#falco x katt
soulsty · 8 months
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Found some Star Fox sketch pages in my sketchbook, from 2021 and 2022 respectively
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fierykitten2 · 1 year
I can’t think of any other prominent 2-person ships involving him in the fandom
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madsceptictrooper · 2 years
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Here's my opinions on Star Fox ships.
OTP: - Fox McCloud x Katt Monroe
Love: - Falco Lombardi x Wolf O'Donnell - Falco Lombardi x Krystal
Like: - Peppy Hare x Vivian Hare - Fox McCloud x Bill Grey - Fox McCloud x Miyu - Miyu x Fay - Katt Monroe x Bill Grey
BROTP: - Falco Lombardi x Katt Monroe - James McCloud x Peppy Hare - Fox McCloud x Falco Lombardi - Fox McCloud x Slippy Toad
Meh/Neutral: - Falco Lombardi x Miyu - Fox McCloud x Fara Phoenix - Bill Grey x Fay - Fox McCloud x Fay - Katt Monroe x Krystal - Wolf O'Donnell x Krystal
Dislike: - Fox McCloud x Krystal - Fox McCloud x Wolf O'Donnell - Fox McCloud x Lucy Hare - Slippy Toad x Amanda - Wolf O'Donnell x Lucy Hare - Falco Lombardi x Leon Powalski - Krystal x Panther Caroso - Miyu x Panther Caroso
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ameth18blog · 2 years
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Cutest couple in StarFox
Falco x Fox
Peppy x Slippy
Wolf x Krystal
Sabre x Lucy
This is a request that my friend DigiTimez475B made for me as a request on deviant art.
Note: This pic takes place in my universe #1, from, Star Fox, so characters like Leon, Panther, Katt, Bill, Miyu and Fay are single.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1016: Familiar Faces (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
1:56 p.m. at the Smash Direct Mall........
Falco: (Walking Next to Banjo and Kazooie) Wait. So you're telling us you guys had to race against some evil, giant wizard pig in a kart and plane race. Then after you beat him.......
Kazooie: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) He somehow rode himself off into the deep void of space.....
Banjo: Yep. He was never seen again after that. But some say you could hear him screaming to tis very day.
Falco and Kazooie starts turning back and forth in the attempt to hear the screams of the evil pig wizard.......with little to no success whatsoever.
Kazooie: (Turns Back to her Boyfriend) Preeeetty sure we can only hear people chatting in here, babe.
Banjo: That cause you have to go outside in the nighttime to listen for it yourself! (Points at his Chest) At least that's what I did a while back home. (Places his Finger on his Chin While Thinking) Don't remember the time or date though.......
Falco: Riiiiiight.....So anyways! (Gives Banjo a Sly Grin on his Face While Placing his Arm Around his Shoulder) Why didn't you tell me you knew how to fly a plane? You'd make a great addition to the Star Fox crew with a more training to boot
Banjo: (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Well....shucks. That would've been a great honor. But I don't think I'm any good with those fancy, advanced technology and junk, so long as if it's anything tablet related.
Falco: Yeah, our systems can be pretty confusing to figure out at times....(Shrugs) But who needs to learn more about that nerd stuff when you get to learn how to fly with the best pilot around?
Banjo: Fox?
Falco: Me! I could teach you everything there is to being a pro. (Uses his Knuckles to Rub his Chest in a Smug Like Fashion) I could even teach you how to be a cool, well known stud like yours truly, but...('Sigh') That will take years to perfect it.
Kazooie: ('Scoffs') Please. My Honey Bear doesn't need to be an overly cocky bird brain to be a stud.
Falco: (Glares at Kazooie) Hey, I ain't that cocky, bird braindette! I'll have you know that I take my skills in the skies, with the upmost care and humbleness.
Jet: (Walks By With a Smirk in his Face in the Distance) Yet you still can't ride an Extreme Gear Board worth a crap. Which says much about an old timer like you! (Starts Laughing Out Loud)
Falco: (Glares at Jet) PISS OFF, TWERP! I AIN'T OLD!
Jet: Maybe try riding the board next time and maybe I would HAVE to guess your age, old man.
Falco: We'll see who's old once I smack that BOARD UPSIDE YOUR CROOKED ASS HEAD! (Turns Back While Crossing his Arms in Annoyance) Damn brat. I hate him.
Kazooie: (Rolls her Eyes) Don't we all.... Speaking of which.....(Turns Back to Banjo) Why did that Wizpig guy went and attacked you guys to begin with anyways? Was there some kind of all powerful treasure he was trying to get or something?
Banjo: (Shrugs) Not sure what his reason for coming by Timber's Island for other than wrecking havoc.
Falco: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Timber?
Banjo: One of the old friends Diddy and I made from a while back. (Chuckles Lightly) Boy, those two were the kings of pranksters, I tell ya what. One time, when we were getting ready for a party at Diddy's house, we were greeted with pouring down water balloons from the ceiling, once we took one step inside!
Falco: Yeah, that does sound like a prank Diddy would try to do.....
Kazooie: (Shrugs) Eh. I think he could do a lot worse than that.
Banjo: ('Sighs Happily') Yeah, but still....Those were good, simpler days back then....(Places his Hanf on his Chin) Makes me wonder what the gang has been up to nowa-
?????: As I live and breathe. Banjo!
The trio turns their heads to a tiger cub, wearing a blue hat on his head, smiling brightly at Banjo as he approaches him.
?????: Is that really you, mate?
Banjo: (Smiles Back at a Familiar Face) Timber! (Wapk Towards his Old Friend) It's been so long. (Gives Timber a Hearty Handshake) You look like you haven't changed a bit, bud!
Timber: Likewise, mate! How's the Smash Tournament been treating you these days. Congrats on gettin' in, by the way.
Banjo: Thanks! And it's been going great. So many new faces to meet, fight and befriend with....I love it a lot! Diddy's doing great too by the way.
Timber: (Chuckles Lightly) Wouldn't doubt that for a fortnite. Hey, speaking of which, I've been thinking.....One of these days, when none of us are busy and whatnot, we should totally have ourselves a crackin' reunion party.
Banjo: (Smiles Brightly) Timber, that's a great idea! I've just thought about you guys not too long ago. I already can't wait.
Timber: (Smiles Back) Same here, mate. It'd be nice to see the old gang again. Bumper, Tiptup, Krunch, Conker...'Wonder what the nut been up to nowadays.
Banjo: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth in Uncertainty) Er....I tried calling him multiple times, but.......
Meanwhile at the Cock and Plucker Bar.......
Conker repeatedly bangs his head in the bar table with blood shot eyes, all while the phone rings and his "subjects" continues chanting "Long Live the King" right behind him.
Back at the Smash Direct Mall............
Banjo: He never answers my calls.
Timber: Hm. (Shrugs) I'm sure he's been busy.
Banjo: Yeah, probably.
'Ahem' 'AHEM'
Banjo: (Eyes Begins to Widened Once He Realizes Kazooie and Falco are Still Present) O-Oh! Right! Timber, I wanna introduce you to these two: One is the love of my life-
Kazooie: (Smirks Playfully While Leani) And the only girl who could keep this doofus from getting himself killed every ten seconds. (Pulls Out her Hand to Timber) The name's Kazooie in case you're wondering.
Timber: (Happily Shakes Kazooie's Hand) Named after a wood wind instrument, I like that. I take it our Banjo here 've been giving you a headache these days, huh?
Kazooie: (Rolls her Eyes) Ohh you have no idea....It's surprising I still have feathers intact from all the crap we've been through....(Smiles Softly) Still.....(Snuggles her Head Onto Banjo's Shoulder) That didn't stop me from falling for this sweetheart of a honey bear overtime.
Banjo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness at Kazooie Right Beside Him) Kazooie~ I-
Falco: (Walks in Between the Two Lovers, Getting in Front of Him) Yeah, yeah, you love her pieces. Now move aside. It's my turn for introductions.
Kazooie: (Glares at Falco With a Groan)
Banjo: (Smiles Sheepishly) Oh heh....Right. Um Timber, this here is-
Falco: Falco Lombardi! (Smirks While Posong in a Cool Like Fashion) The coolest and objectively the best member the team Star Fox has to offer.
Kazooie: (Rolls her Eyes in Annoyance) Says no one.....
Falco shushes Kazooie before turning back to Banjo's old friend.
Timber: (Happily Shakes Falco's Hand) Ah, Falco! Pleasure to finally meet ya at last. My girlfriend, Pipsy, is a real huge fan of ya-
Banjo: Wait. (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) You and Pipsy are dating now!?
Timber: (Turns Back to Banjo) Yeah, mate. We've been an item for a while now. (Feels his Phone Viberating in his Pants Pocket Before Getting it Out of There) Ooh. Speak of the devil, I'm gonna 've ta high tail it outta here and find her before she starts gettin' worried 'bout me. (Tales Out a Mini Notepad From his Other Pocket And Writes Something Down) We'll plan out the whole reunion party on our free time. (Takes a Paper Out if his Notepad and Gives it to Banjo) So give us a call and/or text sometime, will ya?
Banjo: (Looks Down at the Two Numbers Written Down Before Giving Timber Another Bright Smile) I sure will! It was really great seeing you again, bud.
Timber: (Smiles Back at his Old Friend) Same to you too, mate. You three take care now. Till next time. (Winks at the Trio With a Grin and a Thumbs Up) See ya! (Finally Starts Sprinting Off)
Falco: (Waves Back at Timber) Take care yourself, Tiger Boy!
Kazooie: Byeeee! (Turns Back to Banjo) So you guys are really having a reunion party soon down the road?
Banjo: (Happily Nodded) Yep! And I want you guys to come along with me. (Turns to Falco) You can even bring that girlfriend of yours with ya too if you want, Falco.
Kazooie: I wouldn't bother asking him to do that, babe. (Smirks at Falco) The girl's probably imaginary.
Falco: (Glares at Kazooie Again) Uh for your information, wise woman, my girlfriend is very much real. I just....(Starts Looking Away While Sliding the Top of his Hair Back) Haven't seen her that much in a while, ya know? Girl always go off do whatever all by herself since day one. Hell, I don't even remember last time we've called and junk- (Suddenly Felt Two Hands Covering Both his Eyes) Uh...Banjo, I appericate the sentiment, but...I don't think my eyes needs any covering right now.
Banjo: .....Falco, I'm......not really doing anything right now. I'm still right next to Kazooie.
Falco: Wait. Seriously? Then who-
????: Oh Falcieeee~
Falco quickly moves away from the two hands and sees the culprit in front of him, which just so happen to be a pink feline wearing blue jeans and leather vest and boots.
????: It's been a while~ (Does a Little Kiss Nose at the Blue Bird)
Falco: (Eyes Widened in Complete Surprise at the Very Familiar Face Right in Front of Him) KATT! I-I-Is that really you?
Katt: In the flesh. (Walks Up to Falco....) Been a long time coming.....(.....And Happily Hugs Him) but I'm soooo happy to see that dopey face of yours after all this time!~
Falco: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes a Little) Yeah, Yeah. (Smiles a Little) Glad to see ya again too, babe. Hope you ain't causing any trouble as of late.
Katt: (Immediately Pouts at Falco) Falcie! Since when have I ever caused any sort of trouble?
Falco: (Raises an Eyebrow) You want the short answer or the long one? (Fprms a Sly Smirk.on his Face) Cuz I'm fine doing either one.
Katt: (Groans Lightly While Rolling her Eyes) Forget I asked.....(Turns to Banjo and Kazooie With a Soft Smile) And I take it you two must be one of Falco's newer friends?
Banjo: (Happily Nodded) Yes, ma'am! I'm Banjo.
Kazooie: (Wave her Hand Up to Katt) Kazooie, how's it going. (Starts Smirking as Well) So you're really the girlfriend of good 'ole Falcie here?
Falco: (Immediately Gives Kazooie an Annoyed, Deadpinned Look on his Face) Really?
Kazooie: Really.
Katt: That's correct!~ Ever since our academy years. Well. Actually, we've been on and off throughout most of it, but we still kept in touch. At least we used to until certain.....(Turns Back to Falco With Another Pout) SOMEONE suddenly decided to stop returning my calls and text messages years prior.
Falco: 'Ey what do you expect? I was busy!
The trio raises their respective eyebrows at the ace pilot.
Falco: ('Sighs a Bit in Defeat') Okay, so maybe I wasn't completely busy. B-But I definitely thought you were! Being an independent woman and all.
Katt: Honey, I only do missions on some occasions. It's not like I'm always occupied 24/7.
Falco: Yeah, well.....you could be.
Katt: ('Sigh') Well, luckily for you, I'm free as kitten for the today. (Leans onto Falco's Shoulder Woth a Playful Smirk on her Face) Meaning you owe me a double date~ (Turns Back to the Couple in Front of Her) If that's alright with the two of you of course.
Banjo: (Smiles Brightly) It's not a problem with us at all, ma'am. The more the merrier!
Kazooie: (Nodded in Agreement) Mhmm.
Falco: (Shrugs) Eh. Sure. You're here now, so we might as well get it over with.
Kazooie: Cool. Say, you mind telling us more about that "Falcie" nickname?~ (Starts Walking Away With the Trio) I'm quite curious~
Katt: Why, of course!~ It all started back in the flight academy and Falcie here was notorious known as The One and Only Problem Child.
Falco: (Groans While Facepalming Himself) Oh my God, I was young and stupid back then. Mistakes were made!
Banjo: How many mistakes?
Falco: Far too many, big guy......
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sweetness-pop · 3 years
Knuckles & Rouge make echidbats.
Silver & Blaze make hedgecats.
Falco & Katt make griffins. (Pheasant-housecat type)
Legosi & Haru make bunpups. (Well at least that's what their offsprings would be called when they're babies.)
PaRappa & Sunny make flowerdogs.
Toro & Jun make cabbits.
Sly & Carmelita make foxcoons.
& Ratchet & Talwyn make....wait!
What do you call a hybrid between a Lombax & a Markazian?
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sweetssparrow · 5 years
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Day 4.
Cold days
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falcoblue20 · 3 years
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💙 Falco x Katt 💖
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i-must-be-complete · 3 years
Shipping Time
Hice una recopilación con las canciones que mejor ajustan a mi percepción sobre las relaciones amorosas de los personajes, así que aquí voy. Por cierto, las pairings que tienen menos canciones son las que me falta desarrollar dentro de mi cabeza, jaja.
Miyu x Fay
Pink - True Love
Lacuna Coil - Cold Heritage
Maëlle - Si
Falco x Fox
Depeche Mode - Ghost
The Moody Blues - Nights in white satin
 Shoose - Masked Bitch
Panther x Krystal
Thalia - Seduccion
Indila - Love Story
Nostra Morte - Eres todo para mi
Wolf x Leon.
Armchair Cynics - Bang
Megaherz - 05. März
Eisbrecher - Verrückt
Lucy x Krystal.
Fey - Subidón (editado)
t.A.T.u - All about Us
LP - How low can you go 
Kool x Katt
Finger Eleven - Paralizer
Crazy Town - Butterfly
Meg Myers - Desire
Slippy x Amanda
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
Fox x Krystal
Ariana Grande - Problem
Simon Curtis - Enemy
Tragico Ballet - Sin Temor 
Andrew x Darsha (OC)
Cailin Russo & Chrissy Costanza - Phoenix
Falco x Katt
Marina and the Diamonds - Power and control
Two Feet - You
Bebe Rexha - Knees 
Leon x Falco.
Egypt Central - You Make Me Sick
Fox x Fara
Lilianna Wilde - Grind me down
Estas son mis ships principales (las que más exploro) pero pronto agregaré más, quiero decir, en cuanto encuentre la melodía adecuada. 
Y porque planeo hacer esta sección larguita, debajo del corte habrá más.
Pairings perfectas para AU's muy románticos y también trágicos:
Wolf x Falco
Rupatrupa - Humo
Wolf x Katt
 Cartel de Santa - El arte del engaño
Leon x Krystal
 Eisbrecher - Herzdieb
Panther x Leon
Eisbrecher - Rot Wie Die Liebe
Wolf x Fox
Cedweller - Heart on
Falco x Krystal
Dawn Richard - Pretty wicked things
Fox x Slippy
Absofacto - Dissolve
Leon x Amanda
Devil's Carnival - Trust me
Fay x Lucy
Clean Bandit ft. Louisa - Tears
Fara x Krystal
Florence and the Machine - Over the Love
Miyu x Katt
Shakira - Clothes makes the clown
Katt x Krystal
Red Velvet - IRENE & SEULGI - Naughty
Panther x Katt
Alejandro Sanz feat. Shakira - Te lo agradezco pero no
Leon x Shears
Gareth Dunlop - Devil Like You
Andross x Vixy
Mr Kitty - Destroy me
Scales x Krystal
Joji - Will he
Shears x Wolf
Saratoga - Luna Llena
Andrew x Lucy
James Blunt - You're Beautiful
Miyu x Krystal
Pink - Please don’t leave me
Leon x Fay
Deftones - Rocket Skates
Falco x Miyu
Ángeles del Infierno - Si tú no estás aquí
Fara x Lucy
Neovaii - Crash
Panther x Wolf
Rosenfeld - Do it for me
Katt x Leon
Megaherz - Beiss mich
Falco x Slippy
Linkin Park - Pushing me away
Wolf x Krystal
Cristina Aguilera - Genio
Bill x Fara
Conor Maynard - Animal
Fay x Katt
In This Moment - Adrenalize
OC's x Leon. (Nunca antes shippié OC con Canon, disculpen mi atrevimiento).
Ic3peak - Грезы
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purrfectoutlaw · 3 years
@icantlose​ x
Remember Katt, you're only valuable to Falco because he's your boyfriend and no one else's because you don't exist as your own person. The only validation you have is through Falco's acceptance of you.
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      Sighs... “So true it hurts...” she pouts before crossing her arms over her chest with a huff.
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Please tell me more about this hypothetical Starfox RPG
OH I AM SO GLAD YOU SENT THIS.  I was actually prepping a post with some ideas but then I got sidetracked and was like “Ehhh idk if anyone would wanna hear this anyways” but thank you, this validates me and my wild ideas.
So, the hypothetical Star Fox RPG I’ve been thinking about is turn based, a la Final Fantasy X and Bravely Default style with the main cast being on-foot for basically all of the game.  I know RPG has become a broad term but, imo, RPG will almost always mean turn based combat... idk if it’s just because of my first real RPG being Super Mario RPG for the SNES or what (that statement makes me feel old) but, yeah, the style I’m envisioning is more along the lines of true turn based with you navigating as the main character in an overworld with various zones that you can explore in-depth.
Anyways, I’m toying presently with the idea that various characters have various talents/strengths.  Kind of thinking about doing a branching class system or something akin to the older GBA Fire Emblem games where you could experiment with various party compositions in various playthroughs or maybe a skill tree but... maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.
Like Bravely Default, your entire party of four would be in each fight, with a game over happening when your entire team is wiped.  Characters would have unique specializations.  For instance, Fox would be generally good with guns and melee and be a bit of an all-arounder.  Krystal would have magic abilities she could use to cut through certain enemy armor.  Slippy would be decked out in heavy combat gear (perhaps one of his own inventions?) and be able to debuff enemies.  Falco would be a ranged unit, preferring the backline with a heavy emphasis on critting opponents.  
ROB64 and Peppy would serve as support.  ROB could be phoned and have supplies dropped in.  These are general supplies like healing items and such, with more impactful items being found planetside in various shops encountered along the way.  
Familiar faces could show up as NPCs.  Bill, Fara, Katt, etc.  Minigames abound could happen-- maybe even a racing minigame as a nod to that one ending in Command.  
Star Wolf would appear as a secondary, minor antagonist, competing against Star Fox on a mission and occasionally stepping in to interfere with them. I think it’d be kind of nice if there was a segment where Fox had to team with Star Wolf.  Maybe even unlock Wolf, Panther, and Leon as characters you could swap in for Slippy, Krystal, and Falco-- having the ones left behind chill in a hub area.  Think the campfire from Dragon Age: Origins, if you’ve ever played that.
Back on the subject of classes, I think what I’m envisioning is each character comes with a class for themselves but they have various options they can become.  For instance, Fox starts off as a “Mercenary” which is just... his base class with his melee and ranged attacks.  Later on he gets the option to promote to two different classes.  I’m not feeling super creative atm but we’ll call these promotions “Mercenary Leader” and “Lylatian Warrior” or something along those lines.  Mercenary Leader grants abilities where Fox can call down the Great Fox to provide support or even call on the Great Fox to laser some enemies.  Lylatian Warrior would give him extra attacks that maybe have additional effects like slow an opponent so their turn is slightly delayed or maybe apply a damage over time effect.  This would help them branch out of their niche roles and let them be a bit more flexible in combat as well as give players the options of choice as to what they have in their party depending on their personal preference.  
I could probably scream about class specializations for hours but I’m not entirely sure people want a novel about my out-there RPG game idea. 
As for a story?  I don’t really have one except I see it happening around the same time as Assault.  I’m leaning towards “Star Fox gets sent to x planet and has to save it from some evil figure and by doing so, they have to explore the planet and help various groups out to eventually achieve their goal”. Generic but I know if I get too involved with the storytelling... well, it’ll turn into yet another fic idea and I JUST CANNOT HAVE THAT RN lmao 
Safe to say I’d probably invent a completely new villain for it.  I don’t even think I’d use Andrew or Pigma, but maybe grant them each some form of cameo. Star Fox has a great cast but they need a bit more diversity than the same 4 people causing problems lol
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fierykitten2 · 1 year
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Sly Cooper AU for Falco Lombardi and the Hot Rodders:
In other words, what if Falco and his old gang were part of that world and what their history would be.
Please keep in mind that most of this is coming from my HC discussions with @oroanillado and their interpretation of Sly Cooper and my personal interpretations of Falco Lombardi (x).
I was thinking about this question for a while and I pretty much wondered what place Falco would take in such a world. If I follow what bits we know of his history in Star Fox, he was never really a good citizen. Gang leader, always part of criminal activity before leaving. So it would make sense for him to be a boss in the Sly Cooper verse.
But he wouldn’t necessarily be a boss because he has a grudge against Cooper. It’d mostly be a fight by association. In fact, Falco would prefer to be left alone, same for his turf. Only problem is that the people he serves are the ones after Sly. So he might get tousled a bit. Let me explain.
Location: New York, Little Italy.
Age: 5 years younger than Sly Cooper.
Aesthetics: Back alleys of Little Italy, with pizzarias, apartment housings, a fuckton of garages and cars with clothes lines going back and forth between buildings. Antennas and chimneys on the building roofs and pots of flowers and spices from balconies on window sills.
Music style: Like this.
Occupation: Gang Leader of the Hot Rodders. His specialty is in automobiles. Grand theft, modding, hot rods, pulling cars apart, etc. He employs local mechanics and keeps his area safe by striking a deal with the mobsters/mafia where he will supply whatever they order as long as they keep out of his turf.
Most trusted: Katt Monroe (Big Sister of the gang), Kool (the Big Brother and Katt’s boyfriend), and both the Mouse and Crocodile from the original Hot Rodders gang (based on the Farewell, Beloved Falco mini manga). They’d be the mini bosses to the level, honestly. Each holds a key to getting closer to Falco. 8 in total.
Henchmen: Mostly the mechanics and drivers. All of them would be designed as family men and women and others. They aren’t fighters, but they do their best to protect the gang since the gang protects them and their families.
Reason why Sly would invade the area: More than likely Falco and his gang are unfortunately working for the wrong people (AKA, the actual villains of the story). And Sly would not be aware of this until he gets close to Falco.
Background: Interpol would have very little on him. No no elaborate background story would be shared at first. Instead Sly would have to gather what all he can while infiltration the turf area as someone that belongs there. Once about to defeat Falco in the main boss fight, his mother (Ruby Lombardi) will stop the fight and actually address the while situation. Story time? Yes, story time.
You see, the Lombardi family was once connected to the Cooper family since Bruce and Alyssa-Marie Cooper (Sly’s grandparents) as Arturo Lombardi (Falco’s grandfather) was their get away driver at the time--also an amazing racer back in the day in general. Most of his criminal activities were always done on off season. In fact, Ruby remembered seeing Sly as a toddler before she had to run away.
Ruby had unfortunately fallen in love with a Sicilian falcon named Cyril. He had posed as a simple man, nothing notable during heir affair until she got pregnant. So he finally revealed himself as the Don of a an incredibly powerful Mafia. At this point Arturo interferes and forbid his daughter to marry Cyril. Enraged by this, Cyril murders Arturo and Ruby flees after this. There is a possibility that the Cooper family knew where she fled too and Cyril facilitated many things for the Fiendish Five to murder the Cooper family in hopes that something would be discovered of Ruby’s location.
However nothing was and Cyril was left empty handed for now.
In other words, Falco is the heir to a large Mafia. Funnily enough, Falco hates the mafia. Which is why he keeps them away from his turf and also provides a safe location for anyone running away from certain organizations.
Note: Rok’s version of Sly was born in Italy, so most of the past occurred in Italy (which is perfect since Falco is American-Italian with the accent so this is perfect).
In the end of the level, Sly will actually have gained an ally with the possibility or question if he will betray Sly or not. Would he take on his father’s empire? Or would he remain the gang leader that protects others? Oh no.
Also a lot of this might change as I play more of the Sly Cooper games.
PS: I am also still writing out the review on SC1 so hopefully that’ll come out soon.
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ameth18blog · 3 months
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Comic collab with my deviant art friend SirinaTheHedgehog. Page 3 and epilogue.
At the point where this page occurs, the main characters have already been in a relationship for a while, so the protagonists of tribe 1 are making gifts for their respective mate or mates. Panel 1:  Sonic is making some bracelets for Amy. Tails and Knuckles are helping him. Panel 2: Legoshi is preparing food for Jack and Louis. Miguno, Durham, Voss and Collot are helping to prepare everything up. Panel 3: Flippy is making a tiara for Flaky. Sneaky and Mouse Ka-Boom look at the work in quite amazement. Panel 4: Nick and Jack are preparing a new outfit for Judy. Finnick is helping them, although he would rather be doing anything else. Panel 5: Shirou is making a hair ornament for Michiru. Yuji is explaining to him how it's done, while Kuro watches. Panel 6: Falco is preparing a hunting spear for Fox. Katt, unnamed crocodile, Kool and unnamed rat are watching in surprise as Falco is dedicated to this. Panel 7: Haida is making a flute for Retsuko. Ookami is helping him, while Anai and Tadano just watch.
Later, the main characters that are from tribe 1 gave gifts to their respective mates, and here you can see the reactions of the main characters of tribe 2 after receiving the gifts.
Main Couples: Sonic x Amy / Sonamy Falco x Fox / Falox Flippy x Flaky Nick x Judy x Jack / Wildehopps, Savagehopps, Wildehoppssavage Haida x Retsuko / Haidsuko, Haisuko, Retsaida Louis x Legoshi x Jack Shirou x Michiru
Secondary Couples that appeared before this page: Paulie x Brenda James x Vixy Peppy x Slippy Sneaky x Mouse Ka-Boom Stu x Bonnie Retsuko's father x Retsuko's mother Yafya x Gosha Tao x Kibi Gem x Melissa
Miles "Tails" Prower, Sonic The Hedgehog, Knuckles The Echidna and Amy Rose belong to SEGA .
Katt Monroe, Unnamed Crocodile, Falco Lombardi, Kool, Unnamed Rat and Fox McCloud belong to Nintendo.
Flippy, Sneaky, Mouse Ka-Boom and Flaky belong to Mondo Mini Shows .
Nick Wilde, Finnick, Jack Savage and Judy Hopps belong to Disney.
Anai, Haida, Tadano, Ookami and Retsuko belong to Sanrio.
Miguno, Durham, Legoshi, Voss, Collot, Louis and Jack belong to Paru Itagaki.
Yuji Tachiki , Shirou Ogami, Kuro and Michiru Kagemori belong to Trigger.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #531: Returning from The New Horizon (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
4:00 p.m. in front of Smash Town......
Wolf: (Smell The Fresh Air As Him and His Crew Made Their Way to the Mansion) ('Ahhh') Yeeup. It's good to be back home, boys....and Izzy. (Winks at Isabelle)
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly as She's Hugging Wolf's Arm While Walking Beside Him)
Leon: (Carrying Some of his Packing Bags) I'll admit, the New Horizon Island was a pretty decent experience if I do say so myself.
Panther: (Carrying his Packing Bag as Well) I agree. While it's not as fancy or luxurious as any resorts I dreamed of visiting someday, it was still enjoyable for the most part. What's your thoughts on the experience, Wolf?
Wolf: I had good time there. Learning how to fish for the first time, setting up campfires, meeting new people, the good stuff. (Smiles More Softly) But if there's one thing I would say I like most about this trip is.... well....(Blushing a Little) Getting to spend quality time with beautiful pup right here~ (Kiss the top of Isabelle's Hair)
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly While Blushing As Well) Oh Wolfie~ I love spending time with you too~ And I'm so happy you and the others enjoyed our vacation together. It means so much to me that you all gave it a chance.
Leon: Yes. I honestly wouldn't mind going back there for another visit next year if any of you would like to go back as well.
Wolf: Shit. I'm down for that.
Panther: I as well.
Isabelle: (Smiles Brightly) Then it's settled. Next year, we're going back to New Horizon-
????: IZZY!!~
Isabelle: (Gasps in Joy as She See her Girlfriends Happily Waiting For Her on the Doorway) Girlfriends!!!~
Once she took her hands off of Wolf's arm, Isabelle immediately rushes over to her group of friends and form a loving group hug with one another for a couple of minutes before letting go.
Isabelle: I missed you girls soooo much!~
Peach: We missed you too, dear!~
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Sooooooo?~ How was the vacation?
Samus: Were you guys able to catch some fishes?
Palutena: Did you guys set up a campfire?
Rosalina: Were you able to gaze upon the beautiful stars?
Bayonetta: (Starts Smirking) Did you and Wolf got busy one of those night?
Peach: (Glares at Bayonetta) Bayonetta!! How could you ask Izzy something like that?!
Palutena: (Gives her Witch Girlfriend an "Annoyed" Look While Pulling her Ear) Seriously.....You know that isn't any of your business.
Bayonetta: True. (Shrugged with a Smile Still on her Face) But there's really nothing wrong with having a little curiosity about juicy topics like this, my dears.
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly While Rubbing the Back of her Head Back and Forth) The vacation was amazing. We did everything you girls guessed we did and then some. And....to answer your question, Bayonetta......(Starts Blushing while Turning her Regular Smile into a Bashful One) Let's just say that.... you're not entirely wrong in that assumption.....
Peach/Rosalina/Palutena: ('GASPS')
Samus: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Well, I'll be damn.......
Bayonetta: (Smirk Grew Wider) Ohhh my~
Isabelle: (Happily Nodded) It's the honest truth~
Bayonetta: (Smiles Excitedly) Izzy dear, you GOTTA give us some details on this!
Daisy: Yeah! Don't leave us out on this here!
Samus: Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm kind of interested in wanting to know too.
Palutena: Yeah. Me too now that I think of it.
Rosalina: (Blushes a Little) I am also curious as well.
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly) Calm yourselves, ladies. I promise I'll tell you everything. Once we have our tea time prepared of course.
Peach: YES!
Ladies: (Stares at Peach, Some with Raised Eyebrow and Some with Smirks on their Faces)
Peach: (Starts Blushing) I-I mean....('Clears Throat') I agree to this as well. N-Not because I am interested in the conversation we are having right now, but only because I want to celebrate Izzy's return. That's all.
Daisy: (Rolled her Eyes with a Smirk) Whatever you say, cuz. Now let's get this tea time started already!
Ladies cheers in rejoice as they make their way back inside the mansion together.
Isabelle: (Waves at Wolf) I'll see you later on tonight, Wolfie!~
Wolf: (Waves Back at Isabelle) Sure thing, babe! Have fun with the gal pals in there! ('Heh Heh') I love that pup~
???: Just what I needed to see. Wolf O' Donnell.
Wolf: (Starts Smirking Once he Sees a Very Familiar Face Making His Way Towards Him) Well, if it isn't McCloud himself. You miss me?
Fox: ('Scoffs') As if. I was having the time of my life not seeing your smug face last week. But joking aside, how was the vacation?
Wolf: Pretty good. Thinking about going back there next year with the gang.
Fox: Nice. You know, I kind of never expected you to be this easy going, Wolf.
Wolf: (Shrugged) What can I say? I'm a change man.
Fox: (Raised an Eyebrow)
Wolf: Okay. Maybe not completely changed, but you know what I mean.
Fox: Perhaps. But as much as I would love to continue this chat, I got some errands to run. (Walks Away) I'll see you later.
Wolf: Sure thing. (Turns Around and Gives Fox a Smug Look on his Face) Oh and try not to lock yourself out this time, McCloud! You don't wanna embarrssed yourself like last time, do ya?!
Fox: (Gives Wolf a Middle Finger While Walking)
Wolf: (Chuckles Lightly) Not gonna lie. I missed that fox......Missed messing with him, that is.
?????: 'Eyyy, Star Wolf! Welcome back!
Panther: (Turns to see a Familiar Face Make His Way to Him and Leon) Ah, Mocking Bird, it is somewhat good to see you again.
Falco: .....Okay. Just this once, I'm gonna ignore that. How's the vacation? Y'all did anything interesting there?
Leon: For the most part. We learned how to catch fish for the first time, set up campfires on each nights, experience the outdoors and it's true natur-
Panther: (Begins to Smirk) I just got myself a phone number from a very beautiful feline.
Falco: Oh shit. Really?
Panther: That is correct, my mortal competitor. Her name is Ankha and her beauty is so much to be desired.
Leon: (Rolled his Eyes) She's more of self centered brat if anything.....
Panther: Come now, Leon. She wasn't that bad. She just has her own opinions and taste on certain things.
Falco: Sounds like your kind of girl, Casanova.
Panther: (Chuckles Lightly and Confidently) Yes. I couldn't agree more. (Points at Leon with his Thumb) I've been trying to get Polwaski here to join me on the Island's night club for almost the entire week, but he always turn down the offer.
Leon: In case you haven't noticed, Panther, I was never interested in anything romantic related. Especially something trivial as getting into a relationship. I prefer to remain solo for the time being. Just me, myself, and I.
Falco: Ah come on, man. Being in a relationship isn't that trivial or anything. I've been kicking it with Katt since day one and so far it's been great.
Leon: (Raised an Eyebrow) Really? Then tell me, Lombardi, when exactly was the last time you called Monroe as of late?
Falco: .....................Touché, Polwaski. Touché.
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sweetness-pop · 2 years
Imagine after completing a hard mission with Star Fox, Falco stops by Katt's place, and the pink kitty has made a fresh, homemade strawberry shortcake just in time for her blue birdie's arrival.☺🍓🍰🐦🐈💞
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