#everyone is just like. why does this kid have extra powers when lily starts asking abt her sight
the-faultofdaedalus · 8 months
some very funny things i’ve realized about kat and people’s perception of her is that a) for a While everyone just thinks that she got her powers because her parents were doing unethical human experimentation on her before their death because tony over-related and his arguments were convincing enough and because no one has mentioned this in front of kat she can’t ever correct them and b) it’s very possible that it takes a LONG time for anyone to even realize that i) she has two different powersets from two different sources ii) what one of those powers even IS (her sight, because she just. doesn’t talk about things. again. and the things she notices that no one should notice could just be really good hearing or smell or smth?) and honestly the longer no one realizes any of these things the funnier it is
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wagner-fell · 3 years
I am still very new to this website and I don’t know how link a post but this fic is based on a post by @sandersgrey
(If someone reading this knows how to link a post please either explain it to me or link it in the comments because that post is *amazing*)
“Hmmm,” said Tessa, depositing Mina into Kit’s waiting arms and examining her buzzing phone critically. She shot a quizzical look in his direction.
Jem looked up from his novel. “What is ‘hmmm’, my love?”
Kit mimed vomiting but stopped dead in his tracks when she replied, “it’s Astrid’s mother. You remember her from parent teacher night, don’t you, my darling?” Kit swears they were being extra insufferable just to mess with him but he didn’t have the time to be annoyed when Astrid’s. Mom. Was. Calling. Tessa.
To understand why Kit was panicking as much as he was, you must know that Astrid’s mom was incredibly chill. She never got mad. The worst punishment she’d ever given her daughter was taking away her iPod for a week so she couldn’t listen to Mitski.
Was she calling about last night when Astrid, Mari and Kit threw eggs at the Shadowhunter’s that were giving Mari’s pack a hard time for no reason? No, that couldn’t be it. She’d given them the eggs.
Could the call be about the day before yesterday when Kit and Astrid got distracted doing homework and ended up snapping the coffee table clean in half while battling gladiator style with pool noodles? No, that wasn’t it. She’d just handed Astrid a twenty and told them to go to Kevin’s parents' shop and get a new one. Was she pissed because they ended up spending the money on ice cream instead? No, they ended up finding a table for free in the rubbing bin outside a fancy hotel.
Kit clutched his sister to his chest and prepared for the worst.
“Seo-yoon! What can I do for- Oh, hello Astrid!” Tessa paused briefly, presumably to listen to Astrid speak, and Kit sighed in relief.
“Kit is occupied at the moment but I can relay the message.” Another pause. “Oh don’t be frightened of me. I’m a tots rad mom. Your secret is safe with me.” Kit felt his face flush red as he heard his best friend’s laughter echo across the living room. “Okay! I’ll let him know. He has to get Mina to sleep before he can leave though. Lord knows he’s the only one who can these days.” Tessa chuckled at something Astrid said before wishing her good luck in her endeavour and ending the call.
She turned her attention back to Kit. “Astrid needs your help breaking into your teacher’s home to retrieve her cell phone.”
Kit blinked at her, dumbfounded. “You aren’t mad I’m going to go break the law?”
Because of course he was doing it. Astrid’s dad had bought it for her and he was extremely cautious about money. That was one of three things Kit knew about her dad. He was cheap, he lived in America and he loved the movie Fight Club.
Tessa ruffled Kit’s hair affectionately. “Please. I’ve raised two other Herondales. At least I know about this particular adventure beforehand.”
Mina began snoring softly and Kit handed her back to her mother. He grabbed his bag and started his journey to the door when Tessa added, “she also told me to say hi to a ‘daddy Kit’. Are you ‘daddy Kit?’”
‘Daddy Kit’ closed his eyes and wished for the sweet release of death.
“Why is Kit a daddy,” Jem asked, genuinely confused. “Aren’t I the daddy?”
Kit swung the door open so fast not even a speed rune could have aided him. But not before I heard Tessa reply, “Lily Chen certainly thinks so.”
Mrs. MacNamara clapped her hands together. “Why don’t we all go around and say a few things about ourselves?”
Kit buried his face into his hands. He’d been relieved when no other teacher had fulfilled the Disney channel stereotype of making every student introduce themselves to the new kid. But Mrs. MacNamara didn’t even seem to realize what she was doing.
All Kit’s fellow classmates groan. Expect one. Her hand shot up immediately. She was short, like smaller than Clary short. She wore a baggy pink shirt with the words ‘Queen Glimmer of Etheria’ sewed on with purple sequins and tight black jeans. Her colourful, choppy hair was in a low ponytail and she flew a few strands out of her eyes as her hand wiggled in the hair.
Mrs. MacNamara pointed at her. She stood up and smiled at Kit. “Hi. My name is Astrid. My hobbies include making my little cousin’s girl Barbies kiss, as it should be, and watching television shows where everyone is a terrible person so you can love all of them!”
“And what shows might that be?” asked Kit, already in the process of pulling out his phone and opening the Notes app.
“Grey’s Anatomy, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy again because it’s seventeen seasons as of right now. And to be fair it practically became a different show when they killed off Mark Sloan.”
“That’s enough, Miss Yang,” said Mrs. MacNamara. Astrid sat down and winked at Kit. Then she took out her phone and airdropped him a complete list of all her favorite shows, along with her number.
After Blessica’s pre-birthday birthday party, they went to Cirenworth and stayed up till four A.M. binging them.
They met outside a queer dry bar called Aries Not Welcome, the unspoken gathering place of the Merry Hoes. It was run by a poly lesbian couple in their mid-thirties. Quinn, Sydney and Aliyah may not have served alcohol but at least they were open 24/7.
“Did you bring the shit?”
Kit gave her a look. “The shit? How conclusive.”
“Shut up. You know, the shadowhunter thing.”
“The shadowhunter thing?”
“The, the, the glow stick that you draw with.”
“The glow stick that I draw wi-“ Kit closed his eyes briefly. “Do you mean a stele?”
Astrid snapped her fingers. “That’s it!” Kit shook his head in exasperation, smiling fondly. “I borrowed a torch from Quinn, let’s move.”
“Should I be worried that you know where Mr. Smith lives?” questioned Kit as he followed Astrid’s lead through the park.
“Should I be worried that your mom was fine with us breaking and entering?” she shot back playfully. Kit pushed Astrid and she fell off the path, laughing all the way.
“You called me ‘daddy’ to my mom’s face.”
She just laughed harder, slinging her arm around Kit’s shoulder. “It was over the phone, Christopher. And as I should.”
“Pffffttt. Why did you get your phone taken anyway?” She put her hands into her jumper pocket and looked at the ground. “Astrid.” She remained silent. “Astrid?”
She mumbled something under her breath. “What?” asked Kit.
Kit gasped. “I thought you were a die hard Kanej shipper,” he whispered.
“I’m a multishipper, okay?!” she replied, equally quiet.
“Does Blessica know?”
She shook her head. “And she will never find out.”
Kit saw the opportunity and he seized it. “She’ll never find out as long as you never call me daddy in front of either of my parents.”
She removed her arm from his shoulder and guided them out of the park, in the direction of the many apartments that lined this side of town. “I hate you.”
“Well, so does Mari. You're not special, Ast.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know Mari doesn’t actually hate you, right?! They’re just still in the enemy phase of your enemies-to-lovers romance. She only dislikes you because they feel something for you but they don’t know what so she interrupts it as loathing. In reality, her inner soul knows you’re hot and shmexie.”
Kit didn’t know how to process this so he just nodded and follow Astrid in silence to Mr. Smith’s house. (Plus, he was kinda glad that, according to his best friend, he had a little more time for Mari to ‘discover their true feelings’. If Kit screwed this up, he was out of countries to run off to.)
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
“What,” asked Kit, turning around to face Astrid and closing the drawer he was rifling through. “Did you find your phone?”
“Yeah. But I also found Blessica’s. She was Snapping Kevin. Platonic my ass. But he took the fucking trans flag out of her phone!”
Kit snatched Blessica’s phone out of her hand to examine it for herself. She was telling the truth. Where the glitter pride flag usually rested was just a clear purple case. Kit couldn’t believe his eyes.
“It’s one thing to misgender her every day.” Blessica had forced all four of the other Merry Hoes to sign a contract saying they wouldn’t do anything to harm him because of it. “But this is the last straw. You know what we have to do.” Oops.
“Yeah, but we don’t have any spray paint.”
Kit eyed Mr. Smith’s pink sofa, blue bar stool covers and white picture frames. “I think I have something better in mind.”
It would have been easier for both parties to just zip off the sofa cushions and tape them to the wall but by ripping them off in strips, they ensured he would have to buy new ones. And judging by the car he drove and the fiji water in his fridge, Mr. Smith could definitely afford it.
That reminded him, “I’ll finish up with this. Go put all his fiji water into my bag.” Astrid saluted him and ran off. “Wait.” She stopped and looked at him. “Steal all the remotes you can find.”
“How is he not awake?,” asked Astrid as they ripped the fabric of his seating from the stool.
He shrugged. “Don’t question it.” He shoved the bundle of cloth into her arms. “Glue this above the pink. I’ll handle the frames.”
“Say the magic word,” she sang.
“No. Lesbian. Come on, I thought you knew me better than that.”
Kit laughed quietly. “Can you lesbian glue this above the pink?”
She grinned at Kit. “It would be my pleasure.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello! Sorry I haven’t written anything in so long. School just restarted and it has been…a lot.
@adoravel-fenomeno @thechangeling @the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @noah-herondale-lightwood @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @maxboythedog @book-dragon-not-worm @hardlymatters
Very sorry if I forgot anyone. Lmk if you want to be addEd/removEd from the tag list.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Okay, let’s talk about what I think is the biggest problem with Summer Rose. I don’t think it’s unrealistic for Ruby to react the way she has to Summer Rose and information about her from a character standpoint, but there wasn’t enough emphasis on her throughout the show to make me interested in her and specifically in how Ruby feels about her.
A lot of protagonists have at least one dead parent, and it doesn’t always feature prominently in the story they’re in - instead used as an excuse why the kids can do whatever they want without having to worry about parental figures, or backstory for why they’re the way that they are. But when the parents are treated as more significant, it’s better to make them consistently featured. It makes total sense for Ruby to not talk much or even think much about the mother that she lost when she was between the ages of two to four, but starts to talk about her more and be emotional about it once she gets some down time and during a time of personal crisis, especially as she’s learning new knowledge about what happened to Summer. That makes total sense from a character point of view. But as a viewer, I honestly didn’t care at all about Summer Rose past ‘why is Yang acting like Raven is her mom.’ Her grave was seen during the Red trailer, Yang talked about her in V2, and Ruby talked to her grave to start off V3 (which to me read as an ‘easy way to get exposition and remind everyone of some of the RWBY details’ scene.) And that’s it. That’s very little significance, I was given no reason to think she was going to matter to the storyline at all, I was given no reason to think she was going to matter to Ruby at all. If anything, I thought she might maybe matter to Yang, who clearly remembered her and who the story went out of their way to have talk about her, but then Yang didn’t talk about her mom until six seasons after the scene in volume 2. Which again, makes some semblance of sense from a character point of view, but made me think that Summer was unimportant and made me ambivalent to what was a non-character. We didn’t know anything about Summer past ‘good mom’ and ‘dead,’ for six seasons. We didn’t know anything about how Ruby felt about her mom past ‘talking to her grave one time’ and the knowledge that due to her age when Summer died, Ruby likely only has vague memories of her (if she has memories of her at all.)
Compare that to something like Harry Potter. (Quick disclaimer, as always, I’m not endorsing JKR, just comparing stories.) Time was taken out of the first book to establish not only Harry being an orphan, but Harry’s feelings towards it. Him looking in the Mirror of Erised and seeing not only his parents, but his family told us a lot about Harry’s longing for a family and to belong, and his attachment to the idea of his parents and family clearly connected to him (including through physical features that he’s been put down for having by the Dursley’s.) The first book also establishes connections to his parents through others. Hagrid knew his parents and got him a scrapbook of pictures of them, Snape hated his father, Dumbledore gave Harry his father’s invisibility cloak, and discussed the love spell his mother had made when she died, and told him about Snape and James’ ‘rivalry.’ I don’t remember if there was much connection to Harry’s parents in Chamber of Secrets, but in Prisoner of Azkaban, we start the story with Harry reacting defensively and using accidental magic (tied to emotional outbursts) when a relative starts insulting his parents, and then the whole book centers around the man who was framed for helping Voldemort murder Harry’s parents catching the real traitor, Harry meeting his father’s former best friends, getting yet another relic of his father’s, hearing more of the vague memory of his parents’ death when he’s encountered by the Dementors, thinking he had seen his father save him, etc. And the book tells us that Harry’s light based magical guardian Patronus takes the same form his father’s did. Then, in the fourth book, Harry resolves to face Voldemort head on whether he’ll die or not ‘like his father’ and literally sees the spirits of his parents and is able to talk to them briefly even though they’re dead through the use of a spell. In the Order of the Phoenix, Harry sees memories of his parents through Snape’s pensieve memories and his idealized versions of them (but specifically James) is challenged. He’s greatly bothered by this and seeks out advice and reassurance from his father’s friends. In the sixth book, the Half-Blood Prince, Harry gets a potions book with all kinds of recipes and useful spells written in the margins and starts thinking it might be his father’s, still desperate for a stronger connection to his parents, and at the same time, he’s interacting with a teacher who was fond of and talks about his mother. Consistently throughout the whole of the book series, people talk about James and Lily, we see the impact James and Lily had with other characters, we know how Harry feels about them, we know why Harry feels that way, we see his feelings about his parents start to adjust whenever he learns new information, we see the way their actions affect Harry’s actions.
So when Deathly Hallows rolled around and there were all these big significant moments involving Harry’s parents - visiting their graves, seeing their statue, seeing Snape’s memories, summoning their ghost forms to walk him to what he thinks will be his death - viewers might not be particularly attached to their characters, but we’re still invested, we still care about Harry’s arc with his parents, it’s pay off to a storyline that’s been a central part of the whole book series. Imagine if the only things we had heard about Harry’s parents before reading Deathly Hallows was a scene in book two about how his parents death connected to this wider issue (like the scene in Volume 2 with Yang using Summer’s death as establishing details before talking about Raven,) and a scene at the start of Prisoner of Azkaban where Harry like, talks to the pictures in his scrapbook about how he’s excited to go back to Hogwarts and how things are going with Ron and Hermione (like Ruby’s gravestone talk at the start of volume 3,) and then we still had all the significant moments centered around James and Lily in the seventh book.
It just feels like the emotional depth they’re going for with Summer was a wide swing and a miss because she never mattered to the story before. Summer was a passing plot point, and now that they’re trying to involve her more heavily, it feels boring. It feels like wasting time on something that doesn’t matter all that much when things that have been established as significant were put on the back burner (like Ruby’s relationship with Qrow, a mentor figure and parental figure, or even her relationship with Maria, who took over as a mentor figure when MKEK started to seem to want to diminish and put down Qrow’s character.) For six seasons, the audience had barely knew what Summer could possibly look like, Tai doesn’t talk about Summer, Qrow only mentions her in passing to talk about Ruby’s eyes if I remember correctly, Oz doesn’t talk about her, Yang only talks about her for one scene and that’s only to set up Raven, Ruby only talks about her for one scene and that’s to exposition at the start of a season. The only real reason to think Summer Rose would be significant to the plot at all is the Red Like Roses II song, but lots of the Ruby character songs seem a little disjointed like that. Before volume seven, I was wondering why that song even existed since Summer had so little to do with the plot of the show and specifically Ruby’s character (affected much more by Yang, her dad, her uncle, her team, Ozpin, Penny...)
It’s not a bad thing if they wanted Summer Rose to be important, I actually think it could’ve been good. Ruby feels a little stale at times compared to the friends that have bigger backstories that are gone into more, and her character could use some more interest and some more ties to Salem, so having her struggle with having a dead parent she can barely remember who was probably turned into a monster due to having the exact same power Ruby does is a good concept. But like a lot of things in RWBY, it came too little, too late, and with too little groundwork. Now it feels like they’re trying to cram extra unneeded plot into the story instead of working on what they have, now it feels out of left field, now I’m wondering why I’m suddenly being expected to care about Summer, now I’m wondering why there was so little set up for her importance. I would feel much more emotionally connected to this story plot if it had been featured more prominently. If Ruby had been set up from the start to want to be a Huntress like her mom. If Ruby had talked about Summer to Weiss or Jaune or her team, if she’d had a picture of her mom she put on her wall or something, if she’d talked about how the death affected her early on, if Tai had talked about Summer to Yang more, if maybe Ruby had asked Qrow about Summer when he told them about Oz, “Did Mom know any of this?” if maybe Maria had known Summer or something. I don’t know, I’m not a professional, I just know that they failed to write a story where Summer mattered at all until they suddenly wanted us to feel emotionally distraught over her being turned into a Grimm. Instead, I heard about the Silver Eyed Warriors getting turned into a Grimm and thought ‘maybe Mercury does have Silver Eyes and that’s what’ll happen to his character.’
The emotional depth just isn’t there with Summer in my opinion, and it’s made even worse by the fact that there’s very little we can extrapolate from her character based on her appearance. ‘Ruby, but more subdued,’ and ‘boring,’ are the only two things I can even think about her character design, which is a confusing thing for such a design heavy show that places so much emphasis on individual creativity.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Loud House Reviews: Racing Hearts
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Welcome back errbody. Continuing the Salauna trilogy with Racing Hearts. We’ve already seen the cute asking them out story , now comes the actual first date.. which ITSELF is massively important. Keep in mind even though Nick fully supported L is for Love and the crew put a lot of work into it given how good it turned out, Sam easily still could’ve vanished into Limbo. For it’s first 2 seasons loud house, the show HAD continuity: Once Ronnie Anne and Bobby moved away to set up their spinoff, there was an episode with Lincoln’s friends trying to help him deal with missing her in the first ep giving any of them  besides Clyde focus, a trend that would continue, they still showed up via video chat or in person where waranted and there was a full episode about Lincoln’s group of friends trying to help him deal with it... which also reminds me of a smiliar episode of ned’s declassified that was really damn good but unrelated to this... seriously that show is underated and I hope with the Netflix deal it shows up there.  Anywho back on the show we’re actually talking about, the show didn’t really have arcs, thigns that carried from episode to episode.. until Season 3. Season 3 is where the show REALLY hit it’s stride, with it now fully being an ensemble show and more continuity injected int, not interfering iwtht he show’s episodic nature but making it feel like events had meaning. Stella was introduced in “White Hare” and later got a full introduction that i’ll no doubt cover with “Be Stella My Heart” and afterwords rather than being forgotten entirely like the show used to do became part of his friend group in their episodes. Lynn SR. was revealed to have quit his office job to work at a restraunt and was working on opening his own, which while only a two episode arc, lead to the opening of Lynn’s table in the finale and it’s stuck around since. And Leni got a job at a clothing store she’s kept since and friends at said job who’ve shown up since.  See i’m fine with a show not having heavy duty continuity or serilzation, some shows thrive there but I love it when shows do this: even if it’s not all about plots, things progresing or being followed up on makes the show feel more vibrant and keeps it from stagnation in my book.  And as as show with a bunch of girls at dating age, it was invetivible theird’ be recurring romantic arcs, hence Chaz is mentoined as dating Leni, if not given any real focus so far hopefully that’ll change, while Luaan, in this episodes pairing brother, and most importantly Luna got followups on theres. And thus that brings us here to racing hearts,where nick earns the praise they got from l is for love by following up on it and showing in no uncertain terms the two as a blossoming couple.  I get to the actual episode under the cut:
We start with Lori being upset the bathroom is being taken up.... and that brings up a small issue I have: .. WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE BATHROOM FOR 10 KIDS. I do assume Lynn Sr and Rita have their own, and that it might be hard to put another one up there for plumbing reasons, but it still seems WEIRD to not have more than one up there or close to the stairs so that it dosen’t take 50 years for 10 children to get ready. And yes I said 10, Lily has a diaper and isn’t potty trained yet and any cleaning up or getting dressed, when needed, falls on Rita or Lynn Sr. But still it’s a LOT to ask for 10 children to share share one bathroom peacefully and it’s only through the power of not wanting to spend an animation budget on it that the bathroom isn’t a constant disaster area.  Anyways it’s actually Luna who, to her sister’s shock, is in a facemask getting ready to go to the Royal Woods Astonishing Quest with Sam for their first date. Naturally the other two are excited, and Luna, despite her usual nerves, is actually incredibly stoked and feels it’ll go perfectly. 
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At any rate, she’s happy and Lynn comes in to kick everyone out to scrape off her callosuses instead of you know... having Lucy leave their room or doing it while she’s not there, butttt that little detail is actually a tell for later so fair play to you. Plus Lucy may just understandably find int gross and Lynn dosen’t trike me as good at picking up after herself. As it turns out to no one’s shock, Lynn was banned last year for being a sore winner and rightfully so as we see in flashback, but she’scome to terms with it... wink. But they agree to leave as the louds need to get over there anyway.  Cut to the ASTONISHING QUEST.. which turns out to be a scavenger hunt with admitely a great name. Seriously someone use that. But we see tons of returning charcters including Scootst, Pop Pop and his girlfriend, and... 
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I”d apologize for thatbut I feel that way any time I see the little weirners face. Be glad this dosen’t happen every time he shows up.  On the bright side he looks as dead inside as I do whenever I find out he’s in an episode, and Zack looks the same amount of dead inside.. probably because he realized a filing cabnet would’ve been a better partner. A review of your choice for the first person to get that reference and send it to me.  Thankfully my extesntial dread at seeing a Rusty cameo is lifted when Luna meets up with Sam and the two are awkard dorks together for a second as they figure out what greeting to do, settling on a handshake. It’s fucking precious. We then meet Royal Wood’s Mayor, voiced by Shirley! Now if she’d just show up on Ducktales already. Though hearing her reminds me I should do some Harvey Beaks reviews at some point... anyways, she announces the quest and Clyde and LIncoln make a fist bump while Lori and Leni stare down their parents like their about to start brawling in the streets then and there. What.. what have you guys done to each other over the years at these things? I want to know the history there. Have astonishing quest show up again in another season. I”d also love an Brooklyn Nine Nine style heist episode with this show .  Anyways, the rules are laid out: Each team is given an evelope with a clue, standard scavenger hunt contest stuff, and have challenges at each location to complete. The first team to finish wins the key to the city.. er a tiny trophy with you did it on it. Honestly that last one’s better anyway. Anyways after from trashtalk from Scoots and her partner Helen, who seems oddly familliar, we’re off! The first clue is easily figured out by Luna and the two old ladies quickly take advantage of Luna saying it loud where everyone can hear it by heading off: It’s off to Lazer Maze , the local Lazer Tag.  The guy there gives them their challenge: They need to get 500 points to get the next clue. Luna takes to it like a fish to water and easily tags Lisa and her friend Darcy... another nice little cameo. And it also shows something I like: not only are all the louds except Lynn, whose banned, and Lily, whose a baby, are competting on their own. And only Lori, who pops back up in a bit and Leni,whose partnered with her are plot relevant, but the episode easily could’ve left them out or used extras for the other teams but wisely decied to instead use characters we’re familiar with. It adds a nice touch that makes this feel like an actual event and make sme wish the show did more townwide events like this. Stars hollow it up. You have a fun character in the mayor, who was hilarious in her one minute here, you have your taylor. Just give her a quirky sidekick and have fun with it. Granted I want every series to have a little gilmore girls in it, but still.  Anyways Sam botches it and instead of shooting the golden girls shoots Luna by accient, though by the next cut they have their points, and the lazer tag guy encourages them anyway. Sam apologizes not being good at Laser tag but Luna happily shrugs it off: While she enjoys it it’s not for everyone. Anyways it’s Luna’s turn to be confused while Sam easily figures out the clue: IT’s off to the farm. And if you wanted the exact oppsite of my reaction to a Rusty cameo...
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Yeah while my reactions to Rusty is “Why haven’t you died on the way to your home planet yet?” My reaction to Liam is pure joy. He’s like this generation’s stinky peterson and I love it and has a nice enjoyable personality instead of being my own personal Kahn.  Anyways LIam’s challenge is to get Eggs from the chickens. Which Sam does easily.. Luna however is nervous to start despite Sam’s reasssurances.. before totally freaking out. To be fair though, chickens can be downright terrifying. Just look at Poyo
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And why yes that is a chicken hell lordd whose also a cyborg  bisecting santac lause. And why no, you are’nt getting any more context than that, go read Chew.  Anyways theys till have enough eggs to complete the challenge, if now splattered in egg and with Liam disapointed with their shenanigans, but being a professinal about it. Total pro. Anyways, Sam is just as ready to brush it off as Luna, noting farms just aren’t for everyone. I also like this plot in general because while it has the series habit of “thing happens again and again and again then climax” it’s used to flesh sam out a bit. While she is there to be Luna’s love intrest, being a love intrest dosen’t mean a character can’t be good or fleshed out. Just look at tom from star vs the forces of evil for a good example of that.  Anyways it’s once again Luna’s turn to figure out the clue and we’re off to Werk It Dance studio.. I gurantee it was going to say twerk it but nick was like “oh honey no. “. The name is just awkward otherwise. Or maybe i’m just old. Also the twins are there. Just a nice thing to note and two characters I THINK are from an episode I haven’t watched yet but read about. Anyways, Luna’s pumped while sam has “oh crapbaskets” written all over her face and quickly does terribly. This one however is .. not as easy to brush of. Not liking going to farms or laser tag is easy, there just things not to do on dates. Not dancing.. is hard when your both musically inclined people whose taste in music is why you met in the first place. While they try to gloss over it, it’s clear this is an issue and worries them both.  Moving on you know the drill at this point: Sam gets the clue, Luna dosen’t, we’re off to rock climbing. Sam utterly loves it while Luna is terrified. Moving on We cut to Luna, whose sitting down feeling depressed, aka my natural state these days, when Lori and Leni show up. Lori even gave her a cute backpack for the quest.. that has a leash attached. I’d say it’s a bit extreme but i’m half convinced this happened at some point and is the reason Leni dosen’t wear laces. 
Luna is of course spiraling because it turns out she and Sam don’t have a lot in common. Lori however gives some really good advice: Turns out she and Bobby hit some of the same problems and she just suggest they both try embracing things the other person likes. Even if it dosen’t work, shocker given the episode is far from over yet, it’s not bad advice and I like that in relationsihp based episodes it’s Lori who tends to be the one helping out, having the most experince to deal with that and a, at least by this point early Lori could be a bit TOO asholish sometimes, really solid couple.  And if you read this before I apologize because for some reason Tumblr decided to EAT A THIRD OF MY REVIEW FORCING ME TO REWRITE IT. And yes i’m ranting a bit but in my defense I worked hard on this and to have most of it chewed up through no fault of my own pisses me off and thus I needed to rant a bit. Back to the review! So Luna tries Lori’s approach while Lori runs off to find Leni who got off the leash.. again. SHe’s probably just going to sniff some ground, eat the plants,she’ll be finnne Lori. Anyways Luna and Sam go to the local health smoothie shop, the kind of place that is my nightmare for people like me with Orangutan bods but makes sense Sam would be into, and the next challenge is identify what this smoothie is made of. I”ve played this game before: my guesses were fish bones,chicken bones, and dry bones.... seriously the glass was just purred bones. I never bought a smoothie from that guy again.. mostly because someone called the cops. There’s a lesson in that. Luna however spits hers out.  IN a break from formula the next activity is for Luna to come sail away, come sail away come sail away with Sam.. whose actually a pretty apt sailor. You can guess the rest. Luna botches it, they still get the clue, yadda yadda time for the sad part. The two have an honest discussion abotu the fact that despite chemstry being there, they seemingly have nothing but their music in common and are diffrent people, with Luna glumly resolving to finish the race as friends and neither being happy. WHelp my heart just broke, next episode.  So Mayor SHirley from Community greets the girls at the final challenge: A bake off... because apparently just being the first one there wasn’t good enough... then again i’ve seen far worse rule changes by a far smugger canadian man so i’ll let it slide. Thankfully the universe throws the two a bone: Neither can bake. What follows is a damn adorable scene: The two touch hands and blush over butter, before working in synch.. and Sam then procedes to cause their pie to explode in her face.. I could’ve phrased that better, but Luna giggles at it, Sam playfully tackles her giggling insues and the two end up on the ground, smiling at each other. Also Helen and Scoots win. Who cares. Luna realizes from this that she was an idiot to suggest giving up so soon, and proposes they simply try to find things they like together rather than focusing on their diffrences. Because as a coked out cat who sang a duet with a coked out Paula Abdul once said:  If things go wrong we make corrections, to keep things goin in the right directions, try to fight it but i’m telling you jack, it’s uselss opposites attract! By the way the show really dropped the ball not having Luna mention this song titles in one of her song refrence things she does this episode. Anyways the two decide to start dating and then hug. My heart.. it’s too full.  We end the episode on the reveal Helen is Lynn, a nice payoff for earlier as Lynn rides off on her elderly partner in crimes scooter into the sunset while Luna and Sam giggle and look on. Like any great love story. And we’re out.  Final Thoughts:  Okay second time around with this, and it’s a great ep. The repetition hurts it SLIGHTLY, but Sam and Luna’s chemistry helps the episode as does it’s terrific aseop: You don’t have to be exactly alike to love a person, or like the same things.. as long as you connect, and TRY to find things you both enjoy, you’ll be fine. The episodes also helped by plenty of nice little cameos, showing off the series new grasp on continuity, and Lori being Luna’s advisor and Lynn naturally being the douchey rival to them and everyone else. Overall a solid ep that was a natural step forward and set up a good status quo for Sam and Luna. The next ep dosen’t feel as natural a story step, but is still a nice one and the one that insipired me to take the leap and review these eps so join me next time as our faviorite couple bond with some cats and get into some scooby doo door shenanigans with “The Purrrfect Gig” Until then later days. 
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theangriestpea · 4 years
In the Shadows : Nine
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Summary: Jughead Jones, resident werewolf, just wants to protect his family and his pack from the incoming doom of The Red Circle. Sweet Pea and Lily join him to help keep the Southside safe from human tyranny. Meanwhile a demon princess named Myra and succubus named Lavender had a plan to bring on the apocalypse. <ao3> <masterlist> <playlist>
Rating: Mature // Explicit
Pairings: Jughead Jones x OC, Sweet Pea x OC, Kurtz x OC
Warnings:  Smut, Choking, Hair pulling, Some dirty talk
Word Count: 5k+
A/N:   I am SO sorry this took so long to update. I got swept up in finishing Mercy Killing and writing the first chapter of the sequel that I didn't have time to get to this as soon as I would have liked. My productivity had tanked as my depression worsens due to isolation.
Chapter Nine : Soul Bound II
The issue with the time limit that Lily put on Sweet Pea’s eviction, was that they needed to be rid of Myra before his time was up. If Lily wanted to force her ex into the demon’s home, then she would need to make it safe for him first. Myra would more than likely kill him upon realizing that he had moved in. It simply wasn’t possible to do this out of order and everyone remained uninjured.
But, unbeknownst to Lavender, Lily had already accounted for that in her timetable. Today was the fifth day after Lav had given her the book, and today was the day that she was going to free the hybrid’s soul from Myra’s grasp. All she had to do was locate the demon princess.
Naturally, she had a plan for that too. On the last full moon, she had taken samples of the vargulf’s blood from inside of Jughead’s mouth. With it she was going to use a foolproof locating spell to find his whereabouts.
The one thing she didn’t expect was the fight Jughead and Lavender would have that would result in them not speaking to one another. Lavender had killed the second in command of The Red Circle. And while his body had not been (and never would be) found, Archie had been on a rampage since Reggie's disappearance to find him. Jughead was positive that he was going to retaliate at any moment. The redhead was a ticking time bomb and Lav had essentially made him impossible to diffuse.
Lavender had a plan for that too, not that she had told Jughead any of this because, again, they were not on speaking terms. Lily had opted to leave Jughead out of this process, figuring that he would hinder them this once. All she truly needed for this particular part were Lavender and Sweet Pea.
The two witches arrived at the demon’s house and knocked on the door. They heard a distant, very ill sounding voice telling them to come in. After a quick search, Lily found her friend in the bathroom with her head laying on the toilet seat. “I think I’m dying.” Lavender said pitifully and Lily tried not to crack a smile.
“I told you, you needed to drink the tea two times a day or you wouldn’t be able to leave the bathroom floor.” Lily said, sounding more motherly than upset. “Let me go make you some, extra strength. We have work to do.”
Lavender groaned at the thought of having to leave her safe haven within the master bathroom. Lily left to go to her kitchen and fix her some of the magic tea she had made. Sweet Pea, who was feeling somewhat awkward now that he actually had a conscience again, stood off to the side. “How is she?”
“Puking her guts out.” Lily said calmly as she started heating water with the use of a simple spell. “You know, like all women do their first trimester. You better not go back there or you’ll be joining her.”
Sweet Pea made a face that was some cross between annoyance and a pout. He had been a sympathy puker since he was a kid. He had always felt like it was a curse. “Are you really making me move in here in two days?”
Lily gave him a stern look. “She’s pregnant with your child. The least you could do is help protect her from the demon trying to take the baby. It’s not like she asked for this.”
“I didn’t ask for it either.” Sweet Pea said angrily. “It’s not like I wanted another one any time soon.”
“Well, you’re getting one. So man up.” Lily said as she put in just the right amount of sugar and honey. Sweet Pea was yet to be informed that him and Lavender were soulmates. The succubus had insisted that she would tell him when the timing was right, however Lily was starting to think that that time would never come. Hopefully, forcing them to live together would make it obvious to the dark witch eventually.
Once the tea was done brewing, she took it to Lavender who was currently throwing up for the fourth time that morning. “Do you even eat food?” Lily asked curiously, “what do you have to throw up?”
“I’m half human, Lily. Of course I eat food. Or I would if it didn’t all smell so goddamn awful.” She took the tea and took a sip. After swallowing, she sighed with relief. “That hits the spot.”
Lily smiled warmly. “Two cups a day and it won’t be nearly this bad. I promise. When Sweet Pea moves in, he can make it for you.”
Lav grumbled, “does he have to?”
“His soul needs to be healed and you’re the only one that can do that, Lavender. Your soul will no doubt need it too once I get it back today. You will not understand how truly powerful sex is until you have it with him again once you do. The three of us will be unstoppable.” Lily said in a tone that Lav knew not to question. Of course she was right, and deep down Lav knew that things had to come to a head sooner rather than later.
After about fifteen minutes, the tea began to settle her stomach enough for her to stand. “Are we doing this now?”
Lily smiled, leading her into the bedroom, “yes. We’re doing it now. The sooner you get it back, the better. We’ll be that much further from the written prophecy. Do you need help getting dressed or anything?”
Lav flashed her a sly look, “you know, most people buy me a drink first before trying to get me naked.”She wiggled her eyebrows at her playfully and Lily smacked her on the arm.
“I always forget that you’re perpetually horny.” Lily said, snorting back a laugh. “Hurry up, our baby daddy is waiting on us.”
The demon groaned as she slowly got dressed in a fitted t-shirt and skinny jeans. She threw her long purple hair up into a messy bun before brushing her teeth. Once finished she rejoined the witches in the living room, purposefully avoiding Sweet Pea’s gaze. “Let’s get this over with.”
Lily had cast the spell an hour before this, knowing that the vargulf was much too sick to move. In the event that he had changed locations, she had more blood to redo the spell. Although she didn’t think that would be at all necessary. Her intuition was much sharper now that she was with Jughead. It was amazing the kind of power soulmate sex magic could give you. She wished Lavender understood that, because with the added power of the baby inside of her then she could potentially be much stronger than her captor.
Kurtz had been sleeping in a run down apartment complex on the other side of the Southside. Using her powers of seduction, Lavender was able to get the exact apartment number from the lobby attendant. She found it a little too easy to get him to submit to her will, taking any kind of fun that she may have had out of it.
Her display with the small man made Sweet Pea on edge, and he had no idea why he cared. It wasn’t as if she was actually interested in this mortal loser. When she rejoined them, smirk on her plump lips, she finally looked at him. He held her gaze and they were almost pulled together by some magnetic force of attraction. Lily walked between them, breaking the moment before someone ripped someone else’s clothes off. She had no idea how she didn’t see the connection between them before, but since Sweet Pea’s soul was back in place it was getting more and more obvious.
Lav told Lily that he was in apartment 66 and she led them to the elevator to the sixth floor. Once there they made their way down the dirty hallway to the sixth apartment. Written in red beside the second 6 was a third, so that the numbers read 666. Lily didn’t refrain from rolling her eyes.
“Your turn.” She said to Sweet Pea as motioned for them to give him some space. Both women stepped back a few paces and he easily broke down the door. Lily gave him a deadpan stare, “I meant pick the lock. You’re such a brute.”
Sweet Pea shrugged before walking into the room, “it smells like rotten asshole in here.” He said, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth and nose.
Lily and Lav looked at each other with looks of disgust. “It’s Kurtz. Try having him in your bathtub after running around in the rain. As if I already didn’t have enough excuse to vomit.” Lav said, trying to will her nausea away.
Lily shook her head as she located the broken boy laying on a near bare mattress on the floor of the only bedroom. The soulmates were a step behind her. The white witch glanced at Lav, “call her here.” She instructed.
Lav nodded and closed her eyes, saying a silent prayer to Myra to bring her in. A split second later, Myra appeared. “Wha-” She stopped upon the sight of the two witches. “What are you two doing here? Shanna, I told you that you were not to be around them anymore.”
Myra moved, as if to attack her slave on the spot, however Sweet Pea stepped in front of her. His arms were crossed and there was a murderous look upon his face. Clearly she’d have to go through him, not that he was nearly as big of an obstacle as he thought he was.
“Myra.” Lily snapped, her voice sounding commanding. “We’re here to make a deal.”
The demoness turned, looking at the small witch with contempt. “What deal would I make with a mortal?”
She motioned towards Kurtz. His unconscious body was eerily close to death. “I can heal him. I can save him. All you have to do is one thing for me in return.”
Myra’s eyes flitted between her lover and her mortal enemy. She knew the only way to heal him was through white magic. White magic with Lily possessed in abundance. Did she let Kurtz die? Or did she save him and do what the witch asked?
It was minutes before an answer came. “What do you want?” She asked through gritted teeth. Her weakness had been found and there was no way to hide it now.
Lily shrugged nonchalantly. “Give Lavender her soul and freedom back. That’s it. Do that and I’ll make him healthy and human again.”
Myra’s jaw nearly dropped at the request. Her fists clenched so hard that her sharp nails tore into the flesh of her palms, blood seeping slowly from between her fingers. “You want me to what?”
“You heard me.” Lily countered, her gaze unwavering. “Her soul and freedom for Kurtz’s health.”
“This won’t stop it.” Myra said hotly, knowing that they now possessed one of the few books with the ill fated prophecy inside. “The two of them having their souls back is not enough to stop it. I will have that child, and I will take her to hell to my father, and hell will reign supreme.”
A bored expression crossed Lily’s face. “That’s fine.” Her cool tone put the demon on edge. Was this some kind of trap? Did she know already how to stop the apocalypse? Or was she bluffing?
Myra turned once more to Kurtz, who let out a painful wheeze. “Do it. Heal him and I’ll bring it back.”
“Nuh uh.” Lily replied, shaking her head. “Soul first, healing after.”
Myra’s skin seemed to turn red with rage. Sweet Pea moved to the side as Myra approached Lavender one more time. She put two fingers onto the succubus’ pulse point, in which the pentacle was engraved. After chanting a few words, Lav felt intense waves of emotion flooding through her. She stumbled back, and she would have fallen had Sweet Pea not caught her. He held her in her arms, as Lav began to feel ice cold.
“It’s no use.” Myra said, “it’s been in the coldest, darkest parts of hell for two decades. Even soulmate magic won’t heal it.”
“We’ll see about that.” Lily said as she moved to Kurtz and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead while her palms held his cheeks. It took a fair amount of concentration and energy, but after a powerful pulse of white magic, Kurtz was devoid of the vargulf curse.
Lily released him from her grasp, standing straight and pretending not to feel faint from the mass use of her power. “This is a one time deal.” Lily said threateningly. “I won’t heal him a second time. You’d be wise not to put another curse on him.”
Myra simply glared. Sweet Pea picked up Lavender in both arms, her head lulling against his chest sleepily. Lily motioned for them to leave first, in case Myra had some kind of trick up her sleeve.
Once they were out, Lily had to rest against the wall. Sweet Pea gave her a worried look. “We should have brought Jughead.”
“Jughead is being stubborn right now. I’ll be okay, just give me a second.” Lily said as she took a few good deep breaths.
Sweet Pea looked down at the demon in his arms. “What did Myra mean by soulmate magic? I didn’t think demons had soulmates.”
Lily sighed, “they don’t. But hybrids with human souls do.” She had promised Lavender that she wouldn’t say, however the time felt right. She wasn’t sure when she’d get a chance and Lav was near unconsciousness. “Sweet Pea, there’s a reason it had to be you.” She said cryptically, hoping he’d get it.
His eyes hardened. “She’s not…” Suddenly a lot of his feelings made sense. The insane attraction, the addictiveness to the sex he had with her, and while he was very pissed off that his soulmate was a succubus of all things, it was also relieving to know that he wasn’t somehow under some kind of spell. His shoulders slumped with defeat. “Then she can fix me.” He added softly.
Lily smiled, “you can fix each other.”
When they arrived back at Sunnyside, Lily did not follow them into the house. Instead she bid them farewell and decided to go back to the cottage where Jughead was watching over Daisy. Sweet Pea had asked her repeatedly if she was alright, seeing her sway as she walked as if she were going to fall over at any minute. Lily insisted of course that she was fine and just needed rest, which she would get once she got home.
In the meantime she told him to stay with Lavender and do some healing when she wakes up, because they were both in desperate need of it. Sweet Pea, unsure how he felt about having sex with Lav after what happened last time, didn’t really want to do any of the ‘healing’ magic she was talking about. Even if this was an entirely different situation.
Lavender had fallen asleep at some point during their return. Slowly her body heat had returned to her and he was no longer worried about her possibly being hypothermic. Still she was clutched onto his denim vest rather tightly, as if he was going to up and drop her at any moment.
Once he was inside the house, he took her into the master bedroom and laid her down on the bed. As soon as he pulled away from her though, her eyes opened up lazily. “I’m cold.” She mumbled to him, almost incoherently. Sweet Pea sat down next to her, unsure of what he should do in the moment.
Lav sat up, rubbing her forehead for a moment before reaching out to touch him. She gently pushed her influence into him, making him turn and give her a confused look. “You didn’t have a soul.” She said simply, knowing what was stopping him. She had been awake enough to hear Lily’s last words to him, her kind suggestion for them to make up. “Make it up to me now.” Her voice became a whisper as she pulled her hand away.
Sweet Pea slipped off his denim vest and the flannel he had on underneath. Lav sat up and took off her shirt in one fluid motion. “Just, uh, don’t touch my chest. My boobs are really sore right now.” A light blush crossed her fair cheeks as she continued to look up at him sheepishly. He had no idea a demon could conjure up such a look and still be genuine.
“They’re bigger.” He commented, checking out her breasts. “Perks of pregnancy.”
A small pout formed on her lips, “Perk? They’re driving me nuts. How am I supposed to get off if you can’t touch them?”
Sweet Pea couldn’t help but laugh somewhat darkly, “I’ll get you off just fine, trust me.”
She rolled her eyes at him, taking her bra off and he noticed her nipple piercings were gone. “You’re letting them close?” He had quite liked them, if he were at all honest with himself. Seeing them gone was a little saddening.
“I’m essentially a shapeshifter. I can make my piercings come and go as I please. They’ll be back once I’m baby free.” Lav answered, catching his disappointment. It was quite amusing to her.
“So you can turn into anyone?” He asked curiously.
She shrugged, “anyone in my imagination, sure.”
He wondered how he could use this to his advantage sometime in the future. Since they were soulmates he foresaw plenty of sex in their lifetime and if she could shapeshift then he could practically have sex with anyone he wanted to. The thought was a bit reinvigorating.
Then, another thought crossed his mind, “so what do you really look like?” He asked, curious.
Lav laughed a bit then, “I looked like this when I was a human, pretty much. I didn’t have as many piercings and I’m naturally blonde. I just love the color purple.”
She didn’t waste much more time, tugging her pants off and throwing up off to the side. Sweet Pea’s eyes swept down her legs, enjoying the view as he got rid of his own pants.
Whenever they were both down to just underwear, Sweet Pea kneeled down between her legs, grabbing both of her thighs with his large hands to pull her down further onto the bed so that she was on her back. Lav let out a small giggle which urged him to go farther.
He grabbed the elastic of her underwear and slid them down her legs before tossing them to the side. The succubus watched him closely, having not expected him to eat her out. He just didn’t seem the type.
He kissed up her thighs, alternating between left and right until he reached her labia. His tongue teased the slit between them and Lavender shuddered in his grasp. The tip of his tongue reached her clit and circled in slowly.
Lav let out a small whimper, unable to stand the anticipation. Sweet Pea was smirking against her skin as he began to suck on the sensitive bundle of nerves. He easily inserted his middle finger into her core, moving it at a languid pace. The demon bit her lip to try and keep herself from squirming.
Sweet Pea continued the ministrations with his tongue, even biting her clit lightly to tease her. He increased the speed of his finger, curling it inside her to what felt like the perfect angle.
The faster he moved, the more breathy she became. Whimpering and mewling, her hips eventually jerking until he held them down with his free hand. He was pumping his finger as fast as he possibly could and she wondered how she could feel so much pleasure from just a single digit.
His tongue was lapping at her clit at a furious pace, sucking harder and harder until she hit her peak. Her toes curled almost painfully, her eyes flashing black as her back arched. Lav shook, gasping from the intensity as he licked her clean.
Already the pieces of her soul felt as if they were beginning to reconnect. It was a dizzying sensation that left her feeling like the room was spinning. She briefly wondered if he was feeling the same.
The room wasn’t spinning for Sweet Pea, but he was feeling something much more powerful than the intense depression that had been plaguing him. He watched her come down ever so gently from her high and wondered how he was so lucky to get a soulmate as beautiful as she was.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Lav asked after finally regaining her ability to see straight. “It’s weird, stop.” His gaze had been bordering on affectionate and despite being soulmates it was entirely too strange to her after how he had previously treated her.
Sweet Pea snorted, “you’re such a brat.” He mumbled before kissing her neck. She immediately forgot her discomfort and moaned lightly into his ear. The sound was sinfully harmonious.
“Don’t you like brats, daddy?” She teased, brushing her hips upward so that his hard clothed cock rubbed against her thigh. He couldn’t help but groan into the kiss against her pulse. Since the brand was gone, it no longer hurt her for him to touch it.
She reached down and tugged his boxers down as far as she could reach. He lifted up and took them off the rest of the way, parting from her flesh for only a brief moment before returning to leave black and purple bruises across her jugular.
Her hand delicately wrapped around his shaft, moving up and down gently. He couldn’t help but thrust into her grasp, making her giggle in response. “You don’t have to be so gentle.” She coaxed, “I know that’s not your forte. It’s not mine either.”
Sweet Pea sat up so he could look down at her and gauge whether or not she was telling the truth. “Are you sure?” He asked, knowing that last time he had been much too rough with her and now he wanted to make up for it...even if it made the sex a bit less enjoyable in his opinion.
She smiled at him assuredly. “Trust me, you won’t hurt me again.” She then yanked him down for a forceful kiss to prove to him that she did not want this to be some boring love making session. That wasn’t what she needed, even if that’s what he thought she did.
“Then roll over.” He growled at her after breaking the kiss. He lifted off of her enough so she could turn onto her stomach, immediately she pushed her ass up to rub against his erection. He grunted, teasing her by moving his hips in a subtle jerk.
He pressed his palm between her shoulder blades and forced her upper body down against the mattress, his hand slid down her spine as he sat up on his knees. Once he was up he gave her ass a firm slap hard enough to leave a red hand print. Lav let out a whine at the stinging pain.
“Keep your legs together.” He ordered as he grabbed his dick and aligned himself up to her pussy, pushing in without much hesitation. Lavender kept her knees together as his hand trailed back up her spine to grab the loose bun on the top of her head and yank it back.
The pulling of her hair forced her to sit back up, she cursed lightly under her breath at how amazing it felt to be completed by him once more. She could have never imagined how much better the sex would feel with both of their souls now intact with their corporal forms.
Sweet Pea held onto her hair in one hand while the other gripped her hip. He pulled back to the point where the only part of him within her was the head of his penis, then he snapped his hips roughly into her. The action elicited a loud moan, the force and friction sending thrills up her spine and making her head spin once more with delight.
He stayed still for another brief moment before doing it again and again, building up speed with each thrust. His hold on her kept her in place so that she couldn’t jerk forward away from him with the force of his thrusts.
She was moaning more, much louder now than she had been when he was using his mouth to pleasure her. She had been quiet then, almost meek. Now she was definitely unabashed and whatever had held her back before was totally gone. He absolutely adored the noises coming from her, the sounds urging him to go faster and harder.
Once he reached a good rhythm, he pulled her hair hard enough to bring her into a more upward position. As soon as he could comfortably reach her throat, the hand that had been on her hip grabbed around it, his palm against the front and fingers wrapping almost totally around it.
He applied pressure slightly, only adding more when he thrust into her. Lavender’s lightheadedness grew and just when she thought she might be completely gone, his grip slackened. Blood surged through her neck and into her brain, flooding her with endorphins. She gasped for breath, “ Fuck ,” was all she could manage to say before he began nearing her to the edge again.
His repeatedly making her consciousness bob up and down had her ready to come and somehow he knew this without her having to tell him. He kept his grip loose now as if daring her to struggle against him. “Come on you little whore,” He said in an authoritative tone. “Come all over daddy’s dick. You like getting choked like this, don’t you? Fucking slut.”  
Lav cried out, her eyes deep pools of obsidian as she orgasmed for a second time. She grabbed his wrist, claws digging into him to the point of drawing blood. Sweet Pea moaned at the pain, somehow managing to move his hips faster before releasing his grip on her so he could hold onto her hips again.
Lav fell forward onto the bed, the only reason her hips and ass stayed up were because he was holding onto him. In minutes he was coming inside of her, filling her core with semen. Sweet Pea breathed heavily, holding the same position until he regained his wits about him. He pulled out and released his hold on her, guiding her hips to lay down on the bed softly.
He collapsed next to her, arms stretched above his head with his eyes closed. A moment later he felt a small weight on his chest and he knew it was her head. She uncurled herself from the position he had left her in so that her body was flush against his side. Her leg lifted so that their thighs were crossing and her arm lazily flung around his waist.
“You know Lily is going to make you live here now.” She said, her eyes also closed as she was on the verge of falling asleep. She felt so incredibly full that it was making her drowsy.
Sweet Pea hummed, “Does that mean I can have sex with you whenever I want?” He asked, his voice obviously hopeful.
Lav snorted back at him, “No. It means you can have sex with me whenever I want.”
He couldn’t stop the chuckle from coming out of his mouth, “it’s a deal.”
Meanwhile in Fox Forest, Lily had arrived at the cottage. She entered, dragging her feet as she forced herself to push forward. Jughead, sensing her exhaustion quickly met her in the entryway, catching her as she started to collapse onto the floor.
“Lily?” He asked worriedly as he picked her up. “You should have called me, I would have picked you up!”
Lily let out a small tired sigh. Despite her state, there was a smile on her face. “They can be happy now, Jug. It worked.”
Jughead sighed as he carried her into her bedroom. “I’m glad it worked, Lils, but you really should have called me. I could have brought Daisy with me. What if you had passed out in the forest? It’s not safe.”
She didn’t seem to be hearing his lecture though. As he laid her down she grabbed him, pulling him in for a loving kiss. His energy entwined with hers beautifully, her skin practically glowing with the new source of energy. Jughead pulled away lightly. “It was reckless-”
“Where’s Daisy?” She asked, ignoring his chiding her again.
“She’s playing in her room.” Jughead said. “I believe the stuffed animals were having some kind of important coven meeting. I didn’t want to disturb her because it sounded serious.”
Lily couldn’t help but laugh. He was so good to her little girl and it was so refreshing to know that she could trust him with her when she needed to. He was so amazing. “She wants to ride on your back next full moon. I told her no and she cried about it for hours.”
Jug cocked his head to the side, “she wants a ride? I can do that.”
“Jug, please, you don’t have to.” Lily said, trying not to giggle at the mental image. “She’ll get over it.”
He grinned, “it’ll be fun! We can even put a necklace on me to act as reigns and-”
She silenced him with another kiss. “If that’s what you want to do, my love.”
The wolf relented to his urge to crawl into bed with her. He laid down and pulled her into his chest so he could bury his face in her light colored hair. “Did you ever figure out what the last bit of the prophecy meant? Light meeting dark to bring balance or whatever?”
Lily let out a small sigh, “not yet. I’m still working on it.”
He gave her body an affectionate squeeze, “just rest for now. We’ll try to decipher it later.” She let out a contented sound before letting herself succumb to sleep.
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stonylovessteve · 5 years
Creator Reveals 2019
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We’ve reached the end of the exchange and that means it’s time to reveal the creators of all our works.
Thank you for putting so much love and effort into Stony Loves Steve 2019, you really made it a great experience. We hope everyone loved it as much as we did!
Giftees, be sure to leave a comment and kudos on your gift if you haven’t already. All our creators worked hard to make this event a success, so show them some love.
You can now post your work publicly outside of the exchange. Tag it as #stonylovessteve2019 on tumblr and we’ll reblog you. @ us @stonylovessteve on twitter and we’ll retweet you.
Below the cut is the final list of all the works produced for the exchange and the creators.
Ride With the Moon in the Dead of Night by iam93percentstardust for Wikketkrikket (MCU AU, 11,464 Words)
The wards protecting the Upper New York pack are failing. When the pack alpha, Nick Fury, calls for aid, only one person answers: the vampire Howard Stark, promising the aid of his son. In return, he asks that his son be accepted into the pack. Fury promises that his strongest alpha will be given to Stark's son in marriage. Neither Steve nor Tony are initially pleased about this turn of events but they find themselves quickly falling in love. But not everyone is happy to allow a vampire into the pack and there is a traitor lurking in their midst.
You've Always Been My Home by Shamen610 for softestlesbian (MCU, 4,370 words)
And that was just so like Tony wasn't it? For him to still be the one to help Steve find a home, despite being gone.
God, he couldn't even stomach the thought of it being true.
Clementine by Wikketkrikket for nasa (1872, 8,297 words)
From the prompt: 'The people of Timely have started getting suspicious about how much time their Sheriff is spending at their Blacksmith's house'
Ever since he was injured and his arm badly damaged in the incident with Fisk, Steve has been staying with Tony. He helps Tony stay off the drink and keep his ribbon, and Tony helps him tie his shoelaces. They're in love, but they aren't breaking any laws. Steve is very careful about that.
Except people are starting to talk anyway, and when a new Deputy arrives in town with suspicion in his eyes things get riskier than ever.
i'd like it if you stayed (and i like you) by KingOfBiohazards for Lunatical (MCU AU, 2,958 words)
Steve gets a knight assigned to be his bodyguard. He's not happy about it (at first).
the start of something brilliant by S_Hylor for fictionforlife (Noir, 4,382 words)
After so many years of adventuring, and then assisting in the war effort, Tony Stark didn’t think there was much left that he hadn’t seen already. That is, until on a reconnaissance mission with James Rhodes, he comes across an injured American soldier, left behind on a battlefield.
the lion and his wolf by nasa for iam93percentstardust (MCU AU, 2,241 words)
Steve didn't have much when he came to King's Landing - his mother, his best friend, and a few copper coins to his name - but slowly, over the years, it's all been stripped away. Now, he has only one thing left: Tony Stark, heir to the North and lover to Steve.
Handheld by talesofsuspense for SilverInStars (MCU, 4,072 words)
When Steve starts stopping for lunch at Shawarma Palace he isn't expecting Tony to show up and to keep showing up. And he definitely isn't expecting a guide to the 21st century.
Another Chance at Another Life by heroineaddict for 13bella (MCU, 6,867 words)
Steve returns the Infinity Stones to their rightful place, and then makes a detour to fix one of his biggest regrets.
Won't You Be My Neighbor [Art] by Cachette for sadieb798 (AU, art)
A peaceful evening!
If I’m Ruining You Right Now, Please Forgive Me by Mizzy for Jaylee (616, 17k Words)
Tony’s definitely up to something, Steve’s sure about that. But when he follows Tony down into the unused leg of their new unconventional home, Steve isn’t expecting to discover the lengths Tony will go to try to make him happy. 
Beautiful by LegendsofSnark for thegreytigress (MCU, 1k words)
Tony loves Steve, no matter what 
Of You, Me, and Us by ShippersList for starkboi (MCU, 1.1k words)
They are just photos. Snaps of his life, something he started taking after the Battle of New York. Nothing fancy, nothing staged, just… quick slices of life he wanted to document, to remember things by, to help getting some flavor to the sharp memories embedded in his mind.
Some are blurry, some are ruined by time (or, more often, coffee stains), some are just of the same subject; from the time when he wanted to document the way the vines grow on that one, particular corner of the park.
Others might say most of them are worthless, but they aren’t. Not to Steve.
And some pictures mean more than the rest. Especially to Steve.
Worth the Wait  by FreyaS for Royal_Chandler (MCU, 13k words)
When Steve woke up in the future, he met his soulmate and learned he’d lost everything else.
Tony was familiar with loss but he never expected to gain a soulmate in Steve Rogers, the man his family had spent generations searching for.
Be Still My Little Heart by Lunatical for BeenAsleepFor70Years (AU, 4.1k words)
A beautiful boy was asleep in the flower, his hair the color of gold and his skin as pure as the lily from which he’d been born. And when he opened his eyes, they were as clear as the sky, and twice as beautiful. And he could not have been bigger than a thumb, from the tips of his golden hair to the bottom of his perfect feet, and Sarah loved him more than anything else in the world. 
[email protected] by FestiveFerret for Lacrimula_Falsa (MCU, 7.3k words)
Between digital watches, ATMs, emails, and microwaves, Steve is exhausted by the future. Tony is only trying to help, and Steve appreciates it, but sometimes, he just needs a break from all the tech in the tower. 
Tony Stark’s Guide to Getting A Date (And Steve Roger’s Guide to Getting Through a Thick Skull) by a_salty_alto for morcabre (AA, 1.3k words)
In which Steve turns out to be a bit smoother than expected. 
Everybody Loves Steve (But Tony Loved Him First, Dammit) by ashes0909 for HogwartstoAlexandria (MCU AU, 4.4k words)
“So, what? I’m just supposed to get used to you being a bit taller, a bit bulkier, and that guy I met freshman year, what? He’s gone forever now?” 
Superfamily [Art] by Hayluhalo for Squishy_TRex (MCU AU, art)
Prompt fill for “adopting kids” for the Stony Loves Steve 2019 event! 
Heart’s Second Chance [Art] by fictionforlife for BuckytheDucky (MCU AU, art)
Based on one of BuckytheDucky’s prompts:
Steve is the rightful heir to a decent-sized kingdom, neighbouring the Stark realm. When talks arise of the kingdoms going to war, Steve’s mother tells him he must marry Prince Tony in order to prevent the war from coming to fruition; both grudgingly agree, and it’s definitely not love at first sight, fighting behind closed doors all the time even tho they pretend they’re deliriously in love in front of others. Then tragedy strikes, and Steve has to decide whether to help Tony get revenge for his kingdom against Obadiah Stane, the Starks’ most trusted advisor, or convince Tony that he’s no longer allowed to get involved in his old kingdom’s affairs. Through it all, he starts learning more about who Tony really is and maybe even falling in love.
Three Challenges by Neverever for Katie_Kat (MCU AU, 6,6k words)
King Steve is offered a marriage alliance with the mysterious Prince Tony which will help his small country greatly. Except that there is a twist. There always is. 
Be My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine by Nixie_DeAngel for Neverever (MCU AU, 1,8k words)
Letting out an overly tired, but still fond, sigh, Steve closes his charms tome and caps his inkwell before pushing it back towards the center of the table and places his quill next to it. “Okay, Tony, you have exactly twenty minutes before I really do need to get back to studying. Why do you need me to be your pretend boyfriend?”
Or, even as wizards Tony and Steve still can only find there way to each other through the muggle trope of fake dating while fighting their real feelings.
a date with disaster (or, the time steve essentially whored himself out on national tv to pay his rent) by quellthefire for Serinah (MCU AU, 3,6k words)
Steve’s been having a hard time finding freelance work, so Bucky signs him up for a reality dating show to earn some extra cash. Little does Steve know that this is going to be the worst date he could possibly imagine, on purpose. 
To have and to hold by daisybelle for LegendsofSnark (MCU, 1.4k words)
Written for the prompt: Parents!Stony: Steve has somehow gotten sick and Tony is freaking out because Steve always takes care of him and Peter. Cue Peter and Tony frantically trying to do everything in their power to get Steve better. And Steve smiling at his little family. 
You’re Always Worth It by Nixie_DeAngel for Hayluhalo (EMH, 1.6k words)
Tony sees it in the way Steve’s shoulders grow tenser, the way his answers become shorter and snappier. Sees it in the way his eyes grow colder and harder. He sees it in the extra hours put in to training and working out, the way Steve goes through combat bots and reinforced punching bags.
Or, Tony takes Steve on a mini vacation and helps his partner unwind.
when you’re gone by talktothesky for ishipallthings (MCU, 25.6k words)
Steve’s had to get used to many things in the 21st century but falling in love with Tony Stark might be the weirdest one yet.
Especially because the man’s dead.
The shadow of men by Bill_Longbow for silversoul_snow (MCU AU, 6.8k words)
When Steve sinks his teeth into bringing Tony Stark to justice he shouldn’t be surprised the mob boss takes a mutual interest. He ìs suprised the mobster does this by kidnapping him, but the most confusing thing is that Steve doesn’t really mind…
In a world where soulmates are only rumours and myths, what chance do a cop and a crook have together?
time doesn’t love you anymore (like i love you) by armoredsoftie for jayjayverse (MCU, 3.1k words)
Steve returned the Stones to their respective places, and it’s time to go back home. But after an accident with the time traveling bracelet, he’s stuck in 1993, where he tries to find the help of a young Tony Stark. After a few drinks in the most popular gay bar in town, things might take a different direction. 
Breakfast [Art] by SpanglesandSass (Fidella) for SirSapling (Ultimates, Art)
For the prompt:
1. Stressed out Steve gets pampered
If anyone needed a lazy day and breakfast in bed, it’s probably Steve.
On the Road We Find the Journey Home by navaan for Missy_dee811 (Marvel 616, 5.7k words)
In the Aftermath of Secret Empire, Steve goes on his Road Trip to find out who Captain America can be after Hyda!Cap put fear into the hearts’ of the people who used to cheer for him. His thoughts trail back to Tony. 
For A Good Time Call by BeenAsleepFor70Years for mariana_oconnor (Avengers Assemble, 8.7k words)
Steve explores his sexuality by trying out a phone sex service. He may just leave the situation crushing on the guy at the other end of the phone. He already had feelings for his teammate Iron Man, now a new crush gets thrown into the mix. What ever shall he do? 
And I Owe It All To You by starkboi for muchmoremajestic (MCU AU, 2.8k words)
Steve volunteers to participate in a dance marathon for charity. He’s got a final project looming over his head and needs a break from reality, it’s there that he gets playfully competitive with a certain snarky brown haired boy from MIT. 
The Ring of Fire or The One Where Steve is Young and Confused by Serinah for One and Five Nines (Obani) (MCU AU, 15.9k words)
What you read on the tin. Steve is 19 and has only had one girlfriend. He doesn’t like men, never has, so why the hell does Professor Stark make him feel this way?
A story with a ridiculous amount of anger, internalized homophobia, sexual exploration, self-discovery and pining. In short: it’s about how student Steve tries, fails and then tries again to understand what going on with him while dealing with his crush on a professor.
An Old Friend by Katie_Kat for Evanna_Adams (MCU, 1.2k words)
Steve is packing up and getting ready to move from the Tower to the new compound when Peter finds something interesting hiding in the closet.
For the Stony Loves Steve 2019 Fic Exchange.
certain as the sun by ohmyloki for ShippersList (MCU, 3.8k words)
Steve doesn’t know how to dance. Tony says he doesn’t dance. Natasha wonders what’s the point of living in a mansion if no one is ever going to use the ballroom? 
Don’t Ask by dirigibleplumbing for SpellWolf (Avengers Academy, 3.6k words)
Steve has a secret.
Steve also plays a lot of truth or dare.
Tony notices that Steve always picks “dare,” and starts daring him to pick “truth” instead.
What will Tony think if he finds out what Steve’s hiding? 
Silicone Rings by kenshincha for picturecat (The Avengers - All Media Types, 1.1k words)
Steve contemplates their long engagement. 
Almost Perfect [Art] by One and Five Nines (Obani) for farawatt (MCU, Art)
A powerful enemy invades from an alternate reality, but the only thing he really seems interested in is Steve Rogers
In Your Shadow by magicasen for talesofsuspense (Marvel 616, 2.9k words)
Tony thinks the mansion might be haunted. Steve’s not so sure about that.
A Beautiful Thing by thegraytigress for FestiveFerret (MCU, 62.5k words)
Steve charges into a crashed alien ship to save survivors, and he comes out with a newfound power: telepathy. The fact that he can read minds isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, though. It’s pretty amusing to the team, really annoying to Steve, and generally not as cool as it sounds. It especially sucks that it’s driven a wedge between him and Tony, not that Steve can figure out why. Still, all in all, it’s something he can try to live with.
Until he can’t.
Stuck by Neverever for PjCole (MCU AU, 2.9k words)
Hairstylist Tony Stark itches to cut Steve’s messy hair. But Steve has other issues on his mind.
Loving You 3000 by athletiger for armoredsoftie (MCU AU, 1.5k words)
He stared. On his chest, above his palpitating heart, was the number 3000. Steve’s fingers lifted, unbidden, and he brushed over the numbers, which only stared back at him.
His chest constricted, then swelled.
Previously Thought to be Impossible by Impala_Chick for navaan (MCU, 2.8k words)
In 1970, SHIELD HQ was working on a powerful aphrodisiac prototype. Tony Stark from 2023 happens to cut open the wrong box at the wrong time, and Steve Rogers from 2023 doesn’t know how to feel about it.
A Coincidence called Fate. by SilverinStars for kenshincha (MCU AU, 2.7k words)
The first time Potts met Stevens, the man had come limping into the infirmary. His face was pale, but he held himself upright.
Moments in Time by Squishy_TRex for talktothesky (MCU, 3k words)
A shared life, over the years.
Does the sun shine (during lock down)? by HogwartstoAlexandria for Nixie_DeAngel (MCU, 9.6k words)
The last thing Tony expects when he wakes up that day is the very thing he finds in Pepper’s office, or rather, the very person.
Old flames do they ever really die down? Maybe not, but does Tony have the luxury to find out when he has to think about Peter’s well-being first and foremost?
Or when Pepper is worried, makes a decision, and Tony’s life spins on its axis, once again.
[art fill] on read by Priestly for KingOfBiohazards (MCU, Art)
Texting Tony Stark is sometimes easier than talking to him face to face. Mini-comic!
good old-fashioned lover boy by nanasekei for Cachette (MCU, 7k words) 
Tony is thrilled about his new relationship with Steve. He’s on cloud nine, in fact. It’s so amazing he can believe it’s real. He just wishes they could… Uh. Touch a little. Just a little
Here’s Looking at You by mariana_oconnor for SpanglesandSass (MCU, 12.6k words)
Captain America’s disapproving stare watched over most of Tony’s childhood. It only makes sense that when Steve Rogers walks into Tony’s life, that he return the favour and stare right back. But what he sees when Steve doesn’t know he’s watching doesn’t match up with what he thinks he knows, and he comes to realise that maybe the man under the cowl isn’t quite as untouchable as he thought.
Write and Draw by SpellWolf for Shamen610 (MCU, 2.7k words)
games night and plotting ends with two idiots finally getting together
Loose Ends by muchmoremajestic for riodesal (MCU, 8.9k words)
Steve Rogers was found in late 2007 after being on ice for over sixty years. In trying to find closure with his past, a few months later he comes across Tony - at the moment a charismatic billionaire responsible for the world’s most lucrative weapons manufacturing company while the country is at war fighting terrorist cells in Afghanistan. When Steve reaches out to Tony to get closure on his friendship with Tony’s father Howard, how will Tony react? Can Steve find the closure that he’s looking for?
running into the sun by kiden for ohmyloki (MCU, 8.2k words) 
There are other people Steve could ask. Sam or Nat. Even Clint would make more sense. It’s not that they aren’t friends - they are, they’re good friends, hard won, fought for, worked on - it’s just weird. They can live together and fight together, but Tony’s not so sure a few weeks with just the two of them in a car is a good idea. It’s definitely not a smart idea. “Can you repeat that, please?” or: tony and steve go on a nice, soft road trip that brings them closer together.
Vienna Waits For You by Evanna_Adams for quellthefire (MCU, 13.4k words) 
Steve Rogers was desperate. Not in the general sense of the word but the deadline for his college art project seemed to be looming and damnit, he should have been done already. But it had taken a bit of Barton and Wilson madness to leave his final project in pieces. Natasha, Bucky and the guilt-ridden duo had tried to help him, but the project was lost to him. They had even tried to offer their own college acquired expertise to help. Of course, he had to refuse.
posing up a storm by picturecat for Mizzy (MCU, 5.2k words) 
“I have an idea. Can we just pretend the day ended with that really badass Superfriends pose we did?”
Letters To My Lover by Missy_dee811 for XtaticPearl (MCU, 3.5 words)
*Avengers: Endgame spoilers* On the day of the funeral, Steve hears a phone ringing that shouldn’t be. No one had that number. No one except Tony.
Taking a chance by DepressingGreenie for Bill Longbow (MCU, 746 words/art) 
Steve likes the Science Professor who lives across the hall.
Yes to heaven by jayjayverse for magicasen (616, 1.1k words/art) 
All started with a clear change of smell, it was subtle, slow in a way that if Janet had not told him he would not have noticed, but after that he just could not help noticing every little sign.
Eleven Years by One and Five Nines (Obani) for Impala Chick (MCU, 2.2k words) 
*ENDGAME SPOILERS* After the final battle, Steve comes around to Tony’s house. He’s not sure how things stand with Tony, but at least Morgan likes him.
Frostbite by FestiveFerret for DepressingGreenie (MCU, 5.4k words) 
They’ve found where Steve is being kept - he has to be in this building - but JARVIS can’t find a heat signature, and Tony knows what that means.
[art fill] second chances by Priestly for kiden (MCU, art) 
“Regret is corrosive. And I hate it.” 
“Me too.” 
Together, Steve and Tony can save half of all life on Earth. And if they’re lucky enough, maybe they can even save their relationship. Art fill!
We’re Going Off Script by ishipallthings for FreyaS (MCU, 5.2k words) 
“Or, maybe you just need practice?” Steve blinks at Tony’s question, confused. Maybe Tony needs more sleep than he thought. He’ll have to check with JARVIS. 
“Practice - at dating?”
(Steve needs help in the dating department. Tony is happy to help out, because he’s a very good friend. That’s definitely the only reason.)
One Throw of the Dice by Wikketkrikket for dirigibleplumbing (616/Ults/3490/1872, 5.7k words) 
Steve shrugged, pulling on his shirt. ‘It’s not like it’s Jane or no-one. Everyone gets more than one throw of the dice, Tony.’ 
He only realised his mistake when Tony didn’t say anything, turning away too quickly when Steve turned to look at him. It didn’t take too much thought to connect the dots. Tony did think you only got one throw of the dice. Tony thought he, Steve, was that one. The One. 
In which they realise Tony loves Steve more than Steve loves him. But it’s kind of hard to work through it when the Skrulls interfere, and scatter your sense of self to the multiverse.
Hands Out In The Dark by XtaticPearl for ashes0909 (MCU, 44.4k words) 
When Thanos died the first time, it was anybody’s guess that the end of the journey had been reached. Sometimes though, a bad end becomes the opening to an unexpected but good beginning, and a tired Steve Rogers learns that in the five years it takes for him to get back to a battlefield. The years after that, well that was a story he hadn’t considered until life gave him the chance to try. What he ended up writing, whom he wrote it with, and why it all ended on a bench in New York - there were stories even a Time Stone hadn’t expected.
sun in an empty room by farawatt for nanasekei (MCU/Ults/616, 2.3k words) 
Melancholy is dangerous.
It’s funny how you forgive the past to try and revive it.
A Long Road To Share by SirSapling for daisybelle (Ults, art) 
After 50 years in the ice and a couple exhausting years leading the Ultimates, Steve realises he isn’t quite sure he knows anything about the new modern America he’s supposed to represent. Luckily, Tony has an idea how to show him.
Dare I Say Forever by royal_chandler for herioneaddict (MCU, 4.2k words) 
Naive and young, Steve had thought about it. He’d allowed himself to dream of post-war, matching gold bands and a white picket fence penning in a rambunctious pair of children. 
However, there’s no such thing as post-war.
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victorluvsalice · 4 years
AU Thursday: Alice Vs The Questionnaire I Just Made
Because it would be remiss for me to send it out into the world and not answer it myself, right? ;p
1. How many of the sidequests did your characters do? Did they manage to complete all of them?
Alice completed most of the sidequests, mostly because I find them interesting, they're good to advance the plot of my story, and -- in-game -- they're good sources of XP. The only ones I skipped/failed were (Edit: naturally I forgot a few on my first posting; what can I say, there’s a lot of side quests!):
Drug Trip -- The Unofficial Patch Plus only quest where you can get some XP and +1 Finance by stealing some drugs for Trip from the clinic. In-game, I completely forgot this was an option and never did it. In-story, Alice is trying to get drugs by more legitimate means for Mercurio rather than steal morphine, so I don’t think she’d be keen to get the recreational stuff for Trip.
Daydream Believer -- Only marked as an official “quest” by Unofficial Patch Plus, this is where you can sell Copper “unicorn blood,” fang-blunting gum, and a stake to kill the head vampire if you’re feeling maliciously playful. Alice was not -- in fact, she likes the Thin-Bloods and wants to help them. And that includes sympathizing with Copper about his desire to become human again, while also warning him off doing anything stupid.
Replanting A Lily -- The quest where you send Vandal someone to replace Lily in his blood-draining chair once you’ve freed her as part of Thinned Blood. In-game, I simply Demented him into some hysterical laughter to forget the whole thing (in case I needed him for emergency rations). In-story, Alice slammed him up against the wall and informed him the only reason she wasn’t about to kill him was because she needed to stay in the Voerman sisters’ good books. Vandal being Vandal, he immediately found this the sexiest thing that had ever happened to him and tried to give her free blood (like might happen with the Intimidation option), which she told him to stick where the sun don’t shine. Yeaaaaah, Alice doesn’t like Vandal.
Occultish Personality -- The quest where you get occult items for Pisha, and she gives you powerful items in return. Rather than work with Pisha, I had Alice kill her after taking care of the Simon business. This was purely a character choice, as I didn't see Alice ever working with her (she disapproves too strongly of what Pisha does to sate her Hunger -- she understands that the woman is under a pretty nasty curse, but the entire camera crew?!).
Venucide -- Okay, this is an interesting one -- this is the alternate side quest you get if you take Boris up on his offer to kill Venus during And Her Name Was Venus. I didn’t do this in-game -- I’m not doing low Humanity with Alice, and besides you earn a lot more with Venus alive and giving you club profits -- but I mention it because Alice pretends to take the offer, goes back to Venus, and works with her to fake her death before going back to Boris to get the reward, then kill him. Venus is quite tickled by the whole thing. XD
Dirty Dishes -- The quest where you help one of the three Giovanni relatives at the party to gain an advantage over the other two. I attempted this one, with the intent of having maybe Victor or Victoria do something with the info in the story (as they're the ones actually doing the social stuff -- Alice snuck in Obfuscated with them), but as it turned out, I didn't have the Persuasion necessary to get the dark secrets out of all three. I only managed to get Adam Dunsirn to admit he’s broke -- ratted him out to Mira for an experience point. Ah well. . . In-story, Victor will probably learn Adam’s secret while socializing, but not actually tell anybody.
Model Citizen/Cover Girl -- Imalia's quests -- either planting webcams to spy on her rival Tawni, or (if you piss her off/want extra XP after the previous quest), getting her a copy of a magazine with her on the cover back before Nosferatuing. Imalia is one of those characters who reacts very poorly to meeting a Malkavian, and is generally pretty conceited, so I didn't have Alice stick around to actually get the quests. By this point in the story, she's not doing favors for people who treat her like ass unless she has to.
Poster Session -- The quest where you trade various objects you can collect around the world to Gary for posters of the ladies in the game. Okay, in all actuality, I am doing this one in my game, if only because I'm collecting the objects he's asking for anyway while doing other quests and I might as well, but Alice in-story wouldn't be interested, and I'm not sure Gary would make the offer anyway, given their relationship.
2. How long do you think their stay in L.A. lasted, from Embrace to ending?
I'm working on figuring this out right now in my current playthrough! Part of the reason I fired up Bloodlines again was to actually work out a timeline for "Londerland Bloodlines," as the one given on the wiki feels absurdly short (and cuts out all the side quests). The way I've currently got it, it looks like Alice's Adventures In Los Angeles will stretch from October 21st, 2004, to the middle of November that same year (maybe about the 15th or so?), though I think I'm going to be adding in extra time in the story to help develop relationships and build in some extra breathing room for the characters. So, at a rough estimate, about two months.
3. Which ending did they go for? And if they're the rare Kindred who sided with Ming or LaCroix, did they somehow manage to escape their canonical fates (blown up/sunk to the bottom of the ocean)?
Alice is Independent all the way -- by the end of the game, she neither likes nor trusts practically anyone in the Kindred/ghoul community of L.A. (with four key exceptions, and one of those -- Beckett -- has already skedaddled by the end game) and just wants out. Hell, she would have left earlier if she'd gotten the chance -- she would have happily left L.A. the moment LaCroix sent her up against the Sabbat alone if said Sabbat hadn't kidnapped Lizzie and Victoria, and she would have just left straight after rescuing them and killing Andrei if she hadn't had a guilt attack about helping to get a Blood Hunt called on Nines and deciding she had to tell him about what Ming-Xiao told her. And the Cabbie is the one who talks her into taking down LaCroix and Ming-Xiao when she escapes the Blood Hunt, telling her that the only way to truly feel free is to make sure neither of them can come after her again. She is only too happy to leave the city when everything and everyone is done and dusted.
(Also, semi-related I had what I feel is a pretty awesome idea regarding why she gives LaCroix the key -- a post in the vtmb tag mentioned that anyone who had Auspex might be able to scan the sarcophagus and see there's no uber-vampire inside. The way Alice uses Auspex in her story, it functions partially as a real-life "Shrink Sense,” to fit with her madness. Maybe, at the end of the game, Alice finally uses Auspex on the sarcophagus to see what she can glean, and sees that a) there's no vampire and b) the Insane Children have drawn jack-in-the-boxes all over it, along with arrows to leave. Figuring LaCroix can suffer the disappointment of it being empty, she drops the key and heads off, not QUITE realizing WHY the kids told her to leave -- that is, until her Wonderland friends start BOOKING IT out the door when she gets down to the lobby, and she realizes those jack-in-the-boxes look like her own Jackbombs. . .)
4. How do they feel about the major power players in L.A. (LaCroix, Strauss, Smiling Jack, Nines, Isaac, Ming-Xiao, Gary)? Did their opinions of them change at any point thanks to a quest or just more time spent with them?
LaCroix: Hates him from the moment he Dominates her into leaving the Nocturne Theater instead of bothering to answer any of her questions. She's willing to keep her head down when she's around him (for fear of more Domination) up until Grout's mansion -- then she starts demanding she be paid like a proper employee, at least, and getting a lot snarkier in his presence. When the Blood Hunt on Nines was called (which involved him Dominating her AGAIN so she wouldn't warn Nines beforehand), she was about ready to gut him, and sincerely hoped there was something in that damn Sarcophagus so it would eat him. She doesn't particularly mind he got blown up in the end -- she was much more concerned for anyone else who was in the upper levels of the tower.
Strauss: She found him a little condescending, but helpful, when she first arrived in Downtown and sought him out. (Didn't think much of his poetry skills, though.) He gave her some good information on vampires around the city and the Camarilla in general, and she can't deny he paid well for helping take care of the plaguebearer situation. Her opinion of him plummets the moment she learns about his role in creating the Gargoyle, though. The idea that he kept that living, thinking being as his slave. . .not to mention, his low opinion of ghouls doesn't do much to endear him to her either.
Smiling Jack: Like Strauss, she spends most of the game thinking he's not exactly the best company, but he was helpful and gave her a hand in a very tough spot in her life. And he seems to be the most chill of the older vampires she's come across.
And then the sarcophagus explodes, Alice manages to put together the clues on who's behind it, realize he slaughtered all those people on the Elizabeth Dane and is indirectly responsible for a lot of the shit she's gone through. . .and basically exiles herself from Los Angeles forever by staking him and leaving him for the sunrise on her way out. (She is as shocked as anyone that she managed to pull it off -- she thought it would be a much worse fight!)
Nines: Alice is grateful to him for helping to save her life at her initial trial, and she likes his philosophy just fine. Unfortunately, their relationship was wrecked fairly early on by two factors:
1) Alice making a joke about the Last Round, which Nines took poorly -- Alice attempted to apologize, but Nines refused to hear it
2) Alice not liking Skelter and Damsel, both of whom immediately gave her shit for being LaCroix's "lapdog" and a Malkavian
So yeah, there was definitely some tension there. And the whole Blood Hunt mess happened, and frankly Alice is shocked Nines was willing to talk to her when she went looking for him on her way out of L.A. post-Sabbat. She sometimes wishes they'd had a chance to make up, but given that she doesn't think much of the Anarchs in general anymore. . .she's not losing sleep over their cool relationship.
Isaac: He's one of the main reasons she doesn't think much of the Anarchs in general. She thought it was pretty smart of him to have someone to direct vampires new to Hollywood to him to say hello -- up until he mentioned "tribute." That and his generally imperious attitude toward her at first means she considers him just another Prince under a different title. Learning what happened between him and Ash didn't help either -- she can understand not wanting to let someone you care about just die, more than she would admit, but he doesn't seem to have handled things well post-Embrace, given he didn't do jack shit about the hunters menacing him. (Hoping the threat would drive Ash back into his arms, perhaps?) Add in that he didn't even pay her for taking care of the Gargoyle (never mind Alice didn't actually kill it -- she still convinced it to leave), and -- yeah. She considers him everything wrong with the Anarch movement.
Ming-Xiao: Alice considered her fairly stuck-up when they first met, but really no worse than any of the regular Kindred she'd met -- and it was interesting to quiz her on how Kue-jin are different. Of course, learning that the Mandarin was on her payroll and she's actively trying to kill her lowered her opinion of her a bit. She actively avoids Ming-Xiao after the Fu Syndicate stuff, and nearly just puts her new enchanted katana straight through her when she shows up post-Sabbat. She certainly doesn't shed a tear when she has to destroy her at the end of game.
Gary: Alice thinks he's a bit of an overdramatic jerk, but she kind of enjoys matching wits with him. And at least he's more honest about being a jerk than most vampires, and keeps up his end of the bargain when she frees Barnabus, no problem. Whatever relationship they have is built upon snarking at each other, basically. :p
5. How did they handle the situation with Heather (or, if you're like me, whoever you replaced Heather with in their personal story)?
Obviously, in my world, Victor got hit by the car and got the ghouling treatment. Alice saw him lying all alone in that room and -- couldn't let him just die like that. She's utterly horrified to learn that she created an addict by doing so, and actively has Betram and Knox seek Victor out (using the Cathayan's laptop as payment) and send him her way so she can keep an eye on him and hide any Masquerade violations he may commit. Her original intent was to hold onto him until he stopped being a ghoul, then quietly set him loose, away from prying Kindred eyes. . .
. . .And then she fell in love.
Cue quite a lot of angsting over the fact that she doesn't want to lose him, but she feels so guilty about the Blood Bond and she doesn't know if Victor's feelings are actually real -- which only gets worse when Victoria and Emily join the group, as then she's like "I should let Victor be with one of them -- oh crap I like them too, what the hell Alice, years of not falling in love and now it's two mortals and a zombie." It took Mercurio explaining that his Blood Bond does not actually force him to like LaCroix, just be loyal to him, to convince her that keeping Victor -- and turning Victoria into her ghoul -- might not be as bad as she feared.
And then Victor had his prophetic dream about the Sabbat. He and Emily successfully fled the city (the "letting Heather go" branch of her mini-storyline), but Lizzie and Victoria got captured by the Sabbat and used as bait for a trap for Alice (the "Heather gets captured and killed" branch). Unlike in canon, though, Alice is able to successfully save them (with the help of Bonejangles, VV, and Bertram), and ghouls Victoria to help her heal before sending them away. They all reunite once she's done with the endgame. :)
6. More generally, how closely does their storyline stick to how you have to do things canonically? For example, in quests, did they find third options that weren't offered by the game? Are their stories affected by mods you use while playing the game?
I play with the Unofficial Plus Patch, so there's going to be some stuff from that included in my story, just because that's what I'm used to -- for example, Alice is doing the restored library quest featuring the Lasombra in her storyline. As for the main storyline itself, I'd say that, even with the character replacements and suchlike, it stays pretty much true to the game until about the time Alice hits Hollywood -- namely because I've replaced one-shot character Sam with Victoria, who has a much larger role in "Londerland Bloodlines." After that, it starts to veer off a bit more, in particular during "Italian Dinner," where Emily, Lizzie, and Bonejangles join the party --
But the most major break with canon is in the endgame. Namely, Alice decides to skip fighting her way up Venture Tower and instead climbs up the outside with the help of some climbing equipment she sources from Mercurio. :p Lacroix is more than a little surprised. XD (Though she still has to fight the bat-form of the Sheriff -- can't escape the whole boss fight, Alice!)
7. Do they have an alternate storyline/history of what might have happened had they been Embraced but not ended up the protagonist Fledgling?
I covered that a couple of weeks ago! You can read the "Mistakenly Thinned Blood" AU of the AU in detail here, but the short version is "Alice is Embraced more secretly by her sire Fish, manages to kill him post-Embrace, goes to Santa Monica, and ends up hanging out with the Thin-Bloods because everyone thinks she's one of them. Still saves Victor, meets Victoria, and rescues Lizzie, Emily, and Sam from the Giovannis, though -- and then gets out of town before the freaking-out populace who just learned what she actually is can catch up with her."
8. Is the Cabbie a) Caine, b) another Kindred who believes himself to be Caine for whatever reason, c) another Kindred playing the long con by pretending to be Caine, d) something else entirely?
He's Caine -- I like the headcanon, and the idea of him posing as a random taxi driver in L.A., looking upon all this chaos and wondering "why. why." amuses me. XD
9. How do you handle/explain away obvious "this only works in a video game" mechanics in their storyline (e.g., the inventory system that allows them to carry like seven guns and five melee weapons at once)?
With me, Alice is going to be carrying a lot fewer weapons at once -- she'll generally pick a few favorites to take with her on missions (she always has a knife on her, at least), and uses Obfuscate to truck them around invisibly when she's in crowded areas. She probably also gets a bag or backpack to carry useful things. She also goes through a lot more clothes until she gets some decent leather jackets and such -- her starting outfit is basically wrecked by the tutorial mission, leading to LaCroix's agents having to buy her a new dress before she can pick up her things and go to her new haven in Santa Monica. (I have decided to make it Symbolic by having her wear the modern equivalent of her London outfit from A:MR when she gets Embraced, and the outfit being destroyed representing her change from human to vampire.)
10. How do you explain why the Fledgling is so ridiculously overpowered when compared to most other vampires their age (beyond the fact that they're likely 8th generation, going by their blood pool)?
My personal explanation, which might come up in the final conversation Alice has with Caine in the cab, is that some people in this universe are born with great supernatural potential, for whatever reason, and Alice is one of them. There's just something about her that lends itself well to being a supernatural creature -- and a powerful one at that. If she'd been from a werewolf line, she would have been an amazing werewolf; if she had awakened as a mage, she would have been a super-talented mage. As she was Embraced, she gets to be a terrifyingly strong vampire. Alice personally considers this a pretty shitty "chosen one" status, but she can't deny she liked getting really good at Obfuscate really fast!
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What if Snape had a daughter?
A gifset gave me this idea and now I can’t stop thinking about the utter potential of it. So, without further ado, here’s my take on what would happen if Snape did have a daughter. Special thanks to @galactic-pirates who helped me sort my ideas out. Warning, very long post ahead.
So, we know that freshly-out-of-Hogwarts Snape wasn’t really making great life choices, so let’s imagine that, on top of joining the Death Eaters, he also has a fling with one of them, and he gets her pregnant. Of course, the situation is far from ideal, and Snape as a lot of conflicting feelings about the whole thing, but still the baby is born and shortly after that her mother is killed in battle. Severus is left with little Lilith, who has a name that starts with L as a little, secret homage to Lily. He’s determined to be a better father than his, but at the same time he has no idea where to even start.
In the meantime, he switches sides in the war due to Lily being in danger. Lily dies, the war ends, but Severus knows that Voldemort isn’t truly gone, and he knows that, when he comes back, his daughter will be in great danger given his role as a spy. So, as little Lilith grows, he takes great care in teaching her how to defend herself. She knows how to cast simple spells and brew potions even before she goes to Hogwarts. She’d very talented, and has her father’s unconditional support, but at the same time she feels his constant worry, and that often makes her feel like she’s still not good enough, not as good at him. She loves her dad, and he loves her, but with Severus’ history it was obvious that their relationship would be a little problematic from time to time. 
Lilith - who is one year younger than Harry - gets sorted into Ravenclaw, and soon becomes the best student of her year. Between that, her crooked nose, and the fact that her father is possibly the most despised teacher at Hogwarts, Lilith doesn’t really make a lot of friends. Nobody dares bully her, both in fear of retaliation from Snape and because they’ve seen her hex someone who was bothering her, but Lilith is mostly a lonely girl. The one person whose company she doesn’t really mind is Luna. Luna is weird, sure, but she doesn’t look at Lilith with mistrust or anger because of who her father is, and while they don’t really talk much they feel at ease around each other. On their second year, when Luna is reading the Quibbler and Lilith is writing her Transfiguration essay, Luna casually tells her she’s happy that they’re friends, and Lilith is kind of shocked because she hadn’t even realized it until that moment. She decides she really likes the idea of having a friend.
For the record, the fact that Snape now takes a lot less points away from Ravenclaw has absolutely nothing to do with his daughter. Nope, not at all. Also, it is only an accident if, during Duelling club, Lilith casts a Leg-Locker Curse on Lockhart. She just misaimed, that’s all. 
When Voldemort comes back, Snape holds on to the hope that Voldemort will not expect Lilith to join the Death Eaters until she’s 17 at least, and that gives him three more years. He tells Lilith to be always on alert and not do anything to attract attention to herself. Dumbledore has promised that she’ll be safe, but the last time Dumbledore promised that he’d keep a woman Snape loved safe it didn’t end well, so Severus really doesn’t trust him on this. 
Lilith tries to follow her father’s advice, but it’s really really hard when Umbridge is around, practically begging to be hexed every time she breathes. When Luna tells Lilith about the possibility of secretly studying DADA with Harry Potter, Lilith tells her she’s not interested. First of all because she is sure she knows more spells than Potter himself, and because this is exactly the kind of thing that could attract attention to her. 
And yet, as Luna tells her about the meetings and Lilith’s frustration at Umbridge grows, she can’t help but wonder if joining the DA might actually be worth it. Yes, she knows a lot of spells, and she has practiced them with her father, but extra practice cannot hurt, especially in times like these. Plus, she’s curious about Harry Potter. Her father hates him, but he has survived to Voldemort several times, and she doesn’t truly believe it was all luck. She knows more than him, but he has the experience she completely lacks.
So, after discussing it with Luna, she shows up at the DA meeting one day. She gets a lot of sideways glances, because people expect her to tattle to her father or to Umbridge, and even Harry looks a bit shocked, but when Luna says they’re friends he doesn’t contest it. Hermione makes her sign a scroll - even though Lilith thinks it’s really dumb to write a list of everyone who is involved in an irregular activity - and the lesson begins. 
Just as she expected, Potter is explaining some very basic spell that she has already mastered, and after a while he realizes that it’s really pointless to pair her up with anyone other than himself. One thing leads to another and soon they’re engaging in an actual duel, and while it’s true that Lilith has more knowledge, Harry has very quick reflexes and his spells are always incredibly powerful. Only when Lilith finally disarms Harry they realize that everyone is looking at them; there’s a moment of silence, then everyone starts clapping. Their duels soon become a constant of the meetings, and Lilith even teaches Harry a few new spells, which he later teaches to the whole class. Lilith is good with spells, but she doesn’t have the patience to teach, so they work in tandem. Harry always avoids talking badly of Snape around her, and makes sure that no one else does. He still dislikes Snape a lot, but he knows how much it hurts to have someone badmouth your parents in front of you. Also, Lilith is not guilty for what her father does, and he understands that even better after he sees Snape’s worst memory and learns what a bully his father once was. 
Severus is not pleased at all when Umbridge dismantles the DA and he discovers that Lilith was part of it, and he gives her one hell of a scolding, but he’s also proud when she tells him that she beat Harry Potter in duel more than once, and he tells her so. He’s also proud because, even though she did something risky, she did it because she knows the situation is serious and she was trying to learn how to defend herself more effectively. 
It takes Dumbledore a lot more effort to convince Snape to kill him, because Snape knows just how much this will endanger his daughter. After he supposedly betrays Dumbledore, Lilith will be the daughter of a traitor in the eyes of the Order, and a traitor to the Death Eaters if she doesn’t join them. Since he has no intention of ever letting her anywhere near Voldemort, that would mean putting her between two fires. However, he’s aware that he really cannot blow his cover with Voldemort, and refusing to kill Dumbledore when Draco inevitably fails would do exactly that, so he caves in. What follows is possibly the worst year of his life, because he knows his time with his daughter is running out and he hates to think that she’ll see him as a monster in just a few months, but he can’t tell her anything, and it hurts so much. 
Lilith is woken up one night by the sound of screams and spells being cast, but by the time she finds out where the commotion is coming from the battle is already over, and Dumbledore is dead. There’s a sinking feeling in her stomach when McGonagall and Flitwick ask to speak to her, and when they tell her what her father did she can’t believe it, she doesn’t want to believe it, and yet she knows that it must be the truth. She’s angry, she’s confused, she’s hurt. She can’t believe that her father would really betray everything he taught her to stand for, and a part of her hopes that this is indeed part of a very convoluted plan, but even she doesn’t fully believe that. 
She’s placed under the care of Andromeda and Ted Tonks. Not joining the Death Eaters after her father’s actions means she’s taking a stand against them, and Death Eaters are extremely vindictive with relatives who betray their cause. Andromeda and Ted have been hiding from Bellatrix for quite some time, so they know what they’re doing, and if things go south Lilith can say that she was being held captive, and that’s why she didn’t join Voldemort. 
Things go south pretty quickly, Voldemort gains control over Hogwarts, and Lilith realizes that staying with Andromeda is not safe anymore. She shows up at platform nine and three quarters on the first of September, and while the Carrows are somewhat suspicious of her at first, she has a nice cover up story, and she manages to convince them. It’s not an easy year for anyone, but for Lilith in particular. Most people - aside from Luna, Ginny, Neville and a few others - mistrust her and think of her as a wannabe Death Eater, and she can’t really do much to prove them wrong under the new regime. 
Still, she starts working in the shadows together with what’s left of the DA. She never takes a public stance against the Carrows, but she heals wounds, provides diversions, and acts as a lookout. She’s still holding on to the hope that her father is actually on the good side, and on the rare occasions when he shows up she tries to catch any sign that it might be so, but he seems to be ignoring her, avoiding to even meet her gaze. She doesn’t know what to think. 
She’s not in the room of requirements when Harry arrives, but when the students are being evacuated she stays at the Ravenclaw table, glad to have just turned 17, ready to fight. This is huge. She is the daughter of a Death Eater, and yet she’s fighting against them, and one of the Slytherins who are still being evacuated screams at her that she’s a traitor. Other kids start mumbling insults but, before McGonagall can silence them, a fifth year Slytherin student steps forward. Lilith draws her wand out, ready to protect herself, but Avery just stands awkwardly in front of her, everyone’s eyes on him. 
“My uncle. He got injured during Easter holidays, and that made him deaf from his right ear. If you attack from that side he might not hear you coming,” he says.
Lilith is so shocked that, for a moment, she forgets how to speak. Before she can say anything, however, more Slytherins step forward, telling her about their Death Eater relatives and their weaknesses. One boy, who is in her same year, even decides to stay and fight. The battle doesn’t drastically change from canon, but Lilith’s presence gives other kids the courage to stand against their families, and the four houses join the fight united. 
I suppose in the end Snape dies anyway, but that is way too sad to think about it. Anyway, this got so long because love the potential of this idea. Pls share your thoughts on the matter.
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ifeveristoday · 5 years
Buffy Summers’s Diary (XI)
Kendra Young<[email protected]>
To Buffy
Interesting – I’d like to find out more about this group. Sounds like they’re doing great work. Take Rona and Chloe with you on site, make sure you interview the founder and survivors as well.
 After Kendra gave the go-ahead, her assistant Rona and one of the magazine’s photographers Chloe carpooled with me to the shelter.
‘I read about this cult,’ Chloe said. ‘Nemo. The leader was arrested earlier this month.’
‘Nemo? Like the fish?’ Rona’s gaze never left her phone.
‘No, like Latin for none. Apparently, everyone gave up their name and said they were no one. There was a lot of brainwashing going on, but that’s normal for a cult.’
‘I bet he didn’t give up his name. Creepy ass dude.’ Rona gazed out the window. ‘So why did he start it?’
‘The usual reasons why people start cults. Paranoia and power. He kept on ranting about how there was a higher plane waiting for them, and that they had to leave their earthly shell. And conveniently, their belongings and money too. All for the good of Nemo.’
‘Sounds like some sororities I knew,’ Rona said. ‘I’m glad they got out.’
She looked at me. ‘So how’d you hear about this?’
‘My friend volunteers here. I told her I could give the shelter more visibility and hopefully get more volunteers and donations.’
‘That’s cool. Ms. Young told me to circulate and help you with interviews. I’ve got back up power banks and extra recorders just in case.’
‘That’s perfect. Thanks for helping me out. You too, Chloe.’
‘I’m excited about this assignment. It’ll be good to take pictures of people instead of accessories for a change. Not that I have anything against tennis bracelets,’ she said hastily. ‘I don’t mind working with the fashion editor. Ms. Chase has a very good eye.’
‘She sure does – have you seen her car? I can’t wait until I’m making that kind of money,’ Rona said. She sighed dreamily. ‘That’s a you can’t tell me anything car.’
 I didn’t have anything to contribute to the Cordelia Chase is Goals club, so I kept quiet until we reached the shelter.
 A smiling blonde greeted us at the door. She held out her hand. ‘Hi, I’m Lily. You must be Buffy.’
I don’t know why I had been expecting someone older – Lily looked to be about my age. I introduced everyone else and then Lily led us to the common room.
There was a giant mural of a sunflower field splashed against one wall, and a small group of women was arranging folding chairs into a circle. They looked pale and slightly skitterish, but some were smiling and talking quietly with their friends. There were a few children playing in the corner, with an older boy sitting with them. His dark shaggy head, paired with a pierced eyebrow made him stand out. And the fact that he was the only male in the room.
‘We’re about to begin our talk, so grab a chair and get comfortable. There’ll be refreshments in a minute.’
As if Lily had summoned it, another door opened. A woman came out with a tray of cups and a pitcher filled to the brim with an icy amber liquid. I walked over to help her and her eyes brightened. ‘Well, hello. I didn’t think I’d see you here.’
It took me a moment to recognize her, and she knew it. She laughed. ‘It’s Fred. We met uh..in the Magic Box?’
‘That’s right. You’re the paralegal.’ I took the tray from her. ‘Do you volunteer here?’
‘Nope, first time. I’m here on behalf of Liam, actually.’
‘What does he have to do with this place?’
‘We do pro bono work for them, and he donated money to their renovation. He actually painted the mural in there – isn’t it gorgeous?’
‘Oh. I didn’t know he did that. It is beautiful.’
Fred nodded enthusiastically. ‘He’s so talented. It’s kind of annoying.’ She leaned in conspiratorially. ‘But actually, I’m not here because of the law firm, I’m sort of babysitting.’
Fred nodded over at the children’s corner. ‘Liam got stuck in meetings so he asked me to pick up his son from school. Connor likes to hang out here with the kids.’
‘That’s Connor?’
Connor looked up sharply. I guess I didn’t whisper his name after all.
‘Oh boy,’ Fred muttered underneath her breath. ‘Teenage hormones coming our way.’
  It was hard to see anything of Angel in Connor’s features. He was taller than me, but everyone tended to be. My coach said it was my advantage on the ice, but I’m not sure if he was joking or it was that famous dry British wit PBS insisted everyone in England had.
Maybe it was the bone structure – but no, Connor looked softer where Angel was all carved lines. He crossed his arms and scowled at me. ‘Who are you?’
‘Seems like everyone wants to know today – I’m Buffy.’
His lip curled. ‘You’re Buffy?’
It was my turn to cross my arms. ‘You know me?’
‘Yeah. My dad talks about you sometimes. And you’re in the pictures with my dead aunt. You looked better then.’
His gaze glanced down meaningfully and then flickered on my face.
‘Connor!’ Fred said. ‘You say you’re sorry right now.’
‘Sorry,’ Connor said flatly.
‘Did I just get sexually harassed by a child,’ I said. ‘Because I think that just happened.’
‘I’m not a child.’
‘Legally, you are. And because I know your dad, I’m not going to tell him what you said. Because obviously, you have something going on that has nothing to do with me. And Connor,’ I smiled at him. ‘You keep Kathy’s name out of your mouth. You don’t know anything about her or me.’
We locked gazes, and slowly, he looked away. ‘Fine,’ he mumbled. ‘I’m sorry.’
Fred exhaled as Connor walked away. ‘I’m so sorry, Buffy. He’s going through a lot –‘ she stopped. ‘No. I’m not making excuses for him. He was wrong and I will tell Liam, he should know.’
I held up a hand. ‘Honestly, it’s fine. When we were growing up, I’ve said worse and had worse screamed at me from my kid sister. Connor’s attitude is nothing compared to the full fury of a teenage girl.’
She nodded. ‘I just don’t understand. He was such a nice boy, but he’s been so moody and when he got his eyebrow pierced I thought Liam was going to punch a window.’
‘You know, time really does move in cycles. I guess it was just time for Connor’s goth phase.’
Fred sighed. ‘Well I guess it could be worse.’
‘I know. He could be in Yearbook.’
I kept an eye on Connor while I took notes as each survivor shared her story. It was always the same.
‘I was no one. I believed what Ken told me – that I was worthless and didn’t deserve kindness. That he could help me achieve my better self.’
‘I was no one. I didn’t have anyone in my life who saw me. But Ken saw and filled my head with lies. Lies I wanted to hear, and then I began to believe.’
‘I was no one.’
‘I was no one.’
‘He took my name.’
‘He took my house.’
‘I gave him all my money.’
Their voices grew louder, braver as they talked, some through tears. ‘I was no one….until.’
‘Until I came here.’
‘Until Lily helped me.’
‘Until I learned I could help others.’
‘Until I let others help me.’
Rona sniffled next to me and I saw Chloe blink furiously, her eyes watering.
We clapped until our hands hurt.
 We split up into groups afterward, as a team of counselors and guest speakers introduced themselves. I managed to get Lily away from the crowd and we went to her office.
‘That was…incredible.’
Lily sat down and offered me a cookie from a jar on her desk. ‘They’ve worked so hard to get to this point, I’m so proud of them.’
‘They owe it all to you.’
She shook her head. ‘No. They put in the work. I just helped them with the basic necessities – a place to sleep, regular meals, hot showers. He deprived them of so much that we take for granted – and the children,’ her voice hardened. ‘Stealing their childhood. He deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life.’
‘You are a hero though,’ I said. ‘To me you are. I couldn’t imagine caring for all of these people and hearing their stories day in and day out.’
‘Thank you, but I’m just doing what’s right. And you’re helping me out with this article. There’s just – there’s a lot of Kens out there, and sometimes they’re hiding behind bright lights where people don’t think to look. Every bit of exposure helps chip away at their power. And money.’ She sighed. ‘Money always helps.’
‘I’d like to volunteer. My friend Tara does, and I don’t know – whatever you need me to do, I’ll do it.’
‘I’m organizing a field trip for the kids next weekend. Would you like to chaperone?’
‘Of course. Where are they going?’
‘The skating rink. And then a pizza parlor afterward.’
‘I think I am qualified for that.’
Lily grinned. ‘I hope you don’t mind – I was hoping you would chaperone. I looked you up when Tara mentioned you. I watched some of your routines on YouTube.’
She clasped her hands. ‘The Sarah McLachlan routine was my favorite. I cried when I watched it.’
I nodded stiffly. That had been one of my last performances, and a solo. ‘Thank you. It was one of my favorites too. But…I don’t skate like that anymore. It’s been a while, actually.’
‘I think the children will still be impressed that a real live Olympian is there with them.’
‘Would it be okay if I was just regular Buffy and not Olympian Buffy? I don’t think any of them would even remember the Olympics.’
‘Of course – I hope I didn’t offend you,’ Lily said.
‘No, not at all. I just don’t want to let you down on that front. It’s not only that I don’t skate like that, but I also can’t. I have pins in my leg keeping things together and well – walking was more of a priority than lifts and axel jumps. At best, I can not fall on the ice, but there’s not going to be any choreography.’
‘I’m so sorry. I didn’t know,’ Lily bit her lip. ‘If this makes you uncomfortable –
‘It doesn’t. I’ll be there by the bus – are we taking a bus? I’ll be there with snacks.’
‘Thank you so much. I really appreciate it, Buffy.’
‘You’re welcome. Now about that interview…’
 Rona and Chloe were waiting with Fred and Connor when Lily accompanied me from her office. Rona held up a digital recorder. ‘I got lots of quotes.’
‘And I took so many pictures,’ Chloe said, beaming.
‘That’s great. Thank you, guys.’
‘No prob. This was a really eye-opening experience,’ Rona said. ‘I actually want to call my mom right now.’
‘Oh my god, you too?’ Chloe said. ‘I’m definitely calling my lola when I get home.’
They looked at me expectantly. ‘Are we carpooling back to the office?’
‘No. You guys can leave. I can make my own way back.’
‘Cool. See you later, Ms. Summers. Bye, Fred. Bye, Connor.’
 ‘Way to make me feel old,’ I sighed. ‘Ms. Summers.’
‘It’s probably because they work with you,’ Fred suggested.
‘No. It’s because I’m old,’ I grumped.
‘You’re not that old,’ Connor said. ‘I mean, you are older, but –’
‘Please. You can stop right there.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Connor said contritely. ‘Really, this time.’
‘Okay? I accept your apology.’
Fred mouthed, ‘I called his dad,’ and squeezed his shoulders meaningfully. Connor slumped. ‘I didn’t mean to be an asshole.’
‘That’s not the word we agreed on,’ Fred said.
‘Funny, it’s the word I was thinking,’ I said. ‘But really, it’s okay. Just don’t do it again.’
There was the rustling sound of a coat, and the door swinging behind me.
‘Did he apologize?’ A voice spoke.
‘Yes, Dad,’ Connor said. ‘Fred narced on me.’
‘I’m not a narc,’ Fred protested.
‘Hey, Angel,’ I said and turned around.
He nodded at me, and then looked at his son. ‘You don’t talk to her, or any woman like that, got it? Get in the car.’
‘Fine.’ Connor stomped past me.
‘I’m starting to understand why my old man got grey hair so early,’ Angel said. ‘I am really sorry about his attitude, Buffy. He’s mad at me.’
‘Yeah, well we’ve all been there.’
He winced. ‘Okay. Maybe I’m out of line, but do you want to get an early dinner with me? You too, Fred?’
‘I promised Knox I’d get tacos with him,’ Fred said. ‘Sorry.’
‘Let me pay for it then, I owe you for picking up Connor.’ Angel opened up his wallet. ‘Are you getting the sides too?’
‘And drinks. I think a giant size of horchata.’
He chuckled. ‘Okay. You’ve earned it. Here.’ He handed her a stack of bills. ‘Combat pay for dealing with Connor’s mood swings.’
‘Any time, boss. See you around, Buffy?’
‘Yeah. We’ll have to get drinks or something soon,’ I smiled at her. ‘It was really nice meeting you again.’
 When it was just me and Angel again, I looked up at him. ‘So,’
‘Did you get the flowers?’ He said in a rush.
‘Yeah, I did. They were beautiful, thank you.’
‘I am sorry about what happened,’ Angel said. ‘Cordelia gets these ideas in her head sometimes, and well…’
‘Are you dating her?’
‘No,’ Angel said immediately. ‘That was in the past.
‘So you did date her.’
‘It was a long time ago,’ Angel said. ‘I dated quite a few women after my divorce.’
‘You don’t have to explain it to me –’
‘No, I think I do. Because you need to hear it. Cordelia’s my friend and I told her I was nervous about seeing you and she suggested that I call her if it got awkward and she’d rescue me.’
‘Angel, I’m not sure I needed to hear this.’
He put his hand on my shoulder. ‘I’m really messing this up, aren’t I? I didn’t mean it that way. I was having such a good time with you that I forgot to call her, and I guess she took it as a sign –’
‘To embarrass me. Did you know I worked with her before our lunch?’
‘No. I swear, Buffy. I didn’t mean to hurt you.’
‘Well you did, and I don’t know why she had to be so obvious about it. It wasn’t like it was a real date,’ and I was proud that my voice didn’t crack.
‘It wasn’t?’ Angel said quietly. He lifted his fingers off of my shoulder. ‘Because I was hoping it would turn into one.’
I stared at him.
Angel’s reply was lost in the sound of a car horn blaring. Connor’s voice rang out. ‘I’m starving, are you guys coming or not?’
‘God, give me strength,’ Angel said. He held out his hand. ‘Come to dinner with us.’
 Connor honked the horn again. ‘Are you kissing her or what?’
‘I’m going to ground him into next year,’ Angel muttered.
He looked at me apologetically. I decided then.
‘Well, I don’t kiss on the first date, but…I  might make an exception.’
I took his hand.
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violetclarity · 6 years
Teddy Lupin for the headcanons thing please! I loved the James Sirius one
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thanks! sorry this took a while, I’m finally done w the fest fic that had been eating my time :)
realistic: let’s talk about the slow realization Teddy went through in his childhood that his family structure wasn’t the usual one, shall we? He’s so loved as a child, so well cared for by Andromeda, and by Harry, and he knows he’s adored by all of the Weasleys and all of Harry’s friends and by Narcissa and Draco when they start coming around again. He’s the only child in all of their lives when he’s young, and they adore him for it, and by the time he’s old enough to really understand all of their conversations, to pick up on their emotions in any cognizant way, the war and it’s aftermath has passed. Teddy doesn’t remember his parents but he also doesn’t remember how much of a mess everyone was in the first years after the war. His earliest memories are of being surrounded by people who love him.
But then he gets a few years older, goes to school, starts consuming more media and realizes…his family is not normal. Most people live with their parents, not their grandmother. Teddy’s parents are dead, Grandma Andy told him? And a lot of people have siblings (Teddy never will) and most of the kids in his class don’t have an abundance of aunts and uncles like he does. He feels smug and proud of this until he learns that aunts and uncles are supposed to be actually related to you. None of his are. And just when he’s learning to be okay with the fact that his family may not be related to him but are still his family, Harry and Ginny go and start their own family that Teddy is most definitely not a part of and he’s upset again.
(Years later, Harry will sit Teddy down and tell him the history of his first eleven years of life, and Teddy will learn just how different their experiences of being orphans were.)
(under a cut again bc I cannot shut up #classicme #cantstopwontstop)
bonus realistic #2 bc I wrote it and loved it and then realized it wasn’t actually funny: talk to me about Teddy experimenting with his metamorph powers at various stages of his life. Talk to me about baby Teddy beginning to mimic whoever’s holding him, then getting older and learning that adult think it’s oh so cute when he copies their eyes or hair, and beginning to use this to get his way. (Draco: oh, he’s doing my hair, of course you can have another biscuit Teddy– Andromeda: *swooping in* NO EXTRA BISCUITS!) He goes through a phase when he’s about nine where he HATES that his appearance reflects his emotions because he doesn’t want ANYONE to know what he’s thinking and he tries very hard to make sure his hair is always a neutral brown and sulks when he can’t hold it. He keeps this up around family for almost four years (the one exception: amusing the Weasley-Potter babies), although he uses his powers at school after he realizes that people think they’re cool, and that when his hair is blue, he’s more likely to be asked how did you do that? or your parents let you do that? rather than didn’t your parents die in the Battle of Hogwarts? and don’t you know Harry Potter?
In his sixth year there’s an Incident involving Teddy’s abilities and McGonagall recommends to Andromeda that she have Teddy talk to someone. One thing that comes out of therapy is that Teddy doesn’t necessarily like how he looks in true neutral (is anything really neutral for him, he wonders), but he also doesn’t like leaving his appearance up to the whims of his classmates and friends. His therapist suggests that he pick a new neutral for himself, reminds him that plenty of non-metamorphs choose to alter their appearance with things like hair dye and tattoos and glamours. It’s perfectly valid for him to do the same, and it’s even easier. He spends the summer experimenting and settles on turquoise hair and the shape of his mother’s eyes, his father’s height but a slightly thinner frame, although it would surprise many people to know that this is what he adjusts most on a day-to-day basis.
Years later, the first time his daughter comes home from school with her hair a fire-engine red she’s never sported before and admits that it was a dare from another student, Teddy’s grateful to be able to look her in the eyes and tell her that she should only morph her appearance in a way that makes her happy. “And I’ll remind you every day if I have to.”
while it may not be realistic it is hilarious: Teddy has underestimated how well his grandmother knows him every day of his goddam life, from when he was eleven and home after his first year at Hogwarts and thought she couldn’t smell the potion he was brewing in his room, to when he was fifteen and harboring a (not so) secret crush the size of an elephant on Victoire, to when he was twenty-five and started dating James and just couldn’t. tell. Andromeda. First just the kids knew, than James’s parents, than the aunts and uncles, and Teddy was still shushing people when his grandmother was around, reminding them that she didn’t know about him and Jamie, please don’t tell her, thanks ever so.
Finally James got fed up both with the hiding and with Teddy’s moaning about why can’t I just tell her, Jamie? why can’t I tell her? and asked Teddy if he wanted James to do it. Teddy was half-asleep and said yes, then woke up the next morning with an oh FUCK because Andromeda was coming for breakfast and James was still in his bed.
Except he wasn’t in his bed. He was in the kitchen, preparing coffee and chatting amicably with Teddy’s grandmother wearing only a thin pair of joggers. Teddy’s thin pair of joggers. Fuck.
One rather awkward breakfast and brief confrontation later, Andromeda left and Teddy rounded on James with a what the fuck, Jamie? He only shrugged. “I said I’d tell her, didn’t I?”
heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: we could talk about how Teddy never feels completely a part of the Potter family, about how he’s the only Lupin he knows, about how he tries to emulate his father and his mother (study hard, become an Auror) in order to feel closer to them. We could talk about how he pores over pictures of them, trying to convince himself he remembers them when he knows he doesn’t. But what I want to think about is the tiny seed of guilt that grows in Teddy’s chest, lodges there like a weed or a stubborn rock and won’t ever get out, because even though he’s heard his whole life that his parents are heroes, that they sacrificed their lives for a noble cause, that they died for a reason, that they changed the course of a war – there will always be part of him that thinks, bitterly, but how great could they have really been, if they went off to fight and didn’t care about leaving behind their baby, if they went off to die and left behind me.
unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own: Teddy is bisexual as fuck and incredibly in love with one James Sirius Potter, head over heels, yes I know it’s embarrassing shut up Albus, stop saying “I told you so” Victoire, Lily please stop telling me I am “whipped” I’m already well aware in love. James is, unbelievably, the last person to realize this, because Teddy is incredibly suave and cool (correction: because James inherited his dad’s tendency to see what he thinks is there). James thinks Teddy could never in a million years like him so that’s what he sees, meanwhile Teddy is banging his head on the wall (metaphorically or literally? you decide) because all he wants to do is ask James on a fucking date and he can’t get the words to come out of his mouth.
He ends up sending a letter. It tells James he can ignore the letter, but if he wants to date Teddy, to please meet him at his local that Thursday night. They hang out the day before and James says nothing about it and Teddy isn’t expecting to see him there until he does, at which point they finally talk, decide to date, and go back to Teddy’s to snog on the couch – not in that order.
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smilingperformer · 6 years
SM087 - Plot, plot, plot ~
Silly title is silly. Anyway, Necrozma Arc has finally started in it’s glory, and the newest episode focuses on building up important lore points about the legend of Alola’s Creation and Alola’s three legendary Pokémon related to said lore. I’ll be focusing on the lore and plot in my thoughts post this time around, so I hope you’ll enjoy it! Without further ado, welcome to the start of the Necrozma Arc in Pocket Monsters Sun & Moon:
A Crisis in Alola! The Darkness That Eats Radiance!
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Since the start of the episode is important to the plot, let me recap it the best I can: Necrozma is shown to be breaking free from some Crystal-like formation, and as it sees Lunala and Solgaleo, who we know as Nebby, it screams in a scary, possibly painful way, and charges at them. As this happens, Satoshi wakes up only to face a cursed sight of Kukui having his coat closed up and wearing a shirt! Kukui isn’t the only one affected: Burnet is also being extra sleepy and is skipping out on morning Ocean trip! And that’s not all: as we learn after the opening, it’s all of the adults in Alola! Even Rocket Gang! (We can scratch any false information of Rocket Gang being teenagers now right?)
Now that I’ve managed to somewhat explain one of the main conflicts of the episode, and the arc, let us move on to explaining the lore bits of the arc that will become important during the arc episodes later on. Since Kukui was supposed to explain about the following information, but was too sleepy and slacky to do it, Kaki is doing the explanation instead! (And I’ll slack of by showing it through screencaps. Maybe Necrozma affecting me as well. I am a young adult after all.)
The Manalo Festival
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This is something I couldn’t understand without subtitles, but is definitely an important lore bit for the future of the arc. I find it clever that they sneaked in the years Pokeani has been airing into this lore. Very sneaky Pokeani team, very sneaky.  We also learn that Manalo and Alola are from the ancient language, where Manalo means “You and I will live together”, while Alola means pretty much what we’ve learned the main treat of the region to be: “To Share”. The Legendary Pokemon in question of the festival is none other than The Radiant One (Kagayaki-sama).
And this is where the next lore point comes to play as well. This time explained by Lilie, who’s been hearing the story about Alola’s Creation from Lusamine herself, ever since she was a small kid. And apparently, Lusamine’s repeating a family tradition with it. It’s actually a continuation from the myth we learned from Acerola back in SM074!
The Myth of Alola’s Creation
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Pretty neat bed-time story isn’t it! The emissaries of light are of course Lunala and Solgaleo, while the ends of the sky is a way of describing an Ultra Hole. When you start thinking about the very start of the episode, this story starts making a lot of sence, as it seems to be occuring right at that moment. This bit of lore has made me believe that the main goal of this Arc is for Lunala and Solgaleo to help Necrozma regain its lost light after awaking from it’s long slumber.
But as myths always are, the stories tend to get trimmed over time and important parts of it will become lost. I believe the bit that has been lost in the myth is how Necrozma without light is in constant pain (the scream it makes both at the beginning and the end of the episode makes me highly believe this is the case. It sounds painful), and will use any means to get its light back. That includes its ability to fuse with Lunala and Solgaleo, which is what makes it become Ultra Necrozma, The Radiant One. No one who knows the myth of The Radiant One in Alola seems to know about this bit thou, which highly makes me believe the people of Alola will be shocked after they learn the truth.
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Whatever the case, Bebenom is shown to be very curious about The Radiant One in this episode, as it’s been in previous cases. And it seems to sense that the arrival of Necrozma is incoming, and whatever is happening in Alola as of now (with Mysterious Clouds hanging over Alola Region and all) is related to it. Maybe the situation has it’s wary because of how similar it feels to when its homeworld was sucked out of light?
The Z-moves lacking power
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For some reason, I saw people claiming this wasn’t important at all, but let me tell you, this bit is extremely important bit to the plot! As we know from the games, and as it is confirmed by Burnet later on in the episode as well, Z-moves power originates from the Ultra Aura that is surrounding Alola, and this Ultra Aura originates from the Ultra Wormhole. And, we also learn later on (more about it later in this post), the whole reason Adults seem to be affected this way is because of a tiny Ultra Wormhole that is sucking Alola’s Ultra Aura, diminishing the amount of it bit by bit. So the reason Z-moves are acting less powerful is because of the same cause as Adults being tired and acting weird. I’m telling you, do not shrug this plot point off as nothing! It will play a part later on! It’s the story-telling 101. Show a plot point, explain it later, solve it later. This will most likely play a huge role with Ultranecrozium Z as well. Hoo boy am I scared of seeing that.
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During this scene Bebenom also gets inspired to draw Ultra Necrozma’s symbol. But more about that later!
The tiny Ultra Wormhole sucking up Alola’s Ultra Aura
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Pretty much what I explained briefly before. But this time explained by Burnet and Wicke! Let me fastforward the episode for more information!
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Thou before that, let it be known that Rocket Gang has noticed the opening of the tiny Ultra Wormhole as well, and are heading to Alola, lead by none other than Matori! And as we know, they’re coming to get The Radiant One. Anyway, fastforward to when the Ultra Guardians and Aether Foundation team gather at the Altar of the Sunne:
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(Looks like a full day passed since the episode started, meaning the Solar Eclipse is happening in just one day!)
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To anyone believing the Adults only being affected by this won’t be explained, please listen to this dialogue! Because they are acknowledging it, I’m very certain we’ll learn the full reason for this later down the road of the arc. Again, story-telling 101: introduce plot point, explore it, find the explanation.
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That hole being the tiny one they found out about earlier in the episode (they also explained it to the Ultra Guardians here). When the new member of the Ultra Guardians team, Gladio, asks about an UB possibly coming out of it, Lusamine tells that if the hole grows larger, there’s def a chance for it. To which Burnet continues.
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After small comic relief of Wicke being harsh on Sauboh (unintentionally, because of being tired), Sauboh continues from this:
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See? The Clouds itself aren’t the cause of the crisis. They are only one of the outcomes of the crisis happening. So, today’s mission is for the Z-users of Ultra Guardians to power up this machine, so that the clouds can be taken out of the way to help locate the tiny Wormhole before anything else happens.
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Here’s the bit that explains the Z-Power lore!
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So, the Ultra Guardians fire of their Z-moves, and the clouds are taken out of the way.
The Ancient Painting regarding Alola’s Creation Myth
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I actually talked about this a week ago after the preview, so I don’t want to go into detail anymore, but what I want to correct is that Solgaleo actually does have it’s face, but it’s drawn in an ancient akward way. Also, as I was being corrected on, there are Trumbeak in this painting.
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Bebenom is shown very, very interested in the painting, and definitely knows about the symbol. And this is very well acknowledged by Rotom and Satoshi!
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We once again see that curious, lore-loving Lusamine here. Even when she’s tired, she wants to unlock the mysteries of the ancient myth behind Necrozma. And I’m telling you, I’m certain desciphering this painting is part of the arc. Maybe, possibly during the next episode or two, Lusamine will be trying to uncover the mystery of this painting, while the Ultra Guardians will be trying to Protect Lunala. Speaking off which, we have now reached the end of the episode, where the amazing stuff starts!
The Arrival of Necrozma
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After Burnet calls the squad to come back up because of the tiny Ultra Wormhole getting bigger, we finally see Lunala in its full glory, arriving from the hole! But what’s more…
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(Did I forget to explain why Gladio is here? He’s here because Silvuddy is scared of the presence Necrozma is giving off through the tiny wormhole, and I bet it’ll increase with the arrival of the being! Speaking of which)
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Necrozma arrives right behind Lunala, tearing through the Ultra Wormhole, and making that same scream it did at the beginning of the episode.
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Everyone’s reactions say a ton about the situation. This is after Necrozma screamed. Lusamine’s reaction somehow feels more curious than worry or scare. I’m sure she’ll realise this is not the time to be curious during next episode. She has learned the lesson back in Aether Arc after all.
And I have to say this right now: this scene right here has by far my favourite track in the whole series of Pokeani now! The Guitar, the atmosphere, the sound, everything about is so god damn glorious and I want the OST of this series so bad now. Sony, you’re the guys licensing the music, pleaaaaase release the OST!
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The End of the episode! Honestly, this is a great start for what seems to be growing into an amazing Arc, and I can’t wait to see the next episode! The music in this episode was excellent, the plot reveals and lore explanations were a delight and the return of Gladio and arrival of both Lunala and Necrozma has be extemely hyped! Necrozma Arc, bring it on!
If I forgot to talk about a certain plot point, please point it out. I wrote this as I rewatched the episode, so I should not have missed out on anything, but, I’m a human, and humans make mistakes. (And I was kinda unfocused during this process. God damn.)
Also, Ishizuka was back to narrating this episode, and honestly the death of him is still affecting the way I hear his dialogue in this episode. ;-;
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The PokeProblem segment has Mao’s Papa returning from having spend this… whole time (?) at Yareyutan’s bar, to which Yareyutan just… sighs. Oh dear. A good mood lighter after the plot-heavy episode. Not too comical, and not too serious. I like it.
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Next week, Matori shows how good of a secretary she is to Sakaki, and the Rocket Gang’s special Unit arrives to Alola to capture Necrozma, who fights with Lunala, as it seems to eventually manage to fuse with it. Looks to be a action-heavy episode, with Bebenom somehow looking scared D: Everyone, protect the poison baby!
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SM088 - Lunala VS UB: BLACK! A Battle at Full Moon!!
And as Gozu says at the end of the preview: Watch it, or you’ll suffer That!
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you all in the next post!
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lifemessesofkj · 6 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch Review: Season  4B, Queens of [Semi] Darkness, Heroes and Villains
Where We Started: Storybrooke, Maine, Enchanted Forest
Where We Ended: Storybrooke Maine
Curse Count: 5? (The Author transported them all to  a different land and erased everyone’s memories, that is the criteria, right?)
Dwarf count: 7 (temporarily down to 6)
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Can I just say something? The Queens of Darkness AREN’T THAT DARK. I loved this arc when it aired. Look at those villainous powerful women teaming up to get what the want. Except that, turns out, Mal and Ursula were quickly won over, and that Cruella, the only truly DARK Queen, had long ago been muzzled by the Author. Just a quick moment here to say that I actually loved ALL the back story and story lines of all these kweens, and they were all acted out well.
Also, in quick answer to one of my earlier reviews, Mary Margret wears the wedding/engagement ring from Charmings mother so I guess they are calling themselves married in every land?
So we get a bunch more Emma and Lilith backstory. Which was great. Emma might have been pissed at her parents, but personally, I found it refreshing that Snowing had a little bit of Darkness in them. The first time I watched I didn’t love the casting on adult Lily, but this time around, they had VERY similar voices in how they said certain sounds. 
I honestly forgot a lot of what happened in the earlier seasons. I kind of thought this finale was what got me on twitter, and eventually on my old blog, but I think that was the season 5A finale, which will be the next one I cover. I definitely cover the end of season 5 week by week as well as several other shows, which is honestly what I would love to do on this blog but I just don’t have the kinnd of time anymore. We’ll get to this finale in a but, because in my rewatch I have to say this two-parter might be my favorite so far. 
So right off the bat, the Queens of Darkness roll into town and sneak Gold back in because you know, why not? (”I suppose we should go see what is killing property values this time.”) Also we learn that Emma is the one who has the most potential for darkness, NOT Regina (”Is there a dwarf named Evilly? It’s me!”-except honey it wasn’t). And Emma does set herself up pretty good to go down the path of Darkness. Every time she does anything remotely unethical she gives an excuse as to why that is not the same as “going dark”. Which is EXACTLY what all the villians in this show say. Rumple JUST wants to protect his son/wife/self. Regina JUST wants to avenge Daniel. Zelena JUST wants to get what she was denied. Now Emma is JUST protecting Henry and JUST grieving. 
One of the things I loved was actually when Lily is asking Emma for help and Emma is REALLY judgmental about Lily making better choices. Knowing what we now know OF COURSE Emma finds it easy to say that. Her potential for darkness is all removed. Lily isn’t just dealing with the regular teenage struggles of ethics  but also extra dark potential. (which of course the line gets a little blurred for Emma as well, even without it, also like, I hate to be the one to point this out, but Emma suddenly ages A LOT, her Neal Cassidy romance happens when she is 18). Also for a minute or to I forgot that the Apprentice tells Lily about where she comes from and I was REALLY MAD that she had a murder-board style investigation into Emma and Storybrooke because like unless you have to book and are Henry THERE’S NO WAY anyone just looks at this blonde foster kids and goes SHE MUST BE FROM A FAIRYTALE LAND. Nobody would jump to that conclusion EVER so like I’m glad that bus scene happened later in the episode. Also, like Lily wants to stick around and find out who her father is, and I forgot this was even a thing UNTIL THE SERIES FINALE IN SEASON 7. Yep, you wanna know who did it with a Dragon, you gotta wait until the final episode of the show.
I honestly don’t really have a lot to say about the Queens themselves. Ursula flips first after Killian rights and old wrong with her. Ursula is both the sea witch AND The Little Mermaid in this interpretation AND I LOVE IT. But she flips early and goes home, very much like how later Regina doesn’t change anything about her story after all. Mal kinda flips back and forth, it’s pretty obvious she’s just with the Queens this time around to get what she wants, she doesn’t really care for Rumple’s overall plan. Cruella has probably my favorite back story. We spend the entire episode thinking she’s the victim and that she’s about to have this Cinderella moment and then BAM she’s actually been a compulsive killer from a young age. But as I mentioned earlier, the Author is HORRIFIED by her and writes that she can never again take the life of another. I think whoever cast Victoria Smurfit was a genius (”Blasted birds, I’ll show you what angry looks like.”) (Faith and I used to text each other lines from the show before I had twitterr and we had a tumblr together and I wish I had screenshotted more, because I very specifically remember this line being discussed at length.) Emma throws Cruella off the cliff, believing Henry’s life to be in danger (the fact that she wields a gun so frequently without being able to fire is a little off-putting, she does it several times). Also I don’t know where to fit this in, but they return Pinocchio to his August form and ah man he’s fantastic. 
Mal totally flips against Rumple after making Emma and Regina go on the GREATEST road trip of all time. I never really got the Swan Queen thing, but on this road trip right here, ehn, there was a glimmer. I squealed a little when Regina said that she would go get a tire ad sent Emma for the coffee. Like, sure maybe a little more fate was involved, but this is just a few episodes after Regina being quite insistent that she’s “a queen, and a LITTLE more refined”. She never seems like a person who’s going to volunteer to go anywhere near a mechanic when given the choice not to. Also finally a reminder that this show started in Boston and not in New York. I was little worried that Emma’s precipice of darkness was going to cause her to ram both that car she stole (the license plate just said SYLVIA) and her iconic (I guess also stolen) yellow bug off the road. We get to New York where Regina is finally able to confront Zelena about posing as Marion and like how did we go half a season without ZELENA. I think that might have been my problem with 4A. Mal is left in charge of Belle’s heart, which Regina has conveniently borrowed as leverage which leads to what might be one of the most iconic duos since Captain Charming, Rumplestiltskin and Will Scarlett.
Also QUICK backtrack. When WE find out Marion is Zelena, much earlier than Regina finds out, WE ALSO GET AN EXPLANATION FOR RECASTING ROBIN. In case this is your first time seeing one of these, I’ve been hinting about this since VERY early on. We first see the character of Robin Hood introduced in one the season two Belle story lines. He’s got a bow that never misses (we see how he got that in this season 4 episode) and is played by Tom Ellis. Tom Ellis has some scheduling conflicts and they need to recast and honestly he was only in that one episode so I wouldn’t have noticed, but clearly some people did. Robin escapes the Dark One (a rare feat) and we don’t see him again until Baelfire goes to his father’s castle in 3A and Robin has set up there in the time since the curse. Robin is now played by our love, Sean Maguire. We find out he’s Regina’s second chance at true love, and then he becomes a recurring character after they are sent back to the Enchanted Forest by Pan. In this season we learn that Robin had met the Dark One once before the robbery in his Sean Maguire face. He is sent to Oz to steal from Zelena, which he does in SPECTACULAR fashion. He’s sent to steal this heart potion for Rumple, which he gets, as well as that magic bow I mentioned, and (this is the big one) A SIX LEAF CLOVER FROM OZ. This is how he disguised himself from Rumple during the robbery. It’s also how Zelena has been posing as Marion. Also further irony is added to the Rumple-Will team up, as Robin decides to give Will the potion he was sent to steal and screws over the Dark One, which is why he says if his path ever crosses with the Dark One again, he’ll use the Six Leaf Clover to conceal his true identity.
Zelena is preggers with Robin’s baby, and we find out Regina can never have biological children because of a potion she drank to isolate herself from her mother (ALL SNOW HAD TO DO WAS OUTLIVE REGINA THIS WHOLE TIME). This is really interesting because this is yet another thing that Snow and Regina have/had in common because if you’ll remember a few seasons back, Snow drank that same potion, and Charming’s mother sacrificed her life to reverse the effects. Regina decides not to have her story changed because she finally feels accepted by the rest of the fam and has Robin back and her life is going pretty good.
Cue. The. Chaos. The Author returns to Rumple, who is dying as his heart turns to coal, because apparently several hundred years of dark magic has consequences. The Author, Isaac, writes a new story, and revokes his own author privileges by writing his own happy ending. And bam, suddenly everyone but Henry is back in the Enchanted Forest and playing each other’s roles. I like this episode, because as much as “the rules have changed” the RULES ARE STILL THE SAME. Villains aren’t actually getting happy endings, the people who were villains are just now in the “hero” roles. And we get a pretty solid definition of who is a hero and who is not. (I am suddenly reminded by the What If episode of Grey’s Anatomy where everyone’s life is different but in the end not as different as we’ve thought) People who are now Villains or miserable are our real heroes. This is interesting because Snow and Regina have traded places, and both are unhappy. Also David is the new Huntsman type character, a servant controlled by the queen via his heart. Emma’s locked in tower and alternate Hook (who’s got no spine or rum) dies. You know who’s doing great? Rumplestiltskin The Light One, Ogre-slayer, his wife Belle, and their ‘son’ Neal (stole a baby from Snowing, cause that’s what Rumple is known for).
Henry saves his mom to convince his other mom that she needs to crash a wedding. But it’s really Emma’s speech about losing Hook without ever telling him she loved him that rouses Regina to take a chance. But Regina doesn’t go into the church to crash the wedding, instead she takes a hit for Henry, out of? Muscle memory of their true love? Her “hero” status in this story? We don’t really know or care. What we do care about is that her sacrifice makes her a Savior and that’s good enough for the magic ink (we’re kind of surprised in 5B that there are other saviors besides Emma, but like thinking back, the Author had lots of ink long before Emma existed, so). Henry ends up being the new Author and writes everything back to normal, resulting in some of the best reunion scenes.
There’s a moment or two where Hook is not where they left him and Snowing look at each other like “Oh crap we murdered our daughter’s boyfriend and we JUST got her to forgive us for the last thing”. And then he’s there and she runs upstairs but DOESN’T SAY SHE LOVES HIM. Everyone’s celebrating, except apparently Belle, who happens upon her dying husband, who tells her they’re all in danger because the darkness will be free of him. Henry snaps the Author’s pen to eliminate the temptation to change rather than record in a way that is very Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
They finally release the Sorcerer’s Apprentice (if they’d released him when they released the fairies, none of them would’ve gone looking for Isaac in the first place, but whatever). and Rumple’s human life is saved, but the Hat can’t contain the Darkness as they’d hoped. It tries for a few light magical targets, The Apprentice, then Regina. 
I love this scene so I’m just going to break it down. Regina is being consumed by the darkness because she’s more light than dark now. Emma realizes they have to make someone else into a Dark One and decides it’s going to be her, Regina has worked too hard for a happy ending to have it destroyed this way. Emma turns to her parents and says “You figured out how to take the darkness out of me once. I need you to do it again, as heroes.” Killian realizes what she’s doing and runs forward begging her not to. Emma says she loves him for what we know is the first time. She thrusts the dagger into the Darkness and it starts consuming her. Snowing is horrified because it’s their worst nightmare, Hook is looking devastated, Robin and Regina grab each other both relieved and horrified. Emma’s in the Darkness spirally tendrils and then it kinda lifts her up and then Vanishes and the Dark One dagger falls to the ground and Emma’s gone. We zoom in on the dagger and it reads Emma Swan (how relieved do you think they were not to have another long name like RUMPLESTILTSKIN to put on the dagger, no wonder he only ever has one name-that’s right we have NO IDEA what Mr. Gold’s first name is or if he has one.
In case you didn’t care to read my description, here’s the scene. And that’s season 4 wrapped.
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lubdubsworld · 7 years
Open the eyes ( of my heart) ( Min Yoongi / Oc.
Au : Yoongi marries his brothers fiance when his brother makes a better match. He thinks Y/N is still in love with his brother .
this was for the anon who wanted me to write a fluffy Yoongi... 
Rating : M for now. 
I know, i know i shouldn’t be starting another fic but this one just wrote itself.?? 
Prologue : 
Yoongi  watched her covertly, the slender frame draped in ivory silk and lace, her hair braided with tiny white flowers that looked like miniature stars in her ebony hair. She was smiling for everyone's benefit, but he'd spent a long time memorizing those features. He could pick out the slight tilt in her smile, the little sheen of unshed tears and the nervous way she clutched her wedding gown. It made him angry and helpless , the evidence of how much she did not want to be here . With him. 
Her mother stood near a pillar, looking a little out of place and nervous in the gathering of the most rich and famous people in Korea.He smiled softly and moved towards her, confident of being accepted by the kind woman who pretty much personified his idea of perfect mothers. True to form , she smiled wide and held out a hand, pointing softly at the path leading to the gardens. He nodded , even though he was technically running out of his own wedding. Taking her arm in his, he led her to the enclosed lawn, leading her to one of the gazebos. 
"Your daughter is so beautiful. I'm lucky to marry her." He said honestly, bending to fit his his tall frame under the awning. She smiled and fumbled with the small purse in her hand, pulling out a small notepad and pen.Yoongi watched her scribble into the white surface and read it carefully when she held it out. 
She is the lucky one.
He laughed out loud.
"You may be the first mother in law , in history to ever say that." He said , reaching out to squeeze her hand. She stayed quiet for a few seconds, looking at him with searching brown eyes. He watched the way her feelings played out in her eyes and realized that this was why Y/N was so easy to read. She had been brought up by this incredible , loving giving woman, who wore her heart on her sleeve and the trait had transferred on to her. She could never be untrue to what she truly felt. Which made the whole marriage ahead of him, that much harder. He was abysmal at doing things right and now that some odd twist of fate was offering him a second chance with her, he did not want to screw it up.
She's not happy.
"I love your daughter very much.I'm sorry things worked out this way , but you must believe I did everything I could to set things right." He said,  feeling oddly defensive. She bowed her head in response.
She is very fond of you. Old friends are old friends. 
Yes, Friends. That magical word. He didn't do friends. Especially not with girls who set his nerves on fire. Friendships made you liable. And he'd learned the hard way that liabilities pretty much had a way of teaming together and kicking your ass when you least expected it. Case in point, his forced marriage to  Y/N. 
"She's kind. Kind enough not to kill me on our wedding night maybe. But I'm not putting my hopes up. She does love someone else after all. " He said, only marginally kidding. Even though technically it wasn't his fault that they were in this situation, he doubted if Y/N would see it that way. And he couldn't really blame her.
You believe she loves your brother. 
The words, on paper had a sort of ringing finality to them, making it difficult for him to breathe. He didn't want to see those words written down. Definitely not on his wedding day. He moved to leave but her slender fingers closed on his wrist, tugging insistently. He turned around and blinked.
Don't give up on her. 
That made him smile mirthlessly.
He thought of the ceremony he'd just attended, of the gifts and overflowing wine . The deals that had been signed, the shares that had changed hands and the entire Korean economy that had taken a turn with it. Not to mention the lives that were hanging on the hinge of this marriage. 
Giving up wasn't really an option. 
"The moon looks lovely tonight." 
He blinked at the sound of her voice, momentarily unsure ,  if he was imagining it. He clearly hadn't expected me to come looking for him. Certainly not to the balcony of our wedding night suite. He had discreetly informed his assistant to prepare a separate room for me in the opposite wing. He's also asked a reluctant hoseok to pass on the information to Y/N. 
Yet, here she was, dressed in a laughable excuse for a gown, with more lace and ribbons than he'd care to untie. Not that he was thinking of untying them. Of Course. 
"Did you have trouble finding your room? I can ask someone to take you-"
"I wanted to give you something." She said, hesitating a bit to come closer. He found it oddly endearing , helping her out by shrugging out of his suit jacket and handing it to her. She shook her head and hugged her arms across herself instead. 
"Could you.. could you come inside?"
Curious , he followed her into the suite, noting the way she discreetly led him away from the bedroom and near the sitting room. She chose a single arm chair and settled down, still looking like a startled rabbit. He took pity on her and sat a good ten feet away. 
"This is something that's been in my family for several generations." She said softly, fumbling with the small pocket in her gown and withdrawing a velvet covered ring box. He blinked in disbelief. 
"Wait, is that..."
"Its an infinity ring. It belonged to my great great grandmother and well, she got it from a young boy she fell in love with when she was a little girl."
"Not your great great grandfather?"
"Not my great great grandfather. She carried it till the day she died, wearing it in a little necklace . " She fumbled again and this time drew out a platinum chain with a small catch.
"I don't think..."
"I want you to have it , because of two reasons. One, You are my husband and I meant those vows I said out there. I cannot promise you love Yoongi, but I will be faithful, loyal and I will respect you. I'll be your friend. Two, I want you to look at this ring everytime you get tempted to do something that may jeapordize our ...friendship. I married you because I had to. But that doesn't mean I won't leave you when I want to." She said firmly.
He blinked at the words .
"Wow, an ultimatum. You know, all I heard in that speech is that you don't want to leave me, now." He grinned.
She didn't smile back.
Sighing, he held out a hand, watching the ring catch the light as she dropped it into his palm. He took it and slipped it into his pant pocket , waching as she moved to leave. Near the door, she paused to turn and look at him.    
"So friends?" She asked, smiling lightly.
"Of Course. Old friends are old friends.." He said , enjoying the way the light set her hair glowing.
chapter one : 
Tiger Lilies stand for Pride and Wealth. The one's born with the pleasure of power in their hands, but bear the weight of the crown on their heads.
I woke up sweating, icy fingers squeezing my throat and my tongue as dry as sandpaper. Water. I needed water. There was a cut glass decanter of it, next to my bedside table and I poured myself a glass, taking a generous sip and trying to remember what had made my return to consciousness so suddenly. What had I been dreaming about? 
The answer came to me in disjointed images .
my mother.
my sister.
Shaking my head to clear the haze and taking another quick gulp of the cool water , I swung my legs off the bed, rising up to stand in the middle of the room. The air was stifling, I realized , although it was almost mid winter. Stifling but cold , and I felt myself shiver as an errant breeze swept past me, courtesy the window that had somehow slid open during the night. Moving to the window, I hesitated, staring out into the darkness. my room overlooked the river and even in the darkness the steady ebb and flow of the water was clearly visible. Each gentle wave caught some invisible source of light and twinkled merrily .
It was calming, watching the water but it also left my mind free to ponder about things that I didn't really want to think about . Not yet. Maybe it wasn't healthy to stifle down painful emotions but the thought of confronting all the pain, disappointment and hurt that was simmering just below the surface of my heart, was nothing short of terrifying. I didn't want to be the girl who suffered a nervous break-down on the night of her marriage. I really didn't. Turning away from the window, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror near the dresser and I sighed. 
I had lost a lot of weight in the two or three weeks leading up to my wedding and despite the endless spa appointments and massages and treatments, the gauntness in my face was clear to see. my cheeks were thinner, the area around my eyes looked a little grayish and the pallor of my skin looked decidedly unhealthy. Only my hair had somehow stayed unaffected, looking glossy and healthy with a extra bounce and shine. The tips fell past my back now, almost touching my waistline. I had never been fond of over long hair but I liked this new look. It was so easy to hide behind long hair. 
Despite myself I felt myself remembering the day everything had changed.
 I had been so eager to get my hair styled for the press conference. The one that would announce me as Yunsu 's future bride. What had happened that day, I thought wildly...Everything had been going so smoothly..... And then ...
"You're awake?" 
the voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I took two steps back, fingers moving to my mouth to stifle the scream that threatened to burst out of me. Yoongi stood at the door, his lean frame effectively filling the entire doorframe. 
"I... What are you doing here?" I blinked at him. To my discomfort, he stepped in, lightly closing the door behind himself. I stared at him beseechingly , not entirely sure I wanted to know what he was up to.
"Don't be upset. I just got news that some paparazzi might still be in the building and well, it would be bad news if they caught us coming out of opposite ends of the hotel after our wedding night. I'll sleep on the couch, so you needn't worry." He said casually, already moving to the small couch in the corner of the suite. I could only stare in disbelief. 
"Paparazzi? If they're in the hotel, why aren't you kicking them out?" I said , confused. 
"Well, it's a little past one in the morning, honey. I don't think it would be fair to the other guests if I went around demanding to check all the rooms . " He said it with an amused tint to his tone. I flushed and looked away. I wasn't even sure how I felt about this. I knew my mind wanted to feel furious  but I was too exhausted to feel anything but tired. 
As I stood there, uncertain what to do, I noticed that he was twice as long as the couch and it made me want to laugh. Shaking my head , I walked over to him and lightly prodded his shoulders. He peered over his comforter .
"You can sleep in the bed with me. It's big enough for both of us." I said calmly. It was true. I didn't feel anything for him other than than friendly affection and I certainly didn't want him to sleep on that minuscule couch when he was technically the owner of the entire building. 
To my surprise he gave me a heart stopping grin, before jumping up and walking over to the bed in two long strides. Before I could say another word he had settled in, pulled the blanket over himself and turned away from me. I glanced at his back, noting the lean lines and realized that I wasn't the only one who had lost weight. Yoongi looked thin as well, his lean waist and broad shoulders offsetting the stark pallor of his face .
Smiling despite myself, I slid into the opposite side of my bed. I didn't really blame him for all the things that had happened. Not really. Of course, he could've stopped the marriage if he wanted to but I knew, deep down that it didn't work that way in real life. Cinderella stories were all good in books and dramas but in real life people had a way of choosing the easy way out. Not that I thought Yunsu had chosen the easy way out by marrying someone else but.... 
Sighing I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I didn't want to spend another sleepless night going over the same things over and over again.
I had married Yoongi.
By choice.
Even though his father had given my father an ultimatum about it, deep down I knew I would have agreed anyway.
I had felt...something for Yoongi, watching him struggling to get his feet back on the ground after the accident and knowing that I could help him out , I had made the decision. I had told myself a billion times that I wouldn't regret it. That I would do my best to make it work, because...well because Yoongi deserved it. 
We may not love each other but there was no reason we shouldn't have a civil marriage , based on friendship and mutual respect. 
And a small part of me had wanted to get back at Yunsu as well. 
I turned away to the wall, staring sightlessly at the paintings on the wall, feeling the first gentle tug of sleep on my senses when his smooth, deep voice came drifting over. 
"Do you hate me , Y/N?" he asked, gently. 
The words felt like a dousing of cold water and I felt chilled to my bones. Hate was such a strong and evil thing to feel and I realized with a shock that I felt stupidly, ridiculously hurt that he would think me capable of something like that. 
"Why would you think that? I've done nothing but agree to all your requests" my voice trembled a little. 
"That's precisely why I'm asking." He replied .
I bit my lips , not sure what to say and finally gave up trying to do the right thing. 
"I'm not happy." I admitted weakly. 
Silence greeted my words and another cold breeze picked up somewhere. I hugged myself tighter and waited for him to reply. The silence felt oddly suffocating and I felt like a drowning child. So I rushed to fill the air.
"I'm not an idiot, you know. I know that fairytales don't exist in real life. I know its irrational for me to think that Yunsu could just throw it all away for me. And i certainly don't stay up nights wishing he had fought for me a little harder.." The words caught in my throat and I swallowed the sob that rose inside my.
I couldn't cry! Not in front of him. 
"Is that how you see yourself?" He said softly. 
"Don't you?" I said helplessly. I was so tired and so exhausted. I wanted to sleep and never wake up. 
Again the silence , hard and cold. 
and then I went stiff as a board when I felt his arm around me, pulling me close till I was nestled against his chest, warmth radiating from every inch of him as his jaw rested against the side of my head.
"When I look at you I see a girl who has hair like silk, that tumbles down my back in ways that defy all laws of nature. I only see that warm glow on your face, the way it seems to reflect all the warmth and kindness inside you. when I look at you, sometimes , I'm practically consumed by the savage, mindless, visceral yearning. It makes me want to draw you close and do something positively savage to you." His hot breath brushed my ear and I knew I'd skipped a couple of heartbeats. 
But he wasn't finished. 
"I admire your fierce loyalty to your mom and sister and your brave resourceful spirit. I'm driven wild, knowing that somewhere inside you is some untapped well of passion and heat and desire that no one has touched yet. And i want it. Desperately. Like a man dying of thirst needs water. And I want it all for myself. " He said, brushing his lips across my bow. 
Before I could reply, he moved away from me, getting out of bed in one strong movement. 
"This isn't going to work. I'll take the couch in the sitting room." 
And he went out of the room, lightly closing the door behind him. 
"These are too much!" I protested, wide eyed and shocked at the number of dresses littering the couch in front of me. Shades of blue, green and yellow lay scattered all over , their patterns muted and depressing. 
" You're not a nobody. you're the wife of a successful, wealthy businessman. Your duty to your husband extends to your wardrobe. When you appear in public, embarrassing Yoongi shouldn't be an option." Mrs. Min said in a matter-of-fact tone. I struggled not to take offense. I knew that the lady was just being honest. 
Next to  her,  Yoongi's sister, Yoojin looked bored and impatient. My sister glanced at both the ladies and suddenly grabbed my arm. 
"Mrs . Min can we please continue after lunch?" she said brusquely, ignoring the older lady's protests and grabbing my wrist in a painful grip. i barely bowed before being dragged out of the shop while an angry Mrs. Lee called out after us. 
My sister stopped near a small icecream parlor before releasing me.
"what are you doing? " 
"There's something I need to ask you." she said eagerly.
i blinked.
" Do you intend to stay married to Yoongi  forever? Have you forgotten Yunsu." she said urgently. I moved back and glared at her.
"I don't see how you could think something like that!! " I said seriously. 
" Yunsu is thinking of dissolving his marriage." 
Ringing silence met her words and I felt the world tilt on its axis.
"what?" I whispered.
"I wasn't planning on telling this to you. I care for Yunsu and You. And ultimately i do believe that you and Yunsu have something...special. I wouldn't want you guys  to live a miserable life because of the people around you."she said bitterly. 
"You think I can get out of this marriage?" I shook my head . It made no sense to me. 
"I think you're both idiots who believe in doing the right thing even if it means crushing your own dreams. I don't find your actions heroic. If you love someone, if being with someone makes you happy, you should be with them. Yunsu's wife makes even Mrs. Min look like a Disney princess by comparison and I'm not saying it will be easy. But you need to think about this. If you are willing to put everything on the line for Yunsu. think about it."
I made to move away but Eun Sang quickly grabbed my wrist. 
"What are you talking about? You sound insane. I'm married and Yunsu's married.. what could possibly change?" I said, confused. And hopeful. The thought of being with yunsu made me giddy with relief for so many reasons. Yunsu was so familiar, so sweet and so good to me. 
So unlike Yoongi who made my breath stop and my heart pound. 
"He wanted me to tell you he's working on a plan. " she muttered , reluctantly. 
"Did he say he wanted to meet me?" I said urgently. 
Bona looked thoughtful and then shook her head.
"not now. Next week, there's a charity Gala for my mother's NGO. I think Yunsuand his wife will visit then. Just make sure you accompany Yoongi when he comes. I'll find a way to make you two meet. "
"Next week?" 
"Next Week."
Guilt washed over me as I accepted the rest of the shopping, trying on outfits and even picking one out for the supposed Gala. I couldn't help but feel that Yoongi would be crushed if he found out my reason for wanting to attend. But I knew that it was immaterial.Yoongi knew about me and Yunsu. He may be infatuated with me now, but he deserved to be married to a girl who could return his love.
Not a girl who loved someone else. 
So really I was doing him a favor. 
Author's note. : comments are really welcome!! i really love it when you guys come talk to me about what you thought ....
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asktheboywholived · 7 years
Hi TT :), I just went on your marauders threads masterpost and none of the links worked. Honestly it might be my computer (I have a super nasty virus atm) but then it might not be. To give you an idea, every time i scroll over the links the typing cursor comes up (y'know the one with the lines that highlights stuff) I've refreshed the page quite a few times and nothing seems to be working. I will carry on refreshing and see if it will work, but for now I just thought you ought to know :)
(( OOC: Yeah, I’m not sure what’s going on there. :P I’ll try and get that fixed… but in the meantime… let’s see if this works: 
Yer A Witch Lily!
After receiving her letter from Hogwarts, Lily wants to tell Petunia, however the conversation quickly takes a turn for the worst.
Love At First Sight
Lily Evans is the most perfect girl James has ever seen! Maybe if he pulls some smooth moves, she’ll fall for him… and maybe not.
Love At First Sight (Baby Marauder Version)
Just A Little Crushed
Frank and Alice have a chat, and it goes south quickly.
Unwanted Attention
Alice is cornered by a persistent Gryffindor who can’t seem to take a hint… or a blatant NO.
Wanted Attention
Frank has a question for Alice… and he’s beyond nervous to ask it.
Lily’s Birthday
Severus wants this birthday to be special. Lily’s worth the effort.
Shower Encounter Part 1
The Prefects bathroom is the nicest bathroom in the school, so of course Lily wants to use it… but it looks like James Potter forgot to lock to the door.
Knock it off!
James just doesn’t know when to quite being obnoxious… but Lily is more than willing to help.
Don’t Sell Yourself Short:
Sirius finds Remus fretting over a new scar after the full moon.
Part 1
Part 2
Shower Encounter Part 2
Lily is about to get some sweet, sweet revenge.
Sirius has some female admirers, and they have a bad habit of “finding” his clothes and wearing them… but what happens when he has no clothes left?
Drunk Antics
Lily may have celebrated a little too hard after Gryffindor’s latest quidditch victory.
The Rat
Peter seems very comfortable in his rat form… until Mrs. Norris shows up.
Keep Away
James and Severus were rivals from the moment they set eyes on each other, but they both have a common interest… and that scares James.  
Question for Evans
James tries to pull the moves on Lily, but her reaction is less than favorable.
Snape’s Worst Memory
Severus says something unforgivable… something he’ll forever regret.
Sirius’s home-life has taken a turn for the worst… and the only place he can go is his sanctuary… the Potter’s.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Sugar Rush
After getting his hands on some cupcakes… Sirius is a little hyper.
We Will Rock You
The marauders are only mild sports fans…… mild.
James and Sirius are the bestest of bros.
Meet the Blacks
Andromeda is engaged to a muggleborn, and the only member of the Black family she trusts enough to tell is Sirius.
The Yule Ball
The night didn’t turning out how Lily had envisioned, but James has a knack of showing up when she’s feeling down.
Sass Off
Dorcus and Marlene are dating… but Dorcas can’t help but feel that maybe Marlene’s feelings still reside with her old crush.
Blood Moon
Sirius, fed up with Severus, has told him about the Whomping Willow… during a full moon. James may be the only one who can save him.
You Fool Of A Black!
After rescuing Snape, James confronts Sirius about his dangerous little “prank”.
The Werewolf In The Shack
After Sirius tells Snape about the whomping willow and everything goes to hell… Remus starts to remember what happened.
The Shunned:
Sirius made a big, big mistake, and now he’s paying for it.
Part 1
Part 2
Merry Christmas Werewolf McWerewolf:
There’s a full moon on Christmas, and the Marauders want to spend it with Remus… but after Remus uses every form of persuasion he can think of, begging his friends to enjoy Christmas with their families, they begrudgingly agree to head home for the holidays.
However, as Sirius gets ready for the Potter’s Christmas party, he can’t stop thinking about Remus.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Remus Doesn’t Know Shit About Quidditch:
Looks like something is going on between Remus and Sirius… and Lily is going to get to the bottom of it.
Part 1
Part 2
Severus hasn’t forgiven James for saving him… and he’s been working on a little something… something just for Potter.  
Joining The Order 1
The war is starting to hit home, and Frank wants to make a difference.
Drunk Antics Part 2
When the boys get ahold of some “fire whiskey”… things get a little crazy.
Sore Loser
James just cost Gryffindor the match, so, of course… he’s going to bitch about it.
The Monster Under the Bed
Remus has an unexpected, and very unwelcome, late-night visitor.
Can’t Sleep
Remus and Sirius are no strangers to nightmares… and after a particularly frightening one, Remus can’t get back to sleep.
You Wish
Like father like son.
She Likes Me… She Likes Me Not
Lily has a confession to make… a confession that Severus never wanted to hear.
James and Lily have gradually become friends… but James still can’t help but want more.
Just Friends:
James Potter has been chasing Lily Evans, the girl of his dreams, for 7 years. However, after a heart-to-heart with Sirius, James realizes that Lily may never return his affections, no matter how much he likes her. Maybe… it’s time to move on.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Wallflower 1
The Yule Ball has come again, and Lily has finally said yes to going with James… there’s just one problem… James is sick.
Wallflower 2
The Yule Ball has come again, and Remus isn’t attending… or at least, that’s what Sirius thought.
A Visit With Evans
James has never been in a real, muggle house… and even better, it’s Lily-Freakin-Evan’s house… this day could not get any better!
The Talk:
James and Lily are having some fun at Lily’s place… but what happens when the parents come home early?
Part 1
Part 2
Dirty Little Secret
Remus has always been ashamed of his scars, and done his best to hide them… but he can’t hide them from everyone.
The Black Plague:
Sirius doesn’t get sick very often… but when he does…
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Mother Dearest:
After receiving unexpected and devastating news, James and Sirius must learn how to accept their grief.  
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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Career Counseling:
The school year is coming to an end, and it’s time for the marauders to start thinking about their futures… but with a war looming, what kind of future can they hope for?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Check Me Out
Now that Lily sees James as more than a friend… she can’t help but notice other things too… particularly how good James Potter looks in that shirt.
Freaky Friday (NSFW):
After an terrible potion mix-up, Remus is going to have to survive a few days walking around in Sirius Black’s body…
Alright… he can handle this.
What he can’t handle is the fact that Sirius is now in his body… and embarrassing Remus seems to be his top priority.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Mirror, Mirror (Extra):
Part 1: Remus
Part 2: Sirius
Put A Ring On It:
James is sweaty and nervous… Why? Because he’s about to propose to the girl of his dreams.
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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Joining The Order 2
Now that Frank is part of the Order, it’s his job to welcome new recruits… but he certainly wasn’t expecting to greet THESE recruits.
Desperate times call for… a really terrible good sense of humor.
Surprise, It’s A Baby!
Lily is pregnant… and… WHO IS THE FATHER!?
Surprise, It’s Another Baby!
Alice has a little secret.
The Hunted:
Sirius and Remus find themselves in a trap… and Remus isn’t prepared to face the person who set that trap… his very own monster under the bed.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Cry Wolf
After being released, Fenrir returns to the Den to find Bellatrix waiting for him… Looks like there’s no better time than the present to put his plans into action. Unfortunately, those plans revolve entirely around Remus Lupin.
Seed of Doubt
Sirius receives an unexpected and unwanted visit from his less-than-stable cousin, and what she has to say may lead to some budding doubts concerning Remus Lupin and his loyalties.  
Dream A Little Dream Of Me Part 1
The fear of war is growing… and now it’s starting to seep into Sirius’s dreams.
Nothing To Lose… Everything To Lose…
The war is taking its toll, and with mortality at the front of everyone’s minds, Sirius can’t hold back anymore.
The Downward Slope
Remus crashes at the Potter’s for the night, but he didn’t know Sirius was going to be there as well. Things have… changed… since the last time they met.
Dream A Little Dream Of Me Part 2
Sirius has been cold and distant. Now he’s made his way into Remus’s dreams.
Power Play:
Crazy just got crazier. Bellatrix isn’t used to having her authority challenged… Fenrir doesn’t care.
Part 1
Don’t Shoot The Messenger
Marlene is gone, and someone has to tell Dorcas.
What Do You Want?
The war is destroying everything… including Sirius’s faith in Remus. But his feelings are still conflicted… and when Remus confronts him, which path will Sirius choose?
The Kids Are Alright Part 1
With babies on the way, Frank and James are feeling a new weight on their shoulders. This war has taken on a whole new meaning.
Having Second Thoughts:
The Marauders are in the middle of a war, and Lily is about to have a child. What were they thinking!?
Part 1
Part 2
Bed Time For Harry
James and Lily haven’t slept in what feels like weeks. Having a baby is exhausting… but Harry just went to sleep. Maybe now they can get some shut eye.
Harry and Sirius are asleep, so it’s time for the adults to play. But… James and Lily seem to have a hard time being “sexy”.  
Super Moon:
Being a double agent is tearing Remus apart, and when he gets trapped with Fenrir during a full moon, things take a turn for the worst.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Thrice Defied:
The war is taking its toll on the marauders, and James and Lily narrowly escape Voldemort’s clutches for the third time.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Liar, Liar:
Remus’s life has spiraled out of control, and now the only thing he can do is throw himself back into the war… but spying for the Order is a dangerous job, and Fenrir knows something that Remus doesn’t know.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Little One:
Remus has been caught in Fenrir’s twisted web since he was a child… But Fenrir has finally become bored of his little pet, and Remus is about to come face-to-face with a true monster.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dark Times Series:
James and Lily are in a deadly game of hide and seek, and the seeker just found them.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
It’s Too Late To Apologize
Severus finds the Potter’s home in ruins. Lily is gone… and she’s never coming back.
The Man Who Loses Everything:
Remus Lupin’s world has come crashing down around him. Everything has been taken away from him… everything except…
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Just When You Thought It Was Over
Frank and Alice have been captured, and Bellatrix is out for blood… or worse.
The Cursed
Frank and Alice will never be the same.
The Nightmare
Lily was the love of his life, and Severus will never see her again, except in his dreams. But this isn’t a dream… this is a nightmare.  
The Depths of Hell
There is an island, where the inhabitants have been forgotten, left to a fate worse than death…
A New Era
Remus has been trapped in Hell since the fall of his closest friends, the people he loved… and now, after years of struggle, he’s on his way back to Hogwarts.
Awkward Reunion
The Order has a new member… and Remus hasn’t seen her in years.
Potty Humor
Tonks really shouldn’t have eaten that…  
Never Be The Same:
After escaping from Azkaban, Sirius goes into hiding with Remus. However, twelve years apart, twelve years of false accusations, twelve years of torture… have left gaping wounds that may never heal.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Veil:
What happens to the people we leave behind?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
King’s Cross
What lies on the other side of the veil?
You Could Be Happy:
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” A story about a werewolf, a metamorphmagus, and finding happiness.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Tonks has a little surprise for Remus.
Tonks has spent the night with Remus for the first time… and now she has the house all to herself… so obviously a bit of “exploring” is in order.  
Remus is now a father… and it feels strangely familiar.
The Kids Are Alright Part 2
With the war hitting closer to home, Neville pays what may be his final visit to his father.
I Open At The Close
The Marauder’s final moments.
James Deer
Lily can’t believe it… James Potter is an animagus?
James thinks it might be time to make up for being an ass.
Truth or Dare (Jily)
Lily and James are stuck at Hogwarts for Christmas… but they find a fun way to pass the time.
Lily can’t stop crying… and James is a flustered mess.
The Art Of Seduction
James pulls out his best moves… which are kind of like everyone else’s worst.
What’s in My (Pockets)?
Tonks likes jackets… and stealing other people’s jackets… well, one person in particular.  
The Whole Package
Remus has it.
Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
These jokes never get old.
A picture is worth a thousand words… but pictures can’t replace what Teddy lost.
Teddy decides to take a walk in the forbidden forest after a restless night… and he finds something on on the ground, an item long forgotten…
Crazy just got crazier. Bellatrix isn’t used to having her authority challenged… Fenrir doesn’t care.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
And They Called It… Puppy Lust
Fenrir and Bellatrix have an… interesting relationship.
Snap Chat
Remus receives a bizarre snap from a total stranger… turns out that stranger has a pretty face framed by some nice, black hair. He might be okay with this.
Remus is working as a bartender at a Gay Club. He’s witnessed a lot of… interesting stuff… But nothing has come close to Sirius Black.
Part 1 (Video):
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Bloopers (Video):
God Save The Queen:
Sirius has been acting strange lately… he keeps taking off at night, and Remus could have sworn he was wearing makeup… Sirius Black is hiding something.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Truth or Dare (Wolfstar)
Sirius gets wrapped up in a game of Truth or Dare… and ends up biting off more than he can chew.
The Morning After (A continuation of “Can’t Sleep”)
Sirius has a bad habit of unconsciously stripping when it gets too hot at night… and apparently Remus does too. This may become a problem if they keep sharing each other’s beds after nightmares wake them up.
The Morning After The Morning After
Remus is starting to have a hard time falling asleep… weird things seem to happen when he falls asleep in Sirius’s bed.
The Morning After The Morning After… The Morning
It’s time for Remus to get even… maybe.
Remus is having a hard time paying attention in class with Sirius sitting across from him.
Things just got a little awkward in Potions class.
Sirius can be such a brat… but so can Remus, especially when chocolate is involved.
Part 1
Part 2
Damn you auto correct…
Wrong Place, Wrong Time 1
James recalls walking in on a not-so-pleasant scene.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time 2
Remus and Sirius are having a moment… but they forgot to lock the door.
Midnight Meetings
It’s getting harder to have some alone time in the dorm… so the boys take their shenanigans to McGonagall’s classroom. Bad move.
Long Hair Don’t Care
Remus grows his hair out, and Sirius can’t handle it.
What Doesn’t Kill You, Leaves A Scar:
Remus has always found his scars ugly… but Sirius is determined to show him otherwise.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
If You Wannit Come n’ Get It:
Sirius stole Remus’s hat… and Remus is trying to get it back… creatively.
Part 1
Part 2
Freudian Slip
Uh………… Whoops!
That Awkward Moment When…
You end up accidentally comparing dick sizes with your best mate.
Never Give a Werewolf Alcohol
James is going to be a father! Sirius and Remus have stayed up to celebrate… but Remus has had one to many drinks, and Sirius is enjoying his drunken companion so much… that he might just let something slip.
After getting very a little tipsy, Sirius receives an unexpected… and very unwelcome… visitor.
Bellybutton Ring (NSFW):
Sirius has had a little too much to drink… As a result, he may be showing off more than Remus is comfortable with.
Part 1
Part 2
Polaroid (NSFW)
Sirius just got a new camera, and Remus has become an unwitting model.
Sleepy Pups
Sirius can’t help it… he just loves to cuddle.
Candy Cane (NSFW)
It’s Christmas and Sirius is enjoying his new candy cane a little too much. That insufferable git.  
Baby It’s Cold Outside:
Remus is being a grinch, so Sirius is going to get him into the Christmas Spirit… and maybe get a little sing-a-long out of him as well.
Up or Down? (NSFW)
Sirius revels in the fact that he can make Remus flustered… using nothing more than his hair.
Don’t Play With Fire (NSFW):
Remus always becomes more aggressive as the full moon draws closer… He has always struggled to control it. But what happens when Sirius decides to threaten that control?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Never Be The Same (Alternative Ending):
After escaping from Azkaban, Sirius goes into hiding with Remus. However, twelve years apart, twelve years of false accusations, twelve years of torture… have left gaping wounds that may never heal.
Part 1
Part 2
Moving On 1
Remus has found someone who makes him happier than he’s ever been… someone who makes him feel safe.  
Moving On 2
Sirius has been locked in a cell for 12 years… and now that he’s out maybe things can pick up where they left off… or, maybe, nothing will ever be the same.
NSFW Wolfstar
Exactly what it sounds like.
After being sorted into Slytherin, Sirius Black’s life takes a complete turn. He never befriends the marauders (in fact, he becomes James Potter’s greatest rival), and he continues to grow up in an abusive home environment, with nowhere to run. Where will this path lead him?
Cornered Animal
A greasy little bird told Sirius a monstrous secret about Remus Lupin… So of course… he’s going to use this information to his advantage.
Sirius and Andromeda used to be close… but with years of abuse and no where to run, Sirius has become a different person. Can Andromeda get through to him, or will he continue down his self-destructive path?
Brotherly Love
Sirius has been through a lot with Regulus. He’s the only one in their crazy family that he can bring himself to care for… but caring just leads to hurt.
It’s A Trap!
Remus is sent on an Order mission to an abandoned mansion… when he arrives, he quickly realizes he’s not the only one there.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ginny Weasley
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Frank Longbottom
Part 1 (James and Sirius)
Part 2 (Sirius and Remus)
Part 3 (Sirius, Frank and Alice)
Progression Of Fralice
Progression Of Jily
Progression Of Wolfstar
574 notes · View notes
mredwinsmith · 7 years
Moments, Movement, and Momentum
The concept of equity is having a moment in the ultimate community.
Maybe you’ve seen that equality vs. equity image of three people trying to watch a baseball game from behind a fence. Maybe you’ve had a conversation about saying person instead of man defense; or seen a shift in ultimate game coverage and broadcast trends; or watched Hana Kawai’s speech challenging USAU and its constituents to prioritize anti-racist, anti-classist action in intersection with gender equity projects.
It’s tough to think about the push for gender, race, and class equity as having “a moment.” Systemic oppression has existed, inside and outside of ultimate, enduringly. Movement towards equity has been most indispensable outside the world of ultimate because out there, it impacts people more urgently. It’s all-encompassing. It’s life and death.
Movement towards equity in ultimate is vital too. But if you’re wondering why the movement has felt a bit like a trend – like it’s not so all-encompassing – it’s because things come to a head in a very different way in ultimate. Folks dealing with issues of access or inclusivity often aren’t in the conversation, because many aren’t even in the community.
In the trailer for our film, Opi Payne says, “If you grow up thinking the sky is blue, and everything around you confirms to you that the sky is blue and that’s your experience, but all of a sudden, this whole population says, ‘Actually, the sky is red!’…that’s a jarring experience. Everything you know is being challenged.”
Since we dropped this trailer, people have been writing to share moments in which they had a realization about systems of power in their lives. Some were about facing oppression; others were about understanding their own privilege. We started calling these Sky Is Red moments. We started, to ourselves, redefining moment as a positive. With moments come awareness, understanding, and momentum.
We decided to share some of our own Sky Is Red moments and a bit about why we’re making this film. While it isn’t anyone’s responsibility to share anything of their personal experiences, we hope those who want to will continue to do so. It’s important to us because the more distinct voices we listen to, the more we understand what’s at stake, and why combating inequities in our community is so vital. After all, you can’t fight what you can’t see.
We have two weeks to go to meet our crowdfunding goal. If any of this speaks to you, please help us make this film happen by sharing and supporting our Kickstarter if you can. Thank you!
Brittany, Director/Editor
Living in New York City, I experience Sky Is Red moments every day. It’s a fast-paced city with every possible demographic interacting constantly in the tiniest spaces. Some feel routine, like the catcalls when I bike to work. Or the homeless person on my block sitting in the same spot daily asking for money – class inequity is visibly apparent in the streets of New York, and it is easy to become desensitized to it. I am a white, female, middle class, college-educated frisbee athlete and documentary filmmaker, living in a gentrifying neighborhood in one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world, the same city that has a police force larger than some countries’ militaries. Living in this city gives me daily doses of perspective.
Every day I move from comfortable space to comfortable space, passing by people confronting barriers I have never experienced. Sometimes the moments force me to pause and reflect on my understanding of the world, my sky compared to others. Just last week in the subway, I passed a blind man yelling out, “Somebody help me,” but no one was stopping. I asked him where he was going and gave him verbal directions.  It was only after he told me he’d never find it that way that I took him by the arm and walked him to his destination. This man’s daily routine is being vulnerable in front of strangers, which takes an immense amount of strength. His sky is red. Another time I called 911 and said I had been robbed by a teenager and was asked, “Was he black or Latino?” I felt safe and guilty, hiding behind my whiteness, protected by law enforcement. I knew this was a Sky Is Red moment, but didn’t yet have to tools to process it.
There are also the moments that make me burn inside, the loss of control I feel when someone makes assumptions about me because of my gender. Like the time I edited a commercial in an office full of men, and the client called my work “B-Level.” But when he saw the new version I had edited but was told a man had made the changes, he called it “amazing.” My identity was hidden to please a client. Or the time the executive producer asked if I wanted to babysit his kids for extra money. This was a man who, I found out later, was paying me half as much as the male editors to edit his show. Or the time I was getting field space for my women’s ultimate team and the man in charge laughed and asked, “Girls throw frisbees too?” Sometimes I’m able to take control to change the narrative. Like the night I stayed extra hours working on a Red Bull pilot, to find images of women in extreme sports, a needle in a haystack so that the audience would understand that women can do backflips on snowboards too.
I’ve experienced Sky Is Red moments from many angles, but what next? I have begun to use the lenses of privilege, whiteness, heteronormativity, gender bias, anti-racism, ableism, and intersectionality to better process each moment, thanks to countless individuals working hard to build frameworks of understanding, to push for social change and equity. I am making this film to push you to use these tools to see the sky in a new way. I am making this film for my mom, who dreamed of being a film director and secretly got into film school in the ‘60s, but did not attend because there were no female directors at the time. I am making this film for anyone who has not seen themselves represented in sports media. I am making this film for Tiina, Rhonda, Glo, Suzanne, Kathy, and all the women who were there from the beginning of ultimate. I am making this film for Zara, Chip, Bella Donna, the BU Women’s Team, the YULA girls, Pop, Jenna, Lucy, Lily, and anyone who has chosen to speak up. I am making this film for those who have not yet had the opportunity to access the sport of ultimate. I want this film to make you uncomfortable because those are the moments where the colors in the sky shift. This film is a question, not an answer. What color is your sky?
Julia, Producer
Knowing the sky is not blue, and integrating that perspective and empathy into my life, has been really hard. I do not think it is red for me as it is for others – I am sitting at a burnt orange right now.
When I was less than a year old, my parents traveled to China to bring me back to the States. Two years later, my brother was adopted from Vietnam, and we were raised in a loving, supportive home in Atlanta, GA. I was and am very fortunate. One of the first lessons I learned and experienced: never judge a book by its cover. Two Asian kids, two white parents – despite Atlanta being a large metropolitan city, do not be mistaken; the roots of true Southern culture still remain. Though I did not identify remotely as Asian, or even Asian American, that’s what I looked like.
Moving out to Los Angeles for college, I was in for a culture shock. Asian people were everywhere, especially on campus. The more Asian-identifying friends I made, the more I was supposed to recognize references and appreciate inside jokes as an Asian-looking person. The sky began to change colors. How people perceive me versus how I identify has been something I have shaken off my whole life, but my integration into the ultimate community changed that. People are for the most part open, warm, and welcoming, and they do not care what you look like or where you come from. In the past couple years, I’ve started to take a step back. Do people not care what I look like because I don’t act “fobby,” or because I am athletic or whitewashed? There are a large number of Asian Americans who play ultimate frisbee; what does that mean? Do the systemic imbalances that I grew up with also plague the ultimate community? How hidden are they?
I have also, of course, experienced bias towards me because I am a woman. I work in entertainment – by the numbers and stories, an industry in which there is no shortage of sexists and gender bias. I have played a variety of sports my entire life – by the stats on media coverage and paychecks, a setting in which there is no shortage of sexists and gender bias. Some of my strongest early memories are of being the only girl at baseball camp. In that case, I was celebrated, but why was I the only one there?
Until high school, every year, I had two birthday parties – one to go play football in the park with the boys, and the second to have a sleepover with the girls. My parents’ support my entire life created this bubble in which I grew up encouraged and comfortable in my day-to-day life and in the pursuit of my dreams. Not everyone has that. Inequitable treatment happened to me occasionally, but I brushed it off. In my home growing up, it seemed my gender never mattered, my race never mattered, and our finances never mattered. I was and am privileged. My sky was blue my entire childhood, and it is still not red. There is a lot in between.
I feel lucky to now be a part of the ultimate community, as someone who is actively speaking out and working towards all forms of equity. That being said, we can all do better – much, much better – and it takes a village. I hope with this film to not only further my own perception, education, and empathy, but to provide a consumable source of information for others as well. Let’s all make this film; let’s all take ownership and accountability; let’s all create safe spaces for speaking and listening, for learning and for change. Understand that everyone is in the process of learning and bettering themselves. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. The sky is not red for me and it is okay if it is not for you either, but we can work towards that. Let’s make the sky red together.
Lili, Writer/Director
I’m sitting down to write about my Sky Is Red moment and I am paralyzed by writer’s block. Not because I can’t recall a moment in which I realized something big about equity or power or privilege in my life, but because each moment I come up with seems to leave something out of the whole picture.
Maybe I’ll write about the time a drunk frisbee friend pinned me down on a couch in his home and tried to kiss me. Or the time another pushed me up against a wall and did the same, then forced me to sleep in his bed with him. He passed out; I lay awake scared all night. Both these men are nice, warmly energetic, well-intentioned people in the ultimate community. I eventually confronted both of them. I had to describe, from vivid memory, incidents that they only recalled hazily. They’ve moved on. I haven’t. The sky is red.
Or maybe I’ll write about when a month or so after the 2016 US presidential election, amid reports of emboldened racial violence, I exited an Asian nightclub with my team co-captains. As we stepped onto the street, the sound of gunshots rang out at the corner. We ran into a nearby convenience store and hid in the back, then quietly made our way out on backstreets. Some kids ran by us and yelled, “Someone’s face got blown off!” We’d built a team and played frisbee together for a whole season, but now, wondering if the someone whose face got blown off was Asian, was the first time I’d really thought of us as having a shared Asian-American identity. The sky is red.
I will say that in brainstorming, memories of moments surrounding my female-ness or Asian-American-ness have come far more swiftly than memories of moments in which I recognized and named my own privilege. Of the latter, many feel too raw to share — painful and still a bit unprocessed. One example: watching the video of the chokehold killing of Eric Garner by a New York police officer and crying for days afterwards. Then, a few weeks later, hearing the news of the shooting of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer and sobbing again.
I cried the first time because I watched it happen; I watched Eric Garner say “I can’t breathe” and I watched Daniel Pantaleo murder him. When Darren Wilson murdered Michael Brown several weeks later, I cried because I had forgotten all about Eric Garner already. I had the privilege — it made me sick to think that it should be called privilege — of resuming my day-to-day life without fearing that my brother or dad could be killed without recourse because of the color of their skin. I had a summer league game the day of Eric Garner’s murder and a summer league tournament the day of Michael Brown’s, and I played in both. The sky is red.
I am making this film because one story is so far from the whole picture. For those who are willing to share, I want to make space for you to speak. I am making this film to listen.
The post Moments, Movement, and Momentum appeared first on Skyd Magazine.
from Skyd Magazine http://ift.tt/2iEole3
0 notes
Dreams and Visions (27/51): Of Dragons and Anime
Time Period: BBC
Chapter Summary:  Kitty gets new clothes, meets some kids, and a plan is made to stop a wedding.
Note:  I know zero things about Naruto, so it won't be discussed in detail. Also, Gruner is a weeaboo who likes Naruto, not everyone who likes Naruto is a weeaboo.
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          Kitty didn't come downstairs until nearly noon, which proved Sherlock right about her lack of sleep. John was just starting to wonder whether he should go check on her when he heard a faint thumping from the stairs. He went out to see Kitty sliding down the stairs sitting down one step at a time, taking care not to jar her ankle.
           "Good morning," John said politely. "Need a hand?"
           "I'm alright." Kitty's voice was gruff and John wondered whether she was embarrassed about the night before. He wanted to reassure her, but he wasn't quite sure how.
           "Where's Mr. Holmes?" Kitty asked when she'd limped into the kitchen.
           "He's meeting with one of his informants," John replied. He started up the stove again—omelettes were something he could cook really well, and Kitty looked like she could use some protein.
           “How long have you two been together?”
           “Nearly ten years,” John replied. “We’ve been married for five.”
           “You must love him.”
           “I do. He loves me too, which is handy.”
           They ate in silence. John kept checking his phone, just to make sure that Sherlock hadn't texted, but he hardly ever did when he was with Johnson.
           A thought occurred to him. "You don't have any clothes with you, do you?"
           Kitty stared down at her T-shirt and jeans and looked back at him as though he might be ill in the head.
           "I mean something to change into," John clarified. "Smart-arse."
           Kitty laughed. "No, I didn't bring anything with me. I can go back and fetch something."
           "I don't think that's a good idea," John said. "Sherlock probably wants you handy." He left out the part where he thought the less time Kitty spent in the same place as Gruner, the happier he would be.
           "Well I suppose I'll just stay in these, then," Kitty said with a shrug. "I don't mind."
           John studied her for a moment. "You're about the same size as a friend of ours. Her name's Molly, and we trust her completely. Would it be alright if I asked her to bring you some clothes?"
           Molly was wonderful. Within twenty minutes she was at their door with the twins, their old diaper bag slung over her shoulder. Jacob and Lily were three and had mastered the toilet years before, but it was just the right size for hiding extra clothes.
           "Hello," she said cheerfully. The twins ran to John, who picked them up and slung them over his shoulders. "How's everything going?"
           "Busy as ever, Molly. And how's himself?"
           "Himself is taking a day off tomorrow, which is lovely. We'll be able to take a trip together." Molly glanced over at Kitty. "Hello! John said your name was Kitty?"
           Kitty nodded, suddenly shy. "Yes, Dr. Hooper."
           "Oh don't be silly, Molly's plenty." Molly pulled some T-shirts and a pair of jeans out from the bag. "I hope you like the colours. You can keep them as long as you like."
           "Oh, I'll return them soon, Molly. Just as soon as all..." Kitty glanced at the twins, who were staring at her intently. "As all this is over."
           Molly didn't ask any questions, she was rather wonderful that way. "Well I'll be off, then. Come on, kiddos!"
           "But Mummy, we want to play with Uncle John!"
           "I'll play with them, if you want to have a chat with your friend," Kitty said quickly.
           John blinked in surprise.
           The twins, on the other hand, were ecstatic. "Do you know any good dragon games?" Lily asked her. "I like dragons."
           "I know some excellent dragon games," Kitty said seriously, leading them into the living room. "Now, I was in a bit of a battle with a dragon last night, so you and your brother will have to do most of the leaping, but it'll be fun all the same..."
           John steered Molly into the kitchen, for some reason quite sure that Kitty had this in hand.
           "She's very sweet, " Molly said quietly. "I know you can't tell me everything, but...John, is she in danger?"
           "She very much might be," John whispered back. "Gruner's got a pretty tight hold on her, but the more worrisome part is what he's going to do if he decides that she's no longer useful."
           "But she doesn't care about that, does she?" Molly said. "She just wants to help her friend."
           "Yeah." John frowned as Molly smiled. "What?"
           "She reminds me a lot of you. Of both of you, actually."
           John didn't quite know how to respond to that.
           "What is Sherlock doing right now?"
           "Trying to get some information out of his contacts, see if he can find any weaknesses with Gruner. If at all possible we want to do this without violence—Gruner's powerful, and any little slip could cause a lot of trouble for far too many people."
           Molly pursed her lips. "If I can help at all, just me know."
           John's phone beeped and he dove for it.
           The text was brief and curt. Coming home. Have plan. Love S.
           John smiled. "We may be able to let you know right now."
           Sherlock didn't seem in a rush to talk when he arrived home. He chatted with the twins, consulted on the fort that Kitty was building to be the dragon's cave, and even asked Molly if she and Mike's garden was turning out properly this summer.
           Finally John grew too impatient. "What is it, love?"
           Sherlock shooed the twins off his knee. "Bring your biscuits in to Kitty," he instructed. His smile faded as the two rejoined Kitty under the cushions. "We don't have much time."
           "What did Johnson say?" John asked tensely.
           "Gruner is announcing his engagement to Delia day after tomorrow." Sherlock's lips were tense. "And he never marries with another Blossom alive."
           "So he needs to get rid of Kitty."
           "And two other girls, he calls them Lupin and Pansy. They're both a bit older than Kitty, but they were still after the third wife."
           "So we need to find them."
           "He's got them locked in his basement."
           "Alright, then..."
           "We can protect Delia if we have the book. It'll be enough to call the wedding off, no matter how ensnared she is, and that'll buy us some extra time. "
           "But what about the other girls?" Molly asked, eyes worried. "It's all well and good to say you'll hide Kitty here, but he has two of them on hand. What if..."
           John shook his head. "We need to move tonight. Is there any way we can move it up?"
           "Not unless you can learn about Naruto in the next six hours," Sherlock said dully.
           "Excuse me?"
           "It's a manga and an anime."
           "I know what it is. Just...why is it relevant?"
           "Because Bertie Gruner is a...I believe the term is weeaboo? He's obsessed with Japanese culture, at least the parts of it that appeal to him. He shows a particular fondness for Naruto. My idea was to set you up as a collector with first editions to sell of the manga, but you need to actually know what you're talking about."
           "I could go instead," Molly said. She blushed as Sherlock stared at her. "What? I like Naruto. It's a decent show. Mike introduced me to it."
           "Molly, no. You can't go."
           "Why not? Kitty obviously can't go, and it needs to be done. Besides, I've got an advantage you two don't have."
           "Which is?"
           "I'm a woman dealing with a man who thinks women are inherently inferior," Molly shrugged.
           John looked at Sherlock helplessly. "This is mental."
           "You two can come too, and you can go through the house and try to free the girls. I'll keep him chatting, make sure that he's distracted, and I'll keep an eye out for book hiding places. Did your informant say it was in his office?"
           "You'll be talking to him in his collector's room, it's where all his special acquisitions are. The book has to be there somewhere." Sherlock's voice was strained. "Molly, are you sure?"
           "Sherlock, I want to help. I can do this. Now all I need is a babysitter."
           There was a whoop from the living room. John poked his head out and saw Kitty laughing as Lily and Jacob were bouncing up and down on the couch cushions.
           "I think you may have one," John started, then cringed as the doorbell rang three times downstairs. "Make that two." He stood. "That's Mrs. Hudson, I'd better go explain what's going on."
           Molly glanced toward the still shattered window and the mess of the living room. "Good luck."
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