#ex rank spoilers
angry-glasses · 4 months
I think one of the funniest tropes in the world is when a character does something completely unhinged, arguably very out-of-character, and instead of worrying all their friends are like "well I'm sure they had their reasons! ^-^" while outsiders stare in appalled, sometimes horrified concern
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alangdorf · 1 year
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Ok so I know I’ve taken a few liberties here with gijinka-fying the Rampaging Doomers, of all characters, but hear me out: self-recognition through the other (derogatory). Not just a reminder of the part of himself he doesn’t like to acknowledge but also a near-perfect replication of him at his worst (Magolor EX, specifically). They know enough about Doomer and Ancient societies and his situation with the Crown to get right to the heart of his insecurities, which makes them really effective at bullying him. Also like. Extended family judging you for your life choices lol
Anyway, included the lines this time cause I’m really proud of the composition but a bit disappointed with how the coloring turned out. It did however help me pinpoint what I’d like to improve on, which is my coloring/shading. I think I get into details too quickly to the detriment of the piece as a whole and I also think the way I shade doesn’t have enough contrast and doesn’t take light sources into account very well. I just need to do some painting studies sometime and that will fix me, I swear
#art#digital#kirby#magolor#kirby gijinka#magolor epilogue spoilers#rampaging doomers#I always think they’re called flock of doomers because of the song title lol#I think I got most of my rambling out in the post body this time#wait design notes#ok so yeah they’re based off of Magolor EX rather than Traitor cause the color scheme fits pretty well#I didn’t wanna get rid of the head wings and upper tail feathers in favor of the gears so I just added a bunch of gears other places#& I thought the halos were cute lol#I did give them some piercings(?) to mimic the gear teeth there though and fun fact:#they each have a different number that happens to correspond to the number of tails each basic type of doomer has#perhaps a ranking system within the group or something#the outfits are a mixture of elements of Greco-Roman and E/SE Asian fashion inspired by like architectural and musical details in epilogue#which was a bit harrowing given I was worried about that reading as orientalism but I think it turned out ok#also I know the purple to yellow gradient on their wings is not that warm in canon but who am I to refuse a good sunset gradient lol#I forgot about the pieces of the appy slice when I was sketching and I briefly considered sticking them in their mouths#but figured maybe that would be a bit too weird (admittedly Magolor Soul already goes full Mouthful Mode so there would be precedent)#so imagine they just have them in a pocket somewhere#oh also sorry you have to zoom in to see some details especially in the colored version; I have an ongoing problem with scale#I’ve always thought it’s really interesting how Mags’ reaction at the start of this fight is like ‘Oh come on; not *these* guys’
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toonstarterz · 10 months
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I grew up a hardcore Scott Pilgrim superfan.
My favorite adaptations are the ones that offer something I didn't realize I needed. Turning Matthew Patel from pathetic mook to major supporting antagonist was absolutely one of them.
Fucking loved this series.
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marsupilami1146 · 6 months
Godzilla x Kong spoilers because I just saw it in theaters
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scekrex · 5 months
Love your writing!!
Can I request an Adam x Lucifer’s Ex! reader? Reader is basically the same rank as Lucifer was (so he’s the same strength as him too) Basically, they split up after he and Lilith got together and gave Eve the Apple. Reader is extremely depressed about it but then he meets one of the humans from Eden, Adam . And they find solidarity and comfort in going through the same/similar situation.
Lowkey giving that one scene from Steven Universe (No idea if you’ve watched/like SU so, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, I’ll link it here. (If you want, you can probably just skip to the time stamps or watch all of it, either’s fine, but it starts at 2:33 and ends around 3:11
Spoilers for Steven Universe, if you even care.
(The context for the SU scene is ofc different, but just the overall vibe of it is what I mean.) but just 2 people abandoned by someone who was supposed to be their soulmate (Twice for Adam) and them finding love in each other in the end.
(Like, imagine both the fluff AND angst potential.)
Also!! If/After you write this one, I might request a Part 2 of this with angst for the aftermath of EP.8. (ONLY if you’re ok with it OFC! If not, just tell me in your A/N for this one and I won’t send it!!)
I hope you have a great day!!!! 💙💙
Okay first of all: gimme that EP 8 request right now, I need it soooo badly °^° I haven't seen SU but I've watched the scene you linked and it helped to get the vibe right so much, this is a lil short but dragging it out just to make it appear longer felt wrong. I hope you like it though. Also friendly reminder: this is set in Eden before Adam became a douchebag.
Part 2
I'm a jester and I'm yours, call me your fool
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, hurt (with comfort)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Eden had always been the place for you to ge whenever you felt sad or upset, it calmed you down, eased your mind, made your thoughts shut up for only a couple moments. Lucifer had betrayed you, you knew that, you also knew that it had been for the best to end things with him before he would take it too far with his wish for free will and with the things that were going on between him and Lilith. And before you even realized how sad that made you feel, to be betrayed, to be replaced by a mortal soul that would never be as pure as you were, you started crying - it wasn’t loud and if someone wouldn’t have paid attention it was also not visible but Adam did pay attention. Lucifer and Lilith had given Eve the apple, the forbidden fruit, how much further would heaven allow them to go? You weren’t sure. What you were sure about though, was the fact that you missed Lucifer, you missed his warmth, his chaotic yet gentle way of handling things, no matter what it was. You missed his creative mind, his joyful character, the love he had held for you that he had never been able to hide. You missed your clumsy blonde little angel - you shook your head, no, he was no longer yours.
And while you tried to sort your emotions out, the brunette human carefully creeped closer, he noticed your sadness and despite the fact that he didn’t know why you were crying, he felt like he understood without knowing the true reason - he had heard them whispering about it. About how Lucifer had left his boyfriend in order to get together with the first woman, his ex wife, Lilith. And while one loss alone had been seemingly impossible to carry, Adam had not only lost Lilith to his former best friend, he had also lost Eve. Eve, who had tried to talk him into eating the apple as well, he had refused to though, he wanted to remain pure, if she decided that wasn’t for her though, then that was her deal and not Adam’s.
Once he had reached you, he quietly sat down next to you, he wanted to take the sadness away from you, a creature as gorgeous and heavenly as yours should not sit in Eden and cry. He wanted to ask you why you were crying, who caused all those tears but he felt like it wasn’t his place to do so - you were an angel after all. Was he even allowed to sit next to you? The first man didn’t know, but he was sure that if he wouldn’t be allowed near you, you would tell him so. Lucifer might be disobeying heaven’s rules, but you? You looked too pure to do so.
You quickly wiped your tears away as soon as you noticed the presence next to you, when you turned your head to look at the person that had decided to take their place by your side, you were quite surprised to see the face of the first man there. “You look so sad,” the brunette hummed as he reached out to gently touch your cheek. Your golden, broken looking eyes met equally broken brown ones and you somehow found comfort in them, even though they belonged to a total stranger. “Yeah,” you softly chuckled at his words, a small smile forced itself onto your lips, “I guess that’s normal when you get dumped, though.” So the rumors had been true, Lucifer had left his boyfriend for Adam’s former wife. He inhaled deeply, “That’s what love brings.” And yeah, he had a point. Love was able to bring joy and happiness, but it could also take those feelings away from you within seconds. Carefully you leaned into Adam’s touch and closed your eyes as you breathed in the scent of the brunette. “A creature as beautiful as you shouldn’t be sad over losing someone like Lucifer though,” the first man continued and gently caressed your cheek with his thumb, wiping away all remains of your tears. “That’s so easy to say, Adam,” your voice cracked when you said his name and you opened your eyes again, “He was everything.” Adam nodded, he understood, “So was Eve. And Lilith. But sometimes they choose a different path than you do and there is nothing you can do to change that.”
And looking at it that way made you realize that Adam was in the same situation as you were, a situation that tore apart everything just because Lucifer had made a reckless decision. You had lost everything and so had Adam, you were sitting in the same boat, sailing the same ocean of sadness. But now you had found each other, so at least you weren’t sailing alone anymore. “Adam?” you asked quietly as you looked at the first man, making sure you’d get nothing but honesty when your eyes met his, “Can you stay?” And without hesitation the first man nodded, this would not only bring you comfort and take a little bit of the sadness away from you, no, the brunette would also find comfort in this, you would keep his mind busy and that he was very thankful for.
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bittenbyyou · 1 year
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High School!AU | Peter Parker x Reader
genre: fluff
description: Just Peter Parker falling for you and coming up with the silliest plan to talk to you more.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: some Spider-Man Homecoming spoilers, Peter being a dork lol
a/n: Hello! This is my first time writing for Peter and I’m such nervous posting it, but I adore him and thought the origin story of how my bf and I got together suited Peter so well. Lol. So enjoy! 
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The first time Peter heard about you was in freshman year when you were ranked number one in academics, earning jealous stares from everyone. But not from him; he was rather impressed.
Sophomore year was when your name came up again through his ex-girlfriend, Liz. Turns out you were her partner for an English project, which he didn’t think much of. He was happy with Liz… until he defeated her dad, who turned out to be a villain called “The Vulture”, and she and her mom moved to Oregon afterwards…
Anyway, it was now junior year and for the first time ever, he had a class with you—good ol’ AP U.S. History. 
“Dude, over here,” Ned called out from the first row of seats near the back corner. Peter smiled at his best friend and made his way over, taking the seat behind him.
“Hey Ned.”
“So glad we have another class together.”
“You said it.”
The two made small talk until you arrived, taking the seat next to Ned. He was mutual friends with a lot of your friends, so you felt comfortable sitting next to someone you were at least acquainted with rather than a stranger.
“Hi Ned,” you said sweetly.
“Oh [Y/N], you’re in this class too? Nice!” Ned gestured a hand towards Peter. “This is my best friend, Peter.”
“Peter… Parker, right?” you asked. Peter was surprised you knew his full name, but then remembered Liz. He nodded his head a few too many times, but you found it endearing. 
“Y-Yeah. Hi.”
“Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m [Y/N].”
Wow. You were cute.
“Sup losers,” a deadpanned voice said from behind you. You turned around to see MJ, jumping out of your seat to give her a big hug. 
“MJ! We’re in the same class, yay!”
“I know you’re not hugging me this early in the morning,” she said with her index finger raised. 
“You know you love me.”
She gave you two pats on the back and you let go, giggling at her expression of faux disgust. You returned to your seat, which was in the middle of MJ and Ned. MJ then quickly whipped her head around to look at Peter.
“Sup Parker,” MJ said with a salute of two fingers.
“Hey MJ.”
“You met [Y/N] yet?”
“Yeah, Ned introduced us… you know her too?”
“Met her in an elective. She looked lonely.”
“You make me sound like a loser with no friends,” you said, pouting your lips. 
“I have no friends either.”
“You have me!” you chirped.
“And what about us?” Ned asked, gesturing back and forth to him and Peter.
“Whatever,” MJ brushed off. The three of you laughed while Peter watched, feeling somewhat left out even though he was mentioned. 
“I’m a bit jealous. You all already know each other,” you said. Wow, you said exactly what he was thinking. They knew you, but he didn’t.
“Well the only person you don’t know is Peter and I only met him because of the decathlon. He’s really not all that interesting,” MJ said, smirking in his direction. 
“Are you serious? Peter’s the coolest,” Ned said, hyping him up like a true best friend. “Peter knows Sp—”
“Dude!” Peter exclaimed, hinting at him to shut up with his deadly glare. 
Ned chuckled nervously. “I mean… you’ll get to know him, [Y/N]. And he’ll get to know you.”
Saved by the bell.
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From that day on, the four of you grew closer. Group work was always in teams of four in that class which worked out perfectly. Peter quickly learned you hated presentations because you would freeze up and trip on your words, so he volunteered to present instead just to hear you thank him and flash that sweet smile.
At lunch, Ned always invited you and MJ to join him and that’s when Peter learned how passionate you were about food. Specifically the school’s chicken alfredo. 
“It’s delicious!” you said, doing a little happy dance after eating a forkful of pasta. 
“It’s gross, processed food. Do we even know if it’s chicken?” MJ asked, eyeing the meat on her fork suspiciously. 
“I don’t care, I’m still eating it,” you said, enjoying the noms. 
“Aren’t you lactose intolerant?” Ned asked.
“That’s not stopping me.”
“I’m lactose intolerant,” Peter said without thinking. Everyone stared at him with a variety of expressions. MJ was skeptical, Ned was confused, and you were surprised. 
“I literally saw you eating ice cream yesterday,” MJ pointed out. 
“And his bowels paid for it,” Ned lied. Peter let out a nervous laugh.
“Hah, yeah, I was on the toilet… for hours.” You placed a hand over your mouth, trying your best not to laugh. “But I’m fine now!”
“Are you sure you should be eating lunch today then?” you asked. “Wouldn’t want your bowels to hurt again. I’ll do the honors of reducing food waste and eat it for you.”
MJ and Ned stared at Peter. Well, MJ was daring him to eat it with her piercing eyes while Ned gave him a knowing look.
“You can have it,” Peter said warmly, sliding his tray of food over to you.
“Yay!” you cheered. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
Because honestly seeing you eat and doing that happy dance again filled him up more than any food could. You were too cute.
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Peter was sure of it. He definitely had a crush on you. It took him until almost the end of first semester to realize it, but he knew now. 
He liked how smart you were. The way you answered any question the teacher threw at you so flawlessly was a mystery to him because history bored him. 
He liked how funny you were. The way you were passionately defending why mayo was the superior condiment against MJ and her love for ketchup made him die of laughter. 
He liked how kind you were. The way you helped another girl plan a dance for her quinceanera despite having so much homework. 
He liked how cute you were. The way you fell asleep in class after being the first to finish your test. 
He even liked how clueless you were. The way you knew absolutely nothing about Star Wars but still allowed him to ramble on and on about it in class and listen to him with a caring heart. 
Yup. He definitely liked you. 
A lot.
But he didn’t know how to tell you. You two didn’t hang out outside of school at all and he was so darn shy. It wasn’t until he and MJ hung out at Ned’s place one day when an opportunity arose. You were invited to his house as well, but you declined because of some projects you left till the last minute. 
The trio were building Legos and at one point Ned had to go downstairs and help his lola cook dinner while MJ and Peter remained upstairs. She was sitting on Ned’s bed while Peter was on the floor continuing to build the Lego Death Star. 
“I’m going to give you some advice, Pete,” MJ started to say. Peter looked up at her in confusion.
“About what?”
“About [Y/N].”
His eyes started to wander around the room. “W-What about [Y/N]?”
“What do you think about her?”
“What do I think a-about her? What’s not to think, she’s sweet. She’s nice. She’s kind.”
“Those are synonyms.”
“She’s smart. God, she is so smart, and she gets my jokes and actually laughs at them and—”
“Yup. You like her.”
His face fell. “No… No… No~.”
“So should I call her for you?” She whipped out her phone and Peter panicked.
“Why not? You have got to talk to her.”
“I do talk to her.”
“Outside of school,” MJ specified. “I have her number if you want it.”
“No, she’ll find it weird if I text her out of nowhere.”
“So you’re going to continue staring at her when she’s not looking like a total creep?”
“I don’t… I don’t stare,” Peter mumbled. MJ rolled her eyes at his denial.
“You do,” she teased. “Look, I’m going to the restroom. Here’s my phone. Do whatever you’d like with it.”
If Peter was a creep, then MJ was a psychopath because who would let anyone use their phone so freely? He still took the device from her hands and waited until he was alone to tap your name in MJ’s messages. His heart was racing at the thought of having your number, but he didn’t feel ready for it. 
So… he did something else.
5:44 PM | MJ🖤: Hey 🙂
Yikes. He really was a creep.
5:45 PM | You 😇: Hi MJ! What’s up? Did y’all finish building the Legos?
Peter smiled to himself at your enthusiastic greeting. 
5:45 PM | MJ🖤: No, not yet. Ned left us to help with dinner. How are you?
Your next reply didn’t come as fast this time. Peter panicked, wondering if he said something weird. Then again, this whole situation was borderline crazy.
5:49 PM | You 😇: I’m doing my homework. It’s so boring. Wish I was with you all. 🥺
5:50 PM | MJ🖤: We wish you were here too. 💖
Peter saw the thought bubble with three dots pop up, eagerly waiting for your reply. 
5:50 PM | You 😇: Hey MJ… I have a question.
5:50 PM | MJ🖤: Go for it.
5:50 PM | You 😇: Who are you? Lol.
Shit. Shit. Shit. You knew. Oh my god, Peter’s life was over. He got up off the floor and started pacing around the room in panic. 
5:51 PM | You 😇: I know you’re not MJ… so either you stole her phone and I’m going to have to report you for identity theft or she let you use her phone. 
5:53 PM | MJ🖤 : Okay, it’s Peter. Don’t report me. 🥺
He held his breath for your next response, facepalming himself for getting caught so fast.
5:53 PM | You 😇: Peter, why are you pretending to be MJ? If you wanted to text me, I could’ve just given you my number. Haha.
5:53 PM | MJ🖤 : Wait, really? I’m sorry. Idk why I did that.😅
5:53 PM | You 😇: Yeah. Here’s my number XXX-XXX-XXXX. Please text me as yourself. Lolol. 
Peter had the biggest grin spread across his face as he fell onto Ned’s bed in relief. He couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. By some miracle he did it. He got your number… he actually got your number. 
“Why are you staring at my phone like a creepy serial killer?” He looked up to see MJ leaning against Ned’s door frame. 
“Uh… I got her number?”
“... You’re going to kill me.”
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Ranking the Astral Express Crew on how likely they are to get into a fight.
(Slight spoilers for 2.4-2.5)
5. March 7th:
Despite being very cheeky and energetic, March is usually not that confrontational. She will certain fight as necessary, but she doesn't go around attacking people. She is a bit more of a tourist than a warrior. The recent Luofu arc has proved that. Even in the tournament, she was nervous about being the ringmaster and taking on opponents. In fact, March's most recent character arc has been about her fining her own strength and gaining new skills.
4. Himeko:
Like March, Himeko is not often someone who seeks out fights. In fact, she has seen less battle time than March. We have also seen Himeko act as the diplomat of the express on several occasions, often being the one that deals in negotiations and important people, like the in epilogue chapter of Penacony. That being said, she has access to what is functionally and giant space laser and a sawblade briefcase. She will throw hands, she just resorts to more peaceful measures first.
3. Trailblazer
Whether you play as Caelus or Stelle, one thing that can be agreed upon is that they are a chaotic trash raccoon with the same level of craziness of one. They carry around a bat for pete's sake. However, they are not higher on this list for two reasons. First, while they have very much threatened people, more often than not end up into fights via circumstance or accident rather than intentionally fighting someone. Usually, they use their powers for funny rather than evil. The second reason is that, as a player character, much of the Trailblazer's dialogue choices are up to the player, so them being more aggressive can vary account to account (or on this site, headcannon to headcannon).
2. Welt:
Anyone who has played or read anything related to Hi3 know why he's here. Man can summon whole tanks and weapons back in the Second Eruption and still lost to a twelve year old TWICE. Has more often than move to violence a lot faster than other characters, and has threatened some as well. Hell, in his conversation with Acheron he implied he would disintegrate her if she was a threat to the express. And the funny thing is that he has lost more fights than won them. He just does not learn. However, Welt has kind of mellowed out over the years, peace and age probably helped, and has been a bit more of a diplomat like Himeko as of late. Still, we should very much not see a mad Welt.
Dan Heng:
I ANYONE surprised by this (Hell, the last post I made about him inspired this one). He has canonically stabbed at least two people, fought a twelve year old AND WON, "killed" his stalker/possible ex-husband (its complicated), almost summoned a warship to Penacony, has been involved with 4 out of the 6 initially weekly boss battles, and is by the far the most distrustful of strangers out of the crew.
And it's all because that he found people he can trust, which is frankly the bottom line for all of the express. If the people they love are in trouble, they can and will raise hell.
Bonus: Pom-Pom:
I could see them hitting people with a broom when mad. Especially a certain cube.
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madockisser · 19 days
madoc/eva/jude memes out of pinterest pics of animal ppl or old men, spoilers for tfota trilogy! pt 1. out of what will probably be many
how madoc probably looked trying to seduce eva in the mortal world (he has catlike features do u get it):
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madoc when he found his unfaithful ex wife was alive after she ran away w their child but she was married to his blacksmith and they had two more children together (his only rational choice to recover from this was to kill them both and steal their children):
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madoc when his unfaithful ex wife’s daughter, that she had w another man, poisons him and ruins his only chance at becoming king:
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madoc when his unfaithful ex wife’s daughter, became the 2nd highest rank in elfhame in a few days after it took him his entire life to become the grand general, and even then the royal fam treated him like garbage, but he saw how the last royal left loved her, while also treating him like garbage:
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madoc when his unfaithful ex wife’s daughter, became a better ruler than he ever could be:
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madoc when his unfaithful ex wife’s daughter, pretended to be her twin sister after kidnapping her, and then infiltrated his camp to spy on him and later foil his plans:
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madoc when his unfaithful ex wife’s daughters husband turns into a giant snake and is heading straight toward him (and crushes his already bad leg, effectively crippling him):
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madoc when his unfaithful ex wife’s daughter, exiled him after he killed her parents, repeatedly treated her like garbage, and stabbed her, and left her for dead:
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hope this made sense lol
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stellar-skyy · 9 months
IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE — Wanderer, Furina x reader.
i. SUMMARY: Moments that changed everything between you. ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader has medium length/long hair (long enough to braid) in Wanderer's part, VERY slight spoilers for the 4.2 Archon quest in Furina's part. iii. NOTES: Rivals to lovers & Vahumana!reader in Wanderer's part, lovers to exes to ??? in Furina's part, fluff, gn!reader, they/them pronouns used, 2.9k words. iv. A/N: This is my gift, for the Favonius Lbrary secret santa, for @heiayen! Merry Christmas Heia, I hope you enjoy! if you don't i will cry! (that is a joke but i do hope you like it :3) Once again, sorry this is late :(
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The students that studied at the Akademiya could be divided into several groups.
There were the hard-workers, who weren't particularly intelligent by birth, but fought tooth and nail to drag themselves up in the ranks. That group occasionally overlapped with the truly passionate ones; who were so invested in their pursuit of knowledge that little could stand in their way of it. There were the underachievers, the overachievers, the visionaries and the slackers. In each classroom you were bound to have at least a handful of each.
Then there were the gifted ones. The ones who breezed past every subject with ease, who were pushed as the representatives of the Darshans, to show outsiders how talented and dedicated their students were. The geniuses, the prodigies, the virtuosos. They were the students that treated their intelligence as a prize to be flaunted above the rest, who would lazily fill out their test papers and be returned with perfect grades, who managed to both value their knowledge above all else and take it for granted. Out of all the Akademiya scholars, those were the most arrogant and truly insufferable ones.
Wanderer fell into the latter category.
He joined their class later in the year, and settled in as a permanent thorn in everyone's side. Every addition to their scholarly discussions was gasoline on a dying bonfire, strategically placed to set the class aflame. He'd raise his hand with disinterested corrections to other student's theories, followed by irritating opposition to whatever stance the professor was attempting to take, all sprinkled with a pinch of disdain and the most unpleasant attitude one could possibly have.
The most infuriating part, was that he was never wrong. His logic was sound, every addition was justified. No matter how sarcastic or scornful-sounding his interjections were, they were never without reason. And a week into their class proved him to be one of the most naturally exceptional minds in Vahumana.
Maybe [Name] would admire him if being around him didn’t make them want to throw a book at his head.
That first week in their class had solidified two more things. First, if Wanderer was going to act so cocky, then it was their sworn mission to make sure he was knocked down.
“The answer is D. All of the above.” Wanderer yawned. “Honestly, you call yourselves scholars—”
“Actually, it’s not.” A voice rang out, clear and steady. “You could argue that it’s all of the above if you were looking at it from a very elementary perspective, but once you actually start to analyse each answer, you’ll see the flaws in them all. All except one, that is. The answer’s C.”
“[Name] is correct. The answer is C.”
He turned, eyes narrowed. They fell on an equally hard gaze. There was something fiery there, as if they were raising a challenge. He met them with a smirk, as if he was accepting it.
—They were not friends. They were rivals.
Precisely why they couldn't work with him.
“Please! Can I be paired with anyone else?” They begged, face falling further with every passing moment that their professor remained unfazed. The rest of the class had vacated the lecture hall already—all eagerly chatting about their chosen topics—leaving the two of them alone to talk.
“I have full faith in you, [Name].” The professor said calmly, sitting down at his chair and shuffling papers into an orderly stack. “This is a simple assessment.”
The assignment itself wasn’t the difficult part. A straightforward research project in a subject of their choice, one that related to the topics they’d been learning that semester. It was supposed to help lead the class into their further studies, to gently ease them into researching on their own and prepare them for when they would have to write their final thesis.
It was the easiest of tasks, but the problem wasn’t the task itself. It was who they’d been chosen to work with.
“Group projects are designed to test how well people can work together with others.” He sighed, and leaned back on his chair with a pensive expression. “I don’t like all of the people I have worked with in my studies, but as academics, it is something we all must suffer. And besides; if I regrouped everyone who complained about their partner, I would never stop changing them.”
It wasn’t as if they were trying to be painful. Finishing a group project would be easy, had they been partnered with anyone but him.
“Just try to make the best of it, wont you?” A smile flashed across his face. “Perhaps you might even make a friend.”
Friend was far too hopeful of a thought. Friend was the last word they would use to describe—
“Wanderer.” They hissed under their breath, his name poison on their lips. “Trust me, Professor. I will not.”
The two students arranged to meet in the library. Or, more specifically Wanderer had appeared right as they left the classroom and told them, “If you’re finished complaining about me, come to the library tomorrow at eleven.” before disappearing.
The library was once their solace, where they could study in peace away from any distractions. The sounds of pages turning, faint whispers, and pens scratching against paper provided a comforting ambience to their research.
Now, it was—
“You took long enough.”
“It’s not my fault you’re impatient.”
Something considerably less homely.
“I have several ideas,” They said.
“Of course you do.” Wanderer scoffed. They ignored him.
“We could do it on Ancient Deshrat.” They mused, skimming across their notes. A stray strand of hair fell into their eyeline, and they tucked it behind their ear mindlessly. “We looked at them earlier in the year, a little before you joined the class. They have a lot of interesting traditions we could look at—maybe a comparison back to modern Sumeru, to see how the influences carry over.”
“I don’t care. Just choose one, and tell me what part you’re doing.”
They inhaled slowly, forcing the anger down and running the professor’s words through their mind. It’s one project. Once they were done, they never had to work with him again.
“Fine,” They snapped. “I will work on researching whatever information we need. You will write up an introduction outlining… outlining…” Their words trailed off to make way for a huff. Once again, their hair had fallen into their eyes, and they pushed it out of their face impatiently.
“Just move it out of your face, it’s not that hard.” Wanderer said snippily.
“Oh, thank you, I would never have thought of that.” They retorted.
“Well, I don’t see you doing anything useful, other than swatting at your own forehead.”
“I’m moving it out of my way! We can’t all have a bowl-cut!”
“Then braid it.”
“I—” It wasn’t a bad suggestion, as much as they loathed to admit it. “I can’t. I can’t braid my hair behind my back, and I don’t have anything to tie it up, even if I could.”
They lapsed into silence, Wanderer staring at them like he didn't quite believe them.
“I could braid it for you,” He said suddenly. They looked up at him, blinking.
“You… want to… braid my hair?” They repeat slowly.
He huffed. “Are you seriously that slow? Do you need it written and signed for you to understand?”
“I just find it hard to believe," They said defensively.
“You were complaining about it being in your way." He said, extending each word slowly like they were a child who couldn't quite understand what was going on. "The less you complain, the faster we get this done, and the less time I have to spend working with you.”
"Fine." They say, fighting back a blush.
"Just do it, already."
His hands were oddly careful against their hair, raking across their scalp to comb through the knots and tangles. The feeling was soothing, almost cathartic. It would be far too easy to close their eyes and sink into the feeling.
They weren't quite sure what they were expecting. Nails that felt more like claws? Rough tugging on the knots in their hair, just enough to be painful? Surely something uncomfortable, to match the animosity between them. Nothing quite as soft as this.
“This is kind of surprising to be honest. You don’t seem to be the type to be good at braiding hair.” Their words sounded a touch too nice, so they were quick to add, “—Especially with that haircut.”
A shiver ran down their spine, as gentle hands ran through their hair. It was freshly brushed, and by then he must have already worked out any knots, yet they ran through it anyway, as if their intent wasn’t just to untangle it.
“I braid my… Aunt’s hair, a lot.” He said suddenly, pulling them from the trance. They make a hum, a quiet signal for him to continue. “She’s the one who showed me how to do it.”
“I didn’t know you had an aunt,” They said, without thinking. The thought comes a moment after: Of course you didn’t, you don’t know a thing about him.
Wanderer didn’t seem fazed. “No, we only became close recently. She… she’s done a lot for me.”
They waited for him to elaborate, but his quota for abruptly sharing information about himself appeared to have been filled. Instead of talking, he fixed his focus on their hair, dividing it into three sections and brushing his fingers through to neaten them. One by one, he twisted them over one another until he reached the end of their hair.
“Do you have anything to tie it up?” He asked. They shake their head, and he scoffed. “Of course."
Still gripping the end of the braid, he used his free hand to rifle through the inside of his bag until he pulled out a loose piece of ribbon. From there, he quickly tied off the end.
"Now stop complaining," He sat back down and leaned back in his hair nonchalantly, as if he was unaware of the static filling their mind. All they could focus on was the phantom feeling of hands—his hands—on their scalp.
It shouldn't have felt pleasant, not when those were the hands of someone they despised.
“Are you going to continue?”
"Right..." They cleared their throat, a strange heat against their cheeks. It was stark, out of place. They ignored it. "Where was I...?"
[Name] stared across the ballroom, a drink in their hand. On the opposite side, a woman in a blue dress tipped back her head in a laugh and held her hand over her mouth. It wasn’t her true laugh, the one that sounded like tumbling waves and sweeping currents. It was the specially curated laugh she made for laughing at jokes she didn’t find funny, in front of people she didn’t like.
Furina turned, catching their eye. She smiled, far too casually, and raised a hand in a tiny wave. For the first time in a while, she wasn’t wearing her gloves, leaving the skin of her hand exposed.
They didn’t need to ponder what the feeling of that hand in theirs was like, after holding it countless times, until the weight of it caused phantom pains in their wrist. They didn’t have to wonder about her lips on their cheek, or her arms around their waist, when they were sensations that had been burned into their skin.
They averted their eyes, instead of returning the wave. There wasn’t any point dwelling on the past, or exchanging pleasantries with their ex-lover.
Maybe if they had been informed of her presence ahead of time, they wouldn’t have come. That way, they’d never had the chance to do something as foolish as reminisce on people as painful as Furina. But Navia—sweet, kind, oblivious Navia—had invited them, unaware of their messy break-up.
The split wasn’t either of their faults. ‘Grown apart’, could be used to describe it if you were feeling cliché. Perhaps a more accurate description would be ‘grew too close, until their roots were tangled with each other and their thorns were too deeply buried in each other’s sides, that removing them would hurt more than letting the relationship fester.’ It was a classic tragedy; two flawed people clinging desperately to each others’ side, until the haze of romance cleared and said flaws drove them apart.
The split was mutual, made for both their sakes. That didn’t mean it didn’t sting when their lives—previously entangled and interwoven with each other—were torn into two. Suddenly they were alone, and half of their existence had up and left.
It hurt, the split. But they knew staying would hurt more.
“Excuse me,” The voice was so soft, so excruciatingly familiar that if they kept looking away, they could convince themself it was just a hallucination. “[Name].”
They couldn’t. They couldn’t do it. At least while staring into their drink, they could enjoy the voice as a pleasant dream.
“[Name], please.”
But they never were strong enough to resist her, were they?
Their resolve crumbled like sand. They looked over, and there she was: as breathtaking as she looked the day they first met her.
“Hi,” She whispered. It was one word, and all too much.
“Hey,” They respond, keeping their voice low to seclude the conversation to the corner of the room.
“How have you been?” Furina asked. They tried not to let their face fall at the words. Before they broke up, there wasn’t a need for small talk, or even greetings for that matter. Their conversations would taper off into quietness or end completely, and they would pick right back up the next time they spoke. Questions of how they were, or dull observations about the weather had no room to fill the silence, when that space was filled with a comfortable kind of quiet.
“I’ve been well.” Far too stiff. The old [Name], the one that was Furina’s lover, would never let themself be so formal with her.“And yourself?”
“…Well, as well.”
In an effort to fill the awkward silence, they blurted out “I heard about your…” What was it exactly? Demotion? Abdication? Dismissal? “…I heard what happened. About how you’re not the Hyrdo Archon anymore.”
“Ah, yes, I figured you would have heard about that.” She rolled her eyes, part of her mask slipping. “There isn’t a person here who hasn’t…”
They cringed inwardly at how their choice of conversation made the silence even more uncomfortable. “So… what are you doing over here?”
She grinned in relief at the topic change. “Darling, we’re at a party; there’s one obvious thing we could be doing.”
“What’s that?”
Furina extended her hand, folding the other behind her back. She smiled coyly, a million words dancing on the tip of her tongue, all unsaid. “Well, the reason I came over here, of course. Will you dance with me?”
Letting the conversation lead on this long was dangerously close to letting her back into their life. But what was a little more danger, when the music was so sweet and Furina was offering the chance so freely? It was just a dance, nothing more.
They placed their drink down on a nearby waiter’s tray, and took her hand.
Furina’s lips parted into an O, momentarily surprised by their willingness, but she quickly recovered. She tugged on their hand to bring them further into the centre of the room, taking one of their hands and placing it on her waist, and intertwining her fingers with the other.
She swept them across the floor, twirling and spinning past the rest of the couples. One step forward, a step back. They let go of her waist to spin her in a circle and she let out a giggle, sounding like waves crashing on the shore. The sound made them breathless.
Furina replaced her arms around their waist, stepping so close that they were only a breath away.
Their eyes drifted to the windows, reflecting the ballroom. In it, they could see all of the couples pressed together, while the orchestra played tirelessly off to the side. In the centre was one pair that fell directly under the ballroom’s chandelier lights, a beautiful woman in a blue dress, and… well, them. Beyond that, they could see the night sky in the background: hundreds of shining stars and a full moon staring back at them.
“The sky is so pretty,” They whisper.
“It’s beautiful,” Furina agrees, not taking her eyes off them.
The song ended, fading off in place of a more upbeat tune. Furina didn’t remove her hands from their waist, barely acknowledging the change. It wasn’t quite dancing by then, simple swaying in place with her arms around them. They didn’t care enough to move.
“Would you like to have tea with me, sometime?” Furina asked. The words were more than an invitation; they were the keys left in the lock, letting them through and back into her life if they so pleased. An I don’t think that’s a good idea would be easy. A no would be easier. Instead, all they said was, “I would like that.”
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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picturing jean in a pair of raybans is good for my mental health
“Missed a couple spots. Need a hand?”
jeremy u flirt
do the trojans ever realise that jean is NOT IN FACT deaf and standing right in front of them when they are talking about him?
oh ok so chapter 11 is in fact worse than chapter 10
if anyone reading this has ever believed that they deserved the abuse, trauma/suffering they’ve experienced, i’m here to tell u right now that nobody deserves that and it is not ever ur fault, no matter what others might say or try to convince u. whatever happened to u is unequivocally not ok. please seek help from a professional if u are worried about urself or others in ur life.
if u have ever felt uncomfortable or violated in certain situations just know that no matter how ‘big’ or ‘small’ the situation may seem (i use these terms loosely because i do not believing in ranking peoples traumas), ur feelings are 100% valid and u always always deserve to be respected and heard.
i hope u know that u are not alone and never will be.
sending lots of love to all of u
wtff jenkins is a girl?? did we all know this or have i just read too many fanfics always thought jenkins was a guy?
It was sacrilegious even in the privacy of his head, and Jean hunched his shoulders against a blow that never came.
fuck that’s a good line. traumatic as fuck and makes me wanna cry for all these boys have gone through but god as an ex-catholic raised queer person i can tell u this line struck hard even though i cant relate to the specifics of the scene
Jean didn’t mind cooking, but he didn’t say that. This was the first time his room truly felt safe and right, and he was content to hold onto it for as long as he could. He closed his eyes again, but now his thoughts were snagged on Jeremy. At length he broke the silence to say, “Two beds would fit in here.”
jean moreau u are so loved
“You are not them,” Jean said. “Kevin would not have sent me here if you were.”
Just because he had to meet with this man didn’t mean he had to speak to him.
jean, u diss aaron earlier in the books but really ur just the same as him
betsy dobson to the mother fuckibg rescue someone get this bitch a ‘worlds best therapist’ mug
and jean, dude do u know how fucking similar u and neil are, seriously like u guys should be besties like-
“It was not my choice,” he sent back in warning. “I do not need counseling.” He didn’t trust her at all, but there was no point spelling it out.
dude wtf is it with me and napping while tryna finish this book, literally just accidentally fell asleep for 2.5 hrs when i could’ve been reading
“Imagine getting changed so we can practice,” Jean said.
king is fed uppp
“It’s not about size, anyway.” ​“Defensive,” Jean said, tugging his glove straps with his teeth. ​Jeremy straightened in indignation. “I don’t have anything to be defensive about.” Jean lost his grip and bit his lip, and Jeremy hurried on before either of them could think too much about that double entendre.
“That’s not—I do care. I want you to play with us, and I want you to have fun again. I want to see what you can do on the court and what you bring to our defense line. I want us to finally win this year after coming so close and failing too many times. But it’s just a game, Jean. Your safety and happiness will always be more important than our season.”
“Every time you say that you take a year off my life. I’d really like to live to ninety, so please knock it off.”
now the trojans understand how the foxes feel when neil whips out his ‘im fine’ line,, also i’m never gonna stop saying that neil and jean should be besties it’s literally just a fact
“I do not believe you when you are drinking such filth,” Jean said, with a disapproving look toward her drink. Laila stared him down as she sucked a long gulp through the straw,
this book is so devastatingly depressing and explores some of the most horrible traumatic things that could happen to a person but it’s interspersed with some of the funniest scenes that it gives me whiplash
“Pat and Ananya have wanted to fuck Cody’s brains out for almost a year now. I really thought Cody moving in with them this summer was going to finally get that ball moving, but apparently not. It’s getting kind of pitiful.” ​“Pat and Ananya have been engaged almost as long as Cody has known them,” Laila pointed out as she fit herself against Cat’s side. “You can’t blame Cody for being scared of where they might belong in something like that.”
jeremy is so hopelessly crushing on jean and that’s real of him
meanwhile jean:
Threat assessment, he told himself, and it was almost the truth.
sureee buddy
They’d arrived holding hands and dressed in matching cream-and-teal outfits. Even their gold-rimmed sunglasses and teal sneakers were identical.
well that is definitely an outfit!
“Speaking of happy endings, has Laila bought you a sex toy yet?”
this whole scene was so fucking random but jean deserves great friendships
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‘i’m sure the ravens wouldn’t have taken neil in if they’d known he was the son of a mob boss!!’
i don’t know how to tell u this buddy
dude i just cannot stop think about the whole new world of fanfics we’re gonna get now that tsc has come out like the aftg universe is expanding and becoming more detailed it’s gonna be crazy
chapter 14!!!
Jean eyed him. “For what purpose?” ​Jeremy looked to the ceiling for patience. “For fun.” ​Jean sighed as if Jeremy was the one being unreasonable.
oh jean we’ll get there eventually
Jean was a starving dog on a short chain who’d learned years ago not to bite back.
“You are Jean Moreau. Your place is here with me, with us. I’m your captain. You’re my partner. We’re supposed to be doing this together, aren’t we? Stop leaving me behind. Look at me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that he hurt you, I’m sorry that you’re still afraid to talk about it, and I’m sorry that you think I’ll never understand. I’m sorry that he tricked you into thinking you deserved it. But I’m not sorry he’s gone. I can’t be.”
“Neither am I.”
everytime one of the trojans says ‘we’re here to listen whenever your ready to talk and open up to us’ and then they go and demand he tell them every secret he’s ever kept
kevin and jeans relationship in this book is so fucking well written, it’s tearing me apart and giving me so much life
they have so much shared trauma and the relationship is so complex but they understand eachother so deeply
He is not used to having a voice, and he has never had power. I cannot promise he will ever talk to you.” ​“I will wait as long as it takes,”
“Be careful with it,” Kevin said. “Be careful with him.”
“Night practices with Andrew and Neil,” Kevin said. ​“Obsessed,” Jeremy
exy fiend kevin day representation
“No, Jean is fine. As fine as he can be, anyway. Yes, I know.” (kevin when talking to someone ‘offscreen’) i just know he was talking to neil
She crossed the room and leaned over, catching Jean’s head in her hands so she could plant a kiss to the top of his head.
this is the love jean deserves
chapter 15:
“Your fourth line has a smart mouth, Coach,” Jean said. “I was hoping he would bite his tongue off in the fall and save us both some grief in the long run.”
jean i love u
Jean wished he had the common sense to shut up,
he’s so me
“And keep Kevin’s name out of your ignorant mouth,”
i keep forgetting that jean only learnt english after he moved into evermore and that kevin probably taught him but i love the subtle little reminders every now and then when he has to clarify a word, like when he has to ask what a ‘floozy’ is and:
due to egregious injuries.” ​Jean didn’t recognize that word, but since Lucas was already running his mouth, he didn’t get a chance to ask.
it’s such a good detail that just adds so much more depth to his character
“Permission to break his face, Coach?” Jean asked. ​“Denied,” White said.
catalina alvarez u wonderful human i love u
jean realising how big the world is and the fact that he’s explored more of california than any other place he’s been before is making me tear up he never should’ve been kept trapped inside he deserves to see the world
So long as she existed as fractured memories, she was safe and small and sheltered.
oh god don’t do this to me
Jean gazed out at the endless horizon, feeling small and infinite from one moment to the next.
beautiful, just beautiful, absolutely immaculate
A cool evening breeze. Rainbows. Open roads.
“He is not going to hit you. Okay? We don’t do that here. You said you’d try to do better and that’s enough for us.”
starting off strong
You’re one of my kids now.
don’t mind me i’m just sobbing
no no no no no no no no no
holy shit no what the fucking fuck
don’t do this to jean rn oh my fucking god i’m sick to my stomach on the verge of fully crying right now
actually dreading reading on right now
um ok yeah so i read it and to anyone who hasn’t finished the book yet beware there is a graphic violent scene followed by an intense panic attack in chapter 16 that’s is very difficult to read
i did cry and all i can say is thank fuck for lisinski’s timing
Jeremy’s response was low but unhesitating: “I will not look away.” ​“I do not want you to look.” ​It frightened him how much it sounded like a lie,
only redeeming part of this chapter is that neil’s back but i’m still in so much shock over what’s just happened that i cant properly appreciate him
chapter 17 the finale:
feeling incredibly somber as i reach the end of the book
please god destroy anyone who has ever hurt jean moreau
nora’s really filling in all the plot holes left from aftg - why did nobody question why neil’s hair was dyed after evermore ????? why did nobody question neil being at evernote in the first place???
i’m laughing at neil’s map print-outs he’s so uncool, also i keep forgetting this is still meant to be 2007
jean-yves moreau oh my fucking god
“says who?” Stuart asked. “The dead kid?
stuart hatford u are so funny, is this where neil inherited is sarcasm from?
stuart hatford says fuck riko and so do i
Neil shrugged. “Do you have anyone who can take on local work?”
Neil offered her a disarming smile that would never sit quite right on his face.
devouring these scraps about my boy
Neil filled in the finer details with an ease that would have been impressive to listen to any other day
- yes neil is incredibly smart, thank u jean for confirming to us
The only thing left to ask for was something he barely understood: “I want to go home.”
oh the complicated nature of home and one’s sense of belonging that persists throughout these books will never fail to make me feel absolutely everything. nora knows exactly what i want in a book
“I can see the kitchen. There should be a door out to where the dumpsters are. We can make it back to the garage from there.”
to be loved by neil josten is to be offered a way to evade the fbi together
“Tedious,” Neil said. “I’m trying to eat.”
my hero
Neil waited until he was done before deciding he wanted to finish his drink. Neither agent was impressed with their absolute lack of urgency,
i love u neil josten pls give me ur autograph
Neil, being the person he was, pointed at the fire hydrant adjacent to its front bumper and said, “That’s illegal, just so you know.” ​“Shut up and get in the car.”
i wish neil josten was real
He couldn’t fear a government who was so easily infiltrated and manipulated
Neil flipped his takeout box open and started eating. “I’m allowed to visit people.”
he’s everything to me 🥰
“You’re one to accuse others of intolerable attitudes,” Browning said, and Neil only shrugged indifference.
and—for once—without any of your usual bullshit.”
- browning u love him just like the rest of us don’t lie rn
ngl i’m never getting over the fact that jean and neil are the same age like this is crazy to me nora whyd u have to do this i cant cope
“The more people I hold onto, the less of a threat I am, because I won’t want to endanger them by acting out.”
oh neil look how far uve come, i’m so proud
“Lock your door tonight if it will help, but Grayson will never bother you again.”
all my favourite bamf! neil fics have him taking out a hit on someone for the benefit of the people he loves and i’m so glad that’s canon
i’m going fucjing crazy i didnt think it was possible to love neil anymore than i already do
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best friends ❤️
jean tearing up and throwing away the notebooks and realising he trusts the trojans and the four of them going to eat one of cats new recipes after they waited up last midnight for him
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Why hello there.
Listen,I don’t have much to say about the newest LO episode so here’s an ares ranking to go along with the other ones.
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Percy Jackson:
Look,Ares is a really weird figure when it comes to how the media presents him.
Almost always they present him as this sexist frat boy when in mythology he is:
A reported protector of mistreated woman.
The patron god of the amazons and was worshipped to the point that their leader had 2 babies with him.
Scored the GODDESS PF LOVE AND BEAUTY and there is no way you cannot convince me she doesn’t have some pretty high standards(even though apparently you can convince most of the writers on this list)
And as much as I love Percy Jackson,it is not devoid of crimes.
In the first book,he helps Luke/Kronos steal Zeus’ master bolt and Hades’ helm of invisibility as to start a civil war within the gods.id say this is a pretty good portrayal overall.
…until we get to the second book.
This myth will be very important so long story short:a daughter of ares got r*** by a son of Poseidon so Ares,like any reasonable and bloodthirsty god of war,fucking killed him.
After this,he got put on trial for murder as if he wasn’t the literal god of bloody war,and all the ladies vouched for him so he got set free.
Let’s just say,Rick Riordan didn’t know of this myth.
In the second book,there’s a scene where Clarisse La Rue,a DAUGHTER of ares talks to him through a magic mirror.
There,he threatens her and says he should have sent one of his sons on the quest.and keep in mind she is his FAVORITE DAUGHTER.
So yeah.
I don’t really like this portrayal but he gets points for bringing Clarisse and (technically)Frank into this world since I like them both.also the fact that Percy could tell he had beef with him even without having any other memory.
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Lore Olympus:
Remember when I said that modern Ares was more often than not a sexist frat boy?we’ll add “predator” and “Reddit nice guy” to that list because RS can’t write.
If in Percy Jackson Aphrodite had terrible standards here said standards are so much worse.
He spends MONTHS trying to seduce a 19-YEAR-OLD and then tries to marry her without her consent.
Great.this guy is a predator,Reddit nice guy,AND stupid.
I remember saying that the only character who could get a lowers rating than LO Persephone being LO hades and then I remembered this fuck existed.
Fuck him.
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Your know when you see something and then immediately want to wash your eyes with soap?this is my soap.
He is my third favorite Olympian in the game,coming third to Hermes and Artemis.
So here’s a few reasons why I like him:
Doom anything with impending doom and the increasing doom damage boon does absurd amounts of damage.
Curse of nausea is one of the best duos in the game.
He respects woman.(oh look they finally Aphrodite standards)
His quest is stupidly easy and he was the first Olympian who’s bond I maxed out.
I know this joke has been made so many times but.he really is a Chthonic simp.
He doesn’t get too pissed if you don’t pick him is trial of gods.hes just here for the bloodshed.
It may be just the fact that almost every other interpretation of ares is bad,but I really like him.
Also Aphrodite wearing his face paint in hades 2-
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He’s cool.
I really don’t have much else to add except the helmet stays on during sex.
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Gods school:
Welp Back to the incels-
Him straight up telling Aphrodite that he can do whatever he wants because she won’t leave is just.why.
I don’t get why people go to this myth,turn it around,and act as if they’ve done a service by making Ares miserable when in the myths it was already a good ending.
What is with the obsession with making ares a toxic ex boyfriend when in the myths him and ‘dite were literally love and war.
Another issue I have with gods school is the fact they made Aphrodite a Karen Smith when in the myths shes a Regina George but that’s a problem for the Aphrodite ranking.
Also I just realized the Aphrodite Hephaestus ares myth is the og “I fell in love with a bad boy story”-
Epic:the musical:
I don’t have a physical picture of him but I already like him.
The only time he he appears is during a bit of an unfinished song but he does bring up some pretty good points,like the Scylla thing.
Also the fact Athena didn’t directly refute any of his points but instead persuaded him with the fact that the moment Ody gets home the suitors are going to be fucked is surprisingly great.
Also can I just say how absolutely hyped I am for god games?Aphrodite’s part fucking rocks and I’m excited for Apollo and Hephaestus.
Also here’s my ranking for epic Hermes since I wasn’t part of the fandom back then:
*insert dolphin laugh here*
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ellilyre · 6 months
I finished ToA not long ago and I wanted to write down some thoughts/scenes that stick with me
(in chronological (ish) order, watch out for spoilers)
Theres an italian girl at camp ! It means Nico gets to practice and speak italian ! (which probably haven't happened in about 70 years)
Will introducing Nico as "my boyfriend". I already knew they would be canon, but reading that line felt weird /pos
Apollo sees Solangelo and think of himself and Hyacinth
That night when Kayla and Austin disappeared and Apollo left to look for them, it probably was the first night Will ever spent alone in his cabin
Apollo's insane body dysmorphia. He's a god, he can always take the physical form he is the most comfortable and confident in... Until now. He is stuck in a body that isn't his, he feels ashamed, when he sees certain traits in others he find them charming or pretty, but when it's on him then it's disgusting. He complain that everything is this body's fault (ex. he wouldn't have been touched by the Eurynomos if it wasn't for his chub.)(I could go on for hours)
Lityerses ! I love that guy. Idk why i love him that much. He is my best guy.
Apollo's reaction to Commodus' name. His flashback of him. So painful he was physically sick.
Apollo talking Helios out of killing them, because he just want to be free, not to hurt them.
Jason. I'm not talking about Jason. I can't speak about Jason.
Frank and Apollo ! They are so fond of each other !!!
Apollo heard all of Frank's prayers when he was unclaimed and wished he could've adopted him.
And Frank respecting Apollo as a god although he is *vaguely gesture at Apollo/Lester*
Reyna saying aloud that she doesn't want nor needs romance. It's so rare to see aromantic representation and Rick did it so well.
Literally Apollo singing his way out of situations.
FRANK'S SELF SACRIFICE!!! (He already had one of my favorite character development before that)
APOLLO KILLING COMMODUS ??? why do never talk about that it's one of the best deaths I've ever seen that was BADASS AND FULL OF EMOTIONS.
Apollo slowly dying out of poison and the Dodona Arrow doing everything it can to keep him conscious.
I hope Dakota didn't get killed off just to give Lavinia the role of Centurion. I love my boy Dakota, and his death felt kind of meaningless, except for her rank up :/ also i feel like it doesn't suit Lavinia. Some ppl are strong and good and trustable but just not made to order others. (ill prop make a full post about that)
Dionysos confirmed to be an annoying little brother!
Nico. How does Rick manage to always give him more issues. Leave the kid alone.
When Will glows, Apollo is genuinely impressed and tells him how proud he is.
Nico destroying Nero's door with his giant zombie bull. That was cool.
When Apollo gets stabbed in Nero's tower and think it's the end, he prays "Zeus, Artemis, Leto, anyone"
And in general the few parts he talks about Leto, he's such a momma's boy and I love it.
When Apollo left for Delphi... I was fully expecting Meg to go with him. I was so worried that he went alone while already feeling that weakened from the previous events.
Artemis is here when Apollo wakes up. She's by his side, she's the first person to tell him he succeeded, she hold him while he sobs...
The first thing he does is to greet his horses :) and then to see his friends.
When he gets back to the Dodona bush ! To tell them all how brave and heroic the Arrow have been !
I could spend hours talking about the character developments of Apollo, Meg and the Dodona Arrow (i love the arrow so much you have no idea) but its for another day
There's many things I didn't talk about, but the post is already long enough. I love those 5 books, and Apollo is an amazing narrator.
I love the Arrow of Dodona with all my heart.
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plasticfangtastic · 10 months
okay so i did say I was gonna be annoying here's my first little analysis of the trailer for the boys. this shit is messy but its 8 am over here and i just need to ramble... spoiler talk here...
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i'm a little concerned about Ryan being so down to kill people this early on in his life, like he's straight up just killing or trying to kill a man in front of a small crowd that got a bunch of phones out, he's also with who i assume its Zoe Neuman and at first I thought it was butcher who was getting thrown againts a building bcuz the guys's colour scheme matched but frankly i don't know.
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lowkey feel like the whole arc between Starlight and Homelander will be about him trying to prove to Starlight that she's in the wrong side of history, he just looks so fucking smug when the riot takes place and both his and starlight stans are beating each other up-- frankly both scenes do not seem to be in the same spot... but there's just something in his face that screams "I told you so" to me. its also really interesting how nobody sees him in the middle of the carnage like nobody its stopping their shit when he shows up compare to Gen V where the whole school froze.
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likely to be a parody of the captain america musical scene from the Hawkeye's tv show if i had to take a guess but as some xmas production (as u can see the baby jesus scene in the back)
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I already seen ppl throw cloning theories over these hairs that I bet are Madelyn's but its just his murder shrine which do include Black Noir so I guess Homelander cheated on Maeve with Noir, I would not be surprise if he has a whole wall of ex-gfs and we might see some Becca's stuff but my question is why its A-train in his house, is he stealing something/breaking in to spy or was he invited by Homelander? and where in the apartment is this? like is down mystery hall over here:
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I wasn't sure who this guy its but I'm gonna say Webweaver as he looks like nobody I recognize and his hair its too logn to be Frenchie or Joe and he's according to Vought HQ meant to die by Homelander's hand (maybe he's fucking Anika and Homelander no longer accepts race traitors in his ranks)
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I imagine Splinter over here its connected to Firecracker as he seems to be in the conspiracy theory convention and Firecracker its supposed to be yassified Alex Jones plus the con its called truthcon and her show its called truthbomb...
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and here's the most spoilery thing and what tells me the Vought HQ spoilers are real... Kimiko will lose her arm to Zoey according to the spoilers and here's she is fighting kimiko and her powers seem to match the description.
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I imagien that they finally decide to take a hit at Neuman and try to kidnap Zoe/Zoey and this is the end result...
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theyapper0 · 6 months
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So I'm gonna go into it more in future posts but BASICALLY in my rewrite, Raven and Apple don't sign the Story Book of Legends right away at Legacy Day in season 1 (for whatever reason LOL) and NEITHER of them end up signing it until Way Too Wonderland (when Raven needed to sign the book in order to defeat Courtly Jester) But when they signed it together.....
APPLE received the powers of the Evil Queen......
I'm not gonna go TOO deeply into it but SPOILERS!! Raven and Apple were switched at birth and their TRUE DESTINIES were only revealed only AFTER they signed the book GASP :OOOOOO
I should also mention that season 1 is basically gonna be the same, with no one liking Raven at first and with the whole Royal V. Rebel thing still going on and stuff
(BUT I am calling Royal something else, I'm gonna call it Ruley bc NOT EVERY PERSON WHO WANTS TO FOLLOW THEIR DESTINY IS A ROYAL!!!
I'm imagining there's sorta a ranking to it. Like, if you wanna follow your destiny you're a Ruley but if you're a Ruley who's ALSO royalty, then you're a Royal. Ex: Apple would be a Royal but Alistair would be a Ruley (does that make sense??))
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wolves-and-stars · 6 days
Remus in his Element: FIC REC LIST
(A list of fics where the authors dont fuck up remus lupin, the most brilliant, wonderful man to have existed.)
Okay i would like to preface this by saying that i went throught the 2014 remus lupin is a nerd era (and thats not to say he isn't, just not thr way they made him out to be) and it was the worst. So, here are some fics that give REMUS LUPIN.
1. Subtlety, Thy Name is Sirius Black by rekahneko (ffnet) 21k
Remus thinks sirius needs to be more subtle with his flirting, sirius thinks remus is full of shit. So they make a bet to see who's right. Remus has to manage to subtely get the girl (cough cough) he has a crush on to ask him out, before sirius can agree someone else to ask him out.
Remus is so self assured and comfortable with who he is and what he wants without comprimising on his affection and actual personality.
Fire fic.
2. The lad that loved you by mollymarymarie (ao3) 81k
Remus and Sirius get into a relationship, naturally the next step is to pretend they hate each other and give james a heart attack.
Remus is so sexy in this one. The final chapter is (SPOILER) so fire when he punches snape.
3. Ten reasons (to go to michigan) by greyeyedmonster18 (ao3) 59k
Remus is a newly divorced and a best selling author, unfortunatley he has nothing left to write. So, he books a flight to the upper peninsula where he grew up. He happens to meet a starnger in a coffeeshop, who happens to change his life.
There's a scene with his ex husband, where he throws down his credit card and it is such a breath of fresh air with all the pushover remus characterizations.
4. Dating Remus Lupin by children_of_the_shadows (ao3) 83k
You will never find a fic with such brilliant characterizations of all of the marauders. All 4 of them are so unique and funnily written. Sirius is so unhinged its crazy. Hes giving bimbo, but deliberate bimbo yaknow? And remus. Ohmygod remus in this fic.
He is so emo, aloof, nonchalant. And it drives sirius up the wall. Remus gives so hard in this fic.
5. Sex pistols by Artificialaorta (ffnet) 86k
Remus is the lead gutairist for belladonna a punk rock band. His character is so cool and so sauve, but irl he is not so cool and not so sauve about sirius black, lead singer for pop band the marauders.
I love fics that dont put his character down by making him someone that just gives into everything sirius and james say and do. But still manage to keep him, himself you know?
6. Stalking sirius by remuslives23
Remus is very self assured and confident in the way he acts in this. Hes a journalist that stalks sirius and happens to be the only one that gets under the mysterious mans skin.
7. Highland Fling by Picascribit (a03) 38k
Sirius goes backpacking through scotland and happens to meet a cute bartender at the pub. Except hes staright, lives in america, and set to be engaged.
Again self assured remus. No insecurity or digs at his personality.
8. This is the Life by 1electricpirate (ao3) 15k
After the war, Sirius becomes an uptight, high-ranking Ministry official; but when an old childhood friend comes unexpectedly back in his life, he learns what it is to let go and live and love once more - the question is, will Remus let him?
Love remus in this one.
9. Rumor has it by Remy_writes5 (ao3) 15k
No student had ever figured out why Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin seemed to hate each other so much, and at this point in the year the seniors were done trying. All they had time to focus on now was finals and graduation, although the annual class trip provided a welcome distraction. Three days on a lake with their four favorite teachers and plenty of time to gossip had to be a good time, right?
10. The London Underground Book of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows
The cardinal rule of the London Underground is to never, ever make eye contact. It is a rule that, among many others, Sirius tends to follow despite his otherwise rebellious, non-rule-following nature. So the first time he makes eye contact with a human being in the subway comes as much of a shock to him as anyone else. Especially when he's unable to look away.
Remus is so cute and fluffy in this.
11. Everything's Connected by mizdiz (ao3) 44k
When he's seven years old, Sirius Black has a brief encounter with a strange boy in the woods, who, in their short exchange, teaches him an important lesson about the nature of the Universe, only to then disappear without a trace.
Nine years later, Sirius, along with his two best friends, is a student away at boarding school, with a brand new transfer student as his roommmate--a foul-mouthed, astronomy nerd named Remus Lupin.
Between school, hormones, relationships, and the fact that he is keeping a (magical) secret away from everyone--Sirius' year starts to go a little off the rails.
Not to mention, there's something familiar about that Remus Lupin kid that he just can't seem to shake...
Remus lupin is magic in this one.
12. Play Dates by DeathjunkE (ao3)
Remus and Sirius are Single Parents who meet by chance and become interested in one another.
Remus is just a simple, good, kind, baker.
13. Wizard beat by eprime (ao3) 6k
Sirius is a fanboy.
14. Remus Lupin's Guide to Successful Courting by Children of the Shadows (ffnet)
Remus has lived for twenty five years now. Due to his incapability to emote or feel many complicated things at the same time, he has always maintained a straight face, his facial features sitting at an angle of approximately a hundred and seventy four point two d though he has practiced it many times before in front of the mirror, Remus has truly never smiled.
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residentialsinyomakai · 2 months
My Thoughts/Kind of a Summary on "Katie's Yokai Butler"
This will all be from memory, so I apologize if some things are off, out of order, or otherwise incorrect `~` Edit Yomo here! I watched it about halfway through this but i have an awful memory ahhh! Anyways, screenshots n stuff might be included now! This'll basically be somewhat of a summary as well as a few observations I've made. Also, I'll be using the English names for characters! Keita is Nate, Fumi-chan is Katie, Warunyan is Baddinyan, so on so forth—☆
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The alternative timeline in summary is basically if Katie had gotten the yokai watch instead of Nate. It's first (and last) anime mention to my knowledge is in the Season One episode "Katie's Yokai Butler" if my memory served correctly! The episode follows Whisper through his 'dream' in what is presumed to be a look into the alternate Whisper's life. After a little argument with Nate about his messy room, Whisp cream goes to bed upset. He first wakes up to the smell of roses, and quickly realizes he isn't where he should be. (Probably bc Nate's room smells like cheeto puffs/j) He looks around to find himself in Katie's room. ( >Д<;)
This brings us to the first major difference in this timeline; it takes place in Katie's house obviously! Makes sense since she got the watch instead of Nate >u○ Her room is a lot cleaner, and even appears to be more spacious than her male counterpart. That aside, Katie comes upstairs at some point to wake Whisper, to which he responds with confusion as to where he is and how she can see her. To this universe's Katie, she thinks he's acting strange. She pinches him upon request to make sure he's not dreaming, to which he didn't wake up. That confirms that!
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(* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
After a bit, Katie returns back downstairs when she hears her father calling her. This leads Whisper to wonder about another difference; the inclusion of Baddinyan. Besides the obvious fact of it not being Jibanyan, this also means Katie is probably going to interact with other yokai in a rather different manner than Nate! I say that because Nate met Roughraff in Season 1, Episode 3. He didn't even get Baddinyan's medal! (which sucks because that's one of my favorite yokai! Goofy little cat,,, °□°)
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Baddinyan's first appearance in the episode 💞🐛👾
If we're talking on all timeline differences—not just the ones in Katie's house—then the meeting with Roughraff might be a good point to bring up. Considering the fusion was involuntary in Nate's timeline, what happened in Katie's? Did they decide to stay fused after that for whatever reason, did Katie fuse them at a place like shonen temple (which doesn't exist in the anime I think >~>), or did something happen pre-canon for them to have became friends and fuse? Sometimes, a fusion can be in the same place as the yokai that fused them in the anime due to certain yokai like Baddinyan forming a separate consciousness from either original host ( 〃=▽=〃) (I probably sound like a huge dweeb rn </33) Maybe Katie said something to the newly existent Baddinyan to make him give her the medal, and thus hanging around her from now on!
After some vague threats at fighting Whisper from Baddinyan, the yokai butler in question wonders about who replaced Hidabat in the closet. He goes to open it leading us into our next difference; Shadow Venoct. There isn't much from me to say about this one to be honest, he doesn't have any lines except for maybe the hissing of his snake-scarf thingies hissing at Whisper (¤o¤|||. I've noticed that a lot of Katie's friends seem to be more powerful, or at least a higher rank than Nate's. [Ex: Shadow Venoct being S Rank, Baddinyan being B Rank, and another S Rank we'll get into later—!♡]
Sometime after that, Katie calls Whisper down to help her investigate the strange way her mother was acting. Whisper attempts to use the Yokai Pad to identify the yokai...although Katie swipes it away just as quickly. <°[O□o;]°> She says that Whisper (or this timeline's original version of...) promised to try and memorize the information instead. It seems un-Whisper like, but to be fair, alternate Whisper probably formed a different dynamic than the usual! She identifies the yokai with the watch, to which Whisper (discreetly uses the pad and) figures out it's Noway!
To deal with him, Katie said that she'd summon a special rare friend. This turns out to be Robonyan's timeline counterpart; Goldenyan! Upon asking the golden robot cat for help, he says that this was 'beneath' his capabilities and basically that his power shouldn't be wasted on it...;  ̄Д ̄ Anyways, he leaves to the future and the episode ends with Katie using Whisper as a special attack against Noway, much to his dismay >u<. Oh, and it's revealed here that Whisper was dreaming.
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Although it may have been a "dream", I'm 99% sure that was a plot device to not have to script in 'Whisper going to another universe!!' to the episode and how he eventually gets back. I personally believe it would be cool to see a spin-off dedicated to something like this! There's Nyanderful Days I guesssss but that doesn't really count cuz it just has Whisper and Jibanyan and it's just inserting Katie into the og series plot (¬_¬) There's a lot of potential, and I'm sure viewers over here in the west and Japan would be happy to see our girl the the spotlight for once wwwwww. Maybe it'd also be an opportunity to have McKraken put into the anime? Hint hint? That, as well as several yokai who might not have been seen by Nate due to him going different places as Katie, hanging out with different people, etc! Anyways, that's all for now!
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