#ex wife and brother meet irl!
theo stop scaring the students (idk if this is even possible)
ok so in regards to this post i made yesterday i thought i would just like add to it.
going to once again state i literally have no clue what i'm talking about everything i talk about i say with like 99.999% uncertainty and i'm always open to being wrong and having conversations about characters and stuff like that's my JAM.
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anyways, i have only two real possible like things to back me up on this:
the fact that it looks like a dear skull. in the comics we learn that theo loved to hunt and he would often bring home venison for lenore and it ends up being her deathwish meal. i also looked up a deer skull for this and guys as somebody who hates bones i did this for you all
i want to say the picture below looks like it's horse hair that's overgrown, or i want to say it's like bits of bark from a tree. either support my idea.
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see the way that looks makes me immediately think of the way he died. since we all know he died by basically having a tree fall on him in a storm.
my only question is how did he get out here? because, being honest and this will not be poetic in the slightest, bro looks a bit deranged. and we know that theo, when he was at nevermore, was the top student.
which then just makes me wonder if he went rogue/he did something that fucked up his place in the spotlight and he was booted out and look he's here. i suggest all of these things not out of thinking i'm correct but because i literally have no clue.
with episode 100 coming out literally tomorrow, this could be the dumbest thing i've ever posted because i could have my theory shot down immediately. and if it is, i'm going to laugh. and if it isn't– i might just like, i dunno, crawl into the fetal position and wonder how i was correct.
i never get things like this right.
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cyborgraptor · 3 months
man I'm going to rant that I'm currently screaming into a pillow about IRL family dog business destruction
I've been a part of this for 6 years and it has been slowly eating itself alive since my brother's wife started cheating on him 3 years ago. she's the co-owner. cheating [redacted] has been in and out of the business pretending to be very nice to employees and the next day ghosts everyone and doesn't give updates, and I'm stand-in manager atm. supplies? bad employee meeting? schedules? tips? payroll? fuck if I know if its been done or not! I never FUCKING know! and then. she's been laundering the money. on top of missing comptroller's calls (refuses to give my brother the number for redirecting/not giving passwords), not helping my brother with W4s, hiring random people, and she's working at another dog place and stole clients, which is illegal. and lawyers cost money. and he can't get divorced until this is done. and supposedly, my brother overheard her plotting and waiting for the business to fall apart so my brother would sign over his half, since her pedophile uncle is an actual lawyer. oh, and that's a whole other story. he actually has a website dedicated to other people who've been assaulted by him, but because he's a lawyer........:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) there's so many other layers that I have yet to even talk about but fuck, man. my brother has known his soon to be ex-wife for over 10 years. there's no lesson out of this besides what the actual fuck
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astoldbychae · 11 months
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*blows dust off of old save that I haven’t opened in months* Oh hey ya’ll!
Listen, it’s the way she’s been pregnant for a year & some change IRL. 😩
I’ve been clearing out my external hard drive off & on for months. And I finally got around to separating my save files by story. Everyone used to exist in one save but I’m trying this new thing where I have a 3 different saves (all separated by their corresponding gameplay/story). Girl, help! I’m trying to stay organized but Im getting overwhelmed It’s only been a few weeks…not sure how I’m liking it just yet.
Anywho, meet Monet & Carmelo. He has two daughters, Genesis (child) & Eden (toddler) with his ex-wife (Marguerite). They divorced because their third child was fathered by another man. She had been creepin’ while he was sleepin’ (at the Firehouse, because he’s a Fireman). Their divorce was MESSY because Marguerite is MESSY. Miss ma’am has no clue who the baby’s father is. ☕️ crazy thing about it is Melo and Marguerite we’re high school sweethearts. You know the whole, been with each other since Freshman year; both played on the schools basketball teams (so they would “practice” together). Anywho…moving on…
Melo met Monet through her older brother. He was actually one of her brothers friends/teammates (high school bball team)…they’ll be making an appearance once I get their corresponding save together.
These two are one of many that have had pregnancies paused for fiftyleven years. Send help. 😖
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shipcestuous · 12 days
58M; USA
Wow. And here I thought doing an intelligent search on IMDB gave me all of the shipcest I wanted. Then I discovered shipcestuous about a year ago and your curated lists across all mediums is, hands down, fantastic. Thank you, shipcestuous, for having the courage to put this blog into action and maintain it for all of us. I hope everyone appreciates you as much as I do.
I've been a lurker for about a year but finally decided to sign up and post in order to support the blog. I feel like shipcestuous is my brother from a different mother.
My story began in college, when I dated a 21yo woman who was in a consensual, thriving (but secret) relationship with her still very healthy and virile grandfather. Looking back, I realize now he had become her Sugar Daddy, but they really cared for her. She and I are still friends and she is a very successful attorney, so proof that not every shipcest is doomed to disaster or evidence of mentally unstable people. With her, I realized that real, emotionally involving shipcests among consenting adults can exist... maybe even thrive.
That experience set me on a path of seeking out shipcests - whether IRL or in the arts - that still continues after 4 decades. It's impacted every aspect of my life, and maintaining its secrecy has become a bit of a burden. I am an emotionally healthy adult with 2 amazing and successfully grown children. I have been divorced for nearly 2 decades, but my divorce was not related to my obsession/hobby/fantasy (my ex-wife did know about it but chose not to partake in it). Now, nearing 60 years of age, I have no interest in meeting anyone if I can't share my love of the fantasy/hobby with her. And THAT is easier said than done as I'm sure many of you have discovered. I spend most of my days watching films with shipcest themes and logging them so that I can return to my favorites. And I'm perfectly okay with that.
Moving forward, I hope to contribute by adding to your lists, but honestly, it seems like you have captured already every shipcest in the film and arts that I'm encountering. Nevertheless, if I run into something new, I'll post and you can add it to the list.
Keep on, keep on, shipcestuous. And thanks again.
This was such a wonderful message to receive. I'm so pleased that you de-lurked to say something!
That's really fascinating about your friend and her relationship with her grandfather. So glad everything ended fine for everyone! Like you said, there it is, proof.
I understand so much how the secrecy can be a burden. I really hope you find someone who can enjoy it as much as you do. That's the dream for all of us!
If you've been chasing tags on IMDB then I'm sure you'll come across something that isn't on my lists. As long as some of the lists are, they're far from complete. Happy hunting!
Thanks, again!
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blissful-clown · 1 year
Bittersweet Lis: Bonnibelle!!!
Backstory ??? idk if there are plot holes uh 
Parents divorced when she was 4 because her mom fell out of love with her dad
They were living in France (I guess she was born there but uh both parents are Filipino though) But after the divorce, She and her dad moved to the PH
She mostly spent time with her Grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins
Her mom sometimes visits her from France and she usually just shows up when her dad’s like not around because the tension is weird with both of them in the room
Oh she has a friend in France named Bennet he was like their neighbour and they just communicate online lmao
Her dad is always at work and when he’s at home he avoids her and always sits under a mango tree outside their house just thinking and his eyes just full of sadness (bro is coping)
One time she tripped and her dad was right in front of her and she stood up and stared at him to see if he’d respond but he barely even spared her a glance even after burning a hole through his head. Her grandma just found her standing with the blood from her wound already reached the ground and rushed her inside.
It was like this for a while until she was 12 when her dad decided “bro get yo shit together u have a daughter” then boom he tried to approach her little by little by helping her with her math homework and yeah they’re good now 💥💥💥
When she was 14 she moved to America because her dad got a job opportunity there and boom 
Omg bennet in america too?! Meeting my bestie irl (REAL!!!)
Oh wait did I mention she ROLLER SKATES?! Yeah she does she’d brag about it to Bennet all the time
Their relationship is almost kinda like siblings
Dad found a bee eff?!?!!!? Bro has another dad now 🤯 AND a 5 yr old step brother 
She also has an art account and it grew following wow!!!
She met her girlfriend during prom when she was 15 wowowow!
She would give her gf those small music boxes every week with a cute note and doodle
They were all silly and happy until her gf’s dad found out about them and they were just walking around then boom her gf’s dad saw them and he punched bonnie right in the face and it was all blurry for her after that
They weren’t able to talk and then one day her gf just moved unannounced and she never saw her again they lasted for 2 years 😢
Bro was heartbroken as HELLL
Oh yeah and soon after all that her brother had a birthday party and did i mention her step-dad’s EX WIFE?! 🤯🤯🤯 yeah she showed and yeah she knows about her and she was like stopping her from coming in but she just got punched in the face AGAIN what a loser lmao
She moved right after college out of impulse (no deep backstory or anything one day she was just like ya what if I move then boom)
Oh ya remember that art account thing yeah she makes money by taking commissions 
She got into baking because that was how she would cope with stress now she also has that as a source of income woooo
Met alphonse?! I guess he found her walking around and she was thinking of her gf? She’s moved on but she thinks about her sometimes and yah all that other stuff that happened in the audio
Got interested in alphonse because he is literally PINK and she found the way he talked funny (in like a good way)
Seth appearance real!!! Im not gonna go into too much detail uhh she was just standing there and she was pretty understanding about the whole thing
She wasn’t sure if it was gonna be a good idea to approach seth but she did anyway!!! Bro was shitting herself that morning of the confrontation!!!! 
It was kinda awkward with seth at first but she was really nice to him and stuff and yeah real!!!!
All the other stuff that happened in audios wow!!; i dont feel like typing everything anymore uh
Other stuff that aren’t final:
The first friend she ever made in school when she moved to america was casper (yeas, charlie’s lis) casper would talk about charlie all the time. Bonnie thought charlie was fucking DEAD because of the way he talked about him LMAOO (wait hold on this doesnt make sense anymroe I'm gonna change this)
Majored in BA Fine arts and BS Psychology
thought of adding some filipino mythology to her but that might be too extra
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rcsplendent · 11 months
💧 + choice of muse
❤️+ choice of muse
🪡 + choice of muse
🎙 + choice of muse
💧 ... what LAURIE WAGNER is like when they're sad.
laurie is not often deeply sad, but when they are, they tend to be entirely despondent, listlessly moping about the palace & squirreling off to the stables to tend to the horses to distract himself. it's not long before everybody knows it, too, since it's such a rare occasion; a prussian servant will oftentimes inform his family of his state out of concern. in related matter, it's not likely he'll stay that way for long, as someone from his family will turn up to see what the fuss is about & cheer him up. laurie is usually grateful for this, but sometimes rejects it, as it makes him feel as though he's being babied — sometimes he just wants to be sad & move through it by himself. ( but, more often than not, he'll seek out someone he loves & just request a hug. )
❤️ ... ALEKSEI MARKOV'S love languages ( giving or receiving ).
aleksei is not exactly the most expressive person in any capacity, especially when it comes to love. however, when he deeply cares about someone, he tends to show it through gifts — although not in the typical roses & diamonds kind of way. because of how his father raised him & his brothers, all aleksei knows in terms of what it means to be loved is pain, discipline, & most impactful upon him, SACRIFICE. it's the only way he knows how to show that someone is important to him: giving up a little part of himself. this tends to manifest in giving up something he wants for himself in to make them happy, such as offering them his own food, or allowing them to win a chess match against him. while these things seem small to others, they are a big deal in aleksei's book, simply because these are things he would never do under normal circumstances. as for receiving love, aleksei is terribly uncomfortable with it, & tends to reject all forms of physical affection, oftentimes going as far as having a disgust reaction. however, it's quite a big deal if he allows someone to sit in silence with him when his paranoia & anxiety aren't too bad — it essentially indicates that they make him feel safe.
🪡 ... a skill SANTIAGO SILVA has.
santiago is a very skilled woodworker, & frequently spends any time off whittling staffs & knife handles. however, when he's feeling particularly sentimental — usually around special dates, such as his child's birthday, his ex-wife's birthday, or their anniversary — he will whittle small figurines out of wood that look like little action figures or animals like bunnies, cats, & dogs. ( click for example ! ) when he's running reconnaissance missions in nearby villages, he will usually bring a few with him & hand them out to any children he meets. 
othello is essentially german ( bavaria becomes a part of germany eventually ), & his first language is german. his speaking voice is quite soft & somewhat reedy. very similar to jannik's voice irl !!! ( click for example ! )  unlike jannik, he doesn't tend to gesture with his hands much while he's speaking, as they are usually gloved & tucked into his pockets. he is a very poised & collected person and rarely struggles to find the right phrasing, and almost never trips over his words. however, his speech is quite different when he's speaking languages that are foreign to him, such as french or english. he is very well-educated due to his family's status & is near fluent in both, but he does tend to speak much slower & takes many pauses to think of the right words, as he is effectively translating as he speaks. ( click for example ! )
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asksoldieron · 9 months
Soldier On Says: Meet Your Blorbos!
Here is a menu for the ask blog! It's not complete. All of these characters live in my brain. All of 'em. And me. Obviously. Sometimes. This is a quick reference for the main cast, and myself.
The Author: Me. OOC. Only not entirely OOC because I'm autistic and you're not gonna make me stop masking. I exist on the internet and I have many names! I'll answer to Wyvr, Wy, Zero, Zee, The Author, NKOF, Mx. Foole and probably "Hey!" if you phrase it right. Pronouns are xe/they/it, or whatever, just don't gimme a gender. I'm sick of it.
Cousin Violet: My in-story avatar, the embodiment of causality. She has a sick sense of humour. I swear I've met her IRL. She'll only tell you what she wants you to know, and nothing more. Answers to Violet, Cousin Violet and she/her.
Baron Yowie: My other in-story avatar. We haven't seen much of him. He's the embodiment of chaos. Violet is the page and he's got the ink. He'll also only tell you what he wants you to know, but he won't be as nice about it. Answers to The Baron, or Dr. Ink and he/him.
From Hyacinth's House...
Erik Weitz: That kid with the metal eye. The default version is all gown up, but I can age him down if you need. Answers to Erik and he/him.
Mordecai Eidel: Erik's uncle, the depressive street musician. Answers to Mordecai, sometimes Em, and he/him. If you call him Morph and you are NOT Diane, you are in for a verbal beatdown. (Gentle reader, you are definitely not Diane.)
Hyacinth: The medic and defacto leader of the house, although this is often contested. No last name. Answers to Hyacinth or Cin and she/her.
Barnaby Graham: One of Hyacinth's ex-guardians. He's dead. I can get him for you, but he will not be thrilled. He knows he exists in a constructed universe for the amusement of others and he's so done with it. Barnaby or Mr. Graham, he/him, and if you call him Gray he will punch you.
Milo Rose: The shy guy with glasses. He prefers not to "talk", so expect text without quotemarks, and occasional images. Answers to Milo, and he/him.
Ann Rose: Milo's alter ego and best friend, the one who sings and wears dresses. Answers to Ann or Annie and she/her. This is a Calvin and Hobbes situation, folks. None of us will give you a definite answer on whether she's real or not.
Calliope Otis: An artist. Not quite Milo's wife, but they decided they didn't need to get married. Just Calliope and she/her.
Lucy Otis: I know I did that one post where the baby version of her spoke, but you don't need to talk to the baby version. She's 11 now, she can talk for herself. Answers to Lucy or Lu and she/her.
Dave Otis: Lu's little brother. He's six now. Prefers Dave or Davy and he/him.
Euterpe Otis: Calliope's little brother. Kind of a screwup, but willing to help out with the kids in an emergency. Euterpe or Uncle Terp and he/him.
Maggie D'Iver: Erik's friend/girlfriend. "Maggie" is fine, don't call her "Magnificent" unless you're her mom or the cops. She/her. Again, I will age her down if necessary, but the default is an adult now.
Brigadier General Glorious D'Iver: Maggie's mom, Sanaam's wife, and a former tykebomb. Better call her General D'Iver or the General if you know what's good for you. She/her.
Sanaam Sadiq: Maggie's father and the General's husband. He's a sailor, we don't see him as much as we'd like. Call him Sanaam, only his wife calls him Captain. He/him.
Diane Desdoux: Our Monster. In-story, the others don't know she lives with them, not yet. We'll fudge it a little for the blog. Just call her Diane, and she/her.
John Green-Tara: Erik's friend and reluctant kidnapper. He's under a lot of strain. Better call him John, if you call him Johnny he might scream. He/him.
Seth Zusman: The street school teacher and Diane's nephew. "Seth" is just fine, for friends or students. He/him.
Soup: Otherwise known as Anthony Rinaldi, but he would like to be called "The Fox." He will answer to "Soup," but he would LIKE to be The Fox. He/him. Default version is an adult, but I can age him back down if you need.
Cerise Poirier: Ann's friend from the club where they both work. She's a dancer. Cerise or Miss Poirier and she/her.
David Valentine: Hyacinth's other guardian. Seems to be a god now? David, David Valentine, Saint Valentine (he wishes) or Glitterslut. He/him.
And there are more!
But you'll have to read the darn story!
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fific7 · 3 years
There May Be Trouble Ahead - Part 2
John Whittaker x Reader
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s all lemon zest 🍋 because the world deserves more of the over-eager puppy that is the handsome Johnny Whittaker. And puppies need discipline.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected sex between consenting adults*. Some drinking.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(Not my GIF, credit to owner)
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The following weekend, John parked his car with a flourish, jumping out of it and bouncing up the front steps of her mansion flat in town, noticing that it had a nice view of a small park across the road. Ringing the doorbell, he fervently hoped that she hadn’t changed her mind since he’d telephoned her during the week to reconfirm the details for today. He was excited about this second date. He’d been pleased when she’d given him both her address and home number without hesitation on the night of their first date, and she hadn’t said anything adverse during the midweek call. That had to be promising.
Surely that would have been the perfect opportunity to belatedly decline his invitation?
When she opened her front door, he wished her an exuberant ’good afternoon’ while being much taken with the vision of loveliness which presented itself to him. She was resplendent in a pretty floral dress, matching high heels and a floppy sun hat in a contrasting colour, and he thought she looked absolutely adorable. And told her as much, which made her blush. He loved it when she blushed. He was, in the meantime, admiring her curves and he could see a little more of her shapely legs today, her dress being very slightly shorter than the skirt she wore previously.
He was still gazing at her when he felt a stirring in his loins. It really had been quite a while since a woman had elicited that response from his now usually dormant manhood. With all the recent emotional upheaval, his libido had been truly and utterly extinguished.
Oh! he thought, looking down quickly at the growing bulge in his trousers, I’m very pleased to be in this state but… umm. He quickly clasped his hands in front of his fly.
Looking back up at her, he could tell by her expression that she was feeling very anxious and indeed, instead of greeting him, she burst out, “Do you really think this is a good idea, John? We have only just made our acquaintance but you’re taking me to meet your family? They may hate me!”
He smiled at her, “Believe me, it’s entirely possible that it will be the other way round!” She smiled back at him, “I’m sure it won’t be.” Grinning, he said, “You haven’t met them yet!” “John! You’re not exactly reassuring me!” He reached out a hand, “Come along, it will be fine, honestly. Don’t worry about anything!” She turned slightly and picked up a clutch bag from the hall table. “I’ll try not to,” she replied.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Your first thought on opening the door was, ‘how handsome he looks!” He was wearing cream trousers, a stone-coloured shirt and a cream waistcoat, very dashing. You noticed his dark eyes staring at you, and hoped that what you’d chosen to wear was suitable for a tea party with his family.
However he’d immediately complimented you so hopefully that meant you’d passed muster. Then you couldn’t help mentioning how anxious you were feeling and while he didn’t exactly make you feel less so, by the time you took his hand and let him lead you down to his car, your nerves were beginning to subside a tiny little bit.
His car was a really rather smart sports number and he opened the passenger door for you, not letting go of your hand until you’d seated yourself in it, gracefully you hoped. Then he leapt into the driver’s seat and started up the engine, a loud purring sound in the quiet street. You saw a curtain twitch at the next-door window and smirked. Good! This’ll give that awful Euphemia girl something to think about. She was always making snide passive-aggressive remarks about the lack of gentlemen in your life - as if she had any herself! It twitched again and you cheerily waved at her, the lace curtain instantly dropping back into place.
“Neighbour of yours? A friend?” John nodded towards the window. You gave a rather unladylike snort, “God no. She’s ghastly. I avoid her like the plague.” He laughed, and as the car pulled away from the kerb you glanced at him, “So. Who is going to be at tea today?” He was concentrating on navigating the car through the streets but replied, “Oh, let’s see… just Mother and my two sisters Hilda and Marion. Although I do think mater might’ve said something about Sarah possibly dropping in too.” “Sarah?” you questioned. He shifted in his seat, “My ex. We were almost engaged at one point, but…” he shrugged, “…Larita happened.”
You got a sinking feeling in your stomach. His ex? Why on earth was she joining you? And who was Larita? You asked him as much and he cleared his throat, a little uncomfortable, “Larita is my ex-wife. And Sarah - although we’re no longer involved - has a kind of big sis thing going on with me, I think. To be honest, our whole relationship was always very much like brother and sister. No hanky-panky, you know?” He gave a nervous laugh. “She’ll be over to have a gander at you, no doubt - make sure you’re not going to steal the family silver.” You couldn’t stop yourself laughing out loud, “Have no fear! I’ve concealed my burglar’s Swag Bag very well.” He joined in your laughter, “Hate to disappoint you, darling, but we’ve got no silver left to steal!”
Darling? you thought… he’s forward! “That’s not a problem,” you replied, “filthy lucre’s not really my scene.” His head turned towards you, “What’s your scene? Tell me,” he said. “Oh… you know. Someone with a brain so I can have a decent conversation. Someone who can make me laugh. And treat me like a princess.” He pulled up momentarily at a crossroads and his eyes met yours, “I can do all of those,” he said earnestly, “I promise you that I can.” You laughed, suddenly slightly shy due to how sincere he sounded. “Can you? That’s encouraging, John.”
“Yes, I can. I’ll prove it to you, if you’ll let me.”
You smiled at him. “Well, it’s very early days but we’ll see, shall we?”
He nodded, eyes gazing into yours, “We shall indeed.”
A car horn tooted behind you. He changed gears and turned the car towards the fields and meadows.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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(Flintham Hall, the Whittakers’ residence)
The car tyres crunched over the gravel of the wide driveway and he drew the car to a halt in front of “The Family Pile”, as he called it. When he’d turned the car off the road and driven between two huge gate posts and then past a gatehouse, you knew that his house was going to be rather large. And it was. It wasn’t quite Blenheim Palace, but it wasn’t too far off.
“John,” you said, slightly in awe, “…what a beautiful house.” He grinned, “The original part of the house was built in 1798, not by us though. It was extended first of all in… um, 1820 I think. The Whittakers eventually inherited it through marriage in the mid-1840’s, and they extended and remodelled again a few years later. Been in the family ever since. Bit shabby round the edges nowadays,” he gave a self-deprecating laugh, “…somewhat like myself.”
He jumped out of the car in typically energetic fashion, coming round and opening your car door, “I’ll give you the full guided tour after we’ve had tea.” He took your hand again and led you towards the main entrance. “They’ll all be on the terrace, no doubt. Or… maybe in the conservatory. Come and meet them.”
You smiled, “You’re not, you know.” He stopped in his tracks, looking back at you, a confused look on his face, “I’m not what?” “Shabby,” you answered, and began walking again.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
John’s heart gave a little leap. She sounds…. interested, he thought. Could she possibly like me? Oh, I do hope so.
He led her inside the house, spotting their butler gliding towards them and waving him off, “It’s fine, Furber, it’s just me and my guest,” and giving her a quick smile, guided her through the large hall and into the large, high-ceilinged conservatory. “Oh, no sign of them in here after all. The plants are probably too overgrown to take tea amongst. We’ve only got one doddery old gardener left now, and it takes him all his time to look after the grounds never mind in here. Poor old Bob.”
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He tugged her hand and gently pulled her back out into the hall then cut through a grand sitting room, where French windows were already lying open. He propelled her swiftly towards them; he could tell by the tenseness of her hand in his that she was getting nervous again, and he really didn’t want her to take flight in the opposite direction. “Terrace it is then!” he sang.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Your heart was in your mouth as John all but shoved you through the French windows and out onto the terrace.
A large round table was set out there, complete with crockery, cutlery, napkins, plates of sandwiches, two cake stands each filled with a selection of tea cakes, a large teapot, along with several tea cups and saucers. What a spread! you thought.
Four female heads turned towards you and John, but their eyes were drilling into you and you only.
Taking a deep breath, you dropped your hand out of John’s and stepped forward, a smile - but a reserved one - on your face.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
John took in the four staring women, and had a fleeting moment of deja vu. They didn’t look very welcoming, any of them. But he squared his shoulders and hurried to stand next to her, his hand on her arm.
He cleared his throat and firstly introduced her, before indicating each of the still-silent women and introducing them in turn to her. He gave her a tentative smile and a comforting squeeze of her arm. She turned back to the women, smiling and said, “Very pleased to meet you.”
There was a further moment of silence, and he saw their eyes travelling down to look at his hand resting on her arm. But he didn’t remove it.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You noticed them all staring at John’s hand, which had remained on your arm, then finally Veronica nodded at you and returned your greeting with the smallest of small smiles. This seemed to open the floodgates and the others echoed her, with accompanying smiles. Hilda jumped up (it seemed to be a family trait) and came over to you, claiming your arm from John and leading you over to an empty seat between her and Sarah, who looked up smiling as you approached. At the same time you didn’t miss the intensely scrutinising look she gave you. Well - this isn’t going to be uncomfortable at all is it?! you thought, smiling back through slightly gritted teeth.
A housemaid appeared from nowhere and began pouring tea for everyone. Marion, with her tightly permed hair and her mustard-coloured pleated skirt and mustard-coloured twinset and pearls, was busy passing the now-full cups round, spearing you with her sharp stare as she did so. Had these people never seen anyone from outside the estate or something? The way they were examining you! - as if you were a specimen on a laboratory slide or something. You decided to put on a brave front, smiling and thanking her as you took your cup from her. You would not be cowed by these women.
Sarah lifted her cup to her lips and sipped, before placing it carefully back in the saucer. You took a moment to study her. Well, you were just returning the favour, after all - she’d had the opportunity to scrutinise you for rather longer than that when you’d been paraded in front of them all. She was pretty, with soft brown eyes and wavy dark hair in a short bobbed style, however you felt that she was perhaps the kind of woman who just tended to fade into the background. Not that you were saying she was insipid, but… well, maybe you were.
But perhaps you’d better reserve judgement until you knew her better, you cautioned yourself. You yourself used to be a timid little mouse until you went out into the wide world. You either had to toughen up or else the world would eat you up, you’d learned that lesson pretty quickly. Perhaps Sarah had lived all her life in the rarified air of a country estate such as this. That would certainly explain why she had an air about her of one of those flower arrangements the Victorians liked to keep under glass domes in their parlours.
Hilda was a bubbly little thing, a few years younger than you. She was babbling happily away to you, asking where you got your dress, your hat, your shoes and who did your hair. Sensing that you had a new fan, you caught John’s eye over the tea cups and he smiled conspiratorially at you. Your lips lifted slightly in response. You could tell that he’d been trying to distract his mother’s attention from you, but that was only going to work for so long.
She turned towards you like a galleon in full sail and bared her teeth at you in a forceful smile. It reminded you of a visit you’d made to the Aquarium a few months ago. You were almost positive you’d seen the spitting image of Veronica there during your visit - flashing past you in one of the shark tanks with that same chilling grin in place, as you stood there gazing into that underwater world.
Under her regard, you very much felt like an item on that particular shark’s food chain. “My dear,” she intoned, “…my boy has told us literally nothing about you!” she glared at John, before switching her eyes back to you. “Pray do tell us something of your life to date, I’m sure it must be very interesting!”
You smiled at her, “Not really, Mrs Whittaker, but here goes! I got my degree - a First - in History of Art at Oxford, then I came down and now work at the Art Gallery in town. I’m a conservator. Well, I’m still a trainee but it’s not too bad. Eventually it will be fairly interesting once I’ve learned as much as I can about it from my mentor.” Veronica’s eyebrows rose, “Oh… an academic.” She smiled slightly more kindly at you then turned to John, “Well, that’s an improvement at least,” she said directly to him. His face pinked up and he cast an apologetic look at you.
However Veronica was not finished. She turned back to you and asked, “And your family, dear? What about them - what do they do?” You hid a smile. Pedigree was everything to the Veronicas of this world. “My father was in the army…” you noticed the frosty shutters coming down on her face again and wondered what that was all about, “…and then after the war, he started an antiques and artwork shipping company. It’s global now, doing rather well.” You saw interest spark in her eyes and her expression warmed again. “Oh, how interesting. And where do they live?” “In Sussex, on the Downs. We have a house there. And as Father’s offices are in London, a flat in Mayfair. And I have my flat here. Well… in town.”
Her expression was positively glowing by now. “How lovely!” she exclaimed, leaning forwards and motioning at one of the cake stands. “Do have a tea cake.”
You noticed John’s eyes rolling heavenwards.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
After half an hour of continued small talk, you were wondering why Veronica looked so pleased, Marion and Hilda looked anxious, and Sarah didn’t look particularly pleased at all. John suddenly stood up, smiling round at his relatives and their family friend. “I’m going to give this lovely lady the Grand Tour!” he announced, holding out his hand to you.
Taking it, you nodded to the other ladies and thanked Veronica for the delicious afternoon tea. Once again, she bestowed a smile on you and then John was tugging impatiently at your hand.
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He towed you along behind him, whizzing you in and out of rooms and along corridors all the while delivering a staccato list of what their functions were. Eventually he pulled you upstairs and began the same whistlestop tour you’d had on the ground floor. He arrived at one particular door and stopped. He grinned at you, “This is my bedroom. D’you want to see it?” You nodded, grinning back at him. So he opened the door and you stepped inside, taking in the ornate damask curtains, the large carved bed and heavy dark-coloured oak furniture.
“It’s very…” you ground to a halt, not sure what to say. “Last century?” he laughed, “Don’t worry, I know it is. Most of the furniture in this house is ancient.” He shrugged, “Can’t afford to replace it.” You saw a momentary flash of anxiety across his face and moved to stand closer to him.
“John? Why did your mother suddenly warm up to me?”
He sank down on the edge of the bed, a defeated look about him. “I did mention this place was sinking like the Titanic, didn’t I?” You nodded, watching him closely. “My mother desperately wanted me to marry Sarah because the Hursts have actual money. Real, folding money. Not pie-in-the-sky money, tied up in land and bricks and mortar which swallow up any available funds just by existing. Then I met Larita. She was an American racing driver at the time but had no money whatsoever, she scraped through from race to race. Like a damn fool I married her in France, and brought her back here. Can you imagine how that went down?”
You thought back to Veronica’s original icy demeanour when you first arrived. “Um.. taking a wild guess here… not very well?” He nodded, sighing. Lying back against the pillows all of a sudden, he linked his fingers behind his head. “Like a hundred-pound bomb went off. American? No money? And as far as Mother and my siblings were concerned, no class. So of course in their book, that meant no chance!” He gave a harsh laugh. “What the hell was I thinking?”
“Well, I suppose you were in love?” He shook his head, dark eyes seeking out yours, “No. I was infatuated. But definitely not in love, although I thought I was to begin with. And the infatuation quickly wore off. She was bored here, but this is my home. I wasn’t going to leave it and go off gallivanting across the world with her! Spending all the money I don’t have.” He leant up on one elbow, propping his head up on one palm, “The weirdest thing was, I come swanning back here - supposed to be almost engaged to Sarah - with another woman on my arm as my wife, and Sarah was really calm and gracious about it all. She actually became quite friendly with Larita, that’s the weird bit I’m talking about!”
He gazed up at you, “She should’ve hated her, no?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
His logic regarding that was spot on, you thought.
Of course Sarah should’ve hated Larita, that was just a normal human reaction. By rights - and without doubt if it had been you in Sarah’s position - a huge tantrum would definitely have been thrown. So huge and enduring, it would’ve registered on the Reichter Scale.
You suspected that the supposedly shy and retiring Sarah had known exactly what she’d been doing. John’s next comments merely reinforced your viewpoint, but you kept silent.
“I mean, I was moaning to Sarah one evening about how Larita’s behaviour was beginning to grate on me, and she actually told me to be quiet and go and look after my wife!”
That was the icing on the cake as far as you were concerned. Sarah was playing some kind of long game, you decided. One of the most ancient games around in fact, ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’.
John had admitted to you that he and Sarah’s relationship had always been sibling-like, and she was probably only too well aware of that fact. When he came back from the Riviera with a wife, there wasn’t very much she could do about it at that point but had decided to bide her time. She thought exactly the same as John’s family thought about the marriage (poorly) - but she never admitted it.
In fact she played it exactly the opposite way and ‘befriended’ the wife, who was probably only too happy to see a supposedly friendly face in amongst all the hostile Whittaker ones.
Well, well, you thought, clever little Sarah.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
John had continued, “So you see, my darling mama - and I do apologise most profusely for this - is now of the opinion that you are a very good prospect indeed. She and my sisters will be worried that I’ll say or do something to frighten you away! But I assure you that in getting to know you, those are the absolute furthest thoughts in my mind.”
Her eyebrows were steadily climbing as he spoke. Seeing this reaction - John, as he was fond of doing - had moved swiftly along to another topic of conversation.
He was grinning up at her, as she stood there deep in thought. “But on another and more interesting note… the bed itself might be old, but I just had a new mattress delivered a few months ago. It’s very good.” He patted the quilt next to him, “Like to give it a try?”
He didn’t truly expect her to agree so he wasn’t too disappointed when she laughed and shook her head. “I think we’d better get back downstairs, John!” Turning and walking out of the room, she sent him a smile over her shoulder which made his heart leap again.
Sighing, he got up off the bed and followed her.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Additional A/N: In the film, I never found Sarah’s smiling acceptance of John getting married to the brash Larita believable. She either never really loved him or else she was a seething mass of jealousy under that calm exterior. And I think the latter! Also, for anyone who’s a stickler for accuracy, Easy Virtue was set in the Roaring Twenties and the Reichter Scale wasn’t introduced until 1935, so that’s fiction writer’s licence right there 😉 😁
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yamayuandadu · 3 years
Inanna/Ishtar for the character ask?
Already done so you're getting a special teaser about the lore of various side characters in my Inanna story instead
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Pinikir (left; right is a character who won’t matter for a long while)
The god version of a one hit wonder. Got the #1 spot in the Naram-Sim treaty because the Elamite gods needed someone vaguely similar to Inanna to represent them, subsequently accomplished relatively little at home (this is based on the fact that outside that single document she was seemingly a deity of little importance at home). Acts sort of like a washed up star as a result.
visits Inanna occasionally in Uruk following some n-dimensional astrological cycle (a nod to equation between her and Inanna’s astral aspect, Ninsianna), probably can be considered a close friend
Inanna attempted to come up with a career for her in Mesopotamia under a fake name (eg. Ninsianna) but the problem is that while Pinikir desires fame and worship, she is attached to who she is, so this didn’t really work too well
I misinterpreted some sort of Elamite beret as a hairdo when I first tried to come up with a way to include her in the story and ended up liking it too much to change it
she wants to visit far off lands but so far had no opportunity. Probably simply needs a good reason like meeting an inhabitant of such not particularly rigorously defined areas
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Enlil’s only daughter (following Hurrian tradition) and sort of the reason behind the early events of the story
since there is a well attested association between her and Inanna-Ishtar I made them exes. To be precise, it was Inanna’s first serious relationship, but things didn’t work too well between them since despite her fame Ishara ended up boring from Inanna’s perspective, and there were other issues as well.
while she lives far away from her family, she’s quite proud of it, so Inanna had to endure many tales about the supposedly unconquerable Ekur temple where her parents live and many heirlooms kept within, which naturally had a profound impact on her imagination
has diverse interests varying from Inanna-like interest  to uncommon pets and strange herbs which she claims have positive impact on her mood (she genuinely was associated with cannabis)
irl she has no particularly well attested spouses but appears extremely frequently alongside another female deity so my version is a lesbian
resides far to the west of Mesopotamia, in Ebla, but visits her parents (Enlil and Ninlil) and brothers (Ninurta, Nergal and Pabilsag) reasonably often
her bff is Anu’s daughter Ninkarrak who likewise lives somewhat far away from the major Mesopotamian centers generally favored by major gods
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Inanna’s other ex. The idea is based on the theory that Nanaya was a hyposthasis of Inanna that split off.
Inanna genuinely loved Nanaya - to the point of being overbearing - but Nanaya’s feelings fluctuated between love and a desire to be Inanna; this lead to conflict and finally breakup.
she has very humble origin but wants to pose as a major deity
worked alongside her sister Lagamar as a minor courtier of one of Enlil’s servants, Nungal, before meeting Inanna
the story more or less starts with Inanna meeting her, actually
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Utu (and Aya)
Inanna’s twin brother. Not very similar to her in character but they get along very well nonetheless.
Nanaya doesn’t like him
his wife Aya (the dawn) has no genealogy in any real myths but I made her a sister of Shala (the rain) and Manzat (the rainbow) who likewise have no genealogy  because i thought it would be funny
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Can you explain the characters of Violetta for me?
ABSOLUTELY. Though, not all of them, only the important ones
Character development from shy girl who likes to sing to confident extroverted girl who likes to sing
Gets hotter every season (because she dyes her hair blonde and curls it and also wears lipstick and somehow that works)
Probably had a crush on Bridgit Mendler (who was in an episode once)
Dreams about songs, then makes the songs irl
Sometimes shares dreams with her soulmate
The most perfect girl on the planet
Her diary is her best friend and it has like 1000 pages I swear
Violetta’s soulmate
Likes motorcross
Wants to quit school like twice every season to pursue his motorcross dream or simply to focus on his singing career
Thinks every boy is in love with Violetta (because... they are...) and therefore kinda doesn’t trust anyone
Overprotective boyfriend™️
One time called Violetta’s dad “future father-in-law” and ran away before her dad could reply
The father of Violetta
Very fucking overprotective
Completely changes how he feels about music over the course of the show
Dates a lot of psycopaths
Has a crush on his dead wife’s sister
Loses all his money all the time because someone stole them or smth
Sees Violetta hold hands with a boy = assumes they are making out and flips the fuck out
Violetta’s aunt
Doesn’t tell her she’s her aunt for like 70 episodes because drama
Has a crush on her dead sister’s husband
Master at keeping secrets 
Randomly moved to France for a while
Gets into drama with her coworkers a lot
Is also Violetta’s governess 
The stereotypical school girl rival™️
Talks about herself in third person
Always sabotages for Violetta until she is nice for a while and then is mean again
Her mom is a psychopath
Is obsessed with astronomy
Probably had a crush on Violetta because she had some weird dream sequence where she and Vilu danced super closely and sang about what love is. Though, because of what happens in season 3 it’s best if we can say she probably is not anymore...
Italian girl
Dresses very fancy
Dates Violetta’s exes
Misunderstands everything because she doesn’t listen properly
Has a brother that just vanished after a season
Always meets agents who wants to make her big in Italy but she always declines
Never quite listens except for gossip
Dyes her hair a lot so in the end you don’t know which is her real hair color
Kissed her friend once and they never discussed it again
Has flowers in her hair sometimes
Probably bisexual
Judges all of Violetta’s boyfriends except for Leon
Cannot speak english, but in some dubs she instead cannot speak french
Is only relevant in season 1
Kinda whiny
Nice guy™️
Is having a hard time at school 
All the girls are in love with him yet he wants the girl he can’t have
The boy they told you not to worry about™️
Is childhood friends with Ludmila
Kinda manipulative
Honestly I will never forgive him for that thing in 2x20
Is kinder in season 3
His dad is not a psychopath but he is... not very sane
Ok there is... a LOT of other characters. But honestly these are the most important ones. I could talk about all of Germáns crazy exes, Olga and Ramallo, the other kids like Naty, Maxi and Andres... or other love interests of Violetta and Leon, named Gery and Clement, but yeah, these are the ones you could talk about if you don’t know much about the show. 
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Watching When my love Blooms, ep 1&2. Little notes.
Ep 1
Woah. That protest was scary and she wasn’t even part of it.
What a fairy tale meeting, like a knight in shining armor taking care of her and all.
LOL that door slam. Jinyoung is not even acting. That is his whole personality right there hahahaha
That whole movie thing was adorable. Let’s watch sunbaenim! (And Youngjae’s voice in the background, I’m in heaven.)
Awww! Let’s date, sunbaenim!
LOL he did went to see her practice piano. I love this. I’m a softie for OTP connecting over actual mutual interests like music or movies, cause you know, that does happen irl.
Damn! Present Time is such a downer in the drama... can we please spend more time in the past?
*Present time Jisoo starts playing piano in fancy restaurant*
Jaehyun: *recognizes her right away*
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Me: Woah, this is what I’m here for. Seriously. And that acting? *chef’s kiss*
Jesus, Jaehyun, what happened to you? How did you become like this?
Oh. Judging by how he sees right through his son, I think young and righteous Jaehyun is still there... Or at least he can’t be fooled by a 12 y/o. lol
Life is funny. Their kids kinda reunited them... Hope Jaehyun’s kid stops bullying Jisoo’s cause if we get a happy ending these kids could end up being step-brothers and well... awkward...
Oooofff. I thought he was going to treat her badly, you know? Like cold and all, but he just seems sad and longing... what exactly happened to you two? HOW did you break up? WHY?!
Jaehyun: “I’ve found you. Yoon Jisoo.“
Jisoo: *trying to control her emotions but already tearing up*
Me: *No chill whatsoever even if it’s the first ep* OH MY GOD! THEY FOUND EACH OTHER AGAIN! I’M EMOTIONAL!! ASDFGHJKL!!!
Ep. 2
Hmmm Pretty sure Lee Boyoung had her hair in a ponytail, but I love parallels so let’s say the hair tie snapped.
MY GOD! The acting! Also, you don’t remember the past, Jisoo? Is that why you started crying when you saw him?
LOL the tape has Jaehyun playing guitar in the most funny way hahaha (also ahgjahkdjla Jinyoung singing!!)
HA! Young Jisoo you said you didn’t listen to the tape but then give comments on it lol
Present time Jaehyun: I hope it snows more. So we get stuck here.
Me: *chokes* Excuse me?! Are you allowed to say this?
Oh Jisoo, everytime we find out more details about your present life I get sadder. Please stop drama.
Ooooooh. Ex-husband is not over Jisoo, interesting...
Present time Jisoo is claustrophobic, is it like that in the past?
Flashback time. Okaaaaaay stalking is never right, but that whole scene in the library was cute.
Yoon Jitae and Boyoung are amazing. I keep seeing a lot of their younger selves (i. e. manerisms and expressions from Jinyoung and Sonee) in them.
Present time Jaehyun let me tell you something. It is stalking. Also, his secretary is so cute hahaha.
What is up with these kids? They’re so mean.
Looks like Jisoo knows Jaehyun’s wife. Also, he married a piece of work.
Jaehyun’s wife is getting on my nerves and it’s only ep 2...
Well, ep 2 is in the bag. Loving the show so far.
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9noryn · 4 years
New answers!!
From questions asked in the ask-the-incuwives channel in the Seduce Me Discord Server!
From abil:  if your husbands had to stay in the abyssal plains after the events of the war, how would you feel? would you be okay with it?
Noryn would pack up and move with him lmao she's not attached to places, more so people so; of course there has to be a lot of talking and planning together, but she's pretty down to continue making things work from the plains side. She wouldn't have to worry about being found by Angels and get obliterated, big plus. She'd miss her sigil witch brother and her friends in the human world though; but she'll easily think about video calls and gaming and visits. The big make or break would be whether she can get hooked up with high speed internet in the abyssal plains
wait i just realized... the abyssal plains doesn't have internet yet
noryn's not gonna like this one bit; neither would matthew 
two gamers, in a dimension without games
((first order of business is to invent internet and get connected to human world, the first demon world hacker))
Midnight: Noryn starting up a tiktok channel for tiktoks in the Abyssal Plains that only the incubi and the wives see LOL
Midnight: no, she vlogs
Zio: hey demons its ya boi
More under the break!
From tkdigiboy: how would you react if one of the boy's ex-bf/gf or 'playmates'(sex for energy) came to visit or hang. would you let your husband do a one time fling for energy?
noryn's been friends with her exes, and their exes; so as long as things are chill, it's just like meeting anyone else from someone's social circle. it only gets weird if it's like... this person distracts matthew away from noryn a lot or otherwise gets in between her interactions with him
e_e they don't even have to be past lovers, anyone that does that will get on noryn's nerves and make her go on a jealous gifting spree, where in a fit of jealous frustration she buys a bunch of very thoughtful gifts for matthew to give to him later
regarding the one-time fling: emergency sure; but like, consent and all is one time and case specific
like if matthew is blowing up noryn's phone like "iM dY INNg OF SEX STarVaTION AND yOu'RE IN THE HUMAN WORLD" she'd be like ? ?? ? bE SAfe FIRST AND WE CAN TALK LATER
From Kantah: ooh what are the wives' hobbies? :0
Noryn hobbies: being an internet gremlin; tea brewing, drink mixing, bartending/barista; dabbling in potion making
From tkdigiboy: To noryn/zio: how well do you get along with simon and his wife?
pretty well!! though she thinks of simon and simone as mika's pets so whenever she visits mika she likes to try to befriend them and get matthew to play with him :>  simon's a lot less of a rascal when noryn can give him the attention he seeks
From Diva:  how long does it take Noryn to find out Divana’s favorite bubble tea since she cant magically know like usual [cause she’s a collective ton of different personalities]
Diva: Zio wait how long does it take for Noryn to figure out Divana's fav bubble tea after she god damn blue screens
Noryn: -sits there with window xp error noises going off in her brain-
Divana: I think this one died
Zio: poor baby; noryn would probably just blindfold herself and randomly mix ingredients and hope for the best. serving a chaos demon aint easy
Diva: Especially when Noryn Knows Alot of Things™️
From dari_baguls:  Idk if this is more for Zio or Noryn buuuut do you really have the cat stalkings Noryn wears in the game? I cried when I saw Noryn cause I also have the same stalkings and also (at the time) had short hair TvT just wanna know for research purposes
i do have them irl! Her outfit is based off of what i wore when the game was being made
She’d look like this in present day
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Gotta refresh noryn’s design cause it’s very undergrad student vs her now working bartending professional :9
From Diva:  Oh no Noryn and Divana in the same room fucking around with potions
Zio: POTIONS POTIONS POTIONS in carrie's kitchen no less
Diva: Many things went wrong that day
Diva: M a n y
Noryn: "can i come over to make sum poshuns" 
Carrie: "Of course,you dork"
Noryn: "Also Divana will help" 
Read at 3:45 pm
Noryn: "henlo? carrie u ther"
From tkdigiboy: Question to zio and kary: how do you 2 handle your husbands when their doing their usual routine towards eachother
Karygurl: Start making bets, make popcorn :D
Zio: when sam and matthew bicker; noryn stands aside and lets them get through their system if it's between them specifically; otherwise she's a participant in the bickering LOL they're a lot like rascally friends, and noryn is also a shit starter 
Zio: i headcanon that iri or twila like to occasionally stir the pot, like drop a small [controversial hot take] and watch the boys mcfreakin lose it
sam, matthew and noryn are all competitive casual gamers shit's going down there's no allegiances
From ☁bunny☁: jumpin in here: for all of the incuwives creators, especially zio n kary, how do you guys feel about people writing about ur ocs in their own stories? or drawing them? im writing my own interpretation of the story with my self insert and i love carrie and noryn dearly and would love to include them (and the other incuwives) but id only wanna do it if its cool with their creators first !
Karygurl: I mean please do!! I bookmark and save EVERYTHING that has even a tiny whiff of Carrie in it, I'm honored anyone would want to include her in anything ever
Zio: im flattered if your inspired to write in or draw my characters!! let me know if you want to collab too
Zio: do it do it; shout outs and cameos give me life
Karygurl: SAME Zio
Zio: plus if there's no story conflict, im down to adopt new dynamics/lore/etc from what people create
From Mari: What kind of things would you do to make your husband laugh?
To laugh? noryn would be an utter fool lmao and tell him an embarrassing story about herself (she's had a whopping 9 lives worth, there's no end to headass decisions and shenanigans when it comes to her); something like 
Noryn: "Babe have you seen our dog" 
Matthew, pouty but still hanging in there: "Huh? She's in the other room, right?" 
Noryn: "Now watch this. Bijo, cuddle attack!!" 
Distant pitpattering on the tile gets closer until Bijo, the apron wearing shibe, gets ready to jump with a soft woof
Bijo full-body slams into noryn
oh my god, noryn would do unintentional slapstick when trying to show matthew some new trick or skill
tkdigiboy to zio: pet peeve with matthew
probably him being a touch too open-minded and overly generous with his time to the point that he wears himself super super thin and tired. he's kind of that extreme of being too self-sacrificing? 
Noryn reminds him that he doesn't owe everyone he comes in contact with that kind of life-changing attention and focus, especially if those people take advantage of his kindness.
Noryn is very much "i have limited time and energy in this one body, I focus on saving the one person I can" whereas Matthew is the "I want to brighten everyone's day, and give them what I didn't have or give them something only I can provide"
While they have similar tastes and interests, their perspectives help the other grow into a healthier, better person.
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mewmewnyaart · 4 years
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I'm not very good at drawing horror and blood but I recently have been getting into OFF lately so I figured I'd try to draw batter to pratice lighting and shadows
I also made my own au where batter and hugo switch places but I doubt anyone would like it or even read it heck I couldn't even get a single like on any of my posts
But here I go anyway :
So common belief that the world of OFF isnt real and that its all happening inside Hugo's head because hugo is in a comma and that the batter resembles the father and the queen resembles the mother
And that the guardians are the boy's immune system and organs that are intolerant to the drug liquid plastic that is being experimented on hugo
The mother was always a working woman and never gave hugo attention while the dad was a straight forward and loving man (I also have a personal theory that he's religious)
The mother wants hugo to live but the father wants to let the boy die because he's tired of seeing his own child in pain everyday
Ok now that I have that out of the way here's my au:
In this au its the father that ends up in a comma and hugo is the one who tries to save him from dying
Backstory to how the dad ended up in a comma:
Hugo in this au is healthy and lives a normal life the father was once a baseball player (as a hobby) so hugo got inspired by his dad and started to take baseball classes at his school
One day the dad was dropping hugo off for baseball practice and while waving goodbye while slowly moving out of the parking lot a reckless older student who wasn't looking quickly backs up his truck hitting the father and sending him into a comma
Ok now for the characters:
We enter the game as hugo and we are greeted by the judge and we start our journey of "purifying" the world just like batter
The enemies represent different family members who dislike or or even hate the father and the father's phobias or fears as well as microbes or poisons in the father's system
Then we have other characters like pets,neighbors,friends who are good guys or people who side with hugo in the this au
Also the puzzles would changed in this au
Hugo is a child and the father would probably play alot with hugo and his games since the mother was always busy ,so instead of floating boxes we'd get more complicated versions of kids puzzles like connect the dots or fill in the shapes etc.
Now for who each character represents and then I'll move on to what the goal of the game is or what Hugo's mission is:
Hugo= he represents the son in real life but he also resembles a new antibiotic that's being experimented on the father
The judge = in real he's the family house cat named milk ingame he's a guide but I have my own head canon
so alot of people tend to draw batter with his eyes closed some draw 4 eyes some draw no eyes at all
I like to think that the father irl has bad eye sight or sensitive eyes so he wears special glasses but will not wear any glasses when at home because he doesn't like to so he will walk around with his eyes closed
So milk will guide him throughout the house by purring or meowing at him
As for the smile the judge has on his face hugo likes the movie Alice in wonderland over and over so the image of the Cheshire cat would be embedded in the dad's memory which is why the judge appears that way
He views the judge as someone who is helpful
The queen = the queen is his wife however they start to have alot of problems and arguments before the father fell in a comma
And the relatives try to convince her to turn off the life support and move on with life
Dedan= irl he's the father's brother in law with a snappy attitude and he hates the father alot and even objected in thier wedding day he will do anything to hurt the father or cause trouble
The father sees his brother in law nothing more than a all bark no bite a big mouth
Japhet= in real life is the lady that lives next door (yes I KNOW japhet is male but he's based off if her in the father's head)
She's is very controlling person who enjoys gossip and can't mind her own business always sticking her nose where she can as well as pushing everyone around she does everything she can to get attention and impress people and she's flirted with the father mutiple times but she's ignored her every time
She has very loud and noisy birds and has killed thier other family cat Venice saying that she did it as self defense (Venice is Valerie basically)
The father views her as a parasite
Enoch= he resembles another dad that takes his kid to baseball practice but is in bad terms with the mother and will constantly pick on hugo for fun
He assumes if the father approaches him its because his wife told him to do so
and will constantly say that his child and wife are happy ,living a life with no problems thinking that he's got life figured out
Even though its clear that his son isn't enjoying baseball at all, is quite over wieght as well as his wife ignores him all the time not to mention he's constantly eating meaning that he has some sort of food addiction it seems he sees no irony in his life at all
The father sees him as an irresponsible over wieght person who's always lying to himself and to blind to see the truth thinking that his life is ok when it's clearly not
Zacharie = irl he's the father's best friend since middle school and they've known each other for years he was the best man at the wedding he's bisexual and in a relationship with a girl named sweetie (please don't hate me batterie shippers QWQ!) He used to crush on the father and even confessed to him on the wedding day he was heartbroken but accepted that the relationship was never gonna happen and was even mad at his best friend but realized it was wrong of him to feel that way
He eventually moves on
He likes to bring and buy alot stuff and show them to his best pal later somegimes illegal stuff (he even brought weed over one time oh boy) he's like an uncle to hugo and is always happy to help and defend his best friend no matter what
He views him as a brother and family member aswell as a very optimistic chill dude and will jokingly refer to him as "the merchant"
Sugar: irl she's zacharie's gf (before her he had 2 toxic exes and she helped him out of those toxic relationships) she and the father don't really talk all that much so he knows little to absolutely nothing about her aside from the fact that she likes to talk funny sometimes and is really into dolls and aliens and a slight addiction to eating pixie straws (straws filled with powered candy or sugar)
He views her as a silent person nothing much
The elsens= they are the people that the father meets/sees/interacts with everyday/every once in a while but don't have much of a connection with (you know like a co worker you have small talk with or barely ever see)
Now for the plot :
After the father enters a comma the son starts to go from school to the hospital (they're very close to each other and you can say hugo is 5-7 years old and ) and visits his dad everyday and calls out to him hoping it'd wake him up
The mother scolds him for running off without super vision and that his dad won't wake up if he keeps calling him that whatever he does is useless that his father will remain to be a lifeless bag of meat on a bed
Hugo doesn't give up ignoring his mother's words
She realizes that hugo has an obsession with his unconscious father that is affecting his studies along with his social life
Zacharie doesn't make this any better because he offers to pick up hugo after school to prevent him from getting abducted or lost along with his jokes all the time
She slowly starts to Contemplate turning off the life support machine wondering if it would fix everything
Hugo hasn't been paying attention in class and thier marriage has been having a issues lately her family never liked or accepted him she sees zacharie and others as annoying and problems bringers and maybe they'd have less expenses if hugo didn't have to go to baseball pratice every day not to mention he'd less likely get hurt if he stopped playing
Everyone else started to convince her to turn off life support they discuss this next to the unconscious father
She prevents zacharie from seeing hugo and locks out any other connections the fatehr has
finally she becomes convinced however there's 1 barrier preventing her from doing that.....Hugo
The only person who truly gives hugo attention and love is his father without his father he'd feel lost and scared his mother is always working and doesn't give him much attention
Everyone tells him to give up on his dad and move on but hugo stands his ground
Alot of the arguments and conversations happen in the hospital room next to the father so he hears everything in his comma which leads to the creation of the world of OFF in his head
Therefore we play as hugo through out the game (dressed in a baseball outfit) solving puzzles and fighting enemies "purifying" the world
Not much changes the boss battles the add ons etc. Will remain the same in this au
Maybe there will be more rubber duck /duck/ bird themed stuff in this au aside from the pedalos (ex:move the boxes to make them look like a duck idk lol)
However the final boss will change
Canonly batter is stopped by the judge but in this au the judge sides with hugo because its the queen (the mother) who is trying to turn the switch off and hugo is trying to prevent that
So instead of the judge stopping hugo
Hugo will meet the queen, she will tell him to halt and not bother going any further that her intentions will not change hugo will begin to tell her off everything she's done wrong she will respond saying that she's doing it for thier sake (Hugo's and her's) but hugo calls her out and tells her its not true and she loses her patience with him leading to a boss fight if hugo wins then she will refer to him as "my little sweetheart" and fade into dust
"The room" will also change instead of hugo it'll be his dad (the batter)chained to a wall (basically a prisoner in his own mind) hugo will take 1 step forward activating a trap causing him to plummet down a tube and fall unconscious for a few minutes
When he wakes up he sees the queen and all the guardians standing before him the queen states that he can give up or die trying then she speaks to the puppeteer (the player) the you are given 2 options
1.aide with the queen
2.side with hugo
If you side with the queen you will have the guardians ok your side then Hugo's appearance will change as well he will appear to have a large head with a huge gaping mouth a baby rattle and apron and speech bubbles that say "wah wah" "whine whine" (stating that his mother sees him as a cry baby)
If you defeat hugo then the switch is immediately turned off and it gives 1 out of the 2 bad endings this ending is called "check mate" as a reference to a queen from chess
If you side with hugo then you will be defeated but you won't get a game over yet instead the queen will give you 1 last chance
Then you are given 3 options
1."surrender" 2."gasp for help" 3."cry"
If you choose surrender then you will get the 2nd bad ending in which in life support is turned off the father dies hugo becomes lonely with his mother busy all the time (and not allowing him out side the house and not trusting people) which leads to hugo growing up cold,plain and unloving
At some point there's a scene where adult hugo stares at his old mother laying on the kitchen floor in pain for a few minutes instead of helping her immediately indicating that he doesn't care
If you choose "gasp for help" then you will get the good ending "aye batta batta,strike!" In which hugo will call for help (while in deep pain from the fight) after a few calls judge,zacharie,sugar and a few elsens will come to the rescue and revive you fighting by your side allowing you to defeat the queen and guardians
Everything slowly starts to go back and the father wakes up from his comma everyone in the room stares in shock but hugo had the biggest smile on his face while standing next to his dad's bed "did...I miss something?"
"...daddy *breaks into tears*"
The 3rd ending called "better late than never" is triggered when you choose "cry"
Hugo will cry very loudly
The mother changes her mind and doesn't turn off life support but hugo stops visiting his dad and similar to the 2nd bad ending hugo grows up to be cold and unloving 13-16 years later hugo visits his father again and he finally wakes up from his comma and is discharged from the hospital after 1 year of rehabilitation therapy
By now the mother had remarried and the father missed his son's childhood so now he has to relive his life
However hugo meets a girl who is a complete opposite to him at work and church (rainbow hair,optimistic,enjoys music of various kinds,loves cute things,baking,jokes,and artist etc.) And is forced to work with her as well as she tries to get Hugo's attention so he asks his father for advice on how to get rid of this woman which leads to alot stuff going on and hugo allowing how to love and live life leading him to falling in love with the girl and becoming a new man
(This is personally my favorite ending lol and I MIGHT write fanfic of it on wattpad or here idk tbh )
Anyway this my OFF au I GUESS the name can change to the ON au or OFF/ON au lmao idk
Reblogs and feed back is appreciated
PLEASE DONT STEAL MY AU i worked hard on this thing spent 5 hours to write it all
Heh I sat this as of anyone is even gonna read whatever I dount it'll get noticed at all
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ryokeiyumitori-blog · 6 years
Looking for RP: Ryokei Yumitori/Balmung
NAME: Ryokei Yumitori
AGE: Unknown, appears as an Elder.
RACE:  Elezen (Appearance)
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, is comfortable around others though. SIGN: Llymlaen the Navigator
SERVER: Balmung
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HAIR: Variance of colors, natural hair color is white. Currently brunette with silver streaks. Short or long depending.
EYES: Hardly ever shown, but when they are. The color of fire, one darker eye than the other. Ember.
BUILD: Slim build, athletic. Nothing distinguished with armor on, off in swim suit wear. Toned legs for all that *jumping*. Described as handsome mostly, but he doesn’t pursue over this. Average according to himself. Your typical Elezen male.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Runic markings etched into his skin, upon his chest mostly. Upon his features are that of scars, riddled along his jawline.One over his left eye, crossing down to the left cheek. Another beneath his right eye.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Golden necklace (sometimes). His lance, through and through has this weapon been his pride.
PROFESSION: Studies into the medical field. Commander recently promoted for the Seventh Regiment. Romance Author on the side (Has many books out dating back from years prior, we’re talking thirty some odd.) Doctor for Ishgard within the Pillars, mostly seen attending the Veterans that cannot do much for themselves no longer. A musician, but only at the tavern during Wednesday nights, violin. 
HOBBIES: Going to Burlesque shows. Yes, he supports them. Socialization, writing. Reading other books to keep his mind fresh. Crime books is a favorite pass time. Along many other hobbies, when he has time for it. Adventuring is something he does daily.
LANGUAGES:  Common tongue, Eorzean, lastly. Doman. Yes, you read that right. Doman. CRIMINAL HISTORY: Once near framed as a heretic, jailed for a month due for it. Barely missed execution until proven innocent of his ex-wife.
RESIDENCE: The Mist, at the tavern.
FEARS: Spiders. Those eight-legged creatures can go somewhere else!
SPOUSE: Not married. No relationship currently. Had interests, still does, but all taken. Unfortunately. More fortunate for them. He’d spoil them. 
FAMILY: Unknown for the most part, an ancient soul otherwise or so proclaimed as told by others.He has one legit brother Lancefer, the other is adopted. An Au Ra by the name Ryosen. He resides with the Skyhawk family, the head of the Estates he’s Lord to ironically is his ex-wife.
PETS: None currently, too much travel. Only his faithful companion mount, Nightmare.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / apathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
VICE –––
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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Ishgardian Knights of any, having dealt with many endeavors. He knows of the Estates as well -houses- within Ishgard. 
Medical staff, or healers from the area. Some within Ul’dah if they travel there. He frequents the Quicksands to meet new faces. 
Authors. Why not?
Pirates, yes. Pirates, due for his ex-wife being one he’s localized with many, if not all of them. Some he’s not even heard of yet!
Doman. Othard mostly, Xaela or Raen. His adopted brother is Ryosen Yumitori whom named Ryokei years ago his given name shedding his Ishgardian name he were given to honor the family.
Of the Yumitori family.
Nobles of Ishgard. He is a Lord after all. The Skyhawk Estates is revered with its status to keep peace between the others as long as there are no heretics proclaimed involved. Even though they do some dealing with him.
Ishgard military. Due for the Commander of the regiment he’s within. He would know you from another branch/section of Ishgard.
Seen around the cities, there’s a possibility someone might have heard of him as being an author. His face isn’t posted on -every- book, only some limited edition copies in the back of the jacket. Perhaps they know him simply due for the fact of his silver tongue. Suave. 
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Anything really goes with this Dragoon. He’s a chatter box to some extent, though reserved by his own rights. He adores to meet new faces, man or woman!
Marriage is all right in game. I have three characters married off already, and I have a flexible schedule for roleplay all the time.
Just whatever comes this dude’s way. He’s really a relaxed yet wise character with a general understanding of most situations. He will assume if he’s not correct on something, he’ll take the down fall for it.
He’s loyal to a fault, friends are what he’s looking for. (Or relationship)
Medical or anything of the sort! He researches the ley lines of the universe so to speak. Anything Aetherial involved he’s all for for topic!
Engineers. He’s attempting to become one himself to avoid going to the armor smith to fix his armor. There’s a lot more that goes into it than just *fixing*
Romance enthusiasts! 
Relaxed, easy going. Prefer to keep ooc out of ic content, but I like to discuss what goes on involving roleplay for plot. As well like to know ahead of time if there’s a change happening so I can prepare for it. Emotions happen man, emotions happen.
I do not /roll fights, but I will do so if I must.
I don’t care what you roleplay, I’m free-willed. You want to roleplay a Lupan, go ahead. You want to roleplay a dragon, sure! They are my favorite! I don’t care what it is, as long as you are having fun as I. It’s a game, not reality even if we do get sour on subjects. It happens.
I work for GameStop as a Manager, so yes, upcoming game title releases I’d be more than happy to discuss with others.
I love lore, adore it. If you find a way to work your character into it somehow and it makes sense. Go for it. 
I am an author, and attempting to publish my second book. My first is yet to hit shelves! Waiting on final publish will let everyone know the title if asked privately!
US East Coast for timing! I work with other time zones as well, sometimes it doesn’t always work out though depending on job restrictions.
We as a roleplay community are very misunderstood but there’s so many of us. I love the communication between others. I am on the server Balmung US, and sometimes Mateus if need be for extra roleplay.
I don’t do discord heavy roleplays, I have a forgetful mind with stress IRL this year. So, I apologize before hand for that. I’ll start something, then it won’t be finished until a few days later. 
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Tumblr, Discord, and in game. I’m always on, in some way shape or form. I have tumblr on my mobile device as well Discord. PM me for Discord addy through my tumblr page. 
@aizaepocan @zankriaskyhawk @worrentigre @interdimensionalpeacekeeping @balmungrp 
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majesticmarais · 6 years
Home For the Holidays: Your childhood best friend, Jonah, comes home for the holidays
Skin Deep: Jonah comforts you about your strongest insecurity
Hollywood:  Corbyn’s twin sister comes to live with him and the wdw boys for the summer, and a certain boy takes a liking to her
Chips & Ice Cream: y/n and Jonah get a late night craving and decide to go shopping
Falling Apart:  Jonah has to leave for tour but is dealing with the heartache that comes along with it
Falling for You: Y/n and Jonah have been best friends for a while but have never actually met. After deciding to surprise Jonah on tour, the night does not end the way that y/n had planned
Number One Fan:  Y/n is a talented baseball payer who become nervous at the thought of having to impress coaches scouting her out so Jonah helps calm her nerves
Little One: Corbyn’s younger sister has a strong hopeless crush on Jonah
Nothing’s Going to Happen: Y/N’s fate takes an unexpected turn on a night alone, leaving Jonah in shambles
After The Show: After managing to sneak into a Why Don’t We show with her best friend, an unexpected turn of events leads Y/n to sparking a new connection
Someone Else: Y/n worries that Jonah’s suspicious behavior is the result of him having feelings for someone else.
Brother Bear:  Y/n’s new boyfriend meets her brother, Jonah for the first time, who is very protective of his little sibling
Just A Joke: Y/n pulls a fake hickey prank on Jonah and earns a more intense reaction than expected
Here For You (personal fav):  y/n starts seeing her dead boyfriend, Jonah, everywhere she goes, and eventually figures out why Part 2
Fear and Comfort : Y/n and Jonah are forced to watch a horror movie despite their hatred for it
Family: Jack’s wife and kids are disappointed when Jack cancels on a night together.
Happiest Place on Earth (II): Y/N runs into Isla while visiting Disney world with her brother, which then leads her back to Jack
Perfect: Jack and Y/n spend a romantic night together and pour out all their feelings (Based off Perfect by Ed Sheeran)
Traffic Jams:  Jack and y/n get stuck in traffic so y/n takes entertainment into her own hands
Puddles: Y/n drags Jack outside on a rainy day
Why Rice?: Jack and Y/m attempt to take pictures together before a small disaster strikes
Skate Park Confessions: Jack and Y/n go out skateboarding and Jack finally gets the nerve to say something he’s been dying to say for ages
Pinky Promise: Y/n and Jack get in an argument after Jack continues to distance himself
Wrong: When Jack goes to Y/n’s house after being met with nothing but silence, he is faced with a painful discovery.
Hoodie:  Y/n runs into her ex boyfriend at one of her concerts after he has moved on
Birthday: Y/n thinks Daniel forgot her birthday
Naked pt.1 & 2: You’re dating your best friend Daniel but find it difficult to give your whole heart to him due to your last relationship, which causes a fight to erupt (based off of Naked by James Arthur)
Brightest Star:  Y/n receives bad news and spends her final moments with Daniel
Best Friend’s Brother (II):  Y/n has been best friends with Anna for years, but has hidden feelings for Daniel
Stress Reliever: Y/n has a bad day at school due to stress building up and runs to Daniel for comfort
Invitation: Invitation video irl LOL
Crash and Burn: Y/n goes out for a night without Daniel, but instead of coming home to Daniel’s arms, ends up in the hospital
Safe and Sound: After getting an overwhelming amount of hate on a video, Y/n tries to excape everything but is comforted by Daniel
A Little Too Late: Zach’s feelings for his best friend have been held back and his opportunity is taken away from him by his best friend
Manipulation: When Daniel gets a girlfriend, Y/n finds herself distancing from him due to threats from his new girlfriend and the weight of her feelings
Dancer: Zach surprises Y/n at a dance performance
2018: Y/n and Zach opt for a relaxing night together on New Years Eve
Caught: Y/n is Jonah’s younger sister and has feelings for Zach
Dork:  Y/n and Zach use lame pick up lines on each other even though they’re already dating
For You: Zach doesn’t know what to get y/n for their anniversary until 4 other little birds let it slip
Jealous: Y/n has a night out to try and forget about being upset with Zach, but ends up needing his comforting in the end anyway
Fanboy: Zach brings Reese to see her favorite band for her birthday and ends up falling for one of the members
Protective (II): Ava’s best friend, Y/n, has a crush on Zach, but her honorary big brother Jack has something to say about it
Darkroom: Zach asks Y/n for help with a photography project
And Now You’re Naked: Y/n pulls a prank on Zach by taking all his clothes away, which leads to a hilarious conclusion
Cuddle Bun: After not having a day alone with Y/n in a while, Zach becomes very clingy and needy
Separation:  Y/n’s parents divorce leads her to her questioning the future of her own relationship
Not the One to Blame: Zach tries to move on from a tragedy that will forever alter his life
Happier: Y/n runs into Corbyn following their break up, and realizes how happy he is without her
Picture Perfect: Y/n is the boys personal photographer and becomes a topic of interest for all 5 of them, but only has eyes for one
Rich Kids: Y/n and Corbyn are tired of being tormented and hurt by the rich kids, and decide to take their revenge (high school AU)
Definitely, Maybe:  Y/N has a pregnancy scare which inherits a positive reaction between her and her boyfriend
Blood is Not Always Thicker Than Water: Zach’s sister comes home after a hard day at school and finally admits to her brother and the boys what’s been going on
Grief (Jeff Atkins): Y/n’s world is completely altered after the life changing events of a single night
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ocean-butch · 6 years
Hellllo :)) 10-150 if you’re up for a challenge Goodluck 😁
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“i rlly hope he’s the murderer”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?molecules, HNLY, wanna be missed, let it be, and what i need, all from Expectations by hayley kiyoko
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?yes ofc
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?luck yes miracles no
15. What good thing happened this summer?idk i had a good time, i traveled, it was fun!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?i never kissed anyone besides boys so nah
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?ofc i mean cmon who doesnt know that
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?yes!! i love her dearly and shes a great friend
19. Do you like bubble baths?OFC
20. Do you like your neighbors?i dont rlly know them tbh
21. What are you bad habits?isolating myself and basically everything i do
22. Where would you like to travel?everywhere but mainly atlanta bc i wanna meetmy best friend
23. Do you have trust issues?nah i trust too easily
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?the feeling of getting home
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?all of it tbh
26. What do you do when you wake up?check my phone, usually tumblr first
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?nah im good
28. Who are you most comfortable around?not really ””around”” but abby
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?once yeah, but then she broke up w me again LMAO
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?not really, only if its just the top
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?kay awkward imma skip that cuz im a minor
33. Spell your name with your chin.vabfirls (its supposed to be gabriela lol)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?i know how to play soccer and volley and some other shit but i dont really actually play them. however, i do snowboard.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?tv, i actually didnt have a tv until 2 months ago (but i did have them when i lived w my dad)
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?yep
37. What do you say during awkward silences?idk i just try to come up w something, it could be anything depending on the person
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?someone funny, who is easy to talk to and is passionate and caring. someone who’ll show me that i mean everything to them and who isnt scared to be affectionate. i have a tag for this called “my dream girl” so its all there
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?i dont shop like at all so basically starbucks lmao
40. What do you want to do after high school?move out of this awful country
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?im not sure. maybe, but not always with the same person. but tbqh probably not everyone
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?it can mean a lot of thigs, but usually that im rlly depressed/lonely
43. Do you smile at strangers?yes!!
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?both tf (but i’ve already been to the bottom of the ocean many times so getting to know space would be pretty fucking cool)
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?the thought of not having to go to school anymore in like 7 months if i just get this right
46. What are you paranoid about?e v e r y t h i n g but mostly ppl hating me and leaving me
47. Have you ever been high?nope
48. Have you ever been drunk?nope
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?i dont think so no
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?dark blue
51. Ever wished you were someone else?all the time dude
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?myself lmao
53. Favourite makeup brand? i dont rlly know any makeup brands tbh i dont use it
54. Favourite store?again, starbucks
55. Favourite blog?oh noooo this is too specific there are too many but i guess i’d put my best friend bc her blog is awesome and yall should follow her its @saveabby
56. Favourite colour?blue & purple
57. Favourite food?sushi!!!!!!!!!!!!
58. Last thing you ate?açaí
59. First thing you ate this morning?a cereal bar? is this what theyre called?? im not sure
60. Ever won a competition? For what?yeah i guess some school things about sports n shit when i was younger
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?god no im a good student
62. Been arrested? For what?JESUS CHILL IM 16
63. Ever been in love?yes
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?actually i dont remember i was young and it was at a time where 3 boys liked me and i kinda dated (like kid dating but still) 2 of them and i dont remember which one was first BUT it doesnt matter bc i dont like to count kissing boys so i havent had one yet
65. Are you hungry right now?always lmao
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?well i like different people in different degrees, some being from tumblr, some being from irl. its a mixed list.
67. Facebook or Twitter?twitter duh
68. Twitter or Tumblr?tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?almost, im watching psych on my laptop
70. Names of your bestfriends?abby from tumblr, marie irl
71. Craving something? What?yes, chocolate
72. What colour are your towels?theres a green one, a blue one and a white one
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?it can vary from 0 to 3
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?very rarely but its bc theyre at my room at my dad’s place and even when i sleep there i usually sleep at my brother’s room but i do like stuffed animals
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?not many, maybe 3 idk
75. Favourite animal?felinesss
76. What colour is your underwear?im not wearing any but dont go thinking shit, im just on my pjs
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?it depends but in general chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?its like a chocolate shavings thing that we have in brazil. idk if they have it in other countries and if they do idk what its called
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?white
80. What colour pants?no pants jeez
81. Favourite tv show?X-FILES
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?i dont think i’ve seen the 2nd
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?21 jump street
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?i only watched that movie once and i dont remember much about it tbh
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?dory
87. First person you talked to today?melissa
88. Last person you talked to today?until now it was elle
89. Name a person you hate?donald trump
90. Name a person you love?guess? thats right, abby
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?not especially but i’m always wanting to punch my dad tbh
92. In a fight with someone?what?? if u mean “ever been…” then yes, my brother
93. How many sweatpants do you have?none :((
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?oooo a lot, but i only use 1 bc its my fave
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?“One evening at dusk, I came upon my friend.”
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