#everything was from wilbur letters
jams-sims · 10 months
I saw a post asking why Philza was so feared when Philza is mostly a chill dude. I'm assuming it had to do with Tubbo being worried. An I mean if you want the realistic answer its because "rp". Tubbo was given a single job while Philza was away an he failed it. QPhilza not going to be angry at Tubbo tho, the realistic reaction is probably going be-
"I know you didn't lose my kids on purpose this was inevitable/I don't blame you mate." Philzs has never shown to lash out at people who didn't hurt him directly first. Its Tubbo mind over reacting off of guilt. QPhilza will turn all that hate to the FEDs where it rightfully belong.
Now to the feared part is simple the same reason people in cellbit stream scream when that man talks about eating human flesh is the same reason people fear Philza reaction. Previous smp, and just having respect for the character that they play. It would suck if you had a really cool character you made and every one treated them like a baby and non threat just because you are chill.
Philza has the capacity the feel real anger and be upset. (Nightmare situation). He just a chill dude and there a saying. That you never wanna make the nices people upset.
I mean realistically someone has already spoiled the egg missing situation. So instead of getting a "real" reaction. We are going to get one thats lukewarm at best. But the thing is we have no clue what he will do. We can make guess off his previous actions. But he could surprises us which is the exciting part!
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me when cniki started baking again. me when she has gone through so much and dealt with some of the most horrible things that can happen to you but SHE BAKES AGAIN. she joins the syndicate. she forgives wilbur. she moves on she moves on she moves on. people want wilbur to write letters to tommy and i do too /so/ badly but honestly?? i want his first letter to be addressed to niki. i want them to be friends again. i want them to understand each other in a way that’s impossible for crimeboys because they are /brothers/ and sometimes that is the most difficult thing to be in the world.
writing letters isn’t easy. but maybe it’ll be easier if wilbur’s first letter is to someone who doesn’t need them to survive.
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kaiokentimesten · 7 months
The stuff with q!Wilbur and Tallulah is SO GOOD. like
q!Wilbur is a spoiled brat who expects everything to go his way. He has no issue drifting from place to place, never staying for long. And then, on this island, he finds a kid, abandoned in the adoption center. She looks just like him, and the first thing he thinks is "oh no, I can't do this". He tells her he can't take on that responsibility. But then, he does it anyway. You could argue that maybe he didn't really have a choice (the egg looks like him), but you could also argue he always did
He spends time with her while he can. He gives her a pretty name and he tries to raise her with pacifism in mind. Saying "You don't need to fight, you can just stand back and let me protect you!" when he can't even protect himself. He teaches her how to play guitar and sings her songs. "You were the person I asked for and even more."
And then he leaves. Days go by, then weeks, then months. Circumstances change, and Tallulah can't be a pacifist. qPhil raises her, teaching her how to fight and survive. He's there for Tallulah more than qWilbur could ever even hope to be, and Tallulah's attitude starts to change. For a while, she was hard on herself, feeling unloved because her only parent was gone. She felt bad that she viewed Phil as a father more, and the guilt nearly ate her alive until Phil reassured her that he considered her a daughter from the moment he started taking care of her
Then, Tallulah disappears, and the midst of chaos, Wilbur comes back. Immediately, he's taken aback, and he scolds the other parents for seemingly doing nothing. But, what has he done? At least the others were here. His fight with Phil and subsequent actions show off just how little he understands how things work on the island. He goes "well, I'm the one thinking LOGICALLY here while everyone else is just acting on EMOTION", all the while he spends the whole time throwing tantrums and starting fights. He really thinks leaving her a letter and playing a song will bring her back. Meanwhile, Phil's sent to purgatory, fighting tooth and nail to find her and bring her home
When they finally find the eggs, Tallulah's not even surprised that Wilbur isn't here. It's "papa Phil" and "Wilbur" now. She's jaded, and she has every right to be. Wilbur can make all of the promises in the world, but if he's not here, what good is his word?
Of course, from a meta perspective, I don't think this was cc!Wilbur's intention. He said he would've written more letters, but he was so busy that he couldn't. However, the story's moved on without him, and I am very eager to see how he decides to play this, because Tallulah and qWilbur's dynamic is definitely changing, and it's not for the better
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space-robinhood · 2 years
// dsmp spoilers
Thinking about c!crimeboys sending eachother letters (ignore how idk how). Them getting to keep in touch and bond and recover but from a healthy distance. Wilbur asks how Tommy is holding up and how the others are doing. Tommy frequently asks him what Utah is like, and occasionally is sent back a polaroid that he keeps at his bedside.
But eventually, Wilbur picks up that Tommy isn't doing so well. Tommy isn't so much like Wil, who makes up some web of lies to convince Wilbur that everything's dandy. He's fairly honest about what's going on, but insists that he's got everything under control and to not worry about him, because he's a BIG MAN who can TAKE ON ANYTHING.
Until the final letter arrives. The letters are hastily scribbled, the page stained with tears. It cuts straight to the point in its first line:
"im sorry. im dying tomorrow."
He read through the rest of the letter two, three, four times. Tommy's entire detailed scheme to use Tubbo's nuke to finally end everything. It wasn't until the fifth read that it hit him.
"tomorrow." No, that can't be. By the time Wilbur gets these letters, its already been a few days, a few weeks sometimes.
He swore he'd never return. Should he even? If this is true, then he doesn't think he could bear to see it himself. He could very possibly make it worse anyway. No, no, Tommy could never do something like this, that isn't him, so there's nothing to worry about. He should just wait for the next letter and he'll know he's okay. But... He couldn't imagine sitting there for weeks and nothing ever arriving. He's not sure he could survive torment like that.
He wasn't conscious for most of the trip. He doesn't remember packing his things, or setting sail. Even as he arrived at the shore, none of it felt real. But when he ran up that hill, there was no denying it.
He was the brother of a crater.
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wilbursprincess · 5 months
Now Princebur lives in my mind rent free and I beg for headcannons of them being parents
Arranged Marriage With Princebur Part 3
Princebur x Female Reader
Warnings: Teeny bit angsty?
Ah, sweet anon, as much as I’d love to see Princebur coo over a baby human… that’s not how this story is ending ;)
Headcannons below cut!
~Wilbur’s parents are still hell-bent on becoming grandparents.
~They can’t stop talking about it, making both you and your reluctant husband miserable.
~Wilbur himself seems more distant, burning letters after he opens them and your clothes keep disappearing.
~One night, he finally hands you two things- an envelope of money and a suitcase.
~”I’m getting you out,” he whispers, frantically glancing around the room, like he expects someone to burst in. “You didn’t ask for this life, and it’s the least I can do.”
~You expect to feel relief, but instead, you feel… empty.
~Wilbur gives you a few minutes to gather your remaining belongings, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders and tucking a scarf to hide your face.
~”I’ll take you as far as the edge of town, ok?” He whispers, hoisting you out of the window before following, the two of you falling softly into the flowerbed. And then you run.
~You walk all night, and when you shiver from cold, Wilbur wraps an arm around you, carrying your suitcase when you get weary.
~One of his old friends has a horse and wagon, who he greets and hands an envelope while you stroke his horse’s velvety nose.
~Suddenly, you’re forced to say goodbye.
~”Take care of yourself, Wilbur, ok?” You manage to say, choking back tears. “What will your parents say?”
~”That doesn’t matter. Please, forget me. Forget everything we did,” he begs, squeezing your hands. “I’m giving you your life back.”
~He helps you onto the cart, making sure you have everything, tucking his coat over your lap as an extra layer of warmth.
~You close your eyes as he steps away, not wanting to see his face and admit you’d miss him.
~The cart squeaks as it pulls away, a silvery tear dripping down your nose as you hug Wilbur’s coat.
~”Wait, wait, wait!” You lift your head to Wilbur running after the cart, the horse halting as he climbs on board, wrapping his arms around you and sobbing into your hair.
~”I can’t leave you, please, let me come with you,” he pleads, looking you in the eyes. “We can start a new life together, settle down in the countryside. I’ve fallen for you, and I never want to go back to the castle.”
~You hug him back as his friend snaps the reins again, the slow, bumpy ride out of town beginning again. “I like the sound of staying with you for the rest of our lives.”
…who wants the last part lol
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alienssstufff · 11 months
been thinking about how there was gonna be one more stream where c!slime and c!quackity we’re gonna find solace,,,how do you believe their story ended? (since you are the ceo of dapduo)
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With what we currently have in canon here is how that final stream would have panned out: NOTE- the following happens after the HO16 fic, after Wilbur apologises to everyone except Tommy, and the 9/10 LN ending
The beginning of the stream starts with c!Wilbur leaning against the pool balcony area of Las Nevadas in the early morning as c!Quackity joins him, they both look visibly haggard and fucked up (also Quackity is in a wheelchair). It's a very darkly lit scene, clarity only shown by the light of the cigarettes they share. If I were to pin a Hamilton song to this moment it would have the lines from Angelica's 'Congratulations' notably
I look at us and think, "God, what have we done with our lives, And what did it get us?"
Though I don't know if any of them would actually say anything. None of them say anything, as stubborn as the other despite everything they've been through separately, it'd take hell for either of them to truthfully open up to the other about anything let alone themselves. It's stubbornness but it's also mutual, an agreement that neither of them would apologise to the other. Two sides of the same coin, the reflections of eachother in the water being reminders of this. The both of them leave in opposite directions of the shoreline, towards bringing an end to their final arcs.
[ok ACTUAL part with c!Quackity and c!Slime are undercut. I promise]
After the title screen, this new scene actually opens a week prior to the tntduo scene up top. Quackity on his last canon life wakes up exactly where he had fallen from the hotel, a green puddle noticeably on the floor next to him.
In my headcanon, it is implied (offscreen) that out of guilt Slime jumps off the ledge after pushing Quackity - paralleling when Quackity jumped after Slime in the 27/11/2021 finale.  "the consequences will be bitter. I will not fail. Because Quackity from Las Nevadas, we have one thing in common. Through everything we've been through. The same human ruined our lives. Because you are not a good person." -Slime
The camera is a long shot, from POV of one of the deck chairs and it shows c!Foolish hurriedly rushing to Quackity's aid to help him up. [Cut to black]
At this moment in time, there is no war on the server. Las Nevadas instead dealing with a completely new problem that is the slime clones infestation. Security footage showing different places of the country just filled with the clones aimlessly wandering around. Foolish and Quackity, the only remaining members of Las Nevadas left discuss in the now-empty and ruined Amongus research bunker on what to do next. Quackity ponders, thinking about what Slime said to him on the balcony and all the things Quackity did wrong -- and so begins the true reprise of Quackity's lessons.
The general format of this section of the stream being the same as the 27/11/2021 Las Nevadas finale: Quackity says the new (revised) Lesson, and it shows Quackity teaching these lessons to the slime clones. Hypothetically there could also be a scene of Quackity making amends with Kinoko kingdom and him sending the letters to the Syndicate etc.
Meanwhile I would have liked to think Slime, now finally free from... anyone really - spends its time wandering the server interviewing all forms of life and figuring out itself on what it truly means to be human. These wouldn't happen in the one Quackity stream but small bits of Charlie's, every new day starting with Slime watching Quackity from afar. (Featuring this also helps better portray Slime as its own person beyond Quackity's influence). If I were to pin another Hamilton song to this it would be 'It's Quiet Uptown'
ANYWAY the true finale, after having grown in their respective ways - ends with the two of them in the bright dawn at the beach. They go to each other and embrace, crying and happy as the world burns to white :,]
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
Absent in the spring.
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paring: q!wilbur x fem!reader (+ platonic q!philza x fem!reader)
summary: a small vacation to Phil’s beach house causes you to finally break down.
authors note: a follow-up to this fic but you don’t really have to read it. some more q!wilbur angst for you guys because I miss wilbur and tullulah content! also i made it so chayanne and tallulah talk in this lets just pretend the eggs are the human-dragon hybrids that are in fanart bc thats how i see them!
warnings: a little angsty sorry, hurt-comfort, happy end, not 100% following qsmp lore, unedited! please ignore any mistakes!
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“how are you holding up?”
Phil’s voice pulls you out of your trance from fidgeting with the blades of grass next to your tucked legs.
You bring your gaze up from the lush green and watch on as Chayanne and Tallulah play tag a few feet away in the field behind Phil’s beach house.
The past month had been weary as you waited for your husband to return from his tour. Days stretched on though you kept going despite that dread in your chest of missing him.
Phil had noticed you seemed less like yourself as the month went on. You were sleeping less, and getting stressed. When he came over to help you take care of Tallulah yesterday he saw how defeated you looked while trying to keep a brave face for your daughter.
Being in an empty house wasn’t fun for anyone, especially when it was too dangerous to go outside on the server alone. So, Phil invited you out to escape that empty feeling, just for a while at least. A walk and boat ride later, you were now sat beside the man with his legs crisscrossed while he munched on avocado toast.
You had shrugged plainly to his question. Fine? Okay? you didn’t know…
Squeals and giggles erupted in your ears as you watched Tallulah finally tag a breathless Chayanne, who had gotten tired of running away from his sister and let her have a turn at the one being chased. Her little legs barely kept up with her taller older sibling as he quickly regained energy.
You couldnt help the smile that was brought upon your lips. Happy they were having such a good time together, being normal for once and not sheltered from the horrors of the server that was trying to harm them every moment. They needed this time, to be care free. To be kids.
You and Phil chuckled at their antics. Though It made your heart break thinking about Wilbur being absent. He wasn’t here to hear the sounds of his daughter's sweet giggles as she played blissfully in the tall grass. To see how she was getting along with everyone, making sure they were happy and cared for.
Wilbur hadn’t sent you a letter in a week. You understood he was busy with tour, you didn’t expect him to have much time to sit and write but your worst agitations were coming true.
The disappointment was settling in each time you would go to the mailbox by the door- you and lullah had spent a day painting and decorating to your liking, with splotches of colors and your names painted across in not-so-straight letters- it would be empty with no sign of even being open since the previous morning.
“I miss him,” you say suddenly to Phil, whose gaze shifts away from the kids to you. You keep your eyes locked on them, fearing that meeting his eyes would make you finally break down into the tears you were holding back for so long.
Phil brings his hand onto your shoulder, a simple symbol of comfort.
“Awe mate, I miss him too.” he said warmly. “he’ll be back soon, im sure of it.”
Swallowing the lump building in your throat, you were so glad you had Phil there for you in these moments. Tallulah had done a good part cheering you up but sometimes you needed a real talk.
"I thought I could do this on my own but-" you choke. "I need him, Phil. He's missed so much and I can't help but think he's gonna feel guilty for not being there for her, or for me."
You let yourself break down in-front of your father in-law finally letting go of everything you’d been holding onto the past month and a half.
Phil placed his hand on your back in support as you sobbed into your hands. The aching pain in your forehead with the slight headache building, the chest pangs told you this cry was long over due.
A tap on your shoulder brings your head out from your knees. You lift your eyes to see Chayanne standing over you, his hand stretched out with a simple white flower pinching between his little fingers. His eyes held nothing but innocence as he looked down on you solemnly. He did not understand why you were so distraught, nor did he care, he just wanted to aid you in any way that he could.
"Please don't cry, Tia Y/N," his voice was small but sympathetic, making your heart sink.
Phil looked so proud in that moment, to see his son come over to aid you with comfort made him perceive he was doing something right in raising a child for once.
Taking the flower from Chayanne, he immediately crouched down to give you a tight hug around your shoulders. Surprised but grateful, you began silently crying as another pair of little arms joined the embrace - you knew it was Tallulah. Finally, you allowed yourself to let go and broke down into tears, feeling their tight embrace.
You were so glad you had these kids. Though they didn’t understand your behavior entirely there was no judgement, only care.
“For what it's worth Y/N, you have us and we will always take care of you both.”
Of course, you knew that. Phil had always been there for you since you first met him. He took his role as a father to everyone very seriously.
“thank you for bringing us here Phil, we really needed this.” you breathe as the kids pulled away from you. Phil gives you a smile of understanding.
A few hours passed as you all sat on the dock, watching the last glimmer of daylight fade away over the water - casting a golden glow. Phil suggested a campfire to roast marshmallows. Tallulah and Chayanne were already running off excitedly to gather various sticks to help. Once the fire was going, you all sat together on the sand telling stories, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.
The hole in your heart was healing, and the weight on your chest lifted. You realized that even though life was rough and unpredictable, having a supportive family was what mattered, and you felt content and at peace.
You saw the others smiling, knowing the shared bond was enough.
That night you all slept at the beach house, and for the first time in a month, neither you nor Tallulah had a nightmare.
The journey the following day back to Phil’s was thankfully uneventful. Mostly just shenanigans between the two children. Collecting things like leaves for the scrapbook you and Tallulah were making for Wilbur, documenting all your adventures. Chayanne running ahead to deal with any monsters who dare cross your path.
Upon seeing the tiny house with a fenced yard, you all went your separate ways. As you opened the gate to the yard, the tall purple trees and the various flowers made you miss the tiny home.
Tallulah seemed happy to be back and automatically tried dragging you to see her turtles before you could close the gate. You asked her to be patient while you brought your bags inside.
Walking up to the front door, you heard a crash from inside and you froze. You instantly reached for your sword laying on your hip. Tallulah saw this as a warning and she quickly cowered behind your legs. Preparing for the worst, it could be anyone behind the door. Charlie looking for food, (since he was living near your house in a shed last you heard.) Quackity looking to start another fight about parenting. Or worse the code monster could’ve shown up again to take Tallulah from you.
You would die before that would happen.
Tallulah clung to your legs as you quietly unlocked the door and pushed it open. You gazed down at her and saw her worried eyes.
“If something happens I need you to teleport to abuelito and Chayannes to warn them okay?” You spoke to her firmly in hushed tones, being careful. Tallulah showed you the tiny purple stone for a quick getaway and indicated she understood.
The house was exactly as you left it, except for the suitcase and guitar bag resting against the sofa, which made you frown. Then realization settled in and a gasp escapes you.
Was he here?
Or was this another trick?
As you lowered your sword, you heard someone rustling down the ladder. The wood creaked with every step as the person in the yellow sweater came into view. With round glasses leaning down his nose, fluffy hair, and long limbs, you’d know him anywhere.
Wilbur felt relief wash over him as he stopped midway on the ladder and saw you staring at him in disbelief. as if he were a ghost. It pained him slightly. You couldn’t believe it.
Wilbur was back.
Tallulah peeked out from behind your legs and the tiny gasp she let out when she saw Wilbur. She ran into his arms and cried out;
Wilbur grinned as his tearful daughter ran towards him. He scooped her up in a tight embrace as you watched, tears streaming down your own cheeks. He held her swinging back and forth gently trying to hush her cries. She was so happy to finally see him again. You had never seen such a wonderful sight of the two people you loved the most in this world.
“I missed you so much Tallulah!”
Wilbur rested his head on Tallulah’s and smiled sideways at you and reached out his arm. Without hesitation, you dropped your sword, which clanked loudly on the ground, and you rushed into his embrace.
You bury your face in his neck, holding onto his scent, his body, his everything. Never wanting to forget how he felt and sounded. Tears stream down your face, drenching his sweater, but you don't care. This time, they flow out of love and happiness, not frustration or sadness.
You all cried and held onto each other for dear life.
“I missed you so, so much my love,” he coos in your ear causing you to choke out a laugh. After missing his voice for months you were so elated to hear it again.
Wilbur sniffled as he squeezed you both tightly in his arms, never wanting to let go.
“I’m here my girls, and I am never gonna leave you again,” he whispers.
This was home.
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—keep playing please
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SUMMARY | you've never liked storms. thank god for your weird neighboor and his impromptu band sessions
PAIRING | platonic tommy & wilbur x reader
WARNING | reader doesn't do well with storms, hints at a sad past
WORD COUNT | 2.7k+
AUTHORS NOTES | a rewrite of this fic from almost over a year ago. tagging @lyssys @zooone @beep-beep1
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The walls in this place had always been too thin.
Apartments in Brighton normally had that one thing. That one tiny thing that made the picture perfect abode completely dog shit. You had learned that your first couple months after moving out. No matter now completely sound something may seem on paper, theres always going to be something to ruin it. Whether that be leaky pipes, no hot water, or an elevator that doesn't work. In your case it just happened to be paper fucking thin walls.
The fabric of the small couch you were attempting to sleep on had been rubbing up against your skin nonstop for the past sleepless hour. It was rough and smelled like every dingy bar you had to pass on the streets just to get back home from the train: cigarette smoke and cheap alcohol.
Unsent emails lie dormant on your flickering computer screen, the failing power curtosy of the storm wailing outside.
It, being the email, detailed your heated resignation from your dead-end job. An effort that had taken weeks of deleting and typing. Deleting and typing and deleting and typing until the print on your keyboard had been faded to a nothing but a distant memory. Maybe if one were to squint hard enough, they would see the letter a or f on there somewhere.
The device sitting no less than a couple of yards away might as well be halfway around the world in the great planes of Africa, too far from your reach for you to even consider getting up. Everything seemed like that nowadays, actually. There, but not really.
The sound of something shrill made you flinch. Was someone attempting to run a bar of metal through a cheese grater? Oh, right. That was just the sound of the window panes being thrust up against your brick walls. Normally, one would assume that having thin walls is where the misfortune regarding a shitty apartment would end. But apparently having only two windows, both as brittle as the expired candy you received from your batty grandma on the holidays, came part and parcel with it.
But none of that would matter—not a single email, or the lack luster walls, or even the window—would matter. If it wasn't for the tear tracks on your face.
Anyone who knew you even remotely well would have spotted something wrong the moment they entered your apartment. No, it wasn't the handfull of tissues that had missed their goal of the mini trashcan sitting by your side. No, it wasn't the pair of pajamas you hadn't changed out of in two days time. It was where you were sitting.
Ever since your days as a child, when your biggest woes were but an ice cream cone dropped in the dirt, the couch had always been the place to go when the familiar sting of tears rose. It was where the last happy memories of your family resided. And you knew it was stupid to hold onto something that had since fallen to peices, but humans had always been sentimental like that. And what were you if but just a human.
Every time a storm came in you would get like this. It would all surface until that same spot on the couch—propped between two pillows and enveloped with a heavy blanket—was taken up. By you, an echo of the person who had once been bright. Filled with the daydreams of the road ahead of you.
But you knew now those roads just led straight back to where you were now. With emails that would never be sent sitting across from you as you cried for reasons you couldn't explain.
As yet another round of bright electricity struck the ground outside your window, a new sound drifted through the air and into one of your ears. Slow at first, but growing bit by bit until it was enough for your eyebrows to furrow together.
It was a soft melody. Very out of place in your current situation. You felt like you should've watching a symphony from afar while hearing that tune; not wasting away on your couch in the dead of night.
A warm voice accompanied it as well, along with the slow sound of a steady drumbeat. It cut through the next round of earth shattering thunder like a hot knife in butter, dulling the anxiety provoking noise.
With trepidation, you found yourself propping your knees up on the couch, leaning your ear against their living room wall. It was something straight out of a cliche movie—children spying on their parents for instance. It was a poor attempt to be able to hear the weak music better, but for once, you were aiding the opportunity given to you by the poorly built walls.
With the peeling paint of your cheap apartment wall scratching at your ears skin, you were just in time to catch the tail end of the song.
The music was so much clearer now. Crisp, refreshing. Soothing. Before it was similar to the sound of water dripping from a leaky faucet. Now it was a roaring river, washing over you in waves. Bringing a smile to your cheeks that were still stained pink with streaks of salty tears.
You were drowning. Drowning in the lyrics, drowning in the beat, drowning in the utter joy that resonated through nothing but a few musical notes placed in an orderly fashion.
But then, just like that, it ended.
And you were left alone with the weather once more.
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Why were you here again?
That's the only thing that came to mind as you adjusted the blanket on your shoulders. Hoping that you didn't look like that homeless person on the corner near the grocery store. A hesitating hand drew itself up to the doors scuffed surface, knocking timidly once, twice, three times before falling limply to your side.
Some shuffling came from the other side of the door. It was hard to tell, but you thought you heard a couple people laughing—one of the people's laughter being louder than the rest, if you could even call it that. Sounded more worthy of the title of a shout. Or perhaps even a wheeze.
The fact was, your head was simply too filled with thoughts. All of them whirling around in a tight blend of anxiety and fear to completely notice the sounds of joy. Why had you left your apartment? For a song you had thought was nice? You didn't even know these people and vice versa. So why in the absolute hell were you practically standing on their doorstep just to hear more of that music.
Your posture automatically straightened as the door cracked open. Light spilled from it, more noise accompanying the action. To say you were a little grateful for the change in atmosphere, from a dingy communal hallway to a slightly less dingy communal hallways, would be an understatement.
"Hey! What d' ya need mate?"
The boy (or man, it was hard to tell. He had a very childlike quality to him) currently standing in front of you was the epitome of everything you weren't.
He had on a turquoise jumper with simple black trousers. A design of stick people decorated with muted colors had been printed loosely on the front. Tousled and wrinkled to the moon and back, it looked like he'd had quite the night. Overall, the guys' clothes looked well worn and loved.
His face was set with a gentle and caring look, a wide smile pulling it all together. He was staring straight at you, his piercing baby blue eyes making it seem like he was looking right through you and into your soul. A light dusting of rosy pink complemented his cheeks, blonde hair tucked behind his ears and falling into his eyes with a slight tickle. If you had any money to bet with at that moment you would have placed it all on the notion that this was the person with the loud laugh you'd heard moments before. Certantly seemed cherry enough for it.
"Yeah, hey." You tried your best for a smile. Something that seemed a bit easier than a few moments ago. "I'm the person who lives a door down, and I couldn't help but hearing the music. Because for some reason I'm still awake tonight. At one in the morning." The last part was a bit quieter, more of a mummble to yourself than him.
Immediately, your words seemed to embarass him, his ears flaming up something ferice as he nervously laughed.
"Oh! Oh yeah, so so sorry about that. We were just having a laugh and playing around, didn't mean to disturb you at all really. I can tell then to quiet down or something if that's what you nee—"
"No!" Your hands froze in mid air as you cut him off. "No, please. I actually came to ask if you lot could keep it up? I have trouble desling with storms, and my walls are really thin, but the musics good and it's a nice distraction."
Blue eyes cautiously tracked your movement as you folded in on yourself a bit, inwardly cringing at oversharing with a total stranger. Your self loathing only increased as he held up a single finger to you as if to say 'hold on', before poking his head back through the door behind him, yelling a few inaudible things back and fourth with someone before returning back to you.
"Uh, hey, what's your name?" He asked you, voice as soft as before. You hesitated for a moment, eyes sunken and lips dry, before answering.
"It's (Y/n)."
"Mines Tommy." The person now known as Tommy smiled. You attempted once more to mirror the look, but it felt less like mirroring and more genuine. As if just sharing a moment with an old friend. He brightened up at that, still maintaining a carefree posture.
"Why don't you come in?" Tommy glanced behind you as if looking for more people but stepped back with the same warm smile to open the door. "You look like death, and I'd rather not have Wil's nice neighbor fall dead at his doorstep. Bad for clout."
"Gee. Thanks." You chose to retort instead of asking who Wil was, following after his laughing figure into the new environment. You had been right about earlier. He was the one with the loud laugh—looking like he was about to double over with the way he practically lost control of himself. Something about that made you chuckle yourself.
Walking through a much brighter lit halfway, you followed Tommy until the thin room opened up into a much larger one. What you assumed would be the living room, although right now it looked more like a music studio. Inside were more people, all of them situated in a sloppy semi circle.
There were about four of them, each sitting by different instruments and laughing. All were men and had a scruffy look to them. Like they were scuffed around the edges, but if you pried hard enough, you could find their soft center.
Tommy looked over at you while you were still taking in the sight. He watched as your pupils adjusted to the new setting, glancing back at him as if silently asking what you were supposed to do now.
"These guys are my friends, it's okay." He leaned over to whisper at you in a tone that was a tad bit to loud to be a wisper. You got the feeling he wasn't that good at being quiet.
"Stay here for a moment. I'm going to go talk to them." He told you before walking off.
Tommy walked up and started talking, something that you couldn't hear from where you were standing. He was using wild hand gestures, and every once in a while the people he was talking to would glance behind him at you. When they noticed you staring right back, each would just offer a wave or smile before looking back at Tommy with a more serious expression.
After what seemed like forever, Tommy turned back around to start walking to you. But this time the four other people trailed after him like ducklings, all of them looking at you with eyes that crinkled together at the edges. Almost as if happy to see you.
"Okay (Y/n)," Tommy clapped his hands together, and noticing how you jumped at the suprise, lowered them back down while mouthing an apology. One of the guys socked him on his arm playfully, causing Tommy to glare at them before looking back at you.
"These are my mates. They wanted to meet you, the praiser and five star reveiwer of my music that happens to be Wil's neighboor." One of them hit him in the arm again with a laugh as they explained to Tommy in a playfully condescending way—like a teacher explaining something to a child—that it wasn't his music. They just received a raspberry from Tommy before he began to introduce them one by one.
The first was Ash. He had on a red beanie that went together quite well with his chunky glasses. Along with his scruffy mustache—that you thought was rather impressive—and chill nature, he could have easily been mistaken as someones laid back roommate from university. A vibe you much appreciated. He offered you a polite tip of his hat and a greeting while balancing a sleek guitar on his hip.
The next to be introduced was a fellow named Joe. He had a large smile and waved at you swiftly. His sandy blonde hair and beard made him look older than he actually was, but giving off a homey vibe all the same. He was the shortest of the group, which was like saying he was the dumbest scientist to work at nasa. They were all giants compared to you.
Then was the next man. His name was Mark and he looked quite similar to Joe. Both had sandy blonde hair and a beard, yet Mark's face was a bit rounder. He also happened to be a few inches taller than the previous member. He didn't say much when Tommy gestured in his direction, just stuffing his hands in his pockets and awkwardly smiling.
"—and that's Wilbur. Wil. Soot. Soot man. Sooty boy." Tommy finally finished speaking, pointing at a brunet with a baseball cap on while dragging out different versons of his name. He just got an eyeroll in response, much different from the soft smile that was tossed your way by Wilbur.
Looking back at you with wide eyes and an expective grin, Tommy spoke directly to you this time.
"Whatcha think?" He boasted with his hands on his hips. "Are we cool or what?" A small smattering of laughter from the boys behind Tommy followed the blonds words as they tried to deny it, doing a very poor job considering you did somewhat agree with Tommy. I mean, you had shown up on their doorstep and all.
You paused.
"You're all too fucking tall." You finally relented with a head tilt, bouncing you eyes from one person to another till they had circled back to Tommy with a glint he couldn't decipher. But something told him it wasn't anything bad. Not like the state he had just seen you in a few moments ago.
He felt his heart swell in the slightest bit for no reason at your words. That was evident enough with the way he bounded over to you to wrap an arm around your shoulders. Wilbur chided him slightly for the sudden action, telling him to give people space like they had talked about, but you just laughed. Feeling like this would become a regular occurrence.
You had a feeling you were going to be spending a lot of time with this new group. That's one thing for certain.
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Wilbur Soot | Dadbur
Dadbur, dadbur, dadbur
These took like four days, and keeps getting deleted so there's more but I can't bring myself to rewrite them. Enjoy.
As stated before, Wilbur could not hack being there during the actual birth, he is very supportive of you having whoever in there with you. You can bet that he is all in his head full of worry until he see the both of you. When he does he is in tears, like his two favorite girls are right there, healthy and okay.
He wants his daughter to be sleeping in your room for as long as possible, the crib is on his side of the bed, easy access for him when she wakes up in the middle of night. He does this because A) he’s worried something will happen in the middle of the night, and wants to be able to get to her as fast as possible and B) He wants to do everything for her as he can, the first couple of months are hard, both because a newborn is a lot and you’re still healing and trying to feel like a normal human person again.
He wants to keep his baby bubble as long as possible, he’s just in love with the sight of you and your baby, his baby, and he has this selfish desire to preserve that sight and feeling for himself (“No Tommy you can not come over-”). The moment that you suggest letting some people over he’s inviting everyone he knows. He loves to show off his little family, to anyone really, still doesn't love posting about it online (Wil and his weird sense of privacy).
GIrl scout dad (does the uk have girl scouts???). The most competitive person with it as well, he’s Planting trees? Science Projects? He’s doing it all.
He loves telling people stories about his daughter, If he’s waiting in line at the store, meeting a fan, or in an interview. He really can not help himself in interviews. “Yeah, with the new album we actually had my kid be the first person to listen to them, she loves them all.”Sometimes its just talking about arts and crafts that they’ve done recently.
He adores doing her hair, he’s really bad at it, but he loves that quality time. It becomes the main reason why he becomes a morning person. Once she starts going to school she goes to you to do it, but only after Wil has tried.
I also feel like she never left her “why” phase. Like you can overhear conversations that are just “What’s that” “A coffe maker” “What do?” “It makes Coffee” How” and it would just go on until either wil or you can’t explain it anymore.
Family trips, to science museums, petting zoos, aquariums, butterfly houses, and libraries.He really tries to make any outing memorable for his girls, because you both deserve the best.
When he leaves to go on tours, she always gives him her favorite stuffed animal, and tells him to take care of it. And he does, he’ll take out to any resturant or cafe or venue he’s in and takes pictures of it so you can show your daughter. He also picks up one stuffed animal every tour he’s on for her, and a bunch of small trinkets one from every city.
She likes her dad carrying her because he is 6 '5 and she likes to feel tall. She also expresses her desire to be tall by climbing on everything, couches, fridges, counters, tables, trees, honestly if you can name it she’ll get on top of it.
Wilbur likes to dance with her, no matter how old she is, he wants to dance with her. When she’s a baby, he likes swaying with her. When she’s up to his kneecaps he has her stand on his feet and does a poorly executed ballroom type dance. She gets enrolled in a dance class when she’s young and it’s one of his favorite activities to do with her.
She also likes to collect things with the both of you. Flowers mainly, she’ll always have someone press/preserve them. When she gets older she likes to send them to people with letters. She also likes to collect postcards and will demand that you go to the post office in every city you’re in.
He gets super into dress up, always gets proper outfits (Chefs uniforms, Princess dress, fFeather boas). He even gets his daughter to put makeup on him, this always comes with him making sure that she knows that she does not and will not ever need makeup and how it's only being used because it’s fun and pretty. He will always compliment the final look and make you get a picture of it.
He always hates when she has to go to the doctor's office with her. He gets really nervous, and is constantly sending you text messages about how it’s going and what the doctor is saying. Heaven forbid she gets sick while he’s on tour, he is constantly face time with you and he does make an effort to give her a shout out at every show. “This show tonight is for my daughter, who is unfortunately riddled with a really bad case of an achy tummy.”
There are several “official” recording of every song he has helped make, where in reality its just him holding her close to a mic as she babbles in babyish something that sorta sounds like the lyrics.
Wilbur can’t really cook, we know this, we know that he has bad taste buds, which means that he is no help in the kitchen. This being said he will absolutely hold his daughter on his hip, narating whatever it is that you are doing.
I am a firm believer that he grows a garden with his little family. Sunflowers, azaleas, whatever his two girls want. He’d be out there desperately trying to teach her how to plant flowers and grow a proper garden.
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teethkid67 · 7 months
you begin your sunday on the couch, dress shoes still on, with a headache and a handful of stale gummy worms from the party last night. schlatt begins his with a cigar, and quackity starts with his arm as an ashtray. fundy is outside picking shotgun shells and fireball bottles out of the grass before you've even had time to say good morning.
it is not a good morning. dark like chew tobacco and slow as tar you realize no-one is coming to save you anymore. quackity won't look you in the eye, but he bites his cheek to keep his grin down as his gaze roams the walls like he can't wait to tear the place apart.
schlatt is the first to take something off the wall: an old, ugly painting wilbur picked up at a homegoods a million years ago. something he surely never gave much of a shit about, but you still flinch when schlatt lifts it from the nail and instructs you to get a garbage bag. but you fetch one and hold it open for him and then, when you put up no fight, and fundy is still outside, and quackity is still all shark smile, he tells you to start cleaning.
that is what it takes for them to begin picking your house to the bones. its methodically at first, dumping old takeaway boxes and draining vodka bottles, then harsh and uncaring like a flood or a struggle, toppling lamps and breaking mirrors. you dutifully pick up solo cups and half-empty pretzel bags and just as dutifully ignore anything that's not evidence of a party. eventually this catches up with you when schlatt tells you to kick it into fuckin' gear, kid, and jerks his chin at the fucking telephone of all things, this place isn't gonna clean itself.
a few minutes later quackity hands you an armful of everything that used to be pinned to your white fridge, looking a little sheepish but frankly not all that guilty. an old worksheet of fundy's is whats at the top of the stack, sunbleached from the window above the sink and with a broken chunk of now-gummy magnet stuck to the page.
WRITE about a time you had to make a difficult decision, it reads in big letters. explain what the decision was and what choice you made. At the top is a big, circled 100.
report cards and sticky notes and novelty magnets are joined by your vomit in the big bin at the curb. with your hands on your knees you take inventory. theres a box of shampoo and soap bars taken from the bathroom, and a bag of bedsheets and pillowcases. theres schlatt's car in your driveway and it makes your heart jackrabbit. wilbur doesn't drive. even if he did, his car wouldn't be out front.
you go back inside and take on the rest of the house with a newfound sense of numbness—emptying your stomach had probably helped. fundy has appeared again, and you help him bag up the books that schlatt had swiped off the mantle to make room for his shotgun. no matter what you do, he won't say a word to you.
eventually you are both led by an eager quackity to the backyard shed, where he hands you a hatchet and fundy a hacksaw and tells you to take down the fence.
schlatt says no more fence, he says, why would we need a fucking fence? so we gotta take the stupid thing down.
you swallow your pride with globs of spit and swing for the support beams so fundy, who quickly abandoned the hacksaw, can tear out the boards with his bare hands. he's mad, if the look on his face and the way he pries at the panels are any indication. at who is anyones guess. you're starting to think it might not be schlatt. quackity arms himself with a chainsaw and has a great, violent time laughing and breaking the wood into manageable sizes for your fireplace.
schlatt comes to lean against the railing on your raised porch and watches the three of you work, smoking what you think is his third cigar of the day. in his other hand is tommy's favorite glass, about a third full with whiskey and ice.
he and quackity shout over the roar of the chainsaw about next steps; living room paint color, new sheets for the bed, what to make for dinner. your arms shake and the afternoon sky darkens with clouds. when the temperature drops and the sky begins to spit down rain, schlatt and quackity duck inside with a shout to finish up out there.
by the time the fence is gone, the sun has set behind the woods, you're soaked to your skin, and your fingers are blue with cold and red with blood blisters. you collapse on the couch–the same one you've slept on for almost as long as you can remember–and shut your eyes against a living room you no longer recognize. fundy disappears into his bedroom and comes back in a set of dry clothes. quackity frowns and tells you to get up, you'll ruin the upholstery, then offers you a slice of mostly-cold pizza.
you slide to sit on the floor instead and pick the onions and bell peppers off the piece of pizza. your stomach turns. thuds and bangs echo through the house, and then its a terrible jerky screech as schlatt and quackity drag wilbur's old executive desk down the hall and through the front door. the corners dig lines into the linoleum and papers and knickknacks are strewn through the whole house.
there's tax records in there, you say, watching a wheat penny skid beneath the couch. they're in the second drawer on the left. and probably the deed, too.
schlatt makes a dismissive noise. don't need 'em. he doesn't say anything else, so you don't either.
as they're turning it through the front door, you watch schlatt grab a silver ring from a rolled-open drawer. he turns it over in his hand before passing it to quackity, who slips it on his finger and examines it under the light. don't get any ideas, honey, schlatt grumbles, and quackity squawks something about schlatt running out on him as they push the desk the rest of the way through the door. they both cackle as it tumbles down the front porch stairs.
you lean forward to pick up an old microwave manual and a receipt for a goodwill donation. for a moment, you can almost pretend you're just spring cleaning while wilbur files your stupid taxes; tommy shredding shit you don't need anymore and threatening to shove your fingers into the blades; fundy sorting grocery receipts. then schlatt slams the front door shut, and the house shakes, and they laugh the whole way down the hall to wilbur's room, quackity still watching the ring sparkle as he turns his hand this way and that. their conversation grows muffled behind the locked bedroom door.
you stare down the hall from your place on the floor. the rain rattles against the house. there're splinters in your hands. you feel like you missed your opportunity to cry about it all, so you finish your pizza instead, even the crusts. then you pull yourself to you feet, socks squelching in your dress shoes, and grab another trash bag and your hoodie from the coat closet.
slowly, you creep through the front door and down the steps, past schlatt's pontiac, and begin hunting through the bags and piles of your whole life for anything you can save.
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phxntomsdusk · 4 months
Be around me - Baseball!Wilbur
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summary: just a hopeless romantic doing everything he can so you’ll be near him <3
warnings: swearing, lil bit of angsttt, fluff at the end <3
tags: @ax-y10 , @joviepog , @pheliiaa , @idontreallyexistyet , @rqvii , @vibestillaxxx , @lillylvjy , @ivvees-blog , @average-vibe , @haunted-headset , @toastyliltoasts41 (ask to be added!)
word count: 871
“Hey!” Wilbur suddenly appeared beside you, a wide smile on his lips as he looked down at you. “Hey..” You responded quietly, a slight look of annoyance on your face. “How was your day?” He was desperate to get a response from you for once, biting his bottom lip to try and hide the way his smile would widen when you looked at him. Sadly you walked away, not even bothering to respond.
He let out a soft sigh, turning on his heel as he made his way towards his class, at least he would see you at that night's practice.
“Hi.” He spoke up from behind you, an arm planted on the brick wall of the dugout as he peered down towards you. “Hi.” You glanced up at him, tucking your tongue behind your lip. “How was your night?” He raised a brow, a smirk toying at his lips. “I watched a bunch of sweaty guys run around for a ball.” You sighed and walked away, leaving him to stand all alone.
He nodded out of pure defeat and quickly walked over to his friend who watched the whole thing, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Did I fuck it up again? Are we destined to be friends? I wanna give them more than that!” He groaned as he stared at the ground, feeling embarrassed in the moment.
The next day he had slipped a letter into your bag, to which you found during lunch, curious as to who had put it in there. “You’re a smokey tenny-ten!” Is what the letter has read, and you almost immediately knew who put it there. Your gaze soon found his, seeing him wave and smile made you roll your eyes and look away.
As you left the cafeteria, you could hear his frantic footsteps behind you, an arm snaking around your shoulders. “Hey.” He smiled at you, a soft gaze meeting yours. “How was your day? Mine was fine, but I think about you all the time..” He lowered his voice and got closer to your ear, laughing softly to himself. “Mine was going great until you showed up.” You pushed his arm off you, quickly walking off to your class.
“Give it up, Wil. They don’t like you.” His friend Chris came up beside him, patting his shoulder with a frown. “They’ve gotta give me a chance eventually..”
As always, you heard his footsteps and saw his shadow above you after practice. “Hi..” His voice was a lot softer, waiting for you to look up at him before he continued. “How was your night? Mine was wack, but I thought about you and felt alright.” He attempted to be flirty, only to get a groan from you.
“When will you give up?” You sighed and continued to back up your dad’s bag. “When you go on a date with me.” He smiled towards you, offering a hand to see if you’d take it. “Fine. One date, and then you’ll leave me alone.” You raised a brow at him with a stern expression, watching his smile grow as he frantically nodded.
“Deal! I’ll see you later, we can plan tomorrow during lunch.” He sounded so excited, running off to Chris with a proud smile, earning a high five. You couldn’t help but slightly smile at his antics.
“Hey.” You looked over to your right, seeing him slide into the spot next to you at the table. “Hey.” You lightly spoke back, watching as he rested an elbow on the table, using his hand to hold his chin. “How was your day? Mine was fine, but I think about you all the time. Can’t you outta my mind.” He spoke proudly and nonchalantly, earning a chuckle from you as you looked away. “Is that what you’ve been trying to say for weeks now?” You raised a brow at him, earning a wide smile. “How’d you know?”
During your lunch the two of you planned out where you’d be having the date, settling on a local park near the baseball and softball fields. And of course, Wilbur was restless to see you there.
“Hi.” His voice startled you as he approached, a small flower in his hand as he sat down next to you. “Hi..” You smiled as he sat, watching as he handed the flower to you. “You do realize what today is, right?” He chuckled softly, nervously scratching the back of his neck. “Yes, Wil. It’s Valentine’s Day.” You smiled lightly at him, twirling the flower between your fingers.
You two had started talking about the most random stuff, eventually his arm found its way around your shoulders, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“So, baby, when do you need to get home?” He didn’t fully register what he had called you, not until he saw your face. “Did you call me baby?” Your voice was slightly confused and flustered, watching as he smiled awkwardly. “Maybe.. is that okay?” He looked down at his shoes, pursing his lips. “Yeah, it’s cool.. I liked it.”
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, a smile on your lips, and one soon forming on his before he spoke again.
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
please do ramble, whats your sbi and sleeping at last association? i really need to know now, that you mentioned it
Okokokok it follows the same directions as the anemoi ones
I'll start with Phil again, and West by sleeping at last, and this time it's more c!Phil than h!Phil
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Can you hear me screaming
Can you hear the sandduo fan in me breaking down
The first verse also feels very reminiscent of before he joined the server, back when they would just send letters to each other. And god these verses
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I've talked about cphil before, and I've talked about his grief before, and Wilbur Does Not Leave his mind, from November 16th till his revival he hasn't stopped thinking about it. He's thought about it so much that the dude, who's never usually vulnerable, even asks ranboo if what he did was right, one of the times he was emotionally vulnerable in character. I also think it's really neat that Techno built a home in the north and gave Phil a compass that points to it, it's a really neat coincidence. His character also feels very lost in a way? I made a playlist once where I ordered the songs to follow a story, but I left it unfinished because he felt unfinished, forever stuck in some sort of grief (sidenote I need to finish that playlist now that the finale happened) and I think the line about true north fading is pretty neat
So like the oh hellos post, Techno is East, and you can probably see for yourself why I picked it haha
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"now I bear little resemblance to the king I once was" is definitely the line that feels very c!techno I think, and "the years wore on and changed my heart, the leading role for a smaller part"
There is the intentional change, with him trying to stay away from violence and retiring, albeit later on going back to violence. But there's also the unintentional part, the one that came more naturally when he found friends. I mean Phil has always been his friend, but now there's Niki and Ranboo, and I mean there was even a hint of a reconciliation with Tommy. Something about having started out trying to go at it alone, and in the end having surrounded yourself with people that care.
So for Wilbur, he gets South.
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Wilbur is very associated with lies I think, as a wordsmith. He lies to others and he lies to himself, and I don't think all of it he didn't believe. But also both Phil and Wilbur having lines about losing true north? Oughh. What I really like though is the last few verses
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Because these ones are gentler, these ones are kinder. And Wilbur ultimately does try in a way to heal, in the end.
Soo that leaves Tommy with North.
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Which I think works really well! A line Tommy has repeated over and over again was that L'manburg was the people, not the government or the land. It was the community.
C!Tommy, I think, is hope. He is kindness, and second chances. Because with everything that's happened to him, he hasn't stopped being kind. He hasn't grown hard with the times, he's remained as open and as vulnerable as he was, even as he grows more scarred. He hasn't stopped caring for the people he loves, because if you stop letting yourself love, what will you have left
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ordinary-spencer · 8 months
Hiii !!! ^^ can you do a wilbur x gn!reader headcannons l<33 totally cool if not
Ofcc!!! I didn’t know which ones you wanted so I did both ghostbur and revivebur!
Wilbur soot x gn reader headcannons
Ghostbur・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Ghostbur definitely likes to hold your hand, he lives for touch, especially if you show you don’t mind it.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He would knit you little sweaters and hats of your favorite color. Then he’d make one for himself so you could both match.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Whatever hobby you have, he likes to listen to you rant about/or watch you do. He just feels so safe around you and loves to see you happy!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Most of your dates would probably include going to flower fields or having a picnic outside
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ His favorite thing about you would have to be your smile, he loves seeing you happy and your smile is just oh so stunning.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He’s not sure why, but he feels like you had a deep connection with him when he was alive. He’s grateful though, since now he has to look forward to seeing you everyday!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He’s kind of touchy, always wanting to touch some part of you, especially if he’s nervous. Wether it be messing with your hands, holding onto your arm, or rubbing your face, he’s all over you.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Overall very sweet and loves everything about you. Loves the thought of you and you make his day brighter everytime he sees you!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ sometimes he will get sad that he can’t remember something or someone important so he’ll go to you and cry on your shoulder.
“[Name]! [Name]! Oh I’m so happy to see you my love! Come on! Let’s go see friend, they sure have been missing you….because I know I have…”
Revivebur ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
☠︎︎༒︎ His favorite thing about you are your eyes. He likes how bright they shine compared to his.
☠︎︎༒︎ He likes to try to make up for the fact that he wasn’t there for you when he died. He does little things like gets you something you’ve mentioned you wanted/needed, makes you something, gives you letters telling you how you make his life brighter and better. Things like that.
☠︎︎༒︎ He likes to play on his guitar for you, playing love songs or random rock songs he remembers
☠︎︎༒︎ Sometimes when he has his little insane moments, he’ll try to stay far away from you. He doesn’t want you to see him like that.
☠︎︎༒︎ He likes to caress your scars, he likes hearing the stories behind them. He’ll tell you about his too if you want to hear.
☠︎︎༒︎ When he’s really upset, he’ll just walk up to you and hug you. He likes how warm you are and how comforting you feel
☠︎︎༒︎ Every time he has to leave, he places his forehead to yours and stands there for awhile. He makes sure to tell you how much he loves you. Just in case he won’t see you again.
☠︎︎༒︎ You go on little dates at either some random restaurant he found or you guys just walk around in the forest, pointing out little things you see around you while holding hands.
☠︎︎༒︎ He’s trying his best, he knows he may not be the best person for you, but like hell is he going to let anyone take you away from him.
“I love you…I’m sorry I have to leave again but I’ll miss you so so much….I know I’m just going to get groceries but I just want you to know how much I love you, darling.”
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rouecentric · 2 years
Hi! Hope this isn’t odd or weird! But what about gn! reader who is a part of the Lombardi family? They aren’t Tia’s sibling but rather one of the grown up’s like Gallahan’s younger sister! They’re the youngest of the siblings and have children of their own, the children aren’t biologically the reader’s kids but were found by them and brought into the Lombardi family. How would the Yan cast react to reader and their children? How would they grow an obsession for the reader? This is all platonic btw! if you don’t write this it’s ok!
characters: rulac lombardi, gallahan lombardi, firentia lombardi, viese lombardi, lorraine lombardi, shananet lombardi, laurels lombardi
notes: fem!reader, adult!reader, platonic yandere
cw/tw: romantiscized mental illness(if yandere origin or meaning is that of a mental illness), obsessive behavior, manipulation, delusional behavior
a/n: dw!! i love specific requests like these! ❤️
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-Everything happened in the capital, with you, a famous designer and boutique owner, checking in on your business while also visiting other stores out of boredom
-Of course, your original plans were instead thrown out the window when you noticed three commoner children in rags, starving in an alleyway
-And as a sane person, you ordered one of your guards to bring some fruit and water before going outside to approach the starving children
As you slowly approached the three children in the alleyway, they noticed you, huddling closer in case if you were to do anything bad to them.
You sighed, kneeling down in front of them.
"Where are your parents?" you asked, staring as they said nothing "Are they dead?" you then inquired, looking at them as one of them slightly nodded.
"If you want to live or at least thrive, you should follow me, I'll take care of you three." you announced, standing up before reaching out a hand to them. As soon as one of them reached out back at you with a slightly shaking hand, you smiled, nudging the other children before picking up assumedly the youngest, who was at least four years old, bringing them to your boutique, going to the personal third floor that was meant as a temporary living space whenever work would take a couple of days. You ordered one of the maids you hired to take care of the third floor to wash up the children, waiting for them in your office, finishing up some of the unfinished papers you started that day.
-When they came back, they were dressed in some of the unreleased children's clothes made by you, being designed as lightweight and comfortable to wear as afternoon-wear
-When you asked their names, they were quiet. So you had to give them names on the spot; for the two eldest children, twins, a female and a male: Willow for the girl, and Wilbur for the boy. As for the youngest, you decided for her name to be Lillith
-When the knight was back with the food and water, you ordered him to keep his mouth shut until they came back to the Lombardy dukedom, saying that you had "something to finish at the capital"
-While the children ate the food, you prepared to send a letter to the emperor for a meeting and discussing a few things, such as expanding your own fashion business to overseas and, of course, adopting the three children you picked up from the streets
-Of course, as Lombardy's are people who shouldn't be messed with and are extremely admired, the emperor soon wrote back and sent an invitation so you could enter the imperial palace, allowing you to bring anyone if needed
-When you arrived with your children to the imperial palace, the emperor was confused why you brought three children, until you started speaking about personal matters
-You see, no noble has ever officially adopted a commoner child before, so you went to the emperor to know if it's possible and to have the emperor agree to let her adopt the three children, the emperor, of course, instantly agreed, making you sign adoption papers and he stamped it, a personal approval letter from the emperor himself, officially making you a mother
-Happily leaving the palace, to celebrate, you took your children to the capital to buy multiple things, be it toys, clothes, accessories, necessities, or even food, you bought it without complaints!
-The next day, you returned home with your children, and the family's reaction was a sight to see..
-When you returned, you saw your older sister and youngest older brother, Shananet and Gallahan, you sighed in relief, knowing that they're probably the easiest to explain why you adopted the children
-Shananet and Gallahan were happy to see you come back from the capital, as you were almost an entire week from them, but were caught off guard when they saw the two twins getting off first, then seeing you get off last, holding a child no older than four, soundly sleeping
-Gallahan was the first one to recover, welcoming you before Shananet could, swiftly hugging you before putting you down and asking you why you brought three unknown children
-And when you simply answered him by saying you adopted them with the approval of the emperor? You unknowingly caused all hell to break loose
-As Shananet is naturally smart and calculated, she saw this as an opportunity to become your favorite and closest older sibling, deciding to support your decision and calling you smart and caring for taking care of the starving children, knowing that your other siblings will try and retaliate and as well as disagreeing with you, suggesting that your and her children should have some days where they play together
-Gallahan was always rather careful around you, and he did try at first telling you how much it would be hard to raise three children, he gave up trying, instead, he also supported you after three days, even sometimes offering to babysit them if you have to go anywhere!
-Viese was rather taken aback by your sudden choice to adopt, but he knew it was too late to change your mind on it, as he came home two days after you came back to the Lombardi dukedom, but he begrudgingly accepts your adopted children, deciding to see them as an extention of you
-Laurels, unlike his older brother Viese, was always soft-spoken and a follower, so he was the third person in the family to accept your choice to adopt the kids, he probably makes his son to spend some time with your children
-Rulac already knew of it, as he ordered multiple guards to write to him about everything you did whenever you were away, and so, he accepted it with a small annoyed sigh, accepting your choice and giving your children the Lombardi surname because you were not-so-secretly his favorite child, sometimes going as far as to shamelessly spoil his new grandchildren
-Although Selal didn't expect that to happen, she quickly regained her composure and tried her best to get her son and daughter to get along with your children
-Lorraine was always soft-spoken and appeared meek, so she was rather let down when she found out you adopted three children, as they would take up your time, but got over it once she realised that if she got to hang out with your children, it could be an excuse to see you more so she could get away from her parents and her younger brother!
-Firentia, unlike the others, was actually happy from the start! If you had children, then that would mean you'd stay in the Lombardi dukedom longer, right? Florentia also probably becomes yandere over your children
-Giliou and Mayron would throw a tantrum and be mean before you could scold them for doing it, but after that, they begrdudgingly tolerate having to share you with your children
-Willow was the last one to become yandere, as she was the oldest child and older twin you adopted
-Although it started slowly, the realisation was fast, with your relentless affection and kindness to her and her siblings, giving them the top quality whenever they wanted anything
-The moment she became a full-on yandere was when you personally took care of her when she was sick, going as far as to even personally making her food to help her get better!
-Soon came rolling down Wilbur, the second person to become yandere over you
-He most likely heard it by hearing the staff and his other relatives talking so positively about you and praising your achievements, almost like they're putting you on a pedestal
-Of course, unlike his twin sister's slow fall, the moment when he became fully yandere over you was just a week after you adopted him and his siblings
-Unsurprisingly, the first child to become yandere for you was Lilith!
-She was attached to the hip when it came to you, refusing to let anyone(except for her older siblings) to do anything with her or even be near her! She only tolerates it if there's adults around, so she could be seen as an angel and be praised for it to you
-The moment she became yandere was when you took them in from the alleyway, as she never even expected to even be given food and a place to stay with her siblings!
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cloverandstuff · 4 months
I read the letter.
I read the letter Br!Phil sent br!Wilbur. I read that and only that and I don't care what anyone says, that man deserves to be jailed and locked away for good.
That man did jackshit. Br!Theseus raised himself and was forced to grow up far to quickly to cope with the loss of his brother and mother, dealing the absence of his other brother and the unstable mind and health of his father.
He dealt with all that, and more, I know damn what what br!Phil did to the people that br!theseus took comfort in. Br!phil might not have done it intentionally, but he still did it and it still harmed his youngest.
This fucking bitch wants to try and make br!Fundy the crown prince as quick as he can, and implies that if Br!Theseus argues with this decision, they'll exile him.
I'm sorry, this man is far beyond redemption. He may have been a good father at some point, but the moment he even considered his own son a villain of the degree that needed to be exiled instead of a son who he has failed to raise and be there for, is the moment he lost any fucking respect from me.
God, I want him dead. I want him to crash and burn.
Teyz, please, I knew it was gonna get worse but please let it get better quicker. I can't do this, this poor boy needs so much therapy and his father isn't doing anything to help.
Can we at least have br!Wilbur remain on his side? Maybe even Br!Techno? They have to realise how much br!Theseus will lose himself because of this, right?
Please Teyz, mercy on them.
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stellocchia · 2 years
There's one take that has been floating around recently which is that c!Dream and c!Tommy are at the very least mutually obsessive (though I've also seen multiple people claim that c!Tommy is the only obsessive one of the two which sure is a take), so here's your reminder that c!Dream:
Used to hide in Tommy's walls and floor
Used to stalk Tommy, and has done it again after Tommy ran from Logstedshire and after he broke out of prison
Used to log off in Tommy's music room so he could log in if Tommy ever decided to play one of his discs
Followed Tommy around so much that Fundy joked about him being Tommy's stalker
Built tunnels connecting his and Tommy's base without Tommy's consent or knowledge
Tried to bribe Tommy and only Tommy into switching sides when L'Manburg just started (pre-independence war)
Addressed Tommy first and then continued connecting L'Manburg to him more than Wilbur (calling it 'L'Manchildbur' for example) despite Wilbur being the actual president
Chose to be the one killing Tommy instead of Wilbur in the FCR
Accepted the Discs as payment to give L'Manburg independence after he literally went to war and refused any possible peaceful solution before
Specifically gave a chest full of resources (which included Dream's prized crossbow) to Tommy and personally wrote a book for him during Pogtopia despite Tommy not being the leader nor the strongest fighter there
After switching sides he still allowed Tommy to go back to his home to get his stuff once he asked when they were alone
Spent most of his time pre-Pogtopia vs Manburg war with Tommy even after they knew they were enemies (and even after Tommy pointed out it was rather weird)
Gave a whole speech about how the only thing he cared about were Tommy's discs because they gave him control over Tommy in a believable enough way to make his best friend start losing his trust in him
Set Tommy up to get him exiled (framing him and later exaggerating his actions to get him punished for something that has never been punished before or after as it's commonplace on the smp) so they could spend time together alone and abused him into dependency during that time
He also sabotaged Tommy's communication with the outside during that time to further isolate him (intercepting his letter exchange with Ranboo and his party invites, as well as spreading misinformation about Tommy not wanting to see anyone)
Killed Mexican Dream for no other reason than the fact that MD was gonna move in near Tommy and offer him company that wasn't Dream
Tried to kill Ghostbur for the same reason
Gave a speech about his and Tommy's story would never be over because Tommy was "too fun"
Tried to kill Tubbo "to give Tommy an origin story"
Called Tommy the origin of attachment and the "key to everything" while announcing that he intended to kidnap him again and lock him away in the prison
Risked his final life when Tommy threatened to kill himself unless Dream went back and let Tommy kill him
When Tommy announced that he would stop visiting Dream in prison as it was not good for him, Dream resulted to begging to keep him there (he didn't show any interest in anyone else visiting at any point)
Organized an attack on the prison with Ranboo that had the objective of locking Tommy in there with him for at least a week (and demonstrated that he knew as much when he cited the prison contracts he wrote)
Always talked about "Tommy Tommy Tommy" while he was in prison according to Sam
Told Tommy they would be immortal together
Went after Tommy as soon as he got any basic gear once he was out of the prison, prioritizing that to getting back his armor and weapons, which everyone assumed would be his priority
Claimed Tommy was already immortal because he would keep reviving him over and over again
Dug a whole room under Tommy's home to leave an especially made torture mixtape there for him
As it has been pointed out already, in and out of universe, during the confrontation with Wilbur and Tommy in the prison he was staring at Tommy the whole time to assess his reactions despite Wilbur being the one who was threatening him
Admitted that he revived Wilbur only to torture Tommy
When trying to make himself look better in front of Sam he said that he set up the attachment vault as a little show for Tommy specifically
Meanwhile what people are using as proof of c!Tommy being obsessed with c!Dream is him saying that the server is about him and c!Tubbo against c!Dream (which is what it has factually been about so far for him for no choice of his own) and him thinking about c!Dream when someone triggers him by mentioning his canonical abuser.
There's kind of a difference there I'd say...
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