dailycharacteroption · 2 months
Mantella (Druid Archetype)
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(art by Hyarion-art on DeviantArt)
As much as we’re all very familiar with physical trauma being the “default” way to damage something, toxins are perhaps just as old when it comes to ways to harm or even kill other living foes. Life is, after all, the product of a complicated series of delicate curated chemical reactions, so it only makes sense to destroy life by disrupting a creature’s ability to continue those chemical reactions.
Toxins are subdivided into poisons, which the creature delivers passively when another creature interacts with them (touching, swallowing, injuring), and venoms, which the creature delivers actively as an attack (bites, stings).
It only makes sense then, with so many toxins being weaponized in nature, that there would be druids using their primal magic to draw upon said poisons, and we’ve had three of those: the toxicologist, which specializes in poisonous spells, making use of real poisons, and shapeshifting into giant vermin (Though only higher level versions get the ability to poison in those forms); second is the urushiol, which sweats poison from their skin like certain frogs and works to refine the poison to become more and more deadly; and third is today’s subject, the mantella!
The lore of the matella archetype suggests that it was invented by grippli to improve or replicate the poisons possessed by some of their kind, but the archetype doesn’t actually interact directly with the toxic skin racial trait, meaning that in theory anyone can take it.
What sets the mantella apart is that they seem in some ways to honor the creatures that specifically use venom or poison, which is true of the former two true, but while the toxicologist uses toxins in all forms they take (plus transforming only into vermin), and the urushiol generates it’s own poison, the mantella focuses on wild shaping to recreate venomous creatures as well as delivering their own venoms through their own natural attacks, as we’ll see.
Or maybe you just want a poisonous druid that doesn’t give up nature bond or a bunch of the druid’s passive abilities.
Either way, we’ll soon see what the mantella is all about.
The mantella’s primary difference is how they handle wild shape. Namely, while they cannot take elemental forms, they always gain the ability to replicate the poison of their plant or animal forms. This means that their animals forms prior to early mid-levels can be venomous, allowing them to get poisoning much sooner than other druids.
Their other ability allows them to take a dose of poison they’ve been inflicted with and store it in their bodies, secreting it again through the natural weapons they either normally possess or gain later either through wild shape or some spell. This consequently also makes then and any animal companion they have immune to poison as well, making for a nasty surprise when a foe’s own venom (or that of their allies or other monstrous neighbors) is suddenly used against them.
This archetype is much simpler than other poison-themed archetypes for the druid class, but that’s part of it’s charm, offering accelerated poisoning in the early levels when poison is at it’s most effective and a fun reversal effect later on. This can be especially fun for a druid that moonlights as a magical assassin, or one that just enjoys focusing on debuffing foes.
Since toxins are such a common adaptation in the natural world, it’s likely many druids, and especially mantellas, find the idea of poison being “dishonorable” or “evil” to be patently absurd. Even the most painful and unpleasant venoms exist purely to ensure the survival of the creature that wields it, and poisonous animals and plants ensure the survival of their species by either killing the one that eats them (or at least giving them a very strong Pavlovian aversion to eating another one).
Taking an ambitious bite of a plant, falling on an ant nest, reaching into a viper’s den… Baju the Rougarou has an intimate history with poison, but despite this, it hasn’t deterred him. Quite the opposite, as he has developed a great interest in the natural toxins of the world, which carried over when he became a druid. The fact he is now immune has only made him bolder, much to the chagrin of his packmates.
Rumors of the presence of a fachen, a misshapen parody of a humanoid with only one leg, arm, and eye, can only mean the influence of the deity known as the Hateful Sculptor. The local druid circle  contemplates evacuating the area, knowing that the beast and other creations of the monstrous divinity are terribly strong despite their malformed nature. However, Ghilis has no intention of running, for as monstrous as the fachen is, it can still bow to venom’s agonizing kiss.
Claiming that they must be warding their morality against his divine senses, a paladin working with a colony of settlers has declared the grippli of the nearby rainforest dishonorable and evil for their use of poison. The longer he goes on, the more support he gains and the more unhinged he becomes. The fact that he hasn’t been able to feel the divine power flow through him is of no consequence, as surely it is just a divine test of character, one that he aims to pass by wiping out the “wicked frogs”
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briefbestiary · 7 months
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Beings of Scottish legend, the fachan are powerful and surprisingly agile monsters. Legendarily grotesque, besides their single leg and eye, a fachan also has a singular hand sprouting centrally from its torso.
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mythicmayhemcomic · 1 year
The latest episode of Mythic Mayhem is live on Tapas and Webtoon
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moneteres · 2 years
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Alien Infeysion 04: Fachan x Man in Black
**/**/** ******* * ******** **** * **** *** ***** ***** ******* ** *** *** **** *** ******* ***** ********* [REDACTED] *  ***** **** ******* * ******* **** *** ****** ***** ***** ***** **** ** ****** ** ***** **** *** **** ***** **** **** *** **** **** **** ** ****
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pfeifenhaus-bonn · 8 days
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Rattray's Fachen
The Rattray's Fachen pipe series is part of the renowned Rattray's brand, which is known for its high-quality, handmade tobacco pipes. The series takes its name from the "Fachen", a creature from Scottish mythology described as a one-eyed, one-armed and one-legged monster. The connection to Scotland and the mystical tradition reflects the deep roots of the Rattray's brand in Scottish pipe culture.
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oddman-the-oldman · 1 year
Fachen & Axe
We have an 18 year old kitty who is nearing the end of her days.
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Thank you for asking.
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Monster Spotlight: Fachen
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CR 5
Neutral Evil Medium Aberration
Bestiary 4, pg. 95
Much like the last one-eyed, CR 5 weirdo we saw on this blog, the Fachen is a beast straight out of Earth folklore and boy does it look it! Fantasy and folklore is just filled with weird one-eyed guys, it seems. And the Fachen is among the weirdest, as even on Golarion no one knows what these creatures are, where they come from, or why they do the things they do. They’re utterly solitary, have no society or culture to speak of, and wear only what they can scavenge. Near as anyone can tell, they’re spontaneously born from the very air, fully formed from the rage and hatred of whatever population is nearby. Whatever they are and wherever they come from, they don’t seem to enjoy existing, but they hate that other creatures exist even more.
They’re almost mindless with their rage and are unrelentingly vile and wasteful in their every respect, attacking and killing any creature they see and eating only what they need for that particular meal, discarding the rest to befoul the area. They’re merciless in their chase and never stop pursuing victims as long as they can be easily tracked, their single leg so well-muscled it allows them to keep up a 30ft movement speed, which catches many who’d expect them to be clumsy by surprise. Their Incredible Balance allows them to perform maneuvers that would be impossible for a human with both their legs to replicate, let alone just one, granting the Fachen a +3 to its AC and an additional +4 to its CMD versus being tripped.
Even just idling in the wirld the Fachen are bad enough, slaughtering any beast that catches their attention and throwing everything out of whack, but when they come across the races of man and elf, it gets so much worse. Fachen CAN speak Common, but only do so to hurl threats and insults towards their prey as they come bounding towards it, axe held high in their single arm and ready to split their victim like a log. Whether it’s their words, their appearance, or some stranger third option which has a deleterious effect on a creature near a Fachen, experts cannot say, but the result is undeniable: any creature within 30ft of a Fachen that can see it must make a DC 15 Will save or become paralyzed by overwhelming fear for 1d4 rounds. Success on this save prevents one from being affected by this supernatural fear for 24 hours, but each failure causes the duration to stack. While their axe blows aren’t as dangerous as the Ohancanu’s greataxe at only 1d8+5 damage, they still deal triple damage on a critical hit... and, obviously, 1d8+5 looks much more impressive when it’s being used to deliver a coup de grace against your helpless form.
A Full-Attack from a Fachen also allows them to bite with their nasty teeth for 1d6+2 extra damage, but they tend to spend their full-round actions attempting coup de grace attacks against paralyzed foes, and if there’s a nuisance nearby, they can easily sacrifice a bit of AC to use their Cleave feat and deal with two targets at once. With no DR, no elemental resistances, and no special immunities, only their 18 AC (which, mind, is above average) and their aura of terror protects them from retaliation... And typically, that’s enough in lower-level campaigns. Paralysis sucks at every level!
You can read more about them here.
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letalisotium · 7 months
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more OC profiles
Name: Fachen Hamilton
Age: 22
Gender: Woman
Species: Human(?)
Height: 4'10
Likes: Video games (speedrunning), ouji fashion, chain restaurants
Dislikes: Doyle, extreme weather, bad wi-fi connections
A young woman who seems almost cursed. If she spends too long in one place, the barrier between the mundane and the supernatural becomes thinner, letting dangerous things come through. When she was younger, many people around her got hurt because of this, so she moved out as soon as she could. She now works as a flight attendant, and does not have a permanent residence so she can avoid spending too long in one place.
Ever since Fachen was little, she's been followed around by a dragon that says his name is "Doyle" He protects her from the dangerous things she attracts, but is also constantly trying to get her to stay in one place so others will be in danger. Doyle is the closest thing she has to a friend, and has been the only constant in her life. She is less than pleased about this.
Fachen is withdrawn and does not open up to others easily. She thinks that anyone who gets too close to her will get hurt- either because of her or because of Doyle. Despite all of this, she is shockingly emotionally stable.
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unfug-bilder · 1 year
Orban hätte das Geld auch behalten
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myth-lord · 2 years
A Bao A Qu Aatxe - Khalkotauroi Abaia Abere Abuhuku Adaro - Zitiron Adze Afanc Agrippa Agropelter Ahuizotl - Ugjuknarpak Airavata Ajaju Ajatar Akaname Akashita Akheilos - Isonade Akhlut (Amarok) Alp-Luachra Amhuluk Amikuk Ammut Amphisbaena - Ouroboros Anggitay Aniwye Aproxis Apshait Asanbosam Asdeev Aswang (Manananggal) Awd Goggie
Banaspati - Soucouyant Banshee - Limos - Pesta - Nemain Barghest (Cadejo) - Cu Sith - Cwn Annwn - Osschaert (Pesanta) Bauk (Nalusa Falaya) - Gaueko Baykok Berberoka Berserker - Einherjar Binaye Ahani Boitata Boobrie - Hverafugl Bruch Bubak (Tatty Boggle) Buckrider Buggane Bukavac Bulgasari Bunyip - Dingonek Burach Bhadi Burrunjor - Kasai Rex Butatsch Byakko
Cactus Cat Cacus - Belacko Caladrius - Zhenniao - Alicanto Caleuche Camulatz Carbuncle - Arkan Sonney - Cagrino Caspilly Catoblepas Cherufe Chipfalamfula Chochin-Obake - Aoandon Chon-Chon Chupacabra - Nadubi Cipactli Cockatrice - Basilisk - Codrille - Aitvaras (Pukis) Cuca Cuero - Rumptifusel Curuara - Inulpamahuida Cyclops - Papinijuwari - Tartalo
Dijiang - Hundun Dire Boar (Erymanthian Boar) - Bonguru - Babi Ngepet - Ao-Ao - Cuchivilu Djieien Djinn Doppelganger - Fetch - Frittening Dorotabo - Landvaettir - Ahi At-Trab (Seitaad) - Tsenagahi (Planctae) Drop Bear Dryad - Radande - Batibat - Askafroa - Yanagi-Baba - Mandremonte Dullahan - Ankou
Ebajalg - Hala Echeneis Egregore - Ewah Eintykara Enenra Erote
Fachen Fad Felen Fafnir - Pixiu Fomorian Fossegrim (Nokken) - Encantado (Boto) Fulad-Zereh
Gaasyendietha Gardinel Garei Gargoyle Garmr - Orthrus - Cerberus Gegenees Girtablilu Globster Gloson Goblin - Nuno (Trenti) - Kobold - Grindylow - Curupira - Ijiraq - Spriggan - Pukwudgie - Eloko (Chaneque) - Likho - Dactyl - Bilwis - Bugbear Gold-Digging Ant Golem - Invunche - Wulgaru - Celedon - Terra-Cotta Griffon - Sak - Hieracosphinx Grootslang Gulon - Rompo - Taotie
Haietlik Hantu Bulan Harpy - Siren - Erinyes (Fury) - Alkonost - Lechuza Heikegani Hinnagami - Jenglot Hinqumemen (Engulfer) - Umibozu Hrimpursar Hyakume Hydra - Orochi - Ladon - Nyuvwira
Ichneumon Ikuchi (Ayakashi) Imp - Incubus - Scarbo - Bushyasta - Skrzak - Galtzagorriak Intulo Ipetam Issitoq - Aghash - Aten Itqiirpak Ittan-Momen
Jba Fofi - Tsuchigumo - Aasivak Jinmenju - Wak-Wak - Zaqqum - Lunantishee Jinshin Mushi Jorogumo Jubokko Juggernaut
Kamaitachi Kameosa Kampe Kappa - Suiko Karkadann Karkinos - Saratan Kelpie (Each Uisge) - Each Tened - Helhest - Apaosha - Ceffyl Dwr - Skinfaxi Kerit Keukegen - Otoroshi Kholkikos Kikimora Kirin (Qilin) Kitsune - Kumiho Kongamato - Ropen Kurage-No-Hinotama
Lakuma - Charybdis Lamia - Echidna - Gorgon Lavellan Leprechaun - Gancanagh - Clurichaun - Far Darrig - Amadan Dubh - Domovoi Leshy - Bies - Anhanga (Waldgeist) Leucrotta Libelula Diablu Longgui Lou Carcolh Lusca - Iku-Turso - Migas (Tree Octopus) - Kraken - Rogo-Tumu-Here
Makalala (Tuyango) - Colorobetch Makhai Mandarangkal - Empusa Mandragora (Tiyanak) - Davalpa Manticore - Sphinx - Piasa - Lammasu Mapinguari Marool Minotaur - Erchitu - Sarangay Miraj Mishibizhiw Mngwa Morgawr - Mamlambo - Mokele-Mbembe Moskitto (Xan) Muhuru - Mbielu-Mbielu Muirdris Musca Macedda - Druj Nasu Muscaliet Muse - Leanan Sidhe Myrmecoleon
Nakshatra Meenu Namazu Nekomata (Cat Sith) - Kasha (Ovinnik) Nereid - Rusalka Ngoubou - Odontotyrannus Nidhogg Nocnitsa (Mara) Nosoi Nuckelavee Nue Nurikabe
Olgoi-Khorkhoi (Death Worm) Olitiau - Popobawa - Camazotz - Guiafairo Omukade - Ek-Chapat - Con Rit - Kugdlughiak Oread - Lampad Otso
Pard Penchapechi Peuchen - Haemorrhois - Seps Piskie (Sprite) - Ishigaq - Phooka (Puck) - Attercroppe - Tooth Fairy Polong Poltergeist - Dybbuk - Isogashi Poludnica (Lady Midday) Psoglav
Qalupalik Qinyuan Qiuniu
Rahara Raiju Ramidreju Rat King Rawhead (Bloody Bones) - Stuhac Redcap - Ly Erg Roc (Ziz) - Minokawa - Thunderbird (Impundulu) - Phoenix (Rarog) - Psonen - Tsenahale - Nachtkrapp - Naujakuksualuk Rock Bolter Roperite
Salamander Salawa (Sha) Satyr (Faun) - Shurale (Mahaha) Sazae-Oni Scarab - Khepri Scorpios - Sandwalker Scylla Sermilik Shadhawar Shen Shinchu Sianach - Delgeth Sigbin Skinwalker - Rougarou - Selkie - Bouda (Kishi) Skolex Sluagh - Hidarugami Spartoi - Gashadokuro - Tupilaq - Mekurabe - Ahkiyyini Stella Stray Sod - Hungry Grass Succarath
Tarasque Tesso Tiddalik Tlanusi Troll - Kayeri - Kapre - Porotai - Aigamuxa - Yehwe Zogbanu - Shellycoat Trolual - Raudkembingur - Bakekujira
Valkyrie Valravn Veela (Sylph) Velue (Peluda) Vish Kanya Vodyanoi - Bagiennik - Arzhavennik - Bolotnik - Cmuch
Wanyudo - Ophanim Water Leaper Wendigo Will o Wisp (Luz Mala) Wyvern (Vouivre) - Cuelebre - Tizheruk - Scitalis - Knucker - Suileach - Caorthannach
Xhumpedzkin (Ix-Hunpedzkin) Xiao - Ahool Xing Tian
Ya-Te-Veo Yale Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Yowie - Yeti - Fear Liath - Hidebehind Yuki-Onna
Ziphius Zirnitra Zlatorog Zmey - Azi Dahaka Zombie - Draugr - Mummy - Topielec - Corpo-Seco - Gaki - Aerico
Cat Sith / Pyrausta / Impundulu / Ninki Nanka / Khodumodumo / Minhocao / Marabbecca / Metminwi / Qupqugiaq / Myling / Moroi / Bloody Bones / Rokurokubi / Ifrit / Ghul / Ghawwas / Tiyanak / Mara / Acheri / Tikbalang / Baku / Calopus / Mahaha / Trollgadda / Tetragnathon / Vatnsandi / Ungaikyo / Naglfar / Oniate / Petsuchos / Sessho-Seki / Waldgeist / Tienlong / Tiamat / Asag / Hongaek / Ga-Gorib / Dalaketnon / Dobhar-Chu / Gbahali / Zheng / Antaeus / Maenad / Green Knight / Tulpa / Hiiden Hirvi /
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arthyritis · 1 year
Fachen and Gnome?
Fachen: Do you have any pets?
I do! Two dogs (a chihuahua named Lillybelle and a cocker spaniel/poodle named Sandy) and a rabbit named Gizmo!!
Gnome: What is the weirdest thing you've eaten?
I used to eat dog treats when I was a kid lol
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but-i-was-b4by · 1 year
Elf, potion, fachen, god?
- A shy mutual 💚🐢
Elf: two truths and a lie: I played clarinet for 7 years, my first tattoo was done in someones living room, my favorite thing to do in the summer used to be riding bikes all day.
Potion: what do you think about most: I feel like my brains kind of always going? So there's nothing that's predominantly there as much as it's everything all the time.
Fachen: do you have any pets: yus! I have two cats, Scout and Boo!
God: top five blogs: uhhm I follow like the Monterey bay aquarium and that one's pretty great, also effinbirds is good, and then of course all my mutuals, duhhh
Thank youuuu 💚
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grollow · 2 years
Wand, Elf, Vampire, Dwarf, Axe, Fachen, Cloak, :3
Just answered Wand and Vampire so :>
𝐄𝐥𝐟 - Two truths and a lie
(in no particular order) My favorite characters are horrible people, I'm toxic as fuck when I play anything with PVP, I play Genshin Impact
𝐃𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐟 - What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?
Souvenir. Thank god for autocorrect on Google Docs.
𝐀𝐱𝐞 - Zodiac sign?
Aries :>
𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 - Do you have any pets?
I do! In fact I have tons! I breed snakes and have a bunch of them, as well as tarantulas, isopods, cats, mice and a hamster.
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐤 - What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
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blye-flower · 1 year
Fantasy asks 🔮 Dwarf, devil, sphinx, blade, fachen.
𝐃𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐟 - What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?
It used to be obviously and wednesday, but rn I think it's occasionally?? I'll get lucky every so often, but more times than not, I'm not gonna get it my first time around LOL
𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 - Have you pretended to like someone?
Romantically, no, but platonically, yeah. It's more justifiable to me not like someone romantically and be firm in that than to not like someone platonically, so I try my best to at least act like I like everyone platonically. (Not to say I do that a lot!)
𝐒𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐱 - What was the last book you read?
Throne of Glass! I'm only in the beginning of the book, but my coworker recommended it to me, so I try to read it during my free time ^^
𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 - Hair color?
I dye my hair, so rn it's a reddish purple! My roots are very much still dark brown since I hate bleaching the roots, so it's a fade
𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 - Do you have any pets?
We have three cats rn! There's Lea, Yuichiro, and Dalia! (The last one's name is up in the air cause my brothers can't agree on it, but I call him Dalia)
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pfeifenhaus-bonn · 7 months
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Rattray's - Fachen
The Rattray's "Fachen" series is an outstanding collection of pipes known for their quality and unique design. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the "Fachen" series impresses with its excellent smoking properties.
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qquiinnyy · 1 year
OK AMULET, AXE AND fachen ^_^
Amulet - wish I killed myself when I was 9 lmao (except I’m also glad I didn’t bc I met my husband)
Axe - Pisces :,)
Fachen - nah my kitty died :((
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