#ex boyfriend Jungkook
amethystwrytes · 25 days
-If I Had Asked-
Pairing: Jungkook x genderless reader
Genre: Romantic. Hurt. Comfort. Fluff. Exes to lovers. Oneshot.
Summary: Jungkook wants to catch up at a mutual friends birthday party.
Warnings: Language. Alcohol consumption and marijuana use.
Inspired by this prompt.
WC: 1.5K
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Jungkook weaves in and out of the throng of people in the small apartment. Seokjin had insisted on a small party, but as usual he’d gotten carried away and vastly overestimated the capacity of his flat.
Jungkook can pretend to be outgoing, a crowd lover, if the occasion calls for it, but in truth he feels like his skin is crawling every time he brushes up against a stranger. Normally he would’ve left after wishing his elder a happy birthday and leaving his present, a compilation book of Marvels 100 best comics, on the counter.
However, he has it on good authority that Seokjin invited you here tonight, and that you’d said yes.
Jungkook hasn’t seen you since you packed your shit and left his apartment over a year ago. You hadn’t been the least bit unserious when you told him you were done, you really had been. It took Jungkook a long time to realize that he probably should’ve gone after you. Too long. By the time it had occurred to him, six months had passed, you were seeing someone else, and his window had closed.
He was immature with you, and maybe a year doesn’t make anyone wiser, but he’s learned a lot since then. Like how prioritizing everything over you because he just assumed you’d always be around was his biggest mistake.
His third circle of Jins apartment has him wondering if Namjoon had been wrong - you actually had no plans to come. Then he hears it. He would know your laugh in any universe. If he were in a coma he’d still hear it. It makes his heart ache.
You’re out on the terrace. A vodka cranberry, that’s probably more cranberry than anything, in one hand, a joint in the other. You’re chatting with Jimin, probably catching up, but like an invisible string is tethered, you turn your head and make eye contact with Jungkook through the glass. He see's you tense up for just a second, then you turn back to Jimin, looking like you're about to make a quick exit.
He can't have that.
Jungkook shimmies through the crowd and slides through the door. Jimin notices the change in the very air out on the terrace.
"Jungkook, long time no see," he says, trying to keep it light and charming, but the thick cloud of awkward is expanding by the second.
You look over the terrace out into the darkness, taking a long drag off the joint and blowing it into the air.
"Yeah," Jungkook shrugs, "I've been working a lot, not really had the energy for hanging out."
"For sure," Jimin nods. Then silence ensues. The noise from the party, lulled by the closed terrace door buzzes and beckons. "I'm going to go find Seokjin, see how drunk he is," Jimin jokes and the two of you offer up some forced laughter.
"Here," you say, handing him the joint, "I think I'm good."
Jimin takes it, offers it briefly to Jungkook who shakes his head no, then places it between his lips before retreating indoors like the terrace is on fire.
"Hi," Jungkook finally says.
"Hey there," you reply.
"Why is this so uncomfortable?" he laughs, taking the spot beside you to look out into the night. City lights dot the horizon like blinking stars and he focuses on one that seems to flash on and off every couple of seconds.
"I don't know," you finally answer, "I think these things are always awkward."
"What things?"
"Seeing your ex at a party for the first time since splitting," you clarify. "Though you'd think a years time would've papered over some of those cracks."
"I'm sorry," Jungkook offers, the list of things he owes you an apology for is too long though, "Sorry for letting a year go by without speaking."
"It's fine," you say flatly. "How have you been? Seeing anyone?" you mentally slap yourself for adding that last bit. That opens up a whole conversation that you'd rather not have.
"I've been fine, I guess. Kind of just going through the motions of life, really. Neutral I suppose is the best way to describe it," he says, "and no. I was seeing someone for a bit, but...I don't know. It just fizzled out as quick as it started."
"That's too bad," you say, though you don't sound the least bit interested. You take another sip of your drink and you wish you'd asked Jin for an extra shot of vodka now.
"How's Taehyung? I didn't see him tonight," Jungkook wonders, waits for your answer with bated breath.
"He uh..." you chuckle dryly looking into your cup, "He's in Japan. Took a promotion in the company but had to relocate. He asked me to go...but..."
"You didn't?" Jungkook finishes. "Why not?"
"You know how ill my grandma is," you smile sadly, "I didn't think it was a good idea to leave."
"Are they not taking good care of her at the assisted living place?"
"They are," you nod, "but still."
"So, did you guys like, break up? Or are you doing the long distance thing?" he presses.
"Is this why you came out here? To ask me if I'm still seeing Taehyung?" you wonder, not bothering to hide the confusion or irritation.
Jungkook shakes his head, "I came out here to just talk, ___. That's what I'm doing."
You sigh. "No. We're not doing the long distance thing. We decided it would be better if we ended it, well, he decided," you laugh bitterly. "Though to be fair I think it was less of a 'hard versus easy’ issue, and more of a 'he wanted to be able to fuck whomever he wanted without having to feel guilty for it' issue."
"I'm sorry," Jungkook offers genuinely.
"Why?" you snap your head over to him, "I figured you'd be pleased with that outcome. After all I basically did the same thing to you."
"You didn't dump me so you could fuck other people without feeling guilty," he reminds you, then after a long pause adds, "Right?"
You laugh. "No, that's not why I broke up with you."
"You weren't happy," he says.
"I felt like I was your parent, you treated me like someone who was supposed to cater to your every need and like my job, my dreams were second to yours. That made me unhappy. That wasn't very fair."
"No, it wasn't. I acted like that because that's what I thought a grown up relationship was, that's what I wanted it to be."
"That's unhealthy," you tell him.
"I know," he nods, "and you told me that then as well."
"You never seemed to hear me," you recall. "That's why I left."
"I know," he nods, "You weren't the villain, but I made you into one for a long time. I've always been taken care of, with my family, with my friends - I'm always the one taken care of, and it took me a long time to grow out of that. To realize that a relationship is partnership, you hear people say it all the time but it's easy to gloss over what that really means. I should've realized then, I should've heard you, but instead I just acted stupid, clueless."
"Thank you. That means a lot," you say, trying to fend off the tears.
"Can I ask you something?"
"If I had asked, would you have stayed?" he looks at you, faces his whole body toward you so you do the same.
You think about it for a moment then shrug, "You didn't ask Jungkook. So I guess we'll never know."
You finish off your drink and turn the empty plastic cup over in your hand. "I need to go throw this away. I should really get going anyway."
He stands there defeated and nods.
"It was good seeing you Jungkook," you lay your hand on his shoulder, "Take care of yourself."
He stands there, listens as you slide the glass door, the dulled party buzzes to life, then lulls back out again, signaling you've made it inside and left him out on the terrace alone.
"Wait!" he yells, turning on his heels and pulling the heavy door. "___! Wait!"
You stop and turn towards his voice, along with the entire room. Everyone goes silent as they all look between the two of you.
"I'm asking now," he says, disregarding the audience.
You stare at him, skin hot from the gazes around the room. You rake your hand through your hair, letting it fall like a curtain around your face.
Jungkook crosses the room, eliminating the open stage that your interaction has turned into. He walks you back into a hallway that leads to Jins bedroom and bath. He backs you all the way up to the wall, his tattooed arms caging you in, shielding you from the onlookers who slowly, but surely, turn back into their own conversations.
"Are you drunk?" you ask.
"Are you drunk?" you repeat, breathlessly.
"No," he shakes his head, "I had a coke, I have to be at work in the morning."
You nod. Your hands find purchase on his forearms and you uncage yourself, your fingertips sliding down his arm, tracing over your favorite, familiar ink, then intertwine with his.
You look up into his dark brown eyes, and smile, "Then drive me home."
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 6 months
Don't Get Attached | Masterlist
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➪ Pairing: ex-boyfriend jungkook x y/n
➪ Synopsis: Entangled in Jungkook’s lies the so-called love you share is nothing but toxic. Every push is followed by a needy pull, but it’s not all his fault, is it? Naive to the signs, your desires fuel this cycle of destruction. What if the person you want the most is the one you’ll be better without? Baby, there’s no breaking up, he whispers in your ear, as his grip on your waist tightens.
➪ Genre: toxic relationship, cheating, attachment issues, possessiveness, angst, smut
➪ Warning: 18+
➪ W/c: 6.8k
➪ Playlist (Spotify)
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Part 1: Sex, sex, sex
Part 2: No Strings Attached
Part 3: I Can Beg For You
Part 4: Do You Miss This?
Part 5: Remind Me Why We're Taking a Break
Drabbles Masterlist (unhinged headcanons)
➪ "Y/n, how can you do this to me while sleeping?"
➪ "Please y/n, I've been so good,"
➪ "I'd rip anything off you,"
➪ "Every inch of her is mine,"
➪ "We're still on a break, got it?"
➪ "I don't do that sharing shit,"
➪ "Her first time, huh?"
➪ "Closer to you is all I want to be,"
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soraviie · 11 months
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━ type: jungkook x gn! reader   ━ navigation
━ about: a healthy splash of angst; reader is slightly older than Jungkook (also in denial) and he is a whole forest because there's just so much pine
━ requested by @manavi-meera (?) tumblr deleted your ask when I tried to write in it, all I saw was the gif :/
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"Just think about it."
"It's Jungkook!"
"Yeah, it's Jungkook. So think about it."
It's around when your foot is halfway across the threshold that Yoongi speaks again — just as somber as he'd begun the conversation. If, of course, one's ex-boyfriend turned best friend hurtling a bunch of mistruths and delusions at a completely oblivious and confused party of the other could be construed as a "conversation".
"Oh and ______________?"
You turn around, feeling some form of clammy fear sink its grimy talons around your gut the longer this stifled, awkward bout of silence drags on.
"Just...be kind. No matter what you do."
And because for some unknown reason a sudden knot appears at the base of your throat, you can't speak — without rhyme or reason it seems nigh impossible to utter a single word so you nod. Nod and leave Yoongi to sit in his studio alone and with that disconcerting glimmer in his eye. 
Jungkook liking you — one has to laugh! 
“Old man has to be checked for dementia,” you grouse to yourself, the only thing hearing your discontent being the darkness of the emptied hallway. 
The thought! The absolute gall! 
Jungkook liking you…
It’s — it's ridiculous!
But because of one nosey little fucker, the idea has been planted in your head now and like an invasive species of flora, it refuses to leave your gardens alone. 
You try to imagine, you give it an honest, good effort but even now, after all these years what you see before your eyes when thinking of Jungkook are those big, wet eyes. It doesn’t matter how many tattoos and piercings he adorns himself with, how many bikes he drives through the night in the name of the thrill, none of it matters — to you he’s just a gangly kid, always turning his face away so you don’t see the nearly constant state of panic reflected in his features. 
What Yoongi has been smoking you have no idea, frankly you certainly don’t want to try it if it causes this sort of brain damage. 
Jungkook yearning for you. 
Yearning. Just hearing that word bounce back in your skull makes you scoff. Yearning was for torrid love affairs and sentimental romance books; no one in real life yearned. Who could possibly have the time?
Grab your jacket —> go home —> forget this ever happened —> maybe share a demure chuckle or two with Yoongi five years laters, because obviously he’d be embarrassed about being this wrong about something but the plan is fucked. 
It’s fucked because big, brown eyes are staring right back at you, as you round the corner into the wardrobe and more importantly they’re holding your jacket. Well, his hands, not the eyes. Eyes couldn’t hold things. 
“Welcome back,” Jungkook outstretches the jacket towards you, his voice rumbling low in the chest. It’s usually a pleasant hum but because of Yoongi you cannot help but wonder whether it’s a pleased hum as well. “Why didn’t you tell me you're stopping by?”
Had it been just yesterday you would have punched his arm, rolled your eyes and annoyed the ever loving shit out of him, saying he’s not your boyfriend — you don’t owe him to know when and where you’re coming and going but it’s today and suddenly merely touching him feels excruciatingly awkward. 
“Must have slipped my mind,” you mutter, struggling to put the jacket on. A faint wrinkle of discontent worms its way in the space between his eyebrows. Frustration rises and he outstretches himself to help you — out of instinct, out of annoyance? — you're not quite sure, before it never crossed your mind to ponder about it. However, now that you do your legs take an automated step back and Jungkook's hands after a second of lingering contemplatively into the air, half reached out towards you drop back to his thighs — unassuming and still.
"Something wrong?" he asks, inclining his head to the side and why....
...why is it sort of cute?
Cute in a very Jungkook way but not in a usual Jungkook way because usually he was like a little brother you never wanted and...
...and you're spiralling.
"Yeah?" you blink down on him and the frown on his face deepens.
"You're a bit," jerkily, he waves his fingers around. "Out of it."
"You're like a brother to me, right?"
You didn't mean for it to come out as a question but it is now and it's terrifying. It's terrifying because Yoongi was right. Jungkook's not laughing or scoffing or even acting annoyed or offended by this familiarity. Rather there's this ashen film covering his face and the longer his gaze flits anxiously from one spot to another — anywhere but your own persona — the more you understand.
He'd thrust his heart into your awkward hands and now you're simply horrified to even hold it with more pressure — what if it breaks, what if you hurt it in anyway? It feels more like an injured bird than a heart — any wrong move and you would do something that would weigh down on you for the rest of the remaining days.
It's your turn to call out his name and echoing the same confused, absent-minded state you're in, he hums at the mention of his name, eyes hazy and teeth gnawing on his lip.
"I mean I always thought we're...friends, you know?"
"You're still—"
"I'm not little anymore."
For a second he gains a new sort of resolution - the hazy veil in his eyes is traded for something more steel like and his spine straightens just for a second befoer he collapses into himself, muttering with no small amount of bitterness:
"I'm not a kid, ___________, and you're not that much older than me."
"I know it's just," there is an ill-willing sense of a migraine coming on - you could feel it into the tepid albeit painful tension sitting at the base of your neck. "I guess it's just hard to shake off first impressions, Koo."
He gives an ugly sort of snort — a bit bitter, a bit self-depreciating — and you swear there is a "don't I know it" under his breath, grumbled in a tone that implies it's something of an inside joke with himself.
You wonder what it means.
"I'll walk you home," he suddenly utters, jumping up from the seat. Was he always such a beefcake? Your stare lingers just a touch too long and now that the proverbial scales had been ripped off your eyes you fully grasp how he preens underneath this crumb of attention.
It brings back the awkward feel in your hands — like holding something too small and too precious while walking across a tightrope.
"I didn't ask—"
"Tough shit," he throws over his shoulder, already walking away, pretending to be all cool.
"When did you get so commanding?" you grouse, rushing to keep up with him. It's a bit easier to breathe for now, here in the desolate hallway of HYBE's lower wardrobess, things have for now returned to normal and you revel in that fact though in the back of your mind you know things are soon to change. Conversations will be had and secrets will be spiilled, be it for better or worse. You know it and Jungkook knows it but for now you both pretend it's the same it used to be and bicker to your heart's delight.
"Spank me then."
"Fucking perv."
"Who do you think I learned it from?"
"From Namjoon's truly godless porn sites."
"I'm a good boy, I would never."
"Wipe that sly grin off your face and maybe I'll believe you."
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send in a picture of the boys and I’ll write a scenario
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strawbearytae · 2 years
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maniac pt.2: 100%
ex boyfriend!jjk x reader
genre: angst ft. Fluff
word count: 6.1 k
warning: drunk! jk, y/n cries a lot, Conan Gray songs (I like him don’t come at me), mentions of sexual themes, language (as always), slightly annoying plot but I got in THE FEELS™️ okay????
synopsis: a mutual breakup from your long term boyfriend leaves you inevitably devastated, but a unexpected collaboration may just be the breakthrough the two of you needed.
read part 1
“Fuck you.”
“That’s your job, love, not mine.”
To say that Jeon Jeongguk avoided you after the… ordeal… was the biggest understatement of understatements. The man disappeared. One moment you could see him on campus out of the corner of your eyes, then the next second: poof he dematerialized.
You thought about texting him, demanding him to… to… to what? Apologize? You weren’t sure if that was what you wanted. You were, afterall, going to kiss him if he hadn’t kissed you first…
Fuck… He was like a drug. You grazed your lips lightly with the tips of your own fingers… It was as if you had been clean for 9 months of him and that one single taste, that one single brush of his tantalizing lips against your own got you hooked once again. You craved him.
So, it was more than a surprise for you when you walked into your favorite library on campus to see Jeongguk behind the counter. Even more so since there was a girl in front of him who was obviously flirting with the man. And the world seemed to fade around you when you realized that Jeongguk had welcomed the flirting.
You shouldn’t feel upset, betrayed, queasy or anything even remotely close to what you were feeling. You had broken up; he was free to be with whoever he wanted. Free to meet, flirt and date whoever and whenever he wanted.
But the stabbing feeling in your gut couldn’t be ignored.
When you read romance in books, they always described this feeling as someone stabbing in your heart. But why was that? Your heart felt fine. It was beating stronger and faster if anything. However, your gut, your stomach felt hollow. A clawing feeling from the inside made you want to vomit. It was as if your body was telling you that something was wrong. That the pain of betrayal was physically excruciating.
Not that you were betrayed.
You were his ex, nothing less… nothing more.
You glanced over your shoulder once more as you exited the library, Jeongguk was watching you with a raised brow. The girl tugged on his sleeve for his attention once she realized it fled, he indulged her.
You slipped out of there silently.
The demo went successfully though you were half-afraid that Jeongguk would not show up. He did, he just didn’t acknowledge your presence. The professors from the music department congratulated you and were excited to see your performance in the next month. Jeongguk ate it all up while you stood there as if you were stoned, eyes glazing over as you watched Jeongguk interact with them with natural ease.
It was sickening.
Every time the conversation went to you, he went silent, Jeongguk looked around the demo room with an expression of faux curiosity. He masked his obvious distaste for the topic, you would’ve been fooled if you hadn’t been so tuned into his emotions before. Jeongguk was a master at masking his feelings… when he wanted to be.
You whipped your head up to see all the professors looking at you expectantly, even Jeongguk looked at you with a slight frown, “Sorry… What was the question?”
Professor Shin smiled, “Oh no worries, Y/N! We were just wondering if you had anything in mind after graduation. But that’s of no matter!” She looked at Jeongguk then back at you before smiling, “You both have been working so hard! No wonder you’re a little out of it.” She stepped back, calling the hoard of professors to retreat, “We’ll be looking forward to your performance, Y/N and Jeongguk.”
An inevitable breath escaped your lips when the professors were a safe distance away from the demo room. “You good?”
You almost yelped at Jeongguk’s voice; you had forgotten he was even there.
“Yes.” You turned away to gather your things, “Hey about-“
“Y’know the-“ He started at the same time.
You both stopped, staring at each other, “You go.”
“No, it’s okay. You go.”
“No, it’s okay…”
“Okay well…” His hand went to the back of his neck, “About the night at your apartment, when we kissed… that was-“
“A mistake,” You blurted, steeling yourself, “It was a mistake.”
Jeongguk’s expression was blank, “Right. Yes. That was what I was going to say. A mistake.” He drawled, dropping his han, “A mistake.” He enunciated, emphasizing each syllable, “Nothing more.”
You let out the breath you were holding in, “E-exactly.”
“We make so many mistakes, don’t we?” Jeongguk laughed grimly, “The kiss, this project and…”
This relationship.
He didn’t say it, but the words echoed in your brain. It was a mistake, wasn’t it? To love someone, to continue loving someone even when they didn’t love you back? That’s the greatest mistake we can make, a clash between our hearts and our minds. You shouldn’t feel this way, but you did. You chose to.
The silence was deafening.
“I…” You grabbed your things, quickly shoving them into your bag, “I’ll see you at rehearsal.”
Jeongguk studied you through the hoods of his eyes, his expression tense with a kind of aristocratic rigidity, “Fine.”
You saw Jeongguk with the girl from the library around campus.
Her arms were always around him; she was always touching him (not that you were looking). Her fingers were always playing with his hair or the strings of his hoodie. Her legs were always over his as she sat on his lap. Her lips were usually grazing his collarbone or against the shell of his ear.
Those were the moments you wanted to wretch her hands off of him.
She didn’t know him.
She didn’t know that Jeongguk hated it when his hair was touched, he preferred light tugs on the strands at the base of his neck or the fact that he hated uneven strings in his hoodie (he would immediately fix them if they were asymmetrical after she tugged them, making you smirk silently…(not that you were looking)). She didn’t know that his stomach got cold easily and preferred legs around his waist when sitting on his lap. She didn’t know that he was ticklish on his collarbones and ears, that he preferred forehead kisses and nose scrunches rather than whispered secrets.
She didn’t know him.
But he still smiled when he looked at her. The does eyes scrunched upwards into an expression you had seen so often that you memorized it.
And it chilled you. They say heartbreak and anger are one, they are hot like fire lapping at your skin as tears formed in the corners of your eyes. But that wasn’t true, you were cold. Everything felt cold and empty, the memories of the warm body next to you had transformed into only mist of him. A cold ghost of memory that caressed your mind ever so often with hands you wished to escape from.
He was looking at you now, your eyes made the smallest sliver of contact that you held onto like a lifeline.
He didn’t let go. You wished he did, you didn’t want to be caught overanalyzing this moment hours later. But he didn’t let go. He held your gaze.
So, you broke it.
“Y/NnNnnNNnnNnNnNNnnNnnnnnNnnn.” Taehyung whined as he flopped on top of your bed, which usually wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact that you were still in it, “Let’s go! You can’t just spend your 22nd birthday in bed!”
You let out a muffled groan at the additional weight that was piled on you suddenly, “I don’t want to…”
“Come onnnnnnnnn.” Taehyung pulled you by the arm, dragging you slowly out of your covers, “You haven’t moved at all since you woke up.”
“A perfect way to spend a birthday.”
“Nonsense.” Taehyung succeeded pulling you out of your mattress, he kneeled over your body flopped on the floor, “Wake uppppppppppppppppppppp.”
“Y/NNnnnNnNnNNNnNnnN.” Your roommate continued to fuss.
“I’ll do the dishes for a week.”
You head snapped up, “And the laundry?”
“Now we’re going too far. This is your birthday if you didn’t remember.”
You crawled back toward the bed, “Bye then.”
“Three days!”
Taehyung let out a sound that was between a yell and groan, “Four days! Final offer!”
You smiled; you were already planning to go the first time he asked anyway.
You shouldn’t have come.
The music in the frat house was loud and the lights blinding, your eyes went spotty with splashes of neon pink against the black of your eyelids every time you blinked. Taehyung tried to keep you engaged, pulling you to the living room that doubled as a dance floor, the bar, the dance floor, the bar over and over again even though he knew that you didn’t drink on your birthday.
You shouldn’t have come.
You didn’t even initially decide to come to the house anyway, you and Taehyung had dressed up for the cinema 10 minutes away, but the movie was cancelled, and the McDonald’s ice cream machine was broken. The house was plan c and the one you were least looking forward to.
Everything was too loud and too heavy, the air thick with the smell of underage drinking and sex. What a horrible way to spend your birthday.
You shook your head as you watched Taehyung being practically carried away by a group of football players, how an eccentric art student like him was able to be friends with all groups of kids baffled you sometimes.
Left alone to your own devices, you picked up some punch (which you were about 75% sure was spiked with vodka) before making your way upstairs to take a nap or do whatever to make the time go by faster. Taehyung was the one who drove you but seeing how much he’s been drinking; it seems like you wouldn’t be going home tonight at all.
Wandering the halls alone in a frat house was admittedly not your best idea but the desire to get away from the stench motivated you to open several rooms and be exposed to encounters and asscracks you could’ve gone your whole life without seeing.
After seeing a particularly risque encounter (you didn’t know people could bend like that in handcuffs), you had pratically lost all hope for the beloved nap. Sighing as you fought the urge to bang your head against the closet door, you leaned the back of your head against it as you stared at nothing...until a flashing pink dot started to jump against the black of the hallway.
It was Jeongguk.
It was a terrified Jeongguk.
It was a terrified Jeongguk in hot pink running towards you.
You froze as his eyes brightened in realization as he made his way towards you; in a flash of hot pink, he grabbed your wrist before pulling you along with him into the door you were contemplating banging your head against.
He pressed the rough pad of his fingertip against your lip, fingers that were covered in small calluses from all the times he would play his guitar as you baked in the back, “Shhhhh.”
This was the closest you’d ever been to him since the kiss-that-shall-not-be-named. The room was barely lit with fragments of light leaking from the doorframe’s gaps which highlighted his focused face in sharp shades. You thought about the moonlight: how it had danced around him in the earliest of nights months ago with his eyes twinkling in delight from your midnight escapades. They turned those brown eyes into pure honey.
With his chest against yours and his head leaned over your own to press his ear against the shut door you were unable to hear beyond the steady beat of his heart that your ear was pressed against; his soft breaths caressed your forehead as he leant past you to survey the sounds outside the door. The only thing that broke the silence were the occasional mumbles and shrieks of drunken girls and the hitching of your own breath.
The periodic silence allowed you to observe the room you had been pulled into, though you found it to be less of a room than you’d originally given it credit for. The floor and lower shelves were crammed with an assortment of shoeboxes and hidden vodka, the upper half was littered with winter coats and even more vodka. Jeongguk, in his panic from running away from whatever he was, had pulled the two of you into a closet.
Jeon fucking Jeongguk was wearing a hot pink set pulled you, his ex, into a closet in a frat house on your birthday.
Could this situation get any fucking weirder?
The silence hung thick in the air until you finally felt him relax against you, ”What the fuck was that?”
“Shh!” He pressed his finger against your lips before you snatched them away.
“Answers. Now.”
Jeongguk frowned and looked around his surroundings for the first time since he had pulled you both in.
“Jeongguk.” You gritted your teeth, praying to whichever deity that he couldn’t feel how uncomfortably hot you were getting, “Explain.”
“I’m hiding.”
“I’m hoping so because there is no other reason that you and I should be in a closet together, especially when you have a girlfriend.” You snapped.
Jeongguk frown slightly twitched before dissolving into a masked smirk, “I don’t have a girlfriend.”
“We broke up two months ago. I’m hiding.”
Two months ago was your accident, not that it mattered. You filed that information in the back of your mind.
Your brows wrinkled at the recollection of the younger girl that had practically thrown herself against Jeongguk. She certainly did seem persistent but not someone Jeongguk couldn’t handle, “From her?”
“It seems that my charms are too addictive to some women.” His eyes flickered over to your own before he stepped back, allowing you to have your own inch of your personal bubble (thank you very much).
You pretended not to notice, “Why hot pink?”
“Why not?”
“You don’t wear hot pink.”
“And how would you know that?” He nearly sneered, “People change.”
“People change, they don’t transform.”
Jeongguk stayed silent for a moment as if he conceded, “It was a deal.” He grumbled, “Wear hot pink and she’d agreed to leave me alone.”
“Did it work?”
“Obviously not.”
You snorted and covered your mouth to stop the laughter that was escaping from your lips, “I’m sorry.” You wheezed, “But I can’t believe you fell for that trend.”
He raised a brow.
“True love in hot pink.” You wheezed between laughs.
Jeongguk’s face went blank before they went comically wide with realization, making you laugh even harder.
“Shut up! You’re going to get us caught!”
“’m sorry!” You wheezed, “Can’t elp it.”
At the noise of drunken singing (very off-key by the way), Jeongguk covered your mouth with his own palm and pushed his ear against the door, the sudden movement shocked you into silence. Jeongguk didn’t even seem to notice your laughter ceasing and only focused on the footsteps that barreled around your area, muffled female voices that were clearly looking for Jeongguk passed frequently around the closet.
Even though you didn’t do anything wrong, you trembled at the thought of being caught.
After a few heart-racing silences, Jeongguk whispered, “I think they’re gone.”
You nodded in response, tugging at the sleeve of his hot pink jumper to let you go.
“Oh sorry.” He shifted his hand away from your mouth but didn’t quite leave your face, his tattooed fingers still caressing your cheek and the calluses on his palms scratching your jawline lightly.
And you looked up to see galaxies.
“Maniac.” He whispered, “You’re insane.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, “Am I?”
“Don’t be dramatic.”
Jeongguk grinned at the reference, “We had magic.”
“But you made it tragic.”
His smile disappeared, “did I?”
“Why did we break up, Y/N?”
You didn’t say because you couldn’t... because you didn’t know why. You had reasons then, reasons that you had used to build a resume of persuasion to break it off with him. You swore you did; it was the fighting (didn’t you always make up though), the constant need for attention (but didn’t he give you space), the fear of abandonment (did he ever leave you?)
Yes, he did.
“Because you wanted to.” You said bitterly, that was it. You only wanted it to end... because he did. You didn’t want to grab him, force him to stay, you let him go because he wanted to.
“I didn’t want to.” He whispered, “I won’t say there weren’t days where I wondered what it was like to be single again, but I never saw my life like... this.”
“Ignoring each other like there was nothing.” He pulled on a curl that escaped your hair before he looked into your eyes with a type of desperation. As if he wanted you to please just understand, “Like it was a mistake. It was never a mistake.”
“Okay well…” His hand went to the back of his neck, “About the night at your apartment, when we kissed… that was-“
“A mistake,” You blurted, steeling yourself, “It was a mistake.”
Jeongguk’s expression was blank, “Right. Yes. That was what I was going to say. A mistake.”
“If anything,” His voice cracked, “It was the best decision I made.”
You don’t remember what possessed you to grab him, but that single confession sparked something inside you that drove you over the edge. You grasped his shirt before pulling him towards you, his lips seconds apart from brushing against your lips. His eyes widened at your sudden boldness before they shifted into something like hunger.
The hand that caressed your face tightened slightly against your jaw; his eyes flickered down to your lips before he slowly kissed you. It was almost as if he was breathing you in.
He kissed you with a kind of softness that you had missed, the kind that made you feel like there was no one else, nothing else and there will be nothing else in the future. He pressed against you with a timid sort of fervor that was new. Your kisses with him were usually sure and comfortable, but there was a side emerging that you’d never experienced before.
He tasted old and yet new. He tasted different than from months ago, a lover that knew how to mold your body in pliancy without making it routinely, making your blood ignite when he sucked on your bottom lip before trailing his lips away from your mouth to your neck. Every press of his lips left purple marks that screamed his presence, a reminder that made sure you couldn’t deny all of this and chalk it up to a delusion that this was all a dream in the morning.
You gasped when he bit down slightly on the base of your neck, you could feel his lips curve into a grin when he kissed the mark, “So you’d remember.”
You kissed him again. And again. And again.
“I’ve missed this.” Jeongguk muttered into your hair, he smelled of cheap alcohol and himself.
You snuggled closer to him on the couch, “Me too.”
The two of you left the frat party in a drunken haze, for you, it wasn’t from the drinking but from the kiss. You giggled as he stumbled into your apartment in clumsy blur. He pouted before he pulled you into him in response. You two ended up as a heap of laughter and sweat on the floor before he had hulled you on the couch where you were right now.
You didn’t care what you were to Jeongguk, not right now. Right now, you were in his arms with his scent filling your nose. You wanted to focus on that, focus on this moment before it evaporated in the morning.
You wished that this night would never end, that this bliss would go on forever. That your kisses would leave stains that lasted longer than the marks on your neck. You wanted this to last. You knew it wouldn’t, but your mind begged for it.
“Goodnight.” He whispered an end.
The first thing you saw in your clearer state of mind was Taehyung screaming before tackling a tired-looking Jeongguk onto the floor.
No, that was actually the second thing. The first thing you noticed was the fact that Jeongguk was indeed shirtless and walking around in your apartment with pajama bottoms that he had left months ago. How he still remembered where the pajama bottoms were and the fact that they existed in your possessions was a question you filed away to ask later.
Right now, your roommate had to be calmed down before either one of them busted a blood vessel (or an eye, depending on how violent Taehyung was feeling today).
“Taehyung! What is wrong with you!?” You hauled your roommate away from Jeongguk who had a stupendous grin on his face. Fuck, you missed that- NOT THE TIME Y/N!
“What’s wrong with me?” Taehyung nearly scoffed, “I saved you from this foul, evil, little-” Taehyung pointed accusingly at Jeongguk, “RODENT from defaming you!”
You sent a pointed look at Jeongguk, “What did you say?”
Jeongguk batted his lashes before he shrugged, “I just said that I spent the night here.”
The response from Taehyung was almost automatic, “SEE!” He nearly stomped on the floor, “This... thing was walking around half-naked, looking freshly fucked while you were laying unconscious in a burrito state on our couch! What else was I supposed to assume except that he kidnapped you to our apartment before he decided to tuck you into the couch, so he had access to all the creepy ex-boyfriend material he want- Wait what is that on your neck?”
Your hand automatically slapped over the bite mark, “I- Um.”
“Did he hit you?” Taehyung nearly growled looking ready to fight Jeongguk once again.
“No! Taehyung calm down-”
“Wait why does it have little incisions-” His mouth snapped shut before his complexion visibly paled, “I-is that a hickey?”
“Taehyung,” You stepped toward him with raised hands, “I can explain-”
“Oh my god you did fuck him.” Taehyung turned automatically to Jeongguk, his voice deadly calm, “Use protection, I don’t want to be a godfather at 22.”
Jeongguk rolled his eyes, “You are not going to be the godfather of my kids.”
“Good, I’m going to be the godfather of Y/N’s kids so I’m glad my godchildren won’t be fuckboy spawns with piercings and guitar hands.” Taehyung rolled his eyes, “But if you hurt her again, I will not be against castrating you.” He threatened,
“Taehyung, we’re not fucking.” You pressed your fingers to your temple; it was much too early for this.
“Sure, and I 100% did not see you having a vampire kink considering the size of the bite on your neck.” Taehyung checked his watch, “I have class. Gotta go. Use condoms.”
And then he left.
Jeongguk looked up to you from the floor, he raised a brow suggestively, “So a vampire kink, huh?”
You kicked him in the balls.
“Jeongguk-” You tried through his kiss, “We have work- mph-”
Your day was horrid, not only did you wake up 10 minutes late, cursing the fact you were a woman. You had to run to your calculus lecture across campus with horrible cramps that made you want to cry with every step, your usual café ran out of your favorite drink, and Taehyung ate the last slice of cake.
It was international “fuck y/n” day apparently.
So, by the time you met Jeongguk at his dorm for practice (as you were doing so for the past 2 weeks), you were exhausted and snappy.
“Okay, what’s wrong with you today?” Jeongguk asked, pulling off his glasses after the 17th sarcastic comment and 5th snipped response you gave.
“Nothing.” You mumbled, “Just having a bad day.”
Jeongguk sighed before leaning back in his chair, his expression went blank for a few seconds before he leaned toward the table again, “There’s cupcakes in the fridge.”
You had to school your excitement, “What?”
“I thought it would be nice to surprise you later with cupcakes, but it seems like now’s the best time. Get up, we’re taking these to your apartment.”
“But what about-”
“Frankly, Y/N, we’ve gotten only 2 lines done in the last 40 minutes, we’re not very productive today.” He grabbed your scarf and wrapped it around you, “We’re going to go to your apartment and watch the rest of Business Proposal because Ahn Hyo Seop is fucking hot while pigging out on overpriced cupcakes, okay?”
And that’s exactly what you two did.
“You probably need to reword this part again.”
“And this should probably be C natural and not C flat, it sounds a bit odd.”
“And this- Jeongguk please for the love of god stop kissing my neck!” You let out an exasperated sigh before pushing him off of you.
Jeongguk pouted, “I thought you liked me kissing you.”
“I don’t! I mean I do! Just not when I’m working- we're working.” Flashes of the last 10 minutes of making out with him on the couch with your notes astray on the floor spawned in your mind, “I mean sometimes it’s okay. But not when I’m focusing, but like I’m-” Jeongguk smirked, “I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“No, do continue,” Jeongguk propped his head onto one of his knuckles, “I love hearing your rambles on how much you like kissing me.”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s your job, love, not mine.”
You elbowed him in the stomach for that one.
“I hate this part.”
“Too bad.”
“You know when you had a bad day, I fed you cupcakes.” Jeongguk glared, “But when I have a bad day, you steal my house and my money?”
“You’re the one who wanted to play this stupid game,” You threw a spare dollar at him. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You only did this to yourself.”
“Don’t gaslight me!” He whined, “AND GIVE ME BACK THE BOARDWALK!”
You lunged for your cards as he reached for them, he tried to wrestle them out of your grasp causing the two of you to roll around on the monopoly board. Your empire, fed by Jeongguk’s bankruptcy, fell apart.
“Yes!” He screeched when he finally pulled the battered card out of your grasp, “I win!” He pressed a kiss against your lips.
“That’s not how the game works.” You glared once he pulled away.
“Well, I get to do this, so I think I’m the winner.” He said before his lips met yours once again, little did he realize that you believed you were the true winner for that.
“Hey, so remember Jungshin?” Jeongguk murmured from behind you. The two of you had put on a movie after a rather heated game of UNO (which turned into a rather heated makeout session but that was of no matter). It was a movie you had already watched before, a rather boring one at that (something about a kid and his dead hamster... or was it a hamster and its dead human?) but with Jeongguk’s arm around your waist and his nose buried in your hair, even the most boring movie seemed bearable.
“Yeah...” You muttered absent-mindedly as the kid (not the hamster) started to wail on screen.
“He’s getting married.”
“Isn’t he like 24?”
“Yeah.” You could feel Jeongguk shaking his head, “Insane to be married that young. But I need a plus one. Wanna come?”
“When is it?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” You liked Jungshin, that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. It was then that it hit you, “Jeongguk.”
“Hm?” He murmured as he pressed a kiss on the shell of your ear,
“What are we?”
Jeongguk froze from behind you.
Well, that was an answer.
You sat up, throwing Jeongguk’s arm away from your body, “Jeongguk...” You tried calmly, “what are we doing?”
His expression went blank, “What do you mean?”
“We- you- I-” You let out a frustrated sigh before standing up to face him, “We cuddle, we kiss-”
“We do more than just kiss.”
You rolled your eyes, “We make out, we go on little dates, and you always come over.” You listed them off your fingers, “And now, you want me to go to a wedding with you. Jeongguk, what are we doing? What are we?”
He reached for you, “Y/N-”
You stepped back, “Because I would consider this dating.”
Perhaps you were looking into this too much. Yes, perhaps you were, but could anyone blame you? In the 2 months that you and Jeongguk have been... doing this, there wasn’t a single label. You didn’t call each other anything, you just were... You desperately wanted it. You wanted to be wanted by him.
But the two of you never talked about the breakup. You glazed over it like it never happened and you could see way: it was messy. It was crazy. Unpleasant.
His face dropped and with that, your heart shattered. “I guess you don’t think the same way.”
“Y/N, no I-”
“Jeongguk,” You looked away, “I don’t think I can look at you right now, I need time. You need time.”
“Jeongguk.” You swallowed the knot in your throat, “I like you, sometimes I think a little too much. And that honestly scares me because we’ve done this before.” You looked straight at him, watching the light in his eyes shatter as you continued, “And it didn’t end well. But I know that if you don’t walk out of those doors right now, I will give you my heart over and over and over again. I will let you bruise it, shatter it and completely demolish it, but I’d still hand it to you again with a kiss.” Your lips trembled, “And I don’t want to start something without having a sure answer from you that you’d be committed. I’m not even asking for 100% just 90, maybe not even that. But I don’t want to start this and beg you to stay, I can’t handle that from you. Not again.”
His mouth clamped shut and you couldn’t blame him; it was a low blow, really, to bring up the breakup. But it was true, you wouldn’t be able to handle that type of heartbreak from Jeongguk for a second time, not when you were still recovering from the first.
“Please get out. I can’t do this right now.” You bowed your head, forcing the tears from releasing.
They unleashed like a storm at the shut of the door.
You didn’t talk for days.
Jeongguk <3: Hey
You: Hi
Jeongguk: I’m sorry
You: I know.
Jeongguk: I need time.
You: I know.
You saw Jeongguk around campus, he waved to you. You waved back.
Sometimes, you thought that was worse than when the two of you had ignored each other. He wasn’t a stranger, not anymore. But he wasn’t a friend either. He was another generic face in the crowd that you were friendly with rather than another stranger.
Faux friendliness, fake smiles and avoiding glances across the room.
Why was it so hard? It had only been two weeks, but the hole he left in your life was too noticeable. A Jeongguk-sized hole that he could only fill.
And in a twisted way... you wished he felt that same emptiness in his heart with you.
Ex: Are we going to continue the recording?
You: Festival is around 3 months away
Ex: Okay
You: Okay
Ex: You looked wretty today
Ex: I mean fuck tou always do
Ex: I’m wsirry
Ex: I still lpve you
// Ex: sorry about yesterday
Ex: I was drunk
You: It’s okay
You: I was drunk too
“Are you sure you’ll be okay alone?” Taehyung asked as he shrugged on his coat.
It had been 2 weeks since Jeongguk’s last text, 3 since you had asked him to take time.
Maybe you had been too harsh on him.
“I’ll be fine.” You waved Taehyung away as you started another episode of Squid Game, “I don’t even like drinking, go have fun with Jimin.”
“Okay.” Taehyung hesitated before opening the door, “You looked happy y’know?”
“As much as I hate to give that douchebag any credit,” Taehyung curled his bottom lip, “You looked happy when you were with him. I know it’s not my place, but Y/N... You glowed.”
It was around 11 pm when Taehyung started pounding on your door, you rolled your eyes as you contemplated whether to leave your roommate in his drunken haze outside your apartment. Well it was his fault for not taking his keys...
Deciding to be a dutiful roommate, you unlocked the door, “Taehyung, I swear if you throw up on my good shoes again-”
“I don’t think I want to throw up on your shoes.” Jeongguk replied, “Or you actually.”
With a shovel and a rose.
You stared. It had been weeks since the two of you had a conversation and here he was at your door, holding a shovel and a rose to match the song that you two had been working on.
“Is this a joke?” You asked much too snappily than you would’ve liked.
You had imagined this moment, the moment when Jeongguk gave you an answer, but never like this. Never when you were sitting in a ratty old hoodie and ill-fitting pajama bottoms, never with him leaning the shovel outside your door while grasping the rose so delicately. Never with him looking into your eyes full of the determination of a soldier.
“No,” He replied calmly.
“Then what is this?”
“A confession. If you’d let me.”
Your knees went weak but you still narrowed your eyes at him. Jeongguk wasn’t a man of many words and right now, despite your longing to bury yourself into his chest, you wanted to hear the right words from him.
You leaned against the doorframe and crossed your arms, “Go on then.”
“I don’t know.” Jeongguk started, “I thought about for weeks, Y/N. But I don’t know what to call us.”
Your heart sunk a little.
“But I know what I want to call you.” He whispered, “I want to call you my girlfriend but that word isn’t enough to describe how I feel, Y/N. You- I...” He took a deep breath, “Fuck, I had I script but I can’t even remember it now.” He laughed to himself grimly.
You curled your lip to keep yourself from laughing endearingly. You had to have an answer from him, you needed his word.
“It’s you.” He muttered, “I cannot describe it beyond that, it’s you and it will always be you. Those nights that I wondered if this was enough, if this was love showed me nothing but the fact that it is you.” He finally looked at you, “I don’t believe in true love, but with you, I want to give it a shot because when I see you, Y/N fuck, I want you in any capacity you’d have me. I’m late. I know. You can kick me to the curb, I’d hand you the shovel to bury me and the rose to put on my grave eagerly if you think that’s what I deserve. I’ll take whatever you give me. I’ll hand you my heart, I’ll let you trample on it, bruise it and shatter it and I will still hand it to you even if you stop handing me yours.”
“Because Y/N...” He nearly whispered, “I’m not sure 100%, I will never be sure 100% but I’ll give you my 99, my 99.9999 because... I think I love you.”
You wanted to capture this moment, the way he looked at you right now... you wanted it to last forever. And perhaps, it would.
“I’ll take it.” You whispered, stepping towards him, “Your 90, your 99, your 99.999 and that 1 percent that .0001 percent that you’re in doubt, I’ll fill that 1 percent up. Because Jeongguk...” Your hands grazed the back of his neck as he continued to stare, “I think I love you too.”
And you kissed him.
“Only 1 percent?” He smiled cheekily against your lips.
“No, you idiot, 100%… together.”
Being with him was a gamble, one that you could lose but you’d take it anyway. There was no 100% guarantee of success, but perhaps, you could make it the closest to it together.
end pt 2/2
a/n: I have nothing to say for myself. It’s been some time-
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arosesstorm · 1 year
bts as toxic exes ‿୨♡୧‿
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the grouchy ex - taehyung ,
talking shit behind your back was one thing, pounding his fist on your door at three in the morning to get his sweater back was just petty.
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the quick healer ex - hope ,
seeing him dance to one of your favourite songs in the downtown club, a month into the breakup, it almost made you throw up here and there.
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the good friend ex - jungkook ,
keeping things cool was the promise that you both shared, waking up at his house one Sunday morning was not exactly in the plan.
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the still-in-love ex - jimin , you moving away for college was supposed to ease his feelings, but seeing you under the soft sun of April, he just couldn't get enough.
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the clean break ex - namjoon ,
knowing you were happy made his heart full, you really did deserve every bit of happiness you could get and seeing the smile on your face, he knew he had made the right choice.
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the cheater ex - yoongi ,
you knew he had cheated on you, you knew it was over and you took pride seeing him on your doorstep under the rain, begging to be taken back; and even though you had rejected him multiple times, seeing the man with someone else under his arm, it just made your blood boil.
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the narcissistic ex - jin ,
no story, no take-back, no last minute rethinking; the last time you spoke to him, you wished him and his mirror a lovely life together.
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
240 notes · View notes
wearenot7withu · 1 year
pairing: ex!jungkook x f!reader
wc: 2.4k
warning: curse word like once, pure angst, exs2??
a/n: ngl i wrote this quickly. iwas home one day after my exam and I was listening to this song when I got inspired.. it didn't really turn out how i wanted and i'm not really happy with it but i need to write and share it here because i was always insecure about my writing.. so this is me oiling my skills with angst..
feedbacks are welcome, good and bad too - as long as you’re nice about it. english isn’t my first language but i hope the story is enjoyable even like this. have fun reading the story and i hope you like it.
But does he know you call me when he sleeps?
You were laying in bed wide awake, reflecting back on your day. Your phone is next to you, illuminating the room in a blueish light.
A conversation is open on your phone, the last message being from your boyfriend, in which he wishes you good night.
You started going out with Haewon officially a couple days ago, unofficially maybe a month or two. As time passed by he asked you to be his girlfriend.
He was everything a girl could ask for - sweet, caring, a gentleman. You're aware that that's what you deserve. All of your friends say that Haewon is the one, that his love for you is true… and despite it all, he's not the one you want.
You thought maybe you'd come to love him, feel a little more towards him than friendship. That moment still yet has to come.
Because every night when you're alone, all you can think about is him. The one who you love, the one you crave and want. The one you miss.
So in a moment of weakness, you open your drawer on your bedside and take out a small piece of paper with numbers on it. A phone number that you swore you'd never dial again.
Against your better judgement, you knew you'd call again because even if you deleted the number from your phone, you still kept it on a small piece of paper.
A few rings in and the person on the other side picks it up.
"Y/n?" He sounds surprised.
Bet he is. You two didn't talk for two months, since you broke things off.
How stupid it was to call him. He probably moved on and is in a happy place, why did you want to make a fool out of yourself?
"Y/n are you there?"
"Yeah…" Your voice came out unevenly. Your eyes became teary.
"Is everything okay?" His voice changed from surprised to confused. Of course, he's confused. "Are you okay?"
And that question was the last drop for you. Two months of suffering, missing came to the surface. "I miss you" You cried to the phone.
"I miss you so much it hurts" He sighed. You could imagine him running his hand through his dark hair. Maybe it's even longer than when you've last seen him. Maybe he'd cut it back. Both ways he was breathtaking.
"Let's not do this to each other again" His voice came out strained too, but you didn't realize that because of your breakdown. Then, he hung up the call, but you were determined.
But does he know the pictures that you keep?
You've sat in your car in front of the old brick building for ten minutes, looking through the pictures you couldn't delete.
The first picture was from your first date when Jungkook all those years ago took you to the city fair and won you a small plushie - the one you still sleep with until this day. It makes you feel closer to him like you still have some part of him.
The second picture was from Jungkook's brother's wedding. You two were actually broken up during that time, however, at the end of that night you let your first I love you known.
The last picture with him was a couple hours before your break up. You were having a marvel marathon, watching the movies in chronological order from Disney+. You were happy, smiling in the picture while he was laying down on the couch with his head in your lap.
So how did you two end up breaking up? A guy from work called you because he needed help with a project. Then came the fight, the tears, the yelling and the defeat. He said maybe it would be better to end things, for good now.
You two ended things a couple times in your four years together, but this one really felt different. You never had an official break-up before.
Every time a fight like that came, one of you said I'm done, the other said yeah, okay and a week or two later, when you gave enough space to the other, one of you would reach out.
This time, however, none of you did.
Drying the tears on your face you got out of your car and headed inside the building. You've entered the code and went up to the third floor.
You have walked those stairs many times, but you have never felt as nervous as now. Not even when you broke Jungkook's favourite mug and had to face him - the mug was an Iron Man one, by the way.
You knocked on the door with the A13 on it. Your thoughts were running wild, trying to figure out what to say to him when he opens the door. However, you didn't need to say anything because instead of Jungkook a young girl stood in front of you.
Turns out he moved away, and you didn't even know where.
So you walked the stairs one floor higher and knocked on another door. Jungkook's best friend, Jimin was living there with his girlfriend.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" You could clearly see the confusion on his face.
But you didn't care, you had a question to ask.. and you weren't leaving without an answer.
But does he know the reasons that you cry?
Again, you were in front of a door trying to think about what to say. This time, however, you were in a much nicer building in a much nicer part of the city.
You have many questions, although you know the answer is obvious - they're not concerning you.
You put your hand up to ring the doorbell and put it back down three times already. Should you or should you not?
Maybe you should not. There's a reason he moved without telling you. For some reason, he didn't reach out to you.
"Y/n?" A very familiar voice came from behind you.
You turned around and that's when you saw him. Jungkook was dressed in a hoodie and jogger, holding a blue plastic bag. You could see ice cream in it, the one type he eats when he feels sad or down.
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. You felt like crying again, and when you tried to keep your sobs in, Jungkook came up to you and hugged you.
He opened the door and let you in. He went to put down his bags, poured you some water and led you to the couch, while not even once letting go of your hand.
He sat next to you, moving his hand up and down on your back. When he thought you've somewhat calmed down, he quietly asked you. "What are you doing here?"
Jungkook's heart was breaking. When he saw you calling him, his immediate thought was that something bad happened. Why would you call him at 11PM on a Friday night?
When you told him you miss him, he felt like someone punched him in the guts. He misses you too, if not more than you miss him. But what you had wasn't healthy.
Neither of you could change your ways, and your differences were crashing so much.
He was laid back, and you were a planner. He let everything go as it is, you loved to control - or at least try to - how things go. He didn't give a fuck about what others thought, you always cared about others' opinions. He was not giving more than necessary to others, well except his close friends, you were giving everything to everyone.
Deep down, you both were just insecure because you both knew that the other deserve the change you were not willing to make.
"I tried. I tried so hard to just start anew." You started to answer his question with a shaky voice "Everyone is telling me to forget you, everyone was pressuring me to go out with Haewon. And I did"
Haewon is the dude who got you into this mess in the first place. If it wasn't for him, Jungkook wouldn't have flipped out that faithful day. Hearing that you went out with him, Jungkook couldn't help but feel some kind of betrayal.
Jungook's eyes were always so expressive. Even if he tried to hide what he feels, one could always see it in his eyes. This time was no different.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" You've cried "They were telling me all these things. That I deserve better, that maybe I really need to leave us behind." You inhaled a deep breath "And I thought you want an out. So I tried. I tried to give you that space."
Jungkook looked straight ahead, he felt like crying too. "I think" He started, "I think you deserve Haewon. Even when we were together, he always knew how to help you with work and you two were so compatible, so alike"
You stood up fast. "So just because I'm alike with someone I should be with them? Why does everyone want me to be without you, including you?" You were now pulling on your hair in frustration "He would be a good husband, he would be a good father. I don't doubt that, but why do I have to be in the picture for that?"
Jungkook let out a humourless chuckle "Your mom always wanted grandkids early, you know that"
"She wanted it with you too, she just realized we're not going to give her that"
"And she decided it was because of me" He rolled his eyes, but you could hear the accusation in his voice
"I've never let her think that it's because of you. I always told her that we're just not ready for marriage or children" You were hurt that he thought you'd let him be the bad guy in your mom's plans.
"So why did you cry on the phone for Jaeri that you want to be a bride? That you don't know why you're with me if we're not going anywhere with our relationship?" He asked with slight anger in his voice
You looked at him with a confused expression. What is he talking about? "What?"
"I went to visit you at work a couple days before we.." He didn't say it out loud, before we broke up "And Haewon asked me when am I planning to propose because he heard you crying to Jaeri"
You sat down next to Jungkook and looked straight into his eyes. "I've never, ever said anything like that. Obviously, if you'd asked me I'd have said yes in a heartbeat. But I was content where we were. I was happy with you, didn't matter if husband or boyfriend… what mattered was that it was you."
You sat next to each other in silence for minutes. "Do you still love me?"
He didn't look at you. He turned his head away, biting his lips. "I don't"
Or tell me, does he know where your heart lies?
The next day you called Haewon before work to meet up for breakfast with him.
You had a rough night. You came back from Jungkook's after 2AM and you continued to cry until the morning.
Your eyes were puffy and red, and you're sure your face is swollen too.
"Hi beautiful" Haewon tried to kiss you on the lips, but you turned your head.
"Why did you tell Jungkook that I want him to marry me?" You wanted answers, and you wanted them now.
"I didn't say anything like that to him," He said, reading through the menu, not taking you seriously.
"Well, he said you did"
"And you rather believe him than me?" He put the menu back on the table
"Yes" You answered immediately "Look Haewon, you're a nice guy. But I don't like you like that and I… I still love Jungkook. It wouldn't be fair to you"
"I see" He let out a small laugh "You know, it's such a shame that you are hooked up on that guy. He doesn't have a good job, and he never treated you right… I don't know what you see in him."
"Don't talk about him that way. Don't ruin my opinion about you please, I love working with you and we make a good team - don't ruin that." You said with an edge in your voice. You're not letting anyone talk bad about Jungkook. Then you softened your voice. "Are you still up for breakfast?"
So you two ate and went to work together. After you were done, you didn't go home. Instead, you drove back to Jungkook's place.
You were thinking all day about the previous night, and you came to the conclusion that you didn't say everything you wanted.
You knocked on the door, hoping that he was home. When he opened the door you didn't give him time to react, you slipped into the room next to him.
"I know you said you don't love me anymore. But I do. I love you. Since we met in the library during college. I loved you every day for the past years. No matter if we were together or not, if we fought or not. You're it for me. And I don't believe you don't love me. So look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't"
One moment you were telling him how much you love him, the next he was kissing you.
You've kissed him countless times before, but each kiss gives you the same feeling. It's magical and you can feel the love through it.
"How could I not love you? I've tried to give you an out, but you're it for me too. I don't want anyone else if I can't have you. I rather am alone than with someone else."
You kissed him or at least tried because you couldn't stop smiling. "I know we have a lot of things to work on. There are a lot of things to fix and grow from. But I'll rather work on us than leave us fade away"
Maybe you're running in circles and nothing will change. One thing is for sure, you love each other, and right now you're not near ready to live without the other.
Right here with me, babe Where it truly lies
That night you stayed over. You were laying in bed, cuddling with Jungkook.
"So why did you move?" You asked out of curiosity. It's been two months but he never said anything about moving before that either.
"Yeah, about that…" He started and you looked up at him, waiting on him to finish what he was saying "I actually wanted to move in with you"
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jjungkookislife · 1 year
21 + 6 🥵 w jjk <3 🤭
thank you! :)
Next Door
pairing: ex-boyfriend!jungkook x reader
tw: exes to (maybe) lovers, making out
#21 “I fucking hate you”
#6 “Kiss me.”
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A gasp escapes you when your back meets the icy wall behind you. Jungkook smirks, his hair falling over his eyes as his tongue plays with his lip ring.
"I fucking hate you," you huff, wanting to wipe the smirk off his stupidly handsome face. Jungkook chuckles, biting on his bottom lip and shrugging.
"I'm sure you do, but not more than I hate you."
You roll your eyes, soon shutting them when his lips press against your neck, nipping to make you groan as your fingers thread through his hair.
Jungkook had made you miserable from the moment you broke up; his doing. He couldn't leave shit alone. Even after you blocked him, he visited all your old spots, sometimes alone and sometimes with someone draped on his arm.
The cherry on top was three months ago when he moved in next door. You can't think of anything worse than sharing a bedroom wall with Jungkook. Explicit noises, obscene moans, and, of course, his stupid, stupid noises of pleasure that left you nearly sobbing the first few times you'd heard them.
You debated moving, but you couldn't get out of your lease without spending a shit ton of money, so you did the best next thing. You marched yourself over to his place, fueled by anger and leftover pizza.
"Can I help you?" He asked with a grin. He had thrown on his CK denim jacket, but his abs and CK boxers were visible.
"Can you stop making so much damn noise?" you huffed, almost stomping your foot. Jungkook just leaned against his door.
"Does it bother you?" he raised a dark brow.
"Obviously it does if I'm standing at your doorstep. Can you just keep it down?" you asked softly, your voice wavering and Jungkook immediately feels bad. His heart sinks. He never wanted to make you cry, and you were about to if your breathing and tone were any indications. He resists the urge to comfort you. Instead, he occupies his hands by running them through his hair.
"I'll keep it down," he promises and you turn on your heel before he can say anything else.
However, Jungkook doesn't keep it down. No. Instead, he starts doing karaoke in the middle of the night, again and again. He doesn't even hear when you bang on his door to tell him to knock it off. Thus starts your war of trying to drown out each other until tonight, when you couldn't take it anymore.
You were trying to watch a new season of your favorite show. You had raised the volume as loud as you could stand it without it giving you a headache, but you could still hear Jungkook next door. He'd been grunting and cursing, shouting seven repeatedly, and you were wondering what kind of kinky shenanigans he was up to in his living room.
Your confrontation hadn't gone as smoothly as you'd thought. You'd been frustrated, popped over in one of his old shirts and sweatpants, only realizing when he studied you once he opened the door.
"Can you stop fucking grunting so loud? What are you even doing?" you asked, trying to get a look into his apartment. He was dressed in black pants, a white shirt, and his fluffy hair tucked into a beanie. Not his usual hook-up outfit.
Jungkook's cheeks turn pink. "I was working out."
"Sure," you rolled your eyes as he let you into his apartment.
Somehow, you ended up arguing, kissing, and now you were pressed against the wall you shared.
"Fuck, Jungkook. Easy on the teeth," you warn as his tongue licks over the bite he's left on your skin.
"Pay attention to me," he all but whines as his gaze locks onto yours. "Kiss me."
You smile, cupping his face and mindful of his new piercing. Your lips press against his, a moan escaping yours when his tongue meets yours. You lose yourself in him, your hatred for him melting into lust, and maybe a little love.
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ghoulystay · 1 year
A Y/N story with Jungkook and Hyunjin. This is part of the Jungkook and Y/N story that I previously posted. This story takes place afterward. If you haven't read that one, make sure you do so it makes more sense. Thanks.
Female reader. POV story.
It's not a real story.
It's been three years since the break-up of y/n and Jungkook. They broke up in 2020. Not only were they forced to by the companies, but it was a very bad time in the world at the time, with covid and disturbing threats from people who didn't want y/n and Jungkook together. They went their separate ways. Jungkooks appreance changed drastically, and so did his outlook on people and things. His band mates noticed it a lot and felt bad for him, but they had responsibilities to take care of. With time, y/n was busy doing the usual, which was work, touring, public appearances, making music with other idols. She kept herself busy to mend her broken heart. Y/n never got over the break-up with Jungkook, and she never really had a moment to process it as well. Her manager kept her busy as much as he could, the night's were always difficult for her because that was when she was alone, alone with the reminder that he no longer was there and it was a painful memory at that point.
November 2022, two years later.
Y/n just came back to Korea from her North American tour, and she was so excited to be returning because she was going on holiday and she already knew how she was going to spend it. She was gonna spend it with her boyfriend. Yes, y/n had a new love, and he was definitely the love of her life. He was there at her lowest and put her back together. He was for sure and foremost in love with y/n. And yes, he is most definitely famous and well known. Hwang Hyunjin. She was going to spend the rest of her holiday on the road with him while he tours. Stray kids were touring at the time that y/n went into holiday. They were in Indonesia, and y/n was gonna take a flight out there with her bodyguards to join up with Straykids and, most importantly, to reunite with Hyunjin. They reunited in the most emotional and passionate way. They truly were destined for each other. She spent every day with him until the tour finished in California, and after that, she joined him in Japan for his holiday, and he made it into a romantic holiday for both of them. She was truly happy with Hyunjin, and the best part was that she was not only accepted by the company but she was also accepted by Straykids and the fandom. Everyone supported their relationship so much that everyone always wanted to see them together. Everyone wanted a glimpse of the couple, a picture, an interview, a photo shoot, you name it, and it brought them joy. They were definitely the "it" couple.
May 2023
Y/n was getting ready to make a public appearance at Calvin Kleins after party that she was invited to. She was invited by Jennie from Blackpink, who was the host of the party for her pop-up store that she opened and was a big success. They weren't best friends, but they were very professional and mature, while she was done getting ready. Hyunjin was in the living room with khamii watching a movie he asked y/n if she was sure she didn't want him to accompany her, and she reassured him that it wasn't going to take long so not to worry that she'll be back as soon as possible. With that, they kissed, and y/n left to meet her driver outside.
That night at the party.
It was a nice but kind of boring party. She was missing hyunjin terribly. She mingled with other idols and people until she noticed someone staring at her from the balcony in the second floor, she couldn't believe it at first until she noticed this eyes those seducing dark eyes that she knew to well. It was him, her ex, her first love, her once upon time, her everything. Jungkook. He was standing there reclining on the bar on the balcony with a drink in his hand and staring at her with such intensity. Y/n was so surprised nobody had told her who was going to be at this party. She didn't know what to feel, so she decided to walk away and go somewhere else where there was nobody in sight. She had to get away just looking at him was way too much to bear at the moment. She found a private balcony outside. Once there, she couldn't help but take a deep and long breath to catch her breathing, which was intense. Y/n hears a door close behind her, and when she turns around, there he is, standing inches from her. "Hi." Y/n said low and softly. Jungkook just stared at her. "Okay, well, I'm gonna go." She says, but when she was about to walk by him, he grabbed her by the wrist. "I missed you y/n," He says. Y/n closed her eyes and shook her head. "I can't, jk." Those little words triggered something in him, so he decides to pin you against the wall and whisper in her ear. "I forgot, you moved on, huh, tell me baby is he better than me." He has one hand on your neck, and the other roams on your body down to your breast he gently squeezes it. "Jk, please don't." He stares into your eyes and says, "Tell me, baby, do you love him?" With tears slowly filling your eyes, you say,"Yes, I do." He laughs after he hears your answer. "You're mine y/n, you always have been, and you always will be." He kisses you and lets you go. "May the best man win," He says before he exits, leaving you alone on the balcony. You couldn't help but call your driver and go home. This night was a disaster not just for you, but now everything is about to change. Jungkook is coming back in your life was now a fear you couldn't stop thinking about. Thoughts in your head cloud your judgment. "What is he planning?" You thought while you rode back home to the man you love with everything in you.
To be continued.
What's going to happen next? Stick around for more.
The End.
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caratreads · 3 months
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ckhaine · 28 days
𖥻 THREE 18+ content
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pairings : ex-boyfriend!jk soft dom!jk sub!reader genres : smut [m]
playing: love in the sky by the weeknd. “But I’m sure I’ll make you cum, do it three times in a row.”
content : vulgar language, jk’s a wee bit mean, overstimulation, squirting, cum eating, belly bulge;), he still refers to himself as her boyfriend (...yay!)
c̲k̲haine ok nother post. i’m tired (faded) so high chance of it sucking ass
do me a favour and ignore spelling/grammar mistakes if you spot one!
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“jungkook, i’s too much!” you hiccup, your fingers digging into his strong biceps, while his own two work in between your poor, weary thighs. “take it, baby, c’mon, i know y’can.” jungkook cajoles, voice rough yet soothing and reassuring as he stares down at your little cunt, all wet and coated with your previous release.
you shake your head rapidly, wanting to push him away due to the overstimulation but also awakening a craving for another orgasm. the little, soft moans and pleas you let out butter him up, slowing the pace and rhythm his digits had once steadied with. “mm, too much, hm? can’t take what your boyfriend gives ya?” his voice’s rather mocking, mean and, still, hoarse.
he tilts his head up, pressing his damp forehead against your own, connecting his pouty lips with yours. you moan, thrash yourself but he’s much stronger, bigger and easily manages to hold you down.
“why you runnin’ for?” jungkook asks, being the little shit he is and feigning innocent confusion.
running from your pleasure is the clear opposite of what you’re doing, you and jungkook both know that. your body jolts, a gasp of his name slipping past your pump lips as you spurt all over his hand, onto the sheets. staring up at him with those pretty, teary eyes, he chuckles lowly and kisses your forehead.
jungkook, kindly, removes his fingers from your pussy to give you a little break. he leans down, pressing kisses on your inner thighs, whispering sweet nothings about how good you’re doing, how much he’s missed you.
you whimper, squeezing your thighs together, nose scrunching at the stickiness. “shhh clean y’up soon, baby. we ain’t inna rush.” he chortles, ridding himself of his thin, gray sweats, tossing them god knows where on the floor. then he tugs his ck boxers down under his throbbing balls, a leak of his pre-cum present on the white material. “tsk, see what you do t’me?”
“mhm…” you sweetly hum out. “need you in me, ‘m so wet,” you say, voice so soft Jungkook could be convinced you’re just telling him a sweet lullaby. “i know, could feel it.” He smiles.
pressing the fat, swollen tip against your leaky entrance, happy to be met with zero resistance. sinking in his inches slowly, jungkook rocks his hips back and forth, watching your perky tits bounce at the moment.
“best lil’ pussy.” he moans. his large hands fly to your hips, keeping you nice and steady. “good girl, take it, baby. feel me here, hm?” he asks. taking your small hand to press down on your tummy, emitting the most pornographic moan that makes his dick twitch.
a few little strokes and spasms around his cock make him cum, shooting the thick, heavy load into you, reaching your third orgasm of the night. your ex-boyfriend chuckles, a cocky smile playing on his lips.
“how many times did you come?”
“ . . three. three times.”
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© ckhaine 2024.
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shuagirl · 26 days
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pairings. soft dom!jungkook x fem!reader genres. smut [s] fluff [f]
summary. a faded tattoo marks your heartbreak. desperate for a fresh start, you visit Jungkook, a trusted tattoo artist and secret confidant you secretly love.
warnings. past relationships, heartbreak, and emotional healing, swearing, unprotected sex, lots of kissing, oral sex, missionary position, and implied consensual rough sex.
( marvy ) hellooooo, first post & writting on here. enjoy, lemme know your thoughts :) ... be nice !
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Sitting on your bed, you watched your reflection in the mirror, your fingers tracing the outline of the faded tattoo on your lower back. Once a symbol of love, it had become a haunting reminder of heartbreak. You needed to rid yourself of it, something to signify a fresh start.
Finally, you picked up your phone from the desk and called the one person you trusted implicitly.
"Hey, before you leave, can I get a quick one done on my lower back?" you asked hesitantly. "Trying to get a cover-up."
"Yeah, sure, be here by eleven-thirty, okay?"
"Alright, cool, thanks." You stayed silent for a minute, hoping he'd say more, but the call ended abruptly.
Glancing at the clock, your eyes widened. It was 11:20. With a groan, you grabbed your keys and rushed out. The tattoo shop was only five minutes from your home, but October's chill and early darkness made the journey feel longer.
Despite the recent breakup with your boyfriend, you always found yourself returning to him—Jungkook. He was the man you confided in, sharing all your problems, including tales of your toxic relationship. Though he listened, sometimes distant, you sensed he disliked hearing about your ex. Yet, he was always there when you needed a shoulder to cry on; truth be told, he was the reason you frequented the tattoo shop.
Upon arrival, the sign's lights flickered at the entrance. Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open. Jungkook looked up from his station, his sleeves rolled up, revealing his tattoo-covered arms. His dark, intense gaze swept over you, making your heart flutter.
"Hey," he greeted, a slow smile spreading. "Ready?"
You nodded, trying to ignore the flutter in your stomach. "Yeah, thanks for staying late."
"No problem," he replied, his voice low and soothing. He gestured to the tattoo chair. "Take a seat. Let's see what we're working with."
As you settled into the chair, a mix of nerves and excitement coursed through you. Jungkook moved with practised ease, gathering his tools and preparing the area.
"Alright, let's take a look," he said calmly, lifting the back of your hoodie. His fingers brushed against your skin, lingering longer than necessary, sending a shiver down your spine.
Jungkook's gaze flickered to yours, a hint of desire in his eyes before he focused back on your skin. "15th of... December... 2023," he murmured, staring at your tattoo.
Embarrassed, you leaned your head against the seat. "Yeah, that's when we started dating."
He hummed in response, studying the faded tattoo. "This will be a great cover-up. Do you have a design in mind, or want me to freestyle something?"
"I trust you," you whispered. "Just something that represents a new beginning."
Jungkook nodded, his expression serious and thoughtful. "Got it. I'll sketch something out quickly."
You watched as he worked, his hands moving swiftly and confidently. The room was filled with the soft hum of the neon sign outside and the quiet scratch of his pencil on paper. After a few minutes, he held up the sketch for you to see.
"How about this?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for approval.
The design was beautiful—delicate yet bold, perfectly capturing what you wanted. "It's perfect," you grinned.
"Glad you like it. Let's get started," he smiled.
He carefully transferred the design onto your skin, his touch sending another shiver through you. "Ready?" he asked, his voice a low murmur that sent heat pooling in your stomach.
You nodded, unable to find your voice. The first touch of the needle was sharp but bearable. The pain quickly faded into the background, overshadowed by the sensation of Jungkook's hands on your skin. Each touch, each brush of his fingers, felt amplified in the intimate quiet of the shop.
Jungkook worked with steady precision, his eyes never leaving your skin. "You're doing great," he murmured, his breath warm against your back. "Just a little longer."
You tried to focus on the rhythm of his work, but your mind kept drifting to the closeness of his body and his hands' warmth. The tension between you was palpable, each minute passing in a haze of anticipation and desire. His fingers occasionally brushed against your skin in a way that felt more intentional than accidental, sending waves of heat coursing through you.
As the tattoo session continued, you found yourself mesmerized by the sensation of his touch. The combination of the late hour, the dim lighting, and the intimate nature of the session made every moment feel charged with electricity. You could feel the heat of his body close to yours, the soft brush of his breath on your skin.
"How does it feel?" he asked softly, his voice a soothing balm with a dark, underlying current.
"It's... it's good," you managed to reply, your voice shaking slightly. "Thank you, Jungkook."
He smiled, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. "Almost done. Just hang in there."
The final strokes of the tattoo machine were almost a relief, though you couldn't deny the pang of disappointment at the thought of his touch ending. When he finally finished, Jungkook leaned back to admire his work, his expression of satisfaction mixed with something deeper.
"All done," he said softly. "Take a look."
You stood up and walked to the mirror, turning to see the new tattoo on your lower back. It was beautiful, a perfect cover-up that transformed an old regret into something new and meaningful.
"Wow," you said, your voice filled with genuine awe. "I love it."
He stepped closer, his gaze intense and dark with unspoken desire. "I'm glad you like it," he said.
For a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. It was just the two of you, standing in the quiet, dimly lit shop, the air thick with unspoken feelings and charged with undeniable tension.
"Thank you," you whispered, your eyes locking with his.
Jungkook's hand brushed against your cheek, and your heart skipped a beat. His touch was gentle yet firm, his eyes burning with an intensity that made your breath catch. "You're welcome," he murmured, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down your spine. "Anytime."
As you stared into each other's eyes, the air between you seemed to crackle with electricity, the line between professional and personal blurring beyond recognition. The tension was almost unbearable, and you found yourself leaning into his touch, craving more.
Jungkook's fingers trailed down your cheek to your neck, his touch igniting a fire within you. "You know," he said softly, his lips just inches from yours, "I've always been here for you. And I always will be."
His hand lingered on your neck, his thumb gently brushing your jawline as he stared into your eyes. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down your spine, and the air between you crackled with unspoken desire. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, each beat echoing the growing tension in the room.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted this," he whispered, his voice husky and filled with longing.
Your breath hitched, and you leaned in closer without thinking, your lips just a breath away from his. The anticipation was almost unbearable, and you could feel the heat radiating off his body, drawing you in.
Unable to resist any longer, you closed the distance, pressing your lips to his in a tentative kiss. Jungkook responded immediately, his lips soft yet insistent against yours. The kiss deepened slowly, fueled by the weeks of suppressed desire and the intimate setting of the tattoo shop. His hand moved to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss further. The sensation was electric, sending waves of heat coursing through your body.
Your hands found their way to his chest, feeling the firm muscles beneath his shirt. The sensation of his heartbeat under your palm matched the frantic pace of your own. Every touch, every movement was charged, making your skin tingle with anticipation.
Jungkook broke the kiss, his breath ragged as he trailed kisses down your neck. "God, I've wanted this for so long," he murmured against your skin, his hands roaming over your back, tracing the newly inked tattoo.
You let out a soft moan, arching into his touch. "Me too," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I've wanted you for so long."
He pulled back slightly, his eyes dark and filled with desire as he looked at you. "Then let's not waste any more time," he said, his voice a low growl.
With a swift movement, he lifted you onto the tattoo chair, positioning himself between your legs. The cool leather against your skin was a stark contrast to the heat building between you. Jungkook's hands slid under your hoodie, pushing it up to reveal more of your skin. He kissed a trail down your collarbone, his fingers deftly undoing the clasp of your bra.
Your breath hitched as he pulled the bra away, his lips capturing one of your nipples in a hot, wet kiss. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as he lavished attention on your breasts, his hands kneading the soft flesh.
"Jungkook," you moaned, the sound of his name a desperate plea on your lips.
He responded by kissing his way back up to your mouth, his tongue parting your lips as he claimed your mouth in a searing kiss. The kiss was deep and fervent, leaving a string of saliva connecting your lips when they parted. His hands roamed over your body, exploring every curve and dip, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
You could feel his arousal pressing against your thigh, and the sensation only heightened your own desire. With a trembling hand, you reached down, palming him through his jeans. He let out a low groan, the sound vibrating through you and making you even wetter.
"Need you," you gasped against his lips, your voice breathless with need.
Jungkook pulled back just enough to tug off his shirt, revealing the expanse of tattoos that decorated his chest and arms. You couldn't help but run your hands over his skin, tracing the lines of ink with your fingers.
He made quick work of your clothes, stripping you bare before him. The cool air against your heated skin made you shiver, but the look in Jungkook's eyes sent a new wave of warmth through you. He kissed you again, his hands exploring your body with a fervent intensity.
His fingers found their way between your legs, sliding through your wetness with practiced ease. You gasped, bucking into his hand as he teased your entrance.
"You're so wet for me," he murmured against your ear, his breath hot and tantalizing. "I want to taste you."
Before you could respond, he knelt between your thighs, his tongue darting out to taste you. The sensation was overwhelming, and you cried out, your hands gripping the edges of the tattoo chair as he licked and sucked at your most sensitive spots.
Jungkook's tongue moved with expert precision, driving you closer and closer to the edge. Just as you felt the first tremors of your orgasm, he pulled back, his lips glistening with your arousal.
"I want you to come with me inside you," he said, his voice rough with desire.
You nodded, too breathless to speak, and he quickly shed the rest of his clothes. The sight of him, fully naked and aroused, made your mouth water. He positioned himself at your entrance, his eyes locking with yours as he slowly pushed inside.
The sensation of him filling you was indescribable, a perfect mix of pleasure and pressure. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper as he began to move. Each thrust was deliberate and powerful, driving you closer to the edge with each stroke.
Jungkook's hands gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh as he moved faster, his breath hot against your neck. "You're mine," he growled, his voice filled with possessive desire.
"Yes," you gasped, your nails digging into his shoulders. "I'm yours."
The words seemed to spur him on, and he increased his pace, driving into you with an almost desperate intensity. Your orgasm built rapidly, a tight coil of pleasure that finally snapped, sending you over the edge with a cry of his name.
Jungkook followed you over the edge, his own release shuddering through him as he buried himself deep inside you. He collapsed against you, both of you breathing heavily as the aftershocks of your orgasms coursed through you.
For a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. It was just the two of you, tangled together in the quiet, dimly lit shop, the air thick with the scent of sex and sweat.
"That was..." you began, but trailed off, unable to find the words.
"Amazing," Jungkook finished for you, his lips curling into a satisfied smile.
You nodded, a matching smile spreading across your face. "Yeah. Amazing."
Jungkook pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his arms wrapping around you in a protective embrace. "I told you," he murmured, his voice soft and tender. "I'll always be here for you."
You nestled closer to him, savouring the warmth of his body against yours. "And I'll always be here for you," you whispered back, feeling a profound sense of connection and contentment.
Jungkook pulled back slightly, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "We should get cleaned up," he said, but made no move to let you go. Instead, he brushed a strand of hair away from your face, his touch gentle and affectionate.
You smiled, leaning into his touch. "Yeah, but maybe we can stay like this for just a little longer," you suggested, not ready to break the intimate cocoon that had enveloped you both.
He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I like the sound of that."
The two of you lay there for a while, wrapped up in each other's arms, the quiet of the tattoo shop providing a serene backdrop to your tender moment. The reality of the outside world seemed distant and unimportant compared to the warmth and closeness you shared.
Eventually, Jungkook sighed and pulled away, albeit reluctantly. "As much as I'd love to stay here with you forever, we should clean up and get you home."
You nodded, understanding the practicality of his words even though you wished the moment could last longer. "Okay."
Jungkook helped you off the tattoo chair, both of you moving slowly, savoring the lingering touches and stolen kisses as you gathered your clothes. He was gentle as he helped you dress, his fingers brushing against your skin in a way that made you want to pull him back into your embrace.
Once you were both dressed, Jungkook guided you to the small bathroom at the back of the shop. He wet a cloth and began to gently clean the areas of your body that still tingled from his touch. The intimacy of the moment, even in such a simple act, made your heart swell with affection.
"Thank you," you said softly, your voice filled with sincerity. "For everything."
He smiled, his eyes locking with yours in a way that made you feel cherished. "Anytime, Y/N."
With a final, lingering kiss, Jungkook finished cleaning up and walked you to the door. The cool night air was a stark contrast to the warmth you felt inside, but you didn't mind. You knew that the bond you had forged tonight was something special, something that would stay with you long after you left the shop.
As you stepped outside, Jungkook held your hand, his grip firm and reassuring. "Call me when you get home, okay? I want to make sure you're safe."
You nodded, squeezing his hand in return. "I will."
He watched as you walked away, his figure a comforting presence behind you. As you made your way home, you felt a sense of peace and fulfilment that you hadn't felt in a long time. The night had been more than just a tattoo session—it had been a new beginning, a step towards a future filled with promise and love.
Later that night, as you settled into bed, your mind was filled with thoughts of Jungkook, completely forgetting he was waiting for your call.
The intimacy you shared, the way he looked at you, the feeling of his hands on your skin—it all replayed in your mind like a beautiful dream. Just as you were about to drift off to sleep, your phone rang, breaking the silence of the room. The screen displayed Jungkook's name, and your heart skipped a beat.
You answered the call, trying to keep your voice steady. "Hey,"
"Hey," he replied, his voice warm and soothing. "I just wanted to make sure you got home safely."
"I did," you said, feeling a rush of warmth at his concern. "Thank you for checking."
There was a brief silence, filled with the unspoken feelings hanging between you. Finally, Jungkook broke the silence. "I can't stop thinking about tonight, about you, Y/N."
"Me too," you admitted, your voice soft. "Thanks for the special treatment."
"It was special," Jungkook agreed. "I've wanted to tell you how I feel for so long, but I didn't know if you felt the same way."
"I do," you whispered, your heart pounding. "I feel the same way, Jungkook."
He let out a relieved sigh, and you could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm glad to hear that. How about we make this official? Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?"
Your face broke into a wide smile, your excitement bubbling over. "I'd love that."
"Great," Jungkook said, his voice filled with warmth. "I'll pick you up at seven. Sweet dreams, Y/N."
"Sweet dreams, Jungkook," you replied, ending the call with a smile.
The next day was a blur of anticipation and excitement. As the evening approached, you found yourself carefully selecting an outfit, wanting everything to be perfect. When the clock struck seven, a knock on your door made your heart race.
Jungkook stood on the other side, looking effortlessly handsome. He greeted you with a bouquet and a shy, endearing smile. "You look beautiful," he said, his eyes filled with admiration.
"Thank you," you replied, feeling your cheeks flush with warmth. "You look great too."
The dinner was perfect. The two of you shared stories, laughter, and tender glances across the table. Every moment felt charged with electricity, the connection between you growing stronger with each passing second. After dinner, Jungkook took you for a walk in a nearby park. The night was clear, the stars twinkling above as you strolled hand in hand.
As you reached a quiet spot, Jungkook turned to face you, his expression serious yet tender. "Y/N, I meant what I said last night. I'll always be here for you. I want to be with you if you'll have me."
Your heart swelled with emotion, and you nodded, tears of happiness brimming in your eyes. "I want to be with you too, Jungkook. More than anything."
He pulled you into a gentle embrace, his lips finding yours in a soft, tender kiss. The world around you faded away, leaving just the two of you in your perfect moment.
The weeks that followed were filled with joy and discovery. Jungkook became not only your lover but your confidant and best friend. Each moment spent together strengthened your bond, and your love grew stronger with each passing day.
You found yourself spending more and more time at Jungkook's apartment, where he would cook for you, and you would talk for hours about everything and nothing. The walls that once seemed to contain just his life now felt like a shared space where your love blossomed.
One evening, as you lay in bed together, Jungkook traced patterns on your skin, his touch sending shivers through you. "I've been thinking about something," he said, hesitating.
"What is it?" you asked, turning to face him.
"I want us to move in together," he confessed, his eyes searching yours. "I want you to be a part of my everyday life, not just the special moments. What do you think?"
Your heart swelled with joy, and you couldn't stop the smile on your face. "I think I'd love that. More than anything."
Moving in together felt like the most natural step in your relationship. You merged your lives seamlessly, finding comfort and joy in the little things—cooking together, late-night talks, and lazy Sunday mornings.
One evening, while unpacking the last of your things, you came across an old photo album. Sitting on the couch, you and Jungkook flipped through the pages, laughing at childhood photos and sharing stories from your pasts. It felt intimate and suitable, a testament to how deeply you trusted each other.
Jungkook pulled you close, his eyes filled with love and promise. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"
"We have," you agreed, resting your head on his shoulder. "And I wouldn't change a thing."
As the evening wore on, you found yourselves on the balcony, watching the sunset. Jungkook wrapped his arms around you from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder. "I can't wait to see what the future holds for us," he murmured.
"Me too," you replied, your heart full of love and excitement. "With you by my side, I know it will be amazing."
As you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you felt a deep sense of fulfilment and contentment. The journey began with a simple tattoo, which had transformed into a beautiful love story that would continue to unfold with each passing day.
Your past no longer held any power over you; you could embrace a future filled with love, promise, and endless possibilities. Together, you and Jungkook would face whatever came your way, knowing that your love was strong enough to withstand anything.
As you closed your eyes and leaned into his embrace, you knew this was just the beginning of your happily ever after.
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(sorry omg i love this pic sm rn 😭😭😭)
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SHUAGIRL © 2024. please do not copy, translate, or modify any of my work. all of my works are not permitted to be posted on any other sites.
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moonchild1 · 7 months
jeon jungkook fic rec list (Ⅸ)
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hi everyone wow it's really been a while and i'm on list 9 already damnnn that's alot and list 10 is like half way complete already... soooo you might notice a change in the set up this time around i liked how it looked on my ao3 list so i added it here as well, i absolutely love this list like i've gone over this list a million times it's filled with alot of fics i was absolutely obsessed with, you know how attached i get to the characters and this list holds quite a few of them too so i hope you enjoy reading them as much as i did and you fall for them too... remember to give lots of love to the authors of these fics they are absolute geniuses and deserve all the respect and love in this world for creating these beautiful fics and sharing it with us so be sure to give them a follow, like and reblog or even leave a little comment i'm 100% percent sure it would mean alot to them 🥺🖤 also as these fics contain smut no under minors allowed/interact... if you would like to share some of your favourites or just wanna ramble about fics you love send me an ask i love hearing from you guys and happy reading everyone till next time ✨🖤
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a- angst s- smut f-fluff
dreamcatchers by @ggukcangetit f a
↬  DI Jeon didn’t need a new partner. Unfortunately, his superiors felt otherwise; especially considering the extremely high-profile murder that had just taken place in the port city. Recent transfer, DI Choi Yuri finds herself confronted with a new cityscape, unfamiliar people, a hostile partner, and a homicide that is certain to bring back unpleasant memories.  
block party by @minlucent f s a
↬ moving into your new apartment brings back memories of your biggest mistake. neighbours au e2l
a little bit of your heart by @yoongiofmine f s a ft. myg
↬ you had everything you could ever dream of; the career of your dreams as a music producer, the best friends you could ever wish for, and a exes-turned-friends-turned-fuck-buddies relationship with min yoongi. you knew you and yoongi would never move past that and you were okay with it. Until a friend from your past comes back into your life, offering to give you everything you deserve, everything yoongi couldn’t. Will jungkook show you what you’ve been missing? Or will the new guy threaten yoongi enough to do something about it? 
lost stars by @/yoongiofmine f s a
↬ Jungkook was lost. He didn’t know who he was anymore, so he decided to leave and find himself. But he wasn’t expecting to find you along the way, an island girl who has no idea who he is. Jungkook has a secret. But so do you. idol au s2l
secrets we keep by @/yoongiofmine f s a
↬ Being a camgirl was never your main goal in life, but when the pandemic hit and you lost your job, you were desperate. Now, two years later, the world is back to normal and  you are one of the top creators of OnlyChingu; the South Korean version of OnlyFans. A website where idols hide behind anonymous profiles in search of that connection they lost during lockdown. Jungkook was never into this type of stuff. Until he ran into you. He knows you’re his perfect girl, his ideal type. Will he be able to put his own insecurities aside when chasing you? Or will you let the secrets you keep ruin you? idol au
i hate you, i love you by @jungblue s a
↬ You hated him at seven, warmed up to him at twelve, and liked him at fifteen. Now the two of you are twenty years old and inseparable best friends… and you’re absolutely in love with him; he’s in love too—just not with you. 
fatal attraction by @jungcock s a ft. kth
↬ your dangerous ex-boyfriend comes back to haunt you in more ways than one. exes au serial killer thriller
pub golf by @taleasnewastime f s
↬ One night. One stupidly hot man, who just keeps appearing in every pub you go to. Six friends. Nine pubs. Nine drinks. Ten million stupid rules. Let the chaos begin. s2l
animal by @cutaepatootie f s a
↬ boxer jungkook au ANGST
things you don't know by @btsgotjams27 a
↬ It’s been seven years since you last saw the boy that broke your heart. After moving back home, you try everything you can to avoid seeing him around town, but destiny has a wicked way of doing the opposite.
entangled by @caelesjjk f s a ft. kth
↬ Jeon Jungkook is Spider-Man. He saved your life twice. But he’s also been your sweet lab partner in college for the past two years and now someone who is more than just a friend. You care about him…maybe even love him. But something tells you that you aren’t quite sure what love even is. How could you when you have feelings for someone else as well? Kim Taehyung is the handsome stranger you’ve seen around campus and somehow ended up dancing with at Club Onyx. You were upset that Jungkook had stood you up once again and Taehyung made you feel like you were on top of the world. What you didn’t know that night, is the dark secret Taehyung is trying desperately to hide, but the closer the two of you get the more difficult that becomes.
when the end comes by @oddinary4bts f s a
↬ Seven years after you've started dating Jungkook, long distance creates a wedge in your relationship. When the only solution seems to be breaking up, you go your separate ways even though love still lives in the two of you. Will you find a way back together, or has the end come for you and Jeon Jungkook?
new girl by @jjkeverlast f s a
↬ after finding out your boyfriend of 6 years cheated on you, you find yourself moving in with three guys in a loft. what could possibly go wrong?
horizon by @/sokooks f s a
↬ The way you approached life had started to break down Jungkook's emotional barriers. Jungkook couldn't deny that he was drawn to you in a way that was entirely new and unfamiliar. You had become more than just an assignment; you had become someone he genuinely cared about. It was the way you made him feel. With you, he felt more human than he had in a long time. Despite his best efforts to remain detached, his heart had other plans. angel au
searching for nirvana by @/sokooks f s a
↬ he shouldn't be here. he shouldn't be touching you the way he was- but he was here before him. he was your friend, not him. he knew your body, not him. he wanted to be the only one to touch you the way you liked. he he wanted you to remember that. despite the fact that he already had someone waiting for him. best friends au cheating au.
twelve hours by @whatifyoulivelikethat s a
↬ you have twelve hours to make jeon jungkook fall in love with you. he's about to get married. you're the entertainment at his bachelor party - a burlesque dancer. long ago, he used to be the class representative and you used to be the class delinquent. nothing has changed and, yet, everything has.
when it all... by @7deadlysinsfics f a
↬ what’s there to do when your husband says he thinks he doesn’t love you anymore? you pick up the broken pieces the best you can and try to move on
better than me ? by @/7deadlysinsfics f s a
↬ jungkook is clear on what you both are to each other. still, he doesn’t want you to think anyone else is better than him
our first and our last by @thedefinitionofbts f a ft ot7
↬ The first time you met Jeon Jungkook was on your tenth birthday. On that day, he was nothing more than the strange man who jumped into a dark portal that suddenly opened in the middle of the park. The ten year old you just stood in the grass, strands of hair ruffling from the calm breeze that swooped by; head slightly tilted, bright, innocent eyes wide open and staring at him with wonder and disbelief. There was a certain amount of confusion, but your young mind was too naïve to question his actions or what they entailed. soulmate au
dancer in the dark by @gwoongi f s a
↬ Money can’t buy you happiness. Jeongguk, for the longest time, thinks he’s happy. Truthfully, Jeongguk doesn’t know what happiness is until you find him. rockstar au
together by @httpjeon f s a ft.pjm
↬domestic!au, couple!au, stoner!au, gamer!au
hot bot by @/httpjeon f s
↬ purchasing a Hot Bot wasn’t exactly something you ever really planned on. when you do, however, it sends your life down a path of convoluted government schemes and dark secrets.
stardust by @iamtaekooked f
↬ You didn’t believe in soulmates until you lay your eyes on Jeon Jeongguk, the younger brother of your best friend’s husband. That is when you see the red string beginning encircled around your pinky and ending in his
serendipity by @rohobi f s a
↬ After you reveal your inexperienced sexual status to your best friend, Jungkook grapples with the news, startled by the idea that the girl he always thought could get anyone, is a virgin. After finding his porn at 3AM, you decide that maybe it’s about time to stain the white sheets of your world with the colors of a forbidden fruit Jungkook seems to have in the palm of his hands.
chasing shadows by @colormepurplex2 s a
↬ Your job gets you into trouble sometimes. Who would have thought crime journalism would put so many targets on your back? But, it’s happening again, someone’s threatening you. Only, this time, it’s not just you that’s in the crosshairs. Your best friend, Enola, is out on assignment and can’t help like she usually does. So, what does she do instead? She sends her brother, Jungkook, armed with a magic bag, a charming smile, and deductive reasoning skills that prove his worth as one of the best PI’s around.
I gasp once, and in that breath, I accept you in by @inkofyoonkoo f s a
↬ In which Jungkook arrives to your small town to spend the holidays, and you slowly let go of all the ghosts of your past. s2l fwb au
sweet nothing by @adonis-koo f s a
↬ Being a guest at the Jeon Estate after a mishap of being kidnapped and dragged into your brothers affairs isn’t all that bad. Truth be told it brings you a lot closer to the mobster and owner of the estate Jeon Jungkook himself. His two rules are simple, don’t cause trouble and don’t give him a hard time. Somehow you manage to constantly do both in the most endearing way despite being pregnant and waddling around most of the time.
three's a crowd by @/adonis-koo s a ft. jimin
↬ When your mom’s fairytale life begins to bleed over into your world you’re suddenly caught between two men and one big secret, what was supposed to be a relaxing trip soon begins to spiral out of control. All you wanted was a free vacation… ceo au
sleepwalking by @taexual f s a
↬ due to unfortunate circumstances, you ended up managing your ex-boyfriend’s band. you thought you’ve both made peace with it, but suddenly he’s very eager to prove to you that first love never dies.
empty space by @ahundredtimesover f s a
↬ It started as friendship, turned to a casual fuck, then ended in heartbreak. Turns out, he wasn’t who he said he was, and years later he enters your life again, forcing you to face all the emotions you’d been trying to bury. 
OR Officer Jeon looks really hot in his uniform and you wish you didn’t hate him as much as you do.
as the world burns around us by @today-we-will-survive a
↬ You haven’t seen the sun in two years. The Virus wiped out a good three quarters of the world’s population and then the wars that followed wiped out half of that. After everything happened, it was only a matter of time before the different countries started blaming each other and emptied their nuclear arsenals. You’re still surprised Seoul survived – if you can call what it has become “surviving”
hotter than hell by @chateautae f s a
↬ jungkook, lucifer and king of hell, has been cast out of the crimson underworld for a reason he’s unsure of. embarking on his journey for the answer should’ve been easy, if it weren’t for you, the human that nurses his wounded body in her home, and accidentally witnesses the truth of his identity. kickstarting a hellish adventure with the devil himself, you discover lucifer is the most infuriating company ever; and jungkook finds out that maybe his answer to returning home lies within his annoying human confidant.
to turn a bad thing good by @/chateautae f s a
↬ jungkook’s drunken one night stand goes awry when he comes to learn not only is he being forced into an arranged marriage, but it’s to the very girl he abandoned that night—and things get a lot more complicated when you’re the best hookup he’s ever had.
J’aime by @baepop f s a
↬ You’re the newest hire at a local café and head barista Jeon Jungkook takes you under his wing.
Written in the Stars by @/baepop f s a ft. kth
↬ You’re the girl of Jungkook’s dreams, literally. The only problem: you’re taken by his best friend
make me forget by @roseannekook f s a
↬ You are the lead vocalist and main dancer of your company’s first girl group, but on the fourth promotion of your debut song things don’t go as planned. At the brink of an uprising scandal, you seek refuge in the bathroom stalls…and find it in the arms of no one else but BTS’ golden maknae Jeon Jungkook.
one of your girls by @ggukiepie s a ft. pjm
↬ fwb au college au fuck boy au inspired by the song
boy in luv by @/ggukiepie f s a
↬ just two idiot best friends in l*ve college!au, bff!jk, athlete!jk, student council president oc, cheerleader!oc
the boy who left by @/gujoonim a
↬ As your eyes staring deeply into your possible client-to-be’s eyes, something crossed your mind, it was that pair of eyes that you were looking for when you being abandoned at the aisle on your wedding day. ceo au
love sewn by @jvnghxope s a
↬ You’ve never cared about the thin-as-paper walls of your beloved apartment until Jeon Jungkook moved next door. You could hear everything –from his late-night parties on Saturday, to the quality time he spent with his girlfriend in the intimacy of his bedroom. One day, everything ceases. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and you find yourself knocking his door before you can think it twice.
not yet by f s @bratkook f s a
↬ jungkook feels the pang of guilt in his gut when you spot your recent ex out with his new girl, and what better way to make the jerk hurt than to have him believe you were now dating him, the neighbor he had been insecure about your whole relationship.
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one shot
blazes of deceit by @periminkle f a
↬ when the opportunity to finally venture past the stone walls you’ve grown up in presents itself, you jump at the chance to discover the origin of those mysterious lights—even if the trip comes with a harsh truth and a suspicious, yet undoubtedly attractive, tour guide. tangled au disney au
southpaw by @starshapedkookie f s a
↬ Knowing Jeon Jungkook for the better part of your life, you thought you knew everything about him. Well, that was before you two disappeared from each other’s lives at least. When Jungkook suddenly finds himself buying you a coffee to rekindle your friendship, it leads to much more than you bargained for.
house of cards by @jeonggukingdom s a
↬ What does safe mean when you are chased by zombies, when every corner you turn could be the last one for you? What do words like home and future mean when you’re always on the run and every moment could be your last? They mean nothing and everything at the same time and Jeongguk is all of the above. He is your safe haven, he is your home and he is your future. But things like that crumble easily in your world.
enouement by @littlemisskookie s a
↬ War is Hell, but it’s what you had to do to take your brother’s place. Of course, between the days of Hell are little slices of Heaven you’d call your Captain, Jeon Jungkook. mulan au disney au
miss taken by @junghelioseok f s
↬you pride yourself on being a professional, but sometimes your students' parents really test your patience. single parent dilfjk jk e2l
the ex text by @shadowkoo f s a
↬ The 2 AM texts have started again. It’s a bittersweet familiarity that you can’t run away from, and despite wishing to forget him: no one will ever measure up to the exceptional standard set by your ex, and you’ll never have anyone as good as him either. Like a permanent mark on your heart, Jungkook’s presence has become an insatiable craving, an addiction you'll never outgrow or cast aside.
the proposal by @hansolmates f s a
↬Jeon’s the editor-in-chief for Big Hit Publishings, a closet romantic with a penchant for antagonizing his assistant on the reg. When his work visa is in the process of being renewed and he takes a trip to Norway, his eligibility to stay in America is on the line. However Jeon Jungkook doesn’t go without a fight, and in order to save his job he offers you a proposal you can't refuse. based on the movie the proposal e2l
red and gold by @/thedefinitionofbts f s
↬It’s no secret that genius, billionaire, international playboy, and philanthropist- Jeon Jungkook, better known as the CEO of Jeon Industries-and even better known as Iron Man, is one of the most intelligent, wealthy, and powerful men in the world. There’s nothing that can get to him or his ego, that is, until you happen to show up and give him a run for his money. 
burning bright by @snackhobi s
↬there are no secrets in the drift. if jungkook were to see the mess inside your head and heart, laid utterly bare, he’d turn away from you. based on the movie pacific rim
but we loved young by @jl-micasea-fics s a
↬Jungkook is everything you’re not, the ying to your yang. Your tight knit friendship nurtured from childhood survived the major life events that most don’t, and to that end, you suppose you’re fated to be together, until unrequited longing is eventually noticed, and boundaries are forever crossed.
the shoulder on which you cry by @lemonjoonah f s a ft. knj
↬ after moving away from your hometown five years ago, you’ve struggled on every return. each trip back being made out of haste due to an unfortunate event in your life. namjoon has always been there to help you through those moments. but when he can’t be there to support you during your current trip home, jungkook offers to stay by your side and be the comfort you need. 
illusion of choice by @hobibliophile f s a
↬ You’ve grown up with the Jeons, Jungmin and Jungkook, for as long as you can remember, your parents being very close. But little did you know that this is because you are in fact arranged to be married to the Jeon heir, Jungmin. However, a tragedy causes Jungkook to take up his brother’s mantle, and that includes becoming your fiancé.
the blue princess and her red rose by @/cutaepatootie f s a
↬ After all, he was her red rose, while she was just another one of the many blue roses that grew in the dying gardens of Greyria. princess au
rigor mortis by @readyplayerhobi f s a
↬ A night out at a bar results in you going home with a young and attractive police officer. But if you think the night was something to remember, that’s nothing compared to waking up to find a zombie outbreak in the city. A chance encounter with Officer Jeon leads to him helping you escape from the plague infested city.
lowkey by @joonbird s
↬ Jungkook is the nude model for your art school’s life drawing class.
part-time lover by @sketchguk f s a
↬there is no crime more perfect than marrying jeon jeongguk. your relationship is nothing more than a ruse - while your friends pester you for being perpetually single, jeongguk desperately needs a wife to complete the pristine image of a family, fooling his way through the parent interview at the nation’s most prestigious private school. only time will tell how deep your lies will run as you find home in one another’s minds. because untangled in the moonlight, he is but a spy, exposing a secret world of corruption, and you, an assassin, ridding the streets of danger one hit at a time. 
sweet apple biscuits by @rosaetae a
↬ a story about someone who receives letters from themselves ten years in the future and asks them to fix all their regrets and save a particular boy. inspired by the anime 'orange'
i'll be home by @wwilloww f s a ft.knj
↬ When your first love, Jungkook, disappeared from your village five years ago, no one thought he would return, let alone on the night of your betrothal to another man. 
white lies by @noteguk f s a
↬ in which Jungkook lies his way out of and into trouble. But he can’t tell white lies when it comes to you. 
yes coach by @/taleanewastime s
↬ You play in a local netball team and as a new season starts you have a new coach. Enter Jungkook, he may look soft, but he turns out to be a hard taskmaster, one who ruffles your feathers when he makes some changes to the team. Tensions grow between you through the weeks, until they finally reach breaking point.
spf 50 by @gimmeyoon f s
 ↬ If you have to spend your summer home from college working a job you hate, it might as well include sitting by the pool with Jungkook. Now if only kids could stop vomiting in it.
fifth wish by @jiminrings f a
↬ jeon jungkook, world-class socialite and nepotism baby, should be out every night to celebrate while he’s at his prime. why should he fake-date his bodyguard instead? alternatively, jungkook regularly throws coins to wishing wells with only one desire in mind — to get rid of you.
blacklisted by @/httpjeon s a ft. kth
↬after departing from your dom, you’re assigned to two incredibly powerful men.
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↬looking for other jjk fics or the other members check out my library
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 4 months
Don't Get Attached | Drabble Series
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"I'd rip anything off you,"
“Y/n, are you still mad at me?” Junkook’s breathless voice echoes in the men’s washroom as the two of you exit the tiny stall. Chest heaving up, you run your fingers through your curls before wiping the smeared lipstick off of your face. 
“Why would I be? Mhm? I looove the sight of my ripped dress on the dirty floor,” you scoff, rolling your eyes as your arms fold over your chest which was left covered by the mere fabric of the lacy bra. Just a few minutes ago, you were so immersed in the pleasure of Jungkook’s slender fingers that it took you a good second to realize why you could suddenly feel the cool breeze all over your body. 
“To be fair, I’d rip anything off you,” he says softly, hands inching closer to your waist as his broad shoulders cage your form under him. Arms on either side of you, he leans closer, tilting his head to the side to meet your furrowed gaze before noticing the goosebumps covering your soft skin. 
“Koo …” you whisper, placing your hands on his blazer as his sly smirk slowly softens looking down at your doe eyes. It doesn’t take much for him to fold, just the innocence in your gaze is enough of a motive for him to lift your body onto the countertop. And, as your legs naturally spread apart, the tiny space between you two welcomes him in, as if reserved solely for his touch. 
“I’m sorry baby, you know I don’t do too well with sundresses,” Jungkook mumbles, tucking a few stray curls behind your ear before giving your pouty lips a quick peck. 
“Well, now what? I’m literally naked,” you chuckle from the disbelief, leaning back on the stained mirror. For some context, tonight is your friend’s big gallery exhibition and Jungkook was supposed to be your plus one. But now, it seems like the only exhibition the two of you came to watch is your own mirror sex. To be quite frank, you’re not even sure how it all escalated to this. One second the two of you were arguing about who was more artistically gifted and the next you watched him pin your arms over your head as his thrusts gradually increased in speed. 
“Fine by me. Just the way I like it,” Jungkook says with a grin, nibbling on his lip rings as his eyes scan his favourite canvas. 
“Koo, I’m serious. I can’t go out like this in front of all our friends,” you snap him out of it before slightly pushing him off of you. 
“Here, put this on,” he says, handing you his blazer. “Now, we’re even,” a teasing chuckle escapes his parted lips as he unbuttons his black dress shirt, exposing his sculpted chest and the silver chain that would usually dangle over you. 
“I’m not sure how this is supposed to help us hide the fact that we just fucked,” 
“Who said I wanted to hide it?” Jungkook replies with a sly wink before opening the door, eyes following your every move as his blazer covered just enough of your skin to eliminate possible suspicion. As far as everyone else is concerned, this is a fashion statement. 
“I would lay you down on top of this piano if you’d let me. Listen to the echoes of your pretty moans bounce off the brick walls, giving these people the pleasure of some real live music,” the sound of his raspy voice dragging behind shifts your attention back to your needy boyfriend as you turn around to see him manspreading on the wooden piano bench. 
“What an intriguing offer, unfortunately, all you do is talk, pretty boy,” you tease, as the sound of your heels inching closer to him adds to the heated tension. 
“Don’t do that, y/n,” 
“Do what?” 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” his hooded eyes shoot up, hands tracing circles on your exposed thighs. 
“I think I’ll be just fine,” 
“I know you will. I’m more concerned about myself. When it comes to you I seem to lose all control,” 
“Oh? I’m sorry?” you attempt to act shocked, blinking your naive eyes as to create an image of pure innocence. 
“No, you’re not,” Jungkook scoffs, jerking his head back, and pulling you onto his lap as your lips rest inches apart. 
“I’m not. I like the taste of dominance,” you give into a quick peck before straddling his thighs, earning a slight hiss.  
“And, I like the taste of you. To each their own, I guess,” Jungkook mumbles the last part before pulling you into a deep kiss. Tongues fighting for the said dominance, the space between your heaving bodies is no longer apparent. And, as your hands trail up his warm chest you could feel him smirk into the kiss, his grip tightening around your waist.
“Koo,” you manage to let out a hitched breath before cupping his face which was busy leaving trails of purple marks on your collarbone. 
“Do we have to go back? We can put on our own show at home. I’ll be the artist and you can be my muse, mhm? How does that sound?” he virtually pleads, eyes sparkling under the dim lights of the hall. 
“No way one sundress got you this needy,” you can’t help but giggle, gaze softening at his vulnerable state.  
“You could walk out wearing a sack of potatoes and I’d still beg on my knees,” 
“What will you do if we break up?” you ask hushedly, caressing his soft hair. 
“Oh, there’s no breaking up, baby. I’m too consumed now,” Jungkook grins, sneaking his hands under your blazer before earning a soft yelp from your parted lips. 
“And what if I’m not?” you say teasingly, slowly straddling your hips back and forth, innocent eyes locked on his darkened gaze. Of course, you are, but what’s the fun in admitting your weakness? 
“You’re not?” he asks, smirking at the way your mouth slights parts as his thumb rubs circles over your throbbing heat. You might be his weakness but you also stand no chance when his possessive side takes over. 
“I said if,” you whisper, chest heaving up from the suffocating tension. 
“I’ll make sure you are. Make sure you’re mine,”
Don't Get Attached Masterlist
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brown-bi-beautiful · 11 months
Night After Night
Established relationship au
Pairing: Fuckboy bf! Jungkook x Reader
Genre: lovers to exes to exes to lovers, Mostly crack, fluff, and smut but a little bit of angst because I'm a bitch.
Words : 17.6k
Summary: "Show you what devotion is, deeper than the ocean is".... You broke up with your boyfriend because he couldn't let go of his fuckboy antiques now he's gonna win you back whatever it takes.
Warnings: Toxic relationships, Jungkook is the biggest red flag but we love him, SMUT [ ITS FILTHYYY, FINGERING, ORAL SEX (Both receiving), PENETRATIVE SEX ( Vaginal), UNPROTECTED SEX (Don't be stupid like Jungkook, please)].
A/n: This is unedited, no proof reading done.
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For the thousandth time this evening, you couldn't help but roll your eyes as you witnessed your boyfriend, once again, openly flirting with another girl in your presence. It wasn't as if he was unaware of your presence, and he wasn't doing it secretly behind your back either. He knew very well that you were right there, and the irony was that he was supposed to fetch you a drink when he stumbled upon a pair of boobs on the way.
'Baby, it will be fun,' he had said when he insisted on taking you to this party. Yet now, you found yourself sitting awkwardly on a filthy couch, uncomfortably witnessing two guys passionately making out while your so-called boyfriend indulged in flirting with the brunette, who had her hands all over his biceps. You could bet a million dollars that he was flexing them right now.
When you first met Jungkook in your college, he had the title of the biggest fuckboy of the campus and a snap score of 3 million, yes 3 million and if that's not the biggest red flag then what is? But despite the fuckboy behaviour he was a decent person. After trying (and succeeding) to get in your pants at the frat party you first met, he asked you out on a date. And of course you said yes. He gave you the full date experience, in fact it was one of the best dates you had in a while.
He took you to the movies and was respectful, keeping his hands to himself throughout the outing. During the date, he took care of you, ensuring you were well-fed and enjoyed yourself. Afterward, he even made the extra effort to drive you home in his own car, instead of that death ride he usually brings to college. He was so determined to show you that it wasn't just about sex that he didn't even insist on kissing you at your door, it was you who dragged him inside by his collar to fuck you senseless.
Jungkook surprised you, everyone else and himself when he asked you to be his girlfriend only after three dates. And he was really really sweet so you said yes. To show you how devoted he was to you and how he only had eyes for you he didn't even look at other girls let alone flirt with. But that only lasted for two months. Yes, once a fuckboy always a fuckboy. Although Jungkook remained faithful and never slept with anyone else or outright cheated on you, he still indulged in flirting and entertaining any other woman he found even remotely attractive.
Initially, you tried to dismiss it as harmless flirting, but as time went on, the situation became increasingly unbearable. The only thing preventing you from ending the relationship was the fact that he genuinely loved you. Jungkook proclaimed his love for you just three months into the relationship, whereas it took you more than six months to reciprocate those feelings.
You knew Jungkook loved you because he never failed to show you. God, the extremities that boy has gone to show you how much he loves you. One time he ran 12 miles to get to you because you sprained your ankle and was in the hospital and his car was stuck in traffic. Later he ended up fainting from exertion and you found yourself taking care of him instead. It was still really sweet gesture from him.
Once Jungkook managed to free himself from the other girl's company and arrived with a big smile and your favorite beer in hand, you promptly got up and headed towards the front door, leaving your boyfriend behind in confusion.
"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked, following you outside.
"Home." You were already ordering an uber.
"We are leaving already?"
"No, Jungkook. I am leaving already."
"But why? We were having fun."
"Again, no. You were having fun, I was just asked by two guys if I wanted to have a threesome."
"What guys?" Oh the hypocrisy.
"That's not the point JK," you finally snapped, turning to confront your boyfriend. "You're the one who dragged me to this pathetic party, and instead of being there with me, you spent 20 minutes flirting with some random chick."
"Baby, you know that was harmless."
"Again with that FUCKING EXCUSE."
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry, ok? You know I only have eyes for you. I don't even remember her name."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better? I'm leaving."
"Let me take you home, ok?"
"I already booked a ride."
"No, those things are dangerous at night. I'm not letting you leave in a cab," he insisted, without waiting for your reply he led you to the parking lot where his Harley was parked. Without any further protests, you let him firmly place your helmet on your head. Within just a month of dating, Jungkook had already arranged customised helmets for both of you as a couple. Though it might have seemed a bit tacky to some, it was his way of expressing a significant commitment, almost like a symbol of marriage in his eyes.
The ride was silent. Only him rubbing your thighs once in a while. You had time to think the whole ride. Contemplate every situation till now that has led up to this moment. Every time that he had flirted with other women and made you feel like shit, invisible. Every time he says 'oh but baby, at the end of the day I come back to you.' You have decided. You were done feeling like shit.
As the motorcycle came to a halt, you realized he had brought you to his place instead of your own. While you hadn't officially moved in together, it felt like you practically had, given the amount of time you spent there and the belongings you had at his place. The fact that he took you there didn't even surprise you; it was a place that felt like 'home' to both of you.
"Jungkook why'd you take me to your place. I said take me home."
"This is home, baby." He said helping you off his bike and taking off both of your helmets. "Let's just go upstairs and talk this out, then I'll make you cum and we'll go to sleep."
The short elevator ride to the upstairs apartment felt much longer, with neither of you uttering a word. As you entered and took off your jackets, you let out a sigh. The impending conversation was something you had been dreading, but you knew there was no other option; it had to be done. The atmosphere was heavy with tension as you prepared to address the issues that had been bothering you.
"Baby." He mocked your tone.
"Sit down." You pointed at the couch.
"Is this an intervention?" He asked with a grin.
"Just sit." He followed your order and stared at you with those big doe eyes that stopped you from breaking up with him until now. "I love this POV. Your tits look amazing."
"Jungkook, be serious."
"Why, do you keep calling me Jungkook. It's Koo and Baby for you."
Ignoring the comment you continued with your speech.
"Jungkook... I, I don't think this is working anymore." You said.
"What is not working? Baby, we're fine."
"No we're not. I've been waiting for you to grow out of this...fuckboy phase but it's been three years, Jungkook and you still haven't changed. It's even worse now."
"Come on, is this about Ally?"
"So you do remember her name."
"Does it matter? It was just some harmless flirting, I swear. I even told her I have a girlfriend."
"Oh, I'm so flattered," you retorted, the sarcasm evident in your voice, which seemed to annoy him slightly. Your frustration and displeasure were clear, as you couldn't overlook the impact of his behavior on your feelings.
"Look, what am I supposed to do? Stop talking to women? Is that what you want?"
"Oh my god, do you not see?" you exclaimed, your emotions pouring out. "You entertain them and flirt with them, and it makes me feel terrible, Jungkook. I'm your girlfriend, yet you don't even bother to introduce me to these women. And you call it harmless flirting? What about this?" You pulled out a piece of paper from his front pocket, confronting him with evidence of his actions.
"I had no idea she slipped it in my pocket."
"I saw you take it from her."
"But I was not going to call. I swear, baby. You know I would never. I only took that so-"
"So what? So she would wait around the whole night for you to call? That's even worse."
"Babe, look. I'm sorry. I'll do anything you want me to do. I made a mistake and I won't do it again, I promise. I swear on it."
"You don't have to. You can call her if you want to. We are done here," you declared firmly, your decision made. His eyes widened in response to your decisive words, realizing the gravity of the situation.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I'm breaking up with you, Jungkook. It's just not working for me anymore. I'm so tired of your behavior," you expressed with a heavy heart. He was now on his knees before you, tears welling up in his eyes but not yet streaming down his cheeks. Despite the pain, you knew that ending the relationship was the best decision for your well-being and emotional health.
"No no, baby, no. We are not breaking up."
"No. Jungkook we're done."
"What do you mean no? This is not how it works."
"I'll be better, ok? I promise. Please don't break up with me. I can't live without you. Please. I'll do anything you want. I'll prove it to you." The tears were falling down now. And as much as it hurt to watch him cry you were going to stand firm on your decision. "Let me make it up to you, baby. Please." When his shaking lips made contact with yours you couldn't push him away. One last time wouldn't hurt right? Maybe you'll give him this one last time. God knows he needed this. You needed this.
So you let him. Didn't stop him when he picked you up and took you to yo- his bedroom, Laid you down on his bed, undressed you. You didn't stop him when he kissed down your body, brought you to your high with his mouth. You let him love you one last time.
Breaking up with Jungkook had been difficult, and it's been a week since then. The impact of the breakup weighed heavily on you as well, despite your decision being the right one. You cared deeply for him, though maybe not to the same extreme extent as he did for you, it seemed his love for you bordered on being overly intense and possibly unhealthy.
The breakup had also left you feeling deeply saddened and missing him greatly. However, the impact on Jungkook was even more profound, and describing it as devastating would be an understatement. The next day, as you began getting ready to leave, you noticed Jungkook gazing at you with a lost and vulnerable expression, like a bewildered bunny. It was heartbreaking to witness, and you had to gently remind him that you had broken up with him the night before. The pain of the breakup was evident in his eyes, and it made the situation even more challenging for both of you.
"But, baby we had sex."
"Sex doesn't fix everything, Jungkook. I'm still breaking up with you. It was goodbye sex."
Jungkook was frantic when he realised you were serious about the breakup. Begged you to stay but you had already made up your mind.
Seeing the overwhelming number of missed calls and text messages from your ex-boyfriend, you let out a sigh. Despite the breakup, he was persistently trying to reach out to you, with all the messages saying almost the same thing. While you believed that blocking someone was immature and didn't want to stoop to that level, his relentless badgering was becoming too much to handle. If he continued this behavior, you might eventually have no choice but to block him on your contacts and social media platforms.
As your phone blared for the 58th time, your coworkers shot glares in your direction, clearly annoyed by the constant interruptions. Feeling apologetic, you flashed them a smile and finally picked up the phone.
"I swear to god, Jungkook. I will block you if you don't stop calling me."
"No, Jungkook. No baby. We broke up remember?"
"You broke up with me, I never accepted it. You're still my baby."
"Jungkook I'm serious. Stop calling me. I will block you."
"You won't."
"Try me."
"Come outside?"
"What? Kook, I'm not home."
"I know. I'm outside your office. They won't let me in."
"Yes I told them not to. What are you doing here? Jungkook you have a job too, you know that right?"
"I know. But it's not important right now."
"Not important right now? That's your only source of income." You reminded him, resting your forehead on your hand.
"I don't care. What will I do with the money if you're not with me?"
"Pay your bills?"
"Come outside. I wanna see you."
"I can't. I already had my lunch break. Look, Jungkook, just go back home, ok? Don't do this to yourself. I'm hanging up. Don't call me again or I will block you." You ended the call without waiting for a reply, and the calls finally stopped, but the messages persisted. Deciding it was necessary for your peace of mind, you muted his contact to temporarily shield yourself from the continuous messages.
It was 4 hours later you were exiting the office building with your coworkers when one of them pointed something out.
"Is that Jungkook?" Sherry said and you turned your attention to where she was pointing, and to your surprise, there was Jungkook sitting on one of the benches just outside the building. He stood up with a hopeful smile and waved at you as you approached. His unexpected appearance caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions at seeing him again after the breakup.
"You guys go. I'll talk to him."
As your coworkers questioned if you were okay, you gave a simple nod to reassure them. However, you couldn't hide the glare in your eyes as Jungkook approached you. The mix of emotions inside you was evident, but you tried your best to maintain composure in front of your colleagues.
"What are you still doing here, Kook?"
"Well you told me not to call you again and your guard wouldn't let me in so I had no other option."
"Yes you did. You had the option to go home."
"But I wanted to see you." Oh god it was frustrating. You are not even surprised that he's acting like a child. He has always been like this, nagging and pestering until you give him what he wants. You are actually more surprised by the fact that he waited a whole week before showing up at your workplace.
"So what you just wait here for 4 hours?"
"No .. 8 hours. I've been here since morning."
"No. Ask your guards. We are friends now." You closed your eyes to calm yourself.
You spoke with concern in your voice, realizing that Jungkook's actions were not healthy for him. "Jungkook, this is not healthy… Why are you doing this to yourself?" you asked, genuinely worried about the toll the breakup was taking on him. You understood that he was struggling with the situation, but his continuous attempts to contact you were not helping anybody.
"Baby, I'll do anything to prove to you that I want you back."
You expressed firmly, "That's not going to change anything. We are not getting back together." You reiterated your stance, hoping he would come to accept it and eventually find a way to move forward.
"You're saying that now."
"No. My answer is not going to change." He looked unconvinced. "At least tell me you ate something?" a small smile crept across your face as you heard his stomach loudly grumble in response to your question. You decided to set aside your differences momentarily and focus on making sure he was okay in the present moment.
"You still care about me?" Of course you still cared about him. You didn't break up with him because you don't love him anymore, you broke up because he was an asshole and you realised he was never going to change. And you have to keep reminding yourself that. He's never going to change.
"Where's your bike?"
"I didn't bring it. I don't like riding without you holding me."
"Did you bring your car at least?"
"I walked."
"You walked?"
"I figured that when you come back to me, we'd have to deal with the hassle of taking both of our cars back home and riding separately, which I didn't want to go through. So, I decided to walk instead."
"You're unbelievable." He just smiled at you as if it was a compliment. All you wanted was to go home, miss him to death and cry yourself to sleep while holding his old shirt. Was it too much to ask?
His stomach grumbled again. As if asking you to feed him. Jungkook knew he was not only torturing himself but you as well. Was this his strategy? Annoy you back in his arms?
"Fine. Let's go?"
"Are you taking me home?"
"No. I'm taking you to eat something."
"Then you're taking me home so I can fuck some sense into you and we can get past this?"
"You know what? I'm leaving. Die starving."
"No I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please feed me."
Despite your current feelings of frustration and hurt towards Jungkook, you chose to bring him to your home that night. It wasn't for any romantic reasons or to give in to his demands. Instead, you prepared a home-cooked meal for him, knowing that he likely hadn't been eating well, surviving on ramen, cereal, and a whole lot of alcohol. And you couldn't let him go to sleep hungry, so you set aside your emotions and cared for him, making sure he had a satisfying and enjoyable meal.
"You know you can't take him back right? He's very toxic for you."
On that Sunday evening, you and your best friend, Jimin, had a movie night planned to lift your spirits. The hot topic of discussion was none other than Jeon Jungkook. Unlike the rest of your friends from college who always cheered for your relationship with Jungkook, Jimin was the only one who never rooted for you two. He had always expressed his concerns about Jungkook, labeling him as toxic, and reminding you that you deserved better. Back in college, you used to get upset with him, feeling he was always negative. Ironically, as time passed, you realized that Jimin was the only one who consistently stuck by your side, while your other friends became distant.
"I know I know. But you should have seen his face, Jimin. I felt like I kicked a puppy."
"So you just took him back to your place?"
"Only to feed him, I kicked him out after, I swear."
"Really?" Jimin asked, keenly observing the guilty expression on your face. He had an uncanny ability to detect when you were lying, almost like a human lie detector. You knew you couldn't hide anything from him, and in this moment, you couldn't escape his discerning gaze.
"Ok, fine, He did stay longer than I initially said," you admitted, knowing that Jimin could see through your attempt to hide the whole truth. His raised eyebrow made it clear that he was onto you. You confessed, knowing you couldn't keep anything from your perceptive friend. "We might have had sex on the kitchen counter... And the couch... And my bedroom. But I swear that's it. I'm not lying, I kicked him out and told him it was a mistake right after. Didn't even wait till morning."
The way Jimin said your name almost made you hide out of shame. "You can't retaliate. What happened to 'we are never getting back together'? Taylor Swift will be very disappointed in you."
"I know. I know, it was wrong. It was just a moment of weakness. I swear to god it won't happen again."
Feeling guilty and conflicted after Jungkook left, you realized he might have misunderstood, thinking there was still a chance but you were still determined to not give him another one. You knew you shouldn't have done what you did that night but God did it feel good. You knew for a fact that Jungkook had already ruined you sexually for any other men or your hands or even your vibrator. You tried doing it three times after breaking up with him but not once could you bring yourself to orgasm. You just gave up after the third time, just accepted the fact that you're not going to have an orgasm ever again. People live without having orgasms right?
That is why, when Jungkook stood so close to you last night, your body seemed to betray your intentions, and you found it hard to resist him. The lingering emotions and history between you both created a pull that was difficult to ignore.
As you cleaned up the kitchen after feeding Jungkook, you hoped he would leave soon. Knowing his tendencies, you knew he would try to sneak into your bed if you went to sleep while he was still there. So, you waited for the right moment to gather enough courage to kick him out. However, Jungkook had different plans in mind. Sneaking up behind you, he cornered you against the kitchen island, catching you by surprise. The close proximity left you heavy breathed and questioning your own decision.
In the heat of the moment, everything felt like a blur, and you couldn't recall who initiated the first move or who kissed whom first. It all happened so quickly. One second he was thanking you for the dinner, and the next, he was kissing you passionately, pulling you into the moment so deeply that you momentarily forgot about the complexities of your situation. You only remember how you were so desperate that neither of you even bothered undressing completely before he thrusted deep into you on that kitchen counter. You only remember cumming as he carried you to the couch and you rode him there. You only remember him slowly laying you down on your bed and making love to you.
"You're right, Jimin. I need to be stronger. I can't let him get to me like this. You know what? Next time, I'm not even going to look at his way if he shows up."
"Yes, that's the spirit. Ignore him like all those times he ignored you while flirting with that girl from the boba place." The expression of your face immediately turned sour after hearing his words. "I'm sorry. Too soon?" You only nodded in response.
"I can't believe I kept giving him chances after chances for so long. I should've listened to you in the first place; guys like Jungkook never change," you admitted, feeling regretful for not heeding Jimin's advice earlier. Reflecting on the past, you realized that you had been hopeful that Jungkook would change, but now you understood that some people's behaviors remain consistent despite the chances they are given.
"It's still not too late." As if on cue, there were a series of knocks on your front door, and you knew all too well who it was. The familiarity of Jungkook's knocking left you feeling a mix of emotions. Gosh, was it pathetic that you could tell Jungkook from the way he knocks? "Did you order something?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow as he noticed the look on your face.
"No. It's Jungkook."
"How do you know."
"I know." The knocks grew more impatient.
"Should we not open the door?"
"No. Let's ignore him." You said turning up the volume of your tv.
"Baby, did you change the locks? My key's not working." Instead of asking Jungkook to give back your keys you had settled for the less agonizing option and got your locks changed.
"Let's just pretend that we're not home," you suggested to your best friend. Hoping to avoid any confrontation, you both waited until the knocks finally stopped after what seemed like five minutes. Relieved, you thought your plan had worked, and you both resumed watching the movie. Unbeknownst to you, your ex-boyfriend had other plans and was determined to come inside some other way if you didn't let him in.
Jungkook had never been one to give up easily, whether it was in sports, academics, or winning back his girlfriend. He was determined to do whatever it took to have you back in his arms. Realizing his mistakes, he was now ready to redeem himself. Jungkook had heard about grand romantic gestures that people used to prove their love, and he was determined to do the same for you. Some people run through airports to stop the love of their life, while others write a hundred letters to confess their love. In Jungkook's case, he was willing to risk his life and climb seven floors to reach you, showing the depth of his determination to make things right.
Both you and Jimin were startled as the silence was broken by loud knocks on your bedroom window. The sudden sound startled both you and Jimin as you looked at each other thinking the other might have the answer.
"Is that-?" Jimin couldn't even finish his sentence before you swiftly got up and ran towards your bedroom. It was indeed Jungkook hanging outside your bedroom window.
"Oh my god, Jungkook, are you fucking kidding me?" You quickly opened the windows, concerned that he might fall and get seriously hurt. Jimin followed you to your bedroom and raised his eyebrows at the scene in front of him. You were screaming at Jungkook while he tried to explain himself, hanging from the window.
"This is what I've always been talking about," you continued in frustration, "You always act like a fucking child, doing ridiculous things to get your way. It's just ridiculous. You can't always get whatever you want by pulling stunts like this. You could seriously get injured, you seem to have no regard for yourself or anyone else. I'm so fuc-"
"Dude, what the hell are you doing?"
"None of your business. I want to talk to my girlfriend."
"Ex girlfriend."
"I said none of your business."
"Seriously, what the hell are you doing?" This time it was you asking, exasperated, as Jungkook continued to hang from the flimsy pipe outside your window. The precarious situation he put himself in only added to your frustration and concern.
"You weren't opening the door, what was I supposed to do?"
"Can I please come in now? I don't think I can hold on to this pipe much longer." You and Jimin quickly helped the boy inside.
"Chim, can you please wait outside? I need to talk to him," you requested, and Jimin obliged, but not before warning Jungkook not to try anything or he would kick his ass. Jimin might have been smaller than your ex in size but damn that man can fight. With Jimin gone, you turned your attention back to Jungkook, ready to confront him about his reckless behavior and demand some answers.
"Care to explain yourself?"
"Baby, I miss you. So fucking much. You have no idea."
"This is insane. You have to know you're crossing a line, Jungkook. Not only are you acting like a fucking child, you're also putting your own life in danger."
"I know, I know I'm acting crazy. But how else do I show you how much you mean to me."
"Jungkook, if I meant to you that much you wouldn't make me feel like a shit in the first place."
"And I am sorry about that. I promise to be better, I wouldn't look at another woman ever again."
"Do you realize how many times we've had this conversation? It's too many, Jungkook," you expressed, "You always say the same things, but then you repeat the same mistakes all over again. I can't keep going back to you; it's just not healthy for either of us," you firmly stated, making it clear that you were determined to break this cycle and move on from the relationship.
"Baby, pl-" he walked closer to you only for you to back away.
"And you need to stop acting like this. You can't always act on impulse, you could've seriously hurt yourself."
"It's nothing. It's not that high anyway."
"It's seven floors."
"Actually, 8. I miscalculated, and well, you might wanna avoid Mrs. Katz for a while," Jungkook admitted with a hint of amusement in his voice. Despite the seriousness of the situation, you couldn't help but laugh a little at his confession. Oh how much he had missed your laugh, he has always told you that you have the most beautiful laugh he has ever heard and to go without hearing it for more than a week? It's just torture.
"You have to leave."
"At least let-"
"No. Jungkook please, I can't do this. Not right now. You have to go," you said running your hands through your hair. "I miss you too, I really do. You have to understand that this is hard for me as well. And you doing all these things is not making anything easier. So please, for me, just leave." A single drop of tear fell down your left eye, you didn't have it in you anymore to back away as he walked toward you.
"Fine, I'll go now. But I won't stop," he declared, stopping right in front of you. "I won't stop until you realize that you're the one that I want. I won't stop until I convince you that you're the one for me, and I love you more than anything in this world. I'm not giving up on you, on us, baby. I don't care how long it takes, I'll beg you every day if I have to, but I won't stop until you come back to me."
His words were sincere, and you could see the determination in his eyes. A part of you desperately wanted to give in, to feel his embrace again, but you were also afraid. Afraid of going through the same cycle, afraid of getting hurt again. The conflict between your heart and mind was tearing you apart as you stood there, facing the man you still loved, but uncertain of what to do next.
He leaned closer, and you instinctively closed your eyes, expecting a kiss, but instead, you felt a light brush of his lips against your forehead. His touch was gentle, his thumbs wiping away your tears, and his lips seemingly kissing the tension away. He stayed like that for a few seconds, leaving you with mixed emotions as he showered you with affection. And with that, he left, not sparing a glance at the man in your living room. As he walked away, you couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions, torn between the love you still held for him and the need to protect yourself from potential heartache.
Like a good friend, Park Jimin didn't ask you any questions. He simply held you close, providing a comforting embrace as you sniffed against his chest all night.
It's been almost a week since that conversation you had with Jungkook in your bedroom, and it's now apparent that you have a stalker. He's been following you around like a lost puppy for the better part of the week. At first, it was annoying, and you had frequent arguments with him about his behavior. But as the days passed, you've grown somewhat accustomed to his presence. Now, you mostly ignore him as he follows you around the city, giving him only the occasional side-eye before continuing with your daily routine.
Jungkook's constant presence has become both annoying and puzzling. You're not sure how he manages to track your every move or who leaked your information to him, but he seems to be everywhere. If you were riding the subway he was there sitting across you, if you were in a bar with your friends he was there scaring away all the guys that approached you, even when you were on office lunches he was sitting two tables away smiling at you. If it was anyone else it would have been creepy and you would hand them to the police but with Jungkook, sure it was annoying but also... Cute?
Sometimes he approaches you to say something or brings you flowers, while other times he simply waves at you from a distance or quietly observes you while you talk to your friends at a restaurant, much like he is doing now.
"Not to alarm you or anything but there's a really really hot but kinda creepy guy has been following us for 20 minutes now, I'm guessing more but I have only noticed him for 20," Mia was new in the city and in your office, she was also one of your only colleagues who has never seen Jungkook or didn't know who he was. Today you have taken Mia out for lunch and to show her around the city like she so politely asked you a few days ago.
"Don't look right now, but he's standing across the street, and he's looking right at you," Mia whispered, her tone laced with concern. "Should we lead him to the police station?"
Her words of concern brought a chuckle from you, which seemed to confuse Mia. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on you, as Jungkook's persistent presence had become a bizarre and somewhat amusing part of your daily life. While Mia saw him as a potential threat, you couldn't help but find his actions, however creepy they might be, somewhat endearing. You assured Mia that you could handle the situation and that there was no need to involve the police.
You turned around to see Jungkook holding a roughly wrapped bundle of sunflowers and waving at you as soon as your eyes met. Of course you didn't bother to wave back.
"Don't worry, he's... he's harmless."
"Do you know that guy?"
"Yeah... Well it wouldn't sound very good if I say it. He's my ex boyfriend."
"Oh my god. Is he stalking you? Shouldn't you report him or something?"
"Oh no, no. Like I said, Jungkook is very harmless. To others… Very harmful for himself, though," you added with a mix of concern and amusement as Jungkook clumsily ran to cross the street, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a car in the process.
As you and Mia continued walking, she looked back and forth between you and Jungkook, clearly unsure of how to react in this unusual situation. You could understand her confusion, as dealing with Jungkook's persistent presence was not something you had ever expected to be a part of your daily routine.
Jungkook finally spoke up when he got closer, saying, "I know you saw me."
"Then you must know that I'm ignoring you."
"You look gorgeous." The simple compliment caused a blush to creep up from your neck, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth in response to Jungkook's words.
"I know."
"Babe, talk to me. Then I won't bother you the whole day. I promise." Jungkook's plea made you stop in your tracks, and even the girl beside you seemed surprised by your response, as you decided to give him a moment to talk.
"Fine. Talk," you said, crossing your arms over your chest, clearly signaling your skepticism but still willing to hear him out.
"Uhhh..." Jungkook hesitated, caught off guard by your willingness to listen. He struggled to find the right words, unsure of what to say beyond the usual apologies and expressions of missing you.
"These are for you." He said offering you the sunflowers. "You love them."
"You remember that?" It was surprising honestly, you weren't expecting Jungkook to remember some minute detail you mentioned in the passing.
What's more surprising is that Jungkook's eyes not once has drifted to the girl standing awkwardly beside you. To simply say that Mia was beautiful would be the understatement of the century. She was one of the most gorgeous women you've ever laid eyes on and had the body of a goddess. Honestly she made you doubt your sexuality for a second so the fact that Jungkook didn't even spare a glance at her was really surprising. Probably because he knows you'd be watching him like a hawk if he did but still, it's progress right?
"I do."
"By the way, this is Mia. My new colleague. Mia, this is Jungkook, my boyfrie...ex-boyfriend," you corrected yourself, catching Jungkook's reaction as his face seemed to brighten momentarily at your slip.
"I would say nice to meet you if you weren't being creepy and stalking us."
"He wasn't stalking us," you said, feeling a sudden urge to defend Jungkook, even though you were trying to keep your distance from him. "Stalking is a form of harassment, and I do not feel even slightly harassed by this man. He knows me and he wanted to talk to me, so he followed me here. You have no right to call him a stalker." Both Jungkook and Mia seemed taken aback by your strong defense of him.
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know-"
"It's okay. Actually, there's the restaurant. I already made a reservation under my name. You should go in; I'll catch up with you in a sec," you said and Mia gave you a polite smile before walking towards the restaurant. As she left, you turned back to Jungkook and noticed his gaze fixed on you. There was no ogling of her ass as she walked away. Progress, you thought to yourself.
"What are you smiling at?"
"I love you." He said giving you those lovestruck puppy eyes.
"Shut up."
"You really do look gorgeous today," Jungkook said, and you couldn't help but look down at your simple outfit—a plain beige shirt and brown work pants. He thinks you look gorgeous in this boring ass outfit? You didn't think there was anything special about it. "You really do," he insisted. "I'm not just saying it to kiss up to you."
"What do you wanted to talk about?" you asked, brushing off his compliment and getting back to the point.
"You left some stuff at the apartment. They seem important. If you want I can bring them back to your place... or you can come by. Anytime." Your heart did drop a little. He wants you to pick your stuff up from his apartment? What happened to I'll try as long as it takes? Sure you're planning on getting those back anyway but hearing him say that... hurts a little.
"I can come pick them up. If you're around tonight. I'll also bring your key, I still have it." Why did saying it felt so official?
"Yeah cool..."
Oh god it was so not cool. Jungkook was freaking the fuck out. The reality was sinking in, and it was not cool at all. You were going to pick up your stuff, and it felt like the official end was approaching. Until now, it felt like a temporary fight, where he could apologize and you'd come back to him. But now, it felt like a real breakup, and it was hitting him hard.
"Why the fuck did I have to say that? WHY THE FUCK? I'm such a fucking tool. I could have said anything, literally anything and what did I say? Pick your stuff up from my apartment. Why the fuck didn't I just get hit by that damn car instead?"
"Kook, calm down."
"What the fuck you mean calm down? She's gonna be here in two hours or something and she's gonna take the last pieces of her from this apartment and my miserable life and then she's gonna move on while I'll probably die alone because I can't ever love anybody as much as I love her." By the end of his rant all three of his hyungs were looking at him with mouth hung open.
"Bro, you've got issues."
"You think?" Jungkook sarcastically asked as he paused his pacing around the living room for a moment. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok, Jungkook's best friends, were gathered around him in the living room as the youngest ranted to them for an hour. Jungkook had called them as soon as he got back to his apartment, seeking their help to salvage the remaining pieces of his love life. True to their friendship, they all showed up within an hour. However, so far, none of them had been even slightly helpful, and Jungkook was now two bottles of wine down.
"Here's an idea," Hoseok offered. "Don't open the door when she comes here, she's gonna think you invited her and forgot, hence she can't take her stuff." All three men looked at Hoseok.
"Yes, Kook. And punch her dog while you're at it." Namjoon scoffed.
"At least I'm giving some advice. You guys are useless."
"Yes, Hobi hyung. And I appreciate that. But she already has a key she's just gonna get in and take her stuff and leave."
Yoongi finally broke his silence, offering his perspective. "You know what, JK? If she can't already see the efforts, maybe she's not worth it. You already spent a week following her around like a puppy, and she doesn't have the decency to acknowledge your efforts?" His words held a hint of frustration, clearly disappointed in your lack of response to Jungkook's attempts to win you back.
"She has every right to be mad at me. I was a horrible boyfriend. A week is nothing, even if it takes a year I'm still gonna try to do everything I can. And what efforts? All I've done is stalk her around, probably even made her uncomfortable."
"I agree with Yoongi, Jungkook. Maybe it's a sign that you should consider moving on," Namjoon gently suggested, feeling sympathy for his young friend. He had never seen Jungkook so frustrated and heartbroken before; usually, he has always been the life of the party, bringing joy to everyone around him. Witnessing him like this was truly disheartening.
"No, you guys don't understand. I love her. You know why I was always carefree about the future? Because I always knew it was her, I don't care what I do or what I am as long as its with her. She's it for me and I want her by my side for my whole life. I want to be hers more than I want to be anything. I want children, I want a dog, I want a marriage, I want everything with her and if she's not in the future I don't know what I am anymore. I don't know who I am without her." Jungkook's monologue has left everyone speechless and in awe.
"Dude you wanna get married? I never pegged you to be the one to get married?"
"Not right away but in the future, yes. Only if it's to her tho. I don't want anyone else."
"Wow... Never thought Jeon Jungkook would have children in his future." Yoongi knew him the longest and all through his fuckboy phase so it was hardest to digest for Yoongi.
"Well not anymore. The mother of my children wants a divorce."
"Did you say all that to her?" asked Namjoon.
"That little speech you just gave? Does she know all that?"
"No... I guess we never got to talk about all those things. I realised all this after the break up anyway."
"Then tell her. Tell her everything you just said, exactly how you said it."
It was easier said than done. You arrived with a knock on his door an hour after the boys left. An hour which Jungkook spent cleaning every surface of his apartment so you wouldn't notice how pathetic his life has gotten after you left.
Upon seeing you walk into his apartment, Jungkook's mouth went dry. He couldn't help but notice how effortlessly beautiful you looked, even in the simplest of outfits. He still has no idea how you manage to look so beautiful in the dullest outfits ever. Your dress modestly covered your legs, and your top had a conservative neckline, not even a hint of cleavage was seen yet you still managed to radiate a captivating charm.
You were also wearing little to no makeup. He did not want to be one of those boyfriends who bragged about their girlfriends looking pretty without makeup but if it was a compitition he'd win. If situations was different he would have made a joke about you going to the church but he stops himself.
"You want some wine?" Jungkook asked.
"Sure. Did you clean the place?"
"Uh...oh yeah. Just a little." He replied pouring wine in two glasses and brought them out to you. You had to mentally remind yourself that this wasn't a romantic date; you were just here to pick up your belongings. Being back in his apartment after such a long time stirred up mixed emotions, and you couldn't help but feel your heart racing.
You took a sip of the wine, only to find it tasted terrible, and you immediately spit it out, making a disgusted face.
"Oh my god, is this the wine we tried making at home?"
"It's awful," you said, both of you bursting into laughter. "Oh my god, why do you still have this? Throw it out, it's literally trash."
"Nah… I like it sometimes… it goes well with that cheese you tried making," he said with a playful grin, recalling a failed culinary experiment from your past. The two of you shared a knowing look, the memories of your shared moments flooding back.
"Noooo that's disgusting... I can't believe you still eat that." You continued laughing. Ok focus, you're not here to have fun.
"Only sometimes... when I miss you." He said and your laughs stopped. "Baby I-"
"So? Where is all my thing?" You ask, completely ignoring the nickname.
"I'm sorry I didn't pack anything." Because I don't want to let you go. "Some of your clothes are still in the laundry room. We can start there." You headed to the compact laundry room, which was conveniently connected to his bathroom. Jungkook trailed behind you in silence as you began sifting through the sizable laundry baskets, searching for your clothes among the various items.
The atmosphere was a mix of awkwardness and nostalgia. Memories of the times you spent together flooded your mind as you touched the familiar fabrics. You tried your best to focus on the task at hand and not get lost in emotions that might cloud your judgment.
"Koo, you mixed up the dirty and clean basket again," you said, using the old nickname almost instinctively. Jungkook's ears perked up, and he couldn't help but notice the fondness in your voice as you gently pointed out his little mistake.
"Did I?"
"Yeah. Blue one is for the dirty laundry, and the white one is for the washed clothes. You mixed them all up, and now you'll have to wash 'em again," you said, teasingly holding up a definitely used Calvin Klein underwear from the clean laundry basket. It felt oddly domestic, and a sense of nostalgia washed over you. Part of you wanted to spend a little more time just doing this with him, the way you used to when you were together.
"Did you try washing my clothes?" You asked picking up your white, well now pink t shirt with your hands.
"I wanted to do something nice."
"That's sweet of you, but there's a reason I told you not to do the laundries. I do the laundries and you do…" You paused, catching yourself before you continued talking as if you were still a couple. It was a slip, and you needed to remind yourself of the reality. You were here to pack your clothes and leave, not to discuss how to divide chores between couples.
"Well you're not here anymore. So I do the laundries and I do the dishes."
"Right... I'll seperate my clothes and then pack them." As you started sorting through the clothes, memories flooded back when your hands grabbed a certain grey t-shirt. Tears welled up in your eyes, that t-shirt held significant meaning in your relationship. It was the first time you stayed at Jungkook's place, and he had given you that t-shirt to wear. You loved it so fucking much that you still wore it often. It represented a sweet and intimate moment between the two of you. Despite the emotions it stirred, you simply placed the t-shirt in his pile of clothes.
"What are you doing? That's your t shirt." He picked it up to put it back in your pile.
"No, it's yours."
"Yes but I gave it to you because you love it."
"Well we're not a couple anymore so I'm giving it back. How are we supposed to move on if-"
"Why are you so fixated on that?"
"On what?"
"On moving on." This was the first time after the break up you were seeing a glimmer of anger in Jungkook's eyes as he walked around the counter to come to your side.
"Well we have to move on, don't we? We can't keep living in the past."
"It's not the past yet. I still love you and you still love me. And don't you fucking say that you don't. Because you do."
"Well it doesn't matter. Love is not enough to work a relationship, Jungkook. We are not compatible."
"And who decided that? You? You suddenly know everything about compatibility?"
"Can't you see? We are fucking fighting over a fucking t shirt."
"No it's not about a t-shirt, we are fighting over the fact that you're giving up on our 3 years relationship so easily like it meant nothing to you."
"Easily? Do you think any of this is easy for me, Jungkook? Do you think I just want to fucking break your heart because I just want to give up? Do you have any idea how much courage it took for me to fucking walk into this apartment just to walk out for your life?"
"Well you could have fooled me. It sure as hell look like you don't give a flying fuck about us right now?"
"I don't give a fuck? How dare you say that? I have given the most fucks about this relationship out of the two of us." Your voices raised in intensity as you found yourselves in close proximity, chests nearly touching, and only a few inches of space between your faces. Despite the heated argument, you couldn't help but notice how his chest was heaving from all the emotions, and how strikingly handsome he looked tonight.
Jungkook was so angry that he had no idea what he was saying anymore. He was just venting his frustration and shouting whatever came to mind in the heat of the moment. But your mind had drifted away from deciphering his words. Instead, you found yourself fixated on his lips, the way the little freckle moved up and down with his lips, and how his hands gestured frantically as he tried to make his point. The intensity of the moment seemed to fade away, and you were lost in the small details that had once been so familiar to you.
"You know what? You're such a hypocrite. You've nagged me all this time for not making efforts, and now you don't even acknowledge any of them. Do you have any idea how cruel you are-?" Unlike last time, this time you remember who made the first move. You took him by surprise, grabbing his gray hoodie to pull him closer. It was you who pulled him down and pressed his lips against your own. The kiss was intense, filled with a mixture of frustration, love, and longing. In that moment, all the pent-up emotions seemed to find release, and you found yourself melting into each other's embrace, at least for a brief moment.
Jungkook doesn't know what the hell took over you, but he sure as hell wasn't complaining. No. It only took him a mere second to acknowledge the situation, but once he did, his arms were already around your waist, pulling you closer than physically possible. The intensity of the moment, the rush of emotions, it all felt overwhelming and right at the same time. The world seemed to fade away as you both embraced, holding on tightly to each other as if afraid to let go. It was a moment of surrender, a moment of pure vulnerability, and for that moment, everything else ceased to exist.
The silent laundry room filled up with the sound of lips smacking each other. And both of you trying to breath between your kisses. Kissing Jungkook has always been a treat in itself, you have had your fair share of lovers before Jungkook but none of them had ever kissed you like he did. Kissing with them was always sort of a task that you would have to go through until both of your clothes were off but not with him. With him kissing itself was such an amazing experience, you could and you had spent hours just kissing those lips, that's how good of a kisser Jungkook was.
Jungkook didn't only kiss with his lips; he kissed with his whole body. His hands explored every inch of your skin that was available to him. One hand was tracing the curve of your hips while the other moved up your back, sending shivers down your spine. The gentle squeeze of his hand on your ass elicited soft moans from you, and you felt your body responding to his touch in all the ways it used to when you were together. The physical connection between you two was undeniable, and it was as if no time had passed since your last intimate encounter.
Without breaking your kisses for a second, Jungkook swiftly picked you up and placed you on the counter, not caring that the laundry baskets fell to the floor. The kisses became more desperate and fervent, his tongue demanding authority inside your mouth. It was as if all the pent-up emotions and desires from the past week were being unleashed in this passionate moment, and neither of you could resist the pull of each other's lips and bodies.
"Wait, wait," You pulled away, panting with droopy eyes from the intensity of the moment. Your small hands gently pushed against his chest when he tried to lean in again. "What are we doing?" you asked, seeking clarity amidst the intoxicating rush of emotions and desire.
"I think, I think we are making out."
"No I mean... I'm not here to do this. This is not right."
"Who cares?" Jungkook shrugged, capturing your lips in another kiss. One much shorter than the previous.
"I do."
"Do you want this?"
"I do...but-" you were cut off by his plump lips.
"Let's talk about it later then... I miss you."
"I miss you too," you whispered, giving in to the overwhelming emotions and desires that filled the air between you both. With those words, you granted Jungkook the permission he needed to take things further. In that moment, you embraced the vulnerability of being human, unable to resist the pull of his charm and the way his body ignited your own.
His hands eagerly roamed along your back, searching for the zipper that must be hidden somewhere on the dress. His touch sent shivers down your spine, and your breath hitched as you felt his fingers deftly find the zipper's pull. The anticipation of what was to come next filled the air, and time seemed to slow down as he slowly, teasingly, pulled the zipper down.
"How was the meeting with the reverend?" He finally made the joke he had been dying to say all evening, making you smack his chest slightly
"Shut up. I thought if I didn't look hot, I'd make it easy on you." you playfully responded, justifying your choice of the dark green dress that covered most of your body.
"Are you kidding me? You can never not look hot. You are feeding my sexy liberarian fantasies." Ignoring his comment you started unzipping his gray hoodie revealing the white wife beater underneath.
"Meals you can skip, gym you can't?" You commented admiring the muscles adorning his shoulders chest and biceps. You shivered when his hand suddenly reached under your dress to caress your bare thighs. Close to your core which you were sure was practically drenched now.
"Can I take this off?" All you could do was nod in response and he ripped your dress off of you in mere seconds. "Gosh, baby, you're so beautiful." Jungkook whispered looking at your mismatched pair of cotton underwear. "Look at you... dripping already. You got this wet just with my kisses?" You shook your head in agreement as he gaped at your clothed pussy. A very noticeable and big patch of wetness covering your panties right at the centre. "I missed playing with your pussy so much. Did it miss me too, Baby?" Once again all you could do was nod when his fingers slowly started tracing shape on your clit. "Words, sweetheart."
"Yes... it missed you. Please do something, Koo." The way you mewled out the words sent blood rushing towards his already hard cock. That was all the encouragement he needed to push your panties to the side. His face lit up at the sight of your dewy folds. Slick dripping between the slit.
"What do you want first?"
"Fingers. I want your fingers." Jungkook quickly moved to take off his rings but you stopped him. "Fuck me with them." Jungkook almost came at your words, you never told him before that you liked getting off with his rings.
"You like the cold metal?" You couldn't answer the question as he started playing with the bundle of nerves, pinching it occasionally. All your words turned into whimpers. "Look your pussy baby. Begging of my fingers." He smirked before slowly entering your folds with his middle fingers.
"Ah... baby." You shakily reach out with your hand to bring his face near your chest. He seemed to understand the assignment as he quickly started nibbling at the skin of your breast, pulling down the cups to release your nipples which were now hard like pebbles.
Jungkook had a way of eliciting reactions from you as if it were the first time every time, despite having experienced it countless times over the past three years. It amazed you how he could still have such an impact on you after all this time.
"I missed having your tits on my face." Jungkook murmured before quickly taking one in his mouth. You moaned out incoherent words when his ring finger joined his middle finger inside your cunt. Thumb rubbing slow circles on your clit. Your hands found solace in Jungkook's hair as he continued leaving kisses all across your chest.
You let out a tiny whimper in protest when his fingers pulled out from you. He brought them up to his lips and gave them a suck, eyes looking deeply in your half closed once.
"Shhh don't worry, baby. I just want more access." You understood what he meant when he pulled you up easily with one hand to take off your panties and throwing it somewhere in the laundry room. "You know, you taste just as sweet as day one." He picked up some of your slick on his fingers and brought them closer to your lips. "Taste baby, taste how devine you are." You took his fingers in your mouth and sucked them clean. Jungkook's cock was now as hard as a rock. He quickly took one of your hands and guided them to his clothed boner in order to get some relief. Like muscle memory your your hands quickly started working on his crotch. Squeezing it just the right amount.
"Wanna suck your cock." You quickly said.
"Later. Let me have this cunt for now." He quickly bent down on his knees to swipe his tongue up your slit pulling out a sudden loud moan from you. "Yes baby. Keep screaming." He said before leaning forward and getting to work, lapping at your juices like a dog dying from thirst.
His two long fingers went back inside your seeping hole as his tongue started flicking your clit. His free hand grabbed your thigh and put it on his shoulder. You were halfway hanging from the counter and practically sitting on Jungkook's face. Jungkook on the other hand was in his heaven right now. Imagine two of the most favourite things to mankind, ass and pussy and then imagine being buried in them, Jungkook thought if he died right now right here, it would be the best death.
Your hips started moving in circular motion as you ground your pussy against his face. Hands tugging at his raven locks. His nose occasionally bumped against your clit. You looked down at the scene in front of you, Jungkook's eyes looking up at you and his mouth ate away at your pussy. The look of his face trapped between your thighs was so filthy that you almost came from it only.
His tongue had now replaced your fingers in poking and prodding inside your walls. His hand came around your hips to rub at your clit.
Jungkook loved eating your pussy and it showed. The way his eyes closed in pleasure only by bringing you close to your orgasm. He was a very selfless lover, he found pleasure in pleasing you and he could spend days licking your juices and playing with your pussy. Right now his goal was to make you cum, if you squirt then it would be a bonus.
"I'm close, Koo. Lick my clit please." And like the always obedient lover, he did. Fingers parting your pussy lips and tongue getting back to licking the bundle of nerves, lips wrapping around it to give it a suck now and then. The sounds you were making were pornographic to say the least. You were sure you sounded like one of those girls making high pitched noises in the porn videos but you couldn't help it. Jungkook made you behave like a whore and you loved it. You loved screaming his name and you loved making these obscene sounds, and Jungkook loved it even more.
"Koo, I'm cumming." You cried out. He started licking even faster at your words, helping you reach the high faster. His heart jumped with joy when he saw the juices coming out of you. He did it, he made you squirt. Your legs quivered around him as you came down from his high. He didn't stop there. He licked you until you were clean and drank every single droplet of your arousal. You were shaking from the orgasm and the oversensitivity you felt in your pussy.
With one last kiss to the hood of your clit Jungkook came up and you immediately pulled him in for a kiss. You were determined to pleasure him like he did you. Shaking hands fidgeting with his clothes as you tugged at his lip ring with your teeth.
"Slow down baby." He helped you take of his wife beater.
"Can't. Want your cock." You were once again drunk on arousal. Your hands worked as quick as they could after that earth shattering orgasm to pull out his cock from his sweatpants. Mouth watering at the sight once it finally did.
Jungkook had the most beautiful and delicious cock you have ever seen. It was long and thick with just the perfect mushroom tip, which was now swollen and red and leaking from precum. The veins in his cock were imitating the veins on his arms, ready to pop any minute. Your thumb already started doing its job by spreading the precum all over his tip.
The groan he let out as your hand played with his cock was very loud. Almost as if giving you a warning.
"Is baby a cockslut?" He asked, reaching out to trace your lips with his tumba. The same thumb that was rubbing your clit only a minute ago.
"Only for you."
"Yes. Only mine."
"Wanna suck your cock." You pleaded once again.
"Go ahead, babygirl. Do whatever you want." You took that as permission to sink down on your knees and come face to face with his throbbing penis which was begging for your attention. Your hands stroked him slowly up and down and tongue came out to tease the top. "Don't tease, baby." You giggles once he used his heavy tip slap you slightly.
You looked up at him, making the most innocent face as you collected some spit in your mouth and then spit on his cock to lather it up with some slick. You slowly took the warm tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it like a lollipop.
"Just like that, babe." Jungkook sighed out and his words arrange you to take him in inch by inch until he was in your throat. One of your hands came up to play with his balls. His moans were now louder working as your inspiration to please him more. You loved the way he said your name. Moaned your name like you were some goddess that he was praying to.
Your head started bobbing up and down as you took him in and out of your mouth. Tongue continuously playing with the warm slit on tip of his cock.
"Fuck my mouth." You said once you took him out completely.
"You sure?" You only responded with a nod and that was all the answer that he needed to grab the back of your head and start thrusting in your mouth. You angled your teeth in a way you knew he loved. In a way that they grazed his shaft enough to feel but not enough to hurt. His tip was bumping at the back of your throat as one of your hand kept playing with his balls.
He pulled out of your mouth too soon to your liking and you gave him a questioning look.
"I'll cum if we kept going. I wanna cum in your pussy." Jungkook did not take one more second to pull you up and bend you against the counter. Fingers once again playing with your entrence to make sure you were wet enough to enter. "Look at you. You are wet again already, baby. Such a fucking whore." Although his words might have offended you naturally but right now they just added to your arousal. "My little whore wants to get fucked?" His hands digging in the flesh of your ass, slapping it to make it jiggle.
"Yes, Kookie. Please, fuck me." You begged, splayed out on your front on the cold counter. His cock was running along your pussy, poking in your slit but not really entering. "Stop teasing me you, asshole." You screamed earning a chuckle from the man behind you.
"This is what you get for being so mean to me." The loud smack that came at the flesh of your ass was very unexpected. "Tell me you forgive me and I'll fuck you." He bargained.
"No." Another smack making you yelp out from pleasure and pain. Your cunt once again was dripping from your arousal and this asshole was doing absolutely nothing about it. Wasn't he turned on too?
"Say or I won't fuck you."
"You're an asshole"
"That's not the answer."
"Fine. I forgive you. Just fuck me, please." Jungkook laughed at the way you begged.
"See. It wasn't that hard." He finally sink into you. A synchronised moan escaped the both of you once he was completely inside. "So warm and tight, baby. The best pussy ever."
"Jungkook, faster." You moaned and he obliged instantly. Your ass jiggling as he started snapping into you in a fast rhythm. His cock was hitting you in all the right places, he had found your g-spot instantly. One of his hands sneaked to the front to rub your clit as the other pulled you back and held you against his chest.
You hiked one of your legs up on the counter to get better angle and feel all of him in all the right places. Jungkook kept grunting in your ear, letting out words of encouragement, telling you how good you were holding up and how wonderful your pussy was.
Your breast bounced up and down as he pulled out of you and pushed in with equal force. His fingers kept rubbing and flicking your clit side to side and soon you were close to your climax.
"Jungkook I'm close."
"Hold it."
"Can't," you were cut off by your own moan at another hit against your g spot. "Can't hold it for long."
"Just for a little, baby. I'm close too." His hand turns your jaw sideways to capture your lips, drinking all of your moans. Just a few thrusts of his later he was almost there. "On the count of 3, ok baby?" You nodded against his lips.
"One." He slapped your clit, earning a loud moan from you.
"Two." His hand tucked and pinched at your nipples.
"Three." With one final thrust the both of you came down from your climax with a loud scream.
"Oh god I love you. I love you so much baby." Jungkook said as his seeds filled your pussy up to the brim.
"What are you doing?" Jungkook looked at you confusingly as you pulled on your clothes 15 minutes after having sex with him. Although he did clean you up there was still some of his cum inside you right now.
"I can't go out naked."
"Why do you have to go out?"
"Because I don't live here? We are still broken up, Jungkook." Your words hit him like a ton of bricks.
"What? But we... we just had sex... you said you forgave me."
"Don't act like you never said anything to get whatever you want." You said looking for your panties. "Where the fuck are my panties?"
"What do you m- did you just say that to have sex with me?" He said as you looked for another pair of panties in the laundry basket. "I feel so used right now."
"Don't be dramatic."
"But baby... I thought we made up. Please don't leave now."
"Jungkook... You want to win me back? Do it without sex. The sex was amazing but I'm sorry it did not solve anything. I still feel the same and you still haven't gave me any assurance."
"So we're still broken up?"
"Yes. I'll pickup my things some other time. I'm leaving." He sighed knowing there was no point in arguing. You were nothing if not stubborn.
"At least let me drop you off. It's getting late."
"It's ok. I called Taehyung when you were in the bathroom. He's already outside probably." You said, checking the time in you wrist watch.
"Fucking Taehyung." Jungkook muttered under his breath.
"Bye, Jungkook. Don't torture yourself, please."
"Oh the walk of shame." Taehyung teased you when you walked out of a certain apartment building to his awaiting car.
"Shut up, Tae. If I wanted to be judged, I'd have called Jimin." Taehyung was your other best friend, and although you hadn't known each other for long, he quickly warmed his way into your heart. Ironically, you met Taehyung through Jungkook; he was Namjoon's cousin. However, now he was closer to you and Jimin than he was to Jungkook. You first met Taehyung at a club where Jungkook had dragged you with his office friends. Despite hitting on you initially, he politely backed off when you declined, and you both ended up spending the rest of the night talking and bonding over feeling neglected by the people who dragged you to the club.
"He's going to have field day with this." Taehyung chuckled as he drove away from the building.
"That's why we're not telling him."
"Fine by me, if you think you can lie to him."
"Oh god. What did I do?"
"Look, babe. I don't know what to say, you clearly still love him and he's clearly still obsessed with you. You are only torturing yourself by trying to stay away from him."
"I just... It's not enough you know. I know he loves me, more than anything but if I get back with him who's to say a week later he just won't go back to his usual self? I'm just scared Taehyung, I just don't want to get hurt. I don't want to be one of those women in the future who just sits at home and waits for her husband while he's out their flirting with a waitress or something."
"I just hope you'd stop hurting. Nothing else." He gave you a sympathetic smile and held your hand for the whole drive.
Life can be cruel, and it seemed like the universe wasn't on your side. You want something so much and when you'd finally have it, you don't want it anymore. You had wanted space from Jungkook and asked for it repeatedly, but now that he had given you that space for the past six days, you couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was missing from your life. It was as if a big piece of your heart was absent, and you found yourself longing for his presence once again.
Six days had passed since you left Jungkook's place in Taehyung's car, and during that time, he hadn't reached out to you even once. There were no phone calls, no text messages, and no unexpected appearances at random places. It felt strange and unfamiliar not having him actively pursuing you, and it only added to the confusion and uncertainty swirling in your mind.
Every time you made a turn or entered a cafe, a part of you half-expected Jungkook to be there, waving at you with that familiar, endearing smile on his face. But each time, you found yourself disappointed as there was no sign of him. The absence of his constant presence was both a relief and a pang of longing, leaving you torn between wanting to move on and wanting him to come back into your life.
Wasn't this what you wanted? For him to stop obsessing over you and move on with his life? However, now that he had seemingly taken a step back, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. A part of you wanted him to fight for you, to prove that he was willing to change and make things work. Another part of you longed for his familiar presence and the comfort that came with it.
"Did you hear any of the words I just said?" Mia asked you and you gave her a guilty smile.
"I'm sorry, I'm a little preoccupied today."
"Is this about Jungkook again?"
"I'm so sorry... I think this is a very bad idea. I really don't want to disrespect your friend." When Mia suggested the double date with her boyfriend and their friend a few days ago you were very skeptical about it. You didn't want to get into anything right now with the mess that your head was but after discussing it with Jimin and Taehyung, they convinced you that you should go, to take your mind off of things for a bit. Double dates are nothing serious, it was just a way to lighten up your mood. Although now you were regretting the whole ordeal. You shouldn't have come here. Not only was your mood very sour but it was also very evident on your face.
"Oh no. You wouldn't. Trust me. Actually the thing is Chris is going through a bad breakup as well and Jisung and I thought you could, you know help each other out or something."
"That's very sweet of you, Mia. But you sure I wouldn't ruin the whole thing?"
"Oh don't worry at all. And even if it does not go well nothing will be ruined between us. We'll laugh about it later." You gave her a grateful smile when she rubbed your hands.
A few seconds later, the bell of the restaurant rang, and two very attractive men walked in. As the woman beside you stood up, you realized that they were your dates. Mia quickly introduced you to her boyfriend Jisung and your date Chris. You were relieved that Chris wasn't at least horrible looking, and you hoped you could get through this one date.
"Wow, they did not mention how beautiful you are," Chris said as he shook your hand and took the seat in front of you. You couldn't help but wonder how many times he used this line, but then you reminded yourself that not every guy is a player. For all you know, Chris could be a very sweet guy who was genuinely complimenting you.
"Thank you, that's very kind of you," you replied with a polite smile. "You don't look so bad yourself."
As the conversation flowed, you found yourself getting more comfortable around Chris. He was easy to talk to, which helped lighten your mood. But despite being a genuinely sweet guy, you couldn't help but compare Chris to Jungkook. Whether it was the way he spoke, sat, or even called for the waiter, Chris lacked the same level of confidence that Jungkook possessed. Even on your first date, Jungkook had a way of making you feel like you had known him forever.
You observed that Chris couldn't hold a candle to Jungkook when it came to a sense of humor. While Jungkook was effortlessly funny, Chris tended to build up to a joke too much, and it often fell flat, leaving you with no choice but to give him pity laughs.
You had to consciously remind yourself to stop comparing this man to your ex boyfriend. Chris might not be as funny, or confident, or curious, or smart, or handsome, or cute, or witty, or energetic, or adventurous, or a good wine orderer as Jungkook but he was still a decent person. Perhaps, if you gave him a chance, things could potentially go well. It was essential to keep an open mind and not let your past experiences cloud your judgment.
The mention of your name from the man in front of you snapped you out of your train of thoughts. "So, tell me something about yourself," he said, and you suddenly realized that all three pairs of eyes were expectantly on you. Not knowing exactly what to say, you started talking about your work. With Jungkook, this was never an issue; conversation always flowed effortlessly, even in the early stages of your relationship.
"Oh… um well, I recently got promoted to a junior copywriter in our advertising company," you replied, giving him a small smile.
"No none of the boring work stuff. Tell me about yourself. What are your interests?" he asked, and you were slightly surprised by his directness. Didn't Mia mention he was going through a breakup as well? Must have been one happy breakup if he was still so cheerful.
"I... I like horror movies."
"Oh, I can't stand horror movies," Chris replied. Jungkook, on the other hand, loved horror movies. Every weekend, the two of you would go watch horror films or shows and then mock the scary scenes together. He adored seeing you jump at the jump scares and relished the opportunity to hold you close in his arms to "console" you.
"Then what kind of movies do you like?"
"I'm more into non-fiction and political cinema, and occasionally documentaries," he said. His response didn't exactly excite you, and you wondered if he was just trying to impress you or if his taste in movies was genuinely that dull. If it was the former he was doing a very bad job.
"Prude," Mia's boyfriend, Jisung, let out a cough, and it actually made you laugh, realizing it might be the first time you've genuinely laughed during this date. Normally, Jungkook would have already… No, no more thinking about Jungkook.
"I think it's adorable that Chris gets his jollies from 'our planet'." You laughed again, finding some amusement in the conversation. This date might end up being a little more bearable after all.
Finding an opening, you slipped into a conversation with Mia and Jisung instead of focusing solely on Chris. You couldn't help but awe at how adorable of a couple Mia and Jisung were. They recently celebrated their 1-year anniversary. Jisung was much younger but despite the age difference, they seemed so happy and in love. They reminded you so much of you and Jungkook. While Jungkook might not have been younger than you, he was definitely the more mischievous and playful one in the relationship, while you tended to be more responsible and level-headed.
"Do you happen to know the guy sitting behind you? Because he has been glaring at me like I just stole his kids and traded them for wool," Chris said, catching Mia's attention first. She turned around, and you followed suit, curious to see who was giving Chris such a fierce look.
To your surprise, it was none other than Jeon Jungkook sitting at the table behind you, and he wasn't alone. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon were with him. Your heart skipped a beat when your eyes met his, and a myriad of emotions surged through you, but one was the most overwhelming of them all. Guilt.
Regret washed over you as you realized the impact your decision to go on this date had on Jungkook. His hurt expression tugged at your heartstrings, and you couldn't help but feel guilty for putting yourself in this situation. It was clear that this double date was a mistake, and you were left grappling with your emotions and the consequences of your choices.
Feeling overwhelmed and needing a moment alone, you excused yourself from the table without waiting for any response from the others. You rushed through the restaurant, trying to find a washroom where you could collect your thoughts and emotions. The encounter with Jungkook had caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but wonder if he had intentionally come here like he did that past week or if it was just actually a coincidence.
"So we're dating other people now?" He sounded hurt when he stepped in behind you in the restroom.
"Kook, this is not what it looks like."
"I'm not mad. I'm just surprised."
"You're not?"
"Maybe a little."
"Where were you for the past six days?" You turned the question on him.
"So I disappear for a week and you start dating someone else. Thought it would take at least 30 days to move on from a 3 year relationship." His remark was bitter but you knew where he came from.
"Kook, it's not what it looks like," you said, stepping closer to him, feeling the need to explain yourself even though you knew you didn't owe him anything. After all, you were not together anymore, and it had been almost three weeks since the breakup.
"By the way I didn't disappear because I was giving up on us. I was just trying to give you some space. Our friends forced me to give you some space," He said "I wouldn't have if I knew..."
"What's his name?"
"Don't do this to yourself."
"What does he do? I mean we can still be friends right? I know it-" you cut of his words by pressing your lips against his in a very soft kiss.
"Koo, you presence was not so insignificant in my life that I'd forget you in a week." Your words brought a hint of smile on his lips. He let out a sigh in relief.
"Oh thank God, I thought I lost you to that leprechaun."
"Hey," you scolded him. "I swear to god if you pick a fight with him on the way out, I'll whoop your ass."
"That would be so hot." There he was. Your precious Jungkook.
"But we're still not back together." The smile left his face as soon as it came. "Kook... I'm still not yours but... Make me. I'm willing to give you another chance but... You have to assure me that it will be worth it. Win me back and I'm yours."
"I will, baby. I'll show you how devoted I am." With one last kiss on your lips he left the restroom.
As Jungkook left the restroom with a newfound sense of hope and determination, you couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. It was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and he was ready to face the challenge of winning you back with all his heart.
As you returned to the table, Mia and Chris looked at you curiously. "Is everything okay?" Mia asked with concern.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just had a little chat."
Chris raised an eyebrow playfully. "A little chat, huh? Well, I hope it was a good one."
You glanced back at the restroom door, feeling a mix of emotions inside you. "Yeah, it was," you replied, your heart a little lighter than before.
And the cycle began anew on the following day. The affectionate text messages resumed, starting from the sweet 'good morning' greetings to heartfelt 'I love you's. You received a bouquet of a 100 sunflowers on your desk with a note that only read 'because roses are cliche'. He sent boba at your office because you hated coffee and he sent you sushi's from your favourite restaurant.
It was like a cycle. Once again he was following you around the city but this time you didn't roll your eyes at him, didn't cuss him out or ask him to leave you alone. You even heard from Jimin and Taehyung that Jungkook deleted his Snapchat and Instagram. Jimin was the most shocked one at the news. 'Oh my god is Jungkook actually trying to redeem himself?'
You laughed as Jungkook ran after your subway because he was a minute too late and couldn't get in as it left the station. But like the lovely ex-girlfriend you were you decided to get off on the next station to wait for him. And like you expected 10 minutes later a you saw Jungkook running down the stairs, eyes looking for you. Quickly running up to you when he found you.
"Did you run here?" He didn't answer you but only because he was too busy catching his breath.
"There are trains only two minutes apart."
"I...I know that" He said between catching his breath. "But that... would not... have been very romantic."
"And what if I didn't get off at this station."
"I would run to your office."
"You're crazy."
"Only for you."
One more week goes by with Jungkook showing you in every way how much you mean to him. You were finally starting to get the assurance and security that you have always craved for your relationship. You were finally starting to see the depths of Jungkook's devotion. The smile on your face now was just a constant. And there were only two reasons for it, Jungkook and thoughts of Jungkook.
"So, how's everything going with your crazy stalker ex?" One night Jimin playfully commented when you him and Taehyung were spending it at your place.
"Don't call him crazy."
"Fine. How's your completely sane stalker ex?" You only roll your eyes but soon started smiling widely. "Oh my god guys... He's the sweetest. I don't think I've seen him putting this much efforts in to anything like ever."
"Yeah, Namjoon says he's so whipped for you that it's disgusting." Taehyung's comment makes you blush. "So? When are you getting back together with him."
"I don't know. I mean I know. But, I don't know, should I initiate it? Should I wait for him to ask me again? Should I ask him to ask me again?"
"Don't think too much about it. If you wanna be with him, be with him." Taehyung being the ever level headed one said.
"I say make him work some more. That man had you going crazy for three years, the least jail time he deserves is three months." Jimin said sipping on his margarita.
"Don't listen to, Jimin. In fact call him right now."
"No, don't call him right now. This is our night. Don't be a simp."
"Did you guys bet against me and Jungkook?" You asked looking between both of your friends who looked like deers caught in a headlight. "Who else?"
"Just Jimin and I... and Namjoon and Yoongi and Hoseok." You gasped dramatically at your unbelievable friends.
"If either of you win, I want my cut."
The next day you were surprised to not see the usual series of morning texts that you get from Jungkook. There were no flowers outside your doorstep or your desk. Nobody sent you boba or lunch and you could say that you were having a very Jungkook less day today. The lack of your cute stalker ex has taken a toll on your mood and you found yourself becoming increasingly snappy and cranky with others, unable to shake off the disappointment and longing for his attention. This made you realise how much accustomed you have become to Jungkook.
You looked longingly at your phone but there was nothing, still no text, no calls. You could always be the mature one and call him to see what was the matter but a part of you hesitated, not wanting to appear too eager or like you were desperately missing him. After all, he had been the one pursuing you, and you didn't want to reverse those roles.
Soon it was time to get off from work, and with a series of goodbyes and good evenings you quickly left your office, You couldn't help but wonder if Jungkook would be waiting for you outside, just like he used to do. However, as you stepped out, there was no sign of him, and the reality sank in that he wasn't there. Still holding onto a glimmer of hope, you decided to wait for a little while, thinking he might show up a bit late. You stood there, keeping an eye out for any sign of him, and time seemed to slow down. Every passing minute felt like an eternity, and you were torn between staying and leaving.
Soon the guard to the building adviced you to leave saying that their was a big storm on the way. You quickly looked up the weather forecast to realise that he was right indeed. You looked up at the sky to see the angry black clouds had started to gather around.
Searching for his contact you finally decided to give him a call. You were seriously getting worried about Jungkook now. As the call went straight to voicemail, your worry for Jungkook intensified.
Deciding it was the only choice, you headed towards Jungkook's place instead of your own, opting for a cab over the subway to reach him quickly.
Your excitement soared when your phone finally rang after a long day of silence. But, it quickly turned to disappointment as you noticed an unknown number instead of the one you had been eagerly waiting for. Despite the uncertainty, you chose to answer the call, just in case it was something important.
The voice asking for you on the other side was definitely unknown.
"Yes this is she." You replied.
"I'm speaking from Hope Memorial Hospital. You are listed as an emergency contact for a Jeon Jungkook. He has been involved in a motorcycle crash, and it's a very serious accident. We urgently need a guardian. Are you able to assist, or could you direct us to someone else?" The voice on the other end was serious and panicked, but you found it hard to accept the gravity of the situation. Your heart pounded in your chest, and tears streamed down your face, hoping that it wasn't as critical as it sounded.
"No, it's okay. I'll be there in... 10 minutes," you replied, your voice shaky but determined. You swiftly instructed the cab driver to change the route, urging him to go faster as you anxiously bit your nails in anticipation.
During the ride, you tried to stay strong and reassure yourself that it might not be as critical as you feared. Your mind couldn't help but drift to the worst-case scenario. What if he was already... No, no, no, you couldn't bear to think that way. You pushed those thoughts aside, trying to stay positive and hopeful as you rushed towards the hospital.
The driver observed you with sympathy as you quietly wept in the back seat. Regret filled your heart as you realized you should have called him. You blamed yourself, thinking that it was all your fault, and if anything happened to him, it would be on you.
As the car came to a stop, you hastily tossed all the remaining cash at the driver and rushed inside the hospital. Your must have looked frantic as you ran around, sobbing and calling out Jungkook's name. Thankfully, a compassionate nurse came to your aid and calmly checked the hospital charts for the name you managed to utter amidst your sobs.
"Come with me, dear. He's in the ER," you swiftly followed the nurse to a bustling room. As the nurse drew back the curtain, you braced yourself for the worst—expecting to see Jungkook badly injured, bleeding, or worse. However, what you did not anticipate was finding Jungkook sitting there, looking.... perfectly fine?
You stared at the man sitting there, feeling a mix of confusion and relief. He was laughing at something the blond girl standing beside him had said. It was unexpected, given the seriousness of the call you received earlier. You couldn't help but wonder if there had been a mistake or if he had recovered miraculously.
"Baby, you came." His eyes lit up as soon as he saw you, there was not even a single scratch on Jeon Jungkook, maybe beside the scratched leather jacket. Now not to get you wrong, you were very happy that he was okay. You were just very confused. What was happening? You had stopped sobbing breathlessly but the tears were still flowing.
"I don't understand... Somebody called, they said... That something happened and it was serious." You tried explaining.
"I did get into a crash but it was nothing. They thought it was internal bleeding but that wasn't the case either. That's why I was here all afternoon, doing tests an all. But now I'm fine."
"Then why did they say that?"
"It was just a prank. I'm sorry it was Sua's Idea." He said pointing at the blond girl standing there. Your blood was boiling so fucking much that you didn't even care asking who this bitch even was let alone what she was doing with your boyfriend.
"A prank? You think this is funny?" Jungkook finally grasped the seriousness of the situation when he saw the mortified look on your face, realizing the impact of the prank. Your makeup was ruined from all the crying, and you looked exhausted.
"Baby, calm down it was just a joke." His hands came forward but you slapped it away.
"Do not Fucking touch me." You glared at him. "Do you seriously think that was funny? I almost had a heart attack, Jungkook. Do you know how fucking scared I was?" Jungkook didn't like when your voice did that. He could handle you yelling, screaming, and even calling him names, but seeing you speak with that dead serious look on your face was something he couldn't bear. It made him feel like he wanted to disappear. Jungkook wanted to jump off a cliff.
"You know what? I can't believe I even thought about giving you another chance. We are seriously done this time." You didn't even look back as you walked away as Jungkook struggled to get that IV out of his hand and run after you.
"Baby, stop I'm sorry. It was Sua's Idea, I swear."
The thunderstorm had finally hit your city with full blast. It was raining cats and dogs. In the midst of it all, everyone ran to sought shelter. However, that didn't stop you from sprinting out of the hospital. The storm didn't concern you; what mattered most was that you couldn't even bare the thought of being near Jeon Jungkook at that moment.
As you dwelled on everything that had happened, your anger intensified. You felt a surge of anger directed at Jungkook, the thunderstorm, and that stupid blond woman who played the prank. But, the strongest force of anger was aimed at yourself, for even thinking that he can take anything seriously. Why did you even bother believing he could change? He was and will always be a man-child.
"Babe, it's really dangerous outside."
"I'm not leaving you alone," he insisted, stepping out into the heavy rain to follow you. As you walked, you had no clear destination or plan in mind. All you knew was that you were so angry with Jeon Jungkook that you couldn't bear to look at his face.
After just a few minutes of walking in the worst thunderstorm you've experienced in years, you came to the realization that this was a reckless idea. Your emotions had driven you to act impulsively, and now you saw the potential danger not only for yourself but for the idiot following you as well. While you knew Jungkook seemed to have little to no regard for his own life and safety, you cared about him.
Recognizing the need to be level-headed and responsible, you decided to find shelter, a place where both of you could wait out the thunderstorm safely. You understood that even in moments of anger, you needed to prioritize the safety of both of you. You began searching for a suitable place where you could find refuge from the harsh weather.
Ignoring the constant pleas from the man behind to listen to him, you led him to a nearby subway station. The station provided shelter from the heavy rain and the strong winds that accompanied the thunderstorm. Inside, the noise of the rain was muffled, creating a more peaceful atmosphere.
"Babe, I'm so sorry, please talk to me," seeing your silence he continued "I messed up, and I'm really sorry. I should have never gone along with that prank."
"Yes you shouldn't have." you snapped making him jump a little. Taking a deep breath to calm your anger and clear your thoughts, you finally addressed the question that had been gnawing at you. "Who was that woman anyway?"
"Just some girl, she was in the bed beside mine and we got to talking but I swear to god, I did not flirt with her once. When I told her about you she came up with the prank and I should not have gone along with it. I'm sorry."
"I just feel that you can't take anything seriously. It's like everything is a joke to you. How do I know that you'll take me seriously? That you'll take this relationship seriously?"
"No... I know I've been a little childish," watching you raise an eyebrow he corrected himself "A lot childish. But I swear, babe. This is the most serious thing in my life. I've made many mistakes in the past but I swear I'll start redeeming everything. I'll prove how serious I am about us. You are everything for me, baby. Everything. You're it for me. I want to spend my whole life with you, __." The way he said your name sent shivers down your body. The way he looked at your eyes eased your mind a little. "I want to have a future with you. I want to marry you, I want to have a home with you, I want to grow old with you, that's how serious I am. I love you more than anything in this entire world and I'll prove it to you." You only realised that you were crying when he wiped a year from your eyes.
"You mean it?"
"Every word."
"Fine then. Let's go." You held out your and he quickly grabbed it. When you dragged him out of the subway station you realised that the storm had stopped. The universe was on your side for once.
Jungkook did not utter another word the whole way that you led him to your house. The silence was thick when you closed the door behind you. He still didn't know what it meant for you both, your silence did not give him any answer and he was scared to ask.
"I swear to god, Jeon Jungkook" You finally began after the painful silence and his heart skipped a beat in anticipation. "If I see you entertaining another women ever again, I'm walking out of your life. And this time it would be for good. I will not come back no matter how much you beg me to." It took him a couple seconds to take in your words.
"Does that mean-"
"Yes. I'm giving you another chance. But you mess it up and I'm dumping your ass." The next thing you know Jungkook is showering your whole face in kisses and he finally let go of the tears. Crying happily as he held you close.
"Thank you, baby. Thank you so much. I will not disappoint you, I promise."
"I hope so too." The both of you stood in the middle of your living room, soaking into each other's warmth.
"Now let me fuck you right." He said, making you yelp as he picked you up all of a sudden and rushed toward your bedroom. Your kisses soon turned heated and desperate. Both of you panting as he started taking off your wet clothes.
You were wet in more ways than one. His kisses traveled down your face along with each piece of garment he removed from you. Lips not sparing a single inch of skin as he spent the whole night showing you how much he loves you.
The next morning your wakeup call was none other than Jungkook's tongue swiping away at your center. You woke up with a gasp when the sun was yet to come out. You glanced down to find the mop of raven hair between your thighs.
"Oh god, koo yes." You moaned out loud when his plump lips wrapped around your clit and started sucking. His hands pushing down on your hips, keeping them from arching up on the bed.
His tongue swiped up from your opening as your juices trickled down to your posterior hole. It was too early for your head to comprehend whatever was happening. Your finger started tugging on his curls when he pulled you close to your orgasm. Agressively lapping at your pussy. The pleasure you felt was tremendous. Too much to handle.
Jungkook ate you out like he had rent to pay and this was his job. His tongue playing with you as you came down from your high screaming his name louder than ever. After pulling two more orgasms from you in the next 15 minutes Jungkook was finally satisfied and he kissed up his way to your lips.
"Jungkook, we had sex like, 7 times last night. It wasn't enough?" You giggled when you felt his hard boner pressing against your ass.
"It's never enough with you. Seven times is nothing, baby," he said as he slowly entered you, pulling out a moan from your lips. "I wanna fuck you seven days a week." He added between his lazy thrusts. "Every hour." He lands a gentle kiss on your lips. "Every minute." Fingers intertwining with your own. "Every second."
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Jungkook Fic Recommendations
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a - angst f - fluff s - smut
part 2
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Home (f s a)
One Shots
forget me not (a f) ⊹₊⋆ The one where everytime you get dumped you pretend that you never met the guy before to mess with their heads. To the point that if you run into them somewhere you reintroduce yourself and act like you’ve never seen each other before. Enters fuckboy Jungkook who disappears after your night together, not knowing how much he was about to regret that choice.
champagne confetti (a s) ⊹₊⋆ You, a determined fashion designer, find yourself entangled in a collaboration with the irresistibly charming and egotistic heartthrob, Jeon Jungkook. Will this partnership remain strictly professional, or will he make the lines blur?
bottle up old love (a s f) ⊹₊⋆ Jungkook may have broken up with you a year ago, but that's not going to stop him from coming to your rescue when he sees you being cornered by a creep.
cabin fever (f s a) ⊹₊⋆ trapped in a cabin with your ex-best friend jungkook, you’re forced to overcome the fallout between you two. 
romantic dreams (s a) ⊹₊⋆ he’s always dreamt of finding his soulmate in some romantic way, bells ringing, birds chirping, maybe even a shine of light over their head. he never imagined to find them living next door to him with absolutely no clue to the extent of the growing infatuation he has toward you until it’s a little too late. hypnotized by your entire existence he finds his dreams and delusions of love to be a little too intense for anyone to bear.
Guilty Pleasures (a s) ⊹₊⋆ Three years of being Seoul's power couple earns you nothing but a big fat divorce settlement and your face plaster on every gossip column around town. You're angry, hurt, and desperately want to move on, but worst of all? You're still in love with the man who started the whole mess, even though the most he can ever see you as is a friend. The renowned actor you've hired to be your company's new endorser seems to have a soft spot for you though. He's easy on the eyes, you'll admit, but who actually wants a divorcee like yourself? It's unrealistic really.
Better Boyfriend Than Him (a s) ⊹₊⋆ jungkook makes it a mission to prove to you that he can be better than your boring boyfriend. when it comes to sex, at least.
strictly platonic (f a s) ⊹₊⋆ Sometimes, Jungkook can be a little selfish; and sometimes, the lengths you would go to for his happiness mean relinquishing your own.
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badbtssmut · 1 month
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Can’t spell sex without ex. You and Jungkook might’ve not worked out in your relationship but that didn’t mean you couldn’t have sex anymore, right?
Contains: pussy eating and fingering, missionary, half clothed sex, sex from behind, hard sex, casual sex, Jungkook cums in mouth and over face, face fucking
The action movie Jungkook was so eager to watch tonight, played softly in the background. It had been a couple months since the break up and as promised, you two could still be friends, with occasional benefits. You both agreed; sex with someone you know and trust, was better than a random hookup.
Your clothes were barely hanging onto your body; your panties dangled off your left foot, your pants were crumpled at your feet, and Jungkook was in between your legs, fingering and flicking his tongue against your clit. Your moans and whimpers filled the room, and you felt yourself nearing your peak. Just when you thought he was going to bring you over the edge, he stopped.
You followed his gaze and huffed. “Jungkook…” He was getting distracted by the movie, not that you could blame him, the main lead was being chased by the bad guys. You knew your ex boyfriend was a sucker for action movies. “Come on, want your cock.”
At that, Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts.
“Yeah? Want my cock?”
“Yes.” You nodded before he crawled over you and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and grinded your wet pussy against his hard member, making him groan. Jungkook’s hand shot to his boxers, pulling them down to free his hardened cock.
Your fingers wrapped around his cock and stroked it a few times before he pulled away from your mouth, looking down at you, before he went to kiss your neck. His cock slid into you, slowly, inch by inch. Your legs tightened around his hips as he rocked in and out of you, fucking into you. The two of you enjoyed the way each other felt, no sounds coming from your lips, except the ones you had between your legs; your pussy sucked in his cock with every thrust.
Jungkook adjusted himself, gripping onto your thighs and snapping his hips back and forth faster.
“Oh, oh!” It took you by surprise, but you liked it. Your hands pushed against his toned stomach. “Fuck, fuck!” Jungkook pounded into you, making your tits bounce with the force. Your ex’s hands moved to yours, and he took hold of your hands, pushing them down above your head.
Jungkook was so good at fucking you; he always made sure that you were enjoying it just as much as he did. His cock was stretching your pussy in the most amazing way.
“Want more cock?”
You whimpered in reply, unable to say anything. He was driving you wild, hitting the right spot over and over again. You were close. Your walls were tightening around his shaft, making him curse.
Then, he pulled out and flipped you on the bed. Your ass was up in the air, and his cock slid right back into your dripping pussy, filling you back up.
With a hand gripping your ass, and another grabbing the hair on the back of your head, he pulled your head back and fucked you hard. Your tits bounced back and forth with every thrust, and you could barely catch a breath. Jungkook let go of your hair and instead wrapped his fingers around your throat, keeping his fingers in a firm hold as he pushed your body down with his weight, fucking you into the mattress.
Your ex boyfriend knew exactly what you wanted, and it wasn't just a simple fuck, but a rough, raw fuck. He wasn’t afraid to use all his force, slamming his hips into your ass. Your body was shaking from the intense pleasure. You could feel the tip of his cock tickling your sweet spot over and over.
His fingers released your throat and instead moved to grab the headboard.
With a hand gripping onto your ass, and the other gripping the headboard, he began to pound with more force, using the headboard for momentum. The bed squeaked and shook underneath the two of you.
Your mouth was hanging open, a string of curses and cries of pleasure spilling out of you.
”This pussy is so good, only my cock can fuck it, isn't that right, Y/N?“ Jungkook cooed. “You don’t let other men fuck that pretty pussy, right?”
"Only you!" Your nails dug into the sheets. "Only you…" You could feel it, the coil in your stomach about to snap.
"You gonna cum?" He asked, knowing full well what he was doing to you. "Are you gonna cum for me?" He asked, slowing down, giving you his cock in slow and steady strokes instead.
You were trying so hard to fight the orgasm that was threatening to spill out of you, but his cock felt so damn good inside you, that you couldn't stop your orgasm. Your pussy spasmed and throbbed, massaging his cock. You cried out, letting yourself succumb to the pleasure.
"Yeah, that’s right. Let that pussy vibrate babe.” He gripped onto your waist, moving your shaking body back and forth on his cock. “That’s right, good, good babe.” He encouraged you, feeling you milk out his cum, his shaft buried deep inside you.
When you had calmed down from the orgasm, Jungkook pulled out and was jerking himself off. You turned onto your back, and took a shaky breath, before you hung your tongue out, looking at him. Both you and Jungkook knew why.
He stopped and scooted closer, hovering over your chest to make sure he wouldn’t hurt you with his weight, his knees digging into the mattress, on either side of you. The tip of his cock pushed past your lips and he grunted as he fucked his cock in and out of your mouth, his hips bucking back and forth, as he used you like a toy. You moaned around his lips as you sucked him off, your tongue circling around his rock hard shaft as you bobbed your head back and forth.
Your hands moved to his ass, and your nails dug into the soft skin, making him curse, before he let his head drop back and moaned, as he came. Jungkook attempted to pull out before he’d cum into your mouth, but he failed, his cum dripping into your mouth and splashing all over your face.
"I'm so sorry," He apologized. “Didn’t mean to do that babe.”
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