#excellent time for a nat 20
justletmeon12 · 9 months
Holy shit, that eye mechanic is not intuitive.
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number1rizgukgakstan · 5 months
It's that time again! Spoilers below the cut!
The only CW being underage drinking + drug use is fascinating- I assume that means no one dies? At least, not like Buddy did.
I'm SO excited looking at that set it's so fucking cool. The crackling in the fake clouds? HOLY SHIT the modeling team went OFF I love their work.
I FORGOT JAWBONE'S THERE. AND SO IS EUGENIA. This is so insane I'm so excited.
"Airitime law" God I love you so much Zach you are SO FUNNY
The WHOLE school is here that's so funny. Does this mean the clubs Riz joined are going to come into play?? GERTIE??? GERTIE???? HEY GERTIE???
The divine domain idea is so fascinating but I would like to say- imagine worshiping a god named Porter. I'm crying laughing.
Okay we're getting the NPCS set up? Fuck yeah
FIG NO WHY ARE YOU WANDA CHILDA???? THATS SO FUNNY. Gerard Neigh I'm CRYING. I love Armor of Ayda and the Spirit Guardians.
"You're wearing an Orangutang mask and the skull of the Vulture King?"
"And I'm speaking Vulture.
"And you're speaking Vulture."
Adaine is so brilliant I love her.
K2 giving Kristen basically a whole extra turn is so funny. We love K2.
They have so many spells prepared I love it. Fabian's party sounds sick as hell. Even the Bad Baby milk sounds fun. Disgusting but fun.
I feel like using the NMK against Kristen is a bad idea but will have terrible consequences for Kristen, who's silly goofyness has been coming back to bite them. IDK we'll see
Fabian faking it till he makes it is SO FUNNY.
Baby and Baby Baby being here's so fucking funny. Let's go Baby and Baby Baby!
Fabian's HOUSE burning down would be devastating but maybe it'd make his mother come home
Kristen and K2 helping Riz load the canon is so wholesome. They're such a great team
1/4th of the party voting in one turn is absurd. Fabian's charisma is INSANE i love this man and his conga line
Jawbone once again completely out of the loop and just going with it is great.
I now see why Sprak has his own art.
The music video idea was genuis. Emily Axford is such a quick thinker and her performance as Fig is top-knotch.
Oisin summoning dragons breaks my heart. NOOO you were so cool :( now Adaine has to Furious Fist Mega Punch you to death
This fight is honestly so fucking metal. The music video, Fabian killing a dragon singlehandidly, Riz murdering two with the canons, all the Dex saves, Gorgug's excellent driving, JAWBONE, the voting drive... honestly I'm so proud of the Bad Kids and how far they've come.
ANOTHER GORGUG NAT 20 HOLY SHIT! Zac's really fucking it up right now. 7d12 is absurd
Wanda Childa running the party is so insane and I love it. It's Emily Axford's world and we're just living in it.
Eugenia Shadow is amazing. Best NPC by far.
"Can I bring a vulture to give me the help action?" absurd request. brennan's face was brilliant. Again: ITS EMILY AXFORD'S WORLD AND WE'RE JUST LIVING IN IT.
The fight. Every moment was incredible. They really did slay those god damn dragons. No one had to make a single death save. The party was popping. Fig was constantly being the fucking COOLEST. Fabian telling Gorgug not to crash his parent's boat. Eugenia Shadow telling Riz he's the best student she's ever had. It was brilliant. Excellent.
"Sorry Oisin, shouldn't have been such a douchebag, we're gonna kill your grandma now" BRILLIANT. 10/10. I love it.
Zac doing the dm bit is so funny.
K2 not knowing shit and pulling off a miracle is such pure Kristen its so fucking brilliant. THE UNCERTAINTY OF MAYBE BEING PREGNANT IS INSANE. I love Ally Beardsley.
Brennan's reaction to the pregnancy bit is so fucking funny. They broke this man's spirit in the funniest way possible.
"Haunted Wizard Clone Mini Golf Lightning Extravaganza" is the single funniest string of words imaginable. Brennan Lee Mulligan you are my favorite comedian ever.
"How much of this can we cut out, do you think?" Ally this is your bed, you have to lie in it, I'm so sorry. Funniest roll of all time.
Circling back, the flavor of Armor of Ayda is so cute. Ayda's protection is always over Fig no matter where she is.
THEY FUCKING DID IT GANG! Now for the penultimate battle! :]
"I think I have to try" is making me so fucking excited. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING FIG????
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loveofmyknife · 10 months
Live Blogging the Burrow’s end finale but it’s all in one post because I can’t be bothered to reblog the same post 10 times. So like… pre-recorded blogging I guess
Spoilers. Obviously.
- loving the finale outfits! Especially the caution tape accessories!
- hey girl hey! Poor Teedles is taking all of this very well and we love them for it. I too would rather face possible death than have to babysit my boss’s children
- someone really should go check on Simon
- love how Tula is advocating for a nonviolent solution and ends it with “and we should definitely track down and murder Phoebe”. It’s nonviolent except for one specific person (being?)
- Lucas is just doing his best as a congested little boy. Somebody get him some mint! (Bint)
- “oh, mommy has so much bloodlust!” is an excellent line
- again, Brennan is unhinged, and also maybe wearing pink lipstick, which I think adds to the vibe
- Thorn being concerned for Dr Steel is so indicative of his character. He just wants to protect his people, and even though they’ve only known this human for a few hours, she is one of his people
- love a good title drop, but this plan seems very hastily put together. I am concerned
- persuasion- “-OR ELSE!” … ok intimidation
- gasoline lasts for however long is narratively relevant
- how many stoats does it take to drive a truck? Apparently at least 5
- I mean as far at Nat 1s go operating a gear shift as a rodent makes sense
- viola is holding this group together by sheer force of will
-oh fuck human magic!
- new map! New map!
- Oh fuck “human” NECROMANCY!
-kinda sad that Carlos isn’t playing Wennabocker on the board in some way but it obviously makes sense from a practical standpoint
- the minis!!! So cool!
-“grandma casts sounding” oh no…
- box of doom strikes again
- 40 points of damage is insane
- Lucas no! I love his little hat but no!
- hate when the BBEG rolls a Nat 20
- 69 hp…nice
- not Lucas!!
- oh Tula is never going to forgive herself for this and I have Thoughts about it
- Phoebe really is just a situation at this point
- That is exactly what a 12 year old would say when beating up an eldritch horror
- yeah I’d say hitting the ground really hard is a reckless attack, Ava
-109 damage! Jesus fucking Christ
- oh it’s some eugenics shit, okay
- Dr Steel coming to the rescue!
- I love using a bunch of skills and mechanics to get the desired outcome. Casting a spell, moving out of range of counterspell, and disengaging an opportunity attack all at the same time just to be able to fireball this meat suit
- I also would not recommend hitting a nuclear reactor with fire
- “no that’s okay” was such a power move
- “I DEBONE THAT MOTHERFUCKER” yes you do, and somehow that invents cooking! I love it
- Nat 20! “THATS! MY! WIFE!!!” Viola has taken out 4 giants in a single round. She is a badass. She is a warrior. She is my hero.
- oh yeah, Dr Steel was just standing there for all that
- We may be experiencing a tragedy but at least they’ve also invented ice cream
- ok yeah i might be sobbing a little, what of it?
- I like that Ava can have a little magic as a treat
- I personally welcome our new stoat overlords
- babies!
-Get it, Tula! But seriously I like that she really got to process life without being just a widow and a mother before moving on
-baby’s first word: viscera. This is cannon
-Ava’s doing great, and her life is in her own hands. She’s completely overhauling the local law enforcement and creating triple A
- Dr Lila! She’s a nuclear physicist now!
- Did not expect Jaysohn to go for an Airbud plot line but I’m not mad at it
Closing thoughts: I loved it! I think the ending was pretty abrupt but taking out the BBEG in like 2 rounds will do that so I can’t fault them for it. I would have loved for at least one of the party to take over Education, and I think Tula was kind of set up for it but I’m glad she gets to just enjoy life now instead. I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s Adventuring Party and I’m super excited about next season!
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Top 5 fucked up naddpod moments
God there are simply so many. I’m doing reverse order this time just to switch it up.
5. When Hank rolls a nat 20 to look for his old jean jacket and remembers that it actually sucked. Just a rude murph moment that was also so funny which is a naddpod pinnacle to me.
4. The moment in Crown of Dreams where Glen comes in, looms over Calder’s unconscious body, and speaks to Ultrus directly. Completely changed the game on that encounter. Plus the Editing that included the warped audio of Glen’s line over Ultrus and Calder talking in the helm?!? This also is me saying that a fucked up moment in general is just that whole encounter and Calder’s sacrifice.
3. The winter fairy deal with Zirk, and his last shoutout to the two crew. Fia and Hank losing it. “He’s DEAD?” “Mr. Henry. Kill her.” All of it. Caldwell crying. Lou losing it (and slamming his head against the wall). Caldwell’s “I can’t say anything…”. So good. So fun. Absolutely fucked.
2. Hardwon dying due to the death lance and being faced with after life options, only to find out his mother was doomed to shadowfell. Fucked up that murph killed him. Fucked up that Lydia was so doomed. Absolutely a dope mechanic that made for some excellent shit in the podcast.
Before I hit number one, I’m gonna do an honorable mention (like I’m WatchMojo or something) bc I forgot this one until now and don’t want to change my list: when moonshine dies in the death horseman fight and Murph describes Paw Paw losing his shit because he knows she’s dead. Fucked. Up.
1. Probably not the most fucked up. Probably not my favorite fucked up moment. But it’s recent and it’s a combo of two moments (because they fuck up the same guy). The first would be Moonshine’s distress signal and Emily’s perfect choice to make Moonshine sound the weakest she’s ever been. The second would be Cobb’s last message to Hardwon, released from the hammer when he finally touched it. I think these both hit different because of how they hurt Hardwon and how much time we’ve had with Hardwon to, as listeners, understand his emotional attachments to that. But the Cobb thing? Genuinely one of the most beautiful moments in the podcast ever. I stand by that.
ask me my top 5 anything
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Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1, Chapter #05
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CW: Some of my analysis in this post handles the topic of death and suicide (there will be a warning around that portion). There are also more spoilers than usual. Stay safe!
I’m doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc.
As always, here are the silly silly non-analysis panels:
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And the rest is under the cut >:)
[link for if the images aren’t in horizontal rows]
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Milly and Meryl (especially Milly goddamn) rolling nat 20's on their perception checks. It really is scary how good their sixth sense is.
In the previous chapter, Vash asked for (and for a while was using) a 3rd class seat, but it looks like he asked for a grade-up or something to accomodate for Kaito.
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A sort-of mistranslation - Kaito means that Vash talks as if he were someone from the Big Fall (because in that time period, there's no way any human from then would be alive), so it should be more like "You talk as if you were actually at the Big Fall, over a hundred years ago." The existing phrasing could also mean that, but this would make it less ambiguous. Also, I would replace his "I/my" statements with "we/our," since it's not specified and he assumes Vash is just a human that's talking weirdly.
This line is really interesting to me from a rereading standpoint. At this point, Vash's origins and age are still a mystery, and this is the first hint at it. Vash's expression makes me think that maybe he was reminded that no one other than him (+Knives+the people at the Home ship) is from that time period. To the overwhelming majority of people, No Man's Land is their only home; this life is all they know.
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Don't have much to say about this one that's not in the image. Vash's pussy is out again. Excellent (horrible) form. Kaito is either a bit worried about how hard he fell, or he doesn't give a shit and is just nervous/cautious about the mission.
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I love how over-the-top neon is. Smoking a firework!! Damn!!
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A decent amount of lines from Neon and the BL gang (I'm going to call them that exclusively) are in katakana English.
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I like how he says "maggots" in place of the...rude 3rd person pronoun (??)(that sounds kinda stupid in english lmao) Neon says something more like "It's about time that boy set everything up!!" referring to the small bombs he was putting in the vents.
His pose here reminds me of kabuki. I'm not sure about details, since I don't know much about kabuki... But it looks like a stereotypical kabuki pose. Another over-the-top point for Neon.
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In Japanese, the first line has "reeking of manure" describing the wagons. For the "Big Man" in Japanese, the kanji for the sandsteamer (砂蒸気, usually ruby-ed サンドスチーム/sandsteamer) with the ruby note saying Big Man (ビッグ・マン). Also, the guy mentions that the chasing them off is part of the fee they paid.
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More over-the-top-ness from Neon. In the Japanese version, the first line looks a lot like one of those super long German words to me lol (究極華麗弩級盗賊). The portion saying "The Bad Lads Gang!" in Japanese is pretty much just "Hhhhhheaaaddd!!!!" (as in leader).
The introduction for Neon actually has play on words/kanji. The word 降臨 (kōrin) is originally for Christ's coming or descent, usually used for any arrival of someone "godly" (fyi Japanese has a much more casual sense of godliness than in English). What it says here, though, is 光臨, which replaces the first hald with the character for "light" (also kō). How bright can this guy get!?
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Did Kaito nicely go through the trouble of moving Vash onto the bed before venting? how... that's a grown man...
And here is Rem's first appearance!! Just now realized that her name is probably based off of REM sleep (the stage of sleep associated with dreaming). The two are wearing similar (but not the same) clothes, with Rem wearing a tucked t-shirt and jeans, and Vash wearing an untucked button-up and jeans. I'm not smart enough for this but there's gotta be something to analyze here along with the fact that Vash is an adult (the dream isn't entirely based on memory)... Also, this is the first time we see Vash in a casual outfit.
This may very well be me reading into things too much, but it stuck out to me that Rem is barefoot while Vash has sneakers on. I had two speculations about this. One is that Rem has been at that picnic for longer than Vash, and Vash just got (appeared...?) there. I'm not sure about Western picnic customs/etiquette, but in Japan, you always take your shoes off when sitting down on the tarp. Rem is the one that set the picnic up, but Vash hasn't had the chance to even take his shoes off. this sounds kinda stupid now that im typing it out. idek (throws computer out of window) [death/sui cw] The other, more messed up one is that it symbolizes Rem's death. This one is definitely more overanalysis-y!! It reminded me of what Reigen did during the final arc of MP100...iykyk. During the Great Fall, Rem willingly stayed on the ship to save humanity, sacrificing herself. I'll spare the details, but in Japanese culture, people often take their shoes off before committing suicide. It's a frequently used symbol in art that handles the topic. Rem being barefoot may be symbolizing her resolve at the time of her death, of being prepared to die if it means she can save one more person. [/cw]
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This line of Vash's is also interesting. Is he viewing "people" from an outsider's perspective, as an independent Plant? Or is including himself in that, questioning the meaning of his own current life in the desert planet, too?
In Japanese. way he responded to Rem's giggling looked a bit childish to me, like he reverted a bit back to his childhood, or he's just being a more relaxed around Rem. mom........
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Ok okokok. In Japanese, she (more literally) says "All I can muster/the best I can do is ask my heart [the destination] (read: what I can do)." This may be a translation correction but I honestly was not thinking about that at all during the annotation lol. I'm too sleepy to actually talk about the importance of this line and the way it's phrased. but you get it. you get it.........
Silly Vash face for the first time in a while!! Vash's reaction upon waking gives me the impression that this is the first time (in a long while, at least) that he's dreamed about Rem...? he looks so cute..........................help...................
And that’s it for Chapter #05! As always, the Japanese annotations are in the reblogs.
i know i'm getting very behind. theres absolutely no way im going to complete all this in real time with the book club. and all this stuff about rem is not helping. send help
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thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
I promised a post elaborating on the ordering of the one-on-ones, and I’m here to deliver! Be prepared for some VERY passionate structural and functional analysis.
So the order was Lou/Pinocchio -> Zac/Pib -> Siobhan/Rosamund -> Emily/Ylfa -> Murph/Gerard -> Ally/Timothy and here’s why this is brilliant and Brennan was very smart in picking this order:
First, Pinocchio is an EXCELLENT place to begin. PERFECT for establishing tone and ambiance and stakes for the multiverse/body jumping that is going to be repeating across the other characters WITHOUT too much lore-dumping upfront specifically because the Stepmother is so deliberately withholding and obfuscating. We get all the VIBES of what’s going on without getting much detail about the mechanics or rules of this crossing.
We follow that up with Pib. Also an inspired choice. We get a much needed reprieve from, y’know, all the child abuse in Pinocchio’s segment, and we learn a bit more about how this is all working. Specifically, not only the notion that the same characters appear across stories (which was mentioned in Pinocchio’s, with the horrifying detail that that Pinocchio had to die for this Pinocchio to enter that world) but that the same archetypes can transcend individual characters and stories entirely. This is brilliant to reinforce so soon after we see the Stepmother again because (as we’ve suspected since episode 2 at least with the mirror) she is the only entity of that type that we’ve encountered so far.
Also one of my favorite books as a really young child was called ‘Cat and Bear’ and it was about a cat named Cat who was a little stinker, so idk this segment was weirdly nostalgic and warm and fuzzy
Next, ROSAMUND. CINDERELLA. HOT WOMEN. What else is there to say? Well, we’re back to the plot that the Stepmother was alluding to but not stating outright. We learn more about the mechanics and rules of this world, and in addition to confirming how the crossings work, we get the pivotal piece of information that these other stories are (a) not infinite and (b) getting progressively worse as the better stories are either exhausted or die off.
Cinderella is also key as, three one-on-ones in, we are getting our most reliable narrator to date. She gives Rosamund a clear goal, something to drive the plot forward that’s less cryptic than the book.
And on a beautiful fucking nat 20, Rosamund gains an incredible awareness of her past lives and other stories that supercharged her character arc. I wonder if it is for that awareness that Rosamund (and Ylfa) didn’t get new character portraits when they crossed over: that they are able to retain more of a fundamental essence of self (Rosamund because of the nat 20, Ylfa because she succeeded on the CHAR save).
Coming off of Rosamund’s almost empowering note, the affective roller coaster continues with Ylfa, in which Emily Axford breaks my heart for like thirty minutes straight and I thank her for doing so. We get more of a glimpse of the rules and forces at work in this world, the Wolf continues to be my absolute favorite metaphysical NPC in Dimension 20 history.
Again, each session dovetails beautifully with and builds off of the one-on-one before it to show us new aspects of how this masterwork of a world functions, all while varying tone and affect in a way that isn’t jarring but keeps interest throughout the 2+ hours. I can’t gush enough about how much I admire all of the intrepid heroes and their role-playing skills.
And it was Murph’s segment that made me want to make this post in the first place. Obviously the intrepid heroes did not know what was going on in everyone else’s sessions, but the timing of Gerard as comedic relief is SO perfect. Such an excellent follow-up to Ylfa, again another point of reprieve as Murph commits to Gerard just not fucking getting the concept that we as an audience have had presented to us now for four different characters.
And again, the presence of the fairy brings us back to the PlotTM. We’re getting a sense not for the metaphysical bigger picture but the factions that are at war in this world and the consequences that their fight is having for everyone else. We also get a delicious seed of interparty ~drama~ as Rosamund and Gerard (and Pinocchio) are being courted by different sides in this tale-spanning battle. I NEED to see how much they all tell each other when they finally meet back up again...
Finally, we end with Timothy because, like, how could we possibly end anywhere else than with the storyteller? The book is one of the keys to understanding this world and takes on additional symbolic weight as the characters are passing through to another story, a different, darker book.
But there’s still hope. Things are going to be harder this time around, but there’s still a chance, in another once upon a time.
Just... I commend all of them so much, Brennan for laying the tracks for the emotional, narrative, and lore beats of the episode and the intrepid heroes for picking up on them and responding to and expanding them like the endlessly talented improvisors they are.
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blackjackkent · 11 months
Went into the owlbear cave near where Edowin was killed, because a little bird (@morganaseren) told me there was a pet we could obtain here. (Y'all know my priorities so well. :P )
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And there it is! IDK if this is actually the pet - I'm guessing probably not, but I wouldn't mind if it was. It's cute! What a chonker.
Also distressed. Hopefully we can help it and not get horribly mauled.
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I don't think it likes us being here.
Hector completely biffed his attempt at an animal handling check, but did roll a Nat 20 on survival which allowed him to back the fuck up and not engage in combat (which his companions all approved of, presumably because it means they did not become owlbear food).
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It's so smol and round look at it.
IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT however - when Karlach leveled up, she took the Wildheart barbarian subclass which, among other things, gives her (trumpet fanfare) Speak with Animals! (Once a day.)
Unfortunately, no one in the party has a very good charisma score and hers is not top of the pack, but we'll give it a go.
The owlbear once again goes into a defensive stance as they approach - but this time, Karlach can hear its voice resonating in her head along with the clicking of its beak.
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"What's this? Something weak...something tender... Won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son, softmeat."
(A/N: And she comes precooked too!)
With the ability to communicate, even if all the communication so far is threats, Karlach is able to draw a little closer - and identify why the creature is so agitated.
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"You're injured. There's still half a *spear* lodged in your head."
Acknowledging this, however, does not improve the owlbear's disposition. "It's a splinter. I've gutted bigger threats than you with worse."
OK this isn't working. Reload. (Some googling indicates that without the Animal Handling check or killing the momma owlbear we're not going to get anywhere.) Once again I end up using an inspiration on gaining animal friends and I'm okay with this. :P
(I can't wait to do a druid playthrough, bc I am going to speak with animals ALL THE TIME. XD )
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Narrator: The owlbear's one good eye flicks away for a moment. You follow its glance...and see an owlbear cub.
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Hold out your palms - you mean no harm.
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Narrator: The owlbear stars, then sharply inhales your scent. It sits back, its eye still fixed on you. A silent ultimatum...you can leave now, or step closer and die.
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OK fuck it I'm looking up how to do this. XD
Apparently we have to leave here, having made contact with the momma owlbear. The baby will now appear at the goblin camp of all places. So let's go over there.
Tragically, this does mean fighting all the goblins we avoided dealing with previously. BUT IT'S FOR A GOOD CAUSE.
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...I think.
This was an extremely challenging battle and I'm honestly pretty proud of us for making it through. No sign of the owlbear cub though, so we'll take a long rest (which after that we really needed anyway).
(And then a whole bunch of stuff happened involving Astarion and blood which we will get to in another post because wow.)
A second long rest, however, and...
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Narrator: You recognize the feathered creature - it's the owlbear cub you rescued.
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Hector thinks so too.
Quick glance at the IGN guide because it's 1AM and I need to finish this post, which yields this incredibly excellent tidbit:
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That's fkin adorable.
Also adorable: basically everyone in camp INCLUDING ASTARION approved when I brought it some food. Lae'zel was the only one unmoved by the the small friendshaped ball of fluff.
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It ate the food we offered it, and then scampered off into the woods when Shadowheart spoke and startled it.
One more long rest...we're investing a lot of camp supplies in this process. :P
(Also cut for time: a giant fight between Shadowheart and Lae'zel which will also get its own post. I hope everyone's enjoying all the foreshadowing.)
(Also Scratch brought Hector a ball which was adorable.)
Finally! The final scene!
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Hi again bud!
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Narrator: The cub holds out his leg, revealing a ragged wound.
Aw buddy. :( Let's see if we can help with that.
[MEDICINE] Attempt to heal the injury.
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Narrator: As the wound closes, the cub begins testing his weight on the leg.
Yay! Mission accomplished! We're frenz. c:
And now he's in the camp and we can pet him whenever we want!
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I hereby dub him Buddy and love him forever.
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intertexts · 9 months
ok you asked about my sad fish boy i hope u know how much of a mistake that is. holy shit. dude jrwi is so fucking good. if u need a new dnd podcast may i please recommend jrwi..theyre pirates. ohhh my god theyre pirates .
so. uhm. fish boy. his name is gillion tidestrider (champion of the undersea, hero of the deep, etc etc about a billion more titles that he just keeps aquiring as the campaign goes on) and hes a paladin with ohhhhh so much of a hero complex. oh my god. dude. hes so . everything to me . (played by charlie slimecicle btw. that guy is so fucking good at balancing silly goofy moments with heartwrenching voice acting. in one of the most recent episodes he is literally. hanging from a hook through his hands missing chunks of skin on 1hp literally only alive because he happened to cast death ward on himself. and hes wearing those goddamn trout fish sandals that u see on facebook ads or whatever.)
uhm. so. holy shit. where do i even start. he is the chosen one of a prophecy that says its his duty to one day choose who will survive between the undersea (triton, underwater creatures, where he grew up) and the oversea (basically. land.) and the other will be destroyed. so when he was very young (i want to say maybe like..5 or 6? i dont remember im actually searching for that info rn for the thing im writing) he was taken away from his family to begin training with the Elders (basically the. rulers of the undersea) . my boy he was raised to be a weapon. he was raised to be a tool (<< real canon words out of his own mouth). my favorite little child soldier. he wore armor that was too big for him and carried swords that were taller than he was. he was raised to put protecting others over his own safety so he rushes out into danger without even thinking about how it might affect him. he is so passively suicidal and ready to sacrifice himself at any minor inconvenience that when this information is eventually put in front of him his response is "what? no, thats what im Supposed to do." a very important phrase for him in early episodes was "whats one more burden?"
also he has a pet frogtopus (frog + octopus) her name is pretzel and she rides around in a little orb on his belt and also on his shoulders sometimes. i love her
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(<- official art. shes so perfect in every way)
I THINK I MIGHT BE RUNNING OUT OF SPACE SOON BUT HE ALSO HAS AN OLDER SISTER AND SHES EVERYTHING TO ME OHMYGOD . her name is Edyn and shes so. uaghghhh if i think about her for too long i start crying. im writing a fic from her pov as we speak. she was the only one who would visit him during his training as a kid she was his best friend she wanted to protect him but she was also just a kid so she couldnt do anything but try her best to comfort him. shes the one who gave him pretzel. ohhh my god. i lvoe you edyn tidestrider youre everything to me. giving you a freshly written unedited at all snippet from the fic im writing because it describes how i feel about their dynamic so much better than i could possibly type out in a tumblr ask::::
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uhnmmm what else. im so insane about the tidestrider siblings forever. do not get me wrong the other PCs in this campaign are also excellent and i love them (Jay is the daughter of a navy captain who defected to join a pirate crew to figure out what caused the death of her older sister. Chip is. oh boy. orphan who was taken in by a pirate crew when he was 7. pirate crew in question was swallowed by some sort of magic force that corrupted literally a fourth of the globe. but he somehow survived and is now trying to find out if his old family is still alive. jay and chip are like adopted siblings to me. chip and gillion had to roll a performance check for a kiss one time and they both got nat 20s and its all gone downhill from there for them. i love jay and chip dearly but something abojt gillion just scratches a very specific itch in my brain i love him so much and its only partially because hes a fish and im the fish guy.) ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION GILLION IS CANONICALLY ASEXUAL and this is a fact that actually has come up within canon and is not just a word of god twitter mention fact. no. my boy is actively asexual and it makes me soooooo happy forever.
uh. sorry for the wall of text. infodump over. im forever crying abojt pirates and fish people . thank u i love u
OUSUGHFGHFJHH................... I LIKE UR FISH BOY MAC. IM A BIG FAN OF UR FISH BOY. i heard paladin with a hero complex & it was immediately a direct hit thats so... ouuhgh. child soldier character type of guy makes me go bonkers!!!! this whole paragraph is like five critical hits in a row... im so curious now.... also ive seen SO much art for these guys jay also looks so cool? her art is always so compelling 2 me... anyway OUHG. i'm currently working my way through friends at the table twilight mirage (meticulously crafted post-utopian cyberpunk/science fiction about mechs and gods and mech gods and more specifically Dead mech gods & living in their husks & humanity & nonhumanity & empire, etc) + tryna catch up on critrole but... hgghhbh. we'll see. we'll see what happens...
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carcrash429 · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday: Summer Reading Challenge Masterpost Edition
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for the last fic rec friday of summer, wanted to post my final bingo card and masterlist of things I read for the @ficreadingchallenge!
had a blast organizing and participating in this event, hope you all did too :) particular shout out to @therealjambery for helping me take this idea and run with it! couldn't have done it without you <3
list of fics below:
Square 1 - Happy Ending: The Bucket List by @im-95-not-dead [Marvel, Bucky/Clint, Avengers check things off of Bucky’s post-Hydra bucket list, funny all the way through and sweet at the end]
Square 7 - BFFs: The Things You’ve Done by @cookiedoughmeagain [Haven (TV), really great pre-series look at Duke and Nathan growing up and falling out with each other]
Square 8 - Ghosts: Ghostbusters by @enide-s-dear [Lord of the Rings; Gimli inherits a haunted house, Legolas helps him clear it out]
Square 10 - Fan Art: Olden Times by Merit [Divine Cities; post-canon AU where Shara and Turyin make fun of each other with the help of some civilian fan art]
Square 11 - Rec’d by a Friend: The Dragon-King’s Temple by Kryal [ATLA and Stargate (SG-1) crossover; phenomenal fic with *extensive* worldbuilding and background, incredible character interactions, and a fascinating plot]
Square 12 - New Fandom: he’s a regular disney princess by gendernoncompliant [Haven (TV); very sweet Duke/Dwight fic with a hilarious and believable Trouble to solve]
Free Space (re-read an old fave): Just a Little Bit True by @lissadiane [Avengers; a perfect Winterhawk high school AU with excellent Clint&Nat friendship]
Square 13 - 5+ year old fic: We Were Born for Shadows by scribblemyname [Marvel; Bobbi/Clint&Natasha, middle fic in a series, excellent look into the fallout of CATWS]
Square 18 - Someone Who Follows You: A Name for Forever by @merelypassingtime [Marvel; Bucky/Clint, pet rescue AU sequel, SO soft and fluffy and adorable]
Square 20 - Hurt/Comfort: the ghosts you hold, the salt you're breathing by GideonofPiratesSwoop [Emelan - Tamora Pierce; Rosethorn/Lark, nice exploration of the PTSD Rosethorn gets left with and how the two of them deal with it]
Square 21 - Small Fandom: Alliance by Merit [Divine Cities and Old Kingdom crossover; great interaction between Turyin Mulaghesh and Lirael, hiding behind a large potted plant at a party]
Square 22 - Less than 20 kudos: Made of Aether and Held Together with Love by @cookiedoughmeagain [Haven (TV); PERFECT fix-it fic for the series finale, Dwight & Duke]
Square 24 - Historical AU: there’s something fiction about the way reality’s going by homelywenchsociety [Daredevil (TV); Foggy/Matt, West Wing crossover (so set in the 90s which is I guess is historical now lmao) hilarious and well done version of Josh (Foggy) meeting Joey Lucas (Matt) with some great platonic Foggy & Karen (Donna) banter]
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coconi · 3 months
So me, Tara, and her two roommates decided to run a lil DnD campaign/series of oneshots (for us to get acquainted with all the mechanics since it's pretty much everyone's first run) and we had our session zero a few days ago. Tara was our DM and she did a phenomenal job!!!! Here's a few highlights:
Our 7-feet firbolg wizard (Amdrus) somehow became a squirrel deity.
Our dwarf barbarian (Karmin) built a most excellent barricade... for peeps his height and under 👌😂 He carried us during the first half of the session though! He was the only one rolling double digits lmao.
We snared the poor bandit that wandered away from camp to piss and hung him upside down with his dick out. Between that and a high intimidation check by my tabaxi warlock (Dante), he turned into a sobbing, pissing-and-shitting mess.
me: "Could I attack the approaching monster? Do I see it?" DM, with the biggest shit-eating grin you've ever seen: "Do you look up? 😇😇😇" me: "OH FUCK YOU". Cue manticore reveal.
me, terrified: SO ANYWAY I STARTED BLASTING (19 and nat 20 on my eldritch blasts, but rolled a 1 and a 2 on the damage dice 🙃🙃)
Amdrus was hellbent on reasoning with the manticore. The others weren't having it: Dante fireballed its ass (it was sooooo satisfying) and Karmin cleaved it in half.
DM kept rolling like shit to the point where one of the bandits shot himself with a crossbow and pisser kept failing his saving throws to free himself.
As a side note, turns out DM is really good at squirrel impressions, monster voices and sobbing NPCs lol. Tara's roommates have a toddler and she thought Tara was upset for realsies XDD
The only enemy we left alive was Mr. Pisser, whom we interrogated, fed, cleaned up and dressed in the garb of his fallen comrades (who turned out to be his brothers, whoops). We felt too sorry for him to turn him in, so Dante sent him to his ex's tavern so he could turn a new leaf...... while "kindly" threatening the shit out of him one last time 🤣🤣🤣
Somehow the only damage my character sustained was one (1) squirrel bite.
We harvested some meat from the manticore to cook next time ala Dungeon Meshi. Will we poison ourselves? Guess we'll find out! :D
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shadowsandstarlight · 4 months
The funniest thing that’s ever happened to me in a DnD game is still thanks to a magic item our DM gave us that was supposed to be completely useless. It was called the Cloak of Billowing Fashions, and combined the properties of a classic Cloak of Billowing (can be made to billow dramatically at will) and a Cloak of Many Fashions (can appear however you’d like it to, as long as it remains a cloak), with one extra little feature: if you so chose, whenever you made it billow, it could also make a loud thundering noise for extra dramatic effect. My party, naturally, collectively decided that that sound was canonically a vine boom. My character was a high elf warlock with an archfey patron, a charisma score of 16, and an affection for both dramatics and fine fabrics, so he took the cloak. Our quest led the party to a church, where we had to sneak around and investigate something. The issue was that it was the middle of the day, the church was crowded, and we didn’t have time to wait until night fell to look around. The party lacked a rogue, so we decided to make do with what we had. A couple of the most normal looking party members split off, blending in with the crowd and beginning to unobtrusively make their way toward the doors behind which we wanted to take a peek. The remainder of us set up a distraction. The Cloak took the form of a white feathered cloak, accented in gold. My warlock had Thaumaturgy thanks to some neat Pact of the Tome shenanigans, and we had another spellcaster with Prestidigitation, so we could give my boy some excellent special effects. So we get him all set up. A first cast of Thaumaturgy will let his voice boom several times louder than usual, a second will alter the appearance of his eyes, and Prestidigitation could create a fancy shower of sparks. The party members take their places, both in the game and at the table. Someone’s phone is ready to go with a soundboard open. The warlock bursts through the doors, cape billowing, vine booming, and loudly declares that this was sacrilege, that he was the god they claimed to worship and he disapproved wholeheartedly. An Eldritch Blast hits a chandelier. Chaos. In the midst of it all, he switches his cloak to imitate that of the surrounding peasants, and the party slips through a door, robs the scam church, and escapes. A small cult may or may not have formed around the god-warlock. That’s not important. The DM was losing her mind. I decided, in the midst of it all, to use the Fey Presence feature to frighten every creature within ten feet when the warlock’s declaration was made. It was glorious. That was the same campaign where I literally vaporized a few enemies with the sheer force of my Eldritch Blast (it happened multiple times where I rolled a nat 20 and did double damage, rolled the highest possible damage or close to it, had my Agonizing Blast eldritch invocation which added my +3 charisma modifier to the damage, and was in possession of a magic item which made it do +2 or 3 extra damage on top of that. Poor bastards didn’t stand a chance, they got obliterated instantly. My attacks didn’t hit as often as I’d’ve liked during that campaign, but when they did they hit like a damn truck. Level three and up, high elf tome pact warlock, you can’t go wrong, they’re insane.)
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hetalia-club · 11 months
separate little post to comment on my DND thoughts for Canada
I love the idea of Canada being a druid, I think he would transform into a polar bear and would have a lot of fun talking to animals. I can see him in a little holly crown just vibing and always telling people how they have displeased the oak father because they stepped on a beetle 3 years ago.
I also really like the idea of him being a rouge to though. I think he would be adept in the invisibility spell and could pick pocket anyone and have excellent slight of hand because he is never seen. There would be rumors around town about the invisible rogue who swoops in like a shadow and robs you blind and the whole time he’s just standing right there in broad day light just digging though a chest in the background totally unnoticed.
I also really like the idea of him being a Ranger with the Gloom Stalker subclass. He's shot you with 12 arrows before you even knew he was there and then he just turns invisible and dips away. “What happened to Kevin!?” (Deception check nat 20) “I don’t know he was fine a minute ago and now he’s full of arrows, must have been the wind”
I think Canada is one of those characters that has a lot of versatility when it comes to picking a class for him.
I just wanted to share my thoughts, but didn't want to do it on the post itself because I didn't want to sway anyone from their own ideas
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unsleepingtales · 8 months
Mall Madness! Holy fucking shit that was absolute madness. This episode started off pretty comprehensible and then became Not That.
The set looks so good!!
There’s no after bit. Ominous.
Look at their haaaaats
Cloaca mini is iconic
Cassandra mini Cassandra mini Cassandra miniiiii
All the store names are incredible. Thank you for the battle set tour.
Oh my god this got intense quickly
Horrifying! I am so uncomfortable :)
What does that mean though Brennan. No spoilers but what does that mean.
Ooh editing!
This is heartbreaking actually
It’s not zeitgeist this is just a Beardsley Bit.
(It’s my favorite Beardsley Bit)
The other shoe has not yet dropped?? Bro??
Oh does time act all weird in the synod
Kinetic Jaunt <3
What are you Doing
Oh my GOD Lou
👀 you wanna jump on a table.
‘Does she need scratchies?’ ‘Ooh, you don’t got cats.’ (As a cat owner I felt this in my very soul)
I love arcane trickster mechanics so much
The amount of just. Pained groans. Coming out of the players this episode.
Why are they attacking them???
So mature I love them
Banged out that first level spell 😏
That’s fucking gross.
That’s horrifying!
You thought he was just doing it for shits and giggles
The dome art is great. Love bloodbath and beyond behind Brennan
I love that they’re trying to protect Cassandra
Silvery barbs baby!
(I love silvery barbs I used it a few sessions ago to stop someone ripping off our barbarian’s arm and I hadn’t told the dm that I took it in our last level up so the look on his face was delightful)
“This ancient mall” as if this is not an incredibly new development
Emily what are you about to do
Conor Counterspell <3
I need Cassandra to be okay. Please.
Fig loves an intern
This is so bad
Oh my FUCKING god that post was righttt
Gorgug Thistlespring you genius I love you <3
Ooh the red energy is moving on the dome background love that
Kristen. Kristen.
Also Ally I get where you’re coming from I really do but you’re level ten. There are so many opportunities to raise your dex between levels one and ten. This is a bit. I LOVE AND RESPECT THE BIT.
Minus three to dex, also in real life
Ooooh okay okay
We honor nat 20s on this show!!!
The character ability is I Read The Handbook
Are they what now
Forty one damage each?!
Brennan fully broke Emily with that. This is like Murph with the yorbies.
What the FUCK Brennan
What the fuck 😭😭
This is insanity
Girly said I think I need to go to the hospital 😭
Body or mind!!!
I’m losing my shit oh my god
The pride armor?? That Gilear took?
Oh nooooo
You did that sheet babe
Love the little field notes notebook <3
She’s so buff and still has no idea how to attack
Ok so these things are sentient
This is sick as fuck. Siobhan you’re the coolest person ever.
Look at Zac’s dice bag! It says Gorgug Thistlespring on it!
Rip Conor counterspell you were a real one
Oh god oh fuck
Oh nooo
Like she’s about to pounce!!
Zac and Siobhan are cat owners they know
Oh my god
Horrifying. Horrifying!!
I love Fabian sooooo much
Oh noooooooooo
We’ve had the box of doom out so many times this session
They’re already down why do you need to attack them????
Bardic Shrimpspiration 🥲
Oh my god that is so many dice
Clap if you believe in fairies
Yeah the statistics on that weren’t great.
Brennan said skanking in the most pensive voice
“I’m done talking to you” gorgug is excellent
Oof. That right there is what we call an oof.
(Listen the drawback to dating people with good music taste is sometimes you want to still listen to their playlists after you break up. It’s fine.)
I love it when gorgug tries to reason with unreasonable people
How many different Cassandra minis??
Anger is so powerful and it can be so destructive or helpful depending on so many awful factors aaaaaa
Beardsley has gotten good at d&d it’s incredible
I love this show so much
Oh my GOD
Now is the time for a Beardsley roll
Oh my god
The hands and the face that Ally does-
Big money no gilears big money no gilears
Oh my GOD
Babe he has given you so many rolls this is just fucking cursed
The cat brothers meme with Conor and Colin Counterspell
I am so stressed
What? For what? You did this for what???
Are they gonna fucking. Redo this battle. And throw the party.
Hey hi hello what the fuck
I will break you in a way that none who loved you will recognize the ruin I have wrought. Brennan. Brennan stop.
Did Adaine lose her job :(
Has YES! been haunting Cassandra??
Where did Emily get a blanket from
Ohhh it was derisive
What an insane thing. We’re so back. And also what the actual fuck.
The slow zoom on Ally 😭
Fig and the Hangman <3
Murph is so committed to the goblin hisses <3
It wasn’t weird that I did that!!
The thousand yard stare
Does the hangman have a radio
I’m sobbing what the fuck is happening
Where was that when they were trying to save the god
Through fucking gritted teeth ‘I love my friends. I love my friends.’
What the fuck is going on
‘Religious awe’ wild way to put that Brennan
What the FUCK man
He’s too buttery!
Sooooo much property damage
Kristen is so goddamn traumatized and everyone is having a weird time.
So next week looks fun. I have no idea what thoughts are in my head right now. Gonna need to rewatch that tomorrow and see if I can pull some coherence from it. Most of it seemed to make some kind of sense at the time.
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coffee-at-annies · 9 months
3, 11, and 18!
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
That I discovered this year? That’s hard. I’m not sure I discovered much music this year that wasn’t new releases from bands I already liked or singular songs. My most listened album of the year was fob cause I’m specific and sm(f)s came out in like January. My song of the year for the second year in a row was one I discovered late last year and fell in love with. I’ve listened to all of 3 songs from the artist tho.
Jukebox the Ghost was probably last year or the year before when my partner introduced me. They’ve tried getting me into The Family Crest but it’s never been the right time for an adhd hyperfixation deep dive. I got back into Matt Maeson after seeing him live, but that was my second time seeing him so he’s not new. I got super into Sammy Rae and the Friends for a hot minute after seeing her live but I first found her during quarantine looking for songs for the moss playlist. If you’ve got a moment, listen to the song I’m gonna link. It’s good. Sammy Rae described it as for the girls and the gays.
I could maybe claim Sub-Radio after Stacey’s Dad went viral but I’ve had flashback in my Spotify likes for a while so connecting the dots was just what got me to listen to more and also follow them on YouTube. If I had to pick a single that isn’t from one of the artists I’ve listed it’d have to be Drink Water.
Maybe the obcr of Some Like It Hot counts? That came out this year. I’m only obsessed with it since I saw the show live right before Christmas last year and then had to wait months for the obcr to come out so idk if it counts.
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Answered that one here with a lot of small joys I’m looking forward to repeating.
18. A memorable meal this year?
I’m trying to think of a meal that was worth remembering. A place that was worth going back to. My first instinct is my mom’s 60th. We splurged and she got reservations for the place up on Mount Washington. The one that overlooks the point. We weren’t close to the windows cause my grandmother can’t do steps and it was rainy but it was a lovely celebration.
Oh! God this is the dumbest fucking story but it’s certainly memorable. So like I’m sure you’re probably vaguely aware that I decided I wanted to be disappointed in new and interesting ways after the Pens let me down so thoroughly last spring that I decided to fuck around and become a Pirates fan. What you probably don’t know bc I didn’t do much lbing is I watched a stupid amount of Pirates games. What you’ve probably forgotten is the Buccs had a ridiculously hot start last season. 20-8 in the month of April. One of those games was actually two - rain reschedule meant it was a double header. My best friend spent the day taking his black belt test (I forgot if he’s second or third degree now but he passed!) and wanted to go out to celebrate. There’s a new-ish chain crab place in the waterfront where the TGIF used to be. The bestie isn’t a sports person at all but my sister and I are so we asked for the tv to be switched to the game. The second game of the double header was one where the Buccs scored 16 runs off the Nats for a final score of 16-1. Watching them light up basically every Nats pitcher who hadn’t pitched in the earlier game while systematically demolishing an order of crab legs was just an excellent experience. Was the food memorable? Eh the crab is fine for a chain. The meal itself was very very fun. Like exactly what you want when watching a game at a bar/restaurant. I won’t say platonic ideal but like the vibes were certainly right.
End of the Year Asks
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jeeperso · 2 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Revenge of CHAOTICA! edition
EPISODE 8 —THE PLOT THINNENS!— “There’s a warehouse in the district near this port where he’s seen a lot of Warforged around. And on top of that, lot of Imperial soldiers trying not to look like imperial soldiers.” Katt: “It’s the crew cuts and shined shoes, every time.” Thunderchild nods: “Oh yes, soldiers failing to not look like soldiers is usually a good sign that there's important government shit that needs to be either stolen or blown up.” “I do like to earn my reputation. A living client is a happy client.” "On the other paw, dead men leave no 1-star reviews.” “And an unhappy client neatly fills a shallow ditch.” GM: If you want to approach them give me a stealth check… Katt: *rolls a nat-20* GM: You are vengeance and the night. Moonpaw: *rolls a nat-11* GM: They don’t seem to notice you either. But with less being the night. GM OOC: [name] stop rolling twenties. Roll for damage. Kat roundhouse kicks him into a convenient dumpster….Katt stops, pulls him out of the dumpster to check him for keys, ID and wallet before dropping him back in. Fiver: "Ugh, racist elves, how stock." Moonpaw: "It's one thing to be an asshole. It's another level to carry around evidence.” Fiver: "Not only are they a faschy piece of garbage, they're a cliche faschy piece of garbage.” To be fair, along with humans, Swamp Elves are the rednecks of Mongo Space. "Always going on about how 'Swampworld will rise again'. Sure it will.” Like, Batman is not stealthing through the only door in the room. "What seems to be the officer, problem?” “Where did the Tabaxi come from?” "I dunno, yer mom?” Moonpaw's ears twitch again. "And the plan devolves to fighting, as usual.” “Okay…New rule. When I am doing undercover bad guy thing, no one is allowed to accompany me unless they are shorter than 3 feet tall.” GM: [name], have you ever played a non-horrible PC? Thunderchild: “Yup, someone out there (whether up or down is up for debate) is definitely playing a joke on me. I do not like encountering inferior fascist versions of people I know.” The lizardman was planning on convincing them to leave the army and start a soup kitchen on Dune. OOC: Okay now I feel bad. “But-then-they-won’t-be-the-rings-of-my-enemies-as-spoils-of-war.” OOC: (I'm like the Mike Nelson of the Group. I'm the responsible one on paper. but its like saying you're the older brother cause you were born five minutes sooner out of a set of triplets.) OOC: To be fair, they do make excellent off-the-cuff-NPCs. We should just keep running into weirdly similar trios as we adventure. OOC2: Our version of Dibbler. Fiver raids the fridge before heading up the stairs to the next level. GM: They have Nuka Cola Orange. "I-will-try-to-read-their-lips. Wait. Circles-dont-have-lips..." “Now you nincompoop!” “Fiver-is-no-kind-of-poop..." Fiver clutches his chest and holds out his rabbits foot "May the Black Rabbit steal your fruity cereals.” “Gah! Assassins! You’ll not catch Doctor Nivasi unaware!” And then he pulls out a remote and flees into an escape pod that he of course had. Thunderchild: “So now we switch to plan: kill everything hostile, steal everything not nailed down and then light a fire on the way out?” "I always wanted to depreciate a mad scientist’s car.” Thunderchild: “Okay, first thing to do is stop hitting yourself.” Moonpaw: "Actual advice would be useful! I only know how to do the one thing!” Thunderchild: “Try not to die. I don't know why people expect me to have good advice to give in these situations.” “It's-a-double-sided-mirror! I-can’t-stab-it-without-stabbing-me!” "Fork, it's mounted on immovable rods!” OOC: Sudden twist. Trunky is a vampire. Well, technically only Moonpaw rolled high enough for that, but she’s only been sentient a week, so one of the others shouts it. Fiver: “It’s fine. SMASH THE FUCKER.” Thunderchild: "Like 70% chance she'll be fine.” GM: 60% at the worst! Thunderchild: “Worse comes to worse I'm an expert at fixing machines. And people.” Robbins: “Amber’s-going-to-become-a-distillery-isn’t-she?” Thunderchild: “I can build other things!” Amber: "Don't you even think about it! When I die I will become a blacksmith's forge, no still for you.” However, it’s at this point you see the screen behind where the mirror was showing the number 14. 13. 12. "What's that for?" Moonpaw goes up to the screen. Robbins: “I-think-it’s-bluffing.” Thunderchild: “If that had not exploded we would have looked really silly.” “Folks, I’m guessin’ that’s where we’re headed,” Tango says, pointing to an immense space station, like a factory complex in space. “Thats-no-moon..." "It isn't obvious?” OOC: Eggman...The Fastest Thing Alive. OOC: Captain Thunderchild’s Militarized Still. The Distillery Artillery. OOC: Basically, yeah: you boil a thing with alcohol to catch the alcohol vapor and have more-concentrated alcohol.
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riverdoge · 1 year
Ask Game! For you edition! Playtest, feat, nat 20, and initiative!
Playtest: What class (or subclass) do you want to try out?
Oooo I've never built an Artificer! I've also only ever played Wizard as a multiclass on characters that are primarily something else, or like one time in a very low level mini-campaign. I'd love to play a full wizard for a whole campaign
Feat: What's one habit, trick, tip, etc. you picked up from another player?
idk if this counts but I have a Death Saving Throw table tattoo that was inspired in part by Marisha Ray having one
Nat 20: What's the most memorable RP scene you've been a part of?
Oh gods that's such a tough question to answer because I've been in SO MANY excellent RP moments over the years. However, I think nothing will stick with me harder than a scene between myself and @kitterjitters as we played my tiefling warlock Kalista and their tabaxi cleric Hush, respectively, and they admitted their love for each other after a very harrowing and emotional conflict with a villain from Hush's backstory
Initiative: What's an RP scene you're looking forward to playing?
Oh I have no idea, I've got so many campaigns going right now with some really great characters and players, so anything could happen.
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