyder, retelling of Mass Effect Andromeda with a focus on Reyes’ backstory and how he and Scott eventually meet and then tangle their lives together. Space opera epic. Glacial slow burn (my specialty for long fics). I currently have the all-in-one version of this one hidden as I’m in a major overhaul/rewrite. To read the weekly-updating first section, read Arrival in Andromeda.
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Fourth most bookmarks: Sleepless in LA. Buddie rom-com a la Sleepless in Seattle. Takes a lot of inspiration from classic rom coms. This is possibly the coziest thing I’ve ever written. Complete at 73k.
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Fifth most words: Eddie Diaz Ain’t ‘Fraid of No Ghosts. Buddie Halloween fic for 2022. Written when my brain got stuck on the ghostbusters theme and Eddie’s consistent denial of the supernatural. 38k. Complete.
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Fewest words: Blackmail material. MReyder crack!fic. What it says on the tin. 334 words. Just barely beats out Hot Stuff (448 words) which is a BeckWatney Martian post-movie ficlet written because I got a certain disco song stuck in my brain on vacation.
No chapter art for either of these unfortunately.
Tagging (with no pressure) @outtoshatter @tkwritesdumbassassins @rosieposiepuddingnpie @westernlarch @whimsyswastry @quietborderline and anyone else who wants to play along.
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Arrival in Andromeda: Chapter Two
it’s still the weekend….
Title: Arrival in Andromeda: Chapter Two (Book One of An Andromeda Tale)
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: eventual MReyder for series. Reyes/OMC this first part.
Fic summary:
Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he wants for himself.
Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny.
What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
Chapter Summary:
Then: Reyes takes stock of the changes he’s experienced since arriving in Andromeda.
Now: Scott preps for his first mission.
Tags/warnings: epic space opera, scott and reyes are aged up slightly, not fully canon compliant, epic slow burn, reyes vidal backstory
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Read Chapter Two here on AO3
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
10 first lines challenge
tagged by @whimsyswastry and @quietborderline. Thanks for the tags lovelies. Tagging (with no pressure) @monsterrae1 @alyxmastershipper @tkwritesdumbassassins @outtoshatter @elisela @missanniewhimsy and anyone else who wants to play along.
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Afterthoughts (911 codas): He fucked up big time today.
An Andromeda Tale (Mass Effect Andromeda, MReyder) No one asked me what I wanted to do in life or if I wanted to do this.
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana (911/H50 Buddie, McDanno) The low brrrr noise of a phone on vibrate ringing was irritating as Steve had set his phone down unattended on the corner of Danny’s desk before leaving for a meeting with the governor about budgets and how 5-0 needed to at least make a show of pretending to have one.
Suspicions (Teen Wolf, Firefighter!Derek series) Noah had always had his suspicions.
The First Spectre (911/Mass Effect, eventual Buddie) Lieutenant Edmundo Diaz—known to his family as Eddie or everyone else as Lt Diaz or just Diaz—sat in the copilot’s chair on the bridge listening to Flight Lieutenant Han, aka Chimney, grumble about their newest mission orders.
Mana’olana (H50, McDanno) He doesn’t know what to do after Rachel dropped her bombs on him, obliterating any sense of purpose he had in his life.
Sleepless in LA (911, Buddie) They buried Shannon on a Tuesday—she’d died the previous Thursday.
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me (Wheel of Time, Cauthor) Doubt eats at him.
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal (Mass Effect/The Mummy (1999), MReyder) I am Anpu on the day of reckoning.
Fragments and Fractals (911, Buddie) Memory is a funny thing.
Pattern: run on sentences or short and sweet…. But i think i like to star with anchoring either an emotion or person immediately.
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Arrival in Andromeda, Chapter 1
I’m going to change to saturday as my anticipated posting day for the week. I’m still recovering from the work mess from the first week of July…
Title: Arrival in Andromeda, Chapter 1 (Book 1 of An Andromeda Tale)
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: series is eventual MReyder. There is Reyes/OMC in this part of the series.
Fic summary:
Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he wants for himself.
Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny.
What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
Chapter summary:
Then: Trouble is afoot on the Nexus
Now: The Ark Hyperion arrives in Heleus.
Tags/warnings: Scott and Reyes are aged up slightly here. Epic Space Opera with a slow burn romance between the two main POVs. Canon typical violence. Not exactly canon compliant where it suits the story. Alec Ryder’s A++ parenting, Scott has his body modified without his express permission. Biotic Scott Ryder. Competence is sexy.
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Read Chapter One here on AO3
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Writing Goals 2023
No specific word count goal.  The goal here is to finish at least one (perhaps two) of my longer wips and then clean up a bunch of other wips to clear the slate for new works. Let’s go with finishing 8 fics this year from this list. This is me putting out goalposts for myself (that hopefully I won’t have to move closer). Please note that word totals are for current chapters only and don’t reflect how much I have written past them. I often am nonlinear in how I write then have to fill-in between scenes. 
Year-to-date posted word count: 445,976 words (updated 01.01.2024)
Finished fics:
Fragments and Fractals, 911 one-shot, 6b speculation/coda to lightning strike, first time/get together Buddie with a side of canon whump, written in one go. (1,518 words) Published 04.03.2023.
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, Wheel of Time Cauthor reworking of Season 1. (35,895 words). Complete as of 22.03.2023.
Sleepless in LA, 911 holiday fic, Alternative Universe/Alternative first meetings. Complete as of 28.04.2023
Suspicions, a Teen Wolf Firefighter!Derek AU story, Sheriff Stilinski POV. Complete as of 20.05.2023
What are the Odds? 911 Buddie ABO kink fic that the muse went rabid on. Complete as of 18.09.2023
Bound by Blood, MReyder Spookyseason creature fic. Vampire/werewolf porn with plot. Complete as of 22.10.2023
Bradley the Damned. Generation Kill AU. Brad/Nate, Ray/Walt. Complete as of 31.10.2023
January writing goals:  priority works: 
Total words published this month: 13,939
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 9 SNAFU  (911, H50, NavySeal!Buck, SWAT) (9,904 words)—posted 22.01.2023
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, chapter VII, Reyes POV—94 words  (MReyder)
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, chapter IX Mat—2,041 words (Wheel of Time, Cauthor)—posted 26.01.2023
Mana’olana, Chapter 4, Steve POV—1,994 words (H50 McDanno, season 5 finale fix-it)—posted 26.01.2023
February writing goals: priority works:
Total words published this month: 28,831
Sleepless in LA (911) Valentine’s Day Fic 2023
Chapter 2 (4,782 words)—posted 6.02.2023
Chapter 3 (5,619 words)—posted 8.02.2023
Chapter 4 (3,131 words)—posted 11.02.2023
Chapter 5 (5,027 words)—posted 22.02.2023
Chapter 6 (5,522 words)—posted 23.02.2023
Chapter 7 (4,750 words)—posted 25.02.2023
March writing goals: priority works
Total words published this month: 32,314
Sleepless in LA (911 Valentine’s Day fic 2023–oh the shame….)
Chapter 8 (4,923 words) posted 07.03.2023
Chapter 9 (6,986 words) posted 30.03.2023
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me,
Chapter X (3,071 words) posted 18.03.2023
Chapter XI (4,246 words) posted 21.03.2023
Chapter XII (3,271 words) posted 22.03.2023
Epilogue (727 words) posted 22.03.2023 and COMPLETE
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal chapter VII, Reyes POV (2,947 words)—posted 11.03.2023
Fragments and Fractals, one-shot, Buddie, 6b speculation/coda (1518 words) posted 03.04.2023
The First Spectre, Eventual Buddie slow burn Mass Effect AU, Chapter One: A Milk Run? (4,625 words) posted 09.03.2023
April writing goals: priority works:
Total words posted this month: 33,989
Mana’olana, chapter 5 (3,550 words) —posted 29.04.2023
The First Spectre, Chapter Two: Eden Prime (1,865 words)
Sleepless in LA
Chapter 10 (4,925 words)—posted 02.04.2023
Chapter 11: (4,926 words)—posted 08.04.2023
Chapter 12: Valentine’s Day part 1 (3,343 words)—posted 16.04.2023
Chapter 13: Valentine’s Day part 2 (8,184 words)—posted 18.04.2023
Epilogue (9,061 words)—posted 28.04.2023
May writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 20,708
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, Chapter 10: FUBAR
Buck (3,430 words)—complete and edited 24.05.2023 ✔️
Steve (1,189 words)
Eddie (479 words)
Danny (4,529 words)—complete and edited 30.05.2023 ✔️
Suspicions, Firefighter!Derek verse, one-shot, Sheriff Stillinski (14,764 words)—posted 20.05.2023
Bradley the Damned, Generation Kill AU, BradNate, RayWalt, WIP Big Bang fic
IV (1,365 words)
The First Spectre, Chapter Two: Eden Prime, Part 1 (5,944 words) (april hangover writing)—posted 13.05.2023
June writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 16,143 words
Bradley the Damned, WIP Big Bang fic
IV (2,704 words)—first draft done 11.06.2023 ✔️
V (5,866 words)—first draft done 12.06.2023 ✔️
VI (4,564 words)—first draft done 15.06.2023 ✔️
VII (4,887 words)—first draft done 18.06,2023✔️
VIII (2,485 words)—first draft done 18.06.2023✔️
IX (3,522 words)—first draft done 24.06.2023✔️
X (2,914 words)—first draft done 25.06.2023✔️
XI (2,463 words)—first draft done 29.06.2023✔️
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, chapter 10: FUBAR (hangover may chapter) (12,515 words)—posted 01.06.2023
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
1.01 (1,050 words)—posted 26.06.2023
1.02 Buck (1,127 words)—posted 29.06.2023
1.02 Athena (1,451 words)—posted 29.06.2023
July writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 41,633 words
Scintillation, July Rough Trade project—goal 25,000 words written in July. Sentinel/Guide, MCU. Tony Stark/James “Bucky” Barnes, Erik Killmonger/T’Challa, Tony Stark & Yinsen Ho, one-sided Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes. Not Steve Rogers friendly at first. Current WC: 24,953/25,000–SO CLOSE!!
Bradley the Damned, WIP Big Bang fic
XII (5,118 words)—first rough draft done 01.07.2023✔️
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book 1) (rewrite)
Prologue (4,129 words)—posted 07.07.2023
Chapter 1 (12,149 words)—posted 15.07.2023
Chapter 2 (6,563 words)—posted 23.07.2023
Chapter 3 (8,844 words)—posted 30.07.2023
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
1.03 Bobby (983 words) posted 03.07.2023
1.04 Hen (1,877 words) posted 7.07.2023
1.05 Karen (1,383 words) posted 08.07.2023
1.06 Bobby (981 words) posted 13.07.2023
1.07 Hen (433 words) posted 14.07.2023
1.08 Karen (1,010 words) posted 14.07.2023
1.09 Buck (595 words) posted 16.07.2023
1.10 Buck (795 words) posted 23.07.2023
2.01 Buck(881 words) posted 23.07.2023
2.02 Eddie (1,010 words) posted 23.07.2023
Words posted this month: 62,996
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book 1) (rewrite)
Chapter 4 (10,905 words) posted 08.08.2023
Chapter 5 (10,251 words) posted 12.08.2023
Chapter 6 (10,572 words) posted 19.08.2023
Chapter 7 (9,739 words) posted 27.08.2023
Bradley the Damned
Chapter IV (2,700 words) posted 08.08.2023
Chapter V (3,522 words) posted 14.08.2023
Chapter VI (5,866 words) posted 22.08.2023
Chapter VII (4,905 words) posted 29.08.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana Chapter 11
Buck (4,250 words) ✔️ rough draft done 08.09.2023
Eddie (2,457 words)✔️rough draft done 24.08.2023
Steve (3,465 words) ✔️ rough draft done 06.09.2023
Danny (2,511 words)
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
2.03 Karen (645 words) posted 02.08.2023
What are the Odds?
Chapter 1 (1,655 words) posted 21.08.2023
Chapter 2 (2236 words) posted 28.08.2023
Words posted this month: 77,257
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book ) (rewrite)
Chapter 8 (9,115 words) posted 04.09.2023
Chapter 9 (8,277 words) posted 10.09.2023
Chapter 10 (10,283 words) posted 27.09.2023
Chapter 11 (10,556 words) posted 30.09.2023
Bradley the Damned
Chapter VIII (4,887 words) posted 05.09.2023
Chapter IX (2,485 words) posted 12.09.2023
Chapter X (2,914 words) posted 18.09.2023
Chapter XI (2,463 words) posted 26.09.2023
Alley with a View (Buddie Spooky season 2023 fic)
Chapter 1 (3,174 words) posted 19.09.2023
What are the Odds?
Chapter 3 (2285 words)
Chapter 4 (1897 words) posted 13.09.2023
Chapter 5 (3296 words) posted 17.09.2023–complete
Afterthoughts,a 911 rewatch collection of codas
2.04 Eddie (1,286 words) posted 05.09.2023
2.05 Athena (1,042 words) posted 06.09.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 11: Proof of life (13,297 words) posted 08.09.2023
**update 20/10/2023–cutting expectations for the month due to job search/negotiations creating a black hole of a time suck
Words posted this month: 36,311
Bound by Blood (3,678 words) posted 22.10.2023–COMPLETE
Bradley the Damned
Chapter XII (5,118 words) posted 02.10.2023
Chapter XIII (3.687 words) posted 15.10.2023
Chapter XIV (3,338 words) posted 20.10.2023
Chapter XV (4,877 words) posted 23.10.2023
Chapter XVI/epilogue (2,390 words) posted 31.10.2023
Arrival in Andromeda
Chapter 12 (8,762 words) posted 01.10.2023
Scintillation—chapter 1 (4,461 words) posted 01.10.2023
Words posted this month: 6,720
Choices and Regrets, NaNoWriMo/November Rough Trade. Goal 50k words. 911/Dark Matter (book) fusion/crossover. Buddie.
Current WC: 50,293/50,000
Chapter 1 (6,658 words) posted 05.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 2 (6,486 words) posted 07.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 3 (5,961 words) posted 10.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 4A(6,433words) posted 13.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 4B (3,136 words) posted 15.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 5 (7,880 words) posted 21.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 6 (6,188 words) posted 27.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 7(7,751 words) posted 30.11.2023 ☑️
Scintillation, chapter 2 (6720 words) posted 01.11.2023
Words posted this month: 75,135
Home Found (Big Moxie Q4 challenge—time travel), Eureka fix-it, Jack Carter/Nathan Stark
Chapter 1 (372 words) posted 01.12.2023
Chapter 2 (2,178 words) posted 15.12.2023
Chapter 3 (1,612 words) posted 16.12.2023
Chapter 4 (2,245 words) posted 17.12.2023
Chapter 5 (2,019 words)
Chapter 6 (2,890 words) posted 22.12.2023
Chapter 7 (3,304 words) posted 29.12.2023
Chapter 8
Arrival in Andromeda
Chapter 13 (11,061 words) posted 03.12.2023
Chapter 14 (11,753 words) posted 06.12.2023
Chapter 15 (13,383 words) posted 14.12.2023
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Scintillation, (4,814 words) Chapter 3 posted 01.12.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, chapter 12 (9,949 words)
Steve (4,541 words)—complete 24.12.2023
Buck (2,172 words)
Danny (2,144 words)—complete 30.12.2023
Eddie (901 words)
Choices and Regrets
Chapter 1: Are You Happy With Your Life? (6,922 words) posted 15.12.2023
Chapter 2: Cognitive Dissonance (6,527 words) posted 21.12.2023
Chapter 3: Distortions in the Mirror (6,055 words) posted 28.12.2023
All Works in Progress:
Mass Effect/Mass Effect Andromeda MReyder or MShenko
An Andromeda Tale
Reinventing Scott
Bound by Blood complete 22.10.2023
What Happens in Vegas, one shot
To Follow
The Marks We Leave on One Another
Your Guide to Andromeda, one shot
If I See You in My Dreams
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal
Sleepless in LA—complete 28.04.2023
Christmas for Cowboys (aka Christmas fic)
Alley with a View—aka Buddie Rear Window (Halloween 2023 fic)
A New Version of Foreplay
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana
The First Spectre (added March 2023)
An All Time High (added May 2023)
Choices and Regrets—November Rough Trade project (Added August 2023)
Teen Wolf/Sterek
To Catch a Fallen Star
Connie the Librarian one-shot (Firefighter Derek Verse)
Suspiscions—Sheriff Stilinski one-shot (Firefighter Derek Verse)—complete 20.05.2023
Generation Kill
Bradley the Damned complete 31.10.2023
Mayans MC
The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss
Cousin Harvey
Hawaii 5-0
Wheel of Time
Promise Me You Won’t let me—complete 22.03.2023
Scintillation—July Rough Trade. Tony/Bucky, T’Challa/Erik
Home Found—Big Moxie Q4 project (added 20.10.2023)
Reunion (added September 2023)
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
🗣 and ❌️
thanks for the ask!
❌ What WIP do you find the most challenging? why?
Currently my most challenging is def Sleepless in LA. I have like 3/4 of the end chapter written and I even (which is rare for me) vaguely wrote an outline of the remaining chapters structure. The problem is that Eddie is going on a terribly awkward date with Ana and I have zero desire to write it. It needs to happen because of the plot structure for the end of the fic but I just…. Have zero energy to write it at the moment.
Eventually… sometime this week… I’ll park myself at the coffee shop until it’s done and then it’ll probably be down hill from there. I just am going to have to be motivated enough to make it happen.
🗣️ Talk about your favorite WIP.
Favorite? Ugh. It’s like picking between my children (that I don’t have). Possibly FFO? It’s my most popular by a large stretch… but if I had to absolutely pick it’s probably my Mummy/Mass Effect AU Death, Rebirth and the Jackal that has a lot of random other elements thrown into it. Mostly I wanted an excuse to write an Mreyder egypt adventure semi-following the Mummy 1999 with… let’s call it borrowing of Moon Knight, a little American Gods and whatever else I find interesting at the time.
A small snippet from an upcoming flashback chapter:
He held out his own wrists, offering them to her.  “And mine?”
The pity in her eyes was answer enough. 
“I’m too late aren’t I?”
She nodded her head slowly, her hands coming to grasp the outside of his and thumbs resting over the pulse point and rubbing the drying blood into his skin.  “If you had been brought to us as a child…”
Alec looked away from her toward his son who slept fitfully, wrists bleeding still from the marks that had been cut into them.  For Scott it had to work. His son couldn’t bear this curse. the call of the desert was too strong of an influence. The need to run and howl, to be only half a man.  The thought of Scott being burdened like he was… he would do anything to prevent that. 
God forgive him for what he had done to his own son. 
“But for him?”
Her head bowed, gaze serious as they landed on the mop of chestnut hair arrayed like a halo around his son. “The binding will hold…”
“But for how long? He’ll live a normal life?” He pleads, desperate. 
Her lips press together firmly, but she doesn’t answer him. 
Also, I may have been making nifty chapter art instead of writing.
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Evil Author Day 2023
Actually participating this year—sorry no Sleepless in LA today.  It’s going to be the weekend before I get time to work on it. 
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Both are Mreyder:
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Title: Bound by Blood 
Rating: E
Pairing: Mryeder
Summary: After traveling to a new galaxy, Reyes wasn’t surprised to find that the same problems that existed in the Milky Way were brought along for the ride.You’d think after all these years he would know better
Tags/warnings: vampires. Werewolves. Evil Author Day. 
Read it here on AO3
Title: A Mage-Knight’s Tale (might eventually get re-named)
Rating: G for now
Pairing: eventual MReyder
Summary: Born with the wrong sort of gifts, Scott has long accepted his permanent semi-exile to the high mountain passes under the close watch of Lord Shepard. However, trouble is stirring in the Kett Empire and the road to war leads straight through Kadara and then to Hyperion. Tasked by his father, the Prince of Hyperion, he journeys into Kadara to keep the Empire at bay.
Read it here on AO3
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Messy Draft Monday
For @radio-chatter​, may they have a good writing week and their muse be cooperative. 
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Title: An Andromeda Tale, unknown Chapter
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: MReyder
Other tags/warnings: still technically a first draft. Has been languishing on a hard drive for two years.  Eventually we’re going to get to this bit and I’ll edit it a bit and fix the POV issues 
The panicked look in Reyes’ eyes at the approaching woman’s voice goaded Scott to act. “Just go with it,” he whispered loudly before leaning in and smashing his mouth to Reyes’ with a muffled “umph” from Reyes. 
It wasn’t a good kiss—awkward, teeth and noses bumping into each other due to the force with which Scott pushed into Reyes who had gone rigidly still between him and the stacked containers. 
Well—it wasn’t for the two seconds it took for Reyes to get with the program.
Because when Reyes got with the program?  Scott’s world tilted sideways and he lost the plot somewhere between when Reyes’ mouth parted and he took control by kissing Scott back making his brain go fuzzy and offline.  Even SAM’s constant presence frizzled out as he was overwhelmed by sensory input.  
Reyes’ lips were soft and supple as they pressed against his. Strong arms slipped around Scott’s waist and pulled their bodies closer to align from knee to shoulder and took his weight as he pressed into the firm muscles underneath. A small moan embarrassingly slipped out as Reyes’ agile tongue threaded into his mouth and laid claim, the faint taste of whiskey and something that his brain labeled ‘Reyes’ was sweet on his breath and instantly addicting with one taste.
Scott had contemplated what kind of kisser Reyes was and he, belatedly, came to the conclusion that he had drastically underestimated the other man. Because woah. Reyes Vidal could fucking kiss. 
It was probably the best kiss Scott had ever had.... and it was all a diversion.
Shit. Shit. Shit.  
That whole conversation he’d had with SAM the other day?  The AI’s conclusions had been spot on.  Scott was a fucking idiot who’d been lying to himself from the moment he’d first laid eyes on the smooth Resistance agent with a terrible pickup line and who stiffed him with the bar bill. 
He, Scott Ryder, was in way too deep. 
>>insert more of Scott’s POV<<
He was unsteady on his feet for the first few steps taken reflexively after Scott who’d pulled away as if scalded once they were in the clear. The embarrassed ducking of the head as he’d pulled away from their shared embrace made Reyes want to chase after Scott, pull him back and find the right words to discuss what had just happened. 
Instead, he did what he should do.  Because Keema was going to kill him if he got pinched back here where he wasn’t supposed to be. 
Clearing his throat, he gestured towards the door.  Scott’s eyes met his by accident and the crystal blue eyes were a deep, startlingly sapphire blue in the dim light of the storage room and too vulnerable, cutting through Reyes’ jumbled thoughts and settling something internally that he didn’t have a name for in his chest.  Scott was obviously also feeling out of sorts by the physical heat between them that his gamble of a diversion had been. 
Scott wasn’t unaffected by kissing him.
Huh. That was very interesting. 
So very, very interesting. 
Awkwardly clearing his throat, Reyes took another step before he remembered what he’d been looking for as his eyes landed on the numbers on the crate next to Scott’s left ear.  Holding up one hand he muttered, “One moment.”
He didn’t miss the noise Scott made in the back of his throat when he took the three steps to close the distance between them but then stepped around him. Reyes wanted to turn and push Scott back into the solid surface behind him but he knew that staying here would be a very bad and potentially dangerous decision. 
Besides—he had treasure to liberate from Sloane Kelly’s clutches.  And he knew just who he wanted to share it with.
If Scott was willing of course. 
Prying open the crate, he swore under his breath at the effort. The stubborn crate finally gave way and he pawed through the careful packing to reveal bottles nested within.  As listed on the manifest, there was one bottle in particular that he’d been hunting for since he’d realized it existed. Tilting the bottles towards the light to read the label, his fingers touched the cool glass that glinted in the light as the contents swirled in the full bottle. 
The familiar logo made him smile. He’d found his treasure. 
Looking up, he let the smile widen into a grin.  The perplexed look on Scott’s face made him heft the bottle protectively and hide it under his jacket. “Found it.”
“Found what?” Scott frowned, brow lowering in a cute pout of confusion. It was terribly endearing and soft. Adorable even. 
“I’ll show you.  Let’s get out of here.”  There was an extra bounce in his step as Reyes put his hand at the small of Scott’s back and guided him towards the door.  Scott didn’t make any further protest but he leaned into the touch, eyes continuing to flick back and forth between where they were going and Reyes’ face.   It was difficult but somehow Reyes resisted the urge to catch and hold Scott’s gaze. 
He knew just where to take Scott—he needed to make up for being a terrible date thus far.  Reyes had promised Scott a night out and this was still salvageable.  He knew that Scott enjoyed the holovids he’d sent. 
Leaving the party, Reyes was careful to avoid being stopped by anyone who wanted to talk to either him or Scott—and there were more than a few. He did catch Keema’s eyes over the smoke from her cigarette and the knowing look she aimed at Scott made him hurry their steps.  Keema was going to want to have words about this later but it’d have to wait.  
Scott humored him, giving a few nods to people who greeted him but otherwise heading determinedly for the exit. The smirk that the Outcast guard gave Reyes was filthy looking and Reyes lifted his chin in challenge which made the turian’s mandibles flare even further in amusement. 
“Have fun little smuggler—don’t fuck him so hard he can’t save us all,” was the cat call after them.  The cackling was just insulting. Scott was more than just some savior and if the asshole couldn’t see him as a person...
Reyes stopped that line of thought abruptly.  He was getting out of line. Giving a rude gesture behind Scott’s back as they walked away, it didn’t escape his date’s notice. Scott choked and began laughing, his eyes dancing as they met Reyes. “Fuck off,” Reyes yelled back at the turian, walking fast down the corridor.
“Follow me?” Reyes asked when they were out of sight and earshot. 
The curve of Scott’s lips as he smiled was private. “Anywhere.  Lead on.”
Reyes’ heart may have skipped in his heart.  Scott didn’t know what he was saying but it was... well. Having a stern talking to with his inner thoughts that were a bit too mushy, Reyes led Scott deeper into the maze of the inner port.  His time exploring and memorizing the layout being put to good use.  The soft sound of Scott’s footfalls behind him telling him he was following was comforting and oddly reassuring. 
Scott hadn’t meant what he’d said—couldn’t really given he didn’t know everything about who Reyes was—but it was making Reyes struggle to not stumble as he led Scott. He’d promised Keema that he’d solidify his friendship ties with Scott to further their mutual goals. her remarks about how much he liked Scott were not important right now. If Scott viewed him positively then when they made their move to take over the port it would hopefully make Scott more willing to ally with them given how tenuous his ties were to the Outcasts. 
This was political.  Reyes had to remind himself that being in good standing with Scott was important for political reasons—and maybe some personal feelings he couldn’t really give into. 
Taking the next left up a set of stairs, he began to climb towards his favorite thinking spot that he’d found when he’d been avoiding making decisions. Scott followed silently, content to wait until they reached their destination.  As they ascended higher, Reyes found himself linking his hand with Scott to help pull him up the final ladder.
Clambering up the ladder to the roof, Reyes guided Scott by their clasped hands around the various vents and pipes towards the one spot he’d found a few weeks ago that gave the best view of the sunset above the port lights, protected from the noise due to the cliffs that rose at their back. Scott followed him, laughing and grumbling good-naturedly as he navigated the rooftop maze. Reaching the small, hidden area, he dropped Scott’s hand so he could slide down a vent and sat with his boots propped up on the sill, the slope of the roof creating a natural recliner in which to watch the stars come out. 
He carefully removed the precious bottle of whiskey from where he’d stashed it under his coat. The label was real paper, the color faced with age but still legible. Mount Milgrom, triple distilled. Six hundred and forty five year old treasure that had somehow made it all the way here intact. 
Scott joined him shortly, stretching his long legs out alongside Reyes as he reclined with a sigh. “I can see why you picked this spot.  Great view,” Scott observed as he leant forward, his eyes reflecting the lights of the port below them as they slowly ignited with the fading sunlight.
“I find the light... it touches the edges and blurs them. Makes them cleaner. Fresher. Gives me hope in the dying light of the sun and then the neon colors paint the sky in a pattern I cannot begin to describe... other than it is something that I would like to share with a fellow star gazer.” Rather than continue to stare at Scott as he had been, who practically glowed in the golden red light of the sunset, he pulled his knife and wedged it under the seal of the bottleneck. The soft wax gave way easily and he was able to twist out the cork with one good wrench of the wrist causing a popping sound.  
“It’s beautiful,” Scott admitted, tone wistful as he took the proffered bottle, thumb toying with the edge of the label. “You’re not going to take the first taste?”
Reyes ducked his head and not meeting Scott’s earnest gaze, biting his lips. “I’m sorry I left you by yourself for so long.”
Scott knocked their knees against one another, the light touch making Reyes look up.  Scott’s features were slackened in relaxation, a small smile stretching just the corners of the lips up as the bottom was moistened by a swipe of bright pink tongue. Really looking at his almost abandoned date, Reyes internally kicked himself again for not sticking by Scott’s side and ignoring his other goals. Scott had made an effort for him, jawline shaved and scrubbed clean of whiskers, hair neatly gelled but becoming wind blown from the light breeze that was present this high up no matter how sheltered their spot was. He could just make out a smattering of barely visible freckles across the straight bridge of the nose. 
He wanted to kiss them. 
Each one to see if there was any difference. 
To kiss them like he meant it, not just as a convenient distraction so they wouldn’t be caught where they shouldn’t be. 
instead, he cleared his throat and looked out over the port. In just a few minutes the sky had started it’s fade towards twilight. The bright golden light of the sun so low as it touched the far peaks on the other side of the valley in which the port sat to the fading orange, red, pinks and purple with the first streaks of dark blue bunched out by the first evening stars appearing overhead. The few clouds were low and thin, grey and purple outlined in brilliant liquid gold. There was the scent of rain on the wind but it was faint, a tease that cleansed any scent that might have wafted over from the docks. 
“I’ll let you have the first sip,” he managed, his voice dropping into a husky whisper as his eyes met Scott’s again and caught. 
He’d been wrong when he’d told Keema he didn’t know what to do with Scott. 
So wrong. 
He knew exactly what he wanted to do—he just knew that there was no way that it could possibly work out just how he hoped. Scott was too good a man to be tied down to just Kadara. Just him. Too important to too many people. Pulled in so many directions and unable to say no to the duties he hadn’t asked for but did his damndest to complete. 
Scott was the best man he’d ever met. 
No matter how much he might wish and bargain—their time was limited together. There would soon be another emergency, a disaster, that would pull Scott away from him. Away from Kadara. And maybe he’d be back but it wouldn’t be to stay. 
Scott wouldn’t be able to stay. 
No matter how much Reyes wanted to ask him to. Wanted him to. 
He would need to make the most of what he could. Treasure it in his memory and hope that his heart survived the fallout. 
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Morning writing
Getting a few words down before work.  Chapter isn’t done but it’s getting there finally….
From: Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, Chapter VII: Reyes POV, tentatively titled At Odds
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda, The Mummy 1999
Pairing: Eventual MReyder
Tags/warnings: first draft, flashback, Zia should be a warning right??
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A few years ago… in Hamunaptra
Reyes ordered his soldiers to hold steady, and miraculously they did. His men hadn't slept in days because of whatever malicious and hungry spirit slept beneath their feet, and they'd run out of water hours ago. So parched and on edge, they now faced a Tuareg army that had them hemmed in on all sides and pinned them with the cursed city at their backs. If they stayed—they died of dehydration. If they fought… well, a few of them might get through. 
He had no delusions about the odds of survival, but he had to try. They were his men, his legionnaires. 
Zia, one of the few female soldiers in the legion, crouched next to him. When she'd joined his unit, he'd pegged her immediately as a woman hiding as a man and confronted her privately. She had told him to go fuck himself, she was a soldier of fortune, and he'd respected that which had surprised her. He'd later found out that she'd been robbing churches and synagogues, and the authorities had sentenced her to join the legion, which she'd then enjoyed enough to stay as long as the pickings were rich enough. His learning of her secrets had led to an odd sort of trust, and they'd even had a relationship of sorts up to the point when the map had been found that led them across these cursed sands to the fabled City of Treasure. 
His men—and especially Zia with her sticky fingers—had not listened to his cautions and insisted upon following the map. Reyes had known with each step that there was something in this city that made the pull within him worse. Hamunaptra called him like a siren luring the sailors to their deaths upon the rocks. It sang a sweet, taunting melody in his sleep, telling him he belonged here. It was his home, and the man of his dreams visited him every night, even when he lay with Zia, telling him to come home until he could not stand her touch.  
Home. Ha.  
Hamunaptra was a death trap for his men. 
They'd lost two men the first night—one to a drunken fall off a cliff, but the other had disappeared into the half-covered buildings and was never found again, but the howls of the jackals said something had died that night. 
Oh, and the jackals. The jackals watched him from the shadows, their tongues lolling out of their mouths, occasionally letting out an excited howl or yip and eyes bright with intelligence that he'd never seen in another canine and tails wagging. They never approached if he was with Zia or anyone else, but he'd dared walk alone two nights ago, and an entire pack had come out to meet him like a pack of hounds to their master. Eager noses pushing forward for a stroke or pet, nipping at each other to make room to get closer to him. Their fur had been soft under his hands, and if he had not returned to camp, he knew they would have curled around him protectively while he slept and kept guard. They were wild wolves but as tame as a pampered lapdog in his hands.
  Reyes shook his head to clear it. His thirst was beginning to make him hallucinate in the punishing heat. He was still sweating, but it wouldn't be long before he'd have none to give, and heatstroke took over.  
The Tuaregs were mounted in a line and advancing. Their horses spurred into a gallop as they charged. "Steady!" He yelled. They had the advantage of modern weapons, but if they shot too soon….
Zia, sighting down her rifle, muttered to him, "Why can't we just surrender again?" But he ignores her grumbling. Surrendering would mean all of them would be slaughtered. They'd violated Tuareg territory and been followed east as they crossed the desert. It had been foolish to think that the city would protect them. The city that whispered and claimed him was no place for his men or the living.  
"Wait for it!" He ordered, waiting until they were only a hundred paces out when the ground rose slightly. If the horses stumbled and the front fell, those behind would be upon them and unable to avoid the mess, allowing for a second volley. 
The charge was within his targeted range. "Now!" Reyes commanded and shot his rifle, taking out a robed man directly in front of him before the recoil of his rifle had finished. He cleared the cartridge with a quick, practiced snap and reloaded as his men did the same. The Tuareg front line had thinned, and there had been some secondary stumbling, but they were still thundering down upon them with shrill screams of ooo-ooh-Ohloong that were terrifying in the deafening noise, the sun glinting off scimitars raised to strike like steel bolts of lightning.
They manage to get off a second volley, but then the charge is upon them, like a tsunami with sharp edges crashing into them. The noise is terrible, guns going off, screams of horses and men dying, war cries, and underneath it, the sound of dead bodies hitting the sand with soft whumps and the dying gasp for air as hooves trample those caught beneath. Reyes is in the middle of the fray, shooting until he is out of ammunition, and then he uses his rifle as a club until it is cut to pieces by the slash of a sword.  
The strategic line they'd been holding is gone. Around him is chaos, and his men are being cut to pieces by the enraged Tuaregs. Cries of 'die trespasser' echo with other epithets and stranger curses. Zia is gone. She ran after the first volley, her first instinct always to protect herself and others be damned.  
Drawing his pistol, he shoots and runs for higher ground. There's no one to save now, and his men that are not running are either dying or dead. The sands are slick with blood and other body fluids, making him slip as he fights his way free. He takes a shot to the right shoulder but keeps going.  
He does an inelegant dance with a Tuareg that ends with a sword through his abdomen, but he knows from experience that it won't stop him, so he grips the blade's hilt so it can't be pulled out. The Tuareg man doesn't know what to do and yanks ineffectually to free his sword, while Reyes takes the knife from his boot and stabs him in the eye, killing the Tuareg instantly.  
As the dead man sags to the ground, Reyes yanks the sword free and screams at the pain. Holding one hand over the gushing wound, he stumbles to the closest sand-buried building and hides in the shadows, sword clutched in his other fist. He can feel his flesh knitting back together, his cursed gift working faster here than anywhere else. 
The battle is over quickly. The carnage spread out in front of the city like an offering. The Tuaregs are efficient, swords slashing down to make sure each legionnaire is dead methodically before mounting their horses and withdrawing. They have no interest in entering the city, which verifies Reyes' suspicion that they are wary of whatever stirs beneath his feet. He can feel its hunger and knows it is waiting for the sunset to claim the bodies left to it. 
By tomorrow, there will be few traces of the battle remaining. The sacrifice consumed. 
He sees his chance just as the sun begins to set, and he stumbles out of his hiding place. Reyes cannot stay here, the rumbling excitement beneath his feet itches at his brain like a conversation heard at a distance in a language he doesn't quite remember, and it scares him that he will lose his sanity if he remains. 
One stumbling step becomes two and then three, his legs firming up as he gains strength. The first wind of the night hits his nostrils, and there's a cleanness to it that belies the carnage around him. The howl of a jackal announces that they are beginning their hunt, and he gains speed, running. Above him on the ridge, he notices a pair of Tuaregs on horseback. They are watching him but make no attempt to stop him, so he keeps going into the safety of the desert with a pack of jackals on his heels, their calls asking for him to join them in their hunt.
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