#explaining WH to someone can be hard cause I gotta explain how its a story about a website for a show that doesnt exist
sketchy-tour · 8 months
Sometimes I forget that not everyone knows what welcome home is. Just has a friend of mine go bananas when I mentioned WH is a horror project. They were flabbergasted!
"I thought it was some weird kid short series or something you got attached to! Like Bluey or something like that!"
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 14
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Chapter 1:11-12 good credit, bad credit, you dead: ghost credit
Running to the store on campus, so cute.
Warnings: Curse words, implied violence
Words: 3.1k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
Ace groaned while face planting on the counter, “We finally finished peeling them all!”
Deuce moaned in pain, “My arms hurt…” He, then, stretched his arms and popped some of his knuckles while rolling his neck. 
You agreed with the two boys, “Yeah, I don’t wanna move for the next decade.” You made your seat on one of the stools next to the counter to take a break after standing for what felt like hours. 
Trey chuckled at your reactions, “Great work. I’m sure that your hard work will all be worth it.” While you three were sulking, Trey began cleaning up as much as possible by putting things away and putting things in the dishwasher. 
Grim grumbled, “I’m getting hungry just by the smell, yanno.” The cat had tried to take as much of the ingredients as possible while you were preparing, but barely managed to get any.
Trey took a sheet of paper out from a binder and sorted some of the ingredients next to some cooking utensils, “The marron base uses butter and sugar. And then, I also added some oyster sauce as a secret ingredient.”
Ace and Deuce jumped up from their positions of dread in shock, “Oyster sauce?!”
Trey placed the sheet down and grabbed a bottle of the sauce,  “Exactly. The savory flavor of the chestnuts gives the cream a rich flavor. And then, to make it better, I use this,” He motioned to the sauce in his hand,  “‘Walrus-brand young oyster sauce’.  There’s no famous pâtissière who doesn’t use this for their tarts, you know?” He ended it all with a closed eyed smile. 
Deuce mumbled, “Really…? It’s a pretty salty sauce, isn’t it?”
“You know how they put chocolate in curry, too?” Ace gave an example,  “It kinda makes sense…”
You were,  on the other hand, not having it, “Naw, dude. It doesn't; sweet can't just nullify salt or reverse. It’s practically impossible.” You shook your head while the two idiots were just pouting in their confusion. 
Trey chuckled while clutching his stomach, “You're right! I was just joking! There’s no way I’d put oyster sauce in a dessert, you know? How’d you know?”
The two idiots never would have guessed that. 
Ace’s hand’s shot up in his defense, pointing at his senior, “What the heck!? Are you making fun of us!?”
“It’s obviously impossible if you think about it a little.” Trey’s lighthearted giggle switched to a more wise old lecture, “The moral lesson here is that you shouldn’t believe anything you’re told. Learn to doubt a bit, okay?”
You nodded your head, “See, Ace. I don’t gotta learn that because I knew right away.” 
You were a genius. In all eyes besides Ace’s, that is. 
Ace snorted, “I bet it was a lucky guess.”
You fought back, “Pshhhh. No way.” You knew this was just the start of one of your many squabbles. 
Grim whispered to you behind his hand, “This guy looks nice, but he’s the type who can tell lies with no problem, huh…”  
“I guess so.” Your eyes widened at Grim’s statement. 
Trey rallied you all together to begin the next step, “Next is the fresh cream!”
A shrill scream ran through the air.
Ace bounced up and questioned Trey, “What’s wrong?”
You joined Ace with your question, “Are you okay?”
“I got carried away with the chestnuts you picked that I went overboard with making the marron base.” Trey laughed at himself and rubbed the back of his head, “We’re a little short on fresh cream.”
Deuce offered, “I’ll go buy some. Do they sell it in the school store?”
Trey explained,  “That shop sells pretty much anything, so I’m sure it should be there. Can I ask you to buy some other stuff while you’re at it? Two packs of milk, two cartons of eggs, silicon cups, and five canned fruits…” He writes down the list of items and hands them to Deuce. 
Deuce reads the list before commenting, “I don’t think I can carry all of that alone…” 
This was your chance, “I’ll come! I need to see if they have uniforms there, anyway.” Maybe you could find some uniforms or even some other clothes for a nice price as if you had any money. 
Grim interjected,  “I’m going, too! I don’t wanna mix more dough!” He raised his little paw as far as his body would allow it. 
“Understandable.”  You did not need to lose your arms over baking. 
The three of you began your walk to the grocery store on campus with only some light chatter about how excited you all were to taste the finished product and how Grim shouldn’t steal it all. 
The grocery store was the size of a drug store, but apparently from what Trey said it had everything anyone at this school needed. It’s gotta be a magic store.  
“We sure this is it?” You questioned Deuce because he was sure to know more than you, right?
Deuce pointed out, “I haven’t heard of any other shops here.” 
Grim quickly agreed, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s get a move on!”
While still warry, you approached the place behind the two overexcited shoppers, both who had stars in their eyes as someone from a novel would say. 
Deuce gazed around the place with wide eyes after opening the door where a little bell rang, “Pardon us! Whoa, what an amazing shop… Crystal skulls, magical texts, and… wh-what sort of animal is this…?” Deuce motioned to an animal’s skeleton that was just laying out on one of the shelves. Grim and Deuce took two steps closer to inspect the animal while you took two steps back. 
Grim, who began to travel by himself around the store, questioned Deuce and you, “Can we really find some fresh cream here?”
“I’d be surprised if we couldn't find it.” You opened a box that was filled with dusty books while nodding to Grim. 
Out of nowhere came a voice near the counter,  “Hey! Little lost lambs, what can I help you with? Welcome to Mr. S’s Mystery Shop.” The man had one of the oddest outfits with a bright pink shirt but then a black and dark purple jacket. His fashion sense was certainly new, but his vibe was what shocked you the most. Almost like he knew too much. What is it that you wish for today? A charm against cheating?” He pulled out a slip of paper from his chest pocket, “ An ancient king’s mirror?” a small mirror from his sleeve,  “Or maybe, some cursed tarot cards?” He even pulled a box out of thin air. 
Grim was frozen in shock for a moment and joined the conversation with a breath, “Ah, you startled me!”
You added on, “He reminds me of those characters from video games and movies that are just normal store owners or vendors that have some of the oddest items.” Looking at his shop, you believed yourself for a moment. 
The three of you made your way to the little counter at the back of the store. 
Deuce took out the list from his pocket and handed it to the man, “Um… We would like to buy the things written on this note.”
Grim used his arms to pull his face onto the counter as to be seen and begged,  “And I also want some canned tuna!”
“With what money?” You waved at him in disbelief,  “And I have a question for you, Mystery man.”
Deuce pushed Grim off of the counter,  “No! We will not buy any canned tuna!” which only caused Grim to growl at Deuce. 
The male scanned the note while tapping his finger in his chin,  “Mhmm. What do we have here? Fresh cream and eggs… Oh, my! What a pretty sweet line-up” He gave Deuce a thumbs up, “OK! I shall bring them out now. And I’ll get back to you in just a minute.” The male nodded at you with a small wink at the end of his sentence. 
Totally an odd vibe.
Deuce gasped in disbelief letting go of Grim’s fur,  “Whoa… Will he really have some here?”
You voiced your thoughts, “Maybe the back is just really big?”
The man returned with five bags full of items on your list, “Here, thank you for the wait. It is rather heavy, so are you sure you can carry them all?” The male, then gestured to a sign right next to the cash register about a special bag to carry all the items, “If you act now, I can throw in a special bag to carry all of those things for 30% off of its original price!” Deuce took out the money Trey gave him and handed it to the shopkeeper. 
Grim blurted out, “What did you say? Hey, that sounds interesting!” The cat grabbed your clothes as he normally does pointing at the sign to get your attention focused on it. 
Deuce shook his head while grabbing three of the five bags, “We. We will have to decline! Let’s go, Grim!”
“But why?! I wanna play more!” A pointing Grim was not resulting in a good day for anyone, but at this rate you couldn’t spend money on any food. 
“About that question,” You brought it up to the shopkeeper. 
The off-vibe man nodded,  “Ok, what's the problem, little lost lamb?”
You asked, “Do you sell uniforms or at least know where I can find one?”
“I should have some, but they're all used ones. I’ll even cut the price because of how damaged they are.” He then told you the price which was great for uniforms but as someone who owned no cash, not the best.
You thanked the male as you picked up the last two bags while the other two began to walk out, “Thanks! I’m gonna come back once I have the money, but please save them for me.” 
“Ok! of course, little lost lamb. I’ll have them in stock just for you.” He winked at you again, and at this point and time you’re just gonna assume it’s normal for him. 
“Thank you so much!!” You responded while finally walking out of the shop. 
Once outside, Deuce began a new conversation, “That was a very amazing shop, in a way…”
Grim was still pouting at the two of you for not giving him free food, “Boo, you two are so stingy.” His arms were snuggly crossed over one another and even his ears were flattened against his head. 
Deuce swung around to ask Grim, “Who are you calling stingy?!” This, however, almost resulted with Grim getting a concussion because of how the bag of canned fruits and heavy cream knocked Grim to the ground. 
Deuce quickly apologized, “Sorry!”
You placed your bag to check on Grim by feeling on his head for any bumps or any scrapes from the bag,  “Well, no one would give a brat what they want now would they? I know you want some tuna, but money is tight right now and I can’t get you any for a while. Once I save up enough, I promise I’ll get you some.” You brushed back his hair before flicking at his forehead, “Just remember to keep that ego in check. Soon, who knows, maybe I can even buy a hairbrush and maybe even a phone.”
 Deuce coughed before fixing the bags in his hold to reach his hand out to you, “The bag with the milks is heavy, isn’t it? I’ll hold it for you. I’m experienced with carrying heavy loads.”
You shook your head, “No way, lover boy, I can handle myself just so you know. And besides that's an odd area of expertise. Any reason why?” You kept walking to distract the male from taking your bag.
Deuce flushed red before starting his explanation, “Yeah, Mother always takes me with her during timed sales. She buys a lot, so I end up helping her with the bags. I’m the only man in the family, so I’m used to helping a lot with hard labor. Ah, I’m sorry… I keep talking about myself.” His face flushed even darker. 
You rolled your eyes, “That is incredibly sweet of you, Deuce. Don’t be scared to talk to me about anything. We’re friends. You must care for your mother a lot with how you talk about her.”
Deuce stuttered, “No… That’s not true at all. I… Mother was…” Deuce flies back onto the ground after connecting with someone’s chest, “Ouch!”
All of the materials that Deuce was holding fell to the ground, but the biggest problem was that the eggs were now completely broken and leaking everywhere on the sidewalk. 
Grim gasped and fell to his knees to try and save the groceries, “Ah, the eggs!!”
“Hey, you ok?” You reached out your hand to Deuce who grabbed it so that you could pull him up onto both of his feet. 
Deuce locked eyes on the bag of now broken eggs and cursed, “Damn it!” He picked up the bag of eggs and began to check to see if any of the eggs were not broken and could be used, “All the eggs in the carton broke! The plastic bag’s now reeking with eggs…!” Deuce tossed them in the trash while Grim squirmed to grab the bag from him. 
A white haired familiar looking male scoffed at the three of you, “That hurt! Where the hell’re ya lookin’ at,” His eyes darted to each member of your little group before continuing, “Wha? You’re the guys who ruined my carbonara’s soft-boiled egg during lunch today!” 
Another familiar red haired student was right on his side, “Damn, it’s you guys again. Ya better give us a break.” 
You grabbed as many bags as you could carry that Deuce had before, and you snorted, “And I thought I already crushed your egos, but I should have known you can't break a brick for a brain.”
The white haired boy snickered at the three of you, “Well it seems the little supervisor can’t even get us in trouble so no need for fear. You can’t harm us.” 
Deuce had been standing in place for the last couple of seconds with his eyes on his feet, “…Aren’t you the ones at fault for bumping into me?” His sharp gaze met that of the duo of delinquents, “Even during lunch. The egg wasn’t really that badly harmed, but you made a huge scene out of it. Our carton of eggs is totally ruined, though.” Deuce rolled up the sleeves to his jacket. 
Grim agreed standing as tall as he could across from the two upperclassmen, “He’s totally right!”
You walked over to where Deuce and Grim had made their little fighting stance, “Let’s just leave. They’re not gonna listen and we shouldn't get into a fight with idiots.” To further get Deuce’s attention, you pulled into the shoulder of his jacket to motion toward the bags, “We can always replace them. Let’s just get what we have back.”
The white haired boy swore, “The hell? You sayin’ it’s my fault, then? And idiots? I’m much smarter than any of you. Respect your elders!”
Deuce paid no mind to you or your constant poking on his shoulder, “Yes, please pay us back for the eggs. And also, please apologize to the chickens.”
“Hah?” The red haired boy quipped at Deuce, “Makin’ a ruckus over eggs, are we?”
Deuce grunts, “Hah?” before turning to you, “Remember the promise right?”
You nodded at him. 
“Then, back up.” He lightly pushed you to make you back up, “And don’t get involved.”  You locked eyes with the male only to see his eyebrows furrowed and a large scowl on your face. And as much as you wanted to help him and get him out of this situation, there’s nothing you can do against magic users. At least not yet.
The two other students did not realize how ready Deuce was to make this physical or how personal this was. 
The whit haired boy groaned, “It didn’t hit the ground so you can still eat it. Stop makin’ a fuss over little things.” The boy slapped his friend before whispering something to him. 
The other boy snickered before adding, “Ya better be thankful they broke inside the plastic bag!” 
“Not only are they dumb, but blind too,” You mumbled to yourself which Grim could hear from his small chortle. 
Deuce still had not lost his eye contact with the other two boys, seemingly eyeing them down to wait for the perfect moment. 
Both of the boys let out the largest giggles possible that a teenage boy could without sounding like girls gossiping with their heads thrown back and their hands clutching their stomachs. 
“Laughing at something that is surely your fault.” You rolled your eyes while trying to get the boy’s attention on Deuce who was in your eyes about to murder a bitch, “I think you should just pay us back for it. Maybe some extra too for having to deal with your terrible attitude to even it out.” 
Neither student responded to you only grunting out stiffles of laughter for the next couple of seconds. 
Deuce muttered to himself breaking eye contact with the two to gaze down at his hand which was clenched like in one of those TV shows when a character is going to do something he regrets, “... Mess with me, will you…”
White haired kid raises his eyebrows in confusion as Deuce looks to be slowly going insane,  “Huh?”
Deuce exploded at the two, “I told you to stop laughing, damn it!!” His feet began to move closer and closer to the two who just stood in horror for the boy who was once silent, “You ain’t got no choice but to apologize for something that’s your fault! These eggs will be used to make a delicious tart in place of turning into chicks, bastard!! Do you understand me, huh!?”
“Wh-what’s with him all of a sudden…?!” The red haired boy was backing away from the approaching student and had a look of disbelief on his face. 
Deuce grabbed his fist in one hand and cracked the knuckles of the other one, “If you’re not gonna pay me back for the 6 eggs, I got no choice but to beat the hell out of you six times.”
The white haired male faltered, “Huh!?” before seeing the blue haired male coming straight for him with his fists in a fighting position. 
 “Grit your teeth, you little bastards!!” And with that Deuce began his little fight by pulling at the kid’s clothes and punching them a little too hard.
“Where does that phrase even come from?” But what could you do besides stand there and wait even if you didn’t want the two to get hurt going into the fight now would be harmful.
You really need to stop getting involved in fights. 
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venactricisfics · 5 years
Malibu Desert
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It was just supposed to be a workout.
A Mayans based Story Adult Content
Master List
Chapter Nine 
 “Are you going out like that?” Bishop asks as I bend down to tie my sneakers. I look down at myself wearing yoga pants and a crop top and hop up on the stool. 
“Yeah, just going to the yard to work out with Gilly,” I give him a confused look. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? Do I need to change?”
“Are you comfortable, querida?” he sets a cup of coffee in front of me as he goes back to the stove to fry bacon. I nod. “Don’t change. You wearing that is just gonna make it hard for anyone to get any work done.” 
“Stop,” I chuckle as I take a sip from my cup, “No one but you looks at me like that.”
“Everyone looks at you like that,” he responds. “They don’t act on it because you’re my queen.” 
“Your queen?” I quirk a brow, slipping from the stool to make toast. I could successfully make toast without burning it.  That’s still cooking, right?  
“I’d never call you my ol’ lady,” he places the cooked bacon on plates and we sit together at his kitchen bar, “at least not to your face.” 
“That makes you a very smart man,” I peck his cheek, “Another reason I love you.” 
“No, it’s cause without me you’d starve,” he says back, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze. 
“That too,” I slide my arms around his neck from behind and give him another kiss before taking a piece of bacon from his plate. “I gotta meet Gilly in fifteen, see you at the yard?” 
“I don’t like the idea of you going out alone,” Bishop’s word’s stern. 
“It’s fifteen minutes.  Straight there, no detours, I promise,” I say. “You’ve still got to get showered and dressed.”
“I still don’t fucking like it,” he stated. “That shithead is still out there.”
“I know that more than anyone,” I grab my keys from the table by the door, “I can’t be watched twenty-four/seven. Yesterday I had to stop Coco from coming in the ladies’ room with me at work.”
“Alright,” he agrees reluctantly, “text me when you get there.”
As promised in fifteen minutes I shift my SUV into park and type out a text: 
"Now I'm thinking about you naked in the shower alone," I smirk and hit send. 
"That's not what I meant when I said text me. I've already got your ass in those pants on my mind. Be good. See you soon," he sent back. 
I send him a wink and a heart emoji then step out of my SUV. I give Chucky a wave as I cross the yard to the cage. 
"You ready, hermana?" Coco greats me.  He takes in my confused look. "Gilly is late. Asked me to get you started." 
“OK,” I drop my duffle by the gate mentally preparing myself for my lesson. 
“I was thinking,” he said, “you’re little, right? There’s no fucking way you can take down a huge guy by yourself.”
“You and Bishop aren’t exactly huge and you hold your own,” I state.
“Si, but we’ve been training for fucking ever.  Our fucking life made it where we had to from the fucking womb,” he said. “And we don’t have that kind of time. Imma teach you something that will fucking keep you breathing. And put the other asshole in the fucking ground.” 
I nod listening to him. I knew at my core he was right. There was no way a few days of learning how to kick or punch would stop Warren or any one of his men from doing whatever they wanted to me.  I could slow them down but just enough to piss them off. And then I’d still be running and hiding. Coco’s way was a permanent solution. 
“Take this,” he pulls his piece from the pocket of his kutte. “You ever shoot before?”
“I used go skeet shooting with my dad,” I hold the 9mm pistol in my hand studying its weight, “Nothing like this.” 
“The fuck is a skeet?” Coco asks.
“Clay target flung in the air. I was pretty good,” I curl my fingers around the butt of the gun letting testing how it feels.
“Rich white people making up shit to shoot at,”  he snorts a laugh, “that,” he motions to the piece in my hand, “you use that to put down a guy. Nothing fake about killing a man. You do what you gotta hermana. The rest of the bullshit fades away.”
I nod, “I get it. We’re not that much different. Life may have fucked us in different ways but we both got fucked. And now we’re here. You’re teaching me how to keep from getting fucked again. That’s something.”
For the next couple of hours, Coco taught me to hold the gun, aim, and shoot. Gilly arrived and showed me the best ways to take a guy down unexpected. Side and groin being the best targets.  Kicks would be far more impactful than a fist.  My legs are stronger than my arms. 
I move into the shade and take a drink from my water bottle and reapply sunscreen. Getting a sideways look from the guys. “Not all of us are blessed with caramel skin. Y’all should wear it too, melanoma is a bitch.” 
“Take your fair skin inside,” Gilly laughed tossing a sweaty towel at me. I wrinkle my nose and toss it back at him. 
I close my eyes, feeling the cool air hit my skin when I walk in the clubhouse. I didn't realize how hot it was outside until I savored the air-conditioned room. I reach my arms up in the air to stretch and then bend down and lift my foot to stretch the backs of my legs. I was a little sore. But nothing a few stretches couldn’t fix. 
"Fuck," I hear Bishop mutter behind me, "you are making it really fucking hard to concentrate." 
I glance back at him over my shoulder seeing that he’s clearly checking out my ass from his table with Taza and Hank, “I am not doing anything.” My lips tug into a slight smirk as I stand. I rather enjoyed the way he was looking at me. 
“You are doing plenty, querida,” he says back. “Come sit.” I give a gentle kiss to his lips before taking the seat beside his. 
“I didn’t mean to distract you,” I move my gaze between the men. 
“It is a welcome one, sweetheart,” Taza says. “Beer?” I shake my head, “Too early for me. I’ll take a Diet Coke if you’ve got one.” 
“Just regular,” he responds grabbing a can from the fridge. “I’ll put it on the list for the Prospect.”
“You don’t have to do that,” I open the can and take a sip.
“You’re here almost as much as we are,” he states, “It’s not a big deal.” 
I nod realizing just how much I was here. If I wasn’t hanging out with Bishop after a table meeting I was helping Chuckie with the yard books. Or EZ clean. I wasn’t privy to all the details that happened on the other side of the stained glass door. But I knew enough. 
“It doesn’t bother you that I’m here so much?”  
“Na, you class up the joint,” Hank responds. I shake my help with a smile. I knew he was flattering me. It was nice to have people.  For so long Warren kept me from people. I was isolated. And now I had freedom. I could be fully myself. And I couldn’t thank Bishop enough for that. 
My thoughts are interrupted by a bang and a loud crash from outside. Without another thought, the four of us push out of the clubhouse door. The noise was coming from the garage.  
“Mother fucker,” Angel lies on the garage floor as Coco and Gilly lift the bike off of him. I rush back to my SUV and grab my medical bag. I couldn’t stand idly by since there was something I can do to help. I drop to my knees beside him. My eyes quickly scanning over him and I shine a light in his eyes. Watching his eyes dilate.
“Doesn’t appear to be any brain damage,” I give him a slight smile, “well not much.” His pulse was racing, his breathing was labored. “Look at me, Angel. You’ve got to stay calm.” My hand moves along his side and find a screwdriver lodged in his side. 
“Fuck calm,” he grunts as he starts to get up. I shove him back, “Be still you moron.” I hold the screwdriver steady keeping the blood from gushing more. “You have a dislocated shoulder on top of a puncture in your side. It’s in there pretty deep. We really need to get you to the hospital.” 
“Just yank it out, Malibu. Give me a bandaid and a beer,” he groans. 
“And have you bleed all over my shoes, no fucking way,” I responded. “You don’t have to act all macho.  I know it hurts like hell.” I glance back as the guys surround me in a semicircle, waiting for instructions.  I lock my gaze with Bishop’s, “Bring my SUV over and put the back seats down. I can’t fix this here.  And I don’t want you dragging him through a dark, dirty tunnel.”
We hadn’t talked about what happens on the other side of the border, but I knew.  Not everything but enough. Some of the shit that happened they couldn’t explain in a traditional hospital. But Angel is legal and he fell in the garage. 
“Get him in the back,” I keep pressure on his side as Gilly and Riz hoist him up. I climb in as they load him through the hatch. I look down with a half-smile, trying to keep calm. But he was weak and the color was fading from his face. I meet Bishop’s eyes in the rearview and give a nod. “Hurry.”  
It felt like an eternity as we drove the few miles from the scrap yard to Santo Padre Memorial Hospital.  I had the ER on the phone and they were ready as my SUV pulled into the ambulance bay. The hatch opens and the ER doctors help unload him onto a gurney.  I was so focused on keeping my hand pressed to Angel’s side I barely heard the doctors and nurses telling me they got it.  
“You can’t come back here, Nova. Now let us work,” Dr. Ramos says as she takes over keeping the pressure on the wound. The warmth of his blood flowed through my fingers as I let go. They wheel him through the double doors.  I stop and stare after them relaxing only after I feel Bishop’s hands on my shoulders.
“Did someone call EZ or their father?” I wipe my hand across my face as I’m lead to the waiting room. 
“They’re on the way,” Hank says and hands me a rag to wipe the blood from my hands and face. 
“Thanks,” I slide my arms into the dark hoodie that Bishop offered then take a seat beside him.  I didn’t realize how much blood and grease was on my body until I slide the zipper up. I didn’t care how shitty I looked at the moment.  My eyes bounce from the nurses' station to the door watching as Felipe Reyes walks through the automatic doors. He’s met instantly by Taza and Riz. They explain how the bike fell from the lift and fell on top of him.  
I stand up when Ramos comes from the back.  I relax reading her expression.  I knew Angel would be OK before she spoke. He needed fluid antibiotics overnight and he would get to leave in the morning.  Take it easy for a few weeks.  EZ and Felipe are lead to the back to see Angel. 
“Take me home?” I slip my arms around Bishop’s waist. 
“Of course, querida,” his arms around my shoulders as he leads me out of the hospital and to my SUV.  I walked straight from the car through the house and into the bathroom. Bishop helps me strip my clothes from my body.  It wasn’t seductive, it was comforting.  I let him take care of me. He followed me into the shower.  The blood and grime rinse from my body and swirl down the drain. He scrubs my hair and body clean.
I settle with my head resting on his chest in my bed. We lay there quietly as he rubs my shoulder lightly with his thumb. The day had everything. Joy and Fear. I know above anything, that here is where I belong. I just say simply, “I love you.” Before closing my eyes. 
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petri808 · 7 years
It Was Always You
Happy Valentine’s Day! 🌹  @cosmicdragonwizard @fairytailvalentinesexchange  I was really excited to be your valentine :)  
A heart has two sides, so I wanted to give you a couple different stories to enjoy based on your feedback.  Here’s Part 1 of your gift:  Hope you like it!  
It was like a pulse under the skin, an unnerving sensation constantly reminding the fire slayer there was something beneath his boyish and often jester-like façade.  A much more precarious side biding its time, just waiting for another opportunity to present itself to the world.  
Still, he paid it no mind, it was just a weird feeling that he chalked up to an increase in his powers.  Nothing to worry about since it wasn’t causing him any issues, and besides, he had no idea what it was…  although he had an inkling…
The Stella mission was the first time E.N.D. had fully appeared but when it happened there were only two people and an Exceed to witness it.  A remarkable spectacle it was for Lucy to watch as her best friend began to transform into…  well, a dragon.  
Not that the celestial mage cared either way, to her it didn’t matter what form he took on, because he would always be the same person who brought her into a world of excitement, family, and maybe… one day… an adventure of a different kind…  
Until the Alvarez incident occurred, and all hell broke loose.  With the seed of E.N.D. having sprouted once, all it took was another spark for it grow, to escalate, and when DiMaria made the mistake of torturing Lucy, it was enough to send Natsu into a full-blown rage with all the trimmings.  
But, thankfully for everyone around, she was able to soothe the beast back into remission and give Natsu a chance to recover his control long enough to continue the battle still raging in Fiore; and it wasn’t over by far.  
This rollercoaster ride was pushing the pair to the breaking point, him dying, her bringing him back, only for him to disappear, battling an enemy on two fronts.  From Hell to Heaven, they’d find a way to reach each other again.
And when it was all said and done, Lucy had her Natsu, and Natsu had his Lucy.  Everything could go back to normal, right?  
By the time the slayer arrived home after that exhausting battle, it had become perfectly clear to him that his demon side was no longer just a dormant bystander.  Twice it had reared its head and both times triggered by one common denominator, Lucy.
But why?  It wasn’t the first, second, or even third time this kind of dire situation had occurred in their years together, so what changed things so suddenly?  As he laid in his bed pondering such questions, the answer had become painstakingly simple,  
Because he loved her.  
And not as a friend, teammate, or any other platonic relationship, no, as in settle down, let’s get married and start a family, till death-do-us-part and even then, I’ll follow you to the great beyond kind of love.  
‘Baka!  How had I not figured this out sooner?!’  Sneaking into her apartment all the time.  He was always thinking about her, always wanting to be near her, to be stronger for her.  Just her scent was enough to soothe him and damn the consequences, it made him smile to see her happy; remember the Rainbow tree?  If someone made her sad his first thoughts were only to kick their ass!  
Not to mention he didn’t like it when other guys flirted with her and that dated way back to the Galuna Island mission.  Apparently, no one thought twice about his miffed response to Gray and her interaction, including him at the time.  Or how about his scrutinizing reaction of Loke for giving Lucy tickets to Akane Resort?  
Someone once told him only a soulmate could break the spell Bora had put on her, but he hadn’t believed them.  Virgo always dressed them in matching celestial outfits because of what she read in their hearts, even Lisanna could clearly see they meant more to each other than they even realized.  
How many other signs had just gone by unnoticed?  Because, it was all there if he read between the lines.  Whose smiling face brought him back from the brink in Stella, it was hers.  His eyes pop open,  ‘it was always Lucy…’
A twinge in his heart.  
Natsu clutches to his chest as light explodes around him, ‘crap!’  He scrambles to a sitting position just to see his body morphing again into the creature.  Scales all along his extremities, his hands, his feet transforming, claws!  Sharp, menacing appendages… Reaching up to his face, oh Mavis, he can feel the roughened features…  
‘No, No, No!  I need to stop thinking about her like that, I-I don’t wanna be E.N.D.!’    
But why now?  There was no battle, she wasn’t in harm?  All he was doing was thinking about her and…  ‘That’s it,’  too many emotions are flooding his system and if she is the catalyst of his change…  
So, he did the only thing he could think of at the time, bury his feelings for the blonde, lock it deep within his heart thinking if he didn’t give in to the urges, it would keep the beast at bay.  
And for the most part, it worked for a couple more years…  
Granted there were a few times when the demon came out in various stages, but they were always during a mission when he needed to protect his beloved Starisha.  Easy enough to explain away, she was his best friend and all so of course he would do anything to protect her like he always had.    
Unfortunately, with each transformation, it would take a little longer, and a little longer to revert to normal.  Remember that pulse?  Like a caged animal, the creature seemed desperate for freedom and desired the one thing he was working so hard to suppress.  
But over time, Natsu started ignoring the warning signs.  
Hiding his feelings was one thing, but there was no way he’d let it stop him from being around his best friend!  And just once, the drunken Lucy at her book release almost did him in, but luckily, she passed out before discovering the few tell-tale signs that had begun to manifest…
Within a few months into their first 100-year mission it was obvious to the team that it was a complete waste of time, just some rogue wizards telling wild stories and convincing the locals it would be the third coming of Zeref.  
Talk about a serious disappointment, especially for a boy brimming with excitement at his first SS-Class mission.
So, to take Natsu’s mind off being home so soon, Lucy proposes to drag her friend out for the night, figuring that filling his belly with some good food from one of his favorite restaurants, would make the slayer happy.  
And once he agreed to go, she planned out everything, right down to the color of the dress she would wear; everything had to be perfect, so he’d forget all about the mission…  
“What’s taking you so long Luce, just throw some clothes on and let’s go, I’m starving.”  He parks himself on the couch to rest.  “You’ll look fine in whatever.”  
They had just got back yesterday from a quick mission, stupid easy, just one he had taken simply to get out the energy he didn’t get to release on the failed one.  He was still tired and going out to dinner at some restaurant was the last thing he wanted to do, but of course, when she flashed those vixen eyes and batted her lashes, how could the slayer say no?  
She calls out from behind the bathroom door, “I’m almost done Natsu, and no peeking, I wanna look special for tonight.”
‘Special?’   “Fine, I won’t…” he mumbles and starts pacing in front of the couch, ‘what’s so special about tonight?’  Now the young man is nervous, if she was dolling up just for him, something was up.  
His pulse quickens as every scenario runs through his mind and he’s using every bit of willpower to keep the creature in check.  The longer she was in that bathroom, the worse they became, especially the more, suggestive ones and why?  
Because Lucy’s never just ‘dressed up’ for anyone…
As Natsu turns to the click of the handle, his fears became reality as the world stops and what his eyes behold just makes him wanna burst into flames right there.
“Do I look okay?” the divine goddess speaks with a wisp to her voice, but all the fallen demon wants to do is buckle.  His mouth opens, but his throat has gone dry and constricted while the moisture on his palms double, sweat beads forming along his forehead; oh boy, the slayer was in trouble.    
“L-Luce…”  The blonde’s bangs are framed around her face and curls pinned up in the back, damn if the pulse in her neck wasn’t just calling out to him! … Soft voluptuous bosoms peeking out from the sweetheart neck line…  and her long, creamy stems perfectly shown off when contrasted against the darker color of her dress…
But his emerald hues focus on the one feature making his blood drain south, a flirty blood orange dress barely covering her thighs.  ‘Oh Shit!’  Special was an understatement when that color hit below the belt.  “Wh-why…” he cringes.
“Excuse me?  What do you mean why!  I just wanted to do something to cheer you up,” she frowns from his reaction, “You don’t like it?  And I even picked your favorite color.”
“N-no, I like it…” he clutches to his chest as that familiar pang hits, “…t-too much…” voice starting to strain.  
“Natsu?”  She’s seen him transform several times but not without physical provocation.  “Natsu why are you changing now?!”
He starts to back-peddle towards the window, “I g-gotta go…”
“No way mister, you are not leaving,” she blocks his escape out the window, “until you tell me what is happening to you!”
“Lucy, move, I don’t want you to see me like this.”
“What are you talking about?” the blonde is both confused and irritated, “I’ve seen you plenty of times….”
“In fights, but…”
“Exactly,” she crosses her arms, “are you upset with me or something?  I-I didn’t think this,” she motions to her outfit, “could make you so angry…”
“Luce please let me leave…  I’m not mad at you, it’s just that, y-you…”
She tries to reach out to him, but he takes a step back out of her reach, Exhale, with tears threatening to spill, the sorrow in her voice is like a dagger aimed straight at his heart.  “Natsu, please, I’m your best friend, you can tell me if something is bothering you…”
Sigh, It’s, too draining to keep up this charade, and seeing her upset…  He slumps his head and shoulders, “it was never the fighting that,” exhale, “that caused me to change… it was always you.”
“M-me?” she blinks, “I don’t understand.”
“Think about all the times I’ve morphed into E.N.D. Luce, who was I protecting?”  Her eyes growing wider as he reflects, “Stella, you and Happy.  DiMaria, you…”
“During the missions…” she whispers…
“Yes,” he quietly responds, “it was always, for you.”
“B-But why just me?  You’ve known me the shortest amount of time, I mean t-there’s Gray, and Erza, and all the others too, all your friends…” the moisture is starting to cloud her eyes again.  “Why am I so special?”
Natsu finally looks back up at the blonde, blinking in total astonishment, “Do I really have to answer?” he reaches out to console her but when he remembers his hands are clawed now, he retracts them, sighing again, “how do you not know you are the most precious thing in my life?”  
“I am?” the tears have breached their dam and trickle down her cheeks.
With a slight nod, he closes his eyes, exhale, “Every time I change my desire for you becomes so intense, E.N.D. covets you and I don’t know what’ll happen if he gets what he wants…  I can’t risk…”
Feeling soft, warm hands cupping around his cheeks, Natsu opens his eyes to find Lucy face to face with him.  “Do you…” with chocolate eyes probing emerald hues, begging for a specific answer.  “…love me Natsu?”
Sigh, “Yes.”  He rests his forehead against hers, “I just want us to always be together.”
Lucy giggles, “But we will, Natsu, because I love you too!” and tilts her head molding her soft lips to his, humming with sheer delight that their first kiss was no longer just a fanciful dream.  Such adorable vibrations emanating from the blonde, soothe the pulse drumming in the slayers ears and melts away any lingering doubts he once held.                
The world around them slows its cadence as Natsu embraces her tiny frame, mindful of his sharp claws against such delicate skin.  He smiles against her lips, as her fingers thread behind and through his locks, even caressing the new horns that grace its crown, “finally, my dragon…” purring, “I really am Lucky Lucy…” through their kisses.
“I’m the lucky one…” he breaths back, “that such an angel would want this demon…”
As abruptly as his change had taken them earlier, the glowing around him returns.  Slowly, while the pair are carried away by their newly amended synergy, Natsu’s body begins to transform back to its old self once more.  
And as the last of his fears dwindle away along with the scales, he grins at the notion that their future will surely be the greatest 100-year mission they could ever take…
Pulling back to soak in the vision of his love in all her blushing glow.  “I guess I worried for nothing,” he chuckles, smoothing over the skin of her cheek with his thumb and wiping away the last of her tears, “all he wanted was for me to confess.”
She smiles back, “He wasn’t the only one waiting…”
“Duh!”  Punching his chest with cheeks flushing, “Didn’t drunken Lucy make that clear to you?”
Exhale,” I’m still happy to be normal again.”
“Oh, I don’t know, I kinda like my dragon,” running her hands along his chest, “it’s sexy.”
The slayer blushes from her compliment, “Did you still, um wanna go out to dinner?”
“Not really, but if you’re hungry we can…”
“Yeah…” he runs his hand through his hair, “sorry but I missed lunch.”
“Mmm,” the blonde’s loins are not thrilled but what can she do?  She sighs and caresses his cheek, “Well I can’t have a grumpy demon on my hands…”
All through dinner, Natsu’s insatiable appetite is only being superseded by a new one developing below the waist.  Because, if she had to suffer a little longer, apparently, so did he.  
Precocious hints the blonde is dropping only fuel the literal buildup, licking her fingers slowly instead of using a napkin, accidentally rubbing her feet against his thigh under the table.
How is he supposed to concentrate on his plate with her teasing him!  But she just grins and plays coy, “finish your meal…” she whispers while stroking the stem of a wine glass between her fingers.
“Keep that up,” he whispers back, “You just wait till we get home and see what this dragon does to you.”
Lucy leans in closer and batts her lashes, “Is that a promise?”
His mouth drops, ‘Whoa?!’   “Waiter, check please!”
*Any idea what song may have inspired the closing scene?  It’s MAGIC!  Happy Valentine’s Day! <3
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Roses In Thorns (Pt 6)
Being apart of the countries greatest mafia families had its problems; enemies grew from every thorn and you were one of the greatest roses to target.
You didn’t expect the greatest thorn to prick you to be he who was assigned to protect you- Jeon Jeongguk.
Genre: Angst, (the good type), drama, suspense, fluff, future smut in story line.
BodyguardJungkook, Mafia
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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AN: What did I just write? Spoiler: SMUT. 
You had never been in Jeongguk’s apartment. It was the ultimate bachelor pad, on the last floor on the side of the city you had never ventured into. Too many enemies, your father would say. This area was up town, but it wasn’t apart of your fathers watchlist. 
His living room consisted of a spacious area, two leather couches and a flat screen TV embedded into the creamy walls. 
The artwork behind the walls of the sofa threw you off, and you stood there admiring it whilst Jeongguk took a shower. He had told you to make yourself at home and promise to talk after. 
You bit your lips, starting at the walls behind the sofa. Jeongguk really had a particular liking for erotic art by the looks of it. The walls behind the leather sofa were lined with three large frames- each with beautiful women in compromising positions, teasing cleavage and sultry lips. There was something beautifully artistic about them, and the thought of Jeongguk admiring them made you clench your thighs. 
Right. You both had kissed. You both had outrun your fathers guards. You both did it together. The gravity of the situation slowly rested on your shoulders, as you realised you had gone against the wishes of your father. He despised Jeongguk, and probably was being informed by his men on the situation this very moment.
“Do you want to take a shower?” Jeongguk asked, coming back in the most dressed down look you had ever seen him in. Sweatpants and a white shirt that sculpted to his body. He held a towel as he continued drying some of his damp hair. 
“I don’t have any clothes.” You said shyly. 
“I’ve left some out...they’re not gonna fit but better than nothing right?” He nervously rubbed the muscles on his back, exposing his strong biceps. 
No, wearing nothing would work really well for you with him. You hushed the thoughts away, you needed some composition.
You thanked him and told him you’d take the shower. In all honesty you needed it, the running with him had been stressful and you were panting at the end of it all. Stripping your clothes in his large bathroom, you turned the water on and let the steam from the shower engulf your body as your muscles relaxed. 
Finishing up your shower, you wrapped a towel around your body and took a look at the clothes Jeongguk had left out for you.
The blue shirt was way too long for you but smelled like him, which you welcomed the scent of. The shirt rested just above the middle of your thighs and you rolled the sleeves up to your arms. 
You piled your hair above your head in a loose top bun and ventured out to find Jungkook. The smell of food filled your senses, and you took footsteps towards the direction. You played with the hem of Jeongguk’s shirt as you found him in his kitchen, front towards the stove and cooking what looked like to be pancakes.
“Breakfast for dinner?” You asked, distracting him from the perfect circle he was filling out with the batter.
“It’s the only thing I can cook.” He said shyly, effortlessly flipping the pancake onto the other side. Jeongguk did a double take, the first to check you were there and the second where he took a longer look travelling your body.
“Blue suits you.” He said as his eyes darkened, making red fill your cheeks. That was your que to talk about what had just happened in the last few hours before something else happened. You were both walking on tight ropes. 
“You wanted to talk.” You said after clearing your throat.
You met his eyes again to find they were dark, like he was fighting a battle inside of him. Jeongguk sighed, a smile edging on his lips as he took your hand and drew your body into his. 
“Let’s sit down before I do something. You look far too good in my shirt for your own good.” He laid a quick peck on your lip before taking you to sit down. Butterflies filled your stomach. You hadn’t felt this elated by someone since you were 13 and had your first kiss. 
You wanted to tell him he could do anything he wanted, but resisted because it wouldn’t do any of you good. Not when you had burning questions in the back of your mind.
“So...what happens with us?” You asked, skipping right to the question that was at the forefront of your mind as soon as you were both sat on his sofa. He took your hand in his and soothingly rubbed circles on your hand. 
“What do you want to happen?” He asked, intently following your eyes.
“D-do you want me?” You asked. 
Jeongguk flitted his eyes down in a light smile, before his eyes darkened once again as they met yours.
“Yes.” He said simply. 
“How long have...you wanted me for?” 
Jeongguk sighed. “A while.” 
He began his story of what he was really feeling all the time he was your body guard. It surprised you because all this time you had thought he had issues dealing with people which explained his odd behavior towards you. Jeongguk was in the most difficult position, but he tried to save you. For that you would always be grateful. 
“You’re too good Y/N. You should hate me.” He said, still in shock after everything he had said you were holding his hand. 
“I don’t hate you. I’m tired of fighting my feelings for you.” You said, but the pause you were met with after you spoke about your feelings was ringing in your ear. 
“Wh- was that just a thank you kiss back there?” You asked after getting no reply.
The silence you were met with was unbearable, and the conclusions that were racing around your head made you want to jump and leave on impulse. You couldn’t be thrown aro-
His lips moved to meet yours, and the taste of Jeongguk spread to your body like a wildfire. You craved him. Responding to his kiss, you moaned as you gripped Jeongguk’s hair.
Jeongguk took that as a cue for him to move your hips over his. 
An involuntary moan escaped your lips at the realisation how strong his thighs felt.
“Y/N, baby...” He moaned. 
“More. I want more.” You sighed. 
“Tell me what you want.” He demanded, moving his assault onto your neck as he lathered your skin with long and rough kisses. 
“You. I want you.” You whispered into his ear as his hands pushed your clothed crotch against his. 
Your words sent the message to Jeongguk fast, as he switftly turned your body under him and lifted you into his arms bridal style. 
He effortlessly carried you in strong arms to a room that you guessed was his bedroom, you didn’t have any time to register anything there apart from the large bed that you were thrown onto. 
“I’ve wanted to have you for so long.” Jeongguk said, standing whilst you were still exposed. 
“Please.” You begged, buzzing with anticipation that you finally would be able to have him. 
You were breathing heavily in anticipation, and felt the bed sink as he covered his body just above yours.
“Arms up.” He commanded, and you agreed lifting your arms up. 
Jeongguk slid your top over your head, and you wished the bra you wore was more appealing.
“Fuck, that’s so pretty.” Jeongguk kissed the space where your breasts met, sending delicious tension right up your spine. 
Whilst moving his lips all over you, he unclasped your bra giving you free reign to move your arms. In a haste all pieces of clothing on your body were stripped off, and the towel Jeongguk had loosely wrapped around his waist was no where to be seen. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Jeongguk said, lips pulling your nipples in between words. 
You were writhing, moaning. Jeongguk reluctantly let go of his worship on your breasts to pull back and look at you, a hot mess from his touch.
His eyes were dark with need, hair mussed from your grip on his locks as he kissed your clavicle. 
Your eyes trailed to his cock, causing you to involuntarily let out a moan which didn’t escape Jeongguk’s eyes. His cock was rock hard, viciously pointing at you like it needed to be touched. 
“You want this?” Jeongguk stroked his member right in front of your face, causing your mouth to open in need. 
“Please, Jeongguk.” You begged, unable to take any sort of teasing because you wanted him for so long. 
“Shhh, baby girl. I got you.” His honey words sent pleasurable waves down your body.
“Gotta check if you’re ready for me first.” Jeongguk let out his signature smirk, which meant he was basking in torturing your body. His head moved below your navel and your body lifted itself up involuntary at the feeling of his lips trailing down. 
You hadn’t been touched in so long, so every move he made was setting you on fire. 
His kiss on you made your body quake as it writhed. Jeongguk stilled your hips from moving too much as his tongue expertly moved in and out, creating moans of pleasure to rock through you.
“Oh my god!” You yelled as he travelled deeper inside you, creating pangs of pleasure. 
“Not God baby, say my name.” He smiled into you, sending you tipping towards going over the edge. 
“So wet, Y/N how are you so wet babygirl?” He asked smirking as he went back to assault you. His words of endearment were making you loose the little control you had.
“Did I make you this wet, Y/N?” 
You moaned.
“Answer me if you want to cum baby.” Any ounce of resolve you had was deliciously breaking, and Jeongguk teasing you drove you wild. 
“Thought so”. He smirked. “ I’m the only one you can do this for, right?” 
“Only you.” You sighed in agreement, wanting his lips to return. 
His assault was more powerful this time, as determination edged on his features to tip you over. Jeongguk nipped and licked and sucked every part of you that demanded his attention, praising you for being such a good girl as your body responded to him.
“Come for me baby doll.” 
His sinful voice full of need had dropped octave lowers, and that sent you over the edge. Your body moved up and Jeongguk pressed you down as he felt you ride out yourself on his lips. 
You were sensitivie from his lips, but that didn’t stop his move on your body. 
“Oh my G-G- Jeongguk!” You panted. 
“Mmmm, you’re so wet. Are you tight as well?” Jeongguk teased, lathering his cock up with your wetness as he prepared himself. 
“Look at you. You’re an angel.” Jeongguk took a step back to observe your body, flushed from his eating out. Your body was a cradle of pure sin to his eyes, and once your composure returned you directly met his eyes.
“What are you waiting for?” You lifted yourself up on your hands and shot what looked to Jeongguk to be your signature sultry look that he first saw when he met you. The confidence boost came from your realisation he was obviously as turned on by you as you were by him. Your sultry stare was clearly a switch for him, as Jeongguk darted to take your lips in his mouth again, and you moved yourself so your body was over his.
“Can you ride me me baby?” He asked after you changed position. Resting his head against the bed frame, you looked at how he was panting in anticipation. You wasted no time in lining yourself up with him, but decided to pay him back for the teasing he had served you. His girth was thick, and you pulsed internally in anticipation for him to finally be inside you. 
“Y/N baby, you go all the way in.” He said smirking. 
“Really? I had no idea.” You edged closer in, loving the frustration edging on his features.
“Don’t play with me, Y/N.” Jeongguk’s eyes blazed, turning you on even more than you were.
“Play what?” You innocently batted your eyelashes, letting out a moan to frustrate him even further. Jeongguk clearly didn’t handle teasing well, as he bucked his cock into you. You screamed. 
“How’s that feel?” He asked. 
“So full, oh my god.” You gripped Jeongguk’s shoulders and started to move yourself. The curses and moans coming from Jeongguk’s mouth spurred you on, seeing him totally inhibited in his most rawest form was tipping you closer and closer to the edge.
“Fuck, you’re so unbelievably tight.” He moaned, going into a harder assault as he chased release.
“Jeongguk, you feel so good!” You yelled as Jeongguk started to thrust upwards. You both started to play a game of delaying gratification, because the moans that were coming from both of your mouths were new and sexy. 
“Fuck. Jeongguk, harder.” You begged, and Jeongguk met your wishes and flipped you over to your back. 
“This is so much better. Look at you. So beautiful.” Jeongguk’s lips circled your breasts, taking you over the edge. The screams that filled Jeongguk’s ear left a satisfied grin on his face, followed by his release coming after. The feeling left you panting, and Jeongguk laid there still for a while before moving off you to kiss below your neck. 
The kisses grew more fevered and you realised what he was doing.
“Ar- are you marking me Jeongguk?” You laughed in surprise. 
“My Y/N.” He growled into your neck. 
“Oh my god, get off me you alpha minded jerk!” You laughed, which caused Jeongguk to smile into your neck and press harder. The feeling stirred inside you again but you pushed in back down. 
“Perfect.” Jeongguk said, before kissing your forehead and jumping out of bed and into the bathroom.
He came back from the bathroom with a wet towel and started to clean you up. The multi personalities of Jeon Jeongguk threw you off and attracted you to him like no one else’s did. 
Jeongguk paused, seeing your dazed look on your face. He tried to figure out what you were thinking before his mind jumped to a conclusion.
“Fuck, are you on the pill?” He asked. 
“I’m so sorry I should have been better prepared...” He ran his hands through his hair.
You caught on to him after snapping out of your character assessment of him. 
“Wha- no I’m on the pill.” You said softly, but then you also realised that both of you made no effort to check you were safe. 
You hadn’t been with anyone in the past year, but you didn’t know Jeongguk. 
You slapped his arm. “When did you last get tested?!” You yelled. 
He shot you a deathly glare. “You get fucked like a princess and now you go ape shit on me?” 
“Who said I wanted to get fucked like a princess?! Don’t ignore my question ass.” 
“I’m clean, baby. I got tested last month.” He rolled his eyes, moving off the bed to go back into the bathroom before coming back dressed in shorts. You had put on his shirt in the meantime, but a soreness hit as soon as you moved your legs. 
“Was I too hard?” Jeongguk asked noticing your discomfort.
“No, it’s just been a while.” You said shyly. 
Jeongguk kissed your forehead. “Only you can go from being a little chipmunk ready to take me out to a sweet angel.” He kissed your forehead again. 
“I like it rough too.” You whispered in his ear when he was kissing your forehead. 
Jeongguk cocked his head towards you as his eyes darkened once again. 
“Oh, really?”
The following morning brought a tense atmosphere as the realisation was heavy on both of your shoulders your father would be scouring every part of the city looking for you both. 
“You know I use to hate all of my body guards.”You said sipping the tea he had made you on the kitchen counter.
“I know. I experienced it myself.” He laughed. 
“Yeah but everyone knows I wanted to get in your pants behind it all.” Your smirked.
“Y/N...” Jeongguk said after a pause. 
“Hmm?” You asked.
“You need to go home. Your family are probably worried sick.” He said softly as concern edged his beautiful features. 
“I’m not a child.” You said. 
The staring competition you both had was interrupted by a rapt knock on his front door. You worried it would be your fathers men, and gripped his shoulders in a bid to not answer it. 
“It’s probably my cleaner.” He answered the door and  you heard footsteps enter the apartment. An attractive female in her 40s came straight into the kitchen where you were and opened the cupboard that had cleaning supplies. 
You knew her. She looked familiar, maybe you had seen her clean at Jimin’s home when you visited him?  
“Oh my goodness. A Jeon and a Y/L/N together.” She squealed. She clearly knew who you were, throwing you off slightly as you bowed your head in respect. 
“Ah, the power is making my eye sight blurry.” She smiled at the both of you.
“Ah, what a wonderful couple. Does your father know Y/N?” The question threw you off because it was one that staff usually steered clear off.
“Don’t let anyone find out you’re here. Your father is planning something dangerous, Y/N.” She said, taking your hand in hers and holding it steady. 
“W- he wouldn’t hurt me.” You protested, flitting your eyes to Jeongguk. He was focused on the cleaner. 
“No, he’ll hurt whose close to you.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked, fear pounding in your heart.
A tear drifted down her cheek.
“Park Jimin is dead.”
Part 7
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