#every few seconds I was like yeah that’s some shit we’d do
githvyrik · 1 year
friends and I dressed up for dnd movie last night and like 3 people in public filmed/took pictures of us :/
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aothotties · 1 month
Telling Choso you want a baby
Word count: 1635
Warnings: MDNI, best friend!Choso, fluff, smut, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of kids, swearing, riding, overstimulation, creampie, the ending is so cute to me.
You and your best friend are currently lying in his bed while watching random videos as they come and go. You stumble upon a video of a mom showing flashbacks of her body during pregnancy and you can’t help but pout.
“What's wrong?” He mumbles and yawns for a few seconds, followed by a stretch after he throws his phone to the side.
“It’s nothing, I’m just being a sap.” You show him the video on your phone and he shrugs in return.
“Yeah, cute kid I guess. Mom’s got a nice body though.” He rests his chin on your shoulder and you roll your eyes.
“Of course, that’s all you notice, you’re such a man.” You scroll to another video and double tap the screen.
He shakes his head at your reaction and takes the phone from your hand so he can scroll through your feed himself.
“So you’re on some baby kick, huh?” You shrug in return and pull your legs up to your chest.
“I don’t know maybe, I think I want a baby, Cho.” You confess and he nearly drops the phone on his face at the confession.
“Where in the hell did that come from?” He sits up in bed and gives you his full attention.
You shy away from the question and cover your face with your hands in embarrassment. Choso finds it adorable at how flustered you become over the simple question.
“I’m not sure, I’ve wanted a baby for a while now. You know I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I just could never find the right guy to settle down with.” You explain to him and he listens to every word you say.
“I’ll have a baby with you.” He says nonchalantly and you look at him as if you’ve seen a ghost.
“Excuse me?! Cho, are you high or something?” You scan over his face for a sign of his words being a joke, but there isn’t one.
“Well for starters, I’m typically always high, you know that. And yeah, why not? You want a baby, I don’t hate the thought of having kids either. You don’t think we’d make cute babies? He pretends to be offended and you slap his shoulder.
You don’t hate the idea of having a baby with him. No, you guys aren’t together, but you’ve been friends for more than 10 years. You two have had sex in the past, so it’s not like you haven’t seen each other naked. And you won’t deny the fact that he is quite handsome.
“If you’re as serious about this as you seem…then I guess we can have a baby together.” You give him your final answer and he gives you a gentle smile.
“But if we’re going to do this then we have a bunch of things to figure out first. Are we gonna live together and-“ Your sentence is cut off by the feeling of soft lips against your own.
He pulls you into his lap quickly and reaches for the buttons on your shirt, quickly trying to pull it off. He slides his tongue in your mouth and you happily invite him in.
Your shirt is thrown to the corner of the room and your leggings soon follow after.
“You wanna make a baby, don’t you? You can’t talk and make a baby. Well, you shouldn’t be able to at least.”
And boy was he right, Choso currently has you riding his sensitive cock after god knows how long. Your thighs shake in sensitivity and you let out another whimper as he bottoms out inside of you.
“C-Cho, my legs are burning.” You pout and huff as you struggle to continue bouncing on top of him.
Choso ignores your cries for help and hisses as another orgasm is ripped from his body and he stuffs your poor cunt with more of his cum. You throw your head back at the feeling of him fucking it back inside of you.
“ ‘m sorry mama, j-just wanna make sure you get all of it. Let me help you baby.” He sits up against the headboard and takes hold of your hips.
“Fuck!” You scream and grab the headboard when his hips piston upwards and his angry red tip fucks into your sweet spot.
“Shit, shit! Feels so good, so tight and warm.” Choso’s eyes roll to the back of his head at the feeling of your wet, gummy walls bringing him to the brink yet again.
“C-coming! I’m gonna come, Cho!” He holds your hips in place and continues his assault on your poor g-spot.
You can’t control your orgasm and how quickly it hits you. You dig your nails into the skin of his shoulder as your left shaking from overstimulation.
The man below you watches in awe as your body convulses on top of his exhausted one. At this moment, Choso has never seen you look more beautiful.
Your thick lips are red and messy from all the kissing and drooling, his eyes trail down your body, and the way your breasts move up and down with each bounce. His eyes land on where you’re both connected and he can’t help but rub your neglected clit with his thumb.
You shake your head and attempt to swat his hand away, quickly losing that battle when he pulls you down for another messy kiss. You whimper against his lips when he flips both of you over.
He lifts your legs and rests your calves on his shoulder. He slides back into you at a teasingly slow pace and you grip the sheets in pleasure. The dark-haired man lets out a moan at the way your walls continuously suck him in each time.
He plants a small kiss on your ankle before his hips go from slow and steady to hard and fast.
“Oh shit!” You gasp as you grip the sheets, pleasure courses through your body at the feeling of the new angle.
The sound of skin slapping can be heard throughout the room and probably through the walls if you listen close enough.
“I’m so close baby, so fucking close.” He warns, his hips begin to lose their rhythm as his climax builds within him.
“C-cum inside me Cho. I want it so bad please!” You beg, tears build up in your eyes as another orgasm pools in your lower belly.
“Y-yeah baby? Want me to fill you up real good?” He leans down so his forehead is only inches from yours and you nod shyly.
He smirks at your lack of words and presses his lips to yours one last time before overfiowing your insides with his warm speed. You moan into his mouth and drag your nails down his arms in ecstasy as you come one last time.
Your body finally relaxes after one last thrust of his hips.
“You okay princess?” He runs his fingers through his raven locks and you nod with your eyes closed, the need for sleep is growing stronger by the second.
“Thank you for doing this with me, there’s truly nobody else I think I would want a baby with.” You confess, he takes your hand in his and kisses over your knuckles.
“Don’t worry about it, anything I can do to make my best friend a happy lady.”
“Oh, Dad that’s so cheesy.” Your eight year old daughter rolls her eyes at the story and he shrugs his shoulders.
“It’s what happened! Your mom and I were best friends, she wanted a baby and the stork delivered!You asked me to tell you the story of how you guys were born, and I did.” He huffs and pulls the young girl in his lap, planting small kisses all over her face.
“Dad! Please no more.” She laughs as he continues his assault of kisses on her face.
The sound of tiny feet and screaming can be heard from down the hall, Choso and his mini-me follow the noise and he has to refrain from laughing at the sight.
You’re attempting to put your boys to bed with a bedtime story, but not without acting out the details of course.
“I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” You blow raspberries over their little faces and they break out into a fit of giggles.
“Mommy does a good wolf, right guys?” Your boys nod simultaneously and you smile up at your fiancé.
“Did you know it’s actually because she is one? Why do you think she’s so hairy?” He teases and you hit his shoulder playfully.
“Haha papa, so funny.” He helps you up to your feet and plants a kiss on your lips.
Your three munchkins groan in disgust and you and Choso can’t help but laugh.
“Alright guys it’s time for bed, we’ve got a busy week coming up!” You announce, you tuck the boys in bed and kiss their foreheads.
“Goodnight Mama, goodnight Papa, goodnight Junior!”
Junior is the nickname for your oldest daughter since she’s a carbon copy of her father. The only thing she got from you is her pretty brown skin and her tight coils.
“Goodnight boys, I love you, mama and Papa.” She hugs you both simultaneously and you lean down so she can kiss your faces.
“Goodnight pretty girl, sweet dreams.” You watch as she closes her bedroom door, and cheer quietly at another successful night.
“We’re such awesome parents Cho.” He wraps an arm around your shoulder and cups your cheeks as he kisses you.
“Yeah, we kinda know what we’re doing I guess.” He smiles down at you and pulls you in by your waist.
“And to think we were gonna stop with Junior. How crazy would that have been?” You ask as you reminisce.
Once you learned about your pregnancy, you two decided that it was just going to be a one-and-done situation. Then Choso realized that not only are you an amazing mother, but that you’re an even better significant other.
He proposed to you on the night of her first birthday, and nine months later your boys arrived. He truly wouldn’t want his life to go any other way, he has everything he’s ever wanted and more.
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illiterateaffairs · 1 year
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 1,403
summary: you and jamie bond over board games. takes place between chapters four and five of distractions.
A/N: missing scene number two is here! and happy ted finale day :( everyone please feel free to message me about the show after you watch. have a feeling we’re going to need to cope together <3 distractions official next chapter will be out friday for us all to disassociate with and keep the show alive! when distractions the series becomes our distraction >>>>>
distractions masterlist
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When you asked Jamie to grab a sweatshirt from your closet, there were a million things he could have fixated on. 
He could have teased you for your Grey’s Anatomy Grey Sloan Memorial tee-shirt. 
He also could have questioned why you had hoarded a few of his own pieces of clothing - you were thankful he didn’t notice those. 
If he really snooped around, he could have also found old journals full of short stories, poems, and notes you had jotted down once upon a time. 
But no, what he found the most exciting you would have never expected. 
After hearing some suspicious shifting, followed by a thump and quiet yelp, Jamie called out to you. 
“You have Monopoly?” 
You barely processed what he said as he bounded back into the living room and enthusiastically showed off the board game. 
“Oh, yeah?” you looked up from the couch with eyes pinched in confusion. 
“We have to play,” he declared, already moving things off of your coffee table to make room. 
“I thought we were going to order dinner?” you asked, though an amused smile played at your lips. 
Jamie shrugged, as he knelt down on the floor and started taking out the game components, “We could just have some snacks while we play? Whatever you have here is probably good.” After a second, he paused and looked up at you with big eyes, “Unless you don’t want to play, because we don’t have to.”
“No!” you’re quick to console, and you’re not even sure why, “No, let’s play! I can throw some sort of appetizer in the oven and grab chips. Let's do it.” 
“Cool,” Jamie smiled. You got up as he sorted the Monopoly money before dropping it suddenly, “Shit.”
From the kitchen doorway, you curiously watched him jump over your couch and jog back to your room, only to return moments later with the sweatshirt you originally asked for.
“M’lady,” he mock-bowed and presented it to you.
You snorted but thanked him appreciatively.
Forty-five minutes later, you were knee deep in a game of Monopoly, and even deeper in the bag of Pizza Rolls you’d smuggled over from America. While it wasn’t uncommon for you and Jamie to hang out fully-clothed as of late, this night felt different. It felt casual. Simple. Domestic. And none of it was doing anything to help those pesky little feelings you were starting to develop for him.
Jamie had put on music while the two of you waited for the Pizza Rolls to heat up, and you two sang horribly off-key to Alanis Morrissette. And then when you two sat down to play the game, Jamie made himself right at home on the floor. He immediately called playing as the Car piece, and you happily chose the Thimble. He also explained that in the U.K. they have a London version of the game, so he was excited to play with the American version. 
You played peacefully, intermittently exchanging little pieces of small-talk. Though, it was hard to concentrate since you found how much he enjoyed the game so adorably endearing. 
“I’ve got to say, I would have never seen you as a board game kind of guy,” you eventually mused aloud. 
You noticed a slight redness in Jamie’s cheeks, as he looked thoughtfully at the Monopoly board instead of at you. 
“Dunno,” he shrugged, “I find them comforting I guess. My mum and I used to play stuff like Monopoly and Clue all the time when I was a kid.”
You smiled at this little nugget of information about his childhood. “I feel the same way. My dads are board game fiends. We’d have family game night every Friday.”
Jamie’s brow quirked and he looked back over to you. “Dads?”
You nodded, “Mhmm. Two dads. They adopted me when I was a kid. In fact, as a welcome home gift, they actually bought me Monopoly, but it was the Disney Princess version. They upgraded me to this one when I went off to college.”
Jamie smiled, “That’s nice. What do they think of you being all the way over here? They’re in Chicago, right?”
You bit your cheek a little. Telling him you’re actually from Kansas, just like Ted, might be a little too specific to pull off as a coincidence. Instead of lying, you bypassed the question all together, and focused on his first.
“I think they’re happy I’m trying something new, and that I’m doing something for myself. They don’t know most of the story about why Mason and I broke up because I do not need them to worry, but I think they know it's better that we’re not together. I think they probably wish I lived closer, but if I’m happy they’re happy.”
“And are you?” Jamie asked softly, “Happy, I mean?”
You thought about it for a second, but it wasn’t a hard thing to answer. You had never been surrounded by more loving and kind people, and never had a job this exciting. You’re also reluctant to admit that you’ve never been around a boy who makes your stomach flip like Jamie does, but it was true.
“Yes,” you finally said, “I’m very happy here.”
Jamie nodded, his own small smile forming. 
“I think part of me feels guilty though,” you found yourself admitting, “The whole time I was in Chicago, I hardly saw them. I spent a lot of Christmases and Thanksgivings with Mason and his family, because he insisted. I’d make time for them occasionally on my own, but it was hard with my old job. I didn’t really think about being even further away after taking this job. And leave it to them to be more than understanding, and volunteer to come here next time they have the chance. I feel like I don’t deserve them.”
Jamie shook his head, “Don’t say that. Your dads clearly love you. And you definitely deserve it.” He sighed lightly before continuing, “I think it's nice they’re so supportive. My dad…he’s not…”
As you watched Jamie struggle to articulate his thoughts, you didn’t hesitate to take his hand in yours and give it a squeeze. It wasn’t the first time he’d made reference to his dad, but it was usually a sarcastic comment, nothing of depth.
“Jamie,” you interrupted softly, “You don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to.”
“I know,” he nodded, staring at your intertwined fingers, “He’s just…not the best person. It’s a long story, but we haven’t really talked in almost a year now. And I feel guilty about that sometimes, myself, but I think it's probably for the best. At least for now. But your dads sound amazing, and they’re probably so proud of you for coming out here and trying something new. So I wouldn’t worry about letting them down. I mean, I can’t see how you’d let anyone down, so…” He trailed off quietly.
You smiled and gave his hand an extra tight squeeze. “Thank you, Jamie. And even though you never have to, you can always talk to me about anything with your dad if you ever need to,” he nods, still staring at your hands, “...and I’m sorry if talking about my dads made you feel uncomfortable, I don’t..”
“No, no.” Jamie quickly reassured, turning to face you again, “I promise you, it didn’t. I liked hearing about your dads. Like I said, they seem great.” He gave you another small smile, before continuing, “Maybe we can start doing something like Friday Game Nights? I feel like the team would love it. Beard and Ted too, and we can drag Roy along. I’d pay money to see that guy play charades.”
You giggled. You also tried not to show how touched you were at the offer. Images of Ted at family game nights growing up flash through your head, and you’re sure he’d love a piece of home here, too. 
“I think that sounds perfect.” You gave his hand one last squeeze before reluctantly pulling away, and picking up the dice, “Alright, my turn right?”
Jamie nodded and shook off any remaining anxious energy. As you took your turn, Jamie cleared his throat, “I also saw Jenga in your closet, can we play that next?”
You laughed, “If you’re okay seeing me lose my shit every time I inevitably knock everything over, then sure.”
Jamie grins, “I can’t wait.”
A/N: let me know what missing scenes you’d like to see next! and don’t hesitate to let me know how y’all are doing after watching ted!!!
Taglist: @atabigail @boundtomyfate @sammysgirl1997 @lil-tracys @shephard17895 @alaspice @itsbarbraann @redpool @drmeghanjones @straightforwardly @alex-sulli @aiyaiy @artemismaximoff @roadtoself-love @theloud-yet-quietone @forcesofgrief @kirisimpster @geek-and-proud @grippleback-galaxy @lalla-04p @gabbycoady13 @royalestrellas @qardasngan @creationcitystreet-em @percysaidnever @emily-b @mrfitzsimmons @k-n-e @agentstarkid @legobatmans9thab @mrsprongs25 @escapismqueen @sokkigarden @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @dollfaceyourfear @dicgohargreeves @heyitz-julia @vampirodelascajas @grxcesmind @lizziel1410 @bcon24 @looooooooomis @queen-of-dumbasses @moseyluvs @alipap3 @amachira @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog @daphneblakeswife​ @chelseamount​ @k0z3me​ @lickitandsendit3​ @miakreid​ @shimmeringfrenchie​ @meg-ro​ @selmasemlan​ @hellfire-babez​ @rockchickrebel​ ​@spookysins @a-sweet-little-fangirl @optimisticsandwichgladiator @marveltg365 @ringpopdust @gcidrvsh @beardsplitter @scaramou @ibong-adarnaaa @piper570 @eviemae263782 it wouldn’t let me tag the last few of you, let me know if its something with your settings, otherwise i can keep trying in future updates! <3  ​
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
"Yeah, sure, and I shit thermite. Be serious."
So. Maybe, he’d gone a little overboard after work that day. He’d admit that. Drinking the sad away wasn’t the most mature way to handle things, but when you got a letter from your dad saying-
Well saying that, you know, maybe it was okay to have a beer or two. In theory. In practice, that meant that two-beers-deep Earl had to somehow have enough willpower to say “naw, I don’t wanna become three-beers-deep Earl,” and then three-beers-deep Earl’s gotta say no to four-beers-deep Earl, and it’s just a bit of a shitshow from there.
Pardon the french.
At least he wasn’t on the clock. The worst thing that should’ve happened to him was waking up tomorrow with a fatass headache and upset friends. Instead, he was in the hospital, surrounded by men with guns, osmotically absorbing the most surreal conversation of his life.
“We’d heard that humans had remarkable healing abilities but this is incredible. Anyone else here would be dead, he’s just showing some signs of esophageal irritation.”
“We got any idea of the culprit?”
“We’re looking over security footage but the culprit must be some kind of ghost. We’ve gone over the security footage at least twenty times, nobody can spot a thing.”
Earl couldn’t help it. He spoke.
“What are you talking about?”
The detective and the doctor jumped at the sound of his voice.
“What the shit-
The doc’s hand went over the detective's mouth, cutting off the oath just a hair too late. The duo looked after each other, before the detective gestured for the doctor to go first.
“I… don’t have very much experience with humans. We thought it’d be a couple of days at least before you woke up. How are you feeling?”
Earl coughed a few times.
“Throat’s raw, head’s pounding, and would kill for anything fried in grease. Pretty standard hangover.”
The detective cut in at that.
“Eh, except for the part where someone poisoned you.”
Earl shrugged.
“Must not have been very good poison.”
The lawman didn't laugh.
“Hydrochloric acid mixed with potassium salts? You can bet your pink ass it’s a good poison. Anyone else here would be dying from a hole in their gut. You been making enemies on the station, colony-boy?”
Earl’s smart alec remark froze as his one semester of biology 101 clawed its way to the front of his brain.
The detective clicked his pen, ready to start taking notes, even as Earl waved him off.
“No crime here doc, my stomach makes that stuff naturally.”
The doctor blinked even as the detective rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, and I shit thermite. Be serious pal, there’s someone here out to get you.”
Earl held his gaze, and after a few moments, the detective’s annoyed face transformed into numb confusion.
“...Hot damn, you aren’t joking. You’re telling me you can spew concentrated acid on a whim?”
The question hit a little close to him, and Earl felt his ears burn.
“Eh… not… on a whim. More like, after six or seven beers.”
The doctor grabbed a pad and began filling out forms of his own.
“Yeah, we’re gonna have to make sure you don’t do that then. You can’t just go around creating chemical waste every time you get sad. I’m going to have to get in contact with IT, set up some kind of cut off point with the cantina for you.”
Someone down the hall must’ve sanitized something because the odor of strong alcohol wafted into the room. It was all Earl could do to not empty his stomach a second time.
“Aye. That’s fair.”
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takikojou · 24 days
J2 Sunday panel - 26th May 2024 - Purgatory Con Düsseldorf (part 1)
(from memory and from the second question onwards, I had some support) Jared: Guten Morgen The whole audience: Guten Morgen Jared is baffled and turns to Jensen: Did you hear that?  Jared: Guten Morgen The whole audience: Guten Morgen Jared: This is my new favourite moment of all time!
(Note from me: In school, at the beginning of every class, the teacher says “guten morgen” (good morning) to the pupils and the whole class answers “guten morgen”. It’s kind of indoctrinated…)
Fan 1: I love Radio Company. When do you play a concert in Germany? Jensen: We’d love to. There has been some talking about a tour but we don’t have any plans yet.  Jared: But only if David Hasselhoff is the opener. Jensen and the whole crowd laugh) Jensen: I’d open for the Hoff! (Here starts the word-for-word script) Jensen: My favourite song from Radio Company? Oh. Oh, they’re all kind of uniquely special but um, I probably listen to either ”Quarter to” or “City Grown Willow” the most. (crowd cheering) Thank you.
Fan 2: Hi, my name is Pia and um me and my friend play Mario Kart a lot lately… Jared: Oh, on which system? Fan 2: On the switch.  Jared: Okay.  Fan 2: And we wondered what characters Sam and Dean would take in Mario Kart and how good they would be.  Jared: I know mine because I've been this character for all time and it's kind of appropriate. I'm Yoshi. (crowd cheering) Jensen: So I'm growing the ocean.  Fan: That's a good character.  Jared: Thank you. I know.  Jensen: Uhm, I’m the Shy Guy. Jared: Um, Who are y'all?  Fan 2: Um, I'm the King Boo, the ghost with the crown.  Jensen: King Boo, yeah.  Fan 2: My friend plays Rosalina.  Jensen: My daughter plays Rosalina. I'm gonna kick the shit out of her, so it's done. It's not good yet. Well, my eleven-year-old, however… She's she could beat me now. I don't like it. I kick her off the couch. (Makes a massive kick motion)  Jared: Thank y'all so much for your time.  Jensen: Thank you.
Fan 3: Hi, my name is Sadina and I want to ask… Jared: Deanna?  Fan 3: Sadina. Jared: I wanted to say Dean meat Deanna, Deanna meet Dean.  Fan 3: I want to ask how your experience in Germany is so far and if you want to see something. Jared:  It's been fucking terrible. (audience laughs) Awesome. I love it. We've been able to meet some of our German fans over the years and they're always wonderful and kind and loving and it's always so funny. To think so. Part of my Heritage, my mother's father is 100% German so I'm 25% German.(audience cheers) I know a little German, he’s over there! His name is Franz… I’m sorry. Top secret joke. The movie Top Secret, not a secret. But uh, what time is it? It’s great to be here. I love it here, had a great time. Love it. I will come back anytime, y'all invite me? (audience cheers) Jensen: I've always had a good time here. Like a uniquely cool fun time when I come to Germany, haven't been in a few years so it's nice to come back. I haven't really had the opportunity to kind of explore the town walked around a little bit on Friday when I arrived, but Yeah. I’d love to love to turn this into more of a vacation date next time. So… Jared: Bring us back. Jensen: Definitely like to come back.
Fan 4: Good morning. First one. Uhm, did you borrow Dean’s leather jacket?  Jared: Dean’s leather jacket? No. Someone did. Someone borrowed Dean’s leather jacket. No. I didn’t. I certainly would give it giving it back to him. Jensen: No, I mean, you know, that jacket got stolen, right? Jared: Yes, yeah. Yeah.  Jensen: That’'s really sad cuz it was like, it was the one of a kind, the jacket that was picked out. It was only one of them, it was from Warner Brothers wardrobe lockup. So it was a vintage coat. And they mailed it from the center of Vancouver mailed it back down to LA… Jared: We went to do a photo shoot. Jensen:  We went and did a photo shoot and then it never returned. I mean, I don't know if somebody stole it or it just got misplaced or what but it was searched for quite a long time. It was never found. So we had just kind of getting rid of a jacket.  Jared: Yeah. Plus I sweat in t-shirts. So if went to anonymous and it’s something I could wear, but if I ever find it, I'm gonna take it back and give to this, dude. Fan 4: Yes, it was my idea.  Jared: I would love to. If anybody finds Dean’s leather jacket for sale on eBay or something. Please buy it and we'll reimburse you and everything. Yeah. Notify your authorities. Yeah.
Fan 5: My question is if you had a chance to reshoot an episode or assume, what would it be and if you want to change anything? Jared: To reshoot an episode or a season?  Fan 5: If you have a chance to be shooting an episode or a season.  Jensen: Bugs. Jared: Bugs. I don’t want to reshoot that with a bunch of bees. Jensen: We shot that and we changed that aspect. Jared: Right. Fair. Jensen: Not because they… they ended up using the bees, the live bees that we were having to work with. They didn't show up on camera. Jared: So they had a visual… Jensen: They had a visual professional, like, put 'em in, with the computer, which we could have from the get gun! 
Jared: Also, before we shot the episode with the bees and like you said, we had like 60 000 bees in that building with us in the room in the house or whatever and so a couple of weeks ahead when they were making sure we could do the episode, they were like, hey, we're gonna do a bee allergy test to make sure you're not allergic to bees like. Yeah, sure, cool. And so a couple of days later this guy shows up and he's like, hey, I'm here to give you a bee allergy test. I'm thinking it's like, you know, a swab or something like no, they have a little mesh guard and they put it on your arm and they take the bees with a tweezer and make the bees sting you. I was like, fuck this! No! Literally, you have this little kind of a sleeve on you and they grab a bee and put the stinger into you. That was strange for sure. You know, if I could reshoot a season it would be season four and I wouldn't change anything. I had a great time that year, not that obviously because I've met my wife but I love that season. I feel like if it was a dryer, like I just feel this great memory of that 2008 / 2009 season like I can still smell of winter and it was dry and it was it was crazy good time. So I'd like it back then. And also the house was there, you know, you and hired all. It just was really cool.
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yikesharringrove · 1 year
I think a lot about Steve and Billy becoming foster parents.
I think about them, mid-thirties, welcoming two kids into their home. A brother and a sister. A fifteen year old boy, and a two year old girl.
And clearly, they’ve been through some shit.
The baby is easy. She’s shy at first, and clings to her brother for the first few weeks, but she warms up easily to Steve and Billy. (Especially when Billy sneaks her cookies and Steve is always down for a little snuggle.
It’s the boy who is hard to crack.
He’s been in and out of foster situations his entire life. If it weren’t for his sister, and the fact that his social worker was actually doing a good job of not splitting them up, he feels like he’d be in his on. Our in a boys’ home.
But he’s seen foster parents that seem kind, but have some ulterior motive. Or call the social worker when they can’t handle his trauma.
So he pushes back.
The first day he’s at Steve and Billy’s, he throws a plate at the wall.
He doesn’t miss the way Billy has a white knuckled grip on the kitchen counter, or the way he leaves the room the second it looks like Steve’s got it under control.
And he assumes, that Billy was trying to hold himself back from smacking him. That he left to call social services.
He doesn’t bother to unpack.
But the next day, no one comes to take him away.
In fact, he startled awake to a soft tap on his bedroom door, and a voice telling him that breakfast is ready, please come downstairs when you’re ready.
He doesn’t. He doesn’t go downstairs all day.
And every few hours there’s a knock and a voice telling him to come down for some food.
He only leaves when the voice tells him that his sister keeps asking for him.
And there’s a plate of food for him in the microwave, and Steve gives Billy a knowing look before taking his sister off to bed.
He knew it was a fucking rouse.
And he wolfs down his meal, expecting Billy to tell him they’ve spoken with the agency, and they’re keeping his sister but kicking him to the curb.
“I need to tell you that you’re not going anywhere. No matter how much you push against us, we promised to care for you. You’re staying here.”
“Is that a threat?”
Billy smiled.
“Nah. It’s just true. You would never leave your sister anywhere without you.”
“Yeah? How the fuck do you know?”
And he wanted that stupid smile to fall off Billy’s face. But it didn’t.
“Because I was you. It didn’t matter how often my dad beat the shit outta me. I stayed there to make sure he never did it to my sister. We’d never, ever, do anything to hurt either of you, but you’ve been hurt too many times to trust that yet. So what you can do, is stop acting out. You don’t have to let us in. You don’t have to start calling us your dads and shit, but please. Accept that we want you here. That we want to take care of you.”
And he’s fucking stunned, because this is not at all what he thought this conversation was gonna be.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I assume the worst.”
“That’s okay. You’ve been through a lot. We won’t push, and like I said. You don’t have to let us in, but we’re here for you.”
He sniffed, and Billy’s hands flexed on the table, like he wanted to reach out and touch him.
“I thought you were gonna tear me a new one about last night. I thought you were gonna send me back.”
“No. I mean, Im not exactly excited about the glass I had to clean up. And your sister was scared shitless, she’s been freaked out all day, make sure you go see her before bed. But, I understand. I know what it’s like to feel like everyone will give up on you, so you might as well push them away. And I’m sorry I left. To be honest, the plate thing, it really freaked me out.”
And that made sense, because of what Billy told him about his own father.
He’s been on the receiving end of a broken dish before, too.
“I’m sorry.”
“That’s okay. I mean, Please, never do it again, but your anger and your fear is totally okay. I can help you cope. I’ve been in more therapy than you could even dream.”
And billy kind of had a spark in his eye, one that said it’s really okay.
I just think it’s be neat.
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clovermunson · 2 years
movie night — e. munson
summary: you spend halloween night with your best friend, eddie, and it ends in more than what either of you anticipated
pairings: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: none really, just mentions of horror movies, eddie being a dork, mentions of food and eating, best friends to lovers goodness. all around fluff. there’s no read more cut bc tumblr kept trying to fuck up the entire fic when i added one.
word count: 1.679k
author’s note: ‘tis the season to be spooky, my little internet cryptids. so naturally, i had to write this eddie fic at the absolute last minute. likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated, i just ask that you do not repost my work and claim it as your own! — xo, morgan❤️
requested tags: @ardent-musings
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Halloween was Eddie’s favorite holiday. An all-you-can-eat buffet of candy, horror movie marathons, and scaring the living shit out of some punk kids that deserved it seemed to be one of the few things that brought him a genuine sense of joy.
However, nothing had compared to being out all night with his best friend, which was you. He’d been best friends with you since second grade, and was totally sure he’d had feelings for you at least since freshman year of high school.
“Eds, c’mon.” You huffed, “don’t you think you’ve gotten enough candy?”
Eddie looked down at the pillowcase in his hand that he’d snatched from one of the middle-school kids he’d scared shitless earlier for bullying an elementary schooler.
“It’s only half-full.” He shrugged, “think that’s enough for both of us?”
“Depends, how much of the good stuff is in there?” You asked, giggling.
“There’s plenty of chocolate, suckers, and sour candy if that’s what you’re asking.” Eddie chuckled, digging out a small bag of sour gummy worms and offering them to you.
You took the gummy worms from him, smiling as you opened the packet and began eating them. “Y’know, you promised me we’d watch Halloween tonight.”
“Did I?” Eddie feigned confusion, acting as if he were trying to recall when exactly he’d made such a promise.
“Uh, yeah.” You snorted, “remember the other day at lunch?”
“Ah.” Eddie snapped his fingers, “I did promise you that.” He smiled at his own mock-realization.
“Very funny, Munson.” You rolled your eyes, trying to keep yourself from laughing, “stop acting like you forgot.”
“C’mon sweetheart.” Eddie let the nickname slip, he’d only used it for you a few times, but every time it did, it never failed to make your cheeks turn hot and your brain go fuzzy like television static. And you knew that he’d only called two things ‘sweetheart’— you and his beloved guitar.
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me, Eddie.” You tried to be stern with him, “you, me, your place, and Halloween on VHS. Got it?” You grabbed his hand, dragging him to his van that had been parked on the curb.
“Ooh, assertive.” Eddie smirked, chuckling lowly, “I like it.” He gave a flirtatious wink.
“Gross.” You fake-gagged, shaking your head. You tried opening the driver’s side door, but it wouldn’t budge.
Eddie hummed to himself, seemingly off in his own little world as you struggled with the door, clearly having not realized it was locked in your haste to get back to his trailer.
“Eds, unlock the door.” You stated flatly, crossing your arms.
“What was that?” Eddie looked down at you, head tilted.
“Eddie, c’mon.” You huffed, “unlock the damn door.”
“Ah ah, what’s the magic word?” Eddie smirked, licking his bottom lip.
“Edward Munson.” You used his full name, “unlock the goddamn door.”
“Hmm, I don’t think that’s it, sweetheart.” His voice was sickly sweet, sending shivers down your spine— though you’d blame it on the cool October air before you admitted it was Eddie’s doing.
Finally, you’d cracked. And you were ashamed at how little it took.
“Eddie, please unlock the goddamn door.” You pleaded, “it’s freezing out here.” You lied, you’d been wearing Eddie’s jacket over your clothes, so you were rather warm.
“Since you asked so nicely.” Eddie smiled, fishing his keys out from his pocket, unlocking the driver’s door before leading you over to the passenger side door, unlocking it for you. “M’lady.” He offered his hand to help you in.
You took his hand, stepping up and into the van, plopping down on the cloth seat. Eddie’s van had smelled like him, a distinct mixture of cologne and cigarettes that was unmistakable.
Eddie closed the door behind you, careful not to smash your hand or foot before he opened the driver’s side door. He slid into the seat, turning the key in the ignition.
“Princess always has to get what she wants, hm?” Eddie hummed teasingly.
“It’s not my fault I have a best friend that spoils me and practically waits on me hand and foot.” You smiled, and Eddie knew well enough that you weren’t wrong. He did spoil you, and he took pleasure in that. He wasn’t the richest guy in Hawkins, or even close to it, but he wanted you to feel special.
“And what’s so wrong about that?” Eddie looked over to you, one hand resting on the steering wheel.
“Oh, nothing.” You smiled, “it’s quite nice, actually.”
Eddie smiled to himself as he pulled out from his parking spot, driving through one of the more rich neighborhoods of Hawkins.
Eddie’s trailer was about a ten minute drive from where you were, and most of the ride was spent flipping through his cassette collection, with you jokingly judging his music taste.
“Alright, you can stop now.” Eddie laughed as he parked in front of his trailer, “we’re here.”
“But it’s so much fun seeing you get flustered over your music collection.” You teased him, noticing how he’d blush a little each time you complimented his taste and how he’d cutely puff out his cheeks whenever you’d criticize something.
“You wanna watch the movie or not?” Eddie smirked, switching off the ignition, “I can still turn around and go collect more candy.”
“No!” You exclaimed, grabbing at his arm, “I mean…yeah, I do.” You smiled sheepishly, realizing that your little outburst wasn’t entirely necessary.
“That’s what I thought.” Eddie smiled at you. It was a small victory, but he’d take it.
Eddie led you up the concrete steps to the door of his home, opening it for you. You stepped inside, instantly met by Wayne’s rather excessive collection of trucker hats and coffee mugs that were along the wall.
The VHS had already been placed on the coffee table, and Eddie was in the kitchen, making a bag of microwave popcorn. You grabbed the tape from its box, popping it into the VCR player and switching on the tv.
“Just a couple more minutes on the popcorn!” Eddie called from the kitchen, “don’t break into the candy stash yet, you little sugar fiend.”
You giggled at him calling you a sugar fiend. He really knew you all too well, in fact, better than anyone else. For you to deny that you had any feelings for him other than friendship would be a flat-out lie. But you never quite had the nerve to act on it.
“And the popcorn’s done.” Eddie held up the bag, carefully opening it as a few of the kernels still popped, despite being removed from the microwave.
“Movie’s in, and the candy stash is still intact.” You smiled, handing him the remote control as you took the popcorn, “anything else?”
“Uuhhh,” Eddie thought over everything, “just one more thing.”
You gave him a puzzled look, but you knew by the playful grin on his face that it was too late to try and fight against anything.
“Eddie, don't you dare!” You giggled just as he’d tackled you down to the couch, pulling you into his side. He’d nearly made you spill the popcorn, but thankfully his nimble hand was quick enough to stop it from tilting over your head.
“That.” Eddie chuckled, his arm rested over your shoulders as you both readjusted. Eddie sat up against the back of the couch while you nuzzled into his side.
Platonic cuddling had become a habit, yet both of you had your suspicions, albeit unknown to each other, about it not being as platonic anymore.
Of course you’d seen Halloween many times since its release, but Michael Myers had never failed to make you jump every time he randomly appeared. This time was no exception, and you’d jumped just enough for Eddie to notice.
“Aren’t you scared by that at all?” You looked up at him with a strawberry lollipop in your hand, and his eyes had been focused on the screen until he noticed you looking up at him with those big, sparkling doe eyes of yours.
“Absolutely terrified.” He barely nodded, his breath hitching. Michael Myers didn’t scare him at all, but the thought of acting on his feelings for you terrified him beyond belief.
You turned back to the screen, settling against Eddie’s body. He gently kissed the top of your head, subconsciously pulling you closer.
Maybe, just maybe, he had the nerve to finally act on his feelings. Now was as good a time as any, and he didn’t want to be the idiot that waited too long.
“I like you.” He blurted, immediately regretting his admission as you slowly turned to him, sitting up as you did so.
“I’m sorry…what?” You asked, blinking as you set your lollipop down on its wrapper.
“I…I said I like you.” Eddie sighed, knowing he couldn’t lie to you. “Not like, as just a friend but like…y’know…” he shyly smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Eddie, your best friend of easily thirteen years, had told you that he had feelings for you, and you’d convinced yourself that he didn’t see you as more than a friend, despite your own feelings for him.
“Eddie…” you whispered, unable to say anything else. Your brain had turned to mush, and it seemed like every function of your brain had given out in that moment.
“You don’t have to say anything, or even say it back I—” Eddie stammered over his own words, only to be interrupted by you.
“Just shut up and kiss me, Munson.” You shook your head, trying to hide the smile that had found its way onto your lips.
“What?” Eddie asked, taken aback by your sudden proclamation.
“Kiss me.” You smiled, deciding to tease him, “before I change my mind.”
Eddie didn’t need it to be repeated again as his hand cupped your face, his lips meeting yours in a soft, sweet kiss.
As you pulled away from each other, Eddie had a rather cheeky smirk, which went perfectly with the shy, flustered blush that was on your cheeks.
“Tastes just like strawberries.”
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Home Is Where The Heart Is
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Hey besties :)) I'm baked and decided to put out another chapter ;) Let me know what you think so far!! And thank you for the love so far, you're all so sweet!
Prologue: Home Is Where The Heart is
Home Is Where The Heart Is: Chapter One 
It’s been weeks since i’ve arrived in Jackson, and not once have I slept through the night. 
David taunts me in my dreams, reminding me of everything he’s stolen. My family, my body, my sanity. My rest, apparently too. Just as I escape one horror, closing my eyes sinks me into the next. My eyes burn and itch throughout the days, a light pink hugh shadowing them.
A few days ago, I was finally able to trade the wheelchair for some sturdy crutches. I’ve already eaten shit a good few times, in public to my dismay. They lie next to me as I sit in front of the fireplace, drying my hair as I wait for Tommy.
We’ve formed somewhat of an understanding. He stops by every morning, watching me take my pills and eat something for breakfast, smiling as he watches me eat. By nightfall he returns, with dinner and always begs me to come into town. Ever since the incident, though, I’ve locked myself away at home.
I still find myself thinking about her, Ellie. I see her and Joel walking home from the square at night, practically glued to one another’s side. Sometimes, it makes me think of father. I wonder how he would like Jackson, or the people around us. Maybe we’d be living here together.
Just as I let my mind begin a dark turn, I hear my door pound, “Door’s open, Tommy.”
The door stays still for a moment, and I wonder what is taking so long until the door opens and… Tommy isn’t standing there, holding a plate of white pasta and a glass of orange juice.
Ellie is.
I take a deep breath, “Oh, did you come to fight? Kind of petty not to wait until I'm able.”
She’s silent for a moment, before willing a smile onto her lips. She’s wearing a pair of dark denim, a maroon long sleeve shirt, with matching tennis shoes. Like always, her hair pulled back to reveal her ocean eyes. It was like torture.
“Tommy and Joel are on late night patrol… so I thought I could bring you dinner.”
Ellie doesn’t move from her spot by the door, holding the tray with both hands. She avoids eye contact like the plague.
My lips twitch into a smile, “and how do I know you didn’t poison it?”
She ignores my comment as she walks forward, setting the steaming plate in front of me. It smells of roast chicken and garlic, instantly making my mouth water. By the time I look up at her again, she’s staring at me intently.
She takes a deep breath, “Joel and Tommy thought it would be best if I… apologize, for the other night.”
Ellie holds herself together strong, but I can see the quivers in her arms as she stands there. Her eyes shift with uncertainty, never quite meeting a particular target. It was almost funny to watch, seeing this tough girl seemingly fall apart.
“Well,” I start. “Lets hear it, then.”
A nervous laugh escapes her lips, “I did? That was my apology.”
“You fucking suck at apologizing, Ellie.”
We stare at each other for a moment, before bursting into laughter. The second one of us would stop, the other would snort so loud it would trigger another fit. Laughing like this felt good, really good. I can’t remember the last time I felt like this.
Ellie takes a seat next to me on the couch, propping her feet up on the coffee table. As she got comfortable, I took the time to completely devour my plate, barely even chewing. The sauce was savory and filled with herbs, while the chicken was juicy and tender. By the time I was finished, I couldn’t help but let out a burp.
She lets out a deep sigh, “I remember my few weeks. I ate so much I looked pregnant.”
“Yeah, well I miss having boobs,” I laugh, licking my fingers. “I look like a little boy.”
Ellie looks down at her own chest with a frown, “At least you’ve HAD them, i don’t think i’ll ever get any.”
We burst out laughing again, and I take this opportunity to look at her. The freckles splayed out on her cheeks, underpainted with a deep blush. Her nose, curved and tiny, like a little button. The way she’d bat her eyelashes. It was all too much.
She catches her breath, “I really am sorry, for the other day. I’m just not used to being around… nice people.”
“Who said anything about being nice?” I reply, looking over at her soft expression. “No, really it’s okay. I’m sorry for staring.”
“Why were you staring, anyway?”
I look at her for a moment, puzzled. Either I can tell her the truth, that I find her absolutely breathtaking. That the sight of her made me stop in my tracks and smile. Or, I can lie. And based on how creepy the truth sounds, I take the lying approach.
I inhale, “I don’t think I've ever really seen anyone my age before. Every settlement I've ever been to has been overflowing with old people.”
This makes her laugh, “That sounds… awful. I hate old people.”
“Well you sure do seem to love Tommy and Joel.”
I wish I could take it back, the look on her face lowers for a moment. Her mouth gapes like a fish, trying to decide what to say before ultimately closing multiple times. 
She lets out a small smile, “yeah, well. I guess family is different.”
I think back on what Tommy said, my first night. It was hard to think I could have found my place, my people here. I’m still waiting for the punch in the gut, when these people finally show their true colors and I’ll have to flee. But, for some reason I don’t see it coming.
Ellie makes herself comfortable, as she tells me the stories of her previous mission with Joel. Traveling across the country, to be reunited with the Fireflies. She never tells me why, and I don’t ask. Hours flow by, and I notice her mannerisms. The way she bites her pinky when she’s nervous. Licking her chapped lips between sentences. Her voice getting louder when she gets to an exciting part of the story.
As she comes to an end, her eyes glance over to my bow, “Oh my god, that is sexy.”
“Sexiest thing i’ve ever seen,” I laugh, running my finger tips over its arch. “It was my father’s, he carved it before the apocalypse.”
I hand it to her, watching as she runs her fingers over the black-stained bow. The intricacies carved into the sides. It makes me smile, knowing fathers work will be appreciated even after he’s long gone. 
Ellie looks up, “I’m sorry he couldn’t make it with you.”
I shrug her off, “Oh well, that’s life. He’d love it here, though.”
“The food is great.”
I crack a smile, looking at the bow. “Oh yeah, he’d love that too. But, he always dreamed of living in peace again. Just existing instead of surviving. And you guys have beer? Woah.”
We stare at each other for a minute, and I find myself getting sucked into her eyes again. It was a trap, really. Like a magnet, I feel our faces slowly come closer to each other.
Which is then interrupted by Tommy and Joel, crashing open the door. Ellie stumbles back, laying back on the couch while I run my fingers through my hair with a nervous laugh. Fuck.
“Well I’ll be damned,” Tommy chuckles. “Look at that. big brother. They didn’t kill each other.”
Joel lets out a laugh, eyes glancing to my empty plate. The smile stays glued to my face as he approaches the coffee table, looking over me again for a moment. His fingers come to his watch, stroking the leather slowly. 
He lets out a sigh, “Alright, Ellie. You need some sleep, you have school tomorrow.”
Ellie let’s put a huff, “What’s even the point? It’s not like I have to go to college?”
I had never been able to go to a school before, besides bible study. Mama, for the most part, taught me everything I knew. What plants to forage, how to read and write, basic math. 
“School?” I ask, looking over to Tommy. “There’s school here, too?”
“Why yes there is,” he says with a smile. “We didn’t wanna overwhelm you, though. If you don’t-“
“I wanna go to school, please I am so bored. If I can't go hunting yet I might as well thump some books.”
Tommy and Joel glance at one another, contemplating for a moment, while Ellie gives me a nervous smile. I can’t look at her straight on though, without my cheeks bursting with a blush.
Joel nods, “Sounds good. Ellie will pick you up tomorrow at 8.”
“You’re not even gonna ask-“
“No, because I told you to Ellie.” Joel shoots me a wink before helping Ellie off the couch. 
The both of them stare into each other's eyes, challenging silently before Ellie backs down, looking over her shoulder at me with a half smile.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at eight.”
Ellie walks me to school every morning with a smile. There was never a dull moment between us, and the second there was silence she would slip out a joke book from her back pack. The jokes were stupid, but the way her face would light up everytime she told one made my heart erupt. In a way, she reminded me of Bonnie. There was still a touch of innocence. I want to be jealous of her, somehow traveling across the country with her family intact and a smile on her face. But I couldn't help but be happy for her. It must be nice.
It’s been a few weeks, and I’m officially free from the crutches. Despite a slight limp, I’m almost fully healed. I sit at my desk in the study, writing a two page paper for English. Ellie complained when our teacher assigned the work, but it made me smile. A little distraction never hurt anyone.
Tomorrow is my first day on the hunting crew. I’ve been assigned with Joel and Jesse, a young boy a few years ahead of me. My body shakes and twitches with excitement, to finally return to the woods, to run my fingers across the string of the bow. To prove that I am worthy to live in the community.
Just as I begin to write my final paragraph, I hear a low crash in the living room. I drop the lead pencil, freezing in my place. The crashing continues, footsteps increasing pace towards the door.
Without second thought, I grab and load my bow, staring intently at the door. I can hear glass crunching under someone’s thick boots, causing me to inch forward. The door opens and I pull the string back, and just as I’m about to release the arrow between their collarbones, I see the blue eyes.
“Ellie?” I sigh, dropping the bow to my side. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I almost killed you, dumbass.”
A smile eases on her lips, as her arms raised in surrender in the air. “I’m sorry, sorry. I was gonna knock, but I wanted to see if your windows lock.”
“Oh my god Ellie, did you break my fucking window?”
“No, no!” She sighs, “But I may have knocked over a lamp or two climbing in.”
Rolling my eyes, I set the bow down on my desk with a frown, “If you’re here to copy my essay, I’m not even finished yet.”
She laughs, “you’re funny, I haven’t thought of that essay since last week.”
“It’s due in three days, Ellie.”
“Well, then I’ll start it in two.”
We stare at each other for a moment as I begin to catch my breath. She wears a leather jacket way too big for her, jeans, and thick leather boots. Instead of her usual ponytail, though, her hair waves against her red cheeks, ending just below her shoulders. 
I clear my throat, “what are you doing here? I have a shift in three hours.”
“And you’re worried about a dumb paper?” She laughs, “I couldn’t sleep and um..” Her eyes shift to her fingers, rubbing them together nervously.
Her eyes don’t leave the floor, “I was wondering if you’d teach me how to shoot.”
I laugh, a deep guttural laugh from deep in my belly. How is this girl even alive if she can’t shoot?
“You can’t shoot a gun?” Her eyes lift to meet mine slowly as I speak, cheeks red with embarrassment.
“I meant the bow you idiot.”
I blink slowly, looking over at the analog clock sitting on the table. 3:26 a.m. There was a part of me that wanted to say no, to tell her that no one else was allowed to use it. But I couldn’t say no to those fucking eyes. 
A sigh escapes my lips, “Oh, okay. Well… are there any targets out here?”
Ellie leads me to the shooting range, off the edge of the town. It’s nothing special, just a few painted targets sitting on an isle in the grass. They look as if they’ve never been touched. I can’t hold my excitement, running forward the second I see them in the horizon.
“Slow down! You shouldn’t be running on that ankle!” 
I look over my shoulder, “fuck off!”
I begin loading the bow just as Ellie reaches me, catching her breath in hitches. Her whole face is painted red, almost making her freckles disappear.
The arrow pierces the air, cutting through it like a sword to meet with the center of the target. I can’t help the smug look on my face as I turn back to Ellie, who’s jaw practically touches her knees.
“Holy shit, man.”
I chuckle, “Alright, now your turn.” I hand her the bow slowly, taking the sheath of arrows off my back and swinging it over her shoulder.
The shots she takes don’t even make it within five feet of the target. She curses, fiddles with her hands, and stomps the ground a few times in defeat. She’s like a tiny dog, all this anger bottled into such a little person.
I can’t watch it anymore, I decide just as she begins to load another arrow. We’ve been out here for almost two hours, and I can slowly see the sun coming up from the horizon. I find myself tentatively holding Ellie’s elbow, helping her take aim.
“What are you doing?” She asks, her breath hitching as she looks over her shoulder.
“I can’t watch you miss again, El, it’s killing me.”
“Fuck you, too,” she scoffs, but not pushing away from my touch.
My heart skips a beat at the nickname, rolling off the tongue before I could stop myself. Her eyes brighten slightly as she turns back around, slowly pulling the arrow back.
“Now, take a deep breath, in through your belly.”
“Oh my god, Ellie, please just listen.”
She obliged, releasing a deep breath as she stared intently at the target. A shiver runs through my spine as I realize how close we are, goosebumps popping up onto my arms.
The arrow shoots through the air, whistling in the breeze. I twitch with anticipation, following the arrow to the target. But it doesn’t sink into the isle.
It sinks into Bonnie’s head.
Just as Ellie screams with joy, looking over at me with a smile, I fall to the ground with grief. A piercing scream shoots through my body and into the air, shooting electricity down my spine. I can’t stop the tears, the whimpers, the shaking. I killed my baby sister.
Just as Ellie shoots down beside me, in the distance I see Joel on his horse, yelling my name as I get consumed by darkness.
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lilyrachelcassidy · 2 years
heyy have a response for ur spooktober!! i was thinking a daphne greengrass x werewolf reader, like their in 6th gear and r is having a hard time cuz she’s always tired from transforming and the upcoming war. thx so much!!!:)
A/N: Hey! Thanks for requesting! I miss writing for Daphne and Pansy so much, I think they are severely underestimated characters. I love the idea with depicting Daphne’s relationship with Y/N in the light of the upcoming War. Hope you enjoy and like it:) 
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: mentions of the War
Acrid! Everything screamed acrid in this very room of people, setting every fiber of your body on a vile dither between retching and running away from the throng, concealing yourself in the dormitory where the bilious feeling wouldn't reach you anymore.
Sweat, meaty effluviums, and that blaring laughter.
That blaring laughter that perversely made you want to shove your head in the wad of polystyrene and scream until everybody quelled. Instead, all you did was sit at the very bench in the Great Hall, inundated and dogged, barely touching your food that tasted like sawdust in your mouth anyway. You never tore your gaze away from that bloody crevice in the middle of the table but you were keenly aware that another pair of eyes was beadily following your every movement.
"Attention everyone!" instructed the shrieking voice of Alecto Carrow who you had learned to detest since the beginning of the 6th Year. She and Amycus were a menace, really, opting for assailing as many Muggleborns there were in the school as possible. No wonder - the thought slipped to your mind - that so many had decided to flee; in the light of all the attacks that had transpired over those few months, you were sure it was the most rational decision that could have been made. "We’d like to introduce some new rules to you all, ay? It’s come to our notice that some of you have been taking part in some underground activities against your new authority.” While saying so, she made a hand gesture, tacitly elucidating it was her and Amycus she was hinting on. “By saying underground, I mean illicit. Whoever therefore decides to continue with such behavior, shall be punished, yeah? And will regret putting oneself into that. Little pieces of shit-”
“Lady Carrow...” It was Snape who wanted to butt in but unsuccessfully; you weren’t sure whether he realized how ridiculous it had sounded to call her anything in terms of ‘lady’, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
“-didn’t think we would have found out about little crimes, did ya? Well fucking wrong!” She said that in one breath, onerously, and after doing so she slumped back to her upholstered chair, downing half of her goblet in one gulp and swabbing her lips with a sleeve. As much as she had tried to keep herself unflappable at the beginning of her monologue, she had lost her temper in the flash of seconds. You wondered, subconsciously, whether Snape still would have called her ‘lady’ after that.  
The murky air settled over the entire room, students swooning with dismay; and suddenly, you didn’t feel like eating anymore at all.
Overwhelmed, you gathered your things and hurtled out of the room, trying to shove that emetic churning feeling away. With every step, you got more and more certainty that either your dormitory or a common room, or any other place in the building basically, was the last spot you wanted to be bound to right now. And so instead of careening over to the dungeons, your feet steered you over to the seventh floor, eventually landing on the Astronomy Tower, where tranquility and lack of students’ presence could be found.
You sat at the very brink of the gneiss ledge, tangled in between the metal barrels. You abhorred, truly, the new reigning in Hogwarts; you wondered whether it was ever going to have its cessation. Your friends have been engulfed with terror, escaping the school’s territories at any possible instance; the only ones who had yet remained in the vicinity were Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Daphne.
The distinct steps suddenly reverberated in the corridor and in mere moments your body was overcome with rigidness. You braced yourself mentally for the upcoming; was it Carrows yet again doing rounds around the school in the mere hope of inflicting retribution for entertainment? Being a Slytherin in the school had lost its perks since the beginning of the 7th Year; there was no demarcation anymore, Pureblood or not, and no one cared for a spillage of magical blood anymore. But never have you actually thought of the idea that you might be one among the other mass of Carrows’ victims.  
God, you hoped that it was only your head driving you mad.
The door to the Astronomy Tower flung and you nearly swooned, feeling an overwhelming relief when it was only Daphne who stood in the middle of the frame.
“Oi, there you are!” she proclaimed with a beam, her hands flying in the air as if in ballistic motion. “You rushed out of the Great Hall so quickly, I was worried something had happened to you.”
“You nearly scared the death of out me, Daphs,” you said, truthfully, still clutching the barrels ever so tightly and glancing at her over your shoulder. The walnut leather satchel with all her books was still fixed around her torso. “I thought it was Carrows hunting their pray again.”
She gave you a waning smile. “Luckily, just me.”
With that, she flumped next to you, her rangy legs hanging loosely from the ledge. Glancing over at her from that angle, you thought her angelic; it’s not like you hadn’t perceived her allure before. Yet here, with that moonlight beaming on her countenance and acutely defining her luscious lips and prominent cheekbones, her navy blue eyes reflecting the hovering stars in the sky... you definitely felt that zsa-zsa-zsu feeling dancing in your stomach. So perplexed by this realization, you hadn't even registered she had started talking again.
“Hey, did you hear me?”
“Ummm... sorry,” you said, flushing all of the sudden. “What were you saying?”
“I asked if you were okay.”
You glanced at her suspiciously. “Yeah. I mean, this entire situation with Carrows is wearing me out but I’m coping.”
“I don’t mean... I don’t mean the upcoming War, though this thought is dispiriting too in a way. But I mean, your latest transformations. I’ve seen you in the Great Hall, during your lessons, and breaks. I don’t want to be hasty in setting presumptions but you seem to not be dealing so well with that burden.” 
Subconsciously or not, she caught your hand which now no longer resided on your thigh and instead on the stone cold floor, and for the first time she looked you in the eyes; really in the eyes, as if the surrounding world had abruptly slowed down. They were enigmatically enticing in a way, and swirling with sundry emotions - tenacity, curiosity, but especially... empathy.
Despite your best attempts not to, thinking it a callow thing to do in the shade of the upraised topic, your thoughts veered off to the contemplation of how pleasantly the heat of her hand managed to keep you warm in the vista of frosty winter. And did she mention that she had been watching you in the classes and Great Hall?; just a mere thought of it filled your stomach with a fit of butterflies again.
“Well...yes, it’s been a bit tiring lately. I think it’s this time of the year when my senses become heightened - my hearing it’s twice the volume it has been before, I see everything in great detail, and I can taste every bit of the ingredient in the meal. Don’t eat Pumpkin Pasties, by the way,” you said, and Daphne giggled at the last bit. “My parents have told me that this ability may come over time, you know, as a standard addition to being a werewolf. But I’ve just never assumed t-that it could come so quickly, you know.”
There was a pause for a moment, Daphne’s eyes still boring holes in you while you riveted your gaze to the dotted sky. Before however, you were able to pick up a novel topic, Daphne’s voice echoed again, this time more concerned.
“Can I help?”
Still, without looking at her, you unsurely placed your head on her shoulder to which she only reacted with a slight tilt of her own head. And while looking at the sky, observing and enjoying every bit of Daphne’s presence with her vanilla fragrance caressing your nostrils, you finally uttered:
“Just be here for me.”
“That always.”
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sataniquepanique · 2 years
Painkiller Part Five - Tear You Apart
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Notes: Here's the smut you wanted you heathens! This is the final part of Painkiller.
*Minors DNI*
Summary: It's been 2 years since you moved to NYC for college. You and Eddie haven't spoken, but now you're back for the summer and run into him.
Genre: slow burn, smut
Warnings: angst, smut.
Word Count: 2.4k
It’s been 24 months since you left Hawkins. This time two years ago, you were busy buying things for your college dorm room, preparing to move halfway across the country for school. You were accepted into a great art school in New York, your dream school, and you were studying painting in the hopes of becoming a gallery artist. Sophomore year of college had just ended, and you had decided to come home this summer instead of staying back in the city. As much as you hated Hawkins, you were excited to see your family and some old friends that you’ve kept in touch with, Robin and Steve. You guys had been through a lot during your senior year in high school, back from the brink of death, fighting monsters, traveling to another dimension, you know….normal teenage things. You used to have a larger group of friends, including Robin and Steve with the addition of a few younger kids, and your best friend Eddie. Or former best friend, actually. Eddie got upset when you left for college. 
“You’re leaving me here?” He looked at you with the saddest eyes when you told him that you had been accepted to school in New York. “Eddie…you knew this was a possibility…” you said quietly as you sat next to him on the picnic bench in the woods where you guys would get high after school. “Yeah, I thought you were going to school around here! I thought we’d still be able to do shit like this,” he waved the joint in his hands around. 
“Eddie, I can’t pass up this opportunity, and it’s not like I won’t be able to visit! Maybe you can come to New York…” 
“…and do what…” He interrupted, “…meet all your cool new college friends? See how great you’re doing?” 
You were taken aback by his harsh tone. 
“It’s not my fault you didn’t graduate with the rest of us!” You yelled, regretting it the second the words left your mouth. You could see the hurt in Eddie’s face. He had tried, ’86 was supposed to be his year. He finished the rest of the joint and threw it on the ground, “have fun with your new life” he said quietly as he walked away, never looking back at you.
Eddie never reached out after your argument. You saw him in passing once before you left, but he got into his van pretending not to see you hanging out with Robin outside of Family Video. You were both extremely stubborn, so you didn’t try to pursue him either. You still kept in touch with Robin and Steve, and they would fill you in on what was going on with the younger kids, too afraid to update you on Eddie. You had been scared to come back to Hawkins, and possibly running into him, so you had stayed in New York for every holiday and break so far. As time went on, you healed some of those emotional wounds, and decided to come back for the summer. 
You had just gotten back into town, and your first stop was Family Video. You threw open both doors dramatically, and called “‘sup nerds!” into the mostly empty store. Steve’s head popped up from behind a shelf, and you heard Robin screech from the back room. She flew out from behind the counter and tackles you into a body-numbing hug. “Dude! We missed you so much!” She says as Steve comes over and gives you a small side hug. “Tell us everything that’s been going on!” Robin says excitedly as she went back behind the counter. You leaned against it and started to talk to them about your classes, the pieces you’ve been working on, and your roommates that you love.
The bell on the door jingles, and you hear a familiar voice joke loudly, “Oh Harrington! I’m here to return the PORN you lent me!”. You turned your head and locked eyes with Eddie, his big smile dropping the second he sees you. You both froze. 
Steve broke the tension first, grabbing the VHS out of Eddie’s hands, “Dude shut up, what if people heard you!”. 
Eddie glances at Steve and then back at you and then to his feet, “uh…I was joking. It’s not porn, it’s just Friday the 13th…” he says quietly. You were uncomfortable, and you knew he was too. All of the wounds you thought had healed came rushing back. You wanted to hug him, tell him how much you’ve missed him, how you would constantly pick up the phone to call him only to chicken out halfway through dialing his number.
“I’ll catch you later Robin…” you say as you turn to leave. Robin gives you a little wave and a knowing look as you exit the building. 
Your head was swimming. You didn’t want to go home in this sort of mood, didn’t want to talk to anyone or see people. You considered just driving back to New York for a brief second, but instead you parked your car at the edge of the trees near the high school and ventured into your old sacred spot at the picnic table in the woods. 
You sat down on the edge of the weathered table, closed your eyes and took some deep breaths, listening to the birds chirp in the summer afternoon heat. 
You jump when you hear a twig snap behind you, and quickly turn around with your fist clenched. 
“I knew you’d be here…” Eddie says with both of his hands up in surrender. 
“What do you want, Munson.” You mutter, flexing your hand and turning back around to sit on the table, facing away from him. 
“I haven’t seen you in two years and this is how you greet me?” He says light-heartedly, taking a seat on one of the benches. You can feel him watching you. 
“Excuse me?” You whip your head around to stare back at him, rage filling your vision. “Do you not remember how you treated me before I left? How you criticized me, and shamed me for wanting to pursue my dreams?” You spat at him. He was still beautiful. Same big brown eyes, messy hair, and soft features. 
He leaned his chin against his fist, “no…no I remember…” he says sadly, not wanting to make eye contact with you. 
You got up from your seat on the table and started pacing, still feeling the rage boiling. Eddie lights a cigarette and stares off into the woods. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally broke the silence,“You look good. Your hair is lighter."
 “Do you know how hard it’s been…” You get to the point, stopping your pacing and finally looking at Eddie. You’re not going to sit here and make small talk with him. You can feel the tears coming, and you try to fight them away. “…I wanted to call you. Every day. I would dial half of your number and then hang up, too afraid to bother you knowing that you hated me…” you trail off. 
“I called you…” he says, “…A few times, actually. You even picked up surprisingly, but I could never bring myself to say anything so I would just hang up.” He shrugs. 
“…that was you?” You sit across from him, remembering the random calls you would get sometimes in your dorm, you would pick up and just hear silence, as you repeated “Hello? Hellooooo?” into the receiver, only to be met with a dial tone moments later. 
“Yeah…that was me. It was nice hearing your voice, even if it was just for a second…” he takes a long drag from his cigarette and you grab it from him, finishing it. After putting it out on the table, you look up at Eddie. Just as your eyes meet, he’s lunging across the table at you, taking your face in both of his hands and kissing you with more passion than you’ve ever felt. Your heart stops. God you missed him. You lean into the kiss more, putting one of your hands in his hair. “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…” he whispers, resting his forehead against yours. “I know…” you place your hand on his cheek. 
You walked back to Eddie’s van with his arm around your shoulders. It felt like old times, glued at the hip. “Are you too cool and educated to still listen to metal?” He jokes as he turns the key in the ignition, Black Sabbath erupting from the speakers. You shoot him an angry look and he smirks. By the time you pull up to Eddie’s trailer, you’re both screaming the lyrics to Die Young by Black Sabbath, laughing like old times. 
“How’s Wayne?” You ask, getting out of the van and meeting Eddie on the stairs leading to his front door. 
“He’s great. He actually moved in with his girlfriend last year, and left me the this to myself.” He motions at the trailer while he opens the door for you.
You step inside and feel like you’ve finally made it home. Memories come flooding back, and it takes every bit of you to stop from crying. 
You feel something brush against your leg and you look down to see a small, black cat circling your legs. “Oh my god! Who is this?” You sing as you bend down to pet it.
“That’s Pistol. She’s my roommate.” He says, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
You look at him, remembering the name he used to call you.
“I found her the day you left. She followed me inside and just never left.” He shrugs.
You went and sat on Eddie’s bed while he rifled through drawers, looking for his stash. Looking around his room, you notice it’s exactly the same as you remember. “You haven’t changed at bit, have you?” You say, scanning over his numerous posters and band flyers on the walls. Finally finding a joint, he lights it, “yeah no, I’m pretty much the same as you left me,” holding out the joint for you to take. You go to grab it but he wrenches his hand back smiling, “except for one thing, you’re looking at an official high school graduate.” 
Your eyes grow wide, “Eddie! Holy shit! I had no idea, congratulations!” you say as he beams. He takes a hit from the joint, nodding his head while inhaling, “yeah I’m thinking about maybe going to college in New York and becoming a big snob”. 
You kick him in the shin playfully, making him laugh smoke out of his nose. You take the joint from him, staring in his eyes. “I’ve missed you Eds…”. 
He stands there, nervously scratching his cheek while you take a drag. Once you exhale, Eddie is on top of you, kissing you deeply. You grab his hair with one hand, holding the joint away from you with the other. He starts moving down your neck, kissing and sucking his way to your collarbone, where he leaves a small bite. 
“Eddie…” you whisper, letting your head fall back. 
“Hmm” he moans, kissing the center of your throat. 
“…we shouldn’t be doing this…I’m leaving at the end of the summer…” He takes the joint from your fingers and puts it in the ashtray next to his bed. 
“…and what if I want to come with you?” He asks, staring at you. 
You stare back at him in disbelief, running your hands through his hair. “You don’t mean that,” You smile and shake your head. 
He grabs both of your wrists, “I’m completely serious. I can’t lose you again.” 
You couldn’t stop yourself, you felt the tears starting to fall down your cheek. Eddie wipes them away with his thumb and kisses you again, pushing you back further onto the bed. You run your hand up the front of his shirt, caressing his chest and wrapping your hand around his back pulling him closer into you. He bites the same spot on your collarbone, and you dig your nails into his back. You wrap your legs around his hips as he starts to grind into you. “Eddie…” you say breathlessly as he moans into your neck. Your hands travel down, where they undo his belt. You reach into his pants and wrap your hand around him, making him moan again. He runs his hand up your skirt and moves your panties to the side, playing with you. 
“…Jesus Christ…” you whisper as he adds two of his ringed fingers into you. 
After a few minutes, you can’t take it anymore. “Eddie…please…” you moan, pulling his hair a little. He looks at you and kisses you on the lips. “I love you…I always have…” he whispers as he slowly enters you. 
“…I love you too,” you say as he thrusts into you deeper. A soft moan escapes you as your eyes roll back. 
You two had fooled around before, but nothing like this. There was a longing here, a desperate need for each other. You weren’t dumb kids, high as can be, fucking around in the woods anymore. You were adults, you were soulmates reuniting. 
Eddie’s hips snap against yours in an even, solid cadence. “Eddie…I’m close…” you croon as you wrap your legs tighter around him. 
“I’m ready for you…” he says in your ear, as you feel his hand grip your hip tighter.
All of the feelings you’ve been holding onto all of these years culminate into one single explosion of pleasure. All of the wanting, needing, longing you’ve harbored for him since you met him years ago, finally hitting it’s peak in one amazing release.  
His thrusts become more uneven, and you pull his hair lightly to give him the go-ahead. Eddie finishes in you, kissing you softly as he slows. 
You both lay on the bed, feeling high from the entire experience. You lay next to him, putting your head on his chest. He kisses your hand as you catch your breath. 
“Were you being serious?” You ask, looking up at him. 
“About what?” He says, lacing his fingers in yours. 
“Moving to New York.” 
“Absolutely. I let you go once, and I’m never going to let that happen again,” he looks you in the eye, holding your hand in his. 
You smile at him, picturing your life together moving forward, “I can’t wait to take you to CBGB’s.” 
He rolls his eyes dramatically, “If you’re going to drag me to punk shit, I’m staying here.” You hit him playfully as he wraps you into a bear hug. 
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orpheusredux · 2 years
56, 80 and 84 for nsfw questions
Wow! that was fast! Thanks for being our second response to this call out, too! Just a reminder, these questions and responses are STRICTLY 18+, do not ask or comment or even look if you are a minor. Anyway, Eddie was - um - busy after writing that first response, but he's back on deck now, so I'll pass it over to him. again:
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Hey! You're back again. Jesus, @officialsimp4eddie, you really are insatiable. I love it. OK… here goes...
56: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
There was this thing a while back where every girl I got with had shaved like, a landing strip down there. Just this little rectangle of hair right over the, you know, what do they call it? The mons? Yeah, that bit. It was fucking weird. What the hell was that all about? 
Way I see it is, nature wants you to have hair, you have hair. It’s there for a reason. Like, if we didn’t have hair on our heads, we’d get pneumonia, right? I’m not sure why my Uncle Wayne has hair growing out of his ears, but he does and that's as nature intended.
Having said that, I am not a hairy guy, this mop on my head no withstanding. Like, I don't have a lot of hair on my chest, or my thatch, you know? So maybe if you’ve got a massive bush you want to trim and keep it neat? It’s all good. But I do not mind a full bush on a lady. 
I like smoothing it back discovering that little glossy pink bay waiting for me to dive into, you know? I don’t mind getting in there with both hands and just holding her open so I can see what I’m working with. I don’t mind feeling her bush against my face when I’m making out with that pretty pussy, not at all. Sure, I might have to pull a few pubes out of my teeth later, but so what? It’s just hair.  
80. Favorite sexual position?
In my experience - limited though it may be - it depends on your lady friend and how bendy she is. 
Nah... I’m just shitting you. But it does come down to what she’s into. Like whatever happens, your dick is getting wet, right? You’re all good. But women, girls, ladies, all have different needs. 
See, some girls don’t want you in too deep, all their pleasure is around the mouth of their cunt, right? Or their clit - like, don’t let anyone tell you different, most women need and want you to play with their clit for them to come, so you’d better frikken learn a) where it is, and b) how she likes it to be touched. 
Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself… Some girls, some women, really want you in there as deep as you can get, so you’re gonna want her to be as comfortable a she can be. You might need cushions, and pillows under her ass, you might need her on top - that’s a favorite, because she can just take what she needs from you, which is, let me tell you, fucking hot. 
But OK, so this one time, I met this girl at a show in Indianapolis - she was going to school up there, like an arts major or something, super smart, but she liked to party, you know? Kitty, I think her nme was - which was funny see, because her pussy was fucking gorgeous. 
Anyway, Kitty was a big, beautiful girl, with thighs that could snap a man in two. Swear to God. So we go back to her place, and her roommate is at her boyfriend’s and we’ve got the place to ourselves. So we’re making out on the sofa, and I’ve got her bra off, and my face is just buried in her tits, man. They were so soft, and squishy, and her skin - no shit - it tasted like caramel. I mean, I was high as a kite, but that’s what I remember. 
So, we end up on the floor of her living room - like, I said I was high, right? - and Kitty’s fully nude, and there’s just ocean of her beautiful peachy flesh for me to touch and play with, she was fucking  mmmmhm.  *chef's kiss*
She’s lying there, half on her - on her back, with one leg over my hip, and I’m right up behind her, arms around her, my hands full of her glorious goddamned tits. And I’m kind of balls deep in this girl, right? But then she sort of… pushes me backwards, so it’s like she’s riding me, Cowgirl style, but we’re both on our sides? And she’s got, like one leg, between my legs, and I’ve got one leg between hers… like we’re scissoring, you know? Like chicks do together. I can hardly describe it, but it was so fucking intense. I was so deep in her, man, I could feel her heart beating with the tip of my dick.
Her head was thrown back, she had the most beautiful long dark hair, and my hands were just buried in it. And that was the best thing about that position, we were so relaxed, like everything was focused on that hot, wet place where we were joined. You know? I could see her whole body, see what I was doing to her, feel her just writhing there on my cock. 
So, yeah, if I have a favorite position, it’s whatever the hell Kitty taught me that night. Man, I have her number somewhere in the trailer. I gotta give her a call.
84. Do you like dirty talk?
Are you fucking kidding me? I just told you about the time a big beautiful woman yoga-fucked my brains out on the living room floor. What do you think? 
Seriously though. My favorite thing is when you ask a girl, “does that feel good, baby?” and she’s so lost in what you’re doing, she can barely answer you with words. 
Pro tip: breathe that shit in her ear like you’re dying, and as long as you’re doing everything else right, she will come in seconds. 
Holy shit, I’m going to need a goddamned wrist brace at this rate.
LOL, YOGA-FUCKED? Amazing. Thanks Eds, see you later. Oh, Jeeze, like... can you wait to start doing that till I'm out of the room? Thanks, bud.
Check out the list of questions if you want to ask Eddie anything. And don't forget to check out my AO3 and my masterlists.
Also, I hate to ask, but would you consider reblogging? It really does help!
(CAVEAT: Y'all know this isn't really Eddie, right? Because he is a fictional character. This is a writing exercise. I have no connection or relationship to the Duffers or Stranger things. I'm just fooling around)
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so, my dad had some doctors appointments yesterday so we can just kinda see where he’s at with all of this and what the next step is and i felt pretty confident based on everything we’d been seeing and everything i’d heard from my therapist as well as reading about this that the next step was going to be to order in home hospice care but apparently!!!
we’re doing physical therapy
i guess we’re...gonna see if he can get a little stronger, maybe then see if he can do some more infusions i guess and just go from there?
i dunno
i just feel confused and maybe this is just like...his denial about the whole thing powering him through this because i’m looking through the list of “what it looks like when someone with cancer is dying” and he’s checking several of the boxes but instead of preparing for that i guess we’re just going to push it to the absolute limit, i guess ??
and it sucks because i was just seeing on facebook someone from high school who’s also going through this with a parent and like...hers is at the point where her mom is having to have fluid drained off her lungs every week and she’s absolutely miserable and it’s just awful for everyone involved, especially her mom, but like....i get why she’s trying to power through it, because she’s still fairly young
my dad turns 77 this year
and we’ve asked him over and over again, “is there anything else you want to do before it’s time? any trips? visit with anyone? anything?” nope!!
he’s already done everything he’s wanted and lived a wonderful life
and by no means am i saying, “okay, great, so get the fuck out of here, then!!!” but like...he’s said over and over again he wants to keep his dignity intact and not have it be a miserable march to the end and i can’t help but feel like that’s what we’re signing up for here
i know my mom said emotionally she’s not ready for this to happen right now and i think he’s in denial as well, but like...guys, that’s not going to make it stop, i’m so genuinely sorry about it
and it sucks because it’s at the point where this 24/7 caretaking is taking its toll on my mom (and me, but to a much lesser extent) and it’s like...she goes back to work in a few weeks and i’m the one who’s having to pose the question, “are we at least going to consider getting home healthcare to come in to help him while you’re at work or am i supposed to do it?” and there’s no plan of action for that, but yeah, let’s have a dying man push his body physically and i guess that’ll magically fix everything? 
it won’t
i’m not saying it won’t be nice for him to at least be able to walk by himself (because he can’t right now) or that it wouldn’t be of any benefit for him to do a few arm curls with a 5 pound dumbbell but it just feels like denial is winning the war on reality and i’m the one person who sees it and it’s making this whole thing even more confusing and frustrating
maybe i’m wrong, maybe this will help and he’ll get strong enough to go back on his infusions and then he’ll go back to how he was before which was yeah, still stuck with this shit unfortunately, but like...more or less “normal” and able to like....walk from one side of the room to the other without immediately needing his oxygen and an inhaler and a breathing treatment, y’know?
i dunno.
i guess we’ll just see what happens and figure something out as far as getting him help, because regardless i just don’t feel comfortable being the only person here to watch him while she’s gone
i’m not a nurse and i have a physical disability; if he were to have some sort of medical emergency or fall down i don’t know what i would do and i think the closest medical facility that has an emergent department is at least 30 minutes away so like...i would really prefer having someone here who could help with that
literally the other day he asked me to hand him one of his medicines to take and like...i don’t know what the fuck this shit is or what it does or what can mix with what and fortunately my mom was there to be like, “hang on a second, you don’t need this right now; this is going to do such and such” and had to explain to him that it would cause him more problems than what it would have fixed so like...i almost wrecked his whole fucking day and he asked me to!!!! he didn’t know, but neither did i so like....please
we’re supposed to have a family friend and his wife that are going to move their camper onto our property so they’ll be close by if we need extra help, but they both have jobs as well and ones that take them outside the house and one of the friends has already offered to amend his work schedule and cut back his hours just to help us so there’s that, but still, neither of them have the medical know-how to help with this and one of them has serious health issues herself so she doesn’t need to be stressing herself out because she could literally die so like...yeah
it’s just a lot and i love my dad, i do, god fucking knows i am torn up about the possibility of losing him, but at the same time it’s like...we have something many people (and in my own history especially) don’t get which is the gift of time and awareness
we know that this is happening and we can prepare for it because we know
i didn’t have a chance with Ashley, but i get a chance to prepare for this one and accept it with as much peace and grace as possible while also doing everything in my power to help him go the way he wants to with his dignity and in as little pain as possible and yet it’s like....mmmm, no Anna, everything’s fine, we’re just going to continue on!!!
like okay, but....he’s never going to go back to the way he was before. even with treatments, even with physical therapy, i can see it. even if no one else can or wants to, i can see it. quite frankly, i can smell it, too. it’s not strong and i know the man showers, i’m not saying “ew, he stinks!” but like...death does indeed have a smell and when i get next to him or hug him i can smell it
maybe i’m wrong, maybe he’ll make a miraculous turnaround and kick stage four lung cancer/COPD/emphysema in the ass and live for another ten years!!!!
but i don’t think i am and i really, really need everyone else to get on board with me and accept that because the sooner they do, the easier this will be even if it’s still the hardest thing in the fucking world
i’m sure at some point i’ll have to do what i always do and play the role of truth coming out of her well to beg everyone around me to accept reality and there will be the resistance that there usually is and i’ll be told i’m wrong like i usually am and then when things play out almost exactly the way i said they would and we end up almost exactly where i said we would we’ll have the exact same conversation of, “you were right and you tried to tell me” once again but i’d love if it we could skip that part and just....all get on the same page because i am so fucking tired of carrying grief by myself
it’s like that one quote about how pain gets passed around a family until someone is finally ready to feel it
i’m usually that someone and i think Ashley was that someone before me but neither of us has to be and i hope to god that’s not the case here 
all of that said, my therapy is indeed paying for itself because i am taking care of me today
i slept in pretty decent, i went and got some yummy food and a fun drink and dessert and i’ve just taken some good edibles and will make my way out to the pool in a little bit
today’s a self care day and i will continue to if nothing else prioritize my mental health and physical well being and lean into those who support me and are there for me and will accept reality even if i fucking hate it because i’m taking care of me and i think i kinda like me a little bit so there’s that !!
also, i finally have a week off coming up soon which is my first vacation in like 8 months that i won’t be dog sick during so whatever happens i will at least not have to worry about clocking in and out and goddamn referrals and stupid emails and whatever else!!
hope if you’re reading this you’re having a good weekend and doing something nice for yourself today <3
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Happy Birthday Squid!
@gaydragonwizards -- as per your previous request, here is a story about Romero teaching Melody how to shoot, back before some of the major nonsense in our RP stuff! I hope you enjoy!
“Okay, so – for our first lesson in shooting, I figured we’d start off with handguns.”
Romero snapped open the case in front of him, gesturing for Melody to take a look. “Got us a pair of basic Brokk 17cs here – they’re some of the easiest guns to get and carry around Los Angeles. I mean, pretty much every gang-banger and wanna-be crime lord on the street has got one of these in their back pocket or shoulder holster. Small, light, pretty easy to handle – downside is that they don’t have the greatest stopping power, but – well. You’re a Kindred – you’ve got other ways to stop people. And trust me, anything is better than that .38 your mother was using for fucking ages.” He rolled his eyes at the memory. “Seriously, I have no idea how she lasted until Hollywood with that damn thing. Like, she went down into the fucking Nosferatu sewers when that lizard asshole was filling them with shit with that and somehow managed to come out the other side.” He paused and considered this. “Then again, I guess she had Alice backing her up there. . .and let me tell you, that woman is terrifying with a knife.”
Melody made a grunt of agreement, then started reaching for one of the guns, clearly eager to begin. “Whoa – slow down there,” Romero said, putting his hand in front of theirs and earning himself a look. “Let’s get one thing straight right here, right now, okay? You don’t do anything until I tell you to. I’m the teacher here, and you’re gonna respect that.”
Melody’s eyes narrowed challengingly. “Don’t start – your mom’s asked me to teach you how to shoot a gun, and I’m happy to give you a few lessons,” Romero told them, frowning right back. “Knowing how to shoot, and shoot well, is a fucking lost art these days, and I wanna keep it around. But I know what you’re like, kid – that you’re into screwing around whenever you think you can get away with it. And normally I wouldn’t give a shit – but you cannot pull that while we’re having shooting lessons.” He wagged a finger at them. “I mean that – guns are dangerous. I mean, yeah, fine, not as dangerous to you guys as they are to humans and ghouls, but getting shot, especially in the right spot, still ain’t fun. You gotta respect your weapon – and more importantly, you gotta know how to handle it before you even think of pulling that trigger. I know you’re a smart kid, and you’ll pick up this shit fast, but you gotta listen to me. You start fuckin’ around, and I’ll end the lesson right here.” He leaned in for emphasis, meeting Melody’s gaze head-on. “And I’ll tell your mother exactly why.”
Melody’s expression went from “resting sullen” to “oh shit.” “Yeah, I figured that’d get your attention,” Romero said, allowing himself a tiny smirk. “I’m gonna try and keep it fun for you, I promise – we got loads of cans and bottles to shoot off the fence, for starters. But like I said, guns are dangerous, and I don’t want to be the one to explain to Ari why you’ve got a bullet wound or two in you – or in me. We do this, we’re doing it right. Good?”
Melody nodded, setting their face in “I’m ready and willing to learn” mode. “Great. So, before you even pick that thing up, a couple of safety tips to remember – always treat any gun as if it’s loaded. Even if you unloaded it yourself. Shit can happen, bullets can get chambered without you knowing, and it’s just not worth the risk. Second, always keep your finger off the trigger unless you intend to shoot. It’s too fucking easy to pull it without meaning to. And third, always be aware of not only your target, but what’s beyond it. Bullets go fast, and – depending on the caliber of the bullet and the gun – can punch through more stuff than you think. You don’t want to shoot a guy, only for the bullet to go right through him and hit your buddy on the other side.” He wagged his finger again. “What it comes down to is, well, don’t be an idiot. Think you can pull that off?”
Melody leveled another look at him. “Yeah, yeah, I know, lived under all our noses in that junkyard for who knows how long, you got brains and can take care of yourself. Just humor me and nod.”
That got a small smile, and the requested nod. “Fantastic. Okay – now you can pick up the gun, and I’ll show you how to check it and how to load it up. . .”
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badger-writes · 2 years
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Prompt Fill: Verbal Abuse
Fandom: Star Wars
AO3 Link
Greedo hadn’t thought of it as a big deal, at first. The smuggler said he’d be good for Jabba’s credits, if he had a little more time; he even offered to cut Greedo in on a share of the profits for his trouble. To Greedo, that sounded like a win-win.
But when he told Goa how things went, the old Diollan went off like a detonite charge.
Greedo flinched. Goa hadn’t turned from his workbench, but his hands had frozen where they were, cradling his blaster rifle; his beak remained turned down at it, shoulders raised like his hackles. For a moment Greedo wondered if the outburst had even happened at all.
“Not exactly,” he stammered. There’s more, but the words stick and die in his throat.
Goa drops the weapon back onto the tabletop with a clatter. Air rushed in through his nostrils with a hiss as he presses the heels of his hands into his eyes. “What’d’you mean, ‘not exactly’?”
“I mean— I just gave him an extension.”
“An extension.”
“Yeah. That’s what it’s called, right? When you get more time to pay somebody back?”
There came a grunt that sounded vaguely affirmative, but not at all positive.
“Well… well, he said he’d be good for it and to come back next week, so… no problem, right?”
At that, Goa slapped his palms onto the bench and pushes himself to his feet. His stool tipped and collapsed onto its side as he wheeled around, the accident for the moment going unnoticed.
“No, BIG problem, vac-for-brains,” he said, stomping toward his charge. “It means you just let one of Jabba’s smugglers not pay his tithe - his VERY LATE TITHE - when I told him we’d have his money ready for him, like he ordered us to!”
“Wait, wait— I can explain—!”
“No no no, let me explain, greenie, since you obviously don’t have two braincells to scrape together: Hutt kajidics ain’t like whatever scrum rat street gangs you ran with on Nar Shaddaa. There’s rules to follow, see? And everybody has to respect ‘em. You know what rule number one is? The big one?!”
He pushed Greedo backwards, jabbing his finger into his belly with every step, the mingled stink of Pica Thundercloud and Tatooine Sunburn heavy on his breath. He could barely take half a breath to reply before Goa snagged him by his ear and pulled him down to his level.
“Ngahh! Leggo, Goa…!”
“So since he didn’t pay Jabba, and he didn’t pay us, so we can’t pay Jabba… where’s the cash coming from, squirt? How’s the fat slug gonna get his cut?”
“It’s coming, it’s coming!” Greedo yelped as the Diollan boxed his ear. “I swear!”
“Coming from where , shit-for-brains?! Coming from who ?!”
“He said he’d be good for it—!”
“How’d’ya know he wasn’t good for it when you asked?! What if, and pardon me if I’m going too fast for you to keep up here, what if you got farkin’ played and that lowlife ‘smug is laughing all the way to Wild Space with money that belongs to your blasted boss?!”
Greedo whined as Goa smacked him once more upside the head. “He said he’d cut us in! H-he was about to turn a profit on the Llianic run—!”
“He bribed you with money he didn’t even have ?! You— Shukking— I can’t even—”
Goa balled up his fists under his chin, purpling with rage; for a few seconds, he produced a muffled escalating whine not unlike a Cosian teakettle. When he finally dropped them to his sides, he was suddenly and unnervingly calm. The glint in his eyes was neither that of fury, nor disappointment — just open contempt.
“Let me ask you something. You really think you’re worth a bribe, kid? Some lowlife no-talent loser from the swamp like you? You think you’re worth that kinda money?”
The Rodian’s head twitches from left to right. “No,” he insisted, “t-that’s not it at all, we were gonna split it— everything I bring in, we— we always split it…"
“Don’t make me laugh,” Goa snarled. “You think that’s what we’re doing here, Greedo? You think when me and Dyyz picked you outta the gutter scum on Nar Shaddaa an’ promised you you’d be a big shot bounty hunter, it was outta the goodness of our hearts? You think anybody worth anything at all was ever gonna waste that kind of time and effort on a fool kid like you?”
It felt like the floor had suddenly dropped out from under Greedo. He stared numbly at the Diollan sneering at him, shocked by such open disdain marring the face of a man he’d implicitly trusted as a mentor and a friend. As family, even.
“Let me clue you in, twerp: you’re not smart. You’re not talented. You’ve got no skills, you’ve got no prospects - hells, you don’t even smell right half the time. You and your kind ain’t good for nothin’, cept filling space and dying, got that? No Rodian has ever made it big as a bounty hunter, ever — and if they do , Chobb forbid, it won’t be some pathetic little grub like you.”
“...Then why am I here?” he asked finally. “Why did— why did you—”
“I took you in because you saved my ass, once , long ago, and since I’m such a nice guy I thought maybe that was worth paying back. But I guess I was wrong about that because you’ve done nothing since but soak up air and piss away your keep since then. So now, instead of worrying about all that big important grown ups’ business you clearly can’t handle, you exist to get me Sunburns.”
Greedo finally wilted under the force of Goa’s glare. The Diollan snorted decisively as he hiked up his belt, turned back to his workbench, and picked his stool back upright.
“Now go get me another Sunburn,” he ordered over his shoulder. “Useless fierfekking moof-milker,” he grumbled, just loud enough to be heard, as he took up his blaster again.
Nodding meekly, the Rodian shrank away through the hatch, head bowed.
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Ok saw the matchup thing and instantly my brain went to one answer: Childe (not because of the earrings LOL )
So so ok listen LISTENNNN u guys have the perfect balance every relationship needs
Wait no scatter brained let’s start from the top
U guys are defo enemies to lovers cuz my athletic bby (u said u used to play quite a few things right?) would want to win whatever competition u two have and obviously as we all know that’s instant heart eyes from him to u so although ur all
“Fuck I have to beat him” he’s giggling and twirling his hair and tossing sly comments here and there but eventually u give in after seeing how kind he is to his family and how he acts in private
Once ur in a relationship u tots are always bantering and poking fun at eachother and planning fun dates, he loves ur quick witty remarks <33
Remem ages ago AGESSS ago I never got to ur matchup for my event cuz my brain collapsed??? Yeah well I had ur matchup in mind and it was koko <33 (this is practically a matchup to make up for that btw sorry Angel</33)
I think he would be so absolutely smitten w u, ur this little ball of pure sunshine T^T he loves takinf u shopping not cuz he’s materialistic he just loves how u dress and wants to see what u get so he can get similar items for his wardrobe and then y’all can match
Also ur one smart cookie (even if u say ur not 0_0🖕) and he would love studying with u for ur exams and school work whilst bringing u study snacks n water
Me thinks that he would find ur light hearted nature so refreshing, it probably mirrors the lifestyle of love that he actually wanted before getting stuck up w all that gang shit. He’s smart, your smart the teasing banter between u two never ends although he does like to throw in a lil Mischievous one here and there to see u flustered he’s a lil shit
Anyways yes <3 there bam end scene good bye heheh🤭🥰💕
DARLING!! i don’t need a match up when i already have you ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
childe’s competitive ass and my competitive ass would be the perfect combination for enemies to lovers; he’d be so smug and such a show-off, it would make my blood boil and make me want to wipe that smirk of his face at first
i totally wouldn’t take any of his advances seriously because surely he’s just mocking me but then something happens and all of a sudden the possibility of him being genuine doesn’t seem so far-fetched anymore, the confidence with which he acts is somewhat attractive and i guess he can be quite charming if he wants to be…
relationship dynamic: we’re always having some playful banter, being sassy and sarcastic with one another, but if somebody else dares say something against childe/me, oh boy, then we’re out for blood
also lots of rough housing and play fighting, do we look like actual adults to you??
childe and koko? now you’re just spoiling me >///<
okay but “ball of literal sunshine” is making me cackle like a witch; so many people online have said that and honey, you’ve got a big storm coming because i’m as much sunshine as a rain cloud is… but i guess with the right people there’s some truth to it… <3
anyway, koko fuelling my fashion obsession? yes please!! i’d love to go shopping with him because he actually knows his stuff and he’d tell me straight away when something does or doesn’t look good on me
also ahem, helloooo? matching/coordinated outfits! matching jewellery!! we’d slay, you just know it; put together is our middle name lol
with koko next to me, i might actually have the motivation to study ㅠㅠ
despite my nickname/ contact name for him being koko chanel, i’d love to shower him in genuine affection and positive affirmations; there won’t be a second where he can doubt his own worth with me because i’ll always be there to remind him that he’s so much more than just a money making genius; he spoils me and i spoil him with all the love and care we can give ♡
also i’d be absolutely weak for his smirk and his teasing, he’d take such pride in flustering me so easily; running his thumb over my rosy cheeks as he tilts my face toward his, so i’ll look him in the eyes while he coos about just how cute i am
okay bYE
match up ask game ♛
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bisluthq · 4 months
Q when someone is interested in u how much do they txt you? I had thing this thing w someone for few months.. We talked everyday. Then got dropped after they ran after someone else… yet they came back to me. Big important notice here we didn’t meet in person yet but will be. They have said many times they want to meet me/see where things go w me, constant watch my snap stories… if I snap msg them they do always respond … they just don’t txt me anymore and rarely initiate… do I just…. Ghost? Or wait till November to meet them? Which they said that’s fine and will wait to meet me then? I always have anxiety thinking they don’t actually like me even tho they reassured me few times to the point of them getting sick of it or annoyed …
I think it’s super dependent on the person and your dynamic. My bf and I don’t text much. We were friends for a while before dating and never really texted much beyond like sending each other memes or B2B/trade film articles and when we started dating sometimes we’d go a few days not talking. It bothered me at first because it was the first time I was dating someone I didn’t speak to every day like I was legit bothered by it and thought he didn’t want to take it seriously lol because we could go multiple days not talking or like one meme each kinda thing and I was like clearly he doesn’t really give a shit which is fine like we’ve all had situationships and whatnot like that’s ok idc but then he’d phone me and ask to meet up and we’d spend like a week together and I’d be like “I need to go home” and he’d be like “seriously????” or like we’d spend an hour on the phone if one of us was traveling for work and I was like “what the fuck does this all even mean???”
Anyway I wound up talking to my bestie about it (actually the friend he’s now a bit weird about because her and I did fuck and I didn’t disclose) and she was saying like her and I can go a couple months not speaking to one another but if we ever need each other we pick up the phone and we’ll do holidays and stuff together and if our families come to town we do stuff all together like we’re VERY close but yup she’s right we do go 2 months at a time with no communication beyond insta story likes. So she said that and I was like “that’s actually true and you’re like the love of my life and this is some random dude so why am I even stressing” and idk I’ve just accepted he’s not big into texting. We live together so I see him every day lol but when we travel we’ll talk probably every second day and send like a meme a day to make sure we’re both still alive. (Pertinent because I’ve traveled into a war zone while we’ve been together fucking Slava Ukrayine but yeah I went lol as I should and he stayed like as he should and I did send memes to make sure he knew I have not been drafted or killed like once a day maybe and we spoke every couple of days and he kept being like “what’re the sirens?” and I was like “‘nah it’s the Russians but don’t stress if i go down it’s in my flat not in the weird basement situation no one is in” - idk if it’s all Ukrainians btw but Odessa people are weird as shit lol? What’s wrong with us?? Anyway.
I think given you’ve not met in person though there’s a different dynamic there. My only long distance experience was ummm how do I say this ummm not good lol so I think if the vibe is fading just via text/talking like let the person go. But like maybe when you’re in the same place and you do get to meet up that might be cool idk your life.
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