#fairy tale princess collection event
do you happen to enjoy fairy tales as much as (character) Miss Raven does? I got the feeling not just because of- well, you choosing that as a big characteristic on her, but also bc of how you sometimes talk about your fav characters in scenarios where they have "princely" attitudes or stuff like that HHAHSHSHSH plus I think a certain amount of that type of writing shows in your pieces (which I love!!!)
if the answer is yes, then I wanted to ask: what kind of dairy tales are your favorites? is there certain motifs you specially like?
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YES 🤡 I’m super into fairy tales! One of my favorite Disney movies is Enchanted, but I also love the Shrek universe (Shrek 2 and Puss in Boots 2, my beloveds) and Ever After High before it quietly got cancelled. I listen to fairy tale-themed songs (I’d recommend Cinderella Step by Daoko; been listening to that a lot lately), read fairy tale retelling novels, collect fairy tale themed blind box toys… All of it 😭 And one of my favorite anime ever is Princess Tutu, which references a lot of classic ballet and fairy tales ✨
As I mentioned in this post, Miss Raven (the OC) is not meant to be a self-insert, but she is in part informed by my own tastes since I did create her. I injected her with my love of fairy tales, but tried to incorporate that in a way that makes sense. While she was still an actual bird, she often people watched and then daydreamed about being a part of “that world”. Her wild imagination eventually leads to this rose-colored expectations of how great “that world” is. She’s expecting a fairy tale but is then slammed with the reality that the students at NRC aren’t exactly the perfect princes she was imagining. Miss Raven copes with it by being delulu daydreaming and penning stories~
Before TWST corrupted me, I love Love LOVED princely/knightly characters… and butlers and bug brother-types still I blame that in part knowing me enjoying fairy tales so much. snvsjwbskwkekdbsk I-I didn’t realize that that kind of dreaminess bled through into my writing 😭
I think it’s pretty obvious by my blog name, but I love Alice in Wonderland for its whimsy and nonsensicalness. Many of the motifs that commonly appear in Alice (mushrooms, card suits, tea and sweets, talking flowers, clocks, white rabbits, etc.) are charming to me. It’s a big reason why I was super into the White Rabbit Fest event. Anything Alice-inspired… I’m so tempted to grab 😔 I once went to an afternoon tea inspired by this story, which was so fun! I’d like to go again someday, and this time with my TWST plushies.
Some other stories I like are Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and The Ugly Duckling (though this one is more a fable than a fairy tale). I also quite like stories told in ballet, such as Swan Lake and Coppelia. If you squint at Miss Raven, you’ll notice that she has elements from each of these stories. I just really enjoy stories with themes of self discovery and/or getting lost but then finding your way. Again, this is also echoed in Miss Raven’s own growth and development journey.
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cheerleaderman · 2 months
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Yolonda Florence
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The cousin of the perfect who comes to Twst in their second year. After hearing what happened and that Night Raven is technically responsible for her cousin death ,Yolonda has a strong disliking for the school
Twst - Cinderella’s Castle
Basic info
Age: 18-19
Height: 170 cm
Birthday: August 5
Voice claim: Eng- Samantha Pauly Jp-Chiyuki-Death Paradise
Hometown: USA, Earth
Dominant hand: right
Nickname: Yolo, Londa, London , Rainbow prawn -Floyd
Favorite food: Brownies, grilled carrots, Lemonade , chicken wraps
Like/hobbies: musicals, princess theme stuff, theatre, doll collecting, ice skating, fairy tales
Dislike: Cake , ballet  , pork chops , NRC
Family: Yuya,Mother, father , 2 older brother ,pretty big family but those are the main ones
Talent: keeping balance, playing the violin , remembering songs
More info
She comes in Yuya’s second year at NRC having fallen asleep and waking up in a unknown place. She thought she was dreaming especially after seeing Yuya
Only really shows her personality to Yuya and with other’s she’ll mostly just be quiet until she warms up to you
Has no desire to go home since Yuya is stuck in Twst
Has some identity issues from being under her mother’s watch. Also body issues from having to look the way her mother wants her to look.
Had Fairytale dreams of being saved from her mother and living a happier life, would enjoy most of the stories in Twst but due to her knowledge of all of the movies she is concerned about the Twst story of the villains
Doesn’t mess with most of the NRC people with the exception of Ace, Deuce, Jack , Epel, Grim and the ghost
Only gets one friend in NRC because Yuya wanted her to make Friends
Doesn’t do tasks since why would she help the school that got her cousin killed and making them run around doing everything.
She has been interested, in theater mainly tech crew and had the courage to join after being removed, this grew her interest in theater and would try to copy the dances from musicals
Not really a physical fighter but can through words got it from her mother - she has a freeze + run away response
Scared of her eldest brother knowing he could get away with almost anything and seeing him take anger out on Yuya, Does know that he’s in Twst but never meets him
Can peak Yuya’s behaviors and see that they have fallen back into old habits so would try to block people constantly asking help from Yuya
Visit Yuya in the hospital begging for Yuya not to leave her, when Yuya eventually dies she falls into a depression
Family tried pressuring her to date someone who she was childhood friends with damaging her only friendship
Her and Yuya were forced to share a space leading to many fights and petty stuff but they did have an understanding of not destroying each other’s stuff. They also had to share birthdays which in itself was more like a family event than their birthday
Finally getting the girl she wanted Yolonda’s mom started to live her dreams through her.Constantly under her mother thumb ,made to do ballet from a young age, play the violin and keep up good grades. Due to her busy schedule she never had time to develop a social life
She was never interested in ballet but when she got the courage to express the she was guilt tripped into continuing. Later down the line her performances started to not be good enough due to growing resentment and being tired
One day when things boiled over she destroyed one of her costumes and was caught by her mother. She got yelled at so much it scared the whole household. At this point she didn’t want her mother approval anymore and just started crying about how much she hates ballet. After that day her relationship with her mother finally shattered.
After Yuya’s Accident
After being removed from her home she was still pretty scared of her family.During that time her mother continued to try and get in contact with her.Her and Yuya started to slowly rebuilding their relationship still wanting to have someone to call family.
She finally started to find her own interests and ignoring her families pleas for forgiveness with Yuya’s help. She thought she could have a better life going on but at 18 Yuya and her eldest brother got put in the hospital in critical condition for an unknown reason.
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muddy-water-1997 · 4 months
𝖠𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗒 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖡𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖿𝗂𝗍𝗌
𝖳𝖶: 𝗅𝗂𝗅 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝖺𝗐𝗄𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗅… 𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋. 𝖡𝖴𝖳 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝖻𝗁. 𝖤𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗒𝖾 𝖼𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗇𝗌𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾.
Chapter 11 - The Aftermath
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Blinding lights shot through the hotel room window, piercing the early morning haze. As you lay there, cocooned in the soft, luxurious duvet, the events of last night played vividly in your mind. The warm embrace of Chris and Binnie still lingered on your skin, their presence a comforting memory that made your heart flutter.
The duvet's high thread count caresses your skin, making you feel like a fairy tale princess wrapped in elegance and warmth. The room was filled with a serene stillness, the world outside waking slowly with the gentle chirping of birds. It was a welcome melody, a peaceful prelude to the day ahead.
But the tranquillity was abruptly shattered as the alarm on your phone blared, cutting through the calm like a jarring reminder of reality. With a sigh, you reached out to silence it, savouring the last few moments of warmth and memory before the day demanded your attention.
You found yourself reaching for your iPad to check the day's schedule. A TV appearance this morning, a photoshoot this afternoon—it would be a long one. As you scrolled through the appointments, a sudden realisation hit you like a ton of bricks: you would have to face the group of boys again today.
"Oh god…" you muttered to yourself, panic rising. Had they all talked about it? And Seungmin!? How could you forget about him? The memories of last night were hazy and fragmented. Did you drink that much? Surely not. Yet, the sinking feeling in your stomach suggested otherwise.
Panic gripped you tighter. Last night had been a whirlwind, but now it seemed like the most unprofessional thing you'd ever done in your career. The thought of facing them today was unbearable. There was no way you'd keep your job after this.
"Shit," you whispered, dread pooling in your gut. The iPad screen blurred as you tried to focus, wondering how you'd navigate through the day—or if you'd even have a job to navigate at all. A welcome knock came to the door.
“Ms. Y/N, breakfast is set out in the next-door suite.” Billie’s voice said, reassuring you that at least your staff had been retained for the morning. You managed a quick “Thank you” before reluctantly pulling yourself out of bed.
Standing in front of the mirror, you braced yourself for the worst. To your surprise, the marks on your body weren’t as awful as you had feared. With a sense of cautious relief, you stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over you, washing away the remnants of last night. The steam filled the bathroom, creating a cocoon of calm as you tried to collect your thoughts and prepare for the day ahead.
The hot water helped to clear your mind, each droplet a soothing balm to your frazzled nerves. As you lathered shampoo into your hair, you replayed the events of last night, trying to piece together the fragments. The laughter, drinks, and warmth of Chris and Binnie's embrace mixed with the dread of facing the consequences today.
You finished your shower, and the clarity of the morning routine provided a small comfort. Wrapping yourself in a plush towel, you felt more like yourself, ready to tackle whatever awaited you. As you dressed, the familiar sounds of the bustling hotel seeped through the walls, grounding you in the present.
Stepping out of the bathroom, you took a deep breath, ready to face the day, whatever it might bring.
Gently knocking on the suite door, you pushed it open, hoping and praying it was empty so you could eat your breakfast in peace. Unfortunately, you were greeted by eight pairs of eyes, all turning to you as you entered. Your heart raced, and it was hard to gauge their emotions—though that might have been your anxiety clouding your perception.
“Good morning,” you said, striving to sound level-headed. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” Really? You mentally kicked yourself. Small talk about the weather? Real discreet. Seungmin, Chris, and Binnie exchanged tiny, smug smiles barely contained on their lips.
“Good morning!” Felix's cheerful voice broke the unspoken tension. “Come get some breakfast.”
You nodded, scanning the room for a spare seat. Naturally, the only available one was between Chris and Binnie. Fuck.
With a deep breath, you walked over and settled into the seat, feeling the heat of their presence on either side of you. The aroma of fresh coffee and warm pastries filled the air, starkly contrasting the cold dread knotting in your stomach. Chris leaned in slightly, his voice teasingly low, “Sleep well?”
Binnie chuckled softly, adding, “Yeah, you seemed pretty comfortable last night.”
Your cheeks burned as you forced a smile, focusing on the food before you. “Thanks for breakfast,” you mumbled, hoping to steer the conversation away from last night’s events.
Sensing your discomfort, Felix launched a story about his latest cooking adventure, giving you a momentary reprieve. You appreciated the distraction, even as the weight of Chris and Binnie's gazes lingered.
As you picked at your croissant, you couldn’t help but wonder how you would survive the rest of the day. The tightrope walk of maintaining professionalism while dealing with the aftermath of last night was going to be a daunting challenge.
After the very uncomfortable breakfast, you realised with some relief that you were not about to lose your job. The energy towards you wasn’t as hostile as you had feared. Everyone had been sharing stories about their antics at the club last night around the breakfast table, and you quietly excused yourself to prepare for the upcoming schedules.
Grabbing Billie and William on your way back to your room, you all sat down and went through the day's events. This morning's TV appearance was in order; the presenter would ask questions that needed looking over and clearance. The photoshoot this afternoon was pretty much put together, but there was an issue with Felix and Hyunjin’s stylist that would require your attention later that morning while the boys were in the studio.
“Your stylist will be here any moment,” Billie said, checking her watch.
“Again?” you protested. “I’m not even going to be on TV!” you groaned.
“It’s an instruction from the boys' manager. Nothing we can do,” she shrugged back at you.
You sighed, slumping back into your chair. The memory of last night's embarrassment was still fresh, and the last thing you wanted was to sit through hair and makeup for a camera you wouldn't even be facing. However, protocol was protocol, and you had to comply.
As you waited for the stylist, you couldn't help but reflect on the breakfast conversation. Despite the initial awkwardness, it had been a relief to hear everyone laughing and joking about the previous night's escapades. They were willing to let bygones be bygones; maybe you could, too.
The knock on the door jolted you back to reality. The stylist breezed in, a whirlwind of energy and tools. “Good morning! Let’s get you ready for the day!” she chirped.
You forced a smile, settling into the chair. “Good morning,” you replied. You mentally ran through the schedule again as she worked, focusing on each task. The TV appearance questions, the photoshoot logistics, and the stylist issue with Felix and Hyunjin would be a busy day, but you felt a renewed sense of determination. You could handle this. You had to.
As the stylist finished up, you glanced at your reflection. Professional, polished, and ready to face whatever the day would throw at you. With a final nod to yourself, you thanked the stylist and headed out, Billie and William in tow.
“Third car down.” Billie pointed to your vehicle, where Theo was waiting outside, acknowledging your arrival with a nod. “You’re traveling with management; we’ll meet you at the studio. I’ve organized for a desk to be available on your arrival so you can go over the afternoon appearances in peace.”
You felt gratitude toward Billie for understanding your need for some alone time. You gave her an appreciative smile before clamouring into the car to greet the management team.
Settling into the backseat, you exchanged brief greetings with the management team, who were already immersed in their preparations for the day. The car hummed with quiet efficiency as it pulled away from the hotel, the cityscape blurring past the windows.
As the car navigated the bustling streets, you allowed yourself to breathe and collect your thoughts. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the leather seats. The murmured conversations of the management team served as calming background noise, letting you focus on the tasks ahead.
You opened your iPad and reviewed the questions for the TV appearance, ensuring everything was in order. Each question was a potential landmine, and you wanted to be prepared. As you scrolled through the list, you made mental notes on key points to highlight and possible answers to tricky queries.
“Over here!” The press had gathered outside the studio, their cameras flashing and voices calling for attention. You were suddenly thankful for the makeup artist’s work this morning; the polished look gave you an extra layer of confidence.
Theo acted as your shield, expertly guiding you through the throng of reporters and fans. The group of boys ahead of you had created a temporary barrier, and you weaved in behind them, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible. Chris glanced over his shoulder, his eyes filled with concern, acutely aware that this was probably your first time facing a crowd this intense. You gave him a reassuring nod, signalling that you were okay, even though the blinding flashes made it hard to see.
Within minutes, you found yourself inside the studio building, the noise and chaos of the crowd left behind. Chris was the first to rush over to you, with Changbin following closely after.
“Are you okay?” they asked in unison, their voices laced with worry. They hadn’t anticipated the gathering crowd to be so overwhelming.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you assured them, though your heart was still racing from the unexpected frenzy outside. “Thank you for checking.”
Seungmin and IN had taken their concerns to management, their voices carrying over as they scolded them for not having better crowd control measures. The studio staff looked apologetic, scrambling to address the oversight.
Chris placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “We didn’t think it would be this bad. I’m sorry.” His touch set your body alight again, and you had to ground yourself quickly.
“It’s okay,” you replied, offering a small smile. “Just part of the job, right?”
Changbin nodded, his expression softening. “Still, we should’ve been better prepared. Next time, we’ll make sure it’s handled.”
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𝖶𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾? 𝖳𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗆𝖾! 𝖬𝗒 𝗂𝗇𝖻𝗈𝗑 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖨 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌! 
𝖶𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗃𝗈𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍? 𝖣𝗋𝗈𝗉 𝗆𝖾 𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗈𝗋 𝖣𝖬!
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 9 months
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For my first post here, I'll start by introducing my OC.
Princess Myrah of Rosas
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Princess Myrah, or the jewel of Rosas, as the people call her, is Amaya's younger cousin and 27 years of age.
She stands 1.68 cm tall or 5.6 ft
One year after the fall of Magnifico, Myrah's parents, King and Queen of Solaris ( a neighbour kingdom south west from Spain. Also Amaya's homeland) decided to pay Amaya a visit.
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However, a strong late summer storm caused the ship to sink only a few miles before Rosas.
By the grace of the great father (God, as I call him in my Story) Myrah (18 at that time) was washed at the shores of Rosas, where she was found by fishermen. She was idendified by guards and brought to the palace.
There, Amaya took Myrah in and continued raising her like a sister and she became princess of Rosas.
Back in Solaris, Myrah's unlce stepped into his brother's shoes. He decided it would be the best Myrah stayed with Amaya. Since she survived and made it to Rosas, it was clear this was the will of the great father.
Important relationships
(Spoiler free, since there is a story in the making)
Myrah has a good relationship with her older cousin eventhough her and Amaya's view on things go seperate ways.
Asha was one of the very first people Myrah became close with. They share the passion for art and Myrah finds it easier to talk to Asha compared to her cousin. Oftentimes, Asha helps Myrah get ready for events.
Myrah's loyal cat, fierce protector and best friend. She found him as a kitten at the port of Rosas, raised him and taught him to read and talk.
Free spirited, temperamental, peace loving, daydreamer, humorous (sometimes sarcastic), kind, analytical, sensitive, adventurous, optimistic, compassionate, trusting, fast forgiving, bolt, stubborn, determined, empathic, honest (outspoken in all ways), humble.
Likes/loves :
Nature, peace and quiet, books (everything from fairy tales to science), stars/astrologie, roses, horseback riding, collecting pretty stones and seashells, dancing.
Dislikes :
Being the center of attention, being told what to do, people not understanding her ways of thinking and feeling, spiders and bugs, dark rooms.
Exceptional Skills :
Horseback riding, singing
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Hey can i please request clavis + 1+ 🌸 ?
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Clavis and a picnic? Check. Kiss on the nose? Check. Clavis and his daughter? Check. Appearance by Cyran? Check. This fic ran away from me and turned into a giant grab bag of Clavis shenanigans. Thank you for the requests. I hope you enjoy!
To Catch a Leprechaun - Clavis Lelouch (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of my New Year New Celebration event and the Spring Showers Spring Flowers event I am co-hosting with @violettduchess
Pairing: none (Clavis as a dad fic)
Prompt: kiss on the nose and picnic
Tags: fluff
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The sky was clear blue; the sun was high, shining bright. There was not a cloud to be seen on this picture-perfect spring day. In the Rose Garden, a father and his daughter sat, enjoying a picnic.
“Tell me more, Daddy,” the little girl asked, her purple pigtails waving freely as her body shook with laughter.
Clavis beamed, proud to tell a tale to his child. He clasped his hands and cleared his throat. “Then let me tell you about the Legend of the Leprechaun.”
The little girl sat captivated as her father spun a story while she snacked on the many treats spread out on the picnic blanket. Her eyes grew wide as saucers as Clavis reglaed her with tales of the mischievious leprechauns, fairy folk whom humans have so rarely seen firsthand.
“Have you ever seen one, Daddy?”
“Me personally, no. But I have heard,” he said, leaning in as if sharing a secret, “that there are some that are hiding here in this very Rose Garden. But the only way to see one is to catch one.”
“And what happens if you catch one, Daddy?” she asked.
“Well, that’s the best part, my dear daughter. If you are lucky enough to catch a leprechaun, they have no choice but to grant you three wishes. If he wants to be set free.”
The young child looked up at her father, mischief mirrored in her amber eyes. “You want to catch one, don’t you?” Clavis asked.
She quickly nodded, her expression quite serious. 
Clavis dipped his head to meet hers; their face so close, their noses almost touched. “I’ll have you know, I have spent years perfecting the Lelouchian trap. And I think this is the year we will catch a leprechaun.” When a small smile spread on his daughter’s lips, Clavis pressed a kiss on the tip of her tiny nose, causing her smile to widen.
“I just need a few more items to finish the traps. Do you think you could help me find those items?” She nodded silently, eager to set the traps and catch a leprechaun. She listened intently as Clavis rattled off a small list of items which he claimed were absolutely necessary if they were to catch one of these wily folk.
They quickly packed the remaining food into the basket and folded up the blanket they were lying on. The princess ran throughout the gardens, on a mission to find the needed items.
In her haste, she ran straight into a familiar red-headed solider.
“Hey, what’s the hurry, Princess?” Cyran asked as the tiny figure crashed into his leg.
“I’m helping Daddy,” she replied, out of breath. “Do you happen to know where I could find….a dandelion….a pine cone….and some honey?”
“That’s a rather random list of items.”
“We’re  trying to catch a leprechaun. Daddy said these items are best to help lure one into the trap.”
Cyran looked over the girl’s shoulder, watching Clavis in the background, presumably inspecting his traps. “I have a mischief maker of my own I’d like to trap,” he muttered under his breath.
“What was that?” she asked, looking up at the soldier innocently. 
“Ah….there’s some dandelions over that way,” Cyran pointed out, quickly changing the subject.
“Thank you,” she said, curtseying before running off in search of dandelions.
The sun was beginning its descent when the young princess returned to her father, her hands filled with various items.
“Excellent!” Clavis exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. He collected the items from her arms, examining each item he picked up. “These will do perfectly!”
With mischief alight in his amber eyes, Clavis headed towards a nearby trap. Turning his head, he winked at his daughter. “Come along, we have some traps to bait.”
The young girl skipped along, eagerly following in her father’s footsteps. 
“Would you like to do the honors?” Clavis asked, holding out a small bouquet of dandelions.
“Why yes, I would,” his daughter accepted, curtseying before gingerly taking the bouquet from his hands. She crouched down on the ground and placed the dandelions under the propped box. 
“Hmm….do you hear that?” Clavis asked, his hand cupping his ear. “I think we might have bagged one early!”
The girl gigglged with glee at the prospect of actually catching a leprechaun. Father and daughter joined hands and ran towards the noise.
Clavis stood over the pit he had dug earlier, peering down at its new resident. “Well, well, isn’t it my lucky evening!”
“Get me out of here, you fool!” Yves screeched. “I swear Clavis - !”
“No need to get feisty,” Clavis mock-scolded, cutting of Yves. “I’ll send Cyran around to help you out.” Yves scowled at Clavis, his expression marring his beautiful features, while mouthing an obscenity and making a rude gesture with his hand. 
“If you don’t mind, I’m on a mission to catch a leprechaun and have some more traps to set.” He placed a gentle hand on his daughter’s shoulder, his coat billowing in the breeze as they walked away, the screams from Yves growing fainter and fainter the further they got.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @atelieredux @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @jet-ivory @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @midnightarxsia @wordycheeseblob @wendolrea @aceuuuu
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bookcub · 9 months
Goose Girl Short Stories
I found three collections of fairy tales and read all the versions of the goose girl within them!
black thorn, white rose- the goose girl by tim wynne-jones
the prince now king tells the story after it takes place, when the maid has already died, years later
he cared for the maid (possibly loved?)
the princess is attracted to women
the change was not forced
princess seems to be playing games and unkind, as well as naieve
falada is dead and talks to the king and they are friends
the events of the story are the same as the Grimm Brothers' but the emotions and perspective are different
a wolf at the door- falada: the goose girl's horse by nancy farmer
falada tells the story and hes a snob
he's a fae horse banished to complete a task in the human world
the princess is a whiny child
the maid is actually revealed to be a fae on a mission to build courage in the princess
uhhh yeah this was pretty short, not much happened, not notable
other ever afters: new queer fairy tales- the goose girl
so this is named the goose girl but plot wise is entirely different. it is also a graphic novel as well!
its about a princess who proposes to a goose girl but the goose girl keeps rebuffing her, saying how can i accept this offer when my family and my people are still in poverty
the princess keeps changing her offer as a bribe essentially, and the goose girl is like, how is this fair to you or me, now i will wonder if i leave, will you change your promises to the country and now you will wonder if i ever love you?
anyways, so the princess gives the goose girl access to the treasury and goes on a quest to find herself and then the story ends
i believe this is the first goose girl i have read where the characters were shown to have dark skin
this was my favorite of all of three!
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adarkrainbow · 1 year
Okay, do you have any information about fairy tales and the time periods where they were meant to take place?
All fairy tales, fables, chivalric romances type of stuff, etc, that I've read were supposed to take place in a kind of mythical past, but they ALL seem pretty much contemporary to the time where they were written.
And the thing that puzzles me is that over the course of the centuries, the "mythical past" grew larger, and larger.
When people in 17th century wrote about fairy tales, the mythical fairy tale past were the Middle Ages and earlier Renascence, but now the 18th and 19th centuries and even some earlier parts of the 20th century are all time periods often used in fairy tale works.
Heck, Disney's Frozen is set in 1843, making Anna and Elsa contemporaries of Queen Victoria. Think about that for a moment.
Well you are pretty much right. This is how the "fairytale time" works.
Fairytales are always supposed to happen "once upon a time" "in the past" "a long time ago", because the story is supposed to be done... But even then, it is not always true. The classic and well-known fairytales take place in a distant unclear past - for example Perrault evokes himself in his fairytales how in the olden days fairies and ogres were much more numerous and present than today. Other times however the past is still the past, but a more recent past - there are several stories where the narrator defends the "truth" of the tale by pointing out he himself (or she herself) met some of the protagonist when it was done, or participated in a given event (usually the marrage at the end of the tale, where he or she was some guest).
But no matter how far back in the past the fairytale will be - each fairytale will be heavily influenced and inspired by the contemporary culture and events which surrounds when it was collected or written. This is because fairytales are meant to be told to a contemporary audience - and so there is always contemporary events marking them. The fairytales of Perrault and d'Aulnoy are supposed to take place in a distant, fantasmagorical past - and d'Aulnoy loves to use medievalism and have knights an tournaments and the like - but the way they describe their courts, the fashion they describe and various items they refer are actually contemporary to their period, meaning their stories could very well take place in the end of the 17th century France. (In fact some have to, since very VERY contemporary items are described, such as one of d'Aulnoy tales describing a fairy giving a princess special little pies explicitely referred to as those the most fashionable and famous baker of Paris did at the time) But that was the whole point of these fairytales, since they were playful humoristic literary tales meant to entertain a courtly audience, so the confusion was deliberate.
On another level, French literary fairytales were used to often comment and evoke the "present day" society and ESPECIALLY the present day monarchy and the king (Louis XIV), since it was again a product of courtiers at the court for other courtiers. A lot of these fairytales use their subtext and shape their world to either criticize or compliment the king and his current situation.
If you go see "folkloric" French fairytales however, they all have a very precise and defined location: their given region. This is why outside of literary fairytales, the fairytale of Frances are provided in books that divide each region of France or go province after province. Local, countryside-collected fairytales obeyed to the regionalism of old France, where each area was very distinct and each region had its own culture, language and customs - resulting in their fairytales usually happening in their own region, and often involving local landmarks or buildings or historical figures of their region.
Now if we extend things to other fairytales like the Grimm, most of them seem to take place in some sort of unclear "distant" mythical past, but when you look at them closely, you realie they are heavily shape by 19th century Germany. For example when it comes to food the omnipresence of sausages is already a dead clue (Germans have a true culture of the sausage, the same way in France we have a culture of the cheese). The omnipresence of the topic of war is also relevant - for example how there are lots of stories depicted soldiers returning from war ; and also the presence of guns and rifls (opposing older tales' depiction of swords and bows for example).
Given one can't just have ALL the fairytales smashed together as it is a too vast ensemble here is what I can only say... Fairytales are always meant to not take place in the real world - or if in the real world, in a distant past of it, in a time when magical beings still roamed and when specific landmarks did not exist. In French literary fairytales, for example, this is done by refering the "marvelous and magical past" that was a mix of the medieval Arthurian tale and the Greco-Roman mythological world.
But no matter how separated from the real world the fairytale world is, said fairytale world will ALWAYS be a reflection, mirror, caricature or influenced by the context in which the story was told. French fairytales always happen in France, and French literary fairytales depict societies based on the one of late 17th century France. German fairytales collected by Grimm happen in a "far away land, in a distant past", and yet take place in a land with a German culture, and heavily marked by disasters such as gun-using wars and famines - clearly showing the influence of a post-Napoleon Germany.
So if you ask me I wouldn't use the "mythical past" to designate this fairytale era - because while it takes inspiration from the actual "mythical past", as in the past imagined by the myths of Antique cultures, mixed also with the medieval-imagined past a la Arthuriana - the fairytale past is actually a liminal space mixing said mythical past, completely detached from the presence, with the "current day" or "present day" of the fairytale's storyteller.
As an aside note - this is why I do think the decision by some authors or crators to imagine the fairytale world as split between various "cultural" countries. Like in Fables, where all the German fairytales come from "Hesse", the Russian ones from a different Slavic fictional country, the Norwegian ones from Ultima Thule, etc etc... Because when you look at the original texts, the French literary fairytales of Perrault clearly do not belong to the same time period or area as the Grimm fairytales. It is possible to unite them all in one time-space context of course - and people haven't refrained from doing it so! But it will in terms of technological level create discrepancies (why are princes fighting with swords monsters, when an humble poor soldier has a rifle?) ; or you will need to select the fairytales so that they all fit a same "set" (for example remove too modern tales).
All in all the thing everybody knows is that fairytales take place in a distant past, far-away country and fictional universe ; but the thing many people forget (despite understanding at a subconscious level) is that the fairytales also always happen in the "present" of when they are told. When Perrault jokes that the awakaned Sleeping Beauty is dressed like the "prince's grandmother", he describes the outfit of the actual grandmothers of the generation of Perrault. And if you want to keep the joke, you'll need to update it to the generation you are telling the story to. People tend to forget that fairytales are meant to be "interactive" and "living" stories, told to an audience to which it adapts itself. It was the whole art of the storyteller, and why we have so many variations and rewrites of fairytales - to be a good storyteller is not to stick faithfully to one fairytale "original" text, but to be able to retell the story, and to carry an iconic tale, while adapting yourself to a new audience and to modern times.
That's also the difference between a fairytale author/storyteller, and a fairytale expert/scholar. Those that study fairytales need to "freeze" them and to trap them in amber, so as to stuy they given form in time like fossils. Those that tell and retell fairytales need to modify them and make them evolve.
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yaeggravate · 1 year
Kaeya, The Snow Queen and The Boar Princess
i believe kaeya is partly based on kai from the fairy tale the snow queen.
this is a theory that has been floating around for a while, but after recent events i would like to revisit and expand on it.
the thing is, the book the boar pincess that you can collect in the game is inspired by the snow queen. this book, aside from being quite disturbing, is potentially very important to the lore, as it was written by a member from the hexenzirkel, andersdotter, whose name is a nod to the author of the snow queen, hans christian anderson.
since kaeya is potentially a character from the snow queen, that would mean he might be connected to the other characters from the boar princess. i thought it would be fun to try and figure out the hows and whys.
please note that this will contain spoilers for every archon and world quest up until 4.1.
i'll start by giving a brief summary of what the snow queen is about.
an evil troll created a magic mirror that would distort every beautiful thing reflected in it. this mirror shattered upon the earth, scattering its shards everywhere.
one day, a shard would lodge itself into the eye and heart of a young boy named kai. kai suddenly became very mean and cold towards everyone, even his childhood friend gerda, who was like a sister to him.
the snow queen whisked kai away, so gerda went on a long journey to save him. eventually, the shards melted because of gerda's compassion and love for him.
most obvious similarities are their names. not much to say here, really. they just added a "ya" after "kai"
凯 = Kai 凯亚 = Kǎi yà
the story of the snow queen is a metaphor about losing your childhood innocence as you grow up.
in recent patches, it's been emphasized quite a few times that kaeya wants to protect klee's childhood and shield her from the cruelty of life. kaeya has also mentioned that he wished people could stay young forever and not deal with the troubles of adulthood.
kaeya and kai both changed drastically after their eyes were damaged.
kaeya's kit has some possible references to the snow queen: his fourth constellation frozen kiss could refer to the (platonic!!) kiss the snow queen gives kai.
极寒的轻吻 = Gentle Kiss of Extreme Cold
"Are you still cold?" she asked, and she kissed him on the forehead. Ugh! it was colder than ice, it went to his very heart, which was already more than half ice; he felt as if he were dying, but only for a moment, and then it seemed to have done him good; he no longer felt the cold.
his ultimate, which is a couple of a icicles spinning around him, has this voiceline when cast:
 …这刹那,将是你的永恒。= …This moment will be your eternity.
this could refer to kai having to spell out "eternity" with shards of ice.
[…] made many patterns forming words, but he never could find out the right way to place them for one particular word, a word he was most anxious to make. It was "Eternity."
we even get prince baited 💀 as gerda mistakenly believed kai became a prince by marrying a princess.
if you've played the melusines quest, you probably know where this is going.
we learn that, like durin, elynas and the melusines perceive things differently from regular humans. elynas and durin were abyssal beings brought to life by rhinedottir. elynas and durin both believed they were having fun on the surface, but they did not realize they were harmful to the humans and the environment around them.
melusines claim to see the "truth" of the world, or at least something close to it.
in the book of estoric revelations quest, we are dragged into a ruined post-apocalyptic world. however, the melusine canotila does not see destruction when she enters, but a beautiful serene garden. she does not see terrifying rifthounds but regular dogs.
Canotila: Perhaps you've heard that we Melusines can see things that humans cannot see… But for some reason, I see things differently, even when compared to other Melusines. I can always find things that have been hidden. I have read that the "nature" of things is hidden beneath them, and this "nature" decides their "future." Not that I know what that means…
why this is the case is unclear, but it might have something to do with the melusines being born from elynas.
anyway, back to the snow queen, all of this is very reminiscent of the troll's magic mirror that would distort every beautiful thing reflected in it…
Some of these bits were not as big as a grain of sand, and these flew about all over the world, getting into people's eyes, and, once in, they stuck there, and distorted everything they looked at, or made them see everything that was amiss.
the question is, who is actually seeing reality, us or the melusines? and does this have something to do with kaeya and pierro both covering their right eye?
remember how kaeya has a voiceline comparing himself to an owl that can see through things... a bit similar to what canotila said before.
Interesting Things: Have you ever seen the owl of Dragonspine? If you look directly at it, it seems to see right through you, while letting go of none of its own secrets... Quite fascinating, don't you think?
the goddess of flowers, nabu malikata also has something interesting to say about illusions breaking through the shackles of the land.
"And though the invaders (second who came) brought war to my former kin (seelies), they also brought about illusions that could break through shackles to the land. But the master of the heavens (heavenly principles), consumed by fear for the rising tide of delusion and breakthroughs, sent down the divine nails to mend the land, laying waste to the mortal realm…"
and last but not least, an abandoned letter to knight marshal anfortas mentions khaenri'ah throwing off the shackles of the world...
Of course, I am keenly aware that the four pillars of our kingdom have achieved the prosperity they have today precisely thanks to us spying upon secrets from beyond the skies, and thus have our mechanisms been able to throw off the shackles imposed by this world's laws...
it's unclear what the nature of this power is, exactly, but it's speculated to be forbidden knowledge.
brief summary of the boar princess: once, there was a wolf pup who was cursed by an evil sorcerer. the wolf pup swallowed the sorcerer but by doing so his heart was pierced by an icicle and he became cold and mean.
upon hearing what happened, the boar princess felt great sympathy for the wolf pup and set out on a journey to save him… she accomplished this by sacrificing her two friends to him.
…i don't think i need to explain the similarities to the snow queen here.
it's highly likely the boar princess is an analogy of real events in the history of teyvat. this has happened before with nahida and scara, when she turned his backstory into a fairytale to keep it safe from irminsul alterations.
they've also referenced the book quite a few times this year, even going as far as to show alhaitham reading it in official art. this might mean they want us to remember this book or the book is simply being memed on because of its disturbing ending.
so, who are the boar princess and the wolf pup? to start with, they are meant to represent gerda and kai. notably, there is no snow queen equivalent in the story, instead it's the boar princess or gerda who is the titular character. this could mean the boar princess IS the snow queen or would become her later on…
the following is pure speculation but personally, i have long suspected the boar princess is the tsaritsa for a number of reasons, not just because the boar princess could be the snow queen.
The Snow Queen (Russian: Снежная королева, romanized: Snezhnaya Koroleva).
it is heavily implied the tsaritsa is or was the god of love.
Dainsleif: She is a god whom no one will love ever again. She is a god who will never love anyone again.
the snow queen tries to make kai forget about his love for gerda. even so, the most important message of both books is that love is an all-encompassing force that conquers all.
the boar princess is described as a generous soul. likewise we are told multiple times of the tsaritsa's benevolence.
About Tsaritsa: Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself.
tartaglia's voiceline reveals that the tsaritsa is a gentle person, maybe a bit too gentle. this matches the boar princess sympathizing with the wolf pup, almost to the point of insanity, as she sacrifices her friends to save him.
"No one deserves this fate." The good princess sheds a tear of compassion.
Friendship demands sacrifice. No friendships come without sacrifices.
perhaps these two friends were venti and zhongli, specifically, their gnoses. or perhaps it's meant to represent god remains that the tsaritsa is possibly using to create delusions.
Venti: Five hundred years ago, I knew her well. But I can't say the same is true now. You see, a certain catastrophe happened five hundred years ago, and after that, she cut off all ties with me.
with all that being said, i should mention that according to the story, the boar princess might be from mondstadt, so that could put a dent in this theory. however, it's not impossible that the tsaritsa was originally from mondstadt.
the identity of the wolf pup is a bit harder to figure out as there are several characters refererred to as wolf pup. namely rostam, who was signora's lover, and the first knight of boreas. it could also be andrius himself.
but since this theory hinges on this assumption that the boar princess is the tsaritsa, the wolf pup must be someone she was willing to make great sacrifices for.
this line from pierro implies that both the tsaritsa and pierro know what the gnoses are, as neuvilette also refers to his stolen powers as authority.
Pierro: In the name of Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, we will seize authority from the gods.
one possibility is that the tsaritsa is working with a dragon to get their powers back.
but how can a wolf pup be a dragon? wolf pup is merely an analogy. he might have nothing to do with wolves at all. just like how scaramouche has no cat motives or association with cats, yet he was portrayed as a cat in the fairy tale. and we know dragons don't all look the same. azhdaha is a giant…bull thing and apep is a worm.
still, it wouldn't be too far-fetched if the wolf pup was a wolf. in norse mythology, for example, there exists the mythical wolf fenrir who was destined to kill odin.
...as you know, khaenri'ah borrows a lot from scandanavian mythology. if this wolf pup is a dragon, they could be one of the sovereigns, specifically the cryo sovereign.
the second possible identity of the pup is pierro because of this line which might hint at visual similarities
The pup was a carefree child who had bright blue eyes and slick gray fur.
pierro has one visible bright blue eye and long gray hair with one blue streak in it.
pierro has one eye covered (like kaeya) which might reference the shard of ice piercing kai's eye and the wolf pup's heart.
pierro is from khaenri'ah so it is likely he is or was cursed like the wolf pup.
oh, and i want to clear up a common misconception about pierro: he does NOT have the same open gem pupils as dainsleif and clothar. it's hard to tell but if you zoom in, they're actually closed like kaeya's. what the meaning behind this is, is unknown. but visual similarities between kaeya and pierro DO exist.
pierro has also mentioned that the tsaritsa knows his pain well just like how the boar princess sympathizes with the wolf pup's predicament.
Pierro: Then I shall become instead a fool, a Fatuus, and devote myself to Her Majesty, who understands my pain...
the third possibility is the first knight of boreas. the new weapon wolf-fang gives us more information about him. the story seems to have taken place a 1000 years ago, back when venessa was the grand master of the knights of favonius.
what's interesting is that this nameless knight used coins with strange symbols as payment indicating that he might have been from a place free from the rule of the seven. this could've been the dark sea which includes places like enkanomiya and possibly khaenri'ah.
Some noticed the exquisitely crafted yet battle-worn armor beneath the cape. But that didn't mean anything. Perhaps the armor's bearer was just another lost soul who had lost their prestigious position with the changes wrought by revolution. The tavern's owner noticed that the man paid with real gold and silver coins, though none recognized the symbols on them.
not much is known about him, as he only stayed in mondstadt for a few years.
this brings me to the matter of what exactly happened to the wolf pup. it seems he was corrupted by an evil that changed his personality and possibly the way he perceived the world. his friends ended up shunning him leaving him all alone.
perhaps this is an analogy for being corrupted by the abyss or it has something to do with the Curse (tm).
after that, the boar princess came along and presumably cured him by way of sacrificing lives.
okay, so what does this have to do with kaeya? good question!
i have no idea.
here's the thing, i am reasonably certain kaeya is at least partly inspired by kai. and i am a 100% certain the boar princess is inspired by the snow queen.
if kaeya is kai and the wolf pup is also kai, then that could hint at a connection between them. but in what manner i can't say.
they could also have absolutely nothing to do with each other, like how fischl has no known connection to the real "princess fischl". (though it would be cool if there was.) in that case, kaeya might just be a narrative parallel to the wolf pup.
either way, it's something to think about.
Kaeya: History always repeats itself. When you keep this in mind and watch out for the echoes of past events in the present, things that appear unfathomable at first glance become much easier to comprehend.
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Genshin (crack) theory: So this one dude Afratu (the guy standing near the GIANT ruin guard waaaaay at the southern edge of the desert) says it used to be piloted by a Kharnri‘an called "The Schwanenritter“.
That’s German for "The Swan Knight“.
Mondstadt is (partially) based on Germany, most evident by names like "Der Himmel“ (the sky) for Venti‘s lyre or Mondstadt itself being German for "Moon City“ and wine as a placeholder for beer. What’s rather overlooked however, is it’s connection to fairy tales and the like. Be it the general aesthetics, the library, or most of the books you can collect in Mondstadt being basically fairy tales. One of which is about a certain someone named Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, whose title translates to "Princess of Damnation“.
She‘s the ruler of an elusive but grand kingdom, capable of doing glorious feats, traveling the universe, and her loyal knights of the Immernachtsreich (Eternal Night Kingdom) Kingdom are Ravens - black birds.
During the second summertime event, we have seen what that place looks like, not just on the overworld, but as part of her quest illusion world, where buildings lay sideways or even turned upside down as part of perspective puzzles. On the overworld, we instead deal with stories trying to look though deception and shine light on the liars.
Now tell me,
have you heard about the rumor
that the sky of Teyvat is fake?
The Immernachtsreich is not only real, it’s Kharnri‘ah. They’re one and the same. That‘s why it’s called that- because the new sky is fake, and the truth is hidden in the stars. That’s why the event was full of geometry puzzles, because - just like Ventis statue- it’s all turned wrong. And that’s why, whenever a new BP season starts, story only ever talks about a corrupted princess, regardless of who we choose to play as. Because while it may be the beginning of our story, it was never that of our sibling. It’s of the Princess of Damnation.
Supposed ruler of a kingdom steeped in eternal night, an Abyss. Made to believe she has always been part of Teyvat because all the memories and proof of her true self were erased by the Akasha for a cause yet unknown, as we‘ve seen it‘s possible to tamper with the information of the very world, and is how our sibling most likely erased any trace of his connections to any world other than Teyvat. But unlike our sibling, her bond to the other worlds wasn’t changed. And that’s why she thinks she‘s only roleplaying, and not truly the heir. Heck, that’s why she somehow knows the Traveler isn’t from Teyvat either, why she has the Electro vision, or why her signature move causes her eye to shine in the form of The Star. Because in truth, it’s not roleplay at all.
Genshin side of tumblr, I present to you Fischl, Princessin der Verurteilung, deceived by an unknown being to think she‘s the ruler of the Immernachtsreich also known as Kharnri‘ah, but grasping the truth just close enough to remember it’s not real, even if not in the way she thinks…
…and a Descender.
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pomrania · 1 year
Kitty Smaugust 2023
First off, I need to say that this is NOT the request post; that will be linked down below. Rather, this is the post to say in greater detail what all this art event is doing, so I don't need to put a huge wall of text on the posts for each day.
Kitty Smaugust is an art event I did in 2022, and I'm doing it again in 2023. I'm drawing cats as dragons, because cats are cute and dragons are cool, and I'm using a prompt list to guide that, because it makes things easier for me with how my brain works. (The prompts are copied out down below, but if you'd like the post with just the prompts, you can find it here.)
The normal system for my pet art events applies here. To make a request, you reblog the proper post (to repeat, NOT this post) with a photo of the critter you want me to draw. Include the critter's name in the body of the post. Once I've drawn your critter, I'll reblog your post and add in my artwork. For this particular event, it's one request per person per prompt, unless explicitly stated otherwise; that means that you can get up to 31 different pictures of your cat as a dragon (and I am perfectly okay with that happening, so you don't need to worry about it).
For each day in August, I will be making a post, with that day's prompt in the title; cats will be dragonified in ways inspired by that prompt. (If you want a future prompt, the list clearly states what day that will be on; if you want a past prompt, I might be able to mesh that with the current day's prompt.) There will be 31 different base posts by the end of the month, one for each day and prompt. You can make a request on a post so long as it's still that day somewhere in the world, because I don't want to worry about timezones.
To clarify "your cat", this can be a past or present or future cat, or the cat of a friend or relative, or a cat you sometimes visit at the local shelter; the important thing is that it's a cat you have some kind of connection to, and a cat you know the name of. (Also doesn't necessarily need to actually be a cat, so long as you can give me reasons why the creature is actually a cat despite appearances.)
If there are further questions, or I think of something else, I'll add to this as necessary.
Here's the collection of my favourite pieces from the (first) (middle) (final) third of the event.
Now, the prompts. Once each post has been made, it will be linked here.
crystal (due to circumstances, this prompt was rescheduled to 1 September)
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jrob64 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
MY FIVE FAVORITE???? That's like asking me to choose my 5 favorite children, although I only have 2, so that's fairly easy. Most days.
Okay, I'll give it a try.
Sowing Seeds of Trust is my favorite MC because I love the character development of Emma, the relationship development between her and Killian, and the role the minor characters have in the story. Plus, I tried writing about some very tough subjects - homelessness and unplanned pregnancy. I also liked the way I interwove the Christian community into the story.
Rescuing the Princess. Written as a gift for CS Secret Santa 2021, I tackled a fairy tale mash-up of Sleeping Beauty, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast and The Princess Bride and I have to admit, I'm pretty darn proud of how it turned out!
Lonely No More - an OS based on Christina Perri's EPIC music video featuring our favorite Irishman! I shouldn't say I enjoyed writing about two very lonely people who met each other because of FedEx deliveries, but their developing relationship and how they mended each other's lonely hearts just makes my own heart melt. This is probably my favorite version of CS I've ever written.
Faultline - my first contribution to the CS Movie Marathon collection, inspired by the movie San Andreas. I had so much fun working in all the tension and suspense of Emma, Killian and Liam helping each other make it out of San Francisco after an earthquake. The pic sets for all three chapters were also a lot of fun to make, and this story includes my favorite proposal I've written so far.
Devastation and Healing. This is my first long MC and included research into Physical and Occupational Therapy, along with medical and legal topics I'm pretty clueless about. I adored writing the characters of Marco and August, who are Emma's adopted father and brother. The way Killian went from a physically and emotionally broken man to the love of Emma's life still brings tears to my eyes. I was also very excited about the response I got when I included an unexpected event involving Milah.
Sorry, but I have to include some honorable mentions, because now that my personal library of works is up to 40 (with a few collaborations in there) I feel like only choosing 5 is nearly impossible!
For the Sake of Henry - again tackling a very difficult subject, this time of child abuse and neglect.
Snowstorm Confessions - bed sharing and no power during a blizzard - what's not to love?
Lunch is on Me - of all of my stories, this one probably tugs at my heartstrings the most.
Tagging: @kmomof4 @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose @cs-rylie @elizabeethan
Thanks for the ask @kazoosandfannypacks!
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aughtpunk · 2 months
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1) Wherever a fairy tale ends with "and then the hero picked the so-and-so to marry and then they were wed" because there's never a "so-and-so was totally cool with this turn of events". The Midwife has certainly helped a number of princesses run off to escape their heroes and boxed the ears of a few members of royalty who think slaying a dragon automatically makes you husband material.
2) The Bishops as a whole probably never celebrated Christmas for the most part. Growing up their parents would have forced the holiday cheer and festive activities with the same grim determination of a military dictatorship. The Bishops would have gotten the most expensive and hard-to-find toys (even if they didn't want them) while being forced to smile for yet another picture-perfect Christmas photo, no, you're not smiling enough, smile more, you don't look happy enough, you have to be happy, this photo needs to be perfect. As adults the Bishops simply ignored the holidays and did their best to pretend it wasn't even happening.
Then Buttercup was born
What followed could only be described as a Christmas explosion in The Bishop household. Every single adult was absolutely determined to make Buttercup (who was like six months old at the time and couldn't comprehend what was happening) have a great Christmas. Not a perfect one. But a great one, surrounded by those who loved her the most.
It was the best Christmas any of The Bishops ever had. Even if the Christmas Tree did fall on Kallamar.
3.1) Leshy and Lemmy's bedroom has a real "stoned college dorm room" look to it right down to the beanbag chair and weird skunk smell. Leshy still has his nest of blankets and pillows even though his siblings keep trying to get him and Lemmy an actual bed. This is also the only room with actual potted plants in it as it's the only way to keep Leshy's plant collection from taking over the entire estate.
Heket's room is barely used. She basically bought whatever IKEA had for decorations and put them up before only using her room for sleeping. She's simply too much of a social butterfly to stay on her room all of the time. However, there's been a sudden increase in silly tchotchkes and souvenirs from places she hasn't been. Perhaps they're gifts from that cafe owner she has a thing for...?
Kallamar's room may as well be a museum for his many trophies and diplomas and what-not. He doesn't actually use his bedroom often in the Bishop estate. Instead he has an apartment downtown near the laboratory he works at. As for what THAT looks like we'll be getting into that in the fic
Narinder doesn't have a bedroom. He has a couch. He sleeps on a couch.
Shamura and Clementine's room is less of a bedroom and more of a library that just happens to have a bed in it. There's a pile of pillows and comfy chairs for reading and a slight ant problem from the sheer amount of snacks eaten in the room. There's usually someone taking a nap in the pillow pile.
Buttercup's room is actually under construction at the moment because it's currently being transformed from a nursery into a Big Kid room. Buttercup will get to pick out the colors and decorations all by themself! AND Buttercup is getting a Big Kid Bed!
Vi hasn't hatched yet but has a very lovely fairy tale themed nursery waiting for them once they do.
3.2) I don't know where you live but where I grew up there was a chain of stores called East Meets West which was a store for stoners to buy hemp hoodies and where nerds could buy shirts with like wizards and dragons on them. That's entirely what Lemmy and Leshy wear.
Heket wears very practical clothes that usually end up covered in dirt or stains from her many numerous outdoor activities. Don't tell anyone, but I'm the back of her closest there's a full knight outfit from her ren faire days that she looks absolutely amazing in.
Kallamar is, of course, Kallamar. Every outfit he owns is designed and made by his own two hands. Even the shockingly plain clothes he wears while working was made by him. He too has a secret ren faire outfit. One day he'll get his sister to start going to them again.
Narinder's clothes were all bought at a thrift store and are currently shoved into a duffle bag next to the couch he's sleeping on.
Shamura and Clementine's outfits were entirely designed by people who make Dark Academia mood boards on Pinterest. They dress in a way that says yes, I'm a professor in a way that all other teachers don't actually dress like. That being said while they're at home they rock the pj's 24/7 lifestyle.
3.3) you don't want to know what any of these freaks search for.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Silent Hope demo now available
Gematsu Source
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A demo for Silent Hope is now available for Switch via Nintendo eShop and PC via Steam, publishers XSEED Games, Marvelous Europe, and Marvelous announced.
The demo allows players to take on the entire first level of the Abyss, and progress can be carried over to the full game when it launches.
Here is an overview of the game, via Marvelous:
In a world without words, what hope is there for humanity? Silent Hope takes place in a once-peaceful land, silenced by the former King who stole people’s speech before escaping into the endless chasm known as The Abyss. Following these events, the Princess mourned her father’s actions and wept until she was entombed by her own crystallized tears. Now, years after these events faded from memory, seven heroes find themselves drawn towards the Princess. To break her free from her luminous prison, they must brave the depths of The Abyss to find the long-lost King and reunite the royal family. Silent Hope harkens back to the glory days of isometric dungeon-crawlers while infusing them with a modern approach. Players will take the role of seven unlikely heroes, each with their own unique weapons, fighting styles, and non-combat jobs. After diving into The Abyss to battle enemies and collect materials, the heroes return to Base Camp to craft, cook, and rest up for their next adventure. Each journey into The Abyss will be a fresh experience, with randomized layouts ensuring every excursion has the element of chance, with even greater dangers lurking the further the heroes dare to venture.
Key Features
Seven Heroes, Seven Unique Fighting Styles – Choose from a motley crew of characters like the well-rounded Wanderer, long-range specialist Archer, or heavy-hitting Warrior to find whose skills suit your playstyle, and embrace new roles and abilities as you gain more experience.
A Home at the Edge of the World – Find new recipes and materials and return to your Base Camp at the edge of The Abyss, where each character has a unique job. From alchemist to blacksmith to cook, each hero brings something different.
Engaging Exploration and Dungeon-Crawling – Experience a new layout each time you enter the enigmatic Abyss, keeping you on your toes every moment. Stay on the lookout for Memory Rifts, where greater rewards and challenges await.
A Vibrant Storybook Aesthetic – With its mournful princess, spellbound kingdom, and everyday heroes, it feels like a fairy tale come to life—right down to the mysteries waiting to be uncovered in the visually stunning underworld.
Silent Hope is due out for Switch on September 28 in Japan, followed by Switch and PC via Steam on October 3 worldwide.
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lizziefox · 3 months
About me <3
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Hi, I’m BloomingSkeletons! You can call me Bloom for short or Lizzie, either is good with me. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I’m an Ao3 fanfic author who mostly does crossover works.
🦋 🦋 🦋
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My Interests:
(Or more commonly known as my massive amount of hyperfixations)
Green- things I am absolutely head over heels for
Blue- things I enjoy but not as much as the green category
Purple- things I adore but I don’t spend a lot of time on
A Series of Unfortunate Events, Anna and The Apocalypse, Gravity Falls, Laika Movies (Coraline, ParaNorman, The Boxtrolls, Kubo and The Two Strings, Missing Link & Wildwood), The Mitchells V.S. The Machines, Star V.S. The Forces of Evil, Invader Zim, Amphibia, The Owl House, Over The Garden Wall, Camp Camp, Bob’s Burgers, Demon Slayer, Hilda, She-Ra and The Princesses of Power, The Dragon Prince, Luca, Nimona, Wreck it Ralph, Monsters Inc, Megamind, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Stranger Things, It (2017/2019), Anne With An E, Tim Burton (Wednesday, Edward Scissorhands, Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.), Ghostbusters, Bridgerton, Locke and Key, Spooksville, Are You Afraid of The Dark, All Of Us Are Dead, Mad For Each Other, Little Shop of Horrors, Dash and Lily, Little Women, Lisa Frankenstein, Freaky (2020), Spider-Man (ITSV/ATSV & Raimi), Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, & Emma), When Harry Met Sally, Scott Pilgrim, & The Umbrella Academy
🎵 🎶 🎵
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My Music Taste:
I listen to a lot of instrumental, actually. Mainly soundtracks from the films/shows listed above but I enjoy them. But, some of my main favorite artists are;
David Bowie (obviously), Beabadoobee, Laufey, Sleeping At Last, Moto Boy, Billy Joel, AURORA, Cody Fry, The Arcadian Wild, Coconut Records, The Decemberists, Djo, Flower Face, The Happy Fits, Lana Del Rey, Mckenna Grace, P!nk, & Stevie Nicks.
-I’m always down to listen to music that’s new to me though, I like to expand my listening options :)
📚 🖼️ 🧸
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My Hobbies:
Writing: Fanfiction (all the time) and poetry (sometimes)
Drawing: I’m always doodling something in my sketchbook, on receipt paper, or on my drinks (I am unstoppable)
Reading: I LOVE folksy horror books as well as retellings of popular fairy tales & romance
Collecting: Legos, Funko, Plants, Squishmallows, you name it! My current fixation is on finding a Bill Denbrough Pop to complete my Losers Club set :)
🫶 🫶 🫶
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This is a safe space <3
I know all sorts of people from different walks of life. I don’t judge a single one for what they have gone through. I hope you’re having a good day or night (whenever you’re seeing this) and I hope many blessings are sent your way.
- Lizzie <3
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
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Stay tuned!
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chainofmoon · 1 year
In the Shadows of Our Disoriented Love - Chapter Two
A Sebastian x Ominis x Reader story originally published on my AO3 under the same pseudonym. If found elsewhere, it’s not posted by me. This work will only be found on my Tumblr and AO3. Do not repost, but reblogging is welcomed.
“Most people are lucky to have even one great love in their life. You have found two.” -Clockwork Princess
one || two
After getting nagged by the Head Wizard for surpassing curfew, Sebastian finally enters his dormitory and silently shuts the door. He crumples the small detention slip and tosses it in the waste bin on his way to his bed. 
“Where were you this time?” A stern voice questions. 
Ominis is sitting on his bed while having a book in hand. His fingers trace the words on the pages while a voice in his head speaks whatever text he was touching. It was a simple spell he was taught when he could first yield a wand; having a voice in his head read out the page for him. It reminded him of the times when his Aunt Nocua would secretly read him fairy-tales from The Brothers Grimm. It was something his parents disapprove of since it tainted him with false stories from the Muggle world. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Sebastian responds as he slips into his night attire. 
Ominis sighs and he closes his book. “Look, you can’t break curfew every time. The Head Wizard is starting to get pissed off.”
Sebastian tends to disappear a couple times during the room inspection that ensures everyone is in bed on time. Ominis would make an excuses for Sebastian’s absence every time, saying he either was in the restroom or was running late from a study group.
Sebastian lays in bed and pulls the covers over himself. He turns his back to Ominis, not wanting to take the discussion any further. To that, Ominis shakes his head and places his book on his nightstand before laying down as well.
Normally, Sebastian wouldn’t mind sharing his whereabouts, so it was odd that he was being quiet about it now. It worried him at times when Sebastian would be secretive with him especially since they share everything with each other. He hopes Sebastian will come back to his senses tomorrow.
Ominis Gaunt never exactly met you. Most of his knowledge about you were from whispers and rumors from his classmates and Sebastian. Especially from Sebastian.
Sebastian could not stop talking about “the new student who single handedly took him down” and he opted to keep a close eye on you. Ominis couldn’t bother with the new student, but he was starting to get annoyed with hearing about you and that dragon attack as he passed the halls. The incident with the troll made it worse.
Bloody hell, Sebastian could not stop talking about that event. Giant trolls tearing down Hogsmeade and both of you took it down without the assistance of an Auror. You were too good. You threw barrels and spells Sebastian had never even seen. 
The blonde is starting to get rather annoyed with hearing about you constantly and needs to clear his head. He makes his way towards the Undercroft and hears the familiar sound of the clock clicking. 
“Hello, Sebastian.” He greets, but immediately pauses. “Wait.”
The footsteps were nothing of Sebastian’s. His is quieter when exiting the Undercroft since he doesn’t want to alert anyone nearby. These were heavier and careless. 
“You there! I can hear!” Ominis calls out as his blinking wand is directed at the intruder.
“Oh, hello Ominis.” You greet as you try to keep your voice to sound like a casual manner. “I think we have Potions together…and Herbology?”
“I recognize that voice.” Ominis mutters in a low grumble. “You’re that new fifth year. Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?!”
You slightly jump at the sudden demanding outburst. The Ominis you’ve observed in your classes was quiet and collected. Your mind scrambles to come up with a reasonable excuse. 
“That room’s called the Undercroft? Ah, well. I was exploring- a-and I suddenly found myself in a strange passageway-”
“Don’t lie to me!” Ominis interrupts as he grips his wand tighter in anger. You can see his knuckles turn paler. “No one just stumbles upon that room. You breathe a word about this place to anyone, not even your precious Professor Fig would be able to help you.”
Even if Ominis’s eyes didn’t meet your own, you can still feel the frustration lace in voice.
“My father is friends with the Headmaster. I’m not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to.” 
Ominis hated using his Pureblood status in order to get his way of things, but at times like this, it was necessary. The Undercroft was his place of security. A place where he holds fond memories and having it threatened by someone he doesn’t know frustrates him to no end. 
“Sebastian is going to get an earful about this.” Ominis mumbles as he passes right by you, but not before his shoulders hit yours (an indication that you must tread carefully around him now).
Sebastian hears the elevator dig and his head pops out from his book. He was sitting on the floor while his back was rested on a pillar. He smiles upon seeing his Slytherin friend.
“Ah, Ominis! How lovely-”
“We need to talk.” 
“I assume you ran into my new friend.” Sebastian nervously laughs when he notices the serious tone in Ominis’s voice. His breathing is a bit more heavy and his shoulders are tense. 
Ominis stomps over to Sebastian as the brunette stands up from the floor. “Look, I know it seems bad, but we can trust t-”
“You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone!” Ominis cries out. His voice cracks slightly from hurt. “You swore that this place stays between me, you, and Anne!”
Sebastian’s composure remains calm. “I know I did, and I’m sorry.”
Ominis paces back and forth, a small habit of his when he’s overwhelmed with emotion. His hands are buried in his face in order to hide the tears swelling his eyes.
“First, you wouldn’t stop talking about that new student. Then, you wouldn’t tell me why you were out late that one time and now, you show them the Undercroft.” He wipes the tears from his eyes. “What is going on between you two?”
“Nothing!” Sebastian responds almost too quickly and defensively.
Ominis says calmly, “I’m worried about you. I’m worried that your new friend is causing you to be more reckless.”
“I can assure you, I'm staying safe.” Sebastian reassures. 
“Anyways, that’s not what I’m here for. My father sent me this.” Ominis hands a folded piece of parchment over to Sebastian.
I manage to open its doors, but I hesitate to enter. The corridors are dark, so I couldn’t see anything beyond the stairs. I need a moment to rest, so I’ll continue my journey tomorrow. 
Slytherin won’t make it easy for just anyone to access his scriptorium, so I expect some sort of challenge ahead. I’ll leave notes for you as I progress through the corridors. In case something happens, I can at least leave a little something behind.
Yours truly, 
Noctua Gaunt
P.S. Please continue to reassure Ominis that I’m doing well. I’m sure my sudden disappearance has caused him great worry. Tell him I’ll return soon.
“That was the last letter Father received from Aunt Noctua.” Ominis explains. “He finally sent it to me after I kept pestering him about what happened to her.”
For weeks, Ominis wrote letter after letter demanding his father to tell him what had happened to his aunt. He refuses to believe the tale of her leaving the Gaunt family like his ancestor Rionach Gaunt did. He knew his aunt and she would never leave Ominis, at least not without a proper explanation. 
He receives the letter, but not without a threat from his father; Do not enter that scriptorium. I will not hesitate to withdraw you from the school if I find you doing so.
“So, what this letter is saying is that Salazar Slytherin has some sort of secret scriptorium?” It wasn’t a question, but rather clearance to see if he read the words on the paper correctly. 
“Yes and it’s here within Hogwarts.” Ominis responds with a nod. “It’s no secret among the Gaunts, however, no one has ever venture there. That was until my aunt did.”
“And now us!” Sebastian perks up excitedly. 
“Absolutely not.” Ominis says. “We are not going anywhere near that scriptorium.”
Sebastian’s smile dies. “Why not?”
Ominis’s expression turns serious. “Slytherin plays around with dark magic. Anything to do with the Dart Arts should be avoided. It’s too risky”
Sebastian was well aware of Ominis’s distaste for the Dark Arts. His past has caused him to fear dark magic. He could never forget the physical pain of the Cruciatus Curse along with the mental pain of inflicting that kind of torture on a Muggle.
“But what if that scriptoruim holds the answers we need?” Sebastian pleds. Ominis was still pacing back and forth. “What if we can find a cure for Anne-”
“I lost my aunt, because of that place. What would I do if I lost you too?”
Sebastian pauses. Ominis stops moving and is now silent, processing what he just said. The thought of losing one of his only friends pained him. Aunt Noctua was nowhere to be heard and the curse might take Anne eventually. 
Ominis clears his throat as his cheeks are slightly flushed in embarrassment. “I-I don’t want you getting hurt. Let’s just drop this whole scriptorium talk.”
“Fine.” Sebastian reluctantly agreed.
Sebastian’s eyes are fixed on Ominis as pulls out his wand. The tip pulses red and it guides him towards the elevator. Sebastian hears the heavy door close in and his friend disappearing behind it.
End Note: when i have writer's block, i read other books to get inspiration. it doesn't help when i'm in a reading slump :,))
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lesbian-shadow · 6 months
My Opinions and Interpretations of "The Tales Of Beedle The bard"
"The Tales Of Beedle The Bard", is a collection of stories written for young witches and wizards. They have been popular bedtime reading for centuries, with the result that the Hopping Pot and the Fountain of Fair Fortune are as familiar to many students at Hogwarts as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are to Muggle children. Beedle's stories resemble our fairy tales in many respects; for instance, virtue is usually rewarded, and wickedness punished. However, the is one very obvious difference. In Muggle fairy tales, magic tends to lie at the root of the hero's or heroin's troubles - the wicked witch has the poisoned apple, or put the princess into a hundred-year's sleep, or turned the prince into a hideous beast. I'm the takes of Beedle the bard, on the other hand, we met heros and heroins who can perform magic themselves, and yet find it just as hard to solve their problems as we do. Beedle's stories have helped generations of Wizarding parents this painful fact of life to their young children,that magic causes as much trouble as it cures.
Another notable difference between these games and their Muggle counterparts is that Beedle's witches are much more active in seeking their fortunes than our fairy-tale heroins. Asha, Altheda, Amata, and Babbitty Rabbity are all witches who take their fates into their own hands, Rather than taking a prolonged nap or waiting for someone to return their list shoe. The exception to this rule, the unarmed maiden of The Warlock's Hairy Heart, acts more like our idea of a storybook princess, but there is no happily ever after at the end of her tale. Beedle the Bard lived in the fifteenth century, and much of his life remains shrouded in mystery. We know he was born in Yorkshire and the only surviving Woodcut shows that he had an exceptionally luxuriant beard. If his stories accurately reflect his opinions, me Rather liked Muggles, whom he regarded as ignorant rather than malevolent; he mistrusted Dark Magic, and he believed that the worst recess of Wizardkind sprang from the all-too-human traits of cruelty, apathy, it arrogant misapplication of their own talents. The heros and heroins who triumph in his stories are not this with the most power-full magic, but rather those who demonstrate the most kindness, common sense, and ingenuity. One modern-day wizard who held very similar views was, of course, Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin (first class), Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Winzengamot. The similarity of outlook notwithstanding, it was a surprise to discover a set of notes on The Tales of Beedle the Bard among the many papers that Dumbledore left in his will to the Hogwarts Archives. Whether this commentary was written for his own satisfaction or for future publication, we shall never know; however, we have been been graciously been given permission by Professor Minerva McGonagall, now Headmistress of Hogwarts, to print Professor Dumbledore's notes here, alongside a brand new translation of The Tales by Hermione Granger. We hope that that Professor Dumbledore's insights, which include observations on Wizarding history, personal reminisces, and information on key elements of each story, will help a new generation of both Wizarding and Muggle readers appreciate The Tales of Beedle the Bard. It the belief of ash who knew him personally that Professor Dumbledore would have been delighted to lend his his support to this project, given that all royalties are to be donated to the Children's High Level Group, which works to benefit children in desperate need of a voice. It seems only right to make one small, additional comment on Professor Dumbledore's note. As far as we can tell, the notes were completed around eighteen months before the tragic events at the top of Hogwarts's Astronomy Tower. Those familiar with the history of the most recent Wizarding war (everyone who has read all seven volumes on the life of Harry Potter for instance) will be aware that Professor Dumbledore reveals a little less than he knows - or suspects - about the final story on this book. The reason for any omission lies, perhaps, in what Dumbledore said about truth many years ago, to his favorite and most famous pupil; "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution." Weather we are with him or not, we can perhaps excuse Professor Dumbledore for wishing to protect future readers from the temptations to which he himself has taken prey, and for which he payed so terrible a price.
-J.K Rowling, 2008 (from the official Tales Of Beedle The Bard by J.K Rowling)
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