#frerin appreciation
Fighting against the familiar compulsion to POST something as soon as it's written.
The grownup headcase equivalent of a child showing their parents what they did in kindergarten, I feel the need to show my stuff to strangers on the internet with a
"Look! I made a thing!"
And want someone to pat my head and tell me I'm doing great & they're proud of me.
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lordoftherazzles · 1 month
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Where The Shadows Lie
bagginshield | vampire/slayer au | explicit
Bag End Bed & Breakfast collects more dust than customers these days. An unexpected visit lands a company of royal vampires into Bilbo’s care. As he learns to coexist, he discovers secrets to his lineage.
Chapter 9: Far From Average
Bilbo crawled across the bed, landing himself behind Thorin’s back and placing an arm over his sleeping vampire. Feeling that cool skin beneath his palm and pressing a kiss to the back of Thorin’s head, a small shiver rolled up Bilbo’s spine as the other man stirred.
“There’s no surprising a vampire, huh?” Bilbo murmured, with Thorin twisting beneath his arm to face him, sleepy-eyed and looking particularly adorable. Like the lazy mornings they hardly ever had.
“Not true,” Thorin slurred, struggling to pry his eyes open, but reveling quietly in the arms of his human counterpart. “You’ve given me plenty of surprises.”
“Name one.”
“Mm, vampire…slayer,” Thorin purred, brushing his lips against Bilbo’s throat, and pressing a gentle kiss to the underside of his chin.
“That was a surprise to me too,” Bilbo chuckled, goose flesh forming on his arms at the feeling of those cool lips, and so dangerously close to his jugular. “But fine, I’ll let you have that one, and hopefully after tonight, I can add another surprise to that small list.”
“Hm?” Thorin’s eyes finally opened, slow and full of typical exhaustion, and focusing on the smile that had spread across Bilbo’s lips. “What are you up to?” Because nothing said suspicious more than a mischievous grin—he’d learned that early on in life, especially once Frerin had come into the picture.
“I have plans for us tonight, if you’re willing to humor me.”
Taglist beneath the cut. If you want to be added or removed from this list, please let me know! Reblogs are appreciated! 💖
@conkers-thecosy @thedragonsmaug @elvain @lucigoo @glamdolf @cilil @thetempleofthemasaigoddess @hotgyros69 @mirkwood @hermoonself @myeaglesong @yacrimago @mysandwichranaway
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helplessavacado · 6 days
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(Originally posted on January 20, 2024) Me??? Making more content for my Middle-Earth sona??? Unheard of, totally not what l've been working on for the past couple months... Anywho, have her and some interactions with The Company of Thorin Oakenshield!!! Ya girl's been on a Hobbit kick lately and now y'all have to deal with the results.
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I decided to have some fun designing Frerin, Dis, and Gloin's wife, because I had to make things more complicated Imao. Thrór, Thráin, and Dáin will be in the next post (whenever that may be), as well as some more Alda and Piper content because those gals are my favorites. Piper belongs to the wonderful @/s.snajida btw. Love ya bestie 💖💖💖
Also contained within the post is a commission by the lovely @mortuaryaffairs who's to thank for Alda's second outfit. Tysm dude, I really appreciate your help
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Human Touch ~ Chapter Two
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, new to the history department at the high school, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin  x OC Female Elena Madison
Characters: Frerin, Elena, Alyssa, Carol Kingsley, Ashley Leda, Andrea, Flynn, Maura, and Jake
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.9k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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Frerin looked up as Carol Kingsley came into the lounge. “Are the results back for Alyssa Madison yet?”
“They are. You were right. Just the flu.”
“Good.” He stood up, stretching his arms overhead, and bowed his back, letting out a low sigh of appreciation as his spine popped. “I’m getting too old for overnights.”
“Well, at least you’ve had a slow night.”
“I don't know that’s much better actually.” He took the lab slips from her. “Thanks, Carol.”
“Sure. Hey, how is everything?”
“It sucks. I don't know how you’ve been doing this for as long as you have.”
“I don't have a choice, same as you.” Carol tugged a chair out and sank into it. “How’s Flynn doing?”
“He’s seeing a therapist. We talked about his changing schools, but he decided he wants to stay where his friends are and graduate with them next year, so there’s that. I mean, they all know what happened, and they know their mom and I can’t be in the same room together right now without World War Three breaking out. And it just sucks.”
“You know, Alyssa Madison’s mom is pretty cute.”
He peered down at the test results in his hand. Alyssa’s white blood count was higher than normal, but that was to be expected and nothing to be alarmed by. Her other counts were normal or slightly elevated but within a normal range. No cause for concern overall. “Are you trying to get me fired, Carol?”
“Get you fired how? Dating Alyssa would be against the rules. Not to mention creepy as anything. But her mom? That’s fine.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not hitting on the mother of a sick girl tonight. That’s a little far out of my wheelhouse.” He moved to the door and tugged it open. “Thanks for getting these for me.”
“Sure. But, keep her in mind. She was cute.”
He shook his head as he left he lounge. Yes, Elena Madison was cute, but he was not about to hit on her in the middle of the night, in the ER.
Which was a bit too bad, really. Because actually, she was downright hot, as far as he was concerned. She was tiny, maybe a little over five feet tall, if that, with dark hair hastily pulled up into one of those messy bun-things that always made women look adorable. But the first thing he’d noticed about her was her eyes. They were a brown so dark, they looked almost black, and when they met his, he almost sighed out loud. 
And for the first time since he was nineteen years old, Frerin was single. In the midst of an acrimonious divorce, maybe, but single. But since this was an ER and not a club or even the damn grocery store, Elena Madison was off-limits.
He made his way down the hall, glancing down at the black Apple Watch on his right wrist. Quarter after five. He was supposed to be off at six, just in time to get Flynn and Maura off to school, push through to get Jake to school, then he could sleep. 
Both Elena and Alyssa were asleep, the lights in the room off except for the low one behind Alyssa’s bed. He closed the door softly behind him and came over to see Elena curled in almost a ball in the chair at her daughter’s bedside. 
Carefully, so as not to startle her, he touched her shoulder. “Mrs. Madison?”
She jerked awake.”Yes? I’m up, I swear.”
“It’s all right. I just wanted to give you the results of Alyssa’s bloodwork. No sign of meningitis so it’s probably just the flu. Fluids and rest are all she really needs. Tylenol for the fever and I’d suggest you keep her home from school for the rest of the week. I can write a note for you if you need one, which, since she goes to the same school as my daughter, I know she will.”
Elena sat up, rubbing one eye. “I’d appreciate it, thank you.”
“Sure. Just make sure she rests and she should be fine in a few days. If the fever doesn’t resolve in a day or two, bring her back in and we’ll to the tap, but I don't think that’s going to be necessary.”
She took the paper from him. “I can do that. Thank you so much.”
“No problem. Follow up with your reg—oh, that’s right… you don't have a pediatrician for her. If you want, bring her back in a few days and I’ll take care of her.”
“Pedes is up on the eight floor. Just tell my secretary and she’ll come find me. I’m on nights next week as well, so I’ll be here from six to six at least.”
“Thank you, Dr. Durin.”
He smiled. “Of course. You take care of yourself, too. Don’t let yourself get too run down. Do you have any kind of help?”
“No. It’s just us and we’ve only been here a few weeks.” She folded the lab results and tucked them into her purse. “But we’ll manage.”
“Well, if Alyssa spikes another fever or you do, just come back. Carol always knows where to find me.”
“I will. And again, thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Good luck.” He smiled and looked over at Alyssa. “And don’t worry. She should be just fine.”
“I know, but… you know how it is when it’s your kid. You just want to fix it for them.”
“Yeah. I know. And one of the hardest things as a parent is accepting that you can’t.”
She looked up at him and for a moment, the urge to ask her to grab a cup of coffee while Alyssa slept a little longer hovered at his lips. But before he could, Alyssa stretched and opened her eyes. “Do I need that shot?”
He shook his head. “You don't need any shots or needles, Alyssa. It’s just the flu, so Mom’s going to take you home and tuck you into bed and you can go back to sleep.”
“When can I go back to school?”
“I’ll email your teachers,” Elena said, patting her through the blanket, “and bring home any work they assign.”
“Do I have to do it?”
“Yes,” Elena and Frerin spoke at the same time and Elena let out a soft laugh. “See? Even your doctor thinks so.”
“Damn,” Alyssa muttered, but she smiled. “Okay.”
“I’ll be right back with your discharge instructions and that note.” Frerin smiled first at Alyssa, then Elena. 
“Thank you, Dr. Durin.”
“You’re welcome. Feel better, Alyssa.”
He stepped out into the hallway in time to see his sister-in-law, Leda, at the registration desk, her and Thorin’s infant daughter Andrea in her arms. “Leda? What’s wrong?”
“Dr. Durin,” the desk clerk, Ashley, looked more than a little nervous, “she said she knew you so I hope it’s okay I buzzed her back.”
“It’s fine, but you should really check with me or whoever before letting anyone here.” He looked from her to Leda, who looked as if she hadn’t slept in days. “What’s wrong?”
“I don't know. Thorin thinks maybe she’s teething, but she’s running a fever and won’t stop crying and he thinks I’m crazy for bringing her here, but—”
“Okay, Leda, it’s fine. You’re lucky. I’m off in a few minutes, so you just caught me. Is Thorin home with James?”
She nodded, setting Andrea’s carrier on the floor. “He’s fine. It’s just… I don't know… I know a lot of stuff is going around and they both have been sick and…”
He smiled, draping an arm about her shoulders. “It’s okay. Come on.” He gave her a squeeze, then crouched to lift the carrier, adding, “Ashley, I’ll be in Curtain Three if anyone comes looking.”
“Okay, Dr. D.”
“Dr. D?” Leda asked with a tired grin as he led her down the short corridor to the curtained areas of the ER.
“Yeah, I know. She’s young.”
“Frer, they’re all young.”
He grinned as he set Andrea’s carrier on the bed and clicked the handle back. “When was the last time you took her temp?”
“About half an hour ago. It was one-oh-one.”
“Is she nursing?”
Leda nodded, rubbing one eye. “She is, but not like she usually does.”
“Is she peeing?”
A tired laugh. “Like a champ.”
“Okay.” He unbuckled the five-point harness and carefully lifted his niece from the fleecy blanket she’d been zipped into. “Hey, honey, you don't mind if Uncle Frerin takes a look, right?”
Andrea’s eyes were deep blue and wide open and she stared at him as if he was the most fascinating thing she’d ever seen. He cradled her against him in one arm and pressed his hand to her forehead, which was warm, but that could have also been from being bundled up. 
Her face scrunched up and she let out a soft cry and without thinking, he pressed a kiss into the top of her head, into the silky almost-black baby hair that poked up from static. “Shhh… it’s okay, little bit.”
From the corner of his eye, he saw Leda wince and as he gently lay Andrea on the bed alongside her carrier, he said, “It really is okay, Leda. She’s a little warm, she’s nursing and making urine, so it’s probably just a virus. First, you’ve got her too bundled up, so I’m just going to peel off a layer.”
“It’s so cold out.”
“It is, but between her sleeper and the fleece snowsuit and the fleece BundleMe? It’s too much.” He unsnapped the fleece snowsuit in question and carefully eased it from Andrea’s arms and legs. First, he took the tympanic thermometer from the basket on its stand, slid a fresh cap onto it and carefully fit it into Andrea’s left ear. She let out a soft giggle, trying to squirm away even as he said, “Hold still, honey…”
It beeped within a few seconds and he smiled when he looked down at the readout. “Her temp’s down to one hundred.” He popped off the prophylactic cap to toss in the trash and returned the thermometer, then turned back to Andrea. He fit the earpieces of his borrowed stethoscope into his ears and unbuttoned the sleeper to press the diaphragm into Andrea’s chest. He moved it and listened. Moved it again and listened. “Her heart and lungs sound fine. Lungs are clear.”
He straightened up. “I can draw blood, if it’d make you feel better, but I don't think it’s really necessary.” 
“Thorin told me I was just being overprotective and that I shouldn’t bother you.”
“It’s not a bother.” He tugged the earpieces free and draped the stethoscope about his neck once more. “You’re her mother, it’s normal to worry when it’s your kid. Trust me, I’ve seen mothers bring in their babies for all kinds of things that wouldn’t phase them if it was themselves. There’s nothing wrong with being careful. And tell Thorin it’s not bothering me at all, okay?”
“You really think I’m just being overly cautious?”
“Leda, there is no such thing.” He tucked Andrea back into her sleeper and buttoned it up. “It’s better to be safe than sorry, and she’s just got a little bit of a cold. Fluids and rest, like I’m telling most of the parents who’ve come through here tonight.”
“Why are you even down here? You’re not an ER doctor.”
“I know, but I’m covering for the usual pediatrician who covers the ER. And,” he looked up at the clock, “my relief should be here and I am off the clock. Just have to run Leigh’s stethoscope back to her and I am out of here until six PM tomorrow.”
“I’m sorry I bothered you, Frerin.”
“Don't be, and it’s not a bother, Leda. Really. I don't mind.” He smiled as he whisked the stethoscope from around his neck. “Give me five minutes to run this upstairs and I’ll walk you out, okay?”
Leda smiled as she tucked Andrea back into her carrier. “Okay.”
“You can wait in the lounge, if you—”
“Excuse me, Dr. Durin?”
Frerin and Leda turned at the same time and Frerin smiled as Elena Madison said, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but the nurse never came back with our discharge information or that note.”
“Really? Okay. Give me five minutes to print them off and then Leda, I’ll go up and drop this off and then we can go.”
Leda smiled. “We’ll wait. In the lounge?”
“Yeah.” He leaned back slightly. “Down the hall, on your right.”
She carried Andrea out of the curtained area, and he turned back to Elena. “Sorry about that. Sometimes orders get lost in the shuffle of shift change. Come with me and I’ll get them for you.”
She followed him back to the main desk and he ducked around to one of the laptops. “What’s the code for this department again?” he asked no one in particular.
“Three-three-one-five, Dr. D.,” Ashley called.
“Thank you.” He typed the code in, hit the button to print, and moved down to the bank of printers at the far end of the station to grab the sheets of as they printed. When the absence note came out, he plucked a pen from the cup on the counter to scrawl his signature across the bottom of it, then plunked the pen back into its cup. “Here you go, Mrs. Madison. I’m sorry about that.”
She took them. “It’s fine. I was just beginning to think we’d been forgotten.”
“Nah. That isn’t going to happen too easily. Take Alyssa home and both of you get some rest,” he came around the edge of the desk to press the sheaf into her hand, “you both have had a long night.”
“You’re not kidding. And believe me,” Elena took the papers, “I’m going to do just that. Thank you again, Dr. Durin.”
“Any time. Have a good night—er, good morning.”
“You, too.”
She turned to go back to Alyssa’s room, while he made his way to the lounge and poked his head in. “I swear, Leda, I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”
“No problem.” Leda smiled. “She was cute, Frerin.”
“Oh, not you, too,” he groaned. “One of the nurses was determined to fix me up with her as well. Her daughter was my patient. Fourteen year old with the flu.”
“And you can’t ask out a patient’s mother?”
He sighed, leaning against the doorjamb. “Technically, yes, I can, but it’s kind of not the right time, considering she brought her daughter in because she was worried about her.”
“Frerin, I’ve seen that look she was giving you. I’m pretty sure it’s how I looked at Thorin before we got together.”
He smiled, shaking his head. “Now is not a good time, Leda. I’m running a short-handed department now, my kid’s in therapy, I’m in the middle of a divorce and my soon to be ex-wife is determined to make my life as miserable as possible over it. Somehow, getting back into the dating pool is not high on my list of priorities.”
“No one says you have to marry her, Frer,” she told him, her blue eyes gleaming with the devil. “Nothing wrong with something casual.”
“Even so, I’m not hitting on her in the ER, Leda. I’m just not. Now, let me go run this back to the nurse who was kind enough to loan it to me, grab my coat, and then I’ll be back, okay?”
“Good.” He rapped his knuckles against the doorjamb, then left the lounge to head back to the elevator bank. 
He and Toni separated a year ago, and while he’d been out on a few dates, they amounted to nothing more than hours of his life he’d never get back, and even after all this time, he still wasn't comfortable with being single yet. He and Toni had been together since they were nineteen, married at twenty and were parents just three months after their wedding. Their relationship was far from perfect, but the final straw came when he found out she was cheating on him, with a kid only a few years older than their son Flynn. He was no angel, and was guilty of several short-lived but utterly intense affairs as well, but while they’d tried to salvage things before, they both knew it was pointless now. Their marriage was irretrievably broken and there was no fixing it, there’d be no reconciliation. The end had been coming for a long while and her affair with the kid was what it took for them to both finally admit the truth and he’d filed for divorce, and now his focus was on work and the kids and on little else. He just wasn't ready to invest himself again in anything more than that.
“Leigh, thank you for this,” he said as he held out the stethoscope. “Do you think you could order me a pink one?”
“Pink, Frerin?”
He grinned. “A patient thought I should get a pink steth.”
“I’ll talk to Jerry when he comes in later. Any other colors?”
“Nah. Just pink.”
“Go home, Dr. Durin.”
“I am.” He smiled and pushed away from the desk to make his way to his office at the end of the hallway. His secretary, Katie would be in for nine, but for now, all was quiet as he passed her desk to his inner sanctum. 
His black leather bomber jacket hung on a tree just inside the doorway and as he shrugged into it, he looked over at the photos in silver frames on the credenza behind his desk. He and Toni had three kids; two boys, with their daughter sandwiched between them. The divorce was hitting Flynn, their oldest, the hardest, and with a sigh, Frerin wondered—and not for the first time—if maybe he and Toni should have just stayed together until Jake, their youngest, at least graduated high school. 
No, as tough as things were right now, it was a far healthier environment for the kids than being witness to their parents’ increasingly toxic marriage. He didn't know about Toni, but he knew he was happier. Happier than he’d been in a long time. 
Maybe he should have asked Elena Madison to go and grab a cup of coffee or lunch. 
He glanced over at the desktop computer. He could get her number off one of the forms she’d filled out. But that seemed a little underhanded, so maybe not. 
He sighed softly. Damn it.
By the time he got home Flynn and Maura were up and at the table in the kitchen, not talking over cereal. He came in through the kitchen door, shrugging out of his jacket as he said, “Hey, guys. Your brother up yet?”
“Not yet.” Flynn looked up. “How was your shift?”
“Quiet, for the most part. Just a few kids with the flu.” He moved to the Keurig and fired it up. “Maura, do you know Alyssa Madison?”
“Yeah. She’s in my Algebra class. Why?”
“She came into the ER tonight and said she was a freshman, so I just wondered.”
Maura grinned. “Fourteen’s a little young for you, isn’t it, Dad?”
“Ha ha.” He tugged open the drawer under the Keurig to take out a medium roast blend and popped it into the machine. “Anyway, I was just curious. You two got all your homework done last night, right?”
Flynn rolled his eyes. “You ask us every morning. And what do we tell you?”
“Just making sure.” He took the cup off the base and lifted it for a sip, glanced at the microwave clock over the cup’s rim. “You two better get moving.”
Flynn sighed as he walked over to put his cereal bowl in the dishwasher. “We’ve got time, Dad.”
“Only if you catch all the lights and there’s no traffic.” 
“We’ll be fine.”
“I don't want you rushing, Flynn. You’ve only had your license a few months.”
He smiled at the exasperation in Flynn’s voice, which was almost as deep as his own. “Okay, I’ll stop with the lecture now. Have a good day, both of you. I’ll see you later.”
He moved back to press a kiss into the top of Maura’s nest of dark curls. “Don’t talk your brother’s ear off. He has to concentrate.”
“I won’t, Dad.” Maura picked up her backpack from the chair in the corner and slung it over her shoulder. “C’mon, Flynn.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He clumped out of the kitchen after his sister and Frerin sighed at the soft silence that settled around him. He had half an hour before he had to wake Jake, and so used that time to sit down and write out bills. Then it was time to wake his youngest and get him off to school as well. All that involved was ushering him out to Frerin’s silver Infiniti and buckling him into the backseat.
“Dad?” Jake asked as Frerin headed along Route Seven toward Sidleburg proper. The intermediate school was on the western side of town
He glanced up at the rearview mirror. “Yeah, bud?”
“Do we have to go to Mom’s this weekend?”
“’Fraid so, little man. It’s her weekend.”
“I don't want to go.”
Jake sighed softly. He looked so much like his mother, with a thick mop of dark red curls and wide hazel eyes, where Flynn and Maura had inherited Frerin’s dark hair and blue eyes. “She has a new boyfriend and he’s kind of a jerk.”
Frerin bit back a sigh of his own. “Well, ignore him if you can. You’re there to spend time with her.”
“I know, but… I’d rather stay home.”
“It’s only two days, Jake.”
“Two really long days, Dad.”
He grinned. “I know, but you’ve got your brother and sister there to keep you company.”
“Is Mom ever coming home?”
Frerin angled into the drop off lane at Sidleburg Intermediate School, where Jake was in the fifth grade before saying, “No, Jake. She’s not. We’ve told you, Mom and Dad aren’t going to be living together any longer. We just can’t, Jake. And it’s better that we don’t—for you, for Maura, for Flynn. For all of us.”
He sighed. “I miss when we were a family.”
“Yeah. I know. And I know it sucks sometimes. But, in the long run, it’s better this way.”
“What if she just told you she was sorry?”
“Jake, some day, you’ll understand why that’s not possible. Grownups are complicated and so are relationships and none of us is perfect.”
Jake unbuckled his seatbelt and shoved open the door. “I’ll see you later, Dad. I have to get to class.”
“Jake, I—” He pressed his lips together as Jake slammed the door and ran off to join up with his friends. Just when he thought the kids were acclimating to all of the changes, one of them reminded him it was an ongoing process, getting used to such a change. 
He sighed as he steered back out of the parking lot and headed home. They weren’t the only ones who needed to be reminded it was a process, getting used to the change. But now wasn't the time to dwell on it. Now, he wanted to go home and get some sleep.
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msbilberry · 7 months
Mirror for the bride of the King under the Mountain.
Chapter 2 of 5
That morning seemed to bode well for nothing bad. Bilbo woke up and, having washed and dressed, went to breakfast. There was some kind of unusual excitement in the corridors, not the same as always. The dwarves were fussing around, carrying various things, chests and even interior items somewhere. This seemed strange to Bilbo, but he did not attach any importance to it. Until he saw that all these items were being carried into one room, which was located in the same wing of the palace as his bedroom, as well as the bedrooms of Thorin and his nephews. Hobbits are famous for their curiosity and Bilbo, of course, was no exception. He followed the dwarves carrying utensils into this huge room. It was amazing how spacious and bright it was! In the middle there was a wide four-poster bed, wardrobes made of expensive wood were placed along the walls, and several chests with rich inlay stood next to the window. Who is this room for? Bilbo didn't understand, but he was very intrigued.
And then he saw a thing more beautiful than which he had never seen before. Yes, hobbits are indifferent to wealth and gold, but they are able to appreciate the skill of jewelers and the work of skilled craftsmen. Near the bed stood a huge mirror, the frame of which was richly decorated with sapphires of marvelous purity.
“The color is the same as Thorin’s eyes,” thought Bilbo.
He walked closer to the mirror. Beautiful and amazing, it seemed to attract the hobbit to itself. In the reflection of the mirror, Bilbo seemed to look even smaller than he actually was. Suddenly, behind him in the reflection, he saw Bombur. He brought carpets, and then, seeing Bilbo looking in the mirror, he decided to come closer. Bilbo shuddered, not knowing why he was afraid. Bombur only laughed in response.
“Bilbo, it's me! Don't you recognize your friends anymore?” the dwarf thundered cheerfully.
“No, what are you talking about?” Bilbo was a little embarrassed. “I just shouldn’t have been here, it was out of surprise.”
“Luxurious mirror, isn't it?” Bombur nodded towards the mirror. “Like the whole room. No wonder, this is for our future queen!”
There was a pause. In the silence that followed, it was as if Bilbo's heartbeat could be heard.
“What?” that's all Bilbo could say.
But Bombur, who did not notice the hobbit’s reaction to his last words, calmly continued.
“This room is reserved by order of Thorin for our future queen. And the mirror is a special wedding gift for her; it once belonged to the mother of Thorin, Frerin and Dis. The bride will arrive in Erebor in a few days, along with her family and retinue, and a grand wedding awaits us. Didn't you know? It's still a secret, but I thought everyone close to the royal family knew it. It seems that the official coronation will take place then, which has not happened yet”, he said.
Bilbo staggered. It seemed to him that he was about to fall, but he could not allow this, especially in front of others. His legs felt like they were made of cotton, vision was swimming, everything was confused in the head. It was necessary to leave this room, Bilbo really wanted to be alone, locking himself in his bedroom. He didn't want to listen anything anymore; he had learned enough. Several more dwarves entered the room, calling Bombur and playfully reproaching him for shirking his work. He laughed loudly and trudged into the corridor to help carry the table.
Taking advantage of this, Bilbo put on as realistic an appearance of calm as possible on his face and left the room. The corridor seemed to go on forever. Finally the hobbit got into his bedroom and, bolting the door, collapsed into bed. There was no longer even a thought about breakfast. Actually, now there were no thoughts about anything, except for one thing - Thorin was going to get married!
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bagginshield treat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Thorin, how much further?” Bilbo huffed.
The king merely chuckled as he gave his Consort’s hand a quick squeeze. 
“Just a little bit more.”
“You know when you told me that you had a surprise, I didn’t realize it came with a two mile hike through the underbelly of the city.”
Thorin stopped suddenly, causing Bilbo to run into his back in the low light of the cavern crystals. Turning slightly towards Bilbo, he let his fingers trace Bilbo’s jaw, managing to catch the hobbit’s breath.
“Forgive me, Mudùmel (comfort of all comforts). Perhaps we should turn back to journey another day?”
Bilbo snorted, even as he leaned into his husband’s touch. He wished his eyes worked better to be able to work out the smirk he was certain graced Thorin’s face.
“I traveled halfway across Arda after you. There is no distance too great. Now, enough of your teasing. What is this surprise?”
Thorin kissed the end of his nose before taking both of his hands in his own, walking backwards as he led Bilbo out of the tunnel. Natural light spilled from above, temporarily blinding Bilbo. Once he blinked away the spots though, he was able to see where it was Thorin brought him. He could only gasp in delight. 
It was an underground oasis. A hole at the top of the cavern spilling sunlight into the space lighting up the small stream that fed into a four foot waterfall, and next to it was a stunning old willow tree nestled in a bed of moss. It was like something out of a dream.
“Thorin, this is beautiful.” Bilbo gasped in delight. “How did you find such a place?”
Thorin’s smile turned melancholy as he pulled Bilbo further into the cavern.
“Frerin and I stumbled upon it in our youth when we were escaping our lessons.”
“You were quite the troublemaker, weren’t you?.” Bilbo teased.
“Well, we weren’t terrorizing the local squirrels and birds.” Thorin raised an eyebrow, grinning at Bilbo’s scowl.
“I never should have let Siggy tell you that story.” 
Thorin threw his head back, his laughter echoing against the cavern walls. Bilbo swatted him lightly on the arm before moving further towards the tree. The cool, short grass felt good against his toes, and when he leaned his head back it was like he could feel the sun warming him straight through to his bones. A pair of arms slid around his waist.
“Do you like it, lukhudel (light of all lights)?” Thorin mumbled into his neck.
“I think it’s wonderful.” Bilbo mused, turning to meet Thorin’s lips with his own as he wrapped his arms around Thorin’s to keep them in place. “Thank you for sharing this with me.”
“I knew there was no one who would appreciate it more.”
Trick or treat my inbox.
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Vassal of the King (part 7)
Frerin x OFC
Author's annotations are here!
Frerin is one hundred and eighteen when he becomes a father.
"Fjalar! Wake up!"
He yawns as he turns towards his wife, lying on the other side of the bed even though the dark of the room forbids him from seeing her; they are still living in the tiny house they moved in after their wedding, but now they can almost afford to buy it, which is comforting. "What is it?" he inquires, rubbing his eyes with an hand as he attempts to remember where he is and what day today is; he has always been an heavy sleeper, and a consequence, a slow riser "Are you hungry?"
Verdandi has never been a glutton, but a few months ago she has started experiencing bouts of hunger in the most unexpected moments, and for foods she had never appreciated before. It is a common, even natural behaviour for a woman in her condition, according to Skai (the healer who has assisted Verdandi ever since they realized she was expecting... and who for the last two years has also been their brother-in-law, after his and Skuld's long-anticipated wedding) because now the Dwarf woman is eating for two. And since for a while his poor wife has also been suffering from nausea bouts every time she raises from the bed, Frerin has gotten used to get up and fix her something to eat; he does not mind, even though leaving his bed in the middle of the night is far from pleasant... not much, at least, and the simple sight of Verdandi, ill at ease with hunger and queasiness, her belly heavy with the child they have waited for so long, is enough to repay him ten times over.
But tonight is different; tonight, his inquiry is answered with a grimace, Verdandi's azure eyes already filled with panic. "No, my love; I am not hungry. It is time."
"... what?"
"I need to give birth. Your child is ready to be born."
Frerin goes from half-asleep to clear-headed, and panicky, in less than a blink. "Now?" he asks, for a moment convinced their child could have really chosen a more suitable moment to announce their arrival "But... but it is too early! I thought you were not supposed to give birth before..."
Verdandi sighs; she is more scared than she lets on, and uncomfortably sticky, but she is also determined not to give in to panic - not yet, at least. "I am sorry, my darling; but your child wants to be born, and they want to be born now."
Frerin lives the next minutes like a dream, only vaguely aware of what he is doing as he realizes the moment he has waited for months has finally come, and he could not be less ready. He dresses himself, brings Verdandi a blanket, tells her he loves her as he kisses her temple, and runs out of the door as if he had every Orc in Middle-earth on his heels. It is the middle of the night, and the streets are empty; Frerin runs faster than he thought possible for a Dwarf, heart pounding in his chest, the thump of his boots reverberating on the cobblestone. He is scared, and excited, and happy, and concerned, and never, he realizes, has he missed his family more than now. Does Thorin has children? Does Dís? Would they be able to reassure and comfort him? They would undoubtedly try, and that for Frerin would be enough...
But he cannot count on his siblings' support; he is alone now, and by Mahal, he will not disappoint his family once more!
Thank the Maker, Verdandi's old house, where Skai has moved with his wife and her mother, is not far; Frerin gets his siblings-in-law out of bed, and in a few minutes they are both ready to follow him. Mistress Sigyn promises she will be there soon as well; age has slowed her down, but she would not miss the birth of her first grandchild for the world.
Frerin knows next to nothing about childbirth, but when he reaches Verdandi, it takes him a moment to realize she is close: his poor wife, usually brave as a warrior and with an almost preternatural ability to remain hevel-headed even in time of danger, is crying, and screaming, her azure eyes full of fear. "It hurts." she moans, blindly reaching for Frerin, as if thinking he could deliver her from the pain, and protect her as he would from a sword-wielding enemy "Fjalar, it hurts so much... I fear I am dying..."
The blanket he had brought her has fallen on the floor, and there is a wet patch on the mattress between her legs. She looks so helpless, so young and fragile, and when Frerin takes her hands, she shakes her head, as if being stubborn could help her... or stop what she is going through. "I cannot do it."
"You were right; this is not the time. I do not want this, not now, I am not ready... I do not know what to do!"
Frerin softly tells her that Skai and her sister are here to help her, and that actually she does not have to do anything, but let a natural process happen and her body's instincts take over, but his wife is not listening, and when she grabs his arm, he can feel her nails clawing his skin. "What if they are not ready?" Verdandi says, her eyes wide open with fear "Skai said I would not give birth before a fortnight! What if they are not strong enough? What if they are not... fully formed?"
Even if Frerin had the words to reassure her (and he does not, Mahal deliver him!) he could not utter them, because Skai, with Skuld not for the first time in her role of midwife assistant, immediately takes command, and Frerin finds himself banished from his own bedroom, with the order to light a fire, heat water, prepare clean rags, and keep out of the way.
These are the longest minues of his life. The terror seizing his heart and mind is nothing compared to what Verdandi is going through, but Frerin would rather face Azog and his whole army alone than being there, as he listens to his wife's screams of pain and fear and knows there is nothing he can do to help. Even the arrival of mistress Sigyn, who sits by his side and holds his hand, puts his mind at rest; Frerin is fond of his mother-in-law, and believes her when she tells him she also screamed loud enough to wake the dead and then gave birth to two healthy daughters, but still, he is scared, as much as he was on the day Smaug arrived, and on the day of the battle at the gates of Khazad-dûm. It is an horrible sensation, that makes him restless and fills his mind with grim thoughts.
What if something went wrong? After all, the baby is early; what if they are still too small and weak to survive? Even worse, what if they are born dead? It would destroy them both, after all the love and the hope they have poured on the tiny creature growing in Verdandi's womb, after they have already bought a cradle and tiny blankets and clothes. Losing their child would mean losing themselves, a bereavement they could survive, but never heal from.
Also, the danger does not only concern the baby. Verdandi is young and strong, but Frerin could name at least two Dwarf women who were roughly her age and died on the birthing bed, and she has already lost so much blood! He cannot lose her; Frerin cannot even imagine a future without Verdandi, he needs her, his very existance is now indissolubly linked to her smile, her voice, her soothing presence and steadfast support. If he loses his wife, he reflects as he paces restlessly on the corridor outside his bedroom, there will be no reason left for him to...
He blinks, feeling as if he were waking up from a deep slumber. "Yes?"
Skuld's (pale, stressed, scared) face peeks out of the door. "We need your help."
The fact itself is terrifying, even more than the potential motives for that request; Frerin feels his blood freeze in his veins. "What is happening? Is... is something wrong?"
"No, no. But Verdandi is scared to death; would you come in to keep her company?"
"I can go instead, if you wish." mistress Sigyn offers, but Frerin has already slipped past the threshold, and past Skuld, and beyond his fears.
The air in the room is heavy with sweat, and the even less pleasant stench of blood; Frerin runs to his wife's side, immediately overwhelmed but determined to be strong, for both of them - or at least to try.
Verdandi (brave, calm, soft-spoken Verdandi) is sobbing, completely beside herself with pain and the terrifying sensation her body is no longer her own, that the sparkle of life she has cared for and protected for six months, is now threatening to destroy her from the inside. "It hurts... Fjalar, it hurts so bad..."
If Frerin felt powerless as he contemplated his duty of protecting the people of Erebor after the loss of their home, that is nothing compared to what he is feeling now, the torment he sees reflected on the face of the woman he loves and that he cannot share and take on himself. He knows Verdandi would never blame him, because having a child is something they both dearly desired, and she knew, being a woman, what awaited her, but still, she is in so much pain, and there is nothing he would not do to ease her suffering, but he cannot...
... or can I?
"Would it help, if I sang for you?" he suddenly inquires; Verdandi stops mid-scream to look at him, baffled. "What?"
"It is something my father used to do for my mother, to divert her mind from fear and pain; he sang her favourite song for her as she gave birth to me and my siblings. Apparently, it made her feel better. Safe."
Verdandi smiles; if that is the most absurd idea she has ever heard, it is a thought she does not betray, and later, when everything is over and she is happily looking at their child avidly sucking on her chest, she will reflect on how, in the hour of fear and powerlessness, her husband thought of the family he had lost. "Yes. I would enjoy -hnnnn- hearing you sing."
Frerin smiles. "Would that be all right for you, Skai?"
"You can start juggling balls over your head for all I care, brother." the healer answers, perfectly unperturbed; he is kneeling at the foot of the bed, looking at Verdandi's body from an highly unusual perspective for a brother-in-law "As long as Verdandi keeps pushing."
Among the tears, Verdandi smiles, clutching his hands like a castaway fighting the tide as he holds on a rock. "If you are with me I can do it." she promises; it goes for that night as well as any other moment of their life and they both know. And so, sitting on the side of the bed with her hands in his own, Frerin starts singing, the words and the melody still clear in his mind after so long, and suddenly he is not afraid anymore.
Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away, ere break of day
To seek our pale enchanted gold
The dwarves of yore made mighty spells
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep
In hollow halls beneath the fells...
He has never considered himself a good singer, not to mention he has not performed in more than half a century, but somehow it works, and focusing on the song, on those verses his mother had taught him and his siblings when they were children, actually diverts both his and Verdandi's attention from the fear and the tension that fill the room. Verdandi has her kinswomen there with her, to comfort and give her strenght, but for a precious, almost magical moment, it is as if Frerin's family is present as well...
There many a gleaming golden hoard
They shaped and wrought, and light they caught
To hide in gems on hilt of sword
On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire in twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun...
A new cry pierces the air, but it is not Verdandi's.
Skuld, by now an expert midwife assistant, tends to the baby, washing the blood and the dirt away and then swaddling him. "Congratulations." she says with a smile as she offers the tiny bundle to her sister, the hands of both shaking slightly; she has to raise her voice to make herself heard "You have an healthy baby boy."
"A boy." Verdandi whispers, as if she had never uttered those words before; she is crying as well, but Frerin has never seen a smile bigger or happier than the one on his wife's lips; she rocks their son for a while, whispering sweet nothings to him until his screaming subsides to a quite babbling, and then, wordlessly, she offers him to Frerin.
"Your son, husband."
He is light as a feather, so light it feels as if he might disappear, as Frerin holds his son against his chest; the baby has beautiful, familiar azure eyes, but the shape of his little face is unmistakably that so common in the Line of Durin, and a surge of emotion fills him, unlike anything Frerin has ever felt: it is pride, and jealousy, and humbleness, because how could someone as small and flawed as him, create something so perfect and beautiful?
He is crying, for all to see and he is not ashamed of it; he looks at his wife, and Verdandi smiles back, radiant and still in pain and even more beautiful because of it. He sits next to her, and together they contemplate the creature in Frerin's arms, and it may be the most natural and ordinary event in the world, but that tiny, perfect baby is also a miracle, and a blessing he could never hope to receive.
"Sindri." he whispers; there are no words in any language in Middle-earth to express the joyous turmoil inside him "Sindri. My little gem."
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TAGGING @starlady66 and @elvenenby.
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bxdcubes · 1 year
Fili/Bilbo fic rec
for @sharktofu as promised.
Confusion      by  WTFAidaWTF (Aida) (both fem)
Fíli thought Bilbo didn't know. Apparently, Fíli is the only one who didn't know anything.
 At a Glance by kasumixkrimm
 A collection of stories that detail glances of the evolving relationship between Fili and Bilbo during their adventure.
What you wouldn't do for kin      by  QueenOfSkaro
Kili knows his brother is in love with the resident hobbit and decides to help out, being the awesome little brother that he is.
The Durin's Hand (And Maybe His Feet, Too)     by   smileybagel
 A play on a old fable, "The Lion's Paw", where a lion is stuck with a nasty thorn in its paw and cannot get it out until a sweet little mouse helps him.
Now let's replace "lion" with "Fili" and "mouse" with "Bilbo" and see what happens.
Nonlinear      by  StrictlyNoFrills (fem!bilbo)
For dwarves, who love all things geometrical and straightforward, the fact that recovery is not a linear process is entirely maddening.
So, it's a good thing Fili doesn't have to cope with the aftermath of the battle alone.
Leap (Don't Look)     by StrictlyNoFrills (fem!bilbo)
It was an old Took tradition. If any Took lass was in love and her lad had not proposed in the timely manner she might wish, then she would set out on a grand Adventure and return with the fruits of her journey to lay them at her lad’s feet and propose.
The Gift of the Hidden Heir     by StrictlyNoFrills (fem!bilbo)
It's their first Yuletide after their banishment.
something in each of us is wanting      by dualce
"That's not quite what I meant," Bilbo said, catching his breath, his walking stick thumping emphatically with every step. "I am glad for the help. And the company." He said the last bit quietly, eying the dwarves in front of them, a thread of uncertainty in his voice.
"That is well," Fili said. "For I am glad of your company, too."
Bilbo's breath hitched, and he cast a look upward through the locks of hair on his forehead, surprise written plain on his face. "Er, why?"
 A Gift Beyond Measure     by      LadyLaran (fem!bilbo)
When the parents of Ivy Baggins passes, the bonds are shattered and she is sent to her soul-father in hopes of helping her recover.   It's there she finds true love.
 Fili Fridays    by StrictlyNoFrills (fem!bilbo)
 Exactly what it sounds like: The place where I celebrate Fili Friday by posting short oneshots appreciating Fili on Friday.
 Here Be Dragons     by  MorinoAthame
A long set of one shots, each inspired by a different word, for various Hobbit pairings as follows:
01. Wonder - Bilbo/Bofur 02. Anchoring - Bilbo/Dwalin 03. Dreaminess - Bilbo/Bifur 04. Passion - Bilbo/Thorin 05. Recollection - Bilbo/Nori 06. Enchantment - Bilbo/Gandalf 07. Exuberance - Bilbo/Kili 08. Unpredictability - Dori, Nori, & Ori 09. Extravagance - Bofur/Nori 10. Desire - Bofur/Thorin 11. Brilliance - Bilbo/Fili 12. Instinct - Balin/Bilbo 13. Subtlety - Dwalin/Nori 14. Truthfulness - Bilbo/Elrond 15. Satisfaction - Bilbo/Dori 16. Tenacity - Bofur/Dwalin
Ereborian Justice      by     Madkat89 (fem!bilbo)
Although Erebor has been reclaimed and is currently being rebuilt, an attack on Bella shows that although Erebor has been reclaimed, law has not returned to the Lonely Mountain. But the line of Durin will not permit such travesties to go unanswered and justice will return to Erebor and the dwarven people once more
(Read the note at the beginning of the first chapter before reading)
An Unexpected Courtship     by  Bead (fem!bilbo)
Fili sets himself the task of looking after the newest, weakest and least skilled member of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield.  
 Tiger's Eye and Flower Crowns     by    GwendalfTheGato
Fifty years after the Battle of Azanulbizar, Frerin lives as a slave in a compound of Men. When a Hobbit Fauntling by the name of Bilba is unceremoniously dropped into his life, Frerin does everything he can to do right by his wee one. And if that means eventually being freed and returning to Ered Luin, well, at least his little one will be safe.
Or, how Frerin gains a Wee One, how Fili gets engaged over sweets, and how Bilba is a master frog hunter.
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orcristwielder · 2 years
Brothers Bound By Blood: Frerin & Thorin
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Thorin has two other siblings; Dís, the mother of Fili and Kili, and Frerin. Dís is the baby of the siblings, but Frerin is the middle child and nearly got away with just about anything. With Thorin being the elder of Thrain's children and having to be raised and prepared for the throne, Frerin was the one child who didn't really have such worries. When Dís was born, all of the attention had gone to her thus creating a bit of jealousy for the middle brother.
Oftentimes, a lot if people will confuse him as being a friend or a lover to Thorin, but no. Not the case. He is the younger brother of Thorin Oakenshield, with their relationship a bit on the shaky side though Thorin will always protect his kin. Frerin may say something that cause his brother to toss him out after an argument, but as they both had gotten older they've learned just how to appreciate the other in their own ways.
They are a bit like Fili and Kili in some ways. As previously stated: Thorin cares for his family, and will do everything he can to ensure they are protected. While the two brother's may have their differences, they will always have one another's backs.
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elv-arts · 4 years
Got some more hobbit stuff. Anyone care about Dis?
Yes I probably have gone a bit overboard with making her look like Thorin. Do I want to change that? Absolutely not.
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^^^This is my favourite drawing I've done of her. Can't decide whether to risk watercolouring it.
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Also had to draw her with her brothers. Yes, when they are older Thorin and Dis pretty much swap beards.
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And this was the first time I drew her
Plus a messy doodle thing:
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enchantzz · 2 years
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A list of fics I have enjoyed reading and/or recommend. Grab your cup of tea or coffee and let yourself get transported into the fictional world of these wonderful fic writers. Thank you everyone for providing much needed distraction and entertainment. Your work is loved and appreciated.
Master List Fic Recs
Middle Earth Stories
Durin’s Garage - Part 3 - by @laurfilijames
The last chapter in the Garage AU series featuring Fili. This hot and steamy fic will make you want your car to break down too.
Day 11: BAM! - by @lathalea
Day 11 story in the Advent Calendar. The fluffiest fic about young Thorin, young Frerin and their baby sister Dis. Your heart will melt reading this!
Naughty Thoughts - by @linasofia
Yes, I was late to the hot party, but being late is not always a bad thing. I could read all 4 chapters in one go and who wouldn't want to know what is going to happen next. This hot and steamy fic may heat you up more than your cup of tea or coffee does when reading it.
Day 12: North and East (snippet)- By @lathalea
Day 12 in the amazing stories Advent Calendar. This is just a snippet of what is going to be a full story, but I’m already so intrigued. I love the way @lathalea writes Thorin, the way she makes him speak. It’s amazing.
8: Sweets - by @blairsanne
The fluffiest young Fili and Kili story. I love stories about young Durin family members and especially the interaction between siblings. If you are having a bad day, this is definitely the story to read. |t will put a smile on your face.
Thorin and Co gift giving headcanons by @huckleberrytea03
A lovely imagine on gift giving in the Hobbit Company. It makes you want to join in the fun.
Other worlds
The Ugly Duckling by @magravenwrites
A two-part story in The Last Kingdom world about love between two outsiders, Sihtric and OC Elsef. It makes you miss the boys and want to re-watch The Last Kingdom again.
The Citryne Chronicles: Winter’s Curse Prologue - by @the-poldarkian
An original story, a planned(!) Book series that follows the lives of 6 Princesses (Gabriella, Syrena, Florina, Yasmin, Tiara and Leigh) and their journeys in a fictional world.
Art & Vampires by me @enchantzz
Shameless self promotion of my stories in the series about a vampire Mitchell (AU - Being Human UK) and a human Amy (my OC), in the world of art, antiques, vampires, witches and other supernatural beings, world travel, history, adventures and slow-burn love stories around the characters. There are also a couple of stand-alone and tie-in Hot!Mitchy 18+ fics about Mitchell and Amy.
Grab you cup of tea or coffee and enjoy reading. Again a big thank you to the wonderful authors 🧡🧡🧡 Your work is appreciated.
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Next one the shipping quest, as always no canon or popular pairings:
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avaria-revallier · 3 years
A dragons wish Chapter 6
Read here
Reblogs appreciated
The dwarrows hadn’t moved an inch since Bilbo had left the forges running after Ruby. They stood around the cushion-castle the little girl had built, like fierce guards made of stone, staring into space. He stopped, right in front of Balin, frantically trying to catch his breath.
“The… The dragon! It was huge. A gigantic beast! Even larger than I ever dared to imagine,” he huffed.
Instantly he had their attention. The dragon was real, and very much alive. A cold shudder ran down the hobbit’s spine. The whole situation had just drastically changed.
The eyes of the company simultaneously shifted from Bilbo to Thorin. The king hadn’t said a word so far, in fact he hadn’t shown any kind of reaction since the young girl had left them in a hurry.
“Thorin?” Balin tried it again.
He didn’t react, didn’t move. Thorin just stared into the empty hallway where Ruby had vanished not long ago.
“It has Ruby,” Bilbo whispered in horror.
Just now he remembered the clothes the dragon had in his massive claws. Looking up he could read the same horror in the faces of the dwarrows.
Yes, he was their king, and yes he had become a good friend for Bilbo over time, but his behavior was just too much!
Ori sat down next to him, taking a break from barricading the large entrance with massive boulders. The young scribe was by far stronger than he looked. When Bilbo had complimented him for it, Ori had only shyly mumbled something about having it inherited from their mother and that Dori was even stronger.
Glancing to the side he could spot a familiar book in the scribe's hands. The book he had received from Ruby. It was bound in leather and rather plain looking. There were no golden ornaments or embedded jewels on the cover.
Thinking back, the hobbit hadn’t seen any fancy jewelry or other valuable things on or near Ruby. The braids in her hair were held together by wooden clips and beads, she hadn’t worn any bracelets, rings or necklaces. Even her clothes looked rather old and had many patches and parts that were repaired.
“What is it about?” the hobbit nodded towards the book, watching the nimble fingers of the scribe caressing the worn pages.
“Stories, it seems, about adventures and magical creatures from faraway places. One is about a young elven woman visiting her grandmother in the dark forest. Sadly the grandmother had been eaten by a warg, which now posed as the grandmother to also eat the young girl. Luckily a ranger comes by, freeing the grandmother as well as the young girl. Which is highly unlikable, but still… I like the happy ending,” clutching the book even harder he stood back up, rejoining his brothers.
Bilbo was the only one who noticed the faint brushing of the young scribe's hands against the rough palm of the warrior as he passed by him.
Dwalin sighted. This was not what he had hoped for, not at all. Still, having the little scribe by his side gave him strengths to press on. With a last look on the youngest of the dwarrows he left the front gate to inform his king of the newly arrived visitor.
“Thorin,” upon entering the grand hall of the forges he noticed how the king hastily straightened himself, “we have a guest on our front door.”
Hope sparked up in the blue eyes, but almost instantly died down again as Dwalin lightly shook his head. Thorin’s head dropped, facing the floor. His hand clenched around a silver necklace of some sort, he continued to stare at the floor in front of him.
“Who is it?” Thorin managed to ask after a moment of silence.
The warrior tried to gloss over the amusement in his voice with a khoff. This was really not the time to laugh at the childish reaction of his friend. Still, seeing Thorin, king under the mountain, his brother in arms and on the battlefield sitting in the middle of a cushion castle, surrounded by fluffy blankets, soft cushions and pressing a vibrant pink, flower-shaped cushion against his chest, was rather unsettling and strange.
“Bard the bowman from Lake Town is asking for an audience with you,” the warrior simply answered.
Thorin didn’t react. He hadn’t really moved since Ruby had left and had holed himself up in the forges as soon as the devastating news Bilbo had brought them had gotten through to him fully. Even now he was only staring into the empty hallway, while his fingers fumbled with the strange silver necklace.
Dwalin sighted again. If he hadn’t saized command shortly after Bilbo had returned, who knows what would have happened. Sure, they all were shocked and devastated at the horrible news of the dragon returning and taking the wee lass with him, still, Thorin was their king, their leader. The warrior hadn’t seen his friend like this since Frerin had gone missing. Enough was enough! There was a pile of work left and Dwalin was rather sick of it.
“Thorin, you are my king and friend. I respect that you are…” not sure how to describe the sight he saw before him Dwalin coughed again and continued on, “You will come with me and if I have to drag you there myself. You ought to be king and welcome our kin not long from now, so behave like one!”
Bombur nearly choked on the bite he had just taken from the large sandwich Bifur had brought them all. Hastily he took a large swig of the water he held in his other hand. Blinking twice the cook realized that this was no daydream or illusion at all. There was Dwalin, which was nothing out of the ordinary, striding down the hallway and dragging something behind him.
Only after looking a second time he identified the thing as a person, huddelt into a fluffy blanket and clutching a bright pink and flower-shaped cushion as their king. The glare thorin gave him was not to be misunderstood. Still, how was anyone able to take their leader seriously after seeing him like this ?!
Shoving the rest of the sandwich into his mouth he poked Bifur in the back. The old warrior spun around and the axe in his head gleamed in the low light. Letting loose a wave of rapid Khuzdul he picked up a pebble and threw it across the hallway at Gloin, who was currently talking to Balin.
Gloin reacted as expected. Angrily he turned around to look for the person who was responsible for interrupting his chat with the king’s advisor. Before he could utter a curse his eyes locked onto the scene right in front of him. Dwalin, dragging what looked like a pink-reddish lump of clothes behind him towards the main gate. The pebble surely couldn’t have hit him that hard!
Balin on the other side only buried his face in his hands. He was used to seeing his brother doing impulsive and sometimes rather stupid things, as he had always been there to help him out in the end an straighten things out. But this was a first in case of stupidity and impulsiveness. Dwalin had to see how to get out of this mess afterwards all on his own.
Bilbo stopped abruptly in his movement. He had rushed to the front gate as soon as the raven had delivered the message that the rest of the company and two other people were making their way towards the mountain. He didn’t want to wait any longer to finally see Bofur again. Surely he would get an ear full, cause he had left his dwarf behind and didn’t wake him in time. But at that time Bilbo was rather fond of the idea to at least assure Bofur to survive the wrath of the dragon.
Bofur, still holding the hobbits hand, was forced to stop as well. Questioning he followed the line of sight of his beloved. With the utmost of his will and control he was able to disguise his laughter as mere coughing. Bilbo’s elbow in his ribs made him turn towards the hobbit again, he also couldn’t contain his wide grin. For the dignified leader of the company to be dragged through his own mountain at that!
Bilbo’s amusement vanished and was replaced with worry and sorrow. For a moment there he had forgotten the reason for the king’s odd behavior. Bofur frowned, there seemed to be more to this situation than they all had let on.
“* Kidhuzel , what is the matter?” concerned he lightly squeezed the hand holding his.
“I’ll tell you the story behind that in a bit,” Bilbo promised him, before moving on.
(*gold of gold)
Oin had stayed with Bard and Tauriel to chat some more about medicinal herbs after reassuring himself that the two princes and especially Kili were alright to go on on their own. The elven woman had fussed some more over the dark haired prince, but respected the decision that she would have to wait outside.
Kili still leaned on his older brother even though he tried his best to walk on his own. Facing down he made sure not to trip over anything and to burden Fili any further. Strangely enough the floor was sparkly clean aside from the trail of mud the others must have left behind.
To his own surprise the front gate was almost unscratched and not missing as he had assumed from his uncle's stories. Even more, it was warm inside and the hallways were lit! There was no foul smell of dragon or whatever he might have left behind. It felt almost homely and welcoming. The others had accomplished so much in such a short amount of time! He could do nothing else but be astonished by their capability.
Fili stopped abruptly and nearly let his brother slide from his shoulder. Luckily Kili was quick enough and steadied himself before kissing the floor.
“By the beard of-” looking up, Kili had wanted to lecture his older brother on how to properly handle hurt and ill dwarrows, but stopped himself.
There must be some poison left inside his system, which made him hallucinate once more. No other explanation was reasonable or possible. With his free, left hand he rubbed his eyes. Still there.
Pinching Fili’s arm he tried to wake himself. The immediate response, a light jab in his stomach assured him that this was real.
Not being able to take his eyes off of the unreal scene in front of him he wasn’t able to see the unbelieving look in Filis eyes and how the blond prince's jaw seemed to drop even further.
“Uncle… is that really you?!” Kili was not entirely sure if he was seeing things or if this was reality, but either way, it was hilarious.
He couldn’t wait to write to his mother about it! This would provide them with amusement and embassesment from the king till forever! Fili also seemed to have overcome the shock. Leaning onto his older brother Kili could feel the faint shaking, which got stronger by the second, signing that Fili was trying his best to hold in his laughter.
A sly grin appeared on Kili’s lips. He would certainly have to help his older brother, no? With a hearty jab of his elbow he forced the first prince to break into laughter. Not able to hold in his own amusement he joined in and filled the halls with their voices. Even the deathly glare Thorin was rather known and feared for couldn’t stop them. The pink cushion and the blanket he was wrapped into made him look rather ridiculous than intimidating.
“I brought the king.”
Tauriel’s face turned to stone, expressionless as only elves were capable of, while Bard tried his best to keep his mouth shut, the face strangely red as if he had forgotten how to breathe. Confused Oin turned around, the rather worn trumpet in his hand. What was going on?
@jumpingmanatee @tschrist1 @savvy-the-human @ayamenimthiriel @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @animestuff123 @blankethalfling @all-seeing-storm @nightmarewalker @lunasnow20 @coolleviauchihadreamerlove @chocolateintolerant @givashel @shrimpsthings @grunid @swagbearfishturkey @angelic-kisses13 @nickangle13
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patchworkideas · 3 years
GatheringFiKi's Trick or Treat Event
Treat 18: What is the extent of your characters' skills when it comes to comfort food and autumnal bakes?
Fili can't bake. At all. Never tried, never had a reason to. Comfort cooking is equally unfamiliar to him. He taught himself the bare necessities of cooking for himself - quick, effective, healthy enough - but he keeps himself too busy to worry about something as asinine as taste or comfort.
(and if the comfort food of his childhood tastes like ash in his mouth because it reminds Fili of Frerin, well, no one has to know that.
Kili picks up on it though - and shares his own comfort food with Fili instead)
Kili would love to bake. Even took a course once. Same with cooking, just without the instruction. Problem is he doesn't really have enough time to learn it well enough to get on the level he's used to from the royal cooks and bakers. He does occasionally visit the kitchens when he's feeling especially wistful or has a lot on his mind and needs a moment to clear his head. The cooks might shake their head, but they learned to just give him something simple to whisk, knead, etc, something that just takes time, not skill, and let him feel like he's part of things. Funnily enough when Kili's done with his impromptu task they always have managed to magic up some of his favorite comfort food or snacks, exactly right for his current mood. He can never catch them actually making it though - even as an adult, they still insist its "magic" and a "trade secret". That little call back to his childhood makes him smile as much as the food really.
A Genie's Tale
Kili learned after he made his wishes. On his own, painstakingly and with Fili looming worried over his shoulder in case he got himself burned or cut or anything else. But Kili insisted. Took forever, to be fair, and he's still learning, but he's got some simple feel good recipes down well, and he loves experimenting with spices. He doesn't cook anything he had during his childhood, doesn't even try, but the simple everyday food he now makes brings him more comfort than anything from his childhood ever could. It's just another proof of both of their freedom - and Kili's ability to preserve, to live his best life and be happy even without being able to see.
Fili tries to help initially, but has absolutely zero idea what he's doing. And is honestly too busy with his medical studies to really have time or interest for it. Eventually - after Kili threatened to throw him out of the kitchen for being a worry wart - Fili settled on bringing his notes and a book into the kitchen and just studying while Kili cooked away, there if he was needed, but not in the way. It works for them, and the sheer domesticality of it still takes Fili's breath away some days.
Kili starts to learn how to bake as a kid, to share treats with his fox, and only gets better over time. Especially after he realizes just how much Fili loves fruity, airy baked goods. Especially when Kili makes them. Kili is sceptical about Fili's insistence that what Kili makes is better than anything that could be bought, especially in the beginning when his attempts come out rather loopsided occasionally, but he does eventually get to a point he could probably at least work in a bakery and keep up well.
(It's only years later, when he's a spirit himself and tries one of his old favorite store bought treats and they just don't taste right, that he fully understands what Fili meant when he said that they taste good because Kili made them for him. Apparently spirits can literally taste love.)
Fili can't bake or cook at all, and has no interest in learning. He appreciates what Kili can make on those weird human machines, but neither the oven, the washing machine or any other of Kili's human magic appliances work right for him, so he just let's himself be pampered with Kili's wonderful foods. He does occasionally bring in particular sweet berries and other ingredients from his forest though. Considering how much he loves his forest its about the biggest love gesture he can make.
(By the way: The machines don't work right because Fili thinks they're magic, and so unconsciously tries to start them with magic. This has some funny and not very helpful side effects at times. The washing machine for example literally eats socks now, and Kili had to decide between getting a new one and banning Fili from using it, constantly buying new socks, handwashing them, or washing a whole bunch of them at once when he visits his parents. He decided on the latter, much to his parents confusion. Sometimes his socks still end up missing though - he suspects Fili occasionally deliberately feeds the washing machine as "thanks" for getting their clothes - especially Kili's fluffy gifts to Fili - nice and clean again.)
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Seven Days ~ Chapter Eight
Seven Days -  Modern Tolkien AU
Firefighter Frerin Durin died in a fire set deliberately. But after he helps his brother, Thorin find happiness, Frerin is offered a second chance. He has to prove himself worthy by righting the one major wrong in his life. Otherwise, history will repeat and he will die for good this time. The catch? He has seven days in which to do this and isn’t even certain what his major wrong is.
At least, he doesn’t know for long. 
Syd Prescott has known Frerin since high school. She spent one night with him and then he vanished from her life. Now, he claims he wants to make it up to her, to right was he realizes was his major wrong. But can she trust him? And can he prove to her that she can before it’s too late? 
A/N - This story is the sequel to Miss Fortune, but is a stand alone story. 
Summary: Their second date starts off on a high note, but will it end on one?
Pairing: Modern!Frerin x OFC Syd Prescott
Characters: Frerin, Syd, Alex, Charlie 
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,464 
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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Syd stared into her closet, frowning at everything she owned. “How is it possible to have so many clothes and still have nothing to wear?”
“Talking to yourself, Syd?”
She spun about to glare at Alex, lounging in the doorway. “Must you sneak up on me like that?”
“Sorry.” Alex came into the room. “I didn't realize I’d snuck up on you at all. Where are you off to?”
Syd turned back to the closet. “Frerin Durin is taking me out.”
“Frerin? Giving him a second chance?”
“I think he’s changed, Lex,” she said as she stepped into the walk-in closet and went through the small stack of turtleneck sweaters before finding the one she wanted—a soft Fair Isle sweater in blue and gray—and backed out to find Alex just giving her a stern look. “What? I do and he has.”
“Since August?”
“Yeah. I know, it sounds insane, but…” Syd sank onto the edge of her neatly made bed. “The other night, when we went out, he asked me to go home with him and I said yes and then he decided we were rushing and we should wait.”
“Frerin Durin turned down sex? Are you serious?”
“Yes! See? And, when we—close the door, will you? I don’t want Charlie overhearing because I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Alex moved to push the door closed. “Go.”
“Okay, we came back here and we were watching John Wick—I know, I know, but I really didn't care what movie it was—and we started fooling around.” Syd smiled up at her younger sister. “And I got mine, while he willingly stopped me from finishing him.”
“We were on the sofa and he said he didn't want to make a mess, which I appreciated, but the fact remains, he willingly pulled my hand off him and suffered for it. I mean, Gram was coming down the stairs, and that would have been beyond awkward, but I cannot even imagine how uncomfortable he had to be.” A hint of heat climbed into her cheeks. “He’s not exactly a small guy, Lex.”
“The Durin men are blessed with good genes and they’ve hit the genetic lottery,” Alex replied with a grin. “So, are you going to do the deed tonight?”
“I kind of hope so.” Syd went back to the closet to get out a pair of jeans. “I just wish I knew where we were going.”
“He didn't tell you?”
“No. He texted me about an hour ago telling me to dress comfortable.”
“When Thorin tells me that, it usually means he wants to take me to the gun range.”
“Well, Frerin isn’t a cop, so I doubt that’s what he has in mind.”
“You never know.”
Syd chuckled. “I’m pretty sure we are not going shooting. But,” she came back out of the closet once more and slipped out of her cozy flannel pants to tug on the jeans, “just in case things go well tonight, don’t wait up and don’t worry if I’m out all night.”
“Just be careful, Syd, okay? I don’t want to see you hurt.”
“I know. I’ll be fine.”
“Hey, Syd!” Charlie called up the stairs. “Frerin’s here!”
“I’ll be down in a minute!”
Alex smiled. “Well, I hope it all goes the way you want it to, Syd. You deserve a nice guy who makes you happy.”
“I just hope I’m not being naive,” Syd confessed as she pulled the sweater on and fluffed her hair over her shoulders. “I mean, what if I’m wrong about him?”
“What does your instinct tell you?”
“To trust him. Which is weird because I know him, but still…”
“So, trust him.” Alex moved to open the door. “But be careful.”
“I will.” Syd couldn’t hold back her sigh. “But, I really do like him, Lex, and I really do want to believe he’s changed.”
“Until he proves otherwise, believe it, then. Anyway, have a good time and I’ll make sure Charlie doesn’t call the cops because you spend the night with him.”
“I appreciate that.”
“No problem.”
Syd finished dressing and tugged on her favorite pair of dark gray suede ankle boots, and then flipped off the light and hurried down the parlor before Charlie could begin grilling Frerin.
Too late.
“So, what exactly are your intentions where my sister is concerned?”
“Charlie, are you serious?”
“I am dead serious, Mr. Durin. She’s a pain, but she’s my big sister, so—”
“So, you don’t have to answer her,” Syd interrupted as she came into the parlor and it was all she could do to not stop dead in her tracks.
She’d never seen Frerin Durin look as hot as he did right then. She’d expected him to turn up as he had the other night, in jeans and a henley and boots, which would have been fine, but he looked even better than she’d anticipated in his faded Levi’s, relatively unscuffed black Docs, and black button down shirt instead. His hair looked as if he’d combed it by raking his fingers through it and all she could think about was how good a grip she could get on it, considering it wasn’t exactly long. 
Heat shot through her, worsening when he smiled and said, “I don’t mind answering, Syd, because my intentions are entirely honorable.” He turned that smile to Charlie. “So, I hope that puts your mind at ease.”
Charlie’s brows pulled low. “I still have a few other questions, but, I’ll leave it instead that you should both remember to practice safe sex and have fun.”
“Charlie,” Syd growled, grabbing her jacket from the back of the chair just inside the front door, “that’s enough out of you.”
“I’m just looking out for you, Syd.”
“Which I don’t need you doing, thank you very much.”
Frerin took her jacket and held it out. “It’s okay, Syd. I don’t mind answering.”
“That’s not the point. The point is that it’s none of my baby sister’s business and she would do well to remember that.”
Charlie pouted. “I’m just looking out for you, like I said.”
“Ugh.” Syd rolled her eyes as she picked up her purse. “Let’s go before I can’t be held responsible for what I do or say.”
Frerin grinned. “See you, Charlie.”
Outside, Syd’s heart skipped a beat when Frerin slipped his hand into hers and laced their fingers. “She’s just concerned.”
“I know. But she’s also nosy and she’s a pain.”
“Tell me about it. Remember, Thorin’s my brother. He wrote the book on being a pain in the ass at times.”
“Yeah, but Charlie doesn’t grill him about his intentions where Lex is concerned.”
“Thorin plans on marrying her.” Frerin glanced down at her. “The Prescott women have a way of making guys think that way, you know.”
She just stopped in her tracks, her heart skipping a beat. She stared up at him. “What?”
“Frerin, what do you mean by that?”
“I mean, you have me thinking long term, Syd. And get that panicked look off your face. I’m not proposing to you.” He leaned up against the Jeep’s front fender and with a gentle tug on her arm, drew her to him. “But, I like being with you. And I’m hoping you don’t mind having me around.”
“You’re growing on me.”
He smiled, wrapping her in his arms to press her firm against him. “I can live with that.”
He bent to her then, his lips warm and soft, his beard prickly on her face, but his kiss more than made up for it as those lips moved teasingly against hers with enough passion to make her toes curl inside her boots. 
As he drew back, he smiled again. “We should go. It’s freezing out here and it’ll get crowded before much longer.”
“Where are we going?”
“I thought we’d check out somewhere new. Somewhere that’s a step up from Darcy’s.”
“Darcy’s was fun, though. I mean, as long as we don’t talk about pool.”
He chuckled as he unlocked the Jeep’s doors. “We can go back another night. I promise.”
“Good. Some day, I’m going to kick your ass at pool.”
“Honey, I’ll gladly lose to you any time.”
She climbed in and as she fastened the seat belt, he settled into the driver’s seat and turned over the ignition to get the heat going. It as cold enough that she actually shivered. “It’s not even winter yet and I’m freezing my ass off. I can’t wait for spring.”
He smiled. “I don’t mind the cold. I spend too much time in hot environments.”
“I can understand that. How was your shift last night?”
“We got called out around two for a house fire.”
“Oh, no. Tell me no one was seriously hurt.”
“No. They weren’t. A cat is missing, but that’s the worst of it.”
“Oh, poor kitty.”
“They usually run off and come back a few days later, when they’re not so freaked out any more. I’m sure he’s fine. We did a sweep of the house and no one saw hide nor hair.”
She looked over at him, studying him in the soft glow of the dashboard lights. He looked tired, and she tried to picture him in full turnout, sweeping a house, reassuring anyone he might find that they were in good hands. That they were safe.
Because he had that calming air about him, the quiet confidence that assured anyone near him all would be all right. 
“It was nice seeing you earlier. I’m glad you decided to pop in.”
“Yeah?” He looked over at her as he shifted into reverse and carefully backed down the driveway.
“I’ll remember that the next time I’m at Francesca’s.” He shifted into first, then brought his hand down atop hers. 
Heat from his hand sank into hers and she bit back a sigh as his long fingers linked with hers. His hand was almost twice the size of hers, dwarfing hers to the point that she really couldn't see it beneath his. 
She looked over at him again. Everything about him dwarfed her. She was tiny compared to him—the top of her head barely cleared his shoulder. And those shoulders were sinfully broad. His chest was sinfully wide. And when he wrapped his arms about her, she felt safe, protected, almost cherished. It was no surprise he’d chosen to be a firefighter. He exuded calm and safety and protection and without thinking, she traced her other forefinger along the back of his hand, tracing the outline of the bones, along a vein that ran from just below his ring finger, along the back of his hand and wrapped over his forearm. 
His fingers tightened about hers. “What’s on your mind?”
“I’m just… it’s silly…”
He glanced over as he freed his hand to shift into third, then brought it right back to hers. “Tell me.”
“I bet people stop worrying when they see you. In a fire, I mean.”
“What? How so?”
“Yeah. You… you just give off that air, you know? The one that says everything is going to be okay.”
“I don’t know about that. But I have to admit, I like how that sounds.”
“Frerin, you’re a big guy. You have a beautiful, deep, soothing voice and a calm air about you. I’ll bet none of those people in that house last night were afraid once they saw you.”
He looked over at her and smiled, lifting her hand up to his lips. “Thank you. I think that’s the nicest thing any woman has said about me in a long time.”
“What?” He lowered her hand and downshifted as he came to the light at Plum and Main, and signaled to make a left. “My relationships usually start off friendly enough, but they rarely end that way.”
“Well, maybe it’s time that changed.”
He winked. “Maybe.”
The light turned and he eased forward, then when the lane cleared, made the turn onto Main Street. She thought they were going back to Darcy’s, but instead, he kept driving along Main as it became Route Seven and they left Cranford Falls behind. 
“Where are we going?”
“The Mountain View. I thought you might like a change of scenery.”
She smiled. “Are we dressed for it?”
“Yeah.” He glanced over at her again and winked. “You look beautiful, Syd, don’t worry.”
Heat sliced through her at his purred words. “Thank you.”
Another wink and he turned back toward the road. She settled back in her seat, which was heated and felt wonderful. The satellite radio was tuned to Classic Rewind and Bob Seger’s We’ve Got Tonight played softly. She sighed as his hand came down upon hers once more. He linked his fingers with hers and when she squeezed, he squeezed back. 
The silence that settled about them (not counting the radio at all) was comfortable and it was the first time in a long time where Syd didn't feel the need to fill it with small talk and chitchat. It wasn't stilted or awkward, although as she stole another glance at him, she did wonder what he was thinking about. 
“What’s on your mind?”
She jumped at his unexpected question. “I’m sorry?”
“You keep looking over at me,” his fingers tightened briefly about hers, “so what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing. I was just wondering why you’re so quiet.”
A low chuckle rolled off his lips. “I’m tired, is all. Quiet shifts mean I get a full night of sleep. An alarm in the middle the night means I’m not getting much, if any, sleep.”
“We didn't have to go out, you know.”
“Yeah, we did. I needed to see you, Syd.”
He said it so softly, his voice low and deep and sincere, and she pressed her lips together for a moment before finally whispering, “Who are you?” 
He looked over at her as he signaled for a right and eased off the highway into a small, somewhat crowded parking lot. “Like I said, I like being with you.”
“Since when?”
Easing the Jeep into a space, he slipped the transmission into neutral and pulled the emergency brake, then turned to her. “I told you the other night, I’ve had a crush on you since I was a skinny fourteen year old dork with braces who could only dream of being as cool as his older brother. You were sixteen and hot as fuck and had no idea I was alive even though I sat two seats away from you in Mrs. Senesky’s Spanish class.” He offered up a slight smile. “And when you did notice me, I chickened out about calling you again.”
“Chickened out? Frerin, you ooze confidence and you know you can have any woman you want.”
“Yeah, you see, you think so, but to me, I’m still that same skinny, dorky fourteen year old. Confidence? That’s fear, baby. I put on a good act, but all I could think was there was no way a woman like you would want to go out with a guy like me again.”
“A guy like you? Frerin, are you insane? You were never a dork. You’re gorgeous now, if you haven’t noticed. You were cute at fourteen, but I couldn't exactly tell anyone that, could I? And believe me, I did notice you.”
“Yeah, I was the jerk-off with the smart-ass mouth.”
“Yeah, but you were cute, too.”
“Damn,” he shook his head, “I should’ve taken my chances and asked you out. You know, I dreamed of losing my virginity to you.”
Heat streaked through her at that. “What?”
“Yeah. I’d be sitting in Spanish, looking like I was listening to Mrs. Senesky, but what I was really doing was imagining me being all cool and asking you out, borrowing Thorin’s truck, and then when the moment was right—bam!— you’d make a man out of me.”
“Frerin! You were fourteen!”
“A minor detail.”
She burst out laughing. “You are so full of it.”
“Okay, yeah, I made up the part about Thorin’s truck, but the rest of it is true. I wanted it to be you, but you didn't know I was alive.”
She met his gaze, which was more serious than she’d ever seen, and murmured, “That would’ve been nice. I mean, if you weren’t fourteen and I wasn’t sixteen.”
“Except I lasted about ten seconds the first time, so while it would’ve been fucking awesome for me, I think you’d have been a little disappointed.”
“Oh, God, I hope you’ve worked on your stamina since then.”
“Wait, you didn’t notice in August?” He winked. “I lasted at least thirty seconds that night.”
She frowned, pursing her lips as if thinking very hard. “Wait… did we even do it that night? I don’t remember.”
“Oh, that’s cold, Syd. You scratched the shit out of my back that night, thank you very much.”
“I was drunk and probably thought I was falling out of bed.”
“You were stone sober and calling out my name, I’ll have you know.”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“I know so.” He leaned over then and just before his lips met hers, he added, “I will make it up to you, baby. You’ll see.”
Before she could reply, he caught her lips in a slow, teasing kiss that had her almost melting in her seat. She slid a hand about the back of his neck, let her fingers wander up into his silky hair. Her lips parted at the soft instance of his tongue and as it glided along hers, her fingers tightened in his hair. It was all she could do to hold back her sigh, as he really knew how to kiss, and did so like a man who thoroughly enjoyed kissing as a whole. He was in no hurry, his lips moving leisurely against hers, his tongue slick and teasing as it stroked hers. 
Her head spun slowly as he playfully nibbled at her lips, then drew back and whispered, “We should go in.”
He kissed her again, just as slowly. Just as teasingly. Now the heat swirling through her had nothing to do with the seat warmer and everything to do with Frerin’s kissing her. He curved a hand against her cheek, his thumb just barely grazing along her skin. Each touch sent a rush of tingles sweeping through her, and those tingles all sank into her core, where they morphed into one massive ball of heat that flooded her as it blazed bright. The urge to climb over the console, into his lap, to melt into him and just let whatever happened, happen, grew stronger with each caress.
Frerin offered up a soft groan as he pulled back, breathless as he murmured, “Come home with me tonight, Syd. Let me make up to you everything that I’ve got to make up to you,” as he nuzzled her.
Her eyes refused to stay open at the gentle brush of his lips along her neck, over her ear. She leaned into his touch, a sigh rising to her lips. All she wanted was to feel his lips on her, his hands on her, to surrender to whatever happened between them and give herself to him as completely as she could. 
His hair brushed her cheek as he swept a kiss along her jaw, toward the opposite side of her neck, and when he swept over her pulse, he teasingly nipped her to send a fiery chill tearing through her. She shivered against him, her fingers twisting in his hair when he did it again. “Frerin…”
“I promise you, Syd,” he growled softly, “I will make it worth your while.”
“I know you will.”
He drew back then, his eyes soft as they met hers. Without thinking, she laid her hand against his scruffy cheek and whispered, “Are you going to change your mind again?”
“Do I look crazy?” he asked with a grin. “I’ve been kicking myself since the other night for being such a standup guy and not wanting to rush.”
“It was sweet.”
“It was nuts.”
She laughed. “I appreciated it just the same.”
He brushed her lips once more, then sat back and pushed open his door. “We should go in before it gets too crowded.”
She climbed out of the Jeep and as she came around the nose, he was waiting there and reached for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. His thumb teasingly brushed the palm of her hand, lightly at first, but then he did it again, with a little more force and she smiled as she did it back and his fingers tightened about hers as they went inside. 
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legolasbadass · 3 years
Heart of Gold, Chapter 16
Characters: Thorin, Dis, Thrain, Dwalin, Balin, Original Characters
Relationship: Thorin x OC
Setting: Post Azanulbizar, Pre Quest of Erebor
Notes: Hi everyone! I hope you are all well and staying safe! These notes are becoming redundant, but I will still apologize for the long wait I have imposed on you (again)! I had a crazy finals season, and then I had barely any inspiration or motivation to finish/edit this chapter! I have spent the last week and a half editing, so I would really appreciate any feedback on this chapter. I also promise (I know, big word, but I really promise!) that you won't have to wait as long for the next chapter. Some exciting things are happening in the story, and I could not be more eager to share them with you! Without any further ado, here is the long-awaited 16th chapter. I hope you enjoy it! 💙
This is the 16th chapter to my Thorin Oakenshield fan fiction, Heart of Gold, which can be read in full on ao3. Go check it out there to read from the start! Please consider liking or reblogging if you enjoyed this chapter or if you are enjoying the story so far! 
Word Count: 6893
Thorin could not for the life of him concentrate on the council meeting. It felt as though they had been at it for hours. Glancing up at the clock, he saw that it was now four o'clock in the afternoon, only to realize he had no idea when the meeting had started. All he knew was that it was probably too long ago. 
Four o'clock. That meant Dania would be sitting with his mother and sister for tea time. Despite all his best intentions, he could not help but think of her at the most inappropriate times. 
Being the heir was his duty. 
But she was his heart. 
His One. 
Why did his father have to recount their whole eventless journey to Lord Yngvi? It was as though he was inciting Thorin's mind to wander; like he was inviting him to drift down deep, secluded dreams where he and Dania were together, and they faced neither enmity nor aversion. 
In this fanciful world, he held her proudly, boldly, and loved her frankly and openly. That was what she deserved. Nothing less. The image of her being his — wearing his clasp in her braid, his colours on her gown, and his hand on her arm — was driving him mad. That image almost made him stand up on his feet at that very moment and profess his undying love for her in front of all these council members — their opinions be damned. 
But he knew he could not. He must not because he knew what their reaction would be. He knew the frown that would cover their faces and the scandalized revulsion that would flicker in their eyes. And he knew their opinion did matter, regardless of how much he wished it did not.
Dania deserved nothing less than his undivided devotion and to be adored and respected like the jewel she was. That was why he could not forgo their support and condemn her to a life of shame and shunning because she was not the one their kin approved of. Even though he knew there was no one better for him than her, that there was no one better than her to stand by his side and support him through his life. He had to keep it inside. 
He could not stand the fact that she had to suffer because of their closed minds. The sight of her tear-stricken cheeks as she told him of the venture she was forced to undertake to keep their union secret haunted him. He despised all the people in this room because of it. 
But he had to keep it inside. Sulking, he pressed his fists into his thighs to stop himself from screaming in rage at the injustice of it all. 
A hand on his arm pulled him back to reality. Vili was looking at him; concern etched onto his face. Thorin nodded to let him know he was alright and forced himself to concentrate on the conversation unfolding before him. 
"With all due respect, My Lord, we are still recovering from Azanulbizar. At this time of the year especially, our supplies are lower than they have ever been, " one of the council members was saying. He was young, perhaps even younger than Thorin, but already he stood right next to Lord Ynvgi; a sign of the trust his lord had in him, a sign of his influence in this room. 
Most of the council members were young, yet already they occupied the most influential positions and already led their families. 
We are still recovering from Azanulbizar. 
How long would that battle haunt them? 
So many people — too many — had perished, had suffered, or had been forced to grow up too fast just as he had, many years ago, on the other side of the world when that wretched worm had attacked his homeland. 
"I agree with Master Agnar," one of the eldest members said as he stood up. "However, Lord Thrain, like his ancestors before him, is an ally to the Firebeards*." Thorin looked around at those words, assessing where people's loyalties lay. "He has chosen our Halls for his only daughter's wedding — a most joyous occasion — is it not our duty to lend him our hand?" 
Lord Ynvgi gave a slight nod, though whether this was a gesture of agreement or dissent, Thorin did not know. 
"Master Mundi is right," said a younger Dwarf whom Thorin recognized as Master Airi, the one who had warned them of the orcs' numbers before the battle. "Besides, a wedding would be a welcomed distraction from the hard winter we have suffered." 
Several side glances were shared in response. His words rang true, though perhaps they did not form the most persuasive argument. 
At the other end of the table, a tall Dwarrow stood and looked to Lord Yngvi.
"Yes, Lady Ragnhildr," Lord Yngvi nodded. 
"Perhaps a bargain may be struck, My Lords," she began in a silvery voice. "I believe it is safe to say that I am not the only one who would be honoured for the wedding to take place here in Lord Yngvi's Hall. We may even lend Lord Thrain a hand as he ventures further South and finds a place to settle permanently — "
"Lay Ragnhildr, I usually applaud your council, but this is preposterous. We do not run a charity," the Dwarf right next to Lord Ynvgi interjected. 
Thorin heard his father sigh as Lady Ragnhildr smiled scornfully. "Perhaps if you would let me finish speaking my mind, there would be no need to insult my intelligence and hurt your own in the process."
A few, including Vili, had to stifle their snorts. 
"As I was saying," she went on with a side glance to the one who had interrupted her, "Perhaps we may strike a deal. The wedding takes place here, and we offer help as you find a place to settle. In exchange, as soon as your forges are up and running, you must give us a third of the weapons produced within the year, and we have your word that if any orcs, or even Men, come to attack us, we can count on your support." 
She and Lord Yngvi were staring at each other as she spoke, and he was nodding in approval as she went. 
"This is not charity," she said, scanning the table until her eyes landed on Thrain. "Nor is this a favour. This is business. As many of my colleagues have pointed out: times are hard. We will only survive if we can count on one another." 
Thorin found himself nodding in approval. Of course, fulfilling such a deal would be a strain on them, but what other choice did they have? They needed their help. And his father, who was intent on Dis being married as soon as possible —  "for the good of the line of Durin," as he put it — would find even more cause to agree to this plan. 
Thorin had to admire Lady Ragnhildr's negotiation skills. He only had to place himself in her shoes to see that,  given the circumstances, this was the best offer she could make and that it was actually an advantage to both parties. 
Fortunately, Thrain agreed with his son's unspoken opinions. It only took one glance between them, and the king was nodding. "Very well, Lord Yngvi." 
"I am honoured to host your daughter's wedding, Lord Thrain," Lord Yngvi said formerly, but there was something in his tone that hinted at old friends coming together rather than two lords signing an agreement. "Especially since, long ago, I was very close to Lord Viljar, Lord Vili's father," he added for the benefit of the younger council members. "This wedding shall be a celebration of my friendship with him as well as my friendship with you, Lord Thrain.
"There is much planning to get through before that joyous day is upon us," he went on. "But I think this is progress enough for today. I, for one, would like a very large ale." As soon as he said so, the boy sitting next to him stood to fulfill his request. "This meeting is adjourned, for now."
Finally, Thorin thought with a quiet sigh. He was satisfied with how the negotiations had concluded, but all he wanted now was to rest. He still would not get that. There was to be a feast tonight, and then there would be more negotiations tomorrow, and then soon enough, they would be back on the road. 
"Are you alright, brother?"
Thorin turned to face Vili and froze. Images of warm Spring days filled with honeycakes and laughter flashed in his mind, juxtaposed with blood and screams. Brother. Frerin always called him that. Not Thorin. Brother. 
"I am fine," Thorin said firmly, then, more gently, "I am fine. Thank you."
His father, along with Mimir, Dania's father, and Nar, was still conversing with Lord Yngvi, so Thorin made his way out of the council room. He was halfway down the hallway when he realized Vili was walking next to him. 
"So," Vili said tentatively. "How are you, truly?" 
"I told you: I am fine." 
"I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you by calling you brother, I just thought — "
"You did not offend me," Thorin said as he looked at him. "Really. You did not."
"Alright," Vili said with a tilt of his head. "Then, do you want to talk about it?" 
"About what?" Thorin sighed. 
"About what is making you so irritable — so . . . distracted," he said. 
Thorin frowned, his jaw set. "I am not — "
"Come now, Thorin," Vili chuckled. "I practically had to push you so that you'd listen in there. And your jaw was clenched so tight I was worried you would break your teeth."
How insolent, Thorin thought. He hadn't realized it was Vili's place to study him like he was some sick animal. He had half a mind to tell him off, but then his anger might be interpreted as a sign that there was some truth to Vili's observations. There was truth to it, Thorin did not deny that, but he would not admit it aloud either. 
"Is this about Dania?" 
Thorin could not hold back his outburst this time. 
"What does she have to do with any of this?" he demanded, looking down at him. 
His need to protect her — and their secret — mingled with the fear of being discovered, and what that would bring about fogged his mind. He could not let anyone take her away from him. He would not. 
"I — I do not know," Vili stammered. "I just thought — "
Looking around, Vili took a deep breath, then looked back to Thorin with softness and determination in his eyes. "Listen, Thorin, I spoke with Dis and from the things she said — I gathered there might be something between you two."
Thorin eyed him intently for a moment. "You mean Dis told you?" 
Vili sighed. "Yes, she told me," he admitted as he scratched his pale beard. At least he had the decency to sound embarrassed. 
Exasperation stretched Thorin's already overloaded mind. Leaning toward Vili to avoid behind overhead, he groaned, "you cannot tell anyone." He did not even wait for an answer before moving away, though he heard Vili trailing after him. 
Staring at the soaked leaves at the bottom of her cup, Dania sighed inwardly. The afternoon was passing away slowly, and with each minute, the respite it had promised was diluted like the taste of honey she chased in her tea. 
Dania was sick of tea. And most of all, she was sick of the idle chat. Dis didn't seem to mind too much. After all, she was being bombarded with questions about her upcoming wedding, which kept her mind occupied and her cheeks warm and red. Dania, on the other hand, felt out of place. 
Sitting on a luxurious, currant red sofa, Dania found herself more easily invested in her surroundings than in the conversation. After all, it went on as it usually did. Ester gossiped, Nal laughed, and Illiana scolded them when they went too far, though a smirk always tugged at her lips. Beside Dania, Lady Adis was silent, while Ester's mother, Lady Inger, and Lady Vigga, Lord Yngvi's wife, participated in the conversation enthusiastically. 
Lady Vigga was also quite the gossiper, though everything else about her was still a mystery. The many beads and jewels in her hair and beard marked her as a lady of high standing. She had a handsome face, though her thin lips and her wide-set eyes made her appear stern. The dark red of her dress did nothing to counter that impression. 
She obviously had expensive taste, if this room was anything to go by. A stone table stood between the sofa Dania and the queen sat on and the other on which Dis, Illiana, and Nal were sitting.  Ester, her mother and Lady Vigga occupied three of the four other chairs, made of some dark wood of which Dania should have remembered the name, and upholstered in faded golden damask. Covering the stone floor was a thick rug, its colours similar to those on the tapestries on the walls. One depicted a large figure with a long beard adorned with dozens of intricate, coloured beads. Dania recognized him as Mahal, their maker. In front of him were seven Dwarves looking up, cowering before him as he raised his hammer.* 
Lady Yngvi had offered this sitting room, along with its adjacent chambers, to Lady Adis and Lord Thrain as long as they remained in his Hall. Lord Thrain, however, had insisted on them remaining in their encampment just outside the gates. Whether this was because of pride or simply because he did not wish to abuse their hospitality, Dania was not sure, but she was grateful for it. 
When they had first entered the sitting room, Lady Vigga warmly welcomed them, but her eyes soon halted on Dania. 
"You must be Dania," Lady Vigga had said with a wry smile. "I have heard a lot about you."
Dania had no idea how to respond to such a greeting. Of course, she was used to people giving her odd looks and whispering behind her back, but that did not make it pleasant. And while she was used to it, it was clear that Lady Adis was not, and somehow she seemed to have taken personally the looks Dania had received. 
"Yes, Dania is quite the accomplished young lady," Lady Adis had responded in the same tone as she placed an arm around Dania's shoulders. 
Lady Adis and Lady Vigga had glared at one another for a moment as the hand on Dania's shoulder tightened its grip. It was a protective gesture, Dania had realized with embarrassment.
Lady Adis had been quiet since then, and Dania felt terribly guilty. Always, her presence seemed to be asking people to pick a side, as it had now. Dania hated it. Yet, at the same time, she could hardly believe Lady Adis had taken her defence. Did she feel obligated to do so? Or did she actually care? Dania knew her enough to know that the answer probably resided in the latter, but she still could not believe someone would go so far as to ruin their afternoon to defend her. Once again, she was immeasurably indebted to Lady Adis, but even more than this, she was profoundly touched.
As though sensing her inner turmoil, Lady Adis squeezed Dania's hand, a gesture that made her feel like a child, but not in a bad way. It told her that it was alright for her to be upset, that she was not weak for feeling so, and that she was allowed to seek comfort — comfort which Lady Adis wanted to give her. 
Promise me that you will tell me if you are feeling scared or lonely ever again. I am here for you, she had said the night the soldiers had returned from Azanulbizar. 
Her touch was a reminder of that conversation they'd had, and Dania was so grateful for it.  
It was the mention of Thorin's name that brought Dania's attention back to the Dwarrows before her. 
"I almost did not recognize him when I saw him yesterday," Lady Vigga said. "He has grown into a very fine young Dwarf. And he looks so much like you, Lady Adis."
"Yes, he does," Lady Adis replied with a small smile. 
"I imagine it must be odd for him to see his younger sister married before him," Lady Vigga said. 
So they had come to it that quickly. Ester shifted in her seat at those words; that alone was enough to provoke the monster inside Dania. 
"Not at all," Lady Adis replied. "I see no reason to rush him into an unwanted marriage. When he finds the right person, he will be ready." 
From the corner of her eye, Dania saw Dis glance at her quickly. Dania left her face a blank canvas, yet she could feel moisture forming in her hands, and the ever-present ache she'd fought so hard to bury bloomed again in her stomach. 
Whatever Lady Adis said, Lord Thrain did appear to be in a hurry to marry his daughter. Dis, like Dania, was only forty-five years old, and that thought did nothing to ease Dania's worries. Of course, they could not force Thorin to marry, but they could very well place him in a position where he had little choice but to consent to it. Dania hoped it would not come to this because she would have no right to get in the way if it did. 
She would not let him sacrifice everything for her. 
"Who said anything about 'unwanted'?" Lady Inger said with a chuckle, sounding as though she was attempting to lighten the mood, yet her eyes spoke a different language entirely. She wanted something. "So many young Dwarrows must have their eyes set on him."
Dania hated the way they talked about Thorin. She hated how they talked about him as though he was a piece of meat; a pawn in their grand game of chess. 
"I do not think my brother would be overjoyed to learn you were using his personal life as tea time entertainment," Dis said dispassionately. Dania wanted to kiss her in thanks for voicing her thoughts.
"Oh, my dear," Lady Vigga said with a laugh, "this has nothing to do with his personal life."
"You are talking about his marriage prospects — that has everything to do with his personal life!" Dis retorted. 
"Not if you are the heir to the throne of Erebor," Lady Vigga said. "Whomever he marries will be a queen one day. This is politics; not love."
"Perhaps these two concepts are not mutually exclusive," Illiana said. "Dis and Vili's upcoming marriage is a political one, but they do love each other." 
Smiling softly, Dania and Illiana exchanged a glance. Dis' cheeks had turned a bright red. 
"If the prince has his sister's sense then, yes; he will learn to love the one who will make the right queen," Lady Vigga said with a wave of her hand as though they were discussing whether one should wear red or blue to a feast. 
"Ah, and the prince is so devoted to his duties. He will make the right choice," Lady Inger said as she shared a look with her daughter. The monster inside Dania coiled its tail and roared. 
Nevertheless, Dania could not help but notice that Lady Adis was silent. Everything — or, almost everything — Laddy Vigga had said was true, and yet the queen's silence appeared to Dania as a small beacon of hope. Perhaps it was foolish. It probably was. Yet Dania clung to it like it was a ray of sun, and she was a flower that had bloomed too early in the Spring and found itself in a dark and barren world. 
"It is getting late," Lady Adis said as she rose from her seat, "and we must get ready for the feast tonight."
"Yes, and what an event that will be," Lady Vigga replied with a too-wide smile. "I look forward to seeing you there." 
Lady Adis nodded, then turned to Dania. "Are you coming, dear?" 
Dania smiled shyly at the term of endearment and stood. She gave a quick curtsy to Lady Vigga then gladly followed Lady Adis and Dis out of the sitting room. A long sigh escaped her lips when the door closed behind her. 
"Yes, I quite agree with that sentiment," Lady Adis said in response. 
Dania blushed, having hoped her most improper display of irritation would go unnoticed, but the queen did not seem to mind. 
"I hope you girls will excuse my behaviour," Lady Adis said as they walked down the curved hallway. "It is not like me to lose my temper in this way. But, then again, I have always despised Lady Vigga, and she was particularly bothersome today."
"You mean to say she was an absolute wretch," Dis said with a grimace, causing Dania to snicker. 
"Dis!" Lady Adis hissed in reproach, but there was an amused gleam in her eyes. Then a dry cough escaped her lips, causing Dis and Dania to stare at her in concern. "I'm alright — the air was just — quite stuffy in there." When her breathing recovered, she went on, "Dania, I do hope you will not let that viper's words get to you."
"It's alright," Dania said with a shrug. "I'm used to it."
"That does not mean you should accept it," Lady Adis replied.
They had made it back to the crowded entrance hall. Beyond the large stone gate, the sun was beginning to set so that the whole room basked in its warmth. 
"Vili!" Dis suddenly called out and walked ahead to where her betrothed had appeared. He smiled widely when he saw her, and the two exchanged a warm embrace, without a care for the stares they were attracting from the crowd of people around them.
"Listen to me carefully, Dania," Lady Adis' voice called her attention away from the couple. "You are a wonderful girl; smart, brave, and above all, you have a kindness that can warm even the coldest of hearts. Many people in this world are close-minded and will seek to tear you down because they refuse to challenge their beliefs. You must not let their words reach your heart."
Dania stared at her with wide eyes, silent as she let the motherly care in Lady Adis' eyes wash over her, feeding her the courage to speak. 
"My Lady," she said hesitantly. "What is it that they say?" Lady Adis frowned. Taking this as a sign of misunderstanding, Dania went on. "Lady Vigga said she had heard a lot about me. . . ."
Closing her eyes for an instant, Lady Adis took a deep breath. "Some — like Lady Vigga — believe that you are not one of us; that you are — "
"An outlander," Dania said flatly, looking down at the ground. She only looked up when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. 
"We are all outlanders in this part of the world," Lady Adis said. "And you are one of us. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Besides, in what world is it acceptable to scorn someone based on where they come from — something that is out of your control?"
Dania nodded slowly. Lady Adis' words seemed contradictory to her. She was one of them, but she could not be proud of the blood that flowed through her. The blood of their enemies. 
As though she heard these thoughts, Lady Adis' grip on her shoulder tightened. "You have nothing to be ashamed of, my dear. You must know that we cannot judge an entire race based on the actions of a single individual. Whatever words you might have heard thrown around behind your back, know that your mother — she did not bewitch your father or do anything ridiculous of the sort; they loved each other, and you carry their love within you every day.
"Lady Vigga was wrong about many things, but about this in particular: not everything is about politics; and in times such as these where grief has its claws on us all, it is more important than ever to cling to love." 
Tears stung Dania's eyes, and she knew Lady Adis would have understood — perhaps even more than she did herself — but they were in a crowded space; the last thing Dania wanted was to give these people more cause to stare at her. 
"Are you alright, Dania?" spoke the deep voice she knew so well and loved dearly. 
She curtsied before nodding, but he could read her eyes better than anyone. Concern marked his features as his mother spoke, but neither of them was really listening. All Dania could think of was the conspiring looks Ester and Lady Inger had shared earlier. Don't let them take you from me, she begged him wordlessly. 
"Thorin, love, are you listening to me?" Lady Adis said, causing both Dania and Thorin to blush. 
"Sorry, amad, I have a lot on my mind," Thorin said as he tore his gaze away from Dania. "What did you say?" 
Lady Adis stared at him for a moment before speaking. "I asked you if all was well? I have not seen your father anywhere." 
"Yes, all is well. There are still many things to discuss, but, so far, we have struck a good deal with Lord Yngvi. Father is still with Nar and Master Mimir; I imagine they were finalizing some arrangements with Lord Yngvi." 
Dis and Vili reappeared at that moment. Dania frowned as Dis looked at her brother for a moment, then at her, a guilty expression on her face.
"Are you coming to the feast tonight, Dania?" Thorin asked her. She could not read his mind, but it seemed to her as though he was deliberately avoiding his sister's eyes. 
"Yes, I am, Lord Thorin," she replied. 
"Speaking of which," Dis interjected, "we should go and get ready, don't you think?" she asked her. 
"Yes, I suppose," Dania said hesitantly. She barely had time to curtsy to Thorin and the queen and give Vili a small smile before Dis dragged her away from the crowd. 
They scurried along the path just outside the gates, passed by the guards, and cut across the encampment until they entered their tent. 
"Mahal, what's your hurry?" Dania said breathlessly as Dis started pacing in the small space between the two makeshift beds. 
"Oh, Dania I'm sorry — so sorry — I didn't think — I thought it would not matter — but of course it does; you told me it was a secret — "
The world froze around Dania. "What?" 
"Thorin already chastised me for it so," — she waved her hands in the air in defence — "there's no need to do it again. It is only that — well, we are going to be married, I should not keep secrets from him. But then Thorin went on and on about how it was not my secret but yours and — "
"You told Vili," Dania said with a relieved sigh. 
"Yes and — "
"Well, start with that next time! You had me worried!"
It was Dis' turn to freeze. "You mean — you mean you are not mad?" 
Dania did not know what she was feeling. How had Vili reacted? He certainly had not taken the first opportunity to divulge the secret to King Thrain — and she doubted he ever would — yet instead of being relieved — if not outright happy — that someone else knew of their love for each other and was not repulsed by it, Dania felt even more dejected. 
Judging by the bits and pieces of information she had gathered, Thorin did not seem overjoyed that Vili knew their secret. She knew how important it was for them to take their time before they could try and convince their kin of the viability of their union and the strength of their bond, but this was Vili, not the whole council chamber. Yet letting even one person know, someone they knew well, and that would soon be part of his family, appeared to Thorin as one stroke too many on the battered barrier that protected their shared heart.  That only reminded Dania of how little they could trust anyone with their secret, and by extension, just how fanciful was the idea of their parents blessing their union.
But Dania was not mad. Despite her befuddled thoughts, despite how much she wanted to scream at Mahal for placing the other half of her soul so close to her yet so beyond her reach, that foolish and naive part of her mind was glad that Vili knew. He was her friend, and he would soon be her best friend's husband. It felt . . . right for him to know. 
Shaking her head, Dania frowned. "No it's — it's Vili. I trust him. You trust him." 
"Thank Mahal," Dis exclaimed, relief flooding her every word. Dania wished she could feel the same relief. 
Dania let herself fall onto her makeshift bed. They were silent for a while before Dis sat down beside her, their knees touching, and she gently grabbed her hand. 
"Amad was right, Dania," she said. "Don't listen to what Lady Vigga says." 
Bitting her lips as a cascade of emotions climbed up her throat, Dania shrugged. "But Dis — she was right. Whoever Thorin marries one day, she'll be a queen — "
"You mean you will be — "
"Dis �� " Dania said breathlessly, shaking her head. She opened her mouth to speak but then resigned herself to the fact that she knew not how to translate her feelings into words. "I don't want to talk about this for now, alright? Let's just get ready for the feast."
The dining room was even more imposing than the sitting room they had visited earlier. Columns and complex geometric patterns were carved directly into the stone walls and had been polished so skilfully that they shone like marble. Most remarkable were the blue streaks of colour that gave these mountains their name gleaming in the candlelight, rippling through the stones like the waves Dania had once admired on the Long Lake.
Dozens of early Spring flowers and candles decorated the long stone table; an effort made to make the guests feel welcomed, but all it did was make them feel slightly out of place. Dania knew this was not just her own impression. Dis had not let go of her arm since they had walked inside, except to let Dania curtsy.
When the doors opened to reveal Lady Vigga, holding onto Lord Yngvi's arm, all Dania wanted to do was shrink up and disappear, but she was already at the back of the room, and no one paid her any mind. Lady Vigga looked even more imposing than she had a few hours before. She wore purple this time, and the cuffs and neckline of her gown were adorned with golden embroidery that matched the ornamental belt at her waist, attached with a large clasp bearing the sigil of the Firebeards.
Despite having had the chance to discard her travel-worn dress and don her only other gown, which Lady Adis had a seamstress restore to a suitable state, the other Dwarrows' fine attire intimidated Dania. She should have known better than to feel this way. With everything that had befallen them in the past year, fabrics and accoutrements should have been the least of her worries, but they became one of the many things that reminded her that she simply did not belong to this life. Her gown was a dull ash grey where the Dwarrows around her wore bright fabrics, embroidered and bejewelled, and her braids were plain compared to the precious beads that adorned their hair and beards. Even Dis was not so richly dressed, for they could not afford it, but then again, the princess did not require such embellishments to appear more elegant and regal than all the people in this room. Something in her countenance spoke more about her status than any jewel ever could.  
"There you are!" 
Dania and Dis turned around to see Ester, Nal, and Illiana walking towards them. They all wore their prettiest gowns, but only Ester looked like she belonged with the Firebeard ladies. Dania wondered how Ester could wear such expensive fabrics and so many jewels and not feel guilty when most of them had barely had anything to eat during their journey from Dunland. 
"Oh, Dis, you look beautiful!" Ester said. Then, without giving anyone else the chance to speak, she asked, "is your brother here?" 
Dis' hold on Dania's arm tightened. "Er — well, if he is not, he should be here any minute," the princess said. 
"Ester has been talking about him our whole way here," Nal said teasingly. "I do not think I could stand another minute of it!" Me neither, Dania thought. 
"Look, there's Dwalin!" Dis said in an attempt to change the topic. Something flickered in Ester's eyes, but she looked away, perhaps to appear uninterested or perhaps because she truly was indifferent to the warrior's presence. Dania was having more and more trouble understanding her motives. But then she remembered the look in Lady Inger's eyes, and she realized that it was possible that a union with Thorin was not something Ester wanted but that her parents wanted for her. Dania did not know which of these two scenarios bothered her more. 
Illiana was talking about Lady Vigga's offer to give them a tour of the Hall the next day when Dania's attention was stolen by a group of people entering the room, or rather, by one Dwarf in particular. Thorin was standing next to his father and mother, along with Balin, Nar, and Mimir, looking as handsome as ever. His hair appeared to have been freshly washed and braided, and he was dressed in the deep blue tunic he usually wore to such occasions. The colours were more faded than Dania remembered, but nothing could affect the majesty of his presence. 
As she slowly made her way toward her father, Thorin's eyes met her own, conjuring a deep blush from her cheeks. When she was finally close enough to the group, she curtsied, then grabbed the arm her father was extending toward her, but all she could think of was escaping this room to be alone with Thorin and feel his soft lips scorching her skin. As though he could hear her most improper thoughts, the corner of his lips curled up in a smile. That only made the heat inside Dania grow. Damn that Dwarf!
She was glad when they finally took their seats, if only because it might be easier for her to control herself while they sat at different tables. Mimir led her to a table near the main one where the king and his family were sitting with Lord Ygnvi and his wife, so Dania could still see Thorin quite clearly, but she forced herself not to look, or at least, not look as often as she wished to. Her father sat on her right and immediately began conversing with one of Lord Yngvi's advisors while she turned to another young Dwarf who had just pulled up her chair. 
"Oh, thank you," Dania said, startled by his kindness. 
"Not at all," he said with a warm smile before sitting down. "My name is Airi." 
Dania bowed her head in reverence. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master Airi. I am Dania."
"Airi will do; not Master Airi," he said with a chuckle. "And the pleasure is all mine, Lady Dania."
It was Dania's turn to chuckle. "I am no Lady."
"Really? Well, you have the countenance of one," Airi replied.
Blushing, Dania looked away, only to find Thorin staring at her through the many people separating them. He looked at her questioningly, but she could do nothing but give a short, almost imperceptible nod and tear her gaze away from him. 
Dania had not thought she could be more confounded by her surroundings until the food was served. There was chicken, roast beef, and sausages, too many kinds of cheese to choose from, freshly baked bread, roasted potatoes, and enough wine to drown in. She had not seen this much food in years. 
"Have you been enjoying your stay in the Blue Mountains so far?" Airi asked her as she delved into the dishes. One taste of the potatoes was enough to convince her to fill her entire plate with them. 
Dania thought of her afternoon with Lady Vigga, but the delicious taste of the wine made her nod in response. "Yes, it is lovely here."
"Have you had a chance to take a tour of the Hall?" Airi asked. 
"No yet, I am afraid," Dania said. 
"It would be my honour to accompany you around the place."
"I would be honoured, whenever that may be," Dania replied as she took another mouthful of sausages. 
"Well, there should be plenty of time for that, given that you will be staying here for a while, I gather," Airi said. "I am certain there are many things that would interest you. The ballroom for one — "
"Is there a library?" Dania asked before she could stop and think twice about interrupting him. She needed to look for other plants to help with her . . . problem, and a library was the place she would find information.
"Yes, of course there is. I could show you, if you would like," he said with a smile. 
"I would like that very much," Dania replied in the same tone. 
"What would you like?" Dania's father asked as he leaned in toward her. 
"I was just telling your daughter that I would be more than happy to accompany her to the library, Master Mimir," Airi explained. 
"You know my father?" Dania asked. 
"I was at the council meeting today," Airi said, nodding. 
Dania turned to her father. "Yes, about that — How did it go?" 
"Quite well, I would say, given the king's fixed ambition." He spoke using courtly equivocations to avoid being misunderstood by overeager ears, but Dania knew he was talking of Lord Thrain's hurry to marry Dis to Vili. "Besides, the important thing is that Lord Ygnvi will lend us a hand when we are ready to make our way further South along the mountains. And he has extended his hospitality so that those who are not fit to travel may stay behind in the meantime."
Dania knew that "those not fit to travel" probably included Dwarrows, meaning she would have to stay behind while Thorin left with his father's chosen companions, for Mahal knows how long. The thought left a bittersweet taste in her mouth. 
"You will have plenty of things to do while we are gone," Mimir said as he noted the slight frown on her face. "There is also much to look forward to before that moment is upon us. Do not fret, gehyith."
Dania gave her father a small smile to ease his worries, but she stopped listening to what her table companions were saying. Glancing up toward Thorin, she saw that he was now conversing with Ester and a Dwarf Dania recognized as her father. They were standing next to the seat Thorin had just vacated to greet them, and she was smiling and laughing at every little thing he said. Somehow, Ester looked even prettier than she usually did. Grinding her teeth, Dania tried to look away, but it was as though an invisible hand was holding her head in place, forcing her to watch as her heart was slowly being ripped away from her. Don't let them take you from me. 
When the desserts were served, she regained some of her spirits — that was the power of a perfect trifle — but her mind was still preoccupied with Thorin and the dismay the thought of their separation was causing her. Mimir noticed his daughter's change of mood, and as soon as the first opportunity presented itself, he excused them and led her toward the exit. Dania was both thankful for and annoyed by this gesture, for now, she would not even be able to steal a glance at Thorin, who would undoubtedly be stuck at the feast for at least another hour. 
Before stepping out of the room, Dania daringly glanced back to the main table, and she noticed Thorin staring back at her, evidently not listening to a word Ester was saying. Even from this distance, she recognized the fiery look he was giving her, full of promises for their next secret meeting. Perhaps her father was right; she did have much to look forward to. 
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