#so it took me long time to finish this anyway
bunnliix · 12 hours
When Eight Becomes Nine - Chapter Eight
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Okie, I know I said this wasn't gonna get finished tonight. I lied. But to be fair, I was able to relax and write this at the same time, also I had idea help, so thank you @ja3hwa baby!! I love youuuu <3 <3 *kiss kiss*
Pairing: Ateez x 9th member!reader  Summary: Y/n heads to the pack den with Mingi and Wooyoung, shenanigans ensue, and a cute moment with a member. wc: 1.8 k AU: a/b/o  Genre: Fluff/Angst  Nets: @newworldnet warnings: anxiety?, dissasociation kinda?, cursing as always, yelling and people getting mad, Hongjoong interrogating others, mentions of injuries, mentions of a hospital, mentions of the scandal/Dispatch bs, y/n is just struggling a bit rn, but Wooyoung and Mingi have her. I think that's everything?? Honestly we're working with half a braincell here rn I'm sorry! masterlist
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Y/n hadn’t really processed the day so far. Frankly, it had been a blur, and she was grateful for the two men for helping her. She never envisioned getting into a scandal, let alone one with the members of Ateez. She just stared out the car window, watching the scenery go by as Wooyoung held onto her hand.
“Are you okay, baby omega?” She heard him ask, and she found she could only nod her head to tell him she was okay, she didn’t feel talkative at the moment. All of her courage from the day seems to have disappeared into thin air.
She felt him squeeze her hand as she continued to stare at the window. She tried to shake herself out of this unfocused state, but only succeeded in making her a bit more aware of her surroundings. She realized that Mingi kept looking back at her through the rear view mirror, a look of concern clearly seen on his face. She imagined that Wooyoung had the same look on his face.
As she had this realization, Mingi pulled into their spot at their apartment building. “We’re here.” Wooyoung gently informed y/n. She shook her head, looking over at him with slight confusion in her eyes. She hadn’t exactly been listening to what the omega told Mingi when they got in the car.
Mingi noticed her confusion, “Wooyoung asked me to bring us back to the pack den.” He told her gently.
“Oh. Okay.” She replied, not sure what to say to that. She wasn’t pack, so she couldn’t think of why Wooyoung would bring her back to his pack den. She had her own nesting materials back at the dorm, so she would have been fine to go back there instead.
She zoned out once again, until she realized she was being picked up and held in someone’s arms. She squeaked in surprise, looking up to find she was in Mingi’s arms once again. She squirmed and tried to get out of his arms, only for the tall alpha to hold her tighter. “Don’t try and get down. It’s better for you to stay here, with your injury.” She was told by the alpha.
Once in the building, it doesn’t take long for the trio to reach their floor and then to reach the aforementioned pack den. Y/n was still not allowed to walk as they entered the apartment, as Wooyoung took it upon himself to take off her shoes after removing his own, and was given y/n as Mingi took off his own shoes. Y/n took this as an opportunity to escape, taking the chance while Wooyoung held onto her loosely, and she squirmed and successfully got out of the other omega’s grip. The problem was that Mingi blocked the entrance, so she decided to run for one of the rooms and hide out for a bit. Was it a smart idea? Probably not. She went with it anyways, it’s been a day and her brain wasn’t exactly working at 100%.
“Yah! Get back here!” Wooyoung yelled after her as she took off, quickly finding a room and hiding in it, finding a walk-in closet to hide in. She hid herself in between the low hanging clothes and quieted her breathing. There didn’t seem to be anyone in here, but the smell of the clothes was very nice. It was a very calming scent that surrounded her, and due to her exhaustion after only part of a busy day, she ended up falling asleep quicker than she realized.
With WooGi…
“Well, fuck.” Mingi said simply. “Good job Wooyoung. Now we have to go and find her.” He deadpanned, and Wooyoung whined at the scolding he received.
“I didn’t think she’d try and get out of my hold. She seemed like she had calmed down by the time we got up here.”
“Well now we have to find her, idiot.”
“You’re an idiot too, you just stood here with me!”
“Why are the both of you fighting?” Seonghwa interrupted them, an eyebrow raised.
“No reason.” The two say in unison, making Seonghwa even more suspicious.
However, before he could try and get more out of them, Hongjoong comes through the door. He pushed past the two younger men and quickly disappeared deeper into the dorm, ignoring the other occupants.
He had not had a good day, after sitting in on every single interview and trying to find out who had sent those pictures to Dispatch. It was unsuccessful, besides the expulsion of the beta who assaulted the sole omega trainee of the group, over her involvement in the photos. Hongjoong didn’t blame her in the slightest, he knew how vicious the industry and the fans were, and she had done nothing wrong. She hadn’t even touched a hair on two of his packmates, he knew that from the staff member’s assurances. All he wanted was his favorite hoodie and to disappear into the home studio to produce for the rest of the night.
Heading into his room, he found the door slightly ajar, not really thinking much of it, since the others did tend to steal his stuff if they needed the reassurance that came from his scent and he wasn’t around to provide that calm himself. The omegas were the ones who often stole his clothing the most. He quickly headed into his closet, finding the piece of clothing he was looking for, but as he tried to pull the hanger out, he found that he was unable to. Maybe it was stuck on something? He thought, and moved the hangers on one side of the hanger in question, only to find someone holding onto the sleeve of his hoodie as they slept. It wasn’t one of the boys, none of them would do this. They would have just taken it from his closet and room. He squatted down, taking a closer look and finding it was the omega, y/n. How did she even get here? He was concerned, but not for how she got here, that she felt safe enough to fall asleep in his closet.
They weren’t close, they hadn't had the chance to talk much, other than the day before. So it was odd that his scent, because he knew that’s what it was, was already something her omega found safe. His alpha found it endearing, that she felt protected and safe surrounded by things that had his scent. He felt protective over her, and he didn’t quite know where this feeling came from, but it was similar, if not the same, to the feeling that he felt with his other members when they were originally paired together over half a decade ago. He felt the tiniest bit of a smile make its way onto his face.
“You just had to go and find yourself here, didn’t you? I’m surprised you didn’t find Hwa’s room instead, I figure he would have been more comforting, yes? Though I wonder who brought you here, since I doubt you knew that we lived here, or how to get in.” He talked to himself really, since y/n was deeply asleep.
He couldn’t leave her here, she’d be sore when she woke up. He steeled himself for what he was about to do. Hongjoong carefully and slowly pulled her out from underneath the closet rail, and then gently took her into his arms, freezing when she stirred slightly, before falling back asleep. He quickly, but without jostling her too much, moved her from the closet floor, deciding that the easiest place to put her at that moment was on the bed, his bed. He gently placed her down on his bed, before pulling the blanket out from underneath her, trying his best not to disturb her. The only movement from her was to pull the rest of his hoodie closer to herself. He chuckled softly, so quietly it was almost inaudible. Once freeing the blankets from underneath the omega, he pulled them over her, tucking her in, and completely on instinct, placing a kiss on her forehead, just like he would with Seonghwa or Wooyoung when they fell asleep in odd places.
He froze once he realized what he had just done, and quickly turned around and left his room, having decided on giving up on his original mission. He made his way to the living room, where he found the three members he bypassed earlier while entering the pack dorm. He walked closer to the three, as he asked, “Who wants to tell me why I had an omega, specifically y/n, the trainee/auditionee, asleep in my closet? Let alone why she was here in the first place, at the pack dorm?”
Wooyoung immediately looked away from either of the ‘98 liners, who immediately knew that it was his choices that led to this.
“Wooyoung wanted to go see y/n because of Dispatch, I wouldn’t let him go alone because he would have made stupid decisions and I didn’t want to get in trouble for letting him go alone. We found y/n in the practice room, one of the betas had injured her earlier this morning and Wooyoung had made the injury worse after tackling her, so we took her to the hospital to get it treated. Wooyoungie felt so protective over her and decided we were coming here instead, I assume because he was either going to trap her somewhere in the apartment, maybe the nest.” Mingi quickly explained, since the younger omega had no intentions to.
“Thank you for explaining, Mingi-yah.” Hongjoong thanked him.
“She’s okay?” Wooyoung asked, concern in his eyes as he looked at Hongjoong.
“Yes. She is okay. However, how did she end up in my room in the first place?” Hongjoong said, to which Wooyoung sighed in relief before looking away again.
“She may have gotten out of my arms after Mingi wouldn’t let her down, and then she was passed over for me to carry while he took his shoes off. Then she ran for it, and ended up in your room.” Wooyoung said, still not looking at either of the older members.
Hongjoong sighed, though he was grateful for the explanation. “Well, she’s asleep in my bed now. She fell asleep in my closet holding onto my favorite hoodie. She seemed exhausted, so we will let her sleep. No Wooyoung, you are not to go into my room and potentially wake her up. She’s had a troublesome day, she deserves the sleep.” He told them, practically ordering Wooyoung.
He turned to Seonghwa, “I’m sorry for ignoring you earlier, darling. I’ve had a bit of a long day at the company.”
Seonghwa nodded, though he had an amused look on his face. ”I figured, love. It’s okay, I understand.” He said as he stood up, coming over and kissing the pack alpha’s cheek, before heading to his own room.
“Okay, I’m heading to the studio here for a while. Mingi, keep an eye on Youngie please.” He received a yell in response to his request, from said person. “Don’t let him wake her up. If he does, you’ll be responsible and punished for it.” He told the younger two, before heading off, hearing arguing as he headed down the hall to his little home studio.
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villain-crown · 3 days
challenge | @jegulus-microfic| words: 1210
critical care, part 7 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6)
a Jegulus nurse!AU
As soon as James set foot back in the critical care tower, it felt like everyone took one look at him and knew immediately that he’d fucked Regulus Black.
Which he hadn’t, by the way. 
He just desperately wished he had. 
They’d finished up their lunch with James dying to pull Regulus into a supply closet for some unsupervised quality time. Every sentence from that smirking mouth felt like his blood was being set on fire. But their breaks were nearly over, so he had settled for flirting more aggressively than he ever had in his life all the way back to the critical care tower elevator until James was so wound up that he was willing to be a bit reckless. 
“So what does a person have to do to get a goodbye kiss from you?” James quipped when they were alone in the lift with the doors closed. He was about a head taller than Regulus, and it felt good towering over the petite man. He braced himself with a palm against the wall just above Regulus’s soft black curls, looming above him and trying very hard to look cool. 
Regulus looked him up and down, evaluating him in that heated, challenging way that made James crazy. “Hm. Are you worth one?”
James stepped closer until he could feel the heat of Regulus’s breath. The Slytherin had to tip his head back entirely to look up through the lace of his eyelashes. 
“You tell me.”
And oh, it was so fucking close. The urge to pin Regulus against the wall right then and there was strong; to pull from his throat the filthy sounds he fantasized that the Slytherin would make when it was 2 AM on James’s bed. James was so there for it. But—
“Oi! Reggie! Prongs!”
James sprung back like he’d been electrocuted when the lift doors opened swiftly and Sirius muscled his way in from the neurotrauma intensive care unit. He had the ICU transport pack slung over his shoulder and seemed to notice the tension in the air only after he’d inserted himself firmly between the other two nurses and the elevator door had started to close again. 
“What are you up to?” Sirius asked his little brother suspiciously. 
“Seducing your best friend.”
James let out a strangled noise as Sirius scowled. “Not funny, Reggie!” 
But Regulus just rolled his silver eyes in that maddeningly attractive way. “Oh relax, Sirius. It’s a joke, not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.”
Mate, you might witness your little brother getting dicked down right here in this elevator if he doesn’t stop talking.
“Reggie! No! Bad!” Sirius exclaimed, horrified, repeatedly hammering the doors close button like it’d make the elevator move any faster. “I know you don’t say that shit in front of our cousins! They just let you do whatever you want because they think you’re cute, you know. If they could hear what a menace you really were, you’d get away with a lot less.”
While this action was being carried out, James felt something being slipped into his scrub pocket. He shivered as Regulus’s fingers brushed teasingly against his inner thigh while his brother was distracted, but when James tried to meet his eye, he found Regulus’s face completely neutral. 
“That’s why I’m nice to them and a menace to you.”
“Looks like this is your stop,” Sirius noted without answering as the elevator doors clicked open on the Slytherin floor. “Well, you’ve been a nightmare as usual. Thanks for that. Be sure to tell Snape we’ve sprayed for insects so he can’t float to our unit for another six months.”
“You’re so petty. And clearly pissed off that he passed his critical care certification first. Doesn’t that mean he gets paid more than you?”
“Not for long!”
“But for now.”
Regulus flounced out of the elevator, James’s eyes glued to his deliciously narrow waist. 
“UGH! He’s so annoying!” Sirius seethed in the background, jamming his finger against the doors close button. “I can’t stand that kid sometimes! Anyway…”
If he really was somehow telegraphing his intentions to absolutely rail Regulus, Sirius would have surely murdered him by now. Instead, his best friend was chatting him up about their latest prank as they wandered out of the elevator and over to the surgical ICU’s nurses’ station. James was trying very hard to focus on what Sirius was saying, but someone had to picture his younger brother in a variety of compromising positions and James’s imagination was certainly willing to take up the task.
“...and I know Snape thinks he’s got the upper hand, but c’mon. What are they going to do—fire all of Gryffindor…?”
He could see Regulus now, sinking gracefully to his knees in an empty exam room. Those stunning silver eyes would locked on his as he untied James’s scrubs, drew out his cock, and slipped it past his lips without breaking eye contact. 
“Prongs? Are you even listening to me?”
“What?” James asked automatically, feeling like a kid caught zoning out in class. These daydreams were starting to get a bit out of hand. “Yeah, I’m listening.”
Sirius didn’t look like he believed him. “Bullshit. Anyway, you know that Ravenclaw charge nurse, Pandora? I tried to ask her if she wanted to transfer her neurotrauma patient back up to their floor since they have the space, but guess what she said…”
A vibration from his pocket prompted James to fish his phone out while nodding supportively at all the right bits of Sirius’s story. The screen had lit up with a text, partially obstructing his background wallpaper of him and his parents beaming at the camera on their last vacation to the ocean. It was from a random number that he didn’t recognize, which made James nearly stow his phone again before he finally registered the words on the photo.
R.A.B: STD Screening Results.
James choked. 
“What’s wrong with you?” Sirius asked suspiciously, thoroughly oblivious to the fact that his baby brother had just texted James his sexual health paperwork.
“Nothing! Just, you know, about Snape. We should come up with a prank for him. Something really good.”
The surgical charge nurse brightened. “Oh! I had a really good idea for that! What if we…”
James looked over the text while Sirius spoke, rather impressed with Regulus’s efficiency. Judging by the timestamp, he’d gone in yesterday to have the screening done. He had tested negative across the board for any and all sexually transmitted disease or blood-borne pathogens. 
He had certainly tested negative for indecisiveness, which was actually sending James to his knees.  
[The only thing missing is a pregnancy test,] James joked, unable to resist teasing his thoroughness.
“...right, Prongs? Hello? Anyone there?”
“Oh!” James hastily stowed his phone, trying to remember the last thing Sirius had said. “Well, yeah, if you can get Frank Longbottom in on it.”
“I bet I could! I’ll get Alice to…”
A few minutes later, a new text came in.
It was another photo, which only made sense when James unlocked his phone and opened up the preview. On the vaguely recognizable Slytherin supply room countertop, a new, hospital-brand pregnancy test was laid out like a taunt. Someone had taken a sharpie and written one word on it in elegant cursive.
Negative for pregnancy, but positive for sarcasm. 
This fucking menace. 
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petew21-blog · 3 days
Just a party, part 3
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"Number 14 and 16"
"Guess it's you and me again." Ben took my hand and we went to the room we were assigned"
We left Ezra and Jason back there. Poor Jason, he was really fed up with Ezra. Hope he'll survive the night in that pip squeak body.
We opened the door of the room. I went on the bed. Ben right down next to me
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It was awfully quiet. We wanted to have a party, we were overworked, stressed and probably needed a drink to loosen up a bit. We knew immediately that we both felt the same way. And we headed to the bar of the building.
The emplyees were serving us, asking about our needs and desires. Creepy but somehow nice. I bet the studio must have pay a massive ammount to get us to this event. But they all say that this one even is worth working for Hollywood. It fullfills you.
"You know, we didn't have much time to explore our bodies by ourselves before. With the Comic Con and so on, giving out all the autographs. I'm pretty sure that all the fans that will try to sell stuff with 'your' signature are gonna be pretty sad. I tried to perfect your signature Henry, but it still looks like someone else did it."
"Even better then. Those who really appreciate it get to keep it anyway and the ones trying to sell won't be as succesfull'
"Henry? You know I'm now the one wearing SUPERMAN's body? You don't have to act like him all the time."
"I don't honestly. I am just being polite most of the time. A decent human being."
"How about you show me how my BATMAN body looks like? You know what? Let's call each other by the name of our bodies, ok? To make the experience worth it. I wanna know what it feels like to be you"
"Ok then HENRY, now I wanna show you now what it truly feels like to FEEL that SUPERMAN body"
Henry in Ben's body lowered down to give Ben a head. He unzipped his pants and took out the beautiful hard cock he was already familiar with:"I think it looks even better from this angle" And the he took it in his mouth
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It might have been the fact that I knew my cock so well. The way it responded to my tongue circling around the top, sucking his balls made me sure I was making Ben feel good. But I can't let him cum yet.
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Suddenly my phone rang. I just looked up at him. He only winked at me and picked up.
"Hey, this is... HENRY Cavill. Sure, I got time. New TV series? The Witcher? I am not sure about that"
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I looked at him aggresively. Playing Witcher is my dream, he can't deny them.
"Jeez. Ok, I really want it. When do we start? Ok, thanks. No, I can't talk that long, there is something I need to take care of. Bye."
My blow job was coming to an end. Then I stopped. Can't let him finish that easily.
"Please, go on!"
"Can't do that HENRY! You got an ass to breed. And I wanna have fun too"
I took his hand and dragged him to the entrance hall.
"The room is too far, let's go to one of the closests, I wanna fuck you there."
We took the first door on the right. Passionately making out on the way. Ben pushed me against one of the lockers. Wait, that wasn't a closet. We must have entered the lockers of the employees. We kept on going.
Suddenly we noticed voices from a room around the corner. We stopped and I showed Ben a finger on my lips to shush him. We went closer to get to hear them
"All right. As I have said before, we are now on the full capacity of our guests. They are very busy right now. Each and every one of you has an envelope with a name of the actor or other famous person they get to swap with today. For those of you who haven't read it, the reason of the swap is the Writers and actors strike. You will get a brand new life of a popular person, their money in exchange for absolute loyalty and diacretion about the swap. I am deeply sorry to everyone who wanted to go back to their bodies sometimes in the future, but we have to get rid of them. The actors in your bodies can't let anyone know about this. Is anyone against this?" nobody responded which led us to believe that they agreed"
"Ok. We now have 48 minutes until the door of the rooms get locked completely, sealing our guests inside making it easier for us. We will be going over some details with each and everyone of you. Starting with Miguel who will be receiving Henry Cavil's body..."
I looked in shock at Ben in my body. He was also horrified about what we just heard.
"We have to warn everyone!" Ben said to me
Suddenly a manly voice above us said very calmly:"Haha. But we won't let you, gentlemen" the man above us was Chris Hemsworth, holding a taser. Something was telling me, that Chris wasn't the one controlling his body anymore, or the one of his friends who swapped with him
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To be continued...
Story request from inbox by Anonymous: That Hugh and Ryan story was Great! Maybe you can do a swap involving Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill?
And also continuation for part 2.
Inbox request: Your stories are soo good, love the Chris E. and RDJ swap. Maybe a second part involving some actors from dc, like Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa swapping to try new roles & running into Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck in the rooms?
Part 2:
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ladyylesbian · 2 days
Sorority Rules (18+)
Pairing: top!wandanat x bottom!fem!reader
Summary: ‘New Year, New Me’ can start in September...right?
Warnings: MINORS DNI! Pet names, mommy kink, daddy kink, reader has a name? (Honestly idk anymore, tell me if I missed something?)
Word Count: 11.2k
A/N: This really was just me proving something to myself, but I hope you enjoy it all the same :)
you do not have permission to translate/repost my works anywhere! all mistakes are mine and mine alone. likes, comments, and reblogs are always welcome & appreciated <3
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Freshman year left you beat down on the floor. You had been roomed with a girl named Hela. The two of you had hit it off instantly. In fact, you spent so much time together that everyone would know if they found one of you, then they could find the other nearby, definitely helped that you somehow had the exact same class schedule. By the end of the first semester, Hela asked you out and one week later, she asked you to be her girlfriend.
What was the happiest month turned dark and lonely. Hela spent more and more of her time focused on her sorority since being officially accepted. She had set completely insane restraints on you. You had to text her every hour whenever you were apart, it didn’t matter that she wouldn’t acknowledge your messages. She even would rarely show up at the dorm room to sleep, claiming that the sorority house was where she needed to be, but demanded a picture of you in bed every night.
You had long since given up expecting to see her anywhere but during classes, however, when she sat down with the other girls in her sorority looking you right in the eyes as she did, you finally broke. That was your time together and she was so obviously picking them.
That only snowballed into her eating lunch in the quad with them too. She took you to a few sorority parties and introduced you to her ‘favorite person’ and sorority big sister, Carol. The two were attached at the hip which quickly left you to nurse a drink off in the corner.
You didn’t have the backbone to say anything, blindly hoping she would realize how much she missed you and run back.
It wasn’t until right before the end of year finals that Hela had stayed back in the dorm room once again. The two of you would study nonstop and laugh and joke. Everything you had spent months wishing for was happening. The girl you liked was back.
After finishing your last final before Summer break, you waited for her in the hallway. Less than 15 minutes later she pushed open the classroom door and stepped out. You locked eyes and she rushed up and gave you a hug. “Thank you so much, Madelyn. I really could not have passed these finals without you.”
Smiling warmly at the raven haired girl, “Always. It’s you and me all the time. I couldn’t show up to sophomore year without you next to me.”
Her eyes fell downwards before slowly reaching yours again. “About that, Madelyn, I think we should end things. You are just in such a different place than me and I am changing my major, so we won’t be in the same classes anyways. Not to mention, you can really blow up my phone and I am just not into that. But thank you so much for the help this year.” You can’t help but stare at her wide eyed, blinking repeatedly as you try to process her words. She pats your cheek before turning around and walking down the hall “Have a good summer!”
The only thought running thought your mind is ‘what the fuck.”
You cannot believe this day is finally here, sophomore year of college. After a thoroughly disastrous freshman year, you are determined to completely turn your life around. A new roommate, new classes, if you can be picky, then hopefully a solid friend group will be thrown in there too.
It was still a few days before the actual first day of classes, but you wanted to get into your new dorm and settle in. There were quite a lot of other students with the same idea, all unpacking their parents cars that were stuffed full. You quickly paid the taxi driver and hopped out the back seat. He opened the trunk and lifted your suitcase onto the road.
Dragging your bag up the sidewalk and settling in the line waiting for the booth to find your new dorm room and collect the room key. You look around, wondering if your new roommate is in this same crowd, thinking if her parents are holding back tears as they hug her goodbye.
Thankfully, before you can stumble too far down that path, you reach the front of the line. “Name and year?”
“Oh, uh, Madelyn Andrews. Sophomore.” She flips through the pages and finds your name with ease. Looking down into her organized box of keys, she picks up on set, “Room 616.”
With a soft smile, you accept the key and head towards the sophomore dorms.
Thankfully, there’s an elevator in all the dorm buildings once you’re no longer a freshman. You always joked that it was the university’s way of hazing the entire freshman class.
The slow elevator had you wondering if you could have walked the stairs and ended up there faster, but eventually, opened onto the sixth floor. You held your breath as you walked up to your door.
Pressing your ear against the wooden surface and straining to try and hear any movement. It sounded completely empty inside. With a quick ‘thank you’ to the skies above, you push the key into the lock and turn, opening the door.
Unsurprisingly, it is the same layout as your freshman year dorm, not that you were superstitious, but in the spirit of completely turning your life around you opted for the bed on the right this time.
It didn’t take more than an hour for you to put away your clothes and set up the small mementos of your friends from back home. Walking back over to your suitcase, you pull out a small blanket that barely is long enough to cover your legs and hide it under your pillow.
Laying on your new bed and scrolling your university’s Instagram page, trying to find something to do that can pass the time. That’s when you see there is an early bird trivia event being hosted at the student center in ten minutes.
Taking a second to think, you come to the conclusion that this is the perfect chance to meet new people. Reinvent yourself as someone social, someone beyond only one friend turned girlfriend.
Softly pushing yourself off the elevated bed, you walk over to the shared closet and pull out your favorite white crew neck in case the temperature drops after sunset. With an unbalanced turn, you spin around and pull on your black and gray checkered vans. Hopping over to the mirror to give yourself a fast once over then heading straight out the door.
It’s only a short walk to the student center from your dorm this year, which you’re thankful for, perfect for meeting new people.
Remembering how heavy the student center door is, you pull hard on the handle. The universe must be laughing at you because that seemed to be the wrong choice. The usually heavy door was light this year and you have just thrown the door as wide as it would go, causing a decently loud sound.
A few students near the door look at you, but thankfully the other students further into the building haven’t seemed to notice a thing. Which is where the trivia is being held, so you awkwardly walk through the doors and inside.
“Hello, welcome to early bird trivia: musicals. Are you joining a team or registering a new one?” states a wide eyed brunette woman.
“Oh, I didn’t know we had to have a team..” you begin to look around for anyone you might vaguely recognize. “Not a worry, dear. We have another girl looking for a team too. You two can partner up.” She starts to wave over a blonde, who’s smiling bigger than you would think possible.
She continues, “This is..” she pauses waiting for you. “Madelyn.”
“And she needs a team as well. So, what will the team name be?”
Before you even have a moment to think of something clever, the blonde speaks up, “Mac n Cheese Lovers.” You cannot help but snort at her abruptness. The brunette hands you a paper and pencil to write down your answers on, “Good luck ‘Mac n Cheese Lovers.”
Following the blonde over to a table near the smoothie bar along the left wall, as she sits down she introduces herself, “Hey. My name is Yelena. I hope you like Mac n Cheese or this team name will be super awkward,” she snickers.
You shake your head slightly, “The name is perfectly fitting. I’m a huge fan,” you laugh, “My name is Madelyn. It’s nice to meet you. So what year are you in?”
“Sophomore,” the blonde replies, “How about you?”
“Same, sophomore.” The two of you continue with small talk for a couple minutes until you hear the game host start speaking. He gives a quick introduction of his name and lets everyone know he’s the student activity director, so he plans all university approved events. Which leads him to a quick warning that means no drinking or drugs at these events since he’s required to report them to the Dean. Then, he gets into the trivia rules.
Once he finishes, Yelena leans over to you, “We have to win. Or at least beat my annoying sister and her girlfriend.”
You raise your eyebrow at the woman, “If you knew people, how come you didn’t team up with them?”
She waves off your question before pointing them out, “See those two redheads? That’s them. They are insufferable at any sort of competition. We need to show them up and win, so I hope you’re a musical lover because I am most certainly not a musical theater major,” she chuckles as she finishes her sentence.
“They do look insufferable,” you agree with the blonde, “and lucky for you, while I am not a musical theater major, I am a lover of broadway, so get ready to kick some ass.”
Yelena claps you on the back and laughs, “I like you, Madelyn. Let's do this.”
“Okay, everyone, first question. What musical movie has the song ‘It's the Hard-Knock Life’?”
You quickly write down ‘Annie’ on the paper next to the number one as he repeats the first question.
“Second question, the musical Hairspray is set in what American city?”
Once again, you write down ‘Baltimore’ immediately next to the number two as he repeats the question.
And the process repeats itself all the way to the end. You, unsurprisingly, knew every answer, besides two. Thankfully Yelena seemed very confident in the answers, which led you to learning that while she was not an overall musical lover, she was obsessed with ‘SIX’, claiming ‘they all should have just murdered that idiotic king’.
By the end, you and Yelena are laughing together and being shushed by other teams around you trying to think. Yelena pays them no mind while she tries to watch and see if her sister and her girlfriend are guessing the answers correctly by the way she’s writing. You tried to tell her that would be impossible to know, but the blonde paid you as little mind as she did the surrounding teams.
Finally, the host announces for everyone to settle down and starts going over the list of correct answers. Yelena is practically levitating off the seat with how excited she is. Your team got every question right. “Okay everyone, count up your total of correct answers.” He waits a few seconds before beginning again, “raise your hand if your team got more than five correct.”
Faster than lightning, Yelena's hand is in the air, yours follows quickly. “Raise your hand if your team got more than ten correct.” Three other teams' hands go down. “Raise your hand if your team got more than fifteen correct.” Another two teams’ hands lower. Leaving your team, two other teams, and Yelena’s sister’s team, much to the blonde’s annoyance.
“Raise your hand if you got more than seventeen correct.” One team puts their hands down. “Raise your hand if you got more than eighteen correct.” The other team drops their hands. Making the final two teams, ‘Mac n Cheese Lovers’ and ‘Traitors’, you were to believe Yelena.
“Looks like we have a tight race everyone, how exciting, keep your hands up if you got all twenty questions correct.” A moment of tense silence falls over the room, the redheads slowly lower their hands. A loud, piercing scream sounds off beside you, “Yes! Ha! I won! So much for ‘Yelena you don't know anything about musicals. Go find your own team’.” The blonde begins doing her victory dance as you laugh. She grabs your hand and motions for you to victory dance with her. And how could you say no when you are equally excited about the win.
“We have our winners, everyone congratulations to..” the host drags off his sentence.
“Mac n Cheese Lovers!” the two of you say while laughing and dancing together.
“Congratulations to ‘Mac n Cheese Lovers’. Thank you to everyone for coming out and starting off this year with a bang! I will see you at the next activity!” Slowly everyone staggers out of the student center and into the night as you’re exchanging Instagrams with Yelena and saying your goodbyes.
Not even three steps away from the table, you hear someone speaking to Yelena, “Clearly, you didn’t win with your own lack of knowledge. So, what’s her name?” Not wanting to look back and have them know you’re listening, you keep walking as you hear Yelena reply “Madelyn. Why?”
Cursing yourself for not slowing down because now you’re too far away to keep trying to listen, you look over your shoulder right before walking out the doors. Locking eyes with two pairs of green eyes staring back at you.
Spending most of your days walking around campus and figuring out the quickest way to each of your classes, then finding a second route.., and a third route, just in case. Eventually making your way to the cafeteria since it’s the only food place open on campus until classes begin and sitting out in the quad people watching as more and more people arrive. You haven’t met up with the blonde, or the two mysterious redheads, you met at trivia since. However, you are often sending memes back and forth which you take as a small step towards your first new friend of the year.
It’s officially one day until classes start and you still haven’t met your roommate. You have considered walking back to the welcome booth and asking if you even have a roommate since it’s extremely uncommon to not be moved into the dorms by this time.
As much as most people would love to strike luck and get a free single, that is the absolute last thing you want.
The universe finally seems to answer your silent worrying and wishing as you hear someone fumbling with the keys outside your door. Quickly, you hop from the bed and rush to open the door. Coming face to face with a dark haired brunette.
“Oh, good, you’re moved in already!” Taken aback by the woman’s words, your focus shifts between her and the large number of boxes next to her in the hallway.
“Do, uh, do you need help?”
“That’d be great. My name’s Kate. You’re Madelyn, right?”
A wave of shock hits you at hearing someone you’ve never met know your name. Seeing the look on your face causes Kate to laugh. She starts to shimmy inside and you hurriedly move to the side, so she can walk in easier. Once she’s in, you step out of the room and pick up one of the boxes.”It is, yeah. So, where do you want this?”
“You can just throw everything on the bed.”
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to move everything into the small dorm. Laughing as you both try to move around with the now limited floor space since Kate’s bed was quickly filled up with boxes.
After an offer to help the brunette unpack her things, you figure out she is quite uncaring about her clothes, but she is very particular about her bow. You learn she joined the school archery team last year, but already stands to make captain for her second year.
She tells you about how last year, on a dare, she hit the bell tower with an arrow. “So, you were the one who caused the crack in the bell tower?” Covering your mouth to try and hide your laugh. She looks at you with wide eyes, “I can’t confirm or deny which clock tower it was.”
Which only causes you to lose all control and laugh wildly out loud.
Successfully surviving the first four weeks of your second year in college, you get to celebrate at the first football game of the season. Thankfully, Kate is not into the sorority scene like your ex was, so you can go to the game together rather than alone.
With your back against your bed and your feet up the side of the wall, you’re waiting for Kate to get back from her archery practice. She made captain last week which led to you both sneaking out of the dorm at midnight and walking to the nearest pizzeria for a celebratory pizza. Your memory was promptly interrupted by the door slamming into the wall, “Shit. Sorry.”
Laughing at Kate’s mumbled apology to the girls next door who always complain about you two being unnecessarily loud. The brunette throws her sweaty t-shirt at your face which you quickly launch back at her as she softly shuts the door.
“Hurry up and get ready, Bishop. The game starts in thirty minutes and you smell like a wet dog.”
“Your words are so sweet. Dipped in honey I would say,” Kate’s words laced with sarcasm as she playfully flips you off while kicking off her shoes.
“Only in honey? You don’t get the soft rose petals or melted chocolate too?” Your words only earn you a deadpan stare from the archer. With a grunt, you push yourself off the wall and sit upright, “Don’t forget that tonight is a black out game, so you need to be in all black to show support.”
“Oh yes, I would hate not to show support. Unfortunately, all my black clothes are currently dirty-”
“I know, which is why I took the liberty of doing our laundry earlier today. Your outfit is laid out on the bed.” You say with a smile and move to make your fingers into the shape of a heart.
Kate can’t help but roll her eyes and laugh, “Of course, you did.” Walking up to her shower bag and picking it up, she heads to the door. “I will be back in no less than 10 minutes, Sargeant,” winking at you, knowing you hate the nickname, before quickly mumbling out, “and thank you for doing my laundry. You’re the best.” and walking out of the room.
Rushing a quick ‘You’re welcome’ out before the door shut. You begin getting dressed yourself, deciding on a black halter top and some black jean shorts with your black high-top converses. Throwing your hair up into a high ponytail, then pulling out your baby hairs so you don’t look like an egg.
True to her word, Kate walks back in 10 minutes later as you put headphones in and stare at the ceiling, you give your roommate privacy to get ready.
Feeling your headphones ripped out of your ears causes you to face the archer as she smiles, “How do I look? Andrews approved?” Kate stands in front of you in black long sleeve cropped top and blacked ripped jeans.
Jokingly, you raise an eyebrow at her, faking a moment of contemplation before returning the smile, “You look hot. You will definitely grab whoever’s attention you want.”
“I don’t want anyone's attention, '' the brunette scoffs.
“Sure you don’t and I don’t hope that my 7am professor is sick on Monday,” you retort.
“I don’t even think she is gonna be there,” Kate starts pulling on the sleeves of her shirt, “I don’t think football games are her thing.”
You take a moment to consider what to say. It’s been months since you had a crush on anyone and wanted to try and impress a girl. When you first found out your roommate started crushing on someone, you had been relentless in attempting to have her confess who it was. But as stubborn as you were, Kate was also head strong in keeping her secret.
“Her loss then. We can post a picture and she’ll see everything she misses out on by skipping the game,” you wink. Linking arms, you and Kate walk out of the dorm and head to the field.
The first stop you both make is the concession stand since food is the top priority any time the two of you leave the dorm together. Ordering you both an ICEE, yours being coke flavored and Kate’s cherry, and a hot dog each.
Once arriving at your seats, you turn around and ask the girls behind you if they could take a picture for you. You both hold up your ICEEs, smiling as you cheer for the picture.
Kate posts the picture on her Instagram, tagging you, and captions the post ‘I’m only here for the ICEEs’.
Quickly commenting ‘and my amazing company’ under her post. Then posting the picture onto your story with hearts underneath.
It’s not until the third quarter that you both finally relent and head to the bathrooms. While standing in line chatting about nothing and everything, the archer tenses beside you and presses herself between you and the wall, “what are yo-”
Kates proceeds to shush you and shrinks further into her hiding spot. Looking around to try and see what has your roommate acting so strange, you come up short since you don’t recognize anyone.
That is until you glance over to the concession line and notice Yelena, who you met your first day back on campus. Quickly turning around to Kate, “Oh, Kate. Do you remember how I told you I met this hilarious girl my first day back?“ You point over to the blonde, “She’s right there. Her name is Yelena.”
The brunette’s face pales suddenly. Worry rushes through you and your eyes immediately start scanning for what’s upset your friend so badly. Until it clicks, “Kate…Oh, Katie,” you start to whisper, “ is Yelena who you have a crush on?”
Her eyes met yours and you can tell you’re right. “I totally know her. I can introduce you if you want. Granted, I haven’t actually spoken with her for over a month, BUT we regularly exchange memes.”
Before Kate could give any response to you, you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around.
“Madelyn, I thought it was you! How have you been?” Yelena says with a big smile on her face.
“I’m great. Settling into my classes and wishing I didn’t sign up for a 7am lecture that I completely don’t understand and will need to find a tutor for, the usual. How about you?”
As the blonde opens her mouth to reply, she notices Kate, “Bishop? Madelyn and Bishop? You two know each other?” .
“Roommates,” You both say at the same time before you continue, “We’re roommates. How do you know Kate?”
“She’s my lab partner,” she leans around you and looks at the brunette, “We have a project coming up and I’ve been meaning to reach out and figure out a time that works for you,” she runs her fingers through her blonde hair nervously.
A sneaky smile goes across your face, realizing that Yelena also seems to have a crush on Kate.
The archer stands up suddenly at her crush’s words, “I have archery practice most days, but I’m free on Tuesdays after 3pm, if that works.”
Yelena simply smiles back, “Tuesdays are great, except, I’m in class until 4. How about you come to my apartment, it’s five minutes from campus, and we can eat and start our research?”
“Off campus?”
“Yeah, my sister and her girlfriend wanted to have a secluded place away from the sorority and invited me to stay there too.”
You nod, listening to the two speak while also trying to give them privacy by looking anywhere else in the slowest moving restroom line.
Suddenly, Yelena’s phone goes off, “Speaking of the devil,” she answers.
You can’t hear whoever it is super well over the crowd cheering at what must have been the best touchdown of the game but once they quiet down you hear that voice again from trivia night, the redheaded sister of Yelena.
The blonde turns over her shoulder to look near the concession line she just came from, “I just want a coke.” You look over in the same direction as Yelena, “No, I don’t want anything else. I will be right back. I was just saying ‘hey’ to Madelyn and Bishop. Get your underwear out of a twist. I’m heading back now. Bye.”
Your heart leaps out of your chest when you finally notice the redhead in line. Making eye contact with her deep green eyes for longer than normal which causes Kate to nudge your shoulder as it’s finally your turn to walk into the restroom.
“Sorry,” you mumble to your roommate before turning back with one final look, receiving a wink from both women.
Kate gives a quick goodbye to Yelena before she walks away and then pushes you through the door.
Your roommate tries to ask you about it in the restroom, but you firmly shut down that topic and turn the conversation around on her. If you had known her crush was on Yelena, then you would have tried long ago to set them up on a blind date. Which is probably why the brunette didn't say who she was spending her days thinking about.
Making your way back to the seats, thankfully, without running into anyone else, you try to wipe the redhead’s face out of your memory, feeling incredibly embarrassed for your behavior when seeing her.
The last quarter of the game passes in a blur that you aren’t even aware the game ended until you notice the football players celebrating on the field and groups of people moving around you to leave at the same time. You glance up to the scoreboard and see the score, 30-28, your team winning.
Pulling out your phone, you swipe to pull up Instagram and post the scoreboard to your story, ‘our blood, our sweat, your tears’.
Linking your arm with Kate to make sure neither of you get lost on the way out of the stadium, the cool fall breeze whips at your shoulders the second you make it outside, but you welcome it after squeezing against every sweaty jock trying to get out of the stadium at the same time.
The two of you quietly laugh together when you look back to see people squeezing through the doors you just came through.
Neither of you are paying attention and accidentally bump into someone, to your dismay it was Yelena’s sister. Your body goes rigid at the sight of her. A scowl on her face until she settles her eyes on you then she gives you a soft smile.
“So, so, so sorry about that. We should have paid more attention.” The redhead’s smile slowly grows bigger as you continue talking. “Sorry again.”
You go to turn away and drag Kate along when you feel a warm hand softly wrap around your bicep, “No, I should be ashamed for not giving you more attention when you’re around,” smirking slightly at you.
A small blush rushes to your cheeks, opening and closing your mouth a few times before giving a gentle nod to the woman before turning around again.
Once you are out of hearing range from the redhead, Kate starts laughing, “Oh, you’re like a fly trapped in the spider's web.”
With a quick glare to your roommate and a prompt slap to the arm, “Shut up.”
As you lay on your bed, winding down your night time routine, you decide to scroll Instagram. Liking posts from your roommate and best friend, Kate’s, account. You didn’t think you would get as close to the girl as you had, but the two of you got along surprisingly well. Usually, you would be watching a new episode of Grey's Anatomy together tonight, however, Kate finally gathered her nerves and asked out Yelena, her lab partner, on a date.
Squealing and bouncing in your tiny dorm room bed, “Shut up! You did it? You finally admitted you have a crush on her?”
“I wouldn’t go that far!” The brunette laughs in response, “I just asked if she would want to go out to the new ax-throwing bar that just opened up.” She throws herself down on her back onto your bed, frowning and sounding much more somber. “But, Madelyn, Yelena asked if we could go this Thursday. She has to go to the sorority party this Friday.”
Moving around until you're laying down shoulder to shoulder with her, “Psh. Don’t even start, you are going and maybe even getting a second date for Friday.” Wiggling your eyebrows at her and shoving your body slightly into her.
“If that happens, then you’re coming with me. You need to get out and finally move on from your ex.” Placing your hand over your heart, you playfully scoff and wave off a mumbled agreement, trying to steer away from another possible conversation to find out who your ex is.
Smiling as you recall the memory, you suddenly hear the door to your dorm unlock.
Kate whispers to someone in the hall, who you assume to be Yelena, “Of course, I’d love to. See you tomorrow.”
Quickly, she walks in and immediately places her back on the door to close it. A wide grin on your roommate's face as she looks over to your bed. First kicking off her shoes, then running to jump into your bed. You stare at her, waiting for her to begin.
Kate sighs before exclaiming, “SHE ASKED ME OUT TO THE SORORITY PARTY TOMORROW!” Wrapping your arms around your friend as you jump together over the great news.”Get ready, Madelyn, you and I are going to a party!”
“Wait, Kate,” You pull back to look at her wide eyed, “I thought you were kidding.”
The party started at least an hour ago, but because of your indecisiveness on what to wear, which ended up just being a simple v cut blue dress with white high tops. As you both walk up, you stare at the brick house bursting with music. You hear Kate talking, “Party Rules 101. Don’t forget not to go upstairs with anyone. Do not accept a drink from anyone who is not me. I know you will want to leave early, so do not go without telling or texting that you’re heading out either. Okay?”
You blink a few times before you recognize she wants a reply, “Got it.” She smiles at you and takes your hands before walking up the porch steps.
Kate knocks on the white door. You wonder how anyone would be able to hear the knock inside with how loud the music is playing, but not even five seconds later the door is open. The sound of the music makes you take a step back. Anxiety washing over you instantly as you look down. You don’t even hear the words spoken between your friend and the redhead opening the door.
Kate’s hold on your hand tightens in hopes to reassure you before she pulls you along to step inside. It isn’t until Kate’s other hand waves to get your attention off the floor that you look up and realize both girls are staring at you expectedly. “I’m sorry, what?” you say softly.
The redhead chuckles and repeats herself, “Hi, I’m Wanda and the Vice President here. We have two bathrooms downstairs, one by the kitchen and one by the laundry room. Also, two upstairs just in case. Drinks, of course, are in the kitchen or the backyard. Is there anyone you are looking for that I can direct you towards? Or anything I can get you to drink?”
“I’m looking for Yelena actually. Do you know where she is?” Kate quickly replies. “She’s in the living room playing beer pong,” Wanda points over to her left, “Go right through there and you will find her.”
With lightning speed, Kate drops your hand and rushes off to find the blonde. Your mouth hangs open as you stare off in the direction she flew.
The redhead laughs as she looks at you before offering her arm, “Can I escort you anywhere?” Glancing around the foyer, you can't recognize anyone, so you nervously agree and link your arm with hers, “I don’t think I know anyone else here, so anywhere you want to go is fine with me.”
A bright smile spreads on the Vice President's face as she guides you out of the foyer and into the backyard to watch someone attempt a keg stand. You can’t help but look stunned as you watch the girl drink. “Would you like to try?” Wanda startles you with the question. Shaking your head no with absolute certainty that you could never have arm strength or lung capacity.
After a few moments more of watching, she slowly guides you over to the pool. The redhead kicks off her shoes and motions for you to do the same. The two of you sit down along the edge and place your feet in the water. You start to mindlessly kick your feet along to the music that is playing throughout the speakers. “So, am I allowed to ask your name?”
Multiple memories come to mind with times the Vice President has heard your name, “I’m pretty sure you know my name.”
Wanda’s tongue drags underneath the bottom of her teeth, “Oh, I do, but I want to hear it from your pretty, little mouth.”
Your breath catches in your throat at her words, taking a moment to settle your racing heart, you slowly speak, “Madelyn.”
Deciding to try and control the conversation you cut her off before she could say anything else. “Do you usually take interest in random people that show up to your sorority’s parties?”
She chuckles at your question, “No, not usually. But I would not say you’re a random person. Plus I have never had the pleasure of someone as captivating as you walk through those doors.”
“Yeah, right.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the redhead.
She grabs your chin and makes you look up at her, “Oh I didn’t take you for the bratty type.” You could have sworn that her eyes sparkled when she said that.
You shutter, trying to think of a reply. Your brain is completely lagging at the touch and sound of her voice. Wanda’s thumb moves and pushes between your lips, “Is there anything even going through that little head of yours?”
A small groan rips it way out your throat and your eyelids droop slightly. The redhead pushes down slightly onto your tongue.
Mumbling around her thumb, “Yes.”
The Vice President’s smirks at your reply, “Yes,” She mocks you, “Yes, to what?”
You shift your eyes back to her as you take in the specific color of her eyes, a sparkling green, this time a soft moan comes out of your lips, “Please..”
You think Wanda must take pity on you because suddenly she drops her hand from your mouth. Everything about her seems to return back to when you first walked in the house. She’s back to being sweet and polite, it makes your head spin. “What brings you to the party tonight, Madelyn? Well besides escorting Bishop, of course.”
This was a question you didn’t know how to answer. Why were you here in the backyard of your ex’s sorority spending time with her Vice President? Glancing around the backyard, noticing that you still don't know anyone here, you sigh, “Honestly, I’m not sure. Kate said I needed to come if she got a second date because, apparently, I need to move on.”
“And do you want to?” She looks at you expantly, “Move on, that is.”
“I don’t even know what I would have to move on from. It’s been months since we broke up. And she didn’t care about me long before that anyways.” You let out a dry laugh, “I don’t even think she liked me. She just liked sex with me.”
The look on the redhead’s face makes you stop your ranting, “Sorry, that is not proper party conversation,” you force out a laugh, “way too depressing.”
She smiles, dragging her eyes down your torso and onto your legs then pulling them back up before landing her eyes back on your face. “How would you like to find something to drink?”
Thankful for her change in conversation, you smile slightly, “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
The two of you make your way through the house and into the kitchen, “What will it be? Beer? Vodka?” walking around the kitchen as you listen to her talk. “... Or maybe a juice box?”
Whipping your head around, you glare at the Vice President, scoffing, “I’m not a child. I can drink alcohol.”
Right after you speak, you hear someone laughing from the archway. “Oh, Wands, what a delightful surprise,” she steps further into the small kitchen, “tell me you were able to get us this cute little thing to play.”
This makes you snap your head quickly around again. A rush of arousal runs through you when your eyes lock onto the redhead, “And who the hell are you?”
The cheshire smile on her face makes it clear she remembers you, she moves towards you before gently lifting up your hand as she bows her head to place a soft kiss on it, “To you, Madam President.”
“What the fuck.” You snatch your hand away and look towards the sparkling green eyed woman before returning your gaze in front of you.
“Oh, what a dirty mouth, I will have to clean that out.” The redhead smirks at you. Another wave of arousal hits you, gulping as you maintain eye contact, “Like you’d get the chance.”
Wanda speaks up, breaking the growing tension in the room, “Darling, wouldn’t she just be…” walking up and placing a finger under your chin, her voice dropping, “...divine?”
You shutter at her words. Eyes bouncing between the two redheads suddenly much closer to you than before. Realizing they have successfully surrounded you, your arousal spiking but you choose to mask with slight panic. “So what is this then? Two spiders trapping someone in their web and then going in for the kill?” Puffing out your chest slightly, trying to gain back some more control. “You think the President and Vice President would require consent.”
Wanda chuckles in your ear behind you, “Oh dear, we do.” Bringing her finger up to brush some hair behind your ear before speaking softly, “We only accept enthusiastic consent. Absolute begging.”
Your knees wobble slightly at her words. “A little archer told us that you needed to move on, and typically we wouldn’t do rebound sex, but you…” The President takes a sharp inhale through her teeth, “You are too special to pass up.”
“So what do you say, baby, want to be ours for the night?” Wanda whispers.
A million thoughts race through your mind. Most importantly, the fact you’ve never had a threesome or sex with people you don’t really know. You look around the kitchen and notice how nobody else even acknowledges the two redheads circling you like prey.
“I say,” You gulp, mustering all the fake confidence you can find. “I say show me a good time first and we will see.”
The two women share a sinister smile before they each drape an arm around you and walk you out of the kitchen and into a room that only stores a pool table and some chairs.
“We have the next game.” The President says to the small group finishing up their game before walking you over to the side of the room. She lowers her hands to your hips and lifts you with ease onto the barstool behind you.
Shock fills your face at her actions before you glare at her, “Excuse you. I am perfectly capable of sitting in a seat by myself.”
The redhead simply smiles at you before moving to stand next to the side of your chair, absentmindedly running fingers through your hair.
“Hello? Earth to you. Usually, when someone speaks to you it's polite to respond.” You huff and cross your arms over your chest. She gently turns your head to look at her. “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. I’m sorry, baby. I won’t do it again.”
“Madelyn, I have a name and it’s not baby.” You scoff, “What is your name anyways?”
She winks at you before smirking, “I told you. To you, it’s Madam President.”
“That’s not a name. That’s a title. What’s your name?” Your eyes met the redhead locked in a standstill. You already know you won’t last long. Her eyes trap you in endless pools of deep green. They are powerful and unmoving, you huff, “What’s your name, Madam President?”
The President lifts her hand and holds your lower lip before pulling it down and out slightly, causing you to look through your lashes to maintain eye contact, the action making you feel as if you’re losing the last shreds of your control. The redhead presses down the slightest bit more before pinching your lip and releasing it, “Natasha.”
Wanda, who has been repeatedly running her fingers from your shoulder to the knee, leans over you slightly if only to be in your personal space, “Natty, it’s our turn now.”
You go to hop down, but yet again your hips are grabbed and you’re picked up and put down by Natasha’s hands. You give her a glare even as a blush starts covering your cheeks.
“Tsk, tsk. Don’t be like that. I would hate to have to spank that gorgeous ass for the first time surrounded by all these people.” Your blush deepens with your embarrassment at the volume the redhead spoke. The heat pooling between your legs only causes you more confusion.
The three of you walk towards the table. Natasha moves to rack the balls and Wanda takes you over to pick out a cue stick, grabbing one for Natasha as well.
It’s decided that you will be on your own team, which you tried to protest by saying you have never played a game of pool in your life, but your complaints fall on deaf ears.
Wanda starts off by breaking the balls, officially starting your unfair game. She gets a solid into a pocket, “That makes you stripes, baby.” She says in a sickeningly sweet voice before getting two more solid balls into pockets.
Standing there with your mouth open, you begin to complain, “This is so unfair. There is no way I will be able to even get close to hitting even one of these balls in!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll help you in the first round,” Wanda says, holding up her hands. She walks over to you and shows you how to bend down and how to aim your cue stick. You lean down like she showed you but still, you feel her hand press down between your shoulders as she speaks in your ear, “Like this, darling. Eyes level with your target.”
Acutely aware this position has almost completely folded in half of the pool table, you pull back the stick and then push it forward with a decent amount of force.
And you completely miss.
To make matters worse, you got one of their balls closer to the pocket instead. Groaning, you stand up and look unamused at the two redheads who are both trying to hold back their smiles at your reaction, “This game is stupid.”
Natasha comes up to the table, leans down, noticeably higher than the position Wanda moved you into. She breathes in and out, then hits the cue ball, causing it to sink a solid ball into the nearby pocket. She glances up at you, smirking, while still leaning down. Causing a completely automatic eye roll. The redhead arches her eyebrow at you before moving to a new spot. She leans down, breathes in and out, and.. misses. “HA!” You cheer as your stripe ball goes into the pocket instead of the solid ball that was next it.
You walk up to the table for your turn and glance to Wanda for her help again. Natasha subtly shakes her head, which you don’t notice since she was behind you. Wanda simply gives you a nod of her head, encouraging you to try by yourself. So you lean down and focus on which ball you’re aiming for and what pocket is your goal.
Breathing in and out a few times before pulling back your cue stick on your inhale and pushing it forward on your exhale. As the stick connects with the cue ball you feel a stinging on your ass. You immediately stand up and spin around with a glare, “Hey! That’s not fair.”
The President laughs as she looks over your head, “Well, it seemed like good luck because you got the ball in.”
Spinning around again to see if she was lying but there, clear as day, you see your stripe ball missing from the table and sitting in the pocket. “Don’t think for a second that I won't punish whiny, bratty behavior though, baby.” Natasha whispers in your ear, her front flush against your back, “Now, say thank you.”
You shiver at her words. The logical part of your brain can’t stop wondering why you should thank her for spanking you, but when you feel her hands on your hips as she pulls them closer to her own, that part of your mind goes blank. The heat between your legs grows even hotter and you let out a soft sigh before fingers hook under your chin and guide you to look up at Natasha, “Say thank you.” She softly growls.
“Thank you.” It comes out more as a pant than actual words but the redhead is pleased enough.
The rest of the game crawls by slowly as each redhead tries to work you up with innocent touches and whispered words. Your head becomes fuzzy in the best way, but even in this state you are completely aware that every other stripe ball that’s gone in is because of Wanda and Natasha simply trying to keep the game going.
With all solid and striped balls now off the table it’s down to whoever can sink the 8 ball in the game.
Wanda glances at you before smirking, “What if we make a little bet out of this?”
You can’t help but let out a dry laugh, “Are you joking? This whole thing is already a game of if you two can get me into bed.” Natasha licks her lips at your words, causing your cheeks to blush even more than they were.
The Vice President ignores your reply, “Great! So I was thinking, if we sink the 8 ball, then you give us a strip show,” you arch your eyebrow at the redhead, “and if you sink the 8 ball, then you give us a strip show.” She winks at you.
“That’s absolutely-” You're cut off by Natasha speaking, “Deal.”
“Deal?” You shriek as the two redheads shake each other's hand, “You two cannot agree on this without me also agreeing.”
They both come up to you and place a hand on your cheek, “And do, baby?” Wanda mumbles into your ear. Right after Natasha says, smirking, “Wanna make a deal?”
Your skin flushes at their voices, your mind hanging onto their every word. You slowly close your eyes and your head falls back slightly. Wanda lowers her head to breathe along your neck, occasionally brushing her tongue against it while Natasha’s fingers tangle around your hair, pulling it back.
A soft moan hits your ears, shocking you when you realize it came from you. Suddenly coming back to yourself, you lightly push off the women, clearing your throat to try and fake your control over yourself once again. “If I sink the 8 ball,” you take a deep breath, “then I decide the next time you touch me.”
Both redheads simply nod their heads in agreement before extending their arms to allow you space for your shot. Looking over the table and considering all the choices you quickly realize that you absolutely have no shot at winning. Ignoring every other reason besides the obvious one, you didn’t want to win.
But you wouldn’t make it apparent to the President and Vice President.
So you lean down, “Corner pocket.” You spend a considerable amount of time figuring out your angle and practicing the strength of your hit. With one more inhale, you pull back the cue stick then exhale and strike the cue ball.
You hit the 8 ball but it stops just short of falling into the pocket. You give a shy smile to the women before stepping back.
There’s a silent conversation going on between the redheads before Wanda nods and steps up to the table. “Corner pocket.” She winks at you before aiming at the cue ball and without any delay she strikes. The 8 ball disappearing into the corner pocket.
Without even a second to think, your feet are suddenly lifted into the air and over Natasha’s shoulder. Wanda comes up to grab the cue stick from you and places it on the pool table.
Once you realize the redhead plans to walk out of the parlor room with you over her shoulder, you begin to protest, “Wait. Wait. I can walk. You don’t have to think I’ll back out of the bet.”
You feel a soft hand brush the back of your thigh as the sparkling green eyed woman steps into your view.
“Oh, baby, we know, but Natty here is a very proud winner and wants to show you off,” her thin fingers smoothing down your hair. You stare at her dumbfounded as she swipes her thumb across your lower lip, “If you’re a good girl then we’ll give you an extra special reward. Can you do that for us?”
The Vice President allows you your time to process as you blink a few times before nodding your head.
A swift smack to your ass has you gasping as Natasha corrects your action, “Words baby.”
“Yes.” Another softer smack to your ass. “Yes, I can be a good girl.”
Both redheads make a pleased humming sound before walking out of the room. You try to avoid eye contact with all the partygoers. The blush across your face and chest only grows at your slight embarrassment.
It isn’t long until you're walking up to the stairs. Suddenly stopping right at the bottom, trying to turn your body at the sound of Kate’s voice. Mortification slams into you when she leans around the redhead holding you to look at your face.
Her tone relentlessly teasing, “Now, I thought I told you not to go upstairs with anyone,” the memory of her words at your arrival pulled to the front of your mind.
Rolling your eyes at your roommate only caused her to laugh further at your predicament.
Yelena speaking prompts the brunette to move back into the circle of conversation with her and the redheads, “Don’t kill the poor girl. It would severely ruin my chances with Bishop.”
Natasha laughs at her sister’s comment, “Please, the only thing she’ll get is mind altering pleasure,” pinching your ass when finishing the sentence. “Now, I’d love to chat, but I have a bet to cash in on.”
Wanda leading the way up the stairs, pausing as Kate speaks, looking up at your roommate, “She has a study group tomorrow morning at 10am! She can’t miss it!”
The redheads laugh, continuing up the stairs, the President turns slightly as she walks and salutes to the brunette, “Aye, aye, Captain.”
Less than fifteen steps later, you’re carried into a large room. Your heart stopping completely at the sound of the door closing and locking. As if noticing the slight pure panic, Wanda stands by the door twisting the handle, “It locks from inside, so if you twist the handle, then it’s automatically unlocked,” then she relocks the door.
Nodding your head in thanks and understanding of her words, she gives you a reassuring smile in return.
Then, Natasha lightly throws you onto the bed, a grunt leaving your lips, leaning over you, she smirks. Wanda comes up to sit beside your head and gently rubs your forehead with her thumbs.
The deep green eyed woman locks her eyes with yours before placing a soft kiss on your chest, then throwing herself to the empty of you.
“Now, don’t keep us waiting,” you turn your head to see sparkling green eyes looking at you.
They wait a few seconds before both women have another silent conversation. Suddenly, you startle the redheads by standing up.
Standing with your hands on your hips, stilling your voice and shifting on your feet, “Well, this will be rather awkward to do in silence.”
The President smirks at you before pulling out her phone and playing ‘Supermassive Black Hole by Muse!’ from her speaker.
Slowly you begin to sway your hips and drag your fingers across your chest. Kicking your shoes off as sexually as you can. You let the song play for about twenty seconds before you lean down and run your nails up your legs stopping where your thighs meet your center.
Turning around, you hook one finger under your right strap and pull it down, staring directly into sparkling green eyes. Then, turning your head to face the other direction and repeat the action, but slower, as you look into the deep green eyes.
Your dress only stays up from pushing out your chest. You continue to dance around until you slowly sit down onto your knees. Rolling onto the ground, your head closer to the women, arching your back as you begin to spread apart your knees. Never looking away from the redheads as your knees hit the floor. Watching as both women tighten their grips on the bed sheets.
Straightening your legs and bringing them back together, slowly using all your core strength to sit up rather than using your hands. You turn around and crawl over to the bed, standing before placing one foot on the President’s thigh.
She brings her hand up to gently hold onto your calf before digging her nails in. Biting your lip at the minimal pain before moving your hands across your chest, breathlessly Natasha speaks, “God, don’t be that much of a tease. Let Daddy see.”
Grabbing her hands, you bring them up to your chest, she squeezes before pulling down your dress exposing your breasts, strangely thanking yourself for foregoing a bra tonight.
The cool air in the room feeling amazing on your burning skin.
Lowering your foot, you walk over to the Vice President and bend how she showed you earlier during your game of pool. A loud hum of approval leaving her mouth.
Keeping your position, you gather the material at the hem of your dress and pull it over your head. Leaving Wanda staring directly at your covered center. Her finger gently travels up the inside of your thighs, never reaching the apex.
Noticing the dark patch on your light gray underwear, she speaks mockingly, “Do you want Mommy and Daddy to take care of that for you?”
A small moan slips out as you feel two different fingers suddenly press against the dark spot.
“Words, baby,” both women huskily say at the same time.
“Please, please,” you’re all but moaning.
A smack on your ass that you can tell was from Wanda by the feeling of rings soothing the sting, “Be specific, baby.”
You breathe in and out a few times before roughly swallowing, “Please, take care of me.”
The redheads, losing their lack of control, slowly decide that your answer was good enough for now, for the first time.
Natasha walks around to face you, her hands find your shoulders and make you stand up. Wanda moves further back on the bed, removing her shirt and bra before leaning against the pillows.
Grabbing onto the President’s face, you stand on your tip toes and connect your lips to hers. She eagerly begins kissing you back, nipping at your lip. Moving her hands to your ass, smacking your ass lightly, so you’ll jump into her arms.
Continuing to kiss you as she walks to the side of the bed and places you down. Ending your kiss, a low whine comes from you. Sealing your lips quickly but both women have already heard you and have lust flashing through their eyes.
“Now, go ahead and make Mommy feel good while Daddy makes you feel good.” Nodding your head at the redhead’s directions, you turn around and crawl up the bed and between Wanda’s spread legs. She holds up her hands and guides your lips to her nipple.
Natasha begins to massage your ass and tease your slit over your underwear, soaking them further by the second.
Sucking and pulling on the Vice President’s left nipple, bringing your right hand up to roll her right nipple between your fingers. You continue this while feeling the unending teasing around your clit.
Popping off Wanda’s left nipple, you drag your tongue across her chest until you can wrap your lips around the right nipple, twirling your tongue around the nub.
On the first suck, you feel a rush of cool air hit your center as your underwear is pulled down your legs, moaning loudly at the sensation. Without even a second to spare you feel the redhead’s tongue lick up the wetness on your lips before softly pushing her tongue inside your entrance.
Your jaw slacks at the feeling, your head falls away from the needy nipples in front of you. The redhead pulls you back against her nipple, “That’s a good girl. You’re giving Mommy so much pleasure,” holding you close to feel every sound come from your lips, moans of her own filling the room.
Natasha licks her way up to your clit. Giving soft licks before wrapping her lips around your clit, humming, then pulling softly on the bundle of nerves.
Your knees start shaking at the pleasure, causing you to fall further onto Wanda.
“Oh, fuck,” you mumble around the nipple.
Bringing her fingers up to your clit, rubbing circles, “Come on, baby. You're such a good girl for us.”
Her fingers slowly push into you, curling slightly against your velvet walls. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet. Let Daddy make you cum, alright?”
A truly unholy sound fell from your lips, clenching around Natash’s fingers, Wanda lifts your head slightly, so you could reply, “Please, make me cum.”
Lowering her mouth back to your clit as she sucks, licks, and nips all over while her fingers continue a relentless pace. Wanda brings her own finger to your nipples and begins rolling them between her fingers. “God, everything about you, baby. Everything is perfect,” pulling at the nubs blurring the line between pain and pleasure.
“Fuck,” your voice cracking at exclaimation. Shaking from the stimulation, the coil in your stomach tightens more with each second.
Wanda leans her head forward next to your ear, “Come for Mommy, baby. Come all over Daddy.”
A simultaneous pinch from the Vice President's fingers on your nipples and the President's pinch on your clit has a wave of pleasure crashing over you, a scream rips from your throat as you cum all over Natasha’s face and fingers and fall on top of Wanda.
Dragging out your orgasm not stopping until she's pulled every sound from your lips does begin to lick up all traces of your orgasm, sitting up and moving towards the other. You look up just in time to see them share a deep kiss, each moaning at the taste of you on their tongues.
Breaking apart, deep green eyes look at you, “Do you have another one in you, baby? You came hard enough to drown me,” lust shining in her eyes.
“I’ll do whatever you want, just make me cum that hard again,” your eyes pleading.
Smirking at you, Wanda moves you to scoot down the bed, tapping your thighs. It makes a second for you to realize where she wants you, but you quickly move to hover above her face. Natasha settles between her girlfriends thighs, “Now, this will be a sight to see,” lowering her mouth immediately, sucking the redhead’s clit into her mouth the way she likes.
Biting your lip at the sight, you sit down, your eyes connecting with the deep green ones between the redhead’s legs. Allowing the Vice President to move you where she’s most comfortable. Feeling her tongue push into your entrance has you arching your back.
Natasha’s fingers move to Wanda’s clit, rubbing at a brutal pace. The redhead sucks in a sharp breath. Moving to drag her teeth along your clit.
Your hips arch at the feeling, soft grunts passing from your lips, “Shit.”
Pulling you back against the redhead’s mouth, “Tsk, tsk, where do you think you’re going, baby girl?”
Rutting your hips against the face below you. Moans and pleas mumbling out of your mouth at the suction of your clit. Natasha sits up, keeping her fingers on Wanda’s clit, and leans towards you. Digging your nails into her shoulders, as she begins to leave soft bites along your chest before kissing up your neck.
Inhaling sharply as her teeth sink into your pulse point, sucking harshly on the delicate skin, “Such a dirty mouth.”
The pleasure on your clit increases, building up your orgasm quickly. Moaning as you drag your nails down the redhead’s back.
Wanda becomes sloppy underneath you, hinting at her own release coming soon. “Mommy’s getting close. Come with Mommy, baby,” Natasha mumbles against your neck, pushing you right to the edge.
Sucking your earlobe into her mouth and biting down on your soft skin, “Seeing how you ride Mommy’s face makes me wonder how well you would ride Daddy’s dick,” her words sending both you and the woman beneath you over the edge.
The Vice President slowly licks your cunt to clean you as the President drags her finger through her girlfriend’s release. Bringing them up to your mouth, “Be a good girl,” and pushing them between your lips.
A sinful moan escapes both of your lips, though for different reasons. Exhaustion riding through your body allows Natasha to gently lift you off Wanda’s face and lean you against the pillows.
Your eyelids fight too close to receive a moment of rest, quickly winning over your desire to stay conscious. Both women get off the bed walking into the en-suite and cleaning themselves up quickly, returning with a towel for you.
Noticing your sleeping form, the two exchange a look before Wanda’s soft hands spread your knees and gently clean you up.
“She’s perfect for us,” the President whispers.
“She is, but how can we convince her of that,” the Vice President whispers back.
As a plan forms in her mind, the redhead smirks, “We will just have to show her.”
Wanda throws the towel aiming for the laundry hamper, but misses, before laying down into the bed next to you. Natasha follows suit, listening to the music thrum downstairs while closing her eyes.
Groaning and swatting at the air when you hear the familiar sounds of a phone alarm going off.
Your messy morning hair is removed from your face, startling you into opening your eyes. Confusion flashing through you until you see two pairs so similar yet different green eyes.
“Wha-,” you begin, but are cut off.
“I would have let you sleep in more, baby, but we need to get you dressed for your study group. The last thing I need is my little sister trying to murder me for ruining her chances with the Bishop girl.”
Blinking a few times, begging for your brain to catch up, yet all your mind can think of is, “Her name is Kate.”
The redheads smile at you, “Yes, of course, we apologize,” Wanda says sincerely.
With a pat on your thigh, Natasha sits up, “Now, I don't think you want to go to your study group in that little blue dress you were wearing last night, so you can borrow something of ours.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I can just run to my dorm. I need to brush my teeth anyway, so it’s okay.” However the looks you receive cause doubt to fill your mind, “What time is it?”
“9:45am,” Wanda grimances. Your jaw falls open at the realization that you will definitely not make it in time unless you go straight there. Cursing yourself for not understanding your math course better and needing to go to the study groups in the first place, with a deep breath you look up at the women, “Show me the outfit.”
Standing in the mirror you can’t complain. It was a simple pair of medium washed jeans, though slightly too long since you are shorter than both women, have been cuffed and paired with a loose long sleeve shirt sporting their sorority. The worst part, yet best part, was the sports bra Nastaha gave you to wear. You felt a bit like a walking advertisement.
Throwing on your shoes and tying your hair into your best messy, not messy, bun, you head down the stairs towards the front door. To your surprise, the redheads follow behind you. Thinking they must be the type to walk out guests, you say nothing.
Reaching for the door handle, you're cut off by Wanda’s ring-covered hand opening the door for you, extending her arm in an ‘after you, ladies first’ motion.
Arching an eyebrow at the action before turning to face them, “Thank you for the clothes. I’ll return them washed by the end of next week, swear,” beginning to turn back around before stopping and facing them again, whispering, “and thank you for last night too,” then rushing down the steps of the porch.
Stepping out of the doorway both women laugh before replying, “Now, that you don’t need to thank us for.” Trying to hide your blush from the redheads as you speed walk down the sorority's front lawn, checking your phone for the time, seven minutes to get there, thinking ‘I can do it’ as you break out into a run across campus.
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ek-atherine · 1 day
Ink Manifestation (Satoru Gojo x Reader)
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A/N: Hello! I just wanted to post the first chapter that I finished of this that I'm starting, I don't know if I'll end up finishing it, but I just wanted to post it here to see how people like it. And if I can get any more writing ideas. This is written in first person POV btw, I know a lot of people don't love that writing style so just a warning now. Without further ado here is chapter one of Ink Manifestation.
Word Count: 3979
Cursed technique: ink manifestation 
This technique revolves around the user being covered in extensive and complex tattoos that are embedded with cursed energy and can be activated at the will of the user. When activated the tattoos glow and the ink shifts out from their original place. When the ink leaves the spot a scar of what was there is left behind. 
Creation and control: The user can manipulate the ink from their tattoos to create various objects and creatures. This includes weapons like swords, spears, and shields, or living creatures such as birds, snakes, and wolves. The creations are as strong as the user's cursed energy allows.
Range and versatility: the ink can be projected from the user's body extending their reach and allowing for versatile attacks. For example, ink tendrils can be used for long-range combat or to ensnare enemies. 
Hardening: the user can harden the ink to make it as hard as steel for both offensive and defensive capabilities. 
Shapeshifting: the ink can shift its form rapidly, which allows the user to adapt during combat. Can switch from a defensive shield to a spear in an instant. 
Cursed poison: the ink contains cursed energy that can poison enemies. When cut by the ink the cursed energy from it seeps into the body weakening them and disrupting their cursed energy flow. Prolonged exposure to this poison can lead to paralysis. 
Self-healing: the ink tattoos can assist in healing the user's wounds by converting the cursed energy into regenerative properties. 
The technique relies heavily on the user's cursed energy reserves. Extensive use can quickly deplete their energy and leave them vulnerable. The user therefore must have a high endurance. 
After extensive use as well, the ink and tattoos need time to recharge making the user's abilities significantly reduced. So the user uses different tattoos and different parts of the body at a time to take that into account.
  “God, would you just stop bitching and stay still?” I asked Satoru impatiently. He was the one that wanted me to tattoo him in the first place and I’ve barely been able to do the outline of the stencil without him bitching about how much it hurt and squirming in pain in response to the needle poking in his arm. 
   All of my classmates, well the three that I have anyway, all have tattoos from me. I like to think it signifies our close friendship with each other and we’ll always be a part of each other's lives through my art. Shoko was the first to get one, and the best one to sit through the whole thing, she has a lotus flower on her back right shoulder—one of my favorite pieces I’ve done. Suguru was the second one that came asking for a tattoo from me, he immediately took a liking to my tattoos when I first arrived on campus and was even more impressed when he learned I did a good majority of them myself. 
   Excluding my face, my whole body is covered in tattoos. In the (l/n) clan, tattoos are a big part of our family, because of my cursed technique I’m the one with the most. Most of the tattoos I couldn’t reach were done back home by other family members in the clan. It’s almost a right of passage sort of thing with tattoos, I got my first one when I was just 13, though it was a fairly small tattoo. I quickly learned how to tattoo myself and others, building up my skill and art, I found myself covered promptly in tattoos, which is a must for my cursed technique. 
   When Suguru got his tattoo, he couldn’t believe the detail and precision I had when it came to tattooing and drawing up the stencil for it. He had gotten a serpent that stretched from the left side of his chest and circled his left arm. I loved doing that tattoo as well, Suguru wore tank tops for the longest time when I first did it so he could show it off. I was the one that gave him his ear piercings as well, though I had never done piercings myself before, the ones I had were done at a shop, but a quick tutorial I saw on the internet fixed that. However, Suguru thought I already knew how to do it. 
   “Well, it hurts!” Satoru complained in a whiny tone making me roll my eyes annoyed at him. 
   “The strongest sorcerer can’t even handle getting a little tattoo,” I mumbled, amused. 
   Satoru was getting the tiniest tattoo out of all of our classmates. Of course, it was centered around his six-eyes technique cause it’s Satoru. He was getting six infinity symbols on top of each other to represent it. We had only just started tattooing as well, just about to finish the first infinity symbol on his right wrist. 
   “Well, you’re poking me with a needle!” He continues to complain. 
   “Well, I can just leave you with a half-ass finished tattoo and then tell Shoko and Suguru how much of a baby you were being.” I threaten. That shuts him up and I smirk at him. “That’s what I thought, now for the last time hold still.”
   Once the tattoo is finally finished (as well as Satoru’s bitching) I do a final wipe down of the tattoo and start to take my gloves off after turning off my tattoo machine. Satoru looks down at his wrist and smiles in awe at his new tattoo. I always love seeing the reactions of people after I tattoo them, probably the people pleaser in me, but especially when it’s those I care about, it just feels so much better. 
   “I love it! Makes me look all sexy and mysterious now doesn’t it?” Satoru asks as I clean up my station. I laugh at his comment as he poses joking showing off his tattoo.
   “One tattoo isn’t gonna cut it, maybe when you get to my level,” I tell him flexing off my sleeves. Then there’s a knock at my door to my dorm room and Suguru’s voice follows asking if he could come in. After telling him it’s okay to come in, he opens the door and Satoru immediately starts showing off his new tattoo to him. 
   “Barely hurt at all, I could’ve fallen asleep.” Satoru lies. 
   “He kept whining like a baby, and he only got that,” I tell Suguru and he laughs at Satoru, who looks at me with a betrayed look. 
   “Anyways, what’s up, Suguru?” I ask him putting away the bottles of ink and the machine. 
   “We haven’t heard from Utahime and Mei in about 2 days, so we’ve gotta go oversee about that,” Suguru explains ignoring Satoru’s continuous posing of his wrist. 
   “Oh yeah, they went to that mansion right?” I asked him which he confirmed. 
   “Shoko is outside waiting for us, so we should probably get going.” He tells us. I nod and throw on my shoes before we all head out. 
   Once outside of the dorms we find Shoko finishing up a cigarette she had hanging out from her lips. Satoru, again, shows off his wrist to her posing ridiculously, how do you even pose to show off your wrist? Doesn’t matter though I guess because he manages to do it. 
   “Christ, Satoru, yes I see your tattoo!” She yells at him annoyed that he’s practically shoving his wrist in her face. Though he was annoying, I found it kind of sweet he was showing off my art, made me feel good that he loved his tattoo so much, no matter how simple it was. 
   The four of us arrived at the now destroyed mansion, Satoru, Shoko and I went to make sure Mei and Utahime were okay while Suguru kept his eye out for the cursed spirit, so he could absorb it. Rumble was moving around and Utahime groaned out in pain as she got out from under the rubble. 
   “Please don’t bother her,” I ask Satoru, knowing he was going to immediately. He smiles and jumps up onto some rubble above Utahime. 
   “I’m here to save you, Utahime,” Satoru tells her with a big cocky grin on his face then leans down to look at her. “You cryin’?” 
   “No! I am not crying! Be more polite!” She yells at him furious that Satoru was there out of all people it could’ve been. Not that I blame her, Satoru is a cocky ass and can be annoying most times. And he loves to mess with Utahime since she was probably the easiest to annoy. 
   “If I was crying would you console me? I’d definitely like that.” Mei asked Satoru with a sultry smirk. I make a look of disgust towards her which she thankfully doesn’t notice, she is my senior after all I can’t really be rude to her. Mei was a strong sorcerer and I would never deny that fact, but she always annoyed me and gave me a physical ick, especially with the way she talks. 
   “Yeah but you wouldn’t be cryin’ Mei, you’re strong,” Satoru tells her standing upright to face her making her chuckle at his comment. This very clearly ticked off Utahime since her face was starting to get angrier by the second of their conversation. 
   “Gojo! You listen to me! I don’t need your help!” Utahime yelled finally standing up out of the rubble, but behind her, so did a cursed spirit. She turns towards it shocked and unprepared to react. Thankfully she doesn’t need time to since one of Suguru’s curse manipulations in the form of a giant worm grabs a hold of the cursed spirit so Suguru can absorb it. 
   “Don’t swallow it, I’ll absorb it later,” Suguru tells his curse. “Satoru, it’s not nice to pick on the weak.”
   “Okay, but what kind of idiot picks on the strong?” Satoru asks him with a laugh as he speaks. Utahime turns furiously to Satoru but immediately changes her demeanor when she notices Shoko and me next to him smiling at her.
   “Utahime, you okay?” Shoko asks her. She calls out our names in relief mixed in with happiness. 
   “We were worried about you! We hadn’t heard from you for two days!” I explain to her. Utahime yells out our names again as she runs up some stairs towards us and engulfs us in a hug. 
   “Don’t you dare let yourselves turn out like those two!” Utahime demanded us making Shoko and I both chuckle. 
   “We aren’t trash like they are,” Shoko says as I gently pat Utahime’s shoulder. “And we never will be.” 
   Suguru climbs up the stairs to meet with us all while Satoru mutters something probably mean about Utahime to him since I hear Suguru tell him to shut up jokingly since he was still smiling at whatever Satoru was saying. 
   “Wait, two days?” Utahime asks realizing that is in fact what I said. It must not have seemed like two days to her and Mei if she was reacting like this. 
   “Huh, guess the cursed spirit’s barrier was one of those that messes with time. They’re rare, but they happen.” I explain to her. 
   “It is odd it took so long since Mei was with you,” Satoru explains. 
   “That would make sense,” Mei says. “But that means that it involved two full days of labor. I was just thinking how I’ll rewrite the invoice for the extra fees that are now owed to me.”
   “She’s planning to overcharge again.” Utahime comments. 
   “More importantly though what about, the veil?” Mei asked only to be met with all our dumbstruck smiles that stared back at her. Well, shit. Fucking Satoru. 
   Since Suguru was dealing with absorbing that cursed spirit and Mei and Utahime were both okay, we made our way back to campus, and of course, Yaga asked to meet with us immediately. And to our shock, it was about Satoru’s carelessness with the veil, though we all probably should’ve made sure he did take care of that. 
   Yaga was playing to news on the TV in the classroom and was talking about how the destroyed mansion was due to a gas leak explosion. The four of us were kneeling down in front of our teacher, ready to blame Satoru. 
   “The four of you were supposed to oversee the mission in that home. Also, you left your assistant supervisor behind. And on top of everything you forgot the veil! Who is to blame?” Yaga asks pretty much already knowing the answer. We all point over to Satoru who raises his hand quickly to make up some dumb excuse. 
   “Sensei! I’m asking you to stop this hunt for the culprit!” Satoru yells out with his hand raised high. He’s then met with a punch to the top of his head from Yaga. 
   After being necessarily disciplined due to forgetting the veil, we all went to hang out in the gym. Satoru was throwing a basketball in the air complaining about needing a veil in the first place. Shoko and I weren’t really paying attention though since we were playing around with Satoru’s glasses that he currently had off. She was looking through the glasses amazed how he could even see out of them in the first place. 
   “Come on I wanna see them, Shoko,” I tell her and she hands over the glasses that I quickly put on. 
   I immediately play around with Shoko making her laugh with my Satoru impersonation, which he doesn’t notice since he’s whining about “normies” as he puts it seeing cursed spirits. Satoru throws the basketball towards the hoop which Suguru intercepted dribbling the ball in front of himself. Satoru leans his head back towards Shoko and me so I stand up and place his glasses back on his face earning a genuine smile from him over his cocky confident one. That smile of his always makes me smile back at him in response. 
   Suguru was lecturing Satoru about why veils are important, but Satoru immediately got up when Suguru was distracted stealing the ball he was dribbling and shooting it into the basket successfully. 
   “Looking out for the weak and protecting them is honestly so exhausting,” Satoru says as he throws the basketball back at Suguru across the court. I was laying on a bench on the side playing around with some ink I took from my right arm, just floating it around out of pure boredom. 
   “The survival of the weakest that’s the proper shape of a proper society,” Suguru tells him holding out the ball in front of himself. “The weak help each other and discourage strength. Listen, Satoru. Jujutsu exists to protect the non-jujutsu sorcerers.”
   “Moral argument?” Satoru asks as Suguru shoots the ball into the basket behind Satoru since they have now met in the middle of the court. The ball missed the basket and fell to the floor, bouncing until it became still. “I hate moral arguments.”
   “What?” Suguru asks. Oh crap. Now my attention is caught as I carefully watch my friends preparing for them to start challenging each other. 
   “Assigning reason and responsibilities to strength is what those who are weak tend to do,” Satoru says as he picks up the basketball that had rolled over to behind him and throws it expertly into the basket behind Suguru who was starting to look pissed off. 
   “When are quit making yourself feel better spouting all this bullshit?” Satoru asks him wanting to piss off his friend. My god can’t they just kiss and makeup at this point? 
   “Well, this is a perfect time for a smoke break,” Shoko says leaving the gym as quickly as she could. 
   “Shoko don’t leave meeee!” I yelled out to her, but she was already out the door. 
   “Want to take this outside, Satoru?” Suguru threatenly asks as he starts to conjure up a cursed spirit of his. 
   “What, feeling lonely? Go by yourself if you want.” 
   Thankfully, Yaga walks in at that time and the boys start stretching acting like nothing had just happened. 
   “How long are you going to keep fooling around? Where is Shoko?” Yaga asks. 
   “Dunno, little girls room?” Satoru suggested. 
   “Whatever, this mission is being assigned to you two idiots and (y/n).” He explains I internally smirk to myself since I’m not considered an idiot to him. Or at least not on the level of Suguru and Satoru. The boys groan out in annoyance and make annoyed faces to follow. “What’re those faces for?”
   “Oh nothing,” the boys say in unison. 
   We all walk along campus together with Yaga as he explains the assignment given to us. 
   “Frankly I think it’s too much for you three, but Tengen asked for you three specifically. Your mission has two goals. The star plasma vessel is the one compatible with Tengen. You are to escort that girl and erase her.”
   “Escort some brat and then erase her?” Satoru asks as we make it into one of the class buildings. 
   “That’s right,” Yaga says opening one door and about to head inside. 
   “He’s finally gone senile.” 
   “It is spring, his head is probably full of becoming the next principal,” I explain as Suguru and I follow Yaga inside the classroom. “All joking aside, is this about renewing Tengen’s technique?”
   “Hmm, what’s that?” Satoru asks outside of the classroom peering in through the windows and making us all groan. “What did I miss?!”
   “Tengen possess the cursed technique of immortality but it’s not eternal youth. Not a problem if all he did was get older. But after his body ages to a certain point, his cursed technique begins rewriting his body. Evolution. He’ll cease to be human and become a higher form of existence.”
   “What’s wrong with that?” Satoru asks. “Sounds cool!”
   “According to Tengen, those who reach that state of being have no will. It means Tengen would cease to be Tengen.” I explain to my friend. “All the schools have the barriers that form the foundation of jujutsu society, the many barrier techniques of the assistant supervisors, are all strengthened by Tengen. Without the help from his power, we would hardly be able to maintain security or clean up after missions. And in the worst-case scenario, Tengen could even become a threat. Hence why every 500 years, he finds the Star Plasma Vessel, someone who is compatible with him, and assimilates them, overwriting the information of their body. This renews his body and he resets his cursed technique back to the start and therefore avoids Evolution.” 
   “I get it. It would be fine if he turned into MetalGreymon, but we can’t have him becoming SkullGreymon. So we have him start over from Koromon.” Satoru says making Suguru and me look at him in disbelief. Whatever makes him understand this I guess. 
   “Huh? Yeah, whatever works, I guess.” Suguru voices my thoughts aloud. 
   “The star plasma vessel’s location has been leaked. Right now, there are two major groups after the young girl’s life.” Yaga says as he turns his laptop over to show the three of us his screen. “One is the curse user group Q, which seeks to upend jujutsu society with Tengen’s rampage. The other is the star religious group, also known as the Time Vessel Association which worships Tengen as a god. Tengen will assimilate the star plasma vessel two days from now. You are to protect the girl until then and ensure she reaches Tengen. If you fail, the effects will ripple throughout even normal society.”
   Cool, zero pressure. The three of us finally leave to deal with our mission. We were heading to the girl’s home in an apartment building to make contact with her and get her into our safety immediately. These other groups were most definitely already on their way after her, so we had to be quick, which we would be if those two weren’t the slowest walkers of mankind. When we finally arrived, Suguru and I were going to be the ones going inside to get to the star plasma vessel while Satoru remained on ground control. Suguru had Satoru on speaker on his phone and we were discussing what we were up against. 
   “The star religious group is an organization of non-sorcerers,” Suguru explains over the phone as we ride the elevator up to one of the top-level rooms the girl was staying in. 
   “We most likely don’t have to pay them much mind then,” I say. “Who we really have to worry about is Q.” 
   “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Satoru says over the phone. I can hear him messing around with the canned drink in his hand making an annoying sound over the phone that I tried to ignore. The face I was making over it was clear to Suguru how much it bothered me, making him chuckle. 
   “We are the strongest after all.” Satoru continues. “That’s why Tengen asked for us specifically, right?” 
   Suguru and I sighed out of annoyance due to our friend’s dangerous confidence. 
   “What?!” He asked offended by our unison sigh. 
   “You’re a cocky confident ass, Satoru,” I tell him. “Stop being so full of yourself.”
   “Huh?!” He exclaims over the phone as he finally destroys his soda can ending the annoying crinkling. The elevator dings as Suguru and I make it to the floor and we exit as Suguru continues the conversation. 
   “She’s right, especially when addressing your superiors,” Suguru tells him. “We might end up meeting Tengen after all. You should really be more polite and humble. It would make yourself seem less threatening to the juniors as well.” 
   “Screw that,” Satoru says with a laugh. 
   “You’re lucky you're my friend, otherwise I’d take a potato peel to your new tattoo.” I threaten, making the boys groan out in horror and disgust. “God I’m kidding, you two are such babies.” 
   Suguru and I make it to the door and I ring the doorbell. A feminine-sounding voice calls out that she’ll be there soon and we wait at the door. But then a high-pitched beep goes off followed by a huge explosion. Thankfully, my instincts were quick and I shielded Suguru and me with a wall of my ink from the blast. Suguru still placed himself over me in a protective manner. 
   “You two alive?” Satoru asks over the phone with worry. 
   “Yeah, we are. Don’t know about the girl.” I say then stop as I look out the window and see something flying through the air, yeah it was her. 
   “You think we’ll be blamed for the kid dying from that?” Satoru asks. 
   Suguru hangs up the phone and I redisperse my ink from the shield into a large shard which I use to break the nearest window near Suguru and me. I knew he had cursed spirits so he could safely fly on to get her, I, unfortunately, had no such skill with my ink. 
   “Don’t blame me.” A man in a white uniform said. He was holding a woman who wore a maid’s uniform by the cuff of her shirt dragging him along to wait out the broken wall to make sure the girl died. “If you must hate someone, hate Tengen.”
   Suguru had thankfully caught the girl and the man in the uniform looked at him shocked. 
   “Please stop making us stand out,” Suguru asked the man with fake politeness. “We just got chewed out this morning.” 
   “Yeah, I’m not getting in trouble over someone else’s stupidity again today,” I say as I form a spear out of my ink. 
   “Those uniforms, you’re sorcerers from Jujutsu High, right?” He asks looking back at me and then at Suguru. “Hand over the kid. Or I’ll kill you and this girl here” 
   “Sorry can’t hear youuuu, come closer and talk,” I tell him in a sing-songy voice. 
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 days
Hello, I’m the anon who wondered if you could offer some advice for me despite the common topic. I just wanted to thank you for the advice and to say that you put some things into perspective! :)
I think you may be on to something when you say that I’m very focused on finishing a story rather than on the immersion itself that I *actually* want to receive from them. I think that it may be a side effect from not having friends to share them with anymore so the only way they can be shared is if I finish and then publish the story to share with strangers. I’ve noticed that I’m very impatient when I sit down to write because I want to “finish” it so that I can share it.
I also wanted to add that beta reading is another way I used to feel immersed into stories and that I really miss that too. The friend and I who drifted apart have a long history of brainstorming but also beta reading each other’s works. We did it for 10+ years and we even co-wrote a 120k story together in 2019, and then 2020 happened. My point is that I’ve never truly learned the skill of self-motivation since I first began writing. My other friend, who no longer has the mental energy, is one I met because I left a string of comments on her stories and then she asked if I wanted to be her beta reader on both her fanfictions but also her original stories (later she also became my beta reader). My associations with writing are actually quite community-based, now that I think about it. I love beta reading (both original work and fanfictions) because I love getting immersed into someone else’s raw creativity and worldbuilding up close. It feels inspiring to witness someone’s passion like that and it used to motivate me in return.
Anyway, I’m really glad that you took the time to answer my ask. It helped me a lot. :)
Hi again, anon!
I'm so glad to hear that I was able to give you something to think about. I see what you mean about really needing that community feedback and I totally agree that being a beta for someone is incredibly inspiring!
If you want to volunteer to beta for folks, you can try out the @needabeta Beta File. I'm not on their list myself, so I can't say how busy those betas are but it's a resource worth looking into maybe?
One other thing you could try (although depending on your personality it might seem daunting) is to publish your WIP chapter by chapter rather than waiting to finish. Or even post snippets for a WIP Wednesday or Six Sentence Sunday type of ongoing event. Just as a way to maybe get some of that conversation you're craving.
Whatever you do next, I hope you find that community you're looking for. You deserve it. 💗
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detectivebambam · 2 days
hi!! i have a writing prompt for you pretty please with a cherry on top: andreil, airport rainy day with a delayed flight and cuddling. i just love airports
i loved this prompt so it is the first one I finished. hopefully this satisfies your needs:
The flight to California was supposed to leave at six in the morning, but weather had delayed it until further notice. Andrew was already on edge from waking up so early, and the fact that they were going to California just made him cranky. Neil took his phone and changed all of Andrew's nap alarms to an hour early so he could adjust.
"You okay?" He asked.
Andrew just grunted in response.
"I have juice in my bag if you want."
Andrew shook his head and went back to picking at his nails.
If Andrew was going to be this grumpy the whole time, no one was going to get through the day unscathed.
"Take a nap, then," he suggested, "I brought your blanket."
Andrew looked over at Nicky, then back at Neil.
"Oh for fuck's sake, Andrew. If you think I'm gonna let anyone get near you, you're fucking crazy."
"Don't care."
He busied himself with his nails again, then got bored and went to search for food. He didn't ask Neil to join him, but he went anyway.
After a couple minutes, Neil found a perfect solution.
"That place has cocoa," he pointed. "Do you want some?"
Andrew started walking towards the store in lieu of an answer.
"Read," he demanded.
Neil cocked his head in question.
"My contacts broke."
"I have your glasses with me-"
Neil rolled his eyes and began listing menu items he thought Andrew would like. He didn't even bother with the list of Matcha Teas, though he made a mental note to get one for himself.
They arrived back at their gate with a peppermint hot chocolate and a peach matcha. Hopefully the warmth of the drink along with the sound of the rain could lure Andrew to sleep; at least that was the plan.
It was a good plan, too. After half an hour, Andrew was fighting to keep his eyes open. Neil clicked his tongue and ran his hands through Andrew's hair. He had to be methodical about putting him to sleep. One wrong move and he'd be in danger of getting bit, and probably be subject to the silent treatment.
Luckily, his plan had worked out okay. Andrew tucked his feet up underneath him and laid his head on Neil's lap. Of course there were plenty of old hags in the seats nearby that felt the need to glare at the PDA. Thankfully, Neil's scars proved useful for some things. He glared right back and could've sworn he saw one of them crossing herself. With his barely healed Glasgow scars and broken hands he supposed he did look like the Devil. It didn't matter anymore. He was content with whatever would keep them away from Andrew.
He carefully reached down to grab Andrew's blanket. It was yellow and lightweight, with a sunflower pattern. Bee had got it for him after Aaron's trial. A peace offering before the difficult weeks to come.
Neil threw it over him and by the grace of God, didn't get a glare in return. He went back to sipping his tea and reading the synopsis of the book he'd secretly bought for Andrew. It was a young adult, about a boy trying to prove himself to his father with the help of his ghost friend. Maybe at the hotel, Andrew could read it to him. Neil much preferred it that way; Andrew doing the hard part so Neil didn't have to watch the letters jump around the page, taunting him. Laying his head on his chest to feel the hum of Andrew's soft voice. It had become a nice way for them both to unwind after long games. A tradition of sorts.
Neil looked down at Andrew once more. His blanket had slipped slightly down his shoulder, so Neil blew on his face to let him know he was there and pulled the blanket up under his chin.
Andrew made a small hum of appreciation and went back to sleep again.
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esamastation · 2 days
hi!!! i just wanted to pop in after reading some of your AC fics (ones where desmond, ezio, and/or altaïr are at the forefront so in this case: i was born for this, terrible two, stone angel, gift of living well, impermanence, three fold, & earthly scene) and say that you're a brilliant writer. as someone who's trying to write longer, more impactful stories, it's admirable how you prioritize the plot and how romance is a sweet part of it. (this is part 1 of this message bc of the word count!)
you construct romance in an original, cathartic way that feels effortless. i just finished 'i was born with this' and the romance that forms between the characters feels so natural and unforced. another thing i love in your fics is that when desmond goes back in time, he always (unintentionally at first) makes an impact in furthering knowledge, inventions, etc centuries ahead of when they were supposed to happen. more importantly, desmond finds his well-deserved happy ending.
your fic ideas are also so creative and out of the box. i'm currently going through the games right now and desmond has been so so much shit (unwillingly) and he deserves some rest and happiness :,) another thing i love is how you always leave a hopeful ending that makes me ache to know what happens after!! you flesh out the characters so much over the span of + 100,000k words, tie things wonderfully at the end, and make me feel out breath (in a good way)
yeah, to sum that up, you're an amazing writer!! i also wanted to ask you some questions about writing. i aspire to write long fics, but i struggle with plotting out events =( i feel like i rush the events in how i want to get to the end where the characters are happy! do you have a writing process? do you plot out your stories or kind of go with the flow? do you have any tips on improving your writing? i totally get if you don't have any advice! have a great day!
Thank you for your nice comments, sorry it took so long to reply, I was feeling very antisocial. Anyway.
I do not have a writing process - I'm what they call a gardner writer, I take characters and I put them into situations and see how things develop and plot either happens or it doesn't. Maybe I have vague plans like "here's a scene I want to see in future" and "this is a result I want them to come to" and then try to write towards those goals, but they don't always pan out. It's all very chaotic and leads to lot of dropped fics, but it's how I enjoy writing. (It really helps having someone reading your stuff and poking at the plot holes though, I got a lot of fics that only got as far as they did because nimadge or someone else was there along for the ride.)
I dunno if there's anything other that just practice that can improve a person's writing. Some people recommend writing short stories and flash fiction, some people say your should write X amount of words every day. If all else fails there's thousands YouTube videos on subject.
Personally I'm a huge advocate of taking ideas from other people and putting your own spin into them. Derivate, rehash, put them in a blender, see what comes out. Like, don't copy Lord of the Rings word for word and publish it as your own work, that's bad - but maybe dwarf and elf going on adventures together is a idea that could go places. Fanfiction is all derivation upon pre-existing ideas.
Related, I whole heartedly endorse anyone who wants to take plots and ideas I've written and taking a crack at them with their own style. It's pretty much how I learned to write as wee bab on a typewriter, stealing from the books I enjoyed. And hell, if you don't have a style, try someone else's. One is my most popular fics started with me trying to emulate the style and cadence of narration of a completely unrelated TV series I was watching at the time. I don't think anyone even noticed.
Once you have enough practice under your belt, your style will develop on its own.
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deathbyhertouch · 18 hours
3 Musketeers
Tumblr media
stripper!reader x boygenius
AN: Sorry this took so long, I wanted to really make it special. I hope you like it. I'm happy with it, maybe a bit too much lol
word count: 3.8k
warnings: smut (18+, mdni), group sex, stripper, pussy eating, face riding, fingering, bad descriptions of dancing, multiple orgasms, overstimulation ( if you squint), fluff at the end
here is the playlist for this fic
Your shift was running at a glacial pace. The money wasn’t coming in and there were little to no customers at this point. You were last to be cut for the night, internally kicking yourself for agreeing to pick up the shift. You would’ve much rather been cuddling up in your lonely apartment with a bottle of cheap wine and a blunt. Perhaps another night for that.
“Ladies and Gentlemen! Please give it up for Poppy!”
You made your way to the stage, before grabbing some cleaner and a cloth. You shook your hips as you walked towards the pole. You made quite the spectacle of cleaning it thoroughly before walking the rag and cleaner back to the side stage. You wrapped a hand around the pole, shaking your ass, perhaps a bit too dramatic. You smiled widely, looking at the 2 people actually sitting at the stage. 2 older guys that probably didn’t want to be here, let alone to watch your routine. You flashed a wink at them anyway, as they each hesitantly threw a dollar bill at your foot. You turned to face the pole, wrapping your legs in unison with your hands. You twirled around, making sure to show off your scantily clad breasts. Your body flowed so smoothly, almost as though you were being puppeteered. 
As your song played to its end, you finished up your song before collecting the very small payload off the floor. You grabbed your small bag that you keep your earnings in. You waltzed off the stage, towards the DJ Booth to give him your next couple songs, instead of that happening tho, you felt a heavy hand tap your shoulders. You turned to see one of the bouncers, a large burly man with a greasy ponytail.
“Champagne Room, you’re booked for the next hour.” He grumbled at you. Your eyes widened, an hour? You flashed him a small smile, and turned on your heels. You were nervous, after all, you had never been booked for that long before, usually just a lap dance or two. You anxiously made your way to the gilded room, golden beaded curtains and a bright neon sign reading ‘champagne room’. You took a deep breath, stabling yourself before drawing back the curtain and heading inside. You looked along the plush, carpeted room, and saw three figures seated across the far end of the room. You made your way to the small bar cart, pouring four glasses of the strawberry champagne, provided by the club. You placed the glasses on a tray and strutted over to your audience. It felt like forever before you were in front of them, finally seeing their faces for the first time, it was three very attractive women, something familiar about them, but you couldn’t quite place it. 
“Welcome to the champagne room, ladies. My name is Poppy, please enjoy a drink with me.” You spoke, with a smile on your face as you handed each of them a glass of champagne. They looked at each other, seemingly sharing a telepathic conversation. You brushed it off, taking a swig of your own drink.
“I’m Lucy, this is Phoebe, and Julien.” The raven-haired woman spoke, pointing towards the other two as she said their names. You smiled and gave a wink to them. You nodded and set your drink down on a small table beside them. 
“Lovely to meet you, so rare to get booked in the champagne room, let alone by three of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life.” You cooed at them. “Is this your first time here at the Lioness Lounge?” You were certain you would’ve remembered faces like theirs. Fuck, this must be a dream. Your eyes moved from each one, taking their sweet time memorizing each of them.
“Yeah, we are celebrating tonight. A friend of Lucy’s recommended this place, said something about the best dancers, hoping to have a great night, especially considering you are gorgeous.” The smallest one, Julien, told you. Her words making a blush creep up your neck, you hummed contently. 
“Thank you, doll. So, what are we celebrating tonight?” You asked, connecting your phone to the nearby speaker, putting on your dance playlist. You began to sway your hips, making your way to the small platform. 
“W-We are in a band, our new album releases tomorrow. We wanted to have a mini party of our own tonight before the release party.” Phoebe murmured, her eyes fixated on your body. Normally, you didn’t care for lingering stares, but this was your job, and you made bank so it was fine. Seeing how her eyes, as well as the other two, were fixated on you, made you feel warm and excited. 
“Ah, I see. Well, that does call for celebration. How does a show sound?” You purred at her, moving your body as seductively as you could, wanting to impress them. The thought of actually wanting to impress a customer, enough to get them to remember you, was a rarity, one that hasn’t happened in quite a while. You bent forward, tightening the straps of your heels, before standing up slowly. You made sure to push out your ass, running your hands sensually over your body as you fully stood up. You rubbed a hand over your pussy, rubbing a small circle over your clit, before you moved to grab your clothed breasts, pinching your already hard nipples between your forefingers and thumbs. You heard a small ‘fuck’, although you couldn’t figure out which one. 
You moved off the platform, moving onto your hands and knees before crawling towards them. You had your best ‘fuck me’ eyes on, making sure to push your tits between your arms, really wanting to accentuate them. As you grew closer, you could feel the nervous tension off each of them. As you were kneeled in front of them, you placed your left hand on Lucy’s knee, the right on Julien’s, and you placed a chaste kiss on each of Phoebe’s knees. You snaked your way up, dragging your breasts across her lap, before pushing against hers. You were inches apart and her eyes were wide, pupils blown. 
“Hi.” You whispered, before placing a small kiss on her nose. You were quick to notice her breath start to waver, a dark red crawling across her cheeks. You took that as your cue to continue, moving your head towards her neck. You made sure to drag your lips down her jawline, before pulling her earlobe into your mouth. You let out a loud moan, making sure the others heard. You swirled your tongue around the soft flesh before letting go. You pulled back enough to see her face. She was in bliss, mouth slightly agape, eyes quick to meet yours. You blew her a kiss and stood up to make your way around the back of the couch.
 In unison, all three heads followed your movements as if there were strings attached to them. You stood behind Julien, her head fully leaned back against the couch, so she could keep eye contact with you. You placed a kiss on her forehead, making her grin up at you. You matched her smile.
“May I?” You asked, placing your hands on her shoulders, giving them a slight rub. She nodded a bit too excited and you let out a small giggle, loving how adorable she looked under your touch. You lowered your head so it was next to hers, blowing on her ear. She shuddered a bit from the sensation, letting out a whimper. You moved your hands from her shoulders, down to her collarbones, just above where she wanted you to touch her. Your fingers inched across her skin, almost feather-light to the touch. 
“Tell me what you want, baby. I want to hear you use your words.” You breathed against her ear. “I-I want you to touch me. Please.” She whined, her eyes watching your hands closely. You giggled, obliged to give this sweet thing anything she desired. Your hands slipped under the button up shirt she wore, wrapping your fingers around her breasts. You kneaded the soft flesh achingly slow. She let out a breathy moan, melting under your skilled hands. You rolled her nipples under your fingers, pressing a kiss to her neck. You were incredibly turned on, wanting nothing more than to end your shift, and take these girls back to your place. You gave her breasts one more light squeeze, before removing your hands completely from her. If looks could kill, you would be 6 feet under. Her brows were furrowed at the abrupt stop. 
“Sorry baby, I want to keep all 3 of you happy.” You murmured, pressing another kiss to her forehead. She huffed, yet made no further protest. You moved from the back of the couch, rubbing a hand across all of their shoulders. You strutted to the front of the couch, stopping in front of Lucy. She swallowed harshly, her eyes on yours, waiting for your instruction. You smiled and held your hand out for her. She smiled and brought hers to yours, interlacing your fingers. You placed her hand on your breast, allowing her to touch you. She graciously accepted, squeezing your boob, as if she was going to break you. You let out a moan, pushing your chest into her hand, inviting her to touch you more. Your eyes closed, head falling back onto your shoulders. Her hand moved down, moving to your hip, the other joining the first on your other hip. She pulled you forward, moving you to straddle her lap. You opened your eyes, wanting to focus on her. Your hands moved up to her shoulders to support you. She had a large smile on her face, red lips calling out to you. You leaned in, pressing your forehead to hers.
“Can I kiss you, darling?” She whispered, leaning in halfway to yours. You didn’t answer, moving to capture her mouth with yours. Her lips were soft, forming against your own. You moaned into the kiss, and she took the opportunity to slip her tongue in your mouth. You were so enamored with Lucy, you barely noticed Phoebe moving behind you, running her fingers up your arms. She pressed her lips to your ear, letting out a low growl. 
“How soon can we get out of here, babe?” She asked, lips never leaving your ear. You broke your kiss with Lucy, looking up at her with big doe eyes.
“Whenever you want, love. I just need to cash out.” You murmured. She smiled down at you, looking over at Julien, who gave her a small nod. Lucy, not wanting to be forgotten, pulled your hips down, grinding your dripping core against the rough fabric of her pants. You moaned, and Phoebe’s lips moved down your neck. She sank her teeth into your neck, sucking a bruise into your flesh. You gasped, already feeling your orgasm drawing near. 
“JB, care to join?” Lucy posed the question to the third girl, who had been silent for the most part. She smiled before standing to join the three of you. She switched places with Phoebe, wrapping a hand across your chest, pulling your heaving tits out of the confines of the strappy lace bralette. Lucy groaned at the sight of you, Phoebe moving to sit closer to achieve a better look.
“Whaddya think, boys, shall we make her cum before we take her home?” Julien asked, her inked hands moving south towards your wet, aching cunt. You whined, nodding your head. “Please, let me cum. I’ll be so good for you.” You bargained, wanting to please the three of them. 
“I believe she’s earned it, JB. Pheebs?” Lucy quipped, looking to the blonde beside her for an answer. Phoebe smiled and hummed, nodding her head. You felt Julien’s other hand grab your jaw, pulling your face to look up at hers. She pulled you into a heavy kiss, teeth mashing and tongues wrestling. You gasped into her mouth as you felt her fingers finally run through your slick folds. Her middle and index fingers slipped inside your pussy and her thumb moved to rub sweet circles on your clit. You moaned into her mouth. You could feel a hand roughly grab your tit, and another gripping your hip tightly. Julien giggled into your mouth, pumping her fingers faster, her thumb applying more pressure to your swollen nub. You whined, feeling your orgasm drawing to a close. The girls, also noticing how close you were to your release, only doubled down on your assault. You broke off the kiss, leaning your head back against Julien’s chest. 
“You gonna cum for us, princess? Make a mess all over Lucy’s thighs for us. C’mon pretty girl.” Phoebe purred in your ear, massaging your nipples, egging you on further. Your body listened, attentive to their guiding words and touch. You felt your orgasm hit you hard, no doubt your arousal leaving a mark over Lucy’s pants. You cried out, as they rode you through the ecstasy that filled you to the brim. As you came down, you could feel your legs shaking. Julien pulled her fingers out of you and brought them to your mouth. You happily suckled on them, moaning at the taste of your release. She pulled them out of your mouth before leaning down to kiss your lips briefly. Phoebe stood up, quickly downing her near-forgotten glass of champagne. Julien backed up, allowing you to stand off of Lucy’s lap. As you moved to stand for yourself, Lucy grabbed your hips and pulled you back down, bringing your lips back to hers. She hummed sweetly into your mouth, pulling away as quickly as she pulled you in. You smiled, blushing harder than ever at the sweet gesture.
“C’mon sweet girl, go close out, and grab your purse. We’ll meet you outside.” Phoebe assured you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You nodded, pulling your lingerie back in place. 
You had closed out, gotten your belongings, and were now seated on the very plush sofa in your apartment. You were currently naked, Phoebe on your left, Julien on the right. Lucy’s face was currently buried in your wet cunt. Your legs were over her shoulders, while the other two were alternating between sucking dark hickies into your neck and groping your boobs. You could die happily here, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind about it. 
“Fuck, Luce, I’m close. I can’t hold it much longer. Please fuck let me cum.” You moaned, your hips bucking hard into her face. She moaned against you, the vibrations threatening to push you over the edge. She pulled back, her chin dripping with your juices. Phoebe smiled at her and pulled her into a wet kiss, eager to taste you. You whined, turning to Julien, who had a shit eating grin on her face. She pulled you onto her lap, your knees on either side of her hips. 
“Does our pretty girl want to cum? Again?” She cooed at you, pulling your hips down so your wet cunt was grinding against her jeans. You gasped and nodded at her. She mockingly nodded back at you. “Guess you’ll have to be a good girl for us, huh?” She teased. You wanted nothing more than anything to please her.
“Let’s go to the bedroom, pet. We can really take our time with you.” Lucy spoke to you, enjoying how much of a puddle you were for them. You stood up, grabbing Phoebe’s hand, the other two following behind, leading them to your room. You turned on your small lamp, setting a subtle glow for ambience. 
You felt a pair of hands on your waist and a pair of lips on your bare shoulder. You turned your head to see Phoebe, already looking into yours. You smiled and drew her into a passionate kiss, humming at the taste of her tongue on yours. She turned you in her arms, tapping the back of your thighs to signal you to jump. You gladly did, wrapping your legs around her waist as she carried you to the bed, laying you down on your back before settling on top of you. She broke the kiss to move back down to your neck, biting into it, soothing the forming mark with her tongue. You looked over, seeing Julien and Lucy locking lips, undressing each other. It was cute, you weren’t sure what the dynamic was between the three of them, but you could tell there was a lot of passion and devotion, something you felt honored to be a part of, if only for the night.
“Eyes on me, beautiful.” Phoebe had pulled your face back to look at hers. She was hovering above you. “Hi.” You whispered, making her smile at you.
“You’re so fucking adorable. I love it.” She giggled. Lucy and Julien had now joined you both on the bed. Julien moved to switch spots with Phoebe, her lips ghosting down your chest and resting at your stomach. Your hands found their way into her hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail. She pressed a kiss to your pubic bone, eyes waiting for your permission to go further.
“Please, eat me. I need it.” You whined, waiting for her mouth where you had needed her most. That was all the sentiment she needed before diving into your wet cunt. You moaned, loudly, your grip on her hair tightening. She slipped a couple fingers back into your entrance, curling them inside of you. Your eyes peeled open and turned your head to look at the other two. Lucy was straddling Phoebe’s face, making the most tantalizing sounds. She looked down at you, running her hand over your hair, soothing you. Julien had pulled you back down to earth, suckling on your clit, her fingers were pumping in and out of you at a relentless pace.
“C’mon pretty girl, come for her, make a mess on her fingers. She needs to taste how heavenly you are. Julien, go faster. Get her there.” Lucy’s words worked magic on you, as you felt yet another orgasm begin to unfurl inside of you. You cried out, and Julien’s fingers begin to slow down, to help you ride out your orgasm. She pulled off your puffy pussy, to show you her beautiful face. 
“You weren’t kidding, that’s the sweetest little pussy. She’s practically gushing on my face.” Julien beamed up at the raven-haired woman. Lucy laughed and pulled her into a kiss, swapping spit and your release between their mouths. You slowed your breathing, slowly raising yourself up on your hands, before scooting over between Phoebe’s legs. You placed a small kiss on her clit. The small action was enough for Phoebe to let out a muffled moan, the vibrations in turn causing Lucy to gasp and grind her hips down onto the blonde’s jaw. 
You began to eat her out like you were a starved man, and this was a decadent feast laid in front of you. You wrapped your arms around her thighs, essentially imprisoning her against your body. You could tell she was growing close, so you sucked her clit into her mouth and began to suction hard on it, tongue flicking rapidly against it. She tried to match your pace, trying to get Lucy over the edge as well. Lucy moaned out, her buttery smooth voice sounded like an angel’s against your ear. Julien was rubbing circles on her own clit, wanting some relief of her own. Lucy’s orgasm was first, making her cry out against Phoebe’s mouth. 
“Pheebs, I want my turn with her. She can cum again, let me help her.” Poor Julien, feeling a bit left out, helped Lucy off of Phoebe’s face, and grabbed her hips, moving her onto her own face. Lucy was all fucked out but couldn’t resist the brunette’s sweet praises and encouragement. You were a bit busy, trying to get Phoebe to cum as well. You released one of your hands to reach up to tweak her own nipple. She cried out, and ran her hands through your hair. She gripped your hair tight, only encouraging you to keep going. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m so close, princess. I want to cum f’you. Please let me, I want to cum so bad.” She pleaded, and who were you to deny such a request. You moaned against her dripping pussy and fucked into her hole with your tongue. She cried out against you, her arousal now gushing over your face. Your arms tightened back around her thighs and her hips were bucking incessantly against your face. She tapped your arm once you came down, and you released her. You brought your face up, inches in front of her, and you reached your hand up to brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She blushed and kissed your lips. 
“We should keep you around. You are quite a fun addition.” She mumbled against your lips. You smiled at the statement. “Whenever you want, sugar.” You quipped back at her. A gasp broke your concentration, you both looked over, seeing Lucy finish, her juices coating Julien’s face with a sheer layer. Her hands were fisting through your sheets, absolutely enjoying herself. You smirked and moved to take one of her nipples into your mouth. Phoebe moved behind Julien, placing her mouth on Julien’s aching cunt from behind. Lucy moved to sit up a bit, Julien laying her head in Lucy’s lap. You brushed her hair, helping her relax a bit as Phoebe worked her magic on the smaller girl. 
“She’s right, y’know. We like you, we’d love to do this again sometime.” Lucy breathed down at you. You bit her nipple, not enough to hurt, just enough to elicit another moan out of her. You pulled off of her tit, looking back up at her. 
“I wouldn’t want anything else. I want you, all of you, all the time. Not even sexually, but in general.” You spoke truthfully. You wanted this to turn to more, you couldn’t get enough of them. Julien moaned loudly, cumming against Phoebe. You felt her slump forward a bit, exhausted from the intense orgasm. She hummed, and kissed Lucy’s thighs, wrapping an arm around her thigh, the other rubbing soothing circles on your own thigh. 
“My real name is Y/N, by the way. I just realized I never gave it to you guys. My apologies.” You let out a laugh, the realization of your fucked out brain forgetting to relay the information to them. Phoebe snorted, sticking a hand out to you.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N.” She quipped at you, wiggling her eyebrows at you. You smiled and snuggled back into Lucy’s side. Phoebe quickly moved to your backside, spooning you. You were overjoyed at tonight’s events. 
Love, A
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venerawrites · 18 hours
Headcanon When Itachi is sick and his s/o is taking care of him
author's note: stupid me missed the part where it said it was headcanons request, so I started writing it as a drabble 😭 Anyway, I fixed it, so I really hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for requesting! <3
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Itachi is probably one of the most stubborn men in the Naruto universe. In his mind, he is made to care for and protect those close to him, even if at the expense of his own well-being.
He hates making people around him worry, and especially his s/o. It is bad enough that they are constantly stressed by him being part of Akatsuki and Sasuke seeking his revenge, they do not need additional reasons to worry.
With that being said, Itachi's first instinct once he gets sick is to simply stay away. He never gives a time by when he must be back from a mission, so this easily gives him 2-3 days to rest and get back on his feet before he visits his lover.
As a ninja who travelled all over the world and survived some of the harshest weather conditions, the Uchiha rarely got sick. It happened once every few years, but when it did - it was BAD.
Maybe it was the constant cold rain in Amegakure or the poison arrow with which one of the village's guards managed to hit him (or maybe even both), but just a day after he and Kisame left, he found himself so weak and tired, his teammate had to carry him all the back.
Not wanting to bring him back to the base, the first place Kisame thought of was Itachi's s/o's house.
I've said before that I always imagined Itachi with someone who lives in a remote cottage and is either a herb gatherer or somehow knowledgeable when it comes to natural medicine.
One glance at the black-haired shinobi was enough for them to understand he must have caught the flu or some type of virus. Thankfully, they knew exactly what he needed and wouldn't waste even a minute, before grabbing their coat and running to the nearby village to buy some medical ingredients that were missing in their kitchen.
His s/o would totally pamper him like a baby, despite Itachi's protests and claims that "he is fine".
They would make all his medicine by scratch every single day till he gets better. Most of the time it took the form of either a paste or a tea, which they served with his meal.
If they have any medical ninjutsu knowledge, they will use it to ease his symptoms, but I doubt they will be that good to heal him completely.
Itachi would constantly huff about it, but he secretly loved the cozy space his partner managed to create using all the available pillows/blankets they found in their house.
As I said above, this man is very stubborn, so inevitably there will be some small arguments during that time. Mainly they were started by Itachi, who claimed he was feeling fine now (despite his pale face and loud cough), and finished by his s/o, who would always end up physically restraining him on the bed by laying next to him and hugging him.
In order to make sure he doesn't get up and move too much, his s/o would spend the majority of their day by his side. Reading books to him, telling him stories, playing board games, sometimes even gossiping... They will do anything to engage his mind and keep him distracted from the idea of trying to do stuff on his own.
Something he won't fight, however, is his s/o's massages. They would work on his aching muscles every single night, relieving the pain and the stress his body was feeling. Not only he love the feeling of his partner's hands on him, but it also greatly helps him relax and fall asleep.
With all of this treatment, it won't take long for Itachi to be back on his feet and spoil his s/o as reward for the good care they provided to him.
cc artwork: Oliver Beck
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gunilslaugh · 2 days
Hiii, i know you’re not doing requests, but can you do this when you are? I just finished rewatching bring it on and I was wondering what it’d be like if Y/n was a cheerleader for (any xh member) football player. Just take this thought and make art with it <3
Here it is 🫧! I know you've been waiting a long time for it, so I hope that you like it :)
Goo Gunil Summary: Gunil was a football player and you were a cheerleader. For rival schools. WC:~1.2k Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“Y/n be sure to cheer for our team at tonight's game,” your friend teased you as you guys were packing up after practice. 
“Who else would I cheer for if not our team?” You shook your pom pom lightly before putting it into your bag. 
“Their quarterback.” Your friend gave you a playful back. 
“It’s not my fault that library boy turned out to be their school’s quarterback,” you say, swinging your bag over your shoulder. 
Library boy, alternatively known as your crush. You first met him at the local library. You wanted a book that was just out of your reach on an upper shelf. While you were struggling to reach it a sudden warmth appeared behind you and you saw an arm reaching above yours, grabbing the book that you wanted. 
“This the one you wanted?” the guy checks, sticking the book out to you.
“Yes, thank you.” Your cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as you took the book from him.
“You have good taste. I like that book,” he comments. 
“I haven’t read it before, but I like books of this genre,” you said. 
“You should like it then. It’s good.” 
“I’ll take your word for it.” With that the two of you parted ways. Your eyes followed him as he made his own way over to a table, taking a seat. You looked down to the book in your hands and smiled. You couldn’t wait to find out if it was as good as the cute guy said.
You continued to take trips to the library with hopes of seeing him again and pleasantly enough you did keep seeing him. He was more than happy to talk to you about the book you checked out last time. He wanted to know if you enjoyed it as much as he did. 
With time the two of you started talking more. Exchanging book recommendations and reading together in the library. 
To say that you were shocked when you saw library boy standing on the other side of the field, wearing your rival school’s football uniform was an understatement. 
“What’s with that face?” your friend asked you. 
“Remember library boy?” you say. Your friend follows your eyes to where you’re looking on the other side of the field. 
“Don’t tell me,” they said. 
“Number 19.” you pointed. Your friend bursts out laughing. 
“What are you gonna do now?” they questioned. 
“I don’t know,” you say, continuing to stare across the field. 
“Y/n is betraying us,” your friend played.
“I am not! It’s not that serious anyway,” you argued. 
“Then go talk to him.” They push you lightly. 
“I can’t, not before the game,” you resisted. 
“You’re right, that wouldn’t make either of you look good. Conversing with the enemy.” Your friend continues to tease you.
Gunil was equally surprised to see you standing on the other side of the field wearing the rival school’s colors on your cheerleading uniform. 
“Dude why do you seem out of it? We’re about to play, focus,” Gunil’s teammate, Seungmin, tells him. 
“I am, it’s just-nothing I’m fine,” Gunil replies, grabbing his helmet. 
“If you’re fine, why have you been staring at our rivals for the past couple of minutes?” Jiseok chimed in. Gunil sighed. 
“You remember that girl I told you about? From the library,” he said. 
“No way! Does she go to our rival school? Where?” Jiseok interrogated looking around. 
“There, putting a bow in their friend’s hair,” Gunil pointed you out. 
“So you’ve been crushing on our rival this entire time, traitor,” Seungmin teased. 
“I’m not a traitor! It’s not like I knew,” Gunil defended. 
“Now that you know?” Seungmin challenged. 
“I still like them. It’s not that serious anyway,” Gunil states. 
“As long as you don’t lose on purpose,” Jiseok notes, making Gunil glare at him. 
“You haven’t come to the library for a while. Are you avoiding me?” Gunil came sitting across from you at a table.
“Why would I be avoiding you?” You closed your book to look at him. 
“Cause I’m the quarterback of your rival school’s football team,” he says. 
“And I’m a cheerleader for your rivals, but let’s be real it’s not that serious. I’ve just been busy with cheer practice since we’re getting closer to championships,” you explained. 
“Good, I was a little scared you were actually avoiding me,” Gunil admits. 
“Because we’re rivals?” you chuckled. 
“I know it sounds kinda silly, but yeah,” he answers. 
“Wanna know a secret?” You leaned closer over the table. 
“What?” he asked, leaning in.
“I know a couple people from my school who are dating people that go to yours,” you whispered. 
“Are any of them a football player and cheerleader though?” he quipped. 
“So maybe we’d be the most scandalous couple,” you say.
“But we’re not a couple yet,” Gunil gives you a cheeky smile. 
“Then we’re not scandalous at all,” you smiled back.
“I’ll ask you after we win against your school,” he proclaims. 
“No it’s not, but doesn’t this game decide if he’ll ask you out or not?” your friend asked. 
“He did say he’d ask me out when he beats our school but…” you trailed off. 
“But?” your friend inquired. 
“If our school wins, I’ll ask him out,” you tell your friend. 
“No way! Are you serious? Will you do it in front of everyone?” Your friend shook your arm violently.
“Maybe?” you shrugged. 
Once you arrived at the field your eyes naturally traveled across to the other side to look for Gunil. A smile appeared on your face once you saw him with his teammates warming up. Gunil happened to look over, catching you staring. You lifted your hand and waved at him. He happily waved back. 
“Waving to the enemy in broad daylight?” One of your cheermates came over to you. 
“Please, she's planning on asking him out if we win.” Your friend came up. 
“Seriously? What if they win?” they asked. 
“Then he’s going to ask her out,” your friend answers. 
“You guys made some type of deal or what?” your teammate asked. 
“No, he doesn’t know I’ll ask him if we win,” you disclose. “Oh I’m so invested in this,” they say. 
“Forget it. We should warm up,” you state. 
It was a close game, but in the end your team won by two points. While your school was busy celebrating you started to make your way over to the other side of the field. 
“Go get your man!” your friend called after you. Your walk across to the opponent's side of the field definitely did catch some people’s attention and bring questions about what you were doing. Gunil was one of them. 
“Y/n, what are you doing?” he questioned once you reached him. You pulled out a sign that you were carrying behind your back. “Be my boyfriend?” the sign read. 
“Be my boyfriend?” you asked. Gunil laughs happily. 
“I was supposed to ask you,” he says. 
“But my school won, soI’ll ask you instead.” You lifted the sign up a bit, gesturing for him to answer. 
“Yes, I’ll be your boyfriend,” he answered. You dropped the sign down to the ground and threw your arms around him in a hug. 
“He said yes!” his teammate, Jiseok, yelled. You feel your face heat up as Gunil’s group begins to cheer for you two. Gunil picks you up and spins you around.
“Sorry that you didn’t win,” you say as you and Gunil are heading out together. 
“It’s ok. I won something much better,” he tells you, interlacing your hand with his, giving it a squeeze. 
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
comment or message me to be added!
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bluegiragi · 1 year
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mission start!
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parasitoidism · 6 days
SMTIV English Artbook Scans
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Today, I was able to finish scanning my entire English SMTIV art book! This book is weirdly hard to find so I'm glad I was able to do this, and I hope that everyone enjoys being able to read the official translation of this incredible art book!
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kimtaegis · 13 days
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@ye-xiu's favourite taemin looks ↳ happy birthday, al! ✨
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arielluva · 8 months
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so back in april i had the idea to draw ace attorney characters as if they were in fantasy life (so essentially combining two of my favorite games) but only finished phoenix then. tonight i finished up the page with some more, and since we know what the new lives in fantasy life i will be, i got the excuse to include vera as an artist :))
id under cut
[image ID: 5 digital drawings of some ace attorney characters drawn in the fantasy life art style, which is a very expressive, stylized chibi style. they are drawn in the outfits for different lives as if they were in fantasy life. in the top left, phoenix wright is drawn as a paladin, with text next to his head that says "Phoenix Paladin". he is wearing silver armor with gold trim, the trim forming a 'P' on his chest. the 'P' has a red gemstone in the center of it. his shoulder guards also have red gems on them. he has a long blue cape fluttering behind him, as he stands confidently, holding a sword in his left hand and holding up a shield with his right. the sword and shield are also silver with gold and red accents like his armor. next to phoenix, in the top middle, apollo justice is drawn as a blacksmith. he has text next to his head that reads "Apollo Blacksmith". he is wearing a teal apron on top of a white shirt and pants. his sleeves are rolled up, and he has a red piece of fabric tied around his waist. he is wiping sweat off his forehead with his right hand, and holding a hammer in his left. next to apollo on the top right, is vera misham. she is drawn as an artist, with text next to her head that reads "Vera Artist" she is wearing a pink beret that resembles her bandana, and has a paint brush with pink paint on the very top. she is holding her sketchbook in her right hand, and a paint brush in her left. she is wearing brown gloves that are stained with various colors of paint. she is wearing a pink dress with a darker pink collar and bow, and the skirt of the dress has a darker pink line going horizontally across it. she has a white apron tied around her waist that is also stained with various colors of paint. she is wearing brown sandals. on the bottom left of the drawing is trucy wright drawn as a wizard, with text next to her head that reads "Trucy Wizard". she is in an excited pose, running while holding her staff, a tall wand with a glittering green gem on top. she is wearing a light blue pointy witch hat with a white ribbon wrapped around it. the inside of her hat is pink. she is wearing a medium length black dress with a white belt, and she is wearing pointy white shoes. she is wearing a light blue cloak, with the hood on her shoulders, that has her green diamond brooch hanging where the ends of her hood meet. her cloak is fluttering behind her and trimmed with white and gold, the insides if her sleeves being pink. on the bottom right of the image, ema skye is drawn as an alchemist, with text next to her head that reads "Ema Alchemist". she is wearing gold goggles with pink lenses, and her hair is drawn more poofy than usual. she is wearing a white coat over a light green dress. she has a pink tie loosely around her neck, and she is wearing a darker green corset with gold buttons. her shoes are plain black. she is holding a potion bottle filled with a yellow liquid in her right hand, and is looking at it calmly, with the left hand in her white coat's pocket. end ID].
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[ID: an 11 panel comic featuring characters from the owl house. Panel 1- a cloaked Darius sneaking around a wall. panel 2 he peaks around the corner, saying "well? Did you retrieve...the package?". Panel 3 Hettie Cutburn (who has old Hollywood style text announcing "surprise Hettie Cutburn!" next to her) says "Darius! Of course! Took some digging but I found them eventually. Tell the boy I say 'hi!'". Panel four- she hands documents labeled "classified" to Darius. Later, Hunter (post timeskip) walks through a door in Darius' home, saying "hey Darius, hey Eber, I'm ba-". Next panel- Darius, Willow, and Eberwolf on the couch. Hunter says "...willow?", She replies "hey hunter!", he asks "what are you guys doing?
Darius says "oh nothing...except looking at pictures of you as a baby!" Holding up the documents from earlier. We see two pictures of a younger hunter framed like panels- the first is of hunter as a baby/toddler aged hunter freshly sprouted out of the ground with a blanket around him, covered in dirt, while the second one shows a young scout Hunter covered in bandages receiving his sprig plushie. Darius' narration reads "courtesy of Hettie Cutburn- she found the only surviving copy of your early life medical records and gave them to me". Willow says "aww, you were so cute!". The final panel shows Hunter looking embarrassed/stunned as Willow takes a photo of the documents, and Darius says "I'm considering it an early father's day present- so, thank you, Hunter". End ID]
MERRY DADRIUS WEEK!!! Thank you to @sergeantsporks for hosting! There's other prompts I wanna do but they'll probably be late (maybe I'll do them in bulk and upload them on the final day). Til then here's a silly comic!
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