#eyyy everybody long time no see
ask-eyespy · 5 years
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He’s too busy having a grudge to really be a parent...And I wouldn’t want him to be my dad anyway.
If I honestly had to choose anyone it’d have to be Mekeke.
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starlitangels · 2 years
(My) Mate
AKA “how the pack found out Sam is Darlin’s mate” 2.7k words
“Darlin’, I want you to go have a good day on the lake with your pack,” Sam said, while I refused to budge, sitting stubbornly on the bed.
“I’d rather stay here with you,” I said, crossing my arms and pouting just enough to make Sam smile. He rolled his eyes—those warm, silver eyes—and shook his head as he chuckled.
Carefully, he perched on the edge of the bed closest to me. “Look, I know there are still some rough waters to calm between you and the other wolves. But we’re here. So you might as well enjoy the experience-a bein’ here while ya got the chance.” He paused, eyes drifting thoughtfully to the blackout curtains, drawn to keep him safe from the sun. “If you go out and go tubin’ or jet skiin’ today, I won’t nag you about it tomorrow.”
“Ah-ah. No protestin’. Go out and have fun with your family. I’ll be fine on my own for a couple hours. Promise.” He kissed my hairline. “Besides, this is a great opportunity for you to be reckless without me lecturin’ ya for it.”
I snorted, rolling my eyes with a smile growing on my face. “Fine. I’ll go out with everybody today. But don’t be surprised if one of them tries to start some trouble with me and I come back with blood under my nails.”
“Try to keep the maiming of your pack to a minimum.”
I threw the covers off and swung my legs off the bed, shoving to my feet. “We’re wolves, Sam. We always play rough.”
I marched over to my suitcase and yanked out my swim clothes, in no way missing how Sam’s eyes roved over my bare body as I stripped off my minimal pajamas to put my swim stuff on. But I pretended not to notice so that he’d keep watching. Keep... seeing me.
Once my swim stuff was on—including the flip-flops—I spread my arms sarcastically and spun around. “Ta-da. How do I look?”
Sam was pinching the tip of his tongue between one top and bottom fang. “Mighty fine, darlin’,” he said with a grin.
I laughed, crossed back to him as I flung my beach towel carelessly across my shoulder, and gave him a long, slow kiss. Feeling him melt just slightly into the contact between us. “I’ll see you later, cowboy,” I whispered against his lips, the promise of desire evident in my tone, before nipping the bottom one lightly and whisking out of the room. I heard him laugh behind me as I shut the door and blinked at the sunlight.
Ash and Milo were racing each other out of the main house—by the looks of it—as my eyes adjusted to the blinding lights.
“Eyyy! Tanka!” Milo exclaimed. “Joinin’ t’day?”
I ran after them, easily catching up given the two weren’t racing so much as trying to sabotage the other’s progress. “Yep. I’ve been persuaded. ‘Sides, I wanna soak David with the spray of a jet ski as I spin around and zoom off.”
Asher cackled. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” he exclaimed.
I laughed as we climbed into the back of Milo’s parents’ SUV like we were teenagers carpooling to school again. But this time without backpacks and school junk to worry about, and both Milo and Asher’s mates in the third row. “Well, well,” Colm said with a chortle. “Look who decided to join today.”
I spread my hands in front of me, getting smashed into the middle seat between Ash and Milo. “Well. I couldn’t let everyone do all the dangerous stuff without me, now could I?” I replied. “And now the party has arrived.”
Milo cackled. “Let’s gooo!”
Colm put the car into gear as Milo and Asher’s mates greeted me with a shared, “Hey Tank. ‘Sup?”
I rolled my eyes as I reapplied sunscreen at lunchtime, ignoring David blathering on about cell damage and me not being “tougher than the sun.” Ash was trying not to snicker as I formed my hand like a mouth and flapped it up and down while David kept going. David’s mate wasn’t even bothering to pretend they weren’t finding me funny.
Christian leaned back on one of the seats in the pontoon boat, hands behind his head, watching me as I accepted a sports drink from Asher’s mate, who was distributing them from a cooler. “Hey Tanker,” Christian piped up, a cocky smirk already forming on his face.
“Where’s that partner of yours?” The sarcasm was sharp and condescending. Exactly what I would have expected from him.
I tightened my grip around the bottle in my hand until my knuckles ached, but kept the expression on my face impassive—if frigid. “You know exactly where,” I replied evenly. Maintain your cool, I thought. He’s always like this. Just get through the day. I could do that. I could be patient enough with the other members of my pack to tolerate them, right?
I set my bottle down and went back to rubbing sunscreen over my shoulders and the back of my neck.
“Are you a masochist or something?” Christian needled again.
Arden growled softly in warning. “Christian.”
I glanced down—pointedly—at my body. The scars that glistened in the sunlight. Met Christian’s eyes. Didn’t say anything. I held a hand out for Ash. He put a little more sunscreen on my fingers. I started rubbing it over my legs.
“Seriously, Tank,” Christian continued. “What kind of masochist gets beaten half-to-death by a vampire and then ends up dating one?”
I snorted derisively, rolling my eyes. “Sam and Quinn are two very different men, nitwit.”
In the back of my mind I was conscious of the fact that David was standing rigid not two feet from me, watching the conversation like a tennis match.
Christian scoffed. “Are you sure? Not, I dunno, falling into old patterns, are you? Putting the whole pack in danger again because of your taste in men?”
“Here we go,” Milo muttered under his breath to his mate.
“That’s it,” I snapped. I stalked over to Christian, balled the collar of his tank top up in my fist and hauled him out of the seat on the boat. My other hand grabbed his shoulder and dug my nails into his skin. “Don’t you dare even think about talking about Sam like that. He’s twice the man you’ll ever be, you arrogant, self-absorbed, egotistical prick.” I spoke through a clenched jaw and bared teeth.
Christian at least had enough common sense to look terrified.
“Christian, Tank, that’s enough,” David said, tone flat. “Both of you.”
I let go of Christian roughly, making him stumble a bit when the back of his legs bumped into the seat he’d been sitting in. Fierce satisfaction rose in me as my eyes lighted on where I’d left a little crescent-shaped dent in his skin from my thumb nail.
Christian scoffed again. “That vampire must be delusional for thinking you’re someone worth dating,” he said under his breath.
I grabbed his tank top again to keep myself from closing my fingers around his throat. “I couldn’t give less of a damn what you think or say about me,” I snarled. “But talk about my mate like that again, Christian, and your body will hit the deck in pieces.” I shoved him back. He stumbled and tripped, going over the edge of the boat and splashing down into the water below.
Asher and his mate were both staring at me with wide eyes and slack jaws. Milo’s mate looked like they might vanish defensively any second while Milo’s expression was gobsmacked. David and his mate exchanged a look, concern on both of their eyebrows.
“Did you just say... mate?” Asher asked.
I swore. In two strides I’d climbed one of the seats and launched myself off the other side of the boat from where Christian had fallen in. I was the best swimmer in the pack. Always had been. My dive broke the water with hardly a splash and I plunged deep into the lake, stroking fast and hard away from the pontoon boat toward the shore as I slowly returned to the surface. I was halfway there by the time I took a breath. I swapped from breast stroke to front crawl and sped toward the rocky beach of the cove.
Once I waded out of the water, I grabbed my towel from where there were a few of ours scattered about, slung it around my neck, and bolted.
There were too many unempowered people milling about the lake and its shores for me to shift, even though the cove where the pack had been setting up for breaks was relatively secluded. So I just ran as a human. Barefoot, soaking wet, and pissed as hell.
And... maybe a little scared too. Not that I’d ever admit that to anyone else.
I wasn’t scared of Christian. I wasn’t scared of Sam. I wasn’t scared that Christian might be right about Sam.
I was scared—just a little bit—about how the rest of the pack was going to react to... Sam being my mate. I was scared that, to an outside eye, on some level Christian seemed right. That I was crazy for choosing a vampire as my mate after another one had nearly killed me. They wouldn’t understand—and a lot of them wouldn’t even bother to try to.
A few tears fell from my eyes as I ran fast and hard back toward the massive lake house we were staying at. They mingled with the rest of the lake water on my skin, but I still wiped them off on my towel as I ran.
Finally, the house was in sight. I veered immediately to the tiny guest house off to the side where Sam and I had been sequestered so Sam could rest during the day.
I threw open the door and slammed it shut.
“Back al—... ready?” It was so dark inside after spending all morning squinting from the summer sunlight reflecting off the water that I couldn’t even see where Sam was. “Darlin’—oh, my God what’s wrong?” Cool, strong, callused, but soft hands rested gently on my baking, bare shoulders that had dried while I ran.
I sniffed hard to keep my nose clear. “If Asher knocks on that door, do not open it,” I said, cursing myself for how thick my voice was with emotion, gesturing to the door. “Actually. Scratch that. If anyone knocks on that door, including David, do not answer it.” I scrubbed my face with my hands. “I’m gonna go shower.” I slid out from under Sam’s comforting grip and moved deeper into the little guest house toward the bathroom.
“Oh no you don’t,” Sam said, grabbing my wrist gently. “Talk to me. What happened?”
I gestured vaguely with my hand that wasn’t in his grip. “Christian’s a prick—what else is new?”
Sam’s fingers tightened entreatingly around my wrist. “Hey.” His voice was soft—incredibly so. And caring. “Look at me. Please. What happened?” I met his eyes, mine finally adjusting enough to catch their metallic gleam in the half-light.
I rubbed one eye. “He insulted you. Said you must be delusional for thinking I’m worth being with.”
“Oh, darlin’,” Sam whispered, gathering me to his chest, not appearing to care that I was still mildly damp. He tucked my head under his chin and rocked me back and forth. A gentle, comforting sway.
“I don’t care what he thinks about me, but he’s not allowed to talk about you like that. I... unintentionally pushed him off the side of the boat. I told him if he talked about you like that again, I’d tear him to pieces.” I cleared my throat. “I...” I wanted to stop myself from talking. If it had been anyone but Sam, I would have balked. Instead, I continued. “I called you my mate. In front of half the damn pack.”
“Did... you not want them to know?” Sam asked haltingly.
“Of course I wanted them to know. Eventually. But not like this. I’m proud to call you my mate, Sam. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. But... I wanted to wait to say anything until... I don’t know.” I shook my head, burying my face in his chest.
“What?” His voice was a soft prompt, not a demand for information. Encouraging me to share. To be open with him. But not expecting it.
“Until they trusted me again. Even a little bit. Until they wouldn’t judge me so hard because they think I’m too irresponsible to have a mate.” I growled. “I don’t even care what they think about me—or you and I together—but I don’t want to have to put up with them making snide comments about it all the time.” I closed my eyes, keeping my face pressed to his chest. “I love you. That matters more to me than anything else. I’m just... tired.”
“I know, darlin’. I know.” He held the back of my head.
I sniffed. “I’m gonna go shower.”
He kissed my hairline again. “Alright. I’ll be right out here when you get done.” He ducked to meet my eyes. “I’ll always be right here for you.”
I nodded. “I know, Sam. And I love you for it.”
We shared another long, slow, tender kiss before I slipped out of his hold and went to go shower. I scrubbed lake water from my skin and hair before getting out and roughly drying off.
Sam was lounging on the bed when I emerged from the bathroom, one of the books he’d brought open on his lap. “Your phone’s been goin’ off a lot,” he remarked. I groaned in complaint and glanced at it on my side of the bed, turning on the screen.
A quick scroll through notifications revealed Asher’s complete inability to shut up or not gossip, David being a hard-nose as usual (but a quietly supportive one), and Milo saying that was the most entertainment he’d had in a while.
I turned my phone completely off and dropped onto the bed next to Sam, burrowing against his side as he wrapped his arms around me.
His grip was firm but not suffocating. His earthy, rich scent filled my nose.
My wolf, snarling just beneath the surface of my skin, calmed down as Sam started rubbing one hand up and down my bare arm. His hand was cool against my skin, but not cold. His calluses weren’t sharp, but I could feel them.
I closed my eyes and sighed, relaxing. “I love you, Sam. So much.”
“I love you too, darlin’,” he replied softly. “More’n you know. More’n I can... articulate accurately.” He rested his cheek on the top of my head and started to hum, low and quiet.
In a couple hours, when the rest of the pack came back from spending the day on the lake, I’d probably have to face them when we went to the main house for dinner. David might make me apologize to Christian. He might not—he probably knew what it felt like to be protective of your mate better than I did. He might suggest it, but not enforce the suggestion. I sure as hell didn’t plan on apologizing to Christian. He made that bed—he had to lie in it.
In a couple hours, I’d field everyone’s responses. I’d take what they threw at me the way I always had.
In a couple hours, I’d walk into the main house with my mate holding my hand, knowing full well the entire pack knew that was what he was to me.
But, for now, Sam and I could just stay together on the bed. Not caring that I was in a towel. Not caring that gossip would be spreading like wildfire through the pack members who hadn’t been on the pontoon boat.
For now, Sam and I could just... be. Just be, softly. Gently. No expectations or suppositions. Quiet, content—peaceful. For the first time in... who knew how long.
I closed my eyes, inhaling that rich, earthy scent that had become my home. Calm. Held. Seen.
Mate. My mate.
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generatedreflection · 3 years
(Week 3, Day 6)
Don't start relying on your powers Rindo...I know it makes sense but methinks they are dangerous and assuming you'll get to use it is. Um. Bad
Yeah, I'm with Neku on this. This is, uh, certainly something
Ahhhh. Fuck
Josh?? What is going on??
This week is just a lotta Death, huh
(Also I hated that fight with Susukichi lololol)
EYYY IT'S RHYME HELLO RHYME I knew it was you!!
I feel like our visions have been getting, uh, less and less accurate
Is this like with Neku's visions? Where they happen in reverse order?
Everyone keeps talking about finding someone...
"One who holds incredible power," huh?
(Week 3, Day 7)
[I didn't initially mark when Day 7 starts in my notes but it was somewhere around here]
Man, Shiba is really fixated on Neku
Of course a dude with shiba's aesthetic would have a boss theme this fruity, I genuinely love this
Wow, what a final boss :) I am sure :) everything is fine now :)
oh shit I forgot about jersey mike over here
Kubo: explaining his powers, his evil plan, etc.
no but what a fuckin twist if we were wrong about josh showing up in the beginning this whole time and it was THIS GUY
i am so excited to meet even more angels, and surprise! They are just as horrible as i thought they would be <3
Well, honestly using time travel again at this point wouldn't hurt
josh...mr h....i genuinely don't know how you can help at this point but we need somethin lmao
bruh they're gonna show up AFTER we've taken care of everything, aren't they
ok neku thank u for asking my time travel questions. i was wondering how this kind of power factored into the whole parallel universe thing
aaaaaaa we sure are. usin those powers a lot now!!
I love it. I love Rhyme
Aaaaaaaa Uzukiiiiiiiii <3
Hishima is kinda interesting for how little we see him
YUP shoka is swallow. I had many ideas but that one was probably the least surprising one? Given how easily she turned on the reapers for them and the like...weird and vaguely unearned tension between her and rindo lol. At least I don't have to wonder anymore! (I genuinely wonder how going through the game KNOWING that swallow is definitely good and has been rindo's friend for a long time will affect how i see her and their relationship. Shoka made sense from a writing standpoint, but character-wise Swallow has a very different impression from Shoka. Which I think is kinda the point; both she and Rindo are much less prickly people in their conversations with each other. I know I'm definitely a different person when I communicate via text. It just...feels a bit weird when Shoka gets treated as special to Rindo before he (and we!) know that she is...?)
Fuck, should I know those shoes
Ok this dude has like. A voice
Deffffinitely an angel
...I was definitely expecting Joshua so this whole sequence just kinda isn't being processed, whoops
Everybody's helping!! (Well. Except one person but I am Choosing to be Positive :) )
Where is shiki!! Show me her face!!!
Wait, how is Neku able to channel all of Shibuya...?
Bro I have enjoyed being underleveled but I will change to easy if I have to just so I can see my children
I know one of those blanks in the social network is shiki--if the last one isn't josh i will RIOT
No oh my god my heart did a flip, I am gay and so is shiki
No fanfare, no hints, just BOOM there she is, I was not prepared
It's interesting how in TWEWY 1, everything was sort of stripped away until it was just Neku and Joshua, no one else.
And here, everyone is working together; the cast is growing until basically everyone is here (except, y'know, minus one :) ) The whole teamwork aspect of this gives me massive warm fuzzies despite the apocalypse issue
Fuck off minamimoto lmaooooo
jfc the just. The anticlimax.
The way this NERD has the AUDACITY to just WALK UP like "hi :)" AFTER GODDAMN THREE YEARS
And this entire game. Where have you BEEN bitch
You fucking would
I hate you so goddamn much
"I iNvItEd MySeLf" go to hell oh my god
I love how he and Neku call each other partner. skdhdbzjdjdbdxbhd Jesus CHRIST let them interact!! Let them do a friendship in present tense PLEASE
"Observe"? Not help? Fine. Ok. Never change, ya bastard
I know this is his only scene and he's just gonna fuck off after this and we'll never see him again and i am trying to be ok with this
also. this is the first time all five of them have been in the same place at the same time. Neku (and possibly Josh?) is invisible but. Finally the kids are all together
Well that was a boss!! Only died once and fortunately didn't have to go down to easy, but jfc if your whole team happens to run into an invisible corner and gets blasted rip to you lol
Aahhhh I like the way they all land after the last attack like they did in the first game
Shoka: I could go back to the UG. but I can't see you in person
Me: *hmmm this separation is reminding me a bit of Josh and Neku :(*
Josh: You rang~?
OH he's still the Composer??
Oh my god he is genuinely such a bitch still, thank god
Is Sho STILL after the Composer's seat lmfao
i know he probably found a way to get her back into the rg (which. y'know. is a thing he can never do for himself and that gives me a lot of thoughts and feelings on who josh is now but i'm gonna set that aside for the moment) but he has no interest in letting rindo know that he didn't just VAPORIZE this poor child's best friend before his eyes without giving them a chance to say goodbye i CAN'T--
Ah, Kariya and Uzuki reunited
THEY'RE TALKING.............
i'm so glad they got a little moment
i just love the vibe. like...joshua is the one at a disadvantage in this conversation because a) he cares about neku in his own fucked up way and b) neku has no reason to treat josh well out of anything other than the goodness of his heart. Josh knows this
So he brings up his attempt to help neku (which was a bad attempt that also once again ignores neku's consent) in a way that's very flippant because that's what he DOES
and when neku rejects that, he just rolls with it to act like it doesn't affect him (but i think it does)
honestly, though, i don't think neku is completely rejecting josh's attempt either; just calling him out
josh has real issues with consent (probably a side effect of godhood) but i do think he's trying. and i think neku knows that, too. it's just a really interesting dynamic. honestly i feel like josh is too human for the angels and too godlike for the hachiko gang. and that makes me emo
not to be aro but i am choosing to ignore the subtle implications of "let's not keep *her* waiting," as if shiki is the most important thing in neku's life to go back to
i've always seen shiki and neku as like...more than friends, but neku and beat are also more than friends in a different way, and neku and josh are...honestly, i don't know. "partners"? the fact that neku and shiki's relationship was clearly special without being implied romantic was so important to me
that's kkkkinda how i feel about rindo and shoka. i have to withhold judgment on how i feel about them until i go through the game KNOWING who swallow is and getting a read on their relationship
but i really like the idea of them being really special friends without romance
and i can't quite put my finger on what exactly i'm afraid of, because romance itself doesn't make sense to me
but i don't like the idea of a really close special friendship suddenly like...feeling more important or meaningful just because of the genders of those involved?
part of it is just heteronormativity and amatonormativity, but these are really great guy/girl friendships that could stay as friendships and still be just as meaningful
I'm just really sensitive to this stuff these days, and I genuinely loved how the original game handled it, where neku and shiki could have a special relationship without it feeling *more important* than neku's other partnerships, and for a moment i lived in a world where amatonormativity didn't exist
and ultimately i can still choose to ignore it for the sake of my own enjoyment, and thus i shall :)
I really like that Kaie stutters... Like, as someone who genuinely struggles to communicate verbally and often wishes I could write instead of speak in most situations, I really *really* appreciate Kaie
(Like also how Rindo is way more honest with his internet friend)
Aww Rhyme and Beat and Shikiiiiiii
Shiki knows who Josh is??? And she knows to call him Josh?????
Does that mean Neku told them about what happened???? Oh that's interesting.
I've always wondered about that; they only saw Josh very briefly (Beat more than Shiki, but)
aaaawwwww they're on the same screen finally!!!
aaaaaah. aaaaaaaaaaah this is what's rubbing me the wrong way. the waiting thing. this tendency to have the girls waiting for the guys. it really left a bad taste in my mouth in kh and it tastes bad here too
but hopefully it's over and they'll be able to hang out together and won't go through that again, right? ...RIGHT??
BI FRET BI FRET BI FRET i will die on this hill
Look. Fret is not cis or het. I don't make the rules
"We're finally friends" awww cute
HAAAAH i'm gonna have to put my thoughts together and make a more coherent reaction but!! Good game
I KNEW i heard robbie in some of those additional voices
I'll be covering that in another post, but just let me say. Reading the words "Neku's close friend" in Shiki's profile actually cured my depression. NO ROMANCE IN TWEWY BABYYYYYY! WE CELEBRATE DEEP UNDEFINABLE RELATIONSHIPS AND LET THE AUDIENCE ENJOY THEM AS THEY SEE FIT
(but also please enough with the girl waiting for a dude, kthnx)
ANYWAY. NTWEWY good. It left me feeling Good and I love them. Once I get a chance to parse my thoughts I'll hopefully be able to write something that makes sense
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather Chapter: 4 Truth Or Lie
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The next morning
Knock knock
I groaned hearing the knock on my door. "Ya."
Tamara opened the door. "Hey honey I'm heading over to management for a meeting I should be back by 6 or 7. Will you be ok?"
"Yup, oh do you mind getting me cranberry juice while you're out pleeeeeease?" I asked with a big grin on my face.
"Sure be good, and we'll probably go out later." She shuts the door and leaves.
I got up gave my family a call, then made breakfast, and showered. I thought back to yesterday when I had told Nikki that I would meet up with him. Should I go or no I thought to my self. I mean, I don't really like him. But then again, I don't know him. Which was why he was saying we should see each other again so I could get to know him.
Meh I think I'll stay in doors. Plus when Tamara gets back were going out so that will be fun. Great I made my decision. That was easy.
3:35 pm
Ring Ring Ring, Ring Ring Ring
Oh man I fell asleep while watching TV, guess I was really tired. I ran to the phone and quickly picked it up. "
"Hi miss Darlington we have a guy downstairs here who says he knows you and he's trying to barge into the building."
All of a sudden I hear swearing and yelling in the back round.
"Fuck you man get the fuck outta my way. Were suppose to meet up."
"Miss Darlington were going to call the police this man clearly dosen't know you."
Oh my God why the hell did Nikki come here! He can't just leave me alone, ughh.
"No dont I'll be right down." I say hanging the phone up.
I ran to the elevator and went downstairs. When I got there security guards were holding onto Nikki. But they were doing a terrible job because Nikki was fighting them back. And there's 2 of them, can you imagine.
"Get the fuck off me before I fuck you up." Nikki shoved one of them.
"Woah calm down Nik. Hey you guys can let him go." I ran up to them.
"What the fuck Iman?" He yelled walking straight towards me. Jaw clenched, fist rolled in a ball, and a face that was probably redder than the colour red.
"Nikki calm down I'm sorry, I fell asleep."
Which was half true.
"Bullshit, you had me there waiting for 30 fucking minutes like an asshole. If you knew you didn't want to come you should have just say so." He shouted pointing his finger in my face.
Boy was he angry. And I could see the guards tense up ready to grab him especially with how close he was getting to me.
"Nikki I'm sorry ok. Please calm down, let's go upstairs and talk. Please." I whispered placing my hand on his cheek.
Nikki eased up a bit, thank God. I guess a womans touch really does help.
We reached up stairs and I let Nikki in. He walked around the condo and saw all the antiques that were in the home. He could tell that this was an expensive place.
I also looked at what Nikki was wearing the usual black leather. Leather pants with a black T-shirt and a leather jacket over it. Does he ever change?
"Do you want something to drink?" I asked walking in front of him.
He turned to me. "Did you stand me up?" I want the truth Mani." He asked as he looked in my eyes.
I could see the look on his face. It was mixed with hurt and a bit of anger. Oh God do I tell the truth or lie.
"Nikki I fell asleep watching TV ok, I'm really sorry."
Well I also wasn't going to come, but I think I'll leave that out. I mean after all I did tell truth about sleeping.
"I meant what I said Mani. I'm not that guy you saw in New York and if you give me a chance I can show you."
So my nick name is "Mani" now alrighty.
"Look, Nik I don't doubt that you're a nice guy I just have alot of things going on with me right now. And Tamara will be back soon so you can't stay long."
"So then let's head over to the cafe and talk about what's going on with you. I mean.... you said you just fell asleep. And you still owe me a date. Or I can just stay here and we talk instead." Nikki stated with a smirk across his face.
God I want to slap that smirk right off his face. He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows he cant stay here I'll get into all kinds of trouble.
"Alright let me get dressed and we'll go." I huffed.
I decided on a flowy yellow dress with platforms. I did my make up and teased my hair a bit. I put on burgandy lipstick. I wanted to look simple but classy. I grabbed an expensive handbag and headed out to Nikki.
"Wow you look gorgeous doll." Nikki bit his lip when he saw me. "But princess were just going to the cafe." Nikki stated as he got up.
"Well I like to dress classy and nice where ever I go Nikki. You should try it. Leather isn't everything." I responded while picking up the keys to the condo and heading out the door with him. ___________
"Nikki where are we going?" I demanded as we passed the cafe.
Don't worry." Nikki turned to me and smiled. God I should have just let the security guards take him away.
I started to fidget with his radio. Prince's song When the doves cry came on. I started singing loudly to the song.
Nikki then switched the radio to a different station. A rock station. I glared at him as he started singing some song.
Oh it's been getting so hard Living with the things you do to me My dreams are getting so strange I'd like to tell you everything I see
Oh, I see a man at the back as a matter of fact His eyes are as red as the sun And the girl in the corner let no one ignore her Cause she thinks she's the passionate one
Oh yeah! It was like lightning Everybody was fighting And the music was soothing And they all started grooving
I switched the radio back to When the doves cry and turned up the volume even louder and started singing at the top of my lungs.
How could you just leave me standing Alone in a world so cold Maybe I'm just too demanding Maybe I'm just like my father, too bold Maybe you're just like my mother She's never satisfied Why do we scream at each other This is what it sounds like When doves cry
Nikki then slammed on brakes and I flew forward then backwards hitting my back on to the chair. "Nikki what the hell!" I shouted holding my chest.
He turned the car off and pulled his keys out laughing like what he did was funny.
"Come on PRINCEss we're here" emphasizing on the "Prince." And laughing again.
What a jerk! He could have seriously hurt me.
We arrived at a house, Nikki opened the door and the smell of weed and alcohol hit my nose right away. We walked in and I saw half naked woman all over the place making out with guys, plus beer bottles on the gound, men passed out on the floor, and people doing drugs. Is this where he really wanted to bring me?
"Eyyy Sixx is finally here, and who do you got there with you, you dirty fucker?" The guy came running with his hands out and scrawny legs tripping all over each other.
"Woah T- bone settle down this is Iman Darlington." Nikki points at me with one hand while placing the other on this T- bone guys chest.
"Hey there Iman nice to meet you, I'm Tommy Lee drummer for Motley fucking Crue." He wipes his hands on his pants and brings it up for me to shake.
I really didn't want to shake his hand, only God knows what kind off diseases were on it.
"Hi nice to meet you Tommy" I shake his hand reluctantly.
"Actually." I yelp as he picks me up with my feet dangling off of the ground into a big hug. "I'm a hugger." He puts me back down and takes my hand and pulls me towards the couches.
"Have a seat doll." He points at the... is that a couch? I was absolutely not going to sit on that disgusting thing. Who knows what was on that couch.
"Geez you really are a fucking princess." Nikki rolls his eyes as he takes off his jacket and puts it down on the couch for me to sit on.
"Hey you look familiar." Tommy glares at me with a grin.
"That's because she's the chick from the diner that got splashed in the face by Nikki." A short blonde guy responded while walking out of a room laughing and pulling up his pants.
What a prick.
"Hi I'm Vince Neil lead singer of Motley Crue." He extends his hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Iman Darlington" I give him my hand to shake with a fake smile.
Could this day just be over.
I listen to the guys ramble on and on about their tour with Ratt and Ozzy Osbourne. A whole group of people surrounded us where we were sitting and they were laughing at the stories the guys were telling. I personally didn't think it was funny especially the way they treated some of the woman.
Nikki had his arm placed around my neck tightly like he owned me. It was a little uncomfortable.
"After the concert at the Bronco Bowl Dallas, Texas, a blond and a brunette don't know their names and I don't give a fuck." Nikki stated. "Came back stage and wanted to fuck all of us, so Vince and I told them that they had to work for our dicks. We told them they had to sit on a champagne bottle until we get back. And if they were still on the bottle by the time we got back they could fuck us." Nikki laughed and so did every one else.
"Oh shit the fucking best part was in the hotel room when we shoved a phone up the blond ones pussy, and.. and what else." laughed Tommy.
"Toothpaste!" Yelled Vince.
"And fucking made her friend call her mom hahahahaha yeah dude." Tommy yelled while throwing up the rock and roll sign.
I was mortified by some of the stories they were telling. I mean Nikki even went on to say he got into a knife fight with a bouncer, Ozzy sniffing ants and licking pee off the ground. Who are these guys rejects from hell!
"Alright guys you ready for the main coarse." Some guy says bringing out 2 silver platters. He was about to open them when Nikki cleared his throat nervously and glared at him.
"Hey Sixx we're not snor..."
"Tommy shut the fuck up." Vince interrupted him.
"I'm a... I'm gonna take you home ok princess." Nikki rubbed my arm then kissed the top of my head.
I said my goodbyes and we left.
We reached back at the Condo and I got out of the car.
"Where you going?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.
"I'm walking you up." Nikki laughed getting out of his car shutting the door and walking in with me.
"No you can't Tamara will see you." I place my arm on his chest to stop him from walking.
"Princess, I either carry you up or we walk up. Pick one." He smirked.
I didn't bother to argue he looked serious. We got into the elevator and as soon as the door closed he moved towards me. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled my body towards his.
"Nikki." I gasped putting my hand on his chest to push away.
He took my arms and put them around his neck. I pulled one of my arms off his neck and used my hand to move the hair out of his face. I looked into his eyes and they darkened to a deep shade of green. I bit my lip and he licked his lips and leaned down to.....
Oh thank God... the elevator door opened. Nikki groaned as I slipped passed him into the hallway.
"So can I at least have your number to call you?" Nikki asked leaning on the elevator door.
"Do you have a pen?" I turned and asked.
I sighed. "Meet me at the Diner tomorrow for 3." I smiled.
"Mani don't play with me." Nikki chuckled.
"I'll be there I promise." I winked.
I went inside and thought to my self. What am I doing? This guy is no good for me. He's dangerous. He could never be the type of guy you bring home to your parents. Plus I wonder what was in that silver platter?
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theskyexists · 5 years
watching bladerunner 2049
great environmentally destroyed earth there
i believe that the blatant humanity of AI in this film - as well as their blatant ability to love and feel empathy (a huge divergence from the book) while still being treated as inferior and disposable objects is a comment on how we do that to Other humans without blinking.
though also, they can project a hologram, then solidify the hologram - but they can’t clean up the damn atmosphere? like really. I guess that can only be explained by an elite trying to stay on top by keeping capital firmly in their own hands. i was looking at those solar farms and just going....how is that bringing in any energy in this dust?
also the problem i have with Ryan Gosling as this lead dude who’s in love with his adjustable AI hologram is that i never buy him as capable of love in that way. ever. at all. (so possibly it’s the right choice? anyway this whole thing is creepy)
yeah it’s supposed to be like: lol this was just a fantasy
‘a sentimental skin job’ - evidence of funerary practice, of altruistic behaviour (of grief, of empathy?) he says sorry even though by society’s standards the robot’s owed no courtesy? then he thinks the dude ate the baby - like thats not more insulting
so what separates robots from humans is not - eating food, drinking liquor, getting hurt, feeling empathy - but the ability to reproduce??? (but doesnt he need to sleep?)
the argument really is that being born = having a soul? lol thats a crazy wall to build a society on but there’s been stupider and more arbitrary ones. again, maybe that’s the point
a LOT of product placement in this.
it keeps to the same formula though. an investigator who is forced to forego his own empathy to ‘do the job’. Meeting with the local robot company, meeting the secretary in charge made to appeal. etc. etc. i think that’s pretty cool.
this building is very pharaoic. great set
eyyy a reference to the book. a lil origami sheep (got what he wanted)
im getting the impression from this film that ‘androids’ haven’t got a metal thing in their body and they’re just clones. which honestly i also got that sense from the book so that makes sense
ah so the android was based on himself (he looks ryan gosling like? or can i not distinguish white guys?). and this one is based on the K’s configuration of Joi.
Naturally the android to be ‘inspected’ is a woman who gets to be naked and weak and shit.
‘Every leap of civilisation was built off the back of a disposable workforce’ - great. (the film does a good job being like: hm yeah but the world is shit now so how is that leap so super ?)
Yikes i mean uh i know it’s like a commentary on disposable bodies and people as chattel and women as ‘reproducers’ but they’re portraying him and all his  fuckin self-important self-righteous power-hungry megalomaniac rich bitch speeches as a fuckin sermon worth listening to
and if they don’t take him down in this film i will be mad.
and also i wanted to stab his eyes out the moment he put his hand on her belly but unfortunately i get the sense he’s going to stab HER
but well they’re still sticking with the book formula which is still clever, the Investigator being in love with some AI and then having to kill the android that looks just like her because the company doesn’t keep to the law and shit
- i hope they push just a lil bit different since they’ve clearly established the main premise of the book is the opposite in this film - androids DO have empathy, they DO dream of electric sheep (in this case, electric Joi)
I sure hope ‘Luv’ gets to murder Wallace for what he does to this baby android.
I know he’s a rapist capitalist sadist god complex creepbitch but goddamn i sure hope that the movie MEANT for that reading or i will be mad.
he literally did nothing but creep on a CHILD android and then murder her FOR NOTHING. wow. i’ve never wanted androids to take over and kill a human so badly before. This sure is the opposite of Terminator.
i liked mackenzie davis’ performance here.
‘am i the only one who can see the fuckin sunrise, here?’ uhhhh why are you shouting at the android? like, where the fuck are your human officers and bosses? i love how apparently a police boss can just drink on the job? bc sci fi noir. not that ryan gosling manages that. i JUST noticed that she has bare legs, and now they cut to putting them on display. this is going to end badly (im feeling like there’s going to be some sort of sexual power abuse. edit: she was testing his humanity and he deliberately failed teh test to stop her interest in him)
why the fuck would they implant that memory. (but he thinks that it might be real) (but then how would he have ended up there at the police station)
theres a lot of rain in this world
we now move onto the marginal humans that live in the waste, discarded. and how they destroyed without blinking by a marginal android operating on the orders of the richest man alive.
i have to say that watching this movie makes me so happy about trees and blue skies
the marginal children - processing the waste - sick, abused, enslaved.... here all white...supervisor...black. interesting choice. (all this suffering for ‘civilisation’ - the nickel for the colony ships - this is a lot more spicy than the book - a lot more realistic about who suffers and dies for that kind of thing)
starts to seem like he really is the kid - these ‘orphanage’ stairs look a lot like that memory
Gosling is great for this role bc he doesn’t really have to move his face. but god the pace of this film is so SLOW! had to skip a bit of his slow shuffle to the horse man. ‘ohhh i was a real child, from loving parents, oh no i killed my dad! after killing my mum through childbirth! fuck! im the child that im hunting! oh shit! hey i have a soul!’
you’re special because actually you had agency all along and you’ve been using it to murder people wink
i dont understand the AI bit in this. don’t understand why they would hide him with so much care that he’d know nothing about who he was and kill his dad. like. surely that wasn’t the idea. also if the AI is Wallace’s why can’t Luv hack it. also i really kind of dislike her male fantasy self.
I like this Doctor. she is very very sweet and lovely. i dont really know why nobody would come visit her.
so we can read memories, implant memories, project memories not photo realistically ACTUALLY realistically, we can construct memories from the imagination but we can’t -  i repeat - we can’t clean the damn atmosphere?? i mean yes yes yes this is... a perfect example of how capitalism will not necessarily put money into tech that is you know - a good idea for us all collectively but rather into something that can be sold but god DAMN
manipulation eyyyy. already exercising his freedom of mind
really. an android selling sex to an android??? what the fuck lol. it’s a clone implanted with fake memories selling sex to a clone. yeah yeah yeah society has deemed them inhuman purely because they were built but THE POINT IS THEY are human in literally every other sense and controls them through law and brain make-up and then eliminating everybody who grows their brains from baseline? (why are they even paid?? is that supposed to be pavlovian?)
i really don’t understand what this AI is about. i just can’t get over that this really doesn’t seem like a love story
he almost died and then this AI springs sex on him lol. i really. i just really don’t care for this story and that’s possibly because Ryan Gosling is just so fuckin bad at selling any kind of love story like his eyes are always SO DEAD
oh my god im only halfway. oh my god. THIS FILM IS ALMOST THREE HOURS LONG. jfc
this is such an extremely male fantasy it bores me to death. im  a dude who’s badass, powerful, controlled, SPECIAL, also told im special by my very humany AI gf who i installed exactly to my tastes, she desperately wants to have sex with me FOR ME because im just so cool and wonderful despite being so tortured and possessing eyes like a dead fish. 
let’s spend 20 mins on undressing another two women in this film as we, the viewers, and i, the male protagonist just stand and watch. let’s re-emphasise how she’s just a self-learning ai
there’s light? warm light?
and then they have the women fight each other ? cool cool cool. im not saying it’s not realistic, im just saying it’s boring. i thought Mackenzi was going to proposition K for the resistance
still not sure why Luv hasn’t hacked her already. first time the romance feels slightly real
I guess Luv is indoctrinated. i still like police boss don’t hurt her. i mean obv she’s terrible but so is everybody else. she cried...again. so she kills from anger - not because she had to. she kills her the same way Wallace killed the android. i’d love to read a lil analysis about this. later. women-on-women violence
oh she really DID know where he was but kept it from Luv. why? was she willing to die for him? no. her dignity? maybe. The women in this are mysteries. also why is he still allowed to use the car and drone when he’s suspended. that’s pretty fuckin stupid.
hmm giant statues of naked women WITH heels on posed sexily and unthreateningly. im just saying. this is all super psychoanalysis galaxy brain.
gasp there is a real live bee. thats a book call back
and a classic perfectly intact building
it’s got the opposite problem of the book: it is SLOW AS FUCK
how does he know what a piano is
wow K’s really good at de-escalating. why not just be honest. so he got shot, blown up and then? still fine walking. lol they just gotta show off that he’s still a bladerunner! (where the fuck did that name come from...)
here you’re bleeding in your face. ok? he’s also bleeding from the shotwound maybe? that was definitely implied that he got shot.
and K’s also really bad at asking questions lol. thats because all he ever did was shoot people. anyway this is boring again, these two fighting about nothing - some kind of testerony bullshit about zero stakes - but apparently just screaming at the man will help
also im not sure why he assumed Deckard was the father.
harrison ford delivered that well.
‘to strangers’ i fuckin hate ryan gosling i don’t know if its because hes a bad actor or because his interpretation is so shit
so Deckard left, Rachel died in childbirth (really? lol. god do i want to fuckin consume a woman’s story about goddamn dying in childbirth) and Sapper left him at the orphanage? but how the fuck did he then get slotted into police service all official like??? doesnt make sense except Mackenzie’s network’s got something to do with it
ok so it was implied but now confirmed taht androids come with enhancements
oh nooooo she kills his love :( awww. i can’t feel for him at all lol
but she almost kills the kid she so badly wanted to find
i wonder why she’s so sadistic. probably because she learned from wallace. but all the womb - woman - beautifying - controlled by man - in fear of him - in thrall of him - killing other women again and again sadistically while killing men coldly is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i just dont care for it you know
also this AI woman turned out to have NO role in the movie except to lavish attention on this dude (make him seem capable of love except ryan gosling can’t move his face) and then be fridged lol
so why does she let him live? fuckin bullshit
look, i like the aesthetic and the world but god the director is wayy too in love with it - SPEED THIS SHIT UP
so actually - if Rachel died in childbirth how is she holding the baby in the pic
“That baby meant that we are more than just slaves”
This could be really cool - like - taking back the means of reproduction!!! This is how we will become a PEOPLE. Freedom through female fertility as a symbol. But because uhhhhh this is all a Male Fantasy it feels decidedly icky and not like that at all. Like, why did they make the kid male? That...makes no sense? if Rachel was the only one who could bear children bc of her ...genes? Why the fuck would you centre the story on somebody who cannot take up that legacy, cannot be that symbol? It’s totally weird
OH!!!!! ok lol.
he thought he was the kid but the girl is....but uh then why was there an exact copy. as a red herring? THEN HOW DID HE GET from the orphanage to the fuckin police???
Is Luv supposed to be the girl though? because they keep killing all the female characters so it’s like, uhuh. it’s not mackenzie bc like thatd be silly huh. i mean it would be stupid but they could pull that
if they think he can get at deckard, why not get him to shoot wallace
how did he get a fuckin police car lololololol
ah these super high tech hoovercars have zero defenses against ???  what is he even shooting at them?
Luv’s actress does something very interesting to her voice when she gets emotional or shouts orders - kind of monstrous and inhuman
well he certainly hit them perfectly
“I’m the best one” yeah - i.e. so I cannot be killed by my master as he’s made me do to so many
why do they always INSIST on men killing women by choke. don’t be so fucking stupid. if she can push his head under water she can punch his lights out. SHE LITERALLY JUST HAD A KNIFE - SHE COULD HAVE STABBED HIM IN THE EYE
why would she waste air grunting. she doesn’t even fake him out. i know they’re human so thats counter-instinctual but like, she’s supposed to be an incredible fighter. it’s the same thing with how they have her do all these kicks and he stays standing because women = agility, men = endurance, and then he punches her once and she goes flying. THEY”RE ANDROIDS HARRY. WHY WOULD YOU BUILD GENDER BULLSHIT IN???
so how many women did we see die extremely explicitly and/or aesthetically and/or plot/significantly so far? raechal (childbirth), the android baby (one cut to the womb), the police boss (one cut to the womb), AI girl (one crunch), Luv (one shot and one strangle-drown).
Ryan Gosling can get shot, blown up, killer punched 7 times, get blown up again, have his lung get perforated by schrapnel, be kicked to shit 5 times. he gets a bandage on his nose and takes it off again so thats a total reset apparently. He’s then shot again, kicked to shit again, sliced in the hand, stabbed in a place thats clearly deadly, half drowned - and he STILL KILLS THIS ANDROID WOMAN. HE STILL KILLS THE BEST WALLACE HAS EVER MADE.
the men get shot from a distance, bombed from a distance, shot from a distance.
im sorry but this sucks.
and then ryan gosling swims all the way to land.
lol why does this script try to convince me that in this advanced fuckin tech society they wouldn’t be able to check for Deckard’s body??? and then he brings him to a place that’s monitored??
oh right the Doctor was the daughter. so.....they lied about her auto-immune disease? she knew that she had given him her memory? why did they do that? im still not clear on that???
how tf and whytf would they send the girl to the orphanage and let her get beat up by some boys, and only then send her to some perfect chamber
ryan gosling always plays such emotionally constipated characters - they never wanna have anything good
THAT’S IT!?!! they’re not going to explain shit?? they’re implying K just died?? leaving Deckard to get picked up by police and Wallace to find the Doctor and and THEY DIDN’T EVEN KILL CREEP EXTROARDINAIRE FUCKING WALLACE???
All they did was kill the abused slave by fucking choke?????
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jupiterjunebug · 6 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Adventure Zone (Podcast), The Adventure Zone Amnesty Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Ships tba when they become relevant Characters: Aubrey Little, Duck Newton, Edmund "Ned" Chicane, Mama (The Adventure Zone), Barclay (The Adventure Zone) Additional Tags: There's 4 ships see if u can guess, u can probably guess, AU: Coastal, AU: Pacific Northwest, AU: Mermaids, currently rated M for a lot of fish gore coming up...soon Summary:
The Amnesty Lighthouse has looked over Kepler and defended it against the changing tides and the creatures that haunt the deep for years. Its two keepers have held out for a long time, but as the abominations become more violent, they'll need a little help. Aubrey, Duck, and Ned will have to do. AKA the AU where the Sylphs are mermaids, Kepler's an island off the coast of Washington State, the abominations are...still bad, and a whole bunch of people are being dragged along for the ride.
Eyyy what’s up everybody we’re BACK with a fuckin. Mermaids and sea monsters AU! There’s gonna be Vampfire so we figured we’d try to post before February ended.
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mswisegal · 6 years
Warning: NSFW, R-18, underage prostitution, some bdsm(?), Chester is a bit of a creep, bad habits like smoking, cursing, violence, mentions of child abuse, possessiveness.
A/N: here it is!!! took me a lot of editing but i’m finally done. i should really stop writing on impulse cause it’s interfering with my sleeping schedule, i started making this at midnight two weeks ago(??) nvm, hope you guys like dark!Chester eyyy.
Tags: @sungoddessra , @mcrosiers
Pairings: Chester/MC, Felix/MC, Onesided Charlie/MC
He was smoking again. She thought. Nothing is ever good when he smokes.
The blue bed sheet was soft against her skin as she lay there pretending to be asleep. She listened to the sound of the gentle wind outside the balcony, the moonlight touching the walls she's facing as his shadow follows his movements and she knows that he's standing there with only his boxers with a lit cigarette in one hand.
Shameless bastard. She spat out in the walls of her own mind. (Y/N) angrily stared at the wall, brows furrowing. Pervert probably likes being watched. And she didn't doubt it for a second.
(Y/N) turned around slowly, making as little noise as possible and she was greeted with a view of a tall, scarred, broad-shouldered, young man. His back facing her as he let the cigarette touch his lips again,.
What wrong now? Did something happen at work? She asked herself and she saw him exhale. The white smoke danced in front of him under the gentle light before being carried off by the breeze.
It’s been a year.
Nothing has really changed other than the frequent visits and the interactions that confused her these past few days. (Y/N) didn’t understand but she was more than fine with it.
However, the sudden change made her wary.
And her suspicion grew worse now that he’s holding the cancer-stick. (Y/N) stared and he repeated the motions until he slowly turned his head to the right and she instantly snapped her eyes shut.
She could feel his eyes on her, she cursed herself silently when she realizes that her upper torso wasn’t covered, her arms were stretched out in front of her leaving her breasts completely visible under his burning gaze. She heard him shift a little but other than that, she heard nothing.
(Y/N) thought she was in the clear and let her shoulders relax.
“I know you’re awake.”
She tensed up again. He sounded close, he is close, damn. How can this man make his footsteps sound like feathers falling to the ground? She didn’t even hear him approach, what the hell?
The smell of cigarette smoke made her slowly open her eyes and it instantly narrowed.
Chester stood there with hair messed up and sticking in every direction, face blank with a hint of a growing stubble on his chin, and the cigarette was there between his fingers. Its presence made her scowl.
The prick! He knows how much she hates him smoking inside. “Put that shit out, will you?" (Y/N) hissed and he only smirked before taking another drag off of the piece of shit stick and letting the smoke fill the air. She wanted to kick him in the balls, then maybe he’ll have to suck it in than let it out.
“Nah.” He said with an amused and teasing tone. (Y/N) really wanted to punch him. 
She sat up, not caring anymore if she was naked and Chester must have appreciated it since his eyes went down from her face to her chest slowly.
Shameless, fucking shameless.
"I said put that shit out." (Y/N)’s intense glare must have worked because he rolled his eyes and sighed. Chester smoothened his hair back slowly with one hand, irritation clear on his features.
“Just a few more and then maybe I will love. I need it." Came a tired voice and her expression softened to mild anger.
This, this is what she was talking about. Old Chester wouldn't care, he'll leave the fucking room. Maybe tease her a little before getting out of whatever place they chose to rent for the night for a smoke.
Some nights he wouldn't even come back and she'll be the only one leaving the damn place, alone, hungry, but with a lot of gold in her pocket.
What changed?
"Well take it outside, the balcony's right there."
"I don't know, I like the view here more."
And he's back to being a pain in the ass. (Y/N) glared and grabbed the sheets to cover herself, as if anticipating the motion, he stopped her by pulling the sheets and leaving it to fall on the floor.
"You're a fucking twat, you know that?"
Chester didn't say anything, only stared, and it made her somewhat conscious now but she didn't let it show. His gazes always have that effect. Like their first night.
"Spread your legs, let me see those cute cotton knickers."
Fucking pervert.
He made a sound of confirmation as if he was agreeing to her thoughts half-heartedly before lowering his cigarette to put it out on the bed then throwing it carelessly on the ground.
"What are you doing? You shouldn't have done that, they'll make me pay!" (Y/N) yelled, but before she could let any curses out he grabbed her ankle and pulled.
She fell on her back and he crawled on top of her and she noticed that he wasn't wearing his boxers anymore with how his cock was now visible for the whole world to see.
"Relax. I have a lot of money, I'll pay for it."
"Fucking liar," She hissed out through clenched teeth, "You said the Ministry doesn't pay you enough."
"Being paid a lot and not being paid enough is different." Chester let her ankle go to grip her knees to spread her legs but she fought against the motion, still pissed.
“How is that different?”
“They pay me more than the average Auror but the work I do needs more than what they give me, do you understand now? Good, open your legs.”
“No.” (Y/N) snapped, lifting herself from the bed and pushing away from him. “That’s it for the day, you won’t be getting any more.”
“What the fuck is up with you?”
“What the fuck is up with me? More like what the fuck is up with you?!”
Chester groaned, sighing he looked at her as if she was a child throwing a tantrum. Unamused, he spoke. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’ve been asking sex from me recently.”
“Yeah and so? It’s nothing new.”
“Not this frequent! What happened to being discreet?!”
It was a short arrangement but mutually beneficial with simple rules and instructions.
He calls, they meet, they have sex, then after that, they pretend nothing ever happened, move on with their lives until he calls again and the cycle repeats itself. It never once changed.
Until now.
“I thought you don’t want anyone knowing.” (Y/N) said it more like a statement than a question and it was Chester’s turn to scowl. “You’re paranoid, no one knows.”
“That’s not what I meant! My father will find out, now that I’m always out night and day!”
“He won’t, the man’s oblivious.”
“He will! Felix-“
“Don’t say his fucking name.”
With Chester’s low and deadly tone, (Y/N) snapped her mouth shut. The thought of Felix was cut off immediately when he grabbed her arm and turned her around harshly, her chest pressing down on the soft bed as he climbed up behind her.
“Rule number fucking one, (Y/N).” He growled next to her ear, the heat of his skin was almost too much for her and she squirmed but she didn’t let him intimidate her.
“Felix-“ He gripped her arm tighter from behind and she winced, “-is getting suspicious. He wants to know why I couldn’t spend time with him like I normally do. He wants answers Chester, and it won’t be long before he catches up.”
Felix said it to her once but not personally, thank Merlin. He wrote a letter and up until now she was yet to reply, there will be a time when he would not take any more of her silence and seek her out himself to confront her if they weren’t careful.
“What am I gonna tell him?” (Y/N)’s voice was vulnerable sounding and she hated herself for it.
“Tell him because I fucking said so, because I pay you. Simple.”
Because you’re mine. 
“Yeah, no way in hell am I gonna say that. Not in a million years.” Chester gritted his teeth and (Y/N) almost regretted sassing him. Almost.
They met when Felix introduced Chester to her. It was nothing special, there was no occasion, they just ran into each other when they were window shopping. He was standing there, looking like a complete mess, with a cigarette in hand and (Y/N) could see the look of disapproval on Felix’s face.
She too, couldn’t stand him, not for the same reason but because of his attitude.
He was snippy and insufferable, he didn’t even try to be charming, it was a shock to her when Felix told her that he was a Prefect too back when they were at Hogwarts. (Y/N) never knew there was a Prefect named Chester Davies and Felix never mentioned him up until now.
She was sixteen and he was twenty-one, and they made a deal.
Chester unclenched his jaw and sighed out, “Fuck, love, you sure are a pain in the ass.”
(Y/N) could feel the friction of his cock just above her sex and she gripped the pillow above her head and bit her lip.
“I know I promised that I won’t leave marks this week especially now that you’re fully healed, but damn do you make me want to. Is that it? You want a rough round?”
She couldn't believe this, is he changing the subject?
“Fuck you, Chester, this isn’t a game! I want this secret buried under my shit pile, never to be seen again! I don't want anyone knowing this, I don’t want anyone finding out!”
He was uncharacteristically silent now but she didn’t care. She wants to get her point across.
"This is below me, everybody looks up to me at Hogwarts and if they ever find out-"
(Y/N) could see her friends faces morphed into disgust, and the harsh hushed whispers of her peers, her teachers, the people she looked up to like Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and her brother-
"What I do isn't enough for you is it, (Y/N)?"
“Please, please just-“ (Y/N) didn’t know when she started crying but fresh tears started running down her cheeks, dampening the baby blue cover that reminded her of the sky.
“Just until I graduate, after that you won’t see me again, you won’t have to deal with my problems just- please.”
(Y/N)’s father was a gambler, an alcoholic, a chain-smoker, and the little money he gets from his job was all spent on his addictions. He was downright abusive and when Jacob left in order to find them a solution she received the end of every hit.
She hated Jacob for it but that didn’t stop her from looking for him and when she found him again, she couldn’t help but feel happy to see him. She wasn’t alone anymore.
But their currency started dropping twice as hard now that her worthless father found himself a fucking girlfriend and Jacob has to go back to risking his life just to feed them.
Her life was over, she might not have been expelled from Hogwarts because of her dangerous activities but she’s sure as hell wouldn’t be able to pay for it this September.
(Y/N) desperately wanted to ask Rowan but her family is also trying to get by with their tree farm, she isn’t that close with Ben so she couldn’t ask him, Penny was middle-class but that doesn’t mean she has that kind of money to give her, she doesn’t even want to start with Bill.
Her friends have problems too and it’s embarrassing to ask them something like this so she kept her mouth shut.
Felix came into mind on more than one occasion but-
If his mother ever found out-
The weight on her back was suddenly gone, and she could move again. (Y/N) didn’t know why she suddenly felt disappointed of the loss of his close proximity. Maybe she wanted comfort, a little affection but she knows she won't be getting any of that from him.
She sat up slowly and turned around to see him getting dressed.
His back was turned towards her as he buttoned up his worn dark blue dress shirt. It was silent and awkward and (Y/N) felt the need to hug her knees but ignored it and remained sitting still on the bed.
The sound of gringotts was placed on the table and it made her jump, her eyes were now locked onto coffee brown ones that had this dark swirl around them, something deep, something animal even, not human. 
And she wondered what they looked like back when he wasn’t so...jaded, 
If she looked deeper maybe she’ll find something there that’ll make her understand why he was who he was, why he was doing this but he turned his head before she could get anything out of it.
Chester walked out the door, expression unreadable, shoulders tense and ready to pounce on anyone that wouldn’t fall on his good graces. With the soft click of the door, she realized that she was holding her breath and she exhaled.
(Y/N) was walking around in her Hogwarts uniform in Diagon Alley in one hot afternoon, looking for a part-time job. She thought that if she wore her school garb they’ll pity her and hire her even if she was still underage, it wasn’t ideal but losers can’t be choosers.
At the end of the day, however, she was only met with disappointment.
Nobody wanted to hire her, some already had enough workers and the others weren’t desperate enough for her help to take her in.
She felt like crying. The world is unfair, life is unfair, Jacob can’t keep the family afloat alone. FUCK MY LIFE. (Y/N) wanted to cry out.
And that’s where she found Chester, coming out of Knockturn Alley like it was a normal thing for a man in his position to do. (Y/N) didn’t know what came over her but she chased him, grabbed his arm, and when he turned around to meet her red-rimmed eyes, only three words left her lips.
“Please, help me."
He did and she should have known that the things that come easily have its price. (Y/N) doesn't deny that she was repulsed by the idea of selling herself but she had been raised in a small, poor family, and she had to learn about being practical at a very young age.
It was reasonable, it was easy, it can help her so much. So she agreed.
At first, she was scared, she doesn't know Chester that much and here he was stripping her off of her underwear with steady hands. He was at ease, in his element and she was the opposite, all nerves and shaky fingers.
He knew what he was doing and (Y/N) wanted to berate him, to scowl and sneer at him because he was an Auror, it’s against all of the things he believes in- what he believed in but all she could do was moan when she felt his tongue that can be sharp and dirty at the same time press softly against her clit bringing her to new heights she never thought even existed.
Is this what the Ministry hires? 
Silver-tongued, rough around the edges, morally grey, unwhole young men? He was young, wasn’t he? Twenty-two, that’s hardly an adult, or was she wrong? Chester looked like ten years was taken out of him with bags under his eyes, worry lines on his forehead, and scars that are barely visible under the soft glow of the moonlight all over his body.
“Don’t ask, just touch. Merlin- fuck, you’re gorgeous. Haven’t anyone at school ever told you that?”
Then he was quiet for some time.
“Nevermind, don’t tell me.”
(Y/n) laid back down on the baby blue bed and closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep.
“I might have to snap their necks.”
She didn’t know if he was joking or not but he was laughing.
They went back to their normal routine. Chester didn’t call as frequently as he did but when he does she could barely walk after. Even her useless father pointed out mockingly how she walked like a toddler nowadays and his girlfriend’s shrill laugh made her grit her teeth.
She reminded herself, This is for you, this is for your future, this is for Jacob. They’ll laugh but one day you’ll have your turn. They’ll see, they will all see.
Chester and (Y/N) never mentioned anything about that night and she was grateful for it. So they kept doing what they know best in the bedroom.
September hits and Chester fucked her on top of a desk table. His desk table at his apartment, with stacks of books, half-empty coffee mugs that had gone cold, and clean-written reports. His personality was written on these small mocha walls and his scent of faded cigarette smoke mixed with pure black coffee and cinnamon were attacking her senses, making her dizzy.
Chester’s eyes were shut, his forehead creasing as he was hunched over with hands gripping her hips painfully while her legs were wrapped around his torso as he pounded into her, hard. She was sure she will bruise later.
The mugs crashed on the ground long ago, probably spilling coffee on the ugly light-brown carpet, papers strewn to the side, becoming unimportant in the heat of the moment.
This won't be the last but Chester made her feel like it was so she gripped his shoulders, scratched him, nipped, bit, and sucked. I need you.
And he responded in equal eagerness, with a quiet I need you too.
"Christmas-" He moaned out before leaning down to bite her earlobe, "There's Christmas." (Y/N) know what he was trying to say but that didn't stop him for shagging her three more times in three different furniture.
Christmas came and (Y/N) wasn’t at home much. Christmas cards and gifts came like rain but they were hardly acknowledged because she has a problem.
There was something wrong with Chester.
She didn’t know what it was but the way he smoked was frequent now, after sex, after eating, even when he was taking a shit. She tried to find out whats wrong but she could hardly ask without him either shutting her up by shoving his hand in her panties or by ignoring her completely as if she wasn’t even in the room.
He was loud one moment and then quiet the next, he was always in thought and sometimes he would mutter a word or two under his breath that was barely audible. (Y/N) was scared that he finally lost his marbles and he might snap any second now and murder her in his messy apartment.
Nobody knows where she is, it was a perfect opportunity.
Then, as if he read her thoughts, he grinned. “I’m not gonna hurt you love unless,-” Leaning down to brush his lips on the shell of her ear,  “-you want me to of course.”
(Y/N) shuddered.
There were times too when she wakes up in the middle of the night in his bed, naked and spent, he would be sitting in a chair with a drink in his hand just watching her. He wasn’t doing anything, he wasn’t even jacking off or doing something equally mischevious or perverted.
Chester just sat there and watched.
It was downright creepy as fuck and she could never figure out what’s going on in his mind. (Y/N) actually preferred him doing something instead of just staring at her so intensely in the dark like some mysterious lurker.
“What’s wrong with you?” She whispered in the dark, a chuckle that was spine-chilling made her hair rise.
“A lot, you have to be a little specific sweetheart.”
“Why are you acting like this? Is there something wrong?” She warily asked.
(Y/N) heard the chair creak and she could feel his warm breath on her neck and she stilled. His warm hand cupped her ass and squeezed before nipping on her pulse point.
“You’re scaring me.”
He let go instantly, his hands and mouth were gone but his touch lingered. How, how does he do that? Even if she was tired it felt like she could go another round with him, is he putting something in her drink? 
The thought was so plausible it terrified her.
There was really something fucked up about Chester and to be dealing with him was a tough job she wasn't aware she signed up for.
“Not as much as I do you.” He mused and (Y/N) didn’t know what the fuck that means, he was so confusing.
Instead of giving herself a headache, she closed her eyes and ignored him and her thoughts.
The last days of her spending the holidays with Chester went out with a bang. He was downright animalistic, he looked like a beast that was let out of its cage for the first time in years, aggressive and hungry.
(Y/N) was covered in hickeys, down to the lightest pink to the angriest red, lines that his nails made left marks on her legs and hips. The beginning of September was nothing compared to this. Everything they did was nothing compared to this.
Her ass was in the air, pink from being smacked, and she was clutching the festive collar around her neck. (Y/N)’s eyes were shut tight as Chester pounded from behind, she whimpered when she felt the familiar build in her abdomen.
Her orgasm came down on her again for the umpteenth time and Chester groaned loudly behind her when her walls tightened around his cock bringing him on the edge with her.
She was sore and tired. When Chester pulled out she collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily and she felt him lay down next to her, equally exhausted and satisfied.
So the beast has been sated for the day. (Y/N) thought, about to close her eyes to get some good rest for her journey back to Hogwarts tomorrow but it was halted when she felt arms around her, pulling her close to a sweaty chest. 
(Y/N) doesn't have any energy left and she was about to tell him enough was enough but his gruff voice stopped her. "After your graduation,"
Chester hesitated and that was enough to catch her attention.
"After your graduation, if you want this to continue, you tell me."
"Why? I don't have classes to pay any more."
"It's just a thought," He shrugged, "You don't have enough money or if you're just down for a quick fuck then I'm available."
"You still have a long way to go for that firm you're planning with your brother. Skill alone isn't going to be enough."
She was surprised, she didn’t know he was listening when she rambles on about what she would do after Hogwarts or anything really.
"A new place to stay is gonna cost a lot too..."
(Y/N) thought about it.
Chester was right, she couldn’t just start with skill alone but she has Madam Rakepick and Bill waiting for her to graduate somewhere in Egypt with Jacob. The firm would have to wait but it’s not impossible.
She didn’t say it out loud, it felt like something bad might happen if she did.
(Y/N) only nodded in response and he squeezed her tighter, pulling out his wand to unclasp the collar around her neck with magic.
She woke up the next morning with Chester sucking the bundle of nerves between her legs.
The graduation was curt but fun, filled with mostly tears, but that was expected. Underclassmen told them goodbye with a few parting words and all of it went by in a blur.
It’s not like they aren’t going to see each other again but that didn’t stop her from letting a few tears escape. Rowan especially, hugging her as if their life depended on it.
The only highlight of the day was Filch getting chased by a Fanged-Frisbee and an Ever-Bashing-Boomerang as a farewell ‘present’.
Ah yes, the Tonks and Tulip classic.
When they were on the boats back to shore to leave Hogwarts, hopefully not forever, she thought about her future and all that she did in the past to get to where she is now.
(Y/N) had graduated, she did it even after all the struggles she faced, she made it.
She made it.
She held back the tears until she could no longer help it. It was too much when Jacob stood there with Bill next to him, he looked tired but something in his eyes told her that everything was finally going the way they want it to go and it’s fine now.
There were no more abusive fathers, no more sleepless nights, no more-
Someone appeared behind Jacob and it stopped her completely in her tracks and she could hear Charlie ask if she was okay.
Jacob spotted (Y/N) and he perked up, “(Y/N)! Over here!” He yelled enthusiastically and it caught the attention of the other two men with him. She hastily rubbed her eyes to rub off the tears and smiled. 
Her brother went bounding, he didn’t care if he bumped a few people along the way but he was just so happy to see her and it was contagious. He opened his arms and she ran mid-way to meet him.
(Y/N) hugged him tightly and she could feel her eyes sting again. God, she missed him. They parted and Jacob took the close proximity as an opportunity to mess her hair. “Hey!”
“Charlie!” Yelled Bill and the two other siblings looked. They were sure he was going to do the same thing to Charlie, but he only held his hand up to stop him. 
“This is why we can’t have nice things.” Said the older red-head, lowering his hands while pouting. Charlie just rolled his eyes. 
“Where’s Percy and the twins?”
“Probably somewhere avoiding us because they know you’re going to do something embarrassing.”
“Bill!” (Y/N) called the attention of the eldest Weasley and he was more than eager to hug her. “(Y/N), thank Merlin you’re done with Hogwarts, I can’t stand being alone with your brother anymore. He's insufferable."
"I'm standing right here you prick." Jacob chuckled out before punching him playfully on the arm.
“The rest will be waiting for us in the Burrow. Mum is cooking to celebrate and she insists on you two to come, along with, uhm.”
They all turned to Felix, and he awkwardly stood there as if he wasn’t expecting to be acknowledged at all.
"Yeah sorry about that, I have to bring him along." Jacob sounded apologetic and Bill waved it off. "Nah it's fine mate."
"As long as he doesn't mind, that is." Mumbled Charlie and his brother had to elbow his side to shut him up which did the trick. Charlie briefly glared at him before a mask of calm indifference took its place.
"Hello (Y/N)." He said politely and she gave a small wave back, "Hey... Felix."
"Anyways," Bill cut in, thumb pointing at the crowd of students. “We’ll be looking for the other three, wait for us here.”
“Oh wait, let me come.” Her brother hastily said, “I- ahhhh, have to buy some chocolate frogs from the trolley lady, you know how I loooooovvveeee chocolate frogs.”
“Why can’t you just buy one later?” Asked Charlie with a raised brow who can see past through Jacob and his bullshit. 
“Cause I want one now.”
Bill looked at Jacob then at (Y/N) before his eyes landed on Felix. “Yeah, sure. She might be somewhere inside. Come on, who knows what the twins are getting themselves into. Merlin, I hope Percy is keeping an eye on them.”
Charlie hesitated but Bill put an arm around his shoulder to drag him away and Jacob only glanced at them before grabbing Charlie’s cart away, following the two who seemed to be having a hushed heated argument.
“So...” (Y/N) trailed off but Felix beat her to it. “Congratulations on finally graduating (Y/N). You proved me wrong again.”
A pause.
“I-” They both said at once and they both stopped to let the other speak. When they felt like the other wasn't going to talk they did it again.
Then, (Y/N) let out a loud laugh and Felix couldn’t help but chuckle. This was ridiculous. Since when have they started treating each other like strangers? This needs to stop. They both thought.
“I’m sorry Felix, it’s been a rough two years, I hope you understand.”
“No, please. I-” Felix looked at her with his beautiful, shiny hickory eyes and (Y/N) felt like it was missing something. Something she was used to seeing in someone else’s eyes. 
It was the wrong color.
Coffee colored eyes with no cream or sugar, oh how it kept her wide awake.
“You don’t have to explain yourself or apologize (Y/N), I’m just glad that you’re okay and that you’re... here.”
His words went straight to her chest and it gave her butterflies. What a strange feeling. She never felt like this in a long time. She missed him.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you, I just went off without any warnings. It’s the least I could do.”
“Perhaps it was a bit rude but you don’t need to worry about that. I’m sure there will be plenty of time for you to make it up to me in the future.” Felix grinned and (Y/N) knew it was nothing sexual but she couldn’t help but blush.
“On your hands and knees- there, good girl. Now. Beg.”
(Y/N) stopped. She didn’t want to think of that here.
“Felix, (Y/N)! We found them, let’s go!” Yelled Jacob from the other end and she could see not one, not two, but four read-heads and it made her titter. She took a step before she felt eyes on her. It was familiar and it made the hairs on her arms rise. 
He’s here.
“(Y/N)?” Called Felix, she nodded and focused on hickory eyes.
“Yeah sorry, I’m a little out of it, just help me push this.” (Y/N) gestured on her cart and Felix nodded in understanding. “You must be exhausted. Let me.” He went next to her to push the cart, hands brushing briefly before she pulled away.
“Thanks, Felix.” He said to call but-
“You’re welcome, (Y/N).” -she doesn’t need him anymore.
“Ready?” Asked Felix and (Y/N) nodded with a smile, “Ready.” She replied. And the burning of his gaze never left her until she was no longer in sight. 
206 notes · View notes
We arrived at the party about when that the police ships were pulling away, followed by a generous range of nuclear missiles. My heart sank. I suppose Gamora was lying to me about the fireworks.
Perhaps it was a realization that was a long time coming to me, but there was little time to reflect on this. Ronan was already gliding the Sanctuary II over to the right side of the Milano.
As the intern slowed my flagship to an even stop, I took a deep breath and gazed upon the many broken-down speedsters littering the spacescape below.
Though I had fought many things bigger and grander than a horde of Ravager-hovels, something about the sheer number of ships seemed to produce unexpected intimidation in my heart.
I suppose I had never really been what they would call a “party animal.” Even in my childhood upon Titan’s gardens of bliss, it was always my brother, not I, who had the lion’s share of mirth, celebration always his “thing.” But that fact was acceptable for I always had much to do and little time to waste on frivolity.
It was an irony he’d enjoy that my task now took me into the midst of what looked to be, as he would put it, a “banging” party.
Nebula squeezed my hand almost tight enough to cut off any semblance of pulse still pumping through it. Clearly a gesture of comfort that I well appreciated. “So,” she muttered to me, metallic voice echoing in the interior of the spaceship like the ring of a bullet, “Are we going or what?”
I straightened myself up, smoothing over any wrinkles in the suit Ronan had so careful picked out. Not the kind of person that I would have expected to be a fashionista, that Ronan. But all the same.
“I’m ready, my daughter.”
“Good.” With the confidence expected of the daughter of a Titan Eternal, Nebula strode out of the cockpit and down the tentacling tube that hung strung from Sanctuary to Milano like a parasite. I followed her, head somewhat bent-- not out of any sort of anxiety of course, but simply because the ceiling was too low.
And together, we entered the chaos and cacophony of the party.
I suppose it was a bit optimistic on my part, even in a room full of drunken pirates, to expect that it would be over five minutes until the two of us were recognized.
Dodging between scuffles, spooning and all the other sort of tomfoolery one would expect at a party thrown by wanted criminals, I was seeking to find, someone, anyone who looked mildly similar to the descriptions the media had given of the Guardians.
Best as I could remember there were five of them.
A genetically modified rodent, schooled in the intricacies of explosive weaponry and sharpshooting.
A botanical being, strong as a galactic toothhare and indestructible save by fire and ash.
A warrior brazen enough to call himself “the Destroyer.” As though he too was tasked with a quest to save the galaxy from ignorance and greed.
A paradoxical pirate captain, half Earthian and half something wilder, more ancient than that.
And finally a huntress. Unshakable warrior. My daughter Gamora.
I had to find her, had to understand the width of the gap that so suddenly had grown between us.
But alas Fortune was not of the same mindset. It was barely a few minutes before the (admittedly strange) sight of a Titan Eternal and galaxy-class assassin weaving through the crowds drew attention-- and with that came recognition.
“Eyyy,” a voice slurred from behind me. I whirled around, unsure if it was I who was being addressed. But the sight unfortunately only offered confirmation. A man dressed in the rags of a Ravager, eyes clouded by spirits stumbled toward me. “Ain’t you Thanos? The Mad Titan?”
I would not flinch. After all, he was drunk. The situation could still be...salvaged. I took a breath and tried to act as disgusted as the rest of the world felt when it saw me. “Your accusations offend me grossly. Systems forbid I should ever be ever be mistaken for that purple error of nature.”
For a moment I thought I had done it. The man’s eyes drooped back into his sockets and he let out a short moan-- something about me “talking funny.”
Then he screamed.
Though I like to think of myself as a being of great restraint, I will admit that I punctuated the ear-curdling shrieks with a few cuss words of my own.
Thankfully, Nebula by now could not hear them, already having disappeared into the throngs of partygoers-- all shape, size and species-- that swarmed to me en masse. From prior experience, I knew that their purpose was to hunt me, tear my flesh to pieces for destroying exactly one half of their civilizations as to to save the rest of them.
And I understood their actions. How, after all, could I fault any single one of my foes when I had taken away so much from them-- family, friends, normalcy? Fear and hatred came far more easily than rationality to the grieving mind. Indeed, as long as this fact held true,  I would be mad to expect any of the survivors to understand the importance of my solution.
All the same... I could not allow this mismatched group of pirates to strike me down.
So with a heavy sigh, I reached for my Infinity Stones, hidden away in a breast pocket because Ronan had thought they would clash with the outfit. The jewels warmed to my touch and responded to my call, enveloping the room in an uneasy scarlet haze. With a snap of my fingers, there now were dozens of Thanoses, each like an image reflected in an infinite mirror.
The pirates halted in confusion and I allowed myself a brief smile. I had learned the trick from my first intern, and though he had been less than helpful, I still used the tactic-- convenient and remarkably nonviolent-- to this day.
Now the problem was reduced a simple matter of sneaking away undetected in the midst of this chaos.
Unfortunately, that was easier said than done when you’re an eight foot tall Titan Eternal.
“Excuse me,” I muttered slipping between two Skrulls hurling shot glasses at one of my doubles.
“Pardon,” I called to a what looked like a genetically modified labrador in a spacesuit as I almost stepped on his tail.
Neither of the groups responded and I knew that the Reality Stone was shielding me somewhat, hiding me away from any set of prying eyes.
I crept closer and closer to the door, careful not to let impatience or anxiety get the best of me. But they would not. I could not have made it this far to my goal without learning to quiet the din of emotions in my head.
At last I was only a few feet from the door, the air alight with shouts and saturated with the smell of alcohol. I drummed my fingers against my side, a nervous habit I had never quite been able to shake, as I lay in wait for an opening. Patience, I thought, Patience yields perfection, Thanos.
The crowd cleared a path almost as though it heard my silent demands.
I took a step.
And then came the explosion.
It was a Type-Y bomb, I could tell that by the size of the blast. Technically illegal in more than 97% of the galaxy and most certainly not approved as a party favor. For a few moments I was knocked to my knees but I rose quickly. Ronan would be furious if I managed to ruin the suit on the Milano’s dirty floors.
“Everybody put your hands up above your heads where I ken see’em.” A sandpaper voice cut through the cloud of haze. Around me, most of the pirates raised their hands, with what appeared to be fearful recognition of the noise’s source.
I, however, did not join them.
This was a game I had played before and one I had known for decades how to win.
I would keep to the shadows where the smoky air and Reality Stone could do their best work; I would find out who I was dealing with, and then I would strike. Patience. That’s the way the great thinkers of Titan had done their work and that’s how I would do mine.
Finally as the dust settled and even my own illusions faded, I finally began to get a glimpse of the man who set the bomb. Except it wasn’t a man.
The creature appeared to be dressed in what was a child’s sports jacket and shorts and was toting a gun nearly as large as its own body. Something clicked within my synapses: I had found my first Guardian.
“A’right. A’right, what’s the big idea here, ya scum?” The rodent took a step forward with enough swagger to fit the dictator of a small planet. The same pirate who I believed had screamed at me earlier in horror stared down the barrel of the Guardian’s gun.
“I, uh…”
But before the man finished, he was cut off by a reedy voice emanating from behind the trigger-happy raccoon. “I am Groot.”
I sighed-- how long had it been since I had practiced any of my Groot-speak? Too long, apparently. But I could glean some clue of what the living tree was saying from his smaller friend’s response.
“Yes, Groot, I can call them scum. I mean, they ain’t my friends, they’re Quill’s.”
“I am Groot.” The tree’s tone was a specific shade of patronizing I remembered from my daughters’ teenage days.
The raccoon rolled his eyes. “I know we’re the ones hosting the party. But why would that made us have to treat ‘em special? They’re lucky to be here.”
“I am Groot.”
“You’re lucky to be here too, and not grounded.”
“I am Groot.”
“Why? Don’t be askin’ me why! Because you haven’t done anything but play that stupid game in weeks!” The first Guardian shifted his gun as to put his hands on his hips. If he were actually on the same scale as the tree, I suppose this might have been found intimidating. But as it was, the companion- Groot- just gave the most indignant of sighs and returned to the glowing screen at his fingertips.
The pirate at the two’s feet raised his hand and gently tried to push the gun so that it was pointed anywhere else but his face. “Hey, uh, man. I was kind of hoping to tell you that--”
The raccoon whirled around baring his teeth. “Hey buddy, can’t you see that I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”
“I mean yes but--” The Ravager shifted his gaze around the room uneasily as though he could sense that I was still here watching.
“Then why don’t you just shut up, huh?” The raccoon jiggled the gun around a bit for effect. “Don’t make Quill have to wipe your brain guts off the floor.”
“No, it’s just--”
“Brain. Guts.”
At last the pirate rose his voice in a understandable desperation. “The Mad Titan is on the Milano!”
It was dead silence after that. The two Guardians stared at the mercenary, jaws hung open in shock as he dove under one of the tables. His body shook as though I was, for some absurd reason, about to strike him with the very rage of the universe itself.
Hmm. The Mad Titan.
I never did like that title.
With a sigh, I stepped out from my place in the shadows and turned to face the two Guardians. All around us, the room reeked of whispers, no one quite able to raise their courage enough to speak aloud.
So I did.
“Greetings Guardians. My apologies for dropping in on you with such little warning. I fear, however, it is a necessary evil. You see I’m looking for one of your comrades, Gamora, and would be greatly indebted to anyone who would help me find her.”
The murmuring among the pirates grew louder and I began to hope that this encounter could reach a peaceful end. But all the while the Guardians’ gazes remained inscrutable. Finally, the raccoon opened his mouth--
“Bitch please.”--
leveled the gun at my chest and fired.
As the bullet hit my rib cage, I realized again to bitter disappointment I had been too optimistic.
“You know,” The words came out as a cough as the stones did their work to knit my tattered flesh together, “I really had high hopes for the two of you. After all, if Gamora had deemed to extend the hand of friendship to you both, then I assumed you to be more than a trigger-happy genetics experiment and a gaming-obsessed tree.”
“You take that back!” The rodent cried and attempted, again, to express his rage through violence.
Unfortunately I was done with the formalities. The Space Stone stopped the detonation before it could get within a few meters of me. Along with the following spray of bullets, river of flames and somehow, another Y-Class Grenade.
As a former tax-paying citizen of the galaxy, I was truly disturbed by the amount of illegal weaponry that was available to this raccoon. As the father of a woman who had spent the last several months with this creature, I was terrified.
“Please. I meant no offense,” I said, taking great measures to keep my voice as calm as possible. “Just show me where Gamora is. I must speak to her--”
The raccoon let out a low growl “Over my dead body--”
“I am Groot.”
“--and Groot’s dead body too.”
I shook my head, confused. It was not like living beings to demand their own death, particularly over something as menial as preventing a conversation. “Are you certain that’s your request?”
“It’s not a request, grapenuts,” The raccoon managed to load yet another bomb into the front of his gun, then caressing its trigger in what I supposed was one final attempt to look “badass”:“It’s a promise.”
“Very well then,” I shrugged. The minds of these creatures were not mine to fathom. “If you insist--”
My words were interrupted by what appeared to be another Ravager. Ragged leather, cybernetic accessories, scruffy face marked with poorly hidden panic and yet-- his voice sounded somewhat familiar. “No dead bodies. Not today. Not on Christmas.”
At last I placed it.
“Quill! I don’t suppose you could help me locate Gamora? Your two friends over here have been inexplicably uncooperative and--”
“Hold on a moment,” The human’s face pinched in confusion, “First thing-- how in the Seven Systems do you know my name? And second thing, what the hell do you want Gamora for?”
The raccoon cut in, jabbing the star captain in the only place he was able to reach-- which was, unfortunately, the groin. “It’s Thanos, ya bastard. What do you think that he wants with Gamora?”
“I am Groot.”
“That’s right, Groot-- bloody murder!”
Slaughter-- is that all they expected of me? Even with my own daughter?
I believe I was, as Star-lord’s species would say, beginning to reach the end of my rope. “I do not desire to kill Gamora, nor do I understand the path you have taken to reach that conclusion. I merely wish to speak with her-- which is actually the same method by which I learned your name, Peter Quill.”
The human looked bemused for some reason.“You and Gamora… have met?”
“Yes-- the two of us have known each other for years.” I replied with a hint of frustration. What did Quill think-- that I was just another absentee father?
The Guardian’s face was punctuated with confusion, even more confusion-- and then at last resolve. “Well you still can’t see her. And if you don’t get out of here in the next five minutes then I’m… I’m calling Nova Corps.”
“Even though they hate us?” The raccoon muttered. “Dude.”
“Yes, even though they hate us.” Peter Quill declared, glaring at me with an insane courage that I actually found impressive. “Because, you know what? They hate Thanos more.”
Unfortunately, I could not deny this.
Nor was I in any mood to deal with the Nova Corps tonight.
So perhaps in a last ditch effort to make Gamora’s friends see reason, I threw my hands up in exasperation. My voice, almost of its own accord, called out as though directing a question to the universe itself: “What must a man do to see his daughter in this galaxy?!”
The reactions I was expecting:
Or even pity perhaps.
The reactions I was not expecting:
Utter shock and--
One face, the most important face of them all, turning away as though I had taken her wildest dream and turned it to ash.
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 13x22 “Exodus”
“WATCH THIS SHOW” they said. “IT’LL BE FUN” they said. cue me being very stressed out for two hours straight
am i looking forward to this, with absolute confidence that nothing terrible and unfortunate will happen because it’s the deadly duo writing this and it’s near the end of the season and last episode was the whiplashiest of whiplashes? NOPE
am i gonna watch it anyway? .......yeah
hopes: nobody we care about dies
but also i still haven’t seen a captioned giftset of the moment cas said to dean “dean, he’s gone, we can’t save him”
‘cause wow as far as destiel moments go, that’s a heck of a lot of trust for dean, and a heck of a lot of concern and care on cas’ part
lucifer: your name is jack
jack: and yours is lucifer
i don’t even know why i laughed but i did??? i don’t think that was meant to be funny
lucifer: don’t you think that’s his choice?
cas: no
the abusive dad vs protective family saga continues
also i just realised for MONTHS/years? i’ve been using the 24-hour clock on my laptop and didn’t even notice how much i didn’t like it until just now, and i just changed it, and AAH THIS IS BETTER IT SAYS 02:49 INSTEAD OF 14:49 AND I DON’T ACCIDENTALLY TYPE 4:49 WHEN WRITING THESE POSTS
actually in terms of abusive parents vs protective families (expanding on what i said last week), i kinda feel like right now the writers are kinda toning down how bad it can be. lucifer’s so chill about this, kinda, and i’ve known families whose estranged parent is almost a perfect match for lucifer’s behaviour here:
they’ll offer the kid an incredible gift without telling the other parent(s), something the kid can’t refuse because of how badly they want/need it, and the parents can’t refuse without being the bad guy(s), and the whole family then becomes eternally indebted to the abusive parent and is obliged to give them money/time/rights with their child, with the threat of violence, property destroyed, access to said property removed, or instigated legal proceedings if they refuse.
plus the kid is often too young or innocent to understand, they just see an extra parent who gives them nice things, and for a kid from a broken home with not enough to go around, they don’t see the downside, and they maybe never see the threat their parents are under. or they’re physically or mentally abused by their parent(s), but think it’s okay because the parent(s) “apologises” or bribes them with nice things. or if the protective parent(s) try and keep them away from the abusive parent, the kid sees themselves as being deprived of that parent’s love
long story short, people can be shitty, and lucifer probably has the potential to be much worse than just standing around and having a casual discussion
i feel like the extended winchester family verbally defending jack is not gonna be enough, and lucifer’s gonna wanna take back sam, and destroy more while he’s at it
like an “if i can’t have it, nobody can have it” sort of thing
eyyy felicia day is in the credits
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nawww the lil tiny nuzzle dean does with his chin before pulling away
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cas kinda looked like he was expecting that
i was busy admiring how mary’s hair was perfectly curly 
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and then by the next shot it was all limp and sad
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if the weather was humid i guess it melted the curl between takes
i mean i get it bUT ALSO NO I DON’T
also my face is >:| because they cut to cas and lucifer in the middle of mary and dean having a super important conversation
usually it’s not jarring but THAT WAS JARRING
eehh the deadly duo trademark is all over this
sam: mom doesn’t wanna leave these people.
sam: ...
sam: so let’s take ‘em with us
take charlie and bobby too okay please
..........aw man now i said that, i get the terrible feeling that one or both of them is gonna go out in a blaze of glory instead, or stay on the sinking ship for no good reason other than because the writers don’t know what else to do with them
edit: i mean there’s still next episode.... (best case, they all survive and get storylines next season)
see all the stuff lucifer is telling jack is true, and it does remove the blame from the CONCEPT of lucifer
but the personality is lucifer is BAD AND ABUSIVE
like you don’t have to commit horrible crimes to be a bad person to be around
he corrupts the will of others, he tortures them emotionally, he manipulates them
none of those things are first-degree murder, or the great oppression of the entire human race, but they are Bad Things For A Father To Be
lucifer: i have done bad things, but i just want the opportunity to get better. doesn’t everybody? don’t you?
i actually feel sick ‘cause this is sooooooo very very dangerous
cas was right, talking to lucifer is bad
yeah, he says all the right things. anyone could give him the benefit of the doubt, and perhaps say sure, lucifer’s changed ‘cause he has a kid now, but he PROVED in bringing sam back to life that he hasn’t changed
and not just because of the “i’mma bring jack a gift he can’t refuse thing”, but the “i’mma kill sam again if he doesn’t agree to this” thing
lucifer is a manipulative, blackmailing, flaming trash baby and jack needs better. lucifer might treat jack himself with genuine love, but he’ll destroy everyone and everything around him in doing so
also? i relate so hard to the fact dean, sam, and cas all see and know the real lucifer, and lucifer’s putting on a show for jack
i think the people i’ve personally felt the least safe around in the past, especially growing up, are the people who are perfectly sweet when you’re in company and then become bullies as soon as the adults/parents/protectors are out of earshot
and there’s no way to prove to your protectors that you’re being hurt because all they see is “a nice person” or “ohh they’re such a sweetie”
i mean it’s the other way around for team free will and jack, where tfw see the real thing and jack sees the perfect angel but yeah
ketch: take the b&o railroad......straight to hell
good line tbh
angel to ketch: i’ve sent for an expert in these matters
probably gonna be other ketch
he has a twitchy hamster face
where does misha get these ideas
i kinda wanna draw whiskers on dark!cas ???
and the way he moves his eyes is so soft and gentle and subtle too
it makes my heart feel a thing tbh
even though cas is torturing someone
ugh nonverbal communication is so sexy
and there’s........something misha-like in his smile?? that’s weird
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his two different eyes are cool though
maybe it’s just a trick of the light, or a very subtle contact lens
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fuck yeah that coat
but why is he german, other than clearly being a nazi-inspired character
is it just me or is this legitimately the scariest of all misha’s characters
i want to run away and hide
actually i kinda wanna cry
that’s better
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ketch: “well helloo~”
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ketch: “are you... actually saving me? about bloody time”
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also maybe definitely a destiel parallel from that time cas beat dean up to stop him saying yes to micheal
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that smile when real!cas dragged the blade down dark!cas throat ?????
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fuck yeah mary
lookin all swish at the back of the war bus
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mary, bobby, ketch, charlie, jack are safe!!!! SAVE EVERYONE!!! QUICK QUICK
except lucifer maybe
except that would probably be bad in the long run
YAH C;MON!!!!!!!
fuckin feel like i’m trying to pull ducklings one by one through a fence before a dog gets them FUCK
/sobs to self
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AND THE CAMERA ALWAYS LINGERS MORE WHEN IT’S THESE WRITERS I’M PRETTY SURE??? someone do a test, go find all the dead black people and check which writers/editors/directors leave the camera lingering for longest
istg these writers do it more often and for longer
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dean’s “gaBE nO” though. :c :c :c
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everyone except gabe :c :c :c
(and no lucifer...........like i said, great now, baaaaaad in the long run)
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nobody mentions cas but he’s still there, looking all pretty and being a good, wholesome bean
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it ends
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man that was 
........a lot
overall a good ‘un but STILL VERY STRESSFUL
i need a nice calming shower after that, i smell like !!!!!anxiety!!!!
to be fair though, my endless almost-what-i-wanted-but-not-quite dissatisfaction with this show keeps driving me to write 81+ fanfics where nice things happen 
but this show would still be better with dean/cas cuddles let’s be real
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britishchick09 · 4 years
danger force double livewatch!
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today we’re doing a special livewatch... a double feature! i’ve been looking everywhere for ‘test friends’ and ‘lil dynomite’, which were taken down by dailymotion for a while. now that i’ve finally found them, it’s time to see what i’ve been missing!
first up is ‘test friends’!
oh no why is ray angry
is this an intricate training thing?
bose: ‘orphan sock!!!’ OMG NOOO!!
OMG the socks exploded!!!!!
wowza what awesome laundry! :D
hey this is the clip i watched on the henry danger force youtube!!! :D
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YAS!!! :D
chapa: “harmony check!” all: “in tuuuune!!!!!” :D
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what cute poses! :D
oh no they have 7 POSES???
miles thought captain man would ‘just be there’ lol :D
think is the forbidden ‘t’ word *LOUD GASP!*
captain man: “ts” the kids: ??? captain man: “the same” the kids are me when my friends say internet slang
miles said ‘chicken tendies’ ^_^
schwoz: “great group of kids!” captain man: “too bad i can’t trust them...” schwoz: *le GASP*
oh no captain man’s gonna prove that the kids are untrustworthy DID YOU SEE RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON
speaking of that awesome movie captain man’s acting a lot like raya...
captain man’s spying on them! :o
even swellview academy has surprise tests!
ray’s putting the answers on his podium... ;)
he’s talking like a fancy guy and chapa’s like ‘why are you talking like a book” lol :D
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mika: “no!!!” ray: “yesssss.....” ray WHY YOU SO SNEAKY
bose: “this answer key is tearing us apart!” you’re tearing me apart, answer key!
aaand he literally tears it apart! nice bose! :D
schwoz wants ray to let go but all ray does is want to make the tests harder... WHY ART THOU A MAN OF SILLY PROPORTIONS RAY MANCHESTER???
wait did silly man just say ‘man ladder’
the intro is at 7:30! how long that is! :o
i love how ray tells them to shut up lol :D
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a cute bird house! :D
ray said ‘talketh’ coolio :D
oh no... TRUST FALL!!!!!!
bose saved him with levitation and the other kids grabbed pillows! how sweet :)
mika: “obvi” how ts of you mika!
ray wants to test them... WHEN THEY”RE ALONE >:)
bose is being prank called by ray aka ‘bose of the future’ AND OF COURSE HE’S GONNA FALL FOR IT HE’S BOSE!!!!
oh bose just said ‘wrong number’! how very mature of him!
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ray’s prank for miles was luring him to ice cream while mika gets a speech review? ok...
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no miles found the ice cream.... AND HE’S TEMPTED!!
ray: ‘in the future, ray turns evil!” monsty reference? :o
ray: “destroy ray... no matter how good looking he is!” lol :D
miles went for carrots! :o
aww bose ‘loves ray too much’ :)
ray: “e before i except in july! amen!” ha ha :D
the swellview version of instagram is swellgram :D
schwoz says ‘way’ like ‘vay’ and i love it :D
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awww!!!! :D
oh bose believed ray!
schwoz spilled the beans! :o
the baby goat bleating is so cute! ^_^
the vid went to an ad just as schwoz said ‘manche-’ and i thought he was about to say ‘manchild’ lol :D
mika: “i passed!” miles: “we all passed!” goat: “MEHHHH!!!!!!!!!” :D
oh no are the kids gonna do something bad :o
OMG miles just called ray ‘rayman esther manchester’ OHHH!!!!!!! :o
ray wanted them to eat a scorpion WHY RAY
miles teleported to ray and instantly went back lol :D
goat: “buhh jerry!” OMG IT TALKED!!!
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ice cream party! :D
schwoz: “it’s a real milestone” eyyy ;D
schwoz says it all the time lol :D
ray’s been gone FOR A WEEK????
they all think it’s a prank but what if it’s real?
bose: ‘he’s taken this fake desert test really far” i don’t think it’s fake bose...
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why does he look like al from quantum leap but crazy af
and they got to do the supes illustrated shoot all on their own!
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ray BUSTED!!!!
oh no is chapa sending the prank pic she deleted
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dan schneider who lol :D
last but not least is ‘lil dynomite’!
omg there’s smoke everywhere!
and a treasurechest monster? :o
awww mika’s locker is her only personal space :/
she wants ray to put the monster in miles locker lol :D
the monster wants to eat swans ew :/
bose said the ‘mangenda’
ooh they said the title of the ep!
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awww lil dynomite is cute!
he says ‘hello sir!’ :D
he’s ‘4 feet 10 inches of-’ neverending joy and smiles?
a country duo is signing a song called ‘almond milk’
‘life size board game night? gayle from bob’s burgers wants your number ray...
ray during game night: “did i ever tell you the last time i saw my father?” ...ok :/
country lady: “there’s some flashbacks at table 5″ lol :D
they’re called court and courtney! :D
chapa: “almond milk feeds my soul!” YAS!
mika: “who would miss almond milk?” lady: “it’s funny you’re missing almond milk right now!” OHHHHH
lady: “we have another song for you. it’s called..” her and other lady: ‘SHUT YOUR MOUTH’!!” lol :D
ray: “anybody hungy?” lol :D
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he looks like a smol henry... :o
chapa said ‘booty hurt’ lol :D
why is the chest monster still there?
lil d stole bose’s mangenda job! :o
lil d reminds me of speedy alka seltzer with his ‘gee whiz!’ attitude
miles *screaming*: “YOU MONSTER!!!!!!” you tell him miles!
the news people are back!
captain man and lil d played a non-copyrighted cover of ‘blinding light’ lol :D
lil d is making hair gel WITH CONDORS NO >:(
bose: “oh where is my brain?” it’s in a storm EYYY :D
lil d emphasizes ‘captain MAN’ and it’s so weird
the chest monster is singing lol :D
mika: ‘how did you get hired here?” nuclear lady: “i slammed the interview!!!”
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it’s MELTY NOOO!!!!!
lil d: “wish me luck mans and sirs!” gee whiz what a quote!
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geez that’s rough!!! :o
chapa: “poor little guy... he just wanted to help” aww they care about him :(
captain man: “that better be awol!” awol: “i’m sorry what” captain man: “NOOOOO!!!!!!” AND HE BROKE THE LAST CONDOR EGG EVER NOOOOO!!!!!
chest monster: “never would’ve happened if you brought the chest monster along!” chapa: “SHUT UP CHEST MONSTER!’ yeah!
chapa’s trying to hit ray but she keeps hitting lil d HE GONNA DIE
why did the chest monster say “get wrecked” :(
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ooh schwoz hologram
awww schwoz built the healing suit to give him powers!
captain man was gonna feed lil d to the chest monster :o
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awww the kids are defending captain man!
wait captain man has daddy issues
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ray right after lil d and awol teleport away: “...we still doing movie night?” lol :D
those were the new(ish) danger force eps! i-
*record scratch*
THERE’S MORE!!! you thought this was just a double livewatch? i’ve sneakily turned it into a TRIPLE livewatch! this has been a lot of fun so we’re watching the other ep i missed out on!
the final ep of this forcetastic livewatch is ...‘monsty’!
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double bubble toil trouble... :)
mika walks in screaming “WHERE’S MY MEAT???” just go to wendy’s!
mika is wearing captain man’s clothes because she did a bad thing! :o
ooh thunder!
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spongebob who?
chapa: “you go to your dentist once a month?” lol :D
bose: “33 months? that’s like a hundred years!” miles *softly*: “buddy...”
mika: *breaks a glass* MIKA’S BROKEN A GLASS MIKA’S BROKEN A GLASS! (paul would be proud!)
is this what she’s freaked out about?
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lol :D
bose: “WE LUV YOU DANNY CHEEEESST!!!!” double lol :D
there’s a ‘struggle for candy equality’
bose: “what’s a jury duty?” captain man: “when you turn 18- like i did a couple years ago” more like a billion couple years ago! :D
did mika go to jury duty to make up for the glass?
ray thinks left handed people cheat on taxes why
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and he thinks all people have 2 first names lol
WOAH mika was gonna CLONE ray???? :o
a tongue is god’s napkin
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omg TINY RAY!!!!!
chapa: “is there a tiny ray shooting a blaster?” ray: “there’s an old ray doing that but that’s another story for another week” great fourth wall reference! ...and possible ‘gnight everybody?’
oh no she cloned ray THE SCARY WAY???
mika: “this is where the story starts to get weird” chapa: “starts to?” lol :D
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so that’s monsty!
monsty peed everywhere ew :(
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twins! :D
also that’s monsty’s pee bucket double ew :(
chest monster was teleported away! rip chestie
bose keeps calling ray ‘sir’ is that like lil d?
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i wonder if that’s a real phone number...
danny chest: “now we have... 100 dollars in pledges” ...oh :/
chapa called him ‘danny boi’ lol :D
captain man: “surprise villain! classic!”
they were locked up and captain man said it was a classic!
jennifer lawrence donated 10 thousand! :D
launching off of mountains only ‘hurts for a second’ according to ray
mika: “captain man wants us to say cool stuff before we use our powers!” how very sailor moon of you ray!
mika called bose ‘honey’ lol :D
miles wants monsty to help!!! :D
why is there dramatic music playing in the monsty teleport flashback
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awww :D
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awwww!!!!!! :D
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bose dropped the anvil on captain man WHY
chapa to mika: “SCREAM GIRL!!!!” YAS! :D
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omg DUST :o
mika: “monsty’s coming through that door right now!” monsty: *doesn’t come through that door* awk-ward....
danny hit monsty NOOOO :o
mika: “can you zap monsty?” chapa: “i can, but that’s mean” mika: “i know, but-” chapa: “i’ll still do it tho” lol
oh no is monsty gonna accidentally launch them
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captain man go YEET!
monsty: “rut roh!” *wah wah wah wahhhh...*
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how fancy!
captain: “time to distribute the employee of the month award to someone who has had great courage and sacrifice... mika can you get out of the way please” lol :D
aww monsty is the employee of the month!
and schwoz did jury duty :) *wah wah wah wahhhh!!!!*
that was a great trio of eps! it was fun getting back to danger force and i can’t wait to see what will happen in the next eps! :D
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beelko · 8 years
Tamersona Week: Share the Love
Oh man, first of all I gotta start out by thanking @elecmon/ @tamersonas for starting this whole thing. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for ages and you made it happen!! Thank you so much! The prompts, everything, has been so much fun.
For as long as Digimon has been a part of my life, being a Tamer and having Digimon has been my way of relating to people. (Ask any of my irl friends, I’ve probably made them a fakemon lol)
So this week has been like...really special to me and it’s been so much fun seeing everyone’s adventures and Digimon and no I’m not crying you’re crying.
I really wanted to draw everybody’s ‘sona and partner but I’m on crunch time for making convention merch atm so I won’t be able to do it this week, but here’s some quick mentions!
I really tried to get everyone, so if I forgot anyone I’m really sorry! Please let me know and I’ll add you!
@lighdramons It was really awesome to read your stories about you and Newt and irl stuff. I also rly love her evo route??
@elecmon in addition to being awesome and starting this all, I loved reading about you and Candlemon! I’m gonna have to start packing oven mitts with me--never know when you’ll meet a sentient ball of fire! also your art is so cute?? You did a rly good job replicating the digimon art style!
@1ggyness Ruzumon is so cute! I love your art and your digivice!
@pasteltamago I loved your fanmon like seriously!! Your art style is so cute and I loved how chill your posts were, like the beach one. That’s such a nice relaxing view on the Digital World, v refreshing. 
@metalphantomon I LOVE your evo line. Soulmon and MetalPhantomon are not Digimon you see used very often. Thank you for giving them love.  @thenotsomagnificent Dextrousmon is really cool! I like his tats 
@icewolf741 you and your agu are so cute I love your art!
@knifeoframens I love Toramon so much?? And your Digivice is so cool. 
 @ladykiradevimon I love the ‘dark’ Tailmon evo line, but I love even more that you used Mervamon as her mega! Also thank you for the image of fighting Daemon in juicy yoga pants. I didn’t know I needed this until I read that xD
 @mametyramon Going up to a giant powerful evil mega-level digimon and bein like “ur mine now” is honestly the best thing I’ve ever seen. You can take over the digital world! I believe in you!! 
@nekoharuko You and your Terriermon were great! I love that your tamersona had elements based off of Sakura--and also that Terriermon evolved into Dianamon! Moon bunny!!
 @tangy-sweetlove I loved seeing your illustrations in the tag! Your tamersona is so well thought out, as is Vic! Your writings showed a lot of character! 
 @thepastyman I loved reading about Allie and Gryphmon! The descriptions of your Digimon were so vivid--Beast Angemon sounds amazing!
@zenchoi Your Tamersona is so cute! Also your DemiDevimon has a kickass evolution line ;0
@pineal-blinks Guilmon X was a really good choice for partner! 
@frostedpawprints​ I love your art!! Dracomon is an A+ Digimon and it had a really fantastic evolution line! (babydmon is the best sea horse)
@chikascribble​ Pendulum Progress is A++ choice for a Digivice!
@lualdara THANK YOU FOR USING FALCOMON like when I first saw your first pic with the original version I got so excited! It’s a little known Digi and I’m so happy to see someone give it love <3 @tinyghostheir Your picture with pabumon was cute! @cptncassianjandor I was so happy to see a Renamon! I was so happy to see a Renamon that evolved into Youkomon and eventually Kuzuhamon! 
@i-gennai  I loved reading about Jules and Buns! And the mystery with Bao too--I want to learn more!! 
@partiallyaquatic I’m so happy someone gave love to DoKunemon! Green Bean is possibly the cutest name ever. Your first encounter as so sweet!
@freezy-rat I love your art and that you used the ‘dark’ agumon line!  @mera-opinions Your art is cute! I loved your pic of your tamersona and Poromon! @beelzebumon EYYY FELLOW DEMON LORD BUDDY. It’s so cool to see another Beelzemon and his tamer and how different yall are from Mukade and I (and yet so similar? Bumblebee’s loyalty to Violet I FEEL it they are so cute and good and wonderful. Violet is so cool. Beelzemon snuggles are the best. Fight me?<3) @digimonstrosity Tsukaimon > Sabredramon is such a good evolution path tBH also I love that your digivice is a v-pet. 
@gaomon I absolutely DIED at your ‘first encounter’! You drew that disembodied cat head fantastically xD @the-cherubim-monster You have such a cool partner!! Bug Digimon in general tend to get ignored so I was really happy to see and read about your bugs!
@tortamon (just watch it won’t actually tag you this time lmfao) BUT ANYWAY LIKE, Bakumon is so awesome! I really dig & relate to parallels of Digimon as guardian angels and I really love that he evolved into D’Arcmon! (Now there’s an awesome, underutilized digi) 
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Virginia: Day 1
[One instant they're on the ship, and the next they're someplace else entirely. They seem to be outside, among trees, the forest floor covered in a small blanket of snow. For those who look around, they will see not everyone from the UU is present. Only Davenforth, Derek, Riley, Penny, Roxanne, Takoda, Gaizka, Lifera, Qirin, the Mayor, and the Grand High Blood. If they check, all their belongings they had on them before will still be there. Comm devices, anything in their sylladex, and even their strife specibus is intact.]
DAVENFORTH: -Okay what the fuck. First, he was waiting for some heartwarming family reunion to be over and next he's peeling himself off the forest floor. Been a long time since he had this sensation. Groggy, he stands, taking in his location and those around him. Shit.-
LIFERA: -DOOF. She certainly wasn't prepared for something this inane to happen, and she's glad she didn't equip her 2x3dent in the midst of all this. But this is.... suddenly incredibly cold, and she hisses, pushing herself up out of the snow and shivering immediately.-
ROXANNE: -Oh likewise Davenforth, but also seriously what the actual fuck. Can't there be a few hour period of family reunions WITHOUT things going to all hell in exchange like what the shit. Roxanne is sitting up and trying to adjust to the swimming headache that comes with being unceremoniously dumped with teleportation into some strange forest.- Ngh..
PENNY: -She's stumbling until she plops right back on her butt, dropping the cigarette she was holding and watching it fizzle out in the snow.- FUCK.
LIFERA: A)(--!
HIGHBLOOD: =Man he was braiding his hair.... what the hell=
QIRIN: =She miraculously managed to land on her feet during this=
DAVENFORTH: Well at least everyone is awake
HIGHBLOOD: =Keeps braiding and looks around=
DAVENFORTH: -Sees Lifera though. Walks over and uncaptchas an extra coat, offering it to her.-
QIRIN: =immediately begins to peel people off the ground if they are still getting themselves acquainted to it.= 
QIRIN: Is everyone all right?
DEREK: -once his ass is up, he's gonna tend to hoisting riley and also draping a coat on her gdi davenforth why we gotta be in synch here.-
LIFERA: Th-Thanks. -nestles in the coat, clearly uncomfortable in this climate-
RILEY: -her ass is PLANTED IN THE SNOW but before she knows it, derek's got her and already getting her a coat- what the actual fuck?!
DAVENFORTH: No problem
DAVENFORTH: Everyone else good so far
MAYOR: -tentatively eats a handful of snow-
ROXANNE: -Shes getting up and dusting herself off before rapidly checking her sylladex. This has happened too many times. Roxanne lets out a sigh of relief when she finds it all there.- Yeah. Good so far.
ROXANNE: 'Cept for the whole whatever that was.
RILEY: -penny's here too? and ROXANNE? WOW. she laughs because this is so gODDAMMN CRAZY BEFORE clearing her throat- is there like...another coat jacket blanket sweater whatever?
HIGHBLOOD: =Suddenly wearing this because coldblooded
QIRIN: ....
HIGHBLOOD: =picks at fangs=
QIRIN: By chance, do you have more in there?
HIGHBLOOD: most assuredly my alabaster sismiss
ROXANNE: -........Eyyy clown buddy has got the threads. She would appreciate it if she wasnt now realizing that ONCE AGAIN shes been separated from every aspect of her small family in likely a life or death situation.-
PENNY: oh shit I want one.
DAVENFORTH: Ive also got regular coats if you dont wanna look like a pride yeti  
LIFERA: ... -Soft glubs. She glances around, sniffing in reservation.-
DAVENFORTH: Wait shit that sounds dope
HIGHBLOOD: =DUMPS tacky rainbow threads on all who needs em= color does yon motherfuck good HIGHBLOOD: best be lookin the best whilst you can broseph :o)
QIRIN: ^_^ Thank you, truly. =She picks one up and tries it on, pushing the neck fluff up to her cheeks. Team Pride Yetis are a go=
RILEY: thanks buddy. -he is her buddy, really- warmest one you got give to my sister. -nods her head in that direction.-
DEREK: -looks pennyward- Oh damn. Thats her?
HIGHBLOOD: y'alls all motherfuckin tiny as a bit they all warm when you layers on layers on layers em sis :oP
RILEY: uh huh. -she nods- imagine me like. 15 years younger. not pregnant. i'll kind of look like her, then.
DAVENFORTH: I always look my best -You Motherfuck...-
HIGHBLOOD: best could get bester =clown smiles in his obsenely bright and colorful winterwear= best get on out the cold
DAVENFORTH: None of us can fly huh
DAVENFORTH: Best vantage point is upward
RILEY: do we look like any of us can fly?
RILEY: let me get my extended wings and jet pack and just bust up into the sky.
HIGHBLOOD: i could juggle y'all that counts enough
QIRIN: What of these trees? I am sure we could scale them.
QIRIN: =maybe=
ROXANNE: -Excuse her and the clicking noise as she's setting up her rifle gun. Shes not screwing around.- We could try it but i dunno' whoever does should be good at climbing because falls can kill pretty quick.
HIGHBLOOD: =He might catch them... or he might not=
DAVENFORTH: Ill be right back -Flashsteps up one of the taller trees to see if he can get a decent vantage point-
RILEY: -throws her hands up in frustration at davenforth just GOIN OFF LIKE THAT- okay, bye.
HIGHBLOOD: =digging into an peach cobbler, hot and fresh from who knows where, one hand in the pocket, looking around=
QIRIN: =a little flatly at Davenforth's eagerness to shimmy up a tree= Oh thank goodness we have medical.
DAVENFORTH: -He's just anime jumping up it branch by branch JESUS. It's perfectly safe, right Derek?-
ROXANNE: -Please dont fall though.-
HIGHBLOOD: =But if you do, do a flip=
HIGHBLOOD: =Two flips=
[At the top of the trees, Davenforth will see MORE TREES... but in the far distance, there are lights coming from a tented area the size of a small village. Maybe it's a... circus?]
DAVENFORTH: -Sighs- At least it aint texas
ROXANNE: -Finishes prepping her gun and slings it over her shoulder, while she watches Davenforth from the ground.-
LIFERA: -She's starting to pace to keep warm. Heck.-
DAVENFORTH: -Checks his comm. Oh shit. Virginia huh? He starts making his way down the tree landing on his feet with the softest thud-
ROXANNE: -Nice dismount. Stuck the landing.-
ROXANNE: See anythin' up there?
PENNY: -draping herself in what's practically a rainbow tent. Ahh yes.- alright whatevers going on Im not standing here fuck deep in snow.
DAVENFORTH: Hope you guys like camping cuz were gonna be playing the wild thornberries for a while
DAVENFORTH: Good news is theres what can be considered civilization miles ahead
QIRIN: Good idea. Are berries in season?
RILEY: great. -sighs, hugging the coat tighter against her-
DAVENFORTH: Bad news is it looks like the ringaling brothers are here
ROXANNE: -Raises a brow.- What?
QIRIN: =shrugs at roxanne=
HIGHBLOOD: =LEANS= them motherfuckers?? =furrows brows=
DAVENFORTH: Grape ape over there is gonna feel real at home soon im guessin
HIGHBLOOD: mine home is where i roam bromie
PENNY: -she's already trudging through the snow. BYE YALL-
HIGHBLOOD: =Goodbye forever lil sis=
DAVENFORTH: That lovely lady has the right idea she might wanna walk to the left a bit though
ROXANNE: ! -Spots a fleeing penny.- Uh hey.
ROXANNE: Maybe you shouldn't go off on your own like that? -Whoever she is, she didnt get the name, only that shes related to riley.-
RILEY: -sighs- hey! where the fuck are you going?
HIGHBLOOD: =He shrugs and starts to roam, tapping on his com and slorping some faygo. The lorge walks through the snow surprisingly quiet=
PENNY: -turns left a little. THANKS GUY.-
PENNY: Im freezing my ass off and I dont know none of yall.
HIGHBLOOD: word on the block's you got fam littlest bit
HIGHBLOOD: that's the block, stalkin ya
RILEY: so your plan is to get lost?
DAVENFORTH: Introducing yourself is the quickest way to still not know someone but at least know their name
PENNY: hi Im Penny.
QIRIN: I am Weramiru Qirin, former queen of Prospit, abdicated in 2619, best decision of my life. I am now one of the Unbreakable Union's doctors. =Holds out her hand like Disney Jane and Tarzan introducing themselves.=
HIGHBLOOD: =Pft, royals=
DAVENFORTH: -What a nerd. He loves her-
ROXANNE: Hey, Penny. I'm not as fancy as Qirin, but ya'can call me Roxanne. -How friendly does she looked all stressed out and with a loaded weapon slung over her shoulder.-
QIRIN: You do not have to be fancy when you are already a brilliant scientist, Roxanne.
PENNY: -side eyes Qirin... high fives her.-
QIRIN: ^_^ =highfives=
ROXANNE: .......Aw heck. -Thats adorable.- Thanks Qirin.
RILEY: enough introductions to get us all going the same direction? perfect. let's go.
PENNY: sorry but no.
MAYOR: -he points to his sash-
PENNY: Im gonna go this way and you can go whatever other way.
MAYOR: -u were missing one. now u know-
HIGHBLOOD: aight =keeps walking= can't make no motherfucker amble on where they don't wanna get their legs =walks behind a tree and disappears=
HIGHBLOOD: =Sliding casually down the other side of the hill, slorping faygo=
PENNY: ....wtf.
DAVENFORTH: Thank god the mayor is okay
QIRIN: ......................
RILEY: -glances at this adorable carapacian and has no idea why he's pointing at his sash but he's so adorable she has to force herself to focus on the situation at hand- well, i'm going where you go. so...you can either go with everybody else or be stuck with just me.
QIRIN: =watches GHB disappear with her own two eyeballs. She should be accustomed to strange occurrences by now, but the fact of the matter is that she is NOT.=
DAVENFORTH: -Catches up to Penny-
PENNY: are you seriously going to do this right now?
DAVENFORTH: Youre an independent woman i like and respect that but right now at this particular juncture of what the absolute fuck is going on we should probably stick together until were not just in a forest with snow also sup penny pleasure to meet you names davenforth
PENNY: look.
PENNY: I just dont want to deal with her.
RILEY: oh jesus christ.
ROXANNE: -Just chilling with Qirin. She aint going near that whole family debacle happening.-
HIGHBLOOD(?): =From somewhere........ a pie appears in Riley's hand=
RILEY: ...
DAVENFORTH: Who riley come on she aint that bad bark is definitely worse than the bite
MAYOR: -ponders, pulling out his YARDSTICK SPEAR. he begins drawing something in the snow...-
RILEY: -sufficiently distracted by there being a pie in her hands all of a sudden. is anybody else seeing this?-
HIGHBLOOD(?): =With a cherry=
PENNY: Im pretty sure I know what shes capable of thanks.
ROXANNE: -Yikes and she thought her and Ruth were bad.-
DAVENFORTH: Im not gonna doubt that but we should still stick together
DAVENFORTH: Just because shes here dont mean you gotta talk to her though
RILEY: -holding this pie with a cherry on top.- oh god i'm having one of those weird dreams again aren't i?
ROXANNE: -Nope, you arent Riley.-
DEREK: -pinches riley's arm-
MAYOR: -he's DONE WITH HIS DRAWING. he turns and scampers up to penny and pokes her in the side with his spear thingy.-
HIGHBLOOD(?): =DO IT.... is she not gonna do it.... it's a great pie...... says the universe=
DAVENFORTH: Maybe the mayor can help better
RILEY: -slaps derek's arm as an automatic reflex- oh. nope. -WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS PIE. do you want me to stick it in someone's FACE?-
DAVENFORTH: Thanks mayor
PENNY: cool cuz dont expect that to work.
QIRIN: =hangin back here with Roxanne. For the same reasons. Dave's got this handled.=
DAVENFORTH: -He does not, in fact, have this handled.-
HIGHBLOOD(?): =What else are pies for... it's a sleepytime pie. Maybe. PRobably=
ROXANNE: -Nah, you got it handled.-
PENNY: -looks down at Mayor.- ??
ROXANNE: -Produces a scarf and silently offers it to Qirin. Shes got a lot, but they wont match the coats..-
RILEY: -inspects the pie further. a sleepytime pie? do you want me to put my sister to SLEEP-
MAYOR: -POINTS AT HIS FINISHED PIECE. it appears to be a large checkerboard carefully drawn in the snow, complete with the pieces!!!! there are white ones and black ones. The black ones are represented by his footprints, while the white ones are basically just circles. They appear to be in a position of CHECK, judging by the fact that the king is surrounded, and the rook and queen are on other sides of the biard, and the black pieces have like THREE WHOLE QUEENS, but nevetherless, it is not yet checkmate. He points to the king and then draws a line to an empty space.-
MAYOR: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
QIRIN: ^o^ =pleasantly surprised= Oh thank you, Roxanne. How kind of you.
ROXANNE: No problem, Q.
QIRIN: =gazes intently at this drawing=
RILEY: -only if...she wants to go off on her own again...-
PENNY: -stares intently down at this chess board... and looks back at the Mayor.- sorry bud but I got no fuckin clue what youre trying to tell me.
PENNY: heh.
PENNY: youre pretty cute tho.
MAYOR: -points to his sash again-
PENNY: ...mayo....R.
MAYOR: -jitters-
PENNY: ohhhh. Mayor??
RILEY: -come on little dude. you can get her to stay-
PENNY: I got no idea what mayoring has to do with games but its cool I guess.
MAYOR: -jitters his way back over to the snowboard and begins doing some changes, plopping some snow on top of the kind and drawing in a NEW piece, in a relatively safe spot and NOT in check, before drawing some arrows from the other rook and queen.- He points excitedly at it.-
PENNY: .... were winning chess?
MAYOR: -shakes his head. THUMBS DOWN. definitely losing.-
PENNY: look I wasnt that much of a nerd in high school. I can kick ass at Connect Four though.
PENNY: okay. we suck at chess. thats accurate.
DAVENFORTH: -Hear him in your HEART penny-
MAYOR: -hmm, hmm. He points to her, and then he points to the king. And then he draws a little picture of one of the bishops putting the king in check on top of the king's head.-
MAYOR: -THEN he points at the rook and the queen, pointing at Davenforth and Derek.-
PENNY: ...
ROXANNE: -So Derek or Davenforth are the queen and the other is a rook.-
MAYOR: -he doesn't know what piece u are. HE DOESN'T KNOW YOU LADY-
PENNY: alright. sunglass guys are badasses.
DEREK: -thumbs up-
RILEY: -elbows him-
MAYOR: ...
MAYOR: -OK SO NOW HE JUST JUMPS ALL OVER THE SNOW, drawing a bunch of pieces around the king. And then a CIRCLE around them.-
PENNY: yeah yeah okay I get it.
PENNY: if I run off Im boned.
PENNY: is that what youre trying to tell me?
MAYOR: -you've only got one move in check-
PENNY: well Ive basically been boned my whole life so thats really nothing new.
PENNY: I like you though.
MAYOR: -jitters a shaky thumbs up-
DEREK: -ELBOW'D OOF.- So were stickin together this time gang?
PENNY: here cmere you look cold as balls. -shuffles over to wrap mayor up in her rainbow funtime coat-
MAYOR: -! -THAT IS KIND. he is hard, like the kind of resin that'd go around a chess piece. UNSURPRISINGLY-
PENNY: -he is a friend...- yeah I guess.
RILEY: -relief-
DAVENFORTH: Told you the mayor is the best
DAVENFORTH: Thanks mayor
DEREK: Groovy.
RILEY: i don't think i ever want you to say that again. -at Derek.-
DEREK: What? It is groovy.
ROXANNE: -Clears throat- Not ta' break this fun time up but.
DEREK: -smirks, then slips an arm around here- So we movin or did I just agree to freezin to death with yall?
ROXANNE: We good to move-
ROXANNE: Yeah what Derek just said.
DEREK: Great minds.
RILEY: -leans into him and sighs- let's go.
ROXANNE: -LIKEWISE. Shes ready to march.-
MAYOR: -scampers along inside a coat-
DAVENFORTH: -Goes to check on Lifera again- You need another coat
RILEY: -might be slowing derek a little down by how she's trying to guarantee penny is going with them-
LIFERA: I need. Probubbly. Ten coats.
PENNY: -shuffles with the mayo. she's very tempted to scoop him up like a kid....-
ROXANNE: -Does the fish queen want scarves? She has scarves.-
ROXANNE: -Slows her walk enough so that she can distribute them to anyone who wants them.- Life time a knitting finally came in handy. Thank you highschool arts an'crafts.
QIRIN: =Takes a couple small cloth packs out of her sylladex, shakes them up, and hands them over to Lifera.=
QIRIN: Please, take them. They are hand warmers.
ROXANNE: -YOU get a scarf and YOU get a scarf. They are long and thick, and come in a bunch of different colors (Although mostly shades of purple)-
DAVENFORTH: -Uncaptchas his red trench coat and drapes it over Lifera. It's his favorite coat ever. Don't let anything happen to it.-
[Eventually they make it to the clowny congregation. Upon closer inspection, it's almost like... a clown shanty town, if such a thing exists. It's grungy. A chicken is running through the middle of the town. There are people wandering around -- humans in face paint. From one of the tents (maybe) this tune is playing:
HIGHBLOOD: =He's been here the whole time. Staring...... watching......... in disbelief=
ROXANNE: -........Wow. This sure is something.-
LIFERA: -piles all these articles on her body in the walk- Glub... T)(ANK you.
LIFERA: ... -stares at all this-
QIRIN: ^ ^
DEREK: Oh for fucks sake.
PENNY: .......
DEREK: Come on guys we leavin.
PENNY: -starts turning her and mayor around in a slow circle-
DAVENFORTH: Lets go the other way
PENNY: throw that ass in a circle the fuck out.
QIRIN: I am inclined to agree.
HIGHBLOOD: =Suddenly....... spiky club=
LIFERA: LOOK. They seem mostly... )(UMAN?
LIFERA: Maybe.
DAVENFORTH: Even worse
RILEY: where the hell are we?
LIFERA: It's probubbly some sort of... new jurisdiction.
ROXANNE: -Seconds that !- 
ROXANNE: -Although shes also carrying a gun, she has no room to talk on the weapons front, but seeing a spike wielding giant is a little more intimidating.-
RILEY: oh. hey. big guy. whatcha doing?
LIFERA: -side eyes GHB-
PENNY: -also hides his eyes. you are safe now.-
HIGHBLOOD: =drapes his rainbow robes over a fence and ominously drags the club right into town= cleanin a stain upon mine religion
QIRIN: ...
DAVENFORTH: Woah there
ROXANNE: Hhh. Might wanna' try it fast then.
RILEY: -makes a horrified face- wait, what?
ROXANNE: -But no, big clown wont really go smash all these tents up right? RIGHT??-
HIGHBLOOD: =EYEBALLS..... his bro gaizka gets the boink on with this brown he knows......... Hm...... flexes his jaw and holds up a big palm= two minutes. =uncharacteristically sensible...ish=
TAKODA: -smiles, clasping hands together- GREAT! AH... 
HIGHBLOOD: i ain't buyin shit from no motherfuckin blasphemors
LIFERA: Let us do something NOW, then, shell we????
RILEY: (is being a juggalo a real religion now?) -very quietly so as not to offend the big guy-
DEREK: (Yeah its a weird troll thing.)
RILEY: (oh my god.)
DAVENFORTH: Thought youd proud to see some like minded thinkers whats wrong big guy
HIGHBLOOD: =Looks down to Davenforth, unamused= ain't likeminded 
HIGHBLOOD: they got shit twisted, i'm inclined as a motherfuck of strong beliefs to untwist them
TAKODA: -bravely tries to address a lady juggalo- JUGGALETTE: -turns around and she's topless- 
TAKODA: ... 1SN'T 1T A L1TTLE COLD? -proceeds to try to convince her to put a coat on-
HIGHBLOOD: =That's right..... eat up your time=
LIFERA: -just starts aggressively walking through this village of weird human anger clowns-
DAVENFORTH: Looks all the same to me bunch of face paint drowning their lives out in sugar and drugs
RILEY: can't we just steal from them? that would be more fun than killing them.
[Lifera passes by two juggalos taking turns hitting each other in the face with a street sign. You know, just for fun.]
DAVENFORTH: A lot less reserved though
DAVENFORTH: Definitely not as dangerous
RILEY: find me a car and i'll hotwire us out of here.
LIFERA: ...-wtf-...
HIGHBLOOD: it ain't the same and diplomacy's gotta clock 
HIGHBLOOD: don't know what motherfuckin mockery of bullshit this is but i'm fit to stamp it out, you ain't eager to cease my stampins for all the ignorance you spit sos i jive with that at least
LIFERA: -She's looking for any sort of shelter or transport they can use before things get ugly, plus she's freezing.-
QIRIN: =...= ... 
QIRIN: .............
[She eventually comes upon a big party bus. It's all graffiti'd up with weird little symbols of a dude with a hatchet, also covered in what's probably mud and blood...]
DAVENFORTH: If youre gonna stomp out some mostly harmless folks then ill definitely stop that they aint hurtin nobody but themselves
RILEY: (is this really a conversation we're having right now.)
DAVENFORTH: Dont sweat em they aint the issue
HIGHBLOOD: =He sighs, looking around again at all these humans shitting on his religion, hand flexes on the club= can't stop inevitable broseph 
HIGHBLOOD: but the snake cranium is much preferred =Looks Lifera-ward and starts to drag his club through town again=
DAVENFORTH: -Zips over.-
[The door to the party busy is just... open... A chicken glides out.]
LIFERA: -watches it go...- 
QIRIN: ......
DEREK: Ive traveled in worse conditions.
RILEY: jesus. 
RILEY: i haven't traveled in anything with blood on it. well...not THAT much.
PENNY: lmao Id be surprised if my car DIDNT have blood on it.
PENNY: speaking of which miss you baby.
PENNY: everybody in before I freeze my titties off.
DAVENFORTH: Cover your tits then damn are the juggalos getting to you already
QIRIN: =what is life=
HIGHBLOOD: =Eyeballs the devil settlement= ....... =He'll be back=
DAVENFORTH: -Yells for Takoda-
PENNY: hey I could get down with some free titties.
RILEY: -gets her ass on this bus and takes a seat. her feet hurt and ryan's being rowdy-
HIGHBLOOD: =If only everyone wasn't so proactive...... is salty, is seething. Is texting in the back and surprisingly..... not weighing this van down like mofo?=
PENNY: -he's like a bird.... in colorful feathers...-
HIGHBLOOD: =A goose=
DAVENFORTH: Koda i nominate you for bus driver
TAKODA: }:D TAKODA: THAT SOUNDS L1KE FUN. -gets in the driver's seat. the keys are just... in there.-
DAVENFORTH: Dont crash us bro -Takes a seat-
LIFERA: -snuggles up with Davenforth almost immediately. WARM HER.-
DAVENFORTH: -Space Heater protocol: Commence-
TAKODA: -once everyone is in... he tries to back up, only to accidentally crash into a tent- WHOOPS. 
TAKODA: 1'VE NEVER DR1VEN A LAND VEH1CLE... W1TH TH1S MUCH CLEARANCE BEFORE. JUST... JUST A SECOND... -forward again, carefully trying to maneuver... backs into another tent.- 
TAKODA: SH1T. UHH... -does this several more times before they can pull out of this spot and drive OUT of the settlement-
RILEY: -JERKS FORWARD and grabs onto the seat in front of her- holy shit.
QIRIN: =clears her throat= Are you sure about this?
HIGHBLOOD: =Good yes=
QIRIN: Takoda?
TAKODA: YES, SORRY. WE SHOULD BE GOOD NOW. }:) -sweats... driving down the road from the now partially demolished settlement. the mirthful messiahs were in GHB's favor.-
RILEY: carry on soldier.
QIRIN: =she's gonna stay awake....just in case....=
HIGHBLOOD: =this is why he's a faithful devote believer... he'll fix this. They know he will=
TAKODA: -turns on the radio and icp is playing... on every station- ... UMM. -the quiet is better anyway. he'll keep driving until somebody requests a stop, but there's at least a bathroom on the bus. it might be the worst thing they've ever seen, but it is a bathroom.-
QIRIN: =sideeyes takoda when the radio comes on=
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