#everything about them is headcanons for me because i don't know any canon material-
axolotluv · 1 year
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I have not consumed like ANY canon Mario content so sorry if someone is grossly out of character- BUT BOWUIGI HAS ITS HOOKS IN ME
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They had a good time :D
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thewiz9062 · 3 months
Smiling Critters AU: Familial Relationships & Friendship Status Headcanons
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. That means EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. That's it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
OK I'm jumping straight under the cut, these are pretty long so be warned
Bubba's relationship with his parents is pretty good. The only reason I say "pretty" is because he feels like they "undermine his intelligence." In reality, he just wants to help them. In his younger years, he accessed the internet pretty easily and used context clues to figure out that with all the factors of an adult life, they weren't doing so well financially. But he saw a solution: a lot of people who have easy lives have a good education. So, he got to work, teaching himself anything and everything. He even (somewhat legally) got multiple jobs, ranging from tutoring to coding and other similar occupations. He hid these from his parents for a suprise. (This is when he was about 8, but my timeline is weird rn) anyways, he in total made a LOT more money than any child should have. Eventually, he told his parents and told them about his entire plan to help them. They exchanged a few words between each other and turned back to Bubba. They told him that they were very proud of him, but he shouldn't have to worry about things like that at his age. He understood because he knows that a lot of kids his age don't know a quarter of the stuff he does, but he also felt betrayed. As if they think he doesn't really know anything. In reality, they just want him to be able to live a life without their own issues, dragging him down. But they still are a happy family. There are just a few misunderstandings. Moving on, he still kept those jobs to the present day, meaning he's (for lack of a better term) loaded. In terms of the friend group, he is the one to give out life advice and such. He also funds their more expensive outings. If bobby is the "mom friend," Bubba is the "dad friend." Speaking of which, Bobby is his closest friend outside of Kickin. They both care for their friends and family, even though they do in different ways. He's still in good light with everyone else, though.
Kickin has fairly normal parents. They were a bit concerned with his behavior shift, but after meeting Bubba and his family, they were able to see him truly happy again. They care about him, like parents do. In regards to the friend group, Bubba and him are attached at the hip. If you were to invite one, you'd get the other. Package deal. This made and broke a lot of parties or outings with their peers, but with the critters they're both welcome anytime. Outside of Bubba, Hoppy is his closest friend, Dogday coming at a close second.
Hoppy's parents are her biggest inspiration. Athletes, just like she wants to be. They're pretty chill with each other, and they support her dreams. With the friend group, kickin is her best friend, but bobby is cool to her as well.
Crafty's parents are total assholes. I've gone over her parents before, but to give a brief summary, crafty wants to be an artist because she genuinely enjoys it, but her mother wants her to follow in her footsteps and be a model, simply because their rarity as unicorns. Her father knows, but doesn't care what she does either way. He's off defending people in court most of the time, and it was an arranged marriage anyway, just to keep the line going. (Not incredibly proud of this one, but it'll do). Whenever she wants to hang out with the friend group, she usually appears in far too expensive clothes for the activity, but Bobby's usually prepared and brings some clothing that Crafty feels comfortable in. She's closest to Dogday, him being the one to help her make friends in the first place and give her the motivation needed to be proud of her art.
Bobby's parental situation is bittersweet. She's the only critter with siblings, and regularly has to watch them because she has a working father, and her mother divorced him and didn't get custody. She is understanding and is more than happy to help, much to her father's regret, him having wanted her to have a normal childhood. (See why her and Bubba get along?) This led to her being essentially their mother. She wasn't exactly alone in this, as Picky Piggy was a huge help in some departments. Eventually, her father started earning enough to pay for a babysitter, allowing Bobby to be normal. But old habits are hard to shake. In the friend group, she is undeniably the mom friend. Other than picky (which she knew before joining the critters), Bubba is who she's closest to, for sharing the same goals: to help. Dogday makes ideas and plans, but bobby and Bubba make sure they go flawlessly.
Picky is also pretty normal. She has parents that support her culinary arts and had a few friends before joining the critters, including Bobby. Her knowing bobby immediately places her as Picky's closest friend, but she's fairly indiscriminate to everyone.
Another one I've gone over before: Catnap lost his parents at 4 (cause of bye-bye still pending and I honestly need help) and has lived on his own ever since. He's not COMPLETELY parentless, though, even though he'd never admit it. Although he never shows it like ever, he appreciates boxy boo just stopping by to check on him. In terms of friends, he's not actually an official member yet, but Dogday, Bobby, and Picky know him. Bubba and Kickin know of his existence because Dogday muttered his name when planning their sleepover but have yet to meet him. Dogday is his best friend, and wants to help him see that although it's great to be happy, he's still human (ik ik he isnt but yk what I mean) and is allowed to see things in a negative light sometimes.
Dogday was abandoned by his parents shortly after he was born, and was put in an orphanage and has lived there since. Just like catnap, however, he's not totally fatherless. One time, during one of the rare outings when one of their caretakers would take them to the local park dogday and wanted a balloon but didn't have a quarter to pay. Luckily for him, someone came and bought one for him. That someone was Huggy Wuggy. They became acquainted after Dogday thanked him, and anytime dogday visits the park, they sit on a bench and talk about things. (He also learned that Huggy gives the greatest hugs and now he won't leave without one everytime he has to go.) In terms of the friend group, he was the one that brought most of them together and along with being generally likeable he's in great standing with all of them. Though, hides the fact that he lives in an orphanage, thinking that they would treat him differently. When he met Catnap, however, they bonded over their lack of biological parents, and they became best friends. Dogday, even though he barely knows more than Catnap, wants to teach him how to make the best out of situations, even when times are bad.
Edit: tumblr try not to post my drafts challenge go- failed
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nekropsii · 4 months
hello. how would you like the danestors to be potrayed in homestuck proper.
Exactly as they are.
Maybe I'm a bit of a black sheep in this opinion, but I just don't find the idea of changing the source material... All that compelling? Nor do I find it very... Productive. The source material is what it is. It's a product of the writer, it's a product of the time, it's exactly as it should be and exactly as it intends to be. I find often that when most people say "I'd change X, Y, and Z about Homestuck", they're just taking the Hussie out of it, and removing the context of the corners of the Internet this was made on and for... And taking the Hussie out of Homestuck makes it a fundamentally different piece of fiction, as does removing the context of the time and place it was made in. If you wanted to read a piece of media that was not made by Hussie, then just... Read something else, you know? Something that isn't Homestuck, or an MS Paint Adventure. If you don't want to read Homestuck, then don't read Homestuck.
The Alpha Trolls are a very raw, concentrated encapsulation of Hussie's opinions and frustrations at the time. This is part of why I like them- I might not agree with all of Hussie's politics, but they did have things to say, and a lot of it was very interesting in its delivery. I wouldn't go back in time and write over the messages and writing of an author just because I didn't agree with everything they said, or how they said them. It's a nonissue, it totally ignores the concept of authorial intent, and it's just kinda bad analysis to me. It's a little lame. It's like asking your Fix-It Fic to be canon. This is what Hussie wrote, this is what Hussie intended to write, that's what's on the page and this has been the case for over a decade now. End of sentence.
If I don't agree with an opinion the author holds and injects into their writing, or the specific way that something is handled, I just relegate those thoughts to my own personal reinterpretations of the work and headcanon, rather than saying I'd change the actual work itself if given the opportunity. They're not my opinions, they're not how I'd go about writing that, and that's because they're not my opinions and it isn't my writing. That's fine. That's just the reality of not being the person who wrote any given piece of fiction. It happens. That's how things are.
That said, if you're interested to see what I would do with my own alternate versions of the Alpha Trolls placed in a new setting with similar-but-different-and-much-differently-handled issues, that's part of what my fanventure, Sovereignstuck, is about. Maybe you'd like it. Who knows! It's still in it's early phases as far as serialization goes, but I do have plenty of writing on it on my blog here, and those few pages are up on MSPFA.
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caesarinsalata · 5 months
A List of My Headcanons for Edward Elric: Full Throttle Edition!
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What I mean by the subtitle, is what I think happened in the parts of the story, between, that weren't shown. Like what happened during their travels and locations they went too or things they did that are NOT in canon
Share your thoughts if you share any Headcanons with me or have any ideas to expand upon these, because I feel these are topics and ideas that are so interesting to ponder!
Onto the List!
(I'm adding a break cause this post is VERY wordy~)
The precursor to the rest to "set the scene":
HC 1 - Ed does NOT have a sexist or elitist bone in his little body!
This is something EVERYONE knows about him. Given the plethora of female role models in his entire life, he grows to respect and/or fear women. He treats everyone equally and bases his opinion on them based on their actions.
As well as despite having a fat pocket full of cash because of his status, it never goes to his head. He happily gives his money to those that help him. He sometimes uses his status to get what he wants, but not always for selfish reasons. It's usually to help his cause or someone else.
HC 2 - Edward wore Winry's clothes when he was hiding out in Resembool waiting for her and Al.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but these boys burned EVERYTHING they owned. Maybe except for what Ed carries with him in his trunk, whereever that thing may be on the regular basis no one knows. But! I'd like to believe that after the incident and the time skip, Ed most likely didn't have ANY of his original belongings, right? I mean yeah, he could go to fabric stores and transmute himself some stuff while passing towns. At the same time, he probably couldnt just walk into a store or town very often for fear of being recognized because of being a fugitive at the time. He could always have his big strong body guards go get him clothes, but they don't understand his style, so he wouldn't ask, right? Besides, what's the fun in that?
I believe, that while he was waiting in Resembool and Pinako told him to go take a shower, because imagine how dirty and stinky they'd be traveling in the forest and by night for days?? I feel she would've given him Winry's clothes, to change into.
And you can very well argue 'His clothes look like they're made for men. They aren't women's clothes. They aren't the same size and Eds grown, they wouldn't fit!' Ah! But what if, he just transmutes them to better fit his shoulder width and leg length?
That's what's fun about this thought, he could very well still have clothes at the Rockbells and just transmutes them bigger when they don't fit by combining fabrics. But if he did in fact burn everything he owned in the fire, he'd have to use something for material for clothes when he's under the radar.
But if he didn't wear Winry's clothes, what do you think he grabbed to transmute himself some clothes while down in Resembool? If he doesn't transmute himself clothes in hiding, then what if he uses Pinako's sons old clothes or old clothes from hohenheim? Pinako's bound to have clothes laying around her house from all the boys running around.
HC 3 - Ed PREFERS his hair up (braided or tied) over down.
Okay, so hear me out....if you put aside the fact that he obviously wears it tied back for convenience purposes because of being very mobile and active. BUT! At the same time when you think about when Ed comes back after the time skip and he reads the note of the description they're looking for: Red coat, blonde w/braid, and short. And he says: "Guess I'm stuck with this look for now..." It makes me think:
Obviously, he cares about his looks, right? Not in a selfish way, but he cares about his appearance and he feels confident in his old red and black attire with his signature braid. But he can't have that right now because he'd be easy to spot.
So, Ed's OKAY with his hair being down, but only if he's not doing anything. As soon as they get caught and he's carried to the car, he puts his hair up. It would just get in the way.
But like I said, I believe, he just prefers it being up, especially when he's doing something. In this instance, since he cant braid it, he just puts it in a ponytail.
Which this preference for his braid makes sense later when he's fighting Pride, cause it's in a braid again. So he obviously feels he looks better with the braid.
But when he changes it to a ponytail when he's older is probably just for mature reasons so he looks older. Plus he's letting it grow, so it's harder for him to braid when it's much longer than his shoulders, so I feel he's just like 'Fuck it, ponytail it is!'
Before this post gets too long, I'll stop here and maybe make continuations as I think of them. Feel free to expand upon these ideas or tell me your ideas! I love delving deeper into character personalities and properties they have.
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
do you have any favorite headcanons for omega kakashi? love your blog -3-
Cooking Kakashi (insert cooking mama ver kakashi icon... which is a game I would play the hell out of. I want him to like me so bad...)
I love that Kakashi can canonically cook very well and that he likes cooking for his loved ones. Even though the first of those people are no longer here, it brings him a lot of peace to cook for his Alpha.
He likes that he made something with his own two hands that contributes to the joy and health of his loved ones. It’s also an act of living that makes him feel more human and cooking tasty food for himself was one of the things he used to ground himself during his worst moments or when he was alone after missions (a good weapon needs to be able to at least function -> (eventually) I am a person and it's okay to enjoy things because I deserve it).
He was not originally much of an experimenter, but he learned enough about the basics that he was able to start improving upon recipes. His recipes are full of annotations because even though he's got a stellar memory, he's old enough he knows there's only so much space up there. However, half of these notes only make sense to himself. Good luck trying to replicate those dishes...
He's not much of a "collector", anti-clutter Kakashi
So his preferred method of receiving affection is not gift giving.
However, Cooking Kakashi™️ might accept a few things. Recipe books are a little hard because Kakashi has to be interested in more than just two or three things in the book. He typically prefers to decide on these himself. He likes to work through everything in the book and pick out his favorites. If you tell him you want to buy it for him though, he'll let you. A bookshop date, anyone?
The one thing he does love is the cooking supplies you buy him. High quality ceramics, one of a kind glassware, accent-like cups or bowls. If you're careful about only buying a piece here and a piece there, it doesn't build up clutter, and it becomes a nice special occasion kind of gift. Hot pot is not his most favorite meal ever but he loves the donabe you got him.
He also doesn't have a lot of spare nesting materials, but if you can talk him into letting you take him to a nesting supply shop, he'll usually buy something (because he thinks you think he needs more soft things, which makes him feel cared for but can also get overwhelming on occasion).
Overall though, quality time and some physical touch are his preferred ways of receiving affection.
Cat person who has dogs Kakashi
Kakashi shows up whenever he wants or perfectly on time, prefers only certain people and usually small gatherings or being alone (although being alone with his Person doesn't really count as company), has a lot of very, let's call them specific, habits, is incredibly particular about certain things... and is also something of a prankster.
In a way it's very funny because he's the pack leader of his ninken.
Very respectful but incredibly kinky Kakashi.
Consent is sexy and Kakashi is the sexiest because he's the kind of person who won't act without permission. He's also the kind of person who's almost too shy to even think of his Alpha in an explicit way. This isn't a purity thing. It's just a him being shy and feeling undeserving thing. Have to be careful because he's the kind of sub to say "you can do anything to me, I don't mind" and mean it, and part of a long term relationship with Kakashi is teaching him about his own boundaries.
I'm a big fan "yes he does wear that many layers" Kakashi
Part of it is a feeling of security. But it makes me wonder if he just tends to run cold for some reason. Bundle him up in blankets and feed him soup.
The hospital is very grateful for Kakashi's mate. He tends to run away less if his mate is allowed to either stay with him while he recovering and there's a few times where he's been very happy to get discharged home earlier because Tsunade knows someone responsible and capable of getting Kakashi to sit still while he's getting better.
Lazy Kakashi
Kakashi doesn't hate being a ninja. I get the sense that he thinks ninja are necessary in the world, and he's seen both the good and bad that shinobi missions can do. He doesn't hate it, but he's tired of it.
There's a difference between working hard because you have to and because you want to. I'm a huge fan of lazy Kakashi, no work Kakashi! he doesn't want to go on tiring missions anymore and he certainly didn't love being hokage! don't make him! Let him stay at home every day and do whatever he wants to do, let him spend all day in bed with you and a book and his puppies if he wants!
That said, he's been a shinobi so long, he would miss the athleticism if he ever had to leave, he likes being skilled. That's why he goes back to doing non-combat and teaching jobs after retiring. But he leaves plenty of space for well earned leisure time.
Hobby Husband Kakashi
He's used to having somewhat structured time, so sometimes he has trouble picking something to do on his day off. After the war, he also has to figure out how to fill additional hours since he doesn't stare at the memorial stone all the time.
He actually does like to just try new things. He's the type who naturally ends up pretty good at almost everything he tries though so there's not much he pursues more than one or two times. Once he settles in with his mate, he likes to do things with you. It's more fun and fulfilling than doing activities alone. His favorite hobby is reading though. Reading usually gives him an idea of what he might want to try next.
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aceofthegreenajah · 5 months
So @tls12lessthan3 and @libzarzar have enabled my corrent orv obsession and my forever khr obsession. This is me assigning flames (sky flames only, no earth flames) to orv characters! ALL the orv spoilers. I will be vague about them but I will allude to things in the epilogue.
I have done my best to rely on canonical info about flames and not my headcanons.
KDJ - Sky I feel like this is pretty self-evident. The most telling thing about being a sky is how people react to them. People grow very attached to KDJ; they look up to him; they follow his lead; they want to impress him and protect him. He holds the group together and they start to fall apart when he's away for too long. (See: both his first 'longer' death and the epilogue).
That isn't the only thing, though. Skies have a stubbornness and unwillingness to change (see: Tsuna refusing Vongola all the way to the end and everything about Xanxus as prime examples). They won't change for others lightly, and they don't generally accept anyone or anything as an authority. They might sort of align themselves with an organization or another sky, but ultimately they always follow their own goals.
These are both very KDJ things - he puts his party through hell with his self-sacrificial tendencies but even though he realizes this, and knows it is shitty, he doesn't really change. And he shows no subservience to any power, even those that could crush him like an ant.
Skies like to surround themselves with people - as KDJ does. The sky might be posessive over them, but they don't really grow dependent on them, and rarely confide in them. (See: multiple skies in khr are willing to sacrifice their elements for their plans. Tsuna not being willing to sacrifice them for leadership of Vongola just means his goal is never obtaining said leadership. Which he says himself at any opportunity. KDJ is not willing to sacrifice any of them presicely because his goal is a happy ending for everyone.)
KDJ he shows multiple instances of posessiveness - first thing that comes to mind is when he has just recruited SYS and determines that she can never know YJH just in case that makes her leave KDJ for YJH. He grows to rely on their abilities in his plans; that doesn't mean he relies on them as people emotionally. He always holds himself a little separate.
Some skies are also good at reading and understanding people - reading comprehension and omniscient reader's viewpoint, anyone? All of KDJ's skills dovetail nicely into an aspect of sky flames. Not exactly, of course, but Tsuna can tell the difference between illusion and reality (fourth wall) and you could argue bookmark is about comprehending and then harmonizing with someone. There are skies with different types of future sight (hyper intuition, and the seer bloodline in Giglio Nero skies). You can dig for more - there's plenty of material to work with there.
YJH - cloud Clouds are incredibly strong, independent, slow to grow loyal but incredibly loyal once it is earned (yet still independent to the end). Their growth (in power) is exponential.
YJH is the strongest human character (probably). He always makes his own plans and goes his own way, unless the others can wrangle him to participating in the group. Even to the very end. He does grow loyalty to KDJ (but not really subservience) but it happens very slowly, and yet he is one of the two characters most unable to let go of him at the end. Tell me that isn't textbook cloud.
HSY - mist(sky) So. My first instinct for HSY is mist.
Mists are creative and imaginative. They are subtle when they want to and incredibly theatrical at other times. They also have an independent streak, and a tendency to refuse reality and twist it to their own whims.
Avatar is a skill that could fit into a few different flame types, but they could be mist constructs.
But I could also be talked into a full no-avatars HSY being a sky.
+ surrounded by people. The other HSY surronunds himself with people - she does play KDJ's role in many respects. Our HSY also surrounded himself with the disciples. The first group especially grew incredibly loyal.
+ HSY is also very stubborn and unwilling to bow to authority.
+ Predictive plagiarism could be a sky skill. As said khr skies have future related skills (hyper intuition and seers). I could see it as a mist skill as well (mist thing is creativity) but as avatar fits better in mist, predictive plagiarsm fits better in sky.
- On the other hand our HSY is eventually absorbed into KDJ's group and ceases to gather her own followers. Not a sky thing to do, but this is after she has lost >=50% of herself.
In short: it could be that HSY is originally a sky, but every time she creates an avatar she gives it some of her flames, and this has left our HSY a mist once >=50% of her flames are gone.
LHS - lightning Lightnings are hard to damage and their role is often protecting and taking damage for the other flames. Many lightnings we see are active and eager to take action. LHS fits this exactly.
JHW - storm Storms are, most of all, passionate. Gokudera is passionate about Tsuna and his hobbies; Fon is passinate about martial arts; Bel is passionate about his royalty and stabbing people. Whatever the storm wants, they have the drive to be the best and dedicate themselves fully.
JHW is very passionate about justice and right and wrong.
Her abilities also fit storm and the disintegration property storm flames have. Storm flames are extremely destructive and there are really no super effective countermeasures for them. All of JHW's abilities are OP and destructive as fuck flame abilities.
Now we come to the ones I am a little unsure about.
YSA - Rain/Sun But which one? Rains are officially 'tranquility', but their characters are all over the place. What most unites them is that they all have a purpose. Squalo has the sword and Xanxus; Takeshi had baseball and switches to Tsuna; Colonello and Lal have each other (at different points of their lives) and training their students and (at some point probably) their military careers. And so on.
There is also some sense of self stuff going on there.
Squalo hitched his whole existence on Xanxus practically on sight. That makes him sound spontanous, and the loud and rough exterior reinforces this image. But he is also Xanxus' second in command who ran Varia in his absence, and shows surprising insight at several moments (like in the future when training Takeshi). Stormy waters run deep?
Takeshi knows how to play the fool but not how to connect to people. He measured his self-worth by how good he was at his purpose (baseball) at first; when he formed any sort of connection with Tsuna he grew incredibly loyal and dedicated instantly. He continues to keep up the exterior that people are used to - when Takeshi drops the act, you know things are serious. Still waters run deep.
YSA is very good at putting on a calm or chipper or charming front. Is there an underlayer we rarely get to see? I'd argue yes. We see hints of this even in pre-canon - she was getting back at superiors at work without anyone suspecting her. She also is incredibly dedicated. She was valued employee at work, studied on her commute, then becomes dedicated to helping KDJ's group survive in the apocalypse and drives herself to death with it.
But she does fit into Sun as well.
Suns are energetic and constantly on the move, constantly doing something. When they do something they give it 200% level effort. They are ferocious, often chipper, sometimes hyperactive. They may be very fast healers.
Sangah is a high-achiever. At first she is competent at work, studying even on her commute. She bikes to work. When self-defence becomes a necessity, she grows to an incredible fighter very quickly. She uses her skills so much that eventually they start to kill her.
She is also chipper and cheerful by default, which is not a must for a sun but is still a very sun attitude. I Can Do It! Her focus is not only on skills but on people, and that and her upbringing as a wealthy woman may explain why she feels the need to put on a more placid surface. Social expectations she's internalized, you know.
So, since YSA could go either way (she can be both. people can have multiple flames) let's check out our last (adult) member to see where she falls into. To make sure we have a full set.
JHY personifies the concept that you can't know a person just by what you see on the surface. She's trans; we meet her putting on an act - Aileen explicitly even states that you can't belive what comes out of her mouth. She has the wall of impossible communication. I couldn't write a more rain characteristic if I tried.
She did have a purpose originally - dimension hopping and trying to get strong - but eventually abandoned it. Giving up her purpose would contribute greatly to her self-loathing, so it's not a dealbreaker for her being a rain.
Sun is also a possibility. When learning a skill JSY learns incredibly fast (for skills learned through the wall.) If JSY is a sun, the self-loathing rises from being unable to do things and learn things. Suns are active and curious, and being forced to be neither would be hell on them. And she quickly becomes happier as soon as she can do stuff.
The trouble is that I like rain better for both YSA and JHY, but my brain wants a full set so one of them will be assigned sun. Last night I leaned towards JSY sun; this morning YSA sun. Opinions welcome! I feel like JSY is the character I have the poorest grasp on.
I will make a new post for the kids and teens if I feel like it. Hades is ofc night flames and likely Persephone as well. (I have a fic idea with those two running the vindice and kdj getting adopted by them. And another fic idea with just orv except with flames. I have a few chapters plotted for both but nothing 'written'. )
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whatsyourcolor · 8 months
I hate to info dump but here we go:
1.Kougami picked Akane up ALL ON HIS OWN..Not because someone ordered him to.Remember Garcia told him how he can’t imagine Kougami being responsible for another person?Coming to pick her up was Kougami’s way of mending things.Apologising to the only person he thinks deserves his apology and taking responsibility for his past behaviour by saying sorry.It’s a massive step for him.This is why Akane brushed off his apology.They caught up on the car as well.
2.The reason Akane wasn’t expecting him is most certainly because he works for foreign affairs.Akane was still an MWPSB employee so she probably thought it’d be Mika or the new inspectors.Also that should tell you something that despite being from a competing ministry he’s able to pick her up.He had to have pulled a lot of strings,request and beg tons of people.
3.Kougami made MULTIPLE requests to visit Akane.They were denied except that one time when he managed to get an approval.He didn’t back out of visiting her because it would be a waste of time.Again that’s a big deal because only Mika who’s the chief inspector had online access to Akane.
4.During the visit he put his back on the door because stooping down to her level would be awkward which makes sense?She’s 5’4” and he’s 6” so it would be uncomfortable to stare through a small window in that height for him so idk what’s wrong with that.He said Frederica/Ginoza thought it would be better for him not to visit her also he didn’t bring any souvenirs because he didn’t know what she liked.There wasn’t a lot of time I am sure.Solitary confinement is solitary for a reason.
5.I am not sure if Frederica is keeping in contact with Tenzing.I should hope so.She better make Kougami call her as well.I am not sure why Kougami would be thinking about Akane while he’s fighting MWPSB enforcers either.
Here’s the thing I think a few people are disappointed that their headcanon doesn’t match the Kougami in canon anymore (which I am sure is sad).But spreading misinformation to make people see Kougami the negative way is turning other people off.My advise is take everything people say with a grain of salt.Some people are helbent on spreading negativity because things didn’t go the way they wanted.
if you are up for it buy the books and run them through a translation or pay a translator to translate.Make up your own mind.
Since I haven't read the novels about S3 because I don't speak Japanese, I can't answer to any of those points. Not since @cleverwolfpoetry used to translate the novels, do I know anything of the novels. The only think I know is that the writers said shinkane is platonic and what I got from Providence and Sinners of the System. Other people have read the novels and give their opinion about them. Maybe they're spreading misinformation; I have no idea. But you're right, a grain of salt doesn't hurt.
I don't know if there's a current hate campaign against Kogami (there's always been, though. I remember people crapping on him when he told Akane to kill Makishima), but people are going to hate who they're going to hate. One thing I'll never do is ship Homura and Akane. Or Kogami and Frederica. For me it'll always be Akane and Kogami and I don't care what the writers say. Cleverwolf's translations gave me enough material to deduce that this attempt to bring down shinkane (or to take it out of its ambiguity) is part of the "remodeling" of Psycho-Pass from a philosophical and psychological anime to a more action and plot driven franchise for a different target audience.
Heck, it's all in Makishima's last monologue: "Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty. People no longer have need of others. You can always find a spare for any replacement. Any relationship can be replaced."
Psycho-Pass is about the most human of things: relationships. (And yes, human nature, violence, free will, rationality vs animality, etc). So the writers can say whatever the hell they want, but Akane is not replaceable for Kogami and neither is Kogami for her (remember the All Star novel where holos of all the dead people are tormenting Akane and telling her Ko is dead and she's like "No, that person can't be dead"? I love how Sibyl, Kamui and Togane know Akane is deeply in love with Kogami and they try to use that against her all the time.
At the end of the day, despite the castes the system creates, the human bond will break those chains. The purest-hued young woman falling for a heartbroken criminal is just too delicious a dynamic to ignore.
Also, where the heck are all of you reading the novels? Is anyone sharing the translations somewhere?
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artist-issues · 2 months
Was thinking about the subject of interpretation recently. You've made clearer to me the truth that storytelling is always communicating something and that there's always objective facts to be observed in a story's quality. But what about the subjective elements or the elements that can be argued to be subjective?
To be more specific, you've talked about turning interpretation into rewriting before, largely in regards to the HP Marauders, which is when interpretation goes too far. So I'd first ask what you think is the correct way to handle interpretation in reading stories?
My second question, tying into that, is for cases like those of the HP fandom (and all fandoms everywhere, really) but where the audience claims not to be guilty of rewriting the characters or plot. When things get blurrier and people argue that they can, for example, interpret a character as gay even when that character has explicitly stated they aren't by arguing that - in their interpretation - the character was lying because they're in denial. Other similar cases include of course the thousands of characters whose sexualities and the inner thoughts of their relationships are headcanoned by fans however they see fit with all manner of excuses used to fit it into any canon context that might contradict their vision.
Those are the obvious cases to my mind, but there's also whether a character's motives are selfish or heroic, whether a villain cares about people deep down or is unrelentingly evil, whether the whole story isn't secretly Johnny Jim's fever dream that represents his trauma, etc. In so many cases, fans can make arguments that since their interpretation isn't technically contradicted by the narrative then it can be correct even if it's a pure addition to the story.
Long build up, but my second question would then be do you think that argument is a valid form of interpretation or has it crossed over into rewriting?
This is a tricky question. Because the truth is that humans can twist anything until it says whatever they want it to say. Obviously, if you simply say, "Well I know Lupin married and loved a woman and actively called Sirius a 'friend,'" but he was lying." And when you ask them for proof that he was lying, they ultimately don't have any. They can say "look at how close Sirius and Lupin seemed," or "think about how uncomfortable he was to be with Tonks," but you can easily explain those evidences—with the explanations given in the book by the narrator. "Yeah, they were close because they were friends. He was uncomfortable to marry her because he's a werewolf and she's younger, he literally said so."
Theres "evidence" on both sides, for each argument. But only one side takes all available evidence, as a whole, and still has a supportable conclusion. The other side, the side that claims Lupin and Sirius were romantically interested in one another, picks and chooses whatever lines up with their theory (like you said) and discards the rest—or has to add to the original material to make their interpretation make sense.
And what is "adding to the original material?" It's simply assuming god-like knowledge of a character you didn't create. Because Rowling didn't give you evidence for Lupin's straight love for Tonks and platonic friendship with Sirius being a lie. She could've. She's written liars and their behaviors before. She's written Lupin hiding the truth, too, so we know what THAT looks like.
Ultimately, I'd say:
The correct way to handle the interpretation of stories is to look at the story as a whole, first. Remember that every word, every line, everything said and left out, was a decision made by the storyteller. They're each building blocks for a whole. So you have to look at the whole, first. My method is to look at the good that befalls a character, and the bad that befalls a character, and trace the cause. Usually, the a good or bad thing happening to a character can be traced all the way back to a decision they, or some other character, made. Once you find that decision, you have to try and figure out why the character made that decision: what was their motivation? What belief drove them to make that decision? You act the way you act because you think the way you think. You can figure motivations out in specific characters by analyzing what events shaped their worldview, or paying attention to what words they choose when they speak in moments of conflict or tension. Dodger (in Oliver and Company) says "you're one of the gang. the gang means family." when he's angry with Oliver for wanting to leave. That's the first time we see Dodger hurt and angry with a friend. And that's the explanation we're given. And we can couple that with the times he's risked his skin: jumping in front of angry Dobermans, or refusing to eat until he gets to the others. So we know, after looking at all the evidence, that the most important thing to Dodger isn't food or safety or even "looking cool:" it's that core group of characters he considers "family." Then you've cracked him, as a character.
If a fan is adding something to a story that lines up with the character's purpose in the original material—or at least lines up with their character traits at some point in the original material—then it's an addition to the story. Cinderella 2015 zooms in on the fact that Cinderella loved and respected her parents: in the original cartoon, you're shown one scene of her crying at her father's bedside, and another of her adoring her mother's dress in the most stressful of circumstances. That's not rewriting. The foundation was there in the original material. They just reverse-engineered that parental relationship, looked at how something seemed to be keeping Cartoon Cinderella in high spirits regardless of circumstances (which is not a trait she could've learned anywhere OTHER than those briefly-mentioned parents, based on all the evidence) and built upon it. But, if they'd taken the death of the parents and said, "Ella desperately wanted to please her stepmother, because she barely remembered her real mother," it would have been a rewrite. Why? Because if you look at ALL of the evidence, cartoon Cinderella doesn't tell Bruno to "love Lucifer like I love my stepmother, we're all we've got." That's what she would've said if she felt that way about her birth mother versus her stepmother. But instead, she tells him to "look for his good points, even if it's hard." And she clearly shows excitement and adoration for her mother's old dress. And the opening scene shows us how much she loved her parents. So when you take ALL the evidence, you CAN'T come by the wrong conclusion, and make a rewrite, honestly.
I hope that answered your questions. Shoot me another ask if not.
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egg-emperor · 11 months
My sources for the Eggman info that's considered, compiled, and included in my analysis and fact sharing:
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THE GAMES - English and JP. Number one source above everything. Anything outside of it has to align with them to be considered because I'm specifically all about game canon Eggman and there's no other place that's going to define game Eggman than, well, the games themselves
Sonic Channel - Because Sega/Sonic Team JP are most credible when it comes to their own characters. the information is valuable and adds a lot of cool details, fun facts, art, stories, and videos, faithful to the games
TailsTube English and JP - Because they're made to be informative about the characters and world we see in the games and are meant to be the rundown of facts and things we need to know. Possibly also JP VTuber stream stuff but I still haven't gotten entire translations of VTuber Eggman's first appearance yet to be able to compile and analyze anything
Sega/Sonic Team official writers/creators, English or JP - ONLY if they worked on the specific piece of media/story/character they're speaking on. For example, Flynn on writing Frontiers, but if it's game he didn't write for then no. Unless it's someone who is a credible source on possessing knowledge even outside of that like Iizuka for example, and it adds up with the games' contents
Small bonuses - Some promotional material both English and JP. For example, the Sonic Forces join the Eggman Empire video on the English YouTube and the JP Sonic Forces Eggman takeover Eggman video because they're used to promote the games and don't contradict anything and only add to it. This varies as stuff that isn't directly tied to the games or made entirely in jest doesn't count
In rare cases I will also refer to bios to support already existing facts in the games further. But Eggman has had a couple of very inaccurate bios where he's done the exact opposite in the games of what the bio states at times. So it's not black and white, I don't take it as solid proof if it's only ever been stated in the bio and won't refer to bios alone. There has to be something to point to in the games that either proves or disproves the information provided
And these alone (not including the Boom videos) really do give you all you need to know above everything as they speak for themselves:
All the main canon titles are included here and I'm working on others.
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And that's it. And all of the above except for the games themselves can vary a lot because it needs to be 100% reflected in the games for it to be considered and added to my fact compiling and used in my analysis. If it contradicts it or there's no solid evidence reflecting it in the games and it also doesn't make sense as a result, I won't include it
I don't like to mash all the different official media together and use that as proof of character or stories in the games. I see people do this a lot by talking like something is game canon and when asked for sources, they pull up Archie, X, Boom, SatAM, non canon apps, Twitter DMs, contradictory bios, etc, it makes stuff super confusing and most are from separate non canon universes
You can do what you want in your own fan stuff of course but please understand that I specifically discuss, analyze, and write about game canon Eggman myself here and value and appreciate canon and want to show my love and passion for it. And these are my heavily excessively analyzed sources for everything I gather and perceive of his character facts and writing etc
I'm also always trying to keep my headcanons and fics as accurate to what I learn from all of this as possible, so if you don't like how Eggman is in the games/any of these sources in terms of personality and actions, you won't like my stuff. Trust me, everyone who has said they're not big fans of game canon Eggman has wound up hating my stuff lol. If you love game Egg like me then please discuss him with me 💜🥚
Figured this would be a good post to make and link in my pinned bio post when I make it. I may update and change things in this list in the future and have this post be the main place to refer to where I get my stuff from
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laithraihan · 2 months
I'm the anon who sent you the long message that apparently came off "pompous & infantilizing" and more to your followers.
I find it interesting that that message sparked such a flood of defenders, when I did not send it in bad faith at all. From your answer it seems I'm lacking context so sorry if I took some of your statements the wrong way, but nonetheless I just found the parental love addition strange and reacted to that, that was all there was to it. I clearly stated (three times) I'm not taking any issue with your headcanons.
By saying they are far removed from canon I did not mean to say they are "too unrealistic" or something is wrong with that, I literally said the opposite. I meant just that, that factually, this will not be a common interpretation for someone who is familiar with the source material but not your blog. This is not a statement that I made with any judgemental value and I thought I made that very clear but apparently not.
So I'm sorry for the additional ask.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for the response.
I was fully aware you said there was no issue with what I drew, but the way you wrote everything else sort of negated that statement. At least that's how me and many other people saw it.
If someone finds what I drew strange or confusing then they could always just... block me or ask me about it (and btw I expected people to be confused, otherwise I wouldnt have labeled it "non-coupling" as soon I posted it lol)
Someone did ask me about it, and you seem to have already seen that response, yet you still felt the need to send another message basically implying that an explanation wasn't enough (turns out it actually wasnt enough because people said I was lying and in denial) and that my explanation was weird too? Which is whatever I already ended up clarifying that, English is not my first language and I type things with the help of a translator (I wish people could actually keep this in mind. I only type in English because it'll reach a wider audience and it's the language most of my followers know. Often I have to google words people tell me online, or I ask my friends fluent in English to explain things for me)
You can say "that's not what I intended" but that's how it came across... you wrote a lot of nice words while also saying it was understandable that people were ganging up on me over a drawing, it seemed patronizing.
That's why me and others took offense to it, but I think it's difficult to tell tone through text so I don't want to keep nitpicking this any further. If you say you had no ill intent then I believe you.
The following will just be me adding more context and not necessarily aimed at you: Again I understand the lack of context of my account can make people confused about my art, Ive made that clear many times.
The art I made where I said "if your parents didnt love you then it's obvious" was a direct response to people who were mocking me specifically for tagging the art as "non-coupling" because they didnt believe me. They got the context and decided I was trying to hide a fetish because a kiss on the cheek was "obviously shippy". They proceeded to compare this to drawing NSFW of Mob and Reigen by labelling it "non-ship" as if it was comparable to tucking a child into bed, that's what upset me. I did absolutely nothing to these people, I dont know them, if they said this privately I wouldnt care but it was public, and they also targeted another friend of mine for no reason.
All Im gonna say is that my drawing shouldnt have caused this much controversy in the first place. I labeled it "non-coupling" as soon as I posted it, which should've been enough honestly. It's not like I posted porn or anything like that, I got the idea from something Ive experienced in my family as a teenager and I could easily google stock images of the exact same scenario to use as reference, like I really didnt think it was that bad.
Anyways I think I've explained myself many times already. Im not gonna be hostile and say to people "roh t9awed dont ever send me anything else related to this" but just.. check if Ive already answered your question so that it doesnt end up being repetitive. If you have a question about this that I havent answered yet, then feel free to ask.
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Hi Katrin! I’m really sorry about all the hardships you’ve been through lately. Sometimes when I read your posts I feel so frustrated because I can’t really do anything to help you. I can only pray for your safety and happiness, but I’m sure everything will get better for you. Maybe it doesn’t mean much, but you are in a lot of people's thoughts and prayers <3
I have some questions for you (and sorry if you already addressed this in a previous post) about TGSTLTH:
What do you think is the extent of demon powers? Which do you think are the set of “standard” abilities inherent to every demon (highly enhanced senses, super strength, flying, altering their appearance, etc.)?
We know there are demons with special powers (Gremory in the last chapter being a very good example). Are any of Sebastian’s displays of power unique abilities only he possesses? Like are all demons able to will a garden into existence, create illusions, control the weather, recreate a mansion? Is there a unique ability from Sebastian you haven’t yet showed us?
Sebastian was really concerned when he thought Ciel had been hurt by Miss Taylor, so we know he’s unable to help Ciel by supernatural means if he’s already physically hurt. Do you think there are demons capable of healing humans? Manipulating time, mind reading/control, etc?
Sorry for all the questions :B haha I’m rereading your wonderful story and it got me thinking.
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind and reassuring words. They mean a lot, and sometimes praying is the only thing I can do. It's extremely difficult to live under this kind of constant threat of dying, losing my home and/or my loved ones, day after day, night after night.
And thank you for such interesting questions! So, questions 1 and 3: standard abilities of demons. Your answer lists the majority of them: they all have enhanced senses, they can assume any shape; they can fly and they become stronger by consuming blood. All of them can do some magic, like materialize food or create an illusion, but the extent of it differs. The higher rank a demon has, the more invulnerable they are, the more power they hold. Sebastian has a high rank and he is very strong, so his illusions are elaborate and his grasp on magic, such as when he created that garden, is above that of the majority. But other demons of his rank and higher can do the same things.
Demons are also very hard to kill even by demon standards (which is why, as I headcanon it, Sebastian asks Grell to kill the triplets - he doesn't want to waste his time on ending them when he needs to get to Ciel).
Question 2: special abilities of demons.
I like the idea of some demons having unique abilities! So yes, we have Gremory with a gift of seeing the future. The spell she used to mask Ciel's soul isn't anything special, on the other hand, and Sebastian could do the same. But since she outranks him, her magic is stronger. There is also demon Shax who can sense lies. I think some higher-up demons might be capable of healing, playing with time a little, and sensing someone's thoughts, but they are extremely rare as these gifts are particularly powerful.
With Sebastian, it's complicated. I think he definitely has some unique abilities, and based on the anime, I feel like one of them is the level of his demonic strength. It's boring, but it seems to be canon. I always found it fascinating how he keeps fighting in a human form even against strong opponents like Grell, Ash and Claude, almost losing sometimes but not seeming bothered by it. On the contrary, he's curious and amused, like he knows for certain he has an ace up his sleeve that he can use any moment. In his most serious fight against Angela, he assumes his true form and he destroys her in 10 seconds. We don't really see him doing anything special, he's just fighting with all his might at last, and he defeats an actual angel. I doubt any demon, including Claude, could do the same. So, I think that despite his aversion to Hell, Sebastian has a special connection with it. He can draw strength from it to surprising extents, to the point where he has good chances of defeating a demon with a higher rank in a one-on-one fight. Hell favors Sebastian because he's such an oddball.
There might be some other ability, but I haven't decided on it yet! I guess the plot is going to dictate it sooner or later. Until then, Sebastian will remain mysteriously silent :D
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cilil · 2 months
🏜️, 🧩 and 🧃 for the ask game ❤️
Thanks for the ask, love❤️
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
As I'm sure many authors do I always love and appreciate the long comments going through a lot of things that happen in the fic and adding their two cents, like for example what people use the floating comment box for or them going through certain story beats on their own like "there was this thing that I liked and then this thing happened and I loved that".
In general I just LOVE to hear people's thoughts and what resonated with them on a personal level because some throwaway line for me may be someone else's top quote. I also don't mind and actually really appreciate commenters expressing that they don't usually read fics like the one in question but tried it and liked it anyway or that they got into a new ship or headcanon or that they saw something different in it than I do - in my jurisdiction one of the defining qualities of art is that it can always receive new and different interpretations, so it makes me feel like I created an "artsy" thing :3
Just to be clear in case any readers and commenters are reading this, everything I mentioned can very much be expressed in one sentence, there is absolutely no need or obligation for the aforementioned long comments; only wanted to honor the time and effort that goes into those in particular :)
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Not too many things I dare say, but:
A) A character being very "OOC"/misinterpreted to the point of being unrecognizable, especially if it feels like it's coming from a place of malice on the author's part and they're bashing the character (we don't like that on this blog). Now, I actually don't like using the term "OOC" here (just couldn't think of something better) because I am willing to bet that I have written stuff others see as OOC either in regards to canon or their headcanons and I probably read and enjoyed that sort of material in other cases too; I suppose we all have varying levels of tolerance for that. What I mean by being unrecognizable is for example if character A is canonically kind, friendly, patient, polite and then suddenly they're written as super angry, hostile, rude and abrasive in a fic - again especially if I have grounds to believe that the author did this because they dislike A and want others to do so too. It's just... idk man it feels icky to me and if I like that character the whole atmosphere begins to feel hostile to me on a personal level as well
B) The story is confusing for me (I really want to avoid making any comments about "badly written" fic here because this is a hobby and people are allowed to be learning and improving on all levels and at their own pace, so I'm highlighting that these cases are about me having personal difficulties others might not have). I don't even care much about grammar mistakes or the prose not being super smooth or a bit of confusion when it comes to who's talking or who's in what position, but if the story gets confusing to the point that it feels jarring or I don't know what's going on and why anymore, I may stop reading.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
There's actually a bit of lore specific to this day, but it's a bit of a sad and sensitive matter so I won't bother anyone with it.
Instead something funny: I own a little plant collection, mostly cacti and succulents, but there's also some sort of poisonous bush thingy. I have no idea what kind of plant it is; in fact I have no idea what any of them are beyond "cactus", "succulent" and "the bush". One succulent of unknown origin has outgrown its pot twice now and is about to conquer the third. I'm going to need an entire garden for it one day, I fear.
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akatsuki-shin · 5 months
"So for Geto it's mostly that I don't like villains with a bigoted ideology and he's too incompetent to even fall in the "love to hate" category. Really, the worst thing a villain can be is incompetent and Geto in Vol 0 is barely better than your average disney villain. Doesn't help that he never gets pushback on his ideals. Gojo tells him in Premature Death that killing people is bad, but that's it. He spouts his bullshit about how genocide is totally necessary and Yuuta stands there like "idk you might be right, but you want to kill people I care about and that's the real crime here". Nobody really engages with his ideology except Yuki I guess, but that was before he became an antagonist. I could forgive that to a degree if he was at least a real threat, but he isn't.....You don't get any of that with Geto, he's not even fun to hate because he barely provides any pushback. He's a bad villain and I dislike him as a person as well. His descent into embracing the superiority of sorcerers and resolving to kill all non-sorcerers was well written, but I don't feel for him at all. Good riddance to the guy, I'm glad he's now dead both in body and mind."
I just found this post (kinda sad when read it), can I ask your thoughts, please?
Thanks so much for your JJK posts (especially about Getou and Gojo), love to read them....
When it came to Geto (and SatoSugu), I think the biggest difference between me and most other JJK fans is that I start from doujin, headcanons, and fan analysis about them before I started consuming the canon materials.
I have friends who are avid shippers of those two and regularly shared their contents. Plus, I got commissioned to write their fic, which required me to research their dynamics and canon details.
So you can say I went into JJK after already knowing full well what to expect, why this is like this, why that is like that. Perhaps this is the reason why I can feel so much about Geto because I already read everything there is to know about him, from his "golden days" with Gojo to his descend into villainy and his death.
Despite all my screaming and fangirling about JJK (and SatoSugu in particular), I actually have a lot of personal complaints about Jujutsu Kaisen itself as a whole, particularly from the story-telling aspect — which is why despite not agreeing with that post you saw, I can kind of understand where they are coming from.
To be honest, when I read the manga, I feel like the story-telling is rather all over the place. You have all of these flashbacks featuring this and that character, but as the story progresses, not all of these characters get the spotlight you think they will get after all of those focus they're getting in the flashback. And you end up not understanding "so wtf were those for?"
Even Gojo's high school flashbacks come abruptly out of the blue. You press that "next chapter" button and suddenly the flashback started out of nowhere.
So you can imagine my feeling when actually reading the manga. I was like "...huh? that's it? the doujin I read was more intense than that."
(in which case, I'm super thankful to the anime staff for including more contents and crumbs about SatoSugu's relationship)
Speaking from personal experience, there have been many times when I fall in love with a character not because of what I see in canon, but because the many interpretations and contents in the fandom through fanart, fan comic, headcanon, analysis, and fics.
Like with Choso, for example. I like him a normal amount but after seeing so many cute and funny fanarts of him being a bro-con to Yuji, he becomes one of the characters I love the most now because of how precious he is in those fanarts and comics.
When you're reading or watching something by yourself, there may be things you miss, things that you only start to pay attention to after you saw other people talking about it. Likewise, there may be things that you realize but other people don't.
For example, the foreshadowing in the anime where they always put Gojo and Shoko in the light and Geto in the shadows, hinting at his eventual descent into the dark path and separating him from his friends.
I think my experience with Geto and SatoSugu is exactly like this.
I already saw fanarts and doujins about his tragic fate. I already saw both his happy and sad days up until the moment of his death. I came into the canon material with a certain level of understanding and expectations about the character, so when he did something in canon, I was like "yeah, no wonder he did that, because previously he went through this and that."
And because of that, I am willing to look deeper into him, to analyze details about him. Because he is already that dear to me from the beginning, I don't have it in me to turn and hate him for what he did.
But of course, we are all different from one another, including when it comes to interpreting a story.
Maybe the person who posted that only consumed canon material, and maybe Geto as a character is simply not to their liking, who knows? I'm not going to say their opinion is wrong because mine isn't guaranteed to be right either. When expressing out review/opinion about a story or character, we can never discard our personal preference and bias, no matter how objective we try to be, and that's okay.
Each to their own. ^^
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katyspersonal · 7 months
18 for Gehrman and 22 & 25 for Laurence!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
We only really have Laurence, Maria, Doll and Moon Presence because whereas Willem, Djura, Eileen and Ludwig are addressed there is so much to headcanon about them that it probably evades "in canon" category... :') I really love the depth and the sadness of both his bonds with Maria and Laurence, regardless of whether they're romantic or platonic. I am a little antsy that they've left some lines suggesting a much deeper bond with Laurence in cut content realm, but I am reusing everything I physically can, sooooo xD
There is also Paleblood Hunter which I love to think is sort of reincarnation of Laurence ( x ), but this one, again, either falls back into Laurence category or there isn't enough to develop during just one night.. 🤔 Final product suggests that Gehrman loves all hunters equally, including us, which is still sweet!
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Hahaha, tough luck, I only read fanfics from either 1) people that are unreachable and would never interact with the fandom or 2) people I trust deeply as friends! Reading fanfics became way too important emotional experience for me to mentally manage feeling rejected by the writer as a person. But in the AU where I am a normal person without such deep insecurities, I say everything regarding his story is good! Byrgenwerth era where he only starts picking interest in holy blood? Good. Early Healing Church? Good. His last days where he can't save himself anymore? Good. Whatever time of his life you take will be interesting, because HE is interesting! I definitely adore how Laurence is included in your fanfic, both his personality and his actions!
I do not know the state of Bloodborne fanfics well enough to judge, so I think my general turn-off applies; romantic/sexual fanfics that have such little character-specific or lore-specific context that if you detach the characters from the source material no one will notice! Good ship fanfic is the one that specifically applies to these characters, not just a random fantasy with their names attached! Easiest cheat with this problem is having characters reminiscise or address some prior events in canon, especially if they led to... uhhhh, the """interaction""", but really, there are various ways to bind them to the setting 🤔
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
YEEEEES YES GOOD QUESTION!!!! My first exposure to Bloodborne cast was getting recommended a compillation of boss themes with images attached on Youtube, so I just saw a BW image of his beast form without any context paired with his theme. For some reason I thought he was some wise, serious, dignified monster found (fought?) somewhere in library-like place, and that he could talk too!
I was yet to discover how feral this form of him really was, or that he even used to be a human to begin with! I thought this videogame just had monsters x) Now I am also aware how dirty his hands are, when I thought he was a morally grey character until [player] would disturb him for some reason. He is very complex and deep. Love him for that, but the guy is so heavy that memeing about him is easier dfshfhds But I was right on the money with 'dignified librarian dad' impression, after all! *spoon-feeds you my "Laurence is a son of Cainhurst librarian and quite a bookworm in general" speculation for 700th time*
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^^^ This is also the closest I can get to my first mental image of his human form after I've learned he had one and was a scholar in Byrgenwerth! You can see dark hair and buttchin were always there, but he used to have green eyes and less facial hair... Also his glasses were exclusively for reading. And he was tall and less "cute". I agree the "handsome" beta Laurence is a bit better than my final product <:3 He feels more... laurence-y xD If I am to ever create something 'serious' for Bloodborne, like maybe a large comics, I might roll back to this image more, but for now it is all little kitten Laurence for me.
Thank you for asking!
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
What do you think about Asclepius/Nico and malcolm/nico?
hmm. this is kinda hard to say.
With Malcolm, tbh I... don't have any special impression of him in canon LOL. A side character, yes he is. It doesn't change much in fanfic either, ngl. I guess it's because Malcolm is less likely to pop up in Nico-centric fanfics and I make a point of not reading Percabeth, on principle. It's different from Michael Yew or Lee Fletcher, who are Will's brothers and thus have more chances to appear.
With that being said, my image of Malcolm Pace is actually quite a remarkable thing. I tend to think of him as more mature than his age, hence a somewhat cold, stoic repertoire (i honestly don't know why...). And I can't tell if this is just me or something I once read, but I always think Malcolm would be compared a lot to Annabeth - his talented, heroic leader of a sister, which results in a bit of bitterness and a surpassing urge to prove himself.
Integrating him with Nico though, then I must be better than everyone might be a fascinating contrast/ parallel to Nico. Why, you ask? Because as far as my takes on Nico go, he is a selfless but also resentful little thing, who thinks he himself is nothing good so he tries to be good anyway. It might be a good mix with Malcolm's envy of a motto.
It wouldn't be too far off to picture a scenario in which Nico starts talking back to Malcolm for trying too hard to idk, govern everything? Athena's children's fatal flaw is hubris, yeah? Nico is a self-deprecating thing, with a poisonous mouth to boost. He is hard to intimidate and quick to burst. If Nico can sass Hades to battle, can you imagine how he'd throw Malcolm's hubris back to his face?
In another scenario, however, I would love to indulge in Malcolm's calmness and maturity. Idk I just think a calm and hard-to-shake one might be good for Nico? Since the little shit is too unstable already? Imma be honest: I always have a bias for those with good emotional regulation.
And frankly? It would absolutely be funny when people think Nico has a crush on Annabeth and then realizes it's her sister ajshdajksdhak.
As for Asclepius, I suppose my impression remains the same with Solangelo, I guess? Since, you know, it's kinda the same dynamic? Healer x Death Eater?
The most noticeable difference I'd say is that Asclepius is, well, dead LMAO. Which is a sign for fun when it comes to Nico in my books. Well he's the son of Hades. He has the right to get an immortal/ghost boyfriend. I believe nothing else.
What got my attention is that Asclepius is famous for bringing people back to death. Now, I headcanon Nico as a faithful believer in death and decay and the like, so I think it should be intriguing to picture them trying to understand each other and then growing closer as a result. As a nature-defying healer and the young lord of the dead, that is.
Because as much as I like Nico as Underworld's favorite child, I do think he values life, so he wouldn't... you know, fault Asclepius for it. Likewise, Asclepius doesn't seem to hate death as it is. A healer, more than anyone, understands its weight. They're both troubled by the other's actions however, and that right there spells good interactions too me. And I'm all for parallels and people from two worlds.
In the fortunate event that you're saying Asclepius as in a ghost (without the subsequent godhood), then I'm quite interested in picturing him as Nico's health assistant instead. In my Nico healing in the Underworld AU, yeah? It sounds kinda fitting to me. Now I'm invested LOL (and no, I don't care about dependence. Hell I'd make Nico depend on Asclepius if it has to come to it. I'm an unapologetic creator)
The meet-the-parent would probably funny tho bc well. Hades was the indirect reason for Asclepius' death. That alone right there is comedy material.
Just imagine Hades, who has been pleasantly under the impression that his son has gotten himself a nice one in their own House, has his eyes bugged out as Nico warily pulls Asclepius through the door. adjkhasdkjashk
Nico being like: "Don't you dare kill my boyfriend again, dad" pls I'M WHEEZING
And Apollo. Omg Apollo. The poor guy watched his son die, took revenge for it, suffered because of said revenge, and now has to sit at the same table with the one who contributed to that death as a father-in-law IM---ASHDSJKAHDK.
I don't think he would be against them together, per se, I just think there would be a lot of materials to work on.
This is everything I can think of atm I guess. I'm quite interested to know how come you're so invested in these two particular ships though. Bc I'm aware there's at least one Asclepius/Nico fic out there. 👀
There was something that caught your eye, perhaps? Would you be so kind to share? 👀👀👀
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breakingblorbos · 8 days
Heyyy! I read through your intro to your blog and I know that Gus isn’t one of the main characters you mentioned you were fixated on but I was wondering if you could do headcanons for him? Both sfw and nsfw if you’re comfortable :)) I also love the idea that Gus was gay if you could maybe use that to influence some of your headcanons THANK YOU VRO!
Hi!!! 👋🏼👋🏼 Omg yes I'd love to!! Thank you so so much for sending me a request!! 🖤☺️ I'm SO SORRY this took so long, life has been crazy busy for me lately. I LOVE Gus so much even tho he's not on my faves list! (I had to keep the list on my pinned post short because I love all the characters, so listing everyone would've just been silly hdhsns)
This ended up longer than I expected. I hope that's okay!! I'm a rambler and a yapper for my faves, what can I say. I was trying to not let this turn into character analysis but?? Hell, I dunno what I'm doing lmaooo forgive me. I had lots of fun writing it tho! Hope you enjoy it as well! Some of these headcanons are 100% projection on my part, but hey, that's just how it be sometimes. We out here coping through our comfort characters 😌✌🏼 also, happy pride!! 🌈
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👔Gus Fring Headcanons! 🐓
Disclaimer: This goes without saying, but these are just my personal opinions & headcanons on this character. I do not claim to own this character, nor any rights to the character or the source material.
CW: death, trauma, canon-typical violence, slight homophobia implied, NSFW content below the cut.
Gus is autistic! He is very high masking anytime he's around someone else, and he only feels comfortable unmasking when he's alone at home, where he can stim and self-regulate in private. Being high masking to that degree is exhausting, so he really enjoys/needs his alone time after business hours.
I don't know if he realizes or acknowledges that he is autistic; he probably never put too much thought into it. He's been too focused on just maintaining his business and surviving in the midst of the cartel.
Gus has intense germophobia, as well as a contamination phobia and hemophobia (fear of blood, specifically of blood getting on him). Before Max died, he didn't struggle with these issues, but the trauma of seeing the love of his life die horribly and unexpectedly in front of him developed into these phobias.
He repeatedly washes his hands throughout the day whenever they feel unclean, and showers every day. It's one of the ways he can stay in control in an otherwise out of control situation. It's how he can cope, because he never truly healed from Max's death.
Speaking of Max, they were more than just business partners! They were life partners in a romantic relationship. Max was one of the only people who Gus could be himself around and let down his guard.
Max was a big motivation and driving force for creating Los Pollos Hermanos, because Gus wanted to share his love for food to more than just his boyfriend. He wanted to share it with the world, with Max by his side. (This hurt my heart aah 😭)
I headcanon Gus as gay too! And he keeps his sexuality close to his chest. Very close. He's extremely cautious in ensuring that nobody– especially the Salamancas– knows that he's gay, unless he wants to be involved romantically with them.
I'd bet that the only people who knew were Max, Gale (they dated for a little bit before Gus called it off), Nacho (gaydar mostly. Nacho clocked him during that "find a way" scene in the car. You know the one), and mayyybe Mike. I feel like Hector was suspicious and kinda put the pieces together, and he was keeping it in the back of his mind as potential leverage/blackmail against Gus.
One of Gus' favorite ways to express his love and care for someone is to cook them a meal!
He loves everything about the process of cooking; the planning, the prep, cooking and assembling the dish, and finally (and most importantly), watching the person he made it for eat and enjoy it. It's mediative for him, and helps him calm down and focus when he needs a distraction.
After Max died, he lost a little bit of his passion for cooking, and cooking for anyone else never felt the same as it did for Max.
Gus' other hobbies at home would be anything that involved meticulous, detailed, and careful tasks/steps. I think he'd be into making model train sets or diorama scenes, or something akin to it. He's a perfectionist, through and through, and he feels very fulfilled seeing the finished product after he hyperfixates on a project.
Now onto the spicy headcanons! 🫡 I kept it gender neutral in pronouns, simply for the sake of differentiating between Gus and his partner. Less confusing to read that way, but all of his partners will be men. Some of these aren't inherently explicit, but they fit better under this category since they're about his love life/relationships. Also, a little bit of implied Gus x reader if you squint teehee
Gus insists on being the top & the dominant during sex. This, again, goes back to his need for control of a situation and holding power over his lover. He will not bottom under any circumstance.
Max was the one person he was comfortable bottoming for, or letting Max be the dom. They would switch roles often enough so that they were equally both top and bottom. Anyone else is simply too unpredictable, in his eyes.
I would consider him mostly a soft dom, although he can get pretty nasty at times. He definitely has a degradation kink– degrading others, not receiving the degradation. And brat taming.
Speaking of kinks, I think Gus would be into bondage and rope play. He very much enjoys tying his partner up and teasing them relentlessly until they're begging and whining Gus to let them cum.
He doesn't typically have a very big sex drive, but with the right person, he goes absolutely wild with them every chance he gets. (It also helps him get out his frustrations and stress from work.)
He isn't necessarily a sadist (well... maybe a little bit 🤭), he just loves hearing his partner being so loud and needy and desperate for him. He eats that shit up!!
Gus practically never talks in Spanish outside of dealing with Salamancas. However, if he's built a deep connection with his lover (this is rare), he'll call them pet names and say sweet (or nasty) things to them while fucking them, depending on the vibe at the time. Amor, cariño, conejito, cochino, and putito are some of his favorites.
Gus is great at tending to his partner's needs; he listens and pays attention to what his partner is into and what turns them on the most.
Especially if they're trying to tease him in public or at the restaurant. He gets a little frustrated and annoyed that they're not "behaving professionally in a work setting", but that won't stop him from locking his office door and bending them over his desk for a fitting punishment.
"Fine. If you are unable to control yourself and behave properly while you are in my restaurant, then I have no choice but to control you myself. Do not let anyone hear you, understand?" He would growl in their ear as he starts to undo his belt.
He also gives amazing aftercare, but once the morning comes, he quietly puts his clothes back on and slips out the door. If he even stays the night at all.
Gus has a hard time allowing anyone to get close to him like Max did, so he only keeps things casual with his intimate partners. They're hookups and that's about it. He doesn't wanna catch feelings for anyone else, for his safety and theirs. He cut off his relationship with Gale because of his developing feelings.
If he ever did allow a relationship to go into the more serious territory, he would give his partner the same care, dedication, and loyalty that he shows in his work.
He would be the kind of boyfriend that makes sure his partner never wants for anything, as long as that same loyalty and dedication was reciprocated. He expects nothing less.
Gus takes a very long time to establish trust with someone, but once they have that trust, it's for life. He would protect them with every ounce of his strength and resource he has available to him.
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Thank you so so much again, anon, for your request!! ❤️ If anyone else would like to submit a writing request, please read my pinned post first! Then you can submit your requests here!
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