#every time i think he couldn't be more out of touch white boy cringe he finds something new to make me physically convulse with cringe
dsireland86 · 9 months
There is Beauty in the Pain: Chapter 5 Pt.1
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"Cause your love is fire warm I'll be the calm babe, before the storm You got me fallin' in love, in this bad dream" -bad dream- Nerve
@lma1986 @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @missduffsblog @bngurngheart @thatamazingvampirestory
My body was healing well enough to the point that I felt human again for the first time in days. The process wasn't always easy, mainly because I would get trapped inside my own head trying to put all the wrong things right again, but I had a good support system. Despite the moments I'd shut them out, they were there, ready and willing to help; Noah and Folio especially. 
After days of staying locked inside the bedroom, I showered and dressed and went downstairs only to find Noah, Jolly, Nick, and Folio in the kitchen attempting to cook breakfast. The place was a disaster, making me wonder if any of them had any idea what of they were doing. Given the shape and color of the burnt bacon, I would say no. “This is not edible,” I told them, picking up a tiny piece and cringing at just the sight. The silence surrounding us was a little awkward, making me wonder if I overstepped my boundaries. “See, I told you you had the heat up too high, Jolly.” Nicholas shoved the tall Swede in the shoulder earning him the same in return. Breathing a sigh, I put the bacon down and wiped my fingers on the paper leaning closely into Folio’s shoulder when came over, hugging me gently. I didn't let the way his face nuzzled my neck or the feeling of his fingers dancing on my back go unnoticed. It was sweet and innocent, but it made me feel so good, he had no idea how much. The way he smelled didn't help either and the gold crucifix hanging down around his neck gave off the perfect touch to his bad but oh so sweet boy attitude. Folio was becoming a weakness for me.
But my heart was holding a very deep secret for someone else and that terrified the shit out of me. I had already fallen for Noah; I knew that and wasn’t going to allow myself to deny it any longer. But there was still so much fear; so much anxiety. I had no reason to doubt Noah; no reason to think he'd ever hurt me, yet after all the years of abuse, my mind just wouldn’t let me let go. Noah had to prove himself to me. If he wanted me, he was going to have to work to get me. But I knew he’d never do it. Most men wouldn't. I knew this and was playing the fool to believe he would. Noah didn’t owe me anything, yet he’d already done for me more than anyone else in my entire life except Alex had, and somehow this was screwing with my head. It was creating boulders I couldn’t jump over reminding me I had to protect myself. 
“Hey,” Noah’s voice made me jump, pulling me from my thoughts. I gave him my best smile, mind blown by his appearance the moment I looked at him. He had on a white t-shirt of God playing basketball with the Devil, one that I recognized well, and a pair of black joggers. His hair was disheveled but the perfect length, reminding me of an anime character I'd seen before. “It's really nice to see you up and about.” Noah's smile was genuine, but shy, different from the man I remembered days ago. “It's nice to feel a little normal again,” I replied with my best smile, even though I was nothing but a bundle of tangled nerves that I hoped Noah couldn't see, but if he did, he was really good at hiding it. I looked around the kitchen and grimaced at the sight of everything. “Dude, your kitchen is a wreck.” We both chuckled, Noah running his hand through his hair and down the back of his neck. “Yeah,” he said, sighing while looking around at all the dirty dishes and countertop. “Jolly tries but,” he threw his hands out at the mess. My forehead creased in confusion. “If this is what happens every time Jolly tries to cook then how do you eat?” Blank expressions stared back at me. “Okay, better question, who knows how to cook?” “Does Ramen and cereal count,” Nicholas asked, trying to hide his grin. I rolled my eyes and groaned. “To be fair, we're not home enough. Door Dash and take out are pretty good alternatives,” trying his best to defend himself and his friends. I laid a hand gently on his shoulder, laughing. “Alright, fair enough, but after we clean up this kitchen I’m making you guys a proper breakfast.” “Oh thank God,” Folio exclaimed, laying a kiss on my cheek. Warmth spread over my skin and I knew I was blushing. I glanced at Noah, noticing his brooding expression as he crossed his arms over his chest and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was jealous. He had no reason to be, surely he knew that. Nick was just being friendly, like always. Shaking the thoughts away, I turned around and began clearing the counter of dishes, with Jolly’s help. I was too scared to look at Noah again, worried I’d upset him or made him angry. Maybe this was fates way of telling me to trust my gut; to start distancing myself from him and the whole situation before ending up accidently hurting him or someone close to him. I was leaving soon, so it made sense. I risked a glance at him again, only to find he was gone and I breathed a sigh. Jolly nudged my shoulder, asking me if I was okay, and I assured him I was, focusing back on the task at hand.
That afternoon, after breakfast and cleaning up, Jolly found me outside on the back patio, searching for an Uber pick-up. He scared me half to death the second he snuck up behind me and snatched my phone out of my hands. "Hey!", reaching for the phone out of Jolly’s long arms. "Don't hey me, ma'am. What do you think you're doing?" He glanced at the screen of my phone and his eyes blinked a couple of times. "Uber? Really Sophie?” His brows furrowed as he stared down at me. I folded my arms over my chest, chewing on my lip out of a nervous habit. Noah joined us, giving me a soft half-smile, but I quickly looked away. My mind was cluttered and I could feel the anxiety and pressure building up in me since breakfast. "What’s going on? Why are you looking up an Uber to your apartment?” I breathed in deeply thinking of how to explain it to him so he’d understand. "I need to go home, Jolly. This was never meant to be long term. Shit, it was really only supposed to overnight, yet here I am; still.” ‘What do you mean still? You make it sound like it’s a problem.” “It is,” I emphasized with wide eyes and tossing my hands up. “I’ve dumped my shit on you guys long enough and that’s something I never do. I don’t ask for help, I don’t burden others with my life, with things they can’t fix. There’s no point.” Throwing my hands on my hips, I walked over to the balcony, looking out into the valley below. Life was in full swing down there. That's what I had to do. I had to get back to reality even if it was hell. I had responsibilities that I couldn’t neglect. 
“I get it, Soph,” Jolly assured me, laying his hand gently on my shoulder. “Being a stranger in a place that’s not your home can be hard. I felt that when coming here from Sweden. I had a tough time at first and if it wasn’t for Noah, I would have gone back home.” We both turned to look at him. He was leaning against the side of the house, one foot pressed against the well, and hands folded over his chest. When he looked at me, my breath hitched and I swallowed hard. It was the same way he looked at me at the show; like he could see right through me. Maybe he did; in the best way possible. All the anxiety I was feeling melted away and his reassuring smile brough one to my own face.
“I know you’re anxious to get back to real life Sophie, but ask yourself if you’re ready. Going back to your apartment is likely to trigger something, something you might not be ready for yet.” I looked up into Jolly’s face. His features were so defined and strong and the way he carried himself made him seem a lot older than he really was. Jolly was gentle and had a big heart. He cared so much for so many things and people. “Thank you for understanding, Jolly. It's nice to have someone who does,” I grinned. He nodded his head towards Noah. “I’m not the only one. He’s crazy about you, Sophie. He’s just confused and has a lot of mixed emotions about everything that’s happening. Noah can be very complicated and complex. He’s not like most people. But once he’s made up his mind, he doesn’t change it. He follows through with whatever choice he’s made.” I nodded slowly at Jolly, indicating I understood. “So, has he made up his mind about me, you think?”, lowering my eyes, afraid of the answer. “Yeah, I think he has. That’s why he looks at you the way he does.” “How,” scrunching my brows together. Jolly smiled, huffing a laugh. “Like you put all the stars in the sky.” My heart skipped a few beats when hearing Jolly’s words. “He won’t let you go back alone, Sophie. He’s made that decision for himself already. Please try to understand where he’s coming from too, before making any of your own decisions. Whether you like it or not, there’s a heart involved now; well a few hearts really.” Jolly winked at me and took me into his arms, hugging me tight. After placing a small kiss on my forehead, he left Noah and I alone. 
 I turned my back on the view of the valley and set my sights on something better; a tall, slender, tattooed man with dark chocolate almond eyes, hair to die for, and a heart that was feeling more for me than it should. He was staring at me too, and for the first time I caught a glimpse of what Jolly had said; Noah was looking at me like I had put the stars in the sky. I suddenly yearned to be near him, so I casually drifted over to the side of the house where he was still standing.
“Hey,” softly kicking his foot with the tip of my toes. “Hey back,” he answered, his dark eyes wandering over me. “You okay?” I asked because even though he seemed fine, I knew he wasn't. I don't know how I knew, gut feeling maybe, but I just knew. “I’m okay. Just didn’t sleep well last night.” “I’m sorry. Anything in particular keeping you up?” Noah stuck out his bottom lip, shaking his head. “Insomnia. I don’t sleep well anyway. For some reason, I couldn’t find the right thing to listen to on my Calm app. Couldn't make the right decision.” He shrugged his broad shoulders with his arms still folded across his chest. Shoving my hands in my back pockets, I couldn't resist saying, “Well, maybe you should try making a bad decision instead of a right decision.” Noah's face lit up, and he chuckled, moving toward me and away from the side of the house. “Ha ha ha, very funny.” Brushing up against me, I could feel his body heat and smell his cologne. He was to die for. “Maybe you could be my bad decision,” he suggested, looking down at me with his chest almost flushed against mine, causing me to take a slightly deep breath. Noah's confession weakened me, sending shockwaves of excitement and arousal to places where they shouldn't have gone. At least not yet, not this soon. He slipped a finger under my chin and raised my face to look at me. The colors of his tattoos appeared to be crawling out of his shirt, as if choking him, and I couldn't resist the urge to touch him. Moving my eyes to his neck, I trailed my fingertips slowly down his partially exposed skin, feeling his breath hitch, stopping just at the collar of his white t-shirt. Noah brought his hand up to mine and laid it on top, our eyes darting back and forth with each other's. “You have incredible eyes.” I grinned at his confession. “So do you.” I knew he wasn’t in love with me, but damn! His eyes said “I love you” every time they locked on mine. They made me want to give in to him; emotionally, mentally, and physically. But I was afraid and knew that in the end, I would end up regretting it all anyway. Trust was a difficult thing for me, and if I couldn’t get a man like Perry to love me the way I wanted, the way I needed, what made me think Noah would. I was a basket case, a problem he didn’t need or deserve no matter what our emotions were saying. Noah was better off without me being a thorn in his side. Clearing my throat, I took a step back. Noah let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, sorry, I got a little too close. Personal space, you know,” admitting shyly. I grinned at him, hoping he knew I wasn’t offended. “It’s fine. I don’t mind you in my personal space.” Shit. Where did that come from? Looking away to avoid his questioning stare, I looked back behind me out into the distant valley, remembering what I was planning to do. 
“I, uh, I really need to go back to my apartment,” I said, turning back around and letting my eyes glance at Noah for a moment. He was still looking at me, but turned away the instant our eyes met. “I thought Jolly talked you into staying a bit more.” “Not to stay. I just need to get some things. My laptop and work stuff; toiletries, clothes, that kind of stuff.” Noah relaxed, nodding. “You don’t like hanging out in my clothes?”, he joked but acted offended. “Noah, I could live in your hoodies and oversized joggers for the rest of my life, but I don't think the world would appreciate seeing me like that.” In one long stride, Noah closed the gap between us again, sliding his hand behind my head. My heart was pounding with how easily he could make me weak for him. “Fuck the world. You do what makes you feel good.” I let out a very nervous laugh. “I don’t think that would be a very good idea.” “Why not?” he asked, leaning down, closer to my face. “Because,” I said, barely above a whisper. “If I did what made me feel good, we’d both be in so much trouble, Noah.” I risked a glance up at him, seeing how hard he was fighting the urge and impulse running through his mind. “I don’t mind trouble,” he confessed, his lips moving closer to mine. “Oh fuck” I thought to myself. If he kissed me, there was no holding back. “You should,” I suggested. “Well, I guess I’ll stop looking for trouble since you’re right here then.” My insides exploded, causing my panties to become wet, the tingles and arousal to rip through my body, as his words completely decimated my thoughts. “Hey Noah, Jolly wants to know,” Folio was standing at the entrance of the house, the back door thrown wide open as he stood there speechless, looking at the two of us. “Fuck, sorry brother,” he sweetly apologized, turning to leave. “Nick, stop,” Noah called out, instantly letting me go and leaving me for his friend. Releasing the breath I was holding, I quickly rushed past both of them and back up into the bedroom where I poured out every scream and tear I’d been holding in. 
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444tat444 · 2 years
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There Satan was, just as I had pictured him in my nightmares: dressed in red, sitting on a throne, judging us with wild, piercing eyes brimming with madness. I was tempted to turn back and break the doomed progression towards the lord of this empire but the line moved too swiftly for me to just.. walk away.
Well, that's not all. Secretly, I wanted to know what my friends would ask from the Devil. Most of all, I wanted to see what happens after you unknowingly sell your soul to the Devil.
Most of my friends let their greed bleed out with lists of every toy, game and model set you could name. Some wishes were less typical, like Micheal's.. he was obsessed with wolves. Micheal always said how much he wanted a wolf to live with him on his city-born parent's newly purchased farm. He asked Satan for a wolf, a kind wolf. The red man touched Micheal's nose and said it would be so, as long as he believed in the magic of Santa. Micheal said he believed without an ounce of doubt.
Some asked for family members to return. Others asked for more money, for their families to get out of jail, for relatives not to be sick anymore. One asked to be taller. One girl wanted to be the prettiest of them all. One boy asked to be as powerful as Superman himself.
All the while, the Devil would smile and nod, and ask the same question: “Do you believe in the magic of Santa?” Every time someone I knew responded with a resounding yes, my soul cringed a little bit more. I didn't know why my friends couldn't see past this kind old man with a white beard.. all I saw was a line walking and falling into an endless pit that had a shiny package dangling over it. Still.. My father gently pushed me ahead towards the crimson staircase up to the throne..
Everything seemed to stop, just to hear me ascend towards this Earthly angel studying me with his fraudulent, friendly features. I could think of nothing to say during my climb. My mind was still completely blank when I reached the plateau. The Devil reached out with a glove, red and rich, rooted in a white cuff. It's voice was as deep and dark as the sea, like a dragon the size of a mountain range stooping and cooing to a little kitten..
“Come closer!” It waved It's hand. “Closer.. closer.. That's good.. The other children are not afraid.. Why are you?”
“Because you are not who you say you are. You are NOT Santa..' I whispered.. too afraid to say anything else. The Devil smiled.
“I am the giver of gifts. I am the ONLY one that stands for all the children on this garden of Earth.”
“You're a monster' I whispered.. the Devil's smile dimmed and his eyes sharpened.. “Don't think sitting on some throne makes us overlook who and what you really are.. You tell us to look at all the tragedies of God, and to only know GLORY through all of your gifts. But they are not YOUR gifts. They are OUR gifts, they are made by us, they are gifted between us. You're a leech. A fraud. A lie. You are just like magic itself: a fake idea for the sole purpose of making this world a little less bitter.” The old man's eyes twinkled as It's red velvet hand touched the tip of my nose.
“Do you want to know what gift you desire most of all?” The Devil asked before letting a single word slither from its tongue..“Belief.”
A puff of white flash powder brought me back to reality as our picture was taken by one of It's underlings. My father took my hand and asked me what I asked for Christmas. I was about to ask him if he knew the Devil was sitting there and not Santa, but Satan himself.. but in the end I let it go and ended up saying:
“Nothing. I know nothing good is going to come from some guy in a costume.” My father appreciated my sardonic tone, ruffled my hair, and drove me home...
Then Lo and Behold: the most remarkable end to a year my hometown has ever seen. Packages with strange postmarks flooded the post office addressed only to the children. Kids formed overnight gangs to ride on new expensive bikes that nobody could account for. A docile wolf/husky mix took up residence in Micheal's parent's barn, a wolf that charmed and won over his over-protective parents and the animal control board. Terminal illnesses vanished overnight. The Russo family won the mega millions without needing to share the 281 million jackpot. Estranged parents and soured relationships healed. Bones and tissues restructured after the 25th of December for one boy- the boy was now taller than most men. The parents of Jacquelyn LeRouche refused to believe the elated little girl who looked like a living Disney princess was actually their unfortunate looking daughter, before they questioned her. Rumors spread that little geeky Milton Greene lifted and moved a truck that had fallen off the jack and onto his father- moved it just like his hero Superman would do. I received nothing, just like I asked for.
I kept close track of Satan's benefactors over the years, waiting for the moment when their gifts would turn on them, as I knew all deals with the Devil end in tragedy. I stayed in my hometown after graduation, so did they- that made it easy to keep close tabs on them over the months, years and decades.
It took a long time for me to accept that their lives were no worse off, and most, like the wealthy Russo family and superstar athlete Mil Greene were still enjoying their gifts without apparent ill effect years after the deal. Their success maddened me, and my hometown all came to know me as a kind of Grinch. When members of the town began to actively avoid me, I knew I had to hit the road and find the Devil. I had to see if he was pulling the same trick off with unsuspecting children from another town, and where their lives ended up.
I began traveling the country, determined to find the Devil again. I had seen many men wearing the Devil's classic red suit attempt to re-create that scene in malls and department stores throughout America, but their eyes always deceived them; their eyes were distant and sad, eyes of men, not at all like the ones I remember. I questioned myself. I became disillusioned after coming to terms with wasting twenty years of my life in empty pursuit before I began to really believe that I was going insane, and finally quit.
It wasn't until I was much older and after I had a child of my own that I remembered the red man on the throne again. My son had learned about Santa's existence and begged to see him. My son also suffered from acute seizures and didn't have many opportunities to get out into the world. I wasn't going to let his happiness be crushed by the blizzard raging outside, or my his father's insane fears about a man claiming to saw the Devil dressed as Santa many years ago so I packed up my son's emergency Anticonvulsant medications and blazed a path to Tri Creeks mall in the worst snowstorm in years.
We arrived right before the mall closed. I saw the Devil again, back upon Its throne, unchanged from when I saw him decades ago. The Devil smiled at me like a smug child stares at a mad dog behind a bulletproof window as It brought Its gloved hand on the shoulder of my ascending son. I chewed on my rage as I watched them whisper to each other. My son nodded before falling to the ground. I rushed up the stairs to see my son in the middle of one of the worst epileptic seizures I had ever seen. I injected the first Anticonvulsant as I held my son down- it felt like holding down a tuna in it's death flops. The initial injections did nothing for minutes of grand-mal thrashing while 911 was being called. Unfortunately, the storm had put every unit out, and Tri Creeks mall was far out. My son was still unresponsive even after I administered the I my last line of defense, but it was no use. My son was dying.
I cradled my son's head and as I felt his body's twitches become fainter. I cried out for someone to help us, anyone. The crowd backed away while the piano solo of Holy Night twinkled on the mall's overhead speakers. Then, my son was dead weight...
I heaved him up my shoulder and ran to the front doors of the mall, where more than four feet of snow had fallen against the door. I took two charging steps into sheets of falling snow when that deep, sad sweet voice of Satan rumbled behind me.
“Where are you going?”
“I'm taking my son to the hospital.” “The roads won't be plowed for hours.”
“THEN I'LL CARRY MY SON THERE!” I said taking one more step, this time the snow coming past my knee.
“You'll die.”
“Then the goddamn meatwagon can pick up two bodies..” I said, breaking into tears. I kept my back to it as I wept. I didn't want the Devil to see me cry.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. “I can make your son live again.” said the Devil..
“No you can't!” I shouted.. half in a daze, too horrified at the sight of my son's dead eyes to even really respond. The hand began pulling on my shoulder, because the Devil wanted me to turn. I did, and I showed him my broken and distraught face. The Devil smiled.
“Do you remember what I told you was the one thing you wanted most?”
“To believe” .. I said, without any hesitation. “But I've searched so many years for you..”
“It's over tonight. You can celebrate your newfound belief with your son.” I buried my face into the crook of my son's neck, bawling and nodding while saying..
..“I believe'..
My son's knee twitched as I felt his dead weight tighten up and grip onto me. “Daddy.. my eyes hurt.. why are we outside in the snow?”
I have never cried harder in my entire life. My son, my son, my precious first born son, was alive an unharmed. By the time I came back to my senses, the parking lots had been cleared, the EMTs had arrived and the Devil was long gone.
I wanted to honestly believe that would be the end of it. I convinced myself that it was a kind rare act of graciousness to keep God guessing. I wanted to reconnect with everyone who got their gifts from Satan long ago, to tell them that I BELIEVED as well.. and that my son was returned to me for it. No one answered their phones and nobody came to the door when I knocked, except to tell me that it was MY bitterness that was the cause behind all this misery.
I wanted not to know what they were talking about when they said “this misery”.. I wanted to think that all of the people I kept track of, were still living wonderful lives as they always have been. And not being killed off, one by one, in the strangest ways. But that wasn't the case. That ugly girl who wished to become the prettiest of them all, accidentally trapped herself in a closet when a broom fell against the door, while she was all alone in that house for seven days and seven nights. She died of dehydration mid-claw through the drywall and insulation. Mil Greene contracted a rare and volatile virus while building a church in South America. The Russo's newly expanded property slid down a hill and crushed 15 homes because they never got the building approved- their millions vanished overnight and Mr. and Mrs. Russo 'checked out early' .. leaving behind a 19, 12 and 8 year old to fend for themselves. Not only did I ignore this, but I also ignored where my son was going every night when he said he was going out with his “friends”..
None of my old thinking makes any sense to me now. I should have acted when I found Bill Russo's wallet under a loose floorboard in my garden shed. Finding out your kid has a wallet that isn't his is bad enough- knowing that it came from a dead man was worse. There were other items, a scarf, a ring, a hood ornament, all of which I knew were not his. I ignored, obfuscated and flat out lied for my son until I found the journal he always kept on him, and saw my handwriting on it, down to the flourishing F's and D's. Written in it was my confession, of how my anger and rage built up enough to go through the elaborate acts to BRING misfortune to those I tracked for so many years after seeing no misfortune fall upon them. My son was responsible for over 50 deaths, deaths that had all been framed on me.
I honestly believed I had lost my mind and was responsible for the murders until my son said to me.. “I did it. I knew I was doing all these horrible things, but I couldn't stop my body. There's someone inside my head, daddy, and they do all these things, It doesn't even talk to me.. Daddy, you gotta leave, all of this was meant to frame you.. It made my body call the cops and turn you in. They're coming.. you have to get-' ..Those were my son's last words..
A sound came from out of the living room. I Walked out to see a man in a red suit covered in the soot of my chimney, holding a red sack, from which the devil removed 2 wrapped boxes.
“The first thing that happens AFTER you sell your soul to the Devil” Satan said as he placed one of the wrapped boxes on the table between us, “is you realize how valuable your soul is. It's always quality over quantity, is it? I knew you had a soul I wanted as soon as your eyes met mine all those years ago, an unbeliever of Evil. Almost everyone is trusting, but you. The process of turning the faithless into the faithful takes a lot of bikes and money and unexplainable medical phenomena, all over the course of many years. Trapping an exquisite human soul like yours takes a lot of patience and skill...all a small price to pay.” The Devil removed the top to one of the boxes. It was a handgun.
“They'll find you guilty when they see all the personal items your son kept after his kills. Solitary confinement for life. Death will be slow and agonizing. I know you don't have a gun. Merry Christmas- throw away all that rotting flesh. Don't worry. What we are going to do together is God's work.” He patted my shoulder and walked to the door with one of the boxes in his hand. “This one's for me. I've waited years to open it- I'm willing to wait a little longer” he said before leaving. I took the gun and opened my front door to shoot the Devil in the back to see that he was gone- not even footsteps were in the snow.
I kept hearing sirens the entire time I was writing this letter. It will be in my pocket when the police find my body. Maybe one day this letter will get out, published on a newspaper or something. Hopefully they will read it and remember to not doubt or deny the truth they knew as a child, as I did.
Real sirens now. I hear police are shuffling outside. No goodbye. I have a bad feeling I’m not going anywhere...like I’m trapped..
I look around this empty house searching for any reason to not end it all. I hear voices of police officers outside that yell for me to surrender and give myself up. I wiped tears from my eyes and looked down at that gun the Devil gave me before he disappeared. I stare at the gun he gave me and move it slowly to my temple. I hear the police trying to break down the door now, it's only a matter of minutes before my fate is set. I can feel that cold steel the moment that it finally rests upon my head. The door breaks down and I can hear footsteps rushing in... I put my finger on the trigger and watch a life pass before my bloodshot eyes.. I look over and see that the police are now standing in my living room, facing me with their guns drawn and shouting 'Drop the weapon now!' .. I can't even make sense of what's happening.. With the gun the Devil gave me still rested on my temple.. I smile towards the distance and pull the trigger..
But nothing happened.. My suffering didn't end. I was still alive.. So I pull the trigger again and it clicks with a fading silence. The police officers yell at me to drop the weapon once more, but I barely listened. I pull the trigger again and again, but it wouldn't fire. In a state of shock and confusion I moved the gun away from myself and aimed it towards the police.. They opened fire.. I suddenly felt a rush of pain within my body, and then I couldn't help but to slowly close my eyes. Right before they finally closed forever, I saw that Devil once more standing close beside.. The last and only word I said to him was ..'Why?'.. He smiled and then replied, 'Do you truly believe now? I was never your light of hope, or your heavenly saviour.. I'm not some divine grace, a righteous saint, or another Flawed Truth .. I'm the Perfect Lie.'
༺⟆⊱ፕᎻᎬ ᎮⵟᎡꯜᏋᏣᎿ £Ꮠꯐ⊰⟅༻
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
Kendall Roy has caused me thee most secondhand embarrassment I have ever felt in my entire life and I demand financial compensation
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. lvii - another movie night
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??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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At exactly 7.45, the boys gathered together in the living area. You came out of your room in your own rainbow-haired white unicorn onesie to a screeching Wooyoung, "twinsies!!" he yelled out before wrapping you in the biggest, tightest hug he could muster.
You giggled and hugged him back, not as tight but still enough. When you both took a step back, you look at Wooyoung up and down with a large grin on your face, "you look very adorable in that, Woo," you said as you tugged his tail.
Wooyoung turned his back and shook his butt at you, "I know, you think you wanna ride this horsey?" he asked, pumping his eyebrows suggestively at you. But instead of jumping on his bones, you opted to jump on his back and make him carry you to the couch.
He dropped you directly on top of San which made him groan but after recovering, he wrapped his arms around you and nuzzle his face on the back of your neck.
"Out of all the seats in this room, you chose my lap. I'm honoured," he joked.
Soon, everyone got into their seats and you and San had somehow slid down onto the floor. You were seated on San's lap but your back was resting on Yunho's chest, Wooyoung had your legs in his lap whereas Jongho had his head on yours. Mingi, who laid on the floor in front of you, had his pinky finger wrapped around yours, Yeosand laid between Mingi and Jongho with his head near your tummy on Yunho's leg, and behind you, on the couch, Hongjoong and Seonghwa watched the movie as they played with your hair absentmindedly.
The impromptu cuddle pile made you feel warm and tingly, it felt like you belong there with them. You weren't even focusing on the movie at that point, you were so engrossed with the boys and their reactions.
How San and Wooyoung would cringe and complain, how Yunho's chest shook every time he laughed, how Jongho would nuzzle into your lap each time he let out a soft chuckle, how Mingi would tighten his pinky's grip on yours when something gory happened on screen, how Yeosang would look up to smile at you from time to time, and how comforting Seonghwa and Hongjoong's touches were and how you could easily differentiate their touches.
Your heart swelled with love for them because you genuinely do love them. They and their unconditional love for you had kept you going so far and you couldn't think of being without them.
But the thought of Sunhee's threats surfaced in your mind. You suddenly felt dizzy, you could feel your heartbeat quickened and you were squirming in your seat.
Realizing this, Yunho leaned down to whisper in your ears, "you okay there, pumpkin?" he asked lowly to make sure he didn't disturb the others. You smiled up at him and drop a peck to his cheek, "I'm okay, Yuyu, just need to grab a coke from the fridge," you pat his thighs before wiggling yourself off of the bodies that had somehow piled themselves on you and off to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, you stood over the fridge.
That's it.
You stood over the open fridge, staring at the contents inside, the coke you were going to get just stared at you from inside the fridge.
"You okay, baby?" a voice called out.
Your head snapped towards the source of the voice to see Hongjoong smiling and walking over to you. You immediately took the coke can and close the fridge, "yeah, I'm totally okay, why?" you smiled back at him.
Hongjoong wrapped his arms around you and peck your head, "you seem distracted, pretty sure you weren't even watching that movie," he said. You pursed your lips and shrugged at him, "I'm pretty sure I'm okay, Joongie," you mumbled.
The man behind you lifted you up, making you squeal, before setting you on the countertop, "you know you've got eight guys who are practically head over heels for you, willing to do and give you anything just to make you smile, right? You could always tell us if something's bothering you any time at all," he said, nestling himself between your legs with his hands on either side of you. You wrap your arms around his neck and nodded, "I know, Joongie, and you all can also tell me anything at all,"
At the mention of 'anything at all', Hongjoong's eyebrows raised suggestively. As his fingers danced on your thighs, he leaned his face close to you, "anything... you say?" he asked, lips ghosting over yours, breath fanning, making you giggle.
Just as you were about to answer, Jongho came in and stopped in his tracks. He sighed at the image before him, "really, you two? Where we make our meals?" he grimaced.
A groan left Hongjoong's mouth at the interruption. "Dude, privacy?" Hongjoong glared at the younger. Jongho didn't even care, he only rolled his eyes at Hongjoong, "This is a communal space, YOU both should go get some privacy,"
Instead of walking out, Jongho walked over and snatched you into his arms. Or more like threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
You squealed in surprise while Hongjoong yelled out in protest, but Jongho had ran back out before Hongjoong could even catch him.
The commotion you three caused caught the attention of the other boys as they immediately snapped their heads at you three.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Be careful with (Y/N)!!!" Seonghwa yelled out, sitting up in his seat with arms opened wide, ready to catch you if you were to fall. The other boys also chimed in on how the youngest frat member should be careful when carrying you around. But the fact was, you were laughing your ass off.
Soon enough the movie was abandoned and suddenly a blindfold game commenced.
Begrudgingly, Yeosang agreed to be the one blindfolded as the eight of you hid and mess with him. You chose to hide behind the couch, far from Yeosang's reach but you were still able to watch everything and everyone.
You watched as Yunho and Mingi played monkey in the middle with Yeosang, somehow managing to snatch one of his slippers and toss it over his head at each other. You watched as Wooyoung snatched the slipper and was about to threw it to Jongho but he aimed wrong so it smack Yeosang right on his face. You watched as the two oldest and San mess with Yeosang, calling him names due to his pink unicorn onesie.
Not long after, Yeosang began chasing people around more furiously. He managed to scare Seonghwa and Jongho to run for their lives and somehow managed to rope you into the mess.
With the loud movie in the background and all nine of you screaming (and one Wooyoung screeching), it was amazing that no one had came to threaten filing a noise complaint to the police.
At one point, whilst trying to evade Yeosang, you bumped into Hongjoong which then bumped into San who fell whilst holding onto Mingi, all three falling down like dominos. Yunho tried grabbing Mingi's hands but the weight of two people overpowered him and he ended up toppling over them hard. Both Wooyoung and Seonghwa tripped by the legs sprawled on the floor, making them land on top of the pile on the floor.
Hearing the crash, Yeosang took his blindfold off and smirked, "if I grab onto you all, would that make me the winner?" He asked. "Nope," Jongho said, appearing behind him only to push him onto the human pile on the floor.
"Jackass!" Yeosang called as he tried to get up, but Wooyoung's arms were fast enough to hold him, assuring that he wouldn't be going anywhere.
Seeing as you and Jongho were the last two standing, Seonghwa reached forward and grab both of your and Jongho's arms, pulling you both down onto the pile.
All of you were left a laughing, giggling mess, nudging each other at how ridiculous the situation was. A bunch of college students acting like eight year olds at their first slumber party.
But you didn't mind. You didn't mind one bit.
Because when the morning comes, you know you had to do what you had to do.
And as heart-wrenching as it is, at least you had that night to remember.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @elijahbabyb @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @spacebikerateez @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters
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darktangledwhispers · 3 years
There is collected horrors upon me. (Kurapika X Reader) N-S-F-W
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𝕿𝖂: 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘 𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖋-𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖒, 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉....
I am randomly here now. Don't mind. Just read why don't you?
☂ Collecting your thoughts, racing through your head, you hated this horrid nightmare that kept replaying over and over. He always managed to be one step ahead of you, in everything. His color-changing eyes delved with the witness of torture beyond no imagination, blonde and never-ending soft hair that practically glided through his fingers every time he was stressed. That's what lured you in and now he is right there. In your reach. But managing to look so far away. The pain in his eyes was like no other. How could you manage to fall for someone that's barely there in their own mind?
He looked up at you, his attention not set on the wet cement anymore, but on your apprehensive figure. His lips were parted, you seemed to be staring at them for too long because once he spoke, the movement had startled you.
"Did I interest you that much?" His slick voice escapes his mouth, sounding deeper than before. "I was worried you would stop following me." He stood up, managing to almost tower over you.
You scoffed, feigning disinterest before turning your head back to him. "Why would I ever stop? You're my only lead." You look at him with desperation almost, hoping he won't run this time. Although that was a silly thought. He rarely stayed long enough for you to collect yourself. He always left you breathless. The scent of him caught in your throat as he leaned forward, his eyes flickered down to your lips before looking back up. Kurapika had never once smelt anything around bad. He always smelled like the fresh crisp smell of honey drizzled all over redwood, a sweet but harsh scent, it always made you picture a beautiful forest that had the best dark secrets.
"Why haven't you tried to make me tell you anything yet then?" You didn't expect to hear those words come from him. It left you a little shocked. How hasn't he disappeared yet? It used to be so easy for him too. Now he hit the nail on the head... And so unexpected.
"Why haven't you told me anything if you knew?" You managed to come back with a witty response, a raindrop hitting your nose but you never let your gaze move away from him, afraid that if you even blinked, he would be gone. A smile appeared on his face, only for a split second before he went back to his usual deadpan expression. It tugged at your heartstrings, your knees feeling a little heavier than usual.
"You're right. But what if I liked seeing your skill (F/N)?" Once your name left his lips a shiver ran down your spine.
"How do you know my name?" Your voice wavered now, a little frightened at how he managed to find out. It would've taken a lot for someone to find your name, if not years. You barely told anyone your name.
More raindrops found their way onto your burgundy coat and on Kurapika's reddish-pink nose. It looked like he was really cold from the flush on his cheeks. He looked down, not giving an answer.
Thinking that he would escape now, you sighed and your shoulders dejected, looking at the grey bricked sidewalk. You turned. "You've seen my skill enough then. We weren't supposed to get close like this. I have an objective. So do you." Before you knew it, cold harsh words left your lips. Kurapika's eyes showed a tinge of discomfort to them, the curiosity leaving and replaced with what could only be described as worry. His newfound interest, leaving him? Oh, that wasn't a good thought at all for him. But you didn't know your effect. You thought it was just your silly mind... Playing tricks...
Your dark cerulean boots hit the scattered puddles on the ground, leaving the traumatized blonde on his own, his mouth agape slightly. Was he the one being left behind now? No. That couldn't happen. That wasn't happening. He tensed up as he chased after your disappearing figure, a new feeling taking over him, desperation.
His black dress pants were getting wet on the edges and his shoes becoming littered with water droplets. Your confused (E/C) eyes entered his sight as soon as he came to a halt, only three feet away from you. The boy was confused, it was jumbled all onto his face. Why was he following you? He did have one objective. He needed to focus but you were the only thing on his mind lately. That's why he led you here... Right?
"You can't leave. I haven't said-"
"Yet you can when it's me the one talking." You interrupted him, a glare sent his way. He looked down and then back up, his breathing rigid, his brown eyes flickering to a scarlet which made you stop everything altogether.
"I was afraid." The truth practically dripped from his lips from that moment. His eyes showed all the vulnerability. Why was he opening up to you like this now? Why is he trying to mess with you? You gritted your teeth, shaking your head. "Please leave."
"Why?" He asked, stepping closer to you, realizing he's managing to get through to you. He knew it was wrong to slowly force you to open yourself to the idea of letting him talk but he needed to speak his mind. You were giving in to his little trap.
"You're making a mistake Kurapika. You're making me make a mistake." You shook your head and backed away, trying your best to understand what he needed to say so badly but there were no clues. "You're giving me the wrong idea..." You muttered, your heavy breathing could be seen in the cold air, letting off a fog.
He slowly walked to you until he was only a couple centimeters apart, his scarlet eyes staring deep into yours. You were getting lost in them, your breath hitching. His face... So close... It reminded you of when you first saw him, standing on the rooftop, peering down at the auction house. It was only until later on, you had realized that he had become the Mafia leader. You knew then he could help you but you didn't realize that he was going to try to help in multiple ways. Especially like this.
"Who told you it was the wrong idea?" He had no idea what he was saying, he just followed what his heartbeat was telling him and it was pointing to you in over a million different ways and languages in his head. His lips were slowly coming closer to yours, the rain had picked up but both of you were too distracted to notice. His nose touched yours, the excitement erupted in your stomach as the Kurta pushed you against a wall of one of the buildings. Good thing he picked this time... The city had no one wandering around at this time.
"Back away Kurapika..." Your voice gave it all away, how unsure you were, how much you wanted this boy's lips on yours. It expressed everything to Kurapika at that moment and he took it as a sign to move forward, his lips crashing onto yours.
They were soft, the slight taste of liquor was on them but not enough to cringe at. You made a note of that. 'Guess he likes to indulge in his own regrets...' You gripped onto the lapels of his suit, a groan muttering out his mouth and into yours. You could feel the wetness of his hair against you from the rain, the raindrops mixing in with the kiss before you pulled away. There was a relief of some tension as you looked into his eyes. But they were still burning red.
It was obvious. He didn't just want one simple kiss...
He wanted more.
Everything from then on was a blur, from the trip to his place, to how your clothes slowly littered his marble living room floor, to where you were getting observed by him... Underneath him... His intense gaze never left you, every little inch he observed of your skin, littering kisses, a little lovebite. You'll never get the feeling of his teeth lightly grazing and latching onto your skin ever out of your mind. Never. He was intoxicating. Everything about him was intoxicating you.
"Keep looking at me like that... So I can keep it in my head forever..." He whispers, his lips pressing against your neck now as his hands explore the sides of your body. Rough and still soft... It made you shiver as you looked at the white ceiling. His bed was huge and it made you wonder how he even slept in it lonely but that thought quickly got suppressed in your mind as he found your sweet spot. A moan left your lips unexpectedly, his grip tightening on the bedsheets once he heard what he'd been waiting for. He continued to abuse that spot, his teeth pressing in now, the taste of your skin messing him up slowly. You groaned.
He stopped once he knew left quite the mark on you, his kisses becoming rougher and his hands clearly impatient as they started to travel more. Sounds kept slipping out of you, driving him to slowly lose it. He couldn't take it anymore.
He gripped onto your wrists tightly, marks were going to be on them later, a foreign feeling pushing into you and before you know it you were screaming because of him. He changed his rhythm every time he knew you got comfortable, his own expression twisted in pleasure. There was a little blood surrounding his mouth. You knew he didn't mean to... He couldn't help it.... He just used his canines too much... And you didn't care.
"Kurapika..." You muttered against his collarbone, your nails pressed against his back. He sucked in a breath through his teeth as he tried his best to not hurt you again. He was afraid he would go too rough.
"I... love you..." Kurapika looked into your eyes, both of you shared your feelings through a kiss, his grip tightening fully as he couldn't hold back anymore, using all his strength until he made you tremble underneath him... Until you made his back bleed with scratches... Until he knew you wouldn't be able to speak that clearly the next day... He wanted those little reminders of this night to stay with you for a little longer and to stay with him too. He never wanted to forget this.
As soon as your second time flooded through your body, that's when he let go himself, letting everything out inside of you. The feeling making you shake before he collapsed next to you.
Both of you panting. You looked at him, his hair was sticking to his forehead and his eyes back to that beautiful hue of brown. Not that his scarlet wasn't just as beautiful.
"You d-didn't let me say it back..." You huffed, pulling yourself closer to him, trying your best to recover, and like he predicted, your voice was raspy.
"Your face was saying it for you." His laugh danced through your ears like a sweet melody as he moved some of your hair behind your ear before kissing you on the forehead and getting up. "Let me get you cleaned up." His arms were felt under you before you were lifted into his hold, his smile staying on his features longer than before.
You couldn't say anymore, your vocal cords were already strained enough and he understood. He didn't even question why you didn't speak while he cleaned your body. He kept a sincere gaze, washing every single spot, not missing anything. That was until he came across your old scars, a finger tracing them before a concerned gaze met with you.
"You hurt yourself?" Kurapika's voice held a hurt but gentle tone, of course, there were multiple scars on him but he could automatically tell when it was self-harm. He couldn't just leave that.
A sad face decorated yours, looking away, and he decided to bring it up another time. "You're still beautiful." He reassured you. "I won't think anything less of you. Just informing you." He looked up at you with a warm smile and you looked at him in awe, tears brimming your eyes at the sweet words. It was like he read your mind. With that, he pulled you into a hug, soon dressing you, making sure you're comfortable and then laying with you. And as you started to fall asleep, he comforted you on the way there.
"Your secrets are safe with me... (F/N)..."
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darkcitiesnluv · 3 years
Shy/DOM Boyfriend Sunghoon × Kinky Fem Reader (ft Jungwon)
Pairing: Sunghoon x Reader (You)
Genre: smut, fluff, funny?
Warnings: smut 18+
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" Sunghoon! at seven come to my house, my parents and my younger brother aren't going to be here! " You said excitedly on your phone clutching it tightly.
" Jungwon won't be here? YESS! I'm glad if sees me alone with you he'll karate kick me on the stomach, hehe" Sunghoon chuckled at other side of the line. His big smile was so bright as he talked to you.
" He does taekwondo not karate" you responded to him feeling warm inside to hear him again after a whole month without him.
" Isn't the same thing?..... anyway....I'll be there in a hour, bye love" he ended the call. You squeaked in a mixture of shyness and excitement because he called you love.
" I'm seeing him again...." You sighed. Sunghoon and you started dating a month ago, but because school was over he went in vacations with his family so you couldn't see him for two weeks. But you missed him sooo much, his lips, his hands, his hair,his delicious smell of cologne, his everything.
You couldn't wait to do it again with Sunghoon. Yes Sunghoon and you already lost each others virginity together. Both of you very shy and embarrassed about every single thing. You two even watch a little bit of porn to educate yourself a little. At that time Sunghoon was not really into the idea of watching it since he isn't interested in that kind of stuff and finds it wrong to watch. However you convinced by telling him you two are not doing anything wrong besides learning! That it was for you two only and that'll it'll be the last time watching it.
Well......you two did it....and you were even shock because it didn't look or felt like it was his first time. He just did a great job, still feeling shy at first but as he was getting sexually aroused by you he became confident and turn the bedroom into a fair. You want that again for the third time.
Why are you even counting the times you two did it?
The last two times you did it with him were incredible, it was kind of a vanilla sex and rough vanilla sex all the way but you like it because you loved the after care from him. Now you felt spicy it up a little.....or more. There is so many things you wanna try with Hoonie but you're scared to tell him about your naughty fantasies. What if he thinks you're a sexual freak?
Sunghoon is a very conservative boy, that's how he grew up like with his family. He is a respectful, conservative,and a gentle young men who is quiet a romantic when he feels likes, and really isn't thinking about anything naughty to do.....unless if it's with his secret girlfriend; YOU.
You're going to try to ask him anyway.
You run to your closet and pull out a box that was hidden underneath piles of clothes. There, the black and red lingeries you bought from a friend laid nicely and pretty inside the box.
" Which one should I wear? The red or black" you mumbled to yourself as you check them with your eyes. " Sunghoon likes the color black a lot, and he looks good in black too......the black one wins!" You mumbled excitedly to yourself.
Quickly you exchange your normal undergarments to the black sexy lingering that'll be under your normal clothes. A grey tank top, with a lighter grey jacket kind of zipped up to the top but stops in the middle of your chest and dark grey very comfortable shorts that is quiet short for you. To night you had a plan to seduce him.
After changing you quickly went to the kitchen and prepare snacks to watch a movie with him.
" Pop corn, chips, Pocky sticks..." You said as you put them on the mini table in the middle of the living room.
" I need to stop thinking about Hoon I'm getting all hot and bother" you licked your bottom lip and chuckled quietly while flapping your hands against the air towards you.
*Knock knock knock*
" My man is here!" You jumped from the couch and open the door.
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" Baby!"
" Babe!"
You jumped to hug him tight, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his torso. You kissed him all over his handsome face. Oh how much you missed this smart idiot.
" Oh my, you really missed me a lot huh?" He asked as he try to push his face away from your kisses because he wants to look at you. He smack your butt lightly as he usually does when he sees you. You got down and hold one if his hands.
" You really look handsome today" you said as you check him out while bitting your bottom lip right in front of him. Sunghoon laughed quietly with blushing cheeks. He held your face and kiss your forehead then peck your lips. " I know babe...hehe....how about you?...you look too sexy today?" He raised an eyebrow to you while his eyes linger on your short shorts, but not in a lusty way but more like his questioning on his mind why are you wearing tooo short shorts? It's cold in your house?
You blush a little since you always felt s little nervous or intimidating by a certain look of expression he made when he looked at you and you always found it so attractive.
" I'm not looking sexy at all today, what are you talking about? Sunghoon ah! Come here with me, tell me about your field trip" you pull him down to sit with you on the couch and he followed you.
He sat next to you, his elbows against his almost separated knees, both of his hands clutch together in front of him. He had his torso lean down a little. This is how he usually sits, and once again you find it super attractive, because for you he was expressing his masculinity so much. Just everything about him was attractive and it was one of the reasons why you fell in love with him.
" It was pretty fun until....my step aunt had an accident and fell from the pole she was dancing on....she hurt herself badly" he said in a very serious yet sad tone as pressed both of his lips together and just stare out in space.
You suddenly let out a laugh and immediately covered your mouth. Sunghoon looked at you but then smile and his whole body was paying attention towards you. " Why are you laughing?" He quietly chuckled.
" I'm sorry babe but you just said your aunt fell because she was dancing...on a pole?"
" Yeah- i didn't explain the situation well, she was very drunk that night in the club, she got crazy or high and got up on stage and started dancing you know....sexy? In a sexy way? ....and well she missed a step and fell down...... that's what her boyfriend told us...." He said as he try to control his smile because he didn't want to laugh in such a accidental situation.
You no longer cared and just let it all out. " My prince i missed you so much!" You suddenly got up and freely fall on top of him perfectly. Because of your fall, Sunghoon's back leaned against the couch.
" I missed you too- princess-" he try to said but you kept kissing his lips and then on his neck. " So needy aren't you?" He laughed as he try to push you away from him. " Oh? What about the snacks? Are we going to watch a movie?" Sunghoon asked curiously as he notices the snacks there.
" There's a more delicious snack right in front of me" you said admiring his beauty and his precious smile. Sunghoon smiled as he caressed your cheek with his hand softly. "Princess, you're a delicious snack too....." He said with an embarrassing look. You raised your eyebrows in surprise. " What? Park Sunghoon is that you? You wouldn't say something like that to me?" You tease him. Sunghoon suddenly sat up , with you still on top of him straddling him. " What? You started it!! ' there's a more delicious snack right in front of me'" Sunghoon mimicked your voice making you laugh and lightly hit him on his chest. "Park Sunghoon!!" You shout.
" Yang Y/n!" He shout back, both of you laughing hard.  " Tell me what is that you want princess?...." He asked with a shy smile as his hands caressed up and down your sides to show affection but YOU couldn't control down there from not burning up, but it was getting harder as Sunghoon still gaze at you.
" Sunghoon.....can we make.....love?" You asked a little shy about it but still manage to look at him confidently.
Sunghoon raised both of his eyebrows and widen his eyes. " I don't know why I'm acting surprised, I kind of had the idea from you " he smirked with a grin.
You look back at him as your eyes stare at his quiet plump red lips. Sunghoon was like the male version of snow white: jet black hair, a pretty pale complexion of skin, dark beautiful eyes and natural red or pink plumpy lips. He lips look kissable and felt kissable.
" I'm so lucky to have you, not just because of your handsome appearance but just you, yourself is perfect!" You sincerely said as you rest your head against his shoulder.
Sunghoon smiled as he heard that. He hug you tightly and whispered in your ear. " You're perfect as well my princess.....this month we spend together you've been a really good girl.... should I reward you?" He asked. You widen your eyes as you hear those words from the shy Sunghoon you know.
While Sunghoon on the other side he was controlling his smile by pressing his lips together and closing his eyes tight looking away from you. 'oh my god! Sunghoon!! wasn't that too much!? You probably sounded soo cringe! What is Y/n going to think of you, loser!' Sunghoon thought.
You bit your bottom lip as turn to look at him. " Please reward me......I deserve it...." You said innocently. Sunghoon looked at you surprised probably not expecting you to say anything back. He sighed as he suddenly push you away from him against the couch. He straddle your hips, his hands clutching on your wrists to the sides.
" Let's go to your room.....are you sure your parents aren't coming?...." He asked as he hold you like a bride and made his way to your room.
'ok ok! My confidence is doing a good job again!' he thought.
Just for teasing he throw you on the bed. You immediately pull him by his neck. Lips touching starting a heated make out session. You run your hands everywhere, from his face to his body trying to feel him through his clothes. Sunghoon did the same as he caressed one of your thighs. With his veiny hands force your legs to spread apart so he can lean his hips against your core.
Sunghoon let's go of your lips and reach down to kiss your neck softly as he kept thrusting dryly against you creating a very arousal feeling between you two. You let out tiny whispery moans and Sunghoon let out tiny small moans and groans. " Mmm~...ahhh.....Hoon...."
His hips suddenly started to do circular motions against you to create more friction. You quietly laugh as you held onto his broad shoulders. He glanced at you and smirk. " You like that..." He said and suddenly hit you with his hips against you. You widen your eyes and yelled " ahhhhh! Sunghoon ah!!" Out of surprise.
He chuckled as his right hand that caressed your thigh before went up to rub your right breast and massage it  lightly. You bit your bottom lip as you felt in the clouds when he touch your breasts. You really like that a lot.
His red plumpy lips kissed your neck, shoulder, and in the middle of your clothe chest so passionately making you moan lightly even with your shirt and bra on.
Wow, who thought you can make love and still feel good with your clothes on?
" Take my shirt off...." You whispered to him as he didn't complain and did what you told him to do. He took that jacket and tank off. Soon he saw the black sexy lingering you're wearing.
" Mm? What's this?" He gave you a surprised questionable look. " It's for you love, I bought it for you.... Don't you like it?..."
" I love it, but......you had this planned didn't you?" He said giving you a shy teasing smile.
" Yes baby now laid in your back!" You pushed him off you towards the bed. You climbed on top of him straddling him. Quickly you took of your shorts which showed your nice see through underwear. You pulled Sunghoon against your neck and chest as you decided to ride him on his clothed lap.
As for Sunghoon, he was shock because of your surprising behaviors, this is not his old Y/n?....was she hiding this side of her? He decided to smack, grasp, and scratched your ass making you almost screamed.
" Ahh! Sunghoon!!!" You're not going to lie, you loved it to the point we're you cummed fast and good.
" Oh my god ....oh my god..... Hoon~" breath it out finishing off releasing everything on his pants. " Can I choke you?....." You suddenly said as you kiss and suck his Adam apple on his fine looking neck.
" Ahh~...." He said closing his eyes feeling good. "Choke me? Is that even a thing?.....no I'm scared..." He said smiling sheepishly. 'what an idiot now you sounded like a chicken! Man up Sunghoon! Be dominant!' he thought as he felt embarrassed again.
"Then you choke me.....don't worry i am informed on how to do it right...." You said as you took off his dark blue sweater. You lean down to kiss his chest down his stomach. You went back to lightly pinch his nipples and to suck on them. You gaze up to look at his expressions. He furrowed his thick eyebrows upwards, and you can tell he was controlling his moans by breathing heavily.
You know your boyfriend isn't very vocal at all, which you don't mind since his groaning is what turn you on the most. However I think it's time to hear him scream your pretty name.
After sucking his nipples, you kiss and lick down his chest down to his small abs, going even down to reaching the edge of his Calvin Klein underwear. You unzip his pants pulling them down. You saw the big bulge.
' I've missed you....' you sillily thought.
You looked up to see your blushing boyfriend. This will be the first time receiving a blow job from you. You grasp the bulge roughly but not too much just squeezing it as if it was some type of squeaky toy.
Sunghoon yelped of pleasure at the sudden contact of your hands attacking him.
As you were done teasing him you pull down his underwear and his length pop out freely. You not having experience with decided to pretend it's a popsicle you're sucking on. Your hands grabbing on the uncover parts of length rubbing there.
" Mmmm~..........ahhh...Y/n" he hissed your name, his eyebrows furrowing together and bitting down his bottom lip telling you his feeling really good. You know he is trying to control his moans but now his starting not help it.
You suck harder and bobbed your head repeatingly, his length almost touching the bottom of your throat. His length twitch in your mouth. Does that mean his close to cum?
" Fuck! Y/n~.…...ahhh!" He moan out loud grasping your messy long hair between his long thin fingers making you bobbed your head harder as he thrust his hips against your mouth trying to cum now.
As he did you swallow it all. Sunghoon relax there breathing heavily while closing his pretty eyes. You climbed on top of him and laid on top of his body. You  put an arm beside his pillow and the other hand caressed his face. You breathlessly watch him breath in and breath out.
" You liked that?......" You whispered as you kiss his earlobe. Sunghoon nodded and smiled sheepishly once again. " I loved it ..... So much .... How are you so good?.....I want that everyday before I go to practice..." He chuckled.
You laughed with him. " Sunghoon you make me wanna do so many bad things to you ...." You bit your bottom lip. It is true, you have sexy fantasies you want to make in reality with him, Sunghoon only.
Suddenly he pushed you down without warning you. He straddle you. He put his fingers around your throat and started pressing.
" Same princess.....i also want to do bad things to you baby girl...." He said darkly with a rougher voice. Ooo that really send you to the edge of getting wet.
" Press here...." You guided his thumbs in a certain area of your neck. Sunghoon obey and tighten his grip on your neck making you feel breathless and dizzy but in a good way.
He was making you feel in a certain way you can't explain.
Sunghoon suddenly let's go. His pretty veiny hands roam around your body caressing every inch. He wraps your left leg around his waist caressing your thigh softly. He kisses down your shoulder, down in the middle of your chest. He get close to your right breast, gives you tiny kisses around your hard nipple making you giggle and bit down on your bottom lip. You played with his jet black hair, pulling his locks softly.
He did the same to your other breast, kissing, pinching, sucking on your hard nipple making your core throb. " Ahh~ Sunghoon..... please fuck me already..... please....." You said grinding your hips against his hard length.
Sunghoon without warning slams his length inside you. He spread your legs more for more space for him to go deeper. You pull him down by his neck to kiss him more sensual and passionately. His kiss back with the same passion and sensuality as you making the whole make out session steamy. Everything was so heated, the kiss, him railing you, the sex sounds, moans, and groans coming from you two.
The whole room was like circus once again and you two were wilding crazily. " Fuck~ Hoon~ choke me daddy choke me~!" You said as you were reaching to your big orgasm. Sunghoon once again wrapped his hands around your throat and tighten his grip on you.
" AhhHH~ YEAH! YES! SUNhoOn~ mY......LOve...~" You felt the delicious feeling of your big orgasm and the good feeling of dizziness mixing together intoxicating you of pleasure.
"Ahh~.....I'm close baby.....I'm sooo-......mmm~fuck" he whispered and moan in your ear.
Both of you came together.
Sunghoon suddenly pulls away and laids next to you with heavy breaths. You also felt breathless after going through the rollercoaster of joy. Sunghoon reaches next to you to cuddle up with you. He kisses your forehead and pats your hair softly. He reaches to grab one of your hands and cross his fingers between yours.
You turn around so your naked chest is touching his chest. You took your time to admire his face. " Sunghoon.....I love you..." You sincerely said by heart.
Sunghoon shows his sweet dimples smile and hugs you tightly. " I love you too my pretty princess...."
You lean to kiss him again but stop when you heard the sound of a door closing and Jungwon screaming.  " IM HOME!.......mom can you make me my favorite curry?..."
" Yes son ..... where's your sister by the way?...." Your mother said.
You and Sunghoon looked at each other with horrifying expressions.
" Shit! They're here! Sunghoon hide under my bed now now!" You said not wasting any time. You dressed, fixed your bed, helped Sunghoon dressed and pushed him underneath the bed.
Looking naturally you came out of the room. " Y'all here already? I took a nap....." You said pretending you were slightly sleepy with your messy hair and mascara slightly running down your cheeks.
" Yeah....... Jungwon won the black belt!" Your father said excitedly suddenly giving a tight hug to Jungwon almost suffocating the poor adorable looking boy. Your mother did the same and after a second you did the same to go with flow although you do feel proud for your little brother.
" Ahhhh! I know I won, I shined! Now let me go-" Jungwon said annoyed wiggling himself from them.
" Congrats little bro, you deserve it for being so good at it " you winked at him. Jungwon grins at you and then gives you a pat on your shoulder.
"..…... cologne?....." He suddenly stop patting you as he got close to smell your neck. He widen his eyes unbelievably. " Sunghoon?.... ain't it? Was he here?" He asked you quietly still giving you a " are you serious" kind of look.
" He did.....he came by to give me the homework i made him do for me" you chuckled to yourself. " Then I thanked by giving him a hug.......hey by the way how do you know it's his?..." You asked now trying to mind of change the subject.
" You forgot he is also my friend? .....gosh Y/n when are you going to wake up! " Jungwon whined as he went to his own room.
You saw your parents where no longer in the kitchen or living room. You immediately run to your room.
" Sunghoon! Baby!" You whispered as you crouched down to help him pull up from the bed. "They're all out of sight! Leave now!" Sunghoon nodded, after getting out, he gives you a slow passionate kiss making you melt from it and just wrapped your arms around his neck.
Sunghoon pull away with a smirking grin. " You're sooo in love with me" he said before kissing your forehead. Quickly you check again.
"Come now!" You whispered and held his hand pulling him towards the entry door. " Goodnight love!" You said.
" Good night my lovely princess......gosh this feel like Romeo and Juliet...." Sunghoon shook his head before walking away. You closed the door and leaned against it.
" Oh Sunghoon...." You breath it out while touching your heart.
"Why does the couch smell....like Cologne?....and why are you standing there looking dumbly? And why is there food on the table?" Jungwon pass by and stare at you. You widen your eyes open. You forgot to put all the food away!
" and why don't you stop asking questions! The door was for me, I did have a movie marathon before taking a nap, oh and I let my friend Sunghoon sit with me and eat some food-"
" But the food looks untouched!" Jungwon said examining a popcorn curiously and trying it after it.
" oh my god Yang Jungwon just shut up! What do you want to hear from me? That I slept with him or something?..." You acted annoyed. Hopefully he believes in you cuz baby Jungwon can be quiet an observer and a doubter.
" So you did slept with him?" Suddenly gives you his signature Lenny Face. " MOM-" he screamed.
" JUNGWON! JUNGWON! what's wrong with you! I'm not like that! Gross! Me inviting some boy to sleep with in my own house is just simply disgusting and disrespectful......kid what do you even know you're just a child just go play Pokemon with Sunoo and Riki...." You pushed him away and sat on the couch grabbing some chips.
After a minute.
" Y/n! Your room smells like Sunghoon! I'm finally telling mom and dad!" You widen your eyes and jump from the couch. " Listen here you Jaden Smith wannabe! I didn't do shit you know Sunghoon can be very mischievous! That boy started messing around my house!"
" I know.....but his cologne is all over you as well THE couch and YOUR BEDROOM!......but not in any other area...... coincidence? " Jungwon smiled feeling proud in bothering you.
" Yang Jungwon go to hell....." You said getting into your room leaving a smirking Jungwon, leaning against the frame of his door with his arms crossed over his chest, feeling so proud in making you mad. Now he really pissed you off....but why though?.... You're not sure if he really believes you did anything naughty with your Sunghoon but you still gotta convince him you don't have anything to do with your secretly boyfriend.
×Text Messages×
❄��SUNGHOON ⛸️❣️
Hey princess did anything weird happen today?
Besides me and you had a great time together today... 🤔 Actually yes! Jungwon is already suspecting about us! But don't worry daddy imma convince him there is nothing btw us 😉😏🙈🙊💦👅😋
Umm...ok babe....you really good at convincing! Like the way you convince me to do your hw....and to do you....🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥-
Park Sunghoon......you better stop~~~🥵🥵🙊🥵🥵🙊
Hewhew you started it princess 😉😏
Anyway goodnight tomorrow i got dance practices so gotta sleep early.....have nice dreams about me😘😘
You mean wet-skskskskss ok my baby my prince goodnight and have hot dreams about me😏😘😉🔥
Ok why are we so dirty!? 🤔🙈 anyway
I Love You ♥️
Idk love were meant to be like this together 💖
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sarcastich · 3 years
Crown Made Of Barbwire
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Everyone got their wings, sooner or later.
Feathers of every color, size, variation.
They start as two little bumps on your back, itching like a growing tooth, around the same time you hit puberty. A bit earlier for girls, a bit later for boys. They grow over the course of your teenage years, and stop once all their feathers have reached their full size.
Some people could fly with their wings, some couldn’t. Most people’s wings were two meters on each side when they were outstretched.
Peter’s wings had only taken two years to grow fully, and were beautiful, pure-white angel wings.
He’d never seen anyone with wings like his. All the other white wings were more like snow owls, speckled with browns and grays, or had underlying colors that gave the top feathers a tint.
He couldn’t quite fly with them, but they were perfect for gliding. He’d scale the tallest buildings in his area, and get a running jump off of them, plummeting for a moment before he got pulled up and flew around the neighborhood until his wings got tired. Of course, you couldn’t just fly anywhere whenever you wanted to. You needed permits, licenses, there were laws to uphold. Most people preferred staying on the ground, anyway.
But not everyone got to keep their feathered wings.
Peter had always heard stories of the burnt ones.
His aunt used it as a reason for him to be good, or when his friends were yelling about seeing criminals they’d allegedly seen out ‘n about.
“-Eat your greens or your wings will burn right off, Pete”
“-I’m telling you, man! His wings were all black and torn up, I’m not kidding!”
They were the result of corruption, evil, immorality, and sin. Once soft feathers scorched, charred, and turned into soot. They blackened and burned away, turning into a shadow of their past wonder, skeletal and black.
Peter had never imagined that one day he’d be standing at the Four Seasons, shooting photos for The Bugle, trying to get a good shot of the Tony Stark.
Peter was among the crowd of journalists and other photographers, rapidly clicking away, aiming his camera lens at Stark. Reporters were yelling out questions, waving wired microphones and recorders over the barrier between them and the walkway Tony Stark was walking down.
There was something about his wings that set them apart from a normal burnt set. Most CEOs, businessmen or just rich, successful, famous people had burnt wings.
But Tony Stark’s weren’t just burnt.
They had horns cascading from the tips to the forearms. The burning away of the pure white feathers had revealed bat-like structures. Stark had no idea why, or how. That was just how they were. Or so he’d told the public.
Peter’s breath caught in his throat when Stark focused on him, looking into his camera and flashing a well-practiced smile. Peter fumbled for a moment before he looked through the viewfinder and took several photos.
And again, he’d never imagined that he’d get a personal request for a photoshoot, by the Tony Stark.
He packed his camera bag with shaky hands, taking extra drives and lenses.
His boss had pulled him aside earlier that morning, and told him that Stark had reached out and asked for Mr. Parker to be the one present and in charge of the interview’s photos. Peter, of course, had accepted in a second. He’d be an idiot to decline. Tony Stark’s picture on his portfolio? What kind of artist would he be if he said no?
Peter stepped out of the glass lobby of The Bugle offices half an hour later and looked up from his phone, his camera bag slung over his shoulder. He was wearing a deep red sweater over a white collared shirt, the front tucked into his soft beige dress pants. He hoped his outfit wasn’t too casual for the occasion, but he didn’t really have time to change anyway.
Just as he looked away from the screen, a sleek black car pulled up in front of him. The driver’s window rolled down.
“Peter Parker?” the driver, a roundish man, asked.
“Y-yeah- yes!”
The man jerked his head towards the back seat door.
“Get in, kid.”
Peter did as told, nervously sliding into the car, barely moving when he sat on the leather seat, hugging his bag.
“Wh- Where’re we going-?” His voice came out a lot squeakier than he’d meant for it to.
“Stark Industries Tower, where else?”
Almost an hour later, the car stopped in front of the blue, glass building. The driver got out and opened Peter’s door. He hadn’t moved since he’d gotten in.
Getting out of the car and almost forgetting his bag, he mumbled, most of his attention drawn by the tall tower.
“Thank you- uh, mister- um-”
“Hogan. Happy Hogan.”
“Yes! Thanks!”
With a nod, he closed the car door and got back in, driving off. Peter took a deep breath, held his bag properly again and started towards the building.
After a short chat with one of the three receptionists, he was led to an elevator a bit farther away from the general area of the entry. He and a shorter woman entered the lift. Judging from her formal attire, Peter guessed she was an assistant. Her wings were far smaller than his own, made up of light blue feathers with streaks of royal blue. He kept his own wings contracted to offer her enough room in the small space.
“Friday, take us to the penthouse, and please let Mr. Stark know that Mr. Parker will be arriving shortly.”
Peter looked at her, confused until a soft tone went off and the elevator started its ascent.
She smiled at him before he let out a soft “Oh-” and averted his gaze.
With another soft tone, the lift stopped and she gestured for him to step out.
“Thanks-”, he started to say, but the elevator door was already closing behind him.
The elevator had opened to something like a living room area. Two sleek, white sofas were facing the rounded glass walls, with an ornate sculpture between them that looked like five giant bowls stacked on top of each other. Everything Peter could see was modern and minimal, with a white-gray aesthetic throughout the penthouse.
He looked around nervously, holding on to his bag by the shorter strap.
“Mr. Parker, welcome.”
Peter gasped and turned around with a jump, startled.
“M-Mr. Stark! Y-yes, hi, I’m Peter Parker, I-I’m here for the Bugle interview shoot?” He inwardly cringed at how he sounded, stuttering, his voice a lot higher than it usually was, clutching his bag for dear life.
Stark smirked at him. “I know, kid, calm down.” He gestured towards the sofas. “Please, make yourself comfortable.”
Peter stuttered out a thank you, and sat down at the far end of one. He kept his wings close to his body, feeling like he was taking up too much space, still hugging his bag to his chest. He looked up shyly, taking Stark in properly. His wings were relaxed as he walked to the sofa facing Peter, sitting down comfortably.
“Are you afraid of me, Mr. Parker?”
“N-No sir. I mean, you’ve obviously done s-some- uh-.. Not so great things- but uhm- You’re an icon, people admire you-”
“Would you like anything to drink?” Stark cut him off, motioning to the minibar that had very literally risen from the ground.
Peter stuttered out, “Oh- N-No, thank you, I can’t drink on the job-”
Stark poured himself two fingers of whiskey in a lowball glass, without ice, and gently pushed down the top of the minibar, and it reclined back into the floor, looking like another dark grey ceramic tile.
He took a sip, eyes trained on Peter.
Peter cleared his throat, relaxing a bit. “So, where d’you think would be best for the uhm- the shots-?”
They talked about light placement, the conversation somehow dragging over to technology and science, Peter engaging a lot more, and forgetting his nervousness eventually.
After about an hour, they got up, Peter set up his camera, and took his photos.
A behind-shot of Tony Stark with his hands tucked into his pants pockets, wings stretched out behind him. A side profile, while buttoning his suit, and various other shots.
Peter was on his knees, getting a photo of one of Tony Stark’s iconic shades on a small table, the city line stretching out behind it.
Stark had excused himself to take a call, and told Peter to take photos of anything that he wanted. Peter didn’t hear him step back into the room, too focused on trying to set his camera’s shutter speed. Stark quietly took long strides to him, stepping in front of the table.
“Oh, Mr. Stark-! I just wanted to take a shot of the glasses, they’re-”
He stammered into silence as Mr. Stark softly ran the back of his finger along his cheek. He held it under Peter’s chin, tilting his head up. Peter was blushing furiously, but couldn't make himself look away.
“Let me see your wings, angel.”
Three months later, Peter’s life had changed drastically.
He was decked out in the latest designer clothes, a skinny white Etro strap top to match his wings, baby blue Dolce & Gabbana shaded glasses perched on this nose, sitting by a marbled kitchen counter, a Valentino white leather clutch bag resting on it, and inspecting his manicured nails.
A man in an obsidian black suit entered the room, buttoning his jacket and running a hand through his hair, smirking.
“Ready, angel?”
Peter looked up, a cheeky smile on his lips. Wings fluttering, he slid off his high stool and made his way to him. He straightened Tony’s tie and pecked his nose.
“Yes, daddy.”
He leaned away, but Tony let out a growl, grabbing Peter by his waist and pulling him flush against his body.
Peter gasped, “You’ll ruin my outfit!”
“Angel, I bought it.”
Peter pouted, “Well yeah, but you gave it to me”
“I’ll buy you a new one, you spoilt brat.”
Peter giggled and cupped Tony’s face, looking into his eyes and leaning into his touch. “Y’know I love you, Tones.”
They kissed softly, Tony not letting go of his vice grip on Peter’s waist.
“Tony, we’re gonna be late... I want you to check the set up one last time-”
“Angel, I had you set things up. I trust you.”
Earlier that day, Peter had gone to the hotel’s restaurant on the top floor, under a different name and reservation. He’d checked the entire place for wires, mics, or anything that could put them in any sort of bad situation. He checked exit points, weak spots, and all the cameras. He’d been thorough.
He had taped a Glock 9 mm handgun underneath their side of the table, checking repeatedly to make sure it was fully loaded and had its safety off.
Peter grumbled a bit, before letting go of Tony, dramatically sighing, rolling his eyes and picking up his handbag from the counter.
“Well, we should get going anyway.”
Tony shot him a wolfish grin before grabbing his wrist and pulling him back.
“You missed something, i mio angelo.”
He tilted his head to the counter, a navy blue felt box sitting on it now. Peter was surprised. He knew it was a jewelry box, but he hadn’t asked for anything, and even though Tony loved showering him with gifts, there was usually some silly occasion he used as an excuse for it.
He curiously looked at the box, wondering what it was. Something beautiful, no doubt.
“Go on then, Angel, it’s yours.”
Peter stepped back up to the counter and set down his bag on the nearest stool. He pulled the box closer to himself before glancing at Tony, who was smirking at him, arms crossed against his chest.
He slowly opened it, keeping his eyes on Tony until the lid was completely vertical.
His eyes flicked down to the box, and he took in a sharp gasp, hands flying to cover his mouth. “Tony, you didn’t!”
Tony’s smirk grew into a full grin again as Peter rushed around the counter to kiss him, cradling the box in his arms, even though he could easily just hold it in one hand.
“Of course I did, mia carissimo.”
Tony took the box from Peter’s hands, setting it down on the counter. He pulled out the choker he’d gotten for his princess, with Round Brilliant cut, D rate diamonds in the center of Cushion cut diamonds arranged like figure eights.
Peter lightly grazed his own neck with his fingertips, already feeling the weight on his neck, even though he hadn’t touched the jewels yet. Tony held up the necklace.
“May I have the honor?”
Peter silently turned his back to Tony, holding his head high. Tony pressed a kiss to the back of Peter’s bare neck and gently ran his hand through Peter’s feathers, making him shudder before placing the necklace on his neck and fastening the tiny clasp. It didn’t have a chain at the end, it had a specific size. Peter’s size.
Half an hour later, Tony held the passenger door of his Audi R8 Spyder open and led Peter out, Peter giving him his hand like a princess, to the entry of the hotel. There was no swarming press, just the coming and going of guests of the hotel.
Handing his keys over to a valet, Tony pressed a kiss to the back of Peter’s hand.
“Relax, angel.”
They walked into the lobby hand in hand, people stopping to stare at them every few feet. Even if they didn’t know who Tony Stark was, they’d stop to look at the man with the bat wings and the boy who looked like an angel.
They didn’t stop at the reception, they walked straight to the private elevator that led to the restaurant, Tony’s security detail already armed and ready at the top. Once they got there and had been patted down and checked for weapons by Osborn’s security, Tony walked them over to their table.
It overlooked the city skyline, winking lights dotting the land underneath them. He pulled out a chair for Peter, getting a soft smile in return. Sitting in the chair next to him, he held his hand again. Peter shot him a worried look.
Peter kept his voice low, “I thought you said he’d be here on time?”
“Princess, he’s only five minutes late. His detail’s here, he’ll be here, too.”
Peter toyed with the table’s centerpiece while they waited. After about ten minutes, Tony abruptly got up, rebuttoning his suit.
“C’mon bambino, we’re leaving.”
Before Peter could get up, there was a short yell and a loud muffled thump from the elevator.
The glass wall beside their table shattered, rapid shots taking out most of the security team. Tony yanked Peter down by his suit collar, looking out at the building in front to try and see the snipes. The elevator doors ominously opened, a man in black armour stepping out. His wings were plated with metal.
It all happened in the span of two seconds.
He shot the remaining guards before training his gun on Tony. Before he could get a word out, Peter pulled the gun he’d hidden earlier. In an instant, he cocked it and aimed for the man’s head.
The assassin had been a split second too late in aiming at Peter.
Peter fired.
The shooter fell to the floor, dead.
Peter dropped the gun, falling to his knees, a sudden hiss sounding behind him.
His wings had burst into flames.
He yelled out, pain blooming in his wings and along his back. Tears sprung from his eyes and ran down his face, ash falling around him, smoke rising behind him as Tony rushed to his knees beside him, holding him as he cried into Tony’s shoulder, his agonized screams muffled.
In the matter of minutes, his angelic wings were gone.
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paroxysmal-distaste · 3 years
proximity. || ch3, levitating
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◬ Chapter 3 - Levitating ◬ ◬ Pairing: Bill Cipher x Fem! Reader ◬ Date Published: 5/02/2018◬ ◬ Word Count: 5.1k ◬
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It didn't take long for you to find the Mystery Shack, ironically enough.
It wasn't as dark at night as you had thought, and your mind drifted to the weird ambience of the statue to blame. The top of the place had giant letters on its roof to spell out its name, but the S was hanging off slightly and looked recently fixed.
You chewed on your top lip and walked inside, dusting yourself off and already letting the weird statue encounter slip from your mind. There was a mental note to go back and dissect it later, but for now, your attention was elsewhere. A tall girl with a colourful sweater was upside down on a couch, her legs on the top of the seat. A boy that looked to be the same age as her, sat on the same couch, reading a large book.
You concluded that they were siblings, or just somewhat related and seemed to be around 16, 17.
A girl with red-orange hair had her legs crossed on the desk next to a cash register and she seemed to be closer to your age. She had her hat over her face as if trying to sleep. When you walked in, only the siblings on the couch looked over at you, with the girl at the cash register saying something inaudible from under her blue and white pinetree hat.
You nodded in her direction but your eyes wandered over to the teenagers, which seemed to be a little bit of a mistake. By looking over, the girl's face lit up and her eyes were already on you. Social interaction was difficult for you, (God, that was embarrassing to admit for yourself) someone who had always invested her time on her work.
"My apologies if I'm interrupting something, but my brother told me to wait for him here. I'm not here to purchase," you spoke more professionally, unsure how to approach discussion with a 17 year old that wasn't your brother.
The girl smiled as she hopped off the couch and ran over to you, tugging at your sleeve, "Hi stranger, I'm Mabel!" She then pointed to the boy, "That's my brother Dipper! Don't mind him. He always has his nose stuck in some old book." His eyes flickered upwards and made contact with yours, and he quickly raised his book higher over his eyes as his sister continued to embarrass him.
She was awfully forward, but her optimism made you smile crookedly, "Well, nice to meet you two. My name is Y/N." You couldn't help but stiffen at her touch, but she paid no mind and she smiled on. Mabel only grinned, showing off her straight white teeth. "Come on, have a seat!"
Quiet minutes flew by and you found yourself lost in your thoughts. They bounced to your plans after the chat with your brother. It had been a few years after all. Would you just go back to your objective? What about him - was he going to stay here in Gravity Falls? Or go back home with to your parents?
Eventually, you started thinking about the portal you were making. It was a question that has been on your mind before, but you pushed it aside every time. Was it illegal to make a portal to another dimension? It certainly wasn't the first question that popped into your mind when you first planned the portal. You were purposely avoiding thinking too much about it though so you can claim ignorance later.
Of course not. At least, without authorisation and proper documents, maybe.
You nibbled on your fingernail.
The roof of this Mystery Shack is made of waved, tin sheets. I could use those create a stability around the border and add a beam... but powering was still an issue. Everything is set up, I just need the fuel...
A lightbulb flashed in your mind. "Hold on Mabel, do you have something I can write with? I just thought of something and if I don't write it down, I'll forget."
"Sure thing," she replied back as she proceeded to dig through the couch pillows and pulled out a half-melted candy cane, covered in lint and dust. You almost immediately cringed at the sight.
Mabel's eyes grew and she stuffed the candy cane into her sweater. She glanced to the side cheekily and muttered, "I'll save that for later."
Again, she put her hands between the couch cushions and this time she pulls out a pen. "Here." You raised an eyebrow, mildly horrified but took the pen anyways and snatched your notebook from your pocket.
The first thing you heard from Dipper was a small squeak.
"Hm?" You hummed, quickly scribbling down your thoughts before turning your head to him reluctantly.
Dipper pointed to the book held in your hand, but the image he had seen had already been past. He must've had a keen eye for him to have noticed a flicker of one of your sketches.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" You sweat dropped, deciding to play dumb as your eyes shook at the intense look on the kids face.
"I saw... a drawing of yours on one of the pages. Can I have a look?" His face tried to remain innocent and genuinely interested but his voice betrayed him, as it was dangerously low and daring. He seemed rather restless at the sight of the object in your hands, and you could only peer from side to side to form an answer.
Your lips turned into a thin line, and you shook your head, "Is that anyway of treating a customer?"
He frowned, "You're not buying."
"Oh? But I am." You spoke without thinking, wracking your brain as to why this boy was so paranoid of a half a second glimpse of a sketch in your notebook.
Dipper moved away and crossed his arms, "Oh yeah? What's that?"
"Nothing in this tourist attraction of yours interests me. But, I did see tin panelling under the wooden roof of this place, something that does interest me. How much?"
Dipper gave a side look to Mabel to give her a hint to what was being discussed but she was nibbling on the edge of her sleeve, staring at the wall. With a glare, he turned back to you.
"Wh-a- our roof? You want to buy our roof?"
You nodded, feigning confidence in your response, "Yes, I am."
"What for?"
This kid was not going to give up on asking so you had to tell him something. Instead, you lied, "Uh- my dad's a mechanic. He needs parts to crush and recycle because business hasn't been great lately."
Nailed it.
He squinted at your straight face, trying to read your expression as one he should take seriously or not.
"I also don't really know my way around here yet, since I don't have any friends to show me around the place. So a pointer on areas would be nice."
"Why don't you get B/N to sh-" Dipper started, only to be interrupted by Mabel, "We can be your friends!"
Dipper clicked his tongue, awaiting your reaction, "Sure. If you'd like. But those iron sheets?"
Finally, he sighed and looked away, not entirely satisfied with your answer but replying as someone in service of customers in Mystery Shack, "They're not for sale. But I know a place where that sort of material can be found pretty much for free. In return, I need you to buy literally anything else from here. Business hasn't been great either." He lifted his fluffy trapper hat, awaiting your reply.
"Alright. Fair enough," you spoke and stood up suddenly, glancing around the weird souvenirs made up of two different things sewed whole. One keychain in particular caught your eye - a 6 fingered hand made of a shiny gold metal, just about the only keyring that wasn't messed with.
You held it up and smiled at its shine, turning around to look at Dipper, "I'd like this one please."
He still seemed uneasy around you, like your very presence was breaking down his composure and he did not like it. Not only were you not a familiar face, but your suspicious behaviour didn't calm down Dipper in the slightest. He only nodded, unsure of what to say, so you filled in the silence for him.
"Can I ask, why were you so... neurotic before?" You winced after finishing, hoping it didn't come across too impolite.
Dipper didn't turn around, speaking quite matter-of-factly, "I guess this confirms how new you are here. I think we both know that there's always been something weird about this place, right?"
You carefully walked towards the couch and curved around the arm rest to return to your seat, nodding as you did so.
"Look," he dropped his own book on his lap abruptly, turning to face you, "Around 4 summers ago, our entire town went through this crazy, traumatic experience from..." he paused, suddenly dragging his hands down his face in frustration, "God, I don't know how to explain it without sounding completely insane..."
You blinked innocently, growing more intrigued than you had anticipated, "I think I saw a gnome."
Dipper's head snapped in your direction, "Really?"
You lifted your head and glanced at him, pursing your lips, "I was driving around and came across that welcome sign before I saw a small creature with eyes staring at me in my car."
"You just found Gravity Falls? Like, on accident?"
Your eyebrows knitted together, "Is that bad?"
He shook his head and hummed, "No, just... weird. Why aren't you anymore surprised? You know, about seeing a gnome. For us its a normal occurrence but if you're saying you just arrived..."
"I... think I'm still in a state of shock," You admitted, an aspirated sigh escaping your mouth, "When I saw it, I swerved my car and hit a tree. Strangely enough, the tree had no scratches or indents, and the grass left no marks. It was like the car left no weight on it."
Dipper eyed you carefully, so you continued, "It's why I ended up staying here wandering around to get some help with my car. That, and I have to meet my brother here."
"I thought you said your dad was a mechanic."
He was sharp.
"I didn't say I was," you replied back a little too fast, swallowing hard after, "What about that incident you mentioned? Everyone I met so far has been... fine."
He gave you a look. "That's because the incident that happened here basically scarred everyone. The mayor told everyone to forget about it and no one has mentioned it for a while. Because it's been so radio silent, I've been suspicious, so... I'm sorry for... ya know, questioning you the way I did."
You hesitated, unsure if his apology was genuine or just a ploy to let you put your guard down. Dipper rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed, while you only nodded, whispering an 'understandable' under your breath. You knew he was being intentionally vague about the happenings but it was more than enough to confirm the supernatural aspect of the town overall. Maybe you could tell him about that statue in the forest - the peculiar looking one. Ultimately, you decided against it.
"What did you say your name was?" He questioned suddenly.
As you were going to speak once more, someone walked into the shack. Your eyes averted towards the door, the memory of your discussion with your brother flooding your mind again.
"B/N!" You stood up hastily, with Dipper straightening up beside you.
"It's been a while," he said, standing at the doorway.
You stared at him for a moment, before you finally walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. Much better introduction than when he pulled you out of Greasy's Diner. Man, you haven't seen your brother since you went to work on your projects. He was the only one who truly knew what your profession was and has kept it a secret this entire time, something you were forever grateful for.
Mabel jumped, almost skipped on the spot. "Y/N, B/N's your brother?" He glanced at Mabel's fidgety form and smiled as she grinned back. You furrowed your eyebrows at the exchange but shook it off, telling yourself to ponder over it later. Dipper walked up from behind you and raised his own brow in confusion, "Is this Y/N?"
"Huh?" You turned to your brother, "You've talked about me before?"
He looked at you sheepishly as you placed both hands on your hips and tilted your head, "Well?"
"We'll be a few minutes, excuse us." B/N gestured towards the twins, grinning cheekily. As both of you went outside a few metres from the shack, he gave a big sigh.
B/N's eyes flickered to you briefly, almost in nervousness as he attempted to explain his appearance, "Well, how should I begin?" He stayed quiet for a moment, took a deep breath and started.
"I guess I have to ask you. Did you really think you were the only one with special abilities?"
You blinked, "What?"
He rolled his eyes, as if what he said was the easiest thing in the world to understand, "I said, did you reall-"
Waving your hands in front of you rapidly, you stopped him, "No no, I know what you said. I just... don't know what the hell you're getting at. That, and processing properly."
"I have powers like you too." He stated simply.
"Okay, when you say it like that, it just sounds silly."
He threw his arms up in disbelief, laughing, "How do you want me to say it?!"
"Well, I dunno! You don't just drop something like this on me! Much less, expect to understand what you mean?" You crossed your arms, leaning against the trunk of a tree and tilting your head up, "So? What is this ability you apparently have?" You uncrossed your arms briefly to make air quotations with your fingers.
"You don't think I'm serious?"
"I don't."
"Alright alright, listen. I... can duplicate myself. Right? Are you following me so far?"
"Stop being annoying," you had grazed over him mentioning his ability, instead focusing on his sarcasm and laughing at his serious expression.
"Y/N, I'm being serious!" he whined loudly, before putting a hand to his chin in thought, pointing his finger up after an idea sprouted, "Aha! What if I just show you?"
You snorted, "Show me your cloooone?"
"Funny." He suddenly stepped to the side, leaving behind another version of him standing at his original spot. The two B/N's stare at each other, before high fiving.
Now you could take him serious.
You screamed shortly after, yelling a, "What the fuck?" as he quickly joined back together and shushed you almost as loudly as you had yelled. "Dude! The whole world's gonna know if you don't be quiet!"
"W-well sorry!" Your words came out jumbled, before finally piecing everything together, "O-oh... that's how... you're here..." you turned your back to him, pointing at the ground in random areas as if it created a visual for your explanation, "-and you're also... with dad... I think I get it now." You held your hand up, staring at your palm mindlessly. In a way, you hoped your palm would just explain the cause of this, the cause of both of you, despite his words being so simple. Your brother grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to face him.
"B-but... how can this be? It was already a miracle that I had something like what I have, but you too?" A crease laid between your brows in worry, your brain thinking of every possible explanation as you rambled.
"You don't have to sound so disgusted."
"Hey." You deadpanned, "I'm just confused as to why we're like this." He nudged you, a little too roughly than you had wanted, "Hey? You're meant to be the smart one, remember?"
"Wait. Question." Your body returned to the tree trunk you were previously leaning on, and you bent slightly to lean your hands on your thighs instead.
"So... how does this cloning thing work? Like... are you..."
"Am I... the original?"
Pursing your lips, you could only nod, anticipating his next response. He sighed, pinching his forehead together as a way to string his words together into a coherent sentence. "So... the brother that you know and love is right here. My... clone-" He grips at his hair and laughs as you groan at his arrogance, "This is so... cringe to say, I dunno. Long story short, there's a duplicate of myself resuming my life for me with our parents. Get it?"
"Do you share the same memories?" you asked suddenly, your excitement growing at this new power.
He shook his head, "When we merge back, I gain back everything the other me has experienced."
That sentence alone boggled your mind.
His question didn't illicit a response from you, so he continued, "If you're wondering, I can split off into like 5 awesome B/N's." "You've kept it a secret from everyone and no one else knew?" You asked, bringing a thumb to your lips to nibble on.
Actually! What's even weirder is the fact that we got powers at all- with our... muggle parents.
It just wasn't something you thought through deeply enough, so you never questioned it. Not until now anyways. Amused by your own thoughts, you smiled, until another question dawned you, "Since I have two abilities, why do you have only one?"
Before he spoke, you cut in again.
"Your power is so much more convenient though... for multitasking..." you bit your lip, thinking about how much faster you could've completed your portal with the help of a few extra hands by your side- your hands.
"Unless there's more to the origin of these powers." The tone in your voice prompted B/N to peer at you questioningly, "What? What is it?"
"When did you find out you had these powers? Ages 9? 10?"
"Huh? No, not like you, literally just this year."
"Wait what? You're joking."
He shook his head, "Nope, I mean, I just discovered them this year. I could've had it sooner."
You paced away from him, thinking hand under your chin, "No no, that can't be right. Children do not think about consequences of their actions. They simply just do. There had to have been a slip up when you were younger where you just split off, but Mom and Dad seem to have no idea about it, and you're saying that you only really discovered it this year."
"What are you saying? That I just randomly gained it this year?" His eyes widened, "I mean... I just got to stay at Gravity Falls recently."
Your eyes widened as well, gasping, "Dipper was saying how weird Gravity Falls was. It definitely has to do with this place."
B/N agreed, "Maybe I wasn't actually born with it. I think I gained it recently which can support your theory further. Not that I fully know what the hell you're on about anyways."
You shoved his arm playfully again as he continued, "I mean, I have no memory of having a power when I was younger and it came to me more of when I arrived here," he opened a finger every time he listed something, "This is a really weird place anyways that seems to attract other weird things."
"Would it be crazy to say... you almost... absorbed?"
"No, hear me out. You spent time here in Gravity Falls and you recently gained a power. I, however, have had two abilities since I was a lot younger. Biology isn't my area of expertise, but there must be something in our DNA that affects both of us. You didn't just get a power out of sheer luck as an outsider to this town- you had something part of you from the very beginning that absorbed this duplication. If that's the case... that means that I must've absorbed my powers as well... from someone or something... I don't know."
B/N stared at you, uncharacteristically quiet.
"W-wait, am I a thief?" You blurted, clutching your hands over your head as your brother processed your theory.
"So there's something in this town that has- had the ability to duplicate?" He whispered, your eyes shining and snapping out of its mopey state. You nodded excitedly, "If I'm right, it can be confirmed by asking around the town. Either way, the only gap in the theory is, if we can both absorb powers around us, why can't we absorb each others?"
He shrugged, growing less interested in the technicalities of the discussion.
"It's a weird conclusion but maybe I haven't absorbed yours because it would be like two protons repelling against each other, because they both share a reciprocal positive charge, and from what I've studied, I believe that's called the Coulomb barrier. That same analogy could be applied here." You babbled.
"Alright, now I really don't know what you're talking about."
Your eyes sparkled at a new thought and your voice spoke hushed almost as if scared someone was listening, "Although, if that's the case, then maybe, the portal has the same sort of mechanics. Maybe, that's the barrier I'm currently dealing with! Our link between worlds - blocked away from an energy barrier. That's because there's an electrostatic interaction that I need to bypass in order to cause the reaction I need. A reaction... an electrical one, high enough in voltage to generate a mass amount of heat. If I manage to somehow cause that, the volts of a lightning bolt can be used to power the portal!"
You rambled on about the intricacies until you stopped again, your volume exceeding the peak it was at before, "I have electrokinesis... if I learn to master it then maybe I could get this finished much quicker than I thought." This realisation started to get you really hyped up.
Your brother continued to stare at you, astonished, "...okay, nerd."
He knew you were incredibly intelligent, but you often had small moments where you would go on a tangent and spout out a lot of stuff he didn't seem to understand and as it turns out, he's never been around to hear one until now.
Nudging his shoulder, you muttered 'shut up' in good nature, "Where do you think we are? A 2000s high school movie?"
It went silent for a moment or two until you smirked slyly at the thought of what you were going to say next. You began walking back to the Mystery Shack, the two of you standing just beside the short stairs that lead to its doorway.
"So, who was that girl you were with anyway?" A hint of playfulness evident in your voice, as you elbowed him lightly.
B/N gave a shy smile, "The two of us just started talking again. Don't push it."
You frowned, "Come on, don't be like that. I'm making up for it with time."
"Hmph, fine. I've been here only a few weeks but I recently met her. Her name is Pacifica."
A sudden yell was heard from inside the Mystery Shack. You narrowed your eyes as you stood up and stepped onto two steps of the stairs to the door of the Mystery Shack and opened it roughly.
Mabel was on her knees with her ear facing you. You frowned, "You were eavesdropping?" She scrambled to stand up, not bothering to dust off the twig that had (somehow???) landed in her hair, "B/N's dating Pacifica?"
Your heart almost stopped beating as she revealed the information she heard, assuming she had heard everything prior. But that couldn't be right, since you had intentionally stepped almost into the deep forest to speak about the abilities thing.
Dipper, from the couch, stood up immediately after hearing Mabel say that. You weren't entirely sure if it was he was just as interested to hear about B/N's and Pacifica's dating status as Mabel was, or if he was planning on telling her off for being noisy.
"Shit." You muttered as you turned to face her completely. "Yeah... I think so."
She didn't mention anything about B/N's abilities or my portal which means that she wasn't listening in then. I at least don't have to explain any of that.
"Prove it!"
"B/N's date...?" You asked nervously, wondering why she was being so noisy, "That's... none of my business. And none of yours, either," you smiled, poking her nose awkwardly, unfamiliar with how to act around them. She took this well, fortunately.
"Aw, come on!" Mabel looked at B/N for approval, but he shook his head, "Sorry Mabes, it's between the two of us."
Her smile dropped a little, before changing the subject, "What about your drawings?"
You froze.
Your eyes darted to Dipper's and he glanced away nervously.
Had he already told her about my notebook? She didn't seem the type to care. Or maybe that's why he told her. Probably knew she would blab and ask me herself.
"W-what about them?" You smiled, praying you didn't have to conjure up another embarrassingly huge lie to the kids you were going to be seeing for as long as you stayed in Gravity Falls.
"Can I see them? Dipper told me how detailed they were," She extended her hands and made 'grabby' fingers with them to your face, anticipating your response.
You quirked an eyebrow at Dipper again as he slapped a hand over his face in embarrassment, "Yeah, we just want to see them," he murmured.
This kid's smart. But very very onto me.
"I thought we had a deal," you crossed your arms, your facial features softening when you realised how stiff Dipper and Mabel's demeanour went after you said that. They suddenly went uncomfortable and you quickly elaborated, "I mean, I buy merchandise from your store, and I get treated to a variety of free junk that no one else is using. Right?"
Dipper let out a sigh of relief, nodding quietly and squishing past you and your brother to a white, battered golf cart, one that had obviously gone through many years of adventures. "Hop in, this is... our Mystery Cart." He seemed unsure by his own description if it, considering how damaged it looked.
He slapped his hands around his body, sticking his tongue out in concentration, "Hold on, I gotta get the keys. I don't have them on me."
You stiffened, feeling a chilling object in your pocket brush your fingers. You pulled it out, surveying it as you realised they were an unfamiliar set of keys, "Erm, is this it?"
Dipper's eyes widened, "Yeah... how'd you get them?"
Now he definitely thinks I'm up to something. What do I say, 'I'm like a magnet, all metal things are attracted to me'??
"Are you a magician?!"
"No, Mabel, she's not a magician." He spoke flatly.
"Yeahhhh she is! We both just saw what she did, didn't we? Come on, don't be a party pooper." Mabel replied as she slapped Dipper's back harshly. He let out a quiet 'oof'.
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Dipper had taken you to what used to be known as 'Old Man McGucket's Junkyard', previously owned by a McGucket that now lived in Pacifica Northwest's family mansion. The junkyard was filled with a variety of metallic materials, perfect for the portal stabilisation.
When it came to returning home, you opted for letting Dipper drop your materials, you and your brother off a few minutes away from your home. Although he was just a young teenager, you didn't trust him and you could tell the feeling was mutual. If he suddenly showed up to your home with questions about your notebook again, with police enforcement by his side, you'd have to do a lot more than stealing his keys.
It was properly night-time by now, and you should've been passing the area where your car was by now. Stupidly, you had missed the entire point of walking into Gravity Falls (which was asking for help with your car) and instead ended up getting side-tracked. You ignored the grumbles of your brother as he dragged the multiples of metal sheeting he was pulling with a rope, "B/N, look for my car around this side. You know, Dad's old one?"
You knew a specific part of where it was since there were a bunch of spotted red mushrooms in that particular area than anywhere else.
The previously colourful scene was now dull, the moon being the only light source, but it was enough to start seeing the bold hue of the mushrooms.
As you slowed your walking and looked around, something glinted in the moonlight.
You crouched down and picked it up. It was a small screw, the exact same one that you accidentally pulled out of the portal earlier that day. It seemed to have been attracted to you like a magnet and it must've fallen off. If that was the case, that meant that this area was where the car had been left- because the only time you got out was at the Gravity Falls sign, and at the car crash and you could see the sign way up in front of you.
Where the hell is my car then?
"Hey, um B/N?"
"Yeah, what?" He straightened up, hauling the rope over his shoulder and tugging roughly.
"The car should be here."
"There's no tracks here though. Maybe it was further up."
"No, B/N. I obviously noticed that too, when I crashed. The tree had no damage and the grass didn't leave an imprint. This is the only evidence I have that my car was here. Other than that, I think it's gone." You shut your eyes tightly, clenching your fists, "God, someone stole my fucking car!" You kicked at the ground, B/N grinning at your reaction, "Dad's gonna kill you. You're swearing a lot today."
"Shut up please," you groaned, your supposed medical degree bullshit lie also weighing on your back.
You gently held up the screw, careful not to drop it and then placed it back in your pocket. With a sigh, you continued, "Let's get going. We have more important things to attend to." You were really pissed. There are not that many people in this small town. You'll find out who took it. Or towed it.
Your brother nodded without question and both of you continued on your way back home. Tomorrow would be a busy day, because you had big plans.
You were to test run the portal tomorrow.
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Lestat de Lioncourt - A playlist
So, guess who made a Lestat Playlist (like there aren't enough already) and decided to sit down for 4-6 hours to find some excerpt corresponding with each song? Featuring 80s and 90s music (clearly showing my age...) as well as many european songs and showtunes. Enjoy!
1. Cathedrals – Ramin Karimloo (Original by Jump, Little Children)
In the cathedrals of New York and Rome There is a feeling that you should just go home And spend the lifetime finding out just where that is
And that was not a good year for me. I was wandering aimlessly. I was sick of things. I was furious with myself that the „beauty“ of life wasn't sustaining me, wasn't making my loneliness bearable.
I wanted to join them. Always do want to join them and never do. „Go home,“ he whispered. - Prince Lestat
(I actually feel like there are quotes that would correspond to this song in every one of the books and indeed have not yet found any other song that captures the general spirit of The Vampire Chronicles as perfectly.)
2. Edge of Seventeen – Stevie Nicks
Well, I went today Maybe I will go again tomorrow Yeah yeah, well, the music there Well, it was hauntingly familiar Well, I see you doing what I try to do for me With the words from a poet and a voice from a choir And a melody, and nothing else mattered
He sat next to me, hugging me and asking me why I was crying, and though I couldn't tell him, I could see that he was overwhelmed that his music had produced this effect. There was no sarcasm or bitterness in him now. I think he carried me home that night. And the next morning I was standing in the crooked stone street in front of his father's shop, tossing pebbles up at his window. When he stuck his head out, I said: „Do you want to come down and go on with our conversation?“ - The Vampire Lestat
3. I ain't scared of lightning – Tom McRae
No I ain't scared of lightning And thunder never killed I was born in a summer storm and I live there still
I wasn't part of the world that cringed at such things. And with a smile, I realized that I was of that dark ilk that makes others cringe. Slowly and with great pleasure, I laughed.
And the labor that brought it forth was rapture such as I have never known. - The Vampire Lestat
4. Junge Roemer – Falco (Young Romans – Full Translation)
Don't ask for new old values See white light, see only feeling The night is ours till morning We play every game Don't ever let this journey end The doing comes only from the being Only from dimensions, that Are worth illusions and sensations Give me more, give me more, give me more...
... and again she laughed. „Ah, but we are splendid devils, aren't we?“ „Hunters of the Savage Garden,“ I said. „Then let's go into Paris,“ she said. - The Vampire Lestat
5. Running up that hill – Candy Says (Original by Kate Bush
If I only could, I'd make a deal with God, And I'd get him to swap our places, Be running up that road, Be running up that hill, Be running up that building,
„Not even with Nicolas?“ „No, god, no!“ I looked at her. She nodded slightly as if she approved of this answer. „Why not with Nicolas?“ she asked. I wanted this to stop. „Because he's young,“ I said, „and he has life before him.“ - The Vampire Lestat
6. Florence – Notre Dame de Paris (Full Translation)
The little things always triumph over the large And literature will kill architecture The school books will kill the cathedrals The Bible will kill the Church, and man will kill God This will kill that
„I never lived in it. I push against the glass. But how do I get in?“ „I can't tell you that,“ I said. „You have to study this age,“ Gabrielle interrupted. Her voice was calm but commanding. He looked towards her as she spoke. „You have to understand the age,“ she continued, „through its literature and its music and its art. You have come up out of the earth, as you yourself put it. Now live in the world.“ No answer from him. Flash of Nicki's ravaged flat with all its books on the floor. Western civilization in heaps. - The Vampire Lestat
7. Go your own way – Fleetwood Mac
Loving you isn't the right thing to do How can I ever change things that I feel
If I could maybe I'd give you my world How can I when you won't take it from me
You can go your own way You can call it another lonely day
„Keep your promise,“ she said. And quite suddenly I knew this was our last moment. I knew it and I could do nothing to change it. „Gabrielle!“ I whispered. But she was already gone. - The Vampire Lestat
8. Désenchantée – Olympe (Original by Myléne Farmer - Full Translation)
If death is a mystery Life isn't exactly tender If heaven has a hell Then heaven can still wait for me Tell me how to handle this headwind Nothing makes sense anymore, nothing's fine
Laughter. That insane music. That din, that dissonance, that never ending shrill articulation of the meaninglessness... Am I awake? Am I asleep? I am sure of one thing. I am a monster. And because I lie in torment in the earth, certain human beings move on through the narrow pass of life unmolested. - The Vampire Lestat
9. A kind of magic – Queen
The bell that rings inside your mind Is challenging the doors of time It's a kind of magic The waiting seems eternity The day will dawn of sanity
And quite completely I understood that it was looking for me, this sound, it was seeking me out.
Blood like light itself, liquid fire.
It seemed beneath the roar of the flow he spoke. He said again: „Drink, my young one, my wounded one.“ I felt his heart swell, his body undulate, and we were sealed against each other. I think I heard myself say: „Marius.“ And he answered: „Yes.“ - The Vampire Lestat
10. La quête – Bruno Pelletier (French version of „The Impossible Dream“ from Man of La Mancha)
To try when your arms are too weary To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest To follow that star Ooh, no matter how hopeless No matter how far
I would remain in New Orleans if New Orleans could only manage to remain. Whatever I suffered should be lessened in this lawless place, whatever I craved should give me more pleasure once I had it in my grasp. And there were moments on that first night in this fetid little paradise when I prayed that in spite of all my secret power, I was somehow kin to every mortal man. - The Vampire Lestat
11. Wicked Game – Chris Isaak
What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you
Yet Louis gained a hold over me far more powerful than Nicolas had ever had. Even in his cruelest moments, Louis touched the tenderness in me, seducing me with his staggering dependence, his infatuation with my every gesture and every spoken word. - The Vampire Lestat
12. Do I disappoint you – Rufus Wainwright
Do I disappoint you, in just being human? And not one of the elements that you can light your cigar on Why does it always have to be fire? Why does it always have to be brimstone?
„And suppose the vampire who made you knew nothing, and the vampire before him knew nothing, and so it goes back and back, nothing proceeding from nothing, until there is nothing! And we must live with the knowledge that there is no knowledge!“ „Yes!“ he cried out suddenly, his hands out, his voice tinged with something other than anger.
And then I sensed it. He was afraid. Lestat afraid. - Interview with the Vampire
13. Ordinary World – Duran Duran
What has happened to it all? Crazy, some'd say Where is the life that I recognize? Gone away
But I won't cry for yesterday There's an ordinary world Somehow I have to find And as I try to make my way To the ordinary world I will learn to survive
I do not remember when it became the twentieth century, only that everything was uglier and darker, and the beauty I'd known in the old eighteenth-century days seemed more than ever some kind of fanciful idea. - The Vampire Lestat
14. I'm still standing – Taron Egerton (Original by Elton John)
And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use And did you think this fool could never win? Well look at me, I'm coming back again
But after the third night up, I was roaring around New Orleans on a big black Harley-Davidson motorcycle making plenty of noise myself. […] I was the vampire Lestat again. I was back in action. New Orleans was once again my hunting ground. - The Vampire Lestat
15. Catch my fall – Billy Idol
I have the time so I will sing, yeah I'm just a boy but I will win, yeah Lost song of lovers, fellow travelers, yeah Leave me sad and hollow out of words
It could happen to you so think for yourself If I should stumble, catch my fall, yeah
I've survived, obviously. I wouldn't be talking to you if I hadn't. And the cosmic dust has finally settled; and the small rift in the world's fabric of rational beliefs has been mended, or at least closed. I'm a little sadder for all of it, and a little meaner and a little more conscientious as well. - The Queen of the Damned
16. I want it all – Queen
I'm a man with a one track mind So much to do in one lifetime (people do you hear me) Not a man for compromise and where's and why's and living lies So I'm living it all, yes I'm living it all And I'm giving it all, and I'm giving it all
It is not enough any longer that my little rock band be successful. We must create a fame that will carry my name and my voice to the remotest parts of the world. - The Vampire Lestat
17. Let me entertain you – Robbie Williams
Hell is gone and heaven's here There's nothing left for you to fear Shake your arse come over here Now scream
I'm a burning effigy Of everything I used to be You're my rock of empathy, my dear
So come on let me entertain you
"I AM THE VAMPIRE LESTAT!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I stepped way back from the microphone, and the sound was almost visible as it arched over the length of the oval theater, and the voice of the crowd rose even higher, louder, as if to devour the ringing sound. - The Vampire Lestat
18. La bien qui fait mal – Mozart l'Opera Rock (Full translation)
I can feel a violent urge I feel like I'm sliding towards the ground If I don't find out where this plague is coming from I adore having it under my skin Bewitched by mad ideas Suddenly all my cravings take off The desire becomes my prison Until I loose my mind
Yet I was in her arms in this chilling darkness, in the familiar scent of winter, and her blood was mine again, and it was enslaving me. When she drew away, I felt agony. - The Queen of the Damned
19. Tainted Love – Soft Cell
And you think love is to pray But I'm sorry I don't pray that way Once I ran to you Now I'll run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not living, oh
„What do you think I am that I am so easily swayed? I was born a Queen. I have always ruled; even from the shrine I ruled." Her eyes were glazed suddenly. I heard the voices, a dull hum rising. "I ruled if only in legend; if only in the minds of those who came to me and paid me tribute. Princes who played music for me; who brought me offerings and prayers. What do you want of me now? That for you, I renounce my throne, my destiny!" What answer could I make? - The Queen of the Damned
20. Dancing in the Dark – Ruth Moody (Original by Bruce Springsteen)
They say you gotta stay hungry Hey baby, I'm just about starvin' tonight I'm dyin' for some action I'm sick of sittin' 'round here tryin' to write this book I need a love reaction Come on now, baby, gimme just one look
"I want you to put the book aside and come join us," he said. "You've been locked in here for over a month." "I go out now and then," I said. I liked looking at him, at the neon blue of his eyes.
"Do you love me now?" I asked. He smiled; oh, it was excruciating to see his face soften and brighten simultaneously when he smiled. "Yes," he said. "Want to go on a little adventure?" My heart was thudding suddenly. It would be so grand if- "Want to break the new rules?" "What in the world do you mean?" he whispered. - The Queen of the Damned
21. I want you – Savage Garden
Oh, I want you, I don't know if I need you But oh, I would die to find out
"You don't think you'll be back?" he asked. "I think you will, whether I call or not." Another little surprise. A little stab of humiliation. I smiled at him in spite of myself. He was a very interesting man. "You silver-tongued British bastard," I said. "How dare you say that to me with such condescension? Maybe I should kill you right now."
I thought of David Talbot's face, and that moment when he'd challenged me. Well, maybe he was right. I'd be back. Who said I couldn't come back and talk to him if I wanted to? - The Queen of the Damned
22. Lay your hands on me – Bon Jovi
I'm a fighter, I'm a poet, I'm a preacher I've been to school, oh baby, I've been the teacher If you show me how to get up off the ground I can show you how to fly and never ever come back down
I sat down on the bed beside him. And then I bent down and kissed his face again gently, as I had in New Orleans, liking the feel of his roughly shaven beard, just as I liked that sort of thing when I was really Lestat and I would soon have that strong masculine blood inside. I moved closer to him, when suddenly he grasped my hand, and I felt him gently push me away. „Why, David?“ I asked him. He didn't answer. He lifted his right hand and brushed my hair back out of my eyes. „I don't know,“ he whispered. „I can't. I simply can't.“ - The Tale of the Body Thief
23. 20th Century Boy – Placebo (Original by T-Rex)
I move like a cat, charge like a ram Sting like a bee, babe, I wanna be your man, hey!
He drew back with a speed that astonished me, cleaving to the wall. „Don't do this, Lestat.“ „Don't fight me, old friend. You waste your effort. You have a long night of discovery ahead.“ - The Tale of the Body Thief
24. Way down we go – KALEO
Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve? Whoa, we get what we deserve And way down we go
„In chains, to my friend and my scribe, I dictated these words. Come with me. Just listen to me. Don't leave me alone.“ - Memnoch the Devil
25. Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
Reach out, touch faith
"Don't tell me," Gabrielle said slurringly, "that it's a matter of faith." She sneered and shook her head. "You come like doubting Thomas to thrust your bloody fangs in the very wound." "Oh, stop, please, I beg you," I whispered. I put up my hands. "Let me try, and let him hurt me, and then be satisfied, and turn away." - The Vampire Armand
26. Papillon – Editors
Darling Just don't put down your guns yet If there really was a God here He'd have raised a hand by now Now darling You're born, get old, then die here Well that's quite enough for me We'll find our own way home somehow
"And if I spill my blood down into this coffin now," Lestat asked her, "what do you think will come back? Do you think it will be our Louis that will rise in these burnt rags? What if it's not, chérie, what if it's some wounded revenant that we must destroy?" "Choose life, Lestat," she said. - Merrick
27. Sunday Light – Choir Boy
Why, why, why, are you silent on the ride home? I'd love to see the temple with you Heavenly and bright, golden angel twisted scathing You were one of us, one of us, one of us, you were one of us
"Then come, Little Brother, take me to where you want to talk," he said, and I felt the soft squeeze of his fingers on my arm. "Why are you so kind to me?" I asked him. "You're used to people being paid to do it, aren't you?" he asked. - Blackwood Farm
28. Für mich solls rote Rosen regnen – Hildegard Knef (It should rain red roses for me - Full translation)
It should rain red roses for me All wonders should encounter me The world should rearrange itself And keep its worries to itself
I want to be a saint. I want to save souls by the millions. I want to do good far and wide. I want to fight evil! I want my life-sized statue in every church. I'm talking six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes- Wait a second. Do you know who I am? - Blood Canticle
29. Constant Craving – K. D. Lang
Even through the darkest phase Be it thick or thin Always someone marches brave Here beneath my skin And constant craving Has always been
I was hunting, thirsting though I didn't need to drink, at the mercy of the craving, the deep agonizing lust for heated pumping human blood. - Prince Lestat
30. Kalte Sterne – Jan Ammann (Cold Stars from the musical Ludwig² - Full translation)
Get up, ride home, on your horse, through your land Across the morning with your reins trailing behind you Build a castle like a dream, build it with mighty hands And it shall be named „future“
Build a castle like a dream Up from the ashes and close to the heavens Build a castle like a dream And realise the future as king
If we wanted to survive, if we wanted to inherit the millenia […] then we had to meet the future with respect as well as courage and count fear and selfishness to be small things. - Prince Lestat and the realms of Atlantis
31. C'est une belle journée – Mylene Farmer (Full translation)
I'm going to bed To bite eternity With my mouth wide open It's a beautiful day
And I felt the cold numbing shell of alienation and despair which had imprisoned me all of my life among the Undead – I felt that shell cracked, broken, and dissolved utterly into infinitesimal fragments. - Blood Communion
32. Princes of the Universe – Queen
Fly the moon and reach for the stars With my sword and head held high Got to pass the test first time, yeah I know that people talk about me, I hear it every day But I can prove them wrong 'cause I'm right first time
„I know that you meant full well to bring Rhoshamandes down, of course you did. But you had no way of knowing that you could. And no one would have predicted that you could. And with the willingness to die, you gave yourself over into his hands... and you disarmed him and destroyed him.“ – Blood Communion
And finally, because I can, a bonus track:
33. Primadonna – MARINA
And I'm sad to the core, core, core Every day is a chore, chore, chore When you give, I want more, more, more I wanna be adored
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.7k
Warnings: swearing, angst, drunk, motion of death
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 2 Part 4
Part 3
In less than ten minutes, we had pulled up to Liam's house. Liam paid for the taxi too. I kind of argued this time, but he pointed out he asked me to his house. I didn't get too stubborn about it.
Liam was living in a four-story terrace house, recently renovated by the looks of it. It was painted white with black wrought iron lacework, and it was beautiful. The front door and windows were painted black. It appeared to be the twin of the house that shared its wall.
We entered through the dining room, and I realised it was actually the two houses renovated together. The inside was modern with original heritage touches. The floors were light timber, and the walls were white. The ceilings had plaster and cornice so beautifully ornate that restoration must have taken ages. The room had an imposing black marble fireplace and a deep brown, almost black wooden dining table set on a grey shag rug in the room's centre. A huge abstract painting of bright pinks, greens and grey hung on the wall.
"Wow, this must have cost a mint!" I quickly covered my mouth. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me."
"It's ok. I was pleasantly surprised by the house too. The studio got the house for me I...." Liam was interrupted by a massive dog bounding into the room.
Liam got down and roughhoused with the dog for a bit. Wow, he was a monster! I'd seen a picture of Cole before that "Will" had sent me, but I wasn't quite prepared for how big he was. He was almost completely black with some brown above his eyes and ears. His paws were brown too, and his belly was grey. He wasn't any particular breed, apparently a rescue dog. I thought of my bull terrier cross cattle dog at home. This dog would eat him for breakfast, and Perrin wasn't small.
Cole's pink tongue lolled, and he panted as Liam moved from side to side. Cole imitated Liam's actions jumping about. He barked a couple of times as he got excited by the play. The noise reverberated through the quiet house.
"Shhh, Cole, people are sleeping." Liam softly admonished. Then his voice became stern. "Sit," he ordered before patting him. Liam looked at me and said, "Lana, this is Cole. Cole, Lana."
"Hi, Cole. You're much bigger in person." I could hear the slight tremor in my voice. Liam must have sensed I was nervous and came over to stand near me. Cole padded over and sniffed at me. Gingerly, I put my hand by my side and let him approach me. Cole nuzzled my hand, and I gave him a pat on the side of his neck. I let out a sigh of relief.
"I was worried he wouldn't like me. I love dogs but always get nervous around new ones." Liam put his head to the side, asking a silent question. "I had a dingo go me one time, and I've never really gotten over it." I squatted down and gave Cole more pats. "I think this guy is ok, though."
"Yeah, he's a good boy. How is Perrin, by the way?"
"He's ok." I sighed, "he's just old. The poor little guy can't get onto my bed anymore and sleeps in my lounge room now. I kinda miss it, but I have slept a bit better."
Liam gave Cole some more pats and told him to go sit. "Come on. I'll make you a tea or coffee if you'd like." I agreed a coffee would be perfect right now. I needed something to sober me up.
I sat at the kitchen bench while Liam made coffees. Cole sat by my stool, and I patted his head while watching Liam. Liam had kicked off his shoes and was walking around in his bare feet. It was amazing to see him so much more relaxed here than while we were out. He really did appear to enjoy being at home.
As Liam made our coffee, he moved with a grace that surprised me. His movements seemed economical and rigid but hinted at the power beneath them. He seemed coiled and ready to explode at any moment. It was like he was dancing the pasodoble, his body moving to an invisible beat. Images of Strictly Ballroom came into my mind, and I found myself humming Love is in the Air. I was drunker than I thought.
When Liam was done, he led me over to his large L shaped lounge, and I sat. Liam flopped down next to me, casually laying back and popped his feet up on the coffee table. Cole sat on a mat that was clearly his.
I sipped my coffee, not knowing what else to do. Suddenly the quiet between Liam and I felt awkward.
Liam and I spoke at the same time, "What.." "So..."
We both laughed. Liam indicated I should proceed. "Well, I was going to ask what brought you out to Sydney, for real, not the Will answer."
"A new project. I'm going to be filming a television show." Liam proceeded to tell me about his project, working with some people from Netflix on a fantasy/sci-fi series adaptation. He was so animated when telling me that it was obvious that he loved his job.
It would be his first television series and was to be more romance heavy than anything he had done in years. Liam explained that he is filming here because the story was written and developed in Australia. "If it works out, I'll probably be based out of Australia for the next few years. I'll go home to England for a few months during breaks, maybe do some small film roles. It's hard with Cole, though, because every trip into Australia means 10 days quarantine for him."
"Oh yeah, and you don't want a Pistol and Boo situation." Liam looked confused, and I explained about Amber Heard and Johnny Depp smuggling their dogs into Australia.
"I thought you said you don't follow celebrity gossip."
"I don't, but that was big news, hilarious really. It was on every bit of media in Australia, and then they had to make this cringe video apology. I almost felt bad for them." Then I yawned, suddenly all the alcohol had lost its buzz, and I was just tired. "The coffee doesn't seem to be doing its job. What time is it?"
Liam looked at his watch, "11.30."
"Yeah, it's late. I should get home. I don't want to turn into a pumpkin." I cringed. Fuck.
"You don't have to go. You could stay here." I raised my eyebrows. "I do have more than one bed if that's what you want." Liam leaned over to me and placed a hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb against my skin.
I looked at my nearly empty coffee mug. I swirled the dregs around the bottom as if it were tea leaves, and they would tell me what to do. "I don't want to go home yet, but I don't want to go too fast, either."
"That's ok."
I didn't move. I wanted to stay. Ten years ago, I would have stayed, but Andy's face flashed into my thoughts. I knew it was ridiculous. Andy had been gone for over three years now. But every time I even contemplated being with someone, I couldn't stop thinking about him.
Liam was waiting for an answer, but I didn't know what to tell him. 'It's not you, it's me' is such a tired cliche, but sometimes it's true.
"Lana, it's ok. If you want to go home, that's absolutely fine. I'll even call you an Uber."
I felt my eyes sting, and I looked away from Liam. My bloody traitorous tear ducts giving me away. I shouldn't have drunk so much. Alcohol always makes me emotional.
"Fuck." I swore under my breath. I angrily wiped at my eyes, thankful I had used waterproof mascara. My eyeliner was a different story, though, and black streaked my fingers. I asked Liam where his bathroom was, and I got up, only half listening to his directions. I found it quickly. It was only through the doorway into a little enclave with a powder room, stairs and a lift. What kind of bloody house has a lift?
I closed the door and sat on the toilet seat. I knew enough not to try to stop the tears, so I just let them go. Bloody hell, Andy. Why did he fucking have to leave me? Why the fuck did you have to fucking die. Goddammit. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I do this to Andy? I wanted to scream, to punch something, to throw something. I needed another cigarette. Fuck you, Andy. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck Liam.
As I always did when I thought of Andy, I remembered the last time I saw him. His sweet face looked down at me as he kissed me goodbye. His deep brown hair fell like a curtain around us, hiding our kiss from the world. Cheekily I had slipped my tongue into his mouth, and he had groaned as he pulled away. He told me to save it for when he got back and would be as quick as he could be. I had thanked him for filling in for me. He winked and said to thank him later. Then he left.
When I was able to, I started to take deep breaths. In through my nose, out through my mouth. I could feel the tightness in my chest slowly ease. Breathing became more comfortable, and the tears stopped. I looked at my hands, and I was able to release the fists I was making. My nails hadn't broken the skin this time, but small red crescents remained etched into my palms.
I waited a few minutes longer to make sure the moment had passed. It wasn't Andy's fault he died, and I knew that. It's also not my fault that I wanted someone to love again. Sleeping with someone other than Andy felt like crossing the Rubicon, no going back.
The fact was there is no going back, no Andy to go back to, even if I wanted. In my head, it still felt like a betrayal. But it wasn't. And Liam wasn't just anybody. He was a guy I had spent weeks talking to, getting to know, and although he looks different, he is still acting as I had expected. I saw a potential future here. Did I really want to let my past ruin it?
I cleared my throat and stood up, preparing myself to see the horror that looked back at me. Ugh, it wasn't great. My eyeliner had given me panda eyes, and the tears had created streaks down my cheeks.
Getting a tissue and blew my nose, and decided there was nothing else for it, I washed my makeup off my face. I avoided washing my eye makeup off though, that was a mess I just didn't have the products for, so I just wiped under my eyes and cleaned it up. I binned my tissues, washed my hands, took a few more deep breaths and prepared myself to face Liam.
I opened the door and walked straight into something solid that made me bounce back into the bathroom like a tennis ball. Hands caught me before I hit the floor, and I found myself in Liam's arms.
"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked.
"No," I was flustered again. I spent all that time calming down to just be in a state two seconds later. "I just didn't expect you to be outside the door. Jesus, you're like a brick shit house."
Liam didn't laugh. "I was worried about you."
"I'm fine," I lied.
Liam didn't look convinced. He let me go and ran a hand through his hair. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not right now."
Liam nodded. "I'll get you that Uber." He pulled his phone out.
That's it then. All in all, it wasn't the worst date I'd been on since Andy died. Actually, it was probably the best. Liam, at least, was a guy I was attracted to and didn't appear to be a man child. He seemed to like me, even when I cried over another man. Although I doubt Liam knew that's why I was crying. I had told him I was married before and he had died, but that was only once and a long time ago, and we hadn't discussed it again.
The tears had done their job, and a calmness came over me now. I had said goodbye to Andy, and I was ready to take that last step to move on. That was why I started to date again; to open my heart, I was ready.
I put my hand on Liam's wrist, "if you still want me to, I'd like to stay."
"Are you sure? I probably shouldn't have asked in the first place. I let my other head think for me." Though I laughed at his candid admission, Liam's face was serious. "I'm not joking. I want you, and I didn't think about how you must be feeling. The whole fake profile thing must still be weighing on your mind. And all of the other problems that go along with being with me. You should have more time to think about it."
And my dead husband, let's not forget that. I didn't say that out loud, thank God. "I will have time to think about it. But right now, I want..." Shit. I've gone shy again. Just fucking tell him you want him too! "I mean, can't we just have a bit of a cuddle and a snog?"
Liam's lips twitched as he tried to suppress a smile, "a cuddle and a snog?"
I nodded.
Smiling, Liam put his phone back in his pocket. "I think I can arrange that."
Without further warning, Liam grabbed my wrists in one hand and pinned them to the wall above my head. His other hand snaked around my waist, holding me to him, his hips rolling into mine. His eyes were fierce and focused on mine. I  closed my eyes, the sensations too much, and my breath quickened.
I heard Liam say through gritted teeth, "It's taken everything I had not to do this to you since I saw you at the bar. I wanted to take you then and there." His voice seemed to ease, the words coming easier for him. "You don't know how much I've wanted to touch you. To know you are real." Then he whispered, "and you are. Real. You're as beautiful tonight as you were in your pictures."
I opened my eyes and found Liam staring at me, and his intensity was nearly frightening. He pulled me tighter against himself, his fingertips digging into me while he crushed me against his body. I felt his hardness against my hip, and I couldn't stop myself from rubbing against it. This time Liam closed his eyes, and I felt the rush of blood to my centre.
Liam opened his eyes, desire naked on his face, "Kiss me," he said.
I met his soft and warm lips. I felt Liam's groan rumble in his vast chest, and kissing him again, my lips scraped against his whiskers. Liam kissed me back now. His tongue pushed past my lips, and found mine. His tongue playfully danced in my mouth. Liam's hand left my arse and started to feel my hips, my waist and then my breasts. He cupped them and gently squeezed. My breath caught as his hand skimmed past my nipple. His palm created friction against the lace of my bra, and tingles radiated through my body.
His lips left mine and went to my neck. He kissed and sucked at me, moving down to the top of my breasts. I heard him take a deep breath into my chest as his cheeks rubbed against my skin. His kisses became harder against my chest and moved back up to my neck, his teeth nipping at me as he went. Even though he had me captured, I wriggled against him, my hips moved uncontrollably, my breath uneven and weak.
Liam pulled away, still firmly gripping one of my hands. "Come with me." Liam led me to the lift.
"Where are we going?"
"To my bedroom." I pulled against him, forcing him to stop. "Sweetheart, I promise I won't fuck you until you ask."
My legs turned to jelly. I wanted to fall to my knees and beg despite my reservations. I nodded and followed Liam into the lift.
Part 4
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
Test To Stay
-| Stuck at a StandStill |-
StandStill: Chapter Two
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Mineta is part of the story sadly.
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Today's the day! Today is the day Aiko will head into class 1-A and make a name for herself. Her confidence as of lately has been at an all time high, never before had she felt so ready for whatever would come her way. The air smelled faintly of cherry blossoms and the weather was just perfect. Nothing would stop her!
A hand clasped harshly onto her shoulder, once again making her jump out of her skin and whip around. Her nose was practically touching Komori's because of how close he was. "Guess who got into the Hero Course, Sweetheart." His rave black hair swept in the wind, it's messy appearance complimenting the thick glasses hanging off his button nose.
She hated that nickname, he gave it to her long ago and for some reason it still stuck. Besides, what should she even say to that? Surely he will be in class 1-A with her when the bell rings. Better save herself the pain and let him figure it out himself. "Good for you. I'm proud of you."
Komori lifted a brow, the smaller girl sounded so genuine with her words, yet there was still a hint of something beneath those encouraging words. Something he couldn't exactly place. Still, the words gave the black haired boy a thing of punk on his tanned cheeks. "Well then, if that's all you have to say I'll see you at lunch. And don't worry your pretty little head, I'll tell you all about the Hero Course." He leaned down and patted her head with a heavy hand.
Aiko furrowed her brows and scooted away, Komori strutting his way into the school grounds. Her tense figure relaxed a bit, moving to the front to dispose of her outside shoes and placing her clip-on roller blades in her book bag. She shuffled a few things around and turned to find her class, but luck have it, she bumped into someone. "Sorry!" She quickly exclaimed, hands up in defense.
The figure she bumped into was tall and broad for his age, and when she looked up she noticed a familiar face from just a few days ago. He adjusted his glasses and straightened out his silver school uniform. He raised one of his hands, almost as if he was about to slap her. She flinched. "It's fine. People make mistakes."
Sighing, Aiko examined the student further. As stated he was broad shouldered and tall for his age, with thin glasses resting on his nose. His face and jaw was strong, defined, and his eyes were a beautiful navy blue that matched his short yet neatly parted hair.
He shut his locker, which was opposite of hers, and turns back to her. "What class are you going to?" His hand pointed at her, palm facing up.
"Oh! Um—Class 1-A. You?" She asked carefully.
A pleased grin stretched across his cheeks. "Class 1-A, If you and I are going to be classmates, how about we exchange names? I am Iida Tenya." He extended his hand in a mutual form of respect.
"Takahashi Aiko, I prefer Aiko though." She gave a gentle grin and cocked her head to the side. "Nice to meet you Iida-kun." Her small hand was engulfed around his own, and in contrast against her gentle nature, his shaking and grip was iron.
"Well, Iida," She tasted his name on her tongue one more time to make sure she didn't mess it up. "We should probably get to class before we are late."
He whipped his head toward the fancy watch he wore on his wrist. "You're right! Let's go." With an almost robotic walk, he led the way to Class 1-A.
"Do you know where you are going?" Aiko questioned before thinking about her words. Was asking that rude?
"No!! But we can follow the signs they placed for the first years." He kept walking, turning his head just a bit to make eye contact with the girl. "If we go up the stairs to the second floor and turn right we should be there."
Her silver eyes glanced over at the signs and posters on the wall, a few being the ones from before but many were signs posting to classes. "Oh, my bad."
"Don't worry about it."
The two students traveled up the stairs and stayed right. Many different students passed them, each one making their way to their classes. A certain figure passed them though, one Aiko was too focused to not notice.
His wings flared behind his back, why the hell was she going right? The General Studies and Business Courses are on the left side, did she somehow get into the Support Course? Komori's dangerous, plum eyes watched her walk behind a guy with engines in his calves.
He kept walking behind the pair, watching and waiting to see where they end up. Is that guy a friend or something? Aiko and the tall guy stopped in front of a large door, one that towered all the way to the high rise roof. Inscripted on the side of the door in bolded, white letters screamed 'Class 1-A'. No way, no way in hell did she get into that class.
Komori accidentally bumped shoulders with another student, this one having blonde hair and a smug look on his face. "Pardon me." He snapped through gritted teeth.
The blond glanced at the two disappearing figures, scoffing and placing his hands on his hips. "Class 1-A, they have nothing on us." He bitterly exclaimed, waving his hand in a dismissive way. "This year, Class 1-B will be the ultimate hero Course!" He chuckled maliciously.
The bat man with black hair cocked his head to the side. "You're in Class 1-B?"
"Truly! Class 1-A will finally learn what it is like to be second best! None of them will come close to being strong enough to face me!"
Komori quirked up a brow and grinned. "I think you and I will be great friends." A clawed hand extended toward the cocky blond. "Komori." He introduced.
The blond glanced up at his taller classmate, the mischievous grin on his features twisting into a pleased expression. "Monoma, pleasure to meet you, Komori."
Aiko's pink lips stretched into a soft smile at the other students already in class. When she entered half of the entire class was already in their seats. Some of the more extroverted people talked to the students next to them, like Kaminari talking to the guy in front of him. Wait, did that guy have a tail?
Speaking of the blond, when he saw a familiar set of silver eyes and pale pink hair, he stood up and enthusiastically waved in her direction. Aiko waved back with a questioning yet polite look, shuffling over to take an empty seat in the back. She put down her bag and picked out her sketchbook, last night she was designing her costume but it wasn't approved, so she had to play around with her sketches to figure something out. Maybe more skin?
Every time a new student entered, Aiko couldn't help but anxiously await Komori, when was he going to show up? He would have probably showed up by now, right? Still, when a certain ash-blond entered with his hands stuffed into his pockets, she couldn't help but stare at his pursed lips. Why does he always look so pissed off?
Bakugou collapsed onto a chair and threw his feet onto the desk. Aiko cringed, and Iida, oh poor Iida... it was almost like he had a sixth sense for stuff like that. He strutted over to Bakugou, his entire body filled with momentum as his hands waved around in disapproval.
"Remove your foot from that desk! Such an action is insulting to those who came to U.A. before us as well as the craftsmen who made the desk!!" His hands pointed to the desk and the boy.
"Like I care." The delinquent leaned closer to Iida's face. "What middle school did you come from, you extra?"
Aiko's concerned gaze shifted to the newest student entering the class, his face was difficult to describe. Almost like he was disturbed but too polite to fully express it. Her attention returned to Iida, one hand now over his heart.
"I-I'm from Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida."
"Somei?!" The blond snapped. "A stuck-up elitist then? I should blow you to bits then."
Iida backed off in surprise... or was it disgust? "You're aweful. Do you really want to become a hero?!" Without fully finishing the conversation, Iida noticed the broccoli haired boy and wondered over to him instead. "I'm from Somei Academy...." The tall male introduced, hand outstretched.
The boy from the sludge villain incident tensed up and waved his hands in front of his body. "I heard you before! Ah... I'm Izuku Midoriya. Pleased to meet you Iida."
They talked a bit more, though it was more of a hushed conversation. Aiko tilted her head at the green haired boy, could he have been hurt to the point of making him skittish? Through her experiences, Aiko could only guess.
The door creaked open behind them, a sweet looking girl with brown hair, chocolate eyes, and a smile just as sweet as sugar. "Ah! That curly hair!! The plain looking boy!!" She pumped her fist in the air. "You got in! Just like Present Mic said!! Makes sense though!! That punch was awesome!!"
His entire face flushed a bright red, his hand covering as he turned away. "No! I-I mean...! I have to thank you for speaking on my behalf... I... well...."
Aiko found the transaction cute, a shy boy and a girl that seemed too sweet to be normal, so she returned to her sketches and kept her mouth shut. Until everything was suddenly quiet.
She glanced back at the door, the same scruffy teacher from the entrance exam huddled into a yellow sleeping bag. A small pouch in his hand that he sucked on. "This is... the Hero Course."
He stumbled out of the bag, letting it fall to the floor as he entered. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you." Although his words were professional, his tone said otherwise, like he was beyond bored to be here. He lifted up his bag and grabbed something within, pulling out a classic U.A. training uniform you would see during their tournaments. "Quickly now. Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds."
The entire class was split, some were jumping from their desk in excitement while the other half stood with a nervous hesitance. Aiko was part of the nervous group, but one at a time everyone took their issued gym clothes.
The girls rushed into the locker room, a certain pink skinned girl with curly horns on top her fluffy, lighter toned hair, beamed in excitement. "What do you think we are going to do?" She asked, turning to face the small group of girls with a beaming grin.
The brown haired girl from earlier smiled, her chocolate eyes sparkling. "I don't know! I'm nervous though." Her rosy cheeks adding another level of cuteness to her overall appearance.
Small bits of chatter danced around the room, introductions being made and clothes being replaced. Each girl, with a sense of nervous excitement coursing through their veins, introduced themselves.
Momo, an insanely beatutiful, young girl with black, silky hair pulled into a ponytail.
Ochako, the cute girl with a permanent blush and short chocolate hair, she seemed nice.
Mina, the pink haired girl who started the conversation. Her skin seemed to match her personality and style, bright and frilly, kinda like a girly Tom-boy.
Tsu, a girl with a cute accent, almost like she had a stuffy nose. Long green hair ending in a bow and intelligent eyes makes her comfortable to be around.
Hagakure, a sweet girly-girly personality wise, but other than that Aiko didn't know how to describe her. Maybe invisible would work? She hoped that wasn't too mean to think.
Aiko listened intently, simply trying to buy time by examining her new gym uniform and shuffling it around in her grip. When it was her turn she rushed with her introduction, stating her name and a little something she likes. Drawing, she chose drawing to be the thing she likes.
"Oh!" Beamed the pink girl, a enthusiastic smile stretching across her lips. "You'll have to show us your drawings!"
Aiko glanced away with her cheeks flushing a rosy red. "Ma-maybe. They aren't anything too impressive though...." her words trailed off into a quiet mumble, before she remembered she actually had to get dressed. "Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom."
Swiftly, the white-haired girl's exited the conversation, shutting the bathroom stall door just a little too quickly in the process. Taking a deep, shaky breath, Aiko calmed her nerves. As much as she loved making friends, the over ecstatic girls made her a bit uncomfortable.
Though, them being excited about her art made her lightly blush.
The principle climbed his way into the room, the smaller form of All Might judging a price of paper in his boney hands. A deep set look of thought was etched onto his face, so much so he didn't notice Nezu entering and beginning to brew some tea.
A small ding alerted All Might of the new presence, and with a startled jump he turned to see who it was. The mighty hero sighed and examined the paper. "Aizawa is going to be harsh on the students."
Nezu pored the tea into two cups, took hold of both of them and handed one to Toshinori. "He's always hard on his students, I believe he would be good for your successor."
All Might turned and joined Nezu on the small desk. "He doesn't like me, Nezu, he'll defiantly see too much of me in him."
The principle smiled and took a calming sip of his tea. It was slightly sweet with a hint of mint, warm against his tongue as the steam tickled his nose. He sighed and kicked his legs in the chair. "That could be a good thing, besides I'm sure he will see potential in him much like you did."
All Might leaned forward, letting the steam warm his sunken face. "He expelled his entire class last year."
"That won't happen again, we've told him off for that last year." Nezu commented with a laugh, sighing and carefully handling his tea on his lap.
"But he can still expel someone, right?"
The mouse-like principle lightly chuckled. "Technically."
The two of them halted their current conversation, opting to change the subject on another issue All Might noticed. "You place twenty-one students in each hero course this year, why?"
"The batch of aspiring heroes seemed especially good this year. I wanted to give them all a chance."
"Won't there be some problems?"
"I've already thought ahead, don't worry. We will have the teachers follow the curriculum as usual, but whoever the extra person is, we can have the students who need more training get another chance." Nezu glanced over, taking another long sip of his tea. "Did that make sense?"
Toshinori hummed, his forefinger and thumb holding his chin in thought. "Yes, it does." The mighty hero sighed and stood, thanking his friend for the tea. "I'm pretty sure Aizawa is already testing them."
Nezu laughed. "Probably. It was nice to talk to you again, Toshinori."
"It was nice. I'll see you later, Nezu."
The entire Class 1-A stood in a field, a shot put field from the looks of it. Aizawa stood in front of them, taking in their forms like he was already deciding to give up on them. 'How optimistic', Aiko thought sarcastically.
He started talking, something along the lines of how U.A. allows independent teaching, and something about quirk prohibitions in society. "Bakugou, how far could you throw in middle school?"
"Sixty-seven meters."
"Great. Now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to do, just don't leave the circle." He handed the ash-blond a small ball. "Give it all you've got."
He smirked and mumbled under his breath before throwing the ball with a massive explosion behind it. "DIE!!" The sickening sound echoed through the field.
Air and smoke swept through everyone's hair, Aiko covering her face with her arms and squinting at the bright light. 'Die?' She glanced up at the sky, the ball only being a small spec in the vast ocean of blue. Slowly, it descended back to earth with a trail of smoke tailing behind each weak bounce it made.
Aizawa turned back to the group, his shoulders hunched and relaxed. In his hands, dressed with callouses, was a small device with the illuminated numbers 705.2m on the small screen. "It's important for us to know our limits." He began with a bored tone. "That's the first rational step to figuring it what kind of hero you'll be."
Aiko shivered at the slightly threatening words from the teacher, but everyone else cheered with delight. After all, this is a chance to prove themselves as the future heroes of Japan! To fight villains and save lives! Taking a quick glance at her classmates, she clenched her fists with a confident face.
Yeah, she would stop villains too! She would become a hero!
"'Awesome you say?'", Aizawa repeated, a bit of malice echoing under his disinterest. "Hoping you are going to become heroes after three years here... and you think it'll be all fun and games?"
'Huh?' Aiko's sudden confidence dwindled like a dying candle, and her posture slumped. 'Oh god, whats happening?'
"Right. The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged hopeless... and will be expelled."
"E-e-expelled?!" She suddenly yelped, the entire class screaming their disbelief. 'Holy shit! He can't do that?! Can he?!'
"Your fates are in our hands." Aizawa trailed his hand through his messy, black hair. "Welcome, this is the Hero Course at U.A."
'That-that wasn't welcoming.' Aiko worried, hurrying along with the other students to the chopping block. They huddled up like cattle to the slaughter. The first challenge: 50-Meter Dash.
Two at a time, the students dashed as fast as they could, a race to the finish line. Aiko was paired up with a red head with sharp teeth. He grinned at her, a soft smile and a thumbs up. "Do your best." He added, bending down to prepare the sprint.
Aiko bent down too, blowing her loose hair out of her face, and patiently awaited the signal.
The dark haired teacher blew his whistle, and the two students were off! Aiko propelled herself forward, launching her body as fast as possible. The wind brushed past her hair, and she was subconsciously holding her breath with each step. 'A little farther!' She thought, the red-head beside her already past the finish line.
'When did he finish?' Aiko's foot passed the finish line, the camera off to the side blaring her score. "6.56 seconds." '6.56! That's better than middle school!' Suddenly, the red head finishing first didn't seem so bad.
Speaking of which, he was wondering over. A small bit of sweat coated his brow, and his toothy grin beamed brightly. "Good job!" He cheered.
"Th-Thanks, you too." Aiko kindly replied, fixing her gym shirt and taking a few deep breaths.
Next challenge: Grip Strength. She frowned, grip strength would be a tough one to do. Maybe her constant drawing would make her stronger than normal? Or maybe that was wishful thinking.
Yeah, it was wishful thinking, 36 kg wasn't that good.
Third Challenge: Standing Long Jump. Knowing each student could use their quirk, Aiko wondered if there was any way her quirk would be useful.
Fourth Challenge: Side Stepping. This would be an easy one, obviously as she finished almost last. Second to last to be exact, pretty good if she had to say so.
Onto the next challenge: Sit-Ups. Easy, eighty-eight and fourth to finish.
Sixth Challenge: Seated Toe-Touch. Also easy, Aiko stretches every morning before skating to school.
Seventh Challenge: Distance Run. Nope, was one of the last to finish, hopefully this wouldn't ruin her score that badly.
Finally, the Final Challenge: Throwing. Besides the eventful Aizawa vs Broccoli Boy vs Explosive Blond back to Aizawa, Aiko didn't do that good.
The reveal was upon the students, a horrifying set of numbers that would decide someone's fate. Aiko related her own score, if they went by a number system she made up, then she should be okay. If each student was put into the position they ended in, and each student was given the respective amount of points, then the people with the least amount of points would be at the top. Aiko wouldn't be at the top, but she shouldn't be on the bottom either.
There was a small beep, and with a deep breath, Aiko glanced up at the screen Aizawa held. Momo, Todoroki, Bakugou, Iida, etc... Aiko. Aiko Takahashi! In 14th place behind Tsu!
Her shoulders slumped and she let go of a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "I made it!" She quietly exasperated.
Though she paused, immediately being overwhelmed with guilt at whoever was in last place. Midoriya Izuku, that's the green haired boy right? Silver eyes glanced over at the boy, his head hung low. Should she go comfort him?
"Your total scores simply reflect your performance in each of the events. Explaining the process would be a waste of time, so all you get are the final rankings." His tone wasn't any different from before, he must really not care about them. "Also, I was lying about expelling someone."
Another sigh of relief.
"That was a rational deception... meant to bring out the best in all of you." His cheshire grin reeked of mischief.
The students shrieked in disbelief, the shy girl shuffling away from the front of the crowd. "Anyway, were done here." Your documents about the curriculum and such are back in the classroom, give them a look."
"Oi!" A shriek like yell burst through the comforting conversation of the after school pack up. The surprise made the small girl jump and slam her locker closed. "Aiko right?"
When she turned around, the electric blond from earlier. "Uh, yeah? Um, Kaminari right?"
"Yup!" He pulled over two other figures, a purple haired boy from the bus ride and the red head you raced against. "You know Mineta, and this guy right here is Kirishima." His arm hung over their shoulders, a little awkwardly she would admit, and his thumb pointed to the sharper tooth kid.
"Nice to meet you guys." Small, slightly shaky, hands reentered her locker code. "Uh, I'm glad we all made it? Mr. Aizawa seems pretty... intense?"
"Oh, geez. Tell me about it! I thought I was going to fail!" Kaminari yelped, planting his palm on his forehead. "There wasn't even anything I could use my quirk on!"
Kirishima sighed. "Me too, hardening isn't exactly good for stretching." He joked.
"Hardening? That's your quirk?" Aiko asked, the smaller, purple haired student shuffling from side to side anxiously.
"Yup," He raises his arms and flexed them, the once soft flesh changing into hardened, jagged pieces. Like rock. "It makes it harder to move."
"I can harden too-." Burst Mineta, though he was quickly interrupted by Kaminari.
"I can manipulate electricity, I can't use too much of it though, fries my brain." He swatted his hand in the air. "Hopefully later on I can really show off my skills!"
"Do you want to know what my quirk is?" Aggressively, Mineta tried to butt his way past the other two boys. "My balls-."
"So what's your quirk? I didn't see you use it either."
"Oh, it's called pause." Aiko began, doing her best to unite Mineta. "I can freeze—pause objects in time. It gives me bad headaches though." She tapped her temple and shifted her gaze across from her locker, still grabbing the few things left in there. Across form her, Iida waved goodbye with a small smile. She returned the action before turning back to the boy's. "It wouldn't have helped me."
"So," started Kaminari, but replaced his interest with the skates in her hands. "Oh! You skate?"
"Oh yeah, my transportation." The white haired girl waved them in the air before putting them on. "Sorry, but I have to go. Mr. Takahashi wants me to get some food on the way back home."
"Mr. Takahashi? Your dad?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah... my dad." Aiko realized how weird that might sound, after all she used to say mom and dad. "Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She smiled and dashed off and away from the situation. "Bye!"
Her hair brushed past her shoulder, and everything else became a blur. Warm air tickled her nose and played with her school uniform. This was freedom, this was relaxation. No matter what happened, no matter who yelled or hurt her before, skating around the city was always relaxing. Always a way to clear her mind of any worries.
After a day like this, she needed it. After all, Komori and Aizawa scared her beyond believe today. Taking a detour wouldn't end the world.
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wolfbane37 · 6 years
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``Seriously guys, I tell you guys the other day that I'm playing for the other team and you drag me to the first gay club you guys see?'' Raph grumbles softly, a heavy blush powdering his cheeks as his brother, Mikey and his boyfriend, Leonardo, drag him to the front of the line of a gay dance club, the gentle thrum of the bass ringing in everyone's ears. Leo's brother, Donatello, had also joined him with his girlfriend April, they both chuckling at the hothead's embarrassment.
``Of course bro!! You gotta get a boyfriend'', Mikey grinned wide at him, pushing him inside.
``Relax, before you know it, you'll be getting laid by you're new boyfriend by midnight tonight'', Donnie commented as he gently tucks in Raph's white tank top into his pants to accentuate his muscular body, despite the inflexibility of his shell. 
The hot head grumbles and stumbles inside, eyes widening at the sight of all the guys dancing and grinding together. Raph grumbles softly, blushing hard and goes over to the bar, shoving off the two sets of lovebird and getting himself a beer. Just then, the lights in the club and the music shifted dramatically, all the men dancing on the floor chatting excitedly as a stage brightens up.
``Alright gentlemen!! You know what time it is!! Lets give a warm welcome to the Sexy Beasts of the Night!'' the DJ announces over the intercom as three grown men, all half naked saunter onto stage, their silhouettes standing out from the light.
A steady beat of music starts to thrum into the air, as one of the guys steps forth, his hips swaying to the beat. Raph's eyes adjusted to the light and he saw that the man was a hybrid of a lizard and a turtle. The impressive combination of the two species giving him luscious green skin that encased practical muscles exceptionally. He was wearing soft blue jeans that were tight around his hips but left plenty of room for the imagination bellow the waste line. His v-muscles standing out with his abs because the fine line of scutes that lines his chest. His shell was small, barely noticeable on his back. His hands were hugged tight to some black, finger-less gloves, defining his four fingers nicely. The next thing to stand out was his long, yet slim tail that sway with hips. Finally, covered by a tight fedora, his head was lined nicely with raven, silk like hair that accented his crimson eyes.
Raph couldn't help but appreciate that his body was also generously covered in tattoos of various types, somehow accenting his muscle tone more. But what stood out more about this man was his voice, because as soon as he was well in front of the other two men that were with him, he started dancing in time with the music and singing.
``Its going down, I'm yelling timber,
You better move, You better dance.
Let's make tonight, You won't remember,
I'll be the one, You won't forget.''
The trio danced in time with one another, each putting one their own little show to all the surrounding men, their body's screaming energy and sex with every move. Raph had to swallow a very big lump in his throat as they started to join the crowd on the dance floor. The lead singer danced with grace but sexuality, grinding against his fellow dancers and some of the customers there that night as well.
Raph caught a heavenly fragrance, no doubt from the same lead singer. With just the inhale alone, Raph was fully aroused and so wanted to meet the male, unable to take his eyes off the moving muscles before him.
``You best not get your hopes up, boy. Luca rarely see's anyone that doesn't pique his interests, and that's coming from personal experience'', said the rabbit bartender behind him, having been watching the hot head get swooned off his feet from the performers.
``Luca.....'' Raph murmurs softly, not really paying attention to the bartender, too absorbed in the performance to really pay attention.
Almost as soon as that song ended, another began with the same sexual feeling to it, but not beating around the bush with the lyrics. Again, the lead singer takes the initiative to start the song.
``She got a body like an hour glass, But I can give it to you all the time,
She got a booty like a Cadillac, But I can send you into overdrive.
(You've been waiting for that......Step on up swing your bat)
See anybody could be bad to you, you need a good boy to blow your mind, yeah''
They danced in time with the lyrics, the lead singer turning to the bar this time, seeming to catch Raph's gaze for a moment. His eyes seemed to envelope Raph in a heated gaze, making Raph swallow visibly, actually kinda intimidated by the predatory look in the male's eyes. The singer snickers and saunters over to Raph, singing proudly.
``She might've let you hold her hand in school, But I'm a show you how to graduate,
No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk, Just come and show me what your momma gave yah~''
Luca pressed right up against Raph and seemed to give him a personal performance, the crowd whistling with delight at the sight, Leo and Mikey off to the side laughing loudly. Donnie and April couldn't help go all fangirls at the sight, hoping Raph gets the shot. Luca smirks wider, getting the look of cat having caught a mouse. He slides back slowly only after he shoves his fedora into Raph's face, the crowd shouting louder now, some excited and other sound somehow extremely jealous.
``Well, I'll be damned......Looks like Luca's interested......'' the bartender almost murmured to himself.
That seemed to snap Raph out of his trance of watching the young dancer to turn to the bartender.
``What does this mean?''
``Means you stick around tonight and you can talk to young Luca'', the bartender chuckles at Raph while sliding him another beer. ``On the house, you're gonna need it.''
Raph's eyes widen and he grins wide at the thought of talking to Luca. He hums softly to himself, taking a slow inhale of the fedora, finding the natural musk of the young male along with faint scents of peppermint and cinnamon. Raph chuckles and slides the hat on just as he was swamped with his friends.
Raph smirked up at the dancers as they continued their performance, Luca keeping eye contact with Raph through the entire thing. Finally, the last song plays out and the dancers end right in the middle of a giant swarm. All the men in the entire joint was squishing against the dancers to hug, touch and pay the dancers for the performances by shoving money in all the places they could reach, in Luca's case was his waist band. More than once, a hand lingered too long or to close to his more intimate spots, making him flush and start to leave to get out of the seeking hands back stage followed by his back up singers and dancers.
Snorting his amusement, Raph orders another drink and waits patiently for the lead dancer to return on his own.
About thirty minutes later, after sending his friends home on their own so he could have some alone time with the young dancer, Raph was drinking the foam slowly off his cold beer when he felt a warm body press against his back, leaning over him to talk to the bartender.
``Hey barkeep!! Four shots of tequila for me and my friend here!'' a smooth voice shouted, the scent of cinnamon catching in Raph's nostrils.
Looking over his shoulder, Raph came face to face with the charming young singer, having a small scent of soap, his hair still damp from obvious signs of a shower. He wore a dark red t-shirt and similar jeans as before and now he held a small toothpick between his lips, looking slightly chewed on. Luca catches his eyes with a charming entrancement and sits right beside him as the bartender sets out the four shots between the two.
``So handsome, whats a place like you doing in a stud like this?'' he says softly, gazing fondly at Raph with a slightly predatory gaze.
Raph couldn't help but snort at the poor pick up line, setting his empty glass aside to grab a lime and a shot. ``My friends insisted I see some action on my second day out of the closet.''
``Wha? First day out as a gay man? Dear lord, the pressure is on then for good impressions. I guess the bad pick up line was not a good idea'', the young male's flushed up in embarrassment as he mimicked Raph's action and grabbing a lime and a shot for himself. In unison, they drink the shot and limes together, both cringing at the burn and sourness, laughing happily.
``That's ok. Cheesy pick up line help make this more relaxing. I'm glad to find that I'm someone's taste anyhow. I'm not sure how many people are actually into mutant turtles'', Raph joked as he work the second shot down, grinning softly.
``Probably the same amount that think a salamander/turtle hybrid is sexy and easy to play with'', Luca joked back, downing his last shot easily, nudging Raph playfully.
``Sounds rough.''
``You have no idea. Anyhow, where are your friends? I wanna thank whoever brought in the eye candy.'' Luca turned and looked through the crowd to see anyone that would know Raph.
``Don't bother, they left a few minutes ago under my request to let me relax and actually enjoy being hit on by other men'', the hot head chuckles and moved to order a new drink.
``So your alone now?! Oh hell no, barkeep! A bottle of Fireball Whiskey, a bottle of Bailey's caramel and two shot glasses please!!'' Luca slaps a couple of $20's on the counter to pay and tip the bartender as he pulls out the bottles. Snatching up the bottles, Luca motions Raph to follow him. Raph shrugs and grabs the shot glasses and follows Luca through the crowd to a guarded door.
``Hey Darling, can I just......?'' Luca sets a bottle to the side and slowly takes the tie off one of the body guards, grinning wide when the guard's cheek get a powder color on his cheeks but his expression remains neutral as he opens the door for Luca. ``Thanks Doll!! Common...'' Luca giggles giddily and drags Raph into the back, Raph blushing at how Luca looks from behind.
They slowly approach a door that was open slightly. Pushing in the hot head, Luca slides the tie on the doorknob and follows Raph in, shutting and locking the door. Turning in, the singer sets the bottles down and takes the shot glasses.
``To have a perfect evening here, you have to have my absolute favorite and the public special French Toast shot. One part Fireball and one part Bailey's......'' he murmurs softly as he pours the drinks, his tail flicking from side to side as he focuses before he turns and offers Raph the shot.
Studying the creamy liquid skeptically, Raph glanced at Luca curiously to see him down his shot with complete ease. Shrugging, Raph down's his as well. Eyes widen in shock as the burn in his throat his cooled by cream, the combination tasting exactly like liquid french toast with the burn of alcohol.
``What the shell??!! That was french toast!!''
``I told you!'' Luca laughed at his reaction and turned to make two more shots before handing him his glass again, the singer's cheeks flushing slightly from the alcohol. Together, they downed more and more of the liquid breakfast treat before Luca was laughing his ass off and Raph was chuckling humorously, only mildly drunk when the singer was slammed drunk.
``C-can I tell you......*snort* that I've never d-drunk with `nother person from here `fore? *hic* Like, I've drank here `fore but I've never go'en this drunk `fore'', Luca giggled as he sloshed his drink against Raph after tipping over and landing on his side, laughing loudly at the spill.
``And why is that? Don't hang out with that many people?'' Raph chuckled as he helps Luca sit on the couch properly, ignoring the spill on his tank for now.
``I don't like people......people are so clingy and needy....They don't ask what Luca wants....I feel safe with you, even though I just met you'' the singer snorted and leaned against Raph as his words slurred. ``You smell really good~''
Flushing at the compliment, Raph scratched at his cheek sheepishly and smiles at the small lizard. ``You smell good too. Like cinnamon.''
``That's because of these.''
Sluggishly, Luca fished through his pants and pulled out a small box containing toothpicks. The label said tea tree therapy toothpicks, cinnamon flavored.
``Trying to quick smoking.....'', the drunk slurred tiredly, glaring at the picks before pulling one out and slips it between his soft lips, the strong scent of cinnamon radiating off the pick and his breath into Raph nose.
``That might be a good idea'', the hot head chuckled softly, blushing hard at the smell. Shivering slightly, he starts to pull away, noticing that Luca was starting to doze.
``Where are you goin'?''
``I'm calling it a night. You are very drunk and should sleep it off'', Raph chuckled softly at the drunk that tried to stay awake.
``W-wait.....'' Luca groaned and rolled off the couch, falling onto the floor with a grunt. He slowly starts to get up, groaning weakly as he crawls over to a desk, giving a Raph a great view of his ass and muscled thighs. Reaching onto the desk blindly, Luca feels around before wrapping his fingers around a sharpie and slowly stands up, shakily walking over to Raph.
Swallowing thickly, Luca grabs Raph's arm and yanks it towards him, scribbling on his hand in barely legible handwriting his name and number. ``I have two more shows this *hic* week, and then I'm free for the weekend. Call me, Raphael.''
Eyes wide at what just happened, all Raph could do was nod, watching as Luca grins a dopey drunk smile before collapsing on the couch, the marker falling out of his grasp and rolling uselessly onto the floor. Shaking his head at the graceless fall, the hot head stands and adjust the sleeping hybrid into a more comfortable position, throwing a blanket over his back and slides a pillow under his head. Snatching up the marker, Raph decides to write his name and number onto Luca's hand as well to help him remember the night before slipping out the door and flicking off the light.
Chuckling to himself, Raph slowly saunters out of the dance studio, humming one of the tunes that Luca sang earlier that evening......
``.......Let's make tonight you won't remember........I'll be the one you won't forget......''
This is part of a series I've written with more stunning art work. Let me know what you guys think and I'll post more here. Also, the art is by @yukarishii
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