#faith hallow
horrorcutieangel · 6 months
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Close up on face!!☆゚・*:.。.☆†_(゚▽゚*)β☆.。.:*・゚☆
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ang33333333l · 1 year
A night to remember
CW:eyestrain for art
“Wouldn’t it easier to just….give up?…” That’s what I used to think, I always would find a way to not give up, my sisters…Jamie and Eve can’t lose someone else important in their life…But I just lost Mèng Yáo, locking myself in the dirty bathroom. I need to clean it again, mom always forgets to do it. I didn’t know what to do anymore, I can’t give up, that wouldn’t be good for my sisters…My hair…why is my hair suddenly bothering me?….It feels so itchy against my neck, it feels like it’s suffocating me. I looked over at the pair of scissors, how did they even get in here?….Oh right Eve forgot to put them back in the kitchen. I grabbed the scissors…cutting some of my hair off wouldn’t be so bad…I started to chop off random sections of my hair, making it seem like I was trying to get a wild animal off my head, it still felt heavy…why is it still suffocating me??!…I cut more off, cutting it past my neck…oh no…I ruined my hair…what would Mèng Yáo think?! Would she ignore me?!…wait…she’s dead..six feet deep in the ground dead. Why does it feel lighter?…I dropped the scissors into the sink and started to desperately look around the bathroom…I remember buying some hair bleach and hair dye..maybe it was finally my chance to do it..no, it is my chance to do it.
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bookrabbit · 9 days
Halloween begins with this story book, 5 Star children book series./Challenge
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I just totally fell off my chair, I can't believe how wonderful this is!!! 😃🤩🥰
I have the Hallow-App on my phone and I'm trying to regularly listen to the minute-homilies by Father Mike. They're not always entirely my thing but his homilies are generally very good. So the minute-homilies go for maybe 5 minutes each time. And today was about receptivity. So I sat and listened and then I couldn't believe my ears, what a huge blessing! He spoke about Fred&Ginger to explain the concept of receptivity!!! 😄🥰💖 I cannot tell you how amazing that was, just everything about it! I love this!!! 💚 Father Mike is so great and apparently he has great taste too (and the message is on point)! Thank you so much!!!😄😊
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bibaybe · 1 year
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OC Pride Challenge 2023 / Day Two: Lesbian
Faith Quinn, Evangeline Hallows, Quinn Hayes, and Elyse Hargreeves are Lesbian!
taglist: @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @wordspin-shares @veetlegeuse  
gif sources: x / x
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inspiredbyjesuslove · 2 years
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Halloween begins when you find a Pascha Pumpkin
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noam-easter-bunny · 8 days
Getting a Pascha Pumpkin  Halloween begins when you find this pumpkin
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xxstxriesfromashxx · 2 months
Tag Dumps ; Ships
Ships / Ship Partner Tags
If we have a ship that you do not see on here, it may be because: i haven't yet found a good tag, i forgot to add it / couldn't find my old ship tags from archive blog and need to make a new one, we haven't really 'confirmed' it and i don't want to force add it (meaning we just need to discuss it being a thing), we haven't rp'ed it in a while (completely my bad) and i'm not sure if you still want it to be a thing (please let me know, i am piss poor anxiety at asking). If you see a ship listed here that you would like to discontinue for any reason, please let me know.
tag format: ship name // muse x muse (partner url) ;; ship partner tag // muse name ; my muse's love
isabethan // ethan x isabelle purefoy (qceensofkings) queen of my soul // isabelle purefoy ; ethan's love fate intertwined our path // ethan x rayne layden (ghostofaformerself) gave me purpose // rayne layden ; ethan's love
your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with light // edward x isabelle purefoy (qceensofkings) my happy ending // isabelle purefoy // edward's love forbidden love // kimberly x eric brandon (ericbrandonrp) the thief who stole my heart // eric brandon ; kimberly's love
love me like you do // katrina x eric brandon (ericbrandonrp) i believe in love because of you // eric brandon ; katrina's love teenage dirtbags // abraham x rayne layden (ghostofaformerself) the girl that got away // rayne layden ; abraham's loves
serene howl // will x trinity wallace (sincerexsiren) the angel in my life // trinity wallace ; will's love howling soulmates // will x sophie hallow (sugarandwhiskey) she took my heart and mended the broken pieces // sophie hallow ; will's love
i'll throw away my faith babe just to keep you safe // silas x alex herman (xseen2muchx) i will live and fight for you // alex herman ; silas' love
bare your teeth and sharpen your knife // isaac x piper beau (sharpenurdamnknife) my freedom // piper beau ; isaac's love maybe our stars align // kazvrall x calista arganan (countarganan) beautiful countess // calista arganan ; kazvrall's love
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headlinehorizon · 10 months
Renowned Jesus Portrayer Jonathan Roumie Teams Up with Hallow App to Share Faith
Jonathan Roumie, famous for his portrayal of Jesus in 'The Chosen,' is collaborating with the Hallow app to promote the significance of faith during the holiday season. Discover how Roumie and Hallow are guiding Christians through the Advent Pray 25 challenge and deepening their connection with Christ.
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hislop3 · 11 months
Wednesday Feature: The Power of Positive Thinking
Happy Hump Day and Happy All Saints Day or All Hallows Day! For many in Latin American countries, this day is far bigger than Halloween. It is a day to celebrate Christian martyrs and saints known and unknown, celebrating the connection between the living and the deceased. In Catholicism, it is a day of reverence and often, a day of Holy Obligation requiring attendance at Holy Mass. The day is…
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horrorcutieangel · 6 months
One kiss
This is rlly just a silly thought about Faith and Ruggie
Cw:Oc x Canon(pls don't bitch) and that's rlly it, not at all beta read, this is just a drabble
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As fingers interlocked together Ruggie became panicked, this would be his first kiss.
"Ruggie? Are you okay?" Faith looked at him, pausing right before their lips touched. She felt her face heating up as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, don't worry too much..." Ruggie lead forward. He finally closed his eyes, Jack might've been right about going with the flow. But this was something new, a new experience. He squeezed Faith's hand as he finally planted the kiss on her lips, feeling the cold piercing on her bottom lip.
Faith felt her face heat up, her face frozen in shock and happiness.
So this is what love feels like?
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Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
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bookrabbit · 24 days
5 Star children's book series,
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fortoffort · 1 year
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This week we look at the second line of the Lord’s Prayer; Hallowed be your name. Last week we thought about the opening line and how it establishes who we are talking to and our relationship with him. This week’s line further delves into our relationship with the one true God of the universe. When I was younger I understood this line to be saying “your name is holy” but hallow is a verb, it could mean to make holy and we know that we’re unable to do that. The primary definition of hallow is to honour as holy and as we shall see I think this matches a biblical understanding. God is holy, he expects to be recognised as such because to deny it would be a lie and to fail to honour him as holy would be to miss out on the only dependable source of life and goodness. Let’s explore what it means to recognise the holiness of God’s name.
When we look back in Genesis we don’t see an incident of God introducing himself and saying what name he would like to be called by. Yet many people even from the earliest humans call on the name of the Lord. This implies that they know what the name of the Lord is. The word is יְהוָֽה in the hebrew which we would pronounce Yahweh. You might have heard that name being used in some modern worship songs and not known the meaning behind it. It’s not until Exodus 3 that we get the explanation behind this name. God introduces himself to Moses by saying “‘I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I am has sent me to you.’” (Exodus 3:14b) The name of God points to his eternal existence. He has no beginning and no end, he always has been and he always will be. God’s personal name was considered so holy that scribes through the centuries substituted it with the word adonai which means Lord. We see from this act of reverence the extreme honour that God’s chosen people have held his name in.
When we think about honouring the name of the Lord we might instantly jump to one of the ten commandments which refers to this directly. “‘You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” (Exodus 20:7) The NIV uses the word misuse but you might have also heard the word translated as ‘take’. For years I was under the impression that this meant we should not swear using the Lord’s name. This is a part of it but I think the richness of this verse has been lost in translation. The Hebrew word is tissa and it can mean lift, carry or take. We might also think of a word like bear to get across the meaning of this idea. On that mountain God is claiming the Israelites as his people, he was even linking himself with them by being known as the God of Israel. God chooses them to bear his name, just like we might write our name on something we own, God is claiming ownership of the people of Israel. The NIV has conflated the Hebrew words tissa to carry and lassaw which means evil into one word ‘misuse’. In doing so I think you miss the nuance of this idea. God wants us to bear his name but if he wants us to do so by honouring him and avoiding evil.
I think there is further evidence for this reading of the command in how God’s name is used throughout scripture. We are told that the temple will be a house for his name and that he will place it there forever (1 Kings 21:7) or it is called by his name (1 Kings 8:29). The people are called by his name too in 2 Chronicles 7:14. God claims ownership of the people and the very land they live on. In Revelation 3:12 where Jesus is speaking to the churches he cements this idea by promising to write his name upon us. Just as when we look at an item with a label bearing someone’s name, people will look at us and they may not be able to see a physical label but they will recognise that we belong to God by the way we live. We could tell people that we are Christians and children of God, thereby verbally linking ourselves to him, but if we then go about living lives that dishonour what God represents then he may not want to be associated with us anymore.
This brings us to thinking about God’s holy nature. He wants us to bear his name, as we saw in the first week of our series he is our Father. I work in a primary school and I’m always struck by how children look like their parents but also reflect the way their parents have raised them, this is both nature and nurture I feel. Genetically your personality might be a combination of both parents but also the values of your home environment have a big impact on how you behave in society. This should hold true with us and God, he has transformed us by sending the Holy Spirit to live within us. The Holy Spirit is someone we receive, he is the one who changes our fundamental nature when we invite him in. He is the one who inclines us towards honouring God yet we have a choice on whether we are then further instilled with God's values. If we choose to spend time with our heavenly father and amongst our brothers and sisters who are also filled with his Holy Spirit, then we will become more holy.
There does appear to be a sliding scale of holiness. We see this in the design of the temple, the very centre of which is the Most holy place, the surrounding area is a holy place then there was an inner court and an outer court. Only the High priest was able to enter the most holy place or the holy of holies, and he could only do it once a year after a lot of purification rituals. We know that these rituals did not make him holy as holiness is not something we can earn through our actions, it is something we can ask to receive more of. The temple system has now been superseded by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 6:19 Paul writes that we are now the temples housing God’s holy presence. It is up to us to decide how holy our hearts and minds are. Yet if we can’t increase in holiness through our actions how do we become more holy and thus better represent God’s holiness to the world?
First off before we look at how we become holy we might need a reminder of what holiness is, it describes the unique nature of God. He is the only one in the universe who is purely good and because he is eternal he eternally establishes what is good and what is evil. He is perfect in his goodness, he never puts a foot wrong. Everything we know to be good, ideals like love, justice, grace, faithfulness and more are all supremely exhibited in him. When we realise just how good God is we realise what a tall order it is for us to emulate him. Peter helps us in how we go about it in his first letter(1 Peter 1:12-16). He tells us that holiness starts off with the way we think. This calls for us to be aware of what values and ideals we currently hold, are our own concepts of the world more important to us than God’s? If we discover that we have been holding on to misconceptions then Peter reminds us that there is grace, God will forgive us and will help us to think differently. We have to be willing to obey him though, even if it is a sacrifice or goes against popular ideals. In a world of consumers it is hard to not live a self-focused existence. Yet we can have our minds renewed and think and behave in a more holy manner.
As with each line of the Lord’s prayer there is a lot packed into this one. We know that God’s name is Holy, he is worthy of honour because he is the only one who is unceasingly good and defines what it means to be good. He honours us by calling us by his name and allowing us to represent him to a world that doesn’t know him. In Jesus’ time on earth he identified himself as one with the Father by using God’s holy name to introduce himself to people. The religious leaders were scandalised because they thought he was profaning the name of God by attaching himself to it but Jesus was correctly identifying himself as God’s son, a human man conceived by the Holy Spirit and overflowing with the Holy Spirit’s presence. Jesus prayed for us that as we go about bearing his name we would be protected by its power. He then prayed that we would be brought into the same level of unity that he and the Father share, he is so close to the Father that the only way to describe them is as being one; distinct but completely unified. The Lord’s prayer reminds us who our Father is and how we can show that we are his children. We pray that we will hallow his name by becoming more holy; we the walking, talking temples of God that house his presence. We pray that we will be drawn into greater unity with the triune God and greater unity with his holy people.
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cidthecoatrack-blog · 2 years
All the intense, super-dedicated, crazy talented IT and DevOps people I have met have either A) been into super hard drugs, or B) devoutly religious.
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