#everyone else were only out for the family name ready to go to any length to /preserve/ it but vanessa seemed really concerned about elliot
fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
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Typical sibling behavior
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mandy-asimp · 2 years
Winter Getaway
summary: Y/n and Larissa Weems have never interacted unless needed. Which was almost everyday as Y/n had to explain why a random plant or tree had appeared in the courtyard. So when a friend convinces Y/n out of the comfort zone at the school getaway, many things happen.
pairings: Larissa Weems x Teacher!reader
warnings: cursing, smut, pet names, virgin! reader, don/sub dynamics, mommy kink, dumbifiation(?), so much teasing that it dragged this on.
note: this idea has been lingering in my head so i'm finally going to write it. it's also like kinda long? It does have length to it so. also if this doesn't make sense at some points its because i went back a lot
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"Dr. L/n, what's the excuse this time?" Her tone was colder than usual. Had you done something? Or was it someone else? "Dr. L/n?"
You didn't notice you stayed silent. Soon being trapped in her gaze as she looked up to figure out your silence. She looked at you weird. Your mind started fumbling trying to get a sentence out to answer her.
She gave a heavy sigh. "If you don't have a sentence or even an excuse you're free to leave. I'll just write it down as a class project." She pulled out the file where she started putting all your class accidents. "One thing, are you joining the school on the Winter Getaway?"
With the topic changing, you felt less pressure. "I...I don't think I will. I was just gonna give my secret Santa their gift before everyone left." You explained softly. Your voice being so quiet.
"But you've never attended one? You've been her for almost five years." She furrowed her brows. And all you could focus on was how her eyes held some sense of sadness and worry. "Everyone usually has a lot of fun on the trip. We fly down to Florida, stay at a nice hotel for a week, then we take the next week and cruise. You'll really enjoy it."
You stood frozen, never noticing her walking towards you. You never even noticed when she got up. Her figure towered you. To meet her eyes, you had to fully look up or stand on a chair. Your breathing quickened.
The moment would've lasted if vines didn't start growing out of her plants. You stepped back, diverting your gaze away from her.
"Enjoy your getaway, Principal Weems." You spat before quickly leaving the room.
Before heading back to your room, you did your rounds. Checking that all your students were packed and ready to leave in the morning. Then you went to your own room.
Smiling when you saw Lizzie in your kitchen. She was your best friend forever. You two grew up next to each other and mostly told each other everything,
"Your bag is already packed." She pushed over your glass of wine. "You're coming this year and if you don't I will drag you with."
"Liz, no. You know I always get homesick on long trips. Plus, I don't have any actual clothes for this trip. I only own baggy jeans and baggy shirts." You took the glass, sipping it as you went to look at the bag. "What's even in here?"
"I went and bought you an entire wardrobe for two weeks. You forget I know all your measurements." She teased. "There's a lot that's still in your comfort zone. I kept it baggy shirts, but I got you shorts."
Your eyes widened. Realzing that Weems would finally see the leg tattoos you had. Everyone else had seen them, but she hadn’t. She never was at the staff parties.
You got your tattoo after your grandfather. He got his tattoo to look soft and not as manly. Growing up you adored his. You and him were strongly bonded when you were born. That's why most of your family thinks you got plants. His inspired yours.
Your legs were vines that had all sorts of plants, but it went all the way up to end behind your ear. His favorite flower ending the entire things.
"Liz. You know I don't like that idea." You frowned. Dragging the bag to your room to see what she actually got you.
She scoffed at your words. "I know you don't, but you're literally a goddess who doesn't know how to take a compliment."
She was right about the compliment part. "What if everyone stares? But not in the way that's good." Your brought up, pulling out clothes. Staring at everything. "Lizzie, it's too much."
"It's not enough. Also, everyone’s already seen them. You're going to spend two weeks in warm weather. With how badass you'll look, you could probably find a lover. But he better treat you right." The blonde smirked from her spot.
You stayed silent. It was something you tended to do when hiding something or nervous. Lizzie was no newbie to this sign. "You're hiding something aren't you?" You just gave a nod. "Do you already have a man? Is it Alex?! You two are always talking!"
"Liz." You cut her from going on. You looked in her eyes and raised your right hand. She was confused and mimicked you. So when your wrist fell limp, hers did to. And her brown eyes almost fell out.
"Are you serious?!" She yelled. "You've never told me why?!"
You shrugged, "I was never certain but then a few years ago, I became slightly more certain, then this year I was certain"
She squinted at you, knowing there was something, or someone who made you certain. And her next guess was wild, but she wanted to know. "It's Weems, isn't it?"
You immediately left the room. Listening to her squeal so loud that you almost missed the knock on your door. You opened it not knowing that Lizzie would come running into the room shouting.
"You have a crush on Weems!" She screamed in excitement.
Never have you felt more heat on you than this moment. You wanted to be pulled into the ground by the plants. You knew vines were about to start invading your room.
Lizzie came up behind you to see who was at the door. When she did, her smile dropped quicker than you could think. You walked away from the door without another word. Locking yourself in your room.
The two just stood by the door stunned. Jumping as they heard your piercing scream. Watching as the plants all over started to grow. The room shook for a brief moment.
You walked out then. Nothing happened. You went to stand in front of Lizzie in the doorway. "Principal Weems, what can I help you with?" Your voice wasn't stable but you wanted to end this night conversation now.
"I just was told about a lot of shouting and wanted to make sure everything was ok." She answered. Her mind wanted to think about what she now knew, but her eyes searched yours for any sign of anything really. "So, is everything ok?"
"Just wonderful. Professor Boris was just telling me why I'm going on the trip." You answered sweetly. "She just got a bit excited when I caved."
Weems jumped between you and Lizzie. "Right, then I shall see you both in the morning, please try and keep it down."
"Goodnight, Principal Weems." You smiled softly as she walked away. You closed the door with the same softness of your smile. Turning and ready to lecture the life out of Lizzie.
Her arms were up, ready to hold you back. "I didn't know she was at the door!" She defended. You opened your mouth and let it shut instantly. Shaking your hands in anger at her while you went to repack. "But! You're coming with!"
The morning came and when you were doing your head count of your students, you could hardly look at Weems. Yet you could feel her icy eyes staring you down.
Your group was set to start boarding the bus to the airport. The kids all swarming to sit next to their friends and start eagerly talking.
You took a window seat near the front and pulled out your book and sketch book. You would assume that Lizzie would come sit next to you as her group was on the same bus.
You let yourself get lost in the words and pages. Even though the book was about things you already knew. Plants. As your eyes scanned over every letter, your free hand was subconsciously drawing what the plant looked like.
The habit was something that kept you calm over the years. It kept you distracted from the noise of the kids.
You were so lost you didn't acknowledge the person sit down next to you.
"So you also draw plants?" A familiar voice hummed. Breaking your silence. You looked over and smiled at the man. It was Alex.
You gave a soft hum. "It keeps me distracted. I didn't know your group was on this bus?"
"It got changed that each bus could hold four groups. I guess I got lucky to be on the same bus as you. So what plant is that?" He went back to your drawing. Secretly loving the way you would ramble on about them.
And that's exactly what you did. Telling him all sorts of facts about plants. At first it was one plant, then two, then three, and before you really knew it, you were at the airport getting off. A sheepish smile on your face as you realized you talked his ear off.
"I didn't mean to talk the entire time. I'm sorry," You were quick to apologize. Standing on the side as all your kids got off the bus.
He chuckled, "If I didn't want you to keep talking I would've stopped you. But you're really passionate about plants. I have to go do head count, but hopefully on the plane ride you can tell me more?"
You smiled and just nodded, watching him leave your side. Going back on to make sure everyone had everything. Collecting a few pairs of headphones and cases. You made it to the back and then finally turned around. Jumping at the woman who stared at you.
"Principal Weems! Y-You scared me! What can I do for you?" You felt the distance between you wasn't enough. It was too small. There was no space for you anymore. You needed to feel the cold air on your skin before vines started to appear.
"I was just checking to make sure everything was picked up, but it seems you beat me to it!" She laughed. It was such a delicate sound. One you could always listen to. One you wish you could cause. How you wished you could be the cause of that sound. "Dr. L/n? Are you with me?"
A distant hum brought you back. "Right sorry! Um, I just found a few headphones and their cases. Everything else has been taken." You spat out.
You knew from the moment she started walking towards you, vines would start coming from somewhere. They would come in and drag you out. Only taking you and causing no harm. She was getting closer and there were no vines in sight.
Every step she took towards you, you took one back. The racing thought of how much space you actually had left was screaming. You needed to get out.
Your back hit a wall finally. Your breathing was intense. Your eyes were searching her entire face. Your mind was just a big jumble. Your body frozen.
There was something that made you want to stay here. That the vines wouldn't show up. That there was something else you could do.
Suddenly, your brain went silent. Weems was talking, but you couldn't hear anything. Instead you raised your hands. Holding them together and focusing the nervousness into them.
You looked down at them. Weems following. There was a chocolate cosmos in your hands.
You blinked a few times before pushing it to Weems. For a split second, her fingers touched yours. She took the flower carefully and watched you rush past her.
Lizzie waved you over as you rushed into the building. She looked worried at how quiet and pale you looked.
Before she asked you started speaking. "When I get too nervous vines usually start to grow from somewhere and come for me. They'll pull me away into safety. We were on the bus and she was really close and instead of vines, a flower appeared in my hand. Not a simple daisy, no I mean one that I've never seen in real life. I was drawing it on the bus earlier and then it was in my hands."
"You gave her a flower?!" Lizzie whispered loudly. Her eyes trained ahead of her.
"I was panicking! It felt different. When the vines come, the feeling that rushes through me is shaky, unstable. But this...it was the most stable I felt. It was like those fireworks they describe when you kiss your crush of a million years. When you open the gift you wanted. Like when you met Rob. That type of stable." You were rambling. Your eyes looked behind you and met hers.
She was holding her bags and still had the flower in her hand. She raised it to her nose and deeply inhaled. You could feel her inhale almost. When she exhaled, you could actually feel it behind your ear.
You looked away and held behind your ear.
"What's going on with you?" Lizzie finally looked to you. She became worried with how concentrated and confused you were. "You look like you're about to die."
"I think I'm one with the plants. I have all sorts of my favorite flowers tattooed on my body. My grandpa's favorite is tattooed behind my ear. She smelt the flower and I could feel her breath. Either I'm evolving like some Pokémon, or I'm going insane." You gave a dry laugh.
Lizzie was trying to think of some plan to test it out. "Can you conjure up another one that's on you?" She asked.
You thought about the feeling you felt earlier and closed your eyes. Knowing that doing this in public would be risky if you got caught.
You knew on your left calf there was a juliet rose. You thought of it and the feeling Weems gave you. And surely enough, there was a flower in your hand. Giving it over to Lizzie, she smelt it. Then her exhale was on your calf.
Your eyes widen and so did hers. "You're one with the plants that are on you?! Is that why the vines were so persistent?!" Lizzie was excited for you.
"I can literally feel plants!" your body began to shake with happiness. It's always been a skill you had heard and wanted. You always thought it was fake. But here you were.
The only downfall you now faced: Larissa Weems had a flower from you.
Your actions ceased. You turned around to her again. Her hand started to reach for the petals, about to start caressing them.
"Liz, she has a flower. Her flower is right behind my ear. A chocolate cosmos. Liz, she can't have that flower." You began to panic.
"Then go get it. This trip is outside of your comfort zone and you're discovering things, so go discover a way to get it. We're not teenagers where I was the messenger." Liz shook her head. Knowing your next words would be asking her. "And before you ask me, what do I say, I'm telling you now, just ramble." She smiled at you. "And finally! If it goes wrong and you get too stressed, just know, we're taking edibles before we get to TSA. I know you too well for that."
"Is that why you forced me to eat breakfast this morning? To get me high?" You laughed.
Lizzie only beamed wider. "I plan too keep you from sober for the next two weeks. Now go! Get your flower."
You gave a stiff nod and turned to the tall beauty. Her blue eyes already on you. The urge to run away was strong, but you needed that flower back.
So you stepped away from where Liz was, moving towards her. Never once breaking eye contact. Your hands were fidgeting at your sides. You didn't know how to approach this at all and your mind was hectic once more.
Your feet felt so heavy. Had they always been this heavy? They couldn't have been. You were sure you would've noticed. But then again, would you? Why is this what you're worrying about? How are you getting that flower? Are you going to tell her that you can feel everything she does?
"Y/n!" Alex. He pulled you from your drowning questions. "Are you alright?"
"Oh! Yeah! I just had to talk to Weems before TSA." You answered.
You could tell you were close enough for her to hear and read your lips.
"About?" He questioned. Wanting to know further. "Is it about the flower she found?"
How oblivious he is.
"Yeah! Actually it's really strange. Being one with plants, uhhh, it allows me to feel anything they feel. And she has a flower I've never seen and I just wanted to ask her about it. But I can feel it's life draining and I want to nurse it back to health." You partly lied and partly told the truth.
Weems' eyebrow raised when she hear you could feel what the flower felt. But she wanted to test it. So she smelt it again. Blowing out this time. Watching how your eyes jumped to her as your hand felt behind your ear. That wasn't enough though. She wanted to push you.
The flower, the dark colors, were brought up to her vibrant red lips. Soft kisses started to appear behind your ear.
You took a sharp inhale. Once again jumping to look at her. A devilish smirk on her face.
"I'll see you on the plane though?" You looked back to Alex. Your classic soft smile being given for comfort.
He left you once again and you almost instantly locked eyes with Weems. Continuing your path to her.
"Dr. L/n."
"Principal Weems. That flower...I um," you started becoming short of breath. Your eyes fell to the flower in her hand then back up to her. Your eyes began to flutter. The feeling was being too much and you needed to let it out before vines started to show up.
And without thinking you grabbed her hands. Wrapping them around your as you felt flower petals form. You were learning so much about yourself.
"Dr. L/n are you okay?" She frowned, not understanding why she was covering your hands.
You knew the petals were to some flowers on your body and feeling her hands just resting on the petals was then on your body. And she didn't mean to squeeze, but she was trying to get you to open your eyes and look at her.
The smallest whimper left your mouth at the squeeze. You nodded your head. Not daring to acknowledge the redness of your face.
You opened your hands and eyes. Laughing weakly at how many different petals were in her hands. You could pick out which flower they all belonged to.
Finally coming back to reality, you went to start grabbing them, but Weems pulled her hands away. You furrowed your brows at the new absence. Craning your head to see her eyes.
"Principal Weems?" You whispered her name. Childishly reaching for her hands again.
You watched in awe as she put all the petals in one hand and used the other to carefully run over them. Sending shivers all over your body. The feeling was all to much for you.
You stepped closer to her, needing her to free you of the feeling. "Please..." you stared up at her with glistening eyes. Surely, you felt your body come back and your feelings dial down.
"I'm going to have so much fun with these." She matched your volume. "I'm going to find out which one makes you squirm."
"Principal Weems, I don't think that such a good idea." You shook your head.
You didn't have to think, you knew it was a bad idea. Too much could make you do something you won't be able to control. It genuinely scared you about these new found abilities.
"And why is that, darling?" She hummed.
You didn't get to answer as your phone went off. You backed up, knowing that it was Liz who texted you.
Then you left the woman. Finding your way right next to Lizzie. She could sense your defeat. Which is why she handed over the brownie. Waiting impatiently for it to finally kick in.
Sitting on the plane was fine. Well, it was fine.
Lizzie sat in the window seat, you in the middle, and you had an open seat. Knowing Alex would probably take it.
"Bro, imagine if Weems was high." Lizzie looked over to you. Her eyes barely open.
You stifled the loud laughter in you. "Do you think she would still be able to function as the giant goddess she is?"
"Dude, imagine we give her the last bit." She laughed. It was that stupid high laugh she always had, which would make you laugh more.
And for a solid five minutes you two just laughed at nothing. Trying to collect yourself when someone walked up to the open seat. Without thinking you greeted the person, still thinking Alex was taking the seat with you. "Hey, Alex." You got out between your panting.
Alex would've known why you guys were laughing. And when you reached for the last part of the brownie to hand over to him, you froze when you realized it wasn't him.
Your hand immediately came back to you, and you felt the adrenaline cancel out everything. You elbowed Liz, signaling for her to look and act normal.
"Principal Weems!" You blinked. Still feeling the laughter trying to escape. You didn't feel like your normal antsy self in front of her. Instead, after realizing who it was, you calmed down. Like you weren't talking to Weems, but to Larissa. "What can I do for you?"
"I was wondering if this seat was taken?" She question, gesturing to the blue seat.
"Oh! Please sit!" Liz answered before you could. "Would you like the last of Y/n's brownie?" She offered, motioning to the brownie in hand.
You glanced at her. Mouthing are you sure? Knowing exactly what plan she had. Lizzie nodded and focus back to Weems. You followed soon after. "Yeah, I made them earlier this week. They're plant based!" Lizzie laughed while you tried to keep you cool. Weems, however, wasn't even laughing.
"I hope that two of my staff members aren't high before we even left state?" She stared at you both.
"Principal Weems, if we see those two, we'll for sure report them to you!" Lizzie stupidly joked. Causing you to finally crack.
You had to force yourself to be sober. "Larissa, it's because I get anxious on take off and landing. Lizzie just takes one with me so I'm not alone." You spoke without processing the names you said. "By the time we land, both of us will be fine. Liz falls asleep ten minutes into the ride."
Your eyes traveled up her entire body, finally taking in her outfit. She wasn't in her usual heels and dress. Instead she had on grey sweats and a Nevermore crewneck. And finally, your eyes met hers.
Those piercing blues. You felt your breath catch. She was staring back at you. Almost like she was waiting for you to tell her to sit. Words seemed to fail you(not the first time) so you just bobbed your head.
The seconds that passed from her standing to her sitting where in slow motion. You couldn't tear away from her every move and how elegant she looked doing it all. Then when she sat, she was still taller than you.
Time froze. You've had slight physical touches with her. But the burning feeling you were feelings.
Her thigh pressed against yours.
You were doomed.
How does one go through an entire plane ride with a stunningly indescribable woman near?!
Luckily, you didn't get to think long as the plane was getting ready to take off. You had missed the entire build up and now you were worried.
Your leg started to bounce, the one the was pressed against Larissa's. She had noticed but didn't mind. After all, you were just nervous. Yet, when the plane starts to build speed and your hand grabs hers, you close your eyes.
Larissa jumped at the sudden contact. Her mind didn't have to think twice. She just held yours back and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
Your eyes slowly peeled open. You vision was on a tilt, confusing you. Your head rolled to look up at the thing your head was against.
"Well, good morning," Larissa hummed. "So you're a cuddler?"
Your brows furrowed together before realizing. You had the woman's arm in yours and legs over hers. How were you even comfortable?
You began to detangle yourself, "Principal Weems I am so sorry!"
"Oh, don't be darling. I hope you're well rested." She beamed down at you. Letting the smile grow at your blush. Had you always blushed around her like that? Why had she never noticed? Why did you look even cuter?
Just then, the person in front of you turned around. Alex. He was smiling down at you, and you couldn't help the smile that appeared.
"When we land, and get settled in, do you want to combine our groups and get dinner together?" He questioned. His brown eyes had this sparkle of hope.
"So, what if I told you, that I don't even know where we're staying?" You couldn't help the small laugh that fell from your mouth. "I literally was given my group this morning without a single detail. Liz had planned me going when the trip was announced."
"I'm just that great of a friend. I have three given gifts...find Y/n love, let Y/n rant when needed, and drag Y/n on unwanted adventures." The brunette popped into the topic. "We're all given schedules based on our groups for a reason Alex. Reservations were impossible to make for so many hungry teens. Y/n is at the Rainforest Café for dinner tonight."
You knew easily Lizzie was up to something. She didn't care about reservations and following them. But whatever she had planned, you were trusting her.
"So, I am warning you Alexander Smith. You fuck up my hard work of making reservations, and it. Is. War." Liz pointed a stiff finger at him. Making his smile fade slightly.
"Don't worry, Smith. We still have the Secret Santa exchange." You brightened the mood. "Whenever that actually is."
"Tonight, by the pool." Liz cut in once more.
"Then tonight we'll see each other!" You shrugged. Trying your absolute best to ignore the hand creeping on your thigh. "Who, um, who'd you get anyways?" You tried to carry the conversation longer.
"Oh, I got Cawthon. I just got him a really nice cologne and his favorite brand of hoodies." He openly answered. "What about you? Who was yours?"
You frowned knowing you couldn't actually say. Seeing as her hand was literally on you trying to find some reaction. "I would say but they're too close and if they heard."
He playfully glared at you. "I always forget you never trade a secret for a secret. You're sneaky, ya' know that?"
Shooting him a wink, "I don't do that! Liz knows all my secrets, and I know hers. So therefore, I do trade. Just has to be a good one." He slumped into his seat mumbling silly things. You knew he was laughing just as much as you. You leaned forward to whisper. "Don't be so easy to fool next time Smith."
"Ha-ha, you're so wise!" He whispered back. "Did Liz plan everything?"
"She got the torch passed once Greene left. She's planned everything before anyone could even ask.. I'm still trying to figure out how she got me to pay?"
Lizzie leaned forward, "I took your card and went to get the money. You need to use your card more. You never buy anything. So much money."
"Nosey fucker!" You scolded her. Taking both back with your language. They hardly heard you curse, so when you did it was a big deal. "I hate you both."
You returned to sitting normally. Finally acknowledging the white haired woman. First her hand and how high it had gotten on your leg, then on her face. Mostly those eyes.
They never were on your face, no, but on her hand as well. There was this darkness to her eyes. One you've never seen on anyone.
A gasp so quiet it was only heard by one person. Larissa had moved her hand to your hip bone. Tracing circles over it.
Letting your hand carefully move up to her face to bring her eyes to yours. You could only stare at her. Taking it in. Drinking her like she was expensive wine.
You began to lean in, and so did she. You were so close. So close you could feel her breath on you face.
You eyes fluttered open. You glanced over to Larissa. Then to Lizzie, who was still out, and back to Larissa. She was now focused on you and how scattered you seemed.
"Are you alright?" She kept her voice hushed. "You seem a bit confused. Did you have a dream of some sorts?" You could only nod, words just not seems.
"Was it scary?"
You shook your head.
"Was it with someone?" You stayed still. "Oh so it was. Who was it with? Some secret crush?"
You slowly met her gaze. Brows laced together. "Have you ever been in love?" You spat out.
Larissa was taken aback. Obviously she had been, but that was forever ago and it never ended pretty.
"Once. Many years ago. When I was a student, I was in love with my roommate. We got into an argument and I switched rooms." She simply explained.
You could only giggle. "Morticia Addams? Is that why you would have such a thing against her?"
Now she was gobsmacked. "How did you know?"
"I'm the student who had done the research project on alumni from Nevermore. I had sent you and email asking to interview you but never got a response, but Morticia was more than happy to be the center of attention." You didn't realize what you were saying, still feeling hazy from waking up. "Anyone could've seen it."
"You were the one who's paper went world known?" She had never once noticed you. "You're so smart, I would've known you."
"Not really. You were graduated by the time I started. And I figured if I couldn't have the one I wanted to meet for so long, I would pick her second best." You sighed.
Larissa didn't get time to respond as the plane began to land. She grabbed your hand before you could search for hers.
Your eyes screwed shut and it was over before you could catch up to the situation.
Once you were positive you were safe, you let out a airy 'thank you’ but didn't remove your hand. Keeping hers in yours. Even when getting ready to get off, you and her stepped out of your seats to let Lizzie out. And you didn't realize how you pressed back into her. You also failed to acknowledge her sharp intake.
Her only thought was what a little tease.
Your hands finally let go as you had to do head count.
And you two didn't see each other for the rest of the rides.
You knocked on the door to your groups room. Thankful when they had connected rooms and were all in one.
"Perfect! Dinner is at eight, but be ready earlier so you can do some shopping before hand." You waltzed in. Beginning on water the plants that were around their room.
"Tell us about you and Weems!" Someone asked.
You turned around and narrowed it down to Ajax. "What do you mean?" You laughed off.
"Oh come on! You two on the entire trip here?! There's an entire group chat dedicated to you two! You were literally cuddled up on the plane!" Bianca walked into the room. "Plus, words in. Weems is in room 2140. And I'm pretty sure that is also your room."
"Nothing is going on between us! Yes maybe there's been something happening but nothing more. She's my boss." You sighed in defeat.
The room was curious now. "What's been happening?" Enid tilted her head at you. You were going to say nothing, but once you turned, you saw those damn puppy eyes. Leading you to cave and telling the small group everything.
After an hour of fan girling about your crush, you finally left to get ready. Walking in, you only saw one door, meaning one bedroom. You knew you were sharing and were already content with taking either or, but for now you settled with the bed.
Hoisting your bag onto covers. Unzipping it and grabbing what Lizzie said was your first dinner outfits. She even texted you to remind you.
You folded it, along with fresh undergarments. Smiling when she even packed your wooly green cardigan.
You spun around, ready to shower away your travel. Jumping at the sight of your roommate.
"Larissa!" You screamed. "Scared the soul out of me!"
She could only hum at that. "I take it your my roommate?"
You nodded, "I can take the couch. It doesn't bother me."
"Nonsense, you can get the bed." Larissa shook her head.
Her silver hair was up but you could only imagine it down and blowing in the wind. Which is no different from how she wished she could see your hair down and free.
You were stubborn at times. This being one of them. "No, I promise I'll be ok out there. It even has a better view of the mini forest. Take the bed, I'll be fine. Now, I'm gonna shower to head to dinner."
You walked off, leaving the white haired goddess behind. She was still stunned by how sweet your voice sounded saying her name. Which made her wonder how it would sound being a moan. Ever since she found out of your crush, she couldn't help but want to tease you. To constantly have her hands on you.
Larissa Weems wanted to destroy you.
And you wanted her to.
You didn't even think twice when you picked up your phone. Texting Liz that you needed her help to get the woman to go insane for you.
Her plan being the outfit she planned for you. It was still in your suitcase on the bottom. Meaning you would have to go out there naked to get it. Only for Liz to tell you to let the towel hang loosely.
You liked the plan. You were somewhat confident that you could pull it off. But that was till you saw the woman sitting in a corner chair with her legs spread. Her position killed you on spot.
No. I'm doing this. You thought loudly. Larissa watched your every move. Taking in how you didn't look at her again. But rather ignored her. Giving it all to searching your bag for an outfit. Pulling out a pile of clothes and setting them aside.
You climbed onto the bed and put your back to her. Legs spread apart slightly, you let the towel fall. Then taking the clip out your hair. It falling down your back and a bit in front.
You reached towards your open bag and grabbed your skin care. Following it simply but your hips kept wiggling. An attempt of seeing how long she could hold off.
It wasn't until you crawled off the bed and slipped on new underwear, that you finally earned a grunt.
"Are you ok over there Larissa?" You almost moaned her name. Saying it with more breath that normal. "That chair getting uncomfortable?"
"You wouldn't believe it." She huffed out. You grabbed the dress, getting ready to slip it on. "No bra?"
"Not that type of dress." You laughed. Pulling it down just pass your ass. Landing mid-thigh. You spun around. Smiling to yourself at how dark her eyes were. "Do you think Alex would like it?"
"And when exactly will he have the pleasure to see it?" She gritted her teeth. She knew you were playing a game now. Seeing how long she could hold out for. But if that was the case, then you better believe she would be winning. Her prize being you. "I do believe he'll only be seeing you at the staff Secret Santa tonight. The one down by the pool side."
You hummed. Making your way closer so she could see how short it really was. Along with how well it clung to you. Showing you off in every single way.
She could sense how confident you suddenly were feeling, yet it didn't prepare her for your next move.
You swung an exposed leg over her, then the other. Straddling her as you sat taller now. Looking down at her for once as your hands cupped her face. Your left thumb running over her lips and dragging the bottom one down.
"Well, someone's gonna be taking it off of me before then." You nipped at her ear lobe.
That was it. How dare you tease her like that?! To even consider letting someone other than her touch you? Had you gone mad?!
Her hands gripped at your thighs, then clawed to your hips. Pulling yours to be against hers. She held you still for a second. Soon to be rubbed against her.
Your eyes widen at the feeling under you. "Rissa..." you hummed again. Her name sounded filthy with how you said it.
"Keep up your game, darling. Just don't forget who you're playing with." She pushed you off her. Standing up with a bulge in her pants. Leaving you to figure out if she had this planned all along.
You let out a heavy breath and finished getting ready.
Just as you were about to leave you saw her. Mouth dropping open at the sight before you.
With a white silk shirt and black flowy pants. It was far from her everyday attire. You were expecting some form of a dress. All your thoughts were gone at the sight of the first few buttons undone. Almost showing you cleavage. Then you realize, she was braless.
She had an untied tie around her. "Darling, do you know how to tie a tie?" She questioned. Taking in the large gulp you took as you nodded. "Wonderful, come help me then?"
Your legs moved without being told, you stood before her. About to reach for the tie, but she stepped back. It stayed that way till you started to grow annoyed.
You glared at the woman. Turning to leave her to tie her own tie. You had a hand on the doorknob. Except the door had an opposing force. You turned around. Eyes meeting the silk shirt.
You figured it was time for your move again. Your hand collecting the tie and bringing her closer to you. "Keep up your game, darling. Just don't forget who you're playing with." You mocked her. Pushing her off you as you opened the door.
She was baffled. Why were you never this confident before? Where did it all of a sudden come from? And most of all, how were you this good at being a tease?!
You on the other hand, were going to your groups room. Knocking on what you knew to be the girl's room. When the door opened they immediately pulled you in and started redoing your hair and makeup. Pleased to see you comply so easily for them.
"So?" Bianca started. Everyone was waiting for your explanation.
"I think I'm in love with Weems." You finally confessed. Listening to the uproar of cheers.
"Is that who you're all dressed up for?" Enid was applying makeup. She chose a soft brown and green look. Claiming it to be 'earthy' and 'so you'.
"A lot happened to get me this dressed up." You scoffed.
They pried at you to tell, but you couldn't. And the bickering went for awhile. Even as it became dinner. Only to stop when you saw who's group was with you.
Enid was the first to say something about it. "We have dinner with Weems' group?! This is so great we'll be able to witness it first hand!"
You shook your head and let them all run off to the tables. You followed with such, but to a table that hosted Larissa. Her sharp eyes making you feel more aware of the stunt you're playing.
Sitting in the booth across of her. She smiled like a sly fox and maybe she was. The way she has you longing for her. Like she's won and just rubbing it in. She had a plan and you could tell. Not that you didn't have one of your own, cause you do. You think you do at least.
Situating well, you realize how isolated your table really was. "Weems." You smiled carelessly. Larissa could swear, that the smile you owned, was enough to murder. Enough to make other people murder just for you. "Fancy seeing you her."
"Likewise. Thought you would be off with Mr. Smith." Her voice held something to it. You struggled to figure out what it was. "You look ravishing tonight."
"And you look divine. I'm so used to seeing you in dresses and skirts." You returned the compliment. "Have any plans after? The Secret Santa isn't till midnight from what I've heard."
"Oh, so many plans. What about you, darling? Any plans?" Her voice was suggestive now. Her plans were you.
"Can I get you two anything to start? Drinks? Appetizers?" The young girl had rosy cheeks. You couldn't tell if it was the intimidating stare of Larissa or your kind smile.
"A bottle of red, please?" You were first to order. Sensing the rise in Larissa's sharp brows. The girl rushed off. "You scared her away, Rissa."
"Mhmm, with that intimidating stare. Could cause trouble just to see it." You teased.
Larissa was so confused. Earlier you could barely be near her, and now you were so bold. "What is going on in that pretty head of yours?" She squinted her eyes at you, trying to read you.
You just beamed innocently as the wine was placed down. Thanking the waitress and sending her off. "A few more minutes hun," you said.
You felt bad for teasing her. But at the minute, all you could do was feel tingly for the woman across from you. You wanted to push every damn button you could on her. Find everything that makes her want to paralyze you. Not literally but, just till it was too much.
"L/n? Are you feeling ok?" Larissa snapped you back to reality. Your eyes had trained to her hands. How they held the wine glass. You wished you were a wine glass.
Coming back to it, you just hummed again. Slowly coming out of your trance and acting like it didn't happen. Continuing dinner with delightful conversation.
By the end, you were just slightly wine drunk. Standing as close as you could to Larissa to save you from the cold. You were covered by the cardigan, but you really just wanted an excuse to be close.
It was that way till you got to the hotel. Going a different way from her. "Darling? Where are you going?" Weems knitted her brows. "The room is this was."
"Liz has my bathing suit. She said it has to be the last minute surprise. I'll see you later though, at the pool party. I heard they wanted to have a volleyball and chicken competition. I was named a judge for the night." You answered. Continuing to walk the opposite way.
Breathing out heavily when out of sight. Rushing into Liz's room.
"Liz! This is so out of me!" You complained. You were on full display. "What even is your plan with this?!"
Liz came out, throwing a shirt at you. It was some plant shirt you never seen. "It's Weems'. Now, put it on so we can go get drunk with everyone. Tomorrow the kids are doing there own thing at the theme parks."
"What do you mean it's Weems'?! Did you take her shirt?!" You gasped. How did she even get it? "I don't know, Liz. Maybe I should just...lay low? This whole confident thing, yes it was fun and got me into a sexual game, but I don't know...I just feel wrong about doing it?"
"If you don't want to, you don't even have to take off the shirt. And the whole confident thing was all you, and that dress. I knew you would feel confident." Liz stepped out, her swimsuit being more covering. "The entire time, you can stay by me and Rob. I know Alex will be there, so you'll have a familiar face and won't third wheel alone. At any time, if you want to leave, just let me know. I won't make you stay and be uncomfortable."
You huffed, knowing you were trapped in going. But you knew you would regret if you didn't.
You trailed behind them on your phone the walk there. Already being later than what you wanted. Deep breaths could be heard from you, catching Lizzie's attention.
"Rob, you go ahead and find Alex." She sent her husband in. Turning to face you. "Hey. I am really proud that you've stepped out and are trying new things. It's a huge step into expanding your socialness while you're sober-ish. And if you want, tonight will be the last that I pressure you into something insane."
From all the years that you were friends, you began to pick up on how Liz can sense your emotions. She knew how you felt from usually one look. Then again, you tended to wear your emotions.
"I'll watch over you, pinky promise flower." She embraced you. Holding on tight to you until you felt ready. "Now lets go get drunk."
"God, is that all you think of?" You laughed, opening the gate to the pool. Your mood instantly lifting at how lively the party had become. You could pick out who've been drinking and getting ready for the volleyball game. "Do I have to be drunk to judge this game?"
"Oh absolutely!" Derek and Ro came up to you. "That's the whole point of giving the kids free range. We get shitfaced, most of us get laid, and then hangover!"
"I mean, I even think Weems is planning on getting drunk." Ro nodded towards her. Everyone soon glancing over. "I actually doubt that. The most I've ever seen her drink was like a few glasses of wine. She's always so responsible. Would hate to have to room with her. Probably have to be asleep by nine."
"Well, I have two weeks in the same room as her." You couldn't bring your eyes back to the group. "I mean, surely it can't be that bad?"
"Oh, Liz. You are a match maker!" Ro jumped with joy at the new found information. "See when you two first started beating around the bush, I thought it was hopeless! I mean, everyone did! But then recently?! It's like the only three that don't know are you, her, and Alex!"
"No, she knows!" Liz cut it. Making Derek laugh loudly at it. "It's literally just Alex who doesn't get it."
"Doesn't get what?" He came up to the four. Rob following close behind.
You knew it was inevitable now. "About the whole thing going on between Weems and Y/n. They really just need to fuck and get it out their systems." Derek spewed without a second thought. "It's insufferable watching."
He looked at you, and you could see the hurt in his eyes. "I would've never guessed...Shots?"
"God, yes please!" You broke away from the group. Ordering one for everyone and then rejoining them. Clinking the small glasses and starting your night strong.
And seven shots and a mix of drinks in between later, you were feeling more than drunk. Words just slightly slurring and your skin was flushed. You sat on the edge, having a simple conversation with one of the math teacher's. Rambling on about a flower they asked about, you missed how they started backing away. Also missing the appearing shadows. Ending up letting out a scream as you fell into the pool.
You quickly scrambled to attack at your friends. The weight of the now soaked shirt halting your actions. You let your eyes find the group laughing and so was everyone else. Lifting your spirit at the antics. Your hazy eyes found the blurb that was Larissa. Giving you a great idea.
She had yet to get in the water.
The attention was finally off you as your friends came closer. "I have a terrible idea." You giggled while stripping of your shirt. Now in the bathing suit. Without a care in the world, you skipped over to the goddess. A cheeky smile never leaving your face. "Can you get the hair tie out for me?" You looked so sweet now. Like someone who's never been drunk or even tipsy experiencing it for the first time.
You turned so she could have easier access. "That shirt you had on...where'd you get it?" She questioned. Hoping that in your drunken state you'd say something so damn cute she'd want to take you for her own.
She handed you the hair tie. "Come meet my friends...well...your staff!" You became all giddy. She was stricken for a second, but she wish she hadn't fallen for your trick.
As she was in a moment of vulnerability, you took it as your chance. Dragging her close to the deep end. And then a splash brought her back. She surfaced to you laughing while everyone stifled theirs. Reaching a hand out, implying she wanted your help, and once you took it, she pulled you in.
It was her turn to laugh as you had to tread water to stay afloat. Pulling you towards the side as you became tired quickly. She was going to say something, but you were already out and gone. Grabbing another drink when they started bringing out the net.
Larissa was confused. You turned away from her, but when Rob started to explain, she wasn't anymore. That's why you were so drunk. Everyone there knew how you acted drunk. Liz had dragged you to more than you had ever wanted.
"Y/n is our ref for the night. And when absolutely wasted, it can get pretty intense. Always keeps us on our toes. Are you playing with us, cause if so, you're on our team." Ro tied up her hair. Getting ready to kick ass.
"No way! If you get Weems, then you're bound to win! I think she shouldn't get to play," Ashton, a science teacher, mentioned.
"And why would we win?" Ro playfully glared. "Scared of loosing to the undefeated?"
"No, no, he makes a point! With how infatuated Y/n is with Weems, points are bound to be given. Same reason we don't let Liz play." Derek agreed.
"Dude! You're on our team!" Ro smacked his chest. "Fine, why don't we ask Y/n if both Liz and Weems should play!"
With your name being said, you spun around, mouth attached to a straw. Eyes in nothing but a cloud of haze. You walked closer and sat in you spot. The whistle of honor being given to you.
"Thank you Dan, but! They make a strong point. I'm very infatuated with Weems, and Liz is literally my best friend. And if you let the best friend and the goddess, then you at least have to pick new teams. Only fair to mix it up!" You shrugged, not even hearing your words.
Liz was so happy she planned this out perfectly. "Well, if it means I finally get to be in the volleyball games, I say lets pick new teams."
Your whistle blew, "Line up please!" You beamed.
"I thought we were picking teams?" Larissa followed with the order anyways. Adoring how cute you looked taking control.
"We are, this is how it happens." Dan informed. Going to blindfold you.
You had your back faced to them now, doing a little sway in your spot. "Mix!" You hiccupped. Listening to the sound of shuffling. Then you were facing them again, somehow pointing at people and placing them. Until there was no one left and teams were evened. You took off the fabric blinding you and were proud.
Nodding in approval you blew your whistle again. "Let the games begin! You cheered, taking you ref spot.
The calls you were making were absurd. People were arguing where it landed, and you let them defend themselves. Best case got the point. Then it came down to the two you'd never want to have to face.
"Dude! You're telling me I have to pick between the best friend and the goddess? Guys...like on game point as well? Ok! Ummmm, Liz, you first." You pointed.
Liz stood tall, hands folded in front of her. "Your honor, the ball fell out of the lines, not to forget that when she blocked it, it fell outside the line, making her the last person to touch it."
You hummed and nodded, then focus to Larissa. "Rissa?"
"There are no lines in the pool water your honor. I was told, the only way that the ball is out of lines, is if it hits the solid grown and rolls away." She reminded you of your own rules that you gave, yet you couldn't remember giving rules. Which was nothing new. It's why nobody defended with the rules.
You bobbed your head and looked between the two, getting ready to raise your hand to signal who won. And with closed eyes you hear your crush's team. A clatter of what's erupting from the other.
"Y/n! You have never given someone who defends with rules the point!" Ro shouted. She was so competitive about the game.
"You were the one that wanted Weems to play! You're just mad it didn't work in your favor!" Derek taunted. Making you laugh at their bickering.
"Is it time for the chicken tournament now?" You tilted your head. Changing the topic before it carried on any longer. "And honestly, if we're gonna get it done, Liz and Rissa can't play. I never want to make that choice again."
"It depends, how straight of a line can you walk?" Ashton came over and helped you up. Guiding you away from the pool's edge. The groups watched as you tried.
They shared a quick silent discussion. One Larissa wasn't in on. "Y/n you think you could do two more shots and not make an entire flower bouquet?" Liz asked you. "You know you're free to- oh yup! There she goes!"
You had downed the two shots, completely stumbling back. "I want it nice and clean! But first! I want that one over here!" You pointed towards Larissa. Her eyes growing at the attention.
"Move it! You heard the ref! You're over there!" Liz nudged the frozen Weems. "Never tell the ref no."
Larissa didn't keep you waiting. Now standing between your legs, you spun her so she could watch and wrapped your arms and legs around her. Trapping her with you until it was over.
Letting the groups battle it out as thumbs rubbed your thighs. You couldn't help but get distracted. Your head fell to rest near her ear. Eyes still staring at the game.
"Did you know, that the dress and the whole thing I was doing, was because, and you might not know this, but I really REALLY like you. And I know Liz set it up so we could be together cause I truly think she's always known. So I really don't know why she acted so surprise the night I told her, then she unintentionally told you. Oh my God! You've known?" You came to realize the already known.
Someone fell and the competition was over. Meaning it was time for you to thrown your ultimate winner for the night.
You had everyone gather around, knowing this would be the ending of the night. "Right! I can't even like see, but! Tonight we had an insane amount of twists! Our night only get one winner though! And...it is...." You didn't finish before Ro cut you off.
"I swear on my life, if you say Weems." She pointed, knowing that's exactly who you were about to say.
You looked offended. "Well! It was gonna be you, but someone wanted to assume!" You turned away from her. "I declare the MVP of the night to...Ashton!" You pulled out a blown up crown and handed it over. "Congratulations!"
Everyone cheered before starting their goodbyes. You were by Ro and Derek while Liz walked up to Larissa.
Signaling for her to follow her to the other side. "Look, I know you're probably a wonderful person, but I swear on my grave. If one text comes to me or she shows up in my room and just is the slightest bit of sad, you'll be the first person I look at. And tonight, she will just sleep on the couch, I know she will, but at least get her in pajamas. Y/n...Y/n is extremely fragile but will never show it. And when I say fragile, Larissa I seriously mean when she try's to get you to fuck her, you have to do everything to tell her no. But be nice about it, ok?"
The sly fox nodded. What had happened that you were considered fragile?
You saw Larissa come back with Liz. Not sure why the two would've snuck off. Where they talking about you?! Now you were curious to find out.
You had Rob holding you up as you both walked to your roommates. You were handed off to Larissa. A towel was wrapped around, keeping you as warm as possible.
Liz came up to you, grabbing your slightly warm cheeks and making you look at her. "When you get to your room, Larissa is gonna help you change. Then you're going to go to sleep. No funny business, ok?"
You got closer to her. "Did you know she knew I liked her?" You furrowed your brows. Getting a nod and a laugh. "And you never told me?!"
"You were there. Now goodnight Y/n." Liz kissed your forehead. "Seriously, no funny business."
"No funny business, got it! Nighty night Liz." You hummed. Feeling your body get scooped up and held against some source of heat. You felt so comfortable.
In that moment, Larissa didn't believe what your friend said. You look so angelic in her arms. That you could do no harm nor wrong. You were just an innocent thing that needed protection.
She walked you both back in silence. The most noise being the sounds of the resort at night. Soft music playing, crickets singing, and leaves rustling.
Only to set you down when she needed to open the door. Letting you waddle your way to the couch. Missing it completely and falling onto the floor with a thud.
Larissa, had lightly laughed but went to get one of her shirts for you. When she came back to find you, she couldn't. "Y/n, darling?" She called out your name. Getting a distant hum from the bathroom. Lost with how you made it past her. She took in how you were curled up around the toilet already. "What are you doing?"
You simply pointed to the bowl. Knowing she got the message when she knelt down you and sat you up. "Oh, you poor thing. Do you always drink that much to ref?" You nodded. "So you're a social drunk, but when sober a nervous wreck?" You nodded again, this time with a frown. "Well, I'm gonna help you change then it's off to bed."
The morning came. You woke to your name being said over and over. You slowly took in your surroundings. You were laying in the bathtub with a indoor plant being spilled all over you.
Shit. You knew exactly what went down. "Rissa?" You called out hoarsely. A faint smile gracing your lips when she came in. Her hair down and free. The silver waves were everything you expected and all you wanted to do was run your hands through it.
"How'd you even get that plants in there?" She took in the amount fo dirt covering you. "Did you put it in there yourself?"
"God, no. It was probably the vines." You whispered. Scared of talking to loud and hurting your own ears.
Larissa couldn't lie. You looked beyond adorable covered in dirt. And with that fuzzy look in your eyes that was just the hangover. "The vines?"
"When I get nervous, or in this case too drunk, I loose most control over the plants in close areas. And the relationship I have with vines is insane. They love to show up on their own will sometimes. I need you to tell me what happened last night once we got back to the room." You sat up. Moving slowly to get out from under the plant.
Larissa just blushed at you. A small smile forming on her lips. You looked confused at her. "What happened?"
"We got back and you completely blacked out on the floor. You did aim for the couch though. Then you managed your way to the bathroom to throw everything you drank up. Then you blacked out again and I carried you to the bed. Your friend made it seem like you were going to be impossible to handle." The blonde answered.
You stood up fully now, brushing the dirt off you before stepping out. "What do you mean? Lizzie?" You wobbled a bit touching the cold tiles.
Larissa let her hands fall to your waist to steady you while you walked to brush your teeth. "She made it seem like you would try and get me to..."
"Oh! God! No! She does that every time! There's a whole story behind that. No, I don't drunkenly throw myself at people. I don't even do that sober." You shook your head. Shoving the tooth brush into your mouth.
There was some form of a domestic feeling. Larissa behind you in the morning. Her tall figure watching over you. Her hands still on you and holding you steady.
You knew she knew what she was doing. She wanted a reaction from you. But you had better plans. You were going to spend the entire day just teasing this woman.
You finished brushing your teeth, then spinning in her arms. Looking up through your lashes. "We should go to the theme park today."
"Is that what you want to do?" Weems furrowed her brows. "You don't want to go do something else?"
"I got dragged onto this trip, might as well go adventure out with it." You hummed. You lifted yourself onto the counter. Now having the goddess between your legs. Still staring up at her innocently. You were wearing your plan on your face.
Larissa had picked up on the look as well. "What is going on in that little head of yours?" She tilted her head. Coming closer to you.
Fuck. You had no winning chance. No dress to give you confidence, no phone to ask Lizzie for help, it was just you. You and your failing plan because she makes you so nervous and she knows she has so much power. You were going to drag this for as long as you could though.
Your final plan was to have Larissa Weems struggling to keep her hands off you. It was a matter of your next move though. You honestly had to summon the mindset of being drunk. Care free. Not even thinking of your next moves.
With Larissa already leaning in close to you, you figured being closer wouldn't be anymore harm. So you let your arms reach to grab the back of her neck. Pulling her head down closer to yours. Feeling ehr breathing hit your face.
"So much..." You whispered. Your eyes jumping all over her face, lingering on her lips the longest. "Are we going to the parks or no?"
Larissa felt dumbfound with how you left her. She also felt completely flustered. She wanted to have you close again. To feel your warmth radiate onto her. All she could do was watch you walk away.
Although, she was enjoying the unexpected from you. After the many years she's worked with you, you've never been anything other than quiet and kept to yourself. So seeing you finally break that shell was such a relief.
"You're not going to clean up the plant or anything?" She joked. Making you pop in to help the plant back to where it belongs.
She was stuck in a trance at how quickly you worked with plants to get them to look perfect.
Speaking of plants...Larissa came to remember about the petals and flower she had wrapped up and put in her bag. Knowing it would be an adventure with you in the parks now.
You, on the other hand, had already thought ahead of her. You had put the pot back in the living room with a cheeky smile.
When you walked back into the bedroom, you watched the woman search her bag. "Are you missing something?" You faked your innocence. You stood by your bag, pulling out all sorts of outfits.
"Did you-," She spun to face you. Her sentence falling short as you began to fiddle with the hem of the shirt. Pulling it up higher and higher.
You furrowed your brows at her. "Did I do what?" You frowned. You had put your outfit out of your bag and moved closer to her. Peeking into her bag to try and see if you saw anything out of place. "Is everything alright?"
"You are such a different person," she stared at you. "Did you happen to see a white tissue anywhere? It held something rather important."
Giving a shrug, you started to leave her again. "Nope, I've been in the bath tub all morning. What was the such important thing?"
Larissa opened her mouth, but soon it just hung open. You had your back to her as you complete ridded of the shirt. Your bare back on full display for her to take in.
She couldn't help but stare at the ink on you. How it all wrapped around you. Meaning that there had to be more on your front.
Your body moved quickly to get to the bathroom. Robbing Larissa of the sight. And if you stayed around longer, you would've heard her groan of frustration.
You were getting to her faster than she wanted to admit.
In all honesty, you were surprised she hadn't caught onto your little game for the day. Then again, the day only just began.
You did what you needed in the bathroom quickly, eager almost to continue to tease her. The thought made you pause for a second though. Where was this Y/n all that time at Nevermore?
You let the question float to the back of your brain as you stepped out in a towel once more. Your eyes scanning and searching the room for your crush.
Freezing when you finally found her. She stood in front of the glass door. The light giving her an angelic halo. You felt stunned to see her in such a way.
Suddenly your plan didn't seem important. You could only think about worshiping her entirely and not thinking of anyone else. In that moment you had a decision to make.
Get the woman and cave.
Keep playing the game.
Then, a third option came to your mind. Get the woman and keep playing the game.
You moved over to her. Not caring if the towel was the only thing covering you. You stood in front of her and stared in awe. Your hand carefully reaching out to touch her torso. You met her pure blue eyes. Before she could ask what the look was for, you descend to your knees.
Eyes never leaving hers, "I want to worship you with everything I have. My goddess from above. The celestial creature you are. How you have trapped me with your living breath. How you stun me with just being near. How you are unbeatable and have no real competition for my ever giving adoration. But, I cannot cave into the wanting that is you. I kneel before you to show you how ready I am to make you cave for me."
You got back up, lingering hands on her. You backed away with a bowed head. Taking the outfit you had left on the bed and putting it on. Trying to let the fact of Larissa only behind you go.
You finished getting dressed and started working on the small bag you were bringing with.
Larissa had watched you. Watched how you fiddled with small things while thinking. Watching how you completely dropped to your knees in front of her and then played like nothing happened. Watching you as her stomach was twisting in all sorts of ways. Watching you like prey.
You were oblivious to this stare. You wanted nothing more than to hide from her after that. After saying you were willing to deny yourself just to have her begging for you.
But now you put her in a new position. Was Larissa Weems willing to throw out everything she's stood for just to have you? Or was she going to drag it so long that you had to come to her?
After the next three days of teasing went on, everyone could sense the tension you radiated. Every dinner you had with other members of the staff. Everyone could feel it.
"Ok. Y/n, I adore you, you obviously know this, but if you don't just fuck that woman. Because we are walking in this theme park and you two are just teasing each other at every given chance. You're even texting when she's literally three steps behind us. And I know you have no experience cause that's not what you focused on in school, but for the love of god, just fuck her tonight." Lizzie finally said. After you had just looked after your phone for the umptieth time.
You frowned at the last part. You have no experience. "How am I even supposed to ask her? Just like, 'hey we've been teasing each other let's just have sex!' I can't. I dug myself deep into it."
Lizzie laughed at how clueless you were. "Do exactly what you told me you did the other day. But keep it going. You've been playing this game far to long and now you're both suffering. I mean, look at her! She has not stopped that look of she's going to fuck you dumb."
"How do you know that?" You frowned, glancing back to the tall woman who was staring back at you. You blushed and looked away.
"Hun, this is what you're going to do. Tomorrow is either a shopping day or lounge day, its a free day. And so in you're suitcase, I packed you this really cute lingerie. It's white with flowers all over it, you'll love it. So when you go back to the hotel tonight, I'll stall her while you run ahead and change into it. Leave your hair down and use that innocent bare face. And to finally get into ready, sit on your knees on the edge of the bed. She'll be on you in no time." Lizzie planned out for you. Her eyes trained to the ride that you were about to get on.
Which is then how you realized how much you hated the idea of roller coasters. Rob came up and took the seat next to his wife, leaving you to sit with Larissa.
"So what were you and Lizzie talking about?" She leaned close. When you looked back, it gave her some idea of the conversation.
You only shrugged though, feeling vulnerable to the point you couldn't make eye contact like normal. The gates to the ride opened for you to get on. Hands beginning to shake at the anticipation. Tears even began to fill your eyes.
"Darling? You're shaking?" Larissa hummed. You and her sat in the back of the cart that way you would be blocked in the picture.
"Y/n hates rollercoasters." Lizzie laughed.
There was no more conversation as the ride launched. You were screaming through the fear. Lizzie and Rob were laughing in front of you. Larissa was next to you holding your leg that was shaking uncontrollably.
What made it the worse, is that it was in the dark with a few flashing lights. The worst type of rollercoaster.
Finally breathing again once it came to an end. You were quick to stumble off the ride, wanting to get off as quick as possible. The action making everyone around you laugh. Only to increase from the married couple when you turned around and had tears streaming down your face.
"It wasn't even that bad Y/n!" Lizzie got out between laughs. "You've been on worse."
Larissa held her arms open and you hid your face in her. Her hand stroking your hair and rubbing your back. Feeling you shake slightly.
"Ok, why don't we call it a day? We've been putting you through ride after ride. I'm sure most of the kids are either at dinner or at the hotel." Lizzie suggested, watching you nod stiffly.
You had done what Liz had suggested. You were sat on the bed in the white lingerie. Your hands were shaking at the thought.
You heard the door open, then it closed. Everything was moving incredibly slower. Even the sound of all the bags Larissa had falling to the couch sounded slow.
It was slow when you saw the room door opened and Larissa walk in.
The way her eyes took you in. How she stood there and was ready to devour you.
"And what to I owe this?" She raised her brow. "Come here darling."
You did as she said, getting up and stopping in front of her. Head hung low and bowed to her. "My goddess, you owe absolutely nothing. But please let me be yours tonight,' You began to have a whiny tone. Hands reaching out to fist her clothing.
"Oh is the pretty thing finally caving?" Larissa teased you. Hand coming to your face to get you to look at her. Bringing her lips down t your ear, "I like when you talk like that, it makes me want to destroy you."
She pulled her head back and crashed her lips to yours. Moaning at the sweet taste of the ice cream you ate earlier. Loving how it tasted off of you.
She tapped your waist, signaling for you to jump as she would catch your legs. Wrapping them around her waist as she carried you to the bed and sitting down with you in her lap. Kissing hungrily down your next. Leaving all hints and obvious clues that you were hers now.
"My god, darling. You taste better than I've ever expected." She hummed on your pulse point, drawing out a airy moan.
"Thank you..." You couldn't finish as she hummed again on your next. This time sucking hard and making you shake with need.
Your hips shifted, in need for some relief. And Larissa couldn't deny you any longer. She held your waist with a bruising grip and helped you get yourself off.
"You look so pretty dear. Making a mess of yourself on my lap when I've hardly touched you. Tell me, were you that desperate for me?" She whispered close to your ear. Making you cry out in want. "Uh-uh, I want you to use your words. Tell me how good I make you feel."
"Please! God, I need you so bad. Please, please, please," you were mumbling pleads over and over. You were so close already. The knot so tight you thought you might die.
But then all pleasure stopped. You let out a cry, only to be shushed. "Oh don't worry. You'll get your release, but it's going to have to be earned."
You didn't process much when she flipped you over on the bed. Hovering over you now almost completely bare. You let your hand lightly run over her skin. Becoming more desperate knowing how soft it was. Your hips bucked up to hers, moaning at the unexpected feeling.
You looked between you two, drooling at the faux cock that hanged from her hips. Never had you had anything up there, only one person and ever even eaten you out.
Larissa had noticed the shift in your eyes. Picking up the clues instantly and knowing now she would be your first. "If it's too much Y/n we can stop."
"No, fuck no," you panted breathlessly. "Please, I'm positive about this."
"If it hurts, just tell me and we can stop, ok?" She had a whole new aura. The care that radiated off of her instead of the lust. You gave a nod before pulling her into a kiss. "As cute and innocent as you look in this, I think it'd be better to get rid of it before I tear it off you. Or would you like it that way instead?"
"Please, wanna be close to you..." you whispered. Moaning as you instantly felt the fabric rip off your body. The cold air of the room running over your body.
"You're even prettier than I thought you'd be. Do you even know what you do to me? The things you make me want to do to you? You make me insane, Y/n." Her words were bringing you so close alone. "And having you like this right now, god. I'm going to fuck you so dumb, baby. I'll be the only one you can think of. The only name you can even get out of those pretty lips. The one you think who just fucked you so good." She just kept going. Her voice being so attractive to you. "I'm gonna fuck you so good I promise, baby."
She lined up with your core. Collecting your slick as she ran the cock up and down your folds. Stopping at your dripping hole. "So fucking wet for me." She mumbled loud enough for you to hear, but mostly for herself. She finally had you under her and ready for absolute destruction.
Slowly she began to fuck her way deeper. Going in and out constantly until she bottomed out entirely. Both your breathings being heavy. Larissa had her eyes closed. Looking down once she opened them to see the bulge in your stomach now. "Look pretty girl. Look how deep I am in you."
She watched your face as you saw what she was gawking at. You wiggled your hips ever so slightly and moaned loudly. You could feel how deep she was in you. How your walls fluttered around the toy continously.
"Please..." You felt the feeling begin to take over your brain. Feeling that fuzzy state wash over you.
Larissa couldn't help the love that took over her face at this sight. And she wanted to see more. Her hips drew all the way back and then snapped forward. The thrust being deep and hard. You practically screamed. Being silenced with a kiss.
"I know princess, but it'll feel so good once we get going. You'll be so dumb for me. I've always wanted you like this. Since the interview. To be so deep and fucking you like a wild animal. And all the things and stunts you had up that sleeve of yours." Her pace began to pick up at the thoughts. "How you teased me without even trying." She went faster. "Those looks." Faster and deeper. She picked up your legs, giving her a new angle. "The way you complimented me while drunk." The feeling was brutal.
"Please! Fuck mommy!" You cried without even thinking. You had finally given in to the dumb.
The name made Larissa slam into you and hit your sweet spot. "And that name. You wanted to be mommy's little fuck toy didn't you?"
"Yes, yes, your fuck toy." You babbled. "Please mommy, 'm so close!"
"Oh darling, hold out a little longer." She hummed before pulling out completely. Leaving you whimpering at the sudden loss. "Shh, shh you're ok."
Your hips still moved in search for the toy again. "Mommy wants to feel you coming on her cock, is that alright angel?"
"Please, want you." You stared with teary eyes. Not knowing what she really meant until you felt a real cock slip into you. The feeling before having nothing on right now. You cried out for her.
Larissa was still over your body. Moaning in your ear as you squeezed around her. "Fuck baby, you're so tight. Squeezing around me like that." It wasn't long before she began to pound into you again. Slamming her hips to yours. She watched as you began to shake.
"Please...mommy I...I can't," You panted out. Gasping when pressure was added to your clit.
"Come all over me darling, go ahead." She granted. Feeling how you grasped at her shoulders and shook. Holding her so close for grounding. She wasn't far behind you, fucking her warmth into you.
Giving you both a second to breath while she slowly rocked her hips. But then slowly became quickly, and before you knew it she was going for another round. Kissing your collar bone as you dug into her back. Pulling her closer to you with your legs and trapping her in you.
You couldn't even get out that you were close. Crying into her as your body tensed and then fell apart. Letting you become mush in her arms.
"You're doing so good for mommy. I'm so close dear. I'm gonna fuck a baby into you one day, I swear. I'm gonna treat you so well." She straightened up. Moving you both to the end of the bed giving her more force. She stood to her word. Fucking you so dumb you could only say her name. Multiple 'mommy's fell from your lips as she filled you up.
You swore at this point you had blacked out. Listening to your name be called over and over. "Darling you did absolutely amazing." You could hear Larissa quietly praise you.
And for a fool's second, you thought you were done. Until you felt her tongue run up you.
You tried to push her away or yourself away, but you couldn't. Your body wanted her. And as her arms held you down, she devoured you. Tasting the mixture of you both oozing out of you. Bringing you to one more high for the night.
The next thing you knew, Larissa was cleaning you up and climbing into the bed with you. Whispering sweet nothings into your hair line with kisses after each one. Her arms pulling you so impossibly close.
You could feel the twitching cock still. She had one more left in her and you were destined to satisfy her. Even tired to the point you thought you would die, you still shifted onto her.
"You still have more in you," you whispered, Trying to lower yourself onto her. "Wanna make mommy feel good."
"Aren't you just the sweetest, but we've done enough. You're practically about to fall asleep." She chuckled softly. Her hands were resting on your hips as you had managed to slip her back in you. A heavy groan leaving her and a whimper from you.
"Use me, please." You shifted your hips once more. Larissa couldn't tell, but you were spelling things out on her. sucking on her boob at the same time.
She started taking control eventually. Snapping up to meet you in the middle. And it wasn't long again. This time she pulled out and just held you so so close to her.
"Thank you so much angel. You were so good for me tonight." She combed through your hair, lulling you to sleep.
the next morning you woke up second. Looking to meet Larissa's gaze and smiling. "Well, good morning." She kissed your forehead. "Thought you would never wake up."
You hummed and just stared into her eyes. Searching for any regret of last night and finding nothing from her. Making your smile grow ten times.
"Y/n?" Larissa whispered.
"I think I love you?" You had managed. Crawling to straddle her lap. "Yeah, I do. I mean, you've always made me have a hard time not loving you."
Larissa was silent while staring. How could you be so certain? And she weas going to ask, but the kiss you gave her told her everything. So much so that she began crying. The feeling well returned.
"Be mine forever, Y/n." She begged so quiet you swear she would start sobbing.
"Of course, Larissa. You are nothing short of an earthal being I want to worship every single day." You confessed. Kissing away her salty tears. "I'll love you with everything I have because you deserve it all and more."
She laughed at that. "You and your worshipping words, Y/n. Wherever did someone like you learn it all? You're so young."
"It's all to impress the goddess you are." You placed one last lingering kiss to her lips. Only to have your morning rudely interrupted by a knock at the door.
Making you both laugh as you had checkout so soon.
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lya-dustin · 1 year
All is bliss
Chapter 25
Cw: refrences to the Battle of Rook’s Rest, murder
Gif by @julie-streep
Taglis: @mercedesdecorazon @darylandbethfanforever9 @sweethoneyblossom1 @ewanmitchellcrumbs @aemondx
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“Let me go, he would not dare hurt me.” Aemma speaks up, despite being queen the adults speak over her as if she were a child.
“No. That is out of the question, Aemma.” Both say and yet she says her piece before they could stop her.
“I am with child.
He would not risk the death of his heir, gods know Queen Alicent went at great lengths to get me in the family way.” Aemma speaks up.
“And if he orders his men to kill you, what then, the babe dies inside you.” Her grandmother argued, this time with her lord hand agreeing with her.
“He will not, I will be escorting her there under a peace banner.” Aemond comes dressed in his riding leathers, ready to leave now that Vhagar has answered his summons.
Only took the better part of three weeks and a kidnapping attempt to get Vhagar to stop coiling with any dragon she got her claws on.
“Why should we trust you? You are his heir if he dies without children. Who is to say you will not kill her?” Her grandfather is incensed, unaware of what everyone knows.
Strange how her secrets felt so public and yet many were still in the dark.
“Because he is the father of my child, the pox rendered Aegon sterile. At the Queen’s behest Aegon found a man to do the job for him.” Aemma answered, hating it had come to this. “She did not expect Aegon would seek out his own brother.”
His brother who she had already been half in love with by then and he with her.
“His cause cannot afford his line to die out. They would not follow a second son even if the elder is unfit to be king.” Aemond answered, a hint of bitterness seeping through his façade.
She had heard many of his tirades against his brother, she had fanned the flames a bit, she must confess.
But then again it does not take much to dislike Aegon.
Had his mother made attempts to correct his behavior instead of trying to yell or beat sense into him, all this could’ve been avoided.
“No, we cannot let you surrender before the first battle, your allies will think you weak.” Her grandfather refused her suggestion with no second thought.
“Not unless I have made a widow out of her.” Her grandmother is adamant in having the last word. “We will lose anyways, why not cut off the head and make them scatter?”
It doesn’t matter that Aemma is queen and her husband Lord Hand.
She has chosen to die in her place and will not let anyone stop her.
“No, I forbid it.” Grandfather said as if she were still a child under his care and not his wife and equal. “Send more ravens to Daemon, we wait for him.”
Staunton begged his queen to come save him, but it was her against the green’s army. It would be a suicide mission.
If she lived, she would be captured and possibly executed for treason, if she lost, the cause dies with her.
Aemma has never seen anyone as expendable, but her council has decided someone must die in her place.
Her grandmother, to her alarm, volunteered.
If it were up to her and her alone, Aemma would surrender before anyone else dies for her.
But she could not do that, the ravens have flown, the banners called, and blood spilled in her name.
As ill prepared they were for this battle, it would be cowardice to admit defeat without having ever tried.
To give up without a fight would say those loyal lords and ladies died for nothing.
Fell, Hayford, Harte, Buckler, Caswell and Darklyn.
All those families were reduced to a handful of children kept under lock and key by the same people who killed their fathers and brothers and uncles and cousins.
Stokeworth, Rosby and Butterwell had bent the knee fearing a similar fate.
She cannot turn back no matter how much she wished.
Her mother is dead.
She is queen now.
“We cannot wait for Daemon and the longer we drag this out more lives will be lost. Stokeworth bent the knee as did Rosby, Duskendale still burns, we cannot afford to lose Rook’s Rest to them.” Grandmother argued against his suggestion to wait, to lose Rook’s Rest and let Daemon and Jace lead an assault from the north. “Aegon is still green enough, none of his opponents have been seasoned dragon riders. If anyone must go, it must be me.”
“Don’t do this, Rhaenys.” Grandfather has no argument besides that one.
Do not go, only death waits for you there.
“It has to be me.” She gave him a reassuring squeeze of his hand.
Aemma had grown up on their love story, how he came from the ends of the earth to prove to King Jaehaerys he was worthy of her.
If only she was not dying because of her.
Aemma doesn’t want more people to die.
If the battle is lost, she will give up her crown either way when they come knocking at Dragonstone.
Why not do so now and spare her grandmother?
Alicent was so fond of saying a true queen counts the cost to her people.
No crown is worth so much death.
Now she knows why her grandmother chose to let it be instead of fighting for her rights.
It is not worth it once you see the piles of bodies at your feet.
“And when the Usurper’s armies overwhelm you? What then?” Her grandfather continued his argument.
“I will take him into hell with me. Fear not, husband, I know the cost and I am willing to pay it.” The Red Queen answered. “We do not need to win; we only need to take their king.”
Until word of my death has come, do not let them leave.”
Those are the last words of the Queen Who Never Was.
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His ambition would be the death of him and his, he remembers his mother saying when he refused to accept Viserys as Prince of Dragonstone for those short moons Jaehaerys still lived.
He only has his grandchildren and the bastard boy he passed off as Laenor’s ---Addam in truth was Laenor’s son, conceived to hide his nature some months before the wedding, Alyn may be Corlys’ or Vaemond’s, his mother is not sure--- left.
Word of Rhaenys’ death has yet to come, the fight may still be ongoing, but Corlys knows his wife of nearly forty years is dead.
When the Greens advance on to Dragonstone, it will be over.
Or so they will think.
“Have the queen examined, Maester. She believes she might be with child,” he orders the maester feigning discretion. “You may attend to her in her rooms, she should be in there.”
If she was pregnant, they could assuage their allies and buy enough time to truly wage war in case Aemond backs out of his deal with Aemma.
An heir consolidated her position and gave them time, the one thing they did not have now.
Eight moons are enough to stage a coup.
This truce will only be a temporal thing.
They had allies yes, but all too far away to do any good.
Their allies at court and in the coast had nearly all been captured and put to the death by the Kingmaker’s sword, their best fighter was in Harrenhal looking for proof the Rivers Woman was Rhaenyra’s murderer.
If she killed Rhaenyra, who was to say she wouldn’t kill the children in their beds?
Who could say she would not kill Aemma and the babe inside her at the Queen’s orders now that she is her servant?
I will kill them all, I will torch the fucking castle to the ground. They killed my wife and my daughter, and for that they must pay, he had vowed.
But killing the men of House Strong wouldn’t do anything, the witch sleeps in the dowager’s bed according to rumors.
Only way to get in there is through the infamous Lady Misery.
Lady Misery who told them about Aegon’s presence in the march up the coast with the Kingmaker.
Lady Misery who lost her only child thanks to Ser Otto’s meddling and wants her pound of flesh.
Eight moons is enough to avenge their dead and destroy the Greens once and for all.
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ar-agon · 2 years
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Paul x Reader
Summary: Your home life has always been the greatest but Paul makes sure you know that you always have a place beside him.
Length: 1150
It took him an embarrassing amount of time to realize something was wrong. What finally clued him in was how you didn’t scold him and Marko for messing with David or when you didn’t roll your eyes at any of the jokes he had made. You had just sat on the fountain's edge and started at your hands. It was like you were somewhere else entirely for a few days. When he finally noticed, it was just you two in the cave. He sat down next to you slowly. He said your name softly causing you to jump like you hadn’t noticed his presence.
“Oh, hey Paul,” the smile you sent his way was small with a sad tilt to it as if you wanted him to think that everything was okay.
“Hey, babe,” he said, “what’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” you shake your head, “I’m just a bit tired. It’s still hard to get into the routine of sleeping during the day.”
He knew that part was true. You had just joined their group not too long ago and you were still human. Though he also knew that something else was bothering you. He just didn’t know what exactly would be putting you in this type of mood. You had always been happy since you started to live with them in the cave. So, seeing the sudden sadness that was radiating off of you filled him with concern.
“Come on, babe,” he pushed just a bit, “what is it actually?”
A heavy sigh left you as you turned to fully face him. You knew there was no point in trying to lie to him. He could just go into your brain if he wanted to but you knew he wouldn’t, that he would just push lightly until it all came tumbling out of you, “I saw my own missing poster last time we went to the boardwalk,” you finally opened up. Tears had started to gather in your eyes, not yet ready to shed, “my family, they’re looking for me. After everything that happened, why? Why now? They never seemed inclined to find me. What changed?”
Paul vaguely remembers your relationship with your family. You didn’t talk much about them anymore but when you did nothing you had said made him like them. Not that you were trying to make that happen, just sometimes you needed to rant about how your life was before the boys. You had had a huge argument with them the day before you officially moved in with them. You had said they hadn’t agreed with you hanging out with them. You had come in crying, a bag flung over your shoulder and an apology on your lips.
“I’m sorry,” your voice wobbled slightly, “I had nowhere else to go.” Paul quickly wrapped you up in his arms and took you to the couch.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he tells you softly, “you’re always welcomed here.”
“Yeah, we wouldn’t want Paul complaining how much he missed you,” Marko grinned, moving to sit on the chair. Dwayne walked over and leaned against the back of the chair Marko was sitting in. David was already in his designated spot smoking a cigarette and watching what was going on.
“What happened?” Paul had asked, grabbing a hold of your hand as it started to shake.
“My parents kicked me out. We got into this huge argument because I spend my time with you. They called you punk and a bad influence, like they ever cared who I hung out with before,” you rambled voice hitching over some words, “it’s only because you all happen to be guys. They also have this irrational idea that I’m having sex with all of you, can you believe that?”
“Well you are with one of us,” Marko pointed out.
“That is beside the point,” Dwayne said smacking Marko on the back of the head, “she doesn’t have a place to stay right now. That is the problem we should be focusing on.”
“You can stay with us, babe,” Paul wrapped his arm around your shoulder and brought you to his side. You looked at everyone, eyes stopping on David a little bit longer. You agreed the moment you saw David give a little nod.
Now it had been a month since then and it appeared your family had finally gotten the memo that you weren’t coming back. Paul moved closer to you so that you were pressed side to side, “they’re not worth it,” he tells you softly, “you’ve already found yourself a new family and we love you. We’re not going anywhere.”
Your smile this time was bright, “I know, Paulie. I just never thought they would do this. I don’t know why they did this. Do they actually care or do they want to control me all over again?”
“Well that won't happen again as long as I’m around,” he swears to you. Paul wasn’t known for being serious most of the time but when the times called for it and right now it did. Because this was you, the person he cared about and he didn’t like seeing you upset.
You leaned up and placed a small kiss on his cheek, “thank you, babe,” you whispered, “I love you.” You took his hand and tangled your fingers together.
“I love you too,” he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “you will always have a place here. You will always be family.”
“I don’t know if David would agree,” you say. David’s and your relationship was still a bit rocky. He was very distant towards you, though he didn’t leave the room anymore when you were in it. Your tears had dried a long time ago unshed as you took in Paul’s words.
“David likes you. He just won’t say it out loud.”
“Come on, I wouldn’t lie to you, babe.”
“I know.”
There was a slight lull of silence as you traced patterns on his hand before Paul spoke up again.
“I can take the poster down for you the next time we go to the boardwalk as well,” he offered.
“That actually would be nice. I don’t want to think about them anymore. Not when I have you and the boys now,” you said softly.
“You can be sure that I will never leave your side,” Paul answered, he turned his head and pulled you into a long slow kiss. He was showing you how much you meant to him in one of the only ways he knew how. A blush dusted your cheeks as you pulled back. A grin was painting Paul’s face so you hid your face in his chest. Even if your real family wouldn’t be in your life, you were sure that the boys and Paul would keep you safe and loved as long as they could. Which in hindsight could be forever.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Hen (I) Do ~ KNJ [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: Namjoon x reader
GENRE: Non idol, smut, fake engagement, tiktok inspired, did start as a drabble and then….whoopsies it turned into a 22.7K fic hehe, strangers to lovers, happy ending, fluffy.
SMUT WARNINGS: Thigh riding, teasing, sexual tension, public sex, face riding, oral (both m/f recieving) pool teasing, ruined orgasms, creampie, possiessive, talks of “mine” “who owns you”
A/N: Hen Do - Bachelorette party 
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The whole restaurant was empty besides your table and yet it felt as though it was completely full. The girls you were all with seemed to be making enough noise for a crowd full of people, despite there only being seven of you in the place. It was so loud you could barely decide who was saying what and what on earth they were talking about. 
Jae-ah was sitting closest to you, the whole reason you were sitting in a restaurant in Vegas in the first place. She had been one of your best friends since middle school and it was finally almost time for her to get married.
You could practically see the excitement bouncing off of her body as she sat there sipping on her wine. There was something bothering her though but you didn't know what. All afternoon she had been avoiding telling you something and you wanted to find out what it was. It was her party week, after all, she was supposed to be the happiest person in vegas.
Watching her closely you tried to sense what it was that was bothering her but she just flicked her long brown hair over her shoulder and turned to look at you. Flashing that giant perfect smile at you as she realised you had been staring at her. 
She had flown you and most of her family out from Seoul to come to Vegas for her wedding. A week-long partying session for the bride and groom's side of the wedding. Each side wanting to outdo the other and although you had been maid of honour you weren't in charge of a single thing. Jae-Ah had insisted on taking charge of this so that she could plan everything out for everyone else to enjoy.
"Cheer up babe, this is meant to be fun." She teased you as she poured the both of you a glass of champagne. Nudging your side playfully as she noticed you weren't being as overly excited as everyone else. 
You wanted to be as happy as she was about all of this but you couldn't. All this was doing was setting into your mind how single you were. Reminding you that while all of your friends were going out and getting married. You were still trying to progress in life and lived in a small apartment in Seoul.
Jae-Ah had always been ahead on things though, she was the first to graduate college, the first to get a job and now the first to get married. You were happy for her, extremely happy and proud of how far your friend had come but this just set your mind into overdrive. 
"Come on," Jae-Ah handed you one of the sashes everyone was wearing only yours was different. It was "Maid of honour," written in black ink on the front of it. Bright pink to make it stand out in a crowd. As if the fake crowns and penis straws weren't enough to say that this was a hen party.
A whole week of spending time with married or to-be-married friends was supposed to be fun but you couldn't help but dread what was to come. 
"Here! I propose an idea!" Everyone turned to look at Jae-ah as she stood up at the table, tapping a fork against her glass softly as she gained everyone's attention. Each of the girls turned to look at her, smiling just as big as the next.
"I can't do all of my hen party, I have emergencies I need to attend to," Jae-ah explained as she looked down at you, smirking a little. You hated that smirk, that was the smirk she used whenever she was planning something in that evil brain of hers.
"So I say we have a fake hen-do...For you," She looked at you and then all eyes turned to look at you. Rose and Jihyo exchanging a smirk while nodding their heads. It would be the perfect opportunity for you to get out there and have some fun.
"For me? A fake hen-do?" You practically coughed the champagne back into the glass as you stared at Jae. What was she even thinking? How could any of this sound fun when it wasn't you that was really getting married? All of this was supposed to be for her.
"Sure! It'll be fun!" She yelled out, the other girls all agreeing with her. Practically begging for you to do it. This was going to be their chance to finally let loose and have fun in a whole other country. If Jae-ah didn't do it and you wouldn't, you guys would be bored for the week.
"I can't do it because we have every emergency happening with the wedding. So why waste a perfectly good week on something I can't do?" Her eyes were beginning to tear up as she used the puppy look on you. The one thing you could never say no to whenever she did it.
"I'll do it if Y/n doesn't want to!" Lia yelled as she blushed a little, realising how needy she sounded. But Lia hadn't gotten a hen-do when she got married. Mostly because it was a shotgun wedding and she wasn't allowed to drink.
"No. Y/n will do it," Jae-ah glared at the friend playfully and looked back at you. Clearly wanting you to do this because she didn't want you to be bored. At least this way you could experience the fun first person. Everything that was supposed to be the best thing in Vegas. This must have been the thing playing on Jae-ah's mind all day.
"You can take my place! You can do all of the partying for me," She laughed as she sat back down and squeezed your hand softly. 
"You know I hate clubs anyway," She whispered in your ear so that no one else could hear, kissing your cheek softly as she looked back at you. It was obvious that she really wanted you to do this for her and who knows? It could be fun.
"Y/n everything is booked, just...As my maid of honour...Do this for me?" You scoffed as she pulled out the maid of honour card. The one thing she had been using against you since the moment she got engaged.
"You can't play that card!" You cried out as you shook your head. 
"I just did," You sighed, rolled your eyes before finally agreeing to do it.
"YES! The party is on!" Lia screamed out as she began clapping her hands together, downing the glass of wine in front of her.
"We can go shopping tomorrow morning! Find you some dresses, some new sashes! We should find some fake ring too!" Rose yelled out excitedly as she got up from her chair and began clapping her hands together, ordering some more food for you all. They all seemed more excited about this than Jae-ah having the party. 
"We can get strippers, we can do whatever you want...It'll be fun!" Rose sounded like she was trying to convince you even though you had agreed so you nodded.
What was the big deal? Letting your hair down while you were in vegas didn't seem like a big deal. It wasn't as if you knew anybody there. No one was going to know it wasn't your wedding party.
No one knew you. 
It was going to be perfect.
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The next night you were ready to go through with it, spending most of the day trying to hype yourself up in your own head.
"First things first, we're going to need a name," Lia said as you walked through the streets towards where most of the clubs were. Glancing at her you frowned a little. Why wouldn't you just use the names already on lists?
"We can just use Jae-ah and Josh?" You suggested but she shook her head, that was going to be boring. You at least needed to use your name for this. That and the girls wanted this to be a brand new thing, you needed a new fiancé and a new life. A whole new story made up for your imaginary wedding. 
"We put a bunch into a generator we thought would be a good fit for you," Rose said as she began straightening her dress out. It was a bright red dress that honestly clung to her tiny body perfectly. It went along well with her blonde hair which she had been pulling off the dress. 
All of them were dressed up to the heavens looking as though they had stepped out of a fashion magazine. Meanwhile, you were wearing a white knee-length dress because they wanted you to stand out. Each of you had your fake tiara's one with your sashes Jae-ah had given to you all. You, of course, wearing the bride-to-be one.
"This is going to be fun, they have no idea who you are they're not going to care," Yiren reassured you as she could see just how unsure you were about all of this. All morning long you had been debating giving the opportunity to Lia but you stuck it out. Convincing yourself that what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas.
"Fine, gimmie the app." You mumbled as Jihyo passed you her phone, sliding onto the app you pushed spin. Watching as a small animated wheel began to spin and tell you who your "husband" was going to be. You wondered if you were going to have to come up with some fake story as to where he was. The girls had already decided that for you, your fiancé was going to be out with his friends doing his own partying. There was no reason for someone not to believe you. Both bridal parties having separate parties wasn't unheard of. 
"Namjoon." You breathed out as you looked at the screen. Humming a little at the sound of his name. It sounded like someone you would meet in a museum back home, someone sweet and kind. 
"Sounds cute and smart...I like it," The girls laughed softly before heading toward the bars. All of you on the hunt for a well-needed drink after the long morning of shopping you all had. Meanwhile, you needed a drink to unwind a little and get into the role of a bride-to-be.
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"Hey! Y/n!" You glanced over your shoulder as you saw Lisa walking towards you. She had a giant smirked plastered across her face but you turned back to watch Rose who downed her shot and your own.
"Meet your husband," Lisa called out as she pushed a shy looking guy out in front of you and you smiled at him. It had only been a matter of time before the girls had gone looking for someone to play the role. 
The man in front of you was taller than you and extremely handsome. It was a wonder they had even convinced him to get involved with all of this. Sporting black jeans with a white dress shirt, he matched it all together with a blue denim jacket. 
"Hi, you're roped into this too?" You questioned as you ordered you both some drinks and smiled up at him. At least he didn't seem like a complete creep. Lia had brought a guy over who began grabbing you all inappropriately. Lisa had quickly put him back in his place by giving him a slap across the cheek.
"Yeah, my friends said it would be fun." He explained as he thanked you for the drink, taking it with him as you both began to head over to your seats inside of the club. 
You wondered how you could hear him so clearly over the blasting music and yelling of people around you. The club was practically crammed with people but luckily you guys had a VIP section to go and sit inside of. 
"What about you?" He questioned as he stood just outside the seating section. Waiting for you to lead the way in.
"My friend Jae-ah was supposed to be the one doing this. It's her wedding next week but she had an emergency come up." You weren't going to go into details with him about everything. He was only there for the partying after all, he didn't need a full life story.
"Ah, at least you guys can still have all of the fun though, saves it all going to waste." You smiled before moving the small velvet rope and climbing up one step into the white seated area. There was four sofa's surrounding a glass coffee table. Covered in empty glasses and spilt drinks. 
"We have a week of plans! We have cute things to do as well as a lot of fun!" Lia cried out as you all sat down together, placing your drinks down onto the table and smiling at Lia. She had almost gone all out on making sure you had a lot to do while you were there. Wanting you to experience everything that you could. 
In her words she "wasn't sure you would ever get to do the real thing," so this was going to be worth the while.
"We have a full night of partying and tomorrow..." Yiren reached into her clutch bag and pulled out a small box. While you all had been looking at dresses she found something a lot better. Something that would bring a lot of fun into the evenings for you.
"I found these while we were shopping," She began showing you different cards while you read the box. "Big-box if Vegas Dares,"
"Vegas dares?" You questioned, a little hesitant as to where she could have picked them up and what they could have been. She nodded at you and pulled out a random card to show it to you.
"Some of them are cute, like taking photos in front of landmarks, going for a romantic meal. It'll be fun if you're both okay with it." She showed you the card she had pulled, "Go for a couples massage,". Nothing seemed as though it was going to be too extreme so you looked up at your fake fiancé. Exchanging a look with him you raised your eyebrows. Everything had to be okay with him too, you weren't going to pressure some dude on his holiday into this. He nods his head at you, he saw nothing wrong with any of this. It was all going to be some kind of harmless fun and you seemed pretty nice about everything.
"I'm down if you are, I didn't have much planned," He told you as he looked at you and to his drink. What could be better than spending his time with someone so beautiful and nice? 
"I've got nothing better to do," He chuckled as he took out his phone to let his friends know what he was going to be doing that week. Texting them that he had plans figured out for himself instead of tagging along with them.
"We should do some tonight!" Rose yelled, a little drunk from the wine and shots she had been taking most of the night. Out of all of the girls you had no idea she would be the one to get almost completely toasted on the first night. She was going to be a nightmare in the morning.
"We should?" You looked at Rose and to your fiancé who seemed to be blushing a little at the thought of doing a dare right away. 
"What shall we do for the night?" You questioned sensing that there was something bothering him with doing dares right away. Neither of you knew each other enough to jump right into anything right now, especially since everyone had been drinking.
"I think we have to establish our fake relationship. Come up with a story in case people ask questions." Rose scoffed out that the idea of it was boring and you shook your head at her before turning to your fiancé and nodding. 
"That's a good idea, tomorrow we can do all of the dares we want." You nodded in agreement, sipping on the glass of wine in front of you. 
Together you and your fiancé seemed to be the soberest out of everyone with you so you sat closer to him. Wanting to speak to him as much as you could since you were going to spend time together. You were going to have to get to know one another at some point.
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"We were high school lovers?" You questioned as you looked to your fiancé who nodded his head. Sipping his drink before shrugging his shoulders, his story idea was that you had been sweethearts your whole life. 
"Sure! I mean it's a classic one, no one has to know any different." He explained as you nodded along with him watching in horror as Rose got up to go and pole dance with some of the other dancers. She had been telling you she was going to do it and now she was. Lia followed after her, camera at the ready since she was never going to remember it the next day.
"We can just make it up as we go along, but there's a problem." Your fiancé explained as he looked down at your hand, it was completely ringless.
"You don't have a ring," You gasped before reaching in your clutch to pull out the fake diamond ring you had gotten earlier that morning. Something you had gotten from a random party store you had all been in that morning,
"Mina picked it out," You laughed turning it over to show him the plastic band that held the fake diamond. Although it was completely fake it looked real in the low lighting which was going to work in your favour.
"Looks almost real." He laughed as he shook his head at you, holding the ring up to his eyes so he could see it better. That was when it hit him, neither of you had introduced yourselves to one another since meeting him and he wanted to know your name,
"My name! By the way, is-" A hand covered his mouth as Yiren began shaking her head. Tutting at the both of you as she slurred over her words,
"No! No names! You're Namjoon and she's Y/n." You laughed a little remembering the name and looking to your fiancé. The fake name kind of suited him to be honest so you smiled and held out your hand. 
"Namjoon, it's a pleasure to be engaged to you." You laughed softly as he did too. Namjoon couldn't believe that you had randomly picked his name out of a generator and that it was actually his name. It almost felt like fate.
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The two of you had enough of the loud music and screaming so you began walking back to your hotel together. There you found out you were staying in the same hotel only a floor away from each other. Stepping into the elevator you pushed your floor and glanced to Namjoon.
"So what brings you to vegas?" You quizzed as you stood in the elevator together, watching the numbers as you rode up. It was finally quiet enough now so you could have a decent conversation with him without screaming at one another.
"Work break but it seems as though all my friends want to do is gamble away their payday...I'm more of casual drinks and maybe seeing the sights." You laughed softly and nodded your head in agreement. The idea of going out to get smashed every night wasn't exactly your idea of a good time either.
"Me too! I had planned to go sightseeing all week long but it looks like it's fake fiance fun now," Namjoon shook his head at you. The two of you could still do all of the things you wanted to but with one another, it wasn't as though it would be the end of the world. 
Namjoon thought it would be rather nice to have someone by his side while he did all of the "boring" stuff his friends didn't want to do.
"We can still sight-see...We can go as fiancé's and see just how far we can push the free stuff," Smirking at him you nodded liking the way his mind worked. If people thought you were recently engaged and acted all cute with one another the free stuff would never stop coming.
"I like the way you think," You winked as you got to your floor, both of you stepping out and wandering in the direction of your door. 
"You sure your friends will be okay?" He questioned when he remembered they were still out partying. You thought back on the last time you saw them, Mina had begun sobering up since she hated going to bed drunk.
"I'm positive. Mina will never let them get too drunk." You laughed softly as you unlocked the door to your room, looking back at him to go over plans for the next day. 
"I'll meet you in the lobby? Tomorrow morning?" You nodded at him, genuinely feeling excited about going out to see him again tomorrow. There was a fluttering in your chest at the prospect of going out to have fun with someone you'd never known before.
"Sure, I'll meet you with some breakfast around 10?" He nodded at you this time as you glanced at the time. 10 seemed reasonable since it was almost 1 am now. 
"Bring the cards, we can see what we can get up to," He told you as you remembered the cards the girls insisted on you taking home with you. Smiling and nodding at him you disappeared into your room leaning against the door as you grinned to yourself. This had been the most you smiled in the longest time but you couldn't help it, you felt as though you were genuinely having fun.
This trip was going to be more fun than you had imagined. With a handsome new fiancé joining you. 
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The next morning you made sure to be down in the lobby for 10. You'd been woken up by rose at 4 that morning when the girls all stumbled inside. You got up to help them get into bed before crashing on the sofa in your room.
"Here," Namjoon said as he walked over to you, carrying two take-out cups and a bag. Breakfast had been running early and you missed out on getting you both something so he did it for you. He was dressed in some black sweats with a plain white t-shirt and the same jacket as the night before. 
"Lifesaver," You mumbled before eating the bagel he'd gotten for you and began walking toward the exit. Even in the morning light, Namjoon was still handsome to you, you had no idea why he would have agreed to something like this. With someone, he barely knew.
"What's the plan?" You questioned as you threw the rubbish from your food into the bin and glanced to Namjoon who stood just outside the doors of the hotel. Looking around as he tried to come up with something that you could do for the day. 
"I say we pick a dare...Start the morning off right." Namjoon said as he looked at the box you had in your bag. You smiled taking it out before randomly pulling out a card and hoping it wasn't some obscene card that had been put into the box. 
"Take pictures in front of landmarks." Namjoon read as you pulled it from the box, humming as you thought about what was around your hotel. There were a few landmarks around and close to you so you could get those done.
"I think we're pretty close to the strip and high roller." You announced as you began walking down the street to where you believed the direction was. You were just following street signs everywhere,
"We can cab around to all the other places too," Namjoon suggested as he walked side by side with you. Watching the way your brows would furrow together whenever you looked at a street sign or were trying to find your way around.
"Did you get some decent sleep?" You asked as you began walking in the direction of the High Roller, remembering that his friends had gone out the night before as well. 
"Jimin and Taehyung came back early and I ended up switching rooms when Jungkook came in." He laughed softly as he remembered Jungkook coming into the room slurring and stumbling all over the room. 
"Why?" You laughed softly as you turned to look up at him. Namjoon sighed before shaking his head. Jungkook was one of the worst drunks in the world, all he would do was laugh and speak all night.
"He was drunk, I didn't want to be woken up when I had something exciting to do today," Raising your eyebrows you looked at him wondering what was exciting for him.
"I'm the something exciting?" You teased playfully as you began to wait in line for the ride. Looking up at him and smiling, for some reason it sent a flutter in your heart to hear you were something exciting for him. 
"More exciting than staying in our room to read alone or going to do all of this alone." You smiled as you stepped up towards the till. 
"Are they all hungover?" You questioned as you looked up at him, he paid for the ride and smiled at you. There was no way he was going to let you pay for yourself.
"Very much, how about the girls?" He raised his eyebrows and chuckled softly. Your thoughts instantly went back to the night before when you had been helping the girls.
"The last I saw of Rose she was throwing up in the toilet, Lia was passed out on top of Yiren and Mina was doing her nails." Laughing together as you got into one of the carriages you shook your head. It was super spacious and empty thanks to it being pretty early in the morning. For las vegas at least. No one was around besides a few old couples that weren't interested in the High Roller.
The doors shut and you looked at Namjoon, remembering what he had been saying what his day would have been filled with.
"What would you have been reading?" He chuckled before looking into his side bag pulling out a copy of "IQ84," You smiled, it had been something you'd wanted to read for ages. On the top of your "to buy" list.
"It's on my to-buy list," Namjoon smiled brightly, he never would have taken you for the reading type.
"You read too? That's great, maybe we can hit up some book shops on our way back to the hotel." You agreed and turned to look out of the windows at the huge view of Vegas. 
The view was breathtakingly beautiful as you stared out at everything through the window. It was almost unbelievable that you were doing this right now.
To think you would have been locked up in the hotel room all day. This was so much better. Everyone looked so tiny from up on the ride. 
"Would you come here if it wasn't for the girls?" Namjoon asked referring to being here in Vegas.
"Would you come here if it wasn't for the boys?" You countered as you sat down on some of the seats. Shrugging your shoulders as you thought on it, Vegas was never something you had thought about before.
"I'm not sure...I mean...I love Jae-ah but partying and all of this isn't my thing. Even back home."
"Home?" Namjoon knew nothing about you and you knew nothing about him. It wasn't as though you had time to speak about anything important the night before even then, Yerin wanted you to keep it all a mystery.
"I live in Seoul, I teach English in one of the schools to kids," Smiling to himself Nmajoon deciding to hold back that he was from Seoul too.
"What do you do?" You questioned noticing him smiling so much about the mention of you being a teacher.
"I'm a music teacher, I teach kids how to produce music or write songs..." Everything he did sounded interesting to you. A music teacher who came to Vegas to sight-see? Almost too good to be true.
"Do you write your own?" You questioned as he sat down beside you. Watching the way you looked out of the window and then turned back to him.
"I do,"
"Can I hear some?" You questioned as he shook his head at you over and over again.
"Never," He chuckled as the ride began to move again. He didn't want his personal music to be heard by people yet, all of it was stored up on his laptop. Never to be seen by anyone.
"Quick, we need a photo." He stood you in front of the glass window and told you to pose. Laughing as you began to pull funny faces at the camera while he snapped photos.
"Arm up with one hand on your hip?" He questioned as he snapped a bunch of photos on your phone and then his own,
"Your turn." You whined so you could switch places getting photos of him against the wall in different poses.
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Dragging him by the hand you laughed as you headed towards the fountains of Bellagio. Something that was always splashed all over social media for years, everyone you knew who had been to Vegas had the generic photograph.
"One thing I've always wanted." He looked at you wondering what you were doing when you suddenly took him by the hand and began walking to the railings.
"A generic photo of me against the walls of the fountain, with the water behind us." You laughed looking around for someone who could take a photo of the two of you together. Finding someone and asking them sweetly. All-day long you had been getting people to take your photo together since the dare was supposed to be for the two of you but none of it felt forced. The day flowed naturally between you and you didn't feel as though you didn't know Namjoon. Everything felt good.
Namjoon wrapped his arm around your waist and smiled into the camera, the two of you looking like a happy couple. The elderly lady took as many as she could of you both, in different positions as you held onto one another.
"Your engaged?!" The woman who had taken the photo asked when she saw the ring on your finger. Glancing down at the ring and up to her face, you nodded.
"Just recently." You lied as you smiled up at her. There was a giant smile on her face as she began to congratulate you both. Telling you how lovely you looked with one another.
"Congratulations! You're in for a wonderful and happy marriage," Giggling you walked back to Namjoon and showed him the photographs of you both. Going over everything from that day and smiling as you looked like a real couple, not someone who was faking their time together. 
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"You're telling me you did all of this in one day? You're not bored?" Mina whined as she looked through the camera, checking out all of the photographs you had taken that day. Not just of you and Namjoon but from the different places you had visited. There was a photograph of Namjoon in some random bookshop you had found. Sitting on the smallest chair you had ever seen in your life, he almost looked as though he could be a giant.
"You went to Paris Las Vegas?!" Rose screamed as she saw a photo of you both standing under the "Effiel tower" together. Namjoons hand on your waist as you looked up at one another lovingly.
"You look like a real couple," Lia mentioned as she watched you looking over their shoulders at all of the images. Feeling your body heat up when you heard Lia's words, looking at her shyly as she smirked back at you. 
"Do you get along well?" Yerin questioned as she glanced over at Namjoon who was getting everyone drinks at the bar. All of you were inside the hotel Casino thanks to one of the cards that Rose had pulled for you. 
"We do...We haven't run out of anything to talk about all day...We have so much in common too." You smiled unknowingly as you thought about Namjoon. All though all of this was fake and would soon go away you wanted to live it up as much as you could with him.
"I see something happening...Do you like him?" Rose jabbed Jiyho in the side and shook her head at her. You kept silent as you watched Lia jumping up and down on the spot. 
Namjoon was standing beside you and handed you a glass of water, letting you sip it before placing it onto the table in front of you all.
"Here! My turn!" Lia yelled as she picked out a card from the box for you. Namjoon chuckled from beside you when he noticed how excited Lia seemed to be about pulling a random card out for you both. 
"Go and get married in the chapels." You stared at the card and then at Namjoon. Married? But this was all supposed to be fake and a little bit of fun. Mina looked at you as she realised the two of you weren't okay with the sound of it.
"We put a twist on it!" Mina announced as she moved closer to you all, Yiren smirking as she came up with an idea too. There was no reason for the wedding to go ahead, it could all be just a little game for the group of you.
"You're about to get married when one of us comes in and claim he slept with us! You guys have a fight!" Yerin seemed excited about it as you and Namjoon exchanged glances with one another. Clearly still not sure if it was a good idea to go through with something like this.
"This isn't a drama-" You were about to say but you were cut off by Jihyo.
"No, it'll be fun! We'll all seem so shocked! You can storm out and never have to marry Namjoon," She told you as she took your hand in her right hand and Namjoon's in her left. 
"The two of you can be the stars of the show..." Namjoon laughed from beside you and nodded. There was no reason any of this had to be a huge deal, it wasn't as though you were going to actually marry one another. Besides, he had been having so much fun with you all day he never wanted it to end. If getting a fake marriage that night meant he could spend more time with you then he was down for that.
"I'm down," Shrugging his shoulders he glanced to you as he waited for you to agree to it as well.
"Me too," Lia said as she downed her glass of wine and began clapping her hands together eagerly.
"I'll be the one he slept with," Rose giggled as she walked over to you, more like stumbled as she leant against the table for support.
"You're too drunk, let Jihyo do it." Mina whispered as they all agreed and you looked at them nervously. The only white dress you owned was the one from last night and Namjoon wasn't dressed for it either.
"There's a problem...Neither of us is exactly dressed for a wedding..." You told Jiyho as she shook her head at you, throwing her hands up at you. 
"You can rent your clothes out, it's cheap! You can rent flowers too." She said as she began leading you towards the chapels just down the road from the hotel you were staying inside of. Both you and Namjoon laughing as you followed behind the group of friends. Ready to fake marry, your fake fiancé.
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Standing in front of Namjoon at the chapel in front of Elvis wasn't how you had pictured the night going but it was funny nonetheless. Dressed in a knee-length wedding dress that puffed out like a huge princess gown you stared at Namjoon. He was wearing a black tux with a bow tie to match. The outfits you had rented for a week for some strange reason. Lia had convinced you that it would be a cute idea, to get photos of you both all over Vegas in your wedding outfits. 
A bouquet of red roses in your hands as you stared at one another nervously. Part of you feared that Jiyho would never walk through the door and you would end up actually being married. But another part of you wanted that. You wanted to keep Namjoon around but you shook the feeling away.
"Do you Y/n take Namjoon to be your-" The Elvis impersonater stopped speaking when the doors burst open and Jihyo stood there. Mascara running down her face as she sobbed, good to know the drama lessons were working. Sniffling to herself she began to walk down the aisle holding something in her hand.
"You!" She screamed at Namjoon storming over to him as he did his best not to laugh, he had to at least seem as though this was all real.
"You cheating scumbag!" She threw something down onto the ground, you couldn't tell what it was at first. Not until she began yelling out loudly.
"I'm home pregnant with your kid! And you go off and marry some slag from Vegas!" Namjoon bit his lip as you both stared down at the positive sticks that were sitting on the ground and staring up at you. Where had she even got them?
"I can't do this! I don't love you." Namjoon cried out at her, turning to face her as you stared at them both. Doing your best to seem completely shocked at what was being said.
"You don't love anyone, all you care about is yourself!" Jiyho scoffed as she poked his chest a little harshly. None of this had been prepared beforehand, the two of them were going on the spot with one another.
"Oh please! As if the baby is mine!" Everyone in the room gasped and Elvis took a step back holding his hand over his chest. You bit on the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing.
"He's mine now." You cried out but Jihyo scoffed, "slapping" you across the face before storming out of the chapel. You clutched onto your cheek as if she had actually come into contact with your skin. 
"Y/n,...Let me explain." Namjoon begged as you began walk down the steps of the altar,
"Explain what?! That you're some low life who goes around cheating on people he's "in love with"?!" You cried out as you threw the bouquet of flowers against his chest. Hiking up the rented dress and running out of the chapel dramatically.
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The two of you met up back inside the hotel, dressed in the rented clothes you had and laughed about everything. He was explaining what had happened after you left,
"You should have seen Elvis, he picked up the pregnancy tests and handed them to me." Namjoon groaned as he looked at you, remembering the look on your face when you heard he was "cheating" on you.  
"You're a good actress," He complimented as he pulled you close to him. Ignoring the looks you were getting from other people in the hotel as they watched you both together. Probably wondering what two people in wedding outfits were doing in the middle of the bar.
"You're a good actor, have you thought about teaching drama?" You laughed as he ordered you both a drink at the bar. The bartender smiling at you as he began to pour you both a glass of water.
"Newlyweds?" The barkeep asked, raising his eyebrows when he saw the outfits you were standing in. As you went to say no Namjoon wrapped his arm around your waist, the feeling sending a flutter to your chest and you looked up at him. Feeling your heart hammering against your chest as he nodded,
"We are." The barman cheered and clapped his hands together loudly, gaining the attention of some other people who began clapping. Coming out from behind the bar and walking you over to the reception desk he continued to congratulate you both on a happy married together.
"We have newlyweds!" He cried out as he looked at you both to the woman on the front desk. The blonde looked as though she was bored but the moment she heard the word "Newlyweds" her head sprung up like a jack in the box.
"Newlyweds?" She glanced at you both and you smiled at her trying to seem convincing that all of this was real. You snuggled your head into Namjoon's chest, almost gasping when you heard how fast his heart was racing. 
"Here," She began typing away on the computer before giving you a key with a giant smile on her face. This must have been something that they were used to, a bunch of happily married people coming into the hotel.
"A room upgrade for you both, we hope you enjoy your honeymoon here in Sunny las Vegas." You blinked at her before staring at the key. It had a love-heart shaped key ring on the chain and you were being led toward the elevators by the bartender who smiled at you both.
"We get a lot of couples begging for room upgrades when they get married in the chapels, it's nice to see a couple who truly love one another come in." You stared at the barkeep and then to Namjoon who seemed to be smiling and nodding along to everything he was saying.
"Go and get your things from your old rooms and you can head straight up to your new one...Would you like a bath drawn?" You shook your head as you looked from the key to Namjoon, you couldn't believe all of this was even happening.
"No thank you, I think me and my wife will take a bottle of champagne? Maybe some room service." Namjoon squeezed your side making you giggle at the way it tickled and you cuddled closer to him wanting him to stop.
"All on the house sir, just use the phone whenever you're ready for food." The barkeep stood at the elevator doors and smiled shyly.
"Ready?" You frowned,
"When you're finished with your wedding night fun of course," A blush crept onto Namjoon's cheeks as the doors shut making you giggle as you saw the look on his face.
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Pushing the doors open to your new hotel room you almost dropped your bag onto the floor. The whole place was stunning, with white walls, white everything. The only things that weren't white were the red roses all over the room.
"This place is bigger than my apartment," You mumbled as you walked into the bathroom, mouth hanging open as you saw what was inside. A huge bathtub was against panelled walls, two sinks, a giant walk-in shower and a huge collection of bubble baths and salts.
"Hey look." Namjoon pulled back the panels in the bathroom wall to reveal it walked straight into the bedroom. Staring directly at the giant bed that was in the room.
"Whoa." The two of you walked over to the balcony doors to see a large balcony with a hot tub sitting there. Covered in rose petals and candles. They must have lit everything up when you were getting your things together, it looked as though the room was set up for royalty.
"No one is going to believe this," You laughed taking a photo of the bed which had giant towel swans, rose petals in the shape of hearts and chocolates all over the place. It was heaven.
"I'm never leaving." You moaned out as you juped onto the bed, humming at how soft and comfortable it was. The sheets felt as soft as a fluffy blanket and then the pillows. The pillows felt firm but not the kind of firm that would hurt you.
"Namjoon, jump on." You begged as you pulled him to lay down beside you, smiling as you both melted into the sheets relaxing and whining together. 
"What about going in the hot tub?" You questioned as you picked up a chocolate-covered strawberry and eat it, looking at Namjoon who nodded. Taking the glasses of champagne outside while you carried the tray of foods that had been delivered to your door, free of charge. There were so many benefits to being married inside of a hotel like this. 
"You first," Namjoon said as he held out your hand and helped you step into the hot tub. Practically moaning when you felt the jets against your back. The moan made Namjoon blush a little as he joined you inside, handing you your glass and pouring a little more into it.
"This is it, I'm never leaving." You told him as you laid your head back against the hot tub and relaxed. It felt as though you were being treated like some kind of queen and you never wanted the feeling to leave. 
"I suggest we permanently move into the hotel." Namjoon joked as he laid his own head back and relaxed, letting out a breath of relief as he closed his eyes. None of this felt awkward with you around. It just felt as though he had been friends with you for the longest time and you were finally doing something fun together.
Then there was the hammering in his chest he got whenever you brushed against him or looked at him. That feeling was something he never wanted to lose. The way his palms would sweat and his mind would spin, he was taken with you.
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Shifting on the chair you were sitting on you looked to Namjoon who smirked at you. That morning you had both chosen dares for one another, something that seemed simple and innocent at first. Until you found out yours was to go Commando for the full day and Namjoon's was to be overly needy with you. The small touches here there and everywhere were doing nothing to help you at that moment. Ever since you had left the hotel together you couldn't help but lean towards him. Desperate for any kind of touch from him.
"Did I tell you how great you look today?" You glanced to your left at Namjoon and pushed a fork full of cake into his mouth to stop him. The non-stop compliments were making your heart flutter, it shouldn't be able to make you feel this way.
"I'm serious, look how beautiful my fiancé is!" He called out as he gained the attention of people around him. Other couples inside of the store turning to give you both filthy looks as you felt yourself sink into the chair, 
"Namjoon," You warned wanting him to divert attention away from you. It only took someone to look extremely close at your fake ring to realise that it was indeed fake.
"What? I'm doing what my card, said... just like you are." A small smirk played on his lips and your head went back to the night before and that morning. All your time together was beginning to make you feel attached and like a real couple.
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"Namjoon?" You hummed as he held you in his arms, kissing your shoulder softly as he chuckled a little. The two of you had been trying to sleep for the last two hours but you couldn't do it. Your heart was racing too much from being so close to Namjoon. 
"Can you sing to me...It doesn't have to be one of your songs...I just need it to sleep." You whispered as his fingers began to trace small patterns up and down your arms. Smiling as he thought about something that he could sing to you.
"I'm a better rapper than I am a singer," He informed you before getting comfortable on the bed. Arms wrapped around you protectively as he began to softly sing "Perfect" to you by Ed Sheeran. Your mind began to relax as the words left his mouth. Listening to every line and note he sang out until you finally fall asleep. Head resting on his chest as he looked down at you, a smile playing on his lips as he just watched you.
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That morning you'd woken up curled in his arms. He'd been snoring softly which was what had woken you up in the first place. The cutest little snores falling from his lips as you looked up at his face. 
"Sleeping beauty," You whispered before cupping his face in your hand. Running your thumb along his cheek softly just admiring the way he looked.
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"Don't look at me like that," You whined as he fed you some more cake. Chocolate was practically melting onto your tongue as you stared at him. The two of you were at a cake tasting for the morning. Rose thought it would be cute to do since Jae-Ah had cancelled on it last minute leaving a spot open for a new couple. 
Nothing fancy, just a small lady leaving her shop open for people to sample different flavours. Design a cake for them and decide if they wanted her to create it or not.
"You're worried about something, I'm trying to distract you." He told you as he sat closer, his hand resting naturally on your waist as you looked up at him. Everything with him felt so natural now, nothing ever felt forced.
"I'm scared for Jae-Ah, she's been doing all of this alone...I'm the maid of honour-" Another piece of cake was pushed into your mouth before you could finish speaking and you whined at him. Picking up some more and doing the same thing to him, he whined at the taste of it. He was enjoying cake tasting a lot more than he first thought he was going to.
"She told you she was fine this morning, you rang her remember." You smiled weakly as you remembered breakfast that morning. You'd spammed Jae-ah with calls until she finally answered you and you could quiz her on what was going. 
"I know she's fine but-" 
"This is our day, stop ruining it with wedding talk and eat...Some wedding cake." He frowned when he looked at you, realising that this was technically wedding talk. Giggling at him you shook your head and pushed more cake into his mouth. 
Namjoon inched his chair closer to you, his hands resting on your thigh. Something that was completely innocent to those on the outside but to you it didn't feel innocent.
"Namjoon," You breathed as his hand slowly raised up and he acted as though he was extremely needy. Rubbing his fingers along your skin, this would have been totally fine if it wasn't for your dress. One small slip and he would touch you right where you were craving him. 
All morning long his arms had been around you, hands on your body. Every chance he could get he was touching you. Not that you were ever going to complain about it. It felt good having someone with you like this at all times. It made your feeling of loneliness slowly begin to disappear the longer he was around. 
"I'm doing my dare," He whispered in your ear as he slowly left kisses up and down your skin. It became apparent to the both of you that there was something there between you but it wasn't spoken about. Your eyes fluttered shut as he continued to leave small kisses all over you.
"You're doing it too well," You whimpered feeling him raise his hand up your thigh higher and you looked at him. Clenching around nothing as you felt yourself growing wetter at how close he was to you.
"Too well? How about you? Are you doing your dare too well?" You shivered as he looked at you, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Very well, we both know I left the underwear in the room," You looked at him as you raised your eyebrow. Thinking back to the way Namjoon had blushed heavily when he saw you slide off the red lacey thong from under your dress. You'd never seen someone blush
"Y-Yeah we both know." He stuttered out as he looked at you, feeling his body begin to heat up as he watched the way you smirked back at him. It had taken forever for him to stop blushing while you came to the cake shop. Even now the blush was beginning to grow on his cheeks as he thought back on that morning.
"Aw baby you're blushing again," You cooed loudly, inching closer until you kissed his cheek softly. His hand-raising between your thighs and almost touching you but you didn't fight it, you didn't want his hand to stop.
"You're so cute, we love to see such young couples in love." The cake lady said as she watched you and Namjoon together. Whenever she was with another customer she would watch the two of you, she couldn't help but feel interested in the way you were together. Over the years she had been baking for couples there was never anyone like the two of you in her store.
"We don't get much real love around here anymore." She mumbled as she began setting some cake and milk out in front of you. This was the first time she had spoken to you, most of the other couples had been picking her brain on every little idea that they had.
"You don't?" You questioned a little shyly as you reached out for the glass of milk and sipped on it.
"Most couples who run here to have a quick wedding and leave again...It's refreshing to see such young love." You smiled weakly at the thought of it, although all of this was fake it wasn't the first time someone had complimented the way you looked together. 
"When did you both meet?" You looked at Namjoon and he smiled taking charge of the story you had made up on your first night together. 
"In high school, it's very cliché." He told her as he fed you some of the strawberry cake that had been placed down in front of you. It was one of the best tasting cakes you had ever had the pleasure of tasting.
"Those are the best though...That or when two strangers randomly come together and click." Was the woman staring into your souls? Did she know it was all fake? Humming at you nodded your head in agreement with her. There was nothing better than two strangers coming together and clicking and it only made your heart swell as you glanced to Namjoon.
Two strangers coming together. As if they were meant for one another.
"I think I have some cute high school templates for cakes...You could have your old high school photo and then an update on the top of your cake?" She raced to get up from the chair and began heading back into the back of her store again. 
"She's adorable," You whispered to Namjoon as he fed you some of the chocolate cake. The tasting session was coming to an end and she had given you everything you would need to make your future wedding.
"Maybe you should come here when you get married," Namjoon suggested as he looked at you. Neither of you had really spoken about relationships you had back home. Not that you had one to talk about.
"When I get married?" You laughed a little too loudly, the thought of you ever being married was funny to you.
"What's so funny?" He sounded confused as he watched you throwing your head back in a giggle fit. Standing on the side of the street with him as you didn't know what was up next for your day out together. 
"I'm not going to get married...No one is that dumb enough." Namjoon frowned at your wording. Why would anyone need to be dumb to marry you?
"Why would they have to be to marry you?" He questioned, clearly the joke getting lost on him so you sighed. Looking up at him and biting your lip. 
"Because I'm a boring English teacher who likes to sightsee, go to museums or read all of the time." Namjoon nodded along, none of that sounded boring to him. In fact, it sounded like the perfect time to him,
"I'm a boring Music teacher who does the same thing." Smiling at the image of him in your head. That was very true but he wasn't boring, he was far from it in fact. 
"You're far from boring Joonie...You fake married someone and got engaged for fun..." He laughed a little as he raised his eyebrow at you,
"And you didn't?"
"No...I was forced into it, I didn't just go for it." It was completely different. Namjoon had practically dropped all of his plans to do this for you.
"But you're doing it now...We're having fun right...I don't think you're boring." A flicker of hope sparked inside of you. Most of the men you met found you boring and saw no reason not to tell you how boring they found you.
"You don't?"
"Not even close...I've had the most fun with you that I've had in the longest time." You smiled feeling your body begin to heat up as he stared at you. There was a look in his eyes that let you know he was telling the truth.
"Me too actually, this has been more fun than I thought it was going to be." You admitted as he stood beside you against the wall.
"Good, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," He chuckled wrapping his arm around your waist when he began walking down the street with you. Squeezing you softly as he continued to speak with you about how much fun he had been having.
"I never thought it could be this fun...I thought I was going to be stuck inside alone while the girls had fun." You told him when you stood at the traffic lights to cross the road.
"Did you have fun?" He questioned, you smiled and nodded your head. Having more fun than you ever thought possible on this kind of trip.
"We have a night out planned tonight, are you ready for it?" You nodded your head at him once again as you remembered the night the girls had planned. They wouldn't tell you anything that would be happening, just that you needed to find something nice to wear and to be ready.
"More than ready, they said they have something special planned." Rose had been non-stop texting you from the moment they got to their hotel room and found your stuff missing. She wanted to know what was going on but you gave her no details. So they figured you had gotten lucky and decided not to question it too much. They knew you were a private person and didn't want to pressure you into telling them things you didn't want them to know.
"What did they think of you staying out?" Namjoon asked as you stepped towards another set of traffic lights.
"They had no idea I was with you but I figure they think something happened," You sounded almost disappointed as you said it to him. Were you disappointed that nothing had happened between the two of you? 
"Nothing did, you can tell them I was a complete and utter gentleman with you," He smirked a little as he looked at you. Though he was a gentleman the night before you knew the smirk was about everything he had been doing today. Small kisses, touches and never leaving you to rest for even a second.
"Is that what this is?" You asked as you felt his hand slowly slipping down to your ass, grabbing it softly as you resisted the urge to let out a small whine.
"I'm acting needy, as I was instructed," You felt as though you were the one going to come out of this really needy. 
"Want to go shopping? You can help me find something for tonight. I've been instructed to wear white all week." You laughed as you looked at Namjoon, raising your eyebrow as he nodded his head. 
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The two of you stood in the middle of the store, dresses hanging over Namjoom's arms as you headed toward the changing rooms as you grabbed some shoes. You never would have thought one store would have so many plain white dresses inside of them, you figured it would be easy enough to just find one dress for the rest of the week.
"You sure you'll be okay?" You glanced at Namjoon wondering what he meant but he shook his head. You were naked beside a small bra underneath your current dress and he didn't want the trying on of clothes to be uncomfortable for you.
Handing you the dresses he moved to go and sit on the seats just outside of the changing room so he could give his opinion on what you were wearing. 
"First one." You called out as you stepped out from the curtain and walked in front of him. A lace dress, tight-fitted and a little too short for your liking but it had looked great on the mannequin. Brushing the front down you looked at Namjoon who seemed to be blushing a little, you looked beautiful. Namjoon thought you looked beautiful in anything though, even when you were fast asleep and drooling on his chest.
"It looks nice...I love the lace." You turned your back on Namjoon to look in the mirror when he suddenly jumped up and held you from behind. Your eyes widened as you looked at him in the mirror, his eyes wide with fear as he tried to make sure no one was looking over at you both. 
"What?" You asked nervously as he looked at you through the reflection in the mirror.
"You're...You're still not wearing underwear and the dress is-I-It's extremely short." You felt your body heating up and you whined racing back to the changing room to try on the next few dresses. 
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"Oh, babes you look lush!" Lia cried out as you walked through the club with Namjoon on your arm. The two of you stood so close that you looked like a real couple together. You'd gone with a longer lace dress and Namjoon was wearing black jeans and a white shirt combo.
"Right this way VIP's," A bouncer said as he walked you through the crowds of people. Eyes on you as you and Namjoon got allowed into a separate part of the club. Not as loud as the first part but still just loud enough you would have to yell to be heard. It was sectioned off from the rest of the club by glass walls and a glass door, it even had its own private bar.
"Here! Drinks for the future bride and groom!" A bartender cried out as drinks were poured for you all and taken over to a table you would all be sitting at. You laughed a little as Namjoon looked down at you, it felt as though you were being treated like celebrities.
"Did you have fun at the cake tasting?" Rose asked Namjoon as she sat down on the other side of him. The three of you sitting on some white leather sofa and looking at one another. Rose continued watching him as his arms stayed around you, holding you close to him. She had bets on whether or not you had slept together or not yet and she wanted to win, she needed the cash. The trip to Vegas was making her broke.
"We did! You should have been there rose, you would have loved the strawberry," You giggled as you put one leg over Namjoon's and looked at him. He placed his hand on your lower back and bit down on his tongue. Ever since you found out Namjoon grew needy with small touches as well. You had been doing them non-stop.
"Another dare?" Yerin asked as she noticed you both sitting so close to one another. You nodded at her as you reached for your glass,
"We have to be overly couply tonight." You told her casually as you began sipping on the drink in front of him. Humming as though it tasted nice when it had been one of the worst things you had ever put into your mouth. Carefully place it down you looked at Namjoon and told him to try it.
He instantly coughed and hissed in regret as he placed the glass down, doing his best not to have a coughing fit in the middle of the club.
"What is that?!" He practically choked drinking some of the water that happened to be at the table.
"A special concoction we made with the barkeep." Mina giggled as she waved her fingers over at the bar, a short man waving back at her as she blushed.
"It's called the Namjoon and Y/n..." Mina said as she turned back to the pair of you.
"Hen-do, since it was easier." Rose corrected as you looked at the drink and back at them. It was a bright green colour and you stared at them wondering what they could have mixed to get this.
"What's in it?" You questioned a little apprehensively as you watched them.
"Erm...Vodka, a rum, brandy and a dash...Just a dash and Absinthe." Your eyes widened as you put the glass down onto the table and looked at them all. They had to have been joking? It sounded like something that would knock someone out old on the floor.
"You're all insane, that'll kill someone." You moaned looking at the glass and then at Jihyo who stumbled over and laid down on the opposite sofa to yours.
"Hey! I've had seven I am fine!" Jiyho cried out as she looked at you. Shaking on the spot as you nodded sarcastically. 
"Completely fine...Rose," You warned as she stared at Jiyho, agreeing to take her back to the hotel and look after her. There was no way you were going to allow her to stay out when she looked as though she could barely walk in a straight line.
"Can I have a long island iced tea?" You asked the barkeep who had came over to deliver more drinks. He nodded his head and looked at Namjoon wondering what he wanted,
"What's that? It sounds nice," You glanced at Namjoon and sent him a soft smile.
"The best, it's Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Rum and some triple sec," Namjoon nodded and looked to the barkeep.
"Make it two." Namjoon chuckled as he kept his arm around your waist, squeezing softly to bring you closer to his body.
"Do another dare," Yerin whined as the club continued to get louder. Music beginning to blast out of speakers in all four corners of the room. Glancing at Namjoon you smirked a little and pulled out the cards, you both knew that they were going to want to continue the game with you so you made sure to bring them. 
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The two of you were starting to feel the effect of the drinks now and you were lying to yourself if you said it wasn't giving you confidence that came along with it.
"Here, you pick one babe." You handed her the box and kept your leg over Namjoon's. Running your fingers up and down his chest as your core came into contact with his clothed thigh. Namjoon had been bouncing his leg so much you were starting to feel a little needy. Needier than any small touch or innuendo could make you feel. 
"Give your partner a lap dance," The girls oohed and you shrugged it off. It was no big deal, just a small dance. 
"Sure thing," Getting up from the seat you looked and Namjoon and smirked, his legs were spread and you looked at him. Only the two of you knew what was under your dress, or lack thereof.
"You sure?" He questioned not wanting you to do something that would make you feel uncomfortable in any way.
"Only if you're okay with it." He nodded so you smirked, waiting for the song to change before you positioned yourself above his lap. Facing him as you began to grind down against his jeans biting your lip as you stared at him, imagining that it was just the two of you dancing together.
No one else in the room had no idea that you had no underwear on and that Namjoon was blushing so much before he knew that. He knew that right now there was nothing between your core and his cock besides his clothing. His mind wandered to other things, about how he would take you if no one else was there.
"Fuck," He whined as he put his hands on your waist, suddenly feeling himself getting jealous at the men that were staring over at you.
"Just like that baby, keep going." He praised only encouraging your movements as you began to grind faster in time to the music. Letting out a small - unnoticed by anyone but Namjoon - moan as you caught your core against his thigh.
As soon as the music ended he sat you down on his thigh, staring up at you and smirking. Licking his lips a little he watched you closely as you sank down to sit on his thigh.
"Was that a moan?" He questioned as he cupped your face in his hand, turning his thumb along your bottom lip to stop you from biting it. 
"Stop before I bite it," He ordered as you let out a small whimper at the thought of him biting you like that. He bounced his leg and smirked before you glanced over at Yerin who screamed for you to get up and dance with her. You wanted to stay there, you wanted to sit on his thigh and ride just a little, you needed it but Yerin would make you dance.
Namjoon's grip tightened when he saw the men that were with Yerin, he didn't want you to leave his sight. He felt protective over you and maybe it was the bulge in his pants speaking but he didn't want you to go. Not yet at least.
But you did. You left him there to go and dance. Eyes on him the entire time as you bumped and grinded with Yerin in time with the music. Watching you for a while before he finally decided to get up and dance with you himself, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against him.
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"One more?" You teased Namjoon as you looked at him, looking around the hotel lobby as you walked inside of it. The lobby was practically dead since it was so late at night, everyone was either already in bed or still out at clubs. Namjoon looked at you as his hand resting on your ass as he grabbed it a little, humming as he smirked.
"One more dare? You're feeling lucky?" He looked at you as you shook your head, you didn't feel lucky in the slightest but you wanted to have fun and that was way more important.
"I want more fun." You complained, whinging a little as you pulled out the box and stared at him. 
"Together." He said as he ran his fingers along all of the cards, both of you stopping on the same one and smiling. 
"Pull," You pulled it out and turned it around, instantly feeling your body heating up as you read the words that were written across it in black and white.
"There's a pool right?" He questioned with a grin looking at the card as you nodded your head anxiously.
"Come on." The card dropped to the floor as you both rushed towards the elevators, giggling and laughing with one another.
Rose wandered through the reception after getting some food for Jiyho back in the old room you shared and smirked. A single dare card was left on the floor and she picked it up. Reading it out loud to Mina who frowned.
"Skinny dip in the pool?" Rose laughed a little,
"You think that's Y/n and Namjoon?" Mina questioned as she stared at the card, unconvinced that it could have been you. There was no way you would do something like that. You were always the boring one of the group that wanted to be sensible.
"Who else?"
"Well loads of people buy stuff like-" Mina stopped when she saw a glimpse of you and Namjoon rushing to the elevators and smirked. 
"Way to go Y/n," She said in unison with Rose as they both made their way back up to their bedroom for the night.
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"Namjoon...What if someone catches us?" The pool was completely dark beside the lights at the bottom of the water. There wasn't another person in sight thanks to it being on the bottom floor that looked out into the gardens.
"No one is going to know." He chuckled as he began to unbutton the shirt he was wearing in front of you. Your eyes lingering on his chest as he smirked, throwing it onto the ground. 
"I won't look when you undress," He assures you as he kicked off his jeans, your head turning away as he kicked out of his boxers and dove into the water. Hearing the splash you looked back over at him and bit down on your lip deciding that it was now or never.
"It's so nice," He whined as he resurfaced and came up to the top of the water for some air, running his hands through his hair. 
Namjoon glanced up and you were a blur, running and diving into the water, almost screaming at the coldness. 
"I thought you said it was nice!" You yelled splashing him with water as you shivered a little from the freezing cold water.
"It is, you're just being a baby." You splashed him again so he splashed you back, laughing as you tried to swim away from him.
"You can't go back on the dare." He smirked as he watched you swimming to the side of the pool but you shook your head at him.
"I'm not, I'm going to do laps to warm up." You laughed looking at him as he shook his head at you. 
"This is supposed to be fun." He reminded you as he began to swim around in small circles.
"Whopping your ass is fun." You teased him.
"Oh, you think you can win?"
"No," You let out a pout and Namjoon grinned from ear to ear as he looked at you.
"I know I can." You grinned back at him before he swam to your side to join you. Both of you counting down from ten before kicking off and swimming as you both raced to the other end of the pool.
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"I told you I could beat you," You smirked as he swam to your side again, out of breath as he looked down at you. He'd won the first couple of rounds but now he was too exhausted to continue going.
"So you could," He chuckled looking down at you. Both of you were so close you could feel his breath on your skin so you smiled and tapped his chest a little.
"Thank you for doing all of this with me." He frowned, wondering what you could have been thanking him for.
"Going to see the sights, hanging out with my and my friends...I know I said it earlier but this has been the most fun I've had...Ever," He chuckled not believing it, there was no way this was the most fun you had ever had in your life.
"Please, I bet you had fun in Seoul." Namjoon knew first-hand that there was so much to do and see in Seoul no one could ever be bored or not have fun.
"I would go to work and go home...I didn't speak to anyone except the girls and now here I am with a stranger," You laughed looking at him as he smiled brightly. It didn't feel like you were a stranger to him anymore, in fact, he felt closer to you than he had with anyone he'd ever dated.
"I think we know each other more than we did," He said as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest. Neither of you caring that you were both naked under the water.
"We do," You whispered as you looked up at him, feeling the sudden urge to kiss him as passionately as you could.
"I feel like I've gotten to know you a lot," You added on as you stared at him and you did...Minus his real name, you knew everything about him.
"I feel close with you, closer than with anyone else I've met," You looked up at him as he spoke, standing on your tiptoes to try and kiss him. 
Namjoon smirked when he noticed what you were doing and picked you up. Wrapping your legs around his waist as he brought you closer to him. 
"What is it, my needy fiance?" He joked as you looked down at him, arms resting on his shoulders.
"A kiss," You whispered tilting your head to the side and moving your head closer to him,
"I want a kiss," You whispered as you were almost touching. Namjoon smirked as he nodded,
"I need one too." He whispered before leaning forward and connecting your lips. Lips mashing together as you pushed your hands into his hand and pulled his face closer to yours. 
Hearts thumping rapidly as his hands run up and down your back, squeezing your skin and humming against your lips.
Pushing you to the edge of the pool he bit and sucked along your neck as he lifted you up to sit on the side of the pool. Watching you closely as you frowned at him, wondering what he was doing.
"What are you-" Instead of finishing your sentence you rolled your head back and moaned out as he kissed down your body. Spreading your legs with one hand so he could see what had been teasing him all day long. From the moment he'd seen a glimpse in the dress shop he knew he needed to take you.
"Namjoon." You breathed out a little shakily as he ran one finger through your folds, rubbing your clit with his thumb.
"No one is around, relax baby." He smirks knowing just how much you needed this from him. Nodding your head at him Namjoon wasted no time in attaching himself to your dripping cunt. Moaning out as he licked through your folds.
"Fuck! Just like that" You cried out as you rolled your head back and gripped onto the sides of the pool. Moaning out at the noises Namjoon was making. Your toes curled as you felt his tongue move from your entrance to your clit, sucking on it harshly as you cried out.
"Taste so fucking good," He moaned out as he slowly eased one of his fingers into you. Chuckling as you whimpered out, 
"Sensitive," You hissed at him as he continued to push one finger in and out of you, moaning as you clenched down on his finger. He couldn't wait until that was his cock buried deep inside of you.
"Hmm? Sensitive?" He mocked as he picked up the pace of his finger. Buring his face into your cunt as your hips moved against his face needing more.
"Does it feel good?" He questioned when pulled away from you, easing a second finger into you. Your hands moved to your bests, rubbing yourself as pushed his tongue into you.
"Holy fuck!" You screamed out as you pushed your hands into his hair, needing him closer.
"Oh fuck yes, clenching around my tongue, just like that," He moaned out as you felt his moan push you closer to the edge. Eyes rolling back as you continued to rock your hips in time to his movements.
"Namjoon...F-Fuck I need to cum," You begged as he continued to swirl his tongue inside of you, moving away and sucked your clit softly. Eyes darkening as he looked up at you.
"You wanna cum? Do you?" Smirks getting faster and more intense with the thrust of his fingers inside of you. Curling them as you continued to let out loud moans, not caring if someone would hear you or not.
"Those little moans coming from that perfect pretty little mouth of yours," He moaned out in satisfaction, he never wanted you to stop moaning like that for him.
"Hmm, I can't wait to be buried inside of that tight little cunt, you're going to make such pretty little sounds," You clenched around his fingers, head shooting up as you began to ride his fingers faster.
"G-Gonna-" You screamed when a flashlight shone through the pool area, jumping into the pool you whimpered. Your orgasm fading away as your legs began to shake,
"What are you two doing?" A rough voice boomed as he looked over at the pair of you.
"We went for a late-night swim..." Namjoon said as he took control of the situation, sliding you to hide behind him so that you couldn't be seen.
"No one is allowed down here at night, out." Screaming you rushed for Namjoon's shirt, throwing it on and looking at him as he rushed to put on his pants. 
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Racing into the elevator he pushed you against the wall, picking you up and holding you tightly. Two of you dripping from the pool water as he kissed your neck.
"You're so fucking hot," He grunts grabbing your breasts through your shirt, roughly pulling and tugging on your nipples as you let out whimpers of pleasure.
"Fuck Namjoon, please. I was so close." You cried as he ground you down against his cock through his pants. Moaning out loud when you felt how big he was through the pants.
"Dirty little girl, look at you getting it off in the elevator with a stranger," He smirked as he reached between you to rub your clit, your head rolling back against the wall as you felt the build up again. 
"Just like that," You breathed out as your eyes fluttered shut, forgetting you were in the elevator. 
"You like this? Me rubbing your clit while you get off in a public space," Your moans got even louder as Namjon reached into your shirt and pulled your breast out. Sucking on your nipples, biting softly as he continued the movements of his hand.
"Fuck, just don't stop." You begged as you could feel the tension beginning to build up inside of you once again.
"Don't stop? Hmm, you so so close before weren't you? About ready to cum all over my fingers...Pushing my face further into your core, fuck." He grunted when he felt your pussy clenching around nothing. It was beginning to throb from having one ruined orgasm through the night and you were chasing this one. Hips bucking against his touch as you moaned out, 
"Oh look, we're on our floor...Another ruined orgasm for you." Namjoon chuckled darkly as he placed you down on the floor and got out of the elevator, making his way over to your room.
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"Fuck me," You begged as he looked at you, smirking a little as you pushed your hands into his hair. Kissing him hungrily determined to cum for the first time all day. 
"Mine. you're all mine," He growled possessively, pushing you down onto the bed and kissing you deeply. You had no idea where any of it was coming from but you didn't care. If he said that you were his then so be it. 
"I need you." You whispered in his ear, biting down on his neck before rolling you both over. Kissing down his chest towards his pants as you yanked them down from his body. Exposing the cock you had been aching for all night and day. Pussy clenching at the sight of it standing up and flopping back against his abs.
"Jesus, Namjoon." You whispered as your hands carefully reached out to take his cock into your hand. Even with two hands, you were going to struggle to massage every inch of him. Spitting onto the tip of his cock you began to run your hands up and down his shaft, smirking as he let out moans of pleasure. 
"Fuck," His eyes closed as you began to rub him slowly and softly. Just admiring the way his cock looked and felt in your hand, it wasn't too veiny and it was as thick as it was long. 
Namjoon moaned out as you began to swirl your wrists a little around his cock as you licked the slit. Humming at the taste of precum leaking from him.
"U-Use your mouth baby?" He whimpered as he bucked into your hand. Giving you a shy smile as you looked up at him and giggled. 
"O-Oh fuck, that's it." He moaned out as you took his cock into your mouth. Namjoon bucked out of excitement as he looked at his cock disappearing into your mouth. 
"You've got such a good mouth holy fuck." He was gripping onto the sheets as he watched you struggling to take more of him. He was never going to force you but he bit down on his lip.
"You're halfway, you can do it... Slowly...T-That's it, good girl" He practically cried out your name as he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat.
"Fuck that's good," He grunted as you began to bob your head up and down around his shaft. Using one hand to steady yourself on his thigh while the other worked on playing with his balls. 
Loud moans filling the air as he looked at you with pleading eyes. You took him all the way to the back of your throat and he held you there,
"Oh shit, j-just hold it." He begged as his eyes rolled back, you hummed around him watching in amusement as he bucked a little more.
"Such a perfect fucking mouth." He moaned out at you, watching as you took him out from your mouth and began to massage him again. Rubbing the mixture of salvia and precum into his cock, moaning out. You wanted him badly.
"Faster..." He whispered as you continued to rub him, grunting as you picked up the pace. Using both of your hands to twist and rub him quickly enjoying the way he moaned your name.
"S-Shit! Shit! Yes!" He cried out as he looked down at you. 
"You look so beautiful with my cock shoved in the pretty mouth." He watched as you began to leave soft and small licks on the head of his cock right before taking him all of the ways once again.
"F-Fuck! Y/n...I-I'm c-close," You smirked as you felt him getting closer to his release. Pumping what you couldn't fit and massaging his balls right until his cock twitched and you moved away. Dropping all contact as you giggled at him whimpering and whining the way he was.
"Now we've both had ruined orgasms." You smirked pulling off his shirt but Namjoon didn't find you funny. Growling at you he pulled you into his arms from behind and smirked as your legs began to shake a little. He pushed his cock between your thighs and smirked as he began to thrust softly. His shaft just running through your folds as you let out loud moans,
"Look at me, give me that face." He took your face into his hands and turned your head to look up at him. Thrusting his cock through your folds as you stood up together, your head rolling back just a little.
"You're mine. All fucking mine, you know that?" You nodded at him not knowing what to say. All you could think about was how much you needed him.
"Good girl," He praised as he continued thrusting his cock between your thighs, smirking at the way you cried out and buckled whenever he would catch your clit.
"So fucking wet and not because of the water huh?" Smirking as he rubs your clit softly, head rolling back against his shoulders. You couldn't wait anymore, you needed him to be deep inside of you. Ruining you and making you his own.
"Fuck, look at you...You're a mess," Screaming out in pleasure you almost lost it as he softly slapped your clit before rubbing again. The sensitiveness crawling back into you as you clenched your thighs together.
"You're so fucking hot, soaking my cock like that, look at you." He breathed as he began to kiss and suck on your neck.
"Ever since I saw you take off those lace panties this morning I've needed you, fuck I still need you."
"Here, let's give you what you need." He chuckled as he pushed one finger into your cunt, moaning out as you clenched on him.
"Look at that, so fucking tight and it's just one finger." Namjoon hummed as he gets faster, watching you grind down against his hand. 
"You want more? You're riding my hand so well," He smirked,
"Here," Pushing another into you as you moan out even louder, hands gripping onto his arms to stand up straight.
"So desperate for cock, look at you."
"Fuck! Namjoon please!" You begged him as he smirked a little more pulling away from you and taking you back over to the bed.
Carefully laying you down on the bed he looked down at you, spreading your legs and humming at the sight.
"Look at that pretty little pussy" Leaning down he ran his tongue through your folds again but that wasn't what you needed. You wanted him.
"Fuck, let's fill this room with moans." He places the head of his cock at your entrance and slowly pushed into you. Both of you moaning out as his hands gripped your hips.
"Jesus fuck you're so tight" Grunts gripping sheets tightly, not moving until she's adjusted to his size. 
"You're so fucking big," You rocked your hips up and he almost thrust right then and there but he held back. Holding you until he knew you were ready for him.
"Fuck," You whined as you looked at him, reaching between you to try and make him move a little more.
"Gooddamn you feel so good...L-Like it was made for me," You looked at him and smirked, bucking your hips as he began to thrust in and out of you roughly.
Feeling the head of his cock hitting that one spot that made your toes curl and your vision blur you screamed out.
"It belongs to me, right?" Namjoon smirked as he began to rub your clit. Your moans turning into inaudible babbles as you clenched around him. Wrapping your legs around his waist to make him hit into you deeper.
"Say who it belongs to. Say who you belong to." He begged as he looked down at you, biting and sucking on your neck whenever he got the chance.
"You!" You cried out feeling yourself clenching on him,
"Say my fucking name," He ordered making you scream out as you gripped the sheets. How could you say his name when you didn't know it? 
When you said nothing he growled at you, 
"You're fucking mine," Pulling out of you he turned you over onto all fours and pushing into her, as your eyes widened. It hit deeper than before and you could feel him in your gut as you moaned out.
"Let everyone know who you belong to. Scream my fucking name." He ordered as he slapped his hand across your ass, grabbing onto the skin and moaning out as you clenched.
"Say it's mine," He ordered as he pushed deep into you and refused to move until he heard it fall from your lips.
"YOURS! IT'S FUCKING YOURS!" You ached as you throbbed around his cock, begging for him to move inside of you once again,
"My name...M-Moan my name." It came out as a whimper, yet still demanding.
"I don't know it." You whimpered as he smirked. All he did was lean down and push you to lay on your stomach and pushed your legs together, biting your ear.
"Yes, you do." He whispered as he thrust into you. The sudden tightness of your legs made your head spin as he thrust into you.
"N-Namjoon? T-That's your name?" Nodding as he thrusts softly into you, not wanting to ruin you until you agreed to scream his name.
"Now let everyone fucking know who this pussy belongs to. Say it's mine!" He barked as he suddenly pulled all of the ways out of you until nothing but the head of his cock with inside of you. Slamming back into you making you cry out in unimaginable pleasure. The feeling was indescribable as you felt him deeper than anyone had ever gotten before.
"ITS NAMJOONS! F-Fuck! I'm Namjoons! It's yours! I belong to you!" Your hands gripped the sheets so hard you were worried if they were going to rip but you didn't care. All you cared about was Namjoon deep inside of you.
"Your moans are so pretty...Taking me so well." He praised as he continued to thrust into you, rubbing your ass softly as you begged for him to move faster. Feeling yourself getting closer to your release as you glanced over your shoulder at him.
"F-Faster Namjoon." You begged as your face contoured.
"Oh princess, you can't get enough? So greedy," He moaned out a she felt you clench around him on purpose. Grunting as he nodded his head,
"Fuck! Please Namjon!"
"Since you asked so nicely." He cried out. Pinning your hips down into the bed as he began to ruthlessly thrust in and out of you at a brutal pace. 
"You feel so good." Looks down and watching the way he would slide in and out of you.
"Watching my cock slip and out of you makes me want to cum." Smirking at him you nodded, wanting to feel him cum deep inside of you.
"Do it! F-Fuck fill me up, please Namjoon," The sudden neediness in your voice threw him off his movements as he slowed down just a little. Still fucking into you as he moaned out,
"You want me to fill you up?" He questioned a little unsure but you nodded eagerly at him.
"Yes! Please, I-I'm on the pill." The please almost made him cum right then and there as he looked at you with loving eyes.
"Tell me you want it." He whispered watching you as you whined out at him in protest. 
"Tell me how much you want this hot load inside of that perfect little cunt." He was the one doing the begging this time and it only turned you on more. Rubbing your clit as you looked at him,
"Please! Please cum inside of me Namjoon!" You gripped onto his cock as you clenched, eyes rolling back as you could feel your orgasm about to hit you.
"Fuck I can feel your pussy gripping me." He grunts as he holds you tightly, leaning down so he'd almost laid right on top of you. His thrust getting faster as you cried out his name.
"Namjoon I'm going to cum." You warned him as you felt him biting down on your shoulder,
"You can cum baby, you can cum, go on." He urged as he felt you clenching uncontrollably around him moaning out his name.
"C-Cumming! Fuck cumming!" You screamed as the knot inside of you snapped and you cried out his name loudly. Feeling his thrusts become sloppier as he came into you, holding himself deep inside of you.
Applying cream to your ass and smiling at you Namjoon cuddled you into his arms. Laying your head on his naked chest as he covered you up with a blanket.
"Hmm?" He said as he turned to look at you, you looked unbelievably tired and yet adorable all at the same time.
"Will you be my plus one to Jae-ah's wedding?" He looked at you a little confused. He thought this was just going to be the week of partying, he never thought you would ask him to the wedding.
"Please...I know i's a little last minute but I want you to be there." You whispered as he nodded his head,
"I'll be there," He whispered to you as he leaned down to kiss your lips softly. 
"Of course I'll be there." He whispered again as you both got comfortable on the bed together. Your mind racing and then remembering what he had said about Namjoon being his real name. The thought alone made you giggle.
"So Namjoon is our name huh?" He laughs softly looking down at you as he nodded. 
"Talk about fate." He whispered before kissing the edge of your lips softly.
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"I'm surprised you can still walk," Namjoon whispered in your ear as you stood at the back of the room. Waiting for Jae-ah to come out so you could get the show on the road. Your back shivered as you watched Namjoon stand beside you, running his hands up and down your back.
"Four days in a hotel room with just us to, fuck I'm surprised too." You giggled as you stood together, straightening his suit a little, the rented Tux was going a long way that week. You'd faked a wedding night together, gone to dinner with him in it and then fucked everywhere you could in the hotel room.
"We used this tux a lot, does it look okay?" He raised his eyebrow at you as he smirked, he knew what he was doing to you. Putting images of the previous nights you had spent together. Your legs squeezed together as if that was going to do anything for the achiness between your thighs. Your eyes shut for a moment remembering everything you had done together, fucking up against the window, the hot tub, the bathtub, the shower...Anywhere he could get you. You couldn't get enough of one another. Then there were the sweet cuddles afterwards, you were inseparable.
"I wonder if Jae-Ah knows you've been staying out." He smirks in your ear as he runs his hand down to your ass, giving it a small squeeze.
"She knows," Jae-ah smirked as she looked at you. Your mouth dropped open as you looked at her gown. A floor-length ball gown that had a silk lilac band around the waist to match your lilac A-Line dress that she had picked out months ago for you. Her hair was curled and pinned perfectly with butterfly pins, it looked as though she had just stepped out of a fairytale book. Hugging her softly you smiled telling her how much you had missed her but she wasn't interested in that. Jae-ah was interested in the two of you after hearing all of the stories.
"You look almost like a real couple," Jae-ah cooed as she watched the two of you, Namjoon's arm around your waist as he held you as close to him as possible. You weren't going to tell her on your wedding day that you had made a connection with someone, this was going to be her day
"Rose has told me everything but I want more details later." She ordered as the music began to play which meant it was time for her to start walking. Her father came over and smiled, 
"I mean it, I want to know everything." She whispered before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and straightened her dress.
Namjoon and you hooked hands as you began to get ready to walk down the aisle together. The Church was filled with all of Jae-ah's family and Josh's family and everyone was watching Jae-Ah walk down the aisle but you knew the girls would be watching you. Namjoon gave your hand a squeeze to signal it was time to walk and you smiled beginning to walk and hoping you didn't fall flat on your face in front of everyone.
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Sitting in the first pew Namjoon kept his arms around you, holding you close to him, fingers running up and down your arms whenever he had the chance. If his arms weren't around you they were on you. Holding your hand, kissing you whenever the priest or Jae-Ah said something cute. 
"Look at that, young love." You had someone whisper in the row behind you. Throughout the ceremony, you could feel eyes on you or hear whispers about you.
"It's cute, I always thought Y/n would be alone." Namjoon pressed a kiss on your cheek to prove a point of you not being alone. Something you had been dreading for a while but now it was a distant memory, all you needed was Namjoon.
"You can see how much he cares, look at the way he's watching her instead of the wedding," Glancing to Namjoon he stared at you while blushing, making you giggle a little. Snuggling into Namjoon you drowned everything else around you out, not wanting to hear anything other than the wedding and Namjoon. Your mind went back to what he had been saying that morning. Hands all over your body, leaving kisses wherever he could leave them. Neither of you had wanted to leave the hotel room but you had to and even when you did his hands were all over. Never giving you a moment of peace - not that you wanted him to. 
"Namjoon," You whined when he pushed his hand onto your thigh, rubbing softly as he massaged your skin.
"We're in the house of jesus," You whimpered as he chuckled a little, rubbing a little higher.
"He's not watching,"
"No, but people behind us are." He pouted a little and shook his head at you,
"I miss you."
"You had me this morning." You reminded him as you glanced at Jae-ah who was beginning to give her vows.
"You don't miss me? Buried deep inside of you?" His breath caught on your ear and you closed your eyes, squeezing your legs together at the thought of him.
"Fuck.Yes. B-But shh," notices at him you continued letting him run his hands up and down your back as you watched your best friend marrying the love of her life.
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The after-party was being held in the hotel you had all been staying in. A private bar for everyone to attend to with a large dance floor for you all to let loose and have some fun. 
"She looks happy," Namjoon whispered to you as he looked over at Jae-ah and Josh. Dancing together as their first dance together, her head resting on his chest while he pressed her close to him. 
"They've known each other long enough...I once threatened that if he didn't propose before she was 30 I would." You laughed watching as she glanced over at you and blew you a kiss.
"You would?" Namjoon questioned a little surprised.
"Totally," You laughed as you remembered writing it down and signing it along with Jae-ah.
"But then how would you find the love of your life?" Glancing to Namjoon you shrugged your shoulders,
"I would have Jae-ah." You laugh making your way over to the bar and giggling as Namjoon watched you. 
"Can I have two long island iced teas?" You paid for the drinks and a guy walked up behind you and grabbed your ass. 
"Fuck, look at you. Sex on legs." You stepped away from the guy moving away and shaking your head at whoever the guy was. You'd never seen him before and he wasn't a relative of Jae-ah's.
"I don't know you, please don't." You were polite enough about it but he shook his head and stepped closer to you, the stench of alcohol dripping from him.
"Come on now, I'm only playing. Can you just have some fun?!" He reached for your ass again but Namjoon grabbed his wrist and twisted it a litte. Not enough to hurt him but enough to apply enough pressure to warn him about leaving you alone.
"She has enough fun with me." Smiling up at Namjoon you asked him to stop but his grip stayed locked around the man's wrist as he whimpered. Gaining the attention of other guests who were beginning to turn and look at him. 
"Bro, chill. It was just a small touch." The drunk stuttered as he held his wrist, trying to get away from Namjoon.
"Touch her again and it'll be the last thing you do." He barked, finally releasing the guy and letting him walk away, Namjoon turned to you as he collected the drinks.
"Protective just like a real boyfriend," Jae-ah whispered in your ear as she smirked, it was clear that she knew something was going on but not exactly what it was.
"What?" You played dumb, looking at her as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder.
"You think I don't see the way he stares at you? We all see it," She informed you as you looked down at the floor, shaking your head.
"You're seeing things." Scoffing at you she rubbed the back of your neck softly.
"Namjoon has the hots for you and you have them for him. That love bite on his neck is very telling." She giggled as Namjoon began to make his way over to you both,
"Jae-ahhh." You whined, dragging out her name when you saw the love bite to which she was referring. One you had given to him that morning before leaving the hotel to get to the church.
"Don't Jae-ahhh me, I want details! I thought this was all some fake thing! Do the girls know?!" You rolled your eyes, turning to face her with a serious look on your face. All of this was new to you and you didn't know what was going to happen with Namjoon yet.
"No...Yes...I don't know, but please...Please don't say anything. it's been such a nice thing being in a world of our own." She touched your cheek and nodded, she could see how much all of it meant to you so she was going to keep her mouth zipped.
"I won't say a word, promise."
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Namjoon had his arms wrapped around your waist. It was almost 11 at night, pitch black inside of the bar beside the disco lights and Namjoon was getting handsy again. Maybe it had been the drinks you'd been having together or the fact that it was a wedding but you were enjoying it.
"You're so needy," You whispered as he spun you into his arms, swaying with you on the dance floor in time to the slow music that was playing.
"Do you blame me?" He whispered in your ear as he left a small and gentle kiss on your neck.
"No...I'm needy for you too." You admitted you had been all day and night but now it was finally quiet enough for you both to sneak off somewhere and be alone.
"Yeah...What do you want?" You whimpered as he turned you around. Standing behind you as he swayed from side to side, pushing his hard cock against your ass as he whined.
"I want to mark you, spank your ass, tie you up and cum deep inside of that perfect little pussy so much that it overflows. Bring you back out here and dance until someone noticies my cum dripping from your perfect little cunt.” Your legs buckled and he smirked knowing just what his words did to you. 
"The cookie crumbles, look at you all needy do you need me buried inside of the cunt? Were the last four days of us and the hotel room not enough? You need more?” All you wanted to do was scream yes and make him fuck you right there and then but he kept going, running his hand over your breasts.
 “I want to eat you out until you’re screaming my name until you have a sore throat and can’t speak a word to anyone. Until my name is the only thing the rest of the hotel knows.," Hands gripping him tightly as you turned to look up at him, mouth-watering at the thought of it. 
"Think we can make it to the hotel room?" He quizzed as you shook your head, 
"Take me in the bathroom." Your ordered as you began dragging him in the direction of the bathrooms you had passed earlier that night.
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The two of you had been making out in the bathroom when he suddenly put you onto the bathroom counter, hiking your dress up to see you weren't wearing underwear. Once again.
"Fuck look at you." Smirking you slowly began to spread your legs for him to see and he whined pushing one finger into making your head roll back against the mirror.
"Always so tight and ready for me," Hums as he pushes his finger further into you, curling it at that one spot that made your head spin.
"You love my fingers, don't you? You want more." You shook your head at him, that wasn't what you needed at all.
"No? What do you want." He chuckled a little in surprise as you pulled him closer to you, running your hands up to his face and touching his lips.
"Your mouth."
"My mouth?" He chuckled as he realised what you were trying to get at.
"How about you ride my face, princess?" He smirked looking at you as he laid you down on the floor, pussy clenching around nothing as you watch him get ready for you.
"Come on baby, come and ride my face." You practically rushed over to him, hovering above him a little. A little scared to ride his face the way he wanted you to, it wasn't something you had done before only seen in movies.
"Straddle my face baby girl," Whimpering you straddled his face and he pulled you down to rest on his face, wanting this to feel as good as possible for you. Your head rolled back and your hands clenched his thighs as you screamed out his name when he pushed his tongue into your entrance. Wasting no time in teasing you as he ate you out as though you were the only meal he'd had in months. 
"Oh shit look how hard you are." Giggling a little you took him out of his pants and began pumping him before putting him in your mouth, sucking the tip as you moaned around him. His tongue working wonders all over your cunt as you gripped his thigh. 
"Oh shit," You cried out as your hips bucked against him, feeling yourself getting closer as the band inside of you tightened. As you tried to get up Namjoon growled and forced you down onto his tongue. Circling and swirling inside of you as he pulled away for just a second.
"Cum, cum on my face," Whimpering at him you didn't know if he was sure about that.
"You want me to cum on your face?"
"I want you to cum on my face," All he did was grip you tighter and pushed his tongue back into your dripping core. Screaming his name out your thighs clamped around him whimpering and bucking against his face.
"Shit! Namjoon! Holy fuck!" Your hands slapped his thighs as you shook your head, feeling the knot finally snap as you came around his tongue, screaming his name for anyone walking by to hear. 
"Come here," He smirked as he bent you over the counter you had originally been sitting on, making you look at yourself in the mirror as he smirked at you from behind. 
"Such a pretty little pussy," He moaned as he ran the tip of his cock through your folds, humming as he watched the way he sank into you. 
"T-That's it, baby, suck me in." He grunted snapping his hips into you as you gripped onto the sides of the counter.
"Shit," You glance at him as he thrusts into you, a devilish smirk played on his lips as you lifted one of your legs up onto the counter to let him hit deeper.
"Just like that!" You cried out as your hand stretched out to grip onto something, hitting against the mirror as you watched him fucking you. A small red blush on his cheeks as he continued to watch the way his cock disappeared into your core,
"Fuck I can never get enough of this, you just suck my cock in like it belongs to you." You moaned out as you rolled your hips back to meet him.
"It does! It belongs to me and I belong to you!" Slapping and grabbing your ass Namjoon began rolling your hips faster against him. 
"You like that?" He chuckled when he felt you clenching around him, another slap on the ass as you cried out his name. Nodding furiously as he began to thrust relentlessly into you.
"Yes! Don't stop!" You didn't care who heard, all you cared about was the building pressure in your stomach as you felt the familiar feeling of your orgasm fast approaching. Namjoon hummed as he began to suck on your neck, biting and sucking wherever he could.
"You like when I suck on your neck, don't you? When I bite so hard you clench around my fucking cock," Your eyes fluttered shut as you listened to every word he said,
"Shit Namjoon!" You moaned out as he reached down between you to rub your clit for you. Hands fumbling to find something sound to grip onto.
"Who own's you? Who do you belong to?" Grinning from ear to ear you glanced at him in the mirror. His favourite thing to hear was that you belonged to him,
"You!" The thing he hated most was when you didn't moan out his name.
"Say my name." He smirks thrusting harder and faster into you as he stared at you in the eyes, fucking rougher into you.
"You're fucking mine, my girl, my princess, my- f-fuck! Fuck- you're mine." Moaning out at his small whimpers you nodded, bucking back against him wanting to feel the tension snap inside of you.
"I'm yours! I'm all yours! Namjoon! Fuck!" You screamed out as he watched you in the mirror. 
"You wanna cum? Right in here when anyone could walk in." Whining at him you nodded your head over and over again, desperate to feel the familiar sensation of cumming for him.
"Fuck. please Namjoon let me cum!" You begged with pleading eyes, crying out as he slapped and grabbed your ass, rocking himself faster into you as he nodded.
"G-Good girl, begging like that for me." He praised as you clenched around him, toes curling as you felt the pressure beginning to build.
"N-Namjoon." You warned as you glanced over at him,
"Mmm, you're dripping down my fucking cock and all over the floor, You want it?" You knew he was asking if you wanted him to cum inside and you begged him once again.
"Need it. I need you to fill me up...Please," 
"Please?" He chuckled a little and you whimpered at him, ready to scream and plead for him to fill you up if that was what it took.
"Just fucking do it! F-Fill me up with your cum I need to feel it. Don't you dare stop until I feel it dripping it out of me!" Smirking at your orders he nodded as he began to fuck harder and faster into you. Hitting your tipping point as your legs began shaking and you screamed his name out, cumming around him but he continued to fuck into you.
"S-Shit," He grunted pushing as deep as possible into you until he finished cumming into you. Giggling you felt his cum dripping out of you and down your thighs, the best part was whenever he came inside of you.
"I don't wanna move." You whispered to him, keeping your hands pressed on his ass to stop him from moving away from you.
"You have a party go finish." He reminded you as he kissed your neck sweetly where he had been biting and sucking harshly.
"I want to go back to our hotel room and never leave, ever again." As amazing as that sounded to Namjoon he couldn't let you do that, this was your last night here.
"It's your last night in vegas...Let's go have a couple of drinks and then I'll take you to the room...Promise." You pouted at him as you realised he was going to make you socialise some more.
"Promise?" He nods and they head out to go and have some more drinks.
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A couple of  drinks turned into too many drinks and you were all over the place, stumbling and giggling whenever Namjoon spoke to you. You'd lost the ability to walk straight and that wasn't because of your antics in the bedroom. Jae-ah had been filling you up with as many drinks as she could thinking it would get the information out of you that she wanted but it didn't happen. You closed up and cuddled closer to Namjoon, the effects of the alcohol turning you into a cuddling teddy bear.
"Will you be okay with her?" An elderly woman asked as Namjoon picked you up bridal style and got ready to take you to the elevators. It was time for you to get to bed and everyone was worried you were too far gone to get some decent sleep.
"Perfect, I'll make sure she's okay." He promised as he stepped into the elevator, chuckling as you pulled him into a sloppy kiss, biting his ear.
"Fuck! Take me back, t-take me back to the hotel room and fuck me." You begged over and over again in his ear all the ride home to the honeymoon suite.
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Changing you out of your dress he put his shirt on you, the one you had met in and then he sat you up not wanting you to choke on your own tongue.
"Drink some of this." He chuckled as you swayed on the spot, watching as he gave you a glass of water. Carefully you began sipping the water he gave you and he laughed a little. 
"I'm not even that drunk," You said as you tried to stay as still as possible, only to almost fall and drop the water onto the floor beside the bed.
"Hmm-mm." Namjoon chuckled as he sat down in front of you and gave you some food and water before going over to the makeup counter. Grabbing makeup wipes and micellar water, he'd watched you do this the other night so he knew what he had to do.
"Stay still." He starts rubbing off your make-up, taking off lashes and then smiling as you smiled at him. Looking him in the eyes as you continued to just watch him,
"You have really pretty eyes." You hiccuped as he smiled, blushing a little as he looked back at you.
"Thank you, you do too," He whispered as he began wiping off the lipstick you had been wearing,
"You're handsome." You whispered, not understanding why you were suddenly whispering but continued to do so anyway.
"Thank you." He laughed again, putting the wipes into the bin and joining you back on the bed.
"You know...I thought I would never find someone I truly click with and I'm glad I found you." Namjoon began to take off your necklaces and then your rings, sliding off the fake engagement ring and putting it onto his bedside counter.
"No?" He questioned a little sad that you never thought you could find someone.
"I thought I would die alone." Namjoon carefully began to lay you down and you snuggled into the sheets, taking in a big deep breath and smiling uncontrollably.
"Smells like you." Namjoon stopped himself from laughing as you began sniffing the shirt you were wearing.
"That's because it's my shirt."
"Can I keep it?" Watching the way your eyes fluttered shut and you clutched the shirt he nodded,
"I want to wear it home on my flight...Always smell of you." You whispered as he began to get into the bed beside you, laying your head on his chest.
"Sure thing baby, you wear it." Chuckling he added another blanket over you not want you to get too cold in the middle of the night.
"Hey, Namjoon?" You looked at him even though your eyes were closed and he looked back at you, running his hand over your face.
"I really like you...A lot, I think I might even love you." Biting his lip he smiled,
"That would be sweet if you weren't drooling over yourself." Getting up from the bed he rushed to get you a bin to put beside the bed for the morning or in the night in case you got sick. When he came back in you were cuddled into the sheets,
"Hey, Y/n?"
"Hmm?" You rolled over to the sound of his voice and he smiled.
"I think I might love you too." When you said nothing he frowned and moved closer to you, shaking his head when he realised that you were sound asleep.
"Cute." Sitting in the bed beside you he watched you, making sure you didn't get sick in your sleep and he waited all night. Holding you and comforting you while he played with the ring in his hand.
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Moaning as you rolled over you whined when you saw Namjoon missing, you sat up and looked around for him anxiously. You were dressed in one of his shirts and there was the fresh smell of his aftershave in the air.
"Joonie?" You called out, turning to look over at the other side of the room when you heard Namjoon's voice.
"I'm here," Laying back down in the bed you rolled onto your other side you saw Namjoon bringing in room service on a tray with lots of bottled water. Your mouth was beyond dry from the alcohol you had been drinking before so you smiled at him.
"I got a huge fatty breakfast to soak up all of the alcohol." He pointed at you as you giggled, pulling back the sheets so he could come and join you in the bed.
"Fuck, you're amazing." Sitting up carefully he looked at you and handed you some painkillers, as well as a carbonated drink telling you that it would help get your sugar levels back up.
"I know which is why we're not leaving this bed." He chuckled as he sat down on the bed and carefully put the tray of food on his lap. Feeding you carefully as you watched him closely.
"Would it be weird if I said I didn't want to leave you?" You questioned as he shook his head,
"No. Would it be weird if I said I didn't want you to go?" Smiling in relief that the feeling was mutual you turned to look at him and shook your head.
"No." Everything inside of you wanted you to stay right there with Namjoon, to never go home to your old life ever again.
"Tell me more about your life...I want to know everything." You whispered as he began to feed you some more of the food from the plate. Making sure you were feeding him as well.
"Yeah...Are you a dog or a cat person? Favourite colour? Icecream?" Small basic things that you didn't know about him, you knew everything important but you didn't know small things people would get to know about one another over the first date.
"Hm. Dogs white and vanilla." Scoffing at him you began shaking your head, there was no way he liked vanilla.
"Vanilla!? Thats' s fucking boring," You cried out as he pushed some toast into your mouth, staring at you in surprise.
"Boring?!" He acted offended, hand over his chest as he ignored you.
"Yeah! Who likes just vanilla?" You mumbled at him, shaking your head over and over again.
"Me!" He laughs and shakes his head back at you, going back to telling you everything about his life back home.
"There isn't much...I'm not married, I don't have kids...I flew to Vegas on a whim with the boys and met someone I care deeply about." With a mouth full of food you looked up at him, you swallowed everything and teared up. 
"You did?"
"I did." He whispered before you pushed him into the mattress and began to kiss him desperately, hands rushing into his hair as he pushed the covers off you both and turned you around. Carefully laying you down onto the bed before he kissed your neck, unbuttoning each and every button slowly on your shirt.
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In the midst of getting everything ready, you completely forgot to exchange socials or numbers with Namjoon. The number of your plane was being called and Rose was screaming for you to leave. It wasn't as though you had been in a huge rush that morning but being with Namjoon it slipped your mind. Forgetting that you didn't know one another outside of Las Vegas.
"I have to go." You whispered as you heard Rose screaming from the terminal where the stewardesses were waiting. You were one of the last people boarding and they were ready to leave. 
"I'll miss you," Namjoon whispered as he kissed you softly, holding your face in his hand which only made you want to stay more but he couldn't stop himself.
"Namjoon-" You whimpered feeling yourself begin to tear up as you stared at him, Rose storming over to you.
"I know," He whispers kissing you softly once again, he knew you were going to say it and he wanted to beat you to it.
"I love you too." Winking at you you shook your head and began to cry. Pushing your forehead against his and whimpering. You didn't want to leave. You wanted to hold him. Kiss him. Never leave him. 
"Y/n! We're going to miss the flight," Rose said from behind you as she took your hand in hers trying to pull you,
"You should go." She whispered not wanting to be mean to you since you clearly wanted to say goodbye.
"I don't want to."
"Our paths will cross again one day," Namjoon whispered as he began to watch you. Crying heavily Rose dragged you down the terminal crying and sobbing into your hands as you try to yell out your number to Namjoon when the doors slam. Making you whimper harder as you were directed back to your seat.
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"You've been mopping around here for months. I'm sick of it." Rose mumbled as she watched you staring at the sandwich in front of you. Wearing Namjoon's shirt, you'd washed it and worn it so much it no longer smelt like him but you weren't yourself anymore. You didn't go out to girls nights, you stopped working as much overtime. You weren't yourself anymore and Rose was done pussy-footing around you like Jae-ah had been doing. Everyone was being so sweet and understanding but she was done, you had to get over yourself.
"Rose-" Jae-ah warned, watching as Rose shook her head and threw her hands up in defeat.
"No. She's being pathetic. Just because he gave you a good dicking doesn't-" Finally having enough of her calling Namjoon nothing more than a dick in you stood up suddenly.
"Shut up! You don't get it, Just because you wouldn't know true love if it slapped you in the face!" You screamed out only for Rose to laugh in your face.
"True love?! Are you fucking dumb?! He used you, he saw you as an easy lay and used you." She repeated over and over again as you shook your head, walking away from her as you made your way out of Jae-ah's house.
"No! You don't get to say that to me," Jae-ah watched as Rose began to chase after you and she had enough. Rubbing her baby bump she shook her head at her friend,
"She's depressing! All she does is cry around all day whimpering and moaning about how she's lost him and I've had enough of it."
"Rose!" Jae-ah screamed again finally losing it,
"No. Don't fucking Rose me I'm done. If you want to stick around and let her be a pathetic little girl then be my guest but I'm not going to pity her!" You appeared back in the room and stared at Rose, she was supposed to be one of your friends and yet she was saying all of this about you.
"Namjoon cares about me!"
"Then where is he?! Huh?! He knows where you live, he knows what school you work in and he hasn't tried to contact you in four months? Sounds like he truly cares." Yelling at her you grabbed a plate and smashed it onto the floor, rushing out to the porch as you collapsed onto the stairs, crying into your hands.
"Well done Rose. Well done. Jealous much?!" Jae-ah yelled before rushing out after you.
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"Leave me alone Jae-Ah, I don't want to hear about Rose is just stressed and hormonal because she's knocked up." You mumbled sitting on the porch swing and wiping the tears away from your cheeks. 
"I was going to say let's go out tonight...Just me and you." You looked at her, it would be the first time either of you got to be alone together in a while.
"Just me and you?" You questioned a little unsure and she nodded her head.
"Girls Night, a quiet meal...Then e can go to your place and have a movie night...Like the old days?" The offer sounded perfect for you, something nice and calm just the two of you.
"Sure...That would be great."
"Good...Go home and shower..." She ordered helping you up as she watched you heading towards your car.
"Hey Y/n...Do me a favour?... Don't wear that shirt to dinner...Let's dress up fancy." Nodding you leave and head home to your apartment, ready to find the fanciest thing you owned.
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Sitting at the table you watched as a waiter came over and dropped off a card that was from Jae-ah. Her scribbling hand writing written on the back of some cute note.
I knew you would only say no if I asked. Please don't be mad at me. Enjoy the blind date.
Screwing up the note you were about to stand up when someone placed their hands on the table in front of you from behind you. Their body pressed against the back of your chair as they began bending down to whisper in your ear. 
"Our paths have crossed again." Shivering you looked up and resisted the urge to kiss him dramatically as he sat down in front of you. Gasping not believing that he was really sitting there across from you at the table, tears threatened to spill.
"When? How did you- When did you?" There were so many questions you wanted to ask but you didn't know where to start.
"I've lived in Seoul most of my life...Your friend, Jae-Ah...She contacted me to tell me how much you missed me-" Picking up a bread roll you shook your head and threw it at his head, laughing as it bounced off and landed back onto the table.
"I missed you too." He whispered as he stretched his hand out on the table and took your hand into his, you smiled feeling his hands on yours. Never wanting to let go of him ever again.
"Four months." You reminded him of how much time had passed and he nodded his head, 
"I never want to be away from you for that long ever again." Namjoon breathed out finally feeling as though he was home again for the first time in months. The amount of pain he had felt by not chasing after you killed him but he didn't know if you wanted that, he knew you had both said you loved one another but he was unsure of everything.
"Then don't ever leave me again." You whispered as he kissed the top of your hand.
"You left me." He teased playfully as you waved your hands at him and shook your head.
"Shh...Details details." Giggling at him he shook his head and reached into his pocket. Looking at you as he pulled out the ring he'd taken from you the night you'd gotten wasted and you gasped. The fake engagement ring in hand he smiled at you, 
"Another fake engagement for a little fun?" You questioned as you frowned looking at it when he suddenly dropped down onto one knee, taking your hand in his and smiling.
"Just one engagement...Just for real this time...I've never made a connection with someone like you before and I need you in my life."
"You do?"
"Yes. I need you around, being away from you was complete and utter torture...I can't do that again and we don't have to marry right away we can just wait and stay engaged-" Namjoon was suddenly cut off as you dropped to the floor in front of him and began to kiss him over and over again. Humming and moaning a yes against his lips.
"I'll marry you, Fuck yes. I'll marry you." Slides the fake ring onto your finger, smiling at the small ring as you looked at it. You didn't care that it was fake. The love was real.
"We're really doing this?" You questioned as he looked at you, nodding his head at you.
"We're really going to do this," He smiled as he looked down at the ring on your finger, both of you smiling and thanking those who were congratulating you in the restaurant.
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"And that ladies and gentlemen is how I managed to get them together," Jae-ah laughed as she looked over at the tables at your wedding reception. She'd given the epic tale of your love, minus the whole sex charade and embarrassing moments from your parents and young listeners. She hadn't missed a single detail, right down to the fake ring,
"Was the engagement ring fake?" You held up your hand to your cousin who had asked and nodded, the ring you wore as the engagement ring is still fake you didn't want to remove it. It was something special to the two of you.
 "Still is, but the wedding band is real." Namjoon answered as he chuckled softly, kissing your hand as your auntie stood up and looked at you both.
"Will you get a real one?" The two of you exchanged looks before shaking your heads and smiling at one another.
"Fake one is perfect." You whispered before kissing your husband softly, running your hands over his cheek as he chuckled softly.
"This is why I am the maid of honour and will be a godmother if they have kids." Everyone cheers and raising their glasses to you as Jae-ah smiled at you,
"I wish them eternal happiness in this life and many more." Repeating the words back to you and Namjoon the room cheered and toasted to your new and happy life together.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @taestannie​ @sweeneyblake​ @agustdjoon​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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stardustprompts · 3 years
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dark rise  -  c.s pacat  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying  tw :   death ,  murder
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‘kill me. (name), please. if you ever felt anything for me.’
‘you’ve never really lived at all.’
‘you think I felt something for you? you’ve forgotten who I am.’
‘you shouldn’t have come back here.’
‘none of us are safe. but I think you know that better than any of us. don’t you?’
‘not all that is written has passed, and not all that has passed is written.’
‘everyone who had ever helped me is dead. I didn’t want that to happen to you.’
‘I couldn’t run from what was part of me. neither can you.’
‘no one knows what you are except you.’
‘it feels familiar to you, doesn’t it? as if you’ve been here before.’
‘you may come to wish you had never sought the truth.’
‘dark times lie ahead. but even in the darkest night, there is a star.’
‘kindness is never a mistake. somewhere in the heart it is always remembered.’
‘outside, the world sleeps like an innocent who is not afraid of the dark. but in here we remember. what has come before will come again.’
‘you’re not ready. but which of us is ready for what life asks us to face?’
‘we don’t choose the moment. the moment comes whether we will it or no, and we must make ourselves ready.’
‘i’m just walking. or isn’t that allowed?’
‘whatever you’re hiding, i’m going to find it out.’
‘even those that think themselves powerless can fight with small acts. kindness. compassion.’
‘when the past is forgotten, then it can return. only those who remember have the chance to stave it off.’
‘the dark is never truly gone; it only waits for the world to forget, so that it may rise again.’
‘will you fight with strength, or compassion? will you kill, or show mercy?’
‘I will watch for you, and you for me, and we will fight the darkness for each other.’
‘there’s something you’re not telling me.’
‘time is short. enjoy these moments of high spirits while you can.’
‘you have a habit of being in places that you don’t belong.’
‘we didn’t have much, but we had each other. we were family.’
‘would you go back to that? to not knowing?’
‘better a lion than a lamb to the slaughter.’
‘you’ve been kind. kinder than I thought. you shouldn’t be part of this.’
‘it’s all right. you’re safe. you’re home.’
‘I thought you’d died. I kept replaying the attack, trying to imagine a way that you’d survived.’
‘the only good thing you ever did was leave. but you were too selfish to stay away.’
‘you’ve got a head full of intrigue. you think there’s a spy behind every curtain and a dagger in every sleeve.’
‘they think that I’ve got bad blood. that I’m destined to serve the dark.’
‘I don’t care what they say. you’re good and you’re true. whatever happens, I won’t let them hurt you.’
‘if you’re lying, I suppose you’ll kill me. but for even the smallest chance that you’re telling the truth, I’ll take that risk.’
‘it has to be me. you know that.’
‘I think he wants you because you were the jewel in another man’s crown.’
‘I think what people were is less important than what they are. and what people are is less important than what they could be.’
‘you’re not what I expected.’
‘fathers hold a lot of sway over their sons.’
‘no one else has ever asked me that.’
‘we pay a terrible price. we do it because we must. it’s the only way we can fight.’
‘you show me the kind of compassion that I did not show to you.’
‘(name) was never afraid to die. it’s the half life he feared.’
‘I came for you. maybe at first I thought—- but the moment I saw you, it was like nothing else mattered.’
‘you can’t stay here. if (name) learns what happened—- if he thinks you’re connected to me—-’
‘at the first sign that something is wrong, run. don’t stay as the warnings pile up, telling yourself that (name) is a good man.’
‘let me go. I have to—- have to help them. let me go—-‘
‘listen to me. listen. we don’t know who did this. they might still be here. we’re in danger.’
‘I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.’
‘I told you that there was more than one way to fight. I hope you remember that, when you make your choice. I hope you remember me.’
‘I wish I could give you comfort … instead I must ask one more thing of you.’
‘you didn’t do this. you don’t carry the blame.’
‘you’re not alone.’
‘this is not our darkest hour. that is still yet to come.’
‘they’re not like that. you twist everything.’
‘you’re like me. we’re the same. you’re more like me than you’re like them. it’s in your blood.’
‘you’ll betray every person you love to serve him.’
‘you were there. did you hear them die? did you watch?’
‘he’s been in love with me since we were eleven. don’t tell me you didn’t know that.’
‘well he’s dead. they’re all dead. because of you.’
‘I keep my promises. i’m loyal to my friends. I told you.’
‘that’s how his objects work. you think you’re using it, when it’s the one using you.’
‘I couldn’t do this without you.’
‘my mother spent her whole life running.’
‘i’m sorry. if it weren’t for me, you’d still have that life.’
‘I wouldn’t want it. not knowing that it wasn’t real.’
‘you’re lying. you’re lying to me. you’re lying to everyone.’
‘you might have fooled the others. you haven’t fooled me.’
‘I know you do it all the time but I’d never killed anyone before.’
‘I was tired of running.’
‘you know, we’re similar, you and I.’
‘magic is our inheritance, yet it has been taken from us.’
‘you think that it’s yours. that it’s owed to you.’
‘my god, what is this? some pitiful boy’s revenge?’
‘I won’t leave you here.’
‘i’m the only one who can buy you the time that you need.’
‘so you know who you are.’
‘I should have killed you.’
‘i’d know you anywhere. after ten thousand years, i’d know you.’
‘he would have hurt you. he would have hurt the people I care about.’
‘it’s not here for me. it’s here for you.’
‘it was never me, (name).’
‘you shouldn’t have come here.’
‘I don’t think you’ll hurt me.’
‘I didn’t think you’d stop (name). I didn’t think anyone would.’
‘(name) is dead.’
‘believing he still controlled me would have given him pleasure.’
‘my whole life, all anyone’s ever wanted was to possess me. the only one who ever set me free was you.’
‘I lived a half life. it’s like this world was a blur. no one else was in focus. until you.’
‘I didn’t think you’d save me.’
‘I never thought I’d be free to choose my future. but I am.’
‘I don’t want to follow them. i’m here to follow you.’
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joshslater · 3 years
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
I was very hesitant when he picked me up at the nightclub. I could feel the disappointment and outright hostility from all the women and a lot of the men as the God walked up to me, started to make out, and then asked if I was up for some fun. That's what you get away with when no one ever says "no" I thought. With his incredibly handsome face, black hair, and athletic build that was probably not a word he was used to hearing. It would be impossible for him to know I was into guys, and coming on so strong could land you in hot water or rather knocked cold on the floor. Turns out he could know, and there was more to him than just utter handsomeness and unparalleled confidence. Way more.
It was back at his place he asked me if I could look like someone else, who would I pick? That's a game I've played many times before, so I instantly knew to answer Marco Albieri, the soccer player. He raised an eyebrow, took a step from me, and asked me why. "I don't know what it is about soccer players, but something about the game makes their bodies stunningly handsome. And Marco is just a step above the rest." He smiled a bright smile, made a dramatic gesture, and I was Marco. Looked exactly like him at least. It took me a moment to even realize what had just happened, but I could see myself in the full-length mirror. Or I couldn't, I should say. I saw Marco Albieri in full Paris Saint-Germain F.C. game kit. Mesmerized I took a step closer to the mirror, and Marco on the other side of the glass stepped closer as well. I looked just like him, my wettest, wankiest dream. I'd come so many times to exactly this fantasy. There was even a sheen of post-game sweat making all the skin glistening in his hallway designer lights.
He approached me from behind, still handsome but now by a much narrower margin. "You ready to fuck?" I didn't even answer but just turned around and kissed him. He wasn't shy in grouping me back. What followed was the longest fuck fest I've ever been part of. We went from room to room. It was like this body had limitless stamina, though it was the body of Marco after all, but an insatiable horny lust as well. Perhaps he had that too. It wasn't until early morning I fell asleep next to him, exhausted.
It was almost noon when I woke up, disoriented by everything. It was like it wasn't until now the craziness and impossibility of last night hit me. I could see Marco Albieri in the mirror at the other side of the bedroom, without shirt, and the most unkempt hair I had ever seen him with. I knew for a fact the secret hairstyling trick was body fluids. I suddenly felt very uneasy and exposed. Vulnerable even. I was here on vacation. How could I leave if I didn't look like my passport? How could I leave this building looking like Marco? There would be fans stopping me instantly. What the fuck am I thinking about? I'm erased from the world. No one I know, no one in my family would recognize me. Could I convince them I'm me and not a millionaire soccer player? Perhaps. But my life would be so complicated.
That's when he lazily strolled into the bedroom, completely naked showing off his chiseled body, one mug in each hand.
"You did this! How the fuck did you do this? You can't leave me like this!" "Morning!"
He handed me one of the mugs. On reflex I took a large sip of coffee only to discover it was red wine. It took me by surprise and I almost sprayed his white sheets with red mist of wine, but instead got some down my lungs and started to cough.
"Is this really the best you can think of?" he said. At first I had no idea what he meant. Then, still coughing, I realized it was my body again. The one I used to fly here, check into the hotel, and go out to nightclubs with.
"I... It's awfully inconvenient if I tried to leave with a different body." "That's it? That's the only reason?"
I felt stupid and unsure what to say. I liked my body, so why was it so hard to defend it? He took a large sip from his coffee mug of wine and climbed into bed next to me, but standing on his knees looking down on me.
"When's your flight back?" "Eh, in... On Sunday." "Plenty of time to let loose. How about going to the beach like this?"
This time I noticed the shift. The bed sagged down a bit under the extra load and I didn't even have to look in the mirror to see the freakish muscles. Two huge chest muscles peeked into my field of vision, and moving my arm I could see it was thicker than what my legs used to be.
I felt light-headed as we walked down to the beach. Probably the wine. He was subtle and classy, black Nike sneakers, black boardshorts, and a white T-shirt. I was anything but subtle. Probably twice his mass, annoying flip flops that flipped and flopped every step, white compression shorts that looked blindingly bright against my deep tan, a purple thong that peeked up over the rim of the shorts by the hips, visible because the neon yellow tank top was cropped above the belly button to show off the abs. The stringer waved for every step as my obscene pecs push out the yellow fabric like a hanging flag. It touched my body in surprisingly few places. Top of the traps and the nipples more or less.
After spending a few hours getting everyone passing by on the beach to turn their heads to observe the freak show he asked me to play floatation device for him. We went out in the water and did our best to have sex just outside where the waves broke. I think anyone who paid close attention could tell what we did, but no one could be really sure. He didn't appear to care.
"I made you something," he whispered. "What?" "A surfer," he said and begun walking towards the beach. As I wiped my long hair out of my face I understood he changed me again. No more shaved head, no more enormous meat slab. I still had a six-pack, I was still 6'-something, and my skin was deeply tanned, but that's about where the similarities ended. "Why?" I asked as I lied down on the beach towel next to his. "First dive bar opens soon, and I thought this would play better to the crowd." I was feeling woozy. "We want to play to the crowd?" He reached over and squeezed the pec closest to him. "Well, make them jealous at least."
There was something nagging at the edge of my thoughts. Some question I felt I needed to ask. I just couldn't quite put it into coherent thought.
"Did you drug me?" He made a high-pitched "Mmmm" sound. "Just a bit. To fit with the rest. Just go with it."
I shut my eyes, relaxed, and let his hand stroke me. I don't know how long we lied like that. Not too long, because the sun hadn't moved that much, but I sure did dozed off.
"Come on!" he said, like it was asking me to hurry up for the third time. A bit confused I got up from the beach towel. I wore a pair of eye-popping turquoise board shorts with black pattern and trim. Neon turquoise, if such a color was a thing. I knew it had a real trade name, but somehow it kept slipping my mind. They had a good fit, not loose, not tight, but rode low on my lithe body. Fuzzy pubes peeked out over the waistband, like a little forest edge where the treasure trail from the belly button ended. I looked around for a shirt or something to put on, but there was nothing except for a pair of flip-flops. These didn't look as cheap and fit much better than the previous pair though.
"Is that it?" I asked incredulously. "What more do you need?" he said, and looked at me like he wanted me for dinner. "Come!"
The bar wasn't far away and already busy when we arrived. He almost danced in, basically dragging me in, holding my hand. I was woozy from whatever I was drugged with, but in a way that made everything look amazing to me. In any direction I looked I was delighted by what I saw, no matter how mundane. The bar was not even half full and everyone looked as relaxed as you would expect from a bar half a block from the beach, though no one else was bare-chested. The decor was a random mix of styles, as expected by a dive bar. Tables for two or four were lined up in front of the bar at the back of the room. From a backroom somewhere behind it pumped music. I looked at my watch to see if it was already dance time, but I was only wearing a red nylon cord as a bracelet.
"You must be thirsty after a day in the sun," he said and handed me an Aperol Spritz. I could have sworn he hadn't left me for the bar, but then I didn't really trust my senses. We took a table for four and sat next to each other, facing the rest of the room. "So, tell me about your day," he continued, as if he hadn't been there for all of it.
For whatever reason I found it hard to figure out where to start, like it was all jumbled together despite nothing of consequence had happened. I began to describe how I had woken up in bed and how he surprised me with breakfast. How I had mistaken the red wine for coffee. I could feel his hand moving down my abs and into my board shorts. As he pulled out my erect cock from the shorts my immediate thought was of surprise. I hadn't realized I was hard. I continued to talk about how we went to the beach, while he was jerking me off with one hand under the table. It then hit me that I had no idea what my dick looked like, if it was big or small. I had never seen it. He had transformed me somehow into this surfer. How could I have forgotten something so monumental.
At that point I shot my load under the table. Four or five large pumps. I was suddenly aware again that there were people around us, and looking around tried to figure out if any of them could see I had my dick out. At the same time I was still feeling high or whatever it was. "I'll get a refill," he said, stood up and headed for the bar. I decided to put my dick back into the shorts.
"Hey, dude. Is he like your boyfriend?" someone standing next to me asked. How long had he been there? He was handsome, not quite as tall as I was now, but more muscled. The tight billabong shirt didn't hide much. "Him? No. We just..." I was trying to think of a good word. I wasn't sure what he was, or what was happening at all really. "Wanna check out the dance floor?" "Yeah... Yeah, I would."
I followed him towards the bar, and away to the side into the dance room. It was far from packed, but we were not alone at least. Immediately I regretted following him there, even before he started moving to the music. Once he did I knew I would look silly. I started to mimic his moves best I could. He smiled a crooked smile, though not an unkind one, when he saw what I was doing. He leaned forward and barely audible over the music asked "Are you up for a second round?"
"What do you mean?" I asked back. "I saw what that other dude did to you. I live nearby, if you want to try something that isn't over in minutes."
In the door opening I see him standing with two large drinks in his hands. He looks emotionless, which in itself was a scary contrast to how he looked before. He then drinks one of the drinks in one go, then immediately empties the other one as well. No sooner has he turned away with two empty glasses when I feel a desperate need to take a piss. He's fucking with me.
"Don't go anywhere," I say and dash towards to men's room.
It's empty. I go to the lone urinal and yank my dick out of the white thong. I'm confused, but happy I got there in time to relieve myself. Why am I wearing only a white thong to a bar? As the piss is streaming for longer than I can ever recall I look down my bare smooth legs and find a pair of eye-catching red hightops. When I'm finally done I have a look at myself in the mirror. Cute, young Latino boy with a red baseball cap on his unkempt hair, and a grey shirt. The shirt in a way makes the thong stand out even more and look intentionally inappropriate. Perfect!
I return to the dance floor and find the guy waiting. "There you are. Let's go!" he says, almost demanding. He doesn't say anything on the way to his apartment two blocks away. I keep looking his way, and it feels like my dick is growing bigger every time I look at those muscled arms. His pace is brisk without being conspicuous, he clearly wants us to get to his place as quickly as possible without being seen. In through an unlocked entrance, up two flights of stairs, and in through his apartment door.
As soon as he whisked me in and closed the door behind us he grabs me, shoves me into the wall next to us, and forcefully kisses me on my mouth. "You fucking whore! I'm so fucking horny you better know what you're doing."
He snores loudly again. I had tried to ignore it to spend a few more hours in the bed, but it's getting pointless to try to sleep any more. I carefully get up and get dressed. No need for a shower, now that everything dried. I make a final check I got everything with me that I brought in. There is that nagging feeling that I'm missing something. Well, whatever it was it can't be important. Quietly I exit his apartment and make my way out of the building. I feel restless being so quiet and calm, like it is unnatural for me to be that way. I basically explode in emotions as I exit the building and literally dance down the last few steps.
I try to think what to do next. My mind is like a spinning punch bowl of thoughts and I'm only able to fish out simple verbs. Party! Drink! Dance! Fuck! The sun is barely up, but perhaps I can find some nightclub still open.
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mint-yooxgi · 4 years
Gilded Gold - Yandere!Vampire Prince!Jaehyun X Reader
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Yandere AU, Vampire AU, & Prince AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Smut (Someone goes a little feral at the end there)
Pairing: Jaehyun X Reader
Words: 22,845
Warnings: Jaehyun is pretty sadistic and manipulative in this one, as such there is a lot of violence and gore mentioned. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: It’s finally here! Omg, after months (again) of nothing, I'm really happy with the length of this one and how it turned out. Certain scenes are really good in my opinion, so hopefully you enjoy reading them just as much as I enjoyed writing them. I’ve nearly had this idea planned out for almost a year, so I'm happy that I've finally finished writing it all out. Tbh, certain scenes are pretty self indulgent... Anyways, I do really hope you enjoy this one, please do let me know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated!
“Is everything prepped and ready for tomorrow?” He asks, expression stern as he looks towards his adviser. 
“Yes, my Prince,” with a nod from the adviser, a smirk begins to slowly spread itself across Jaehyun’s lips.
“Perfect,” a dark look takes over his features, smirk now fully formed as he thinks over his plan once more.
Tomorrow will change everything, and he can hardly wait. For too long he’s waited, watching in the shadows until this day would come. Until finally, he can have everything that he’s ever wanted. Tomorrow, he’ll finally have you.
From the first moment he saw you all those months ago, he knew he had to have you. The way you so willingly went out of your way to help your neighbours with their little market stand only confirmed to Jaehyun that you’re a kindhearted individual. However, if it weren’t for the way you cussed out an older man for attempting to hit on your younger sister, he would have assumed you to be too soft. That is what intrigued him: that you could look so innocent on the outside, but on the inside, contain a strong, level-head, is what drew him to you.
Since then, he’s been sneaking out of the castle at least five times a week to find you, and once he did, he couldn’t stop himself from simply observing you. He became another shadow in the night, and you were none the wiser as to the monster lurking just outside of your window.
The day he learnt that you had no potential suitors, he swears he had never been happier in all his long years of living. It took him a bit of persuading, but he eventually convinced his mother to let himself actively pursue you. She was a bit wary at first, having never met you, nor even having heard of you before. The fact that you’re a mere human, and a commoner, no less, concerned her greatly. However, he made sure to take care of everything before your arrival. After all, you’re his responsibility now, and he’ll make sure to take care of you in any and every way that he can. 
Soon, the whole kingdom will know that you are meant to be his, the Crown Prince’s very own betrothed. The announcement might turn some heads, considering everyone is aware of the vampire society, and how the creatures of the night reign over them, but he’s counting on the support from those whom support interspecies relationships. It will be a huge step in a positive direction for his family to bring a common human into their inner circle. Not that you would have a choice, whether you know it or not.
That night, he barely gets any rest, too excited for what is to come tomorrow. He has it all planned out, the outfit he’s going to wear, how he’s going to make a grand entrance when meeting you for the first time, as well as the first thing he’s going to say to you once he sees you. 
His eyes flash red. Fuck, he finally gets to see you in person with you actually aware of his presence this time. Oh, how he can hardly wait to see your reaction when you gaze upon him for the first time. A smirk slowly tugs at his lips as he envisions the scene in his head, your awestruck face, the wonder shining in your eyes, and the way you’ll bite your lip as you take him in with the realization that he’s all yours.
Tomorrow cannot come fast enough.
That next morning you are awoken by the sound of your mother answering the front door. Muffled voices reach your ears as you bury yourself deeper into the warmth of your comforter. The sound of your door creaking has your eyes flinging open as your mother storms into your room.
“Get up! There’s a royal advisor at our front door asking for you, personally,” she tears your blankets off of you before moving over to your dresser to pull out some of your nicest clothes. “Apparently he has a message from the Prince. For you.”
“For me?” Your head is reeling at the thought of a royal advisor visiting you with a personal message from the Prince himself. What would the Prince want with you? You have no idea.
“Yes, you,” your mother tuts at your confused look as you clamber out of bed. “Now hurry up and get dressed. Don’t keep him waiting.”
Without another word, your mother leaves your room, heading back downstairs so as not to keep the advisor alone for too long. She would have made your sister keep him company, but she had to go to work this morning.
Squinting at your now closed door, you shift your gaze over to the outfit she has so meticulously picked out for you to wear. The clothes are quite literally the nicest ones you own, and your frown deepens. What message could possibly warrant you wearing your nicest clothes?
Yawning, you rub at the sleep still in your eyes. Screw formalities, it’s just a message, it can’t be that serious. Forgoing the outfit, you quickly head to the bathroom to freshen up and at least make yourself look presentable. No matter what this message turns out to be, you’re going to hop right back into bed afterwards anyways, so you see no point in getting dressed.
Making your way downstairs, you hear soft chatter coming from the front room, and as soon as you enter you can feel your mother’s scrutinizing gaze on you for not changing. You briefly make eye contact with her before turning your attention to the unfamiliar man standing across from her. You can already tell from his proper stature and from the royal emblem hanging proudly on the left side of his uniform that he’s the advisor.
“Ah, good, you must be Miss (Y/n), it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he bows to you. “My name is Minho, and I come bearing a message from Prince Jaehyun himself.”
You bow back respectfully, nodding for him to continue as your mother smiles almost nervously from the side of the room.
“You are to be moved to the castle immediately,” he says as your eyes go wide. “You are to be betrothed to Prince Jaehyun effective immediately.”
“Excuse me?” Your jaw has dropped, disbelief clear on your face.
“You are to be moved-“
“No, no, I heard you,” you cut him off, “I meant, what the actual fuck?”
“(Y/n)!” Your mother scolds.
“What? You’re telling me that this completely unprompted visit is to tell me I am to become the prince’s fiancée without any say in the matter?” You ask, incredulously.
“I apologize, I should have been clearer,” Minho clears his throat. “You do get a choice, as it is the Prince’s intention to court you first. However, in doing so, it requires you to come stay at the palace for the time being.”
“I-“ your mouth gapes like a fish out of water, “do I have a choice in this?”
“Of course!” Minho immediately responds. “I understand this is very sudden, and probably very confusing, but the Prince promised to explain everything once you have arrived to the palace for the day. We really shouldn’t keep him waiting too long.”
“I-“ you’re about to object once more when your mother cuts you off.
“Go with him, sweetie,” you frown at the look she’s giving you. You don’t think you’ve ever heard her voice sound so tense, completely different to how she looked when she first entered your room not ten minutes ago. “He told me you would have to leave immediately, so I’ll send a few bags with your stuff later this week.”
“But mom-“
“No buts,” she smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the Prince chose you, no less. Please be on your best behaviour.”
“Great, then it’s settled!” Minho smiles, beginning to exit the room in order to walk towards the front door. He places a hand at the small of your back and guides you along with him, with you too stunned to say much else. “Thank you for your hospitality,” he bows to your mother once at the door, “we’ll be in touch.”
With those words, he is leading you out of the front and to the car that awaits at the end of the driveway. By now, a few of your neighbours have stepped outside their homes to view what is going on, and you can see them whispering to themselves as you are ushered into the back seat. You only wish you got to say goodbye to your sister before you had to leave.
“Guess leaving is so urgent that I can’t change out of my pyjamas, huh?” You joke, a hint of seriousness to your tone as you cross your arms. 
Minho soon slides into the front seat beside the driver whom has been waiting in the car this whole time.
“I’m afraid not, Miss,” he replies, pulling out his phone. “We’re on a tight schedule today.”
You sigh, leaning your head on your hand as you look out of the window. You see more neighbours watching the car go down the road as you drive off, and you begin to wonder how you even got into this mess. Though you will admit, a part of you is intrigued. To catch the eye of the Prince, the Vampire Prince, no less, is causing your heart to race. 
You’ve seen a few photos of the Prince before in passing, and he does look very handsome, so a part of you is curious to see if that’s actually true. Another part of you feels excitement at the thought of being sought after by the prince himself. Maybe that’s why you’re not putting up more of a fuss at this matter. A sigh escapes your lips at the thought, and you begin to wonder what exactly is in store for you once you arrive at the castle.
About forty-five minutes later, you arrive at the palace. Your breath is quite literally stolen away as you gaze upon the fortress in awe, taking in the arches and crevices in the architecture, along with its massive size.
“If you think the outside is grand, just wait until you see the inside,” Minho chuckles, noting your gaze of wonderment.
His words manage to pull you out of your admiration of the palace and back to the steps in front of you which lead up to the front doors. Shaking your head slightly, you clear your thoughts. You’re sure you’ll have plenty of time to admire and explore the castle once you get settled inside.
“So, uh…“ you trail off, following Minho up the steps, not knowing what to ask first.
“I’ll be leading you to your personal chambers while you’re going to be staying here, then some servants will be coming to prepare you for lunch with the Prince,” Minho explains, and you nod along absentmindedly, still too distracted by the grand stonework of the building, of which is much more intricate on the inside. “I’m sure His Royal Highness would gladly take you on a tour of the premisses, given how intrigued you seem to be by the grounds already.”
At this you can feel your face heat up in slight embarrassment, “sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologize, Miss,” Minho smiles at you assuringly. “It’s quite nice to see someone admiring the architecture once more.”
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head slightly in curiosity.
“Oh, it’s just been quite a while since we’ve had a new guest who’s admired the detailing as you are,” he says.
“Must not get many new guests then,” you mutter, but he still manages to hear you.
“No, not really,” he sighs, eyes soon going wide as he’s come to realize what he’s just said, clearing his throat in the next moment. “I mean, I’ve said enough already.”
You simply hum in response as he leads you through some side corridors and up another set of stairs. You can feel your legs burning at the amount of flights you’ve climbed, not used to the amount of steps yet. Once you reach the tops of the stairs, you find yourself resting your hands on your knees in order to catch you breath.
“One second,” you hold up a finger, indicating to Minho to stop and let you catch your breath.
“Alright, but we really mustn’t delay, Miss,” he says, worry flashing briefly in his eyes, but it passes so quickly that you do not see it.
After a few moments, you right yourself, taking a deep breath before nodding at him to continue. He nearly breathes a sigh of relief as he continues to lead you down the hallway you’re now in, checking his watch on the way and noticing he’ll make it just in time. It’s important for everything to go according to schedule today, or so the Prince has reminded him countless times, along with the other staff. Everything has to be perfect.
Leading you to a set of doors near the end of the hallway, Minho pushes them both open to reveal a large room full of everything you could possibly think of. You’re pretty sure this room is the size of your entire main floor of your house, complete with a four post king sized bed, privacy screen which looks like it leads to another part of the room, along with various shelves, desks, and cabinets spread throughout. To say you are awestruck would be an understatement.
You take your time wandering around the room, opening one of the side doors to find an adjacent bathroom built for the gods. A large tub rests on one side, along with a set of double sinks, a large mirror that takes up the entire wall, along with a huge shower which you believe also works as a sauna. You are hardly able to believe what you’re seeing, this is all so unbelievable. To think, your lifestyle quite literally has changed in the blink of an eye. 
Now, if only you could see what rests behind the privacy screen. You’ve avoided opening the doors so far due to the fact that you’re unsure what’s waiting for you on the other side. In the back of your mind, you hope it’s not another room. More particularly, that it’s not the Prince’s room.
The whole time that you spend exploring your new room, Jaehyun stands just off to the side beside the privacy screen where you cannot see him. A smirk is ever present on his face. He could smell your scent getting closer with every step you took down the hallway, only serving to make his dead heart race in his chest. He cannot help how his mouth salivates at the thought of you now only being one room away, nothing more than a thin set of doors standing between your bodies. He can hardly wait to meet you.
After a few more moments of you taking in your new room, you turn to look at Minho, “so, uh, am I allowed to see what’s behind those privacy doors,” you motion to them with your head, “or is that part off-limits?”
Your attempt at a joke earns a small chuckle from him, “actually, I believe the Prince should be joining us soon.”
“Is that the Prince’s room?” Your eyes widen as your suspicion is all but confirmed. You know you’re expected to become close with him, but you aren’t expecting to be literally sharing a room.
“Oh, no!” Minho is quick to answer, to which you breathe a small sigh of relief. “I believe His Highness went to inspect the second portion of your room earlier, before your arrival, in order to make sure everything is up to his standards.”
“Ah, I see,” you nod in understanding. “Glad to know he’s taking such precautions for me.”
Of course! He wants nothing but the best for you, after all. It’s what you deserve. Jaehyun’s smirk only grows, and he takes your words as his cue to finally make his presence known, and finally enter the room.
Ever so slowly, you notice a shadow forming behind the semi-transparent screen. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, racing at the prospect of finally being able to meet the Prince in person. Little do you know, that this is not the first time that the Prince will be seeing you.
Just like a scene from a movie, the doors part, Prince Jaehyun stepping through the threshold. His gaze lingers on the ground briefly before finally looking upwards to lock gazes with you. Your breath hitches, and you can feel your heart skipping a beat, all of which does not go unheard by Jaehyun, only serving to make him more smug during this time. Besides, the smirk resting on his features only adds to his charming good looks as he takes a confident step forwards, slowly making his way over to you.
The whole time, your eyes never leave his. Again, to say you’re stunned would be an understatement. You don’t think you’ve ever seen a finer looking specimen in your entire life, and from the looks of things, he can read your expression like an open book. 
For a brief moment, your gaze rakes over his entire body, and you have to stop yourself from inhaling sharply once more. He’s wearing the finest embroidered suit that you’ve ever seen in your life, the sharp gold thread contrasting with the black fabric. You know the suit must have cost a fortune, just from the design alone, not to mention the materials. The detailing of the floral design, combined with the surrounding leaves is stunning, but what catches your attention the most is the fact that he’s not wearing a shirt beneath the suit jacket. You can see the smooth skin of his chest on display, only serving to make you lick your lips in admiration, anticipation lingering in your chest. For what, you aren’t quite sure, but fuck, you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t think he was extremely attractive.
His chest swells with pride. He knew you would react like this, only confirming to him that you also find him as attractive as he finds you. Well, considering all the peasants you had to endure back in your hometown, he’s not surprised. As if any of them ever stood a chance with you. Well, not if he had anything to say about it.
So far, everything is going exactly how he has planned it to, and he couldn’t be more happier in this moment. Minho was on time and everything, though Jaehyun worried at one point that you were running behind schedule. He cannot let that happen, everything needs to run like clockwork in order for things to be perfect.
The one thing that he wishes more than anything that he could do right now would be to take you into his arms, but he knows that would be overstepping boundaries at the moment. The last thing he wants to do is scare you off on the first day. After all, since you’re going to be spending eternity together, he doesn’t want to push you away now.
You don’t mean to stare as you have been, but you cannot help it. With wide eyes and slightly parted lips, you continue to stand there, almost dumbfounded by the current events. By now, you are most certainly regretting not listening to your mother to change into your nicest clothes. Meeting the Prince while still in your pyjamas is making you feel a bit self-conscious. How embarrassing, to meet him while you’re still in your sleep clothes.
On the other hand, Jaehyun thinks that it’s so endearing that you’re still dressed in your pyjamas. Were you that excited to meet him that you couldn’t even wait to leave, meaning you forwent changing? How adorable.
“Miss (Y/n), may I formally introduce you to Prince-“
“Jung Jaehyun,” he cuts Minho off, taking your hand into his own in order to bring it to his lips and kiss the back of it tenderly. Oh, how soft your skin feels against his own. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Introducing yourself, your voice is a bit airy, still breathless due to everything that you’ve encountered so far. You’re especially impressed with the way he’s held himself, “the pleasure is all mine, Your Highness.”
“Please,” he smiles, running his thumb over the skin on the back of your hand before releasing his hold on you and returning his hands to his sides, “call me Jaehyun.”
You smile back politely, thoughts running through your head a mile a minute. All the while, your nerves begin to grow, and you begin to ponder why exactly it was you that he chose. You don’t necessarily think you’re anything special, but Jaehyun would beg to differ.
“Um, I was told that we were going to be dining soon?” You ask, shifting slightly from foot to foot as you attempt to break the small silence that has settled over the three of you. You figure Minho is probably avoiding saying anything right now out of respect for you and the Prince.
“Ah, yes,” Jaehyun nods once in confirmation. “That is, if you’re willing to join me for lunch. Of course, I’ll let you change first, unless you’d prefer to stay in those.”
At the motion of his head towards your choice in outfit, you can feel your cheeks heating up once more in embarrassment.
“Oh, uh…” you avoid his gaze for the first time today, and he can’t help but be reminded of how cute you are as you add quietly, “I don’t have anything else to wear.”
He simply quirks a brow in response, “has Minho not shown you your wardrobe yet?”
“No, I-“ you smile sheepishly, “I didn’t get a chance to pack any of my own clothes before I left. I mean, I didn’t even have a chance to change.”
He chuckles this time in response, “come with me, Princess.”
You cannot deny the way your heart positively flutters when he calls you that. A fact which only makes him smile subtly. You haven’t even known him for more than fifteen minutes and he already sets your heart racing. A fact which only serves to stroke his ego even further. This is going even better than anything he could have ever planned.
Leading you over to a side door that resides in the second half of your room, of which you notice is a lavish seating area complete with a chaise, he opens it. A grandiose closet is revealed to you, filled with the most lavish pieces of clothing you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Dresses, shirts, skirts, you name it, line the shelves. Rows upon rows of accessories cause your eyes to widen even further than they already have. You cannot help the surprised gasp that escapes your lips as you take it all in.
“Is this-“ you blink, attempting to wrap your head around everything as you try to get the words out, “is this-“
“It’s all for you, Princess,” Jaehyun smiles at your wide eyed expression.
“I-“ you turn to him, “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he assures you.
“Honestly, I’m torn,” you bite your lip nervously.
He simply quirks a brow at you to continue, despite the fact a frown wants to pull onto his features.
“I’m torn between ‘I can’t accept this’, and ‘thank you so much’,” you admit, and you hear him chuckle once more. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Minho tense.
“Always so humble,” he hums. “Don’t worry about it, it’s a gift.”
“I-“ you take a deep breath, “thank you.”
He smiles, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants, “just promise me that you’ll use it.”
You notice how he motions to the closet with his head, and you immediately nod, “of course.”
“Good,” he nods once. “Well, I’ll let you get ready. Maria and Greta should be arriving soon to prepare you for lunch.”
As soon as he finishes speaking, a soft knock sounds at your bedroom door, signifying the arrival of the two aforementioned women. He could hear them walking down the hallway and figured now would be as good a time as ever to take his leave, even if it will be momentarily.
“I’ll see you soon, Princess,” with those words, he walks out of your room. 
The two women whom have been patiently waiting in the hallway to come in now step inside as Minho steps out of the room following Jaehyun. You notice that they look somewhat nervous, approaching you carefully as if you’re someone to be cautious of. You send them a reassuring smile, introducing yourself shortly after.
“It’s nice to finally meet the woman the Prince has been talking non-stop about,” Maria admits, seeming to relax more now that you’ve talked to the two of them.
“Maria,” Greta hisses while elbowing her partner. Your brow furrows, it seems as if they’re not allowed to talk about that in front of you.
“He’s talked about me?” You question as they move you into the closet to pick out an outfit for the day.
“Oh yes,” Maria nods. “He’s been very… excited for you to come visit the palace.”
“I won’t warn you again,” Greta narrows her eyes at Maria disapprovingly.
“Am I not allowed to ask about it then?” You frown.
“Oh, you can ask any and all the questions you’d like,” Greta answers, pulling a simple gown down from the racks. “We’re just not supposed to talk about certain things.”
“Like the Prince?”
“Listen dearie,” Greta sighs. “If you knew what’s best for you, you’d run, and run far.”
Her words only serve to confuse you even more, especially at the nervous expression Maria now wears on her face.
“Is there something I should know?” You ask as they help you into the dress.
“Don’t listen to Greta, dear,” Maria pats your arm gently once the dress is secure. “The Prince is a wonderful gentleman, and from the looks of things, he’s completely smitten with you.”
“But he hardly even knows me,” you mumble as they start to work on your hair.
“He knows you better than you think,” Greta’s voice is barely above a whisper. In fact, it’s so faint, you don’t catch all of what she says.
“Pardon me?” You catch her gaze in the mirror they have you sitting in front of now.
“All the more reason for you to get to know him better,” she corrects herself with a smile, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
Maria manages to change the subject shortly after by asking you questions about yourself, and her telling you small stories about her life. The two of you are able to connect well quickly, and you know that if she continues to look after you while you’re here, you will have a friend in her. Greta, on the other hand, you’re not so sure about.
Not only does she continuously look at you with worry in her eyes, she scolds Maria any time she thinks Maria has overstepped any sort of boundary. The amount of times Maria has begun to tell you about the Prince, only for her to be cut off by Greta soon after is astounding. Hopefully you can get some answers from the Prince himself. After all, you are going to lunch together.
“There, all finished,” Maria smiles warmly at you as she helps you stand up.
“Thank you,” you smile back, smoothing out the front of your gown subconsciously.
“Come now,” Greta says, checking her watch, “or else we’ll be late.”
“Oh dear, we wouldn’t want that,” Maria suddenly looks worried. “We’ll lead you to the dining room. His Highness should already be waiting.”
“I guess I shouldn’t keep him waiting, then,” you joke as you three move to exit the room.
You fail to notice the brief glance the two of them share as Greta says, “no, you really shouldn’t.”
Without another word, you all make your way down the hallway, them leading you to where Jaehyun has instructed them to meet him. As he hears you approaching, a small smile tugs at his lips. He can’t wait to start his forever with you, and today is day one.
“Ready for lunch?” He asks, turning around just as you walk up to him.
You nod, humming your eagerness. You can’t wait to see what they decide to serve to eat, you are in a palace after all. Besides, the company is wonderful so far, and you really want to get to know him better.
Lunch with Jaehyun passes by far too quickly for either of your likings, and before you know it, you’re both finished. To say that you enjoy your time with him would be an understatement. Not only was the food delicious, but you also got to do what you wanted and get to know him better. One thing you know for sure, is that he has a beautiful smile, of which you hope to see more of. Plus, he’s got the cutest dimples you’ve ever seen.
After lunch, he gives you a tour of the castle, and once again, your breath is stolen from your lungs. The whole time you spend admiring the architecture, Jaehyun spends admiring you. His dead heart races in his chest every time he looks over to see that awestruck expression on your face. You’re so beautiful, and the fact that you’re admiring everything he shows you so far, along with how grateful you’ve been towards him, assures him that he’s made the best choice in choosing you as his fiancée.
Every so often, his hand will brush against your own as he walks with you through the castle. You cannot help the rush you feel each time he does this, his touch both innocent and teasing at the same time. Each brush only makes a subtle smirk pull at his own lips, knowing he already has such an effect on you.
All too soon, the afternoon comes to an end and he’s leading you back to your room for the evening. He’s told you that you’ll more than likely be meeting his mother tomorrow, so you should get as much rest as you can, considering how hectic the day has been for you.
“If you ever need me, I’m just down the hallway to your left,” he tells you, of which you find yourself nodding in response. “If an emergency ever arises, come and get me. No matter the time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you say, lips twitching upwards in a half smile. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” he returns your smile. “I’ll always be here for you.”
By now, the two of you have stopped just outside of your bedroom door. You stare deeply into his eyes, and you can see the sincerity reflected in them. Your lips part slightly as you take a small step backwards as he continues to stare intensely at you, almost as if he’s in a daze.
Before you know it, he’s blinking as if to clear his head while clearing his throat, “well, I’ve got a few things to attend to before dinner. I’ll have someone bring you something to eat for then. In the meantime, feel free to do whatever you’d like, just let Maria know where you’ll be.”
“Sounds good,” you smile once more.
“See you later, Princess,” he grins, grabbing your hand in order to place a gentle kiss onto the back of it, successfully making your face warm. Without another word, he takes his leave. 
Watching his figure disappear down the hallway, you let out a blissful sigh. Lunch was enjoyable, and you can’t wait to see what else he has in store for you. Not only that, but you can’t wait to further explore the castle and find your favourite spots. Hopefully you can find a little nook to read some of the books from the massive library that caught your eye while you explored with Jaehyun.
Entering your room, you bite your lip. The only thing you’re particularly nervous about would be meeting his mother. Based off of what he’s told you about her so far, she can be very picky about mannerisms, and it can be difficult for anyone new to impress her. Maybe that’s what Minho meant by no one new has come to the palace for a long time. You just hope you can make a good impression, or at least good enough for her to at least tolerate you. After all, if you’re to marry her son, having her like you would be a huge success.
“You okay there?” Maria’s voice manages to pull you out of your own thoughts.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” you reply absentmindedly, walking further into the room as the door falls shut. Your brow furrows slightly as you notice Greta isn’t with her this time. “Where’s Greta?”
Maria stiffens ever so slightly, “she has this afternoon and evening off.”
“Ah, makes sense,” you nod, moving to sit on your bed.
“Is there anything I can get for you, Miss?” She asks politely.
“Not at the moment, thank you,” you shoot her a grateful smile. “I think I might just nap, I am a bit sleepy.”
“Alright, well, I’ll help you change,” 
“No need, I can do it myself,”
“No, please, I insist,” she’s already begun to move around your room and grabs a fresh set of clothes for you to change into. “After all, it’s what I’m here for.”
“Well, okay,” you sigh softly, allowing Maria to help you change.
Once done, the two of you just sit together in your room talking about anything and everything. She tells you that her family has always served the Jung’s for as long as she can remember, but she doesn’t mind it here. Apparently, the job pays really well, and they get ample time off.
Before you know it, there is a knock on your door and another servant is there holding a tray for you piled high with plates containing your evening meal. You thank them and move to take the tray from their hands, but they insist on putting it down for you. They set everything up for you on the table in your room before bowing respectively and leaving you to your own with Maria still patiently standing off to the side.
Sitting back down, your eyes rake over the food now resting in front of you. This is one of your favourite meals, but Jaehyun couldn’t possibly know that. Could he?
“The Prince made special preparations for you before you came,” Maria says, noticing your stare.
“This is my favourite dish,” you comment.
“I take it everything is to your liking, then?” She smiles.
“Of course, but I still don’t understand how he knows this is my favourite dish,” you say.
“If I’m not mistaken, I believe he was informed by your mother,”
“He’s talked with my mom?” Your eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Oh, I mean, Minho was told by your mother, who in turn told Prince Jaehyun when he got back to the palace today,” Maria is quick to correct herself.
“Ah, I see,” you turn back to the food spread out in front of you. “Oh my! Where are my manners? Would you like anything?”
Maria almost looks caught off guard by your offer of sharing your food with her, “oh, no, thank you! I couldn’t.”
“Nonsense,” you shake your head, pushing one of the many side dishes over to her. “I don’t like eating alone, anyways.”
“Are you sure?” Her voice is hesitant, gnawing her bottom lip in worry.
“Of course,” you confirm. “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”
“Thank you, Miss,” she graciously accepts the dish, grabbing a set of utensils to join you in eating.
You simply smile at her in response, happy to be sharing your favourite meal with someone else. Her presence brings you comfort in this still unfamiliar place, of which you know will take some getting used to, despite the tour you took today. After all, you are alone, and far from home.
Meanwhile, Jaehyun paces in his study. He sent Minho to gather Greta for him just before you came to meet him downstairs for lunch that day. He overheard what she told you, and to say he was not impressed would be an understatement. Is she trying to make him look bad in front of you? No matter, he’ll dispose of the problem soon enough.
“Minho, I still don’t understand what’s going on-“ Greta’s voice gets caught in her throat once she is escorted inside the study to see Jaehyun now leaning against his desk with his arms crossed.
“Your Highness,” she bows respectively. “How may I be of service to you?”
“I have a favour to ask of you, Greta,” the way he says her name sends a shiver of fear running down her spine: full of venom and malice.
“Y-yes, sir, what is it?” Her blood is rushing through her. She’s heard of the Prince’s famous glare but never having been on the receiving end, there’s nothing that could have prepared her for the look of bloodlust in his eyes that came about so suddenly.
“I want you to run, Greta,” he pushes himself off the edge the desk, staring directly into her eyes, “and run far.”
A gasp escapes her lips. He heard.
“Well?” He hums, tauntingly, amusement shining in his eyes as he stares at her now trembling form. “What are you waiting for? That’s an order.”
With a shaky nod from her, she’s bustling out of the room and down the hallway. He can still hear the sound of her racing heart even after she makes it to the floor below him.
The malicious grin never leaves his lips as he begins to make his way out of his study. Currently, he is a predator stalking their prey. This’ll be fun, he hasn’t had to chase his prey in a while, and he cannot wait to tear into her throat. How dare she even suggest that you run from him. He would never hurt you. 
Anyone else, on the other hand? Fair game.
“Are you really sure this is necessary, my Prince?” Minho nervously watches Jaehyun as he passes through the doorway into the hall.
“Of course,” Jaehyun smiles, but it only serves to unnerve Minho as Jaehyun’s eyes flash red in the next moment. “She nearly lost me what is mine.”
In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun is gone from his sight, and Minho can only breathe a sigh of relief that he’s left unharmed this evening. Once Jaehyun sets his mind to something, there is no changing it. No one can stop him when he’s on a warpath, and Minho is just glad that he isn’t on the receiving end of one of the Prince’s violent episodes.
It takes Jaehyun mere seconds to catch up with Greta, who has been able to make it into the grand foyer before the main doors. He slams her against the wall, hearing a few of her bones fracture due to the impact. Her whimpers and pleas for her own life fall on deaf ears, even as more servants shuffle passed. They all know not to get involved, lest they want to suffer the same fate as Greta. Too many have learned that the hard way.
The last thing she sees is Jaehyun’s malicious smirk, fangs on full display as he tears into her throat. Once he’s sure she’s dead, he tosses her body aside, letting the blood spill over the floor. He spits the chunk of her neck he has in his mouth onto her body, a look of pure disgust on his face as he glares down at her corpse.
“Somebody clean this mess up,” he snarls out as he turns his back to her body. The others are frozen in fear, but his growl manages to have a few snapping immediately to their senses and rushing over to Greta’s dead body. “Now!”
He doesn’t stick around to see if they remove her or not, opting to head straight to his room for the evening. He wants to see you again, but he knows that it might be too soon. Besides, with his emotions heightened at the moment, he would potentially be putting you in danger. At least he’ll still be able to smell your scent, and hear whatever it is that you’re doing. That’s enough for him, for now.
A smile tugs at his lips as he faintly hears you conversing with Maria about something that happened to you during your childhood. He knew placing Maria with you as your personal assistant would be a good idea. Greta was his mother’s choice, and he had a feeling she was going to be nothing but a nuisance for him. Nothing is going to get in his way of winning your heart. Nothing. Everything has to go according to plan.
The following morning, he does a brief check of the front foyer to make sure everything has been cleaned properly, and that nothing remains of the events of that previous evening. The last thing he wants is for you to see something like that. Seeing that it’s been cleared of any evidence, he smiles, making his way back upstairs to finally greet you for the day.
To be quite honest, he is a little nervous himself for you to meet his mother. She didn’t exactly approve of him essentially stalking you, what he just calls taking a keen interest in making sure you’re doing alright. If Greta was any indication of how his mother will act, he knows she’ll probably devise a plan to take you away from him, or worse, make you afraid of him. After all, she knows exactly how her son can be.
Knocking gently on your door, he can hear your soft footfalls as you walk closer to him. He can’t wait to see you, and when you open the door to reveal yourself he most certainly is not disappointed with what he sees. How you look more beautiful every time he sees you is a mystery to him. One thing he knows for sure though, is that you’ve enchanted him since the moment he first laid eyes on you.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he smiles, noticing how you react positively to his words.
“Good morning,” you greet back politely, a small smile gracing your own features.
“Did you sleep well?” He asks, noticing Maria has already remade your bed.
“Quite,” you nod, smile only widening as you look at him. “Did you?”
“I did indeed,” he hums in response, though he would have slept better if you were in his arms. “Are you ready for today?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you let out a nervous chuckle as you step into the hallway, closing the door gently behind you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be with you the whole time,” he assures you, extending his arm out for you to loop yours with his. “Let’s get going.”
“Yes, let’s,” you hum back, taking his arm as you begin to walk down the hallway. “Any advice for me before we meet you mother?”
“Just be your usual charming self, and I’m sure you’ll be fine,” he squeezes your arm slightly, causing you to look over to already see him smiling at you.
You say nothing but choose to nod in understanding. You just hope your usual charming self doesn’t do or say anything that might embarrass you.
The two of you make idle chat as you make your way to the throne room to meet his mother. He manages to make you laugh, loosening your tense shoulders slightly as you relax the more he’s able to distract you. The whole time, he observes you fondly, glad to know that he can ease your nerves slightly, even if you’ve only officially known each other for a day. If only he could help you to relax in any and every other way he knows how.
All too soon, you’ve arrived just outside the doors to the throne room. Minho already stands waiting outside the grand set of double doors for the two of you, announcing your arrival to the queen as the doors part for you to walk through. 
Your heart races in your chest, nerves momentarily returning as you’re faced with the task at hand. This is one of the most important moments in your mind, for if his mother doesn’t approve of you, you do not know what will happen. That being said, you want to make sure to make the best impression you can on his mother, no matter what happens.
Walking into the room, you see his mother already sitting on her throne, watching the two of you as you approach where she is seated. Her gaze is scrutinizing, though it seems as if she’s watching he son more closely than she’s watching you. A fact which confuses you slightly since you would have assumed she would be more interested in how you hold yourself around her son rather than how her son holds himself around you. However this may be, you’re only grateful for the momentary relief you feel as you finally stop just before her throne.
“Mother, I’d like to formally introduce you to the woman whom I’d like to become my betrothed,” Jaehyun introduces you, telling her your name shortly after.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty,” you say, bowing politely in introduction to the queen.
“Please, Your Majesty sounds so formal,” the queen waves her hand slightly in the air as if dismissing the remark before leaning forwards slightly in her throne, “call me Cathy.”
“Huh,” you muse, “like mother, like son.”
“Oh?” Cathy’s amusement is clear on her face as she looks from Jaehyun over to you.
“Yes,” you confirm. “It seems not liking titles runs in the family. Jaehyun’s also told me to call him by his name instead of his title.”
“Has he now?” Cathy leans back, eyeing her son suspiciously. That’s very unlike her son, as he only ever allows people to call him by his title, no matter who they may be. You must be important to him then, a fact which only causes her worry for you to grow. None of her son’s other playthings ever got to address him by his first name. “And has he been treating you alright so far?”
Jaehyun’s eyes narrow ever so subtly at his mother, for he knows what game she’s playing. Like hell she’ll catch him slipping up.
“He’s been nothing but a gentleman since I’ve arrived,” you respond, and if your words don’t fill his chest with pride, nothing else will. He can hardly wait for you to see what else he has in store for you.
“I see,” she hums, placing her hands gracefully in her lap.
“I’d also just like to thank you very much for your hospitality, and for letting me stay at the palace during this time,” you bow deeply once more. “Thank you.”
“Of course, sweetie,” she smiles. “Anything for the one my little Jaehyunnie has been so obsessed with lately.”
“Mother,” Jaehyun’s reaction is a warning to her, but to you it just sounds like a boy being embarrassed by his mom.
You giggle, and normally he would think it’s the sweetest sound, if not for the circumstances. “So I’ve heard.”
“Ah, I see,” Cathy grins. “He’s already told you all about how he-“
“Are you quite content, mother?” Jaehyun interrupts, eyes flashing his warning towards Cathy who only appears to be amused at his antics.
“Oh, indeed,” she smiles back, though you fail to register the malice hidden behind her lips. “I was only hoping to be joined by Miss (Y/n) here for some morning beverages. I’d love to get to know her better, if she’s alright with that, of course.”
Before Jaehyun can even respond, you’re already speaking, “I’d love that.”
“Excellent!” His mother stands, descending the stairs and coming to stand before you. Having her this close really makes you realize the amount of power and regality she possesses. She extends her hand out for you to take. “If you’d be so kind as to join me.”
“Of course! Thank you,” you take her hand, allowing her to lead you out of the throne room as your arm slips out of Jaehyun’s grasp. With one final glance back, you see Jaehyun already staring after you, an unreadable expression on his face.
Turning back around, you notice Cathy leading you towards the gardens. Once outside, you see a nice table already set up facing the fountain, some of the finest cups and plates already set on top. Letting go of your hand, she motions for you to sit with her, a servant already pouring what looks like a steaming cup of tea for each of you.
“Thank you,” you repeat your words from earlier once you’re seated, graciously accepting the cup that is handed to you.
“I’m so glad you could join me this morning for a little girl talk,” she smiles, tilting her own cup in your direction in a mock ‘cheers’ gesture, of which you mirror.
“It’s nice to be invited,” you reply, taking a sip of your drink.
“I want you to know that you can come to me for anything, dear,” she says, looking you directly in your eyes and you’re momentarily stunned by how sincere she looks. “Absolutely anything.”
“Oh my,” you blink a few times in surprise, “that’s awfully kind of you. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good,” her gaze lessens in intensity, allowing for your shoulders to relax slightly, not that you had even been aware of tensing them. “I know how my son can be, so your safety and happiness is my number one priority.”
“Thank you,” is all you can say, and you’re starting to feel like a broken record, but you truly are grateful for her words. Though, you don’t quite know exactly what she means by her most recent ones. Jaehyun, to you, seems like a really nice, caring guy, so the knowing look she sends you when she says that only serves to confuse you. Besides, she seems a lot nicer than what Jaehyun had made her out to be, of which you find a bit strange. Perhaps she’s just putting up a nice front for your sake at the moment. Either way, you’ll make sure not to do anything that would warrant her to dislike you.
“So, tell me about yourself,” Cathy sips her tea, leaning back in her seat to get comfortable as she watches you.
The rest of the morning is spent with the queen, getting a feel for each other and learning all about the other. She listens intently to everything you have to say and she looks genuinely so intrigued by you. The more time you spend with her, the more you seem to relax around her. She’s nothing like how Jaehyun described, which only makes you believe that that’s his familial side talking. Perhaps they’re not as close as the media makes them out to be.
By the time lunch rolls around, you find yourself eating alongside the Queen in the dining room, Jaehyun nowhere to be seen. Noticing your curious gaze, she mentions that he has some diplomatic council meeting to attend to, but he’ll probably be joining you for dinner that evening. You simply nod in response, continuing on with your conversation with the Queen.
Another hour passes with you spending time with Cathy, and the both of you enjoy this so much that you plan to make your little girl talk a weekly thing. You end up leaving with a smile on your face, as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders as you head back to your room. Honestly, you cannot wait for next week to be able to spend more time with the Queen, as she’s nothing at all like you were expecting. It’ll be nice to have another person that you can consider a friend while you’re staying here.
Making it back to your room, you’re greeted by Maria who seems to have been patiently waiting for your return. She asks you how your day has been so far, and you tell her honestly that you had a lovely morning with the Queen. 
“I’m a little surprised though,” you admit.
“Why’s that?” She asks, brow furrowing in slight concern.
“Jaehyun told me that she was a hard woman to please,”
“Really?” Her voice comes out in mild disbelief. From what she knows of the Queen, she’s a lovely person through and through. The Prince on the other hand… though she would never tell you that. Not that she could without risk of losing her life and everything she holds dear.
“Still, I’m glad we made such a connection today,” you smile. “That’s good, right? Getting his mom to like me is a step in a positive direction.”
“Of course, Miss,” Maria returns your smile, though it seems a bit forced. She has to be extra careful around you now with how she acts and what she says, after all, by now, every servant in the castle has heard of what happened to Greta last night.
“By the way, how’s Greta doing? I haven’t seen her since yesterday,” you wonder aloud, almost missing the way Maria’s shoulders seem to tense at the inquiry.
“Oh, uh, about that,” Maria says, eyes shifting nervously around the room. She’s just grateful she’s facing away from you at the moment. “Greta took a vacation to go visit her family, so she won’t be back for a while.”
“Ah, I see,” you hum. “That’s nice, hopefully she has a lovely time with her family.”
If only you knew what kind of condition she was in when her body was sent back to her family. Maybe then you would have heeded her warnings.
“Yeah,” Maria replies, somewhat breathless. “Hopefully.”
The next few weeks pass by in a blur for you, each day bringing about a new adventure with Jaehyun. So far, he makes you very happy, and you’re beginning to settle into things at the castle. You especially look forward to the weekly girl talk dates with Cathy, of which she’s asked you to start calling her ‘mom’. Each time she does, you smile shyly and your heart warms, though when you told Jaehyun, he seemed quite shocked.
You’ve also discovered that some of the servants are humans and others are vampires, which was a bit of a surprise to you since you thought all of the servants were humans. At least most of the one’s you’ve encountered so far are. They’ve all been super nice to you, except for the odd one that either looks at you with pity or worry in their eyes. A few even go so far as to attempt to warn you against something, but Jaehyun always appears before they can finish whatever it is that they have to tell you. Whenever this happens, you can never understand the fear that seems to take hold of their body, eyes pleadingly looking towards Jaehyun. Oddly enough, you usually never encounter them again, only hearing brief mention of their names from passing servants.
Of course Jaehyun won’t tell you the amount of teeth he’s pulled, eyes he’s gouged out, or even tongues he’s cut off because of this. No, never. He always has to be the perfect prince in your eyes, keeping you blind to everything that might scare you away from him.
What really sets him off one day is when the two of you had just come back from riding your horses through the grounds. The stable hand, Shotaro, had given you a hand helping you off of your horse. Instead of Jaehyun being the one to help you, he was forced to watch as another male held your hand delicately and smiled at you softly.
Having had a few previous interactions with the vampiric stable hand, you thought nothing of this. A simple friendly gesture to you was near treason in Jaehyun’s eyes. Only he should be able to touch you like that. How else is he supposed to charm you and show you how much of a gentleman he can be towards you? How he can provide for you, even in the most basic of ways?
Luckily, Maria was waiting to lead you back to the castle in order for your weekly girl talk with the Queen. Using this opportunity as you’re walking away, Jaehyun rounds on Shotaro, already seeing the vampire visibly stiffen at the deathly gaze that is sent his way. In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun is in front of him, grasping the same hand Shotaro used to help you down from the horse.
“Scream, and I will end you,” Jaehyun seethes, not giving a second thought as he crushes Shotaro’s hand in his grip, hearing the bones snapping beneath the pressure. The tears he sees threatening to fall from this pest’s eyes only serve to widen the sadistic smile on Jaehyun’s face. “If you ever touch what’s mine again, your hand won’t be the only part of you I shatter. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y-yes, my Prince,” Shotaro stutters out, fear pouring off of him from every angle.
“Now, you better go get that hand of yours fixed up,” Jaehyun tilts his head slightly, a malicious gleam in his eyes. “We wouldn’t want any bones to set and start healing in the wrong place, now would we?”
“N-no, my Prince,” he shakes his head, clutching his broken hand to his chest as soon as Jaehyun releases his grip.
“Good,” Jaehyun hums, a dark expression taking over his features. “Now, get out of my sight.”
Immediately, Shotaro flees the scene, fearing the Prince might inflict more of his wrath upon him. How you haven’t noticed Jaehyun’s eccentric behaviour yet is a mystery. Then again, he purposely keeps you blind to everything bad about his personality, only willing to show you the good parts. Those good parts which are only reserved for you.
Meanwhile, you have just been softly conversing with Maria as she walks with you back up to the castle from the stables. It’s then that you realize that you’ve been walking alone with her for the past two minutes, causing your brow to furrow slightly.
“Where’s Jaehyun?” You verbalize your thoughts, and just as you’re about to turn around to look for him, you feel his comforting hand on the small of your back.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, I had to check up on something back at the stables,” his smile is dazzling and you can’t help but nod your head in understanding as you smile back at him.
Naturally, your arm slides around his, the two of you walking comfortably back into the castle with Maria at your heels. Soon enough, the two of you enter the throne room, a large smile breaking out onto your features as you greet the Queen. A smile which Jaehyun wants only for himself.
“Are you finally going to join us today, Jaehyunnie?” Cathy asks, standing from her seat and making her way towards the two of you.
“Oh, I’d love that,” you look towards him with a hopeful expression, eyes wide.
“Not today, unfortunately,” the look you’re giving him almost makes him change his mind immediately, the pout causing him to gently cup your cheek in his hand, running his thumb over your skin. “Maybe next time.”
“Alright,” you sigh, slightly disappointed. You love spending time with him, almost as much as he does with you. “You promise?”
“I promise,” he smiles, placing a gentle kiss onto your forehead as he reluctantly steps aways from you, only to see his mother observing him carefully. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Okay,” you respond, eyes following his figure as he turns and walks out of the room, gaze lingering ever so slightly on the doors even after they’ve closed behind him.
“Ready to go, dear?” Cathy’s voice manages to pull you out of your daze, you nodding in the next moment and following her out into the gardens for your weekly girl talk session.
The afternoon passes with the two of you conversing about how you’re liking staying at the palace so far. You tell her honestly that you’re having a wonderful time, and that everyone seems so nice, except for the odd few who seem to avoid you like the plague. She seemed to only hum in response at that, though you’re not quite sure why.
“How’s your family? Have you been writing to them like I suggested?” Cathy sips her drink, looking at you expectantly.
“Oh, I completely forgot,” you meant to send them a letter last week after she had suggested it, but you got caught up in the plans Jaehyun had made in the afternoon that you forgot all about it. Besides, he didn’t quite look too enthused when you mentioned writing to them, but that could just be your faulty memory. “I should write them today, I do miss them greatly.”
“Would you like to visit them?”
“I’d love to,” you smile softly, not believing it to be possible. “But-“
“Excellent! I’ll make arrangements for you to visit them tomorrow,” Cathy interjects, a chipper expression on her face.
“I don’t know how to thank you enough,” at this point you know not to question her decisions.
“Nonsense,” she places her hand gently on top of yours which has been resting on the table between the two of you. “It’s the least I can do. After all, with how much you talk about your family, I can tell they’re important to you.”
“They are,” you confirm, looking over to meet her fond gaze.
“You have a kind heart, (Y/n),” she hums, shifting her gaze to look out over the garden. “Guard it well.”
You can only smile in return, thoughts running wild as to you finally being able to go visit your mother and your sister since you first arrived at the palace two months ago. Finally, you’ll be able to catch up with them and tell them all about what’s been going on in your life. Maybe if you’re lucky, you can introduce Jaehyun to them as well.
That evening, after Jaehyun has bid you a goodnight, he storms into his mother’s chambers. Throwing the doors open, a loud bang reverberates throughout the room, a few passing servants looking on in fear. Sending a dangerous look their way, Jaehyun manages to scare them off before rounding on his mother.
“You promised to let her see her family tomorrow?” He seethes, voice booming as there’s no fear you may overhear. After all, your room is all the way on the opposite side of the castle.
“Oh, Jaehyunnie, what a pleasant surprise for you to drop by to finally come visit your dear mother,” she feigns interest, sparing him a side glance before going back to her nightly routine.
“Spare the small talk, mother,” he spits, brows furrowed in anger. “Why would you do something like this?”
“Are you that obsessed with isolating the poor girl?” Cathy hums, tilting her head questioningly at her son. “She needs to socialize with other people, she can’t just stay around you the whole time.”
“I’m the only one she needs,” his voice is low, a growl threatening to rise up his throat. “The only one she’ll ever need.”
“You do not own her,”
“I know,” he snaps. “I’ve worked too damn hard to let her go now.”
“You have a lot to realize before you should even think about calling her yours,” Cathy states, hearing her son let out the growl that he had been holding back this whole time. She only looks amused by his reaction. “You cannot control her.”
“Everything’s gone according to plan thus far,” he retorts, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Besides a few minor set backs which have been disposed of.”
“Ah, yes,” she muses. “I’d appreciate if you stopped mutilating my servants, let alone killing them.”
“It’s no less than they deserve,” he counters.
“And what does your beloved think about that side of you?”
A brief moment of silence settles around the room, speaking volumes in Cathy’s eyes, until he breaks it.
“She doesn’t know,” Jaehyun watches his mother move around her room carefully, eyes narrowed in distaste. “She never will."
“My child, there will come a day when her eyes are opened to see your true colours,” Cathy warns, pausing in her step to turn and look down upon Jaehyun with her nose upturned. 
“Is that a threat, mother?” His eyes hold a crazed look in them at the mere idea of you finding out the truth. Hell, even the thought of you being taken away from him sets his instincts into overdrive, causing his eyes to bleed red and another growl to escape his throat.
“It’s not a threat if I only speak the truth,” she replies calmly, only causing his anger to flare more than it already has. “Do not expect her to return with you after visiting her family tomorrow. I have been keeping in touch with them regarding this entire situation and they know the lengths you are willing to go to ensnare her. The lengths you have already gone. I don’t know what you told Minho to tell her mother that first day that has her so terrified of the consequences, but her sister, Lori, was it? She seems to have a level head on her shoulders.”
Jaehyun’s blood boils, eyes filling with fury as they remain red, “you’ve been doing what?”
“Warning them about you and devising a plan to free the lovely Miss (Y/n) from your clutches,” her brow quirks as she watches her son fume before her very eyes. 
“I’ll kill them if they so much as even try,” he hisses, chest heaving with every breath as he is thrown into this situation. He’s come this far, there’s no way he’s letting you go now.
“Not if I have anything to do with it,” Cathy’s voice is steady, firm in her command of the room. “Enough blood has already been spilt on your account.”
“Clearly, there hasn’t been enough,” Jaehyun growls, eye flashing once more at his mother.
Rising to her full height, the Queen does not take the underlying threat from her son lightly, “you dare threaten me? Let’s not forget who brought you into this world and who taught you all that you know. Be careful, boy, lest your ambitious lust go to your head.”
“I don’t care who you may be to me, mother,” he seethes, straightening his back and matching her ferocity with his own, “but if you so much as even attempt to take what’s mine away from me, I’ll kill you.”
Without another word between them, Jaehyun is storming out of his mother’s room, leaving her standing with a shocked expression on her face. Never, in all of her long years of putting up with his antics has she ever seen him look this serious, this deadly about something in her life. Her worry only grows for you as she thinks of what he may have in store for you in the future. Going forward, she’ll have to be extra cautious, preparing herself for whatever her son has planned to come.
The next morning, you wake up bright and early, excited to finally go visit your family again after being away from them for so long. You hardly got any sleep at all last night, considering how excited you are. Being able to catch them up to everything going on in your life will be like a dream come true, and besides, you never did get your clothes from your mom that she promised to send to the palace, and you really miss your favourite sweater.
“You’re awfully happy this morning,” Maria comments as she does your hair for the day.
“I am,” you agree. “I haven’t seen my family in months and I can’t wait to introduce them to Jaehyun.”
“That’ll be lovely!” Maria replies, though you catch her grimace in the mirror.
“What is it?” You question, eyes wide with concern.
“Nothing to worry yourself about,” she tells you, shrugging off your inquiries.
“Clearly it’s something,” you counter, to which she sighs.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Prince will not be joining you right away this morning,” Maria admits, to which your expression drops slightly.
“But don’t worry! He told me to tell you that he’d be along as soon as he can,” Maria continues, giving your shoulders a quick rub in encouragement. “He just has a few things to tend to first. You know, political duties and such.”
“I understand,” you nod, still visibly disappointed you won’t be arriving at the same time, nor travelling together this morning.
“Come on, dear, let’s get you changed,” she gives your shoulders one final pat before leading you to the closet to finish getting you ready for the day.
After a quick breakfast with the Queen, you’re being ushered into the back of a car to head back home for the day. The whole car ride over feels like an eternity, the scenery not being able to distract you one bit. 
Restless wouldn’t even begin to be able to describe you, your eyes flitting everywhere inside the car, then out the window, only to repeat the same process over and over again. Even your leg hasn’t stopped bouncing in anticipation, fingers toying with the edge of your shirt just to have something to do.
Eventually, after what feels like hours to you, you arrive in a familiar neighbourhood. Once the car is parked, you step out onto a familiar driveway, a smile gracing your features as you breathe in the fresh air. The driver has only been instructed to drop you off since Jaehyun will be by later, accompanied by Minho to take you back to the palace. Once he sees you’re safe, he’s starting the engine once more and pulling out of the driveway. This way you can have some privacy before the Prince arrives. Cathy made sure of that.
Making your way up your front porch, there’s a slight spring to your step, pushing open the front door in the next moment and calling out a cheerful ‘I’m home’! Oh, how good it feels, too.
“(Y/n)?” You hear your mother’s voice sound from the kitchen before her head is peeking out from the doorway, eyes wide with disbelief. “Is that you?”
“Hey, mom,” you greet, kicking off your shoes and running over to embrace her, her arms already spread open in anticipation.
“It’s so good to see you again, sweetie,” she says, hugging you even closer than before, almost as if she’s afraid you’ll disappear in a moment’s notice. “When the queen sent notice last night of you coming to visit this morning, I could hardly believe it.”
“More like you couldn’t believe it,” Lori’s voice sounds from the entranceway behind you, causing a large grin to spread on your face as you turn around to face your younger sister. “Where’s the Prince? I’m surprised you two aren’t joined at the hip.”
You roll you eyes at this, “it’s lovely to see you, too, Lori. I’ve missed you so much.”
She merely sticks her tongue out at you in response, coming over to squish you in a hug in the next second. “Yeah, yeah, I missed you, too.”
Despite her grumbling, you can tell she means what she says, if the tightness of her hug is anything to go by. You can tell she’s also missed teasing you, just as you’ve missed teasing her.
“If you must know,” you say, pulling away from Lori after a long hug. “Jaehyun will be coming by later, he’s just got a few things to attend to first. He sends his regards, though, for the time being.”
“Wow, first name basis with the Prince,” Lori whistles lowly. “That’s a shocker considering I’ve heard that he doesn’t let just anyone call him that.”
“Lori,” your mother shoots a warning look at your sister.
“What? It’s the truth,” she shrugs, only causing you to chuckle.
“Well, we are pretty close,”
“I’ll say,” Lori hums. “Speaking of, has he ever told you why he chose you, or how he even found out about you in the first place?”
“Lori, my word,” your mother shoots her another look, as if to tell her to quit while she’s ahead.
“Mom, it’s okay,” you chuckle, voice nothing but reassuring. “I always knew my little sister was concerned for me, no matter how badly she tries to hide it. As a matter of fact, yes. I have asked him before.”
“And?” She motions with her hand for you to continue.
“He told me that one day while he was out he saw me and overheard the conversation I was having with Jaemin - remember how we always banter back and forth?” Seeing her nod, you continue, “anyways, he apparently appreciated my wit and humour and decided to learn more about me. Well, here we are.”
The smile you send your mother and sister only serves to unnerve them slightly. They’ve been told not to tell you that Jaemin has gone missing since you’ve left for the palace.
“You believe him?” Lori gives you a ‘really’ look, brow quirked in disbelief.
“I have no reason not to,” you shrug.
By now, the two of you have sat down at the kitchen table, your mother busy with preparing lunch for all of you.
“You know how crazy that sounds, though, right?” She goes on to say. “After eavesdropping on your conversation he suddenly wants you to move to the palace so he can make you his wife? That’s very strange.”
“I mean, I was a little weirded out at first, but after he explained himself I felt better,” you say, leaning back slightly in your chair in order to relax. “I trust him.”
At your words, Lori only seems even more suspicious, your mother distracting you long enough for her to hide her concern.
“That’s nice, dear,” she smiles at you. “You must really like him, then.”
You hum in agreement, “I really do.”
“So,” your mother begins, sitting down to join you two at the table as the food heats up on the stove, “tell us everything.”
It takes you about an hour and a half to explain everything that’s happened to you since your arrival at the castle all those weeks ago. The whole while, your mother and sister listen patiently to what you have to say, chiming in here and there with little comments of their own. Your mother seems happy for you, but you can tell your sister isn’t all that convinced. Her comment about the Prince not being everything he seems to be certainly is enough to rub you the wrong way, putting a slight damper on your mood the longer you spend at home.
“All I’m just saying is that he seems too nice, from what you’re telling me,” her eyes hold the same suspicion you can hear clearly in her voice.
“He’s given me no reason to suspect otherwise,” you counter, a slight furrow to your brows.
“Yet he’s never once suggested visiting us, and when you do, he’s nowhere to be found,” Lori quirks a brow at you.
“It’s not his fault he has duties to attend to,” you defend him, upset that your sister doesn’t seem nearly as happy for you as you thought she’d be.
“Does he always have ‘duties’ to attend to when there’s something you want to do?” A knowing look is sent your way, as if she already knows how you’re going to answer. “If you’re always alone there, then why don’t you just come home? It sounds to me like you’d be better off that way, anyways.”
“No!” You immediately counter, crossing your arms in front of your chest, hurt that your own sister would even suggest something like this. “That’s not the case. He’s been nothing but caring and respectful towards me since I got there. I don’t expect him to wait on me hand and foot all the goddamn time. It’s nice having some space every once in a while, too.” You can tell you’ve momentarily stunned her with your answer as she looks at you, dumbfounded. Taking this opportunity, you continue, “if all you’re going to do is shit on my happiness, then I won’t bother to come home at all. I care about him and I know he cares about me, and all you’re doing is making your jealousy clear. I don’t want to move back home, I want to stay with him. I-“ you swallow, gathering your courage to utter your next words, “I’m in love with him.”
A soft gasp leaves your mother’s lips, “sweetie.”
“What?” You turn your attention to look at her, noticing how she’s already staring at you with an unreadable expression on her face, your sister sitting frozen in her spot at your admission.
“You love him,” comes your sister’s voice. Not a question, but a mere statement of facts, of which causes you to gape slightly before closing your mouth and steadying yourself. You let out a breath that you didn’t realize you’d been holding.
“I do,” you confirm, staring both women down as they stare back at you. Your mother with a dumbfounded expression, your sister with a stern gaze that feels as if it’s boring into your soul.
A moment of silence passes over the three of you as they let your confession sink in, only interrupted by a soft knock at the door.
“I’ll get it,” your mother sighs, heading towards the front door to see who it could be.
“He has you wrapped around his finger, doesn’t he?” Lori sighs, causing whatever last thread of patience you had to snap at her remark.
Your snappy retort dies in your throat as soon as you hear a familiar masculine voice coming from the front door, Jaehyun politely introducing himself to your mother after being invited inside.
“Speak of the devil, and he shall appear,” Lori mutters, shaking her head.
In an instant, you’re standing, the scraping of your chair against the floor enough to cause Lori to look up at you in surprise at the sudden action. You say nothing as you head out of the kitchen and towards the front door, Lori following shortly afterwards with a frown prominent on her face.
To everyone’s surprise, you start to slip on your shoes. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Minho shoot you a worried look while your mother and sister share a glance. However, none look as concerned as Jaehyun does right now.
“Is everything alright?” He asks lowly, hand finding purchase on your lower back as you right yourself after fixing your one shoe.
“Fine,” you respond shortly, to the surprise of everyone in the room. “Thanks for lunch, mom. It was really nice seeing you again.”
You move over to give her a brief hug. It takes her a moment to return it, unsure of what exactly has transpired in the past minute to have you rushing out of the door so soon. You seemed so excited for them to meet the Prince earlier, so this only serves to increase her worry.
“Of course, dear,” she answers. “Is everything okay?”
You pull away, giving her a tight smile, “just a bad headache, is all.”
“Are you sure you don’t just want to lie down for a bit? You just got here,” she frowns, worry evident on her features along with a hint of what looks like sadness.
“I’m sure,” you reply, sending her a weak smile in return. 
One thing you’ve always been horrible at is hiding your emotions. Anyone can read them clear as day on your face, especially right now. That’s one thing Jaehyun has learned about you during your stay at the palace, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t find out what happened. For now, he’ll simply go along with your wishes, playing the part of the concerned lover. Good thing, too, otherwise if a moment longer had passed, he probably would have torn Lori’s head from her shoulders for causing you such distress.
Even though he’s only just entered the house, he’s been outside far longer than any of you have suspected. Of course he overheard what the three of you had been talking about, and your family’s attitudes certainly rubbed him the wrong way. He knows his own mother definitely has something to do with the way Lori is acting. Thank fuck she won’t be a problem any more.
The only good thing his mind has latched onto at the moment is your loving confession. He has to remind himself to stay in control of his emotions for the time being, lest he want his plans to be ruined. After all, things are going far better than he could have ever hoped on this end.
“Okay, sweetie, if you’re sure,” even though she doesn’t look convinced, she doesn’t push the issue. “Come and visit again soon!”
“We will,” you give her another small smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
Giving one final nod to your mother, you hardly even spare Lori a final glance as you bid her farewell, the both of them waving goodbye to you from the front porch. Once seated in the backseat of the car beside Jaehyun, you let out a sigh.
“Is everything okay, Princess?” His voice holds nothing but concern as he motions for Minho to raise the privacy screen.
You finally meet his gaze, and he curses whoever was the one to cause you pain, “honestly, not really.”
He shifts closer, placing a comforting hand on your knee, “did you want to talk about it?”
A few moments pass by in silence as you attempt to calm yourself down. Taking a deep breath, you meet his gaze once more.
“She called you a devil,” he inhales sharply at your words, feigning shock. “And I know how much you hate that word, let alone being called such a thing. I just couldn’t sit there and listen to any more of Lori’s bullshit slander of you.”
“I see,” he says, lips tugging downwards in a frown. On the inside though, he’s surprised that you even remembered him telling you that offhandedly one of the first times you went horseback riding together. It warms his heart that you would remember a detail like that of himself. Though, this only serves to confirm to him even further that you’re perfect for each other.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize for your family’s behaviour. “I just couldn’t stand how she was talking about you, or the fact that I felt like they were invalidating my feelings.”
“It’s not your fault,” he assures you, shifting so that his hand can now gently stroke your back as you lean forward to rest your elbows on your knees.
“I was looking forward to you meeting them, too,” you pout, disappointment clear in your voice. “I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s alright, Darling,” he sends you a reassuring smile. “If I’m being completely honest, I’m kind of glad we left early. I don’t think I would have had the heart to be proper company to your loved ones.”
This time, it’s your turn to look at him in concern, “is everything okay?”
“Not really,” he shoots you a weak smile, his facade cracking just as he had planned from the moment you decided to leave your house as soon as he had arrived. “No.”
“What’s wrong?” You cup his cheek tenderly, and he leans into your touch, briefly closing his eyes as he revels in the way your skin feels against his, though you take it as him seeking comfort for whatever it is he’s about to tell you.
“It’s my mother,” he pauses, swallowing a fake lump in his throat. “She’s been murdered.”
“Oh my god,” a gasp escapes your lips, a hand coming up to cover your mouth in shock.
“I was only just informed minutes before I arrived at your house,”
“Oh, Jaehyun,” your eyes hold nothing but sorrow as you embrace him, “I’m so sorry.”
“You’re doing an awful lot of apologizing today for things that aren’t your fault,” he comments, wrapping his arms securely around your waist as he pulls you closer into his chest.
“Still,” you whisper into his neck, “I’m sorry for your loss. Your mother was a wonderful person.”
A hum is all you receive in response, his grip tightening ever so subtly around you as he feels you start to shake slightly. He knew the two of you were close, but he wasn’t expecting you to shed actual tears when you learnt his mother had passed. Perhaps it’s the combination of emotions from your family mixed with this sudden news that has you curled up in his arms, seeking his comfort as much as you are comforting him. Either way, he’ll use this to his advantage, loving the feeling of having you pressed so close to him, clinging onto him like he’s the only one you’ll ever need.
Quietly, he shushes you, telling you that it’ll be alright. You’re quite surprised at how well he’s taking all of this, though you can tell he’s glad for the comfort you provide him during this time. However, what you fail to see is Jaehyun glancing briefly towards the window, eyes flashing as he catches his reflection in the glass. A look of smug content resides on his features as he continues to stroke your back in comforting circles.
You manage to fall asleep about halfway through the car ride back to the castle. Your head is resting on Jaehyun’s lap as he gently strokes his hand over your hair. A smile pulls at his lips when he hears you hum in content, shifting yourself closer to him in response.
Growing up the way he did, getting everything he ever wanted or could ever ask for, and hardly ever receiving punishments for his actions, he’s used to others shouting and crying about how unfair he can be. The amount of people he’s seen beg for their life with tears in their eyes has never made him blink one time. However, seeing you this upset, with tears in your eyes has made him promise himself to never see you cry again. You’re the only person in this universe he cannot stand to see in pain, and he will do anything and everything in his power to make sure that this never happens again. You deserve nothing but happiness, of which he knows only he can give you.
The news of the Queen’s death spreads throughout the nation like wildfire. Many demand answers as to how something like this could have happened, as well as who would do such a thing. Luckily, Jaehyun had prepared for this. A few servants, both human and vampire alike, that had tested his patience for far too long took the fall, information leaking that the murder was an inside job long planned out by said servants.
Jaehyun played his part well, condemning the criminals for their vile acts and taking his precious mother away from him, as well as the precious matriarch away from the citizens. The best part is that you were there the whole time comforting him and making sure he was okay. 
Those were some of the best days for him, being able to stay by your side nearly twenty-four seven, being able to hold you in his arms as you slept beside him. Fuck, he can never get enough of you: your soft skin beneath his fingertips, the way your body feels pressed against his own, the way you stood by him and offered him condolence when he needed it, and especially the way you smell. There were a few times he nearly went feral during the night due to your scent spiking with arousal. He could tell you were having some pretty nice dreams about him, for the one time you moaned his name in your sleep, nearly driving him insane.
He only wishes he had done this sooner, maybe then your sister wouldn’t be even more suspicious towards him. The letters from her only seemed to increase after his mother’s death, but he has no time for them, nor does he even want to entertain them. Maybe then he can finally have you all to himself without worrying about what your stupid brat of a younger sister might do to take you away from him. No matter, he’ll make sure to dispose of her soon, if she doesn’t stay in line.
Approximately two weeks after his mother’s funeral, Jaehyun takes you on a small picnic beneath the willow tree that overlooks the gardens. The place is secluded enough that you know you won’t be disturbed. After all, after the commotion of the past few weeks, it’s nice to just get away for a while, especially with just the two of you.
Currently, his head is resting in your lap, the two of you finally able to relax and enjoy each other’s company without interruptions. Glancing down, Jaehyun catches your gaze.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look today yet?” He smiles softly up at you as he watches the evening sun kiss your skin.
“Hmm,” you pretend to ponder his question, gazing out over the gardens as you teasingly tap your chin. “I don’t think you have.”
“It’s a shame, then,” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head slightly. “All the stars in both heaven and on earth could never compare to your beauty.”
The way he looks at you, like you’re his entire world, sets your heart racing in your chest. You bite your lip, looking away bashfully.
Sitting up, he lets out a small chuckle at your reaction. How can you be so cute?
“Don’t hide that pretty face from me, Darling,” cupping your chin gently in his hand, he turns your head to face him, noticing how you avert your gaze slightly in embarrassment. Pride swells in his chest as he knows only he can get a reaction like this out of you. Only he can make you feel this way. “From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me.”
“Jae,” the whisper of his name from your lips sends a shiver down his spine.
“Getting to know you over these past few months has only confirmed my first thought I had of you,” he tells you, stroking his thumb slowly over your bottom lip as you watch him carefully.
“Oh?” Your gaze becomes hooded as you watch him, his own eyes focussed on the way his thumb is caressing your lip. “What might that be?”
“You’re perfect,” his voice is low, seductive, as he moves his hand to the back of your neck, thumb now stroking the nape.
“You must not have met many good people, then,” you lightly joke, the corner of your lip twitching upwards as your eyes flick to his lips, noticing how the space between the two of you grows ever smaller by the second.
“No,” he replies softly, “I haven’t.”
Your hand comes up to cup the side of his face, thumb rubbing his cheek tenderly as the two of you continue to stare into each other’s eyes. A moment of silence passes between the two of you before Jaehyun is breaking it.
“Can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask,”
You barely have time to finish your words when his lips are on yours, the hand he has placed on the back of your neck pulling you in closer. His touch is soft, lips delicate over your own, as if you’re the finest piece of glass that needs to be handled with the utmost care. Your eyes flutter shut.
This tender moment is enough to steal your breath away, something that Jaehyun never fails to do when you’re alone with him. How you got him of all people to fall for you is still a wonder, of which everyday you’re thankful for. Ever since he’s come into your life, you’ve never been happier. Each day with him is another where he makes you feel special. He cherishes you, just as you have come to cherish him, but more than all of that, he makes you feel loved.
Pulling away, he rests his forehead on yours, the hand on the back of your neck holding you in place as your eyes open to see him already gazing at you fondly.
“Like I said,” he breathes. “Perfect.”
“I could say the same about you,” you hum, pecking his lips once more and causing him to smile.
He hums back, content with how this evening is going so far, and with one final lingering kiss to your lips, he pulls away from you, albeit a bit reluctantly. If he’s honest with himself, he’s a bit nervous. The question he’s been meaning to ask you this entire evening sits at the tip of his tongue, unwilling to actually be formed into the proper words.
“I love you,” this is not the first time he’s told you this, but it still sets your heart aflutter. Maybe this time will be the time you say it back.
“I know,” you hum, lips tugging upwards as your eyes reflect the same love and want shining in his own.
“Even though we haven’t know each other all that long, no one makes me feel the way that you do,” he begins, again, somewhat nervously. You take his one hand into yours, letting him know he can take all the time he needs to in order to form the words he wants to say to you. “You mean the world to me, and I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. I know it sounds ridiculous, but my life changed the day you stepped through those palace doors, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. You’ve changed my life for the better; you make me want to be a better man.”
“Jaehyun,” his name is but a whisper on your lips as he pulls out a ring from his pocket.
“Will you do me the honour of becoming mine?” He asks, gaze locking on yours as your hands come up to cover your mouth in shock. 
All you can do at the moment is nod your head, a large smile breaking out onto your face before it morphs into a slight smirk as he slides the ring on your finger. “Does this mean I get to call you mine?”
“You can call me whatever you’d like,” he grins, eyes hooded as he pulls you onto his lap to admire the ring now glinting on your finger. “My perfect bride.”
Your giggle is like music to his ears as he pulls you in for another kiss. This one is more heated, full of passion and longing with an undertone of a promise of what is still yet to come. 
Jaehyun could not be happier than he is in this moment with you. Everything has gone according to plan, and soon, he’ll get to call you his wife. Not that you would have had a choice in the matter, even if you had denied him. Now, you’re his, indefinitely, and nothing can change that. Now, he’s never letting you go.
As the sun begins to set in the distance, it’s your turn to rest your head on his thigh. He’s currently feeding you some red grapes, of which he’s been told are your favourite.
“What else we got?” You ask after a having a few more grapes.
“Hmm, let’s see,” he digs through the basket, pulling out and listing the different food options. “Why, do you not like the grapes?”
“I do, don’t get me wrong,” you smile reassuringly at him. “I’m just not the biggest fan of red grapes.”
“I thought they were your favourite,” Jaehyun replies, a small frown pulling at his features. Who was it again that told him that red grapes were your favourite? Ah, that’s right, Ben. If he had known they weren’t your favourite he would have never even dreamed of having them packed for you.
“Nah,” you scrunch your nose slightly while shaking your head. Jaehyun would think it’s cute were not for the situation he finds himself in. “Green grapes are where it’s at.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiles, though you don’t registered how it looks slightly forced.
Shooting him a smile back, the two of you turn your attention back to the sunset before you, making small comments here and there about the way the light reflects off of the surrounding areas. You feel completely at peace. Jaehyun on the other hand, is suffering from inner turmoil at this mistake. Something that is so small could have meant a world of difference to you, and the last thing he wants is to screw things up this far into your relationship. How is he supposed to be the perfect lover if he can’t even get your favourite foods correct?
The moment he bids you a goodnight and your door shuts behind him that evening, he’s speeding to the kitchen. The staff, whom had been finishing up for the day are startled by his sudden appearance. Immediately, they bow in respect, a few of the cook’s nerves spiking in fear that what they had prepared this evening did not please him.
“Where’s Ben?” His voice booms throughout the room, eyes deadly as they scan the area for the aforementioned man. 
“He’s just gone to dispose of the trash, Your Highness,” one of the cooks tells him.
“How fitting,” he muses, already thumbing the coin in his pocket which he had grabbed from the cellar on the way here.
The side door to the kitchen creaks slightly when it opens, a lanky man walking through in the next moment. Sensing the tension in the kitchen, he freezes, the door falling shut behind him. Noticing Jaehyun standing at the opposite end of the counter, he immediately bows.
“Your Highness,” 
“Red grapes, huh, Ben?” At Jaehyun’s words, Ben stiffens, already knowing something must have gone wrong for the Prince to be in the kitchen this late.
The rest of the staff share brief glances towards one another in confusion as they watch the scene before them play out. None are willing enough to move for fear of the Prince’s wrath.
“Do you know what this is?” Though his voice is calm, Jaehyun is far from it, only able to maintain his composure due to the fear radiating off of everyone in this room. He loves knowing the power he holds over each one of their insignificant little lives.
Ben eyes the coin now poised in Jaehyun’s hand warily, the metal glinting ever so slightly in the light of the kitchen.
“A coin, Your Highness,” Ben answers as Jaehyun looks at him expectantly, obviously wanting more than just that as his answer. “The ones which you use to pay us.”
“Very good,” he feigns amusement, eyes narrowing harshly in the next moment. “Now tell me, what’s the point in paying you when you provide me with the wrong information?”
Ben looks stunned momentarily, “I’m sorry, I don’t follow.
“Red grapes, Ben,” Jaehyun tuts. “Red. Grapes.”
It seems as if something clicks in his mind, “oh, yes, (Y/n)’s fav-“
“You dare speak her name in my presence?” Jaehyun’s voice booms, a few of the younger staff now visibly shaking in fear at his outburst. “Do not taint my love’s name with your tongue.”
“My apologies-“
“Silence, you scum,” he hisses between clenched teeth. Jaehyun’s anger currently knows no bounds, only serving to worsen the longer he has to deal with this situation. Taking a breath, he seems to visibly calm down slightly before speaking once more. “Did you know, Ben, that she prefers green grapes over red ones?”
It is then that Ben realizes his mistake. The information he had gathered proving insufficient and false. He starts to shake, unsure of what is to become of him now.
“I’m sorry, my Prince, it will not happen again,”
“You’re right,” Jaehyun smirks. “It won’t. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an engagement party to plan,” he turns to leave the kitchen, tossing the coin he’s holding in his hand in the air once before catching it between his fingers. “Oh, and somebody clean this mess up.”
In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun has flung the coin through Ben’s head, a dull thunk being the only sound heard as his now lifeless body falls to the floor. The whole kitchen remains silent, no one daring to even move a single muscle until Jaehyun has turned the corner, nothing but the coin embedded in the wall serving as a reminder of his presence mere moments ago.
The following week passes by in a blur to you, the whole castle bustling from the news of your confirmed engagement to the Prince. Now, there is cause for celebration instead of remaining in the period of mourning that had plagued the nation previously. You only wish his mother was still here to see it all.
You’ve planned to host an engagement party this coming Friday evening, and you can hardly wait. The two of you have been discussing plans for the event, and you don’t think you’ve smiled brighter than you have been these past few days. Jaehyun has been with you every step of the way, sharing in your excitement at the date grows near.
All too soon, the night of the party arrives and you’re dressed in the finest materials you’ve ever worn. Quite a few diplomats and vampires from surrounding kingdoms are coming to wish you a congratulations on your engagement to the Prince, and to say you’re nervous would be an understatement. You just hope you don’t make a fool of yourself in front of so many important people.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, cannot wait to show you off. Finally, he gets to profess his love for you in front of so many others, finally letting everyone know that you’re his and his alone. If anyone so much as dares to take you away from him, he’s prepared to do whatever it takes to keep you and make sure you never leave his side. Nothing, in all of the world, could tear the two of you apart.
Luckily, the evening goes by without a hitch, passing by much quicker than either of you two expect. Though, you have to say, you’re glad. With the way he’s been looking at you all night, the end of the party could not have come sooner.
Making your way back to your room, you think back to the events of the evening. A smile tugs at your lips as you recall the way the two of you danced, the way he held you close in his arms and made you feel loved. You couldn’t ask for a better man to have come to sweep you off of your feet. You only hope that the night doesn’t end here, and from the dark look you still see swimming in his eyes, you have a feeling that it’s only just begun.
With the way Jaehyun has been looking at you this entire evening, you swear he wants to eat you whole. His eyes are dark, a smirk on his lips as he backs you into the wall of your room, hands finding purchase on your hips as he leans into your neck, inhaling deeply.
“Fuck, you smell so good,” he breathes, eyes fluttering closed in bliss as he allows your scent to cloud his mind. A growl escapes him, finally allowing himself to indulge his fantasies, revelling in everything you. “All mine.”
You cannot deny the way your heart positively flutters at his words, and from the way his grip tightens, you can tell he is enjoying each and every one of your reactions. After weeks of tensions rising, interrupted moments and longing glances sent each other’s way, you know what you want, and you what you want, is him. Badly. 
“I hope you don’t mind, Princess,” his voice is low, nose ghosting over the skin of your neck until his lips come to rest right beside your ear, “but tonight,” he hisses as you pull him closer, “tonight, I’m going to make you mine.”
Bringing his lips to yours, he steals a kiss, loving the way you hum approvingly in response. He loves all the reactions you’re giving him, he thinks they’re so cute. The way your heart is racing in your chest, excitement rolling off of you in waves, sets his own dead heart racing. He can smell your arousal building, a fact which only makes his chest swell, a growl of approval building from deep within.
He could get lost in you. The feeling of your lips on his, your scent, your touch. Everything about you drives him wild, and tonight, he finally gets to show you exactly what you mean to him. He’ll treat you like the royalty you are; whom you are meant to be.
Breaking the kiss, he leans back slightly to rest his forehead on yours, staring deeply into your eyes. You can see the love he has for you shining in them, along with the lust and desire swirling within his irises.
“I’m addicted to you,” voice nothing but a whisper, he cups your cheeks in his hands, “I can never get enough.”
“Then don’t,” your soft reply has his eyes widening slightly. “Because I don’t think I could ever love another as much as I love you.”
He swears his dead heart has once again stopped beating in his chest as he lets your words sink in. You love him. You finally told him that you love him.
A smile breaks out onto his face as he claims your lips with his own. You love him, and that’s all he’s ever wanted. Everything he could have ever asked for has just been granted to him. You’ve fulfilled his every wish, and tonight, he’s going to finally make you his, in every meaning of the word. Tonight, you’re his Queen, and his alone.
“Fuck, you don’t know how happy you’ve just made me, hearing you say that,” he says against your lips, needing to feel every inch of your skin beneath him soon, or he might just go crazy. Your giggle is music to his ears as he litters your face with kisses, “I love you.” He hums contently. “My Queen.”
Your breath hitches as you hear him call you that for the first time. You cannot deny the way your stomach clenches at hearing him call you that, and from the slight upturn of his lips, you know he heard your reaction loud and clear.
Feeling a surge of confidence wash over you, you look into his eyes once more, smirk dancing across your own lips. 
“Then fulfill your promise and make me yours,” you purr. “My King.”
A shiver runs down his spine at your words, and he cannot help the snarl that escapes him, “with pleasure.”
In the blink of an eye, he has you pinned on the bed, hovering over top of you as he trails his lips over the skin of your neck. Pinning your hands at the side of your head by your wrists, he takes this opportunity to start sucking marks into your skin, biting down occasionally. Although he doesn’t let his fangs out yet, he makes sure to leave his marks. He wants everyone in the kingdom to know that you’re his, that he’s finally claimed you for all to see.
The sound of tearing fabric registers in your mind, and you glance down to see that Jaehyun has torn both your dress and his shirt from this evening from your bodies, eyes drinking in every curve of your figure beneath him. His hands come up to cup your breasts, thumbs brushing over your nipples as they harden from his touch.
“Beautiful,” he hums.
Giving your chest a slight squeeze, he emphasizes his approval, only serving to make you become bashful. In the next moment, you attempt to cover yourself with your arms, but he’s quicker. Grabbing your wrists, he pins them beside your head once more.
“Ah-ah,” he tuts, a gleam to his eyes, “don’t you dare hide from me.”
Before you can say anything in response, his lips are on yours as he successfully steals your breath away for the nth time that night. Ever so slowly, he parts from you, trailing kisses down your neck and to your chest, where his hands have returned to cupping your breasts gently. 
A shiver runs down your spine once you feel him take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking lightly as his tongue flicks over the pert bud. His opposite hand works at the other, making sure neither goes untouched. Your satisfied hum is all he needs to hear to know you’re enjoying yourself so far. Smirking against your skin, he trails kisses from one breast to the other as he takes his time to make sure each gets the attention you deserve. By the time he’s done with you, you’ll be screaming his name in ecstasy all night long.
A hand in his hair catches his attention as you guide his head back up to yours, lips meeting in a heated kiss. He can never get enough of you: your taste, your touch, your everything, and he’ll take everything you’re willing to give him, and then some.
Slowly, he grinds himself into you, your legs parting naturally for him to fit between them. The gasp you let out when you feel his hard cock rubbing against your core is music to his ears.
“Feel that, baby?” He hums, nuzzling his nose against your neck and scenting you once more. “That’s all because of you. You have no idea what you do to me.”
The breathless whisper of his name you let out sends a shiver of pleasure down his spine. His one hand grips your thigh, pulling you against him as your fingers tangle in his hair, pulling him in to kiss you again as he continues to grind himself into you.
Breaking away, he nips at the skin of your neck, trailing kisses down your body. The whole time, he mumbles against your skin about how he just needs to taste you, your panties being ripped off of your body not even a second later.
The full force of the scent of your arousal hits him as he settles between your legs, a pleased growl echoing from within his chest. He can already tell his eyes have bled red, your slight gasp confirming it when you meet his gaze.
Trailing kisses up your thighs, he notices how your chest rises and falls with each breath in anticipation. A smirk dances at his lips as he sees you close your eyes momentarily the closer to your entrance his mouth gets. 
Testing the waters, he licks a tentative strip up your core, watching your every reaction and drinking it in. Fuck, if you aren’t the best thing he’s ever tasted in his life, and he’s sure to let you know.
At his words, you cover your face in slight embarrassment, feeling every breath he makes hit your core and send little jolts throughout your entire body. From the chuckle you hear him let out, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
“No, no, no, none of that,” he reaches up and pulls your arm down so you’re no longer covering your face. You meet his gaze once more, and your heart nearly stops at the carnal hunger you can see shining within them. “I want you to watch me as I devour you.”
A moan slips passed your lips as you watch him bring a hand up to spread your lower lips, tongue slowly dragging through your folds all the while he stares deeply into your eyes. Every sound you make, every reaction, is his tonight, and his alone.
Wrapping his lips around your clit, he sucks a few times before flicking the sensitive nub with the tip of his tongue. He alternates between this and bringing his tongue down to circle your entrance before thrusting it in to collect your juices, massaging your inner walls at the same time. Like hell he’s going to let anything go to waste, not after he’s waited this long to finally have you all to himself.
Your hips start to move in time with his tongue, and he lets out a snarl as your hand comes to tangle in his hair, only serving to pull him closer into you. His tongue continues to work you up in every way he knows how, wanting you to know that only he can please you like this. Only he can make you feel this good.
His eyes never leave yours the whole time, even when he starts to pick up the pace. Every twitch of your inner walls lets him know he’s doing something right, taking the opportunity to slide a finger in using his free hand. Now, he focusses his tongue on your clit, licking and sucking as his finger massages your inner walls. The way you’re clenching around him only makes him that much more eager to finally be inside you after all this time.
By now, multiple curses and moans of his name have slipped past your lips, whines only serving to becoming louder as he adds a second finger. Each movement he makes is precise, and you can feel the pressure building with each moment that passes by. With each flick of his tongue, you swear it will be the push you need to fall over the edge, but he purposely slows his movements, wanting to keep you on the brink for as long as possible and prolong your pleasure. By the time he adds a third finger, you feel as if you’re just about ready to fall apart.
“That’s it, darling,” he coaxes, moving his fingers along your inner walls in time with each flick of his tongue, the pressure within you about to snap. “Let yourself go.”
His words are all you need to hear in order to feel yourself falling over the edge, your orgasm crashing into you as a scream of his name tears from your throat. A smirk on his lips is the first thing you see once your vision clears, chest heaving with each breath you take as he laps up every last drop of your essence with his tongue.
“Such a good girl for me,” he hums, removing his fingers in order to crawl up your body and place them at your lips. “Suck.”
Immediately, you part your lips, taking his fingers into your mouth and tasting yourself on them. A moan bubbles in your throat as your tongue swirls around his digits, echoed only by his own groan as he sees the blissful expression on your features.
Taking his fingers out of your mouth, he kisses you once more, pulling your body impossibly closer to his own. He needs to feel every inch of you pressed against him, not wanting to leave any part of your body unexplored this evening.
“Jaehyun,” his name falling from your lips is one of the best sounds he’s ever heard in his life, and he could never tire of it. “Please, I need you.”
Those words are all it takes for him to be ripping off his pants and lining himself up with your entrance. He can’t help but tease you a bit, dipping the head of his cock into your folds to collect your wetness before pulling back out again just to hear you whine. You’re so cute when you’re needy for him.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make you feel so good,” his voice is a low drawl that sounds right beside your ear.
Your arms are already wrapped around his torso, nails digging into the skin of his back as you feel the need to bring him closer. The next thing you hear is him let out a small chuckle, feeling him beginning to stretch you out in the next second as he begins to push into you.
Your mouth falls open in a soundless gasp as you feel him stretching you out. His own breath falters as he feels your walls pulsing around him, the soft warmth of your flesh feeling as if it were made for him. Considering the fact that you two fit perfectly together, he swears that’s the case.
He has to remind himself not to move before you’re okay, every instinct in his body screaming at him to ravish you as soon as he’s seated in you fully. However, he’s in no rush tonight, wanting to take his time in order to make the sweetest love to your body. Something only he can do.
As soon as he sees you nod, he’s resting his forehead against yours as he pulls out slightly and gives a shallow thrust to start. His movements are slow, precise, each movement of his hips a sensual grind to make you feel every inch of him buried within you.
“I fucking love you, you know that?” His voice is rough, strained as he attempts to control himself for the time being. This is your first time together, and he wants to make sure it’s special for the both of you, something neither of you will forget. 
You let out a gasp at a particularly sharp thrust, “I love you.”
This is all he could have ever wanted, and more, as he begins to pick up his pace. His lips meet yours once more in a searing kiss, all of his passion, love, lust, and want for you being conveyed wordlessly through every movement he makes.
When his lips aren’t on yours, they’re sucking marks into the skin of your neck, teeth nipping at the skin shortly after. As he increases his pace, his one hand comes up to grab yours, fingers intertwining as the other grips your waist, holding you to him as close as possible. The way your free hand drags down his back, nails biting into his skin lets him know he’s doing all the right things. Your legs wrapping around his waist only serve to pull him that much closer into you, a pleased rumble escaping his chest.
Shifting slightly, he adjusts the angle he’s hitting you at, hearing your sharp intake of breath as he hits a specific spot inside you.
“Fuck, my King, right there,” your voice is desperate as it comes out, eyes closing in bliss as your head is thrown back.
The snarl that tears from his throat is feral, your words snapping any last bits of sanity he had left in his body as his hips snap into yours. 
“That’s it, Darling,” he growls, eyes bleeding red once more as he takes in the beautiful expressions you’re making for him, “let your King take care of his Queen.”
The hitch in your breath at his own words causes a tightening in his abdomen, and he knows he’s getting close. He has to remind himself that you’re still only human as his grip tightens on your hand and waist, not wanting to hurt you, but needing you to feel just how desperate he is for you. Everything about you drives him insane, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t treat you like the Queen you are.
With each thrust, he can feel your walls twitching around him, signalling that you’re getting closer to your second release of the night. Bringing his one hand down from your waist, he uses his thumb to circle your clit, feeling your whole body shudder beneath him as you near the edge.
“Come on, my Queen,” his chest rumbles in content each time he says those words, voice dangerously low. “Come with me. Come for your King.”
The way his thumb flicks at your clit, combined with his words and the angle he’s hitting inside of you is enough to push you over the edge for the second time that night. Seeing you shake beneath him in ecstasy, combined with the sinful way you’re moaning his name has him following shortly after, a loud cry of your own name escaping his lips.
Lazily thrusting into you a few more times as you both come down from your highs, he makes sure you’re okay before pulling out of you. In the blink of an eye, he’s got a damp washcloth ready in his hand, wiping you down gently while whispering soft praises in your ear, telling you how good you are for him, and how much he loves you. You can only smile softly in return, finally able to catch your breath once he returns from disposing of the washcloth.
Crawling into the bed, he tucks you both under the covers, pulling you close into his chest in the next moment. His hand strokes over your back gently as he places a tender kiss to your forehead.
“I love you,” he whispers. “My Queen.”
“And I love you,” you hum. “My King.”
Silence settles over the two of you as you each take comfort in the other’s embrace. Eventually, sleep overtakes you, leaving Jaehyun to watch over your sleeping figure with a smile on his face.
“Always and forever,” he whispers, allowing his eyes to close and his whole body to relax as he succumbs to his own darkness.
Dawn comes and Jaehyun manages to wake before you do, appreciating the way the morning light cascades over your naked form, painting you in golden hues for him to adore. His eyes trail over your back, tracing the curve of your spine as he remembers the events of last night. Licking his lips, he inhales the scents of the morning deeply, positively growling at the way you’re now covered in his scent.
As it should be. As it will always be. From this point onwards, you’re his and he’s yours, and last night serves as a confirmation of that fact. Now, you’ve given yourselves to each other, and all that’s left to do is set the date for the wedding.
A few minutes pass by with Jaehyun simply admiring you. Very lightly he traces his hand over your back, loving the way you shiver underneath his fingertips, for it only makes him recall how you were trembling beneath him in bliss merely hours before. He could stay like this with you forever, but unfortunately, he needs to attend to some final arrangements for the royal announcement of your wedding ceremony.
Letting out a small sigh, disappointed he has to leave you for the time being, he slides out of bed. The glint of the ring on your left hand in the morning light catches his gaze, only causing a small smile to form at his lips. Last night could not have been more perfect.
Moving as silently as he can so as not to disturb you, he exits your room.
It takes him longer than he would have liked to get ready that morning, his movements feeling a bit sluggish the more he has to move around. It’s almost as if his senses have dulled slightly for the time being, for his hearing isn’t as sharp as it usually is, nor his sense of smell. Perhaps these are simply side effects of his mood, for he knows when he’s overcome with emotions he can never think straight, let alone react in an orderly manner.
Making his way through the castle, he finally enters the throne room, having requested to meet Minho there to discuss everything that still needs to be done for the upcoming ceremonies. However, what he isn’t expecting to see is another person standing with their arms crossed in front of their chest beside a very nervous looking Minho.
“What is the meaning of this?” Jaehyun’s voice practically booms across the room, demanding their attention.
“Your Highness, I’ve been attempting to escort Miss Lori out of the castle and back to her home, but she simply will not go until she speaks with her older sister,” Minho explains, words coming out rushed as he looks towards Jaehyun frantically.
“Is there anything I can help you with? Your sister is currently still resting in her chambers,” Jaehyun continues to play the nice card. He’s gotten this far despite not needing anyone’s approval, but that still doesn’t mean he won’t try for you.
“Cut the bullshit, you’re not fooling me,” Lori narrows her eyes at him, only causing Jaehyun to raise his brows amusedly.
“Is there a reason that you’ve come to talk with your sister then?” Jaehyun asks, already bored with this conversation, yet still feigning interest and concern. Again, he’d do anything for you, even if it means something as trivial as this.
“I’ve come to collect my sister and take her back home,” Lori answers. “Away from you.”
Jaehyun’s expression falls, immediately darkening at the threat apparent in her voice, “I don’t think you understand the situation you’re in here.”
“No, I don’t think you understand your situation,” Lori counters, causing Minho to send her a look filled with nothing but distress. “I’ve seen through your little ‘nice guy’ act long ago thanks to your mother, and I’ve finally come to save my sister from whatever you plan to do to her. She’ll listen to me this time, she always has. I’m taking my sister back home with me, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
The confidence in which she says those words irritate Jaehyun to no end. Though, he supposes he finds this situation rather ironic, causing him to let out a few laughs in disbelief. How dare Lori threaten him of all people. Like she could ever do anything to tear the two of you apart now, considering what occurred last night. After all, the two of you are to be bonded for life.
“You came all this way to threaten me? Me, of all people?” He chuckles maliciously, shaking his head in disbelief. “You think I’m just going to let you waltz in here and steal what rightfully belongs to me? That I’d even let you near what’s mine?”
“Your threats don’t scare me, I know you won’t do anything to me,” Lori raises her chin in the air in defiance, a smug look resting on her face. Clearly the letters his mother had sent her are still giving her a false confidence on this matter.
In a flash, he’s in front of her, holding her in the air by her neck. The hold his hand has around her throat is firm enough for it to be a threat, but not hard enough to completely block her airway just yet. “You underestimate the lengths I am willing to go to keep what is mine. I’ve spent too long planning everything out and making sure things run smoothly in order for things to get where they are now. I’m not giving my love up so easily.”
“Then, obviously you wouldn’t harm her own sister!” She manages to choke out, gaze darting off to his right as if something, or someone has caught her eye. His grip only serves to tighten ever so slightly as his eyes flash red.
“Wouldn’t I?” He hums, tilting his head in false sympathy. “I mean, considering I disposed of my own mother who got in the way, what’s a measly little human girl compared to that?”
Minho can do nothing but watch as this event unfolds before his very eyes, taking a few steps back in order to give the Prince space to do what he has to. His own heart is pounding in his chest out of fear, so he can only imagine how Lori feels in this very moment.
“It’d be so easy for me to cover up your death, so don’t flatter yourself,” Jaehyun seethes, eyes crazed as he stares into hers. “I’ve done everything I can to rid myself of nuisances in my way. So, what’s one more?”
Shifting his predatory gaze, he locks eyes with Minho, waiting for the advisor to speak and confirm his words.
“Yes, Your highness, you’re correct,” Minho swallows nervously, he’s never seen Jaehyun like this before. The intense insanity in his eyes nearly has Minho stumbling over his own feet despite standing perfectly still. He knows something must have happened last night after the engagement party, otherwise there’s no way he would be looking like that right now.
“You’re nothing,” he hisses. “A measly little human whose life will end at the flick of my wrist, worth no more that the servants I’ve killed beneath my feet. Poor Greta, only wanted to warn the love of my life about me, and look what that got her,” he feigns a pout, “only her throat ripped out.”
Lori gasps, remembering how you mentioned to her that one of the servants you met on one of your first days here seemed to have suddenly disappeared, never to be seen again.
“Not to mention the countless other lives I’ve taken for even looking at my love the wrong way. Or maybe, perhaps I should say poor Ben, who only got his skull run through for providing the wrong information about my love’s favourite foods,” Jaehyun tuts, shaking his head. “Bastard could have ruined everything. Just as you are trying to do.”
Lori can feel the breath being squeezed out of her lungs as Jaehyun slowly crushes her airway. She attempts to claw at the hands around her neck to no avail, legs kicking out uselessly beneath her. 
“Don’t you ever think for one second I’d let you take away what I’ve worked so hard to achieve,” he spits, venom dripping from every syllable as he crushes her throat, bringing his other hand up and tearing her head off in the next moment in his anger. “Worthless scum.”
Lori’s head hits the floor with a loud thump, her blood pooling around her now discarded body as lifeless eyes stare up at Jaehyun in fear. He shakes his head in disgust, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe off the blood that had managed to get on his hands. 
“Clean this up,” he orders, turning to Minho to see him nod once in understanding.
Closing his eyes, he shakes his head. So much for his pleasant morning. 
Turning around, Jaehyun sighs, eyes still closed. His face is still contorted into an expression of annoyance, brow furrowed as he takes a deep breath. He can feel his whole body tense as he recognizes a familiar faint scent in the air.
Slowly, he opens his eyes, realizing in horror that you stand in the open doorway of the throne room. Your hands are both raised over your mouth, as if to cover a silent scream as tears stream down your face. He can feel his dead heart falter in his chest as he watches you. The fear you look at him with is something he never ever wanted to see from you, especially directed towards himself.
A few moments pass by with the two of you just silently observing the other. Jaehyun hates how it’s only now that he can seemingly hear the loudness of your racing heart, your scent becoming stronger the more time you spend staring at one another. All that he had worked so hard to create, everything he’s done to impress you, to woo you and make you fall in love with him, is now ruined. It’s only all confirmed when he sees you turn and attempt to run away from him.
In an instant, he’s run to you, caging you in his arms and holding you tightly. Your screams and protests are falling on deaf ears as he holds you to his chest. His attempts to quietly shush you and calm you down are not working, with you only seeming to struggle harder against him, spouting insults and curses at him. 
“Sweetheart, please,” he sighs, “I need you to calm down.”
“Calm down?” You’re hysterical at this point. “Calm down? You just murdered my little sister in front of my very eyes and you have the audacity to tell me to calm down?”
“I did it for us,” he replies calmly, voice sounding completely opposite to how he really feels inside at the moment. “She would have only gotten in the way.”
He’s not entirely sure how you managed to sneak up on him, but he assumes that he didn’t hear you due to his dull senses this morning. The fact that you’re covered in his scent is probably why he didn’t smell you right away, too. Either way, he’ll do his best to steer the conversation in a direction which suits him, considering he doesn’t exactly know how long you had been standing there for. However, your next words only serve to confirm just how long you had.
“And I suppose your mother, Greta, Ben, and who knows who else were all collateral, too?” You retort, anger and disgust shining in your eyes which only causes his grip to tighten ever so slightly around you.
“Yes,” he answers, but he isn’t stupid enough to believe you’ll willingly accept his reasonings. “They were. I don’t expect you to understand why I’ve done what I have yet, but if you think I’m ever going to let you go, you’re mistaken. And before you say you hate me, I just want you to think back on everything I’ve ever done for you since you’ve been here. I want you to remember all the moments we’ve shared together, especially the good ones. Especially last night,” a shiver runs down your spine as he whispers those words lowly in your ear before trailing his lips down your neck, pressing them against the same spot he did the previous evening. Your struggling lessens as he continues, “I’d never do anything to harm you, I think my actions towards you have shown that. I never wanted you to be scared of me. Why do you think I never showed you this side of me yet?”
“You really are a devil,” you spit, finally giving up your attempts to escape his hold for you know that it’s futile at this point. You’ve long been trapped in his clutches, you just only wish you’d realized it sooner.
“A devil who loves you,” he hums, nuzzling his face deeper into your neck and breathing in your combined scents. A shiver goes down his spine. At least now he doesn’t have to worry about hiding this side of himself from you any longer. Plus, you now know what he’s capable of; what he’s willing to do for you. What he’s always been willing to do for you. “I always get what I want, so don’t even think about leaving me. You sealed your fate the moment you agreed to become mine.”
“I hate you,”
He simply chuckles, “that’s not what you were saying last night.”
“Yeah, well, things change,” you reply, refusing to so much as look in his direction as he holds you from behind.
“That they do,” he hums once more, clearly amused by your stubbornness. In the next moment, his eyes are going dark, expression deadly serious as he turns you around to stare deeply into your eyes. A shiver goes down your spine. “One thing that hasn’t changed though, is the fact that whether you like it or not, you can never escape me. I love you, and I will always love you, so you better get used to that. After all, a King should never be without his Queen.”
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Dottore with short drabble “You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.”
Something angsty pls? Thank you!
Tainted Glass [Dottore x Reader/Genshin Impact]
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Synopsis: Can you escape the prison you made?
(A twisted Cinderella story. The girl was covered in cinders because she was fatally addicted to drowning in flames.)
Warnings: angst, emotional abuse, violence, death
(A/n): To be honest anon, I didn’t know what the word ‘drabble’ means until I googled it. I uh...hope you don’t mind the length :> 
You fell back against the cold hard floor with your arms bent and head turned sideways. The stinging pain spreads across your cheek. It burns. But your mind was still trying to register what had just came into fruition. 
The thought was so foreign somehow as if you could hardly believe he was doing this. But then the scene plays in your head again. You froze, your gaze enlarged and clueless while staring at the pale ground as it slowly begins to darken in the seeping movement of his menacing, haunting shadow. 
"Insolent woman, you wretch!" He spat in a disgusted tone, "How dare you speak to me in such demanding manner? Have I already told you, only talk when you have something important to say?"
You didn't respond, rather you merely let the strands fall in front of your vision as you gingerly pressed your hand against the place where he hit you. 
I…don't quite understand…
Dottore glowers down at your hunched form. He was never a man known for the virtue of patience. This man, the one who calls him your husband, you learned a long time ago to not meet his eyes as they would signal a hint of dominance amidst his authority, especially during moments like these. You came to feel his eyes instead, they were usually intense and full of wrath, sometimes crazed and curious while looking at his finest creations. He always loved experimenting in his labratory. After all, it was the only thing that could truly make the madman smile.
What is it that I'm missing? Where did I go wrong?
And you would do anything to obtain at least a fraction of the love he had left in his heart. 
He marches onward with heavy footsteps, paying no mind to your well-being, "Tch get out of my sight. I don't have the time to entertain with anymore these theatrics."
At the sound of him leaving you darted your attention towards him, "Wait, come back. Come back, " you plea softly, "Hector…" But he ignores your call. The back of your fiance disappears behind the door and slams it with a resounding thud. He was gone. You couldn't save him.
"No," As a result, you burried your face into your palms and cried.
“I'm sorry.”
What is love?
Being raised in one of the most prestigious bloodlines of Fontaine, a life filled with riches since your parents were well known scholars throughout Teyvat, they provided you and your family with everything you needed. From exquisite dishes to priceless jewelry, yet even among those riches you never did find an answer to your question. They were tangibles and short-lasting, eventually leaving you with nothing until the glass of your heart was filled empty. They seemed to have cared more about their fortune along with the brightest child of their family line, your brother, a male heir, someone who fulfilled their expectations where you couldn't do so. And because he was able to give them what they wanted, he was loved.
I see, love is conditional.
Realizing that you possessed no talent to achieve what your brother had accomplished, you came to accept that you were undeserving of their love. Love was for the smart. Love was for the gifted.  Love was for everything you are not. There was no place for your kind and thus you locked yourself up in your bedroom chambers along with your fragile heart where no one would try to find you, picking up the books upon the shelves and getting lost in their fantasies. 
They told you many beautiful things about the world and many reasons why it was so tragic. Because they weren't real. The story begins with a princess who was a kind-hearted soul, deprived from the care of her evil stepmother and dreams of marrying a prince from a land far far away. They often end on a happily ever after with the princes finding her one true love. You've never seen anything like it. Where two people, despite the struggles they went through, loved each other unconditionally.
Unconditional love only exists in dreams.
Or so you thought to believe.
One day a man marched right at the doorsteps of your mansion. He was a student coming all the way from Sumeru Academia and had high hopes of building a business partnership with your father. The man was declined of course, you watched from the garden bushes as he was sent off back into his carriage. He stops abruptly and turns his head ajar to catch your figure, his inquisitive eyes were both striking and sharp. Like thorns of a rose that was ready to prick anyone who dares to come close. Even so, they made a very lasting impression.
Red eyes.
It was the first time that someone had looked your way.
Couple of months later, the government had arranged a grand ball where all nobles would gather and commit to building their social circle. Useless events. There was no reason for you to engage. While your parents were occupied with the latest gossips and your brother surrounded by fathers who were eager to marry their daughters to him, you snuck outside to the balcony and hid away from the crowd. Quiet at last. And as things should be. The moon was your only friend because she was just like you; half empty. Maybe that was why you still had a glimmer of hope for the other half to be filled. 
Part white, you inquired, pristine and untainted. From far away it looked similar to snow. 
"My, how pleasantly surprising."
While the other part was stained with black cinders.
You glanced over your shoulder to see a man leaning against the pillar. His mint coloured bangs were slicked back in a trendy fashion, complimenting the white suit he adorned himself with. The golden chains hanging around his ebony boots dangled and clanged with each step he took forward until the light finally reveals his face.
"You seem familiar," you say while squinting your eyes, "Are you the person my father rejected back in February?"
He quirks one brow and you were afraid if you had offended him. But before you could utter an apology, the man splits his lips into a toothy grin and bursts out into a maniac-like laughter. He was completely insane, you thought to yourself. Though he paid no mind to your discomfort and continued to dwell in his amusement, "Hahaha straightforward, I like it! So what if I am? Is it a requirement to be a noble for me to simply have a chat?"
"And if I may ask why?"
"Hmmm, why?" The man reaches for the balcony and presses his back there. He threw his head backward before drilling his ruby gaze into yours, "I too am not fond of annoying crowds. Those snobbish fools thinking they're above everyone else just because they have a couple of mora when that is all they are worth. It's almost too hilarious for my own good."
You could tell there was disdain in his tone. Mainly towards your father who were one of the many unkind nobles of Fontaine and was only liked because of his success. Gripping your hands upon the stone railings, you looked down at the distant trees below while the wind rustled them apart, "I can't deny that," you say dissapointedly, "It's common for nobles not to associate with lower classes as it could potentially ruin their image. Though I may not have been there but I'm sure you had much to offer in terms of your brilliance, erm, Mister…?"
"Hector," Hector placed a palm on his chest with a polite bow following suit, "Hector Dufour-Lapointé. It is a pleasure to make you an acquaintance Lady (Y/n)."
"You know my name?"
"How could I not?" Hector smirks lazily as he danced around you, "I saw you before hiding behind the rose bushes back in your estate. Quite curious why you didn't attempt to say hello."
He even remembers that too. You fiddled with the fabric of your dress, "My apologies. I'm not use to socializing so much."
“Is that so? I think you're not giving yourself enough credit," he complimented while shrugging, "This is much more entertaining than hanging in that insufferably crowded room, it was an unexpected occurence to meet you here of all places. However, I must say time can fly if I'm able to enjoy myself."
You shifted away from his stare, "You flatter me. We've only been talking for a few minutes."
"I have yet to realize it then" Hector's cheerfulness remains at stance despite your gloomy response. He leans forward like a curious child and tosses you a question, "Then allow me to ask, what brings you out here Lady (Y/n)? I don't see any reason when your family are such highly respected people of Fontaine." 
"I'm not like them!" You retort instantly, causing the man to glance at you with skepticism, "I mean, I have nothing to do with them and they have nothing to do with me. That's just how it is. They already have Clement after all…"
Why am I telling him this?
"Ah your brother I assume. Yes so I've heard much about his genius mind. There were a few instances where he and I collaborated at Sumeru Academia," Hector speaks as if regarding to his unpleasant memories, "Although he never said anything about having a sister."
"We're not that close. And I'm not very fond of him," you confessed bluntly.
"Neither am I," Hector agreed with a scowl, "He claims his position using the knowledge derived from history books but never tries to think beyond the norm. That ignorant mindset of his will surely be his downfall one day."
"Ignorance can lead to anyone's downfall. If they turn a blind eye to the truth, so much can be taken from them," you paused shortly from rambling too much, "That's what I read in books at least."
"As expected of your lineage," he sighs whimsically, "Such avid readers."
"Well my family prefers documents and research. I've gone through them too but I will always love reading fiction."
"Ha! Seems you really are trying to be different from the rest of your family."
Seconds turn to minutes and minutes to hours, you had already forgotten about the cold breeze despite your dress being less than ideal for the outdoors. The man, although he can be a little to blathering at times, was more than what seemed to be on the surface. At first you thought of him as someone here to take advantage of your relations to your father but he seemed so sincere when listening to your stories, so eager while expressing his thoughts and even made you laugh a couple of times. You didn't realize that the clock had already struck twelve as the guests were preparing to leave but you just weren't ready to do the same.
"Until next time (Y/n)," he takes your fingers and pressed a kiss on top of them, though you were more struck by how he addressed you without honorifics, "I look forward to speaking with you again."
A warm smile graces your lips as you cursty, "Likewise Hector. Thank you for listening to me. I know I must have taken a long time."
Hector sneered but you already learned that it was simply his way of expressing amusement, "Hardly. I was thoroughly entertained."
When your parents found out about your meeting with him, they made it clear that you would never see him again. Hector Dufour-Lapointé is what he calls himself but the real name behind this man was Hector Valliere who came from a village hidden in the west of Fontaine. Rumours said that he was chased out of his hometown by an angry mob, claiming him to be a madman conducting unethical experiments on humans. Shortly after his arrival in Sumeru, he abandoned his past identity and replaced it with a new one in order to enter the academy under legal supervision. Associating with a man of a suspicious reputation would only cause harm to your family's name. Though you could barely care much about their reputation. There was nothing for you to benefit from it.
Few weeks have passed and you evetually gave up on the thought of hearing from Hector. They were only fleeting moments, nothing more. Your routine would stay the same as you kept on plucking more books off the shelves, killing whatever time you had. However the activities you used to enjoy somehow lost it's flair and there would be a slight pain in your chest whenever you turn to a page with the princess as she is surrounded by her friends. What exactly changed? Your family still treated you the same. Did you suddenly grow bored from doing the same thing everyday? Why is it that you feel much more lonelier despite being alone for so long? It was hard to tell in a singular perspective. If only there was someone here to give you some insights on things you couldn't see…
A silver bird lands by your front window and you nearly fell out of your chair as it flapped their wings violently. A machine?! They dropped what seems to be an envelope within the thick bushes before taking off and buzzing into the evening sky. You switched off the lock and lifted the glass within a single movement, snatching the piece of paper so that the wind wouldn't blow it away. Hastily you opened it. Both curious and cautious of why would anyone send you mail in such a discreet approach.
Chère Mademoiselle (Y/n),
I can only imagine the shock of your expression once reading this letter. I'm only writing to you since I assume that your father had already told you those nasty rumours about my past. No matter. I trust that you have a good head on your shoulders to not prejudge people using such miniscule details. I wish to speak with you again. Unless you have other plans staying in that stuffy room of yours, meet me behind the clock tower at 11:00 p.m. Don't be late.
Bien à vous,
"It really is him!" The happiness spreads all across your features as you clutched the letter to your chest. For some reason, your heart wouldn't stop racing. It was a simple yet thoughful action on his part but despite how short his greeting was, every word held the weight of a thousand sparks, "I…I can't stop smiling."
And without hesitation, you prepared to leave. No one noticed your absence.
It was only halfway where you realized that Hector didn't give many details redgarding why he planned this sudden event. You caught sight of him standing under the roofs with his hands hidden behind his back. He had on his signature lopsided grin, brows uneven as he glanced at you casually.
"How very punctual, were you so eager that you couldn't wait?" He teases.
"I was surprised when your bird knocked upon my window," you inform, "Is it something urgent?"
"Not at all. I merely wanted to catch up with old times," Hector tilts forward to emphasize his suggestion, "Care to indulge me for a bit?"
You crossed your arms, "Then what is it that you're hiding behind your back?"
"Hmm?" He hums, "You mean this?"
Roses. A bouquet of bright red flowers were presented to you, nicely wrapped in fabric. In the language of Fontaine, recieving them could mean multiple of things and you couldn't help but feel hesitant despite his thoughtful gesture, "Why are you giving me this?"
"Is it so wrong for me to be a gentleman? I thought it would be best to prepare you a gift after you put all that effort to come out in such a late hour," Hector mused to himself, "Especially when you had to make sure no prying eyes would catch us."
You let out a small laugh before accepting the bouquet, "I wouldn't go as far to say that."
"Oh?" Although it was hard to see, Hector managed to catch a glimpse of your flushed cheeks hidden behind the flowers. A darken smirk climbs onto his face at the inviting thought of what it could mean, "Tell me more."
The whole night you both spent walking around the empty plaza with only the stars as your guide. They paved a silver path reflected in the horizon above, free flowing like one of the many watercolour paintings hung in your chambers, uncertain where they may lead but you followed them regardless. If it weren't for Hector's inivtation you might have never known about the parts of your city due to the restricted lifestyle you lived. He listened to every one of them. The stories you had to tell when there was no one for you to talk to and the complaints about your brother whenever he wanted to snitch on your actions just to get the praise out of your father. You expressed your frustrations when speaking about your incompetences, joy after reading a good fairytale book written by your favourite author, there was so much to say that you were worried if Hector soon grew tired from them.
"Go on. I'm listening."
And your heart flutters again. Suddenly everything felt so light with each step you took, it was as if you walked across the stars in the sky rather than the heavy pavement of the ground you called your home. But even if happiness was a bliss, it tormented you. Because companionship made you realize how poor your were all along. That you had everything yet you had nothing, slowly withering away like the roses you held in your hand. Convinced that your existence was worth nothing more than nothing itself. Doomed to be dismissed and forgotten. Rotting away...Hector stays by your side as you cried softly into the night.
From a distance the bell rings and echoes just like the time before during Fontaine's grand ball. Hector shows you a secret route so that no one could find you.
"Will you write to me again?"
The request was so innocent, purely from genuine intentions and devoided of anything he had in mind. Hector would always laugh in these situations when things have gone unexpectedly yet pleasingly his way but held back knowing that it would be foolish to waste such a priceless opportunity. And so he gave you his smile, one full of secrets where you had mistakened it as a promise, "Of course my dear."
Every night you could no longer fall asleep since he had occupied your thoughts completely. Sometimes you'd dream of him and their tales would unfold similarly to the ones you have read. It gone to the point where the maids would have to wake you up during late afternoons due to the dramatic change in your sleep schedule. Though, you didn't care what they did to you. As long as no one found out about your secret rendezvous.
You never thought that there'd be a day where you would voluntarily give up reading your beloved fairytales. They were now replaced by a stash of his letters that have been accumulated over the past few months. You read them each day, pacing back and forth within the walls of your room, whispering his sentences as if he were the one saying them to you. He made you feel special. You were addicted to this feeling. Eventually you managed to memorize his words by heart. 
The pages of your diary were filled with notes. Like your very own  fairytale carved into reality. From the rose petal, now dried, to the hairpin he snatched from a distracted merchant and a single strand of his hair you found within your cloak after a warm embrace, all of these items, a remnant of the man you loved were taped up in these pages. Sometimes you could even feel his prescence because it was all you needed. It didn't matter if Clement threw insults about how worthless your existence was, your parents could lock you in this prison if they wanted to but they shall never take away Hector from you. Never. You swear it. He was your whole world and the prince who saved you from a life made of aching emptiness. You would do anything to keep him by your side. Anything to gain his affection.
"I had a feeling that you were the culprit dear sister."
Your arms stutters as they clutched tightly on the scrolls you took off from the shelves. The light crept into the room like arms reaching out to clutch around your ankles, warning you for trespassing. You turned around dreadfully to see Clement pressing his shoulder against the doorframe with his arms folded and a wicked expression aimed at your pitiful state.
"Why…Why are you still awake?" You say in disbelief, "I thought everyone was asleep."
"Please. Not only are you shameless but hypocritical as well. You truly are a dissapointment to our family."
"Wait," taking a step forward, you stopped him before he makes his exit, "I'll put them back. Just don't tell father about this."
But like your parents, your brother was unkind. Clement doubles over and hugs his torso, cackling through his teeth, "Is that how it is?" He swipes his arm up and you see a parchment paper held between his fingers. 
"Ma chérie (Y/n). I must say all this tenacious effort of sneaking in my letters to your window is becoming more and more tiresome. But of course, you are an exception. I want the scrolls you've mentioned the other day at my lair tomorrow evening. Make sure no one discovers this. I'm counting on you. Cordialement! Hector."
"No…" you whispered, feeling the weight of the world fall upon your shoulders as it shattered apart. Hector. If possible, you hoped that the pieces could just crush you right then and there. Your knees felt weak and a fright takes over but despite your turmoil, Clement didn't show a shred of sympathy.
"So this is why you've been acting odd lately. Pathetic," he flaps the paper tauntingly in his grasp, "I can't decide if I should be impressed or baffled by your actions. A secret romance with a criminal and the bloodline of Fontaine's most respected government associates? Even though you've hit rock bottom, you still decided to dig deeper."
"Clement you don't understand!"  Stumbling upon your footsteps, you desperately tried to convey your predicament even if it meant feeding his ego, "Hector is not the man you think. He was shunned by the people of his hometown, treating him as if he were nothing. They…They ignored him! All this time he needed someone to recognize his brilliance, someone to understand." Shakily, you brought your tensed arms to your chest and screamed a silent whisper, "Someone to listen but no one did. He must have felt so alone…"
Clement flinches when you suddenly clutched onto his biceps. When he looked into your eyes, a shiver ran down his spine.
"Hector is counting on me. I'm the only one who can save him. No one else. He needs me Clement, he needs me!" 
An ear-splitting scream of his hand against your face echoes across the room. It knocked you out of your stance and you bumped into the table, grunting while the scrolls to tumbled to the floor.
"Crazy woman, I'm embarassed to be related to you!"
While you were still trying to regain your balance, your brother had already ran off. It wouldn't be long before he alerted your parents, the clock ticking away like sand until the final hour leaves you with nothing but an empty glass. 
"No," despair swallows the strength away from your legs and you crawled towards where he used to stand, "Don't take him away from me…I need him…"
I can't live without him.
I can't live without him.
I can't live without him.
Tears begin to form by the corners of your eyes as you clenched your teeth. This was no time to cry. Balling your fists, you sprinted out of the room, pushing whatever stood in your way as if you were running for your life. 
And if you considered everything else, it wasn't that far from the truth.
"Hector! Hector are you there?" After arriving upon his house, you began knocking on his door aggressively. The lock clicks and you were greeted by an evidently annoyed man gnawing his teeth together.
"Tsk. There better be a good reason-"
"They're coming for us! We have to go. Now. Before it's too late. My father is probably already waking and making arrangements for you to-"
"Enough, I can't even catch what you're saying," He pinches the bridge of his nose while you were still stuck in a frenzy state. He takes a step back and opens the door wider, gesturing for you to come inside, "Get in already. I have a feeling that this will be a long night."
Hector observes intently at the words you tell him.
Not out of concern but akin to the way he watches the insects react when he exposes them to a different environment.
He was a scientist after all. A madman in which you deliberately fell in love with, so much to the point that he was able to feel pity for once. How you trusted him wholeheartedly with all of your vulnerabilities, emotions and secrets like handing him your parts just so he could put you back together again. Tinkering was always one of his favourite hobbies and he couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of pride at the thought of you being completely wrapped around his finger. 
Perhaps that was the reason why he loved you. Because he didn't love you. He loved you in parts.
"It was only a matter of time," Hector sighs. He sneaks his grasp into yours, knowing how much it affects you and puts on an invisible mask of deciet, "I already knew this day would happen long before anyone could have predicted it."
"You did?" With worried eyes you gazed at him, "What shall we do then?"
Knowing he hit the target, his lips begin to curl up towards his ears, showing his sharp white teeth that shone against the dim-litted room. Hector asks, "Do you love me?"
A silly question. You didn't hesitate to answer, "Of course I do. I've said it many times."
"Prove it to me," Forcing his forehead against yours, Hector commands in a dangerously low tone, "Kill your brother and only then you can truly be mine."
Your brain sutters, trying to absorb what he had just said. Kill? As in to take a life? It sounded wrong. But...was it wrong if the life belonged to someone who ruined yours?
Dumbfoundedly, you glanced into the bloody orbs of your lover, his black pupils thinning into knives while burning in the hellfire of his true colours. Hector runs a hand from the scalp of your hair, down to your cheek before gingerly sliding his fingers at your jawline. He pulled you close and whispered into your ear.
"Are you scared?"
Ah, this wasn't about your feelings. This was about him and your future and there could be no future you without him by your side.
You let your eyelids drop and leaned into his touch, "I could never be scared of you Hector. Whether it is within my power or not, I will make sure no one gets in our way. I swear it."
"Good," he continues to have you feed on his affection, "I knew I could count on you."
The news of your brother's death filled every headline Fontain had to offer. He was driven off a cliff while making a trip towards Sumeru. No one survived. The remains were so crushed to the point that authorities had trouble identifying their bodies. The only explanation they could come up with by observing the leftover tracks was that the horse must have gone out of control and ended up dragging the carriage along with it.
Ha. Serves him right.
Food poisoning. The vial Hector made was very effective. You made sure to bury it away from your mansion.
With no other choice, you became your family's next heir. Hector notifies you that he would be away for several months to solidify a unique connection with a man hailing from Snezhnaya. You didn't think he would arrive at your doorsteps with so much authority. Fatui soldiers followed from behind as the staff paved a way for them to enter. Your father was clearly displeased by his outrageous approach but he knew he was in no place to deny.
"Upon the agreement between Fontaine and Snezhnaya, Lady (Y/n) will become Harbinger Il Dottore's wife," the Duke announces, "This news will be publicly announced at the end of October."
Dottore? Is that what he calls himself?
As if claiming his victory, Dottore shoots your father a devilish smile. You could feel the dining table shake when he kept pressing his fist against the smooth surface, begrudingly congratulating you both for the new engagement. Your mother bursted into tears.
Was it worth it?
You watched both of your parents mourn silently in their own manner. Perfectly knowing that you were the main cause. But you weren't able to feel any sadness because in the end, you now had everything you've ever wanted. 
The inheritance.
Their attention.
But most of all, him.
And when you were convinced that this was your happily ever after, that fairytales were not just beautiful lies for the sake of comfort, you didn't realize  you were already living a life made of beautiful lies conjured by your own mind for the sake of your own comfort. 
"You're nothing without me."
Dried and calloused hands squeezed around your throat as you flailed your legs against the soft fabric of the carpet floor. He encases you in a straddling position, enjoying the sight of your tortured and clenched face. Hector…no, Dottore hated it when you disobeyed him. He despised it when his creations don't work the way he wanted them to and he had no use for things that are broken.
"How many times do I have to remind you to not use my birthname. Do those ears of you even function properly? Or must I fix them myself?"
You gasped for air when he relaxed his grip. Vision a blur, you coughed a few times before he pulls your arm so that you lay flushed against his chest.
"Don't forget who saved you dear (Y/n). Because of me you were able to escape that miserable life you've despised for years. I expect the utmost gratitude on your part at all times, it is only fair that I punish you for not meeting my requirements, don't you agree?" Dottore lifts his hand up to pinch your cheeks, pulling your head to stare at your eyes, "After all, there is no one else in this world who can put up with you…but me."
His words were poison in which you drank like a woman starved. It made you feel numb to the pain the more you drowned in their alluring scent, the taste was sweet, a remedy for the bitterness of reality where the man of your dreams was nothing but a cruel monster. You came to believe that the reason why he treated you so harshly was because he was scared of losing you. You were caught in the trap of what seemed to be love and devotion when truly, you were just a toy to be used at a means end. He breaks you and he puts you back together, over and over again, filling in between the cracks formed in your glass heart with the phrases you loved to hear. Just like how he filled the other holes of your life where no one else did. You called it kindness. He saw it as entertainment.
Most people pay attention to the flower's beauty but they never acknowledge the thorns hidden beneath it's blossom.  That is why they bleed. They get hurt. Though, you didn't mind shedding blood if it was for his sake.
Because you would do anything for him.
You would do anything to bring back the memories of Hector Dufour-Lapointé and save him from the Harbinger that ruined his life. Your life. It wasn't his fault. You knew you could change him to what he was before because you were in love with him, that he might still in there. Somewhere.
Please come back.
Time continues to flow like the tears of your dying heart despite yearning for it to turn at the past. Dottore already left the room a long time ago but you didn't. Raising your head away from your hands, you peered at the door in front of you, begging desperately through a chanting record of despondence. 
Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back.
Images, they slipped through your fingers, slowly becoming more distant until your mind began to see them as illusions. Dreams. Things that were not real. Telling you that your life was a lie. 
"Come back to me…Hector."
Because the man you loved was withering in your memories and you couldn't do anything to save him.
A dry croak robbed you of your breath as you turned to look in the mirror.
Worthless. You were always worthless, it was what your parents told you since birth. It was what you became when he wasn't at your side because without him, your existence was worthless. You lied for him, you stole for him you, took a life for him. You destroyed yourself for him to point that it was hard to believe you were even looking at yourself.
Worthless. It's who I am.
And despite it all, you couldn't obtain his love.
Worthless things don’t deserved to be loved.
(Crack. Crack).
But what if it’s because I’m worthless, that he won’t love me back?
Your eyes jolted open, causing you to gasp sharply. When the sweet lies dispersed in your head and cleansed you of deceit, everything started to make sene. You came to realize why your wish was impossible all along.
Dottore...no, Hector, the reason wasn't because he didn't return your feelings. Neither was it due to the fact that he hurt you through his actions. Nor when he made you cry or scream for help before feeding you with more lies, thinking he would never hurt you again. It was none of those things.
It was because the man you loved this whole time was someone who could love no one but himself.
"Ha...haha," sucking in your breath, a sinister laugh escapes your mouth, "Hahahahahahaha.....!"
Everything was worthless.
You grabbed a nearby hairbrush and threw it at the mirror, watching yourself shatter into a million pieces.
There was only one thing left to do. 
"Ugh, where is it?!"
It was late into the night where every staff had gone to sleep. The Harbinger fumbles with his keys while standing at the door of his basement as he was too busy proceeding with his research rather than considering the thought of rest. Usually he acted upon them on his own will, performing various experiments for enjoyment. However, ever since the Snezhnayan court had requested him to look into the ancient arts of alchemy, Dottore was forced to carry it out before the deadline approached. Otherwise his position as Harbinger would be revoked.
"What a bunch of self-centered blockheads. Can't they understand that it take quality time to get quality results?"
Most of his important documents were stored on the otherside. Half of it came from his father-in-law's library. He had you to thank for that.
"Ah finally," he mutters, though still dissatisfied, "I should have a word with my butler for misplacing them."
Dottore shoves the key into the lock but instead of twisting the knob he noticed something strange. It was old and had yet to be fixed but somehow he didn't have any trouble adjusting his wrist. Then he saw there were a set of freshly made fingerprints upon the smooth metallic surface. However, the only person awake at this time would be him-
An intruder!
Dottore drops everything to the ground and yanks the door open. He skittered down the stone stairs while cursing under his breath. Using the delusion gifted by the Tsaritsa, the Harbinger activated his lazer-like pillars as he took advantage of their glow to light up the unlit room.
"What in the abyss...?!"
Except it wasn't dark.
"All of these scrolls, I recognize them," without sparing a single glance, you spoke nostalgically towards the bookshelves, "It brings me so much memories..."
Dottore clenches his teeth together as his eyes shone an angry red, you were holding a torch dangerously close to his hard-earned collection, "What do you think you're doing?!" He fumed, "Put that out, AT ONCE! Don't make me repeat myself!
"They're precious to you aren't they?" You finally shifted to face him, "More than me."
"What has gotten into you?" He was about to hurl at you until he saw your torch lowering, causing him to retreat. You were strangely noncholant and he couldn't help the feeling of disturbance. Accepting that he didn't have the upperhand, Dottore decided to use a different approach, "(Y/n)."
The sound of your name falls from his lips. You faltered.
"I'm sorry for what I have done. I know I was dishonourable to you, as your husband and lover, and that you didn't deserve to see me so aggressive. You have every right to express your anger, my dear. I was in the wrong."
It was only a mask. You knew it well. But seeing him with softened eyes and a tone so comforting, made you desperately wanting to run into his arms so he could wipe away your sorrows just like once upon a time. To live happily ever after.
Dottore runs his fingers through his hairstrands in frustration and sighs, "However the Tsarista needed me to do something very important and I can't seem to fulfill her request no matter how hard I try. It angers me. If I don't finish this, there would be no place for us to stay."
"Hector..." you sniffled quietly. He looks so much like him right now.
"Can't you see I'm doing this for you?" He consoles, yet his weapons still remain, "I only intended to make you happy and there's nothing I won't do to achieve that. How about I show-"
Dottore froze upon your sudden command. He didn't sense a hint of subjugation and it seemed that you had perfect control of your emotions. How very inquisitive. Did you grow immune to the style of his voice? In such a short period of time? The facade he had on was now replaced with a growling animal-like expression. You looked at him dissapointedly. His Harbinger self returned. Hector was no more.
"Ha, you're the same as always. Even before the time you became a Harbinger. The same man that I fell in love with but it is me who will never be the same again," For a moment you averted your gaze as if trying hard to swallow your own words, "Remember when we first met at the balcony? That I told you my favourite books to read are fiction? I knew they weren't real but deep down, I wanted to believe in them anyways. And you know what? They did come true, to some degree..."
As the memories come flashing back, he defenselessly watches your expression contort from sadness to a calm contemplation and finally, enraged disgust, "But you only ever brought me pain and I'm sick of it!"
Swaying the torch to the side, Dottore flinches forward but he didn't dare to come close when your current state was unpredictable to him, "I JUST WANTED YOU TO LOVE ME," you wail, I just wanted to be loved, bringing a clawed hand against your forehead and trembling upon contact, "It's all that I ask for..."
Dottore narrowed his brows. Perhaps he may have gotten too far.
"But I know it's impossible. The world is a cruel place and there's no point in trying anymore. That is why I'm going to set us free."
"...What do you mean?"
You shut your eyes closed and tossed the flaming torch to the ground. A horrified expression takes over his features. It didn't take long for the fire to begin spreading amongst the room.
"NO!" Dottore yelled powerfully, he frantically darts his gaze at all directions as they continued to flicker and blend into his precious documents. You stood still and watched him grab the ones that were intact, savouring the most he could but they slip out of his arms every time he moved. Dottore glances behind him to see a rising cage of hellfire. Then he turns to you.
" 'Til death do us part!" you laughed maniacally.
The madman looked back with angry dismay, "You're out of your mind!"
Abandoning whatever he held in his hand, Dottore spins around towards the staircase. He covers his face with his sleeve and did whatever he could to prevent the fire from touching him. However, he accidentally stumbled on his footsteps and something fell off the heights, knocking him in the face. He grunts painfully.
"That will leave a scar," you smile while he clutches at his injury, "I can break you too.”
Just like how you broke me.
Knowing that you've managed to leave a mark of your existence on him in someway, you peacefully watched your lover wobble between the hell you created. But the hell you knew was not made of scorching heat and thundering flames. Hell was empty. Hell was a void. This feeling was far too gentle to be considered hell. If he can't return your love, then at least let these caging arms bask you in the warmth you’ve always desired.
Lifting your head, you looked towards the ceiling and closed your eyes.
Ah, this cannot be death.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Make Me | 🔞 | JJK x Reader
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Pairing:Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Romance, Lowkey kinda crack, Smut, slight angst
Wordcount: 3.4k (its pretty short since I plan on giving you guys random smut-shots for this, so a lot of the scenes didn't make it into this one.)
Tags/warnings: Playful teasing, swearing, name calling, slight hair pulling, smut, usage of toys (remote controlled), slight angst, they be fighting a lil, it's a pretty low-carb meal really, very lightweight, okay I don't think there's anything else to say
Summary: Jungkook and you; a couple that's not only connected under the name of lovers- but best friends and enemies as well.
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  Jungkook is absolutely in love with you.
That may be hard to believe, considering the two of you currently fighting on the couch over the last bite of your burger. You're not play-fighting like cutesy couples either, no; you're both acting as if starvation was the only alternative.
Its really not; there's plenty other takeout still on the table.
"I paid for this shit you ungrateful bitch!" He laughs out as you stuff the bite into your mouth, hands high in triumph. "I can't believe you sometimes." He mumbles, watching you chew and swallow before he attacks again. He's careful with you, although it might not seem that way. Jungkook wouldn't dare to injure you in any way, always getting apologetic every time he accidentally bruises your skin. He pins your arms on the couch, predatory eyes staring at you as you raise your eyebrows.
"What'cha gonna do about it?" You challenge, and he groans out as he lets you go.
"Fuck you!" He says, and you laugh out loud. "Don't make me fucking pop a boner- I don't wanna eat cold french fries!" He whines while reaching for said food item, and you shrug as you reach for the pack of chicken nuggets, opening a tiny tub of sauce. "I can't believe you." He chuckles, unable to hold up his facade of being upset about all of it.
He really isn't.
Everyone of his friends thinks its weird- the relationship you two had. He himself however always felt like he had won the jackpot with you; he had a hot girlfriend he didn't have to change anything for. There was no need to be all romantic and cheesy and make himself into someone he wasn't. Being gentle was no requirement with you; you were his absolute best friend, and also lover at the same time.
He had it all with you.
Hard to believe, but Jungkook had been very realistic about it with you. Of course it had been exciting when you two had hooked up for the first time- but the more he got to know you, the more he fell in love with your honest nature and loving personality. You were passionate about your art, never let someone talk down on you, always spoke your mind. You were a challenge, a tiger waiting to be tamed, and Jungkook was as ready as he had ever been to try and do just that. Because right now you were young, you were wild, and one day, you'll have lived all of your dreams. Somewhere deep down, he already imagines it. Sometimes. The way he'll buy a house for you two, how he'll marry you and knock you up to make his family complete.
But for now, you were simply two young lovers in the moment.
Theres a drop of sauce on the top of your breast, and you don't even notice the way Jungkook stares as you wipe it off with your finger, licking it clean like second nature. He's furrowing his brows as he throws his head back, pure agony in his voice as he growls out. "God what is it now?" You playfully complain, last bite of your food gone in your mouth as you look at him with amusement. "Don't tell me you're still hard." You say.
"Fuck off, it's your fault!" He laughs out, unable to quite conceal how funny the entire situation seems to him as well. "Can't you sit on my dick while I finish my food?" He whines, pouting expression thrown your way as you give him a look that says more than you could with words. "Okay yeah saying that out loud makes it sound weird." He mumbles, speeding up his speed as he finishes his food. He swallows after a moment, leaning back on the couch as he gives himself a moment to settle. Maybe he'll come down on his own.
But then again, as he looks at you, he has to remember what his mother always told him.
'don't let the food get cold'
And its your laughter in his ears that makes him smile as he crawls over you, pulling your shirt over your head as he decides no; he doesn't want to wait.
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"Jungkookie, LOOK!" You exclaim as he walks inside your studio, watching as you were petting a massive dog. Maybe a great dane? Mastiff? It didn't matter at all- because you were so happy his attention wasn't on the animal next to you at all. "He's so cute, aren't you?" You say, squishing the dogs head a little. Jungkook laughs.
"Please don't tell me you want a dog now." He says, and you look at him with large eyes. "No, please, we can barely take care of ourselves right now!" He laughs. "Bring it up again when you can walk stairs without stumbling." He teases, and you stare daggers at him.
"At least I'm not scared of the fucking microwave." You mumble, as you stand up, the customer absolutely entertained by the two of you. Jungkook slaps your butt as an answer to your teasing, making you squeal scandalized. "Jungkook! That's public indecency!" You exclaim, and Jungkook laughs as he sits down on a chair in the waiting lounge you're standing in.
"If that's true I gladly get arrested." He says, and you roll your eyes as you say your goodbyes to the customer and his very lovable pet, getting your stuff to walk over to him. "Good to go?" He asks, and you nod, walking out next to him as you spot his car outside- or rather, the small van his company provided him. You have had your suspicions already as he was still wearing his work attire- this sight now spoke out clearly what you were fearing.
"Jungkook no-" You whine, and he sighs, silently telling you were right. "You promised no more overtime!" You said. "We were supposed to have a nice weekend!" You say, genuinely upset, and he can see it; the look in your eyes is pure disappointment, brows scrunched up as your shoulder slump down. "You promised." You mumble, as he opens the passenger door for you, letting you get inside the car.
"I'm sorry, but Tae called in sick and they asked who could take his shift." He explained as he drove home, well knowing that this was no excuse for you. But instead of voicing that out like you usually did, you were silent.
He did not like that.
"I'm really sorry." He says again, but you're still not answering him. "Baby?" He tries, but you're looking out the window, not sparing him even a glance. He knows he fucks up sometimes, but this is entirely new territory for him. Never had he had to deal with you genuinely upset with him, at least not to this extend- because at the moment it seemed as if you were ready to open that door at the next red light and walk right away from him.
The thought alone made him shudder- and not in a good way.
He tries again, but this time you speak; voice quiet, serious, and way too formal for him to feel comfortable with. "Just bring me home Jungkook." The way you say his name makes him bite the inside of his cheek. He's now upset at himself as well. He knew how much you had been looking forward to a shared weekend together. He should've not said anything when they asked who could take over the shift.
And as he came to a stop in front of your shared apartment, it only got worse. Because for the first time, you just got out of his car, closing the door, and went into the apartment complex.
You didn't give him his kiss to the cheek like you did every time- even when you were mad.
You didn't say goodbye.
You didn't even look back.
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"I don't want you gone all the time." You whine out as you hold onto him, his hands on your back as he helps you stay where you are on his lap, your head in his neck as you breath heavily. "I need you." You say, and its one of the rare moments you're open like that. He's eating it up, drinking it in, as he holds you, palms all over your bare skin while you move lazily.
"I know, I'm sorry, I really am." He breathes out, placing kisses to your shoulder, helping you rock on his cock so you won't have to do all the work. "I need you too, I really do, I'm sorry." He mumbles, slipping out of you for a moment before he lays you flat on the bed, guiding his length back inside you as he looms over your body, kissing your skin as if he's worshipping you, as if he can't get close enough to you, his hands holding onto your middle as he keeps you stable while he pushes into you slowly.
"Faster-" You beg him, but he shakes his head, not picking up his pace at all as you whine. "Kookie please-" You say, and he shakes his head again.
"No, we got time." He argues back, and you open your eyes at that, looking to the side. "What is it?" He asks.
"We don't." You say. "You have to get up early tomorrow." You say, and Jungkook shakes his head, making you roll your eyes for a moment as you want to continue- but he shuts you up with a well practiced hand on your clit, your body reacting instantly as your toes curl up. "Jungkook-"
"I don't." He says, gritting his teeth as he finally picks up his pace. "I took time off." He breathes out. "Told them I need the weekend." His hand is eager to have you come undone underneath him as your legs move, heels digging into the small of his back as you snake them around his body the best you can considering the size difference. "Told them I got my girlfriend at home, and guess what?" He asks, and you mewl at his antics. "No one's gonna call me up. Phone's on airplane mode." You're suddenly frantic, hands gripping the bedsheets underneath you as he doesn't let up, smiles into your neck as he bites and sucks his marks. "They can fuck off while I fuck you." He whispers, and you suddenly snap, back arching as you come, his violent thrusting making you sob dryly, fingers reaching for his arms as you dig them into his inked skin.
That's your art underneath his skin, safely tucked away to be guarded from time. That's your ink on his body, your way of making him yours. And this, the way he mouths and nibbles and bites and kisses- that's his way of making you his.
He slips out, desperately rutting into his own hand as he cums onto your lower belly, his release staining the sheets below.
But it doesn't matter in that moment.
He gladly cleans up afterwards.
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"Would you ever wanna live in New Zealand?" You ask him, as he makes sure not to burn any of the food on the grill.
It's your yearly holiday trip, this time in the cold of new Zealand, a camping van your home for the two weeks you'd decided to travel the country. "I mean, why not?" He tells you, turning a piece of meat over, before he looks at you sitting next to him, all bundled up in his way too large puffer jacket. It's already large on him- so it almost swallows you whole. But it also awakens something inside him, seeing you wear his clothes like that. He feels protective, weirdly so.
"Hmhm." You say. "The people seem nice here." You say, and then you rest your head against his shoulder, making him smile as his arm wraps around you- a movement almost instinctual at this point. "But I don't know, won't we miss home?" You wonder, and Jungkook shrugs.
"I don't really need a home as long as you're with me." He says, speaking it out loud without thinking as you suddenly detach from him. He looks at you, worried he might've said something too much, but you look at him so.. he can't describe it. Your lips are on his in the next second, before you go to the van to retrieve some paper plates.
"Oh my god, that was-" You say, balancing cutlery in your arm. "-The most romantic fucking thing you've ever said!" You say, putting everything onto the camping table as he chuckles. "No, I mean it. That was so movie-worthy!" You say. "I feel like I'm in a K-Drama!" You exclaim, and he laughs.
"They don't swear that much in K-Dramas." He corrects you playfully, but still smiles. "But yeah I get you. Sometimes I feel like this isn't real too. Too good to be true and all that." He says, and you suddenly squeal, making him look at you.
"Stop!" You say, before you hug him tightly.
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You're looking through clothing items when you suddenly feel it.
The sudden buzzing right inside you, making your foot studder in its step as you try to conceil your reaction as best as you can. You can feel your thighs clenching, muscles contracting as the feeling of the bullet vibrator. And one look towards Jungkook sitting on a chair in front of the dressing stalls makes you want to punch him right in his pretty face.
He's got his hand inside his sweater pocket, smirking slightly at your struggle as he doesn't seem to care who's sitting next to him- or who could see you and connect the dots. He likes things like that; the slight thrill of getting caught and the literall proof that you had given him all control making him feel absolute bliss.
You're more concerned about the fact that you're about to cum.
Right inside this fucking store.
You shoot him daggers, and he simply has the audacity to smile, shrugging his arms as if he's got no idea what you mean. He tones it down a little, turning it off for now when he felt like he'd tortured you enough; stripping you of your orgasm as well. You want to whine out, complain, but you simply but the clothes back where they belong, walking up to him. "Oh? Nothing caught your eye baby?" He asks innocently, and you simply smile, shaking your head. "Alright." He says, getting up to walk out with you.
And its inside the car after he had parked in a secluded spot on a scarcely lit parking lot that he turns the device on again. "I have to say.." He starts, watching you squirm in the passenger seat, hands instantly clenching into fists as your legs squeeze together. "I'm not mad anymore I almost paid a hundred bucks for this thing." He tells you. "Feels good baby?" He asks, and you nod- but its not enough for Jungkook. "I can't hear you." He tells you, and you have to cut yourself off to not moan out loud.
"I-t.. ah- feels good.." You somehow get out, squirming and slowly growing desperate as he keeps the setting low- too low for you to actually cum. He's enjoying the show for a moment, until he reaches underneath his drivers' seat, fumbling around before the seat rolls back, making more room. You know what's going to happen next. "Can I-?" You start, and he nods, helping you safely onto his lap.
"You look so pretty like this." He praises, hands underneath your clothing as he gently fondles your breasts- enjoying the fact you've decided to skip the bra today. "Hm?" He humms against your skin, before he leans back, switching onto the highest setting. He doesn't even need to touch himself to get off, he knows that already; the sight in front of you enough to get him going. You're erratic at this point, Hips rutting into nothing as you hold your hands awkwardly in front of your mouth. Jungkook reaches out, letting you hold onto him, and he feels weirdly loving at the sight of you holding onto him so desperately. "Oh?" He suddenly asks, noticing you stutter. "Cum baby. Come on." He urges, and you want to tell him its too much, too much, but then you suddenly cum, and he tones it down a little, letting you ride it out as you clumsily fondle him over his jeans- only a few movements enough for him however to come undone inside his pants. "Shh, you're good, good job, good girl." He humms out, letting you rest against his chest for a moment, closing his eyes as he enjoys the moment with you.
He's really not mad about the hundred bucks anymore.
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One thing Jungkook had come to live with was the fact that you loved everything cute.
You collected anything pink and soft and cute, plushies being his go-to present because he knew that would always be a bullseye-shot with you. They're all over the place, but Jungkook doesn't mind. Even though he can't understand the appeal of some of them, he himself understands the appeal of collecting things. And he's also not one to judge- having accepted you with every piece and habit you have.
That doesn't mean he doesn't tease you for it.
"Why's the rat wearing old granny clothes?"jungkook snorts, jumping over the back of the couch to sit next to you, who is currently trying to sew a hole on your melody plush toy shut.
"Shut up, Melody isn't a rat!" You mumble, making Jungkook chuckle as he eats his popsicle, watching you work. He really likes how delicate your hands are; they fit nicely in his hands whenever he holds them. Yours get cold a lot- and he likes giving you some warmth whenever he can.
Anything for you.
"I think its a rat." He tells you, giggling boyishly when you throw your head back, groaning. He gets up to walk into the kitchen to throw the wooden stick of his treat away, as he hears you.
"Well detective melody thinks you're a little bitch." You retort. And only seconds later, jungkook is behind you, looking over your shoulder to check if its clear- he doesn't want you to hurt yourself with the needle. Once he's made sure, he grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling it back so you're looking at him upside down.
"You wanna say that again sweetheart?" He growls out, and your sparkling eyes shout mischievously at him from below.
He loves the powerplay.
But this time you decide to ge cute, holding the stuffed toy into his face as you giggle. "Its melodys words, not mine!" You argue, and he laughs, before he pushes the toy aside, pressing a kiss to your nose before he walks back into the kitchen again. "Although I can't argue with whats been said-" you start, and Jungkook shouts from the kitchen as you laugh.
"I wasn't a little bitch last night when I was balls deep in-" he starts, and you scream over his words, scandalized.
"Jungkook, not when melody is listening!"
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"So.." Jimin started, looking at your hand. "You wanna explain that expensive ass thing?" He asks, before he slaps the table. "Don't tell me its real!" He asks, eyes wide as you laugh.
"Why, you wanna steal n' sell?" You challenge, and he shakes his head, now a little more serious.
"No, I just wondered. He popped the question or not?" He asks, and you can't help the grin that spreads onto your cheeks. But before any of you can answer, the man in question walks inside, having heard the conversation.
"I did, and that means you can fuck off Park." He challenges, roughly pushing the elder away with a hand on his head, making everyone laugh at their antics. "How's my fiance doing?" He asks. "Still walking like a newborn babydeer?" He teases, and you smack his head with a printout you had rolled up. "Ow, you literally told me to go hard, don't be mad now!" He says, before running away from your red-faced form, chasing him with the printouts around the studio.
Yeah, some things never change.
And that's ok.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. Don't try reposting on AO3 or your mom's facebook. I got eyes everywhere.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— When you start a new job, you never thought you would come face with Most Wanted Ground Zero who decides that you’re going to help him make a point.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
warnings: smut, 18+, robbery kink, consented noncon, public sex, exhibitionism, degradation, spanking, slight gunplay, sadist bakugou, machoist reader, blow job, character death, murder, blood, gun violence, knife violence
word count: 8,550
a/n: literally fuck me. I super fucking liked this prompt had clearly had too much fun because this was not supposed to be a long fic. anyways, I hope you like the idea of big bad evil bakugou fucking you to make a point. also, just trust me on the details on y/n I make, please. make sure to comment on all fics you enjoy, all authors love them! carefully read the warnings!!!!
kinktober day 4 main kink: robbery kink
“As for our latest news, the city of Chiba has decided to close the current twelve-month reigning search for the missing victim of the Chiba Bank robberies. However, known criminal known only by his alias Ground Zero who has been on our countries most wanted list on account of robberies, murder, and rape is still on the ru—”
You frowned as you threw the TV remote onto the bed, unease sitting on your stomach.
Pre-work jitters were a normal thing, right?
You looked at the full-length mirror in front of you, your finger pressed against a black pencil skirt, trailing up to brush against the white silk shirt you wore. Today is a special day, you reminded yourself as you lined closer to the mirror. Your hand grabbing the dark red lipstick you owned and as smoothly as you could, smoothed the cream over your lips.
The first day working at the esteemed Yaoyorozu Banking Inc., the world's most influential and wealthiest bank. Getting an interview at the prestigious bank had been a once in a lifetime opportunity, your incredible resume and references without a doubt getting your foot in the door to simply be a bank teller. 
Yes, to simply be a bank teller, you had to know at least three languages (you knew English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Spanish), had to know someone with affiliations to either the Yaoyorozu family or the hiring team (your number one reference was none other than the CEO and Founders daughter), and have a certain intellect (there was an admittance test to even qualify to fill out a job application). It had been a rather challenging admittance for you, especially as they had only been one job opening. Frankly, you think your only reason for winning the spot was due to Yaoyorozu Momo’s hand.
Still, it mattered not in the end because you had the job—no use of trying to figure out just what made you stand out so much.
Pushing away from the mirror, you studied yourself over one last time.
Your outfit was exactly as they required it to be, your pink hair styled appropriately out of your face, and the slight gleam of your pantyhose made you heave a heavy sigh.
You were as ready as you could ever be. 
With one final look into the mirror, you tilted your head at the gold-colored contacts you wore, a symbol of the job you held at Yaoyorozu Bankings and thought it made you look like a whole other person. No time to dwell on that, you decided, slipping on your watch and red-bottomed high heels and left your apartment. 
It was time to work.
The commute to work was dull if you ignored the way your stomach twisted and turned in the thought of arriving at work. What would the security be like, at the bank, you couldn’t help but wonder? Would there be bulletproof glass? Ten security guards?
All the banks you’ve ever had the pleasure of entering had always been handled with a small waiting room for clients and a five-inch thick bulletproof glass wall. But that had been at smaller, local banks, not anything like where you were about to begin working. Yaoyorozu Banking had several different buildings designated for the different types of jobs located within their name. You did, however, know that the smallest only two-story building was for their in-person bank tellings. That is where you would be working. Two floors for an essential part of their business, and you had no idea what it looked like as you had no account with them, and your interview had taken place at their headquarters. 
By the time the bus had pulled up to the stop, you would need to get off of, you could feel the nerves of the upcoming day begin to sit heavily on your bladder. You could feel the eyes of everyone else on the bus staring at you as you exited the vehicle. Everyone knew what this stop was for and had undoubtedly seen the gold contacts when you passed by them.
Each step of your heel against the sidewalk's paved concrete seemed to echo distinctly in your ear. It was rather odd, you noted as you walked toward the bank's building, that despite a large number of employees and patron’s the bank had, it seemed almost deserted. Looking down at the watch on your wrist, you knew immediately that you weren’t running late. As a matter of fact, you would be running precisely on time, showing up to your on-call site fifteen minutes before you were due. 
Regardless, you took each stride in your step as powerfully and as in control as you could. Your gaze narrowed, focused, intense as you stared at the revolving crystal clean glass doors. With one last supporting thought about how you were absolutely going to make sure that you would end this day in success, you pushed through.
White marble floors, glossy white walls with black and gold accents met your gaze immediately. Despite the apparent shock of seeing the indoors of this lavish, distinctly rich bank, you continued moving as if unaffected. The clicking of your heels against the floor was the only thing letting you know that you were, in fact, moving. 
Twelve men lined the lobby hallway, each tall, bulky with sunglasses and earpieces on. Although you couldn’t see their eyes, you had without a doubt that they were looking at you as you passed them to a set of large oak and gold accented doors.
There, a smiling woman greeted you. Her smile is warm and gentle as her own silver-colored eyes welcome you, and your spine stiffens at the appearance of information that passes through your vision.
Name: Fuwa Mawata Position: Greeter & Inspector.
“Ah, welcome Uzume-chan!” she cheered in greeting, her mascara painted eyes closing in greetings. You said your hello’s, your voice breathy with the shock of this bank's high technological advantages. “I see that this is your first day here, and luckily for you, no one is around, so I may quickly inform you of entrance clearance!”
“T-That sounds perfect!” you admit, your smile feeling just the littlest bit too tight, but your hands held your bag tighter in your grip.
“Wonderful! Well, here at Yaoyorozu’s Banking Inc., we have a strict business protocol for both our clients and our employees! First, as you may or may not know, all of the building's operations take place on the floor above, and due to the clients we have, it's a bit… unorthodox in our approach. We are the only bank with no bulletproof glass between you, the bank tellers, and our customers!”
What now?
“Our clients are so finicky about being treated with such distrust that they’d rather have this approach!” Fuwa laughed as if there was absolutely nothing wrong with such statements. “So, to approach the bank, you must pass by me! But do not worry! We have never, ever within our nearly century-long reign, have ever been robbed or seized before. Our twelve men out there are true experts, and I have the only button to inform the police right here! Everyone, so both clients and employees, must leave their personal belongings here, and I will search you for any potential weapons!”
“I’m not allowed my phone up?” you asked, a bit confused by this rather outlandish set of rules.
“I’m afraid not! You’ll be so busy working the entire time you won’t be needing it. You are allowed to come and retrieve while on lunch since the break room and lunchrooms are down here on the first floor!” Fuwa confirmed, her head nodding in confirmation. “I understand that it can be a bit different, I myself am not yet used to it, but these rules are in place so that every one of our clients and employees can remain safe!”
You fight off the frown that dangerously tries to grow on your face by nodding, handing over your purse to Fuwa, “That makes sense.”
“Glad to know that it isn’t an issue for you, Uzume-chan! Now, if you’ll step past me, I’ll be checking for any concealed weapons, and you will be met with your supervisor as soon as you enter the second floor!”
It takes exactly two seconds for Fuwa to complete her scan of your body. She explained with a wink that her contacts allowed her to find any potentially dangerous weapon on a person's body. “No matter where it might be,” she added with a tilting head and a bright grin. “By the way, I love the watch! It’s so beautiful, it must’ve been expensive!”
“Oh,” you feel your face warm as you gently touch the watch, your finger tapping the watch’s face twelve times while your smile is unparalleled as you think of the man who had gifted you the object. “Thank you, it was a gift.”
With that, you climbed up the stairs as sophisticatedly, brushing a few strands of curly pink hair out of your face as you enter the main floor, and you realize immediately that the quiet of the first floor and outdoors does not reach this floor.
The second floor is loud.
People with their names and occupations flashing within your view walking from table to table, stacks of paper in their arms, arguing, or talking with those around them. It was a sight to behold, indeed. But a voice interrupted your thoughts, and before you could honestly assess the situation at hand, you were whisked away, a detailed explanation of your job and expectations were. 
Unexpectedly, Fuwa had been right.
This job had no downtime. 
You sat on a leather seat at a desk to handle the clients. Much like old banks out west, your desks were much higher than those you were servicing; most often, you had to look down at them like a mother to a child as you worked. 
Your supervisor, who went by the name Togeike Chikuchi, was over your shoulder for about an hour, detailing and correcting your every action until you cleared ten clients entirely on your own. At this moment, she sat at the desk to your left, chatting with her client with a bright sunny smile that you had thought for a moment she was incapable of. 
It was 14:23 when you were with a client who was currently wondering if sending her ‘poor niece who lived with her amazing female roommate’ ¥500,000 was enough for a week worth of groceries. Of course, it took everything in you to bite your tongue and ask her if she had ever bought her own groceries before.
“Well, if you’re asking me, I think that’s a perfect amount!” you smile pleasantly, watching as who you’re pretty sure to be a CEO of a rice tycoon company. “If anything, you can always question her if that was enough the next time you speak. Everyone is always so different when it comes to groceries.”
“Ah, I suppose so!” she laughs good naturally, her arms rising to press a slip of paper with her account information on it on your desk. “I always spend almost—”
She cut off, and for the first time, you didn’t have to wonder why.
There was an echoing, distant sound of four straight bangs. 
It seemed to have been heard collectively by the entire second floor because, for a moment, there was a silence that wrapped the whole floor. 
Mumbles and murmurs soon flooded the floor, and a frown pressed against your lips as you stared at the staircase. What happened?
“Oh, I bet you that dumb janitor downstairs dropped his vacuum again!” your client huffed, her eyes rolling while you transferred the amount she requested from her account over into her nieces. “He did that the last time I was here too! Except it only caused two loud bangs like that! How immaturely irresponsible of him! Unable to do his job correctly and as a janitor at that? How much lower could he possibly get?”
You, once again, bite your tongue, choosing instead to laugh in faux humor over her rant. The agreeing lie on your tongue moments from being let out when a new sort of movement at the corner of your eye stopped you.
Climbing up from the staircase was a man who took heavy, powerful steps. You were getting used to the way these clients carried themselves. They all tended to stride authoritatively, commandeering all attention to them. Despite their dominative pace, they were almost light on their feet, their steps relatively silent as they walked from corner to corner. But this man who made his way up the stairs was heavy, barbaric, and fierce with every echoing footstep he took.
It was as if the world slowed down as the entire room went to stare at him, and an ice-cold shiver crept down your spine as you took him in.
Ash blond, spiky unruly hair. Splattered red blood covering his exposed arms and neck. A black get-up looked akin to a secret black op team with the black army vest, black tank underneath, black army pants, black combat boots, and strap around his right thigh that seemed to carry two guns and knives. As a matter of fact, his vest also showcased the copious amount of ammunition he had.
It was Ground Zero.
Fear plunged through you as he rose a single hand to the ceiling, a sickening smirk spreading on his face as the world seemed to slow down. Many clients chose to turn to look the second his finger pulled on the trigger.
Shrieks erupted through the floor, and you watched as everyone, including yourself, hit the deck. Your body trembled with nervous fear as the gun firing stopped.
“Everybody get the fuck up.”
It was a low voice, gravely, and course with evident past strain. You looked across the way to Togeike, who looked just about as fearful and terrified as you felt. 
You didn’t dare to move, and by the looks of it, none of your coworkers did either. There was no panic button on this floor, and the only way to the switch was at Fuwa’s desk. A desk that couldn’t be reached unless passing by the man with black paint smeared across most of his face in a strategic way that rendered him anonymous by all photographic and video evidence. 
“I don’t think I fucking stuttered,” Ground Zero sneered, a light, fickle chuckle erupting low and deep in his chest as the sound of scared whimpers and silent sobbing began to pick up around the room. You didn’t need to know who was making those noises; after all, you knew what everyone was already thinking: will I be killed next? There was a loud bang a bit too near to your body, and you couldn’t help but scream in tandem with everyone else on the floor and the distinctive, irreplicable sound of someone choking on their blood. “I said, everyone, get the fuck up.”
Flight or fight were always two instincts you were taught about in school. Two altering, opposite reactions to being placed in stressful situations, but right now, you were in that third, lesser-known option: freezing.
“It’s like you elite bastards are begging to fucking die!” he laughed joyously, and you felt tears push to your eyes as another resounding bang shake through your body, your ears ringing with the noise. The now becoming familiar sound of a body hitting the floor dead and bleeding sending a sickening bubble through your throat.
But you pulled yourself up, your body trembling like a leaf as you stared at the infamous criminal who was merely smirking at the two dead bodies of clients who continued to bleed out on the floor as those around them cried.
“So, even with all the money in the goddamn world, you damn elitist are still damn fucking cry babies!” he cried with unrestrained, unleveled glee and anger. “Oh, this was the perfect place to choose as my final exit from the world.”
Your breath stops when he turns on you, his blood-red eyes locking on yours, and you can feel the hairs on your arm rising in unsettling knowing.
“Aren’t you a pretty looking whore,” he smirked, his hands putting his gun back into its holster, his heavy feet booming as loud as his gunshots as he makes his way towards you. The rest of the clients, especially the one located by your desk, shriek, cowering as he moves. “Tell me, whore, who does a guy gotta fucking talk to to get the money into my account?”
Your throat seamlessly tightened up in your deep fear as he directly addressed you, and you made a choking noise in your horror.
But, it seemed that Ground Zero was not in the mood for your timidness. Because you could see the vein in his temple throb, the sound of him sucking in his teeth, and the cold, humorous chuckle that rumbled in his chest as he grabbed his gun back out of its holster and pressed it centimeters away from between your eyes.
Typically, the clients couldn’t reach you from where they stood, but it was clearly apparent as he neared you that Ground Zero was not typical. He was big, huge, tall, and he quickly reached you. 
The heat of the previously fired bullets from the muzzle of the gun radiating off it clearly, licking the skin on your forehead as finally, words tumbled out.
“I just started today, Togeike-san is my supervisor!”
Ground Zero lazily smirked as he followed your thrust out finger at your coworker and supervisor.
A loud choking sound spluttered from Togeike as Ground Zero turned his attention onto her and stalked over in three steps easily. His eyes were sharp, deadly, and cold as he stared at your supervisor, and he reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out a black USB.
“Put all the bank's assets onto the account on this drive.”
“W-What if I don’t?” Togeike stammered, her body quivering just the same as yours. But the false sense of confidence only resulted in the gun being placed back between her eyes, only this time, he pressed the hot muzzle against her skin, and she shrieked at her burning skin.
“Try that again, you fucking extra,” Ground Zero hissed, and Togeike sobbed, grabbing the USB with a nod.
“I’ll do it! I’ll do it! I’ll do it!”
The sound of Togeike sobbing is almost as bad as the intruding smells of iron rusting blood from the dead bodies and the sick smell of the burning flesh on her forehead. 
It seems to take forever, you standing there silently, perfectly still as Togeike hooks the hard drive to her computer. You can see that she begins the monetary transfer from the bank's large accounts and reserves onto the account enabled on the hard drive, and you feel numb. Should you be relieved that he would most likely take this once it was done and leave? Scared that he was here on your first day at that? What shit luck…
You concentrated on your hands as time seemed to drag by slowly, your knees still feeling weak, your breathing shallow as the crude smell of drying blood makes your head spin. 
But unlike you, you hadn’t raised a single gaze in Ground Zero’s way, a rising sound of voices began to resonate from the floor and opposite side of the room. You blinked rapidly as you looked up.
Four men stood up, their brows furrowed, suits abandoned, and expressions steady and fierce. 
“The fuck you think you’re doing standing up, fucking wimps?” Ground Zero gruffed, his body language telling a whole other story from his voice. He was relaxed, unaffected by their challenging forms and fierce glares. “What? Don’t tell me? You think you four in front of me can take me? Don’t fucking flatter yourself. Even with the three behind me who’s easily apart of your fucking idiotic plan, I’ll kill ya all before you can pray to not to be sent to hell!”
“Flatter ourselves?” a man scoffed after getting over the initial shock of their once thought to be secretive plan being exposed without so much as a spec of interest from Ground Zero. “Don’t you get so fucking cocky! We’ll beat your ass and hand you over to the fucking police, you damn bastard!”
Screams erupt throughout the entire room as the seven in cahoots men lunge forward at the dangerous criminal who has set himself back center stage of the second floor.
It’s over before you can blink.
You scream with the masses as five excruciatingly loud bangs go off, and you can barely return your gaze on the fighting men to see the outcome you already know. 
There are six bodies on the floor, bleeding out fleetingly as Ground Zero holds the seventh by the neck. Your jaw drops as more blood splatters against Ground Zero’s chest, and you’re none the wiser of the knife buried deep within his throat until the body is falling over, dead, lifeless. 
“All the fucking money in the world and none of you were taught fucking manners of a properly functioning brain, hah?” he roared, his lips pulled into a threatening, angry snarl as sobs erupt through the crowds again, and a rolling tingle shoots through your body. “I guess killing everyone just isn’t fucking enough for you all, is it?”
You were unsure of how to even answer that. Your eyes falling over onto Togeike, who was silently crying, her eyes screwed tightly as the meter on the money transfer hits 47%.
“Let me set an example for anyone else who wants to try more bullshit in front of me,” Ground Zero snaps, and you shriek when his bloodied hand tangles into your pink hair and yanks you over the desk.
Crashing onto the floor as ungracefully as one could, your eyes widen and jaw drop in an excruciating, soundless scream as pain shoots through your body. But, it’s not near over yet. 
Your hands weakly grab Ground Zero’s wrist, trying to ease the pulsing pain in your body and scalp as he drags you front and center of the second floor. You can’t even understand yourself at this point, sniffling, pathetic pleas to let you go, tears streaming down your face as he throws you, your body hitting the marble floor as you sob for forgiveness.
“Now,” Ground Zero speaks from above you, and your arms have never felt weaker as you press up from the cold, ice floor. You freeze, your body feeling like a tundra as a now all too familiar click of a loaded gun resonates centimeters from your head. You silently sob when a warm muzzle pressed against the back of your head. “The next person to look away from what I’m about to do to my new cum whore, the next person who even fucking thinks of trying some really unfunny shit… her life is on your head.”
The sobs stop with that threat, or did they grow more at the easily implied actions of the corrupt man before you? You couldn’t really tell anymore. Yet slowly, the clients who are sitting in dead men’s blood shakily turn their gaze to you, and you can feel the weight of all their eyes on you. You feel weightless, almost empty.
“Pink hair is for whores, didn’t you know that? That’s why I picked you.” Ground Zero informs you from behind you. The barrel of the gun digs harder, pushing roughly against your head. “Whores are meant to be fucked by fat fucking cocks, so turn around, whore, and suck me off.”
Your breathing returns in spastic, shallow breathes, and you suppress the rising sob in your throat as you turn around on your hands and knees.
Ground Zero stares down at you with expectant eyes, cruel and dark with their crooked want and lust. Your breathing picks up when he unbuckles his belt and removes his pants and underwear with only one hand, the other one with the gun never once leaving your head.
“Make sure you all watch her, I’ve never had to kill a bitch while sucking me off, and I wouldn’t want to make this the first time!” Ground Zero laughed, his crimson red eyes glaring at the shamefully gazed clients as he holds his growing cock in his hands. Despite all logic, you stare at his hardening cock with an ever-increasing lust, the tears in your eyes never stopping, but your cunt unwilling to ignore the fact that his cock would feel so good in anyone of your holes. You knew that, and it horrified you. “The fuck you waiting for?” Ground Zero growled, shifting the barrel of the gun to your temple, his eyebrow raised in a taunt. “Suck my fucking cock.”
And despite the growing hiccuping cries in your chest, you can’t stop the way your mouth waters as you shamefully grab onto his cock and press your mouth down on him. 
His cock was large, undoubtedly longer than your face, and thicker than what your hand could encompass. Messy dark blond pubes sat motions away from your nose, and veins that ran all over his length rubbed against your tongue. The taste of his slightly sweaty cock made you gag, but the fear of what he would do caused you to snuff it out.
Tears poured limitlessly down your face, your throat and jaw stretching as far as it could as you took him in further and further.
Even with the tears on your cheeks, you did your best to appease him, horrified by the outcome should you not. Your tongue swirled against his girth, trailing the plenty of veins that you could get to. His cock pressed further into your mouth, shoving until it hit the back of your throat, continuing to dive in deeper until the ends of his pubes tickled your nose, and you could feel the head of his cock stretching out your throat. And horrifically, even with the strangled, choked sobs that still continued to pour from your mouth, you were enjoying the way he was fucking your mouth.
You enjoyed the way the cooling barrel on your temple made you quiver with dreadful apprehension. You enjoyed the way his hips rocked into your mouth, most often hitting your gaping jaw. You enjoyed the way the noises of your unwilling audience made you feel dirty, whorish, and shameful. But as his fingers managed to slip into your hollowing cheeks, drool and saliva dripping down your chin in your slobbering heat and shame, you could feel your essence slicking onto your panties.
“Look at how shameless you are!” Ground Zero laughed, his hand that once guided his cock into your mouth, gripping onto your hair and fisting into it. You yelped at the pain, your teeth painfully close to biting his cock. “All these people around watching you suck off the big, bad Ground Zero’s cock, and you aren’t even embarrassed!?”
You made a disagreeing noise, your brows furrowing, your gaze doing everything in its power to avoid your clients and coworkers gaze as Ground Zero began to rock his hips even more powerfully into your mouth. He chuckled, clearly pleased with what was occurring, and he threw the gun back into its holster. With the free hand, he placed it around your throat, squeezing your airway as you choked pathetically against his length and girth.
“I bet you came into work wanting to be fucked today. Wanting to get pressed to the floor and let everyone see your slutty fucking cunt and throat be used.” Ground Zero growled his grip on your throat, tightening even more. “Is that why you came here to work? Hoped I’d show up one day and fuck you to submission in front of everyone?!”
You gagged, the pounding of his cock further and further down your choked throat overwhelming you as the tears of shame quickly became those of fear as the lack of oxygen burned your throat and nose. You tried to breathe, but Ground Zero knew what he was doing and how he was doing it, not allowing you to breathe despite the way your fingers created crescent scars on the back of his thighs. 
Too much, too much, too much!
His balls slapped under your chin, and the musk of his skin tainted your tongue, but Ground Zero was only getting started, it seemed. With his hands now grabbing the sides of your head, he began to fuck your throat savagely. 
The wet sloppy noises of his driving cock into your throat seemed to echo off the shiny walls and marble floors. Your saliva and drool ruining your silk top and mixing with the blood on the floor. 
Your eyes were crossing with the extreme force, your body feeling weightless with your inability to breathe, yet despite all logic, you finally let out a sweet, grateful moan as your nose pressed to his hips.
But that was enough for Ground Zero.
It was a noise that would finish the last nail in your coffin as he held you there to his hips, his cock entire within your throat that tightened and fluttered against his length as you struggled to pull away.
“No use in fighting it now, you fucking whore,” Ground Zero grinned, the expression on his face akin to that of a predator stalking his prey. His voice, ever so naturally loud, filled the room, letting everyone know just what was going on. “They all heard you moan like a slut while getting fucking raped by me. So do me a little favor and get on all fours, I need a place to dump my fucking cum.”
With that, Ground Zero shoved you off his cock and onto your back, and you began to cough and choke desperately. The sour, raunchy scent of the sweat, blood, and gunpowder burning your nostrils as you attempted to steady yourself. You began to cry again at the filthy thought of how you were enjoying the way his cock had been in you, and the way your body craved for more of it.
You didn’t want to admit that you wanted him to fuck you, especially in front of everyone.
But as you were consumed with your at war thoughts, Ground Zero was already impatient. 
His feet trapped you between him, and he leaned down to grab your silk shirt.
“W-Wait—!” you shriek as he rips open the shirt, the sound of scattering buttons flying everywhere as your bra is revealed to everyone in the room who is watching.
Silent tears poured down your cheeks as with the destruction of the white silk shirt, a sheer and lacy red bra was exposed to the mass. Today had been a means of celebration, and you had intended on fucking your boyfriend the moment you got home… but that had been something you had kept a secret. Something to be held from the world until it was you and him in a bed. But it was now an object to be seen by everyone, and you bit onto your lower, trembling lip, eyes screwed shut as you tried to look away from the heated territorial look on Ground Zero’s face.
“Oh, look at what we have here?” Ground Zero almost whispered, but his voice still managed to reach every corner of the floor. “You are a little fucking whore, are you not? Came to work actually wearing lingerie! I thought I was just fucking teasing you before, but no! No! Not at all! You do want to be fucked in front of everyone!”
Your sniffling wouldn’t stop as his large, hot, bloodied dried hands grabbed at your bra-clad breasts. He was leaning down over you, you could feel the amused breathing flushing against your collarbone, and you mangled a choke when he kneeled down, trapping you.
“Such an ugly pair of tits,” Ground Zero mocked, his large hands pressing the sides of your breasts together, enhancing your cleavage and fullness of your breasts as you lay on the floor. “I’ll let you in on a secret… all those missing sluts I’ve fucked in previous jobs? Well, I can always tell how good a fuck they’d be just through this part.”
Hissing, you glared at Ground Zero as he slipped his fingers under the fabric, teasing and pulling at your pebbled nipples. His red glare meeting yours, mocking and somehow both hot and cold.
But a shameful, pitch moaned fell from you, your back against all logic arching up into Ground Zero. Soft whines, shaking arms, thrashing legs.
“Would you look at that,” Ground Zero’s sneering tone was back, and you found yourself opening your eyes (somehow missing when you closed them), to see Ground Zero glaring at someone in the crowd. “Looks like you could make a professional slut, whore! That man over there has a fucking boner over watching me rape you and your slutty mouth and feeling up your tits!”
“N-No I don’t!” the man exclaimed as you couldn’t help but meet the accused eyes that were filled with shame, a red blush tainting his cheeks. “Just thinking about when this’ll be fucking over!”
Ground Zero’s grip grabbed you by the throat, and you panicked as he ripped you up onto your feet and began walking over to where the man was. You stumbled to keep up, unable to find your balance the entire time you walked with him, in awe that this unlawful man could walk determinedly when his pants around his thighs, hard, leaking cock pressing to his vest-clad stomach. But before you could find your balance, Ground Zero threw you back onto the floor, landing centimeters from the client's feet, and you began to cry as your exposed stomach touched the floor.
Ground Zero wasted no time on your noises, straddling your ass, scooping his hands beneath your breasts, and pulling you up. 
The client's face went beet red, his bulge in his pants evident as you could only keep your gaze there, unable to raise or turn your head as Ground Zero squeezed your breasts in his hands. 
You moaned at the sensation, your mind giving in to the feelings to not cry anymore.
“Tell the whore how much you like her tits,” Ground Zero commanded, his hands kneading and pulling at your mounds of flesh. “Tell her your little microcock wants to fuck her.”
The client had the decency to look offended as he spluttered, “I’M NOT GOING TO TELL HER THAT!”
With his words, silence took over the room, and you trembled in your fear.
“Damn extra?” Ground Zero shouts to Togeike.
“How much fucking longer?”
“I-It’s at 63%!”
One of Ground Zero’s hands abandoned his manipulation of your breasts, but he still managed to keep you in place with only one hand. He pulled a breast out of the bra, and you whimpered as the client gwuaffed at the sight of your breast, but immediately cut himself off when a cold, heavy metal barrel pressed against your temple.
“Let’s try again,” Ground Zero said with faux cheer. “Tell the whore how much you like her tits, and how your microcock wants to fuck her, or else I’ll kill her right in front of you.” There’s a heavily, curling silence that overwhelms the room before he decides to add one last thing for good measure. “I’ve never fucked a dead body before, and I wouldn’t want to start that now.”
“I-I like her tits,” the man stammered.
“How much?”
“T-They’re… they’re so hot,” the man begins to cry, his body shaking in front of you. “I wish I could b-be fucking her instead!”
“Too bad for that microcock you have, huh?” Ground Zero taunted, pulling the gun from your temple and pointing it straight at the man's crotch. “Show her.”
“Show her your cock.”
It seemed to happen so slowly. The man unbuckling his belt with shaky hands, clumsily undoing his pants, and shifting it down his legs, white boxer briefs stained slightly with pre-cum. You looked away when he revealed a cock that looked pathetic to the one you had just sucked, so small, so thin, so discolored. 
“You got one fucking ugly ass cock,” Ground Zero laughed.
Then the world picked back up.
The first thing you heard and felt was the tearing of your skirt, and you panicked as Ground Zero dropped your chest onto the cold floor. You whipped your head around to see your work skirt split all the way down the middle, only held together by a few remaining strands by the waistline. And the sheer pantyhose you wore, twisted between his fingers, and completely ripped as his gaze met yours.
“Cute fucking thong.”
You choked at the feeling of cold, soured air hitting your inner thighs that were still wet with your slick, and instinctively, you tried to scramble onto your knees. But it seemed that this was what Ground Zero wanted from you, for the moment you were on your knees, he pressed his hand to the curve of your back and kept you there.
Ass up, back curved, chest down.
“Until the transfer is at 100%, your wet little cunt is mine!” Ground Zero reveled in the information as he couldn’t even bother to pull down your panties before plunging his fingers into your sopping heat.
The shameful pleasure of feeling his fingers deep within your cunt sent you screaming, your back arching even further as his fingers continued to thrust in you. They curled and spread, sending your mind into a spiraling lust as he managed to find all of your sweet spots without so much as breaking a sweat.
“You’re so easy,” Ground Zero groaned, his cock rutting between the curves of your ass as he continued to finger fuck you. “So fucking wet too. I just knew a fucking whore like you couldn’t be getting fucked right at home, that’s why you hoped you’d get fucked by me today!”
Your teeth bit into your forearm, the overwhelming pleasure of his fingers stroking your inner walls, tweaking and moving against your clit, making your thighs tremble with the already forming pressure in your womb. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, you little whore,” Ground Zero whispered into your ear, laughing when you shuddered at the feeling of his tongue licking the shell of your ear. “Everyone wants to hear you moan, scream, and cry for the big bad Ground Zero’s cock. Don’t mute yourself, let them hear just how well I’ll fuck you into a puddle of tears and cum.”
You didn’t want them to hear you begging for more. You didn’t want the entire room to know that your cunt was spasming and clenching around his fingers because you liked this. You didn’t want them to know.
“I bet fuckface in front of you really wants to hear it!” Ground Zero laughed, his finger doing light, quick circles against your clit as his other hand brought your attention to the man before you. Sure enough, his cock was throbbing, precum leaking down his length as he shamefully looked at you. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind you fucking yourself as I fuck this stupid cunt.”
But with the building pressure in your stomach. Your toes curling as the soft thumps of his fingers dive in and out of your sopping wet cunt, your body begins to tense up.
“Already ready to cum,” Ground Zero smirked, and you felt your body go rigid when his fingers left your cunt, and was immediately replaced with his large, thick cock.
Having not expected such action, your arms shot out, eyes rolling back as a guilty, wanton scream tore through your throat. He was so big, so thick, so full, stretching you out completely, sending your tight walls into a frenzy as they stretched and tightened around his cock.
Fuck, fuck, “fuck!”
“Oh, she speaks!” Ground Zero laughs, almost a bit deranged as he grabs onto your waist and begins to plow into you. “I wonder to what lengths I can get you to speak! I want to hear you screaming for me, whore.”
It was then that he slammed his hand against your ass cheek, causing you to shriek while your skin throbbed in his wake. It was heavy-handed, the power he held in his hand while never doubted, didn’t make you think it was ever this much. The pleasure curled pain made your knees buckle, a hot pressure bursting in your core, and another loud slap repeated on the same throbbing cheek.
Fisting in your hair, you keened loudly when Ground Zero yanked your head back. The arch in your back was dramatized by this action; your back ached as another heavy slap echoed against your swelling skin. His dense, almost wild breathing hits the shell of your ear, and chills shoot down your spine when he snarls.
“Your cunt is so fucking tight, is whoever this getup for fuck you shitty too? Don’t tell me this fucking extra is the man you fuck in your bed?” he laughs, his foot stamping to the outside of your leg. The new position increases the range and the power of his thrusts, sending your body forward with every squelch bringing thrust. “I bet you’d like it if your stupid cock piece was here to watch how a real fucking man fucks, huh? You fucking would—” his hand comes down to wrap around your waist, pinching and tugging at your clit that’s thrumming with impending orgasm. Ignoring your growing pleads for more— “You like being an example to everyone in this fucking shit room of how to be fucked correctly! I bet you’re actually liking the way they’re judging you and your tight, wet cunt.”
The next powerful thrust that has his balls smacking your skin nearly sends you tumbling over at the strength and power behind it. Your arms buckle under you, the weight and struggle to keep yourself upright was a challenge as Ground Zero abused your clit and cunt.
“Answer me, fucking whore.”
There was no stopping Ground Zero’s heavy hand against your pert ass, and you could not think of anything but how your cunt throbbed for the man behind you. Your sobs of pain had long ago become those of pleasure, and you could feel the raised prints of his hands on your sore cheeks. It was true; it delighted you.
“Y-Yes, I like being fucked by you!” you finally break crying, your body trembling in your excitement and need for more. “I like them watching as you fuck me! You fuck me so good!”
“Glad you could finally admit it because your cunt is so fucking wet right now I’m sure everyone else already knew,” he sneers while he rubs circles against your heated skin. “You’re trembling with excitement as you try telling me you don’t want me to fuck you. I can see you choking back your cries of pleasure, the fuck you take me for? Do you want me to leave you without an orgasm?”
“N-No!” you sob pathetically, arms pathetically stretching behind you to keep him thrusting faster into you. “D-Don’t leave me until I-I cum!”
Your words were loud, letting everyone know just how much you wanted this, just enough for the man before you to groan as he came, and you thanked Ground Zero as you trembled like a leaf before him. His upper lip pulled back into a smirk as he let go of your hair, letting your head drop back onto the floor, and his fingers go and pinch your nether lips, and you cried loudly.
“I know you can fucking scream louder than that. I want the entire fucking world to know who’s fucking you right now.”
The words were honey to your ear, and you shifted in an attempt to ease the growing lust between your legs.
“Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Please, Ground Zero, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” you babble, your tongue falling from your mouths as you pant like a bitch in heat, your body convulsing and shaking with need and heightening lust.
Your mind reeled as Ground Zero continued his conquest against your cunt. You could barely count the number of times he drilled his cock straight into your heat, the tip of his cock pressing into your cervix over and over. The added sensation of his fingers manipulating your clit, and shoving into your mouth to tug on your tongue as you began to grow too loud made you dizzy. Your ass and thighs were undoubtedly bright red and in the air, back arched further than you had ever gone, and saliva and tears seeping onto the marble floor.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he cheers as he repositions the angle in which he’s driving into you, and your ragged moans fill the area at the need of more. He continued fucking you, and while feeling finally returned to your abused ass, your hips finally began to buck against his commanding hips, trying to get the echoing slaps to grew even louder. “Such a greedy little slut.”
Gritting your teeth, you continued pushing against him, craving more heat, power, and pain.
“Is this not good enough for you?” Ground Zero chuckles, but there’s no light humor to his laughter. “Good.”
At that phrase, Ground Zero slams into you with the power and force you had yet to experience. Causing you to howl in your throbbing lust, your mind more a second snapping back out of its haze as you feel his cock twitch within you. Your breathing is harsh as you try to look at Ground Zero, finally trying to take a glance at how he looked. You wondered if he was as unhinged as you felt, as savage as you imagined with his lustful red eyes. 
“Where is it at?” Ground Zero barked over at Togeike.
“I-It’s at 97%!” she stammered, shame dripping from her voice, and you had half a mind to wonder if they were all turned on too.
Maybe they were jealous of the fat cock claiming you, and you mewl in the thought, your back bristling as you slammed back onto his drilling cock. You wanted more from him, craved more from him. The coil in your belly still yet to be undone, but you were not going to let it snap anytime soon.
“Gotta fucking make this little slut cum soon then, huh?” Ground Zero grinned, and you felt his teeth bare into the back of your neck in a flash of throbbing, burning pain.
You cried.
The angle and power behind these growing sloppy thrusts were different than what you were used to. It was deranged almost, your body shifting with each thrust, nearly toppling over as Ground Zero claimed you with his teeth and his cock. With each hypnotizing slam of his hips, ringing moans of pleasures ripped from your throat, and you brought your arms as best you could to his waist to keep him there.
Sweat dripped down Ground Zero’s neck, his hands gripping your bruised and battered ass like some type of life support, and the squelching noises of your slamming sex were making your body weak.
“Please — fuck — do that! Do that again, please!” you screamed when a vein in his cock dragged against your pulsating, puffy walls, at the same time he pushed against your cervix.
“Such—” thrust— “A—” thrust— “Fucking—” thrust— “Whore!” thrust! “Who do you fucking belong to?!”
“Y-You, Ground Zero!” you scream, your hips buck against his slamming hips. It was so raw, so rough, and you were enjoying every passing second. “I belong to you! I’m your fucking whore, please fill me with your cum! Cum in me, please cum in me!”
Ground Zero preens at your praise, all while he continues to fuck you roughly. He was in his zone, his concentration like steel as he pounded into you again and again. Your inner walls clenched and spasmed against his penetrating cock, and the heated pressure now spilling over.
His cock twitched within you. It knocked the breath out of you; his fingers twisted into your hair.
“Fucking cum with me,” he demands, jerking your head back towards him again, and you sob as your legs tremble against his increasing power.
You feel your eyes cross, screaming out his name as your walls clamp down fiercely against his length, and you orgasm roughly, your body shaking and spasming uncontrollably as you scream his name. Ground Zero curses loudly, slamming into you one last time with the power and tenacity of an army as he lets out a string of curses, and you moan, knowing that he came in you.
“Such a good slut,” Ground Zero grins as you can feel your eyes fluttering shut, physical and mental exhaustion now catching up with you. “Sleep now, I’m not done with you.”
You couldn’t gather the energy to speak back, your world blacking out with the sounds of sobs, screams, and more gunshots.
You wake up in a car.
The warm, gentle wind caressing your face as the world is quiet. It's calm, pleasant, pleasing. Your pink wig is on your knees, slightly ruined with blood, sweat, tears, and drool.
You sigh, your body throbbing with different pain as you look to your right at who’s driving.
It’s Ground Zero, or as you know him: Bakugou Katsuki.
His arms are covered now, the old black op outfit changed for a pair of black slacks and a red button-down shirt. You would have no idea he was the man who stormed into Yaoyorozu Bankings earlier that day.
“Good morning,” you sigh, reaching against the seat to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Bakugou looks at you with a smirk, reaching towards you for a real kiss as he continues to drive. You can tell you’re in comfortable clothes, ointment on any potentially worrisome wounds he had inflicted on you while wrapped up in your twisted fantasy of yours. 
“Nice to see you up,” he gruffs, his voice rough from his overuse in the bank.
“Did we get it?” you ask, head pressing to his shoulder, and with a chuckle, he raised the black USB.
“Damn fucking right we did, y/n.”
It goes without saying that despite the sheer brilliance of Bakugou’s work as Ground Zero, he would have never pulled off such crimes without you. His pretty, small girlfriend, who always played a victim of his lust at his operations just for good measure. It was a fun life both of you lived.
You looked at the expensive Cartier watch on your wrist, a beautiful gift he had gotten you after your first successive robbery. It had also been programmed for you to communicate with Bakugou on how many guards there were on the floor.
“I love you.”
arrière-pensée: a concealed thought or intention; an ulterior motive.
tags in comments, theres too many of you.
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aethelredism · 2 years
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for @emilyhufflepufftlk’s 300 Followers Challenge!
Aelflaed gets some pre-wedding jitters. Aethelflaed knows exactly how she feels.
read it on ao3
“If Aunt Aelflaed was married to your dad and now she’s getting remarried, what does that make Aalys?” Aelfwynn asks Aethelstan in the backseat. “Your step-stepmum?”
“My stepmum once removed?” he guesses.
“You only say ‘removed’ when there’s a generational difference,” Aldhelm says. “Like how Aethelwold is your first cousin once removed.”
“Okay, nerd,” Aelfwynn says, kicking his seat.
The car’s bluetooth picks up a call from Aethelflaed’s phone, the word “MUM” flashing across the screen.
“Five quid says it’s about the catering,” Aethelflaed says before she accepts the call. “Hi, Mum.”
“Aethelflaed! Did you know this wedding isn’t catered?!”
Aethelflaed and Aldhelm trade a look.
“I had a feeling.”
“They’re grilling for dinner! Grilling! Someone named Root has brought vegan burgers and gluten-free buns!”
“Well, that’s what they want to do,” Aethelflaed says calmly. “Aelflaed has already done the big church wedding, now she and Aalys just want to celebrate with a few loved ones in the privacy of their backyard.”
“But burgers, Aethelflaed!”
“We’ll be there soon, Mum, so unless there’s something else–”
“Oh, just hurry, I can hardly keep these friends of Aelflaed and Aalys’s straight.”
“I don’t think any of them are.”
“Nothing. See you soon.” Aethelflaed ends the call.
They pull up in front of the house a few minutes later, parking on the country road and letting themselves into the backyard.
As soon as they lay eyes on the informal wedding setup and the mingling guests, most of whom are Aelflaed and Aalys’s queer art friends, Aethelstan says, “It’s giving cottagecore.”
Aelswith rushes up to them, looking stunningly out of place in a not-inexpensive dress and heels. “Thank God! I’ve just discovered the wedding cake is chocolate– made from avocados! Is nothing sacred?!”
“I’m actually morbidly curious about that,” Aldhelm admits. “How does one get the chocolate flavor from an avocado?”
“One doesn’t!” Aelswith snaps.
“Mum, please,” Aethelflaed sighs. “Just…let them have their wedding.”
“Where’s Aelfweard?” Aelfwynn asks.
“He’s inside, getting ready,” Aelswith says. “Edward’s here, too; come say hello.”
They follow Aelswith into the house, where Edward is indeed in the living room, looking at all the books Aelflaed and Aalys keep on their bookshelves. He looks up when he sees his family enter, pointing at the books.
“They sure have a lot of books about being a lesbian,” he jokes.
“Well, you have to take a course,” Aalys says, appearing in the doorway. “Otherwise they don’t let you do it.”
“Aalys, you look beautiful,” Aethelflaed says, coming forward to kiss the other woman’s cheek.
Aalys does look beautiful in a white cotton maxi dress, a flower crown sitting on her head. She smiles serenely at Aethelflaed, squeezing her hands. “Thank you, Aethelflaed. I’m so glad you were able to make it today. Root is going to make vegan burgers, it should be a treat.”
Aelswith offers a pained looking smile. “How special.”
While they all politely discuss the wedding, Aelfwynn excuses herself to the bathroom…and then reappears at Aethelflaed’s side a moment later, whispering urgently, “Mum, Aunt Aelflaed’s in the bathroom, crying.”
Aethelflaed looks at her sharply. “What?”
“She was crying. I didn’t know what to do…do you think we should tell Aalys…?”
“No.” Aethelflaed glances at Aalys, who’s talking at length about the avocado cake, and then whispers to Aelfwynn, “Keep everyone in here, if you can, or get them outside, but whatever happens, do not let anyone know that Aelflaed has been crying, especially Aalys.”
Aelfwynn nods, remaining behind while Aethelflaed slips away to the bathroom.
She can hear Aelflaed’s muffled sobs from the other side of the door. Taking a deep breath, she raises her fist and knocks softly. “Aelflaed? It’s me. Aethelflaed.”
The sobbing stops.
“Aelflaed, can I come in? Please?”
There’s a long pause, and then a moment later, the lock clicks and the door opens.
Aelflaed’s eyes are red, mascara running down her cheeks. Thankfully, none of it has made it onto her lace dress, but Aethelflaed steps inside and wets some toilet paper, wiping the other woman’s cheeks and eyes to prevent any accidents.
“What’s going on?” she asks softly.
Aelflaed shakes her head, sniffing. “I’m just, you know…having a little panic attack.”
Aethelflaed closes the door behind her. “Wanna talk about it?”
Aelflaed breathes deeply. “I just…I’m worried I’m making a mistake. I love Aalys,” she adds quickly. “But I loved Edward too, you know? And then we got married and it was like…we became different people. And I’m afraid…maybe the same thing will happen to Aalys and me.” Tears fill her eyes again. “Maybe even though we love each other more than Edward and I loved each other and even though we know each other better, the same thing will happen.”
Aethelflaed rubs her arm. “You know, I was worried about the same thing the morning I married Aldhelm.”
Aelflaed stops crying. “Really?”
Aethelflaed nods. “I’d made such a huge mistake with Aethelred, and even though I was sure about Aldhelm, the morning of the wedding, I was suddenly full of doubts. I almost called it off.”
“What made you decide not to?”
Aethelflaed thinks for a moment. “Because…I knew that even if we changed, our love for each other wouldn’t…if that makes sense.” She flushes a little at the uncharacteristic sentimentality, but plunges ahead, “I think it’s normal for people to grow and change throughout their lives, and sometimes the people you and your partner grow into are nothing like the people you were when you first met. And maybe you and Aalys will become different people, but…I don’t think your love for each other is going anywhere.”
Aelflaed’s eyes fill with tears again. “That’s beautiful.”
Aethelflaed smiles. “You love Aalys, and she loves you, and if you are scared and you do need to call off the wedding for today or for a year or even fifty years, she’ll understand…but I think you’ll be okay.”
Aelflaed nods, sniffing. “I think so, too.” She wipes her eyes, giving Aethelflaed an abashed smile. “I wish you were still my sister-in-law.”
“I’m still your sister-in-law. I’m not going anywhere, either,” Aethelflaed promises, hugging her.
When the two women reemerge from the bathroom twenty minutes later, Aelflaed’s makeup has been so successfully reapplied that no one would know she’d been crying if they weren’t looking. In fact, no one even seems to notice that the two women were missing; Aalys is still extolling the virtues of unconventional cooking while Aldhelm listens politely and Aelswith and Edward look as though they’re watching their dreams being dashed.
“Ready?” Aelflaed asks, slipping her arm through Aalys’s.
Aalys beams at her. “When you are.”
The wedding is beautiful. The ceremony is short and simple, but Aelflaed and Aalys’s vows still manage to make everyone tear up. After, they play music over just one speaker for those who want to dance and set up a separate area with mismatched chairs and benches for those who’d rather just sit back and relax. A person named Root does indeed prepare vegan burgers and there is an avocado chocolate cake, which Aelswith reluctantly admits is “not that bad.” Later, Aethelflaed pretends not to notice when her mother furtively pulls out her phone to search for the recipe.
When Aelflaed is dancing with Aelfweard, mother and son beaming at each other, Aalys approaches Aethelflaed, squeezing her hand.
“I know what you did for Aelflaed today,” she says softly. “And I want to thank you.”
“Oh,” Aethelflaed says, flushing, “it was nothing.”
But Aalys shakes her head. “It wasn’t nothing. It meant a lot, coming from you.”
Aethelflaed’s flush deepens, touched by the kind words. “Well…I’m glad I could help.”
Aalys smiles, squeezing her hand again before she goes to check on her friends.
Aldhelm comes up beside Aethelflaed, glancing after Aalys. “What was that about?”
“Aelflaed had a little panic before the wedding, and I talked her down, and I guess she told Aalys about it.”
“Really?” he asks with interest, looking at Aelflaed. She seems calm and happy now, not panicked in the least. “What was she panicking about?”
“Oh, you know. What if she and Aalys became different people after they got married, what if they fell out of love. That sort of thing.”
He considers this. “Did you panic before our wedding?”
“Yes. I think most brides panic before their weddings.” She glances at him. “Does that bother you?”
He shakes his head, taking a swig from his water bottle. “No, because I also had a panic before our wedding.”
“You never told me that!”
“Well, it was a bit embarrassing, to be frank with you,” he says drily. “I seriously considered Gone Girl -ing myself.”
“You could never.”
“I really couldn’t.”
She turns to fully face him. “What did you panic about?”
He shrugs. “I just wasn’t sure if you were making the right decision.”
“If I was making the right decision?” she asks in surprise.
“Mm; I was afraid that I’d tricked you somehow into believing I was a better person than I really was.”
“And what got you out of it?”
“It’s disgustingly sentimental, I warn you.”
“Go on.”
He fiddles with the cap of his water bottle. “I didn’t want to live without you, so I decided I’d simply try and become that better person until it was true.”
“That is disgustingly sentimental,” she says, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and kissing him. “Do you want to sneak off and have a quickie?”
“Need you ask?”
She smiles, kissing him again. “I love you.” Her arms tighten around him. “And I always will.”
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Hurts Like Hell- Hold on Pt.2
SUMMARY: part two to the previous fic 'Hold On I still need you'. Stark's gone. Y/N has all her energy put into getting this show on one last time- at Tony's funeral. Ending of Endgame with Y/N as the youngest avenger, and the only miracle who ever got Steve and Tony to agree.
‘Hey Y/N’ said Clint. I looked up at him from the bed where I sat. Pepper had come in a while ago, getting me and Morgan dressed in a plain black knee length dress. I didn’t have the energy- or mind- to do it on my own. ‘Hey birdbrain’ I said, trying to smile, but failing almost instantly. Clint, who was at the doorway, ran up to me in embrace, his Lila being my age and one of the few I trust, he knew me.
‘I’m sorry’ I whispered over and over. It was one of the things Tony taught me- emotions make you vulnerable. ‘No honey, I’m sorry- we couldn’t save him’ Clint said back. ‘I missed you’ is all I said… I can’t even say it… he’s gone… I won’t see him again… I – I just can’t…
‘I missed you too, all of us did’ said Clint, he held my shoulders and looked at me as he continued, ‘ Lets put on this show one last time Y/N, for Tony, for his funeral, and for Steve… he wants to help, and he can’t take it that he doesn’t know how’ he explained slowly.
I nodded as I looped my arm through Clint’s and we walked out. All of them were there- well, except one very sly smirk and a beautiful read head. Steve came to me as soon as I walked out the door. I wasn’t one to show emotions, I was taught by Tony- no surprise there. But none the less, I didn’t care who was watching, I hugged Steve, my arms clasping around his middle. The others were slightly taken back by the display of affection, but Steve reciprocated the hug in no time. I could here his heartbeat, hoping there were a few others still making that sound.
I walked slowly, each step feeling heavier, to the living room of Tony’s home… where he his message would be played. He knew- how dare he accept it- he knew! I sat on the couch, Steve’s arm on my shoulder and Morgan by my side.
The projection flickered a bit, before I turned into the man who we gathered here for. There he was- smiling, hopeful, alive.
‘Everybody wants a happy ending. Right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised, but come on. The epic forces of dark and light that have come in to play. And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in. So I thought I better record a little greeting, in the case of an untimely death, on my part. I mean, not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. Then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I even tripping for? Everything's gonna workout exactly the way it's supposed to.’ He paused, the image moving closer to me and Morgan.
He pointed at Morgan and said , ‘You, are my greatest creation’ and then he paused, it seemed as though Tony was right there, looking me in the eye, he said ‘And you Y/N, are my greatest treasure’. He moved a step back, almost like he was turning off the recorder, but said one last line , ‘I love you both 3000’.
And just like that he was gone.
That was his final memory… no more…
I slumped back on the couch, feeling myself shatter into a million pieces , an empty void inside me… Pepper let out a tired breath. ‘Living is a fickle thing, death making it precious. Death is a cruel thing, making the living defenceless.’ I said humourlessly as pepper held in tears.
Steve held out his arm and we head out to the lake. A beautiful wreathe with a arc reactor in the centre- ‘Proof that Tony Stark has a heart’ it said… Pepper placed it on the water, soft ripples making its way out. I looked at the arc reactor as it drifted away, muttering under my breathe, ‘ I loved and I loved and I lost you…And it hurts like hell…’
That day, that moment, I saw what grief is, in every soul standing there, in every Avenger, every hero, I saw it.
And everyone was there.
It was over almost as suddenly as it happened. I sat over the ledge looking out on the lake. I heard footsteps behind me, Steve. ‘I know what your going to do’ I say quietly. ‘Return the stones’ Steve said.
‘Don’t bullshit me Rogers you know what I’m talking about’ I say, the Stark in me showing. Steve however, didn’t react, he took a deep breathe and sat next to me. And to my other side, I was joined by Bucky. ‘Hey Nova’ said Bucky, calling me by the name the world knew me by. ‘Getting bold aren’t you James?’ I say, not much enthusiasm behind my words.
We sat in silence a while. ‘I’m selfish enough to want you to stay, but I love you enough to know to let you go Steve….’ I say after a while. That was one of the last things I wanted to do… lose Steve too…. But few years in the past is another woman, hoping and praying he’d come back. She should get her happy ending. Steve started to speak, but I got up and walked away.
I stood by Bucky, back in gear as Steve took the last of the Pym particles and got ready for his one trip. I don’t think anyone else knew…
‘1…2…3..’ said Bruce, Steve disappeared. ‘3…2…1…’ Bruce said, counting seconds to when Steve returns- I turn away and start to walk off. He’s not coming back and I don’t want to witness it.
As I walked away I heard the chaos and confusion behind me, probably just Bucky trying to choke Bruce. I went back to my spot at the ledge, where little Morgan stood playing with a high-tech boat. ‘Morgan’ I said in a sing-song voice. Her head snapped to my direction. ‘Y/N!’ she giggled as I made my way to her.
I sat by her and held Tony’s greatest creation as close to me as I could, the creation I’d protect with my life. We sat there a while, talking about cheese burgers and juice pops.
I don’t know how I didn’t notice, being trained by Nat and Clint, but it took me by surprise when someone swung their arms around mine and Morgan’s shoulder. Naturally I elbowed whoever it was before pulling Morgan into stance behind me. I could see Thor, Bucky, Clint, Wanda… the whole lot a bit further behind.
The person got off the floor chuckling, ‘Guess it’s my fault I snuck up on an international spy.’ He said. I smiled as I felt the wait of the sky off my chest.
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rowanaelinn · 3 years
Fire on Fire - Chapter Seven
chapter six / chapter eight
no one kills me after that, thank you very much <3
btw it’s midnight, i wrote that in two hours and it’s not edited so sorry in advance for that too
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Rowan gently knelt down to put Aelin in the shower, her small arms let go of his neck to fall back by his side.
"I'm going to take your shirt off, is that okay?" Rowan asked gently, his voice barely louder than a whisper. She ignored him, her eyes fixed straight ahead with tears still streaming down her cheeks. "Aelin?"
Almost imperceptibly, she nodded. Rowan took the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, she raised her arms to help him but it seemed to take all her strength. She was only in her panties, sitting on the floor with her legs bent in front of her. She put her head on her knees, her arms around her legs as if it was going to protect her, as if she wanted to make herself as small as possible so that she could disappear.
"I'll be back in a second." He told her and went to his room to grab a shirt and a pair of boxers. He didn't know where she kept her clothes and he didn't want to invade her privacy any more than he already was. She hated him so the fact that he was going to see her naked was enough, she didn't need to know that he had gone through her underwear. He also took some water and towels to rapidly clean up the mess in her room.
The two minutes alone she had while Rowan was in his room and hers did nothing to calm her tremors. He took the shower palm and knelt down in front of her, she looked at him and for the first time, Rowan smiled at her. It wasn't a big smile or a pity smile, it was small and full of understanding. I know how that feels.
She didn't say anything but he could have sworn her body relaxed slightly. He turned on the water and adjusted the heat, not too hot but still (too) warm. He had noticed that she liked her shower hot because of the steam that came out of the bathroom every time she came out of the room.
The water splashed on his pants but he didn't care as he began to run the water over her arms and shoulders. She stayed still as she let Rowan take care of her, as she let the man who had been an absolute dick to her see her in her most vulnerable state.
He turned to access her back but what he saw made his heart stop for a second. Her back. That was the moment he realized he had never seen her back, no matter what he wore, it had always been covered and now he understood why.
There were two scars on the length of her spine, one at the top and one at the bottom, the same spine that wasn’t totally straight. Softly, he traced the shape of the first one and her entire body stiffened. “Please, don’t ask. Please,” Her voice was shaking and weak. Her back had been broken, he was sure of that. The scars could only have been caused by surgery. What the hell happened to her?
“I’m going to wash your hair now,” he only said and took all her hair in hand to wet them. They were soft, so soft that he may have spent more time than necessary to get them wet. He took his shampoo, not wanting to waste time looking at which of her bottles was shampoo. Gods, she brought so much product. Rowan only had shower gel and shampoo, thinking that's what everyone else had. Then Aelin Galathynius arrived, bringing shampoos, conditioners, hair care products, castor oil, and a bunch of other stuff he didn't even know the name of.
He ran some lotion through his hands and as gently as possible, he began to massage her head. She leaned her head to his touch and her breathing calmed down. Good.
He frowned as his fingers brushed against a piece of skin that did not feel the same as the others when touched. So that she wouldn't recognize his digging, Rowan looked at her scalp. A large scar was present on the right side of her head, hidden by her hair.
His breath caught, imagining all that could have happened to this woman. Quickly, his eyes searched for scars elsewhere on her body and he found a few on her arms, he couldn't see her legs from her position. The marks were not as large as those on her scalp or back but they were still there.
What the hell.
But she had asked him, begged him, not to say anything about her back so he would apply the same principle to the other scars.
He continued to massage her scalp, longer than necessary but she looked so rested that he didn't care. If it made her feel better, he would wash her hair all night.
After a few minutes, he pulled her hair back a little and gently rinsed her hair full of product. From this angle, he could see her cheeks and he noticed that there were no more tears on them, which was a good sign.
Quickly but still gently, he applied soap to her back and arms, not wanting to touch her where he would have to move her position. She had found a position where she felt safe and he would not take that away from her.
He turned off the water, rising above her and when he looked down, her eyes were already open. He'd looked at them too many times, blamed himself many times for that, but they fascinated him. Today, Rowan noticed that the blue of her eyes looked deeper and seemed to take up more space than usual. The gold was almost impossible to see. He was used to seeing the opposite, the gold grew whenever she was upset, making her eyes look like they were on fire.
He didn't smile, and neither did she. He knew that at the slightest sign of pity he would show, she would break again.
This type of breakdown she had today was not casual and he knew it, she didn't panic about her condition once and that proved Rowan right. She was used to it.
He wondered what her dreams had shown her tonight, what her mind had chosen to torture her with. It was at that moment that he regretted everything, regretted being the worst possible person around her. Not because he thought he had something to do with her condition, that kind of pain was deeper than mean words, but because maybe, if he had been a better person, she would have confided in him.
He had been so focused on pushing her away from his life that he had been blind to the possibility that he could just let her in. He shook his head, he was pushing people away for a reason. If he had any lesser friends, he would be alone now. Fenrys, Lorcan, Vaughan, Connall and now Aedion would never let him leave them, no matter how many times he had tried.
Rowan wondered if Aelin ever had anyone who fought for her the way his friends did. Sure, Dorian, Aedion, and Lysandra were here but did they notice every single thing Rowan noticed about her? Or were they wronged by her smile and the arrogance she used to hide her pain?
“Let’s get up, okay?” He said as he held his hands toward her. She looked at them and seemed to wonder what to do, he let her think, keeping the neutral expression on his face. After a few seconds of thinking, she let go of her legs and put both hands in his.
A surge of electricity passed through his body at that moment and Rowan was sure she felt it too. He used a little strength to make her stand up, her legs still a little weak. He took one of the towels and automatically Aelin raised her arms slightly, letting Rowan wrap it around her. He took another towel and had Aelin turn on herself, slowly, he began to rub her hair to dry it.
He took the opportunity to rub the towel lightly on the back of her neck and shoulders, helping her dry herself. She did nothing, just waited for time to pass, but Rowan saw that her gaze was no longer fixed on the horizon, lost in thought.
No, she was aware of what was going on around her, aware that he was there, and it didn't seem to make her uncomfortable. He left her the time, taking his hairbrush and start to untangle the small nodes that formed in the shower. It should have been more delicate.
He cringed when one of the knots didn't unravel directly, pulling Aelin's head back but she said nothing, letting him do it.
"I brought you something to wear," he said after he was done, she looked at him with a confused look before shaking her head slightly and nodding. Before he could do anything she dropped the towel that wrapped her body to the ground and removed her last piece of underwear. Rowan quickly turned around, giving her some privacy. It's not like there was anything sexual about seeing her this way, there was nothing attractive, he just wanted her to be comfortable.
“You don’t believe me,” her voice was flat, without any emotions in it. He turned his head with a frown to see her with his shirt on. It was huge for her, and he couldn’t help but appreciate the sigh. “For the scholarship.” She specified.
Well, that was random. He didn’t think about the conversation they had in the kitchen last morning at all. But if she was ready to talk, even if it was something as random as that, then he would talk. He shook his head, “I don’t, you’re right.”
“They don’t give scholarships to people like me.” No, they didn’t. “I told everyone I had one, and they believed me.”
“But it’s not true.” He said and she shook her head, confirming what he said. “How do you go to college, then?”
“My professor, Arobynn Hamel, pays for me.” Her voice was smaller than it had ever been. There was something about the way she said his name that bothered Rowan. He knew Arobynn Hamel, everyone did, he had read some of his books, he had even produced a quite good movie a few years ago. He also heard more than once Lysandra and Aelin talk about Professor Hamel.
“Why do you lie?” He asked her without judgment in his voice, only pure curiosity. It was weird for a professor to pay for a student that wasn’t one of his children, but Rowan remembered Aedion talking about Arobynn Hamel and Aelin knowing each other long before college, maybe he was a family friend? “Why lie when someone clearly cares about you enough to pay for your education? Your uncle and cousin are worried sick you’re going to lose that scholarship, you could make them feel better.”
She took a deep breath as if it was hard to speak. He was sure nobody knew what she had just told him, he could be okay with only one secret if she wanted to stop talking now. “Because the furthest they are from Arobynn, the safest they are.”
“What does that mean?” He asked but from the look on her face… She was done talking. She wouldn’t say anything more and it annoyed him, but he could respect that. “Let’s get you to bed,” he said and she nodded.
“Can you stay with me a little?” He knew how god damn hard it was to ask for help, but this little human being in front of him just did, she was strong enough to ask for something he never had the courage to ask in a decade. So he nodded, following her as she slipped in her bed, sitting at the end of it.
She had been honest with him tonight, more honest than she had been with anyone, it was only fair he was honest with her, too. “I had a nightmare,” he started. It was easier to speak without any lights on, even if he could feel her gaze burn his skin. “That’s how I heard you, I was already awake.”
She didn’t say anything for a moment, he even wondered if she wasn’t asleep. “What was your nightmare about?”
“You’ve got your secrets, I have mine, princess.” She laughed softly at that and he wanted to get on his knees to thank all the gods for that. It wasn’t a big, strong laugh, but it was one. One he would cherish.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“No,” he said, honestly for the first time in his life. “You?”
“No,” her voice was quiet. “It’s weird. To answer that question truthfully. People don’t usually expect another answer than “yes” when they ask you how you are.”
“You’re right, they don’t.”
“I’m scared, Rowan. And my little trick to contain the fear isn’t working lately.”
“What trick?” He frowned even if she couldn’t see it. He felt her feet close to his leg under the comforter. He stood up, took her feet and the cover, and lifted them. He sat down again and this time Aelin's legs were on him.
“My name is Aelin Galathynius and I will not be afraid,” she whispered. He turned his head toward her, a brow raised and a small smile on his lip.
“So, you say that and it works?”
“I had the same conversation with someone a few years ago,” she laughed, moving to get comfortable and maybe to lean into his touch. “But yeah, it does. Or when it doesn’t I just laugh at myself.”
He just smiled at the dark, “Sleep, Aelin.”
“Can you stay tonight?” She asked. “I don’t want to be alone.”
As he squeezed her ankle he said “You don’t have to be alone anymore.”
It was still dark when Aelin woke up. The events of the night before came back to her mind with flashes, making her stand up suddenly. Rowan was lying in bed, the dim light of early dawn allowing Aelin to see his sleeping head tilted to the side.
What has she done?
What the hell has she done?
As quietly as possible she got up and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and her phone from the coffee table. She tiptoed out of the room, giving one last look to the man who had taken care of her yesterday after being a total bastard for almost two years. She didn't know what he wanted from her but she had already given and suffered too much. It wouldn't happen again.
She put on her shoes and went outside, starting to run. She listed in her head all the things she had confided in Rowan last night.
Arobynn, the scholarship, Sam's sentence...
You don't have to be alone anymore. What did it mean? She had been alone for years, no matter that she was in a room full of people, she was always alone.
Everything he said to her before last night, all the scornful looks he gave her... Everything she said...
Yesterday he told her he knew how it felt, did she hate him because he was a mirror of herself? Of the part of her that she hated the most?
She didn't care, continuing to run even though she was out of breath until she found herself in front of a familiar front door which she knocked on loudly for several seconds.
She had to run because she didn't know what was waiting for her in her room, didn't know what was going to happen. Yesterday changed things and Aelin hated change and she hated not knowing something.
The door opened and Aelin could see that he was surprised, she smiled at him but it did nothing to ease his confusion. "Aelin? What the hell are you doing here? Did you run? It's seven miles!"
"Can I crash here for a few days?" She asked out of breath. She didn’t know what she would do if he said no but she didn’t have to wonder about that for long.
He didn't hesitate before letting her into his little house. "It's your home too."
“Thank you, uncle Gav.” He smiled at her and kissed the crown of her head before she walked up the stairs to Aedion’s room. The moment her head hit the pillow she was out.
tag list:
@sheharahu // @morganofthewildfire // @thestoriesyoutell // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @swankii-art-teacher // @itsforeverinnocent-blog // @becarefuloflove // @imnotsogoodatthis // @rowaelinismyotp // @a-court-of-milkandhoney // @feysand-loml // @surielandiareendgame // @live-the-fangirl-life // @story-scribbler // @loves-books // @fangirlprincess09 // @theysayitscrazy
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blueskrugs · 3 years
Turning Out | Jack Hughes
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long story short: I made myself extremely emotional with this song, told @nazdaddy about it, and together we made it worse. over two months later, this fic was finally born. title from the AJR song of the same name. (are we really surprised it’s a song fic at this point?)
tagging:  @marcoscandellas​ @stlbluesbrat21​ @dembenchboys​ @poltoncarayko​ @robthomissed​ @letmeplaytheblues​ @troubatrain​ @ayohockeycheck​ @blackwidowrising​ @aria253264​ @antoineroussel​ @starswin​ @glassdanse​ @ch-ristiane​ @majdoline​ @nazdaddy​ @hockey-more-like​ @thebestoffanfiction​
length: 3.6k
I thought I'd recognize when love was true But I'm confused
It was summer in Michigan, and you were laying in the hammock in the backyard with Jack. You could feel your nose getting burned, and you were sure his was already on its way to burnt, too. School was out, the summer stretching endlessly before you. 
Well. There was the matter of the draft. It was only a couple of weeks away now, and all conversations led back to it.
“I’m proud of you,” you murmured during a lull in conversation. Your head was on Jack’s chest, one arm draped around your shoulders and the other behind his head.
He laughed. “Wait until I actually get drafted by someone first, eh?”
You scoffed and twisted to look up at his face. He was blushing. “Okay, sure, whatever, Mr. Hotshot Top Prospect,” you teased, reaching up to poke Jack right beneath his arm where he was ticklish. He flinched, and the hammock swung wildly.
Jack grabbed onto your hand and wrenched it away from his side, tightening his other arm around your shoulders.
“You’re so mean to me,” he complained, but he was grinning at you. He didn’t let go of your hand. 
“I mean it, though,” you said.
“God,” Jack groaned. “Stop it.”
It wasn’t that the draft was a sore subject, exactly, but you knew Jack was getting more than a little tired of hearing about it constantly. You just couldn’t resist teasing him a bit more.
“Are you gonna forget about me once you’re off in some big city, being an NHL star?” you asked. 
Jack scoffed a little and wrinkled his nose at you. “I could never forget about you, Bug,” he said softly.
Bug. You called each other that, had for years, but you’d mostly grown out of it. It was nice to hear it again. You poked Jack again, for no real reason, just to get him to squirm, maybe.
“You mean it?” you asked, just as softly. The birds and cicadas were loud around you, but you two were in a little bubble of your own in your hammock.
Jack scoffed again. “You’re my best friend. We’re gonna be together forever,” he said.
Forever was a long time, but Jack sounded so confident, so sure of the future, that you let yourself believe him. 
Am I ready for love Or maybe just a best friend
You might’ve cried a little as you watched Jack get called first overall, but you were still in Michigan while they were all off in Vancouver, so there was no one to call you out on it. Jack texted you almost immediately, just a row of exclamation points, which made you laugh. He called you later, too, but you couldn’t hear much over Turcs and Cole yelling. 
With the craziness of it all, you ended up having to wait to have a real conversation with Jack until after he was back in Michigan, and he ended up at your front door, looking a little like he hadn’t slept since before the draft. 
“Hey, you,” you said, but Jack was already stepping forward and pulling you into a hug, burying his face in your neck, despite the fact that he was definitely taller than you. “Wanna go on a walk?” you asked him. 
Jack grinned and nodded eagerly at you, which is how you ended up strolling through the familiar streets of your neighborhood, not really talking, just a comfortable silence between you. 
Until you got to the local park and Jack flopped down in the grass with a sigh. You laid down next to him, looking up at the white clouds skidding across the blue late-June sky. 
“I thought I’d feel different for some reason, you know?” Jack said finally. “Like being drafted first would change me somehow or something.”
You laughed. “Don’t worry, you’ll always be our Jacky,” you told him, just for the way he rolled his eyes at you. Still the same Jack, same blue eyes and floppy hair, same kid you’d known for years. Jack was still looking at you, serious in a way he never was, and you just wanted him to smile again, because then everything still would be the same. “Jack,” you said, made him look at you. 
“You know I love you, right?” Jack blurted, and the words you’d been about to say died on your tongue.
You were going to say that nothing had to change, but maybe you were wrong. You’d fallen in love with your best friend a long time ago, but you’d long since resigned yourself to being nothing more than a best friend. It was easier to keep him in your life that way, rather than risk ruining everything.
“Duh, you’d be lost without me,” you joked instead. It made Jack smile, just for a moment.
Jack sat up then, leaning his weight back on his hands so he could keep looking up at the sky. “I wish you could come with me,” he said quietly.
You sat up and mirrored Jack’s pose. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” you tried to joke. It fell flat. You weren’t really sure you knew how to get through life without Jack by your side. Maybe it would be a good thing to get some distance, actually. 
Jack was staring at you. You couldn’t read his face. It turned out that you didn’t need to, because the next thing you knew, Jack was leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours. It was a quick kiss, and you’d barely had time to react before Jack was pulling away again.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” he said, but he looked more apologetic than regretful. 
“Oh,” was all you could say. 
“It’s not fair,” Jack said, and you weren’t sure where this conversation was going anymore. “We’re gonna be so far apart, and you deserve better.”
You were at a point in your life where you were expected to be more grown up, but Jack had never looked younger. You had never felt more lost. 
“I just don’t wanna break your heart,” Jack said. It was a little late for that, you thought, but you didn’t say that. 
“Yeah,” you murmured finally, which didn’t really make sense, but Jack accepted it. 
He laid back down in the grass next to you, and after a minute of watching him yourself, you laid next to him again.
You say I turned out fine I think I'm still turning out
The first time you visited Jack in New Jersey was over Christmas his rookie year. He picked you up at the airport, wrapping you up in a hug like no time had passed at all. He took you back to his apartment, and it was like you were in high school again.
You went to the game the next night, and meeting everyone else was mostly a blur of names and faces.  It wasn’t until you were all heading down to the family room after the final buzzer that you realized that you didn’t know who Isabella, who’d been talking to you all night, was dating. You never quite got the chance to ask, either, but it didn’t matter in the end. Jack emerged from the locker room and made a beeline for you and Isabella. He gave you a quick hug before turning to Isabella and giving her a hug and a kiss.
Ah, so that’s how it was. You felt your heart stop in your chest, but you forced on a smile and let Jack wrap an arm around each of your shoulders. You’d been expecting this, you could handle it. 
You loved Jack, and he loved you, just not in the same way. He’d fall in love with someone else, and you’d get used to it eventually.
When Jack called you a few months later and told you they’d broken up, you comforted him, tried to pretend that you weren’t a tiny bit happy. You just reminded yourself that there would always be someone else.
I hope you stick around We're gonna figure it out Who can I turn to now?
Your phone was ringing. It was late, and there was only one person your phone rang for after midnight. You fumbled for it in the dark, eyes still heavy with sleep, and answered it without looking at the screen. 
“Hi,” you said, or tried to say. Your voice hadn’t quite woken up with the rest of your body yet. You rolled onto your back, blinked up at the dark ceiling.
You heard Jack let out a sigh on the other end of the line. “I woke you up,” he said. He sounded tired.
The Devils were somewhere on the West Coast, and you’d fallen asleep before the game had ended. You probably didn’t want to know.
“I hadn’t been asleep very long,” you lied. Jack made a noise like he definitely didn’t believe you. 
It was quiet for a moment. Then, “Did you watch?” 
“No,” you admitted. 
Jack huffed. It might have been a laugh, except you knew your best friend, and he was fighting to keep his voice from breaking. “Good,” he told you.
“You should stay off Twitter,” you said mildly, and this time Jack did laugh at you, but there wasn’t any humor behind it.
You’d seen the comments, the tweets, the articles. You know Jack saw them, too, stayed up too late reading them, even when you all told him not to. Jack Hughes: first overall draft pick, USNTDP scoring phenom, underdeveloped, too small, and, well, a bust. 
“What if they’re right, though?” Jack said quietly. You wondered if he was in his hotel room, curled up against his pillows, trying not to wake his roommate, or if he’d wandered out into the hall, found somewhere to be alone. 
“Oh, Bug,” you said. It slipped out really, but you heard Jack’s shaky breath. You didn’t know the last time you’d called him that. 
“I miss you,” Jack blurted. You wiped at your eyes. The Devils had hit Detroit just before healing west, and you’d made the trip down to see them. It had only been a few days. But this was more than not seeing each other for a while. It was growing up too fast, the world changing whether or not you were ready for it, not realizing that everything was different until it was too late. 
You missed Jack, missed seeing him every day, trying to help each other with homework and then laughing too hard to actually get anything done. You missed hockey games and the certainty that you’d be friends forever. Forever was a long time when you were young and naïve. 
You tried not to think too much about forever these days, or how you’d still turn to say something to Jack, even though he hadn’t been by your side in a long time. He didn’t need to know any of that.
“I miss you, too,” is what you said, feeling it aching in your chest. Your eyes burned, and it wasn’t because you were tired. 
I'm a little kid, and so are you Don't you go and grow up before I do
He was always the first person you called. When you failed a test, when you were sick, when you got your heart broken.
You hadn’t stopped to think about where Jack might be, and you panicked a little when the phone rang endlessly. You were about to hang up and give up when Jack answered, just before it went to voicemail.
“What’s up?” He sounded like he’d been laughing, and it was loud around him. You were pretty sure you could pick out P.K.’s loud voice.
He was out with his team, having fun, and you were crying alone over a broken heart. You shouldn’t have called.
“Never mind, you’re busy,” you said, already pulling the phone away from your ear to hang up. You didn’t need to bother Jack with this, not now.
“Wait, wait,” Jack stopped you. He paused, and you heard a door close, and then it was quieter. “I always have time to talk to you,” he said, and you cried harder. “Hang on, are you crying? What happened?”
You took a steadying breath. Tried one last time to get the tears under control. “He broke up with me, Jack.”
Jack swore under his breath. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he told you.
It hadn’t been a great relationship to begin with, you’d always known that. There was no real future in it, but it had been fun for a while, something to distract yourself from the fact that the guy you really wanted to be with was on the other side of the country. But it had fallen apart, just like it always did. Somehow it had still blindsided you, in spite of the missed calls and blown off dates, which is how you found yourself shattered on your bedroom floor now.
You weren’t sure how much longer you could rely on Jack to pick up the pieces.
“Talk to me,” Jack said quietly, and you choked back another sob.
“I hate this,” you murmured. Hated being so far away from your best friend, hated crying over a guy you didn’t even love. “I miss you so much,” you added. You felt like you’d been saying that more than anything since Jack had been drafted. 
Jack hummed, distracted. You could still hear his teammates yelling somewhere on the other side of the door. “You should come visit,” Jack said after a moment. 
You laughed. There was no way you’d be able to drop your life and fly out to New Jersey, no matter how badly you might’ve wanted to. It just didn’t work like that.
“I should let you get back to the guys,” you said instead of answering. Jack made a protesting noise on the other end of the line, but you hung up before he could get a word in. 
I'm a little kid with so much doubt Do you wanna be there to see how I turn out?
Your cap and gown hung on the back of your bathroom door. You stared into the mirror for a minute before you reached to tug them on. It felt strange to be graduating college. You still felt out of your depth most days, and now you were being let loose upon the world. Supposedly you were ready for it now. You weren’t sure you’d ever be ready, really.
You searched the crowd for your parents as you made your way to your seat. You had hoped Jack would’ve come, too, but he’d hit you with some excuse about how he’d still be stuck in Jersey. You tried to pretend like it hadn’t hurt. 
The graduation itself passed in a blur. You hadn’t tripped over anything when you’d gone to collect your diploma, and honestly that was all that mattered. 
You were searching for your family in the madness outside when you heard a voice yell, “Hey! Bug!”
You spun around, clutching your cap to your head so it didn’t fall off. There was only one person who’d ever called you that. Jack was making his way towards you through the crowd, hair windswept and smile bright. 
“Jack!” you yelled back, already launching yourself at him. He caught you easily, sweeping you up in a tight hug. You buried your face in his neck, no longer caring if your cap fell off. “I thought you weren’t coming.”
Jack pulled back to give you a look. “You didn’t really think I’d miss your graduation, did you?” You shrugged, and Jack frowned a little at you. He bent over to pick up your fallen cap. “You dropped something,” he said, but when you reached to take it from him, he just grinned and shoved it on his own head. It was crooked, and the tassel was falling in his face. “C’mon, your parents are over here,” he told you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and tugging you along with him. 
“I’m proud of you,” Jack said later that night, laying next to you on your bed. The TV was on, but neither of you were really watching it. 
“I’m supposed to say that about you,” you said, poking him in the ribs. The Devils had had a good season, led to the first round of the playoffs by Nico and Jack. (They’d gotten their asses kicked, but they’d made it.)
He squirmed away and grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together and resting them both on his chest. “Whatever,” he scoffed. “You’re all smart and graduated now,” he told you.
It was your turn to scoff. “That doesn’t mean I know what the fuck I’m doing.” Jack turned to look at you, one arm behind his head, and you were suddenly reminded of a moment just like this, so many years before, with the summer and the rest of your lives stretching out before you. “I have no idea what I’m doing,” you admitted. With life, but also right here, lying in bed with your best friend. 
Jack turned fully, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at you. His hair flopped in his face, and you reached up absently to push it back. 
“You should come to New Jersey,” he said, face dead serious. It was far from the first time he’s said that to you. You’d always laughed or brushed it off, unwilling to admit that, while terrifying, back by Jack’s side was the only place you’d dreamed of being for years. 
“I-” you started. You didn’t know what was going to come next. Jack was still staring down at you. You reached up to poke the mole next to his mouth, just to see if you could get him to smile.
He did, but he batted your hand away before you could do it again. “I mean it,” he said. You rolled your eyes. 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you said. You tried to roll away from Jack, away from this conversation, but he grabbed your wrist, settled his weight on your legs so you couldn’t escape. 
He was frowning at you. “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re my best friend.”
“Yeah, exactly.” Jack’s frown deepened, and the crease between his eyebrows was frustratingly adorable. “I’m your best friend. And that was enough while I was in school, and you were still trying to figure out the NHL.” Jack did let you roll away from this time, and you curled up against the wall, not meeting his eyes. “But I don’t think I can be in the same city as you, watching as you find some pretty girl to fall in love with until you leave me behind. I don’t think I can watch as you become everything I want for someone else.”
“There isn’t anyone else,” Jack said slowly.
You huffed out a sigh. “Not now, maybe. But there will be.” There always would be, for you and for him. 
Jack rolled his eyes at you, and that hurt a little. “There hasn’t been anyone else for me but you, not for a long time, not really,” Jack told you.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or cry. You were pretty sure he’d had a girlfriend at the beginning of the season this year. It had been years since that day he’d kissed you in the park, long enough that you nearly forgot about it. You didn’t think his feelings had really changed after all these years.
“Don’t give me that look,” Jack said, flicking you on the leg. “I mean it. It just- we were still kids and then I was off in Newark, and one of us always seemed to be dating someone else, and I could never ask you to just fucking move across the country for me-” Jack was rambling, and you cut him off by poking him with your toes. He grabbed onto your foot and looked up at you. “I’m not sure I know how to love anyone else but you,” he admitted.
“You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?” you asked. You reached over to grab a pillow so you could hit Jack with it. He spluttered and looked offended. “I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, Jack.”
Jack’s face softened. “Did you listen to anything I just said? I had reasons!” he tried, but he was grinning at you now.
“Please just come here and kiss me,” you said.
Jack didn’t need any convincing, and then he was leaning forward and tangling a hand in your hair to pull you in for a kiss. He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours to catch his breath; you whacked him with the pillow one more time for good measure.
“Hey! What was that one for?” Jack asked, already trying to wrestle the pillow away from you.
“Got a lot of years to make up for, Jacky,” you said.
Jack gave up on getting the pillow away from you and settled for pinning you to the bed with his hands on your wrists. You kneed him gently in the ribs. 
“I hate you,” Jack sighed, but you knew him too well for that. The look on his face was just fond. You’d seen that look a lot over the years, and now you were realizing that there was something else to it. Love.
“Nah, you don’t,” you said.
Jack smiled at you and bent down to kiss you again. “Yeah, you’re right,” he said. “I could never.”
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harbouredsoulss · 3 years
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Author's note: You have no idea how happy I am to post again! 💞
I've been working on this for a while and am so excited to finally share this with you all. This is set to be a series, with the current number of parts unknown (though I'm currently working on that).
I also appreciate every single person who helped me when I was trying to work out how long my posts should be! You were all super helpful 🥰
warning(s): violence. mention of stalking. blood. a hint of smut. friends x lovers! panic.
pairing(s): ez reyes x [OC] ivána
word count: 2.3 k
summary: Ivána has a secret. She is in danger, and has kept this from everyone including her best friend Ez. What happens when this danger finally comes for her?
Nights alone were truly unbearable, though Ivána knew she was never truly alone.
There was always that heavy feeling -an inexplicable feeling that haunted her, to the point where she knew that he had to be out there watching her each and every move. The feeling clung to her, never abating.
Her home was locked down with the doors bolted shut, and windows sealed and secured. She had made it into a fortress since the first time he had made his intentions clear. She knew his kind; had seen it before. They liked to toy with their prey, and strike fear into their hearts, not long before they consumed them, body and soul.
Ivána knew she was just biding her time before the games would truly begin. The intimidation thus far had been nothing but mere warning of what was to come.
She lay in bed, tossing and turning, thoughts all consuming. She knew what she could do to make the problem go away. The police would be the best place to start and a smart move at that. Though that wasn’t who she was really considering turning to.
There were people she knew and trusted enough to protect her from harm. She had connections with people from all walks of life, some of which she grew up with, some of them considered family.
Her best friend, the one she had been secretly in love with for the majority of her life, Ezekiel Reyes, would do anything for her and she knew that. But she couldn’t bring herself to drag him into her mess. He had already gone through enough; he doesn’t need her problems added to his list.
At some point in the night, she did fall asleep. She fell to the faint pitter patter of the rain, which was rare for Santo Padre. It soothed her restless thoughts, and nudged her slowly to an unbroken sleep.
For once her dreams were not filled with terror, though there was still a flicker of anxiety as her thoughts shaped and manifested to their final form. In her dreams she spoke to EZ, hands caressing his face softly, lips barely a breath a part, whispering to him, telling him the truth, and allowing all her fears to be released. She allowed him to protect her. He encased her in his arms creating a barrier that separated her physical form from all the uncertainties her life was set to face -that plagued her mind incessantly.
Her mind gave in to her desires, ones she not would let happen in the real world. It allowed her a glimpse at what safety and love would truly feel like.
Unlucky for her, the dreams did not last, it was the arrogant sound of her alarm which happened to choose that precise moment, when her thoughts morphed into something more illicit, to interfere with her reverie. The idea of snoozing the alarm was tempting, as was remaining in bed hidden within the confines of her room. Though she knew she would be missed, and staying here, locking herself inside forever, would arouse suspicion.
The hospital would be nothing more than a brief reprieve from the game she had been made part of.
At least that’s what she told herself.
It wouldn’t stop her from looking over her shoulder as she made rounds, checking each bathroom stall, and cataloguing each individual in a waiting room. She was in a minefield and was sure to explode if she made the wrong move.
He had been doing this for quite some time now, though usually he left her alone at work. He left toying with her for when she was alone with no one to reach out to for help. He knew her hours, when she would begin her shift and when it would end. She figured he had someone hack into the hospital’s servers and access her roster. She also knew that if he was not going to be physically present, there would always be someone else from within his inner circle there to stalk her.
She stood in her bathroom, scrubs gripped tightly in her hands, eyes glaring at the fabric as she debated her choices. Her skin was like ice, with goosebumps coating her flesh as she stood there naked in the room, allowing her mind to tick over like a clock. She didn’t want to leave, and it took every ounce of strength she had to force her body to cooperate.
Her mind was at war with itself. Different parts of it were broken up over what she should do. Parts of her wanted to run and hide, whilst the other parts wanted her to stay, too scared to step a toe out of line and be killed.
Her eyes remained locked on her reflection, fingers tracing the length of her skin, up and down, from the curve of her breasts to soft bump of her waist. Her eyes fluttered closed as the soft movement of her fingers pulled her into trance.
It was kaleidoscope of colour that flickered beneath her eyelids as her body began to relax. Soon the mirage of colour transformed in to one whole image of Ez and herself.
Their limbs were intertwined, sliding against one another intimately. His breathing hot against the crook of her neck, fingers torturing her in the most delicious way possible. Sliding down the slope of her body, caressing her breasts, kneading her tender flesh as they ventured lower. They slipped between her thighs, and began rubbing her gently and softly. Edging her, at a leisurely pace, to her release.
It was a sound reminiscent to that of a gunshot that shook Ivána from her fantasy and filled her to the brim with terror.
She moved as fast her body would allow, though it resulted in her tangling herself in her scrubs, tripping over her own feet as tried to dress herself. She could hear the thrum of her heart pounding in her ears as she made her body move towards the living room, grasping onto the baseball bat she kept hidden behind her couch.
It was at that point she came to the realisation that it was not a gunshot she had heard, only what sounded like one. What she had heard was actually the sound of someone banging themselves against her front door.
She had every intention of calling out and demanding the name of whoever it was that was trying to take down her door, but it was the fear that froze her where she stood. She knew with every fibre of her being that the person on the other side of the door was not a friend.
It was only when she took a few hesitant steps away from the couch towards the entryway that the wood began splintering and a large crack struck through the length of the wooden panelled door.
Particles of dust and wood chips scattered across the floor as the banging continued. Her knuckles turned white; her circulation sure to cut off as she continued to grip the handle of the baseball bat, tighter and tighter.
She could hear whoever it was grunting as they continued to throw their body against the door.
It went on for a limited time, mere minutes, before she saw her front door fly off its hinges, bang against her hallway table, and land right before her feet.
A jolt of surprise and dread iced her veins as she took in the scene before her. It was only one man.
It took only one man to break into my home.
Recognition sparked as the cog wheels in her mind began to turn.
His face was red, with beads of sweat clinging to his flesh, soaking his brown hair, and plastering it against his face.
Ivána had seen this man before.
He smiled at her faintly, chest heaving, struggling to catch his breath. He held up his hand, his index finger pointed upwards.
“One…. Moment…” he rasped out; face still flushed as he struggled to catch his breath.
Her eyes were fixed on him, as he stood there both hands pressed on either side of the door frame, his head hanging low. It was a surprising sight for her. One that took an edge off the fear that was gripping her.
There was no awareness of time as she stood there like a deer caught in headlights. All the awareness was honed in on the man before her and his breathing, and how much easier it was starting to become. She knew she was running out of time, but she couldn’t bring herself to do anything.
It didn’t take too long for his demeanour to change. No longer was his mouth agape with salvia bubbling at his lips, slipping down his chin as he tried to capture his breath. He brought his hand to his mouth and begun wiping it slowly, removing any hint of weakness as he did so.
Finally, he took a step towards her, entering her home, stepping on the broken door.
“Let me guess,” she started, taking a step back, “you’re one of David’s men?”
Her fingers curled tightly around the handle of the bat, using all the strength within her, to hold herself up right. The target she’s had on her back, the dread, anticipation, never quite knowing when he would strike. It was always clear that he was waiting for the right moment, which had now come.
The intruder nodded in return, making sure to smile at her wickedly.
“Matteo.” He answered, though she had no care for his name. Being one of David’s lackies was all she needed to know.
Ivána ignored him and instead widened her stance, preparing her body for the inevitable swing that she would take.
Matteo took another step towards her, chest heaving. The knock down of the door had clearly taken a lot out of him, although he tried to show her otherwise.
He didn’t appear to be too old, though she could tell he was not in his prime.
“You know why I’ve come; I assume?”
“To finally take me?” She guessed with a slight shrug to her shoulders, stance still wide, arms ready to swing, “though after that little performance, you shouldn’t feel too confident on your mission being a success.”
He wasn’t fazed by the scorn notable in her voice. He just stood there with his hands on his hips; a smirk plastered on his face, pure excitement gleaming in his eyes.
His gaze remained locked on hers, never wavering, though that was not before he allowed it to lingered down her body slowly, zeroing in on the weapon in her hand. It transformed his smirk into something more wicked; sickening.
“Oh, baby girl,” he said, voice thick and husky, almost as if the mere sight of her holding a weapon turned him on. He licked his lips, clucking his tongue as he did so, with an evil gleam now luminous in his eyes, “surely you must know that it’s a massive turn on when you think you can fight back.”
“You’re disgusting,” she spat; voice laced with venom, “you and your entire crew are nothing but pigs. If your boss wants me, he can come and get me himself.”
He laughed, a hearty kind of laugh. One full of promise.
He began his attack.
Blood trickled down the sharp edges of the blade at an unhurried pace. Each drop leaving a faint echo throughout the room one might miss if they weren’t listening out carefully.
Ivána stood there frozen, arms rigid, and glued to her side, clutching the kitchen knife. Her breathing ragged, chest heaving with every painful intake of breath. Her body was battered with cuts, and bruises which, unbeknownst to her, had already begun developing across her flesh. There was no mistaking the red, angry, marks on her skin that were sure to ache, leaving a clear reminder as to what had happened. Perhaps the physical marring of flesh would clear, in time. Though that moment, standing frozen over her assailant’s body, knife caked in blood, would never fade.
Her body convulsed, though she was unaware, as the shock washed over her like a tidal wave. The knife slipped from her hand, clattering to the floor as she fell to her knees. Her body was wracked with loud uncontrollable sobs as the image of the attack flashed through her mind at a hastened pace. Her hands crimson, caked in his blood. Her breathing grew erratic and the panic began to set in, eyesight blurred with tears.
“Yo! Hermana.”
Confusion triggered an innate reaction within her at the sound of Angel’s voice, one that she was not ready for. She jerked forward and frantically began trying to clean the mess around her. Hoping to hide the mess - afraid of anyone else seeing it.
Had she been in a rational state of mind, she would have stopped herself. The attempt she was making was needless given the fact that all she was doing was using her hands to rub the blood around her.
“Ivána…” Voice trailing off, Angel stood within the threshold of the doorway, gaze locked on Ivána as she continued to frantically clean her kitchen floor.
Crouching down he reached out to place his hand on her shoulder, his voice softly urging her to stop. As he touched her, she let out a shrill scream, and lashed out at Angel. Her body and mind were still locked in the fight of her life.
She mistook Angel for another one of David’s men, come to finish what Matteo had started.
“Please,” she begged, voice cracking as her sobs turned heavier, shaking her body further, “Please.”
“I’m here,” Angel murmured softly, attempting to soothe her, “it’s me… Angel.”
“I’ve got you.” He murmured again as he reached towards her, both arms open in attempt to pull her body towards his in an embrace.
She allowed him to take her, his heart shattering when her body went limp in his arms.
If you have stuck through with this part thank you so much! I am really excited to make this a series and worrying about it being a flop! Especially given this part doesn’t really have EZ it, merely mentions of him. I have honestly read and reread over this so many times it’s gotten to the point where I hate it lol. Please leave feedback (if you wish 😂) and pleeeease let me know if you are actually excited to see where this goes. Any guesses? Again, thank you so much if you have actually read all of this and didn’t give up! I appreciate you so much! 💞 I am truly sorry if this was boring!! It’s just the set up so pleeease stick around
TAGLIST (OPEN): @appropriate-writers-name @thesandbeneathmytoes @abby-splace @tartanbumsters @noz4a2 @sesamepancakes @montanaraed
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