#everybody has their own tastes and techniques
antique-symbolism · 1 year
Would other writeblrs be interested if I made a little guide to how I write summaries? I hear so many really great writers say they struggle so hard with summaries. It’s something I’ve always found to be a fun little puzzle, but nothing remotely insurmountable. I’ve got a pretty solid formula worked out (with some wiggle room) -- the only problem is that I don’t know if other people like how I write them and would actually want a breakdown.
Here are three examples: 
Miniature Roses
Magnolia, Stay True
A Brief Family History of the Magical Mundane
Feel free to shoot me a comment -- if there’s any interest, I’ll give it a shot.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I'm pretty sure Atla being Aang's story and never about Zutara is just.......kinda what Atla about instead of making it a bad story lol!Like it's called 'Avatar:The Last Airbender' and the 2nd part refers to Aang being the sole survivor of a genocide which like the characters is based on the real genocide that happens to Tibet,Aang's people,by China.The Water Tribe gang are also genocide survivors because they're native-coded and the Fire Nation is an imperialist empire because it's based on Japan when it was
So Aang's the protagonist because it's about poc trauma and potraying etchnic cleansing survivors as the victims they are but also humanizing them and showing them as heroes and capable of saving the world that tried to wipe them all out!Aang is the good guy because he goes out of way to help everybody,with activism AND direct action and in the comics,he kickstarted decolonization and arguably counts as the inventor of in his world.Atla was created to radicalize the kids watching it and while it's not perfect(see the demonization of Jet and Hama and asskissing of Iroh),Aang is undoubtedly a great role model and relatable to kids of color as well as asian people who come from lesser known asian cultures that're happy to finally get some rep that's not just easian characters
On the topic of Katara,not sorry at all but she's never been meant to be 'the universal female experience' or some other radf.em-adjacent caricature.Yes,she's a girl and it's really important to her she's a girl but she wants to be a girl HER way,not what's expected of her by society.Katara is a brown native american-Inuk girl who was parentified despite having an older brother due to sexism and fell for Aang because he helped her feel like a real kid instead of a mini mom and he fell for her at first sight because he found her indigenous features to be angelic and princess-y and all around perfect and Katara is a punk girl,she refuses to follow the rules or conform to standards or hold herself back for ANYONE and never shuts up about it or refuses to stop acting on it so she's canonically an anarchist,she was Aang's righthand in The Gaang and did her own solo anti-imperalist activity on her own too and provided resources and aid and even emotional comfort for oppressed groups all throught the show so she's canonically an activist and she hates the Fire Nation and ALL bigots and abusers,no expections,so she's canonically anti-authority and anti-establishment too.Katara is a feminist character in the sense she's nothing like women are expected to be and does the heroism and has the personality traits which are said to be reserved for men by the patriachy,ESPECIALLY at the time.And yes,Zutaras,you too to this fuckin' day
Zuko's redemption arc was Zuko's redemption arc.Not an arc about finding a way to make it okay for him to date Katara!ZUKO'S REDEMPTION ARC IS ABOUT ZUKO!Not even Mai had a huge hand in that despite being Zuko's canon girlfriend but that's not because 'she wasn't important to him',it's because he didn't do anything he had to redeem himself for to her except breaking up with her in a petty way so he could work on healing and free himself from Ozai and she understood that by connecting the dots so she forgave him as she gets what it's like to have your parents abuse you because it's 'normal' in their culture-easian culture.Zuko is fundamentally a japanese man,his name,his design,his backstory,his personality,his powers/fighting style,his tastes,his generational trauma.Ozai abused Zuko using techniques created by abusive easian parents specifically since sadly the normalization of child abuse is so wide,different cultures each have their own unique tactics for it and Zuko thought nothing of it until he left the Fire Nation and learned it's not normal at all and that he deserves better.That's how it works for a lot of kids of color,if not most of us
In addition to the giving reperations aspect,Zuko becoming Aang's big brother figure and pseudo-dad is him healing his inner child and breaking the cycle of abuse.Dadko symbolizes peace with their dynamic too,peace for Zuko's lineage because now he gets to be the good dad to Aang Ozai never was to him and grew up to be a good biodad to Izumi largely realistically thanks to Aang giving him experience with raising kids.Zuko's dad friend behavior is a positive trait,'Mom'tara is silencing Katara for your male fave so she can be realize she's not a real kid actually,Aang was wrong and she's not actually beautiful,kind,cool,funny,charming,badass,a hero and deserving of a soft love with someone who's patient with her because he's just happy to her in silence until he thought he'd have to die to save the world and couldn't bear the thought of parting with her because she's his whole world just as he gave her hope she could grow up to save it.And y'all call him a r*pist because they were mutually unspokenly flirting for months and she got angry at him for implying they shouldn't kiss followed up by an implied almost kiss and multiple cheek kisses from her to him so he thought to make up for it out of misreading the room and immediately regretted it and berated himself for making her uncomfortable at the same time an EXPLICITLY non-consensual on her side episode where Zuko kidnaps her,talks badly to/of her,threatens her condesendingly and even steals Kya's necklace is what gave Zutara popularity
Atla is one of the best pg show's of all time because it's not about Zutara but about Aang.Not about cishet romance where the oppressed girl falls for her boy oppressor as it has the 'undesirable' race boy the villain.Then it would've been propaganda and glamorization of Japan's darker history as during Japan's imperialist era,women were treated pretty similarly to black people in the slavery/segregations and i'm making that comparison because as a black woman 1.It's pretty accurate and 2.Zutradras have a misogynoir problem and an antiblackness problem towards black men too by treating black girls as the same white girls like how they do Katara as a brown indigenous girl and moc Atla fans are targeted by the white Z/K suckers on the basis of being 'males' when white women inherently have privilege over moc,black and brown men most of all.They got a transmisogyny problem too since as i stated,their 'feminism' in regards to Katara is ciscentric only and carry r.adfem-like rethoric to how she should be written,plus their hatred of Aang for 'not being a real man' since they see him as amab and he's canonically very feminine and then there's all the anti-trans Zuko headcanons sentiments that only come from them with literally every other Atla ship group being supportive of trans readings of him,as well as for the Avatarverse cast in general.Atla is a love letter to misfits,not a love story for the normies.Aang was right to keep the Air Nomads alive by not killing Ozai because poc shouldn't have to give up our culture to be 'real punks' when punk is black made and whites and westerners are very much the biggest reasons we and other poc we even need revolutions
Kataang is a ship between two punk kids of color and Zutara robs countless abused japanese/asian-american kids of the narrative they needed and still need.The Atla fandom is extremely anti Zutara because it's a papable replacement for a very powerful story that only caters to the very people the series was saying are bad for correct and proven reasons.You can say 'interracial relathionships are so important and that's why should've Zutara happened!!!' but as a black/white biracial woman you're no different than people who only like interracial ships if they have a white person and get mad at poc4poc interracial rep seeing as you whitewash Zuko's writing and you can also say 'No girl would choose Aang over Zuko' but i had a huge crush on Aang and i was told i wasn't a real girl despite being afab because i was an autistic black tomboy and a huge part of his appeal was that he's not the fantasy,he was like me and plenty of girls weren't attracted to Zuko and it's enforcing cisheteronormative to act like we all did just because we're women.Hell,i'm convinced Katara is trans because of her relathionship with girlhood and canon punkhood and bi with a preference for gnc partners because of Kataang and the Katoph subtext and curiously enough NO Zutara shipper who's anti Kataang headcanons her as transfem while most Kataangers nowadays follow the t4t take on it and almost every lesbian i've met in the fandom stans it too and mocks Zutara
Avatar:The Last Airbender is about a tibetan boy who saves himself and everyone else from the system that tried to wipe his people out entierly with the help of a parentified brown native femme punk girl he's in love with and her in love with him back for his own unconventionality and the reason the mc even survived properly was she didn't stand for her older brother's misogyny and the tritagonist is a japanese disabled abuse survivor who's redemptic arc and joining of the good guys is a healing arc that involves holding himself accountable and unlearning propaganda and ACTING on it instead of infantalizing him because he may have been 16 at the the time but literally everyone he'd hurt is younger than him and coddling and refusing to progress isn't actual healing.'Aang is an ugly loser because he shaves his head for cultural reasons and is kind and positive and boys aren't supposed to be if they wanna get girls and Katara should've ended up with Zuko to fix the nation that colonized hers by becoming it's leader and living there and Zuko's arc was ruined because he didn't become a good person for romance but for himself and to make friends' is NOT the hot take you think it is
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dduane · 1 year
The Novel as Cake
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    I was reading through the 'writing' tag on your blog, and came across your wonderful post about how you outline your novels using Cherryh's 'Shopping List' technique. My question is - how do you decide/come up with the 10 things in the novel? I have about 3-4 things I know must happen in my idea, and other random details about the world. But what is important enough to be one of the 10 things? And also, how do you generate your ideas for those 10 things? - Asked by Anonymous
…Okay, let’s take this from the top. (And for convenience’s sake, let’s stay in the shopping-list idiom; it’s useful enough.) (ETA: the blog entry that discusses the Shopping List outlining method is here.)
Let’s say you want to make a cake. …This cake also being your novel.
To have a solid story (in the western-novel tradition, anyway), you need at least two things: plot and theme. The plot is what happens. The theme is the why of what happens, and (to a certain extent) the book-wide spectrum of thought and emotion that underlies that; the answer to the question “But what’s the book about?”* …Think of this duality, for the moment, as the equivalent of having both liquid and solid stuff in your cake. You’ve got to have both or it won’t rise. A book with a plot but no theme has no soul.
So: you’re going to make a cake. What kind?
As an example, I’m going to ease myself out onto a limb here and equate “chocolate-chip devil’s food with chocolate buttercream frosting” with “epic-fantasy quest fiction with strong political, exoreligious, and quasiromantic components.” (A favorite for me, over time, as some folks will have noticed. I just can’t get enough of those chocolate chips…)
So how do you determine the ten things you need (or whatever number you like, but ten works for me) as major ingredients / sections?
Well, ideally from some familiarity with what has gone in other/similar cakes/works of fiction in the past: because (in genre fiction, anyway) you have at least some reader expectations to manage. If you haven’t been reading in your chosen genre, you really should be. ...Now, this doesn’t mean you have to do what other people working in the genre have done. Indeed, at all times you remain at liberty to “flip the punchcard” and do exactly the opposite of what everybody else has been doing, if that’s what suits you. But they’ve set out possible recipes for you, so (as a beginner at this work) it'd seem wise to examine those recipes and see what’s in them that might be useful for you. Once you’ve been doing this for a while, you don’t need to go looking, just as an experienced baker doesn’t need to run for the recipe book every time they want to make a cake.
Naturally you can substitute ingredients, add some or lose some, when you’re creating something new; just as you like—while always making sure you don’t throw away anything routinely required/expected in your genre. (Such as, for example, the Happily Ever After at the end of a genre romance.) But certain basics must be in place, things that make what you’re creating recognizably A Cake, as well as your own additions and embellishments.
In this case, that could be:
For a cake: flour, milk, eggs, butter, baking powder, cocoa, chocolate chips, vanilla extract, seasonings, a little bit of salt (because without that, even the sweetest cake tastes just a little insipid somehow)
For a novel: a protagonist/pairtagonist (is that a word? It is now…); an antagonist (not necessarily a character: an antagonistic or stymie-ing situation that keeps the antagonist from easily getting what they want/need will do just as well. This is where at least some of the interior drama will derive from); a change in interior or exterior conditions that sets events in motion; a “ticking clock” or similar construct that means the desired result must be achieved within a certain time or before certain conditions change or expire; various reversals or hiccups in the flow of the story that will inject a sense of realism (because when does anything ever go perfectly smoothly…?); a crisis point at which everything assembled against the protagonist rises up to be dealt with, and the protagonist rises up to meet the challenge and deal with it; and finally, a set of resolution events that (even if it doesn’t absolutely finish the story proper) brings about an end state that will leave you, and any theoretical reader, satisfied with the completion of the current story arc.
…Needless to say, this is an incredibly oversimplified take on the kind of strategizing needed when you’re creating the recipe for a novel that won’t simply collapse the minute you take it out of the oven. But starting simply is often best. The more you do this kind of work, the easier it gets.
Now: “How do you generate your ideas for those 10 things?”
There are a lot of possible answers to this, but the simplest is: Make them up out of nothing, as usual. :)
…This isn’t meant to sound like sass. You made up those first three or four things you came up with out of nothing, and now (because they’ve been there for a while, probably) they may well have started to acquire a kind of secret, temporally-based superiority in your mind—starting to feel somehow more valid than what needs to come next to fill in the gaps. This kind of creeping sense of validity-via-temporal-primacy is a commonplace when you’re in mid-process, and I invite you to ignore it.
Just insert those three or four things into your shopping list in (roughly) story-temporal order, and then spend some time thinking about what kinds of events could usefully come between / flow from them. Hints:
Events that could realistically have been caused by the ones you’ve got already, and could also realistically be seen as causal to later ones you’ve already established, are always useful. Ideally, you’re trying to establish a chain of events in which none of them look accidental, or coincidental (because readers are rightfully sensitive to plots that only work because all the characters are idiots, or keep having “lucky accidents”). What you’re working toward is an event flow that seems, when viewed in completion, inevitable: as if it couldn’t have happened any other way. You will almost certainly not achieve this easily, early on in your novel work, and maybe not at all. But it strikes me as a good thing to be striving for.
Events that badly screw things up for the main characters are also always useful. Heroes do not become heroes by having everything go their way. Their heroism is achieved and manifested by having things go to shit around them again and again and AGAIN, and nonetheless still finding their way through all that shit to do what needs to be done. The lines attributed to the Confucianist philosopher Meng-tse (sometimes translated from Japanese into English as “Mōshi”) are a touchstone in this regard:
When Heaven is about to confer a great office upon a man, it first exercises his mind with suffering and his sinews and bones with toil: it exposes him to poverty and confounds all his undertakings. Then it is seen if he is ready.
So put your protagonists through the wringer. This is the greatest service you can do them: showing who they are by showing what they're made of.
A variant on this theme: Spend a little time thinking, “What is the absolute worst thing that could happen to these characters in this story / in this world?” And when you’ve figured that out, stick it into one of those gaps as a Main Thing—ideally one between the story’s midpoint and its already-planned crisis, if you’ve got that in place—and then start thinking about how to best exploit it to show how terrific your characters can become if you kick them around a bit. (Addendum: you are allowed to have one Absolutely Terrific and Beautiful Thing happen to assist your characters in recovering from this awfulness. Because they deserve it; but also, all invented worlds [if you ask me] should have beautiful things in them—things to long for, things that make your reader wish they could live there. And that you find beautiful, and worth returning to. You are absolutely allowed to keep yourself entertained, and emotionally refreshed, while you’re creating.)
…Anyway, take your time about getting those gaps filled in. It may take a little while: laying down basic story structure is worth not rushing, if you can avoid it. Once you’ve got everything major in place, the secondary lists will follow more easily.
*This is a hilarious oversimplification, but my job at the moment is not (as the saying goes) to explain the workings of the entire universe while standing on one foot. :)
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ekacucumber · 1 year
Ninjagotober 2023
by @alastair-1205
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╔ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╝❀╚ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╗
❀ Prompt: Villain
❀ Main characters: Yumi(OC), Sensei Garmadon, Kai, Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Zane, Pixal
❀ Timeline: Between seasons 4 and 5
❀ Summary: Yumi decides to gift every person in Ninjago the eternal happiness... As the Dream Master, she gets her own definition.
❀ Word count: 1526
╚ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╔ ❀ ╗⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╝
"You're doing very well, Yumi!" Garmadon's smile blinds her, but she doesn't mind, too happy to hear this compliment. "It's great you're getting more control of the Dream element."
"But, Master..." Yumi interrupts. "I'm still bothered by nightmares where you're gone, and I don't know what to do... They feel so real... And so painful..."
She sighs heavily. These nightmares have become her second life, and that hurts.
"Well, I think it's your last test from the Dream," Garmadon replies with kind smile. "You should choose which world you belong."
Yumi looks carefully at Sensei's face, and the feeling of hope lifts her spirit. If she has to fight nightmare, pain and suffering so everybody can live peacefully, free from sorrows and violence... She wiil do her best.
"So, what do you choose?"
"I choose eternal happiness."
Kai goes through the traning course, punching, kicking dummies and shooting them with fireballs. However, the last strike misses. He turns off the mechanism with a tired sigh.
"How's it going?" Yumi suddenly appears behind his back.
"AAAAH!" Kai screams and almost jumps away. "Ugh... You can't sneak and scare people like that!"
"Sorry." She smiles calmly. "So, how's your training?"
Kai looks at dummies and shrugs it off. "Eh, as usual..."
"But you look tired," Yumi notices.
"Maybe I've lost my fit a bit, but that's okay, I can deal with it." Girl stares at Kai, so intently that he starts to worry about it. "Um, what? Is something wrong with my hair?"
"No, I just think I can help you," she smiles again.
"You?" Kai raises his eyebrow in confusion. "I thought you didn't like combat training."
"Oh, I don't need to fight you. I've learnt a new technique to strengthen you," Yumi stretches out her hand. "Do you want to give it a try?"
"Hm... Sure, why not!" Kai gets kind of interested in her progress, so he gives a hand.
Yumi closes her eyes, and Kai feels how the energy fills his body. Weariness leaves him, he feels completely fresh and renewed. The Red Ninja makes a hit in the air and release a burst of fire, the strongest he's ever seen.
"Wow! What a feeling!" he laughs and destroys the annoying dummy on his way. "I've never felt so energetic!"
"Hey, can you be quiet?! I'm trying to-" Jay, who came out to complain, breaks off in mid-sentence, amazed. "Woah, that's so cool! How are you doing that?"
Yumi turns to him with the same calm smile.
"Do you want to try this technique of mine too?"
As Cole closes the fridge door and turns back, he almost drops his portion of snacks out of surprise.
"Hi, Cole," Yumi doesn't even move, smiling calmly.
"Oof, Yumi... How have you got here so quietly?"
"I've learnt some stealth recently."
"That's... That's good to hear," Cole smiles, however, he feels something weird. "Hey, I can't help but notice that you look better... I mean, you finally seem chill again as you were, well, before all the events."
Yumi remains silent and staring.
"... I'm sorry, did it sound bad?" Cole can't even read her expression. "I mean, I'm glad you're fine now. Not stressed or something like that."
"Thank you," Yumi replies. "I'm happy to hear it."
"Cool... Cool."
Cole grabs a snack and eats it, but doesn't get satisfaction.
"Something's wrong?" girl immediately asks.
"Eh, it's just not the same..." Cole sighs with frustration. "It's a hard time for Chen's Noodle House so their food is... So tasteless. Skylor promised to fix that, but for now I have to deal with-"
"Let me help you," Yumi interrupts and stretches out her hand closer to Cole's face. "My new ability will help you to feel the whole spectrum of tastes and even more."
"Uh, what? When have you learnt this trick?" Cole slightly moves away from her hand.
"That doesn't matter, friend. Kai and Jay have already tested it... And they're happy. Don't be afraid, let me help you."
"Okay... But only this time."
"Hey, Yumi, have you called me?" Lloyd enters the room and sees Yumi who leans on a sofa back. She looks at him with relaxed smile.
"I want to talk with you," she replies and makes a gesture to come closer. Lloyd makes a few steps and then notices Kai, Jay and Cole sleeping on the sofa.
"Huh... That's strange of them to sleep in the middle of the day," the Green Ninja notes.
"They've got tired of training so they're taking a nap now," Yumi slightly pats Cole's head. "Look, you know I had hard times... Everything was a mess..."
Lloyd looks carefully at Yumi as she talks. Something disturbs him, something surreal in details of her appearance. She let her hair down, though she always ties it up in two buns. There's no sign of bags under eyes, but it's too early for them to completely disappear. Her movements are very slow, and her eyes don't look at Lloyd... Yumi looks through him, right into his soul.
"But a miracle happened... I saw him."
"Who?.." Lloyd asks in confusion.
"Sensei Garmadon. Our mentor. Your father."
Yumi smiles, and an uncanny feeling strikes Lloyd.
"W-what?.. You must be joking, this is nonsense..." he mumbles.
"This is real, Lloyd!" Yumi sounds excited. "I meet your father in my dreams! My element has finally started to help me! And this way... Garmadon taught me how to control dreams!"
Lloyd sees a tone of craziness in her look.
"Look at our friends, Lloyd! They're happy thanks to Dream! Isn't it wonderful? These new abilities are amazing!"
Lloyd takes a step away, scared of Yumi.
"But you put them to sleep... How long have they been sleeping?!"
"An hour... Or two... Or five..." Yumi counts, getting closer to Lloyd. "But does it matter? They're happy! They're in the best world of all where all their dreams come true! And you can join them, you can finally see your father and never lose him again..."
"Yumi, that's not the way! You're crazy, come to your senses!"
"Oh, Lloyd..."
Yumi smiles and reaches for him. Lloyd tries to get away, but the Dream Master grabs his head and blinds him with her glowing pink eyes.
"I will help you reach the eternal happiness."
The Titanium Dragon flies above Ninjago City. Zane returns home from a mission. Looking down, he notices that city is... Dormant. The streets are covered in pink mist, and people are asleep on sidewalks, in cars, in their offices. Fortunately, there's no sight of car accidents.
"Pixal, can you analyze this fog?"
"I can't find any information in the database. But, I have to say, it seems to have the same structure as Yumi's elemental power. If I were you, I would hurry."
The dragon speeds up, and Zane gets home in a few minutes. Now it's clear for him that the source of fog is here. He walks through the rooms past the sleeping Nya, Master Wu, Misako... Everybody is asleep. Zane moves crosscurrent and finally reaches the source — Yumi. She floats in the lotus position, surrounded by sleeping ninja. As she pats Lloyd's head, her hand absorbs green sparkles of energy.
"You returned..." Yumi speaks slowly.
The Dream Master straightens her legs and floats closer. Zane gets an opportunity to look at her carefully, and her new appearance scares him. Yumi is wearing a dark-pink kimono with flower patterns, its sleeves and skirt slightly flatter. Yumi's hair float like in the water, and antlers made of cherry branches bloom on her head, filling the room with petals.
"What have you done?.." Zane asks quietly in disbelief. How have everything got out of hand so quickly?
"I... Sent them to a better world." Yumi smiles and looks right through Zane's heart with her eyes closed.
"You put them to sleep."
"The Dream Realm is the best home for these tired souls. It's always been."
"But they can't sleep forever. Yhey must wake up!" Zane insists, but Yumi just shrugs.
"You don't understand. You must join them and see. I will be your guide, Zane, you deserve joining the world of satisfaction..."
She reaches out to touch, but nindroid keeps the distance.
"I'm sorry to say it, but it's the wrong way, Yumi. Running from reality isn't a solution."
"The real world is cruel, violent and sorrowful. The Dream Realm gives them eternal happiness. There's nothing wrong, it's the only way to save Ninjago..."
"No!" Zane interrupts. "You can't choose for others. All you give them is the illusion of happiness, when they can experience real feelings in reality."
Yumi remains silent for a moment.
"You're being stubborn... You're afraid. If you can't believe me..." The Dream Master opens her eyes that turned pink. "Then I will show you the truth."
Yumi dashes to Zane and grabs him by shoulders. He struggles to free himself but fails. The Dream Master looks straight into his eyes.
"You're a nindroid, of course you think differently. But that's not a problem... You see dreams too. You're just like humans... And you deserve the eternal happiness too."
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theyareweird · 1 year
Frankie Stein's Home Ick by Ms. Kindergrubber Survival Guide
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Frankie's comment (blue pen):
Hey everybody! If you haven't taken this class yet, I'm going to give you everything you need to know to survive Home Ick with Ms. Kindergrubber. If you follow my advice, you'll never fall apart in class.
Class Overview
Home Ick introduces students to an amazing world of practical skills and concepts that will continue to haunt them for the rest of their unlives. This class will cover but is not limited to the following subjects:
Basic potions, concoctions and mixtures
Proper use and care of cauldrons and ovens
Practical stitching and sewing techniques —Fave!
Issues and careers in Home Ick and the mad food sciences
Monster biology and food choices
Many monsters that haven't taken Home Ick believe that it is an easy class. That could not be further from the truth! Ms. Kindergrubber loves, loves, loves this subject, and she'll expect you to love it as much as she does. If you think you can just drive-through and order up an "A," you'll be in trouble, and that's why I'm here to help.
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The instructor will explain the techniques necessary to completing the student's weekly assignments.
Basically Ms. K. shows us how to do something and we're expected to do it the same way… the exact same way.
Both written and practical exams will be used as a measuring tool to assess a student's comprehension of the presented information.
Ms. K. likes to use her recipes as tests to make sure you take good notes when she gives out the recipe during lecture cause she makes you taste test everything! Spectra added too much frog hair to a recipe we were being tested on and it made her smell like burnt popcorn wrapped in spoiled cabbage.
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Notebook and pen
Apron —If you don't bring your own apron Ms. K. has box of loaners and they are totally nasty.
Hairnet —(There is no way to look fashionable in a hair net… I'm sorry it just cannot be done.)
Fireproof oven mitts
Other Things You Need To Know
–On the day you make dragon butter, make sure you don't eat before you come to class. Just trust me on this.
–Prepare for broken nails, head-to-toe soot, and a week of lectures on oven safety. Oh, and don't ever ask Ms. K. to check if your oven is hot enough. Totally freaks her out for some reason.
–If you think this is just a class for the ghouls, you'd be dead wrong. Deuce was in my class, and he was a total rock star when it came to the cooking part of the class. His recipes were the only ones that Ms. K. would actually try herself. She made the rest of us try them out on each other. Deuce tried to say he just got lucky, but I don't believe it. Besides that, there are usually four times as many ghouls as guys… just saying.
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–You'll get to spend a week in the creepateria helping to prepare and serve food. It's a shockingly difficult job, especially when you think about having to come up with meals that appeal to as many different monsters as possible. That's the reason all the choices are either gravy brown or slightly gray. They have a little bit of everything thrown in them, so there'll be at least one taste that's familiar to every monster. On the last day you work in the creepateria, the lurch ladies make their specialties just for the class, and they can really cook! Plus after having to ladle a mile in their hairnets makes you a lot less likely to complain about the food in the creepateria.
–Do not use Draculaura as an example of a monster that doesn't eat what they're "supposed" to. It makes Ms. K. cranky, and I think she keeps a dirty cauldron set aside just for monsters that bring this up.
–Every monster has to do a class project for the Home Ick open cottage. That's when parents and other students get to come in and check out all our mad skills. You won't be shocked to know that I chose a sewing project. I even know some knots that Ms. K. doesn't, and I got extra credit for demonstrating them to the class. You probably don't want to choose the life-size gingerbread house as your project, though, because, for some reason, Ms. K. is really, really picky about how it needs to be done.
Hope this info charges you up for the class.
Love, Frankie
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Sewing 101
Dress pattern
Back Front
1. Cut out 2 in any fabric of your choice. Lay flat sew 3/8" in from edge up back seam inside out.
2. Cut out 1 in any fabric of your choice. Sew onto back piece 3/8" from edge inside out. Turn right inside out. Add snap.
Ms. Kindergrubber began her career in the Home Ick sciences when it was just a cottage industry. Eventually though, so many students found themselves on the path to her sweet little place in the country that she found herself pushed into teaching. She has authored several cookbooks and her Black Forest cake is simply to die for. —YUMMM!!!!
You should know that Ms. K. does not see very well but she hears everything and her nose is better than Clawdeen's on a full moon.
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lightlycareless · 7 months
I’m not super far into your main story(I think I’m in the early 20s in chapters) but I keep up with spoilers and I read a paragraph or two of new chapters since Naoya isn’t in the parts I’m reading at and I’m desperate for even a little taste of him lol but on to my main point: Since I’m only getting snippets here and there so I’m sorry if you’ve covered this already but since Y/N is close to Mai and Maki, does Naoya’s relationship change with them as well? Canonically, he was horrible to them so I’m curious to how their relationship is in your story.
Hhaha I'm sorry for the lack of Naoya in certain chapters—I tend to isolate him when I need aspects of the story to move forward... or prepare everything for a certain happening hehe. But I promise, he's going to be more present in the future :> ❤️
Now onto your ask... this a good question I've asked myself once or twice in the past actually, and you've now presented me the perfect opportunity to dive a bit more into it!
I believe Naoya wouldn’t really interact much with Mai and Maki because of the age gap.
The only reason he did so in the manga (at least in my perspective lol) is because they represented two of the most controversial matters for the Zen’in estate: daughters of the main branch, and without a cursed technique (or weak on their terms).
Thus, for someone like Naoya, who always seemed to have a bone to pick with literally everybody, how could he not mock them?
But of course, once you came along and everything else happened… he’d find himself rarely interacting with them.
It’s kind of what Gege once said of the type of relationship Ranta had with them:
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Probably when they’re much older they would interact a bit more with Naoya, but it’s mostly to make fun him or so lol. You’re actually the reason they don’t go that crazy on him, solely tolerating him for your sake. And any serious matter is directly dealt with you instead (I gotta say, their mom doesn't like it when they talk to you or Naoya, but she's long stopped trying to correct them—you know, traditional matters of the Zen'in.)
Also, let’s not forget they’re essentially on the “I wouldn’t trust my kid with them” list because of the previous reasons so....
Now, if you want to get into the intricate details:
They think Naoya is straight up weird. As in, a nerd, goofy, makes questionable choices and still acts like a clown. They would make fun of his anime preferences and how intense he can get when discussing it, and his dyed hair, which in their eyes looks really, really bad—like, weren’t any other styles to chose from?
So yeah, we can see that if things had turned completely different, with them being a bit more confident, Mai and Maki would actually have the upper hand when mocking him lol (specially Maki!!!). He just has a lot of things to be picked on 💀 you’re amongst the few (if not the only) person that truly likes him.
And there you have it, what I think their relationship would be like further down the road.
It’s slightly based on my own experiences, like, I had younger cousins (older too) and sure we got along well and whatnot, but I interacted much more with those my age. And it wasn’t until the younger ones were like teenagers/adults that we got along much better. Those older than me didn’t change much lol so it really depends on the person.
I hope this was enough to answer your question :> but as always, if you want me to be a bit more specific, or you have a scenario in mind, just let me know and I’ll do my best to answer ❤️
Thank you for sending in this ask! Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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I’ve been researching the relationship between playing cards and tarot cards to see if the cards the group pulled during the ceremony actually meant anything. So far I would say there could be a connection. Here’s what I got (a lot of the descriptions aren’t my own words just paraphrased so don’t come for me):
Clubs/wands- action, passion, inspiration
Hearts/cups - emotions fulfillment, love & loss
Spades/swords - thought and communication
Diamonds/pentacles - material world, money, work, home
-Travis (Ace of Clubs): Symbolizes a pivotal act or fateful step that set loose a chain of events leading toward your desired goal. -This speaks for itself
Van (Jack of Hearts): The taste for adventure is exhausted - there is no more romanticizing of battles. Attitude of being disconnected but also older, wiser. -This gives me more 2021 Van vibes
Melissa (3 of hearts): Agreement, mutual support, and teamwork. -Makes sense since that’s all she does. Also three girls including her hold back Travis
Natalie (Queen of Hearts): Often portrays a sensitive, vulnerable, omniscient person who offers unconditional love. Empathetic - sometimes to a fault. Her caring nature can expose her to everybody’s emotions and needs.— Wow, just wow
Akilah (Seven of Spades): Mental fortitude. A canny warrior, someone who works smarter, not harder. Has a thorough grasp on the situation and succeeds through skillful preparation. -Akilah was not down with the card pulling or Javi’s death. That was clear from her facial expressions; idk how this will apply but it sounds like her
Tai (Six of Spades): A person with special knowledge, an insight into sophisticated techniques that may be powerful enough to help in dangerous times. -Sounds like evil Tai will be back
Javi (King of Spades): The adjudicator, a mediator who helps parties in conflict discover common ground and build upon it for the greater good. Examines underlying assumptions and brings clarity to the darkness; questions situations and comes to his own conclusions. - His death did end the hunt & he was going against the “authority” which was not only the group but also the Wilderness
Misty (Eight of Diamonds): The feeling of overworking oneself, refusing to ask for help or delegate. The person can become consumed with their work. -Misty is a workaholic but her work is her friends and they’ve tried to fire her multiple times
Shauna (Four of Diamonds): Placing too much value on material possessions. Becoming too attached to the material and losing sight of what’s most important. - This is not exactly adding up for me. I’m thinking about Shauna and her being overly attached to Jackie’s necklace.
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penig · 2 years
So I don’t write smut, as a lifestyle choice, and I don’t go out of my way to read smut, but I don’t go out of my way to avoid reading it, either, except insofar as I want something else to be the A plot. I’ve run across it incidentally quite a lot  since joining AO3, as you do, and most of it I skim because most of it isn’t really adding to the story. If it advances plot or characterization of course I’ll read that, but otherwise I treat it like fight scenes (which have the same problem) and the boring parts of Moby Dick. If you get the gist you don’t have to get every word to know if it matters to you or not. (For E-rated stuff that has a job to do and is eminently readable, as an example of what I don’t skim, I recommend Charlotte Madison’s GO Human AU, Or Be Nice, feuding neighbors to lovers, in which the first sex scene is part of a long conversation that goes through multiple means of communication, before and after the act.)
By and large I don’t think about the stuff I’m skimming, but in the case of M/M scenes specifically,  mostly but not entirely in fanfic, I have evolved some questions, which by their nature I’m not about to put into comments, but I can’t help running through sometimes, sometimes in terms of writing quality and technique but also in terms of societal and technological changes that have happened since my life became more domestic and monogamous. I will mix them up together here. Quite probably many of the fics I don’t read because the explicit material is the A plot would address these concerns, but that possibility is not enough to tempt me to read that widely without guidance. And I need something to distract me from worrying about my cat and the discomfort of the foot (and the head; I’m getting lots of positional vertigo, which is scary as well as nauseous when you can’t put weight on one foot.) Anyway, in no particular order, I wonder:
Do gay men not keep tubs of Crisco by their beds anymore? What is this magic lube that comes in packets and is never too cold and apparently is never nasty-tasting or grainy and never makes a mess on the sheets or leaks on the headboard or gets the container sticky and therefore dusty? We did not have this in my day. It sounds wonderful. Where can I get it? I keep forgetting to look in the family planning aisle and am not sure I’d recognize it anyway. We used to have to buy lube in the first aid aisle and in a certain kind of novelty shop, where it was called “massage oil.”
Are cock rings passe? I can see how that might happen when they became mainstream as accessories to rave wear, but the chrome things were never the only option and it’s been long enough for them to cycle back.
Where are these men’s testicles? Even most of the scenes I don’t skim seem to take place between guys who don’t have them. I get that not everybody likes to play ball but aren’t they in those cases at least in the way?
Why is the bottom never making a bathroom run as soon as their legs function again? (This applies equally to women and men but I notice it most strongly in M/M.) In the case of rear entry in particular, this BS about the top bringing a damp washrag back to bed to clean up with will not do the trick, absent a preliminary enema. I know enemas aren’t sexy but nobody seems to even own the pumps anymore and if you haven’t planned ahead and regulated your food intake, believe me, you do not want to clean up that wet spot much less wake up in it - you head to the can ASAP. This is distracting and gross, y’all, please just take advantage of the glories of indoor plumbing!
That seems to be the bulk of it.
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serenasmith5bolg · 20 days
Capture your beauty in a tasteful and elegant way with nude boudoir photography
In an age where self-love and body positivity are celebrated, many are turning to boudoir photography as a powerful form of self-expression. nude boudoir photography is distinguished from other boudoir techniques by its ability to capture the spirit of beauty and intimacy in an exquisite manner. Whether you are looking for male boudoir photography or wish to showcase the unique curves of plus-size figures, this form of art offers something truly special.
The Allure of Nude Boudoir Photography
Nude boudoir photography is not just about capturing the body; it's about telling a story, embracing vulnerability, and celebrating oneself. The minimalist approach shifts the attention away from clothing and toward the beauty of the human body. The gentle play of light and shadow enhances the aesthetic, creating a dreamy atmosphere that showcases self-confidence and elegance.
By opting for nude photography boudoir sessions, you allow for a raw and authentic portrayal of yourself. It's a celebration of the skin you're in, regardless of shape, size, or gender.
Inclusivity: Plus Size Boudoir Photography
One of the most powerful parts about boudoir photography is its accessibility. Plus size boudoir photography is gaining popularity as more people accept their bodies and question traditional standards. Everybody is beautiful, and capturing it via the lens of a camera may be a transformational experience.
Professional photographers specialising in plus size boudoir understand how to highlight curves and create stunning compositions that emphasize beauty over stereotypical representations. This allows individuals to see themselves in a new light, often leading to enhanced self-esteem and body appreciation.
Male Boudoir Photography: A Growing Trend
While boudoir photography has traditionally been associated with women, the landscape is rapidly changing. Male boudoir photography is becoming increasingly popular as more men seek to express their individuality and body positivity. This form of photography allows men to explore sensuality and intimacy in a way that feels authentic to them.
Whether it's a thoughtful pose or an energetic expression, male boudoir photography provides a platform for men to embrace their bodies, convey confidence, and create lasting memories. This inclusivity enriches the boudoir photography scene and promotes a broader understanding of beauty.
Preparing for Your Nude Boudoir Photography Session
1. Find the Right Photographer: Look for a photographer who specialises in nude boudoir photography. Review their portfolio to ensure their artistic style aligns with your vision.
2. Discuss Your Comfort Levels: Communicate openly with your photographer about what makes you comfortable and what you're hoping to achieve. A good photographer will help guide you while respecting your boundaries.
3 Capture your beauty in a tasteful and elegant way with nude boudoir photography: Whether you prefer an intimate studio setting, a luxurious hotel room, or even the comfort of your own home, choose a location that feels right to you.
4. Embrace Body Positivity: Remind yourself that this experience is about celebrating you. Embrace your body, flaws and all, and remember that confidence shines through in photographs.
5. Grooming and Preparation: If you wish to prepare for your session, consider grooming and skincare routines that make you feel your best. However, remember that imperfections add character and authenticity to your photos.
Nude boudoir photography is an exquisite way to capture your unique beauty in a tasteful and elegant manner. Whether you're interested in plus size boudoir photography, male boudoir photography, or simply wish to celebrate yourself through nude photography boudoir, this artistic endeavor is all about empowerment, self-expression, and embracing your true self.
So why wait? Step into the world of boudoir photography and capture the beauty that is uniquely yours. Your body tells a story—let it shine!
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europeandancecollege · 10 months
Unveiling the World of Dance Studios in London
Do you have a strong love for dancing? Do you have aspirations of honing your skills and bringing out your inner artist? You need look no farther than the energetic metropolis of London, where dance studios are thriving and providing budding dancers with a wealth of choices. We will delve into the world of dancing studios in London and examine the special features and benefits they provide in this post. Everybody may find something to enjoy in London's dance studios, regardless of expertise level.
Modern studios in London offer state-of-the-art amenities that are intended to uplift and inspire your dancing experience. These large studios offer the perfect setting for dancers to reach their full potential since they have sprung floors, mirrored walls, and top-notch sound systems. Regardless of your inclination towards jazz, hip-hop, ballet, or modern dance, you can locate a studio that meets your own requirements and taste.
Various Courses for Every Dancer
The wide range of curricula offered by dance studios London is among their most fascinating features. These studios offer an extensive array of programs to suit the needs of dancers of all skill levels, from basic sessions for novices to advanced seminars for seasoned performers. The professional teachers at London's dance studios are committed to your personal development as a dancer and are passionate about teaching, whether you wish to learn the fundamentals or master complex choreography.
Acquiring Fundamental Combinations and Choreography Knowledge
For both creative expression and personal development in dance, learning combinations and choreographies is essential. Dance Studios London are aware of this and provide lessons that concentrate on teaching fundamental combinations and choreographies. Dancers can build their own distinct style, improve their coordination, and hone their technique by taking these classes. With the help of knowledgeable teachers who offer advice and criticism, dancers can hone their techniques and develop self-assurance.
Prioritizing safety
Any dance studio should prioritize the safety of its pupils, and London's dance studios do just that. These studios go above and beyond to prevent accidents and encourage a safe dancing experience, from offering a clean and well-maintained facility to making sure proper warm-up and stretching routines are followed. Teachers are also taught to watch and correct dancers' form, guaranteeing that correct technique is used in every lesson.
Notable Success Stories and Accomplishments
Many gifted dancers who have gone on to have extraordinary success in the dance industry have come out of London's dance studios. London-trained dancers have earned their name for themselves on stages around the world, from West End shows to international contests. Enrolling at a London dance class entails joining a community that develops skill, supports growth, and pushes dancers to realize their greatest potential.
Your Passage to London's Dance Studios is through European Dance College
The European Dance College website is the only place to go if you are itching to learn more about London's dance studio scene. The European Dance College website is a trustworthy resource for anyone interested in dance, including a thorough directory of dance studios. Whether you're searching for a particular dance style, a studio in your area, or want to learn about noteworthy accomplishments, the website has all the information you need to make an informed choice.
Dancers of all skill levels find refuge in London's dance studios, which provide a wide range of curricular options, professional teaching, and a caring atmosphere. These studios provide a plethora of options to hone your talents and express your creativity, whether your goal is to become a professional dancer or you just want to enjoy dancing for fun. Why then wait? Visit the European Dance College website to learn more about Dance Studios in London scene and start your dancing adventure right now. Let your love of dancing soar and realize your full potential!
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pomegranate-belle · 11 months
3, 24, 25, 39
3. Favorite boss?
Hands down, the Orochi boss fights in Okami are the best of all time. They’re not terribly difficult, but the fact that each head has its own element and you need to use different techniques keeps the battle fresh. Also the art and the music in Okami is fucking phenomenal, so that adds to the atmosphere of Orochi’s fights.
24. If you could live in one of the games you’ve played, which one would it be?
That’s a tough choice! I think given the state of like. My life right now. Animal Crossing New Horizons would be good. Frolicking all day, no interest on your loans, etc. But the Professor Layton world seems like it would be kind of fun and whimsical, too, with everybody obsessed with puzzles.
25. Favorite environment in a game?
Basically the entirety of Cloudbank in Transistor. The environments in that game go so hard.
39. What’s something you want to see in the future of gaming?
Modding on consoles! I’ve gotten a taste of this watching my brother play Fallout 4, Skyrim, etc., and I’ve sort of forced the matter myself with 3DS modding, but I would love to see more studios and consoles actually embrace and support modding. Mods really show off the creativity of fans, and are a cool transformative way for people to interact with a video game. There are some amazing Hollow Knight mods I’d love to use on my Switch, for example, and any game with only het romance options needs a gay mod, full stop.
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aava9099 · 1 year
Easiest method to follow when it comes to thickening any type of sauce
Everybody loves making their own sauces and it is turning out to be increasingly well known. What is fundamental for sauce-production is accomplishing the right consistency! As a rule, custom made sauces end up not being sufficiently thick.
With pureed tomatoes explicitly, as a general rule it comes out watery.
All in all, what are the most effective ways to thicken pureed tomatoes? We enthusiastically suggest decreasing the sauce over heat until you've arrived at the ideal consistency. On the other hand, you can add cornstarch, arrowroot powder, pounded vegetables, a roux, or an egg yolk.
Easiest method to follow when it comes to thickening any type of sauce
Today, we will examine the best strategies to thicken your hand crafted pureed tomatoes.
We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of every strategy, as well as give intensive directions on the best way to do as such. Presently, you absolutely never need to stress over runny pureed tomatoes once more!
What is the Right Consistency for Pureed tomatoes? The consistency of any sauce will rely upon what you need to involve it for. Most sauces need to have a somewhat thick consistency.
This can be tried by including a spot of sauce a plate; the sauce shouldn't go around on the plate, however it likewise ought not be however thick as a glue may be.
A ton of sauce recipes as of now have the right consistency for what they are typically utilized for.
For instance, a béchamel sauce (white or cheddar sauce) will have a thick and delicious consistency for lasagna, or macaroni and cheddar, while a spaghetti sauce will have a more runny and liquid consistency.
Pureed tomatoes explicitly has a wide assortment of purposes and hence a wide assortment of textures. You have thicker variants that are utilized as plunging sauces, or you have runnier textures that can be utilized for something like a pizza sauce.
To that end it is challenging to track down a decent recipe that has the ideal consistency for your ideal use. Regardless of whether you find one, a great deal of natural variables can prompt the consistency not becoming what you maintain that it should be.
The thicker the consistency of your pureed tomatoes, the more deeply the flavor will be. To this end tomato glue, which has an exceptionally thick consistency, has an incredibly profound, concentrated, and serious flavor.
The most effective method to Thicken Pureed tomatoes without Tomato Glue Thus, presently you've attempted a recipe and the consistency isn't near what it should be! You may be understanding that it's more hard to thicken sauces than to thin them down.
The most well-known way is by integrating tomato glue into the runny sauce. This technique is extraordinary on the grounds that it extends the tomato flavors while additionally thickening the sauce.
Start by adding 1 tablespoon at a time as you warm your pureed tomatoes, allowing it to cook, and afterward tasting prior to adding any more tomato glue. The sum you use will shift contingent upon how much pureed tomatoes you have.
Nonetheless, as life goes, when you frantically need tomato glue, you've quite recently run out! Fortunately, there are lots of alternate ways of thickening your pureed tomatoes!
You can pick any of the accompanying strategies relying upon how much time you need to thicken the sauce and the fixings accessible to you.
Stewing/Decreasing This is by a long shot the most straightforward strategy to follow with regards to thickening any sort of sauce, particularly pureed tomatoes.
Tomatoes have a ton of water in them which is delivered when they are cooked. The water, sadly, influences the consistency and makes it runny. An exorbitant measure of water likewise weakens the kind of the sauce.
Once more, the thicker the sauce, the more profound and more serious the flavor will be.
To dispose of the abundance water, you can basically keep cooking the pureed tomatoes until the ideal consistency is accomplished, meaning the right measure of water has dissipated during cooking.
The ruin to utilizing this technique is that it can require very an investment to lessen, particularly in the event that the consistency is incredibly runny or on the other hand if you have any desire to accomplish an exceptionally thick consistency.
In any case, on the off chance that you have some time to burn, it is a fabulous technique as you can basically leave the sauce on the intensity and permit it to stew - no additional means, no additional hardware or fixings are essential.
By permitting the sauce to decrease, you are concentrating the regular flavors without influencing them with that of different fixings.
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thediamondclubas · 1 year
Make Your Own Wedding Ring With Our Custom Jewellery
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Customizing an engagement band can be done in two ways. The first is to stop by our location, which has the biggest collection of designer engagement bands in the region. You can find inspiration in this place as you watch craftsmen constructing a wide variety of distinctive engagement rings. Along with a large selection of loose diamonds for your creation, our design engagement ring designers will demonstrate the various style components that are possible.
Creating your engagement band is the second approach. With the help of our jewellers, you can create your engagement ring design and learn about diamond possibilities during a consultation with our team.
In order to help you envision design options, our engagement ring consultants will get to know your particular taste. You will view a broad range of diamond engagement ring designs during this process and develop firm opinions about styling rather quickly. We can rapidly determine which design components such as stone-setting techniques, patterns, and features you find most attractive by working together. You can collaborate with the design team to produce the engagement ring of your desire by using this selection and elimination process.
What sort of budget should be set aside for an engagement ring?
Each pair whose love it symbolizes has a unique engagement ring. It's impossible to connect it to a single expense for that reason alone.
Everybody's ideal quantity is unique. Finding a ring that you can afford and that you know will be treasured by your partner strikes the ideal equilibrium. After perusing our enormous archive of prior creations, make your own special band of your choice! Our team will then produce proportionate, thorough models for you to view while we acquire a variety of diamonds or gemstones for you to select.
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lyftedbrands · 2 years
Discover the Benefits of Disposable Vapes for an Easier Vaping Experience
Vape allows you to inhale wet and dry components without melting them, essentially nicotine and some flavors. Vapes can be found in different shapes and sizes. The customers have their choices for an ideal vape. Ease-of-use and mobility are both essential points that a customer would undoubtedly explore, as well as a wide variety of options offered based upon the customer's choice. A regular vape pen is a rechargeable battery-powered tool used to warm the vape storage tank. We need to load the cartridge and recharge the batteries by hand.
Disposable Vapes
Disposable cbd vape pen reduces the hassle associated with changing cartridges and charging batteries. It has a prefilled e-liquid cartridge and is pre-charged. As a result, changing the cartridge is not necessary, and traveling is hassle-free. Our vape pen is a terrific method to take medication without having to worry about finding a clean and safe area to smoke. You can choose your favorite taste from a variety of options, or if you're like us, just buy one of each. It's simple to use and clean. High-quality components were used to create the disposable vape pen, which won't fail you down. Without worrying about how much money you spend on it, you can depend on it to get you through even the hardest days.
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A couple of advantages of the nonreusable vape are as adheres to:
The comfort of the pens: The vaporizer's battery lasts for complete use, so the billing trouble is removed. An additional problem the individuals deal with is loading the vape storage tank, which is likewise simplified by supplying a prefilled cartridge. There is no need to tidy as well as preserve the tool. It is thrown out after use. The dimension of these nonreusable vapes is also tiny and also convenient. You need to pick the device and go.
Cost-effective: Cbd vape disposable our disposable CBD vape pen is the greatest way to enjoy the health benefits of CBD without having to deal with the inconvenience of rolling your own, and it's made to make your life easier. The single-use vape pen is made to be thrown away after usage. It's more practical than smoking a joint or spoof and safer than using a cartridge. Since there is no need for packaging, it is also more environmentally friendly than alternative techniques. Even for a spontaneous buyer, it is cost-effective and a good choice. This does not endanger the high quality, however. So, the users can obtain a high-grade vaping experience at an affordable.
Use salt-based pure nicotine: The e-liquids utilized in the disposables are made with pure nicotine. Salt-based nicotine is more potent than pure nicotine, yet, it is smooth and doesn't give a severe experience in the throat while taking a smoke. Customers will undoubtedly appreciate this vaping design.
Eco-friendly: One of the significant advantages of the disposables is it features leakproof technology. This attribute is beneficial to the customer and the atmosphere. The anti-leak function makes sure that the vape juice stays in the cartridge. It additionally uses a tidy shed and reliable power use. Consequently, it leads to much less waste and reduces expenses making it environment-friendly.
Range of flavors: Some people would undoubtedly favor various extraordinary flavors while vaping. Nonreusable vapes would satisfy the customer because they are available in different tastes, from fruits to virtually every tasty taste public around the globe. There is a flavor for everybody that you will undoubtedly have difficulty picking.
Traveling reliable: Disposables are simple to bring and also decrease the problem of storage. This alternative is suggested for people who like to vape on the go and intend to avoid going through the difficulty of discovering an area to save the vape. You can take this around anytime, anywhere.
 For More Info:-
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grillsadvisor · 2 years
Best Grills Under $300 [ Charcoal, Propane Gas, Griddle Combo ]
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If you're looking for the best outdoor grills under $300, you've come to the right place. We've tested and reviewed all of the top models on the market to help you make an informed decision. In this article, we'll discuss some of the most important factors to consider when shopping for an outdoor grill, and then we'll take a look at our top three picks. Best budget outdoor grills under $300 Best combo grills under $300   The best cheap 3-burner propane gas grill under $300   Char-Broil Performance TRU-Infrared Stainless Steel 3-Burner FAQ Do you want to talk about how tender and juicy true infrared cooking is? I mean, it is outstanding. It totally seals the juice totally seals in the flavor. Oh, I'm loving this.  I can't believe how amazing this food tastes thanks to the tender flavors that are locked in by true infrared cooking. I am so glad you mentioned true infrared cooking. It's a fantastic method of food preparation because it seals all the juices in, which means your meats are going to be juicy and tender with no leaking or drying out during the cooking process. Hey, it's been a while since we've said hi. We've really enjoyed talking with you guys on HSN and learning about your beauty routine! One of the coolest parts is that our show enables us not only to talk but also interact through live presentations which makes this experience all-around much better than if they were just broadcasted or recorded videos. One of the best parts about our job is getting to stay on top of new innovations and trends in grilling, camping & backpacking tech. We love finding ways for people to enjoy their outdoor lifestyle even more. We found Blackstone here. These guys are great! Flat top grilling is fantastic for those who want to stay more traditional, you know? And we also have this one guy with rec tech. Who wants to light a giant campfire? Every time they want to grill times, I get that. That's not into everybody's thing. And speaking of big-time commitments, stuff like that things like this are fun, but it's a whole Sunday afternoon. Those are pretty limited in what they do. These big guys are a good time.  What's the best way to cook for a large group of people? For many, we come down to gas grills. Charcoal is great too but it has its own learning curve and unless you're an experienced grill master or want to be put in some extra time at home then black hands may be all that meets your needs.  The gas grill is the way to go when you want food quickly and without any hassle. It's also easier than using other devices like smokers or wood fires, which can be hard on your patience while cooking for an audience. So next time instead of worrying about what kind of heat source will give off the most desirable flavors try purchasing some groceries at once and then turning right around after them into delicious meals. When shopping for a grill, it's important to keep in mind that they are all pretty much the same They might have different shapes and sizes but at their core, there will always be an opening where you pour fuel onto coals before putting food on top of them via direct flame or indirect heating using woods chips/ bruised branches as kindling placed underneath grates. With all of these fancy new grills, there are many features to take into account. For example, some have a little diffuser between the fire and grill that helps with flare-ups or even just makes cooking easier in general; however, it does not change what you're dealing with. This is what keeps me interested in the industry because every day there are new innovations and grilling techniques that can be hard to come by. There are many companies that we work with, but one, in particular, has always stood out to me - Charro. I was attracted by their campaign about the most forgiving grill on Earth and how easy they make it for you as a customer. This is their true infrared cooking technology. And I just want you to see how easy it can be for someone who doesn't have a ton of experience, like me at first glance might've thought was difficult or challenging but actually isn’t when we break down the steps and understand what's happening inside this cooker so watch closely because there are some really cool techniques in here. What just happened there? I flipped the steak and the chicken. No flare-up, no fires - nothing guys!  We have a lot of fun with our flare-ups, but sometimes it's hard to keep up. We get so many comments from people who just want a grill. Here, watch this. I have a whole little bit of oil on my burger. Get the salt & pepper then come over here so we can make our burger. You don't have to worry about the fire. You can cook without worrying that it might flare up or get out of control because with Char-Broil, there are absolutely no flames. This is a must-have for me.  So we're going to take some flat-out butter with a bit of garlic in it, right on the stake. Now again this is where you lose all your hair at the bottom armpit area - flare-ups don’t happen here. I've made bacon on this, the whole nine yards. It's just beautiful. Well, by now you've probably heard of our new grill fund. We're not going to make a sales pitch - this is about showing off the different features and benefits! Come with me as I take you through Charbroil's top-of-the-line smokers for all sorts of cooking needs. That's actually different to share with you guys, you know if you thinking about that next new experience or grilling out in the backyard for this summer season. Stainless steel is nice but watch those lights! That appears quite funky and neat, doesn't it? The fact that it doesn't have a side burner is the only thing I don’t like about this smoker. Everything else has been taken care of by electronic ignition, which makes things easy and simple for me. You can do it like a hundred times. Let's go and make that hot. By the way, you bury your temperature needle; it says like 650 degrees in here. I came out here to preheat this guy for ya. I said to myself, "It's about time I checked my grill." So after waiting 12-13 minutes for the cover down and grilling past the 650 degrees. The difference between barbecuing and grilling is most evident when it comes to the cooking method. Barbequing uses low and slow methods, whereas with a grill you want high heat quick so that your food cooks quickly without burning itself or having any other nasty reactions which can happen in an improperly cooked meal due to too close proximity near hotter spots.  So guys watch this. What you're not seeing here is any fire and that's, what's cool for me because what it does is the fire underneath hits a diffusing panel. And you know, when we got this call, we'll take it apart. Right? And then through that, it heats up the cast iron grill plate.  We all know how delicious grilled food can be, but what about when you need to use your grill or smoker? With the Char-Broil Grill, it's easy. The TRU-Infrared ensures that there are no flare-ups while still getting those beautiful grill marks on every steak. And since this unit runs off propane gas instead of electricity as other indoor units do. Cleanup is a breeze too thanks in large part because everything gets conveniently burned right into embers at once so nothing hassles anyone else who might come across them during operation. That is one thing I didn't realize about this grill and what makes it so great. The true infrared technology means there are no hot spots or cold ones, which will make sure you don’t have to worry when cooking food.  The grilled food will be cooked evenly and with this new technology, there is no need to worry about it being undercooked or overcooked. Every single square centimeter of your grill surface gets equally heated so you can enjoy mouth-watering meals every time. You'll never get in trouble with your wife again when you use these. The grill comes with pockets to keep all of your tools and cleaning supplies in one place, as well as a handy carrying handle. It's easy for you when things get messier because there is no more worrying about where everything went. Do you know what this is? This is butter on a grill. You guys, have you ever done this before?! It's like magic! There is no fire and it doesn't flare up. New innovations and technologies are a huge part of today's world. It is important to keep up with the latest trends so that you can stay ahead in this fast-paced industry. What a great way to enjoy your steak. This plate is so big that you can let it rest just like the steaks in front. Let me check this out for myself. The food is always tender and juicy when cooked using true infrared technology. This method has a much lower learning curve than traditional grilling fire, making it easier for beginners to use this technique with great results every time. The juice is totally sealed in and the flavor lasts long after you've eaten your fill. The steak's juicy, tenderness melts into every bite like a warm blanket on cold nights; it soothes away all worries while satisfying any cravings that may want to take control at times during the digestion process - but not before being left craving another big helping. Let's get a couple more slices in. Look at that steak, it is beautiful. I'm so glad we got this chance to enjoy dinner together and see what all of these fusses are about before our main event tonight. Man, I'm telling you. Grilling up some chicken and it's so juicy. Do you know how dry they can be sometimes? Not with this grill of mine - everything tastes amazing coming off the flames right into my mouth. I have been playing around for a couple of days now - everything I've cooked tastes like heaven on earth. Yeah, man. I said that if anyone was going to sound like a salesperson it would be me and you know what? That's not true at all! Where's a good spot to get burgers? Well, if you're looking for the most delicious and juicy meat on your burger then this place has what it takes.  The TruGreen Red Cookie is a tool that takes the guesswork out of getting great grill flavor. It has been specially designed to help you get those char marks and deep, rich flavors we all love from cooking over an open flame without burning our food or ourselves - providing safety features such as automatic low heat shutoffs so everyone can enjoy themselves at home. The cast-iron pan is a go-to for those who want their food cooked evenly and with great results. The secret lies in its ability to withstand high temperatures, which allows the metal's pores to act like tiny ovens as they heat up your meal. Let's have a look then. It feels like we've been here forever and all these people must be starving. Like this isn't enough food for them, man. Grilling is the best way to cook food because it's so easy and quick. You don't even need any fire or flare-ups, just a little heat will do! The cleanup takes less than five minutes for each item cooked on your barbie grill - that means you can have an entire meal ready in no time at all without worrying too much about clean-up afterward. We've been without a gas grill for two years. I can't believe it's taken this long to get one, but now that we do have one and will be using it often - well let me tell you about the best part! The food tastes better than anything else out there because not only does everything come off sounding tender with an incredible flavor profile; but these grills also make smoking look easy which means no more hard smoked meat or undercooked fish fillets on your plate when they should clearly still be cooking yet? It sounds silly maybe... But who wants those anyway?? Stay safe everyone! My name's Mark Gill. This is Mark's on the Grill. The best budget 4-burner propane under $300   MASTER COOK 4-Burner Cabinet Style Grill Propane FAQ   The best grills and griddle combo under $300   Blackstone 1819 Griddle and Charcoal Combo FAQ The best gas and charcoal grill combo under $300   BLOSSOMZ Dual Fuel Combination Charcoal & Gas Grill FAQ Editor’s Choice: Top-list grills under $200-$1,000 - Best Cheap Outdoor Grills Under $200 - Best Grills Under $400 - Best Affordable Grills Under $500 - Best quality grills under $1000 - The best budget pellet grill and high power smoker - Best quality pellet grills with Wi-Fi Read the full article
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THC-O is considerably easier to handle along with given that it is certainly not as assertive. It is actually prepared to pour as well as needs to have nearly no heat to get begun. THC-O, like the majority of cannabinoids, socializes along with cannabinoid brain receptors and is a fat-soluble oil. The Acetate team connected to the major THC core separates this cannabinoid coming from THC.
For numerous, this indicates it is even more powerful. However, everybody answers differently; the only strategy to find is to attempt. Perform certainly not assume that sensitiveness for Delta 8 or Delta 9 THC equates to THC-O sensitiveness. According to researchers, THCO is actually 3 opportunities extra powerful than Delta-8. In addition, it has actually been actually explained that THCO can easily create psychedelic results! Kindly wage care.
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When deciding on Frame of mind laboratories you can relax assured knowing you are actually collaborating with a field leading provider that promises pureness and customer fulfillment. THC-O is known for its own psychoactive impacts, it is understood to be more powerful than delta-8 (thc-o concentrate for sale). THC-O possesses the potential to become the upcoming big trait in the legal cannabinoid sector.
THC-O is among the best powerful hemp-derived cannabinoids on the marketplace, and also it is right now easily accessible in quantity retail quantities. "thc-o". Our THC-O mass currently contains greater than 90% THC-O-acetate at Mood Labs (delta 9 thc-o-acetate). Our THC-O extract is obtained coming from hemp and is actually government authorized. Sativa, Indica, and also Combination tensions are offered.
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Our experts may have the ability to partner with you on stuffing choices, specifically along with much larger purchases (how strong is thc-o). This is our most affordable alternative. THC-O-acetate is a cannabinoid located naturally in the marijuana vegetation, although just in sign quantities. THC-O-acetate may be acquired typically, but it would certainly require much vegetation product to create a percentage of THC-O-acetate concentrate - what does thc-o feel like.
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For a lot of cannathusuasts, a first reaction to finding out about a cannabinoid reputedly three opportunities more powerful than THC could be blitheness, bemusement or even perpendicular bewilderment (thc 0 delta 8). For others, it might seem like a benefit. In any case, any individual along with even a passing rate of interest in healing, alternate, hemp-derived or even cutting-edge cannabinoids ought to learn about THC-O, a cosmically powerful, borderline experimental by-product of marijuana that could be approximately 300% even more potent than also the very most astronomical THC.Eager to draw up the origin of this particular reasonably novel cannabinoid, WW took a deep dive right into certainly not merely what goes in to segregating a hemp-derived cannabinoid therefore effective it is actually been actually contrasted to mescaline, however likewise how safe it may or may certainly not be actually for consumers wanting to legally treat with something stronger than the common dispensary meals.
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As well as though the cannabinoid's efficacy may generate curiosity coming from even more innovative stoner types, even they ought to move on along with care. THC-O isn't taken into consideration a normally happening cannabinoid, and the procedure whereby it is actually made could be volatile - thc-o carts near me. It depends upon whom you inquire. In the early 2000s, man-made variations of THC like Seasoning and K2 became well-known however were fully unrelated to naturally developing cannabinoids and discussed nothing in typical, chemically, with true marijuana - thco cart.
But while there is actually no records to propose THC-O is particularly dangerous, there's none to suggest it's as secure as various other marijuana by-products either, thus any individual curious about auditioning THC-O needs to wage caution, to state the minimum. I as soon as met a cannabis person who informed me he took in over 1,000 milligrams of THC daily to handle his chronic ailments, which it was actually something of a headache to easily access everyday doses of that effectiveness.
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