#everything about this man exudes rich & powerful
nateezfics · 1 year
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he looks so expensive; like he could buy my entire existence if he wanted.
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
Hii could I maybe request the lads boys and sugar daddies 🤭🤭
It's okay if you don't tho I understand it's not something everyone is comfortable with :)
im understanding this as lads AS sugar daddies but also im like. thinking about it and these are gonna be kinda short bc i just dont see anybody really being a sugar daddy so these are. very general. fun fact - xaviers is based off a fic premise i never wrote
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Zayne definitely has the capital to be a sugar daddy and he's heard amongst the other doctors that there are some others who have arrangements. He judges them at first, thinking that it's not something he'd really think he's comfortable dealing with. He learns that things don't have to be purely sexual a night or two of him feeling extraordinarily lonely he decides maybe he could just see if he could find someone to spend time with.
Against his better judgement he meets you, someone who invigorates him mentally and enjoys spending his time with you. Your allowance is incredibly generous and you were expecting him to escalate with each nice dinner he takes you to but he's never made a move on you. He's a perfect gentleman and he makes sure you understand that all he wants from you is your time, however much it costs.
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The only way Xavier could end up in this situation is by pure accident. He downloads an app, thinking it was just a way to make friends online. He assumes that payments are for some sort of membership, swiping around until he finds your profile and decides to start chatting with you.
The two of you have a lot in common and when you two meet up for the first time you're glad that he looks a lot younger than you anticipated with the blurry profile photo and slightly outdated shorthand in texting. He sort of slips into the role in a similar manner, paying for your dinners and buying you things that remind him of you.
You don't really think he knows what he's become, especially since you don't receive a traditional allowance of money. You don't mind at all thankfully, fully accepting all of his gifts and meals in exchange for his companionship. Honestly, you don't look at him as a sugar daddy because of how casual everything is, cherishing his friendship as you get to know him.
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Rafayel totally does it as a whim. He decides to download an app for fun, not really into dating period. He doesn't like the way that people fawn over him, or try to pretend that they don't care he's rich despite insisting meeting at fancy restaurants and looking at him expectantly to foot the bill.
You agree to a date with Rafayel because not only is he famous, he's stupid pretty. You decide that spending time with him would definitely not be an awful thing to do. Your first date is formal and you try to wow him with knowledge of his paintings. He doesn't seem very interested but the two of you seem to get along, thankfully.
Over time the two of you become more friendly, Rafayel letting his walls down more as the two of you become more honest with each other. He's very kind with his money and you're paid very generously. He finally has a sort of friend outside of Thomas and genuinely likes bugging you, you not minding the extra attention he gives you in addition to the money you're paid.
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Sylus is constantly fighting off people trying to flirt with him to enter some sort of arrangement. He exudes both wealth and power so of course people are going to be obsessed with him. He usually brushes them all off, not caring, honestly.
He happens to come across you during an evening of drinking. You're trying to flirt with him, not knowing anything about him other than you think he's a very attractive man. He knows that you don't know him with how forward you are, touching and batting your lashes at him flirtatiously.
He ends up deciding to buy you some drinks and the two of you talk well into the night. He gives you his number to talk to him again, telling you that he'd make sure it was worth your time. When you get home that night you find a package addressed to you. A beautiful set of clothes and jewels that fit you perfectly along with an invitation for an event in the week.
This becomes standard for the two of you and you love it. Being on his arm prevents Sylus from getting accosted from people that are desperate for his attention and you're constantly spoiled by his money. You both benefit, growing closer with each other over time.
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lupinmoonlight · 7 months
Hi! Could you write an alpha prof!remus x omega reader in heat. He gets her to his office after lessons to offer help and she agrees to spend the night( breeding kink)
Masterlist AO3
Alpha, please.
Summary - You are an omega about to experience her first heat. Professor Lupin offers to help and you end up getting railed in the Shrieking Shack (3,416 words).
Warnings - teacher/student relationship, omega verse, alpha!remus, omega!reader, breeding kink, unprotected sex, dubious consent because reader not very in control, age gap, my grammar (english is not my first language), not proof read.
Notes - Throwing this here and RUNNING AWAY. I am SO sorry for the delay, I was hit by a bus (jk lol i'm just burnt out). On a serious note, this was my first time ever writing something in the Omegaverse. Sorry if it sucks :( Thank you to everyone for your patience. I will eventually get to your request!
He noticed your scent before noticing you- a wave of pure, unadulterated omega scent that struck him like a physical blow, a visceral assault on his senses. The classroom, usually a blend of various scents, was now entirely dominated by this scent. Your scent, one of an omega on the cusp of her first heat yet blissfully unaware of it but one that Remus, an alpha, sensed with every fibre of his being. It was rich, sweet, intoxicating, awakening a primal need he had learned to control years ago. An almost uncontrollable need to own, to mark, to protect, to make his. 
As an alpha, the presence of an unclaimed omega, especially one as evidently oblivious to their own nature as you, was concerning. Why were you there without suppressants? How could you not know what was about to happen to you? It was dangerous. Both for you and for any other alpha around, yet there you were, looking as calm and serene as if it were just another day. 
You took a seat at the front of the class, your eyes glued to him. He was tall, commanding, exuding the authority and confidence of an alpha and you hated to admit how much it drew you in. Deep down, you were not interested in following the traditional roles of your status. You didn't want to submit to anyone. The thought alone filled you with dread...except right now. 
The class began and Remus found himself incapable of focusing on his carefully prepared lecture, distracted by the powerful need for something he didn't even allow himself to entertain. It was like all his senses were heightened. He could hear everything, feel everything. Too much. 
The lecture drew to a close, and you began to slowly pack up your belongings, your mind unconsciously reluctant to part from your professor. He made you feel so- 
"Y/N, may I have a word with you before you leave?" Remus asked. His voice was calm but it held an underlying urgency that he hoped you wouldn't notice. 
You looked up to him, your eyes wide and innocent, and in that moment, it felt like you would've done anything this man asked you. What was wrong with you? 
"Yes, Professor Lupin?"
He cleared his throat, attempting to appear casual. 
"Y/N, I... uh, I need to discuss something somewhat personal with you, and I apologize for the discomfort," he began. 
Your brows knitted in confusion, your posture tense. "Something personal, Professor?" 
He paused, gathering his thoughts, carefully selecting his next words. "I've noticed...that is, I've sensed...that you might be approaching a significant time that's inherent to your nature as an omega." 
Your expression shifted from confusion to embarrassment, unsure where he was going with this. "I- I'm not sure to understand, Professor... what do you mean?" 
Remus hesitated, his instincts as an alpha to protect and take charge clashing with his respect for you and your autonomy. "It seems that uh... you're about to experience your first heat, Y/N. It's a critical time for an omega, and it can be very dangerous if you're not prepared or aware." 
Your eyes widened, your embarrassment escalating into fear. "My first heat? But... I- I didn't know... I thought I had more time before... before that happened," you admitted shyly. 
Remus nodded, trying to appear comforting despite the turmoil raging within him. "It's unpredictable at times, especially the first one," he assured you. "It's imperative that you have a safe place and proper care during this period, especially considering that... well I assume, considering you haven't been on any suppressants." 
You looked away, uncomfortable. "No... no I haven't."
"That's okay. That's why I'm offering to help. I can provide a safe place for you, ensure that you have what you need to get through this safely. It's not ideal... but I cannot, in good conscience, let you face this alone." 
You suddenly wanted this very much, despite your habit of fighting your inner nature at every turn- no. You were not going to be a weak, vulnerable omega who needed an alpha to protect her. You could manage. You would manage. This was no big deal. 
"I can handle it myself, Professor," you said, trying to sound confident but failing pretty miserably. 
"I understand, but I assure you, my intentions are solely to offer protection and support. I wouldn't suggest this if there weren't a genuine need." 
At that moment, you weren't sure if he was just very good at being persuasive, or if your pathetic omega nature begged you to bend to his "protection". 
"Are you sure?" the question coming out more as a challenge. 
"Yes, I am. It's my responsibility as your professor and as an alpha to ensure you're safe," he affirmed. 
"O-okay, fine." 
"Just come to my quarters at the end of the day. I'll have everything prepared for you. We'll make sure you're as comfortable and safe as possible," he instructed and this time, his tone was firm, leaving no room for you to argue back. 
You simply nodded and made your way out of the classroom. The conversation had left you disoriented. Your lifelong determination to maintain independence and resist alpha authority was now clashing with an inexplicable trust in your professor. 
You had never expected your first heat to come so suddenly. You thought there would be signs to prepare you, like most other omegas. But no. It was just there. And what was more embarrassing was that it wasn't you who found out first. It was an alpha. And your professor, at that. 
You seriously considered not going to his quarters that night. Not because you were scared or didn't trust him, but just for the shame you felt. That shame, however, was quickly overshadowed by fear. You knew what could happen to unclaimed omegas who were in heat and who didn't take suppressants. Not all alphas were as kind as Remus. Some of them were vile predators ready to pounce on the first vulnerable omega they smelled. Somehow, you knew- rather inherently felt, that Remus wasn't like that. 
Swallowing your pride, you made your way to Professor Lupin's quarters, your stomach an absolute mess from the strange blend of anxiety and odd sense of security. 
Remus was already out by the door, a small bag in hand, a gentle smile, albeit somewhat anxious, expression gracing his face. 
"Thank you for coming, Y/N. I know this must be overwhelming," he said, trying to keep his voice soft and reassuring. 
You nodded, not sure you could trust your voice in that moment. 
He offered a small smile, then gestured for you to follow. "We're not staying here. I have a safer place in mind." 
You obeyed silently, following him through the corridors and then outside, the only sound being the small vials of potion clinking in the bag and the soft thumping of your feet on the wet grass. 
You had no idea where he was taking you, but it didn't matter. In that moment, you were quite literally trusting him with your life, and you hated that. 
Stopping before the Whomping Willow, Remus motioned for you to wait at a safe distance, and you watched in awe as he expertly pacified the violent tree, revealing a hidden entrance to an underground passage. 
Without questioning him, you proceeded in silence, making your way through some damp, sketchy tunnels. This was definitely not how you had expected to have your first heat and your need to be with him was growing stronger and stronger. In normal circumstances, you should have been scared, terrified even, following a grown alpha to Merlin-knows-where, but you actually were starting to feel desperate, aching for something you couldn't explain. 
You finally emerged into an old, creaking building, full of dust and looking like it was about to fall apart. Despite this, fresh blankets were laid out on the bed, candles provided a soft light, making it look somewhat comfortable. 
Remus carefully set down the bag of potions and turned to you, looking a bit sheepish. 
"It's not much, I know. But this place has been a refuge of sorts during my time here as a student... it's secluded, away from prying eyes and other... influences," he explained, deliberately vague about the deeper reasons. 
You looked around, taking in your surroundings. He was right, this wasn't much, but it was safe. "Thank you, Professor Lupin." 
"Please, call me Remus here," he insisted gently. "I'll let you settle down. I'll be just next door. If you need anything, just call for me."  
"Thank you, Remus." 
In the adjacent room. Remus sat rigidly, every muscle tensed, focusing on every breath, attempting to anchor himself to his resolve. He was battling his own nature, his instincts, usually so well-contained, were now threatening to overwhelm him, fuelled by your potent scent. It had been years since he'd felt such a primal pull, and he had never acted on it. So he sat, focusing on deep, steadying breaths. it was all he could do to maintain control. 
Meanwhile, you were beginning to experience the torturing onset of your heat. It was a violent assault of unfamiliar sensations, confusing, intense, leaving you feeling profoundly alone yet achingly in need of something- something, specifically Remus. The room felt too large, too empty, yet suffocating. 
Unable to bear the isolation and the escalating ache, you called out, your voice echoing a desperation you barely understood. "R-Remus... Remus, please... I don't know what's happening to me." 
Remus hesitated at the door, his hand clenched around the frame. "Y/N, I'm here. Tell me what you need," he encouraged.  
"I need... I need... I feel like i'm losing my mind. I need... I don't know," you stammered, your confusion and need radiating from you in a way that tugged relentlessly at Remus' instincts. 
He stepped just inside the room, his expression a mix of concern and fear- for you, for himself, for the line he was terrified of crossing. "I know, I know. I understand. It's your heat... and it's strong. But I brought something that might help," he said, retrieving a vial from the small bag he had brought. "Drink this; it should ease the symptoms." 
You took the vial with trembling hands and drank the potion, your eyes never leaving his as he sat cautiously at the edge of the bed. 
"Why is this happening to me like this? Shouldn't the potion work immediately?" you asked, panic evident in your tone. 
"It should, but... your heat seems to be very strong. Let's just wait for a moment. I'm here." 
"Remus... it's not working. Please, I need..." 
"I know what you need, Y/N. But I can't give it to you. We have to wait it out. It's going to be alright." 
This wasn't going to do. Being far from him was painful. Being close to him without getting what you needed what torture. You needed him in a way you had never needed anything else before. You needed him to consume you, to take you, to mark you, to breed you. 
"Alpha, please," you whispered without even meaning to. The moment the words left your lips, Remus froze, his heart racing as every fibre of his being, of his soul, responded to that word. It was spoken with such raw need that it resonated with the very essence of his being. His resolve shattered, not out of defeat, but out of an overwhelming need to fulfill his role as an alpha. 
Before you could react, you were flipped onto your stomach, the sound of a low growl reaching your ears. You were not even in control of your body anymore. Your instincts were controlling you, and you desperately raised your hips, presenting yourself to him in the most intimate way. 
The sight made Remus' blood travel south immediately. Already hard, he yanked down your trousers before unbuckling his own. You raised your hips higher, whining pathetically, desperate for him to take you. As he looked down at you, his cock throbbed with need and he knew then, there was no going back. 
"Please, alpha," you begged again, your voice trembling. "I need... I need you." 
"Fuck..." he growled, reaching down to position himself at your slick entrance. "I'm sorry," he started, his voice trembling, "this is the only way I know to help you." 
You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the pain and pleasure that would soon consume you. "Please," you whimpered, "I need this." 
With a grunt, Remus pushed himself into you, your bodies connecting in a way that was both deeply intimate and primal. You gasped at the intrusion, your body trembling as you felt him filling you. 
He felt you tighten and tense as you tried to accommodate his size, your body reacting instinctively. "Relax," he instructed, his voice a low rumble. "You need to relax. Let me take care of you." 
His words, the authority in his tone, something deep within you responded. You forced yourself to relax, even as you felt his girth stretch you. He hissed in pleasure as he felt you accommodate him, your tightness almost too much. 
"That's it, good girl," he rasped out, one hand coming to rest on your lower back to steady you. His hips snapped forward, burying himself fully within you. 
You moaned, your entire being blissfully consumed by the feeling of fullness. 
"Are you alright?" he asked, staying very still within you. 
You could only nod before another desperate plea escaped you. "Yes, alpha... please, more."
At that, he allowed his instincts to fully take over. His hands gripped your hips painfully, and he began to move, his thrusts deep and powerful. A part of him was urging him to be gentle, but the other part, the alpha, was screaming at him to take what was his, to claim, to mate, and it was too strong to resist. He needed to feel you beneath him, to lose himself in the pleasure of your connection. 
You clung to the sheets, your nails digging into the fabric as Remus continued to rut into you. Your body rocked with every thrust, and soon enough, the pain began to fade, replaced by a blissful warmth that spread through your body. He knew he was taking a risk. A huge risk. But he couldn't help himself. He needed you, and you needed him. 
"Fuck, Y/N," he grunted as he continued his relentless pace. He leaned over you, his chest against your back, your bodies moulding together as though they were made for each other. "You feel so good," he growled low in your ear, his voice deep, rasping, reflecting his unending hunger. 
Each of his movement was sharp, controlled yet desperate, a constant rhythm of push and pull and he delved deeper into you, the pulsing throb of him only heightening your pleasure. 
"Alpha... alpha, please... I- I'm going to-" you tried to say but your orgasm tore through you with such force that you lost your voice. Remus didn't slow down. If anything, feeling you clench around him only fuelled his punishing pace. 
"I'm going to knot you," he announced. "I'm going to fill you up. Mark you as mine," he continued breathlessly. "I want everyone to know you're mine, to see you swollen with my seed, to see you bear my mark." 
You whined, barely able to hold yourself up from under his weight, but you managed to keep your hips elevated, desperate to be filled, to be marked, to be owned. 
His movements became jerky, sporadic as the wave of his release began to crest, each thrust of his hips pushing you further down into the mattress. "Take it," he rasped, "take my knot," his voice a harsh whisper against the shell of your ear before his teeth latched onto the soft skin of your neck, imprinting his mark on you. 
You moaned at the mix of pain and pleasure as his hand traveled down your arm, tangling your fingers together and with a final, deep thrust, he surrendered to the pleasure, his body shuddering as he came inside you. His hips flush against yours, his body draped protectively over yours as he poured himself into you with abandon. Finally he stilled, grunting as he felt the knot at the base of his cock start to swell. 
The sensation was foreign, somewhat painful, and you tensed, almost instinctively trying to move away. 
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," he tried to soothe, still panting from his intense climax. "Stay still for me. It'll subside soon, I promise." 
He remained on top of you for a while, the knot locking you together, securing a powerful and intimate bond between you. His fingers stroked your skin gently, before he carefully maneuvered you to your side, spooning you protectively as his knot was still deeply lodged within you. 
"I know, it's okay. I'm just making you more comfortable. I've got you," he soothed as you whimpered from the movements. 
You stayed like that, your bodies intimately connected, until the knot subsided enough for Remus to pull out. You whined at the sudden loss and the wet warmth spreading between your thigh. 
As he felt you relax into him, Remus gently kissed your temple before carefully disentangling himself from you. With a flick of his wand, the wet feeling between your legs disappeared and a blanket was draped over you. 
Turning to the potions bag, Remus retrieved a vial, his hands slightly trembling as he grasped the small bottle. 
"Y/N, can you sit up for me?" he asked gently, offering his hand to support you. 
With his help, you managed to move into a sitting position, your movements languid, utterly exhausted from what had just transpired. Remus handed you the potion, noticing your confused expression. 
"This is uh... it's just a precaution... to prevent any unwanted consequences," he explained, uncomfortable from the intimate implications of his words. 
Your cheeks flushed with a hint of color as you took the vial, your fingers brushing against his in the exchange. 
"Oh, I... thank you." 
"I know this looks like... perhaps I had planned for this to happen. But I promise, it is not the case. I simply keep this sort of supply for any students who may be in need." 
"I trust you, Remus. And this was bound to happen, one way or another... and I'm glad it was with you." 
"Well, I... erm. It's important to stay hydrated, especially after this. Here," he said, trying to change the subject. 
You laughed softly, accepting the water from him. He had this way of knowing exactly what you needed before you even knew yourself. You were actually thirsty, and the cool liquid helped soothe your parched throat. 
As you sipped your water, a sudden sharp pain caused you to reach for your neck, your fingers brushing against a fresh, deep red mark. You looked at Remus with questioning eyes, seeking an explanation. 
Remus, visibly uncomfortable and with a hint of regret in his eyes, cleared his throat before speaking. "That's... that's a mark. My mark," he began, struggling to maintain eye contact. 
"In the heat of the moment, it's something an alpha can leave on an omega. It's a claim, a deep, instinctual reaction that seals a powerful bond. I didn't mean to- I should have controlled myself better." 
Your fingers lingered on the mark, your initial shock giving way to a different emotion, one of a surprising acceptance and even a hint of joy. "Does this mean... are we mates now?" 
Remus nodded. "Yes, it does. And I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't intend for this to happen this way. You're a student. I should have been more careful, more in control. But please know, I will take responsibility. I will take care of you, support you, and I promise, I won't be overbearing. I'll-" 
"Remus, stop," you interjected, amused by his words tumbling our in a flustered rush. A smile crept onto your lips, a sense of deep contentment washing over you. 
"I'm not upset. In fact, I'm...happy," you confessed. 
Remus looked up, surprised. "You are?" 
"Yes, I am. To be marked by you, to be your mate... it feels right, despite everything. I don't see myself with any of those young inexperienced alphas..." 
"Young inexperienced alphas," he echoed. "Are you calling me old, miss?"
"Yes, maybe I am..." 
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milkteabinniechan · 1 month
♡Knockout Love - Changbin
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pairing: boxer! Changbin x fem! reader
summary: In a bustling city, a talented fighter is climbing the ranks of the professional boxing world. During a crucial match, Changbin locks eyes witn you in the audience. Distracted, he takes a hard hit to the face...
warnings: just fluff, kissing, physical fighting (punching, kicking), gambling
a/n: this one was a little more personal and I just thought binnie fit the role so perfectly! Happy birthday Binnie baby!
Adrenaline is defined as a substance that is released in the body of a person who is feeling a strong emotion, causing the heart to beat faster and give the person more energy. Changbin was close to the finish line. Years of running in a straight line had led him to this exact point. He could see it just ahead.
The arena buzzed with excitement, the crowd’s roar echoing off the walls as the two fighters entered the ring under the bright, unforgiving lights. In one corner stood Changbin, his muscles taut and eyes focused. Across from him stood his opponent, a well-known fighter who bounced lightly on his feet, exuding confidence and agility. Changbin watched as he flitted back and forth, arms already raised and ready. Something about this fight felt different, some kind of electricity buzzed in the air around them.
As the first bell rang, his opponent charged forward, throwing a series of quick jabs. Changbin deftly dodged and countered with a powerful uppercut, landing it squarely on the other fighter’s chin. Changbin’s opponent faltered for a moment but quickly recovered. The fighter danced around the ring, his footwork impeccable. While Changbin relied on brute strength, delivering punishing blows whenever he saw an opening. He could hear his coach shouting at him from the corner of the ring.
Come on! Hit him! Don’t back down!
Everything had been leading to this. All of his training, all of his tireless, bleeding, aching, miserable moments had led him to this. Changbin had never known anything in life that he wanted more than to win. Until he saw you.
You were on a terrible date. Not just terrible. But a boring, incompatible, mentally exhausting date. The man escorting you around town was exactly your type. He was tall, handsome, successful and arrogant. But as the two of you walked downtown, you couldn’t help but wonder why you were so miserable. He was everything you had always looked for in a man. He even smelled rich, so what was the problem?
He continued to talk on his phone as he led you down the street. He was presumably on a business call with some other rich assholes that were most likely just as arrogant. Mr. Wall Street. He led you to a rundown building that looked like it should be condemned. You furrowed your brow at the sight while your date gave you a cocky smile and a simple: trust me. You followed Mr. Wall Street down a flight of stairs that opened up to a large, abandoned warehouse. Inside was one single boxing ring surrounded by hundreds of screaming men. Some men yelled obscenities while some had fists full of cash they were swinging around wildly.
“Why did you bring me here?” You asked with a sneer.
Mr. Wall Street looked you up and down and rolled his eyes. “Come on baby,” his arm already snaking around your waist, “it will be fun. Besides, I always make great money on this guy.”
His finger pointed to a stocky, but chiseled boxer at one end of the ring. Your eyes drank in his entire form, his arms glistening from the bright lights, his forehead dripping with sweat. While his body looked very strong and almost intimidating, his face looked soft and kind. You continued to stare at the boxer as you and Mr. Wall Street took your seats beside the ring. You listened to the MC announce his name as Seo Changbin.
The fight had begun with the first bell ring. You watched the way Changbin moved and landed blows with an almost water-like fluidity. The crowd erupted with every successful hit, a sea of cheering, gasping, and shouting, their energy feeding the intensity of the match. Your heart picked up speed as your eyes followed Changbin’s movements. You had never been to a boxing match before, never even watched one on the television. However, you found yourself captivated with his ebb and flow.
“Didn’t I tell you this guy was great?” Mr. Wall Street slugged his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him.
Your body reacted immediately, tensing up and already trying to pull away. But instead you nodded your head, fixing your eyes back on the match.
In the final round, both fighters were exhausted. The score was tied and everyone waited with bated breath as the bell echoed through the room. Determination etched on his face, Changbin fought through the main that was coursing through his muscles. The first rule they teach you, before anything else, is to keep your eyes on your opponent. Never break eye contact, even for a second. Because that second could change everything.
Changbin’s fists were like pistons, relentless and powerful. His opponent's moves, however, were calculated. Each punch landed with a resounding thud, sending ripples of pain through their bodies. Sweat flew off their brows with every impact, muscles straining under the pressure. Pressure was all Changbin had been feeling for months. He dodged another hit, this time barely missing his chin. As he turned his head swiftly to the left, his eyes locked with yours. You were luminous. The harsh lights of the arena seemed to give you an angelic glow that singled you out from the rest of the crowd. He had never seen anything so beauti-
Never break eye contact, not even for a second.
Changbin’s opponent saw his opening and pounced with hestistation, landing a devastating hook that sent Changbin to the mat. The crowd exploded in a mixture of cheers and anger. Some men even tried to rush the ring, seeing their money, their bets, fall flat onto the floor of the mat. Changbin laid unconscious for a moment, his coach at his side, shaking and slapping his face. The referee soon entered the ring and lifted the arm of the other fighter. The audience was en emotion mix of joy and sadness, including Mr. Wall Street.
You stood from your seat and tried to see Changbin from the waves of angry men that were now surrounding him. As you attempted to get closer, your date grabbed your hand and pulled you aside and down a hallway.
“What-What are we doing?” You stammered as your date continued to pull you behind him.
“That asshole owes me money! I can’t believe he lost…” Mr. Wall Street was fuming, his grip on your hand growing stronger.
The two of you finally stopped outside of a plain, white door. His fists pounded on the door and demanded to see the fighter, Changbin. Changbin opened the door slowly, holding a small ice pack on his cheek.
“Yeah?” He spoke with a soft exhaustion.
Mr. Wall Street stood fuming. The air was thick with anticipation as the two men faced each other. Changbin hadn’t noticed you standing there, his head still cloudy from the fight. Your date stepped closer and demanded money. He told Changbin that he is not a man who likes to lose. He told him that he was getting that money one way or another. Changbin scoffed and rolled his eyes. This was not the first time an entitled asshole came crying to him when they lost a bet. You slowly stepped in front of your date and apologized.
“Sorry about this, about the fight.” You said in a tender voice. You weren’t really sure what to say, but you felt you had to say something. Changbin’s eyes softened as he recognized your face again. His body instinctively moved towards yours as you spoke. His eyes watched you closely, almost hypnotized by the sound of your voice.
Mr. Wall Street huffed and swiftly grabbed your arm, pulling you back behind him. You let out a sharp gasp as you stumbled backwards. Changbin felt lightning shooting through his fingertips at the sight of you falling back. He didn’t think about his next move, he didn’t have to. His fists clenched as his jaw tightened. With a swift motion, Changbin swung his fist, landing a solid punch on Mr. Wall Street’s jaw. A sharp crack echoed, and he staggered back, pain flashing across his face. He looked at You then back and Changbin before finally shouting “fuck this!”
He was gone in a flash down the hallway while the two of you stood across from each other in complete silence. Changbin shook off his hand, his knuckles tingling slightly from the impact. He looked at you again, “Are you alright?” His voice was a little gruff and irritated.
You didn’t think about your next move, you didn't have to. Your heart raced as you crashed your lips into his. His lips were soft and warm against yours. You felt the gentle pressure as he pulled you closer, his hand resting lightly on your back. A rush of warmth spread through you, a mix of excitement and tenderness. The entire arena seemed to fade away and all you could think about was how right this moment felt. Changbin held you close against him, his arms surrounding you completely. He was so delicate with you, so tender. Changbin moaned softly into the kiss as you leaned further into him. He had never been so happy to lose a fight.
taglist: @simply-trash5 @sugawhaaa @trixiekaulitz @chrizzztopherbang @cassidymb121 @roanns-posts @staysinbloom @yaorzu-blog @bubblebisk @cotton-candycloudz @beautyinhypnosis @domicaru @strawberry31 @slxtmeri @newhope8 @tinyelfperson @dandelions-143 @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @msauthor @fun-fanfics @ell0thebell @stephanieeeyang @juskz @kimahreummm @readr1221 @kayleefriedchicken @ovulatingrn @hwnglixho @darthmaddie25 @queen-in-the-shadows @itgirlalisaa @miinhoo @greyaia @chanchansgirly @skzleeknowcore @skz-smut-reader @thatisrankharry
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antidesire · 1 year
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2:32 antidesire
bodyguard!leon x afab socialite!reader
disclaimer.. 18+ only. knifeplay, blood, licking.. blood mentions/paranoia of drugging but i promise no drugging happens. brat reader, p in v, creampie, dirty talk, fucking against a wall? in an alley? don’t pay too close attention to the lore i try and establish please hhh it’s so jumbled + i wrote this when it was super late and i haven’t double checked everything.. heh. cr to original owners of the pictures. reblogging, interacting and sending feedback is always much appreciated !! ♡
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you had been to hell and back, seen the strongest of men turn into frail cowering children, knees buckled by utter fear as the flesh was torn from their bones by the rotting dead that kept walking.
raccoon city should've been your end of the line, dying alongside your prestigious family. onlookers of the media at the time treated it as a miracle but you saw it as it was, cruel, how do they expect one person to keep up appearances and high morals being the last standing of your perished family line? it was so tiring..
one man you had met those faithful 6 years ago had saved your life, leon s kennedy, just a rookie cop at the time- not only once had he saved your life but then a further time, putting his own life on the line with an agreement to become an agent and vouch that you and himself would stay silent about raccoon city upon taking this deal and if all else fails, he would be executed with you.
things had gone well for a good chunk of time, give or take about 4 years but word had gotten back to some more important people that you were quite the partygoer and quite the gossip when intoxicated, not a swell combination for your dangerous predicament and prying ears.
thus much to your surprise you had been assigned a bodyguard, one to help keep your mouth shut for the sake of the government and for the sake of your own safety, unbeknownst of the length powerful people would go to for even a slither of knowledge on what you saw that hellish night.
to leon kennedy, this was one of his easier jobs, babysitting some rich bigwig? pft, he'd take that any day over undead corpses or diseased cultists.
when he was informed it was you he felt all the waves of emotions hit him in the face, that night whirling through his head like a fresh wound, seeping behind his eyes to remind him of the horrors he'd seen.
suddenly it was all the more serious now, this was your life and his own on the line.
at first, you had been ecstatic to reunite with leon once again, barely recognizing him when you first opened the door, what was once his youthful puppy-dog-like features had become much less soft, his brows had furrowed, jaw much sharper and his eyes looked much more sunken, what you remembered him as, a once fresh-faced young man, cute and hopeful as ever he had become much more hardened, though he had seemed to lose that glow, it was unmistakenly leon, long eyelashes, plump lips and that faint dimple indented into his chin. leon now exuded confidence to the point of cockiness. he was handsome, oh so very handsome and his physique was so firm, you had to many a time drag your attention away from his arms, you never knew you had such a thing for bulky arms until leon was around.
with leon around you weren't afraid to admit you were having the time of your life pushing the limits.
life for you had been a whirlwind, to the public (though things had much cooled off) that knew of your family business and prestige, they had been told lies, that you weren't even in the city with your family that disastrous night which is how you survived.
your days were the same, with countless 0's in your bank account and fake friends to encourage you, you spent most of your nights under those same electronic lights, the bass of the music booming in your chest and burning alcohol slipping down your throat.
maybe you had been a little oversharing with some locals, you didn't recall, far too heavy on the bottle of champagne some man would attempt to win you over with.
tonight was no different, other than the bar you were visiting- leon had convinced you that if you wanted to be drinking it could not be so locally anymore- and this time leon kennedy was in tow, your handsome chaperon, or more accurately, your muzzle from here on out.
“shall we make this fun?” you proposed to the man, “make up a story, maybe you’re my long lost lover? my secret affair? or do you want me to pretend i hate your guts, are you into that?” you giggled, amused at your own antics, seemingly only making leon chuff out a chuckle, arms folded over his chest with a solemn expression.
“mmh, what sucked the fun out of little leon, huh?” you jabbed your finger against his chest.
leon’s head titled at that, eyebrow raised and an expression that insinuated you knew exactly what happened after that night and why he consequently carried himself as such, so professional, or dull, that's what you'd call it.
with the sickly sweet aroma of your perfume in the air and the glistening twinkles of your outfit invading every ounce of his senses, the two of you walked one by one into the bar, quite the opulent one, hefty diamanté chandeliers alongside mirrors upon mirrors framed with the most delicate gold casings.
"y'know you're getting paid to live lavish right now, leon?" you cooed out, heels of your shoes tapping against the marble flooring, hearing his boots following behind.
"it's an easier job as an agent but i'm not being paid to indulge like you do." he corrected you, voice hushed with the assumption and guard that prying ears could never be far.
"am i boring you already, handsome?" you twirled around, the agent halting in his tracks, craning his head down to meet your gaze, eyes as big as cherry pies, tempting and permissive.
"i was hoping we could celebrate this reunion, despite circumstances." your hands reached up, flattening down the collars of his crisp grey dress shirt, the black blazer on top fit so snug on him, arms as though they were bulging or maybe your brain was just getting ahead of itself.
"with your mouth we're dead men walking, what's there to celebrate?" he referenced why he was called out here for you, breath hot, fresh from that pack of gum he stuffed in the back of his pocket.
"then even more so, that's what i say." you patted your palms to his shoulders, feeling the plush material of the suit jacket, turning on your heel, and pushing past the lush double door entrance past the hallway and into the bar.
the live music was in full swing and the tabletop of the bar was well occupied, having to push your way past, your hand coming up to gesture over the bartender, "give me your most expensive, delicious cocktail.." you whipped your head around, eyes clearly looking leon up and down, "you look like a whiskey guy," you thought aloud, turning back, "and a whiskey."
leon didn't even attempt to stop you, it was futile and he knew you were just doing it for the fun of it, "so ya gonna sit there and stare down at me all night like a creep?" you sat on one of the chairs at the bar, you leaned in to whisper- though ultimately just as loud, "you're not being very agent-like."
"c'mon, i told you, we need a cover story, who knows how long you'll be stuck with me till i'm in the all clear." you pulled his arm in an attempt to move him closer, luckily he obliged, taking up a seat next to you.
"being in the clear is not being stubborn and quitting visiting these bars, drinking every night, and running your mouth." he mumbled, glancing around.
"nu-uh, you heard what they said, they've always been worried about certain people in the area being a threat to those with information on racco-" your words morphed into a yelp, a sharp sting arising in your leg, blinking at the two fingers pinching the flesh of your thigh.
"did you just-" your outrage was cut off once again by the bartender placing two drinks in front of the both of you, leon nodding towards the worker and wording out a thank you, his palm now engulfing your thigh and rubbing the irritated skin.
your lips parted to speak but no words came out, leon seemed to have noticed this, fingers clutching around your glass and gesturing for you to take a sip, and you did, sugary syrup mixed with a double shot of liquor sliding down your throat.
“i thought you were going to encourage me to not drink.” your eyes squinted slightly, tongue darting out to taste more of the cocktail staining your lips.
“one won’t hurt.” with that he tapped the glass of the whiskey on the table of the bar before swigging down the contents in one gulp.
you burst out into laughter, your hand encouragingly squeezing his own further up your thigh, amusement only cooling down so you could take another taste of your cocktail.
"you're funny." your voice was light and airy already, palm pushed against your cheek as you watched him, as though you had been drinking much more than the one, maybe it came off too strongly but you weren't embarrassed, nothing could embarrass you.
"lovers quarrel." he spoke aloud and your confusion was apparent, even more so as his fingers took a hold of your hand, switching a slim ring decorated with diamonds onto your ring finger, "we hate each other but can't quit it." he murmured and you caught on, a giggle hid behind your other hand.
"you bought me this nice expensive ring, you're handsome, so charming.. of course there's a catch, why couldn't i see it." you sighed dramatically earning a scoff from leon.
"and you're beautifully cruel, impulsive, and a relentless pleasure-seeker, i was dealt quite the deck of cards." he spoke as though it was matter of factly, quite the actor.
"mmh, why thank you." you fluttered your eyelashes, leaning in to squeeze the bulky muscle of his arm, nudging yourself against him.
leon was good, a natural at, well just that, being natural. he was on guard as he was with any assigned job, just less flashy than the others, no visible weapons and a demeanor that needed to be cool but nonetheless, he was alert.
alert but here he was, doing exactly as he said he wouldn’t, indulging, finding away around things to do so, so he could feel your fingertips press into his skin again, so he could smell your fragrance every time you leant in and so he could hear those giddy little laughs at something stupid he said in the name of a silly cover story for the both of you.
oh leon kennedy..
you felt tipsy already without even touching another cocktail, infatuated with the man beside you all too suddenly, your heart desiring for something much sweeter than anything that could be offered from the shelves behind the bar.
relentless pleasure-seeker, you’d sure live up to that.
but first, you had a whole night ahead of you. your feet were quick, feeling compelled towards the crowd of dancing bodies, joining them, amongst the couples and men with no personal space.
you were hypnotic, anyone could see that, your hips swayed, dipping just enough and hands roaming from your thighs upwards to your chest, drawing in attention everywhere you wanted it.
leon stayed where he first sat, leaning further into the bar so he could comfortably rest, watching you closely, as though you were a film, like he was there to capture you on video.
“isn’t that the raccoon city survivor?” leon heard hushed voices and he was smacked in the face with the reality of it all, a surge of genuine worry in his gut, “why is she on this side of town? you think that whole conspiracy is true?”
how had you been safe for this long? leon took a moment of his attention away from you and suddenly every other persons eyes that were on you felt threatening, call it what you will, paranoia, overdramatic- he was there for a reason, the raccoon city terrors were real, to you and him, the government wasn’t on either of your sides, he knew that for a fact, but the unknown was scarier, at least in this situation.
leon exhaled before standing up on his feet, hanging his head down and walking over to seemingly join you, “you come to dance?” your arms reached up and out but his hand grasped your arm tightly instead.
your eyes rolled, “you can skip to the part of the lovers quarrel where we have a little fun amidst the hatred and sexual tension.” you jested.
“we’re leaving.” his head nodded in a gesture towards the door, arm tugging you towards him but you weren’t having any of it.
“uhh, no, no we’re not?” you scoffed, digging your heels into the ground, scowling at the man, “i just got here and i’d like to remind you, i don’t have a curfew, you’re not actually babysitting!” you slapped his arm.
“shut your mouth!” he whispered out harshly, another tug of your arm and this one hurt.
“you fucking dick, let me go.” you punched at his arm with your other hand this time but no budge, “i swear to god, i will scream, kick, punch, i will cause the biggest scene to get you off of me then you can kiss your job goodbye- oh no, you can kiss your life goodbye, since this is currently your only purpose.” you spat out.
leon dropped your arm, his tongue poked against the inside of his cheek, clearly seething internally but the last thing he needed was to draw anymore attention to the both of you.
“outside. now.” his arms came up to cross folded against his chest.
you didn’t speak another word, pushing past the man, shoulders harshly bumping into his. reaching the bar, with a sulk in your demeanour getting the attention of the bartender once again and ordering another cocktail.
you tensed when leon’s arm wrapped snuggly around your waist, “i’m serious, this isn’t safe. i have other means of getting you out of here but i’d much rather keep things peaceful and conscious.” his arm squeezed your hip, threateningly.
you looked down at your drink and felt your stomach drop, pushing the glass away from your body, “oh, so you’re crazy, that’s the catch.” you referred to your earlier quip.
“how is it suddenly not safe? why did you even let me come.” you gritted through your teeth, glancing around the room.
“came to my senses. it’s that simple, i’m not trying to lose my life because of how reckless you are with yours, no thanks.” you laughed at that, nodding and he couldn’t tell whether it was out of agreement or something else.
“i think i’m worth it.” you turned to face him and the look on his face was of disbelief at your attitude, it only egged you on further to push his buttons.
“newsflash sweetheart, you aren’t going to be the death of me.” he muttered, and that same burning grip he had on you returned and you were being whisked from the bar, swiftly out of the doors and through the hallway, all too fast, feeling like you were lagging behind, as though your brain was still at the bar- shit, your throat was so dry, maybe he slipped something in the first drink.. but there was no way.
the cold air bit harshly at your bare skin, coming to your senses suddenly all too quickly, feet stomping on the floor in a tantrum, fists coming up to hit his chest, “what is wrong with you?!” you screeched and suddenly you were being dragged further into the street, harshly turning a corner into some backstreet alley.
“you’ll get over it, stop acting like a spoilt brat. i got tired of that as soon as i saw your face again.” leon pushed you back against the brick wall and you rubbed over your arm where he had been gripping.
“you’re so sad!” you spat out, pushing him further away from you, “sad and desperate, you think you’re such a big hero from that day don’t you? gonna ruin my life? make me miserable as some sick payback because you resent me?” you laughed, directly in his face, “you want me to repay you, that it?” you walk closer to him, in some way to gain leverage over him, but it was futile, pathetic honestly.
his push his hair back with his fingers, the normal lightness to it looked darker thanks to the shadows, expression unreadable as he let you go off on a tangent.
“back up.” he spoke out, almost inaudibly but he knew you heard him because you only inched closer, noticing your eyes dart down to his waist when you felt the prod of something against your skin.
before your arm could even reach out to grab the item under his clothing, he unsheathed it suddenly, brandishing a knife, black handle, indented with a line every inch or so, the blade was quite tall, sloped either side and an engraving stamped below the hilt.
you didn’t get to see much of it though, within a blink of an eye it was pressed to your throat along with the familiar feeling of the gritty bricks against your back.
“don’t do something stupid now..” he was calm, despite the manoeuvre he had you in.
your breathing hitched, hands clutching his grey coloured suit tie amidst the panic, he kept you there for what felt like minutes but was only a few seconds, relaxing only slightly but he never stuffed the knife back in its sheathe, it kept firmly gripped in his hand which was pressed in between your clavicle, as a warning.
in some sick and twisted way it was thrilling, you couldn’t shake that feeling and it felt disgustingly good.
you blinked a couple times, eyes darting out towards his arm, which somehow was on display, where he managed to find the time to roll up his sleeves was beyond you.
“eyes up here.” he tapped the blunt side of the knife to your chin, a all too cocky smile tugging at the corner of his mouth when you complied.
“see how easy it is to listen?” he sighed, dragging the cool metal across your jawline, tracing the outline of your ear and downwards to the top hem of your clothing.
you should’ve been terrified, but it felt different, unexplainable, you wanted him to keep going, you had never felt your head so empty and airy, it was euphoric.
maybe raccoon city screwed you up more than you thought..
you didn’t dwell much on it, attention undivided on the agent in front of you, his lips were moving but you couldn’t make out what he was saying, so dazed in the moment.
“should i keep going?” he repeated, tapping the tip of the knife to your chest and you nodded, squeezing the material of his tie, knocking his body closer towards you and you hissed out when the blade nipped your skin, a droplet of blood seeping into your clothes.
“shit-“ leon looked as though he panicked for a moment, but you weren’t about to let him, hands pushing up to cup his face and demand his full attention on what you wanted.
your lips meshed with his and for the first time of the night, leon kennedy was caught fully off guard. he relaxed after a few seconds, moulding his plush lips to yours and catching you in a sloppy shared kiss, your arms resting past his shoulders, one of your hands pushing his head further against yours to chase his mouth.
you only pulled away when you heard a rip of fabric, his nimble hands shredding it with the knife, a puddle of your clothes soon beneath your feet, delicate undergarments coming in to his view.
you didn’t get a second to regain composure as his mouth was once again on you, this time his tongue darted out, lapping up the droplet of blood from where the knife had broken your skin.
it was vile in the most sinful way possible, all the blood felt like it rushed straight to your throbbing cunt.
“i might actually go crazy if you tease me..” you voiced out, which caught him by surprise since you had been rather breathless.
“i can be nice.” he murmured out, voice muffled in between open mouthed kisses, knife cutting open your bra so his tongue could latch on to your nipple, his thumb toying with the other.
“mmh, you threaten me, make me bleed, and destroy all my clothes, but you can be nice?” you breathily giggled, distracted by the way the tip of his tongue- which had been previously licking up your blood, swirled and flicked against your nipple, sending pulses of electricity throughout your body.
“i’ll make it up to you.” he kissed back up from your chest, reaching your lips again to catch you in a kiss, you could taste the metallically tang from your blood and it only urged you further.
“fuck..” you gasped when he pulled away, looking between your bodies to watch the way he sliced off your panties next, wasting to time in running the pads of his fingers between your sloppy folds, “mmhn, didn’t i just tell you not to tease?” you mewled.
“you’re that worked up?” he chuckled out and your arm flew out to hit his chest, only earning another laugh.
“just fuck me already, i want your dick so badly.” you begged so pretty, you knew you did because his demeanour changed quickly, rough hands settling at your waist to manhandle you until you faced the wall.
“stay like that, arch your ba- mhm, like that.” he hummed, barely having to mention it and you were bending and obeying as though it was your only function.
leon had unbuttoned his blazer to relax a little better, though he lazily pushed his slacks down along with his underwear, far too eager to feel how heavenly you’d be on his cock.
he pumped his self a couple times, a firm hand pushing you back against him, helping him slowly push himself inside your pussy, “ouhh- fuck, that’s—“ he hissed out, halting his movements to revel in the way you were squeezing and fluttering around him relentlessly, “that’s so tight, m’ gonna fuck this little pussy open.” he grunted through his teeth, pushing against you until he was flush with you.
you were already finding it extremely hard to keep it together, mind so foggy with lust and the way he kept pushing and pushing for what felt like endlessly, he was so big, he pushed and prodded up against every delicious nerve inside of you and he hadn’t even started moving at a consistent pace yet, oh you were a goner.
a squeal left your lips when he pulled back only to push back much quicker and with force, your arms flying out until he grabbed one to pull behind your back, stabilising you and also getting more leverage on your movements.
“fuck, you’re so pretty, stuffed full of this cock, mmh, you like that?” he groaned out shamefully.
you didn’t answer though, far too preoccupied with how delicious he was stretching your walls, soon distracted by that familiar feeling of stinging cold metal to your throat, his other hand had come round to press it against your skin.
your eyes flew open and you felt him jerk you closer with his grip still on your other hand, “don’t fall now that would be real dangerous sweetheart, hold on, yeah?” he laughed out, it was evil, taunting but you were on another cloud of bliss.
“l-leon! ah mhhnmm!” you chanted out breathless incoherent moans and noises, feeling like a rag doll being constantly pulled against leon, you were so limp without his grip and the knife he pressed against your throat, you might’ve been in real trouble without him, ironically considering he was the one putting you between between him and the knife.
“i know, i know baby, feels s’good, don’t it?” he rasped out, bruises already forming on your wrists as he used you like his own little personal fucktoy.
“m’ really— oh, really close!” you squeaked, all too suddenly being dragged from your impending high, your back stabilising against the wall and you cried out.
“shh, shuuush.” he cooed at your displeased reaction, “i got you, i just wanna see that pretty face when you cum.” he paired his soothing voice with a firm kiss on your forehead, hiking your leg above his waist and slipping his cock inside your weeping pussy again.
the high bubbled so quickly in your tummy again all you could do was reach out for his arms, desperate to feel the metal to your skin again and he obliged, pushing it onto your neck once more as he pounding into you, wet sloppy sounds making it evident how close you were.
“you look so fucking cute like this, my knife against your throat, fucked stupid by my fat cock.” he grunted in between strained moans, clearly chasing his own high.
your vision went completely blurred as that burning hot coil in your tummy finally snapped, head knocked back against the wall as you sobbed out in pure pleasure, mantras of yes, yes, yes! and leon’s name falling from your lips.
“oh my fucking god, you’re so fucking sick, y’know that baby? yeah..” leon relaxed the knife from your throat, the blade dropping somewhere forgotten by your feet so he could push his head against your neck where the metal once occupied, licking and kisses the delicate skin, thrusts sloppy and inconsistent, broken and hoarse moans coaxed out with every further movement of his hips.
“fuck! fuck, a—ah!” his cock twitched and fluttered inside you as hot spurts of thick cum filled your walls, warming every inch of your body.
he pushed you further into the wall as he stood there, breathing in and out against your neck, slowly coming down from his high, the both of you dazed and pleasure-struck.
your head knocked against his and he seemed to come to, leaning back and blinking a couple of times before seemingly examining your body, “you hurt?” he breathed out.
“only my legs..” you laughed quietly, watching him gently set your leg down once he slipped out of you, grabbing your shredded clothing to wipe you off with.
“let’s get you somewhere warm.” he shrugged off his blazer jacket, pushing your arms through the holes and doing it up fully.
“leon, i feel okay, i’m good.” you assured him, stepping closer once again to return the same kiss he placed on your head, “that was crazy.. but fun.” you admitted, feeling the back of your neck burn from the realisation of what just happened.
“i shouldn’t of come on to you like that though.” he laughed nervously and you shook your head.
“i’m in one piece no?” you poked his chest, “i’m serious, i liked it- i like you, a lot.” you told the agent before shaking your head again, “you don’t have to say anything though, it’s not like that.” you didn’t exactly know what you meant because it was exactly as you said, having been smitten with the man all night, maybe you just didn’t want to deal with what you were insinuating, at least not tonight.
“take me home, somewhere warm.”
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aphroditelovesu · 7 months
The Lost Queen - XI
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader.
— word count: 2,268.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant, @borntoexplore11-blog, @silmawensgarden.
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 11
In agitated and pulsating Babylon, life flowed incessantly, without pause for rest. Its inhabitants were driven by an inexhaustible energy, immersed in different activities that filled their days. Under a sky permeated with seduction, the city exuded an irresistible charm, conquering all who dared to cross its limits. And in the midst of this frenzy, the Hanging Gardens stood majestically, silent witnesses to the magnificence and beauty of the city.
The city's famous Hanging Gardens not only added beauty to the urban scenery, but also aroused admiration in everyone who looked at them. It was said that it was one of the Seven Wonders and that it should be worshiped.
The story of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was even more fascinating.
A long time ago, in ancient Babylon, the powerful king Nebuchadnezzar II reigned. He ruled firmly, but also had a sensitive heart for the beauty and well-being of his people. However, his wife, Queen Amytis, felt a deep nostalgia for her homeland, the lush mountainous region of Persia, where gardens were abundant.
To gladden the queen's heart and create a grand gift, King Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Built into a magnificent structure of raised terraces, these gardens were designed to recreate the exuberance and serenity of Persian gardens amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.
The architects and engineers worked tirelessly, bringing to life a true verdant paradise in the heart of Babylon. Using an intricate network of water channels and irrigation systems, they managed to flow water from the depths of the Euphrates River to the highest terraces, nourishing the exotic plants and leafy trees.
When the Hanging Gardens were finally completed, they became a breathtaking spectacle for all who beheld them. The terraces were adorned with a dazzling array of fragrant flowers, fruit trees and lush greenery, creating a haven of peace and beauty for their beloved Queen.
It was a beautiful city, with a rich and vivid history. It would be a shame if the city fell into the hands of the savage Macedonians. The Persians believed that if the city fell into enemy hands, then the entire Empire would be doomed.
Darius knew this, he was more aware that if something happened to the city, everything would be lost. His defeat in the last battle had already been crushing, he could not be defeated again.
The Persian King sighed, frustrated and sat down on the chair in front of the table full of maps. He poured some wine into his glass and drank it, rubbing his temples irritably. He would have to do something quickly about this or risk losing everything.
The tent flap was opened and Darius frowned when he saw his detestable relative, Bessus. The man smiled mischievously and approached his King.
"You look terrible." Bessus commented, as he took a seat in front of Darius and grabbed some wine for himself.
Darius didn't respond, just drank his wine.
One side of Bessus' mouth quirked up and he chuckled, "You look tense."
"I am tense." Darius grumbled, adjusting his posture. He could never show himself weak in front of this relative of his.
"I can see that," Bessus murmured, stroking his black beard, "Maybe you need some good news."
Darius looked up and looked at Bessus, curious.
"Ah, have I piqued your interest?" Bessus laughed.
"Say it at once."
Bessus placed the glass on the table and smiled like a predator, "Our friend, Alexander, recently got married."
Darius raised his eyebrow, clearly interested in where this conversation was going.
"A certain (Y/N), from what the spies told me."
(Y/N)? It was a different name, one he didn't remember ever hearing.
"And who would this be (Y/N)?" Darius asked, placing the glass on the table.
"Someone who can be useful to us." Bessus licked his lips, as if savoring the idea. Darius stopped himself from shuddering.
"And how could she be useful? She's just his wife."
"That's why, my King. She's his wife and from what I've heard, he seems to care a lot about her. I've heard rumors that he almost killed his own General because of her."
Darius thought. Maybe she could be of help after all. If Alexander really cared so much about her, there would be an advantage.
"And from what my spies are saying, she could be pregnant." Bessus said, rubbing his hands together.
"And what do you suggest I do with this information?"
Bessus laughed darkly, "Bring her to us, Darius. I have spies ready to infiltrate the Macedonian camp, one word from you and she will be brought to us."
Darius didn't like the idea of kidnapping a pregnant woman, but these were desperate times. He could not suffer another humiliating defeat to Alexander. These were war times, after all. And all is fair in war.
Darius nodded hesitantly, "Do it."
Bessus smiled widely and stood up, turning his back to Darius.
"Bessus," Darius called in a serious, lethal voice, "Don't hurt her."
Bessus nodded, "I won't."
As Bessus exited his tent, Darius sighed loudly. He wasn't sure what he had ordered, but he knew it was too late to reverse it. He could not show weakness in front of his soldiers. Not now.
He needed to relax and so he called a name, "Bagoas."
Darius didn't even blink when the eunuch appeared in front of him and began to remove his overcoat. He needed this to clear his mind about what he was about to do.
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The women looked terrified.
You felt sorry for the Persian women, the captives. It was obvious what would happen to them and you felt sick to your stomach just thinking about their possible fate. Although Alexander had prohibited rape, it was inevitable.
You would have to talk to him about it. It was unacceptable and since you were the Queen, you would have something to say about it.
You watched the Persian royal family carefully. After Darius's defeat at the Battle of Issus, he left his mother, wife and daughters behind. You already knew this story and couldn't help but be curious as you watched the women.
You were next to Hephaestion and Alexander, who were also watching the women carefully. At least these wouldn't suffer a bad fate.
Not now, at least.
The oldest of the women, who you immediately recognized as Sisygambis, the mother of Darius, approached Hephaestion and fell at his feet, prostrating herself and begging for mercy.
You bit back a laugh when you saw how Hephaestion's eyes widened in surprise.
"Please, Grand King, I ask that you spare my granddaughters..." The woman muttered, as she still had her face lowered in her hands on the floor of the tent. Hephaestion muttered something under his breath and looked desperately at Alexander.
Sisygambis turned pale when she realized her mistake, fearing that she had offended the King by mistaking him for a mere general.
Alexander decided to say something, "Don't worry, mother. He's also Alexander."
You held back a laugh when you heard the well-known words of Alexander the Great. It was like watching a movie in first person.
Alexander turned to you, "And here is my wife and Queen, (Y/N)."
You blushed a little at being called that. It was still strange and you were sure it would take a while to get used to being called that.
Straightening your posture, you smiled gently at the women, who watched you carefully. With a calm and serene tone of voice, you greeted them, ''It's a pleasure and an honor to meet you.''
Sisygambis smiled and nodded at her granddaughters, who bowed at you.
You waved your hands, "No, no. Don't worry about it, it's not necessary."
They seemed a little disoriented and confused, but they respected your request. Alexander seemed satisfied and began talking to the women.
You didn't pay much attention when you felt a wave of nausea. You bottled it up and held firm, but you knew full well what that could mean.
After your wedding night a few weeks ago, you continued to share a bed with Alexander a few times and, obviously, there were no contraceptives available and a very high chance of you being pregnant was plaguing you.
You didn't know what you were supposed to think about this. Having children had never been a goal of yours, sure, you had thought about it before, but the idea of actually expecting was scary.
You considered yourself too young to be a mother and the current scenario definitely didn't help. By the gods, you were more than two thousand years in the past, married to one of the greatest conquerors in history and possibly pregnant.
It all seemed like a very bad joke.
And there are still conflicts to be resolved. Cleitus had recovered well and an understanding between him and Alexander was made, it seems, the General forgave Alexander for trying to kill him and everything would return to normal between them. There was tension between the generals over this, but it seemed like everything would be fine.
Thanks to Hephaestion's diplomatic skills.
And there was the matter of Perdiccas.
You sighed just thinking about him. You hadn't spoken in weeks, he seemed determined to ignore you and you'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt you. You had felt something for him, but it seemed to become less and less the further away you were.
You missed him. He was one of the first, no, the first to be kind to you and someone you thought could become a friend, an ally.
But now he avoided you like the Devil avoided the Cross. When you were forced to be in the same room, he would remain silent and avoid your eyes. And when you spoke to him, he only spoke short, sharp words.
There was no longer that warmth, that kindness that you shared before.
You missed him. A lot.
But that was his choice and you would have to live with it. If he wanted to pretend that nothing ever happened between you, that you were mere acquaintances, you would do it. He could be stubborn, but you were more so.
And you couldn't put yourself at risk, not now when there was a chance you could be pregnant. This was for yourself and for this possible child.
You closed your eyes and pressed your hand over your stomach. Fearing for the uncertain future.
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Perdiccas knew this was treason.
He was very aware that what he was doing could lead to him being sentenced to death. He knew it but he didn't care.
It was a crime of treason, a serious betrayal against his King, against his childhood friend and his beloved Macedonia.
But he didn't care. Something inside him just exploded on your wedding day and he knew there was nothing he could do to destroy that uncomfortable feeling.
He was jealous and angry. Jealous that Alexander had you in every way and angry with you and himself. Anger at you because you didn't choose to run away with him and at himself for not insisting.
But he was hurt, feeling betrayed. Perdiccas thought you liked him, maybe you could even be falling in love with him, but you chose Alexander over him.
And he hated you for it.
He loved you, Perdiccas knew he loved you. You awakened feelings he had never felt before for anyone and he wanted you. He wanted you just for himself, he wanted to be able to love you and adore you like the Queen you were.
You could have been happy together, just the two of you and with children in the future. Perdiccas could envision a happy future with you. You playing with his children while he watched.
You could have had a life next to each other.
But you chose to throw it all away and Perdiccas wouldn't allow it.
You would be his, one way or another.
These words repeated in the General's mind as he stealthily approached your tent with Persian spies at his side.
The camp was dark and strangely silent. Even the swashbuckling soldiers were silent.
Alexander would not share his tent today, he had much work to do with Hephaestion and Ptolemy.
It would be the perfect opportunity.
He waved his hand and the spies quickly knocked out two guards who were assigned to protect you.
Perdiccas was sure you would be asleep at this time. With silent steps, he lifted the flap of the tent and entered it, moving silently inside to where your cot was located.
He smiled like a fool in love when he saw you, asleep. You were covered by a thin blanket and your sleep seemed restless. He looked at the Persian spies and nodded.
It was now.
One of the spies approached you with a piece of fabric in his hand that had some kind of poison on it that would keep you asleep for as long as necessary.
When the cloth was placed under your nose, you woke up with a start and tried to scream, but the spy covered your mouth and pressed the cloth harder against your nose. Eventually, you stopped struggling and your eyes grew heavy, until they closed.
Perdiccas approached you and picked you up carefully. He smiled widely when he glimpsed your beauty.
Now was the time to finally have you for himself.
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— lady l: WE'RE BACK, BABY! I know it took me a while to get back to this fanfic and I apologize for that. But we're back and the updates will continue as before! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and… Well, what happens now? I leave the doubt in the air… See you soon!
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belovedmusings · 11 months
Your Cult Leader
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18+ Explicit Smut 🚫minors DNI🚫
Cult leader! music producer! Geto x AFAB! popstar! reader loosely inspired by The Idol (just the dynamic between the two, but in this AU Suguru’s not a psycho POS like the guy is in the show, so no gross themes) where they have sex in the studio.
Relevant tags: light dirty talk, oral sex (AFAB! reader receiving) penetrative sex, missionary/mating press, established relationship of sorts (not together but not not together either…you have a situationship with a hot, rich, talented producer/cult leader Suguru so), he uses the term of endearment “love” once, addresses you without the use of “y/n”
Recommended music while reading: One Of The Girls (The Weeknd, Jennie, Lily Rose Depp), A Lesser Man (The Weeknd), and Double Fantasy (The Weeknd, Future)
Read below cut:
“Ugh,” you groan in frustration, hitting the spacebar on the keyboard in front of you to pause the track. Beside you, Suguru shifts to lean on his knuckles, looking at you curiously.
“Hmm? What’s the matter?”
“It’s not sounding right,” you answer, “Something’s off but I can’t quite place it.”
“Mmm,” he hums, sucking in a breath. “Well, you have been at it like this since after lunch. It’s almost midnight now. You haven’t even eaten yet. Maybe you should take a break.”
“No,” you shake your head, “It’s right there, I just…”
Suguru’s hand slides over yours, thumb gently running over your knuckles. “We talked about you overworking yourself. It isn’t good for you or your creativity.”
You look at him and frown. “Suguru, I know you want me to take better care of myself, but—”
“Your body is your temple,” he interrupts you, pushing his chair closer to yours so that they touch. “Didn’t I teach you that? You need to treat it as if it was sacred. It is sacred. Starving yourself and working off of fumes is only going to drive you to burnout.”
His dark eyes hold yours, and that familiar flutter inside your stomach starts up again—Suguru is a beautiful man, and you thought so the minute you met him at that party for your friend’s album release a few months ago. Right now, under the dim, warm lighting of the studio’s LED lights, he looks just as mesmerizing.
His long, dark hair falls in layered tendrils down his shoulders, beside his gauges, framing his face perfectly, making for the perfect precursor for his gentle eyes, perfectly centered nose, and soft lips. His black shirt lays over his muscular chest unbuttoned at the top to show off his collarbones, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tucked into his black slacks, held up by an expensive belt. As always, he just exudes power. It drives a thrill through you that only he is capable of producing.
“Did I lose you in there?” He asks with an amused smile, bringing you back to yourself. You avert your eyes, shaking your head.
“Sorry. Got distracted.”
He’s silent for a moment. “I think I have a way to solve all of your problems.”
You return your gaze to his face just as he moves his touch down to your thigh, bare due to the shorts you elected to wear this morning. His hand is hot, spreading tingles up your spine like he’s firing off every single one of your nerves on purpose.
“What is it?”
“I’ve talked about it before,” he begins, “But creativity comes from the Sacral chakra. You know where it is, right?”
You draw in a breath, starting to realize where he’s going with this. You two have talked about Suguru’s unique beliefs before. He draws from many different religions and philosophies to create what he calls ‘the one true religion’, one he insists would solve all world conflict if everyone just subscribed to it. So far, everything he’s said makes sense to you.
The human body is, as he said, a temple for the soul, a special sort of energy taken from a piece of the Universe so that it can experience itself. There’s a lot of things he’s said, but right now, the important thing is that he believes bodies have energy points where different types of energy can interact with a human and either take away or give to their soul if activated. These energy points are chakra points, taken from Hinduism and Buddhism, the latter being one of Suguru’s favorite philosophies due to how ‘true’ it is.
You remember he said there are seven chakra points. The one for creativity is…
He moves his hand up your thigh slowly, causing you to breathe deeply, palm slinking up your hip to your abdomen just below your navel.
“Right here,” he tells you. “The sacral chakra is the energy point for both creativity and sexual pleasure. Do you know why that is?”
You blink. He had just explained what they are, but not why or how they’re connected. “No. Not exactly.”
“This is where your womb is,” he explains. “You create there, don’t you? If you were to accept someone’s seed, you’d create life. That’s why it’s both.”
You breathe out, starting to feel a little warm. “That…that makes sense.”
“Doesn’t it?” He agrees with a smile. “Now. You’re having trouble figuring out how to create this song, right? What we need to do is stimulate it.”
Ah, you think. That’s his point. You look at him, taking in the relaxed glint of lust in his eyes, and decide to play along. “How do we stimulate the womb?”
“Well, sacral chakra is all things pertaining to sexual pleasure. So if I make you feel good, I’m activating it.”
You nod, biting on the nail of your thumb. “Well…I have no creativity right now. So do your worst.”
A grin spreads across his lips. “My worst? Are you sure?”
Sex with Suguru is always a wild card. You never know what you’re going to get with him. Sometimes he’s sweet and slow, praising you like you’re his personal divine deity, and sometimes he’s railing you within an inch of your life, bent over the nearest surface, filth spilling from his lips.
“Or your best. Whichever you prefer,” you reply, subtly challenging him to take his pick, to chose how to make you fall apart. The control is his to have.
“Mmm,” he smirks. “I like the sound of that.”
Faster than you can comprehend, he’s out of his seat and grabbing you by the hips, hoisting you up and onto the coffee table where your manager and other producers sit during the day, right behind the mixing table.
He has your shorts off in record time, tossed to the floor unimportantly, and his right hand goes right for the apex of your thighs, rubbing his thumb over your underwear-clad sensitive center in teasingly gentle strokes.
You feel every time his nail grazes that spot, the pearl he seems to know how to work as if only he was given the manual to it.
“Suguru,” you breathe, leaning up on your elbows to see him. He smiles softly at you, lazy gaze fixed on your face.
“Relax,” He tells you, “Just focus on my touches.”
You listen, letting yourself lay back all the way. You even close your eyes, hearing him shuffle, keeping his hand on you. It only moves when it hooks at the fabric and pushes it out of the way.
Exposed to the air abruptly, you gasp quietly, but that gets replaced by an even louder gasp as a hot, wet tongue slides right over the neediest part of you.
“Suguru,” you exhale, biting your lip as he does it again, hands bracing your hips to keep you still.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, hot breath fanning over your pelvis. “And you taste good, too.”
Your face gets hot. “Don’t stare. It’s embarrassing.”
“Like I said,” he replies, wetly kissing your mound. “Your body is a temple. And I intend to worship it.”
His face is buried in you in the next instance, licking a fat stripe over you before flicking his tongue rapidly, stimulating all of your nerves at once.
“Suguru,” you gasp. “Oh fuck…”
He slurps lewdly, groaning, swirling his tongue in the way he knows drives you insane.
“Suguru,” you mewl again, arching up. He sucks intently, right hand moving down the inside of your thigh to where wetness has been pooling since he started touching you.
When his finger prods at your folds, you flinch, sensitive to the touch, and he becomes more bold, slipping two inside at once.
“Ah,” you moan loudly, pushing your hips down on his hand. His fingers are long and thick inside of you, curling up and fucking at a focused, teasing pace.
“We should record your sounds,” he states, “I’d use them in a track. Hmm…but then I’d get jealous when other people hear them.”
He adds a third finger, wrapping his lips around your pearl and running his tongue up and down, pulling another ragged moan from your throat.
“You’re mine,” He continues in a pant, coming up for air. “All mine. Aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you reply without hesitation. This man is all you could ever need. No one else could satisfy you like he can.
“Beautiful,” he breathes, rewarding your loyalty by flicking his tongue again, causing you to tighten around him. He fucks his fingers harder, getting excess slick on the table. You grind down, feeling that coil wind tighter and tighter in your core.
When he flattens his tongue and flutters it over your mound at the same time he curls his fingers up, you’re done for, orgasm hitting you in a dizzying wave of pleasure.
“Suguru, Suguru,” you drawl out, hands threading in his hair as he kisses your puffy apex through the bliss. When he lifts his head, his mouth is covered in your essence, and he looks impossibly fucking hot.
“How do you feel?” He asks, “Feeling inspired yet?”
You blink. Inspired? Who the hell knows. You’re horny as hell and you want this gorgeous man to fuck you so hard you see stars, being one be damned.
“I still feel stuck.”
He feigns a pout of sympathy, raising himself up on his knees.
“We can't have that, now can we?” He asks you, and now that he’s kneeling on his knees, you can see his body clearly. Your eyes draw onto the obvious, big bulge under his belt buckle, and heat surges through you. You want that. Now.
“I need more inspiration.”
He grins, standing up and scooping you up into his arms, stepping around the coffee table to lay you out on the leather sofa behind it. He pulls the waistband of your underwear down your legs, letting them fall to the floor.
You then watch as he undoes his belt, hands working at the buckle expertly to unlatch it. He then pulls it open, not bothering to take it off before he undoes his buttons and zipper, pushing his boxers down far enough to let himself spring free.
The sight of his red, hard cock never ceases to fan the flames of your fire for him, no reservations in your heart as he kneels on the cushion, getting between your willingly spread legs.
He smiles down at you and grabs his member, guiding it to rub against your dripping folds.
“Mmh,” you breathe, grinding against him needily.
“This way, I can transfer some of my creativity to you,” He says, “How does that sound?”
Anything to make him enter you.
You nod, reaching up and grabbing his firm biceps through his shirt.
“Please, Suguru,” you say, “Need it.”
And you don’t mean the creativity.
The man above you grins, letting his tip catch on your entrance and pushing in without hesitation.
He sinks in slowly, letting you feel the stretch of his thick girth, the heat of his bare cock inside of you.
“Fuck,” you curse, and he leans down, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“So tight,” he murmurs, pulling back and thrusting back in languidly, doing it again a few times to get you used to him, a dull ache seating inside you at the sensation. The fact that it hurts a little bit makes your heart beat faster, and you angle your hips up, desperate to give him better access.
He huffs an amused laugh, putting more energy into his movements and speeding up.
“Ah,” you gasp, nails digging into his arms. “Yes, Suguru…”
“Does that feel good?” He asks, slightly winded, and you nod, swallowing thickly.
“So good,” is your response, one of your hands running up the expanse of his shoulder to his neck, up to cup his jaw. He leans into the touch, even turning his head to kiss your palm. It causes you to flutter around him, and he groans at the feeling, picking up his pace even more.
You pull your knees back more towards your chest as best as you can without your hands to help, making room for him to go deeper. It causes his tip to push against your cervix, and it pulls a high-pitched gasp from you.
“That’s it,” he pants, leaning down over you, sliding his hands underneath your arms to grip your shoulders, balancing on his elbows to drive harder into you, hitting that spot every single time he pushes in. “Oh, fuck yes…”
It’s breathy, and the knowledge that you are the one making him lose his composure heightens your euphoria. You look up into his eyes, which are only a few inches from yours now.
He gives you a loose smile. “Getting inspiration?”
You laugh despite yourself. “Yeah…fuck yeah I am…”
“Good,” he grins, “Never hurts to give more, does it?”
You wonder what he means for a mere moment before he stops thrusting for a moment to hike your legs up, hooking your knees on his shoulders and then leaning back down to grab your waist, effectively bending you in half.
“Shit,” you hiss, eyes widening when he starts a grueling pace up. “Suguru!”
“Fuck,” he curses, the slap of your wet skin meeting over and over again bouncing off the sound-treated walls along with your mixed pants to make a song only the two of you can create together.
His dark hair hangs down over your face, hot breaths hitting your skin rhythmically, and he lowers himself fully to kiss you, tongue sliding into your mouth to claim you in yet another way. Your eyes shut to enjoy the sensation of two parts of him inside you, kissing back greedily, fisting your hands in his hair.
He groans lowly when you pull, knowing he likes it, putting more vigor into the way he kisses you, almost like he’s trying to devour your soul.
His hips keep slamming against yours, walls sore with the exertion of having been pushed to the limits. He’s relentless and you think about how you’ll feel him there even tomorrow, and what a welcome thought that is.
You pull harder on his hair and he responds by biting your bottom lip, feeding you a winded groan. The primal scent of your kiss buzzes around in your senses, melding with his heady jasmine cologne, concocting your own personal brand of heroin. You feel him everywhere, and the weight of his firm body covering yours is something you could never recreate without him.
You’re so lost in your own pleasure that you don’t notice his thrusts starting to turn erratic until he breaks the kiss to gasp for air.
“You feel so good,” he pants, “Now I’m inspired.”
That does something to you. This man, who is always at the top of the charts, collaborating with A-list artist after A-list artist is inspired by you, by the sex that you’re giving him. It inflates your ego to a staggering point and you brush his bangs from his eyes, looking deeply into them. A warm feeling spreads through your chest, that familiar danger zone when you’re around Suguru for too long coming into sight once again.
You know he’s off-limits. Between balancing the group he’s leading and his full-time job as a producer, he’s busier than any other man you know, and you aren’t naive enough to delude yourself into thinking he reserves himself solely for you.
He’s a gorgeous man. He’s talented, charismatic, and as a result he has people worshiping the ground he walks on. He can have anyone and everyone he wants, and as a man as powerful as he is, who would he be not to indulge himself? He’s a god among men, and you’ve resigned yourself to being one of his earthly concubines with the self-assurance that you’re among his favorites.
He spends a majority of his free time with you, and when he’s busy he calls when he can. He texts you to ask how you are, makes sure that you stay out of trouble, and he protects you from slimy industry heads ready to take advantage of you. You go to his penthouse so much you’ve started leaving clothes and belongings there, but you know he could switch up at any moment, so you refuse to acknowledge what is trying to burrow its way into your heart when you look at him.
Except, when he smiles so charmingly at you like he is, pupils blown and lips kissed swollen, it’s so hard not to fall for him.
His eyes slide shut and his brows furrow, sucking his lip between his teeth as he concentrates his thrusts to hit that one spot inside of you that has you seeing the cosmos.
“Ah!” You cry, “Suguru, Suguru…”
The pleasure undulates up your body like electric currents, making you over-sensitive. You can feel his big hands holding your waist so tightly you know it’ll bruise, yet another future reminder he was on top of you.
“That’s it,” he praises, “Come on, I know you’re close, love.”
Your eyes snap open again and he’s back to watching your face with a gentle expression. You want to say something but find your words robbed, an intensifying heat building and building deep at your center.
“Suguru,” you gasp, hands grappling at his shoulders, nails digging into the flesh there for purchase. It won’t stop, your climax approaching faster and faster, and he doubles down on his thrusts, aiming his cock so precisely you think for a moment you might die of pleasure. “Suguru…”
“You’re right there,” he urges, warm baritones lighting you up from the inside, “Come on, come on, show me how good it is…”
It hits you more abruptly than you’re prepared for. Your entire body tenses up and you throw your head back, arching up as you shout his name desperately, “Suguru! Oh my god, Suguru, Suguru…”
You tighten on him and gush around his length, the sensations faltering his pace, and he moans loudly above you, hips stuttering. Then you feel it. A ticklish, warm sensation inside of you, his release spilling right against your cervix as he presses as far as he can go.
“Fuck,” he groans brokenly, rolling his hips languid against yours, burying his nose in your neck and leaving sloppy kisses there. You wrap your arms around his neck and hold him close, relishing in the sensation of him in and all around you. He’s never finished inside you before—you’ve always had protection. Blearily, you wonder what it means that he has, but you don’t want to bring it up right now. It would just break through the veil of bliss you’re in, and you don’t want to leave it yet.
The two of you stay locked like that until the stiffness of your muscles starts making itself known, and he pushes himself off of you, pulling out carefully. You wince in sensitivity, and he rubs your thigh soothingly. His eyes fix on your entrance, thoroughly used and dripping with your mixed releases.
“Shit,” he breathes, “You look good like this…”
You feel your face heat up, legs closing now that he’s not between them anymore. “We need to clean up.”
He laughs softly, leaning over and grabbing some tissues from the coffee table.
“You’re right. I’ll get to it.”
He painstakingly takes care of you first, wiping up all of the fluids you two exchanged from your body and then the leather couch before taking care of himself, tossing the tissues into the trash can by the door. He bends down and grabs the underwear you had on from the floor, fixing them in his hold to slide you back into them.
“How do you feel?” He asks, sitting beside you as you slowly get to a seated position.
“Thoroughly fucked,” you reply bluntly, and he laughs, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his lap. You curl into the crook of his neck, closing your eyes. “But also…very inspired.”
“Yeah?” He asks, rubbing the outside of your leg gently. “Good.”
You want to stay in his arms for the rest of the night, but you are in the studio to work. So, you summon the willpower to get off of the couch, moving to go back to the desk when he pulls you back down.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks, a playful lilt to his voice.
“To work,” you answer, heart racing as he smiles at you.
“So soon? Let me hold you for a little while.”
You want to ask what it means that he wants to do that with you, but a larger, more prominent part of you wins out, and you don’t say a thing. Like this, you can imagine it means what you want it to, even if it doesn’t.
You settle back in his arms, burying your face into his neck and closing your eyes, content to let him cradle you in his big arms. His scent wraps around you like a blanket, and your heart settles down as you relax.
He presses a kiss to your hair, and you decide that as long as you get to keep having this with him, whatever it is, you are content.
_ _ _
a/n: what's funny is that Suguru isn't even my main jjk guy, I just had a demon come over me and wrote this out.
edit: after I re-read i think i’m gonna make this a series bc i can see drama going down and i want to write it 😈
please do not repost or copy my work, but feel free to reblog and share. hope you enjoyed!
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2plottwist · 1 month
The Dragon's Heir - Chapter Two
Pairing: Astarion x Female!OC(Edrys)
Characters: The Albrecht Family
Warnings: incessant backstory, rich people
Setting: Baldur's Gate, right before the events of BG3
Author: Emma:)
Word Count: 1.2k
Series Masterlist
As she made her way to her mother’s chambers, the estate’s familiar surroundings offered a fleeting sense of comfort. The Albrecht home was a sprawling, ancient place, filled with the history of her elven ancestors and the weight of their legacies. The walls were lined with portraits of her forebears, each one a reminder of the power and responsibility that came with being a part of the Albrecht family.
Lost in thought, she turned a corner and nearly collided with a figure bustling down the corridor. It was one of their maids, Elizabeth, a stern-faced woman with gray hair pulled back into a tight bun. Edrys smiled to herself, remembering the countless times Elizabeth had scolded her and her brothers for their childhood mischief.
One particular incident stood out- when they had snuck into the wine cellars and stolen several bottles of the estate’s finest vintages. Of course, Elizabeth had caught them red-handed, and the ensuing lecture from their mother had been one for the ages. 
“Ah, Lady Edrys,” Elizabeth said, her voice warm but firm. “Out of bed this early in the morning? And without your corset on? What would your mother say?”
“I imagine she’d say I’m too old to be scolded,” Edrys replied. 
The maid huffed, but the hint of a smile tugged at her lips. “Still as mischievous as you were the day before. Just be dressed by this evening. There are important guests tonight, and your mother won’t appreciate any disruptions.” 
Edrys began to thank her when the maid interrupted her. “Oh, and.. Mind yourself when you pass your father’s office. He’s having another meeting with Lord Cazador Szarr. 
Cazador, she thought to herself with a frown. Every encounter she had with him left Edrys with a lingering sense of unease. She remembered one particular day when he was at the estate, his dark figure cutting through the colorful hallway like a knife through silk. There was something about the way he moved, the way his eyes lingered on her with a hunger that sent a shiver down her spine, that made her skin crawl with unease. 
Edrys wasn’t sure if Elizabeth had told her this as a warning to not bother her father during business or if the man had also unsettled her. 
“Thank you, Elizabeth.” 
The maid gave her another nod before continuing on her way. Edrys resumed her journey, her footsteps echoing softly against the marble floors. 
As she approached her father’s office, Edrys’ thoughts were interrupted by a sudden chill that swept through the corridor. She paused, her senses alert, and then she saw him- Cazador Szarr.
The nobleman was gliding down the hallway, his presence exuding a rather off putting aura. His eyes, dark and calculating, flicked towards her, and she felt a shiver run up her spine. She lifted her chin and moved to pass him when he paused and turned to her. 
“Lady Edrys,” he murmured, his voice like silk over steel. “A pleasure, as always.” 
Edrys nodded, keeping her expression neutral, though her heart pounded in her chest. “Lord Szarr,” she replied, tone carefully measured. 
He lingered for a moment, gaze on her as if he could sense the turmoil within her. Then, with a light smile that did nothing to warm his cold eyes, he continued on his way. 
As soon as he was out of sight, Edrys let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She glanced towards her mother’s doorway. Something was lurking in the shadows. A pale face was partially hidden in the darkness. Even partially concealed, she could see intensity burning in the figure’s crimson eyes.
She blinked, and whatever, or whoever it was disappeared. Maybe my visions are plaguing me more than I thought, she contemplated before gathering her thoughts. The visions had shaken her, had made her question everything she thought she knew about herself. But if anyone could make sense of it all, it was her mother- a woman with wisdom that came from centuries of life.
Taking a deep breath, Edrys knocked softly on the door, then pushed it open. Despite the lavish decorations, her mother’s room was warm and inviting, the scent of lavender lingering in the air. Her mother sat by the window, her long silver hair cascading over her shoulders as she looked up from the book in her hands.
“My daughter,” her mother greeted, voice gentle and soothing. Noticing the troubled look Edrys had tried to conceal, her head tilted, eyebrows furrowing. “What’s the matter?”
Edrys closed the door behind her, suddenly feeling like a young child again, seeking comfort in her mother’s presence. “Mother, I need to talk to you. Something happened during my awakening- visions of a past life that don’t make any sense. I think.. I think I might have been someone else entirely before, something sinister.”
Her mother’s expression softened with understanding as she gestured for Edrys on a plush settee draped with soft silks. “Tell me everything, dear. Let us see if we can unravel this mystery together.”
Edrys began to recount her visions, the sense of unease she had left her room with gripping her again. Her mother’s expression remained serene, though there was a flicker of something- concern, perhaps- in her silver eyes. When she finished telling her mother what she had seen, her mother pondered the information for a moment before answering. 
“Our visions, Edrys, they’re not to be taken lightly. The person you were in your past life may have been bound to something.. Else. Something we here may not know about. But, my darling, that doesn’t define who you are now. Your essence, your soul, carries the experiences of many lifetimes, but each life is an opportunity to forge your own path, to make choices that are uniquely yours.”
“But what if he- that elf- knows where I am? What if they come looking for me?”
Lady Albrecht squeezed her daughter’s hand. “Then we will be vigilant. We will learn about your past, about the connection to this man. But remember this, Edrys- you have the power to shape your own destiny, to decide where your loyalties lie.”
Edrys nodded, though the weight of her mother’s words hung heavy in the candle-scented air. “I just… I don’t want to lose myself, Mother. I don’t want to become something I don’t recognize.” 
Her mother leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on Edrys’s forehead. “You won’t, my darling. You are stronger than you know, and whatever the past holds, it cannot change the person you are today. We will face this together, as a family, and find the answers you seek.”
Edrys felt a tear slip down her cheek, the tension within her easing slightly at her mother’s reassurances. She had come seeking answers, and while many questions remained, she at least knew she wasn’t alone in this.
“Thank you, Mother,” Edrys whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Lady Albrecht smiled softly, brushing a stray lock of dark hair from Edrys’s face. “You would do just fine, my love.”
A/N: wtf was in the shadows? lmao
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abyssmarked · 1 year
[ INVITE ] : sender asks receiver into a private room with nobody else present.
a lot has happened since nepharia's first meeting with lord gortash himself -- she would have rathered to take her time, maybe play a longer game of getting closer to him and gaining his trust. but unfortunately, orin the red forced nepharia's need to rush along the process. she kidnapped lae'zel, and as much as the two of them bickered, neph knows for a fact that lae'zel would do everything in her power to rescue her if the roles were reversed. and nepharia wants to say it's because she's growing a stronger backbone after facing everything she's faced thus far, but alas, the bigger motivation to facing orin is acquiring her stone. in the fiend's mind, orin would be much more difficult to find, let alone face, than gortash. gortash is another powerful man, after all. and most powerful men are all weak to their most basic desires. and perhaps, after she absorbs every ounce of his life - force for herself, she'll be more than strong enough for the blood bath to surely come.
nepharia doesn't come to him in armor this time, but a nice, black gown that hugs her petite figure with the neckline that almost dips down to her navel. she even added golden jewelry to hang from the horns curled at either side of her head, and strappy, golden shoes that tie ribbons up her pale calves. being a succubus, she already exudes a natural pheromone, but the magic offered by her patron lets her enhance her charms.
she's confident, but she doesn't want to let her guard down. she needs everything to seem natural, and since she arrived, she's been holding meaningful conversation. she's been feeding into his ego, but not so much that it seems forced or fake. she's really good at feigning interest : a lot of maintaining intense eye contact, little touches here and there, the wrist, the shoulder.
once he's finished giving her a tour of some of the grounds, they find themselves alone in his office. the air is a bit thicker here, as her anxiety briefly heightens. being alone with him feels dangerous, not having the people who have been near her throughout this entire journey around her feels... wrong. gods, this entire situation has made her too dependent on others, and that feels like weakness. she turns her back to him, sauntering slowly around his office as she glances around at all of the surroundings. she's finding things that might be useful in case everything goes sideways, ' i would kill for a place like this, ' she tells him, flashing a fanged smirk at him from over a freckled shoulder, knowing all too well herself how true of a statement that is.
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' there's something about you, lord gortash, ' there's a pause as she turns to face him, letting her clawed fingertips strategically fiddle with the fabric of her dress, opening the neckline a bit further to expose more of the soft flesh around her breasts, only slightly as she slowly approaches, ' it's more than the riches, and the glory, ' another pause, her voice is smooth and sultry as icy orbs lock onto his, charm spell in full effect, ' it's the respect. ' she emphasizes the word, as if it alone is what has her so worked up, and she steps directly before him. she has to look up at him, though she tries her best to feel larger mentally. ' people revere you. some even fear you. it's quite... ' as she finds her words, she lets her eyes darken with desire as pale hues slowly look him up and down, as if drinking him in. some of her reactions are genuine. she can feel her body reacting to the excitement of potential sustenance, and his faint arousal smells delicious already. she can feel her mouth begin to moisten, ' ... intoxicating. ' @lordgortrash
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suuho · 2 years
hi kaz !!! i just wanted to say i really am interested sm in how objectively you talk about kpop and music as some one who doesnt actually know much aside from what i think sounds good or interesting to listen to vs what sounds ..... troublesome LOL but i saw your top 5 vocalist ranking and i was wondering where you'd put hui in that? or in btob's case, changsub or hyunsik? xoxoxo
hi!! hey, people don't need to know, like, everything about the stuff they enjoy. it's totally just enough to enjoy it. like, i love dance but i am not as much of a dancer as i am a vocalist, first and foremost, lol. so, what i see there is mostly informed by experience and a lot of dancers i know. but it is not nearly on the same level as my vocal expertise (and even then, i am not a studied vocal teacher, just a singer).
ANYWAYS, now to your question. oh my god, i just love it. because i adore both, btob and pentagon so much. btob could literally raise me out of my grave, the first notes of missing you are enough to revive me, ready to take eunkwang's high harmony. it's also my go-to karaoke song. so, i like. i just love to sing that song, man. more under the cut cause ramble.
i wanna start with changsub here, because he was one of the first vocalists i noticed in btob. his strong suit are a stunning falsetto (when he sings high notes in a high, soft pitch) and vibrato (when the voice, like, trembles after you finish a note). like, he is so beyond good at that and i think his tone is so crazy beautiful. sungjae and eunkwang harmonize so beautifully with him, too. they really compliment his voice tone. he has such a soft yet strong sound quality. his voice sounds like a lullaby, perfectly suited for pop ballads, yet he also sounds great on r&b songs. you catch my drift.
i fell in love with hyunsik super quickly, something about the fact that he wrote missing you immediately spoke to me. that song is like a cornerstone of my identity, i am sorry that i keep talking about it. anyways, his voice sits lower than eunkwang's or changsub's but he’s got those soaring vocals when he sings high notes. he was made to sing with eunkwang, i believe. like, these two voices are like honey and caramel. bread and butter. they belong together. he is super good in his own range, and especially when he allows his voice to really rise. he is soooo musically gifted. it's good when a vocalist knows his way around an instrument, or composing. and his tone is like a warm blanket on a cool day. he tends to go a little nasal but i think that is just his vocal quality. still, he often sings open and rich and beautiful.
now, hui. he is just, such a beast. he is not as technically finessed as either eunkwang or jinho, imo, but he is the most interesting vocalist among them in terms of tone, color and texture. he's got so much passion and drive behind his voice, and he is super stable. he's got range. like, he can sing well up high, up into his fifth octave, his mix is super strong which affords him to sing powerful and well articulated even when he exudes the range of his chest voice (and gave us basquiat etc.)
so, i have tiers for vocalists. the first tier are my top five. the second tier is where i would sort kyungsoo, hui, baekhyun, minjun, and probably kihyun from monsta x, too. i would sort changsub there as well. and i would probably sort hyunsik a little lower because he is simply not as versatile as the others, but a strong vocalist nonetheless.
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ahmedperfumes · 12 days
Discovering the Best Perfumes for Men and Women: A Journey Through Kuwait's Fragrance Culture
In the world of fragrances, finding the perfect scent is an art. Whether you’re looking for the best perfume for men, a signature fragrance for women, or indulging in the rich, traditional aroma of oud perfumes, Kuwait offers a stunning range of options. Let’s explore some of the best perfumes available in Kuwait, and how they can make a difference in your scent wardrobe.
The Best Perfume for Men: Elegance and Masculinity
When it comes to perfumes for men, finding a fragrance that exudes confidence and masculinity is key. The best perfume for men typically balances strength with subtlety, leaving an impression without being overpowering. Some of the top contenders include:
Dior Sauvage: A powerful scent with notes of bergamot, Sichuan pepper, and ambroxan, making it a popular choice for men who want to make a statement.
Creed Aventus: Known for its fresh and woody scent, Creed Aventus is perfect for those who prefer a balance between luxury and practicality.
Tom Ford Noir Extreme: This sensual fragrance combines warm spices with sweet vanilla, offering an intriguing blend perfect for special occasions.
These best perfumes for men are ideal for the modern gentleman, leaving a lasting impression wherever you go.
Best Fragrance Perfume for Women: Graceful and Feminine
For women, the right fragrance can elevate confidence, style, and mood. The best fragrance perfume for women is one that resonates with their personality while being versatile enough for daily wear. Some standout choices for women include:
Chanel №5: Timeless and elegant, this classic fragrance features floral notes that make it a staple in the world of feminine perfumes.
Lancôme La Vie Est Belle: With its sweet and floral composition, this perfume offers a delightful mix of iris, jasmine, and orange blossom, perfect for everyday elegance.
Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium: A modern scent that combines notes of coffee and vanilla, creating a bold yet inviting fragrance for confident women.
These fragrances are celebrated for their unique ability to capture femininity and grace, making them the best fragrance perfumes for women.
Perfumes in Kuwait: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity
Kuwait is a hub for luxury fragrances, blending modern brands with traditional Arabian scents. The fragrance culture in Kuwait is deeply rooted in tradition, with oud perfumes playing a significant role in daily life. Oud, also known as “liquid gold,” is derived from the resin of the agarwood tree and offers a rich, smoky aroma that is both timeless and unique.
Best Perfume in Kuwait: Where to Shop
If you’re looking for the best perfume in Kuwait, there are several places where you can find high-end and niche fragrances. Kuwait’s perfume market is vast, offering everything from international brands to local Arabian perfumes. Some top locations to explore include:
The Avenues Mall: Known for its luxury shopping experience, The Avenues houses several perfume boutiques like Dior, Chanel, and Jo Malone.
Harvey Nichols Kuwait: This high-end department store is a go-to for premium international and niche fragrance brands.
Arabian Oud: For those who love traditional scents, Arabian Oud is the perfect destination for oud-based perfumes and other rich, Arabian fragrances.
These stores offer a wide selection of perfumes in Kuwait, from designer brands to locally crafted masterpieces.
Oud Perfumes: A Tradition Worth Celebrating
No conversation about perfumes in the Middle East is complete without mentioning oud perfumes. Oud is a symbol of luxury, and its deep, woody scent is often used in special occasions and daily wear in Kuwait. Some of the best oud perfumes include:
Amouage Interlude Man: This is a complex fragrance with smoky, woody notes, making it a favorite among oud lovers.
Tom Ford Oud Wood: A modern twist on the classic oud, this perfume combines oud with exotic spices and vanilla, creating a luxurious and versatile fragrance.
Ajmal Dahn Al Oudh: Known for its pure oud essence, this fragrance is perfect for those who appreciate traditional Arabian scents.
Oud perfumes are celebrated for their distinctive aroma and long-lasting impact, making them a must-have in any fragrance collection.
Whether you’re searching for the best perfume for men, a graceful fragrance for women, or the rich and smoky allure of oud perfumes, Kuwait offers an impressive range of scents. From international designer fragrances to traditional Arabian perfumes, there is something for every taste and occasion. The world of perfumes in Kuwait is vibrant and full of variety, offering endless opportunities to find the perfect fragrance.
So, next time you’re on the hunt for a new scent, whether in Kuwait or online, remember that your fragrance says a lot about who you are — and the right one can leave a lasting impression.
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aclmartsjaipur · 2 months
Elevate Your Style: The Perfect Leather Accessories for Men
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Unleash the Power of Leather: Wallets and Crossbody Bags
Leather, a timeless material exuding elegance and durability, has been a staple in men's fashion for centuries. From the classic wallet to the modern crossbody bag, leather accessories offer a blend of style, functionality, and longevity. Let's delve into the world of leather men's wallets and crossbody bags, exploring why they are essential additions to any man's wardrobe.
The Timeless Leather Wallet: A Gentleman's Essential
A leather wallet is more than just a place to store your cards and cash; it's a reflection of your personal style. Crafted from high-quality leather, a well-made wallet develops a rich patina over time, adding character and individuality. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or a wallet packed with features, there's a perfect leather option to suit your needs.
Consider the impact of a sleek, black leather wallet against a tailored suit. Or imagine the rugged charm of a distressed brown wallet paired with casual attire. A leather wallet is a versatile accessory that effortlessly complements any outfit.
The Modern Man's Crossbody Bag: Style and Function Combined
For the modern man on the go, a leather crossbody bag is an indispensable companion. Offering a hands-free carrying solution, it allows you to keep your essentials within easy reach. From smartphones and wallets to keys and sunglasses, everything has its place in a well-organized crossbody bag.
The versatility of leather crossbody bags is unmatched. Whether you're heading to the office, exploring a new city, or enjoying a weekend getaway, this accessory effortlessly transitions from day to night. Choose a sleek, minimalist design for a professional look, or opt for a rugged, textured bag for a more casual vibe.
The Perfect Pairing: Wallets and Crossbody Bags
To create a truly cohesive and stylish look, consider pairing your leather wallet with a complementary crossbody bag. The same leather type or similar color tones can create a harmonious ensemble. For example, a black leather wallet paired with a black or dark brown crossbody bag exudes sophistication. On the other hand, a brown leather wallet can be complemented with a lighter brown or tan crossbody bag for a more relaxed aesthetic.
Investing in high-quality leather accessories is an investment in style and durability. With proper care, your leather wallet and crossbody bag will accompany you on countless adventures, becoming cherished companions that enhance your personal brand.
In conclusion, leather men's wallets and crossbody bags are essential components of a modern man's wardrobe. They offer a perfect blend of style, functionality, and longevity, elevating your overall look. By carefully selecting pieces that complement your personal style and lifestyle, you can create a timeless and sophisticated image.
To know more about the "leather men's wallets", "leather men's crossbody bag", "leather men's laptop bags", "leather men's passport cover", "leather men's bag packs". We recommend you to visit the ACL Marts. To see the Industries best rated and top businesses in the Delhi, Faridabad
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In the neon-lit labyrinth of New Europa, a city that never slept, a figure emerged from the shadows. Her long, straight black hair cascaded down her back, blending seamlessly with her black leather attire. Her name was Raven, a skilled hacker and street-smart survivor, known for her intricate tattoos and piercing gaze.
Raven navigated the narrow alleyways with ease, her eyes scanning for potential threats. The city's heart pulsed with energy, vibrant signs illuminating the foggy streets. Tonight, she had a mission that could change everything.
In the heart of New Europa lay the Technodome, a colossal structure housing the latest advancements in cybernetics and artificial intelligence. But beneath its gleaming surface lay secrets that only a few knew about. Rumors spoke of a powerful artifact, the Chrono Crystal, capable of manipulating time itself.
Raven's target was the Count of Flanders, an enigmatic figure who controlled the black market of New Europa. The Count, a man of influence and mystery, was said to possess the key to the Technodome's inner sanctum. Acquiring that key would bring Raven one step closer to the Chrono Crystal.
As she approached the Count's hideout, a fortified mansion surrounded by high-tech security, Raven activated her wrist-mounted holographic interface. She bypassed the security protocols with practiced ease, her fingers dancing over the virtual keyboard.
Inside, the Count of Flanders awaited, his sharp features and piercing eyes reflecting the dim light of his opulent chamber. He wore a dark suit, his demeanor exuding power and confidence.
"Raven," he greeted, his voice smooth and commanding. "I knew you would come."
"I need the key to the Technodome," Raven said, her tone steady. "And you're going to give it to me."
The Count chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "And why would I do that?"
"Because I know about your little secret," Raven replied, her eyes narrowing. "The experiments you've been conducting with the Chrono Crystal. If the public found out..."
The Count's expression darkened. "You think you can blackmail me?"
"I don't need to blackmail you," Raven said, stepping closer. "I just need the key."
For a moment, silence filled the room. Then, the Count reached into his pocket, pulling out a sleek, metallic keycard. "Very well," he said, handing it over. "But know this, Raven. Once you step into the Technodome, there's no turning back."
Raven took the keycard, her eyes meeting the Count's. "I'm ready."
With the keycard in hand, Raven left the mansion and made her way to the Technodome. The city's neon lights flickered as she approached the massive structure. She knew the risks, but the potential reward was worth it.
Inside the Technodome, Raven navigated through the labyrinthine corridors, her heart pounding with anticipation. Finally, she reached the inner sanctum, a chamber filled with advanced technology and the glowing Chrono Crystal at its center.
As she approached the crystal, a holographic interface appeared, displaying intricate calculations and equations. Raven's mind raced, her knowledge of hacking and cybernetics guiding her every move.
With a deep breath, she activated the crystal. The room filled with a blinding light, and time itself seemed to warp around her. Raven felt a surge of energy, her body tingling with power.
In that moment, she realized the true potential of the Chrono Crystal. It wasn't just a tool for manipulating time; it was a key to a new future. With the crystal in her possession, Raven knew she could change the course of history.
As the light faded, Raven stood tall, her eyes glowing with newfound determination. The city of New Europa lay before her, and with the power of the Chrono Crystal, she was ready to reshape it in her image.
And so, the legend of Raven, the hacker queen of New Europa, began. Her journey was far from over, but with the Chrono Crystal in her grasp, the possibilities were endless.
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attireheaven1 · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Leather Jacket for Men: Style, Fit, and Durability Explained
Are you a fashion-forward man on the hunt for the perfect leather jacket? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know to find the leather jacket of your dreams. From style to fit to durability, we've got you covered. Leather jackets are not just a trendy fashion statement; they are a timeless wardrobe staple that exudes confidence and sophistication. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of leather jackets. Fear not, as we break down each aspect step-by-step, providing you with all the essential information you need to make an informed decision. Whether you're a motorcycle enthusiast seeking a rugged biker jacket or a modern gentleman looking for a sleek and versatile piece, we will explore the best styles and cuts for every occasion. Join us on this style journey as we uncover the secrets to finding the perfect leather jacket that combines style, fit, and durability.
Why every man needs a leather jacket in his wardrobe:
A leather jacket is not just a trendy fashion statement; it is a timeless wardrobe staple that exudes confidence and sophistication. Whether you're a motorcycle enthusiast seeking a rugged biker jacket or a modern gentleman looking for a sleek and versatile piece, a leather jacket is a must-have for every man.
Leather jackets have been a symbol of rebellion and style for decades. They have the power to instantly elevate any outfit, adding a touch of edginess and masculinity. From James Dean in "Rebel Without a Cause" to Marlon Brando in "The Wild One," leather jackets have graced the silver screen and become synonymous with coolness and attitude.
But beyond their sartorial appeal, leather jackets offer practical benefits too. The natural properties of leather make it highly durable and resistant to wear and tear. A well-made leather jacket can last a lifetime, making it a worthwhile investment.
Finding the perfect leather jacket is about striking a balance between style, fit, and durability. Let's dive into each aspect and uncover the secrets to finding your ideal leather jacket.
Understanding different types of leather for jackets:
Not all leather is created equal. Understanding the different types of leather used for jackets is crucial in making an informed decision.
1. **Full Grain Leather**: Considered the highest quality, full grain leather is made from the top layer of the hide. It retains the natural grain and imperfections, giving it a unique character. Full grain leather is durable, ages beautifully, and develops a rich patina over time.
2. **Top Grain Leather**: Top grain leather is the second-highest quality. It is made by splitting the top layer of the hide and sanding away imperfections. While it may not have the same character as full grain leather, it is still durable and retains a natural appearance.
3. **Genuine Leather**: Genuine leather is made from the layers of the hide that remain after the top grain is split off. It is less expensive and often used in mass-produced jackets. While genuine leather is still real leather, it is not as durable as full or top grain leather.
4. **Bonded Leather**: Bonded leather is made by blending scraps of leather with other materials. It is the lowest quality and lacks the durability and natural appearance of other types of leather.
When choosing a leather jacket, opt for full grain or top grain leather for the best quality and longevity.
Choosing the right style of leather jacket:
Leather jackets come in various styles, each with its own unique characteristics and appeal. To find the perfect style, consider your personal taste, lifestyle, and the occasions you plan to wear the jacket for.
1. **Biker Jacket**: The biker jacket is the epitome of cool and rebellion. With its asymmetrical zipper, wide lapels, and belted waist, it exudes a rugged and edgy vibe. Perfect for motorcycle enthusiasts or those who want to add a touch of attitude to their outfits.
2. **Bomber Jacket**: Originally worn by pilots, the bomber jacket features a zippered front, ribbed cuffs, and a fitted waist. It has a timeless and versatile appeal, making it suitable for both casual and smart-casual occasions. Pair it with jeans or chinos for a classic look.
3. **Racer Jacket**: The racer jacket, also known as the moto jacket, is similar to the biker jacket but with a sleeker and more streamlined design. It typically features a band collar, zippered front pockets, and minimal detailing. The racer jacket is perfect for those who prefer a more refined and minimalist aesthetic.
4. **Flight Jacket**: Inspired by military flight jackets, the flight jacket, also known as the aviator jacket, is characterized by its shearling collar and cuffs. It provides warmth and is ideal for colder climates. The flight jacket pairs well with jeans and boots for a rugged yet stylish look.
5. **Field Jacket**: The field jacket is a versatile and functional option. It typically features multiple pockets, a buttoned or zippered front, and a drawstring waist. The field jacket is perfect for casual, outdoor, or adventurous occasions.
When choosing a style, consider your body type and proportions. Some styles, such as the biker jacket, may have a boxier or more fitted silhouette. Experiment with different styles to find the one that flatters your body shape.
Finding the perfect fit for your leather jacket:
The fit of a leather jacket is essential for both comfort and style. An ill-fitting jacket can ruin the overall look and compromise your comfort. Here are some tips for finding the perfect fit:
1. **Shoulders**: The shoulder seams should align with your natural shoulder line. Avoid jackets with shoulders that are too wide or too narrow, as they can create an unflattering silhouette.
2. **Sleeves**: The sleeves should be long enough to cover your wrists but not extend past your knuckles. They should also allow for easy movement without feeling restrictive.
3. **Body Length**: The length of the jacket should be proportionate to your height. Ideally, it should end at your waist or slightly below, depending on the style. Avoid jackets that are too short or too long, as they can throw off the overall balance of your outfit.
4. **Chest and Waist**: The jacket should fit snugly around your chest and waist without feeling tight or constricting. It should allow for easy movement and layering with other clothing items.
5. **Armholes**: The armholes should be high enough to allow for a full range of motion without causing discomfort or restricting movement.
When trying on a leather jacket, pay attention to how it feels and looks from all angles. Take into account any potential alterations that may be needed to achieve the perfect fit.
Factors to consider for leather jacket durability:
Durability is a crucial factor to consider when investing in a leather jacket. A well-made and durable jacket will not only withstand daily wear and tear but also age gracefully. Here are some factors to consider:
1. **Leather Quality**: As mentioned earlier, opt for full grain or top grain leather for the highest quality and durability. These types of leather are less likely to crack, fade, or lose their shape over time.
2. **Stitching**: Pay attention to the stitching of the jacket. Look for tight and even stitching, as this indicates quality craftsmanship. Loose or uneven stitching may lead to premature wear and tear.
3. **Hardware**: Check the quality of the hardware, such as zippers, buttons, and snaps. They should be sturdy and well-attached to the jacket. Inferior hardware can break or rust over time, compromising the overall durability of the jacket.
4. **Lining**: The lining of a leather jacket not only adds comfort but also protects the leather from sweat and oils. Opt for jackets with high-quality linings that are well-constructed and securely attached.
5. **Care and Maintenance**: Proper care and maintenance are essential for the longevity of a leather jacket. Regularly clean and condition the jacket using products specifically designed for leather. Avoid exposing the jacket to extreme temperatures or excessive moisture.
By considering these factors, you can ensure that your leather jacket will stand the test of time and continue to look great for years to come.
Tips for maintaining and caring for your leather jacket:
To keep your leather jacket looking its best, regular maintenance and care are essential. Here are some tips for maintaining and caring for your leather jacket:
1. **Cleaning**: Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe away any dirt or stains. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the leather. For more stubborn stains, consult a professional leather cleaner.
2. **Conditioning**: Apply a leather conditioner to keep the leather soft and supple. Conditioning also helps to prevent cracking and drying out. Follow the instructions on the conditioner and apply it sparingly.
3. **Storage**: When not wearing your leather jacket, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use a breathable garment bag or cover to protect it from dust and moisture.
4. **Avoid Excessive Moisture**: Leather is susceptible to water damage, so avoid wearing your jacket in heavy rain or snow. If it does get wet, gently pat it dry with a soft cloth and allow it to air dry naturally.
5. **Avoid Extreme Temperatures**: Extreme heat or cold can damage the leather. Avoid leaving your jacket in a hot car or exposing it to direct sunlight for extended periods. Similarly, avoid storing it in a freezing cold environment.
By following these care tips, you can ensure that your leather jacket remains in top condition and continues to be a stylish and durable piece in your wardrobe.
Where to buy high-quality leather jackets for men:
When it comes to purchasing a leather jacket, quality is key. Here are some places to consider when looking for high-quality leather jackets for men:
1. **Specialty Leather Retailers**: Visit specialty leather retailers that focus on leather goods. These stores often carry a wide selection of quality leather jackets from reputable brands.
2. **Boutiques and Independent Designers**: Boutique stores and independent designers often offer unique and handcrafted leather jackets. These pieces may come at a higher price point but are often worth the investment for their quality and craftsmanship.
3. **Online Retailers**: Online retailers can provide a convenient option for purchasing leather jackets. Look for reputable websites that offer detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and return policies.
4. **Vintage and Thrift Stores**: Consider exploring vintage and thrift stores for unique and affordable leather jackets. You may find hidden gems with character and history.
When purchasing a leather jacket, always check the product description and materials used. Look for jackets made from high-quality leather and pay attention to customer reviews and ratings.
How to spot a fake or low-quality leather jacket:
With the popularity of leather jackets, counterfeit and low-quality options are unfortunately prevalent in the market. Here are some tips to help you spot a fake or low-quality leather jacket:
1. **Price**: If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. High-quality leather jackets come at a cost due to the materials and craftsmanship involved. Be skeptical of heavily discounted jackets.
2. **Texture**: Genuine leather has a unique texture that is not easily replicated. It should feel soft, supple, and slightly grainy to the touch. Avoid jackets that feel excessively smooth or plastic-like.
3. **Smell**: Real leather has a distinct, earthy smell. If the jacket has a chemical or synthetic odor, it is likely not genuine leather.
4. **Labeling and Branding**: Pay attention to the labeling and branding on the jacket. Authentic leather jackets often have detailed branding, embossed logos, and quality stitching.
5. **Construction**: Examine the construction of the jacket. Authentic leather jackets are well-constructed with tight stitching and quality hardware.
If you have doubts about the authenticity or quality of a leather jacket, consult a knowledgeable salesperson or do further research before making a purchase.
The timeless appeal of a leather jacket and its versatility:
A leather jacket is a timeless piece that transcends trends. Its versatility allows it to be styled in numerous ways for various occasions. Here are some ideas on how to wear a leather jacket:
1. **Casual Look**: Pair your leather jacket with a white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers for a classic casual look. Layer it with a hoodie or flannel shirt for added warmth and style.
2. **Smart-Casual Look**: Dress up your leather jacket by wearing it over a button-down shirt, chinos, and dress shoes. This combination strikes the perfect balance between casual and formal.
3. **Edgy Look**: Embrace the rebellious nature of a leather jacket by pairing it with black skinny jeans, a graphic tee, and boots. Add accessories like a chain necklace or a beanie for extra edginess.
4. **Layering**: Use your leather jacket as a layering piece. Wear it over a sweater or a cardigan for added warmth and style during colder months.
Remember, a leather jacket is an investment piece that can be styled in numerous ways throughout the seasons. Experiment with different combinations to find your own unique style.
Conclusion: Find your perfect leather jacket and elevate your style
A leather jacket is more than just a piece of clothing; it is a statement of style and confidence. By understanding the different types of leather, choosing the right style and fit, considering durability factors, and caring for your jacket, you can find the perfect leather jacket that will elevate your style and stand the test of time.
Whether you're a fan of the classic biker jacket or prefer the versatility of a bomber jacket, there is a leather jacket out there that suits your taste and lifestyle. Take your time, do your research, and invest in a high-quality leather jacket that will become a cherished piece in your wardrobe for years to come. Embrace the timeless appeal of a leather jacket and let it become your signature piece of style.
Shop your favorite jacket from attireheaven.com now
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kaylemarieespanola · 2 years
A set of psychological ideas and therapeutic techniques with its roots in the research and theories of Sigmund Freud is referred to as psychoanalysis. The fundamental tenet of psychoanalysis is that every person has unconscious feelings, wants, memories, and thoughts.
Making the unconscious conscious, or releasing repressed feelings and experiences, is the goal of psychoanalytic therapy. The only way to assist and "cure" the person is for them to have a cathartic (i.e., healing) experience.
Summary/Description of the artwork 1.0
Beyoncé called the flowery, woody fragrance of the Heat perfume for women "a singular embodiment of a woman's sexuality." A luminous bouquet of magnolia, neroli, and crimson vanilla orchid tempered with a kiss of decadent blush peach greets the wearer as the fragrance first unfolds. An immensely sensual sensation is created at its core by combining crème de musk, fragrant honeysuckle nectar, and almond macaroon. Last but not least, lingering warm and seductive notes of giant sequoia milkwood, Tonka bean, and amber tempt the senses. Heat is the ideal scent for ladies who aren't scared to seek and be desired since it radiates passion and confidence. Experience the fever and awaken your inner fire.
Summary/Description of the artwork 1.1
A seductive strategy was employed to market salad dressings to women in the Let's Get Zesty campaign, which promotes Kraft Italian dressings.
The advertising campaign borrows heavily from the iconic Old Spice commercial. Similar to the Old Spice guy, the dashing man in the Kraft advertisement is designed to represent the ideal, desirable man. He exudes excellence in everything he does, like cutting a pepper exactly in one nanosecond. With subtle sexual innuendos scattered throughout the advertisement, this piques the desire of both women and men viewing.
Analysis 1.0
In our regular lifestyle, wearing perfume is essential and is a portion of our dress code. It elevates our mood. The fragrance you select also reveals something about your identity and personality.
In keeping with Beyonce's request, Fragrance Heat was created in an old-fashioned glass flacon. She gave it a red hue with orange undertones that resemble burning flames. The overpowering red color scheme of the image communicates traits of an aggressive and fearless mentality. The aromas in this group of perfumes include warm, fruity, spicy, and rich notes. Wearers of these fragrances in perfumes are therefore more likely to have an aroused, refreshed, and powerful feeling. Anyone who uses perfume runs the risk of being drawn to them solely by smell. Like the sexy woman, the flacon is fiery and seductive, and it has a subtle gold design on the neck with the fragrance's name etched on it. Furthermore, The word "HEAT. Catch the fever." implies that the entire scene was sizzling and steamy, inducing the man to become overwhelmed with his sexual desires for the woman as suggested by her aroma in the advertisement.
Heat is a flowery, woody perfume for women that Beyoncé called "a singular embodiment of a woman's sexuality." The scent begins with a brilliant bouquet of magnolia, neroli, and red vanilla orchid that is complemented with a kiss of decadent blush peach. Its core is an extraordinarily pleasurable sensation made of crème de musk, fragrant honeysuckle nectar, and almond macaroon. The scent of giant sequoia milkwood, tonka bean, and amber linger to entice the senses in the end. In a scent made for ladies who aren't ashamed to desire and be desired, Heat oozes passion and confidence. Discover your inner fire by catching the fever.
Analysis 1.1
The image of the handsome mature half-naked man at the top of the table, pouring the Zesty seductively towards the vegetable salad showed how this man oozes dominance with his facial expression as he entices the audience through his attractiveness. His slightly open leg highlights their masculinity as he emits confidence. There are also candles that are lit in the advertisement's background, suggesting a romantic meal. The subdued lighting is used to draw the attention of the auidence to serious subject matter or the important part of the visual text. Moreover, In order to increase sexual attractiveness and suggest possible sexual intentions that may pique the curiosity of the female clients, the text "The only thing better than dressing is undressing" is stressed as an attention-getter. The significance of the sauce is to inform the potential customers with the new product created as it introduces the brand or provides an outline of specific product. It makes an effort to increase demand for a given good. This includes raising consumer interest in the product and helping them become aware that it exists. Moreover, the food is juxtaposed with the body in the table in a way that the effect of placing them side by side gives a surprising impact as it highlights their differences towards the viewers. It is done for the purpose of creating contrast between the two things.
The influence of suppressed urges, psychological tensions, and childhood traumas on mental health is the main topic of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis as a form of therapy focuses on changing your behaviors in order to change your personality. The way in which your underlying mental issues contributed to neurosis is examined by therapists.
Psychoanalysts employ free association and dream analysis, resistance and deference mechanism analysis, and collaborative problem-solving to enhance these conflicts and address your issues.
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Dearest Darlings🖤
At risk of sounding like a broken record, Chapter 15 of DWM is behaving like a wriggly little whore. I'm doing my best to spank it into submission, but it seems to be into that or something, idk. Point is that it doesn't want to co-operate, so is going to be a while longer yet.
But to celebrate the week anniversary of setting my fic on fire in a blaze of angsty glory, I'll offer you another sneak peek.
DWM Chapter 15 Sneak Peek
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[edits may be made in the final draft]
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Your gown flows to the floor; draped artfully upon the curves of your body like fine spun spider-silk. 
Couples dance gracefully in time with the orchestral music which soars to the ogival arches high above you. Regimental lines of white stone pillars run the length of the ballroom, each one adorned with flickering candles and crystal trinkets that catch the light and reflect it further – dappling the walls with pinpricks of luminosity like suspended raindrops.
Every single face that twirls past you is hidden behind a mask of porcelain or leather, lace or felt. A dizzying array of designs both fantastical and artistic. Adorned with pearls or feathers or jewels. Overlaid with satin or silk or lace.
You’re certain it would all be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, were your attention not so thoroughly captured by the tall, thin man standing across the dance floor – gazing at you as though you’re a rare and precious treasure that’s just been unearthed.
He’s young. Handsome. Raven hair styled effortlessly back, and wearing the finest suit you’ve ever laid eyes upon. Made from a red so rich that your mind cannot comprehend such a shade, and black so dark it seems to swallow the light around it. The top left side of his face is covered with a mask edged in gold leaf, with an unfurled rose where the eyehole should be. Leaving only half a gaze visible to you; vibrant turquoise, brimming with passion and sly mischief.
Surrounded as you may be by opulence and splendour - in your eyes, he puts everything in this room to shame.
The crowd parts readily for him as he stalks directly towards you, moving with a lithe grace that commands attention and exudes power.
His arrival culminates in the extension of a long, elegant hand; palm up.
And you take it, without hesitation.
It’s the most natural thing in the world to step within his embrace. His arm winds around your waist, holding you close as he leads you with easy confidence in a slow, indulgent waltz.
His voice is as velvet and rich as the lapels on his suit jacket, and more beautiful than the music which echos around you in haunting swells.
“I’ve been looking for you, Darling.”
You nod, “I’ve been looking for you too.”
He smiles. And you smile too.
You’ve never felt more content than you do in this moment. Peaceful. Happy. You don’t know how you know, but you’re flooded with the unquestionable certainty that this is exactly where you’re supposed to be.
The press of his brow against yours is achingly tender, and he tilts his face to capture you with a kiss that’s soft and sweet.
“Do you want me?” He asks, each word brushing featherlight against your lips.
You expect him to be happy with your answer. But the corner of his mouth ticks downwards just a little – now sliced with a scar you hadn’t noticed before. And when you look up to his aqua eye, you find the hollow beneath it more prominent. Lines trace the skin that was so smooth mere moments ago, and his raven temples are dashed through with silver.
“How about now?”
He guides your hand towards the mask he wears. Your fingers slip beneath the gilded edge, and you carefully peel it away. Beneath lies an expanse of mottled grey skin which sweeps to his hairline, and set within the centre like a crowning carnelian jewel is an unblinking hellfire eye. Your fingertips gently trace the ridges and grooves, committing the pattern and texture to memory.
“And now?”
You’re left suddenly cold. His arms no longer around you.
The warm candle glow becomes frigid and pale; watery daylight shining through grimy, broken windows.
The stone arches above you nothing more than rusted girders and corrugated metal.
Ornamental stone pillars gone, leaving behind only crumbling concrete walls.
An abandoned warehouse. Yes. You’ve been here once before.
He stands in the middle of the space with his back to you.
Blood drips rhythmically from the crimson coated blade in his hand. Each drop clinging to the tip for a second before falling to join the steadily growing pool upon the floor – seeping ever closer to the sundered body at his feet.
His head cocks slightly, predatorily, peering over his shoulder at you with one cold-water eye.
“Do you still want me now?”
Why can’t he see that you mean what you say?
The dead body at his feet becomes only one of dozens, multiplying each time you dare to blink.
“Are you so sure?” There’s a cruel lilt to his voice. It teases. Toys. And yet still your answer is immediate and unequivocal.
Your feet catch and tangle with the bodies that litter the floor. Treading upon purple veins which emit a shimmering vapour as you pass. Your body is weighted and slow, but you desperately battle it all to reach him.
You clutch his shoulder, and turn him to face you fully.
The skin around his left eye is no longer scarred, but scaled. 
Each charcoal plate is finished with an opalescent shine, and layered around a garnet eye; cut vertically with a thin, serpentine pupil. And when he speaks, you catch sight of teeth which are just a little too sharp.
“Do you really want me, Sweetheart?”
Your hands rise to caress the silken scales which gradually spread until his entire face is coated, “Yes. I want you, Silco.”
Claw-tipped fingers slide lovingly to your throat, long enough to wrap easily around the entirety of your neck. Talons puncture skin as he steadily begins to squeeze.
“You shouldn’t.”
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