pineapplezest · 2 years
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mivxcyt · 6 years
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Addicted to your l o v e
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Tuhan itu maha adil dan maha baik, Doa selalu menyertai dan memberikan jalan atas masalah dan cobaan yang dihadapi. Kita harus selalu setia dan melakukan kehendak Tuhan. Kesetiaan akan tumbuh dari bumi dan keadilan akan menjenguk dari langit. Bahkan Tuhan akan memberikan kebaikan, dan negeri kita akan memberi hasilnya. Keadilan akan berjalan di hadapan-Nya, dan akan membuat jejak kaki-Nya menjadi jalan. Mazmur 85:12-14 #feelingloved #falinginlove #insomeone #journey #justphoto (di Trotoarts Co) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIOwESVg2ok/?igshid=61xb0fsktid7
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Do you remember when you first fell in love?
I don’t. I can never place the exact moment I fall in love. I just know that I am in love with this person one minute. To me it’s one of the strangest feelings at first, knowing that you’re in love with someone but not telling them. It’s like you’re keeping the biggest secret ever and also it doesn’t matter at all. Love to everyone can mean a thousand different things. I think depending on your life experiences it changes your views on love. To me love is those in between stages where your not with that person but the space you know they could be filling right then is a black hole slowly sucking you into it. And you know once it’s got you all other things you meant to be doing instead of just thinking about how that person’s hair is the best hair you’ve ever seen or how they just know exactly what to say to you to keep you happy are definitely not going to be happening anytime soon. So for me it’s hard to pin point the exact moment I fall in love. 
I only wanted to write this today because I think I am in fact falling in love with someone, and I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that oh my gosh I’m so happy, because honestly I’m scared. This commitment I’m about to make by loving this person is going to be tough. Love isn’t easy but it’s always worth it. 
Sorry for the short post, but it’s 1:30am and I’m currently in that black hole, but oh well. Remember if you guys and gals ever need anyone to talk to I’m always here. Also please let me know your definitions of loving, or just tell me anything at all. With that said. Wishing you all luck and love. 
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lil-viki · 6 years
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ambrosiuswines · 7 years
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Love from Ambrosius, happy Valentine to all lovers out there.... remember we have love potions on sale.... Sexy bubbles, romantic wines., sweet ports and lovely spirits. We are open tommorow, so no excuses .... #sexywine #valentinesday #koksijde #ambrosiuswines #falinginlove (bij Ambrosius)
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angelofdarkness1899 · 7 years
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peterfields · 9 years
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Im scared to Fall in love Again. Scared to fall fast because everytime na naffall ako it never seems to last.
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kriiistiiina · 10 years
New Years Resolution
This year my New Years resolution is a little different then most and that is to fall in love with myself. A lot of people do not really understand it and I just want to really quickly explain why I chose my resolution to be to fall in love with myself. Over the past two years I have rediscovered myself I wouldn't say I found myself because I never went anywhere I've always been here but I've rediscovered. In 2013 I realized how much respect I deserved and the way I should be treated. Then I proceeded to cut anyone and everyone out of my life that treated me with any less respect than I deserve or treated me poorly. When I say everyone I mean everyone I have family members I walk past and do not even acknowledge. My mood, attitude, and the way I woke up every morning completely changed. I was and continue to be extremely happy, there are no negative vibes and everyone left in my life treats me with respect and loves me. In 2014 I continued to do as I did in 2013 and continue to be extremely happy. Also I decided to put my grown up pants on and take care of things that needed to be done I went to makeup school and became a certified makeup artist, I created a YouTube channel which I've always wanted to do, I got a job that I really enjoy and I did a lot of research to find the college that was right for me and started going to college full time. My major is fashion merchandising I enjoy going to school and have strait A's. With 2015 around the corner I took a moment to think about what I would like my resolution to be. I decided that I have everything I could possibly need and more I have a good job, I get good grades, I don't owe anyone any money, I have a boyfriend that loves me, and I am extremely happy. Then I realized something, I am one hundred percent completely utterly in love with my boyfriend I am so proud of him and think he deserves the world and I will continue to feel this way forever. Why don't I feel this way about myself? I have no problem spending 400 dollars on my boyfriend but will not spend that much on myself. So then I decided this year 2015 I will fall in love with myself I will be more proud of myself, give myself more credit, buy myself more things, fall in love with every single hair on my head, every stretch mark, every curve and every joint. I will just love myself. I really don't understand why this is such a big deal to people and they find it so strange. I have decided and it will be done, in 2015 I am falling in love with myself.
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lauren-spicer-blog · 11 years
If you fall in love with two people at the the same time choose the second one because if you really love the first one you wouldn't have fallen in love with the second one
Johnny Depp
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May 11th
So I gave in today and I tried to talk to her, surprise surprise. The conversation didn't go very far considering it was a snap chat that I sent her. Each day it's starting to get easier, I guess.. in the sense that I'm accepting the reality of things. I wouldn't say that i was in love with her..more like I considered her not only as a my girlfriend but my best friend as well. It's really hard to lose someone like that that means a lot to you in both perspectives. I adored everything about her from her gorgeous blue eyes, her sweet voice, the dimple on her chin, and a smile that just melts my heart.. she just had a way with me. She was the first and last thing on my mind and obviously currently still is. I don't think I will ever be completely over her, which isn't a bad thing she's taught me a lot about myself. So when and if I become ready for the next relationship I no not what to do. I try to keep myself busy to the best of my ability, got rid of emotional triggers I guess you could say (texts/pics) that start a never ending cascade of memories and emotions that I'm not able to handle. They say the most important steps in moving on is letting go of your regrets & forgiving yourself, all dwelling does is cause you to suffer. When you start revisiting the past in your head, pull yourself into the moment. Focus on the good things in your current situation.. like the friends who are there for you and the lessons you’ve learned that will help you with future relationships. It takes a lot for me to own up to my own flaws in life, I'm stubborn when it comes to accepting criticism in changes that I can do to better myself and the relationship. which I now see was my issue because 99% of the time I took things the wrong way. Funny how that worked out. With that being said I'l keep this short for tonight before revert 10 steps back. 
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