#everything was pink and red for me 😂😂😂
whatlovelybones-if · 9 months
"the screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain" THE WHAT?! YOU DARE AVERY??? AND WTF J???
What would happen if MC and J were about to kiss, but MC suddenly stopped and just apathetically stared at them and said that they resented them for not being their first kiss, and just left? 😂😂
(Also, did MC have a some sort of relationship before the story began, or is that left for headcannon?)
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it started with a simple statement.
“i won’t be riding back with you today,” J said.
you didn’t mind, not really. of course, you used to take every opportunity to spend time with them, but you could understand that they had their own life and sometimes their plans didn’t line up with yours.
“anything special you got planned?” you joked while closing your school locker, but you feel your insides wither and shrivel like a crumpled flower when they give you the actual reason.
“avery wanted to take me home today,” J said, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal but the embarrassed pink on their cheeks give them away.
you had a feeling whatever was going to happen today, you wouldn’t be liking it at all. on top of that, J was acting weird as hell. not to mention that this avery person had been someone they’d been weirdly close the past couple of days.
you also happen to know that avery lived on the other side of town, completely off the route you and J took to get home every day. avery wasn’t just giving them a ride; it was something else. the more you thought about it, the more it sounded like a date. a motherfucking date.
you felt your heart starting to weigh three times heavier as you forced a smile and said, “oh, sure, that’s fine.” and then, before you could stop yourself, you found yourself stupidly asking, “so did they ask you out on a date or something?”
to save yourself the embarrassment and act nonchalant, you find yourself ruffling their hair slightly. if J noticed that you were forcing it, they didn’t let it show. instead they just laughed nervously, trying to fix their hair, and said, “actually, i was the one who ended up asking them out.”
wonderful. you wanted to scream, but you managed to give them the fakest smile you could. “i’m so happy for you.”
J picked up on the hint that maybe you weren’t feeling as happy as you’re saying you are because they asked, “are you alright, teddy?”
that nickname hurts even more now as you nod, “of course, why wouldn’t i be?”
one of J’s love languages has always been physical touch and everything just gets a lot more complicated; their hand on your back is warm, the inky dark eyes that stare back at you are kind and worried, the full pink lips that you wish to kiss look so inviting. they smell the same as always: leather, strawberries, spearmint, and marlboro red smoke masked by a fancy cologne/perfume.
“did i do something wrong?” J asks, looking like a kicked puppy.
you can’t stand it. the concerned look on J’s face as they ask you what’s wrong when everything is wrong right now. it’s wrong that they can’t see how much you love them. it’s wrong that they can’t see how loving them has become second nature for you. it’s wrong that they can’t see how you don’t want to be just their best friend.
knowing them, you know your best friend is probably imagining a thousand different scenarios of how they must’ve hurt you. but you know that they didn’t hurt you, they could never do that, at least not intentionally.
then you do it. you actually do it. one of the stupidest things you have ever done in your 15 years of existence.
you leaned in and kissed them.
the look on J’s face makes you wanna crawl into your own skin and die. their body had tensed up, their lips frozen open, parted but not uttering a sound. all of that was enough to tell you that it was fucking mistake. so you do the only thing that made sense to you at that moment: you turn and run outside like a fucking coward.
time seemed to slow down, each second stretching impossibly beyond normal. the only sound that could be heard was the rain. heavy, rhythmic, and coming down without pause. you don’t even feel the chill setting in as your whole body burns with the shame of what you did and the image of J’s reaction only makes your skin crawl more.
stupid, stupid, stupid!
you run across the parking lot to get to your car and book the hell out of the school campus. you utter a loud curse when you check your pockets and realise you left your car keys in your locker.
you’re soaked to the bone and you aim a swift kick at your car; panting like you just ran a marathon, hair sticking to your neck and cheeks, heavy breathing pushing your chest up and down, your face wet from both the rain and your tears.
tears? no, you’re not wrong, you can feel the saltiness mixing up with the rain and pouring down your face. you haven’t cried in forever. at least not in a genuine way.
why in the world did it have to J of all people that you had to fall for? they had been your best friend since you were kids, always a constant and comforting presence in your life. almost a decade of friendship down the drain because of your stupid feelings. it wasn’t worth it at all to lose your best friend like this.
your best friend who’s now calling your name. a yell in the distance muffled by the sound of the rain and of your breaking heart. your breath hitches but you ignore them. there’s no way you can face them, not right now.
“for god’s sake, you can’t just kiss me and walk away! hey!” J yells out.
“go away, J! i really don’t want to talk to you right now.”
they catch up to you, refusing to let you run off again. “and why is that, hm?”
“i don’t know!” you answer, throwing up your hands in exasperation. “i’m ignoring you right now.”
“well,” J continues to stubbornly come closer, “i am ignoring the fact that you’re ignoring me.”
you give them a glare. “that’s not how it works.”
J matches your challenging glare. “fine then. tell me why you kissed me and i will leave you alone.”
“i kissed you because i love you, you daft dumbo!” you nearly yell, frustrated beyond reason. ignoring the dumbfounded look on J’s face, you continue, “i’ve loved you ever since we were kids. i love your eyes and how they sparkle like stars when you’re talking about music. i love your voice and how it soothes me whenever i’m having a hard time. i love how you know me and know exactly what to say to make me feel better whenever and wherever. i just love you so much and i cannot stand the thought of you with avery. i will get over this though, J, just give me some ti—”
in a heartbeat, they lean in and their lips are on yours. you can’t help the gasp which slips out of your mouth, too surprised, too tense, and J holds your face dearly like you’re something precious, pressing your lips and body against theirs with something akin to desperation. both of you so entirely soaked from the rain, so entirely frightened, so entirely in love.
when the kiss ends, it’s because both of you are completely out of breath. J doesn’t let the space between the two of you grow any further, though. they instead press themselves further against you, your bodies fitting like perfect puzzle pieces.
“don’t get over me,” they plead, the taste of strawberry in your mouth, forehead against yours, dark eyes fluttering close. “don’t ever get over me.”
“b-but,” you stutter, head still spinning, “what about avery?”
J groans, following it up with a chuckle. “one date and i think even they’d be able to see it.”
“see what?”
“how you are the one i’m in love with.”
before you can even process what they just said, they lean in again to seal it with a kiss.
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parkerpeter24 · 10 months
Hi sweetie! if you're taking requests I would like to request an imagine. The subway scene in TASM where Peter's hand gets stuck with a girl's shirt and it rips off 😂, similarly with MCU! Peter in his room the same thing happens with the reader? It's up to you if they are dating or bff. It's totally okay if you don't feel like writing it. Have a great day ☺️
love the idea! the ending’s bad, bye 😭
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader.
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peter was not at his own house– which he often wasn’t. so you didn’t care. may was trying to make shepherd’s pie for dinner and you could hear the simmering of oil and the chopping board being used.
peter’s bed was nice and warm. plus it smelled like him. you scrolled through your phone to pass the time until he was finally home.
suddenly you heard clattering from the kitchen, making you jump into action as you rushed to see what had happened.
“is everything okay?” you asked peter’s aunt.
she sighed, picking up a few utensils that had fallen down, “just a mishap, sweetie.”
“um, can i help?” you didn’t wait for a reply as you helped her pick up the scattered pots, placing them back in the small cupboard under the stove.
“can you get me the frozen peas from the refrigerator?” she asked kindly as she continued to stirr whatever was in the pan, “i think it needs a few more veggies.”
you followed her orders and soon enough you ended up with something that didn’t feel like tasting, “um... are we sure that-”
“we’ve followed the right recipe, it’s going to be alright.” she gave you a smile, “why don’t you go see if peter’s back, and we can have dinner.”
you nodded and quickly made your way to his room, with the purpose to warn him or what was about to come. the first thing you noticed when you entered his room was peter falling to the ground, just in his boxers.
you gasped, rushing over to your boyfriend and kneeling down, “peter, what happened? are you alright?”
he groaned and shuffled to sit up on the floor, “it was a hard day... at the stark internship.” he leaned his head against your neck.
“why are you um... not wearing anything?” you voiced your concern, feeling bad for the poor boy. he looked so tired.
neither you or may were a big fan of tony stark anymore. he had your favorite boy tired all the time.
“was trying to change.” he sighed, sitting back against the bed.
“you know what me and may ruined today? shepherd’s pie.”
he chuckled, shaking his head as he took a moment to gather himself, then got up. you got up with him, letting him place an arm around your shoulders as you walked him to his closet.
the second he tried to pull back his hand, you felt your t-shirt go slide down your shoulder. your eyes widened slightly, trying to pull the sleeve back up but it was as if peter’s hand was stuck to it.
he tugged again gently, seemingly panicking the same as you, “i’m sorry i...” you felt yourself being pulled towards him everytime he tried to take his hand off, “i’m so sorry.”
you just watched him trying to pull his hand back but nothing was happening. he groaned slightly and pulled back his hand harshly, sending a ripping sound resonating throughout the room.
you gasped, trying to cover yourself up as you were left in just your bra, the torn material of your t-shirt just stuck to his hand, “oh my god!” your arms crossed over your chest, hugging yourself as peter turned red.
he put his hand– which was stuck to your t-shirt– to his eyes, feeling his whole face warm up, “i’m sorry- i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to!” his voice was an octave higher as he continued to apologise.
“dinner’s getting-” you turned around to look at may and quickly rushed to hide behind peter as a yelp left your mouth.
peter looked at his aunt, only turning a brighter shade of pink as he understood what it must look like to a third person. he was standing in just his boxers and you– with your t-shirt stuck to his hands, “may, it’s not what it looks like-”
“you guys use protection.” she waved her finger at you two before closing the door after herself.
a smack landed peter’s head and he looked around, “ow!”
“don’t look at me!”
peter blushed even more as he turned away, letting you dig into his closet. you put on one of his t-shirts before facing him, “you’re shameless, aren’t you?”
“what did i do!?” he whined, “you can look at me in my boxers, but i can’t see your bra?”
you felt your face warm up, giving him a stern look, “i didn’t choose to strip out of my clothes here.”
“right.” peter sighed, “i’m sorry this happened, i’m just stressed...”
“peter.” you held his face gently, “there are ways other than sex to deal with stress.”
his eyebrows pulled together, “what? this has nothing to do with sex!”
you titled your head the slightest, “you don’t wanna have sex with me?”
“no!” his eyes widened when he watched your face drop, “i mean yes! i-i do. obviously, i do. when the time is right...”
“then why did you rip my t-shirt?” you looked confused and peter didn’t know where to run to.
“it happened, accidentally.” he sighed, trying to wave his hand around to let the piece of fabric go. it finally fell to the floor, “can we just stop talking about this now?”
“okay... put on some clothes and let’s go eat that shepherd’s die- i mean pie.”
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
5/15 assorted candies: timestamp, mismatched shoes, sparkly clothes end everything else 🤍🍬
i honestly don’t know what’s going on. these two just happened to be in the same city for approximately 12 hours and after that it’s been sweet all over. 🤦‍♀️ just keep it rolling, we are all here to eat the candies.
let’s start with the shoes. the fairly odd parents themed combination lol. when i saw him wearing that, i thought he was gonna wear the same clothes he did for the MV. cause his shoes will kinda match that but nope. his outfit was totally different, but i guess the sparkly bits are kinda in the same color? anyway, the pink immediately reminded everyone of the pink jacket (p1) and all the cpn that is tied to that. it’s pretty much one of top cpn clowning so i’m just assuming everyone knows ok? but the fact that this pink shoes comes out after we speculate they spent time together??? i’m —- who gave you that???
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yibo often wears this brand (christian louboutin) and there’s another different cpn linked to that, but this one is so loud. it appears that these might be gifts from xz. he knows bobo likes green but he has to throw in the pink because he is disgustingly in love like that and it’s actually yibo’s color. fans are clowning that he can’t really do red and green, cause it might anger some people, so pink is the best bet. and they have history with that color so it’s better. plus when he was racing in zhuhai, photos of him riding the pink car ( evisu racing owner’s car ) was spreading. so maybe zz was like, oh, let me get the pink one. 💕 coincidence too that shoes cost 995 USD. 95!
THE COLOR OF LOVE IS PINK 🗣️🗣️🗣️ yibo said it himself so it must be true. and this is a guy who was wearing black/grey kinda monochrome shoes lately and now this????
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also, the sparkly sparkly and soft denim combo takes us back to something that xz wore before. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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the chongya pose too! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ EDIT: adding this bit, yibo official posted live photos of the performance on 22:50 which is 10:50 10/5???? and the first photo from that bunch is the chongya pose. 😌😌😌
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let’s not forget how his jacket is from the dsquared2, which has it’s own sort of controversial cpn 😂
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all these elements coming up today is 😭😭😭 and remember how xz posted his selfie at 15:15 it’s like he is showing his excitement and support for bobo’s performance this 5/15.
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bless beijing!!!! i hope they get to spend more time together please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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helloalycia · 6 months
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masterlist / wattpad
summary: you're colour blind and ask Lucy Gray to describe what colours look like.
warning/s: none.
author's note: so this was requested a while back, as the person requesting it is colour blind. Ngl it was more of a test for me to describe colours to someone who can't see them very well, so i hope i've done a good enough job 😂
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Lucy Gray's arms wrapped around me as I half laid on her chest, the two of us leaning against a tree in the forest. The moment was comforting, every part of me at ease whenever I was with her, especially so when we escaped the confinements of District 12 and ventured out a little.
The sunlight filtering through the canopy of leaves was sparkling on the forest floor, particularly highlighting some flowers that were growing amidst some moss. They were beautiful, the colours even brighter I assumed, but I couldn't be certain. I was colour blind, so everything looked more or less a similar one-shade colour, with nothing vibrant or standing out.
"Hey, Lucy Gray?" I muttered, fingers squeezing hers gently. She hummed, and I continued, "Those flowers are pretty."
"They are," she agreed, a hint of amusement in her voice.
"Are they red?" I asked, more of a guess.
"Kind of," she answered with a slight shrug. "More pink, I'd say."
I sighed, nodding slightly.
"What is it?" she asked, sensing something was wrong, and I could feel her eyes watching my profile.
I tilted my head as I looked at the flowers once more, before my eyes found hers. "Can you describe it to me? The colour?"
She smiled softly. "Of course I can... They're pink, which is kind of a bright and feminine shade. It's looks how I'd say a good spritz of perfume would make you feel, all light and airy and confident. But it can also be soft, like the suppleness of a rose petal. That's the shade right there, on that flower. Soft, light, like when you watch someone with adoration."
I mirrored her smile as she spoke, each word uttered with careful consideration. I'd never seen a true shade of pink, but the way she described it sounded so familiar, so wonderful, and I suddenly wanted more.
"Was that okay?" she asked, before chuckling slightly. "It's actually harder than I thought."
"That was perfect," I assured her, before kissing her cheek gratefully. "Can you do it for other colours?"
She pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head adorably. "I'd be honoured, darlin'."
My smile remained permanent as I got comfortable once more, eyes staring ahead at the trees as she took her time to find the right words.
"I can start with yellow," she began after a moment. "It's an easy one after all." Taking my hand gently, she held it out to the sliver of sunlight before us, our skin warming to the touch. "You feel that? That's what yellow is to me. Warm. It's the colour of someone laughin' so contagiously that you can't help but smile at their joy, the feelin' in your chest when you're with someone you care about, that blossomin' feelin' that spreads all around. Yellow looks like that. All-encompassin' happiness."
"That sounds wonderful," I said as she lowered our hands. "Explains why sunny weather is my favourite."
She laughed softly. "It's nice, isn't it?" A pause, and then, "What colour next?"
"How about green?"
She nodded beside me. "Green it is. For me... I suppose green is quite calming. Obviously it depends on the shade, which– that's another thing. Every colour has a shade. Pastel tones are easier on the eyes, softer and less harsh, unlike neon colours which are very much in your face and how I would imagine an exclamation mark would feel if it were a colour." At this, I laughed, but she only continued with seriousness, "It's true, Y/N! You can also get your standard vibrant shades, which are my favourites. A splash of saturation to make everythin' better."
"So, which green are you talking about?" I played along, half amused and half intrigued.
"I guess I'm talkin' about the green that's around us right now," she said. "Nature. It's not too strong, it's a sense of peace and relaxation. Makes you feel like you belong, like you don't need to think or worry about anything else. It's comfortin', like when you're taking a break after a long day, or visitin' an old friend and you can just exist with one another. That's how green feels to me anyway."
"Sounds pretty good," I agreed, her words painting a picture in my mind. "Do blue next."
"Blue," she started, thoughtful. "Well, at first glance, blue can feel quite cold, especially if it's a darker shade. Overwhelming and tempestuous, if it's everywhere. But that same shade can also be comforting, in a way. Kind of like when you're bundled up in winter and you know everybody is doing the same thing, so it's okay."
I hummed, playing with her fingers mindlessly. "And the lighter shades?"
"Oh, those are lovely," she gushed, making my smile widen with amusement. "The sky is blue right now, and it feels airy and light, like a summer's day breeze ticklin' your skin. Except that breeze wraps you up and suddenly you're flying. That's what light blue looks like. Freedom."
I glanced up at the sky, seeing it peek between the tall trees around us. Freedom. It was a lovely thought and one that I found myself relating to a lot more compared to the others, as my vision better compensated for lighter shades such as the sky. Still, Lucy Gray's explanation was much better than visual confirmation.
"White can be similar," she continued. "It can be horribly bright and overwhelming, suffocating, like you're trapped in a small space. Sometimes it's cold, too. But dependin' on how you're feeling and where you are, it can be freeing and open and endless. Like if you're stood in a field and it goes on for miles. A different kind of freedom, but freedom nonetheless."
I nodded, hanging onto her every word. She exhaled softly, intertwining her fingers with mine.
"Last one, I promise," I said, a little eagerly.
"I'll do as many as you want," she said, glancing at me with a softened expression.
I leaned onto her shoulder, grateful for her patience. "What does red look like?"
She considered it. "Red... now this depends on where you see it and how you're feelin' already. It always gives you a sense of urgency, a bright and stubborn colour. Makes you feel alert and awake, in the way that excitement can feel if you're lookin' forward to something. But it's also energetic and passionate, like when you're really angry at someone or you're runnin' so fast you're only runnin' on adrenaline, or if you're so in love with someone that your heart is racin' too quickly to keep up with."
"That's a lot of conflicting emotions," I joked, and she snickered, nodding in agreement.
"That's why it depends on your current mood and where you're seein' it," she explained. "If I see a red rose, I'm seein' romance. Love. Passion. But if I'm seein' blood, I'll feel a sense of urgency. Ultimately, red heightens existing emotions. To me, anyway."
I nodded slowly, understanding her to an extent. It was fascinating, how different the world could be when you saw every shade of every colour.
Remembering it was the last one I'd ask for, even though I could have asked her for a million more colours, I turned to look at her properly, appreciative. Then as I found her eyes, I realised I didn't even know what colour they were.
"Your eyes," I spoke without thinking, "they're dark. Green, maybe. Or brown?"
She quirked a brow dramatically. "Wow, darlin', you don't even know what colour your girlfriend's eyes are?"
Realising what I'd said, my cheeks flushed slightly. "Honestly, it never occurred to me until now."
Her smile widened as she stifled a laugh, before she shot me a knowing look. "They're brown, Y/N."
"Brown," I repeated, unabashedly gazing into her eyes, though unlike every other time, I tried to see more.
"Brown is an earth tone, like green," she explained patiently. "It's earthy and natural and can feel like you're bein' wrapped up by someone you love. But there's times when it can feel isolating, never ending, like you're trapped. It's dark and it's gritty and it's, well, brown."
"I like the first feeling better."
She laughed wholeheartedly, making my heart do somersaults in my chest.
"That's how it makes me feel anyway," I added. "When I look in your eyes."
She tilted her head as a soft smile graced her lips. "That's sweet of you to say, Y/N."
I returned her smile and took her hands in mine. "Thank you. For sharing all of that. I've always wondered, but I've never known how to ask anyone. A lot of the time if you ask someone to describe a colour, they use another colour."
She tried not to laugh as she nodded. "Anytime." Her hand shook mine slightly as she encouraged, "So? What's your favourite colour now that you have an idea of what they look like?"
I thought for a moment, feeling put on the spot. "Erm... what's yours?"
She scoffed gently. "C'mon, that's cheating."
I chuckled at her commitment. "Okay, okay... I guess I'd have to say yellow."
"Oh, yeah?" she asked, intrigued smile on her lips. "And why's that?"
Shrugging, a little embarassed, I looked down at our hands. "It looks like how I feel when I'm with you. Warm and fuzzy and all-encompassing happiness."
"Y/N," she began, touched, but didn't know what else to say.
"It's true," I said shyly, ready to change the subject, but she leaned forward and kissed me before I could say anything else.
If every colour made you feel a certain way, then Lucy Gray was a rainbow, igniting every part of me in different ways. And I was suddenly a huge fan of rainbows.
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zesty-goblin-trash · 1 month
Ayeoo, finally working on my doll again. Small victory for me because my mental state has been chaotic to say the least.
I don't remember what, if anything, I've shared on my current goblin-self doll? Actually I can save this as a draft easily, lemme go check.
Oh g's like nothing. Okay. Welp, grab a snack cause I'm about to overexplain everything up to this point!
Right, so I made a custom Monster High doll a while back and for my first ever attempt at it, she turned put pretty good. Especially since she was meant to just be a practice piece for stuff as I was working on another doll along side it to be my first. Never finished that doll, but I think I have to high of expectations for it compared to my skill level right now.
Jump forward to G3 Monster High being released, and I decided to remake my test-doll-turned-goblin-self with a G3 Draculaura body because it much more accurately represents my body style. I got all the way to having the body painted, my own tattoos added, and various scars and marks detailed. And honestly, I was pretty happy with the result! Here's some photos of that;
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Love the colors, and I was happy enough with what I'd done to keep moving, except for the face. It was driving me crazy that I could still see the line where I added the Apoxie Sculpt to the jaw so clearly, despite it being sanded as smooth as I could get it. So I wiped her head and was going to try again. Not sure what my plan was, to be honest, but she got shoved to the corner of the desk for a good while.
I ended up finding another G3 core Draculaura at Value Village in one of their hanging bagged toys, and for $8 bucks with all her accessories I couldn't pass it up. At the time I didn't plan on it, but ended up deciding to start over completely on v2 of my goblin-self using this doll. The core dolls have an articulated chest, unlike the budget dolls (Day Out which I was using, the 2 that came with the car from Costco, ect.), and there were a couple of things I think I could have done better on the body when it came to the joints.
Jumping forward I did all the prep work on the new doll, sanding everything to remove mold lines and smooth it all nice, removed the face up and hair, yadah yadah yadah. I then attempted to dye the new body with some Rit dye and whatever brand it is that's sold at Dollar Tree, knowing it wasn't going to take correctly because the Rit wasn't for synthetics. I was really only hoping to dye the joints darker, because if you've ever seen or customized your own dolls, body repaints rarely stay painted at the joints. It's kinda inevitable if your doll moves at all. I just wanted to reduce the jarring difference between OG light pink skin and the new green skin.
It sort of worked, the teal Rit did nothing (as I expected), but the red-orange Dollar Tree stuff dyed her a bit. I didn't do her head at all since this was just meant to darken the parts that'd be rubbing together.
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If all the different plastics on the body would take dye the same way this would have been a cute color honestly 😂
Skintone differences aside, it did darken down the plastic used for the wrist and elbow joints, which was my main goal. But I had another idea I wanted to try as you may have noticed in the image background. Alcohol inks! I wouldn't recommend. At least not directly from the bottle dripped into the joint.
The high concentration of alcohol in the inks very quickly made the vinyl of the lower arms get gummy. It's the same reason you don't want to use acetone on the bodies of dolls basically, it just destroys the plastics a bit too much. The pigment did start to take to the plastic, but with how quickly I had to blot it back off to stop the plastic from melting it just didn't have enough time to stay. However it did make me think of another way to essentially stain the joints. I think the same could possibly be done with a brush and alcohol inks directly maybe? But my hubs has Prismacolor Alcohol based markers so I switched gears to bring those.
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And yea! A very good option! At this point I'd already washed and resanded the body to remove the outer layers of the dye from the hard plastic parts so in that image she's pretty light again. It takes extremely well to the hard plastic parts and because the concentration of alcohol is much lower it doesn't make the vinyl arms feel sticky like the inks did. I have a video of the joints moving I'm going to upload on its own after. Cause I really think this might be a viable way to help reduce the obviousness of joints in skintone changes, and I don't want it buried in my nonsense 😂
I ended up coloring the whole body with the marker, not just the joints. The hard plastic took the pigment so well that if the paint does end up scraping off anywhere it was worth it to have the marker color underneath everything. I know that spots like the knees and the butt were getting scrape marks on the first repaint just from posing, so hopefully this helps those spots look good well after I'm finished the doll!
At this point I've now gotten the body all prepped and ready to paint with the new skintone. Sanded, dyed, MSC'd, and waiting! I started working on the new head while I was figuring out the dye situation.
I wasn't planning on making this a multiple post thing (other than the video) but I think I'ma split it up here! I'm still going to type out the next post now but I'll schedule it for later 😂 Because unlike Insta, I can do that and not have to remember to come back and actually make the post later.
And thanks if you've read this far ☺️ I apreaciate the interest! See you in the next one!
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lulu-tutu · 2 years
Rise tmnt request; platonic hc of mom figure female reader who's taking care of her teenage turtle kids; how she's enjoying cooking with mikey and attend his dr. Feelings sessions, how she sew for raph many dolls and teddy bears with different colors (she hate ghost bear for hurting her baby), how she used to put donnie and leo in get together shirts whenever they start chaos.
But her favorite activity; gathering embarrassing pictures, videos of the turtles's childhood and show it to everyone, like if she ever were kidnapped by big mama they would spend a lovely time talking about the turtles when they were kids (the mad dogs try to save their mom faster before their secrets get exposed😂)
Mother Dearest ⭐️ Rise!Turtles HCs
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A/N: *throws unlimited affection at you* How in the world did you manage to give me so many heart clenching, tooth aching, fluff filled requests?? Please take my hand in platonic marriage, we do not deserve you. I almost enjoy these parental requests as much as I enjoy angst. Almost.
Pairing(s): Mother Figure!Reader & Turtles
Warning(s): FLUFF, may make you cry from wholesomeness
Proof read :)
The boys are, well, your boys. You don't make the rules. The turtles are your babies.
Do you spoil them? Yes. Will you ever stop spoiling them? Of course not.
You do everything in your power to keep your kids happy, no matter the cost, even if it's the tiniest of things that make their faces light up like fireworks.
Mikey, oh sweet baby angel, you could never say no to him, why would you even consider that in the first place?
You and him make the most mouth watering dishes the universe has ever seen, and you always give the credit to Mikey despite how he tries to wave it off and reflect it back towards you.
When the two of you are in the kitchen, it's like watching art come to life. When one of the other boys enter the room, they sometimes have to stop and gaze in amazement at the two of you, hypnotised by the way you both work so effortlessly around each other.
You always try and give Mikey little tips to push his dishes towards perfection, and he always does the same to you when you find yourself making something you haven't even heard of before.
You and Mikey are the dream team when it comes to the kitchen, no one could even compare.
Watching his face turn darker from your praises as you all dig into his meals, it just makes you so giddy to see him so happy.
When it comes around to it, you definitely attend his Dr Feelings sessions! You're there to listen and take in whatever your youngest son has to offer, your face serious the whole time he reads through his clipboard or points towards the projectors screen.
Raph was also one of the most spoilt of the four, though you tried to make sure to evenly give the others gifts.
After many nights of learning how to sew and stitch (while getting many pricks and pokes at the same time) you had learnt how to craft the most adorable plushies, dolls and teddy bears Raph had ever seen.
Or maybe it was the thought behind them that made him love them more than any other plushies he had. He would just guess it was both.
The first time you had rushed into the lair with a plastic bag swinging at your side, Raph had thrown you so many worried questions. "What happened? What's in the bag? Did Donnie make you steal from the museum again-?"
Like I said, you'd do anything to make your boys happy.
When you tore open the bag to show him your hard work, he gasped so loudly, tiny stars in his eyes.
He couldn't pick a favourite! Of course the red bear was one of them, with it having a red bandana around its neck and tiny roses dotted around its body, the blue one was also adorable-oh, the yellow one too- a pink one?
The more he looked around in the bag, the more colours he saw.
And then he caught a glance at your bandaid covered hands, which instantly activated his own 'mother bear' instincts. heh.
"You didn't have to make me anything, you hurt yourself doin' it!" "Raph, sweetie, I'm fine! The look on your face was enough to heal any injury."
He melts, which makes you melt.
You helped him organise his room, placing the plushies on his bed, making sure each one got enough love and care. You didn't want any of them feeling left out!
And oh, don't even get started on Ghost Bear. You hear one mention of him and you're shaking your head, biting your tongue from cursing him out for even thinking of hurting your baby boy.
"That guy has no right being idolised by the great Raphael! If I ever get my hands on that no good-"
Mikey has to drag you away after that, hand covering your mouth to prevent some not very nice words from slipping out.
You knew how much Donnie needed to hear any sort of praises from a parental figure, and you were there to give it and more. He was desperate, and you didn't blame him.
You spend a lot of your free time in his lab, even when he has his music blaring loudly. You got use to it after so long.
He doesn't say it, but he really enjoys your presence. You two don't have to speak, all he needs to know is that you're there for him while he tinkers away.
He shows you something new and most likely dangerous?
"Holy cow, that's amazing! You're amazing! How did you even make that?"
Cue him flapping his hands around wildly before diving into a deep explanation about it that you don't understand at all, but you nod along and smile as he talks away.
You also offer to help collect materials with him! Bonding! He never turns you down, even when he's in a bad mood thanks to Leo's pestering.
You let him get his frustration out to you, happy to listen to him rant and just be that shoulder for him. If he wants you to give him advice or feedback, you will. But most of the time you let him just get everything out in the air.
Talking about Leo, hoo boy.
Chaos. Always chaos.
There's rarely a time to relax around that boy, he is such a handful.
"Leo, leave Donnie alone before he pulls out a flamethrower or something."
"Leo! How can you make the most fanciest looking sandwiches I've ever seen, but manage to burn toast? And why is the toaster on fire?!"
"Did you take Raph's shark bear? I'm going to count to three and it better be back on his bed before I stop counting. One- Good. That's what I thought. I'll make you one too, just ask next time."
When you do get the rare moments of peace, it's blissful and strange at the same time.
Sitting down reading together, whether it's him reading a comic and you a novel. Playing video games with him teaching you some neat and secret tricks, or him even showing you around the Hidden City.
You meeting Hueso was the worst thing to ever happen to Leo. Now he has to deal with the teasing of not only one parental figure, but two? At the same time? He has many regrets. At least you two end up getting along well.
When Leo and Donnie decide to have their daily argument? Into the Get Together shirt they go!
"Wha- No! I demand that I be set free! Being close to this moron is a fate worse than death!"
GASP! "How could you say that, dear brother? I was about to say the same thing!"
"You two continue like this and you'll stay together for a lot longer." "Yes, mom."
"Yes, mother."
When it eventually gets out to the world that you're very dear to the turtles, you weren't surprised that an enemy of theirs would decide to use you as bait.
Thankfully, Big Mama was pleasantly fun to be around. When you told her about your boys, she instantly released you from her webs and beckoned you to come closer.
When the boys come bursting through the doors, they instantly crumble to the floor in horror. They were too late.
"Oh, hey sweeties!" You wave towards their tearful faces, your phone out and facing you and Big Mama, a picture of the four when they were younger and taking a bath was currently on display. It was only one of the many you had shown the spider Yokai who giggles at the cuteness.
"We're too late! We've failed!" Mikey sobs on the floor, clutching his face out of pure embarrassment.
"Please tell me you didn't show her-"
You cut off Donnie with a large grin, "The video of you guys pretending to be mermaids? I did."
This was not the first time those pictures and videos have been shown to someone, and it will not be the last. You make it your last mission to show off your boys to anyone and everyone.
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the-outsiders-kid · 2 months
Hello!!! Could you do a Jason Schmidt x reader or a Brent Comer x reader? I love your work and thank youuu!!!
Yes! I’ll make this one a Jason Schmidt X reader and then in my next post I will do a Brent Comer X reader 😋
Thank you so much for the compliment! I love getting compliments on my writing (I’d love to be a writer one day so getting compliments like that really makes my day and gives me more energy and confidence to write❤️)
A/N: OMG! Just a few minutes ago I couldn’t write at all 😭 I’m like. Actually really proud of this one. I recommend listening to “we fell in love in October” while reading this. I feel like it sets the mood lol 😂
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“Babe? Where are we going?”
My voice was hushed and warm sounding when I asked the question for the 3rd time. Jason, my boyfriend, had came running into the living room and told me that he had a small surprise for me.
*15 minutes ago*
“Hey boo!”
He smiled and ran his hand through his now cleaned up hair.
“So I have a surprise for you if your down?”
His eyes brightened up and he immediately put on the biggest smile. His cheeks and nose flushed a light pink and he had told me to go grab one of his sweatshirt and meet him in the car.
“So…what’s the surprise?”
I asked him hoping that he would give in easily. He didn’t.
“You’ll just have to wait. I think that you will really enjoy it though,”
he turned to me and gave me another small smile. His smiles are always filled with such love and happiness. He has a true smile.
“I had the idea of it in the middle of my shower.”
I just smiled and shook my head.
“I told you, you’ll see. You’ll see in about 6-7 minutes.”
I was gonna say something but decided not to. Instead I just leaned my head against the headrest and listened to the soft music play while taking in his appearance.
His hair is all soft and clean. And he has a few strands falling in front of his face. His eyes are a cold, almost icy looking, kind of blue. He’s wearing the black sweatpants his mom got him for Christmas and a red and yellow jacket he had taken from the set ‘Grease: Rise Of The Pink Ladies’.
I tend to do this a lot. I just like to admire and take in small details from things/people that I adore. Jason being the #1 person.
Time went by very quickly after I had distracted myself by taking in lots of details from my boyfriend, the car, and everything we drove by.
We had made it to the destination in less than 6 minutes. 
“You ready?”
He asked smiling and taking his hand away from mine to turn the music up a little, roll the two front windows down, and turn the lights off.
“Uhm. I guess so?”
“Oh c’mon. You’ll love it. I promise.”
I just gave him the warmest smile I could and got out of the car.
He had brought me to a place not a lot of people in NYC know of I guess. There wasn’t any sky scrapers or bright lights. Just a few cars that you could hear driving by one the highway every few minutes. But from where we are we, we couldn’t see the lights of them.
“Okay come ‘ere.”
Jason had sat down on the hood of his car and scooted back so he was laying down on it.
I climbed up next to him, pulling the hood of his sweatshirt over my head, and wrapping my arms and leg around him.
“Now look up.”
He was very quiet when he had said so.
I looked up and my breathing stopped for a second.
“It’s beautiful.”
I told him.
It truly was beautiful. The whole night sky was lit up by hundreds, thousands, and millions of stars and the moon.
The air wasn’t cold but it definitely wasn’t hot either. It was fresh though. And I liked that.
All the different colored and shaped stars had me mesmerized. And the big glowing moon almost had an orange tint to it which I think is incredible.
“Hey Jason.”
His head snapped towards me and he had tilted it in confusion. I hardly ever say his actual name.
“Thank you.”
His smile grew and he just nuzzled his head into my neck and placed his hands under the back of my shirt to rub small circles into my sore back.
I silently played with his hair and listened to the gentle loving music playing in the background while he pointed out constellations and told me old Greek stories about all of the gods and goddesses.
My favorite one he told me was about the moon and the sun though.
“Oh! And there is this one about the moon and the sun being in love. Want to hear it?”
“Of course I do.”
I snuggled closer and listened to his calm voice as he told me how the sun and moon had always been in love, but they could never be together sence the moon rises as the sunset. So God in infinite goodness created the eclipse as proof that there is no impossible love.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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i’m beginning to feel like a rap god…
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pair: Draco Malfoy x reader
requested by anonymous
heyo, i have an idea. draco with a girlfriend who loves Eminem. like she introduces it to him and he says he hates it but listens to rap god behind closed doors 😂
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You had always known Draco Malfoy to be a man of mystery, elegance, and high standards. The Slytherin prince had a reputation for his pristine tastes, always donning the latest robes and drinking the finest Butterbeer. Since you started dating him, you’d spent countless evenings sitting by the fire in the Slytherin common room, talking about everything under the stars. From his love for potions to his disdain for Muggle studies, there was one thing he’d never quite warmed up to: your music taste.
Specifically, your love for Eminem.
You had tried, multiple times, to introduce Draco to the rapid-fire lyrics and hypnotic beats of your favorite Muggle artist. Each time, Draco had scoffed, rolling his eyes as he heard the first few lines.
“Honestly, darling,” he said one day, his voice dripping with mock disdain, “how can you possibly enjoy this… noise? It’s all just loud shouting, isn’t it?”
You’d pouted, pressing play on your Muggle music device and letting Eminem’s voice fill the room. “It’s not just noise! You just haven’t given it a fair chance, Draco.”
He smirked, tugging you closer. “I’ve given it more than a fair chance, love. I just have more refined tastes.”
You’d dropped the subject, not wanting to argue. But you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. Eminem’s music was more than just a collection of songs to you—it was a way to express yourself, to feel understood, to feel powerful. And you just wanted to share that with Draco.
Weeks passed, and you noticed something odd. Every so often, when you came back to the common room after a late class, you’d find Draco sitting by the fire, a bit more flustered than usual. He’d look up at you with wide eyes, hiding something behind his back, and you’d dismiss it as just one of his quirks.
But then you started noticing the subtle changes.
One night, as you were cuddling on the couch, Draco’s fingers began to tap rhythmically against your arm. You raised an eyebrow. “What’s that about?”
Draco quickly stopped, his cheeks turning a faint pink. “Nothing. Just… thinking.”
Another time, you found him muttering under his breath, words that sounded suspiciously like, “I’m beginning to feel like a Rap God…”
You’d blinked in surprise, but he’d brushed it off, pretending he hadn’t said anything at all.
Finally, your suspicions reached a peak one evening when you returned to the common room earlier than expected. As you approached, you could hear the faint, unmistakable sound of Eminem’s Rap God blaring from inside. Pushing the door open quietly, you found Draco with his back to you, nodding his head to the beat, his fingers moving in time with the lyrics.
He didn’t notice you at first, too absorbed in the music, his usually well-composed features softening with concentration and… enjoyment?
“Draco Malfoy,” you said, unable to keep the grin from your face, “are you listening to Eminem?”
Draco jumped, nearly dropping the music device. He spun around, his face a deep shade of red. “I—uh, this is… This isn’t mine!”
You crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow. “Really? Because that looks exactly like my music player.”
He stared at you, the embarrassment written all over his face. Then, with a defeated sigh, he slumped onto the couch. “Alright, fine. I like it. Happy now?”
You couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up. “You like Eminem?”
Draco looked away, still blushing. “It’s… catchy, okay? And the lyrics are… interesting. I just didn’t want you to know. I thought it was silly.”
Your heart swelled, and you moved to sit beside him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Draco, there’s nothing silly about liking something. I’m just glad you gave it a chance. It means a lot to me.”
He leaned into you, sighing softly. “I just didn’t want you to think less of me. I mean, a Malfoy, listening to Muggle rap? It’s unheard of.”
You laughed, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. “I think it makes you even more amazing. Besides, everyone needs to feel like a Rap God now and then.”
Draco chuckled, pulling you closer. “Maybe you’re right. But if you tell anyone…”
“Your secret is safe with me, Draco,” you promised, grinning. “After all, I think it’s kind of cute. My own personal Rap God.”
He groaned playfully, but the smile on his face betrayed his true feelings. “Alright, alright. Now, play it again. I want to see if I can get the next verse right.”
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mountsmase · 2 months
Imagine a first date with him during summer where you go out with his car and grab some food to take away from some restaurant or fast food and drive to a quiet place to sit down and eat and chat without there being too many people around to not be disturbed by some fans. Like imagine him driving you to a place he knows a little far from the city where there is a beach, with you trying to guess where you are going during the trip and you two having simple little chats about how each other’s day went, about his last games, training etc., It would still be light outside and the windows would be open with the light summer wind blowing through your hair, the radio of his car in the background and him trying to make you laugh and break the tension of the first date, he would be a little stressed and anxious too but would try to play relaxed and confident to make you feel as comfortable as possible, he would be looking so handsome with his slightly tanned skin, his freckles more visible because of the sun, his red nose bridge and his cheeks slightly pink. I imagine him dressed simply in shorts and a shirt or t-shirt and a pair of sunglasses, chewing a gum. You would eat and discuss in his car making yourself comfortable and facing the sunset over the sea without going directly onto the sand to not get it everywhere on the food, he would leave the music lightly on in the background while you discuss , he wouldn't stop asking you questions about you to know everything about you, not wanting to make the discussion all about his career and football, he would really like to get to know you and what you like or are passionate about, your studies or your work, he would be so attentive to everything you say and would seem really interested in what you say whereas at first you were afraid of talking too much or boring him and being uninteresting while on his side he tells himself that he could listen to you talk about anything and everything for hours without getting tired. At one point the conversation would continue outside on the beach with the two of you walking along the sea with him continuing to put you at ease with his jokes and funny stories, you would come across an ice cream stand and would take one each before going to sit on the sand to end the night, he would offer to let you taste the flavor of his ice cream and you would let him taste yours, he would feel so good sitting there with you discussing everything and nothing and watching you talk and laugh with your hair slightly messed up with the wind, he would gently put back a lock of your hair behing your ear without daring to do more at the moment and he would be so adorable and gentle with you. When it would be time to return to the car to go home he would see that you were starting to feel a little cold so he would offer you one of his hoodie that he had left in the back of his car and with his scent on it and finally he would stop the car at your house and would come out to take you to your front door and start stressing about whether he should try to kiss you or not and fearing that he would embarrass himself and you would watch as the slight panic took place on the face of the poor boy in front of you who stutters and blushes slightly, you would find it so cute to see him like that when he had looked so confident and relaxed since you two met and you would end up gently putting your hands on his cheeks in a burst of confidence and courage and place the softest kisses on his lips to put an end to his panic before thanking him for this evening and telling him that you had a very great time. He would be so shocked and amazed by the fact that it was you who initiated the first kiss between the two of you but he would find it so sexy at the same time.
Sorry I didn't realize it was so long lol but your post about a late night drive with hime inspired me a little too much 😂
anon. i love this. so much 🤭
This would be the most perfect first date ever 🥺
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Went through my notes and found an old drabble titled
"Pidge (sort of) regrets going to the girls for advice [about Keith]" (as if that needed to be specified😂😂)
Further notes to myself indicate it was inspired by a reddit post seemingly built around the idea of "Tricks that guys don't realize girls do". Anyways, I do hope you all enjoy this little bit if nonsense!
"You really want to know how to drive a man insane while at the same time giving him more reasons to keep seeing you?" Ezor asked with a sly tone.
Pidge cocked her head to the side out of curiosity "What's that?"
Ezor walked over to Pidge's dresser, she began throwing out boxers and loose fitting underwear, as well as chest bindings all over the floor of Pidge's bedroom. The younger girl got flustered and quickly started picking everything up while the rest of the girls laugh. "Well, first we need to go shopping for you. Why don't you have anything to show off your curves, like a thong or something?"
Pidge gestures to her whole body before crossing her arms in a pout. "What curves? It's not like I have any to show off..." Pidge muttered.
"That's not true at all, Pidge." Allura affirmed her friend.
"Yeah, if you weren't too busy putting yourself down and wearing nothing but baggy clothes all the time, you'd see the curves you've really grown into. I know Keith has." Ezor winked at Pidge.
"I have no idea what you're talking about..." Pidge stuttered out, her face slowly turning pink.
"Of course you don't," Ezor rolled her eyes playfully "but mistress of seduction and flirtation that I am, I see all, and anytime you enter the room I see him eyeing you up and down, even more so than you do him, and I can tell he's using every ounce of self-control in that well-built body of his that you love to stare at, and not let his Galra blood flair up and take you to his room asap. Maybe a broom closet since y'all are both so desperate for each other. "
At this point, Zethrid, Romelle, Nadia and even Acxa couldn't help but burst into laughter. Allura, to her credit, was at least trying to stifle her own laughter.
"Sh-shut up!" Pidge stuttered out, her blush getting more red by the second. "Are you going to tell me why you were ransacking my underwear in the first place?'
"Eh, sure, why not? I had my fun teasing you," Ezor said as she sat back down on the bed. "Next time it rains, and I mean a real downpour, you're going to go over to Keith's and get absolutely drenched in the process. He is going to offer his clothes (because as socially inept as he his, he's still somewhat of a gentleman) and you're going to wear said clothes, and when you go home you'll conveniently leave your underwear behind while still wearing the clothes he offered you. He'll find said underwear, and will of course want to return them to you and retrieve his clothea in the process, but if they're something you wouldn't normally wear, like say, a sexy red and black lace thong and bra (obviously because those are his colors and you want to get inside his head as much as possible), he won't be able to resist picturing you in said underwear the entire time."
"He'll give them to you, just so he can take them right back off you." Ezor smirked.
"So... who's car are we taking to the mall, and when's the next storm?"
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
cpn time: yibo’s new songs 🎧
here we are, two songs and a bunch of short video clips later, but this post will be more about the lyrics. if you haven’t listened to the tracks then please enjoy bystander and everything is lovely first before anything else. i’m so thankful that wyb has kept his promise to fans of bringing us a new song every year and also performing it during nye. he may not be the most obvious when it comes to appreciating his fans but this is the best example of his commitment to sharing himself to fans and treating us.
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i will start with some minor clues before we get into the lyrics and all that clowning interpretation. 🙇‍♀️
1. The first 3 photos that yibo-official released as soon as it turned 12:00, one of them was color pink, or you can say, very light shade of red. His photos released before had a more solid red like that from a traffic light but this one leans more towards pink.
A very nice choice of color knowing how he relates pink to being the color of love and and all the other symbolism we attached to it.
& when yibo posted it, he placed the pink one in the middle vs yibo-official’s who placed it on the right.
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2. Same choice of words between their studios, especially with reference to the gap of time. We are definitely looking closer than a normal fan would when it comes to their studio’s captions, edits, posting time etc and to a normal fan this would just fly over their head. but the amount of coincidence between the two is too much!
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3. QQ released parts of the lyrics and this one, the chorus of everything is lovely ( up to the part talking about love of coming home ), the word love was mentioned 23 times. Love Zhan. I mean, we all know this boys loves 2 and 3 😂😂😂
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4. The timing of release for their projects this day. Another example of how they don’t overlap with the day or time. XZ’s marie claire was between 10-12 and then WYB stuff of course started coming out at 12:00. this follows their pattern 👀
5. I really like what this bxg discovered, the way everything is lovely was written, if you turn in upside down it may read wyb loves xz. 🤯🤯🤯
for those of us who have been subjected to xz’s artwork and the little things he hides, this should be believable to you. he is known to do these things, even without the cpn intention.
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I gotta say, i’m leaning more towards this song, i didn’t expect it! I just love how it sounds and i’m with those who felt nostalgic while listening to it. it seems familiar and brand new at the same time. The melody of the first few lines got me thinking of words ( bee gees ) and the guitar/drums played are excellent too! I hope he sings this with a live band please! 🙏🏼
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I often watch, listen and feel like reaching out to touch.
Holding a handful of seawater to see it’s dreamlike color.
this is more of a song ( atleast to me ) that speaks of who WYB is as a person. a bystander/spectator/onlooker. he is someone who observes people and keeps quiet first before engaging. but that doesn’t mean he is indifferent, in this song, he talks about admiring the things around him.
i’m also thinking of a wish to be a bystander. XZ/WYB repeatedly said that the super power they wish to have in invisibility so they just roam around without people noticing them. in a way, it’s wyb’s ( and by extension xz ) wish to be able to do this.
Embrace all the joys and sorrows of life. Listen to the plucked feathers speak, wings aiming for the vast sky.
Watch a fallen leaf repeating until the four seasons bring it back to the branch. I cannot see another galaxy but believe in me in a more distant place.
i see this as basically yibo and zz’s view in life, they are willing to go through the good and bad. their lives may seem ideal because they are celebrities but it’s far from that so they just have to focus on the good.
Don’t ask me what i’m looking for, let life pass through.
it’s him just wanting to be left alone, to allow him to go through his life without people watching his every move. or maybe there isn’t anything he is looking for or aiming for, he is just enjoying and going through his life. This line speaks to me so much! There’s really no need to be constantly trying to achieve things and be exhausted by the end of it. Sometimes, it’s okay to sit back and enjoy the simple things.
I have discussed this song before, especially the chorus that covers a lot of the CPNs. I feel the same way about my interpretation of those lines even after learning the lyrics of the whole song.
My hands, accustomed to patting my head, opening up the memory of the river and pond. There are always a few good friends by the side.
Listening to the cicadas, watching the fishing boats.
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WYB who likes to pat his head as an example 😂 so this is really from his POV and a more personal touch to start this song.
Listening to the cicadas and watching the fishing boat? This paints a picture of them during CQL shoot and hanging out.
I’m cackling tho at bxg interpretation of the lines that talk about river & ponds and then him having friends on the side. So who are the friends by that pod? Turtles? LOL. 😂😂😂😂
How to distinguish between people, whether post-00s are young or very mature.
This is so WYB. Reminding us of when he always made a point to say that GG looks so young or that they have no age gap 🥹🥹🥹
Under the mud, lotus roots finally grown. Please, lotus flowers do not look back.
Lotus roots/ Lotus flowers. What a peculiar choice to include in the song. Maybe there is some deeper explanation here that has something to do with culture or what but as a clown, our minds went to CQL.
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It’s a part of the story and who can forget that behind the scenes of WYB pulling out those lotus seeds for XZ? 🙃
I tightly hold on to the people i once lost.
I like the way some people have interpreted this line. If what we think is true, that they lost each other at some point after the cql shoot then this line makes sense. They had some time apart after that shoot and XZ went to Japan to clear his head. The people around them also encouraged to take this time away from each other and get out of character. But they still found their way back as XZ/WYB. 🤍
The main thing in this song tho is— everything is lovely because you (xz) are in everything. 😭😭😭😭
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years
My Little Love
Chapter 7 pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!reader
word count: 5.0k
warning: angst, mentions of child abuse, kisses, Bucky just being the sweet bean we know he is
A/N: Bucky learns what dilf means! 😂 this chapter is angsty at the beginning but we have to remember that Charlotte did experience a lot of trauma so we see that side of it. Also she says her first word!!! 🥺🥰🥺🥰
Series Masterlist
Ch. 6
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High pitched screaming was heard through the otherwise quiet lab. The heart monitor went from showing a steady heartbeat to a frantic one. You moved over to the modified treadmill and crouched down to be at eye level with your screaming patient. 
“Charlotte what’s wrong?” You took a moment to see if something was hurting her.
She just screamed again as a response and threw her stuffed pink teddy bear in your general direction. Her cheeks were red and she had an all too familiar scowl on her face.
“I’m sorry Bruce, we're going to have to try this another time. I think she’s had enough of the cables and tests.” You say as you begin to unhook said cables. 
“It’s ok at least we have a baseline. Next time we can just get started on the tests.” Bruce pulls out a lollipop from his pocket and holds it out for Lottie to take. “You were so brave, Charlotte.”
Her little hand wraps around it and she pulls it close to her. 
“Can you say thank you, Lottie?” You know she won’t actually say it but she usually gives a little bashful smile. Lottie just frowns and looks away. You sigh as you shift her on your hip. 
“I don’t know what’s going on with her. She’s usually so happy.” 
“Well she did go through a lot so maybe the lab has her on edge.”
“Maybe. Do you think we have to worry about her speech? She hasn’t even attempted to say a word.” You ask worriedly. 
“Nah, for now she’s hitting important milestones. She’s at the weight a kid her age should be and she is walking and running. Now the running I would be worried but considering she has the serum I would say she’s right on track in her development. Her speech might just be delayed but again considering everything she’s been through. If in a few weeks we don’t see any improvements we can look into a speech therapist.” Bruce pats your arm before walking back toward his desk and you take that as your queue to leave.
“You and I have to have a serious conversation about your attitude missy.” 
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Bucky walked into your apartment after finishing his debriefing. At the sound of the door opening Lottie raced out of the kitchen and into his open arms. You smiled when you heard him ask her about her day. She babbled as the sounds of his footsteps got closer. 
“Hey sugar.” Bucky leaned in and gave you a quick kiss. “How was your morning?” 
“It was ok. Bruce and I tried to run some tests on Lottie but we didn’t get very far.”
“What happened?” Bucky asks as he takes a strawberry and takes a bite before offering it up to Lottie. Her little fingers dig into the fruit as she nibbles on it.
“Well my sweet Angel here started screaming, even threw her bear at me.” 
“She gets her attitude from you.” 
“Oh shut up.” 
“You see, so mean.” He teases as he sits down. “So you weren’t able to get anything?” 
“Just a baseline. Maybe next time we can have you there. She might feel more relaxed if she sees more people she trusts.” 
“Of course, anything for my girls.” He scratches the back of his neck. “Did Bruce say anything about her not talking?”
“He isn’t too worried for now. But if she doesn’t start talking within a few weeks we’ll look into a speech therapist.” 
“That’s good right?” 
“Yeah,” you look up at him from cutting up some fruit. “With everything she’s been through, she’s adapted well. Maybe she starts talking a bit later, who cares? All that matters is that she’s healthy.” You set the small plate in front of Lottie to let her feed herself and turn to the fridge. The sound of the plate hitting the floor and your sweet Angel’s temper tantrum gets your attention.
“Shh it's ok, doll.” Bucky coos sweetly as Charlotte continues to cry and try to break free of his hold. He adjusts his hold on her but she only tries to push away from him.
“Just put her down, she doesn’t want to be held.”
Bucky sighs and sets Charlotte on the floor. She stands there for a moment, crying her heart out before running out to the living room. 
“What is going on with her?” 
“I have no idea but this is what happened earlier when we were at the lab.” 
Bucky moves and begins to clean up the mess Charlotte had made. You both felt helpless. As much as Tony and Bruce had looked through hydra files there weren’t a lot of notes or anything talking about Charlotte. There was the video from when she was born and a few notes about her weight and some procedures they had performed on her.
“We’ll just have to wait until Wanda gets back from her mission.” You say as you keep your eyes on the doorway. 
Bucky throws out the fruit and washes the plate before bringing you in for a hug. 
“We’ll figure it out, sugar.”
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Wanda’s mission had been extended and the temper tantrums only got worse. Nothing you did was working and worst of all Charlotte looked disconnected from everyone. You’d find her hiding behind the couch or in her room. She was barely sleeping or eating. Hardly anyone could get close to her without her flinching. 
 When Wanda did finally arrive it was around 2:00 am and you were sure she’d go to sleep. You were more than ok with that even if your sweet Angel was currently awake and crying. Nothing you or Bucky did was enough to soothe her. Lottie sat in her crib as far away from you as possible as she held onto her pink teddy. 
“Hey, you wanted to see me?” Wanda’s sweet voice cut through the tension in the room. 
“Wanda, I thought you’d go straight to bed.” 
“How could I? Friday told me you needed help with Lottie. I couldn’t just let her continue to hurt.” She said as she got closer to the crib. 
Bucky stood up from where he had been sitting on the floor and pulled you into his side. Both of you watched as Wanda’s fingertips and eyes started glowing red. Lottie whimpered as Wanda got closer and after a few minutes you saw that she actually started to calm down. When she was done Wanda turned to look at both you and Bucky. There was no way to miss the tears in her eyes.
“She was triggered by you taking her to the lab.” Wanda started explaining. “It seems that since she was born she’s had handlers. They’d do everything you’ve been doing. Take care of her, feed her, give her toys and play with her and then one day they would just start their experiments. Just horrible stuff.” Wanda sniffled. “The caring turned into pain. She would develop attachments to these people and then they’d turn around and hurt her. The food had been altered to hurt her or they simply wouldn’t feed her. The toys would be taken away and she would be left alone for hours at a time just crying. And on top of that they were physically abusive. But I used her own memories to remind her that you wouldn’t hurt her. Hopefully it works.” 
“Thank you Wanda for helping and coming in right after you just back from your mission. You must be exhausted.” 
“Don’t worry about it. I love that little girl, we all do.” 
“Go get some rest.” You hug her quickly.
Sure enough Lottie had moved from the corner she had been sitting in to stand and hold her arms out. Bucky quickly picked her up and she laid her head against his shoulder. It was obvious she was exhausted, you all were. 
“Come on, we can at least rest in my room.” You walked out behind Bucky and shut off the light to Lottie’s room. In your own room Bucky had settled down with his back against the headboard and his daughter against his chest. She had stopped crying but her red eyes and pink cheeks were evidence of all of the fear she had been going through the last few days. Once you got comfortable in bed your sweet Angel sat up and pointed at you before looking at Bucky. 
“What is it, doll?” 
“Mm.” She grunted while pointing at you again. 
“You wanna go with mama?” Without hesitation Bucky shifts and lets Lottie shuffle over to sit on your lap. Her big blue eyes look up at you and you can’t help but place a kiss on her forehead.
“Are you sure about that? Of having her think I’m her mom?” 
“Have her think?” He looked at you with disbelief. “Listen if you’re uncomfortable with it then I understand, but in my eyes you are her mother. You’re the reason she’s alive right now. And you take care of her as if she were your daughter.” 
“What if something happens between us?” 
“Sugar, you’re it for me, but if something happened between us and you didn’t want to be with me anymore I wouldn’t keep Lottie away from you. So it’s up to you, if you don’t want her to call you mom that’s fine by me but if you do that’s fine too.” 
“You’re it for me too.” You gave him a tired smile. “Can I think about it though?.” 
Bucky  Bucky nods before he shuffled closer and wrapped an arm around you, kissing your temple. You leaned against him as Lottie’s breathing evened out. It had been an exhausting week and a half for all three of you. So you were the next one to fall asleep. Bucky moved you around so that you were resting comfortably while Lottie clung to you like a koala. He debated on whether he should leave and sleep on the couch or stay. But seeing his two girls sleeping peacefully he couldn’t resist and he laid down next to you and threw his arm around your waist. 
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You stirred at the feeling of something wet on your cheek, then it was gone. Then you felt it again followed by a chuckle. When you finally decided to open your eyes, bright blue ones were looking down at you. Lottie’s hands were on your chest to steady her movement as she lowered herself so that she could press her slightly opened mouth against your cheek. Her version of a kiss, it was sloppy and she would make a ‘muah’ sound whenever she pulled back. The chuckle came from beside you, where Bucky was sitting with his phone out and pointed in your direction as he recorded the whole interaction. 
“Good morning sleepy head.” 
“Morning.” You said as you wrapped your arms around Lottie softly so as to not scare her. You kissed her temple before sitting her on your lap. 
“We’ve been up for a while. I taught her how to give kisses.” He says proudly as he hands you a cup of coffee. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
You accept the coffee cup and take a sip unaware of the blush that crept up on Bucky’s cheeks because of the nickname. 
“You’re welcome. Here I can take her, just enjoy your coffee.” 
“No,” you tightened your free arm around the toddler on your lap and it seemed she understood because she leaned into your hold. “She’s just fine right here.” 
Bucky lifts his hands up in surrender but smiles anyway. He gets up to leave mentioning that he’ll have breakfast ready in a few minutes. You take another sip of your coffee before setting it down on your nightstand. Lottie stayed seated on your lap and kept herself busy with the hem of your shirt. Her little fingers rubbed the material back and forth before pulling at it. She looked up and babbled as she showed you what she had been looking at. You smiled down at her and kissed her forehead again. Her hair was really starting to grow in and you were sure it had to be the serum because Steve and Bucky were constantly cutting their hair. In about a week or two it would look like a pixie cut and you were excited to see what she’d look like with longer hair and headbands or bows. 
“What do you say we get ready for the day?”
She coos at your question and you finish your coffee before going into the bathroom to do your morning routine. Charlotte happily follows you around.
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“I think it could be fun.” You say as you walk hand in hand with Bucky, Charlotte taking the lead around the hallways of the compound.
“What could be fun?” 
You turned to see Steve and Tony walking out of Steve’s office. Charlotte sees him and immediately raises her arms. Once Steve is holding her she leans forward and a soft ‘muah’ is heard against his cheek. 
“Was that a kiss sweetheart?” He asks in the high pitched voice he reserved only for her. 
“I was telling Bucky that it could be fun to take Lottie to a petting zoo or an aquarium. She needs to see and be in public places. And I think she’ll have fun.” 
“That does sound fun.” Steve says before turning his attention back to Lottie. “Doesn’t  it, sweetheart?” 
“Is this what he sounded like before the serum?” Tony quips and Bucky snorts.
“Almost, he was a bit more stuffed up back then.” 
You put a hand over your mouth to try and stop the laugh that bubbled up but failed. 
“You three are horrible, is that what you’re going to teach Lottie? To bully people.” 
“Not people, you.” Bucky shoots back with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Anyways,” Steve turns his attention to you. “I was going to look for you anyway because I received your physical from Helen. You’re cleared for field duty. We don’t have any immediate missions for you but you can start training again.” 
“Yes! I’m gonna go change and see if Nat wants to spar.” 
“Why didn’t you ask me?” Bucky looks at you with a pout. 
“Because you’d go easy on me. See you later.” You kiss his cheek and then Charlotte’s before going back to your apartment to change. Bucky watches you with a smile on his face until you’ve disappeared around the corner.
“That is the face of someone who is completely whipped.” 
“I am, and proud of it.” Bucky takes Charlotte back from Steve. “I’m whipped by both my girls.”
Tony and Steve watch as Bucky heads outside with Lottie. The former shakes his head in disbelief. 
“Come back to the office Capsicle, I’m planning something and want your opinion.” 
“She is too young for one of your parties, Tony.” Steve says as he walks back inside.
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That’s how you describe your current state. After going toe to toe with Nat, Clint and Sam for most of the week, you feel like you won’t be able to move for the rest of your life. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You’re laying like a starfish on your bed after showering and changing into something comfortable. The last sparring session with Nat pushed your limits more. Thoughts about how different your life would have been if you didn’t have your ability to manipulate metal. When you were younger you would have given anything to not have this ability but now you’re so grateful you do.  
You think about the friendships you’ve formed with the team, especially Steve. He was your best friend. The new stage of your relationship with Bucky. And then there was Charlotte, sweet and innocent Charlotte who has you wrapped around her finger. You thought about her calling you mom, would it really be so bad? Should you tell her about her biological mother? Would she hate you because of it? You sigh, in your heart you know nothing would make you happier if Lottie referred to you as mom but you don’t want to do something that would hurt her in the long run. Maybe you might wait until she’s older and let her decide. 
You try to focus your thoughts on relaxing and maybe taking a nap when you hear your door open. Then you feel the pull of your bedsheets from under you. When you turn your head to the side you see a head of black hair and big blue eyes peering over your mattress. You smile as you move to prop yourself on your elbow. Lottie’s hands come up from the side and she grabs on to the edge of the mattress. 
“Come on sweet Angel, I know you can get up here.” You say to her and you hear a little grunt as she pulls herself up. 
When she isn’t able to pull herself up fully you hear a whine but you don’t do anything. Challenges like this are good for her development. This time Lottie grabs on to the bedsheets and she pulls herself up. When she’s dangling halfway up you grab her, wincing because you’re slightly sore and a bit beaten up. It doesn’t stop you from celebrating this accomplishment.
“Good job Charlotte,” you give her a few kisses on the cheek and she giggles. “You did so good, I’m so proud of you.” 
You lay comfortably on your side while Charlotte is sitting against you. Her little sock clad feet kicking at nothing as she just coos and points at you or some random object. You’re in the middle of a very intense conversation with her when the door opens again. 
Bucky stands in the doorway with a pair of Lottie’s shoes in his hand. 
“You aren’t ready.” He says with a slight pout. 
“What should I be ready for?” 
“Didn’t you get the text?” He says as he moves toward your nightstand and hands you your phone. “Come here doll.” He sits at the edge of the bed and puts on Lottie’s shoes.
“Dress comfortably and meet outside at 3:00, bring the kid.” You read Tony’s message out loud. “What does he want with Lottie?”
“No idea but he sent that to the group chat so it can’t be bad.” 
Bucky stands and pulls Lottie with him even though she makes grabby hands at you. He places her on his hip as he waits for you to get up. Your brain however has decided to stop working as you see this side of Bucky. It’s not like you haven’t seen it before but it’s just hot. So when he asks if you’re ok your brain can’t stop your mouth from saying what you’re thinking.
“You’re a certified DILF.” 
His brow furrows and he shakes his head a little as he looks at you waiting for an explanation. When you don't provide one he speaks up. 
“What’s a DILF?” 
“A dad I’d like to fu-“ 
“Hey, we’re about to head outside are you coming?” Steve interrupts the moment from the doorway. His sudden appearance made you jump slightly. 
“We’ll be right there.” You say as you get up. “I just need to change.” 
Bucky stays silent, you didn’t need to finish the sentence to understand what you meant. A deep crimson blush creeped up his neck and into his scruffy cheek. When Steve asked if he was ok he cleared his throat and nodded. They waited in the living room while you changed.
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The whole team huddled right behind the compound. Bucky was still holding Lottie on one side and your hand with his free one. You all stared at Tony who had a pleased look on his face. He stretched his arms out to the side palms up as he spoke.
“Welcome to the Avengers’ petting zoo. Only for the day of course.” 
“Why is this happening?” Wanda asked.
“Well mom and dad here,” Tony pointed at you and Bucky with a smile. “Want to have our resident baby Avenger start to experience public places and larger groups of people. Y/N mentioned going to a petting zoo as a start, great idea by the way. But it’s only been about a month since she was found and I know you would do anything to protect Lottie but the risk is still high that someone might try to take her again. So why not bring the petting zoo here where it’s safer. The trainees and other agents have been given some time off and some of them even brought their kids. So let’s get the petting started.” 
Everyone looked amongst each other and started heading out towards the area that had been set up. Bucky walked up to Tony first to thank him with a handshake but you stayed behind. You stared each other down for a moment and you waited until Bucky was far enough that he wouldn’t hear you.
“What’s going on?” You narrowed your eyes.
“Nothing is going on, this was just the safest option.”
“Anthony Edward Stark, if I have to-“
“Woah,” he holds up his hands. “No need to use my government name, mom. Fine,” he rolled his eyes and got closer to you. “We’ve heard some indirect talks about Charlotte and we want to make sure there isn’t a chance hydra can get their hands on her again. And we found another medical lab hydra was working from. We think it’s directly connected to whatever they were working on with Lottie. That’s going to be your first mission with myself and Bruce but you don’t have to worry about it for now. Just enjoy your afternoon with your boyfriend and your daughter.” He puts a hand on your shoulder and smiles at you.
“Ok, thank you for telling me. But please next time just let me know when that type of information is found. Bucky and I can’t protect her if we don’t know what’s going on.”
“Yes ma’am. Now go have fun.”
You give Tony a quick hug and then head off to search for Bucky. 
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Tony had thought of everything, naturally. He had rented food trucks and cleaning stations had been set up. He even got cameras for you and Bucky to use so that you could remember this day. You recorded all of Lottie’s interactions with the animals while Bucky was taking pictures. You’d trade every once in a while or hand the cameras over to your friends. There were enough pictures taken to make at least three albums. 
Lottie loved the goats and the llamas. She fed chickens and rode on a pony. Her giggles were infectious, you and Bucky found yourselves grinning at her happiness. Especially because she was back to the sweet happy little girl you knew her to be. You were thankful for the serum running through her veins or else she would have been tired out after half an hour, but she was still running around the place. 
“Look at her.” You elbowed Bucky before nodding in Lottie’s direction. 
Tony had set up a playground area with benches so parents could sit and watch their kids play. Lottie was currently standing in the middle with a boy and a girl. They all seemed to be about the same age but the other two were talking. You smiled when the little girl took Lottie’s hand and they started walking towards the steps of the jungle gym. They helped each other up with the little boy following behind them.
“I’m gonna make sure they don’t hurt themselves.” Bucky said as he stood. It seemed like the other dads had the same idea because the three of them stood by waiting to see what the kids would do next. 
While you were distracted watching the scene unfold Steve took a seat next to you. 
“Hey, having fun?” 
You turn your head to look at him and smile.
“Yeah, did you know about this?” 
“Yes but it was all Tony’s idea.”
“Hmm, it was nice of him. Did you know about the talks of trying to get Lottie back?” 
Steve immediately flushes pink. His hand goes to the back of his neck. “Yes,” he sighs. “We were going to tell you both after today. We just wanted you three to have a fun day after everything that happened with Lottie these past few days.” 
“I appreciate it, really I do. But what if you hadn’t heard us talking about going out of the compound or what if you had been on a mission when we decided to go?” 
“I get it and it won’t happen again. I promise.” 
“It better not, Rogers.”
He smiles this time. “Look at you being all protective mama bear.” 
“Where’d you learn that from?”
“Of course you did.” You smile but roll your eyes.
“You know Buck told me about him wanting Lottie to call you mom.” 
“Yeah what did he say?” 
“He didn’t say anything really. But I know he’s thinking that maybe this is too much for you. He doesn’t want you to think you have to take care of Charlotte. Buck’s just worried that you might be feeling pressured into being with him and helping with Lottie.” 
You stare at him in disbelief before you shake your head. 
“That’s not it at all. I was thinking about Charlotte’s biological mother. I mean we don’t know anything about her and she wasn’t even able to hold her. Would Lottie hate me if or better yet when she finds out? I don’t think I could handle that rejection from her, no matter what age she is.”
“Well her mother was a hydra agent, it’s been confirmed. Do you want her to know that her mother was someone who willingly hurt other people? I know Bucky will always blame himself for the things that he was forced to do but we both know that when you lay the information out he was the victim. We can’t say the same for her mother.”
“Why are you telling me this?” 
“I just want you to know that you are already her mother. Even if Lottie doesn’t know what your relationship to her is yet she already depends on you. You were the first one to show her love and affection. And I know that she’ll learn everything else that’s important from you too because you’re not going to leave either of them.” Steve looks out to where Bucky is helping Lottie go down the slide. “Even if you have her call you by your name or nickname, she’ll always recognize you as her mom.” 
“You think so?” 
“I know so. Just like she knows I’m her favorite uncle.” He smiles brightly at you. 
“Maybe you’re right, Rogers.” You say as you watch your sweet Angel walk towards you, a huge smile on her face. 
She starts to run as Bucky chases her and yells in delight just as she gets to you, her safe space. She’s flushed red and slightly sweaty but you know she’s never had as much fun as she’s having now. Lottie’s head rests against your chest and she looks up at you once you’ve picked her up and sat her on your lap. You know that what Steve’s saying is right. 
Bucky sits next to you and places a kiss on your shoulder. His smile is just as big as his daughter’s. 
“Having fun?” You ask him.
“More than I thought I would. Although I miss my goats from Wakanda.” 
You laugh as you shake your head. Bucky wraps an arm around your waist and Steve grabs the camera that was sitting between you. He takes a picture while you and Bucky are wrapped up in each other.
“Alright you guys smile.” He instructs before getting Lottie’s attention and snapping a few pictures. “Here you go. I’m gonna go find Sam, he said something about trying every food truck.” 
“We should get her something to eat.” 
“I am kinda hungry too.” Bucky says.
“When are you not?” You laugh as you get up and offer him your free hand.�� The three of you happily head in the same direction as Steve had disappeared in.
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When night fell and all the animals and trucks and agents had packed up and left. The team headed toward the more private area of the compound’s back yard. Clint had started the fire pit while Wanda and Sam had brought out all of the ingredients to make s’mores. Everyone sat around the pit making their own chocolatey mess while sharing laughs. Lottie sat in your lap while you sat between Bucky’s legs and rested your back against his chest. 
“Lottie let me clean you up.” You said when you saw the mess of sticky dessert on her cheek thanks to Steve. “Just look at me for a second sweetie.” You said again but she kept pulling away from you. 
Bucky then tried to get her attention but she would turn to look back at the fire.
“Lottie look at mama.” You said without even realizing you called yourself mama. “Can you look at mama sweet Angel.” Lottie turned her head to you and it gave you enough time to wipe off the chocolate and marshmallow mess. 
“I know it’s yummy.” 
“Ma—“ Lottie sounded out. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she looked at you. “Ma-ma.” 
Everyone at that point had stopped what they were doing, all of their attention had gone to Charlotte. You held your breath as she sounded out the one word you never thought she’d say first. She looked up at you again with big bright eyes and an even brighter smile.
“Mama.” She said one more time before putting all of her weight against your body. Her tiny messy hands gripped your shirt as she relaxed against you.
You could barely hear her because of the blood rushing in your ears. Your chest felt tight as you were overcome with emotions, mostly happiness. 
“That’s right Lottie, this is mama.” Bucky said behind you. You feel his breath on the shell of your ear. “Are you ok?” 
You turn to look at him, your eyes full to the brim with unshed tears.
“Yeah, I’m more than ok.” You smiled at him. 
Ch. 8 
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Hello! Just wanted to say your Merfolk Hashira headcanons were amazing & I couldn't stop reading it. Rengoku gave me a bit of Little Mermaid vibes. 😂😂😂
But I wonder what the Upper Moons & the Kamaboko squad be like as Merfolk?
Kyojuro out there singing Part of Your World for real XD! Ima pick Kamaboko Squad for this since it’s easier!
KNY Kamaboko Squad Shitpost; Merfolk AU
Second Part of the Hashira Merfolk AU! This is actually very cute, I like it a lot so here it is~!
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Basically. Almost everything stated in the Hashira post applies to both the Kamaboko Squad and the Upper Moons but these five have a different concept
Just like the top grade, Hashira. The Kamaboko Squad possess the same lunar energy-powered oceanic magic inside those moonstone pendants and can do the same feats the Hashira can
Their magic is just a lot weaker than compared to the Hashira. Depending on the rank of the solider for the Ubuyashiki Royal Family and their underwater kingdom, the magic grew alongside with the rank
They all possess a unique weapon to their own character, alongside their magic and default summon-able weapons, used to fight off threats
Kamado Tanjiro
Tanjiro is a red queen snapper merman
Tanjiro always prays for the poor life of the vicious sea predators he is forced to kill. He feels sorry for them
Spends a lot of time honing his magic, above of the water. He likes practicing in the world over the sea
Kamado Nezuko
Nezuko is a rosy scale fairy wrasse merwoman
She possesses the demon siren voice and demonic traits, but her merwoman anatomy has not changed
Nezuko loves playing with the many sea creatures around her; fishes, sea turtles, jellyfish, clams, just anything cute!
Agatsuma Zenitsu
Zenitsu is a yellow sailfin tang merman
Very much despises humans and gets annoyed each time he has to clean up a shipwreck
Zenitsu has very fast swimming speed in general, able to tap into a brief speed boost and surpass Sanemi’s speed
Hashibira Inosuke
Inosuke is a atlantic blue marlin merman
Inosuke has family-history with the rainbow loaded comb jellyfish monster, Douma
Please don’t give him a weapon. He’ll go find a swimming human, chase them and jab at them
Tsuyuri Kanao
Kanao is a pink flowerhorn cichlid merwoman
Her cooking skills for merfolk is immaculate as she can prepare such luxurious dishes easily
Kanao loves styling the hairs of her sisters/friends with the signature Kocho butterfly-styled hairclips
Shinazugawa Genya
Genya is a dark purple-black payara merman
Genya has sharp Dracula-like fangs and he is a prominent predator, able to tear apart beasts like sharks
Is quite susceptible to merwomen singing and siren songs, with his shyness towards girls. He can easily be swayed
I don’t know the artist name but credit, of the art above, goes to him/her/them!
60 notes · View notes
jade-kyo · 4 months
Season 17 post restoration thoughts
Casually skipping 16 and going straight to 17 because lord knows I can’t afford to lose anymore braincells. I genuinely enjoy this season so I’m looking forward to the rewatch!
Ngl jumping straight from 15 to 17 really highlights how absurd this is like bro why is there gods and shit omg 😂
The fates are racist- that explains a lot
Donut my sweet baby boy
You know as much as I hate time travel stories this works way better for a “lets reference and call back to as many previous arcs and seasons as possible” nostalgia trip than Restoration did
Okay while I personally prefer the take that Donut is fully aware of all the innuendos he makes and is doing it to be a little shit I do think it being unintentional is really funny considering the ace Donut thing
“You have me all wrong” “I doubt it.” Donut the master at not getting gaslit
Donut knows Wash’s name is David- meaning Wash must have told all the reds and blues his real name
Felix is afraid of knives
Man I love it when Dr. Grey sounds like herself
We love insurance fraud
Wash just silently shooting Donut again has me wheezing holy shit
The Wash and Carolina conflict is so freaking good man I love them
Man this season is just genuinely entertaining to watch despite everything- the way I wish we could’ve gotten this character writing with a better story
Oh what’s that a way to reference back to all the freelancers that includes Wyoming and the triplets. The concepts are wild again.
Also it’s just genuinely hilarious
I need to find the ost for when Wash and Carolina reunite and she’s saying how she trusts him and doesn’t know why bro this music is so pretty
Seriously I’m enjoying this as a nostalgia trip so much more than restoration
Oh I can feel my inner 15 year old desperately trying to take control of my body and send me down the carwash pipeline again holy shit- platonic or romantic. They’re good either way 🙂
Kai I love you with all my heart and soul but you do not disrespect Junior like that
Yes Caboose IS a genius and also my son
Kai messing with Tucker is glorious holy shit is that bit funny I love them
“Time is made of circles” what a nice, funny and succinct callback. Look at those concepts being wild.
Not Tucker dropping the “your mom” bit on Doc AGSKHAKS
Wash might be a competitor with Church for number one Donut Stan
Or simulation headcanon: Church is projecting his liking of Donut onto Wash
Okay but Donut should be in the caves not under the pelican FR PEOPLE STOP FORGETTING ABOUT THE CAVES!!!
Laughs in Spanish
I love competent Caboose and Donut
“My testicles send their regards” has no right being as badass as it is
Love a good Tucker moment- sure wish it wasn’t just redoing his character development that never should’ve been undone to begin with
OKAY BUT TUCKER AND DONUT MOMENT THO???? So good- can’t believe Donut is the “angsty bitch”
Love them talking about the AI like they’re Carolina’s siblings
Holy shit the voice acting between these two is so good
“If he’s single there’s no hope for any of us” sargington nation rise
Sarcastic Donut my beloved
I said this last time but seeing Church impaled by a golf club, even if it is actually Genkins, is entirely unnecessary bro I don’t wanna see that
Sarges vision is further proof that the correct ending for him is retirement
“Don’t say toodles” LOVE sassy Donut so much
Grif enlisted reveal you will always be famous to me
I never actually thought about it too deeply before but now that I am holy shit do I love that detail it’s so good and actually reminds me of my own brother who enlisted for similar reasons and regrets it now- seriously Grif enlisting is so realistic, a lot of kids sadly think the military is the only thing that can give them structure and purpose. It’s a great addition to the anti military themes of RvB
TUCKER CANONICALLY HAS PANIC ATTACKS- the fact they kept his visions so vague is truly a CRIME
AND WE DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO CABOOSE- honestly I know they probably didn’t have this arc planned back then but they should’ve used the labyrinth for Caboose to find closure in Church’s death rather than the Time Machine nonsense in s15. I feel like that would’ve been infinitely more interesting.
Caboose gets it!!
Man what nice fairly satisfying conclusions to everyone’s arc- don’t we love wild concepts.
Sure maybe it’s not anything super poetic or perfect like 13 but at least it makes sense
Hell I’ve even warmed up to Donut leaving! Bro deserves some him time and it’s not like he said it was permanent or anything… doesn’t that just really hit you in the wild concept 🙂
You know what- this season is genuinely such a delight at times. Im thinking about adding it to my regular rewatch list along with 1-13 as just like a little bonus I can have at the end cause it’s just such fun. Glorified fanfiction! We love to see it- maybe Restoration sucking was a blessing in disguise cause it really gave me a new appreciation for 15 and 17 (but 17 especially). I probably won’t rewatch 15 as much cause being honest I don’t really enjoy it in its entirety as much as 17 but it’s got good moments I love.
Now- I know the logical thing for me to do is go back and watch 16 and then Restoration but here’s the thing… I don’t want to.
I genuinely do not enjoy those seasons. I don’t want to put myself through something that’s just gonna make me angry and bitter just for the sake of giving commentary on them- not right now anyway. Maybe one day I’ll feel like being a bit salty and do it but that’s just really not how I want to spend my time with my favorite show. I’ve already rewatched any clips from restoration that I cared to rewatch and I don’t think any of my feelings on it are gonna change. And I’ve seen 16 enough times to know my feelings won’t change.
Now what I am considering doing is rewatching 1-13 for the 20th time (<- accurate number, I’ve kept count over the years) and continuing to do these thought posts cause they’re good fun to do! So who knows whenever the time comes you’ll probably have to deal with more of my insane ramblings 😂
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An Incomplete List: Things I need to be in the RWRB movie
(Including things we already know will be in it because god I’m so excited)
Basically this will just be me listing all my favorite parts of the book so I apologize in advance for how long this will be I’m brainrotting HARD rn)
1. The callback between Henry asking June (maybe Nora tho now) to waltz and then later telling Alex he hates waltzing at the V&A idk why but this is important to me
2. PLEASE a flashback of baby Alex seeing the picture of baby Henry in the J14 magazine I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT
3. Henry’s (and Alex’s) insomnia (because I am also an insomniac and it’s an important part of their characters I feel)
5. Star Wars including the Leia and Han references/mural and Henry’s favorite movie being Return of the Jedi because THATS MINE TOO❤️❤️ and also “bit short for a stormtrooper”
6. CORNBREAD AND STUFFING CORNBREAD KNOWS MY SINS HENRY buy a summer home in Majorca with the turkey Mr Wobbles and David picture from Henry and their cute little “we’ve obviously got crushes but we’re ignoring it” phone goodbye
8. Nora’s extrapolated data about Alex’s obvious crush lmao
10. “Fucking eyelashes” and also “good to know. I am very, very gay.”
11. The stupid titles they use in their emails like His Royal Horniness and Alex First Son of Off-Brand England
12. BABY and LOVE and SWEETHEART I normally hate pet names (minus love I adore that one always) but I am a SUCKER for Firstprince pet names specifically
13. I’d love to see a flashback to young Henry coming out to Bea even for just a second
14. I NEEDNEEDNEED a shot like this in the movie
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(Art by vkellyeart) but yes give me a shot like this where they’re on opposite ends of the world “two parentheses enclosing 3700 miles”
15. “Say good morning to your strumpet, Henry.”
16. So I know we won’t get the Hoe Dameron and Prince Buttercup kimonos anymore (sadness) but LET NICHOLAS GALITZINE BELT HIS HEART OUT TO QUEEN I BEG
17. Since we don’t get Cash wearing one SLAP A BRIGHT PINK FEATHER BOA ON AMY PLZ
18. Bea’s lime green drop-waist Wimbledon dress with gold honeybee Gucci sunglasses fight me Ellie Bamber would rock that look
19. So I know we know they don’t dance to Your Song in the V&A but I hope Henry still plays it on the piano or at least it plays somewhere in the movie cuz i love that song also JUST HENRY PLAYING PIANO IN GENERAL PLZ AND LET ALEX LOOK AT HIM WITH SEVERE HEART EYES and then Henry falling asleep on Alex and Alex just laying awake like Well Shit
20. “Most things are awful most of the time, but you’re good.”
21. Alex’s vocabulary apparently only being expletives when Zahra busts in on him and Henry lmao and “yes we can unpack the ironic symbolism later GO” and also “I thought you were getting into international relations or something” “I mean technically—“ “if you finish that sentence I’m gonna spend tonight in jail” 😂😂
22. THE POWERPOINTS HAHAHAH and “You need to figure out if you feel forever about him”
23. “Should I tell you that when we’re apart, you body comes back to me in dreams?” Speech and also the story about the prince with his heart outside his body that met the most dashingly gorgeous peasant boy who said absolutley ghastly things to him that made him feel alive for the first time in years
24. “Sometimes you just jump and hope it’s not a cliff” and “But the thing is, jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing. That’s the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that. On purpose. I love him on purpose.”
25. Dear Thisbe, I wish there weren’t a wall. Love, Pyramus
26. Obtuse fucking asshole and “I fucking love you, okay?” And “when have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you?” And “I want you— then fucking have me— but I don’t want this” and ok basically you get it their whole goddamn rain-drenched love confession scene
27. The morning after, when Henry says that all the royal shit of “fine” isn’t good enough for him and tells Alex he wants him to help him try to be happy and the chance of a life? That’s one of my favorite scenes if not my absolute favorite and I don’t even know what I need out of it but I know I need it to be PERFECT, including Henry sayings he’s been in love with Alex since they met❤️❤️
28. Prince Consort Road picture plzzzz and everything that happens in the V&A but ESPECIALLY them dancing and “taking a picture of a national gay landmark and a statue”
29. “I want you to know, I’m sure. A thousand percent.” And “I completely fucking love you”
31. “You and me and history, remember? Because you’re it, okay? I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you.”
32. I want Ellen’s reaction to Alex being outed, and Zahra’s as well, with both of them being so supportive. But especially “do you feel forever about him?” “Yeah, I do.”
33. “I won’t lie. Not about this. Not about you.”
34. The crowd outside the palace and the crowds around the world supporting Henry and Alex oh my god i just know imma cry there
35. “You are the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had” Alex’s speech “America: he is my choice.”
36. The suitor pictures
37. Henry’s yellow rose of Texas tie
38. Alex taking Henry to his childhood home is a very small wish but I’d still love to see that
39. Finally, I REALLY hope the movie gives us some kind of epilouge like I don’t even care what kind I just want a future thing where we see them happy in the future at a wedding or literally just sitting together I don’t even care I just want one❤️❤️
I am SO sorry this turned out a lot longer than I expected but goddamn I love this book and I’m so excited for the movie my brain needed something to do lmao
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
So here we go! There are so many options but Commander Thorn is your husband and I need more of him! And you said once he's bored and wants to play... I'm here and I'm ready! (So ready 😂)
I wanna ask for:
Commander Thorn, neon pink, midnight, you know I'm open for everything give me what you're feeling but I would love at least a little bit of spice 😎😏
Thanks and love ya!!
So tumblr ate my original post, but we’re still gonna rock out The Thorn Agenda! I’m nothing, if not ready to fight for my husband 😎 Things will deffo get mad spicy cause it’s Thorn, and it’ll be fun because yeah, he wants to play 😜
💙💙 love ya back!
warnings: predator/prey action, public sex, unprotected piv sex (protect yourself irl pls)
A/N: this got away from me. straight up. apparently even with my own rules I’m ungovernable, so it’s 9 sentences. it’s Thorn, so let’s just celebrate that I didn’t write 21 sentences 😅
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It had started as a training exercise to see how long you could evade Thorn in the ever busy streets of Coruscant, which he enjoyed far more than he should, and despite your best efforts, he always caught you within minutes, leaving you disappointed, but Thorn refused to let you talk down to yourself, stating you couldn’t speak to his cyar’ika that way.
You trained harder, mapping out new routes, as you learned the city, discovering pathways that played to your strengths and against Thorn’s weaknesses, the lows and highs of your training districts, developing routes that would only make sense to you, ending each session with sore muscles and high spirits before you challenged Thorn: if he could catch you in less than 15 minutes, you’d indulge his long-held fantasy of taking you in public.
Thorn’s laugh rang out, genuine and full of pride for his confident cyare before growing serious and giving you a 5 minute head start, watching as you raced away, completely focused on the victory at the end of the timer; despite the late hour, Coruscant was teeming with life, providing obstacles in the form of club goers and night owls of every species.
He watched you weave expertly through the throng, analyzing the patterns in your movement that you, yourself, likely weren’t aware of, which told him you’d been out training on your own, and that made him grin, as he was impressed with you for taking initiative, for being so competitive that you’d utilized your limited free time to provide him with a challenge.
Dodging and weaving, spinning and sprinting, with your heart nearly leaping out of your chest, as you caught flashes of red and white out of the corner of your eye down every street, through the night market, past 3 different cantinas, but each time it turned out to be nothing, yet you still pressed on harder than before determination coursing through your veins.
When you reached the night club you’d staked out you finally looked over your shoulder, and feeling confident -since you hadn’t caught sight of those flashy red wings amongst the crowd for two blocks- you hoisted yourself up onto the fire escape and climbed to the roof, crossing the smooth surface to pull open the door leading down to the club, only to find Thorn leaning against the doorway with his arms folded like he’d been waiting for hours, causing you to take a surprised step back.
He pulled off his helmet, and tugged you into his arms, lightly kicking the door closed behind him, as he crushed his lips to yours, letting you bury your fingers in his curls a moment before spinning you around pressing you up against the door, and working your pants over your hips and halfway down your thighs, as he removed his codpiece and let it hit the floor.
He pressed a finger inside you and teased you for being so wet, asking if you’d been planning to lose all along so he’d fuck you like this, which elicited soft moans and begging that only encouraged him to add another finger to prepare you to take him right there beneath the neon sign flashing blue, pink, and purple, illuminating your illicit activity.
Thorn’s moan of pure satisfaction, as he sheathed himself inside you, was music to your ears, and as the bass from the club below buzzed its way up your body through your feet, Thorn rocked into you, rolling his hips and pressing a hand between your legs to play with your clit, bringing you along for the pleasurable ride, and you decided losing felt even better than winning.
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taglist: @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @sleepingsun501 @starrylothcat @ladyzirkonia @wings-and-beskar @pb-jellybeans @clio3kantarella @staycalmandhugaclone @stardusthuntress @idontgetanysleep @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @anxiouspineapple99 @littlemissmanga @mandos-mind-trick @kimiheartblade @amorfista @freesia-writes @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @multi-fan-dom-madness
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