#f1 blm
mqlaren · 6 months
Haven’t been on in weeks but the first thing I see on here is how much yall fucking hate black ppl on the low and it shows. No the only black man in the sport is under no obligation to teach Leclerc about racism. That’s not his job. Yall will not use Lewis to launder Leclerc’s image. Especially fucking Leclerc of all people. Yall got too fucking comfortable on here and either forgot or are pretending not to remember what he did during BLM. The black people around u remember
Reminder that while other drivers just chose not to kneel or gave real neutral comments including Verstappen, Leclerc chose to tell the media how he didn’t support BLM bc those rowdy blacks were too violent and he didn’t like that
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But he also didn’t like any civil protests either bc they were getting used by politicians even tho we were advocating for political change so we shoulda just stfu and kept getting executed ig
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And then he went further and went on liking sprees calling BLM a Marxist conspiracy
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And a Italian Fascist party declared support for him because he was the white saviour of Ferrari and that’s why he had to issue a statement about hating racism and “those groups” using his name. Those groups were Nazis loving him for not supporting Marxist BLM btw
Reminder that people spread rumours that Ferrari weren’t letting anyone kneel but then Seb kneeled.
Reminder that Leclerc’s younger brother who is part of the Ferrari academy kneeled.
U can like your mayonnaise man, but a black man is not an accessory for him. Lewis isn’t going to Ferrari to give his ass a redemption arc that he never earned. Remember that black people in ur life see and hear the shit u say. We remember.
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I’ll always rock with Lewis Hamilton after he did this. This was so powerful.
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heartsoftruth · 2 years
Ted: “Do you think he [Max] does it because you’re (…) the most successful driver of all time and he has to show he’s beaten you? There can’t be any other reason why he races you the way he does unless there’s something deeper…”
“I don’t think there’s anything deeper in the background, because we  never really had like an in dept conversation. The actually only time we’ve ever had an in dept conversation actually was in 2020 in Austria where I went to him to speak to him about what Black Lives Matters meant. How much it would mean if he was… To be support and try to explain what it feels like and why we are fighting and what it’s about, right?”
“It obviously didn’t make a difference…”
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rainbow-lewis · 13 days
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This article from 2020 🫶🏼
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scrollonso · 4 months
last post i'm making about this because i've said sorry and admitted the way i worded the original post was wrong but me calling my mutual "lovely" and adding a "♡" in response to her using one wasn't in any way making daniel saying the n word or anything else ive spoken about recently a joke.
slurs shouldn't be said if you cannot reclaim them and overall shouldn't be used in a negative way because that completely defeats the purpose of reclaiming them.
i am aware of fernando alonsos past but i wasnt literally a few hours ago, i agree with NOTHING he's negatively said about lewis and am just disgusted at what lewis had to deal with from his own coworkers.
i understand i havent posted much about things such as blm, palestine, sudan, congo, haiti, and cameroon but when it is on my feed i do reblog it. i go to protests. i wear a necklace with palestine on it which i bought myself and the money went towards helping palestinians. on other social medias i actively do what i can to talk about topics such as those but here i post about racing and my own writing.
i don't feel like me wording a post wrong then going to sleep is bad enough for me to be told to kill myself, called slurs, told nazis should've killed more of my family, and more.
i did make a mistake and i apologize but i don't deserve what i'm recieving. if i have upset you i apologize and this is me promising to try my best to not hurt people how i have but you can't be mad at me for making a small mistake then send me death threats.
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andromedasummer · 2 years
can one of you f1 girlies become a journalist and interview the drivers who refused to take a knee because they wanted to fight racism in a different way/disagreed with how blm went about seeking justice and ask them, now that nearly 3 years have passed since the may protests, what steps they've taken to educate themselves on racism? what actions they've taken to improve things for people of colour within formula one/motorsports as a whole? or how they've gone about promoting racial equity in their own country?
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xo-tough-love-xo · 2 months
It’s gonna be insufferable on here with all the shipping posts coming up for Lewis and Charles. I will not forget that man talking against blm.
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Maybe charles will only change when he is in his 30s like seb and lewis did lol
He can also start now though! No age limit for it
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gridpenalty · 8 months
I will never believe any Hamilton-Ferrari rumours simply because Mercedes gives Hamilton a lot of reign to do all his extra curricular activities and supports his political efforts, whereas Ferrari would just never fucking do that
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lightsoutf1 · 5 months
The transcript from the press conference where Lando is asked about Trump.
Im going to break it down.
First things first Lando never said it was an honour to meet trump, he said "I guess it was an honour" for Trump to meet him. Thats an important difference.
"He came up to me to congratulate me, so I guess an honour" "It has to be an honour for them to come up to you"
In Landos mind, someone such as a previous president of the United States (i.e them) thought that it was important to wish Lando well and in Landos mind that was cool because he believes you have to work hard to be a president and is thankful that a president saw the "work ethic" that Lando puts into things and decided to congratulate him.
The "got to have a lot of respect for in many ways" is not a great but you can see that Lando is of the mind that an ex- president has to be given respect and no doubt he was briefed by the team to be respectful to Trump.
The "And thats all" is important because Lando does not want to be associated to Trump and wants nothing more to do with him. He was thankful that an ex-president congratulated him and thats all. He was respectful to him because he was an ex-president and thats all.
People need to not put all Trumps shit on Lando here. Lando was not thinking about Trump personally when he said it was an honour, he was thinking about himself and how mad it was that an ex- president thought he was so important and that was the honour.
Finally, Lando has done nothing to suggest he likes Trump. He supported BLM, he supports women in F1. He is respectful of LBGTQ. Not once has he acted badly towards anyone and the fact that not only Lewis but Lewis's dad supports him as well should say enough of who he is as a person.
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formulaonedirection · 8 months
The article that the Athletic just put out about Lewis is so lovely but it's also definitely made me think more about why Lewis would go to Ferrari and what a partnership between them would look like
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Like Lewis has stated multiple times that he's trying to build something bigger than himself and that his legacy will be making Formula 1 a better, more diverse, more inclusive space. Getting SCUDERIA FERRARI, a company synonymous with F1 and a company who at the height of the BLM movement was literally CRICKETS, getting THEM involved in Mission 44 is such a HUGE get in making that goal happen.
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I know it's unfair that it's always only on him to drive change in this sport but I think about this quote from his Guardian interview a lot. If anyone can make the world a better, kinder, more thoughtful place I genuinely believe in Lewis Hamilton. He doesn't fail at a lot of things.
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slutforpringles · 5 months
What do you think is actually behind the Danny bashing on social media and Reddit lately?
I find it really puzzling, to put it mildly. As if the decision over an RBR or VCARB seat is simple enough to decide 4 races into a 24-race season, which it certainly isn’t.
Some of the Yuki and Liam fans seem to be really young, and for some of them, there seems to be some sort of weird ageism involved in their anti-Ricciardo ranting.
But some of it seems to be an enjoyment of tearing someone down who’s always been popular, despite him not misusing or abusing that popularity
IDK - what are your thoughts, please?
Hey anon! This is actually a really interesting question, and I’d be really interested to hear other people’s thoughts and opinions on too. I think probably how much time you spend online and on which online platforms does probably affect your viewpoint, and obviously this is just my take on the growing anti-DR sentiment based on what I’ve seen/ experienced. 
I think it’s definitely multi-faceted, which is partly why there’s so much of it at the moment, because multiple situations/things have fed into the Daniel hatred. 
I think a very large percentage of it is simply the influx of new fans into the sport that have only seen Daniel drive from the McL era onwards. 
I think a lot of people are consuming more and more F1 content from non-trustworthy sources (e.g. instagram and twitter update accounts, non-reputable websites) that use clickbait and unsubstantiated rumours to create maximum drama. I think this has been particularly tricky for Daniel, because his popularity has made him a super target since 2021 for this.
I think there's a growing sentiment of annoyance at the limited number of seats available to enter F1, particularly for fans of younger drivers who have watched them go through the feeder series and feel it is unfair that they aren’t being given a chance in F1. I think this has become even louder since F1 rejected Andretti’s bid, and I think struggling or older drivers become a much easier target for expressing that frustration than an entire sport/regulatory body.
I think the more recent wave of fans being more critical of driver’s public opinions and thoughts on social/political/moral issues has probably increased scrutiny on Daniel, too. And while I completely agree with fans expecting more and better from drivers, I think there’s a huge amount of hypocrisy and recency bias when it comes to some very vocal online fans and fanbases, which I think also underscores how many of them are part of the new wave of F1 fans. (E.g. I see ample criticism of Daniel from fans of driver’s who refused to kneel during 2020 that are clearly totally unaware that Daniel was one of the loudest supporters of Lewis during 2020 and BLM protests)
I think it’s also just part and parcel of the growing extreme polarisation of the internet. It seems people are becoming far more used to extreme polarisation in general, and the echo chambers of social media and the wider internet algorithms are only continuing to exaggerate that. People also seem to be less and less civil online, and while places like twitter have been a toxic wasteland for a long time, that toxicity and complete lack of normal human interaction has started to affect other online spaces too.
And yeah I do agree that there seems to be a certain percentage of fans that just seem to enjoy revelling in a driver’s struggles, and love to tear down someone who seems to be a happy bubbly person. And while some of that is maybe inherent sports tribalism (which I’m not really on board with tbh), I really think it’s reached a whole new low.
OK sorry I didn't mean for this to be such a long response! Hope that answers your question and I’d love to hear if anyone else has other thoughts/opinions too!! 🙂
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hamyilton · 8 months
Thinking about that Verstappen post I reblogged earlier, it’s interesting to me that on a site that’s very liberal and left-leaning, where racist or other bigoted beliefs are typically shut down right away, that so many people here are fans of MV. I’ve done some thinking on it and I believe his fans fall into these types of groups:
1.Max fans who were fans well before 2020 and formed strong emotional attachments (as he had never said anything outright offensive before this time, and ignoring the incident with Ocon). I believe that having to admit you liked Max before he did and said these shitty things and thus having to craft a whole new blog is simply too much of a task for people, and these are likely people that are big proponents of the fandom characterizations of Max that ignore his real personality and actions. So, these people are aware of his shitty actions but ignore it for the purposes of fandom.
2. People who were fans of his before 2020 and know about his actions but just don’t care, I guess to them racism and ableism are excusable if you really like someone/think they’re hot.
3. Fans that do not know the shitty things that Max has done and are truly ignorant. These are most likely people who started watching F1 after 2022 as I feel like it would be hard to watch the 2021 season without being aware of the controversies lol. They think people only dislike Max because of his domination and are also riding on the back of the popularity of lestappen which was (at least how it seems on Tiktok) a lot of peoples introduction to F1 fandom.
This has been sitting with me for a while, trying to reconcile how people could support someone who’s said racist things (including that he did not believe in BLM when Lewis approached him about support, disrespected Lewis’ father, refused to name him in interviews, drove recklessly like Monza 2021, and the use of slurs etc.) with the larger liberal and social justice oriented Tumblr community. Like, I do genuinely feel bad for people that liked Max in the time before he actively said and did more shitty things, but like, if you can really support someone who behaves so awfully and can be a real danger on track, I don’t believe you can call yourself a true advocate for equality and fairness. And I haven’t even mentioned Abu Dhabi 2021 yet but the fact that it’s remembered now as “drama” instead of one of the most egregious examples of a championship being manipulated against the sport’s only Black driver…like it makes me fucking sick to my stomach. So many people quit watching F1 because of that and I really don’t blame them because it showed the complete lack of integrity of the sport itself.
Anyway, this is something I’ve been thinking about for a while now considering I’ve had to block what feels like a hundred MV fans because it’s so upsetting to see. And to see people write Lewis/Max fanfiction it feels like I’m living in an alternate reality because how can people not know??
Anyway rant over.
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rainbow-lewis · 26 days
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comraderoscoes · 25 days
Kimi raikönnen did what? 😳 how did he act towards lewis? This is all news to me and that's awful! WTF
iirc he teamed up with someone called jesse james who has a history of using nazi symbols, doing salutes etc to make merch. this merch incorporated the iron cross into his logo. afaik he's done nothing to say hey my bad, didn't make the connection. nothing to say hey, i'm not a neo-nazi
he refused to kneel during blm. posted instagram stories mocking lewis and insinuating that he wasn't as much of a man as he/old f1 drivers were. his wife once said lewis was crying like a girl and that he should take up ballet
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xo-tough-love-xo · 8 months
Lol not to that man’s team who said I ain’t gone kneel.
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