#every time i reblog an ask meme thing and then actually get asks i forget everything about myself this took me three hours fjdklfs
krysmcscience · 14 days
Did somebody say Bill shouldn't be allowed to swear? I think somebody said Bill shouldn't be allowed to swear. Thanks to that, have these retooled The Good Place jokes:
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The "powers that be" can refer to either the Theraprism staff, the Axolotl, or just. Ya know. Disney in general. Or all three! Whichever you think is funniest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The "party" Bill's referring to is Weirdmageddon, of course. He was quite the ashhole to everyone back then.
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Ford has probably gotten pretty good at the 'tune out your psychopathic ex with dank memes' challenge.
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It must be very cathartic to be able to make Bill shut up whenever you want with just the press of a button. I'm sure Ford doesn't abuse this ability at all.
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Oh, sure, 'Not now,' he says, before he immediately backs out of the newly-made hole in the Theraprism wall. 🙄
Don't worry, Bill doesn't get far.
also yeah i know this one doesn't have an attempted swear - i just wanted to use the joke because of the massive stink-eye involved in it because it makes me laugh
⬇️ More goofs beneath the brief ramble if you wanna skip it lmao⬇️
Why is Ford even there, you might ask? Well, he either decided he preferred to watch Bill suffer in person over being distantly and repeatedly harassed with the same evil desperation book for the rest of his life, or he got roped into some kind of contrived community service for 1.) all his many counts of interdimensional thievery, and 2.) his ignoring all the very clear warnings to NOT summon Bill in the first place (which I like to imagine is also illegal). Theraprism staff were just like, 'Wait, this guy matters to Bill? Ooh, we can USE that! It might be the only thing that can help him want to get better!' It is not considered that throwing Ford at Bill so soon after Weirdmageddon could instead make them both WORSE - in new and altogether special ways! :D
Anyway, I'm calling it the Community Service AU, and I am most likely not going to do anything else with it beyond appropriating these silly Good Place jokes. So, feel free to adopt the concept if y'all wanna??? Just make sure that Bill is still not allowed to swear, no matter what, full stop. It's gotta be a real linguistic corkblork of a situation for him, is all I'm sayin'.
Finally, have these bonus Good Place jokes, but with Handyman!Bill this time:
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'Opposite tortures' doesn't sound so bad...at least until it's an all-powerful chaos entity known for torture saying it.
you may think i forgot mabel's cute pink cheeks but the truth is that i did in fact forget but then immediately stopped caring which makes it okay, SHHHHHHH
And, finally:
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lmao this is shit
True facts, if you cram Season 1 Eleanor Shellstrop and Michael into a singular triangle shape, they turn into Bill Cipher. This is science, look it up. Or don't, and just trust the source that is me, bro.
Anyway, I should be in bed, y'all have fun with these, I guess. Tune in after like a week or so and maybe I'll have an addendum to my comic about how Bill was drawn naked for karaoke night. Because him actually being naked was not the only thing I considered as a plausible explanation. XD
Also if you see any inconsistencies or errors in any of these comics, No You Do Not :D
Also also, reblogs are rad as hell and I appreciate every single one, just don't repost, please and thanks. Every time a repost is made, an artist somewhere cries. :,)
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chasingbeetles · 2 years
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oh hell, y'all
i think this is all (?) of the possible emojis, so i'm just gonna answer them all under a cut
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
to actually enjoy writing again! in 2021 and the first bit of 2022, writing became yet another obligation for me to get done, and i tried to be fine with it by justifying it as being the one thing that was an obligation i had to myself as opposed to everything else. which is ofc obviously a totally normal and perfectly reasonable way to approach something
i finally had to bully myself into just flat-out Not Writing—not opening or looking at or starting anything until i actually wanted and was looking forward to writing again. which is a point i’ve reached, thank fuck, so this year i really want to approach writing as a thing i actually enjoy and something i can do for myself in the midst of the rest of the shitshow i have going on
🛳 Are there any new ships you want to write for? (Platonic, romantic, or anything in between.)
no ships i’m specifically wanting to, tbh (but since i’m looking forward to writing for new fandoms, i’m obvs looking forward to writing ships in them)
🤔 Are there any new characters you want to write about?
writing bruce wayne is gonna be interesting, i think
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
actually, fewer people know i had original shit than fic! most of my friends irl are people i met through fandom and fic to begin with. people irl who don’t know i write are people i don’t share anything about my life with anyway
🥵 Any plans to write steamy or spicy content this year?
more than likely fjdklfsfds
👻 Is there a new genre you’d like to write?
might fuck around with horror
🦄 Is there a new POV you’d like to try writing?
not in particular? though a thousand years ago i wrote some second-person POV stuff that i quite liked, so i might try my hand at that again
🐌 What is one of your smallest writing goals?
to actually write!
🦖 Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you’d like to return to?
oh hell yeah, i’ve got a shitwack of witcher and hobbit stuff, plus yyh and ygo stuff i’d like to clear out of my drafts eventually
🍄 Are there any fandoms you’ve never written for but want to try?
fjdklfsfd i’ve got drafts now for shit i never thought i’d write for, so i’m gonna go with dc(e)u and merlin even though i technically have something written for them already
🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
this is my favourite question bc it implies that i ever plan on doing research at all.....90% of the time, i get ideas for fics bc i’m already looking up something anyway for funsies
✨ What’s one area of your writing that you think needs the least amount of improvement?
I’m definitely never hurting for fic ideas! blessing and a curse, lmao
🥕 What’s one area of your writing that you think needs the most amount of improvement?
i don’t know if it’s a writing thing exactly, but i need to chill tf out if i don’t get done exactly what i plan to for a fic/writing stint/etc, bc this is something i enjoy and not another thing i’m Beholden To
🫘 Spill the beans. What’s a new project you’re doing this year?
it’s not exactly a new project by any means, considering i started drafting it in fucking 2021, but i have this massive witcher au fic that i told myself i was absolutely never gonna write.........and then i outlined and wrote shit for 27 chapters and vague ideas for a sequel, so. uh. would be cool as hell if i could start posting that this year!
🥳 How are you going to celebrate when you achieve one of your writing goals?
well fjdklfs first i think i gotta not Die Inside if i don’t meet a goal, which i’m gonna call a celebration in and of itself
🎃 Do you plan on writing any seasonal fics?
not really! i think i have a few fics that are set in Specific Seasons, but none of them are really seasonal
🐾 Do you plan on writing for any fests or competitions?
not this year :/ last year i told myself i wasn’t gonna do any fests/bangs......and i didn’t, but also i didn’t really write so i don’t think it counts. plus for the last few bangs have just been so deeply cursed for me! like the wildest shit has gone wrong during them that i’m gonna give it a minute before i do another one
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
none of them really matter to me any more than the others, tbh!
👾 Do you have any “bad” writing habits you want to break?
setting wildly unreasonable writing goals, like things that i can accomplish, but just burn me the fuck out or are set for an unreasonable checkpoint or arbitrary deadline
🤖 Are you looking to change your current writing setup? (Or establish one, if you don’t have one?)
i’m gonna try to be better about setting time aside to write! which actually means that i gotta be better about setting time to do everything else and leaving myself time to write. i have a hard time leaving my work at work (and my work has......a very hard time being left at work, lmao), which then eats into time i need to do shit around the house and other stuff, which then obviously i need to do before i can write, and then it’s two in the fucking morning and i have to be up at six
🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you’re dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
it’s from that big witcher au :/ it’s not the first bit of Big Exposition that i need to do, but it’s just so fucking clunky
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💥 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you’re most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
i had a really hard time picking something, which i’m taking as a good sign! but this is from a tmfu fic that i’ll.......theoretically......post this year
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🍕 Will you be making any changes to your posting schedule (if you have one)? (Or do you want to establish a posting schedule?)
love posting schedules! would love to have one someday! but tbqh i’d like to post a fic a month this coming year, so we’ll see how that goes. (well ideally i’d like to churn something out every couple of weeks, but i’m also trying to have Realistic Expectations for myself)
🛏 Is there a new trope you’d like to write this year?
nothing specific, tbh!
🪩 Do you have any “good” writing habits you want to cultivate?
my outlining/editing system is pretty decent, so i want to get into the swing of writing again to work on to organize all my new shit in a way that makes sense
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don’t meet your goals?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i will. be very chill about it. it will be fine and i’ll just adjust my goals. :)
💌 Are you willing to take requests or prompts for writing?
i figure i gotta first actually get some ancient fucking drafts done and out before i commit to prompts.....but maybe eventually!
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mixelation · 4 months
Housekeeping post! Last updated 29 June 2024.
Who is Tori?
My OC! Check out her masterpost.
Do you have a tags masterpost?
I'm working on it. :)
How do I refer to you?
I've been telling people to call me Mixel, but some people call me Mix. I use she/they.
Can you tag something for me?
I am not good at remembering to tag things. In general, if you following a blog requires certain things to be tagged, I wouldn't recommend following this blog.
You didn't answer my ask!
I don't answer even close to every ask I get. It's nothing personal! Sometimes I don't have time or energy, sometimes I just don't have opinions on the thing, and sometimes I mean to answer later and then forget and then it gets buried. Sometimes this happens even if I've specifically asked for people to send me stuff via an ask meme. Sometimes I don't answer even when I really want to for various reasons.
Do you want a recommendation?
Please don't send me recommendations unless I have specifically asked for them.
Can I DM you?
I don't like getting DMs from people I don't know. Please don't DM me unless we've talked before (via comments, asks, etc -- anon does NOT count). If you have a question you don't want answered publicly, you can send me an ask and request it be answered privately.
Also: please do not send me posts with zero context. I cannot read your mind and I don't like not knowing what you expect me to do with the post (reblog it, talk to you about, etc). Yes, even if you think the context is obvious. You do not need many words to contextualize a post.
Do you have a DNI?
No, but relevant to being a fandom blog: I am a bonafide adult, and my view on shipping and other fandom activities is basically "I have no right to judge what fictional scenarios other people enjoy or want to explore." If either of those things make you uncomfortable, go ahead and block me.
Can I repost your content to another website? I'll credit you!
For fics, absolutely not. Do not repost any of my creative story writing, fanfic or original fic.
For generic tumblr posts, I am wary of giving permission to repost any sort of content on another site. I can’t stop you reposting screen caps of my posts, and I’m not going to hunt them down or (publicly) complain about screen caps of my post on other sites. But if you come to me actually asking for permission.... the answer is no.
Fandom and fics:
I came here to find the Plasticity AUs and what I found confuses and frightens me.
Not to worry! I made a masterpost.
Why did you change your user name?
Here's a post about it. Most relevant notes form that post: 1. Don't refer to me by my old user name, even on other sites. 2. If you find an old tumblr link that's broken, you can replace my old user name with "mixelation" and it will work again!
Can I do ______ with your fic?
I have a permissions statement on my AO3 profile. I try to keep this up-to-date as my feelings on how my work is used evolves.
Can I tag you/send you a post that reminds me of your fics?
Yes, but please explain that's what you're doing. Please don't send me context-less posts. I cannot read your mind through the internet.
I might retract permission for this if I start getting a ton, just for my own sanity. But so far it's been fine.
How do I send you fan art?
Most people have been sending them by asks, but you can also post them to your own blog and @ me, or else comment on the fic itself or send me a link via tumblr asks. Give me a few days to interact before following up.
When are you going to update _____? Is _____ abandoned?
I have a busy life and what fic I work on in my free time is controlled by the whims of my brain. There's no schedule and I am unlikely to be able to give you an estimate. I will tag a fic as abandoned on AO3 if I decide there's no way it will ever get updated. For some fics for which I get this a lot:
Homemade Dynamite - I actually have about 95% of chapter 13 written. Chapter 12, however, is only like half written and I have a pretty big block on it. :(
Fun and Games - I do hope to continue this one, and I have a decent chunk of the next chapter written, plus notes + an outline for the rest of the fic. Unfortunately, to keep writing it, I have to do a decent amount of research on HP canon, and certain recent events have really soured by motivation to interact with that canon.
I found a fic I think you would like!
Please see my answer about recommendations. Don't send them unless I've asked, no matter how good you think it is.
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cloangi · 5 months
Get to know me 🔥
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**Post may be updated every so often to change wording, to add/delete things, etc
Part 1 of Bio - Information for starters⤵️
Fine to interact:
Under my age (15)
A bit over 18
A furry (not the gross kind though. Just the ones who dress up for fun)
Part of LGBTQ+
Overall everyone is welcome‼️
Do NOT interact (I seriously dont want any sort of conflict here):
Racist (if you're going out your way to harass people and be an overall bitch that is)
Phobia against any religion
Into sick activities (you already know what I mean by this 😐)
Against the military in any way (We get the whole propaganda stuff, but don't hate people who are active duty, in the reserves, etc. If someone wants to join, don't hate on them and spread death threats, its sad to see some people sre actually like this)
If I see any of yall tweaking out or being problematic over some shit, don't be surprised if I block your ass from here 💀🙏. I'm tryna keep this a "good vibe" type place. And keep in mind that I tolerate most types of behavior, and I literally never block people (very high and bold emphasis on "never").
So if I do happen to block you, you done messed up.
General things about me:
15 years old
I'm AROACE 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
ENTJ personality type
Only do art as a hobby (so no money taking or commissions people)
Art consists of my fandom fixations
You can refer to me as either my username or the names Baaz and Keegan. Either one works, I don't care.
Extra: Besides posting low quality drawings of my fixations, I mostly reblog art or anything I can find of the fandoms/fixations I'm in (or know a bit about), such as art, memes, and such. Or you can find some random art that isn't related to any fandom reblogged on here.
I am fine with people + mutuals sending me DM's‼️ Just don't make it weird (you already know what I mean by that)
Also, please do send me asks 🙏‼️. I enjoy responding to them and sadly never get any 😔
Note: You can make offensive + dark humor jokes (at least with me in the ask box or DM's) I'm into that shit. Can be racist jokes, sexist, sexual in some way, or whatever. Insulting me in any way doesn't affect me in the slighest as long as it's a joke. The more offensive the better—so go all out (not S/A though, that's something that even I'll never joke about).
Social stuff:
Quora Account - [Place where I've spent most of my time online, around 4-5 years or so. I post random things of me yapping of all topics or things I've found/seen].
Part 2 of Bio - Fixations⤵️
The list below is color coded based on the fandoms I'm fixated on, or I just like
Orange = Fixated
Green = Like
Rainbow 6 Siege - Don't have the console to play the actual game so I watch it instead.
Call of Duty - Certain campaigns in it, mostly COD Ghosts though (Yes, I have played the OG versions of some of the campaigns on the old ps3 we have, and I do play MP Cod Ghosts).
Hell Divers 2 - Like R6S, I don't have the actual console itself to play it but it's on my wishlist and I really like the concept of the game, plus the community seems pretty fire.
Eddsworld - Used to have a HUGE fixation on this fandom, prob for up to 1-2 years (shit had a strong grip on me)
My Little Pony - I'm surprised this fandom is absolutely booming now. Watched the entire show (forgot everything though 💀), I love the art the fandom makes though, including the AU's.
Saiki K - Started to rewatch it again since I forgot the whole storyline 💀🙏
The Amazing Digital Circus - Caught up on all episodes
Demon Slayer - Watched all seasons
The Amazing World of Gumball - Havent really watched it much, but I really like it including the fan base
Into the Spiderverse - Have never read the comics, but movie-wise I like it
...Damn, you still reading? I mean if you're interested go ahead and drop a follow to this thing (you're likely gonna forget this account anyways, so free follow for me mwhahaha).
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saytrrose · 7 months
Hey it’s been awhile since you reblogged that one nsfw ask meme yk what, fuck it why don’t you answer all of them with whatever ship you want 👀
1. What was their first time like?
Kinda awkward at first, their first time together was Kingers first time with anyone. It was mostly just testing waters, slow and sweet and obviously not perfect but one time turned into another time and another so it must’ve not been that bad !! There was definitely a lot more communication and talking than actions in itself, learning about eachother and what they liked as they don’t immediately know right off the bat, and Kinger barely knows himself anyway.
2. Who usually initiates things?
Queenie is more assertive and overall confident. She usually starts things, but Kinger is not unknown to also do so.
3. How often do they have sex?
Not often actually, it’s not something super important to them in the first place but also, living in the circus kinda sucks and there’s not really a lot of free time in order to do so❗️💔
4. Who is louder/noisier?
5. Who is more sensitive?
Kinger probably.
6. What's foreplay often like?
They have a lot of prep, after all they are never in a rush. Lots of soft kisses all over, slowly trailing down and massaging- teasing- the teasing is definitely Queenie. Kinger just can’t, is Queenie wants something you mean he has to say no? But yeah, lube, condoms, all the wonderful things before they get into the real thing.
7. Favorite place to have sex?
They’ve probably only done it in their rooms before but for the sake of this question can you imagine if one time they snuck away mid-adventure during the day to like.. the castle or just into the hallway and Queenie pushed Kinger against the wall or hid in there and was being real risky? I’d say they could’ve done something like that once which Queenie loved, but Kingers far too paranoid so he’d prefer their bedrooms.
8. Favorite position to have sex?
Basic/Common positions- Kinger likes missionary most because he’s a vanilla loser but Queenie also loves doggy, pretzel dip, cowgirl- silly silly things that she can’t decide a favorite.
9. Who's best at oral sex/oral headcanons?
This is so funny thinking of them as chesspieces bro anyway I’ll say Queenie.
10. Who's more likely to tickle their partner?
Kinger might to make Queenie laugh a bit but I don’t see tickling to do with anything sexual w them.
11. Who's more romantically sexual?
I’m honestly going to say Kinger, and my reasoning is that Kinger prefers to be more slow and sweet, and Queenie loves that but also when she’s topping then she’s much rougher and quicker. Doesn’t have to do much with romance at first glance but I think with Kingers mannerisms, he draws things out longer.
12. Who's better at dirty talk/dirty talk headcanon?
Queenie hahhaHa but they don’t degrade, they are huge on praise. Kinger gets nervous but he’s still good at it, mumble in between kisses compliments usually- how she’s so pretty and beautiful. Queenie is much better, because she can suppress her noises more easily and focus on her talking. She praises him constantly over every little thing because Kinger always gets unbelievably flustered. While Kinger usually just sticks to small compliments, Queenie likes to comment more on the direct situation- like “you’re doing so good,” “That’s it, you’re such a pretty boy,” “you’re so cute looking up at me like that,” HAHAH and more yk yk.
13. Do they have sexual nicknames or titles?
14. Who's more likely to be caught masturbating?
I wanna say Queenie because she’s the more sexual one but I also wanna say Kinger because he’s.. not smart idk. Mf would forget to lock the door so yeah. Kinger.
15. Who looks at porn more?
They can’t look at porn in the circus, I’m almost positive Caine wouldn’t allow that lol.
16. Who usually cums first?
Kinger, just by using the logic of men vs women in that area. It’s much much easier and common for the men to..
17. How long can they go?
Kinger is wiped after just one round- I think Queenie could go maybe 3 before she’s sore.
18. What are their safewords?
19. Any routines?
Ummm I don’t think so! They don’t really stick to the same one thing over and over. However maybe aftercare. It’s very very important to them, and they always take a lot of time to clean up and check in on one another.
20. Do they have a dynamic (Dom/sub) or are they versatile?
Versatile for the most part but Queenie does tend to lean towards dominant and Kinger leans more submissive with his behavior.
21. What roleplay scenarios do they have/want?
I don’t think they really roleplay anything? (This is an excuse to not think hard about it because hhh idk!)
22. What sextoys do they use?
I doubt sex toys are a thing in the circus as well but for the sake of this question I’ll say a strap or vibrators. Haha.. ha.. Queenie… strap..
23. Who, if anyone, would they most likely bring in to join them?
24. Shared kinks/fetishes?
They are drastically different when it comes to this, Kinger is pretty vanilla and Queenie is quite kinky, however they do both love and share a praise kink.
25. Something they tried and won't do again?
Oh man. Maybe risk play? Queenie thought it’d be super exciting, the thought of almost getting caught but it freaked Kinger out so much they might’ve had to stop. Poor guy is too paranoid for that.
26. What would each member say their favorite thing about the other(s) is?
Kinger would say her eyes, her voice, he’d ramble on and gush about her every feature and aspect of her appearance and then Queenie would be the sort to write on a piece of paper “tits or ass” and write personality instead, and then check off “ass” anyway.
27. Any headcanons not touched on?
Nothing comes to my mind!! I ramble about them oh so much already i just can’t think of anything else eeee
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
Hey! I’d like to know how best to start an askblog, and how to keep one interesting over a long term.
the number one thing I've found with how to start an askblog is to make sure you have something you think you can roll with for awhile (a character or series you're very invested in, if it's an art one make sure it's a design you're willing and able to draw over and over again, etc etc) and then setting up your blog as completely as possible before you post anything.
[This got quite long so further elaboration + more tips below:]
Enable custom theme, plan out how you're gonna tag things a little bit, set your icon and header (if it's an art askblog, absolutely set it to your own art so people get an idea of what your art is like going into the blog), get your blog description in order, all that jazz. If it's an art blog, make sure you have a design settled for your character beforehand and I'd recommend making it a design you could draw easily if you are absolutely exhausted. Having your design be one you can doodle easily means you won't get burnt out from just the idea of drawing the character. Don't feel like you have to get super fancy or complicated with things - your askblog doesn't have to be colored in or have backgrounds or anything. Get as few barriers as possible in between you and theoretically posting. That's gonna be your number one way to personally stay invested outside of your own interest in the character/fandom/subject/etc. Also try to have some ideas for what type of questions you might get and how you will answer them ahead of time, so you're prepared to get right into things when you start getting asks.
And then the most important step is to open your inbox. Before you do ANYTHING ELSE, open your inbox. Turn on anon. Good. Now never close it. A closed inbox, or failing to ever actually open the inbox, is the number one way I see askblogs die. Askblog Muns will close their inbox and then forget to ever reopen them or wonder why they aren't getting asks and abandon the blog entirely. If you are getting overwhelmed, turn off anon. That almost always slows asks down to a manageable crawl. If you are having a significant problem with rude asks or similar, block liberally. You can block anons - tumblr may give you an error about it but in my experience it generally works.
Okay, so you've prepped your askblog and opened your inbox. Now you have to make a post to advertise it. If you are going to make an "ad" style post or intro for your askblog, make a second post as well that is just a general post about the character or meme or similar. Few people are likely to reblog the intro/ad post - this is not a personal slight against you, people just don't generally see a reason to because it doesn't fit what they usually reblog and really don't like being told to do stuff. Significantly more people are more likely to reblog general fanart, text post memes, a comic dub, cosplay photography, or etc, especially shitposts, and then check out your blog from that. Interspersing occasional posts like that is a great way to keep your activity up outside of asks and get new people seeing your askblog every once in awhile.
From that point on, don't be afraid to send yourself asks or ask your friends to send stuff in just to get/keep the ball rolling. Getting your friends to send you some asks right away can be a great way to start posting immediately and show how the format of your blog works, so new people know how interacting with it works. Don't be afraid to post relevant fandom content stuff there, but generally try to keep it to original posts in a similar vein to the askblog (i.e.: if you run an illustrated askblog, post some of your other fanart for that franchise/character there sometimes as well). And try to keep it to your own content - avoid reblogging other people's stuff too much cause it'll clog up your blog and not do anything to help bring new eyes. You can reblog stuff of course, but don't let it overwhelm your blog. Keeping your askblog active with original posts means more people are going to find your blog and stay invested in your blog and send you more asks and this will self-perpetuate.
As far as keeping it interesting over a long-term, that's subjective. But some things you can do include events, particularly for milestones or anniversaries or etc, and many askblogs include a plotline that the characters follow while answering questions, which can encourage asks inquiring about what the characters are up to and give more things to talk about. If you don't keep things changing or progressing, people can run out of things to ask about. Also, don't be afraid to answer the same or similar questions multiple times - especially if it was awhile ago. It's unlikely all your followers have seen all your posts and you can always put a new spin on it. The one billion hug/boop/etc asks do get tiresome though so don't feel bad about skipping the nth one of those. And don't feel like you have to answer every ask immediately! Saving asks can be really useful later down the line, especially if you get a ton of asks all at once but then don't have a lot later. It gives you something to post.
Just generally encouraging engagement with asks/anons is another good option, again such as with events or even things such as Magic!Anons, which is a way anons can impact the characters/story/event in random manners (some common ones are turning characters into animals or monsters, or genderbends, or etc etc). Or even just having your characters react in particular or silly ways to anons or show ways the characters get their buttons pressed by certain asks will encourage people to send in more of those types of asks or explore ways they can personally torment/annoy/etc the characters more, which people love.
The only caveat to this is be careful about letting it stray too far into just straight up RP territory - askblog crossovers are super fun and can be a great way to build up an askblog community, but RP blogs are an entirely different thing that get mixed up with askblogs sometimes and when those waters get muddied it has a poor tendency to just kill askblogs. Because of how RP blogs function entirely differently to askblogs, if your askblog becomes too much of an RP blog it will become only an RP blog, and you will probably completely stop getting askblog asks because the askblog audience doesn't want to rp. Askblogs and RP blogs are similar in theory but very different in execution and attempting to combine them rarely goes well. You will just end up with one or the other and if you were hoping to make one, getting the other will probably leave you confused and disappointed. Also keeping RP blogs active is a completely different beast - that one is just general RP rules. Make your character and go find an open RP to join or community accepting new members and just hop right in. If the RP fizzles out the RP fizzles out, that's not something you can really control. It's the cons of collaborative writing. Askblogs are entirely in your hands, so you can control how active it is. It just comes down to your own engagement and enjoyment with the thing. Just remember: Ultimately, an askblog is for you, the creator of the askblog. Be as self-indulgent as you want. In fact, being self-indulgent is highly encouraged! Because that's how you personally stay invested in your own project. Never feel like you're forced to keep doing it - it's just for fun and for your own amusement. As long as you're having fun and keep going with it, you will attract an audience that will love it as much as you do. You don't need to post every day, or even every week or whatever - take as many breaks as you need.
So tl;dr:
Set up your askblog as much as possible before you post anything.
Post general fandom content separately alongside your intro/ad post so you are more likely to get traction to your askblog
Don't be afraid to ask your friends to send you asks, or send yourself asks if you need.
Have something going on or switch things up from time to time (or give a means for anons to switch things up) so people have more stuff to ask about or generally feel encouraged to ask things/interact, such as events, plotlines, and/or magic!Anons.
The more you stay active, the more people will see your blog and engage with it
Ultimately the blog is for you, so make it something you will want to stay invested in and feel like you can keep active with and that you enjoy, and people will become invested in it alongside you. If it helps at all - the audience is theoretical and/or ever-changing. You are a guarantee. So cater to you because you know above all else that you are always going to be there.
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notoriouseliterp · 3 months
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Hello, lovely members!
This is going to be quite a long admin note as there are a few points we’d like to touch on. But before we dive into that, I’d like to start by saying how amazing you all are in so many ways. The group has been open for a little over a month now and we couldn’t be happier about how things are going and how smoothly everything is running. There have been no major issues and we can’t thank you all enough for continuing to show up and write together. Thank you. We admins truly appreciate you all.
With that said, there are a few things that we must enforce right now for the sake of the group.
Please remember that trigger tags are important and are not mandatory! It’s understandable that we might forget from time to time and that’s okay. However, we kindly invite everyone to visit the trigger page here and ensure that you are tagging your posts appropriately when necessary.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to muns you haven’t talked to before, especially if you have an idea you’d like to explore. We understand that this can be tricky, especially for those who are shy or anxious about initiating contact. However, remember that we are all part of a group because we want to be part of a group, of a community where we can create new connections and write with more than one person. I assure you, everyone here is more than happy to plot and develop their muses further So take the leap and give it a try. If you ever feel ignored or uncomfortable with a particular mun, don't hesitate to message us on the main. We’re always here to listen and help in any way we can. This a general reminder for everyone to also be proactive in coming up with ideas for plotting/connections and to at least provide each other with something to work with. Which leads me to the next point...
Replies: Make sure to give the other person something to work with. Ask yourself if your reply is something you would find easy to respond to; if not, develop it a bit more, ask questions, find common ground between the two muses interacting. This isn't an issue per se, as everyone has their own writing style, but it's a good reminder to always put effort into your replies, even if the muses aren’t directly connected in any way. We’re not saying long replies are the only way—absolutely not—that’s not the point at all. But everybody need to give the other person something to respond to, or else the conversation will die early on.
Last but not least, memes. we’ve had three memes so far and have encountered the same issue each time: not everyone is sending asks to others. While Tumblr can sometimes eat asks, it’s unlikely that more than half of them are getting lost. We know it can be a lot of work to send asks to 30+ celebs, but everyone is here to have fun, and it’s not fair to those who put in the effort to not receive as many as they expect and deserve. The rules are simple: if you reblog a meme with multiple muses, you must send an ask for each muse you’ve reblogged with. Make sure to go back and send asks to those who reblogged after you, every day until the meme ends. If you can’t be around right in that moment to do the meme, wait to reply until you’re actually available, or at least make sure you have enough time to send in questions before reblogging. We hate to do this, but this is an issue we can’t ignore. For the next meme, we’ll do a test and ask everyone to send asks off-anon. In the meantime, the current meme is still on-going, so we kindly ask those who didn’t send questions to everybody, to do so.
I’ll wrap up this note by saying once again that we love you all. If you have any doubts or questions, please don’t hesitate to ask, and we’ll be happy to clarify.
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trainsinanime · 13 days
Hi! For the Ficlet starter ask, I give you two choices, pick whichever inspired you the most.
Plagg with #20
Adrien with #17
Oh that's interesting! For those not in the know, that's from an ask meme that I did back in 2022, I just recently reblogged an answer I posted to that again because someone else found it and I still liked it. Anyway, no critique here, I love getting asks for old ask memes, so let's get to it!
"Ok, well... Fuck." Adrien didn't like swearing. He told himself it was because it was nicer to be nice, and not because of his father's possible reaction. Either way, he had little practice and avoided it if at all necessary. But sometimes a situation just really demanded some profanity.
"At least I didn't break any laws", said Plagg. "Not that I get why you care about that. As a Kwami, a being of superior intelligence, power and dimensionality, I exceed any and all mortal considerations!"
"You wouldn't be saying that if it was your cheese that was gone."
"That's different. Camembert is divine!"
Adrien rolled his eyes.
"And by the way, I think this actually is illegal", he continued. "I'm positively certain, actually."
"Nu-uh", said Plagg, shaking his black round head and sending his whiskers flying in all directions. "No law ever said that Kwamis can't do anything, because those idiots in their governments don't know we exist. And they can't change it after the fact, it's against their human rights."
"But you just said you're not human."
"Bah, details, kitten. Listen, if you want to get ahead in life, you need two things: A belief that you have every right to be where you are, and stinky camembert. And luckily, I have enough for both of us to share!"
Adrien looked at his Kwami, and despite himself, smiled.
"Thank you, Plagg."
"Anytime, kid. Let's just forget about the whole thing."
"Oh no. We have to get Ladybug to clean this up." Adrien pointed over at the place where the Eiffel Tower had stood until five minutes ago, where now a black hole was sending ripples through space and time, spewing out goo that might be sentient aliens, or possibly ancient steel rivets covered in cheese.
"And you will have to explain to Tikki how this happened."
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cornflowershade · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Thank you for tagging me @lamonnaie!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself Sonia (she/her). 24. I love getting to know people & chatting about shows so lets goooo
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I watched Bad Buddy in one week, in late October 2022. I owe it to @airenyah honestly. I think I found their blog through an SPN post and clicked over for that reason. In my scrolling, I happened upon a lovely gifset (wish I could recall who made it) of InkPa. It was the scene where they're outside and Pa says anyone taller than her is fine and hops down off the sidewalk. :) Love that scene. Anyway I reblogged it and in the tags was like WHAT IS THIS I MUST WATCH IT. To which airenyah gave me a whole blessed reply telling me the show name, giving a small synopsis/what to expect from my first thai drama & telling me where I could watch it. I immediately watched the series and adored it. I've seen it twice thus far.
favorite ship(s) PatPran & InkPa :)
favorite character(s): Okay I adore all the main 4 but I'm gonna go with Pran. I love him. There's just something so soft about him and how on earth do his eyes communicate so much?? I think I relate to his messy little overthinking and silently in love brain—very "me the first time i had a queer crush and simply wallowed the whole time bc it was impossible" lol. Also, he's always making the funniest facial expressions which gets me every time. I could go on about everything I like about his character (for instance how clever yet sometimes oblivious he is & how he gets all annoyed lol). Though I do question his sense of interior design and that smiley face obsession.
favorite episode(s) Honestly I'm not certain if I have one?? It's all so good! I do really like their "whoever falls first loses" era though. Wait actually?? My favorite ep might be the early one where Pat thinks he's hitting on the "girl" across the hall and they end up running into each other on the roof. Also both of the beach episodes.
favorite scene(s) *pastes in the entire show* Okay okay I'll try to pick a few:
~ The scene where Pat is staying over and he and Pran are lying in the dark, counting down to say in unison whether they have a crush on Ink. Idk I remember that scene having an emotional impact on me. Pran's face??? Then when Pat asks "would you like me?" and Pran says "I hate you" and then he yanks the blanket away but you saw him crying?? ahhhghrhghgh
~ The scene in the darkroom with Ink and Pa. I remember getting so emotional. Pretty sure Pa's dialogue and acting made me cry. "I do [like you being nice to me]. I like it so much that I thought I was special to you." ARE YOU KIDDING ME ASDFGZ. And then Ink says she is special to her!! And it's so sweet!!
~ OH and how could I forget. This should be at the top of the list. I realllly like the scene where Pran stands up to his mom and they have that emotional fight in their front hall. That whole thing is just. AHHHHHH. AHHH. AHIOFJEIOsdJIO. SIJDGRIOGJRIGJORE
~ And the scene at the stairs where Pat yells how much he loves Pran in front of Pran's whole faculty. :)
(Also any scene where Pat & Pran are being silly. Like their dumb little chopstick fight :p omg or the designing the bus stop at night scene)
one thing you would change about the show if you could Ohhhh I don't know! Maybe I'd throw in a few more InkPa scenes :)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? Ahh fun fun fun. Get ready for some fanvid recs! (What else do you expect from me, a fanvidder.)
• Just My Type (Pat x Pran) by samyvids • Physical (Pat x Pran) by coldties • Enchanted (Ink x Pa) by rheaprodz • I really like you (Pat x Pran) by dkyth73 • Rebels (Pat x Pran) by coldties • Dandelions (Pat x Pran) by hylian fanvids
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made? I've made two fanvids for Bad Buddy, as well as one song cover haha. I'll stick to the fanvids here. :)
• All I Need (Ink x Pa) • That dimple is illegal (Pat x Pran)
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) Physical by Dua Lipa. The fanvid using that song is my all-time favorite BBS edit, so hearing the song reminds me of it.
idk anything else you want us to know? Uhhhhhhhh. I mean I could ramble about BBS and why it means so much to me for a long time haha. Should I do that? I guess I'll do that.
Okay so BBS was the first Thai drama I watched. I was still feeling a lot from the SPN-finale/confession scene era (yes that happened 2 years prior but it's SPN okay iykyk) which had me especially sad about and aware of media censorship etc. etc.
On top of that I was still working up the courage to leave this group chat of childhood friends, some of whom liked to complain about media "making everything gay" etc. (Amazing how you can not know people are homophobic for the entirety of your childhood bc the topic just never comes up lol.) Which was of course upsetting to me for multiple reasons. However the universe decided to do something nice and Heartstopper was released. That series felt really huge to me, but after it was over, I was left with this feeling of like... what else is there to watch? Where else will I ever find a queer ship this canon where they're also the main characters?
That's when I came across BBS and it gave me this realization that OH WAIT we aren't limited to western media and OH LOOK there's so many great shows that I didn't even know about!! And they keep making them! Also it was a queer story where the main obstacle wasn't being gay (Plus, Asian leads!!). And BBS itself is just such a standout show. First of all, I love a good comedy and the series made me laugh so much. It's heartfelt but full of ANTICS [like yes lets have fun! Lets not take everything too seriously!], and Pat & Pran & Ink & Pa are just such wonderful and lovable and real feeling characters—who have this lovely friendship too—and the show is just! Such a fun ride. <3 I recall watching the series and feeling like my world just got a little bit bigger. Anyway Bad Buddy goes all in for everything it does and it's such a joy.
Tagging @airenyah and @distant-screaming and @feralmuskyscentedhoepran if you haven't done this yet and would like to!
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myrinthinks · 3 months
7 and 20 for the ask! (Grocery theme!!)
(In reference to this ask meme.)
7. Any groceries you’ve been getting into lately?
Aaaah, I don't think so, honestly. I mean, I've started to buy ice cream in tubs from time to time which isn't something I used to do but it's both irregular and not exceptional enough to warrant calling "getting into", I'm afraid.
20. What’s in your freezer right now? Oh, I can answer that easily and exactly because I actually have a list because I keep forgetting things are in there somewhere in the back and then I buy them again (and again. And again.). Be warned that this is a very German list and I'm not sure how well I'll be able to translate it, both literally and figuratively (in what it conveys). Let's see:
The mentioned tub of ice cream. It's walnut even though I usually get vanilla and am not actually a big walnut fan. Don't ask me why I got it, then. Half eaten.
Red cabbage, leftover from the last time I made pork roast.
A few bread dumplings, also leftovers from the last time I made pork roast.
A red bell pepper, cut into strips.
10 gyoza wrappers. I make like two too many with every batch and now I'm almost at the point where they'll make a whole batch by themselves!
A salmon fillet.
Half a loaf of kashkaval cheese, cut.
Lemon juice, tomato paste, and garlic paste made in an ice cube tray.
Two small containers of chopped dill, one of chopped thyme.
A bag of chopped parsley.
Four raw gyoza.
A small container of leftover... stew? I don't really know what you'd call this in English. It was originally (like, fifteen years ago) this recipe but I've changed it to my family's taste and it's been a staple ever since. I only make it rarely for myself but since it's very filling, even small amounts can make a satisfying lunch!
Brown mushrooms, chopped.
Grated parmesan.
A chicken breast.
A bunch of... sausage? This was the part I was thinking of mostly when I wrote the introductory paragraph. There is weirdly no real way to translate this into English because I don't think you guys really have this? At least not in the way you can get it at the butcher's? My dictionary is giving me "lunch meat", "cold meat", and "cold cuts"?? Is that what it's called? It's like this. I get a few different types at once so that I can freeze and then thaw them as I need them.
Two ends of Leberkas, which my dictionary helpfully calls "type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland". Contrary to my sister, I don't actually like the end parts ("Scherzerl") but I still get them whenever the butcher has them because I like putting them, diced, into pasta salads. And sometimes they're big enough to cut them into two pieces, one of which doesn't have the actual end part, and then I bake that and put it on a bread roll.
A piece of butter I rescued from going bad when I last knew I would be gone for two weeks. It's been living here for quite some time now because somehow there's never the right opportunity to take it out.
Three horsemeat sausages.
Two Bratwürste (and I HATE that you guys don't have a translation for that), a special blend the local butcher makes only in the summer which is SO GOOD. It's a bit spicy and I basically can't tolerate spice at all so I was really surprised by how much I like them when I first tried them. They're thin and an orange-y red and shed a lot of oil when you fry them but they're divine.
A bag of scallions. Just like with the celery stick video I reblogged recently, I should be allowed to buy one or two scallions, not a whole bunch of them! My freezer is never free of scallions because of this.
Four bread rolls. The bakery is just around the corner from my flat but I still don't feel like going every other day so I get a bunch of bread and rolls once a week or so and then freeze them for later use.
Two bags of pancake strips. I made way too many pancakes on Saturday and since in broth is the best way to eat them anyway I cut the leftover ones up and froze them in batches so that I get to enjoy my favourite type of soup whenever I want.
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somewhereapart · 1 year
For the sake of my mental health and productivity, and idk I guess nostalgia for a time in my life when both of those things were better than they are now, I'm trying to get into some sort of rotation that allows me to keep up with tumblr again, plus a couple of discord servers I'm a part of, plus that demon bird app from time to time, plus writing, plus work.
I had this grand plan of dedicating certain days of the week to each social-based thing so that every day I know where to point my attention. We'll see if that works....
But for so long, my attempts to exist again on tumblr have mostly been me popping in every now and then, queue-ing absolutely everything, swearing I'm gonna come back sooner and actually reblog things, forgetting to do so, coming back after a few weeks, queue-ing absolutely everything, rinse, repeat...
But it makes me feel like I'm kind of a ghost here, like I am here but I am not actually here. When you perceive me here, I am not, it's just another queued post in a long line of queued posts.
Tonight, I had to remind myself to just... reblog something. Like, right now, just reblog it now. I used to double-reblog most things back in the day -- once right away and then once to my queue, which would regularly get close to full. So I'd share the thing now, and then it'd pop up again, weeks from now, a little surprise, a little "hey, remember this?" But I stopped doing that because the queue finally ran out and then it's been so short in fits and starts... Anyway, this is really just me rambling about how my tumblr muscles have atrophied. I want so badly to come back and be on here more often because I think it actually works more the way my brain works, or the way I'd like it to work, anyhow, but I've sort of... forgotten all the olde ways. lol Forget to post my fic here, forget to fulfill the ask box memes prompts, forget to reblog.... So... I'm trying... We'll fire this ol' girl up again somehow...
(If you read this far, you get a cookie 🍪)
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celestialmantdonna · 5 months
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Welcome! I'm Mint (26, any pronouns) and here I write Mantis, mostly MCU-based but with some comic + game influences. Indie, semi-selective, mutuals only, 20+ muns only. I do not own Mantis, the Guardians of the Galaxy or any Marvel characters; they all belong to their respective creators, this is fan content. If we are mutuals don't be afraid to reach out to me to plot, suggest new verses, send me potential scenarios for our muses, etc. This blog is for fun so please be nice!
I default to using a normal sized font for accessibility, but if you want me to use a small font/you use it yourself because it's not a problem for you, I will!
Rules and guidelines are below the cut. Thank you in advance for reading them! (But no really, read them before interacting pls.)
Relevant links: muse | bio | verses | memes
1. This blog will have SPOILERS! If you want to watch the GotG movies without knowing any spoilers, you might wanna avoid this blog.
2. I do not write with muns under the age of 18, or ideally 20. If I can't find your age somewhere on your blog, I will assume you're under 20 and I will not write with you. I'm sure you write really well but it's just a me thing!
3. Do not reblog my OOC posts/threads you are not involved in. Do not reblog my open starters if we are not mutuals. If you enjoy my writing, I appreciate that! But please, if you're a personal blog, don't reblog anything that is not a gifset/image/fanart. I get that not everyone reads the rules, and sometimes it's an honest mistake. But if you do so deliberately, I will block you. Sorry.
4. I am multi-verse and multi-ship. OC & crossover friendly. I am semi-selective. Mutuals only except for asks.
5. No godmodding. This one's pretty simple. Despite Mantis having the power to control others, she will only use her powers on your muse if your muse agrees or if you and I have discussed it and you are okay with it. Similarly, if your muse can also control others, let's discuss it! Let's see what they can do to Mantis! It's fun to explore their powers, but no actual godmodding.
6. Shipping is fun and we can discuss it but please: no forcing ships and no saying our characters are dating/married without telling me. On a similar note, no saying our characters have a child without discussing it prior. I consider it a form of godmodding, and chances are I'll stop writing with you. Unless I reblog memes about sending in hypothetical kids, don't do that. I'm not saying you cannot do that with your other rp partners if they're okay with that, but don't do so with me.
7. I am me and Mantis is Mantis. Please separate the two, because I separate the muns from their muses. I want to write and create with you, not help you fulfill some sort of fantasy. I understand we can all use our own emotions and life experiences to put ourselves in a specific headspace to write, but if you're living vicariously through your muse, I'm not the partner for you. Nothing against that, I have a friend who writes self-insert, reader-insert stories and one-shots and my friend is an amazing writer. Don't be discouraged, you'll find the right partner!
8. I don't care whether you use icons or not or whether you occasionally commit typos. I do ask you try to use punctuation at least a little because if not, I will read entire sentences without any sort of pause, with no inflection or sense of pacing whatsoever. I really value creativity and characterization and I myself will, probably, have a typo every once in a while, it's all good, just try to keep a bare minimum of grammar.
9. I will never pressure you to reply to threads so please don't pressure me. If I think you actually forgot to reply I might gently remind you and you can do the same with me. This is supposed to be a fun hobby, let's remember that, yeah? I can be forgetful at times. If we're writing together please don't assume I do this because I don't want to write with you. If I'm writing with you it's because I want to and you do as well.
10. No OOC drama. Please. I am here to write and have a good time. In order to interact with me, be constructive when OOC, not destructive. I know we're all human, I understand we all have bad days, it's all good, but don't be a dick. Be respectful, to me and to anyone else I may be writing with. Don't police who I can or cannot write with, because I won't do that to you. I don't want OOC drama. Give me all the drama between muses though!
Some additional info:
Duplicates are welcome.
You can send Anonymous asks, they are welcome and appreciated. They can help me develop headcanons, ideas, etc.
If we're not mutuals and I answer one of your asks, though, don't expect it to become its own thread. I want to believe no one is being direspectful on purpose when it comes to this, but I wouldn't want you to take the time to write that, since I probably won't reply. Never anything personal, I wish I had time to write with everyone, but you know, real life and all that.
I don't write sexually charged material, it's just a preference of mine since I use writing as a tool of storytelling. If I tell you a story, personally I'm not gonna describe every little thrust/moan/gasp. Though if our muses have chemistry and I'm comfortable with you as a mun I'll absolutely be open to writing something a little spicy, but mostly fade to black/pillow talk/morning after stuff. It will be tagged ns;fw. Unprompted smutty starters/asks will get you blocked. If you write that with your other rp partners I don't mind though so don't worry about that.
If we're already writing together and you want to try a different dynamic, just reach out! While I do like to build relationships (of any kind) between muses, we can absolutely have more than one verse.
If you've read this far without yawning drop a 🪐 in the ask box (Anonymously or not) and I'll write a little playlist for you with songs I think the Guardians would have on their Zune.
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hekateinhell · 2 years
♡ + Armand/Lestat
I didn't realize you'd reblogged this meme and now you gotta feed me in return 😾 (and if someone else has asked for them in VC then I wanna know about them in your high school au)
babe you get my entire kitchen, apartment, whatever you want 🥹 LOL you already know the whole arc I have planned for them in the sequel but I'll stay in context of where we saw them last on ao3 -- their mutual boyfriend's name freshly tattooed on both their asses and Armand struggling to admit to Lestat that he loves him as well, before Lestat (for once), did the hard part for him.
• Who is the most affectionate?
Armand is incredibly insecure about just how much he's 'allowed' to touch him in public and in private so he doesn't readily initiate -- he doesn't want to rock the boat now that Louis's other boyfriend seems to have finally accepted him (he doesn't entirely trust Lestat's drunken and endorphin-fueled love confession).
Lestat's trying to navigate the awkward 'undefined' stage as well, but in the meantime, he'd like everyone else to know in no uncertain terms that this one also belongs to him. He's living his dream with one arm around Louis's waist and the other draped over Armand's neck. Everyone knows Lestat and Louis have been an on/off item, everyone knows Armand and Louis have also been an item for a while now, Lestat would like the world to know that he and Armand are also... something.
He just doesn't know what yet but if he could mark Armand like a dog in public, he would. It means the world to him that Armand never gave him back his leather jacket after that night and wears it to school every day even though it's much too baggy on him and reaches precisely down to his thighs. To Lestat's eighteen-year-old brain, they're practically engaged as long as Armand holds on to that jacket.
• Who initiates the handholding?
See above.
Poor Lestat has to instigate literally everything right now. Oh no, it's not going to cause any problems down the line, why would it? 😔
• Who worries more for the other?
Armand worries about Lestat living on his own since his mother bailed and left him alone with an empty house. Lestat doesn't... do well alone. He'll invite anyone over to hang out and party if Armand and Louis just can't be there; bad things happen.
• Who is more likely to ask for help?
Directly? Neither of them. But Lestat's much more prone to purposely and consciously acting out in the hope someone will notice and help him. Armand will just pretend Bad Things Aren't Happening.
• Who is the one always losing the keys?
Lestat loses everything that isn't physically attached to his person. Sometimes he forgets where he parked his car and that's his baby.
• Who leaves little love notes for the other?
They're in the same grade (even though Lestat's older, Armand skipped a year and Lestat got held back a year) so Armand and Louis typically share their notes with Lestat who has a terrible fucking time focusing during class (it's the ADHD and dyslexia). He'd much rather and much more easily fill a notebook with lyrics and random doodles for his dream album covers.
When Armand knows Lestat will actually be reading over his notes later (only under threat of a quiz or an exam -- he would like to graduate this year, thank you very much), he works in little quotes from his favorite love poems or songs.
He hopes Lestat knows it's intentional that Armand penned out the entire [love is more thicker than forget] in the margins, that Armand was thinking of him when he wrote it and not just scribbling because he's bored. Don't judge him; we all went through our E.E. Cummings phase.
• Who can't sleep unless the other is there?
Armand is an anxious sleeper and his home life in foster care isn't... great, so he spends at least half of his day at school catching up on sleep. He gets his best sleep in the library on someone's lap; out on the field using Lestat's stomach as a pillow while they lay out on the grass away from everyone else; in the backseat of Lestat's car with Louis's crumpled-up sweater as a pillow and Lestat's jacket as a blanket.
Armand would never sleep in front of other people, but on a mostly subconscious level, he feels safest just knowing Lestat's around -- a 6ft, 175-pound German Shepard that for some reason is personally interested in him right now.
(Though I have to say, Lestat loves when Armand can sleep over at his house, for many reasons aside from the obvious.)
• Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Considering how Armand drunkenly and brazenly asked Lestat to fuck him before they've ever done it, I'm going to say Armand. Whoops...
Let's hope when Armand proposes it goes better than the 'fuck me' conversation did.
• Who introduced the other to their family first?
Neither of their family is in the picture at the moment, so we're going to thrust this onto Louis.
Technically, Lestat and Armand knew of each other and had seen each other around the school before, but the day Louis formally introduced them to each other as his boyfriends was interesting -- in fact, it went something like...
Armand: [spit, hissss] 😾😾😾
Lestat: the fuck.
• Who is more likely to play with the other's hair?
Lestat loves playing with Armand's hair while Armand's napping. He has a shit ton of nervous energy that needs an outlet and he always has to have his hands busy with something, plus he'll make up literally any and every excuse to touch Armand.
• Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Lestat knows about Armand's home life and that he can't always afford to buy lunch at school, so he usually grabs him something from the deli when he goes for himself. He buys something for Louis too so Armand doesn't feel awkward and singled out; it makes Lestat feel good to be in any sort of big manly provider role and it doesn't hurt that Armand flutters his lashes at him and playfully licks his lips as he whispers 'thank you.'
• Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Lestat has a much more reactive and implosive temper, so it would probably be him if someone even so much as looked at Armand the wrong way.
He's lost plenty of sleep trying to find out what exactly Armand meant by the virginity comment (they're not in the place yet where he can outright ask and he doesn't want to bring it up to Louis in case Armand hasn't and it'll become A Thing). But he fantasizes about getting to the bottom of it one day so he can figure out who to kill.
Most people leave Lestat alone because he's generally pretty popular and well-liked (and also an older senior who's had his share of fights), but if Armand ever overhears some snarky asshole insulting Lestat's intelligence because he's repeating a grade, he will cut them down to size with the most bitingly vicious words in the calmest possible tone. He might even smile as he does it, just to be extra creepy.
• Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Armand did spring the tattoos thing on Lestat, so I'd have to say Armand.
People expect Lestat to be capricious; Armand not so much, so it's extra surprising. But he loves to plan little 'not quite dates' and excursions that often rely on the premise of 'just trust me, Lestat! 🥺'
• Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Armand makes Lestat pinky promise that he's not going do anything reckless like drink and drive if he's going to a house party Armand and Louis can't attend. It's not that Lestat means to be reckless, he just thinks he's invincible.
Lestat's pinky promise requests are much more innocuous, usually after they've made up following a petty adolescent squabble: 'Promise you're not still mad at me? Swear on it.'
• Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Lestat covers Armand up when he's fallen asleep at school, Armand covers Lestat when he falls asleep on his couch or in his bed. Usually Lestat's on top of him already, between his legs and resting his head on his chest, and so it takes a bit of gymnastics practice to maneuver a blanket over them both. It's worth it for some of the best sleep either of them will get anytime soon. 💖
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omi-nor · 1 year
Rules and brief about!
Welcome! This is a rp blog for ygo characters. Probably going to just stick with mostly Yami Bakura right now. But I might add others later.
Here are some general things you should know:
- I am very new to rp still. And still not super familiar with Tumblr. Still a lot of things I don't know or have never done before, so please keep this in mind
- It almost feels like my first time ever encountering ygo.
I've just picked up the manga for the 1st time about three days ago too.
- I am an adult and would prefer characters and muns to be 18+. No nsfw stuff with minors
- I really do try to read and remember everyone's rules, but sometimes I forget my own rules, so please forgive me if I forget something
- On that note, I am pretty forgetful, in general. I try to jot down notes to help with this, but there is a chance I may forget an ic interaction
- Try to give me about a week before giving me a reminder, though.
- I am VEEERY slow a lot of the time. Like, many days, maybe a week, slow. Sometimes more than a week. Not always, but just giving you a heads up.
- I try not to spam notifs or dash, but, it might happen, occasionally. I will always reblog from the source, unless the mun has made it explicitly clear that they actually prefer it be from them or don't care either way or, for some reason, I can't get to the source.
- I am kind of the exact opposite of most people, it seems. I actually would LOVE it if you went on a like spree. And I actually prefer it if you reblogged memes from me (as long as we have spoken at least once). And dash spam almost never bothers me. You can also come into my ims, that doesn't really bother me either.
- I'm not the best at # tagging stuff. I haven't really got a system going yet
- I follow #omi-nor and #ominor, but I don't look at tags very often
- Please don't be afraid to @ me for dash games, lmao. I usually love those. May not always do them, but yeah.
- I am a very heavy cell phone user, but, so far, I don't think I've run into trouble because of this. Trimming is the only big thing I have doubts about still right now.
- Rules could change. I tried my best to give some solid info here, but it could change. I'll probably make a post if there is a change?
(I really hope I'm not forgetting something because I am writing this from memory.)
- I am pretty anxious about stuff. I'm trying not to be, but it's hard.
Like, sometimes I look at a meme and there's a part of me that wants to do it, but there's also a little pang of anxiety a lot of the time. Lol, I dunno, man..
- I may not answer every ask or do everything thing. And I'm trying to get better at sometimes saying no to things. But I don't want people to get discouraged about interacting, either, lol.
I also try not to pressure other people and a lot of stuff coming from me doesn't have a whole lot of expectation attached to it. (Like, if I @ you in a dash game, for example)
- One important thing about communication: I always feel like I'm in a tug of war of trying not to talk too much to people because I'm worried I'm bothering them just a bit and then realizing I may not be talking enough, so I'm basically a stranger to them.
- "Plot something out" kinda scares me a bit, cause all the rp I've ever done - I think - was just off the cuff. Maybe it's not as scary as it sounds and maybe I've technically already plotted without knowing it. But yeah.
- I might need to take 2 or 3 weeks off from time to time. Just giving you a heads up. I'll try to say something.
- Going by Rainy for mun name. It just kinda stuck, lol.
- It's very easy for me to feel a bit overwhelmed. A part of me hates to do this, but I may need to temporarily shut down my ask box and not accept @s or #s for a bit if I feel like I have too much to do. I may need to make a very short ooc post just to let people know?
- I'm going to say, yes, all my memes have no expiration date, though.
- On a similar note, I think it's very possible I will go through your posts and send in stuff from a very long while back, in some cases. I usually assume there is no expiration date for other people's memes, but I usually try to ask first. But if there is, please feel free to ignore.
- I may or may not use icons
- If I see a reply to a thread and I am super tired, I won't read it until I've slept long enough for me to feel better (which could be a long time). I feel like being tired while reading really distorts things, so I like to only read it after I've gotten some sleep.
Honestly, the same is usually true for even ooc conversation. I just don't do well when I'm sleep deprived and sometimes I will just pass out for, like, 12 hours. (I LOVE it when this happens, though. I feel great afterwards.)
My Yami Bakura is, right now, based off of anime English dub canon, for the most part. But now that I have the manga, it might slowly start to change a bit. Not sure.
I kinda wanted to try Ryo, but I haven't found Ryo in the English dub to be very inspiring, so far. A lot of his screen time was him just kinda flatly explaining the duels. Poor Ryo. You see glimpses of an actual character, at times, but it's rough, man.
I was debating keeping Ryo or not, but just to avoid confusion, I'm gonna wait to see what the manga has to offer.
Can I lastly just say? I really like the ygo rpc so far.
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Blog Update / Muse Retirement
Tumblr media
//Hate that it's got to this point. Going to be a bit of a downer here so, read at your own discretion.
There is little to say really. Like many people here, I use RP as a form of escapism to my own stress and life. It makes me genuinely happy to get into character and forget about problems for a while.
These past weeks I have been in dire need of RP more than I had in a very long time. An awful timing really, to hit a slump in interactions.
I did my homework, I tried to network. I reached out. A few became welcome and beautiful mutuals, but many, many many others unfortunately did not. At my age, I tell myself I can handle rejection well, but that is only true to a certain degree. Even if I don't let these feelings impact my routine and real life, they are there nonetheless. And I don't want them to be.
After doing research on how to help with the situation, I have reached the conclusion that I have been in denial just how much my choice to make a multimuse blog has come back to bite me in the ass. Things like anonymous RP confessions say it like it is: multimuse blogs are stigmatized and often passed on without a chance given.
We are considered to be unorganized, lack commitment, and not provide the muses we put in our roster we asked. Personally, I thought multimuse was an excellent idea. I thought that making single blogs muses for such niche fandoms would lead to no activity, since my pool of potential partners would be smaller. I thought a multimuse would equal to fish with a net rather than a rod.
I was wrong, haha.
I can be super organized and tag every post with its fandom; I can provide all the tools for my followers to blacklist fandoms they are not interested in; I can commit to respond to any muse in my roster one may ask for. All this hard work won't amount to anything to those who just look at a number and decide I do none of those things without actually giving me a chance to prove them wrong.
So what is it that I can do? Create single muse blogs. The idea of having to log out and log in from tumblr for each individual muse to check notifications, reblog memes and post replies seems like even more work than what I already am doing, but if it is what gets mutuals, then so be it.
I feel like I have lost a fight here, but RP is a hobby, my favorite hobby, and it shouldn't be making me miserable.
So what is the TLDR? Do not panic. This blog isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But I will be slowly retiring muses that haven't gotten any engagement in months. Those I care to keep will get their own blog, and when those are set up and running, I will update you and provide links for anyone interested.
We are talking about an endeavor that will take months, so do not throw me away as a mutual just yet. This blog will stay up and running until everything else is set up properly. I have over 1500 posts to scan through and decide whether to transfer or not (I hate to leave my own writing behind, I like to go back and reread these threads for my own enjoyment).
In the meantime, I hope to still RP with everyone here. If you want to make sure I update you regarding a specific muse getting their own blog, DM me and I'll write a memo to do so. Just know that it is a long term project.
Thanks to all of my new mutuals and the old ones who have stuck around. You guys are keeping me sane everyday and trust me, this is less of an overstatement than it sounds.
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worldsentwined · 1 year
I set aside the Edgy OC ask meme you reblogged a bit ago knowing I'd definitely want to ask you about your Dual Citizenship OCs :3 Can I get 1 and 14 for Hel? (I'm *so* curious about this asshole (affectionate)'s backstory). Alternatively, tell us about 7. with Zephyr!
Oooooh yes amazing please always ask me about these characters! (Also hi I set this ask aside because I couldn't make my brain think about the answers but I just finished reading a book that had a diabetic character with a number of inaccuracies and it lit the spark of "annoyed by every piece of diabetes media" that got me writing this story in the first place).
What memory would your OC rather just forget? Hel probably has a LOT of these from its time as a HelperBot, honestly. I've shied away from thinking about specifics because like. The kind of things that happen to someone to leave it so bitter about everyone and everything? Probably not great. And the whole idea of HelperBots - beings created for the specific purpose of serving people rich enough to afford them - also points to a strong possibility of Very Bad Things Happened Here. I think some of those bad things happened to Hel specifically, but others happened to other bots it spent time around, and Hel wasn't able to help them. (Which leads to all kinds of interesting questions about how the robot revolution may have happened in the first place because the bots, designed to help but powerless to help each other, had to dismantle the whole system instead).
That said, as much as Hel's past is littered with memories that should come with a nuclear waste site warning, I don't think it would allow itself to forget the worst things. Hel emerged from its traumatic past with a strong sense of justice, and it wants to make sure its fellow bots won't be exploited again. Allowing itself to forget would make it complicit if history were to repeat itself.
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters? I think this varies a LOT depending on who is doing the perceiving. We see Hel through Tevin's eyes, and Tevin has more or less a human perspective despite being (technically speaking) a cyborg. Hel presents itself to Tevin and the other human roommates the way it wants humans to perceive it: enigmatic, angry, anything but helpful. It doesn't want anything to do with them, but since it has to, its goal is to make them uncomfortable. I think this bit from its introduction scene is a good example:
“Oh yes. That’s why we all exist, isn’t it? So we can be nice and helpful. Thank you for your feedback, Tevin!” Hel’s normal voice is a low, mechanical growl that it adopted specifically to make people uncomfortable, but the last sentence comes out in a perfect customer service cadence.
In the same way that Hel won't allow itself to forget the harsh history of humans and bots, it won't allow anyone around it to forget, either.
Other bots are a whole different story, and this is part of what I'm still trying to resolve with Hel's character arc. I don't think it's any less abrasive with them (assuming they even converse through means where tone is relevant) but it goes to greater lengths to make itself understood, because it actually cares about their opinions. It takes care to only do this in ways that the humans around it can't perceive, though - I imagine there have been many conversations between it and Lexie on private channels, even when they're also talking to each other out loud.
And because I love them, I'll also answer the Zephyr question:
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
What a perfect question for Zephyr! They've probably changed the most since I first started spitballing characters onto the page for this. Originally they were meant to be like, a tech bro who was all about the scientific advances, someone who had never known actual hardship and is living their best life. But as the story developed it became clear that a person like that wouldn't still be on earth in this story - they'd have sided with the rest of the humans and gone to space. So they gradually turned into someone more nuanced - idealistic to the point of naivete, more hopeful than Tevin but not without their own baggage. I started thinking about what it would mean for someone privileged enough that they could have gone to space to just...decide to stay behind. What (or who) they might have given up, what they might feel about their personal losses even as the societal changes they supported are coming to pass. What happens if the dream they've worked so hard for isn't all they thought it would be? What if it takes more work than they expected? I also wanted to tap into the "just graduated college and gradually realized it's harder to find companionship than it used to be" thing. Zephyr's desire for connection stands in contrast to Tevin's reluctance to let anyone get close, which is part of what makes the two of them so fun to write together.
Anyway, thank you for asking and continuing to care about my blorbos even though I haven't worked on their story in a while!
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