aprocessionofthoughts · 11 months
whumptober2023 day 17-collar fandom- Danny phantom TW- electric shock summary- Danny tries to get the collar off
ao3 whumptober23 masterlist part 4 of SIANT
Danny poked around the edges of the collar. There had to be a way to take if off, but he couldn;t feel any obvious latches. It must lock or unlock with a remote. 
But he didn’t have the remote! He needed to get it off. He needed to escape. 
His fingers traced the collar again. There was a thin seam near the back that he could just barely get his fingernail in. 
He tried pulling the two ends apart, but he couldn’t wrap his fingers around the collar since it sat so tightly against his throat. 
He took a deep breath, placing his fingers near the seam. Then he concentrated on the cold of his core. It was hare. The collar made it difficult to access his core, but if he could get just enough…
He felt frost spread from his fingers. He pressed them tighter against the seal, willing the frost to spread into the device.
He was panting, brow furrowed in concentration. The frost was seeping into the device. Just a little more. Come on. He could do it. He just needed to focus. Just a little more.
Then the lights turned on, and Danny’s eyes flew open as he dropped his hands, willing the frost to melt.
They stopped in front of his cage.
“It feels a little colder in here.” The agent stared at the collar around his neck. “That definitely looks like frost. What do you think?”
He crouched down in front of the cage and Danny scooted  as far back as he could. 
The cage opened and Danny’s breathing picked up.
Danny pressed himself against the back, but Agent E just reached in and yanked him forward by his hair, pressing his face against the side of the cage. Danny trembled as the man felt around his collar.
“We’d heard rumors about Phantom having power over ice. This just confirms it. But, Phantom,” He sighed. “You really shouldn’t have done that.”
The agent shoved him back and Danny hit his head against the cold concrete floor.
Danny opens his eyes and sees the man take out the remote.
No! No! Please, I'm sorry, I won’t do it again! Danny begs silently trying to convey his meaning with his eyes and gestures, his words trapped behind the muzzle.
The agent looks at him almost sadly, “You need to learn that actions have consequences, Phantom.”
He presses the button, and Danny’s screams are trapped behind his teeth
When Danny returns to the land of the conscious everything hurts. The collar buzzes again and another flare of pain shoots through him. Breathing’s difficult through his partially clogged nose. He must have it when he was thrashing earlier for it to have bled.
The collor is still giving off a low level buzz of electricity, not necessarily enough to hurt, but enough for his body to keep trembling and seizing from the shocks. Every now and then, it gives a bigger shock.
He doesn’t know how long it lasts before he hears people enter the room.
He can hear voices, though they're muffled by the ringing in his ears.
Then one person leaves and the other approaches the cage.
He hears a click, and then the collar blessedly shuts off. Danny slumps, whimpering quietly.
“You brought this on yourself, Phantom. I thought you’d already learned your lesson, but I guess I was wrong.”
Danny tries to open his eyes, but they only open a tiny bit.
“And while the shock was an immediate consequence, there are also some long term consequences that we are going to have to apply.”
Danny sees the agent take something small and metallic out, but he can’t tell what it is through his blurry vision.
“The collar isn’t as powerful as we thought, that’s our fault. But don’t worry, we’ve found a solution that will keep you from giving in to the temptation to try to escape. Give me your wrists.”
Danny didn’t move. His whole body was trembling, and he didn’t think he’d be able to extend his wrist even if he tried.
“Don’t make me hurt you even more, Phantom.”
Danny shakily slid one of his wrists across the cage.
“There we go, good job.”
Danny trembled, but the agent just picked his wrist up gently and attached what Danny now knew was a cuff.
He groaned as it activated, feeling more of his core get locked away.
“Shsss. It’s going to be alright. Now, your other wrist.”
He felt dizzy.
Danny managed to slide his other wrist an inch forward.
The agent sighed, but reached in to grab his other wrist. “I understand you’re not feeling well, but you still need to try and obey.” 
The other cuff clicked into place.
He breathed in sharply through his nose, keening.
Everything was wrong. He felt disconnected from his own ectoplasm, from his body. He couldn’t even feel his other half hidden away.
And he was so cold, and not in the way he was used to. This felt like that time when he was five years old and his parents had dropped him and Jazz off to play in the park while they worked even though it was freezing. He’d walked out onto the frozen lake, marveling at being able to stand on water before the ice had cracked and he’d fallen in. He wasn’t sure what had happened after that. One moment he’d been drowning, the next he was shivering in Jazz’s arms as she cried while carrying him home.
He doesn’t know how he can function like this. How long will he last, disconnected from his core except for the few times they allow it for their own experiments?
Everything aches and Danny barely registers Agent E running his fingers through his hair as he cries.
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shion-yu · 1 year
Day 10 - Branding / Scarring
Rey’s body looked like a battlefield where neither side had possibly won. Whumptober 2023! I’m using the @ailesswhumptober's prompt list. This story is about my OC Rey - here’s his profile if you’re so inclined: https://toyhou.se/23741197.rey 
TW/CWs: Descriptions of scarring, burning, branding
Rey nearly always kept every bit of his skin covered. Felix knew why, of course. His body was doubtlessly littered with scars from large bore needles and wounds that had been left mostly untreated for those two very long years Rey had been trapped away in the dungeon. Rey, on the other hand, was unaware that Felix knew why. And so he spouted the same story he told everyone when he refused to take his jacket off, even in the heat - that he burned easily from the sun. Felix just let him get away with the lie. It wasn’t hurting anyone and anyways, Rey was pale enough regardless that there was probably a sliver of truth to it.
Still, when two people were in such close quarters for an extended period of time, hidden things had a way of making themselves known regardless of the desires of the secret-keepers. Most things were embarrassing, but ultimately insignificant. Felix learned that Rey couldn’t handle spicy food at all and had never learned to swim. Rey learned that Felix was a sucker for a good romance novel and always got left and right mixed up. Those things they would learn to tease each other about.
Other things weren’t so lighthearted. Felix was mostly an open book, admitting his faults as they came up with a self-deprecating laugh. But Rey had many more things that seemed to set him off than Felix did. Really, anything in the right context could. There were consistent things though. Loud noises, darkness, cramped spaces, sharply closed doors - depending on the day, all of them were liable to set Rey into a panic that was nothing to make light of. Felix realized that Rey’s agitated attitude often came in reaction to being afraid of something and he had gotten better at predicting when Rey would have one of his severe fits.
For example, one time there was a fight between two men in the tavern of the inn they were staying in. Felix dragged Rey into their room as soon as the fighting began, but it didn’t stop Rey from sitting on the bed frozen for a good hour before he began to breathe properly again. Other times it seemed so random like when a simple bowl of soup put Rey into panic mode, but Felix was sure there was an explanation for it. He could only imagine what Rey had seen in those two years, he told himself. Even if Rey himself couldn’t quite explain them due to his memory loss, the trauma was clearly deeply ingrained in his subconsciousness. Felix knew he had to be patient with his young charge or else he might fall apart completely.
Still, Felix knew Rey was tougher than he looked in many ways. He was a skilled fighter and quite bright, even if he insisted he’d been a horrible pupil during his basic schooling. He could get through nearly any locked door. He was stronger than he looked, especially when there was a threat at hand - real or imagined. Things were good sometimes for solid stretches, as they had been for some time now - but there was always something that brought it tumbling back down again.
Today, it was a rainstorm that set things off. Well, the rain wasn’t what bothered Rey. It was the part where they’d run into a dark cave to keep out of the downpour that seemed to be agitating him. It was small, cold and damp - all the things that Rey didn’t like. Surely because it reminded him of the cell he had once resided in, Felix figured. But Rey was doing a good job at keeping calm and Felix encouraged him to just wait out the downpour, to which the prince reluctantly agreed. It took longer than Felix had expected, but eventually they were able to set off again towards their destination.
They camped that night. Felix lay their sleeping bags out and kindled a fire to cook over. Rey was quiet, but that was not necessarily abnormal. What was rather odd was the way he kept jumping in his seat and looking over his shoulder as if he were hearing an unknown threat creeping closer and closer. 
“There’s nothing there, Rey,” Felix said calmly, not looking away from his task of tending to the fire in the hopes that Rey wouldn’t feel quite so called out. Naturally, it didn’t work.
“I don’t remember asking,” Rey snapped back. He could be a real brat sometimes, Felix thought to himself. “...Check anyways though.”
Felix sighed and obliged. It was his duty after all. He made a show of walking around the perimeter of their camp just for Rey’s own reassurance, finding nothing as he expected. Rey seemed to relax a bit then crawled into his sleeping bag and went to bed wordlessly. Freya, his beloved pet squirrel fox, buried herself deep inside the warm sack at Rey’s feet; Felix could see the ever so tiny lump at the bottom created by her body.
Rey was a mystery sometimes, Felix thought to himself. But at the same time, he was easy to read. He was petulant, moody, and paranoid - socially cumbersome and downright rude at times - but he was also sensitive and needed a lot of attention. Felix was willing to give it to him. Not only because it was his sworn duty to the throne, but because he cared deeply about Rey. Even if Felix hadn’t met Rey all those years ago, he still wouldn’t have been able to avoid the deep affection he had for Rey from settling. Rey needed someone to care about him. It was a mostly thankless job, but Felix felt ever thankful that it got to be his. 
That night, though, Rey came down with a fever that caused him to thrash wildly in his sleep until Felix held him in his arms and didn’t let go for the rest of the night. It must have been the rain, Felix thought ruefully to himself. Rey was so sensitive and sickly, he probably could have predicted it. By the early morning hours Rey had sweat what seemed like a gallon and deeply needed a change of clothes from the shirt he’d doused through.
“Let me help you wash off,” Felix suggested cautiously. Not unexpectedly, Rey did not leap at this suggestion. Maybe it was the fever; maybe Rey trusted him more now; or maybe it was because he just felt really lousy. Whatever the reasoning was, Felix was very surprised when Rey slowly nodded in agreement. “Really?” Felix asked, wanting to be sure. Another nod.
“Okay,” Felix said. He poured water from one of their canteens onto a clean cloth and gathered a second, dry cloth to go with it. Then he helped Rey sit up and said, “Arms up.”
Rey did so obediently, but Felix could see the nervousness in his expression. “I’ll be gentle,” Felix said softly. “You’ll feel better afterwards.” Another nod. Slowly, Felix peeled the sweat soaked shirt over Rey’s head. Rey winced as the garment stuck to his tender skin and shivered as he was exposed to the cool morning air. Felix made it a point not to stare but it was hard. It was so much harder than he expected. “Hang on a moment,” Felix said and began wiping Rey off with the wet towel. Rey’s torso trembled with cold and Felix worked quickly, wordlessly. Then he dried Rey off and pulled a new shirt over Rey’s head.
“There, that’s better,” Felix said. “Just rest today, my prince.”
Rey lay back down facing away from Felix and closed his eyes. Felix supposed they weren’t going to talk about it, but then Rey surprised him by speaking up. “It’s okay if you’re disgusted.” 
Felix knew exactly what Rey was talking about, even if he didn’t say directly. The scars. So many scars, so much worse than Felix could have imagined. The needle marks he’d expected. The shallow cuts, even the ones deep enough to need stitches, sure. The deep gouging that criss crossed across every inch of Rey’s skin, not as much. Rey’s body looked like a battlefield where neither side had possibly won. 
These scars hadn’t once just been simple cuts. They were clearly deep open wounds, perhaps even large chunks of flesh carved from Rey’s body that still left deep impressions all over. There were also burns. Whether from torture, wound closure or both was unclear. Worst of all though was the one on his left rib cage. Although small, it was obviously the result of someone having a sick version of fun. Someone had doodled with a knife on Rey’s skin, leaving the pale, permanent imprint of their initials: KMA. With a little smiley face at the end. It broke Felix’s heart into pieces and although he had said nothing as he’d wiped Rey’s skin off, the image was unlikely to ever leave Felix’s mind. 
Felix looked down at Rey sadly, considering carefully what he wanted to say. “I’m not disgusted by you or the scars,” he said finally. “I’m disgusted that someone hurt you. I’m sorry, Rey.”
“You had nothing to do with it,” Rey said simply, staring off to the side. “I can’t remember much anyways.”
Oh. That was true - Rey wouldn’t be able to recall the details behind each scar. But maybe that was worse. It left it all to the imagination. What else had they done to him that hadn’t left a mark?
“Still,” Felix said quietly. “Does it hurt?”
“Sometimes,” Rey answered. “Sometimes a lot. My back mostly.”
Suddenly the way Rey walked so stiffly made more sense. “Would it help if I rubbed it?” Felix asked.
Rey glanced at him incredulously. “You’d do that?”
“Of course I would.”
Rey huffed and closed his eyes. “Maybe. Weirdo.”
Felix didn’t mind being called a weirdo. He was surprised Rey was considering it at all. If it meant Rey trusted him more now, Felix would happily be called a weirdo for it. Rey could call him anything - Felix would stay by his side for as long as he was permitted.
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chromatica000 · 11 months
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River to Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!
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megamewtwos · 1 year
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eridan ampora in 2023, run while you can
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furiousfinnstan · 8 months
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long covid woes....
@cryhounds @biconicfinn @xinakwans
@stellarfinn @appsa @nerdyqueerr @strawwitch @butchniqabi @batekush @t4tvampirisms
@vampsoda @bryoria
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heartplaces · 9 months
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she-ra as a religion. she-ra as a sacrifice.
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jackyandjackster · 3 months
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Woooo experimeeeentsssss
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ectonurites · 2 months
they’re legit filming us documentary style in the office right now this is the funniest fucking thing in the world
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raisin-shell · 1 year
Imagine your turtle beau is sound asleep. Still lying naked beside you upon his bed deep beneath the city’s streets. His face is tranquil as his chest lifts and descends and he breathes in and out rhythmically. Your eyes travel down, landscaping his entire body as they settle upon his flaccid cock still fat compared to any other human you had bedded. You can’t help but to press your thighs together at the sight of it. The memory of how he filled you, how he felt buried deep inside you, completely overwhelmed your senses. You find your hand traveling down, fingertips spreading around the massive appendage dangling freely. You begin to gently stroke his cock, feeling it stiffen and fill with blood beneath your fingers touch. It’s beautiful the way his head peers out of its protective sheath as he grows for you. You check his face once more, he’s still peacefully asleep. You part your thighs, sex eager and throbbing for the feeling of him stretching you. You hum in contentment just as your hand guides his bulbous head to the tight entrance of your cunt. Your hips rock downward, his head piercing past the tight hot ring as you slowly inch down his cock, embedding him inside you. Once you are completely full of him, you felt your own sleep taking you. You are his and he’ll be sure to show you exactly why in the morning upon his awakening.
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sadie-shrimp · 2 months
me when the
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Original meme under the cut
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inknbrew · 3 months
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summer routine trial (3 days)
8 am : wake up and marinate in bed
8.15 : make bed and drink water
8.20 : brush teeth, glamor magic, and shower (comfy clothes ofc)
9 : breakfast of choice
9.30 : read a book
10 : post something on tumblr
10.10 : practice french
10.20 : take meds (infront of apollo alter)
10.22 : read more or work on asmr script(s) OR watch gilmore girls/sweet tooth
11 : check on emi
11.30 : read more
12 pm : have a snack
12.05 : play a game
1 : read even more
2 : free time (nap usually)
4.30 : dance (turn on wax melter + candles after)
5.25 : skincare
5.30 : read
6 : open window activities (wall shark, color, bracelets, etc.)
6.50 : hangout with someone
7 : free time
8 : read
11 : sleep
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Trail dates: 7.26.24 to 7.29.24
Results: tbd
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shion-yu · 1 year
Day 15 - Experimentation
Rey's powers could only do so much. Whumptober 2023! I’m using the @ailesswhumptober's prompt list. This story is about my OC Rey - here’s his profile if you’re so inclined: https://toyhou.se/23741197.rey 
CW/TW: Kidnapping, torture, minor whump (Rey is 15-17 here)
Rey always tried his hardest when it came to a task that he found important. Although what he found important wasn’t always what his parents found to be important - for example, he valued learning to pick locks over studying - no one could deny that Rey was tenacious when he put his mind to it. It was the same now as he dedicated himself fully to the task at hand: keeping his nine companions alive. 
They were all roughly within five years of age of each other - Rey being among the oldest. It seemed they had targeted children who were near puberty for a reason - the drug the scientists were giving them targeted a gene that, from what Rey had been able to gather, either manifested around puberty or not. The purpose was to force this gene to show itself, despite none of them showing early signs of being able to naturally develop powers on their own. Even then, none of them were particularly skilled at using their talents - probably because they weren’t supposed to have them at all. Similar to Rey, using their powers tended to cause great stress on their bodies.
One girl had the power to read minds. It was very weak and the scientists weren’t pleased with her progress, but that was how the group had discovered most of the details about their kidnappers. They knew the head scientist once worked for the government as an alchemist but had been exiled due to illegal human experimentation. It seemed Rey and the others were a continuation of this research - hidden away from the prying eyes of society, of course.
Another boy had the power to see through walls. Again, while not terribly accurate, he was able to sketch a rough floor plan with his finger on the compacted dirt ground of their cell. They were in the basement. The lab was on the ground floor directly above them, while there were other halls and rooms that were more like offices around them. The path to the exit was well guarded and impossible to get to without going directly through the lab - which was never unstaffed. 
“We should just kill them,” one boy, Ardyn, said. “If we swarm them all at once, we could take at least the night staff down.”
Perhaps if they’d acted the very first day they’d gotten here, they might have had a chance. But Rey knew this was not a realistic possibility now. They were all weak, pushed to their limits near death on the daily and hadn’t seen proper nutrition or exercise in months. If it weren’t for Rey, they’d all long have been dead. It was by a stroke of luck - for the scientists - that Rey had manifested the botched power of healing. It meant they could bring all of their subjects far closer to the brink of death than they had originally planned because they knew Rey wouldn’t let them die. At least, not right away.
Rey often grew so weak that he could barely walk anymore. Each time he healed one of his companions, he suffered greatly. He’d vomit blood, have terrible fevers and even seizures. Because he was the scientists’ key though - their favorite, the one who allowed them to continue this work without stopping and wasting many resources to heal the children after torturing them - he was often treated medically. On rare occasions he’d wake up and find himself in a small cot being tended to by a doctor. These were the only times in his two years of captivity that Rey was ever treated gently, but they were also far from comforting. It meant that when he was well, he’d have to go right back to healing his near-dead companions day in and day out.
Lucas was the first to give up, and the first to die. He begged Rey not to heal him anymore; told Rey he was just as bad as their captors for keeping them alive in this hell. But what was Rey supposed to do? Just let him go? He refused. But Lucas took matters into his own hands anyways; he managed to sever his carotid artery with a scalpel during one of his sessions in the lab so severely that he was dead by the time they’d rushed Rey up to heal him. Rey couldn’t forget the vacancy in his friend’s unseeing eyes. His friend who, once upon a time, had attempted to motivate the others alongside Rey that they would definitely be saved one day.
After that, the scientists were much more careful. No one else had the opportunity to kill themself and Rey healed until he no longer could. Eventually though, even with treatment Rey could not keep up with the demand. Everyone was so sick, and so hopeless. By the end, when Rey’s last companion died in his arms, he wasn’t sad for her. He was jealous that she finally got to rest. And now, he told himself, it was his turn.
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chromatica000 · 1 year
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Inspired by Richard Prince
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mvtj-queekish · 6 months
Master post
Sentence order
Semantic fields and Pragmatics
Sample Texts
Ikit Claw's Pre-battle Speech.
Writing System
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roadhogsbigbelly · 5 months
i'm 99.9 percent sure im cis but i'm trying out she/her and they/them pronouns too just to see how they feel? i like he/him but don't be afraid to spice it up mutuals lol
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vel0ci · 4 months
One time I felt curious and bored. So, I decided to design different outfits of Felix the cat, basically making them different versions/variants. This experiment was fun as a result.
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