#fabby fab
ace-sher-bi-john · 9 months
Highlights of Today's Episode (Basically John and Sherlock both being my patronus at the same time):
John putting less and less effort into his disclaimers.
"That would be fabby fab" - Dr Jonk Watson, 2024
Sherlock explaining linguistic concepts used in neurotypical conversations and John not even beginning to understand a word of what he said.
Jonk: This boat is awesome! We should live here!
Sherlock: I agree! *pumps out sewage*
John singing, forgetting he's recording a podcast "I'm living in a box. I'm living in a cardboard box" - My patronus, right there!
Oh hi oh!
Sherlock telling Mariana that John wishes to "present her as his sexual partner" so they can participate in swinger culture.
"This episode better make sense! You better not be making this up!" - Poor Mariana thrown in the deep end with zero context
"Can I just climb aboard please Mr. Murderer?"
"It's my birthday!" "What are you? Twelve?" "Just do it!"
"World class wife! Worldy. 10/10 wife, would recommend to a friend!"
Sherlock constantly bringing up his birthday like he's Rapunzel. "Also it's my birthday... Just so you know :)"
Sherlock and John having really soothing voices, as usual. If I was trying to sleep (it's 12:42am est as I am writing this), their voices could lull you to sleep. Very calming!
Sherlock getting a birthday party and completing the mission in record time because of course he does! Sherlock is a happy boy.
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right-agent · 7 months
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"One Night Only at The Ivy" with Maggie Smith, Samantha Bond, Penelope Wilton and Derek Jacobi (2022)
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starkjoy · 2 months
Freddie Fox On Gwayne
I just listened to Freddie Fox's latest interview on the Pilot TV Podcast—it's full of great insight into Gwayne's character, including a potential hint at where he's headed. I highly recommend listening yourself, especially because Freddie is so lovely, but I've included my favorite bits below (including him calling Fabien "Fabs" and "Fabby").
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On Gwayne and Alicent in Episode 6
"I loved that conversation he has with Alicent. In fact, it was a scene we ended up reshooting...I was glad to have another shot at it, actually, because I wanted to give it a couple more extra beats in there that I think really show what their relationship was, which is one that's been very distant. But one that is quite loving, even if only in sort of theory, rather than practice...I did a lot of backstory on him and I feel he was very much raised by his mother who he lost very young. He's sort of been an abandoned child. And so consequently, reaching out—as well as he knows how—to his sister in that scene I thought was very touching."
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On Fabien, and Gwayne and Criston
"[Fabien] is amazing fun...Fabs and I get to spend a lot of our time together, and I really, I can't put it more frankly by saying I felt like I'd known him for 20 years after having met him for 24 hours. And that's really lucky, because we do have to spend a lot of time together.
And you do need to feel, over time, that these people—who are really on opposite ends politically in the court do end up, sort of, skirting each other, and then finding common ground. So it was lovely to feel like we could do that quite easily because we had a good friendship straight away."
More under the cut:
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On Gwayne's Relationship With Otto
"I'm such a fan of Rhys Ifans' work generally anyway, but he has such poise and command as a performer...I watched him quite carefully thinking, is there a way I can take some of his body language into my own and see if I could, you know, sort of trace the familial kind of thing between us through body language.
That being said, it sort of then dawned on me really that we'd not really spent much time together as father and son. He's always been preoccupied with the work at Court, being this sort of Rasputin, really, character, and I'd been brought up by my mother in a completely different place."
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Hints for a Gwayne Finale Arc...
"There's a mercurial element to him which is quite smart, and rational, whilst also sometimes being loaded with preconceptions as well. He really humanizes over the course of the series. I won't spoil what happens in the final episode, but it made me really endeared to him as a person going, look, you know, he's someone who perhaps was raised with a bit of a silver spoon in his mouth and was a little quick to judge initially, but as time goes on and the battle completely breaks him down, he becomes a very human, kind person."
...And potentially a return for Season 3?
"I will watch Season 2 in anticipation of prepping Season 3, but I'm not watching any of it as it comes out. It's sort of on principle, I suppose, not wanting to get too caught up in it when I'm doing other work. But I couldn't resist watching that episode [Rooks Rest, I think] and I text Fabby afterwards, and just said 'Wow, we were part of the whole thing there, that was really cool.'"
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genebeanz · 9 months
THE SCIENCE WOMEN TRIO, Re: Feelings and Betrayal
Alright I'll bite. Here's my headcanons on the development of the relationships between Solaris, Fabricator, and Prism. I've been thinking of how they interacted with one another, with more focus to what happens Post-IEYTD 2 up to Post-IEYTD 3 (because that's when they have the most chances for interaction). A.K.A: I am not normal about these three. They are constantly revolving around my head.
Small spoilers for these games ahead!
The duo with the most history, they've been working together for a While
Solaris is probably the only coworker Fabby openly respects/enjoys the company of. They have a lot of things to bond over
(Though Fabby's known to rag on Solaris a bit. "She's inelegant" type stuff. I think Solaris doesn't really mind it because Fabs still calls her darling and talks with her fondly and all that gay shit)
btw im not sure if they'd fully acknowledge the nature of their relationship. The idea of them being girlfriends at some point / them in perpetual pining are both fitting to me
Which is a bit surprising because of their differences, ESPECIALLY with regards to their loyalty to Zor
They do butt heads often when it comes to their projects, but a lot of the time they could see where the other one is coming from and in the end they find a way to compromise their visions
But I think their loyalty to the cause is a huge sore point between them
Solaris has always felt detached, while she's intimidated by Zor she has her own stuff to do. Though she's starting to think if she should really stick around in the first place (seeing as how quickly they disposed of Juniper after he turned his back at them)
And she's worried about Fabby and her undying loyalty. Yes she was basically Zor's right hand man, but when it comes to betrayal how can you really be sure...?
She may have tried to talk to her out of it, but Fabby has proven time and time again that she's not open to discussion
On the other hand Fabby has been trying to get Solaris to change her mind and GOD why doesn't she just want to be truly loyal to Zoraxis?! The only reason Solaris is scared, Fabby thinks, is that she's already at odds with Zor, if she kept that up they'll obviously betray her
IN MY Head this comes to a tipping point where Fabby told Solaris about their new scientist, Dr. Prism, and Fabby was already openly talking about Zor's plan to betray her. and Solaris is like oh no.
So she leaves. and then denounces zoraxis on the way out.
Fabby doesn't admit it (She'd never admit anything) but it felt like it was a personal betrayal, as much as it was a betrayal to Zoraxis
They were supposed to take on the world together...how could she leave so quickly?
and she thought ok. good fucking riddance. Zor tells her to think that. so she does
Fabricator doesn't like Prism. She doesn't like how she's just in Zoraxis for the kinesium...if she used her skills for the true goals of Zoraxis she would've been much nicer to her
She doesn't want to bond. What is the Point. The one other person she trusted betrayed her. Besides they were going to betray Prism anyways. Nip em in the bud before they live long enough to pull a fast one on Them
Unfortunately, Prism reminds her so much of...the sun. She's smart, resourceful, ambitious, and her thirst for vengeance is admirable. She admits Prism's research is extensive and well-made
In time she eventually grows to respect her, even if begrudgingly. She's kind of mad at her for making her think this way about her like HOW FUCKING DARE
On the other hand. Prism. Dear sweet Prism. She's absolutely intimidated by Fabby and she tries to avoid being alone in her presence for too long. It's a bit hard because they're the ones that spend the most time together
Fabby hovers over her to an uncomfortable degree and she digs at her a lot. Prism has always had the idea that she's not someone to piss off so she tries to not. do that
She knows Fabs is a brilliant scientist but she had trouble with talking to her at first. She would be open about Fabby's opinions if she didn't lace her words with poison all the time
There's respect. and Fear. If there was a chance for them to really, truly bond...Prism doesn't know. Fabby doesn't make herself open to friendship and whatever so Prism doesn't try. I mean whY would she. For all she knows Fabby hates her guts
I'd think there was no time for her to change her opinion/get closer to Fabby because at that point she has been betrayed by Zor
And now she survived and she ran away
Fabby doesn't know what to think of it. To be honest. Maybe she's relieved that somehow she survived, despite everything. Why she'd feel that way...she has no time to dwell on that.
I think they'd (accidentally) meet post-IEYTD 3. Far far away from Zoraxis and the Agency
At the get-go I think they'd get along very, very well. Engineering women who's had awful, awful experiences in this one corporation they used to work for? That's neat, actually
They somewhat know of each other. Solaris left just before Prism got on the team, and Prism has heard stories of an ex-commander who piloted THE Death Engine
I think Prism would have also read the paper where Solaris denounced Zoraxis while Prism was working for them. She'd probably say she was blinded by vengeance for the Agency to get second thoughts.
Solaris feels bad for Prism, I think. There was a (small) length of time where she could have talked Prism out of what she's about to do. But she chose not to
Prism doesn't blame her, of course - they weren't close, and it was a hard time for Solaris. (Besides, she couldn't have undergone that character development if she was being reasonable, god forbid)
It's good for them to have someone to air out their Zoraxis experiences. It's nice to know you're not alone
At the back of her mind, Prism knows that Solaris and Fabby were . close. But that's not something people bring up out of the blue, damn
(Though knowing that Solaris left when she did made Prism think if this was related to how Fabby acted around her. Much to think about.)
Without the pretense of working for something I think they'd enjoy just hanging out, you know? Bonding about building contraptions and machinery for fun. For the first time in a while they feel relaxed about their craft
They'd find appreciation from one another. No more backhanded comments, looks of disappointment, fear of mistakes, total ignorance. If one of them screws up I think they'd just laugh it off and try to fix it together
They'd also share their interests, like Solaris talking about space and Prism talking about robits (and cocktail mixing) and such
Maybe Prism asks to crash at her place for an undisclosed amount of time and Solaris doesn't mind. In fact she likes her company. After moving to the countryside she hasn't really.. talked to anyone in a while.
These could be read as platonic/romantic sense btw I'm like. wow. give these women a break
And there you go! Science women polycule moment I guess!!! I actually haven't written something like this before, but it was really fun to just ramble what I want. Not sorry for the wall of text <3 Beaming you my headcanons you have NO choice
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heycerulean · 11 months
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zor: what the hell did you do with my scorpions fabby: hat :) zor: the hell do you mean by that zor: fabs wtf
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some more ieytd headcanons but ones specifically centered around zoraxis staff. prism is mentioned but not really in a spoiler way. nothing is mentioned that the trailers haven't already revealed so idk
Struggles to keep long term relationships of any type because showing that he cares about people is incredibly difficult for him. He likes to imply it and just… hope the other person knows. But what seems obvious for him is incredibly vague for others around him.
(He has lost most of his friends and all of his partners to this phenomenon and he’s really bitter abt it)
He hates embarrassment so much that the second he starts to feel it his brain translates it straight into rage. Unfortunately, this quick fuse normally causes something to happen that only embarrasses him further.
He talks to himself a lot. Which means that he thinks to himself out loud, but he also literally talks to himself. Refers to himself as ‘John’ and hypes himself up whenever he’s about to do something he deems important. 
His conceit actually comes at the consequence of making him incredibly paranoid. Whenever someone’s talking or laughing, he always needs to take a second to eavesdrop and make sure they’re not talking about him. 
Suffers from very intense time blindness- both in regards to her work, as well as her personal life.
Robutler being there was probably the only thing stopping herself from wasting away after she left the Agency. She can, will, and has forgotten to eat, drink, and sleep while she’s been working on projects before. 
Names are incredibly important to her. They’re a sign of basic respect, and over the years that mentality has affected how she communicates with… pretty much everyone around her. She uses them a lot more than the average person would because of that.
(It makes talking w/ Fabby so hard because calling her ‘Fabricator’ feels. bad. That’s not a name dude. even Zor has a name Fabs come on work with her here.)
Really hates unpredictability. Only eats from a small pool of foods because that’s the only stuff she’s absolutely certain she’ll like. Working with her robots is so comforting because she’s always aware of exactly what their thought process is going to be. 
She’s naturally very loud. Volume control is pretty much never at the forefront of her mind, but at the same time she gets really annoyed when people tell her to keep it down.
Believes (wrongfully, mind you) that everyone else has at least a neutral relationship with her. Is completely unaware that some of the crew are absolutely terrified of her.
Says what she means and means what she says; rarely ever sugarcoats stuff, and hates needing to decipher other people when what they mean and what they say don’t intertwine.
Praise doesn’t really do anything for her. Obviously it’s nice to receive, but it doesn’t make her feel any better about the work she does. In that regard, she’s entirely self motivated.
She’s very prone to sleepwalking. She’s learned the hard way to cut herself off from her projects and actually go to bed after too many incidents of her wandering around in the lab, bumping into who knows what.
Gets mad easily, and stays mad for a really long time. The sort of person to shake with how visceral her anger is. ‘An eye for an eye’ is one of her daily affirmations, she is not above revenge in the slightest.
She enjoys the way that most people shrink away from her in fear, and plays up her unnerving demeanor just for the fun of it sometimes. However, sometimes people will be scared of her when she’s not even trying, and she will be completely oblivious as to why.
(It's like that scene in Bad Guys where they can’t even get a check for their meal because the staff are all cowering, so they just have to leave the cash on the counter. Waiters in the kitchen drawing straws trying to decide who’s gonna be forced to serve her)
Poison has been her special interest since before she was even working with Zor. Obviously, they’ve only fueled that fire of hers since.
Absolutely adores creatures that people would consider stereotypically terrifying, so long as they have aesthetic appeal. She’d wear a live snake around her neck like a feather boa. She baby talks to Zor’s scorpions. She takes design inspiration from tarantula coloration. You get me.
Speaks with her hands a lot. If you stand too close to her she’ll probably poke your eye out.
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anamoon63 · 10 months
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Keira: So, 'a Starlight Accolade nomination in your future', huh? Allan: Nah, Marin was just excited for that fairy tale ending. Keira: Yeah, that’s some realism you and Fabian put into that kiss. Allan: Like Marin said, Fabby has improved.
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Keira: Plus, he has a crush on you. Allan: Oh, please. Keira: No, it's true. And that's ok, a new era is starting for you, just be safe and try to stay out of trouble, ok? Allan: You're suggesting Fab and I...? No way, we are and will be just friends, we already talked about it, and he understood. You and me, on the other hand…. Keira: You and I are no longer...
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Before Keira can say anything else, Allan kisses her. This time it is goodbye, or so they think.
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consistofthestrange · 3 years
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guyeppel: @thestrokes’ Fabrizio Moretti, photographed at home in NYC, 2008. The Strokes just announced a benefit show at Irving Plaza in support of mayoral candidate @mayawiley4nyc. Who’s going?!?!
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alicanta77 · 3 years
i’m a bit drunk but i’ve done like 4 hours of writing today so it’s worth it
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mayorsprada · 3 years
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right-agent · 7 months
So Fabby is a scorpion type creature, and Hivemind is a bee. Is Charlie still... some regular guy? That must be a strange boardroom meeting
LOL sorta kinda, charlie is Still a regular guy but so is fabs and hive well Kinda, the answer behind their design is i reeeeally like bugs so i add bug features to them, its kinda a mix of artificial buggary and Not like with how i give fabby spider fangs and hive mind probably has wings i havnt decided yet, IN SHORT it’s kinda like, a mix of both?
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it’s still a pretty strange meeting
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skyler10fic · 2 years
Reveal - Ch. 5: Demo
Summary: Jemma and Fitz find out their conference is even more exciting than what they thought it was going to be—and they find their career focus within Shield.
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Read on Ao3 | Ch. 4
Jemma and Fitz wandered the crowded halls of the conference center in awe. It was certainly full of academics and scientists, as expected, but also interspersed in the crowd were unusual people wearing, well, costumes, for lack of a better term. Jemma cringed and corrected herself. Uniforms. They were at work, just like the rest of them. But it was hard to ignore the ones who wore masks to conceal their identities, tight-fitting bulletproof bright colors or had physical differences like tails and cat’s eyes and gills. She tried not to stare disrespectfully and chided Fitz for gaping.  
“Oh, come on, Jemma, it’s a fishman!” Fitz whispered excitedly. “He can breathe air and water, just think of the complex anatomical systems to make that even possible!”
“Of course I’ve thought of it. He may not be human, but he’s still a person and we shouldn’t look at him like he’s a circus act.” Jemma steered them toward the registration table to pick up their name badges and swag bags. “What are all these people doing at an artificial intelligence conference anyway?” 
The first familiar face they spotted was Dr. Andrew Garner at the registration table. 
“Ah, there’s our youngest presenters,” he greeted them. “Fitz, Simmons, I hope you’ll forgive your ol’ professors for not being entirely transparent about the nature of the conference, but I think you’ll understand our reasons. These tablets are geolocked. They will display all you need to know about schedules, maps, and so on within the boundaries of the event area, and they clear themselves when you leave. If you’ll sign this, it just says we trust you’ll honor the confidentiality here, even from other cadets in the Program.” He looked up from the tablets to read their expressions at this last bit. 
“Naturally!” Jemma squeaked. Fitz shuffled his laptop bag to the side and signed the tablet, which lit up with a greeting screen and his name. The real title of the conference was revealed: International Shield Forum on Assistive Biotechnology for Enhanced Individuals, ISFABEI for short. Jemma nearly snorted at the long acronym. Highly on-brand for Shield, after all. 
“We call it Is-Fabbie, or just Is-Fab.” Dr. Garner explained with a knowing smile. “You’ll get used to the jargon, and the, uh, interesting colleagues.” 
Jemma suddenly understood—not just why their paper was accepted and they’d been asked to present it here, but their role in all of it. Their place in the Secret Warriors, in Shield, in history. She grabbed Fitz’s arm and thanked Dr. Garner before pulling her boyfriend away from the crowd. 
“This is it.” Her smile grew as the sense of calling swept over her. “This is our future, Fitz. I can feel it. Our work can help these people.”
Fitz caught on but replied more somberly. “And their work is to save the world from impossible things.”  
Jemma raised her chin confidently at the challenge. “Then that’s what we’ll help them do.” 
They surveyed the conference area again, observing all the various powered people among the scientists. This time, though, they saw possibility. As someone with fire powers demonstrated on a small stage, FitzSimmons whispered about flame retardant uniforms. Another with wings walked by, and they brainstormed ideas for improved tech for flight goggles. 
They networked with other scientific agents throughout the afternoon, of course, and learned everything they could, but it was the specific needs of those with powers who entranced them. They stayed up late into the night at the hotel bar and grill, not drinking but peppering the Shield scientists already doing the work with as many questions as they could get answers to. Most of their questions received the standard “that’s classified” answer first, but the kindest agents were willing to say what they could and led the teen geniuses to their own conclusions where they couldn’t provide direct answers. 
More than once, FitzSimmons solved problems the Shield scientists had hardly even admitted to having. This made an impression, and by the end of the night, they had collected the business cards of department heads throughout the international organization for internships the following summer. 
They made one thing clear though: “We’re a team,” Fitz said, pointing to Jemma and then to himself, “Biochem and engineering.” 
“Package deal,” Jemma agreed, trying not to yawn. They were situated snuggly on a couch in the hotel lounge where they had become the center of a riveting conversation on improving dendrotoxin delivery. But as interesting as it was, it was well past midnight and they’d need to be up early for breakfast before the first session began. Fitz leaned in and asked discreetly if it was time for them to head to bed. She smiled gratefully and nodded in response, stifling another yawn. They stood and waved goodbyes to the tipsy scientists around them.
“Goodnight, everyone,” Jemma said, taking Fitz’s hand. “It’s been a lovely evening.”
They stayed quiet for the elevator ride to their rooms, with Fitz’s arm around Jemma to steady her. But as he was swiping the key to enter his room, Jemma stopped him. 
“You know, if you want to, you could stay with me. Not to… I mean, just to sleep.” Jemma fumbled out. 
“Oh!” Fitz blinked in surprise. 
“You don’t have to, just, if it were something you wondered…” Jemma blushed and turned to her still-closed door. 
“Yeah, I’d like that.” When Jemma turned toward him, his gaze was so soft, she wanted to kiss him right then, but that would send too many mixed signals about her invitation. 
“Maybe 15 minutes?” she offered, allowing time for them to get ready for bed separately. She pulled out the extra keycard the hotel had included at check-in that seemed extraneous at the time but was rather useful now. 
He took the key as if it were a gift and swallowed hard. “Right, yes, I’ll be right in. But not too soon, 15 minutes.” He looked at his watch and she smiled adoringly before swiping her keycard and disappearing inside.
When he slipped in, 15 minutes later as promised, she was already in bed with only the table lamp on. 
“Saved you a spot,” she welcomed. He climbed in bed next to her, and she turned out the light. He barely had time to hold her close and kiss her forehead before she was sound asleep, safe and content in his arms. 
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i-did-your-mother · 3 years
🍓 mmmmmstrawbery
FAB!!! SOL!!!!! FABBY DEAREST!!! fab youre so fucking cool istfg. even if you werent trying to you taught me to let myself dream again. youre probably one of the kindest people i know, and i love hearing you talk ab all of your interests it makes me so fucking happy. you make me smile a lot. i look up to you a lot ily sol <33
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strokes-julian · 8 years
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Fabrizio Moretti for Rag & Bone Fall 2017
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do you have solaris hcs,,,
oh boy DO i!!! (answer is yes i do. all under the cut bc its kind of a lot)
Think that probably my biggest one is that she completely lost her right eye in the Death Engine incident. The explosion pretty much completely shredded that side of her face. Its a miracle she still has most of what she does, but that eye was completely unsalvageable.
Due to the rest of her facial condition (+ like. the rest of her body), getting the socket prepared for an artificial eye was the least of everyone's concerns. It's just about the last thing they ever got around to doing. During that time is when she got adjusted to the patch.
Make no mistake she has a prosthetic eye now (it would be hell to clean and care for otherwise), but she wears the patch on top of it (and has a small assortment of ones that she rotates depending on where she is and what she's doing). It gives her a new purpose post the destruction of her Death Engine.
While she was still working for Zoraxis, she was a very independent person. She doesn't exactly 'play nice' with others. She likes it when her vision is her vision. Most of the time, anyone who she was working with just sort of rolled over and let her do what she needed to. This inevitably lead to her just heading projects on her own.
Fabricator is pretty much the only person who she can actually work with. That's mainly because Fabs is a designer first and an assembler second. She can do both, but the former comes naturally to her. That whole side of the spectrum is one of Solaris' weaker points, so she doesn't feel as defensive over the process as she does over the rest of it. Once they agree on a general idea, they're pretty much off to the races actually bringing it to life piece by piece
The one thing they can never fucking agree on is the actual aesthetics of what they're working on, though. They've nearly torn each other's throats out about it once or twice.
Fabby HATED the way the Death Engine looked but she was only a bystander on the project so she got no say. Solaris didn't let her touch the project SO she would have no say. She thinks the grey and the orange and the red strip looks epic and doesn't clash at all (and she's very wrong but that's ok)
In her spare time, Solaris doesn't really like to engage in 'popcorn fun'. Doing stuff that doesn't engage her doesn't help her relax, it just makes her bored and antsy. Issue being she's pretty good at most puzzles, so finding something that actually gives her the challenge she's looking for is a whole production in itself.
Gets very hungry when she's thinking. She usually doesn't eat until after she's done for the day, but when she does she eats like a horse.
Also a night owl. Is surprisingly good at balancing her work and her health- better than most of Zor's other staff tends to be. But she's pretty good at knowing her limits in regards to her late night abilities.
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