#everyone has to look at me is the thing fjdkf
itwoodbeprefect · 5 months
for the fic writing ask game: 7, 11, and 20!!
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
i think i rarely make a deliberate choice, actually! close third-person is my jam (as it is with most fic), and within those parameters usually a specific POV just sort of... happens, maybe based on the first bit of description that fits well or that has a fun observation in it, and then i roll with that. occasionally i'll realize i've been writing a lot from one POV within a given ship and go looking for good angles for a fic with the opposite POV, and outsiders are always fun when there's the slightest reason to do it.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
i did this one here!
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
fjdkf after this ask game made me look up "blinks", i can't not lead with that. but yeah, in general - themes of belonging, love in simple everyday things, feeling secure in your place. and i think i've said this before, but... the dishes. everyone is always doing the dishes, because it's the perfect recurring domestic chore that i can use as a sort of cheatcode backdrop to have Actions in my Feelings and Dialogue, in a way that can say a lot in itself. (what are they cleaning up? who's doing what? how are they doing it?) also, on a related note, characters are very, very often just hanging out at home in my fic - if they're not, and the fic is mostly talking, then there's a decent chance that at some point they WERE home and i picked them up and moved them because they need to get outside once in a while. (i am a good, responsible fictional character owner (who owns nothing).)
Get to know your fic writer! 🔎
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lichen-punk · 2 years
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christ i’m fucking hot
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neuvis · 3 years
OC THING 1, 23, 31, 39
1. Have you ever picked up a habit from developing/writing one of your own characters? And if so, who and what?
I stopped swearing for a while but writing Julius has completely ruined any chances of me stopping ever again
I started puffing up my left cheek when I get annoyed or in deep (but not serious) thought, just like Eises
23. Have you ever seen something/someone that looks like one of your characters IRL? What was it like?
I've seen quite a few pretty ladies who look a lot like Caliena! Especially in her hair. It always makes me do a double take but I try to make a conscious effort not to stare OTL
31. Which OC do you wish you had more art of? (Recieved, making yourself, etc.)
Oh literally anyone it doesn't matter to me! Draw my ocs and I'll love you forever
As for making art myself....same answer fjdkf I need to draw everyone more
39. What’s your favorite part to draw on a certain character?
Pecs and abs >v> and eyes
Also any animal characteristics they have! Like their ears, horns, tails, etc.
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jewpacabruhs · 5 years
happy bday @tegridyfarms u fucken legend. ur always such a chill yet simultaneously chaotic energy, it contradicts yet somehow works perfectly cuz one minute ur buying some stupid shit for $20 & givin me a goshdarn headache (u & anna r fucken double trouble i s2g ur like the naughty twelve yr olds to lai & eva's cool older sisters and my punk big brother fjdkf, but i wouldnt trade it in a million yrs yall keep shit exciting & im never legit annoyed w u, it's always a fond "ahh my crackheads r at it again ❤" thing jfkdkfk) - and then the next ur the one calmin everyone down even when im not able to, it's rlly unparalleled. we all know ur funny, u make everyone laugh the most, but we don't talk abt ur other traits nearly as much as u deserve. ur always logical and sometimes u blow me away by randomly just being Super Fucken smart, like ik ur smart but sometimes u pull scholar shit outta no where & im like 😳😳😳 like when u go off abt history & stuff, that doesnt happen too often but i lovee when it does, cuz thats our eli!!! & im so proud of u, ur so dang like... functional?? ur younger than me but u got ur shit together more than i do, i'd be jealous if i wasnt so proud. ur gonna make adulthood ur bitch dude, u got this shit. & u look fucken bomb w that new hair bro, sexy beast!! goin into 18 with a bang! i wish u the best best best as u step into "official" adulthood, but also, remember: everyone moves at their own pace, & nothing has to change, so dont feel pressured; things will move along naturally. u got this, & even if theres harder days, we're always here for u. i love you very much, enjoy funky adult time!!!
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