#fallen timeline
rawliverandgoronspice · 8 months
also. to me, fallen ganon doesn't come from the timeline where link got somehow defeated (?? not sure why that would cause a split), but from the weird timeline that should have led to the end of ocarina of time but sort of didn't (so the place in the space-time continuum child link returns to after putting the master sword back), where I assume Link sort of disappeared from at some point --and so there wouldn't be anyone to oppose Ganon anymore, Courage could get dormant for a good while, etc etc
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veeiiiii-0-ween · 2 years
Hey, what if the fallen timeline was doomed from the start?
Hey, hear us out.
What if it was doomed from the start? What if the times had spot way earlier than we had thought, And that The Hero of Time had only split them further? What if evil had already taken over? And the world had already been taken by evil but nobody realized because they had done everything they had needed to, to have a good kingdom.
What if Shadow and Vio actually took over Hyrule?
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LOZ Timelines FanFic Art
What if Dark Link became the hero of the fallen timeline by traveling back to the past to return his shattered soul back his past self.
------- See LOZTimelines tag for the series.  
Dark Link, having picked up the Master Sword, in the rubble of demolished Hyrule Castle - found himself engulfed in the darkness of all his anguish, all of the carnage of this world that Ganondorf squandered, all of the hatred that cultivated in the hero’s heart. 
He would finish that demon. He who brought about this cursed existence of half life that Dark was subjected to roam. 
And so he stalked his way into the Gerudo desert, plotting of the blood that would spill out that vile man. 
And as he approached the fortress, he saw who he had taken as the prize of battle. 
She’s not dead. A glint of surprise danced along his mind, before the rage that lived inside him for Zelda stirred. 
Might as well give my bittersweet farewell, considering I’ll likely die killing him. 
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karama9 · 10 months
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: eventual zelink, Slow Burn, POC Link, Black Link, transgender character, LGBTQIA+, Fallen Timeline (Hero of Time known to have died), Original Link and Zelda (not from any games), Trans Female Character, Trans Zelda Summary:
Link knows he will eventually have to face Demise's Curse, and has been training obsessively for 11 years in preparation. Even armies of monsters aren't much of a threat anymore.
But when the Master Sword is cursed so badly it can't even be put to rest, and people are being attacked by monsters all over Hyrule, despite the fact there doesn't seem to be any monsters roaming around for the Hero to fight, and with part of the population being more hindrance than help because they don't believe in either the Hero nor the Princess, Link and Zelda find themselves faced with nothing but unsolvable problems and very little to go on. And the Enemy has more unpleasant surprises in store yet...
Chapter 6 now up.
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invaderprymes · 1 year
Fallen Timeline pt.4
Hunter gasped. He tried to move. He looked around. He saw an Irken, they wore a dark suit, a trademark of Iruz's empire. Over his eyes were a set of dark red goggles
"Hello, do not resist, it'll all be over soon" his voice was devoid of any volume and tone. Hunter growled at him.
"Where is she?! What did you do to her?!" He struggled in the shackles
"Phoebe is fine." He spoke. Pulled out a small device. Implanting it into the table "though, her safety won't remain in you conscious anymore."
Zirus growled, the alarms blared and the lights blinded his eyes. He needed more time, but he couldn't leave behind everyone, not when they were this close to escaping. The echoes of Guards' stopping came from outside the door. Zirus sighed, he tried finishing the Breach. He grabbed two wires, connecting them together. A light, weak light came from the Breach, Zirus's face lit up. He jumped down. He put in a set of coordinates. A small portal formed. Zirus sighed, he couldn't do anything in the small time he had, he grabbed a peice of scrap metal, scratching an S.O.S into it, and throwing it through, then shut down the Breach. He couldn't do anything to stop Iruz, but he could create a distraction.
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asleepinawell · 1 month
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fine and normal things to see after eating mystery meat
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lesbow · 1 month
❌: *watching Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory to keep up with Jurassic World continuity*
✅: *watching Jurassic World to keep up with Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory continuity*
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evostrashbin · 2 months
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the curse of immortality (spoiler: Kiran is also on this picture 👍)
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ianthedebonair · 6 months
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like you never existed
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howlsofbloodhounds · 25 days
headcanon that the thing that draws killer to color first is color's six souls situation. he wants to experiment on them so badly, but can never get to beat color so he goes plan b: pretend to befriend color then backstab him later. fortunately the plan backfires and the rest is history :)
also, i do wonder if killer has ever offered color to absorb his red soul. like, is killer's soul human enough? would color become a god after absorbing killer's soul? i think that would be a conversation color has to steer away, but killer can't stop his curiosity and self-destructive hypothesizing. color can become a god. color will be invincible. color can finally be safe like that. and like, maybe if color absorbs killer's soul, killer can finally communicate with the six souls and realize the horrors of raising six semi-children in your head as a single parent.
~ crowshipping anon
crow, how I’ve missed you. you and delta anon are the backbones of this blog btw.
And I absolutely adore the idea of how it started being that killer wanted to experiment on him lmao. Especially if its like “if this guys gonna keep lingering around, might as well make him useful,” and then he just keeps getting his ass beat over and over.
And then he decides to just go the friend route, play along and pretend he’s listening to the “bullshit” Color’s spewing, but color’s actually being genuinely nice. like, genuinely? hes not even trying to make killer stop or change, just firmly setting boundaries and redirecting killer’s curiosity on to something less destructive. and now, oh no, he likes him. hes fascinating.
and i think killer proposing the idea of color absorbing his soul even once is interesting, even if indirectly and possibly during one of his more self destructive or paranoid moments. perhaps if something happens that threatened colors life or somehow caused him to be hurt, or if something is just making killer think about them being separated. perhaps stage 1’s insecurity or just nightmares.
probably proposed it something like, “what if we became one” and color makes a light joke like “that would be awful, this heads already so full, dont you dislike children?” and then killer keeps going on with his line of thought. how color would be a god basically, how they’d be together, how maybe killers soul could help be a source of further power for color.
how hed be safe. killers soul is strong enough to rewrite entire timelines. color wouldn’t even have to worry about death.
of course killer may phrase it as something along the lines of how itd make color more powerful whenever he voices it, but color doesn’t care for more power and they both know that and color knows that he knows. color can read between the lines and killer knows that, too.
maybe this is even just killers way of expressing or wondering about how much closer they could get it, how much more there is to understand.
maybe killer less wants to know about colors souls now and more that he wants to know the souls because he wants to know color. maybe he wants to know everything he can learn about him; learn everything he can.
idk just the idea of killer being so intensely fascinated with and curious about color tickles me—something about it becomes less like scientific curiosity and more now that extremely rare desire to connect with someone. because color makes him feel understood and for the first time he feels safe being understood.
and perhaps if/when he becomes more aware of that, the intensity, is enough to cause killer to withdraw emotionally from color for a bit; even if he can’t stop mulling it over in his mind. maybe he even thinks if color absorbs his soul, then he’ll never lose access to that hope and happiness again. theres no threat of it. perhaps becoming a little lost in his fantasy for a bit.
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artiststarme · 9 months
Come to Poppa
Based on a prompt sent to me awhile ago from @yaoiprofessoryuki. I'm sorry it took so long but I hope you like it!
Steve was never close to his dad, not like a father or son should be. They never played catch in the front yard or camped out in the woods. They certainly never talked about sports or girls. The closest they ever got was performing elementary science experiments at the kitchen table until his mother scolded them both over their own laughter. One day though, everything changed. Out of nowhere, Steve became less of a son and more like a roommate that coexisted in the same house.They lived in the same house and their paths intermittently crossed when they were both in the house at the same time, but their relationship was gone. 
Nevertheless, all Steve wanted after fighting the demogorgons with the kids was to see his dad. He craved the comfort that only a dad could give through all-consuming hugs and emotionally stunted advice. His dad was a scientist, surely he could ask him just what the fuck those monsters were. If anyone could understand, his dad would. 
But after waiting up all night and into the next day, his dad didn’t come home. His secretary didn’t pick up the phone when he called and the hospital had no records of him. His dad was just gone, disappeared just like all the evidence of the demogorgons. Steve’s mom filed a missing persons report with the Sheriff’s office but even their investigations were moot. It was like his dad fell off the face of the earth. 
After their 1984 encounter and getting the absolute shit kicked out of him by Billy, the kids start hanging out at his house. His mom had taken to leaving for weeks at a time at the drop of a hat to avoid thinking about his father and Steve was climbing the walls in order to escape some of the oppressive loneliness that the house seemed to ooze. He thought the kids would find it fun to have a big house to themselves to make a mess in and just be kids away from the responsibilities of the Upside Down. He was wrong. 
Eleven froze as soon as the door swung shut behind her, her eyes on the family portrait that hung in the living room. In it was a sixteen year old Steve, his mother in her nicest dress, and his graying dad. It was one of the last pictures that they all looked happy in. But Eleven wasn’t looking at the picture in happiness or curiosity, she was looking at it in horror.
“El? What’s wrong, what’s going on?” Mike stood between her and the photo, his hand comfortingly rested on her shoulder.
All the kids surrounded her and Steve just followed her gaze and looked at her in confusion. When Dustin saw him looking back and forth, he snuck a peek before his eyes widened in sudden realization. “Holy shit, guys! Look at the picture! Steve, how the hell do you know Dr. Brenner?”
Steve’s eyes scrunched in confusion, “what? I don’t know a Dr. Brenner.”
“There’s a picture of the two of you right there!” Lucas flailed his arm towards another picture of the two of them in black suits at his cousin’s wedding. 
“And right there,” Max added, pointing at a picture of Steve holding a report card with straight A’s and his dad beaming with pride to his left.
“That’s not Dr. Brenner, that’s my dad. Martin Harrington, not a Brenner,” he said while rolling his eyes in exasperation. The imagination of these kids was going to make him lose his mind one day. 
“No, papa.”
“Eleven, that’s not the man that hurt you. That’s my dad. He was boring and dorky, he wouldn’t hurt anyone.”
“I think she would know who experimented on her for years,” Lucas said, rolling his eyes. 
“Not if she thinks it's my dad!” Steve was really reaching his limits. He’d just wanted the kids to have fun for a day, he hadn’t expected slander against his dad. 
“What if it's the same person? Your dad and Dr. Brenner,” Dustin pondered. 
Steve just shook his head. “There’s no way, my dad worked at the Department of Energy for the government. He ran research experiments on electricity and water and shit. He never worked with kids!” 
“The Department of Energy was just a cover up for the experiments on kids!” Mike screamed.
That was the last line for El. As soon as Mike raised his voice, she flinched and threw the family portrait to the ground with a flick of her wrist. The frame splintered and the glass shattered upon contact with the fireplace tile. Most disturbingly to Steve though was the long tear in the photo separating his dad from him and his mom. An unfortunately positioned shard of glass had separated his dad from his family in the portrait just as an unknown force had in reality. 
“Hey! That’s one of the last pictures I have of him! He disappeared last year and you just ruined our last picture together. Fuck Eleven, he’s not your papa.” Steve dropped to his knees next to the broken frame without regard for the glass and fretted his hands over the portrait. 
“He’s a monster!” El yelled, an accusing finger pointed directly at the ruined canvas in his hands. All of the pictures on the walls fell to the floor with a deafening crash. In a single moment, all remnants of his dad were erased from the living room. 
“No! You’re ruining everything, stop! My dad was just a nerd that loved science. He might’ve been a little strict about grades but other than that, he’s a good guy!”
“Steve, we are telling you that that is Dr. Brenner. I don’t know why he has a different name at work or why you don’t know what he did at work but it is him. We met him last year and he’s missing because… Well, we’re pretty sure El killed him or at least really hurt him. That’s why he didn’t come back.” Dustin delivered the news as gently as possible but his words still registered like a knife in the back. 
Suddenly, Steve saw everything differently. The missed basketball games, the unexplained absences and late nights at work, the weird interest in his experiments. It felt like the loving dad that he grew up with was a stranger he never knew at all. The kids didn’t seem to notice his shock or the fact that they had just ruined his life. They continued arguing amongst themselves until Steve tuned back in. 
“What if Steve knew about it? For all we know, he could've had a part in it! Maybe that’s why he wanted to join the Party. He could be reporting back to Dr. Brenner right now!” Mike ranted. Jesus Christ, Steve hated that kid.
“You really think Steve had something to do with it? I’m pretty sure he’s failing at least three classes right now. There is no way someone would use him as an accomplice in a conspiracy this big,” Dustin shook his head and sent a wink at Steve as if he was defending him. But Steve didn’t take it that way. 
They knew about his dad’s disappearance and were now insulting him? Fucking shit, he’d risked everything for these kids; his reputation, his old friends, his relationship with Nancy, his life! And they still doubted him and saw him as an idiot. They saw him as a traitor that would work as an accomplice to torture other kids. Fuck it. 
“Get out.”
“Steve, Mike didn’t mean-”
He cut Lucas off with a glare. “Get out! I don’t want you here. Just get out!”
They all walked out with varying degrees of guilt until Steve was left alone with nothing to do but look at the ruined family portrait with its shards of broken glass and cry about the injustice of it all.
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esteemed-excellency · 6 months
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interrupting the lovey dovey posting with The Incident
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karama9 · 10 months
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: eventual zelink, Slow Burn, POC Link, Black Link, transgender character, LGBTQIA+, Fallen Timeline (Hero of Time known to have died), Original Link and Zelda (not from any games), Trans Female Character, Trans Zelda Summary:
Link knows he will eventually have to face Demise's Curse, and has been training obsessively for 11 years in preparation. Even armies of monsters aren't much of a threat anymore.
But when the Master Sword is cursed so badly it can't even be put to rest, and people are being attacked by monsters all over Hyrule, despite the fact there doesn't seem to be any monsters roaming around for the Hero to fight, and with part of the population being more hindrance than help because they don't believe in either the Hero nor the Princess, Link and Zelda find themselves faced with nothing but unsolvable problems and very little to go on. And the Enemy has more unpleasant surprises in store yet...
Chapter 5 now up!
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invaderprymes · 1 year
Fallen Timeline pt.2
Nii gasped, she looked around, the room was dark except for one single light source above her head. Her vision was blurry, her head ached. She tried to move but couldn't.
"Look who's awake!" A voice rang out from the pitch black void, Nii looked up, her expression quickly changing to one of anger and hatred "What do you want? You've already hurt us enough, there's nothing left to get out of us, everything is already under your control!"
"Everything..?" The source of the voice appeared into the light, "But I thought you knew! There's more past this branch that we're on! I'm surprised you didn't know seeing as how you've been attempting contact."
Nii's expression remained, eyeing down Iruz. "So what? You're going to kill me? Turn me into another one of your dreadful zombie minions like Hunter!?"
Iruz chuckled at Nii's remark "Why would I kill you? When I can use you? Take advantage of how broken you are? Bring her in!" Iruz called out to his guards. Minutes later, another Irken was brought in; Invader Vee. Nii stared at Vee, then at Iruz, "Vee? What are doing with her?!" She looked back at Iruz, her antennas pinned against her head, her teeth now bared in a growl
"To make an example to you, that I'm not done" he signalled the guards, for a brief second, Nii looked at Vee, Vee returning the look, before a vicious crack echoed through the room, and then the collapse of a body. Nii looked in horror, tears quickly springing to her eyes, she then immediately began to struggle in her chair, attempting to break the binds.
"She was just the example of what will happen to the rest of them" Iruz grabbed Nii by the chin, turning her head towards his "So, I'll give you an option, you can die for them, or they'll die. Seems like an easy option, doesn't it?" He chuckled, watching Nii's despair with his manic eyes. Nii's head slumped down.
"Fine... As long as they live" she growled at Iruz
"Good choice.." his smile widened, and it was the last thing Nii saw before her vision returned to black...
Zirus sat in his cell, staring at the bed that belonged to Nii, he then looked down. He couldn't help but worry for Nii's safety, she'd attempted to save them, but never herself. He looked up as guards walked into the hall, opening Vee's cell and aggressively pulling her out, she did attempt to resist, though it only ended in her being knocked out and pulled away. Zirus quickly stood up and walked to the bars, he watched them leave his line of sight. He looked up at the other prisoners, but they didn't seem as worried as he, infact, it's like they didn't care. Iruz had beat them down so many times that they have given up. Zirus sat back down, even more worried now. What had Nii gotten herself into?
It was about 2 hours later Earth time, and no sign of Vee or Nii, until the small screen in each cell sparked to life, the screen showing an Irken, and another masked figure. Iruz tried to identify them, but he only needed to identify one; Nii. He watched in horror as the masked figure walked behind Nii, pulling her head back, and stabbing her back with a staff, the same device used to take out the original resistance by disabling their PAKs, ultimately killing them. He watched as Nii's head then slumped forward dead. The other prisoners watched as well, horror spreading into their eyes as they too watched the death. Zirus didn't know how to feel or what to do. He'd spent so long trying to protect Nii, that he'd grown a liking to her, but now... Now she was gone, he failed her and, he failed himself.
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kheprriverse · 1 year
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Terminus/FD Lore!
The boys(tm) gossip not so subtly and find out Terminus’s hair changes colors based on the moon. (Also that he was blond once.)
Had this headcanon a bit ago, thought it’d be fun to draw smth for it. Then it turned into a big thing that took 4ish days to finish. Anyways FD with orange hair is just— MWAH chef’s kiss.
Stupid bonus below
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Legend smacks the shit out of Hyrule
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stuckinapril · 7 months
#I’m only very rarely inclined to get this intimate w my thoughts so I might as well say it NOW butttt I will never not see the dead children#In everything I do#Like legit#I’ve read up on Hind so extensively and seen so many photos of her#And I have a very healthy relationship w the popular Palestinian journalists so she’s not my blorbo or anything#But hearing that memo destroyed me bc bisan is only 23 and she seemed so vivacious#Idk like I do normal people things I can’t just pause on my life#But idk how it feels like to sit at a boba place and enjoy my pearl milk tea w my friends#While the horrors over there don’t just lurk the back of my mind. I do normal things and I’m guilty for having the luxury#And as an Iraqi girl I’m living in the literal ideal timeline#Where my mom decided to immigrate to the us and that’s why I’m here living a normal life like everyone else#It’s like in a different world if I were born in a different time it could’ve so easily been me. I’m one of the Lucky Ones idk#It’s not survivor’s guilt bc it’s not like I had to survive anything like I never had the chance to live in Iraq or anything#But like. If some things had fallen just a little differently#And I keep thinking about how I’d feel if it were happening to Iraq and people behaved the way they’re doing to Palestinians#I’d be so mad#And some people on here are dealing w assholes while bursting at the seams w grief#For losing their loved ones#This is why I’m so fucking angry at anyone who’s complicit#This was a major tangent but basically I feel weird about doing normal things now while simultaneously knowing I can’t just sit and wallow#And watch life pass by as if it’ll do anything#Misery is not a home but I’m struggling to be 100% normal#And I think that this tonal dissonance is reflecting on my blog too bc I can’t go back to just#Posting about all the other normal things I used to. Like I want to but sometimes I feel off.#Is this anything. I haven’t slept all night#I can’t just allow myself to lose interest in everything I used to like and be and just fade away but maybe it’s about accepting that this#Will also always be a part of me now. It’s that awareness that shadows everything I do#or maybe I need a therapist it’s a toss up#I’ll probably feel better once I get my day started but this was cathartic to voice I think#p
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