#exclusionists dont breathe on my post!!
lovely-v · 3 years
sorry not sorry but I am always going to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to queer inclusion
Like if you say you’re bi but you’ve only dated people of the opposite gender? you’re bi as hell i don’t care.
If you tell me you’re trans but you haven’t transitioned yet or don’t want to undergo certain aspects of transitioning? you are trans! I’m gonna call you by the name and pronouns you tell me to use
what if someone looks feminine, is afab, and uses she/her pronouns but identifies as nonbinary? what if someone looks masculine, is amab, and uses he/him pronouns but identifies as nonbinary? both of those people are nonbinary because they said they are!
if you’re asexual or aromantic but you’re still hetero in the sense that you experience attraction of some sort to the opposite gender and that gender alone? you’re still a part of the community babe! Aros and aces have always been queer.
If you don’t know if you’re queer or not? you’re certainly welcome to be a part of our spaces while you figure it out!
if you don’t wanna use labels? dont! that’s it! never let anyone pressure you into labels if you’re not ready to define that part of yourself.
if you use labels/pronouns that are uncommon and/or perceived as strange? that’s your label! those are your pronouns! who am i to tell you you can’t use those words to describe yourself??
basically fuck all the debates about the nuances of this stuff. if you tell me you’re queer, you’re fucking queer. I have no right to start discourse with people about their own identities and neither does anyone else.
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resdayn · 3 years
trans people are allowed to have straight pride. straight trans men are allowed to celebrate being men attracted to women. straight trans women are allowed to be proud of being women attracted to men.
let's not pretend like the way trans people experience being straight is always the exact same as the way cis people experience it.
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Tumblr media Tumblr media
tired of feeling loveless so i made these for myself (and for anyone who needs em’)
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spnshameblog · 3 years
Tumblr lgbt discourse makes me so mad bc it makes the lives of people who are probably already insecure and have no access to a real life lgbt community so much harder than they have to be.
I've already talked about how much acecourse has fucked with my head and how it taught me to be ashamed of being ace, bc the 'jokes' and insults were so much more hurtful coming from other lgbt people.
But i havent talked about how healing real life encounters with lgbt communities are. I'm from a very small village, there are no lgbt youth groups or organisations i could join, so whenever im in a bigger city i try to seek out public lgbt spaces. I went to a lgbt centric bookshop last week and when i saw that they had a special little section for asexuality related books i was close to tears.
Online spaces, especially tumblr, have taught me that part of my identity is always going to be debated over, that there are so many people who will want to exclude me from the community, who think my identity is the perfect opportunity for them to get all snarky for clout or who think its ok to take apart my entire personality, just so they can find the one part that isnt "valid" so they can exclude me from the community. You dont know how truly damaging this is until you come to a space where youre just accepted without an extensive background check and youre like. Oh. This is what the community is supposed to be like.
And it sucks so much, bc so many people and kids will only ever experience lgbt spaces online and as great as the Internet is at bringing people together, people will say shit on here they wouldnt DARE say in real life.
Lmao imagine these silly exclusionist debate or joke posts irl. Youre in a queer space (Bar, bookshop, Coffeeshop whatever) and this heavy breathing weirdo just blasts out "i dont think asexuals should be here actually. Hahaha, theyre so weird with their cake jokes. How cringe! I think Steve rogers is an exclusionist hahaha". It wouldnt happen like that, bc most people online are cowards and if they saw the little asexuality booksection and that people were completely normal about it, they suddenly wouldnt feel all powerful and smart for making their little statements.
Anyways, i'm glad that tumblr has decided to finally calm down about acecourse, but i see a lot of other infighting like ppl forcing bi/pan conflict, pronoun discourse, people having to expose their entire personal history so that weirdoes on the Internet can decide if theyre valid or not, 'no kink at pride' or shit like transmeds and it makes me so sad.
Why are you willfully making the community a hostile space just in case you can weed out some fakes who say theyre lgbt for?? Idk?? Why would someone lie about being lgbt on tumblr? Literally what do they gain from it? The monthly payment for being gay on tumblr?
Youre not protecting anyone by being a snarky little shit, youre not fighting transphobia by making jokes about neo pronouns, youre not supporting bi people by needlessly shitting on pan people or the other way round, youre not making the community better by forcing discourse that literally nobody irl cares about. Youre just trying to look woke for bullying people.
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lostnfinding · 3 years
hi! i thought id do a little intro to me and my blog
please take a moment to read if you can :)
about me:
im astro/solstice/winter! you can call me sol if you want to. im nonbinary/genderfluid and currently use they/xe/it pronouns (tho im okay with any other neo pronouns, these are the ones i preffer). im pan oriented aroace. im 15, which means im a minor and you should treat me like one. also heres a list of labels i go by
i am extremely s*x averse and anything slightly s*xual makes me very uncomfortable at best. if you make any s*xual comment towards me you will be blocked.
i have ehlers danlos syndrome and pots, and mental illnesses, one of them possibly being DID/OSDD. im the host of a system, and from time to time youll see my headmates around.
i like history, musicals, cinema, music, books and animations. my favourite musical is watt, my favourite series are the owl house and shera, my favourite books are sick kids in love and aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe. my current favourite bands are sleeping at last and waterparks, and my favourite singers are dodie and cavetown.
i have a very song related memory and thinking, i associate things, memories, feelings and people with songs, so if we chatted for a bit ill probably end up associating you with a song. if you wanna know what it is just send me an ask!
im pagan, brazilian, white and im fluent in portuguese (native language) and english (second language)
i have a discord server! join if you want to, id love to have you there! but please be patient if all channels dont automatically show up, i have to verify you in order for that to happen.
my profile picture is a picrew that can be found here! amazing picrew, really recomend it, gave me a lot of gender euphoria. also it has cute animals so thats a plus, and pride flags! i always love pride flags in picrews
(i tend to ramble. a lot. sorry about that.)
anti blm, anti vax/anti mask, transmed/transcum, terfs, are/support p*dophiles/whatever theyre calling themselves today, lgbtqia+ phobic, anti mogai, anti neopronouns, pro life, exclusionist, climate change denier, prejudist agaisnt any religion, pro ana/ed, anti-anti, xenophobic, over 18 (unless i interact first), make content of/is/says anything on my triggers list (but the christian thing, i dont mind if youre christian just dont talk shit about other religions)
tag system:
posts that are okay to reblog unless stated otherwise in the tags: #astro rambles, #astros covers, #astros art, #theo writes
posts that you have to check the tags before rebloging: #astro rants
posts that are not okay to reblog unless stated otherwise in the tags: #*stress ball gets more stressed*, #astro vents
extra tags: #astro being soft n gay (usually my interactions with my qpp), #cute lil reptiles, #cute lil animals
extra info: i tag triggers "[trigger] tw"; my mutuals get their own tags based on their personality/inside jokes, if you want one, tell me; ask me to tag triggers if i forget to
my triggers:
(general tag is "geckos dni" or "dragon system don't look")
the phrases "you're faking it", "its all in your head", "its just anxiety", "you just have to have faith", "faith heals" and variations; someone being told they dont have an illness they do have; christianity/catholicism (especially saying theyre the "only right religion" or that they are persecuted); parent figts and divorce; money problems; any kind of abuse; nsfw and s#x; mentions of fathers/parents (specially if they are being bad parents); the song "every breath you take" by the police; the movie "the truman show"; conspiracy theories/mandela effect; bone marrow transplants; calling me (astro) a pet name when i dont let you, altho somethings/nicknames are okay; bitmojis; food/ed/weight/calories stuff; breaking promises, loud noises/yelling; being watched; having people we dont know/trust invading our space/privacy; "adults doing bad things"; repetitive pings; passive agressivness; maroon 5 songs from before 2016 (all but she will be loved and payphone); the words papai/papa/pai/variants; glasses with a half frame and strings holding it up; any mentions including jokes about dictatorships, specially taking peoples rights and people going missing; the A.I.5 and similar stuff; the military abusing power; elections being interrupted/blocked; nightmares/fantasy dreams (meeting fairies, flying, etc); being called s*xy or anything of sorts.
side blogs:
@maybeatiger - fandom blog
@theos-writing - writing blog
@our-welkin-world - system blog
@solsgalaxy - thoughts/aesthetic blog
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ur phrasing of "people are spreading that enby is infantizing" comes off as 1) saying its not to everybody 2) implying that it inherently as a word isnt infantizing 3) AND implying that anybody who thinks it is is a hatemongering exclusionist. its not in bad faith for me to come to reasonable conclusions of what you're saying based on how ur saying it. ur argument about "nb is aave" is also bad, sometimes things share acronyms. it happens. its not "appropriating aave" to use nb. i promise you
black people are smart enough to know context! ur the one of accusing others of having nitpicking language when ur the one starting arguments based on language other nb people use for themselves or dont want to use for themselves. the point about folx is that its also NOT AAVE and you as a white person really need to stop hiding behind black people and our culture to support your bad faith angry arguments. and my comment about "would you say womxn" was saying thats a word you shouldnt use, that 
was the whole point. you cant brush away any criticism of your own posts with "you just hate nonbinary people and our words" and "dont come at me with discourse" when youre the one who made the post in the first place. ur so obsessed with using the "correct" language that you constantly change the rules of that you leave other people in your own community completely under the bus. you cant look at your brothers and sisters and scream at them that theyre wrong when u barely know what ur saying
and quite frankly, saying things like  "i will meet you with so much love" and then in the same breath saying "quite frankly this discourse sounds like a fucking crusade against nonbinary people" to other people in ur community they disagree with you? is not a good look 
WOW this is a whole lot and frankly a lot of it is such frigid ass takes i don’t even really know if i should respond but here we go:
1. people are spreading that enby is inherently infantalizing, i’ve said many times it’s not inherently, whether words are infantalizing is personal. my problem is when people try and tone police nonbinary people as a whole, telling us what words we can and can’t use for ourselves. words like enby, joyfriend, orbisian, etc. are words we made for ourselves and almost every time a new word is coined for nonbinary people and our experiences with gender and orientation, people both within and without our community try to control our language in ways I find disgusting.
rereading my op with this perspective, yeah, it does read that i don’t believe enby can be infantalizing. i’m gonna edit it for further clarity. the post was made in anger and i used shorthand. that’s not an excuse, and i’m sorry for the confusion.
 if you have concerns or are confused you bring it up in a reasonable and mature way, rather than coming into my inbox sealioning me. i’m autistic and i have adhd, it makes communication hard. i’m not asking you to be nice to me or anything, but i think it’s reasonable to request that criticism of my posts be sent in a toneful way if you expect a positive response. if you decide to come in aggressively, then i’m going to respond in kind idk what to tell u. this is an internet blogging platform where everyone is at each others teeth at all times. i made a post in anger i don’t think it’s necessarily surprising that i have my haunches raised lmao
2. i have the same opinion of people concern trolling about enby as i do about people concern trolling the use of queer: if you hop onto posts that have nothing to do with you (inpersonal you) and the discourse and obnoxiously remind us that such and such word shouldn’t be applied broadly without consent, you’re an asshole, because everyone on this fucking website understands that, and folks really like to derail posts to police our language. so while i don’t believe that anyone who finds enby infantalizing to be fearmongering/exclusionist/exorsexist whatever, i do believe that people who try to police others’ use of identity (when it’s not being harmful, obvs) are assholes at best.
3. as a white person it’s my responsibility to hold other white people responsible when many black nonbinary and trans people have spoken up about the use of “nb�� and fighting against cultural appropriation. i’m not “hiding behind black people” i’m literally parroting things said by black people because thats what allies do: you listen. I know black folks aren’t a monolith but to be quite honest i think using harmless alternatives like nonby and nby to be easy enough even if the whole black community isn’t in agreement. at the end of the day it’s a drop in the fucking bucket to change one or two words we use to not be assholes. and I know plenty of black folks also don’t give a shit whether you use nb or not. the mileage varies but i always err on the side of caution, especially when it literally costs me nothing.
(X, X (this post was made by a white person but the blog i got it from was run by a black person, plus the sources at the bottom are nice), X. There was a lot of discourse about this a couple months back but because Tumblr search is broken I’m having trouble finding more sources)
4. for the third fucking time, folx isn’t just meant to be gender-neutral. i linked a post that said it was sourced from political groups, esp political groups of color; that sounds like aave to me (altho i’m white and not the authority). and even if it’s not just meant for black folks, it still means more than just ~a fun and quirky gender neutral form of folks~. but seeing as you don’t want to read that post, i guess this point is moot.
5. the thing about womxn and mxn kind of falls apart when you realize that most ppl putting x in words aren’t doing it to be gender neutral, and even if they were, who gives a fuck? words are made up!
6. i’m not saying “don’t come at me with discourse” I MADE A POST AND YOU CAME IN MY INBOX GROINGORINGORINGOIRNGRIONGIOR the tag “please do not discourse with me i am but a humble farmer” is my discourse tag, in case that’s what you’re referring to. which, if you read my about, you’d know. but hey.
7. i’m leaving no one under the bus i’m mad about how much our language is policed about the only ppl i’m leaving under the bus are people who want to police language .
8. to whom, exactly, am i saying they’re wrong? people who police our language? i’ll gladly tell assholes they’re wrong all day long and i won’t lose a hint of sleep over it. (also, calling ppl in the nonbinary community “my brothers and sisters”....... hm)
9. i don’t give a fuck if u disagree with me. hell, i don’t care if you come in my inbox calling me slurs. if u wanna argue w me about a post i’m gonna argue back; you don’t have to agree w my post, you don’t have to interact with me bc of it either. i have quite a couple asks and messages a month asking me about the discourse posts i make. they all come with compassion and a genuine desire to learn or correct me. i don’t wave away criticism, i wave away bad faith arguments and folks with bad attitudes who clearly don’t give a fuck what i have to say. my comment about the crusade against nonbinary people is related to the constant belittling and criticism our whole community faces; exorsexism is rampant, and if you can’t see that then idk what to tell you.
i respond to the messages i receive on this place in kind with how they’re delivered.
if i misread your tone, i’m sorry. if i got needlessly defensive, i’m sorry. if there’s a piece of my post that’s easily misinterpreted, let me know. i’m open to criticism, so long as it’s 1. presented as criticism (rather than something vague) (this isn’t @ you anon this is about something else) bc i’m fuckin autistic and can’t understand shit and 2. done in good faith with respect to my intelligence and reason
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sleepyshige · 5 years
mobile byf
dnfi if
u fit the usual dnfi criteria
u headcanon the mp100 kids as ace (theyre literally kids u freaks)
im an exclusionist. don’t follow if you’re an inclusionist, i’ll block u
ur truscum/transmed
u support genderbending
u follow/interact w goth-clowns
u write/draw kid gore
mogami stans dni!!!!!!!!
noMAPs/MAPs dont breathe in my direction or i swear to god
i will beat the shit out of u if ur a rei///mob, rit///mob, eku///mob, or anything like that. inc*st n p*dophilia wont be tolerated here !
please let me know if i rb from anyone nasty !!! i will delete the post
irl gore
car wrecks/crashes
self harm
eating disorders
long posts
alternatively, you can tag these as “mob move”
pls tag all of these. i’ll soft block if ur nasty or don’t tag things.
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spiralsketchbook · 6 years
Nobody's hating ace people. That lesbian post is funny bc the stereotype is that lesbians are angry&hate men so ah!they'll help you leave your boyfriend. Explain,exactly why that ace post is funny. What's the stereotype about ace people, that the bad part of the ace community doesn't perpetuate with that joke?that ace ppl love books so here haha, not like the queer guys had a whole episode like that?learn to read
Alright lets take a step back and take a deep breath. Itll be okay. Theres a lot to unpack here, so lets get started.
First of all, the lesbian post is Not jumping off of the stereotype that lesbians hate men and its telling that you think it was. It was actually saying that the lesbian fab 5 would help the person out of a shitty relationship by helping the person with personal issues that would prevent them seeing their own worth.
The Ace Post, while not exactly the funniest thing on earth, should be allowed to exist without hate because its quite actually the same as the Lesbian Post, but with ace instead of lesbian and library and reading instead of fixing your clothing and leaving your boyfriend.
And we are going to shear this sheep. We’re gonna be real. We’re gonna be tight. You dont hate it cuz its not funny. You dont hate it cuz it doesnt play off of some harmful stereotype. You hate it because its linked to asexuals. If the post was “alternate queer eye where the fab 5 take you to the library, recommend books, and you spend the rest of the show reading and reviewing said books” you wouldnt give a hot diddly damn about it. You would love that shit. It would get fleshed out, showing what queer books would get recommended and how it would help the local libraries and all sorts of shit.
But this post doesnt get that. This post gets hate. Why? Because its not “Alternate Queer Eye” its “Alternate Queer Eye: Ace Edition” and yall (anon, idk about you specifically cuz you were looking at stereotypes i think you might be at the wrong hoedown you might be a different pot of stew. “Yall” refers specifically to asexual exclusionists) hate asexuals. I dont know why. They dont do no harm. And yall are hurting kids and shit. But its whatever hopefully youll grow out of it and learn to love and be loved. We all develop at our own pace. You do you and all that.
Anyways. The problem that i have with this post getting so much hate is that it is very reflective of the general treatment of the tumblr asexual community as a whole. And i specify tumblr because no where, no fucking where, outside of tumblr have i Ever seen Queer people shutting down asexuals to the extent that yall have. GSA at my school? Founded by an asexual. Pride this year? Most booths selling flag adorned stuff had an ace flag. One booth i saw didnt have the ace flag simply because they had Sold Out 15 minutes after they set up. Those are Queer artists and producers having asexuals as one of their best buyers. I think the worst part of this is that i have to defend Asexuals right to exist alongside us. So yeah, I dont understand why the Tumblr Ace Exclusionist Scene exists. Cuz this kind of behaviour doesnt fly outside of this website.
i got off track, but to answer your question directly, i dont need to say why its funny. It doesnt need to be funny. There are plenty of posts on this gotdamn website that arent funny but you dont see them getting torn to shreds. They just dont get notes. Also, very sorry it took so long to answer, i had offline duties to attend to. Cuz this website is not a priority.
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leftist-bitch · 5 years
do u rly want us to unfollow if we call some asexuals cishet (from that post)......... cishet isn’t a slur it’s just a descriptor...... idk if u were just reblogging for the rest of that post but i just wanna make sure
so while youre right that cishet is for sure not a slur, it also does not describe ace people and is super disrespectful of their identity. asexuality is not heterosexuality and therefore by definition ace people cant be cishet. by calling asexual people cishet you are effectively trying to exclude them from the LGBT community, whether that is your intention or not. while i obviously cant make you unfollow me (and really you dont have to) i would much prefer you use this as a learning experience if this is information you didnt realize. if you did know all this and are still ace exclusionist then im really not going to waste my breath trying to convince you. like i said you can choose to unfollow or not but my blog will always be an ace inclusionist space!!!!
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thebrokenvibes · 5 years
I just want my identity to be respected and acknowledged by others in a positive light. Is that too much to ask? Why does everything have to be so negative all the time?
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