The New York Times has dropped plans to sponsor one of the world’s biggest oil industry conferences after pressure from climate campaigners including Extinction Rebellion.
There were many protests outside the newspaper’s offices in Manhattan this month over the Oil and Money conference. The conference will be taking place next month at the InterContinental Hotel on Park Lane in London and will attract executives from the world’s biggest oil companies as well as senior Opec leaders and ministers from fossil fuel-rich Middle Eastern nations, according to this article from September 3rd. 
According to a New York Times spokeswoman, the paper has “decided to end its relationship with the Oil and Money conference” because its subject matter “gives us cause for concern”.
“We want there to be no question of our independence or even the potential appearance of a conflict of interest. Over the last several years [the New York Times] has significantly expanded its reporting on climate change and its impact, as well as broader investigative and explanatory coverage of energy and environmental policy,” the spokeswoman said.
Extinction Rebellion and other green groups staged protests at the newspaper’s headquarters over the summer calling for it to withdraw from the conference and “tell the truth about the climate emergency”.
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spookyoaktree · 5 years
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we rebelled
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mermarin · 5 years
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I just made a petition and I would like you all to look it over and hopefully sign (and of course, pass around). An awesome climate action group Extinction Rebellion we’re forced to end a hunger strike yesterday that they were holding outside Speaker Pelosi’s office. Their goal? A one hour televised talk with Pelosi about the climate crisis. I will reblog with links later, as I have to do school work. Thanks for your attention!
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Jestlipak je na konci údolí loď?
Doba ledová 2: obleva vyšla roku 2006. Mně bylo devět a ten film mě na nějakou dobu úplně okouzlil, ačkoli jsem se nemohla zbavit takovýho zvláštního smutku, kdykoli jsem se na něj koukala. Mírná melancholie, kdykoli jsem před sebou viděla šavlozubýho tygra Diega nebo mamuta Mannyho, snad proto, že ikdyž existovali v paralelním vesmíru Doby ledové, v reálu už nežil ani jeden Manny nebo Diego. Vyhynulý zvířata. Mrtvý zvířata.  
Doba ledová mi vždycky přinesla katarzi, úlevu. Nejdřív jejich odmítání skutečnosti, pravda, podle níž jim Země taje pod nohama. Potom zázračný prozření pomocí toho děsivýho supa. A naděje, že na konci údolí je loď. A vůbec mojí nejoblíbenější částí filmu byla ta scéna, kdy se všechno řítí do sraček, kdy se zdá, že už nezbývá žádná naděje. Když se Diego vrhne do vody zachránit Sida, ačkoli neumí plavat a Manny zachrání Ellie a všechno nakonec dobře dopadne. Liga vyhynulých nakope prdel záporákům, všichni jsme happy, můžeme ze sebe setřepat popkorn a spokojeně odejít domů. Protože je to pohádka.  
Nějaký čas jsem nebyla schopná říct slovo smrt, pouhá myšlenka na ni mě nutila dělat obranný rituály nepodobný počáteční fázi OCD. Nemohla jsem říct slovo smrt, protože jsem se jí tak strašně bála.  
A tyhle dvě věci jako by se v mojí přítomnosti spojily a vytvořily realitu, kterou nejen já, ale miliony dalších lidí žijeme. Jsme všechna ta zvířata v údolí ve filmu Doba ledová, čekající na potopu.  
Když mi bylo devět, měla jsem hlavu plnou nápadů, čím se jednou budu živit, jaká budu, jak bude vypadat můj dům, můj manžel. Kolik budu mít dětí a jak se budou jmenovat. Bylo to sladký delirium dětství, nevědomí.  
Každým dnem jsem si jistější, že mít děti nechci. Nepřijde mi správný je přivést do světa, který bude nejspíš vypadat úplně jinak, než vypadá dneska. Hůř. A denně mě napadá ta stejná obsesivní myšlenka: jak vůbec bude svět vypadat? Co všechno z mojí přítomnosti tam nenajdu, co všechno z mý nynější reality bude minulostí? S čím vším se mám rozloučit, co všechno mám s obrovskou vděčností přijímat, dokud je to možné? Zastavuju se nad kohoutkem s tekoucí vodou, u lednice přeplněné jídlem, nad tím, že teď koukám na monitor notebooku a poslouchám Spotify. Nad tím, že můžu kdykoli otočit vypínačem a vysvobodit se ze tmy, která mě teď obklopila. Aspoň teda z té nemetaforické. Všechno, co beru jako samozřejmost samozřejmostí nebude. Každým dnem se to snažím pochopit a každej den začínám od znova, protože je pro mě taková věta nepochopitelná, nepředstavitelná.  
Chápu, že každá generace měla to svoje. Války, nepokoje, totalitní režimy, hladomory, mory, všechno možný. Lidstvo už bylo ve velkých sračkách předtím. Pořád je. A eskaluje to.  
Nejsem příliš religiózní osoba, ale myslím si, že naše dnešní situace se v mnohém podobá vyhnání z Ráje. Všichni jsme Adam a Eva a máme všechno na dosah ruky. Na cokoli si jenom vzpomeneme. Máš chuť na pořádnej burgr? Prosím, stačí navštívit nejbližší mekáč. Nutně potřebuješ jít šopovat, protože tě přepadl takovej nějakej splín, taková ta marnost? Prosím, jdi. Nechce se ti mačkat s ostatními v přeplněným MHDčku? Jeď vlastním autem a pro jistotu se cestou do práce stav u mekáče. Jsme v tom vychováváni, už si nedokážeme představit válku, nedostatek, hlad. Nechápeme, necítíme to, co dnes stále pociťují lidi, kteří neměli to štětí jako my.  
A co je nám do nich, my se přece máme dobře.
Máme se dobře.  
Rakovinný buňky týhle planety jsme my samotní a je to vlastně úplně dokonalý. Naše chování, každá naše volba a volba, kterou jsme udělali už včera ovlivní náš zítřek. Náš hédonismus se obrátí v budoucí hladomor, naše dekadence v budoucí depresi. A ani si to neuvědomujeme. Nevidíme to. Necítíme to. Nákupáky mají tu moc nám zalepit oči reklamními letáky a billboardy “výběrová šunka s dvacetiprocentní slevou”. Nestyď se za to, co děláš. Odpusť jim, oni neví, co činí. Amen a kartičku máte?  
Nejsme špatní lidé, jsme jen pohlceni kapitalismem. Jsme pohánění touhou cítit se dobře, vypadat dobře, svěže, vitálně, proto potřebujeme produkty. Outfity. Jídlo.  Superjídlo. Potřebujeme vypadat jak kluci a holky z plakátu, řekla mi to televize. Řekl mi to nadpis na internetu. Zašeptal mi to ve spánku a já teď nemůžu přestat přemýšlet nad mou velikostí a jestli se nemám jít místo oběda vyzvracet.  
Ale hlavně úsměv, hlavně jednej sebevědomě, hlavně na sobě nedej znát emoce, kluci nepláčou, kurva, kluci budou kluci, kluci jsou všechno, pro co žijeme, že, holky. Dvacet dva tipů na letní dietu a článek o tom, jak ŽENA (dosaď si) vypadá příšerně v těch plavkách. Choď do práce do roztrhání těla, dělej přesčasy, nech se povýšit. Makej ve firmě MOLOCH. Pak se doma sval u bedny a nech se krmit, nech hlasy, ať tě obklopí, obejmou, přitulí se. A ony se přitulí, to si piš. Nový věci, nový materiál pro výstavbu mýho ega, mýho Ega, mýho EGA. Najdi si přítele/přítelkyni a pak si najdi milence/ milenku. Ožeň se/vdej se a pak s tou osobou zploď další generaci soukolí do toho obrovskýho příšernýho stroje, ať tě má kdo nahradit, až konečně zkapeš. Až tě zahrabeme do země a nezbyde po tobě nic než fotky na Instagramu z dovolené v Malibu. Tohle všechno zvládej, kapitalistický člověče. Čeká tě nebe, no fakt.  
Připadám si okradená. Jako by ode mě byl odcizen můj život, o kterým jsem snila jako ta devítiletá holka. Ten fajn život, normální život. Najednou jsem já tím člověkem, co má strach. Úzkostlivě vyhledávám zprávy o změnách klimatu a učím se být vděčná za vodu, teplo, světlo. Učím se být skromná, učím se být ještě laskavější k přírodě. Vyrůstala jsem v jejím obklopení, když nevidím měsíc les, cítím stesk jako po dalším domově. Hlína, stromy, tráva a kytky, lesní zvěř, všechno, co vytváří moje vzpomínky jako podklad, jako zelená barva papíru. Všechno to hluboce miluju.  
A nechci o to přijít.  
Jestlipak je na konci údolí loď?  
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I often think of going back in time but imagine going back what like 5-10 years and going yeah can’t really tell you much bcuz times lines lol but I can say what’s trending on Twitter; protests in China are burning down buildings, more people and famous people where arrested at the climate protests you know the exstrition rebellion to stop us all dying lol one of which was a guy dressed as prime minister boris Johnson yes that guy and climes Big Ben, also ten years since dan and Phil so ups and downs at least president trump didn’t threaten nuclear war again see ya
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apocolypsewatcher · 5 years
It's time to wake up people!
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the-goldenspiral · 5 years
Changing some of the words.
Good morning dear readers, I am sure my late night (early morning?) blog posts are a curious way for some of you to wake up in the morning. This is in part to insomnia, and in part to the fact that I work till midnight most nights. I have found these ramblings to be a rather good way to express myself before slipping into sleep, and who knows, perhaps the clarity that this time of night allows me plays some cosmic part in the topics I cover.
This of course is my first post outside the introduction to the concept of the Golden Spiral as a way to encourage some assembance of revolution, a change in the way the world works in some way to help steer us away from extinction, to preform this small act of activism to perhaps open some eyes to things.
To begin this particular entry I would like to acknowledge someone that commented on a post I made on my personal tumblr. This person, whom I will not name unless they give me permission to do so introduced me to the Extinction Rebellion, a group I had not previously heard of, but one that since hearing about I have grown quite a fan of. They use methods of Non-Violent Direct Action to make positive changes in the current battle to save our planet, and by extension ourselves. While it may seem like an odd move for me to join another group right after I have presented the concept of the Golden Spiral, I think that it is important for there to be a unification of people, not a segregation. By being a part of two, three, or even more groups it gives the individual the power to say what is important to them, and to work as a superorganisim for the betterment of all people. You can find out more about this cause below.
This leads me to my next exciting announcement, I am hopefully going to be taking part in my first march. I currently live in California, but far enough away from many of the populated hubs that I have not been able to take part in such an event. The link to the event is posted below as well.
This being my march, it made me curious about something, just what is Non-Violent Direct Action anyways? I know many of you have seen the videos of the riots and such on the news or in some of the more post apocalyptic movies, men with gas masks, yelling, looting. But this is not the idea of these marchs, its not to become so aggressive that you get into a fight with someone, its about trying to get your cause acknowledged, its about to trying to cause a ripple affect of changes, its about letting your voice be heard. And to prepare for this I found quite the wonderful video. It’s a bit long, but filled with amazing information for any cause...
Before I close out this post, I would like to share one last thing with you, its something historical I believe is relevant. As you can probably already tell, I enjoy my research, I enjoy learning, and I enjoy trying to do the right thing. I would like you to take some time and read this speech that was made 100 years ago, and I would like you to change the word “Jew” to something else, perhaps with the current human rights violations you could use the word “Latin” or “Hispanic” or maybe even “African” or perhaps “mentally ill” or “women”. The point is take this speech and read it in a way that you can draw the parallels with today, change some words, but don’t change the speeches meaning. I’d love to know your thoughts when you are done. Bonus points if you can name the person giving the speech.
“Anti-Semitism is the spread of hostility towards Jews. When the damned tsarist monarchy lived out its last time, it tried to incite the dark workers and peasants against the Jews. The tsarist police, in alliance with the landowners and capitalists, organized Jewish pogroms. The hatred of the laborers and peasants, exhausted by the need, was sought by the landowners and capitalists to direct Jews. And in other countries it is not uncommon to see that the capitalists incite hostility towards the Jews in order to clog the eyes of the worker, to divert their eyes from the real enemy of the working people - from capital. The hostility to the Jews is held firmly only where the bondage of the landowners and capitalists created the hopeless darkness of the workers and peasants.
Only completely dark, completely slaughtered people can believe the lies and slander spreading against the Jews. These are the remnants of the old serfdom, when priests forced to burn heretics on bonfires, when there was slavery of peasants, when people were crushed and dumb. This old feudal darkness is passing. The people become sighted.
Not Jews are the enemies of the working people. The enemies of the workers are the capitalists of all countries. Among the Jews there are workers, workers, most of them. They are our brothers in oppression by capital, our comrades in the struggle for socialism. Among the Jews there are kulaks, exploiters, capitalists: as among Russians, as among all nations. The capitalists are trying to sow and incite hostility between workers of different faiths, different nations, different races. At the discord of workers, the strength and power of capital are held. Rich Jews, like rich Russians, as well as the rich people of all countries, in alliance with each other crush, oppress, rob, disconnect workers.
Shame on the cursed tsarism that tormented and persecuted the Jews. Shame on those who sow hatred of the Jews, who sow hatred of other nations.
Long live the fraternal confidence and militant alliance of the workers of all nations in the struggle to overthrow capital!”
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beatlokalsitar · 5 years
“Hierarchie, Intransparenz, Gurus und esoterische Ideologie satt. Statt kritischer Aufklärung bieten sie Inszenierungen, bei denen drei Menschen mit Seil um den Hals am Galgen stehen, unter ihren Füßen schmelzendes Eis. Mich erinnerte das Bild an Erhängung von Zivilist*innen durch Wehrmacht und SD-Gruppen an der Ostfront. Überall finden sich bei Extinction Rebellion Todesdrohungen. Gail Bradbrook sagt: „Einige von uns müssen bereit sein, zu sterben.“ Sie erklärte kürzlich in einer Rede, die auf der Website von XR zu finden ist, wie sie durch esoterische Rituale und psychedelische Drogen auf die Idee kam, Extinction Rebellion zu gründen. Roger Hallam spricht von Selbstopferung und dass „Milliarden Menschen in sehr kurzer Zeit sterben werden“. Er verbreitet Angst indem er sagt, dass „unsere Kinder in den nächsten 10 bis 20 Jahren sterben werden“. Die Sprecher*innen von XR bleiben die Antwort nach den wissenschaftlichen Quellen für diese Aussagen schuldig, denn es gibt sie nicht. Das sind Endzeitszenarien von Weltuntergangssekten.”
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tonymartorelli · 5 years
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"After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities." (G.T.) • • • #travel #photooftheday #uselessphoto #photo_of_the_day #myfeatureshoot #uselessphotography #somewheremagazine #sanpaolo #livorno #doubleexposure #digitalart #photooftheday #funnyillusion #doubledouble #transparency #creativism #doubleexpomagazine #extintionrebellion #gretathunberg https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Km3lUqTB6/?igshid=s6spf6e8r74k
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guvermint · 5 years
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civilriot · 5 years
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The proposed Inland Port will pollute the delicate ecosystem of the Great Salt Lake, risking the wildlife that depend on the lake, including over 10 million migratory birds from over 300 species. As the climate crisis progresses inland salt bodies of water are drying up, leaving the Great Salt Lake as one of the last refuges for many migratory birds, including the Great Blue Heron. The port will pollute the Salt Lake Valley’s already toxic air, and the “economic benefits” will only benefit wealthy investors, not the working people of the Salt Lake Valley. Fight against the powers that are pushing for increased pollution, a lower quality of life, and taking away tax dollars from the people of Salt Lake to fund the port. Speak out against the port and get involved. Go to: STOPTHEPOLLUTINGPORT.ORG
You can get involved in direct action with @civil_riot_slc or the @centerforbiodiv
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March for climate in Bristol. We took coffins on the march, mourning the animals extinct from human activity
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elijahjcruzk1902491 · 5 years
Extinction Rebellion
So, Extinction Rebellion is finally over... The emphasis on the ‘finally’ is not to suggest that I do not agree with what Extinction Rebellion is trying to represent, but rather, what it has done these past two weeks in London. I personally went to see Extinction Rebellion in Trafalgar Square, feeling slightly confused as I felt somewhat intimidated yet somehow empowered. 
I do consider myself to have a strong environmental agenda, and therefore, I am all for helping the environment, the climate, reducing carbon footprints, eating less meat and being a more sustainable human being. I think most people are (even if they do not practice what they preach (but we all can't be perfect can we?)). In regards to striking for climate change, I really do get it - its 2019 and not much is being done for the climate on a governmental and global level. But that’s not to say that THERE IS IMPROVEMENT! Of course there is, and its something we should all be proud of, but clearly, it’s not enough. 
Back home in Gibraltar (where the population is 30,000 and our carbon footprint is ridiculously low compared to other countries) there has been strikes for the climate, because it is a way forward... it makes the media many people see and read. However, I felt as if Extinction Rebellion truly changed the temperature with what they did these past two weeks. It was no longer so much a matter of the ‘environment,’ as it was about making the news and disrupting London as much as possible. There is no doubt that this worked... You just have to look at GMB, This Morning, Sky News and BBC News to see that this was having the impact they wanted. But in my opinion, it’s not the way they wanted. 
Extinction Rebellion has ultimately lost followers instead of trying to gain followers. 
Going back to when I visited Extinction Rebellion, I can personally say that although the protest was peaceful, there were some very angry people. That anger made its way to London City Airport, as well as to Canning Tube Station, resulting in 1828 arrests, £37 million in Met Police costs, and over 21,000 officers cycling on 12-hour shifts. That is not how you do it. The environment is a very, very important issue, but the job of the police is NOT to help the environment (they physically can't do much), it is the people, and keeping the people safe. What about knife crime in London? What about the people who actually require police assistance but the police are too busy restraining protestors? What about media coverage which could be focusing on war and famine?
It is evident that the line has been crossed during these two weeks of protests, but who’s to say it will not happen again? The unfortunate consequences of this is the fact that people like me who genuinely care for the environment are beginning to grow anger for people who want the same as us. Speaking to friends of mine, it is evident that Extinction Rebellion has really annoyed people and has lost supporters instead of gaining them this time round. I know that the aim of this isn’t so much about gaining followers and that the primary concern is the environment. However, the reality is that the more people that are involved, the quicker an impact will be seen.
It’s a tricky one, but I guess it just shows the desperation of some people...
Below is a stop-motion animation of my experience in the strike:
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gee-be · 5 years
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C’mon Barbie let’s go protest 
Activism Barbie
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rodwey2004 · 5 years
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xr London 7-10-2019 SWIPE . . Visit: rodweyphotography.com/ . #extintionrebellion #noplanetb #protest #ootd #伦敦 #xr #internationalrebellion #saveourplanet #climatechange #gretathunberg #لندن #tellthetruth #peopleoflondon #london #pictureoftheday #metroldn #streetphotography #canonphotography #igshotz #photooftheday #reportage . @extinctionrebellion @extinctionr #metpolice @metro.co.uk @gettyreportage @evening.standard @london @thetimes @guardian @alamyinstagram (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XIjqPAwSK/?igshid=1xwh46590jd7z
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