#exposing myself to them via too. i won’t listen to stuff that i don’t like but i like heavier music so getting used to that would be good
dust-n-roses · 10 months
ok I’m getting a bit obsessed with Spiritbox guys
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SP/so vs SO/sx
Not sure how much this can be generalized since it's only my personal experience. When I was a pre-teen my best friend used to be a so/sx 6w7, while I am 9w1 sp/so. Sp dom vs Sp blind... some stuff went down and it’s fascinating to analyze such differences to me (I feel like I'm fascinated by sp blinds in general wtf).
She was the V immature of the pair, throwing herself in any possible weird experience she could have just for the sake of it. She would always cause so much drama it was legit concerning and I always was on the sidelines, not participating and sometimes suggesting her to stop, but did she listen to me? Never, and also, in some ways, I think I did in fact understand her desire to feel alive and feel stuff and do dumb stuff, possibly in that I am sx-blind and I won't fucking allow myself to do that, while she totally did. I guess, I don't usually pay any mind to my sx-blindness but the only time that it kind of felt like I was missing on something was when I would spend time with her? And also now that I'm actually studying the instictual variants I guess I'm starting to realize it (but also not really there's a shit ton of work to do). She would always act as if she was the protagonist of some weird 19th romantic novel but, make it dumber (we were 11-12 after all, how smart could we be?).
I deeply, deeply understand her need and wish to be like a novel protagonist. I do think of myself in that way quite often. But while she did it by acting and getting actively involved in stuff, I’ve always done the same by hyper-interpreting my simpler, more boring experiences (9 basic bitch here, feeling attached to something while being withdrawn and out of touch with your body results in amazing fantasy sky castles). She was never satisfied by this.
If she wanted intensity, she would create it by idk, doing some dumb stuff she would for sure later regret. While she went on to feel so alive, I would stay in the back overthinking my more boring life. An example would be that while she actually acted so that everyone around us hated her and shunned her, I would simply feel and think I was being shunned as well, but in practice I would never do something that would elicit a strong reaction out of others. I basically fantasized about it. As you can tell her being a Social Dominant I guess she got the sx juice she wanted through social stuff (her reputation, going against the social system (social 6s often do that)).
In so many ways, if I were to simplify it, she was a mixture of Dorian Gray and Heathcliff and I was Des Esseintes. She was an edgier version of Dorian Gray, wanting to experience everything but make it dark and painful and tormented (a là Heathcliff), not once holding herself back. Des Esseintes, on the other hand, would also feel like a misfit and a tormented soul but he did so by staying inside his house and hyper-interpreting his experiences to an insane degree, until he basically starts to hallucinate. He barely goes outside of his home and when he does everything seems weird, scary, magical in its own way, and while a bit creepy that’s also part of being sx-blind I think? You secretly want that way of feeling alive via the dark things in life (not sure if my fixes have a part in this as idk other 9s may not relate to this maybe) but also you want to go about it safely (sp) and by not exposing yourself (9), so it becomes like wearing a pair of glasses that adds a layer of poetry and beauty and suffering to an otherwise normal, boring and inane reality (again, 9 fantasy shit). But that’s about it. It’s a magical pair of glasses that at times I feel like I can remove and put on at will when I’m bored and I feel like I want more out of life. Outsourcing sx if you will w/o ever acting on this shit. I relate to Des Esseintes even though he was possibly a sp 4 but whatever I guess...
My old friend, being sp-blind, of course did not feel the same need for “safety” and had nothing to hold her back, really... the 6w7 sp blind brings a lot of energy and a way to never be able to fucking stand still, so yeah... it was so fascinating to see her act that differently from me, but also empathizing with her desire to get MORE out of life and dive into the darker aspects of it. I guess that’s why I sticked with her even when I thought she was being unreasonable and annoyingly melodramatic. Most people would shun her and don’t get her ways and while I can’t say that I got her, I would at least sympathise with her wish to experience more and be dramatic, even if I couldn’t quite elaborate it at the time and I superficially thought she was being too immature (this is so funny, we were fucking 10 and we were already doing instictual stuff with me acting like the adult one idk. Also w1 may play a part in this shit. Me being sp dom felt like I was supposed to check on her but also I didn't really do it because it was fun to tag along with her dumb stuff). But while she had the courage(?) to act on such a wish, I did not - I never had it, and instead compensated by having an hyperactive mental landscape...
There was a Wilde’s quote that went like, “the artist always represents what they themselves cannot live and experience”, or whatever, and I’ve always related to it way too deeply, lmao. I would represent, think, imagine, write the stories, and instead she would actively live them. Also Wilde was a so/sx so I guess that means something
While I may be bitter, because even as a sx-blind I at times feel....... like I want to live and get involved in stuff more? also I guess 9s have a way to dissociate with their life quite easily so that doesn't help (a sx-blind 7 would probably feel like they're getting involved more). Plus possibly having a 5fix makes it worse? it kind of sucks tbfh. Like it feels I've been dissociated since I was 4 yo and never got back to actual earth wtf. 95x sp/so may be the most fucking boring thing on earth + it may bring a neurotic need to keep your little bubble untouched by real life and finding security in that bubble, to the point that you're actually missing out. Idk. I may *do* stuff to make me feel like I'm going around with people more but it doesn't really affect me that deeply so yeah... fuck all of this. It's not even the same as being stuck in your comfort zone? I guess it is but again I may at times challenge myself in some small ways and have new experiences but it's like nothing really reaches me idk.
Again, I usually prefer to go about stuff safely (aka not disrupting my little bubble too much), and in this way, I’ve always had way less regrets than her - so in this, I’m actually fine with my way of playing it safe. I like letting myself wear that pair of glasses when I feel like it and call it a day. I’ve always been content with very little...
Though honestly I’ve not been hanging out with her in years (at least 8 years, wow) and while I do hear from her I can’t say I can get to see how much she’s changed, lol
It was weird, you’d expect that with such a melodramatic friend the break up would be at least as dramatic, instead it has been quite the opposite - we simply slowly stopped reaching out to each other once we had nothing much in common anymore, and something else going on with our lives, lmao...
Also I mistyped her as a 4w3 in the past but it's so funny I got that little about the enneagram and IVs and somehow got her IV right at first try wtf I guess she's just that obvious
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nellie-elizabeth · 4 years
tagged by: @hmgfanfic. <3
zodiac: Uhhh so I know I’m a virgo but I literally had to look up the rising/moon thing that people are always talking about. Apparently I’m “Sagittarius Ascendant” and my moon sign is Aries? I don’t know what any of this means but I have been told by people who pay attention to this stuff that I am SUCH a virgo.
height: 6′0. Or just under, like, 5′11 and 3/4.
last thing i googled: a map of north India so I could make sure that a city was where I thought it was, for a throw-away line in CPFO’s epilogue.
song stuck in my head: “work work ANGELICAAA work work ELIZA... AND PEGGY.” I was re-listening to the Hamilton soundtrack in the car yesterday for the first time in quite a while, and now those Schuyler Sisters won’t leave me alone. :)
number of followers: uhhh listen, I made this blog in 2012 and it’s basically just a smorgasbord of things I’ve liked over the years, so I’m going to guess most of the people who follow me just haven’t unfollowed out of laziness as I abandoned the hyper-fixation they followed me for in the first place. I do post cat videos, so maybe that explains the 1,025 people who have apparently stuck around.
amount of sleep: I am BABY and do not function well without sleep, so I usually try and get a solid 7.5 minimum. I don’t have insomnia. It’s hard for me to get to sleep with distractions - ticking clocks, other people in the bed with me, etc., but once I’m out, I’m really out and I sleep through the night.
lucky number: 444. Specifically the time, 4:44. It’s an inside joke with my family and it started YEARS BEFORE that Jay-Z album and has nothing to do with it. I am not superstitious, this isn’t a bible thing or a numerology thing, it’s literally just the time “4:44″. I have this number tattooed on my body and so do my parents and both of my sisters. If you happen to notice when it’s 4:44PM, you  have to send a text to the family group chat, it’s the law.
favorite song: I don’t “listen” to “music” like people are supposed to. Mostly I listen to Broadway soundtracks or podcasts if I have something playing. SO, I don’t know if this is my #1 *favorite* song, but I’ll put forward “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen, because if I’m in a bad mood or sleepy or I’m trying to work out and the thought of getting on the treadmill seems like a death sentence, I can just listen to this song and it immediately makes me super hyped and smiley and basically just injects a happy mood directly into my brain via earholes.
favorite instrument: Piano, and it’s for pretentious reasons, because I’m really interested in like... the language of music, and I love how deceptively simple a piano is, it’s literally just buttons and you push the button and sound comes out, you don’t have to train your fingers or get callouses or learn breath control like with brass or reed instruments. And when you’re learning to read music, the piano is this very handy and simple to understand guide, where each button makes a progressively higher note, and you can visualize the chords and scales as you’re learning them in such a straight-forward way. So piano is an instrument that anyone can play fairly easily with a bit of fiddling around, BUT, to play it well takes an enormous amount of study, and there’s a lot of subtlety that goes into a masterful performance that you wouldn’t exactly expect when you’re starting out. I used to play, but I haven’t for years and I’ve really been missing it recently.
dream job: This question stresses me out lol. I think I’m comfortable not having my job be the thing I’m the most passionate/excited about. I go to work and I enjoy my work and then I leave myself time to live my life comfortably outside of work. That’s kind of the way I like it. However, I’ve often thought about the dream *vibe* of a job, and since my name is Dani I should just go ahead and admit that whenever I’m watching Critical Role content I wish I could trade places with another Dani, the amazing Dani Carr, and work with that cast and have this fun, exciting, creatively fulfilling job with a group of people who all care about telling stories. I don’t want to be Marisha, or any of the other cast members, I specifically want to be an administrative/support role but in that kind of environment. (I used to be a stage manager and it was 100% my jam, if that helps to explain what I’m talking about).
aesthetic: I have no aesthetic! The clothing I wear? It’s just hand-me-downs from my mother, and things my mom buys me because I’m allergic to buying clothes. My house? Filled with furniture my grandfather crafted for me, and a fireplace and mantle made by my dad. So my aesthetic is the things my family has put around me because I’m too lazy to cultivate an aesthetic. I suppose, vaguely, I like sort of cottage/cabin vibes, like, exposed wood beams and fall colors and shit like that? Idk? And books? Like, the decoration in my house is mostly super nerdy shit like a map of middle earth or art pieces I bought at comic-con, and then BOOKS. I have two rather large bookshelves and then several more smaller ones, all of which are lovingly arranged, and there are books on coffee tables and windowsills and all about.
favorite animal noises: the noise my cat Alice makes when I put a hand on her while she’s sleeping, it’s like “mmmrrrph?” and it’s basically an activation noise, powering on the cat. Often she starts purring after making this noise, if I leave my hand on her and she’s comfy. Melts my heart every time. 
random: Staring at the word “random” made me suddenly convinced I’m the most boring person on the planet, like, what am I gonna say to the internet that you all don’t already assume about me? I play D&D? I’ve seen every episode of every series of Star Trek?
Oh, how about this one: I’ve used this fun fact out in the wild often with hilarious results. I can lick my own elbow. I am not otherwise particularly flexible, but I can contort my arm up to my face so that I can touch my elbow with my tongue, which apparently less than 1% of all humans can do. I tell people this in ice-breaker situations, and depending on the professionalism of the environment, I always get the joy of people’s face journeys, wondering if it would be inappropriate to ask me to demonstrate, or if they could get away with trying it to see if they’re capable. Some of you reading this probably just tried as well lol. Tell me if you discover a new amazing talent! :)
Uhhh I don’t know who has been tagged! I feel like I’ve seen everyone do this already, but please jump on it if you would like to join!
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kindlespice · 5 years
ooooh skin stuff?? what products do you use / what's your routine? im super nosy and fascinated about this stuff lol
oof, sorry this took so long to answer, i ended up writing a whole damn novel… my b. Anyway i buy my skin care pretty much exclusively from yesstyle (minus a few exceptions, but i’m always open to new suggestions! i am gonna take a look at jolse soon) so i’ll just link the products from there. Also i have a little dinky code for like 2-5% off if you wanna save like… $1 it’s 5NAYTT
Disclaimers before i start though, I have normal skin (i know i’m so lucky uwu) so i generally don’t stress about whether my products work better or worse for dry/oily skin—but i do tend to favor more hydrating/moisturizing products. Also i’m no esthetician or dermatologist, most of my knowledge comes from product reviews, skin care videos, and my own personal experiences. So basically take everything I say and share with a grain of salt :))
We’ll start out easy with my morning routine:
1.)  Mostly i start by wetting my face with warm water. you can also wet it in the shower if you’re a morning shower-er(?) but i’m not lol. IF my skin is feeling really dirty in the morning for some reason though (like if i sweat real bad on a summer night or drown in a pool of drool x-x) i’ll start with the Perfect Whip foaming cleanser
i find that most mornings, bc of my more extensive night routine, my face isn’t often in need of a cleanser
but i really like this bc you get SO MUCH use out of so little product; i use less than a dime-size amount per wash. but i do use this little foam maker thingy which builds up a better and faster foam than using my hands—not necessary but very convenient. there’s also foaming nets you can try, but i’m not familiar with them.
i don’t completely dry my face after use; i like it damp when i apply the toner
2.)  Apply Klairs Supple Preparation Toner
i personally use the original version as i don’t mind essential oil scents, and my skin doesn’t react negatively to them. If oils bother you for whatever reason though, you might want to try the unscented version!
i also pour this into a spray bottle (you can pick these up pretty much anywhere but these are cute if you wanna order some) and apply via spray. No reason other than I just don’t want to buy cotton pads :)
3.)  Apply Snail Repairing Essence
i use this pretty much as a moisturizer but you might want to use an additional cream or something if your skin is on the drier side?
4.)  Apply SPF
okay so… i don’t actually have a rec for this bc i just use whatever my mom has.  and i haven’t actually gotten a korean sunscreen yet bc i don’t go outside and i’m that person (who is v dumb) and doesn’t apply spf consistently in the winter -.- but rest assured, i’ll get some eventually lololol
Okay like i said, pretty easy in the morning! I don’t use essences, just bc i’m still young and a lot of them seem to be focused on anti-aging things that aren’t my main concern. And I prefer to use my serum at night bc it’s got vitamin C and i just told you i’m bad at sunscreen
But night time is where it gets complicated fun:
1.)  Hop in the shower (but if you’re not a nighttime shower-er then you can just cleanse out of the shower) and go in with the Clean It Zero cleansing balm (this also has other versions: purifying, revitalizing, and nourishing but i’ve only ever used the original)
i usually do double cleansing at night, so this is my oil-based “first cleanser”
but i have been known to um… “gloss over” this step if i’m being lazy….. -.-
i like oil-based cleansers bc they’re a nice, gentle way to remove makeup (as opposed to wipes and stuff) and i do use this to remove eye makeup as it personally doesn’t irritate my eyes; i also prefer balms over straight up oils bc they’re more fun ^-^
anyway, i massage it on, emulsify, and rinse! also, if you’re not in the shower, i would keep my face damp after rinsing.
2.)  Perfect Whip foaming cleanser while still in the shower
pro-tip, if you have a foam maker, i would make the foam BEFORE you start. that way you can just apply it right after the balm!
again, i keep my face damp after rinsing off the foam and hopping out of the shower
3.)  Klairs Supple Preparation Toner returns!
again, i have mine in a spray bottle so i spray it on and tap it in!
4.)  IF IT’S SUNDAY, then i will go in with the Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel next
this is a chemical exfoliator (i finally ditched my knock-off st. ives XD) and i only use it once a week
5.) IF IT’S SUNDAY, and i have one available, i’ll put on a sheet mask next
sheet masks are… honestly all the same to me lol but i order these innisfree ones all the time; my regulars being green tea, tea tree, and aloe (they’re actually cheaper on their website tho so…).  i also really wanna try the A’PIEU Milk Packs particularly in banana and strawberry, so i’ll probs order and try those out when i can justify spending the money on a whole bunch (knowing me i’ll turn it into a whole $40+ order lol)
i leave these on for 15-20 minutes (usually 20), take it off, and pat the remaining product into my skin
also there’s usually some left over on the other side of the mask and/or in the package that i’ll massage onto my neck and body (we try not to do not waste product in this house!!)
if i’ve done a mask, then i will most likely skip this next step
6.)  Apply Klairs Vitamin C Drop
this is pretty much my daily serum as it helps with improving my dark spots and hyper pigmentation (my main skin concern)
i take 3-5 DROPS in my hand… that’s it, i literally wasted so much before i finally decided to stop dropping it onto my face.
apply and pat that bad boy all over!!
7.)  Snail Repairing Essence  returns!
again this is my probably-not-supposed-to-be-but-idfc moisturizer so i just slap it on!
8.)  Almost done, here’s the Snail Repair Eye Cream
this is actually new, but i bought a smaller tube bc 1. i didn’t want to spend a bunch of money on something that might irritate my eyes. and 2. i didn’t. want. to spend. a bunch. of money. but the little nozzle is actually really helpful for getting a small, good amount of cream actually XD
so i’ll squeeze a little line (more like an oblong dot tho) under each eye and use my ring fingers to glide that up to the lid and pat in the product.
9.)  Last one! Berry Lip Mask
basically…. i even buy korean knock-offs lololol
i just apply this to my bottom lip (my top lip never causes me issues??) and let it sit over night
Anddddd that’s everything! Very nearly got to that 10 step dream but, no essence, no clout i guess. Anyway, i do have some additional pro-tips too:
If you’re buying/trying new skin care products, be patient and introduce them slowly. it’s hard, but this way—if one or more products are causing a reaction—it’s easy to just cut it out of the routine. Also i like to think it gives your skin time to become used to the new ingredients and to “normalize” before piling on new stuff (but that could be total bs lol)
“Listen” to your skin; use products that make YOUR skin feel good, and use products when YOU need them. especially with serums and stuff, invest in products that will help you to address your skin concerns and achieve your skin goals (whatever those may be at the time)—and not someone else’s. Also don’t be afraid to admit if a product’s not working, better to chuck it than ruin your skin you know?
From someone who’s experienced a very unpleasant, burning unibrow :))) don’t remove hair on exfoliation day and avoid putting a lot of product on sensitive areas. Also, doing some sort of cleanse before hair removal helps to reduce the risk of dirt and stuff getting into the exposed skin.
Oh and be gentle with your exfoliators (whether physical or chemical) DON’T SCRUB FOR THE LOVE OF PETE to avoid cuts and burns!
If you have a spot (or feel one coming up) , use some sort of spot treatment. you’re much less likely to pick with something if it’s covered up by a patch (these are my faves) which will reduce irritation and formation of dark spots.
Be as hygienic as possible! There’s no towel drying steps in my routine for two main reasons. 1, i like keeping the moisture and hydration from the water as long as possible. and 2, bacteria. is. everywhere. Towels are pretty gross when you think about it and limiting contact between them and your face will probably greatly improve your skin’s health. Also avoid touching nozzle or dropper applicators directly to your hands or face: that way the applicator won’t come in contact with any bacteria or germs and transfer that gunk onto your face every time you use it. Washing your hands and/or tools that DO touch your face is also important in, again, reducing the spread of random gunk.
Take it slow, relax, and enjoy it! Skin time is my relaxation time (especially sunday nights oml so awesome!!), it’s honestly one of the best parts of my day just being able to kick back and take care of myself. Try not to make it a chore, it isn’t supposed to feel regimented or overwhelming, but relaxing and fun!
Okay that’s really it!! And yeah this got really really long….. sorry if you actually only wanted my yesstyle recs XD
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rosedalemike · 5 years
The Mood: Blog #13 “The Taco Tuesday Theory/updates”
    Very few people know this but Tuesday has been kind of an inside joke (...hence why very few people know this...) amongst the revolving door of Rosedale team members. "Wait until Tuesday, They'll probably reply on Tuesday...Follow up on Tuesday...ask them on Tuesday...hit'em up! For it is Tuesday" etc.
     I don't mean for this to come across as cynical, but Tuesday has kind of become the day where everyone is more likely to get things done. Based on nothing but statisticless experience, people are more likely to say "yes" on Tuesday for whatever reason. Humans are more willing to ignore all distractions and Crush It on Tuesday.
      Come to think of it, this is probably the same reason why there's $1 bowling on Tuesday. And movies are half price on Tuesday. And EVERYONE knows about Taco Tuesday! A little closer to home, In Canada, I remember a bunch of fast food places had "Toony Tuesday" advertised on their windows (a Toony is a $2 coin). These leisure-y businesses probably recognized drastic dips in sales on Tuesdays because everyone was too busy Crushing It to go bowling, watch movies, eat tacos etc. So they made Tuesday specials.
     I still haven't totally figured out why a day of the week has such significance as to why we perk up and Get Shit Done. But the most reasonable explanation would probably come from our counter-motivation to the general perception of weekends. Here's what I invision: Friday night is social/party night (ie.Tacos and Movies), Saturday maybe you'll beach/golf/mimosa (.../more tacos) or maybe you’ll get stuff done around the house during the day then more social events (like bowling...and tacos) at night, then Sunday is so chill that Chick-Fil-A is straight up closed (I know about religion, don't worry).
      But then why not Mondays, right? Well Monday becomes most people's time to just get back into the groove; they'll get some stuff done, ie. reply to some of the workaholics who filled their inbox over the weekend. I'd guesstimate that the average normy gets 20% of the amount of work done on Mondays than they do on Tuesdays. Maybe it's also because on Monday we're all simultaneously subconsciously thinking "I can watch that viral thing that Mr.Normy was talking about at the water cooler...I've got the rest of this week to get the thing done".
    Anyway, that's what generalization looks like from the guy who once assumed all dogs are male and all cats are female. So now that you're all in on my Tuesday theory (and know what a Toony is) I guess I'll try to finish out this here blog and give you some updates:
      Rosedale is still in the re-branding stage. I've been tossing ideas around with friends. Some like/hate certain names, other friends are on completely different pages (hating/liking what was liked/hated...if that makes sense.) But overall I'm still just trying to figure out what to do from a branding standpoint in general! Do I assemble a band finally? Keep the one man show going but give it a clever name? Have a couple different projects with different names (one with a band, one solo with video screens, maybe even one more chilled out piano/acoustic??) I feel like the name’s will be narrowed down if I can organize the overall brand plan first.
      I guess I've been more focused on writing songs (and parts for those songs) than anything. I've got about 30ish songs that I'm happy enough to keep working on. Many others have been scrapped but might make their way back somehow. So that has me juggling a lot of computer files and lyrics messaged to myself randomly throughout my days. It has been nice to focus on creating songs and recording demos as opposed to spending hours grinding away as a small time booking agent for a project whose name is nearly unsearchable.
      But yes, it is really time to buckle down and figure out what to do with these songs/project/name/podcast/YouTube ideas. So if anyone has any suggestions feel free to send them my way and I'll put them in the ever-growing vault of ideas. And I promise to start making some moves soon.
      Speaking of moves, I recently moved to San Diego and am currently living out of my trailer and a rehearsal studio in El Cajon. That has been a throbbing idea of mine since around the time I spent Christmas 2015 in Time & Distance's rehearsal room in Charleston, WV and edited the entire video for Written By The Artist. I've always wanted to live in SoCal since I started skateboarding at 12 years old. Now I'm 30 and I still love this scene so I finally just did it in the most cost efficient way possible and I’m glad I did. Big thanks to Vocal Eze for helping me make ends meet with getting down here for NAMM (namm is a big music trade show). It has been really fun working as an artist ambassador for that amazing throat spray and I’ve been learning a lot. Check out some of the #ShareYourVoice vids I make too!
      In the midst of all of that I got very show deprived from going to see the many great bands down here so I picked up some acoustic shows thanks to Nick from Mainsail. We've been accompanying each other's songs along with some covers - half-jokingly calling it "MainDale". I also started filling in on bass for Mainsail. Check them out asap they're great and super good dudes. A lot of big things to come for that band for sure.
     Then I randomly took a gig for Rosedale this Friday April 5th at Himmelberg's in San Diego (cus why not) so if anyone wants to see that it starts at 8pm PST this Friday April 5th. Rosedale is on last at 11pm so please stick around, tell some friends it'll be worth the late night. Here's the flyer:
Tumblr media
     Mainsail has a show at Blonde Bar on April 8th which is also a headlining set. From there I'm driving 38 hours back to Toronto to re-import all my gear back into Canada and renew my work permit (as both my bond and permit expire April 12th). Not gonna be fun, but has to be done. I'm technically not aloud to work or bring my gear into the United States until my new permit starts (May 3rd). But Mainsail has some more SoCal shows in April that I might fly back for... or just help make BassDale tracks for. We're not sure what we're doing about that yet. I really need to figure out dual citizenship though. 
     Most of this + more was already covered in the @Palapalooza podcast I did on my bday. Here's the link for that. 
actually here it is:
     Shout out to Troy from Ready Set Survive for spreading his passion for music/new bands and having me and Mainsail Nick on that.
     One last update; I was working on video edits and mixing for a live hometown Rosedale show that I multi-tracked with Zedpromedia on my last tour and I was working off my 2T hard drive (because the files were so massive) and it crashed the other day while transferring that Palapalooza video onto it. I had so much on that hard drive (old videos, shows, pictures etc) and I've been trying to recover the files but it has not been very successful. I got most of them back with a $90 app but they're all re-organized and renamed or Corrupt and the sessions won't even open. The drive is still sitting about 90% full of files but I worry there's no way of getting any use out of it. Unless I bring it somewhere and pay a bunch of money for someone (that knows something I don't) to do their thing. Which I'm thinking I should probably do.
     I guess that's all the updates for now. What have you all have been up to? I really miss seeing friends at shows and hearing about what they have going on in their lives. So feel free to reply here or message me anytime even if you feel like you have NOTHING going on (we all feel that way sometimes). Any new music/Podcasts you've been listening to? Blogs or vids I should check out? And of course, the perfect band name for me?? Let me know! 
Thanks again to Vocal Eze and Westone and Ernie Ball for helping me out so much over this re-brand transition! I'm extremely lucky to have such great support from these awesome companies.
     I also wanna give one last special shoutout to an awesome fan/friend who has really inspired me to get back to writing these blabbering blogs. Mellyssa Woodward recently started a blog that exposes new bands via very interesting interviews. She was hesitant to do it because she wasn't sure if anyone would care. Then she just decided to do it for herself and I assure you that they are so good because she is right in her element with these! I think we can all relate to that on so many levels with the many ideas floating around in our heads. Just go do it for yourself however you would like it to be done! That's what Mel (@AssyllemNaej on insta and twitter) did and here's a prime example of how it can only do good for yourself and the world...and of course my favorite Georgia band, LIKE MIKE: https://notesonnotes.tumblr.com/post/183814739906/notes-on-like-mike
Thanks for reading! Hope to see you in San Diego this Friday night or sometime soon :) 
Enjoy your Taco Tuesday and GET’R DONE! If you’re not having any luck, TRY AGAIN NEXT TUESDAY ;)
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hoshees · 6 years
so i'm going to preface this by saying that these are entirely my own opinions, i in no way think these opinions are superior, but they are based on how i've been feeling lately, no matter how accurate or misplaced those feelings may be.
i’m addressing some things i’ve noticed in the shinee fandom (not as a whole, but regularly) lately that have been bothering me.
 you have every right to disagree with me, and i will gladly talk through these disagreements if you'd like to, so long as your response is respectful and acknowledges that i'm permitted to have my own stance here, because i definitely believe you are permitted to have yours. please don't bother responding to this unless you actually read everything. i know it's very long, and i apologize if i don't word things clearly or make errors in communicating myself accurately. please give me some leeway in this, as these words are coming from a really raw place, and i don't entirely trust myself to speak with confidence. 
also please note that some of this may be triggering. i talk about jonghyun and some of the feelings i had after his death, so please be aware of that as you read. i've marked the section where i begin to discuss this with an asterisk (*). 
here we go. first, some background. i got in deep into kpop a couple of years ago after taemin's press it album was released, and found myself falling in love with not only taemin's music but also with  shinee's. i was really attracted to their talent, their varied discography, and their personalities. but what really sealed the deal for me were shawols. i joined tumblr originally under the url @/celes-tae, (i'd been on tumblr for years prior under another url, but never posted kpop content) and as a new blogger i didn't understand everything at first but i felt really comfortable right away. shawols seemed kind, mature, intelligent... so many things that i really craved in companionship with others, even if it was just online. i felt like i was a little late to the game (at the time i was 23 and was really only a casual listener of kpop before then), but i felt like that didn't matter to this fandom. people were so kind, and as i began to embrace a role as a content-creator i really felt like i was appreciated and accepted into this niche that i really loved. beyond that, i was able to form friendships that have proven to be really valuable to me and have really touched my heart. at the time, i really felt like shawols were generally more accepting than other fandoms i dabbled in. this is based mostly off of some of the people and words i came across on this website, and of course not as an accurate representation of any fandom as a whole, but i felt for a very long time that i would be one of those people who only stanned one group and that group would be shinee, because everything else seemed to complicated to grasp for a newcomer like me. as i got more into the music, though, i realized that there were so many other great things i was missing out on, and i steadily became more multifandom, first with getting more into monsta x than the casual fan i had been up until that point, and then with seventeen. i also started listening to bts more, because i really liked their music, but i distanced myself from the fandom simply because it felt really complex and it wasn't something i wanted to take the effort to navigate and find my place in at the time. this went on for a while, and i made friends with so many people and started making content for monsta x and seventeen in addition to shinee and just did what made me happy, and none of this ever had a negative impact on my friendships or more casual interactions on tumblr, at least none that were made evident to me. i went to shinee concerts and made more friends, gushed about new content  and new music with others, and it was all so lovely... even with the occasional controversies among shawols nothing ever really seemed to break us or cause major discord, and i was so proud of that.   on november 2, 2017, i accidentally deleted my blog (then @/taeminihyuk), and had to remake. i was devastated because of the content i lost, of course, but mostly because i knew it would be difficult if not impossible to reestablish all of the connections i'd made with people via that blog. this didn't end up being the case though. i was welcomed back by old friends and made TONS of new ones, many of whom i'm close with now. since remaking, i've felt so much positivity and love from others and seen so much of these same emotions exchanged on my dash, and i can't help but smile. of course this is just a website, and is in no way a replacement for flesh and blood human relationships, but that doesn't mean it can't have a vastly positive impact on people's lives, because it really has on mine. through this blog i've been exposed to music and art that has directly inspired me in my own life, and brought me out of some pretty dark places. i think that's what this should be about more than anything. not notes or fame or awards or streams, but the real evidenced impact that being a fan of a musician, or any art, can bring. please keep this in mind as you read on. * when jonghyun passed away, i felt a sadness that i've never felt before. i won't say it's the worst pain i've ever felt, but it was different, more suffocating and unexpected, than any pain i'd experienced up until then. in no way am i insinuating that you are wrong in your reactions to his death if you feel differently from how i did. i know that for many people there was no worse pain than the reality of losing him, and these feelings are valid, and you are entitled to feel and react to that sadness however you want. for me though, the heartbreak came not only from the sudden loss, but also in viewing everything that shattered afterward. in the people i knew and some who didn't, who were broken. at first, as with any devastation, people came together in support of one another. i received messages from bloggers i'd never interacted with before, who wanted to just check on me and let me know they were there if i needed them. i did my best to reciprocate that sentiment and tried to be a source of comfort for people. in many ways this was harmful though, because i didn't spend enough time actually grieving, and in many ways i'm still feeling some of the repercussions of that. regardless, the love and care that i saw from other people in those weeks following his death are things i'll look back on with gratefulness probably forever. 
as time wore on though, that sense of camaraderie faded. it's natural for that to happen, but it left room for lots of negative voices to ring louder than others. people started policing others for their expressions of grief or lack thereof. people who identified as shawols were telling others that they weren't entitled to grieve if they hadn't been fans of him before his death. people used jonghyun's name to push agendas that were problematic at best and downright harmful at worst. the ways people talked to each other changed. there was no more delicacy, at least not in the louder voices. when i noticed a lot of these things, i felt myself pulling away even more. because i was immersed in other groups, i spoke less about shinee. i still blogged quietly, but i didn't feel like i could really participate in the fandom anymore, because i wanted to compartmentalize and go back to the reasons why i got into kpop in the first place, which at the time seemed separate from shinee. i wanted to feel warm again, and all of the fighting and discourse was stripping that away, in my view. i didn't identify with single-fandom shawols that viewed them as their everything because i hadn't been around for years and years, as i said, i only got into all of this in early 2016, so it wasn't as embedded in my life and my understanding of my relationships and choices as it was for others. i also didn't identify with people who weren't shawols, the "i'm not a shawol, but..." mentality, because i still very much felt that i was a shawol at heart. i kept drifting back and forth between feeling like i had a place and was content in my understanding of what shinee was to me and then just being really confused, and sometimes i felt alone and hurt. when onew, key, minho, and taemin went ahead with the tokyo dome concerts, i had mixed feelings. i wanted them to take time to rest and grieve, i wanted them to be happy above everything, but i knew there was nothing i could do to help them in that regard, and a really selfish part of me wanted them to keep making music because i thought "i can't lose this too." i live-streamed the audio for the first night, and it was terrible, but also really good for me, because i finally felt like a shawol again. i finally felt like i was part of that community, and i could really grieve. this next paragraph is a bit of an aside, but the concerns i express here directly play into my discussion of shinee later, so please read it too: after monsta x tickets went on sale a few months ago, i saw a lot of worrying stuff that really bothered me. ticketing was a nightmare, and a lot of monbebes who really loved monsta x weren't able to get the tickets they wanted or couldn't get tickets at all. some people lashed out at those who had gotten tickets, saying things like "i only stan monsta x" or "they're everything to me" or "i've been here since debut" and then insinuating or even downright stating that the people who didn't meet those criteria or were multifandom didn't deserve tickets. this was a really ugly side of the monsta x fandom that i'd never really seen before, and it made me feel ostracized, because i considered myself multifandom and had gotten a good ticket to the concert. this blew over, as most things do, but i think that this mentality has really tarnished the fandom, and i still see hints of it every now and then, and i wish that it wasn't there. as rumors of a shinee comeback spread, i felt mixed feelings again. i saw more hate than i'd ever seen on my dash, between fandoms and between shawols. misunderstandings that grew out of proportion, people who felt like they couldn't voice anything without being attacked, whether that be happiness that shinee was continuing or sadness that they were going to release music for the first time without jonghyun. i want to take this time to say that no matter what your feelings are regarding shinee's comeback, they are valid because they are yours. personally, i'm excited, but again i am also absolutely devastated. all of my happiness is two fold with sadness, and i say that as someone who has only been a fan through 2 comebacks, so i can't imagine what its like for others, and i won't try to speak for you. for me, this comeback has been a weird mix of excitement and disappointment. i'm excited because it seems like onew, key, minho, and taemin are releasing music because they want to do it. i'm disappointed because it feels like jonghyun is being left behind. i don't know if there's any way to not feel like this. some of this has to do with sm removing his memorial. some of this has to do with the ambiguity surrounding the album and whether or not he had an influence on or part in it.... ....some of this disappointment has to do with some of the behavior i'm seeing from shawols. tumblr has a kind of discourse surrounding it where sarcasm runs amok and softness is often taboo. but i am going to take the time to make a few things clear, as far as my opinions are concerned. i think it is TOTALLY okay to only stan shinee. that is your choice. you are in control of your likes and dislikes, your loves and hates. however, it is NOT okay to belittle other people for calling themselves shawols while also stanning other groups. i haven't seen much of this in a blunt sense on my dash, but i have seen hints at exclusionism (that's not a word, but roll with it), that i find really terrible, because it's ostracizing and belittling to people who really love shinee and want to support them. i think it is TOTALLY okay to say that you don't like _____'s music or even that you hate it, but to insinuate that a person who likes that group/it's music is unintelligent because they like it is NOT okay. people are allowed to like what they like, and you need to be respectful of that. i think it is TOTALLY okay to point out the realities of why you don't like a group, like their music, or don't like their negative fans, but i don't think it's okay to ball up everyone in the same group and say "____ fandom needs to shut up" or "you aren't a shawol so you aren't valid." this is really harmful for a lot of reasons. some i can't really express in words right now, but please know that these are toxic viewpoints in my opinion, and i want you to think about your words and their consequences before you say something like this. i would like to note that a lot of these problems i'm addressing come after loads of bullshit from anons and other people who have insulted shawols, belittled them, and driven them to anger. i understand why it's frustrating, and i know i've said problematic things when i was feeling attacked, too. i have to ask though, why are we fighting fire with fire? you may feel like you've been stripped of your ownership to this one thing you find comfort in, but i ask you, please don't push people away so you can cling to it harder. there's enough room for everyone. this isn't finite. i can't speak for jonghyun, but i can speak to the feelings i had after he died, the things i saw on this website that were so overwhelmingly comforting during a time when it felt like nothing mattered. that the only thing to do was find a way out. i really want shawols to think about how they are interacting, not only with other fandoms, but with each other. don't do the same things you criticize other people for. the similar, although different breed of elitism i saw after monsta x tickets were released and people said "you're not a real monbebe if...." has now been mirrored on my dash to statement like "you're not a real shawol if...." and i'm disappointed and sad to see it. again, i want to reiterate that it's definitely permissible to stan one group. to identify only as a shawol and nothing else. just please do that with words of love and respect. i want to say a lot more, and i feel like what i've said didn't come out the way i wanted it to, but i'm going to wrap this up now, and hope that i don't come across too terribly. i just want people to be kind to each other, and to be inclusive. maybe that's naive of me, but i really wish for it, and i'm not ashamed of that. think about the reasons you came here in the first place. they're positive, right? remember that there are a lot of people here who are new to this, and they need to see that there's good here. please be kind always. - logan
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chapter 3 opens with stiles lying to coach about scott's whereabouts and listen this dialogue really is spot on like the writing style i don't love but she's got their way of speaking down PAT like their exchange is so funny i wish i could c/p it all
teen wolf is over but i still get new officially liscensed derek hale content. this is the last time
mostly this is a recap of the shit kate pulled in 1.05 but also he recalls peter being a prankster with a wicked sense of humor. tbh if only it was that instead of "manipulative dick"
he's still working out bc he wants to be ready to tear her apart ):
ok so he had the same fire dream as scott (despite the fact that he "never dreams" that's pretty interesting idk if i buy it tho) and apparently his woke him up at 3am, "the hour of the wolf" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN
oh, this is interesting: in his dream, he actually fought the alpha, and while he was thinking "i can't win this" his "wolf brain" (lol) was thinking: "Kill him. Before he kills you. Because he will. He will come at you and at you— / There will be many Alphas, other Alphas; each one you kill will bring another. There will be blood on your hands forever. This one, today; another one, tomorrow. / And on Wolf Moon . . . legions. / Humans will try to destroy you. / If they fail, an Alpha will succeed."
(im copy-pasting from the FFN version to paste long quotes lol i dont wanna retype them. bless whoever decided to do that im only sorry they couldnt get thru all 19 chapters)
anyway this sounds like alpha pack stuff? i would be floored if they had thought that far ahead back in season ONE but theyre doing jackson's parents so maybe they did????
aw, apparently derek has a sleeping bag. this poor guy i hope he's not too uncomfortable ):
OHHH WE'RE GETTING TO THE GOODS we're back to hale fire angst
gonna c/p a long section:
There are a few people I'd like to kill, he thought, but no way would he put himself under the control of an Alpha he didn't even know. And besides, what he'd told Scott was true: as a werewolf, he, Derek, might be a predator, but he wasn't a killer. There was a difference, and anyone who'd been born a werewolf and raised by werewolf parents would know that. Scott had simply been bitten, apparently at random, and if he, Derek, didn't teach him how to deal with it, Scott would wind up either under the control of the Alpha or dead.
Dead, because Derek would kill Scott himself rather than allow him to expose the existence of werewolves to the humans who lived in Beacon Hills. Scott had threatened to tell Chris Argent everything. That was when Derek had taken Scott to see Uncle Peter, make him see that the Argents were ruthless killers. Eleven members of Derek's family had died in the fire that had swept through this house six years ago. Men, women, children. Not all of them werewolves.
And none of them deserving of the hideous, fiery death dealt to them by the Argents.
like...oh my god. derek is truly in a kill or be killed mindset holy shit it's Bad he's like so hellbent on getting revenge!! his anger is using him, not the other way around! like sure  helping him keep control, because he wants it that badly and feels that strongly about it but when you are considering killing sixteen year olds There Is A Problem we do not kill children! that's bad! even the argents SAY they don't kill children and most of them are batshit insane!
would also like to take a moment to appreciate the "i'm a predator but i don't have to be a killer" bit bc that became his anchor in My Fanfiction instead of anger and i love that he says it as early on as s1, repeatedly, what a good choice i made
about kate: "cold-hearted bitch. if ever someone deserved to die..."
and then he immediately growls JUST AT THE THOUGHT OF HER and redoubles his workout routine efforts by switching his push-ups to single-hand so he can be Ready - "or the next time the fire came, it might devour him too"
good GOD we haven't even gotten to the kate angst yet and i'm already feeling #validated this was my exact interpretation of season 1 derek he's a fucking asshole because everybody fucking died and he doesn't want to be next because he's got to avenge them
more interesting werewolf lore via derek's internal monologue: "But that wasn't the entire dream, he reminded himself. I dreamed about other Alphas coming after me. Why? It' s not a crime to kill an Alpha. I'm a werewolf. The way we progress in status is through challenge. If my opponent won't back down, it's within my rights to take what's mine in any way I can. Even death." i...don't think that's how it works really? like by the end of the show alpha are implied to be more like parents and the thing to do is wait for them to pass and have the power be handed down to someone else in the pack like how laura got it after their family died. they're not animals and to people killing another person is a big deal?? i can see why among other reasons they decided this novel wasnt canon
he's so stressed he went out to jog shirtless (an important detail that they felt the need to mention) and now he's monologuing about how even though his life is horrible he wouldn't trade it for the life of a human for ANYTHING i love this born werewolf boy it's just so intricately part of who he is you can't take it out of him anymore than you could take the demon out of jesse he just wouldn't be the same person season 4 must have been so AWFUL for him ))))):
ohhhhhhhhhhh boy. "he used to work off all the extra testosterone by swimming laps. Tthat was how he had met HER"
i read a meta about this and it was not pretty i'm ready to be validated and also very sad
derek smells a real natural not-werewolf somewhere in the forest is it that white one from earlier why is there a wolf in california
haha then derek smelled scott ("spying?!") and got mad and wanted to shift, but he didn't because it's day and you never know who's watching, or plotting. "like i am"
this poor guy he's like so distinctly miserable
i don't really like the STYLE of this writing and i feel like the PLOT is going to be cardboard-thin at best but the CHARACTERS are coming through loud and clear so on that front it's very well done. i actually am enjoying myself a bit which i did not expect
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jafreitag · 5 years
It’s Friday, I’m in love…
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Haaay. What’s up? I almost killed the blog, again. What is this, the third time? Maybe the fourth? I’ve kinda lost count.
The first time was definitely when LN was still a byline on somebody else’s website. In one post, I linked too many other sites and directed traffic away from our landlords. I got checked (legitimately, I guess) by one of the llords, tossed all the toys out of the damn pram, and quit. The second time was probably when LN was on Google’s Blogger platform, and I just lost interest and inclination because nobody else cared. The third time was definitely when LN had moved here to WordPress, and I was posting crazy-regularly. (Remember Grateful Dead Weekly? That was a thing.) In one post, I criticized a so-so, but fun, Phish show. I got checked (legitimately, I guess) by a phan/phriend, tossed all the toys out of damn pram, and quit. I spent a couple months reassessing wtf I’m doing here. I decided to be more positive (tbh, I was always pretty positive, but tried funny and failed), and rebooted.
I thought that I had a sweet flow. Monthly GD posts, monthly Jazz posts, weekly playlists. Some weird meta-level stuff about LNHQ – a fictional staff and board. Well, I got frisky. and messed up. I figured that I could force some data to use on the blog out of one my Deadhead pals from wayback. And I published a post that included cloaked (but still personal) details that could potentially adversely affect a person whose opinion matters to me. I got checked (legitimately, I guess) by that person. The toys stayed in the pram, and the post has been deleted on all social media. I may or may not rewrite it, scrubbed of any details.
In the time between that post and this one, I’ve communicated with some contributors and readers. Inner circle folks. Here’s the thing: LN is mostly me. (And a certain fly guy who knows about the GD.) It’s a vanity platform for my two favorite hobbies – writing and listening to music.  I’m not fn Lester Bangs. I’m not Amanda Petrusich. I’m not a rock journalist. (That sounds like a cool job, but it would probably be super annoying.) I’m an admin of a backwater blog. I don’t have any illusions about hits or follows. The most important people in the world to me don’t even read what’s here, unless I ask/tell them to.
LN is supposed to be a fun thing. But the internet is weird, and untrustworthy, so I always refer to real-life humans by labels like “my best friend” or by initials. And maybe that’s not good enough. Exposing myself online is an admittedly dumb and infantile choice that I’ve made, and it shouldn’t have any negative repercussions for anyone. I apologize if it has.
Anyway. It’s Friday. There’s business n sh!t. Like a way-too-long, but incredibly-well-sequenced-and-genre’d playlist, in case one of those aforementioned people wants chill background tunes for an upcoming roadtrip. Pry won’t, but whatever. I listen, I write. That’s a nice new motto.
Oh. And for some reason, the widget thing isn’t working. Smh, so annoying. I won’t bore you with the reason, but Apple and WordPress need to have coffee. I know a place; it’s right downstairs. The playlist is HERE. It’s mostly new stuff. The who’s-who doesn’t seem important.
More soon, maybe.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/310ABKG via IFTTT
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mayacatmaster · 6 years
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When flag wavers dog-blind follow sheep and ass kisser morality-religion-belief-system-standard become for yourself the cosmic standard for moral behavior.
*** *** ***
Became your so call ‘great saints; good person; Great virtue and good deeds’.
*** *** ***
If out of your infatuation with being a flag wavers dog-blind follow sheep and ass kisser.
*** *** ***
No matter of it’s on what area, topic, to whom or to to what?
And those  flag wavers dog-blind follow sheep and ass kisser let you become for yourself the cosmic standard for moral behavior,
*** *** ***
You said I am follow order like dog, it’s what make me a “man”(woman; children).
*** *** ***
You whole life only living like sheep, and died like sheep.
Only let you loyalty, service, sacrificed for outer rulers,
and can’t let you alignment with your “Source”(True Self; Tao),
and can’t let you as alignment-deliberate-creator,  
then that is the very same egotism which is prone to violence.
*** *** ***
There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country, a city, a home, or a mankind. One is by the sword. The other is by brainwash. *** *** *** Mentally blind people who never question authority.  *** *** ***  And may I ask?: About Chiang Kai-shek, Mao Zedong, the Emperor of Japan, North Korea's leader, Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Fascism~~~! They are… *** *** *** 100% BULLSHIT or they are Great leader and they can replace your “Source”(True Self; Tao; God)? *** *** *** If your answer is they are “100% BULLSHIT”. *** And may I ask “Why” we need? Give all our "heart and soul" loyal to Chiang Kai-shek, Mao Zedong, the Emperor of Japan, North Korea's leader, Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Fascism~~~! *** *** *** Specially, When…: School said: "Obey or Fail!"; Government said: "Obey or Jail!": Religion said: "Obey or Hell!"; Parents said: "Obey or Punishment!"; *** *** *** “Why” we need go to school learn to repeat "Confucianism or Communism belief system" information instead of how to think for myself?  Why? May I ask “Why”…I need use…: *** *** *** 100% BULLSHIT replace “Source”(True Self; Tao; God)? *** *** *** May I ask ?: Good or evil, who decides?;  By "Source"(True Self; Tao; Logos: Maat; Brahman) or  Seek "their"(government; parents; guru; husband; teacher; morality; religion) approval. *** *** *** Good and evil are not what our parents told us, not what our church tells us, or our country, not what anybody else tells us!  All of us decide good and evil for ourselves, automatically, by choosing what we want to do! ~Richard Bach  *** *** *** Normal is just an illusion, what is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. *** *** *** Humankind is the only virus cursed to live with the horrifying knowledge of its host's fragile mortality. *** *** *** And ~~~! The host kills the virus, or the virus kill the host. *** *** ***
The “Person”(Parents; monarchs; authority; rulers; relatives; family; teachers) is Irrelevant. You're just using them as your excuse to line up or not line up *** *** ***
When you said…: I don’t want wake up, because so much great saints, gurus, teachers, holy books, elders, parents said it…. Great Traditional virtues and good deeds. I don’t want wake up, because a lot of so call ‘enlightenment masters’ also said it…. Great Traditional virtues and good deeds. I don’t want wake up, because whole education-belief-system said it…. Great Traditional virtues and good deeds. I don’t want wake up, because whole social-media-belief-system said it…. Great Traditional virtues and good deeds. I don’t want wake up. I don’t want wake up. I don’t want wake up. *** *** *** So I am not responsible for the programming I am received in childhood. And As an adult, I’m not 100% responsible for fixing it. *** *** *** So I still put those shit-stuff into my imagination that I do not want to materialize. - Wayne Dyer *** *** *** So….My heart wonder, ….If this is all a dream, a Maya, a mirage, it's long as fuck....: Because lesson repeats until it is learned….: It has 5000 years in China, It has 7,000 years in India,….: *** *** *** "Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation. -Amadeus Wolfe *** *** *** Of all the people on the planet, you talk to yourself more than anyone. Make sure you are saying the right things. *** *** *** The people you meet are either reflections of a repeated cycle or guides towards a new start.  Notice the difference. *** *** *** Looking for truth? Observe people's habitual behavior patterns/cycles. The truth is in their patterns and cycles.  Not so much their words. *** *** *** The way you most know the power of the love of Source.  Is in your darkest moments,  because those dark moments- those depressive moments- those negative moments could not exist if they were not playing up against what Source really is offering to you. ~Abraham *** *** ***  Via and thanks “Mina Milos”: Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light. t.m.t *** *** ***  Never forget, you are the highest AUTHORITY in your life. *** *** *** These following words will either attract a strong mind or offend a weak one. NO BOOK WRITTEN CAN TELL ME WHAT GOD WROTE The human brain is the world's greatest computer because it is self aware, self thinking, self learning, & can even reprogram itself. Why would God implant such great abilities into our heads and then give us religions that discourages intelligent critical thinking in exchange for blind dumb faith? ~Exposing the Matrix of Lie *** *** *** Because….: Outside advice is useless if you don't have your own internal compass to guide the way. *** *** *** Very apparently is…: You don't learn to walk by following the rules. Be You... Natural led by Joyful Discovery & Exploration! *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “Vortex Coffee Club - Law of Attraction”: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Follow the force that is guiding the whole universe is in you.  Pledge allegiance to your "Source"(God; True Self; Tao; Logos),  everything is done! ~Zhouyi cantong qi 「觀天之道,執天之行,盡矣!」: 周易參同契; *** *** *** You are never along or helpless.  The force that is guiding the whole universe is in you too! *** *** *** The best way to make your dream come true is to wake up. *** *** *** So…: "Solitude is for me a fount of healing which makes my life worth living. . Talking is often a torment for me, and I need many days of silence to recover from the futility of words." ~Carl Jung *** *** *** If today was your last day in this body, would the chatter of your mind hold any value for you? Then, why not live like this now? ~Mooji *** *** *** A: You see, you were so sure when you decided to come into physical form that you were not going to wait around for others to get you, that you made sure that you are ungettable. And that's what you and we are wanting everyone in this room to understand: Give up on trying to get them to get you - they not only don't want to get you, they want to change you to something that they do get. Q: Right. Say the jokes we want you to say, think the way we want you to. And I'm like, that's boring. (PS: No matter of what kind of religion/ morality/gurus/ holy books/political/government/education/social/family/personal-belief-system) A: And they think they're calling you forward when actually they're calling you backward. Q: It's nuts, really. A: And fun. Q: I will admit it's fun to mess with them in that regard. "Why won't you change?" Because I don't want to. ~Abraham *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “The Wobble Free Zone”: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Because….: It's not luck, it's alignment. You're not lucky, you're aligned. ~Abraham *** *** *** FIRST RULE OF DOING NICE THINGS FOR PEOPLE??? YOU DON'T TELL PEOPLE YOU'RE DOING NICE THINGS FOR PEOPLE. *** *** *** Because…: "Everyone tells you what to do and what's good for you.  They don't want you to find your own answers. They want you to believe theirs." ~Socrates *** *** *** But…: Your LIFE, Your CHOICES, Your MISTAKES, Your LESSONS, none of it is other’s BUSINESS. *** *** *** Because…: You are the highest AUTHORITY in your life. *** *** *** Because…: “I don't like ass kissers, flag wavers or team players. I like people who buck the system. Individualists. I often warn people: "Somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you, 'There is no "I" in team.' What you should tell them is, 'Maybe not. But there is an "I" in independence, individuality and integrity.'" Avoid teams at all cost. Keep your circle small. Never join a group that has a name. If they say, "We're the So-and-Sos," take a walk. And if, somehow, you must join, if it's unavoidable, such as a union or a trade association, go ahead and join. But don't participate; it will be your death. And if they tell you you're not a team player, congratulate them on being observant.” ― George Carlin *** *** *** So~~~! Make sure your worst enemy is not living between your own two ears. *** *** *** Don't believe everything you think. *** *** *** Question everything you think you know about your "True Self"(Tao;God). Reexamine all that you have been told in school, or in church or in any book. Dismiss whatever insults your soul. *** *** *** Just like "Socrates" said: “To find yourself, question and think for yourself.” -Socrates *** *** *** Make sure they can help you to get rid of painful and get sweet fruit. Make sure they can help you from bondage to freedom. Make sure they can help you from personality to individual. Make sure they can help you from darkness to light. Make sure they can help you from misery to enlightenment. Make sure they can help you from ignorance to innocence. Make sure they can help you from death to deathlessness. Make sure they can help you to realized your "True Self"(Tao;God). *** *** *** But…: Your LIFE, Your CHOICES, Your MISTAKES, Your LESSONS, none of it is other’s BUSINESS. *** *** *** Otherwise…: "If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it." -Frank Zapp *** *** *** To rise above & overcome anything, first you have to overcome that mental bondage!! So…: Your mind must arrive at the destination before your life does. ~Vybe Source *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** "Rather than being so ready to Jump Into action to get the things that you want,we say think them Into being;. see them, visualize them, and expect them and they will be." -A. Hicks *** *** *** Then you will face Cycle of Limitation….: *** *** *** Many of you recognize that there seems to be an acceleration of negativity, an acceleration of violence, but this is because you are at the end of the Cycle of Limitation. You have to get all of the negativity out on the table in front of your face so you can consciously decide what kind of world you prefer to have. Now that you know you're strong enough to deal with it, you're getting it all out of your system as fast as you can having the most extreme examples come up because you re strong enough to deal with it. -Bashar From the movie First Contact (2016) by Darryl Anka *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “Sililaquies”: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** It's call a default belief,  它被稱為盲目「計著認同;著我當真」的信仰觀念, when you agree to rules before you think and question,  當你不經自己探詢質疑思考就同意遵守「外在威權教規錯誤律法書」的規定, when you go along because you're expected to. 作事只是為了"無違"(無條件服從乖乖聽話)地順應他人的期待, A million of those in a lifetime, unless you're careful. 除非你審慎警覺萬分,你的一生將會犯一百萬次的這種盲目「計著認同;著我當真」錯誤。 ~Richard Bach *** *** ***
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ficdirectory · 7 years
Blink (An AU Fosters family fic) Chapter 8
Pearl’s trying to listen to Char’s story about her awful boss, when Gracie starts barking.  
“Hey!  Pipe down!” Char reprimands the dog comically.  “I’m in the middle of a story here.”
“Sorry, I don’t know what her problem is.  I’m gonna walk her in, like, ten minutes.  Gracie.  Manners.”
Grace yips and continues to whine, obviously not satisfied with the idea of waiting.  
“I’m really sorry.  She’s not usually like this.  Let me see what’s up, and I’ll call you back tonight.”
Getting up and walking to the sliding glass door where Gracie is pacing, Pearl glances out.  Sees Jesus from next door, standing out in Frank’s yard.
“That’s Jesus.  You are not supposed to whine,” Pearl reprimands.  But as the minutes tick by and Jesus doesn’t move, and Gracie doesn’t calm down, Pearl gets more concerned.  She steps out and calls to him.   
“Jesus,” she tries.  Gracie circles Pearl’s legs.
He doesn’t give any indication that he can hear her - hasn’t moved.  He’s standing absolutely still.  Gracie’s been whining for several minutes now.  Has Jesus been out there the whole time?
“It’s cold out,” she tries, because these California kids clearly don’t know the first thing about dressing for Minnesota winters.  “Jesus?” she tries again.  “You should go in.”
But he doesn’t turn.  Doesn’t respond at all.  And Pearl’s worry is on overdrive.  “Gracie.  That is Jesus.  Go see Jesus, girl,” she instructs.
Gracie takes off, bounding through the snow and skidding to a stop beside him.  She licks his hand.  (His bare hand in this brutal cold - he seems to have lost a glove.)  Then she snags his coat sleeve with her teeth and starts leading him back to Pearl.
“Jesus?” Pearl calls again, wanting her message to get in.  “You should go in.”
He blinks at her like he’s coming out of a daze.  “I...can’t.”
“All right.  Come inside.”
Gracie leads Jesus by the sleeve until he’s safely indoors.  Then, she lets him go, and returns to Pearl’s side.  Her old self again.
“Are you okay?” Pearl asks.  She gets busy giving him her heated blanket to wrap around himself and making him a cup of instant hot cocoa.  (She’s a hot cocoa snob.  Prefers the good stuff you stir slowly on the stove, but Jesus needs warmth as soon as possible.  So instant will have to do.)
“I’m...not, actually…”
He speaks slowly.  It’s not at all how he sounded this morning.  
The hot cocoa seems to bring him around.  Even holding it in his hands makes the life come back to his eyes.  
“Thank you.”
“No problem.  You have a hard time with cold?” she guesses.
“I have a hard time with a lot of things...” he admits, sipping the drink.  “...psychologically.”  He pauses.  Meets her gaze.  She knows the look.  He’s waiting for the judgment.
He won’t find it here.  Not with her.  “Listen.  Do you need something?  Can I call someone for you?”
“Actually...would you mind if I called someone?  I need to touch base with my therapist.  I got an appointment later and never officially canceled before my family decided to come up here for the week.  I’d call myself, but I don’t have service.”
“Yeah, of course,” Pearl answers, offering her phone.
She half-listens as Gracie stays close to her.  The picture of perfect behavior now that Jesus is inside with her.
“Yeah.  Hi, Dr. H, this is Jesus Foster.  I’m not going to make it in today, because we’re in Minnesota.  But I wondered if I could touch base with you another way…”  He glances around and his eyes fall on Pearl’s computer.  He raises his eyebrows at her.  “Maybe Skype?”  
Pearl nods.  He can use whatever he needs.  Like she’s gonna stop a kid from talking to his therapist.
“Yeah 3:00 still works,” he’s saying.  “Okay.  Yeah.  Bye.”
“Everything okay?” she asks, nervous but trying not to show it.
“How’d your dog know to do that thing with me?” Jesus asks, skirting her question with one of his own.
“She’s a service dog,” Pearl explains as Gracie nips and distracts until Pearl’s hand tremors pass. “Do you need to tell your parents you’re here?”
“Nah, it’s fine,” Jesus reassures.
“How old are you?” Pearl checks.
That makes sense.  Most sixteen year olds aren’t reporting back to their parents every two seconds.
“How is it living next door to Grandpa?” he wonders.
“Fine.  Keeps to himself.”
“Yeah,” Jesus nods.  
It’s officially awkward.  Especially as Jesus seems to have no plans to go back next door for at least an hour.
Jesus can’t stop looking at the cool purple curtain in the corner of the cabin and wondering what could be behind it.  The outside of her cabin is seriously ugly, but inside there are pops of color where he doesn’t expect them, comfortable furniture, and an open floor plan, so he can pretty much see everything at once.  No surprises.  All one level.  It’s so warm in here.  So homey.  And the hot chocolate’s so good.  
Pearl’s quiet.  Honest.  She wears her clothes like she’s hiding.  Her tan cardigan is long.  A black beanie hat covers all her hair.  Fingerless black knit gloves obscure her hands.  It isn’t until she starts shedding layers that he really gets a good look at her.  Part of it is how much clothing she’s got on, and part of it is that he’s finally with it enough to really see her.  Seeing her take off all her layers makes him feel like she trusts him in some kind of deep way.  He can’t say why, it’s just what he feels.
She reminds him a bit of Mama, but younger.  Maybe late 20s or early 30s.  She’s thin with dark hair and brown eyes, but where Mama’s eyes shine with a kind of calm certainty, Pearl’s are guarded.  Her mouth has worry lines around it.  She’s watchful - hasn’t taken her eyes off him since he walked in - but it doesn’t make him feel exposed.  Instead, he gets the feeling that by being here, he might be exposing her.  He doesn’t want her to feel that way, and he also knows he needs to be able to feel safe.  To breathe.  And being here has allowed him to do that.  Jesus doesn’t know what it feels like to hide because you want to.  He only knows what it feels like to hide because you have to.
...But maybe it’s not a choice for Pearl either.
He instinctively doesn’t ask what she needs a service dog for.  Jesus caught her tremor, even if he didn’t mention it.  All of a sudden, he feels beyond tired.  “Do you mind if I crash for a few minutes?  Didn’t get much sleep.  There are, like, a million people in my family, and it’s been hard to feel...like...okay...since we got here.”
“Yeah, go ahead.  Want me to wake you in an hour?”
“I’ll be up, but my thing isn’t til 5:00 actually.  Sorry.  I should have mentioned it.  3:00 California time.”
“Oh,” Pearl nods.
Jesus can tell she’s not thrilled about his dropping by like this, but she did send her dog to get him.  He tries not to worry about it and stretches out on the couch.
The last thing Pearl expects is to have Frank’s grandson over for several hours on a whim.  She doesn’t like company.  Doesn’t like teenagers.  Least of all teenage boys.  But she had seen the look in his eyes when Gracie led him inside.  How dissociated he looked.  She knew that feeling - without him even specifying psychological reasons.
It’s for that reason that she lets him stay. She sees herself in him.  Knows that sometimes you just need someone to be there.  So, while she’s not about to let her guard down or let Jesus out of her sight for more than a few seconds, Pearl’s okay to do some more knitting.  To keep talking to Char via Facebook, updating her on the strange turn of events.
At 4:00, she makes herself a frozen TV dinner.  Jesus doesn’t stir.  At ten to 5:00, she prompts Gracie to go see Jesus, and she sits two inches from his face until he wakes up and groggily smiles at her.  
“Hey, you,” he greets.  Pearl’s impressed that, ever since she specified Gracie was a service dog, Jesus has not tried to touch her.
“What’s her name?”
“Grace,” Pearl says.  “I didn’t want to wake you.  I mean, you seem to need the sleep, but it’s ten to five.  Just in case you had to do anything to get ready for your appointment.”
“Oh, whoa, yeah.  Thanks.  Is it cool if I use your bathroom?”
She tells him where it is and tries to think about what she can do while he’s occupied on her laptop.  A therapeutic hour is 50 minutes.  Gracie needs a walk, and Pearl could probably put some headphones on and swing or something while he’s busy the rest of the time.  She’ll see how comfortable she is with letting Jesus stay in her cabin alone.
He comes back, and Pearl’s turned her laptop on.  Logged herself off of Skype.
“Here.  I’ll be around here.  Probably just listening to music or something.  I won’t listen in,” she promises.
“Is this really okay?” he asks, seeming nervous again.
“It’s really something you need, right?” she asks.
Jesus nods.
“Then it’s really okay.”
Just before 5 PM, Pearl disappears behind the awesome purple curtain with headphones on.  He signs onto Skype and sees Dr. Holly Hitchens is signed on, too.
He hits the button for video call and waits.
“Jesus.  It’s nice to see you.  Though it’s not the way I thought we’d meet this week,” she says with a smile.
“No, me neither,” he answers.
She leads him through getting grounded and focused and then asks where he’d like to start.
“I’m not sure.  This trip is harder than I expected it to be.  It was, like, really sudden?”
“I see. Where are you right now?”
“My grandpa’s cabin in Minnesota.  Well, actually, his neighbor’s cabin right now.”
“Can you share with me one thing that’s difficult?”
It takes no time for one thing to snowball into 25, and for Jesus to get lost in his head.  He hears Dr. H. calling his name, though, and focuses in on her.
“I got stuck outside...like...mentally stuck. But I couldn’t move.  Not sure how long I was out there for.  The neighbor’s dog came and got me, and this is as safe as I’ve felt since we were packing to leave.”
“How long are you scheduled to be there?” she asks, making notes.
“Through Sunday.”
“And when did you arrive?”
“Last night about dinnertime.”
“All right.  So, it sounds like you feel overwhelmed.  Like you may need some coping strategies to get you through the time there.”
They talk through some.  He says he brought his backpack with extra snacks, his blanket and headphones, but they made him get rid of his water in the airport.  And he wasn’t allowed to take the glitter Frankie gave him for Christmas.
“Is it possible to get another water bottle to carry with you while you’re there?”
“I guess…  Moms did say if I need something, tell them.”
“Good.  I want you to make a note somewhere you’ll see it, to remind yourself to ask them about that.”
Jesus grabs a pen off the desk and scribbles Water on his hand.
“What else would you like to talk about?” Dr. H. asks.
“I’m having a hard time feeling safe…” he admits.
“You mentioned you feel your safest now.  Is this neighbor’s cabin somewhere they’d consent to you stopping in if you needed to take breaks?”
“I’m not sure.  Pearl?” he calls, but he doesn’t see her.  
Gracie trots over and sticks her head through the fiber optic curtain.  Pearl pokes her head out.  “What’d you need, Jesus?” she says coming out and taking her headphones off.
“This is my therapist, Dr. Holly Hitchens,” Jesus introduces.
“Pearl West,” she says back shortly.
“I was wondering if I like needed a break from stuff next door, if I could come by here…  It wouldn’t be this big of a thing, usually.  Just...I need somewhere to feel safe?  ‘Cause I don’t really next door?”
Jesus can see how Pearl purses her lips, but then she nods.  “If you need to, yes.”
The session is over soon after that, and Jesus feels like there was barely any time to discuss all of the millions of triggers he’s come up against since Moms decided to take this trip.  But at least Pearl said he could come back.  And Dr. H. asked him to call and check in if he needed to.
Jesus checks the time on his phone - the only feature that works here with no service.
“Dude, it’s almost 6:00? I gotta go…” he says, casting nervous looks outside.
It might as well be midnight for how dark it is.
“I can walk with you,” Pearl offers, even though she looks uneasy at the thought herself.
“Are you sure?  I mean, you don’t have to if you’re not comfortable…”
This makes Pearl smile just for a second.  “Yeah, I do.  Look.  I have a light on my hat.”  (She turns it on, temporarily blinding him.)  And this.” She takes a small container out of her coat pocket.
“What is that?” Jesus asks, curious.
“Mace.  Don’t worry.  I’ll look out for you.  And Gracie will be here, too.”
They walk outside, and it’s eerily dark, cold and still.  The crunching of the snow under their feet is the only sound.
Jesus swallows.  “Do you ever get scared?”
Silence for so long Jesus doesn’t expect Pearl will answer.  Then, she says, “I’m scared all the time.”
“Sometimes, I fake it too well, and my family believes I’m okay.  Otherwise they kinda can make me feel like I’m overreacting…” he hedges, and then asks: “Same?”
“Yeah.  Same,” she says with so much feeling that Jesus can’t begin to name them all.
“Earlier when I was out here alone, I got stuck ‘cause it felt like I needed so much help, but I couldn’t get it.  I felt like that a lot, you know, before in my life.  I feel like I’m the only one who needs help like this, but it’s not obvious to people, you know?”
“It was obvious to me.” Pearl says, her voice calm.  Even.
“Because you get it.”
“Yeah,” she says, slowing down as they approach the front of Frank’s cabin.  “Because I get it.”
And before he has time to say anything, Pearl knocks hard on the door, and disappears into the night before anyone answers it.
In the seconds before the door is pulled open, it occurs to Jesus just what she did for him.  Not only did she walk him home even though it scared her, she remembered that he didn’t feel like he could go home, and knocked to make sure his family knew he was out here.
He’s pretty sure the last thing Pearl wants to be is a role model for anyone, but she’s become one for him, in no time at all.
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Survey #56
“no doubt about it, i got a bad, bad girlfriend.”
who was the last male you hung out with?   we didn't really "hang out," but i was around bradley, colleen's husband.  the last male i really did "hang out" with was my friend girt months ago. who is your favorite person to text?   colleen when’s the last time you talked to the person you like?   the last time i talked and he responded, via battle.net because we were both online.  i asked him how school was going and such, despite in his responses it being obvious he didn't want to talk.  last time i "talked" to him without his input in the conversation was when i wrote him a ten-page letter i've yet to mail him. who did you last take a picture with?   colleen, chelsea, and mom. do you and your best friend ever fight?   yes.  we're in a fight now, actually.  we're both very opinionated people and also very different, so. is there someone who can make you laugh no matter what?   fucking jason.  i would be crying and he could still make me laugh. has anyone ever mistaken you for being gay/lesbian/bi?   yes.  more than once.  lmao at the store the other day, colleen ran into her preacher, and i was with her.  it was kinda obvious he thought we were a couple. explain why you last threw up?   had a baaaad stomach bug. ever kissed your best friend's significant other?   definitely not! do you like the person you are becoming?   no.  more than anything, my happiness should NOT be so dependent on a man who doesn't even care about me. do you have anything embarrassing/sexual in your room?   i do not. know anyone who has a pet gecko?   my former best friend summer and my acquaintance caleb. do you like eating soup in the winter?   i don't like soup period. do you like getting jewelry or do you not wear any?   sure! when you were in high school did you ever have bomb threats?   once because a kid my sister knew was stupid as fuck. did/do you get school cancellations because of snow?   dude, we got cancellations if there was a chance of an inch of snow. who knows ALL of your secrets?   jason is the only one, actually.  i've literally told him everything. what does your typical outfit look like?   yoga/sweatpants, graphic tee. did you have a job before you were in college?   no, actually. do you think hunting is wrong? if so, why?   for purely sport, kinda.  just killing for fun doesn't seem right in the slightest?  if you're in a survival situation or if you actually do eat what you kill, sure, hunt. have you ever thought about what it would be like to have a baby right now?   not in-depth, no.  it'd be... very hard.  well first off, it'd be impossible for me to get pregnant, but let's just say i somehow did.  i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be a "bad" mom, but an insufficient one.  i'm pretty severely mentally ill and very unstable right now, and a child's malleable mind doesn't need to be exposed to that, especially when it's his/her mother.  i also do not want to bring a child into this world when (s)he wouldn't have a father figure.  fathers are just as important as mothers, imo, and a baby should be raised with both parents.  the last thing a child needs is just a sick mother.  despite the obvious issues though, holy hell would i do everything for that baby. do you have a sensitive gag reflex?   VERY.  i can't even put those things in my mouth at the dentist for when you get x-rays without a massive struggle.  i usually have the get the kid ones. what was the last situation to upset you?   colleen said something very ignorant. have you ever had an online argument?   waaaaay more than one.  i've been around the internet since what, 2007?  i've had plenty. do any of your friends know you fill out surveys?   online friends, sure, real life friends, not on tumblr, no.  i occasionally/very rarely post a survey in facebook notes, so my friends obviously know, but they haven't seen even a microscopic quarter of the surveys i've done.  i'm not entirely... against the idea, but like, i'd only ever maybe admit to colleen i have a survey blog. how do you typically style your hair? does it take long?   no, because it's too thick for me personally to style.  i would kill to have the emo/scene/whatever you call it hair, but my hair just doesn't work with me. when were you last offered something illegal?   never, i think. what are you most confident about? most insecure about?   uhhh.  i mean, i guess my knowledge about meerkats is what i'm most confident about?  most insecure about, my stomach. when are you most likely to say something you don’t mean?   if you bring up jason. where’s the best place to get your favorite dish?   my favorite dish ever is spicy shrimp fritas, which i get from olive garden. can you play guitar hero?   yeah.  i used to play almost everything on expert and sometimes get 100%, but now i play mostly on hard and a select few on expert. if you could move somewhere else, would you?   yeah, closer to the mountains on the western side of the state. how many months until your birthday?   less than one! do you want your tongue pierced?   yes, i want the snake eyes tongue piercing. who was the last person to disappoint you?   colleen are you emotionally strong?   i honestly do not know?  like i tell myself i wouldn't be alive otherwise, but simultaneously, i feel that if i was strong, so many things wouldn't bother me. you think ‘I love you’ are strong words?   they were enough to ruin my life, so. on grand theft auto, do you just kill people or actually do the missions?   i've never played it before, but i think i'd do the missions, since i play games to beat them. have you ever been to australia?   no, but i'd kinda like to to meet my friend shay.  i'm just scared of all the venomous shit they have, especially the spiders. do you watch adult swim?   no.  half the shit on there was immaculately immature the last time i saw it, anyway. do you have a favorite pair of underwear?   i only have one pair because i never wear underwear unless there's an occasion i need to, and they're pink and black and lacy. what is your dad’s occupation?   he's been a mailman for years and actually likes it. have you ever seen a baby snake?   no, actually.  i mean on television and stuff, sure, but not in real life. do you own any band tees?   plenty.  big part of my wardrobe. do you think they really landed on the moon, or it was fake?   i've seen like all the evidence that it may have been faked, and i believe it's a possibility it was, but in general, i believe that we truly did land on the moon, despite some of the oddities. do you feel embarrassed to listen to music you love out loud around other people?   no no no no no!!  that's like, probably the only think about me i'm proud of revealing!! does your shower have a glass screen or a curtain?   curtain when is the last time you sat around a campfire?   years ago in new york. do you have a back-up career choice? what is it?   not really, honestly...  i mean my dream job is to be a meerkat biologist, but i'm not moving to africa, so that just won't happen.  the only thing i want to do is be a photographer. are men more attractive with longer or shorter hair?   i mean, it really depends on the man, but in general, i like longer hair. is there a name that you hear and cringe?   rachel. what was the last computer game you played?   world of warcraft, before my computer decided "hey let's keep restarting."  i was about to get the long-forgotten hippogryph too, and i'm still salty about it. what would you say is your guiltiest pleasure?   world of warcraft, again, and idk why.  like there's nothing to be ashamed of, yet i am.  like even when i get my computer fixed, i'm contemplating just not getting back into it to avoid the feeling of embarrassment. do you let your pets on your furniture?   yes, because they live here??? can you usually tell when someone has feelings for you?   with my history of thinking aaron liked me and believing jason would ask me out, i guess. what is your favorite thing to cook for someone else?   the only thing i can really cook are some yummy scrambled eggs, with hot sauce. have you ever bought underwear simply because it made your underwear drawer look nice?   no? how do you feel about kettle cooked chips?  GROSS would you ever consider visiting texas?   if my former best friend mini would talk to me again, sure.  i'd love to visit her. who was the last person to turn you on?   jason was good at that. what are your views on the death penalty?   it is only for the coldest, hardest criminals where there is no doubt they committed the crime.  some people just don't change and do deserve to die, imo. is the music you listen to 'weird’?   i'm sure some people consider it such. have you ever played an instrument?    i played flute all through middle and high schools are fingerless gloves awesome?   sure, i have some from high school. do you fit any stereotypes?   possibly.  after all, the definition of certain stereotypes vary very slightly from person-to-person.  i guess i fit both geek and emo in some ways. does your best friend have a driver’s license?   yeah. what size drink do you usually get at fast food restaurants?   medium. do you have underwear from victoria’s secret?   i do not. do you want a relationship?   i mean, yeah, i guess.  i'm dangerously lonely and after dating jason, i know how good relationships feel.  but i don't want to rush anything. are you uncomfortable staring into someone’s eyes who you like?   no.  i could stare into jason's forever. who was the first person you talked to today?   via the internet, ummm i think it was shaylee.  in real life, nicole, my little sister. honestly! do you think you’re better than anyone else?   not at all.  god told us we're equal, that's why. do you have any fish as pets?   no.  i'd really like a big saltwater tank, though. when was the last time you slept in your parents' bedroom?   well, my parents have been divorced for years now, and mom doesn't currently have a room, she sleeps on the couch and i sleep in her old room, so i really don't know. do you like channing tatum?   i think he's physically attractive, but that's it. do you have a common first name?   very. who/what is one person/thing that had the biggest impact on your life?   jason. what is the most pointless movie that you have ever seen? did you like it?   "the purge," because the whole basis of the story was just... stupid?  like, WHY to begin with would it ever be legally allowed to purge?  the whole idea was just stupid.  the movie itself was okay in general though. who is the most important person in your life right now?   i'm trying to make it me. have you ever had a crush on someone of the same gender as you?   nope. who did you last talk to about the person you love?   mom, i think. who was the last person you sat next to on a bus?   i haven't been on a bus since high school.  but i always sat with jason. do you carry photos in your wallet?   i'm pretty sure i have a picture on nicole somewhere in there. the last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours?   i've never had sex, but the last time i did something sexual, it was probably his bed. is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to?   i don't "think" it, i know it. has anyone ever drunk called/texted you?   nope. name two of your favorite colors.   maroon, pink. do you want to get married?   i do. are you afraid of roller coasters?   yes, i am. what colors would you like to have at your wedding?   i've actually considered many combinations.  think i'll wait for my spouse's opinion 'til i really decide. tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?   he was so, so unique.  strange.  different.  maddeningly bizarre.  and, he cared.  he approached me while i was pushing everyone away, and i just couldn't shove him, too.  he wanted to know aaaall about me, and he seemed to like everything he heard...  he backed me into a corner where i couldn't escape him, yet i wasn't afraid.  now i'm damned for it. what was the last reason you cried?   i missed jason. last person to tell you i love you?   my mama what do you think your ex would say about you?   "she's my psycho ex." think of your last kiss….was it cute?   i don't remember my last kiss, because i didn't think it'd be the last.  i was so blissfully ignorant.  i was suspicious that something was wrong with jason, but... i never thought he'd leave.  i mean don't get me wrong, every kiss we had was precious, but it was at the same time just another kiss. have you ever played golf?   i've played putt-putt, but not golf. what was the last tv show you watched an episode of?   probably something at colleen's, idk. do you like beer? if so, what's your favorite brand?   never tried it, but i know it stinks to high heaven. how often do you update your facebook status?   i never update my status unless something quite big happens.  i only ever share funny pictures/posts or stuff i heavily relate to/agree with. do you feel bad when you throw food out?   it's not something i think about all the time, but i do, because i know some people have much less than i. when was the last time you waxed anything on your body, if ever?   months ago when i had my eyebrows done.  i want to go more regularly, it's just a money thing. what is your favorite video game?   "silent hill 2" would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? what would you have done?   i don't think so. do you like shrimp?   eh, usually. have you ever been in a car accident?   i have. who is your favorite superhero?   batman. what is your favorite fruit flavored soda [grape, strawberry, orange, etc]?   strawberry have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed?   pleeeenty of times. would you ever be a stripper?   hell no. your ex is walking next to you, with their new partner, what do you do?   fucking kill her. do you have a hard time letting go?   i probably have a harder time letting go than anybody on the planet. is the last person you kissed a virgin?   nope.  he's had sex with rachel, and i'm sure he's fucked ashley by now.  can't wait 'til he breaks her heart, too. have you ever cried uncontrollably on a boy’s shoulder before?   more than once. how many times have you changed a diaper in your life?   literally only once what do you think makes you a good girlfriend or boyfriend?   i'm passionate and loyal as fuck. did you ever go to a mental hospital?   four or five times, the numbers are honestly starting to blur. does your mom/dad smoke?   dad does. how old are you?   i'll be 21 in a few weeks. did an old person ever hit on you?   yes, and it was fucking terrifying. do you believe that weed should be legalized?   no, honestly. do you like apple jacks?   yes! Are you afraid of the dark?   nah. would you say your taste in music is in a very broad spectrum?   no, honestly.  i'm very limited in the type of music i enjoy. are you a moaner, a screamer, or totally silent?   ... i'm going to pretend the fact this is on a survey doesn't bother me and just answer it.  i tend to moan and gasp a lot.  i've wanted to scream before, but haven't. what’s your middle name?   marie have you ever written or received a suicide note?   no, but more than once have i almost written one. ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing?   no. have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/​​​girlfriend?​​​   no, and i wouldn't unless it was jason and he was the one trying to kiss me. ever made out in a pool?   no, but we might as well have that one time. do you have a pool?   no, we had to sell ours for the money. are you an emotional person?   too emotional anybody ever tell you that “you could do so much better” about a person?   literally everyone tells me that?? how many full biological siblings do you have?   full-blooded?  just two. what is something you currently need to buy?
   new tank tops for bed, badly. the last person you kissed asks you to marry him/her. how do you react?   HA.  no.  apologize to me, number one, and fucking prove to me you won't leave again. do you wear hair extensions?
   no, because i don't need them. how old were you when you started puberty?   i have no memory of when i started. if you could have any magical power, what would you have?   shape-shifting, i think. do you believe in love at first site?   absolutely not. let’s say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick?   "no getting out of it" my ass, i'd get out of it.  he can disown my ass, whatever, i don't care.  i take marriage way more seriously than that. if you could be the lead role in any movie, what would it be?   honestly, i'd want to play a person driven crazy by events in her life.  because same fam. when eating something are you more concerned with taste or nutrition?   taste, honestly. what gender do you identify with?   female, because i have a vagina.  yes, i'm conservative about this matter.  fight me m8. are you more of a science or math person?   science, easily. what are your opinions on abortion?   i'm viciously pro-life. if you identify as a girl, would you ever consider getting a pixie cut?   no.  please do not misunderstand this: i have no problem with bigger people, but generally, i find pixie cuts to look bad on bigger women like me. are you a metalhead?   hell to the fuck yeah. do you even listen to metal?   it's like... all i listen to. do you know anybody who is a wiccan or pagan?   i'm pretty sure i know two or three wiccans do you watch supernatural?   i don't anymore, 'cuz it's a ptsd trigger.  it was the first show jason and i binge-watched together.  stopped at the sixth season, i think.  it's a really good show and i love it, i just tried to watch it one day, and i can't without him. what’s your favorite character in your favorite tv show?   i'd say my overall favorite show is "fullmetal alchemist," so hmmm... shit man, i'm having a difficult time remembering all the characters.  i feel like i really liked one of the seven deadly sins, i think it was greed?  no... maybe envy?  envy!  the one i misgendered, lmao.  i really like them. are you diabetic?   i am not, but it runs in the family, so... where is the majority of your family from?   mom's side, new york, dad's side, michigan. last person you slept in the same bed with?   chelsea hate someone, who?   i try so hard not to, but i'm pretty sure the feelings i have towards jason's current girlfriend is hatred. when was your first kiss?   hmmmm.  maybe like, may-ish four years ago? do you carry a purse?   yeah. would you ever name a kid damien?   it's a decent name, but no. bats are not spooky or are they?   no no no, they're so precious!!  especially flying foxes!! do you like listening to new music, or just sticking to your favorites?   both.  depends on the mood. are you one of those people who can eat anything and not gain a pound?   fuck no.  i'm the person who looks at cake and gains 10 pounds. do you like hot dogs?   i do, i just don't think of how they're made. do you watch american horror story?   again, i used to, but don't anymore due to it being a ptsd trigger.  we watched the first season and most of the second together. do you have sensitive teeth?   no would you date someone you had a 16 year age gap with?   NO what is your sexuality?   heterosexual, some asexual traits do you think suits are sexy?   kill me yes fucking christ do you think earrings are attractive or unattractive on guys?   ehhhh, i'm kinda neutral with guys and earrings. would you ever have a threesome with your friend and their bf/gf?   fuck no.  so sorry to offend, but you don't fucking love your significant other if you're comfortable fucking someone else with them.  i'd lecture the heavens out of my friend if they suggested that. have you ever kissed just a friend?   on the cheek, yes. what was the last graduation you attended?   my little sister's have you ever pole danced before?   nope. have you ever broken into someone’s house?   wtf, no. would you ever kiss your best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend?   no, because i have respect for their relationship and i don't "like" her husband like that. have you ever seen a live bat?   hmmm, i may have at the zoo, but otherwise, i'm not sure!
2 notes · View notes
manuelclapid · 4 years
August 2, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Welcome! Maybe you just subscribed in the past few days. This top spot in the newsletter is reserved seating for all new subscribers!
But if your first AsktheBuilder newsletter might have been issue #68, I’m so glad you keep coming back for more! BTW, that’s one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made over the years, not having an issue #. I actually have no idea how many newsletters I’ve sent, but it’s more than the pieces of Good & Plenty that you'd find in a giant bag. Arrrggghhh.
Anyway, you may remember when I exposed how the major paint companies employ, in my opinion, unethical practices to hawk products hoping you buy them. Do you recall that? CLICK or TAP HERE and leave a comment at the bottom of the page sharing how you might have gotten bamboozled like tens of thousands of others.
This Issue’s Music
I love music, all sorts of music. I listen to a wide variety as I compose this newsletter for you. I GUARANTEE YOU that you’ve never heard this song played outdoors. If you’ve got any troubles that you need to dump in a basket on your desk, listening to this will pipe them away in a hurry. CLICK or TAP HERE and be amazed. If you like what you hear, leave a comment at the bottom of the page for goodness sake!
Hurricane Isaias
Late summer and early fall, I do my best to save you from grief and frustration. Monster storms can create flooding, wind damage, etc. anywhere across the central and eastern USA. Hurricane Isaias is growing into a menacing storm as I write this.
Please understand that fire and police departments classify your home as the LEAST VALUABLE asset in your community. Your fire department and police department will probably NEVER SHOW UP TO HELP YOU should you get into trouble in a natural disaster.
They have limited resources and during and after a major catastrophe these are focused on valuable assets many rely on in your community. Examples might be:
Grocery stores
Fuel depots
Building supplies
Your house is far down the list way at the bottom. No one cares about you and your house except you. This means YOU need to do what’s necessary RIGHT NOW to protect yourself and your possessions. CLICK or TAP HERE for a list of things I have in my home so I’m prepared for anything.
BTW, this advice applies to you no matter where you live. You might be susceptible to wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis, cats and dogs living together, etc. Be prepared!
Phil in Australia
I’ve been blessed over the years to become really good friends with lots of people all because of this newsletter. The list is quite long.
Phil deserves the award for long-distance coupled with offering great suggestions about how to improve Ask the Builder. We started to communicate via email years ago and continue to this day. I’d so love to go Down Under and meet Phil, as well as Russell, Patricia, and quite a few Australians who regularly correspond with me.
When I blurted out the Stain-Solver-Back-in-Stock blast a few days ago, Phil responded:
“Tim, I long for the day that I can have Stain Solver in my cupboard in Melbourne. You should let the USA folks reading your newsletter know how lucky they are to be able to order it.
All the best,
Well, thanks, Phil (I’m trying not to blush). Phil might be shocked by the following estimate. I’d guess less than 3 percent of my newsletter subscribers have ever purchased Stain Solver.
Perhaps you can help! If you’re a satisfied Stain Solver customer, reply back to me with one or two of your best success stories. What did Stain Solver save that you thought was ruined forever? It’s time for show and tell.
Your story might convert a subscriber and we’ll start saving their stuff too!
I’ve done surveys before and believe it or not the most common reason I hear is, “Your Stain Solver sounds TOO GOOD to be true. There's NO WAY a cleaner can do what you say!”
Well, photos don’t lie. Look at how it cleaned this stained Corian sink with NO SCRUBBING!
I don’t quite know how to respond to folks that are non-believers other than to show some of the dramatic before/after photos as you see above.
Even then, I imagine folks might think they’ve been photoshopped. Those sink photos were not altered. CLICK or TAP HERE to read the story sent in by John about the Corian sink. His daughter Emily was the one who transformed the sink.
With all that said, now is a GREAT time to try out Stain Solver.
It’s now back in stock after being SOLD OUT for nearly ten weeks.
I also have the ODD SALE going on now to celebrate we have product to sell. You can get either 5, 7, or 9 percent off depending on which size you buy. The more you purchase, the more you save.
CLICK or TAP HERE to place your order.
New RAPID-ALERT Notification Feature
I activated a new feature on the website that you may find quite interesting.
Rather than wait for me to share in a newsletter what’s new on the website, you can get a cute little announcement on your computer, tablet, or phone. You just click it and BOOM you’re taken right to the new column, video, or product review.
I signed up myself so I could see what it all looks like. When you visit the website now, you should see this:
If you click YES, then you might see:
You need to click ALLOW.
Then once I load a new column within SECONDS you might see:
It’s really wonderful technology and you’ll now see EVERY NEW thing I create seconds after I upload it.
Try it yourself and let me know what you think. I know it works on Chrome and Safari browsers and my guess is on others. I hope you don’t run into issues. You may not see the signup box if you have ad-blocking software running.
You need to know there are hundreds of past columns, videos, product reviews, etc. that I’ve never shared here in the newsletter for a host of reasons. Yes, there’s lots of content BURIED at the website just waiting for you to discover it.
You won’t need to search if you activate this new feature.
Speaking of tool reviews, check out this one about the Klein 1/2-inch Compact Impact Driver.
Old vs New - Which is Better?
Please peer at this photo:
What do you know about tree growth rings? What do you know about modern electric cable? Do you really think you know everything about concrete?
CLICK or TAP HERE and get ready to be wowed. Did you take a debate class in high school? This column will bring back memories for sure.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com We’re BACK IN BIZ - www.StainSolver.com DX at 5 watts - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. CLICK or TAP HERE if you want to see a cool wainscotting kit.
The post August 2, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/august-2-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
thegregorybruce · 4 years
August 2, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Welcome! Maybe you just subscribed in the past few days. This top spot in the newsletter is reserved seating for all new subscribers!
But if your first AsktheBuilder newsletter might have been issue #68, I’m so glad you keep coming back for more! BTW, that’s one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made over the years, not having an issue #. I actually have no idea how many newsletters I’ve sent, but it’s more than the pieces of Good & Plenty that you'd find in a giant bag. Arrrggghhh.
Anyway, you may remember when I exposed how the major paint companies employ, in my opinion, unethical practices to hawk products hoping you buy them. Do you recall that? CLICK or TAP HERE and leave a comment at the bottom of the page sharing how you might have gotten bamboozled like tens of thousands of others.
This Issue’s Music
I love music, all sorts of music. I listen to a wide variety as I compose this newsletter for you. I GUARANTEE YOU that you’ve never heard this song played outdoors. If you’ve got any troubles that you need to dump in a basket on your desk, listening to this will pipe them away in a hurry. CLICK or TAP HERE and be amazed. If you like what you hear, leave a comment at the bottom of the page for goodness sake!
Hurricane Isaias
Late summer and early fall, I do my best to save you from grief and frustration. Monster storms can create flooding, wind damage, etc. anywhere across the central and eastern USA. Hurricane Isaias is growing into a menacing storm as I write this.
Please understand that fire and police departments classify your home as the LEAST VALUABLE asset in your community. Your fire department and police department will probably NEVER SHOW UP TO HELP YOU should you get into trouble in a natural disaster.
They have limited resources and during and after a major catastrophe these are focused on valuable assets many rely on in your community. Examples might be:
Grocery stores
Fuel depots
Building supplies
Your house is far down the list way at the bottom. No one cares about you and your house except you. This means YOU need to do what’s necessary RIGHT NOW to protect yourself and your possessions. CLICK or TAP HERE for a list of things I have in my home so I’m prepared for anything.
BTW, this advice applies to you no matter where you live. You might be susceptible to wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis, cats and dogs living together, etc. Be prepared!
Phil in Australia
I’ve been blessed over the years to become really good friends with lots of people all because of this newsletter. The list is quite long.
Phil deserves the award for long-distance coupled with offering great suggestions about how to improve Ask the Builder. We started to communicate via email years ago and continue to this day. I’d so love to go Down Under and meet Phil, as well as Russell, Patricia, and quite a few Australians who regularly correspond with me.
When I blurted out the Stain-Solver-Back-in-Stock blast a few days ago, Phil responded:
“Tim, I long for the day that I can have Stain Solver in my cupboard in Melbourne. You should let the USA folks reading your newsletter know how lucky they are to be able to order it.
All the best,
Well, thanks, Phil (I’m trying not to blush). Phil might be shocked by the following estimate. I’d guess less than 3 percent of my newsletter subscribers have ever purchased Stain Solver.
Perhaps you can help! If you’re a satisfied Stain Solver customer, reply back to me with one or two of your best success stories. What did Stain Solver save that you thought was ruined forever? It’s time for show and tell.
Your story might convert a subscriber and we’ll start saving their stuff too!
I’ve done surveys before and believe it or not the most common reason I hear is, “Your Stain Solver sounds TOO GOOD to be true. There's NO WAY a cleaner can do what you say!”
Well, photos don’t lie. Look at how it cleaned this stained Corian sink with NO SCRUBBING!
I don’t quite know how to respond to folks that are non-believers other than to show some of the dramatic before/after photos as you see above.
Even then, I imagine folks might think they’ve been photoshopped. Those sink photos were not altered. CLICK or TAP HERE to read the story sent in by John about the Corian sink. His daughter Emily was the one who transformed the sink.
With all that said, now is a GREAT time to try out Stain Solver.
It’s now back in stock after being SOLD OUT for nearly ten weeks.
I also have the ODD SALE going on now to celebrate we have product to sell. You can get either 5, 7, or 9 percent off depending on which size you buy. The more you purchase, the more you save.
CLICK or TAP HERE to place your order.
New RAPID-ALERT Notification Feature
I activated a new feature on the website that you may find quite interesting.
Rather than wait for me to share in a newsletter what’s new on the website, you can get a cute little announcement on your computer, tablet, or phone. You just click it and BOOM you’re taken right to the new column, video, or product review.
I signed up myself so I could see what it all looks like. When you visit the website now, you should see this:
If you click YES, then you might see:
You need to click ALLOW.
Then once I load a new column within SECONDS you might see:
It’s really wonderful technology and you’ll now see EVERY NEW thing I create seconds after I upload it.
Try it yourself and let me know what you think. I know it works on Chrome and Safari browsers and my guess is on others. I hope you don’t run into issues. You may not see the signup box if you have ad-blocking software running.
You need to know there are hundreds of past columns, videos, product reviews, etc. that I’ve never shared here in the newsletter for a host of reasons. Yes, there’s lots of content BURIED at the website just waiting for you to discover it.
You won’t need to search if you activate this new feature.
Speaking of tool reviews, check out this one about the Klein 1/2-inch Compact Impact Driver.
Old vs New - Which is Better?
Please peer at this photo:
What do you know about tree growth rings? What do you know about modern electric cable? Do you really think you know everything about concrete?
CLICK or TAP HERE and get ready to be wowed. Did you take a debate class in high school? This column will bring back memories for sure.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com We’re BACK IN BIZ - www.StainSolver.com DX at 5 watts - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. CLICK or TAP HERE if you want to see a cool wainscotting kit.
The post August 2, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/august-2-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
williamccreynolds · 4 years
August 2, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Welcome! Maybe you just subscribed in the past few days. This top spot in the newsletter is reserved seating for all new subscribers!
But if your first AsktheBuilder newsletter might have been issue #68, I’m so glad you keep coming back for more! BTW, that’s one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made over the years, not having an issue #. I actually have no idea how many newsletters I’ve sent, but it’s more than the pieces of Good & Plenty that you'd find in a giant bag. Arrrggghhh.
Anyway, you may remember when I exposed how the major paint companies employ, in my opinion, unethical practices to hawk products hoping you buy them. Do you recall that? CLICK or TAP HERE and leave a comment at the bottom of the page sharing how you might have gotten bamboozled like tens of thousands of others.
This Issue’s Music
I love music, all sorts of music. I listen to a wide variety as I compose this newsletter for you. I GUARANTEE YOU that you’ve never heard this song played outdoors. If you’ve got any troubles that you need to dump in a basket on your desk, listening to this will pipe them away in a hurry. CLICK or TAP HERE and be amazed. If you like what you hear, leave a comment at the bottom of the page for goodness sake!
Hurricane Isaias
Late summer and early fall, I do my best to save you from grief and frustration. Monster storms can create flooding, wind damage, etc. anywhere across the central and eastern USA. Hurricane Isaias is growing into a menacing storm as I write this.
Please understand that fire and police departments classify your home as the LEAST VALUABLE asset in your community. Your fire department and police department will probably NEVER SHOW UP TO HELP YOU should you get into trouble in a natural disaster.
They have limited resources and during and after a major catastrophe these are focused on valuable assets many rely on in your community. Examples might be:
Grocery stores
Fuel depots
Building supplies
Your house is far down the list way at the bottom. No one cares about you and your house except you. This means YOU need to do what’s necessary RIGHT NOW to protect yourself and your possessions. CLICK or TAP HERE for a list of things I have in my home so I’m prepared for anything.
BTW, this advice applies to you no matter where you live. You might be susceptible to wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis, cats and dogs living together, etc. Be prepared!
Phil in Australia
I’ve been blessed over the years to become really good friends with lots of people all because of this newsletter. The list is quite long.
Phil deserves the award for long-distance coupled with offering great suggestions about how to improve Ask the Builder. We started to communicate via email years ago and continue to this day. I’d so love to go Down Under and meet Phil, as well as Russell, Patricia, and quite a few Australians who regularly correspond with me.
When I blurted out the Stain-Solver-Back-in-Stock blast a few days ago, Phil responded:
“Tim, I long for the day that I can have Stain Solver in my cupboard in Melbourne. You should let the USA folks reading your newsletter know how lucky they are to be able to order it.
All the best,
Well, thanks, Phil (I’m trying not to blush). Phil might be shocked by the following estimate. I’d guess less than 3 percent of my newsletter subscribers have ever purchased Stain Solver.
Perhaps you can help! If you’re a satisfied Stain Solver customer, reply back to me with one or two of your best success stories. What did Stain Solver save that you thought was ruined forever? It’s time for show and tell.
Your story might convert a subscriber and we’ll start saving their stuff too!
I’ve done surveys before and believe it or not the most common reason I hear is, “Your Stain Solver sounds TOO GOOD to be true. There's NO WAY a cleaner can do what you say!”
Well, photos don’t lie. Look at how it cleaned this stained Corian sink with NO SCRUBBING!
I don’t quite know how to respond to folks that are non-believers other than to show some of the dramatic before/after photos as you see above.
Even then, I imagine folks might think they’ve been photoshopped. Those sink photos were not altered. CLICK or TAP HERE to read the story sent in by John about the Corian sink. His daughter Emily was the one who transformed the sink.
With all that said, now is a GREAT time to try out Stain Solver.
It’s now back in stock after being SOLD OUT for nearly ten weeks.
I also have the ODD SALE going on now to celebrate we have product to sell. You can get either 5, 7, or 9 percent off depending on which size you buy. The more you purchase, the more you save.
CLICK or TAP HERE to place your order.
New RAPID-ALERT Notification Feature
I activated a new feature on the website that you may find quite interesting.
Rather than wait for me to share in a newsletter what’s new on the website, you can get a cute little announcement on your computer, tablet, or phone. You just click it and BOOM you’re taken right to the new column, video, or product review.
I signed up myself so I could see what it all looks like. When you visit the website now, you should see this:
If you click YES, then you might see:
You need to click ALLOW.
Then once I load a new column within SECONDS you might see:
It’s really wonderful technology and you’ll now see EVERY NEW thing I create seconds after I upload it.
Try it yourself and let me know what you think. I know it works on Chrome and Safari browsers and my guess is on others. I hope you don’t run into issues. You may not see the signup box if you have ad-blocking software running.
You need to know there are hundreds of past columns, videos, product reviews, etc. that I’ve never shared here in the newsletter for a host of reasons. Yes, there’s lots of content BURIED at the website just waiting for you to discover it.
You won’t need to search if you activate this new feature.
Speaking of tool reviews, check out this one about the Klein 1/2-inch Compact Impact Driver.
Old vs New - Which is Better?
Please peer at this photo:
What do you know about tree growth rings? What do you know about modern electric cable? Do you really think you know everything about concrete?
CLICK or TAP HERE and get ready to be wowed. Did you take a debate class in high school? This column will bring back memories for sure.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com We’re BACK IN BIZ - www.StainSolver.com DX at 5 watts - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. CLICK or TAP HERE if you want to see a cool wainscotting kit.
The post August 2, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Real Estate https://www.askthebuilder.com/august-2-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
andrewmawby · 4 years
August 2, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Welcome! Maybe you just subscribed in the past few days. This top spot in the newsletter is reserved seating for all new subscribers!
But if your first AsktheBuilder newsletter might have been issue #68, I’m so glad you keep coming back for more! BTW, that’s one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made over the years, not having an issue #. I actually have no idea how many newsletters I’ve sent, but it’s more than the pieces of Good & Plenty that you'd find in a giant bag. Arrrggghhh.
Anyway, you may remember when I exposed how the major paint companies employ, in my opinion, unethical practices to hawk products hoping you buy them. Do you recall that? CLICK or TAP HERE and leave a comment at the bottom of the page sharing how you might have gotten bamboozled like tens of thousands of others.
This Issue’s Music
I love music, all sorts of music. I listen to a wide variety as I compose this newsletter for you. I GUARANTEE YOU that you’ve never heard this song played outdoors. If you’ve got any troubles that you need to dump in a basket on your desk, listening to this will pipe them away in a hurry. CLICK or TAP HERE and be amazed. If you like what you hear, leave a comment at the bottom of the page for goodness sake!
Hurricane Isaias
Late summer and early fall, I do my best to save you from grief and frustration. Monster storms can create flooding, wind damage, etc. anywhere across the central and eastern USA. Hurricane Isaias is growing into a menacing storm as I write this.
Please understand that fire and police departments classify your home as the LEAST VALUABLE asset in your community. Your fire department and police department will probably NEVER SHOW UP TO HELP YOU should you get into trouble in a natural disaster.
They have limited resources and during and after a major catastrophe these are focused on valuable assets many rely on in your community. Examples might be:
Grocery stores
Fuel depots
Building supplies
Your house is far down the list way at the bottom. No one cares about you and your house except you. This means YOU need to do what’s necessary RIGHT NOW to protect yourself and your possessions. CLICK or TAP HERE for a list of things I have in my home so I’m prepared for anything.
BTW, this advice applies to you no matter where you live. You might be susceptible to wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis, cats and dogs living together, etc. Be prepared!
Phil in Australia
I’ve been blessed over the years to become really good friends with lots of people all because of this newsletter. The list is quite long.
Phil deserves the award for long-distance coupled with offering great suggestions about how to improve Ask the Builder. We started to communicate via email years ago and continue to this day. I’d so love to go Down Under and meet Phil, as well as Russell, Patricia, and quite a few Australians who regularly correspond with me.
When I blurted out the Stain-Solver-Back-in-Stock blast a few days ago, Phil responded:
“Tim, I long for the day that I can have Stain Solver in my cupboard in Melbourne. You should let the USA folks reading your newsletter know how lucky they are to be able to order it.
All the best,
Well, thanks, Phil (I’m trying not to blush). Phil might be shocked by the following estimate. I’d guess less than 3 percent of my newsletter subscribers have ever purchased Stain Solver.
Perhaps you can help! If you’re a satisfied Stain Solver customer, reply back to me with one or two of your best success stories. What did Stain Solver save that you thought was ruined forever? It’s time for show and tell.
Your story might convert a subscriber and we’ll start saving their stuff too!
I’ve done surveys before and believe it or not the most common reason I hear is, “Your Stain Solver sounds TOO GOOD to be true. There's NO WAY a cleaner can do what you say!”
Well, photos don’t lie. Look at how it cleaned this stained Corian sink with NO SCRUBBING!
I don’t quite know how to respond to folks that are non-believers other than to show some of the dramatic before/after photos as you see above.
Even then, I imagine folks might think they’ve been photoshopped. Those sink photos were not altered. CLICK or TAP HERE to read the story sent in by John about the Corian sink. His daughter Emily was the one who transformed the sink.
With all that said, now is a GREAT time to try out Stain Solver.
It’s now back in stock after being SOLD OUT for nearly ten weeks.
I also have the ODD SALE going on now to celebrate we have product to sell. You can get either 5, 7, or 9 percent off depending on which size you buy. The more you purchase, the more you save.
CLICK or TAP HERE to place your order.
New RAPID-ALERT Notification Feature
I activated a new feature on the website that you may find quite interesting.
Rather than wait for me to share in a newsletter what’s new on the website, you can get a cute little announcement on your computer, tablet, or phone. You just click it and BOOM you’re taken right to the new column, video, or product review.
I signed up myself so I could see what it all looks like. When you visit the website now, you should see this:
If you click YES, then you might see:
You need to click ALLOW.
Then once I load a new column within SECONDS you might see:
It’s really wonderful technology and you’ll now see EVERY NEW thing I create seconds after I upload it.
Try it yourself and let me know what you think. I know it works on Chrome and Safari browsers and my guess is on others. I hope you don’t run into issues. You may not see the signup box if you have ad-blocking software running.
You need to know there are hundreds of past columns, videos, product reviews, etc. that I’ve never shared here in the newsletter for a host of reasons. Yes, there’s lots of content BURIED at the website just waiting for you to discover it.
You won’t need to search if you activate this new feature.
Speaking of tool reviews, check out this one about the Klein 1/2-inch Compact Impact Driver.
Old vs New - Which is Better?
Please peer at this photo:
What do you know about tree growth rings? What do you know about modern electric cable? Do you really think you know everything about concrete?
CLICK or TAP HERE and get ready to be wowed. Did you take a debate class in high school? This column will bring back memories for sure.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com We’re BACK IN BIZ - www.StainSolver.com DX at 5 watts - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. CLICK or TAP HERE if you want to see a cool wainscotting kit.
The post August 2, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/august-2-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
andrewdburton · 5 years
The virtue of thrift
When I was a boy, we lived in the country. That is, we lived five miles from the nearest town (Canby) and 25 miles from the nearest city (Portland). We were surrounded by farmland. Life was quiet. Pastoral. Bucolic.
The road we lived on was especially quiet, with very little traffic. Even from a young age — five or six, I think — I was allowed to walk the quarter-mile to visit my grandparents. (My father's parents lived “next door” to us, but next door was across a large field.)
Visiting grandma and grandpa was fun. As quiet as life in the country was, life at their house was even quieter. There was a stillness in their place unlike anything I've experienced since. Their home seemed stuck in time.
Part of this stuckness stemmed from the things they owned.
They lived in a little white farmhouse built in 1920. My grandparents moved there in 1943 — two years before my father was born — then remodeled the place. Sort of. (Like all Roths, they left the job undone — for more than forty years!)
During the 1970s, when I was young, they still owned and used many of the things they'd purchased when they moved in.
They still had a big, white Kelvinator refrigerator, for instance, with a moving door handle and hardly any space inside. They called it the “icebox”.
They listened to hymns (sometimes) and radio sermons (daily) on an imposing wooden console “hi-fi” system as big as a couch.
They owned a long pink-ish, purple-ish “davenport” with scratchy, well-worn fabric on which grandpa would nap every afternoon after “dinner” (which was lunch).
They used a black bakelite rotary telephone on a party line.
My grandparents themselves were very much like the things they owned. They were old. (They were in their seventies when I knew them.) They were calm. They moved slowly during the day, and even more slowly at night. One of my fondest memories is sitting with them in the evening, watching as they sipped “sanka” and played Scrabble while a fire roared in the nearby woodstove.
For children, time always moves more slowly, but it seemed to me that nothing every changed in my grandparents' world. Their home was frozen in time. It was stuck. It was still. It was silent.
It was comforting, and I liked it.
Changing Times
My life is not still. It is not silent. It's more peaceful than most, I suppose, but it sometimes moves at a frenetic pace.
At this very moment, for instance, I am writing to you via a wireless internet connection on my laptop computer. I am sitting in a small room on a big boat — a cruise ship — that is plying its way through the Ionian Sea, just off the shore of Greece. On my wrist is a watch that isn't really a watch. It's actually a small computer with more power than those that were used to land men on the moon.
This morning, I've communicated instantly with friends in Maryland, Oregon, and Alberta. I've checked up-to-the-minute news stories from the United States. I've sent a dozen business email messages. I'm making plans for a big conference in Washington D.C. next week.
Mine is not a pastoral life.
Too, I am a consumer in a way that my grandparents never were. As much as I try not to be, I'm deeply entrenched in our materialistic culture. I am a Material Boy.
A large part of the problem is that I expose myself to advertising. I don't watch much TV or listen to the radio, but I practically live on the internet. I'm bombarded by web ads. Worse, I deliberately allow myself to visit sites that promote consumption. Yes, Wirecutter is cool and all, but it's also a ginormous gateway to desire.
At the same time, our world today is different from the world my grandparents inhabited in the forties and fifties. (Today is the 18,410th day of my life. That day for my grandfather was 22 February 1953.)
Advertising and marketing were certainly a factor for them, but they weren't as pervasive as today. When my grandfather was my age, just over a third of American households owned televisions. (He never owned one his entire life.)
Meanwhile, modern appliances (and other consumer products) are designed around planned obsolescence. They're deliberately not built to last. They're difficult or impossible to repair. (Thus the rise of the “right to repair” movement.) Or they're made to be stylish rather than timeless so that when tastes change, consumers feel motivated to replace them.
Technology adds another layer to the problem. Tech changes quickly. Some of this is merely a result of progress, of course. Our computers are smaller and more powerful than they were five years ago. Or ten. Or twenty. We all keep our machines as long as we can, but at some point we run into a wall. We want to do something and we can't. When that happens, we're faced with a decision: Upgrade or not?
Recently, I sold an old computer to my niece. She paid me some nominal amount for a 2009 iMac. Before I gave it to her, I wiped the hard drive and updated the operating system. But I could only update it so far. Beyond a certain point — 2014? 2016? I can't remember — Apple stopped supporting that computer. It still runs great, but now it's frozen in time. Eventually, new software won't run on it.
My Life as a Consumer
Kim believes I buy too much. She may be right. But when I started writing this article, I was ready to hold myself up to be pilloried. I was going to mock myself, then let you join the fun. Turns out, I'm not as bad as I think I am.
When I look at big items around our house, I have to give myself high marks (with one big exception, which I'll explain). For the past fifteen years, I've done well at choosing quality over price.
My Stickley furniture was expensive when I bought it ten years ago (even though I got it a deep discount), but it ought to last a lifetime. Plus, I still own a chair that Kris and I bought soon after we were married in 1993.
I deliberately buy top-quality tools with the idea that I never want to replace them.
As much as I've been pining for a new car lately, I'm fine with the two I already own: a 2004 Mini Cooper and a 1993 Toyota pickup.
So, on the big infrastructure stuff in my life, maybe I'm closer to my grandparents than I thought.
I'm not so good at smaller consumer items, though, and I know it. I buy a lot of books. I buy a lot of clothes. (It doesn't help that my weight and waste have fluctuated so much over the past twenty years: up and down, up and down.) And, especially, I spend a lot on technology. This is the big exception I mentioned above.
Because I live online, it's important for me to have the best available tools at my disposal. (Or maybe I'm just rationalizing?) I've upgraded every device I own in the past twelve months, and I know it. I'm now going to see how long I can make them last.
Eat It Up. Wear It Out. Make It Do. Go Without.
My grandparents embodied the virtue of thrift. Whether consciously or unconsciously, they followed the old New England proverb: “Eat it up. Wear it out. Make it do. Go without.” (Nowadays, that's more commonly seen as: “Use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without.” It's the same thing.)
This simple mantra is powerful. It encourages you to:
Don't buy things until you need them. Use up your current supply first. When you're out, make a note of it, and replace the item next time you're shopping. Don't replace it before you're finished, though, and do not stock up on case of it from Costco. (I'm bad at this, I'll admit. Low on ketchup? I'll buy a case today!)
Make the most of what you have. If it's not broken or depleted, don't replace it. This is especially important when it comes to clothing and other items subject to fashion. If your old jacket still sheds rain and keeps you warm, don't buy a new one simply because the old one is out of style.
Be creative and resourceful with the things you already own. Yes, sometimes you'll need to buy specialized tools. I learned that last winter when replacing our kitchen faucet. I didn't want to buy a basin wrench, but I needed a basin wrench. Many times, though, you can make do with something approximate. Or something less than perfect.
Finally, and most importantly, recognize that you can't have everything. It's okay to live without some of the things you want. It's good for you. It builds character! (Wow. I sound like my grandfather…)
I'm pleased with the changes I've made to my lifestyle during the past fifteen years. Yes, I'm more materialistic than my grandparents, but I'm getting better. Yes, my life moves at a faster pace than theirs did, but I've made choices to slow things down.
And while I probably will never embody that New England style of thrift, I do make deliberate decisions that are aligned with this mindset. I try to choose quality over price. When possible, I avoid items designed for planned obsolescence. I've reduced my exposure to advertising by avoiding radio, television, and magazines. (I still see plenty of ads on the internet though.) And I don't give a whit about keeping up with the Joneses.
Honestly, it doesn't make sense for me to expect to live like my grandparents. I live in a different world than they did. I have different priorities, different goals. But in my own way, I can work toward a life based on the virtue of thrift. It's all about making smart purchases, about spending mindfully in ways that are aligned with who I am and what I want out of life.
The post The virtue of thrift appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/virtue-of-thrift/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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