#except for yknow. the internet where no one really knows me
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I know this is kinda silly and doesn't seem as serious as it is for me but it genuinely hurts me that I can't casually tell people that I'm a therian. I can't even say I'm a furry unless I'm certain I won't be judged. It's becoming an increasingly important part of my identity and I wish I could just tell people "I'm a dog btw ^-^" when I meet them the same way I can tell them I'm queer or an artist or a gamer or whatever. It's just who I am and I hate how it's not really accepted, or even understood by most people
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dreadark · 2 years
disorganized rant zz
why does it feel like the entire internet has decided misogyny doesn’t exist 
this is just me complaining about random shit I’ve seen I don’t know about trends or anything just. also i don’t go outside
idk I saw a post recently saying something like, since white women can’t pretend to be oppressed anymore now they’re— okay hang on. what? im not even going to read the rest of that because.. what? what do you mean pretend… what do you mean anymore… what world do you live in…
do you actually think being white cancels out misogyny or something. like I don’t even know where to begin with this… I really feel like somehow people have taken to adding “white” before they make a blatantly misogynistic statement so they can avoid criticism lmao. ah damn we can’t object now or we’ll be racist !
obviously some of them are fucking awful and being a woman doesn’t excuse that and white women have certain privilege others don’t etc etc. no shit dude. but this is…so beyond objecting to just that... also people really love shitting on white women in particular even more than white people in general which really I Wonder Why
i remember when roe was overturned and there were a bunch of people being like wait this is bad. because it can even affect trans men, and also certain minorities will be worse off
those are relevant points yeah but… can you not just care about… women in general..??? sorry now I sound like a fucking all lives matter guy but how else can I say this, sure some rich (usually white) women might be able to get around it but it doesn’t change how this is primarily an issue of women’s bodily autonomy. also I don’t even think the ability to sidestep it means they’re not affected, that they still have to do something extra is.. bad..?
I don’t think it’s wrong to point out those caveats or anything, it’s just a weird feeling I get that a lot of people won’t care if you just mention it’s bad for women. because they don’t think misogyny is a real issue anymore
also in more minor things, being gacha-diseased as I am (sorry) watching ppl act like media is unfairly biased against male characters is… a take… (it’s not even remotely true in gacha !! what !!! Every time I remember that one stat about how ppl perceive women as talking the majority of the time when they talk more than 33% or smth *don’t remember the exact number sorry. told you this is just some rant)
yknow what it’s not just gacha, either it’s bad for female characters to exist because it’s political (lol) or it’s bad because it’s waifubait for straight men. well most people will see the first one for bullshit but the second… is something why I am so glad you’re unable to see female characters as anything other than sex objects! (you don’t need to be attracted to women to do that btw)
it’s really depressing to see this even from people who seem like they should have better views on this stuf (how do I phrase this...)
ah right recently i saw a quote from someone involved with tlou2 circulating around tumblr about how all games except tlou2 were bad or something
Obviously it was a fake quote. i mean...tlou2... i’ve never played it but we’ve all heard the complaints about it for the crime of having a muscular woman or something. and also just being bad in general because it has to be a triple A gameTM idk I didn’t look too into this honestly im not into these things
and yknow what im sure it’s not a very good game, you’re allowed to dislike things, etc. but because of the type of backlash, maybe you should have a thought that when someone posts something outlandishly bad related to it, mmmmaybe they have some kind of agenda. just a thought
(yeah if you looked in that post’s comments the op was going on to defend gamergate. and i suppose a lot of people now don’t even know what that is...)
so it’s like, why does this matter--you can see it with that post itself, you just gave that guy a platform to tell a bunch of previously unaware people about why diversity in video games is bad and women are ruining everything actually. but hey that’s fine because we fixed misogyny already don’t worry about it
....i really think a lot of this is coming from people who don’t realize, and that might be the worst part of it...
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cloudbrooksblog · 1 year
I know this is just how the internet is, but like
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
i hate the internet so much sometimes. this was a child who was trying to escape a bad place. the kid died. we arent desensitized, people just fucking suck. people say a lot "oh we're desensitized to tragedy we make jokes about it" but like. yeah maybe you can make that argument about the kids who made fun of the shooter, but thats kids making jokes about an event THEY were a part of - that's happened forever. this isn't the same thing, and im already sick of it. It happens IRL too, i hear people making shitty jokes about tragedy like that (even terrifying and heartbreaking ones like the one above, which would usually be sobering if you bothered to process what you were looking at for five fucking seconds). i'm only a kid, i'm only 17, and i know older people will look at me and scoff or whatever. but i'm already sick of this place. i've had adults tell me "well MY generation turned out fine" but the thing is... that's survival bias. the teen suicide rates show that the jokes about tragedy and this whole suffocating atmosphere of making fun of people who are already in bad positions... it doesn't just "not affect people", yknow? like, sure, maybe a lot of suicides are because of other reasons. but you have to admit a decent amount of common suicidal thoughts are about "nobody will care" and "if i said something, nobody would care". nobody does care, and when tragedy happens, the most heartbreaking kind, you go "this looks like an album cover tee hee" like god im so sick of this. im sick of this place. a 19 year old dies in a submarine he didn't even really want to be on, and my friends are like "its fine though cause his parents were rich" like what. no. thats such a terrifying death, right? imagine dying like that. one of the worst i can imagine, you know? a nightmare. and i think back to hearing that a teenager dived in the pool and hit his head and needed CPR and shit. i never found out if he was ok, but people get stabbed and overdose around here all the time. all my parents do is laugh and say "that's why they say not to dive!"
i'm so sick of it. i want out of here, but there's nowhere to go except inwards. to "sanctuaries", where the people are more like me. yknow, i hear that the cool (gay) people are around the "sex, drugs, and rock n roll". but they've always died around me, so i guess i'll just look for more silver linings. the main reason i'm not dead is because if i survived an attempt and became paralyzed like someone else in my family, unable to even speak. That would be the worst possible ending. and a large part of me thinks it could happen. and everyone would just laugh! say silly things about it, meme on it. and if my friends died, people would laugh. and if a teacher dies at the school nearby, will they laugh if the teacher wasn't well-known? will they find any pictures "aesthetic"?
i once went to a crisis stabilization center. for the fifth or sixth time. the place was bad, but its the only one nearby. anyways. we met a kid who was 9 who we nicknamed the gravedancer. he fortnite danced on peoples graves. hilarious, right? i feel sick.
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girlypsyop · 1 year
I'm going crazy I need somebody to read this conversation I overheard on an airplane in 2022. I totally forgot about it until I found it while going through my notes.
It is a bit long but it was just so surreal and beautiful and something something humanity ok?
u ever just overhear one of the most touching interactions of your life in the back of a airbus a320
So I'm gna explain this really bad and it was kind of a "had to be there" situation but just imagine a completely dark airplane, no lights, no open windows, except a single one in the row behind you
In that aisle there's a middle-aged man sitting on the aisle. He is traveling alone. 2 women are sitting next to him
Across the aisle from them are 3 guys
So this middle aged guy. his name is Roy:)
He sits down next to the two woman and as we are shuttling to the runway, he asks if they can open the window because it's his very first flight.
They open the window
They ask him about his destination
He says he's going to Chicago when the plane starts taking off. He YELLS "Woah! Full throttle baby!" (Imagine this in the most southern accent you've ever heard)
Everyone in the back 3 rows cracks up
He laughs and says "yall got your windows closed? Not the least bit curious about what in the hell just happened?"
Everyone at a window seat who could hear him opened their window for a bit
For a while he points out things in the window.
"First time I stepped outta my podunk little town and saw the city it seemed so massive. Just... skyscrapers you have to crane your neck to look at, I'd never seen anything like it. But look at it... you can see the entire city from up here. Look at those teeny tiny little buildings."
"Are all those squares down there farms?"
"I think so yea"
"....if aliens ever visit they're gonna think someone got to us first"
"I thought there'd be more trees. There are trees everywhere where I'm from. I mean ive seen pictures of deserts and whatnot. Just never seen it with my own two eyes. How do people live like that"
"well it is January. Maybe they're all just dead"
"Oh right. No shit............. that's worse somehow."
"This is gonna be a stupid question but is that a cloud down there? Or just fog from a different angle or something, I dunno! Nothing looks like it does down there, I don't trust my own eyes"
"Yes its a cloud"
"That is so awesome. I was hoping we'd see some clouds. I looked up pictures on the internet, but they don't compare to the real deal"
After that he gets a bit nervous, says he doesn't like how the plane feels so still, as if we aren't even moving. He asks if we get drinks on this flight, they say yea usually. He tells them to wake him up when it happens.
When the attendant is a few rows ahead of him, they wake him up. He asks them if they've got bourbon. They laugh and say "not for the poor people" then they ask him if he likes ginger ale he says
"I mean sure"
"If you like ginger ale you'll love it on an airplane"
"Why in the... why the hell does it make a difference on a plane?
"I don't know, the carbonation the ginger it settles your stomach. And it just tastes better somehow. Trust me, it's almost a tradition."
"Well gee there's something you don't read about.. ginger ale on airplanes.."
He gets the ginger ale
"It tastes like a ginger ale"
"Yea but it's ginger ale on a plane!"
"If you say so"
A few minutes later he says
"Yknow maybe my expectations were just too high. I was expecting it to taste like. I dunno God's spit or something."
The guys across the aisle lose it
"Man that's what I'm calling airplane gingerale from now on. God's spit"
He goes back to sleep after that. As we start our initial descent he wakes up. one of the girls asks where's he's from
"Lousiana. Small town, I never left it once."
"Wow you must have really loved it"
"Ha. Something like that. I'm a rehabilitation counselor there. Have been for 3 years. Got a big fancy promotion last year, now I'm a bit of a team leader. Who would have thought. Have to wear a tie and everything. Never pictured myself someone's boss. Normally I'm... normally I'm the one quittin after a few months and slashin the boss's tires"
"Oh yea? You ever piss someone off enough to get your own tires slashed"
"Not yet but a man can dream"
A minute passes
One of the guys across the aisle, he's wearing a tie tells roy
"I was in and out of rehab for nearly my whole life. What a thankless job, nobody likes you until long after they've left"
"Ah well. We don't do it for the thanks. It's rewarding to see people turn their lives around. Not all of them not even most of them. But every now and then...."
"Well I hope you know even the ones who don't quite make it are just grateful someone gives a shit about them, even if they're being paid to."
"Oh I'm well aware son. I'm In recovery myself. It's why I could never leave my town. My mom died birthing me and my dad... well it's hard for him. He's got health problems and head problems probably. I think losin her really fucked him up. He did what he could but.... Well I don't wanna bring down the room.....bringing down this particular room would be terrorism I think"
I died at that one
"This is the first time in my life I've had a paid vacation. I never married or had kids and. Well I'm taking this trip for me, but those folks back in the facility are what push me to do this. It's hard sometimes to convince them it's worth it to cross the finish line when I can't show em proof of a better life."
"So why chicago?"
"Well... I never said it out loud but I used to read about those old prohibition bars. Those were big in Chicago. I always wanted to go. Secret entrances and passwords and all that. So I looked it up and there's some those old speakeasies that you can still go to. It's a bit kitch
"My ears hurt real bad don't they control the pressure in these tin cans?"
"I guess not very well. Try opening your mouth a bunch it'll pop your ears"
"That's.. disturbing"
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campyvillain · 2 years
hey so you might wanna read this in full if you’ve been following me for a while
yknow. i’ve been holding off on confirming it until now but i’ve been reworking one of my past projects on here for… quite some time. like at least around 2 months. it’s what i’ve been mainly working on besides schoolwork whenever i go quiet for long periods of time for anyone curious
and when i mean reworking i mean like, almost completely reworking. aside from the character’s designs and personalities almost nothing is carried over from the original work, full disclosure
to be completely honest i was wracked with a lot of inner sadness and grief when i first made the initial parts of it earlier this year and it led to me always feeling the need to ramp up the stakes of it. idk why that was exactly. but it eventually led to me making something that was hard for me to continue making long term and something that’s extremely hard for me to look back on. i made it to cope with a personal tragedy, and when the tragedies in my life just stopped being so singular and kept piling up… i just couldn’t find it in me to make media that was so dire like that anymore. on top of that i made it during a period in my life where i was completely homeschooled so i had no social life outside of the people in my household and a very few select people online, all of which i am grateful for and who i love very much - but being secluded from any real world interaction like that, especially during such a bleak moment in my life messed me up kinda. all i had to do at that time was study and make stuff. and the stuff i was making wasn’t good for me, even though the stuff i was making for it was extremely high effort. i made entire songs. designed entire sprite sheets. did so much background design and spritework it’s not even funny. and even though it’s my most high effort project to date… i just can’t return to the mindset i made it in, not ever.
if you haven’t noticed i’ve been on a kick of making my works a lot more ‘silly and laid back’ lately, and frankly allowing myself to make things that are just unabashedly fun to make has made me fall in love with creating things again as redundant as that sounds. i was neglecting myself of the ability to create for any other reason than to purge something out of my head for so long that i forgot what making things for myself actually felt like, not the part of me that dreads going about my day but the part of me that wants to feel happy in spite of it all. i think allowing that side of myself to flourish has not only made me better, it’s made my art better. and now that i finally have that sort of inner peace when it comes to creating things i think i’m finally ready to return to that project, as different now as it may be than the project i initially showed to you all.
i know asking for understanding on the internet and especially as a content creator is a pointless task to some extent but i’m just going to warn you that you are not going to be getting a continuation of this project. this is a complete reboot. again, nothing much is going to get carried over except the characters and their designs themselves. but ultimately this is for the best. the story i’ve got this time around is one that’s really fun - at least it’s fun to write, and that’s all that counts - and it’s got a framing device that i personally find really appealing. it’s completely tonally different from the first iteration which is naturally going to turn people off, i know, but just know the story that i’m telling here is one that i take joy in telling. it’s one that i’m going to have a lot of fun with and i can’t wait to take you on for the ride if you so wish to get on it. it’s not gonna be coming for a little while longer, this is only to let you all know it’s even happening.
so, yeah.
that’s what’s been up with eptg LOL
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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stellocchia · 3 years
Honestly, I'm a lot harder on and a lot harsher at characters that are in a position of authority.
Like, I'm aware that they're still a person with faults and shit. But I will also be more aggressive about them just because their mistakes have much more severe consequences
It's why I love dragging techno and exile era tubbo.
Tubbo because, yes. He was a child president and was manipulated by dream. Believe me I'm aware and thats a big factor in how I judge them anyways. But he was still the president. He tried to do what was right for his country but most of his decisions were still shit. Still. Great guy. The second that role as president was obliterated all my loathing evaporated.
Techno because.... Holy shit... Holy shit...
Like, you know how much I adored pogtopian techno (please come back. I miss you. Please-) but honestly. Maybe it wasn't just that. Maybe he became so much less likeable when it became clear that nothing was keeping him in check. That his "mistakes" and bad judgement will always go unchecked because he is at the very top.
It's also the reason I've been ready to deck Sam since Tommy was locked in with dream all those months back. I understand that he's still a person. But man. That's so much less of an argument when his incompetence keeps getting my faves killed.
Like. That'd kinda why I have a love hate relationship with cPhil? Because. I think it's hilarious how... Pathetic he is. This man is a tool. It's hilarious how an ancient angel of the goddess of death has no clue what's going on like a senile old man finding out that mobile phones are more than just small portable telephones. "Wait, you can write to people with this?" "What do you mean there's more games than candy crush?" "Internet? I've heard of that on the news! They say people become victims of crime on there!"
Like. Holy fuck. I'd say that I've never seen a more ignorant character in my life but he lives with technoblade so theres the actually most ignorant character right there.... Maybe... Then again, techno DOES know about the pogtopia stuff... Then again... He does gaslight himself so he might as well not have been there at all...
I've gotten sidetracked.
Anyways. Phil is hilariously flawed, incompetent and has never made a good decision since he's joined the server. I'd say inviting in ranboo is a neutral decision... Just because that's too complicated.
So Phil is pretty fun to think about! Until I remember that he's the servers biggest fan of assisted suicide, keeps helping out the tyrants and destroyed most of the servers lifes. Is a fucking asshole to Fundy.... He's just.... Yeah...
And Phil doesn't even have authority the way the others I mentioned had! He just hangs with that one fucker all the time!
So imagine my frustration with the characters who actually do have authority!
Like. Yknow how society's kinda based on the principle of: I limit my freedom (like. Not killing and not stealing. Yes. That's limiting your freedom.) And in exchange I am protected and cared for (people that kill and steal aka harm people like me are persecuted (this is not about how well this gets executed irl. This is a base principle))
With authority it's kinda similar
When you get a position of authority you get freedom and control over something and people have to listen to you. Sam has total control over the prison, people have to respect his authority as the warden. And in exchange you get the responsibility for the things that go wrong. No matter what explanation. No matter how out of control the situation was for you. It's on you.
With great power comes great responsibility and shit.
Idk where I was going with this but in short: I will always be way more critical of the mistakes and faults and flaws of people in powerful positions. So fuck you Technoblade. Go suck a dick.
Yeah, I get your point. I also don't really have anything to add, but I'm the same way honestly. Just, characters that are in positions of power and put up a pretense about being somewhat righteous (like Techno and Phil saying they were destroying a nation and traumatizing everyone involved to "free the people" as if they hadn't just destroyed the lives of the people they were supposed to be freeing...) frustrates me often. Like, I'm fine with someone like Dream because I can openly call him a dick for abusing his power to ruin other people's lives and normally I don't get harassed for it. Same with Quackity actually. Just... everyone else... not really.
So yeah, I guess I'm less harsh with authority figures who aren't depicted as "morally gray" just because talking about their canon actions is generally not considered criticism worthy of harassment... (with the exception of Twitter).
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zannolin · 2 years
15, 16, 19 ✍
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
not usually because i'm always paranoid i won't want them anymore and won't be able to trade them in for book credit if i write in them, sometimes if i don't have a bookmark but i dislike doing it, and yes because it's the best way to get my brain to settle down and read and relax. no i do not judge people who do it unless they are dogearing the pages of MY books. yes we are besties forever ily.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
ummm tough question because i have a horrible memory. probably an actual real peacock feather.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
well as you know i started writing because of you. legitimately i remember that time you hung up the teaser for that book of yours which i shall not name for the internet to know of on our door with a sheet under it for people to give feedback and i stood on tip-toes to read it and was like oh yeah i'm gonna do THAT except i didn't really until i wasssss seven probably. eight? after we moved. then i decided to write a dramatic story about "bubble horse" the secret identity of pepper the clydesdale, my model horse who would rescue all the OTHER horses and plastic animals that i liked to dump into the jacuzzi and swirl around laughing evilly under the bubbles. never finished that one obviously. mom put me in an essay contest and i decided nope i hate this!
so i quit writing until i was eleven and she who shall not be named dragged me back into it, after which i wrote some erm interesting stories (read: lord of the rings rip-offs) and a lot of fanfiction i didn't necessarily realize was fanfiction, and then i read your star trek fic and was like ohhh fanfic nice. ages 13-15 were when i was writing my little pony, doctor who, disney/dreamworks, and warriors fics to post on deviantART. eventually i discovered fanfiction.net and moved there, and then migrated to tumblr to write more star wars stuff. that was around age 15, when i started figuring out "oh i like this writing thing!" but didn't do it a ton, mostly just 3 sentence fics and tumblr drabbles. got grounded, got into v*ltron, discovered writing was a good escape, so ages 16-18 i was handwriting tons of fic and trying to write another novel which i did not finish. ages 18-19 were when i started exploring fic and books more and figured out what i wanted to write style-wise and started letting myself have fun. 19 to present has been the era of me going "hell yeah i'm gonna write whatever the FUCK i want and people can deal with my prose or ELSE!"
it's mostly just been a struggle with writer's block due to stress/exhaustion and the constant battle against statistics and numbers. sometimes i'm fine and great and write fics entirely for myself and love it. sometimes fandom has fucked me up so badly that i have to force myself to go do other things rather than be upset that it feels like i'll never be as good as anyone else and that i'm NOT a good writer OBVIOUSLY because if i were a really good writer there would be loads of comments and kudos and people would be talking about my fics and making fanart all the time DUH!! it is a very very slow path to healing from that mindset and sometimes it's like that section on the yellow brick road where you walk and walk and don't go anywhere until you do something stupid like turn around and walk backwards to go forwards. yknow. right now i'm pretty happy with my writing, pretty happy with what i write, though i've got a list of my top 6 priority fics i want to write before i eventually leave the dsmp fandom. eventually i'd like to maybe write more poetry (i wanted to do a poetry anthology once) or creative nonfiction essays, or something about a lighthouse, but for now i'm very happy with my fanfic.
ask game.
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thedaddie · 3 years
Hey, I'd like to request a matchup :)
For starters, I am a 5'7 female, go by she/her and have a preference for guys. I have short brown wavy hair with bangs that's usually always messy and brown eyes. i wear glasses but keep them off at home most of the time. I would describe my body type as.. big boned? and skinny. I have a small appetite (kenma kinnie koment lol) and i'm a picky eater so I'm always anxious about eating at other people's houses bc I don't want to offend them. I'm almost underweight and my bones are pretty noticeable so i wear baggy clothes a lot. My favorite hobbies are gaming, watching anime, and spending time on social media like tik tok (anime side lol) instagram and tumblr, though I hardly post anything. I'd rather stay invisible both on the internet and real life, i hardly comment anything either, and i usually ask anonymously except for rn bc there's no option for that heh... but yeah. My primary love language is physical touch but it takes me a while to get comfortable. I'm an INFP 4w5, and a Libra.. a very introverted Libra lol. When it comes to my personality, I tend to be comedic with the people im comfortable with, but exceptionally quiet when im anywhere else but a comfortable space with a close friend. I would say I'm very loyal, trustworthy, and supportive of the people I care about. I have anxious thoughts almost all the time, even when nothing's happening, but i'm fairly good at hiding it. I daydream a lot and have a habit of spacing out randomly without meaning to, and my clise family knows this very well. It gets to the point where when I'm with a group of friends (or more like acquaintances bc i just so happened to be there bc of my one friend) where i just space out and once im back to reality, everyone's laughing and I have no idea what I missed lol. When im in a big group, like at family parties or smth, people don't rlly talk to me, so I usually go by the event without being noticed which is great. Unless when I try saying something I'm ignored. I feel better with a group who would listen to me when I do talk and includes me in the conversation even though I'm not always there mentally. Over text I am more expressive with my sense of humor and emotions. I would rather get to know someone before calling him my boyfriend. If i'm interested I will take a lot of time to get to know someone, and I would appreciate if they did the same, otherwise I would see the relationship as too shallow and distance myself. I dislike fake people and callousness. I don't usually hate people but things like that really throw me off. I don't mind if my match is an extrovert or introvert. Sorry if that was too much heh.. thank you in advance ^^
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hi!! thanks for requesting!! i match you with…
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so this relationship started with you having a crush on him!!
you just really admired him and his abilities!! you attended every game (EVEN THO HE WAS BENCHED MOST OF THE TIME LOL IM SORRY)
plus yknow he’s super cute so that didn’t hurt at all
however, being the introvert you are, it took you forever to build to courage to tell him as you were much more content to admire him from afar
you tried to get to know him as much as you could before even considering confessing
but one day you just said fuck it and went up to him
and you start out with a “hey tadashi ◕ ◡ ◕” BUT HE CUTS U OFF
the poor boy thought u were trying to confess to tsukki 😫
you’re immediately like “no????? i’m here to talk to you???”
he’s legit shocked 😟
and you manage to make it through the confession and tadashi is still like dumbfounded
error 404 yamaguchi not found 😶
he accepts your invitation for a date AND THE REST IS HISTORY
he never really liked video games until you came around!! now you’ve got him into playing all kinds of shit
there are times where y’all will be literally in the same room and send each other tik toks like babe… sit up hes right mf there
when you space out in the classes you share, he always gives you a copy of his notes to make sure you don’t miss anything 🥲
you’d think that being with another introvert would only keep him quiet but no! yams likes getting your attention for doing good things (especially in volleyball) because he likes making you proud 🥰
he used to like being invisible, but being seen by you? incomparable to anything else
he knew just from the few initial dates y’all had that you hated callousness, so he was terrified to introduce you to tsukki
but tsukki knows how much you mean to him so he refrained from being rude to you (they’re bffs he would do anything for yams 😭)
he also introduced you to the rest of karasuno! and they adore you!! they’re definitely the group who will always include you in everything 😍
your love language is physical touch? he’s always down for a good cuddle
his love language is quality time! as long as he’s with you he’ll always be happy!!
so now onto your zodiacs!! a libra and a scorpio!
you both value consistency and commitment
but the only way for your relationship to succeed is for you both to build on yourselves individually
creating a strong sense of self will keep your from getting sucked into the negative emotions that come with relationships :)
and your personality types! INFP and INFJ!
you guys are both introverts and naturally kind, caring nurtures who feel quite passionately
so you guys would work for many reasons
for example, you both are drawn to the same type of people (thoughtful and artistic types) and really desire that long, committed relationship
like every relationship, there can be bumps in the road
you both dislike conflict, which can leave issues in the relationship unaddressed
and since you are both so connected to your values, it can be difficult if you disagree with each other
but all in all you guys really work together!! and i bet your texts to each other are mf crazy ANYWAY
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here you are, yet again sitting silently in the middle of yet another school event.
you don’t even know how you ended up here. one minute you were content in your classroom the next you were in a crowded gym packed so tight you could hardly breathe. curse your daydreaming brain.
people around you are talking so loud, making your brain feel like static. some of them keep bumping into you or standing on your shoes but you don’t have the heart to bring it up. you’re kind of just… stuck.
something taps your shoulder. initially you don’t respond as you assume its just another asshole who isn’t aware of the people around them.
“hey,” a voice whispers in your ear. “cmon.”
“tadashi?” you manage to ask.
your boyfriend doesn’t respond, just takes your hand as you weave through the crowd, which is surprisingly easy. you look up and see tsukki, who towers over most of the people surrounding you.
when you finally get outside, you allow yourself to take a deep breath.
“thanks, tsukki.” yamaguchi says, glancing at his friend.
“whatever. just come to the volleyball gym when you’re done.” he deadpans and swiftly walks off, leaving you alone with yamaguchi.
“i don’t know how i got there,” you admit sheepishly.
“it’s a school wide social thing, doesn’t matter. we were heading to practice when we- i mean, tsukki spotted you in the crowd.”
“thanks for finding me.” you smile and kiss his cheek, watching as blush immediately creeps onto his freckled face.
songs for your matchup :)
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What about Miu, Korekiyo and Fuyuhiko meeting their long distance s/o for the first time? Your writing is really good, keep it up dude!
Thank you so much anon! That means a lot to me. 🥺 For this scenario I decided that s/o lives in the US, and Miu, Kork, and Fuyu still live in Japan. Lemme know if you want me to change anything! Also, these might be a little long. Stay safe!
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Miu, Korekiyo, and Fuyuhiko meet their long distance s/o for the first time
Miu Iruma
Miu always encourages you to visit
She usually says something at least a little perverted, but you've gotten used to it
For about a year you worked a lot of small jobs to save up enough money to visit Miu
You tell her it's to buy a new laptop so you can surprise her
Here's the plan
You ask your friend who lives in japan to meet you at the airport you'll land in
You'll get into a box they'll bring, and tell Miu that you sent a package for her and it's at the airport
Let's just hope she doesn't wonder why you didnt just send it straight to her
Then, you jump out of the box and surprise her!
The plan goes well
For the most part..
Where it goes wrong is Miu tries to pick the box up and you fall out of the bottom
"Uh.. that's not how that was supposed to go."
Your friend is laughing their ass off
You give them a quick glare before standing up and hugging your girlfriend
You're both crying tears of joy now
Yours are a little bit from pain if you're being honest
After a few seconds, you two get up and your friend asks if they can leave
Obviously you say yes, and you and your girlfriend's trip officially began!
Miu wasnt actually how you expected
Not her looks, her personality
She only made like one or two perverted jokes and even then she was pretty flustered
You figured she was less shy over the internet which like, same and you actually found it pretty cute
Miu takes you to her house and shows you a bunch of her inventions
She gives you a summary of the process of making them
You're amazed
After a few hours of that, you two go to a small restaurant to get some dinner
After dinner, Miu takes you to a small field and says she made some fireworks she was gonna try out tomorrow, but since you were here, she felt like it was a much better time
They were honestly one of the most beautiful things you've seen
Except for your amazing girlfriend, of course
Korekiyo Shinguji
Kork has always said that his anthropology trips would more than likely lead to you two meeting
Over the time you two were dating, you kinda started to lose faith in his words
One day you call Kork up and he says he's on a plane
He sounded more lively than usual
Kork's plane ride was extremely long, (and flying pretty late) so you two wrap your call up after about two hours so you both can get some rest
The next day you wake up to knocking at your door
What time is it?
Oh damn
You actually slept in late
It was already around 10
You yell out hoping the person outside can hear you
"I'll be there in a minute!"
You quickly brush your teeth and get ready
You dont realize it at the moment, but you completely forget to get dressed
You answer the door trying to look and sound as awake as possible
"How can I hel...p.. Kork?"
"It is true, my beloved."
Choo choo! All aboard the tears train!
You hug your boyfriend tight for the very first time
"You're really here.."
You two just hug for a while before he asks to come inside
You two go inside and now that you're awake, you finally realize you're still in your pajamas
"What the-?!"
Oh god
This is embarrassing
Your face immediately goes red and Korekiyo just seems to laugh as you rush to your closet for some clothes
After all that, you two kinda just talk for awhile
You're so excited that he's finally here!
Your boyfriend was finally right in front of you
Of course, he still has to do his job, but you're beyond happy that he's just here
You take him to multiple attractions near your place and you two have a blast
The only things that really shock you about Kork's appearance are his height and his hair
Hes.. so tall..
And his hair is so smooth
You're ecstatic when he let's you brush through it with your hands
You have never met a person with such soft and well kept hair, oh my god-
Kork ends up leading you to a museum
He literally ends up acting like he works there as a tour guide
This is adorable
He's so passionate about the attractions, you two end up going through the entire museum
You literally end up learning so much that day
You were happier than you had ever been in your entire life
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
It wasnt too, too long before Fuyuhiko ended up paying for a flight for you
He never really said it, but he really did wanna meet you
When you got to the airport, Peko greeted you, saying that at the moment Fuyuhiko had some clan related business to take care of at the last moment
You were a little disappointed if you were being honest with yourself
Peko said she would be taking you to Fuyuhiko's house so you could set your stuff down
After you two arrive, you're quick to put some of your stuff away
After about 10 minutes, you two hear a knock on the door
Peko offers to get it as she walks to the door
After she opens the door, you hear a familiar voice ask if you were here yet
You get up from the seat you're in, and hurry to greet Fuyuhiko
You hug him and he seems to stiffen up, but quickly rests and hugs you back
After you let go, you realize something
"Woah, I just realized how small you are.."
"Really? It's usually the first thing people point out about me."
He seemed to have grown slightly annoyed when you said that
"Oh, sorry if that was offensive! It just kinda surprised me, let me know if you're not ok with it."
Fuyuhiko seemed somewhat confused at your apology
"No, no, it's fine, I get it all the time. Just tired of hearin' it."
"Oh.. sorry, heh."
After that, you two head out to a nice restaurant
Peko's always nearby, but you honestly dont mind
You're focused on how much cuter your boyfriend is in real life, which you didnt know was possible
You also go to an ice cream parlor for dessert
Which you realize at said ice cream parlor that your boyfriend is quite easy to fluster
"Hey Fuyu, you have some ice cream on your cheek, I'll get it-"
"Wha- no- just- where?"
His face is extremely red and you find this adorable
The rest of your trip is mainly filled with small little dates and just hangouts
At some point though, you asked Fuyuhiko if you could meet his clan
Somewhat reluctantly, he agrees
Every member had an intimidating aura to them, but you didnt let it get to you as you were being introduced
You greeted every member as the normal people they were, paying no mind their yakuza background
Fuyuhiko was honestly surprised by this
"Yknow usually when someone meets my clan they're shaking like a leaf."
"Well they are human beings right? Unless you guys are robots..?"
He just laughs at you and you laugh along with him
Oh how you wish this moment would never end...
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waveridden · 4 years
ok here we go. here is my list of top 20 taylor swift songs
20. our song (self-titled) - honestly what a classic i heard this song when i was nine years old and it became a part of my dna
19. the lakes (folklore) - i want to watch the wisteria grow over my bare feet cause i haven’t moved in years................
18. marjorie (evermore) - made me cry the first time i heard it and i love the refrain of “what die didn’t stay dead” as being both horribly sad and hugely uplifting
17. lover (lover) - one of my favorite videos on the internet is country singer keith urban doing an impromptu cover of this at a state fair because he loved it so much and that kind of speaks to what i think is so amazing about this song? it’s just like. it’s about loving someone and wanting a life with them forever. love that
16. last kiss (speak now) - so iiiiii watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep and iiiiiii feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe... like legitimately this is ranked so high just because i love the bridge
15. long live (speak now) - makes me want to fight a dragon or go to a walmart at 1am, either way wearing a giant flannel and surrounded by friends. that’s the mood
14. gold rush (evermore) - i just love the production on the song. it’s so glittery and strange and good. i love it so much that i will forgive the frankly very bad line “your hair falling into place like dominos”
13. cornelia street (lover) - falls into one of my favorite genres of love song, which is “everything is so precarious but that doesn’t mean it’s not good right now” and i think so often about “hope i never lose you hope it never ends”
12. the 1 (folklore) - but we were something don’t you think so... just like a really good song and ALSO the best possible opening track for this album? i’m not considering most of these in the context of The Albums They’re On but i distinctly remember hitting play on folklore and being like. oh!! oh this is the vibe? this is the vibe!! and that’s impressive
11. no body, no crime (evermore) - if i’ve said it once i’ve said it a thousand times. i will do a blood sacrifice for a country taylor album in 2022
10. cardigan (folklore) - the production is so good the bridge is so good the last chorus is so good it’s just like. a great fucking song dude
9. blank space (1989) - genuinely just like a good fucking song. campy and fun and so slick and good to listen to
8. out of the woods (1989) - the production is GORGEOUS i love the drums? like when i think of this song i think of drums and also “when the sun came up i was looking at you / you were looking at me”
6. new year’s day (reputation) - first of all i love the imagery here? the idea of like. i want your midnights but i’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year’s day. is just so simple and sweet and good. and second of all i think so often about the line “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize anywhere” like. oof. thank you
5. new romantics (1989) - you know those songs that make you want to have a teen movie montage where you’re jumping on your bed singing into a hairbrush? that’s what this song is for me
4. state of grace (red) - these are the hands of fate... you’re my achilles heel... this is the golden age of something good and right and real... (another one that is a VERY GOOD opening track)
3. delicate (reputation) - this song went from one i did not care about at all to one i just ADORE like the vocal effects are good i like the chorus a lot and i kinda just like. relate. yknow?
2. clean (1989) - a really good closing track (not counting bonus tracks) like the simple idea of renewal... of finally feeling like yourself again... just really nice
1. cruel summer (lover) - pop anthem, PERIOD. for whatever it’s worth i love you ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard..............
(also last bonus fact: this list has songs from every taylor swift album except for fearless, her second album. but my favorite song off of fearless is you’re not sorry)
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aro-aizawa · 3 years
suprisingly not that many people ship them, but the thing is. the "&" is literally in the top 3 relationships!! i have not been in a fandom where a "&" is one of the most popular rships. (im not exactly.. against them? i prefer brotp in general but there are a lot of uh racist antis against that romantic ship so i like it on principle for the ~spite~)
i think theres a difference between a ship fic and a ..normal fic(?). like. usually in ship fics the plot and the focus would be their interactions/getting together. whereas for regular fics u can kinda balance plot and rship, but the main plot isnt actually getting together. do u kinda get what i mean haha
no no feel free to rant! its kinda funny that they taught u to swear in yr6 but rip for not being able to censor urself. and also. broke up. over facebook??? better or worse than text lmao.
the only rship ive had started off... not great. like it was an online friend from south america, and they asked me out literally the day i rejected my friend. so... i said yes out of guilt for rejecting my friend bc it didnt look like my friend was taking the rejection well ^^; not a wonderful start rip. went well for 6-8 months then we broke up bc the honeymoon period wore off and i havent talked to them since! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 it was fun tho, but it felt honestly just more online friends tbh (....interesting decisions all around yknow? )
it be how it be. i was still id'ing as panromantic ace at the time. but still. im wondering if i could eventually "work" with someone? or is that just. allonormative asgsggshshd
i see enemies to lovers but what i Rlly want is enemies to friends to lovers. the friends is necessary!! at least in a long fic haha. ...and love at first sight sounds really fake to me? it sounds just like a hyperbole tbh. like maybe it was first wow u seem like a great person and then u like, get to know each other and then fall in love, etc etc
(👀 oop i type a lot. Rip)
oh yiiiikes i hate when fandom gets those racist fans. i’m kind of,,, dense?? about that kind of thing (abt a lot of similar things too), so whenever i see it, it’s like. mega bad. but nice! i don’t ever pay attention to what’s the most popular in terms of ao3 because when i get into a fandom i’ll blacklist every thing i’m not comfortable seeing in said fandom and then save that for when i’m gonna check out said fandom. for example [here is my atla filters], [here is my mha filters] and [here is my ml filters]. (i also use an extention called ao3rdr which has a blacklist function and my blacklist is SO LONG. but it’s an essential so that i don’t feel like my brain is going to rot by trying to find good fics.)
ye!!! i always think abt it in terms similar to genres. i hate watching films and regular books because genres are so....stilted? and ridgid in what it involves? so in fandom terms i think there’s two main kind of genre categories that have sub categories. there’s ship fic, then there’s genfic. no clue if these are wide spread terms i’ve just kind of understood it that way lol. but within those two categories, there’s sub genres like canon divergence that focus on said ship but with a focus on the plot as well so there’s two plots going on rather than just the main plot. usually there’s always equals in both sides. i think that’s what you’re thinking of. the difference is how the authors approach their fics, whether they think it’s a ship fic explorating the how do they get together of relationships or if it’s the genfic of exploring the relationship itself.
lmao yeah it was like. the only way we’d communicate in non-irl fashion because we were both like. 12/13 so we’d have like. pay as you go plans for our phones so i at least, hoarded my credit and primarily used alternate communication methods. so idk if this is wide spread but at the time we never got into the habit of communicating via text. it’s why still to this day i never ever contact my irl friends via texts, and always through social media (the only time i ever use facebook nowadays is to message my friends tho i’ve been,,,, rather lax abt that. i need to respond to one of my group chats but i’m,,, procrastinating). and we were both awkward people, so i wasn’t bothered by the online breakup, if he didn’t break up w me that way i’d have guessed we just,,, wouldn’t address the relationship ever again and still technically be together but not at the same time lol
oh man that sounds rough. never had any experiences w online relationships, but i can definitely see where it could feel like an online friendship. because,,, idk maybe it’s just me but there doesn’t??? seem like there’s much?? romantic-esque stuff you can do exclusively online?? it’s why long distance relationships are hard, and they only fit certain couples. and lol i deffo understand that feel of internet friends dropping out of your life suddenly. i still think of nearly all my internet friends fondly...except for the bad ones. yeah some of those ones ten years ago were p bad.
it is!! i think that people always shorten it to just enemies to lovers though because it’s easier to say lol. i’m MUCH more interested in the genfic varient of enemies to found family because it goes from “god i want to kill you so bad” to “god i need to kill for you like rn”. it’s just,,, *chef’s kiss*
(dw i type a LOT too lmaooo and sorry it took so long for me to reply, i didn’t feel like talking to anyone for a few days ahah i just get those kinds of moods sometimes. as evidenced by my also ignoring of my friend group chat of over seven years, that i’ve been meaning to reply to for over 24 hours and i haven’t yet. yay.)
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hi everyone it’s me, local lemon demon & tally hall fan, posting about a band that you’ve never heard of and is only tangentially related to lemon demon & tally hall but still more related than i ever expected to be. the fullerenes, and their final ep, the temporary boyfriend ep. enjoy
-two disclaimers i have to get out of the way. the first is that this isn't my first time listening to this album, that was earlier today, and i'd even listened to a couple songs on their own before then. the second is that 90% of this is just going to be me gushing about how fantastic this album is because holy shit it's good like the mixing is amateur the lyrics are about cishet love but i don't care i love this goddam ep
-bassline. piano. dischordancy. what's not to goddam love
-the story of this song is some guy being in love with a with an androgynous name (& is not referred to with any gendered language!) whom he's never spoken to, only like bumped into once some time. i don't hate it because i know exactly how much worse it could be. that's my stance on all of the fullerenes' love songs honestly
-i bring up the androgynous name because i will hc adrian as enby to the death. i'll do this with any fictional character honestly
-alright back to the song. fast-paced as any fullerenes song will be, but the piano riffs/melody have barged into my heart where they pay rent & tip each week, more than making up for anything lackluster in the drumming/guitar aspects
-as if there would be any
-unfortunately i'm going to have to pause like. a lot. even more than i usually do with an album. because the songs are fast paced & go by quickly & i can't quite keep up with them
-that bass riff. i can tell there's some real musical knowledge behind it. and if you're going to put your musical knowledge anywhere the bass is like the 1st best place for a rock band & the 2nd best place for an ann arbor beginning of the 2000s quintet that dresses smartly with matching ties at live performances & is traditional rock with a keyboarder and other miscellaneous instrument useage/experience. what's tally hall
-ok to completely ignore the last thing i said this soft guitar arpeggio combined with the vaguely harmonious feedback was a 2-hit combo of tally hall flashbacks (i know it's just the same & two wuv, respectively) the first time i heard it and i don't know how long it'll take till that goes away
-good lord the lead singer isn't the most skilled person in the universe but these harmonies! they kick me in the head and save my soul i want to get lost in this rock & roll
-by far the most emo song on this album, broken down, and who doesn't need a little emo. by which i mean the lead vocalist screams sometimes there's not a whole lot more angst by comparison beyond that
-the hooks. this song's got a hook. and the keyboard. the keyboard. watch me fill up this whole liveblog with just mentions of the instruments & musical components
-practically the only thing pushing this song past the 2 minute mark is the guitar/keyboard solo & i sure as hell can't complain about that it slaps
-i won't lie this bit with the vocal filter is a very silly reminder (to me) of lemon demon's first 2 albums. i mean. i think this ep & those albums came out about a year apart. and neil was a fullerenes fan. so maybe my remembrance is based in something more
-temporary boyfriend the song itself. i literally haven't listened to their full discography but if i had to pick a song to introduce people to the fullerenes & it couldn't be little fits then it'd definitely be this one alright
-it's got the most typically pleasant vocals, keyboard accompaniment the whole way through, gentle & groovy guitar, very well done vocal harmonies, lyrics aren't alloromantic shit, it's the perfect intro to this band
-also, i can already tell it's going to be stuck in my head for goddam ages & i'm only listening to it for the 2nd time
-i wonder if this band's anywhere on spotify? or any other music platforms? i would bet money against it honestly i only found it through a hella deep rabbit hole, their yt channel is tiny, and they aren't selling the album for any money on bandcamp. if anyone's still into logan whitehurst & the jr science club today maybe they'll find their way towards it but otherwise you'd probably have to encounter it a. the same way i did or b. through me specifically
-because i've only had the fullerenes for half a day but if other people don't start hearing about them i'm going to make their life hell
-that meme doesn’t translate well directly onto text. especially when you don’t want to bring up su*cide. moving on
-yknow. if you've seen my deporitazposting then get ready for that part ii except now there's even even less people who care about this defunct 1998-2002 music group (put group in quotations for deporitaz's part)
-oh and onto the finale. this is the song i've heard once or twice before the album and like. it's fast paced angery breakup song but in a vague bubblegum rock style.
-sure the love song aspects aren't my favorite but i enjoy these hooks and the power chords are tight. can't hate it!
-catch me, an ace/aro, never intend to & never have been in a ~committed relationship, belting the lyrics to this one at the top of my lungs at 4pm on a monday
-shit i need to update my "no love song writers are allowed in the alloromanticism" meme with. whoever's the lead songwriter for this band. is it ryan? ryan something? i don't entirely know yet but in my defense the fullerenes have a practically nonexistent internet presence, let alone general multimedia (non-musical) presence
-i had also listened to the love me true demo before going through the whole album and i've gotta say it doesn't sound a load rougher than the average fullerenes song. which could either show that a. fullerenes songs aren't terribly studio finessed, b. this demo is really well done, c. i have low standards, or d. i don't know the fullerenes' style well enough to point out how this is unfinished
-the vocal harmonies are on full display in this track- far more than the other ones even, i think.
-i guess you could say it's on ~fullerenes display haha
-oh the album's over. yeah it's only an ep & the songs aren't too long. the other ones have a shit ton more tracks at least. good times!
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#it's that time again folks where i am sorta grossly jealous of all the meet and greet pics!#i try not to be bc i don't really have a right to be jealous (and i wouldn't really want to take someone else's experience away in exchange#for my own bc thats not fair (except maybe to the people who got multiple vip tickets throughout this tour.....those people definitely annoy#me.))#but dangit#i just keep thinking about how after tatinof i was like 'there goes my one chance. they likely won't ever come near me again.' and just when#i started to sorta get over it BAM new tour#and the part that makes me really upset is that i had to get my mom to buy the tickets for me since i wasn't able to be online the time they#released the tickets..... and i didn't know until months later (bc she forgot to tell me or i forgot she had told me)#that she literally had the tickets in her cart but the internet froze#and when she reloaded literally all the floor seats were gone#ANYWAY THIS WASNT MEANT TO BE A GUILT TRIP OR SOB STORY (if this even counts as one bc it really isn't)#SO MOVING ON it's just....Sad Hours over here rn#bc....again....it is highly unlikely they'll come near me again#and honestly maybe its just bc they're so busy but they haven't been going to vidconor playlist as frequently#and even then that would cost way too much to buy a ticket AND travel just to meet them#and this was like...their tour...not a generic youtube event.....and it feels different. bc they're running everything yknow? idk I'm done#now it just sorta makes me sad sometimes. i think I'm just starting to realize i may never meet them. which is ok just. yknow. sad.#just some thoughts#mine#interactive introverts#(if any of you got the chance to meet them I'm so happy for you and i hope you had the best time!! even tho it makes me sad to see all these#pics it actually makes me pretty happy at the same time :) )
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athenavine · 4 years
Live reactions to the Artemis Fowl movie under the cut. Tl;dr, it’s related to the books in name only. I’m personally filing it along with the Avatar and Lightning Thief live actions, Eragon, and Ella Enchanted. There is no movie in Ba Sing Se. If you’ve never read the books and are, yknow, Disney’s actual target age group, you might like it. Otherwise don’t bother.
Spoilers, yelling and swearing, and nonsense under the cut.
All right, lets get this over with. If you let go of the idea that this is in any way related to the books of the same name, it might be kind of mildly enjoyable. Just don’t think about it too hard. Or at all. I hated it. I mostly just want to know whyyyyyyyyy *gestures at everything*
Why the fuck is Mulch here first thing. Why is Mulch talking to humans.
Ok at least they got the counseling scene fairly word for word. Except for moving lines around.
what counselor has a glass wall. Patient privacy who?
Dude. Idk what they’re basing this pile of crap on, but it isn’t Artemis Fowl.
Who is this emotion-driven child they keep calling Artemis?
“how can we make this more irish?” “That one blessing u can buy on tourist mugs bc ireland has no other culturally significant things!” fuckin british.
BUTLER. NOT DOM. NOT DOMOVOI. BUT. LER. BUTLER. God I knew about that one, but it pissed me off more that I thought it would.
What the fuck is this kidnapping blackmail bullshit. Really. What the actual fuck. 
I hate this so much. What the fuck kind of macguffin is “the aculos?” Why did this movie need a macguffin?
Oh god, Haven. Holly. Why the fuck did arty sr know holly’s dad. Why is mulch so big? Why is this happening? Why did I do this to myself?
i swear to god if this movie ruins Root and Holly’s relationship, someone at disney is eating these hands.
Holly, u maybe wanna shut up while you’re flying on your stealth mission?
What the fresh hell is with the time freeze capsules, they are way too agile. Why are the mechanics different than in the books, I don’t fucking get it.
I still love Foaly tho.
Holly fucked UP martina franca, it was a whole thing. Why did this need a plotline about her dad. Her dad is Root, end of plotline.
Lmfao Opal Koboi as the Greatest Fairy of Them All what the fuck
All these changes are sooooo unnecessary. BUTLER WOULD NOT HAVE MISSED THAT FIRST SHOT.
Ok I appreciated Judi’s “get the fffffour leaf clover out of here.”
Oh yeah, gotta get some beach in the time stop area instead of just the manor grounds. Gotta get that beach drama in there.
The council would never have approved such a large-scale operation, jeezWHY IS ARTEMIS FIGHTING.
Exposition Mulch is getting on my nerves.
Minute 58: deep sigh. Resigned to the rest of this.
The troll in the manor bit is just so wrong and painful. Where is Butler’s relationship with Juliet? Why is Artemis anywhere near this. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY CAN JAM MAGIC?
I HATE THIS SO MUCH. This is so unnecessary. This is the worst.
The fuck is this shit with Butler. This should break your heart IN BOOK THREE. It just makes me roll my eyes now. That was the most low-stakes death scene I’ve ever suffered through.
“Take cover” sure that’ll help protect you from the biobom time anomalies
tHe PoWeR oF fRiEnDsHiP *retch*
I seriously don’t get the macguffin. What purpose did this even serve. They just made problems for themselves that they had to fix.
Big NOOOO from Opal bc that’s what this movie was missing.
Come on, where’s the sequel hook, you know disney isn’t going to leave this alone.
That was ridiculous.
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shit transcript
note that all censoring here was done by me
trigger warning for:
- genital mention
- r/pe
note that hes pausing like every 2 words i just couldnt be bothered to type that
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video starts with this screen.
[screen reads: “SHIT” in big white lettering on black background, “I’M A ‘YOUTUBER’, I ONLY DO THIS BECAUSE I’M A GOOD PERSON AND I CARE!” in much smaller white lettering, “now buy my merch, donate to me & check out my video ads... tee hee hee!]
“Chris Hansen is no worse than Repzion, than Repzilla, than Blaire White, than Edwin's Generation, than any of these people.
Because they all monetised bullshit drama, they ignored a woman named Sarah who said she was raped right after she turned eighteen.”
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screen changes to this
[screen reads: “She literally said she was vaginally r/ped by a “black man” she tates he tried to put it in her butt, but it would not fit, so he vaginally r/ped her instead.
No idea why she specified his race.
Instead, the same woman ran a bullshit campaign against myself months after she apologized for r/ping me, saying “I’m sorry for r/ping you guys” - when in fact the context was s/xual extortion, which she literally admitted to committing against me live on camera.
Again, Edwin’s Generation, Blaire White, Repzion, Repzilla, Chris Hansen, none of them care about her being r/ped by a “black man” and none of them care that I was s/xually extorted. The[y] would only care if I was that black man, or if I was the one who admitted to doing something awful like Sarah did.”]
Onision continues talking as the screen changes
“She said she was r/ped by a black man.
They all ignored this.
They all ignored an actual crime to witchhunt myself, Onision, for things that were crimes against me.
I was sexually extorted-”
[the screen changes back to the original, at the top]
“-by Sarah’s own admission, into sex, with her, as an adult.
[the screen changes to a clip from Sarah’s interview with (I believe) Blaire White where she (Sarah) is sitting on her couch with low camera quality]
Sarah: “Uh so basically the NDA or whatever, like he brought it up and I was like, ‘I don’t really wanna do it’ and he was like ‘Oh well yeah, we’re- we’re just having everybody sign one, like that’s it.’ ‘Okay well, haha, uh, well, I want a clause in there that says, like, if I, like, sign, I want something I’m actually signing for’, like, yknow. I basically was like ‘Oh yknow, only if we do stuff will I sign the papers’ huhu.”
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screen changes to this
[screen reads, in caps: She literally had to blackmail us to have sex with her for the first time well after she became an adult
She literally just admitted to a crime, yet you dumb motherfuckers somehow concluded I was the bad guy???
For being sexually extorted????
What would you say if the roles were reversed????]
??? I think Sarah, in much better mic quality: “It was a fucking joke!”
the video is quiet for a few seconds
[the screen changes to a clip from Sarah’s interview with ??? where she (Sarah) is sitting on her couch with low camera quality]
Sarah: “Yeah, basically, he was like, ‘yeah you didn’t sign it’, I-I made jokes about not signing it” [note that Sarah is looking down and fidgeting, clearly uncomfortable] “unless I ‘got something out of it, got what I wanted’ du dudu dudu.”
???: “So...”
Sarah: “And he thought I was being serious, like-”
???: “So you wouldn’t- you didn’t force yourself on them- you- I don’t think you could, like let’s be realistic here.”
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screen changes to this
[screen reads: A little education on r/pe, r/pe is when you get someone to have s/x with you through FORCE or FEAR (like threatning them).
Sarah earlier said she could “destroy” our lives if she wanted to, we had no idea what she meant at the time but obviously, now we know. After threatening us, she said she would only sign the NDA (that protected both us and her) if we slept with her.
She is willing to blatantly lie to hurt people who later refused to have s/x with me.
Once we said enough is enough, and refused to f/ck her, she violated the NDA and went to Blaire White and the other idiot YouTuber begging to use “Onision” in their video title.]
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screen changes to this, no audio since the sarah clip
[screen reads: TO PARAPHRASE
Sarah: I’ll only not destroy your lives if you f/ck me.
Onision (months later): I can’t have s/x with you, I don’t want to even be in your life, I just can’t stand the fact you do cocaine, you deal drugs, you plot to comit federal crimes related to green card abuse, you s/xually extorted us & admitted to r/pe... I’m done Sarah.
Internet: YUSSSS GURRRRLLLL!!!! (collects AdSense, GoFundMe, Venmo & Merch paycheck immediately)]
screen changes back to original, at the top
"I committed no crime.
And now you blame Chris Hansen for someone not being arrested, for not doing anything wrong.
You guys are basically the worst piles of shit I have ever encountered.
The problem isn’t just Chris Hansen.
It’s Repzion, it’s Repzilla, and every other motherfucker who is pimping out their merch while pretending to care for alleged victims, yet ignoring actual crimes like-”
Tumblr media
screen changes to this
[screen reads: “Again, Sarah said ‘black’ not me. Race is irrelevant to the issue but I’m using the only description she gave me.”]
onision continues talking as the screen changes
“-Sarah being r/ped by an alleged black man right after she turned eighteen.
Nobodies talking about that-”
screen changes back to original
“-nobody cares about an actual crime, instead they’d like to go after the person who actually has a searchable name on YouTube.
Because they wanna sell their fucking merch, they wanna get donations through GoFundMe, they- [scoffs] *Sarah* had a donation through GoFundMe for a new laptop that was four times the value of the one that alleged evidence was on, but nothing ever came of it, ironically.
Let’s actually talk about real crimes, and let’s stop blowing smoke up each other’s asses.”
Tumblr media
screen changes to this
We don’t actually give a fuck, but we pretend to because being a fraud pays better!]
“And for the love of fucking God, stop monetizing your shitty drama videos, Repzion. 
Stop monetizing your shitty drama videos, Repzilla.
Stop monetizing your shitty drama videos, Edwin’s Generation.
Stop monetizing your shitty drama videos, Blaire White.
Stop monetizing your shitty fraudulent videos, Chris Hansen.
And admit what you are.
You’re all frauds, and you’re all only here for the money.
That’s it.
That’s all you ever were, and the reason I call this video shit-”
screen changes back to original
“-is so I wouldn’t be like you, monetizing fucking bullshit.
Keep cancelling people who did nothing wrong except get s/xually extorted.
I guess- My bad!
I’m sorry for getting s/xually extorted into f/cking an adult, you guys, you’re right, I’m the worst.
Have a nice fucking day you pieces of shit.”
video ends
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