#Fierce Deity/Terminus
kheprriverse · 1 year
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Terminus/FD Lore!
The boys(tm) gossip not so subtly and find out Terminus’s hair changes colors based on the moon. (Also that he was blond once.)
Had this headcanon a bit ago, thought it’d be fun to draw smth for it. Then it turned into a big thing that took 4ish days to finish. Anyways FD with orange hair is just— MWAH chef’s kiss.
Stupid bonus below
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Legend smacks the shit out of Hyrule
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
just felt the need to share that the name of the Fierce Deity's sword is totally The God Cleaver
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ironbloodccd · 6 years
𝐶 𝐻 𝐴 𝑅 𝐴 𝐶 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅   𝑆 𝑇 𝑈 𝐷 𝑌  
                            𝑇𝑅𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑆 & 𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑅𝐴𝐶𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐼𝑆𝑇𝐼𝐶𝑆
                                    repost  &  tag  away !  
                                  BOLD all that applies to your muse.                                 italicized  -  applicable in some way.
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• eyes:   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other • hair:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other • body type:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight • skin:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan  | olive | medium | dark | discolored • gender:   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way • sexuality:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other |unsure | doesn’t like labels • romantic orientation:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic |  panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• species:   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | other • education:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other • i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
• positive traits:  affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm • negative traits:  aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
• living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other • parents/guardian:   mother (deceased)  | father (deceased) | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other | none • sibling(s):   sister(s) | brother(s) | none | other • relationship:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | verse dependent
• i have a(n):   developmental disorder | learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | other | none
• things i’ve done before:   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
TAGGED BY: @hyaciiintho [thank you bby~] TAGGING: whoever~
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strangeduckpaper · 3 years
Shattered Cycle: The Chain & The Tri-Force
- Within Shattered Cycle, the Tri-Force was the Goddesses sacrificing most of their remaining power & influence in the mortal realm, given to Hylia, the immortal God-Queen the Goddesses created to prevent Hyrule from replaying the destruction of the Zonia. But Hylia knew she couldn’t rule alone, so she divided the force into three Aspects, keeping Wisdom for herself, the Queen.
- She gave Power to the mightiest warrior in the land, The Champion, but possessed the ability to strip them of it at any moment. The Champion’s role was to serve as protector of the realm, especially against the forces of Chaos’ Demons.
- Courage’s role, by contrast, was supposed to act as a peacekeeper, using the Aspect’s empathic abilities & reassuring aura to defuse conflicts & act as the ambassador to the Spirits/Fairies and other realms. They were The Link.
- Also acts as the gate to the Sacred Realm, otherwise only accessible to High Fairies, Spirits, The Great Dragons & the Goddesses themselves.
Cycle 0-The Beginning, Before the Broken Chain
- This system continued for awhile, before the arrival of the Demon known as Demise.
- Demise corrupted the current Champion, a young male Gerudo known as Ganondorf, binding both their souls & the Aspect together.
- ‘Ganon’ led Chaos’ forces in a successful campaign against Hylia’s forces, now led by the current Link, Hylia’s lover
- Hylia saved her people by sacrificing her immortality to transport them to floating islands held up by magic, and bound Wisdom to her bloodline/soul, & Courage to her lover’s soul.
- Ganon struck both of them down, but failed to claim their Aspects, and failed to locate their daughter, the Princess, now hidden among the floating isles. 
- And so the Champion becomes the Tyrant, and the Link becomes the Hero. The Cycle begins, as does the Age of Sky.
Cycle 1-The Hero Descending
- Mostly just Skyward Sword’s storyline.
- Zelda is kidnapped by Ganon’s forces, Link(The only Link actually NAMED Link) pursues.
- A plan between the spirits, the goddesses remaining influence, & Impa to forge the Master Sword, a weapon of light capable of slaying Ganon, and somewhat diminishing Demise’s influence.
- Hyrule is resettled & refounded, and Zelda is appointed Queen, while Link becomes her King-Consort
- The Age of Sky ends, the Age of Serenity begins
Cycle 2-The Hero Ferocious
- Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask
- Ganon reappears & conquers the kingdom, forcing Princess Shira Zelda Hylia I into exile.
- Ganon hunts down the royal family, killing all save Zelda & some bastard 3rd cousin who was raised within the Kokiri forest, named Yasen, the current Link.
- Yasen is unable to defeat Ganon, and ends up in a section of the Spirit World known as Terminus, after chasing a spirit called Majora.
- He emerges and realizes he’s aged seven years, so he hooks up with the resistance of asges, and helps defeat Ganon alongside Zelda.
- Retires & marries a woman named Malon, while Zelda marries a Gerudo woman to maintain peace.
- Casts down Vaati, a greater demon summoned by Ganon in case he lost, donning the Fierce Deity Mask in the process, and today is venerated by the masses the greatest of the Chain.
- The Age of Serenity ends, the Age of Twilight begins
Cycle 3-The Hero of Shadows
- Twilight Princess/Link’s Awakening
- Ganon is caught early & nearly executed by the Seven Sages, but breaks free & kills them
- Makes contact & allies in the Shadow Realm, overthrowing & exiling the queen, Midna, in the process.
- Using his allies, Ganon captures Hyrule Castle, and Princess Tetra Zelda Hylia II.
- Midna finds the reincarnation of the Link, a farmhand from Ordon village named Zev, cursed in wolf form.
- Link restores both Zelda & Midna to the throne, casts down Ganon, and is rumored to have been involved in a tryst with Midna.
- Zelda ushers in a cultural revolution, restoring the connection to the other species & factions of Hyrule, restoring the Sheikah to their place of prominence following the actions of King Eldas years earlier.
- Link disappears on a voyage into the sea, and legends tell of him ending up on an island containing the body of a Sky Whale.
- The Age of Twilight ends, the Age of Renewal begins.
OK, this is getting long, I’m gonna post a Part 2 to this.
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script-the-skeleton · 5 years
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My secret santa gift for the LU discord and I got LA-Arts or @loz-and-lu-fan-blog! They wanted my take on the gods of termina, specifically Terminas (the Goddess of Time), the Fierce Deity, and Majora.
I based the Goddess of Time after Roman god Terminus, the god of boundary markers who appeared as a statue. Weirdly enough, every year a festival was held for him called Terminalia. The Fierce Deity was just the Fierce Deity with some elements added or removed. Majora was fun because of love interpretations of them as a woman.
I added the faries to what I thought best fit them and positioned the three in a lopsided triforce. Majora is power with Navi. Terminus is wisdom with Tael. The Fierce Deity is courage with Tatl.
This was so much fun, I think it’s probably the best I’ve ever done, and enjoy my variations at the bottom!
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deadwapiti-fr · 6 years
Could you tell me a bit about your lore? :o
Totally! So to start I’ve got three clans who all have lore. Terminus, The Lammergeier Kingdom, and The Order Of The Sun. Right now there isn’t a lot going on in Terminus since I am thinking up more lore for them, The Lammergeier Kingdom doesn’t really have any published lore as I come up with stuff for them. I’ve mainly been focusing on The Order. Here’s some little run downs for each though!
Terminus: right now Terminus is in a calm spot. There’s not a lot going on as they are recouvering after an attack by Fierce’s brother. During the attack Fierce’s mate Exalted was killed and boy did it hurt her. She got to the point she would do anything to get him back. Trying many times to bribe Valeth, the clan’s own necromancer, to bring him back. She wouldn’t outright bring him back but offered sessions for Fierce to speak to Exalted. 
While Valeth was willing to help in some way it wasn’t enough for Fierce. Fierce needed him back with her. She needed him by her side again. She put a call out for someone to come and help her. It was Nafisa that answered her call. She arrived into Terminus with her hound Urthadar and plopped herself down at the edge of the lake. She had Fierce bring Exalted’s body to her, and with a bit of magic that no one was allowed to watch Exalted was up again. Fierce was ecstatic!
But something wasn’t right. Exalted was’t himself. He didn’t speak and he only looked at Fierce with empty eyes. This was what really broke Fierce. To see him back but still gone. 
Fierce was removed from the leadership position currently to let her mourn. Unfortunately her son is still too young to lead so a council was set up to make decisions for the clan currently. 
Lammergeier Kingdom: There’s not a lot for them yet. A lot of them are jerks though.
The Order Of The Sun: The Order has been around for a few hundred years, and the current leader is a decedent of the original founder. In the past The Order was simply a religious clan with a deep devotion to the Lightweaver, but in recent years things have changed up a bit. Neocalli has started to take things a little too far. 
The mantra for the Order has always been “All children of the Lightweaver deserve to be loved”. Originally this was to be a safe haven for imperials who were believed to lost to their creator deity. While this is still true Neocalli has seemingly included a new child into this. Emperors. He worships them as much as he does the Lightweaver. Some dragons are weary of him, but he has gotten others to fully believe in what he speaks. 
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doubledgedblade · 6 years
The Fierce Deity Beginnings
The one known as the Fierce Deity, there is little information in the history books on such a God, while more is known of Radiant Hylia and the Fearsome Demise. Terminus has all but been lost to time and its cruel inevitable flow.
But for those who know where to look, and the spirits that still remember.
They remember a time when the Golden Goddess's still walked the earth, a time before the Eternal War. About a child left at the shrine of the Goddess Farore, the reason long erased from memory, some say the mother did not care for the child, whose pale features were thought to be a portent of death.
Others say it was for a chance that her baby might live, taken in by the spirits.
But regardless of reason, the babe was found by the Goddess. Laughing little joyous cries at the Fairies who flitted above his head, and reaching for the Skull Children who gathered in close in their curiosity.
There was no fear in him of the inhabitants of the forest who dwelt near the Shrine.
And for such a small thing to have such courage, it endeared him to her.
And he was raised among them. Became like them.
He was remade into a God, but unlike the others, he held a human heart. Filled with wonder, and capable of great and terrible things.
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swoodthis · 7 years
50 Headcanons: the Happy Mask Salesman
1. The Happy Mask Salesman is benevolent. This one comes first, for obvious reasons. 2. He is the last living Ancient One. 3. The Ancient Ones were not always an empire of magically-genetically-engineered people, but they were demonized for the actions of their last few kings. 4. Majora was their greatest and most terrible emperor. 5. The Ancients had a rigid caste system of 3 groups of 13 subcastes. Ironically, the Salesman is of the 23rd caste, son of a household servant and a scribal clerk. 6. The Salesman took the soul mask of Terminus, Termina's equivalent to Hylia, from the temple as the Imperial City was being destroyed by the Forces of Light to try to save his dying sister and his playground friends. So he's Termina's Zelda as well as Termina's Link. 7. The Clock Tower is sacred to Terminus. It was also built by pre-imperial Ancient Ones, but that tends to be glossed over in favor of jingoism. 8. The Salesman was ten when he became the avatar of Terminus, and never aged. His true form... is a child. This is why he can traverse the Lost Woods so easily. 9. ...Except when he got nearly killed by Light spirits due to the warping timelines in OoT. And Majora's Mask's warded box's wards started to fail. He was trying to renew the wards when a Skull Kid showed up... and due to Majora's influence the rest is history. 10. The Salesman took Majora's Mask in the first place because the post-imperial and defected Ancients sealed it inside a warded tomb. When the Ancients were wiped out, the wards could not be maintained properly, and our tiny wizard took it upon himself to take the Mask to try to find a way to destroy it. Imagine if Frodo had no idea what Mount Doom looked like, where it would be, or if there even WAS a Mount Doom in the first place... 11. The Salesman rescues Link when he runs out of time. 12. The Salesman met Mynos when Mynos was nine. He had escaped from Fierce Deity cultists and was half-starved, injured, and had stumbled into Kakariko Village, where little Mynos convinced his family to take care of him. They've been friends ever since. 13. The Salesman as you see him is about 40% clothes. 14. Like all Ancient Ones, the HMS has vaguely feline behavioral qualities, but while Majora is reminiscent of a snarling, psychotic tiger, the Salesman is more of a playful, cuddly little kitty. 15. The Salesman went to the astral realm of Koholint to get his current form. 16. And he also had his name erased. Like a cross between the reasons of L and the Doctor. 17. Speaking of whom, the Salesman is a friend of multiple Doctors. Occasionally the Happy Mask Shop is covered with TARDISes. 18. The HMS lives in Smashville, thanks to Master Hand and Crazy Hand. 19. Much like in ancient Rome, it was a capital offense for anyone not of the upper castes to wear purple. Having your culture overthrown has its upsides if you have an illegal favorite color. 20. The HMS collects anything old/historic/magic/cool/shiny... Though, granted, destruction of art and history has been a very real problem for him, so... 21. The HMS has a mechanical horse. His name is Brass. 22. The Salesman loves eating anything sweet... or weird. I mean, what else do you do with all that leftover demon flesh when you're out hunting? Mmm, sinfully delicious. 23. He does this so much that he wrote a wizard cookbook called Chicken Soul for the Soup. 24. In case you haven't noticed, the Salesman is a bit crazy. 25. His glitchy movements are an illusion put in place around himself so he can have a head start against anything trying to kill him. 26. The Salesman is asexual and aromantic. 27. He named his giant piano Elouise. 28. He is the trolling champion of the multiverse. 29. He taught Defense Against the Dark Arts at Victorian-era Hogwarts under the name Hieronymous Nemo. 30. His infamous, often-creepypasta-ized temper is only present with too much stress or not enough sleep/cake. But the Salesman will often go for long periods of time without sleep... 31. As a result, there is a "Designated Defenestration Area" next to his shop. It's so nobody gets hit when he throws a jammed blender out the window. He also has some very Mythbusters-worthy methods for appliance vengeance. 32. The Salesman is actually good friends with the Skull Kid, much to the Skull Kid's surprise. 33. The Salesman's ears move a lot. 34. He makes 'dad jokes' that are actually funny. 35. People will often go to the Happy Mask Shop with grave misconceptions about magic and paranormal hunting, and end up telling the Salesman that what he does is blasphemous. After a bit of awesome you-got-rekt comebacks after his science-magic explanations, they leave, and are sent on their way with "Have a nice day, hail, Satan!" See headcanon 28. 36. The Salesman loves memes, Youtube Poop videos, and other things such as Gifs With Sound. 37. His taste in music is very eclectic, and he surprisingly likes crazy rave music, a few rap artists and he LOVES heavy metal. He will often jump around blaring Judas Priest like a caricature of an 80's teenager. 38. Watching a horror movie with the Salesman quickly turns into an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. He will point out stupid things and mosconceptions, and once you've heard his witty commentary, you can never take the movie seriously again. The same goes for badly-done action, drama, and romance. 39. The Salesman is quite talkative usually, often going off on weird, magic/history/trivia-related tangents. 40. The Salesman can sometimes be seen having tea with the Lutece twins (Bioshock Infinite) and the G-man (Half-Life 2) 41. The Salesman will act as a protective mentor or father figure to anyone younger than him... which is to say, everyone. 42. There is a scale of Salesman laughter, from 'vaguely amused' to 'maniacally cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West on speed'. 43. He would be voiced by Richard Horvitz. 44. The Salesman's collar thing is actually an adamantine gorget. 45. The Salesman will often discuss morbid or esoteric topics hilariously casually. 46. He has been writing to Akira Himekawa, writer of the Majora's Mask manga, and Jadusable, writer of the BEN Drowned creepypasta for years asking for a formal apology. 47. 'Fetish' originally meant a magical object or totem of some kind. This means that Link and others had to give the Salesman the "gay means homosexual now, grandma" talk. 48. The Salesman's basement looks like Merlin, a witch doctor, Sherlock Holmes, a steampunk inventor, Leonardo da Vinci, and Willy Wonka decided to pool together all of their worldly possessions. 49. Magical beings like genies, familiars, and fairies will use the Happy Mask Shop as an employment agency. 50. The Salesman will often push himself too far. When he's hurt or tired, he tries to protest at friends helping him to try to reassure them... but inside he LOVES being hugged, cuddled, and generally cared for. Awwww!
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afishtrap · 7 years
The ceramic horses of the Tamil region in southern India are connected to cultural meanings that are more than a thousand years old, but the significations associated with them also reach into the contemporary world and even into a utopian beyond. This article explores the status of history provoked by the horses. Jarzombek argues that modernity is not something against which history and "tradition" are posited or against which society is expected to react, but rather is the core element in the cultural pattern of rupture and inscription.
Mark Jarzombek. "Horse Shrines in Tamil India: Reflections on Modernity." Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation, History, Theory, and Criticism, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 18-36.
In the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India, each of the numerous villages has a special shrine dedicated to what are called "village deities." These deities, some of which are dedicated to particular castes, others to local clans, are not part of the Hindu pantheon but protagonists in a complex fabric of mythologies and tales that spell out the conditions of order and morality in the village.1 The shrines are usually located on the outskirts of town and have at their core a sacred tree in front of which are statues of some of the deities along with a large figure of a horse, sometimes with a rider, sometimes without. Many of the horses that one sees today are concrete and painted in bright yellows, blues, and whites. Some, how ever, are still created from clay and are left natural. This is Aiyanar (also: Ayyanaar), a god unique to the Tamils. Although he acts as rainmaker and as a god who brings prosperity to the fields, his primary mission is to patrol village borders and protect its inhabitants from harm.2 Swift and fierce and hold ing a sword in his hand, he makes the rounds of the village and its nearby fields at night, and should one happen to encounter him in the dark, confrontation is to be avoided if one values one's life.3 Despite the need for respectful distance, villagers can communicate with him by placing paper messages against his sword. Often the solutions are revealed in dreams.4 Apart from the large horse, the village shrine will have smaller horses --sometimes many hundreds of them--that line the pathways to the sacred tree. These horses are thanks giving offerings made by the priest for individual devotees.
The making of these horses is a sacred act carried out by Aiyanar's attendant priests who belong to a caste known as Vishvakarma, the "creator of the world," the "architect of the universe."5 The process begins with a nighttime procession from the house of the village chief to the site of the shrine, where a work pit, identified as a sacred womb, is created and ritually demarcated by the blood of a chicken.6 Over the next fourteen days or so, the horse takes shape to eventually be fired in situ with an improvised kiln of mud, bricks, and straw. When the horse is finished, it is dedicated in an elaborate ceremony, known as kutirai etuppu, that involves the whole village.7
As deities go, Aiyanar is not particularly old. The first evidence of his existence in visual iconography dates to the rule of the Pallavas in the seventh century CE, the earliest evidence of a temple dedicated to Aiyanar dates somewhat later to the eighth century CE.15 Clearly he predated this, but not by much. There are two arguments about his origins: one, that he is part of the integration of the Brahmin culture into Tamil areas in the sixth and seventh centuries CE; and two, that he is part of the circa-fourth-century BCE formation of village networks in the area.16 Asko Parpola, from the University of Helsinki, defends the first of these positions, arguing that the Aiyanar cult emerged as a consequence of the Aryan migration into the Tamil country, for it was the Aryans, after all, who in the first millennium BCE brought the horse to India. Parpola also notes the similarity of the words Aarya and Aiyan.17 Those who defend the second position cite the possibility that horses existed in this area well before the arrival of the Brah mins. They also point to an alternative etymology that links the word Aiyanarto the old Tamil word Ai, which means "elder, chief, or leader."18 For this group of scholars, the Aiyanar cult had its origins with the creation of village society. And indeed, Aiyanar is considered by Tamil villagers to be more than just the village muscle man; he is the chief of the other village gods, and any dedication to the other gods must be preceded by a dedication to him. The horse cult was a mechanism of surveillance and control.
If the Mother goddess shrines date back to prehistory, the Aiyanar horses in front of these trees and groves are by comparison quite new. The situation at the Tamil shrines is not dissimilar to the one at Delphi, which began as a sanctuary to the mother earth goddess but, after the invasion of the Dorians around 1200 BCE, was rededicated to the god Apollo, but without totally obliterating the earth goddess elements of the site. Here in Tamil territory, the Aiyanar cult, even if it was homegrown, has to be seen as "the new" that plugged itself into the mother goddess shrines and its associated landscape of sacred trees and groves. What we have is not a fusion of old and new, but an assertion of power that exposed the rupture of time to both borrow the sacredness of the old and bring into the open a new instrument of control. History, which is identical with its devices of enforcement, asserts the legitimacy of its ruptural logic. In this case, Aiyanar is quite literally history on horseback.
The first instance of Aiyanar's reinvention took place in the thirteenth century, when, with the disappearance of Buddhism in India and the emergence of Hinduism as the state religion, the old village mythologies came to be gradually linked directly and indirectly with the Hindu worldview. Aiyanar was also upgraded, to be defined as nothing less than the son of Siva and Vish'nu; he was born, so the story goes, not through copulation, but from the sperm of Siva when Siva became desirous of Vish'nu, who, though normally a man, took a female form while churning the ocean to get nectar in the Hindu creation myth. In other words, Aiyanar was born ex utero to two male gods in a type of conceptual gap that was created when Vish'nu was in disguise as a woman. It is a unique form of procreation that allowed Aiyanar to be placed post facto into the mythology of the Hindu creation story, while allowing him to exist in a parallel world.23 This newly Sanskritized Aiyanaar was given a new a name, Harihara Putra [Sanskrit: Hari (Vish'nu) and Hara (Siva); Putra (prince or son)] and is shown in the iconography with two consorts, Poora'nai and Pushkalai, holding in his hand either an elephant goad or horsewhip.
The terminus post quern of the Harihara Putra cult is 1224, the date a temple to the god was constructed by Narasimha II.24 The temple no longer exists, but more recent Harihara temples (known also as Sastha temples) do exist and are usually in forests (because the god's parents, accord ing to one story, abandoned him in a forest). This is in line with the older form of Aiyanar worship which was most often located not in the village proper but at its perimeter.
It has been suggested by Fred W. Clothey, a leading scholar of religious practices in India, that the creation of Harihara Putra was politically driven by the ruling elites as a way to offset friction that had developed between Vishnuites and Shavites.25 That explains, so Clothey suggests, why at least two Tamil kings assumed the name Harihara, tightening the bonds, as was often done, between king and god. What made this shift possible was Aiyanar's original position as someone who keeps peace and order. The transformation into Harihara Putra, however, substantially changed Aiyanar's identity since it introduced metaphysics into the equation. The Aiyanar cult did not begin as a metaphysical project, since its original mis sion was to produce and strengthen the inside/outside dual ity. Furthermore, though there are hundreds of Aiyanar shrines, each belonging to a particular village, there was no overarching moral message. But Aiyanar, already modern in the context of one historical framework, could become historicized (and modernized) yet again by drawing on the fact that he was more than just a divine policeman but the "chief" among the deities. In this new version, with his new name and new mythology, he could transcend the scale of the village and in the process obliterate the traditional and institutionalized "obviousness" of the Shiva/Vishnu distinction. He was a new unity rising above an old duality. This god was homegrown, but one cannot rule out the possibility that such a metaphysical postulation was not influenced from other religions, Buddhism included.
Manikantan /Ayyappan brings the genealogy of this deity back into the fold of human history. Because of his military training, Ayyappan has a quasi-military theme that is different from soldier-horseman Aiyanar. Whereas Aiyanar was worshiped by means of gifts and offerings, the Ayyappan cult requires forty-one days of sexual continence before the pilgrimage and a difficult hike to the hilltop sanctuary, among other acts of purification. Since menstruating women are not allowed to worship at the shrine, the cult has become akin to a cult of masculinity. This is unusual in Hindu India, where women are banned from temples only during the actual time of their menstruation. Here all women between the ages often and fifty-five are banned. For the Ayyappan pilgrimage, men do not travel to the site alone, however, but in small groups from their village or family unit--or perhaps today as a group of business associates --led by a guruswamywho guides them along the long mountain paths to the sanctuary.29 As one scholar has described it, the cult "merges individual men both with the hyper-masculine deity and with a wider community of men" embodied by the other male pilgrims and gurus.30 Unlike Aiyanar, whom one worshiped through outward signs of appreciation and with some trepidation, Ayyappan demanded that his devotees look inward. If Aiyanar worked his magic through fear, Ayyappan was a messenger of brotherly love. The horse has now disappeared. Ayyappan, in the myth, came into town riding a tiger, and so it is the tiger that figures into this imaginary.
This sixteenth-century update of the thirteenth-century cult took place in three ways. First, it was changed from a religion of the ruling elite to a popular, regional cult. Second, it was given the metaphysical conventions of corporeal deprivation and spiritual purification, which were typical of most religions of the time. And third, Ayyappan's reentry into human history was augmented by the fact that each of his gurus--which numbered then in the hundreds of thousands--was to be treated by his charges as an incarnation of Ayyappan himself. In other words, whereas Aiyanar could only go as far as the vil lage boundary, Ayyappan, in his multitudinousness, could move about anywhere. The subtext of Aiyanar's equestrian mobility is still there, but the deity is now released from imprisonment in the "local."31 If no one can "become" Aiyanar (except in the form of a possessed dancer during the village ceremony), any number of people --hundreds of thousands-- can "become" Ayyappan to weave themselves in an increasingly dense way into the fabric of contemporary history.
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prasanttricolour · 4 years
Best Monuments & Temples in Odisha  - Brahmeswara Temple - Bhubaneswar Devoted to Lord Shiva, Brahmeswara Temple is found in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The temple is fenced by four smaller shrines. The presiding god of the temple is  Shiva who is worshiped within the variety of a Shiv Ling.  The pillar formed idol is formed of black stone. At the bottom of this rock, a pillar is that the Yoni that is that the image of immortal Hindu deity, the feminine power of creation.  The union of the 2 symbolizes the origin of life. Brahmeswara Temple is standard for its sculptural art, Ddeul just like the tower and Jagmohana, the porch.  The temple conjointly homes idols of immortal Lakshmi and Lord Shiva in fierce kind. many pictures associated with Buddhism activities also can be seen here. Temple History and Temple design The richly carved main temple was established at the top of the ninth century atomic number 58. The inscription indicates that the temple was restored by Kolavatidevi, the mother of Udyota Kesari, a Somavamsi king.  it's believed that the queen had conferred several young ladies within the service of Lord that is perhaps liable for the tradition of Devadasis. This tradition has influenced the culture and design of the many temples in Odisha.  The temple resembles the Mukteswara temple in many ways. The temple is assessed as a Panchatanaya temple wherever the most shrine stands within the middle and therefore the four subsidiary shrines within the four corners around the temple.  The temple has four divisions particularly “Sikhara” or “temple tower, the Jagmohan, the “Natamandira” and therefore the Bhogmandapa. The sanctum sanctorum is found within the Jagmohan or auditorium wherever devotees gather to worship and to get blessings of Lord Shiva.  The temple tower stands sixty two.2 foot tall that was designed to be the most sanctum sanatorium for Lord Brahmeswar Shiva symbol to consecrate. The temple is made with ancient subject strategies of wood carving that are applied to a stone building.  The structures were in-built a form of a pyramid, then they might be carved within and outdoors. The sandstone walls and therefore the wood structures of the inside ar value looking.  The temple conjointly has eight guardian Gods protective the sanctum. Festivals and Celebrations The festivals of Dhegiha Shivratri, Karttika Purnima, and Diwali ar celebrated with nice devotion during this temple. How To Reach By Air: Biju Patnaik flying field at Bhubaneswar is the nearest flying field. By Train: Bhubaneswar is that the nighest terminus. By Road: The place is well connected by smart roads with all the most important cities of Odisha. Buses are obtainable from the Bhubaneswar bus stand. For More Details, please visit -   http://www.elicitodisha.com/ 
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kheprriverse · 1 year
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New fullbody for Time! + some info.
I'll work on his other outfits as well, especially the one I draw him in the most. Hero chart has also been updated!
Below the cut is some doodles of what FD looks like when Time uses the mask :>
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I've had a few people mention FD having Time's braid and it was smth on my mind for a while as well, especially while working on Time's ref. So I decided to indulge on the idea! Also that his appearance differs depending on who uses the mask so I was gonna mess with it eventually anyways lol.
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kheprriverse · 9 months
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Given the rank of General during the Execution War, Link often took the form of a familiar deity while on the battle field.
I love my wife of 50 years.
Masterpost | Kofi | Inprnt
Some minor bits of lore for y’all for the holidays. I don’t have anything crazy or festive planned or anything for the next couple days so hopefully this experimental piece is alright.
Design so far is a mesh of FD’s current armor design and Ballad’s old design when wearing the mask. I liked the idea that they had very similar armor to one another, but it not exactly being on purpose.
There are some shading mistakes in places since it was getting late last night and I was too sleepy to remember to fix the shading layer when I had added post line-art stuff. It is experimental so I’m forcing myself to not give into the perfectionist brain telling me to fix it immediately lol (edit: I gave in)
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kheprriverse · 10 months
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FD new's design! See his other design here as well :)
No extra doodles for this guy sadly, he took a lot of time to finish. Maybe more doodles later tho with some lore!
Masterpost | Ko-fi
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kheprriverse · 10 months
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Two extremely normal dogs.
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kheprriverse · 11 months
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Look familiar? Bounty Hunter and magic user turned Deity, Ko'jin. Later dubbed as the "Fierce Deity."
Other outfits are a wip. I was gonna wait until they were done but couldn't resist sharing what I was working on for a week.
Masterpost | Lineup | Ko-fi - More info under the cut! This one’s gonna be a pretty long one and the last half below will have the text on the image (coz tumblr’s probably gonna eat the quality) plus some notes sprinkled in.
Plus a look at the Moon Serpent, a common form Ko'jin takes. I'd like to think the Moon Serpent is more commonly known by his followers than the man himself. There are others he takes, like the Silver Wolf, but the dragon is the one most associated with him.
He's relatively unknown after the war before Skyloft's ascent, his image having been completely removed from history. The few traces of him by OOT/MM would be oral tradition, specifically through family members as bedtime stories and legends to tell. Stories about a curious serpent and a powerful artifact.
After the events of MM, the Moon Serpent becomes active again and the festivals dedicated to it return.
Text on the image + extra notes:
Ko’jin, Bounty hunter chosen by Goddess Farore.
“Ko’jin” is not his real name. Once a mortal becomes a god, they abandon their original name. He was never given a proper one again aside from nicknames by worshippers and other deities. Ko’jin is a nickname given to him by his future wife when they first met.
He wears facepaint which is mixed with magic to bolster strength and speed. And later he would get tattoos that did the same [seen later].
Before becoming a god he was a bounty hunter [and popular at that, often being the favorite of a neighboring town]. He would take commission to hunt down monsters many others refused to go near.
Ko’jin has a strong affinity for magic [he uses it practically every day] and often imbues the edges of his sword with darkness magic. Though, the element given to his sword can still vary depending on what or who he’s fighting.
His undersuit and white tunic are much more protective than the brass chainmail, which instead is used more for artistic liberty than function.
“Early Days Moon Serpent”
Ko’jin’s god form was often a dragon for the ease of guiding lost spirits to the afterlife [he’s a judgement god with a very strong connection to the dead and guiding those spirits became his secondary function].
[During the first war with Demise] Soldiers often saw this form as the “Spirit of Courage” and their protector. They worshipped him and gave him gifts in hopes that he’d watch over him [and guide them to a better afterlife if they were to fall in battle (that secondary function). He basically became a huge symbol for soldiers specifically and I feel like this would feed the “War God” title he was given way later on despite not actually being a War God.]
In many ancient artifacts [ones that could be found at least], the Moon Serpent would be as either a two-headed serpent or two separate beings with their horns crossed. [There’s going to be a lot of “two’s” with him. Two swords, two lives, etc. in depictions of him the two heads/bodies of the serpent would be called “the Body” and “the Spirit”. Later on he’s split into two to be sealed away in a similar theme. “Two lives” refers to the before and after his sealing as he loses his memory of his “past life” and becomes a new person (hence a different appearance). I can see Hylia having foresaw a lot of this tbh.]
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kheprriverse · 1 year
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I didn’t think I was gonna post today but I was so happy with these I just had to.
Some miscellaneous FD, Time, and Wars doodles. I plan to delve further into FD and Time’s relationship eventually, like why they swapped eyes and how that came to be and how this connection between them affects them both.
Bottom right was drawn last night (with he extra detail beside it done just a minute ago) coz I was messing with the swapped eyes idea at the time.
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