#every time i hear them im like omg time for drama!!!
aposterous · 8 months
I have an honest to god Pavlovian response to the Camp Here and There afternoon and evening announcement songs
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moody4world · 2 years
You idk if you taking requests but you know that one award show moment where Nicki Minaj is like “Shoutout yo Donatella for custom making this dress for me and shoutout to Michel B Jordan because he gonna be taking it off me tonight” PLEASE do one where Jack says something along those lines omg 😭😂 I just feel like Jack would say that about the reader
Big shout out
A/N: This is rapper!reader i hope that’s okay. I got this request a while ago but im glad i could finally get to it.
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Jack and You have been friends for a couple years now. Both your careers started around the same time and you two became close after being part of the XXL freshman class of 2020. Jack was always very supportive of you and you of him.
He would give you advice on how to deliver your bars and flow while you would give him advice on his lyrics and beats. Things tended to get a bit hectic when albums had to be dropped and tours had to be done but the two of you always made time for each other.
Whether it’s a facetime or a brief text or a voice recording, you guys did not go a day without hearing from one another. Most people believed that the two of you were dating until you made an instagram post revealing your brand new relationship with Polo G.
That was your first mistake. Posting a brand new relationship was never a bright idea and unfortunately you learned that the hard way. You and Polo had a rough start to your relationship due to claims of him talking to other women while we he had you convinced that he was loyal. The two of you would break up and make up constantly and your business would be on gossip pages every few weeks.
On the other hand, Polo always had an issue with Jack being the friend you confided in during your fights with him. It ended up with him dissing Jack in one of his songs which simply lead to another fight between the two of you even though Jack never gave any reaction in return. December 2021 you finally had enough and posted an official announcement that Polo G no longer have or want anything to do with one another. Your comments were flooded with mixed reactions but sadly, most of them were saying how this is just another one of your stupid fights and you would take him back again.
This time you had put your foot down and wanted to start your 2022 peacefully with brand new goals ahead. Throughout all your drama, Jack never treated you any differently. In fact the two of you got even closer after your break up and dropped an album together in March. You had made an instagram post wishing him a happy birthday and it went viral unintentionally.
“The guy she tells you not to worry about.” Was what everyone but mainly men were saying. The thing is, you and Jack had never crossed any lines of friendship. Everything between the two of you has always been strictly platonic except for a couple suggestive jokes here and there but that was normal between friends. Everyone around you and Jack always say that there’s a spark and lots of tension between you two but neither of you ever acted on it.
Around may you noticed Jack started flirting with you a lot more and the lines of friendship began to blur. It wasn’t surprising but at the same time you were never prepared for the things he would say. “Megan asked you to perform at her birthday party right?” “Yeah, i’m excited.” “Isn’t it at a strip club?” “So?” “If I come will you do a dance?” He said it with such a straight face and that only made it more shocking to you. No smug or goofy smile that he usually had when he was joking.
The flirting went on for months and you were definitely flirting back.
September rolls around and it was soon to be the VMAs. You were set to perform your new song with Flo Mili and Jack was opening and co-hosting the show. You were getting ready in your hotel room with the help of your team when your phone started ringing and of course it was Jack.
“I’m getting ready what do you want?” You say while your makeup artist applied your eyeshadow. “Damn. No hello? Let me see you, all I see is the ceiling.” “Jack I can’t move too much i’m getting my makeup done.” You lifted the phone facing you and Jack let out a loud whistle that even startled your make up artist. “WHEW you look so fine my goodness.” He had a giant smile on his face just like a kid on christmas. “That color looks beautiful on you.” You were a giggling and flustered mess. “Thank you. Now show me your snazzy suit Mister Givenchy.” Jack panned the camera down to his all black suit that was snug around his small waist and just right around his wide shoulders. He looked so good you could just eat him up.
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“You like what you see huh?” “Yeah I need me some of that.” You flirted back with no hesitation. “You don’t need Givenchy, you need jesus.” “That was disgustingly cringe worthy Jack.” You shook your head at him. “I’m gonna let you finish getting ready. Can’t wait to see your beautiful ass in that dress.” “You just saw me in the dress.” “Yeah but I didn’t see your ass cause you’re sitting on it.” Both of you couldn’t hold back your laughter this time as you hung up the call.
Once you got to the VMA’s black carpet everyone went wild over your dress and how beautiful you looked. The night went very well and you were having a good time. You enjoyed Jack’s opening performance and the two of you were sitting not too far from each other so you would dance to songs together and lip sync to one another.
Jack was nominated for multiple awards and he had already won 2. This next category was his last nomination and it felt as if you were more nervous than him. “And the award goes to…JACK HARLOOOOW” You screamed of excitement as Jack got up, hugged you and dapped dj drama who was sitting next to him up, before going on stage to receive his final award of the night.
“Wow…three in a row that’s a new record.” The crowd cheered loudly as he took a moment to admire the trophy. He let the crowd calm down before yelling into the mic. “BITCH I TOLD YOU” and the crowd went wild all over again. “I just want to thank everyone on my team, my producers, my parents.” “And just before I go I wanna give a big shout out to Givenchy for custom making this suit for me and shout out to y/n cause she’s gonna be taking it off of me tonight. Thank you.”
The stadium was louder than ever. Your hand was covering your open mouth in shock of what Jack had just said live at a world known award show. You could feel your cheeks get super warm as everyone else was cheering at his boldness. You two definitely had a lot to talk about later that night. Once the show was over and you guys left together, not much talking was done. Unless body language counts….if so, more than enough was said.
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junibgoode · 1 year
ok I've been thinking about ridoncuous race lately(blame the noco nemma discourse. pls get a hobby @ those ppl 😭😭) and im just thinking about what I'd change. not going into what I'd do for all of td bc atp I'd probably need to just rewrite the show(as tempting as that is I have like. a life i like living) bit rr there's just 2 major things.
firstly Noah's overall writing. hear me out, he was good especially in the one liners department but some things were just. like him being low-key a dick to Owen sometimes. he does have the casual mean-ness to him(samesies) with friends there were moments that were. like what. also nemma. if I could be as radical as possible and push my Sapphic agenda I'd have lesbian emma with a whole arc about it bc it would've been so good. the whole "I mess up every relationship I have with a guy by dating one's I know are shitty or just messing stuff up myself to find and excuse to end them" and "omg I've just been gay the whole time" would've been so good on her character. did my queen dirty. and with that I'd make nowen canon bc out of the Noah ships it's probs the best(not my favorite per say but just the best chemistry and canon wise).
but playing by network rules I'd just give them better chemistry. from memory(idk its been a while) I think they just have them sarcastic banter and then. Noah was all mushy. and emma was into the pathetic boyfailure of it all. which yk pathetic boyfailure is what he is(tho I tend to read him as gay. disaster bisexual works too). but Noah has the whole sarcastic banter with other charactets. like they could've given us more to work with is my point instead of rushing in with nemma to plug up the nowen and lesbian emma allegations(shout-out to the anon on total drama takes with that submission, you're my personal hero).
also I'd make the police cadets not police. as far as police goes they're not bad themselves considering MacArthur doesn't even believe in the institution herself and sanders just wants to do good but is ultimately misguided. but man like could've made them P.I.s trying to prove themselves after getting kicked off the force(I do hc they eventually leave).
thank u for coming to my Ted talk yes my autism diagnosis appointment will be soon
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youremyheaven · 6 months
girl your moon post was so accurate for me too! my father has rohini rising and is such a narcissist and a master at gaslighting. he resorted to manipulating ppl's perspective of me ig so they wouldn't believe me when i started calling him out after a liiiifetime of his crap. he is extremely two faced and a lot of ppl find him really sketchy, but those he manages to fool he fools really well. the only positives of this is that at least i can see these patterns in people easily. frankly, confronting a liar is so taxing bc even if you do manage to outsmart them they'll just make some excuse. like girl. i also know this hasta moon girl that is a pathological liar and every time i see her i just can't take anything she says seriously bc i just always feel like she's lying out of her ass ab the most menial stuff. her family has had issues w her bc she skipped school for months and no one knew ab it bc she would tell such bold lies like, "call my teacher. here, have the phone so you can talk to her ab my grades" and everyone was like, ig she's doing well in school otherwise she wouldn't offer to call? i genuinely worry thinking ab what if i have a kid and they have a moon nakshatra and express it negatively like this omg i'll go crazy. anyways thank you for your post it was so interesting to see such thoroughly explained examples 🤍 it reminded me of ariana grande as well who just seems so shamelessly manipulative to me too. like when she's like "for total transparency i'll say that..." i'm immediately like ok. so you're lying 😂
im glad 😭😭😭that my Moon post resonated with so many of you, it means so much to me
Im so sorry about your father. I agree with what you said about confronting liars, I confronted someone about something deeply hurtful that they said to me and they literally said "i don't remember" 😭😭 idk how these people sleep at night bro like do they not have a conscience??
I'm happy every time some shady person is exposed in the media, including Ariana who I've found sus for yearsss ,, it's so hard to be an intuitive bc u can't even explain why u feel the way u do so no one believes you when u say that somebody is not what they seem on the outside, u get torn apart for speaking the truth but sooner or later the truth will be seen and will be heard and I truly believe that.
I hope you remain protected from abuse of all kinds in the future and always surrounded by kindness and support. 💛💛
GIRLIEEE what u said about kids is sooo 😭😭I do think about that from time to time but i believe that kids are a manifestation of our karma so the more we focus on bettering ourselves and thereby bettering our actions, we can design our lives to be drama free. What kind of children we have depends on what kind of parents we're capable of being (and you are completely in control of how you behave/treat others) so don't feel too powerless about ur future kids!!! Focus on yourself and your healing and the rest will flow💛💛💛 also if you believe in manifestation 👀just believe that you'll manifest healthy and wonderful children
This blog is a hobby of mine but what makes all my research and writing meaningful is the fact that not only do I get to learn more about astrology, I get to reach people who perhaps might benefit from the things I share. I love to hear about your guys experiences related to the things I post bc sometimes I genuinely wonder like is anyone even reading my 5k words slander on a nakshatra lmfao
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about your experiences, I appreciate it so much 💛and i believe many others will also feel seen
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petrichoraline · 1 year
tagged by @littleragondin mwah🥰 these are not all my most fave but they all represent a bit of me so i find them suitable
W.I.T.C.H - now i'm not gonna pretend to be the biggest fan but this used to be THE show for me before WINX came along and i'll always pride myself on being a witch girlie first and winx girlie second (the "not like other girls" syndrome began very early on for me); their powers, the visuals, the adventures combined with the daily struggles of teen girls, the boyfriends, the intro song omg, there is sm about this show, the countless books, the og comic.. good stuff <3
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also those two >>>
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Lovely Complex - my first anime iirc, i wish people would pay attention to it (but also i'm the only one who's allowed to get it, y'know); only a young romantic towering over her classmates could have the chance of understanding my feelings for it
also read the manga <3 but uh you can skip the live action lol
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Hana Yori Dango - broooo- bro. this show was made for my basic romantic ass, it was my first asian drama (or one of the first), it introduced me to Matsumoto Jun, had me hooked for two seasons (though im pretty sure i binged the second season and movie in 24 hours, long after i had watched the first season..? idk what that was about)
i am of the opinion f4 thailand did best in many ways but this will forever be THE adaptation in my heart. the songs were unmatched, the drama breathtaking (there are so many cliches that i didn't know were cliches back then lol) and the experience surreal. i'll always treasure this questionable classic 💖
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Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? - i enjoy this an unreasonable amount - my country's edition, that is; i just like having it in the bg and being a smartass, sometimes i run my mouth off so confidently and proceed to apologise to the tv when the contestant turns out to have been right lol
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Weekly Idol - hear me out on this - aside from all of its issues, the show has always been my way of finding more about groups. especially back in 2015, those low quality episodes on yt helped me so much with getting into kpop; it can be very hit-or-miss but i have so many faves; many artists have been on multiple episodes throughout the years and yet show something entertaining every time. you can find new groups to stan through the mixed episodes and learn more about the members of groups you're already interested in (though for that i also rec individual shows like gose, wanteez, monsta x-ray etc.). i'm especially excited for eunkwang and minjoo as the new hosts, they are so funny on their own and i want to see their dynamic so bad
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Pride & Prejudice - i've watched this just once but i can't not appreciate the accuracy to the book (except for the iconic lake scene lmao) and it covers british tv, 90s shows, austen books and period dramas all at once - all things i enjoy
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Bridgerton - i had a whole piece written bout this but simply put - season 2 and kathony were a Thing for me. got me researching and binging a bunch of jonathan shows, reading most of the book and a bunch of tumblr posts..even looking through gifs now im going feral, i love them
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New Girl - i usually play shows like this in the bg but i found myself paying a lot of attention and actually losing it laughing so many times, also nick and schmidt are the most precious intense bromance i've witnessed in fiction
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primaviva · 1 year
I physically need to know who was your gay awakening -🪅
but we gonna have to break this down into like a list cus this has LAYERSS i didn’t really know my label and i still don’t (not that you need a label…i jus know that imma sapphic and maybe guys are fine ig😒😒) BUT OETS BEGIN
1. the childhood hints that shoulda been known.
the way i should’ve known that i was gonna be a fem lady kisser when i was watching team umizumi/yogabagaba and wanted to be milli and foofa likeeee cmon now
and then watching total drama island and other cartoons and didn’t know if i wanted to be OR BE WITH shego, marceline, azula and korra, damn near every witch in winx esp darcy, THAT ONE GIRL FROM WANDER OVER YANDER omg and when i started getting into stuff like dc and marvel cus of my dad w catwoman and harley quinn 😧😧 don’t get me started
and also heavy on marceline and every edgy monster high girl in the movies like the way toralei had me SPRUNG like when i played with them dolls???
2. the queerness screaming at me
now this is where i think my real awakening started when i would make my monster high dolls start kissing each other and like TORALEI WAS MY FAVVV
but when i started getting my grimey hands on video games? bro mk9 changed my brain chemistry like scarlet coulda taken my blood anytime bro fuck pcos🤭🤭 and taht doesn’t even compare to the absolute menace i became when they made cassie and gave her an undercut like YOOOOOO but really i think my VERY first gay awakening was when i would be like 5 years old taking my moms phone and picking camie to play on street fighter cus her body was tea AND THE MUSCLES THE ABS JUST- BARL BARK BARK BARK anyways..
and also when i saw itsv for the first time and gwen w the piercing…
3. my gay ass
after coming to the conclusion i went through my chloe price phase and i can just tell i have a type by the characters i be liking like alex chen, gwen, clem, omg north from dbh…. yeah like nah im crazy it took me a while to get to the conclusion officially
this doesn’t even cover my dumb ass when i started getting into anime and liked nagisa cus i was CONVINCEDDD by the assassination classroom hetero kargisa fans that he was a girl like that was my main reason and also rio in that was fine BUT ANYWAY TO CONCLUDE CAMIE AND CLEM ON TOP 🔝
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
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I'm losing it. I'm actually losing it. I thought I was gonna have a hard time choosing between Jamal and Ryan but omg Roberto... Roberto 😻 I knew I was gonna fold when he came in after seeing the leaks but so soon!! So soon?! Omg. Please I love Ryan he's sweet but Roberto 😫 like I know the main attention should be on our twin possibly have feelings for our ex or something but I can't be bothered. Also every bone in my body is screaming ROBERTO IS GONNA CAUSE TROUBLE, ANOTHER LEVI/SURESH but honestly I don't care. I survived both of them. I don't know, I could never do a hoe route, never in my history of playing litg. This is too much for me. I blame that fine ass man ugh.
Extra (Ivy is honestly so embarrassing like miss gurl, stop it)
Bestie tread lightly with Roberto!! I completely agree that he's here to stir up some drama and cause trouble but im scared he's going to be messy messy. Hes so hot I was almost distracted by what he was saying and I started realizing he knew wayyyy too much about us and felt like he was feeding us every answer we wanted to hear. 🤔 I know we survived Suresh and Levi but we didnt survive Nic/Jonny and he is giving me those vibes BIG TIME.
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cerebrobullet · 1 year
hgfsgs sharpe every five minutes: "lawford hates me he wants to get rid of me" every officer in the south essex: "no i'm pretty sure he likes you" "he hates me he wants me to die"
Sharpe's Escape Semi-Daily Book Report:
i made this like five minutes into the chapter so we'll start with the meme
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lawford trying to teach sharpe a "lesson" and everyone around him just like "lmao good luck buddy"
lawford facing a stubborn sharpe is just "🥺 pls obey my orders". i dont think he could ever use a real punishment against him.
these officers are literally fighting like school children, im gonn cry omg.
sharpe muttering violent curses against an officer and harper literally says "i'm not supposed to hear this" LMAO. god i love them together. i love that sharpe has hijacked harper as like his emotional support sergeant even after losing command of the company.
oh no. i'm not half way through and sharpe has met The Woman of the book which means i gotta put up with their romance bits now UGH
normally u dont want the mc of a book to get shot and hurt in every fight, but i started down this path because of whump and i'm sticking to it. and i know sharpe just got the shit kicked out of him like 2 days ago but i need MORE it's not slowing him down enough!!!
..... making out in a sewer is... So Romantic lmaooo. and no, cornwell, it doesn't make it better because you hung a hat on it!! *wacks him with a rolled up newspaper*
aaaah, love a good reference to sharpe's past traumas :3c. i need to write a claustrophobia fic sometime.....
"i suppose he would be irish. coming... as he does... from ireland." i saw this joke coming and yet it still took me the fuck out.
my fave subplot this book is absolutely the lawford/sharpe "fight". especially now that lawford is all "👉👈 did i make my favorite officer leave me 🥺🥺🥺" the drama of it! it's a soap opera! i love it! they're both pouting over it.
i wasnt having a good time with all the battle descriptions but im having a good time again with all this interpersonal drama.
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I DID IT!!!! I FINALLY FECKING DID IT!!!!! I REWATCHED THE ENTIRE LOTR TRILOGY!!! and do i EVER have some tHOUHGTS hdosidhsaodi below the cut ✨✨✨
was it as good as i remembered??
short answer: yes!!!!!! long answer: oh my gfucijing go d soj shjues us god mother of shitw yEes yes yseeeessss 😭😭😭 (baby birb had better taste than present birb but don't tell anyone i said so 👀)
there are loads of things i missed before, as well as things i didn't understand, but i understand them now :'D it always gave me that wriggly weird feeling in my chest even as a kid, just like 'lilo & stitch' or the song 'reflection' from mulan, but i didn't know WHY. turns out, these things touched my heart and it scared me, bc emotions have always scared me. but ive learnt to appreciate them as well. not all tears are an evil. i know what gandalf meant now :'D
does it hold up????
in my opinion, it does!!!! some of the cgi may look a bit wonky to modern eyes, but for the most part it's totally fine, if not better looking than some more.....recent films 👀 i've never been a great fan of slow-motion, but it's used mostly effectively here, to enhance the drama as opposed to taking up space (sure the feckers are long enough without it anyway 🤣) the core message of the film is beautiful and timeless. there is hope and goodness and love in our world, and it's worth every ounce of courage in our hearts!! it's as true today as it was when the film was made!! as true as it was when jrr tolkien wrote his stories!! if i believe in anything at all (much as i often profess i don't) it's only that our world is worth fighting for.
are u still after shipping aragorn and legolas??
will u be making more bad jokes now??
OF COURSE I WILL!! do u even KNOW me it's like u don't even KNOW me wtf. there's just a lot this time so. OK HERE GOES 💪😤
i can't believe smeagol was always just. like that lol. baby birb did not realise it was the same character as gollum btw. baby birb was. silly 👀
'wake up, sleepies' is how i greet my cats in the morning btw
lol merry and pippin look high as FECK. baby birb didn't understand that lmao, i thought they were just tired 🤣
well, at least the gang are back together!! (mostly ;A;) merry & pippin dancing on tables, eowyn bringing aragorn a drink....good for them :'D
also!! nice pyjamas, lads!!! they all look so cute omg ;A;
THE ORB!!!! that's great, we here on tumblr love orbs, this is-----oh shit is he dead?? *SHOVES MERRY*
omg when aragorn grabs the orb and falls over and then legolas grabbed him 👀👀👀 I JUST WANT THEM TO KISS OK
the third act break up btwn merry and pippin is so sad 😔
aaAAH!! A CHILD!!!!! D: scary!! ;A;
every time elrond says 'there's nothing for u here' i keep hearing 'this is a DECENT town and a LOCAL shop!! there's nothing for U here!!!' lmao 🤣
the king's hall at minas tirith could use a few throw rugs or sth tbh, maybe a couple paintings. bit sparse in there really :P
right i'll just say it: the witch-king's fell beast's head looks like a di--
aragorn's arm-flail run is back and it sparks so much joy i love him i love him i love hi
i've counted THREE (3) BLATANT WILHELM SCREAMS across these films!!! one in ttt, and TWO in rotk!!! incredible
i can't believe denethor says 'yeah i wish u died instead of ur brother. rip i guess' 😐 TO HIS FUCKING FACE!!! evil. faramir's gonna remember that FOREVER. u got to be careful what u say to ur kids bc even if they don't bring it up again, they will never ever forget. my dad called me 'useless' once when i was 15 and i still think about it sometimes. DO NOT SAY WEIRD SHIT TO UR KIDS. IM BEGGING U ;A;
despite denethor's A+ parenting, faramir is a nice guy, totally willing to lead his men on a death march to a fight they can't possibly win, throwing away their lives (and their horses) on an impossible task for the futile hope of making his father love him. rip 😔
NICE SINGING PIP!!! reminds me of irish sean-nós singing, traditional music from ireland ;A; (here's an example :D)
ngl watching denethor eat is like watching the Dinner Scene from texas chainsaw 1974 👀
OH LOOK DAD'S HERE!! hi dad!! thanks for not giving us any facial expression as a hint to what dad wanted, theoden, ur so. helpful ._.
'hey so listen ur gf is dying and since she's my daughter that means i have to make sure U don't die so. here.' *SWORDGASM*
actually that sword was baby birb's fav bits. baby birb LOVED swords ;A;
THE WORST BIT. eowyn tries to confess her feelings and aragorn rejecting her is SO PAINFUL AND AWKWARD AAA ;A;
legolas squinting at the ghost like 'this guy SUS'
aragorn's 'u WILL suffer me 😠'
it never occurred to me when i was a kid, but the gang are doing a bit of fucking. NECROMANCY here aren't they??? like???
wait who tf is iorlas
OH is it that hot blond??? NICE. i like him >:3c
being a wizard is cool bc u can cast spells OR if ur gandalf u can use the staff to wHACK DENETHOR OVER THE HEAD!!!! he's got a shillelagh and i'm glad of it 😌 (baby birb used to listen to da's political music and one of the songs had a line about being 'whacked with a sprig of shillelagh' which i got a kick out of 🤣)
'we should TAKE the broken city pieces and THROW IT AT THE ORCS!!!' :D (read it like the spongebob meme pls)
'GROND! GROND! GROND!' ('grond' refers to the biggest door-knocker EVER)
gollum u need to stop fat-shaming sam, ur being #problematic and they're gonna cancel u 😩
'CRUMBS ON ITS JACKETSES' lol silly that's a CLOAK!!
it might actually be easier to carry him in that cocoon
'don't go where i can't follow' FUCKING KILL ME 😭
[women screaming]
i still don't know what an eored is. or WHY i don't know. why
denethor re-enacts 'flashdance' lol (except he intends to burn himself and his son alive)
oh no!! uncle's horse!!! (oh and uncle, oh no!)
can't believe he really pulled the 'u should smile more, ur so pretty when u smile' rubbish before 😒
WOW we should have hired ghosts AGES ago, they can go thru walls and everything!!! O_O
sam is SUCH a badass, look at him go!! 'AND THAT'S FOR MY OLD GAFFER!!!' adding to his kill count with tears in his eyes :'D
sauron moving his beam around like 'EYE SEE U!! EYE AM LOOKING UPON U!!!'
aw feck frodo's doing the jesus thing where he falls down a few times but has to get back up ;A;
'a day may come when i stop memeing on this line....BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY!!!!!'
lol they're bullying gollum, u love to see it 🤣
'what are u waiting for?!' 'i've got to give it a chance to defeat me, it's only sportsmanlike, sam!!!'
LEGOLAS'S FACE. WHEN ARAGORN FALLS DOWN. u can see his mouth go like 'ARAGORN' but it's slow-mo and silent ;A; he just starts shoving ppl out his way to get to him hdoasdiasadisj im. gay
AND THEN THE VOLCANO. and pippin sobbing 'FRODO!!!!' ;A;
god all this lava and frodo and sam haven't got any shoes smh
'uhgh i had an awful dream where my finger got chomped off by this freakish little----OH HAI GANDALF!!!!'
his friends are so happy to see him, they are all so happy omg ;A; THE SHIRE THEME STARTS PLAYING WHEN SAM ;A;
tbh sam and frodo could have made out at ANY point and it would have been less gay than. whatever tf had been going on btwn them the entire trilogy 👀
aragorn singing all elfy adn handsome an di love him i love him i lo
legolas all done up as well, they do a mutual shoulder clasp and he's all demure they look like a fecking WEDDING ok they are getting married ;A;
lol arwen looking out from behind the banner like 'PEEK A BOO!!' always sends me 🤣
(another thing that always sends me: legolas and gimli keeping track of their kill count lmao 🤣)
'my friends, u bow to no one' SIR UR FRIENDS ARE TERRIFIED (except pippin, he's ok with attention 😌)
side note: galadriel is low-key terrifying and i love her for it. she is such a FREAK, idek how to explain it or why i think so but i just. do 👀 she talks and there's a reverb on her voice, she smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes!!!!! SCARY 👀
'not all tears are an evil' fuck u gandalf stop stabbing me in the heart over and over, ur bullying me ;A;
WOW NICE JOB NOT PREPARING UR FRIENDS FOR UR DEPARTURE AT ALL FRODO!!!! jfc u could have at least TOLD THEM, this is FAR more traumatic and shocking!!! >:V
awww he and gandalf hold hands tho omg 🥺
and then they SAILED OFF INTO THE SUNSET!! for some reason. (oh right!! great war allegory 😔)
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deutoplasmic · 28 days
HELLOOO my sleep was good!! my time zone is not actually that far from yours!! its just that my sleep schedule is much worse LMAO
仙侠 fengfan would be so fun omg,,, imagine you’re delirious from dehydration and hunger and you collapse into his arms right in front of his shack and right before passing out you just go “哇… 好帅” AND NOW FENGFAN (who probably hasnt had real human contact for the better part of a century) IS LIKE. WHAT DID THAT MEAN WHAT DID THEY MEAN. WAS THAT FLIRTING. literally while hes nursing you back to health he has to pause and overthink every few minutes
PLS THE PLAYDATE WOULD BE SO FUNNY fengfan would probably be so grumpy for the first half until he finds something in common with masaya and reluctantly opens up,,, then by the next day theyre good buddies with inside jokes and youre just there like. what
i mean im kinda into cpop so theres that! ive watched a good chunk of the idol survival shows and i know some of the actors too. im not really into tfboys or TNT but i have watched some of tfboys’ acting (易烊千玺 in one of his movies which was awesome. and 王俊凯 when he guest starred in that absolutely terrible matt damon movie) but overall im more into idols (mostly 创造营 groups, and also uniq so i know 王一博)
i actually discovered wei daxun through his appearance in an idol show as a guest 😭 i havent watched any of his dramas. but now i kinda want to, just to see if any of them radiate masaya energy LMAO
YEA WE MAKE THE TRADITIONAL ONES FROM SCRATCH >< (well kinda. we use a base syrup from a seller that my family’s sourced from for years. but other than that we make the filling and dough all by ourselves) its so much fun i should really ask my mom if we can buy new molds to make new shapes hehe
omg hi asia pacific neighbour (or as you would probably spell it neighbor) 🙏 glad to hear your sleep was nice!!!!!! hopefully you got at least 7 hours LOL
omg you're like. idk. facing intense famine and decide to find greener pastures so you set off and find yourself in the middle of NOWHERE. and you're like on the verge of death and decide well you've had your time big guy 玉帝 can take you or whatever until . this really unbelievably handsome guy shows up. and hes all billowing robes gorgeous long hair pinned up with shiny jade and you're like well damn ok
overnight friendship for real. they say smth you don't understand before laughing it out and wow what you swear they hated each other before????? in the end masaya gives up the tanghulu life in favour of the worlds best crepes and everyone is happy
omg what was he doing in a MATT DAMON movie LOOOOOL.... everyday i lament the loss of uniq but the career in china yibo has is so much better than what he would've had in korea. i really like seungyoun's solo material too so..... uh....... i will take falling in love 😔 speaking of which what music do you like??? any songs you've been listening to a lot recently????
if you do watch please tell me if he truly does have the masaya energy my irl does not know what a masaya is except that he's part of ini 😰
REALLY THAT IS ACTUALLY SO COOL you guys prolly splash on the duck eggs for them too 🙏 hopefully you find some cool molds!!! and make cool mooncakes!!!!!!!!
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baekhvuns · 1 month
IKR 2 YRS‽‽ Like..we didn't even realise how the time flew. OMG, I'd love to see thru your drafts for sure, ngl ever since u've been gone i haven't been on Tumblr as much, like idk if it's my kpop obsession tht died down or the fact i don't like reading ffs anymore or the fact tht I don't like reading ffs that are not urs 😔😔😔 see ilysm 🤭DW ILL BE HERE TO SEE THE FF WHEN IT DROPS I AINT LEAVING ANYTIME SOON 🗣️
Damnnn that's the first time I've heard of misphonia BUT HE DROPPED THE SECOND PART 🗣️🗣️
Trauma i tell u. Bro broke me. Absolutely to shreds.
Hold up let me find the video (i wld love love loveee to tell u abt the second part but oh. If ur planning to hear it. U gotta suffer truly. That's the beauty of it 🥰)
There u go, if tht doesn't work, i hv a feeling it won't, the channel is named Nora Asmr, and u cn find the "tracing tattoos" video.
OMG jannat 😧😧 nah bro I had forgotten all about that, i just unlocked a memory
AAAAA THAT SOUNDS MAJESTIC I'm honestly deprived. DEPRIVED I TELL YOU. I need more old Bollywood movies 😭😭 LIKE PLSSSSSS
Did I hear tauba tauba?
(i hv secretly been trying to learn the step, I look like a struggling horse)
It's called kabhi hum kabhi tum 😮‍💨😮‍💨 the concepts are so interesting..
Your girl in her desi era 💅💅✨✨
Okok i shall leave now AND TC!! BUH BYEEEE
yes i was sick! but i’m way better now but unfort the bug got to many others so everyone around me is sick 😭😭😭
tWO years 😭😭😭 no but like me too my kpop phase had been dying since a while and now im just not into it very much (the songs r just not it anymore) neither do i read fics or even come here (as u can tell bc this ask response is so late 😭😭) I LOVE U FOR THAT NDJDDJCK i get sparks for fics to write but the writing part just turns me off so ive just been watching kdramas rather than listening to kpop 😭 currently watching love next door and i did not know jung hae-in was like that, i was gawking at him every time he comes on screen
IT DID NOT WORK, the video is unbelievable to my region apparently for no reason BUT THANK GOD I WOULD NOT HAVE TO SUFFER ☺️☺️
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RIGHT?? jannat’s songs and to be able to play them at home was like playing w the devil, bc u never know when emran would emran hashmi. ITS SUCH A MAJESTIC SONG IKK THE AMT OF FICS IVE THOUGHT BASED ON THAT SONG 😩 im actually obsessed w it, slowed and reverb, fast & regular paced im obsessed
TAUBA TAUBAAA I CANT avoid it anywhere, it played at the wedding i was at and everyone and their mom was trying to do the step but it just looked like a horse galloping 😭😭😭 I GET HER I RLY DO what a duo, a dancing queen and now her partner 😩
oo let me see the suIT (priv ask ofc ur wanting to share!) what colour is it??? i love getting suits but i hate the process of choosing them
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stokesy55 · 2 months
I love that idea of mitchy and vk arguing over who got destroyed more, it's gold 😂😂 can we extend that to all the omegas in cricket? they have a whatsapp group where they keep complaining about how possessive all their alphas are, but then it goes into an argument about whose alpha is the most possessive and rough 😂 also jossy's endgame is definitely joey, even though joey is a beta. and i think you have finny as a beta too? so the omegas who're mated to alphas, like vk and mitchy keep teasing jos and stu for missing out on the sheer power of a possessive alpha. 🤪 also if it comes to tattletaling, vk is the one who gets totally bullied by the other omegas, because he has more instances of past escapades than the rest of them put together 😂
this is a normal day in the group:
stu: 😭
starcy: why does every conversation on this group start with crying? 🙄
marn: oh look, stu's crying again, what's new? 🙄
jos: what happened??
stu: you know very well what happened 😭
vk: wait what's going on?
stu: which one of you bitches told finny that jimmy cuddles me to sleep on tours? it's only because i have trouble sleeping alone! we're only friends! i can't even feel my legs anymore 😭
vk: oh stop moaning stu, finny's just a beta! trust me, you'd be having a much harder time if he was alpha.
mark: seconded. speaking from experience here 😮‍💨
jos: hey i won't stand for this beta slander! they can get just as possessive as alphas! you've never seen how joey gets, have you?
marnus: what lies! please have you even met steve? i didn't get a wink of sleep on my wedding night, iykwim 😏😳
starcy: have you seen alyssa in one of her moods? 🥵 i think my throat was sore for the entire next week after the last time.
marky: please, neither joe, steve nor alyssa have got anything on my benny 😏 i couldn't even get out of bed after he found out about my ex-boyfriend.
vk: please, but pat takes the cake. i'm actually surprised at myself for not buying myself a walking cane yet! we've been married for 10 years now, and I'm sure ive spent at least 7 of those limping. 😭
marn: you're such a drama queen 🙄
vk: and don't even try to argue with me on this. i used to sleep with joey, benny, finny, and steve before, and i know how they are. none of them are even half as possessive as pat.
starcy: you haven't been with alyssa tho...
vk: well, never say never... ;)
stu: *screenshot* (it's a ss of the current conversation which he sent to patty 🤭)
vk: you told him?! i was kidding!
jos: 😂😂😂😂
marn: 🤣
vk: you asshole!
stu: good luck coz yours is about to get wrecked 🤣
vk: im flying back to india before he comes home, i have a match next week guys 😭😭😭
*next day*
vk: 😭
stu: *screenshot of headphones* you owe me a pair of this, vk, i could hear you screaming over in england!
marn: steve and i are his neighbours. imagine what we went through 🥲
vk: *screenshot of a wheelchair* you owe me this stu, i don't think I'll be able to move for the rest of my life 😫
stu: 😆😆😆😆
jos: lol should i send over some cushions too?
vk: you better. you have no idea how sore my bum is 😭
starcy: you deserve it for implying you would sleep with my alpha
vk: im sorry okay! there was no need to permanently cripple me over a joke!
mark: stop being dramatic vk, I've been through worse with ben!
vk: shut the fuck up, pat literally almost broke my hips yesterday. i don't think anything can be worse than that. i used to fuck ben before, and unlike with pat, i could at least get up from his bed 🙄😒
marky: want me to tell pat again?
vk: don't you dare.
marky: *screenshot* too late. 🤣🤣🤣
stu: omg you actually did it.
marn: wtf mate i didn't sleep yesterday. now my morning is ruined too 😭
vk: why do you hate me so much?! 😩
(lol im sorry, this got away from me 😭🤭)
Ahahahahhah - this is a very funny idea 😂
Mayhaps a one shot spin off in the future 😘
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asahicore · 6 months
new theme is so cute omg !!! ALSO i realised u watched marry my husband (me too!!!!) what r ur ops????
- hee anon (its been so long ik)
omg hi hee anon im so happy to hear frm u !!!!!! marry my husband was a rollercoaster omg i watched it as it came out and i have to say my excitement fizzled out towards the end, i hadnt read the webtoon beforehand so i didnt have anything to compare it to and at first i really really loved it, i just hated sumin and wtv his name was the husband so bad and i was so excited to see our main girl get revenge on them, also that damn ml is SO HOT i was all googly eyed every time he came on screen... but anyways honestly its been a while so i dont rmb much but i thought like many dramas it just started dragging on towards the last few episodes, i think it mightve been more solid if it had been 2-4 eps shorter? but i still liked the way it ended, the main romance and THE SIDE ROMANCES !!!!! were all so cute, so overall i enjoyed it but it sadly didnt become an all-time favorite or anything.. what about u though!!! what did u think?
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forgottenwells · 1 year
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I don't feel free in this state and country after speaking out and facing retaliations a patient, not employee, but patient and also witness to my own crime, from the Office of Civil Rights, the Joint commission of Accreditation, OR Medical Board, Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and the Patient Relations, OR Health Authority, Portland Police Bureau, Victim Rights Law Center, District Attorney Office for Multnomah County when it was MY BODY.
For over 4 year, Portland Police Bureau has left and said there are no witnesses when I know there Are. I filed appeal to the independent police citizen review board, sent letter to Oprah Winfrey, Joe Rogan, Hamilton Morris, and Judge Rose Marie Aquilina with my scripture of the shit at this Hospital ER in NW Portland OR. no one go there r go here and then really be aware. request your medical too because they cherry pick nd they leave out all anything they could be liable for or any abujse they left out of the documents which became part of my case when I was the victim I was treated worse than a fucking piece of shit rapist a rapist. no criminal because we're all human should be treated like shit worse than anything. and this hospital did it! this hospital omitted a very violent crime. im not an attorney so this is not the place where I am going to go and beat them for EVERYTHING they committed and not only they put a human BODY in seclusion in the DARK the dark, but they also didn't mention it. it's where mentioned in the records EXCEPT: when dr . GRAY yes that is the dr who no lawyer rn, but SHE, "patient remains in seclusion." How do you read that?
we will talk about the reality the basic facts of this circumstance at another time in a. different post because this was torture, past my first amendment in a lot of ways, if I would have died, they would have lied, just as exemplified by the fact, yes fact, they left their torment nd torture out of the medical records out the room 8. no mention of neglect, abuse, screaming, crying, pissing, spitting, k pooping, flapping, signing asl, crying, not moving, staring at camera for a long time,
if I would have died they would have covered it up just like they covered up criminal abuse on a victim. complete victim abuse. this dr. I reported her to or medical board. I am writing to her medical school alumni college where she graduated bc I a am actually ormt here. I am from sd, ca where she went to uc sd medical school. wrong girl dr. gray. so privileged. so entitled. for every baby I have, I want my medical expenses paid for the trauma, drama, exploitation you have dragged me under the umbrella. the red umbrella.
I am pursuing a case, alone, but no matter what, there are damages here, for fraud to the government on a Crime Victim on top of that, this is Federal, a Victim,
I have contacted European Countries as well about this,
and I will be contacting the middle east and more of the military about this situation.
I took the ASVAB waiting for my case, not revealing my speech during the assault, k was prepared to have victory from this BT case and move forward and become a true survivor skilled and practiced in repetition and resiliency. but the case was dismissed, so, I became a dishwasher. Thank you Tara Gardner for dismissing a 22 month Rape 1 case with sexual abuse dropped out int he prior hearings. I have no respect for you except the fact you speak monotone, you dress and wear your hair well, but after that grand jury you sure suckered and then at the hearing with the judge where he said so no one was with her in the room when she did na ungloved dan swab kit? and I looked at the da supervisor witness advocate sitting beside me I could not believe this shit and then the supervisor said its ok. I couldn't believe it. another ! hting int his case ! omg. did you fuck up there too.
tara Gardner provided an argument in front of the judge but also in front of th erapist woman 2 where she said during a hearing he wanted to be free for the covid opportunity freeing prisoners awaiting trials (he never had one he never di one this so unconstitutional cuz there are witnesses too) she provided argument of of course another case where victims mother wrote a letter for her daughter as to why her daughter's predator should not be released. then th judge said to tara gardener, that has nothing to do with his case.
I was thinking the EXACT same thing, literally, in every way. this is why it's important for the lady at the collective who has the kids in her workshop next to NOMQAN2 to testify and be a witness but PPB said there are no witnesses. When u asked them what did you do to find witnesses? they responded: we canvased the building. we canvased. I asked what does that mean? they said we passed out our business cards.
I know MRSW SKeisblah this her alias so I truly don't give f, the other guy down the hall, the other guy who they know who they are 666 and then the manager who I am pressing and suing this collective in the big scheme of things for damages for posting a UNIQUE EVICTION notice only art studio following the assault. a hand written eviction noti3e for EVERYONE to see. I am suing this city for fa, ages I whope more people ill get onboard and hep me and so we can donate back ro the comity like organizations such as Portland Street Response, Open Signal, roseehaven, places which Matter. PPB lied to me. I ave put so much work into what they said and tried to 0uash back for their own libration. We all take time, but I came fast I came quick I told that mother fucker I will shoot you like isis but a bitch is going to shoot you
there are no video tapes the cameras are for monitoring only patient relations stated in his response letter to my "grievance" letter or whatever
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savannaswrites · 2 years
you are so right alastair IS the best character in tlh i only really finished the last book for him. the release of the last book is partly why i also started thinking about tsc again and started vibrating excitedly about twp again even though it is ages away and who knows what it’ll even be like, but that’s why i went back into the tab and i couldn’t believe i never found ur fic before because it was exactly what i was itching to read! like whenever i have looked for post qoaad fic which i don’t think i have since 2020 it’s usually either short, only focused on what happens during the three years before twp, or is only focused on kit and ty’s reunion. and i love reading about kit and ty’s reunion but what i wanted most was a super long fic dealing with all the problems and politics of twp and interweaving character and romantic drama with well-done plot, and lo and behold i found your fic which is exactly that and is well-written to boot. i really do believe it’s one of the most well-written tsc fics i’ve ever found and was Shocked and Outraged it didn’t have more kudos. i literally wished i had made a tsc sideblog in 2018 just to promote it to hell. i know a lot of things have been jossed now but i still found it all so fascinating. also 40k outline um i would read that many words…would definitely do that <3 but the things i’ve been wanting to know most about since reading it are partly plot-related — thule livvy and her ghost counterpart, whether our current thule questers will run into ash, clave and downworlder and faerie politics, if all the blackthorns reunite, the riders finding kit again, more about kit and the first heir and his role to play, omg side note that story kit tells in the far about naoine was amazing — and partly character-related — ty and anush and june!!! dru friendship with kit and jaime!!! kit and jaime v interesting dynamic i never considered!!! kit and tessa and jem and mina! kit and jace! how ty has changed and how kit has changed and his future character development and how dru wants to change. but also, the Drama of all of those character dynamics is probably what im curious about the most. like, kit and ty making things awkward with everybody…that painful tension between them and what it would be like if they actually talked about it. how thule livvy feels about her brother and sister and kit. jaime………like i cannot decide if he and kit had a fling, if kit has a crush, if jaime does, etc, but every scenario i picture is So Great in terms of awkwardness and hilarity and poignancy. you wouldn’t think i could feel all those feelings about it but i do. dru’s reaction? TY’s reaction? jesus christ. also jamie’s character in general you’ve set up very nicely, particularly with the mentions of diego, i think their relationship is very interesting. dru’s reaction? TY’s reaction? jesus christ. however ash fits into all of this too is also v intriguing. i just almost deleted all of this which was a very scary experience but made me realize how completely incoherent and crazy long this is, i am so sorry about that. also want to stress that you don’t have to answer any of this or tell me anything at all, i just loved writing all of that out because this fic had me super excited yesterday. but that is all hope u have a good day :)
AHH i am so intrigued to hear that alistair is what pulled you through chain of thorns!! i swear i'm not a hater, but like -
- i am working my way SLOWLY through that book right now and i just. !! i wish i liked more of the characters more, you know?? there's just SO. MANY. of them, and i don't feel like any of them have really had enough time to develop, or at least to make me feel invested in them, which is such a weird thing to say after already having had two long books with them!
did you happen to read the ghosts of the shadow market book? the versions of james and matthew in that book to me are SO wildly different than the versions that ended up on the page of tlh, and i hate to say it, but i liked the gotsm versions more!! i don't necessarily think that all characters have to be super developed and layered or what have you in order to make them compelling, but when the mythology of the story has also sort of started to lose touch with what makes it matter, and the characters aren't super compelling...what's left, you know??
it's like, to me, we have these villains in belial and lilith who are so otherworldly that they're practically abstract, which makes them just not very good villains to me. i'd much rather read about someone who is their champion (or paladin, i suppose) by choice, because then we could have that conflict between power and powerlessness and agency and lack thereof play out on a much more human level, presumably with stakes it's easy to be invested in.
sorry for the tlh detour - i'm just like, i WILL finish this book, but goodness gracious, i will admit to it being harder to power through even than qoaad. (sorry)
going back to what you were saying, thank you so much again!! the politics of twd and the way that different characters could end up on different sides of that conflict and the romantic drama therein are SO compelling to me they literally kept me up at night as i was reading tdi! there is nothing juicier to me than a story of political intrigue because they function SO well as stories about personal values, and there can be so much richness and depth and nuance to that!
i mean, we have kit as a microcosm for some of this conflict, too; he's someone from a "mundane" background with not only downworld heritage but royal downworld heritage and yet also this shadowhunter blood and, most affecting to me, maybe, his father's blood as a bit of a liar and a cheat and a rapscallion, all of which could theoretically push and pull him in different directions. i loved the idea of really exploring how these aspects of who he is could complicate some of the underlying assumptions of shadowhunter society and maybe even the books themselves.
which, i mean, okay! i get it! they're the shadowhunter chronicles, they're about shadowhunters, i get it. but i don't think that doesn't mean that you can't interrogate a different pov, you know? like, sure, james and co. have saved the world in tlh, but they've also directly been the cause of it being threatened in the first place. and maybe he could've found more acceptance of his demonic heritage from warlocks like his mother, or maybe downworld would regard him as just as odd as the clave does - who knows? my point is just that the books never really even seem to acknowledge that those are questions to be asked at all. :(
(sorry that that makes me sound like a hater, i promise i really enjoy reading these books!! i just have a lot of thoughts! hence the long ass fic as;dlkfj)
but so yeah, getting back to the gang there in thule, i just loved setting up their relationships with a bit of conflict and intrigue! they're united under this common banner of saving the world (again), but i don't think that any two of them are in 100% agreement with anybody else, even ghost-livvy with ty or her own living counterpart!
they all want something, different things, but i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, either, you know? like, dru wants so badly to prove herself, and meanwhile kit's over here watching her say "we gotta go investigate that green light" because she's burning up inside and he maybe doesn't totally get it but maybe he sort of does, and so he's like, "oh, dang, is that what a shadowhunter does? i guess i should be more like that, then," and so they're there like. nodding to each other. meanwhile jaime's like, "well, if it makes them happy," so they're the three musketeers...up to the point that what they want brings them into conflict, perhaps?? [eyeball emoji]
i swear i'm just about done talking your ear off, but thank u so much again for saying u liked kit's story about naione! the fair folk are just too old not to have myths of their own and like!! that's such a rich vein of world-building, who could resist it!!
okay, now i'm really done!!
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kirazdaha · 2 years
GAHHH Thank you this was more than I expected!! I appreciate the genuineness :) I've been very harsh on myself but lately I'm able to draw something I like or that makes me happy compared to three years ago, I'd call that a improvement. It's nice to hear I'm not the only one who struggles through these! Every artist has their ups and downs be it their hobby or their job. Thank you for talking with me!! I was worried the amount of asks were clogging your blog LOL I don't know your timezone so I hope you're having a nice breakfast lunch dinner this is a reminder for everyone to eat
On another topic I listened to every artist you listed! I love women. Love every turkish woman out there with a strong voice. I'm glad you listed them I was listening to each of them the whole day while drawing, I missed turkish songs in general 😭 There's something about them I can't put into words. Modern turkish songs lack the instruments and emotions (?) the old ones have. It feels so dull and lifeless and a lot of the times they're another recycle of 50 other pop songs ever. I think kusura bakma is great I can't believe it doesn't have the same recognition the others have? I've heard her songs in movies before! Those vintage turkish movies about love or tragedy (probably) I suggest you watch them! I don't know if they have English subtitles though, otherwise they're neat
YESSS!!!! thats good!!!! also omg dont worry at all, i enjoy answering your asks! whats the point of a blog if i wouldnt be comfortable posting something on it :) LOL also good timing, you caught me right during dinner omg im so glad to hear that!!! that sounds like a dream. good music can help with art soooo much and i wish i was drawing rn too! also i definitely agree omg. like maybe i was just raised by my parents who hate everything new (like old people do <3) but i so agree, i feel like old turkish music has so much drama and uses traditional instruments that complement the style of singing thats typical for turkish music, does that make sense? like you can find good artists doing modern turkish music too i think but its different.... i mean hmm i dont really listen to tarkans newer songs, nil karaimbrahimgil has some songs i used to listen to as well. göksel too... but those albums are also from the early/mid 2000s so they barely count as modern anymore. and i dont think they compare to older turkish songs AT ALL
ALSO yes yes please send me movie recommendations!!!! dont worry about subs, i can understand turkish well enough LOL its more the speaking thats an issue for me. i would love to know if theres any movies i can annoy my family with hehehe
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