#ezra 'the prophet'
thedeafprophet · 1 year
I have wicked whims installed in the sims because of course I do, but I just told my sim to jog and he....decided to go do it completely in the nude, for some reason.
Okay dude you do you
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Also to be completely honest--warning: I have been obnoxious about names since I was a kid (which is why I gave up reading the Green Ember series... I remember reading it in high school and being Incredibly Frustrated by the lack of consistency in the way the writer chose his characters' names, so despite the fact that I liked the story somewhat, I just never read the rest of the series based on this sticking point)--it really bothers me that Paige and Rose are named Paige and Rose
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Haggai and Zechariah Prophesy to the Jews
1 ¶ Then the prophets, Haggai, the prophet, and Zechariah, the son of Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel unto them. — Ezra 5:1 | Jubilee Bible (JUB) Jubilee Bible Copyright © 2013, 2020 by Ransom Press International Cross References: Ezra 4:24; Ezra 6:14; Hagaii 1:1; Haggai 2:18; Zechariah 1:1; Zechariah 8:9
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justana0kguy · 9 months
2023 SEPTEMBER 27 Wednesday
"My God, I am too ashamed and confounded to raise my face to you, O my God, for our wicked deeds are heaped up above our heads and our guilt reaches up to heaven. For slaves we are, but in our servitude our God has not abandoned us; rather, he has turned the good will of [others] toward us."
~ Ezra 9:6,9a
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pit--rat · 10 months
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I see it. There is no hope.
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kelegerauthor · 1 year
Opened Vessel (God/Letters, Figures, Phoenix, and Fish Visions)
'Opened Vessel' (God)...I issued an order and a search was made, and it was found that this city has a long history of revolt against kings and has been a place of rebellion and sedition….—Ezra 4:17-22
Opened Vessel (God/Letters, Figures, Phoenix, and Fish Visions) the time has come this time moves slowly a puzzle at hand deemed fit for man it is wavery...then straight awkward in movement yet forbids the understand it comes after time when sin opens its mouth swallowing what it can two thousand years in the making shadows group in the taking finding its roots in the sand I† am, the Lord…
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migrainebehavior · 1 year
i do think regina spektor wrote the song up the mountain specificalky for me in perhaps a bit of a delusional way but im not wrong
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jedimandalorian · 9 months
If you are a Sabezra shipper who isn’t familiar with the Star Wars Legends novels, there’s a ship you should learn more about: Luke/Mara.
Think about these parallels:
Luke Skywalker gave Mara Jade his blue lightsaber because he had built himself a new green one.
Mara loved teasing Luke, using banter to hide her true feelings for him.
Luke was adorably awkward, sweet, and encouraging to her all the time.
Mara’s Force powers increased dramatically after teaming up with Luke.
They were one of the most epic battle couples in the Legends universe.
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Ezra gave Sabine his green lightsaber and built himself a new blue one.
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Sabine loves teasing Ezra, using banter to hide her true feelings from him.
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Ezra has an adorably awkward crush on Sabine and he is always incredibly sweet and encouraging to her.
Sabine’s Force powers dramatically increased after teaming up with Ezra in Ahsoka episode 8.
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Sabezra is definitely one of the most epic battle couples in the Disney SW universe.
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Disney keeps copying the Star Wars EU and changing it a little thinking that we won’t notice that they cheated. 😏
In Timothy Zahn’s novel, Vision of the Future, Luke and Mara, who have been mutually pining idiots for years, join minds through the Force to fight as one in order to survive a battle against overwhelming odds. That’s when they both realize that they have been hiding their true feelings for each other for all those years. They are in love and can no longer deny it.
In the immediate aftermath of that battle, this is what happened:
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I’m predicting an emotionally charged Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger reunion, more Sabezra battle couple action scenes, and a Jedi/Mandalorian wedding in my vision of their future. 😉
The Prophet of the Church of Ezrabine has spoken.
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thedeafprophet · 1 year
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Playin around with create a sim to think up my design concept for Ezra, my planned character for playing mask of the rose. Everythin subject to change for when I actually play through the game ofc.... soon
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wisdomrays · 26 days
REFLECTIONS ON THE QUR'AN: Sūratu’l-Kahf (The Cave): Part 1
Say: “I am but a mortal like you, but it is revealed to me that your God is the One and Only God…” (Al-Kahf 18:110)
There is no difference between human beings in their having been created by God and in their servanthood to Him. He is equally dominant over all of us, and we are equally under His rule or sovereignty. Nobody is great and exceptional enough to be a Lord or Deity to be worshipped nor is anyone so little or despicable enough to take any being other than God as Lord or Deity to worship. As Bediüzzaman Said Nursi aptly states, “All creatures are equal in regard to their distance from being worshipped, as well as in respect of being created.”
The verse above also rejects deification of some great persons such as Jesus and Ezra, upon them be peace. It is true that some among people, especially the Prophets, have a certain degree of nearness to God Almighty. However, this nearness, which comes from belief in and worshipping Him, can never be a reason for deification. They have no place on God’s Throne (of Deity, Lordship and absolute Sovereignty) next to God. Thus, in order emphasize this important point, despite his exceptional greatness, our Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, declared, “I am a mortal human being like you.” He added, “It is revealed to me that your God is the One and Only God,” pointing to the difference between other human beings and himself as the receiver of God’s Revelation. It is of great significance that this difference also marks the basic reality that both he and all other human beings are God’s creatures who must worship Him, and it is only God, the One and Only God, Who deserves worship exclusively.
To sum up, the verse under discussion both rejects the extreme considerations about some such as Jesus and Ezra and draws the attention of Muslims to the actual position of our Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.
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lauralot89 · 1 year
Named Angels
Fallen angels are not included. Neither are gnostic angels because I'm tired.
Aker: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Al-Khidr: Also known as al-Khadir, Khader, Khidr, Hidr, Khizr, Kathir, Khazer, Khadr, Khedher, Khizir, Khizar, or Khilr. The Servant of God whom Moses accompanies in the Quran is identified as Al-Khidr by Islamic scholars.
Ambriel: Ambriel is an angel associated with the month of May.
Arariel: Described in the Talmud as the angel in charge of the waters of the Earth.
Ariel: An angel in Jewish and Christian mysticism. Ariel has dominion over beasts, creative forces, the North, and elemental spirits.
Arphugitonos: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Artiya'il: An angel appearing in the hadith. Artiya'il removes grief and anxiety from humans.
Atid: One of two angels in Islamic tradition who records a person's actions. This record is used to confront each person on the Day of Judgment.
Azrael: The angel of death. Azrael is one of the four archangels in Islam.
Beburos: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Camael: Also known as Chamuel, Khamuel, Camiel, Cameel and Camniel. One of the twelve Kabbalah angels, Camael is assigned to the fifth sephirah in the tree of life.
Cassiel: Also known as Qafsiel or Qaspiel. In Jewish and Christian mysticism, Cassiel is described by various roles, such as the angel of Saturn the angel of the moon, the angel of tears, and the angel of temperance. Cassiel is sometimes said to preside over the death of young men.
Dobiel: Also known as Dubbiel. Dobiel is the guardian angel of Ancient Persia.
Gabriel: An angel who announces God's will to men. Gabriel is considered in archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Gabriel appears to Daniel to explain his prophetic visions. Gabriel foretold the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and the Annunciation of Jesus to Mary. Gabriel appeared twice to Muhammad. In the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gabriel lived a mortal life as the prophet Noah. Gabriel was named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Gabuthelon: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Haniel: Also known as Hananel, Anael, Hanael or Aniel. Haniel is sometimes listed as one of the seven archangels. In Kabbalah, Haniel is associated with the seventh sephirah.
Jegudiel: Also known as Iehudiel. Jegudiel is one of the seven archangels of the Eastern Orthodox Church tradition. Jegudiel is the patron saint of hard work and leadership and is often depicted holding a whip (as a punishment for sinners) and a crown (as a gift for the righteous).
Jerahmeel: Also known as Jeremiel, Eremiel, or Ieremihel. Jerahmeel is recognized as an archangel in Lutheran, Angelican, and Orthodox traditions. Jerahmeel is said to comfort the righteous dead in the Bosom of Abraham, or to guard heaven with St. Peter.
Jophiel: Also known as Dina, Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel, or Zuriel. In Anglican tradition, Jophiel is an archangel and in Kabbalah, Jophiel is associated with the sephirah chokmah. Some sources list Jophiel as the angel who guards the garden of Eden with a flaming sword.
Kalqa'il: Kalqa'il is an Islamic angel who guards the entrance of the fifth heaven.
Lailah: An angel appearing in the Talmud. Lailah is associated with conception, pregnancy, and the night.
Maalik: An Islamic angel of hell. Maalik carries out God's punishment on wrongdoers.
Metatron: Described in the Talmud as the heavenly scribe, Metatron is allowed to sit in the presence of God to record the deeds of Israel. Metatron was mistaken by Elisha ben Abuyah for a deity, and was subsequently lashed 60 times with a fiery rod to demonstrate that the Metatron was an angel and could be punished, unlike a god. In mystic writings, Metatron is the form Enoch took after his ascension. In Islam, Metatron is the angel of the veil and alone knows what lies beyond it.
Michael: Also known as Mika'il or Mikal. The prince of Israel and prince of the Heavenly Host. Michael is regarded as an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition, and is the only angel explicitly identified as an archangel in the Christian Bible. In the book of Daniel, Michael fought the prince of Persia. In Revelation, Michael fought Satan and cast him out of heaven. Michael and Gabriel are the angels said to have shown Muhammad paradise and hell. In Jewish tradition, Michael prevented the sacrifice of Isaac by providing a ram. Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses believe Michael is another name for Jesus in heaven. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, Michael is the same person as Adam. Michael is named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Moroni: In angel in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Moroni was the guardian of the golden plates from which Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon, and appeared to Smith numerous times.
Muriel: Muriel is a Domination, a class of angel in the second angelic sphere. Muriel is associated with the month of June.
Nuriel: Regarded in some traditions as the same being as the angel Uriel. Nuriel is the angel of hailstorms and commands an army of 500,000 angels made of water and fire.
Pahaliah: Pahaliah is the angel of Redemption. Pahaliah is a throne, an class of angel in the first angelic sphere.
Puriel: Puriel accompanied Abraham on a journey to heaven. Puriel is tasked with examining the souls of those brought to heaven.
Raphael: Known in Islam as Israfel or Israfil. Raphael is regarded as an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. It is believed that Raphael is the angel in the Gospel of John who stirs the pool of Bethesda. In Islam, Raphael will blow the trumpet which signals the Day of Judgment, and the hadith lists him as the angel closest to God. Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Raqib: One of two angels in Islamic tradition who records a person's actions. This record is used to confront each person on the Day of Judgment.
Raziel: Also known as Gallitsur. Raziel is the angel of secrets and mysteries, and the keeper of all magic. In Kabbalah, Raziel is associated with the sepirah chokmak.
Riḍwan: Also known as Riswan. Riḍwan is an Islamic angel who guards the gates of heaven.
Sabrael: Sabrael is an angel appearing in the apocryphal works the Testament of Solomon and 3 Enoch.
Sachiel: Also known as Sariel, Suriel, Suriyel, Sikhael, Sixael, Satquel, Satquiel, Saquiel, Seriel, Sauriel, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel, Souriel, or Sachquiel. Sachiel is a cherub who is associated with charity and wealth.
Sahaquiel: Listed as one of the archangels in the Third Book of Enoch. Sahaquiel is attended by "496,000 myriads of ministering angels."
Samkhiel: An angel of Gehenna, Samkhiel is the angel of destruction. Samkhiel torments the wicked to cleanse their souls and eventually reuinte them with God.
Sandalphon: An archangel in mystical traditions of Judaism and early Christianity. Sandalphon is said to gather prayers and bring them to God. Some sources regard Sandalphon as an angelic ascension of Elijah.
Sarathiel: Also known as Serathiel. Sarathiel is an archangel in the Oriental Orthodox tradition.
Selaphiel: Also known as Sealtiel, Selatiel, or Selathiel. Selaphiel is regarded as an archangel in the Byzantine Catholic and Greek Orthodox traditions. Selaphiel is sometimes viewed as the angel in Revelation who offers people's prayers to God.
Uriel: Also known as Phanuel. Uriel is often depicted as a cherub and is the angel of repentance. Uriel is regarded as an archangel in Russian Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, and Anglican traditions, as well as in Kabbalhah. Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Uziel: Also known as Usiel. Uziel is an archangel in 3 Enoch.
Yahoel: Also known as Jahoel, Jehoel, or Yaoel. Yahoel is charged with destroying idolators and restraining the Leviathian. Some sources list Yahoel as the chief angel of the Seraphim. Another lists Yahoel as one of the names of Metatron.
Zadkiel: Also known as Hasdiel. In Kabbalah, Zadkiel is an archangel associated with the fourth sephirah.
Zaphkiel: Also known as Tzaphqiel, Tzaphkiel, Zaphchial, Zaphiel, or Zelel. Zaphkiel is the chief angel of the thrones and is regarded in some traditions as the same angel as Raphael.
Zebuleon: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Zephaniel: Zephaniel is the chief angel of the Ishim in Kabbalah.
Zerachiel: Also known as Zachariel, Zakhariel or Saraqael. An angel who leads souls to judgment and is set over those who "sin in the spirit."
Zotiel: Zotiel is an angel mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
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ghelgheli · 2 months
Near the end of many of our weekly conversations, I ask Yashayaie variations of the same question: How can one hold revolutionary idealism, the belief that collective action can lead to the betterment of society, to such lofty concepts as “equality” and “justice,” when the movement’s romanticism has long fizzled out? As he listens he holds a sugar cube between his teeth and sips tea loudly, a talent unique to men of the old teahouses.
“God created the world in six days, supposedly, and we are still trying to make it better,” he replied once, before taking down the Book of Genesis from his library and reading its depiction of the Fall. “Because man is inherently flawed—and will always be seeking change,” he proclaimed, his head of thick, wavy white hair as smooth and resilient as freshly piled snow on a rooftop. Every generation can find a place to seek improvement over the status quo, he insists. “The question is the decisions you will make if and when you find yourself in that place.” (...)
What remains of Jewish life in Oudlajan today—a number of synagogues and a public bath adorned with rich wall carvings and intricate mirror work—exists mostly as destinations for walking tours. Yashayaie and a group of a dozen Jewish men who were born in the neighborhood still drive there every Shabbat morning to worship. Journalists and tour guides often ask Yashayaie whether they can see a Shabbat service, and when I make the same request he sticks to the script and invites me to Ezra Yaghoub Synagogue, the oldest that still survives in Oudlajan.
Muslims and Zoroastrians also lived in the Oudlajan of Haroun Yashayaie’s childhood, known as a Jewish neighborhood. Relationships were mostly cordial, defined by distance and respect, he says. On Shabbat, Muslim neighbors would turn on the lights of the synagogue. His brother helped Muslim neighbors cook nazri—food made for public distribution during Ashura, when the Shi’a mourn the death of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad.
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1americanconservative · 3 months
The land of Israel has been populated by the Jewish people since 2000 BC.
Here's the timeline, in case you didn't realize it is their homeland.
1900 BC: Abraham the Father of the Jewish Nation.
1900 BC: Isaac, Abraham's son, rules over Israel.
1850 BC: Jacob, son of Issac, rules over Israel.
1400 BC: Moses leads the people out of Egypt and back to Israel.
1010 BC: King David unites the 12 tribes into one nation.
970 BC: King Solomon, son of David, builds the first temple structure in Jerusalem
930 BC: Israel is divided into two kingdoms, the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.
722 BC: The Kingdom of Israel is conquered by Assyrians. 605 BC: Kingdom Judah is conquered by the Babylonians.
586 BC: Solomon's Temple is destroyed by the Babylonians.
539 BC: Persians conquer the Babylonians and take control of Israel.
538 BC: The Jews return to Israel from exile.
520 BC: The Temple is rebuilt.
450 BC: Reforms made by Ezra and Nehemiah.
433 BC: Malachi is the end of the prophetic age.
432 BC: The last group of Jews return from exile.
333 BC: The Greeks conquer the Persian empire.
323 BC: The Egyptian and Syrian empires take over Israel.
167 BC: Hasmonean's recapture Israel, and the Jews are ruled independently.
70 BC: Romans conquered Israel.
20 BC: King Herod builds the "second" temple
70 AD: Romans destroy the temple After that, the people were captives of the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Crusaders. Through all of these events, the Jewish people continued to live in Israel.
There were more or less of them, depending on the centuries, but there was never a time when the Jews didn't live in the land.
They stayed, they built their communities, they raised their families, and they suffered at the hands of many outside rulers.
In 1948, the UN established the State of Israel, the nation of Jews. Don't buy the Palestinian lies that they are entitled to the land. It simply is not true.
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heathersdesk · 10 months
LDS Church History for Beginners
Somebody mentioned they wanted to get around to digging more into Church history. I could give a topical list, but I think the better way to do this is to give a list of people whose lives and words will illuminate how/why/when the Church became what it is today.
Emma Smith: her experience with polygamy, the suspension of the Relief Society, and her conflict with Brigham Young after the death of Joseph Smith.
Brigham Young: the experiences of his wives, his racial biases and support for slavery and segregation, and the conflicts with indigenous people that occurred under his leadership.
Emmeline B. Wells: her writings defending polygamy, women's empowerment, and her advocacy of women's suffrage.
The excommunications of apostle Richard Lyman (for adultery) and patriarch to the Church Joseph Fielding Smith (for homosexuality.) Also note that there were multiple Joseph Fielding Smiths. The prophet was a different one.
J. Reuben Clark: his authorship of segregationist, homosexualist, and anti-feminist thought in the modern Church, post-WWII.
Spencer W. Kimball: his impact on the Church's role in defeating the ERA. Also the Indian Placement Program, and the mechanics of how the racial restriction was enforced.
Ezra Taft Benson: his relationship with and advocacy for the John Birch Society, the Red Scare, and his open animosity towards Hugh B. Brown.
The September Six: their advocacy, excommunications, and the works of D. Michael Quinn.
Chieko Okazaki: her life and faith and her criticism of the Family Proclamation.
Also, a piece of advice: when trying to see/understand any aspect of Church history, with all of the tragedy that can entail, I find it helpful to connect with the voices and perspectives of LDS women.
"How do I keep my faith alive when *this* is what our people are like?" is a question LDS women have been answering since 1830. They don't just fall in line behind every ridiculous thing a person in authority says, does, or wants to do. They never have, which is part of why those in leadership weren't interested in telling the stories of LDS women for so long. No study of Church history is accurate or complete if it doesn't include the perspectives of women.
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kelegerauthor · 2 years
'Suffice's Triage' (God)
'Suffice's Triage' (God)...'The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to Him, but His great anger is against all who forsake Him.' So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and He answered our prayer.—Ezra 8:21-23
Suffice's Triage (God) did you hear what My† Son† had to say are you listening to your teacher the teacher of all the judge of all have you understood why He† is teaching why He† is instructing I† called upon a woman for a reason several reasons she, woman, is not regarded in high esteem in most of the nations and she can give to man what man cannot give to man in all your nations who look…
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brandyllyn · 1 year
Lucky Stars
Ezra x GN!Reader 
Summary: “And are you a good man?” “I like to believe myself a man of good intentions.” Words: 3.3k.
My Masterlist
Rating: Teen. Warnings: None? Canon injuries.
I asked for some inspiration and Jen came through with “A kiss for luck” with Ezra. Also, I’m like 80% sure I stole an Oscar Wilde joke in here somewhere.
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The first time you met Ezra was coincidentally your first time out on the sling. As the drop engineer, your job was to oversee the operations of each drop ship. To ensure ships weren’t dropped into the same flightpath and to time out the release to be sure that all ships could make it safely to their destination at whatever planet was below.
You’d worked a few of the inner rim planets already - mostly dropping pleasure cruisers onto sunny tropical paradises you could never afford to visit. But the money was crap and the competition was almost always the nephew of some contractor who needed a place to stash their busted ass relative.
The long-haul flights paid bank. Mainly because no one wanted to spend spans at a time out on the circuit. The time, however, suited you just fine.
Your work station was central to the shipyards, a view of all forty-eight pods docked for this trip available between sightlines and video feeds. It sat a few feet above where the corridors came together. Visitors weren’t uncommon, a few credits slipped into your hands to get a better place in the drop zone or to get picked up first on the trip back.
You didn’t handle pickups but their chits spent all the same.
All that is to say that when a shaggy mop of brown hair with a blonde tuft popped into view just below your desk you weren’t surprised. The Green was coming up - a mining planet that had been attracting people from across the eight reaches for some time now - and you’d already had three people asking for advice or information on where to land, where lodes might be and whatnot.
“Well I’ll be,” his soft drawl crawled up to you. “You’re a damn sight better looking than Old Rodge was.”
Checking your monitors once more you leaned forward, giving a smile to the man standing on the platform below your workstation. Handsome, recently groomed - probably his last haircut for a while - and wearing a faded set of work overalls.
Definitely not his first sling.
“What can I help you with, sir?”
“No need to stand on formalities, starshine, we’re all friends here.”
Cocking an eyebrow you gave him an appraising look. “Friends huh?”
He nodded solemnly, taking a step up onto a cable buttress and settling his forearms on your desk. He wasn’t quite eye to eye but it allowed you to lean back in your chair a bit. “I think it would be a singular pleasure to be counted as your friend.”
“The first three drops are locked in.”
His eyes narrowed and he cursed. “Do you think my attentions are so mercenary?”
“Oh, were you just saying hi?”
“Hello. Bonjour. Nǐ hǎo.”
Both of you looked at the man coming down the corridor, although your companion’s face was far more disgruntled.
“Did you get us a new drop slot?”
Your lips twitched and the man who could only be Ezra turned back to you with a sheepish shrug of his shoulders.
“It is possible that I arrived with an ulterior motive, starshine, but it is only secondary to meeting you at this point.”
“Prophet’s nutsack,” his companion grumbled, shoving at Ezra and forcing him to step down from his perch. A hand appeared, dropping a small array of chits in front of you. “What’ll this get us?”
You glanced over the pile quickly. “Fifth.”
“I thought you said the first three spots were spoken for?” Ezra cut in.
“I did.” With a sweep of your hand you palmed the chits, tucking them into your own work overalls. “If you want better than fifth it’ll cost more. I already moved you up a spot for being cute.”
Ezra preened, mouth opening on what you were sure would be a lovely soliloquy about your charms but you cut him off with a quick jerk of your head to his partner - who was paying no attention to you at all.
Giving a mock huff of indignation Ezra bowed, sweeping his arms out and adding a roguish wink.
“Until we meet again, starshine.”
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The second time you met Ezra was another drop-off, four sling rotations later. Yours wasn’t the only sling working the route, each pass taking months to complete.
“Missed you on the pickup, starshine.”
Frowning you pushed your chair back, leaning around the edge of your pod to see who was standing at the step up. When it didn’t spark any recognition for you he pouted.
“Do not tell me you have forgotten me so quickly - such disregard is likely to drive a man to commit acts of singular madness.”
You may not have remembered his face but the voice was impossible to forget. That particular cadence and slow drawl. Giving him a grin you motioned him to step up and he did, finding a place he could perch and nearly look you in the eye.
“An invite into the inner sanctum? I am honored.”
Snorting you flipped a toggle to realign a drop pod. “That is my outer sanctum at best, cowboy.”
He grinned in return. “And yet sacred nevertheless.”
“What can I help you with?”
Another pout. “I seem to remember you doubting my motives on our last meeting as well, starshine. Have I really made such a poor impression on you?”
“Miners only ever want three things. Stone, stim, or-” you cut yourself off, shifting your eyes away and pretending to be busy with a screen he couldn’t see.
“I beg of you to finish that sentence, starshine.” His eyes were glittering with mischief, the corner of his lips twitching up. You shook your head and he laughed. “Well seeing as I am on my way to find stone, and I do not partake of the stim, I suppose all that is left is the…. presence of a lovely companion.”
“I bet you say that to all the crew.”
“A blow!” A hand flew to cover his heart. “You are whatever a moon has always meant - and whatever a sun will always sing is you.” At your confused frown he sighed, “You are not a connoisseur of poetry I suppose?”
“There once was a man from the rim…” you started and he laughed.
“A person of refined taste,” his brown eyes twinkled at you. “A connoisseur of a much maligned art form.”
You couldn’t help your answering smile. “You have any luck?” He raised an eyebrow and you clarified, “On your last run, to the Green. Any luck?”
A heavy sigh. “A few small stones, barely enough to make the run worth it.”
“And yet you’re going back,” you pointed out.
“Ah, but I have a new crew. And a special charm for luck.”
“Oh?” Your eyes caught on an alert and you cleared it absentmindedly. “What kind?”
“Why, an utterly captivating dropship engineer.”
A snort escaped you before you could stop it. “I seem to recall seeing you off to your last drop as well.”
“Ah, but I came to you then with questionable motives.” He spread his hands wide, showing you open palms, “Now I am but a supplicant, worshiping at your altar and hoping for your favor.”
“Do those lines really work on people?”
A casual shrug, “They don’t not work.”
Your console gave a beep and you nodded at it. “Gotta take that.”
He nodded in return. “Until next time, starshine.” He hopped down and started away as you reached for the button and then paused.
He turned back, a bemused look on his face. “Yes?”
“What was your name again?”
He made a small bow. “You, my dear, may call me whatever you’d like.” You rolled your eyes and he grinned. “Ezra, starshine, my name is Ezra.”
“Ezra,” you tried the name out and his grin deepened. “Interesting name.”
“Well I like to think I’m an interesting man.”
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The third time you met Ezra you could not really be said to be meeting him per se. You recognized him and remembered his name so it was really more of an acquaintanceship renewal than anything.
“Ah for you are yet the symphony of the stars.”
You couldn’t help the smile at the sound of his voice, turning to see him waiting patiently at the edge of your work pod. You motioned him and he bounded up like a man half his age, finding a place to stand where he could perch a hip on the edge of your desk. He looked positively smug and you couldn’t help a laugh.
“Hello Ezra.”
His grin was wide, a new scar cutting across one eye. “starshine you are as captivating as always.”
“I take it you had a good trip?”
The Green was a few spins behind you, the last pickup locked in as the sling made its way to its next destination. You didn’t really need to be at your station, but you liked getting a head start on the landing patterns.
“A fruitful conquest,” Ezra was saying, his fingers tapping on one thigh. “Enough to whet a man’s appetite for more.”
“That good, huh?”
“I could certainly treat you in the style to which you are accustomed.”
You glanced around at the dirty workbench, the ancient equipment, your ragged overalls. “Low bar.”
“And one I am happy to clear.” His cheerfulness was contagious, eyes bright even with the sharp red scar cutting through one. You wondered if he expected you to ask about it.
“You sticking to the Green then?”
He shrugged, picking at one nail. “I have a new crew and some ideas as to a new excavation, although I suppose you’d have more information than me about that.”
Nodding you reset a fuel calculation. “Someone found a motherlode, went back to the Ephrate for supplies last I checked.”
His attention was suddenly fully on you. “Is that so, starshine?”
“Mmhmm,” you pretended to ignore his intense scrutiny.
“And is the location of the lode information you might be willing to share?”
“Well,” you tapped a button and glanced sideways at him from under your eyelashes, “that would depend.”
“A share I take it?”
You snorted. “Like I could ever hold you to it.”
“Ah,” he demurred, “you have not had much experience with good men I take it?”
“Out here,” you gestured at the ship, “I’m lucky to find mediocre ones.”
The tips of his fingers briefly touched the back of your hand before he pulled away. “The good man watches our bogus roses, our rank wreath.”
Another quote from someone you didn’t recognize. “And are you a good man?”
He hummed thoughtfully. “I like to believe myself a man of good intentions.”
“Yet you’d rob some unsuspecting miner?”
“That my dear starshine is just good business.” He looked so affronted you had to laugh. “And a business opportunity for us both.”
He paused, head cocking, considering you. “How much?”
You cupped your hand a little. “Just one, yay big. And I’ll drop you dead center of the guy’s camp.”
“You wouldn’t lie to me would you, starshine?”
You gave him your most innocent expression, fluttering your lashes for good measure. “Who, me?”
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The gem was plopped onto your desk without ceremony, the messy head of distinctive hair soon following.
“I likely would have gifted you this for a chance for your company, starshine.”
It was a little bigger than you’d asked for, the center a beautiful gold that caught even the dim lights of the ship. With barely concealed awe you cupped the aurelac in your palms, feeling the warmth that naturally emanated from it.
“Are you serious?”
He’d stepped up, leaning on your desk. “Were you?”
You pointed at the holo of the planet, “Just north of there, about five clicks. Like I said, I can set you down dead center.”
“And you say there is a bounty of gems there? Just how much is a bounty?”
Carefully wrapping the aurelac into a kerchief you tucked it safely inside your shirt. “The guy was going back for a crew of six, so enough he didn’t mind sharing.”
Ezra nodded thoughtfully. “A worthwhile venture then. And you are sure you do not require a cut?”
“I got mine.” You patted your chest, noticing how his eyes lingered on your chest for a moment - as though imagining what was beneath. “‘Sides, I might never see you again.”
“Surely the universe would not be so cruel.” He clutched a hand over his heart, giving you a pleading look.
“Do you annoy Laquon with your attentions when it’s not me here?” you asked, mentioning the drop engineer working one of the other slings.
“Laquon will not speak to me,” Ezra replied. “Not since the night I took half his wages in a sharps game.”
“Did you cheat?”
“You wound me!”
“That’s not an answer.”
“No, I suppose it wasn’t.”
The console beeped, announcing you were moving into orbit around the Green. “You should go get your crew ready.”
“Ah, a too quick end to our lovely repast.” He leaned towards you, eyes bright. “A kiss for luck, starshine?”
Giving him a nudge with your foot you shooed him away. “You make your own luck Ezra.”
His amused chuckle stuck with you for some time to come.
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It was the last of the day’s pickups at the Green and you were absolutely not supposed to be working. Pickups weren’t your job, drop offs were. You’d already let a dad and his kid down yesterday - two people you were sure you’d never see again - and they were the only people dumb enough or desperate enough to take the trip down to the Green on the last sling.
The last sling ever.
It felt odd, the end of an era. You’d spent the better part of five orbits on this route. The Green, Delphi VI, an asteroid that had a long string of letters and numbers but the miners just called Dave… pit stops and drop ships. The sling’s crew of nine would be dispatched to new routes. You were planning to take some time off - maybe back to one of those paradise planets for a bit.
Yesterday’s drops should have been it. No more work. Just hanging out in your too small bunk while you dreamt of how to spend the credits you’d been saving up.
But that was without the alarm. Or the Captain’s voice on comms.
“Bay 26 has an emergency beacon on.”
Groaning, you punched the intercom. “How is that my problem?”
“Janus is down with whatever flu he caught from the last scrapyard we were at. I need you to check on it.”
With a grumble you knew the mic would pick up you grabbed your pants. “Fine, but I wanna be paid.”
“Yeah yeah,” the intercom cut out and you squeezed out of your bunk to the hallway beyond. Bay 26 wasn’t too far, and there was a shortcut through the anterior cooling room. You moved a little faster than you might have let on to the Captain. It was an emergency beacon, although odds were it’d been hit by accident or was a malfunction.
“Occupants of pod 438-Alpha, are you in distress?”
You waited while the door to the ship sat silent.
“Occupants of pod-”
A face appeared in the window and you yelped. Young, blonde… the kid who’d dropped yesterday. She tried to get the door to open but the safety mechanism held it in place.
“You have to decontaminate,” you told her through the speaker. “Unless it’s a medical emergency you-”
“He’s dying!” she shouted back, hand scrambling at the controls on her side and suddenly her voice boomed through. “He’s sick and I think it’s infected. You’ve got to let me get him to medbay.”
“What kind of infection?” You tried to ignore her frantic movements. The safety of the crew came first. If they had picked up a virus or something you wanted nothing to do with it.
“His arm,” she was making an effort to sound calm. “He got hurt but it’s infected. He needs antibiotics.”
That didn’t sound too bad. Fairly normal - not like some alien chestburster. “Are you sick?”
“No, it’s just his arm.” Her eyes met yours through the tempered transparisteel. “Please, he needs help.”
You weighed your options. The Green was considered a toxic planet, requiring a decom before disembarking. But it was because of something in the air that could stick to clothes. People lived down there with minimal protections. Worst case you’d have to take some antihistamines.
That was assuming this infection was what she said it was.
“Into your suit,” you announced through the door. “And get him into his. Neither of you breathe our air until I can check you’re not contagious. Deal?”
The girl nodded emphatically and disappeared. A few moments later her head popped up again, covered by a helmet. You could see the edge of someone leaning heavily against her.
Regretting it already, you punched the override code for the door. Practicing an abundance of caution you stepped away quickly as they stumbled out. “Follow me to medbay. No sudden movements. Nothing comes off until I give it the all clear. Got it?”
The girl nodded and you led them down the narrow corridor as quick as they were able to pace you. Her dad was in bad shape, head hanging down as he seemed to concentrate on walking. He wasn’t as put together as the last time. Something must have happened to his suit on the Green and he’d scavenged a new one.
“C’mon, just a little further,” you heard the girl encouraging him.
The medbay was empty, no surprise, making it easy for you to find a spot for the girl to set him down. “I have to make sure you haven’t brought anything on board,” you told them, gesturing for her to join him near the scanner.
“I wouldn’t dream of bringing you anything but jewels, starshine.”
Your head jerked around, meeting his slightly hazy gaze. “Ezra?”
“In the flesh,” a sigh and a groan, “such that it is.”
You picked up speed. Not that you’d been dawdling, but your hands began to fly over the controls, waiting until you got the green light before rushing to his side and helping the girl remove his helmet. “What in the seven seals happened to you?”
“A small accident,” he sat up with your help and you pushed his suit down to his waist. A soft curse made you stop and re-evaluate.
“Ezra,” you asked as calmly as you could, “are you missing an arm?”
“A minor inconvenience.”
“Prophets balls,” you muttered, turning away to find the anesthetic. “How long ago?”
“A spin?” He cast a look at the girl and she seemed to be trying her best to not look guilty. “Maybe less.”
“Okay, well, this is going to hurt.” You didn’t wait for his reply, setting the hypospray to his shoulder and injecting it. He hissed through his teeth and then relaxed.
“Much better, I thank you starshine.”
“We’re not out of the asteroid belt yet, hand me the scricorder?” You gestured and the girl handed it to you. It made several alarming noises as you put in a small sample of Ezra’s blood.
“I believe I did warn you of this, starshine.”
Working on autopilot you gave him a quizzical look. “Warn me of what?”
“That something dreadful was going to befall me.”
You rolled your eyes, inputting the medications needed into the replicator so it could spin you up the cocktail you needed. “I seem to recall you being quite cheerful about your prospects last time I saw you, Ez.”
“I believe I did inquire as to some spare luck, however.” The man was an unrepentant scoundrel, twinkling at you even as he fought not to sway from the drugs in his system.
“Are you suggesting that if I’d kissed you you’d still have an arm?”
“I suppose we will never know,” he shrugged. “But I must insist before I go anywhere else that you indulge me in my superstition. Losing one arm can be chalked up to tragedy - two reeks of carelessness.”
A full laugh burst from you as you readied his meds, setting the hypospray to his neck and pulling the trigger. “I’ll tell you what. You come through this all right and we can have a whole conversation about luck. Over drinks. How does that sound?”
“Well that sounds mighty fine, starshine. Mighty fine indeed.”
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Tagging in Jen specifically though for coming through with the inspo:  @writeforfandoms​
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