#every why has a whereof: revised edition
crazytwentythrees · 3 years
updated note under the cut for every why has a whereof !! (i decided to post it here as well for the non-wattpadders)
i feel like poetry is the perfect way to subtly tell a lot of people a lot of things—but at the same time, it leaves a lot to interpretation.
i started writing poetry when i was thirteen, almost fourteen, and initially, my writing was horrible. (the only good thing i’d written was in & out, the very first poem in this book.) but i’d also kept at it. i wrote a lot in my sophomore year of high school, experimenting with so many different writing styles and exploring the world of writing for the first time ever. this was also the year i first published Every Why Has a Whereof through Amazon’s self-publishing platform.
now, you’re probably wondering why on earth anyone would self-publish an anthology, only to republish it a few years later. the answer is simple. the original anthology was not well-edited or given the time and effort i know it deserved, nor did i have a lot of experience in the writing community when i’d gone through with it. rookie mistake? maybe, but its definitely something i don’t regret.
however, since i am older now and have some more experience, i decided to go back and edit my poems, clear up the parts i didn’t like, design a fresh new cover, and fill up some more pages for you to read! so, the book (or device) you’re holding now is the new, revised edition of every why has a whereof. (insert confetti here)
the poems in the original edition (almost all of which are in here too) are really close to my heart, and i felt like they deserved this extra tlc, so i really hope you enjoy this sorta-new roller coaster ride of poetry, notes, letters, and a special piece of flash fiction in one of the parts!
content warning/trigger warnings:
all that being said, i want to include a disclaimer for sensitive content that might be triggering for certain people. a good number of my poems (especially near the beginning and the very end) hint at or directly imply that it is about a mental illness. the content may vary from anxiety and depression, to eating disorders and body dysmorphia, to mentions of emotional/verbal abuse.
these are very real issues, and if any of the above may trigger you, then i highly recommend skipping out on my book. if you are dealing with any mental illnesses, i hope that you’re doing okay and i want to let you know that help is always available to everyone. stay safe!
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crazytwentythrees · 3 years
update for every why has a whereof!!!
[wattpad link here] [tumblr link here]
and we've officially hit 13.5k+ words let's gooooo!!!
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crazytwentythrees · 3 years
been editing the revised edition for my anthology tonight, and i gotta say, i'm pretty proud of myself. i've gone from 96 pages (the original) to around 200 (my word count is nearing 12k and there's still quite a few poems to write/edit/re-write)!!
it's so much different from the first edition, instead of five generic parts, i've got NINE themed ones, with at least ten poems/notes in each part. after the editing, graphics will be up, and then publishing!!
the timeline for now is looking like a few months at least, and i will be taking it slow so you (and me too) will have a really nice (and aesthetic) anthology to read.
stay tuned!! updates will be posted here and on my instagram.
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crazytwentythrees · 3 years
☆ Updated Masterlist ☆
say hello to a whole new masterlist, featuring lots of links for each link ;)
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☆ - the links are in the stars [no, i did not plan for it to sound like that, haha]
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☆ - every why has a whereof: revised edition
☆ - before last summer
☆ - all my writing updates
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☆ - poetry
☆ - flash fics & short stories
☆ - fanfiction
☆ - long fics & novels
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☆ - uquiz sideblog [@welcome-to-the-dark-space]
☆ - my library [@the-library-of-tia]
☆ - personal sideblog [@tia-kaaaaay]
☆ - my website
☆ - wattpad
☆ - instagram
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crazytwentythrees · 3 years
welcome to my blog :)
my masterlist
latest news on "every why has a whereof: revised edition"
updates/info on "before last summer"
all my writing updates
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crazytwentythrees · 3 years
That's right, I AM!! I am also definitely not unable to figure out how to keep writing BLS, but dw I do want to finish writing because the book means a lot to me personally (but also, like I said when I went on hiatus, I want to give you guys a good book, not a half-assed version of it).
AnYwAy, back to the poetry. Here's some basic info about the revised edition:
Will it be the same poems? Definitely, the main stuffing is all the same, only with a couple of extra poems (bonus, yay!!) and some shorter ones I don't like (like 2-3 of them) will be removed.
Can I read the deleted poems? Of course! An unedited version of my anthology is free for you to read here on Wattpad.
What's the difference between the original and the new version? In short, the main difference will be the reformatting and severe editing (with the knowledge I didn't have when I first published it). Also, I'd like to make the book a little smaller. I'm not sure if many of you are aware of this, but Amazon's self-publishing platform only offers certain standard sizes for books, and well, my 6"x9" book is probably the smallest I can go. That being said, I am considering reaching out to Amazon Publishing and some other publishers to see if they can help with this "downsizing" of sorts. Realistically, I know printing a smaller book has a 50/50 chance of happening, but it's definitely something I'd like for the revised edition.
When will the revised edition be published? This depends on the "downsizing". I hope to get the edits done in the next month or so, but a good part of the reformatting process is dependent on whether or not I get to make the book a smaller size. If not, then you'll have a semi-brand-new 6"x9" poetry anthology for you to cart around and annotate to your heart's content!
Will it look the same? For now, I intend to keep the cover the same, BUT if I work out something I like (since I design my own covers), then I will definitely consider changing the cover. The font will be different for sure, same as a whole lot of other formattings in the original version (reformatting, yay!!). Another thing I've been brainstorming is GRAPHICS!!! If you've read the first few chapters of BLS on Wattpad, you'll know about the banners I made for POV changes. I want to try some stuff like that for sure, so you'll definitely be seeing some cool changes ;)
Why are you republishing/publishing a revised edition? Ooooh boy. So the story is, when I put together all these poems and published them with Amazon KDP (which is a self-publishing platform), I had very very very little experience with the writing world, much less the editing and publishing world. The anthology was sent in as a submission for Amazon's Pen to Publish program, which is how I found out I could self-publish in the first place. But the main thing is, I put together the entire thing, formatting and all (minus writing a majority of the poems, which I'd done in the few months before), in about a month. Long story short, it was the definition of a rush job. So now I'm nearly three years older, a little wiser (I hope), and I want to put in the time and work that I know my 13-year-old self deserved when she first started writing, and the knowledge that my 14-year-old self didn't have when she self-published.
I think that's about it, but if any of you have anything else to ask, my inbox is definitely open. I hope you'll all love this new edition (once I get it out for you to read) and I'd absolutely love it if you have any extra feedback from the original!!
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crazytwentythrees · 2 years
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reintroducing the love letters series, now with 2 more original poems (and sneak peeks into the revised edition of every why has a whereof!
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crazytwentythrees · 3 years
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Every Why Has a Whereof: Revised! - FAQs (on Wattpad)
Every Why Has A Whereof is in the works for getting republished!
In the next few months, I'm going to be taking some time to go back and revamp my anthology with the new publishing/editing knowledge I have.
The revised edition is going to be so much better than the first, with a whole new look and some serious editing. I'm super excited to share this with you guys and I hope you enjoy this new version as much as the first, if not more.
This book contains updates for the new edition, FAQs and details about what to expect!
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