#everyone just trying to find daeron
pulksten-blog · 4 months
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we lost daeron..
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visenyaism · 2 months
ASOIAF POV characters ranked by how good of a guest judge they would be on drag race (definitive ranking)
24. Arys oakheart. spectacularly bad in a way that would also be bad TV because he simply would not know what to do. and would be icky about it.
23. Ned stark. canonically gets suspicious of people just because they are gender nonconforming.
22. Aeron greyjoy. people are going to wonder why i put him as Victarion on this list. this is because I think victarion has a better personality for reality TV.
21. Victarion greyjoy. good TV, would win reverse GLAAD award for most homophobic event on television.
20. Areo hotah. too stoic.
19. Quentyn. little nerd in over his head. if Barristan Selmy is telling you that you are not serving hard enough it’s already over.
18. Barristan selmy. a #ally for revealing that egg legalized gay marriage for his kid daeron and being happy about it, but does not have a lot else going for him. would probably say everyone looks nice
17. Bran. seven.
16. Joncon. IS gay, but does not seem like he’s super into all that.
15. Jon. Would probably awaken something in him.
14. Jaime. does not serve cunt, is one.
13. Brienne. Listen she’s trying her best okay.
12. Samwell Tarly. Would DEFINITELY awaken something in him. too busy blushing and telling everyone they look great to be an actual judge.
11. Arya. One thing about her is she WILL be finding people and she WILL be talking to ALL of them which makes her a great TV personality, but i think she would get bored.
10. Davos. Can’t explain this one i just think he would be down.
9. Cat. Serves, afraid to FULLY serve. Ally.
8. Asha. gets off on being mean to pretty boys so you know she is having a great time.
7. Dany. what can i say she’s a star.
6. Tyrion. definitely has the personality for it.
5. Cersei. is a fascist but showing up in full rhaegar eleganza to her husband who she murdered’s funeral. cuntress. You KNOW she would kill it.
4. Arianne. Definitely the first person you would think to ask to guest judge and for good reason.
3. Sansa. 13 year old fashion icon who loves gay people so much. Is so into it the whole time. meticulous notes.
2. Theon. could be the greatest to do it if he could ever get over himself but as it stands simultaneously knocks it out of the park and is a total train wreck. extremely fun to watch.
1. Melisandre. Serves like her life depends on it which she thinks it literally does. Obsessed with appearances and performances. off putting antagonistic cryptic and weird. fantastic TV.
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lilspooky-doll · 3 months
True Happiness Headcanons
pairing — Aegon II Targaryen x Handmaid! Reader
themes — canon targcest, fluff, aegon is a soft boi, au! aegon, one bad word (that's it, just the one), female! reader, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth, children (warning in and of itself), some healing for Alicent, one mention of child death, just very fluffy headcanons
author's note — hello again, lovelies! this was going to be a two-parter but i decided to condense it down into one post. it wasn't realy as long as i though it was lol but, it involves the different headcanons of their lives from when they first met all the way into the bits of their lives that i didn't really touch on in the original parts. i have plans for a more canon version of aegon soon and it will be a very dark fic overall. so i hope you enjoy these little fluffy tidbits!!
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Once Aegon trusted her, he started teaching her Valyrian in attempt to be able to speak to one another throughout the Keep without word getting back to Otto or his mother
Sure, his siblings could slightly understand what they spoke of but, there was no need to eavesdrop on something that was working
Aegon loves his hair being played with whether it’s just fingers combing through the strands or braids being plaited into small sections before gently being pulled apart
There has been a few times that he has fallen asleep with his head in her lap in the early days of them being close to one another
More open to one another, she taught Aegon how to braid hair so at the end of the day when they debrief about their days, she would play with his hair as he talked and he would braid her hair as she spoke
On rough days, she would read aloud or recite stories that her mother and father would tell her when she was young
Aegon would hoard his snacks that he would collect throughout his scheduled day and have her try some when they are together
When Aegon began to develop feelings for her, he would leave little bundles of dragon’s breath he picked throughout his day on her bed
She started reciprocating by leaving notes and poems in Valyrian under his pillow for him to find when he would rest for the night
Sporadically during the week, Aegon would take his supper in his chambers as a way of innocently courting her despite the differences in their statuses
She was the one to help Aegon with cutting his hair when the length began to bother him; the braided strands of cut hair are hidden away as a souvenir in her bedroom chambers
Aegon is a giver in every sense of the word
He always tries to take care of her like how she takes care of him
He enjoys the warm feeling in his belly every time he saw her smile or laugh
Every few nights, Aegon would sneak them away to the pit for an evening ride on Sunfyre
The older they get, the more everyone began to notice how much he’s changed
He stopped picking on Aemond; 
He was able to maneuver things around for Helaena to marry Aemond; 
She would help him in her free time to catch insects to deliver to Helaena at the end of the day
They all begin to appreciate each other more
On days where there isn’t anything scheduled for them, picnics were organized for all of them in the Godswood and when Daeron is visiting from Oldtown, he is along for the trip
It’s the smallest things he does for them and they love how much he’s matured 
Aemond has thanked aegon for helping his betrothal
Alicent has walked in on them on multiple occasions
 She found them cuddled up on the couch him asleep and her playing with his hair; 
During a festival in the streets, she’s witnessed them dancing to the music and cheers that could be heard from the windows
Aegon has talking to Rhaenyra not long before their marriage as a way to bridge the gap between them
Rhaenyra’s shock receiving his letters wore off when she read that he had fallen in love with his handmaid and he planned to wed her much like she and daemon did
He offers Rhaenyra’s children sanctuary if Alicent or Otto ever tried to change the succession; this was his way of trying to ensure that he has no ill will towards her and her family anymore
She has them do their  wedding at Dragonstone under Valyrian tradition
Aegon uses a refitted ring of his for her to wear as a sign of marriage and he purposefully wears only one ring on his left hand
After the fight in her solar, Alicent still tries to force a betrothal upon Aegon
It immediately fails as every one of the betrothal letters Alicent sent out are either met with no response or word of outrage that she would try to arrange a second marriage; worried about another Maegor situation
Eventually, Alicent starts to love and respected Aegon the way that she does with her other children
Aegon didn’t instigate the nephews during that family dinner
Otto has tried to manipulate her but she’s far too aware of his games for his liking (gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss)
She became pregnant not long after their wedding and Aegon quietly announces the news to a select few people; in person: Aemond, Helaena and Alicent, by letter: Rhaenyra during a regular correspondence he has with her
After learning the news, Alicent starts to make an effort to know her and help her with what she needs as a way to make amends
Aegon handling her pregnancy like a pro 
Constantly he was catering to her every need and trying to make her comfortable
He always tried to make sure she didn’t get hurt while doing the few chores that she wanted to do (she comes from a long line of headstrong women who will not let a pregnancy stop them from doing what needs to be done)
He usually ended up just helping her with what she needed to do 
When it came time for their first born, Baelon, to make his appearance, she kicked out all of the maids and Maesters demanding only for Aegon to stay
Of course, he was well out of his depths but she tried to prep him the best she could the last several days leading up to the birth
Baelon was born with no complications with only his parents in the room and was never away from his mother despite the disgruntled protests that she used a nursemaid for the baby boy
Shortly after his birth, they set up a more secure and secretive correspondence between them and her family in hopes that if the time comes and Otto does something stupid, they could safely flee to hid away
Alicent is definitely a better grandmother than she was a mother
She routinely sets up for long relaxing midday activities for all her grandchildren so, she can spend time with them and the little cousins can grow together while their parents can relax worry-free
There’s 2 children who were born before they fled: Baelon & Alysanne. Once they settle on the homestead, they have twin girls: Laera and Rhaela with one more boy, Aerion
The children are raised with equal love from their parents and are raised under the belief that although they are technically royalty, they will learn to be kind and considerate of those around them
Raised to put the work into what they want just like their mother was raised before she left to work at the Red Keep
The Boys are strong but not emotionally stunted. They are taught that emotions are okay to have and apart of who they are
No toxic masculinity bullshit
The girls are taught to defend and protect themselves. They are physically strong and can use any weapon they can get their hands on if they need to
The second they get to the Dornish marshlands, Aegon dyes his hair brown to hide better (brunette! Aegon all the way)
Once they settled on the family homestead, it didn’t take long for Aegon to fit in with her family
He actually quite likes the hard work that the family does everyday to make sure that everything runs smoothly
Aegon still keeps in regular contact with his family whether it be his siblings or even Rhaenyra; he always tries to maintain some semblance of what is happening with them as he escapes the plan that was to be forced upon him
When the plan Otto sets in place happens with Aemond as the usurper, they coordinate for all of the children from both his full siblings and half sibling to be safely hidden away on the homestead to prevent any possible bloodshed of the innocent
The plan went into effect too late as Lucerys was brutally killed on accident
As much as it pained Rhaenyra that she lost her children, she is happy that she can now safely know that they are away from this disaster
As a sign of thanks, Rhaenyra sent some of Syrax’s eggs so that Aegon’s children had a chance at being a dragon rider like their cousins
The Dance did not last long with Aemond as the usurper since he had no real standing like Aegon, first born son, or Rhaenyra, first born and declared heir
The Dance was more of a fight between councils and not nearly as bloody as canon
Once Otto was found to be the one pulling the strings, he was sentenced to death and the Targaryen children by Alicent bent their knee at Rhaenyra being the true Targaryen heir after Viserys
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1968 [Chapter 3: Hermes, God Of Thieves]
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Series Summary: Aemond is embroiled in a fierce battle to secure the Democratic Party nomination and defeat his archnemesis, Richard Nixon, in the presidential election. You are his wife of two years and wholeheartedly indoctrinated into the Targaryen political dynasty. But you have an archnemesis of your own: Aemond’s chronically delinquent brother Aegon.
Series Warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), violence, bodily injury, character deaths, New Jersey, age-gap relationships, drinking, smoking, drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, kids with weird Greek names, historical topics including war and discrimination, math.
Word Count: 4.5k
Tagging: @arcielee @huramuna @glasscandlegrenades @gemmagirlss1 @humanpurposes @mariahossain @marvelescvpe @darkenchantress @aemondssapphirebussy @haslysl @bearwithegg @beautifulsweetschaos @travelingmypassion @althea-tavalas @chucklefak @serving-targaryen-realness @chaoticallywriting @moonfllowerr @rafeism @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics @herfantasyworldd @mangosmootji @sunnysideaeggs
💜 All of my writing can be found HERE! 💜
They say it’s the most dangerous job in Vietnam. That’s why I wanted to do it.
Chinooks transport men and equipment, Cobras are gunships, Jolly Green Giants are used in search-and-rescue missions. But the Loach—Light Observation Helicopter—is a scout. We have to fly low enough to spot fresh footprints in mud, glints of sunlit metal, blooms of firelight from smoldering cigarettes in the primordial maze of the jungle. And when you go looking for the enemy, sometimes that’s exactly who you find. U.S. Army regulations decree that each Loach must be inspected after 300 hours of flight time, but they rarely make it that long. I’ve been shot down twice already. You roll out of the wreckage, grab your buddies, and book it out of the area before the Vietcong kill you, or worse: drag you back to the Hanoi Hilton so you can die slow.
Currently we’re just north of Pleiku, coasting close enough to the treetops that I could reach out and touch them. I’m in the back seat with my M16, no door between me and the outside world, my hair tied back with a green bandana, the wind hot and sticky. It’s so fucking humid here. Why can’t the communists be trying to take over Malta or Sweden or Monterey Bay, California?
It was the old men who suggested I might be of greatest service to the family by enlisting. I was 25, newly graduated from Columbia Law—a family tradition—and dreading the desk job that awaited me at the Department of Justice. Some people are born to type their lives away in some leather-upholstered office with a view of Pennsylvania Avenue, but not me, and I know this like I know the sun or the stars, ancient truths that can never be changed. And so when Otto and Viserys sat me down—my father had only had one stroke by that point, and was still relatively involved in the day-to-day minutia of putting a Targaryen in the White House—and said Aemond having a brother in Vietnam would make him more relatable, more sympathetic, more noble, not an observer to the carnage of the war but a fellow victim of it…I told them I’d go.
Everyone needs a project. If you don’t have something to distract you from the futility of human existence, it’ll break you in half. I have the Loach. Otto and Viserys, both immigrants ineligible to serve as president of the United States, have their shared ambition of getting their bloodlines in the Oval Office. Aemond has his legacy. My mother has her children, and Criston has my mother. Helaena has her gardens, her bugs, quiet gentle things that she tends with her own thorn-pricked hands. Aegon doesn’t have a project, he never really has, and it’s driven him to the cliff’s edge of insanity. See what I mean?
Anyway, let me tell you something about Vietnam. The Army gives us all the steak, beer, and cigarettes we can handle, but I’d kill for a lemon-lime Mr. Misty—
“Daeron, get down!” the guy to my left screams over the noise of the rotors. His name is Richie Swindell, and he’s from Omaha, Nebraska, and now he’s plummeting out of the helicopter as bullets riddle his chest. I duck low and cover my head as we spiral sideways into the trees, snapping branches, shredding leaves like confetti. I can hear the pilot yelling something, but I can’t tell what. When we hit the earth, the lightweight aluminum skin of the Loach does exactly what it’s supposed to, crumpling to absorb the shock of the collision and reduce trauma to us mortals inside. I scramble out of the rubble on my hands and knees and go to check on the pilot, but it’s too late. He’s already being hauled out by the Vietcong and gets a bullet to the brain. I reach back into the ruins of the Loach to grab my M16, but there are hands around my ankles yanking me out. And now I’m next, and there’s nowhere left to run, and I’m hoping Criston will be there to hold my mother when she gets the Western Union telegram.
One of the soldiers shouts and stops the others, shoving them aside to get a better look at me. With the barrel of his AK-47, supplied by either China or the Russians, he prods at the patch displaying my last name: Targaryen. His compatriots don’t seem impressed. Again, he batters my nametag, speaking to them in Vietnamese.
He knows who I am, I realize. He knows Aemond is running for president.
Now there is a hell of a lot of excitement. The men are talking rapidly amongst themselves, marveling at me, poking and examining me. Then two of them grab me by the arms. I look to the soldier who knows English, at least enough of it to read those nine fated letters. He smiles at me, not like a friend. Like a wolf baring its teeth.
He says: “It is okay, Targaryen boy. We just have some questions for you.”
Guess I’ll be checking into the Hanoi Hilton after all.
You wake up to Aegon strumming an acoustic guitar and singing Johnny Cash. The guitar must be new. The one he left at Asteria is plain maple wood and covered in stickers; this unfamiliar instrument is a vivid, Caribbean blue and has Gibson written across the headstock.
“I hear the train a-comin’, it’s rolling ‘round the bend
And I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when
I’m stuck in Folsom Prison, and time keeps draggin’ on…”
“Let me die. I’m ready to go.”
Aegon laughs, setting his new guitar aside.
“Is Ari okay?”
“Yeah, he’s doing great. And I got the stuff you asked for.”
Sure enough, there are three roomy sundresses hanging from the coatrack—you wanted to have options in case you had trouble finding one that fit correctly, though you gave Aegon a general neighborhood for sizes—as well as an array of cosmetics on the nightstand, including a bottle of shimmering champagne-colored nail polish. “I’m really impressed. You barely forgot anything. Though I will look odd with blush but no foundation.”
“Ohhhhh. Fuck.”
“And this isn’t human shampoo. It’s for dogs. That’s why it has a mastiff on the label.”
“I thought it looked like you,” Aegon says, smirking mischievously.
“Well, thanks for trying.”
“And I found this at the gift shop.” He tosses a card at you like a frisbee. You open the envelope to see a cartoon cow on the front, black and white and wearing a huge copper bell and a party hat. Inside is printed: May your graduation be legenDAIRY! Aegon has crossed it out and written instead I thought this was blank…congrats on the new calf! followed by his illegible scribble of a signature.
“A cow,” you say, smiling despite yourself. “Because I’m Io.”
“You’ve got about a million of those pouring in from all over the country. Congratulations cards, get well soon cards, we really hope your husband gets elected so we aren’t consumed by nuclear Armageddon cards. And then Richard Nixon sent a pipe bomb.”
You set Aegon’s card on your nightstand, half-open so it will stay standing upright. Then you drink the apple juice from the tray the nurses left for you. “Aemond’s not here yet?”
“Uh, no, not yet,” Aegon says vaguely, kicking his feet up on the ottoman. He’s been shopping for himself too. He’s wearing a denim jacket over a black The Kinks t-shirt, ripped jeans, moccasins. He uses the remote to turn on the television: The Dating Game. “So, what did you study in college? You went to Manhattanville, right?”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “You really don’t listen when I talk, do you?”
“I try not to.”
“Yes, I went to Manhattanville. And I studied math.”
“No way. You didn’t major in math.”
“Women can’t do math?” you tease. “That’s sexist.”
“I didn’t say women can’t do math. I’m saying there’s no way your parents sent you to a housewife factory like Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart to get a math degree.”
“They didn’t, which is why my bachelor’s is in math education. So half-math, half-kid stuff. Makes it a little more…domestic.”
“Cool. Teach me math.”
“What, really?”
“Yeah. Really.” He digs around in the pockets of his jeans until he finds a receipt, then locates a pen in the nightstand drawer. He hands both to you and then stands so he can watch over your shoulder as you work. You can smell him: cigarette smoke, rum, the cool grey rain that is falling outside. It drips off his hair, carelessly slicked back from his face.
“What’s something you don’t know how to do?” you ask, expecting to get an answer like exponents or calculating the volume of a pyramid.
“Uh. Long division.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Going all the way back to 4th grade. Alright then.” You begin writing. “So let’s take a large number—this year, 1968—and divide it by…hm…how many kids you have. So five.”
Aegon whistles. “Five kids. Goddamn.”
“Yes, and you probably couldn’t name them, but there are indeed five. Trust me, I’ve counted.”
“Okay, this is the part I don’t get. Five goes into 19 almost four times. But there’s no way to say almost four.”
“There certainly is not. Five goes into 19 three times, so we put a three up top and then subtract 15 from 19. We get four, drop down the six from 1968, and now we’re dividing 46 by five.”
“Right. Five times nine is 45. So the nine goes up top and we subtract 45 from 46.”
“45 is basically 46. Let’s call it a day. Close enough.”
“No,” you insist. “We get one, then drop down the eight from 1968, which makes 18.”
“And five goes into 18 three times.”
“Where’s the three go?”
“Up top,” Aegon says, observing fixedly.
“And then we subtract…”
“15 from 18, which is three. So the answer is 393.3.”
“Wrong. Loser.”
“What! How am I wrong?!”
“You don’t just put the three after the decimal,” you say. “You drop down a zero—”
“A zero?! Where the fuck did a zero come from?”
“From the fact that 1968 is a whole number, so it’s actually 1968.0.”
“Oh.” Aegon blinks a few times. “Gotcha.”
“Add the zero after the three to get 30—”
“And 30 divided by five is six. So the answer is 393.6.”
“I am so proud. You are officially as smart as an average nine-year-old.”
He takes the receipt from you and studies it. “This was super enlightening.”
“You want to try calculus now?”
He cackles and sinks back into his plush salmon pink armchair, his miniature dominion in your hospital room kingdom. “You like teaching?”
“I love it,” you admit. “I had to do a semester of student teaching the spring before I graduated, and at first I was kind of petrified. But the kids are so hilarious and interesting and full of excitement about everything, and they’re sweet in totally unexpected ways. They’d chatter all through a lesson and make me want to jump out a five-story window, and then bring me some of their Easter candy. That’s when I realized they weren’t trying to torture me. They’re just kids.”
Aegon is meditative. “Yeah, kids are fun.”
“I wasn’t aware you had much interest in them.”
“No, I do.” And something about the way he says it makes you feel bad for taking the shot. He runs his fingers through his hair, perhaps debating how much he wants to share. “You know Viserys made us all do these little missions after college so we could learn about the real world, right?”
“Right.” Daeron spent his on lobster boats up in Maine, Helaena learned horticulture in France, Aemond helped register voters in Mississippi and Alabama. You can’t recall ever hearing about Aegon’s.
“I got sent to Yuma, Arizona to teach on the reservation there. When I stepped off the bus, I thought it was hell on earth. And then when my time was up I didn’t want to leave.”
“What did you teach?” And then you add: “Hopefully not math.”
“No, definitely not math,” he says, smiling but distant, remembering. “English. Books, poems, all that. But my favorite thing to do was take a song and break it down line by line, really get them curious about what the author was thinking. And then of course we’d all sing it together. I’d play guitar, they’d run around jumping on the furniture, it was a good time.”
“But you couldn’t stay.”
“No,” he sighs. “I had to come back here so I could get dragged kicking and screaming through law school and then married off.”
“And elected mayor of Trenton,” you say, trying to make him laugh. It works.
“Oh God, we are not talking about that. Most miserable two years of my life.”
“So far.”
“Yeah. If Aemond wins and makes me the attorney general, that might be worse.”
“Knock knock!” comes a cheerful trill from the doorway, and then Alicent and Mimi rush in. They descend upon your hospital bed, cooing and soothing, squeezing your hands and trying to smooth your untamed hair.
“What did it feel like?” Mimi is morbidly fascinated, swaying a little, eyes bleary with gin. “When they were digging around in there?”
“Well, obviously she was sedated, hon,” Aegon says, a bit impatiently. He and Mimi share a nod in greeting, no warmth, no depth. You wonder what it must be like for someone you spent so much time tangled up with to become a stranger.
“Oh, darling, I barely recognize you!” Alicent says. “You poor thing, you must be in such awful pain. I’ve never seen you like this before. Your face, your hair…”
Aegon gives her a quick, disapproving look and then lights a cigarette of the traditional variety. He puffs on it as he gazes at the window, like he’s counting the raindrops on the glass.
“I’m feeling a lot better now,” you assure Alicent.
Her eyes flick down to your belly, still swollen beneath your blankets. “Will it scar terribly, do you think?”
You shrug; you haven’t thought much about that part yet. “It’s a battle scar. Aemond gets them in the real world, I get them in here. Same war, different arenas.” You peek out into the hallway. “Is Aemond…is he with you…?”
“He wanted to be,” Alicent says, like it’s a consolation. “But, Washington, you know…the primary there is so close. So, so close. He kept saying that he and Humphrey were neck and neck, and they still are, I believe. Every vote counts, and he’s campaigning all over the Puget Sound.”
“He’s still in Washington?” Your voice is flat with disbelief, with disapproval.
“He wishes he could be here with you and the baby,” Alicent insists, stroking your hair. “I’m sure he’ll fly back as soon as he’s able. But he’s thinking of you so, so much. That’s why he let me and Mimi leave this morning.”
“Right,” you reply numbly. And then you remember what you’re supposed to say. “The election is important. It affects everyone, our son included. For the greater good, personal sacrifices are necessary.”
“We saw him,” Alicent tells you, radiant with joy. “Aristos Apollo.”
“So precious,” Mimi says. “But so small! And trapped in that hideous machine! We could only see him through those little round windows.”
Aegon casts her a violent glare. You are alarmed. “He’s not in an incubator?”
“They have him in a…what was it called, Mimi?” Alicent asks. Mimi has nothing useful to contribute. “A hyperbaric chamber, I think. To help him get more oxygen.”
“But he’s fine,” Aegon says firmly, giving his wife and mother a warning. “Didn’t the doctor say it was a precaution?”
“He did, he did,” Alicent promises you. “Yes, just a precaution, that’s what we were told. The doctor has been trying to reach Aemond, apparently, but since he landed in Washington, he’s never in one place for long…”
“We should buy gifts for the baby,” Mimi says excitedly. “Adorable hats and shirts and trousers. Although even the tiniest clothes might be too big for him right now.”
“Yes, gifts! We must shop for gifts. Oh, it’s all been such a whirlwind. We hurried off the plane to come straight here, love,” Alicent tells you. “Can Mimi and I get you something for dinner?”
“Sure, sure.” You are distracted, still thinking of Ari. “Anything is fine. Wherever you end up.”
“Would you like me to bring a priest to pray with you? Saint Nicholas Church is right around the corner.”
You smile. “That’s very kind, but I think I’d prefer some books.”
“Baby clothes, dinner, and books. We can do that. Can’t we, Mimi?”
“We absolutely can,” Mimi agrees with tipsy, girlish enthusiasm.
As an afterthought, Alicent says: “Aegon, have you been here all this time? You must be exhausted. We’re going to book a suite at the Plaza, there will be plenty of room for you too. We can drop you off there on our way to go shopping, if you’d like.”
“I’ll stay,” he says softly, watching the rain again.
Alicent’s brow furrows; her dark doe-like eyes are puzzled. “Alright, dear.” Then she and Mimi disappear into the hall.
“Is he really okay?” you ask Aegon when they’re gone.
“Yes. That’s exactly what the doctor told me, just a precaution. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“Aegon,” you say, and don’t continue until he meets your eyes. “Why are you still here?”
He lights a fresh cigarette. “I don’t think you should be alone.”
“I’m not alone anymore. Alicent visits me, Mimi visits me.”
“Yeah, but you feel like you have to put on a show for them. Play the perfect Targaryen wife with all that stoic, dignified, unshakable faith. You hate me, so there isn’t as much pressure.”
“I don’t hate you, Aegon.”
“Yes you do. You always have. You don’t have to be polite about it.”
“Well…I have valid reasons to hate you.”
He smiles, exhaling smoke. “Right.”
“And you hate me too.”
Now he shrugs, avoiding your gaze. “Everybody worships you, everybody thinks I’m a waste of chromosomes, is it really that hard to psychoanalyze?”
“No one worships me. They worship Aemond.”
“But you’re a package deal. Jack and Jackie, Franklin and Eleanor.”
You trace the lines in your palm with a fingertip, not knowing what to say. You’re so close to Aemond, so inseparable, and yet so vastly far. “Will you wheel me downstairs to see Ari after dinner?” It’s best to go at night when there are less staff around to try to stop you.
“Sure. You want a Mr. Misty?”
“Yeah. Lemon-lime.” That’s what he brought you last time, and it wasn’t bad for a cardboard cup of florescent green sugar water.
“Got it,” Aegon says, and leaves you alone.
You look at the phone on your nightstand. You’ve tried to call Aemond to no avail, though you spoke to Criston twice; on both occasions he said Aemond was in the middle of an interview. It’s understandable that you would have difficulty getting ahold of your husband while he’s off campaigning, leaping from town to town like an electric current. There’s nothing unusual about it at all. But Aemond could call you anytime he likes. You haven’t moved; he knows exactly where you are.
You keep staring at the phone. It doesn’t ring.
It’s night again, and you swim up from morphine-soft dreams into your hospital room, dark except for the flashing color of the television, low volume, NBC news. Aegon is curled up in the chair he’s claimed, snoring and half-covered with a cheap, pale blue hospital blanket. And it’s a strange feeling—a foreign language, a new religion—to realize that you’re relieved to see he’s still here, that there’s a comfort in it, a safety.
Suddenly, Aemond is on the television screen. You sit up in bed as gingerly as you can, leaning in, listening close. He’s rarely looked better: blue suit, prosthetic eye, rested and measured and sharp. He’s giving a speech at the Hotel Sorrento in Seattle, three hours behind the time you’re living in on the East Coast. Flanking him on the stage are Criston, Otto, Helaena, Fosco, the eight charming children. Five-year-old Cosmo keeps waving at the camera.
“Right now, my wife and newborn son are at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City,” Aemond says, beaming, and the audience whistles and cheers. You should smile, but you can’t. He’s not supposed to be there. He’s supposed to be on his way home. “But tonight I’m here with all of you, fighting with everything I’m made of to win the great state of Washington. And I won’t leave until the job is done, because I know the greatest act of devotion that any of us can show our children is to ensure they grow up in a better America than the one we find ourselves in today…”
You look over at Aegon and see that his glassy eyes are open, watching the television just like you are. You don’t know how long he’s been awake. The two of you exchange a glance, and there is a silent, shared recognition of what won’t be said. You can’t criticize your husband. Aegon isn’t going to kick you while you’re down. You are grateful for this. It is a conviction he has only recently acquired.
Aegon pulls his blanket up to his chin and rolls over, turning away from you. You close your eyes and dream of being a child back in Tarpon Springs, mesmerized as you watch Greek sponge divers emerge from the bubbling depths in their suits of rubber armor.
It’s the afternoon of the 13th. The Washington State Democratic Convention is being held tonight, and so win or lose Aemond will be walking into Mount Sinai Hospital tomorrow. He has to, he doesn’t have a choice. He’ll have no excuse to be anywhere else, and journalists will be swarming at the entranceway like bull sharks in the Gulf of Mexico.
It’s raining again. You’re reading one of the books that Alicent brought you, Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care. You had been meaning to get a copy before you were consumed by Aemond’s campaign and then his near-assassination, his maiming, his fleeting brush with oblivion. Aegon is cross-legged in the salmon pink armchair and plucking lazily at his guitar, singing so low no one outside the room would be able to hear him. It’s a Rolling Stones song, slow and mournful.
“You don’t know what’s going on
You’ve been away for far too long
You can’t come back and think you are still mine.”
As you flip a page and raindrops patter gently against the window, you find yourself thinking how easy this is, your hair undone and your feet bare, no photos to take or lines to remember, no practiced smiles, no overwrought itineraries, only compassion that is quiet and small and real.
“Well, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time…”
Aegon abruptly stops playing, cutting off with a twang. You look up at him. He’s gazing back with eyes that are filling up his face, glistening with horror. You turn to find out what he’s seen. There’s a doctor standing in the doorway, but he’s not alone. There’s a Greek Orthodox priest with him.
“Mrs. Targaryen,” the doctor begins, then glances to the priest. The holy man—black robes, gold chains, clasping a komboskini like the one Aemond keeps in a box on his writing desk at Asteria, stained with his own blood—gives an encouraging nod. “We’ve tried to reach your husband. We’ve called his hotel in Tacoma several times, but the senator must be out campaigning, and…” Again, he looks to the priest. Aegon is setting his guitar on the floor, covering his mouth with his hands.
Ari. Too early, too fragile, too defenseless in a world full of wolves.
Your words come out in a whisper. “He’s gone, isn’t he?”
“We must remember, child,” the priest tells you, vague patronizing pity. “That the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, but what is lost to us in this life is never truly gone. Those we love wait for us on the other side in paradise—”
“Please leave. I don’t want to talk to a priest. I don’t want to talk to anyone.”
I just gave birth to him. I just started to believe he was mine.
The doctor begins: “Ma’am, I’m so sorry to have to deliver this news—”
“I don’t want to talk to anyone, I want to be alone. So please leave,” you beg, your voice breaking. “I want to be alone. Please leave me alone.”
The doctor looks to Aegon. A man’s permission is sought. “Go,” Aegon manages, raspy and strangled, and the doctor obeys.
“God bless you and your husband, Mrs. Targaryen,” the priest says as he departs with a swift bow. You can’t reply. You’re biting back sobs as the tears begin to slither down your cheeks, scalding and furious, not just grief but the bottomless rage of Nemesis.
Aegon is watching you, not knowing what to do, not knowing what you need.
Aemond would want you to be stoic. Aemond would want you to have faith, forbearance, grace. “It is God’s will.”
“Hey.” Aegon reaches across the space between you, grabs your hand, holds it so tightly your bones ache. Still, you wouldn’t want him to let go. “You’re allowed to be fucked up about this. I am too.”
When your eyes drift to him, they are glaring and heartsick and poisonous. “Where’s Aemond?” Why isn’t he here?
Aegon sighs deeply and picks up the phone with his free hand. He spins the rotary dial with his index finger and then holds the handset to his ear. He waits as it rings. “Pantages Theater, Tacoma, Washington,” he tells the operator. A minute or more crawls by. “I need to speak to Senator Targaryen immediately. Yes, I know there’s a convention underway there, that’s why I’m calling you. Go get him.” More minutes, eternal, terrible beyond description. “What do you mean you can’t find him?!” Aegon snaps. “Okay, give me someone else. Anyone travelling with him. Criston Cole, Fosco Viviani, Otto Hightower, Helaena Targaryen. Hurry up. Let’s go.”
Outside the rain grows heavy and loud; it falls in sheets against the misty windows. In the distance, thunder growls.
“Hi, Criston, it’s me. He needs to come home now. Right now.”
Aegon closes his eyes. Criston must be arguing with him.
“No, you don’t understand,” Aegon says, forcing the words to leave his lips and ride the wires to the West Coast, to where the sun sets, to where the future is dawning. He’s still holding your hand. “Aemond doesn’t have a son anymore.”
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howdoesagrapewrites · 5 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐕 ✴️
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Taglist: @faespace @baellabass @ejs398
Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: incest/targcest, yandere/lovesick behavior, unhealthy relationships, platonic and romantic yanderes, not everyone is romantically involved with reader, yandere EVERYONE x reader, sexual content, no actual smut, mentions of noncon
>Alicent and her children had been guarding your sleep the whole night, the night of the king's passing
>Aemond saw his mother just observe you while displaying an unreadable expression, he prides himself with being able to decipher people and use it to his benefit, but this time, his mother seemed out of reach to him. If he had to guess, she was attempting to treat you like a pawn, trying to dehumanize you to gain control over the political situation, and she was failing
>For his part, his thoughts while observing you, were much tainted he was watching your chest rise with every breath, examining your boobs and how they would slightly change shape when you laid on your back, much rounder. He would love if his mother and sister left to grope and caress, even just over the cloth, even for just a minute. Just a minute to smell your skin, your natural scent now free of the perfumes you would wear to fit in court
>He would love to have a minute, but he wants a whole life, Aemond is sure not even growing old with you would leave him satisfied, he would look for you again
>He wondered what would you think of him, he has a plethora of fantasies depending on your reactions. The most obvious one, disgust. He would cage you his his arms, hold your wrists with one hand while using the other to rid you of the bothersome clothing, sucking and biting at your neck, then your niples. You resist, but he is able to bring you pleasure regardless, some of your screams turn into moans and by the time he's kissing below your navel and starting to use a finger to play with your slit, your pleas of "no" and "please do not" are almost automatic, you do want him to go down on you, but you continue to chant the words as if to preserve what's left of purity
>But that fantasy would soon get old, he wished to exert power over you, yet have you willingly submit
>If you could only look at him the same way that you used to while consoling him over his lack of a mount
>Helaena was there as well, Jahaera and Jahaerys had been brought by her, but taken to bed by the maids in no time
>Helaena sung intelligible songs while playing with the threads in-between her fingers, for the little audible parts, Aemond heard the songs speak of dragons, swords, fire and blood
>His mother had arranged for Aegon to usurp the throne, he would never say this out loud, he knows his brother is a usurper, but he encourages this, as he wants the strong bastards away from the line of succession as one can be. Better off dead, but that's too much to ask
>Everything was in place, except for the king. Aegon was missing, «of course Aegon was missing» he thought
>Otto wanted to send ser Criston to find him, but Alicent protested it would leave you alone. They went back and forth until Otto said they would entrust Daeron with your guard. Aemond rolled his eye.
>Helaena had left without him noticing, possibly to mother the twins and whatnot
>He was in his mother's chambers, Otto alongside her, discussing the future of the realm. «This is the real small council» he said to himself
>"I will find Aegon, mother" said Aemond
>"That is already taken care of, Ser Criston will not rest until-" Otto spoke
>"He doesn't know where Aegon is, I do"
>"Then speak at once, boy" Aemond grimaced at the words of his grandsire
>"I am not to speak, I am to search, this is matter that requires involvement" he paused "But I want something"
>"We shall send Ser Criston, you will join if he fails"
>"And waste all that time? He may be as well as dead halfway through ser Criston's crusade"
>"Name your prize" Otto replied, breathing defeat in every syllable
>"You will hear it after" Aemond saw Otto arch an eyebrow and open his mouth to speak "Do not worry, I have no interest on the crown, or land, or titles, I would have acted before had been that my goal" His mother urged him to speak, but he had to remain silent, he was sure she would understand
>Him and the royal guard were underdressed in rags to blend in, Aemond wore a cape to cover his silver mane
>He had to endure the obnoxious Cole knocking on every brothel door like he was a lost peasant
>He was very uncomfortable when he found the madam of that one place, staying stiff and shivering under his cold facade
>He thanked the seven you could not see him like that, weak
>Once they found the White Worm, she said the prince would be handed over a ridiculous sum that they bargained
>But before they could leave with Aegon, he remembered something. The White Worm weaves silk through far and wide in the realm. The White Worm who is the paramour of the prince of the city, the White Worm that could have been your mother
>Aemond would order extra vigilance on you that night, while Misarya was known to be a slimy, untrustworthy woman, she had never been known to betray Daemon, or to betray gold for that matter, and Daemon was not going to skimp on you
>He had to say he was anything but surprised when he learned of that idiotic scheme of his brother to leave the city. Aemond imagined he'd waste his small fortune on whores as soon as he arrived, feast with men who are just waiting for him to surrender his better judgement to a glass of wine, then steal whatever is left. He always thought Aegon would likely die with his pants on his knees, possible covered in vomit and other fluids, choking on a chicken bone, or something as meaningless as a cherry pit, his women would steal his gold and he'd die slowly, lonely, pathetically, he had to say the idea did not displeased him too much
>But then, he could only cash his prize if he retrieved him, in one piece no less
>Aegon had returned, being almost locked up in his chambers, and the death of Viserys continued a secret to the world until the preparations for Aegon's ascension were finished. By the third day, the corpse of his father started to stink, he had already been rotting in life, and death was not stopping that. He looked at the king, he found him graceless, he had nothing, he was an absent king and absent father, Aemond would do better if he had the chance
>A couple hours after Aegon's arrival, you had woken up, almost immediately you were taken from your room and (to your perspective) randomly put on another, the maids insisted it was for your safety, and you decided to not waste a breath asking them questions that were for someone else. You wanted to see Alicent, and you wanted to see Viserys
>No one would give you answers, and you had no way of communicating with your family, not your father or even your family in the castle, for that matter, you only had ser Criston as a form of familiarity, not even your usual maids were to be seen anywhere. Even though you did not wish to think of it, it was probably because Aegon had chosen them to place his "affections"
>The second night you were awake and isolated, you commanded sir Criston to come into your room and talk to you, give you whatever detail of information he had. He refused again and again, with excuses of how he answered to the queen only, how he was to the door to protect you, how it was improper
>But he ended up giving in
>He told you all he could say, was that the king had died, and that now a conflict of ink and ravens was arising
>You wept the lost of your uncle, and (awkwardly) ser Criston put a hand on your shoulder, ghosting over it. And he told you to fear not, you were in good hands
>You wanted to believe him, you did
>Back to Aemond, he had come to speak with his mother as soon as he was done arranging your room transfer. He felt accomplished by commanding, especially when commanding for your well-being. Alicent knew what Aemond would ask for, and she had tried to ready herself to hear it
>"I want lady Y/N, wed her to me" he did little to stop the smile growing on his lips
>Alicent could have said many things, but she just asked her son one thing. "Do you understand the consequences, Aemond?"
>He nodded, he did not care, if the consequences of taking you were fire and blood, so be it. Never in the seven kingdoms had existed a more lovely lady, and Aemond was only blind in one eye
>He wanted to marry her before Aegon's crowning, and he had threatened to get the supreme septon to do it in secret if he had to, he was smart, and knew it was just a matter of time before Daemon and Rhaenyra caught wind of everything, and he will not lose you
>Daeron had come to face him, Aemond never thought he had the balls to do it
>Whining about his lack of honor, how he was stealing their cousin, dragging them when she was practically engaged to him already
>Aemond let his anger simmer, he smiled while the boiling blood warmed his body, the delicious liquid reminding he was alive, he lived for the taste of rage, his or from others
>"Worry not, little brother, you can now take your vows as a white cloak, so you can become my wife's sworn sword and stand behind her door when she and I share our bedchamber"
>Daeron reached for his sword, he did the same
>"Uh uh, are you sure?" He teased while Daeron seemed on the verge of tears (sadness, ire, who knows)
>His younger brother simply walked away from him, in shame
>You were losing your mind in confusion, and no tantrums from you were enough for the servants to let you leave your chambers to visit Viserys' corpse
>So imagine your surprise when the maids came with shiny new silks, to dress you for your wedding day
>Two ladies, one named Olivya Swann and one named Celesse Hightower, announced themselves as your new ladies in waiting. They said your measures were needed to confect a wedding gown for you, you refused to strip until they spoke and told you what was going on, you felt bad for them, as they were clearly not the ones to blame for the mayhem
>It took a while, the maids genuinely did not know much, the orders came from above and they obeyed. But it was Celesse who finally broke down. They were sent to aid the preparations for your wedding to prince Aemond
>You had to sit down on the bed, your head was spinning around, now there was nothing to do, you were a prisoner in King's Landing. And it was easy to put two and two together, they were not planning to bend the knee to Rhaenyra, and you were there as a pawn in their twisted game of chess
>You yelled at the women to leave you alone, and despite their attempts to calm you down, you ordered them to go. You knew they would come back later, but you simply could not stand there like nothing was happening
>How could Alicent allow this? If they wanted to marry you to the greens, why Aemond? It was clear you and Daeron had far more in common, and comments were made about betrothing you to him, why Aemond?
>Aemond was cruel, and you could never decipher what he wanted from you, he took pleasure on hurting your family, and you were further perplexed on why would he want to marry a bastard
>Maybe he was being forced to marry you too, it would have made you almost sympathetic if it were not for his previous actions
>You tried to sleep, you layed fully dressed on the bed without covering yourself with the blankets
>You dreamt of nothing, and were awaken once again by the maids looking to measure you
>They came in, and helped you undress as to avoid the measures be altered by the thick of your clothing
>You were sleepy and docile, allowing them to carefully place the meter in your waist, bust, hips and shoulders, they also measured your arms
>Olivya presented you with squares of several luxury fabrics, one stack was several shades of white, and the other was a similar amount of shades of green.
>You did not let the opportunity slip, this would probably be the one choice you would have on your marriage
>You made your ladies show you each and every square of fabric, you took all the time in the world. Finally, the chosen ones were pearl white with emerald and laurel green. The colors reminded you of your dragon, you missed him so much, but the gods only know where he could be, he was too large for the dragonpit and therefore set free, he would have come to your calling once you left with your family, that was what was supposed to happen
>You spent three more days locked away, at least you had Olivya and Celesse now. Celesse came from Oldtown, she was the daughter of Hobert Hightower, you made her tell you stories of Daeron, as you were unable to see him. You fondly smiled when thinking of him, your dragon knight
>Olivya was from the stormlands, but she had been raised in King's Landing, as her uncle was serving in court, and she was brought to keep company to princess Helaena
>You told them of Pentos, then of Dragonstone, you told them of your little brothers, so small and cute, you also told them about dragons, you told them about your home, in all its meaning
>Three days after the measuring, the wedding gown was ready, you were amazed, and wondered how many people had been working in full speed in order to complete such an intricate piece in so little time. There was pearls and little gems embroided in the translucent sleeves, a green dress, a beautiful Hightower green dress
>Celesse spoke highly of your soon-to-be husband, telling tales of his skill with the sword and his intelligence
>Olivya told you you would enjoy married life, that the prince was a fine suitor with "admirable manners"
>You remained silent, luckily, your saddened face was covered by a white veil
>What you saw could hardly be called a ceremony, there was Alicent, Aemond and a septon. You slowly walked towards the altar, and recited the vows you had learned when fantasizing as a little girl, none of your fantasies happened this way
>Like always, Aemond was unreadable, and you did not care to try to read him anymore
>There was no feast, no celebration, nothing remotely similar to the wedding ceremony of a prince
>Like everything around the castle, it was rushed, poorly done and with second intentions behind it
>You struggled to look at Alicent, she was dear to you once, but now you debate whether should you trust her
>During the dreaded wedding night, you expected Aemond to humiliate you, to take you by force and call you names, to degrade you
>Anxiety pooled in your stomach, and your eyes burned as you tried to hold tears in
>But instead, he kissed your hand and laid next to you, not even touching you
>You must disgust him, he was forced to marry you, and he has no interest in you, you thought you found yourself in the position of Rhea Royce
>But you could speak plainly to Aemond, you always had
>"An unconsummated marriage can be easily annulled" you pointed out
>"You don't sound at all aroused with the idea, you appear hardly seductive" Aemond replied
>Aemond sat down on the bed, you copied him
>"I am not Aegon, I found screams for help less than enticing. Besides, you would never love me if I raped you" he stated as if he was talking about his day
>"Who says I love you now?" Maybe you should have not been so bold, but you were
>"We are married, you'll learn to do it eventually"
>"As humble as ever. Then let me ask why I should I love you, and you are free not to"
>"I love you, Y/N" you could feel the scorching heat coming from his eye, the sapphire shone in the candlelight. You were speechless, it would have been hard to believe if he wasn't gazing at you so intensely, he carefully took your hand in his
>"You have not acted as such" was the only thing you thought to answer
>"I am not Daeron" your eyes widen in shame. It is not unfaithfulness, yet shame makes you feel as if it is "But again, you have not treated me like you treated Daeron, have you?" He knew what he was doing to you
>"He never called me a bastard"
>Despite the topics of conversation, you both remained calmed, vulnerable in the cocoon of the sheets, your hand was still intertwined with his
>"Neither have I" he squeezed your hand a little
>"But you continue to humiliate Jace, Luke and Joffrey for it"
>"And I paid with my eye. And with you" you look at him confused after he says that, so he continues "After I bonded with Vhagar, you pushed me away, you never forgave me for it"
>"You never asked for forgiveness"
>"And I will not, not for what I did, but perhaps the way I did it"
>You and your husband talked for what it felt like days, for what it felt like years of lost time
>By the hour of the nightingale, you felt like you married one man and now lay with another. Despite his hardened exterior, you now smile at Aemond the way you did once when you were children
>"We still have time to make this wedding night exciting, my lady wife" he smiled mischievously, you looked at him with slight distrust, hoping he was not expecting sex after all that heartfelt talk "would do me the honor of flying with me?" You smiled
>"Dagahrion is not here"
>"There's plenty of room in Vhagar, I ride the largest dragon in the world"
>"You clearly have not seen mine lately" you teased
>"I suppose we'll have to clear that matter once he returns"
>You dressed up and sneaked into the dragonpit, this kind of mischief made you think of happier days, made you forget about the mess
>You missed Vhagar, she used to be Laena's, and she remembered you
>You rode with Aemond until sunrise, in that moment it was just the three of you. No marriage, no usurpation, no conflicts, nothing but the wind in your faces
>Until you had to come back, and you found the preparations for Aegon's coronation being set in place
>"This is outrageous, disgraceful, illicit! This is simply- this is bullshit, Aemond!" You shouted to him once alone "Aegon will be the worst king since Maegor and you know that"
>"I am not the one who sat him on that throne, don't you shout at me for it"
>"It's true, but you are not doing anything to stop it, Rhaenyra should be crowned"
>"Of, course, then Jacaerys Strong can become protector of the realm" he snickered sarcastically
>"May his father be Ser Harwin, Laenor or the damn mushroom, we are sure he is of Rhaenyra and that is what matters"
>"If he was born of Rhaenyra's husband then it truly would not matter if his sire is mushroom or whoever may he be, he is a bastard"
>"So am I! Appoint me leader of the bastard council If you want, because I will defend his claim to the throne, Rhaenyra is the heir and you and I know Aegon is a depraved drunk"
>"Bastard or not, you are my wife, and I will not argue anymore, you are mine now. And when you are called, I want you pretty and smiling when witnessing his coronation, because your husband says so" you had not even realized when he had caged you against the wall, his eyes burning with rage. No trace left of the man you spent last night with
>"Yes, my prince" was all you said. He nodded, kissed your forehead and left the room
>Your father used to call the court "the nest of vipers" and now you understand, the only way to survive was playing their game
>You called in for Olivya and Celesse. Told them to dress you and arrange you to attend Aegon's coronation
>You were pleasant, smiling when you had to, staying right at your husband's side, one may think of you as tame
>You even let Aemond fancy himself your hero, standing before you when Meleys interrumpted the ceremony
>Rhaenys looked at you, you knew she could not steal you away from this, so in her eyes, you imagined her apology
>You decided you will come back to your family, and so, after Aegon's coronation, you told Alicent you needed to go to the Sept, being so throughly shaken. As Aemond said you needed to be guarded all day long, you asked for Daeron to accompany you. Aemond would have never allowed it, but Aemond was not there, he was with the small council talking about recruiting the loyalty of different houses
>Once in the Sept, after praying, you looked at Daeron, it pained you to ask
>"Do you love me, Daeron?"
>"You are married to my brother, my lady"
>"We know what happened. And I did not ask you that"
>"It is improper for us to talk this way"
>You felt rejected, but once again asked "Do you love me, Daeron?"
>"I do" he bashfully responded
>"Enough to run away with me?"
>"Don't make me choose between honor and love"
>"I fear I have to"
>"Enough to run away with you"
>"Then meet me at the dragonpit at the hour of the bat"
>"Y/N, please-"
>"I will run regardless, but I would rather you are with me"
>You rose from your knees looking at him
>He came closer, your lips were near, but not touching, you could feel his breath
>"Kiss me once we're far away, do whatever you desire then" you say before leaving the Sept
>You decided to wait in the library until it was time to go, on your way, ser Criston asked if he could scort you there, you were reluctant, but skillfully lied and said it would be a pleasure
>"My lady, may I speak plainly to you?"
>"You have my permission"
>"I saw you asked for prince Daeron to accompany you in your prayers. Please don't look for him, he loves you, my lady" he made a melancholic pause, and again, his hand ghosted over your shoulder, his face close to yours "And noble ladies only run away with the knights in tales and songs"
>"I understand"
>Ser Criston's words left you with a strange feeling, he seemed sincere, did he know something you did not? Maybe you should wait before running, maybe you should find a better way to do it
>But you remained firm, and slipped out of bed once Aemond was asleep
>You went to the dragonpit, singing to the dragons, and hoping for Dagahrion to come back, if not, you'd have to leave on Tessarion
>You heard steps, thinking it was the dragonkeepers, you hid
>"Riñaaa~" you heard Aemond's voice, and you feared. You don't know if he would be capable of doing you harm, but you'd rather keep wondering
>His voice kept chasing you, in a mocking tone
>Until he finally found you
>You were a the center, and you felt the gazes of the dragons, but by far the fiercest one was Aemond's
>He pressed you against the wall, his sword unsheathed
>His body was pressed against yours, you felt him practically vibrating with wrath
>"I have wanted you for years, yet I held back, I was patient and devoted, and you run away at the first chance you get" he spat
>"I guess we had a rocky two-day marriage" if you were dying, you were doing it with your head high
>"I should have broke you, but I was a fool" it was all tension, you did not know if he would snap, or when would he, and kill you or gravely injure you
>He grabbed your face with his sword still pressing and threatening to break your skin
>He kissed you roughly, like he wanted to mark you as well as harm you, like he was tasting both heaven and steel
>When you were recovering your breath, you spoke "will you slay me?"
>"I will take you back and treat you like the backstabbing bastard cunt you are, the way I should always have" you knew this was probably the last time you will be like this, unbroken, whole
>You missed him back, tasting all the poison inside him, it was messy, rough, teeth crashing, you took him like he was your last breath. You were just saving courage
>All that could be heard was your labored breathing, Aemond's sword never moving. You felt an ache in your chest, you were scared. You wished for the mother, the celestial mother, the one that never left you, unlike every other woman you had though of as a mother. You wished for your father, although violent and rude, unpredictable and sour, he loved you with his whole heart, body and soul
>Maybe you were just going to make a fool of yourself, you hoped so, that Aemond would just laugh at you
>You took a breath of the second-hand air, smoky and anything but clean, and when your lungs were full, you screamed so loud your throat felt raspy
>Dragons obey their masters, and Dagahrion was not here, so it would work, supposedly
>The last thing you saw was the startled face of your husband when all the dragons around you spat scorching hot fire and burned both bodies
>Less than an hour later, prince Daeron found your remains. Some dragonkeepers said your voice commanded all the dragons to attack, others say that it was impossible, that it must have been Vhagar trying to kill you by Aemond's command, accidentally getting caught in-between
>The death of lady Y/N Targaryen, daughter of prince Daemon Targaryen, [allegedly] at hands of her own husband, Aemond Targaryen made the dance of dragons a conflict of fire and blood
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carmisse · 2 months
The heir of the Noldor ft Fëanor lives AU.
Fëanor : Hello my children!
Amras : Atya, it is so early.
Caranthir : Atar, you cannot summon us this way.
Celegorm : It's not fair. I will not stand for it.
Curufin : Really, we have lives. We have business to attend to.
Fëanor : By businnes do you mean provoking political discussions and getting into trouble that I should ignore?
Maedhros : My word, there are impressionable young gentlemen present.
Fëanor : Impressionable? Trust me, Maitamo, no sexual innuendo makes an impression upon you brothers. I wish it did, that they might get ideas to marry and start fornicating.
Amrod : Atar!
Fëanor : Perhaps, then, I might have grandbabies. Instead; virgins to the left of me, lustful to the right.
Maglor : I believe I am a married elf.
Fëanor : Yes, and where are you babies? You have made zero heirs to the Throne.
Maglor : I am trying!
Fëanor : Are you? Really? Dearest, I explained everything to you? I drew pictures? You are doing it correctly? Make sure you are putting it in the right place?
Maglor : Atar!
Fëanor : The only heir to the throne abdicated and abandoned us!
Curufin : — Sounds of crying —
Fëanor : …
Fëanor : Sorrows, Sorrows, Prayers. — gives him small blows on his back —
Fëanor : I'am stating facts! The princes have had no babies.
Fëanor : We had one heir, one royal and he is gone!
Curufin : — Sobbing —
Fëanor : Sorrows! Prayers!
Fëanor : Children, this is a crisis. I’ve heard from King Thingol on the topic. Worse, Ñolofinwë is talking about it, wich means everyone will be talking about it.
Celegorm : Atar, I think you are being a bit zealous.
Fëanor : No!
Fëanor : It's time to find for respectable husbands, it's time to find for admirable wives. Get started. One of you had better produce to next ruler of The Noldor or your grandfather’s line dies with him.
Fëanor : Make me a royal baby.
Maedhros : Atar, you can't really expects us t-
Amras : I'm still a babe Atya, you can't expect me to have one?!
Caranthir : This is utterly ridiculous. My husband has abandoned me. How will I produce an heir without him?
Amrod : He did not abandon you Moryo, he is dead.
Caranthir : It's the same.
Celegorm : We must get tyelpe back as soon as possible!
Curufin : You will not disturb my baby's peace! In addition, Findaráto won me custody in court.
Maglor : There's no need for that, Daeron and I will make it, eventually.
Fëanor : It is not a difficult task. Your Ammë and I made seven royal babies all by ourselves. I do not see why the would lot of you cannot make just one.
— The noise of arguments and disagreements can be heard in the background. —
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be-lovas · 9 months
Serendipity- part 2
How can I apologize for these months of inactivity??? omg guys i'm SO sorry....... I spent the whole summer working on my master thesis so I got carried away from this but I am back now!!! I've tried to tag everyone who asked me to do so, tell me if something's wrong with the tags <;33
Warnings: some men being dicks (but what's new), loose proofreading (I really suck at this I'm sorry), reader's bit sad, helaena being a sweetie
(Flashbacks are in italics) previous part - next part
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"Tell me it is a farce, Aemond. I beg of you."
Alicent is on the verge of tears: she thinks of Rhaenyra and how she must be feeling. The loss of a child. She also feels sad for the boy himself, because although he was a bastard, he was merely a child. A feeling of regrets washes over her as she recalls that night in Driftmark, when she wanted to claim his eye for Aemond's lost one.
Aemond does not say a word. He does not feel the courage to do so. He never killed someone before. He has always thought that killing someone wouldn't do anything to him. Yet, to take someone's life,despite the someone being the boy who took his eye, procures him no satisfaction and no sense of justice. All he can think of is his nephew's body hurtling into the sea foam.
Aemond solely waits for everyone's anger, but not everybody seems angry. His mother definitely is, but his Grandfather and Aegon do not seem furious. Otto Hightower seems worried, because he has known Daemon for a long time, and he knows having him against you is not a luxury. Aegon is simply trying to supress a smile at the corner of his lips.
"Well done, brother," he comments.
"We need to secure Aegon's position," Otto eventually says, ignoring Aegon's comment.
Alicent lets out a histerical laugh, unable to control her nerves. "I believe Aemond just did that by killing one of Rhaenyra's heirs, Father."
"By marrying Aemond and Daeron off to great houses from the Realm."
"I chose Floris Baratheon," Aemond intervenes. "I intend to perform my duty."
He does not want to marry her, but he always promised himself to do his duty regarding his family. He has always seen Aegon minimizing his and wandering around the Silk Streets as he has always had the heavy duty of potentially becoming King someday. Aemond hates the fact that his brother tarnishes this honor, and he does not intend to do the same.
"We must find someone else," explains Otto.
"Perhaps the Dornish Princess? They might send troops in exchange," Alicent offers.
"They would rather die than openly take part in this war," Ser Criston comments, stepping up into the conversation for the first time since they entered the Great Hall.
"The Lannisters do not have any female child. Same goes for House Tyrell."
"What of the North?" Aegon suggests, and everyone goes quiet.
The North is ostracised. Its people may be a part of the Realm, but they do not identify as the rest of the Country. Otto Hightower has always seen them as a group of savages that attempt to appear civilized while hiding their gods in forests. However, Otto Hightower has always granted them their blinded loyalty towards each other and their considerable army.
"Rickon Stark swore loyalty to Rhaenyra," Alicent hastens to say. "He would never break his oath."
Her voice is unequivocal. She does not appear to acknowledge what she just suggested, but Otto does and gives Ser Criston a sidelong look.
"Rickon Stark is dead, My Queen."
You slowly emerge from sleep and keep your eyes closed, afraid not to recognise the ceiling of your chambers in Winterfell and to have the confirmation that you are indeed into your personal purgatory. You're feeling uncomfortable, and you remember that you're still wearing your wedding gown from yesterday. Worse, you realise you are alive. You thought that you would be dead by sunrise, but your husband finds it was not an express necessity to get you executed for mocking him.
A soft knock on your door startles you, and as if you were scared to be caught doing something wrong, you quickly get off your bed. You allow them entering and when the door opens, you are relieved to see that it is just a young servant.
"Good morning, my Lady. Queen Helaena and the Dowager Queen would like you to join them for tea," she indicates.
You rub your hands on your gown, looking at your dress before glancing back at her. None of you says anything, but you are positive that she has definitely understood your husband and you did not fulfill your marital duties last night.
"I will fetch a maid to help you get dressed, my Lady," she bows and leaves without expecting a reply, and you feel sick at the hearing of the way she adresses you.
As your feet obediently follow the maid who came to wake you up this morning through the dungeon's hallways, you gradually realise where you have been taken: in some of the books of the Winterfell library, the fortress is described as being so high that not even the three original dragons could penetrate the walls. The stone that built the tower was more refined than the stone of Winterfell's walls: in the North, everything is more raw. Here, everything seems shaped and moulded.
Your feet mechanically come to a full stop when your eyes spot something very familiar: an heart tree. You think of the leaf your brother gave you before leaving Kings Landing, claiming that the gods will travel South in order to protect you. For the first time since you got here, you somehow still feel close to home.
Just as you were expecting to have tea in the Dowager Queen's chamber (which you know too little about), Anna, Queen Alicent's servant, takes you to the court garden, which you did not know existed until now. When you arrived, you thought you would have to live within four walls and never see vegetation as far as the eye can see again. To your great surprise, you find the garden delightful and it is, in your eyes, a breath of fresh air in this fortress that seems far too anxiety-provoking.
When you see the Queen and her mother sitting at the table among the flowers, you force yourself to smile and slowly approach, a servant pulling the chair out for you to sit on. Before doing so, you make a brief curtsy to greet them.
"Good morrow, goodsister," Helaena is the first to greet you.
If you have prejudices about all of Aemond's family and Aemond himself, you have none about his sister. On the contrary, she seems very kind and gentle. It doesn't surprise you that you've heard that she is very popular with the people of Kings Landing.
"Your graces," you reply, verbally greeting Alicent simulteanously.
On her lap sits a small boy with silver hair. The child is eating a sweet without caring about what is going on around him.
"Did you sleep well?" Alicent asks, and you see her eyes drift to her maid for half a second.
Anna must surely have told her that she found you in the same dress as yesterday when she came into your room this morning. If she hasn't already, she's probably giving her a little nod, letting Alicent know that things didn't go as planned.
"Uh, I—"
"I was told you bled last night. Do not worry, it is completely normal. It means the wedding has been accepted and granted by the gods," she smiles, cutting you off. "You were saying?"
Words struggle to come out of your mouth. No one has checked your sheets because the only people who have been in your room have guessed that you were not deflowered by your husband last night. Or maybe it's just a set-up by the Queen Mother so that people around can witness her words, and thus seal this marriage. Whatever it is, you don't stand in her way.
"I slept well, thank you," you evasively reply while nodding your head.
"I have not yet seen Aemond. He usually stops by to greet the children before starting the day. Do you happen to know where he has gone?" Helaena asks you, wiping off some crumbs from the boy's mouth. "Maelor has been asking for his uncle since he woke up."
In all honesty, you do not care about Aemond's whereabouts. You'd rather not have to see him. Given the short but heated exchange the two of you had last night, you feel it would be better for both of you if you two come across each other as little as possible, it will make this marriage easier to bear.
"He has not spoken to me about it. I—"
Maelor's voice prevents you from finishing your sentence. The little boy flaps around on his grandmother's lap while babbling words you don't understand.
"Aemond!" Helaena stands up quickly, almost running towards her brother. "Where have you been?"
If Helaena looks excited to see her brother, the Queen Mother's features cannot say the same thing. Sitting across from you, you see the Queen's features harden, which tingles and causes you to turn around to see what could the cause of such a change in Alicent's humour.
Opposite you is Aemond accompanied by a woman. Not a young woman like you. A mature woman.
You analyse her without shame: slender, with hair as black as berries and an unmatched beauty. She is incredibly beautiful. You feel her gaze on you with an air of competitiveness, as if she is trying to challenge you.
Then it strikes you, and you find yourself wanting to laugh, feeling foolish for not understanding Aemond's words last night.
My heart will never be yours.
It can never be yours because it belongs to someone else.
Somehow, you find the empathy to feel bad for him. You did not want this union because your heart did not choose it and it was forced on you. Aemond did not want this union, or the union originally planned with one of Borros Baratheon's 4 daughters, because his heart belongs to her and as strong as his words were towards you yesterday, you feel some semblance of sorrow for him.
"Mother," Aemond greeted his mother with a nod. Then, just like a child afraid to be grounded, he glances at you. "Wife."
It still sounds off to hear this word. It still seems odd to consider yourself married, you do not really feel married. But that is only because all your life, you've pictured marriage in a very different way.
"Husband," you mutter as you swivel around on your chair to get back into your original position.
Facing you, Alicent's features harden even more as she keeps her eyes on her son, who sits silently at the table. The mysterious lover imitates him, searching for the Queen Mother with her eyes.
"Would you have the decency to tell me who this woman is?" Alicent's tone is cold and firm, and she doesn't bother to address the main interested party.
Alicent Hightower is known as far north as Westeros for her dexterity in matters of good behaviour. She didn't experience love during her marriage, but she always put on a good show. Inviting a lover to the royal table does not seem to be a decision she considers wise.
"This is Lady Alys Rivers," Aemond introduces, Alys reacts with a gentle smile. He's now playing with Maelor on his lap, the boy running to his uncle as soon as he saw him.
You level up your eyebrows at the mention of her name. Rivers. A bastard of House Strong. You exchange glance with Helaena, not that she realises the gravity of her brother's action, but she seems as uncomfortable as you are, and it selfishly soothes you.
Then all eyes set on Alicent as she lets out uncotrollable giggles, which makes her grandson laugh. "Lady Alys Rivers," she says, more to herself than anyone else.
"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, your Grace."
Her voice is smooth and seductive. If Aemond wasn't a Prince, you would have wondered how she could have laid an eye on him: not that Aemond is a bad-looking person, but his personnality is not attractive at all. He is not a talkative person and does make you feel uncomfortable if your presence is not wanted. While Alys Rivers seems to be a very seductive woman, both with men and women.
She knows she does not fit in whatever plan the Queen Mother has planned for her son, but she tries her best to earn the lesser part of respect Alicent could someday accord her.
Alicent forces a thin smile before adressing Aemond once again: "may I speak to you?"
Not waiting for Aemond's answer, she immediately gets up and vaguely excuses herself, Aemond on her footsteps.
The life that has forced itself to you does not seem real. You feel like you are watching a play where the plot evolves around people close to you, but you do not intervene in any part of this plot.
"Aemond spoke a lot about you, your Grace," Alys tries to reach Helaena, who is far away in her thoughts. In fact, she simply reacts by smiling slightly, her eyes focused on the lemon cake displayed on the table.
Maelor, who seems to feel his mother's anxiety, surprisingly reaches out for you and for a moment, you do not really understand how the boy has grown fond of you, but you eventually let him sit on your lap, whispering some words to his ear.
"The whole North heaps praise on your beauty, and I now see why," she says, and you do not look up right away, focused on Maelor's babbling and truthfully thinking that the compliment was meant for Helaena. But when you do, you see that she is staring at you.
You do not really how to respond. Should you compliment her as well? Strike up a conversation? Ask her why is she complimenting the wife of her lover?
"Thank you," you timidly say, not really comfortable with the situation. The only thing that makes your anxiety lessen is Maelor, not having any idea of what is going on right now and eating his lemon cake slice.
You feel imprisoned in the middle of a play. Someone else's play.
Your days are very similar to one another: you get up, get dressed, join Queen Alicent and Helaena in the gardens where you eat, you wander in the gardens for the whole afternoon and spend some time near the heart tree before getting supper, where Aemond and his lover sometimes grant you the privilege to eat with them, before going back to your chambers.
Not that your days in Winterfell were very special, but it is home. Was home.
Your mother and brother are still not back in Winterfell. The trip is difficult and long, but your mother keeps you informed whenever they stop by in a place that she considers safe for them.
The rare moments when you have to get out of your chambers, you do your very best to avoid everyone from the Greens, except for Helaena and her children. Helaena is very often lost in her own thoughts, but she is very nice to you when she tries to have a conversation. As for the children, you appreciate their unawareness and their innocence as you watch them play together.
Maelor has turned out to be your favorite one out of the three children: not that she intends to, but Helaena's favors for the twins is undeniable, and the youngest Prince seems almost naturally to seek comfort in your presence. In truth, you somehow seek comfort in the boy's company, too: you've grown fond of him, and he is now following you for the most part of the day, for the greatest pleasure of Alicent.
Alicent has been plotting to remove Alys from the court since the day she arrived, but it does not seem to be effective. Whenever she leaves, Aemond leaves with her. Your relationship with Aemond consists of avoiding each other, and greeting the other by a timid nod when the encounter becomes inevitable.
But now, as you are wandering in the streets of Kings Landing hiding your clothes under a cloak and you just happened to chance upon your dear husband, he too hidden under a cloak but easily recognizable with his eyepatch, you are both surprised to meet the other one in such a place.
"My Prince," you eventually say, growing uncomfortable with the heavy silence between you. You discreetly hide the ink you just bought below your cloak.
This is the first time you go outside the walls of the Red Keep. You have grown curious about the City after watching it from your window and just as you wanted to send a letter to your brother in all discretion, you have decided to take the plunge.
"What are you doing here?"
The bluntness of his question catches you offguard. You let out a humourless laugh.
"I could ask you the very same question."
You do not consider yourself arrogant, not at all. You would rather say confident. But Aemond carries a certain look on his face that irritates you as soon as he lands his eye on you.
You expect him to answer with a vile comment about whatever thing he can hurt your feelings with, but he simply replies: "I live here. This is merely a morning walk."
Your eyebrows raise at the reply, noting that Aemond does not even try to sound convincing. He simply does not wish you to know about his whereabouts around the streets of Kings Landing.
"Is there a piece of advice you would give to someone who has never been to Kings Landing before?" You ask him, feigning innocence, too.
Around you, people cross the street without even giving a second glance to the two of you, too busy in trying to find the suitable item among the many street merchants.
"Avoid Flea Bottom at all cost," he tells you, "unless you wish to end up dead or raped."
"I meant advice about the shops," you specify, remembering you were speaking to Aemond Targaryen.
"I think you do not need my advice, as you already found what you were looking for," he nods at your cloak, and you cannot help but frown. You quickly try to hide your ink more astutely under your cloth, hoping that he is bluffing and that he hasn't seen the item like he pretends.
"There is no need. I saw you coming out of that bookseller, and a book wouldn't have fit under that cloak," he points out, attempting to soothe the smirk forming on his lips without much success.
You think of something to say to persuade him this isn't what he thinks it is, but quickly surrender when you spot the way his lips twitch into a smirk.
"Are you following me?" You ask, struggling to hide your growing anger.
"I wasn't, but the gods seem to be protective over some Northern newcomers."
You snort slightly, doing your best not to roll your eyes. His gods would certainly not protect you. On the opposite, they would gladly send you to their supposedly hells: you wonder which one you would belong to.
"By sending you?" You raise your brows, displaying your doubts.
This is the longest exchange your husband and yourself have done since the two of you were married, and Aemond's clenching jaw and your growing impatience for his lack of response show how you aren't a matching pair: you're asking too many questions and his answers are to evasive.
"My Mother would like to speak with you," he announces, stepping forward and you stumble lightly at the move. "I shall make sure you join her in the Sept."
The second you were told that you would marry him and therefore move to Kings Landing, you knew your beliefs would be jeopardized. Indeed, the folk on the southern part of Westeros isn't fond of the old gods, especially with a Dowager Queen who venerates the newly seven. You knew your love for the old gods wouldn't be welcomed here, but you still kept them close to your heart by paying a visit to the weirwood tree in the fortress.
"The Sept?"
Aemond stops in his tracks as he hears the sound of your voice, and even though he is standing with his back to you, you can see the top of his body slowly rise and fall, probably because he is sighing.
"Come," he simply tells you, though it is rather a command.
You reluctantly follow him through the crowd piled up in the different streets of the city. He seems to know it like the back of his hand, and you wonder how many times he wandered throughout it for him to know every single corner of every single street.
Aemond does not need to inform you that you have reached the Sept when you are in front of it, as the tall and imposing building speaks for itself.
You wonder why Alicent wishes to see you, and especially why it cannot wait until she's finished praying to her gods. Will she force you to pray with her? Does she want you to admit that you do not believe in the same gods as herself and her son?
As Aemond grips the door handle of the Sept, the movement allows you to have a glimpse of the underside of his cloak and you notice some sort of herb sachets underneath. Yet, you make no comment and enter the building silently, your husband holding the door for you.
"Lady Stark," your hear Alicent's voice echo through the sept, and you spot where she is knealing. She is in front of an imposant statue where candles are lit all around. You would lie if you say that there isn't something comforting in the silence emaning from the Sept. Outside of these walls, Kings Landing seems to never be quiet: including when you couldn't sleep during the hours of the night, you could hear the wandering guards trying to speak lowly outside of your doors.
You carefully walk towards the Dowager Queen as you see she does not move, waiting for you to come over.
"Your Grace," you slightly bow your head, hands clasped in one another.
"Join me, please," she smiles at you, and you see her hand patting the empty space next to her.
You attempt to hide the discomfort you feel towards her invitation: you do not wish to get on your knees to pray the Seven, but this is clearly an invitation in order to test the waters.
Having her on your side is essential if you consider leaving this place someday: from what you have understood since you arrived here, she is Aemond's safeguard from madness. She would be the one reasoning him if he tries to put your life at risk, not because she is a decent person that took a liking of you, but because she is a good manners woman.
You reluctantly kneel beside her, your eyes wandering around the ceiling before staring at your knees.
"Do you often pray, my dear?" She asks, handing you a votive candle that isn't yet lit up.
"I do, your Grace," you respond, moving the candle nearer the fire of those already burning. Once your candle catches fire, you delicately set it down next to the others. As you catch Alicent setting her gaze on you, you do your best to keep your composure and to prevent your hands from shaking.
Then she lets out a sigh. "I've always wondered about the religious habits of people from the North. It is said that many still believe in the old gods."
You're tempted to say something, but the end of her sentence does not sound as the end of a speech, so you let your sentence die and keep silent.
You see her smile, but the smile doesn't reach her eyes. "They are proud and loyal people. Loyal to their roots and to their oaths."
"Indeed," you answer, not sure where she wants to lead this conversation.
"You see, I fear for those people," she lets out a sigh. "Have you heard of the Shepherd?"
You say no with your head. "See, this man is out there, trying to persuade the people of Kings Landing that the King does not represent the Faith of the Seven."
You listen carefully. Aegon is indeed not a very accurate representation of the Faith: marrying his sister and therefore breeding incestuous children is a sin, whether in the Faith of the Seven as in the eyes of the Old Gods. You also learned that he was very often visiting the most luxurious brothels of Kings Landing: his bastards must be running freely around the streets of the city.
"He is setting the common folk against its ruler," you comment, getting where she wants to lead you.
"It is our duty, I as the Dowager Queen and you as the King's good sister to show the people our devotion to our gods."
This is why she wanted me here, you think. So that you could be seen entering the Sept.
"People are everywhere. Around the streets, outside the gates but also within the Keep," she explains, and you understand her innuendo.
No more visit to the heart tree.
"We must be irreproachable. You must seem beyond reproach," she cautiously says, softly gripping your arm. You glance at her hand on your arm, and all you can see is her bitten and chapped fingers. "Do you understand, my dear?"
The Targaryens are in danger, but so are you. You're all threats in the eyes of this Shepherd.
"I do, Your Grace."
Since the Queen Dowager has expressly asked you to be convincing in your role as follower of the new gods, you thought you'd start by paying homage to the Mother, reason why you're currently heading to the Tower of the Hand to discuss the idea with the man.
However, your good brother has decided otherwise as he comes the other way, flashing a smile as he takes you in.
"Lady Stark," he calls out. "We haven't got the time to discuss yet."
"Your Grace," you bow, returning a shy smile. "Sadly we have not."
You would have been happy not to change the course of things, but you've noticed that Aegon likes annoying people and does not prevent himself.
Aegon Targaryen is a strange man. You sometimes see him wandering through the halls of Maegor's Holdfast struggling to walk straight, a cup of wine in one hand. He is not the man crafted to be King, you would even say that the crown he is wearing does not even fit around his many white curls.
"Is Kings Landing to your liking?" He asks.
"Though it is not very similar to Winterfell, I find myself liking it, Your Grace," you lie.
"I am content you're happy here," he says, dismissing his guards by a handwave. You look at the two guards retreating, leaving you and the King alone. You instinctively look down, somehow uncomfortable with the mere thought of you two alone.
"What of my brother?" Aegon questions and you look up to find him taking two steps forward.
You do not really know how you should respond: given the undeniable satisfaction your marriage to Aemond gave to Aegon, the two brothers do not seem to get along.
"What of your brother, Your Grace?"
"Is he kind to you? Is he treating you well?"
"He is, Your Grace," you lie. "We are getting a-"
"Do not lie to me, goodsister," he interrupts, his eyes boring into yours as you feel his hand grazing the skin of your cheek. "Lying to a king is not a wise thing. Don't you think?
You feel your face flashing red. He can sense your uncomfort, but does not seem to care.
He wants to make you feel uncomfortable. He wants you to know he has the upper hand and could do anything he wishes to you.
"There is no need to be ashamed, Lady Stark. Perhaps I could show you how-"
"Your Grace."
The voice calling out Aegon instinctively makes you close your eyes, relief invading your whole being as you hear footsteps approaching.
"Brother," Aegon's hand beats a hasty retreat from your face and he smiles, but his smile does not reach his eyes. "I was just discussing with your dear wife."
"The Lord Hand is waiting for Lady Stark and myself in his study."
Not without some courage, you slowly step backwards until you are nearly standing next to Aemond. He does not look at you, he is staring at his brother in silence. You could almost find the silence uncomfortable: turns out you're to stunned to notice the uncomfort of the scene.
"Of course, he probably wishes to speak to you about Casterly Rock," Aegon explains and you furrow your brows, displaying your ignorance. What is it to know about the Lannisters' home?
"Please do give Daeron my regards, will you?" Aegon says to his brother.
Aemond does not make any comment but simply bows and you imitate him, a breath you didn't know you were holding escaping your lips when you see Aegon going backwards and eventually turning around.
Aemond seems to finally notice your presence and turns to you. His eye is scanning your face, searching for any trace of harm Aegon might have left. Only when he hears you sighing of relief do his features slightly soften.
Then, without being aware of the words leaving your lips, you whisper: "I am sorry."
You do not really comprehend the reason of your apologises. Perhaps it is for your recklessness. Perhaps for his affair with Alys Rivers that will never flower the way he wants it to do so, or even for your mere and arranged marriage. You do not actually know, but you feel the need to say so.
Nodding his head, he simply responds: "come, my Grandsire wishes to speak to us."
You have quickly noticed that he isn't a very talkative person, so you aren't surprised when you don't receive a formal reply. But for the first time since your marriage, you almost feel at ease standing next to him.
Tags: @yentroucnagol @tempt-ress @crazymusicgirl104 @unclecrunkle @brie-annwyl @pax-2735 @castellomargot @bellaisasleep
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bucknastysbabe · 3 months
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This is pure crack taken seriously. Fuckin in publix places.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Public sex, the Targtower horrendous family vacation, Daeron is in the picture (he isn’t), Bodyguard Criston, age gap, almost daddy kink, spitting in mouth, sink sex?, pnv!sex, v!fingering, oral fixations, Degredation, dirty talk, Criston is Old, Aegon is the FBI’s sex crimes hound he has a 20 mile radius
Taglist: @bambitas @moncherrii @aemonds-holy-milk @fairysluna @lovelykhaleesiii @arcielee @sugarpoppss2 @targaryenbarbie @gemini-mama
I do not work at this establishment Nope not at all
It was obscenely hot. Your family was on the annual trip to Clearwater for a summer vacation to the beach. Also known as the Targtower explosion failure tour. You and Daeron had coined it that two years ago when Aegon had drunkenly exploded the back yard trying to set off fireworks.
Your mother wheeled your decrepit father around, a floppy sun hat on his spotted head. Viserys was…rotting…sort of? Cancer sucks. It wasn’t really like he was there anyways, all of you were sent to boarding schools. Ole’ Vizzy invited his eldest daughter, her children, and Uncle Daemon to the grand beach mansion this year. Probably because he’d be dead next year.
Whatever it may be. It will be chaotic. Aemond was already scribbling furiously in his totally not a diary journal. Your family had stopped to get subs and some refreshments at one of the many Publix shopping centers dotting Florida. It was a busy Friday, so the whole clan was rotting along with Viserys in line.
Aegon slipped off to, “Stock up on booze.”
No surprise there. You eyed the family bodyguard Criston to gauge his reaction. He looked bored, gaze following Aegon. You ogled Criston’s summer wear. He looked pretty fucking good with some bitty shorts and a summery button-up polo. You’d been fucking the man since, well, every holiday or vacation since last Thanksgiving.
Which you thought would be hard. Not really as most of your family didn’t give a fuck about anything but themselves or were on something. Otto had been the closest to catching the pair of you. Taking a step behind Helaena you whispered, “Come up with something.”
Criston’s dark brows furrowed as he mouthed back ‘what?’ You rolled your eyes and murmured, “Find a reason for us to fuck off from this line, mom knows the orders!” Criston’s confusion settled into a calm facade. He spoke up, “Ali, the squirt and I are going to get some ice and other stuff, just text?”
“Sure, go ahead, this line isn’t moving anytime soon,” she sighed, waving them off.
Free from the hellish deli line you echoed “Squirt?”
Criston rubbed the back of his neck, laughing, “I mean I am 20 years your elder, and I make you squirt?” He stopped and peered at the signs, gasping when you dragged him toward the bathrooms. The bodyguard questioned frantically as you moved.
“W-what are we doing? Oh my, no, I know what you’re thinking, no!”
His big hands paused you by the shoulders. Criston sternly stated, “I’m supposed to be watching over everyone, not boinking in a public restroom! At a Christian establishment!” You frowned, throwing the man puppy eyes, pressing yourself into his trim frame. The grocery workers were probably disgusted but not surprised.
Leaning up to whisper you whined, “Come onnnnn, live a little, they’re just in line, a quickie? C’mon Criston, m’so fuckin’ wet for you baby.”
His jaw clenched down on a ragged growl. You stroked a hand down his chest, “Enjoy it while we can, soon I’m going to be frolicking around in my bikini while you gotta watch my dad.”
That seemed to win over the man, sighing and dipping into the women’s bathroom with you, taking up the biggest stall. Criston shoved you against the black stall, growling, “You’re such a damn brat, what got you all wet in the car, hm baby?”
“Mmm, I was watching you drive, your hands, wanted them ‘round my throat, fingers on my tongue baby.”
Criston’s dark eyes rolled a bit, the big hands in question slapping down on your ass as he hissed, “Drive me insane, goddamn.” He closed in toward your face and kissed, moaning soft and low. You shoved down his shorts, gently pulling at flushed cock. The bodyguard gasped and bit your lip, snarling, “Needy aren’t we?”
You nodded, opening your full lips. Criston spat into your mouth muttering, “Filthy girl.” You mewled when he picked you up and propped your ass on the sink. He told you to shut up while thick fingers slid up your skirt, ripping the thin material of your panties off. You bit down on your knuckles, whining like a damn puppy.
“Cock slut.”
You loved when he called you that. You also loved when he took your destroyed panties for his own keeping. Criston was a bigger whore than you. Folded so easily when you made the first move.
Criston murmured, nipping at your ear, “Goddamn you didn’t lie, little dirty slut, gonna have to fuck you now, god, don’t know how anyone just doesn’t look at you and know.”
“K-kn-know what?”
“What a deviant, cock-hungry slut you are baby,” he laughed quietly, pressing a couple kisses to your lips and jaw. You gripped weakly at his hair, panting in sharp little mewls. His dark eyes greedily roved over your tits falling out of the low-cut top, writhing on his thick fingers, begging for his cock.
Criston hissed, shoving his fingers down your throat to quiet your desperate begging. Tears fell down your eyes as you realized he removed
them between your legs to shove down your mouth. You shivered— more tears leaking down your red cheeks as you helplessly tasted your own essence.
The bodyguard grinned sharply, cooing into your ear, “Figured that would keep you quiet. Fucking whore.” His dark hair fell forward as he gazed at your cunt, adding, “Lookit’cha, already trying to suck me in, hah.”
He aligned his weeping cock with your horribly empty pussy, bullying his way in, free hand coming to rest at the small of your arching back. You shook at the sudden, deep intrusion, suckling Criston’s thick fingers with a mewl. The bodyguard was making forceful little thrusts
into your cunt, trying to keep the noise level at a minimum.
He mouthed at your shoulder, neck, panting dirty nonsense. You grew tighter around him, the lurid nature of this situation making you throb harder. Criston chuckled in your ear, strained from his very methodical fucking.
Usually the man wanted to be soft and sappy, fuck for hours. Or go to pound town. He was currently stuck in an awkward predicament and couldn’t do either.
“You’ll be bringing your pretty ass to my room every night after dragging me into this shit.”
You nodded eagerly, squirming on his length. Criston groaned at your unexpected response, his girl already fuck dumb on his ass, she’d have some sexy bratty remark right now. He refocused on jerking his hips up, hitting that soft spot at the roof of her pussy.
Criston shoved his left thumb in her mouth to get it wet before snaking it down to her engorged clit, throbbing and twitching in time with his direct little thrusts. He groaned raggedly at her involuntary shiver, milking his prick further along.
A pair of voices giggled from outside the stall, “Oh my god, they’re fucking? Don’t forget a condom!”
Criston’s eyes widened. He needed to wrap this up before anyone got suspicious. He pulled out a bit to slam back in, swirling his thumb, even popping a puffy nipple into his mouth. The brunette even began to massage her warm tongue.
“Mm, Mm! Cri- mmmmm!”
He grinned up from her tits, rumbling, “Come for me pretty girl, come on, do it now, we have a time limit!”
He didn’t mean to mention the time limit. Whoops.
You nodded, eyes rolling back as you were deposited into bliss. Criston hungrily replaced his wet fingers with his mouth, kissing away and swallowing desperate noises. Shuddering against his bigger frame he coddled and pet you, cock pumping along until he tensed and blew his load partially in you, partially in a papertowel, groaning your name.
His sappy puppy eyes were out now, the elder man breathing softly against your face. He hummed, “Alright, let’s get dressed yeah?” You nodded and tucked your tits away, putting wild hair into a ponytail, and straightening your skirt. The panties would have to be missing, hopefully no cum would leak out.
Criston looked a bigger mess, his curls all over the place, shirt askew, shorts on the ground. He breathed out huffily, “Please help me.” You smirked at him, getting Criston presentable for the great outdoors, of Publix. Regardless, both of you looked like you’d been fucking in a bathroom. Whatever.
The deli line had only moved 3 more spots, finally putting your mom and Vizzy, now asleep, in the front row. You held some sunscreen while Criston had the box of ice. Aemond raised a brow and scoffed. Aegon, significantly drunker than you’d last seen him sniffed loudly.
“It smells like someone was fucking? Who was fucking?”
You watched in horror as Aegon sniffed out Criston like a hound. He snatched up Criston’s fingers and stared before guffawing, the body guard shoving your eldest brother away. Aegon was on hand and knee now, laughing, “Sorry, I- HAHAAHAHAHAHAH- okay, m’god I prom-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH”
You kicked his shin, Aegon yelping and tripping. Eventually Otto stepped in and handed out orders of food. Why was he wearing a pimp outfit? Oh my god?
You grabbed some peach Tea while Criston snatched an energy drink. You hummed, “I mean how many times can you say that you’ve been fucking in Publix?”
“Yeah, that’s ten swats.”
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alicentdeservesbetter · 6 months
Daily Headcanons
Alicent presenting her babes to court + misc
with ~ @theladyalicent
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She always has one of them on her hip while the others run around. Like Helaena and Aegon fussing when it's time for Aemond to be presented to the court but by that time Viserys does not care.
Aegon is such an attention whore, even as a baby, he is jealous when it comes to Aemond's time to be presented. "Mom. Mom. Mom!" He pouts when she doesn't give in.
She tries to stroke his hair as she speaks with a random lady at court but its not enough. Aegon holding tight to her skirts. It's only when Aemond falls asleep that she is picking him up, even though the maesters said he was too big now.
Helaena is happy to wander around and Criston has to follow her all day.
Also, because criston is a familiar face from the very beginning, aemond always trails after him or hangs around him. He's not exactly shy, but he doesn't always love the attention or to have his cheeks pinched by ladies of the court.
Aegon does not go to criston as often, they don't have the same history, but sometimes he eyes the way aemond and him interact. i think Aegon is still trying somehow trying to get viserys' affection and over the years it happens less and less until not at all when he's 10/11.
And then there's daeron, who doesn't care, who is coddled by everyone except dad but eh doesn't care because everyone else coddles him. Especially since its been a minute since the court had a baby around to coddle.
Alicent keeps him in her arms the longest, well when she can pry him from Aegon and Aemond that is. Helaena plays with his hair in braids and such.
He has really pale purple eyes and the cutest cheeks and they get red when he zooms around the halls because he has so much energy. alicent has to wonder how does THIS baby have the most energy out of all.
They always find him in the kitchens, munching on the lemon cakes but he always makes sure to save some for his family thank you .
Also he sneaks baby tessarion with him everywhere and i just had this image of baby tessarion running after him but still being well, a baby, and tripping on its own feet just to keep up but she doesn't even mind bc she's like one of these baby chicks who imprints on you and wiill go everywhere you go except daeron also imprinted on her so they're TWO baby chicks running after each other
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arcielee · 1 year
Alone, Together
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Pairing: modern Aegon Targaryen x FemaleReader   Summary: You did not mean to get tipsy, but Aegon takes care of you.   Warnings: Alcohol consumption, mentions of rehab, but this is purely fluff.   Word Count:  1619 Author’s Note: This was inspired by my muse @f4ll-for-you​, thank you for being my beta reader and helping me find structure to this. ♥ This was kind of foreshadowed with an exchanged look between Jace and Cregan in Wait So Long.  Just another continuation to my not-really-a-series series about modern Aegon. I write him as more of a golden retriever bf after he has successfully completely the rehabilitation and therapy that poor bb desperately needed. Taglist (Tumblr kindred spirits): @aaaaaamond​ @sirenofavalon​ @annikin-im-panicin​ @watercolorskyy​ @schniiipsel​ @sylas-the-grim​ @aemondx​ @fan-goddess​ @babygirlyofthevale​ @httpsdoll​ @theromanticegoist​
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“How drunk do you think they will be?”
Aegon assumed very, especially after Baela took charge for the bachelorette celebration. Though you never really drank often, if ever, as you found the taste of alcohol to be too much unless craftily mixed to hide the liquor entirely, Baela would be well aware and nothing would stop her from celebrating her dear friend getting engaged. You felt hesitant, but Aegon smiled and gave you a kiss with the simple instruction, “Go, have fun.” 
You left with your friends and Cregan, Jace, the Cargylls and his brothers all came over to the apartment, an informal hang out while Baela sent updates throughout the night: the drag show you went to, the meal at your favorite restaurant, the farewell toast of fruity beverages to your single life. 
The proposal had been unexpected for only you. Aegon had purchased the ring when he left the center, knowing full well that life was done for him and that you, with absolute certainty, were his future. He hoped to create a romantic moment, but instead it came when he had opened the door one evening and saw you in the kitchen. You were wearing one of his shirts and mismatched socks, your hair mostly pulled back with your bangs framing your rosy complexion as you focused on the task at hand. 
“It’s pasta,” you called over your shoulder, before turning and allowing him to see the apron you wore over his shirt, how it cinched your slender waist and the access fabric that spilled over. “The sauce is simmering, but do you mind tasting it and seeing if it needs more–”
“Marry me.”
You met with his eyes and he closed the space between you, his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you against his chest for a kiss that drew the breath from your lungs. When he broke away, you were stunned and still had your hand wrapped around the spoon you used to stir the sauce. “Aegon, what…?” 
“We should get married,” his smile stretched across his jawline, his eyes bright with his words. “If you will have me, I want you to be my wife.”
You stammered your response. “A-are you sure about this?” It was a subject you left alone, mostly because of the torment he carried from the dysfunctional relationship between his mother and father when his father was still alive, but you did not mind. You loved him, you always had, and you knew he was yours.
Aegon burned for you. “I am sure,” and he pulled out a velvet box to reveal a ring, taking your hand into his own and slipping it onto your finger. “I have never been more sure of anything in my life.”
Your friend group was thrilled that Aegon had asked, that it finally was happening, and Baela threw herself into preparations, while Aegon and the boys had a more relaxed approach to their evening. He enjoyed having everyone at the apartment, with the retro console Jace brought that refueled a rivalry since their childhood. 
Even Aemond came that night, bringing his usual quiet reserve; as they watched Daeron and Jace needle at one another, with Cregan trying his best to referee, Aemond pulled Aegon aside. “You seem really happy,” his voice low with the congratulations.
His smile beamed in response and he showed Aemond the latest photo sent of you laughing, gleeful. “I am,” and he wrapped his arm around his brother.
“She brings out the best in you,” Aemond added, his brow raised. 
“I like to think so,” Aegon wet his lips. “Be my best man?”
His lips curled slightly, the hint of a smile that Aegon always searched for and cherished. “Of course.” 
The night waned away and Aegon noticed his phone screen lit up with a text message, we have arrived. He announced it to his friends and they filed out of the apartment, in search of the drunken return of the girls, bounding down the flight of stairs. 
Out front he saw Baela and Rhaena trying to coax you from the car.
“Sweetie, we are home,” Rhaena kneeled in front of the open door, her tone honeyed. Aegon peered over to see how you were sitting crossed legged, holding your shoes and purse against your chest, your eyes wide and glassy. “Don’t you want to go upstairs?”
“I can’t,” your voice was small, tear laced, and Aegon watched you carefully, perched behind Rhaena’s shoulder. “I am so drunk, I cannot walk. I cannot…Aeg cannot see me like this.”
Aegon smiled to himself, touching Rhaena’s elbow, who graciously stepped aside. “Hey, pretty girl,” his low timbre was a balm to your boozed soul, your cheeks warming from his voice. “Come out of the car and let me take you back to our bed.”
You were embarrassed, shy almost, but reached for his hand and he turned around. “Be my backpack, hm?” he called over his shoulder and you wrapped your limbs around him like he was your lifeline. Baela gave a quick kiss to Jace, grabbing your purse and shoes to follow, with her promise to be right back. 
Aegon was careful with you, as always, and you nestled your face between his shoulder blades, enjoying the smell of fresh laundry and that cologne you had gotten for him. Baela grabbed each door and deposited your belongings on the kitchen counter, petting your golden retriever on top of his head, and calling goodbye over her shoulder when she left.
He placed you onto the couch and you giggled as Sunfyre tried to lick your toes; Aegon returned from the kitchen, shooing Sunfyre from your side and handing you a glass of water. “Hydrate,” he said, sinking next to you and watching as you took the glass, gripping it with both hands.
“Are you mad at me?”
His brow quirked with your question. “No, why would I be? Actually,” he gently touched beneath the glass and lifted it towards your lips, “please drink this and then answer me.” 
You took a comically large gulp and he could not help but smile again, but it faded quickly when he noticed your glassy eyes. “What’s wrong, pretty girl?” he asked as he took the half full glass from your hands and set it on the coffee table. 
“I did not want to be so drunk, Aeg, but they had strawberry,” your words babbled like a brook with your confessions, spilling from your red stained lips. “I only wanted to hang out with my friends and celebrate, but the strawberries were so tasty…”
Strawberry jello shots, Baela had warned him in the texts along with the following, my bad. 
The strawberry jello stained your lips, your tongue exceptionally pink as you continued, “I did not want to be drunk and come home…you have been amazing, Aeg, truly, and I feel like I am throwing it in your face!”
“Hey,” his voice was low, soothing, as he cupped your cheeks to bring your focus to him. “I’m fine, I promise you,” he smiled with his words, his thumbs wiping the large tears that spilled from the corners of your eyes. “I am 3 years sober and I have you to thank for that. You have seen me at my absolute worst and helped me through it. Now I have a moment where I can take care of you and your strawberry, giggling, crying mess–this is the least I could do.” 
You hiccupped again. “I’m a mess?”
You sounded childlike and Aegon could not help but laugh, bringing your face in and kissing you softly. “Yes, but you are my beautiful mess,” he paused for a moment, a playful grin curling on his lips. “Mrs. Mess, actually.”
You groaned but smiled, “Gods, Aeg, you are so cheesy.” 
“Ah, fair, but you remember that you said yes,” he reminded you, “so, you cannot take it back now.”
Your expression is almost somber when you look at him, your eyes wet and wide to take him in. “I never would.” 
The genuineness in your tone made him blush and his throat bobbed with a swallow as he pulled away to stand, reaching his hand back to take your own. “Come on, pretty girl,” and he pulled you to stand up, his other hand on your hip as you found your balance. 
You glowed with your smile towards him and he felt it permeate through his rib cage, curling with its warmth in his chest. He placed a hand on each hip bone and helped guide you towards the bed; there was a struggle to remove the dress that poured over your curves, but only after Aegon agreed to give you the shirt he was currently wearing. “It smells like you,” you explained as he peeled it off. 
You tried to kiss him, a deep kiss that would taste like strawberries, and as much as he wished to melt into you, he remained chaste with your advances, the inkling in the back of his mind that he would rather you be sober. Instead, he retrieved the glass of water, which you finished and then immediately announced that you had to use the restroom, and he waited outside the door to bring you back to the bed. 
He crawled beneath the covers and you curled against his chest, Sunfyre bouncing up and laying on your legs. Aegon drew small circles on your back until your breathing was steady, and he continued still; his eyes fell to your sleeping form, your features highlighted by the city lights that spilled through the blinds, and he could not stop the smile that curled on his lips with the thought, Mrs. Mess.
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modern Aegon masterlist // Arcie’s masterlist
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
Stealing traits from Daeron and destroying Aegon's character completely, all of these things have made me dislike Aemond so much. Someone remind these writers that Aemond is not the only character in team green.
Hey, Nonnie.
I’m not gonna lie, I used to love Aemond but after reading the books it made jaded about his character. Aegon is fascinating and actually has a character arc in the books, he’s the only one that redeems himself IMO.
I wouldn’t mind Aemond’s characterisation if it wasn’t at the expense of Aegon’s, I was on Reddit and someone said that in the show Aegon isn’t a character he’s a problem that everyone has to deal with.
Alicent has to deal with the fact that Aegon hurt someone, Otto has to deal with the fact that Aegon isn’t interested in being King at all and Aemond (for some reason) has to deal with the fact that Aegon is “unworthy” (see what they’re doing?) of being the firstborn son.
Aegon was a great fighter because he also trained with Ser Criston, but only Aemond is allowed to have a fighting scene and be badass. Aegon has a mystical bond with Sunfyre, he actually fights for Aegon until the bitter end, but only Aemond is allowed to have scenes with his dragon.
Aegon would never bully his brother, especially with the Strong boys, whom ALL of them hated, but no, Aemond is the bullied meow meow, his brother is a meanie and has to bully the poor Aemond because Aegon is rotten, didn’t you know?
In the books, when Viserys asks where Aemond heard the bastards rumours you can infer that the brothers are close and that Aegon will always be there for him and he was. In the show, to the general audience it was only Aemond taking revenge for the bullying.
In the books, Aegon never took his brother anywhere but in the show, he takes Aemond to brothel for some reason and traumatised Aemond. Why? Because Aegon is rotten, he has no redeeming qualities and Aemond is the poor meow meow.
When Viserys is dead, Aemond was actually training and what the first thing he says to the Kingsguard?
“Is Aegon King?”
In the show? Apparently he’s the one that should be King because he reads and has Vhagar? Apparently Aegon never touched a sword, only Aemond.
Even his brother being the spawn of Satan, he still goes out to find him, isn’t Aemond just the best? He’s so dutiful and loyal. Even though he hates Aegon and wished that he was far away, and Aegon wanted that too. Or Aemond wanted Aegon dead, whatever works best for him and getting him close to the crown. Sorry, Aemond is amazing he would never covet what his brother has.
Because instead of getting only Ser Criston and Aegon, we got that pathetic scene of Aemond fighting Aegon in the middle of the street. Because Criston convinced Aegon by saying that his half-sister would be a threat to his family we also got Aemond looking for him, why was he there? He was so unnecessary in that scene, Criston and Aegon needed that scene. Criston needed to show his intelligence and Aegon needed to show the care and love he has for his family.
I really hate what they did with Aegon, and now? I don’t care about Aemond, I don’t care about his story or his character. I simply wished that they cut Aegon entirely, like they wanted to do with Daeron. Have the star of the green side by himself, but sorry, he’s only allowed to shine when Aegon is the villain of his story.
Sara Hess and Ryan Condal are a fucking joke, I hope that they’re never hired for anything ever again. Their writing is ridiculous, I just know that TGC will shine with whatever shit they write for him and then HBO will try to claim that it was because of them and their script. It won’t be, it’s purely TGC’s talent.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Yandere in Velaryons for yandere mother Alicent's daughter Princess. Maybe Cristonda is developing tendencies for the Princess. Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, and Daeron don't want to share their big sister with the boys in the green team. Can you write more for this? The Princess that everyone is obsessed with. I would love to read more about the princess' relationships with others. Maybe the dragon dance is for the Princess, not the throne.
Yes I can, I'm happy to write more about it! 😉
Let's go, starting with the fact that everyone in the reader's family is possessive and yanderes is a fact that she will never really be alone, she may even think she is, but there will always be someone snooping around. Most likely it will be Aegon because well, it is Aegon.
They are all suffocating and obsessed in their own way, each wrapped up in their own illusion about you. They all yearn for the princess in a different and intense way.
I like to imagine that Criston is as much Alicent's sworn shield as yours, like, your mother knows how good he is at defending and insists he must protect you too. Criston has no reservations about that, he saw you grow up and he likes you a lot, but his obsession would only grow after spending more time with you. When that happens, he won't be protecting you just because he has to, but because he wants to, and no one will hurt you as long as Criston is alive. He can even become a romantic yandere depending on the reader's age and the situation, but I imagine he will hide these feelings when he realizes how problematic this can become because of your family. For now, he will just be content to protect you and yearn for you from afar.
The Velaryons will be more subtle as they approach the reader, hiding their obsession with just one another as much as possible. Corlys and Rhaenys will be quite wary around you, they've realized all too well how much the Greens are very involved in their obsession with you and they're trying to avoid further conflict with them, but soon they find themselves just as attached as the others. Corlys will be more demanding for you, he wants to spend more time with you and he can only do that if you visit more King's Landing, since your mother doesn't want you to leave there, so the little time he gets with you he enjoys at the same time. maximum, listening to you talk and telling stories of your sea voyages and inviting you to visit him at Driftmark. Rhaenys is more calm and passive with her obsession, she knows how to control herself and enjoys all the time she has with you in any way she can, but more often you hear her ramble or she hears you chattering about your day to day. Laena and Laenor adore you and will make more of a habit of going to King's Landing just to see you. When they are there, your attention is only focused on them and that doesn't please your family members.
You are right, anon. Your younger sibilings don't like the idea of ​​sharing you with others, especially Aegon and Aemond. Helaena doesn't like the idea of ​​you being with anyone else besides her, since you're her only company, but she'll accept it as long as you don't leave her to others. Aegon will be the meanest at this, he will complain and try to emotionally blackmail you ti his side, complaining that you are his older sister and therefore should pay more attention to him. Aemond will be the most upset to have your attention on someone else, he won't say anything to you but will threaten whoever is trying to steal his sister from him. Daeron spends the least amount of time with you, so he doesn't have much to do, but he might hear about your neglect of his family through letters and he'll write to you about it, a little upset about being away. from you.
The Dance of the Dragons can happen because of the princess. If it gets to the point where both sides become obsessed with you, the situation is not going to be good. You are expected to support your younger brother Aegon to become king, but what if you don't? And if you support Rhaenyra? Or, better yet, what if you decided that you should become Queen over her brothers? In any case, the Iron Throne will not be the only final objective of this war.
Maybe you want to end it all and decide to run away somewhere else. Who knows, maybe you decide not to support either side? The pressure is simply too great, Y/N. What do you choose to do?
~ Lady L
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very-straight-blog · 3 months
You answered about the book, but is there anything you would like to change in the show?
Oh my God, I was answering this question just after waking up and completely missed the part about the series lol.
I've written several times about why I don't like HOTD. You can use "hotd critical" tag to find out my detailed opinion.
Here I'll try to summarize my main complaints once again. I'll talk about TG, otherwise this post will be endless.
Alicent. From an ambitious and power-hungry woman, she was turned into a victim of her surroundings, whom everyone is trying to manipulate. She wants the throne for her son, but not because she thinks he deserves it or not to protect their family, but because Viserys whispered Aegon's name to her being delirious. Hilarious.
Aegon. There's no more ruined character in the series. He was made a r*pist and a sadist, but all this - only in words, while his behavior on the screen completely contradicts this image and what the viewer should believe is unclear. He has eight minutes of screen time. His connection with Sunfyre, his relationship with his wife and children are completely cut out. Most viewers, unfamiliar with the original story, didn't even realize that he has a wife and children at all. If in the book he agreed to accept the crown in order to protect his family, in the series he was forced. Even the scene of his coronation was ruined.
Aemond. From a man who knows what he wants (revenge), he was turned into an idiot who doesn't control his dragon. Nice job!
Helaena. In the series, she's just an extra. Again, I really wonder who realized that Aegon is her husband and she actually has two children.
Daeron. Who's Daeron?
I'll say it again - all the problems of the series come from the inability of the screenwriters to do their job. They don't understand what they're filming and who their audience is. They don't respect the original book, they're biased. People on the Internet, not being professionals, write better scripts. That's it.
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kitkatscabinet · 1 year
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Aegon II Taragaryen x f reader
Summary: Aegon Targaryen is a good-for-nothing prince, a stain on his family's name. But she doesn't seem to see him that way. She looks at him as if he put the stars in the sky, this strange girl locked away in a tower.
Word count: 350 (short I know, sorry but I just need the backstory)
A/N: ok i was going to base this off the brother's Grimm version of the tale, but everyone seems to be vibing with the tangled version. If anyone would like to see the Grimm version as well let me know
Aegon had always dreamed of escaping from King's Landing, of flying far away from Westeros and the duties his mother and grandsire kept trying to push on him.
He has dreamed of doing so for years, flying away on Sunfyre one day to just never return. He never goes through with it though, because doing so would mean abandoning his younger siblings. Leaving them at the mercy of Alicent and Otto.
But with Daeron in Hightown and Helaena on Dragonstone, shielded by Jacaerys and Rhaenyra he finds it harder and harder to stay.
He loves his younger brother Aemond, but he doesn't like the twat. So Aegon continues to be the family fuck up, drinking and whoring, or rather letting people believe he's doing so.
The older he gets, the more he begins to truly crave love, and the more his skin begins to crawl when the whores touch him. So he pays them and simply lays alone, falling asleep to the debauched moans.
He is reaching six and ten, and it is on the off day that Aegon had fallen asleep in his own quarters that his mother finally confronts him.
Betrothed she tells him, no room for argument in her tone as her hand clutches painfully at his jaw. He doesn't fight, simply watches as the Queen walks to the door.
"I never asked for this you know" his words cause the both of them to freeze. "And I know you didn't either, but maybe if you'd even tried to love me a little we wouldn't be here" the confession startles him, but his mother recoils as if she'd been struck. He sees guilt, and shame cover her face and for a second he thinks she is going to say something. But then Cole is banging on the door and dragging the Queen away.
Aegon never finds out what his mother had wished to say. Because five days before his sixteenth birthday Prince Aegon took to the skies on the back of his mount Sunfyre and was never seen in Westeros again.
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silm smut fic rec
@silmsmutweek is winding down, and in the spirit of challenge participation and appreciation of the many great smut fics in this fandom, i've jotted down a list of some non-event related smut fics that absolutely shaped the way i read and write smut.
these are just a few - the true list of favourite smut fic is enormous, and growing every day, in good part due to the mods and everyone who also participated in this event!
Flying Like A Bird To You Now by Harp_of_Gold. @foxindarkness
"He’d betrayed his lover in more ways than he could count; no joyful reunion with the Lord of Trees could be expected. He owed apologies and more to an awful lot of people, but first and foremost to Oromë. That’s where he’d start, and when his beloved had crushed those futile hopes, perhaps he’d be able to move on." Celegorm is re-embodied in Valinor.
A welcome distraction, by firstamazon. @ettelene
Nerdanel is trying to work, but Fëanor has other ideas.
in the afterglow by lonelyvisitor for starlightwalking @i-am-a-lonely-visitor
For how long it’s been, darling, since we had one of our long talks, you must see this novelty of Curvo’s, but really any excuse for your company, come at once, or anyway as soon as I’ve finished with the chorus practice, it will be about the sixth hour. And informal attire, Turno, I must beg, you know I get itchy even looking at you sometimes…
prick a finger, cut your hand by welcoming_disaster. @welcomingdisaster
Míriel finds her rooms just as the sun sets over the horizon. She comes, as ever, with her hood drawn up over her face, wearing the simple white-and-silver robes of the unwed maidens that come and study poetry under Indis. The white symbolizes purity, the silver steadfastness. Sacrilege, Indis thinks, watching Míriel slip off her cloak and hang it delicately on the back of a dining chair, it is sacrilege.
Bow and Helm and Hand by jouissants. @jouissants
“It’s been far too long since you’ve journeyed with us, Mablung,” Túrin says. Mablung gives a rueful smile. “I go where I am ordered, and King Thingol orders me elsewhere. You have made yourselves too great a name together to be parted, and in that you are fortunate."
a most faithful vassal by starlightwalking. @arofili
Lord Fingon summons his favorite servant to keep him company on a lonely night.
Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside by BloodwingBlackbird. @bloodwingblackbird
For the prompt Maglor/Halbarad, public sex.
Of Changing and Shifing Shape, by polutropos. @polutrope
Daeron is the beneficiary of Lúthien's Maia shapeshifting prowess. They have a nice time in a treehouse that isn't a prison.
pulls you back, by orphaned account.
Maglor wanders the shore.
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jaegonsmoon · 9 months
Daeron coming back from the Reach and him and Jace surprisingly getting along, as Viserys always wanted. Just for Aegon to become all jealous and possessive
I always forget poor Daeron exists.
I love me some jealous Aegon, it has such a good flavour.
Jacaerys is a pretty boy, he’s handsome and cocky in a way that doesn’t make wanna you punch him, but fuck him—because he knows what he does, and he knows he’s good looking and he embraces and takes advantage of that. And Aegon’s jaw aches with all the clenching he does on a daily basis. For all that Aegon is a brazen individual, always going for what he wants, Jacaerys makes him pause, hesitate; he makes him, lord have mercy, nervous. Every time he approaches him in a flirty manner, Jacaerys either matches his energy too well or rolls his eyes at him. The boy is infuriating, and confusing at times.
So when little Daeron, who hasn’t even been here most of their lives, comes to visit and clicks right away with the nephew he’s been trying to make a move on for months, Aegon is losing.it.
Aemond is sick and tired of Aegon bursting into his rooms rambling about his nephew, he threatens to tie them both up by their feet on Vhagar’s tail if he doesn’t shut up. Aegon swears revenge for later when Aemond finds someone he likes (coughs). The day will come, that’s for sure. So, sweet Helaena is now stuck with listening to him, she’s better help, though. Sometimes she says cryptic shit, but others she just sighs and tells him, “Maybe if you’d let him know…” to which Aegon laughs hysterically and shakes his head and leaves.
One day, Daeron and Jace are sparring in the training yard and they get a little too close for Aegon’s liking, Jace is grinning at Daeron who lends him a hand to help him up and then—Jace gives him one of those cheeky grins he sometimes gives Aegon and says “Well done, uncle” and that does it, his blood boils because how dare his other brothers exist and be Jace’s uncles as well, that’s his job, that’s his line. He stands up from where he’s sitting with Aemond and Luke, the two looking at him with raised eyebrows before sharing a look between them (that’s new).
“My turn, little brother.” He says. He ends up beating poor Daeron’s ass a little too harshly. But he doesn’t miss the look Jace gives him before he lets go of his younger brother and licks at his newly split lip. There’s something he recognises there, something… hot. However, he’s still too angry and his pile of bottled up feelings is starting to overflow.
He ends up glaring at the boy and everyone who there’s spare him a look, even when they’re only praising him, and takes off. He’s tired of this game. A game that for all he knows it might be one-sided. He needs a drink and perhaps—for the first time in many moons, ever since his big sister and his nephews returned to King’s Landing—some company. Anything that takes his mind off over the fact that he wishes it was his eldest nephew’s beautiful, toned legs he was burying himself between…
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