#everyone loves Eddie
romeowho · 2 years
People really be out here talking about Byler but the Ronance is strong
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chushanye · 2 years
Me, knowing full well the Duffer brothers are hinting at Will and Mike being canon, and knowing they're pushing Nancy and Steve into a pairing again:
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buttercupbuck · 2 years
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“shouldn't it be when you're at your worst, they're at their worst, you have every reason to give up, and you still decide you want to try again?”
[image description: six large gifs of evan buckley and eddie diaz from various episodes of season 5 of 9-1-1.
gif 1: from season 5 episode 4. out on his balcony, buck sits and looks at eddie (offscreen) as eddie says, “you’re the guy who likes to fix things. but maybe this isn’t something you can fix.”
gif 2: from season 5 episode 11. standing in his kitchen, eddie tells buck, “buck, you need to move on.”
gif 3: from season 5 episode 13. offscreen, buck asks, “okay. well, what are you afraid of?” eddie answers, “that i’m never gonna feel normal again.” his face is red and wet with tears.
gif 4: from season 5 episode 14. eddie walks into his dining room, where buck is packing away christopher’s school supplies. buck looks up at him and smiles as he enters.
gif 5: from season 5 episode 14. at the equestrian center, eddie breaks into a small smile as he watches charlie.
gif 6: from season 5 episode 18. buck and eddie work on repairing eddie’s bedroom wall. buck says, “yeah, yeah, i know. i’m the guy that always wants to fix everything.” the camera shifts from buck to eddie as eddie argues, “hey, comes in handy when you have a bunch of holes in your wall.”
/end ID]
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tarlosbuddie · 3 years
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Buck: *Talks*
Hen and Eddie: 👀👀
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autisticredhood · 2 years
bruce: you know jason, i know we haven’t had the best relationship but you can tell me anything
jason: is this about the body? i didnt even do the murder i just helped hide it
bruce: what
bruce: no, im talking about your crush
jason: what
bruce: the love of your life
jason: oh you mean eddie
bruce: bloomberg? your old pen pal?
jason: yeah my best friend
bruce: i--no jason i mean. i heard rumors--
jason: oh is this about me and kyle
jason: yeah but it only counts in space
bruce: what
jason: our marriage
jason: yeah lol it was on accident but connor thinks its hilarious and karma for kyle forgetting their anniversary
bruce: wait so youre dating connor too? connor hawke?
jason: what
bruce: ok no connor. but i have a son in law?
jason: pls say that to kyle. every time he's reminded he dies a little inside and i become more powerful
jason: but yeah, on earth it's eddie
jason: it was an accident too but he already calls me his wife so
bruce: wait, so are you in love with kyle or eddie?
jason: EW. neither. also, eddie's with rose
bruce: rose is the one i heard you were with!
jason: no
bruce: oh.
jason: she also calls me her wife tho
bruce: i need to lie down
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theboludaspring · 2 years
AU where Billy is alive (and everyone knows it), but he's not in Hawkins for some reason. He returns halfway through the show only to find out that his boyfriend Steve is doing dangerous shit again.
and that also Nancy Wheeler and Eddie Munson are very much in love with his boyfriend.
You were supposed to watch him, Robin.
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fruitydiaz · 2 years
i can’t believe eddie was fully on the floor having a panic attack and genuinely legitimately honestly thought “this is about my girlfriend and absolutely nothing else” and still didn’t think it was grounds for like. breaking up
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linusbenjamin · 3 years
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VENOM [2018]
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theteapotofdoom · 2 years
I feel like Hellfire Boys™️ would get into very intense arguments to know which one of them is Eddie’s favorite, and it would go on and on and on for hours, until they manage to gradually calm down and come to the very mature conclusion that: "actually Eddie doesn’t have a favorite, that’s why he is such a good DM, he loves us all equally :)" but then Eddie would walk into the room with a bag of chips and go: "Erica’s my favorite actually" and then walk out as the group dissolves in absolute chaos once more.
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percyjacksonfan3 · 2 years
Not me absolutely adoring Eddie and Chrissy and their dynamic only for her to die at the end of the very first episode of the season
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Eddie and Billy are (Billy is not dead in my world) best friends. They both get on Steve’s nerves but Steve adores Billy, Dustin loves Eddie, Steve loves Dustin, and so Eddie gets to stay. ❤️
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uris-stanley · 2 years
controversial maybe but i do think the stancy resurrection was fitting with their characters and the plot but i don’t think it means they’re going to get together
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buttercupbuck · 2 years
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you can have my back any day
[image description: six gifs of eddie diaz and evan buckley from various episodes of 9-1-1. 
gif 1: from season 4 episode 14. in the hospital, eddie tells buck, “so, someday, if i, uh...didn’t make it...christopher would be taken care of. by you.”
gif 2: from season 5 episode 11. in eddie’s kitchen, buck’s face falls as eddie dismisses his concern and walks around him. 
gif 3: from season 5 episode of 13. a close up of eddie’s face, as frank (offscreen) says, “i know how much you worry about him...i just wonder if you worry about your own well-being.” 
gif 4: from season 5 episode 13. buck looks at eddie with a pained and concerned expression as eddie confesses he’s afraid. 
gif 5: from season 5 episode 4. on buck’s balcony talking about chim and maddie, eddie tells buck, “this time, maybe she’s the one who needs taking care of,” looking at buck meaningfully as he does so. 
gif 6: from season 5 episode 14. at the horse ranch, eddie breaks into a small smile as he watches charlie.  
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nee-82 · 2 years
It worked wonders for their streaming when they decided to put all my favourite characters together since the start. Yes I am talking about Steve, Robin, Dustin, Max and Nancy.
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bievanbuckley · 2 years
i will never forgive Ramon Diaz for breaking Eddie's pure spirit in such a delicate age. this little boy was so gentle and soft and loving and full of light. he was willing to drive his own mother to the hospital cause there was no one else around. he took care of his sisters and was so happy to cook for them. and Ramon took all that tenderness inside of him, the child inside him, and crashed it like a bug in the name of being a Man.
but then i think about Abuela and Pepa and how they gave him all the love his father never did. they compensated for the warmth and comfort he never got from him. they supported him, embraced him and encouraged his kind young soul to keep that fire inside him. to never let it burn out despite his father's efforts. they didn't let Ramon break his spirit completely. no. they protected him. they shaped him into the man he is today. all his gentleness, all his softness, all his kindness, that's on them. sure, he never got the loving father he deserved, but he did turn out to be one to Chris. and i think they're an integral part of the reason why.
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
I would love for Eddie and Buck to move in together post-BuckTaylor break up and before they get 'together together' because how funny would it be if the 118 is suspicious that something is brewing between Buck and Eddie but aren't sure, and just after they convince themselves they're only friends Buck comes in wearing Eddie’s uniform shirt - which he's not aware of.
Now maybe Eddie isn't on shift and he took whatever was on top of the clean laundry pile, or there was a mix-up between laundry and packing their duffels so Eddie has to whistle after Buck to tell him he took the wrong shirt, that's not the point.
The point is to drive their friends and family one step closer to the brink of utter insanity until someone says something.
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