#every single door had buttons bb dog can do
uptownhags · 1 year
First day at my new Very Serious Job was wonderful in many important ways!! Truly, things about it will change my life. But the most on brand update I can give is that my security guard was cute as hell (real cute) and waited for my boss with me while telling stories about his canine partner! Bye.
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zebrabaker · 5 years
Paris Stands Alone; Part 3
Ta da! This has been up on Patreon VIP for a week, so if you want chapters early that's the way to go.
“We’re in!” Zatana cried, throwing her hands up in the air. It had taken Zatana and Constantine working together to breach the magical protections around the Court of Miracles comm lines, and then Oracle taking out the firewall. 
“Who is this?” A voice asked. Male, by the sound of it.
“This is Superman of the Justice League; we need to speak to Ladybug.” Clark spoke, arms crossed. There was silence, as if the person was trying to think.
“Did you not see the message? France is shut off. Go away.”
“That isn’t an option.” Flash insisted. “We’ll just hack in again and again.” 
“Alright.” The voice sighed. “I’ll see if her Ladyship will speak with you.” There was then silence for several minutes, and then the voice came back. “His Grace wants to set up a video chat. We’ll be ready on our end in five minutes.” More silence, and then a screen flickered from lines of code to a picture of two figures, Ladybug and Cat Sidhe, against the night sky.
“Greetings, members of the Justice League.” Ladybug spoke.
“Hello, Lady- “Superman was cut off by Ladybug speaking again.
“Tell me what you want. You have thirty seconds. Go.” Clark spluttered, before Oracle spoke.
“We want to help. A few junior members were the ones in charge of sorting the incoming messages, and they believed your cries for help were pranks. We wish to offer our deepest apologies, Your Ladyship, Your Grace, and to extend an offer of aid. We can help track down your opponent- “
“Opponent?” Cat Sidhe hissed, ears pinned back against green ombre hair. “This is not a game of chess. Dozens of French men and women die each year because idiot foreigners can’t control themselves. No one comes into France, period!” His tail was lashing violently behind him, and his claws were shining in the moonlight. Ladybug set a hand on his arm, and pulled him a few steps away, before speaking to him in a language none of them could understand. They came back after a moment, though Ladybug kept a hand on her partner’s arm.
“We’ll have a small summit. Both groups will send four emissaries, and they will meet in Germany, right by the border.”
“Very well, we can call to arrange- “
“No.” Ladybug snapped. “We will contact you. Snapping Turtle, cut the call.” The screen went black.
“That went well.” Constantine remarked. 
True to Ladybug’s word, the screen crackled to life the next day, this time a single woman appeared on screen, from her torso up. She was young looking, with red hair in a sensible side braid that went off camera, it was so long. She was wearing a high-necked white jacket, covered in black splotches.
“Hello. I am Fidel, wielder of the Miraculous of the dog and Mistress Loyalty of the Court of Miracles. I have sent you a set of coordinates, a date, and a time. Your emissaries must be there at least fifteen minutes early. If you fail to have your emissaries in the correct place at the correct time, we will take it as you canceling your offer of aid, and will bring our emissaries home. Au revior.” The screen went blank, leaving the League stunned. Batman glared at Superman, who looked like he would very much like to be elsewhere.
“You were told to leave the situation to Diana and I.”
“Err, well – “
“We all agreed this needed to be handled delicately.” He growled.
“I – “
“No excuses, Superman. I want a full report on my desk in an hour. Get it done.” The dark night stood and prowled from the room, rage evident.
Fidel hung up, shutting down the shell-top. Snapping Turtle was working on their regular laptop, updating their agent on their progress on a new story. It was a romance-murder-mystery, and Fidel was loving getting to beta read it.
“How’s it going?” A voice called from the door way, and Fidel turned to see Yellow Jacket slumped against the doorframe.
“The meeting is set. Now, we need to report to Ladybug.” Yellow Jacket nodded and offered her girlfriend her arm, and Fidel took it gladly, giggling a little. The two wielders made their way down the halls of headquarters. 
Headquarters, for the Court of Miracles, meant a completely secluded underground base in the middle of Paris. It was only accessible through one of Nightmare’s portals, and had only one emergency exit, which was unlocked by pushing a surge of miraculous magic into a specialized lock and reciting a password that changed weekly. It was all made by Nightmare and Snapping Turtle, and had taken months of trial and error to perfect.
As they strolled past the library, full of books on ancient magic, and journals of previous wielders that had been recovered from the site of one of the old temples, Fidel leaned her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder. Fidel had had her miraculous the shortest of all the current wielders, only a year. After her came Teacup, the wielder of the boar, who had had the boar for eighteen months. Teacup had just stopped getting her cycle a few months ago, so Fidel had time if she wished to revoke the miraculous before the changes became permanent. Not that she ever would. She couldn’t imagine life without Barkk.
They arrived at Ladybug’s office after a short elevator ride. Yellow Jacket knocked on the heavy cherry wood door and waited for the call to ‘come in’. Ladybug was working on her encrypted laptop behind her desk, probably checking the program that tracked Akuma sightings.
“Your Ladyship.” They murmured in unison, bowing low. 
“Oh, stop that!” She admonished, saving and closing her laptop.
“No can do, Mari-bug.” Yellow Jacket chuckled. “You are our Lady, and we are proud to serve.” 
“So long as you don’t do that when I see you at work.” Ladybug sighed. “Close the door and come in, Barkk and Pollen are probably exhausted from holding your transformations for the last few hours.” Ladybug pressed a button and the vents shuttered, so that no one could get in. It may be redundant, but Ladybug was more than a little paranoid. She had every right to be. All three called their detransformation phrase, and a trio of bright lights filled the room. Left behind was a group of young women, known to the world at large as the main designer, CEO, and CFO of Lucky Lady Design House.
“So, Chloe, what brings you and ‘brina to my office?” Marinette asked, grabbing a selection of snacks from her fridge and cupboard. Sausage for Barkk, cookies for Tikki, and croissants for Pollen.
“The summit with the JLA has been arranged. Now, we decide who to send.” Chloe sat, legs crossed, in an armchair Marinette kept for meetings like this.
“Easy!” Sabrina chirped. Chloe raised a brow and gestured for her girlfriend to continue. “We have to send Mari, as Ladybug she needs to be able to control the situation.”
“Fair enough.” Chloe admitted. 
“That’s one, what of the other three?” Marinette asked, sipping a water bottle. 
“We need to send two guards, so Chloe and Marc. Chloe can subdue any enemy in a single move, and Marc’s shield is impenetrable. Last member is simple, Kagami.”
“Oh? Why the dragon?” Barkk asked.
“She won’t put up with any bullshit from the league.” Sabrina shrugged. 
“This is why I gave you a miraculous, you’re the best logical thinker we have.” Marinette smiled, and Sabrina blushed. 
“Puh-lease!” Chloe scoffed. “Sabrina could do anything, deciding who to send to a summit with a bunch of fools is nothing for her.” Sabrina just blushed harder.
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sooghostwriter · 5 years
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Pairings: Do Kyung Soo x OC
Genre: Mature,  Romance, AU, action, Bad guys and secret agents,  Smut in this chapter bb! and a bit of fluff too. 
Warnings: Kyung Soo is not a good guy, mention of violence, bad language
Summary: After a long and hard assignment, Yoon Suji is sent to a new mission that involves less violence but needs a lot of acting. Do Kyung Soo has one of the biggest drugs rings in South Korea, but police haven’t been able to get him. They need proof that he is the one in charge and Suji is the one sent to get them.
She has the freedom to decide how is she going to get his trust.
Chapter 5
April 2nd to April 3th
Under her sweater, she was wearing a light t-shirt that kept her skin away from the itchy wool.
 “Take that off too” He ordered again. Suji followed his instruction, acting out a nervous shaking of her hands and a worried stare, and was left only in her sports bra. 
“Now get under the covers and lay there” Suji nodded and quickly got inside the bed. Kyung Soo walked inside his wardrobe and Suji could see him take off his suit, and put on his pajama bottoms. 
“Calm down, we are not fucking…only…well, you will see” He told her, his voice less serious than before.
Suji couldn’t avoid feeling a bit disappointed. This could have been really good for the mission.  
She didn’t know what was going to happen, and the uncertainty annoyed her. After five minutes, Kyung Soo was back, wearing pajamas, glasses and no gel in his hair. He turned off every single light in his room and got into bed saying no word. Suji waited for him to make the first move.
“Now, if you excuse me” Suji saw in awe how Kyung Soo got really close to her, and just cuddled in her chest passing his arms around her waist, resting his head on her breast.
His skin was cold and his breathing irregular. 
“Are you going to stay there like a dead fish?” He asked, exasperated. 
“Do something with your arms” Suji was taken aback. What he wanted was some sort of tender care. Simple cuddling.
She could do that much. It was like hugging a pillow or a big dog right?
Decisively Suji brought him closer to her body, hugging him and giving him what he was asking for. He didn’t speak again, he didn’t even move. A moment later, Suji realized he was asleep and a little later she followed him.
April 5th to April 6th
The morning Kyung Soo woke up next to Suji, he wondered what made him different from her last boss.
And now, a day later, he found what was different.
Suji was the one there, inside his room. She wasn’t there for work, but something else. And she didn’t back up. He was sure that if she wanted otherwise, she would have kicked him in the crotch and run away. But she didn’t. She hugged him close and allowed him to have a nice sleep, without remorse. In fact, when he told her that having sex wasn’t in his plans, he could have sworn that she got a bit disappointed. But maybe that was a bit too greedy of him.
Suji didn’t say a word to Kyung Soo about what happened. The next morning she woke up at the same time he did, they got up at the same time and she went back to her room through the back window. It wasn’t awkward, but they acted as if it didn’t happen.
Still, Suji was happy. She would have to press a couple of buttons and she will be inside his circle. She could feel it.
Chanyeol could eat his words.
She was already developing a plan in her head. It was flawless. She will take advantage of the soon coming holiday. Everyone at the house will leave for the week. Kyung Soo will stay there, playing with his dogs or any of that crap he does by himself. And she will stay there with him.
And again, Suji thanked the stars for her luck. Just when she was getting ready to go and clean his room she heard a sound outside her room. The voices were unknown, so she got on guard immediately. She looked outside her window and found two guys. Her mind worked fast, she recognized them. Two of Do’s workers. She couldn’t quite remember their names, but the faces were very familiar. She sharpened her ear, listening to their words. The fact that they were outside her room talking in a low voice caught her attention.
“Kyung Soo gave me the number of the account, I should take one million, but I’m planning to take a bit more…you know, personal expenses”
“Do it! You deserve it. That bastard makes you work way too hard, way too much, and pays a misery, fuck it, take three million, one for him, two for you” They ended the conversation with loud laughs and walked away.
That was weird.
She couldn’t catch the entire conversation, but why talk about it there? inside the household, and close to a window. Her window.
Another trust test.
And she will bite the bait.
“Sir, may I have a word with you?” Kyung Soo recognized Suji’s voice from behind the door and smiled to himself.
Someone had bit the bait. 
“Come in” Suji walked inside with confidence, something that always got him, and sat in the chair in front of him, looking serious. 
“I was about to leave my room and go clean yours when I heard voices” He faked interest, leaning on his desk, crossing his arms and inviting her to keep talking. 
“When I looked outside my window, I saw two guys outside my room, I guess…two of your guys?”
“Ok, well, they were talking about an account number, and three million, one for you sir and two for them”
“I see…why are you telling me this?” Suji’s surprised look was what he was waiting for. Fast, her eyes focused again, and her brows met in the middle again. “
I thought you should know it”
“You’re snitching?” He was incredibly amused by Suji’s expressions. She kept them under control, but still, they showed what she was thinking. At least what he thought she was thinking.
“No sir, my loyalty is with you, if I see something, I say something, especially if it involves someone saying that bastard, when they refer to you” Suji’s words sank hard in Kyung Soo’s head. He planned all that so he could have a last verification of trust. He still had some remaining doubts, but Suji’s words were overflowing with commitment. 
“Thank you Suji, I will see what is going on…it’s good to know that I can trust you” He kept his stare fixed on her face, looking for a sign of alarm, a twitch of her lips, pupil dilatation, nervous hand movement, but he saw nothing. Only her serious face. 
“One last thing sir…this weekend, may I stay here working? I know Miss Dada was going to stay, but she has a family and all that”
“Talk with her, if she is alright with it, I see no problem”
“Good, sir” Suji stood up, ready to leave, and he saw a chance to try something “I will stay here during the holidays too, Miss Park”
“Then I will be taking care of you next week”
Kyung Soo didn’t ignore her flirting tone.
April 10th
Suji was finishing up her weekly report. There wasn't too much news, but it was her way to keep everything organized, and in that way also her boss and teammates could be actualized with the case. After lunch, Chanyeol had arranged a web conference with Jongdae. Suji wanted to talk about some things regarding Kyung Soo and how could she interpret the cuddling in his bed situation. 
“Well…when it comes to cuddling or hugging, is always a way to look for protection or comfort, now, the fact that he asked you to take off your t-shirt and only your t-shirt, can give us a bit more of information…the skin to skin thing…it shows a search for intimacy, but at the same time it puts him in a very vulnerable situation”
“My theory about remorse…can it be correct?”
“I think it is. Probably that time he did something that made him feel full of regret, maybe something that he didn’t like doing, Now, the fact that he seeks for comfort in your persona, allowing you to get in to his bed, and sleep with you, which is when all our guards are down, tells me that he trusts you. Someone as careful as him, as analytic as he is, will never make such a huge mistake”
“What should I do now?”
“Take advantage of what you have in front of you”
She didn’t need to hear that twice.
April 19th
Suji found the first big problem since she got inside the house. With all the cooks on vacation and none of her co-workers there, she was in charge of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And she couldn’t even toast bread without burning it.
She never learned how to cook. She never had the interest, never needed it. Supermarkets had everything ready for her. It was idiotic to occupied space inside her head remembering recipes when she could get frozen food.
But now, there was no frozen food. Only raw material. She pulled out her computer and searched for breakfast tutorials. Maybe she wasn’t a good cook, but she knew how to follow rules. In less than 20 minutes she had a full Korean breakfast ready.
Kyung Soo had breakfast in his office, lunch in the dining room and dinner in the kitchen, with her. Her intentions to get into conversation were futile. He was vague and obviously nervous.
A little bit past midnight Suji was memorizing new recipes for the rest of the week, craving some midnight snack, like potato chips or Ice cream with cream on top. They probably had nothing like that at the Do’s household, but she could try it.
She went outside her room, without caring about making noise since she was all by herself in that part of the house.  She looked in every cabinet and found nothing similar to her cravings. Not even a bar of chocolate. And her body was asking for some sugar and carbs. 
“Suji, are you looking for something?” She didn’t even flinch when she heard his voice. She was already used to his low tone, and the fact that it caught her by surprise several times. 
“Yeah, some real food for example”
“There’s a lot of real food in that cabinet over there and in the fridge” Suji didn’t have to fake an exasperated sigh 
“I know, but not the kind of food I need, I need carbs, complex carbohydrates, and sugar, refined sugar, you have none of that”
“Not really, you see, I’m planning on living a long life, hopefully with a healthy heart”
“Very funny, is not that I’m planning on killing myself, but my body needs that kind of fuel once in a while” She saw him walk outside the kitchen and came back with his phone. He moved his fingers over the screen and then brought it to his ear. 
“Goodnight, I would like to know if you make delivery…ok, then would you bring…” He stared at Suji, telling her to make the order. She listed what she wanted, and he repeated it to the person on the other side of the line. Suji didn’t feel ashamed about her order, not even when she compared it with Kyung Soo’s single bowl of ramen. 
“Are you pregnant or something Miss Park?”
“Not at all sir, I just tend to have cravings” 
“Oh, well…I didn’t know that, we don’t have any of that food here, I’ll tell one of the cookers to add some of those things to the list from now on” It didn’t surprise her how nice he could be. She already knew that he was a very caring person, of course, only with the people he works with.
Their order arrived 30 minutes later. And Suji volunteered to go and pick it up at the main gate. He waited for her in the kitchen, sitting at the small table next to the dishwasher. Her night menu consisted of a cheeseburger, a portion of potato chips, a Sprite and a Lava cake. Kyung Soo was rather amazed by it. 
“I feel sorry for your dentist”
“It's not like I always eat like this. Only when I’m on a…only when I’m working” She almost said a mission.
She bit the inside of her cheek as a punishment. He didn’t realize it, but still, she did it, and it angered her. No mistakes were allowed. Never.
But either way, she wasn’t lying to him. Always under the pressure of work, she would eat any kind of crap. The high consumption of carbs happened always during missions. Her body and brain worked too much, and carbs and sugar were the only things that gave her energy. And on vacation, she would detox her body with fruits, tea, and water. She knew very well how her body worked. 
“And you exercise a lot too” Of course he knew that. The bastard followed her and probably knew her training schedule. But she shouldn’t know that. 
“I do exercise a lot…how do you know?” Kyung Soo gulped twice, looking a bit caught in the spot.
 “Well…I can tell by looking at you”
“I do exercise. Running, kickboxing and some weight lifting, not too much, enough so I can break a nose with my fist” He laughed and didn’t look suspicious or upset by Suji’s words. Little by little, she was getting what he liked or what amused him.
Once they began eating, silence ruled in the kitchen, only interrupted by his slurping. It gave Suji the time to think about what to ask, talk and say. This was a great opportunity. Do Kyung Soo just invited her to dinner. In a way.
Maybe a light conversation could be good as an icebreaker. But weather conversations were for idiots. And after that cuddling situation, they were way past something like that. Maybe a random question about the house could lead to something. Or to nothing.
Suji had a third option. The risky one, but at the same time, the one that gave her a better hunch “Mister Do, are you feeling better?”
“Yeah, the other day, you know… when you found me in your room” He didn’t answer immediately,  taking his time to chew and swallow his food. Suji waited without looking at him, giving him some time. 
“I am better, thanks for asking”
“What happened?”
“Just work stuff, I was stressed”
“And snuggling half-naked takes the stress away?” Suji couldn’t interpret Kyung Soo’s stare. His eyes were dark, a bit mad maybe, but his mouth didn’t agree with them and refused to stop grinning. 
“It does. You know that cuddling has the same effect as painkillers?”
“No, I didn’t know”
“And the warmth of a woman’s skin takes away every single worry…now let me ask you something, what were you doing in my room?”
“I think you can put two and two together, sir” Kyung Soo stayed in silence again. He didn’t touch his chopstick and didn’t look at her either. Instead, he got up from his seat, thanked for the food and left.
Suji cursed herself and kept eating the rest of her hamburger with rage. The questions behind Do’s behavior started to shape in her head. Scared? Offended? Was he angry by her words? Was this a step back or a step forward in her mission?
Whatever the answer was, the only one who knew it was him.
The lava cake had to wait for tomorrow. Suji had lost her appetite.
She was washing the few pieces of tableware they used when she heard footsteps approaching. She ignored them, already knowing who it was. She decided to wait for his next move. But he remained still at the door, she could see his reflection in the kitchen window. And also could feel his stare on her back. 
“You need something, sir?” Fuck it. She couldn’t wait.  It made her somehow anxious, and nervous. She hated it. 
“No” Was his only answer.
Bastard. That answer said nothing. Not even his tone. 
“I was just thinking” Suji froze. Kyung Soo began moving from the door, approaching her, and then stopped again. 
“Since you came here, I have been wondering, to the point of loosening some sleep, what is under those long skirts you wear all the time” 
There it was. But this time, she did stay in silence. Only turned around, facing him, faking an expression of doubt and nervousness. He walked the last four steps that kept him away from her and stood there, his body an inch away from hers.
He bent down, dropping a gentle kiss on her lips. Sadly, the soft sight that left her mouth was real.
She waited for another kiss, and this time she will have her reactions under control. But it didn’t come. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds, she could imagine how her face looked, clueless and maybe a bit pale. He didn’t move, he didn’t kiss her again.
He was waiting.
He was waiting for her to make the next move.
She didn’t know how. This wasn’t the plan. The plan was that he was going to force himself into her. And she would let it happen. But that clearly wasn’t his plan.
She didn’t know how to make her next move. How to kiss him back. As soft as he did it? Or rougher? How long the kiss should be? This was her 15 years old self all over again. 
“Maybe I should...” Kyung Soo took a step back, retracting like a wounded animal, but she stopped him. She wasn’t going to let this opportunity go just because she forgot how to kiss someone. She grabbed him by his waist pulling him against her. He was shocked at first, but a faltering smile appeared on his face. 
“I thought you were rejecting me” She shook her head and leaned closer, kissing him, a little less soft than he did. She hugged him by the waist tighter, pressing her chest against him, and sucking on his lower lip. Kyung Soo groaned in pleasure and grabbed her face. His hands were strong although they always looked so soft and small to her. He answered the kiss, his mouth hot and responsive to hers. Suji made the decision to kiss him, but she didn’t have time or mind to plan what to do next. Her brain, instead of processing the kiss, was playing different scenarios, trying to come up with the best and most useful way to continue that night. But Kyung Soo was faster than her. His mind worked better than hers.
He let go of her face and moved away from the kiss. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t even look at her to try to convey something. Instead, he dropped to his knees and sank his hands under Suji’s skirt, grabbing her ankles. He kept his stare fixated on hers, with dark seductive eyes. He kept caressing her ankles and up to her knee. If he kept moving up, he would find the big scar on her left thigh. Suji didn’t know how to act now. Normally, when it came to these kinds of situations, men were always rough. She would be tossed in a bed and then the only thing left was waiting for the pain. But Kyung Soo was doing the opposite. “Suji, I’m going to…”
“I know, go ahead” Suji was wrong. She thought he was talking about sex. But no. She could never imagine what he would do next. He grabbed the hem of her black skirt and passed it above his head, sinking under it. The first thing she felt was his lips against her thighs. Her hands kept still, grabbing the closest solid surface. And her skirt kept moving, with Kyung Soo’s head shifting, alternating between her left and right thigh.
She was already getting into the zone. Her happy place. That imaginary place she visited each time the mission demanded it. In that way, it was easier to get over it in the future.
Meanwhile, Kyung Soo played with the elastic of her underwear, she started to bite her lip, it was easier to concentrate in that way.
Her natural instinct to show some resistance started to dissipate when Kyung Soo pulled her underwear down her legs slowly, kissing her knees tenderly. She could barely register it. Suji looked down at her skirt and whatever was happening down there. Why was this guy being so thorough with his touch? This wasn’t normal. Not a common thing. The bad guy, the one she had to fight, was always some pig that broke every single moral he could find. And the top one was always abuse. Human abuse. Female abuse. She had gone through it, and she was ready to go through it again. She knew how.  
But this. Do Kyung Soo, South Korea’s most wanted, the guy that runs the most secretive drug cartel in the country, was now giving her oral. And the worst, he was good at it. He was so good at it. 
Maybe she didn’t need her happy place. 
Still with his head under her skirt, Kyung Soo was having no trouble finding the right spots. And the feelings of kicking his head away or grab him by the nape so he could keep working were fighting inside her head.
He kept kissing in between her legs. And it kept getting better. Inevitably her breathing lost its rhythm. Her knees were lacking some strength too. Her mind was lacking clarity, and the desire to grab him by the nape and sink his tongue deeper was getting stronger.
Slowly, he detached his lips from her, kissing down her legs and getting out from under Suji’s skirt. His hair was messy, his cheeks a bit flushed and his lips glowing. He licked them in a way that caught Suji’s interest way too much. 
“Suji, I’m at my limit” From the back pocket of his pajama pants, Kyung Soo took off a metallic square. 
‘Remember you are supposedly interested in this guy’ 
Her mind reminded her. So she grabbed the metallic square from his hand.
“I see” She said with a quiet voice, not meeting his eyes, looking at her right hand that was pulling down his pants. 
“I can do it” He tried to stop her. 
“You have done a lot” Answered Suji with a flirty tone, getting a shy laugh from him. Still, he helped her pull down his pants and waited patiently until she finished putting the condom on. She gave him a couple of strokes, just testing, and looked straight into his eyes, waiting for his next move. He decisively grabbed her by the waist and sat her on top of the kitchen counter to later grab the hem of her skirt and pull it up, uncovering her naked legs. 
“Bite here” He said, twining half of the skirt and posing it against her lips. Suji opened her mouth and grabbed the piece of clothing between her teeth, allowing him to have a clear view of her lower half.
Her breath got stuck in her throat the moment Kyung Soo pushed in. She was waiting for some flashbacks, the psychiatrist had told her that in the future, especially during intercourse, her mind could bring back images. But his solid hold had her strongly close to reality, to what was happening right now. She was also expecting pain, but to her surprise, she was wet enough so Kyung Soo slid inside her easily. His movements were slow, his stare serious. She only stared at him, trying to read or understand any expression that could cross his face. But she only found concentration, that and arousal. Kyung Soo stopped his movements for a moment, rearranging his position and finally looking at her. A thin smile appeared, apparently, he liked what he saw “Open your legs a bit wider for me please” He said with a velvety tone that made every single hair on Suji’s nape stand. She did as told, and he didn’t think twice before slamming back into her. A strangled hiss left her mouth, and her hands involuntarily traveled to his shoulders pulling him closer. Involuntarily.
He rested his head on her shoulder, with his lips stuck to her neck, nibbling at her skin, eliciting soft moans from Suji. She did her best, her biggest effort to keep her mind clear, to stay in control of her actions. But he was so damn talented, and she was still a woman who knew how to enjoy a good fuck. And the guy was making her feel very good, despite the fact that she was still fully clothed, or sort of. His hips changed their rhythm and... 
“FUCK THAT’S IT!” She let go of her skirt as the words left her mouth before she could even form them inside her mind.
Kyung Soo, after some minutes, had found that place inside her that made her see white and moan like in a cheap porn movie. It took her years of self-loving to find it, and now this damn drug dealer had found it in no time. She could feel his smile against her neck, and it angered her. But he kept thrusting, and the anger quickly dissipated. He withdrew and pushed in hard, again and again. He quickened his pace, and she raised her hips, wanting him deeper inside. He pumped harder and deeper in and she gasped at the strength of each thrust. Just a few more and she will be done. 
His breath matched Suji’s. He groaned as he burst inside the condom. She covered her mouth, not giving him the pleasure of hearing the long moan that accompanied her ecstasy.  He withdrew from her and took off his condom, tossing it into the trash can. Suji was still panting, resting her back against the cold surface of the window behind her, still not sure if she could stand firmly. He lifted his head, looking at Suji from above. He dried the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and pulled up his pants. 
“Somehow…I feel like apologizing”
“For what?” She asked, pulling down her skirt. 
“Jump on you?” Suji shrugged it off and grabbed his hands when he offered help. 
“It wasn’t against my will, although, If they find out about this in the agency, I’ll get fired so…”
“I will take responsibility if that happens, I doubt it though…we have to…”
“A secret, I know, I like this job, I don’t want to lose it”
“Then it’s alright” He said as he took her face in his hand and pulled her again into a kiss. He gave her a wide smile and grabbed her by the hips when her legs wobbled. Suji thanked him and tried to walk by herself, picking up her underwear, not bothering with put it back on. 
“I think I’ll go to bed right now”
“Sure me too, I will see you tomorrow”
“Sleep well sir” Suji saw him disappear through the door and dashed to her room. She took off her computer from under the bed and turned on the microphone’s software. She didn’t press record, she only wanted to see if Kyung Soo had something to say, out of curiosity. She could hear him walk around the room to finally get inside the bed. 
“Damn…that was good” Was the only thing she heard him say. Suji laughed, not sure if it was from happiness or triumph.
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iwantunique · 5 years
Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019
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Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: It’s quite possible that you’re not quite sure about what to fill in her stocking with? Well, there are several occasions when our mind goes on a walk and we are unable to pick up the best stocking stuffers for our special woman; and we result in a dilemma of what cool things to get for Christmas this season! So, while you’re busy shopping for Christmas, make sure you don’t miss out on the Stockings! The amazing stockings are the best and most joyous things to search right on Christmas morning; both for adults and kids.  Whether looking for stocking stuffer ideas for girlfriend or home gifts for her or best Christmas gift ideas for wife, or cool Christmas gift ideas for mom; every single stuff of ours suits every personality. Along with uniqueness, these presents hold the tag of affordable too! These cool gift ideas from our picks guarantee you to put a priceless smile on your special woman. These gifts will make her fall with you all over again when she opens these presents. There are both expensive and cheap stocking stuffer ideas too and we promise that each gift is ideal for every woman. So, see our gathered list of the best stocking stuffers for women 2019! About Best stocking stuffers for women 2019 1.Thick Heat Trapping Thermal Neck Warmers About this Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019 Product: 2 Men's neck warmers, women's neck warmers keep your neck warm and dry way better than a scarf; Each winter neck warmer has high-quality thermal yarn for max heat retention; Polar neck gaiter set comes in the colors Grey, Black, Blue, and Purple, or BrownSoft yet breathable fleece interior of neck warmer is warm and cozy; Men's neck gaiter, women's neck gaiter slips overhead to cover neck, mouth, ears, and faceNeck warmer has moisture management and thermal properties for winter; Neck gaiter winter is great for men, women, cold weather; Ideal for skiing, snowboarding, sledding, toboggan, running, and other outdoor activitiesSnow Neck Warmer Shell: 100% Acrylic, Lining: 100% Polyester; 8” H x 11” L; the Adult warmer neck is one size fits most; Neck warmers also fit teens and some juniors; Neck warmers made in China(2) Unisex Arctic Extreme Neck Warmers, Choose Color Of Neck Warmer Set From Dropdown Menu: 2 Brown, 2 Marled Gray, 2 Black, or 1 Blue and 1 Purple; New In Retail Packaging
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Promising review: " Oh my gosh I can't stop telling people about these... I'm newish to the neck warmer game, but regardless these are so amazing! My bf and I each have 1 in black and 1in gray now, so we can still wear 1 when we're washing the other. He works outside a lot doing Carpentry work in Philadelphia, so he deals with nasty weather, for hours straight, on a regular basis. He said these keep him so warm that sometimes he has to take it off to cool down! I use mine every day too, I have to run in and out of places a lot, so it's awesome to have an easy slip-on slip-off type accessory. "--Rebecca McNulty Get it from Amazon for $14.99 2. Safe Personal Alarm Keychain for Woman SAFE PERSONAL ALARM: 🔊 Safesound personal alarm for women, men, kids and the elderly. Feel safe with the personal alarm for women's keychain!PERSONAL ALARM: 🔊 Take the safe sound personal alarm keychain for hiking, joggers, self-defense, personal protection, emergency, and your safety.PERSONAL SAFETY ALARM:🔊 Pull the pin of the safe personal alarm and the loud high decibel 130db siren sound will scream.EASILY CARRY: 👜 Safe sound personal alarm is mini-sized and portable to be attached to your keychain, backpack, ladies' bag, belt loops, schoolbag, suitcases.LED LIGHT: 🌟 This personal alarm for women features a bright led flashlight which will be helpful in low to no light situations.BONUS:🔊 We added a seatbelt cutter window breaker to the personal safety alarm and self-defense, vehicle emergency tool. Safety personal alarm and self-defense.RISK-FREE GUARANTEE:🔊 If for any reason you are not satisfied with the personal alarms for women purchase, contact us. safe sound person alarm
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Promising review: " I got these for my 87-year-old father in law, his neighbor's dogs bark literally non stop, he pulled the pin right out his back door and those dogs remain quiet for several hours, he loves it, it is definitely loud"--Patty Get it from Amazon for $16.99 3. LE EMILIE 5 Toe Moisturizing Gel Socks Minutes of daily pampering is all it takes to turn dry, rough skin on feet and heels into radiant feeling and looking skin. Just slide on our refreshing moisturizing gel socks enriched with premium therapeutic oils Lavender, Jojoba and Vitamin E essential oils, and let the socks do the work for you. Each pair can be used up to 40 times. Save yourself time and money by doing this luxury spa foot treatment at home. For a more intense treatment, use with a skin moisturizer. These make the perfect stocking stuffer, Mother's Day Gift or anytime present for friends or family! About Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: DEEP MOISTURIZING: Unlike many similar products on the market, the Le Emilie 5-toe gel socks with our NEW and IMPROVED comfort-fit elastic ankle band are made with premium therapeutic oils that moisturize and soften feet, heels, and toes that are dry, cracked, rough or splitting.PREMIUM GEL LINING: Our specially formulated solid gel lining developed to use over and over again while maintaining its healing properties. Each pair can use up to 40 times.VITAMIN ENRICHED: Lavender essential oil known for its relaxing and healing effects on the body along with its pleasant scent. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps slow down aging and adds extra moisture to the skin.
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Promising review: " I really like these socks. I wear a size 8 and they fit well. The toes are really long, but it doesn't cause a problem. I haven't had any problem with the heal sliding off. I put them on yesterday right after a foot mask and slept with them on. They keeping my feet well moisturized and soft. They are also very warm. I've been walking around with them on and haven't noticed a problem. "--Robin Get it from Amazon for $12.95 4. Pro Beauty Sponge Makeup Blenders THE BEST MAKEUP BLENDER SPONGE YOU WILL EVER USE! Tired of cakey, stubborn foundation? Want a more natural, airbrush finish? This is what your makeup routine has been missing! It's not the makeup; it's how you apply your makeup.SOFTER, SMOOTHER LOOKING SKIN: Use wet or dry, Latex Free makeup blender sponges apply an even, flawless face. Foundation, concealer, setting powder, blush, bronzer goes on beautifully. Great for prepping the skin with moisturizers, primer, and BB creams.BUILDABLE COVERAGE: Get lighter or heavier coverage depending on how you apply. It absorbs very little makeup so it saves you money.EASY TO USE & CLEAN: Pro or a novice, these makeup blender sponges are easy to integrate into your daily routine.
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Promising review: " Okay so I purchased these ready to throw in the pile of all the other unused fake beauty blenders that I own. However, this one fooled me. The first thing I notice that sets this apart from the others was the texture, they hit this on the head. When you wet them they grow one half the size of a BB which to me is a PLUS!. They are really soft and easy to work with. I got a flawless finish each time with these. There is a downside to these sponges, you can't wash them with soap as you do a BB. Once you put any type of soapy product to clean them the texture changes to an almost clay-like texture. They won't look or feel the same after you do this."--Antoinette Huff Get it from Amazon for $14.97 5. Hair Drying Towels Wrap GET 4 HIGH-QUALITY HAIR DRYING TOWEL - Microfiber material: absorbent (300 GSM) and fast drying. Great for people who wash hair daily and want to reduce hairdryer use, perfect product to help hair dry naturally While you do Makeup or Get Dress or Whatever. Good for curly hair and Very Convenient to Use!REDUCE HAIR FRIZZ AND SPLIT ENDS - as the hair dries without rubbing your hair gets dries gently thus reducing the hair frizz.DRIES YOUR HAIR NATURALLY AND EFFECTIVELY - take care of your hair gently and with health in mind. This wrap towel designed to DRY hair without RUBBING and so helps reduce postpartum hair loss as wellAVOID DAMAGING YOUR HAIR WITH OVERHEATING - hairdryer can damage your hair in the long term and also cause frizz. Using this towel eliminates the use of a hairdryer.COMFORTABLE AND CONVENIENT USE - Wrap your Hair in the Towel When You Get out of Shower or After Hair Washing, secure the towel with the button and you are free to deal with anything. A button and a loop at the back that stops it from unraveling.
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Promising review: "This hair wraps work just perfectly! I get done washing my hair and wrap my hair up in these towels while I finish washing my face, etc and they keep my hair out of the way. And I used to use a towel wrapped around my head but the towel would always fall off as I moved around but these keep everything wrapped up in this pretty colored towel wrap. I would definitely recommend. In fact, I am going to buy more for the other women in my family."--CA Get it from Amazon for $10.45 6. Hair Scalp Massager Shampoo Brush Hair Massager Scalp Suitable for all kinds of people: For women, No need to worry about your long nails. For men, Deep clean and reduce stress. For kids, Be the first lesson to learn how to clean hair all by themselves. (children love it) Make a game-changing addition to your shower routine. About Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: Shampoo brush with a perfect grip handle to fit your hand comfortably (Manual with no battery required & Waterproof)Massager with soft thick silicone bristles stimulate blood flow to the scalp and oil glands (Deep clean and exfoliate the scalp)Relax the scalp muscles and reduce stress (Wonderful Feeling)No need to worry about your long nails or sensitive scalp (as well as all hair types)
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Promising review: " At first I thought this wouldn't be comfortable cause it looked so... spikey... but god it's so relaxing! Especially after a long day at work and you're trying to wind down in the tub. It feels great to use this to rub shampoo/conditioner into your scalp. I do it with a face mask on at the same time and it seriously feels like a DIY spa."--E.M. Get it from Amazon for $5.99 7. Women Girls Fuzzy Slipper Socks Cabin Soft Fluffy Warm PACKAGE INCLUDE Slipper fuzzy socks for women or girls.SOFT & FUZZY & COZY: The fuzzy slipper socks are blended of high-quality materials, super-soft coral velvet inner design, It's very soft, comfortable and breathable, no itching issue. It's a great gift and also perfect socks for women or girls.MICROFIBER & HIGH ELASTIC: This cabin socks designed with high elastic microfiber fabric, the soft-touch features will make your feet feel comfortable and keep the feet warm.ONE SIZE FIT MOST: These Women / Girls fuzzy socks come is a standard US SIZE that fit shoe sizes from US 5 - 9, so everyone can enjoy these colorful, fashion, funny socks. Please do not iron them and suggesting wash them by hand, Great quality socks require the proper care!FIT MANY OCCASIONS : This fuzzy socks are suitable for any situation, you can wear them as cabin socks, sleeping socks, school socks, outdoor socks, home socks, Christmas socks, slipper socks, boot socks, funny socks, thermal socks, microfiber socks, house socks, cozy socks, sherpa socks, novelty socks,fleece-lined socks in Spring, fall, winter season or in any cold weather or snow areas!BEST GIFT CHOICE: These unique fuzzy socks come with a creative bag, luxury, high-class looking will be a perfect present for Christmas gift, white elephant gift, birthday gift, gag gift, mother's day gift, Christmas stocking stuffer, valentines day gift or Halloween gift.
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Promising review: " My Sister-in-law call and said they were great socks and very comfortable!"--Carlos H. Davila Jr. Get it from Amazon for $15.99 8. Female portable urination device teal with case Do you know what's fun about squatting to pee in the great outdoors and baring your rear to bugs, strangers and the cold? Nothing! Have you ever sat down on the toilet in a public restroom to realize that the seat is moist from the previous user? Eww! Never again! Now you can go on long road trips and not be afraid to drink your coffee -because you can GO anywhere! Plan your next big adventure without worries, The Tinkle Belle has you covered! You will quickly discover using The Tinkle Belle provides you freedom and convenience with ease. About Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: USE IT FULLY CLOTHED No need to bare all of your assets! The Tinkle Belle is specifically designed with a hard shell portion so that you can use it with all of your clothing without it collapsing! It doesn’t overflow or collapse like silicone funnels. Just insert it into a fly or move to clothe down in front, point the spout down, and you are good to GO!NO NEED FOR TOILET PAPER Yes, we know when you are out and about that you may not have extra tissues or wipes with you. No problem! The Tinkle Belle is designed with a soft wiping "squeegee" lip so that you can remove any remaining drops. No wet clothing for The Tinkle Belle!COMPACT & FOLDABLE The Tinkle Belle is LONG when unfolded and being used, but compact when you are out and about! We know that #sizematters. This longer spout allows you to pee further away from your body. No more peeing on your feet and clothes! You can now have the longest pee distance contest! When you're done being victorious, you can fold it in half to make it compact and be a discreet champion!ANATOMICALLY SHAPED The Tinkle Belle is anatomically shaped to fit you! Pee in confidence without leaks or overflow. The anatomical shape allows for the correct seal against your body and our built-in thumb-rests assure proper placement. The aim with precision!
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Promising review: " I ordered 2 of them. I do have a go girl and a Venus to Mars. I do really like the Venus to Mars and the tinkle belle set up a lot better than the go girl. And I really do like how the tinkle belle is longer, it folds up and comes with pouches."--Sarah R Get it from Amazon for $27.50 9. Compression Running Socks for Men & Women Unlike normal athletic socks, Physix Gear Low Cut Stamina Socks are designed with gradient compression, The perfect performance running gear designed for any activity where Feet are pushed to the limit. Physix Gear Stamina Socks are engineered with the latest arch to below ankle compression technology, offering targeted foot support unseen on lesser quality socks. About Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: STYLE AND CONFIDENCE ON YOUR FEET – Finally! A Durable Compression Running Sock designed to last without compromising quality or Comfort. Double-stitched Fabric your Feet will thank you. Feel the immediate Comfort and remarkable design of your new Low Cut Running Socks. Premium Quality stitching for Running, Working or Cycling, Easy to get on even though they are a compression sock!BECAUSE PUSHING YOURSELF THAT EXTRA MILE MATTERS! Get your blood circulating in style! Great for relief of foot swelling, sore feet or increasing foot endurance. Wear Physix No Show socks with flats or running shoes. Prevent Blood pooling in the foot on long journeys & Fits well unlike other Stiff varieties. The compression support spreads evenly midfoot heel to ankle & won't squeeze your aching toe joints. Some more Feature about Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: TAKE YOUR GAME TO THE NEXT LEVEL with Comfortable breathable material & careful construction. No stitches in places where they'll rub or rip together. Stay put Cuffs Soothing feeling at the bottom and sides of foot & no pinching seen with lesser quality socks without ankle support.GRAB CONTROL OF YOUR WELLBEING IN STYLE – An Excellent Non-Slide No Show compression Sock that's durable with a fashionable look & variety colors available. Washable designed with Quality Lycra Fabric built for durability. Customers agree the comfort is amazing.GET READY. TO BECOME A RAVING FAN! – We cut no corners in our product and will cut no corners in our support of you! You are making a very intelligent decision for doing business with our company. We know you're a big deal and we'll only provide you with the finest product and service around or your MONEY BACK! Add your Physix Gear Sport Running Compression Socks to your Cart and experience the Physix Gear Sport customer experience phenomenon!
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Promising review: " A bit of history is required to explain why. A little over a year ago, I twisted both my ankles. I had twisted my ankles much worse in the past and recovered fine within a couple of weeks. But I’m older now, and I did not heal. I stopped all sorts of physical activity – hiking, treadmill, elliptical, and weight lifting. I went to the doctor, who found only soft tissue damage (no fractures or breaks), and told me to keep doing what I had been doing. So a year later, my ankles were still swollen, still tight, and still prone to soreness if I wore heels or walked too much at my mostly sedentary desk job, all while 15 lbs. heavier from lack of physical activity. "--Adriana in Los Angeles Get it from Amazon for $9.74 10. Headbands for Women Sweat Wicking Scarf Bandana Elastic Headband QING headbands feature moisture-wicking technology that allows them to keep you dry, feeling clean and also makes them an ideal sportswear option. Each headband has an elastic band in the back part so it can stay in place without adding extra pressure around your head. They have a comfortable fit with back elastic so they don’t slide off. These headbands can be opened up and wear as a bandana or push together and wear as a headband. They also can be used as ponytail headband. These will work and look great with any style of hair. Keep your hair out of your face during workouts and runs! You can hardly remember that you have them on. Made from smooth and soft microfiber, a breathable material that wicks away moisture faster than the leading alternatives. Six colors you can match a lot of outfits
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Promising review: " These are the BEST headbands for someone who sweats a lot. There’s no need to look like someone in the “Let’s Get Physical” 1980’s music video with those thick fluffy sweatbands. These can be scrunched to be thin or spread out to cover your whole forehead and effectively soak up the sweat there. I wear this EVERYDAY as I spend a lot of time cleaning and cooking (as a stay at home mom in TX). And I also have really thick hair so these were a great purchase. I also wear them to do yoga and Zumba."--E. Loar Get it from Amazon for $10.99 Read the full article
0 notes
dreamgrl · 7 years
Forewarning, this is going to be really long, sorry. Also, this isn’t poetry, as you can probably gather. In this au they’re all in college, Shiro and Allura are seniors, Hunk Keith and Lance are sophmores, pidge is a freshman, and Coran is an English teacher. 
Also, I don’t go to college sooo, sorry for any inaccuracies. 
Everything is under the cut. Enjoy!
- he's totally that person that can wear nothing but joggers and tank tops ever and get away with it. like even though they're sloppy clothes he looks so orderly and put together 24/7
- even though he dresses like a total douche he's classy and kind and will always lend you his hoodies
- he has had this one girlfriend (who may or may not be Allura) since like tenth grade and he loves her lots and talks about her all of the time. like he carries extra toiletries for her just in case of an emergency and he is always there for her when she needs him
- he's the kind of guy who's down for spontaneous adventures 24/7 but will also push you to work harder in sports or school or anything else
- he was a great football player in high school, but had to quit after he got in a car accident with a drunk driver freshman year, causing him to lose his arm
- he's really sweet and encouraging and just an overall great guy. your typical all-American boy next door
- he needs glasses bc his eyes are really really bad but he only ever wears contacts. (even though everyone tells him he looks like a cutie with them on)
- he's very modest and also very passionate
- he's an aspiring artist, but he really wants to go into therapy and grief counseling
- definitely a dog person
- not one single pimple in his entire life. what??? the heck???
- nobody ever wants to disappoint Shiro like even if they don't know him they'll just try to keep him happy because hot damn this kid has had enough bad stuff in his life
- rarely sees the rest of The Crew™ but when they all get together (Allura included, sorry Coran) they have a great time and watch Lance embarrass himself
- drinks at parties, but only ever beer and not heavily
- literally his sense of humor is so sarcastic and discreet nobody can ever tell when he's joking
- constantly jokes about dying but will actually fight you if you do the same
- he wears a watch. it's just a little simple one with a leather strap but it's really nice and he's never seen without it
- he wears his book bag over one shoulder
- he wears pullover hoodies and blue jeans but he will only wear them if he rolls the cuffs
- he owns a lot of flat brims and wears them backwards simply because someone once told him that he looked good
- he has this NASA bomber jacket and nobody knows where he got it from but it's always been there and he wears it all the time
- Lance has a lot of freckles. like. a fuck ton. they're really dark on his arms and back and belly but you can't see them on his face until you're like .02 inches away from him
- he has this party boy kind of attitude, and while he's always that guy that is smirking and laughing and making sarcastic comments under his breath
- he's actually very kind and nerdy. he always turns his papers in on time and he doesn't really have to work to stay at the top of the class. school comes pretty easily to him
- never drinks at parties and is always the designated driver
- majoring in aerospace engineering bc he’s a smart bb.
- whenever he talks he uses his hands a lot, and slips into Spanish whenever he's not paying much attention
- he calls people nicknames in Spanish too. (Hermano, amigo, ese, etc etc)
- as much as he puts up a cocky and arrogant persona he is a family boy and is nostalgic and homesick 24/7
- he's always kind of flirting with everyone but as soon as he's in a relationship he's 1000% committed and respectful and if he sees anyone in an unhealthy relationship he immediately goes !!!!!!!! and helps them out
- he's the # 1 friend and also an amazing cook. (he learned bc he shares a dorm with hunk)
- he has spontaneous karaoke sessions with anyone who's willing to join in, and is wickedly good at the bottle flipping trick
- he's shockingly anxious and depressed and the only people who can help him are Hunk and Keith. (mostly Keith)
- Repressed Gay Thoughts™ is his middle name
- he saw Keith for the first time and immediately developed a crush and he doesn't really know how to deal with that. that's why he's always kind of hostile and subconsciously trying to get Keith's attention
- he lives in an apartment off campus with Hunk and Pidge
- his clothes always smell like his lavender laundry detergent
- he's very disorganized
- "creative minds almost always have a messy workspace!!"
- curses a lot
- says he's chill
- is probably the least chill person on planet earth
- his phone never dies somehow
- he is carrying gum with him 24/7 and if you ask him for a piece he'll probably just give you the entire pack
- steals hunks sweaters
- his favorite song is jar of hearts
- Shakira hips
- annoyingly talented at everything
- art? amazing. singing? he's a god. dancing? no problemo, he can move his body in a way that is both fun and chill
- perfect teeth, that fucker
- always talking about his mama and he makes calls to her every night and sends her gifts each semester
- definitely the person to wear jackets and have pins on their backpack
- they kind of give everyone the side eye. it's not meant to be mean, it's just their face??
- they read in the middle of class, but somehow take notes at the same time?? and also turn every paper in three days early and more than 2 pages longer than necessary?? all of their visual projects are super organized, and they have color coded binders, and have never lost a pen or pencil in their life
- they probably haven't gotten anything below an A since third grade
- though they look like they do it naturally, they actually try really hard and study every night
- they have mental breakdowns like 8 times a month
- probably hasn’t slept in like 7 years which is why they’re so dependant on coffee. 
- “give me, the bean juice.”
- no, but actually they never sleep and keith or hunk will wake up at 4 am and pidge is just, awake, in the kitchen, on their computer. what are they doing? reading fanfiction? watching old vines? hacking government databases?? literally, nobody knows. 
- majoring in computer engineering.
- skipped seventh grade and still graduated early
- they don't hang out with many people, but they're super funny and fiercely protective
- they've always had a bit of trouble with gender identity, but they've learned to love and accept themselves
- Pidges' wardrobe switches between dresses and button downs and everything in between. and they rock all. of. it.
- they're super confident in themselves and not afraid to speak their mind but also just a polite and quiet person who tends to keep to themselves
- they have this really cool denim jacket with lots of pins and buttons and rips and it's just overall really cool and they wear it all the time and it has quickly become their signature item of clothing, much like Lances jacket
- they are closest to Hunk because he's the first person who knew about their gender fluid identity
- they used to have long hair but then they cut it short soon after they moved into the college dorm
- literally the biggest asexual in the world they’ll fight you on it.
- owns a sweater that says “space ace” in big letters. 
- they live in an apartment off campus with Lance and Hunk
- matt goes to a different school which, thank god, because he and pidge are the ultimate team. they both never sleep, hardly remember to eat, and can take over the world with a laptop. they know the best pranks, tell the best jokes, and the existential humor is unbearable between the two of them. if they’re ever in the same room together, get ready. 
- steals hunks sweaters most often
- loves. aliens.
- has earbuds in like 24/7 don't talk to them if they do
- youngest of the group
- they act like they hate life and they think the future is going to be really bad but in reality they get super excited over every little thing and they have so many plans for when they get out of college.
- straight teeth (except for one in the back of their mouth that they never bothered to get fixed) their teeth are a little discolored though because they've been drinking so much coffee for so long
- leader of the college Computer Nerd clique
- likes to show people how much they know
- huge nerd like oh my so big
- participated in a dungeons and dragons tournament
- won easily
- once went 96 consecutive hours without sleeping to study for a final
- slept like the dead for two days straight
- doesn't drink ever
- that quirky English teacher that everyone lowkey loves
- all of his students have his phone number
- he always extends the due dates on projects
- he looks like he's goofy and doesn't know what he's doing but in reality he is the most perceptive and intelligent teacher in the entire school
- he talks about books in ways you'll both be fascinated by and also easily understand
- he makes those profound statements that you kind of always hang onto and you remember them at weird times and strange things remind you of them
- like you'll be watching a scary movie with your kid at age 40 and you'll remember some weird saying he always had about how life is like a haunted house or some shit
- he's just that cool teacher that always makes finger guns and bad puns a and kinds disregards school policies 24/7 but you have never learned more in any class ever
- he wears glasses with big frames
- funny European accent that nobody can really place
- is the best and knows he's the best
- buys his students coffee on his way to school
- literally gives 0 fucks about rules like sure you can eat you can text you can work in groups as long as you're passing my class I don't care
- never cheat on his tests. you'll sing in front of the class.
- that person that's just really hard to place.
- like one day you'll find her making out with Shiro behind the science building and the next day she's studying for a med exam in a coffee shop.
- she's on the soccer team or something and she gets really intense and she's the best player on the field and leaves every game sweaty and muddy and smiling.
- but she also is the most comforting and kind person who would never hurt a fly.
- there's like that rumor going around that she's a black belt in karate (and it's definitely true) but then she'll tell you that she's been a dancer since she was four and was asked to go to the Olympics for gymnastics but she turned it down for an education.
- she probably buys all of her clothes at thrift shops
- she’ll probably rule the world one day and nobody will be surprised. 
- she has a lot of money and she donates it to charities and spends every free Saturday morning at the homeless shelter or studying
- Saturday night she's in wicked black eyeliner and combat boots chugging an entire bottle of vodka just because someone said she couldn't
- she'd probably slap you with her perfectly manicured hand if you tell her that girls are weak
- clothing switches between killer dresses and leggings and big sweaters
- this cool silver hair that she's always had
- both of her parents are from India, but she was born in America
- huge social justice warrior
- feminist af
- doesn't take any shit
- studies a lot
- writes down all of her notes into a notebook, and the copies it onto note cards, and then studies the note cards
- speaks like, 7 languages including (but not limited to) french german spanish italian and hindi
- double majoring in liberal arts and psychology and regretting every second of it. 
- she’s going to go back to school after she graduates. she’ll wait though. she’s taking her time. wants more than anything to figure herself out. 
- has a really hard time admitting her mistakes. she beats herself up about a lot of things, and she holds herself to an almost unreachable standard, but her friends are there to make sure she doesn’t work herself to death.
- that kid that has a resting bitch face and looks weird and rude and unapproachable
- but he's kind and volunteers on weekends
- he listens to hardcore punk music and he tells himself he's intimidating
- but he'll find himself dancing to the Beatles or Elvis in his underwear at 3 am
- he never really understood relationships bc he grew up without any parents to explain love to him
- he sees Lance and feels all happy and bubbly and he's never felt this before so he gets sassy and snarky all the while subconsciously becoming great friends with him
- Keith wears ripped skinny jeans in hundred degree heat and tends to put his hair up in a bun
- even though he says he doesn't worry about what other people think he once wore nothing but yellow for a month bc someone said that it was a nice color on him (he wore it in small ways like a hat or a pin)
- Keith doesn't have many friends and doesn't really talk to people because he's a shy little ball of angst and anxiety
- he has a great laugh and will always try to make you happy if you're sad
- he's just a sweet and bubbly little kid who tries to act all punk rock and intimidating
- he probably wears a lot of flannels and those small little leather bracelets
- he's had his ears pierced forever but only started wearing earrings as a junior
- he talks to all of the lower class men and shows them where their classes are
- he lives in his own little flat on campus. he couldn't room with anyone else because his anxiety was too bad, but it's fine, he's always liked living on his own
- he has a nice little job working at a successful coffee shop downtown. (their most constant customer is Lance)
- studies a lot
- likes to look at stars, but has a real affinity towards history
- drinks a ton of coffee and tea, but would rather jump through fire than drink hot chocolate
- vanilla guy
- doesn't really like animals, unless they're super tiny dogs
- writes poetry and it's scary good
- he's a very good listener
- he tries to give hunk his sweaters back
- coNsPiRAcY tHeOriEs
- his life goal is to prove the multiverse theory
- a sad, starving history major
- no matter how many hours he works he always spends all of his money on paints and pencils
- only survives on meals from his friends
- has sleepovers w lance (in different beds because lance is a ball of repression)
- they always have fun and there's this rumor that they're dating in secret and he goes to Keith's house to like make out or smthn and once lance came home with a bruise on his chin and everybody thought it was a hickey but really keith just threw a monopoly piece at his face.
- *something minorly inconvenient happens* “wow god why don’t you just kill me already.”
- speaks in vines.
- “kiss me” “what?” “well man I like getting KISSED when I'm FUCKED”
- great at ping pong somehow
- speaks japanese
- insomnia is a bitch but when he does sleep you’d probably have to literally stab him to wake him up. 
- doesn't talk to many people in person but is literally facetiming lance and texting shiro 24/7
- hates. apples.
- will never in 3000 years eat one
- such a warm guy
- he's always kind of under appreciated and people don't talk about him as much as they should
- he doesn't mind, he just loves being there for his friends
- super duper smart
- he's been friends with Lance since forever
- born in Hawaii but moved to the 48 states when he was 4
- loves. swimming.
- he's the mom friend
- he wears all of the jumpers and hoodies and is always super kind and lends them to his friends but they never give them back
- that's ok, he secretly gets really happy when he sees someone wearing his clothes
- he's a big guy who everybody loves and would protect at all costs
- blushes a lot. like. a lot
- super great cook!! nobody knows how or why, but he's The Best™
- always has on fancy shoes
- he always smells like cologne. but it's not the very strong cologne just a wonderful little scent
- he can find the most constellations
- surprisingly athletic for his size
- he cried during big hero six
- binge watches everything on Netflix
- has a mischievous streak
- seriously super duper smart like he could've gotten into any school ever but came to this college to save money.
- meticulously organized
- he's really into healthy eating but he's definitely been known to indulge once in a while
- culinary arts major. he was originally in the biomedical field freshman year but he realized his dream was to open a restaurant so he took a chance a switched majors.
- always the friend that quietly pays the bill before anybody even notices
- works at the shelter and is the best at caring for the animals and finding them homes
- even though he's the nicest he's also done with your shit 24/7
- most of the time he's nice but when he's tired from a long night he's unconsciously the snarkiest and most sarcastic piece of shit but he never remembers it when he wakes up more
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