#just a tiny đŸ€ look-see on how things are before he moves in
ianthedebonair · 6 months
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like you never existed
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lees-chaotic-brain · 6 months
Okay, ocean-loving Inumaki, you know? those who love jellyfish and have shark pajamas. Taking him on a date to the aquarium, I feel like he would be very happy and look so tiny đŸ€đŸ» Whatever. I love how you writing you're great!
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You take Inumaki on an aquarium date
WC: 1.4k
CW: mentions of octopi having sex ig, fluff, NOT beta-read, read at your own risk
Note: @kainlvstoge omg i'm sorry this took so long, but thank you so much for your kind words!! i had never thought about my boy inumaki as an ocean lover, but i can see it now that you said it. anyways, i hope you enjoy it!!! also: i had to do a little research for this fic, so take any facts with a grain of salt
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Every single date your boyfriend had taken you on was perfect; like something out of a dream. Picnics in a field of wildflowers on a sunny spring day, stargazing at night from a blanket nest in the back of a pickup truck he borrowed from one of Nobara’s relatives, watching fireworks on a balmy, clear summer night. Every romantic fantasy you ever had, he fulfilled, just by listening to you ramble about yourself.
Which is why you wanted so desperately to return the favor, and take him on his dream date. But there was one little problem. Actually, one looming, mortifying, mountain sized problem: you had no idea what his dream date would even look like. For weeks you pondered, agonizing over  whether or not to straight up ask him, ruining the surprise and admitting you’re a terrible significant other in the process. No. You couldn’t ask him. So you did the next best thing, which is why you were currently treating his best friend to coffee.
“So uh, not that I don’t appreciate it  or anything, but may I ask why you suddenly insisted on buying me coffee?”
Too nervous to meet Yuuta’s piercing blue-gray eyes, you stared daggers into your innocent chai latte.
“This is actually super embarrassing, but would you mind if I asked you for some advice?”
“I’m not sure how much help I’ll be, but go ahead.”
Starting off, you told him about what a thoughtful and sweet boyfriend Toge is, before moving on to explain your dilemma, asking him for his help.
“And it’s not like I haven’t had a ton of ideas! It’s more like, none of them feel right, and I want this to be perfect.” You finish your explanation, looking at Yuuta hopefully. “So, I was hoping that as his best friend, you might have some suggestions?”
“Actually, I do.” He leans forward a bit, in a conspiratory manner. “Not a lot of people know this about him, so I’m not surprised you don’t, but you can’t tell him I told you, deal?”
You nod, willing to agree to pretty much anything at this point.
“He’s like, obsessed with anything ocean related. I mean, he’s a total geek about it. He’s got tons of facts about sea creatures memorized, and even has this pair of pajama pants with little jellyfish on them. So I’d take him to the aquarium if I were you. Before the two of you started dating, he used to drag me there every other weekend.”
You sat back in your seat, stunned. How did you not know this about him? In a week or so the two of you will have been dating for a year! Smiling, at Yuuta, you return to the campus and thank him profusely for his insight before returning to your room and pulling up the local aquarium’s website. You had a date to plan.
A little over a week later, your one year anniversary had arrived and you were ready. You had told your boyfriend to keep his schedule open because you had a surprise planned for him, so when you were ready with the tickets tucked securely in your bag, you told your boyfriend to meet you at the school gates.
When you arrived, he was already there, and you took a moment to appreciate how attractive he was in his casual clothes. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a baggy white t-shirt over it, his black cargo pants mostly covering his battered converse. Looking up from his phone he waved at you grinning. Running up to him, you flung your arms around his neck, feeling his chest rumble with laughter as he caught you. 
“Konbu!” He greeted you, before pulling out his phone and typing something.
You look really nice today :)
“Thanks Toge!! I like your outfit too! It looks very comfortable.” You rub your hands up and down his sleeves for emphasis. “Now let's go!”
You grab his hand, and drag him off to the bus stop, ignoring his protests and questions regarding your date, simply telling him it’s a surprise for a reason.
After a short bus ride filled with mock bickering and laughter, you pull him off at your stop and wait for him to realize where you are.
The aquarium?? He waves his phone in your face, looking at you questioningly. How did you know?
You wink at him. “I have my ways. Now, do you want to go in, or not?”
His eyes widen, and he nods in excitement as he grabs your hand and tugs you along. After giving the lady at the booth your tickets, you let him take charge, as he clearly  was well acquainted with the place. Pulling you along, he chattered away excitedly via his phone, spewing random facts left and right.
For example at the shark exhibit:
Did you know that sharks are covered with little teeth called dermal denticles?? That’s why their skin feels like sandpaper!
He pressed his hand to the glass separating him from the shark with excitement in his eyes, as if he were imagining what it would feel like to pet one. You watched him, fascinated with this new side of him you were discovering.
At the octopus tank:
Did you know that having sex gives male octopi dementia? Imagine if humans were like that, it’d be hysterical
You shake your head as he giggles to himself, and let him guide you to the next exhibit.
Finally, the two of you take a break, buying lunch and sitting on a bench to eat. You observe the happiness on his face as he uses his fries to draw in his ketchup, positive the aquarium was the right choice. Sending Yuuta a silent thank you, you begin eating your own lunch.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, leaning against each other as you eat before you speak.
“It’s really cool that you know so much about the ocean and sea creatures, and it’s adorable how excited you get when you see them, but
I don’t exactly know how to say this, but why sea creatures? What got you so into them?”
Thoughtfully, Inumaki takes another bite of his sandwich before setting it down and grabbing his phone after wiping his hands. He types for a few minutes, pausing occasionally to delete a sentence and rewrite it. After what feels like forever, he scrolls back to the top, reads what he wrote, and hands you the phone.
I guess it’s probably because of my cursed technique. There’s not really much sound underwater, you know, but all of these creatures can still communicate. Like, did you know that lobsters pee out of their eyes, and that they pee on each other to communicate? Sure, it’s gross, and I can’t just go around peeing on people if I want to tell them something, but somehow it made me feel less alone. So every time I was frustrated or annoyed, because I couldn't speak, I went and learned something about sea creatures instead of feeling sorry for myself.
As you read, your heart hurt for him, but at the same time you were glad that he had found an outlet for his negative feelings. Handing him the phone back, you pulled him into a hug.
“I think it’s great that you found such a positive way of coping when you felt insecure, but I’m sorry you ever felt that way. I wish you had told me about it sooner, and I wish I had taken you to the aquarium before this.”
He pulled away, and you didn’t need anything typed out to read the vulnerability in his eyes.  “I don’t think you’re weird for loving sea creatures at all, and I don’t care that you can’t talk. I understand what matters, so you don’t need to use your words. And, if you’re okay with it, I would love to keep coming back here so you can teach me more about sea creatures. I want to know all sides of you, Toge. There’s not a single part of you I don’t love. So, let’s come back next weekend, what do you say?”
He nodded, and pulled you back into a hug. Nestling into his arms, you soaked up his warmth, feeling his love in his embrace. Because that was enough for the two of you to communicate.
All you needed was each other.
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kiddbegins · 7 months
Kisses - Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek
Requested: yes
Word count: 951
A/n: he’s so đŸ€đŸ»
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Leaning in without realizing and then stopping just before their lips are attached to look in the other’s eyes to see if they want this too’
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You had been friends with Brian for too long. Not in the sense that you didn’t want to be his friend anymore. But there was only so much playing Catan, watching Star Wars and listening to the firehouse gossip that you could take without getting your feelings involved.
Things were normal for a while. Brian was just a friend. You liked that he was just a big a nerd as you were. Liked the constant tiny squabbles over the better shows or movies. All of it.
But somewhere along the way you felt something growing. Something you couldn’t ignore. So you made a plan. This Friday he was free, no firefighter duties to look forward to. No pre existing plans. So you invited him over for a movie.
Nothing crazy, the usual if anything. But you were going to put out some feelers. Instead of beers you’ll bust out some red wine. Instead of Star Wars or some other sci-fi movie, you chose some horror film you’d never seen.
Tiny changes, things that could set the mood and all that. Nothing totally big like candles and dim lights, well, the lamp in the corner had always been favorable over the ceiling light but regardless, still not a huge change.
The main hope of this night was to not look like a whole idiot. To actually get what you wanted out of it and that he hopefully did too.
So when it was Friday and you had everything set up, still in the usual casual clothes, you nervously paced the living room waiting for him. Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten so worked up, but it was hard.
Your mind was running a mile a minute, heart racing so much you would think you were going to develop an arrhythmia.
That only got worse when he knocked on the door. Any faster and you’d have left a trail of flames behind you as you raced to open it. “Hi!” Your voice just slightly more chipper than usual.
If he noticed he didn’t comment on it but you internally screamed as he stepped inside, letting you latch the door behind you.
“Hey,” The usual smile on his face brightened up the room, his eyes traveling over your face and the shirt you had on as he always did, unknowing to you.
You smiled back, “I hope you don’t mind but I made a couple changes.” Your hand grabbed his just slightly to pull him gently into the living room. “Wine that I need to drink and a horror movie I’ve been wanting to see.”
Those weren’t lies, that bottle of wine had been waiting to be opened since Christmas and the movie had been on the streaming site for a while, you just hadn’t had the balls to watch it yourself.
And hey, who could help deciding to watch it with their best friend that they had a crush on? You were guilty of that but honestly, who could blame you?
“That’s fine, hope you don’t get too scared though,” he chuckled, glancing over at you. You knew you wouldn’t but that didn’t stop you from shyly smiling, sitting down with your legs crossed and patting the spot next to you.
As soon as he was set you started the movie, knowing he usually liked watching it first before any real conversation, especially days where he had been working. He needed a buffer.
At some point in the movie you had moved closer, his arm over the back of the couch just slightly touching your shoulder now.
Usually that would go unnoticed but being hyper aware of it made that one small section tingle, wanting to get even closer but deciding that that wouldn’t be entirely inconspicuous.
A bit into the movie Brian got up to use the bathroom but when he came back it was like he decided to sit right next to you.
Leg pressing against leg level of next to you. You looked over at him, eyes glancing along the side of his face.
He was never too proud of how he looked, something he’d rambled on about more than once but to you he always looked amazing. Like nobody else you’d ever laid eyes on.
Brian looked like a beautiful wooded mountain range at sunset. Just so enticing to look at. “What?” His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, face going red as you got caught staring at him.
“Uh, nothing,” you attempted to lie, Brian immediately abandoning the movie, shifting onto his now bent leg and leaning his head against his palm.
“Nothing?” The man wasn’t stupid, he knew you were staring, he just didn’t know why. And the second you caught his eye, you were putty in his hands.
Just slightly you hummed in confirmation, shifting to mirror the way he was sitting. It was an attempt to make it seem fine and normal but without realizing it the two of you moved slightly closer.
It was like watching two magnets try not to snap together. Their poles reaching out for the other. The perfect otherside just for them.
Brian just nearly put his lips on yours, pausing at the last second to look over your face, the way you were looking at him and the way your eyes practically melted when he looked at you was enough.
With the slightest go ahead from you, he pressed his lips to yours gently. This wasn’t how you expected things to go. If anything you figured that you would be the one to kiss him.
Not him. But that did one thing for sure. Confirm that he liked you just as much as you liked him. If not, more.
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tags: @winchesterszvonecek
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phantomspiderr · 1 year
Admiring the Art
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Pairing: Marc Spector x reader
Word Count: 700+
Summary: spending an afternoon admiring art with Marc
Warnings/tags: fluff, little tiny đŸ€đŸ» smidge of insecure!marc
a/n: yes this was inspired by one of the new heartstopper episodes
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“How am I supposed to admire all this art when you’re the most beautiful thing here?” Your head whips around to the sound of Marc’s voice, a giant grin forming as his words sink in. He’s stood just an arm's length away looking at you with a slight tilt of his head. 
“Shush,” you reach your hand out to him which he takes and he steps up next to you. Marc smiles down at you, his eyes taking a moment to look over your face. You scrunch your nose and that makes a quiet chuckle escape him. Turning back to the painting you’d been admiring, you lean your head on his shoulder, wrapping your free arm around his while your hands stay intertwined. For a few minutes, you both just stay like that observing the art and trying to look like you know what you’re doing.
“It’s beautiful,” you comment quietly.
“You’re beautiful.”
“Stoooppp,” your cheeks grow hot at the compliment.
“It’s just the truth.” Marc’s hand squeezes yours before his thumb starts comfortingly brushing back and forth. 
Happily, you both move around the gallery’s exhibits hand in hand. Each time you stop Marc lets you lean your head on his shoulder and he continues to move his thumb against your hand. It’s a perfectly quiet way to spend your afternoon.
“Are you having fun?” Marc whispers and when you crane your neck back to glance at him you see he’s already looking down at you.
“Of course,” you smile casually before looking back to the art. There’s a beat of silence before Marc speaks again.
“I-I mean,” when you look up at him again his face has a more serious look to it and it makes you stand up a bit straighter, “are you having a good time
 with me?”
“Yes, of course!” You pull your hand from his so you can wrap your arms around his waist, and instinctively Marc’s arm hooks around your shoulders. His eyes won’t meet yours and your heart aches at the thought he’d ever doubt you were having a good time with him. “I am having the best time with you. You are perfect, Marc Spector.”
You smile when you see him playfully roll his eyes but he can’t hide the way his lips curve upwards. 
“I’m serious, this whole trip has been perfect and getting to spend time with each of you has been really important to me.”
“Yeah, okay.” His hand rubs the top of your arm and he keeps his eyes looking forward. You know Marc would do anything to stop any conversation where he’s the one getting complimented but you also know he craves the validation that he’s good enough.
“You really are perfect, you know that right?” Your arms squeeze around his torso to make sure you’ve got his attention, “the most perfect.” You raise yourself up onto your tiptoes to plant a delicate kiss on his jaw and that’s the thing that makes him finally look at you.
“Stop.” He’s not serious at all, the smile on his face gives that much away.
“It’s just the truth, Marc.” You shrug your shoulders as a cheeky grin makes its way onto your face. Marc catches the way you repeat his own words back to him and he just shakes his head at you. 
“You know,” quietly you whisper jokingly looking around to make sure there’s no one close by, “don’t tell the other two but you’re my favourite.” Marc instantly chuckles and the sound only causes your smile to stretch.
“I know that you say that to all of us.” It’s your turn to giggle now and Marc can’t help the overwhelming urge to just kiss you. One quick peck turns into two and the third is a little longer then neither of you pull away, happy to stay close enough to almost kiss for just a second. Marc quickly shifts to plant a kiss on your cheek before pulling you into a tight hug. You instantly return the hug, arms squeezing tightly around him while he sways you side to side. You feel his lips press against the top of your head, his grip on you loosening in sync with yours.
“Come on, Steven’s bugging me about an exhibit he wants to see.”
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summer break series
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iwadori · 3 years
When they see you wearing tiny shorts (Matsukawa, Atsumu, Ushijima)
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AN: I WILL EDIT MY PRETTY FORMAT LATER IM TIRED and agitated and this close đŸ€đŸœ to just dying đŸ€§đŸ˜Œ
part one part two
genre: SUGGESTIVE, fluff
request: hey hey !! can you please do a part 2 to the wearing tiny shorts. idk if i can request characters but if i can, can you do atsumu, matsukawa, and osamu? thank you 😊
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Matsukawa: “Baby, what you got on?” he asked you as you left your bedroom “just pyjamas,” you say simply. You were having a movie night with your friends and you thought it would be just fitting to wear the cute little pyjama set you saw online that sculpted your ass and showcased your thighs. Before you could enter the living room, Matsukawa grabs you and pulls you against the wall “Isse-” he shushes you, gripping his hand around waist, “I don’t think you understand what these pyjamas do to me Y/N,” his fingers were toying with the hem of your shorts and you had an inkling his hands were going to roam ever further. Before he could, you both looked to the left to see your 6’2 friend with his buzz lightyear pyjamas on with his arms folded “can you too stop fooling around so we can watch the movie!” Oikawa said, ushering you along to the living room. Matsun put you on his lap for the duration of the movie, having a slight grin on his face as the blanket he threw over your lap hid the things he was doing as the movie played.
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Atsumu: “So Y/N, you need to bend down in a squat like position and hold your arms like this to be able to receive a ball,” he said to you, standing from behind watching you get into position. You wanted to learn some more about volleyball and Atsumu proposed him teaching you some of the basics in his free time and when he told you to dress in gym attire, why wouldn’t you pass up the opportunity to wear the cutest little gym shorts you had to flaunt your ass to your boyfriend. “You’re doing it wrong Y/N,” he said shaking his head walking over to you “I guess I’ll have to show you the right way.” Atsumu was now standing behind you bringing your waist against his body, slowly bending you down to show you how to get into the ‘right position’ even though you knew you were doing it correctly earlier. It seems that Atsumu got distracted pressing your ass against his crotch with his hands now moving across your thighs, “Umm Tsumu, aren’t you going to show me the right receiving position?” You questioned, looking back at him. “I think there’s better positions we could be in right now, don’t you agree,” he said putting his face in your neck gently peppering kisses against your skin just the way you like it. “But Tsumu, what about the team?” You said you were worried about getting caught. “Don’t worry baby, we’ll be quick in and out of the changing room they won’t even notice,” you didn’t even hear what he said, too busy focusing on the great feeling of the touches and kisses he was giving you. He dragged you off to the locker room and you were certainly not quick both wanting to die when you see Sakusa walk in on you, turning his head quickly in disgust.
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Ushijima: “what are you doing Y/N,” asked Ushijima as he came into the kitchen to see you bending down to get food from the cupboards, “oh just getting more snacks for you and the boys,” “but why are you wearing those?” Ushijima frequently hosted game nights where he’d invite his old and new friends over to watch some form of sports game or to just sit around a table and talk, you didn’t mind these ordeals you just stayed out their and brought them food if they need but today your jeans were all dirty so you flung on a pair of shorts that may have been a little revealing but you didn’t care. “All my jeans are in the wash,” you said looking at him, “do you have a problem with that toshi?” He strided over to you and stood you up properly analysing the shorts you were wearing, “no problem at all, I find them really attractive and they definitely bring out your thighs more,” he said simply pulling you closer so he could get a proper feel. All the touching and feeling he was doing was making the unintended want he had for you grow more and he leans in to kiss you before you stop him, “Ushi what about your guest?” you ask, gesturing to the living room. “They can wait a bit without me,” he said quickly picking you up by your ass placing you on the counter as your legs automatically envelope his back, when he leans into kiss you this time you don’t stop him letting your boyfriends less capture your own with his hands going to more places than just your thigh leaving you a groaning mess. Tendou pops his head round the corner, stopping you two “umm guys, I know you’re enjoying yourselves or whatever but waka what about the game.” Ushijima looks at his friend and in all seriousness says, “we can watch the game another day, me and Y/N are busy so I’d like you all to leave” Before tendou could even exit the kitchen Ushijima was back to exploring your body, crouching down, with his hands nearly ripping you out of the shorts as he starts to bruise your thighs with kisses and touches.
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AN: for this being written on my phone 2 hours ago this shouldn’t of been such of a hassle to post ... oh well hope you like !
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