#fíli headcanons
fili-urzudel · 1 year
Dating Fíli Headcanons
More headcanons, lucky you!! I figured before I get too big of a collection I might want to post some content about the namesake of this blog lol.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 0.4k
- Y'all ever heard of The Belly (TM)?
- Literal heaven on earth cuddling with this man
- He is THEE best cuddler because: 1) bear 1a) belly 1b) hairy 2) he bathes regularly and makes an effort to smell good (look at that face and tell me he doesn't smell like lavender and thyme)
- He's more likely to fall for dwarrowdams than his brother, probably because he's just always been more appealing to his own folk
- He prizes how interesting and captivating a potential partner is over their rank, much to his family's chagrin (cue Kili aggressively cheering him on)
- He's a very diligent student, and the more cautious of the two brothers
- That's why he takes a while observing you from afar and making sure that he won't be wasting your time if he asks to court you
- That same studiousness makes him very attractive to you
- If he didn't know before, he quickly learns to cook at an artisan/Bombur level to impress you
- He plays the fiddle very skillfully, though he relies on you to come up with new tunes for him to serenade you with
- He loves to read, and if you do too, he will fall HARD when you can discuss the books you read together
- He learned to dance to impress at balls, but he takes to twirling you and waltzing with you in hallways, often early in the morning or late at night when no one else is around
- He definitely spends most of his time forging, however--where do you think all those knives came from?
- You'll have a whole collection before you even get married, with a few gauntlets/bracelets/necklaces in there somewhere
- He gets a huge confidence boost from you oohing and ahhing over his muscles, which thankfully you do often
- One form of affection you both share is playing with each other's hair--it's a perfect way to get each other to relax after long days
- Naps naps naps naps naps naps
- Once again, I cannot emphasize this enough: most ideal and best pillow because he is warm and soft and also he loves you what more could you ask for
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pilkypills · 2 months
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Thorin is a cat-person, change my mind.
Fili is a dog -person, Kili loves both, but Thorin totally has a cat in his royal quarters who he hangs out with and complains to, among the lines of "you are the only one to make sense, Mr. Kitten, I should make you steward" or when Balin wakes him at an ungodly hour he'll just be like "can't come, the cat is sleeping on my chest, too bad".
Will absolutely spoil her with fresh meat and fish and feed her from his plate when alone, but loudly deny that he cares for it at all, "she is silent and eats vermin, so I allow her to occupy the same space as me" nevermind that the cat has never had to hunt once in her life because Thorin almost overfeeds her.
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ironmandeficiency · 2 years
durin line + finding out you have nipple piercings
pairing: durin line (fíli, thorin, kíli)/ fem!reader
word count: 1312
summary: how the sons of durin react to discovering you have nipple piercings
a/n: this just happened to pop into my head and i figured “why not?” it’s my first time writing anything lotr, we’ll see how it goes (18+ for obvs reasons). here’s the dwarven translator i used
warnings: implied smut, one ref to pregnancy, tons of secondhand embarrassment
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dude was caught off guard in the best way possible
it was only hours after your braiding ceremony, both of your marriage beads glistening in the fireplace light in your shared bedroom
you hadn’t been intimate with each other since beginning your betrothal, and it was not for a lack of trying (dwalin was a painfully obstinate chaperone that had far too many eyes around the kingdom)
doomed to abide by tradition, the most improper act committed was a simple swat or pinch to your ass, or your fingers playfully twirling at the braids in his hair or mustache
removing your clothes in front of fee for the first time before preparing for bed, your love notices two metallic glints on your chest and his jaw falls to the floor
the ends of each silver rod is adorned with polished citrine crystals that were eerily similar to the vibrancy of his hair
you had made no previous mention to him about the metal before then, and he had never noticed their presence throughout the trek to erebor
(the company allowed you at least the semblance of privacy on the few occasions there was time to bathe, and he has manners despite what kíli says to the contrary)
“my tumat, by mahal you never cease to amaze me,” fíli’s constant state of awe over you increased tenfold as he admired how the jewelry complimented your breasts
his callused hands roamed your body, sending goosebumps across your skin with every feather light touch
tradition is very clear about how married couples should spend their wedding night, and who would fíli be to ignore tradition?
tumat — gem
training with your beloved was never a simple task. he was never one to hold back a few punches, making sure you learned the easy way that no other enemies would be lenient with you
easy way my ass, you groaned as a well-placed kick behind your knee brought you to the ground
it was refreshing to not be treated like a dainty flower when you were plenty capable, but damn was it a painful process
“come on, my ozbim kovotos,” thorin offers you a hand up with a small smile, “we’ve only just begun!”
you roll your eyes as you get back into a sparring position across from your ridiculous lover
“flattery won’t get you anywhere, amralime!” you playfully yell at him
“it gets you into my bed, doesn’t it?” his teasing tone makes you want to punch the smirk from his handsome face
the coordinated dance you know with the same familiarity as your thorin’s eyes keeps you on your toes, anticipation preparing you for any move he could throw your way
well, any move except for the one he ended up using against you, as luck would have it
thorin knocked you off balance with a well-aimed elbow to the chest, almost knocking the breath from your lungs (he definitely could have if he wanted) as a muscular leg hooked around yours and brought you to the ground
coming back to your senses, you stared at the sky above you and groaned in pain. the hand not covering your face against the sunlight clutched at the poor breast that suffered the brunt of thorin’s strength
to his credit, his response time was almost immediate when he saw you holding your poor breast
he brought you to your feet and fretted over you the way he’s wont to do, asking if your chest was extra sensitive for some reason unbeknownst to him
“it was meant to be a surprise, you dolt!” your complaint had him reeling. surely you weren’t… he hopes to mahal that he didn’t just clobber his one while carrying his child, all the color draining from his face
you were quick to track his thoughts as he started to fret, reassuring him hastily that you weren’t pregnant at all, just nursing some new jewelry that you wanted to show him in your shared chambers later in the evening
his relief was palpable as he heaved a great sigh of relief. your fool of a husband, thinking you’re with child!
that would be the golden ticket to keep you away from his grueling training sessions, not a surprise you spring on him in the middle of one!
you make this known to him and his warm laugh rumbles through your chest. a teasing glint in his eye makes itself known before you’re suddenly thrown over your king’s shoulder, a surprise laugh escaping you
“if you want an excuse to skip our training sessions, you need but ask, ghivashel.”
ozbim kovotos — fierce beloved
ghivashel — treasure of all treasures
any time it’s brought up, your dear prince flushes deeper than the color of gloin’s hair and the laughter of the company rings like bells around the fire
after the initial shock of the incident, it became a common source of amusement when spirits were low. each retelling gave more bizarre details and unbelievable quotes that most definitely didn’t happen
after finding shelter within beorn’s home, you relished the idea of getting to rinse off the grime of your adventure in clean water
the shifter’s chivalry (and dislike of dwarves, probably) gave you the first chance to bathe out of the party of 15
time was an illusion as you scrubbed away the dirt and let yourself unwind in the water, the faint breeze rustling the wildflowers in the nearby meadow
eventually, some of the dwarves began to comment about the time you were taking, joking about you becoming a fish (dwalin) or somehow drowning and leaving the others to suffer without a soak (fíli)
this chatter alarmed kee far more than he knew it should, the young prince fighting the urge to check up on you
logic reminded him that you were all safe within beorn’s realm, but some of the others joined in the silly commentary and kíli had no choice to make sure you didn’t actually become a fish
making as inconspicuous an exit as he could, he beelined for the small pond where you were, hoping against hope that you were simply enjoying yourself and
for all the things he was prepared to see (you becoming a human-fish hybrid or being eaten by flesh-eating underwater plants, to name a couple), he was definitely not prepared for what he actually saw
you slowly emerged from the water, tiny droplets kissing your skin softly. the sunlight reflected off each bead with the elegance of the finest jewels on this side of erebor
then his eyes caught the actual jewels you carried on your chest, and kíli would have fallen to his knees in praise of your beauty had you not spotted him first
“is there no such thing as privacy here?! let me bathe in peace, you heathen!”
kee covered his eyes with one palm and turned his back to you for good measure, mortified at his current predicament
“everyone was talking about you getting eaten or drowning, and it worried me! i didn’t mean to be improper!” his voice was so sincere that you couldn’t find it in you to be angry for very long
“i’m alive and well, kíli! now if you’ll wait a moment for me to be dressed, i think a princely escort back to the barn would be plenty to protect me!”
the playful lilt in your voice could be heard from the several yards of distance between you and he exhaled in relief that you weren’t truly offended
he almost turned around again on impulse but caught himself just in time, the blood in his veins hotter than the forges with embarrassment
chuckling to yourself as you put on semi-clean clothes, you looped an arm around kíli’s and let him guide you back to camp, the story of kee seeing you naked becoming an immediate hit
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meteors-lotr · 1 year
Lotr/The Hobbit characters that are trans actually sorry I don’t make the rules
Merry Brandybuck (Transgender, ftm)
Lady Arwen (Transgender, mtf)
Lord Elrohir (Transgender, ftm)
Faramir of Gondor (Transgender, ftm)
Nori the dwarf (non-binary)
Legolas’ mother (gender-fluid)
The two blue wizards (Agender)
Kíli (Genderqueer)
Fíli (Genderqueer)
Rose Gamgee (Transgender, mtf)
Primrose Gamgee (Non-Binary)
Please add if you’ve got any more
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cosmic-glow · 1 year
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Notes: When crossing a bridge on Halloween night (Samhain) you meet a mysterious knight, does this remind you of any legend?
Warnings: Fíli x fem!reader; reader eats meat and drinks wine; persecution; SFW.
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The icy wind forced you to bend down and hold on tighter to the cloak that covered you, your horse was already tired from the long journey, but even though the sun had long since set you couldn't stop, it was Samhain night, you had to get home. Further on, even though your eyes were begging for rest, you could see a faint bluish glow and you were right to assume it was a lake. Arriving at the water's edge, you stopped so that your horse could have a drink and took the opportunity to refill your canteen too.
As you searched through your bag for something to eat, believing it would give you the energy to stay awake for a few more hours, a sound of something moving among the leaves came towards you and suddenly stopped. Without delay, you climbed back onto your horse, which was now alert too. "Who's there?" you asked into the shadows of the night, bow in hand, ready to fire an arrow. With a quick movement and a sound as subtle as a mouse, something approached from your right, but your ears didn't fail and you unhesitatingly shot in the direction, hitting a large black wolf that cried out in pain before being seized by hatred. But you didn't give him a chance, already pulling on the reins to take your horse in a new direction, then starting a chase.
At first it was just one wolf, but after its painful howl, several joined it, hunting you. It didn't matter which direction you were going anymore, you just needed to escape them, lose them. You went down an old road and crossed a bridge that creaked with the horse gallop, only to come to the end and come face to face with a forest too thick for your horse to pass through. He stopped and skidded before raising his paws in fear of hitting the trees and knocking you down. Your back hurt and your head was spinning when you managed to get up, still in time to see him run away at a fast gallop that mixed with the sounds of the wolves approaching, thirsty, you knew you would never be able to run faster than them.
Before you could hide or think of any plans, you saw the black cloud they were forming cross the bridge, its white teeth gleaming at you. And when all seemed lost and you had accepted that there, on that cold October night, would be your end, a rider appeared. His horse was as black as the sky that covered you, he wore a long cloak, wielded a long bronze sword, from where you stood you couldn't see his face, but his hair looked like the first rays of the morning sun. Bravely he stunned and wounded the pack single-handedly, you were so surprised that you didn't even think to draw your bow and react, it didn't take long for the pack to flee, and when the last wolf crossed the old bridge he leaned forward, still with his back to you, and sheathed his sword. When he stood up straight again, his blond curls spread out over his long cloak, and he turned his face to look at you over his shoulder.
As he pulled the horse's reins to look you in the face, you stood up and adjusted yourself as best you could to make yourself presentable. He was a short man with great presence, furrowed eyebrows and shrewd eyes analyzing you, he had a long nose that ended in a braided mustache and a blonde beard. His clothes were beautiful and yours were dirty, you were about to say thank you when he spoke earlier.
- A maiden shouldn't walk alone on Samhain night, she'll end up getting hurt - he had a smug smile on his lips and now it was yours eyebrows that were furrowed.
- Excuse me? But I was perfectly fine and could have managed on my own, I don't remember asking for help from any flirt.
- What a sharp tongue you have, you should be more careful with what you say, you never know who you might end up offending - his look seemed curious, almost as if he was having fun with the situation.
- You're full of "shoulds", aren't you? If it's so dangerous "shouldn't" I know your name?
The blonde man remained silent for a while, analyzing the situation and thinking about whether he should really tell you his name, or better yet, reveal who he really was.
- I am Fíli, son of Dís, daughter of Thráin. And I wasn't lying when said it's dangerous to be alone in the woods at night. Much more on this particular night. Without further intrigue, allow me to take you to a safer place - he extended his hand to you, a new look on his face, sincere and welcoming.
You looked away from him to the bridge for a moment, remembering how close the wolves were before he arrived, how close you were to death. Turning away from this distressing thought, you accepted his hand, it was definitely not today that you would accept your death. With a strong tug he helped you onto the horse, you sitting right behind. When the animal started to run, you were forced to hug Fíli's waist to stop yourself from falling. As they rode away, you remembered how, before the man turned to face you, even as he fight, you couldn't see his head, only his hair, which now, when you thought about it, without the fear blurring your vision, looked very much like living flames - was your imagination playing tricks on you?
The knight took you to an old castle, it looked abandoned. He stopped and helped you get off the horse. You doubted he really lived there, branches had already grown around the towers, the stones on the walls were dirty with age and the windows were dark. The big door creaked open, and magically the torches in the hallway lit up, you don't know how but you didn't ask.
- You live here? - asked, looking at the grandeur of the place.
- Since I was a child. I'm sorry about the dust, I can't always clean everything myself - he takes off his cape and hangs it on the coat rack at the entrance.
- Only you live here?
- Yes, everyone left after... - he was silent - ... You must be hungry, come - he smiled at you and continued on.
Fíli guided you through the corridors to a large dining room with a table just as long. At the end, there was a hearty dinner set out for the two of you.
- Were you expecting a visitor? - you said, taking the second glass.
- Maybe I went out looking for one - he pulled out the chair for you and smiled.
Only when the cooked meat touched your tongue and the seasoning invaded your mouth did you realize how hungry you were. Without paying attention, you ended up exaggerating the amount of wine you drank and soon the alcohol started to go to your head.
- It was good? - Fíli asked when you finished.
- Very good - you smiled and suddenly remembered how rude you had been to the man who saved your life - Thank you very much for all this, you don't even know me and are helping, I'm sorry for being so rude to you.
- Don't worry about it, I would also have responded that way to a strange man on a horse in the middle of the night - he laughed - And I think it doesn't matter if I know you or not, it's Samhain night, there has to be at least one date in the year to be kind without future interests, right?
-I think so...- your eyes became heavy, you leaned on the chair, the tiredness from before returning even stronger.
When you almost slipped out of the chair in your sleep, Fíli caught you, carefully lifting you up, "come on, I'll take you to your room" he said before leading you down more hallways and stairs. The mattress on the bed was soft and the covers were heavy, that was all you could say about your room as your eyes were practically closed when you entered, the blonde helping you lay down and cover you up.
- Good night, Y/n - he said, but you didn't remember telling him your name, but you didn't question it because you were already falling into a deep sleep.
The next morning, you woke up in a silent castle, sunlight shyly coming through the window to illuminate the room. You walked down the steps with light steps, there were no more candles lit and everything seemed more abandoned than last night. You looked between the doors as you passed through the hallways, but they were all filled with just furniture and nothing else except some cobwebs, where was Fíli? When reached the entrance hall you looked back, waited for a moment for any sound that would indicate the presence of anyone else in the house, but nothing.
- Fili? - you called, but no one answered.
Before leaving you noticed a painting at the entrance that you had not paid attention to last night, the painting was torn, but when you stretched it again and completed the image you found those beautiful shining eyes, in the frame of the painting there was a small golden plaque that "Fíli" was engraved and next to it was the year of birth... And the year of death. You walked away and took your breath away, he had died decades ago, how was it possible that you had seen him yesterday? Having spoken to him, touched him and felt him, how?
Without further ado, you left the house and had another shock when you found your horse that had escaped, standing outside, waiting for you calmly while was grazing. You looked once more at the castle behind you and you could have sworn you saw a curtain move. You wouldn't forget that Samhain night so easily.
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Sorry for any typos;
Buy me a coffee?
October Calendar;
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swerveable · 1 year
With the conflict of who is the older son of Dís between the movie and book, I headcanon that Fíli and Kíli are twins.
And taking into consideration that Kíli is younger than Fíli in the movies and has less of a beard. Being that Ori is the youngest of the company, and still has more facial hair than Kíli. Kíli is either trans masc or his brother Fíli was more developed in the womb, like those twins where one twin almost kills the other twin by hogging nutrition in the womb, so one of them is not fully matured.
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katajainen · 7 days
So I looked up the WETA height chart for the Hobbit movies, For Writing Reasons, and was struck by the fact that Fíli, actually, is a Smol Bean.
I mean, look at him in comparison:
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And because that's empathetically NOT the impression the movies give off (as evidenced by all the fics that cast him as the tall one in any ship - and yes, guilty as charged!), the headcanon part of my brain immediately fired off…
WHAT IF Kíli got all the Durin height genes while Fíli takes more after their father, and at least half of all the leathers and furs and weapon-bristling swagger is actually "I'm Standing Taller Through Sheer Force of Bravado Dammit" because deep down, he is insecure about his height (not in small part due to hero-worshipping taller-than-life figures like Thorin and Dwalin) and tries to compensate for it by simply taking up more space.
(Cue for any possible Significant Other to realise how much smaller he appears when out of armour and asleep/unconscious/sick/dead.)
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swordoaths · 1 year
As I do quite like the interpretation of dwarves having tattoos (as seen in the hobbit films), I am thinking about Fíli getting tattoos after the Battle of the Five Armies...
For Fíli, his tattoos would have been directly linked to his fighting in the battle and to acknowledge his survival, despite receiving grave injuries from Azog. In other words, the whole process of his being tattooed would have been paying homage to his valiant deeds as a warrior and surviving against all odds. He would have been tattooed by another dwarf, and it would have been both a very personal ritual (in the sense that these tattoos represent his story and his deeds) and also a bonding one between his kin (in the sense that this is something in which dwarves participate as part of their cultural identity).
Much of dwarven culture is something deeply personal and unifying amongst themselves and not readily shared with other races. Think of things like dwarves' true names, their language, etc. Tattooing (the art) and the tattoos themselves would have been viewed in much of the same light. As such, none beyond kin would understand the meaning of Fíli's tattoos. Not only that, but the placement for Fíli's tattoos doesn't really lend well to being regularly seen in the first place, which is also an intentional and personal choice for Fíli. We'll get to tattoo placement in a bit.
The injuries Fíli received in battle were pretty serious, and as such, it would have required an equally serious adherence to letting his body recover. He's not jumping up immediately after battle and carrying on as though nothing happened. We could argue he needed powerful Elvish healing along with a great deal of medical care, but even with all that, I do view Fíli's recovery as an incremental one.
That said, he doesn't get tattooed until long after the battle had ended and he had fully recovered. And with that, there is a sense that this honor was a long time coming. Since his abdomen and back would carry heavy scarring from his wounds for the rest of his life, I do think he would have gotten tattoos around the scars as a sign of survival. In other words, you'd see his scars and the tattoos around them as this visual representation of facing death and surviving.
I don't really have good visual representations of what's in my head for Fíli's tattoos, though I favor geometric shapes and rune tattoos that serve as symbols. They would cover the length of each side of his torso from hip to just below the underarm, with some off-shoots that come in across his abdomen and back that symbolically suggest the tattoos (a sign of survival/life) sprang forth from the scars (a run in with death). These off-shoot tattoos do not physically touch or go over his scars.
*I am most likely going to add to this when I get proper visuals, but I needed to get my thoughts down for the moment!
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basil--and--sage · 4 days
Uncle Thorin headcanons nobody can dissuade me from, part 1:
he's a big old softie
whenever he gets up from his armchair he grunts like he is 500 years old (it started the second Fíli was born. Dís was horrified)
in the morning he does that weird dad cough thing
if you want something from him in the evening you better hurry. As soon as he's sitting on the couch for more than five minutes he falls asleep
Speaking of sleeping: he's an excellent nap partner. Just plop down next to him and put your head on his shoulder and have a good nap (he usually wakes up with Kíli snoring on his shoulder)
he keeps bitching about the humidity, because that's what gets you, not the heat!
he spends a fair amount of time at home walking around in a ratty undershirt, an old pair of shorts and tattered slippers he denies owning whenever they come up in a conversation
whenever Fíli and Kíli quarrel (like siblings tend to do) he watches in silence, because when he tries to mediate, both of them unite and turn against the poor fool (=Thorin) stupid enough to interrupt them (at least they are not arguing anymore)
his favourite activity is sitting on a bench with Dwalin, sharing a pipe and staring judgingly at everbody walking past them
he snores like a troll and denies it
at home he looses his pipe constantly
in the morning he spends an hour in the bathroom. He doesn't do anything in there, but it's the only time nobody bothers him. He's incredibly offended, when Fíli wordlessly hands him a bag with dried plums one day
he's not only nearsighted, he also needs reading glasses, which he denies. Coincidentally, he keeps having those weird headaches he can't explain. Don't try to point it out, he won't listen.
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fili-urzudel · 5 months
A Kiss Hello - Fíli x Reader
Hey guys, look who keeps overcommitting :D
Anyway how about instead of any of the requests I have in my inbox you read a short piece I wrote in November 2022?
Word Count: 0.7k
Warnings: none
Fíli had always thought it was a bit of a strange greeting and goodbye. One kiss to each cheek, your hands easily resting on his shoulders to pull him in. You told him it was normal where you came from, and he supposed he wasn't one to tell you you weren't allowed to practice your culture near him.
It helped that he didn't exactly mind. You had lived with them under the mountain for years, and he was still the only one left with a burning face and butterflies in his stomach once you were out of sight.
"Fíli, this is getting ridiculous," Kíli sighed goofily as they traversed the halls of the mountain, trying to find the longest and most time-consuming route to their meetings. "I can see hearts in your eyes whenever she's around, why don't you just... confess?"
"Because I'm not you, Kíli," Fíli said, a bit agitated. "It's expected of me to find a nice dwarrowdam and settle down, keep our people happy. I can't just... just..."
"Just be happy with the woman you so obviously love?" Kíli interrupted, seemingly unfazed by his brother's sharp words. "You're free to make your own decisions, but I can promise you will live with regret forever if you don't do something. And soon."
Fíli looked slightly up at his younger brother. "What is that supposed to mean? What do you know?"
Kíli shrugged, eyes trained on the path ahead of them. He wasn't smiling anymore.
"Kíli!" Fíli felt his frustration rising, and with it, panic. What was happening? What were you going to do? "What, is she going to leave?"
Kíli only looked at him.
The golden prince's heart sank.
Was it his fault?
Fíli paced, wringing his hands, in the marketplace you always seemed to find yourself in, sometimes to sell, sometimes just to shop—oh, how he loved how vibrant you were when you shopped with him.
At this point, his heart was no longer in his stomach, but his feet. He couldn't stand it if you left, all because he chased you away, all because he was stupid and didn't know when to admit it—
"Y/N!" He interrupted his own thoughts, seeing you draw near. You held the basket you always used when shopping, the one he bought you in one of the towns you stopped at, before Erebor had even been won. It was looking a little worse for the wear, but you refused to give it up.
"Fíli!" You called back with a smile, but your eyes looked strained.
He wrestled with his brain, trying to figure out what to say first. His words became an incomprehensible knot. "Are you leaving?" He blurted. He just... he just really needed to know.
"Yes, actually, I am," you admitted, gazing at the floor. "I figured... I don't know, I think it's just time," you nodded, mouth twisted in a sad smile. "I hope you won't miss me too badly."
Fíli's heart raced. "Actually, if I could—"
A voice called out to you, and from the looks of it, it belonged to the head of a caravan you were looking to travel with.
"I'm so sorry, it looks like I have to go," you apologized, moving forward to bid him goodbye.
First, it was the right cheek, and as you moved to kiss his left, he turned, catching your lips with his.
The contact was fleeting, you startling back, flustered. "Oh, goodness, I'm sorry—"
You were still only centimeters from him. "Don't go," he murmured, moving to kiss you again. He didn't want to leave any doubt in your mind—that was not an accident.
His heart fluttered as he felt you kiss back, tilting your head as his hand rose to cup your face.
"I won't," you said as you pulled away, hot breath fanning across his face.
He felt eyes on the two of you from all sides. There would be no hiding this, no killing rumors or trying to keep a secret. "Good," he said, his lips still almost touching yours.
He had always liked your goodbyes, but this new beginning was much better.
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pilkypills · 23 days
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older fili and kili, requested by @aimless-passerby
kili is bragging about his wife
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Fighting against the familiar compulsion to POST something as soon as it's written.
The grownup headcase equivalent of a child showing their parents what they did in kindergarten, I feel the need to show my stuff to strangers on the internet with a
"Look! I made a thing!"
And want someone to pat my head and tell me I'm doing great & they're proud of me.
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rivendell-poet · 4 days
Hihi! Can I please have headcanons with the fellowship and Thorin's company having a short (like 5 feet) human s/o. And they be part of the fellowship/company, please? Please take as much time as you need!💕
Hello again! Here's your fill for thorin's company and a short reader. Again, the height isn't specified - but I used 4'9" and 5'0" respectively on height comparison charts. Last one was platonic, this one is definitely romantic - hope you enjoy!
*・༓˚✧❝𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫❞‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « headcanons »
○ Thorin ○ Fíli ○ Kíli ○ Dwalin ○ Bofur ○ Bilbo ○
GN!Reader | No TWs | Wordcount : 1k
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✧ He’s unusually tall for a dwarf, so is actually around your height. It’s a pleasant surprise for him and you don’t miss the satisfied grin on his face as he realises it.
✧ Doesn’t believe height should have to be a huge factor in most things, but doesn’t deny it’s nice to have the human he’s in charge of not be incredibly taller than him.
✧ It also means that when he gives you his cloak, something in him hated your shivering, it actually fits very well.
✧ Teasingly asks why you look surprised as you realise it’s not very small on you.
✧ Very relieved that he can give you proper dwarvish steel and armour, even when you aren’t sure you’ll find a set.
✧ Drags you into Erebor’s armoury to make sure there’s something for you, and there’s a second of silence as he checks your measurements. You both hope the blush on your faces isn’t too obvious.
✧ Thorin is also grateful you’re not much taller than him, because it makes it that much easier to dip you.
✧ And he can give you a quick kiss without needing to ask you to bend down.
✧ You’re still taller than him, but not by an uncomfortable amount. And he’s completely fine with that.
✧ He still greets you with the same bow he greets Bilbo with, except this time there’s a wink.
✧ Doesn’t particularly care that you’re human and not a dwarrowdam - he can still love you just as well.
✧ It also means when he gives you one of his knives it still fits perfectly in your hands. Which means that, when he can make you a knife, he only has to worry about making it worthy of you and not about proportions.
✧ Sometimes tries to braid your hair standing up, if he’s got nothing better to do, but often asks you to sit down so he can do something more elaborate.
✧ (Is secretly sad that he can’t give you surprise kisses if you’re not already bending down.)
✧ Very excited to show you the jewellery still in the mountain.
✧ Both because he thinks it looks beautiful, and because you have a bet the majority won’t fit you.
✧ Is the one who gets teased the most, out of the company. He’s also the one who’s most obviously in love with you.
✧ Kíli is almost late to his bow when he first sees you, instead staring for a bit too long before hurrying to dip down alongside his brother.
✧ Also the dwarf who most easily puts away his pride when he asks you to kiss him. You have to dip slightly, but in the second you do his eyes completely light up as you close the gap.
✧ Still big on hand-holding, even though he needs to have his arm slightly up for you.
✧ Really enjoys you braiding his hair, finds it very relaxing and almost completely leans into you when you do it.
✧ Is also happy to braid your hair, although that requires a little less spontaneity and a place for the two of you to sit together.
✧ Has a specific tug on your hand he uses to signal that he wants a kiss. It’s adorable, and also very obvious because he always starts blushing.
✧ If anyone is going to be taller than you, it’ll be Dwalin.
✧ Although he’s very grateful that he’s not massively taller than you - that at most it’s an inch or two. Because otherwise he’d be missing out on so many of his favourite things.
✧ He’d be missing out on seeing your smile so clearly, he’d be missing out on looking easily into your eyes as he says he loves you, he’d be missing out on easily being able to kiss you. The list goes on.
✧ Dwalin is one of the least obvious with his affections to you, but to almost everyone else in the company he’s obviously smitted.
✧ Makes a conscious effort to be gentle around you, although you reassure him he doesn’t have to be.
✧ You like his height because it makes it much less awkward for him to pick you up off your feet and twirl you.
✧ (But he’s probably strong enough to do that even if you’re a lot taller.)
✧ An inside joke between the two of you is that, with the hat, you’re the same height. Of course this isn’t actually true unless he’s wearing a top hat.
✧ Which he does get, after Erebor is reclaimed. It’s just tall enough - and perfectly fitted - although depending on the height difference it does start to look comically tall.
✧ Doesn’t mind the height difference at all, it doesn’t stop him from admiring you.
✧ It does, however, make him leave a lot more ‘mess’ around his workspace in the form of wooden blocks.
✧ He can then easily kiss you when on them (although denies it if asked by anyone but you).
✧ Just tall enough to be able to dip you - and is very happy about this fact.
✧ Also grateful you're not much taller, because it means the toys he sometimes makes can still fit easily in your hands and he doesn’t have to adjust them.
✧ (He certainly would adjust them for you, however.)
✧ Largest height difference of any characters here. Would not let that stop him in any way.
✧ Except perhaps a little frown at the fact it’s harder for him to kiss you whenever he wants.
✧ However, he’s completely fine with walking up to you when you’re not busy and doing puppy-dog eyes.
✧ “Can I have a kiss, my love?”
✧ Is sad about the fact he can’t dip you. Doesn’t know how to feel about the fact you can - and do - dip him.
✧ He enjoys it overall, he can actually initiate the kisses. (And is ok with being gently moved around, in the appropriate context.)
✧ Winces the first few times you come into his house and he sees you almost hit your head on the beams. Covers a lot of the ceiling in fabric and pushpins until he can get a more permanent solution.
✧ Hides behind you when there’s a mild conflict. But goes in front of you to protect you if there’s ever any actual danger.
A/N : Hope you enjoyed! I also have one for lord of the rings - although it's a lot more platonic - and it can be found here. Thanks again for requesting <3
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thank you for reading *・༓˚✧ Taglist : @celestialhole / @starwars2222 / @withasideofmeg / @nilintakan / @recordofragnarokfan2 / @ferns-fics / @fleurdemiel-145 ✧ wish to be tagged?
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mediocre-tumble · 3 months
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I like to headcanon that the reason movie!Kíli’s hair is so short is because he dyes it brown, which negatively affects his hair growth.
He dyes it because Thorin and others used to mix him and Fíli up all the time.
It was Bilbo who pointed this out to him in Rivendell.
I’m pretty sure he’s described as having blonde hair in the books as well, so. . .
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polyamarhousgarden · 10 months
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Finally finished my Fíli ref sheet!
Since this is my version of Book!Fíli I only kept a few details of PJ!Fíli (moustache braids, twin swords) but everything else is what I went for for his book design!
I may not be given much but by God I'll make Fíli look good
Decided he's a blacksmith and Kíli is a Weaver so he's more on practical attire and goes for battle ready clothes. He has a spade and a firestarter kit in his tools, twin swords and a dagger for his weapons and ofc, his fiddle.
I figured Fíli has a stronger Durin Line gene (blond, blue eyes and long nose) while Kíli resembles their dad more
All the notes in his ref sheet are a mix of headcanons and written canon
Should I do a series of Fíli art from the Quest for Erebor to his own reign as King Under the Mountain? (This is my own fun little au pls don't judge 🥺)
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