#f/o: Tim Wright/Masky
could you write creepypastas of your choice x Proxy Reader?
Sure I can! But please be specific for future reference as I wasn’t really sure what to do, so I went with general relationship headcanons with my favorite creep, Tim/Masky.
🔪 Tim loves to complain about Alex and the things he did during marble hornets, just like Brian
🔪Masky only really fronts during missions, and rarely does he come out when he’s not on missions
🔪Tim likes to spend quality time with you a lot
🔪Masky will sometimes just creepily watch you from a corner in your home if you don't live in the mansion, if you do, then he’ll probably just trail behind you when your walking around
🔪I’m sorry but tim is that annoying guy at parties who’ll play the guitar for people
🔪Still has nightmares about the whole “marble hornets” thing
🔪Him and masky can talk to each other in their headspace so you’ll sometimes see Tim and/or masky slightly breathing out a laugh at something the other said
🔪 If your dating Tim then your dating masky, same thing vice versa, there's no escaping it, your stuck with both of them
🔪Tim is very gentle with you, while masky, whos used to being the one to complete the missions, is a bit more head on and straight forward
🔪Tim isn’t an “UwU” soft boy though and won't hesitate to get violent, not specifically to you, just in general
🔪When masky is angry all he sees is red
🔪Most of the time, normally when missions are few and far between, Masky and Tim will co-front
🔪 It honestly not hard to tell whos speaking or doing something at the moment though
🔪They have rapid switched in the past, and they’ve come out of it delirious and not knowing whos in control of the body, sometimes they’ll even forget who is fronting
🔪They know they can talk to each other but they’ll leave little notes around filling in the other of what was going on before they switched, just to show you what the other knows and what, if anything, you need to tell them
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sister-lucifer · 3 months
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Tim “Masky” Wright
Brian “Hoodie” Thomas
“Ticci” Toby Rogers
Jeffrey Woods
Liu Woods
Laughing Jack
Eyeless Jack
Nina Hopkins
Helen Otis
Jason Meyer
The Slenderman
Rules & Important Reminders:
Questions will be answered at our leisure. Do not think yourself more important than any others. Maybe you will get an answer, maybe you won’t. Ask as many as you’d like, but don’t get demanding.
Questions go to the ask box only. Any questions sent via comment or reblog will be ignored.
This is a temporary set up. An announcement will be made and plenty of warning will be given before answers cease.
Answers will be based on interpretation. Do not complain if you don’t get the answer you wanted.
Thank you, and remember to keep your eyes open.
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rabbit-or-rib · 29 days
you guys have shown me soso much support and it really means the whole world to me, and i wanna show y'all that with my writing !!
i'm gonna be opening up requests for NSFW / romantic / platonic alphabets, romantic / platonic matchups, and songs for characters!! this is gonna be a longer post, so all of the specifics are under the cut :)
also, i'll of course still be taking normal requests, but while these are open they'll be the priority for me to get to :)
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Who's available for requests?
Evan Myers
Marble Hornets
Tim Wright
Brian Thomas
Jessica Locke (fem/gn reader only)
Toby Rogers
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer (fem/gn reader only)
Nina the Killer
Clockwork (fem/gn reader only)
Cole Cassidy
Reaper / Gabriel Reyes
Soldier: 76 / Jack Morrison (masc/gn reader only)
(this includes the Blackwatch and Deadlock eras! just lemme know, without specifics I'll assume it's current era)
Songs for characters ;
a song for how i think a character would react/feel about certain things! being in love, their thoughts on themselves, things like that :) i'd be posting a song link, specific lyrics i think really match with what's being asked, and an explanation/break down on how it relates.
Romantic / platonic matchups ;
give me a rundown of who you are, if you want it to be romantic, platonic (or both), and i'll match you up with someone :) quick physical, personality and partner preference/needs descriptions would be great, the fandoms you want, and anything else you'd want me to know would be great !! if you'd want a basic template, i have this one right here !!
NSFW / romantic / platonic alphabets ;
you can ask for a full alphabet, or just specific letters, for characters :) all three are down below if you wanna get a feel for them before you request
A = Adventures, what kind of crazy shit would you get into together?
B = Bond, what kind of - platonic, obviously - relationship do you have with each other?
C = Cuddling, do you ever cuddle? how physically affectionate are you?
D = Dance, do you ever dance together? how?
E = Enemies, were you ever enemies? Do you share the same enemies?
F = Fight, how often do you fight? how do you resolve conflict?
G = Gain, how have you helped each other improve as people?
H = Help, how do they ask you for help? how do they help you when you need it?
I = Injured/Ill, how would they act if you got hurt or sick?
J = Jokes, what’s their sense of humor like? how do you joke about things together?
K = Kisses, do you ever kiss? how? Kisses not on the lips count
L = Love, how do they show you they care?
M = Meeting, how did you meet? how did you become friends?
N = Nesting, do you co-habitate at all? how?
O = Oasis, is there a specific place that is “your place”? what is it?
P = Protection, how protective are they over you?
Q = Query, how inquisitive are they when it comes to getting to know you?
R = Record, what’s something you’ll never let them live down?
S = Support, how would they show their support for you? how far would that support go?
T = Trust, how much do they trust you? how do they show you that?
U = Uplift, how do you bring each other up?
V = Vacation, do you ever travel together? what’s that like?
W = Worry, do they worry about you? how often?
X = Xerox, are there any traits or habits of theirs that you’ve picked up by accident?
Y = Yahoo, what’s an inside joke you share?
Z = Zany, do they have a weird side only you get to see? what’s it like?
A = Attention, how much attention do they want in the relationship?
B = Baby, do they want a family? Why/why not?
C = Cuddle, do they like to cuddle and show affection? How?
D = Dates, what are dates with them like? What do they like to do? 
E = Equal, do they prefer to be more dominant or submissive in the relationship?
F = Fights, how do they handle arguments? How quick are they to forgive?
G = Gratitude, how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? 
H = Honesty, are they honest with their s/o? How important is it to them in a relationship? 
I = Insight, how easy is it for them to read their partner? (Mood, thoughts, etc.)
J = Jealousy, do they get jealous? If so, how easily? How do they deal with it?
K = Kiss, what are their kisses like? Who kissed who first?
L = Love, who said “I love you” first? How often do they say it? When did they realize they were in love?
M = Marriage, do they want to get married? How long do they have to be in the relationship beforehand? What would the marriage be like? 
N = Nickname, what are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
O = Open, how long does it take for them to open up to their s/o?
P = PDA, how do they feel about public displays of affection? What kind of PDA do they show?
Q = Quality Time, what do they like to do for quality time with their s/o?
R = Reunion, how do they react after being apart from their s/o? How do they cope when they’re away?
S = Sad, how do they cheer their s/o up when they are feeling down? How do they like to be cheered up?
T = Thrill, do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine? 
U = Understanding, how well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
V = Value, how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
W = Wild Card, a random relationship headcanon
X = Explicit, a NSFW headcanon
Y = Your Name, if they did get married to their s/o, who would take whose last name?
Z = Zz, how do they like to sleep with their partner? What time do they like to go to sleep/wake up, ideally?
A = Aftercare, what they’re like after sex
B = Body part, their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s
C = Cum, anything to do with cum, basically
D = Dirty secret, pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
E = Experience, how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
F = Favorite position, this goes without saying
G = Goofy, are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.
H = Hair, how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
I = Intimacy, how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect
J = Jack off, masturbation headcanon
K = Kink, one or more of their kinks
L = Location, favorite places to do they do
M = Motivation, what turns them on, gets them going
N = No, something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs
O = Oral, preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
P = Pace, are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
Q = Quickie, their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
R = Risk, are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.
S = Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?
T = Toys, do they own toys or use them on a partner or themselves?
U = Unfair, how much they like to tease
V = Volume, how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
W = Wild card, a random headcanon for the character
X = X-ray, let’s see what’s going on under those clothes
Y = Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Z = Zzz, how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?
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fates-theysband · 2 years
Amnesia, crossover, and time travel
thank you so much!! gonna go with tim wright for this one
Amnesia: what's somethings that you remember about your F/O that others forget?
that he exists as a character outside of masky, for one thing. that more applies to the general creepypasta fandom than the actual mh fandom but it does make me sad that a lot of people only seem to care about him when he's in a state that's very clearly extremely terrifying and traumatic for him
also that he is not fucking skinny, where is his BEEF you cowards this man is a bruiser
Crossover: if your F/O could meet your other F/Os witch would they get along with the most, and witch one would they hate the most?
oh he and gerry would get on like a house on fire. like, they're both nice guys but with limits to what they'll put up with, both have a dry sense of humor, both dealing with unimaginable horrors following them at all times...
as for who he'd like the least, i feel like even before he found out what eddie is like he'd be really uncomfortable around him because eddie reminds him of alex.
Time travel: if you could go back to any moment with your F/O to relive witch would it be?
entry 54...oh to hang out in his apartment goofing around with him and his buddies with little to no creepypasta bullshit happening
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lyn-rambles · 3 years
Sin for the love, punishment for the sin
Pairing: Code: 537-MH (Tim Wright/Masky × Elisia Jefferson (SCP: 537-J))
Prompt: Somnophilia
Word count: 890
Summary: Tim knew she had a cute sleeping face, Masky understood that but couldn’t help to see the monster’s sleeping face without getting hard.
Warning: Somnophilia, male masturbation, semi dub-con, I do not condone this, Masky is being questionable, mentions of blood, this is like that one scene in Evangelion, slight dark content.
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Tim tumbled through the door. He had been away for two weeks. For what he could tell on the newspaper he had found on his way back. He was greeted by the darkness of Elisia’s apartment. He thought everything was finally over, but when the girl who could see dead appeared almost everything went down hill. Almost because the more time Tim, passed with her, he grew fond of her. Specially after the roof talk. He took off his jumper, and threw it on the laundry basket. He knew it smelled to mud, and probably had dry blood somewhere. The Masked Man was surely busy, he wanted to try and light a cigarette but did not had the energy to do so, he walked up to her room to see her peacefully sleeping.
He looked at her with tenderness, the first time he had waken up to her he had fallen for her and hard. He admired how her long lashes were put upon each other, the way light caressed her cheeks, her messy bed hair, even when the small puffs of air escaped her lips while she breathed. He knelt beside the bed and his hand almost reached to pet her head. But he stopped only centimers away from it.
“Holy shit, dude.” Masky commented on the crack of his head. His face drained white just as the white moonling tracing over her features. “I see why you fell for her, I knew the lil’ monster was a beauty in disguise, but look at her.”
Tim knew what was he talking about, Elisia always slept on one of her sides, letting him outline her curves over the bedsheets. Even though, Masky had the pleasure on spending time with her, but during more intimate times it was Tim, he was the one tracing the vary same curves with his hands, kissing and nipping at her skin. The one who felt how her nails dragged along his back as he filled her up nicely. His cock twitched.
Tim looked panicked to his pants, as he directly pointed to Masky about it. “It is not my fault, she looks so delicious like this.” It was clear why he said that, Elisia had tried to kill him twice while he wore the mask but that did not stopped him from getting harder.
“You are a sick fuck, you know that?” Hissed Tim.
“We are a sick fuck, buddy.” His gaze darkened as he slowly undid his pants and lowered his underwear. His hand gently massaged his balls and then it rose to the base stroking gently along his length, as his mind traveled back at those moments in which it was her small hands taking his shaft, tracing the veins that run along it. He bit his other hand to drown a gasp. As he pumped his cock, his face heated mildy from embarrassment, but the rest was for pure anxiousness from waking her up. On his mind he kissed her neck on that spot that made her tug at his hair and leave those sweet noises from her lips, his grip became a little bit tighter his thumb now pressing ever so slightly over his lenght. His breathing became ragged as he became harder, he wanted to be touching her body, making her scream, beg for him. But he was here stuck, masturbating for her sleeping. Plenty of nights he had seen her sleep, she knew that and he couldn’t have gottennup until now.
Maybe it was because he already new her answer to him licking at her breasts, kissing her inner thighs, pushing his fingers inside her. Just by thought he was getting turned on, his cock already leeching precum, he teased the tip a little to use it as lubricant. Imagining it was her hand or mouth the one taking care of this. He panted at the thought. But his hand worked faster, he grunted and she stirred on his sleep. He stopped mid motion panicked, horrified, writing for her to open her eyes and catch him during this. She just cuddled further on the covers. He thought he had multiple heart attacks, and his erection did not thought the same as he felt himself even more aroused by the sudden urge of panic, as if his body was betraying it self, he stroked himself again and again, and had him biting his tongue to finish quickly, as his cheeks burned even more, his gaze changed from her to his dick quickly waiting for another of her movements. But it was just a reflection of him liking how his cock disappeared when he was balls deep inside her pussy. And that brought him to edge, he breathing was fast and ragged but quiet enough to not disturb her and then it hit him, his orgasm crashed on to him violently as he had to bite his fist to silence him as the hot ropes of white cum spilled over the floor next to the bed. He looked at himself horrified before adjusting his clothing and cleaning the place with a dirty sock of his. He then threw himslef on the couch and sighed.
“I don’t trust you enough to sleep were I rightfully belong.” He sighed.
“You don’t trust yourself enough buddy.” Answered Masky from the back of his head.
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tsundere-selfship · 3 years
I'm curious: Marble Hornets selfshippers reblog this post so that we can assemble the whole gang-
I'll go first: I ship with Jay Merrick and I love him a whole lot! And I'm his husband
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cleoradays · 2 years
tag navigation
MOTI - platonic tag: [⌚: grow as we go]
TYRION LANNISTER - ship tag: [🍋: for the marriage of the lamb has come - and his bride has made herself ready]
S/I (for TYRION): [🥞: i must become a lion hearted girl]
NAERELLA - general tag: [🍯: the bee that hath honey in her mouth hath a sting in her tail]
NAERELLA - x daenerys targaryen, ship tag: [🐉: i miss you more than anything]
ARREL - general tag: [🐕: and the sun bear gazed to the stars]
ARREL - x tyrion lannister: [🌕: kiss by kiss - i move across your small infinity]
JOENNE - general tag: [🐆: and i will teach my daughter to plunge her claws]
MYRGA - general tag: [🦣: she looks for her omens in the colors of stones]
FOUND FAMILY - alois & ciel & elizabeth & soma & sieglinde & sebastian & agni & mey-rin & finnian & bard & snake & tanaka & grelle & ronald, family tag: [♟: at your service]
ADULT S/I - general tag:  [🐈‍⬛: if it means i can protect you]
CHILD S/I - general tag:  [🎶: all things were glad and flourishing]
JIMMY MCGILL / SAUL GOODMAN - ship tag:  [⚖️: malewife]
JESSE PINKMAN (& JANE MARGOLIS) - ship tag: [🌭: i wish that i had jessie’s girl]
LIZBETH “LIZZY” “LIZ” (for SAUL) - general tag:  [💅🏻: bikini bimbette]
CAGER MYERS (for JESSE & JANE) - general tag:  [🧷: you wish a lot of things]
IVOR ORR - ship tag: [🔧: i’ll listen]
JOHN YOSSARIAN - family tag:  [✈️: steady on]
CREEPYPASTA FAMILY - general tag:  [🌲: people of the forest]
JEFFREY WOODS / JEFF THE KILLER - ship tag:  [🪦: kittywood]
NINA HOPKINS / NINA THE KILLER - ship tag: [🔪: ninakitty]
TOBIAS ROGERS / TICCI TOBY - ship tag: [🪓: kittyrogers]
JACK NICHOLS  / EYELESS JACK - ship tag: [🌌: eyeless kitty]
TIM WRIGHT / MASKY & BRIAN THOMAS / HOODIE - family tag:  [🐻: defend and conquer]
SLENDERMAN - family tag: [🐑: the lion and the lamb]
KATE MILENS / KATE THE CHASER - family tag: [🔦: lost and found]
BENJAMIN / BEN DROWNED - family tag:  [👾: sleepin’ in the middle of a summer afternoon]
JANE ARKENSAW / JANE THE KILLER - family tag: [🌬: snow and seams]
NATHALIE OUELLETTE / CLOCKWORK - family tag:  [🕰️: clock kitty]
LAUGHING JACK - family tag: [🎪: carnie cats]
SALLY WILLIAMS - family tag: [🧸: come little children]
SPLENDORMAN - family tag:  [🌈: my little jelly bean]
LAUGHING JILL - family tag:  [🕷: you can be my imaginary friend!]
S/I (for EVERYONE) - general tag: [⚰: one true home]
ALICE BURNS - general tag: [☀️: go ask alice - i think she’ll know]
ALICE BURNS - x jeffrey woods, ship tag: [🪐: baby you’re a vampire]
ALICE BURNS - x nina hopkins, ship tag: [💗: i feel pink]
ALICE BURNS - & toby rogers, family tag: [​​🍂: we walk too close to the radar]
BEAM - general tag: [🐁: good afternoon miss - you are my second victim]
BRUCE WAYNE / BATMAN - ship tag: [🦇: batcloud]
EDWARD NYGMA / THE RIDDLER (& MIYU TANGRAM / THE QUIZ) - ship tag: [🦖: riddlecloud]
SELINA KYLE / CATWOMAN - ship tag: [🐾: cloudcat]
HARVEY DENT & TWO-FACE - ship tag:  [💕: twoclouds]
DUELA DENT - ship tag: [🍭: harlecloud]
OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN - ship tag:  [☂: cloudbird]
VICTOR & NORA FRIES - ship tag:  [❄️: iceclouds]
JONATHAN CRANE / THE SCARECROW - ship tag: [🧪: cloudcrow]
ELLA NASHTON / ENIGMA - ship tag: [🧩: puzzlecloud]
HARLEEN QUINZEL / HARLEY QUINN - family tag: [💋: gotham’s princess]
HARLEY QUINN - platonic tag: [♠️: queens of gotham]
POISON IVY - platonic tag: [🍃: leaves from the vine]
CONSTANCE - general tag: [🍰: strip away my conscience]
CONSTANCE - x bruce wayne, ship tag: [💌: fuck your tunnels / fuck your cars]
CONSTANCE - x selina kyle, ship tag: [​​🎀: come come kitty kitty]
CONSTANCE - x harvey dent & two-face, ship tag: [🏩: you’re my obsession]
CONSTANCE - & harvey & duela, family tag:  [🤍: trust your angels]
CYRIL BLOOM - general tag: [🦆: velvet and violins]
ELSA KING - general tag:  [🦢: rubies and pearls]
ELSA X CYRIL - x oswald cobblepot, ship tag:  [🥂: gotham’s finest]
PHOEBUS - general tag: [💥: not the same man i was before]
PHOEBUS - x edward nygma, ship tag: [🔥: melt with you]
PHOEBUS - & edward & ella & miyu & echo & query, family tag: [🪀: riddle!family]
THE DOCTOR “THETA” - ship tag: [🛸: and i’ll love you always - across the universe - across time]
ROSE TYLER - ship tag: [🌷: every rose has its thorn]
CELTY STURLUSON - platonic tag: [​​🏍: in the midst of that empty space - the shadow smiled]
SHIZUO HEIWAJIMA - platonic? tag: [💢: i really hate violence]
HABIT - ship tag: [🥩: hop hop little lop]
S/I (for HABIT) - general tag: [🐰: run rabbit run]
GENERAL FAMILY TAG (primarily margo & murdoc & jem & etienne & me):  [🍉: niccals-green family]
STUART POT / 2D - family tag:  [🎱: you killed my tamagotchi!]
ACE COPULAR - family tag: [🌴: welcome to venice dweeb]
RUSSEL HOBBS - family tag: [🥁: time is gonna pass - so make it count]
NOODLE - family tag: [🐱: you can kid the world - but not your sister]
S/I - general tag:  [🧁: welcome to paradise]
MARGO GREEN - general tag: [🛼: she is messy - but she’s kind]
MARGO GREEN - x murdoc niccals, ship tag: [🎸: i am your music and i am your song]
MARGO GREEN - & stuart pot, platonic tag: [🦋: we are dead butterflies]
MARGO GREEN - & ace copular, platonic tag: [🤘: calling the world from isolation]
MARGO GREEN - & noodle, family tag: [🌺: everything stays]
MARGO GREEN - & marla kekoa, family tag: [🍒: forget him!]
JEM GREEN - general tag: [👙: venice vixen]
ETIENNE GREEN - general tag: [🕸: like father / like son]
ETIENNE GREEN - x kady, ship tag:  [🎮: brony marriage]
MARLA KEKOA - general tag:  [🐄: live-laugh-love core]
VICTOR ZSASZ - ship tag: [🕺: won’t you take me to funkytown?]
BARBARA KEAN - family tag: [🌃: siren’s daughter]
BUTCH GILZEAN - platonic/family tag: [​​🐡: watch out kid!]
S/I (for BARBARA & BUTCH) - general tag: [👡: a girl among tyrants]
GOTHAM!PHOEBUS - x victor zsasz, ship tag:  [🍬: i can’t trust the fall]
SEVERUS SNAPE - ship tag:  [☕: the mind is not a book to be opened at will]
S/I (for SEVERUS) - general tag: [💫: professor of ancient studies]
FREYA THRAWCLIFFE - general tag:  [🕯: professor of the healing arts]
FREYA THRAWCLIFFE - x severus snape, ship tag:  [🧺: this too / shall pass ]
JAY MERRICK / SKULLY (& TIM WRIGHT) - ship tag:  [📹: the ant and the dove]
ALEX KRALIE - ship tag:  [📼: i’m way too young to lie here forever]
NICHOLAS HILL - general tag: [🐏: king of the road]
NICHOLAS HILL - x jay merrick, ship tag:  [🪶: two birds]
NICHOLAS HILL - & tim wright, ship tag: [🚬: there’s nothing i won’t understand]
TED LASSO - ship tag: [⚽️: how much the heart can hold]
TORIEL DREEMURR & SANS - ship tag: [🌨: irisoriel]
PAPYRUS - ship tag:  [🌞: here comes the sun]
SPAMTON G. SPAMTON - ship tag: [🔌: cyber kitten]
QUEEN - ship tag: [💎: e-married]
KITTY (for EVERYONE) - general tag: [⭐: the light bearer]
KITTY - x papyrus, ship tag: [​​💛: to the bone - with love]
KITTY - x spamton, ship tag: [📞: no flatline - what were you scared about?]
KING - general tag: [💾: who rules the cyber world?]
KING - x queen, ship tag: [🌐: king upon her throne]
PERCEDAL OF SADLYGROVE & EVANGELYNE - ship tag: [🏹: do not weep / do not wail / i am coming home to you]
NOXIMILIEN “NOX” “MILIEN” - ship tag: [⚙️: oh - father time]
RUEL STROUD - family tag: [🍳: on the road again]
YUGO - family tag: [🌾: there’s a wind alive in the valley]
RUBILAX - platonic tag: [🗡️: devil may care]
REMINGTON SMISSE - platonic tag: [⚔️: thick as thieves]
S/I (for EVERYONE) - general tag: [🐛: a world so wide and warm]
CLEORA (for NOX) - general tag: [🌿: true peace looks like this]
FOUND FAMILY - isre & remington & rook & fionan, family tag: [🍀: soldier - poet - king]
ISRE - general tag: [🍊: there will come a ruler - whose brow is laid in thorn]
ISRE - x yugo, ?? tag: [🍓: will you greet the daylight looming - learn to love without consuming?]
ROOK - general tag:  [🌙: he will slay you with his tongue]
ROOK - x remington smisse, ship tag: [🗝: please don’t lean on me - ‘cause i don’t want your heart between my teeth]
FIONAN - general tag: [🦁: he will tear your city down]
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anti-plexus · 3 years
Tim Wright (Masky) x Reader:
Title: Stalker
Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: Murder, stalking (duh), and some very mild suggestive content.
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It was only supposed to be a surveillance mission, simple. He had to watch you, god knows why, and acquire information. He never expected all of this to end with him becoming infatuated with you. You were a killer, just like him, so it made sense as to why Slender wanted to keep tabs on you. It was intriguing, watching the way you killed, it made him feel inspired. But he would never engage with you, only watch from afar as you lived out your life.
Screams rang out through the deserted building. You chortled and wiped your bloody fist on the sleeve of your sweatshirt. "Do you like that, hun~?" You asked your victim, an older man who had multiple child abuse charges under his belt. "P-Please! S-Spare me!" The man pleaded, clutching his bloodied face. "Hmm... how about no." You grinned wickedly. "B-But I haven't done anything w-wrong! I-I'm innocent!" Your smile faltered as you felt a rush of rage at his words. HOW DARE HE!! 'You... you think you're innocent?" "Y-yes-" A crooked giggle burst out of your throat. "Hahaha! I smell a liar, buddy." "N-" BANG! The man slumped over, life draining from his frail body. You chuckled flatly. You tipped your gun up and blew away the smoke emitting from it. "See you in hell, you fucking piece of shit." —————— Tim had to give it to you, that was fucking awesome. You were on the first floor of the building and he had been on the second, watching as you annihilated the man and burned the body. He noticed you looking around as if you knew he was t- "Shit...." He muttered when you began to climb the rickety ladder that connected the first and second floors. Tim ducked behind some old cargo boxes as you arrived on the second floor. Your head swiveled around, taking note of your surroundings. After a little bit of staring, you headed off in the opposing direction from Tim's position. He breathed a sigh of relief. Now it was time to get the fuck out of t- "And who the hell might you be?" Your voice appeared from behind him making him whip around rather violently. "Don't be a pussy and tell me why you've been following me for the past seven months." Tim was nearly speechless. "I...." You cocked your head inquisitively. "Come on, pretty boy, spill the beans." At that moment, Tim was nearly delirious with relief that his mask was covering his face, for it hid his pink cheeks. That little 'pretty boy' nickname had him going.... "You always like this, pretty boy? Spacing out in front of a killer ain't very safe." You advised, hazardly twirling your gun in between your fingers. Tim remained quiet, watching your every move. He honestly didn't know what to do, you were a peculiar person. But he eventually managed to answer your previous comment. "I think I'll be ok, you're not the only killer here." "Oh? So that means you're a stalker AND a killer." "Hey! I'm not a stalker-" "Bruh." You deadpanned. "You've been following me for almost a year! If that's not considered stalking, then I don't know what is!" "Touché..." Tim admitted, to which you laughed. "But seriously," Your tone hardened as you stared him down. "Why the hell are you stalking- er, following me?" Tim took a breath, he knew he probably should just come up with a plausible lie to tell you, but part of him wanted to tell you the truth. Maybe if he did that, you would trust him... "Well, I was instructed to." "By who?" "Someone called S-"  BRIIIING! BRIIING! Tim coughed awkwardly as he fished his phone out of his pocket and held it to his ear. "Yes?" ... "Wait... you want me to..." ... "Yeah, I know, but-" ... "Yes, sir. I understand." And with that, he hung up and proceeded to stare at you. "What?" You asked, slightly unnerved by his staring. Tim scratched the back of his neck. "Well, uh, my 'boss' want's me to kidnap- I mean, bring you to him." "Do you know why?" "I think he wants you to work for him... otherwise he would have had me kill you months ago." You contemplated your options, you could either run away, or find out who "The Boss" was. Hell, maybe this would even benefit you. "Well... would I still get to kill people?" "Absolutely! It's essentially what we do!" Tim excitedly informed you, and you shrugged. "Sure, I'll give it a shot." Tim grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the ladder. Once you both had climbed down, Tim lead you to an old Toyota Camry. "Hop in- wait... what's your name?" He asked sheepishly. You giggled at the question. "I'm (y/n). What's yours?" "Masky, but
you can call me Tim." "Sure thing, Tim." You affirmed. Tim smiled beneath his mask as you both entered the car and drove to your new home. ———————— *Nine Months Later* "JEFF!!" You screeched as you chased the poor man down the halls of the Slender-mansion. "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU, YA LITTLE BITCH!!" But Jeff only laughed. "You'll have to catch me first, fuckwad!" Oh, you were mad. Ever since you arrived at the mansion and became a proxy, Jeff had it in his heart to make you suffer. In the beginning, his form of "Torture" had just been annoying, like stealing your weapons or teasing you for no reason, but it had slowly evolved into perverted schemes aimed at your very sanity and modesty alike. But this time, he had gone too far. You had come back from a rather exhausting mission and found him in your room, going through your panty drawer. You, like any sane person, were chasing him to reclaim the stolen clothes he carried in his arms and atop his head. Jeff made a sharp turn into the living room and launched himself onto the couch, right next to a startled Masky. You gasped as all your panties went flying everywhere. "What the hell, J- Wait... are those...?" Masky stared at your panties, trying to figure what the hell was going on. "Yes, Tim. Those are MY panties." You snarled before grabbing Jeff off the couch and slamming him against the adjacent wall, effectively pinning him while you held your gun to his head. It was at that moment that Jeff realized he fucked up. "So, any last words, Jeff~?" You asked in a sing-song voice. Jeff was silent for a second, before he started screaming at Tim to, "Get your psycho-ass girlfriend off me!", to which Tim responded with a shrug and a, "She's not my girlfriend." "Well, she should be! You two bitch-ass psycho's are perfect for each other!" You growled at Jeff, digging your gun deeper into his hair. "Says the person with a kill count of 600+." Jeff smirked. "And I enjoyed. Every. Single. One." "What is going on in here?!" You turned, only to come face-to-face with Slenderman. You immediately released Jeff, put your gun away, and bowed to Slender, just as Tim was doing. "You may rise, children." Slenderman said after a few seconds. "But one of you must tell me why (y/n)'s panties are scattered around the room and why there is a man-sized dent in the wall." "I-" You were just about to explain when Tim interrupted you. "I believe Jeff stole (y/n)'s panties and then she chased and confronted him here, hence the dent in the wall." Slender sighed exasperatedly. "I see... no matter, you all WILL clean up this... uh, mess. I expect that this won't happen again, right?" "Yes, sir!" You and Tim acknowledged, but Jeff only scoffed. "I can't make any promises, SiR, that's some sexy shit right there." He commented, pointing at your panties. You were just about to lunge at Jeff, but Tim hooked his arms under yours and held you against his broad chest. You blushed slightly, your anger forgotten. Slender, who seemed satisfied that you and Tim had answered, proceeded to leave the room, muttering something about, "Those god-dang horny teenagers." Jeff snickered before plucking one of your panties off the floor and tossing it to you. "It's a shame you own this kind of stuff, sweetheart," He grinned at you devilishly, and you could have sworn you heard Tim growl under his mask. "Because it makes you look like a shitty-ass whore." And with that, he was gone. "Holy fuck, I hate that guy...." You muttered. "Same here." Tim agreed from behind you. Suddenly, you felt something hard poke your ass. "Hey Tim, can you let me go? Your phone is poking my ass." You could feel Tim's body stiffen behind you, but thought nothing of it. "O-oh, sure, (y/n)" He complied, releasing you before taking off his jacket and quickly turning around. "Tim? You ok, dude?" You asked as he tied his jacket around his waist backward, which was kinda strange. Weren't jackets supposed to be tied with the sleeves hanging down in the front? It almost looked like Tim was trying to
hide something.... "I'm fine, (y/n). It's just getting kinda stuffy in here." He explained, turning to face you. "But we should probably start cleaning up." "Agreed." You sweatdropped as you began picking up the scattered panties, before you realized how uncomfortable this must be for Tim. "Hey, I got this if you're uncomfortable." You said, smiling at him. "No, it's ok. I'll help." Was his answer, to which you shrugged. "Ok, but if you get uncomfortable, I can-" "No. It's ok, (y/n)." "Well, thanks. I appreciate it." "Anytime." ———————— You sighed in relief once you shoved all your panties back into their drawer, that mother-fucker Jeff had taken at least 13 of them. "(Y/n)." Came Tim's voice from behind you. "Hm?" "You can't just shove them in the drawer," He chided. "You have to FOLD them first." You deadpanned. "Sorry, dude, but I don't have that kind of energy right now. I'll fold them later-" "Then, I'll help you." Your face positively EXPLODED with red. "W-what?! I-it's ok, r-really!" "No, it's not. Don't be embarrassed," He calmly explained. "This is a life skill you need to learn, (y/n)." "I-I already know, I-i'm just t-too tired right now!" You stuttered, a blushing mess. "Then, I'll help you, so you don't have to do it later." Tim insisted, stepping toward your drawer and opening it, taking an (f/c) panty out and folding it, then neatly putting it in the drawer. Reluctantly, you began folding the panties, too. Tim was right, it didn't take too long, but you couldn't help but feel flustered because of what was going on. "There, all done." Tim said as he returned the last panty to your drawer. "Thanks for the help, Tim." You said. "I probably wouldn't have done it at all without you." Tim laughed. "You're welcome, (y/n)- Oh shit-!" But he never got a chance to finish, because he tripped over a hazardly placed rope you forgot to pick up. CRASH! You felt the air being knocked out of your lungs as Tim crashed on top of you with an, "Oof!". "T-Tim!" "Sorry, (y/n). I tripped." "Eh, it's fine... are you ok, though?" "Yeah, I'm good-" Tim opened his eyes and realized where his face had landed. Right smack-dab in the middle of your chest, and from the way your face looked, you had realized that, too. "H-holy shit, (y/n)! Did I h-hurt you?!" He asked, unburying his face from your chest. "I-I'm ok..." You blushed even more. "B-but could you get o-off me?" "M-mhm!" Once Tim had gotten off you, you couldn't help but burst out laughing, much to Tim's annoyance. "Hey! What's the big idea?" He asked incredulously from atop your bed. "I'm not sure," You kept laughing. "This whole situation is just hilarious." "Har har." "No, seriously! Everything that just happened was so random, I can't help, but laugh!" You explained. Tim thought for a moment. "But I don't think it's very funny," He murmured. "Could you please stop laughing?" You tried. You did, but more laughter just kept bubbling up from your throat everything you tried to stop. "I can't stop!" You informed him while laughing, tears had begun to accumulate in your eyes. "I can help you stop." "How-" Tim moved so fast he was just a blur, and before long, you felt a pair of lips on your own. The kiss was short, but it shut you up rather effectively. "I..." Tim smirked and kissed you again, tossing his mask over his shoulder. This time, the kiss was heavy and passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck before you two separated for air. "It seemed my method worked." Tim teased, his eyes slightly glazed over with lust. You didn't even answer, for you immediately kissed him again, pushing your tongue into his mouth and wrestling tongue-to-tongue with him. Tim soon realized that you would win the tongue battle at this rate, so he reached down and gripped your ass in his hands, causing you to gasp and giving him the opportunity he needed to win the tongue battle. You made a small noise akin to that of a moan when his tongue entered your mouth, and began to explore, as if he was trying to memorize it. You were so
into it that you didn't notice your bedroom door opening. "Hey, (y/n)- Holy shit!" You heard someone yell, and immediately stood up, along with Tim. The voice's owner belong to none other than BEN, who stood in your doorway awkwardly. "What is it, BEN?" Tim asked. "As you could see, me and (y/n) are busy at the moment." To which you blushed heavily. "Well," BEN began. "I went into the living room a little bit ago to play Nintendo, and I found this hanging from the ceiling fan." He explained, holding up one of your (f/c) panties. Tim immediately snatched the panty from BEN, folded it, and placed it in the drawer. "Thank you, BEN. You may go." Ben looked at you, then Tim, then back at you before slowly turning around and shuffling out of your room, mumbling something about, "Those two frisky weirdos." Suddenly, you felt something wrap around your head and your vision went dark. "Tim?" You asked, fumbling around trying to find him. "So, wanna finish what we started~?" Came a sultry voice from behind you, to which you gulped nervously. "W-what do you mean b-by that-" You understood what he meant a couple minutes later. (A/n: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
That was really long 😅
Still, I hope you guys enjoyed :)
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horrorsbf · 5 years
💖 listen i know i gave you one but you seem like the type to f/o tim wright actually.
oh god i gotta find that pic of me slavic squating in my masky sweater
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