#everyone overpacks freshman year
rkhemlani · 1 year
June 16th - Arashiyama Bamboo Forest and Monkey Park
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Nico and I skipped breakfast again this morning and slept in a little bit. We knew there was going to be a quiz, so we reviewed the readings one more time before Professor Smith’s announcement at 9:00 am (we are familiar with your tactics Dr. Smith). Prior to fully entering the bamboo forest, we stopped at a love shrine, because the last one we tried to visit was closed. Professor Smith recalled my previous joke saying that I need the love shrine really badly, which I thought was funny. I already know I drank from the Romance Stream of water from the Kannon temple a couple days ago, so I didn’t want to ruin my odds. As we strolled through the bamboo forest, we saw a man playing this extremely soothing disc instrument that I had seen on Instagram before (I don’t know the name of it). We continued along and of course Vishnu and I found an extremely photogenic spot to take pics along the water, which oddly reminded us of what we thought Vietnam would look like. I wanted to go for a swim so bad. After that we broke for lunch, where Vishnu, Chelsea, Sam (the boy), and I all went to a ramen place that was a solid 7/10. After that I got Chelsea coffee and myself coffee and she repaid me by buying me a yummy strawberry ice cream. I think that’s like at least five different people I have gotten to buy me ice cream. Vishnu and I took more pics on the bridge, and we met back up with the group for a hike up to a monkey park. There, we took more pics as a group, fed monkeys peanuts for 50 yen, and enjoyed the wonderful views above Kyoto. It’s kinda sad that the trip is going to be over in a couple days, because we have a really weird, yet fun group. We headed back down the mountain and a group of us (Boy Sam, Girl Sam, Eliza, Vishnu, Chelsea, Casey, Julie, Nico, Aulora, and I) stopped at another coffee shop where we chit chatted, had overrated drinks, and reminisced the trip. We took the train back, Nico and I napped, and then we met downstairs to go to a rooftop bar. I had a good talk with Casey about our favorite parts of the trip and what we missed the most from back home. Unfortunately, I led the group to an overpacked bar as I had forgotten it was Friday and it was happening. I felt bad for making everyone walk for half an hour. On the way back, Julie and I talked about the way our Asian parents punished us as kids and we offered each other restaurant recommendations in Miami/Broward. I love when people give new spots for me to try in Miami. We stopped at Family Mart for snacks and some of us played Uno in our room to end the night which was nice. Nico and I also played heads-up poker after everyone had left, because we are dying to play when we get back to Miami. I hope this group can be able to meet up in Gainesville for a party or a function later on this year.
Academic Reflection
Today one of our readings was on “The Tale of Genji”, which I had read parts of previously in my Self and Society in East Asia quest course during the Spring of my freshman year. It was a great read and an even better read now. The entire plot revolves around the romantic adventures of Genji, the son of the emperor who exiles himself after committing some wrongdoings. It was interesting to visit the place where he had his affair with Lady Rokujo. The story is considered to be the world’s first novel and is a classic piece of literature. It was enlightening to be able to picture the settings described in the story and I was glad that we were able to visit said place.
The other reading discussed the importance of preservation for the bamboo forest. I found it particularly compelling the way the article mentioned the inclusion of nature within city planning. I wish we had this back in Miami, where there aren’t many large parks that are nature based other than protected ocean reefs. We were able to see dense and luscious forests that were located in the middle of Kyoto when we were at the monkey park on top of the mountain.
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
WEEK 0: Preparing for Prague!!
Hi everyone!! My name is Parker Peterson, I’ll be a sophomore in the fall, and I’m about to spend the next 8 weeks studying in Prague! I can’t wait to check into my housing, explore the city, and begin my adventures as a student in Europe!! Since my program hasn’t started yet, I’ll explain more about everything I did to prepare for this trip.
Trying to pack for Prague was very difficult because I’ve barely unpacked everything after freshman year. I am also a horrible overpacker, so my bags were definitely a little overweight. I did a little bit of shopping to get ready for Prague, since Europeans usually dress up more. I’m so used to wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants to class in the freezing cold of Michigan winters, so it will be an adjustment to actually look presentable at school. 
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Somehow I was able to close my bags- packing cubes were my best friend!
Housing was included in my program, and we had the option to live in an apartment with either a shared bedroom or private bedroom. I will be in an apartment with my friend from Michigan, Alyse, and two girls from different schools in the US that we met online through the CEA housing portal! Our housing just came out a couple weeks ago, and we found out that we’d be living in Prague 2. On google maps, it looks like the apartment is about a 25 tram ride and a 30 minute walk from the CEA study center.
My class schedule came out a while ago, and I’m super excited about it! I have class Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, which is perfect for traveling or exploring Prague on the weekends. I’m taking two classes: Linear Algebra and The Golden City of Prague: Past & Present. My classes start later in the day, which is perfect for me because I’ll have the morning to go for a run, explore Prague, sit at a cafe and do work, or sleep in if I have to. 
I’ve been religiously using Tik Tok to research the best things to do in Prague, countries in Europe to visit, restaurants to try, and so much more. I’m a huge foodie and love trying and reviewing different cafes and restaurants, so be ready for some good recs! I can’t wait to experience life as a student in Prague and take you guys along with me!
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And I'm off!!
Parker Peterson
Industrial and Operations Engineering
Engineering in Prague
0 notes
honklore · 3 years
cherry sour | dreamwastaken
(best friends to lovers, fake dating, bed sharing, idk how old dream’s siblings are pretend they are all older and married except for drista my beloved, dream is really sweet in a small gestures kind of way, way too many mentions of freckles, dream gets his nickelodeon hot tub kiss sans nickelodeon, writer want to kiss a boy so bad and it shows, gn!reader but it’s insinuated that they are wearing a bikini or swim top of some kind, dream is a thigh man, no real names)
listen to: summer daze by all time low, fine apple by nic d, 2002 by anne-marie
“I can’t imagine a worse idea,” you say, turning on your playlist before Dream can ask for the aux. “I mean, your parents are so sweet, and your siblings…”
“My siblings literally love you and even if you told them it was fake, they’d still love you,” Dream assures. He’s driving to the airport with relaxed ease, one hand on the gear shift and the other wrist hanging lazily over the steering wheel. “Look, my mom asked if I had a partner I wanted to bring and I panicked!”
“You could’ve just said you had a friend!” you hiss. Although, the truth is simple: you wish this wasn’t a fake thing. You’ve liked your best friend since freshman year of high school. Growing closer to him hasn’t made it better. And now, he’s acting so nonchalantly about “dating” you, your mind wonders whether or not he would mind if this was all real.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Dream retorts. He looks over and winks at you, eyelashes long and nearly brushing the freckles that span across his cheeks. You wonder what it would feel like to kiss each one.
Stupid brain. You look out the window, opting to pretend you're really interested in the music rather than his concerned gaze.
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Sal is beautiful. The airport is small, and seemingly unimportant to the rest of the island. It’s a twenty minute drive to the coast, where the rented beach house is. You’re squished in a rental car between Dream and Drista, which isn’t as bad as it could be, since Drista is watching a YouTube video on her phone, and she offers you an earbud.
The beach house is a faded blue, nearing gray. White trim and skirting make it postcard ready, along with the many local plants hanging around.
The porch light flicks on, and you realize Dream’s brother must’ve already arrived with his partner.
Dream’s mom tells everyone to get their luggage and unpack. It’s nearing sundown, so there isn’t much to do except try and work off the jet lag that’s been creeping up on you since you left the airport.
“Dream and ___, you’re upstairs, last room on the right!” You lead the way, dragging your overpacked suitcase behind you. Dream lags behind, hugging his siblings and their partners.
The room has dark, hardwood floors. Over that is a large shag rug with aquamarine and white patterns. There’s a queen sized bed, made with precise care. Two nightstands with matching lamps, the lampshades are an ugly shade of beige with tacky seashells glued on.
There’s a large tv mounted to the wall just above the wooden dresser, and an en suite bathroom with your own shower. There is obnoxious wall art with quotes like “life’s a beach” and “this is my happy place” covering the walls. It’s absolutely atrocious in that tourist-y way.
It’s perfect.
You begin to unpack, taking all the drawers on the right of the dresser.
“Oh…” Dream widens the door with his elbow and tosses his duffel bag onto the ground. “Only one bed.”
You snort. “Afraid I’ll give you cooties?”
“No,” Dream retorts. His tanned neck grows red and he reaches to scratch his nape. “I mean, I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“Don’t people who date usually sleep in the same bed?” you tuck your suitcase between the dresser and the wall.
Dream begins to unpack his stuff, far neater than you had packed yours. “I know I just… I dunno, I forgot.”
His neck is red again, so you drop the subject.
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You take a shower after Dream, and when you emerge, he’s dressed in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts and socks, lounging on the bed and scrolling through the free channels on the tv.
You’ve seen his torso before (when he’s at the pool, or when he’s playing soccer with you) but it always surprises you how many freckles he’s got splattered across his tanned chest. He scratches across his collarbone, and your eyes reluctantly follow the movement.
You wish your best friend was ugly. That would make all of this easier.
Or maybe he could be rude. Uptight. Boring. Anything, but the kind and playful boy he is.
Except he’s trying to find golf, of all things.
“Give me the remote,” you say, leaning over him to grab the remote. “We are not watching any kind of sport on vacation.”
“Well I’m not watching Friends,” Dream retorts, knowing you’re going to find a marathon somehow. You always do.
“At least it’s entertaining!” you grasp the remote, hip bumping against his thigh.
“You’re not getting your way, today!” Dream exclaims. He grabs you, thumbs against your ribs, and lifts you over him, onto the empty side of the bed. “Now sit here and enjoy this golf tournament with me.”
“No,” you argue again, face burning at his touch. “I’m just going to sleep if you’re going to watch something so boring.”
“Fine.” Dream turns the tv up, cocky smirk on his face knowing he got his way. “Gnite, sleepyhead.”
You grumble and wiggle the blanket out from under your body. You slip in, enjoying the cool scratchiness of the sheets. A sigh escapes you. You hadn’t realized just how tired you were.
“Wait, are you seriously going to sleep?” Dream's voice is softer this time.
“Yes,” you mumble, refusing to open your eyes now that you’ve finally given them some rest.
“Okay, I’ll turn it down.” He shuffles under the covers too, warm chest instantly heating you. His bicep is nearly pressed against your face, and in your drowsiness, you reach out and grab it, resting your forehead against his toned muscle as if it were a hot water bottle.
He tenses up, then relaxes, and you hear the volume shift to barely audible.
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The beach is clear, and the sand is like crystal glass, cold and white. The water is nearly jade, a warm green that gets bluer as the sandy floor gives way.
Some people are already outside, despite it being early morning. You’re not sure anyone in the house is up yet, but you’ve slept the whole night through, and you want to get a glimpse of the ocean before everyone begins to crowd it.
You dig your bare feet in the cool sand. The sun hasn’t been up long enough to heat it. The rhythmic sound of the waves almost lulls you back to sleep. You hug your arms to your chest to brace against the ocean wind.
“There you are!” You turn around, and Dream is running down the steps of the beach house in his basketball shorts, this time without socks. His smile is bright enough to combat the sun.
“Here I am,” you mumble. “I’m just enjoying some alone time.”
“Oh,” Dream frowns. He reaches you, heavy breaths causing his chest to rise and fall. “Do you want me to leave?”
“No, it’s alright,” your voice is gentle, and it carries in the wind. “I was going to hunt for shells.” You hold up the netted bag you usually take to the grocery store for produce. “Would you like to join me?”
“Whoever finds the prettiest shell — as voted by my mother — wins!” Dream announces. He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to the surf, pointing at random things as the two of you pass.
He’s watching a pelican dive into the water for a fish just as you see a pretty twisted shell, light green in color. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen a shell that color, but it’s Dream’s favorite, so you pocket it before he notices.
The two of you stay out for hours, digging up clams and watching them race down beneath the surface.
It’s not until Dream’s mom texts him that the two of you walk back to the house, feet soaked by the sea and shoulders warm.
Everyone is seated at the table, eating a casual brunch of bagels and donuts that seem to have been bought from a nearby bakery. Dream nabs the last everything bagel before you can, poking his tongue out at your appalled expression.
“Mom, you have to check our shells to see who found the prettiest,” Dream says, mouth full of food.
You roll your eyes and grab a cinnamon raisin bagel, slipping onto the bench beside Drista, who is texting someone. “Let her eat first, Dream.”
He rolls his eyes, but agrees and sits across from you. His ankle bumps against yours and he reaches out to link them together, smiling innocently over the table.
“I’m glad he listens to you,” His mom says, rolling her eyes fondly as she ruffles her son's golden waves. “And I’m glad he finally has someone to take on our trips with him.”
Dream’s neck goes red again, but this time it spreads to his chest, and you focus on your bagel so you aren’t caught staring. “Mom, please.”
“What? It’s not like the two of you aren’t together.”
“Right,” Dream grits out, looking at you pointedly.
He wants you to get him out of this topic. But honestly, you’re having fun watching him become embarrassed. After all, it’s his fault the two of you have to pretend. He could’ve just asked to take you, but he decided to embellish the truth. “He’s so clingy,” you blurt out before you can stop yourself.
Drista snorts.
Dream’s jaw drops. You’re beginning to love the color pink on him. “Like you weren’t clinging to me to get to sleep last night!” He retorts, pushing the narrative away from himself.
“You’re stupid.”
“You’re an idiot.”
You stick your tongue out at him.
He gives you half of his bagel in exchange for half of yours.
Dream’s mom sighs. “You two are impossible. You know, Dream, I thought when you finally made it official, you’d be more of a gentleman.”
“Mom, I literally just gave them half of my very coveted bagel.” Dream winks at you from across the table. His ankle is still knocking against yours. You wonder what his mother meant by “finally making it official”.
“Just show me the shells so I can judge them and go get my tan.”
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Dream shakes his head, causing wet droplets to hit your face. “Dream!”
“What?” He laughs and climbs out of the pool.
There’s a private pool and hot tub behind the house. You wonder how expensive this place is.
You’re sitting on a lawn chair in a shirt and shorts, refusing to take off your shirt in front of Dream. Because here’s the thing: you never swim around him. It’s not that you don’t trust him, or that you necessarily hate the way your body looks. But truthfully, Dream is fit, and you’re sure all his past partners were fit. And you feel a little inadequate. It’s easy to hide behind baggy clothes and pretend you have a body that you don’t.
Whatever. Maybe you’re just thinking too hard.
“It’s so boring here by myself!” Dream whines. His shoulders are even more tanned than usual. His freckles are nearly hidden. You want to trace all the sunspots on his chest.
“I’m–” You can’t very well tell him, now can you? That’s be embarrassing. Hey, Dream — my best friend since we were in diapers — I don’t want you to see me in my swimsuit because I’m afraid I won’t be sexy enough.
He’s always been good at reading your expressions. “Are you worried about what you look like?”
You nod, refusing to look at him. His voice is soft, which means he’s probably pitying you.
“Come on now,” he cooes. He walks up to you and grabs the hem of your shirt. Looking into your eyes, he blinks, “Do you trust me?”
You nod, still watching him because you do trust him. You trust him with every part of you.
Slowly, Dream pulls your t-shirt over your head, until you’re left in your shorts and swim top. His gaze drifts across your body, and he clears his throat pointedly. He turns back towards the pool water. “Yeah. Absolutely nothing to worry about.”
“Are you sure?” You frown.
His back tenses, and he slowly turns back around. His eyes are staring straight into yours, and you feel like maybe this was a bad idea. You’ve never felt so vulnerable. “I’m sure. Just get your ass in the pool.”
You snort. You shimmy out of your shorts and slip into the water. The surface is hot from the sun, but it’s cool underneath, immediately soothing you. “It feels so good in here,” you sigh.
Dream laughs. He swims over, just a few strides, and wraps his arms around your waist. “I’m going to throw you.”
“What? Wait, Dream!” You shriek when he throws you over his shoulder. Chlorine water fills your nose and you joke and splutter after breaking the surface.
“Did I hurt you?” Dream picks you up instantly, supporting your weight in the six foot deep water.
You wrap your legs around his torso, your arms around his neck, and enjoy the feeling of his hands splayed beneath your thighs. “You’re despicable.”
He laughs, lips against your ear, and you’ve never heard a sound so akin to the sun. “You love me,” he insists.
And you do. So surely, more than anyone else. But it’s in a way he might not reciprocate, and you don’t want to risk a friendship over feelings. “You wish!” You press your palms against his shoulders and shove him down, delighting in the way he grabs you even tighter.
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“Our flights are all a day early,” Dream’s mom is saying, as you and Dream eat ice cream sandwiches with Drista.
“Lucky,” Drista mumbles. She’s wearing the crystal necklace you bought her while out. You’re wearing a matching one, because she insisted, and it makes you feel like part of the family.
You feel warm.
Dream shrugs nonchalantly. “We’ll just stay the extra night, right? We have the house until noon?”
“Yeah, just make sure the checklist is done. Dishes are clean, towels in the tub, trash bags in the bins outside…”
“Sounds good,” Dream says. “We’ll be home by Saturday night, Mom.”
“Come over,” She insists. “We’re closer to the airport and there’s a guest room.”
The two of you agree, since neither of you want to drive the extra hour back to you or Dream’s homes. And, selfishly, you want an entire day alone with Dream.
“We have one more carry-on bag we can take, so if you guys want to pack a bag real quick we’ll take it with us tomorrow.”
The two of you agree to just make a bag of all of the gifts and souvenirs you had bought, so they won’t take up room in your suitcases.
You’re sifting through all the stuff you collected when you find the bright green shell you had grabbed for Dream. In all the excitement of that day you forgot to give it to him.
“What?” He comes out of the bathroom, his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. He’s shirtless again. He leans against the door jam. “Do I need to take some of my stuff out?”
“No,” you say. You hold the shell out for Dream to see. “This is for you.”
He grins around the brush and pushes himself off the wall. He holds up a finger to you and goes back into the bathroom to spit out his toothpaste and set the toothbrush back in its travel case.
Then he shuffles out, a huge grin on his freckled face. “You found me a shell?”
He reaches out, and his voice is so soft that you get a little shy. “Well… yeah. I found it the other day and forgot to give it to you.”
The shell looks so small in Dream’s hand. He slides it in his pajama pocket and leans down to cup your face between his palms. “You’re so cute,” he mumbles.
You’re nose to nose, and Dream’s breath is warm against your face. You want to kiss him right now, but you’re scared he won’t reciprocate.
So you back up. “I’m glad you like it.”
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The night before your flight, Dream is in the hot tub. He’s listening to a Frank Ocean playlist. It’s booming through his phone speaker, and it’s so loud you aren’t sure he hears you approach him at first. But then, over the dulcet tones of Pretty Sweet, he peaks one eye open and calls for you. “___! Join me, please!”
He's resting his head on the ledge, cushioned atop a folded towel. It’s nearly sunset, and the orange-pink light casts itself over his cheeks.
You’re already in your swimsuit, courtesy of sunbathing earlier, so you sit on the edge and dip your legs into the bubbling water. “I don’t believe we’ve been in the hot tub all week.”
Dream snorts. His eyes are closed again. He smells like sunscreen. He smells like home. “That’s because my parents have been hogging it.”
“Ah, they deserve it,” you mumble, nudging Dream’s bicep with your toe.
“So do we,” Dream grabs your shin and tugs gently, just enough for you to stumble momentarily. “Would you get in?”
You slip in at his coaxing. The water warms your skin. You sit shoulder to shoulder with Dream, and listen to the music. “Thanks for inviting me. This has been really nice.”
Beneath the water, Dream spreads his palm across your thigh and squeezes. “You made it better. You make everything better.”
His honest words startle you, but then he’s bending down just slightly, and you can feel his soft lips against your shoulder. “D-Dream,” you say, and you’re terrified your voice betrays you.
Because Dream is warmth and sunshine and sea salt air. And when he murmurs a confident, “C’mere,” and pulls you into his lap, your hands find their place against his shoulder, in his hair. Golden curls tapered to his neck by the heat of the evening, the heat of the tub, the heat of this moment.
His mouth tastes of cherry candy, it’s sour and addicting and it emits a laugh between the two of you when you push against him far too eagerly. The jet timer finishes and the only sound that fills your ears is Frank Ocean and Dream’s contented sighs.
“I don’t want us to be just friends,” he gasps. He presses his forehead to yours, chest heaving as he tries to regain his breath.
You don’t want to regain your breath. Your heart is racing as you press your lips beneath Dream’s ear, into the junction of his neck, then against every single freckle on his shoulder.
He lets you. And you hope he’ll let you forever.
“Let's be something more, then.”
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summer daze series tag list: @tinyegg @yikes-buddy @sofiehonk @savingpluto @wtfdudewhydidyoutakemyusername @angelicaschuyler-church @torpedo--belly @strychninebowie @vampnarr @infinitelycharmed23 @ems-alexandra @valoinnit (if you would like to be added/removed, let me know!)
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corvus--rex · 3 years
Semi-abandoned soulmate au. I actually started this one before The Sound of Color, although this is vastly different from that one. This particular au also doesn't have the requirement that soulmates are always romantic (ie Pidge and their soulmate). It jumps around a little, and those sections are marked with dividers. Soulmate strangers-to-lovers. . .
Soulmarks. Everyone had one. An indelible mark that bound two people together. Age 13 was when it would start. The mark “waking up” as some called it, and reaching out for its companion mark. Most soulmates were within a few years of each other, so the lingering tingle of a mark searching for its mate usually didn’t last long.
Lance was lucky that way. His mark sprang to life on his thirteenth birthday and quieted three months later. There was no way to know who or where his soulmate was at that point, but he knew they were three months younger than him. He had been getting ready for school that day when the constant tingle in his mark faded.
He’d always liked the quarter note-shaped mark on the inside of his left wrist. What confused him were the numbers that circled it. No two marks were the same, and Lance knew that his soulmate would have something different. But those numbers confused him. 1030211933. Trying to figure it out was a favorite pastime throughout middle and high school, but he never could get there. He hadn’t met his soulmate yet, but he hoped that it would make sense when he did.
Once two marks found each other, the secondary connection opened. The marks on the soul allowed for marks on the body. Words, doodles, full-blown artwork. Drawing or writing on skin would appear on a connected soulmate. Once Lance’s mark had connected, the first thing he did was ask his soulmate about the numbers. They didn’t know either. But he did find out that his soulmate’s mark sat on their right hip, it was a feather, and they didn’t have those numbers but they did have a series of roman numerals along the feather’s shaft that read:
They continued to talk for years, learning about each other. They had decided not to share identifying information like names or location, but Lance knew that his soulmate had a twin and that their parents had adopted their cousin when their cousin’s parents died in an accident. They didn’t know anything about the accident because they’d been too young at the time and no one had explained it since. Lance told them that he had three siblings, that he was a twin, too, and that his older sister connected with her soulmate the same day he had.
He lay in his bed in the dorm he shared with his best friend Hunk, rereading the last message his soulmate had sent him about how college sucked and how they already had an in-class performance a month into the semester. He’d responded with a note about how trying to balance classes with rehearsals as the lead in his school’s fall musical was kicking his ass. Lance already knew that his soulmate was studying music at a college close to where they grew up. And they knew that he was majoring in theatre at a college a three-hour drive from home.
Hunk trudged into their dorm room and threw himself onto his bed. “Remind me again why I decided this was a good idea?” he groaned.
“Which part?” Lance asked in return.
“The part where I decided to be a pastry chef and subject myself to the hell that is the one professor I can’t get away from?”
“Because you love baking and always have and one asshole can’t make you hate doing what you love.”
“I swear she just likes to terrorize us. There’s that guy I told you about – Sal, the one I had a class with freshman year and he transferred to general culinary and now he’s back – she hates him. And I don’t know why. But then, she hates me, too. Pretty sure it’s that bun. It’s so tight she doesn’t need a face lift. But I’m also convinced that Chef Dayak is just evil.”
“Hey, at least you have Shay there with you. Not everyone gets to have their soulmate in class with them all day,” Lance pointed out.
“How’s it with yours?” Hunk asked.
“We’re working our way up to talking about meeting. I know I wanted to wait until after graduation, but I’m getting impatient, y’know? It’s been eight years and I don’t want to wait anymore. But I get that they do. So…yeah. Anyway,” he said, shaking himself out of that particular spiral, “You going to the Halloween party this year?”
“Dude! It’s a month away!”
Lance sat up, turning to his best friend, one eyebrow arched. “Seriously? You say this like there’s such a thing as too early. And no, it’s only three weeks. We need to start now.”
Hunk groaned again, this time in only partial exasperation, and sat up. “Fine. The fuck are you planning this year?”
Lance just laughed. Hunk threw a pillow at him, collapsing in his own fit of giggling when a startled Lance took the pillow directly to the face. Lance’s alarm sounded, loud and annoying. He groaned, throwing Hunk’s pillow back, and fumbled for his phone to turn the blaring sound off.
“Fuck me. I have to get to rehearsal.”
In an apartment just off campus, Keith stopped playing and pulled the pencil out of his hair, making yet another correction to his scribbled sheet music. He started over, again, ignoring the key in the door and his roommate coming back in. He ignored their slight form dropping their overpacked backpack on the floor and throwing themselves onto the other end of the couch with their laptop and notebook. Keith was too focused on his music to pay much attention to Pidge.
Except that Pidge wanted his attention right then. “Hey. Asshole,” they said, throwing a ball of notebook paper at him.
“Yes, hellspawn?” he asked casually, setting his guitar on its stand by the couch, “What the fuck do you want?”
“I’m on the committee for the party. You’re coming,” they said while typing away on their laptop.
“No. I’m not. I don’t go to parties, and you know it. Why the fuck are you so determined for me to go?”
Pidge looked up, fixing him with their stare. “Because I said so. And because Matt’s going to be there. His girlfriend’s going too. You actually like Neve. So you’re going.”
“Including you, that’s three people I’d be willing to talk to. Why should I bother?” he stopped, a dreaded thought sparking as to why they were so hellbent on his going to the party. “It’s because it’s a week after my birthday, isn’t it?”
“What? You mean that thing you ignore every year except for the proliferation of doodles from your soulmate? Why would that have anything to do with it?”
“I'm still not going,” Keith insisted.
“We’ll see about that,” Pidge answered cryptically. They went back to their laptop, typing furiously. They stayed that way, ignoring Keith’s death glare until he gave up and went back to his music.
Eventually, Keith decided that the music portion of his brain was fried and gave up for the night. Pidge was buried in their laptop, writing a paper for their robotics class at top speed. Ignoring them for the moment, Keith opened his own laptop, going back to the English assignment he still hadn’t finished. It was due by the next class, which was two days away, but he’d been putting it off for longer than that. He typed lazily at it for a while before a horrible thought hit him and he realized that his previous assessment had been wrong. He glared up at Pidge over his screen.
“She’s going, isn’t she?” he asked.
“Who?” Pidge asked back, pretending they didn’t know what he meant.
“You know who.”
“If you’re referring to your sister, then yes, she is.”
Keith sighed. “Just because she knows who her soulmate is now, that doesn’t mean that you’re right. Mine could be literally anyone.”
Pidge closed their laptop. “And you’re in denial. I can not believe that your twin sister happens to have a soulmate who has a younger brother who is also a twin and his soulmate has a twin. The odds of that happening are so small as to be inconceivable! Not to mention the part where Acxa’s soulmate and her brother both connected with theirs on the same day.”
“Ok, I’ll give you that it’s weird. But you don’t know anything about Acxa’s soulmate’s siblings, and neither does she. And not everyone’s met theirs yet. You haven’t! All you know is their handle on Steam!”
“So? I also know that Beezer’s on the other side of the country. I know that we won’t get to meet in person until after graduation. All I'm saying is that this is a little too weird to be a coincidence.”
“And I’m not going to let you harass my sister’s soulmate about her siblings on the day they’re meeting face to face for the first time. Leave it alone, Pidge.”
“Fine,” they said, going back to their paper.
Keith knew full well that Pidge would not leave it alone, but there was only so much he could do to stop them.
A few days later, Lance dragged his twin sister, Hunk, and Shay to the nearest Halloween pop-up costume store. None of them had found anything they liked, and Lance was getting bored. Shay had wandered off to the decoration part of the store, and Hunk was making sure the twins didn’t get into trouble. But Hunk had gotten briefly distracted and lost them.
“Jules no.” Ah, there was Lance.
“Jules yes.” And his sister.
“Are you two still arguing?” Hunk asked as he approached the twins.
“Hunk,” Lance said, putting his hands on Hunk’s shoulders, “She wants us to be the Wonder Twins again. I absolutely refuse. We did that once when we were like nine.” He felt something hit his back and whipped around to find his sister holding a Wonder Twins costume. “Ana Julieta Alameda-McClain, get that fucking thing away from me.”
“Oh, fine. You’re no fun,” Jules pouted. She put it back, then turned around, spotting something else. “Ooh! Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?”
“What the fuck – no! I’m never going Halloween shopping with you again. You’re on your own,” Lance said, wandering off and taking Hunk with him.
Hunk was laughing. “Why do you keep letting her do this, dude?”
“I don’t know. Anyway, I say we go over to The Costume Company. I think I’m done with mass-produced crap.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll go find Shay and meet up with you two at the car,” Hunk agreed, heading in the direction he’d last seen Shay.
Lance reluctantly went back to his sister. “We’re going to The Costume Company,” he said without getting her attention.
“Hm? Ok,” Jules answered, not paying attention to her twin.
“Bye, then.” He started to leave without her, getting halfway down the aisle of the Halloween pop-up before she realized what he’d said.
“Lance! Get back here, you ass!” she yelled after him.
He ignored her as payback for her insistence on twin costumes and kept going. She chased him all the way to his car, where Hunk and Shay were already waiting. Lance finally lost his composure, cracking up when he reached his waiting friends.
“Leandro. Alejandro. Alameda. McClain. I am going to kill you,” Jules growled while out of breath from chasing him.
“No you won’t,” he said, “Mamá would kill you in return.”
Shay saw her opportunity and took it. “Shotgun!” she announced, hopping into the passenger seat.
“Shay, I love you,” Hunk said, getting in behind Lance, effectively separating the twins.
“Acxa, just promise me you won’t give in to Pidge. They’re being totally insufferable with this,” Keith said. He lay on his bed, earbuds connected to the call he was on with his twin.
“You know me better than that. Gremlin won’t get shit out of me. And she’s not getting anywhere near V at the party."
Links to the rest of the series:
1 | 2 | 3* | 4 | 5* | 6* | 7 | 8 | 9* | 10 | 11 | 12* | 13 | 14 | 15* | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19*
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ldbelles · 4 years
5 Things That Might Happen During Your First Week of College
1. There may be tears.
Going away to college is as much stressful as it is exciting! Your parents may get super emotional that they don’t get to see you as often. They’ll probably cry when they say goodbye and leave you to carve your own path. It’s a moment that can be overwhelming. Be prepared with the Kleenex.
You might cry. If you’re like me, having picked a school over 10 hours away without any of your friends, you will get emotional, too. You’ll feel lonelier than ever, despite being surrounded with tons of other people and things to see. It’ll be scary having to start over somewhere completely different.
2. You’ll make new friends.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’re going to make a lot of friends your first week. I use the term “friends” lightly, because chances are, names will be very hard to remember. The good thing is this: bonds can be formed over the smallest of things, like borrowing a command strip from a neighbor or your choice of seat in a class.
It will be terrifying having to “start over” with friends. All of my friends from high school stayed in-state for college, so I knew nobody when I went to Saint Mary’s. The great part about our campus size, though, is that making friends is easy! Classes are fairly small and the sense of community is established from the moment the school year starts. Be yourself, be outgoing, reach out to others, and you’ll find your group in no time.
3. Decorating.
I took a while to decide how I wanted to arrange the things in my dorm room. Looking back on it, I way overpacked for my freshman year. I was so far from home and I was also the first child in my family to go to college, so my parents set me up with what seemed like too much. Arrange and rearrange your room if you can! Getting your space the way you want can take a while, but it definitely makes a difference.
I browse Redbubble constantly for posters and stickers. They’re fairly cheap and help me add personality to my space. My dorm room walls are always covered with posters; one of my favorites has a colorful map of Tennessee, my home state. It’s nice to look at and reminds me of home.
4. Sneezing.
This one is a little weird and specific to those of you that are coming from different parts of the country. When I got to Saint Mary’s, I found myself with an almost-constant runny nose and itchy eyes. I was not prepared for the allergies I got. This happened because I was coming from a totally different area of the country with a different environment. It was something I hadn’t even considered.
Being prepared with allergy medicine, especially if you’re traveling a long distance to school! It’ll take a while to get adjusted to the different pollens and such.
5. You’ll find the place.
Everyone has it. The first week on campus is intimidating, but by the end of it, you will have scouted out your favorite place. It may be inside, like a table at the library or a spot in your room. It may be outside, by a certain tree or on a bench in the shade. Soon enough, you’ll have your place and you’ll be comfortable exploring campus.
Saint Mary’s is a smaller campus, but it is one of the most beautiful. From the island in the middle of Lake Marian to the table by the window on the 4th floor of the library, there will be a place for everyone.
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October Studyblr Challenge - Day 20
20. What’s in your backpack / bag? Show us your essentials!
My backpack is a variegated blue Jansport bag I got freshman year of college. It’s holding up well (probably needs a good wash but I don’t have time to do that till probably Christmas). It’s the big student kind with the laptop pouch - 9/10 recommend. Would be 10/10 except the little front zipper pocket isn’t waterproof. The rest is though!
I’ve decorated it with pins from my school and other areas of interest, including a few cute little ones from my favorite coffee shop, a Ravenclaw inspired one I made at a Harry Potter craft day, and one that says, “I pledge to show respect to everyone.” I also have a cute little piano pin I got for high school graduation. I have two zipper pulls for the two big pockets - a pompom with my school’s colors, and a cute little stuffed bear with my name on it I got from my grandma when I was little.
Here’s all the essentials I carry around with me all the time! I overpack, but I prefer to have a heavy bag and have things that I don’t need, rather than need the things and not have them.
- first outside pocket: phone cord and wall charger, headphones, and headphone adapter cord
- second outside pocket (with pen pockets): emergency toiletries, erasable colored pencil pouch, hand sanitizer, tuning fork, extra pen
- third outside pocket: keys, phone, wallet with ID, stress ball, lip balm
- laptop pocket: laptop cord, umbrella (I don’t actually keep my laptop in this pocket because it’s safer when it’s the closest thing to my back and also easiest to carry closest to my back because it’s the heaviest and biggest thing)
- main pocket: laptop in laptop sleeve, homework binder, textbooks for day’s classes, notebooks for day’s classes, bullet journal/planner, pencil pouch. Also, my conducting baton in its case because I had conducting this morning
- side water bottle pocket: water bottle
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matskreider-blog · 7 years
eddies phones: undeletable apps, 31 games, twitter, insta, starbucks lu's phone: undeletable apps, twitter, games eddie makes him download so he can get bonuses but like what other places do they go so often they have usual orders for//kisses everywhere!! juuse kisses where he can see skin and then gets down to business and really goes for it and sooner or later juuse is just slowly taking peks apart with just soft kisses(ahh i've been packing all day and idk if i'm getting everything i need???)
you are damn right with them apps and all that, okay, eddie is a hoarder and then uses lu’s excess phone space to fill in more stuff - although lu’s phone also probably has bank apps and, like, waze to make traveling easier, etc.
dunkin donuts is probably much the same as starbucks - mcdonalds and wendy’s they actually fight over, because mcdonalds makes better fries but wendy’s makes better meals, and eddie loves their lemonade, so they go to wendy’s for one meal and mcdonalds for the other. sometimes eddie springs for a salad but he usually winds up ordering fries along with it anyway, just because he can
taco bell is for extreme cases of withdrawl for eddie, if they’re in a place without taco trucks, and eddie always goes for beef chalupa’s because he cannot be stopped - the man gets like…5 and just consumes them all with a fury
any bar type of place (or club), eddie gravitates towards the tyson barrie end of the spectrum - chocolate margaritas, fruity stuff, all of that. occasionally, if things are getting wild, a dirty girl scout
i’ll let you imagine lu’s reaction to that one
lu, himself, pretty much sticks with beer and shots, but he likes kissing eddie because eddie always tastes so good after he’s been drinking, so sometimes lu just stays sober because he wants to kiss his boyfriend/husband - if they’re not within walking distance of where they’re staying for the night, then of course he takes it upon himself to be the designated driver
pekka letting out these little sighs that slowly turn into little gasps and then whimpers, and then it turns into juuse gently pushing his shirt up a little bit to stroke over his skin, and then the whimpers turn to little whines because he wants more, but juuse’s being so gentle and slow with him
it’s nice and lazy and warm and comfortable, and they just want it to last forever, juuse pulling these noises out of pekka, pekka feeling so good and taken care of - that’s the ideal life for these losers
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lifeofasmithie · 6 years
Stuff You Don’t Need to Bring to College
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Note: This post was done in collaboration with Julie ‘21, or @texan-smithie
1. Summer/Warm Weather Clothes. This is specifically tailored towards colleges on the East Coast. Only about the first and last month of school (especially since the year ends in May) are really warm enough to wear shorts and tank tops so keep these at a minimum. 
2. Tons of Sweaters/Winter Accessories. On the other side of the spectrum, don’t bring too many sweaters and winter accessories. What will likely happen is that you will have a few favorite items that you wear quite a bit. Also, if you come from a warm place like I do, it’s likely that your “warm clothes” aren’t warm enough for the East Coast. If these reasons do not convince you, just think of how crammed your drawers will be all year and how hard it will be at the end of the year to pack up.
3. Tons of clothes in general. This may be redundant, but it’s necessary to put here. Everyone overpacks. Some people, like me, are worried about not being prepared and may (for example) pack a bunch of swimsuits and work out clothes. If you don’t swim or work out, you don’t need this! Others may think that they may wear something that they don’t really wear at home. The truth of the matter is, if you don’t wear it at home that probably won’t change in college. My rule of thumb here is to pack clothes you wear often (that may be in the laundry) while taking into account 1) and 2) above and adding extra undergarments and socks because there will be times when you are too lazy to do laundry or you forget.
4.Lots of Room Decor ( throw pillows, figurines, picture frames, curtains, etc.) Almost everyone wants their room in college to look nice. However, when trying to achieve this, remember that you have a small room that you likely have to share with another person and that you have to transport what you take to college back home at the end of the year. Therefore, if you do want to decorate a lot (as I did), I recommend bringing things that don’t take much space in your room or suitcase like photos, postcards, string lights, tapestries, and posters.
5. Lots of Room Organizing Items (Closet organizers, bins, bookcases, caddys, etc.) You will probably need some stuff eventually. The standard room at Smith only includes a bookcase, dresser, and desk for organization. For big items like plastic bins, laundry bins, plastic organizers, bookcases, caddys, fridges etc. I would recommend waiting until you waiting until you see your room and talk with your roommate. For the smaller stuff, you can often wait until you get to college before trying to purchase them (talking about desk organizers, closet organizers, ottomans). Later I will probably post on what I would recommend using to maximize your space.
6.Appliances (iron, steamer, humidifier, vacuum, drying rack, fridge, Brita, printer, kettle, Keurig, makeup mirror, etc.). This will obviously vary person to person. What is important to remember is that there are resources on campus. There is printing on campus. Dining halls have hot water. Pretty much all houses have cleaning supplies on every floor, drying racks in the basement, and somewhere to fill up your water bottle and do your dishes. Every room has a mirror. If all this fails, you can ask someone in your house if you can borrow theirs. Also, many seniors sell of their appliances at super cheap prices on Free and For Sale (Facebook Group, JOIN if you haven’t already) in what they call senior sales.
7.Tea Supplies. This is probably a Smith thing because I don’t know any campus as obsessed with tea as we are. As such, you have people like Julie who bring a teapot to campus and people like me who bring a literal mountain of tea bags. You don’t need it. It is a tea-loving campus, and as such, you can get tea from the dining halls or during weekly house teas. If you really need your tea fix, buy your tea bags one box at a time. Related to this, you also don’t need a ton of mugs.
8. Cash. In my opinion, people just don’t use cash in college as much as they do elsewhere. A lot of purchases happen through credit or debit cards and people often pay other people on campus through Venmo. Honestly, having a lot of cash can be a hassle at times and it increases the likelihood of someone taking your money.
9.School Supplies/Textbooks. For the incoming freshman out there coming to Smith, you don’t know what classes you will be taking so worrying about the textbooks, notebooks and binders you will need is pointless. For textbooks specifically, you can often find cheaper options on campus (Free and For Sale and Textbook Exchange FB groups or book rental at the bookstore) and for some classes you won’t even use the textbook even if the teacher assigns it. For other school supplies, keep in mind that it isn’t high school where you often have a locker and teachers may not allow you to use your laptop every day. You may find that even though you went through notebooks, binders and folders like crazy in high school, you don’t really need them as much in college. Certain classes will require different supplies, and you won’t know what that is until you go to the first day of class. Also, you can buy school supplies at Smith!
On the other hand, if there are certain specialty items that you know you will need/want, don’t hesitate to bring them. Personally, I really need my planner, white out, scotch and washi tape, stapler, and scissors. I had a ton at home and they easily fit in my suitcase, so I brought them. Similarly, if you know for sure you will be taking an upper-level math class, you may want to bring your calculator.
10.Miscellaneous. Here’s a list of random items I don’t think you really need: pencils (a lot of people use pen or type notes on laptop), tons of art supplies (usually don’t have much time and there is a Michaels and Joann’s nearby), leisure books (with what time?), water bottles (they give them out everywhere), lots of bags (only really need school bag and going out bag), workout equipment (go to the gym + not much space in room, especially when shared), and lots of mementos from high school (you will make new memories!)
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autisticstudying · 6 years
Tips for college freshmen
I just finished my frehsman year of college. Here are some tips I learned that I hope will help someone else!
Pack lighter than you think you should. You will overpack. Everyone does. That's how life goes. Realistically, you probably only need a few things: clothes, bedding, toiletries, school supplies, cleaning supplies, towels, and maybe a clock. If you forgot something or later realize that you need something else, you can always buy it, ask someone to ship it from home, or pick it up yourself.
Don't buy a rug. Seriously. By the end of the year, it will be so disgusting that you'll probably just toss it. The dumpsters are full of them at move out. I don't know anyone who kept theirs. Don't do it.
Don't bring a printer. They're so finicky that you'll end up using the school ones anyways. They usually have a fee, but it will never end up as much as buying an entire printer and ink will.
The first friends you meet probably will not stick. All those friends you meet on the online chats and groups will disperse once you actually get to campus, with very few exceptions. Same goes for orientation groups. This is normal and happens to everyone. You will find friends once you join clubs and start your classes.
You will have roommate problems. Unless both you and your roommate are saints, you will both get on each other's nerves. Communication is key, and if you have problems with that, it's the RA's job to help you out.
The "Freshman Fifteen" is real. Seriously. I had never gotten above 95 pounds before college, and I left at 105. Because of how unstructured college is, you will probably do what is easiest (eating like trash and never exercising). Before you actually get to college, you'll probably think, "Well, I'll just eat healthy and go to the on-campus gym!" You are lying to yourself. Join an active club, go for walks, or do anything that isn't sitting on the internet in your dorm room.
Don't slack off in "joke classes". The professor knows that people take their class for an easy A. Some of them don't care, in which case, you don't have to do anything. Some of them, though, will make it a "joke" in that it's nearly impossible to fail, but hard to get a good grade. I had a class where it was literally impossible to get less than a C, but getting an A required coming to every lecture and retaining that material, not just the information from the textbook. Almost nobody went to lecture, and very few left the class with an A.
Professors will help you. Not just with office hours. Towards the end of my first semester, a person close to me died suddenly. All of my intro-level professors were very sympathetic and kind, offering extra help and extensions, even though most of them had no idea who I was. Two of my professors went above and beyond with their emails and were so touching that I still replay some of their words in my mind when I'm having a bad day. They care.
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iamliberalartsgt · 6 years
First-Year Dorm Tips
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It seems that back-to-school season is quickly approaching, and there’s just a couple of weeks before freshman move into the dorms for the first time---and yes, that is an actual picture of my freshman dorm. If you’re anything like me, you may even be panicking a little bit (it’s okay, I still panic a little bit every year too). Here’s a few things everyone should know before moving into the dorms:
Most of those “dorm essential” lists are excessive. A good tip is: if you don’t use it at home, you won’t use it at school. Period. Overpacking is a nightmare when you are sharing such a small space, and if you underpack, Target, Ikea, and Walmart are nearby. Bring the basics, and don’t bring too much storage, especially since your dorm already has a surprisingly large desk, dresser, and wardrobe.
Get along with your roommate (or at least try to). It is extremely important to get along with your roommate, especially when living in a “traditional-style” dorm. You don’t have to be best friends, just be civil enough to be in the same room with them for a year. Compromise is key.
Try to keep your room clean. These rooms are tiny, and the tidier you keep the space, the easier it will be to maneuver. Emphasis on the word try--don’t stress about it. It doesn’t have to be intensive cleaning either, just occasionally make your bed, run a vacuum, and try to keep your clothes off the floor.
Dorm bathrooms are disgusting. It doesn’t matter if they’re cleaned every day. The people you are sharing the bathroom with, especially in a community bathroom, are going to be disgusting. Just be aware of that fact, and do your part not to contribute to the mess.
That being said, ALWAYS wear shoes in the bathroom. Shower shoes are a must, no exception. But it’s important to make sure you also wear shoes in the bathroom stalls and even when you’re just at the sink brushing your teeth, because like I said, the bathrooms are gross.
Make sure you do laundry, and make sure you know how to do laundry before you get here. But, be aware that the laundry rooms are extremely crowded on the weekends, so plan accordingly.
Open the doors and windows occasionally. Dorms can get stuffy, and opening the door is a good way to meet the people on your floor.
Good luck ❤️
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Well, it’s that time of year again. School is just around the corner. In about a month, you’ll be starting your first official year as a college student! Let’s be real, you’re probably feeling some weird combination of terrified, excited, nauseous, and strangely independent, all of which is very confusing (as if moving, starting at a new school, and meeting 5000 new people in one day isn’t confusing enough). So, what can we do about this weird combination of feelings? 
Well, for one, I can offer you some sage wisdom (or something like that). You see, not only is this about to be my fourth (count ‘em, fourth) rodeo, but I specialize in helping incoming freshmen. I spent a year and a half as an RA, and I’ve spent the past year as an ambassador for my college of engineering, literally having the sole purpose of helping incoming and existing freshmen learn the ropes.
So, buckle up, because (and this is a long one, folks) here are Sam’s 20 pieces of advice:
Make sure you have almost everything you’ll need for your dorm. Keep in mind that wherever you’re going will have stores, a fact your parents will point out multiple times, but also remind them that people will be coming from far away places, and they should get first dibs at the Wal-Mart shower caddies. (exception: if you are the one coming from a far away place)
Play tetris with your stuff before the morning you move. Chances are you have a lot of junk, so don’t try to figure out how to make it all fit in the back of your hatchback the morning you head to school. Take some time in the days leading up to the move to make sure you have boxes that will actually fit in the back of your car.
On the same note, don’t overpack. You need a lot less stuff than you think you do, I promise.
Know that everyone is just as terrified/excited/nauseous/independent/confused as you are. You aren’t alone in this one. Which is strangely comforting.
Once you get there, take note of what your RA actually looks like. I noticed this with my own residents, that even though I did their check in or filled out their paperwork, they didn’t realize I was the RA until about two weeks in. If you’re not sure who they are, or if they’re even an RA, let alone yours, just ask them. Once you figure out which one belongs to you, memorize their face so you know who to go to for help.
Keep an open mind. Whether you’re meeting your new roommates for the first time or you were mildly concerned by your new neighbor across the hall, don’t make any opinions about anyone before you give them at least a week. Everyone is still figuring everything out, just like you, so don’t be too quick to judge.
Let your parents/guardians/grown ups clean your room when you get there. They may not want to, but if they’re anything like my mother, they’ll only say they don’t want to and then start vacuuming and wiping down every surface they can find. Don’t try to stop them, just let it happen. They’re nesting for their little chick and it’s helping them feel better about abandoning you in a strange place.
Don’t eat dinner alone in your room your first night. You don’t necessarily have to go out anywhere, you can eat Easy Mac, but see if your RA has anything planned or if there’s anything happening on campus. If not, take your Easy Mac or freezer dinner to the lounge and see who’s around.
Introduce yourself to as many people as possible. It is perfectly valid to not remember their name during the first week, and this is one of the few times in your life it will be socially acceptable to ask everyone to remind you of their name 3 times in a row. But even if you can’t remember their name, you’ll recognize their face and feel more comfortable approaching them if you see them around campus.
Find something that you’re passionate about and join a club or organization. I always tell my freshmen residents, as well as any incoming freshman I take on a tour to find at least two things they’re extremely passionate about. Find something within your college, like a professional society for your major, but also find something else. Whether that’s an intramural team or a hobby club (my favorites on our campus are the Lumberjack Club and the Cat Club), find what makes you happy and can give you a break from all of your classes. Now, keep i mind that you can join more than two clubs or organizations, but practice some moderation here. You don’t want to overextend yourself. You’re still trying to figure out where the nearest bathroom is from all your classes, you don’t need to try to conquer campus.
Befriend an upperclassman. Preferably one in your major, but any will work just fine. What you’re looking for here is someone you feel comfortable asking weird questions to, like “SOS, I’m so lost where do I go from here,” or “Wait, which building was it where I can’t take the front stairs?” Also, they’ll usually have material from whatever classes you’re taking that they will be willing to pass on to you.
Don’t put stuff off. It may not seem like a lot, but it definitely piles up. This applies to homework, joining that club, talking to that cute kid in your class, or confronting someone about that thing that upset you. Just shut up and do it.
The only people you should worry about impressing are your parents and yourself. Make them proud, and make yourself proud, and you will have accomplished everything you should have set out to do during your time in college. Your GPA does not define you. It’s just a number.
If the people you meet at orientation don’t become your BFFs, it’s not the end of the world. You have so much time ahead of you to meet the people that will stay in your life for years to come, so don’t stress about meeting them now.
Be aware of those around you. For most of you, this will be your first time sharing a bedroom with another human, so be aware that they have lives and feelings, too. No one needs to hear you fornicating at 3 am. Also think about the other people in classes with you. Be respectful of not only your time, but the time of those around you as well. 
Learn how to bake awesome cookies. Everyone will love you. Note: any baked goods will suffice.
Call home every now and then. Your family wants to hear from you and make sure you’re still alive and feeding yourself properly, so check in every now and then.
DO NOT go home your first two weeks of college. You’ll be homesick, and that’s normal and expected, but I promise you that it will only be worse if you give in and go home. Besides, you’ll miss out on all sorts of opportunities to meet new people and get plugged in on campus.
You might fail your first exam and that is just fine. I literally got a 22% on the first exam I ever took in college, and they’ve let me stick around for 3 whole years. College is different than high school, and the grades may be lower than you’ve been used to. Just power through and keep working hard and everything will be just fine.
Ask for help if you need it. I don’t care what kind of help you need, but you can’t get it unless you ask for it. Whether it’s in your personal life or class, there is a human who exists for the sole purpose of helping you through anything you’ve got going on, so call your mom, approach your RA, go to your professor’s office hours. The resources are there, you just need to know where to look for them. 
Now that you’ve read this, get off Tumblr and go introduce yourself to someone new (unless you aren’t on campus yet, in which case, keep doing what you’re doing).
Alrighty, that’s all I’ve got for now. Good luck to all of you, you’re going to rock the socks of your freshman year. Let me know how it goes!
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touyyatodoroki · 7 years
college 101 masterpost
i made a post like this last year, but i’ve learned and i’ve grown a lot more, i’m going to be entering my junior year of college this fall, and here’s everything i have learned about college so far and tips for those who are starting, or just need a lil more help (because college can be frightening)
keep a planner
try to go to class as much as possible, you (or your parents) are paying for you to be there
in the case that you are unable to go to class or you just don’t want to, make sure you email/speak to your professor that you will miss/you missed class and discuss when you can meet (if you have to) or just get filled in on what you have to do to make up what you missed
or talk to a friend/classmate about what you missed -- even if you do have a friend in a class you missed (and if you don’t), i’ve always found it better to discuss missed material and class time with my professor, after all, they gave the lecture and they’re grading the material
take advantage of as many opportunities that come your way as possible
get to know your professors
take advantage of extra credit, it’s rare
back up your files
if you take your laptop with you somewhere bring your charger as well
try to plan and work ahead
don’t hesitate to ask for help—material that took a week to learn in high school can be taught in one lecture in a college class, no one will slow down for you or help you unless you speak up
participate in class
again, talk to your professors, it’s good to in general, and you never know how they can help you outside of class
build up your gpa in the beginning by taking classes that are not as tough in your first semester, a gpa is harder to bring up than to knock down, tldr; start strong, start easy
grades matter, BUT, don’t sacrifice your health and well being for them
try to sleep??? i don’t know, that doesn’t really work in college, sorry
take the time to check over assignments you’re submitting
ratemyprofessor.com is your bff, use it and reference it
early classes aren’t that bad, but then again i’m a morning person
if your major requires you to have completed an internship before you graduate, try to get one before you need it so you can be ahead of the game when you start applying for internships that will go toward academic credit
get a linkedin
when preparing to register for classes, make a mock schedule first
studyblrs? fancy ass notes? honestly, i found that making my notes look pretty did not but waste my time, if it helps you and you like it, then good for you!!
abbreviate notes, don’t write everything out and verbatim during lecture or else you’ll miss stuff (definitely) and you’ll just be transcribing, not actually taking it in
be professional and formal when emailing professors
try to avoid class times that interfere with meals, for example, don’t take a class at 6 if you have dinner during that time - you’ll likely just be thinking of how hungry you are
if you schedule back-to-back classes, make sure you have enough time to get from one class to the other. 
it is extremely likely (but not always true, some people don’t) that you will change your major (i did within the first few months of my freshman year), don’t be afraid to!! if you find out what you thought you wanted to do isn’t so anymore, don’t sleep on it, switch your major
don’t do all the readings, you don’t need to, you really don’t need to
Dorm Life and Roommates 
overpacking - it’s unavoidable, but try to pack what you genuinely see yourself using
if you go to school where it’s not going to be hot year around or cold year round, consider the fact when packing clothes that the weather while you’re in school will be a lot more cool than warm
don’t bring all your cold stuff (winter jacket, sweaters..) home because it’s the first day of spring, i live and go to school in northern ohio -- it has snowed in april and will snow in april again
packing hint: your dorm is not as big as you think it is, neither are your closets and dressers
wear flip flops in the shower if you don’t have your own bathroom
try to get a dorm that has its own bathroom btw
speaking of, try to go to the bathroom before class
set multiple alarms, especially if you have early classes
if you have a problem with your roommate, if you’re not getting along with them, or it’s not working, do something about it ASAP
a bad roommate won’t get better, take my word on this
rooming with people you know isn’t a bad thing, but only do it if you feel it will work out
last year i roomed with my sister, this year i’m doing it again
keep extra batteries on hand in your room
always keep headphones with you too
respect your roommate, especially their sleeping patterns, you don’t want to be that asshole who stays up all night with the lights on while your roommate has 7:45′s every day of the week
even if you trust your roommate, lock up or keep secure things like social security cards and medication 
also, don’t carry your social security card with you if you aren’t responsible enough to not lose it
you never know if your dorm bed will actually be comfortable, i’m already a huge fan of sleeping with tons and pillows and blankets, but take that method to college, you just might save yourself from a terrible hard-as-a-rock bed
check with your roommates beforehand about having people over, especially if they are spending the night
Campus Life 
network as soon as you can and as often as you can
always watch your drink
and your friend’s too
never, ever, ever, ever, ever, under ANY circumstances, drive while intoxicated or get into a car with a driver who is 
have a very very open mind
take the stairs
take this to heart: do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do before. the best things i did this past school year were things i never tried in high school, going on trips with people i didn’t know, who i now call some of the closest friends i have, and going on service work trips out of state
take care of yourself and your body, just because it’s free does not mean you have to eat it, college is the perfect time to make your physical health crash and burn but it is also the perfect time to start having a healthier one
sign up for a variety of activities and test out the water to see what you like most
know what’s going on on campus, don’t be clueless in your own environment
get involved in clubs and groups that are associated with your major…but also stuff that isn’t
and if a group/organization that’s associated with your major, like for me PRSSA, has a membership fee, it’s probably worth it
if you want to go out, go out! have fun! but remember that if you don’t feel safe and comfortable that staying inside when everyone is going out is nothing to be ashamed of
before you go to parties, figure out your limit
make sure you eat before you go out drinking -- especially if you’ll be drinking hard, i learned this the hard way
also, drink plenty of water as well as when you wake up in the morning after drinking
common sense, but don’t leave a party alone
get a campus job to earn money, but only get one if you can handle it -- if you are taking a lot of credits and a lot of intense classes, a campus job might not be the smartest decision at the time
netflix is fun, but it’s not a hobby
it’s ok if you don’t make friends immediately, it took me awhile to find people i could truly be satisfied with, sometimes it happens when you’re not looking
like, i know everyone says that but it’s true
“keep your door open and you’ll meet everyone on your floor and make tons of friends!!!” yeah, i don’t know who came up with that, but it’s bullshit
don’t feel bad if you don’t end up hitting it off with anyone during the orientation activities and orientation weekend
don’t feel obligated to keep in touch with people from high school, i keep in touch with exactly two great friends from high school -- college is and can be a fresh start
i remember wanting to transfer schools and crying and calling home all the time because i was so lonely, i literally told my parents, “everyone seems to already have their established squads,” what no one tells you, and certainly no one told me, is that you don’t always make friends automatically, i know i said this in the first bullet point, but i want to stress it. you will make friends though, and if the people around you don’t want to be your friend, then they’re not the people you should be looking to be friends with
it’s also ok to do things alone, there’s nothing weird about it
remember names, don’t be the “i’m not good with names!” person, you very well might not be good with remembering names, but it sure as hell doesn’t make someone feel like you’re trying when you say that 
Money and Textbooks
before you go out and purchase textbooks from your campus bookstore, (1) read the syllabus to see if a textbook is even required (at my school the same textbooks that you would buy at the bookstore are in the library too, though you have to remain in the library in order to read it - you can’t check it out and take it home - however, it’s a money saving option if you rarely use the book) and (2) like what happened to me my first semester, even though the syllabus has a book listed, and you spend that $70+ on the book, you find out your first week of class, buying the book is optional and there is actually a free version provided by the school online
so let it be known, from here on in, that textbooks are EXPENSIVE, really really really expensive, also, if you can, always rent and always rent used, over the option of buying the book/renting it new
your school bookstore may, like mine, incessantly email you about coupons and deals, but no matter what, your school bookstore is 99% of the time the most expensive method of getting your books
if you prefer buying your books, or the edition you need is the latest version, let it also be known that when your bookstore says they buy back textbooks, they will offer you little to nothing
save your money!!
seriously, budget, get a campus job (more on this under campus life), open a savings account, because before you know it all the money you spend will catch up to you
don’t open a credit card account unless you’re responsible enough, financially and overall mature enough, to handle it
i personally use a debit card 
apply for as many scholarships as you can, do the work and write the corresponding essays because it is so worth it, do not hold off on it either
only live off campus if you are 100% financially able to do so, personally, i have no qualms with living all four years on campus
i know there are tumblr posts with links upon links off these ‘miracle’ budgeting apps that suddenly made them frugal, but in my own experience, i’ve found that saving money is something you have to want to do, you can’t trick your brain into automatically developing a desire to stop swiping your card, you have to want it and you need to do it on your own accord
your student ID is A LOT more than an outdated and unflattering photograph from freshman orientation (because mine sure is). take advantage of student discounts! 
You can sign up for a student Amtrak card and save 15% on long distance travel (i love Amtrak, personally)
An extraordinary amount of museums offer student discounts when you present your ID. MOMA offers discounted tickets, The Newseum offers 10% your ticket price with the presentation of your ID
J. Crew, Banana Republic and Madewell all give a great student discount of 15% with your ID
if you keep your grades up, your car insurance will give you a discount (you need proof though, and this is applicable with my insurance, i’m not clear if it’s universal)
apple computers are $$$$$$$, don’t buy one for school unless it’s necessary
back to scholarships - some are renewable and some expire after a certain date, watch out for this as you may believe a scholarship you have will renew every academic year but little did you know, it was a one semester thing
i’ve only had renewable scholarships, but with these, keep in mind that they are scholarships, there is no hidden meaning, you have to keep your grades (and behavior) up in order to keep them
work on your student loans while you are still in school
don’t base your decisions off what other people would think but if something goes against your morals, stick with your morals
always keep an umbrella and a phone charger on hand
college is misrepresented in tv and movies, there is no singular ‘college experience,’ you are there for yourself and you are there to learn
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eledritch · 7 years
Man you are gonna have so much fun at college without a doubt! Just make sure not to over pack. Me and everyone else I knew did that our freshman year and kind of annoying because you sit there will all your stuff like "oh...I don't really need this" lol but it's all good dude get hype! Good luck packing man! 💜
I’m super excited! I’m trying not to overpack but it’s…difficult. I’m sure I’ll get there and be like “gosh darn it” but I’m tryin my best to pack light but not too light
One thing I absolutely had to bring tho, is Papi Tortuga
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exo-orbiter-1983 · 7 years
Day 2: Rookie Camp (pt 2)
So today we had our second day of rookie camp! It went really well. On my way over I got a call from mikey asking me to pick up popsicles because he forgot to 😂 so I did and then we all headed to the field. Instead of doing warm ups with everyone, Will and I had to go to the completely overpacked band shed and look for paint and a machine that helped make it a straight line or something. It was so hard to find anything in there our band director (Judd) came over and was like wtf there’s so much stuff. So we found a thing of paint, a spool, and a roll up measuring tape so we could paint out 8 to 5 lines on the practice field. Judd asked me to go back to the band room and get our field markers from the top shelf in the copy room. I ran down and had to get a chair to get the box and even then I could barely reach, I’m so short 😂. I ran back to the field and we ended up not even using the markers! I know the rookies played games while we were working, and it looked like they were having fun. We went over what we learned yesterday, and then learned some new things, like backwards marching and slides and touch and goes. After each, we would get into sectionals to work more individually. One of my rookies, Shelby, is so good! She reminds mikey and I of ourselves haha. We both came in as freshmen and we’re really good at marching and playing so we moved up to second part, and so far she’s on that same track. The other two boys are struggling a bit but I know they’ll get it. They seem really into it. The whole freshman class this year is honestly amazing, they’re learning so fast and they have really good attitudes about everything! The only down side about today was that it was suuuuper hot. My legs were also super sore because I missed stretches. I also had to run back to the band room to get a school trumpet for Mason, one of my rookies, and we ended up not marching with them today. Basically, I love our rookies and I’m super exhausted haha
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Chapter 2: Sometimes I Can’t See Myself
Rating: T Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Bellamy x Clarke  Chapter: 2/? Word Count: 2321 Words 
Summary: (I suck at summaries) Modern AU set in college. This is the long journey through the lives of the Delinquents told almost entirely through Bellamy and Clarke’s POVs. This is a slow burn. And I mean really slow. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Also on AO3
As Bellamy hauled two suitcases full of Octavia’s dance clothes through the hall, he was incredibly grateful that he moved into an apartment this year. All the freshmen and their parents were loud and flustered and… he would do anything for his sister, so he pushed his annoyance out of his mind.
She did what she always did: trampled a path through the world and he silently followed her to make sure she stayed safe. Even when she managed to get a few people ahead of him, she was easy to spot in her bright pink shorts and white tank top, with her long brown hair in its ridiculously high ponytail. It was hard not to be proud of his little sister, even if her overconfidence kind of terrified him. They would at least be at the same school where he would be able to keep an eye on her.
He sighed when she dropped her laundry basket full of all her other things onto the floor down the hall and wiggled her keys at him with a silly grin. “Hurry up, Bell!” The people around her jumped as she managed to yell over the fervor. He wanted to roll his eyes, but her enthusiasm had always been so contagious, so he held it in and smiled back. She swung open the door as he approached and ran inside. “Took you long enough, slowpoke!”
“I’m helping you out of the goodness of my heart.” She snorted and he glared at her before putting her suitcases down by one of the closets and surveying the room. She'd been lucky to get into this building. The room had its own bathroom, one loft bed along the bathroom wall with a desk underneath, and a regular bed against the opposite wall with a desk next to it. There was a closet at the foot of the beds. Other than that, it was devoid of personal belongings, which meant…. “You should take the loft bed, O. You got here first. You get the better bed.”
“I don’t know. They both look the same to me. Does it really matter?”
“It does.”
“I don’t know.” He crossed the room to open the blinds. “It just does.” He watched his sister as she continued to spin around in slow circles, taking everything in. It was almost as though she forgot he was there. “Earth to Octavia.”
“Sorry, Bell. It’s just a little overwhelming.” Octavia chewed on her lip and stared at him with wide eyes. “What if I hate my roommate?”
Bellamy chuckled. “File a complaint with your R.A. Or just let me know and I’ll kick Miller out so you can live with me and Harper.”
It was Octavia’s turn to laugh. She closed the short distance and hugged him tightly. “That’s sweet of you, big brother, but you need help paying the rent. I’d just be dead weight.”
“Never.” He squeezed her once before placing his hands on her shoulders and taking a step back to look down at her. “You’re going to be fine, O. Trust me.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll be fine. Go home.” She grinned and pushed him. “I’m going to wait for my roommate to get here, and I don’t want you to scare her away.”
Bellamy hesitated. He didn’t want to leave her all alone in a new place, but she was insistent that her roommate was going to walk in the room and think that Octavia was going to be constantly bringing guys back to their place unannounced. “You’ll just tell her I’m your brother.”
“Yeah, my overprotective big brother. Get out of here or I'll start unpacking my underwear.”
He held up his hands. “Fine. You win. Text me later and tell me what she’s like.”
Bellamy was halfway out the door when Octavia ran up and hugged him one more time. He kissed the top of her head before tearing himself away. He texted their mom on the way to his car to let her know that O was settling in and that they’d be home for dinner in a week and a half. If O decided she needed him after all, well, he only lived a few minutes away.
Clarke really had tried to get along with her mother all morning. She thought they were doing a good job until they reached the dorm. It took her an entire fifteen minutes to convince Abby, once again, that she would not, under any circumstances, be switching dorm halls. Clarke didn’t care that it was an older building. She didn’t care that it wasn’t an apartment. She was a freshman and freshmen lived in the dorms.
She told Abby the room number, 1220, for what she was sure was the millionth time and grabbed her art supply case and a suitcase and headed for the nearest elevator. The door to her room was open. A very skinny, very pretty girl who was sitting on the floor reading a book jumped up when Clarke entered. “Hi, are you Clarke Griffin? I’m Octavia Blake. It’s really nice to meet you.”
Clarke was taken aback by how fast she spoke and hoped she put on an adequate smile before shaking Octavia’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” Clarke glanced around the room, and noticed that her roommate’s small amount of stuff was still packed. She swallowed. She suddenly felt very overpacked and wanted to tell her mom to leave everything behind. It had been a very bad idea to let them stop at Target just to keep Abby quiet. “Have you been here long?”
“My brother dropped me off maybe ten minutes ago? I didn’t want to pick a spot without asking, even though he’s an ass and told me to take the loft bed. I figured we could just flip a coin for it or something.”
“Don’t you want it? You got here first, so you deserve it.” She walked over to the other bed and set her art supplies down on the mattress. “Besides, my mom is bringing up some of my stuff, and I guarantee you that if she sees me sitting on this bed, she’ll get another loft bed in here whether I want it or not.” Octavia opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Abby calling her name from the hall. Clarke rolled her eyes. “Speak of the devil.”
Abby appeared from around the corner holding what had to be twenty shopping bags full of things that Clarke had tried to get her to not buy, followed by two moving men, like it was such an in depth moving process. Each of the men had one box, and one carried in her other suitcase. It took her mom all of thirty seconds to notice Clarke’s stuff on the “lesser” bed, politely introduce herself to Octavia, and then usher the moving men out so she could go find or purchase a loft bed frame. In her opinion, the room was "clearly unfinished".
Octavia watched the whole process with a partially dropped jaw, and Clarke was so angry about the impression she was making on her new roommate. Who she had to live with for nine months. So, it would be great that she would think that Clarke was a spoiled, privileged brat. Clarke sat down on the chair by her desk and frowned.
“No offense, but your mom is kind of intense.”
Clarke surprised Octavia and herself by bursting into laughter. “Oh, seriously. I wish I could say that you just witnessed her in prime ‘Abigail’ mode, but she gets worse than that.”
“She didn’t even say goodbye to you. She just… left.” Octavia plopped herself down next to Clarke’s art supplies and stared at her. “She’s always like that?”
“More or less.” Clarke shrugged. She didn’t want to talk about her mom anymore. “So, your brother dropped you off? Where is he?”
“I kicked him out.” A small smile formed on Octavia’s face. “He can be all broody and overwhelming. And he makes snap judgments and is kind of bad at hiding his opinion about anything, so it’s really better if he’s not around people.”
Clarke was unsure how to respond, even if Octavia looked like she might be joking, so she blurted out the first thing she could think of. “I’m an only child. No siblings. I mean, my next-door neighbor was kind of like my brother, but… we kind of had a falling out.”
Octavia seemed to notice Clarke’s discomfort and chewed on her lower lip. “Bell can be a huge pain, but I’m glad I have him. It took forever to get him to go to college, because he was too busy taking care of mom and me to worry about his own future.”
“Bellamy Blake. Nice alliteration.”
“I’ll tell him you said that.” Octavia giggled. “He’ll like it. Just don’t mention his age when you meet him. He gets really sensitive about the fact that he started school late. But he’s really smart and he may not be nice all the time, but he has a good heart.”
“Noted.” Clarke smiled, and it was a little easier.
They continued with the small talk as they unpacked their clothing. Clarke learned that Octavia was on the college dance team, was planning on majoring in dance, and that her older brother was a history major and there was nothing else Octavia could have imagined him picking. Their mom was a seamstress, and she couldn’t help Octavia move in because she had a huge bridal gig that morning. Clarke could call her O, because that’s what everyone called her. They had both chosen French for their language course. Clarke didn’t have time to tell Octavia much more than the fact that she was taking four classes before her mother was bursting back through the door, and ushering the two girls out of the room to wait in the hall.
After the second bed was set up, Abby hugged Clarke tightly and she could see Octavia looking a little wistfully in their direction. Clarke wasn’t sure why, but they finished unpacking in silence. Octavia changed for dance practice and then Clarke was left alone with her thoughts. It was kind of lonely.
Bellamy and Miller spent most of the afternoon helping Harper move her belongings into the third bedroom. She was the last to get settled after her parents drove her across three states to get her and her things back in time for classes. It took some doing on his part, but he was pretty sure that her parents were a little more comfortable with her choice in roommates than they had been when they first showed up.
The couch looked insanely inviting by the time everyone was gone. Harper had a ‘welcome back’ party to attend with a few friends and Miller had work, so Bellamy had the place to himself. He was more than ready to sit back with a couple of beers and aimlessly channel surf.
His phone buzzed halfway through his first beer with a text from Octavia.
Octavia 4:34 pm: my roommate’s mom is crazy. remind me to thank mom for having to work today.
Bellamy 4:34 pm: Examples?
Octavia 4:36 pm: she walked in here, saw Clarke’s stuff on the normal bed, and left to find the stuff for a second loft bed
Bellamy 4:37 pm: Isn’t Clarke a guy’s name? Clark? What’s with the extra e?
Octavia 4:38 pm: dunno. does it matter? it’s not like i snuck my way into the boys dorms
Bellamy 4:40 pm: So, I take it this means that you got some stuck up, princess-type for a roommate, then?
Octavia 4:41 pm: i don’t think so? i am reserving judgment, but don’t worry. i'm being nice. since i'm the blake that has trouble in social situations………. 4:47 pm: i'm kidding? please please text me. her mom is back and it’s so awkward
Bellamy 4:49 pm: Ha ha. So funny, O.
Octavia 4:51 pm: what? this is why i kicked you out
Bellamy 4:52 pm: You kicked me out?
Octavia 4:53 pm: so you wouldn’t scare away my hopefully awesome, new roommate with your lack of charm, remember?
Bellamy 4:55 pm: I’ll have you know I have plenty of charm.
Octavia 4:57 pm: that must be why i've met so so so many of your girlfriends so many STEADY girlfriends
Bellamy 4:58pm: Dangerous waters, O. Dangerous waters.
Octavia 5:01 pm: ugh whatever. you love me.
Bellamy 5:02 pm: Sure do. You’re lucky to have me.
Octavia 5:03 pm: barf
Bellamy 5:05 pm: What was Princess’s stuff doing on the other bed anyway? You sack up and take the loft before she deigned to grace you with her presence?
Octavia 5:07 pm: i’m not even going to tell you what she said about you if you keep that shit up
Bellamy 5:08 pm: Language, young lady.
Octavia 5:09 pm: ass. bitch. damn. fuck. i can continue in alphabetical order if you want. i left out the c word though in case you forward this to mom
Bellamy 5:10 pm: Did you learn all these words from her majesty? And what's she doing saying things about me when she hasn’t even met me?
Octavia 5:13 pm: is there not an e word? there should be…… paranoid much, weirdo? i was telling her about you.
Bellamy 5:13 pm: Tell her about you. Not me.
Octavia 5:14 pm: that's my charming big bro, ladies and gentlemen. her mom is finally gone. what are you up to?
Bellamy 5:16 pm: Trying to find something to watch and drinking.
Octavia 5:17 pm: if i pick up any bad habits, they’re from you, not her dance practice starts in a bit and i have to run across campus. love you big bro.
Bellamy 5:19 pm: Knock ‘em dead. Love you, too, by the way.
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