#except the 'i don't care' part Makoto CARES and he cares VERY MUCH and this is his whole thing!! he cares a lot about others!!
kotaerukoto · 7 months
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>Just a man, not a hero >Just a boy who had to sing this song >He cares very much >The world will never take his heart or break him >He will carry on
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I'm gonna end up bashing Kirigiri a lot in this one.
I do actually like her I swear but this bit... Nope. So... You've been warned.
You know what really pisses me off about Makoto's trial situation.
It's not even the execution.
Like I get it, you know?
Someone had to die.
And the two most suspicious individuals especially in the trial were Makoto and Kirigiri.
And Makoto was very much protecting Kirigiri and thus dodging the questions.
Which isn't exactly the best strategy, even without Kirigiri throwing him under the bus.
It was rigged by Monokuma.
We're honestly just lucky everyone voted the same person.
I don't like it.
I think it's scummy but so are the rest of the trials.
So I can deal with that.
I can even understand Kirigiri's rather blunt point that she gets Makoto was protecting her.
But that she couldn't bring herself to do the same.
I get it.
Its easy to say you would die for a person you care about but being in that situation is hard.
You can never truly know what you'll do.
And Kirigiri has a lot of self preservation.
So it makes sense to her character she wouldn't.
And she told it to him straight.
Which for Kirigiri, someone who is notorious for hiding things from people.
It's a big step for her to honestly admit her feelings like that.
I respect that.
Does it hurt?
Absolutely but it's the truth, and she owes it to Makoto to give him the truth.
To tell him that yes she did do what she did.
She can't change what happened but she almost lost him, the only person she has left.
And in doing so she realises how important he is to her.
That Kirigiri snuck down here with the hope he had survived, that she would never have forgiven herself if she had caused his death.
Kirigiri was left in a world without Makoto in it and it wasn't a world she wanted to live in.
And so, she's going to protect him too.
Because they are a team, she can't do this without him and so they are going to end this nightmare.
Except... None of this happens.
Instead of a possible heart touching moment between two survivors.
Even an apology.
Kirigiri says "and not to make excuses but" and tells Makoto that it was very important that she survived.
She's found out her talent, she's the Ultimate Detective.
And so her survival is important as she's the only one to defeat the mastermind.
... And that's when I flipped the table.
This is the bit that just pisses me off.
Because it's not "I could have gotten you killed, my hands were tied in a death game and I made the difficult choice that will haunt me forever."
It comes across as I have to live because my talent is more important than yours.
Thus your survival is not as important as mine.
Which is so incredibly fucked up.
It's basically the Danganronpa equivalent of eugenics.
Your talent is objectively lesser than my talent so you deserve to die so I can live.
I hate this.
I hate this sooo much.
I wasn't even playing I was watching a play through and I wanted to rage quit.
How fucking dare you.
You didn't even know what your talent was for the entire game.
But now you do, somehow now your the most valuable person here?
Like Makoto hadn't been destroying himself. Trying to keep everyone alive.
Basically carrying all the trials on his back.
And she spends the rest of the time talking about her talent and such.
And just wow how did you make Makoto almost dying about you?
That's impressive.
Also, you know who else does something like this.
Someone who finds out the main character has a lesser/no talent and than proceeds to treat them like shit for it?
You know, Nagito the guy everyone whether you love him or hate em can all agree is cuckoo in the coconuts?
That Nagito.
Nagito spends the whole game friendly to Hajime but also extremely hot and cold with him.
Only to learn that Hajime is a reserve course student, thus without talent.
And proceeds to turn a 180 and berate and insult him for it.
And minus that last part, very similiar to Kirigiri.
Even down to the fact both are hiding huge secrets from everyone.
The only real difference is Nagito doesn't see his talent as impressive, but in the face of no talent Hajime?
It's makes him better than him.
It means that Hajime is beneath him.
But when Nagito does it it's fucked and when Kirigiri does it it's cool I guess.
But you know what the icing on the cake is?
Kirigiri is someone who generally keeps a stoic face.
She's unflappable, she's always serious and cool headed.
Gives me the ice queen with a heart of gold vibes.
But in this scene, Kirigiri is smiling.
She's telling Makoto how her life means more than his, and she's smiling.
Now I actually like Kirigiri.
Shocking I know.
I do, I like her and I know she's in Danganronpa 3 and I can't wait to see her in it.
But this?
Fuck this.
Fuck her.
Fuck all of this.
I know the Kirigiri stans are gonna rip me a new one like they do everytime I talk about Makoto's trial.
But I don't care.
And Makoto's a better person than me cos I'd have just sat in the corner of the trial room.
Like oh I thought you were so talented and this was your whole reason for being here.
And you're the only person who can beat the mastermind.
I'm gonna go get actual pain killers and a bed that doesn't come with murderers.
Okay, baiiiii.
You know for someone who's Jin Kirigiri's apparently neglected daughter...
... He sure passed on his fucked up ideology to her.
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Ok so, I am actually really interested about the DMU now.
How do people apply to work in Naegis Household in the DMU? Obviously those mansions aren't going to clean them selves, nor are their owners going to lift a finger?
Can you join regardless of social status? Do you give up your money and possessions? Do you get a cool uniform?
Do they actually do work or just get turned into dumb silicone inflated slaves? Or both?
Do they serve Naegi directly or his bimbo wife or both?
Sorry if it's too many questions at once!
Oh lore questions,I love those.And of course it's not too much.
The workers are divided between three sections in the Ludenberg castle(s):
A section dedicated to pretty boy dress like vampire who job is being pretty boy dress like vampire for the pleasure of serving Celestia and do classic housework, they are actually paid!But they do have to wear chasity cage and obey Celestia every orders.
A section who is, well slaves, that's where Aoi and Kirigiri stand, slaves are marked of a big "L" on their asses and wear Chasity cages they are no less that furniture to be used,given humiliating tasks and are used as easily accessible sex toys, there are to get back a debt that they will never be able to pay back anyway (the debt of Kyoko is of 34 billions dollars and Aoi is of 150 billions with 40 percent annual interest).
The last section is more specific,it's a combat/bodyguard intervention team composite of 50.000 agents that use the different castle as base,they either play bodyguard, intervention and other "dirty work"they are typically recruited around mercenary, terrorist,ex police member or people who will do anything to avoid prison or revenge,Kirumi briefly work for the section 5 (bodyguard) meanwhile Mukuro is stationary at the main residence in Nagoya (when she is not trying to get into Makoto pants), they aren't "paid" in the sense that they don't touch any money, but they are under express protection from the "house" and got diplomatic immunity.
You apply by sending your resume directly at the main house,if you are a pretty boy who don't mind dressing like an emo of course.
Or you can get into a debt you cannot pay by playing Majong with Celestia.
Celestia is too busy being the prime minister of Japan and Makoto the  Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications (not counting there other activity) to have time to care about the house.
Makoto enjoy gardening, however,so it's not rare he take cares of the flower himself.
Status is irrelevant, competency is,you don't even need a degree,you just need to know what you are doing.
That's at least true except for the slave,Celestia pick her female slave around people who she deemed can out shadow her (hence why Aoi and Kirigiri) so in that case your social status play at your disadvantage.
For the army part, everyone can enter as long as they pass the test.
Except if you are a slave,no.
A very fancy one indeed,the combat uniform of the intervention section are black and have ranks.
For some reason the one given to female tend to show their curve more.
The slaves are typically forbidden to even think and are constantly overstimulated until their brain fried.
Slave are given surgery and pumped with silicone until they barely look human anymore,they also get barely any food and what they got is pumped with estrogen as a way to make them submissive,they are also forbidden to read,listen to music and have to get "common therapy session" (Aka:overtsimulation through constant show of slavery related suggestive image),to give an exemple Kyoko Kirigiri who used to be able to get Celestia in the corner in any game,is now barely able to do middle school level math,and aoi even forgot how to speak or write.
It's to be noted that none of the girl is allowed to have bigger assets than Celestia.
They also have a small section of Sissy slaves,Makoto is disgusted by them, but they bring money when they are prostituted so,heh, good enough.
There "work" is the one that can be made by kids,and sucking cock all day,all night until they collapse.
It's a lucrative business.
Celestia is typically more appliqued in the "sex" part of the sex slave,and the Butler have to answer to her specifically,Makoto handle the business part, except for Kirigiri and Aoi who are his slaves and his only.
The intervention section are typically handle by the general of each sections,but Makoto can veto any decision.
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gierosajie · 11 months
Okay just dumping some genshin witch ideas, you don’t have to use them this is just for my autism. I apologize for the strange “natures”, I’m just fond of the stranger ones.
Zhongli Witch - Qinshihuang
The antique witch. His nature is torpor. Everything, no matter how seemingly indestructible will eventually become dust. That is something this witch is painfully aware of. Within his barrier, time does not pass and the many antiques and treasures within will remain gleaming forevermore. The witch detests any form of change as it is a sign that time will tick forward once more and threaten his collection. If he senses an intruder, he will stop at nothing to hunt them down and swiftly petrify them. When this witch perishes, everything in the barrier will become dust.
Rukkadevata - Uma
The witch of hanging gardens. Her nature is samudaya*. A benevolent and caring witch, she spends every waking hour building a paradise upon the ever growing tree that makes up her body. She collects knowledge via digging her roots into the subconscious minds of her victims and uses them to improve her heaven on earth, although leaving her victims husks if their former selves. If someone were to wander into her barrier, she would show them a dream tailored to the needs and wants of the person. Many people have willingly let themselves be painlessly consumed by this witch to eternally live in their specially made paradises.
Makoto - Ohirume
The witch of tempests. Her nature is nanakorobi-yaoki*. A witch who only has one goal planted in her head: make it back home. Despite the deathly storm that mercilessly ravages her barrier, this witch continues to trudge forward in the hollow hope that one day she will be able to return home. Her raincoat has thinned, her umbrella is just wires, and she is almost nothing but bones, but she continues to wander her stormy barrier for eternity fated to never find her way home. When the witch dies, the storm clears up and in the distance you can see the faint outline of a house.
*means “arising” and refers to the roots of suffering
*means to “fall seven times and get up eight”; perseverance
Anon I would kiss you if I could /p
The way torpor also has the meaning of apathy, and yet Zhongli clings onto so much that he'd try to destroy anything that would cause them to even slightly degrade through change
Also if you don't mind me adding on- I'm imagining him having familiars made from pressed flowers that keep the labyrinth in pristine condition, resembling the 3 people he couldn't protect and lost to witches (the 4/5 Yakshas aren't included because they're all as fine as they could be throughout the au <3)
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Something about pressed flowers being dead flowers (or leaves in Retuo's case) being preserved
Oh and imagine if his labyrinth looks like a mix of the floating parts of Enkanomiya and the Floating Abode Serenitea Pot layout, but everything is completely frozen like the Orchard of Paridaeza. There'd be a bunch of trinkets and paintings but all are slightly warped in a way
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(I can't draw)
Anyway, I could also see Rukkha's labyrinth also being made of pressed flowers and painted skeletonized leaves in the background while the entire "roof" is made from her hair with some hanging ornaments. Thinking about her witch form being almost as big, if not bigger than Venti's. She could also have her familiars being made from her own body like him, except she keeps expanding using hers while Venti slowly disintegrates when creating his
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Honestly, the witches really feel like they could very much happen
Like, I've briefly considered Zhongli having a similar situation to Homura in this post instead of Istaroth. Not outright a witch but there are Signs and stuff. I could very much see him turning into Qinshihuang ngl
Rukkha could've become one either after Deshret died or if she hadn't gone through with her plan on destroying her soul gem while fighting Venti. The way Uma keeps building a paradise could be related to her wanting things to have gone differently with Deshret and Nabu, and if we go to the Venti route, it's her final thought about wanting her little sister Nahida to be born into a gentler world that affects her witch form.
She'd probably end up that way from exhausting all her magic in either situation. Like, the only reason she resorted to destroying her soul gem in the fight with Venti was to have enough power to kill every piece of his witch form through all the portals she has open in one shot.
As for Makoto, she could become one if Ei somehow dies again. I don't think she'd take it too well a second time. If we go by the events in the AU tho, it's more likely to happen if Venti hadn't killed her first. It's a slow build up from the week's events, like she literally watched Venti straight up drop dead in front of her, found out where witches came from, and had to force herself to keep it together while they dealt with the situation for days
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Your description for her labyrinth and witch form made me imagine one made of tear stains and water damage and ink blots, perhaps even over a nonsensical map. Her obsession with going home could be her trying to get back to Ei. There's also faint whispers through the storm where one could hear faint murmurs about going home and "I'm all she has left"
Anyway yeah the AU brainworms sure is strong fjfgdjdvsnsx
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despairs-memorial · 3 months
Otp, Notp, and one night stand with for Sonia, Gundham, Mondo, and Sayaka
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I'm going to be shooting some bit of canon in the foot with this, but who give a shit.
OTP: Sondam is my beloved. It's a straight ship, sure, but autism^2 is such a good premise for a ship. Like, even without that being a key selling feature, they both care about animals so much, and they're both so alienated from people around them that they're perfect together in my mind. With that said though, Gundham and Hajime, very specifically @/dead-or-lie's Hajime, are quickly becoming a close second for me when they were already a strong second, lol. The polycule we're working on is my OT4, and I'm excited to develop it more.
NoTP: Him and Nekomaru. I'm sorry, but I don't like killer x victim ships, or rather I don't like most of them, but specifically Nekomaru, I don't think they even like each other. I think they respect each other, though. Idk, I think their platonic dynamic is WAY more interesting than their romantic ship is.
One night stand: Kazuichi. I do ship them because Soudam is just a different flavor of Ishimondo in my eyes, but ya know, I don't have as much attachment to this ship yet, sorry.
OTP: I think it's well known how much of an Ishimondo fan I am, lol. Before I orphaned that Ao3 account I had 35 fics that were almost solely Ishimondo fics with very few exceptions. They are the OTP for me, and I adore them immensely. A close second though is Owamiki, and that's because their dynamic is just the cutest to me.
NoTP: Naemondo. I don't violently oppose it like I do Naeishi, but I'm still angry that Makoto called Mondo cold hearted for what he did but let Togami and Celeste off without a comment like that. Idk, I just think Naegi only goes for girls and twinks. He's too weak to handle a hunk.
One night stand: Junko? Oowashima is a ship that I love platonically as a counterpart to my aesthetic Ishikuro ship, but idk, I guess a quick one thing would be all right between them.
OTP: I don't really have one OTP for her, but I do have a lot of people who I adore shipping her with, most of them women. @/dead-or-lie's Mikan with Sayaka, though, is my favorite ship with her, though, followed by @/91cmspoliers' Izuru and @/aikidoheroine's Tenko.
NoTP: Naezono. I'm sorry, but even if I didn't dislike Naegi, I would dislike the ship. To me, it just feels like a ship where one character is never going to fundamentally accept the other is not who they seem to be and only look at it on a surface level which bothers me in a weird way.
One night stand: Uh... Ibuki? I don't really ship them, but I don't not ship them, you know? I just never really thought about it seriously.
OTP: See Gundham because other than the switching the Hajime part for Reese's Mikan then it's just the same paragraph.
NoTP: Canon!Sounia is a ship I don't like. Sorry, but canon Kazuichi with Sonia is just really creepy to me, and I don't like the ship. I do like seeing people on here explore it more, but in canon, absolutely not.
One night stand: Is it wrong to say either Korekiyo or Syo? Idk, I think those are the types that she would go after, and the fact that Korekiyo and Sonia both canonically have fucked just makes it a little funny in my eyes.
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makoandharu · 2 years
what i hate the most about fs2 is how they keep rubbing in the audience's faces how fucking amazing haru is and how everyone cares about him and loves him despite his flaws and everyone wants to support him and his bond with rin is the bestest when like, haru is the biggest bitch in that entire film and yet the entire cast coddles him up bc of the writing's need bc he's the main character and the plot demands that other people worry about him and praise him and all that shit. it's like, the essence of "show, don't tell" got lost when almost every single moment that doesn't feel bleak screams "LOOK HE'S THE BEST AND EVERYONE LOVES HIM" to the point where everything just.. ugh mary sue much?? and the fact that the writing had to tune down almost every other character just to highlight haru and even tune down makoto just to highlight how "oh so important" rin is to him??? the fucking nerve?! it's just IT'S JUST SICKENING it feels like eating raw dough covered in powdered sugar but kyoani calls it donuts i hate how this movie ruined the established character developments in s2 they all stripped everyone of their complexity and shoved them into whatever archetype that somehow fits everyone they found lying around inside the kyoani drawers. and the pacing is dreadful it feels both under and overfilled like the airtime is obv very much filled with irrelevant filler shit that don't connect to the plot and go nowhere meanwhile what's little left of the plot is ugh everything and anything is happening all at once but still, pointless? the conflict is stupid all those shits can be resolved in a single sitting which doesn't happen? at all?? wtf are these bitches really adults by now??? there are several plot points being raised and never addressed ever again so what was the point of those plot points being brought up in the first place?? everything gets forever to be resolved but the forgiveness parts are? it's like kyoani doesn't hesitate to display the characters as assholes but are afraid to get them called out for their bullshit and be held responsible for their actions? the only time someone gets actually called out was the ryuuji and rin scene and it feels like it's just that. every consequence that should be is disregarded unless the plot calls for it, but the plot is nothing but a one-dimensional loop of self-imposed pity and entitlement by the characters despite being adults who should know what to do with their career choices without depending on others. also get these kids proper guidance please!!! get them professional coaches, trainers, managers, a mentor, psychiatrist, whatever who can help them manage their career, not relying on freelancers who don't seem to be doing their job FFS THE ADULTS IN THIS SHOW ARE USELESS (except makoto's parents, they raised 3 kids well and did not inflict trauma and issues to their children) an athlete is not just by himself do they even do their research on this? no wonder they break apart at any given time they prob handle all the responsibilities by themselves when should be hiring people! istg don't even get me started on how a lot of characters get handled, especially makoto!11! whoever worked on this movie burned to ashes everyone before them worked for and the only salvation of this franchise is a retcon that will disregard fs movies as canon remove it from existence!! whoever worked on this movie didn't know what they were doing, the ending product is nothing but charred burned food. it's even a fucking disgrace to call fs2 a food this is pig swills
sorry for the long rant. it will happen again
You're so right honestly
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mickules · 3 years
What are your opinions on rare Danganronpa ships? If you have any favorites, what would they be?
I'm afraid I don't really have any in the way of rare ones, since I tend to hover around canon-compliant. Even then, in general I don't err toward romance very often, rather I tend to land hard on platonic, ride or die, best friends interactions. There usually has to be something specific that suggests otherwise to me.
In the rare-pair platonic vein, I think Hifumi/Tsumugi are dream team collaborators. They would dominate any convention. I like to think they have a surface level rivalry where they try to top each other, but are extremely appreciative of the other's efforts.
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Also, I don't know if this is that rare- I've definitely seen it floating around, I think first from @hatteymcstache Romantically or platonically, I think Celeste would love Gonta. Endlessly gullible and accommodating himbo who wants to be a gentleman? That's too perfect, she'd never let him slip through her fingers - although the bugs and lack of shoes might be a hurdle.
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I mean is this or is this not her peak aesthetic?
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I can see why antagonist-protagonist pairings can be so popular since there's so much interpersonal conflict to delve into and explore- especially since many 'rival' pairings are essentially two allies who are separated by circumstance. In essence that's what Taka and Mondo are, just fast tracked from enemies - friends - soulmates by way of sauna based conflict resolution.
I'm sorry to say that I've been primed by a childhood adoration of Seto Kaiba to be far too generous to Byakuya (excepting that nonsense with Chihiro) He'd never describe any of his relationships in terms other than 'temporarily interesting plebeians with some limited potential use' with any kindness he provides always having an ulterior motive; but his interactions with Makoto give off 'surly cat who happens to be in the same room as you 90% of the time' energy to me.
Nagito is a bit of a nebulous one for me to imagine since he seems a too preoccupied with his adoration of the talent the ultimates posses than necessarily caring about them as people which makes it difficult for me to see him engaging with any of them in a genuine way, either platonically or romantically. (there does seem to otherwise be some 'protag-oriented' energy in SDR2 with how the cast interact with Hajime lol)
I . . .uh. . . I'll be frank. I know he's a fan favourite but I just do not jive well with Kokichi. No shade meant, but because of that no matter how I try, I can't really imagine any interaction between him and Shuichi that doesn't boil down to:
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Ah, for the record- No I don't, but I think this is continued confusion from the "v3 cast as the kids of the dr1 cast" post - in hindsight it's kinda opaque- so let me clear that up! The top part was supposed to show adult Mondo and adult Taka with adopted son Kaito meeting newly adopted sister Maki. In my mind it was unmistakable that they would be adopted so I plain forgot to specify! I can see how it looks like two separate parents introducing their kids.
The bottom part was supposed to be completely separate alternate take, showing adult Hiro with biological son Kaito from an unspecified partner. Unspecified because I don't personally picture anyone specific with Hiro romantically. (That's just me of course, I know there's a lotta love for Hiro in the fanbase!)
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I hope that ^ clears it up! (Coincidentally my parents have the same age gap, tho' of course they didn't meet in high school with my dad havin' been held back like 6 times XD)
(edit: more pairing [asks])
(next set of asks [about Taka’s eating habits]) (previous set [Head-canons about Taka’s mum/Takaaki])
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kinosternon · 2 years
did you like the free! movie? i read your summary which obviously isnt equivalent to wayching the movie but i felt…idk. if youre ok sharing your thoughts on it?
Honestly? I really liked it, but also they're very much movies where what you're hoping to get out of them can play a big role in how enjoyable they are.
If you enjoy your dynamics gen and/or multiship-flavored, for example, then this was just. An absolutely fantastic film. 10/10 no notes. If you want resolution or confirmation about, well, basically anything, on the other hand, it's going to be very disappointing.
The character work was admirable—especially for the minor characters, many of whom continued to get development literally up to the final moments of the film. I absolutely loved all the new relationships that we started to see get off the ground, as well as call-backs to previous interactions throughout the series that showed growth in the characters involved. Not only that, but new stakes were introduced and explored relatively well, and most of all they introduced more drama and tension while sacrificing as little character growth as possible.
There are two big exceptions to this, for me...
(spoilers below the cut)
...and they are Haruka and Makoto.
After mostly having his shit together in parts of Dive to the Future, Haruka lost a fair bit of ground, emotionally speaking. But I think the movie justifies that well—it's a return to deep-seated questions that he's never quite figured out how to answer about who he is and his place in the world, on top of the new stressors he's facing. Admittedly, the answer he comes to is a bit more of a postponement than a real answer, but it also feels true to where he is at this point in his life.
Makoto, though...well. Not only did MakoHaru get on-screen development only through flashbacks, but Makoto just let everything that was happening in the movie...happen. Even Hiyori was more active in Ikuya's arc than Makoto was in Haruka's this time around. Coming from the decision Makoto made about his own career path in Dive to the Future, some of this stuff feels like a pretty big step back.
But honestly? I'm okay with that, too.
Side note that's related—I was really happy with how Rin was handled throughout. I've never quite been a RinHaru shipper, but this was the first time in the entire series when I could actually feel good about their dynamic, either romantically or platonically. And the fact that so much of that development was focused on conflict resolution is a key ingredient to figuring out what KyoAni gave focus, here.
I suspect it'll absolutely frustrate some folks, but to me, the success of the early stages of certain interactions while neglecting or even regressing on the deeper relationships is telling. These last few seasons/films have been about showing how the boys have learned to grow beyond misunderstandings, hostility, and damaging competitiveness and learn to trust themselves and each other enough to maintain a tenuous sense of emotional stability in their lives. But that doesn't mean that they know how to grow further than that, yet—how to start building lives, or full-fledged identities, that they can be happy with. One of the major plot points is whether they can (or want to) even look a year into the future, for crying out loud, and that's just in terms of their careers!
Free! was never going to be a series that explicitly acknowledged any of the romantic (and even many of the more deeply platonic) undertones it harbors. Considering that, I kind of feel the way they chose to have Makoto obviously underplay his feelings, fears, and care for Haruka throughout the film was...I don't know, it just felt right for their current trajectories.
Haruka is explicitly balancing self-preservation against a desire to compete, with his sense of self suspended precariously between those two things. That doesn't exactly leave a lot of room for building relationships with others, and indeed a lot of Haruka's emotional work in this movie is about his relationship with himself as well as with other people more generally. He's just not in a place to acknowledge other people's deeper feelings for him just yet. (Makoto aside, I'm including Rin and Ikuya, and in a limited sense, Kaede in this. Possibly Albert, but Albert also couldn't emotions his way out of a paper bag, so it's kind of a moot point. Oh and technically Ryuuji counts, too, as Haruka's mentor.)
(And man, don't even get me started on the decision to include Haruka's mother in the way they did. That's...just...gah. I have probably uncharitable opinions on that one that will probably show up in fic form sooner or later.)
Makoto, meanwhile, is stuck being as afraid of his feelings about Haruka as he is of actual threats to Haruka's well-being, and that leaves him at a pretty harsh impasse. Would Haruka be okay with him putting his own life on hold to help him with rehabilitation for a year? No he would not. Overall, I think he's making the rational choice in consciously to step back (at least in terms of physical distance) and put his own needs and plans first, because he's absolutely been a little too dependent on his role as Haruka's guardian/caretaker in the past, even if the show's never come out and explicitly said this. (Hiyori and Ikuya were absolutely a cautionary tale about it, though, and one that I think Makoto took to heart.) 
As to where they're at emotionally, this movie shows a pattern pretty clearly. Makoto defaults to praising Haruka's swimming to hide his feelings, and Haruka accepts that without questioning it. One of them is going to need to break that default someday, whether for romantic reasons or simply for the sake of their overall emotional health...but they're just not ready to yet.
But, again, as awkward and painful a part of their emotional development as that is, it was portrayed really honestly. Better still, it left open-ended, with plenty of implications for future development. (It would have been so easy for them to include an epilogue with random new characters paired off with existing ones, and that didn't happen even once. I'm very, very grateful for that.) 
So I guess the biggest takeaway here, and my biggest praise for this film, is that it really is a fan's free-for-all from this point onward. Personally speaking, I really couldn't ask for anything more interesting.
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@linak asked: Okay okay guurl, I see we had the domestic headcanons BUT did we already have, like the boys from Samezuka, Style 5 and Highspeed (dunno if this includes someone twice lol) living all together in a very big house?🥺 Like totally chaos and fluff?🥺❤ (ofc you don't have to write to everyone of them, it's very much, I understand❤) Would be so precious to imagine how they would behave, their tasks in the household, maybe new traditions etc.🥺❤ Take all the time you want on this and tysm❤❤ Love you!
Ilyt!! And you mean all the boys together in one giant house right?? Correct me if I’m wrong! <33
Requests: Closed!
Keeping up With the Free! Boys
All the boys and their respective s/os under the same roof??? Now that’s a reality show I would watch.
Ooo be prepared for a long one~
Ok so first of all poor Rei and Nao are in charge of taking care of bills (but everyone pitches in their fair share)
Nao gets so mad when he sees the water bill LMAO
Makoto is the house mom😭 poor boy is always cleaning up after everyone’s messes, checking up on everyone, etc
Haru spends ALL day in the pool outside
Rin actually has to buy a huge fishing net to get this man out
“Hey Haru what’s for breakfast today?”
“...din- ”
“Actually never mind don’t answer that”
Anyways Haru’s always the center of arguments LMAO AND ITS ALWAYS RIN WHOS ON HIS ASS
Let’s not even talk about Momo he had the ENTIRE house shaking once he decided to bring some pet Beatles and bugs
Aii is like a closeted weeb bahaha Rin walked into his room once and was like woah 😳
Anyways it’s complete ✨chaos✨
Which is why Ikuya is always mindin’ his own business, chillin in a corner with his headphones on and blasting to tone out Asahi who’s completely red from calling at him over and over for hours
And Hiyori finds refuge in the house’s study/library
Oh also Kisumi found out about Hiyori’s secret barista skills and now poor Hiyori is put on coffee brewing duty EVERY morning
Yea Natsuya is still crankin’ up that water bill
Also everyone just kinda watches as he drinks bc they’re all still minors (except for Nao lol)
Oh and Nagisa accidentally got drunk once....
It was not it
They had to sock him
They’re all scared and shitting their pants but it’s a matter of trying to prove who’s manlier
Kisumi is the house maid
He even wears and apron and the white cloth on his head everything
He also has exquisite taste in decor~
Imagine Holidays!
Dude I’m totally doing this as a Christmas special someone PLEASE remind me 🥰
Also game nights whenever all the boys have a night off!
It’s SUPER intense
Nagisa actually has the best poker face
Rei has no poker face at all
it’s a very loud and chaotic night that’s all I have to say
I would totally watch this reality show btw
Oh and their s/o’s? Bruh all of them are out for a spa days the boys are just ✨too much✨
Reblog or comment for a part 2 bc I’m totally down.
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risingmoonyue · 5 years
Batman/P5 Crossover
-Sometime before Akechi but after Futaba or Haru
-Damian is sent to Tokyo to check it out for whatever reason (maybe they had a fight, or he’s going stir crazy, or he’s just the only one they can send at the time and didn't bother with all that "you're not old enough" business)
-Dami is younger than Futaba by a year or three or four
-He is baby
-He is transferred to Shujin as a child prodigy where he also immediately joins the "outcast" community because of his attitude and intelligence
-Talia goes too, manages to cut off all his communications with the Batfam, and is planning to take him home in a month whether he likes it or not
-For whatever reason, Batfam doesn't realize this??? (Like, either she's faking reports or they're too busy (think fight or chaos in Gotham scenario maybe???))
-Anyways, obviously Dami doesn't want this
-Somehow the Phantom Thieves hear about the situation
-Maybe he was assigned to shadow Makoto for a while, and they managed to overhear a phone conversation either to Talia or Dami trying to get in touch with the Batfam and nothing really working
-And eventually they outright see him fighting with his mother with him at some point (either in person or over a phone call) mentioning that she already disowned him, he's happy with his Father's family, and that he will head her family business over his dead body—and oh would you look at that, you already managed that, care to try again Mother?
-The PT's are understandably alarmed
-The palace is basically a fortress full of assasin ninjas and clones
-Dunno what her keywords are tho
-Or her what her palace actually is
-Cognitive Bruce, Ra's, Damian, Dami clones, and Jason (maybe rest of batfam??? Idk)
-Long story short, the traps are so assassin-y that they need someone who knows the actual Talia because egads, this is the closest they have all come to actually dying
-And they didn't really want to do it and were just gonna power through
-But Dami manages to find out and get in and of course uses his background to help out whether they like it or not
(-he's slightly off put by Joker's name, but then decides to just solely call Gotham!Joker "The Clown")
-At some point they are captured by the Shadow Talia who is decked out in super fancy traditional Arab clothing and probably every conceivable hidden weapon known to man
-Talia says Damian won't and can't ever change from who he "is meant to be", referring to him as her Alexander and basically brutally addresses all of his insecurities concerning the batfam and people and society in general
-And all this is kinda killing him cause he still loves Talia despite the fact that she killed him and had a violent citywide custody battle with Batman but he also loves the batfam too even if he would absolutely never admit it (except to maybe Grayson)
-Joker does his emotional kick-start thing and/or Dami is like Makoto and just gets so mad he triggers it himself, but either way, lo and behold, Damian is now a persona user, usurping Futaba's place as the baby of the team
-The outfit is kinda inspired by his future adult league outfit with the top and bottom and gold jewelry, but has a raggedy cloak with dull gold edges, a Robin mask and gauntlets, and his main weapons are batarang-sword hybrids
---acknowledging his past and moving on with his present
-Persona: Aladdin, Tsun Zu, Ali Baba, somone else???? Need ideas plz help
-Probably the fastest member of the group
-His small body makes his hits not as strong, but hoo boy can that kid move around
-Hits a lot and dodges most
-Most of his Persona abilities are physical and have high crit and/or are status affects
-Downside is he has not a lot of SP (compared to the rest of the group)
-And he has pretty good HP
-Those good ol' “superior genetics” have to be good for something after all
-Anyways they escape to find the treasure another day
-And Dami is all smug because HA you definitely can't stop me now
-And the PTs are just resigned to keeping an eye on the extremely competent snotty assassin/vigilante child
-They do like him though so it's not too bad (comes with learning all his darkest secrets via his mother and thought processes that tends to accompany watching someone at their lowest get a persona)
(-They do manage to temper him a bit and help him adjust better to actual society too that's nice)
-As such, they also know about Batman and Robin and his whoooole family. Both sides.
-Damian decided not to tell batfam because he does agree with the whole "most adults suck" mentality that the Phantom Thieves have; despite his deep, deep respect for his father and mother and Grayson, they all do kinda suck
-And he’s rather not get pulled out as he surely would if he told them
(-On a side note, he likes Sojiro
-The man gives him coffee, curry, and leaves him mostly to his own devices
-Instant win)
-He is dubbed "Mockingbird" apon return to the metaverse because of his freaky talented vocal skills in mimicking anyone and everyone's voice
-Eventually, they beat Talia
-She doesn't publicly confess to all her sins unlike everyone else
-PTs don't realize it worked until Damian came into school with a genuine smile on his face, and more relaxed than he'd been since he got there
-PTs are confused until Damian's like, this works out because hey, don't want to have several people assassinated and draw the entire freaking league to Tokyo
(-Which was probably why Talia didn't)
-They agree
-But she does break down to tears in Dami's arms and promise to ACTUALLY TALK CIVILLY with Bruce to try and make up for everything and try to fix up the league
-He stays for the rest of p5
-But steers all his reports very much away from the Phantom Thieves
-If anything, he downplays absolutely everything, and makes it seem like it's nothing super big but he's gonna stay a while to keep and eye out because y'alls are busy and I like it here and I haven't gotten expelled so there
-The PTs like to add funny stuff on there just to see if they’ll notice
-Like, Akira likes to have Dami describe his day in excruciating detail. Like, recounting the entirety of his nine or so months to Sae during police interrogation, excruciating
-Mona is pushing for the shiny stuff
-Yusuke just likes to put in bursts of randomness (Dami once mentioned that an acquaintance made another acquaintance T-pose in a church for art lol)
-Ann loves to rant about food
-Haru is always insisting on about feelings
-Ryuji likes to complain about everything and puts in ridiculous requests
-Futaba is just putting in every gen-z thing ever
-Makoto is actually responsible and tries to get him to talk about his progress in school and his social life
-And Akechi is absolutely nowhere near any of this and doesn’t know it exists
-When they have the Tokyo/Japan-wide calling card, Batfam sees it too because let's face it, that's totally the sorta thing that they would keep an eye out for even if he didn't look at the news in the entirety of the time Dami was in Tokyo
-And they send a message to Damian (the first actual communication they've had since before Talia) saying "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON OVER THERE????"
-And with the entirety of the Phantom Thieves looking over his shoulder, Damian's just like "Chill dudes, everything's fiiiiiiiiiine"
-And they're like "UH WHAT PART OF THIS IS FINE????" because they've dug around a bit and found every news report, and oh hey, this isn't anywhere near as calm as Damian described and he’s being super OOC and what’s going on?!?!?!?!?!
-And Damian, being egged on by the most of the PTs, just sends a winky face
-And he's smug, because it's still chaos over there so they can't actually come get him and try to pull him out because he's being super ooc
-Which means he's free to do what he wants/needs in the meantime
-Cue the end of the game
-And Dami is going with them on their summer road trip and cackling because the batfam is scrambling to find him in Tokyo but lol nope he's in a van the Japanese government tried and fail to follow
-And he found all the trackers like, a year ago
-They eventually track him down to Akira's house where they're calmly eating dinner (and they've been expecting this for the past week so Mona was keeping watch just so they could pull this off) and talking about how uneventful the school year was
-Cue mass confusion in the batfam
-As the PTs enjoy just confusing them so much
-By talking to Mona
-Talking normal then crazy then normal again
-And just generally being their normal selves lol
-They explain absolutely nothing beyond gushing about how much progress socially and academically he’s made (gotta embarrass the baby of the group somehow) and making sure that if Dami absolutely has to go home that he's able to stay in touch
(-Later, Damian forms his own hero persona outside of Batman and Robin)
(-He names it Mockingbird)
(-Batfam proceeds to have a brain aneurysm while the PTs dab their happy proud tears out of their eyes on their regularly scheduled tea time at the Wayne Manor)
(-Damian sends a private plane every week or two lol)
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(Psst if you guys have ideas for art, outfits, interactions or scenarios, let me know)
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