#ever sent a text or rode in a car
putellas14 · 1 year
Mapi- "Go to sleep, I will not leave you alone."
content warning: R is a war time reporter assigned to Ukraine
It had been five months since you'd been home. Your job as a journalist for one of the largest news outlets in Spain had sent you to Ukraine to cover the war. The assignment wasn't officially over but they were pulling you out over growing safety concerns. Although you were desperately scared, you didn't want to go home yet. There was still so much news to cover and if you went home, then no one from Spain would be left there to report on what was happening.
They had arranged transport for you the day after notifying you. Which had left you very little time to finish documenting everything you needed for the story you were writing. You worked all night, meeting with different officials and witnesses. And by the morning, you felt mildly confident that you had enough information to write your next piece.
You knew it was nowhere near sufficient, though. All the Ukranian people would be left behind with no option to evacuate with you. And that was something that had begun causing you heartache as soon as you'd read the email you were going home.
The plane ride home was one of the longest flights you'd ever been on. Everyone was completely silent, lost in their own heads processing the last five months and trying to figure out what comes next. Processing how they would return to normal life.
Your team rode in a bus to the office. It was the middle of the work day but your boss had told you all to go home and get some rest.
Your heart started beating a little faster when you saw the familiar car in the lot. And the brunette leaning back against it, arms folded. You'd texted Maria this morning to let her know you'd made it on the plane and you'd see her at home after her training was over. Frowning, you looked down at yourself. Your clothes were wrinkled and hadn't been washed in a few days. You hair was an absolute mess. You smelled slightly from the flight.
But when she spotted you through the window of the bus and smiled brightly up at you, none of that mattered. You waited impatiently to get off the bus. Crossing to her quickly, you collapsed against her, your arms tight around her neck.
"Welcome home, my love," she whispered into your neck.
"I missed you," you said before kissing her. Leaning back, you ran a hand through her hair. "I like your hair."
"Let's get you home," she added. She kissed your cheek before bending down for your bag.
At home, you ate a snack, marveling at how amazing it tasted before passing out on the bed. In month two, your hotel had been bombed and since then, you'd been sleeping on a broken cot in a crowded basement with a bunch of other reporters, never sure when your next substantial meal would come.
It was dark outside when you awoke. Maria had laid a sweater at the foot of the bed for you. Smiling at it, you pulled it on, appreciating her thoughtfulness. It was something small but it meant a lot to you.
You found her in the living room, playing with one of the three cats the two of you had adopted last year. "He's gotten so big," you said after watching her from the doorway for a minute.
She looked up at you, smiling. "How was your sleep?" She held her hand out to you.
"Weird to sleep in a bed," you answered, crossing the room to take her hand and sit down on the floor. "It's going to take some getting used to." The black cat crawled up into your lap. "Hola, mi gordito," you whispered, giving him pets.
"They missed you. They'd wait at the front door after I came in, hoping you'd come in behind me."
"That's really sweet," you said. Leaning down, you kissed the top of the cat's head. You snuggled him close for a few minutes before he jumped out of her arms to curl at your feet.
Mapi watched the entire interaction with soft eyes. She'd missed you. Your presence. Your scent. Your loving nature. Even with all the cats, the house had seemed empty. Clearing her throat, she said, "I've got the potatoes boiling. Figured I'd make your favorites for dinner. Probably been a while since you've eaten any of them."
"Thank you, amor."
"I was thinking about getting a run in before we eat. Do you want to come?"
You felt awful but a run would help. You couldn't remember the last time you had been on a run for exercise. Your boss had essentially forbidden leaving for anything non-work related. "I might be a little slow to keep up with you," you admitted shyly.
"You set the pace, babe," she said, reaching over to take your hand. "I'll run with you."
You squeezed her hand and gave her a small smile, grateful to have someone next to you that was as sweet as Maria. And she was true to her word. During the run if her stride starting getting too long, she pulled herself back. She always let you lead.
And in the shower afterwards, she let you lead the slow dance to relearn each other's bodies.
You were quiet through dinner, Mapi knew it. But she filled the space. She let you be as quiet as you needed to be. She gave you everything that you needed that night. She held you on the couch afterwards, running her hands slowly through your hair. The tv was on low in the corner. She whispered sweet words in your ears and made sure you knew how missed you had been. Your emotions got the better of you at one point and tears had filled your eyes. You tried to hide them but she saw and gave you soft kisses in response.
Everything was fine until it was time for bed. Until you laid down in bed and she turned out the light. The dark. The dark was the worst time over there. During the day, you could see. More people were around. At night, it was dark. You were alone. Even in a roomful of people, you were alone.
You were shaking when she got into bed. "Babe." She touched your arm. "What's the matter?"
"I." You grabbed onto her hand. "Can you just hold me?" She laid down, putting her arm around your waist. "Tighter. I need to feel you here."
She pulled you closer to her, keeping a hard grip on you. "Go to sleep, baby. I won't leave you alone." She kissed the top of your head and snuggled into you. "I love you."
"Love you," you muttered into her, slowly relaxing into sleep.
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I hate the idea of “modernized” adaptations.. if anything we should do the opposite.. take a popular show from 2015 and remake it set in the 1850s or 1400s or something.. it’s about the COSTUMES, it’s about the settings...!! i see fucking iphones and skinny jeans and mcdonalds and automobiles every day of my life.. it’s boring!!!! WHERE are the people in long velvet cloaks.. the elaborate architecture.. the showcase of previously forgotten technology and culture relevant to the time period.... 
#I can't think of a single show that I wouldn't like MORE if it were set in either a historical or a fantasy world#(so long as it had an actual budget and the 'historical fashion' wasn't like.. a prom dress from JC penny or something)#even reality tv shows#I would love a mockumentary style fake 'reality tv' (since it's actually actors doing improv not real people) version of like#bad girls club set in the 1600s or like in a fantasy setting ghvghvgfh#NOTHING.. NOTHING can not be improved by simply setting it in a time and place that is not our own#n o t h i n g#and EVERYTHING can be made worse by setting it in modern times#i have had ENOUGH of modern times.. i fucking LIVE here#let's see something else for a change PLEASE#I don't want to hear a character talk about TikTok... they should be talking about Telegram or Treacherous Magic Portal#Of Communication.#All characters are instantly made better with the knowledge that jeff bezos does not exist to them and none of them have#ever sent a text or rode in a car#(single exception is like 1890s-1910s automobiles that look funny and ONLY if they're a very minor part of the setting OR in a fantasy world#(like.. orcs that actually have cars but it's that type of car gjbjhhj... I like the idea of elevanting fantasy technology in a world#beyond the typical like weird medieval sort of vibes  where some groups DO have tech similar to the real world but just older or worse#or weirder versions. elves have basic telegrams and are figuring out glass plate photography. vampires are trying to master#flight at the moment and they keep failing and just sending people off the edge of cliffs to explode. etc. etc. ghbhjb)#ANYWAY .. you get what i mean ghbhj#I'm still trying to go through every media I've ever watched and think if any of them would be worse set in a historical or fantasy#world and I can't think of any.. ultimate improvement tool (again. with the assumption that it's actually handled WELL with a thought out#researched world and decent budget. etc.)#*watching masterchef or something completely average* wow what if everyone was in baroque costumes instead.. this would be better#somehow.. surely the cooking would be improved
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spidxysense · 3 years
Back to You | 14
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader x Timothee Chalamet
A/N: Yay I updated! I hope you guys like this one, I was stuck for a bit there but once I sat down and got to typing, I really finished it in one sitting. I was just planning on updating it bit by bit lol. Let me know what you guys think, Love you!!!!!!
Word count: 2,591
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
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In a few short months of your movie premier with Timothee, you were finally able to release your double-release album, and the response was massive, to say the least. You'd been getting calls from different show hosts' upcoming awarding ceremonies. Still, you couldn't for life in you accept, all except for the Oscars, which your manager told you was a must since you'd be attending in the first place anyway and that performing at the Oscars was a big deal given that you also starred in films and shows.
You turned in bed, facing Timothee's sleeping face. He had been in town for a week now, back on a break from filming in Hungary. Then he'd be back to film in England in a couple of weeks. After your talk on your premiere night, it was to an agreement that whatever you had going on was just two people exploring and experiencing things with someone they had strong feelings for. There wasn't a need for a media circus to cover anything about you two except your movie.
You move his arm, placed it over your waist, and sit up slowly in bed, making sure not to stir Timothee. The jetlag must be shit. You stretched your arms in front of you, glancing at the clock that read 2:07 AM. You get up, grabbing Timothee's white shirt from the floor, and, putting it on, walking over to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, touching some of the reddening parts of your neck courtesy of Timothee, and then you notice the toothbrushes… there were two. From this single thing alone, it had you catching everything about the bathroom, how there were two towels, one black, and one violet, which just so happened to be your favorite color.
You walked over to the nightstand beside the bed, putting on your skinny jeans, turning on the lamp, and noticing his wallet. Inside was a picture of you. Opening the closet doors, the ones hung up were various suits, jackets, and even dresses you've worn to events. Why didn't he just send these back? Why would he let you keep your stuff in his house?
You drag your feet downstairs, noticing small details you'd been blind to before, like the large dog bed positioned by the door despite Timothee telling you he could only ever get himself to take care of a tiny dog. You noticed the colored mugs and bowls, a deep dull navy blue color, the same as the ones in your house. Suddenly, everything feels as if it's moving too fast. You both agreed there was no relationship, and there was attraction, but why does his home feel like it's become yours as well?
You sit down, taking a few deep breaths before deciding to stand up and grab your cardigan from the coathanger, opening the front door and closing it behind you as you waited for a taxi to bring you to the more active part of the city at night.
You just couldn't deal with a relationship right now. You couldn't let your heart get broken again, so you have to find ways to distract yourself.
The car stops in front of you, driving off into the night and dropping you off by a club that Troye agreed to meet you at.
You and Timothee had an attraction, but you both agreed there was no label; ergo, there was no intimate relationship even though you both have done everything together. No boyfriend means you were free to do whatever you wanted without worrying about him. But if you were honest with yourself, this was more of you suggesting something you already knew Timothee wasn't too keen on agreeing with but would just because he thought that having something with you was better than absolutely nothing. You saw Troye waiting out by the back entrance for you when he spotted you and called you over. Almost like clockwork, every time you snuck out away from Timothee, everything in you screamed to turn back, to clear your head, and for the first time, you listened.
You motioned for Troye to go ahead and sent him a text that you'd probably just head home because you weren't feeling well. He gave you a knowing look before looking like he finally approved of your actions and sent you a quick and short 'Good." text, and headed inside.
You walked around for a while after that. Soon it was already just about 5 in the morning, and even though you wouldn't let yourself come to any conclusion as to what you even wanted out of this almost relationship with Timothee, you still found yourself back at his front door.
You took out the keys in your pocket, slowly opening the door only to find Timothee sat on the couch, his knees up to his chest as he stared off into space, either deep in thought or trying to keep himself awake… maybe even both.
When he saw you enter, a soft smile formed on his face, and for some reason, that made you smile too.
"Hey, you." He spoke softly.
You sat down quietly next to him, instantly he set his feet on the ground and reached over to embrace you in a hug, the familiar scent of Timothee that never left you that evening even more evident… It felt and smelled familiar, and right now, while your mind was a mess, familiarity was what you needed.
Timothee lifted his head, worried, "Hey, are you alright?"
You sighed, "I don't want to hurt you."
He murmured quietly into your neck as he peppered kisses, "You could never."
You pulled away, feeling guilt in your bones, "Aren't you even a little bit frustrated that we've been like this for months? That even in private, we can't even say that we're in a relationship?"
You gave you a reassuring look, "We both wanted this Y/N."
You sat up, "Except we didn't… You didn't." You corrected yourself, "You're bringing your mother to the fucking Oscars next month because I told you we couldn't be seen together at carpets for Pete's sake."
You stood up, starting to pace back and forth, "We have to coordinate outfits for the sake of not matching, and we never go out because I can't be seen with you in fear that we're going to get found out. I'm a terrible fucking person, and I don't understand how you're so okay with this."
Timothee was grinning, sleep still in his eyes, "I'm okay with it because I love you, Y/N."
You froze in your spot, "You what?"
He nodded and got up, walking over to you. The blue light of the early morning peaking through the curtain made this moment feel and look ethereal, "I said I love you, Y/N. I've known that I loved you from the moment I met you." He kissed the top of your head as he embraced you.
You shook your head, "No, no, no, you don't. I'll even list more shit I've done to you just so you understand how and why you don't love me."
Timothee chuckled, "And yet despite all this... all that's registering in my head is the fact that you've been thinking of me and only me this whole time. You've been worried about how you're hurting me because you don't want to."
And that's when you realized that Timothee was right. This whole time you've been thinking of Timothee and how much you wanted to protect him from you, but he never wanted to be protected from you because he knew that you could never hurt him. You rested your forehead against his.
"I-I need to go. I need to think."
He smiled sadly, "I'll be here when you're ready. I'll always be here Y/N until you don't want me to be here anymore."
You sat in your house, since leaving Timothee's earlier, you had been sat there lost in thought as you argued with yourself. It was true, the last thing you wanted was to hurt Timothee, but you were confused because it's like you couldn't understand your feelings. After all, a particular person still held a large part of it in his hands.
Timothee was there for you. Late night at the recording studio, whether through being there physically or even calling you or skyping you, he was always there. He was there with you when you bought all your albums from Target, and he was also the one who insisted you find another target that hasn't sold out your CDs so he could buy all of them too. Timothee was there with you when you had interviews that you almost felt like you could puke from nervousness backstage as he watched you talk about another celebrity you were getting linked to, and he was there with you to giggle about how stupid talk shows were. Timothee was always there. Whether it was dancing, kissing, or even fighting in the rain, he was always with you. He always wanted you around. Even when you rode the subway to get to a press conference of his or a promo for his upcoming movie, he always wanted you with him. He'd run with you in the rain, and he'd kiss away the sadness when you didn't want to speak with him. He was there with you when you get the sudden urge to buy all the popsicles from the nearest whole foods, and he was there with you when you got sick with the flu, which he also got from you. You'd spend afternoons walking around a far-off hill as you two put flowers in your hair despite knowing that you two probably had your busy schedules. Nothing mattered when you were with Timothee. Nothing mattered except each other. A part of you felt hurt that these memories you had kept of you and Tom were slowly being replaced by everything Timothee, but a large part of you also knew that the person you have now had no doubt that you couldn't ignore your feelings. You couldn't have to take Timothee out of your life.
Making up your mind, you got up, got dressed, and left for where you were sure you would find Tom.
He was in the middle of filming a new movie, but the second he saw you, he immediately asked to stop filming, a familiar, loving face plastered on as he walked over to you before being stopped by the director. They looked to be having a bit of a disagreement before he pointed you out, and the director looked at you in realization, patting him on the back and allowing him to jog over to you.
"Hey." You paused, your hand grasping your arm, and Tom took notice right away.
His eyebrows furrowed, "Hey, what's wrong?" He pulls you to sit by the curb as you two sat side by side, "You only do that when you're having a hard time saying something."
You gave him a look, "Well… I came here to ask you if it was alright if I try things out with Timothee."
He looked taken aback, "Oh, well, honestly, I thought you came by to sort things out between us…." He took notice of the way you looked down in guilt, "I don't think you could do anything with another guy that wouldn't upset me… but I don't really get that prerogative anymore, Y/N." He sighed, wrapping an arm around you to comfort you, "The fact is, you're trying to grow into who you've always wanted to be, and I'm trying to do that too for the sake of us and what we could be. If that means that you need or want to date someone again, I'll fully support you, but the most important thing is, does he make you happy?"
You sighed, looking out onto the filming lot, and nodded slowly, not noticing the slight upset look on Tom's face, "I catch myself sometimes smiling to myself when I think of him… But it's like I can't do anything because I don't want to let go of what we had."
Tom took a gulp, deciding that what was important right now was you, more than what he wanted, "What we had and what we were isn't important anymore Y/N. I'm working towards what we could become. What we had was co-dependency and a constant need to be in each other's presence to prove that what we had was perfect. I want us to find each other again in the future and know that no matter how far apart we are, if hopefully, we get together again, there is nobody in this world we'll love more… and that's what I'm encouraging you to do. I want to grow with you and grow for each other, and if that means you dating other people to understand yourself more, then I support you."
You looked at Tom for a second before hugging him and pecking him on the cheek, "I really needed that, Tom. Thank you."
He hugged you tighter, "Anytime. I'll always be here for you, Y/N."
You gripped your seat in the car in pure nerves. You were on your way to the Oscars with your assistant constantly telling you about your performance and what not to mess up and things to remember, especially about reporters who wanted an interview with you. To say you were all nerves today was an understatement. You hadn't spoken to Timothee ever since you told him you needed time to think, so today would be the first time you would ever come face to face with him. You thought long and hard about everything between the two of you. Still, you think you're finally ready to actually put some time and effort into this… and if that meant doing things that would significantly make Timothee happy, then you'd do it.
Your assistant watched a live feed from the Oscars as she gave you updates on how Armie was on the carpet. Saoirse was on the carpet, talking about how she hoped to make a movie with you and various other stars. You were a few minutes away from the carpet when she spoke up again.
"Timothee has just arrived." then she looked at her phone and back at you, doing a double-take as you gave her a sheepish smile, all she could do was smile approvingly at you before going back to giving you live updates.
A few minutes later, and your heart didn't feel like it was going to slow down anytime soon as your assistant gave you a pep talk, "Y/N. You are gonna rock that carpet, you'll turn heads, and most importantly, you're gonna be the talk of the night. There is nothing that could go wrong tonight. Just take deep breaths and don't trip."
Luckily you were still coherent enough to understand what she said as you took deep breaths to calm your nerves.
"Alright, three… two… one." The door flew open as one of the large men in suits grabbed your hand and helped you out. Your dress was not providing you much flexibility to move, and for almost 15 seconds, it felt like everything was moving in slow motion as everyone was quiet. You found Timothee busy with an interview as the crowd looked from you to him, the topic on everyone's minds for the past few months. As if this were the only proof they needed, they held their cameras in their hands as they snapped pictures of you and a commotion started as they started asking for Timothee.
You think you gave them a quick, charming grin as you told them he was in an interview before walking towards the interviewer and Timothee. She was the first to notice while Timothee talked about how his mom stood him up as his Oscars date, something you arranged a week earlier and something Timothee's mom was more than happy to comply to.
The interviewer looks ecstatic as the only one and the first one on this carpet to get whatever the scoop was here, as she wasted no time when you slowly approached them, "Timothee! You said you were stood up, but you never told us that your backup would be late!"
Timothee shot her a confused look before he felt your arm slowly snake around his arm, "Sorry I'm late." You quickly whispered to him.
His face looked shocked. Almost as if a reflex, he almost pulled away from you before getting a good look at what you were wearing. His jaw looked like it would drop to the floor as he looked utterly awestruck.
The interviewer giggled nervously, already knowing her interview time was slowly coming to an end without any payoff to the two of you, "Timothee, you look to be speechless at Y/N's dress tonight." She looked at you hopefully, "Could everyone here assume this is date night?"
You smiled shyly at the lady before giving her a tiny curt nod, "I know it's a bit cliche to match outfits, but when I saw that Timothee was going to wear a harness, I just couldn't let him take all the attention for tonight, so I apologize, but I've kept this secret from him too just to make sure he doesn't do anything to take the spotlight, that's why he looks like he's just had a heart attack." you giggled.
He gave a quick, playful tilted look to you before blinking multiple times, "In my defense, I didn't even know that this was a harness... They told me this was a bib."
"Bib or not, you two look like the sexiest couple on the carpet, and I just so happen to be the luckiest interviewer tonight." The interviewer looked ecstatic as can be as she jumps up, more energetic to interview the two of you, "And well, Y/N, one look at you, and it's hard to believe anyone would still have the ability to speak. You look gorgeous." She winked at the camera, "But I can't help but notice you just confirmed this is date night… Is it safe to assume what everyone has been wondering for the past few months? That you two are dating?"
Somehow, Timothee finally snaps out of it and looks at you, a questioning look before you leaned over and spoke into the mic, "Yeah. We're together. We have been for a while now." You smiled sheepishly as you saw Timothee's face glow as he wrapped his arm around your waist, "I apologize for keeping quiet for so long, but we think it's the right time to go public now that we've decided to take things to a more serious level."
The interviewer waves a hand in the air, "As long as you two let us in on the secret, there's no problem there." She faced the camera, "You heard it here first, folks. Hollywood's newest and hottest up and coming power couple. From both Y/N and Timothee themselves, now going public with their relationship."
As you two walked away from the interviewer for more pictures, Timothee embraced you, uncaring of the cameras flashing in your faces, "Are you serious?"
You nodded slowly, "I'm ready to be with you completely, Timothee. I'm sorry I took so long."
He shook his head like a puppy, "As long as you're here with me now, Y/N, I don't care."
He pulled away at the sound of your name and his in the same sentence as the photographers asked for your attention. He quickly kisses you on the cheek as you shut your eyes and grinned, cameras going off and commotion started up at you two, the young hot couple everyone had wanted more details on.
Timothee clutched your waist tightly, almost like he was afraid that if he let go, this would all go back to how everything was before.
Before entering the venue, he pulled you to the side, "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to force yourself."
You shook your head, guiding his head to yours, "I think I'm in love with you too, Timothee. I'm all in with you." And then you kissed him.
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simonsrosebud · 4 years
the one where someone doesn’t know who kevin day is, pt. 2
part one three four five
dalton’s apartment becomes a common occurrence over the next month.  kevin kisses dalton into the couch cushions, and then the bed.  and this one time it’s almost the same, except dalton interrupts.  “oh, hey, i’ll be at your game tomorrow- ah,” he breathes as kevin kisses down his neck.
kevin doesn’t like that.  no- he likes that, that dalton is willing to see him  do what he loves and all, but not that he told him right now.  because now he has to stop what he’s doing and explain.  explain that he’s pretty fucking famous in the exy world, that his mother is the creator of the sport, that he’s kevin day- what that entails.
but dalton takes it surprisingly easily.  he thinks it’s because he’s not invested in the sport in the way almost everyone else kevin knows is and just doesn’t get it, or maybe because he actually likes kevin for kevin and just doesn’t care about his past and the weight of his name.
because after kevin’s done dalton kisses away his frown and climbs onto his lap.  “don’t worry, hot shot, you’re still just a history nerd to me.”
kevin upgrades dalton and his friend to his family seats.  his friend seems to know exactly who he is when he goes up to them before warm ups, and by the guys face kevin realizes that dalton definitely didn’t tell his friend who they’d come for.
kevin hugs dalton.  “i’m not out yet,” he whispers.  “otherwise i’d kiss you.”
dalton grins like a child.  “later.”  he shrugs.
andrew mocks him in the car to fox tower after their win.  “invite your boyfriend?”  and he freezes.  “fuck you for thinking i’m an idiot.”
kevin thanks god that nicky rode with matt.  aaron and neil both look at him, though.  “you’re dating someone?”  neil will never not be oblivious.  aaron just sneers.
kevin stays quiet.  he should’ve known better from andrew, after all.  but he pulls out his phone.  come pick me up?
be there in 30, we're walking home from the stadium LOL
it's enough time to go hang out with the rest of the team and the vixens in the lounge, dan would kill him if he didn't show at all.  but he must lose track of time because eventually the door opens and instead of another fox it's dalton.  it's not enough to pause conversations, even though kevin is sure they all at least notice.
when kevin follows him out dalton knocks shoulders with his and smiles.  “are you drunk?  i noticed they were drinking.”
“no.  i’m um, i’m-i’m four months... sober.”
dalton is a pure angel because he smiles at kevin as he drives.  “that’s good, kev, i’m proud of you for that.”  and he doesn’t make him explain, or ask questions.  he takes it at face and lets it go, and it makes kevin want to bask in the feeling he gets from it.  it’s a different kind of trust than he’s used to.
he texts andrew that he’s not coming home for the night.  as soon as they get inside dalton’s place he has his lips on kevin’s.  “looked really hot tonight,” he mumbles and lets kevin walk him backwards towards his room.  “wish you still had your uniform on.  so strong,” and squeals when kevin picks him up.
“stop talking, d”
the next morning dalton drops him off at the stadium for training.  he doesn’t see anyone else there, so he lets dalton grab his face and kiss him before climbing out with a smile.
it fades when he sees nicky and allison staring at him as they exit the stadium.  he forgot it was therapy week for the team.
kevin freezes up.  nicky’s grinning, and allison continues walking to her car.  “wait!”  nicky wiggles his eyebrows when kevin grabs his arm.  “for once in your life, nicky, please don’t tell anyone.”
and it’s weird, because nicky kind of loses his smile.  “are you gay?  or bisexual?”
shrug.  “second.”
“are you serious about not telling people?  you’re obviously not out yet.”  kevin nods, and nicky smiles.  “i won’t tell.  i can keep secrets, you know, when they matter.”
kevin looks to allison, who looks to nicky.  “we’ve all noticed you hanging out with that guy lately.  if a bet about you two boning comes up we’re splitting the pot.”  nicky nods.  “secrets safe with me, then.”
kevin doesn’t tell them that andrew and neil know.  allison’s stubborn and he’s lucky he got her to keep her mouth shut on the first try.
he’s still moody during practice, though.  on their way back, andrew drives right past fox tower and to dalton’s apartment.  kevin doesn’t even realize until the car stops.  “what are-“
“get out.  you’re not allowed back until your mood is gone.”  and kevin could just walk back.  it’s only a fifteen minute walk, honestly, but he doesn’t really want to.  he wants dalton to wrap his body around him so he can take a nap and he wants to just hug him.  he’s realized over time that he’s been incredibly touch starved, and he’s become a fan of bear hugs.
he could feel himself distracted during practice, worrying himself over if he should tell the public that he’s bi to get ahead of it and worrying over what he and dalton are.  if it’s going in a direction that would even give him reason to come out.
so when dalton lets him in with a smile at the unexpected visit, kevin kind of falls into his arms and hugs him.  “can you hold me.”  it’s a different type of vulnerability, but dalton takes it with grace.
and eventually, when dalton’s lying on him with a hand in his hair, he asks, “do you wanna be my boyfriend?”
kevin snaps his head to look at him.  he runs his hand up dalton’s bare back.  “i’ve never been in a real relationship before.  my last one... she was toxic for me.”  triggering would be more accurate.
“that’s okay,” he whispers, his hand slides down to kevin’s face and he drags his thumb down his lip.  “just want you, kev.”
it’s the first time he thinks he’s ever heard something along those lines, and it hits so deep.  he rolls over dalton and kisses him into the mattress.
the foxes have a field day with it.
kevin doesn’t tell them, but he realizes two weeks later that allison was right when she guessed about them starting bets, and it doesn’t help when kevin brings dalton back to the suite only to find the upperclassmen and cousins all spread out on the couches and floor- minus renee and aaron.  he freezes and starts to walk backwards but andrew steps in front of him.  “stay.”
“why.”  but andrew doesn’t answer because he’s already said his piece, and kevin almost ignores him until neil pulls the vice captain card and forces him to stay.
kevin wants to hit him.
“it’s fine, kev,” dalton practically pulls him to the group.  dan greets him first and introduces herself.  “we’re playing never have i ever, drinking edition, if you wanna play, but you’ve got to drink for kevin, too”
and dalton’s wanted kevin’s friends to like him ever since he first saw them, so he doesn’t really want to say no.
“this is a bad idea.  they don’t play nice,” kevin says to dalton.  and he’s right.  the foxes don’t really play the game right, and all they do is go for each other.
kevin starts.
never have i ever payed a guy to knock me out:  neil takes a drink with murder in his eyes.  andrew’s behind him and flicks the back of his head.  he isn’t playing, but he’s not letting neil get wasted without being close by.  and also, he kind of lives there.
never have i ever gone to a peaceful exy banquet:  no one drinks, and for some reason it makes them all burst into laughter.
never have i ever done cracker dust:  dan says that one with a drunk pointed look.  the cousins, neil, and dalton for kevin all drink.
never have i ever had a panic attack over getting a phone:  neil
never have i ever kissed the same gender:  neil, nicky, allison, dalton takes two swigs.
never have i ever dated someone outside of exy:  nicky and dalton for kevin.
never have i ever broken a bone:  kevin, matt, aaron
broken a hand:  kevin
witnessed kevin having a meltdown:  everyone
lived with my dad for two years without telling him he was my dad:  kevin shoots daggers at allison.  dalton drinks for him.
had to get shitfaced to get a tattoo:  kevin
sent neil to west virginia:  kevin
seen kevin’s real smile:  dalton, neil
dated kevin:  dalton.  it settles a few bets all at once.
given kevin a blowjob:  dalton laughs before taking a drink, but that’s the last straw for kevin.  he’s sober as all hell and not letting them take the piss out of him and dalton like this.  “we’re leaving.”  he pulls dalton up.
dalton has an arm around his shoulders and his head ducked by kevin’s.  “s’fun, hm?”
kevin’s not having it.  it was not fun and he had reasons he didn’t want dalton meeting the foxes yet and the whole thing was fucked over because neil pulled the VC card and dalton was too nice to decline it.
neil says, in french.  “you knew he’d find out at some point”
kevin is furious.  “none of you had the right pulling the shit you did tonight.  i’ll fucking kill you.”  and he grabs dalton by the waist to escort him out.
all posts/updates relating to this au can be found in the “OC: dalton miller” tag!
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style - bucky barnes x reader
word count: 894
content warning: pregnancy, reader and bucky have a son together, mentions of cheating, mentions of sex/car sex but nothing in detail
Walking out of the nursery you saw a text from Bucky asking if you were awake. You sent him back a blunt text asking what he wanted before going downstairs to sit with your friend Cassie who was watching a movie. Cassie had moved into your house when you were roughly seven months pregnant after you and Bucky had broken up. It had always been a rocky relationship with you and Bucky, loaded with jealousy and mistrust. You had broken up when you first found out you were pregnant, gotten back together when you were four months pregnant, broken up again at seven months, got back together a month after your son was born, but that only lasted seven weeks before it all fell apart again.
You weren’t good for each other and you knew it, but you also wished that you both could just get your shit together and figure it out for your son. As you made your way downstairs into your living room to sit with Cassie you saw a text that said he was close by and he wanted to talk. You walked over to the couch and handed her the baby monitor, “I’m going to go for a walk…Will you text me if anything happens?”
“Of course, are you sure you want to walk this late at night?”
“I’ll bring my pepper spray, I won’t be out long I just need to collect myself.”
“Did something happen?”
You sighed, “It’s just Bucky and the whole parenting thing. I didn’t really want to raise Caleb like this.”
Cassie sadly nodded, “Okay. Maybe let me know when you’re on your way back and I’ll get some tea brewing for you.”
You gave her a sad smile, “You don’t have to do that, it’s okay. We can make some tea tomorrow afternoon when the little dude takes a nap and chat about it.” You grabbed your hoodie and your keychain before heading out the door.
You knew this was a mistake, but you wanted to hear what he had to say. Looking up at the streetlights, you breathed in the cold spring air before starting to walk down the street. You made it two blocks before the sound of his car pulled up behind you.
You made yourself comfortable in the leather passenger seat of his mustang like you did over a year ago as he started driving down the street. “Where are we going?” You asked and he sighed.
“I’m not sure. I just figured we could drive and talk for a while.” He was relaxed in his seat. That same white t-shirt and the slicked back hair that won you over that night at the bar.
“It’s never good when we just drive around and talk.”
“Why? Because we always end up sleeping together?” He asked before looking over at you with a smirk. You hated when he looked at you like that. It caused you to roll your eyes before sinking further in your seat, “James. We aren’t-”
“You’re using my legal name?” He said a little surprised.
“I’m sorry, but I just…We can’t afford to keep doing this. The back and forth isn’t good for us and it isn’t good for our son.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I think we could really work this out because I love you. I genuinely love you and Caleb and I know it’s been a rough year but I’m ready to change. I want this to work for us.”
With a sigh, you began to ramble on about your rocky past and how you knew this wouldn’t work, but every reason for not he had an excuse or an apology or a promise to make up for it.
His eyes continued to glance over at you for the rest of the drive. You knew what he was doing. This wasn’t a car ride to talk, it was a hookup. That should’ve annoyed you enough to have him turn the car around and take you home, but you would be lying if you said you didn’t want to sleep with him again. He was the best sex you ever had. And even though he was an asshole, he did really care for you in those moments. So when he pulled into an alley behind some closed businesses you decided to have sex with him in his car. He had a condom in the glove compartment like he always did and you rode him in the driver’s seat. After you collected yourself, you took a deep breath before crawling off of him into the passenger seat and pulling your skirt down. Bucky put his chair back up right and buttoned up his pants before looking over to you, “I was serious by the way, about wanting to change and get better. I do love you and our son…I really want to try again, like a genuine try where I don’t run when it gets hard.”
“I want to believe you, but you always do this, James.”
“I know, but this time I mean it. I just…I can’t stop thinking about you and what we had and what we could’ve been.”
You swallowed hard, “I’ve been there too a few times.”
That familiar smirk trailed across his face before his reached his hand out to you, “Can we go home?”
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whotfcares1234 · 2 years
For as long as I can remember, we had been best friends. Yes, best friends. The kind everyone would doubt as something more than friendship, and although a part of me, wished it were true, but as always, I had never had the courage to ever ask him about us. We rode through driveways on the nights, our parents would sleep early, and silently creep into our rooms just before three, after deep conversations, while sitting on the bonnet of his mother's car, drinking an orange juice that I would get from my fridge. He looked like the kind of guy that would never hurt a fly, but would fight the world if his best friend was hurt even a little. He was a foot taller than me, yet his smile was just like that of a toddler on his first steps. His name was Nathan, and he always told me how his paternal aunt boasted to everyone back in Korea that he was the tallest baby in their city, and how it made him feel so embarrassed. His hair was neatly parted in the middle, just like how his grandmother liked. He always said, "Anna, I wish I could take you back to Korea, you will love the food, and everything". There was just so much we have been through together, for sixteen years, but it always seemed, that even when was next to me, we were so far apart.
It was during senior year, that I joined the literary club of my high school. Nathan and I had few classes together, but still we never failed to catch up on weekends. Our SAT's were approaching, so our meetups reduced, but our bond never weakened. Nathan was a shy boy since he was little, and his friends would always say, he would never dare to approach any girl. However on the first day of our first Violin class, there was a new transfer student. I doubt if there was girl in our class whose heart didn't race instantly. The last time I had felt this way was in grade 8, when I was given a dare to kiss Nathan at Becky's birthday party, and he blushed so hard that he almost peed his pants. We never talked about it, but he always made it clear, he was never into me, romantically so over the years, the intensity of my feelings was repressed. But this new guy kind of became my new obsession, just like any other high school fangirl. And when I came to know, Jeremy, (the new guy) was in Nathan's class, my joy knew no bounds. I could get his schedule from Nat, and eventually we could be good friends.
Nathan knew about all the guys I had ever liked before. From Timothee in my music choir to Anthony in mathletes and a thousand more who added colours in my non existent melancholic love life, he knew about everyone except him. It was a Friday, and our violin lessons just got over. The teacher asked me to jot down the names of the freshmen who submitted their applications last week, and handed me the key as she bade me goodbye. I texted Nathan and urged him not to wait for me, because his grandmother was all alone at home. Urghh!! It was exhausting, but I needed to do it to get some extra credits for my college applications. It amused me because it reminded me of the freshmen days when we have the energy to ace all the aspects of high school but the fire dies away with time indeed. As I was counting the number of applications remaining till I can go back home, I heard a noise. As I turned around, my heart stopped. A tall muscular frame smiled awkwardly at me. Jeremyyyy!!!! I started sweating, and the papers dropped from my hand.
"Are you okay? Can I help? Umm, I am Jeremy, we have class together, the teacher sent me to tell you that you can pause your work there, its already late, and she is worried", the words struck against my tympanum like Cupid's arrows.
"Ahh, okay, okay, I mean, thanks. Yes I know you, you are in Nathan's class and you love Violin and your sister is a sophomore", I said every piece of information that I had gone around collecting, about him,
"You know a lot! Wow!" , he smiled awkwardly.
I blushed so hard immediately that I ran out of the room. The applications lay on the floor. I wished I could just disappear into the realms of embarrassment. I heard him call out to me but I just didn't have the courage to even look at him. How could I embarrass myself in front of my Crush. I really ruined all the hopes that I still had for Us, and I couldn't stop crying as I reached home.
That night, Nathan and I went to our secret spot again, beneath the slides at the Children's park. Nathan bought a strawberry ice cream for me and put his hands around my shoulders and said, "It's alright, Ann. It happens."
"What do you know? You never liked anybody, yet you had everyone like you. And I always try so hard, yet nobody ever loved me back. Becky, Anya, Natasha, all of my friends get so many letters on Valentine's Day, every year, including you, and I get none. And I ruined my moment even today. He was such a nice guy, tried to help me, and I just embarrassed myself. I can't even face him anymore. He must think I am a stalker. What if he told everybody? Nathan, everything's over. I can't go back to school."
"Hey, you know that it doesn't mean the end. You are not a little kid Ann, nobody knows about it and Jerry probably knows how it's like. Why would he hate you? Are you crazy?"
"It's Jeremy. And okay, he might not hate me, but wouldn't like me ever. You know, like a woman, someone to kiss, someone to hold hands with."
"Why would he?"
Nathan didn't speak. He just patted me on my shoulders and said, "Finish the ice cream, else I am gonna do that for you."
I got a little mad. Nathan never hides things from me, but his expressions clearly showed he did.
"Why can't I get a guy to like me Nathan? You never liked me, nobody ever did. Just say it, if you just wanna keep me as only your friend forever. I will. But just don't hurt me like that. It's already bad enough."
I started crying as the ice cream started melting and dripped onto my jeans.
"I didn't mean it. I am sorry, Ann. Ann, do you like me?"
I was already embarrassed enough so I didn't think of stopping myself anymore, "Yes, I do. Ever since you took my math notebook and drew butterflies on the last page in the first grade. Okay? But you don't, and I am okay. I liked only you. And I tried so hard to get my mind off and to other guys. But I am not pretty or smart like you. So I guess, it's over. Nathan, you don't have to be friends with this silly girl anymore."
I ate the ice cream quickly and almost choked but then I stood up and decided to leave. "Goodnight, Nat", I said, with teary eyes, "I will cherish our friendship forever. Please don't forget me. I will be fine. Goodnight."
All of a sudden, I felt a pair of strong arms pushing me against the wall. The tough veiny hands held the cold wall and Nathan breathed heavily as I panted for breath. He kissed me, our lips pressing each other, as my heart leapt and raced and skipped and fell and got back up again and jumped into euphoria. I clutched his T-shirt and shook in nervousness, as he gently nibbled on my lower lip. All of a sudden he stopped. "I'm sorry, do you want me to stop", Nathan asked.
My face was red. I didn't have anything to lose anymore. I jumped into his arms as his fingers trailed my curves tenderly, and I whispered, "Just the opposite, actually." I smirked, and he pulled me closer to his chest and whispered, "God you smell so good, Ann," and turned around and kissed me deeper. As I held him tighter, he untied my hair and kissed my forehead. "Why didn't you ever tell?" I asked, in a half-panting voice.
"I am so scared to lose you, Ann. I don't ever want to see you unhappy, but this time, I couldn't hold back my fears and I had to do this. Are you sure, Ann? I don't want....."
He dropped to the ground. I hugged him tightly and smiled. I brushed my hand against him and he grabbed my hands, "You are never gonna leave me, Ann, never", he said, and choked on his own tears.
He held my cold fingers in his tough hands and lay on the ground. I lay on his chest. The moonlight shone brightly on his innocent eyes, and I stared at him. It was sudden, it took long, but it was worth it. 'cuz he was worth it. 'Cuz 'we' were worth it.
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chrisevansszn · 3 years
Valleys and Mountains-BONUS 🏔
2.k words
18 and up only ‼
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A few weeks later you and Chris sat down with your lawyers to sign the divorce papers. As you both walked out, you noticed a young girl sitting outside the room. You finished up the conversation with your lawyer and headed out. You walked by and the young girl smirked at you. It had to be Cree. You stopped.
“Did you just smirk at me?” You wanted all the smoke.
“I’m just glad this is all finalized.”
“You must be Cree the whore. Well, best of luck to you.”
You turned to Chris.
“Did you tell Cree about you kissing me a few weeks ago when you came to get more stuff?” You faced Cree. “Don’t worry sweetie. I stopped him, but just know he was ready to risk it all.”
You turned and headed down the hall, and into your new single life!
Life was so peaceful after your divorce. You were promoted within your job to Vice-President, you were focused on yourself, and traveling a lot. Your job had your flying to Philadelphia for a work conference for a week. You packed up the night before and knew it would be a long week ahead. You headed to the airport and was running a little late because of traffic but luckily you made it! You only had carry-on luggage and boarded the plane. You seat was in first class, you put your suitcase overhead and sat down in relief.
You got yourself situated and looked over to see who your flying buddy was. IT WAS CHRIS! You absolutely froze! He was just sitting here smiling. The stewardess come over and handed Chris a vodka and tonic.
“Hi Y/N”
You had to gather your words.
“Chris…what a surprised. This is crazy!”
It had been 9 months since you last saw Chris. He looked totally different you barely recognized him! He had grown out his hair and his beard, he gained some weight, and you noticed a little tattoo peeking out of his flannel shirt.
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“I know. I was wondering how long it was going to take you to recognize me.” He laughed.
“I mean, you look totally different.”
“Yeah, I change it up from time to time these days.”
You smiled.
“Good for you.”
You ordered two shots of tequila, and some pretzels. The plane finally began to move. It was raining but not a lot so there was no delay. Chris looked so different but yet so good at the same time. You did your best not to look is way. Chris spoke again.
“So, how is everything with you?”
“Busy. Just work and traveling a lot these days. You?”
“Same. I’m just focused on working right now. I thought to take up carpentry.”
“Really? That is so left field, but then again it’s you.”
You both burst out laughing. You wanted to ask about his relationship but hell no. That’s desperate af.
But then….
“Cree and I are not together. I’m living the single life.”
Woah..you wasn’t expecting that one.
“Same. The peace is really amazing.”
You were so happy that shit failed!
You are Chris continue to chat; both were heading to Phly for a work trip. You caught up on family and other things. You were surprised at how mature you were actually being. The two-hour flight went by super-fast. The plane landed and it was time to get off.
“Where are you staying while you are here?”
“The Sheraton that is connected to the airport.”
“Really. Me too.”
Just great. You smiled.
You said goodbye to Chris, grabbed your suitcase, and headed out. You got your rental car and drove around the corner to the hotel and checked in. You were staying in the presidential suit on the 29thfloor. It had everything you needed and more. The view was amazing!
You ordered room service and called it a night. You could not believe what transpired today.
The first couple of days flew by. You went the conference both days, hiking, and sight-seeing. Day three you decided to stay in but then you got a text. It was from Chris…he kept your number.
*Hey Y/N, I just wanted to know if you would like to have dinner tonight? *
You stared at your phone. Dinner isn’t going to hurt anything right? You waited 10 minutes before accepting his offer.  He texted is room number 2530, wait that’s literally a few rooms down, your room number is 2525. What in the hell!
You sent Chris your room number back and agreed to dinner at 7 P.M. Chris arrived at your room a few before 7PM. He knocked at your door.
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“Hey there, come in. I just have to throw on my heels.”
“Heels? For me?”
Your face grimaced.  You turn to him.
“For me.”
Chris giggled.
“Well, you look great.”
“You as well.”
You put on your heels and grabbed your purse.
“Let’s go.”
Chris opened your room door.
“After you.”
You walked by and caught a whiff of his cologne, Guilty Gucci. Some things never change.
You and Chris walked side by side down the hall, down the elevator, and to his rental car that was waiting outside. He opened the door for you. You thanked him and he went around and got in.
“Where are we going?”, you asked.
“To Barclay Prime.”
You looked over at him. That is a very expensive restaurant!
“Oh, that is top tier.”
“Only the best for you.” Chris smiled at you.
You guys arrived at the restaurant and parked valet. You and Chris were escorted to your reserved table that came with an amazing view of the city.
“This is beautiful.”
“It really is. I’m happy you like it.”
Chris ordered a bottle of wine for the table, and you both ordered food.
“Thank you for joining me for dinner.”
“Thank you for having me.”
“You know. I just want to apologize for everything I’ve done to you. I put you through so much and threw our marriage away. I regret it so much. I don’t know what I was thinking. I feel so stupid to this day.”
The waiter brought over your meals. You took a bite.
“Thank you for the apology. You really broke me with the affair. I felt like I had no choice but to retaliate. I wanted to get even….no regrets either.”
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Chris looked up from is meal and took a drink of wine. He wasn’t expecting that at all. It got quiet for a minute, but then the conversation turned light. You both were making jokes and reminiscing about old memories, before you knew it three hours had went by.
“We should go. We’ve drank six bottles of wine and we are getting loud.” Chris said.
“Good idea.”
Chris snatched the check before you could put a finger on it and paid and went back to the hotel. Chris walked you to your room.
“Thank you again. I enjoyed it.”
You said leaning with the door opened.
“I’ll see you around then?”
“Yes ma’am. Goodnight.”
You walked in and closed the door behind you. You stood for a second and couldn’t believe that you even went to dinner with Chris. You took off your heels and sat on the bed.
There was a knock at the door. You went to open it.
Chris was standing there, eyes totally on you. He walked in and grabbed your face and as he kissed you slowly and passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he pulled you in closer grabbing your ass with the palms of his hands. You moved your hands down and begin to unbuckle his belt. Well…you just opened that door. Chris began to unzip your dress from the back, and it fell down to the floor. He picked you up and you straddled him as he walked you to the bed and laid down. You laid back and watched him undress. He had a new tattoo….what kind of bird is that? He pulled your body to the edge as he got on his knees and pulled your panties off. He devoured you from the inside out while fingering you nice and slow. You ran your fingers through his hair. Chris’ tongue worked magic. You pulled his head up and pull him on top of you.
“A condom now.”, you said.
“Are you serious.”
He grabbed a condom from his wallet and put it on. Chris climbed back on top of you and penetrator your walls so deep. His dick was so thick and long; your back immediately arched. He held you so close as he moved in and out. You could hear him moan in your ear. You licked his neck and moved up to his ear. He begins to stroke faster making you even more wet. Chris flipped you over and you got on top. You rode him with all you had, you wanted him to regret ever cheating on you. Let him know what he is missing! He had one hand on your ass and another around your neck squeezing gently.
“Fuckkkk.”, Chris whispered.
He then flipped you over on your stomach and fucked you from behind as you laid on your stomach. That was is favorite position.
“I’m about to cum. I can’t hold it.”
You lifted up into doggy style to finish. He was hitting all your spots from behind and you both finished at the same time. You laid next to each other. Chris pulled you close and kissed you on your forehead. You both fall asleep instantly.
The next morning when you woke up it took a minute to process everything. Chris was still asleep in the bed. You laid there for a second and watched him sleep. Today was your last night in Philadelphia before you left tomorrow morning. You literally had a free day. You answered some work emails from your phone and looked over to see Chris finally waking up.
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“Good Morning.”
“Good Morning.”
“You don’t have a conference today?”
“No. I basically have free day until I fly out tomorrow.”
Chris sat up.
“Let’s go sight-seeing.”
“How did you know that’s what I wanted to do today?”
“Woman…although we aren’t married anymore. I still know you.”
He got out the bed, dick swinging from left to right.
“I’m going to shower and change, and I’ll be right back.”
You nodded. You got up as well to shower and put on some comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Chris returned about 45 minutes later. You and Chris toured the city, visited landmarks, and did a little shopping. It was honestly nice. The laughter can’t be explained. You both returned to your hotel room and ordered room service and a movie. Yall had sex one more time in the shower before Chris heading back to his room.
“What time is your flight tomorrow?”, Chris asked.
“6:30 in the damn morning.”
“I think the universe maybe telling us something. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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You both parted ways and you went to bed. The next morning you boarded your flight and Chris asked someone to switch seats in first class, so he can sit next to you. You two conversed all the way back to Boston. The flight landed and you both walked off the plane together towards the exits.
“Y/N, I was just wondering if maybe we can hang out sometimes.  I really enjoyed this week with you and maybe-“
“No Chris we cannot. I would never rekindle anything with you after what you did to me. Thank you for the sex and the food. Best of luck to you.”
You grabbed your suitcase and walked away from Chris, leaving him behind and never looking back…not once. Back to reality!
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
don’t wake up pt. 3 | rafe cameron x reader
summary: you and rafe grow closer, and the line between dreams and reality starts to blur
warnings: SMUT (unprotected), drug use mention, cursing, ward cameron being a dick of a father
word count: 3.7k (it’s a big one folks)
a/n: wow, thank you all for the amazing response to this series! it makes me so happy to see all your likes, reblogs, and comments, you have no idea. this part is long and sweet and honestly some of the best writing i’ve ever done. part 4 might take a little longer, since i go back to work tomorrow, but it should be up by the end of the week. also, warning, we jump right into the smut on this one. absolutely 0 foreplay. 
series masterlist
“Fuck, Rafe!” you screamed as Rafe’s fingers started working on your clit.
“Don’t cum yet, angel. You know what happens when you don’t listen.”
His grip around your throat tightened as he continued to slam into you from behind. Your hands searched for something, anything to ground you, to keep your impending orgasm as bay. Your back was pressed against Rafe’s chest, keeping you far away from the sheets you wanted to grasp. Instead, your hands reached up and made a home in Rafe’s hair, making him groan as you pulled hard on it.
“Please, Rafe, please let me cum. I can’t hold it much longer!”
Rafe hit your pussy with a rough slap that nearly sent you over the edge.
“What did I fucking say?” He growled in your ear. Despite what he was saying, Rafe loved hearing you beg to cum. He moved his fingers faster, thrusts becoming sloppy but harder as he felt himself getting closer.
Right when he reached the edge, Rafe leaned close to your ear and whispered, “Come for me, angel.”
You met your release with a scream, Rafe following right after you. He held you against him, giving a few more lazy thrusts as you both rode out your orgasms. For a few moments you were both still, Rafe still filling you up but no longer thrusting. Rafe felt his heart beating fast against his chest, his breathing just as fast, same as yours. He placed a few soft kisses on your neck before slowly releasing you, laying you onto your stomach on the bed. He quickly ran to the bathroom to dispose of the condom before joining you on his bed, pulling you onto his chest.
A month had passed since the first time you two had hooked up. Rafe had texted you that same morning, telling you how much he wanted to do that again. And so you did. At least once a week (most of the time more) Rafe texted you or you texted Rafe wanting to meet up. You would either drive to his house or he would pick you up if someone else in your family was using the car. Then you’d head back to the Cameron residence and spend the rest of the night tangled in each other (though there was one time Rafe couldn’t control himself for the entire drive, pulling off to the side of the road and taking you right then and there).
You didn’t talk much about your arrangement, refusing to put labels on it for fear of ruining the moments you had. Moments that neither you or Rafe wanted to give up. It really was like a dream to Rafe. You came to him at night caressing him, touching him in ways no one else had before. No matter how rough he was with you, your touches were always gentle and caring, as if you weren’t just touching his skin and instead reaching in to touch his soul. When he was done making you scream and come undone beneath him, he held you close, afraid you would dissolve and fade away like all his other dreams. And in the morning, you did just that. The only proof he had that you had been there at all were the love bites strewn across his chest, the smell of you on his sheets, and the little notes you left for him.
Sometimes you wrote dumb jokes or promises of another night with you or just a doodle of a flower or a heart or a smiley face. He kept all of them in a drawer in his desk, but always placing the newest one in his wallet. He would look at it throughout the day, especially when the day became extremely difficult, to keep him going until the night when he would see you again. He didn’t want to force you stay, worried that the tighter he clung to you the harder you would pull away and the sooner he’d lose, because he would lose you eventually. He knew that. Even if you did try to stay, he couldn’t let you. He didn’t want to ruin you while he ruined himself. So he kept his problems hidden away from you, letting them set with the sun. When the moon was up, he got to pretend they were gone, and he had you in their place. Rafe was great at pretending. So when he woke up the next morning, he forced himself to prepare for reality that came when he opened his eyes and he woke from his dream. Except he didn’t.
The first thing he noticed was the smell of weed in the air, a gentle breeze from the window blowing the haze around his room. Then he opened his eyes and instead of seeing the empty side of the bed, he saw your bare thighs, criss-cross-apple sauce. You were leaning against the head board, smoking a joint and wearing one of his shirts. Your eyes were trained on the TV, and he could hear the sound of voices softly through the speakers. He pushed himself up on to his forearm, the movement alerting you of his consciousness. You smiled down at him and he damn near swooned.
“Morning, sleepy head.” You said. Rafe admired your morning appearance for the first time, taking in your messy hair and slightly droopy eyes, though that might have been from the weed. He loved how you looked in his shirt, how he could see the marks he left on you peeking out from the collar. Rafe almost pinched himself. You offered him the joint and his fingers brushed against yours, which meant you were here, really here. He took a hit while your eyes returned to the TV. He blew out the smoke then said, “Why are you still here?”
You turned back towards him, but didn’t meet his eyes. You furrowed your brows, looking down at your fingers as they picked at a loose thread on the sheet.
“It’s peaceful here,” You said simply. You looked back up at Rafe, concern now lacing your forehead. “I can go if you want.”
“No! No.” Rafe reached out, his large hand trapping your smaller one. He smiled softly up you.
“Stay, please.”
You smiled back and took the joint back from his offering fingers. You scooted closer to him as he sat up more, giving you space to rest your head on his shoulder. Rafe tried to calm his beating heart as you laced your fingers with his, staring at the TV intently. He tried to distract himself with the show you put on, but it just confused him.
“What the hell are you watching?” He questioned.
“The X-Files. It’s my favorite.”
You spent the next few hours watching The X-Files. You had put on an episode from the middle of season three, so you tried your hardest to fill in gaps for Rafe when he needed it. By the time you claimed you had to go home, Rafe was ready to go back and watch from episode one. Especially if it meant he got to hold you a little longer. But you just chuckled, shaking your head at the boy as you pulled on your shorts.
You leaned across the bed and placed a hand on his cheek.
“Next time, I promise,” You said before kissing him sweetly. His lips moved gently along with yours as your fingers stroked across his cheek.
It wasn’t until you were out the door after giving him another quick peck and a smile that realized the pattern your fingers had traced was random. It had been a smiley face. Another note for his collection.
If Rafe couldn’t get you out of his head before, you were stuck in it with super glue now. He didn’t text you for the next couple days, too busy overthinking every moment of his morning with you. You had done nothing sexual, but, to Rafe, it felt more intimate than anything else you had done up until then. He wasn’t sure what to do now, it felt like everything had changed. It scared him and excited him. He had thought your relationship was just physical to you. But you had stayed. You had cuddled with him and smoked with him and laughed with him and shared your favorite show with him. God, he loved listening to you talk about the things you were passionate about, even when that thing was a strange but surprisingly awesome alien crime show from the 90s. But you had stayed. You had burrowed yourself deeper into his heart while at the same time opening a whole new vault of vulnerabilities and fears in his mind. He didn’t want to break you, but he was also absolutely terrified that you might break him. He wasn’t right for you, and he knew that. It would be selfish if he let you in. Really, truly claimed you as his like he wanted to, pulling you out of his dreams and into reality. But, Rafe was a selfish person.
The stress and wonder of his relationship with you was flowing through his head when his father found him, sitting by the pool. Ward sat in the chair beside him, bringing up another thing Rafe had done wrong. He heard what his father was saying but didn’t really listen. He felt the anger boiling inside of him, all the emotions that had been building up this week were ready to burst out of him. So he let them.
The argument escalated quicker than it usually, Rafe and Ward at each other’s throats as they screamed in each other’s faces. Rose eventually ran out, trying to break apart the father and son to no avail. The fight ended with Ward yelling at Rafe to get out of his house and out of his sight, so Rafe complied.
When he sped out of the driveway on his bike, he wasn’t sure where he was going. Normally, he would have gone to Barry’s to do a line and complain and get lost in the euphoria the drugs brought him. But his heart had other ideas.
Rafe had never been this close to your front door, let alone inside your house. You always made him wait for you in the car. The one time he had tried walking up to the front door, you had met him halfway, nearly ripping his arm off with the force of you pulling him back to his bike.
He took a deep breath before knocking, praying that you would be home and wouldn’t be angry with him for turning up at your door in the middle of the day.
“Rafe?” You said as you opened the door. He couldn’t help but smile as you appeared in the doorway, just the sight of you enough to calm him down.
“I’m sorry for just turning up. I would have texted you but I just sort of ended up here. You know what actually, I should just go. Sorry for bothering you.”
He started to turn, trying to keep a cool exterior while inside he wanted nothing more than to run for the hills. But he was stopped by your hand taking his.
“Rafe,” You smiled at him, taking in his disheveled hair, slightly crazed eyes and red face, “it’s okay. Come in.”
You opened the door wider and pulled him through, closing it behind you. The fingers that weren’t gripping your own were fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, taking in his surroundings. This was completely new territory for him. He’d never been in your space before. The house itself was just slightly bigger than his and Sarah’s rooms combined. The kitchen and the living room were smushed together, the living room being the larger of the two. There was a short hallway  that led to a single door, with two other doors on either side of it. You led him to the kitchen, releasing his hand to grab a couple of glasses and fill them with water.
Rafe continued to take in the home, taking note of the toys and clothes strewn about. Jackets thrown over chairs, worn children and adult books sitting on the couch, a bowl of cereal left to sog up on the table. He’d never been in a home that looked so lived in before. He kind of liked it.
“Sorry it’s such a mess,” You said, handing him a water, “Three young children live here, so it always looks like a tornado has blown through.”
Rafe’s eyebrows shot up.
You laughed at his expression.
“Yeah, my niece and nephews. I live here with my sisters. My older one is the mother of the tornado. But, they all went to visit my uncle for a couple nights, so I have the house all to myself!”
Rafe absorbed the information your were giving him, storing it away in the part of his brain reserved just for you. He was realizing how little he actually knew about you. He knew nothing about your family, he’d never really thought about it before. He tried to picture you here, in this kitchen, three little kids running around while you stood with two other girls who looked similar to you.
“Sounds nice, peaceful,” Rafe commented.
“It will be. I miss them already, though. It’s been too quiet. Usually, the Pogues or at least Kie or Sarah would come keep me company, but they all have shit to do.” You moved closer to him and smiled up at him, cheeks heating up slightly as you spoke, “I’m glad you’re here.”
Rafe blushed instantly at your words, looking down at his feet to hide the smile growing wide on his face. He was so screwed. He thought of all the times he messed with Topper, calling him pussy-whipped. If only Topper could see him now.
“I’m glad I’m here too,” Rafe said, meeting your warm gaze.
The pair of you are silent for a moment, getting lost in each others eyes. You pull away first, taking a sip of your water before speaking.
“So, what’s up? Did something happen you look a little…wild.”
Rafe chuckled at your choice of adjective.
“My dad, he, uh…he kicked me out. I fucked up something, I can’t remember what but I’m sure I did it. We got in a huge argument and he told me to leave. It’s not the first time, I’ll go back in a few days and beg for forgiveness or something. I just…” Rafe sniffed rubbing his nose quickly on his arm. Rafe Cameron was not a cryer. He couldn’t remember the last time he had shed a tear. But standing here in your kitchen, feeling your understanding eyes on him, allowing him to talk about all the shit he’d been holding in for years about his father, he wasn’t afraid to let the dam break. The tears were quick and silent. He didn’t sob, but he felt his breath getting caught in his throat as the rivers ran down his cheeks.
“I just want to be a good fucking son.”
You pulled him into you. His head nestled into your neck, tears soaking the collar of your shirt. His arms wrapped around your waist, squeezing the breath from you but you didn’t care. You held him just as tight, whispering sweet things in his ear. A few minutes passed before the tears finally dried up. Rafe pulled away slightly, keeping his hands on your hips as he looked at you with swollen eyes.
“I’m sorry, fuck, I’m sorry I-”
“Shh, Rafe stop,” You took his face in your hands, forcing him to look directly at you, “Don’t apologize for having fucking feelings and crying when someone hurts them. Believe me, I live with three children under the age of six, we have a lot of crying going on around here. Sometimes you just have to let it out. Let it out, Rafe.”
Rafe closed his eyes, letting your words quiet his wayward mind. Your thumbs stroked his cheeks, taking the tears with them. You leaned forward and kissed both his cheeks before kissing his lips. He could taste his own tears on your lips. The kiss was short but he could feel the emotion in it. You pulled away slowly, leaning your forehead on his. For Rafe, however, you were way too far away.
His arms wrapped around your back, one hand cupping the back of your head and pulling you back to meet his lips. The kiss wasn’t as rough and sexually charged as the others you had shared. This one was more like your first kiss, filled with passion and emotion and a pure and unadulterated need to be close to another person.
It wasn’t long before Rafe’s hand made there way to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up over your head, placing it on the counter. You weren’t wearing a bra, and he groaned at the sight of your bare breasts. His hand moved down to your thighs, squeezing them. You understood his signal, arms wrapping around his neck as you jumped. You wrapped your legs around his waist, his hands supporting you on your ass as he moved you through the house.
“Which one is yours?” Rafe asked as he reached the hallway.
“Left,” You said before reattaching your lips to his. He kicked the door open. Opening his eyes for second to asses the layout of the room, he noticed two twin beds in pushed into the corners of the room.
“Which one’s yours?” Rafe asked again with a small smile.
“Right,” You said with a matching smile.
Rafe sat on the edge of the bed, making you straddle his lap. He pulled his shirt over his head, then leaned forward to take one of your nipples in his mouth, his hand moving to massage the other. You threw your head back, letting out a long moan. Rafe moved to the other boob, giving it the same treatment with his tongue. After a few minutes, Rafe tried to flip you onto your back, but you stopped him. You looked him right in his eyes, pupils blown with lust as your hand reached down to palm him through his shorts.
“I want to make you feel good, Rafe,” You whispered before leaning down to kiss his neck. The sinful moan he made went straight to your center. You moved off his lap, pushing him back until he was leaning against the head board. You pulled his shorts and boxers down, allowing his erection to spring free. You didn’t break eye contact as you undressed him, enjoying the blissful spark in his eyes as you ran you hands down his thighs. You stood up, shimmying out of your bottoms until you were fully naked and moved to straddle him again.
“I’m going to make you feel so good, baby. You deserve to feel good,” You said as you placed a few more open mouthed kisses on his neck. You reached down again to grasp his dick, giving it a few pumps before aligning it with your entrance. Rafe stopped you with a hand on your wrist.
“I don’t have a condom,” He said.
“It’s okay. I want to be close to you.” You said before sinking down onto him. You both moaned loudly, foreheads meeting in the space between you. You slowly started to rock your hips against Rafe’s, relishing in the feeling of him bare inside you, filling you up perfectly.
Rafe thought he had died and gone to heaven. He was convinced there could be nothing better than this, feeling you, all of you. He felt loved. Absolutely loved for once in his miserable life.
He gripped your hips, helping you speed up your movements. He kissed you again, catching your moans with his tongue while he released his own into you. You gripped his hair, pulling him as close to you as you could, until there was positively no space separating your bodies. Your hips started moving faster, Rafe moving you up and down to bounce on his cock.
“Rafe,” You moaned his name like a prayer.
“I’m getting close, angel,” Rafe whispered
“Don’t stop, please. Don’t stop, baby, I want you fill me with your cum.”
You reached down to rub your clit quickly, feeling your orgasm coming on quickly.
“Fuck you feel so good, angel. Make me feel so good,” Rafe moaned before sucking on the sensitive spot on your neck. You came with a moan of his name, head collapsing onto his shoulder as he continued to pump into you. His thrusts became faster as he chased his release. You kissed any piece of skin your lips could reach as his thrusts became sloppier, breathing heavier than before. He came loudly, grunting as he filled your pussy with spurts of white ropes. You rocked your hips lightly, helping him through his orgasm before stilling completely.
Your foreheads rested together, breath mingling in the space between. You sat like that for what felt like eternity, a moment frozen in time. You savored the feeling of Rafe’s cock in you, your combined juices leaking out of you and dripping down his shaft and your thighs. Rafe gave you a few gentle pecks, fingers massaging the back of your head. For a moment he felt complete, invincible, fucking incredible.
You stayed together until Rafe was completely soft in you. You reluctantly lifted yourself off his lap, the both of you whimpering at the loss of contact. You sneaked across the hallway to the bathroom, wiping yourself clean and doing your business. You returned to your room, grabbing your laptop from the trunk at the end of you bed and snuggled back up next to Rafe.
His eyes were still closed, head resting against the wall. He was so still you thought he might have fallen asleep, until his eyes opened and looked down at you, a lazy and utterly joyful smile gracing his features. You smiled back up at him, giving him a quick kiss before opening the laptop.
“Want to watch The X-Files?”
He grinned, wrapping an arm around you and snuggling deeper into the pillows.
“Oh, hell yeah.”
You giggled at his enthusiasm, clicking open the webpage and starting the episode.
Rafe held you tight in his arms, but for once he wasn’t afraid of you disappearing. As the sun beamed in through the blinds, casting light across your bedroom floor, Rafe allowed himself a moment to be selfish, and let his dreams see the light of day.
tagging: @ilovejjmaybank @diverrdown @diverdcwn @drewsephsmiles @https-luna @juliarose21 @bluesiderudy
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Happiness Continues
Summary: Jensen and Y/n take the plunge into their forever.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 5.3K+
Warnings: Language, 
Author’s Note: Well, without further adieu, here she is! I’ve been so nervous to post this series because I wanted to make sure it lives up to all your expectations. Your feedback is gold, so please let me know what you think! xoxo Alex (Bold texts are Jensen, italicized are reader)
Catch up with the series masterlist and then check out Alexandra’s Library for more by yours truly!
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The sunlight from the grand windows on the west wall of the hall was quickly being replaced by the soft glow of the lights above and the candles flickering on the table. Indistinct chatter filled the small space that the couple had reserved for their rehearsal dinner. The group’s bellies were full and the drinks were still flowing. 
“You’re looking a bit tired there,” Jensen’s hand landed on his fiancée’s thigh, squeezing gently to get her to look at him. 
“Mmm, I am, but I’m not ready to go,” she hummed, her eyes heavy with the events of the day. 
“Why’s that?” 
“It’s gonna be weird, you know, sleeping away from you. I just got used to you being home lately,” the woman shrugged, placing her hand on top of his. She traced a pattern with her finger over his knuckles, her gaze concentrated on her task. Their friends and family continued to chat excitedly around them as the two slipped away into their own world without ever leaving the table. 
“I know. I’m not used to having a whole bed to myself, or someone not stealing my covers in the night,” Y/n gasped low, looking up at Jensen to find him smirking at her, her favorite dimples on display on the corners of his lips. The woman scowled at him and his ability to be so freaking cute as a grown man. 
“You know,” a mischievous smile grew on her face as she turned his hand over and linked their fingers together. “We aren’t married yet, there is absolutely nothing stopping me from, I don’t know, just not showing up tomorrow.” 
Jensen hummed, “Happy wife, happy life.” receiving the exact reaction out his fiancée that he had hoped for; a sharp smack to his shoulder. 
“Ugh, you know how much I hate that saying.” Jensen couldn’t help but laugh at the way she rolled her eyes. His fiancée joined in on the laughter, only for it to be broken by a wide yawn. 
“Alright, that’s enough for you, honey. You need to sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” Y/n frowned at his declaration but she knew there was no use in fighting him. She wasn’t lying when she said it would be weird to not have him in bed with her tonight. Her one hope was exhausting her body to the point of passing out the minute her head hit the pillow. So far, it was working, seeing as she wasn’t even sure that she could stand from her chair and make it up to her room. 
Y/n blinked slowly as Jensen stood from his chair, reaching out to help her to her feet. “Alright, I think it’s time I put this one to bed if I want her to get out of up tomorrow.” 
“Ah, such a kidder,” Y/n mocked as the crowd laughed and bid the couple goodnight. Jensen slipped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her close to his side as he took her to the elevator. The entrepreneur leaned into him as they rode up to her floor, her eyes fluttering closed as she basked in his scent while she still could. The steady drum of his heart lulled her into a place she so desperately wanted to be, but the shudder of the cart had her eyes flashing open too soon. 
“Alright, here we go,” Y/n handed over her keycard to Jensen and he pushed open the door. He let go of his grip on her and urged her in. 
“You coming in?” She turned once through the threshold, looking back at him still in the hall. 
“Nice try,” He smiled, the action softening his features. “One night, babe. We can make it through, then it’s you and me forever.” 
Her tongue rolled out over her lips as she leaned against the door. “Aw, that was an adorable thing to say, you know that?” 
“As long as you don’t tell Jared, then we are safe.” 
“Ahhh, I’ve heard the things he’s said to Gen so he really has no place to talk,” Y/n quirked an eyebrow, eliciting a similar response from the man standing outside her door. 
“Goodnight Ackles,” her voice trailed off in a soft melody as she closed the door, his muttered ‘son of a bitch’ the last thing she heard before he was gone. 
She made quick work of her nightly routine before settling into the plush comforter of her hotel bed. Her body sank into the cool sheets, the exhaustion winning over her body easily. 
The only thing was it didn’t last for her. Y/n soon found herself tossing and turning under the plush covers. The bed was too large by herself, and every time her hand landed on an empty bed instead of her fiancé, she was jolted awake. She let out a huff as she stared up at the dark ceiling. A small sliver of light appeared suddenly and she turned over to grab her phone.
Hey baby, I hope you aren’t awake like I am, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow. 
Y/n smiled at the screen. Even after being together for almost two years, she kept finding more and more ways they were alike. What were the odds that both of them were lying awake in the middle of the night thinking of each other at the same time? 
You’re out of luck. This bed is too big without you.
She shot him back a quick text before locking her phone and holding it against her chest. His reply took no time at all. 
I know how you feel, believe me. Get some sleep, I’ll see you at the altar. 
Y/n had to chuckle to herself.
The only thing coming to my mind now is stupidly cheesy, but I’m gonna say it anyway. I’ll be the one in white. 
Hahaha, you’re right, that is cheesy. But I still love you.
You better.
Y/n put her phone back on the bedside table. Somehow, just talking to him and knowing he was up too made her feel better about sleeping alone. Maybe she should feel bad about smiling at him tossing and turning along without her, but right now she couldn’t care less because all it did was show her that she was making the right choice. 
Y/n was out again within minutes.
When they say your wedding day goes by in a flash, they truly aren’t kidding. Y/n woke up more refreshed than she expected when her alarm went off in the morning. She was also far less anxious than she expected as she went about her usual morning routine. Coffee and yogurt were sent up to her room with a note from Jensen telling her he knew she would forget to eat unless he got her something, which had made her chuckle because he was right. 
Her mother was there to pick her up and take her to the venue at noon. The older woman was quiet on the relatively short drive to the manor just outside Austin. Y/n knew it was only a matter of time until her mother was sobbing, so she was thankful for this time to relax and enjoy the sunshine. 
When they finally arrived at The Grand Lady, there were few cars in the parking lot, most of them belong to her bridal party. The guys lucked out with being able to go out for lunch seeing as they didn’t need hours in a hair and makeup chair, a fact which she and Jensen disagreed on. She had insisted that she could do her own makeup and save some money, but he would not hear of her quote, working, unquote on her wedding day, so she went along with him and hired people to make her shine.
Genevieve, Mackenzie, and her high school friends Stella, Delilah, and Grace were already in the bridal suite when Y/n and her mother arrived. The champagne bottle from the mimosa bar was popped before she even had a chance to set her bag down. The young entrepreneur had to remind herself to take the drinks slowly, seeing as she was getting married later that evening, not that her bridesmaids held that same regard. 
Before she knew it, it was nearing time to get into her dress. The photographer had already taken it from the bag earlier to photograph. Y/n stood staring up at the delicate material that glinted in the sunlight coming in the window. This was truly it. It was her wedding day, the day that she had given up on seeing a long time ago. If she thought about it too much, she was sure to ruin all the work that her crew had done on her face. 
“Y/n/n,” Gen called her from across the room. Y/n spun back to look at the ladies enjoying themselves. “I’ve been tasked with handing over something special to the bride.” 
Cheers came from the other women in the room, all eager to find out what exactly Jensen had decided to gift her with. Y/n watched as Gen pulled a decent-sized package out of the closet. It was wrapped in shining silver wrapping paper with a white bow wrapped around it. Her curiosity was piqued, seeing as the pair had not discussed a gift exchange, not that it had stopped her from purchasing a bespoke watch from a little shop in Detroit and having a message stitched into the leather strap. It was an easy choice seeing as her soon-to-be husband was obsessed with watches. The hard part was finding one he didn’t already own.
“This thing is huge,” she noted before quickly adding, “No one comment.” 
All the girls stifled their laughs, watching her as she tore into the paper without care. She tossed the paper to the side, taking in the black and white sound waves embossed on the white background. There was black script in the lower-left corner that read ‘in a world we could call our own’. 
“What’s the song?” Y/n didn’t recognize the lyric, but that didn’t mean that she hadn’t heard the song before. 
“On the back,” Stella called from her seat across the room. Y/n flipped the frame over in her hands, noticing the small square taped to the back. Setting the frame on the chair next to her, she broke the seal on the paper envelope. Inside was a simple CD, but on the front was a short message in Jensen’s familiar script that read ‘and it all came down to you, can’t wait to see you at the altar - Jensen.’
“But I don’t—” Her words were hushed as Gen handed over a portable CD player with headphones attached. Y/n turned the gray plastic over in her hand, knowing it had to be Jensen’s idea for her to listen to the disk in this way. Frankly, she was shocked that he didn’t find a way to put in on an eight-track and have Gen hand over a Walkman. 
Y/n placed the disk in the player and put the headphones on before pressing play. The soft melody caught her attention immediately, her head bobbing gently along until Jensen’s voice filled her ears. 
Listened to yesterday
Long before the way it has become
And it all came down to you
I don't really know the way
Played out stranger than it seemed
But what went down came true
Like an all day dream
It seemed saving her makeup was now just a pipe dream. She could feel the tears spilling out of the corners of her eyes. Gen was quick to bring her a tissue and Y/n tried her best to blot up the wetness without ruining everything. 
Everybody was looking at her as the song came to an end and she pulled the headphones off her head. “He uh, he wrote me a song,”  Y/n explained to her waiting friends. The room fell into collective awe. 
“Okay, okay! Enough with my cheesy brother. You need to get in your dress like now and fix your makeup.” Mackenzie was laughing as she spoke, but Y/n caught the hint of water in her eyes as well. She was right, her brother was more than cheesy. It was something that she used to turn her nose up at, but somehow, he found a way to make it work that never seemed to fail. 
“Right,” Y/n agreed, standing up from her seat and heading behind the partition to get into her dress. Her mother and Gen helped her into the heavy material and worked up the buttons along her back. She noticed her mother was tearing up again, much as she had on the day Y/n had said ‘yes to the dress.’
“Mom, come on now, Dad is gonna be in here any minute and I can’t have both of you in tears. I’ve already cried enough as it is.” Truth be told, she had been barely keeping it together since she received Jensen’s gift, and her family was not helping. She just had to keep it together until she was at the altar. Just half an hour longer. 
Jensen finished fastening the watch around his wrist before turning it over and inspecting it once again. His bride had chosen well. It was unlike any other he had in his collection, but it suited him well, and of course, it matched his suit to a ‘T.’ He double-checked that the hands on the face were where they needed to be, the realization of the time hitting him in the gut. 
“Hey, man. You good?” Jared’s voice broke him from his reverie. He tugged down the sleeves of his suit, fidgeting inside the snug outfit. 
“Uh, I’m not sure how to answer that.” A nervous chuckle forced its way up his throat. Jared nodded at his friend. 
“Been there, buddy.” Jared clapped his large hand on Jensen’s shoulder, squeezing his fingertips into the navy material. “But before I give you wise words of encouragement, I have to do my brotherly duty.” 
“Duty?” Jensen murmured to himself as Jared cleared his throat.
“If you ever hurt my sister again, I will not be as forgiving. You’re here today because I trust you with her life and her heart. Don’t make me regret that.” Jared again squeezed Jensen’s shoulder for emphasis. 
Jensen couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re funny, Jare.” But Jared’s expression had remained unchanged. “Oh, you’re serious… Dude, you’ve already punched me once. Trust me, I get the picture.” 
“Good, now that that’s settled, all you need to do is focus on Y/n. The rest of it will fall into place. You guys are crazy about each other, forget about all the rest.” Jared dropped his grip on his friend and straightened his boutonniere. 
“Thank you. I do love her, more than anything.” The groom smiled to himself as he watched the hands on the clock tick down. 
“Oh, and remember to take a second for just the two of you later. Go and experience things from afar.” 
Jensen nodded to himself, repeating Jared’s line back to himself. “Just the two of us.” 
“Alright, Jay. Shake it off, it’s time to go see your bride.” 
Gen was trying her best to keep Odette occupied as they waited to walk down the aisle. The group of bridesmaids, the bride and her father all were huddled in the corner of the wrap-around porch, waiting for the music to begin playing. 
Y/n had one arm already wrapped around her father’s, her bouquet in the other. Her lower lip was worried in her teeth as the music started from the band behind the altar. A jolt beside her had her snapping her head up to see her father smiling down at her. 
“How are you doing over there?” He asked as her bridesmaids began to disappear one by one. 
“I’ll be okay. Deep breaths, right?” 
“Deep breaths. Come on, someone is waiting for you.” Her dad tightened his grip on her as they began moving. The old wood of the manor creaked as they made their way across it and down the steps. Y/n refused to look up until her feet were on the fabric aisle put together by the wedding planners. When she did finally look up, her eyes cast over her friends and family standing to watch her, looking for the one pair of green eyes that could ground her. 
Jensen had to bite his tongue when his bride came around the corner, the lace she adorned more elegant than he had expected. Her hair fell in waves down her back and the light veil covered her face just enough to hide her blush from him, but it was when she looked up and lock eyes with him that everything else fell away. It was just like Jared had said, all that mattered at that moment was her and Jensen. Like that night back in Vancouver, when she smiled at him from her place in her father’s arms, his heart skipped a beat. It was that smile that did him in still to this day. 
Y/n watched as Jensen’s face broke out into the widest grin she’d ever seen. He clasped his hands together as he lost himself in her. His reaction had her feeling more light than she had ever felt. This was the moment people talk about twenty years down the road when they recount their wedding day. That ‘first look’ feeling was one she was going to remember for the rest of her life. 
“Gerald,” Jensen held out his hand to Y/n’s father, shaking it with a smile before Gerald turned back to his daughter and handed her over to her groom, but not before stealing a kiss to her cheek. 
Jensen slipped her arm under his and pulled her close to his side. “Wow, Y/n. Just… wow,” he whispered to her as their officiant began the ceremony. 
“You’re one to talk, handsome. That blue suit is killer,” she husked, faking a whistle below her breath. She paused for a second to glare at Jared clearing his throat when the crowd was asked if anyone objected to their marriage. She couldn’t be too mad at him though, considering the chuckles he got from the crowd. Jared was just being Jared. 
“So, in their decision to make my life a little easier, Jensen and Y/n have decided to write their own vows, which they will share with you now.” Their officiant waved her hand to them, the couple turning to now face each other. Y/n handed her bouquet off to her matron of honor, Gen, who exchanged it for her written vows, before turning back and taking Jensen’s free hand in her own. 
“Y/n, I don’t know if it’s stupid or cliche to start off with this, but I love you. I do, I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love another human being. I had all but given up on my chance to find someone and have a family, and then you came crashing into my life. It all came down to you, my all-day dream come true.”
“Y/n/n, you are a strong, beautiful, and bullheaded woman. You frustrate me, you challenge me and you make me a better man. I promise to love you forever, to carry you through the bad times and laugh with you in the good times. I promise to keep you safe in my arms no matter what life throws our way and to cherish every moment we have together. I promise forever.”
Jensen shoved his vows into his pocket as he finished, his green eyes sparkling in the sunlight as he smiled down at her. For a moment, she let herself get lost in them until their officiant cleared her throat. The crowd chuckled as Y/n mumbled to herself to get a grip. 
“I struggled a lot to put my feelings down into words. This damned piece of paper stared at me for weeks just mocking my brain for its lack of focus. But I soon realized it wasn’t because I couldn’t find the words, it was because there are no words. Jay, you are indescribable. You are everything I didn’t know that I needed before I met you. You always know how to make me laugh, what words to say when I don’t feel beautiful, and how to pick me up from the ground when I’ve fallen to my knees.” 
“I vow to you to always be there when you need to speak and to share the silence when words aren’t needed. I vow to make sure you always smile from all my smart ass comments and to make sure you know how handsome you are. Most importantly, I vow to love you more and more with every passing day.” 
Y/n was barely keeping it together as the two of them exchanged their rings and ‘I do’s’. She had fully expected the tears to be present ever since the pair had discussed writing their vows, but she never expected him to literally take her heart in his hands and squeeze it. Her heart had never been so full than at this moment.
“I think that about does it then, eh? By the power invested in me by the state of Texas and in front of God and all your loved ones, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jensen,” The crowd laughed as their officiant tilted her head towards Y/n, raising her brow. The couple joined in as Jensen lifted her veil over her head and pulled her to his chest, her hands snaking around his waist and her fingers clutching onto his jacket. Their lips met in the middle, a grin on both their faces. After everything, they were finally here, right where they both wanted to be: with each other.
“Family and friends, I am delighted to present to you for the first time, as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen Ackles!” 
Jensen pulled away from his wife before pecking her nose one last time. He took her hand in his own as Gen handed her back her bouquet. The pair of them ran back down the aisle as the band played “You Make My Dreams Come True” and their families cheered. As they reached the porch around the manor once again, the event coordinator of the hall guided them back inside to the study where the boys had gotten ready for the ceremony. 
The room was mostly cleared of the groomsmen’s items when they entered. For now, it was their place to have a second alone before they needed to begin taking photographs. Y/n set her bouquet down on one of the tables, her other hand still in Jensen’s. He tugged her into his side again, smiling down at her, his lips turned up on one side. 
“Hi, wife.” 
“Hi, husband,” Y/n parroted his sentiment back to him, a chuckle on her tongue. “Are you gonna be disgustingly cheesy now?”
“It’s my wedding day, I think I’m entitled,” he nodded.
“Hmm, well good. I love it.” 
“I knew it!” Jensen bit his lip as he caressed his fingers along her jaw. He ran his thumb over her lower lip, his eyes examining the expanse of her face.
“Jay,” Jensen raised his brow at her, signaling her to continue. “I love you. Thank you for marrying me.”
“I love you too, pretty girl.” He promised, lowering his lips to her own in a quick caress. 
It didn’t take long for the photographs to be finished, though it was boring work. Y/n assumed she probably shouldn’t feel that way, but her face was beginning to hurt from smiling so much. In the midst of it all, they’d signed their marriage license, so she guessed that made it all worth it. 
The day was flying by quicker than either of them expected. When people told her to pause and take in everything, she’d thought she’d prepared herself, but before she knew what was happening, they were seated at the sweetheart table across from the stage as Jared took the microphone for their before dinner toasts. 
Feedback reverberated across the makeshift stage and about the yard that was set up for their reception. Jared winced before clearing his throat. 
“Good evening, everybody, I’m Jared for all of you who don’t know. That beautiful woman over there is my baby sister and the handsome troll sitting next to her just happens to be my best friend, my brother from another mother. The two of them have come a long way since their first meeting, a day not unlike today. When Gen and I got hitched, I think they exchanged a total of five words that day. They were ships passing in the night then. It wasn’t until Y/n/n came to work with us on set that a series of events was set in motion that none of us expected. I won’t lie and say I was too happy when I first found out about their relationship, sorry Jensen,” Jared paused as the room chuckled, though outside of their immediate families, no one knew what he was talking about. “I know it took me a while to come around to the idea, but now that I’ve been able to watch the two of you grow together, and laugh together, and love each other, I realize I was being selfish. Y/n, there is no other man that I would trust more with your life and with your heart. I know that he’s always gonna be there to treat you right and pick you up when you’re down. I know this because I will find him if he doesn’t.” Jared waved off more laughs before continuing. “Alright, but in all honesty, I couldn’t be happier for the two of you and I can’t wait to watch you grow old together. I love you guys. To the Ackles!” 
Jared held up the champagne flute into the air before the room took a drink. Gen followed Jared as matron of honor and Josh brought up the rear as best man. All three of them were skilled at pulling out laughs and tears. Dinner was served just after and once the plates were finally cleared, the sun was nearly fully set below the horizon. 
The manor worked on bringing out the dessert table, a wide array of miniature pies, snickerdoodles, banana bread, pumpkin and sugar donuts, scones, a coffee bar, and lastly the wedding favors for their guests, a build-your-own candy apple bar. It was the perfect fall scene for their mid-November wedding. 
Y/n and Jensen made their way through the crowd, hugging family and friends and thanking them for joining them on their special day. A good crowd had formed on the dance floor, and it seemed that everyone was enjoying themselves. 
Miriam, Y/n’s great aunt on her father’s side, had pulled her into a long-winded conversation at her table. Y/n was perched in a seat across from her aunt, trying to stay invested in the conversation. To be honest, the bride wasn’t even sure what she was talking about anymore.
“Hey, Miriam.” Jensen’s voice broke her out of the little trance she had slipped into. He had a wide smile on his face as he knelt beside her aunt. “I know you ladies are having girl talk, but I was wondering if I could steal my wife for a minute?” 
“Oh!” Miriam exclaimed, a delighted smile on her face. Y/n watched, a grin on her face as she watched her husband charm her away from that table. “Of course! Silly me. She’s yours now, to do anything with you please.”
“Okay, Aunt Miriam,” Y/n stood and went to kiss her aunt on the cheek. Jensen took her hand and began to guide her away.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Her aunt’s exclamation had a blush creeping up on her neck, and Y/n had to cover her eyes with her hand. The whole time Jensen was just laughing beside her. 
Y/n was distracted by the small cheers from the people who heard her aunt that she didn’t notice her husband sneak a champagne bottle and a glass from a waiter on their way up to the house. She simply let him guide her up on the porch and over to a dimly lit corner that gave them a view of the entirety of their reception. 
“What are we doing?” She asked him as he handed her the flute. 
“We are taking a minute to ourselves, just to step back and soak up all that’s happened today,” Jensen explained as he filled the glass. 
“Ah,” Y/n let out a breath as she took a sip from the glass. She handed it over to her husband who copied her action. “Isn’t that what our first dance was for?” 
“Eh, everyone had their eyes on us then. This way, it’s just the two of us. We get to be on the outside looking in.” Jensen moved behind her, snaking his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. His wife leaned into his embrace, enjoying the heat from his body as the night began to cool. 
The couple shared half a bottle of champagne as they watched their guests enjoy themselves. Most of the crowd was huddled on the dance floor, shaking away their worries for the time being. Those that were left were smuggling treats from the dessert table. 
It was an intriguing glimpse at a wedding from someone else’s perspective, and the couple was more than happy to just watch their loved ones enjoy themselves. After all, that’s what all a wedding was, a party, and people were supposed to have fun at parties; get rowdy and maybe a little drunk. The kids were carefree, shaking their butts to the melody that helped facilitate all the fun. 
Jensen glanced down at his watch to check the time before kissing the underside of her jaw. “We have to go get changed now,” he whispered to her. Y/n hummed in response, both of them not wanting to break the bubble that they had put themselves in on the porch, but alas, they had a plane to catch, and therefore needed to get out of their nice clothes.
The honeymoon suite that came with the rental of the manor was going to be used by Jared and Gen that night. Y/n and Jensen planned to leave her dress and his suit for them to take home. It worked best for them that they whisked away on their honeymoon right away. Overnight flights to Europe worked best when it came to kicking jet lag in the ass. 
So that was what they did. Jensen changed into jeans and a white tee and Y/n into leggings and a white tee. Out of all the stupid couple things people did on their wedding day, Y/n had opted for matching ‘going away’ outfits. 
The couple triple checked that they had everything they needed as Jared found his way to them. He helped Jensen pack the car with their belongings and before they knew it, they were being seen off by their loved ones, a whirlwind of sparklers lighting their path to the car. The couple hugged their parents goodbye before slipping into the black sedan.
As the car whizzed down the dirt path towards the airport, the crowd that was left meandered back to where the bartender was calling ‘last call.’ On the outskirts of the property, a figure stepped back into the tree line, the shadows hiding the stranger from view. The man dropped the butt of his cigarette into the pile building on the ground, crushing it into the leaves of the forest with the toe of his shoe before disappearing into the night. 
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Part 1: The Conception
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Forevers: @polina-93 @22sarah08 @callmekda @hobby27 @tranquility-or-chaos @dawnie1988 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @sleepylunarwolf @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan  @akshi8278 @superfanficnatural @malfoysqueen14 @deanwanddamons @waywardbeanie @emoryhemsworth @talesmaniac89 @winchest09 @katehuntington @flamencodiva @janicho88 @anathewierdo @ellewritesfix05 @mrsjenniferwinchester @jensengirl83 @lyarr24 @smol-and-grumpy
Continues: @traceyaudette @death-unbecomes-you @rebelemilu @colbyskoalas @ashleyrose0117 @zpandaqueen @stoneyggirl @parinarain @onethirstyunicorn @smoothdogsgirl @harryhook-lover @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @spnfamily-j2 
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hypnofur1 · 3 years
My Life as a Hypno Fur Queen - Chapter 2
That incident with the construction workers was an indicator of where my general mindset was at. With each passing day, I was less interested in “Cindy” stuff. Less interested in dealing with PTA things, less interested in dealing with drama from the neighborhood women. I was interested in hypnotic erotic domination, and there was little room for anything else. I knew this was a dangerous road, but I couldn’t stop myself from going down it.
With the kids at school, Nick at work, and the construction workers in the house working on the closet, I spent a lot of time in my bedroom. Most of it was either researching hypnosis stuff online or shopping online. One afternoon, as the closet was almost finished, I found what I thought would be the perfect centerpiece.
The room had originally been a fairly good size office, so as a closet, it was enormous. There was a large open space in the middle. I found a red velvet couch for the middle of the floor. I figured it would be great to hypnotize and fuck on. I sent it to Nick and told him to order it.
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“Cindy, I think we need to chill on the purchases for a while. I know we have the inheritance stuff, but this couch is like $2k” he texted back to me.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I was pleased or annoyed that he wrote that. Part of me just wanted him to do what I wanted, but the other part of me liked the challenge.
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The construction crew was just down to one finish guy, a portly guy name Jorge. Jorge was in his late 40’s. He was very nice, as they all were. He was a little bit intimated by me, which I liked. I’m sure my interaction with the crew the other day exacerbated his level of intimidation. I noticed Jorge get all sweaty and nervous when I was around. I also noticed him sneaking glances as me. At this point though, he was wrapping up for the day. As soon as he left, I went into the closet. It still smelled new in there. I took a selfie and sent it to Nick.
Then I texted him:
Me: Am I beautiful Nick?
Nick: yes
Me: Look past me. What do you see?
Nick: Your furs
Me: Who am I?
Nick: Cynthia
Me: Who is in control? Who do you serve?
Nick: You
Me: Order the couch. Get rush shipping. I don’t care how much it costs
Nick: Yes Cynthia
The power I had over him was intoxicating. I immediately felt the middle of my yoga pants getting wet. All alone in the house, I went back to my bedroom and opened the drawer next to my bed. Nick and I both had little bedside tables. The bottom drawer of mine had glamour magazines right at the top, but underneath those were my little toys. Looking through the drawer, I briefly considered the fingertip vibrator... quick, to the point, very effective. But instead I drew out my other vibrator... anatomically correct, except for the fact that it was purple silicone. I closed my eyes for a moment, holding the toy in my hand, realizing with a smile that it was about the same size as my husband. I reclined on the bed, my thick purple friend turned on low speed, and slowly teased the tip over my clit as I thought about the power I had over Nick My breathing sped up right away. I was so wet already, so turned on, that I slipped the tip of the toy down to the entrance of my pussy almost immediately, moaning a little bit as it pressed inward. Just the tip. Just that tease. Just those little teasing thrusts, the slow rumbling vibrations adding to the sensation as I briefly slipped the tip back up over her clit. The vibrations, those extra sensations, helped to compensate for not having Nick’s hypnotized, obedient, warm body pressing me into the bed. For not having a tongue invading my mouth with mindless kisses, pushing into me with his hard cock. "Oh," I whispered with the toy halfway in. "Oh, shit, feels so good." I said to no one. But I The thrusts were all the way in now. I thought of how silky I made my voice when I was hypnotizing Nick. I thought of how he was so powerless to resist my commands. Further encouraged by this, I reached down to turn up the speed on the vibrator, lifting my hips off the bed and gasping as I pushed against the toy. She reached behind her with one hand, gripping the headboard... Yes, almost there, just a bit more, oh, God... "I’m your hypnotic fur queen!" I burst out as at full volume as I climaxed, reveling in the feeling of bearing down on the realistic toy, riding the waves of muscle contractions magnified by the facsimile inside me. The last gasps of my orgasm took a while to dissipate, the vibrations keeping it going, and I bit my lip again as I rode the toy through the aftershocks. With a satisfied sigh, I finally turned off the vibrator and put it to the side. I laid there for a moment and basked in the post orgasmic glow. I felt relaxed and happy… but I still felt a little bit wicked. I was thinking about Jorge the last carpenter. He probably thought I was so hot. Hispanic guys love blondes, I learned that in Cancun. They are crazy for blondes. I probably seemed so rich to him, so untouchable. If he only knew that I had been masturbating just a few minutes after he had left.
I was thinking about this as I cleaned off the purple vibrator. As I was about to place it back in the drawer, I stopped. The wicked feeling I have prompted me to place the purple, penis shaped vibrator in the closet. I put it on a shelf, next to the furs, and next to a couple books on hypnosis, and a gold pocket watch that I had bought. I knew Jorge would find it the next day. I felt so sexy, so wicked.
But then the kids came home. I was thrust back into a world that was becoming less and less interesting to me. Cindy’s world. Mom Cindy, School Committee member Cindy, and at the particular time that Nick came home that night – sister Cindy.
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“Well, why did you give him the keys?” I said with a snarl to my older sister, Denise. She lived in Rhode Island, and her life was always in a constant state of calamity and sadness. Nick could probably tell who I was on the phone with the moment that he walked in the door, he was not a big fan of hers of course. She was telling me some sob story about how her latest boyfriend had taken her car out after a night of drinking and smashed it up. It was always some pathetic adventure or another with her.
Nick gave me a smile and then headed upstairs to get out of his work clothes. Exchanging his shirt and tie for a t-shirt and basketball shorts. That’s what he did every night. Of course, over the last few weeks, he would also check the daily progress the construction crew was making with the closet.
Frankly, I had been so caught up in what was happening with the boys’ school stuff, dinner, and now Denise’s crap, that I had forgotten about the little surprise that I left for Jorge to find tomorrow.
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However, I was certainly reminded when Nick and back downstairs and yelled to me in a panic, “Cindy, you left a dildo in the closet!”.
I could barely put my hand over the receiver fast enough so that Denise couldn’t hear. “SHHHHHH!” I admonished. Jeez, not only did I not want Denise to hear that, I didn’t want the boys to hear him too. God, he is such a spaz sometimes.
His face was red and he was totally shocked. His intense reaction was a reminder for me that my actions of late were really out of character. I knew I was spiraling a bit, but I didn’t care. It was sexy and fun, and exciting. So fucking hot. I loved the idea of Jorge seeing the dildo and not being able to stop thinking about me using it. I even loved that it shocked Nick, and that he wasn’t into it.
Denise was blabbering on and on. I just put her on mute, so she couldn’t hear what I said. I looked Nick deep in the eyes. I changed my body language and my tone. Hell, I felt like I changed my whole persona.
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“Nick, look at me, look into my eyes” I said to him. “What did you see in the closet Nick?”
“Your purple… you know” he said. I noticed he didn’t break eye contact.
“What else did you see in the closet Nick?”
“A hypnosis book” he answered
“Have you ever been hypnotized Nick?” I asked, calmly and steadily
“Yes” he whispered now. His eyes locked into mine.
“What else is in the closet Nick?” I asked.
“Furs” he said, his breathing now ragged.
“Who hypnotized you Nick?” I asked
“You did”
“Whose furs are those Nick?”
“Yours” he said. I didn’t want to break eye contact, but I had a hunch that if I glanced down, I’d see an erection forming beneath the basketball shorts.
“You are hypnotized now, aren’t you Nick?” I said to him. It was phrased as a question, but it really wasn’t
“Yes” he whispered. I immediately felt my pussy moisten. I took the phone off mute and just blurted out to Denise that I would call her back. I could listen to her whine about her car problems later. I mean, I didn’t love my mini van, but you didn’t see me calling people complaining about it.
That did give me an idea though…. a wicked idea.
“Who controls you Nick? Who do you serve?’ I asked him as my arousal grew.
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“you do. I serve you” he answered
“Good Nick. Go deeper now. Looking deep into my eyes, hearing only the sound of my voice. Deeper and deeper into my hypnotic control. Deeper and deeper.” I said, in my hypnotist voice. This was the first time I had ever brought him under without actually having fur present in the room with us. I wanted to capitalize on this opportunity.
“Looking so deep into my eyes. Completely and utterly focused on me. I am your whole world. So engrossed in me. So captivated by me. I am your hypnotic fur queen, and you are mine. Mine to control, mine to hypnotize. Deeper and Deeper. Going deeper and deeper under my hypnotic control. It feels so good to be completely immersed in my hypnotic spell. You love being hypnotized by me. You love to serve me, to please me. Pleasing me and serving me is the most important thing to you.” I said, my own breathing now ragged from arousal.
“You’ll do anything I say. Anything to please me. You can refuse me nothing. I am the most beautiful woman in the world. I am perfection. You find me so sexy. The more aroused you are, the more you obey me. Even if it is something you don’t want to do, your desire to serve me and please me will take precedence. Do you understand?” I told him. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my temple. I was feeling almost frenzied.
“Yes Cynthia” Nick responded immediately.
“Nick, I want you to go upstairs, and go into the closet. When you are in there, I want you to get on your phone and make a reservation for the nicest hotel in Providence for tomorrow night. We are going to drive my mini van down to Denise, and we are going to give it to her. You are then going to buy me a new Mercedes. Do you understand?” I said. I was actually touching myself at this point. Thank god for Fortenight, I knew it would keep the boys so occupied down in the basement that they wouldn’t come upstairs and overhear this.
“I-I” Nick stuttered, I could see he was struggling.
“You serve me Nick. It is so sexy to serve your fur queen. Tell me you will obey Nick”
“I will obey” he said weakly. I fucking loved it.
“Go upstairs and do that. Then, I want you to jerk off looking at the purple vibrator, thinking of me using it, do you understand?”
“Yes Cynthia”
“When you are done. Make dinner”
“Yes Cynthia”
“Go!” I said, almost evilly. I was so turned on that I stuck my hand down my pants. Maybe I should have gone up with him to use the vibrator…
Jorge didn’t have much to finish on the job, less than an hour of work left. He was just replacing two drawer handles that had come in wrong and picking up the final check. However, I knew that he would see my purple vibrator on the shelf, on top of the hypnosis book. I knew that would shock and likely arouse him. I knew that, and I loved it.
I was in the kitchen, listening for him to start making his way downstairs. I looked really good, I had on a tight satin blouse, a short little mini skirt, and some strappy heels. It was a sexy version of a professional outfit. As I heard him start to come down the stairs, I hopped on to the kitchen counter and picked up the phone.
“Yes Mr. Mayor, you hear only the sound of my voice. You are deep, deep in my hypnotic power. You will obey my commands completely…” I said as he rounded the corner. I saw him nervously approach me. I had the final check, so I knew he would have to deal with me.
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I looked deep into Jorge’s eyes with a sultry look. “Mr. Mayor. Sink deep into hypnosis. Sleep deep until you hear my voice again.” I said into the phone before hitting the mute button theatrically.
“Are you all done?” I asked Jorge.
“Y-Yes Ma’am” he said nervously.
“Before I give you this check, I want you to look deep into my eyes…” I said to him with a wicked smile.
Jorge’s eyes almost popped out of his head before he immediately diverted them. He said something in Spanish that I didn’t understand, and ran out of the house. I laughed and laughed. I might have even cackled. It was definitely an evil laugh none the less. Now, full disclosure, I stuck the check in the mail right away. I wasn’t trying to get out of paying the construction company, nor was I looking for a law suit. I was just looking for a little fun…
It was easy to get my mom to come watch the boys. After all, I was giving Denise my car. My mom was always so overly protective of Denise, which by the way, is a large part of why she is who she is – but that is not the point of this story.
So anyway, my Mom came to watch the boys the next afternoon, which was a Friday so it worked out well. I was dressed very nicely, make up done, etc. Nick shuddered a little bit when he first saw me as he got home from work. I told him to shower and put on something nice as well. He of course obliged.
I didn’t wear the fur out of the house. I didn’t really want to wear it in front of my mom or the boys. I had Nick put a couple of them into garment bags and place them in the mini van. It was all smiles and hugs and “Cindy” when we were leaving the house. I knew the boys would be in good hands with my mom, despite the fact that she would spoil them rotten, and let them eat way more sugar than I would. Oh well, I didn’t really care about that at that moment.
As soon as we were both in the car, it was 100% Cynthia time. I had Nick pull over the second that we were out of view of our house, and get one of the furs out of the garment bag. I wasn’t going to wear it in the car, but I just wanted it out for the psychological effects it would have.
We live about an hour and a half north of Providence. This was a Friday night, so the traffic was thick. I called and got reservations at a restaurant called the Capitol Grille. It was known to be one of the nicest in the city. There was no place to park nearby the restaurant. I told Nick to pull up to the front and drop me off at the door. When we were at the front, I told him to get my fur and put it on me. He did so, opening my car door, taking my hand as I got out, treating me like a queen as he helped me slip into the fur.
I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he helped me into the fur. Part of me wanted to have him take me to the hotel right then and there and ride him like a cowgirl. But, I wanted to enjoy the evening first. I turned to him as I reached down and grabbed his crotch. As I suspected, his cock was rock hard. Perfect! That is just how I wanted it. I figured there was a possibility that the restaurant hostess even saw me grab him, but I didn’t care. I was in full Cynthia mode at this point.
I entered the restaurant with a confidence that I could have only dreamed about in my twenties. I immediately notice a lot of eyes on me. That wasn’t unusual, but in this fur, with this confidence, I felt it was magnified significantly. As I scanned the room, taking a mental inventory of all who noticed me. There were a number of men checking me out. There were a number of women givng me the stink eye. I loved it all.
Then I noticed this one guy at the bar. He was older, like 50’s, and he was well dressed. Expensive clothes. He had a look in his eye that I have seen before. It was the same look that Nick had the first time he saw me in a fur. All the color had drained from the guy’s face. He tried to avert his eyes, likely realizing that he was staring, but he just couldn’t. As a little test, I lightly ran my finger tips down the shawl collar of my fox fur coat as I stared at him. I could see from the guy’s reaction that I had just taken his breath away.
This dude 100% had a fur fetish! I laughed wickedly to no one. It was the same kind of laugh I laughed when I was teasing Jorge. Who the hell was I becoming?
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Nick entered the restaurant, I felt him come up behind me. The hostess smiled at us politely and showed us to our seat. I kept glancing over to my starstruck friend at the bar, his eyes never left me. I looked at him and laughed knowingly.
Dinner was fantastic, as were the cosmopolitans. I knew I was getting a bit tipsy, but I didn’t care. At the end of my second cosmopolitan, and idea formed. It was crazy, and bad, and stupid. But… I wanted to be crazy and band and stupid. I knew I needed Nick’s cooperation. I looked deep into his eyes with my hypnotist gaze.
“Nick, I want you to do something.” I said.
“Anything” Nick responded. He was so far gone tonight.
“There is a man at the bar in a blue tie. I want you to go to the bar and get me another Cosmo. Strike up a conversation with him. Make sure you somehow work in that your wife is a hypnotist. Do you understand?” I said.
“Yes, I understand”
“Good. Go now.” I said. Commanding him like this was getting me a little bit aroused. I did my best to not glance over at them while Nick was talking to the guy. He was probably up at the bar for a good 15-20 minutes, which was a good sign that he was likely successful in striking up a conversation.
When he finally came back, I asked him if he was successful in his task. He confirmed that he was. That part of my hastily put together plan was complete, now I just needed to wait for Mr. Blue Tie to get up to go to the bathroom. He had been sitting at the bar for like an hour, I knew it wouldn’t take long.
Sure enough, I only had to wait about ten minutes. I saw Mr. Blue Tie get up and turn towards the restroom. Of course, he snuck a few more glances at me. I knew this was my chance. I had to occupy Nick though. I told him to let his attention wander, to start noticing other things in the restaurant, etc. I told him he wouldn’t notice that I had left the table, and would keep just dazing off until I spoke to him again. It worked perfectly, I saw him start looking around as soon as I had said that.
With part two of the plan in play, I grabbed my fur coat from the back of my chair and slipped it on as I headed to the restroom. Mr. Blue Tie of course noticed this, as his eyes hadn’t really left me all night. Now, I will admit, I really felt the Cosmopolitans when I stood up. Wow, I was definitely a little drunk.
I was able to not stumble over to him though, which was impressive in the heels I was in. I caught him before the bathroom.
"Hi, I see you like this white fox coat I’m wearing”, I said to him as I got close, looking deep into his now… well, petrified eyes.
He tried to say something, probably to make an excuse. As soon as I saw him go to speak, I put my finger on his lips. “Shhhhh. It’s ok I know that you like it. It’s ok.”
I slowly removed my finger from his lips and then held my hand in front of his eyes for a moment. Slowly and seductively, I moved my fingers to the thick fox shawl collar. As I expected, his eyes never left my finger tips.  “That’s right. You are finding that you can’t look away from my gentle, soft caressing of the fur. You are finding that your eyes are locked on finger tips and you can`t look away. It may be that you just find the sight of my feminine hand caressing the thick, soft fur is so pleasant to look at. I`m very glad you find my fingers stroking the fur pleasing enough for you to want to watch me do it just like you`re doing right now. I’m ok with it, I’m letting you just stare, like you’ve wanted to. Just SSssoo natural to just want to reelllaax and watch me caress the fur. SSssoo natural... ssssoo natural to want to stare at me touching the fur and listen to my voice. Nothing unusual. Nothing but just reellaaxxing and staring like you`re doing, and listening to my voice. SSssoo easy....ssssoo natural....ssssoo rreeellaaxing..... reeellaaaxing.....” I could see his jaw was hanging open and his eyes looked glazed. I slowly moved my fingertips up to my face. His eyes followed and met mine. Now our eyes were locked, fixed. I then moved closer to him and placed my thumb on his forehead and my fingers on his head. Speaking to him in a soft, sexy tone of voice, I began to slowly rotate his head. “....reeellaaxing more and more as you look deep into my eyes. Deeper and Deeeeper into my eyes now. You find it impossible to look away from my eyes. You find it impossible to look away. My eyes pull you deeeeper and deeeeeper into them. Feel it...feel them pull you in deeeeper and deeeeeper. Down deeeep...down deeeep into my eyes and you love this feeling of just letting go and sinking...sinking...down deeeep....down deeeep into my eyes. Just let go now and sink all the way down...deep.....deeeeep....deeeeeep into reeellaaxing sleep... sleeeep....sleeeeeeeeeeep....” With that, he collapsed on to me. Slumped right on to my shoulder. I started to freak out, wondering if anyone at the restaurant was noticing what was going on, but it quickly faded away as I realized I needed to keep this moving quickly.
“Hearing only the sound of my voice. You will do exactly as I tell you to do. It feels so good to follow and obey. Now, stand up, open your eyes, but remain deep in hypnotic trance.” I told him.
He did so. Good. That was going to get awkward fast with him draped all over me. Plus, he was heavy.
“Now, I want you to answer me completely honestly, do you understand?”
“Yes” he responded quietly
“Good, that makes me very happy, and you want to make me happy, don’t you?”
“Yes” he responded earnestly.
“Goooood”, I cooed. “You are doing soo well. Now, what is your name?”
“Doug Stumbly”
“Good Doug. I’m pleased that you told me that. Do you like to please me Doug?”
“Good. So good. Are you sexually attracted to women in furs Doug?”
“Yes, women in white furs” he said
White furs. Ok. Geez, these guys and their fetishes are like, sooo specific. Being a guy must be so weird. Whatever. “Good Doug, very good. I am the most beautiful woman you have ever seen wearing a white fur live and in person, aren’t I?” I said/suggested.
“Yes” he responded. I knew it.
“Good, you are doing so well, you are making me happy and that makes you feel even more happy, and relaxed, and it allows you to sink even deeper into hypnosis for me. Now, tell me, are you rich?” I asked, now pretty damn bold.
“How?” I asked. Like, inheritance, hedge fund? I was curious.
“I own Stumbly Motor Group” he said.
Well well well. That could come in handy. Wait, I was getting ahead of myself. “Are you married?”
“Were you ever?”
“Yes. Divorced”
“Do you live in Providence?”
Frankly, I had more questions. I was pushing my luck here outside the bathroom though. I had to keep this show on the road. “Doug, in a moment, I am going to snap my fingers. You will awaken and take my phone. You will put your number in it. You will then go to the bathroom. When you are finished you will find the manager and pay for mine and my husband’s meal. When you get a text from Cynthia, your Fur Queen, you will obey the instructions completely, do you understand?”
“Yes” he said, then I snapped and handed him my phone. His eyes opened and he took my phone and entered his information. A smile came to my lips as I watched him.
I was definitely drunk, and I stumbled as I walked back to our table as Dougy-boy took a pee. I told Nick that he would follow me passively for the rest of the night, without thinking or questioning anything. Just so happy to be near me that nothing else mattered, nothing seems out of place. I said that as long as he is with me, everything is just fine. He was so deeply in my thrall at that point that he just went with whatever I said.
I looked over and saw him talking to the manager. The waiter came over and told us a gentleman had taken care of the bill for us. I smiled brightly and thanked him. I told Nick it was time to go, and that we were off to the hotel. Admittedly, in his zoned out state, I had to handle a few more of the arrangements than I would have liked. I was pretty drunk, so I knew I shouldn’t drive. I decided to leave the car in the garage it was already in and call an Uber to get us to the hotel. On the way there, I managed to check in via an app and got the room key sent to my phone. It was a pretty slick interactive feature, but it was hard as hell to do when hammered. I pulled it off though.
I texted Doug. Doug, this is Cynthia, your Fur Queen. Come to the Biltmore, room 427 at 10:00. Even in my drunken state, I couldn’t believe I was inviting… or should I say ordering… another man to our hotel room. This was pretty far out, even for the new me.
By the time we got into the room, it was already almost 10. I told Nick to sit on the bed and stare into space. I went into the bathroom and freshened up my make up and brushed my teeth. I also took off my clothes, leaving only my sexy underwear. Then I put back on the fur. I reapplied some perfume and there was a knock at the door.
I opened the hotel door wearing only the white fur coat and my sexy Victoria’s secret satin bra and panties. My coat was open as one of my arms rested on the door jam. I could see from Doug’s face that he was speechless. Frankly, a heart attack on this older guy was like a real concern at that moment.
“come in” I told him, walking away from the door. “close it” I commanded as he entered. He probably would have closed it anyway, but I was just throwing out another command because it felt good.
“Look, I really appreciate meeting you, but I – “ Doug started.
“Shhhhhh” I said as I turned to him, my fingers once again on his lips. This time, I applied pressure with my finger, pushing him. Pushing him down. Down to his knees. My eyes were locked on his. I felt the power coursing through me.
“Nick, get on your knees next to him. DO it now” I said. Nick passively slumped off the bed and hit his knees next to Doug.
“Both of you, stare at me!” I commanded as I backed up and stood in front of them. I grabbed a chair from little desk set up in the room and sat in front of them.
I was still drunk. Not only on alcohol, but on hypnotic, sexual power. “I want you to look at me. See only me.” I said to the awestruck men. ”In fact, I want you to think of me in this fur ... nothing else ...just concentrate on me ... use the beautiful fur coat as a focus to direct your mind so you can concentrate only on me ...... only of me .... nothing else .... not the sounds of the hotel around you ... not the others checked in here ... nothing matters to you, but me .... concentrate only on me..... concentrate on me ....."
I could tell they were both concentrating on me as instructed. It was such an odd situation, both for my husband, and this random dude I basically kidnapped. The wicked part of me laughed inside as I guessed that some part of both of them knew that something was wrong, that he shouldn’t let this happen. But I was going after them hard… and I knew guys like them were weak because of their fetishes.
"Think of me ... only of me ..... concentrate on the sound of my voice and my presence .... You are slipping into a deep . intoxicating hypnotic trance that I have crafted and you find you cannot stop your descent . With every second that passes you feel your will to resist me slipping away and your desire to obey me growing. You want to obey me. You NEED to obey me.... You desire to be my fur slave .. and each second your desire to serve me grows. Every second you look at me and listen to my voice brings you closer to total surrender. Feel your will power dissolve, with every word I speak to you. Feel your desire to be my fur slave grow. "
I could see that both of them were now sporting huge erections. That turned me on even more.
“nothing else else matters but your Fur Queen ..... my voice will lead you and you will follow ... follow me ..... OBEY me ...... you KNOW you want to follow me don't you ... you KNOW you want to obey me .... you want to obey my every command .... you want to be ENSLAVED by me don't you ... think about it and when you know it to be true repeat the words, My fur slaves ..... you WANT to obey me .... you WANT to be my fur slaves ....... say it .... what do you want....."
“to be your fur slave!” each man croaked out.
"Your MIND belongs to me,"  I said, as I started to stroke my own pussy. My speaking voice was now ragged as my breath quickened. “You are hypnotized., my pet. Hypnotized and enslaved by your Fur Queen"
Doug's mouth struggled to form words but he croaked out, " hyp ... no ... tized ....". Nick was just so far gone, he just stared with completely entranced eyes.
"And what do you want to do now, my Fur slaves?" I panted.
"I want to do any thing you command , " Doug said. Nick muttered “obey you Cynthia”. I felt myself on the edge of cumming.
"Then take out your cock and jerk off!” I yelled as I came. Both men obeyed without question. It was crazy. They both came almost instantly and almost in unison. Milky white fluids shooting up in the air. Each of their cum hitting both my leg (either the right or the left) and the floor below. It felt both cold and warm at the same time on my shin.
It was also so taboo, so crazy, so dominant. I was lost in some sort of control mongering haze. I looked at the two weak slaves in front of me. Each with so much power in their regular lives, but now my hypnotized obedient playthings. I laughed my wicked laugh again. I was so absolutely shit faced on power. “Lick it up!” I commanded. Each man immediately took one of my legs and gently started licking his own cum off of me.
Who. The. Fuck. Was I becoming?
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Title: Territorial {One Shot} ***
Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Heavy Angst, NSFW, SMUT
Words: 7.2k
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Note: Oh boy, I got carried away with this one. Please excuse the 7k words. I didn’t know I did it until it was too late. Hope you guys like this. Thank you for reading!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
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 What do you do when you are a single lady who is also a super busy actress who has too much going on to be bogged down by dating as a celeb? Or what do you do when you have needs that you need tending, but you don’t want the headache of complications? You get yourself a friend with benefits. So that’s what you did.
 Okay, you didn’t go out seeking a friend with benefits situation. It just happened. Thanks to a friend of a friend who was friends with what they called “a sweet guy who was also gorgeous and good in bed,” happened to be at a party you were at and introduced you to none other than Chris Evans. You know of him, everyone in the whole Hollywood fame circle did. You also knew of his reputation. He was a playboy who liked to have a good time. You didn’t knock it.
 That night after you were introduced and he passed the twenty-minute test, you allowed your friends to wander off, leaving the two of you to talk. That talk ended up being a good two hours. He wasn’t boring or arrogant, and he was quite funny. As you spoke, you were mentally going over your checklist.
Not Boring, check. Not arrogant, check. Funny, check. Smart, check. Handsome, check, and check. Tall, check. Nice lips, check. Sexy, all the fucking checks. He was hitting all the checks on your checklist. After another two hours, the two of you still hadn’t managed to wander off to speak to anyone else. Your friends texted several times, giving you your outs, but you didn’t take any of them. Chris, of course, laughed it off because he knew just what was happening.
 By the end of the night, you’d exchanged numbers and made plans to hang out sometime in the coming week or two. Three days passed before he called you. You pretended not to notice, but you noticed. When he called, he joked that he had to play it cool. That night you had dinner, which lasted another four hours. Things were going great, so great that you saw each other six times before the week was done. Each time you found more and more you liked about him. You had good chemistry, and things just felt natural with him.
 One night on the beach after a lowkey picnic dinner, he made his move with a star shooting kiss. It was that good. It quickly became more and more passionate, but the two of you pulled away at the same time. He whispered that he liked you a lot, you whispered it back, and the kissing continued. Then again, the two of you pulled back you said you had a lot going on and couldn’t afford distractions, he shared the same sentiments said his workload was about to pick up. That didn’t stop the kissing, though. On the third pull back, both of you said the words at the same time; “nothing serious.” Both of you laughed about it and nodded your agreement before hurrying back to his car to race back to your place because it was closer for one of the best sexual experiences you’d ever had.
 Nothing serious turned to whenever we’re in the same town. That turned to whenever we have an itch, and finally, it turned into just whenever. Normal fuck buddy arrangements operated with meeting, having sex, and leaving soon after. That never happened between you and Chris. You’d often go out, grab dinner, see a movie, go to a play, a game, whatever. You’d talk about everything, laugh like he was the funniest comedian, flirt your asses off to go back to each other’s houses, and have sensual, teasing, passionate toe-curling, back-arching hair ruining sex. Afterward, you’d cuddle for a little, watch some tv, talk, do it again and again, or however many times it needed to be done, you’d both fall asleep and depending on whose house it was one would leave the next morning after breakfast in bed together.
 Eleven months in and nothing had changed.
“Shit, yes. Right there.” You were so close. Chris continued to pound into you at just the right angle. You could feel the goosebumps prickling your skin, the telltale sign of your impending orgasm--the more goosebumps, the more intense. Chris knew it too.
 “You don’t gotta tell me where. I know what I’m doin’.” He brutally snapped his hips forward, delivering such a powerful stroke you splayed across the bed face down.
 With your face smushed in the down comforters, you moaned and cursed all at the same time.
 “What was that?” Chris slapped your ass and moaned no doubt getting lost in the way it jiggled. Turning your head to the side, you bit your bottom lip.
 “I said fuck that shit hurt,” you repeated. He smiled and grabbed your hips to pull you back up onto your knees. Slowly he slid back inside your warmth. Both of you moaned together. He allowed you to adjust for a few moments as he kissed along your spine up to your neck. Once there, he bit down onto your skin making you gasp.
 “You love that, huh?” You nodded as he held onto your shoulders and began plowing inside of you again. You grabbed the sheets and quickly got lost in the pleasure he was giving you. He sped up his thrusts but never missed his mark. Your moans got louder and louder; you could feel your orgasm creeping back up. Suddenly Chris slowed and hovered over your back to kiss your jaw.
 “I missed you,” his voice was deep, and it sent shivers down your spine.
 “I can tell.” Chris ground his hips into you, sending his dick to press against every wall you had. When he reached around to circle your clit, you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
 “I mean it,” he added. You smiled and peeped at him over your shoulder.
“I missed you.” As if those were the words he needed he snapped his hips forward so hard your head jerked forward then back, Chris held on to your shoulders and used it as leverage to have you see stars.
 “Oh, fuck, yes. Uh-huh. Yes, Chris!”
 In a matter of seconds, the two of you came together and rode the waves of pleasure that was so familiar between the two of you. When the two of you crashed to the bed, Chris remained nestled deep inside of you as he tossed the throw blanket over the two of you before he hugged you to his chest. You moaned.
 “That was nice.”
 “Nice? Watch your mouth.” You giggled and pushed your ass back onto him some more, which elicited a deep moan from him. Chris dropped another kiss onto your shoulder.
 “So, you know that party tomorrow night?”
 “What party?”
 “The It party, the one that’s after the It luncheon,” Chris explained.
 “Oh, right. Yeah. What about it?”
 “Are you staying in town for it?”
 “Yeah, I’m here for a week or two, I think. I actually have to go to that stupid luncheon.” You groaned. You hated the horse and pony shows. Hated having to mingle and shake hands and smile and be pretty. It was tiring.
 “I know how much you hate them. Since I have to make an appearance at both, let’s just go together. I’ll distract you from the hoopla and even find some excuse to whisk you away when things get weird.” You snorted and laughed.
 “How in the world do you plan on distracting me? Dragging me into a bathroom part of the plan?”
 “It could be.” Again, he kissed your skin.
 “Listen, if you keep kissing me like that, we’ll be too tired to go anywhere tomorrow.” Chris rolled onto you and kneed your thighs apart.
 “Sounds fine by me. That way, I won’t have to peel a fancy dress off of you to get you naked and here like this.” He thrust forward joining your bodies again. You moaned and wrapped your legs around him.
 “But the fun is peeling off the dress.” Chris smiled and kissed you, beginning another round of mind-numbing sex.
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“So, the two of you are dating now.” You rolled your eyes at your best friend, Alicia’s sly statement.
 “Dating? What? No. We’re not dating. We’re going to the luncheon and party afterward. Where did you hear date?”
 Your friends all looked at you as if you were slow. The four of you were sitting and getting hair and makeup done.
 “Is he picking you up?”
 “In the chauffeured car, yes,” you responded to Valentina’s question.
 “Are you guys planning on matching?”
 “Coordinating and matching are very different,” you defended while looking at Bianca.
 “Y/N! Oh my god, how are you blind to this. You’re dating your fuck buddy,” Alicia hammered home.
 “What! No, I am not. We are not doing anything out of the ordinary. We have dinners, hang out, get it in, and then leave. None of that says dating,” you defended.
 “Uh, yes, it does. Fuck buddies bypass all of that nonsense. You fuck in the car, then get dropped off, go hard at the house, and then leave. There are no calls, texts, dinners, hanging out. All of that you mentioned is called dating. Hence you’ve been dating your fuck buddy,” Alicia finished.
 You sat there thinking about her words. You’d never stopped and thought about this. It was all as easy and as simple as breathing. Chris fell into your life and meshed with it. There was no adjusting or rearranging. The two of you just worked. You enjoyed being around each other.
 “Aren’t you supposed to like being around your fuck buddy?”
 “Not past fucking.”
 You had a mental and I oop moment that you knew you could let out. You liked being around Chris.
 “Listen man; y’all are not going to have me in my head for the next eighteen hours. Nothing is happening between us. We’re being each other’s wing person for these events. End of discussion.”
 For the next hour or so, you got beautified and tried to push what they’d said out of your mind. As far as you were concerned, it was not true. When you got home, you got into your outfit and prepared yourself for the next few hours. When the doorbell rang, it was almost one. He knew you hated arriving anywhere on time. As you approached the door, you could see Chris’s back turned. His navy checkered slacks and brown jacket. You opened the door, and he spun around, holding white orchids.
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 “I know, I look just as good in clothes as I do out of them, right.”
 He smiled and shook his head as he leaned in and kissed you. What was to be a quick peck turned into another and another before you had a mini make-out session in your doorway.
 “Ready to go?”
 “Yes, let me put these down,” you answered before you hurried inside to place the orchids on a shelf. When you came back, you had your clutch, and it was time to go.
 The drive wasn’t long; it went by pretty quick thanks to your constant banter—banter that had been there from day one. You found yourself looking over him and admitting how he looked in his outfit. He looked good. He always looked good even when his team chose questionable pieces. At those times, you didn’t bite your tongue in shooting him a message telling him how bad the outfit was.
 “Is this outfit up to standards?”
 You snorted and shook your head as you bounced him with your shoulder. Instead of moving back to your side, you remained leaning on him. “If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have gone anywhere with you.”
 “Oh. So, it’s like that. Wow. Here I thought we were friends,” Chris feigned hurt.
 “You didn’t let me finish. Friends don’t let friends go out looking a hot mess, so I wouldn’t have gone anywhere with you until you matched my drip,” you teased. Chris laughed loudly, slapping his hand across his chest. You smiled. It was a laugh you loved, his genuine laugh.
 “Laugh if you want to. You know I have style, Evans.” He nodded and kissed your temple. It was an action that gave you goosebumps—goosebumps that were usually achieved during sex with him. Sensing your stiff demeanor, Chris looked at your face.
 “You okay?” You nodded more enthusiastically than you should have and hoped it didn’t come off weird.
 Thankfully, you arrived at your location just in time. With your hand draped inside of Chris’s arm, the two of you walked into the entrance of the venue, a sprawling home in the hills. You warmly smiled at the passing faces of those you knew and didn’t know.
 “Perfect little fake smile you have there,” Chris teased.
 Through your perfect little fake smile, you responded, “Not everyone can be charismatic Chris Evans. Some of us have to fake it till we make it.” Chris snorted beside you as the two of you kept walking through the venue. Within minutes you were surrounded by people all complimenting your outfit and expressing how happy they were to see you.
 You and Chris quickly got busy with mingling and small talk. You talked about everything from previous roles to impending ones and everything in between. The entire time you kept your smile up and even added other pleasantries—a hand touch here, a tossed back head laugh there, and infinite cheek kisses. It was exhausting. Halfway through mingling, you realized you and Chris had been torn apart. He was entertaining a group of women off to the side. The smiles on the faces of all the women told you his charm was in full effect, and he had each and every one of them under his blue-eyed spell.
 One of the women touched his bicep while she laughed a very fake laugh. Yeah, he was funny, but he wasn’t that funny. She was trying to inflate his ego. You rolled your eyes but continued to watch. Chris flashed one of his lopsided grins at the woman in the bright yellow body con dress. You knew her as Brandy Hannover, an up and coming actress. He usually didn’t have a type, but from his history, he liked blonds and brunettes, he could go either way. You were the only odd choice in his dating history. You had to mentally slap yourself when you registered “dating.” Then you had to remind yourself; you’re not dating.
 Brandy looked him over as she licked her lips. When hers and Chris’s eyes met, you felt a pang of something unfamiliar in the pit of your stomach. Their glance lasted seconds, but seconds was all it took for you to want to vomit. Chris looked from her and immediately found your eyes. You flashed him your fake smile and turned back to those in your group to join back into the conversation, ignoring the new uneasiness you felt.
 An hour passed, then two, and three. By the time five rolled around, you’d had way too much Bellini’s and mimosas and were ready to leave. As you thought it, Chris found you and expressed the same sentiments. Relieved, you wasted no time making your exit and getting back into the car. The drive back was quieter than the trip going. Chris tried to make small talk, but your short responses shut him down. You couldn’t keep your head in the present. You kept thinking back to watching him talk to Brandy. You didn’t know why it rubbed you the wrong way, and that was what bothered you. Before you knew it, the car was outside your door.
 “You okay?”
 “Hm? Yeah, I’m fine. Too much champagne, you know it makes me loopy.”
 He nodded but didn’t speak again for a few moments.
 “Have you decided on the color for tonight?”
 You were supposed to tell him the color of your dress so he wouldn’t clash with you. you hadn’t narrowed it down yet, so you shrugged. “Wear whatever. It doesn’t really matter. It’s not nearly that serious.”
 Chris looked confused, but you didn’t want to explain. Gathering your things, you went to open the door, but the driver did it for you.
 “Y/N, you sure you’re okay?”
 “Yeah. So—eight?” He looked like he had more to say, but he was contemplating if he should. With a defeated sigh, he nodded and repeated the time you’d agreed to pick you up. You nodded and walked to your front door without a glance back.
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That night the doorbell rang a little after eight. You were in a better mood now and actually couldn’t wait for the chance to drink some wine. Your friends were going to be there, and you knew they’d make you have fun. You smiled when you saw his crisp blue suit with black lapels, your jaw dropped. God, he was gorgeous. You almost said it too.
 “I had a feeling you’d pick the rose gold dress,” Chris informed. Your smile said it all. He knew you well.
 By the time you got to the party, the paparazzi were out and snapping pics of everyone in their path. When you and Chris walked by arm in arm, they shouted numerous questions.
 “Y/N, Y/N, Chris over here. Are you guys dating now? There have been tons of rumors. Is this your official outing as a couple?”
 You looked at Chris, who was rolling his eyes and giving you a silly face.
 “Uh, no. Chris and I are just friends as always.” You looked at him again, but the silly face was gone. He looked a lot more serious. His eyebrows were knitted and jaw tight. You wondered if you’d said something to warrant the change.
 Inside the venue, it was all opulence and luxury. It was filled with who was who of Hollywood. It was loud; the sounds of Normani’s Motivation was playing. There were a few places for dancing and quite a few tables for socializing. Everyone looked to be having a good time. Chris led you through the space on his arm. Occasionally the two of you would stop and greet a few people you knew before you continued on.
 After a few minutes, your friends found you, and it was then Chris made his clean break for the bar.
 “You look incredible,” Valentina elated. You smiled and did a spin so she could see the whole outfit.
 “Damn, boobs are out on display.” The four of you laughed as you looked around at your surroundings.
 “They had a good turn out.”
 “Yeah. No one needs an excuse to come out and drink on someone else’s dime, especially if it means it’ll possibly add to the notches on their bedpost,” Bianca said. It was true. You were only here because you half had to. In Hollywood, you had to make sure your face wasn’t forgotten.
 The song changed to an oldie, and the four of you jumped up and busted out your moves. The four of you made your way to one of the dance floors and got your party on. You parted the high split at your thigh and dropped a little low and winded your hips. Your friends followed your lead and showcased their skills. The four of you sang along to the song.
 “I’m on the floor, floor, I love to dance. Now give me more, more. Till I can’t stand. Get on the floor, floor like it’s your last chance. If you want more, more, then here I am.”
 That was when you got into it even more. When the hook popped, you lost it.
 “We’re higher than a motherfucker!” The four of you jumped like you were in a mosh pit and didn’t care who was watching. Soon a few others joined in with the four of you, and then the floor around you was filled.
 From the corner of your eye, you saw Chris leaning against the bar watching with a soft smile on his lips. He raised his drink and shook his head. Your shrug said it all. He knew how you were. The party didn’t start until you walk in. You nudged him over, but he shook his head. Before you continued to dance, you stuck your tongue out at him.
 You spent the next hour on that dance floor with your girls dancing your ass off with plenty of drink filled pit stops. You had no idea who was in charge of the music, but they were killing it. Usually, the music at these things was so bland, but tonight they must have had a good DJ. By the time Chris came over more than an hour had passed. He handed you a refilled glass of your Bacardi on ice. That was when the music changed to something new from the Jonas Brothers. You couldn’t lie; it was a good one.
 You pulled Chris into a dance before he could back off. Though he tried to make his getaway, you quickly stopped him by sliding before him, blocking him with your hip. He snorted and shook his head. You crooked your finger to him, telling him to come to you. When he walked to you, he looked like he didn’t want to. You crossed your arms and pouted, and that was when he took your hands and began moving to the beat. In no time, the two of you were doing some mixed up jive dances around the dancefloor. When the hook came on, you imitated Danny Zuko and Sandy’s dancing at the fair. Chris wasted no time joining in though the two of you laughed your ass off the entire time.
 This is what you loved. You had a good time with him no matter what. Towards the end of the song, you and Chris were close together with his arms around your waist.
 “I can’t believe you have me dancing in front of all these people, showing my white boy moves.” You laughed loudly, throwing your head back. This one was genuine.
 “And you give me the fake enthusiastic laugh,” he teased.
 “Oh, stop it. You know that one was real. I don’t fake anything with you.” Your eyes locked and you wiggled your eyebrows at him. Chris bit his bottom lip and sank his fingers into your back, holding you firmer.
 “Good to know.” You noticed how dark his eyes got, and you knew just what it meant. Thankfully this was not the place.
 “How do you feel about finding a balcony or closet with me?” you dropped your jaw in faux shock.
 “Really, Christopher? Here?”
 You were not surprised. This man was the energizer fucking bunny. He was always down to get his tip wet. In the last eleven months, you’d had sex in the most unimaginable places. He may be white, but he was anything but vanilla.
 “Oh, come on. you’re not down?” All of this isn’t working for you?” Again, you laughed loudly.
“Your Gemini cocky is showing.” He smiled and brought his lips to your ear and pressed them to your skin.
 “My Gemini cocky wants to show right here, right now, if you catch my drift.” He finished with a small bite to your earlobe.
 That was all it took, and he knew it.
 “I can feel your nipples through your dress. Follow me in four minutes.”
 You watched him walk off and tried to conceal your excitement. There was nothing like public sex. The possibility of being caught was just too intoxicating and exhilarating. He’d given you some of your best orgasms in an open space. Before he disappeared, he peeped back at you and licked his lips before giving you his signature molten smolder. Jesus the man was going to be the death of you. You looked around looking to see if anyone had seen anything. When you were satisfied, you made it to the bar. You needed a stiff drink.
 “What’s your poison?” Looking to your right, you saw a tall drink of milk. His hair was blonde and hung loose and was the perfect frame for his strong jawline. He was gorgeous. He sort of reminded you of Chris, but his vibe and aura were completely different, but still sexy.
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Realizing you were gawking, you cleared your throat and looked to the bartender. “Um—uh--,” you stuttered. This was different, you thought.
 “Speechless or unsure?” you looked back to him and saw his perfect smile. Lord have mercy, you thought.
 “I’m Charlie; maybe I can help.” You nodded and watched as he spoke to the bartender. His mouth was beautiful. You instantly began to wonder just what that mouth did. As if he could hear your thoughts, Charlie looked at you with dark eyes.
 “I can help with that too.”
 You were too horny for this, and it was all Chris’s fault. You remembered Chris and slyly checked your phone to see what time you had.
 “Am I boring or--,” Charlie trailed off.
 “I’m Y/N, and no, no, you’re not I just—was supposed to find a friend.”
 “Oh, so it has nothing to do with you not being interested?”
 He had you there. Were you interested? He was beautiful and sexy, and you were sure he could be a good guy.
 “It’s just—I’m not really doing the dating thing right now.”
“We can be friends—every good relationship starts with friendship.”
 “Definitely, this chemistry can’t go anywhere else but up.”
 You were impressed. He was direct but not pushy. You liked it. Charlie then took your phone and held it up to you showing your lock pad. He didn’t say one word; all he did was stare in your eyes. You found yourself tapping in your lock code, giving him access to your phone. You watched his hands as they tapped away and admired the clean groom of his nails, you then looked up to his face and continued to admire the beard and mustache combo. He was fine.
 Charlie held your phone back to you with a smile. “Call me.” You smiled and nodded. From the corner of your eye, you saw Chris watching. He didn’t look happy.
 “Uh, I gotta—go. It was nice meeting you.” You tried to calmly walk over to Chris, but the sea of people on the dancefloor made it tricky. As you got close, you saw him walk away, but then you lost him. You were left spinning around on the dance floor, looking for which direction he went. That was when you shot him a message.
 MSG: Where’d you go?
 “You know, I think what you’re doing needs a partner.”
 You spun around and saw an incredibly tall buff dark-haired man with a sweet smile on his face.
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“I’m sorry?”
 “Dancing, you’re all alone,” he filled in. You smiled and nervously laughed. Your mind had totally taken that somewhere else.
 “What’d you think I meant?” His sly grin said he suspected just what you thought he meant. You pinched your lips and shrugged, which made him laugh.
 “Pablo.” He held his hand out for you to shake, which you did.
 “Y/N.” The moment your hands touched, there was an electric shock. Both of you pulled back with smiles.
 “That was a first,” Pablo informed. You smiled and nodded.
 “I have to admit; I’ve been watching you all night. Not in a crazy, creepy stalker way but a mesmerized way.”
 “Is that any less creepy or stalker like?”
 Again, he laughed, then nodded. “You have a point.”
 His smile was great, open, and free.
 “I wasn’t trying to be creepy. I just—haven’t been able to take my eyes off of you.”
 “It’s the dress, the color just—draws you in,” you explained. His eyes slowly roamed over your body, and every inch he looked, he looked as if he were in pain but also blown away.
 “While the dress is—infuckingcredible, like really wow, it’s not the dress. I’m sure it’s the woman wearing the dress.”
 He was smooth, you thought. The way he slid that in there was seamless.
 “I just had to come over and tell you all of this before I lost my chance,” Pablo admitted.
 “Lost your chance?”
 “It’s clear you have the attention of every man in here. I had to what do they say—shoot my shot.” You laughed loudly while pressing your hand to your cleavage.
 “Wow. Good one.”
 “Gotta stay up with the times. So, what do you say, do I have a shot?”
 You studied him and looked him over and admitted he was gorgeous. You didn’t get a bad vibe from him, either. You couldn’t believe this. You now had two equally beautiful men vying for your attention while you had Chris. You saw him them hanging to the back, watching you. Instantly you felt guilty as if you shouldn’t be talking to any other man but him. He sure as hell looked like he was thinking it.
 “Tell you what, take my number and give me a call if you think I have a shot.”
 Pablo’s voice brought your attention back to his face. You unlocked your phone and took his number. Once it was locked in, you said your goodbyes then looked back to the spot you saw Chris. Again, he was gone.
 An hour later, you’d had enough of the party. You’d sent Chris numerous messages, and he hadn’t responded to any of them. You were pissed at this point—pissed and horny. You found your friends and told them you were ready to go. They wanted to stay, so you left alone. On the drive back to your house, you looked between Charlie’s number and Pablo’s. It never ceased to amaze you the universe’s sense of humor. Usually, when you weren’t looking, you found situations to get yourself into as opposed to when you’re looking. When you were close, you looked at your text exchange between Chris and contemplated sending yet another one. You were so annoyed with him you decided against it.
 Once inside, you took a shower and sat in your bed with a bottle of wine ready to channel surf. After about thirty or so minutes of relaxation, your doorbell rang. It was damn near three in the morning, and you didn’t know who it could be. You checked your Ring app and saw Chris at your door. His suit jacket was missing leaving him in his crisp white shirt. In one hand he held a bottle, and the other was braced on the frame. His tie was loosened around his neck with a few buttons on his white shirt undone. Rolling your eyes, you got up and made your way to it as he continued to ring over and over.
 When you flung open the door, you were ready to push him away. “You have some nerve showing up here after what you did,” you slid out.
 “Me? After what I did? You have some nerve showing up here after what you did!”
 You sighed and rolled your eyes. “I live here, dumbass!”
 “Yeah, so!”
 He was drunk. It made no sense doing this now. “Go home, Chris, sleep it off.”
 “Now I have to go home? Why got someone inside?”
 You looked at him incredulously. “Excuse me? Who would I have--,”
 “You tell me. I saw you tonight with not one but two douchbags.” He held up three fingers instead of two. You rubbed your temples; he was going to give you a headache.
 “And you know they’re douchbags how?”
 “Oh come on, Y/N, you can see it. If you weren’t blinded, you’d have seen it too.”
 “Blinded? By what? Chris, you’re drunk and making no sense. Go home.”
 “No! I’m gonna say this. You had me waiting and waiting so you could flirt with dickhead one and dickhead two. That was cold, Y/N.”
 “I didn’t expect them to corner me. You didn’t answer my calls or texts. You left me there, Chris. We went together, and you left me.”
 “Oh, I thought you’d get a ride from one of them. You sure looked like you wanted it.”
 Your jaw dropped as you stared at him.
 “What is your problem right now, Chris? I don’t get all twisted when you flirt with every Brenda, Brandy, and Bernice. I just let you do your thing. What the hell?!”
 “Oh please, when was the last time I flirted with anyone but you? Months! Fuck, it’s been almost a year Y/N.”
 “You flirted today! I saw you give her the look. Don’t fuck with me, Chris.”
 You walked away inside your house then. He was really pissing you off. You heard your door slam and knew he showed himself in.
 “You want them to fuck with you, right. That’s what you want, Y/N?”
 “So what if I do? So what? Why does it matter? We’re friends. We’re—this was your idea.”
 “Don’t pull that, it was as much yours as mine,” Chris countered.
 “Exactly. What’s changed? We were good last night. What the fuck is the matter with you?”
 “I’m fucking tired of doing this. We do everything a couple does. Do you see that? We go on dates, fly out to each other, hang with each other’s friends. You’ve met my family; we have sex, we sleepover, cuddle. We do it all. What the fuck did you expect?”
 You were stumped. What exactly was he saying? Was he saying what it sounded like he was saying? The look on his face was an exasperated one. He looked genuinely at his wit’s end and completely flushed.
 “Do you need me to spell it out for you?”
 He scoffed and tossed the bottle he held into a nearby chair and approached you. Once close enough, he crashed his lips to yours and lifted you in his arms. Your brain was still in shock, but your body needed no adjustment. You wrapped your legs around him and kissed him back with just as much passion as he was dishing out. Your moans competed in the hallway before he made his way up the stairs toward your bedroom.
 Once there, he dropped you on the bed and pressed his body onto yours. He felt so fucking good. Quickly Chris undid the rest of his clothes. In a matter of seconds, he was naked pulling your tee shirt over your hips to push your panties to the side. When he thrust into you, it was a quick and rough movement that stole your breath. Chris loudly groaned in your ear as his body shook on top of yours. The pace he set was a fast one, one that said he had something to prove, one that was laced with aggression. You felt his meaning behind every deep, and bruising thrust.
 “Fuck, Chris!” He arched onto his forearms and looked down at you as he sped the way his hips rolled. You arched your head back and wrapped your legs more tightly around him, digging your heels into the flesh of his tight ass.
 “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” He bit down on your neck, and you saw stars. This was the quickest orgasm you’d had in months. He didn’t slow down while you clenched around him. He kept his pace but increased the loudness of his moans.
 “Fuck Y/N. You feel so fucking good.”
 This was the first time he’d ever gone raw. You both were meticulous about protection. The feel of him inside of you this way was pushing you so much closer to the edge.
 “Mmmm, fuck this pussy, Chris!”
 “Whose pussy is it? Huh? Is it mine?” He’d asked this before, plenty of times, and you always said his without hesitation, but this time, you felt he meant it differently. The realization of that made you lose your shit and come again.
 “Oh, gooooooood!” Chris grunted and slammed into you with slow, precise strokes that only prolonged your release.
 “I can’t hear you, Y/N. Is this pussy mine?”
 You nodded, unable to find an ounce of control. “Yes. Mmm, yes. Fuck this pussy, Chris. Fuck your pussy.”
 “With pleasure!” He looked devious as if he had nothing good planned for your pussy.
 Chris arced your ass up, changing the angle on you, and that was it. You screamed, feeling every single inch pound into you. He’d never been like this before. It was new, and you loved it a little bit too much.
 “Mine!” He didn’t even sound sane anymore. He sounded crazed. Who knew you liked crazed? He slammed his hips into you so fast you had to hold onto the sheets for some kind of leverage. He was impossibly deep, so deep, you found yourself trying to pull back. The look he gave you was warning enough.
 “Take all this dick, Y/N. It’s yours.” Chris threw his head back and groaned loudly before his thrusts became sloppy. You could feel his body shake, and you knew he was close. You held onto his hand and began rocking on him rolling your body like a wave. Chris dropped his head to look back at you. His eyes were wide. He was asking you the question. Your whines became louder, but you didn’t loosen your grip. You were giving him your answer. His eyes remained trained on yours from there, and it made the moment that much more intense. Your pants blended together as did the sweaty slap your bodies made together.
 Chris grunted then whimpered before he slammed into you once, twice and a third time as he made the most primal sound you’d ever heard. Upon hearing it, you came with such a force all you saw was blinding light behind your eyes.
 “Ahhhh!” The two of you screamed together as you rode the waves of your pleasure. You felt like you were going to rip apart and couldn’t handle it, as you began to move, you came again, and that was when you felt the geyser-like gush come from you. Again, you screamed and dug your nails into his hand.
 An eternity seemed to pass before either of you were coherent or even able to put speech together. The feel of Chris’ fingertips across your hip was what brought you back to reality. You had no idea how you’d gotten on top of him, but one thing was certain, he was still buried deep within you. You lazily moaned against his chest.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Mmm.” That was literally the only thing you could respond with. You doubted you had a voice anymore; you weren’t even sure you had legs. You lazily opened your eyes, instantly regretting it. The sun was peeking in through your sheer curtains. You didn’t even realize the two of you fell asleep.
 “Are you sure you’re okay?” Chris brought his fingers up and down your spine, lulling you back to sleep.
 “It’s morning,” he said again when you didn’t respond for several moments. Again, you moaned, this time you shifted but only slightly. Chris moaned, the vibration had you opening your eyes.
 “I’m sorry if I was too rough. Shit, I’m sorry for everything I said. I was drunk.”
 “Oh so.” Chris snorted then groaned again.
 “I’m sorry. That’s not a side I ever wanted to show you.”
 “Your drunk, jealous, petty, and dom side?” His voice was doing things to you. You were so wide open for this man it was crazy and the final nail in the coffin.”
 “I was not petty.”
 “Oh, you were petty. I think you would beat several women at it.” Chris laughed, but slowly the silence returned.
You moaned your response again. He didn’t speak right away, though; he waited for nearly a minute before he quietly spoke.
 “I need the words. I need--the titles, the ex--exclusivity.”
 The words hung in the air between you. Your eyes were wide open now, but you didn’t speak. You didn’t know what to say. After a few minutes, he gently lifted your head and turned it to him. Resting your chin on his chest, the two of you gazed at each other.
 “I need you. I need us the way we’ve always been, but so much more.”
 It was then you understood what you felt yesterday at the luncheon and what you’ve been gradually feeling over the last few months.
 “I love you, Y/N.” Your heart was racing as fast as his. It was cute. You raised up on him, changing the angle of his half-hardened cock. Both of you moaned. When you sat there looking at his lazy drooped eyes, you almost laughed. Of course, this is where the two of you ended up.
 “If you don’t feel the same, just say it. I’m a big boy. I can handle it.”
 “I love you too, Chris.”
 “Really?” You nodded and smiled. He was adorable when he was insecure.
 “What about those two idiots from--,” Chris began before you groaned and got off of him. Chris sucked in a breath and released a groan. When you came back, you had your phone in hand holding it out to him.
 “Take it. The code is 081119.” Chris cautiously took your phone and tapped in the code as you sat on his thighs. “Go to contacts. Find Charlie and Pablo. Do whatever you want with them.” You watched Chris as he searched through and found what you told him to. He looked at you as if he were thinking about something. You didn’t waver, only gave him a disinterested look.
 “Whatever I want?”
 “Whatever you want.” He smiled and tapped away.
 “Your services won’t be needed. I’m in love with someone else, and he has the biggest, thickest--.” You lurched for your phone as he pulled it back to flip you onto your back. His laugh was loud.
 “Don’t be a dick about it, Chris. I may still have to work with them one day,” you whined. Chris showed you the blank screen. He hadn’t typed anything.
 “I can be a real dick; just remember that.” You smiled, seeing more of his possessive, territorial side.
 “You know, this possessiveness and territorial alpha thing is really hot.”
 “Yeah? It turns you on?”
 “Little bit.” You smiled and allowed him to spread your legs with his free hand. When you felt the heaviness of his member pressing against your slit, you moaned.
 “Are you watching?” you looked at your screen and watched him tap the delete contact button. He did the same for both of them then tossed your phone aside.
 “Mine!” You smiled and bit your bottom lip.
 “Mine,” you repeated. Chris smiled and kissed you softly before he pulled back and slid into you, connecting your bodies with a smooth stroke.
 “You have me as daddy in your phone.” His smile was so full you were sure it was his cocky side coming out.
 “I’ll show you, daddy.”
 Chris pulled a moan from you, and you knew it was just the beginning. There was nothing like we’re officially together sex, especially territorial we’re officially together sex.
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hale-13 · 3 years
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 8 - Force Feeding
It’s only been a week since Tony last saw the kid but the weight he’s lost is clear in the way his shirt is just a little baggier than normal, the paleness of his face, the gauntness of his cheeks and Tony has to hold in his sympathetic wince. May Parker was never one to exaggerate but Tony had kind of been hoping that she was this time.
Words: 2720, Chapters: 1/1 (Completed), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & May Parker
Characters: Peter Parker, May Parker, Tony Stark, Helen Cho
TW: Vomiting, Medical Procedures
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
It’s only been a week since Tony last saw the kid but the weight he’s lost is clear in the way his shirt is just a little baggier than normal, the paleness of his face, the gauntness of his cheeks and Tony has to hold in his sympathetic wince. May Parker was never one to exaggerate but Tony had kind of been hoping that she was this time.
“Hey Pete,” he says, trying to keep his tone light and his voice gentle, Peter looks like he’s one stiff breeze from passing out or crying – it’s a toss up – and Tony doesn’t want to find out which is more likely. Peter raises one hand just above waist level in a half-assed wave and Tony bites the inside of his cheek sharply. “May said you’d been feeling pretty crummy kiddo.”
Peter shrugs and hums noncommittally, eyes a little unfocused from, what Tony guesses is, low blood sugar. He purses his lips and weighs his options before crossing the room to pull Peter into a careful hug. Peter goes nearly boneless in his arms but doesn’t raise his own to return the embrace which worries Tony even more; Peter is more tactile than just about anyone Tony’s ever met and is always eager for any physical affection. His stomach turns and he looks up to make eye contact with May where she’s wringing her hands in stress and looking guilty in her navy scrubs.
“Thanks for this Tony,” she says, approaching them and running her fingers through the rat’s nest of Peter’s curls. He’s still leaning up against Tony either for emotional or physical support, he’s not sure which. “I was worried about leaving him alone.”
“It’s no problem at all,” he assured and it wasn’t. When May had first called him about Peter’s supposed stomach flu earlier in the week he had sent all of the kid’s medical information to Cho who had told them, based on his symptoms and history, that they just needed to fill him up with as many fluids as possible and start a bland diet. They couldn’t afford not to with Peter’s wicked fast metabolism. May had taken most of the week off work to cram electrolytes and soup down Peter’s throat but her PTO had run out and she was on shift for the next three days. When she had called Tony for their daily update he had insisted that Peter come stay with him in the Tower – the penthouse a convenient few floors above the MedBay if they needed it.
“Okay Petey,” May said, pulling Peter into her own arms to fold him into a soft hug that Peter at least attempted to return. “You get some rest and try to eat something for Tony okay? I’ll call you in the morning when I get home but I’ll have my phone on if you need me and the hospital can always page me if I’m not able to answer okay?”
“Sure,” Peter rasped and Tony winced at how rough his voice sounded but, he supposed, non-stop vomiting for the majority of the week would do that to you.
“Alright,” May said, looking torn and a little devastated and Tony empathized. Peter was the closest thing he had to a son and he couldn’t imagine leaving him like this now that they were together. She made eye contact with him and Tony could read the clear ‘you’re going to have to take him from me or I won’t let go’ expression on her face and pulled Peter gently back to him.
“I’ve got him May,” Tony promised. “The chefs at the Tower have prepared a ton of bland foods for us to try and Cho’s on call if we need her. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“I know,” she said, eyes a little damp. She cleared her throat and pressed her lips to Peter’s forehead. “I love you Pete.”
“Love you too,” Peter mumbled back and Tony slipped his arm a little lower down the kid’s back to support him when he swayed a little unsteadily, dazed. He needed to get Peter off his feet fast before he passed out. They rode down the janky elevator together but went their separate ways at the curb – May toward the subway and Tony maneuvering Peter to lay half in his lap in the back seat of the town car Happy had been idling in the fire lane in front of the apartment.
“Step on it Hap,” Tony said once he had Peter settled, ignoring the concerned look his friend was giving them both in the rear view mirror. “Make it a smooth ride yeah?”
“No problem Boss,” Happy promised, pulling away from the curb with the utmost care and merging them into the Queens traffic.
“I know you don’t want to,” Tony began, apologetic as he nearly shoved a bite of unsalted, unbuttered white rice into Peter’s unwilling mouth, trying not to feel overly guilty about the look of pure betrayal on Peter’s face. “But you’ve already lost over eight pounds and its hard enough to keep up with your metabolism as it is. I know you don’t want to end up in the MedBay.”
Peter sighed around the mouthful of rice but chewed it and swallowed it, begrudgingly accepting the next bite Tony forced into his mouth. They got through about half the bowl before Peter abruptly turned pale and then green, barely managing to grab the empty bucket Tony had placed next to him, vomiting up a mixture of bile and undigested rice. Tony squeezed his eyes shut a second in commiseration before rubbing the kid’s back to help him through it. “It was a good attempt buddy,” he said quietly as Peter retched painfully into the bucket until he was dry heaving only.
The episode only lasted for a couple minutes but Peter looked completely exhausted when he collapsed back to rest against the headboard of his bed, letting Tony pull the bucket from his limp grasp. “No thanks,” he said, voice sounding even worse now, throatier and deeper than normal with the wear and tear on his vocal cords, and pushing away the bottle of Pedialyte Tony had tried to force into his hand.
“Not optional kiddo,” Tony told him sympathetically, pressing the straw between Peter’s unwilling lips and staring until he finally gave in and took a few swallows, his Adam’s apple spasming.
“Can I just sleep?” He asked pathetically, eyes red rimmed and skin both pale and flushed, skin drooping with how tired he clearly was.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Tony offered. “You eat another five bites and drink a quarter of the Pedialyte and I’ll let you have a four hour nap before we repeat. Do we have an accord?”
Peter looked at him with sad eyes, the bags under them dark and deep. “I don’t really get a choice huh?”
“Not if you want to avoid the MedBay,” Tony agreed. “The only reason I haven’t taken you already is because you asked me not to but, if this gets any worse, you’ll have to go.”
“Give me the rice,” Peter said, defeated and Tony passed it to his shaking grip, steadying the bowl while Peter forced down five bites of the rice, washing it down with the drink before lying back and cuddling up to Tony’s side, eyes already half-lidded with sleep.
“Put on some Brooklyn 99 would you FRI? Volume at twenty percent.”
“On it Boss,” FRIDAY’s voice responded quietly, pulling the show up on the flat screen in Peter’s room as Tony started massaging Peter’s scalp.
At some point he must have fallen asleep as well because, the next thing he knew, he was waking up to Peter gagging out his name and lurching for the trash can next to the bed. Tony hastened to grab it and thrust it under Peter’s chin – just in time for the poor kid to retch weakly into it. “Let it all out Webs,” Tony said, rubbing Peter’s sweaty back and brushing his lank bangs out of his face. It wasn’t until Peter was done and panting against Tony’s chest that Tony noticed that the bucket contained a concerning amount of blood and material that looked like coffee grounds. “FRI tell Cho to meet me in the MedBay.”
“No,” Peter whined, curling closer to Tony and tucking his legs into his stomach – balling himself up tight.
“Sorry buddy,” Tony told him, crawling out of the bed as carefully as possible to not jostle Peter too much. “You’re vomiting blood so we have to.”
“What?” Peter asked, confused, craning his neck to look into the trash can and then paling further. “Oh.”
“Yep,” Tony agreed, dragging him up to stand before finally just scooping Peter up into a bridal carry when it became obvious that Peter’s knees weren’t going to support him the whole way downstairs. Tellingly, Peter didn’t protest; he just curled into Tony’s shoulder, one hand tangling into his sweatshirt.
Helen wasn’t present when Tony burst into the MedBay a few minutes later but her nursing staff were quick to get Peter settled into a bed and get his vitals and an updated history from Tony. By the time Helen had swept into the room, looking put together and not at all like Tony had woken her up in the middle on the night, the nurses had already drawn blood and placed an IV catheter to start fluids.
“I was hoping I wouldn’t be seeing you in here Peter,” she said, taking his chart and flicking through it.
“Same,” the kid agreed with a weak smile, not letting go of Tony’s hand or the basin he had been given shortly after they got him in a bed.
“So you still have the nausea but it says here that you been having some issues with acid reflux and that you had a fair bit of blood mixed with the bile you just threw up?” She asked, using her stethoscope to listen to Peter’s heart and lungs before moving on to feeling his lymph nodes. “How much blood?” She directed to Tony.
“All of it was blood,” Tony answered, trying to stay calm. He needed to text May ASAP but he was hesitant to do so until he knew what was wrong. “Maybe half a cup? Some of it looked like coffee grounds.”
Helen hummed as she moved on to palpating Peter’s abdomen, apologizing when he flinched. “Have you been on any medications recently Peter? Aspirin, Advil, Aleve? Any stress?”
“Midterms were last week,” Peter answered slowly. “I had a pretty bad headache the whole week and I did take some Advil a few times a day.”
“How much and how often?”
“Uh…,” Peter said, face scrunching as he tried to think. “Maybe like eight to ten pills three or four times a day? I’ve done that before though, Dr. Banner told me I would need that many because of my metabolism.”
“Very true,” Helen agreed. “But not that often. Based on your symptoms and history I’m tentatively diagnosing you with a stomach ulcer that has likely perforated based on the blood in your vomit.”
“An ulcer?” Peter asked, looking like he was having a hard time tracking, Tony gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“So what do we do next?” He asked, running his hand through Peter’s hair quickly in solidarity. An ulcer. Of course his kid would end up with a bleeding ulcer.
“Well we’ve already drawn blood to check for infection or anemia,” Cho answered. “Depending on the results I’ll start him on fluids and maybe a blood transfusion. Since this has been affecting him for a while and because we need to get some calories in his as soon as we can, I’ll stop the bleed and remove the ulcer via an endoscopy. You won’t even have to be fully under for it, just sedated.”
“Okay,” Peter agreed blandly – a sure tell that the kid felt like shit. Cho made steady eye contact with Tony for just a second before reaching out to squeeze Peter’s bicep.
“Tony can I speak to you in the hall? I need to get you to sign some releases while the nurses get Peter prepped,” she asked.
“Sure,” Tony nodded, giving Peter a careful side hug before following the doctor out of the room, shutting the door behind him – all the rooms were soundproofed due to all the enhanced humans in the Tower and their sensitive hearing. “You were clearly holding something back,” he accused. “You’re lucky Pete’s so out of it or he would have picked up on it too.”
Helen sighed deeply, finally looking tired. “He’s lost too much weight.”
“I know,” Tony agreed sadly, reaching up to massage his temples with one hand. “What are we going to do about it?”
Helen clicked her tongue and tapped a finger against the tablet in her hands. “He’ll probably be able to eat once her wakes up but I really just want to place an NG tube while he’s under so he can have a continuous stream of nutrients going in. We could even continue feeding him while he’s sleeping, really get the weight back on. I wanted to talk to you first before I brought it up. He’s on the cusp right now so he could get away without having it but I don’t really want to give him the option to decline it. It would help him recover a lot faster.”
Tony hummed, torn. He didn’t really want to take away Peter’s agency here but he agreed with Helen that he doubted the kid would go for it. “Let me talk to him about it,” Tony finally conceded. “I might be able to get further with him.”
“Sure,” Helen said with a nod. “You should be good to go back in and sit with him, it’ll take another thirty minutes to an hour to get everything ready but we’ll let you know when it’s time.”
“Thanks,” Tony said sincerely, re-entering the room. Peter was still sitting propped up in bed in his comfortable sweatpants and hoodie, not having to change since the procedure was so simple, but with the addition of another IV catheter in his other arm connected to a bag of his own blood – donated earlier in the year for occasions such as this.
“So what did Dr. Cho want,” he asked, eyes still tired but shining with his usual intelligence and a bit of curiosity.
“Figured we wouldn’t be able to get that past you,” Tony said sardonically, taking a seat on the edge of Peter’s bed, facing him. “Helen wants to place an NG tube while you’re under. Wait,” he said, holding up a hand preemptively when Peter opened his mouth. “You’ve lost too much weight as it is and it’s going to be hard to put it back on with the bland diet she’s going to have you on while you heal. Doing this will make your recovery go so much faster.”
“I don’t want to be stuck in here,” Peter grumbled, gesturing the the room and Tony let one side of his mouth tick up in a smile.
“Hate to break it to you kiddo,” he said, “but that’s already a forgone conclusion.” The kid groaned and Tony let a full smile pull across his face, many of his previous worries eased with the diagnosis and treatment plan. “Let Cho do this and I’ll pull as many strings as I have to to spring you early. Deal?”
Peter made a face, his nose crinkled in disgust but he nodded in defeat anyway. “Two days. At most.”
“Three,” Tony haggled, holding out a hand which Peter eventually took with a sigh. “Great! FRI, relay that to Helen please.”
“Done Boss. She said she’ll be ready for Peter in about ten minutes.”
“Thanks honey,” he said, still smiling. “I’ll call May while you’re out and have Happy pick her up after her shift. She can stay here for the next few days.”
“Thanks Mr. Stark,” Peter said, his voice still sounding more destroyed than Tony had ever heard it but lighter somehow – probably because he could see the light at the end of the tunnel and knew he would be feeling much better soon.
“Anytime kiddo. Anytime.”
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To the Rhythm of the Ocean
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka/reader
word count: 2,226
warnings: first person POV, the reader is mentioned to be an artist and bisexual but it is not important to the plot. Other than that its just a fluffy day at the beach. 😊
A/n: at last, I finally wrote a fic. It is extremely self-indulgent and was inspired by some anons that @safari-karrot got that I definitely did NOT send ;). I also want to thank Kate for being my beta! I worked pretty hard on it and im proud of it. Hope you enjoy!
Walking into the elevator of my apartment complex, I was able to let my shoulders relax and my guard down for the first time all day. The day at the studio was intense today, and for all the wrong reasons. No matter how much I tried, I wasn’t able to create anything, as if all of the motivation and drive to do my work had burned out. I was burnt out. I was lucky enough to score an apartment next door to a pair of twins, Jake and Josh, who quickly became good friends. And even more fortunate, they had come back home this week from recording with their band, which meant I could spend my afternoon with them instead of alone in my own apartment. 
I entered my house and set my bags and work down on the dining table. It was impossible to make out where the table was under pile of unfinished sketches and work plans, but that was a tomorrow problem. I put on the kettle to make some tea and shot Jake a text asking if I could come over. 
  Jake... in the last couple of years that i have known the twins, the have become an indispensable part of my life. We take turns cooking for the three of us and hosting movie nights, an even go do laundry together. Having them away for so long felt like a hole had been carved out of my soul, and it also made my harboring crush on Jake ache deeper and deeper. He was unlike anyone I had ever met, we understood each other in a way I never thought I would have with anyone, yet he was still an enigma. He was insanely talented and driven, and he was smart. And kind. And funny. And extremely easy on the eyes. I would never tell him this though, his friendship is all I can get, and I’ll learn to live with that. 
His text came back telling me that his door was open. I finished and drank my tea, washed my face, changed into more comfortable clothes, and made my way next door. 
When I came into the twins’s apartment Jake was sitting on the sofa playing his guitar, a small notebook sat on his lap. At my entrance, he sent a smile my way, but continued playing. 
“Where is Josh?” 
“He’s out filming. Why, did you need him?” 
“No, just wonderin’.” 
“You know, if you just want to hang out with me to try to get into my brother’s pants, you could have just told me. And I want no part of it. Here I was thinking we were best friends.” He teased and wiped fake tears from his eyes, but his smile said that he was just messing. That did not, however, stop my nerves. Best friend.
“I do not want to get into your brother’s pants, Jake. They wouldn’t fit me.” I took of my boots and plopped on the couch next to him. “I’m your best friend?! What about Josh, Danny and Sam?”
“That’s different, they’re my brothers.”
“Hm... I guess you’re a fine friend too, one could even say the best one I’ve had.” Friend. 
“And the best one you’ll ever have.” He set his guitar down to his other side, “how was the studio today? Any new paintings?“ 
I let out an exasperated sigh “I wish. I am incredible burned out, I can barely even pick up a pencil! I have gotten close to nothing done all week and Rachel keeps asking me out, I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Rachel? What did you say?” If I didn’t know better I would’ve thought I saw pain flash across his face.
“I told her no, but that is besides the point. I’m just so out of it...” 
“You do look like you need some adventure.”
“You could say that” 
“You know what?” He got up from the couch and pulled me to stand with him. “I’ll give it to you. Go get dressed, I’ll get everything ready.” 
  “What? Where are we going?”
“If i tell you it wont be a surprise. Now go to your house and get ready.” 
“Then what do I wear?”
He seemed to think about it for a while, then said “something comfortable, but tropical.” 
“Jake, that tells me absolutely nothing—“
“You’ll figure it out. Now leave, and don’t come back unless you’re on party business.” It was futile to keep going so I just stuck my tongue back at him and walked out of the door and into my apartment. 
I settled on wearing a short blue sundress, boots, and a pair of sunglasses. I walked back into his apartment to find Jake in the shortest shorts i have even seen him wear, an unbuttoned white shirt, and his signature combination of necklaces and a bucket hat. “Are those Sam’s?” 
“No, I own shorts too.” He put down two boxes on the coffee table and looked me over once. “That is exactly what I meant! Now carry this to the car.” He handed me a box full of snacks and drinks and we made our way down to the car. 
I rode shotgun. He still refused to tell where we were headed. No matter how much I pushed and tried to wear him down, he just said to wait and find out. We got busy talking and listening to music and I gave up asking. Instead, I admired the scenery passing around us, and I admired Jake, with the windows down, his hair wild in the wind, and rocking out to our playlist. He had the ability to make me happy by just taking me on a drive. He didn’t even have to try. 
Eventually the buildings turned into trees, and the trees to palm trees, until finally we arrived at a clearing by the ocean. Jake parked the car, “We’re here!”
“You brought me to the beach!” He brought me to the beach! The ocean! The one place I loved most in the world. “I could marry you right now!” I threw my arms around him and jumped out of the car. My boots were off in a second and by the next my feet were already in the water. Jake did the same before joining me at the shore. 
“So, was it a good surprise?” I could hear his smile without even looking at him. And he knew the answer before I even spoke.
“The best! Thank you, Jake. Really.” 
We set on an easy pace through the shore, side by side. Each picking out seashells and skipping rocks on the water. The sun wasn’t unbearable, for it was afternoon. The sky was blue and almost cloudless, the only thing that altered it were the shapes of birds flying overhead. The sand was coarse and stuck to our feet, but it wasn’t burning. The sea... it was an array of the bluest blues one could imagine, all coexisting for our pleasure. Jake was glowing,  and I must have been too, I was incandescently happy. 
Back at the car, I set out our snacks and liquor while Jake put in some music. Halfway through our first meal and first bottle, Jake turned up the radio, and waited for my reaction.
“I love this song!”
“I know you do, thats why I put it.” He took our food and put it away on the roof of the car; and for the second time today, pulled me by the hand to stand. “let’s dance” 
His touch sent electric currents up my back. Best friend. “this song isn’t danceable, Jake!”
“It is if we want it to be.” And he held my hand in his and dragged me towards the clearing. The breeze was calming, the sea was a splendid blue. The waves lapped at the shore, not strong enough to disrupt our song.
Turns out, the song was danceable after all; and so were all the others that came after it. We held each other while we took turns twirling and laughing, belting our lyrics and acting out the drama of the songs. Every lick of his fingers on my skin left a burning sensation, yet I couldn't get enough. If he knew what this was doing to me... If he knew I was drunk on him and falling on every shared glance, every smile, every touch. 
The sun started its descend and our dancing got closer. He held his hands of my waist, my chest pressed against his, my hands on his shoulders as we swayed around our little ballroom of a clearing. My spine tingled, with every inhale, I got drunk in his scent of pine and peppermint.   
We got lost in our dancing, and then he got lost in the horizon. The sky had started to turn all shades of orange and pink, the water glimmered upon our eyes like tiny mirrors. A pelican flew over us and dived into the water in search for dinner. 
We had stopped moving, yet his hands remained placed at the small of my back, he looked at ease. My fingers twirled a strand of his hair, he didn’t mind. 
He looked like he belonged in the landscape, to the oranges and pinks that tinted the sky, he belonged to nature.
And I belonged looking at him, within arms reach yet so unattainable. He would always be a mystery. There was always more to him than met the eye, and even after years of knowing him, I hadn’t deciphered him completely. And I didn’t intend to, he was just like that. And he wasn’t mine to understand like that. 
If all I would get were stolen glances with the setting sun as out witness, I’d take it. Because right here, right now, the sight before me was one to behold. Jakes eyes were transfixed on the horizon, his mouth agape. The sun was finally hiding behind the waves, which mean our day was coming to an end. I tried not to think about it, I wouldn’t let the sun steal the light of this day from me. Ocean breeze ruffled his long hair, and as I saw the last light of day melt into his golden brown eyes, I knew that home wasn’t a place. Home is a person. And he was mine. But he would never know, for I doubted I’d be his. 
I was thrown out of my daydream when he slightly pulled back and chuckled. “ So home is a person, huh?” 
“I— “ I said that out loud. Shit shit shit. I just stared at him like a deer in the headlights. There was no way to dig myself out of this, so I remained silent. Though my hear was beating like a drum and I was certain that he could feel it due to how close he still held on. Best friends don’t say that. 
There was a shit-eating grin on his face, one that said he certainly knew what was going through my head. Instead of taunting me further, he said the words I’d most longed fo hear. 
“Then you are certainly mine” 
Nothing could stop the smile that broke out across both of our faces at that.  “And you mine” 
Before he had time to reply, I grabbed his face and pulled his lips to mine. There was static in the air, his lips were incredibly soft and tasted of coffee and chocolate. His mouth moved with expertise against mine, he held me close. Closer. Closer even still, until there was no space left between us. My heart was pounding, he licked at my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gave, and deepened the kiss. My hands held on to him tightly, as if he would disappear would I let go. He dipped me slightly and I swore I would fall on the sand if he hadn’t held me. The purple sky could’ve turned bright yellow and I would have paid no attention. 
We pulled apart for air and the sun was completely gone. 
“Jake, I—“
“I know, I feel it too. I have for a while.”
“I was so scared that you wouldn't. Ive felt this way for you for the longest time, I—” 
“But I do!” 
“But you do!”
He pecked my lips and whispered close to my ear “And if you want, we’ll make it official. Right now. You and me, and a million sunsets to come.”
“I’m yours for as long as you want me, Jake.”
“And I’m yours forever, y/n. Even when i’m far away.” 
No words could describe what I felt. It’s as if my blood was replaced by honey and my ribcage contained the moon in all her love and glory.  “I wish I could stay here forever, in this moment. With you, and round the world.”
“Check the trunk.” He smiled too wide and untangled his arms from mine.
I reluctantly let go of him and walked towards the car. He tossed me the keys and I popped the trunk open to see the second box Jake hadn’t let me look into. I opened it and found all sorts of camping gear: One tent, two sleeping bags, toiletries, even pajamas. Jake creeped up behind me and slid his arms around my waist. I turned around with an incredulous grin.
“Is that a tent?!”
“That is a tent, sweetheart.”
The end.
—- A/N: I literally CANNOT write unless its in 1st POV. This is 100% self-indulgent, and I have no idea how to write a kiss. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! 
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niksixx · 4 years
Requested: By a lovely Anon! 
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Female Reader 
Description: “I’m sending an ask now for tomorrow (12th) bc I’m in a different time zone and don’t wanna miss the first day submitting requests because I love your writing so much! Can you do a Nikki x Reader, of Nikki having been on tour, and when he gets back he’s missed the reader so much that all he wants to do is please her, and he asks her to ride his thigh and then his face? Ahhh! With lots of dirty talk and praise. Thankyouuuuu”
Warning: Smut
A/N: If you enjoyed this, leave a comment! 
*GIF is not mine, credits to the owner*
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Ten more minutes, just ten more minutes Nikki thought to himself, eagerly drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. It had been a long seven months of touring different cities in Europe, and though Nikki was living the dream with his three best friends, there was a woman waiting for him at home who he could not wait to see.
The calls, the texts, the sexts, nothing compared to seeing your face and holding you against his chest. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on your body, his mouth on your sweet lips. Just thinking about all the sex he’d be having to make up for lost time caused him to groan loudly inside his car as the fabric of his jeans constricted against his tight bulge.
As your house came into view, goosebumps littered Nikki’s arms. Intense excitement coursed through his body. Nikki wanted his homecoming to be a surprise, so he had given you a fake return home date when you’d called him the week prior.
With suitcases beside him and other bags slung over his shoulders, Nikki quietly fished for his key, gently turning it in the knob before pushing the door open. The house was unusually quiet, and for a moment Nikki thought you may have gotten stuck at work, but when he heard the shower running as he approached your bedroom, his face broke out in a smirk.
He perched himself on the bed just as the water shut off, clasping his hands together between his legs. Any second now…
Nikki’s heart raced as you stepped in the room, body covered by a towel as water droplets slid down your body. Looking up from the floor, you immediately let out a scream, running forward and tackling Nikki to the bed.
“Oh, my god! Baby, what? You’re here!” The words came rushing out of your mouth, smushing together in one erratic sentence. Never in a million years did you expect Nikki to surprise you, but boy were you glad he did. “How is this possible?”
“I was always coming home today,” Nikki grinned, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Sitting up off the bed, Nikki adjusted you against his lap. “How are you, baby girl?”
“A lot better now,” you admitted, the tears in the corners of your eyes betraying you. It had been so long since you last hugged your boyfriend, felt his skin, touched his hair, kissed his lips. The last few months had been so lonely with just you at home, trying to come up with new ways to distract yourself. You cooked, painted, learned how to sew, but none of those activities made the time pass. “I’ve been so lonely without you, Sixx. I know touring is your job, and no one supports you more than I do, you know that baby, but it’s been hard for me.”
Pulling you against his chest, Nikki buried his face in the crook of your neck, the fresh scent of soap filling his nostrils. “I’m here now, love. I promise. And I’m not going anywhere for a long time, so you’ll have me all to yourself.”
You hummed against Nikki’s head, the soft sound sending a rush of blood straight to his cock. God, he couldn’t wait to completely ravish you for hours. Seven months without sex? How the fuck had he managed that?
“I haven’t even been able to…you know…please myself properly,” you whispered, cheeks burning as Nikki’s jaw clenched. To your surprise, the towel wrapped around you had been peeled off by Nikki’s hands, and now you were perched against his jean-clad thigh, completely exposed. Your bare clit brushed against the rough fabric, eliciting a soft moan from your lips.
“Don’t you worry,” Nikki said, lips brushing against yours as his hands squeezed your hips. “I’m gonna take good care of you.” His hands guided your hips in a slow back and forth motion, a harsh breath escaping your mouth. You held on to Nikki’s shoulders as your hips followed his motions, the feeling of the crisp material meshing perfectly with your delicate clit.
“That’s right, baby, keep that pretty pussy right here for me,” Nikki was an expert at dirty talk, always had been. He never held back either, always whispering in your ear with his low, gravelly voice. “How’s that feel, baby?”
A hushed moan, followed by a drawn out “fuck” was the only answer you could manage. It pleased Nikki to see you get off on just his thigh. It was something you’d never tried in the bedroom, but now it was the only thing Nikki wanted to do. He was fully clothed himself, but seeing his woman, his sweet, beautiful lady, naked and writhing as her pussy rubbed against his thigh was the best sight to come home to.
“Nikki, fuck, faster,” Pleading wasn’t something you found yourself doing much with Nikki. Occasionally, he’d make you beg for it, whether it be his fingers or his tongue, but for the most part, Nikki didn’t play games when it came to sex. “Please, please, faster.”
Nikki gripped your waist tighter, fingertips digging into your skin. Hard enough to keep you steady, but not enough to cause you pain. Your head fell back in total pleasure, a groan slipping past your mouth as that familiar ball of pressure built up in your lower stomach.
“Oh God, Nikki, I’m gonna come,” Pushing forward, desperate for a release, you rubbed your clit harder against his jeans, collapsing into Nikki’s arms as your orgasm rocked through your body. You rode out the high, juices sliding down your thigh and staining Nikki’s pants. You glanced up from the wet spot on Nikki’s pants, the lust in his eyes making you hot all over again. “Holy fuck, I needed that,” you said, flashing a satisfied smile. As you went to stand and clean off your legs, Nikki pulled you toward him.
“I’m not finished with you yet,” Desire dripped from Nikki’s voice as he pulled off his shirt, licking his lips as he lie on his back. “Come sit on your throne, princess.”
His voice alone sent jolts of electricity through your body. With shaky legs, you crawled up Nikki’s body, positioning your pussy at his mouth. A squeal fell from your lips as he pulled you down to his mouth, his warm tongue darting up and down your pussy skillfully. As Nikki feasted on your body, your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling gently, which you knew he loved.
“The sweetest pussy I’ve ever had,” The quick flits of his tongue drove you wild, the vibrations from his voice sending you into a frenzy. “So fucking good, baby.”
Aside from today, the last time you had experienced an orgasm was the night before Nikki left for tour. It’d been a night of sensual foreplay and making love until three in the morning. After he left, you found it extremely hard to get off. Vibrators, dildos, and even your own fingers didn’t seem to do the trick. But now that Nikki was back, you were on the brink of your second orgasm.
“You ready to come for me, sweetheart?” Nikki asked, sucking your clit between his lips. Your face scrunched as Nikki flattened his tongue against your pussy one last time. “Come for me, baby.”
And his words had you come undone. Your legs shook violently as your second orgasm crashed over your body, whimpers leaving your lips and Nikki continued to lap at your clit. After what seemed to be a minute-long orgasm, you buckled next to Nikki, sweat coating your body.
“I am so glad you’re home,” you said, finally catching your breath.
Chuckling, Nikki gathered you in his arms, lovingly kissing your head. “Me too, pretty girl, me too. I’ve missed you,” he stated honestly. “And since I’m not going anywhere for a very long time,” Rolling on top of your body, Nikki kissed your lips before reaching a hand between your thighs, fingers gently rubbing your sore clit. “I’m going to please you. All. Night. Long.”
And as his fingers dipped between your slick folds, you knew that Nikki would be determined to give you one more orgasm until he was completely and utterly satisfied. And you? Well, you didn’t mind one bit. 
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blue-angel-wings · 4 years
Bishop Drabble - take your times
18+ (because I got a little nasty for a brief moment hehe)
Characters: Bishop Losa x Reader (Y/N), basically all the Mayans briefly but mainly Angel, Coco, Gilly.
Summary: Reader is a single mum and close with the Mayans specifically Bishop, because they crushing on each other. And Emily Galindo being a bitch because I don’t like her 😊.
Warnings: Cursing, horny talks but not full blown smut, slight talk of injuries.
Word count: 3,768 it’s longer because I got carried away 😈
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You had known the Mayans since you were little, although your Father wasn’t a patch he always helped them.
As a day job your Father owned a small car dealership and would often frequent Romero scrap and salvage for odd pieces to use on whatever new vehicle he was working on, but behind the calm face of a man who liked cars and bikes, was a trained assassin, murder for hire, hitman, whatever you wanted to call it. So over time your Dad did jobs for the Mayans. Through that they met you and whilst your Mother didn’t really like the Mayans knowing your family she had to admit it was useful always having a group of knights in shiny leather to hand.
Your father had been killed one a run with them when you were sixteen years old, and ever since then the club had take your Fathers place with you and your mother. She worked the bar sometimes and whilst you chose to work elsewhere you always attend the parties, well as much as you could whilst also being a single parent. At the age of eighteen you became a mother to a beautiful baby boy you lovingly named Rio. The guys were shocked but supportive and excited for the new little baby in their lives. The Dad of your son decided that a baby wouldn’t work for him so he ran. Not like you needed him.
Yours and Bishop’s relationship had only just started, you had been on a few dates but you spoke constantly and you may have slept with him on a few occasions, because who could resist a man like that. He had started to find you attractive once you showed up more. For your safety and now Rio’s your Mother kept you away from the guys until you were in your twenties, so when you turned twenty one and could legally drink you knew exactly where you were going to get wasted for the first time. The clubhouse.
Ever since Bishop saw you in a tiny black dress that made your body just look too good he knew we wanted you but stayed back not wanting to look like a perv who only dated girls half his age. He admired you for years, how you raised Rio somewhat alone, how you always helped the club without a complaint, how you deeply cared for the guys and he just couldn’t helped that he fell for you more and more.
But he was done waiting and at Rio’s eighth birthday party, whilst you stood there playing nice with the other parents from the prestigious school you sent Rio to, and whilst wearing jeans that Bishop swore were painted on, he asked you out.
You thanked the heavens he did because you were getting sick of the waiting game.
A few months had passed and although you had been on dates, Bishop was yet to ask you to be his. It was almost like he was still scared that you would reject him. During the day he was almost shy around you not saying much or interacting with you as much as you hoped almost like he feared he would say or do something wrong, but at night he’d have you shaking in ecstasy on a bed drenched with your arousal, whilst whispering the nastiest shit you’d ever heard.
You didn’t think too much about it you knew he loved you deep down he was just struggling to say it, he had no problem showing it through his actions and you saw the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t looking. But saying the words that would make you his girl officially, he just couldn’t manage do that.
At Rio’s birthday he had been gifted a skate board. A small red plank of wood you swore would be the end of your son. And although Angel had also purchased a helmet to go with it, your son seemingly refused to wear it. He constantly rode it without the helmet no matter how much you asked him to, it was like he was allergic.
You had taken the board away once he started to show zero regard for himself and others. Swerving through people on the sidewalk was okay if it was quiet and people moved out the way in time, but once he started heading towards the roads without his helmet you called time on his little Tony Hawk phase.
A few weeks passed before he grew restless and bored without it. He had come looking for you with full safety gear on, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and little gloves. And you cracked, you gave him back his death board and sent him on his way.
Rio’s school was just out of Santo Padre and about 45 mins away from your home, it was a bit of nuisance being so far from you but your son was smart, too smart. He had eidetic imagery or as some would say photographic memory. He had shown signs when he was little, about 4 or 5, when he was able to recall in perfect detail his toys as if they were still there in front of you. It was terrifying to you but when the doctor explained what it was you were stunned. Due to his abilities you sent him to a school that burned a whole in your pockets each month but was perfect for your little boy. He loved it, he excelled at all subjects aced every test and had a big group of friends that were surprisingly pleasant children.
The Mayans clubhouse was only twenty minutes away from Rio’s school. And when work had started to get busier, you couldn’t pick him up from school anymore. You generally finished worked at the boutique in town at 4:30 an hour after Rio had finished school, you hadn’t given him a key to the house out of fear he would lose it, so you suggested he’d ride his board to the clubhouse and then once you were done you would pick him up. It worked out great, the guys loved having him there and you got to see Bishop more.
The guys were just chilling at the club, the younger ones were playing poker and smoking whilst the elders were in templo.
‘What the fuck prospect!?’ Slamming his cards on the table in a frenzy, Coco practically threw his money at the chuckling Ezekiel who in return shook his head at the snipers antics.
‘Not a prospect anymore bro, imma patch now.’ He said smugly, pointing lazily at the patch on his kutte.
‘Keep taking my money and I will change that real quick.’ Coco was pissed, he owed Ez about $300 from just this afternoon alone.
At the front porch Angel and Gilly were working the yard when they heard the slight rattling of small wheels of the stones, lifting their heads just in time to see the arrival of Rio on his board. They had to admit when they purchased the board for him they were worried he’d be crap at it and give up, but we wasn’t. The guys sometimes rode behind him on their bikes just to watch his skate. It was mesmerising.
Happily finishing up their work, Angel nudged Gilly towards the clubhouse to tell the others of your son’s arrival.
‘Hey, Rio’s here.’ The larger man bellowed into the space causing the other Mayans to stop what they were doing and follow him out.
Outside Angel had Rio swinging from his neck, when Rio was around the Mayans he deliberately acted younger to get more attention, the guys didn’t do anything to stop him they enjoyed him acting all silly and somewhat babyish, it stopped the sad truth of him getting older right before their eyes from rising to the surface.
‘Hey little guy, how was the ride in?’ El presidente asked the boy whilst messing with his hair, that he spent hours getting perfect for school.
Bishop was closest to Rio, well joint with Angel. Rio saw Bishop as a father figure, much to your delight, and Angel as a brother figure.
‘It was okay, some car was following me really closely and honking at me.’ He pouted whilst spinning the wheels on his board.
The men perked up at the sound of somebody pestering the young boy.
‘ I don’t know why though, mama says I can ride in the road if I stay to the side out of the way with my helmet on.’ Rio didn’t seem to be upset, more worried he was defying your rules of riding his skateboard.
‘Well, what did the car look like?’ Creeper asked whilst blowing the smoke from his cigarette behind him, being mindful of the small child in front of him.
‘A black Lexus RX Hybrid, black tinted windows, driver was a middle aged male, bald, tattoos up his arms.....’ the boy rambled on, his memory working overtime. The guys stopped him mid way through not wanting him to worry himself with the stranger who was bothering him. They assured him he did nothing wrong and took him into clubhouse.
None of the other guys recognised description of the car or driver, but Ez did. He knew who was sat in the back of the vehicle, whilst they texted him and continued to call upon him every waking second of the day. He heard the sound of a car coming to a halt at the front of the scrap yard, he knew this was the car that was following Rio plus he saw the man Rio had described in great detail. He glanced at his phone to check if his suspicions were true. His screen was flooded with notifications of texts and calls, and some social media notifications, all from the same person.
Emily Galindo.
She had been contacting Ez, at first he didn’t mind the contact from his ex, he selfishly used to want the relationship to rekindle with the married woman, but now with Gabby in his life he didn’t, he wanted her gone. She nodded to his trailer, with a pleading look is her eyes he succumbed to her request, checked nobody was around and headed to his trailer.
‘Do you have any Capri-Suns i’m kinda thirsty?’ Rio asked, cheekily checking behind the bar for something to eat hoping one of guys would fulfil his request. Bishop smirked reached into the fridge round the corner and retrieved two orange Capri-Sun pouches and grasped the bag of Doritos they kept on top of the fridge for him to munch on as well.
‘How’s school going mate?’ Bishop genuinely enjoyed talking with Rio because he reminded him of you, he much like yourself, was so passionate even over the little things.
Bishop played with Rio’s discarded school tie, folding it neatly knowing you hated ironing it.
‘It was alright, we learning about dinosaurs in science which is cool cos I really like Jurassic park and I’m gonna ask mama later if we can watch it.’ Rio exclaimed loudly waving his hands around wildly. He continues to tell Bishop about school, avoiding telling him about the masses of homework that was set knowing the older man would tell him to do it and wouldn’t drop it until it was done. The conversation was interrupted by Angel who had just got finished on a call.
‘Hey Rio, your Mum just called saying she got caught up at work and won’t be picking up til 5.’ The oldest Reyes told the child who was seemingly unbothered by the change of plans, but the news had Bishop frowning, why didn’t you call him, you knew he didn’t have Templo today so he would have his phone on him?
‘Okay, can I go practice my kick flips out front?’ He asked the president.
‘Yeah sure, take one of guys to watch you incase you fall, and remember to map out where your skating with the cones.’
‘Yeah I think I can remember that.’ He teased the older man, by referencing his condition.
The guys had bought these little orange cones for him to use when he was skating in the yard so he didn’t get in the way of them working.
Bishop lightly shoved him in the direction of the door with a shake of his head, he needed to call you, the jealously he felt when you called Angel instead of him was growing unbearable. Was it Angel stretching out your tight little pussy each night? Was it Angel that had you screaming with his head between your legs? Was it Angel that you called Daddy? Was it Angel that had you making the most delicious moans?
No it wasn’t, it was Bishop.
So why weren’t you calling him?
It was 5:30 when you pulled up to the scrap yard to retrieve your child. You surveyed the grounds looking for Rio once you had parked. But when you were greeted with the noise of laughter, you opted to follow that. Turning off your car you headed to the front porch where a groaning Coco was laying on the floor clutching his arm. You walked over not too worried seeming as the sniper had sustained worse injuries than a scrape on the arm.
‘You okay there Coco baby?’
You squatted beside the man and glanced as the injury on his arm, there wasn’t more that’s a slight graze on his elbow however from he noises he was now making you’d think he’d been shot.
‘No! This piece of sh-‘ you clapped a hand over this mouth before he could finish once you realised that the giggling you heard earlier came from your son, who sat comfortably in Gilly’s lap at the bench a few feet away. Standing up, leaving Coco to get on with it, you walked over to your son to kiss his forehead.
‘You okay baby? School was good?’
‘Yeah it was good we are doing dinosaurs in science so I was wondering if I can watch Jurassic park tonight to learn more about T-rex’s, please? ‘ he pleaded with both hands clasped together.
‘Of course baby.’ You went to say more but you saw Bishop on the step, looking at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
You knew why though, in an attempt to push Bishop to ask you to his girl you messed with him a little by deliberately calling Angel instead of him to inform the guys of the change of plans. Normally you wouldn’t mess with the man who so clearly had control of the reigns in the relationship but you were sick of waiting, you wanted him and he wanted you, the hickies on your breasts and inner thighs confirming that.
You kissed Rio’s head and Gilly’s, once he jokingly pointed to his forehead, and headed towards Bishop. He turned without a word and heard towards the clubhouse, the guys waited a few minutes before following suit, not wanting to miss the potential start of your long awaited romance. Rio was left alone to skate outside after he said he wanted to practice a little more, Angel was happy to leave him out there alone knowing he could ride perfectly fine.
Bishop sat on a couch in the far corner and when you went to sit next to him he grasped your wrist and manoeuvred you onto his lap, well this is a good start you thought.
‘How was work?’ He asked whilst sneaking a peek at your cleavage that you pushed up slightly before you left work.
‘It was good, busy which is good. A little tired and my feet hurt.’ You answered, slightly wriggling your feet. Bishop caught on quickly, removing you shoes and and starting to rub your feet slightly, causing a slight moan to slip from your lips.
‘Y/N I want to ask you something.’
Here it comes, you acted calm almost ignorant to what he was saying but inside you were screaming.
‘I really like you and I love spending time with you, you make me feel like a little kid with his first crush. You’re my first thought in the morning and last thought at night. I wanna be with you always and forever, so i was won—‘
Bishop’s monologue was cut short by a small voice you recognised to be your son’s. Every head in the clubhouse turn so quickly you feared they all get whiplash.
Grabbing your shoes and placing them haphazardly on your feet you all but sprinted to the front porch, where the now female voice could be heard.
Running out you saw your son sat on the floor fighting back tears and Emily Galindo standing over him slightly. She obviously was leaving Ez’s trailer, because that’s what married women do, they meet with their ex’s in trailers behind their husband’s back.
‘Hey baby you okay, are you injured?’
You rushed to your sons side as well as Bishop, who carefully picks up Rio’s skate board that was currently sporting a large crack in the middle of the wood.
‘No, I’m okay mama.’ He whispered growing embarrassed at the crowd around him, his bottom lip started to tremble telling you that tears where only moments away. Bishop started brushing the hair off of Rio’s face to calm the young boy, he too knew Rio hated crying in front of crowds.
‘What happened sweetheart?’ You spoke quietly not wanting to blow up too much in front of your son, you’d had a long day at work and you didn’t have time for a confrontation today. You wanted this sorted so you can go back to Bishop and then go home.
‘He wasn’t watching where he was going!’ The blonde woman spoke, the venom in her voice unnecessary in this situation.
‘I wasn’t fucking talking to you!’ Apparently you did have time today. All heads snapped to you and Gilly managed to scoop Rio into his arms before you whipped yourself in front of the culprit of your son’s upset.
‘So that warrants you to push him!? A small, eight year old child!? Did you not see the cones hun? They are bright fucking orange, maybe if you lifted your head of your ex’s dick for a moment you would see my son skating out here.’ The guys were loving it, watching with smirks on their faces.
‘Somebody should’ve been watching him.’
‘Hah okay sweetheart.’ You scoffed, you worked in retail you could handle opportunists like Emily Galindo.
‘I’m hardly gonna take parenting advice from you, am I? Mrs Galindo.’ You emphasised her name in the hopes she’d remember her marriage and start acting like a wife.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘Well you’re hardly mother of the year, not after your practically gave your son away to a terrorist.’ You weren’t backing down, gasps were heard throughout the yard, the hang-arounds emerging in the hopes of a fight.
‘Thats not fair, they were armed and I was terrified.’ She tried to reason with you, who would try to rationalise their son’s kidnapping?
‘See that’s the difference between you and me, Emily, see they would have to pry my son from my cold, dead hands.’
‘They were shooting people right in front of me!’
‘I’d let them shoot every motherfucking bitch in this town before they ever laid a hand on my child!’
You screamed in her face, women like Emily didn’t deserve the love or attention they received.
‘I just hope his four nannies that actually raise him coped alright during that time.’ That was it, the final straw. She raised her hand but you never cowered, she went to slap you but al she could do is try. You got there first taking the board from Bishop’s hands and slapping her in the stomach, so it’s not as obvious as a face injury, you didn’t fancy having the cartel on your ass.
She doubled over in pain and screamed, clutching her ribs. You didn’t hear a crack but you knew it mustn’t of ickled.
‘Ez take the whore back to her car, tell the driver the pain is due to her period that’s just started, and it’s nothing to worry about.’
Ez nodded and quickly moved Emily from the scene, not daring to speak a word incase he got the same treatment.
You spun around and thanked heavens that Gilly had taken Rio inside, although you knew the Mayan would be pissed that he missed the altercation.
‘Damn Mamas you got some claws!’ Taza was the first to break the silence, beaming at you and your display of violence. You pulled into his embrace and chuckled.
‘Yeah it was kinda hot seeing you all angry’
Of course Coco was the one to turn it into a dirty joke. All the guys gathered round you and starting joking about you joining UFC.
But one man was quiet, too quiet. Bishop was yet to move a muscle let alone say anything, you worried it was too much and that your outburst made him change his mind.
The guys followed your eyes to the president behind them.
‘Let’s go inside and check on Rio, yeah guys?’
Riz encouraged the guys to move, catching on that you needed a moment alone with their president.
‘Bishop I’m so sorry about that, I just freaked when I saw Rio on the floor, I know this probably fucks things up with Galindo. And I get it if you take back what you said inside, it’s just I—‘ you were stopped short by a pair of lips on yours, you took a few seconds or realise they were Bishop’s, you moved your lips in sync with his and after what felt like a lifetime you pulled away for air.
‘I guess I gotta make you mine to watch over you now. Can’t have to terrorising the streets with the this can I?’ He joked whilst holding up Rio’s now fully snapped board
‘You still wanna be with me after that?’
‘Yeah I do because I’m in love with you.’
You melted right there on the spot, you laughed a little at your previous panic.
He leant in close to whisper in your ear
‘Plus Coco was right, it was fucking hot.’
You groaned and palmed his chest playfully. You finally had it, a perfect little family, it was about time. You went back to kissing Bishop and at this moment nothing could go wrong.
‘Hey, my board! What the hell Mom!’
Taglist: @mayans-sauce @one-shot-plus-size
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davidpastrsnack · 3 years
kate 😭 so c graduates this weekend and my roommate and i wrapped up our exams and left the dorm, so we've been living at his place with him and his roommates. he's been a little snippy bc his sister is like "nope, she's still my roommate, we're sharing a room, you can have her in the summer" so rip my sex life...for now 👀. ANYWAY 😭 his parents came into town yesterday and took us [his whole house included] to a nice celebratory dinner. it was at a nice restaurant so we had to dress up so i wore my favorite dress that i never got to wear out bc covid [here's the dress: charlotterusse . com/products/0932-39070899-floral-smocked-long-sleeve-mini-dress?variant=37971392856258] 💔AND KATE LISTEN 😭 i sat between him and my roomie and this boy would not. stop. touching. me. i'm talking roaming hand on top of my thigh, inner thigh, my knee and i almost spit out my drink when he touched my thong [which he sent me a text saying, "is that lace my graduation present 😏🥵"] surprise, it was 🥰 BUT STILL. then right when we were leaving i went to the bathroom and he straight up cornered me when i walked out, kissed me and said "if my sister doesn't let you stay in my room tonight, we're sneaking out in the car 😏" and i froze bc i'm awk and just said "but what about your gift?" bc hello!! lace deserves to be seen in nice lighting, not car lighting 😭 ma'am he cupped my ass beneath my dress SNAPPED. MY. THONG. and said "who said this was a one and done night?” when i tell you i think i soaked my panties...yeah. and he kissed me and suggested we sneak into the womens bathroom [no i'd cry if we got caught] and before i could say no HIS PARENTS ROUNDED THE CORNER I WAS MORTIFIED. his hands were still up my dress and they were like "oh...hello." and i wanted to die and he's just like 😊 "mom, dad, meet my girlfriend" as if his parents didn't just see him groping me beneath my dress. in a nice restaurant. in public. with his parents. right there. 😭😭 they were surprised bc he didn't say anything, but also it was kind of new. they asked if i was visiting in the summer and he was like "can she stay in my room?" and his dad said "i'll get you a chastity belt first 🙂" but ya, so i'm visiting them this summer later on [like always, but now longer than usual]. they drove us home since we all had drinks at the table. he told one of his roomies to distract his sister so he could drag me upstairs– she came knocking anyway but...yeah 🙂🙂 that nice little set was destroyed by his teeth [which was very...very hot]. it was in fact not a one and done kind of night, it was more like four. he's got a very talented tongue 👀 told me i'm the best head he's ever had [might marry him now idk ] and my graduating boy let me top the whole time on the one condition i rode his face [i was too scared to bc i didn't want to squash him 🥺😭] and he said "fuck that, i'd love to suffocate by your pussy" which like– i died 😭 and in the morning i woke him up with a nice lil blowie [plot twist– that's actually one of his fav fantasies] and we cuddled and talked and planned the summer before falling back asleep. then an hour or two later, he woke me up with that wonderful tongue 🤪and wouldn't stop until i came twice [and i might have had to scream into a pillow bc you know, the kitty was sensitive] but it was hot and wow, i think i might be in love💚 - roommate's bro anon [the end 😂]
yay it finally worked!! omg you’re living with them but not in his room😫 100% the good stuff requires good lighting. ahhhh his parents!!! NO THEY DID NOT WALK IN ON YOU GUYS WITH HIS HANDS UP YOUR DRESS💀💀💀 destroyed by his teeth omg🤤 HAHAH a true honor. omg omg that all sounds so good😫 so happy for you!! also in love👀
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