#every dang time I play an older game even for a little bit
spectraltenkai · 1 year
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“Name’s ♡♪!?, but that’s a bit hard to pronounce. Just call me Geno after this doll I decided to borrow for the time being. Looked like the strongest, anyways.”
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neonsix67 · 1 year
My lamb!! (This pic has already been posted by @spotlightstudios per my request because I thought I wouldn't get around to actually posting about it, but here I am so awe well)
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My little thing ♡
Physical concept explanation -
-> As always, I live to add a tail to everything I can but I mainly did it here because it helps me understand how to be more expressive with this specific creature, because I'm not the most comfortable with drawing animals.
->I mainly used the Tarot fleece for this because that the fleece I main-ed, but I did just unlock one of the second round of fleeces so idk...that may be subject to change but I really do like the design of that one for the Lamb.
->Can't really see it, but this Lamb has some heavy eyebags. Earned through extreme devotion and hard work, the stress of managing 24 idiots 27/7 has its weight over time, and never being able to sleep, eat, or die has some more...visible side effects.
I didn't change a thing with Narinders' design, at least not his Bishop design. I expect something a bit more...indulgent when I get to his defeated follower form.
But now a quick question (not really heavily ruling on answers but I am a little curious) but I have this idea for another Lamb OC/self-insert. Adding her would mean the existence of another Lamb with this version of the story, and I would likely pair it up with the other Lamb, or should I keep the Lamb of this one as the last and just make this other one a separate story? So the question is-
My version of the lore under break
Okay so I am running very heavily on a family dynamic here. Spot can advocate... but the whole idea is that Narinder kinda adopted this thing and it was SO gosh dang grateful that it worked, lived, and breathed for him. It wasn't long that Lamb starting viewing Narinder as a sort of father figure, never having one for itself since lambs were hunted down to extintion. Lamb would use every death as an opportunity to see Narinder and tell him about the Cult, or the most recent crusade, or just what sort of people Lamb has been meeting, anything to keep his attention.
The first time Lamb called him "Dad" was a slip up, quick and accidental, but Lamb never really apologised, and seeing that Narinder didn't really get mad at the title, Lamb just kinda kept calling him Dad, and eventually even gets cute with it and calls him Papa Nari (this is a reflection to me playing the game...but I met him one time and was like...yeah that's Papa Nari, no one can tell me otherwise). Eventually Lamb hangs around enough during that little bit of time that it takes for it to be resurrected it begins to talk to Aym and Baal as well, who both, seeing that their Master favors this one, oblige to conversate with. It wasn't much longer after that that Lamb began to really view the two as older siblings, playing knucklebones or sharing cult dynamics like a sort of gossip with the two.
As time progresses and the Cult grows, so does the family dynamic, and the Lamb is viewed as Papa Nari's golden child, which doesn't really bother anyone other than Narinders siblings, who catch on that this Lamb is successfully a killer by nature and is learning to be loved by The One Who Waits. Slowly, as they each fall to its blade, does it really sink in that this mission may succeed in the Fifth Bishops' favour. Well, that doesn't quite sit right with Lamb... what will happen when they complete Papa Naris' mission? Don't get it wrong...it WILL complete what was asked, but Lamb has this nagging fear and anxiety that this happy afterlife, this second chance at a real family, will be stripped when they kill all the bishops and provide with Narinder the freedom he so deserves.
So far, that's all I care to type out for now, but boy has this been lingering on my mind for the past couple of days.
Oh and quickly back to the idea of a second Lamb! Spot! Know that this doesn't stop me from crossing our headcannons together. In my mind, your Lamb still exists somewhere out there and just ticks off Papa Nari by not doing anything killing wise. It does not like it one bit but doesn't mind it enough seeing as it makes Papa more proud of it when it continues with the mission.
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imaeraser · 3 years
I really love your headcannons about Strawhats with Teen reader, that's why...
If you don't mind - Can I ask for Platonic Strawhats with Female! Teen reader that tend to be the quietest in the crew because of her shyness?
I also had and the next idea after this one- but I don't want to overwhelm you with it. Take care of yourself!
Have a nice day!
Sorry for the wait, here you go!
He was intrigued by you
That’s why he forced you onto his ship. And then he realized that instead of having a convoluted backstory, you were shy
And quite honestly it was refreshing
Even though he likes being around Chopper and Usopp and be loud as heck, he likes spending time with you
You balance him out
And even though you’re not an adult, he’ll go to you for advice. This makes the rest of the crew confused (and low-key mad) because he doesn't want their advice
But most of the time he doesn’t take your advice anyways
I think that you two are close, seeing as he is endlessly extroverted and will break through your walls no matter how hard you try
Most of the time he leaves you to your own devices, but he will drag you to large parties and make you feel as welcome as possible
He does the same on the ship, but that was never a problem anyways because everyone likes you
Feels the need to protect you, not only because you’re a member of the crew, but also because you’re the youngest
10/10 I can see him giving you some of his food (only some)
Ultimate big brother vibes
Likes to go to you for a quiet space because the ship can be loud
So he spends a lot of time with you… sleeping
He also half-asks questions to fill up the space and gets to know you pretty well
He also feels a need to protect you since he sees you as kinda weak (but almost everyone is weaker compared to him)
He will also feel the need to shield you from the craziness of the ship
Like sir, it’s nice that you care, but they can take care of themselves too you know?
Doesn't incorporate you into the crew since… he’s mostly sleeping. But he would try, and he would fail because they already like you
Cue him being shocked that he wasn’t your only friend on board, but to be fair he is sleeping most of the time and not watching you
He likes the calmness you bring to the ship, good for his meditation sessions (but I don't think you want to just sit there why he meditates)
I can see you having fun with him and Chopper, maybe play a board game
8/10 calm down sir, they can take care of themselves
She’s like the cool and fun older sister
She likes to dress you up in her old clothes, and then gush about how cute you look (no, not her super tiny bikinis)
She takes it onto herself to guide you through… whatever I guess
Also feels the need to protect you from dudes
I think that she gives good advice, but when combined with Robin the two of them give life-altering wisdom
You can go to her for anything from how to sew to how to manipulate people
Always gives you juice when the crew starts drinking
If the ship starts to get too rowdy she will shout at everyone to keep it down, and then turn to smile at you as if her actions were for you
She will share her tangerines with you
I think that she wants to protect you, but is frustrated at the fact that she can’t be as strong as the Monster trio (but everything works out in the end)
If you borrow money from her, she will reduce the interest (only by a little)
9/10 only downside is the interest (if you ever borrow money)
He was high-key suspicious of you
To be fair he is suspicious of anyone and everything, and seeing as you were quiet he was on the edge
But after you saved his life, he gets all buddy-buddy (really Usopp? You got saved by a teenager)
I think the two of you would get to know each other when he’s working on a new invention, and you guys are having idle chatter
Now he tried to act like a cool older brother. Always ready to swoop in and talk about his “accomplishments”
He will do just about anything to make you laugh
I can see some crazy (but fun) times with him, Chopper, and Luffy
He would give bad advice, but occasionally he does have some piece of wisdom
He would try to protect you, but… yeah
He ends up feeling bad, and incompetent. But tell him that he was amazing or something and he’ll be fine
I think he would get frustrated when you beat him at a game of cards
10/10 he is just so fun to be around
Also acts like an older brother
He tries to protect you from guys, saying that they’re all dogs (but then you point out that he’s a guy)
This also means he tries to limit your time around Zoro, saying that he’s a bad influence
Then the two start to fight and right as they pull you into it, Nami hits both of them and carries you off to eat or something
Gives you more food because you’re still growing
He is a surprisingly good listener and when he chimes in his advice are always good
And like all of the crew, he will try to protect you from danger (ma’am you are still a teen, why are you on this ship? Oh wait, Luffy…)
I said he acts like your older brother, but he also acts like a proud dad sometimes
Like sir, why are you crying? All they did was perform twinkle twinkle little star on the piano (Brook taught you)
He also tries to restrain his pervert tendencies around you, but when they inevitably happen he can’t look you in the eyes for several days (he also smokes more. It gets to a point where you have to confront him)
He also teaches you how to cook
8/10 he can get a little extra sometimes
If things get too crazy on the ship, he likes to go to you
I feel like he would try to act like a big brother, but you would just pet him (sorry Chopper)
I can see Chopper trying to get you to socialize more with the crew. Just drags you out with his tiny Reindeer paws
I can see you confiding in him a lot because it’s kinda like venting to a stuffed animal (again, sorry Chopper)
He gives (almost) child-like advice, but it’s so simple and it always works
I think you would beat both him and Usopp at games, and then they would proceed to chase you around
He would try to protect you, but he also knows that you need to push yourself to get stronger, so he lets you fight some of your fights
When you end up hurt, he always makes sure to be extra vigilant with your care
I believe that you would also try to protect him, but his pride would end up hurt
I think you two would spend a lot of time in his office for a quiet place to read (and for him to do work)
He makes you help him organize stuff
10/10 a great duo
She is the kind older sister
She is such a good listener, and her advice would solve all of the world's problems
If things get crazy on the ship, you go to her. She has the presence of calm around her that just soothes you
I think she would also like to participate in dressing you up with Nami. That means you get to wear Nami’s old clothes and Robin’s old clothes
Robin always has an extra book and cup of tea reserved for you. Tea times are when you two like to ramble about anything and everything. This is also the place where you can vent and the both of you talk about your past
She would like to teach you about world history, while you listen and ask questions
She would try to teach you how to read one glyph, but if it’s too hard she stops (and low-key gets sad)
Robin also lets you help her garden. She enjoys having a person keep her company while she does the things that make her happy
She thinks that you are too adorable, and that also makes her go into a momma bear mode when she thinks you are in danger
She will yell at crew members, and she will annihilate the enemies
Robin sees you in a similar way to Chopper, so if you say something dirty or cuss, her image of you will be ruined
10/10 she is perfection
I see him as a weird uncle figure
He mostly hides in his workshop and creates weird but cool inventions while you watch him and ask what he is doing
I don’t see you two talking about important things, just you two having fun and making jokes
He is fun to watch, but when he tries to get you to participate— it’s even more fun
I can see Robin trying to shield you from him (hey, he says he’s a pervert)
He would share his cola with you (I can see some very fun crew bonding time when everyone gets cola and huddles around Franky’s new invention)
Franky is the opposite of shy, so sometimes it gets to be a bit too much
Like sir, please leave them alone for one second
I think that Franky and Usopp would try to teach you how to make things
And if you like to prank people… they’ve created a monster
Expect all three of you to get yelled at
8/10 pretty good, but he does say some stuff that you don’t get sometimes
Another weird uncle
When he asked to see your panties, both Robin and Nami slapped him so hard, he had flown off
He never asked again
I can see him joining in on the Robin history over tea, and add things in he knows from living during the period (dang he’s old)
He occasionally makes the tea you three drink
I think he would try to teach you how to use a sword, and then get yelled at so he teaches you to play instruments instead
He’s a surprisingly easy-going teacher, if you don’t practice he’s not mad. He just assumes you don't want to learn. That means he won’t teach you, which leads you to practice
He would let you peek inside of his skull and then jumpscare you. It works every time
Brook would tell you about what he did during the two-year time skip, all while you’re laughing at the fact they called him Satan
I think that being around you and Luffy would make him remember his days as a teen
Starts to get all weary like a dad (and just like Sanji)
7/10 rough start, but good ending
He is the dad (not like, is)
He is always concerned for your health, and whether you should be fighting or not
He told Luffy that it was ridiculous to bring a teen on board, but then he realized Luffy is only 19…
Jinbei is always there to make sure you feel included, and will often leave the crew’s festivities just to hang out with you
Honestly, his old man self likes the quiet you bring
If you ask him, he’ll tell you about Fishman history (also over Robin History Tea Times)
100% tries to protect you. I think that can make you frustrated at times, but he has saved you so you can’t be too mad
So he teaches you Fishman Karate (it gets Robin’s stamp of approval because there are no sharp objects)
Jinbei gives the best advice, again dad and old man
He’s able to see different perspectives and tell you the best course of action (that gets annoying when you just want him to take your side, but you have Nami and Robin for that)
Also is proud of you when you achieve something (part of the tears dad group)
10/10 every group needs a parent figure
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spider-jaysart · 3 years
Damian: (looking through his mini binoculars) There, I can see the store. But we don’t have much time, Jonathan. We might not have your powers at the moment (thanks red solar watch rules) nor my utility belt but if we can speed walk on the fastest path to the game store, we can get Cheese Viking Deluxe before they close
Jon: But Dude, almost everywhere can go it just takes too long to get there even if we go fast enough. The only shortcut we have is through the….(points to that path with terror in his eyes) perfume department….
(Cue ominous music)
Damian: (puts away his mini binoculars)…..let’s do it
Jon: *Gulp*
Oh dang, here we go, gotta do it for the game✨, so it's time to suffer
Jon and Damian walk through the perfume department as fast as they can, trying to block all the horrible scents around the place the best they can, trying they're hardest to just get past it all, they have to do it for Cheese viking, it was just released that day and it would be sold out in minutes and the store would be closing very soon, so they must try, or this will be they're one greatest challenge yet to have actually defeated them, making it the only challenge that they failed to win and they can't let that happen.
Damian and Jon can smell every bit of it, every single stench of the perfumes there and worse the strongest colognes ever, all the ladies and men's spraying themselves, letting the smell of those terrifying perfumes and horrendous colonge smells roam free in the air, ready to attack any nose around, Damian and Jon take faster steps to get them going faster then before, sensing the danger coming for them just right behind them in the air.
Damian starts coughing a little, it seems the smell is starting to get to him, even though he is pinching his nose, but he tries to hold it and it doesn't seem any better for Jon either, maybe a little worse it seems, since his half Kryptonian biology gives him the great ability of smelling things easier then it would be for humans with the sense, Jon coughs loudly making Damian turn to him. Jon's eye's are now squinted, his hand shaped in to a fist next to his mouth as he starts to cough from the smell of all the horrifying scents starting to surround them both. Damian grabs Jon by the arm and drags his friend with him
"Just try to hold on"
he said trying to encourage his younger friend to keep going, they seem to be making progress but Jon just starts to cough all of a sudden even more than before, Damian looks at his friend with a worried expression, he starts coughing from the smell as well.
"Jo-Jon we have to k-*cough keep going"
he tries to pull the taller one along but it seems his friend can't quite take it any longer
"D- *cough! Damian I don-*cough! Don't think I can keep going! *cough! cough!"
Jon pulls his arm away from the older one, covering his mouth with it while holding his stomach with the other.
"Nonsense *cough Kent, I won't have it!"
Jon sits himself on the floor continuing to cough even more from the overpowering smells everywhere.
*cough! *cough! *cough! "I-i'm sorry D, but I don't think I can keep going*cough!*cough!*cough! Any fu-further"
Damian looks terrified this wasn't something he could just accept, they're Robin and Superboy, the son's of the world's biggest heroes Batman and Superman and together him and Jonathan were the Supersons who faced any challenges thrown they're way and they couldn't lose now, they can't, not now not for anything.
"Your go-*cough!*cough! going to have to go without *cough!*cough!*cough! me." "Play that*cough!*cough! game for the both of us when you*cough!*cough! make it out of here, yeah?"
his younger friend asked of him while letting himself give up right there at that very moment, Damian couldn't accept that as an option, Jon was coming with him, whether if he likes it or not they were going to get through this together like they always did, like a team.
"No *cough!" We're going to get*cough! out of here" Damian said putting both hands on his friends shoulders "But*cough!*cough! I c-can't make it*cough!" "Yes WE can*cough" He said determinedly to his hopeless friend. "We're the Supersons Jon *cough" he said quietly enough for only Jon to hear "If we were able to get through everything else that was thrown our way before*cough!, then that means We can do this!"
This made Jon think for a minute, his friend was right if they could get through all those crazy things in the past then they can certainly get through this together. Jon grabbed his friends hand as the older one pulled him up along with him, now both standing, ready to get the heck out of there. The exit to the gaming section was so clear in view, so close yet so far, their were many more people to get past people who were spreading the smell of all perfume and colognes any where they can, as if it's the most loveliest smell in the world.
They can do this, Damian and Jon share a look of determination with each other and nod they're heads ready to go in, they both run in the fastest speed as possible, making they're way through everyone and the polluted air, hearts racing, with the goal to make it to there destination holding they're breath along the way to block any invasion of the smell.
They were getting closer and closer dodging anyone who's ready to spray the ghastly stink they're way, closer and closer they were to getting to victory. They just had to keep going, they both notice some young kids playing with something in they're hands it looked like perfume, no not even perfume, it was colonge, but oh no, not just any cologne, it was the best selling one in Gotham, Batman cologne the type of cologne that can over take any room, even other smells that are said to be strong. The children were carelessly spraying it around and at each other like it was a toy, if the both of them get hit with that smell it was game over for sure no coming back from that one, but they were ready to get past it any way they can.
They were now nearby the young group of children, a young girl with blonde hair in a cute bun saw them and didn't look like she had any good intentions with the devious smile on her cute face, especially with the idea she now had in mind for the two boys coming her way, she shared her idea with the other kids playing around with the #1 selling cologne, they all shared a devious look with each other, they all unboxed the Batman cologne now having five of them in hand for each kid in the group, ready to spray they're incoming targets. Damian and Jon see this, those little brats were ready to make them lose, but not today that's happening, the kids spray the cologne in they're direction expecting to hit them both, but Damian and Jon were already one step ahead of them, Damian does a flip with his hand on one of the nearby sample tables while Jon does a slide past them covering his nose and mouth with his arm, this left the devious children with very shocked and surprised looks on they're faces as they witness what just happened in front of they're very eye's.
Damian and Jon share a laugh as they take they're final speedy steps towards the exit, they do a slide in into the video gaming section coughing from all of the smell from the perfume department. Grateful to have actually survived it all with big relief, they finally made it, they were victorious✨. Jon hugged his older friend tightly, surprising him, he was happy that they survived the whole thing together.
"We did it Dame's we actually did it!" he yelled with a cheerful smile "I told you we would didn't I?" The shorter one replied back.
They both quickly spot the last copy of Cheese viking deluxe, they both run towards it with excitement and pay for it and they both head to the manor to play it, now able to enjoy they're reward. It's been a rough day, but they were able to get through it all, like they always did in they're adventures.
Mission: Survive the perfume department and Get Cheese Viking deluxe edtion accomplished✅✨
Points earned: 10000
Wow this is probably like the first actual story/fic I ever actually got to write on my phone/paper (I didn't write this on paper, but like this is just the first time I actually got to write a story of mines down, well for this post more like a part of a story) and actually left with an ending, I actually really like how this came out and yes I know this whole story was very dramatic sounding lol🤣 but I had to do it, also I remember seeing this same kind of scenario in a Spongebob episode🤣
Thanks for the ask buddy! This was really fun to write!😃💖 Hope you like it as well! Let me know what you think!😃
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fanfic-chan · 3 years
Hi! A prompt, if you don't mind. Since there's not many content with Todoroki siblings, maybe some family bonding with lee Shoto and lers Natsuo and Fuyumi. Like, Shoto finally feels comfortable and close to them enough for cuddles and affection, and they realise their baby brother is touch-starved (and unexpectedly ticklish)
I- I cannot even put into words how much I enjoyed this prompt! I absolutely loved every minute of writing this and I'm so glad you decided to send it to me! Poor Shouto is so touch starved and I love every opportunity I get to give him some much needed love! I really hope you guys like it!^^
Better Late than Never
Lers: Fuyumi and Natsuo Todoroki
Lee: Shouto Todoroki
"Hey. Can you guys tickle me?"
Fuyumi couldn't even blame Natsuo when he promptly started choking on the soda he'd been drinking in surprise. Of all the things that she would have expected her socially inept younger brother to say, it certainly wasn't that.
The three of them had been hanging out in the living room together, watching some animated movies that Shouto had borrowed from one of his classmates, Izuku Midoriya. That green haired kid that he'd fought during the UA Sports Festival. 
Apparently, their youngest sibling had been doing some 'research' as he put it, on sibling bonding techniques, and had been interviewing a few of his classmates to figure out what they liked to do with their siblings. Tonight he'd suggested the three of them have a family movie night while their father was away on a business trip and he had some time off from school, an idea he'd gotten from his classmate, Hanta Sero.
Ecstatic that their little brother finally seemed ready to open up to them, they immediately agreed, and the three of them were currently cuddled up together in the impromptu blanket fort that Shouto had insisted was a must when it came to a proper family movie night because, 'Sero said so.'
And so it was.
Admittedly, things had been going pretty well up until now, when their stoic peppermint of a little brother had turned to them, family bonding list in hand, and had asked, in the most blank tone possible, if they could tickle him of all things.
"Shouto, um, if you don't mind me asking, what brought on that question?" Fuyumi asked after a moment, patting Natsuo's back firmly while he still struggled to catch his breath after almost drowning himself in Fanta. Shouto didn't even bat an eye at his older brother's near death experience, and instead kept his expression carefully emotionless. However, he was fiddling with the hem of his shirt slightly, as if he might be nervous.
"Oh. Well, Kirishima said he likes to bond with his younger siblings by tickling them. I'm the youngest, so I just thought maybe that's how it was supposed to go and that maybe we could do that too." He explained calmly, though there was a tad bit of barely noticeable apprehension there as well. "Is that… Wrong?" He asked hesitantly, tilting his head and taking on a rare expression of clear confusion as he started flipping through his notes again. Fuyumi couldn't decide whether the sight was adorable or flat out hilarious. Heck. Maybe it was a little of both.
"Oh! No! No of course it's not wrong! Just.. a little unexpected? I guess it's just surprising! Not bad though. It's good actually! Really good!" She answered hurriedly, not wanting to ruin this rare moment of trust Shouto was showing. He'd never really gotten the chance to bond with them properly when they were little, and his social skills definitely left something to be desired, so for him to be purposefully seeking out the opportunity to do normal siblings things with them? Especially things like physical displays of affection? Well, that was a pretty big deal.
He looked up at her and blinked, relaxing after a moment and setting his notes aside, seemingly satisfied with her hasty explanation.
"Oh." He said after a pause. "So.. You'll.. You'll do it then?" He asked quietly, and if she didn't know any better, it looked like he might even be blushing. Fuyumi couldn't help allowing herself a fond smile. When had her little brother gotten so adorable dang it?! There was definitely no way she could say no to that! 
Rather than giving a verbal answer right away though, she instead let her expression morph into something a tad more mischievous and looked over at Natsuo, who had by some miracle managed to recover from his coughing fit. "Hey Natsu? Remember that thing Touya used to do to us when we were kids?" She asked with a smirk, suddenly scooping up their little brother from behind and pulling him into her lap when he wasn't looking, catching him off guard. She quickly wrapped her arms around his torso, trapping him effectively while simultaneously preventing him from being able to bring his arms all the way down, leaving him exposed.
Natsuo looked just as confused as Shouto did for a moment before realization suddenly seemed to hit him. Back when they were younger, sometimes Touya would scoop one of them up into his lap and trap them there, then he'd warningly tell them, "Don't laugh or flinch at all or else~" and wiggle his fingers just above their stomach, occasionally pretending to dip his hand down before bringing it back up again. This would go on until eventually they'd break and he'd finally start clawing into their sides or ribs or armpits. It was never the same spot, and so the inability to guess or prepare for it always made it so much worse. They loved it, and hopefully, so would Shouto now that he would actually have a chance to play. 
He smiled slightly at the memory before crawling over to sit in front of his two siblings, the younger of them looking more than a little confused. "Um. What are you two doing? What did Touya used to do?" He asked, voice deceptively calm even as an anxious smile was starting to pull at his lips. Just because he'd never been allowed to participate didn't mean he hadn't seen his siblings playing this game before, and he had to admit, it was kind of exciting to finally be a part of it, even if he was a bit nervous.
"What do you mean 'what are we doing'? You wanted us to tickle you right? So what better time than now to teach our dear little Shouto about our favorite tickle game hm?" Fuyumi teased, making him squirm a bit in anticipation as he watched Natsuo slowly move his hands toward his stomach, which he sucked in instinctively.
"The rules are simple." Fuyumi began, "Don't laugh,"
"Or flinch at all-" Natsuo joined.
"Or else~" They finished together, and with that, the game had begun.
Shouto held up pretty good for about seven minutes. After all, due to both his extensive training on self control as a child and the countless tickle fights he'd already gotten into with his classmates back at the dorms, he'd managed to build up a fair amount of resistance, and he remained stubbornly quiet and still no matter how many times Natsuo tried to catch him off guard. That is until Fuyumi decided to cheat by pinching his side right at the exact moment Natsuo decided to bring his hand down again, and he arched his back in surprise right into his older brother's waiting fingers.
"GYAH- Ahahahahaha! No! Nohoho wait!! Fuyuhuhumi you cheheheheater!!!" He laughed, collapsing into his sister's chest as Natsuo started digging into his sides. "Cheater? Me? Are you hearing this Natsu? Shouto's accusing me of being a cheater! The nerve!" Fuyumi exclaimed, feigning outrage as she joined in by scribbling her fingers over his ribs and into his armpits, making him squeal adorably. By now, he'd been squirming around so much that his head had ended up cradled in her lap, giving her a perfect view of his joyful smile. The sight of her little brother, so happy and carefree in this moment, it almost brought her to tears, and she couldn't resist the urge to discretely snap a few quick pictures of the scene with her phone, both as a keepsake and to send to their mom later along with the others she'd gotten throughout the night.
"NONONONO!! NOT THEHEHERE! NOT THE FEET NATSUHUHU!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Shouto honestly couldn't remember a time he'd felt this much joy. Tickle fights with his classmates were always fun, sure, but this? This level of closeness and affection being shared between him and his siblings right now? It was like having a hole filled that had been empty for far to long. He never wanted it to stop. 
"What? Not here? Why not? Is someone a little sensitive riiight here~?" 
Okay he didn't want it to stop, but maybe, um, maybe he did need to breathe though. His siblings seem to recognize this as well and quickly let up. He shot them both a grateful smile as he curled into a ball on his side, still giggling. This time, Natsuo was the one who couldn't resist the urge to record it.
"I.. I love you... Guys.." Shouto mumbled between giggles, and they both froze. Did- Did he really just?...
Shouto barely had time to process what was happening before he was literally being crushed in a bear hug between his two siblings, and despite his sudden inability to breathe again, he returned the embrace happily because maybe.. Maybe this is what he'd been missing all along.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦
Warnings: Aged up/Older Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries. Suggestive scenarios only, no actual NSFW content.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Hongjoong!" You continuously poked at his arm rather harshly, trying to get him to look away from the phone in his hands.
"What-what?!" He freaked out and accidentally dropped his phone on the floor.
When he saw you peeking over to see what had gotten him so interested, he quickly scrambled to pick it up before hiding it in his lap. That made you even more suspicious.
"What are you trying to hide?" You squinted your eyes at him.
Hongjoong gulped nervously, which made your anxiety rise up.
"No-nothing... " But obviously there was something if his eyes refused to look at you. The longer you stared at him, the more Hongjoong seemed to recoil back in his chair, looking like he was..... guilty? Ashamed?
Dropping your fork on the table, you held up an accusatory finger at him.
"I'm warning you right now Kim Hongjoong, if you're fucking cheating on me I will cut off your penis while you're sleeping!" You threatened him.
The color drained from Hongjoong's face but nonetheless he got up to go over and calm you down.
"No no babe! I'm not cheating on you! I swear." He promised you, even getting on his knees in front of you.
"Then what were you looking at that you didn't want me to see?"
Sighing softly, Hongjoong took out his phone and pulled up the picture that he was looking at: it was a really cute and girly crib with a pink bed setting. You had to admit you were surprised that it would be something he was so intently looking at.
"And tell me why you were so distracted by this? Who were you planning on buying this for? Our son is already 3 and I don't think he'll appreciate the frilly pink in his room." You tried reasoning with him.
"No it's not for him. I've just been seeing so many nursery ideas for baby girls and it kinda got me thinking...." He paused and layed a hand on your stomach as he bit down on his lip, hoping you'd catch on to what he was trying to say.
And you most certainly did.
"Hongjoong- are you telling me you actually want another baby?" You weren't put off by the idea but it was so sudden and unexpected that you didn't know how to react.
Standing upright, Hongjoong squeezed your cheeks and softly pecked your lips.
"I do. I want an adorable and beautiful little girl... just like you. " He chuckled adoringly as he pressed more kisses to your cheek, trying to coerce you into saying yes.
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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"Dang, could you imagine raising 6 kids?" You asked Seonghwa as you cuddled up closer to him, your hand stroking the little patch of skin that was peeking out of his pajama shirt while you two watched the old sitcom The Brady Bunch play on your tv.
"Well you'd never have a boring day for sure." He chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You hummed softly, eyes never leaving the screen in front of you.
"True...but to think how exhausting it must be. We only have two and they take up most of our time."
Seonghwa laughed at how true your words were, your twins already nearing 5 years of age and boy were they a handful. If you weren't making sure they were doing well in school, you almost always had to deal with the boy pranking his sister or causing all kinds of mischief or you had your daughter coming up to you with the darnest of questions, one after another.
"But you can't deny they're adorable and they make our life happier." He reminded you, and you had to agree. Like Seonghwa said, there was never a boring day with your two munchkins around.
Feeling Seonghwa's fingers idly tap along your hip, you knew his mind was elsewhere and not on the show playing on the tv.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You asked him.
Seonghwa wondered whether it would be a good idea to say something but ultimately decided 'screw it.' Turning off the tv, he sat up and looked you straight in the eye.
"How would you feel about adding another member to the family?" He straight out blurted it out.
Although you knew what he meant, you decided to play like you didn't understand.
"I thought you said no pets because they make a mess." You giggled which caused Seonghwa to flick your head.
"You know that's not what I meant." He huffed out.
"I know, I know love...."
Grabbing the collar of his shirt, your fingers slowly began undoing the buttons.
"So.... you want another baby?"
Seonghwa felt himself hardening when he looked at your suggestive eyes.
"Yes." He breathed out, tongue swiping over his lips when you brought your face close to his.
"Wanna fuck another baby into me?" You smirked as you layed down on the bed and pulled him on top of you.
"Hell yeah-"
Your moment was interrupted when you heard the screeching of your daughter as she called out for you, ratting out her brother in his new prank. Seonghwa sighed loudly as he got up.
"Guess we're trying this another night."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Picking his son up from school, Yunho watched as the little boy waved goodbye to his friends who in turn ran to their respective parents. He noticed how the boy seemed to look with great curiosity at some of them, particularly when they would hug or mess around with the sibling that was accompanying their dad or mom. Even during the car ride home, Yunho would peer through the rear view mirror and saw the little boy fidgeting his tiny hands.
"What's up buddy? Something on your mind?" He asked.
His son looked around nervously before blurting out:
"Dad how come all of my friends have brothers or sisters but I don't?"
Yunho had to steady his grip on the steering wheel to keep from swerving onto the opposite lane. He was not prepared to be asked such a question by his son.
"I well umm..... mommy and I didn't know you'd want a sibling...."
Yunho looked back at his son through the rear view mirror, hesitating on his words.
"Do you want a brother or sister?"
The reaction on the boy's face was immediate, eyes growing big and sparkling.
"Yes! I want someone to play with every day too!" He squealed.
Yunho chuckled at his son's excitement. Getting out his phone, being careful not to take his eyes off the road, he made a quick call to Mingi and asked him if he could babysit for a couple hours, which his friend was more than happy to do. Yunho immensely thanked him and hung up.
"Well buddy, for today please settle for Mingi's daughter. Maybe this time you'll actually beat her in climbing up a tree faster."
Happy at getting his boy content and with entertained for a few hours, Yunho dropped him off at Mingi's place, the latter promising to take good care of him, which Yunho didn't doubt one bit. Getting back inside the car, he nearly drove over the speed limit just so he could get home as fast as possible. You were just finishing up setting up the table for lunch when Yunho came running inside.
"Hey, where's-"
You slightly gasped when Yunho cupped your face and began kissing you hungrily, his mouth devouring yours as his hands went to the back of your thighs so he could pick you up and wrap your legs around his waist.
"Yunho what has gotten into you? Where's my baby?" You finally asked when you were able to catch your breath.
"He's over with Mingi and he'll be there for a couple hours, perfect if you ask me."
You couldn't help the blush that spread across your cheeks when Yunho kicked open the door to your room and proceeded to lay you on the bed.
"Our son is lonely, he wants someone to play with and keep him company."
You giggled when you caught onto his meaning, tilting your head when he began peppering kisses along your jaw.
"So let's try and make him a sibling."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang and you calmly laid out the food on top of the picnic blanket, one of you looking over every once in a while at the pair of kids running around the park, making sure neither of them got hurt, which they didn't. You two merely exchanged amused looks when you heard their playful bantering.
"Hey! No fair! You cheated!" Your son accused his older half sister, face frowning at having lost in their game of hide and seek.
"Did not! You're just a sore loser." Eunbin called out.
Huffing loudly, your son stomped his tiny 4 year old feet away from her, but stopping midway to turn around dramatically.
"I liked you better when you'd let me win!" He exclaimed.
"And I liked you better when you couldn't talk and still needed to be changed. You were a lot cuter back then!" Eunbin replied, half snorting at her statement.
You and Yeosang tried not to burst out laughing right then and there, preferring to keep quiet, knowing they'd be friends again in 5 minutes and forget they even got mad at each other. You went back to your task of peeling fruit, so engrossed that you almost didn't hear Yeosang start talking.
"He was incredibly adorable as a baby, Eunbin isn't lying." He commented.
"Yeah he was. He looked like a little cherub. Squishy cheeks and button nose." You faintly squealed as you recalled all the times you'd stay by his crib and watched him sleep.
Yeosang also began reminiscing about those times, his mind starting to get ideas.
"What if we had another one?" He asked so casually.
"Another baby?" You raised your head to look at him.
"Yeah.... I mean... I kinda miss all those sleepless nights of crying, endless feeding, rocking them to sleep and changing diapers." Yeosang admitted.
"I did most of it though." You reminded him.
"I mean.... I helped didn't I?" Yeosang tried to argue.
"Actually Damian helped out, even if he was grouchy about it." You rolled your eyes.
Yeosang huffed. "So I take it this means no baby?"
"Now hold on, I didn't say that. I'm very open to the idea, but you know this isn't a decision to make ourselves."
Calling for your children over, they speedily made their way to you two, each of them sitting next to their favorite parent, Eunbin next to her father while your son scooted over with you, resting his head on your lap.
"Hey kids, what do you guys think about mommy and I getting you guys a brother or sister?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"There you go princess. All nice and pretty like always. Remember to behave at school ok? And be nice...."
Looking over to make sure you weren't within earshot, San leaned in and whispered to his daughter.
"But if anyone is being mean to you, remember to do that thing I taught you."
The tiny pig tailed girl held up her tiny fists and proceeded to lift her foot up and kick the air, just like her father had secretly taught her to do when you weren't around.
"That's my girl! Love you."
Kissing the top of her head, he watched her get in the car that also contained Wooyoung's daughter, their mom waving from the driver's side before taking them both to school. As usual, San stayed by the doorstep and waited a couple minutes before heading back inside. He joined you in the kitchen, where you were busy washing dishes from breakfast. Feeling your husband hug you from behind, you looked over and pecked his cheek.
"What's wrong?" You asked when you saw his pouty face.
"I'm worried about our princess. What if something happens to her?" He was starting once more with his overprotective dad mode.
"San she's going to be fine." You assured him.
"How do we know for sure? We say that now but what about later in life? Soon she'll start growing up, start making her own decisions and- Oh my God! Boys! Some boy will try to take her away from me!" He screeched, pure panic on his face.
"And that's normal. She will attract boys, she will date, will get her heartbroken-"
"Oh no no no, anyone breaks her heart, I'll break their necks." He cracked his knuckles to get his point across.
"You can't spy on her 24/7 you know. You might not even know when someone is interested in her or if she's interested in someone." You tried explaining to him.
"Hmmm true....we need someone else to do the job.."
Turning you around, San had a mischievous look in his eyes as he began untying your robe.
"Maybe someone like a little brother to report to me anything that goes on in her life."
You scoffed at him. "Choi San, are you suggesting we have a kid merely so they'll become your little accomplice?"
San chuckled as he pulled your body against his.
"That and it's getting pretty gloomy in the house without our daughter. Another baby might cheer us up."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi and you cooed at the tiny baby that was in Yunho's arms.
"He's so adorable." You squeaked when he brought it closer to you so you could get a better look at his tiny face
"And big." Mingi pointed out
"Yep, his mom felt that too while pushing him out." Yunho grimaced as he recalled the excruciating hours inside the delivery room.
"But it was all worth it in the end. We brought another healthy precious boy into the world and our son won't be so lonely anymore." Yunho continued as he looked over towards his son and your daughter who were currently immersed in their favorite tv show.
"Here, wanna hold him?"
Of course you did. Carefully taking the baby from his arms, you rocked him in your embrace, your heart nearly bursting out of your chest from how cute he was.
"Oh my god Mingi! He's the cutest thing ever." You whisper yelled, not wanting to cause the baby to cry or anything.
"I know. Doesn't it make you want another one?"
You whipped your head over at Mingi, who looked shocked that he actually said that.
"I mean- if you don't want to that's fine. I understand. After all, we already have our lovely daughter and I wouldn't want you to go through another pregnancy if you weren't up to it..." His babbling started to trail off, throat clearing as he felt embarrassed about what he said.
"Well look at that, he needs to be fed. Maybe it'll give you two time to talk." Yunho laughed slightly as he took the baby away and went to go prepare a bottle.
When Mingi looked back, you had your arms crossed over your chest, foot tapping against the floor. Your stare made him nervous.
"Song Mingi....do you want another baby?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I mean....I would but if you don't, I won't-"
You silenced him by pressing a kiss on his lips.
"I do. I think it'd be nice to grow our tiny family a little more." Your reply brought a smile to his face.
"Really? You mean it?"
You nodded immediately, giggling when he pressed more kisses on your lips.
"Can we start trying tonight?"
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Y/N, I need your opinion on something." Wooyoung called out for you.
Walking into the room, you saw him face deep on his laptop, scrolling the mouse down.
"What?" You asked as you came up behind him.
"You know how we've been talking about moving to a different area?" You nodded at his question. Indeed, you had both been discussing about moving to a neighborhood that was close to your daughter's school.
"Well I found a few options and I wanted to see if you liked any of them."
Hunching over slightly, you started looking at all the different houses Wooyoung found. They all looked pretty cozy and very spacious.. a little too big though.
"Ooh! That's the one I liked! It has this huge backyard and I was thinking maybe we could install a playground for our daughter out there. With swings and a slide. Or maybe a trampoline!" He excitedly poured out his ideas.
"Wooyoung these are all 4 bedroom houses though." You pointed out.
"Yeah. So?" He shrugged.
"It's literally just 3 of us, what on earth are we going to do with 2 spare rooms?" You questioned him.
"Well I mean....what if..it wasn't just us 3? What if 3 became 4...or even more?" He looked up at you as he bit down on his lip, his hands coming up to caress your hips in a suggestive manner.
Smiling fondly at him, you cupped his cheeks and hummed.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" You smirked at him.
"Are you going to say yes?" He looked at you with a hopeful smile.
You pretended to think about it, but eventually sighed and gave in.
Wooyoung jumped up from his seat and crushed you in a tight embrace, his lips attacking your cheek with pecks that felt more aggresive than grateful.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" He repeated over and over again.
Running out of the room, he barged into your daughter's bedroom where he proceeded to pick her up and spin her around, the poor girl confused.
"Guess what babygirl?! We're moving to a new house and you're going to get a sibling!"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho steadied the tiny girl on his lap who was bouncing out of emotion while watching the soccer game.
"Ok ok honey, settle down. I don't want you falling off or something." He said as his strong hands kept her in place.
You and your daughter proudly cheered for Hongjoong's son and his team as they continued to score goal after goal, eventually winning over the other team which sent all of the spectators into a frenzy.
"Oh my god! They actually won!" You clapped.
Overflowing with excitement, your daughter hopped off her dad's lap and ran full speed into the field where she proceeded to latch onto Hongjoong's son, her tiny arms clinging to him while the poor boy was looking scared and nudged for someone to help him.
"Of course she'd run over to him." Jongho let out a sigh.
"Upset that your little girl already has her first crush?" You teased.
"No- well yes, but no actually."
Sensing that something was the matter with him, you inched yourself closer to Jongho, your hand reaching out to hold his.
"Is something wrong?"
It took a while for Jongho to muster his thoughts, but he eventually laid out his worries to you.
"No, it's just.... don't get me wrong, I love our daughter very much, she's my whole world along with you. But I can't help but feel jealous of my friends with their sons. Taking them to soccer matches every weekend, teaching them how to kick a ball, score a goal, you know, activities for father son bonding times."
You understood what he was talking about and although he could very well try to teach those things to your daughter, she was much too delicate and girly for such things, not to mention she didn't have much of an interest in sports. Resting your head on his shoulder, you smiled as you suggested:
"Maybe we should start trying for a boy then. I think it'd be nice don't you?"
Jongho whipped his head at you, questioning if you were being serious or not. You grinned and kissed his nose, effectively letting him know you were indeed being serious. Giggling, he pulled you against him and kissed your forehead.
"I love you so much."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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6ad6ro · 2 years
now that i've beaten elden ring, i'm ready to talk about it. i'll be vague in order to not spoil anything.
so it's in my top 10 favorite games ever, something that no game in over ten years has managed. it is BY FAR the best open world game that has ever existed. it's a game that ACTUALLY deserves the sort of praise that people were giving things like zelda botw a few years back. whereas zelda was maybe a little overrated, this actually goes above and beyond it's reputation. i can safely say that it's the most important game in the world right now.
that isn't to say i didn't have the occasional issue with it. but it just did so dang much to improve on the souls series. i always said that the souls series had the potential to be a masterpiece on the level of things like "zelda oot", and elden ring proves this.
anyways here are the things i think er did to vastly improve upon the souls formula (or are just good in general):
• more reasonable difficulty for most of the game.
• ability to "grind out" of areas that were too hard. leveling is so much more meaningful!
• the nature of it being open world means cheap bosses no longer act as artificial "walls" keeping you from playing the game. if something is too hard, you can go do something else and return later.
• most bosses are more fair, and often have spawnpoints or bonfires RIGHT before their fights. no more stupid runs to the fights.
• summoning ash. the permanent ability to summon in an ai cooperator for most tough fights is just amazing. you can still solo if you WANT, but this just makes the game way more fun and accessible for newer players.
• multiplayer is so much easier in general. co-op especially. less choke points for invaders to target low level players. and less opportunity for harassment by the worst players on the planet. invasion is way less frequent in general. invaders are now the ones at the disadvantage, rather than the invaded. as it should be.
• no more "hollow" mechanics to create unnecessary additional punishment associated with dying. being invaded in co-op is less stressful and more fun because you don't have to use a limited and valuable item every time you die just to play with your friends again. this was always a bad mechanic and good riddance.
• the inclusion of traditional souls areas in addition to the amazing open world. it feels like they combined the old formula with the new and nothing was lost. only gained. map design that puts even ds1 to shame.
• not only does this game feel like 10x bigger than the other souls, it feels bigger than ANY game. imagine a game larger than skyrim where every bit of content was actually DIFFERENT from each other and generally compelling? imagine if castlevania sotn had so much map that it was almost TOO much.
• FUCKING MUSIC! fucking actual music in the world and in dungeons. and it's good! sorry but "minimalistic sound design" is code for "i hate music". maybe they realised how badly breath of the wild was criticized after the fact for it's sparse music??
• more weapons and spells and abilities etc than anyone knows what to do with. they took the same approach as castlevania sotn did and said "throw everything in there". tho it's all fairly balanced (but not so much that it's boring).
• every build is fun and viable, often from the start. no stats are dead.
• poise is actually good but also optional.
• little things with how your player moves around and interacts with the world keep you from dying unfairly as often. player mistakes, rather than input mistakes, are what tend to kill you.
• JUMPING. thank god. a jump button. adds so much. fixes so much.
• removed the "press up on the analog stick as you attack" to do certain moves. nobody liked accidentally kicking in the older games. it was sloppy and thank god it's gone.
• enemy groups (and certain enemies) recharge your health and mana flasks. so you're rewarded for continuing to play rather than punished.
there's probably other good stuff i'm forgetting, but i also wanted to bring up my few complaints. if these were changed then it could have been even better:
• STILL NO DIFFICULTY SETTINGS 🙄... i cannot comprehend how anyone can defend this. even just having an OPTIONAL "casual" mode alongside the normal mode? would open this game up to tons of new fans. miyazaki's whole "joy of overcoming hardship" is frankly a moronic philosophy. and elden ring is actually objective proof that more people like souls games when they're easier. even the most insufferable ds1 tryhards ADORE this game and consider it the best. how can that be possible if an easy mode would "compromise the game's vision"?? the answer is simple. it fucking wouldn't.
• still no pause 🙄. most of us are adults. shut the fuck up and put a pause in your game so i can answer an important call without dying. hell, you can make pausing a toggle and disable it when online. stop making excuses for lacking basic functionality.
• while i still enjoyed some of it, the last 15% of the game is comparatively flawed and unfair. basic enemies suddenly soak up and dish out 10x more damage. the world design can feel obnoxious. and i'm being way less critical than most. a lot of people HATE this part.
• a couple of the bosses are pure shit. IT'S ONLY LIKE TWO THO! the first (and worst) offender is actually near the start of the game and it blocks off progress. it just doesn't make sense for it to be so hard considering where it's at. i know it was the final boss of the network test, but it should have been nerfed/moved/removed in the main game. the second was at least an optional endgame boss, but it was SO cheap. nothing about it felt fair. the fight is so bad that the main strategy used to beat it is "just respec and cheese it, then respec back after". to be fair, that's only two bad bosses in like... what... 70?!?
• still no way to make invaders optional. even if it wasn't nearly as much of a problem this time, it's still annoying. because most ppl who invade always try to cheat or exploit because they have no honor (or skill).
• nobody likes your poison swamps, miyazaki.
• a few other annoying mechanics too, like one hit kill death chariots. or teleportation chests.
• stop nerfing things via updates... you're gonna ruin a good thing if you overbalance. this is a single player game first and foremost. it doesn't really NEED a lot of balance patches. it certainly doesn't need to be any harder...
most of my complaints are fairly minor in comparison, and made less frustrating due to all of the vast improvements elden ring brings to souls. tbh most of the divisive aspects of the souls series are gone. and i finally have a souls game that i adore without compromise. i'd recommend this game to anyone who can play games. and if you can't play games? watch someone play it. because it's one of the most wonderful games ever made.
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Hogwarts AU Headcanons
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum, Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye, Keigo Takami/Hawks
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Slytherin 🐍
He was the odd ball though when it came to his own house since he hung out with a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor
Would every now and then find himself in some trouble alongside his friends with the professors
Especially for being late to class, his two friends goofing off around the grounds, and trying to sneak around late at night.
Was in possession of the Maurader’s map with his friends....but Filch took it...
Also was friends with you as well, ever since the first train ride to Hogwarts, but the two of you start to date in your 6th year.
He excelled with all his subjects and O.W.L.S. and graduated almost at the top of his class
The two of you married not too long upon graduating Hogwarts.
Became an Auror and was pretty great at his job, but with the offer of a position at Hogwarts recommended to him, he decided to give it a go
The two of you move to Hogsmeade to be closer to his work.
I picture him teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts
He’s a strict teacher, but only because he needs the students to know the ways to defend themselves and be knowledgeable of the dangers in the wizarding world.
He is also runs Wizarding Duel Club, which is actually quite popular despite him being so strict with his teaching methods
Enjoys roaming around Hogsmeade with you on the weekends he and over the holidays
Frequents the Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes with you (especially honeydukes when you fall pregnant during his 2nd year of teaching)
Students were SHOOK to see their professor at Madame Puddyfoot’s Tea Shop with a heavily pregnant you on Valentine’s Day
Students since then have introduced themselves to you and enjoy talking to you....despite Shouta wanting a student free weekend in Hogsmeade.
But he can’t help but like it when students request to feel your baby bump and you happily let them....the happy look on your face makes his heart flutter
Will invite you to eat at Hogwarts with the students and professors that stay for Christmas because he feels bad for the students who don’t go back to their families
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Gryffindor 🦁
Was extremely popular in his Hogwarts years
Won the triwizard tournament his 7th year
His academics though? They weren’t out of this world, but they were pretty normal, he was better when it came to his extracurricular activities such as Wizarding Duel and Quidditch
He would secretly go to geek out about the muggle world with the Muggle Studies professor every now and then
Upon graduation he was a pretty popular quidditch player for the United Kingdom, but suffered a life changing injury
Decided live in the muggle world and study their way of life for a bit after the injury, he ended up composing a text book with all the basics he scrounged up together
It’s even used for the curriculum at Hogwarts
Though Hogwarts offered him a position as well as the Muggle Studies professor
Hell to the yes he went! He become head of Gryffindor house and helped give pointers to the quidditch team
Started a weekend club where students would meet in the great hall to observe Muggle Artifacts, it wasn’t really that popular, but it didn’t matter, the few students that joined was enough for him.
Met you shortly after beginning to teach at Hogwarts
You taught herbology and would sometimes listen in during his Muggle club in the great hall and would sometimes ask questions about the object he was talking about.
After that he would invite you out to Hogsmeade to get a butter beer and talk about muggle things since you showed an interest in wanting to know
The conversations soon turned into what would go on between two friends and it flowed so nicely, so after that he would ask you to meet up a few more times before going on a date.
The fact that two of you dated was no secret as your dates were of course held at Hogsmeade and the students could very well see the two of you chatting away.
So it wasn’t a surprise when the two of you got married and you fell pregnant during one year of teaching.
He totally invited the members of his muggles club to the wedding and totally didn’t get emotional when they gifted him a rubber duck (his absolute favorite muggle artifact)
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Hufflepuff 🦡
Known as the gentle giant while in school
Supper nice and was friendly with absolutely everyone, so he was highly respected and adored by his peers
His academic life was pretty normal, excelling in the subjects he needed to become an Auror, he was also the announcer for the school’s quidditch matches.
Also liked to spend his time in the library to study....also snuck snacks in as well and would share with the other students that were studying
Met you on the train ride to Hogwarts his 7th year, he was trying to enter your train car since the others were full but he only managed to bang his head upon entering
You two were joined at the hip ever since then and started dating
The two of you married after graduation
You came into the ownership of honeydukes at Hogsmeade while Taishiro spent most of his time away for his job as an Auror
Quite his job though once the two of you had your 5th child to move to Hogsmeade to be with you and to help you run the candy shop.
The students love interacting with you and Taishiro, talking about their classes and their stuggles and asking for advice as they would purchase their chocolate frogs and other confectionary
Your older children, who all happen to be girls, love to go visit you and Tiashiro ok the weekends and sometimes hang out with their friends there.
Your younger girls would give advice to the students who are purchasing candy on which one is the best and will also look longingly to them because they wanted to be at Hogwarts already.
They would also brag that they had like five of the cards that a student would get from their chocolate frogs, but Taishiro would soon put them on blast and say they didn’t
Became instant BFFs with the Weasley family thanks to being able to relate on having big families, so holidays together are chaotic but fun
Is a huge advocate for house elves rights along with his daughters and you
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Was a little quiet during school, a little mysterious
People either liked him or just really didn’t know him, mostly people from his own house liked him.
Excelled in academics and was at the top of his class and was viewed as the brightest wizard in his year, but sucked when it came to quidditch.
Really, really, really, really loved quidditch though and really wished he was good at it, but you can’t help some things.
Upon graduation he took up a position at the Ministry of Magic as the head of the Department of Mysteries
Worked extremely close with the Hall of Prophecy thanks to his gift of Divination (divination was his favorite course in Hogwarts)
Met you through work after becoming head of the Department of Mysteries
Your were the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
You two had a meeting for damage control because a worker on the Hall of Prophecy managed to drop on of them and the even needed to be documented
You had a framed signature from a famous quidditch player on the wall that caught his attention after the meeting, which he pointed out and the two of you had a conversation about your shared love of quidditch
After that, he was hooked and asked you out on a date, which went well and the two of you were married a year or two later.
He would read your tea leaves or your palms about your future to impress you
It always impressed you and it will always impress you no matter how many times he would do it.
The two of you live in an apartment in London and will often go to the Leaky Couldron and Diagon Alley
The two of you would deck yourself out in your favorite teams for the quidditch World Cup, which includes painting your face
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Gryffindor 🦁
EXTREMELY popular in his Hogwarts years
Literally all the girls loved and pined after him, all the boys wanted to be him, and all the teachers were always impressed with his work.
Was the best seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team
All around perfect student and he always seemed to do everything with so much ease and stress free
Always managed to dodge the love potions girls would try to slip him.
He met you one day while messing around with his friends at the lake skipping rocks, you were under the shade of a tree studying.
His friends went to start messing with you, which he soon told them too all ‘fuck off’ when he could tell that you were visibly annoyed with them.
Always hung out with you since then, becoming almost like your gaurdian angel
Upon graduation he struck a job being an Auror, you the potions master at hogwarts.
He was pretty dang awesome in his job and honestly everyone knew the amazing work he did as Auror, so he was pretty popular amongst the Aurors as well
He quit his job though to begin teaching the flying lessons to the first years at Hogwarts because he really did enjoy quidditch and flying
Also was in charge of quidditch as a whole
And he also just really missed you
He finally asked you out on a date towards the end of his first year of teaching at Hogwarts and you said yes, then towards the beginning of the next year, the two of you got married
The students love Keigo, he treats them as equals, mostly because he’s honestly not that much older than them and was in their position not to long ago.
Girls swoon over him and are low key jealous that you are married to him.
He likes to pop his head in to bother you during, or before and after your classes
Plays quick games of quidditch on the quidditch field with the house team that are practicing for fun
Will tug you into the potion’s closet for a quick kiss, despite how unprofessional you think it is
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whythehellnaut · 3 years
The secret brilliance behind Nickelodeon All Star Brawl‘s marketing
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the Nickelodeon fighting game after it was announced, progressing from mild interest to ironic excitement to unironic excitement for it.  So many jokes and memes have been made about it that they’re almost impossible to avoid.  But when I thought about it, I realized that that’s exactly what the marketing team for this game wanted.  The idea of the game is so absurd that no one would expect it to exist, but they figured out a way to make absolutely sure that it would create just the right buzz to get people like me to take serious interest in it.
Watching the trailer again, I figured out that every character they picked to showcase in that minute and a half trailer were carefully and strategically chosen to cater to as many people as they could.  Even the order of their appearance had deliberation behind it.  Here are my thoughts:
Michelangelo comes first, establishing that the game is combat focused.  After all, who better to show off first for a fighting game than a character that has already appeared as a playable character in at least two of them?  Plus, the Ninja Turtles are the oldest characters in Nickelodeon’s library when you consider that they first aired in the 80′s, before Nickelodeon even started making cartoons.  This is a character that everyone recognizes, parents included.
Lincoln Loud comes next, a more modern character that adults might not know but kids will.  This is to quickly lure the kids, who have less patience than adults, into watching the rest of the trailer, assuring them that it won’t just be older characters like the turtles that show up.
Powdered Toast Man comes next to snatch up the other side of the equation, the adults/90′s kids who remember him from the original Ren and Stimpy show from 1991.  I’m not sure if it’s still airing as reruns on Nick today, but considering I hear very little about the show online, I’m guessing not.  This is a bit of a surprise to the adults who thought it’d be a kids’ game, so it lures those folks into staying for the rest of the trailer as well.
Sandy is important to show off early for a number of reasons.  Spongebob is popular among kids and Millenials, and is arguably the only property here as well known as Ninja Turtles, so they’re luring in more fans.  It also serves to imply that other Spongebob characters will join, as, even though Sandy’s passion for karate makes total sense for her to appear in a fighting game, you still can’t leave out Spongebob himself.  Showing her first implies more possibilities of characters to come, proving it won’t just be a festival of protagonists like Jump Force was.  It also shows off their female representation to keep women interested.
Patrick is just a fan favorite to get out of the way before the sponge shows up, so he’s only here to confirm that the game is going to be full of characters that people actually want to see.
Oblina was personally a shocker to me, as I barely remember Ahh Real Monsters from my own childhood, but I remember enough to know that she wasn’t the protagonist, necessarily.  I also know it’s relatively obscure in comparison to Spongebob or Ren and Stimpy, so they proved that they are willing to take characters from more obscure shows that the young kids won’t remember.  This solidified my interest as I could tell that they are doing more to cater to the 90s generation than just confirming Powdered Toast Man.
Nigel Thornberry is arguably their most important addition at the halfway point.  Outside of Spongebob characters and maybe Stu Pickles, I would say Nigel is the internet’s favorite Nickelodeon character to use for memes.  The marketing team had to have known this.  After getting some of the core audiences hooked, they now have the memer crowd invested, ready to spread the word about the insanity of this game’s premise across the internet.  This is exactly what happened, and why the trailer has 2 million views on Youtube right now.
Lucy Loud is shown off quickly to remind the younger crowd to keep watching, and to add a little bit more female representation.
Spongebob is shown off a little bit late, but since we were expecting him to show up, it’s just to make sure the casual fans who only know the big names stay watching.
Helga is an older character, but I recently saw a young kid wearing a Hey Arnold tee shirt at the supermarket, so I’m positive it’s being shown as reruns on Nick today, so most Nick fans of all ages will be excited about her.  Moreover, since she came immediately after Spongebob, who is a protagonist that was introduced after Sandy, a side character from his show, it gives an implication that Arnold will also appear.  Although he is not introduced in this trailer, it allows the fans to speculate that he will soon be showcased, perhaps in the next trailer.  Also, she’s the fourth female character shown, confirming that the game is being fair and inclusive to both sexes and not simply catering to male gamers, like say, Jump Force or Dragonball Fighter Z.
Reptar is another shocker, because although Rugrats is very popular and well known throughout the generations, he is a very, very minor character in the show.  He is literally a fictional character within a separate fictional universe.  The marketing team threw him in to show off that just about any character from any Nick property, no matter how minor or obscure, has a chance of making it into this game.  Again, this forces the fans to speculate about future announcements with even more creative thinking, as we now know that it won’t just be major characters joining the fray.
Zim is a well thought out choice because he caters to a specific crowd that I’d describe as the alternative niche.  That is to say, there are people who are fans of Invader Zim who don’t watch other Nick shows, so they are luring in the folks you’d expect to see at Hot Topic and the like.  It was an edgy show with a feel and fanbase unlike other shows of its era, so it’s important to use him to diversify the roster.  They also showed off Gir as his assist, and although that may deconfirm him as playable, it still pleases the fans, who often prefer Gir over Zim.
Danny Phantom is the only character that comes strictly from the 2000s era, so they are making sure to maintain the attention of the teenagers who watched that show as kids.
Leonardo seems like an odd choice to end on, maybe even anticlimactic, since they started with Michelangelo, but it makes sense when you think about it.  They couldn’t show just 1 turtle, or else it might imply that the game’s roster was small.  But if they showed all 4 turtles, they would have needed to leave two other characters out of the trailer to make room for them, and they didn’t want to make it look like a Turtles fighting game with guest characters.  So having exactly 2 turtles allows them to show off enough characters from other properties, while also confirming unofficially that the other turtles would appear later, since you can’t just have 2 of the 4 turtles in the game.  By leaving it open like that, they’re giving an implication that the roster is going to be huge.  So big that the turtles were just a small portion of it.  They end the trailer this way to leave the crowd speculating again: how many characters will appear in total?
The only characters that curiously don’t show up in the trailer are the cast of the Avatar franchise, who are quite popular.  However, one of the stages shown is clearly the Air Temple with Aang’s glider in plain sight, implying that Avatar characters will be announced later.  Another smart move to instill hope in the fans.
Finally, the Rollback Netcode announcement that came afterward solidified a very important group- the serious/competitive gamers.  For those who don’t know, rollback netcode is relatively new technology that speeds up online gameplay to cut down on input lag, which is super important for fighting games in particular, as they rely on strict timing more than other game genres.  It’s so new, however, that not all competitive fighting games use it.  Popular tournament fighters like Super Smash Bros, Tekken, and Dragonball Fighter Z have not implemented rollback netcode for their games yet, so of all games, Nickelodeon All Star Brawl beating them to the punch is causing a stir.  This is a sign that the devs are putting serious effort into making the game enjoyable online, which could potentially help its chances to be taken seriously in competitive settings.  Only time will tell if that truly happens, but it’s a sign of quality, nonetheless.
So ultimately, this short trailer and announcement manage to cater to dang near every crowd that may want to play it: Kids, teenagers, young adults in their 20s and 30s, parents in their 40s, men, women, memers, casual fans, alternative fans, and serious gamers, and opens up a ton of potential for speculation regarding new announcements.  That’s a fantastic way to start off and explains why this game, which for all intents and purposes should have been nothing more than a thought experiment that people joke about in the car with friends, has been trending so much for the past two weeks.  Congrats to the marketing team for what they put together.
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dc41896 · 4 years
Grown Up
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Happy belated Thanksgiving🦃! I wanted to post this before or on the actual day, but time got the best of me. Hope you guys like it!
Pairing: Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: None, all fluff☺️!
Following the delicious smell of ham, turkey, dressing, and other Thanksgiving dishes, River’s stomach growls peeking on his tip toes over the table at the various foods spread across it. Ever since the three of you flew in the day before, he couldn’t wait to dig into all his favorite foods and eat until his little belly felt swollen.
“Mommy, can we eat now?,” he asks as you walk by with yet another dish in your hands to put on the table.
“Not yet, but everything’s almost done. I’ll come get you when it’s time okay?”
“Kay.” Sighing, he makes his way to the living room hearing his cousins going back and forth as they shout out random directions leaving him confused.
“What’s that?,” he asks standing beside his two older cousins, Nick and Kira, sat on the leather ottoman.
“Fortnite,” Nick answers not taking his eyes off the screen in front of him. “No! Don’t go that way, meet me by the lake.”
Watching the animated characters jumping and running about as they sporadically built things to hide in, he found himself drawn to the screen and wanting to participate himself since they seemed to be having so much fun laughing and high-fiving as a different character disappeared.
“Can I play?”
“Um maybe later River, we still got a while before this game ends,” Kira answers taking a break to push her glasses higher on her nose before returning to her hurried button mashing as an armed group approaches them.
“When’s that?”
“We don’t know.”
“Because-dang! Quick revive me!”
“I am! River go sit down, we gotta focus. Plus your mom and dad may not even want you playing since you’re too little.”
“Am not,” he pouts crossing his arms across his chest.
“Are too, you’re only four. This game is for big kids like us,” Nick countered making River even more upset.
“I’m big boy too!”
“And I’m tired of y’all going back and forth!,” another one of his older cousins, Mary, interjects from the couch with her feet propped up. “I’m having an important conversation over here.”
“What important conversation? You’re just talking to your boyfriend,” Kira teases making her roll her eyes before placing the phone back up to her ear.
Clearly his cousins wouldn’t be letting him play anytime soon.
So with a huff, he turns around heading back to the kitchen until he hears groans and cheers erupt from the basement, where those who weren’t helping in the kitchen watched the football game.
Carefully stepping down the steps while holding onto the railing, he finds his dad, oldest cousins, uncles, and some aunts all spread out in chairs and on the sectional couch chatting about the last play as they drank from red plastic cups.
“Hey bubs!,” Chris smiles patting his knee for him to join him. “You okay?”
Lifting his arms so he could be picked up, he shrugs his shoulders playing with his father’s bigger hand.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t play.”
“Play what?”
“For tight.”
“For tight?,” he asks raising an eyebrow. “What is that?”
“A game daddy. You jump and and hide and go bye.”
Before he could press any further on this very unique sounding game, the loud cheers steal his attention as he looks up to see a 49ner’s player run an intercepted ball in for a touchdown making him groan and River cover his ears from the commotion.
“Chris you might as well give it up man, the Pats not coming back anytime soon,” your younger brother, Carter, smirks sipping from his cup.
“I wouldn’t get too cocky yet. Remember we’re the top team at second half comebacks,” he retorts matching his smirk.
“You mean you were the top team. Now that your precious Brady is gone y’all haven’t had too many comebacks.”
“Okay yea losing Brady was a bit of a hit, but we’re still good! We just gotta get use to the new quarterback.”
“Hm are you really still good though?,” Carter asks cocking his head to the side.
“Like the niners are doing any better! You have the same record as us!”
Rather than sit and listen to his dad and uncle argue over teams, he hops down eventually meeting you halfway up the steps.
“Food ready now?”
“Yes sweetheart everything’s ready and you can eat,” you giggle watching him excitedly bounce up and down. “And everyone else in here, food is done! Come eat!”
“Mommy, I sit with you and daddy?”
“No bubs, you sit at the kids table with your cousins remember? Like last year.”
“I want to be with you and daddy.”
“Sorry love, there’s not enough room at the big table. Daddy and I won’t be far away though.”
Following you up the stairs and to the dining room, he wished the kid table never existed. All of his cousins were older than him by at least six years, so he felt alone as they tapped on their phones and told jokes only they understood. Not that they completely ignored him, it’s just their conversation with him wasn’t as long as the conversations they had with each other. As he watched you, Chris, and the other adults talking and laughing he wasn’t really in the mood for food anymore and wished the three of you were back at the hotel, or home even.
“Ma, we’re going outside to play!,” one of his cousins excitedly announced as they rose from their seats at the kids table barely pushing their chairs in.
“Aht! Did y’all throw away your trash first?,” his aunt Jackie asked making Kira sigh clearly wishing they could be outside already.
“Alright go ahead, and be careful,” she answers as the older kids rush outside.
“Mommy I play too?,” River asks walking over to squeeze between you and Chris.
“Sure sweetie. After I’m finished we can go play.”
“No mommy, play with them.”
“Oh,” you reply looking outside to see the bigger kids, and a couple of the adults splitting up into teams as a football was casually tossed back and forth. “I don’t know River, they’re playing football and-,”
“I like football!,” he beams making you giggle.
“I know bubs, but you’re smaller than your cousins and I don’t want you getting hurt.” At your words, his smile falls and head hangs slightly. You, his dad, and even his grandparents always told him how he was such a big boy now, so why he couldn’t do these things not only confused him, but made him frustrated.
“But I’m a big boy...”
Turning on his heels, he stomps to the living room throwing himself on the couch hiding his head in one of the furry throw pillows beside him.
“You know mommy is just trying to look out for you right River?,” he hears as Chris approaches his spot on the couch, eventually squatting down beside him.
“Yes,” he sniffles turning to look at his father with red tinted eyes.
“Your cousins play a little rougher than what we play in the yard at home bud. That’s probably not a game a four year old should be in.”
“I wish I was old.” Softly chuckling, he wipes his son’s tears before leaning over to kiss his forehead.
“I know it seems fun, but trust me when I tell you to stay a kid for as long as you can. Honestly, I wish I was little like you again.”
“Yep,” he nods. “Being little comes with a lot more perks than you think. Like you can get all the toys, sleep in as much as you want, and you don’t have to worry about bills.”
“Bills?,” River asks sitting up.
“Yea they suck. Like how you feel about going to the dentist every year.”
“Ohh, yea bills are the worst,” he agrees shaking his head and making Chris laugh. “You can play games though. I can’t.”
There’s momentary silence as River fiddles with his hands and Chris looks at his son, taking his time to think how he could make everything better.
“Come with me,” he smiles holding his arms out so River could wrap his around his neck attaching himself to his dad.
“Hey, everything okay?,” you ask as they enter the dining room.
“Almost, I have an idea though that might help.”
“Trust me, it’s nothing crazy,” he chuckles kissing your cheek before heading out the back to meet with those playing in the yard.
Now finished helping wash the dishes and putting away the leftover food, you step outside in search of your two boys who surely had to be tired after spending over an hour outside. Plus with it getting late, you wanted to get back to the hotel before dark.
Sticking your head out the door, you see Chris and River running from one tree to the other trying not to be seen by everyone else playing. After whispering in his ear, Chris darts out shooting his Nerf gun at Kira and Nick each trying to reach the flag in the middle of the yard.
“Freeze! I got you!”
“That’s it, next round Chris is on my team.”
“Not if I get him first!”
As the two kids argue, River manages to dodge the shots from his other cousins reaching the flag and excitedly jumping up and down as he holds it over his head.
“Look! I got it daddy!,” River smiles as his dad jogs over to pick him up smiling himself.
“I see bubs! Good job!”
“Chris! River! You guys ready?,” you shout turning their attention towards the house.
“Mommy, I got the flag!,” River shouts back waving the bright orange, flimsy plastic in front of him.
“I see, congrats love! You guys ready to go? It’s getting late.”
“Aw do they have to leave already auntie Y/N? What about one more round?,” Nick asks wiping the sweat from his forehead.
“She’s right guys it’s getting late, we can pick it up tomorrow though,” Chris replies as they groan.
“Fine, we’ll play again tomorrow. This was a cool game idea River!,” Kira smiles giving him a high-five.
“Yea! It’s like our own version of Fortnite,” Nick adds making his little cousin shyly smile setting his forehead on his Chris’ shoulder.
Giving hug filled goodbyes to your remaining family members still hanging around, the three of you eventually get in your car ready to return to the hotel so you could get ready for bed. Not even 10 minutes in your ride, the sound of soft snores cause you to turn around finding your son peacefully sleeping with head slumped forward.
“Looks like your idea also tired him out,” you giggle. Peeking in the rear view mirror, Chris softly chuckles before letting out a short yawn himself. “Oh, is it past your bedtime too?”
“Um, did you just call me old?,” he smirks with hand on his chest.
“No of course not. I’d never disrespect my elders like that,” you tease causing him to gasp extending his arm to tickle your side. Covering your mouth to avoid waking River with your laughs, you’re finally able to push his hand away after a couple tries. “Stahp!”
“Don’t call me old.”
“I didn’t, I said elder which you technically are being older than me.”
“Well...then...don’t allude to me being or getting old. That’s not nice,” he pouts as he puts the car in park, turning to look at you with those heart melting blue eyes.
“I sowy. Forgive me?” Watching you bat your lashes trying to seem as innocent as you could, he can’t help but laugh bringing your face closer to his.
“Hmm...I guess,” he smiles pecking your lips.
“And thank you for fixing everything with River.”
“Babe you don’t have to thank me. It’s just part of my job being the world’s best dad,” he shrugs nonchalantly.
“And right now, most annoying,” you joke kissing his lips one more time.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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atopearth · 3 years
Brothers Conflict (Passion Pink) Part 1 - Asahina Masaomi Route
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I am happy to announce that I will try my best to play Brothers Conflict in Japanese! Yes, it was Christmas so I splurged and bought Diabolik Lovers, Brothers Conflict and Norn9 hahahah. Hopefully I can do this! Apparently Brothers Conflict is an easy read because it's slice of life and uses normal everyday words so let's go! Ema and her squirrel Juli huh? That's kinda cute lmao. Anyway, I know the basic premise but it's kinda crazy to have like 11 new brothers, like wow. And her squirrel talks?! I guess it's nice to have a such a reliable squirrel "parent" for Ema since it seems so capable haha. I don't blame Ema for being so nervous though haha. Oh wow, Miwa (the lady Ema's father is remarrying) is rich and nice! Hahahaha, Ema thinks Masaomi is Wataru's dad, is he that old looking?🤣 Anyway, I know it's a game so Ema has to be surprised to know all these hot guys etc are her new brothers but if this was real life and I was nervous about meeting all these brothers by myself, I would definitely hope to have seen or have a photo of them with me lmao. Anyway, lmao at Wataru giving Ema candy for accidentally hurting her when he couldn't stop his bike in time lolll, who is the little kid here?!🤣 Awww, I don't like fan clubs but I do like Iori! He seems cool and kinda knows how to handle his fangirls. Ukyo mightttt be my type, we'll see🤣 Anyway, Ema is such a considerate daughter for not wanting to intrude on her father's newlywed life and deciding to live in the Sunrise Residence with all the other brothers, I would be so scared to live with a bunch of new random siblings lol.
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Is a sunflower badge a symbol to show you're a lawyer or something? That's pretty cool! Anyway, Masaomi is the eldest son?! I totally assumed Ukyo would have been the oldest haha! Guess looks are deceiving. Hahaha, Ukyo calling him "nii-san" (older brother) is a shockk🤣 I admit that Kaname's purple kimono looks pretty cool, but dang, kissing the back of Ema's hand and then saying can he kiss other places too?! That's a great way to introduce yourself... I'm so glad Ukyo hit him for doing that lol. Lmaooo I thought Kaname was going to be a fashion designer of some sort but he's actually a Buddhist priest?! Wow lol. Oooh I like Tsubaki and Azusa's looks! They're cute, are they twins? Okay yep, they are. I love them already🤣 Omggg and they're both voice actors? They're getting cooler by the second🤣 I love how friendly Tsubaki is lol. I love how just as Ukyo hits Kaname for getting out of hand, Azusa does the same for Tsubaki lol. Lmao at Ema thinking to herself whether Tsubaki is "okay" in the sense of whether there's anything wrong with him because of how he talks hahahaa. Awww Subaru seems cute, he's shy with girls even though he's a university student! OMG Tsubaki is older than Subaru? I can't tell these age differences lol!! I like Iori a lot though hahaha. Lmao I thought Iori recognised Ema's school uniform because he knew girls from there but it was actually because Yuusuke (another brother) goes there hahaha, sorry my bad Iori. Tsubaki is so slack to hide from Yuusuke that they were going to have a new sister lolll. But his reaction was funny so I can understand. I find it hilarious how Yuusuke can't handle Ema being sad over him not approving of this loll, so he had to just agree to make her happy haha. HAHAHA, when Kaname asked Ema to call him "onii-chan" LOL, like geez dude!! And then even Tsubaki joined in🤣 I like Azusa, so I'm glad there was an option to call him onii-chan loll. I think it was pretty funny how they got her to keep calling them onii-chan lmao, it was nice how she played along with them and got to enjoy having so many siblings considering that it must have been pretty lonely with just her dad and he's probably busy working a lot of the time.
Awww that's so sweet, Ema woke up early hoping to make breakfast for the brothers! She's such an awesome sister. I have to agree with Ema, Kaname exercising early in the morning is a surprise haha. I honestly thought Ukyo would be the one there...and he is! Ukyo is the one who cooks breakfast and all the meals I guess! Lmao at the cute rabbit apron he wears🤣 Ukyo best boyyy! Omg Rui is pretty, I love his hair. But I find it so funny how he's like touching her hair and Ema is like so calmly just introducing herself to him lmao. Oooh, so we have another idol brother, lmao at Ema thinking the family were fans instead of him being a brother, like what are the chances that they would all be fans of him🤣🤣 Aww Mahoko looks like a cute best friend for Ema. Sasakura (the soccer ace guy) seems pretty friendly to offer to help Ema move. I have to agree with Ema though, Masaomi in work mode is nice to watch, I always think it's so sweet to see guys so kind and patient with kids (even though I don't like kids🥲). It was so sweet how Ema so honestly told him she would have liked a doctor like him when she was a kid, Masaomi blushing at her praise was actually pretty cute lol. Awww, his pocket is full of chocolates and other stuff as rewards for the kids! It's nice that he has a whole variety of stuff like stickers and mini cars since he doesn't want to give them too many sweets. It must be so heavy though lmao.
Fuuto sleeping CG is pretty cute~ LOL did he just say Ema is cute but it seemed like she's dumb?! Well, there goes your idol dreams, Ema lol. Lmao when he said she didn't deny it and said she's an idiot, like woww, way to go Fuuto, you're definitely an ass. He's probably traumatised or annoyed with his fangirls or something. I can so relate to Ema's rage, I would want to strangle Fuuto loll. Okay, I did something wrong and didn't realise I needed to go to the aquarium with Masaomi! Lmao at Ema saying all the fish are cute lol. Blushing Masaomi is so adorable though. It was so cute how he got embarrassed for not realising that he was really close to her, and it was so cute how Ema tried to explain that she didn't hate it and that it just made her heart beat really fast😂 Aww Ema and Masaomi both like small animals. Damn, these guys are rich, do they have a villa on an island?!! I think it's really nice how they all take the time out to go on holiday with the whole family there every summer vacation though. Considering how many of them there are and how busy they are, it's good to see that they try to make the effort to bond with each other. They've even got a private beach on a part of the island, danggg. Anyway, I love how welcoming the brothers are. I agree with Iori, Ema is really admirable to even do supplementary classes to help with going to her dream university, she's working hard!
You know, considering that these guys are her "brothers", I find it funny that they're quite unreserved towards the idea of doing date-like stuff with her loll! Like with the amusement park, Masaomi held her hand to keep it warm after she got a bit freaked out with the haunted house attraction lol! I guess considering the game, I should just throw that all out of the window and just enjoy it for what it is haha. I mean, I gotta admit, it's pretty cute. I guess it's not that cute after I looked at their character profiles and realised that Masaomi is actually 31 and Ema is like 16-17? Oh well, I guess I'll ignore that too😂 Aww, Masaomi seems like such a parent, he's sad that his brothers are older now and they don't rely on him as much for stuff anymore. I guess that would be something good but also sad to see. It's interesting how the dialogue changes when you get more hearts. It's like initially, Masaomi used to be like, nah I'm not free into yeah I'm free, and now he's just like let's go lol. I think the nicest change is that he used to leave to go somewhere else after their outing, but now he goes home with her. I think something that's nice to see is Masaomi "spoiling" her, like he doesn't do anything over the top, just simple stuff like buying her a strap, holding her bags etc, but I feel like because she's always lived only with her father, and now that he has a new partner, she's even more reserved towards not wanting to trouble others, so I think Masaomi treating her sweetly is nice. I find it so sweet how he understands her so well that he knows that she would feel bad about it, so he asks her to buy snacks for everyone in exchange. I love how Ema made a whole bunch of sandwiches on their zoo date, I love little picnics~ And it's so cute how she offered to make him lunch next time since he's always so busy with work that most of the time he just buys rice balls and sandwiches from the convenience store.
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I'm so excited for their trip!! Lmao, I really want to see Ema's swimsuit now, considering how Subaru was so surprised by it, he told her to wear his jacket🤣 Aww playing with fireworks at the beach with Masaomi was nicee~ I think Masaomi really gives off that great big brother vibe that will ensure she'll never feel lonely, it's really heartwarming to see. Omggg there's the option to stay overnight in Masaomi's room now!! Not that anything happened (for now) since he just helped her study and she fell asleep there~ but it was really cute to know that Masaomi keeps all the letters he gets from his current and old patients, it's sweet that his room is "messy" because of it haha. Gotta love how Masaomi took his other futon to clean so now they have to share a futon lol, like how far away is Ema's room lolll! But anyway, it's fine I guess because it's cute~ It seems like from way back when he was a kid, Masaomi was already mature and stepped up to be the big brother that would help out his parents because they're so busy. I still wonder how he survives as a doctor if he nearly faints after seeing a little bit of blood lol, but yeah it's crazy how much of Masaomi's life revolves around his family. Even him choosing to be a doctor was because he wanted something stable, good income and have useful knowledge for taking care of his family if anything were to happen so that his parents wouldn't need to worry. He's such a good child. I found it so wonderful how Ema praised Masaomi for his work saying she could really see how much his patients really trust him and see how earnest he is with his work. Can't blame him for feeling so embarrassed hahahha. Okay, I'm dying at how sweet Masaomi's lines become. Now when you ask him on a date, he's like are you sure you want to spend your precious break day with me?! Hahaha, of course we do! And now when you ring his doorbell hoping to stay over, he looks forward to Ema being the one to ring it, I love it so much🥺 I find it so cute how he's more conscious of her staying over so late now hahaha. Omggg, he just asked if it was okay to share the same futon and Ema was like sure, awww that's so cuteee, they're practically together now lol. Omggg he confessed that he liked her when he thought she fell asleep! He even kissed her on the forehead! Awww!! I wonder how Ema will react now~
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Kaname really loves to flirt with Ema allll the time doesn't he lol. Subaru blushing at Ema having baked his birthday cake for him is so cuteeee. Anyway omg, does everyone actually already like her?? Even Iori said he was happy that it was because Ukyo was busy so she ended up having to bake the cake and not because she wanted to since the beginning😮 Anyway, it was so cute how Masaomi said he wanted to be the first to congratulate her when she turns 20 (since they just came back from Subaru's 20th birthday), and okay, it seems like Ema lives kinda far from the guys?? Lol, I thought it was a shared house kinda thing. Anyway, their accidental kiss seeming led up to Masaomi giving her another kiss?! I feel like my heart was beating fast like Ema's lmao. LMAO when Masaomi offered a kid to ride on his shoulders to see the dolphin show properly (he even called himself an big brother/onii-san) and the kid still calls him an uncle/oji-san hahahaha. HAHAHA, I love how Ema readied herself to have Masaomi check her with a stethoscope (she was sick) since it feels embarrassing and she raised her clothes so high, he saw her bra or something lmao. LOL, Usa-tan sounds like an amazing doll that can shoot out stationery, record, be a calculator etc, like dang lolll. Omggg that Ema had to wear bunny cosplay for the school festival cafe, lmao when Yusuke saw it and was embarrassed lol. Ohhh, there's another older brother called Natsume who moved out of the mansion! I've lost track of how many there are honestly but Natsume is pretty good-looking. I'm so glad Azusa made Natsume apologise to Ema properly for being so rude to her when he didn't know who she was and reacted badly to her calling his name so familiarly. WHAT, TRIPLETS? Them being triplets is definitely a shock to me like whaaaat omg. Once again, impressed that Miwa had so many children and looks so good. I seeee, so Tsubaki and Azusa are identical but Natsume is fraternal oooo. Anyway, I was so shocked that I forgot to say I didn't even think about a wedding ceremony so I'm glad there is one for her father and Miwa hahaha. LOL when Miwa gave Ema the bouquet and told her if she likes any of her sons, she would help them hold the ceremony, like dang, she's already decided that she wants her new "daughter" to be like a true daughter loll. Gotta love it when your parents are supportive of you marrying your step brothers lolll. Anyway, seriously though, I guess that makes it easier for them later on with no parental drama haha.
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It's so cute how Masaomi gives candy to Ema as a reward all the time hahaha. Well, Ema not being the real daughter of Rintaro was unexpected... I felt sorry for her when she found out and felt that she would be all alone if her dad told her the truth properly. I feel like Ema's always tried her best to be strong on her own because her dad was always busy, but he was family and she knew he would always be there because they're tied by such bonds so it was okay even if she was sad that she couldn't see him much, so I feel like her breaking down is understandable. I thought it was really sweet how Masaomi told her that he would always be by her side so she would never be alone, and that if she's still sad after talking to her dad, she can always go to him for help. It's sad that her parents died so early in her life, but I'm glad Rintaro decided to take care of her instead of leaving her all alone in some institution. It was also nice that Ema got to hear what she needed to hear, which was that even if they're not connected by blood, Ema is still his daughter, and I think it really helped her insecurities to hear her dad properly tell her that.
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Lmaooo when Ema thought Hikaru was Kaname's girlfriend😂 On the other hand, I'm not sure what to think about Tsubaki and Kaname being "moe" to little sisters lolll, but I guess at least they're quite frank and obvious about Ema totally being their type lolll. Anyway, I guess now we've seen all the brothers! I knewww Miwa was going to ask Masaomi to go to an omiai but danggg. Especially since he's the oldest brother so I guess it was to be expected in his route. Awww I love how Masaomi so honestly told the girl he had someone he liked. I legit can't wait until they both tell each other their feelings, I'm so excited!! Lmaooo, Masaomi in a Santa Claus costume looks so funny hahaha. Awww he bought Ema a Christmas present!! It's nice that Masaomi gave Ema her very own Usa-tan! Anyway, omggg Azusa and Tsubaki are sooo close, it's actually kinda cute how much they love each other haha. I loved how Ema properly thanked all the guys during the Christmas party for looking for her when she ran away after realising her dad wasn't blood related to her, and I loved how they told her it was natural since she's family. When he hugged her thanking her for always encouraging him and supporting him, it was so cuteee, I love how much Ema loves seeing the serious Masaomi that dedicates himself to saving people however he can.
Masaomi is usually so tired from work, but I love how he's always like Ema is always welcome to visit his room! I think it was especially cute when Ema was about to go back knowing that he didn't get much sleep and she woke him up, but he knew that she wouldn't randomly just come to annoy him for nothing, so thankfully he got her to not feel like she was bothering him and gave him the chocolate~ Masaomi blushing is always the cutest~ Lmaooo Ema is like a pro gamer😂 I found it so funny how Subaru and Ema just told Yusuke to pick up items because he's weak😂 Awww Masaomi was sad that Ema didn't react to the pink heart necklace he gave her through Usa-tan! To be fair he did do it in a really roundabout way so I guess it's understandable that she didn't notice it, but luckily she did lol, so now she doesn't need to misunderstand that he thinks of her as just a kid. Ohhh, I thought Masaomi was just jealous that Ema was having fun with Subaru and them, but it was actually because he thought that Ema would probably have more fun and be more happy with a guy around her age and that's why he was sad🥺 I'm so happy that they both told each other their worries and how much they enjoyed their time together. Ema definitely was more brave to say she wanted to always stay beside him though haha. Lmao at Masaomi having eaten so many sweets at that shop he bought the white day presents for Ema loll. Anyway, I didn't realise Fuuto was actually like 2 years younger than Ema, considering how arrogant he seemed, I thought he was around the same age lol. Anyway, I obviously rose the wrong stuff and didn't get the best ending LOL. I was so sad when Masaomi was like, you'll always be my sister or something and it ended, and I was like excuse meeee!? Anyway, I redid the whole thing LOL. I knew that Masaomi had to get over the blood thing if something happened to Wataru so I'm glad Ema was there to kinda wake him up to do that haha. I missed out Ema in a kimono CG!! She was so beautiful!! And omggg, their wedding and expecting a baby endings were nice~ Definitely worth me going through all that again just to see it lol.
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Overall, if you can ignore the fact that Masaomi is like 30 and Ema is 17, then this route was quite nice. Well, to be fair, the whole premise is a grey area so I guess the age gap shouldn't be a problem for most who decide to try this game haha. Anyway, I really liked Masaomi. He's like the oldest brother that's super caring about his family, but also a bit childish, maybe because he's kinda like Wataru's father lol. I thought Masaomi was the one who took care of most of the brothers but Masaomi got too busy with his job so that kinda fell on Ukyo instead, which I'm looking forward to in the future! But yeah, I really loved how kind, gentle and sweet Masaomi was all the time, and I really liked how much he had that nice older brother vibe that I super dig lol. You can say, he really soothed my heart LOL, like every time I spend some time going through the route, he always makes my heart warm and makes me smile because of how kind he is, and I just really loved that. I always love how he always takes interest in his patients' interests and does his best to understand them so he can better interact with these kids and make them have an easier time in the hospital. Anyway, I'm super proud of myself that I was able to finish this route in Japanese!! I probably didn't understand 100% of it, but I think I got most of it and I'm so happy about that! I probably spent wayyy too much time on the dictionary searching for kanji but I can definitely see the progress and I'm looking forward to finishing all the routes! It's still kinda crazy to me though, like I still remember once upon a time, I really wanted to play this game and honestly hoped for a localisation one day, but now I've given up and decided to just practise my Japanese with it instead lol. It's interesting how things have come to be, but I'm excited for the rest~
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whywishesarehorses · 3 years
Inside the Famous—and Deadly—Omak Stampede
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This article was written by Allison Williams, published in the August 2017 issue of Seattle Met, and reformatted here for your enjoyment.
This one is text heavy and long, so it is hidden under a read more.
Eighteen horses form an imperfect line on a hot August night, their 18 jockeys clad in jeans. Here on a sandy bluff in the small town of Omak, four hours east of Seattle and several worlds away, riders and spectators alike move with nervous energy, anxious for the race to start. One jockey wears a helmet topped with a pink mohawk, another with a GoPro camera. One horse, sponsored by a local marijuana dispensary, sports painted pot leaves on its rump. Wispy white eagle feathers hang from others, emblems of the Native American heritage the men share.
A summer carnival glows below, neon outlines of rides called the Orbiter and the Fireball, metal towers that came into town on tractor trailers. Farther into the Okanogan Highlands, a casino twinkles alone on Indian Reservation land. It’s August 11, 2016, and even an hour past sunset the air holds onto most of the heat from the 90-degree day.
A “whoooop!” erupts from the gathered crowd as the animals sidestep and bob their heads behind the chalk starting line. His race number bright across his chest, 18-year-old Scott Abrahamson eyes the sandy dirt in front of the line, groomed like a golf course sand trap. His long bubblegum-pink sleeves mean he’s easy to spot even in the shadows where floodlights don’t reach, and his helmet blinks with battery-operated toy devil horns. He’s surrounded by both champions—Loren Marchand with seven titles, Tyler Peasley with three—and nervous high schoolers in their first race.
At the crack of a gun, the horses charge. Their riders lean forward as hooves pound the sandy flat, at least for the first hundred feet. The crowd cheers as soon as the pistol sounds, cries and hoots blossoming into the dark.
Then 18 horses go off a cliff.
The riders shift in their saddles as their mounts fly down an incline steeper than a ski jump. The best jockeys, the veterans, barely lean back coming off the hill, reins clasped in the left hand and riding crops in the right. Others grasp a bar they’ve rigged on the back of their saddles they call the “oh shit handle.”
The spectators’ cries reach full pitch when the pack is halfway to the waterway at the base of the hill, a thick ribbon of black that flows left to right. The horses plunge into the inky Okanogan River en masse, hooves hitting the shallow bottom, and all but one charge across to the opposite bank. The stadium on the far side is lit up like a Friday-night football game, floodlights bright atop red, white, and blue bleachers, and Scott and his hot-pink sleeves emerge first in the dirt oval, just 45 seconds into the race. As they cross the finish line, Peasley is right on his tail.
Fifteen horses follow, minus the one that tumbled in the river. A crew attends to the downed horse from the deck of a small drift boat; while the stadium roars, a veterinarian surveys the animal and notes that it’s already gone, likely drowned.
Back atop the hill, Colville tribal elders watch through binoculars before one spots something in the sandy dirt, an eagle feather dislodged by the chaos. They circle the downed quill, addressing the spirit it represents, the eagle that travels in both worlds, before one of the elders lifts the feather to return it to its owner.
This is the World Famous Suicide Race.
There will be four races total during Omak Stampede, always the second weekend in August. Each race awards five points to the first-place finisher, four to the second, and so on; the overall winner clinches the King of the Hill title on Sunday, and $40,000 in prize money is distributed. It’s the highlight of this Central Washington town’s year, a tradition that draws thousands of spectators—and animal-rights protesters.
Omak straddles the border of the Colville Reservation, home of almost every racer, horse owner, and trainer. The contest is a rite of passage, they say, a proving ground for men—and even a few women—coming of age more than a century after actual horseback warfare. Beyond the turgid flow of the Okanogan River through town, the reservation sprawls over 1.4 million acres of highlands, brittle with brown grass in late summer. There the Native American communities are plagued by poverty and unemployment.
If the Suicide Race was a small-town Friday-night football game, teenaged Scott Abrahamson would be its star quarterback. He’s an ace student, focused and polite, with technical internships and honor rolls to his name, but this weekend he’s a jockey with a King of the Hill title to defend. All eyes are on him.
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He gets sick before every big race. “Everything hits me and my body,” Scott says. “I can barely walk.” His cousin calls it good luck; Scotty puking means they’re going to do well.
In the hours before Friday’s race, the second of four, Scott’s prepping in the triangular Owners and Jockey’s paddock in the middle of the fairgrounds. By 5pm, Omak veterinarian Jai Tuttle holds court at one end of the dusty enclosure, near standing fans that muster a little manufactured breeze. As they wait to parade their horses for Doc Tuttle, owners angle water hoses over the animals’ backs.
Everyone older than Scott calls him Scotty. This year’s printed program, in the roster of winners dating back to 1935, calls him that. After he won in 2015, he became small-town famous, no longer just the good kid who excelled at basketball and wrestling. People holler, “Go Scotty” at him all weekend.
His father was famous too. That’s what happens when you win the Suicide Race; Leroy Abrahamson took the title in 2002, but was best known for his prowess in the Indian Relay, a more widespread style of racing where one jockey hops from horse to horse. Leroy, Scott has heard, would flit from one mount to the next with only a single foot brushing the ground.
Scott doesn’t remember his first time in a saddle but assumes it was before he could walk, though he largely gave it up in elementary school, when his parents split. His father was the horse guy; his mother was all about school. So he became a standout student in Coulee Dam, a reservation town in the shadow of the 50-story hydroelectric giant. When his father died in 2009, he was drawn back to horses.
“I’m sorta doing all this for him,” Scott says, hesitant. His mother wasn’t wild about the racing, but he didn’t falter at school, scoring an engineering internship with the Bureau of Reclamation. Slight and muscular, his five-foot-nine stature is too tall for a throughbred jockey but about average for this race. His hair is short and straight, spiking around his head like a halo, and he likes to hide his eyes behind sunglasses.
The summer he was 16, after his sophomore year of high school, Scott entered his first Suicide Race. Atop a small gelding named Kinky, he fell as they crested the top of the hill on the Thursday race, flipping over the horse’s shoulder. On Friday the pair wrecked in the water.
“I flipped over and everybody ran me over,” he says. “Everyone says it happens so fast, but when I was in it, it was like slow motion.” Finally, on Saturday, they made it through the entire race, galloping past the finish line in the stadium. Then Sunday the pair wrecked again.
A new horse was in order. His trainer, George Marchand, is a giant within the Suicide Race world and holder of three titles. He’d lost his own father at 14 and rode against Leroy Abrahamson 15 years ago, so he guided Scott, this time to a nighttime ride on a quarter horse–thoroughbred mix named Eagle Boy. The butterscotch-colored gelding was only about five years younger than the rider.
“It was pitch black and dusty,” remembers Scott. The hills of the reservation are dotted with brush and ponderosa pine, but he could make out little from his saddle. They were on top of a hill, he knew that, and that George had taken off.
He gave Eagle Boy his head as they sped over the uneven terrain. “We were jumping trees and dodging trees,” recalls Scott, but they moved as a unit. “I was like dang—he trusts me.” Matching horse to rider is alchemy.
In 2015, in his second year racing and only 17 years old, Scott on Eagle Boy tied for first overall with six-time victor Loren Marchand, George’s nephew. With a wide grin stretched across his face, the rising high school senior played rock-paper-scissors with his cochamp for a King of the Hill prize bridle.
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The name World Famous Suicide Race might be a bit of hyperbole, but the race is nothing if not infamous. It emerged in scrappy Omak where a Great Depression population boom—all the way to 2,500 souls—launched an annual rodeo in 1933. As publicity chairman, furniture store owner Claire Pentz proposed a dramatic steeplechase to draw spectators, inspired by mountain races across the reservation at Keller, where riders charged a dry channel in the Sanpoil River. He knew how to sell it: He gave his 1935 creation a catchy name.
The World Famous Suicide Race ran every summer, the marquee event at the four-day Omak Stampede rodeo. Dynasties were born when the inaugural race’s third-place finisher, Alex Dick, won regularly through 1965. There have been seven Marchand riders over the years, six Abrahamsons, nearly a dozen named Pakootas. The unofficial motto, one that appears on winners’ belt buckles, is “Wimps Need Not Apply.”
The 210-foot hill, most say, is a 62-degree slope. Or it’s 54.7 degrees, as measured by a race official in 1993. Others say it’s more like 30. Regardless, it’s terrifying. From the top, the hill feels as steep as a hard ski run; a black diamond, but not a double black. Scrambling up on foot, you might use your hands.
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The stampede and race remain intertwined, but in 1999 the Colville Tribes boycotted to protest a change to their camping space on the fairgrounds. The Stampede lost attendance and revenue, and the following year a deal was struck: The tribes got more control over the race organization, and the encampment got its park space.
Family ties bind many of the owners, trainers, and jockeys, and while a few aren’t Native American at all, they’re the exception. This is the biggest sporting event in the region, the Super Bowl of north-central Washington. “This is the only time we get to play cowboys and Indians,” jokes one organizer, Ernie Williams.
Doc Tuttle is fairly new to the race gig, but between her ease with fidgety horses and no-nonsense demeanor, the veterinarian exudes authority. One by one she clears the horses for Friday’s race, directing owners to walk each thousand-pound animal in a figure eight as her eyes stay trained on forelegs and haunches, scrutinizing for swollen tendons or joints.
No one can pretend the Suicide Race isn’t controversial. As early as 1939, the protests started; Humane Society president Glen McLeod succeeded in canceling a mountain race in nearby Hunters, then traveled to Omak and Keller hoping to do the same. “Why, even the riders call it a ‘suicide race,’ ” McLeod told The Seattle Daily Times before a similar trip in 1941.
Animal rights groups started keeping a tally of dead horses in 1983, with one count now at 22. “The reality is that the race is viewed as part of the Omak Stampede rodeo, and rodeos are protected under state law,” says Seattle Humane Society spokesman Dan Paul, but points out that rapid shifts in public sentiment swiftly made SeaWorld orca shows and circus elephant acts extinct.
People for Ethical Treatment of Animals has run letter-writing campaigns. In 1993, the Northwest’s PAWS, or Progressive Animal Welfare Society, tried a more robust tactic, filing a lawsuit that alleged organizers harm horses for profit, but a Superior Court judge threw out the case. In 1996, a PAWS member sued the Okanogan County Sheriff’s Office and the rodeo for roughing him up when he videotaped a horse being euthanized; the suit settled for $64,500.
For the organizers, the response is simple: The race is merely an extension of their horse-infused culture. Every rider points out that they ride similar hills during wild-horse roundups and cattle work.
Horses have to pass three checks before they’re allowed entry into the race: the vet examination, a swim test, and what’s called a hill test, where horses must round the top of Suicide Hill without hesitation.
Tuttle isn’t from the reservation; she isn’t originally from Omak. But even as an outsider, the one who has to put horses down if they’re hurt, she doesn’t think it’s inhumane.
“These guys use horses that love it,” she says; the horses are bred to it and run steep hills regularly on the remote corners of the reservation. She rarely has to disqualify a horse because owners who spot lameness usually scratch. “It does hold a real special place in the Native culture. It does.” And that horse Thursday night that likely drowned? She considers it. “He was doing what he loved and he had a quick and honorable death.”
Friday night’s race is classic and clean; no bad wrecks. As always, the riders reach the starting line by crossing the river on the Highway 97 bridge, closed to traffic. Hooves clomp on the asphalt as the parade passes a road sign that reads, “Tribal Code Laws Apply.” There are no rules to apply in the Suicide Race once the gun is fired; riders can whip each other, pull each other’s reins. No helmets required. No wimps.
The results echo the previous night: Scott Abrahamson and Eagle Boy come in first, Tyler Peasley on Spade in second. When Scott wins, he raises his right hand above his head, palm out, fingers outstretched. His father’s gesture.
Scott was only four when Leroy won the Suicide Race. “Everyone said he was one of the greats,” he says. “It’s kinda hard to fill his shoes.” Instead he fills his horns. He wears Leroy’s blinking red devil headpiece, the kind of bauble most 18-year-olds would don at a Halloween party.
Scott’s idols were the riders who won in the late 2000s, including the 30-year-old three-time champion who came in second to him during this weekend’s first two races. As a kid he’d run down hills playing at Suicide Race, imaginary whip flying, yelling, “I’m Tyler Peasley!” After his 2015 win, Scott noticed something: “The kids run around saying they’re me.”
It’s after 10pm when the racehorses have completed their cooldown laps and have been loaded into trailers for the ride home. Scott accompanies George Marchand to Omak Lake, 15 miles out of town, to let Eagle Boy soak before bed.
Saturday night’s Suicide Race is the biggest. The 7,700-seat arena is packed, and lines form at every fun house and stomach-destroying ride in the carnival outside. Booths hawk curly fries, cotton candy, and foot-longs, though the longest lines are reliably at a taco truck.
But that’s not the whole Omak Stampede. On the east side of the arena, a mirror festival, maybe even larger: the Indian Encampment. Rows of teepees surround a round pavilion for dancing and drum performances, with RVs and tents beyond that. Spectators bring their own camp chairs to supplement the few bleachers. Booths sell jewelry, T-shirts, and dream catchers, and while some of the food is the same—nothing is as universal as curly fries—more signs are handwritten, and many vend Indian tacos and huckleberry lemonade.
Before the rodeo begins, the arena’s industrial speakers blast pop country songs over every acre. The festivities begin with a series of anthems and processions, recognizing the neighboring nations of Canada and the Colville Tribes. During the ride-in, dozens of rodeo queens from around the West shoot into the center oval on horseback, one by one, decked in every shade of sparkle.
The announcer introduces each event, then banters with the rodeo clown when things get slow or a bull rider needs a moment to limp off the dirt. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association produces the classic rodeo events, ones with more white riders than Native: bull riding, steer wrestling, team roping, barrel racing. Specialty acts bridge the competitive sports: trick riders and one blonde woman who does a kind of partner dance with an unbridled palomino horse to the blaring sounds of a country song called “Free.” It ends with the horse placing its blond head in her lap.
The Suicide Race is the final blockbuster event. Spectators wade up to their knees into the Okanogan River just upstream of the race crossing, bare feet on slimy rocks. Signs still note that video recording is prohibited, but they’re roundly ignored in the age of cell phones.
Despite the shocking name, the only rider death since anyone’s kept close records was one who drowned on his way to the starting line—though there are plenty of close calls. In 2002, the year Leroy Abrahamson took home the title, racer Naomie Peasley took a tumble so bad she fractured her skull. She recovered, but not before flatlining twice in the medic helicopter.
In its anti–Suicide Race materials, PAWS airs a common criticism of the race: its authenticity. “Organizers currently contend that the Suicide Race has roots in Native American tradition but, in fact, an Anglo conceived the race as a publicity stunt,” reads its statement. Detractors hang on that detail, its origins with furniture salesman Claire Pentz.
To riders and trainers, though, Pentz is irrelevant, and they point to the deep roots of horse culture. For Scott, the point of the race is clear: “Showing that a young man is becoming a warrior, becoming a man.”
The race, the encampment—it’s the tribes’ biggest invitation into their world. “There’s more that people don’t see behind these walls, about Indian life...sweat lodges, medicine,” adds Aaron Carden, a retired racer who now teaches Native language on the reservation. Of the borders around that world, he says, “It’s not our fence to keep people out. It’s the fence white men built to keep us out of the area they took.”
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The race wasn’t the only thing “created” by a white man; the very invention of a Colville Tribes unit is recent. Long before that, before statehood, before Manifest Destiny, before Lewis and Clark white-privileged their way across the American West, the Okanogan Highlands tribes lived nomadic lives, picking berries and drawing salmon from the massive Columbia River. And racing horses.
First came the incorporation of Washington Territory, then a series of executive orders begun by president Ulysses S. Grant that roped several tribes into three million acres between the Methow Valley and the Columbia River. Others were elbowed into the reservation, linking bands that once stretched from the dusty plains of Washington to the mountains of British Columbia. One chief invited a famous Indian leader, Chief Joseph, and his Nez Perce followers in 1885. With his band, the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation—a patchwork assembly that had no single language or traditional commonality—reached their current 12-tribe size.
Over 125 years the tribes faced what so many other American Indians did—children forced into boarding schools, languages squashed. The federal government forced a cheap buyback of 1.5 million acres, lands still lamented as the lost “North Half.” The Grand Coulee Dam, erected in 1942, blocked spawning salmon with its 550-foot concrete walls; Colville tribal members mourned the loss of Kettle Falls, a historic fishing spot, with a Ceremony of Tears before it was submerged by the dam’s backup.
In the 1960s, the tribes toyed with termination, dissolving the reservation altogether and splitting the lands among its 5,000 members. Reservations had been terminated by the government before, but the Colvilles were the only ones to dare seriously consider it themselves, an unprecedented move of self-governance. Congressional hearings were held but the measure never passed, so the Colville Reservation endured.
The Suicide Race is a separate world from suicide itself, a public health crisis for the Colvilles. Whether spurred by pervasive poverty—reservation unemployment topped 50 percent in 2010—or rampant substance abuse, the suicide rate ballooned to 20 times the national average in 2006. “After that we were in a panic on what we need to do and could do,” says tribal staffer Olivia Wynecoop. Tribal leadership declared a state of emergency, and Wynecoop helped secure grants for education and designating “natural helpers” to be on call for suicide emergencies.
Scott positions Eagle Boy at the western end of the starting line for the Saturday-night race. This isn’t like the starting gate at the Kentucky Derby; horses pace and turn, and the antsy palomino next to him does a sideways prance before the starter pistol goes off. Scott is angry, though later he says he can’t remember why. Trash talk and psych-outs are regular along the starting line, older jockeys trying to ruffle the young ones still gathering their courage.
But three years and one win into the Suicide Race, Scott can ignore the chatter. He and Eagle Boy are still until the gun sounds, then fast to the crest of the hill. Aaron Carden still remembers the feeling 25 years after his first win: “You’re actually flying in the sky. Nobody can take that away from you.”
There’s a commotion, a cloud of dust to Scott’s left, but he’s well in front of the pack as they hit the water. Two strides into the dark water, Eagle Boy stumbles, flinging Scott into the river. His blinking red devil horns disappear under the white churn created by horses on either side. They’re both okay but don’t log a finish.
What Scott couldn’t see was what happened on the top of the hill, to the very first rider off the break. Tyler Peasley, whom Scott idolized as a kid, and who’d placed at Scott’s heels the past two nights, darted off the top of the hill like a raptor after its prey. Peasley’s a little taller than Scott, broader shouldered, and he rides to win. His mount, Spade, got so much air he tucked his back legs underneath him and simply sailed for the first 30 feet of the downward slope.
They were serene in that moment, flying, until Spade’s hooves finally hit the tilted ground again; Peasley pitched over Spade’s front left shoulder before the horse executed a tight somersault. The jockey disappeared under the hooves of the horses behind him and the crowd made a collective, guttural gasp. Peasley’s body didn’t come to a stop until he reached the bottom of the hill.
The final race is also the only daytime race of the weekend; for the first time since the trials and runoff races held before the stampede, they’ll be rushing the hill in full daylight.
The mood in the O&J paddock is subdued, but word is going around that Peasley is stable at a nearby hospital. News will later spread that his injuries included a broken pelvis, hip, and ribs, and the racing community fundraises to support his care and gas money for his family to visit him.
Remarkably, Tyler’s horse, Spade, is unhurt from the tumble, ready to race again. His owner lights a bundle of sage and says a few words over the horse before a new jockey takes the saddle.
For the final time in 2016, Scott follows the parade to the top of Suicide Hill. His jeans have a gaping hole in the knee—real wear from hard riding, not a fashion statement—and his wraparound sunglasses are ’80s big. No devil horns for the daytime race, but, as ever, his name is the one most shouted by the crowds: “Come on Scotty,” over and over.
With 10 points already earned, Scott only needs to place to secure the title. Owner and trainer Marchand tells him not to go all out, and when the gun fires, he doesn’t. He holds back his whip, lets Eagle Boy run the race without extra urging. It’s the smart move, the calculated move, no doubt informed by the disastrous night before. But Scott comes to regret holding back.
Not because it doesn’t work. Scott and Eagle Boy place second, netting four more points and easily clinching his first solo all-around title. But for Scott, the kind of driven athlete who hates to give a single inch, playing it safe feels wrong. Now with two titles to his name, only three years in, he says he’ll ride “until I get broken down and can’t do it no more.”
Three days later, Scott will depart his Coulee Dam home and drive five hours to start his freshman year at Washington State University. As an engineering student he will pull a 3.8 GPA his first semester and a 3.9 the second; he’s lined up two years of scholarships so far and hopes he’ll be able to extend to the full undergrad four.
Scott won’t brag about his Suicide win at college, but he’ll drive home every fall weekend for Indian Relay races, another sport that mixes horsemanship with a touch of anarchy. Around the reservation, he doesn’t have to brag about being King of the Hill; everyone already knows. “He’s the Steph Curry of the Suicide Race,” one tribal member says. “Loren and Tyler are the Lebrons.”
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The second weekend of August 2017 is already on everyone’s calendar. Scott will be back on Eagle Boy, who he now half owns with George Marchand—a 49 percent share. He now has a streak to defend. By early June, high winter snows have melted to fill the Okanogan River, and ecologists are warning of water flows two or three times normal. Scott guesses that, with the river this high, it’ll be too deep for the horses to simply wade across during the Suicide Race; they’ll have to swim for the first time since, he believes, 2002. The year his father won it all.
But on Sunday night in August 2016, after the King of the Hill awards and the pictures, he’s just a high school kid again. He wanders the Indian Encampment with friends, waits in line for fry bread.
Under the pavilion, dancers spin and step, decked in elaborate feathered headdresses and beaded robes. Some have numbers pinned to their costumes, like marathon runners, to compete. In a drum tent, the songs are a steady thrum of chants and cries, indecipherable to the visitors who stand awkwardly outside the rows of seated tribal members who are at once both audience and participant.
Picture this: a quiet mountain lake, bordered by rocky hills dotted with ponderosa pine. In daytime Omak Lake is seven miles of brilliant turquoise, but now, at night, it’s a black mirror. Two men drive a horse trailer to its shore, unloading an unsaddled Eagle Boy.
It’s one of George Marchand’s secrets to success; the lake minerals soothe the bumps and scrapes along the horse’s legs. In the midst of the annual Perseid meteor shower, the uncloudy Okanogan skies are perfect for spotting streaks of celestial light, but the men don’t look up as they dissect the day’s race.
Scott holds Eagle Boy’s halter from a dock while the horse wades into the water, breaking the lake’s calm. The water hasn’t yet cooled from baking under another 90-plus degree day, and the hills that round the lake keep the night air still. They’ve survived another madcap contest together, earned another W. They’re back on the reservation, back home. In the silence the only sound is the lapping of the lake water against a horse.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Mercury Black.
Mercury for the RWBY asks post! One of my favorites in the Villains Group!
My top three ships for the character
I’ve shipped some pretty weird things for Mercury via fan fiction, so this list is a little bit weird, but uh... Mercury/Yang could have such an interesting dynamic and relationship if Mercury gets redeemed and works hard to be better. Another fun one is Whitley/Mercury. I’m sorry lol, but while writing a fic with a mutual wherein Mercury and Whitley were forced to interact as Watts was living in Schnee Manor and using Jacques, and the two of them ran away from their abusers together and had to rely on each other to survive... I started kinda shipping these two! It only works in AU fics right now (and was less weird when I thought Whitley was fifteen and Mercury was sixteen/seventeen.) Also, I don’t hate Mercury/Emerald. I tend to see them more as siblings, but dang, there’s some good artwork that has made me start seeing the chemistry there.
My three least favorite ships for the character
Mercury/Oscar is... Not my favorite. XD They’d have older brother, younger brother energy only and that’s it. Nora/Mercury is something I don’t think would work at all. And Adam/Mercury... Ew, I mean, it’s kinda ew. But I literally had to look up a list of ships and go ‘I don’t hate that’ for a lot of them to find three I definitely don’t like. He’s pretty easy to ship with a lot of people!
My biggest criticism for the character
There isn’t enough of it. The character Mercury does have is pretty good, but he’s used so sparingly that I almost forget he’s a character at times. He should’ve had a bigger role in the story, they should’ve put more emphasis on his relationships with more than just Emerald, they shouldn’t have dropped him out of season eight before he could do anything. We need to know more about him and see him vulnerable and have him be relevant to the plot again, or he’s in danger of becoming boring.
My favorite thing about the character
I love his versatility. I already talked about him being easy to ship with a lot of people, but it’s more than that. The knowledge that he just goes with things even if they’re crazy (”I killed my dad and then this lady showed up talking about destiny and took me to a castle with a magic demon woman so here I am”) makes him a character that can be put into a lot of situations. You want to get him redeemed? Throw him into a situation where he’s with the right people and away from the wrong ones and his character naturally starts adjusting to fit that. You want him to be sad and whumped? Isolate him with someone like Tyrian or Watts and let him suffer. Want him to be a hero from the get go? If Ironwood or Qrow had found him instead of Cinder, he can be! He can go to Beacon or be in Atlas as the friend of Penny! He’d adjust to that! Want him to be a wildcard grayer scale character who isn’t on the heroes side or Salem’s side? If Roman and Neo had found him instead of Cinder, he can be that! He can view Roman as a father figure. He could’ve run away from home when he was younger, found Ren and Nora, and become attached to them. He could’ve been friends with Team SSSN if he’d been sent to Haven before moving to Beacon. He could’ve been found by Raven and the tribe and become attached to them. He’s a character you can put into almost any scenario on any side and it’d work!
A headcanon I have about them
In my headcanons, Mercury was raised isolated and didn’t go to school, so Emerald saying he’s socially awkward wasn’t a lie at all. Mercury can’t hold a real conversation with anyone outside of talking about plans and illegal action... And Emerald, who he doesn’t want to admit is his best friend. Also when he went to Beacon, he started getting interested in all kinds of hobbies and things he’d never heard about before. He liked going to the library because there were always kids reading and playing games that looked interesting. He loved checking out the booths at the Vytal Festival and trying foods and wondering what the hell cotton candy even was. Emerald was constantly rolling her eyes about it, but she secretly found it endearing and it made her feel a little less cynical herself.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
He needs to be involved. I don’t know why he constantly got shafted, but he should’ve had a proper second fight with Yang, he could’ve gotten dropped into Atlas with Watts instead of Tyrian (or along with Tyrian.) And I know this is a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I think Mercury should’ve been the one to start his redemption in season eight and Emerald should’ve been given time to work through her Cinder issues some and get redeemed maybe in season nine. Like I said, Mercury is versatile, he never had someone who he was committed to and believed in amongst Salem’s followers outside of Emerald, he didn’t care about the cause, and he’s deeply connected to the trauma of being abused by his father. Like many Merc fans, I think he should’ve gotten a wake up call when he saw Oscar getting abused, and tried to convince Emerald to leave with him, and I think Emerald should have said she had to stay and try to talk to Cinder about what she’d heard Oscar tell Hazel. Mercury is reluctant, but agrees, and he’s the one who starts escaping with Oscar. Yang’s frustration and hesitance in trusting him would be more personal, but at the same time, it wouldn’t be Penny’s murderer that everyone (and Penny!) is working with so easily, then, either.
What I I think of their character allusion and what (if anything) I would change about it
Mercury (mythology) was the god of messengers, thieves, commerce, travelers, and trade. His predecessor in Greek mythology, Hermes, was a messenger of the gods and called ‘a divine trickster.’ If that sounds weird, it’s because it is. If that sounds like it fits more with Emerald, that’s because it does. Emerald, the thief, who steals from sales people and takes the reins in every deception and most conversations with other people, who carried out Cinder’s orders from Salem and was arguably one of the biggest contributors to the Fall of Beacon (messenger of gods,) who was the one to tell Salem why they’d failed in Haven, and then later was the one delivering Oscar back to the group and the first face Ironwood sees when he realizes he’s been tricked by Ruby’s group. Emerald could be argued as the messenger role here. I truly believe that they made Mercury based off of the god of Roman/Greek mythology only because he has special shoes. Mercury does connect to Hermes/Mercury as a guide to the dead, leading them to the Underworld. As an assassin, this is treated literally in the RWBY world, but he isn’t really utilized in that way! Other than murdering his abusive father, Mercury’s direct kill count is at one the same as Emerald (who is Penny’s murderer, period.) The only other connection is a very lose one - Hermes’ role as a boundary crosser reflects Mercury’s loose morals and his easy slide into villainy, but also his potential to cross over to another side at the drop of a hat as I already established. As I already said, I’d have Mercury either replace Tyrian when Watts goes to Atlas, or I’d have him join the two, and act as an assassin there, increasing his role of guiding the dead to the Underworld. And having him be the one to deliver Ozpin/Oscar makes him more of a messenger of the gods, but I would also give him some important information about Salem to deliver to Ozpin as well. And I’d also have Salem ask him and Emerald to tell her what had happened at Haven and have him play more of a role when Cinder went to talk to Raven in the mid seasons. I’d have Mercury used to deliver information from Cinder to Roman in the early seasons, and just over all increase his connections to the various big names around him and give him a lot of information. I might also have Watts add some sort of Iron Man/Shadow the Hedgehog sort of flight capabilities to his boots in the seventh and eighth season sort of like Penny’s flight abilities just to get the whole ‘winged shoes’ thing. But I’d make sure that his flight is sporadic and rough-around-the-edges, worse than Penny’s, and something he can’t always rely on or use for long. Idk, I just think that’d fit with his personality really well.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Welcome home!: Hawks x Older! OC
Summary: Keigo (Hawks) age 23 pro-hero #2 and a model who can't cook for crap! so one night after patrol he's wandering back home with his convenience store dinner, and notices a lady, Tsukino Akibara age 27 occupation: Librarian; walking home by herself when he noticed a man was following her, he decided to intervene and walk her home, and as a thank you she makes him dinner, now Keigo can't seem to stay away, though a lot of people are wondering if it's the food or the pretty girl that's keeping him around.
Kino's quirk is called Push-pull: she can telepathically pull people or objects towards her or push them away, the drawback is that is she overuses her quirk can cause temporary blindness.
"Whoa! you seriously need to eat six bowls of rice for dinner?!" The brunette said gawking at Hawks who nodded downing his fourth helping of rice, he just got done telling the older woman the strict diet the commission had him on since childhood a healthy light breakfast, lunch was always his call, and end the day with a hardy dinner, they're starting to not really care what he eats so long as he does his job! Kino gawked at the winged hero in astonishment she knew Keigo ate lot... but six with every meal?
"How much food should I even cook with that much rice..." she muttered then looked at her tiny blue rice cooker that she's had for years. *The poor thing will never make it...* she mentally shuddered then snapped out of it when Keigo held his bowl out for another helping to go with his hamburger steaks, Kino complied and watched in awe as Keigo downed the half the steak in one bite. *He kind of reminds me of my old dog Poro...* she hummed having mini flash back of her late childhood pet... then was brought out of her reminiscing by the blond holding his bowl out to her. *Another?!* You smiled tightly and went to the kitchen while thinking back to how this all started...
[Tsukino was walking home late after a long day of work walking this late in the night would invoke fear and wariness over every movement creeping in the shadows... Kino however was numb to it all it had been three years since her ex husband left her... the empty silence and loneliness seemed to be her only companions... The brunette didn't even noticed the sleazy man eyeing her, from the bus stop she passed nor did she hear his footsteps coming up behind her...
She was almost in his grasp when a chipper voice called out. "Hey honey! Sorry for not meeting you at the station I fell asleep!" a blond man with red wings smiled sheepishly as he walked up to Kino who looked at the young man bemused, before his gold eyed glanced behind her and he frowned. "Who are you?" he asked briskly the brunette women turned to see her stalker gawking like a deer in the headlights, before putting his hand in his pockets and walking away with his head down. "You gotta be more careful being out this late, I saw him tailing you from the bus stop." Tsukino eyes widened as her hands gripped her bag.
"Thank you...I" she was cut off by the man's stomach growling he blushed putting he hand on his belly. "It was no problem I should probably grab some dinner now." you saw him walking away with bag convenience store bentos, and in a moment of pure impulsiveness Kino grabbed his arm."Say eating premade store food all the time isn't really good for you, um why don't you come over to my place? I'll make you something."  
She wasn't expecting him to say yes, but next thing she knew was making him homemade onigiri which the blond man who introduced himself as Keigo ate in under 30 secs and was getting ready to leave when, Kino stopped him again. "Why don't you comeback whenever you feel hungry after I've grocery shopped of course." again you weren't expecting Keigo to say yes. "All right gimme your number." and with that an odd friendship began....]
That was nearly six weeks ago...
Kino was slack-jawed as she was watching the winged hero still in awe as he asked for another bowl of rice, only to find the cooker completely empty. "I'm outta rice!" she said eye twitching, Keigo said that was fine and continued eating the rest of his food, after his plates were clear; Kino still felt guilty for losing the battle to his monstrous appetite, so she cut up some apples and sprinkled them with some cinnamon sugar and brought them out to Keigo. "Hey, I know you're still hungry sooo..." she trailed off seeing Keigo slumped over her table with his head resting in his arms as his breaths came out steadily. "Huh...ya gotta be kidding me, he fell asleep?" she said surprised putting the bowl of apple slices on the table; Kino went to get a spare blanket and draped it over Keigo's shoulders the wing man didn't even twitch.
"Hero business must really take the wind out of you..." Kino hummed patting him on the head before going back to the kitchen to do the dishes as she was finishing up she heard Keigo wake up. " mm, *checks clock* Oh crap! it’s already this late!?" he sputtered quickly grabbing his goggles and jacket. "Well it looked like you were sleeping well, I didn't want to wake you." Kino said wiping her hands on her apron. "Oh by the way I left some apples..." Hawks cut mouth full. "Aw rlawredy tate em'! (I already ate them!)" he tossed the bowl her way which the brunette caught with her quirk she gawked at the empty bowl astounded and gently set it down on her counter and went to meet Keigo by the door and the winged hero turned to her.
"Thanks for meal Kino, I'll text if I can come again?" 
"You don't have to ask my answer will always be the same."
With that Hawks took off for his night patrol, and Tsukino when to look through her mail pile for that electronic store catalog she saw earlier... 
The next day the silver eyed brunette arrived to a large electronics store, intending on buying a brand new rice cooker, but first decided to have a little fun. testing out video games, playing on the display tablets and lounging in a massage chair for few minutes, Before finding her way to the small appliances aisle.
Kino felt a little overwhelmed by the different Rice cooker brands and tried to remember when she bought her old one and how much it cost, but then remembered she was a broke high schooler living on her own bought it at a yard sale, that was like eight years ago! and she didn't know how long previous owner had it for!
 Eventually a clerk noticed her looking lost and decided to help her, unfortunately the clerk was obviously looking out for their quota and Kino found she'd gone a bit over budget with her new toy..."Looks like I'll be taking double shifts..." she mumbled to herself patting her new Rice-cooker while continuingly telling herself it was a very necessary purchase, and as it turned out it was able to meet all of Keigo's rice needs when he stopped by for dinner again that night! 
a month later...
Kino was woken up by a text from Keigo. {Hey I'm pretty busy tonight, so I won't be able to come over sorry 😞] the short woman blinked as she re-read the text. {Okay! don't push yourself to hard! 😊] she sighed before rolling over to looked at the ceiling wondering what she'll do today... Keigo told her he's interested in western cooking and has never tried pulled pork before she was gonna make that tonight! even searched the internet for a slow cooker recipe that she'd been dying to try out! she puffed out her cheeks as she got up and her vacuumed her living room, then went to do the laundry...
{not noticing the little red feather following her around.} 
"Hmm, maybe I should go visit auntie's grave." She said to herself it had been a while since she went to clean the headstone, she got on the phone with her friend Shun. "Yeah I was thinking of going this Tuesday… yeah I can meet you there, haven't been there since school!" she hung up and looking at the tv to see a KFC Commercial with Hawks flying around eating a bucket of chicken and her stomach growled. "It's lunch time!" She cheered deciding not to cook and got some cup noodles and peach juice, before sitting down to read something...
"I've already read this book." She huffed decided to go to the library (the feather from earlier snuck into her bag) and went to get a few new books and she spied a few magazines with Hawks on the cover, but decided it was too weird reading about someone that she cooks dinner for almost every night and left them alone... 
On her way back the owner of the butcher shop she frequents called to her. "Say missy those Chicken legs you were asking about are on real cheap today!~" Kino smiled at him. "that's okay I'm fine today!" the man looked at her like she grew three heads. "Hey... ya better not be cheating on me with another meat vendor!" he joked the brunette giggled and waved him off.
"Tonight dinner will be whatever I want." she mumbled as made her way home as soon she got home Kino sat down to read a book on the rules soccer as her cousin's son had joined a club was curious. "Holy crap!...I never thought kicking a ball around would be so complicated!" she sputtered gawking at all the rules and regulations. "Urhg, all this sports jargon making my head spin, think I'll take a bath." she said getting up from the beanbag she was sitting in and going over the a pink drawer and pulling a purple bottle out of it.
"Shun gave these bath-bombs for a birthday gift, never really used them before." she said getting the bath ready as Kino was opening wrapping on the bath bomb, nearly choke on her spit when she saw it was Easter themed it was supposed to looked golden chicken but instead "hehe.. it-IT LOOKS JUST LIKE KEIGO! HAHA!" the feather that was chilling outside her bathroom bristled as she burst out laughing as she put it in the water. "Oh wait... I should've taken photo, dang!"
Now that she got a few minutes to think to herself quietly Kino didn't realize how lonely she was feeling. "Spending the whole day alone like this... feels long and tiring." she sighed then noticed her arms and belly were looking kind of gummy... "Jeez... A month of eating the same meals as Hawks and without excising I'm starting to get pudgy..." she huffed getting out of the bath, later when she was getting ready for bed Kino stayed up to do a word search puzzle when she heard something on her balcony... scared she looked around for a weapon as using her quirk would be a bad call in this situation, as she didn't want to accidentally kill someone; grabbing a random object she crept towards her balcony door.
The short woman swallowed hard as she opened the door only be greeted by Hawks sitting on her railing sipping a can of coffee. "Keigo?" Kino blinked bemused as the blond turned to look at her. "Oh hey you are awak...why are you holding a toaster for?" he asked brows scrunched up in confusion, the silver eyed brunette looked down at what she was holding, sure enough! in her frazzled she grabbed the toaster to defend herself with. "Uh.. I was just putting it away..." she said using her quirk to put it back on the counter, the wing hero hummed as the brunette cleared her throat.
"So what are you doing here?" 
"I'm taking a break from mid-night patrol, figured I'd see if you were awake.."
"Oh, so you going back out?"
"In about five minutes, why?"
Hawks cocked a brow as Kino was quiet for a moment he frowned mentally preparing for her to try and kiss him or try and drag him to bed with her, (like all the other girls that just wanted to be friends...) instead he was confused when she told him to sit tight for a second, and disappeared in inside she came out couple minutes later. "Hold your hand out." she said Keigo complied and Kino grab his hand the blond felt shock go through him, and his wings fluffed up a little as the brunette woman gave him this a small bundle wrapped in a cloth. "A bento!" she chirped as Keigo's jaw dropped slightly he looked down at the bento then back at her stunned.
" I don't have anything warm other than onigiri though..." she said apologetically as Hawk kept looking at her wide-eyed then shook his head. "Urm, it's fine thank you...I gotta go." he muttered avoiding eye contact his ears were burning as he took off into the sky. "Goodnight Keigo! be safe!" Kino called after him before turning in for the night.
{Meanwhile the head of the commission received pictures of Hawks frequently visiting as certain brunette and did not take kindly to this one bit. and decided to put an end to to these little trysts at once. "I look forward to meeting you miss Akibara." she smirked confidently... Not realizing just who she was threatening.} 
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psychemeanscure · 4 years
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Everything happened so fast. It was just Jang Taeyoung being wasted with the amount of alcohol he can be after a wrecking voice message he received from her to later getting delirious of her own image he always adored for. The next thing his assistant could only remember, was that they already backing up their boss of knocking out each man of the Alcaziar’s son, Zilo.
Yes, they’re currently in a chase to get the two-faced young dimwit indeed. Going ever possible place it could gone. And they did. Its warehouse of drugs. Jang Taeyoung holding a steel bar in its right hand, the other’s in pocket then he’s good to go with another battle. Walking boringly to the next pack, he spoke.
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“Were you the last batch?”        
Lee tried to stop his boss for a reason, just to be interjected by Jae. “Don’t dare.”
“What?! He’s not thinking straight, Jae. We need to stop him before it gets worse!?”
Truly. They might just be ordinary subordinate who only follow the orders been ask to them, yet they were still human after all. Over the years of working with the great troubleshooter, they knew they also learn to care for him. So for Lee to witness the extent of his boss’ moves until today is too much not to pry.
Or better well said, being acquainted with a woman named Sung Eunyoung is dangerous more than what he expected it to be. He’s aware. Rather they all aware of its affection to her, but how can’t he worry when high officials were already involved. Given that his boss was in the bridge of being observed due to being investigated she caused even. They shouldn’t risk his safety!
Another call he needed to his co-subordinate. “We can’t.”
Only to get debated once again. “The f*ck?”
His complain, but a recall for Jae. Remembering every bit, a Jang Taeyoung perceived when he himself tried to stop him as well. In its penthouse, in front of its own portrait. He knew, his boss is ready to risk everything.
The way Jang Taeyoung pushes the invisible button of his portrait revealing his secret revolver, a still wrapped blue gum, and cd tapes he left hidden over the years. A remembrance of his failed past. The SIESTA project which was once his writer self’s work to greed.
Tucking the gun on his holster while handing the gum and tapes to his assistant. He commanded. “Send this to Manager.”
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By the mere mention of it, Jae instantly got alerted. He doesn’t even need to ask further for he already understand what that was. The Manager. Its former Russian boss who has a knack of not giving up pursuing his boss’ blue gum experiment that even after its exit with the gang, its interest didn’t end. Yet, Jang Taeyoung never gives in to that. Despite the continuous offer his former boss bestow for him, none until today.
He never been for he knew it was unsuccessful itself. He cannot manage of showing it again. Not even his Sung Eunyoung who almost knew about it. The reason why it’s been covered with satin cloth all the while as his hasty flexes halts her the moment she was about to touch his portrait. But if it’s his failure the only choice to keep her safe, so be it.
“Boss, isn’t it better if we should see things first before doing---“
“There ain’t something to see already, Jae.”
“But boss, you know the consequences---“
“Can’t you see this isn’t about me anymore?!”
He finally erupted. Sighing to calm himself, he faced his assistant once again. “He’s the only one who can help us. So just do what I told you to do so. You know what I meant about it, aren’t you?”
Hearing his last sentence somehow relieve his assistant as a proposal begins to form from its mouth. “If that’s the case, then we should ask for extra troop for you, bo--“
“I don’t need one. She’s much important.”
Responding a groan, Jae disagreed. “Boss, we can’t get you in dang---“  
“Another word Jae, and I might just kill you as well.”
And just like that, he surrendered and comprehend his boss’ request instead. And just as today they had no choice but to watch him fighting without braking.
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Tapping Lee’s shoulder, he reminded. “We can no longer stop him, Bud. He’s already unstoppable. Accomplish or not, we’re only left with one choice and that is to protect who’s important to him at all cost. That’s all he wants.”  
Huffing with heavy breath with one-man punch to enemy’s underling, “F*ck this.” He follows. As in just a snap, they became their boss’ support system.
“Boss, saw the Alcaziar!”
A shout from one of his men, Jang firmly retorted. “Where?”
Pointing out the area, his men answered. “Along the hallway, upper right.”
That with one swift move, he tags along sprinting to the opposite side contradicting its path until he did. He reached him as he pointed his already loaded revolver at the back of its head. No doubt, the young Alcaziar is finally captured.
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Welcomed by its mocking smiling face as it turns to face him, hands in the air. “Bang, little brother.” His reciprocated mockery even. As the act-like embarrassed Alcaziar answers. “Eish… Fine. I’m busted.”
For it was also too fast for Jang to drag him in a scattered gambling room, being beaten in some of his trivial parts. “Now, dimwit. It’s either you tell me where your delusional father is, or be dead instead. Your choice.”  
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Wiping out some dust from his black suit, he threatened. Just to receive the snickering laugh of the young Spaniard, looking up to him, drained. “As if I had a choice either.” Its own hopeless answer as Jang Taeyoung starts to click his heels to sit by a near table with checker chips on it. Unmoved from the pity situation of the other. Picking one piece of chip as he pictures it like chess pieces before opening a theoretical talk.
“You play chess, Zilo?”
“I am. Why?”
As delighted Jang smirk. “So will you believe if I say why queen and knights are best partners in chess then?”
Confused Zilo questioned. “Shouldn’t it be the king and queen on a throne, though?”
Rubbing the texture of the checker chip, he retorted. “That’s the luxury of monarch, dimwit. Unfortunately, we’re talking boards where all I can see is a king who only proves himself useless in it. Hiding between his towers and pawn fences while lazily waiting for its queen’s pride and brave knight’s outcome. You got the sense, Zilo?”
Narrowing eyes starts to retract. “A give and take blabber getting the privilege which should have been given to queen and knights, you saying? Pathetic.” 
“Exactly. Makes sense, right.”
“Right. So what do they call each other? Comrades ready to reach supremacy? Great.”
As the amused chuckle came after Jang, “That’s how they’re made to be a perfect team! And you know what’s more fascinating?”
Walking over to the young Alcaziar again, he bent. “It was when a queen’s in danger, the knight cannot be much angrier than slaughter and unforgiving.” Face leveled, as he begins to tap his revolver to its cheek itching to pull its trigger.
“So spill now young Alcaziar before this knight in front you become a stallion you can’t hardly imagine.”
His knowing verdict, only yet to be responded by a beaming smirk, urging its next word. “Too bad, brother. That’s just also the irony of chess you’re perceiving of.” Pausing to surround its eyes around the room, security agents flock to corner Jang and his men with guns. “You forgot the prankster bishop who hides in surprise behind the pawns.”  
“What will you do now, knight? The fences are already after you.”
Recognizing they are owned by filthy back up officials they have, he can only awe in sarcasm. Manically laughing like they were just joking around, gaping orbs following the surprise sight, mannish arms resting from his crouched knees. Cold Jang Taeyoung finally advents.
“Know what, dimwit?”
“That for some time I actually thought of you as one. A younger brother I never had.”
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Zilo was lying if it didn’t warm him for it obviously did as his once smirking face easily vanish just like that. Looking up to already standing older brother he never had as well. It’s too late.
Gazing to multiple guns pointing at him, he complains. “Eish… F*cking law makers.” Before he went back to look down Zilo. “I guess I misjudge you then.” Pulling out his revolver once again, he left one last word.
“Let’s play the game if given the chance, yeah? Who knows.”
And with a starting blow from the enemy’s agents, the imprudent chaos has begun. Together with his men, Jang knocks every underling that goes on his way. Series of bullets heard and wasted, lifeless bodies lying on the grime of floors, stinks of blood spread on endlessly from the dirty four walls. As all he could think of, is to chase the straightway escape of the young Alcaziar who has been escorted from the start.
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But he was too late. They were already far for his reach. The youngster’s car freely drives from the buzzing path of sinners for cursing is the only thing that can pass his anger.
Before another gunshot was heard. For it was his stooping body covered with blood he saw. “We got him!” as a voice unfamiliar to him speaks out. The pain is bearable though like they intentionally miss to shot the most vital part of him as it didn’t take him long to know the reason why as another flocks of underling came rushing after, ready to take him down. He fights back. Even if his body isn’t cooperating this time.
How a simple stretch of his legs he flawlessly does, is lost. How hasty blocks became his wrecking bricks. And how his keen reflexes of dodges demote to novice. He hates it! He’s not usually a person who easily get strained with a mere shot. F*ck, he got the worst even!  
It seems like they implanted something from the bullet fired to him which lead him to be weak. Whatever it is, he’s f*cking screwed up! “Tss. These f*cking cowards.” His hell of grumbles the moment they were ask to stop their countless attacks. With his once perfect face busted and once well-built figure turns into qualmish leaf. They successfully take advantage of his current wimps indeed.  
Surely as he was fighting them alone, actually. How can he get help even when his men have their own fight meters afar from his? A much more number than he partakes.    
Pressing his gushing stomach while holding any possible thing that can give him strength which turns out to be edges of wooden recycling bins. He looks up to the scumbag that caused him then. Veeros Alcaziar, bending to face the aggrieved him. “Hey, young lad.” Its unabashed greeting. “How was the show, eh?” its next word as he can only grunt trying to grab its collar by the hand that was once holding the edge of the bins. Only for him to end up gripped lousily instead.
“W-where. Where did you bring Sung Eunyoung!”
Regaining a remaining strength, he has. He enraged. And the latter just confidently tapping his downgrade shoulder. “Don’t worry, young man. You’ll meet each other soon.” Its lunatic response as he begins to get drowsy. Medicine perhaps takes its effect.                                
“You know what you missed about the king, Lad?”
‘So he’s there all along.’ He thought.
Leaning its head towards his ear, the geezer whispered.
“It’s his manipulative intelligence.”
Then a Jang Taeyoung, finally passed out.
“Wake up. Jang Taeyoung, wake up!”
For there it is. The voice he had searched like years. Heard by his own lobes.
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boogiewrites · 4 years
Peach and Poppy
Characters: Declan Harp x Scarlet Dixon (OFC)
Summary: Declan Harp AU. Set in the 1970′s, Declan is a misbehaving psychiatric patient and Dr. Dixon or Dixie as he likes to call her, is a tenacious and underestimated new hospital director. Will this new job get the best of her delicate sensibilities like people are warning her? Will the charm of one of her patient’s awaken something in her she can’t come back from?
Warnings/Tags: Talk of manipulation, graphic language. 
Click on my screen name then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. Please leave a like, reblog or comment if you enjoyed this! It makes me want to write more of what you want if you let me know!
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1975 was an exciting year for psychiatry and it was shaping up to be one for Scarlett. She sat in the driver's seat, something she’d had to work so hard to accomplish. Her father had insisted with her new position of such importance it would look proper to be driven around again. But she’d only been living on her own for a few years now and she wasn’t ready to give up that freedom again.
She supposed he truly had a soft spot for her because he hadn't been entirely dismissive of this rebelliousness. But he always gave in to her in the end.
“Those feminists out there in… heathen California and such. Dixie darlin, I brought you up to be a respected little lady. You’re a dang doctor! Miss Georgia! You’re smart and gorgeous as the day is long honey, why would you wanna go and act ugly like that?”
This always came with the intimidating insinuation that it would sure be a shame if her actions were what lost him the next election.
With a wide-eyed, “It won’t be a problem, daddy.” He’d give her a hug and lift up her chin, tell her she looked like her mama and she’d be proud.
If he’d wanted a daughter to fall for that maybe he shouldn’t have let her become a psychiatrist.
But Scarlet or Dixie as those close to her called her, her daddy had been right about one thing, she was smart. She’d learned how to play the game in her favor long ago. In a public and pressured life like hers, looking how she did, she learned early what was expected of her and how men were going to treat her. She was allowed a bit of protection. Her father wasn’t just some kiss ass politician. He’d been known to make a few people disappear, and the whiff of a threat always around him, so his daughter would understandably come with some consequences. But now she’d become her own person, a doctor, and had a house and life of her own that she was still having fun exploring.
She was an accomplished psychiatrist. Engaged to one of her daddy’s lawyers and now the head chief of a psychiatric hospital. Which was where she was headed right now in the new car her daddy had bought her. A slick thing that made her feel confident and a bit bad if she were being honest. This is not a feeling she was accustomed to, and on this morning drive out of the city into rural Georgia for her first day on the job, she was feeling a lot of things she never had before.
It wasn’t a dream job by any stretch. This was going to be work. But with so many specialty fellowships, she felt like she had what it took to turn the place around.
When she pulled into the parking lot it was clear the job was bigger than anticipated. She stood outside her car with a bag stuffed full of files and looked up at the daunting hospital. It’d been around much longer than she had. Served as a sanitarium during the TB outbreaks, now showing its age and functions as Sunny Valley Psychiatric Hospital. Much preferred to the dated terminology of lunatic asylum it had formerly held. The old chief had been there for over 30 years. A lot had changed outside of Sunny Valley but the inside hadn't. She was going to have to gut and rebuild this place from the ground up, she thought as she took a deep breath and made her way in.
The murmurs started long before she’d stepped foot into the hospital. She hadn’t expected a warm welcome, it’d been a stressful time for everyone with a regime change, but the doctors, some older than her father, and all men weren’t going to be an easy sell on her as their new boss.
She understood from a statistical standpoint. She hadn’t been practicing for that many years. But in that time she had been published and was known for her unique approach to care. Her father had also donated a large sum of money to the state's Psychiatric Association. Which certainly didn’t hurt her chances. —————
So she came in with a positive, self-assured attitude. She had a game plan and now the hard work began. She meets with the doctors on staff with bold new orders. She would meet with each individual to go over the patient and their care plan. She would lay out new directives and goals, telling them she was bringing them into a new age of medicine where new research and medicine are all utilized with psychotherapy, medication, and the arts. It went over about as well as she expected. At least she was prepared for every rebuttal and excuse as she was an avid reader of medical journals. She’d infuriated a handful who resigned, but she preferred to bring in new life anyway.
She met with every employee, from groundskeepers and kitchen to housekeeping. She gave them her plans for updates and explained she was going to start looking for funding immediately and to expect changes and upgrades. Most of the staff liked her new hands-on approach, not the idea of more work but instead the idea of someone who would listen to them being in charge.
She spent days buried in files with arguments on treatment and headaches. The lingering stench of cigar smoke still hung in her office no matter how widely she opened the windows. She’d laid the base for her work, now it was time to move onto the most important part, the patients themselves.
It was Friday and the exhausting week was nowhere near finished. However, she thought she’d been able to check off a huge phase of her plan, a satisfying thick line through it on her goal list.
“There is actually one other patient that we uh… forgot.” A male nurse says as he hangs in her doorway.
“Forgot?” She says with the tone of a scolding mother. “How do you FORGET a patient?”
“He’s been in isolation and we don’t go down there much so the night crew didn’t tell us he was still down there.”
She wanted to bang her head into the desk. She thought she’d processed how poorly they were treating people but they kept on surprising her.
“This...this will not happen again. We don’t lose track of patients...of PEOPLE. We are not that sort of establishment now. I want a new record-keeping system for this sort of thing. Have it to me by the end of next week.”
“Yes ma’am." The frustrated younger man said.
“It’s Doctor Dixon. Now show me to him.” She shoos him out of the doorway.
Not even the golden hour light could salvage the depressing aesthetic of the hospital. Peeling paint and chipped tiles she had to skip over with her heels were everywhere she went. She pulled her white lab coat over her matching suit set as they made their way into an even more dreary sort of hallway. Some doors weren’t even on the hinges and inside were torn padded cells in a neglected wing of the building.
“I’d expect to find something like this in the old abandoned B building but not here. You still keep people in these things?” She says with a heavy sigh of frustration.
“Just this one. And we don’t have to use it often. Well. Just for him.” She shrugs as he finds his key.
“Who is him?”
“Harp. He’s… difficult.”
“How so?”
“Prone to violent outbursts, sleeping with other patients… staff.”
Scarlet lets out a scoff. “And he should be forgotten in a dark tiny room for that?”
“Uhh.. it’s… where we put him when he won’t listen.”
“Just… open it? Okay. I’ll deal with you and this… horrid treatment plan you have allowed here later."
“You sure you don’t want me to get someone else to help, he mi-“
“Open the damn door.” She ordered more sternly, whatever it is I can handle it.” she insisted loudly and with a glare.
For a few heavy moments, nothing happens, just an open door into a very dark room that the light doesn’t reach. The white noise of the bodies inside the building beyond the wing’s heavy double doors was slight, just a steady beat of her pulse in her ears as her eyes tried to focus. The nurse stands in a defensive body position as Scarlet peers into the room taking tentative steps forward.
She waits and then hears movement. The aid moves into the room and she follows behind, seeing how this is going to go.
“C’mon Harp.” He grunts and uses his foot to roll the man onto his front.
“Did you just…” the face of the aid turns fast to a very angry face staring daggers into him. “...kick him?”
“No ma’am I was just rolling him so he could get up easier.”
She hears a muffled grunt from the man on the floor who’s slowly moving.
“Shut up.” The aid mutters down.
Dixie takes a deep breath to compose herself. “Go to your supervisor's office and wait for me.” She states coldly.
“Ma’am I-“
“I don’t care what you have to say anymore alright? Every time I’ve given you a chance you have only continuously failed so you’re fired. Go tell HR, and send one of the female nurses this way, please.”
She gets the death stare she’d seen a million times before when correcting and enacting her authority to a man. “Yes ma’am.” He grits through his teeth.
As she hears his footsteps down the hall she begins to kneel next to this unfortunate man. “I would like to apologize for this treatment, Mister Harp.”
She sees his face, a beard just started to fill out and as unkempt as his shirt and greasy hair. It laid in the way his sleeping had moved it, he had crusts on his face and his eyes were squeezed shut from the light. She helps him sit up, being gentle but having to exert to help the large man. She let his eyes adjust and when he finally opened them to look at her his face contorted into a very confused expression.
“I’m Doctor Dixon. The previous Chief passed away and I’m his replacement. I’ll be taking care of the hospital now. And I would like to personally apologize for the mistreatment you’ve been given here previously. This is archaic and holds no scientific grounds to help patients based on formal studies.”
He really only heard a few of her rushed words. She’d lost him towards the end there but whatever she said it had sounded nice. His ears worked better than his eyes at the moment and the almost husky, thick, and sweet feminine Georgia accent rolling out of her painted mouth like sweat dripping down a glass was making him melt too.
“So the old guy finally bit it?” He croaks out after clearing his throat.
“Yes. Heart attack they said.”
“Mmmph.” Was his emotionless reply. From how he’s been treated she didn’t blame him for not being upset. So far no one had really acted upset about the news. It was very telling.
“Who are you?” He focuses his eyes on her.
“Doctor Dixon. I’m here to replace the Chief that just died.”
“Ah.” He nods and then winces.
“Would you mind if we got you out of here and cleaned up? We could speak over a good meal, I'd love to hear what you have to say about the previous administration. I want to help.”
As another nurse swept in, a broad farmer's daughter, helped her loosen the jacket and get him to the washroom. “You want to… know what I think?” He lets out a hoarse chuckle.
“Of course. You’re a part of this hospital and if I’m running it I want to know everything. Good and the bad.”
He nods and focuses on using his legs, the journey to the bath hadn’t felt this long in a while. “You take your time, schedule him down for some Physical Therapy tomorrow please. I’ll go make sure your room is ready.” She says reassuringly. He sees her disappear into the fuzz of the distance, his injection still making him groggy. —————— He’d slicked back his wild and uneven hair with water and was currently hunched over his desk in his room being allowed to eat in peace. It was nice.
“Hello? Mr. Harp?” A slightly familiar voice from his doorway says. A little redhead with a daughter of a dentist smile and perfectly coiffed big hair came and sat in the seat next to his desk. “I managed to grab an extra pudding. You want it?” She sits it on his desk as she has a seat.
It’d been a while since he’d seen anyone new and she was bright and shiny and there was plenty to look at. He looks her over and then to the cup. “A bribe?”
“No. I thought for all the hell the former establishment put you through that at the moment an extra pudding cup is the least I could do.” She gives a real smile and a huff of a laugh. Been a long time since someone had interacted with him like he wasn’t in a psychiatric ward.
“Hmmph.” He grunts and accepts the offer.
“I did want to hear about your treatment here. As I said. I want this hospital to be a place where people can receive the help and support they need to achieve their goals. I’m not here to be a warden. I’m here to be a doctor. I took an oath to help others and I seem to be one of the few around that took that seriously.” She huffs.
“You don’t act like a doctor.”
“I’m a horse of a different color I presume.”
He nods in acknowledgment and continues eating.
“I wanted to know the good and bad of the hospital previously. Because I want to fix things. The men responsible for putting you in that cell have all been fired I'd like you to know.”
“Really...taking charge of the place aren’t ya?”
“I’m being met with much resistance.” She admits with a smile.
“Let me add to it then. I have conditions.”
“Conditions? What for?” She leaned closer and he could smell her perfume. It’d been a while since he’d been buried in the neck of a woman that smelled expensive like she did.
“For this information you want.”
“Oh. Well okay. What would you like Mr. Harp?”
“For starters call me Declan.” He waves his hand. “You’re gonna be my doctor right?”
“Yes, I am.”
“So I’ll be having sessions with you now?”
“We starting tomorrow?”
“If you wish.”
“I do. And I want you to have me something waiting in your office when I come in.”
“What would that be?”
“A cheeseburger.”
“A cheeseburger?” She laughs.
“The biggest you can find from the greasiest place you know of.”
She laughs and nods enthusiastically. “Consider it done.” She says happily.
“Why not?” she shrugs. “Perfectly reasonable request.”
He blinks in surprise at her but with dark narrowed eyes. “I’ll sing like a bird for you after I have that burger then.”
“Consider it a deal.” She holds out her hand to shake on it and the trust she was showing for him not to yank her down and have his way with her was astounding.
“Lookin forward to it, Doc…?” He shakes her hand.
“Dixon.” She adds with no annoyance for repeating it.
“Doctor Dixon. Alright. See you then.”
“Looking forward to it.” She repeats back playfully and he’s left with a visible confused expression on his face for the pleasant interaction he’d just had with someone in charge. He didn’t know if he was happy about or ashamed of himself. But she had certainly caught his interest.
“Hey, there jailbird.” says the woman in the worn chair. She was sitting incorrectly as always, this time with her legs over the arm of the chair.
“Hey, Alex.” He sighs to his only real friend in the hospital.
“Was this a new record?” She asks, turning her head from the old television in the activity room towards a tired and beaten up looking Declan.
“I don’t know. I was the one in the box I don’t know what day it is.”
“Fuck me.”
“Yeah, you really pissed them off last time.” She laughs. “Can’t keep your charm to yourself can you?”
“No ma’am.” He wears a sly grin. “Speaking of have you seen that new doctor?”
“New doctor director.” She corrects with a point of a finger. “Yes, I have.”
“What do you think about her?”
“I like her.”
“Really? You like no one.” He questions her motives.
“I saw her today. She’s...different.”
“Yeah. Different. That’s what I thought.” He hums in thought.
“I’m surprised you haven’t made sweet sweet love to that little peachy assed firecracker.” Alex jokes.
“Oh, it’s been on mind ever since I came to and saw her walk out of my room in that tight little skirt.”
“She is...yeah.” Alex blushes slightly. “But she was actually nice to me. Was strange.”
“Yeah me too. It was...new.” He runs his arm and settles into his chair.
“She wrote down my complaints. Apparently, she has for everyone so far. She called down to the office and fired Jones because I told her what he did to me.”
“Yeah, she fired numb nuts that threw me in.”
“You should play nice with this one. She might be a good one.”
“I wouldn’t bruise that peach.”
“You’ll have to practice your lying. You’ve gotten rusty.” She grins.
“I don’t plan on it. If she comes through with my request I’m gonna tell her about all this bullshit.”
“She even mentioned… getting out.” She adds in a quieter more serious tone and Declan immediately notices and changes his focus.
“What’d she say?” He whispers with great interest.
“Apparently a few years back the...psychiatry people said homosexuality was no longer a mental illness. So she’s going to work to get that removed from my paperwork and we can work on the rest. It’ll “improve my chances of being released tremendously” Alex mocks the doctor's heavy southern drawl.
“Yeah she’s a little belle isn’t she?” He laughs.
“I mean her name is Scarlett for fucks sake. She is a debutante.”
“Well fuck me that’s a sexy name.”
“Don’t I know it. About creamed my cotton panties when she told me. Dr. Scarlett Dixon.” She mocks again.
“I’m gonna make her cream hers.” Declan promises with wiggling eyebrows.
“I’m sure you will stud. But play nice. She could be useful. Plus she has a fiancé. Didn’t you see that big rock on her hand?”
“I didn’t.” He shakes his head. “Never stopped me before.”
“Not much has.”
Scarlet got home late, almost nodding off from overwork and the calming quiet of the drive. She yawns and wakes herself up before entering her house she shared with her fiancé currently.
“Hello, Phillip.” She sighs out, seeing him with his glasses on and hunched over his desk in his office by the front door. “Did Wilamena make dinner as I requested?”
“Yeah. It’s...in the fridge.” He doesn’t look up when responding.
“Do you have a minute? I had a big day today.” She says sheepishly.
He looks up and sighs. “What is it?”
“I just wanted to tell you about my day is all. Big changes coming with this job.” She bounces on her feet excitedly.
“You’re working in a nuthouse Dixie how interesting can it be?”
“Very. Actually. And that’s a rather offensive term so please don’t refer to it in that way. Especially at the fundraiser coming up.”
“When was that again?”
“Tuesday.” She sighs. She’d told him so many times and it was so important to her.
“Mmm.” He answers.
“What does Hmm mean?” She asks with her irritation showing.
“I might have something that night.”
“Of course you do.” She mutters and rubs her temple.
“I’m a busy man.” He says lazily but defensively.
“Yeah. And I’m a busy woman and still manage to find time for everything.” She says quietly but sharply.
“Do you want the work I do for your father to suffer? Do you want me to mess up one of his legal proceedings and have him arrested? Because that’s what happens when I don’t work Dixie.”
With her jaw tight she huffs air out of her nose in frustration. “Of course I don’t.” She says bitterly. “I just wish you had time to be my fiancé and not just my father's lawyer. We don’t even… sleep together anymore. You realize it’s been months?”
“Has it?” He asks rhetorically with his eyes back to his desk.
“Yes. I had a good day and thought I could share my successes and you could validate my hard work and I could have some attention from you to celebrate things going well.”
“I need to know these things in advance. I can’t just up and be in a mood to give you attention. I’m-“
“A busy man. I know.” She sighs and lets her hands hit her hips. She went to bed frustrated and alone after eating cold leftovers while standing in her kitchen. Who was she to give people advice anyway? She certainly didn’t have her shit together.
@vale0413 @littledeadgirlwalking @jaegeeeeer @phillipkopusimagines-and-stuff @mjolnir96 @xmother-mortemx @this-isnt-madness  @thors-hair-extensions @divadinag @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s 
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