#excessively detailed headcanon tumblr meme
ihateclaws · 4 months
8, 23, 40, & 49 for Eiden & Bradley >:3
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
He does drugs on a spree then nothing at all for a few months.
Some indulgence is fine, like 2 shots after a long session in the workshop.
You probably already know this but if weed dealing is a thing he'd be dealing weed on the side.
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
Very. Honestly see this post.
40. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
I'd say neither. He's just paranoid.
49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
He. Wouldn't unless he has at least two knives hidden somewhere and 85% possiblity winning. Anyways if he were somehow caught up in one, he'd mostly be blocking and parrying until he saw an oppotunity he was capable of grabbing. He fights dirty in fistfights.
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
He'd love to find a good bottle of whiskey, or, like, fine wine. He's generally pretty well controled around indulgences, but he does smoke socially, and meds are only for when necessary.
He doesn't really care... about most people doing whatever they do, he'd get worried if you're close and you drink a whole bottle of vodka in 2 hours but it's not out of disliking the behaviour.
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
He's just abour average, but he knows his guns and he saves up caps. He's about the level that liquors go into this cabinet but if it's out on the table, we can leave it there for a day or two, especially if someone is drinking it.
40. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
Maybe a bit superiority-complex but it all boils down to he knows what he's good at (good-looking, charming, good at fighting etc.). Other stuffs like he doesn't seem to care about other people's well-being or lives are because he genuinely doesn't.
49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Oh he's good at it. He wouldn't normally start it but he'd gladly do it. No illegal moves (like. some illegal moves but no outright kicking you in the nuts in the first three moves) and he uses his height or lack of there of.
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme
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nostomannia · 4 months
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The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme™️ || @riftofthestars
39. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
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If I had to choose, she'd fit more into a superiority complex. Inflating herself to hide how small and insignificant she feels. Flirting and sexualizing herself to hide low self-esteem. Attention-seeking and being loud to hide things that she doesn't want to be seen.
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creepy-crowleys · 4 months
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme™️
11. Intellectual pursuits?
Crowley’s main focuses are in history and folklore, with dabblings in magical theory and implementation. She’s an avid reader and researcher, and adores the work she gets to do digitizing and restoring parts of the archive’s collection. She loves puzzles in most forms, and what is magic but puzzling out ways to make the world do what you want. :p
Crowley’s also been funding and supporting Other Meredith in her pursuit of further education in literature and their joint efforts at finishing their dad’s half-written, just-for-fun novels: a set of historical mysteries.
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stormxpadme · 1 year
19&30 for bith charles and erik pls 🤭
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme 19 - What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
It's incredibly cliche and shipping-indulgant but I do honestly think, Charles ponders Erik a lot still. Inevitably, too, since he constantly has to deal with the guy still in spite of them haven broken up decades ago. Because obviously, the Brotherhood is nonstop causing trouble for Charles' team. But also because minds are dazed and uncontrolled in exhaustion aka especially right before falling asleep; so that's where stuff usually suppressed easily comes to the surface. So yeah, this is when Charles tends to think about his regrets in life, and not being able to keep Erik in it as his partner is definitely the biggest one.
I won't be self-indulgent enough to say, Erik does the same, simply because Erik thinks about Charles a lot more during the day already. Mostly because he has to slalom between not letting Charles stop him from destroying conquering the world and doing the latter in a way that will not demand any too-large sacrifices in mutant world and especially not in Charles' little world in Westchester. Can't piss off the guy you used to love too much and all.
30 - Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Charles is the freezing emotions type in case of grief. He's got far too much responsibility to allow himself to breakdown. Also, he's been doing this job of hosting superhero teams long enough to know the game. He knows every time he sends these people out it's very possible, some of them won't come back. So it's usually not entirely unexpected when it happens. Having grown up in an abusive environment as a child, Charles also learned early on how to box his most personal emotions in. When his parents died, Erik was the only one who was allowed to see him openly grief, and even that only after like, 3 days during which Charles was busy with formalities. Somebody's gotta do the ugly job, after all. Ain't no one got time for things like crying. When all is said and done though and the funeral guests have gone home, a good bottle of expensive hard booze will be a most welcome bed partner that night.
Erik doesn't see any need for hiding to the world when he's suffering. Like. Fuck this and fuck everyone responsible, and the rest is casualties. He leashes out hard and fast and unrestrained, with words, and revenge, and action and his powers. Anger is just so much more bearable than pain. If someone really close to Erik dies, you might want to hurry up with your last prayer because then the magnetic field around the planet might lose its stability.
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lettherebemonsters · 6 months
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme™️ // 2. Do they have any daily rituals? (and/or) 32. Concept of home and family?
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( Gonna go with 32 for Eric Newlon!)
Eric Newlon is EXTREMELY enigmatic. Very few know where he lives and even fewer know anything much about him. Home and family are everything to him BECAUSE he doesn't have any of those anymore.
Given how we only know how suicidal he became after his divorce, he might not even have a home of his own anymore. His only child died with his girlfriend, and he was left alone to deal with his grief and loss.
His sense of family and home are extremely broken. Why does everyone else get to have one while he can't?
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bokatan · 4 months
15, 24, 31 for delta from The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme please!!
[ prompt ] @buthappysoverrated
15: Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Their biggest short term goal is dealing with the Institute(I’m counting this as short term because this is something they’re actively working on and accomplish within about a year in their timeline). Their smallest short term goal is building a secure fence around their home & garage.
24: Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
I wouldn’t say they’re really interested in any subjects just for sake of intellectual pursuit, but they do excel in robotics & engineering- as far as they’re aware, they’re pretty much self-taught in those areas though.
31: Most prized possession?
It’s a very solid tie between their gatling laser & power fist.
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master-of-fluff · 2 years
For the The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme asks Kai 1, 6, 7, 14, & 20
What does their bedroom look like?
Kai's bedroom is very minimalistic he's got a dresser and clothes, a desk, a nightstand and a bed. At least that's what it looks like to and outside.
Kai's desk is literally stuffed with drawings and other things from his family that he hoards, he also has a bunch of boxes under his bed with more stuff from everyone/birthday presents.
top of his dresser has literally so much crap he didnt want lloyd and jay to reach falling off it that the little scavengers get the stuff anyways.
6. Eating habits and samples daily menu
Kai literally puts hot sauce on everything, eggs? Hotsauce. Skittles? Oh yeah that definitly needs hot sauce
Daily menu sorta depends on whos cooking but ingrediants are usually bought either on sale or in bulk to save money since theres so many people
So things like eggs, peanut butter, noodles and rice
Ergo things that are made a lot are: eggs of all kinds, curry, fried rice, PB pancakes, noodles with PB sauce, pb sandwiches and thibsg like that
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time:
When Kai actually does decide to waste time he either plays video games or tries learning different dances, his favorite is breakdancing!
however its pretty rare for Kai to waste time on himself, usually only if none of his other siblings are doing anything because he got so used to doing everything for Nya and him that its hard to just, not need to do somethng productive or helpful.
14. Physical abnormaties?
I think aside from the scar above his eye he also has several burns on his hands and arms from both his power and the forge, has chronic pain in his hands, back and some other places.
Also has lots of cut scars everywhere from ninja work and also has phantom pains from some of the worse ones.
Definitely on the short side due to malnourishmente.
permanant eyebags.
I think that aside from Lloyd, Kai has the most stretchmarks, going from slightly starving half to getting more then enough food at the monestary, Kai always did his best to spare Nya from going hungry so she was still sorta malnourished but not as bad.
Once they both got a more steady diets they shot up to full quite a bit and then kai stayed at that height and nya grew a little bit afterwards.
20. Childhood illnesses?
Again kai was pretty malnurished and because of that he got sick a lot in winter, mostly colds and maybe the flu once or twice, one time he got pneumonia though and it was pretty bad, of course nya and kai didnt know that it was pneumonia just that kai almost died
that was the reason nya learned how to work the force actually as before kai didn't want her touching it but with him being really out of it and them needing money and such... Well yeah.
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The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme™️
2, 7, 21 for Hal!
2. Do they have any daily rituals?
This is surprising, because of what he is (AI supercomputer in an android body in this situation), but he doesn't really have any other than daily hygiene/grooming stuff that everyone does. He's much more humanlike than people realize.
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
This is hard, because he doesn't really view anything as "wasting time". He does like to read or just go for walks around the property. He also enjoys stargazing, watching movies/TV with his family.......yeah, this one is hard.
21. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
He would probably start drawing something, probably Dave. Or a member of his family, so he could show the picture to Dave later.
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iomadachd · 1 year
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@shieldretired asked:
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Favorite beverage?
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme
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Dean is a doodler. He doesn't much enjoy writing, but if he's stuck somewhere with nothing to do, he'll fucking doodle. Nothing is off-limits.
He'll draw sigils, smiley faces, little dicks, bottles, stick figures, boobs, clouds, a sun, and a little house, spirals, squares, and hearts.
Hell, he'll even draw caricatures of Sam and Castiel. They aren't as bad as he thinks they are either. He'll fill in the tiny spaces with stars or diamonds or dots just to get it completely filled to his satisfaction.
His favorite beverage is whiskey, full stop. It's his drink of choice for celebrations, anger, grief, or pain. You name the emotion and he can probably justify the whiskey. Second to the whiskey would be beer or Coca-Cola, but only in glass bottles.
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waycfthcswcrd · 11 months
(( The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme -- @duelcafe said: [ 2. Do they have any daily rituals? 7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time? 31. Most prized possession? For Kambei! ]
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⛩️ Shimada Kambei // Samurai 7 ⛩️
[ do they have any daily rituals? ]
-- Kambei, like most Samurai in his world wake up with the rising sun. He removes his earrings before sleeping, so he slides them in his ears at first light, using the reflection on his katana to see where he's moving his hands; though he's so practiced it's second nature to breathing and swinging said weapon. He also kneels in seiza position to greet the sun, pray and ask for a good day.
[ favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time? ]
-- Contrary to what people [in the series] tend to think, Kambei doesn't like to waste time, if he must though, he spends it wither sleeping, or meditating to where it seems like he's sleeping.
[most prized possession? ]
-- His earrings, and different parts of his clothing. In [episode # idrr] Kambei is shown wearing garments unlike his normal clothes because he's being imprisoned. I feel like his clothing is vey important, like his sword as they're his possessions as he travels around with nothing else, save a little bit of money from doing work when he deems it necessary.
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creepy-crowleys · 4 months
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme™️
38. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Actually taking a break, heh. Being able to spend time with her friends or her girls just doing easy things for a while. Watch a movie, watch somebody else play a game, maybe get convinced to play a game herself. Just. Be able to feel safe and comfortable and loved for a bit. She likes being close to people. She likes being able to care for people.
As mentioned in the last ask, simple, repetitive housekeeping tasks can help calm her down and focus a bit easier. If it can help somebody else in the process, all the better.
Other people enjoying themselves or putting in the effort to look out for each other gives her hope that things will maybe be okay.
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stormxpadme · 1 year
27 and 50 for jean
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme 27- What is their biggest regret?
Being too proud to ask for help or at least fucking tell someone when it began to feel like that annoying, nagging, over-emotional voice in her head at some point started to sound like someone else's. At that time, there might have still been a chance to shut that other entity out before everything unfolding when it finally took over, could occur.
50 - Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
Honestly, with the famous morbid humor Jean's developed after the third and last Phoenix crises, she'd probably tell you, you get used to it.
Like, the first time was really fucked up. Logan and she just had that fucked up argument, she'd been arguing with other people on the team too, she knew she was facing a quick but very unpleasant death, and Phoenix was amplifying her mental powers to a point when she not only had to deal with her own fear and grief and regret but with the one of all the people in that damn jet. Really not a nice way to leave which was one of the reasons why Phoenix had it so easy at that time, capturing her mind for good, because it was angry and grieving and regretting and therefore at its weakest.
The second and third time? The only fear was fucking it up and not biting it which would have meant no less than the fucking universe dying. So not entirely without fear either though basically in reverse.
Since then, things are a lot more relaxed though. Mostly because she's pretty sure the universe is far too afraid itself at this point to try and let her die. So the plan at this point is mostly wait until Logan and she have finally enjoyed their life together to the fullest, for however long that might take, and when they get tired enough of being the only ones around left, come up with the necessary creative ways for each other to clock out.
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starrymused · 1 year
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen? - Wonka!
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme
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He’d write down “I’m off to do something far more interesting than waste my time with a piece of paper! - Wonka” and then return to creating wonderful chocolate inventions and managing his factory.
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The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
28.Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
48.How do they express love?
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7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time?
"Depends, if it's related to work then it's not acceptable. Get the job done and get home. But if there's no work to be done, then there's nothing wrong with wasting a bit of time. And in regards to how I waste time? A good cigar, a good bottle of bourbon...there was a time when a long night with a particular woman would do it. But now? A good cigar and a good drink in front of a fire with nothing else to worry about works well enough."
28. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
"The answer to both is myself. Pretty straightforward, don't you think?"
48. How do they express love?
For Ricard it would be gift-giving and acts of service. He pays attention to what people like, what they mention needing, and enjoying, and he will go out of his way to obtain those items for them. He will also do what he can do to try and make their lives a bit easier - or maybe do something like follow up on information on a long-lost sibling - if it's important to that person. (He sure as hell isn't going to verbalize how he feels - because that just means being vulnerable, which in turn means being taken advantage of and no thank you.)
Thanks @talion-graves!
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osric-giroux-ffxiv · 1 year
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme
21.Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
28.Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
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21. Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
"I haven't really given it much thought - I've been too busy focusing on other things. It's...difficult for me to answer at this point."
28. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
"I don't have one, a best friend. I have acquaintances via work, but I can't think of many, if any, who know me beyond that. My worst enemy? Myself."
42. Hobbies?
"Does training count? That's what I spend a majority of my time doing."
Thanks @talion-graves!
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monmuses · 2 years
22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
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The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme
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     If given the sheet of paper and pencil. Jesse would just start doodling on it. Very rarely, you’ll catch him writing down some of those science equations that Mr. White had taught him, but give him an hour and it will be full of doodles. He’s very artistic but never really shows it. He doesn’t have the time to draw sometimes.
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